#Your asks are always welcome!
Well Izzy's not going to deny that Hojo is a lunatic XD She's used to the tensions between the departments as its always been there, though yes, she does find it silly to be wasting time on. They both have the potential to dispose of the other but they can't because, in fact, they do need each other and its hard for either to admit to the symbiotic relationship. Heideggar has need of the science for his Solider and Hojo needs....well the Soldiers xD
So really its just a petty way to vent annoyance. And yeah she usually will take Hojo's side and she harbors a dislike of Heid by default. I do think she finds it fun to annoy him too sometimes. To just go hang out and bug him because she knows that she unnerves him xD He's probably the only on in ShinRa, since he has those predatory war instincts, that can sense there is something OFF about her other than the rumors that she's 'only an assistant because she sleeps witht he Professor' crap. Which, its much deeper than that. She wants people to roll with that because she doesn't want them to know the truth. Its very dark. She's not quite human. And Heid somehow KNOWS that.
So yeah she likes to watch him squirm and then get dragged back to the labs where he then tells Hojo to keep his things in his own department and out of his. (lmao!) I just have some goofy HC's out there in my head.
On the other hand she doesn't exactly mind that Heideggar does these sorts of things to irritate him. Hojo does piss Izzy off more often that you might think....and she does love to annoy Hojo and get under his skin as well. Because she's psychotic too. Basically anyone that has a high ranking in ShinRa is.
But the gist of it is that yeah, she's probably rolling her eyes at it but she also probably doesn't really give a fuck and is mildly entertained by it at the same time, giggling to herself how they're even humoring any of it at all with their status.
I swear you just ask me this crap to make me rant xD
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Laughingstock Lives in My Head Rent Free because Of You (/pos)
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banditsregina · 1 year
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"Oh darling, don't mope."
bonus gif for reasons;
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sketchy-tour · 3 months
Your art is so much like a delicacy that is meant to be enjoyed no matter the time or day. Your art is so delicious looking, it would be one of my favorite foods to snack on and eat while never getting bored of it. I absolutely adore your coloring and the way you make your art be smoother than butter being spread onto toast.
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indigopoptart · 2 months
gonna get back into the swing of things with!! some faces I did a bit ago!!!
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+ closeups and oc creds under the cut!
the welcome home guys ofc <3
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some of my guys!
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(Niebla belongs to both me and @akemima ! <3)
And now, some friends’ ocs!
Lady belongs to @gremliinsart, Keira belongs to @funonion001 !!! :3
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Sundown belongs to @carnivalcarrion !! <3
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Damon belongs to @sammysun , Wizard belongs to @akemima !! :33 <3<3
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beginnerblueglass · 1 month
I was telling my sister about Titans, and she was like, “the whole Bruce/Dick/Jason storyline is like the prodigal son story, with the older and younger brothers' positions switched,” and I was like ohhhh???
#bruce is a VERY imperfect substitute for God the Father but CONSIDER the older brother — the heir#takes his inheritance (his supersuit and tech and weapons and porche)#and leaves telling his dad not to contact him#and the younger son receives everything that once belonged to his older brother#knowing how fortunate he is while also having to constantly hear ‘your brother did it this way’ ‘your brother was better at this’#all the whole looking up to his absent brother as his hero#he goes to meet his older brother while he is away and is met with a barrage of ‘our father doesn’t care about you or me’#‘our father will destroy you to accomplish his own ends’#‘no you don’t really know him — *I* know him’#‘being the eldest son isn’t an honour at all its a curse’#and THEN a little while later that same older brother returns and is welcomed home with open arms#their father gives EVERYTHING back to his oldest#ALL the privileges and love and honour and money and even a new supersuit#all is forgiven and given back in full — more than in full#and that’s wonderful and beautiful but what is the younger brothers perspective?#and THEN their father gives the younger brother into the older brothers care#‘go see how your older brother does it and then come back to me’#so he feels cast off by his father#and his older brother barely pays him any attention being preoccupied with his own issues#although he never abandoned their father and always did everything he was asked it’s his older brother who receives all the praise#after being beaten down again and again he finally returns to his father#and is welcomed but not with nearly as much fanfare as when his older brother returned#what is that going to do to him???#titans#titans tv show#titans tv#jason todd#dick grayson#bruce wayne#the prodigal son
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swamp-chicken · 7 months
sorry to take this to ur inbox but if I don’t say it I’ll die.
i think about the “i call etho bdubs’s boyfriend but I dont call bdubs etho’s boyfriend” clip from cleo all the time. “i think etho could do better.” no no. theyre just smart enough to know if anyone said “your” and “boyfriend” to that man that he’d panic have a heart attack and die.
listen it's taken 12 years for him to call bdubs his best friend, and even that had to be cloaked under layers of deception and irony. give him another 20 years!!!!
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salty-an-disco · 2 months
Sorry to send you another ask so soon, but your response made me curious about soemthing.
Do you think the mostly greyscaled color pallete in the game exists in universe? I always saw it as a style choice and in universe everything has a wider range of color. I am open to having my mind changed about this.
I always saw it as being the only colors the construct can generate. It was created for a very simple purpose: to kill the princess. Simple. Black and white. No more colors needed.
Red, too, of course, as there’ll undoubtedly be violence there (except red can also be flowers in bloom, and can become lighter and turn into pink, and so even that violence can turn into something beautiful).
The little glimpses we see from the outside world only solidified that for me as those are the only moments we see green and yellow.
It was prolly mainly done as a stylistic choice, but I do love taking these details and try to find a way it can also be applied to the in-universe lore :]
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orchideae · 6 months
A little unpopular opinion on something I've seen happen more commonly throughout November/December and wanted to address quickly for my own blog: Please never hesitate to reblog anything from me. You see me reblogging a sentence starter list that you like? Go for it and reblog it from me directly without any pressure on you whatsoever to send anything into me before doing so. You like a GIF-set or musing that I reblogged? Nab it from me, it'll brighten my day to see that we share an interest in something. I like to see interaction between me and anyone who follows me. I like to see that little activity notification light up.
Honestly, it simply reminds me that we're all part of a community, and more specifically, a fandom that consists of characters and nations that we all came to love and then share that amongst ourselves. And honestly, seeing a reblog happen shortly after me but it's from the source, creates (in my opinion) an odd sense of chosen disconnect between people that can feel awkward, it's as if we're walking on eggshells as to not rub each other the wrong way. But what's wrong about going 'Hey, I see what you reblogged, I like it too!', it even gives you potential common ground to start a conversation. We're a community, and I don't know about you, but I like seeing people interact with each other beyond merely threads and notes. It's the little things that matter, after all.
#[ psa. ] seeing isn't always believing. and if you can't trust your eyes; you certainly can't trust rumors.#[ i feel like this whole 'reblog karma' rule has scared people so much into stopping with behavior that... ]#[ i think was healthy. interaction; no matter how small; makes it so much easier and comfortable for people to... ]#[ interact because you almost become 'familiar faces' through these tiny little asks. ]#[ the amount of times i've entered dms kindly/respectfully after someone's reblogged something from me-- ]#[ and the person and i proceeded to just gush about the reblogged fanart in question. or something similar. ]#[ which then makes any further ooc interaction so much easier and nicer-- the initial anxiety people may face is lessened. ]#[ because you've already found common ground. ]#[ like i don't mean to force anyone to reblog from me-- but it's like it's so obvious so often when people... ]#[ see something from you but then reblog it from the source. i dunno if it's just me but it feels odd. ]#[ it feels as if someone thinks reblogging from me would step on my toes or rub me the wrong way and i don't see?? ]#[ why that's a thing? it's so silly. reblog from me; feel welcome to do so. we all love this fandom. we all love our characters. ]#[ and each others' characters. it's why we interact; right? ]#[ any way. hi-- yes. i just mean never feel odd to reblog from me. if anything i encourage it. ]#[ i'll smile and nod at you in my activity; and you'll also pique my interest to be like 'hey! good taste 💙 ]#[ any way; i hope people are having a good weekend! ]
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ghosts-cyphera · 8 months
im feeling brave and will share what i just whipped up super quick, if it's terrible don't tell me im far too sensitive for that 🫣 also i dont even remember the last time i wrote dialogue and i remember why its def something i need to practice, but alas enjoy a little ghost x reader drabble 😝😝 also i dont mind you responding publicly im trying to learn to come out of my shell hehe
You were coming up on hour three of your drive with Simon to the beach. What started off as a romantic weekend roadtrip was turning into a torturous car ride. How could someone look so alluring while simply having their hands on the wheel and humming along to some indie song off your playlist. There was still an hour left in your drive, but you weren't sure you were going to make it. Your heart was hammering in your chest and there was a dull throbbing sensation between your legs. "Are you alright love?" Simon must've noticed how quiet you had become opposing the bubbly energy you had this morning before you all had taken off. You nod your head yes, but you could feel the blush overtaking your face, and your ever perceptive boyfriend was definitely going to pry further. Simon does notice, and the car slows to a stop on the side of the road. You can't handle the tension in the car for much longer and avert your eyes down to the lackluster red polish you had on. Suddenly, there was a large hand gently grasping your chin, "Love, look at me," like always, you bend to his will compliantly and gaze into his eyes. "What do you need me to do for you?" The timbre and sincerity in his voice makes a soft whine unwillingly escape your lips. Nothing turns you on more than the way your boyfriend treats you like you deserve the entire world.
I am so, so sorry that it took me a while to get back to you, but best believe me that I'm having zoomies after reading this, all from my excitement !! I love this, I love you, and I absolutely adore that you managed to gather enough courage to share this with me (and my followers). please be proud of yourself. it's scary to put yourself out there, but look at you go!! 💕
I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say that you absolutely should write more for ghost to keep us all fed. you are amazing!! 💗
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Love your art btw, what are your commission prices? Didn't find any sorry if I'm blind or something.
hiii tyyy! and i used to have my commission info pinned (definitely lost somewhere in my posts on here ORZ) , it is fully available here on my insta, but i can transfer the images here too ^w^
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note for those who check out my insta post about commission prices: since i havent updated my commission prices in about 3 years ORZ, it says that i only take us paypal as payment, since then venmo has also been added as a form of payment. i take payment upfront as well. :p
my turn around time is typically a week after receiving payment, or more depending on the type of commission, again, please ask if you would like progress images of your work :] i don’t usually provide them so just lmk if you want that >0<
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curseofdelos · 3 months
The first two options are different! The first is a catch-all tag for all RRverse books; the second is for the PJO series specifically.
I didn't include the show/musical/movie tags because I am specifically interested in what book fans are doing.
This is a survey, not a popularity contest, so please answer honestly. Don't just pick whatever's your favourite series.
Elaboration in the tags or replies are highly encouraged!
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chrisrin · 11 months
dont think you've said this, forgive me if im wrong tho, but what diamond does pearl follow/work for? plus, do you have an idea on who the diamonds are (other than lizzie), or are they just not as important to have a mcyt assigned to them /lh?
technically Pearl doesn't have to work under a Diamond! Sometimes they just work under those of particularly high authority, but there's examples of pearls in the show other than just the Diamonds'!
all this to say, I have no idea who Pearl works for, LOL
I haven't thought too much about the Diamonds outside of Lizzie! I'm open to fun ideas about the rest of the authority but I'm not being crazy "canon" and trying to assign everyone to every role from SU. If people have cool or clever ideas for who the other Diamonds are tho, I'm down to draw them ^_^
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thegreatyin · 11 days
Just started Fallen London thanks to your posts about it. I am suitably intrigued by all of it.
we got another one boys 🎉🎉🎉
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
Yeah both Scully and Mulder suffer their fair share of traumas but the fact that Scully's (the female character) is so heavily focused on her reproductive system is absolutely misogyny, the fact that it's not malicious/intentional doesn't make that not misogyny, it's the nature of the trauma that makes it misogynistic not the amount of it
Agree to disagree, Anon! :DDD
The villains of the show view women as vessels to be hollowed out for their own nefarious purposes, not the writers-- the distinction is important. And the villains overlooked Scully's capabilities and prowess because of this, relegating her to second place after Mulder and his quest-- not the writers. From the very first episode (written by Chris Carter), Scully was given agency and equal footing with Mulder; and that continued through the series despite the executives and other busybodies trying to make Scully walk behind Mulder or do this or that because of societal expectations still lingering in the 90s.
Misogyny specifically is "hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy"; and one could argue Scully's treatment throughout the series might merit that criticism... except the show and its writers stated over and over how wrong, sick, and twisted the villains were for those actions. Moreover, those same villains inflicted trauma and dehumanizing torment on Mulder as well; and his "manhood" didn't prevent him from being used as a pawn in their game as far back as his childhood. It's messed up all around.
Furthermore, I've come across tons of literature and series featuring similar plotlines that were written by women, for women (even in the fringes of this fandom, fics taking place outside of the mytharc storyline.) Is that misogyny or an exploration of the depravity of that cruel and misogynistic mindset perpetuated by evil, twisted men (and women, lest we forget Diana Fowley)?
The problems begin when the writers felt the crunch in S7, trying to think up a way to keep the show going despite all signs leading to a conclusive ending. Thus the pregnancy arc.
Was Scully's pregnancy and motherhood arc inherently out of character? No, I don't believe so-- but as much as it reduced her to a parrot repeating "my baby" every two seconds instead of mothering little William, it also stripped Mulder of any on-screen connection with his son for the majority of S8 and all of S9. Both were robbed-- not because of misogyny (which would have viewed Scully and her personal problems and struggles as lesser than Mulder's) but because BOTH of their personal problems were less important to the writers than the mytharc (well, a few of the writers, anyway.)
It's clunky, lazy writing, that's all. I don't believe the writers have a misogynistic bone in their body; but I do believe that the storylines they pushed through stretched into absurdity because they were not properly set up, paced, fleshed out, or justified. That, however, does not make them misogynistic or bad people.
Those are my thoughts, anyway~. :))))
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lvnesart · 7 months
hi how much are your commissions? i want to com you in the future when i have money. i was wondering if youd be open to drawing chaeya? ^_^ (childe x kaeya)
Hi! I'm currently going through my waitlist before I completely update my prices! Here's a peek at what they're gonna look like if you need to save up!
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I won't up my commissions again to take new orders until January!
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