#I rarely make actual post on here so I'm kinda guessing on what I need to tag lol
finchsthoughts · 2 years
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I was never afraid before you showed up.
[ID: A watercolor painting of Bill and Frank from The Last of Us. It’s the scene in Episode Three where they are eating strawberries. Bill is closer to the viewer, with his hand over his mouth. Frank is in the background, smiling at Bill. They both have strawberries in their hands, as well as in the background.]
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cherryfennec · 7 months
So this was originally supposed to have a kickass artwork of the bros using the power- up and stuff but then I got sick and then I realised Im out of time and here we are so uh hieee everyone and welcome to my post-
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Happy MAR10 Day! For the occasion, let's go back to the (not discussed in a long time) Power-Up headcanons. This time I'll focus on the Ice Flower (most of the lore under cut like last time)!
This was surprisingly requested by some (3) people. I'm going to be honest, I barely remembered this one at first. I kinda know how it looks and generally what it does, which will have to be enough to base this entire thing on. With that being said, I did some thinking and here's what I've got:
General headcanons;
This one has difficulty surviving outside of it's original environment. If you want to keep a batch in the house your best bet is to use the fridge/freezer, otherwise it looses both it's blue look and the stored energy. See, the Ice Flower originally wasn't (and still technically isn't) it's own flower species. Let me elaborate:
Nowadays the conditions there are not as harsh, however a rather long time ago travelers heading towards places like the Snow Mountain needed to be both be specially trained and very well equipped to even attempt a climb. A heat source was a big must, and it so happens that it often consisted of Fire Flowers. They'd put some in their coats to keep warm, as well as store a few in the backpack just in case they needed to protect themselves from monsters. When setting camp during their journeys these hikers would use the Power-Ups energy to start fires and cook food. After the flowers were depleted of their energy and entered their hibernation stage (I talked about it in my Fire Flower post), they would be simply thrown away like trash. Waiting for them to recharge was often not beneficial, especially in conditions like this, so there was ultimately no point in keeping them. However like I mentioned before, Fire Flowers are very adaptable, which actually wasn't that known at the time. Instead of wilting, these stubborn plants would try gathering energy like the usual, but since it was very cold and direct sunlight was limited, they decided to collect something else. While not all flowers made it, a few managed to amass the eminating frost and turn it into a new kind of energy which proved to be enough for their survival. With time even their petal colour changed to blueish hues. And thus the Fire Flowers in the area became Ice Flowers and over the years started populating the mountains and snowfields.
The Ice Flower is a multiple use Power-Up in theory but more often than not you'll find yourself without a place to freeze it after using one. If it's not placed in a cold environment during it's hibernation it'll either die or, more uncommonly, simply revert back to being a Fire Flower after a long process.
Mario and Luigi specific headcanons;
While the idea of being able to freeze stuff sounded cool it wasn't very fun to learn.
In Marios case imagine: you're good at something, really, REALLY good at something. Okay great, now imagine being told that your knowledge doesn't matter because now you need to do the opposite of what you've learned. Back with the theme of "elements don't mix", Mario absolutely hated how much effort he needed to put into focusing the newfound energy to barely make a tiny projectile. Even before he got the Firebrand he had enough difficulty with it, so it only got worse from there. This was one of the rare times where learning the bare basics instead of mastering a Power-Up was enough for him.
Luigi didn't really mind. The main complications came more from the vague instructions he received during training rather than his own inability. Suprisingly or not the Thunderhand didn't make this one much of a pain either, I guess anomalies attract eachother. While he doesn't consider this Power-Up as a favourite he still finds it pretty fun that he can freeze and walk on water. Did you know, he used to be pretty good at skating in high school. If you didn't he'll make sure to bring it up at a given occasion. Back to ice powers, he definitely outdoes his brother on this one, even if not by much.
There's probably one more thing I should mention. Despite the contrary belief the Ice Flower does NOT increase ones tolerance to cold temperatures. To be frank it might even decrease it by lowering the bodys natural temperature, making the chances of frostbite higher. And so, they learned it the hard way.
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In conclusion, this is more of a situational Power-Up. It's neither easy to find or preserve which can be annoying but despite all this it's hard to deny that it's ultimately a useful tool.
Few bonus headcanons!
I don't know how much sense I conveyed through my broken wording and less than average writing skills but it's not that shabby if I say so myself. Just like last time some details might change in the future but for now that's the general idea that I have considering the Ice Flower. Once again thank you to whoever took the time to read this!
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yunmeng-jiang · 1 month
ok it's time for my Official Jiang Cheng Ship Opinions Post. buckle in this is gonna take a bit
Xicheng: I like it in 1 extremely specific circumstance (bonding over very similar experiences post-canon) but I've only seen that done well like. twice. NEEDS to have good characterization (also rare unfortunately) and take into account what they can and can't do as their own sect leaders with regards to courtship/marriage.
Chengqing: perfect in every way. that's it that's all I need to say.
Sangcheng: ehhhhh? Cute in Cloud Recesses summer camp era, not feasible post-canon due to irreconcilable differences in worldview and how much danger it's acceptable to put Jin Ling in.
Zhancheng: honestly I prefer this to be platonic. Hatefucking is not my jam and LWJ is Wei-Ying-sexual in canon anyway. Give Jiang Cheng a friend who is as weirdly obsessed with Wei Wuxian as he is but in a slightly different way. I want to see them coming to terms with that.
Ningcheng: again, someone just as weirdly obsessed with Wei Wuxian, but a little to the left. I don't think either one of them is ever going to look at the other and not see "the guy WWX likes better than me." Maybe someday they'll form a relationship that isn't based entirely around Wei Wuxian, but it seems kind of unlikely.
Chengyao: I'm actually coming around to this a bit recently? Again, it really needs to keep good characterization at the forefront and consider their positions as individual sect leaders, and remember that their "divorced couple energy" is part of the Guanyin Temple shitshow and not the way they would usually behave, especially for Jin Ling's sake. I want to see more fics where Meng Yao grows up with the Jiang sect so that Jiang Cheng is attached to him from the very beginning.
Mingcheng: meh. I don't really think about this ship that much because it honestly doesn't compel me at all. sorry to the mingcheng enjoyers it there I simply do not get it
Chengxuan: same as above, I don't really get this one. Their dynamic is just not that interesting to me.
Chengyi: that is a child. hard no on this one.
Miancheng: kinda cute? I like it when Jiang Cheng recruits her into the Jiang after she gives up on the Jin, it's a fun idea, but I think I like them better as friends.
Ruocheng: no. just no.
Zhucheng (chengliu? Wen Zhuliu and JC): also no.
Chengsu: I could get behind the idea of JGY desperately contacting Jiang Cheng and being like "help I just found out my fiancee is my sister can you please pretend you've been in love with her all this time and get married to her instead??? I'll negotiate to get you more Jin Ling rights if you do." she fits JC's list of desirable qualities in a wife. unfortunately she gets like 6 seconds of screen time and then dies so we really don't know very much about her, which makes it a bit hard to form a strong opinion on the ship
Other Chengsu? Sucheng/Mincheng/Chengshan/whatever this is: I actually think it's interesting that Su She and Jiang Cheng share the trait of "treat them nicely within this narrow window of time in their life in order to get them to become loyal to you forever, otherwise fuck you." It's possible that if Su She had grown up with the Jiang the two of them would have found some common ground and maybe become friends. I'm more interested in non-romantic interactions here
Cheng...yang? what do you call the Xue Yang/Jiang Cheng ship? Xuecheng? idk. again, not really my jam.
Chengjiao. Lingcheng? Jiang Cheng/Wang Lingjiao. Do people even ship this? I could see it as character development for her I guess. At this point I'm just fishing for possible pairings.
and finally, saved for last...
Xiancheng: this isn't romantic or sexual or platonic, it's all three and also a secret fourth thing that's more intense than all of them put together. As a ship, I don't prefer it, because it's too easy to flatten it out into either a boring cutesy fluffy cliche or a boring jealous/possessive boyfriend type thing. I need to see them being weird about each other in a way that no one can possibly identify, especially themselves. They'll die for each other. They'll live for each other. They'll destroy themselves and be happy about it as long as they believe that the other is going to be okay. You really can't make it as simple as "yeah these two want to fuck."
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luimagines · 3 months
HI PINKY ! 🎻 Anon here ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
My finals went overall quite well! (Except for one final but my overall grade was still fine so we're all good) I did end up having my ceiling of my room collapse though! (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ Gotta love landlords that refuse to do proper house maintenance on century old homes. So right before finals had my ceilings collapse, then had finals while stuck sleeping in the living room (to be fair the couch was comfy but the whole setup is less than ideal), and then literally the evening after my last final flew out to literal other side of the planet for college visits. So needless to say I've been rather tired recently! It's been fun though and I also got to see some family that I rarely see again so that was nice. BUT! I finally have the mental bandwidth to send in an ask again. So enough with the dramatic rambling about my life I have more ideas about the human hero reader I thought of!
So! I learned just the other day that an army captain is actually kinda low rank. (At least in the US military, can't speak to other systems) And you usually get there within like 4 years of your career as an officer. And if Wars is around 24-26ish (at least that's how old I usually imagine him since he's one of the older members of the group but not like OLD) and he would have started his time in the military as like a 17-18 year old, buddy boy would actually be behind on his career. (Stick with me this will all come together I swear!)
So I imagine human hero reader (I'm calling them hh!reader for my sanity to specify from here on out for my sanity) ended up getting pulled into the military after saving Hyrule. They really don't like being there, but the royal family of that time doesn't really give reader a choice. I'd imagine them most likely being a very low rank enlisted soldier. (If you require explanations for anything just let me know. I am more than happy to explain and understand most people haven't been raised around this stuff) But because reader didn't want to join the military in the first place and Warriors is one of the MOST wary member of the chain they would probably butt heads quite a bit. I imagine reader with an attitude of while they're usually a very nice person to be around they can hold a strong grudge and aren't afraid to tell someone if they're being an idiot. Not something that goes over well in the military. So reader probably targets at least some of that frustration to the resident military man. And something that would be rather easy to go for is that fact that he still hasn't been promoted. This would probably devolve into him telling them that they suck as a soldier until reader snaps and said they never had any choice in the matter and they storm off. Probably one of the their merry little band would go after reader. I think Sky might be best since he's a knight himself so he'd have a better idea what they were going through. Wind would also be an interesting option especially if it's after the whole "We're the same since we both made the active decision to save Hyrule!" moment. Both are good chances at bonding. Oh yeah I guess it's relevant that I see reader at an older teen age, like 16-17. Yay sibling dynamics (I say this like my only younger sibling doesn't drive me up a wall). I'll prolly add more later but I am tired. And I have a relatively early morning tomorrow.
Hope this was coherent but I actually had motivation for once so I went for it. If any clarification is needed just ask. Make sure to drink water and eat a snack! Self care is important to help prevent burnout. Have a lovely week. Good day/evening) ┌⁠|⁠o⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠o⁠|⁠┘⁠♪ See you maybe once I've slept and ate. Bye!!
Oh, I thought you going to go the path of Reader outranking Warrior and him not being able to do anything about it. ^.^*
It reminded me of that one post for Marvel where Tony got excited because Rhodey, being Colonel, outranked Steve and could tell him what to do.
I'd imagine if Warrior pulled out the whole "you suck as a soldier" Wild would have to push back a bit because if they suck, what does that make him? He died! Hello? At least Reader had something going for them. They still won in the end with minimal loses on their side.
Wild lost everyone.
So what does Warrior actually think of him then?
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Hey just saw your post about your TS Mcs if it counts for something I'm interested in any art and lore you want to share :)
Okay ! im going to try and summarize for the one i actually have lore for. im still making/fine tuning her lore and if you have anything cool to add on ill consider it!!! Just want to say that I kinda went crazy w the oc and even added worlding building and stuff around her lol
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(Sorry for the crusty paper)
She was born on a special celestial event (I havent decide what yet) into a high society with equal power to the Senobium and for a point in time they were one/partner organizations. Her guild The Keepers of the Universe has a very self expanatory name, they keep the balance and order of the universe lol. There are many mages in this guild such as Mages of time, life, death, etc.
Due to some history altering incident a few generations ago, A mage of death went rogue(or maybe caused an accident I havent decided as yet) and caused a rift in the balance of the universe creating the soulless !! And because of this her guild, The Keepers wanted to banish all Death/"dark" magic and those mages were already rare to begin with. The Senobium was against this and this is what caused the spilt between the two. So whatever mage of death did not flee/go to the Senobium was killed by The Keepers.
YEARS LATER NOW, our girl Celestine is born and she is growing up in the society and which everyone is finding their calling in magic, she isn't good at anything (you could see where this is going)
And mind you, this guild works closely to the Universe it kind of acts like their god in a way. And the elders (As close as elders could be cuz i made ranks to this society and you need to master all magic including death magic to be in the top tier complicated ik sorry i couldnt help myself) speak to the universe that told them like in riddles/code that a new death mage was on their way, a real powerful one.
(think of the percy jackson prophecy i think it was a mirror)
and for years the elders were wary and due to some situation (i havent thought of it yet) but lets say some high stress situation, their guild is under attack and the power that was in Celestine dormant all this time got awoken by the Universe LITERALLY LIGHTENING STRIKING HER. like a lightening strike but the vast powers of the universe hence the scar on the right side of her face which i redrew (again sorry for the bootlegged drawing)
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now she has this scar that looks like the starry sky and this star eye that looks like the whole universe is moving in it and due to this huge power she kinda wrecked a part of lets say sanctuary the ppl in her guild lives in for lack of a better description. Injuring a good few, maybe even killing one or two and now shes on the run!! Now she wants to get in the Senobium for answers. THATS BASICALLY THE SUMMARY OF MY OC. can u guess who im pairing her w plsss
ALSO heres a drawing of my other OC ! i dont have a name for them but if you do I would love to hear it! their pronouns is they/them and all I got for them rn is that they are on the same plane as Kuras with their diety-like powers.
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sorry for the long post i got really excited! lol BUT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS IM SO DOWN TO TELL YOU THE DETAILS
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catwalkvivi · 6 months
well hey, since hardly anyone's looking at this corner of the website anyway I might as well take the opportunity to vent (it's annoying to do it on twitter with the character cap)
Man, social media is hard.
I see so many people posting regular content consistently for years and years without even seemingly breaking a sweat, while it's always been so difficult for me... Calculating engagement, deciding the best times to post, or, hell, even just sharing what they think/feel/made/fucking ate that day just seems, like, so easy and second nature for pretty much everyone around me. It's genuinely incredible to me that somebody can share what they've learned about idk shitty impractical tanks made in WW1 on this website and make it such an interesting read that hundreds of people engage with it!
But I've tried keeping social media accounts for art and stuff so many times now, on here, on Instagram, on Artstation, on Xitter, and eventually it just- kinda- fades away, it just feels so exhausting to keep track of all the things necessary to Chase the Algorhythm™ if you wanna have any relevancy. Is it a charisma thing??? Where do I grind to get a stat boost on my Cha???
I'd love to say it doesn't matter to me, since I've been drawing shit for myself for years now, but unfortunately artists do need social media presence if they wanna get work. Not to mention, well, I wanna reach people with the stuff I do! I want people to react to what I made, to say what they liked about it, or how it made them feel, and then when I post something I worked on for hours only to get, like, almost zero visibility? idk, man, it just kinda hurts. It's probably selfish and immature for me to say it, I know that it takes time and effort to build an audience and all that, but damn I get happy when people show me that something I've made has affected them positively. I like the connection, I like the conversations, I like meeting people who enjoy the same nerdy trash that I do!
(I was very fortunate to have an art post of mine reach a lot of notes here years ago, which was amazing, but it's such a rare thing)
God, and, like, there's all these weird unspoken rules about interacting on social media too.
The other day a friend of mine came up to our friend group and was like "oh my god this girl liked my stories on instagram it means something does she like me" and I was SO confused and then they were like "well, when somebody not on your friends list likes your stories, it means they're interested in you"
Then some time later another friend was telling me that somebody stopped liking her posts and unfriended her and how that is a horrible offense and my fucking brain hurt, like- okay I get the unfriend part kinda but there could be a hundred reasons for it??? it's not like you have a deep personal connection to all 300 friends you have on your account???
Then I see so many people out there simply sharing something they think or did only to have some rando twist what they said and come at them like they're the shittiest person on the planet that deserves everything bad in life actually (except the ones that are willingly spouting/promoting hateful shit to begin with. Those can rot in hell and I shall not mourn their demise)
Like??? It might be the Power of Autism™ in me but it always feels like I'm one step away from either making a fool of myself or offending twenty different people or both. It's both the fear of having hundreds of thousands of eyes on me and the fear of having none at all. And that makes it really difficult to share anything on the internet for me. I already have to deal with my entire existence as a trans woman making some cunts around the world mad, it sucks that I have to risk it in places where I just wanna post dumb drawings and talk about dumb things that make me happy with others.
I dunno. Word vomit I guess. Social media is hard. Interacting with humans is hard. Sharing stuff is hard. I prefer Pokémon
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bosskie · 2 months
Practicing Different Mollucks
I have been practicing drawing Molluck, yet again, so here's some Molluck doodles:
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I didn't use any 'specific' reference to these different styles, just mixed the things I have seen and my own ideas.
I didn't feel like posting these individually, like I kinda tend to do, mainly because I felt reluctant to post my stuff. As you can assume, that last piece is vent art; I felt so tired of this all and thought that I should stop doing art or any other content, yet again. What even made me draw those sketches was actually stress since I just keep feeling like my stuff ain't good enough, I'm still bad at drawing, and I should just keep drawing and drawing... I'm so tired of that stress... Like right now, I feel like doing other kind of art, digital stuff, since it's what makes me stressed out currently, my digital art skills... I don't know do I really wish to create stuff when it gives me constant stress... But I don't really wish to live if I don't create... I'm just so tired but I should just keep pushing myself to work harder... It's difficult to see life worth living. I don't even know why I keep trying, to see my Molluck fantasies outside my head? I just feel like insulting myself for being like this. But I still love this Gluk so much and it makes me feel bad to look at that sad Molluck drawing... Like I wish that I could hug him tight...
I feel sorry for posting these... My mind just tells me constantly how my stuff is just some trash that ain't worth seeing/sharing... It's not even unusual that I feel sorry for posting my content... Well, 'don't like, don't look', I guess... I can understand if someone doesn't like Molluck and it's totally okay. Molluck just is something so special for me and it's difficult for me to get into any character, like only if I can see myself in them, which is very rare. Kinda related to this, no, I haven't continued my Molluck model since I have been too busy with 'my animations'... I cannot help myself but I cannot resist his as... tonishing beauty! He is just the hottest stuff ever... I still don't really care if I'm a 'weirdo' for only wanting Molluck, for not being like 'a normal person', since this is what I am, 'odd'. My problem is just that I insult and hate myself... I have never given a fuck when I have been bullied at school since they wanted my attention but they didn't deserve it and I knew that the attention would have made it only worse. I'm just saying that I'm used to be not caring about what the others think about me but I don't still wish to feel like unwanted and that my existence is a burden... I don't even really wish to affect others since I don't think that I'm able to really do any good, I'm only making everything worse... That's why I also sometimes think that this blog has been a mistake, I should have stopped posting any content online like I planned years ago...
I'm really sorry... I wish that this was different. I wish that I'm not ruining anything here, am a burden... I don't know what else to write but I just don't assume that anyone even actually likes to see my stuff... My mind just keeps telling me that everyone actually hates to see me posting... I don't even know why but my ill mind just has so much hate toward me... This is so tiring and discouraging, making me feel like quitting... I don't really know what you see when you look at my stuff since I tend to only see my flaws and that it's some low quality stuff... But I still hope that you can see something positive. I just don't really feel like I'm good at drawing and see the love I put into my 'art'; I often more like think that my stuff looks soulless... I really wish that I didn't need to vent but I'm so tired of this all... But like I have said earlier, I'm still trying to fight, even if I really don't know if this is worth it or why I even do it...
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lesbiansanemi · 4 months
Hello, I really like what you write🥰, I wanted to ask what you think of the relationship shown so far with Sabigiyuu? Do you think they felt romantic attraction or just a very close friendship? do you find differences between sanegiyuu?
Aaahhhhh, thank you so much <3 I'm glad you enjoy!
And I really liked the way the anime portrayed Giyuu and Sabito's relationship personally. I think it did a good job of showing how close they were and how much they meant to each other, even with such limited screen time, as well as why Sabito's death had such a lasting and profound effect on Giyuu (esp when compounded with his sister's death)
As far as romance or friendship, canonically, it was a very close friendship. Not that I am big on "um, they didn't have feelings in canon so it's not valid to ship them" (obviously haha), just that I definitely don't think there was any hinted or implied romantic feelings on purpose in canon. I'm only specifying that because based on your phrasing I assume you mean how I feel about them canonically? Unless I'm misinterpreting
That being said, I do "ship" them! My personal headcanon for them is them being queerplatonic, so not friendship or romance. So yeah, I ship them in a qpr, which I have a lot of thoughts on, but I won't get into too much detail here (always down to share more complex thoughts or headcanons about that though if anyone wants them). So I guess to answer your question, I don't see it as romantic, nor a very close friendship between them, but something else entirely
As far as the last part of your question, yeah, I do see a lot of difference between sabigyuu and sane//giyuu personally. I see Sabito get compared to Sanemi a lot which I... don't really get to be quite honest. We don't see a ton of Sabito, but imo he doesn't have a similar personality to Sanemi at all, nor really even similar convictions. I also see a lot of people compare them in looks, and while they both have purple eyes and Sabito does have a face scar, that's about... all the similarities I see? Which, to me, doesn't feel like nearly enough for all the "comparisons" I see at the volume I see, and how hard some people try to stress them. Tbh it honestly just feels like a fanon thing of people trying to shoehorn that Giyuu has a "type" that Sabito and Sanemi fall into, but to me that kinda just ends up as feeling like a shallow viewing of both Sabito and Sanemi's characters, as well as Giyuu's relationship to both of them. Feels like a case of sanding away the interesting aspects of characters to push a "ship dynamic" ppl want rather than what actually makes sense for the characters. Very much an aspect of fandom and shipping culture I'm not a super big fan of
Beyond that.... I'm just not really a sane//giyuu shipper in general. I get why people ship them, it's just not my thing. The dynamic between Giyuu and Sanemi just really isn't one I'm a fan of personally, so I like to avoid it. The whole "we're on the same side but are hostile towards one another and need to learn to get over" or "rivals" thing is just... ah... a bit boring to me, to put it lightly, and people tend to get so obsessive with that dynamic and the tropes surrounding it that most fan content is far too ooc for me to enjoy
That being said, I can find sane/giyuu kinda interesting in a canon compliant, post-canon sense, wherein with them being the two survivors with very little to live for in their eyes end up developing an almost unhealthy attachment to each other because of a "no one else will understand what we went through" mindset. However, even then I'm not quite too sure how I feel about that being in a romantic sense or not, and is rarely what I see explored in fics with them
Sorry, I don't really mean to slam the ship, and that's not my intention. I've just had a few interactions where people have assumed I really like the ship because I really like Sanemi and it's the most popular ship involving him, so I like to clearly explain why it's not to my taste. Obviously this isn't to say no one else can like it, I'm very much a ship and let ship person, but it's not one I enjoy interacting with, and quite honestly try to avoid
So yeah. I personally don't see a whole lot of similarities between sane//giyuu and sabigiyuu haha
Thanks for the ask! And I hope this answered your questions
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genopaint · 6 months
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The long awaited Week 10 of Daily Dragons! Like the last post, I just didn't really get the chance to post these cause my laptop was packed up and what not. But it's finally here for your viewing pleasure :)
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #63 - Seal Dragon
These large, semi aquatic dragons are often seen basking on rocky shores. When hungry, the largest in a pack will swim into the ocean, hunt large animals like whales, and bring them back to shore for the whole pack to eat
I had a concept for a walrus like dragon but ultimately this isn't exactly what I had in mind. However, I do kinda like it! So you can expect to see at least one more seal-esc dragon in the future i guess lol
Daily Dragon #64 - Flying Dragon
As the name suggests, these dragons are ALWAYS in flight! They only land when they need to sleep, but are actually able to go surprisingly long times without needing any rest at all. Sometimes even multiple days!
Up and early with dragons these last few days aha Another redraw! I keep seeing it while looking at the other dragons for a hot minute so I wanted to tackle it too! I think it's actually from 2011-2012 like the Ghouldrogon because... Well they were on the same sheet of paper!
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Daily Dragon #65 - Magon
The first Wario dragon! There's actually quite a few in his series. Lately I've been thinking about Wario Land/World/MoD for a while now. They're some of my favorite games and it might honestly be time for me to replay them
I played all the Wario games back in highschool so it's been a hot hot minute. But I really do like them all. They're all good as hell even (especially) Master of Disguise which is so underappreciated
Daily Dragon #66 - Snoozozaur
This dragon lives and breathes for one thing and one this only: sleeping! Rarely ever waking up, only for occasional food and water, they can actually sleep walk and sleep fight using what scientists believe to be some type of psychic ability. Additionally, they can levitate! Meaning they can comfortably sleep ANYWHERE!
Daily Dragon #67 - Shrine Dragon
This dragon is frequently seen guiding heroes of all kinds to temples and shrines important to their quests. If you're looking for a secret dungeon in a large area and spot one flying in the sky, it's in your best interest to follow it!
Daily Dragon #68 - Green Dragon
Thank you for all your amazing monsters and characters over the years, Mr. Toriyama!!
The more I keep thinking about it the more it's making me sad. Chrono Trigger's character designs were SO influential on me growing up. And the design for Arasu is SO important to RPG protagonists that I had OCs inspired by him before I even saw the character. And yeah, of course, Blue Dragon has always been a very important game to me even when I was a tiny child who couldn't afford an Xbox 360.
Daily Dragon #69 - Cuddlodon
A dragon that just loves being friendly and playful! They have some very basic combat skills like small fire balls and teeth, but why would you ever want to fight one? Come on, don't be mean to them :(
Really really low energy today. I wanted to do a Super Mario RPG celebration dragon, but I have something big in mind for the SMRPG dragon so I want to save it for when I'm less busy. Instead, today I redrew this fella from 2012: The Cuddly Dragon!
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And of course, in 2024 (that's 12 years later holy hell!!) they come in multiple colors :)
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Do you have any tips for navigating the Ada Wong tag here, or at least, curating it? (I know there's a point where I have to just ignore things, but it can get frustrating.)
I feel like 40% of her tag is harsh criticisms of her character or general shaming of Aeon as a ship. Or both, as a justification for why the ship is bad/doesn't make sense. (But like, if it doesn't make sense, why do I rarely see these kinds of posts for ships like Chris/Wesker or Ethan/Heisenberg?) Like it's always one of the RE women. I don't even like Cleon and I see the same thing happening!
I haven't been in the RE fandom long, but have people just disliked Ada or something for a while? Is it cause like, we don't really know much about her? I know she's not one of the main characters who's outwardly good, but even Wesker gets so much love in comparison. It sucks cause I guess I wish the Resident Evil women were treated the same way as the male characters and it's kind of frustrating. You're like, the only blog I've seen that loves Ada content this much, so I'm kind of just like dang, how do you deal with it lol?
maybe i've just been curating my feed for so long now, but i've only seen an uptick (of hate) since separate ways came out- but generally i don't see many posts about ada that are just harsh (hate) i'm gonna say hate cause i do allow criticisms of her character- but generally i will skim peoples blogs- see if they provide anything useful (they usually don't) and then block.
i think there's always just been more criticisms of ada because she's an east asian woman and not seen as a submissive character. she's flawed and has faults and MEN and WOMEN don't like that. people don't understand that and need female characters to be blank slates to self insert into. the way they demonize ada but uplift other female re characters because of their "innocence," is also fucking disturbing as hell (also yeah, they do mean "innocence.")
also wesker gets love cause he's a man. male characters always get special privileges when it comes to being actually bad evil characters. male characters in media are continuously "simped" over and defended on their horrible actions, but the second a woman does "ONE THING BAD" she's labeled gone girl or something like that.
analyzing media and how gender roles affect how we interpret characters is something i heavily talk about on my page! how if genders were reversed for aeon, people would NOT be having this type of discourse.
also final point but i have been on the internet for a long time and had to have a backbone lol. i got hate anons 5 days into this blog EXISTING. i was literally just here trying to vibe and got so much hate in the first week of this blog. most of it from cl*on shippers that told me that aeon sucks and that cleon was more valid. and then i've also gotten lots of racist anons and sexist anons. lots of calling ada horrible things. but if anything- it kinda shows me that i'm on the better side of things since i don't need to resort to this kind of behaviour to enjoy my time in the re fandom
i mostly only post things that i love about aeon
and that's mostly what i will try to be posting- maybe i will occasionally complain about something but yeah lol
tl;dr just block almost everyone, mute tags immediately, enjoy your time online!
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
I care about Rose! In fact, we started watching house of dragon (only 2 episode so far though) and it constantly makes me think of Rose because you use it as inspiration. Like obviously there’s the coronation scene which reminds me of stars. And there’s the character Willum is sorta kinda inspired by. And it’s an entirely different world, but every time I’m drawn back to Rose wondering how things will play out. (Which is not pressure to finish writing it if you don’t want to. Writer’s block can be a bitch and I get that the motivation for this project has been sucked out, but I just want you to know that I still care, and I’m not the only one.)
Also, I’ve been meaning to start my Ready, Set, Detonate analysis but I keeps getting away from me. I’m not sure there will be much to analyse, but there’s definitely fun details I want to point out. Oh and I am Looking 👀 at the fit/pac tag and kicking my feet. I don’t actually know if they are already in a relationship (I’m sure we’ll find out, but I just loved Fit’s little “Pac’s here?” That man is gone. Oh and I’m so excited for this Tubbo and to read more Bagi and the lore. Just all of it.
Then the original writing is a mood. I keep getting like a few chapters into my story before deciding it’s not good enough or thinking of something else I could do and throwing it all out. It’s this constant loop that never seems to get anywhere even though the story gets more and more fleshed out in my head every time. I think it’s because the opportunities are endless. Like there’s no characters and personalities and dynamics to stick to like there is in fan fiction. It’s free game but that does mean you have to decide everything yourself.
Anyway, best original writing advice I can give is remember the drafting process. There’s going to be a shit ton of drafts, which feels different for you because you’ve been mostly writing stories and posting them as you go, which means some minor or major editing, but leaves you without a chance to do a once over. It’s a sort of pressure to get everything right the first time. Meanwhile, original writing is something you keep close to your chest. There’s different drafting stages ranging from the zero draft (aka excessive daydreaming about all the possibilities) to the final draft (where you just go through and kill all your darlings and pour over ever single word to find the right one).
I’m struggling a lot with the first draft, which is literally just getting words onto a page. It’s a somewhat coherent mess that just allows you to shape the story and its structure so you can work off of that and edit it later on. I don’t know if this actually helps, but yeah, the first draft sucks and then it mostly gets easier. Just write, is kinda shitty advice, but it’s mainly, just get words onto a page, you will get a million chances to fix it, you don’t need to be happy about what you wrote right now.
ohhhh I'm so excited you've started watching hotd!! good timing since the second season is going to come out later this year :D I hope you enjoy!! and I'm so happy to hear you're still excited about rose. I definitely want to finish writing it, like I said it's just me worrying about if anyone will bother to read it but a lot of you have said you would so that helps assuage my worries a bit
feel free to send whatever random thoughts you have about ready set detonate you know idc if it's analysis or not I just love seeing peoples reactions!! fit and pac are not in a relationship (yet) in the fic but theres a lot of flirty pining going on lol
god yeah it's so much harder with original fiction because it feels like there's so much pressure. you have too much freedom to do whatever you want so you're constantly second guessing if it's good enough or not. and ofc I know rough drafts are supposed to be shitty but I've tried to hone my skills so that my first draft is always incredibly solid because I rarely have the patience to do heavy edits, but that's with fanfiction. it has to be different with original fiction I know but it's hard to make my brain okay with that. I keep feeling like it needs to be nearly perfect on the first run :( but yeah I'm mostly trying to get words on a page. but then I think back and realize I forgot to mention this or I need to mention more of that etc etc and it's just stressful arghhh
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tonguetyd · 7 months
Hiiiii! I only seeing you reblogged the ask game as well, hope i'm not terribly late. 🫂💖 Also sorry if i'm repeating any question, but may i:
39, Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? 123, What colour are your towels? 140, Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
Julie Andrew’s voice: a queen is never late, everyone else is simply early
39, Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Honestly both! I guess I slightly prefer behind it, but more like in a “I am taking this selfie of all of us” kinda way. It’s taken a very long time for me to like how I look in photos but now that I like it, I’m very happy getting in frame!
123, What colour are your towels?
Tan and grey (she’s boring). I do have one teal one from college that’s still kicking but it’s a kinda crappy one tbh, barely holds any water at all
140, Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
Ok I happen to have my Bag-O-Sentimental Things near my bed today which has my “You Are OK - Finding Your Way When Life Doesn’t Feel OK” album release book from The Maine and Evan Lucy.
“But The Maine have made peace with their choice, maintaining they’d rather be at the level they are and happy than at the next level and unhappy with how they got there.”
Which HI SORRY IM DRIFT AND IM GONNA TAKE THIS AS A MOMENT TO RAMBLE ABOUT A BAND CALLED THE MAINE! Levynn I am so sorry I’m taking your ask and going on a crazy tangent - thank you very very much you are very sweet
This is literally everything I love about this band in a nutshell bc 1) this is literally a book they put out with their 7th record You Are OK which like. Need more be said on that album title? And they were just like “hey we not only want to do this record but we want to show you our headspace while we were writing it and let you know we see you and this is how we got here.”
2) the reason they can be like “fuck it lets also do a book” is because they have been completely 100% independent since 2011 (cough fuck Warner Bros cough) and it ALLOWS them to have the mindset Evan mentions. They DID the big label and the one hit in 2008. They could have probably been playing arenas and getting radio play on the alt stations long before now, but they aren’t. Which brings me to 3) because they want to do things authentically and not just churn out money.
This is the band that did a FOR FREE TOUR. AN ENTIRE TOUR!! WHERE YOUR TICKET WAS FREE. JUST SHOW UP. They *CALL YOU* when you pre order their record just to say thanks (and sometimes to prank you but that’s a story for another time #BigStimmyEnergy)
They hop down off stage right after the gig and take photos with as many people as they can. I’ve met these guys more times than I could accurately count. My cousins thought I was dating Jared the guitarist cuz I had him in so many of my profile pics on Facebook 😂 I have NEVER done a paid m&g for TM because their whole THING is “we want to meet you too. Come talk to us.” They don’t HAVE m&g, they have Pat the drummer slinging merch or the post-show hangs or walking the line while everyone is queuing. I think it’s harder to NOT meet TM than to actually meet them 😂
They make it SO OBVIOUS that they care and want to have success in the industry yes, but not at the expense of us. And that is so incredibly rare. I never question if the guys in TM are good people - I sometimes question if they think their shit through enough and definitely know they stumble like everyone. But I never question their intentions. Or where their hearts are.
They’d rather be where they are and happy than the next big thing.
I haven’t read through this thing in a while and honestly kinda forgot I had it, so thank you very much for letting me find it again (and sorry for gushing but. They are my faves. band1. Forever.)
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Time to start Maximum for Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 1, Chapters 1-2 below. (More detailed thoughts will be their own posts.)
TriMax Volume 1 Covers
Kuroneko on the chapter index gives me serotonin.
Vash finally finds a lamp with a genie in it and all he gets is punched. He seriously has the worst luck.
Wolfwook looks VERY possessive over that cross of his....
LOL, switched to the sex doll. Of course.
Chapter 1: Hero Reborn
First Knives is reborn, now Vash will be reborn?
Yeah... kinda hard to forget someone literally shot the moon when there's a giant crater on it now....
Vash with dark hair has made his premiere.
Hmm. Needs more floaty cloth bits.
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Well, someone's having a bad day. I know I wouldn't want to end up tied up and tossed in a fountain....
LOL, they shout for the sheriff and the next character we see is Wolfwood. He's not a sherriff!
You gotta know a place is welcoming when you walk into a saloon and everyone immediately pulls a gun on you. I mean, that's just a normal day in Texas or Arizona, right?
Oof. RIP bus.
I mean, I realize Fifth Moon was traumatic and all, but somehow I doubt Vash would be filling someone with "twice his weight in lead."
I guess the person dumped in the fountain was actually the sheriff. Nightow could have shown the guy's badge or something to give us an indication of that....
Poor Vash. He doesn't deserve NEARLY that many knives in his picture.
Everyone has to ask about the cross. Wolfwood rarely actually answers. Deflection and misdirection is better.
LOL, Lina's face here...
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Oh, man. WW's face in literally the next panel after Ericks's entrance. He knows exactly who he's looking at.
Vash Ericks, I know you try to look for non-combative solutions, but female-bodied folk really don't have a lot of options when people get handsy if we want them to decide not to push their luck beyond just being handsy.
Ah, see, this is why he thinks she overreacted. Because now a lot more people are in danger.
Heheheheheheh, WW, Lina, and Vash are all in such a close clump here.
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Aaaand now "Ericks" has fully noticed Wolfwood.
Who the heck is this evil hamster of a human being?
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All I'm saying, buddy, is that her footpring miiiiiight just be an improvement.
Gods, WW is so intent in this situation. Just looking at everything and listening to everything.
Dude, who STOLE VASH'S JACKET?!?! Also, those sunglasses jut feel wrong.
Oh, Ericks. So gentle....
Yeah, pretty sure actual Vash the Stampede wouldn't stoop to humiliating people as part of a power play.
Ericks, though. He's like, "Cool, a bargain where people live at the end!"
I wonder how much of Ericks telling Lina to cover her eyes is because he doesn't want her to see his scars.
WW wasn't really with the group long enough to see Vash's scars before, but this really clears things up for the audience. And you can practically hear the gears grinding in WW's head as he observes this scene.
Dude. This imposter even copied his gay little earing. Now that's commitment.
Opening fire on a naked man? Rude.
*sigh* All of that for nothing 'cause Lina's still caught.
AGAIN?! How often does this guy get shot!?
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WW barely knows Vash and he's already like, "I WILL CLOCK ANYONE WHO SPEAKS SLANDER AGAINST HIS NAME."
What? He has super-healing? I mean, I guess that makes sense.
People really need to stop barreling their way into the infirmary....
Sheryl has a point. Things gotta get done. If the young folk won't help, then this old lame woman's gonna have to do it.
LOL, Wolfwood waking up Ericks will never not be one of my favorite scenes.
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Awwwww, Wolfwood! Don't remind him about Fifth Moon! He thinks about it every time he sees that moon, I'm sure. It's NOT a pleasant memory in any way, shape or form, and he hates the legends around him!
Ugh, someone give this man a hug....
Cruel, indeed. The way he looks when he picks up that gun. There are so many emotions going on here. Loss, resignation, familiarity, sadness. Seriously. Where are the hugs for this man??
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Wolfwood, always the pragmatist. He knows this isn't a great path, and how unfair it is for him to drag Vash back to it. But he also knows it's the path forward.
Heh. Yeah, just the two of them. For Vash to exhibit this amount of trust in WW suggests he's at least suspected WW's true nature for a while.
Annnnnd Vash's first thought on seeing the giant machine gun is, of course, "Please, no death."
This panel of them heading into the fight together just fills me with so much joy.
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Fake Vash is in a bit of a pickle, isn't he? Looks like he knows it, too.
Wolfwood reacting to Fake Vash demanding actual Vash say his name is beautiful. He looks like he's gonna die of laughter there in the dirt.
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Heh. And with that last gunshot, Vash reclaims who he is.
And even after that reclaiming, he gets a heartfelt, genuine, and warm hug from a young girl who has only really known him as her friend and adopted family member, Ericks. <3
Chapter 2: Lina
"Something freaky is going on here." Yes. You're dealing with Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Even one of those should be enough to cause serious alarm.
SHOES OFF THE BED. Geez. Barbarian....
Ugh, I love his expression here.
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I'm sorry, I can't get over Wolfwood's weird duck face in this panel.
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This is a very interesting take on the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti dinner scene. That poor sausage....
Aww, you can see where his hair's gone all dark underneath now that he has it tied back.
Well, that's one way to get Vash's attention. He doesn't have as much chill when it comes to his brother. And understandably so.
Uhhhhhh, what's up with that spiky weird shadow guy?
TBH, Vash has good reason to be suspicious of anyone who knows too much about Knives. Knives's games aren't about humans. They're about Knives and Vash. Humans are just pawns and casualties.
I love how this 12-year-old girl is able to cow a bunch of whiny, scared men with just her presence. I love how angry she gets on Vash's behalf.
"If he and his followers sniff me out..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no comment. Vash just got really freaking lucky with exactly who's sniffing him out.
The comedy of this panel is great. Granny's all like, "Oh, no.... You're gonna end up beaten up in a ditch somewhere...." Meanwhile, her granddaughter has already begun just wailing on Vash. Without even dropping the groceries.
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Ugh, just... having someone take care of him for a bit. It's a small and much-needed kindness. But that's how it often is with small kindnesses.
Wolfwood: "That brat (affectionate)"
LOL, Vash gets head-pats. GOOD.
Wait, Evil Hamster Man is back??
What the heck is even happening in this panel? Is this a second guy? Is this a growth on Evil Hamster Man's back? I don't know. We already had a guy with a LITERAL GUN for legs, so either wouldn't exactly surprise me. Wolfwood's face sums up my feelings perfectly.
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Ohhh, Vash isn't having any of this guy's shit.
WTF, he just KICKED the round out of the sky?!
Vash isn't really prone to showing off just to show off. I'm guessing he's doing this to make Lina and Granny feel a bit better about how competent he is.
Even Wolfwood, who's seen Vash's weird before, seems a bit shocked.
Also, LOL, Wolfwood frog face.
Literally still can't tell if the second gunman is an actual dude or just some weird Evil Hamster Man growth.
Oh, there we go. He seems to be a separate entity, after all.
LOL, Wolfwood, calling them like he sees them. (Thank you, @trigun-manga-overhaul, for keeping the swearing. It makes it that much more funny.)
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And now Evil Hamster Man is given a choice: a chance at redemption, or having to deal with an angry Stampede. Let's hope he chooses wisely.
Well, Granny's feeling better about the situation. Lina seems more... resigned.
There's something so lovely about the hair-trimming scene. It's one last bit of domestic comfort with his little found family before he heads off to war.
I genuinely believe Wolfwood here. He has a good heart, even when he tries to hide it.
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*sigh* And as Lina cuts away at his hair, we just drown in their shared memories. The vast majority of it is simple things. Family things. Quiet moments. But they meant the world to Lina. And they probably meant the world to Vash, too.
I have thoughts about Lina burying herself in the cloth from Vash's haircut.
This chapter ends beautifully and makes me want to cry.
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dreaddelusion · 2 months
kinda still upset that there's a hole in my brain and i have no idea if it's getting worse (but i suppose it is, i've stopped being able to read physical books easily due to eye movement problems...) and i do blame being put on an insane dosage of abilify when i was a minor to be fair. it just makes me worry... you know, what if i do have a degenerative disease or something. i often confuse words or make egregious typos and have to reread a lot of what i type because i tend to forget to type out words that add readability to what i say. i didn't used to do that.... it's kind of a miracle i can still read long posts on tumblr these days because if there's multiple dense paragraphs like, forget it. my eyes will jump around and by the end i won't have gleaned any information out of it from rereading the post out of order. i still have the convulsions and twitches that sent me to the hospital i wanna say 4 years ago. it's just worrying because the damaged part of my brain is associated with a lot of degenerative/genetic disorders. i haven't gone to a neurologist because i really cannot afford to pay a specialist to get genetic tests done. especially since there was early onset alzheimer's in my family. i guess i feel stupid because i can see myself getting worse but i know there's nothing i can do about it. trying to not be down about it. but i do worry about it. i joke about having brain damage but it's just better than being depressed i guess. i just don't want my life to get stolen from me by a medical condition again...at what point do you become so sick that everyone gives up on you? i'm just scared. i've been crying a lot more because i'm scared. i don't want to have something that'll kill me in 15-20 years. i don't want to lose more of my life to disability. i don't want to lose more friends because they can't handle me being sicker down the line. i don't want to be over-medicalized and out of money. i already struggle to pay for discord nitro, i can't afford a specialist. i can't even do anything about it. i just don't wanna die. i don't want my life destroyed by another illness. i finally have been the happiest i've been in years but now i stumble if i walk too fast, i struggle to read 4 pages of books i want to read without word runner. and my neck, shoulders, and arms convulse still. my speech is noticeably sloppier over the past 4 years. and all to think... i had convulsions that sent me to the hospital 4 years ago because i collapsed to the floor, and my friend i was visiting played vrchat at home while i was crying in the hospital thinking i could be dying. they wouldn't even come see me. and after that they ignored me and rarely graced me with a message for 4 years until i unfriended them on everything. it hurt a lot. i'm not going to lie. i learned about the hole in my basal ganglia from that visit. it was kind of a shattering experience for me. i can't do that again and actually be dying this time. my friends now don't suck but i don't know what their limits are. and like hell i'm going to be putting serious problems in the vent channel before i have an answer... but what do i even do? i don't want to make everyone feel bad for something that doesn't have a face and name on my records. sorry to be vulnerable on main but really the only followers i really have on here are people i know. i don't want to like, at everyone for something that may just be me being dramatic. sorry, that was a lot. had a good cry regardless, i can probably manage the rest of the day. i think i just needed to get my impending doom wiggles out. and i guess i don't really let myself think about just how fucked up it is. as you do, you know. had to reread to catch typos. again, as you do. sometimes being acutely aware of yourself is really the worst thing ever.
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crosbyism · 4 months
re: fandom feminization (sorry for beating this horse) - one of the things that definitely bothers me most as someone who actually does enjoy a certain amount of feminization in fic really is when looking at a fic of two men in a very masculine environment who are being written as gay- WHY is it so common to write them as though they are a heterosexual man and woman in a heterosexual relationship? specifically the kind of egregiously heteronormative relationship that makes people rage against media with relationships LIKE that for being misogynistic??? ykwim? one cooks and cleans and cries and has emotions and does the emotional labor and calms down the controlling and upset/angry or emotionless other man because he's the girlfriend and the pretty princess girlboy - GUYS why is that the standard relationship dynamic here, they're supposed to be queer men, why are you making a queer relationship so fucking BAD hetero, the antisemitist kind 😭 and it really is like always the smaller guy, the "prettier" guy who's nicer and more palatable to project femininity onto. across all fandoms no matter what. i don't even want to think about the infantilization that goes hand in hand with some of this. that's a rant best left alone 💀 anyways feel free to delete, i'm just another person the masculinization posts resonated with and i appreciate seeing others feel the same !
anon i feel u dot org. it’s not my cup of tea either. i think it’s important to keep in mind that fandom works do not have the same “responsibility” (in as much there’s any responsibility in storytelling to be had at all, but that’s a whole different topic i won’t get into) in storytelling as traditional media, being very personal expressions of creativity first and foremost. people are simply into writing this type of thing for themselves, and that’s exactly what they should do without shame. i very much do understand why people would write those kinda dynamics (any number of reasons from “i want to project heteronormativity onto a queer relationship for personal catharsis” to “i want to explore this kind of dynamic” to “lol crackfic” to “i just feel like it idk”, all of which are totes fine and cool). personally i really don’t feel drawn to it at all. rip fanon mitch marner i guess.
what’s interesting is that it really is like that in every fandom. sometimes it get me sad that a lot of gender play in fandom is so cisheteronormative. like, there’s so much potential to get weird and strange with it, y’know? i would love a lot of more non cisheteronormative gender play fics. or, man, i would kill for a guy to finger his coach and go “oh, the menopause is making you drier, huh? that’s alright, i’ve got the lube right here, i’ll get you nice and wet, don’t worry” and service him like he’s a hot cougar’s young stud.
there’s a couple of rare gems in the hrpf tag re: slightly non-traditional gender play for sure, but it def isn’t the majority. i also think cause the majority of gender play in fandom is so cishet it kinda repels people who don’t like that from writing or getting into that in general, so clearly we need to fix this out here and reclaim the genderplay lol. make genderplay queerer 2024
(side note: i think you might be using antisemitist wrong? is that a typo? i don’t think you meant “bigoted towards jewish people” there? lol? that was confusing)
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
✨ about this blog ✨
★ hey, i'm starlight or star! i'm in my 20s. i'm genderfluid (between being a woman, a man, and agender) and i constantly change my pronouns in my bio but they/them is always fine!!
★ my ask box is always open and i love talking about my favorite characters and ships and sharing my thoughts in general! i also love being tagged in things. and for mutuals my DMs are always open too 💖
★ i have an anime sideblog over at @ritsukageyamas, a blog dedicated to the emperor's new groove at @kuzcoskingdom, and a stim blog where i make my own stimmy gifs and post stimboards over at @glitteringstardust! i've got a handful of other sideblogs too but i'm not really using any of them atm. if/when i become more active on them in the future i'll add them here.
★ sometimes when i happen to be in the mood, i make gifs and edits on here too! but mostly i just reblog a ton of stuff and ramble about whatever. occasionally i liveblog things.
★ my main fandoms are basically listed in my bio but i also decided to ramble about them and include some other assorted info under the cut!
★ i'm a huge animation nerd!! i especially love walt disney animation and pixar films. some of my favorites include beauty and the beast, tangled, frozen, toy story 1-3, onward, and coco. i love all kinds of other animated films too but you can expect to see lots of disney/pixar stuff in general on here as it's basically my longest lasting special interest.
★ i am also deeply in love with kingdom hearts and it's one of the things you can expect to see a lot of posts about. riku is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time and sorikai means the world to me.
★ if you couldn't guess by my url i'm also brainrotting hard over twisted wonderland lately and will likely continue doing so for the foreseeable future. i have soooo much love for so many of the characters i literally can't even pick a favorite dorm. but riddle and idia are practically tied for the spot of my fave character and i ship riddle/floyd and idia/vil very hard.
★ i am very into pokemon but especially the hoenn, unova, alola, and paldea regions and the pokemon mystery dungeon series. love pokemon adventures/pokespe as well.
★ also majorly obsessed with baldur's gate 3 at the moment. especially gale. and elenion, my silly little half-elf bard guy that i romanced gale with 💜 and i don't see this changing anytime soon either.
★ so the above things are kinda the main fandoms you'll see on here but my brain is also constantly hopping between other interests and getting me in the mood to reblog and talk about different things!! some of those other things can include uhhhh the PJO universe, utdr, a3! act addict actors, twewy, the original sherlock holmes stories + granada TV series, LOTR, ace attorney, avatar the last airbender, neopets, and also just. so many other things. unfortunately i shove 90% of what i like onto here instead of having sideblogs for the most part.
★ i don't have a dni, i just block people who make me uncomfortable and even then i don't block people very often! so just be chill and respectful and you're probably fine.
★ also please please let me know if you need something tagged and i'll do my best to keep it in mind!!
★ oh yeah. and if you wanna follow me on twitter you can but i'm rarely active these days!
★ hmm i guess that's all, so if you actually read this thank you so much and i hope you enjoy your day!!! 💖
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