#I really could have answered that in one sentence but you know me xD
Well Izzy's not going to deny that Hojo is a lunatic XD She's used to the tensions between the departments as its always been there, though yes, she does find it silly to be wasting time on. They both have the potential to dispose of the other but they can't because, in fact, they do need each other and its hard for either to admit to the symbiotic relationship. Heideggar has need of the science for his Solider and Hojo needs....well the Soldiers xD
So really its just a petty way to vent annoyance. And yeah she usually will take Hojo's side and she harbors a dislike of Heid by default. I do think she finds it fun to annoy him too sometimes. To just go hang out and bug him because she knows that she unnerves him xD He's probably the only on in ShinRa, since he has those predatory war instincts, that can sense there is something OFF about her other than the rumors that she's 'only an assistant because she sleeps witht he Professor' crap. Which, its much deeper than that. She wants people to roll with that because she doesn't want them to know the truth. Its very dark. She's not quite human. And Heid somehow KNOWS that.
So yeah she likes to watch him squirm and then get dragged back to the labs where he then tells Hojo to keep his things in his own department and out of his. (lmao!) I just have some goofy HC's out there in my head.
On the other hand she doesn't exactly mind that Heideggar does these sorts of things to irritate him. Hojo does piss Izzy off more often that you might think....and she does love to annoy Hojo and get under his skin as well. Because she's psychotic too. Basically anyone that has a high ranking in ShinRa is.
But the gist of it is that yeah, she's probably rolling her eyes at it but she also probably doesn't really give a fuck and is mildly entertained by it at the same time, giggling to herself how they're even humoring any of it at all with their status.
I swear you just ask me this crap to make me rant xD
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tongue-like-a-razor · 2 years
Faking It | Part VI
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x F!Reader
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE YOU GUYS!! This chapter took a lot out of me for some reason, but I'm pretty content with where we're at. Hope you like it!
PS. You will like it.
PPS. I promise you, you will like it XD
Summary: Fake dating your friend, Bradley Bradshaw - what could possibly go wrong? Your sister is getting married and you need a date. You enlist Bradley's help and the rest is history.
CW: swearing, minor angst, FLUFFITY FLUFF
Start from the beginning: Part I
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“Chicken is good,” Bradley says to his dinner plate.
Across the table, your aunt makes an enthusiastic sound in agreement and continues chewing.
“Delicious,” you respond curtly.
Bradley looks over at you, so you turn your head to meet his gaze. “Yours is better, darling,” he says, feigning a cordial tone, but you can see past the charade. He’s just as angry with you as you are with him.
“Her mushroom stuffed chicken is divine,” your mother chimes in.
“It’s her specialty,” Bradley says, quoting a line from the notes you’d given him to prepare for the weekend because, obviously, he’s never had your mushroom stuffed chicken. He presses his lips together although the smile he aims at you is acerbic.
You try your best not to roll your eyes at him.
“Does Bradley cook?” your aunt asks, watching the two of you with interest.
You glance at her in alarm, unsure how to respond since you don’t know the answer. You could make something up; nobody would know any better, but somehow that seems more dishonest than pretending he’s your boyfriend.
“I do, actually,” Bradley intervenes. You look at him gratefully and he returns your gaze with a slight nod. “Y/N is particularly fond of my shepherd’s pie.”
Your mother cringes at Bradley. “Y/N hates ground meat. She won’t even eat burgers.”
Bradley stares at your mother, speechless for a moment, while you try to keep your composure despite the rapidly encroaching panic.
“It’s uh… vegetarian,” he says quickly.
“Vegetarian shepherd’s pie?” your aunt asks. “Never heard of such a thing.”
“Mm-hm.” You start to nod vigorously. “It’s so good.”
“What do you make it with?” your mother asks and everybody at the table seems farcically fascinated with the concept of vegetarian shepherd’s pie.
You feel like the air is being sucked from your lungs as you watch Bradley purse his lips while he stalls. “Bradley, I totally forgot to bring my shawl from the chalet and I’m cold,” you say.
Bradley raises his eyebrows at you and you know exactly what he’s thinking: that it’s about a million degrees in this place. “Here.” He starts shrugging off his suit jacket and you nearly groan because he must know that you’re not actually cold.
You give him a pointed look as he starts to drape the jacket over your shoulders. “I’d really prefer my shawl,” you say, trying to keep the severity out of your tone.
“Oh, don’t make him go all the way back to the rooms, Y/N,” your aunt says sympathetically. Then, she adds, “He still has to tell us about this shepherd’s pie. I wouldn’t mind grabbing the recipe.” She beams at him.
“It’s uh,” Bradley says, “exactly like the one with meat. Except, you know, without it.” Bradley responds uneasily, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
“There’s got to be more to it.” Your mother narrows her eyes. “Is it a secret?”
“What? No, of course not!” Bradley chuckles. Then, he says, “Oh! I love this song!” He jumps up from his chair. “Come on, Y/N. Let’s dance!”
You stare at him in horror, trying to determine exactly what song is playing over the hum of dinner conversation. The dance floor is empty because everyone is still eating. “I’m actually not a huge fan of” –
But Bradley doesn’t let you finish the sentence because he grabs your hand and pulls you out of your seat so quickly that his jacket flies off your shoulders.
“Don’t you worry,” your grandmother says, leaning down to pick up the jacket and hanging it over the back of your chair. “Go have fun, you two.”
You let out a sigh as Bradley drags you out into the middle of the dance floor, already grooving to the music as he walks. Now that you’re closer to the speakers, you recognize the song that apparently Bradley loves.
He tugs on your hand, forcing you to turn toward him, and you catch his eyes sweeping over your face before meeting your gaze. He lifts your hand, drawing you closer while taking you by the waist. He’s shimmying his shoulders to the beat, his lips curling into a smirk when you start to move your hips reluctantly.
When the chorus kicks in, Bradley starts to sing along. “Ooh baby, I love your way.” His voice is a little raspy and a lot sexy. You feel the now familiar turbulence wreak havoc on your organs, but Bradley continues his serenade, completely unaware of just exactly what it’s doing to you.
You feel your scowl dissolve as Bradley tries to engage you in the dancing by moving your arms around. You start to laugh when he twists you this way and that as he sings at the top of his lungs. Before long, you forget exactly why you’ve been upset with him, and your irritation seems hardly relevant at all, especially considering the lengths to which he’s going in order to keep up appearances.
Bradley extends his arm out and spins you before bringing you flush against his body. Your hips align with his and the two of you sway together from side to side, his hand clutching yours to his chest as he sings, “I wanna tell you I love your way, everyday. I wanna be with you night and day.”
When the next song comes on, other guests begin to step out onto the dance floor. “Might be safer to just stay out here,” he says, shrugging.
You nod. “Chicken wasn’t very good anyway,” you say, thinking of your half-finished dinnerplate.
He laughs. “Here’s hoping the cake will be chocolate,” he says, already dancing to the next song.
You chuckle, starting to move more freely to the upbeat music.
Bradley smiles at you appreciatively, grabbing your hand to swing you to the side while you grin, admiring his dancing skills. The DJ is playing all the old classics and you are both thoroughly enjoying the familiar melodies.
Several songs in, when the two of you are moderately out of breath, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn to see your sister’s smiling face. She leans in to whisper in your ear, “You guys look super cute together!”
The words send a bittersweet ripple through you because, on the one hand, it means your ruse has been a success but, on the other, it’s all a farce. Your feelings toward Bradley might be genuine, but Bradley is here as your friend. And he’s faking the rest of it. Nevertheless, you shoot your sister a wide grin, grateful for her support.
A few minutes later, Aly shows up to claim her dance with Bradley. You step aside and watch on as Bradley takes the girl’s hands and starts twirling her around with a giant smile on his face. He seems pleased that she’s remembered to find him. You laugh when he picks her up and swings her, feet first, on either side of his body. Aly is giggling merrily and, as he sets her back down, Bradley glances up at you briefly, giving you a lopsided grin and a wink.
The night seems to fly by as you and Bradley spend the majority of it on the dance floor. When your sister goes to do the bouquet toss, your mother pushes you into the throng of single women gathering eagerly behind the bride. You eye your mother crossly but, when you catch the amused smirk on Bradley’s face, you suddenly want to catch the damn bouquet.
The battle for the flying flowers is unexpectedly aggressive. There is a lot more elbowing than you’d expect, as well as a fair amount of shoving, kicking, and toe stomping. But, for some reason, you are determined to win. You end up catching the bouquet despite the numerous hands obstructing your view, and you turn back to your table and do a little victory dance as you walk back toward Bradley. He laughs at you, shaking his head.
“You’re such a goof,” he mutters in a low voice as you approach him, but the expression he wears is something reminiscent of fondness.
You drop your eyes because his gaze makes you blush. “Your turn,” you say in a sing-song voice, and he passes a hand over your stomach as he proceeds to join the rest of the bachelors awaiting the toss of the garter.
Your aunt cozies up to you as you watch Bradley approach the group of men on the floor. “I like him,” she says.
You turn to her in surprise.
“Don’t look so shocked,” she says. “I think he’s perfect for you.”
“More perfect than Steven?” you ask pointedly.
“Eh,” your aunt shrugs. “I never cared for Steven.”
“But he’s a doctor!” you exclaim in mock outrage, trying to emulate your mother’s tone when she’d learned of your decision to break up.
Your aunt chuckles. “Steven is a pompous ass.”
“Can you tell my mother that?”
Your aunt turns to face you. “I’ve never seen you look at Steven the way you look at Bradley.”
You bite your lip, wondering if she might also have noticed the way Bradley looks at you when you aren’t paying attention. But you can’t ask her that, so you turn back to observe the garter toss in silence.
You see that Steven has stepped into the crowd where he and Bradley promptly exchange menacing glares with one another. Bradley then turns his head to glance back at you over his shoulder. You wave at him just as the groom throws the garter and, by the time Bradley looks back, Steven jumps up to grab it.
You hold your breath as Steven dangles the garter in front of Bradley’s face and, for a moment, Bradley looks like he might punch him for being an idiot. But then Bradley lets out a long breath and turns to walk back toward you with a scowl.
“What does it mean?” he asks as he approaches you.
“Well,” you say. “Obviously it means that Steven and I are meant to be and that we’ll be getting married and having a bunch of babies.”
Bradley watches you impassively. “You’re funny,” he says. You smile at him mildly and he steps closer, wrapping his arm around you. “He’ll have to get past me first,” he mutters, and his words inspire yet another flutter in your gut that leaves you feeling buzzed.
But the sensation is interrupted by Steven’s arrogant drawl. “Shall we?” he says, and you turn to see him standing right behind you. “They’re waiting for us.”
You narrow your eyes at him as Bradley’s grip tightens on your hip. “Who’s waiting for us?”
“It’s customary for the woman who catches the bouquet and the man who catches the garter to dance,” your aunt says with a grimace.
You blink at her defeatedly and then glance up worriedly at Bradley. He lifts an eyebrow and squints his eyes, his hold loosening around your waist. “It’s just a dance,” he says, seeing the discomfort on your face. “Don’t let him get to you.”
You nod, releasing a wavering sigh, and turn toward Steven. “Let’s get this over with,” you say.
Steven grins at you. “That’s the spirit,” he says, taking your hand to lead you out onto the now empty dance floor. He glances over his shoulder as the two of you make your way to the center, a faint smirk materializing on his face when his eyes lock on Bradley.
Steven places his hand on your side and pulls you closer when the song starts. As the two of you slowly rotate, you can see Bradley watching you from the sidelines, a hard expression coloring his features.
Steven brings you into an embrace. “Feels like old times,” he says.
“Not really,” you respond coldly, trying to regain some space between your bodies.
“Don’t tell me you’re serious about this aviator,” he says.
You glance up at him indignantly. “Of course, I’m serious about him. I wouldn’t have brought him to my sister’s wedding if I weren’t.”
He chuckles. “You forget that I know you very well,” he says.
You swallow, wondering what he’s getting at.
Steven eyes you with a devious smirk. “He’s not your boyfriend,” he says.
“Excuse me?” you say, offended and anxious in equal measure.
He chuckles. “Sure, maybe he’s a friend,” he says, shrugging. “But that dude is not dating you.”
“What are you talking about?” You want to ask how he could tell, but you don’t want to give anything away.
“The closest you have gotten to each other is a quick hug here and there. You look like you’re afraid to touch him,” he says. “So, the question is, why did you feel the need to bring him? You didn’t know I’d be here, so it wasn’t to make me jealous.”
“You’ve got it wrong,” you scoff.
He raises his eyebrows. “It’s your mom, isn’t it? She’s pushing you to start dating again. She’s always been a big fan of mine.”
You roll your eyes. “Stop talking, Steven.”
Steven brings his face closer to yours. “Making me jealous is just an added benefit, isn’t it? Well, I’m here to tell you that it worked. Even if you aren’t actually dating the guy.”
“I couldn’t care less how you feel about my relationship,” you respond, gritting your teeth.
Steven chuckles. “‘Relationship’,” he repeats, using his right hand to make air quotes.
You’re seething so much that your head starts to hurt and, just as you’re about to walk away from him, you feel a soft touch along your shoulder blade. Bradley steps around you, giving Steven an icy look. “I can take over from here, Steven,” he says casually, as if interrupting a traditional slow dance in front of an audience is regularly scheduled programming.
Steven stares at him in astonishment, completely lost for words. Bradley doesn’t wait for him to respond; he takes your hand out of Steven’s and leads you away.
You raise your eyebrows as Steven stands alone in the middle of the floor, looking around awkwardly. Meanwhile, you feel Bradley’s hand slide up your waist and pull you in, swaying you gently to the music. You gulp as Steven glares at you before turning on his heel and making his way toward your table, where your aunt and mother are standing and watching the action unfold.
“Bradley,” you say quietly.
You glance up at him anxiously. “He knows,” you say. “Steven knows.”
“Knows what?” he asks.
You bite your lip. “That you’re not really my boyfriend. That all of this is fake.”
Bradley makes a skeptical face. “Did you tell him?”
“Of course not! He guessed.”
Bradley chuckles. “How?”
You shrug. “Apparently, we’re not affectionate enough.”
Bradley narrows his eyes, one corner of his mouth curling upward slightly. “What are you proposing?”
“I’m not proposing anything! I’m saying, the jig is up and we’re fucked,” you whisper feverishly. “Oh god, he’s talking to my mother. He’s going to tell her!”
Bradley lets out a slow sigh and pulls you a tad closer. “Hey,” he says. “There’s nothing to tell. Remember what I said? Don’t let him get to you.”
You glance up into Bradley’s eyes and, for a single moment, the background fades into nonexistence and your troubles with Steven seem a million miles away. But then, you shift back to reality, suddenly aware of the entire room watching you dance with your supposed boyfriend whom you can’t even kiss him.
As if on cue, Bradley says in a low voice, “You know, there is a way we can be more convincing as a couple.”
You stare at him for a moment while he watches you carefully, probably analyzing your reaction. His gaze drops down to your lips and you instinctively crane your neck before you can stop yourself. Bradley’s eyebrows twitch as a mystified expression passes fleetingly over his features. You note the bob of his Adam’s apple as he swallows uneasily; the rapid rise and fall of his chest as his face nears yours.
“What do you think?” he mutters, so close now that the tip of his nose brushes against the tip of yours.
There’s so much commotion in your chest, you feel like your ribs might rupture trying to keep it contained. “Uh,” you breathe, not confident you can articulate a more complex sound. You hope that his question is rhetorical in nature and that he’s not actually expecting a response.
Bradley steps about a millimeter closer, the hand he kept on your hip now sliding slowly up your side. You can feel his fingers clasp around your bent elbow, lingering there for a moment before trailing up your arm, its trace along your bare skin electric.
You let your lips part when you feel the heat of his breath as it mixes with yours, your slow dance coming to a near standstill as the two of you waver in uncertainty. You know that kissing Bradley Bradshaw will be the ultimate annihilation of whatever chance you might have had at restoring a platonic friendship with him once the weekend is over. Perhaps not for Bradley, but certainly for you. You also know that kissing Bradley Bradshaw is the best method of proving the authenticity of your relationship to your mother and Steven.
But before you can continue to contemplate the risk-reward ratio of kissing him, you feel Bradley’s bottom lip skim over your top one, and you could swear that your body might shatter upon impact. If Bradley, by some chance, determines to kiss you kiss you, you might not survive it. But despite the ever-present possibility that you may die if you were to actually lock lips with Bradley Bradshaw, you are now convinced, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are willing – nay, aching – to hazard it.
And just as you begin to wonder whether Bradley is on the same page, his mouth closes around yours. For a moment, neither of you breathes, giving you ample opportunity to acknowledge the fact that you aren’t dead but, on the contrary, extremely alive. You are submerged in sensation, baffled by how many things in your body can feel.
And then Bradley breathes out forcefully, taking a step into you, his arm curving around your back to keep you steady as he presses his body against yours. His lips begin to move, inviting yours into a desperate, delirious dance.
You let your hand travel up his chest and behind his neck, your fingers grazing his skin as he leans closer. Meanwhile, his hand is suddenly in your hair, contending with the mass of bobby pins as he attempts to rake his fingers right through. Instead, he resolves to grip a chunk of it by your ear, interrupting the kiss for a moment to let out a low chuckle against your mouth. At that, you slide your hand to the back of his head, pushing him toward you again.
Bradley resumes kissing you eagerly, both his hands now arriving on either side of your face, his thumbs brushing tenderly over your cheeks.
Somewhere beyond, one song ends and another begins. There is movement on the outside, some shuffling, and you finally open your eyes just as your glorious kiss comes to a conclusion.
Bradley rests his forehead on yours, breathing heavily into the small space between your faces while neither of you dare to say a word.
There are others on the dance floor now. Dancing, laughing, not paying the two of you the slightest bit of attention. And why would they? You’ve just done what any normal couple would do. Nobody knows how the moment transported you, how it has altered you.
Then, Bradley speaks. “Do you think they’ll miss us?”
“What?” you breathe, your foreheads still together as you watch his mouth move.
He bites into his lip. “If we leave now,” he says. “Will they notice we’re gone?”
Your heart starts to hammer once again. “What about the cake?” you ask.
“The cake?” he says, and you feel the skin of his forehead wrinkle as he furrows his brows.
“What if it’s chocolate?” you ask.
Bradley’s mouth curls into an amused smile. “Could be diamond for all I care.”
“That would be tough on the teeth.” You make a grimace to lighten the mood but, on the inside, you’re crumbling. Bradley wants to leave. He wants to leave so he isn’t forced to kiss you again.
Bradley lets out a steady sigh and takes a step toward you, the movement bringing your bodies together. You close your eyes because you’re far too close to see anything meaningful anymore anyway. “I could give a fuck about the cake, Y/N,” he says hoarsely.
Read Part VII
Tag List:
I will try my best to tag the rest of this list in the comments! Might take a while bc I can only tag 5 at a time, so I might finish tagging in the morning. If I don't get to you, I'm sorry!
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neimlise · 1 year
Wishes Upon Wishes
Joshua Rosfield x Reader
(This work is also posted on ao3)
Joshua maybe OCC here, only because I skipped through the playthroughs XD. Also, be warned that there are wrong grammars as for English is not my mother tongue. Enjoy the story!
(Slight spoilers, be warned.)
After Ultima’s defeat, Clive, Joshua, and Dion returned safely. Upon hearing the news, everyone gathered around to celebrate. It’s currently late at night and people were starting to get tired. With the celebration still going on, some chose to retire to their chambers while others stayed and celebrated. Clive and Jill were somewhere else doing God-knows-what (we all know what they're doing), Dion is nowhere to be seen, Cid were celebrating with Gav and others, and Torgal, the Goodest Boi of all times, were munching on a bone as a reward for his hard work. As for Joshua, who is alone, he was wandering around in search of (Name). A few minutes later, he finally found them. He found them to be by themselves, admiring the luminous moon and their shining companions called the stars.
(Name) was humming a tune as they were admiring the luminous moon and the shining stars. They started to count the clusters on the night sky, chuckling to themselves as they kept on loosing count.
Unknowingly to them, as they kept on counting the stars, Joshua walked over to them, curious as the stargazer were counting the stars. He looked at them from afar, studying them quietly as if admiring a painting. After a few seconds, he finally went up to them.
“A bit hard to count, isn’t it?” he chuckled.
Startled, (Name) glanced at him before becoming at ease once they realized it was just him. (Name) laughed inconsolably and peered down the balcony.
“Of course,” (Name) laugh, looking at the night sky, “there’s so many of them.”
Joshua chuckled as he leaned against the balcony’s wall, nodding in agreement.
“They’re wonderful to look at, even if they’re just lights in the sky to others” Joshua smiled warmly.
“You wouldn’t happen to know what to wish for if one were to see a shooting star, would you?” he chuckled, feeling a bit silly.
(Name) smiled and looked at him.
"I wouldn't," (Name) started off, "we all have different kinds of wishes to make, after all."
“Very true," Joshua nodded, "everyone has something different, that they want in their lives."
Joshua then looked at (Name), tilting his head towards them.
"What of you?" He asked, "if given one opportunity for a wish, what would you wish for?” Joshua looked at the sky for a moment, then back at (Name) as he finished his sentence.
"Well," (Name) smirked at him, "my wish wouldn't fulfill itself if I were to tell you."
Joshua chuckled as he listened to them but were confused to what they had told him.
“Really? I trust that I could keep it to myself, if you’d trust me on that." He smiled softly as he tried to reassure (Name), before looking back at the starry sky, seeming to gaze at it deeply.
Joshua was a man who liked to listen more than talk, and it showed in the gentle smile as he listened to them, and he didn’t interrupt them in the slightest.
(Name) hid their face in their crossed arms as they turned away from him.
"Well," (Name) trailed off, "It matters no more. One of my wishes came true."
(Name) then smiled at Joshua.
"And that's all it really matters."
Joshua tilted his head curiously with a puzzled smile.
Soon, that puzzled smile soon gave way to a warm and comforting one, and Joshua looked at (Name) with a soft look.
“And what was your wish that came true, if I may ask?”
“I’m genuinely curious what it was” he muttered, leaning against the balcony and listening to them intently as they were deciding to answer his question.
(Name) was silent, debating whether they should tell him their wish or not. Pressing their lips into a thin line, (Name) gathered the courage to look at him. Words were caught in their throat, their eyes glistened ever so slightly.
“I...” (Name) stopped, “Well...” (Name) went silent again.
It was silence for a short while. Joshua was patiently waiting while (Name) was still debating.
The uneasy silence was finally broken by (Name), making a final decision.
They sighed and looked at him.
"I wished to meet you once more... Years after the tragedy in Phoenix Gate...And the event that took place in Rosaria… After years of believing you were gone." (Name) trailed off, fidgeting their hands. "But, to my surprise, you're in front of me, speaking to me."
"It's like," (Name) continued, "I feel as though I am dreaming."
Joshua looked at them in shock and surprise, before gently putting his hand on their shoulder. A gentle and warm smile filled his face as he did and he was left speechless, not knowing what to say as he looked at (Name).
“Is that why you’ve always looked away from me? Because you thought I was a ghost?” he asked with a chuckle, before shaking his head and laughing a bit in nervousness “I believe that we both have seen plenty of ghost through all the years, haven’t we?” he said with a warm smile.
(Name) rolled their eyes, smiling.
"Oh, ha-ha." A hand was extended to gently shove Joshua back as they sarcastically laughed.
(Name) then leaned on the balcony and looked glumly up at the sky
Joshua got closer to them, a light smile on his face as he raised a hand gently and brushed their hair. Joshua looked at them with a soft look, his other hand resting upon the wall.
The sky was beautiful, with stars dancing in the night’s sky. It was calming to look at it. But he prefers to look at (Name). As he continued to look at (Name) with the same gentle smile, one that showed that he wanted to care for them, to protect and never hurt them, just let them enjoy the beauty around themselves, and him himself.
(Name)'s pout changed into a smile, which they tried to hide by clearing their throat and angling their body away from his touch.
(Name) could feel the heat rising up to their face.
Joshua lowered his hand and nodded in acknowledgement. He stepped back a bit to give them space and just looked at the stars, his face showing no sign of emotion. Joshua just wanted them to be happy, and he wasn’t sure if they were. That’s why he remained quiet as he let them think for a moment. The quietness of the night allowed them to take a moment of peace, which was a rarity these days.
Unknowingly to him, (Name) was watching him at the corner of their eyes. Their stomach churned as Joshua was not showing any signs of emotions. They rubbed their arms, in a attempt to calm their beating heart, and leaned themselves to him. Their shoulders touching his. (Name)'s heart accelerated more; palm started to sweat.
Joshua tilted his head lightly when he felt them leaning onto him, and a smile flashed upon his face when they were closer to each other than ever before. The silence remained as he looked down at them for a moment, and after a moment he spoke quietly, his voice soft and calm and his expression full of kindness.
“May I ask you something?” Joshua whispered, his voice soft as velvet as it washed over them, his tone full of care and concern.
Surprised by the sudden question, (Name) turned to face him. They then nodded, allowing him to proceed.
Joshua took another step closer to them as he looked at them with that same care, that same kindness that had filled his eyes. His heart was pounding in his ears, and he held his breath as he got ready to speak.
“W-would you like to dance with me?” he finally whispered; his voice trembled as if he was scared to have asked in the first place, but his kindness remained despite it. He still had the same soft, warm, and gentle look in his eyes as he raised his hand towards (Name).
As he made such a request, (Name) was taken aback and shocked. (Name) chuckled, placed a hand on his and made a playful bow. They addressed him directly, saying, "Yes, I would like to dance with you."
Joshua smiled gently as he reached out a hand to lift them up, their beauty shining in the moonlight once again, as if they were a divine. There was something in their eyes, a kind of brightness in them, as if they had a kind heart, and a good soul. Joshua looked at (Name) with that same kindness in his eyes and as they stood up together. With his voice remaining calm as he held their hand.
“You look stunning tonight” Joshua whispered, his tone full of admiration, as he gently led them towards the dance floor.
"And you, my lord," (Name) whispered back, "look ravishingly handsome tonight."
Joshua chuckled at their comment. As they got to the dance floor, he placed his other hand on (Name)'s hip. He looked to them, the kindness and concern in his eyes never faded as he looked into their eyes.
“What dance shall we begin with first?” he asked politely, though his tone was full of concern, as if he was worried about messing up. Joshua was definitely new to all this dance thing, and it showed in the way he carefully and gently leaned towards them, holding their hand and trying to give them some confidence.
"Any dance you would like." (Name) answered, putting their hand on his shoulder.
Joshua looked at then for a moment in thought, before a thought came to his mind and he smiled, a hint of excitement in his eyes. He looked at (Name) once again, his expression full of kindness and love still as he whispered too them.
"How about a waltz? I've always wanted to try one" he whispered, a bit of a confidence in his voice as the excitement rose in his chest.
(Name) chuckled, smiling at him, "If that's what you choose, then I have no right to refuse it."
Joshua smiled as well at (Name), and together they began to dance. Joshua was not the best dancer, but he was a willing learner, and did his best to keep the step correct. After some brief moments of practicing the steps together, Joshua eventually got a hold of the steps, and began to be confident with his moves. As the music flowed through them, Joshua looked at them with that same loving, kind smile. The kindness and love in his eyes only grew, and he felt so happy to be with them.
Like Joshua, (Name) eventually got hold of the steps, beginning to feel confident with him. They looked at him as well, the corner of their mouth went from ears to ears. The look in his eyes when he looks at (Name) caused their heart to beat faster. No one have ever looked at them like that, no one but him. Before They lost themselves into his eyes, they let out a sighed and closed their eyes, avoiding making eye contact with him. Still smiling and following his moves, (Name) whispered out.
"I must admit that another wishes of mine was granted."
Joshua’s smile got bigger, one that almost made him look like a kid. It was contagious, how kind and pure his smile was, the way in which that smile gave way to a look of admiration and care and protectiveness for (Name), the way in which he wanted to protect them and their smile. He still wanted to know more about their wishes and the reason for it, but he knew to take his time with it. However, as curiosity got the best of him, he continued to lead them around the dance floor as they danced and enjoyed their time together.
“And which wish would that be?” he whispered to them
"The wish I had was for you to ask if I could have danced with you." (Name) returned the whisper, resting their cheek on his shoulder, and kept their smile hidden.
Joshua’s smile grew even bigger as (Name) said that, and as he looked at them, he was in awe once again of how pure their smile was. They were so astonishing, that even the moon and stars must feel jealous of them. Joshua’s heart nearly stopped in this moment, as he was completely mesmerized. He looked at them, in complete awe of their allurement, and a warm and comforting feeling grew within him as he looked at them “Well, you have a very kind heart, you know that?” he whispered in an affectionate tone.
(Name) grinned and looked at him with affection as they laughed. "Not as kind as your heart, I'm sure Clive, Jill, or Jote will agree with me."
Joshua blushed slightly at (Name)'s words, as his heart skipped a beat before a warm and comforting feeling grew within him once again. The thought of him being that kind in their eyes made him feel so happy, and he had his reasons to try and show that more and more as they spent time together. Joshua’s expression softens as he smiled at them, one of kindness and love and care, he could even consider that look a look of devotion, as he looked at them “You’re too kind to say that” he whispered back.
"Well," (Name) whispered back again, eyes trailing down to his lips, "I guess we're going to have to change that."
"Can I be selfish with you?" (Name) then requested, "can I make a third wish and have it granted?"
Joshua’s heart skipped a beat when (Name) looked down at his lips, and when they proposed their other wish to come true his face grew completely red. He swallowed, before speaking back in a soft and nervous voice, his tone full of concern for them.
“And what would your other wish be?” he whispered, his expression full of concern and love, his heart fluttering a bit.
"My wish..." (Name) trailed off, leaning forward and encircling his neck with their arms before hovering their lips over his. "Your kiss," they confessed, "may I have it?"
Joshua was taken aback, not sure what to do or how to respond to their request. The thought of kissing them sent his heart into overdrive, as his heartbeat faster and a warm and comforting feeling grew within him. A smile made its way onto his face, and he looked at (Name) with kindness and care, whispering to them “I would love to let you have my kiss...” His voice soft and gentle and sweet as he did so, leaning in and kissing lightly and softly on their lips.
As they smiled against his lips, (Name) closed their eyes. Their heart synchronized with his as they tighten their arms around his neck.
Joshua kept the kiss going for as long as (Name) wanted. His heart was hammering against his chest as the kiss lasted for even longer than he was expecting. As they held each other tight, Joshua’s hand rested on their hips as he held them close. His lips were soft and gentle, and he put a lot of affection and care into this kiss.
Joshua and (Name) didn’t want to break the kiss yet, as their heart fluttered and a warm feeling grew within them, as if they were together alone in the whole world, as if nothing else matter but the two of them now.
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elis-corner · 2 years
Multiple comfort hermits? feeling down mentally atm...
Anon, you sent this at the exact time I was reading comfort Hermit fics.
And yes I lost motivation halfway at one point, but two months later and I'm back XD
Hope you're okay, love <3 Enjoy the selection of Hermits decided on by my good pal Kat
Ren considers some of his canine traits to be advantages. Entirely understandable. A superb sense of smell, sensitive hearing… who wouldn’t be appreciative? At least, as long as you’re not near Bdubs, sensitive hearing is great.
There are times when he finds himself appreciating them more, though.
Until you’d met Ren, it was only a myth in your eyes that dogs were extremely empathetic. It didn’t take long for your opinion to change.
He was the one you knew you could turn to for comfort and to have someone who’d just be there to sit and listen
It meant the world.
Sometimes, though, life throws things at you that are hard to handle, and it becomes a struggle to open up and be honest with others and yourself.
It’s times like that when Ren works his magic.
The moment he walks into your base he knows something is up You’re not bustling around, working or planning whatever new idea you’ve concocted. Instead, he can hear your quiet sniffles from a few rooms over.
Within a second he’s speeding in the direction of your voice, and the moment he finds you he’s sitting beside you, pulling you close so he can hug you
His grip is tight as he asks what’s wrong, the concern in his voice so painstakingly obvious that all your emotions begin to come flooding out.
He sits there and listens to you, tossing whatever assurance or compliment or opinion he feels you need. If it’s real bad he’ll pull out the jokes. If you don’t show a hint of a smile it’s innuendos from then on.
He doesn’t leave your side, even if you insist you’re feeling better, and if any other hermit offers to help instead it’ll become more persistentHe’s a bit possessive. Just a bit.
He can’t stand the idea of you being there alone, and though occasionally annoying, it’s more endearing than anything.
There have been incidents when he’s gotten a bit too worried, though…
‘I’m serious, Y/n! It’s alright! You can talk to me!’ ‘Ren, I’m not in the mood or state to have you over. I’m getting changed. Please, can you just lea–.’
Needless to say he believed you the next time you used that “excuse”.
Can I even begin to describe X finding out you’re not having a great time? The answer is I can.
Think concern, hugs, words of comfort, and lots of empathy and attention
Think of a sad puppy. That’s him. Without taking how jacked he is into consideration.
On one of his regular checkups making sure you’re okay he’s bound to have figured out something isn’t right
He won’t outright address it at first, instead giving you as much space and time as you need
If you don’t want to talk he won’t force you to
When you inevitably approach him, though, it’s all love and care for the next month or so.
Compliments, stories, hugs, little activities for the two of you to do together… anything to see you smile again 
It breaks his heart seeing you upset ❤️
Man doesn’t quite know what to do.
What if he makes it worse? What if it doesn’t help?
Mumbo is either going to do something small and sweet or huge and sweet.
Either way, there’s a 50% chance of it going wrong.
But that’s okay! It’s part of the charm! You laughing at him almost burning his base down was entirely part of his plan!
There’s not much to write since it could be summarised in a single sentence: He has no clue what to do, but the man’s trying his best *insert TBH creature face here*
mmmmmmmm the way he hums while he builds, the way he talks to himself, the weird little noises he makes when he takes too much fall damage or is jumped asdakjdahdkajshdaskjdh adorbs :sob (Note: this part was written by Kat but I’m leaving it here)
When you’re upset he doesn’t really understand the concept of personal space Prepare to be swaddled in blankets, love, comfort foods… whatever he can think to give you
If there’s something he thinks (or knows) you like, you can be sure as hell he’ll do it. He’ll sing your favourite songs, put on your favourite movie, go shirtless if you’re into that… anything for you.
Will Scar sit and listen? Of course! What else is he there for?
Jellie, being the best girl she is, leaves Scar’s side to snuggle with you. No scratching today, just adorable love.
Speaking of adorable love; the look of pure love and admiration Scar gives you while you talk. Man knows how to validate your feelings for sure.
If you’re still not happy after a day of treatment by Scar, don’t fall asleep. It may be a good thing to rest, but know that he’s going to ask either Cub or Grian for advice, and that’ll end in disaster.
By the end of it, you’ll be all laughs and giggles (or groans of annoyance), and Scar will be able to sleep easy knowing he made your day the slightest bit better.
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sugoi-and-spice · 1 year
Black tea & Pomegranate tea for Shigaraki please❤
black tea; what do they look for in a person?
Already answered here!
pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
Oooooohh, I love this one. I think it's when he realizes that he truly feels relaxed around them. It doesn't matter how shit of a day he's having or how on edge he is, the moment you walk into the room or touch his arm to check if he's okay, he instantly calms down.
It's the moment where he's tearing the shit into his neck on the verge of being sick, but you throw your arms around him to try and stop him, and suddenly all of that itch and urge is gone.
Or the moment where he slumps against your shoulder or drops his head in your lap, ranting and moaning about a level in a game he can't beat or how the fuck is the League going to survive another week, and right in the middle of his sentence, with you stroking his hair, he nods off, falls right into a sweet dreamless sleep. (Hehe I may be a little biased with this one xD)
They're the moments that make him feel normal. He never expected to come out on the other end of his war against heroes alive, he never really cared if he did either, as long as he took the world down with him. But in these moments with you, he feels like he could actually have a future and a life filled with more than just rejection and destruction at the end of this all. Moments that make him feel alive.
And feel loved himself.
send me a tea + a character and i’ll answer!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Tagging game
Tagged by @bimbomcgee
Nickname: Kat, or Katy! Rom or Hina if you are very intimate with me and Rina if you want to be dead instantly
Sign: You really have any doubts? It's fuckin' Aries, binch!
Height: Boring generic 165 cm (5'4''). I love extremities, I'd love to be either very short or very tall.
Last thing I googled: 'Elden Ring Alberich face data'. Look at these mfers and tell me they are not implied to be related, especially considering that they are both big people in regards to Roundtable Hold:
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Bonus - at first I misread this field as 'last thing I DOODLED' so here you can look at the result of me and Val having been drawing on Whiteboard and him mishearing me say "they added shapes" as "they added apes":
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Sorry for NFT Boc everyone </3
Amount of sleep: From 4 hours to 4, it depends. I love consistency.... xD
Dream job: I want to work with plants... I just want to tend to flowers. Unfortunately spots like this are seldom open. Alternatively, I'd love a boring office job with buncha boring documents and high salary. Just take me somewhere where I won't have to interact with people -_-" You think I am not very social online, but in real life I get aggroed when a person I am not pals with as much as says my name!
Wearing: I am in my pajamas because it is 9 AM and I need to go to job soon! It is silly light blue one with pink flowers :3
Movies/books/media that summarize you: I used to have more interesting answer, but at this point my personality IS Soulsb0rne. I don't have to elaborate, just have a discussion with me that last longer than 10 minutes and you will understand. (and also probably go insane xD) However, if you really want to understand me well, you should also be familiar with Undert4le and Delt4rune, and also Mad0ka (ESPECIALLY Magia Record) and Gravity F4lls!
Favorite song: I don't have favourite song of all times, and in general it's been years of me not listening to music as it should be and instead abusing music as a podcast while drawing... This is one of the favourites since childhood tho:
Why it was so hard to find the subbed version... т.т
Instrument: None, but I often have dreams of playing piano! Makes sense because it is like, a dream haha.. hah
Aesthetic: It used to be all flowers and nature and blooming but Bloodb0rne seriously skewed it towards water and space and eldrich abominations.....
Favorite author: Lmao I don't read sorry dfshfsdhfd xD Focus issues! I read a couple of sentences and end up thinking of them from every possible angle, imagine every possible scenario, put them through my own memories and feelings..... and hella time sips away. Rom has MANY eyes, she should scrutinise the concept with EACH of them @_@ However, Dostoevsky and Bulgakov really pulled me <3 Dostoevsky has absolutely unrivaled fucking Russian depression in his works that I haven't found elsewhere, and Bulgakov just.. pulled religious themes so well, and I love his fucking CHARACTERS, so iconic xd If you read Master and Margarita you'll get it! (Crow I know you here LOVE classic Russian literature!)
random fun fact: I am in the walking distance from the sea! x) Could not have had it any other way, haha.
I tag: (You tagged some of our mutuals now already I guess?) @wikipedianna @lizteaart @val-of-the-north @saint--adeline @jarognieva @cosmichorrorsarestillnicerthanme @bobbyzombiegg @greenblueyulum
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1-4 for The Avion My Uncle Flew, 7-12 for The City Between, and 15-20 for The Galleries of Stone, please?
The Avion My Uncle Flew 1. What got you into this story? At some point I started reading off the Newbery Award and Honor list, and this one was an Honor book in 1947 2. Describe it in one or two sentences. Boy is thrown into a new situation and makes the best of it 3. Quickly list 3 things you like about the story! French vocabulary, kids exploring, cheerful storytelling 4. Assign this story a hyper-specific genre name, e.g. "inspirational religious semi-horror sci-fi western" (yes, that's Trigun) contemporary adventure as foreign language instruction (now accepting suggestions for similar volumes)
The City Between (#1 through #5) 7. How does the story compare to your initial impressions of it? has it surprised you yet? how? It's different than what I expected, but I can't put my finger on what or why because I didn't have concrete expectations going in. XD 8. What questions are or were you most excited to learn the answers to while experiencing the story for the first time? I am rather curious about Pet's parents… 9. Give the most UNHELPFUL and/or SILLY summary possible. Orphan takes in borders, and learns how to make tea 10. If you made an amv about this, what song would you set it to? Eye of the Tiger, maybe? But what I can tell you is that there would be a lot of shots of various characters striking a dramatic pose for the camera (think the Leverage gloat shot...) as well as JinYeong in slow motion during a fight 11. If you were put in the main character's position, how well would that go for you on a scale of 1-5? Assuming 5 is quite well, I would say… -1? 12. Assuming your loved ones would be there, would you want to live in the world of the story? Depends on how close to the action we are but let's go with no, not really
Galleries of Stone 15. What time are you most likely to be found reading/watching this story? (time of year, time of day, season of life, whatever makes sense to you) Summer, shading into autumn 16. Do you think this story has broad appeal, or is it meant for a very specific audience? if it's more "niche", what kind of person would most enjoy this story? I think the niche for cozy fantasy is growing 17. Compare this story to your usual tastes. how does it differ from what you've already enjoyed? if one says my usual taste tends to action adventure, this is much lower stakes and everyday adventures 18. Compare this story to your usual tastes. what parts of it are exactly the kind of thing you've always loved? I do love stories about making home in situations that initially look less than ideal until the place blossoms 19. Pitch an idea for a sequel or spinoff novel for this story! a comedy of manners set entirely in Pred, stoneworking only as the faintest of cameos (technically this does sort of exist, but I'm thinking it should be even more Georgette Heyer-esque) 20. What's the WORST thing about this story, in your opinion? (feel free to be positive, e.g. "it's not longer", if you want!) I find the third act a smidge under-developed and while the updated version gave me things I didn't even know I wanted it also left most of the final showdown to the imagination--generally a good thing, but I think it could have been written around just a bit more.
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subbe93 · 1 year
Day 7: Detective in Distress
A/N: Okay, here is my last entry for ShinRan week! Honestly, this came out to be much longer than I planned, which is the reason why my reread attempts haven't been very good, but I hope this is still enjoyable ^^
This was something I came up with when I told in The Light in My Nightmares chapter 15 how predictable the first Detective Conan live-action movie was. But like said, I also realized that at this point, I have pretty often made Ran to be the damsel in distress, so I decided to fix that! Though because I thought to make one shot, I suffered pretty much with the plot, and now I'm not even sure if I like this, but hey, I did it and this is what it is, so let's go! xD I hope you would still enjoy it!
Also, thanks to everyone for your support during ShinRan week ❤ I'm happy that you have enjoyed my writings (and I have also got to enjoy other's works too! ❤).
Detective in distress
Ran was worried. God, she really was even though she probably shouldn’t be.
“Idiot. Don’t worry about me”, she could hear Shinichi’s voice in her mind. That sentence she had heard too many times before, but it couldn’t be helped. She knew that Shinichi was a known high-school detective who had even taken down that mysterious Black Organisation, which meant that it wasn’t that unprecedented that he could have been asked to help with some case.
But he barely ever left during the school day. Usually, after the lessons were over.
And then there was the fact that Ran got that feeling. She couldn’t tell why she felt so worried, but somehow, she had a feeling that something had happened to Shinichi. She had had that feeling when he had left, but like always, he had just smiled and told her that there was nothing to worry about, it is going to be just a meeting with someone - a client.
But usually, when she has had that feeling, something terrible has happened.
And it didn’t change the fact that Shinichi had been silent the whole morning. Like he had been in his own thoughts. She had thought that there was some case he had been thinking about, but when she had asked about it, he hadn’t given her any answer.
And the fact that he just left the school, like that. And that he hadn’t…
“Your husband probably got some kind of case”, Sonoko said, taking Ran out of her thoughts. Ran took her eyes off her phone that she had looked at - again. God, only now she realized how obsessive she was about her phone. But it couldn’t be helped, she was waiting for an answer from Shinichi. All those messages she had sent after he left three hours ago… “And now he is too busy to check his phone”, Sonoko continued and smiled at her. “So don’t worry because you haven’t had any contact with him for a few hours.”
Ran rolled her eyes but looked again at the phone before she made herself shut it. “But Shinichi has always answered me even if he had a case”, she muttered, feeling like Sonoko didn’t take her seriously. “Besides, he hadn’t answered any of my calls.”
She sighed again and looked at the sky. “I know, he has a bad habit to get too much into cases that he sometimes forgets everything around him, but really, I have the feeling that something bad is happening to him and I can’t get rid of it until… until…”
Sonoko didn’t say anything, and it was terrible because it made Ran’s thoughts go much further than they should. If something had really happened to him and he couldn’t answer to her? Or what if he has gotten into the hospital and was unconscious? Or what if… Ran felt something turning on her stomach. What if he had gotten into something similar situation as with the Black Organisation?
But… This time, he would tell her, right? He promised.
Ran lowered her head and turned to look at Sonoko. She smiled at her and put both of her hands on her shoulders, squeezing them gently. “I believe he is just into some case and had lost the reality while working on it. There is no way that he would forget you, and I believe that if something would have happened, someone would have informed you.”
Ran looked away. She wanted to believe in it, but still…
“And that feeling… Maybe you are just too worried about him”, Sonoko continued. “I mean… I wouldn’t be surprised if that Conan thing had just left marks on you, and you are just extra cautious and thinking too much.”
It made Ran sigh. She wanted to argue against it. It had been some time since Shinichi took that organization down and got an antidote that turned him back to Shinichi. And after that, Shinichi had taken care of some cases, and during those times, she hadn’t felt this same feeling. Not even though she hadn’t been with him, not even though she hadn’t got a message or call from him during those cases…
But human psychology was another thing. Maybe there was a chance that Sonoko was right. Maybe this was some kind of trauma that woke up only just now. She had talked about the whole Conan mess with Shinichi and made peace with it, but then again, she was so close to losing him because of that organization and takedown. Maybe the realization of that had just hit her now…
Though she didn’t believe in it. She didn’t remember when that feeling had been wrong, but…
Ran shook her head. “You’re probably right”, she agreed finally and looked at Sonoko, trying to smile. “I just worry too much.”
Sonoko smiled. “That’s the spirit”, she shouted happily. “What if we would go to some café later? I heard that close to the station, there is a new one, and they got so much sweet…”
Ran’s smile widened and this time it was genuine. “Oh, really?! Of course, we really should check it out!”
“Yesh! Let’s meet at six.”
“Fine, see you then!”
They said goodbyes and left in their ways. Going to the cafe made Ran feel better. The idea of getting something sweet with good company sounded like something she just needed. But she should tell Shinichi about it. Just so he would know, just in case…
She took out her phone and opened it. But before she had time to search her conversations with Shinichi, she got a message.
Sadly, it wasn’t from Shinichi. And sadly, it made her stop right there. She stared at the message, feeling how her heart sank. She felt cold and worried. She felt desperate. She wanted to turn on someone, but she couldn’t do it. She was too afraid to do so.
She just looked at that unknown number hoping to get any idea who it would belong to, and then she read again that message, which made her shiver.
Dearest Mouri Ran.
I got something that you consider dearest to you. If you want to see your beloved Kudo Shinichi ever again, meet me at Tokyo’s sports hall as soon as you can. And if you want to see him alive, come alone. We have so much to talk about.
With love, your biggest fan.
She came to the sports hall as soon as possible. She had run the whole trip as fast as she could, so when she got to the parking space, she needed to stop for a moment, lean on her knees, and take some breaths to calm down. Though it felt so worthless because she was so worried about Shinichi that she felt like there was no time to stop. She felt tears burning in her eyes when she straightened up and looked at the big building in front of her. The same building where Shinichi and her biggest fan should be.
But it looked so dark and empty, and that made something twitch in Ran’s stomach. She looked around, hoping to find out any clue that someone was there, but it was hard to believe. There was nothing. But this was Tokyo’s sports hall! So where are they? Had she been led wrong? 
But she needed to calm down. With panic, she wouldn’t help anyone. Not herself, not Shinichi.
Her biggest fan wouldn’t gain anything by lying to her. If they would want to get rid of Shinichi, why would they waste their own time contacting Ran? Well, to be honest, if this “Biggest fan” would have wanted to talk to her, why they couldn’t just ask? Why take a hostage?
Ran shook her head. Now wasn’t the time! She should check those doors and get in.
She ran to the front doors and tried it. Both of them were locked. She glanced at the inside from the glass, and it still looked desolated, like there was no one. There was only a big, dark lobby where she had been many times while coming to the tournament. Back then, there had been lights on and so many people, so it was pretty weird to see it this empty.
But it wasn’t the reason why she was there. And if her biggest fan wanted to keep this a secret, then there was even no reason to put every light on.
She let out a sigh. Well, she should try other doors.
She ran to the next one and tried it, but it was locked. And the next one too. Ran started to feel frustrated. What was this? Why any of these doors weren’t open if there should be someone inside? Of course, she knew that whoever would be inside, could always lock the door, but still, if they wanted to talk to her… She ran to the next one, which said, “Staff only” and tugged it.
It opened.
With surprise, she just stood there for a moment, just staring at the door. Well, she had known that some of them must be open if she had been invited, but still…
She felt anxious. It felt a little bit scary to go inside. She didn’t know at all what there was waiting for her, and to be honest, even the thought about Shinichi, being somewhere in there, maybe in bad shape…
But it was the reason why she needed to move on. Because he needed her!
Ran stepped inside and slammed the door shut behind her. She was pretty sure that she would find Shinichi and this biggest fan from the biggest gymnasium that was the center of this building - the place where people gathered in the stands to watch all kinds of sports matches, the place where many people around Japan came to compete who would be the best team or individual every year.
But who was her biggest fan?
Ran had thought about it on her way here, trying to figure out who this could be, but she hadn’t got anyone in her mind. To be honest, she couldn’t figure out anyone who could have gotten better of Shinichi. He seemed always being aware of his surrounding, it was hard to try to surprise him. But this one had gotten him. If this fan was someone close to him or her, it would explain why Shinichi probably hadn’t waited for anything to happen but Ran still couldn’t figure out who it could be. And if someone would have just wanted to get rid of him, she didn’t believe that this fan would have bothered to include her in it.
Part of her kind of wished that it would be Shinichi, but part of her knew that Shinichi wouldn’t call himself her biggest fan, and to be honest, even this would go too far from him. He would never make jokes about something like this and made her worried without reason. Right? Though she could also imagine how she would enter the gymnasium and he would be there waiting for her like nothing had happened and probably would laugh at her worry…
If he was behind this, she really hoped for his sake that he has a good reason for this.
Ran came to the big doorway and slowed her steps. In front of her were doors that lead her to the short aisle that those grandstands made. She felt nervous, yet she slowly grabbed the handle and after bracing herself to encounter whatever behind those doors waited, she pressed it down and carefully opened the door.
There was light, but she didn’t see anyone. But she couldn’t even see the whole hall from the doorway, so she stepped inside and closed the door. Slowly she walked that short aisle, seeing more of the hall…
And then she saw it. Someone lying on the floor on their side, but Ran didn’t need much to recognize them. Him.
She let her school bag drop on the floor, making a loud noise. It felt hard to make her feet move, but when she did, she ran toward him. She dropped to her knees beside him, bending over him to see his face. His expression looked painful, but she couldn’t find any visible harm in him. His school uniform looked a little bit messy, like…
Had he been in a fight? But if so, then with whom?
“Shinichi?” she called him, bending a little bit closer. Carefully she touched his face, and almost at the same time, he grimaced. Ran touched his hair, moving them from his forehead when he turned his head a little bit, opening his other eye to look at her…
And something twisted on Ran’s stomach. He was hurt.
“Ra... Ran?” He let out with a hoarse voice. Then he let out a cough that looked so painful. “What… what are you doing here?”
“I could ask the same from you”, Ran answered gently, checking him again, trying to understand what had happened to him, but… “What happened to you? What’s wrong?”
“Finally, I got your attention, Ran-chan.”
Ran felt shivering on her back. That voice…
Slowly Ran turned to look behind her. On the door, between grandstands, stood a man. Ran felt something tighten on her chest.
And somehow everything started to be clear to her. Everything started to make sense. And she started to blame herself for being so blind and stupid. She should have guessed this, but she hadn’t. How? How in the world she hadn’t thought?
“Okawa-san”, she breathed out and turned a little bit to see him better. She didn’t let go of Shinichi, but her eyes stayed on the black-haired man who was a few years older than she. The worry started slowly turn to anger. “What’s the meaning of this?”
He smiled sweetly. That stupid, boyish smile that made him look so sweet, so nice, so kind… It almost made her forget everything, almost made her think that maybe she was wrong, maybe this was some kind of misunderstanding, but she threw that idea away. She knew better.
“I just wanted to talk to you.”
Okawa Takehiko. Ran had met him for the first time two months ago. Truth be told, she had always been aware of him since he was a karateka. He had been part of a competition in the men’s group, so Ran hadn’t had many chances to meet him personally, but she had seen his matches, and he had always been victorious. Though Ran was sure that Makoto would win if there would be a match between the two of them.
But two months ago, that man had approached her. He had told her that he admires her karate skills and would love to go to the café. She had agreed and it had been worth it because Ran had had fun. They have had so much to talk about. 
The only problem had been Shinichi. After she had told him about the meeting, he had become in a bad mood. They have fought it. Shinichi had claimed that Takehiko wanted to date her. Ran had told him that he was just ridiculous and jealous, and… Well, since none of them admitted being wrong, she had left with a fury. Like she wanted to be with that stupid detective anyway!
They had made peace on next day. But Shinichi hadn’t given up on the story that he had met Takehiko before and he had asked Shinichi if he could take Ran on a date. That had been the stupid thing that Ran had ever heard. Like who in the world would be bold enough to ask someone’s girlfriend on a date? Not Takehiko. He had been so nice and kind to her, and Ran had told him that she had a boyfriend. Besides, even if that would be true, why he would have asked about it from Shinichi? Isn’t she the one who would make that decision? Well, she wouldn’t leave Shinichi for someone else (and she told him that), but still, she had thought that Shinichi was just too jealous.
So, she met Takehiko some more times. And why not? He had been nice, kind, cheerful, positive, joking, and they shared so many same interests. Since they were both karatekas, he shared the same knowledge as she did. It was so refreshing to talk about their idols, other karatekas, tactics, moves, matches, and what else. Of course, she had talked about those things with Shinichi, but it wasn’t a secret that Shinichi’s knowledge wasn’t much. He hadn’t the same interest as her, even though he always listened and asked some questions if he didn’t know. The discussion wasn’t as deep as with Takehiko.
She didn’t mind having more friends, even though Shinichi had shown a long face every time she had told him that she is going to meet Takehiko. But at least he hadn’t tried to stop her, and she respected that. Like… Why couldn’t she have more friends? It wasn’t like she had been jealous every time Shinichi had had a woman as a client! And besides, she had never said that Shinichi couldn’t join them! Maybe she should ask Takehiko if Shinichi could join them next time. Then Shinichi would see that Takehiko was a nice guy!
But then it changed. Takehiko had asked her for the finest restaurant, and even though the idea had been nice, it made Ran feel slightly uneasy. Well, first of all, it had been the same restaurant where Shinichi had taken her after that school play some time ago. The place where - she later heard about it - he had tried to confess to her. The same restaurant where Kudo Yusaku had proposed Fujimine Yukiko. It felt like she would betray Shinichi if she would go there with someone else.
And the second thing was that it was a fine and expensive restaurant. Ran believed that no one took just a friend there, promising to pay for everything. She had felt like it wasn’t okay. Somehow it had started to feel like there was something more behind this, but she hadn’t dared to assume anything. In the end, there had been a possibility that she was just overthinking.
So, she declined. She had explained that this certain restaurant held some meaning for her and Shinichi and that she would feel like betraying her boyfriend if they would go there. It had been scary and made her nervous, but Takehiko was nice. He would understand and respect her for that.
Except things hadn’t gone as she had hoped for.
Because she had gotten an answer where he had admitted that he had a crush on her and wanted so badly to take her out.
Ran had been a little bit shocked. Maybe she shouldn’t have been, because in the end, Shinichi had said that Takehiko wanted to take her on a date, but… still. She hadn’t believed in that at all.
She had turned him down nicely. She had told that he had been brave to tell her, but she already had a boyfriend. Ran had thought that he would have been sad and probably answered something like “pity” before letting her be, but instead, she had gotten a message where he had just told her that she should give him a chance and see if he would be a better one. Again, Ran declined and explained that it wouldn’t be fair for Shinichi and she would still feel like she was betraying him if she would accept. But she hadn’t got the understanding that she had hoped for. Instead, Takehiko had continued insisting. Message after another he tried to convince her to go out with her, and every time she told him that she loved Shinichi more than anything else, and after getting enough, she told him that he would be nothing like Shinichi and asked to leave her alone before blocking his number.
It had been something she had never done to anyone. And even if it had been the right thing to do, she had felt a little bit bad for Takehiko. And even if that hadn’t been enough, she also felt bad because all this time, she had thought that Shinichi had been jealous for nothing. They had even fought about it, and now she needed to admit to him that she had been wrong all the time and apologize. She told him everything.
But instead of making fun of her, telling her something like: “I told you”, he had just thanked her for being honest and took her into his arms, giving her a warm and soothing hug. Ran had felt bad for doubting him, but luckily, he wasn’t mad about it.
Then, after a few days, Takehiko appeared behind her door. Luckily her father had been at home and been the one who had opened it. Ran had recognized Takehiko’s voice and with a panic, hide in the kitchen. She regretted now that she hadn’t told her father about Takehiko, and now all she could do was hope that her father wouldn’t let him in if he would claim to be Ran’s friend or something…
But luck had been on her side. Takehiko had been so confident that when her father had asked who the hell Takehiko was, he had introduced himself as Kogoro’s future son-in-law. There had been a long silence before her father announced that he had already one future son-in-law, so he didn’t need another one and shut the door, leaving Takehiko outside.
Ran had been so grateful, but the aftermath had been so awkward. Of course, when they finally ate their dinner, her father asked about that man. Ran hadn’t had any other choice but to explain the situation to him. But when he asked if Shinichi knew about this “other boy”, Ran exploded. God, what her father was even thinking? Did he really think that she was cheating on Shinichi with someone else?! She had shouted at him, asking him how in the world he even dared to suggest something like that! Of course, right after that she had felt that she had been so unfair. She had been just so shocked and stressed out about the situation, and deep down she knew that her father had meant well and wanted to make sure that everything between her and Shinichi was okay.
The last straw had happened a little over a week ago at school. Out of nowhere, Takehiko appeared at Teitan High School. Luckily Ran had missed him and successfully avoided him even though he had just walked around the school, asking everyone where he could find Ran. And luckily this school and her classmates had been on her and Shinichi’s side. Sonoko had informed Ran that she had done everything that Takehiko wouldn’t bump into her or Shinichi while searching the school, and she knew to tell that even though she had planned to instruct their classmates not to tell anything, it seemed that without a word, they had shown their support to Shinichi and Ran. When Takehiko had asked, they had just told him that Ran was dating Shinichi and they were meant to be, so he wouldn’t have a chance, whatever he would do. It had made Ran blush deeply, but she had been so grateful. If her words didn’t mean anything to him, she hoped that hearing that from outsiders’ mouths would make him realize that she was serious and wouldn’t go out with him.
But even though the girls had taken the situation seriously and comforted her and Shinichi about it, some of the boys didn’t take it as seriously. It seemed that as soon as they got a chance, they started to joke about Ran having another man or Shinichi having a competitor that he should be careful of. In another situation she would have probably laughed, but this? No, this wasn’t even fun anymore! And when she had glanced at Shinichi… God, he had always laughed with others, joked back, but this time? He had just made that forced smile before turning away without saying anything.
This all had made her wonder how much this situation had tested their relationship. It was true that their love had survived probably much harder situations than this, but she couldn’t lie: Seeing Shinichi as that had hurt her. She hated to see him hurt because of this. And it hadn’t helped that after that day when they were finally heading home, she had opened her locker and found out all the gifts, flowers, and a letter that Takehiko had left her. It had been embarrassing, knowing that Shinichi saw that all… But it hadn’t been her fault. And like his locker hadn’t ever been full of gifts and love letters! But he hadn’t said anything, just helped her to throw them in the trash can. Yeah, she had felt bad for doing so, wasting someone’s money and time, but she didn’t want them.
And that’s why she felt now foolish. She should have guessed that it was Takehiko who would call himself her biggest fan. Of course, he would be the one who would approach Shinichi and hurt him just to make sure to get in touch with her. Though she still couldn’t understand why. She had told him that she loved Shinichi and she wouldn’t leave him for Takehiko. Why make everything just harder? Why couldn’t he respect her and leave them alone?
God, this was enough. She had been patient with him, but this time he had gone too far.
“If you wanted to talk to me, you should have just asked”, she said angrily and glanced at Shinichi who tried to push himself onto his knees. It seemed so painful and Ran got her arms around him just to give him some support. “But this”, she continued and glanced at Takehiko. “Why?”
She saw how he glanced at Shinichi. “He would be only in a way”, Takehiko answered finally and smiled – that sweet, boyish smile, and somehow Ran didn’t like it as much as she did before. “He is just beaten, nothing serious.”
“Just beaten?” Ran repeated shocked and turned to look at Shinichi again. She couldn’t see his face, but she heard how he breathed heavily, like every move he made hurt him and took much more energy than usual. “It isn’t just beaten up! You have hurt him!”
“I didn’t have a choice”, Takehiko answered. “He didn’t agree to break up with you.”
Ran felt like her blood was boiling. All this for what?! “Then maybe you should stop harassing me”, she said, trying still to keep herself as calm as possible. Even though she wanted to go and beat that man up - he had done that to Shinichi too -, she tried to reason to herself that if they would just talk about this, maybe he would understand and leave them be. “He isn’t breaking up with me, I’m not going to break up with him, and I’m not going to cheat him. So, I don’t understand why you can’t respect it and let us be.”
Takehiko looked puzzled, but when Shinichi let out a grunt, Ran turned her eyes to him. She had enough time to catch him before he collapsed back to the floor. She wrapped her arms better around him, pulling him closer to her and giving him a place to rest. He let out a silent curse on her arms, leaning on her as if he had already given his all. And it made Ran so sad. The last time she had seen Shinichi in this bad shape, had been when they took down the organization. And like back then, this felt unbearable! Usually, nothing took Shinichi down, not this badly.
No one hurt her Shinichi. No one.
Yet, here he was, trying to pull himself up, and yet failing…
“What you see in him?”
Ran tightened her arms around Shinichi and turned to look at Takehiko. He just stared at Shinichi blankly.
“What you see in him?” Takehiko repeated, raising his eyes at her. “What is so great in him?”
Ran closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself even a little. 
How dare he even question?
“The list is long”, she said harshly, opening her eyes and looking at Takehiko. “But I’m not sure if a selfish person like you could understand.”
“A selfish person?” Takehiko repeated, looking confused. “I’m thinking of you! A girl like you need a strong man beside you, not that weakling who can’t even fight for you…”
Ran frowned and opened her mouth.
“Fighting for her?”
Ran shut her mouth and looked at Shinichi, who let out a toxic laugh and raised himself on her arms enough to face Takehiko, yet she felt how he leaned his head against her chest. “I would always fight for her. But fighting about her? That, I can’t do.”
Takehiko let out hum. “And that makes me think that you aren’t worthy of her”, he said. “You aren’t ready to fight…”
“Because the problem is, you think of her as an item”, Shinichi interrupted. “The problem… The problem is that she is an individual human. She can think and feel herself; she made all the decisions that are about herself. And that’s why… That’s why I didn’t accept your challenge. Because if you want to go out with her, you must ask her, not me. As much as I hate the thought, I don’t own her. I can’t decide anything for her. And whatever she chooses, I must respect it.”
“Wait!” Ran shouted out, even though her heart was melting at his words, knowing how much he was respecting her, but... “A challenge?” she repeated.
“Yeah”, Takehiko answered. “I challenged him: If I win, he will break up with you and I could have taken you on a date”, he explained. “But that coward declined.”
“So, you attacked him?”
“I wouldn’t say that”, Takehiko said. “He got a chance, but he didn’t fight back.” He shrugged. “Shows how weak he really is, didn’t even try…”
Ran closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Calm down, don’t do anything irresponsible, she told herself, and yet, the storm was already thundering inside her.
How dare he? How in the world did he dare to attack Shinichi if he didn’t fight back? God, she just wanted to stand up, and… and…
Maybe she should do that. She would. Not herself, but she was so furious about Shinichi that she would. No one, ever, treats Shinichi like that. Not as long as she lived.
“Fine”, she said finally and opened her eyes. “Let’s fight. Karateka versus karateka.”
“Ran, don’t”, Shinichi hissed, making Ran look at him. “He… he is strong, and…”
“Don’t worry”, she said gently, smiling at him. “I’m going to be stronger.”
“No one treats you like this and gets away with it”, she said and bent over enough to press a kiss on his hair. Even though it had been only hours since she had seen him last time, she wanted so badly just to hide her face in his hair and just hold him in her arms, but… She straightened herself. “Just rest here”, she said and carefully let go of him before standing up and turning to look at Takehiko.
“When I win, you leave me and Shinichi alone. Period”, she said and took her school uniform jacket away, letting it drop on the floor. She knew already that fighting in a school uniform will be hard, but she wouldn’t let it slow her down.
“Beating up a girl?” Takehiko asked, looking a little bit troubled. “I don’t know, Ran-chan…”
“Don’t worry about me”, she said, feeling anger burning inside her. “I don’t need your pity. Give it all or go home.”
His expression changed. “You can’t beat me”, he said.
Ran smiled. “Then, easy win for you”, she hissed, taking her position, ready for anything. Her anger just raised while looking at how Takehiko hesitated. She hated that he thought that she was made from porcelain and would break as soon as he would touch her.
She was much more than just that.
“So…” Takehiko started finally. “When I win, will you go out with me?”
“Fine”, Ran answered. She just stared at Takehiko, how he still stared at her like making sure that she was serious. Finally, he let out a sigh and started to look like he was ready.
Ran nodded. Oh, she really waited for this…
He made the first move, and she blocked it. The dance was on. He was fast with his movements and hits and kicks. Even though Ran had thought to be ready for this challenge, she somehow found it hard to keep up with him. In most of his attacks, she got blocked just in time, but even still some of them got through.
She couldn’t feel desperate right now. But she surely needed a little bit more room. So as soon as she got an open spot, she blocked another hit and moves a little bit away from him.
Okay, he hadn’t kidding her. Only now she realized how much in trouble she might be. It wasn’t like she hadn’t met strong opponents, and to be honest, she had thought that Shinichi had been just overprotective while warning about Takehiko's strength, but no kidding, while dodging all those hits and kicks, she already felt them in her bones.
It was no wonder anymore that Shinichi was in bad shape. Ran had trained Shinichi to be a good dodger, thanks to her hits and kicks from time to time, but even though he was fast and good dodge those hits, with Takehiko’s strength…
Ran took another hit from Takehiko. She let out a cry but still was able to move aside again. God, she really needed to start taking over the situation. She needed to keep herself calm enough to concentrate and stop doing anything stupid, but still, something to keep her strength on and make him lose his defense. She wondered if she could kick him hard enough to break through.
Takehiko stopped. “You know, it’s okay to say you lose”, he said. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Ran let out a laugh. “You beat me as badly as you did with Shinichi. Until I’m in the same shape as him, I haven’t lost”, she split.
Actually, those words were all she needed. It made her rage raise. She didn’t need his pity! Besides, when she remembered how badly he had treated Shinichi… She felt like it had just lightened her anger up.
Yeah! It was now or never if she wanted to win.
She ran to Takehiko, starting to attack him. He was taken aback but was fast blocking her hit and kicks. Yet she didn’t let it discourage her! She just danced around him, trying to find his weakness, finding even that one little spot to hit and make him fall. It maybe felt impossible but that’s how karate champions were. They were good, the best of them all.
But she would do that. She would tire him until he would slip, and when he would, Ran would hit that spot and end him.
“You are going just tire yourself, Ran-chan”, Takehiko breathed out while blocking her attacks. Ran held her mouth shut, ignoring him. She wouldn’t let him get the better of her. Instead, she just kept tightly of her anger and confidence to keep them together. She is going to win. The loss wasn’t an opinion, not with him.
She had taken down much worse opponents too. So, she could win him too, right? Right?!
No, there was no room for doubts. She brought back everything she didn’t like in Takehiko, reminded herself how selfish and stubborn he was, how he didn’t respect her or Shinichi at all. How badly he had treated Shinichi, what he had done to him…
And she thought about Shinichi.
She will win.
She hit harder, kicked harder, and moved faster, which seemed to confuse Takehiko a little bit. She continued until she saw how his defense got a crack and showed the spot. Ran hit. She gave her everything for that hit. It took Takehiko off guard, but Ran didn’t show mercy. While Takehiko was still recovering from her hit, she made another. He couldn’t rebuild his defense, Ran didn’t let him. She gave her all, making sure that this man would be on the ground, feeling the same pain…
And then he collapsed. Ran took a step aside but kept still in her position, ready for anything. She had learned not to trust anyone in the fight, not even though they would be on the ground, looking like they had enough.
But Takehiko looked like she had gotten the better of him. He just looked on the ground, leaning on his hands, breathing heavily.
And Ran waited, saying nothing, holding her fighting spirit.
“You… you really are a hard opponent”, he said finally and raised his head a little bit to look at her. “I was so sure that you wouldn’t have a chance against me.”
Ran frowned but held her mouth shut. Somehow those words made her just angry. But then again, he got what he deserved! She wouldn’t admit to him that he had been a hard opponent, not even though it would be probably polite. She felt a little pain everywhere, and she was sure that her body would be full of bruises and aching in the evening, but they would be worth it.
But she wouldn’t say anything about that to Takehiko.
“Get up”, she said instead. “Let’s get this done. I don’t have the whole day.”
God, she wanted so badly to go back to Shinichi. She wanted so badly to take him home and made sure he was okay…
She wanted so badly to get over this.
“You are so cold”, Takehiko said and looked a little sad even though he smiled. “You love him that much?”
“More than anything”, Ran answered without hesitation. “And I don’t take lightly anyone who treats him like that.”
He let out a hum. “So, would you tell me… What is so great in him?”
Ran eyed him, still wondering if she should tell him, but at the same time, she was a little bit afraid that this was his way to try to soften her and when she would be off track, he would attack.
“He is everything that you aren’t”, she answered finally. “And even though I would explain, you wouldn’t understand.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“I am”, she answered right away. “And I would choose him all over again.”
He just stared at her. It felt like forever but Ran kept staring back. Then he closed his eyes and let out a laugh before getting himself up, with a painful grimace on his face. Ran felt bad, but somehow, she felt satisfied. She hoped that he would feel as bad as Shinichi, but seeing how he got himself up…
“Then I think I have to admit my loss”, he said finally. He looked at the floor. “It’s hard to admit, but it seems that I can’t have a girl I’m in love with.”
Did he try to make her feel bad, after everything he had done?! Well, to be honest, Ran felt, but she tried to move it aside because she still believed that Takehiko had made much more trouble than this case was worth. And there were so many things that she would have liked to say about love. How his love was more like an obsession and how the best way to show love is to let her be with the one she loves and accept it. Let her be with Shinichi and stop harassing them.
But maybe she wasn’t the one who should give pieces of advice to those who had broken hearts. In the end, her feelings had been returned. Even though their relationship hadn’t been always easy, she believed that every relationship got good and bad times. But she couldn’t really understand those who had been turned down by their crush. She could only guess, but she didn’t know how it felt. And maybe those words wouldn’t mean anything to him at this point.
God, Ran, don’t let your guard down. Not yet!
“I… Well…” He looked bothered. “I’m… I’m sorry for all the trouble.”
Just sorry?! God, Ran wanted to tell him that this wasn’t even good enough! She wanted to make him go apologies to Shinichi personally, but part of her didn’t want to let him close to him. Not after this. Besides, right now she just wanted to get rid of him. Rid of this whole mess. “Just promise to leave us alone”, Ran said finally.
“I… will”, he promised. Then he smiled that boyish smile and looked at her. “But I hope we can exercise sometime together. It would be interesting to spar with someone who has a chance against me.”
Ran got a little mixed feeling about this. She hated how full of himself he was about his karate skills, but… She had to admit, his request was something she would have liked to consider. But right now, after everything?
“We will see about that later”, Ran just answered. “And that’s the answer you have to accept because right now I’m so mad that I don’t want to see you ever again”, she continued.
He looked sad but nodded before turning and walking slowly to the door. In silence, she just followed him with her gaze, making sure that he went to the door, opened it, and disappeared. And didn’t come back.
Only after that Ran relaxed. Slowly she turned to look at Shinichi, who sat just where she had left him, but still looked like he was having a hard time.
Ran walked to him, feeling already her body aching, but she ignored it.
“Hey”, she said when stopped beside him, crouching. “How are you feeling?”
Shinichi raised his head, looking at her. “Have been better, to be honest”, he admitted. Then he looked down and Ran saw how he held his side. “I thought I can take much pain, thanks to your thigh grips and hard kicks and hits, but…” He let out a laugh. “He was something else.”
Ran eyed at him, worried. Somehow all the anger had melted away already, and worry had come back. “Did he ask you to come here?” she asked.
“Yeah”, he answered. “He wanted to see me, and part of me didn’t want to, but I also thought that maybe this would be a good opportunity to talk about the situation and make him leave you be. But…” He let out a sigh. “He didn’t buy it. Instead, he was sure that he would be a better boyfriend to you and that I’m just an obstacle to getting you on a date. So, he wanted to challenge me.” Then he met her eyes, smiling weakly. “And the rest you know.”
“You should have fought back”, Ran said, raising her hand on his hair, feeling those on her fingers…
He let out a laugh. “Do I look like I would have won?” he asked.
He wasn’t wrong, but… “But you could have dodged and done something to win”, she said. She smiled. “You have always found a way to win, I don’t know how he would be any different.”
Shinichi shook his head and looked away. “I dodged him, but he wasn’t as gentle with me as you have been. So as much as I dodged and blocked, he got better on me.”
Ran still had a hard time believing that there was someone who had got Shinichi like this. Never happened before. But maybe he hadn’t met too many karatekas who would have wanted to fight with him. And even if he had, then Ran had stepped between them.
Maybe she should teach Shinichi some karate moves. As a self-defense.
“Can you get up?” she asked and straightened herself, offering her hand to him. “I would love to get out of here and get finally at home.”
“Same”, Shinichi agreed and grabbed her hand. He tried to push himself up, but the pain took over and make him stop. She offered her other arm, helping him stand up slowly. When she had made sure that he could stand by himself without falling, she let go of him for a moment to gather all their things. He took his school bag from her hands, and after Ran put her jacket on her, she put his arm around her shoulder and wrapped her arm around his back to support him.
Her school bag was still close to the door, but she would get it when they would pass by.
After calming his breath, he let out a laugh. “Is this how it feels?” he asked, looking at her with that sparkle in his eyes. “Being a damsel in distress?”
Somehow, it made Ran smile. “Hopefully not”, she answered. “You look so much in pain that I hope other damsels in distress aren’t in that bad shape.”
“Huh”, he answered, taking slow steps to the door with her. “Well, I think I always want to do everything the hard way.”
Ran giggled. “I feel like you do”, she admitted. “Even though you could save me from so much worry by taking that easy and safer way, you know.”
He shrugged a little bit, as much as he could. “But at least my savior is beautiful and brave”, he continued, making Ran blush. “I think this all was worth it.”
Ran shook her head with a smile. “You are an idiot, you know that?”
“Yep”, he answered. “And only yours.”
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t-in-a-box · 11 months
Freddy Krueger X F!Reader - Detention
Freddy knows you like him and idk puts up a scenario of a school environment cuz he found out you'd enjoy it or smth xd
Warnings: Freddy being himself, rather forced confession, suggesting of smut (just a little hehe)
You found yourself on your seat in your classroom. The fact that you were all alone wasn't the only odd thing you noticed. For an unknown reason you had a schoolgirl uniform on. A white bottom-up t-shirt with a deep blue collar, a matching blue skirt with two white stripes on the hem, a red scarf tie, a pair of long white socks and shiny black shoes. The skirt was way too short and could barely reach your knees.
Suddenly you heard ear-splitting noise. You covered your ears and turned your head to see what made such awful sound. The chalkboard. A chalk wrote by itself to the board. The sentence made you shiver. It read: "Learning is fun WITH FREDDY!". So you were in a dream, like you had already assumed.
Your mind rushed as you tried to think a way to escape the burnt asshole before it was too late. You decided to leave the building as quickly as possible. You got up from your seat and headed to the door but managed only to take a few steps before the door opened.
There stood Freddy with a big grin on his thin lips. His clothes weren't the usual neither. He had a red and green striped sweater west, a white bottom-up shirt beneath that, dark brown pants that were surprisingly clean looking, leather boots, and a red and green bow tie. You gulped taking a step back. On the right side of his west he had a name tag that said: Mr. Krueger, the headmaster.
"Well, well. Ms. (L/n) isn't trying to leave the detention, is she?" Freddy's tone was rather teaseful and it was obvious that he enjoyed the situation.
"What is this shit? I just want to sleep," you said as another shiver went down your spine. Freddy lurked closer.
"Ah, ah. Mind your tone," he smirked. You glared him.
"What's with these costumes?" you asked, mainly to play time to plan an exit. This time he chuckled.
"I figured you'd like this sort of stuff," he answered, with an amused tone.
"Just what are you talking about? Why would I 'like this sort of stuff'?" you spoke, getting more annoyed of the male in front of you.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, sweet-cheeks. I did my re-search, and Dolly, you're an open book full of messy fantasies like this one," Freddy couldn't have looked more proud of himself. His words made you blush again.
"F-fair enough, but that doesn't mean I want anything to do with you," the escape plan was the last thing on your mind at that moment. You wanted desperately to know how much he knew. He took some steps towards you and was only a few feet apart.
"Ah, yes. I also found out another interesting thing about you. Tell me, what kind of person has feelings towards the man who kills her friends?" you mentally face-palmed. This really was your nightmare...
"Y-you're out of your mind..." you murmured, not being able to look at him in the eyes.
He took yet another step, closing the cap between you two. His hot breath brushed against your right ear as he whispered: "Am I?". His tone wasn't threatening, but rather serious, like he wanted you to admit it to him. 'Not going to happen!' you thought.
You huffed, changing the subject; "Where did you leave the glove?"
Freddy smirked again. If you wanted to play hard to get he was more than happy to play with you. "You'll be a good little girly and we won't need it, won't we?" he answered.
You shook your head. "Just like that," he grinned cockily, "Shall we begin the detention?"
"Whatever." you spoke. If you just keep him preoccupied long enough, you'll get to sleep and he won't try to kill you the whole night...
"Excellent! First up, you'll have to answer a few questions. A simple yes or no will do fine. And before we start, if your answer is wrong, a piece of clothing you're wearing disappears. Are you ready?"
What an absolute ass...
"Yeah, bring it on," you answered grumpily. It was true that you had feelings for him, for a reason you didn't even know yourself, but did he still have to be such dick?
"The first question goes; Are you a virgin?" his eyes flickered at excitement. Yup, he was a full-time dick.
"I'm not a virgin, Freddy," you rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but blush a little. Actually, you were one, but you didn't want to say it out loud to the bastard.
"It's Mr. Krueger to you, and your answer was... Wrong!"
The red tie you had disappeared. How on earth did he know these things? "Alright! I am! Asshole..." the last word you murmured quietly.
"I heard that. Say goodbye to your socks!" he laughed. The son of a bitch just laughed at you. Your socks were gone, and so were your shoes.
"The second question; Are you attracted to me?" he had such shit-eating grin on his face...
"I... Yes..." you mumbled.
"I can't hear you," his voice was full of enjoyment and self-satisfaction.
"Yes! Just quit clowning around and kiss me already!" you shouted before you realized and quickly covered your mouth with your hand.
"With pleasure, princess!" he answered taking your hand from your mouth, and pressing his burnt lips against yours. You huffed, kissing him back. He licked your lips before biting the lower one gently enough. Needless to say you were a blushing mess afterwards.
"Are you ready for the final question?" Freddy asked with a huge grin.
"Yeah.." you said, still being a little dumb-founded about what had just happened.
"Okay, here it goes; Should we take this further?" so that's why he was having such big grin about...
"N-no I think I'm fine..." you said as your face flushed again. Before you knew it, your shirt was gone.
"Gee, you really should quit lying. It's a nasty habit for a Sweetheart like yourself..."
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makur0 · 2 years
hi!! could i request a ritsu x fem!reader where they started dating a little bit ago and he’s been distancing himself from reader for about a week now, and she’s wondering if she did something wrong :( turns out he’s been a bit (a lot) sexually frustrated so when reader goes to confront him, he explains the situation but accidentally gets hard while explaining and reader notices and he’s like “agh don’t look at it >:(“ XD so then that leads to reader offering to help him out and ritsu’s actually just super gentle during their first time and prioritizes reader’s pleasure over his own despite his circumstances it’s so cute <3 if you could include some oral (female receiving) and just a kinda fluffy scenario overall that would be great !!
i’m so sorry if this was oddly specific AHAHA thank you and pls take care of yourself!!
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
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synopsis — you confronted your new lover, who has been distancing himself lately. out of all the answers you imagined, though, you never expected this one… [ritsu sakuma x fem! reader]
content warnings — nsfw, mdni. soft! dom! ritsu, oral (fem receiving), praise, sorta-vanilla, nipping, pussydrunk! ritsu
author’s note — yes i’m back with another ritsu what you gon’ do about it >:) [I literally DIED when i wrote this request i don’t know why but i couldn’t bring myself to do a proper buildup w/ this.] half-assed, really.
word count — 1026
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So why was he distancing himself from you?
Ritsu Sakuma, the sleepy third-year of Yumenosaki Academy. And your newfound boyfriend. Just like any other fan, you were over the moon when he confessed to you. Apparently his little naps on your lap wasn’t clear enough, or when he would drag you to Knights practices. But you guessed it didn’t matter now, did it? Nah, it don’t. 
But what does is the fact that he turns immediately away from you once he sees you in the hallway now.
Why on earth was he avoiding you? You two have been barely dating for, what, a week? What could you have done during that time? What you couldn’t have done?
Your worry and anxiety grew as the time without him stretched throughout the week, self-deprecating thoughts filling your head. Were you not good enough for him? Is the way you conducted yourself not fitting for his tastes? What was it that made the sleep-deprived idol hide behind a locker from your sight?
If you were somebody who really payed attention, you would notice the slight blush on his cheeks whenever he looked away from you, his gaze drifting downwards before scowling in embarrassment, or when he even slapped his hands on a friend’s mouth, flushing brightly as he smirked back at him.
Yeah, you really weren’t the problem... in that way. You didn’t realize it, though.
After being given the weekend to think over things and mentally sob over his offline status, you gathered the courage to confront him Monday morning and- well-
“Why are you avoiding me?” That simple sentence was blurted out as you finally had your hands on Ritsu, pulling on his collar to make you face him. In contrast to your demanding presence, he could really be compared to a half-asleep cat who was just caught in the act of knocking something down.
“I- uh...” He mumbled, fiddling with his blazer. “I just have been- really busy.” His blood-red eyes drifted down towards the floor, but suddenly changed direction and stared at the locker, his face red. “Yeah.”
“Ritsu, you haven’t.” You crossed your arms, a disappointed frown on your face. “Tsukasa hasn’t scheduled anything for the entire week.”
His face burned, sighing as he was caught on his act and finally glancing up to meet your eyes. 
The way you leaned your hip towards one side, your eyebrows slightly furrowed, and your small lips held in a cute pout...
God. Not now.
“Look, if you needed space in the first place I would have given it to you-”
“No!” He hissed, tugging at his jacket. “No no, it’s not that. I promise, it’s just- ah...
“It’s actually quite the opposite, I-”
You sighed, shaking your head, then much to his despair you noticed something. You noticed it.
“Ritsu,” A shocked mumble left your mouth, your ears turning pink. “Are you-?”
“Just- no no, don’t look at it...” He sighed out, frustrated, almost ripping his blazer in the process just to hide his little ‘friend’. “Give me a bit to calm down, and I’m sorry...”
And just like that, he ran off, almost awkwardly as he was forced to cover his problem, leaving you as your blush grew tenfold at the discovery.
Was that why he would avoid me?
No... but then again...
You could barely focus on your classes, drifting from reasoning to fantasy much to your embarrassment. If that was really the problem, he wouldn’t mind you offering your help, right? Then again, if it wasn’t, you would sure be in a weird position.
Sighing loudly, you dropped your head on your desk.
Relationships are too confusing.
“Hey, listen, I just want to say sorry about what happened-”
“If you want, I don’t mind helping you-”
You and Ritsu paused, staring at each other with slightly open mouths as you interrupted the other. At the sight of his confused look, you blushed furiously. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it that-”
“You... want to help?” Ritsu childishly echoed, tilting his head like a cat. “But [name], it isn’t your fault.”
“But as your girlfriend, I should pitch in once in a while, yes?” You almost joked, a ghost of a smile on your face. “And... I would like to do it with you~”
The male looked at you, seemingly conflicted. He didn’t want you to feel like you were obligated to help him... but then again, you were offering yourself in the way that he wanted you in. So really... he couldn’t pass an opportunity like this.
Which led you having him in between your legs, eating you out while moaning you praises. Please give him kudos for being considerate, but he was longing for this for way too long, Ritsu couldn’t bring himself to go slow. You just tasted so heavenly, so decadent. 
“R-Ritsu-!” A stuttered moan left you, curling your legs around his legs as you arched your back, your heartbeat accelerating. “Keep going- keep going!”
The male groaned out his answer, his hips bucking into the mattress as he stimulated himself. If you were in a right mindset you would have helped him, but it was his fault for making you so crazed, so drunk on the pleasure he was giving you that you couldn’t think straight.
A loud shout slipped out of your mouth, your body tensing as you came. Ritsu slowed down his movements, resorting to tiny kitten licks against your cunt as he swiped up your delicious juices.
“Hah...” You eventually slowed your breath, mindlessly wrapping your arms around Ritsu as he came in for a hug, pressing chaste kisses against your neck with lips still moist from your sex. 
“Oh, Ritsu... did you even come yourself?” You mumbled, threading your fingers in his hair. “Hon...”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” He reassured you. “It was enough for me to watch you unfold-” He broke off, face going slack as you slightly pushed his chest away, then reaching downwards.
“You helped me,” You said, cupping his hard-on as the male stifled a whine. “So let me help you now.
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riallasheng · 4 months
For the fanfic writers ask game.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Thanks for playing!
17) So many things XD I generally try to learn something new with each new fic I write, as I love learning new things - even with stuff like As the Wyrm Turns where I'm basically taking an old fic (written back in 98) and re-writing it since the original was lost, I still try to find and learn new things as I go On top of that, I'm a researcher by trade, so I tend to know lots of weird tidbits XD For an example... hmmm, what's a fun one... Ah! research into orbital elevators and how they might work / how our understanding of them has changed as our technology and understanding of space and gravity and the like has changed, etc
25) I'm afraid I'm not fully certain what this one means, so I'm going to basically give it two answers for the two 'meanings' I think it might mean ^^ Upset as in made myself sad: A handful of times. Usually when I have to cut a character or plot point that I really enjoyed for the sake of the story. I often put a LOT of work into those, and often quite love them / they bring me joy, so I've been upset to the point of tears once or twice when I realized I had to do a cut. Upset as in made myself angry: Not really? A chunk of that is that due to autism I actually and literally can not write (or even draw) without some form of outline / template. Which means I tend to catch big mistakes that I would be angry with myself about in the outline stage. I also always will wait at least a week, sometimes up to a month, after I 'finish' a work and walk away from it and do other things before I come back and proofread with fresh eyes. There have been times I've been ANNOYED at myself for missing things on my first or second proof-reading / visual checking, but not really ANGRY. Also a few times where I look at thigns and do 'damn, I could have done that better' or 'hm, I've changed my mind on the aesthetic / tone / character / plot point since I created that'. ...Usually I'll just make a new piece of art / writing that does what I want and leave teh og up so I can see how I've improved, but I do occasionally do 'live' edits to fics if it's something small like grammar mistakes or 'shit, forgot to add these three sentences somehow'. If I do a big edit, I always keep the original SOMEWHERE and will have a note at the start saying WHAT the edit was and why I did it (in example: In Collector I realized a month or two after I initally posted it that I'd somehow posted my first draft versions of the first 3 chapters and not the final draft... which had created some continuity errors. It was all pretty minor things - mostly related to the Collector and how the Tracys learned his name... I think the final draft only changed about 10 lines across the 3 chapters and added in 1 or two paragraphs - but I still put up a note explaining that I'd done an edit and WHY
Thanks for asking! ^^
And now I Uno Reverse and ask you what YOUR answers for 17 and 25 are! (obviously only if you wish to answer ^^ )
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ineadhyn · 2 months
Fic writer asks
Tagged by @vixstarria - Thank you so much! These are really fun questions
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
I have a whole list but what keeps nagging me most rn is some Korrilla backstory. I also have not been normal about Kagha for a while and I eventually will have to write her being reduced to a whining mess :D And there's this Raphlep modern AU brewing.
12. a trope you’re really into right now
hmmm ... I don't know if anything qualifies.
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
I do keep cut scenes to eventually reuse, so let me open my doc. Ahhh, that one XD some cut dialoge of the teens making Raphael use pronouns.
“Fuck, you’re right, Vi, that’s the guy who fried my phone.” “The devil. And his weird companions.” “And who exactly are you then?” Haarlep stepped in between them, their arms crossed. Raphael saw the incubus seizing all three members of the group. “Huey, Dewey, and Louie?” Raphael, who had spent more of his evenings after work watching the cartoon channel than he’d willingly admit, saw Haarlep’s point. The three of them, teenagers, but most likely in the late stages of teendom, had an intricate set of looks that he hadn’t paid attention to when he had been mid battle and then dying. The first one was the tallest and with blonde braids and an affinity for knitwear. “Saf. She, her.” The second was smaller with brown wavy hair that featured a blue streak and oversized clothes. “Blue. He, him. And I am Rose, any pronouns.” SThe last one was of a muscular build with a pink pixie cut. Raphael raised a brow. “Are these your real names?” “Who cares? Wouldn’t it be polite to introduce yourselves after burning my phone and following us like creeps?” “Following you -?” “Haarlep, they, but he and she also works.” “Is this your real name?”
“Who cares?” Raphael interrupted the blossoming fraternization, but he still could hear Haarlep answer “In all the ways that matter.” The three kids stared at him until he resigned. “Fine, if you like that, I am Raphael and I go by he/him and that’s Korilla who went by she/her when I last asked. And I am certainly not following you.”
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Not for a fic but my og work I researched about private bunkers, if a headshot with a flintlock pistol could make a head explode and how much a chest full of treasure would actually weigh (too much to move it without magic). For fic I only researched some dnd lore and how much private islands cost. Also, yes, threesome positions - I am with you there, vix.
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
I was really worried with Circus of the dead, because it features a such a controversial ship. I dealt with it by not promoting it much, just putting it on ao3 quietly. To this point nobody cancelled me ...
Just feel tagged. Really I'd love to read all your answers, I just never know who to tag :D Questions I'd like to see answered are: 3,8,10,18,26,29
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
Merry Christmas Nebby!
@nebbychan I know you gave me two prompts -- I ended up going with Lizzie, Emily, and Kiya having a bitch session about their respective exes/stalkers/unwanted husbands. Because that's always fun to do. XD Hope you like!
All The Shitty Dickheads
“. . .and then he stabbed me! Right here! Ruining my mother’s wedding dress!”
“Awful!” Kiya gasped, hands at her mouth. “The bastard!”
“Indeed – though, personally, I’d be rather more pissed at him for killing me over ruining the dress,” Lizzie admitted, leaning on the table.
“Oh, I’m plenty angry at him for that, I promise,” Emily said, waving her skeletal hand. “But the dress was one of a handful of things I had left of my mother, and he knew it. And it – it hurt to know that it meant so little to him – I meant so little to him – that he could put a blade through it and not feel a thing.” She sighed heavily, resting her chin on her hand. “Anyway, right after that, Eddie knocked me out, and the next thing I know, I’m in the Land of the Dead, lying under the old oak tree. With the dress a complete mess, my jewels and gold missing, and my skin blue. I probably spent my entire first morning here crying.”
“I don’t blame you,” Kiya said, laying a bandaged hand on Emily’s fleshed forearm. “What a horrible thing to happen to you. I’m so sorry.”
“Me too,” Lizzie agreed. “You deserved so much better.”
“Thank you,” Emily said, shooting them both a small, pained smile. “I just – wish I’d been smarter. Listened to my father that one time.”
“No no, don’t go blaming yourself,” Lizzie said, holding up a hand. “You were young and in love, and Eddie obviously knew how to be charming when he wanted to be.” She sighed, the sound whistling down the column of bone that made up her neck. “Besides – even if you had spotted him for what he was, it might not have saved you. I knew Bumby was a rotter from the moment I met him, and it didn’t save me. Or my parents.”
Emily winced. “True. . .you deserved better too. I mean, you were younger than me when you died!”
“Only by about a year.”
“Still younger. And – well.” Emily worried her bottom lip with her teeth. “For all that Eddie destroyed my greatest childhood dream and ruined all my hopes for love Upstairs. . .at least he left me – innocent?”
Kiya’s head whipped around, eyes wide. “What?! Did that–”
“He did,” Lizzie cut in, not really wanting Kiya to finish her sentence. “Bumby – he was an undergraduate at the college where my father worked, and the minute he laid on me, he became obsessed. I found him a creep and rejected him at every turn, but he was never deterred for long. And when Papa finally threatened to get the police involved. . .he broke into my room and took what he wanted by force. And when I tried to fight him off, he choked me into silence – and into death.” She sighed again. “I still don’t know if he meant to kill me or not, but the end result was the same – me dead, rapidly followed by my parents when he set our house on fire to cover his tracks.”
Kiya shook her head. “It’s amazing just what scum men can be,” she muttered. “I’m so glad I was always able to outrun my wifely duties with my own husband.”
“Forced into an unwanted match?” Emily said sympathetically.
“You said it – I saved my kingdom from a terrible threat, and my reward was to become the latest wife of the pharaoh,” Kiya grumbled, rolling her eyes. “An old bastard who insisted that I had to be mummified along with him when he died.”
“Fuck,” was Lizzie’s opinion on that. “Why is it we seemed to deal entirely with horrible men when we were alive?”
“Snacks are here!”
Dan came out of the kitchen, a tray of goodies held proudly before him and Canny Tim at his side. “I’m really hoping you like the spider cookies,” Tim said as Dan placed the tray on the table. “I worked really hard on them.”
“I’m sure they’ll be lovely, Tim,” Kiya said, smiling.
“Your stuff is always delicious,” Emily agreed.
“It is,” Lizzie nodded, chuckling. “And hey, thanks for answering my question.”
Tim blinked. “Question?”
“About why we dealt entirely with horrible men in our lives. Turns out all the good ones were already dead.”
“Hey, that’s unfair to Victor,” Emily protested.
“He’s honorary dead – he doesn’t count.”
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Scrubs Are Not For The Summer
Originally started on: 07/04/2023
Word Count: 434
Omg, I just remembered I'm a writer. XD
Finally got inspired to write something. It's summer and it's hot and I'm all sweaty and muggy and yucky and I hate it!!!
So, I figured why not let my Trau.ma Cen.ter insert suffer with me. Pfft- It was honestly about time I wrote something for this game.
It must be very difficult to work in a hospital when it's so hot outside. I hope they have good air conditioning.
For the record, this takes place after the events of Under The Knife 2.
Doubles DNI. If you ship, Der/Ang (Der.ek X An.gie), please be respectful and don't mention the ship to me, as it makes me uncomfortable. Thanks for understanding!
Tag List: @topstarodeo @rose-wine-selfships @syos-princess @ofieugogyshz @vaporvvave @bipocselfship-archive @so-sang-the-hollow @luvsailor @mystrunmah) Please let me know if you want your name added/removed.) 🙏🏾
"I. hate. Summer." I scorned through clenched teeth, dabbing the beads of sweat off my neck with a paper towel.
"Hate's a strong word to use, Crystal.", Dr. Stiles replied with a chuckle as he handed me a water bottle.
I scoffed and rested it on a nearby desk, glaring at the frosty drops of water dripping off the side.
Unfortunately for us, the air conditioner in the offices broke down, so we were stuck with other options to keep cool when we weren't operating.
Chilled water bottles from the freezer. Fans with rotating heads that didn't have strong enough power.
Those were all fine, but it didn't compare to the cool breeze from the AC. It didn't help that we were stuck in our scrubs.
"You know, we should plan a beach day for the whole office," Derek suddenly declared, his eyes focused on the computer as he looked through various files.
"A beach day, huh? I don't think I'd consider myself a beach type of gal," I scratched my chin before sipping my water. It was definitely needed, especially in this god-awful heat.
"Heh, I'm certain everyone could use a day at the beach once in their life. Besides, wouldn't you prefer to be taking a nice dip in the water instead of getting all muggy in this warm office?"
He did make a good point. Although I've never been to the beach before so...
"What do you think would suit me better- a bikini or a one-piece? Regardless, my ass is gonna be out in public."
I couldn't help but chuckle at that last comment. The sudden pause from the keyboard typing took me out of my funny moment.
"O-oh well uh..."
I looked over and noticed Derek's ears were flushed a bright red.
Was he really imagining me in a swimsuit? Geez, what a perv...
"I think you'd look amazing in anythi- AH!"
My sudden kiss on his burning earlobes left him unable to finish his sentence.
"Wrong answer, Dr. Stiles", I whispered teasingly, giggling as he held his head and his hand.
"Derek, you sly dog. Remind me to give you two plenty of alone time on that company retear to the beach.", another voice exclaimed with a suave tone.
Now it was my turn to get flustered. I whipped my head around to see none other than Tyler himself, a wide smirk spread across his face.
"M-mind your business, Chase!"
He burst into laughter, my face now beginning to burn from embarrassment.
Way to ruin the moment. Note to self: put a lock on Dr. Stiles' office door...
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altraviolet · 9 months
This is less about TEG and more about you as a writer, I hope that's okay!
What do you do if you lose motivation to write for a story? How do you keep yourself interested in your plot for so long? TEG has been going for years, but I can't seen to write a month's worth before I get bored of the plot and go pick up something new ;-;
Questions about writing are fine, no worries =)
Motivation... that's a hard one to answer, because my motivation really waxes and wanes. In fact, I posted about the anon box being open because I wanted to write, but I didn't want to write TEG. I thought if peoples' questions prompted me to write about TEG, that would motivate me to go write it. So, I suppose, if you have friends you can talk to about writing, that might help xD
As for ongoing motivation... yes, it is hard. I've been writing this story for almost 4 years. Perhaps if I were more motivated, properly motivated, it would've been done by now. But all I can say to that is: it's work to write it, now. Not always fun. There are no deadlines unless I impose them. Real life is *waves hands at the world*. So... so motivation comes and goes.
I can tell you what I find motivating:
1) Comments. Comments for sure. Hellllll yeah. Actually sometimes the thing that lights the fire is this odd feeling of viscerally wanting comments. I will write the chapter to get those comments. And I know that sounds bad or like an 'impure' motivation ("write for the sake of writing!"), but I'm not able to explain the feeling very well in words. It's kind of like dangling from the edge of a cliff by a bed sheet and watching, with growing horror, the woven fibers split apart. There is a desperate need for action. It's frantic. It's an odd drive I get every once in a while and, regardless of what it is, it does work. I do write.
But I suppose that answer isn't very helpful to you.
2) The last sentence of the fic motivates me. Ohhh I am excited for the last sentence. It's been written for years and it brings the fic together in a way that feels amazing. I'm so excited for people to read it. The only way they'll get to read it is if I write the story up to that point. Yes, I do get a little sad that the story will end someday. But sometimes I get a very "I wish it was over with already!" feeling. I just want to shake it, like, "Why aren't you done yet!!" Either way, when it ends, I will have a feeling of accomplishment. I've never written anything that long before. What will it feel like when it ends? I need to end it to know. I have predictions. We will see.
But if you're having trouble on the time span of a month, that answer probably isn't helpful, either.
Veering away from myself, I have some suggestions for you. Try any or all, at your own discretion:
-can you identify why you're getting bored with your plots? is it more fun for you to write a two sentence synopsis of the plot than to flesh out the story for it? if so, you could consider doing drabbles or short stories instead of worrying about completing long fics
-when you think of a plot you're excited about, write an outline for it. as detailed as possible. that way if you run out of steam, you still know what you want to do with it, and you can pick it up later
-if you have any writer friends, you could try a 'quilt story.' you write the first few pages and pass it on. they write the next few pages. maybe a collaboration would keep you interested
In the end, if you're not having a lot of fun or investing in a story, you can abandon it. No one is going to punish you for moving on. There is a lot of value in completing a fic- you learn more about storytelling and you get practice. There's also value in moving on if what you're doing just isn't working at all.
That said, it could be a matter of discipline. So it's boring... so what? If you really like the idea but you're bored, work on it anyway. Skip to the scenes that are fun to write. If you're bored because you got stuck on a scene and couldn't figure out how to progress, go back and brainstorm some solutions/alternate paths. Writing is work. Fanfic is a place where you can either flit from idea to idea having 100% fun, or you can practice writing in a serious manner. Maybe the fun is only 25%, but if your goal is to master storytelling, you are certainly practicing. What is your personal goal with fanfic?
I guess that's the best question, to be honest. Do you want to finish fics? Are you willing to put up with some boredom to do so? Or do you just want to have fun with some of your favorite lil guys? Both are valid ways to fic :)
This kinda went all over the place. I hope it was helpful. If there are any points I've made that you'd like me to expand on, just let me know. Personally, I would encourage you to finish ONE fic, no matter the length. Maybe shoot for a super condensed 200 word character study on your favorite character. A simple, but distinct, beginning, middle and end.
Either way, best of luck writing, and thanks for the ask =)
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pin-crusher2000 · 4 months
1) How do you hear the voices of the Young Titans sounding like in your mind? Like does Chris in your version sound like Gumball from Amazing World of Gumball, Jon like Aang from Avatar, etc?
2) If Chris; Jake, Robert and Jon were at a wrestling show that was passing by and the big bad heel was walking down the aisle, would they be the guys that throw their drinks and other trash at said heel?
3) What are the Young Titans’ views on say the Super Mario Bros series as a whole?
4) same as 3) though for Sonic The Hedgehog?
5) What are the Super Bros’ (Osul, Jon, Chris and Conner), Jake’s and Robert’s worst ever injuries they got in the field of superhero duty?
Great questions buddy! @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 :D
Jake: I say Spencer Fox aka the voice of Dash from The Incredibles
Mar’i: I say Taylor Dooley who plays Lavagirl from the Sharkboy & lavagirl movie
Robert: I say the voice actor for kid Superman in the justice league cartoon. Or Taylor Lautner who plays sharkboy in Sharkboy & Lavagirl.
Lian: same voice as her cartoon self in young justice (easy Peezy XD)
Irey: the voice actor who plays the character Laura in Slient Hill 2 remake. (Has a bratty voice you should look it up XD very cute)
Jai: I say Brick from the powderpuff girls anime: Powerpuff girls z I think it’s called.
Cerdian: definitely Flouder from the Little Mermaid XD
2: yes & No XD that would be a waste of $30 (if Jake bought all of the drinks) they would definitely boo the heel & would cheer & giggle when the heel gets defeated by the face and/or humiliated. (Get stinkfaced, low blowed, force to eat worms boogeyman style etc)
3: as a whole they love it, their parents definitely would show them the older games (as the 3D games were YT’s childhood) to have some family bonding moments.
4: same as 3, do prefer the older games though, some of the 3D games (Sonic unleashed, shadow game; my favorites btw 😉) were mix for them. The movies were good plus the knuckle series. Jake & Robert went on a bf date for both of the movies. (Most likely watch the 3rd too)
5: oh this is easy, I’m gonna answer this with one sentence: getting hit in the balls XD kidding (not really 😜)
Conner: I say stabbed in the chest with kryptonite.
Chris: broken ribs, nose, & black eye during his “fight” with his father general Zod (😉 details coming soon)
Jon: got his butt zapped by a ray gun by a goon, everyone could see his bare butt XD
Osul: got a bruised & bloody face by some Blue Earth members.
Jake: broke his shoulder while trying to rescue some people from a burning building.
Robert: got shot in the knees by arrows from Ares (yes/no it’s a Skyrim reference XD)
Let me know if you got more buddy! :D
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