#I really hope I'm gonna be proven wrong
cherryys · 28 days
ever since 266, I saw many people say that because megumi doesn't want to be a jujutsu sorcerer, that means his conclusion doesn't have to have anything to do with using his technique or completing his domain and that him just getting saved is fine, and that is his purpose in the story, and I completely disagree.
Megumi has always treated his technique as a curse in his life, one he had never wanted and one that had always hindered him. he viewed it as a crutch, a weakness, something that controls him rather than him controlling it as its user. it had dictated his life ever since his birth and subsequently forcing him into the gruel jujutsu world, with his father selling and abandoning him, the expectations placed on him by Gojo to surpass him because of his technique, along with now, Sukuna stealing his body, his autonomy, his agency, and his ability to make a choice along with killing his sister and hurting his friends just because of his technique. Him learning that instead of fearing his technique and treating it as something he'll never control or grasp and that its power is way beyond him, he does have the strength and newfound mindset to control it, be its master and be able to completely understand and interpret his technique would be a great way to conclude his character arc and his rocky relationship with his technique.
him completing his domain doesn't have anything to do with jujutsu sorcery. his domain is a representation of his sense of self, his self-identity, his character, so to speak. it being incomplete from the start was to show you that megumi hadn't grasped his sense of self yet, hasn't found an identity unique to himself outside of wanting to save his sister (and later, yuuji) and his complete disregard for his life in general. his incomplete domain is basically showing you his incomplete character. I just can't really fathom the domain not being completed especially after him being at the climax of his character arc. it's more than just a jujutsu thing for megumi's character, it represents him.
also, megumi's purpose this entire arc to just be saved is hardly a good conclusion to his character. his entire life, he'd been stripped of his autonomy, the power to choose, the power to control his life. that was what reggie's curse was: let fate toy with you, become a clown, then die. his conclusion should be him breaking AWAY from that curse, to stop fate from toying with him, and instead of just laying down and letting life kick him over and over, he stands up and finally kicks back, fights against the circumstances, saves himself, instead of doing nothing and just letting others save him. what would be the point, then? he'd be reduced to a literal plot device, whose entire role in the story is to let his body be taken over by sukuna for his technique, and he doesn't even save himself, he just lets others do the work for him. that would be a horrible conclusion. it wouldn't make his dream of wanting a peaceful life earned for me, not because megumi HAS to be useful or has to prove himself to deserve a simple life, but because he hasn't really changed. he's the same as he was before, letting life toy with him over and over and reduced to just the damsel in distress who constantly needs others to do the work for him.
I want him to fight back. I want him to save himself. I want him to put in the work to change his fate.
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there's a moment in lesson 45 of nightbringer where mc falls off a thing (again?? is this foreshadowing?? i'm going to rule-of-three this and wait to see if it happens again) and satan tries and fails to grab their hand to catch them, but now i'm imagining the same thing happening with satan and ik except he does succeed, but it's her right hand and the prosthetic just POP comes straight off
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Chapter 110 is 13 pages long welcome to hell!!! so in a lot of ways this is just more fuel for a theory that I've had for a few weeks now, that's only gotten stronger with each recent season 5 episode, which is that the last episode of the season is gonna end on 110, and that Asagiri/Harukawa and Bones have been collaborating to make this happen, specifically because it's a major turning point that would be the only good place to end the season on.
When we started getting especially long chapters again (like from 25-35ish pages, with the exception of 107.5, the last two being some of the longest we've ever had), at first I just assumed that Asagiri/Harukawa got freed up from some other obligations they'd been having to cause the extremely short/half chapters, like promotional stuff for the anime/Beast movie, or working on light novels. But then 109 happened, with the "supposed" death of Dazai, and heavy emphasis at the end on how literally everyone is at their lowest point right now, and I got to thinking. 11 episodes is a strangely specific number for an anime season -- why not 12, or 13, or even 10, like you'd usually see? Why have we gotten suddenly gotten two 35 page chapters out of nowhere, that's almost unheard of at this point? They're both beautiful chapters, don't get me wrong (as always), and maybe A/H simply just didn't want to cut them in halves because they felt like the full emotional impact wouldn't hit/that there were no good cutoff points in them, but you can't deny that it's surprising, after all the shorter chapters we've been getting. Why has the anime been going at such insanely breakneck pacing for the most part ever since around the Sunday Tragedy chapters, even more so than it has in the past? So much so that it feels dangerously close to overtaking the manga?
Well, maybe, just maybe, it's because..... Asagiri decided a long time ago that whatever happens in 110 is the only point that feels "season finale"-worthy enough, in an arc that still isn't anywhere close to being completely wrapped up, and so both the manga and the anime have been specifically coordinated to reach that part within 2 and a half weeks of each other?
I've seen a lot of people now think season 5 will end with 109, and as much as my sadistic side would find that hilarious, I honestly don't think they'd do that and realistically don't want it to happen; it'd be so cruel to cliffhanger the anime for years like that, and just doesn't feel like a season cliffhanger BSD would do, a series that is ultimately hopeful and uplifting. Seasons 2 and 3 had a positive, conclusive ending; the only reasons seasons 1 and 4 didn't was because they're technically not really full seasons of their own, and are more like the first cour of another "season" that also came out that same year (seasons 1 and 2 both aired in 2016, so they're more like one big season, and seasons 4 and 5 have both aired this year, so they're also more like one big season, again taking into account how episodes 12 and 50 are not satisfying finales like episodes 24, 37, and hypothetically, 61, are). I really can't see season 5 ending with Dazai and Fukuzawa's supposed deaths, Sigma being unconscious and maybe close to death, Atsushi being vulnerable and limbless again, everyone we love still vampires, and the entire world being basically doomed; that's just too depressing and not like BSD at all. However, having said that, if it doesn't end there, there really isn't any good place to end the season before that, either, that feels in any way satisfying or like a finale at all. And so, to me, that only leaves after 109: chapter 110.
I think things are really gonna turn around next chapter. Like I said, everyone is at their lowest point right now, it cannot possibly get any worse, the framing of Dazai, Fukuzawa, and sskk at the end of 109 is telling us that; this is the time for the heroes to finally start winning again, with Aya being so close to pulling out the sword, and for all the thematic reasons other people have talked about to death that I don't need to go into here again. This upcoming chapter being so short again makes a part of me wary of 110 being "the one", so to speak, I won't lie, but at the same time, it's very possible that it needs to be that short because that's all the final episode of the season will be able to reasonably fit in, since it's already gonna be VERY close if they do make it all the way to 109. And at the end of the day, I don't doubt at all that Asagiri and Harukawa can make these the most monumental and game-changing mere 13 pages ever if they wanted to; a chapter does not at all need to be extremely long in order to be an important and impactful one, even if short ones we've gotten in the past haven't felt the most important.
An additional thought I've had, though this is much more crack territory than all this already is, is that since we know from Anime Expo that a Stormbringer movie at some point is highly likely (judging from Asagiri's reaction when someone brought it up), it's possible that chapter 110 and thus the final episode will involve the long-anticipated return of Verlaine and/or Adam, or at least some other major reference to Stormbringer, that would naturally and smoothly lead into a Stormbringer movie to explain things to people who haven't read the novel. It would make a lot of sense, especially since the s4 OP has the Old World sign behind Chuuya, which might be a hint that this has been in the works ever since seasons 4/5 were first in planning with Asagiri. We also know that Dazai and Chuuya's voice actors apparently struggled to record their lines together this season, which probably relates to 101 and possibly 109, but it could be 110 too.... I could be very wrong, as I'm no expert on this kind of thing, but I kinda doubt they would bring Chuuya's actor in for just the vampire growls, and Asagiri placing heavy emphasis on Chuuya's importance this season in that one interview gives me the impression that he's talking about much more than just 101/109. But that's the least solid evidence I have, that's just mostly based on vibes I get.
So basically, I think a lot of factors -- the unusual episode count, how close the anime is to catching up to the manga with three whole episodes left, the seemingly arbitrary recent chapter lengths, and the climactic events of 109 -- can tell us that 110 might be a very, VERY big deal. Again, there's of course no way this arc is anywhere near close to being finished, with so much left to address and resolve, but since it is currently incomplete in the manga, unlike the previously adapted arcs, if the anime was going to adapt it at all, they'd have to find a place that feels satisfying enough to end this season, knowing there won't be more anime for a long time after this, and so I think they specifically planned for that, from both Bones' and A/H's sides. 10 episodes might not have been enough to reach that point, but 12 or 13 might have been too many it wouldn't have been if Bones actually decided to slow down and let the story breathe the way it needs to, but this post isn't meant to criticize the anime, so maybe 11 was just right. And maybe Asagiri and Harukawa specifically pushed to make recent chapters longer than usual, in order to make sure that the manga reached the story content in 110 the monthly release right before season 5 was to end.
Is this just copium? Absolutely. Am I going to look like an absolute clown in two days when this post ages like milk? Probably. But the evidence is There, so let me just enjoy my delusions until Sunday, okay 🥂🫡
#bungou stray dogs#seriously call me a clown and point and laugh at me if I'm proven wrong all you want#but I really feel like there's solid evidence for this#either s5 isn't gonna reach 109 at all (but I seriously cannot fathom where you would want to stop before then) or they'll go beyond it#if they really do end it with 109....... well i'll give Bones kudos for having the balls to do that ig lol#maybe i'm underestimating (overestimating???) them idk#also just to clarify I don't wanna make it sound like I think Asagiri let the anime/Bones dictate the manga's pacing#like I'm sure these were his/their (him and Harukawa's) own decisions first and foremost#not that (if this theory is true) the anime had a major impact on how the chapters were split and that it-#-would have been extremely different otherwise#i'm pretty confident in that Asagiri does not do anything with BSD he isn't comfortable with#and he doesn't let anyone tell him how to write his story#I just feel like he worked with Bones to make this near-simultaneous release happen#BUT if this is the case I don't feel like it had any major effect on the writing/final product that is the manga#like the last handful of chapters have been so incredible#so I at least am still perfectly happy lol#(i mean i'm devastated and a nervous wreck but u know 🫡 in a good way lmao)#anyway 110 in two days please let this theory be true because I need some fucking hope already#please let Oda show up as Dazai's guardian angel to help (see what I did there-)#it would be the perfect way to end the collective season that is 4/5 with s4 beginning with Oda and now ending with Oda#Asagiri are you reading me are you picking up what I'm putting down please please a ghost Oda is long overdue please-#Oda Verlaine Adam just GIVE ME SOMEONE ALREADY 😭😭😭#MAYBE EVEN A TASTE OF THE FYODOR BACKSTORY TO TIE INTO HIM BEING IN ANIME UNTOLD ORIGINS. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS
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rosemirmir · 2 years
Last night I dreamed Toei announced a mini series that was focused on Ankh that took place directly after OOO 10th, and when I woke up I think I almost had a mini heart attack
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ween-kitchens · 2 months
kinda venty/rant thing in tags cause im embarassed by it and dont wanna put it in a post HDJSK
#not that tags are. any less visible than a post#i honestly have no idea why this feels safer but it does so like#im gonna take advantage of this loophole my brain has created for me#anyway#i am being very dumb recently and i dont really know why?#i mean it's social anxiety but i dont know why it's so promenant right now cause i've not had too much of a problem with it for a lil while#my brain has convinced me once again that all my friends are just kinda. putting up with me and don't really like me all that much#which. i hope i'm wrong#yk these are the things i would love to be proven wrong about#but in the process of my brain bein stupid i have kinda. left a bunch of discord servers that i care about#i've been fixated on what i'm 'allowed' or 'supposed' to say recently and i got too freaked out by not knowing if i was 'allowed' to#say anything that was more self indulgent in case everyone got mad at me or i was ignoring someone by accident so i just kinda left#and now im worried that ive made it seem like i was mad at people in those servers cause i wasn't saying anything for a little while and#then i just left without saying anything#i tend to isolate myself if im worried ive done something wrong which does end up with me in dumb situations#equally idk if i should actually like. say any of this#i genuinely have no idea what the best way of aproaching this is#like. do they want to know? or would i just be dumping a bunch of shit on people who dont know how to help#cause i dont wanna do that cause thatd just be a lil rude#i get freaked out if someone just Tells me a huge thing and i cant help them with it cause i wanna help but i have no idea how#which i dont wanna do to someone else cause. i mean obviously GDSHJ#anyway uh#my hopes is that someone involved reads this and knows im not mad it's just my dumb brain#but also i dont want anyone to read this cause im being very dumb#this is all very silly#the bright side is that my depression means im not actually feeling any emotions about this#which doesnt sound like a huge bright side but yk im kind of chilling a bit#vent#cw vent#tw vent
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churipu · 8 months
nerd!nanami x girly!reader pls pls pls
thankss 💗
featuring. nanami kento x fem! reader
warnings. i'm gonna make this a college! au , and a little cursing
note. hi nonnie, sorry that i just got to your request now — but i hope you like this :< uni's already getting real hectic, so updates might be a lil on the slow side.
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nanami didn't fall in love with you at first sight — in fact, he finds you quite the nuisance. the way everyone loves you just because of the way you talk, the way you dress, the way you smell, your body language. he thinks it was all a simple act to fool people.
"hi, nanami!" you greet him, your bright pink colored apron dress flowing against the wind as you walked towards him elegantly — a white cotton cardigan covering your shoulders.
the male arched his brow mutely at your cheery voice, wondering what could someone like you want from him, "do you need anything?" he asks.
initially he thought that you were one of those people who'd woo him and try to get him to do your assignments, but he was proven wrong when you shook your head. giving out the brightest smile, showing off your pearly whites, "no, i was just saying hi."
then you brushed by him, the smell of your sweet fragrance entering his nostrils. sandalwood. you smelt like sandalwood and a hint of vanilla.
though he could then make sure of one thing, what an odd girl.
nanami was a good student. he focuses on his studies, while you try to fit in a bit of everything in your schedule — playing, hanging out, studying. but at the end of the day, nanami finds it shocking that you could pass with flying colors.
from his peripheral vision, nanami could see people crowding around you. he tells himself he didn't care about you, yet here was wondering why they were all over you.
"you told us you didn't study, you liar!" a girl pointed out accusingly at you, a smile pressed onto her lips.
"i just got lucky, i swear."
"that's what you said last time, y/n."
nanami didn't mean to eavesdrop, he knew it was wrong to hear someone else's conversation. but he couldn't help it when these people were speaking loudly — the only thing he could focus on was the fact that you had a perfect score.
call him weird, but he's all in for the brains.
the first time he officially spoke to you — nanami was a mess. he had never been in a proper conversation with most of the people at campus. most he's been in one is when he had to tell his group members off for being useless, but that was about it. and with you, he's a little awkward.
"oh, hi nanami! do you need anything?" you noticed that the male was eyeing you from his seat.
upon realizing what he had done, nanami immediately averted his gaze to the front. ignoring your words, not putting a second thought to it — but you shrugged it off anyways.
and the second time he laid his eyes on you for quite some time, it was in the middle of a lecture. so you slipped a note asking if he needed anything, and he replied with his own handwriting, saying "no".
embarrassed he'd gotten caught again. nanami felt like he was being discreet about his staring when in reality, it wasn't. and it's funny.
nanami didn't really understand why he was feeling like this. and he had nobody to talk to or ask about his feelings — so he made an assumption, it was the flu. coming into the lecture hall with a scarf tucked into his neck, and a white mask covering the lower half of his face.
"nanami, are you sick?" you asked him, and he nodded mutely, "well, it is flu season after all. i hope you get well soon."
nanami felt his heart flutter, and he chewed on his lips in frustration — if the mask had not been on his face, he was sure you'd be able to notice the frustration lingering in his expression.
his fingers frantically typing on the search engine typing out his symptoms, and every one of the choices ended up telling him the same thing.
he's in love.
but the male denied that, talking to himself how the internet was just a waste of time. he's in denial for a bit.
he's in denial of his own feelings. and would constantly turn away whenever you're there, passing by you in a rush as you were greeting him, or moving away to another seat when you sat next to him. forgetting the fact that you were also affected by his actions, wondering what you did wrong to him.
"hi nanami—" you waved your hand as the two of you passed by each other in the hallway.
but the male brushes past you in a flash, not even letting you finish your sentence. and you shrugged thinking that he might be in a rush.
but when it happened, again and again. you could definitely conclude that he is indeed avoiding you — hell, he won't even spare you a glance. and you wondered what you did wrong to him.
"is this seat—" you approached the seat next to him, ready to claim it but he stood up packing his things and moving to a lone seat three rows behind, "taken..?"
nanami didn't feel like he did anything wrong until he was met by one of your friends. who — well, said anything but nice things to him. threats. warnings. and questions. even nanami didn't know the answer to.
"what the fuck did you do to y/n?" the female said, eyeing nanami up and down judgmentally.
what did he do to you?
"i said, what did you do to her you dipshit?" wow. nanami could only furrow his brows, thinking of a possible answer that he is sure of because of the looks of it — even he didn't know what was going on right now, "why did you make her sad?"
"sad?" nanami questions, "i didn't talk to her."
"exactly. why didn't you? you know she likes you, right?" nanami's breath hitched at the revelation, and he shook his head, "what? are you stupid? and here i thought she was being too fucking obvious, god . . ."
he was too caught up to hear what the angry female in front of him had to say, he just focused on the fact that you— y/n l/n— liked him.
he was stupid with all these new feelings. and nanami wasn't used to being stupid — so for the first time, he had to ask your friend's help. asking guidance for what he should do, what you like, what he needed to say to you.
"just say you're sorry and confess. you like her too don't you?" your friend exasperatedly explained, already feeling a little exhausted from having to tell such a smart but idiotic male about love.
your friend was a bit skeptical, so she had to elaborate and make a script for him (which he ended up reading in front of you by the way), "just try to memorize this and go."
nanami in fact, could not memorize the script.
when he knocked on your door, reading off the script in front of you. you find it funny, because you didn't know what was going on or what you expected.
"what are you doing, nanami?" you chuckled, shutting the door behind you as the male stood on your porch, holding the small paper your friend gave to him in his hand.
"for what?"
"your friend told me i made you sad by avoiding you," you choked on your own breath, a bit embarrassed by your friend — flailing your hands a bit.
"she did? oh my god. i'll tell her to say sorry . . ."
nanami shook his head, "it's alright. and i like you too."
nanami and you made it official that night. and he, oh my god, he spoils you. rotten. despite being a college student — nanami has money. buying you dresses, hair accessories, flowers, anything he thinks reminded him of you, he will buy it for you.
"ken, what's this?" you question him as the male handed you a pink colored plastic bag.
nanami didn't answer you, but beckoned you to open it and to see for yourself. when you did, the sight of two shiny hair accessories made your heart flutter, "you got this for me? thank you so much, kento."
nanami gets very happy when he sees you using the things he buys for you, and he gets pretty upset when you tell him that he shouldn't be spending so much on you.
despite your advice, nanami still buys everything for you. he doesn't regret anything if it's about you.
he's a little tweaky and awkward at first, but as time goes by. he gets the hang of dating and relationships. the most gentle male, holding your hand, he will never let you walk on the outside part of the sidewalk, he stands behind you during an escalator ride up because you love to wear dresses, he will exchange his shoes for you if your feet were paining because of your own shoes (and he will carry your shoes for you), will carry your shopping bags and even your normal bag for you.
"let me carry that," he grabs your bag and carries it before lacing his fingers with yours.
"ken, you don't have to—"
"i insist." he cuts you off, smiling down at you and his hand squeezes yours lightly as if telling you that it was completely okay to rely on him because he loves it when you rely on him.
he absolutely loves going shopping with you. he gets the first look at new outfits, and he absolutely loves when you bring him to shop for new dresses. telling you to do a little twirl before complimenting you and how beautiful you looked. he always, always, ends up buying them all for you.
"so? how do i look?" you opened the door to the fitting room cubicle, showing yourself.
nanami had to hold back a smile from forming on his face, "turn around," he softly said — and when you did as he was told, the hem of your dress fluttering around as your body turns.
he finally broke into the smile, "you look beautiful." nanami compliments, taking your hand in his, "take the dress."
you chuckled, "ken, i already have two others. and you spent a lot on me — i don't want you to spend more on me."
nanami gets it for you unknowingly anyways, giving it to you on the walk back home from the mall. he always does that. always.
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engie-ivy · 2 months
(Because I wanted to write Dramatic Teen Remus😋)
@wolfstarmicrofic 8th: Teenagers
741 words
Lyall dealing with Dramatic Teen Remus
First and Last
“It's mustard!” Remus exclaims, dropping the tie on the floor and covering his face with his hands. “What was I thinking? I can't wear bloody mustard!”
His father calmly walks up to him, while picking up the tie from the floor. “It's not mustard,” he says patiently, as he puts the tie around his son’s neck and ties it for him. “It's ocre, and we picked it because it really brings out your eyes.”
Remus studies his reflection in the mirror for a moment, fiddling with the tie, and eventually, he releases a breath. “Okay. Yes. You're right.”
His father chuckles. “Aren't I always?”
Remus smiles to himself in the mirror. “Well, I do recall one moment…”
10 years earlier
Remus doesn't even bother to lift his head from the table when he hears the kitchen door open.
“Ah,” his father says. “You're home. I already thought I heard someone.”
By means of a reply, Remus lets out a groan.
“That kind of a night, eh?” His father says sympathetically as Remus hears him rummaging around the kitchen. “Looks like it was quite the party, but not in a good way. I take it James’ birthday was not what you had hoped? I'm sorry, lad. Do I dare ask what happened?”
Remus lifts his head and wants to tell his father to ‘please just leave him alone’, but his resolve crumbles when his father places a big mug of his favourite tea and a plate with his favourite cookies in front of him. As his father takes the chair in front him, Remus lets out a deep sigh. “Do I really need to say it? You already know, don't you?”
“Well,” his father says. “It looks like a Sirius issue to me.”
Remus glares at him, but his father juist gives him an innocent smile.
“He was chatting with her all evening,” Remus blurts out. “Laughing and dancing together. He didn't even notice I was there.” Remus shakes his head. “God, I'm so stupid.”
“You're not stupid, my boy. You're in love.”
Remus looks down at his mug. “I'm stupid for ever expecting anything different. Of course he'll never want me. I'm not pretty like she is, I'm not popular like she is, I'm not even a girl like she is!” Remus lets his head fall back on the table. “He's gonna live some perfect life with some perfect girl, while I'll stay lonely and pathetically pining for the rest of my life!”
“Well, at least you haven't been jumping to any dramatic conclusions,” his father says dryly, and Remus lifts his head to glare at him, but then his father reaches out and pats his hand. “I know these feelings are overwhelming right now, but I promise you it isn't all that bad.”
“How can you say that?” Remus complains. “I'm doomed to watch from afar forever, my life might as well be over!”
“You're fifteen years old, Remus,” his father says. “Your life has barely begun! And your love life hasn't even begun. Listen lad,” he squeezes Remus’ hand. “Sirius is your first crush, and I know that can feel intense and all-consuming, and right now, you think you're always going to feel like this, but believe me, you won't. These feelings will pass, and there'll be other boys, other men, and other heartbreaks, but when you eventually find the one that is meant for you, I promise it's all going to be worth it.”
Remus blinks against the tears burning in his eyes. “I just can't imagine ever loving anyone else but Sirius,” he says hoarsely.
His father gives him a soft smile. “I know. But you will. Believe me. Sirius is your first love, but he won't be your last.”
“Okay, okay,” his father says, immediately knowing what moment Remus is talking about. “I'll admit I haven't always been right!” Then he adds in a softer voice “You do know I'm very happy to be proven wrong, don't you?”
Remus meets his eyes in the mirror and smiles. “I know.”
His father smiles back. “Good. Your mother and I are both very fond of Sirius, and it's about time you made him an official part of the family!”
Remus turns around to his father with a grin, holding out his arm. “Does that mean you're ready to give me away?”
“Never,” his father replies instantly, but then his smile returns. “But for Sirius, I will try.”
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rekino2114 · 3 months
Nobara kugisaki, Maki Zenin and Utahime Iori with a boyfriend that's pretty much an affectionate airhead and appears to be weak but he gets revealed as a special grade sorcerer which they didn't know cause it never occurs to him to tell them
Nobara, maki, utahime and mai with an airhead special grade reader.
A/n:I hope you don't mind me fusing your two requests and adding mai cause they were pretty similar.
Nobara kugisaki
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Nobara doesn't really mind your personality. She can be a bit of an airhead herself sometimes (especially with yuji), so sometimes she gets swept up in your demeanor.
She enjoys your affection quite a lot even if she may not always show it, there is nothing she loves more than hugging you in public to show off how cute you are together, especially when she gets jealous of another girl.
During a mission she asked you to try to take one of the curses arms so she could use resonance on it, she was left with her mouth wide open when you indeed brought her the arm....complete destroying the curse in the process, the following explanation that you're a special grade left her even more in shock.
"So.....You're a special grade like gojo-sensei?"
".....why the heck didn't you tell me?"
"I mean, you never asked"
"*sighs* You're lucky I love you"
Maki zenin
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Maki gets annoyed because of you....a lot, even if she loves you the amount of times she has to explain things to you and drag you away from stupid situations gets to her sometimes.
The same thing goes with the affection you give her. She doesn't like it, she will mostly push you away but seeing you sad hurts her so if you continue to ask her enough times she might accept hugs while blushing a lot.
She was hesitant to train with you at first due to how weak you looked but her opinion quickly changed when she found out you could keep up with her physical power even with her heavenly restrictions.
"H-how did you- You're so strong!"
"Thanks, it's nothing a special grade can't handle"
"Oh did I forget to mention that? I'm a special grade sorcer- ow! That hurt"
"That's what you get for not telling me"
Mai zenin
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Unlike her sister, mai really likes your personality. You look cute in her eyes even if she might get annoyed sometimes, she can't stay mad at her cute little boyfriend for too long.
She also loves how affection you are, it makes her feel more confident in your relationship and she likes to show you off to everyone.
She's not that strong either so she was surprised when you two were paired up for a mission and was worried you were gonna get hurt but she was quickly proven wrong by your strength.
"Wow you're strong! You might even be on a special grade level"
"Thanks. That's because I am one"
"You are? How come you never told me?"
"I guess i didn't think you would be interested in knowing that sorry"
"It's fine, I think I deserve a kiss as an apology, though"
Utahime iori
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Utahime is very conflicted about you. She loves you, but you remind her of a certain white-haired sorcerer who is the bane of her existence, she tries her best to stay calm with you though.
She's not fond of affectionate gestures, but she'll accept hand holding if you insist. Please don't do that in front of gojo, though. If you do, he'll never stop teasing utahime about it.
She tried to use her technique to power you up during a mission, but you told her it wasn't necessary before attacking, leaving her absolutely flabbergasted.
"W-what? How? Uh?"
"Why are you that surprised? I am a special grade and that curse was basically nothing"
"Yeah. I never told you?"
"oops, well you know now"
"I-*sighs* I should have known"
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silverflqmes · 8 months
heey, i really loved your writing!! could you write a fluff where kageyama has a crush on seijouh's manager and doesn't know how to approach because of certain people (oikawa and kindaichi lol) ?
sorry if something is spelled wrong, I'm using the translator 😞❤️
lovee from Brazil!
notes. first song that came to mind^ by taylor swift ( ofc ) but anyway.. hello anon! much love to you in brazil<3 i hope this drabble is too your liking, not very confident in my take on kageyama but we cope.
genre. fluff ( kinda cliché.. )
tobio kageyama x gn!reader.
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tobio wasn’t exactly what many would call, in tune with their feelings. in fact, he sucked at expressing what he felt. so much, that any emotions could easily be compared to crashing waves.
feelings surface and take the skies to great heights, only come crashing down and return to the expanse of water.
though it wasn’t completely his fault. many factors prevented him from expressing himself in a normal and understandable way. this time around, it was two students from his old junior high that stood in the way — yuutaro kindaichi, and no surprise here — tooru oikawa.. whom he didn’t have the best relationship with.
and what exactly were they blocking him from? well, his feelings towards you.
once upon a time ago, you had also attended kitagawa daiichi and have been kageyama’s crush for as long as could remember. no one could compare to you no matter how many times he tried to disregard his feelings.
now that you attended aoba johsai, he feared he might never get to tell you of his sentiments towards you.
the one opportunity he had to speak with you was during the practice match early into the school year, and at the singular opportunity he received to approach you, when he didn’t just feel like a face in a crowd.. kageyama became completely tongue tied.
like a fool he choked on his words before spouting a pathetic excuse of a greeting once kindaichi had arrived with kunimi to pull you away from him.
now, he was met with a new opportunity.. one that featured no aoba johsai, no court and zero volleyball — just the two of you, and the beach.
the raven haired setter had come with his sister for the day, saying to him that he had needed sun and a break from his cherished sport. the odds of you showing up were zero, and yet, here he was.. proven wrong once more.
miwa, upon seeing you playing blissfully in the water with a friend you had brought down to the beach with you, had of course nagged her younger brother, urging that it was fate. how often was it that you showed up to the beach at the same time as your crush without that knowledge, anyway?
still, the first year had refused to approach you. how could he when you were having so much fun? you’d freeze up completely if you had to hear another failed attempt at a confession.
despite being so close to him, you felt so far away for him. out of his league, out of reach.. and it terrified him to take those few steps in approaching you. who was to say you wanted him anyway if he spoke up? for all he knew someone else was in the picture.
there was just too much at risk, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready to hear your rejection.
“tobio.. you’re gonna lose her completely with the rate you’re going at.” his older sister sighed out, draining her bottle of coke. “nobody’s here to stop or make you feel judged in any way. and i can tell you right now,” she paused, pushing her sunglasses up a bit. “you’re not getting a better opportunity than this one.”
his lips pursed together as he stole another glance at you before looking at the emptied glass bottle in his hand. “it’s pointless trying, onee-san. she came here to enjoy herself and relax — not witness an embarrassment of a confession, if i even get one out.” the words would be completely jumbled, so much that it was sure to sound illiterate. like a baby trying to get their first word out.
he wondered if he could just get his feelings across without standing there to tell you. if he could do it that way, surely the confession would get across, and it won’t have cost him his dignity.
the elder eyed the younger for a moment before letting out a hum. “if this was volleyball, surely you’d have found a way around this by now.” she spoke up before laying back in her beach chair. “facing defeat has made you too comfortable, tobio.”
his lips parted to throw back a retort before, wanting to defend what little pride he had left, but his thoughts failed him when they couldn’t form into a sentence. miwa was right, painful as it was to admit. he gave up way too easily, all because of vulnerability.
his gaze lingered on the glass in his hand for a little while longer, the sea beyond twinkling in the distant horizon.
and just like that, an idea struck him. “nee-san, do you have a paper and pen i can borrow?”
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“i’m telling you hana-chan, every conversation we’ve had just ends up in word vomit when he addresses me — considering yuutaro-kun and oikawa-senpai always intervene..” you sighed out to your friend from johzenji, pursing your lips together. “i feel bad each time we talk because of it.”
the brunette lowered her sunglasses to her face, letting out a hum. “volleyball boys do tend to hold onto their grudges, otherwise they’d be more like my team.. and they’re certainly a draining bunch.” it was like hosting a kid’s birthday party everyday when it came down to managing. “maybe you should try contacting him outside of volleyball?” she suggested, sipping on her smoothie.
your lips pursed together. “i probably should, he was a really good guy back in junior high.. despite what everyone says about his behavior with volleyball.” an awkward laugh seemed to have left your lips at the memories. “but i miss having him in my life, i just don’t know if he feels the same way..”
“what’s that?” the manager spoke up, sitting upright.
raising a brow, you turned to look at your friend. “i said i don’t know if he feels the same way..”
“no no.” misaki shook her head, pointing to the shore. “that, over there.” she corrected, lifting her shades.
you blinked at her finger, following its direction before narrowing your eyes to see what she had been referring to. the sun wasn’t quite helping your vision, in fact- whatever it was, the sun reflected it in a way that made you get up to go look for yourself.
if someone threw trash into the sea with garbage bins scattered all around the beach to maintain the cleanliness, you were seriously going to throw hands.
as you approached the shallow water, you kneeled to pick up the discarded bottle, wondering who on earth couldn’t just get off their ass and throw away a coke bottle.
but as you got a better look, you found a paper inside. at first glance it might have been a wrapper for a straw, however it wasn’t crumbled up like trash. rather — it was rolled up.
part of you thought you might have found the krabby patty secret formula somehow by its appearance. glass bottle and a note? a child would have surely thought similarly and opened it to see.
and like a kid.. curiosity got the better of you.
twisting off the cap, you flipped the bottle over to shake the letter out, eager to see what you might find. maybe even treasure — although that was farfetched.. even for you.
unraveling the message, however, you found none of the things you anticipated. in fact, you were met with very the last scenario that could have possibly crossed your mind.
dear y/n,
um.. i’m no good with words, but uh, you probably noticed that the last few times we saw each other. and i have no hope that whatever i say will be any better here.. especially with limited space, but i’m hoping that i can put my feelings into words a little easier without my pride getting in the way, awkward meetings, or our old schoolmates.
i like you, a lot.. and i have for a really long time now — since kitagawa daiichi. but i’ve just, had a hard time bringing those feelings across to you, so i never got the chance, especially when we go to different schools.
just feels like the universe doesn’t want me with you every time i try to speak up, so i decided to write them instead, hoping they get to you in this message.
if you don’t feel the same, i understand- i just hope we can remain friends, and that i haven’t made things even more awkward than they already were between us.
yours sincerely,
tobio kageyama.
shock painted your features as you read the name nine more times, scanned the contents of the letter before looking behind you.
tobio was somewhere on the beach and you hadn’t even seen him. he could have made an approach as well, but his fears, you guessed, of rejection.. told him not to.
finally, as your eyes were ready to give up the search, a sliver of blueberry caught your gaze. bingo.
“y/n?? where are you-”
“one minute, i think i saw someone i know!” you quickly intercepted hana, rising from your crouched position to run a few umbrellas down.
there was one with a duo underneath that resembled one another, and if your memory served you correctly — that was tobio and his older sister. miwa, if your memory hadn’t failed you.
the setter seemed to be his own world for a moment, filing his nails as part of his routine. even outside of the court, he still had to maintain his habits.
“tobio, i’m off to get us more drinks.” the female spoke up after looking up, smiling to herself. “be right back~”
kageyama let out a noise of agreement, only lifting his head a smidge to nod before pausing when he noticed a figure across from him — your figure.
either you just noticed him, or you had actually received the haphazard message in the bottle he had sent. and by the looks of it, it had been the latter.
“y/n..” he breathed out, lowering the filer in his hand as he watched you approach him.
the butterflies from every occasion he had encountered you this past year seemed to have returned to his stomach. was this what hinata felt before every match..?
“tobio-kun, it’s been awhile.” you smiled a little, letting out a sheepish laugh. “surprised to find you here, it almost feels like fate.. except no distractions this time for us to finally put everything out on the table.”
his heart seemed to accelerate with pace, the nerves increasing almost tenfold. rejection, he could just sense it coming. “um, well.. i already said how i feel, considering you got the letter.” he spoke up, eyeing the emptied beverage in your hands.
at his reasoning, you lifted the bottle before humming. “true, but i didn’t actually hear it from you. for all i know it could have been something of your sister’s doing.”
tobio, blushing profusely, nearly found himself barking back a response — a frequent habit of his. but as he eyed your expecting gaze, he faltered, lowering his head in defeat.
“how will i know if by saying it, i won’t just end up being made into a fool..?” he mumbled, pursing his lips together.
as you took a step closer, you gave him a knowing stare. “let me do you a better one, how are you so sure i’ll make you into a fool? you’re aware of your feelings.” you paused before pointing to yourself. “but you’re not aware of mine, it seems.”
his lips parted to retort before he froze up. “wait- your feelings? you..”
a smile returned to your lips as you sat beside him. “i like you, tobio-kun. are the feelings i read true?” you asked him, tilting your head curiously.
the color on his cheeks seemed to darken as he avoided your intent gaze for a moment before nodding. “they’re as i wrote them.. i really do like you, y/n — and i meant every word i said.. i was just scared you might’ve felt.. differently.”
“well,” you grabbed his hand, grinning brightly. “rest assured the feelings are mutual at long last!”
notes. sorry this is rushed and written in like 7382393939 different sittings.. hoping i was able to fulfill your request somewhat?? idk how in character he is.. but anyway, ty for the request anon and sorry for the very long wait ahaha.. please enjoy!
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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xxxanteaterxxx · 3 months
Roommates AU pt.2
roommate!remuslupin x fem!reader
part 1
This is pure fluff; Remus is doing his best to get comfortable with you and you are doing your best to help him get comfortable around you.
Remus had been living with you for just around a month. He hadn't taken you seriously whenever you'd told him that you worked a lot and weren't ever really home. You had proven him wrong though, because he hardly ever saw you.
He found that even when he thought he worked a lot, you worked even more. Then, on the rare occasion that you were home you were cleaning or cooking or doing something to stay busy. It was like you never stopped moving.
Which is why Remus was surprised to see you curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other. The TV was turned off and the only light on was the lamp that you were sitting by.
When you finally noticed him, you looked up and smiled.
"Coffees in the kitchen, hope you like it strong." Then you went back to reading, listening as Remus padded into the kitchen and poured himself a cup.
Living with Remus was nice, but he was so quiet. You hadn't really figured him out yet and when you were both home at the same time he tended to stick to his room.
Which is why you had to suppress the smile that tried to grow on your face whenever he sat down next to you on the couch instead of disappearing up to his room for the next three hours. You were very understanding of course, you had been that way when you first moved in with a total stranger, but you were a social butterfly and wanted to be friends with everyone who crossed your path.
After finishing the chapter you had been reading, you sighed and closed the book, reaching to set it down on the coffee table. Remus was staying quiet, scrolling on his phone while he sipped his coffee.
"So, any fun plans today?" You decide to test the waters, fighting your grin as you watched him swallow thickly. He was shy, that much was very obvious, but you were going to be friends. You had already decided that a week after he had moved in, when he apologized for being in the living room at the same time as you.
"Uh-no, not really, I was planning on staying home today." He mumbled, letting his eyes wander over to you and then flicker away just as fast. You smiled, that was exactly what you wanted to hear.
"Perfect, then maybe we can get to know each other? You could help me with some of the sweets I planned on making?" You offered, taking another sip of your coffee as you watched him ponder over it. His facial expression didn't give much up, but you had to fight the urge to squeal when he finally nodded his head.
"Yeah, that would be nice." He said, before occupying himself with another gulp of coffee. You stood up, letting the blanket you had been using fall off, before making your way to the stairs.
"Okay, I'm gonna go get dressed in something I can be messy in, take your time!" You called down as you took the stairs two at a time. You were beaming the whole way up.
Remus would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, after you had disappeared, he had made his way up to his room to get dressed as well. Opting for some comfy clothes that he was okay with getting flour on.
It wasn't that you made him nervous, no, you were great in Remus's eyes. It was just the idea of spending time with anyone who wasn't his closeknit group of friends that made him nervous.
He didn't have time to dwell on it any longer when you were knocking on his bedroom door.
"I'm gonna get started, it's just cookies so it should be pretty simple!" You told him through the door, before he heard the sound of you walking down the stairs. He sighed before running his hands over his face and heading downstairs himself.
You had music going, a David Bowie record, that he recognized quickly. He couldn't stop the smile from spreading on his face as he heard you singing along from the kitchen.
You turned around when you heard him walk in, clapping your hands with a smile on your face.
"Okay, I've got all of the ingredients out and the oven is preheating." You told him, turning away to finish grabbing four mixing bowls. "We're going to be making four batches, so I figured you could do two and I would do two?" You asked, turning to look at him to make sure that was okay.
When he nodded you beamed, causing a blush to try and make its way up his neck.
"Perfect, I know this recipe by heart, but I pulled it out so that you had if you needed it!" You pointed to the slip of paper you were talking about, turning around and getting started on throwing your batches together.
Remus made his way over to the bowls he would be working with, reading over the instructions before adding in each ingredient. The sound of you singing softly was soothing, as was the sound of your feet shuffling around the kitchen.
You giggled when you finally heard Remus starting to hum along to the song playing in the background. You let him get comfortable with what he was working on before you decided to test the waters some more.
"So, what do you do for work?" You inquired, turning to hand him the sugar. He grabbed it, adding the proper amount to each bowl before reaching to put it up in the cabinet in front of him.
"I'm an author. I write children's books." He said, looking at you to see you grinning at him. He turned away. "What about you?" You giggled.
"That's so sweet, Remus!" You cleared your throat. "I teach dance during the days, and then wait tables over at Louies." You grinned as you began mixing the ingredients together.
"Oh, so busy then?" Remus asked, huffing awkwardly when you giggled at the question. Of course you were busy, you worked two jobs. It made sense now, why you were never home.
"Very, but I love it! I'm a bit of a basket case when I don't have anything to do." You chirped, reaching down to grab some baking sheets. Remus nodded, starting to mix his batches together as well.
By the time he was finished, you already had yours rolled and on the two cooking sheets that were available. You popped the into the oven and set the timer before looking over at him.
"Okay, we'll put those two in the fridge while these two bake." You said, watching as Remus nodded and moved them into the fridge. "I'm gonna clean up in here, if you wanna go find something to watch? There's a new movie on Netflix that I've been wanting to see?" You suggested, already putting ingredients away and wiping down the counters.
"Can I do the dishes first?" Remus asked, he didn't want to leave all the clean up for you, considering he was definitely messier than you when it came to being in the kitchen. You shrugged.
"If you want to, it's up to you, love." You told him, continuing with what you were doing. His skin burned at the pet name, it wasn't the first time, but he didn't think he would ever get used to it.
He got started on the dishes, it didn't take him long, there weren't very many. He listened as the music turned off and you made your way to the living room, the sound of the TV turning on.
"Ooohhhh, I know it's not new, but do you want to watch Mean Girls?" You called to him, not bothering to turn around.
"Yeah, that's good with me." Remus sighed as he sat down next to you, catching the throw blanket you tossed his way. It was quiet for a second as you waited for the movie to load.
The movie started and Remus watched as you pulled your feet up, curling into a ball before draping the blanket you were using over yourself.
He copied your moves, getting more comfortable before draping his blanket over himself and moving his eyes towards the TV screen. He had never seen this movie; he had heard about it though. It was Marlene and Dorcas favorite movie, and they quoted it all of the time.
About a quarter of the way in, the timer for the first round of cookies beeped and he watched as you jumped up to go pull them out.
"Don't get up, this will literally take me ten minutes." You called out as you raced around the kitchen, moving the baked cookies to a plate and pulling the next round out of the fridge. You rolled them and popped them into the oven in record time before placing the bowls in the sink and grabbing to glasses and the milk.
You brought an entire batch of cookies with you and set them on the coffee table, before darting back into the kitchen only two reemerge with two glasses of milk.
"This is the best way to eat cookies." You told him once you were seated again. Dipping a cookie into the glass before taking a bite and watching the movie.
By the end of it, hearing you whisper the lines under your breath, and filling up on the cookies you guys had made. He understood why it was their favorite, and he understood why it was so popular.
It was now his favorite movie too.
Remus decided that maybe the two of you could be friends.
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talaok · 11 months
hi!! it says in your desc that requests are open but in case thats outdated feel free to ignore!!!!
i know this may be a weird request but can you do something with joel with a reader that has scarring in their pubic area? i have a skin disorder that gives me really bad scars down there and i have Not had great experiences in the past sleeping with people because of it like it is TRAUMATIC atp to show people 😭 mostly hurt/comfort but if it makes sense to throw smut in there feel free i absolutely would not turn it down LMAOOOO
and shout out to people w scarring down there, whether from skin issues, fgm, assault, etc. etc. we up fr 😔✊
Warnings: insecurity, body image issues and smut | oral sex (f receiving)
a/n: its not a weird request at all, ive said this before, i feel incredibly honored whenever you ask me to write such personal stories, so thank you 💖
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His hands were beneath your shirt, his calloused fingers caressing your skin with a gentleness that defied his rough exterior, that he only showed a few.
His mouth was on yours, his tongue twisting with your own, letting you taste him as he tasted you.
Your hands were on his face, holding it, stroaking his beard, trailing to his hair, while one of his legs parted your legs, settling between your thighs.
Your back was on the bed, the soft duvet shuffling beneath your movements, beneath your exited shivers and shudders.
It all was perfect, just perfect... until his fingers traveled lower, until they began seeping underneath your shorts.
His eyes opened as he leaned away ever so little
"I'm sorry" he said, retracting his hand "I thought you wanted to..."
"I do" you murmured "I just-"
And there it was, the block.
The barrier, the wall you had built brick by brick over the years.
"what?" he asked, his brows knitting together in concern as he moved to your side, propping his elbow on the mattress "What is it?"
"Well I- I don't know if... you want to"
"what?" he huffed a soft laugh, "of course I want you"
"yeah now" you sighed, avoiding his eyes, 
"y/n" he called your name, urging you to look at him with two of his fingers beneath your chin "What are you talking about?"
"I just-" you bit your lip, your eyes trembling, taking in the look of him before he knew the truth, 
"Whatever it is baby, you can tell me"
And the saddest part was that you wanted to believe him, but a part of you knew, you knew how he was gonna react, you knew how it was really gonna go.
As kind and nice and perfect as he was, you got proven times and times again that there was only one way men would respond.
"I- Well I..." 
god, why was it always so hard?
"I have a skin issue" you spat out, forcing yourself to not think about it too much 
"ok..." he murmured, his eyes scanning your face in the hopes of finding out where you were going with this
"so I have...scars" you breathed "down there"
You swore you felt your heart drop as the words left your mouth, just to speed back up at full force the moment he spoke, after a brief silence.
"oh" he hummed, his eyes still fogged with confusion "and so I can't like... touch you or-"
"no no, you can-" you sighed, frustrated with yourself "but I understand if you don't... want to." you explained "I've been told before that it's not really... pretty so I totally get it if yo-"
"first of all" he shook his head, getting out of his confusional state at your words "Whoever told you that is a brainless asshole" he stated, looking you straight in the eyes "And second of all" he smiled now "darlin', you're the most beautiful, hottest woman I've ever met, I almost died when I met you" he exaggerated making you stifle a laugh
"no I'm serious." he promised, taking your hand in his "And if you think that that's gonna change because of a few scars, well then sweetheart I'm sorry but you're wrong"
And although your heart was swelling with hope, with a joy it hadn't known for a while now, your brain couldn't still be sure of what was happening
"you're saying that now" you whispered "but you haven't seen it yet"
"darlin', I promise on whatever you want, that I'm sure" A soft smile was still pulling at his lips, and his voice was warm, honest, like honey "That nothing in this world could ever change what I know, and what I know is that you're the most gorgeous woman on the planet,"
"no, no but" he shook his head, interrupting you "You are, and the fact that you don't think so is unbelievable" his eyes were shining, glimmering with that sentiment you still hadn't confessed to each other, but that he'd been on the verge of expressing far too many times "I want you to say it. Say -I'm the most beautiful woman on the planet-"
"but I'm n-"
"ah-ah-ah" he shushed you "What did I say about the buts"
"But I'm just saying think about Jennifer Aniston or Sandra Bullock-"
"yeah exactly, they're nothing compared to you"
You couldn't help but snort at that "Oh please, you're just lying now"
"I'm most definitely not" he protested, "have you seen yourself in the mirror darlin'?"
"I have" you rolled your eyes jokingly, your lips still turned upwards into a smile
"you sure? 'cause it doesn't feel like it"
"stop" you begged
"No, I won't stop" he frowned "you're beautiful, I need you to know that." his forehead fell to yours "Whoever made you feel any differently was just an insecure stupid asshole who didn't deserve you, ok?"
And it was at this moment, that you realized just how how much you loved him.
It was as you took his words in, the truth in them, the care behind them, that you realized that he might just be the one.
"ok" you murmured, after some time, for the first time in a long time, actually believing it.
"that's my girl" he grinned, not being able to stop himself before he crashed his lips with yours, kissing you as if his life depended on it.
And with just a kiss, you were back at where you'd stopped, your belly tingling and your body desperately looking for his.
"Joel" you whispered, in between kisses "I-I want to"
His eyes opened, looking a bit taken aback "You sure? I didn't want to put any pressure on you sweetheart, I'm completely ok with just kissing if that's what you want-"
"no" you shook your head "No I want you"
The smile that spread on his face at that was enormous.
he kissed you again, just to start a slow trail of kisses down your neck, making you squirm and whimper underneath him.
He waited for your nod of approval before removing your shirt, and after having reserved time to your (as he put it) "perfect tits", he then moved on to your shorts, now waiting for a vocal permission before doing anything.
"You can take them off" you murmured, watching closely as he did, slowly slipping your shorts and then panties down your legs.
"Jesus Christ sweetheart" he breathed "you're fucking perfect"
And you could only blush and smile shily, not realizing what was happening, until his head was between your thighs, beginning a line of pecks from your navel down toward... well towards down there.
"no y-you don't have to do that"
He didn't seem to hear you, his mouth only traveling lower and lower until it was right there where you needed him the most.
"does it hurt if I touch them?"
"n-no" you stuttered
He licked his lips, his eyes not on yours, but on your pretty cunt 
"and if I kiss them?"
"I-I don't know, I don't think s-"
And just like that, he had dived in, fist slowly kissing your skin, paying no mind if it included scars or not, just to start tasting your whole pussy, licking and sucking all he could find like a starved animal.
His grip on your waist was relentless, probably leaving bruises behind, but all you could do was lose yourself in the feeling as you moaned and arched your back from the bed.
he continued his work for a while, prolonging the experience as long as possible, before he decided to bring it home, and started focusing on your clit, sucking and licking your bud desperately.
And in a matter of seconds, you had fallen apart, moaning his name loud enough for his neighbors to hear.
"wow" you breathed, your chest rising and falling way too quickly as made his way back up again "That was... wow" you murmured, ghosting his lips
"I just wanted to prove to you how beautiful you are" he smiled, kissing you softly "All of you"
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psychesalcove · 4 months
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„ but I'm in so deep, you know I'm such a fool for you ”
𝜗𝜚 percy jackson x child of apollo reader
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synopsis: percy invites you to spend a evening at camp by the lake with him. and, you definitely do not have any feelings for him. nope, not at all. he just has a really cute smile, thats all.
⚠️: reader not admiting she likes percy, kayla being sick of reader not admiting her feelings, percy being a dork as usual, small mention of will being a protective brother, percy making atrocious ocean jokes, super soft percy twords the end, not proofread AT ALL, percy getting pushed into water
requested: yes, by swifthazed (accidentally deleted the request but hope you enjoy!!)
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"he's definitely going to be asking you out," your sibling, kayla mused as the two of you watched percy leave through the doors of the infirmary.
you rolled your eyes at her comment as you turned around and went back over to the cabnit that stored bandaids. "im sure he is kayla," you said sarcastically, grabbing a box of my little pony bandaids. "there's probably gonna be other people there, not just us."
percy had come marching into the infirmary, no doubt scaring the younger camper sitting right by the door. at first, both you and kayla thought that he or someone else got hurt, but when he asked for you to join him at the lake later in the evening, your thoughts were proven wrong.
"oh please, did you not see the way he was blushing and avoiding eye contact with you? and, he didn't say anyone else would be there. he said, and i quote, "would you want to go to the lake with me later today, just to yknow, hangout" kayla repeated the words of percy while doing air quotes.
"i don't even like him like that kayla, and again, no way he's asking me out. he'll probably ask annabeth out if anything." you replied, walking over to the younger camper, who you believed was a child of hermes, and applied the bandaid on a small cut she had gotten doing who knows what.
"im sorry, did you just say you don't even like him? honey, not to break it to you, but if you're talking about him at breakfast, lunch, dinner, in the infirmary, in our cabin, im pretty sure you like him." kayla said in a deadpan tone, crossing her arms and smirking lightly at you.
you rolled your eyes at her once again as you quickly ducked your head down so she didn't see the shade of pink now tinting your cheeks. "you should be all set, and, try not to get hurt again, okay?" you advised the demigod, who gave you a couple of firm nods in response before running out the door.
"i'll tell will to take over your shift this evening, so y'know, you can get a boyfriend," kayla said. she started walking away tword other patients before you could get a chance to object.
percy came to get you later in the evening at the apollo cabin. you saw him through the front window of the cabin, recognizing his silhouette even with the hyacinth flowers overtaking majority of the outside view.
you quickly walked twords the door of the cabin before will could start interrogating percy and embarrassing both percy and you. kayla gave you a quick thumbs up before you headed out the door, mouthing 'go get your boyfriend ' to you.
percy was waiting at the bottom of the short case of stairs when you walked out. his face immediately lit up and he smiled at you. "hope i didn't come to early?" he asked, nodding his head in the direction of the sun setting. "just figured this would be considered evening, because, well, the sun is setting?" he said.
you chuckled lightly at his rambling. "is perfect timing, percy," you walked down the stairs and met him at the bottom.
"well, i guess we should get down to the lake, it's always pretty during sunset time, yknow?" he said as he started to walk in the direction of the lake.
"i do know percy, and so does everyone at camp," you joked, referring to the comment he just made as you started following him. you saw him roll his eyes playfully at you before he changed his pace and started running.
"last one to the lake is a pufferfish!" he yelled behind to you.
"well, running isn't really my specialty," percy said to you out of breath. he, somehow, ended up behind you when running to the lake; even though he had a huge head start to you.
"mhm, sure." you said crossing your arms as you looked at him smugly. "guess you're a pufferfish then," you joked, your face shifting to a more soft look as you saw him smile. he did have a really cute smile.
"guess so," he hummed, his breath finally coming back to him. "wanna head down to the dock?" he said, tilting his head in the direction of it. you smiled and nodded your head, following percy, who had already started walking away.
even though you knew the lake was bueatiful during sunset, you always forgot just how bueatiful it really was. with your shifts in the infirmary, the lessons, and everything else, you sometimes forgot that you could hang out at the lake.
"it's really pretty, isn't it," you mused, looking out to the far ends of the water as you sat down next to percy at the end of the dock. you saw percy nod his head in agreement, but didn't see how his eyes were on you and not the glistening water.
you just then realized how hot it felt being directly in the sun, so you quickly untied your low top converse you had on and put your feet into the water. "ykow you could just,go into the water if you're hot," percy said as he looked at you.
"you also realize that i'm not a son of poseiden who's immune to getting wet, right?" you laughed, looking back at percy who just blushed and starting looking down into the water. from the corner of your eye, you saw percy wipe his hands on his cargo shorts, before moving his hand to be close to yours. not exactly touching, but close to.
you heard percy take a deep breath that he was obviously trying to be quiet about, before you felt a comforting heat over the top of your hand. you moved your head so you could look at percy, and, surprisingly, he wasn't looking into the water,but he was looking at you. percys hand was laying on top of yours, not holding it but just resting there.
"so, uhm.." percy started. you noticed a small shake in his voice, so you nodded your head lightly to show that your full attention was on him. "gods this is going to sound so weird, but, ive been thinking for a while and, while i'm not the best at, well, anything, I think I finally understand what I feel when I'm with you," he countined, smiling softly as the two made eye contact.
"you make me feel like i'm actually important, like, important for who i am. and not what i've done, or what i stand for. i feel like a lot of people only think of me as the kid with a big prophecy and all that. they don't think of me as percy. but, i think you do," percy said, moving his hand that was ontop of yours so that your hands were now interlocked with eachother.
"obviously, that's not the only good thing about you. gods, no. i don't even know if i could list everything i love about you. there's so many things I adore about you. i mean, you help people so much every single day in the infirmary, i see you play guitar at the campfire and I don't think I've ever seen anyone play that well, and during capture the flag you just look amazing in your armor with your bow, not that you don't look good other days, you look amazing every single day, even if I can tell that you're tired or something, you still never fail to be so bueatiful and–" percy stopped his rambling, his eyes quickly moving down to your lips.
he looked back up into your eyes, silently asking if he could kiss you. you, even in your dazed state after hearing what percy said to you, about you, you nodded your head and smiled lightly at him.
the kiss would probably forever be the best kiss you'll ever had. you've never kissed anyone before, unless it was one of your siblings, and on the cheek or head only. but when you and percys lip collied, it did feel like the world stopped right then and there.
it wasn't a forceful or aggressive kiss in any way. it was soft but hesitant at first, both of you testing out the waters with each other. it showed all the love you shared for one another and how both of you had been longing for the other, longer than either of you would like to admit.
you pulled away first, wanting to respond to what percy had said earlier. percy chased for your lips once you moved, but quickly went back to where he was before when his brain caught up with him.
before you could say anything he said, "so, uhm. would you wanna be my girlfriend? i mean, if that's too soon we can always just go on a date first, or something, i really don't care, but ..i assume you feel the same way?" he rambled, once again.
you laughed and shook your head at him. "oh yeah, kissing someone is definitely not saying you feel the same way about someone" you joked, lightly pushing your sholder into his.
"and yes, percy, of course i'll be your girlfriend." you said, smiling fondly at the son of poseiden who you could now call yours.
percy smiled, allowing the biggest grin you had ever seen someone make to be on display. his smile was really cute, now that you think about it. really shouldn't mention that to kayla, you thought, making a mental note in your head for later.
"so, now that we're like boyfriend and girlfriend.." he started, already giggling slightly. you raised an eyebrow, but signaled for him to countine.
"are we on a beach?" he asked, "because i find you sand-sational, " he said, now fully laughing at his own pick-up line he just used on you.
a loud splash filled the summer evening air, along with a loud screech, only some would recognize as percy.
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luveline · 10 months
Jade! I was re reading your zombie au steve fics and I just love our bestie eddie and jealous steve in tbem so much:’) I would love to see more of their relationship love you!!!
love u ♡ steve zombie au. fem!reader
“Would you mind fucking off?” Steve asks. 
Eddie tsks under his breath, “You know, this whole jealousy thing you have over me is kind of sexist.” 
Steve could melt metal with the way he's feeling. “It's not sexism, I'm not jealous, and if I were, it wouldn't be over you, it would be of you.” 
Eddie grins. “That's all you had to say, baby.” 
You laugh but quickly stop, eyes darting to Steve's as you push Eddie away from you. It honestly makes it worse, not because you aren't allowed to sit with your (Steve shudders) friend, and not because it doesn't feel good to see you so quick to remove Eddie from your side, but because by doing so, you've proven to Steve that you are, in fact, aware of his jealousy. 
“I'm not jealous!” Steve lies. 
“And I'm not interested,” you say quickly. “Sorry.” 
Eddie shrugs and sits right back next to you in the grass. He kind of has to, considering the knot he's trying to teach you to tie needs demonstration, but still. Steve hopes he ties the knot around one of his fingers and needs an emergency amputation. 
“Jealousy is a horrible thing,” Eddie says, almost like he can hear Steve's thoughts. “Have you considered finding a friend for Y/N to be jealous of?” 
“I already did that for a bit,” you say, squinting at the shoelace in your hand unhappily, “but then she made me cry and Steve bought me cherries and I didn't worry about it again.” Ah, Vanessa. Old camp, old friend, you told Steve she was making fun of you and he never looked her in the eye again. 
He'd quite like it if you followed his lead, but Vanessa was a bully, and Eddie, to Steve's dismay, is a good friend. 
“So what I'm hearing,” Eddie says, his grin audible, “is I get to make Steve cry.” 
“Are you gonna–?” Steve asks you. 
You sigh and shove Eddie away again. He actually pretends to fall onto his side in the grass. “This is really impeding my progress in becoming a knot tying expert, Stevie. Are you sure we can't kiss and have you get over it?” 
Steve is jealous, but lots of the outward symptoms he shows are either from a want to be immature or just to make you laugh. He trusts you completely and doesn't think for a moment you'd ever, ever cheat. He even knows —deep down— that Eddie's a good guy who'd never do that to him. But it still rubs Steve just the tiniest bit the wrong way when he sees Eddie's pinkie finger brush yours as he corrects you, or your stupid matching coats. 
You and Steve used to have matching coats until your sleeve tore on a branch. Steve decides he has a vendetta against trees, and then he takes a few calming breaths. 
“How would us kissing help Steve get over it?”
“Not you!” you laugh. 
Steve loves the sound so much he pretty much forgets what he's annoyed about. “Sound more disgusted,” he encourages cheerily. 
“I'd never kiss him,” you say, tying the string around your two fingers and pulling the aglet through the loop you've made. Your wrinkled nose smooths as you check your knot against Eddie's, and then, in one of your cutest moments to date, you gasp and turn straight to Steve. “I did it!” 
“What was I impeding again?” he asks. 
You push your foot out with your over complicatedly tied laces and turn onto your thigh. He's a genius (he knows you better than he knows anyone, past or present, knows you better than he knows himself), anticipating your movement with his arm already out to welcome you for a victory hug. “Our laces will never need tying again,” you say.
“Except when you need to change your socks,” Eddie says.
Steve puts his middle finger up behind your back, nosing at your forehead. “You're amazing.” 
You really want the hug. Your hands meet behind his back and your lips brush his throat as you press in close, his lovely girl; you don't know how lovely you are, how the exact details of your hug play out in his mind frame by frame. He's made a million mistakes and he still gets to have you. 
You hug him and it's like the end of the world didn't happen. 
Eddie scratches his scalp. “Harrington, not that I think you'd be into this, but I've been tying that knot for the last year, and nobody ever kissed me for it.” 
“He hasn't kissed me,” you say. 
“Don't stomp on a downed man,” Eddie says severely. Then, sweeter, “Just a quick one, Stevie.” 
“A whole camp of people,” Steve says to you. “Any best friend you want. Hell, I'll share Robin.” 
“You do share Robin,” you say, languishing in his hug much longer than he was expecting you to, your arms having curled tighter now around him with no signs of letting go. 
Eddie Munson might have a crush on you. He might have a crush on Steve, too, or neither of you. The boy’s too jovial to tell. Steve will sleep better at night if he believes the latter though, so he marks the hug for your achievement with a kiss pressed softly to your forehead and decides for the hundredth time since you came here that he won't be jealous anymore. He has nothing to be scared of and he knows that, so why give Eddie a hard time.
Eddie smirks and closes his eyes. “M'waiting.” 
Steve puts his arm over your shoulder. “And you'll wait more.” He turns to you, murmurs, “How about we go and find you something sweet?” 
Eddie's lips part in disgust. “What kind of dirty talk is that?” 
You stand and kick Eddie without force in the thigh. “Thank you for teaching me, Eddie. Same time tomorrow?” 
Eddie drops his theatrics. “Sure. Let's do the next one Risky Business style.” 
You pull Steve away by the hand. He thinks you sorta like that he's jealous, being the object of his attention and affection at all, so he says, “If you leave me for him I'm gonna let a bachelor take me out, and not for dinner.” 
“A bachelor couldn't get its teeth through all this muscle,” you say, squeezing his arm.
Doesn't make a lick of sense, geeks only have to break the skin to get you, but it doesn't matter. “I love you,” he says happily. 
You lean into his side heavily as you walk. “I love you, too. More, for sure.” 
“Not a chance.” 
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kanmom51 · 6 months
A couple of words
JK is with JM.
We all know that.
It's a fact, no matter what those that have their panties in a knot say, or more so, what they would want.
These assholes (you know who I'm talking about) can argue about it all they want. They can squirm and twist and scream and pray, but at the end of the day facts are facts.
JK and JM chose to enlist TOGETHER, through a process that has them TOGETHER, in the same unit, in the same base. Not same duties within the unit (the military utilizing their individual strengths), but all the same, at the end of the day they are TOGETHER.
It makes me laugh how there are those that still argue they aren't placed together, and then there are those that have obviously come to terms with the two being together in one unit (well not really, but have no arguments left as they keep being proven wrong), that now they have shifted their argument to the two not sharing same bed or quarters.
Like, haven't they had enough already? It's just so exhausting.
This incessant need to disprove what these two mean to each other. They are both in the military serving their country. A military that deems sex between two men (while on base, as limited by the supreme court) to be an offense punishable by incrassation. Are there queer men in the army? There most certainly are. Are there men sharing quarters and/or beds in the military? There sure are. JM and JK being in the military and as such being assigned to quarters by their superiors... would them sharing quarters or a bed add or take from what they are and mean to each other? It's stupid to think it would. Serving together is their choice. Being able to share quarter or a bed, well, that would not be entirely up to them, even if that would be a choice they would want to make.
I hope I am explaining this properly.
Bottom line is, they might be sharing quarters and even a bed, but even if they aren't, it doesn't take from what they are to each other or mean to each other, and it most likely wouldn't be by their own design.
What more do you want? Really? Would a selfie from their bed do it for you? Perhaps a shirtless one? Maybe a kissy kissy selfie? Not gonna happen. Not to prove a point for you, in any case. Oh, and btw, we did get many selfies from them in the past.
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Same bed, shirtless, very suggestive ones as well. Didn't convince you then, and I am sure it won't convince you now either. You will always have a stupid excuse or explanation why it's not what it is. Just like you do now...
Seriously, the depth of denial at this point is past annoying. Because, no matter what you think about the state of their relationship (and by now you all know my take on the two of them, partners in long term relationship of course, but there are still those having a hard time to commit to it), you have to be an outright idiot not to see or understand and internalize that these two are together at this moment by choice (as no other member of the group and with no other member of the group). They have told us and shown us time and time again what they mean to each other, and this here is them telling us oud and clear that they couldn't go through these 18 months of military service apart from each other.
And yesterday it seems like JK had some time off from his very busy and laborious duties. Or, he chose to spend his couple of hours of rest between meals to go online and for us to know he was online. He actually seemed to have spent quite a bit of time on TikTok following a few more accounts and liking some clips.
He liked some Hobi clips (for his upcoming documentary and album), liked a couple of Fri(end)s' clips and he also liked JM's #thisisJimin dance clip for Closer than this.
JK chose to not only like it, but to comment on the clip as well:
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An explanation perhaps? You know, for not liking this earlier, as he did JM's previous #ThisisJimin clips? And understandably so, given the clip was released 21 December 2023, seeing that they were both doing their basic training at the time.
And maybe this is a coincidence... maybe it isn't (you know what my feelings are about those Jikook coincidences), but this happening on 24 March 2024, exactly 1 year from the release of Face.
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Idk man...
I gotta remember this is JK we are talking about here.
Same day as this was happening too.
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Not saying a damn thing here...
Or am I?
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bonefall · 19 days
It's certainly a writing choice to make a book about a mother's grief while ignoring her relationship with her remaining daughter. Alas, Occam's razor strikes again. Do you think they're going to suddenly give Thriftear more relevance in Star? I'm looking forward to seeing how you flesh her out, I've always loved how much care you put into family dynamics no matter how small they are in the grander scheme of things.
I'm honestly quite cynical on this front. We probably won't get a lot of Thrifty in Star. I think what's going to happen to Canon!Thriftear from this point out is that she is going to lose any personality traits that really make her unique as she transitions into becoming Moonpaw's mother.
She will be a mild-mannered, kind woman who is neither too harsh or too permissive. Any personality flaws she retains will just be related to what the plot requires Moonpaw to feel negative about. If we're all right and Moonie is a weirdgirl, then Thriftear will be a Mom Who Just Doesn't Understand.
I hope I'm proven wrong, but call it a hunch based on the detail we DID get from Ivypool's Heart; "Compared to her interesting siblings who are too neat and too messy, Thriftear cleans her den in the most normal way." Goldilocks middle child.
In any case,
I find family dynamics to be one of the most important aspects of BB, so anything I adapt that involves Ivypool is gonna involve Thriftear too and that is a PROMISE.
In BB, Ivypool is the adopted child of Lionblaze and Cinderheart. It was only revealed in BB!ASC that she is the forbidden child of Jayfeather and Poppyfrost.
This means she is fiercely Firekin. Squilf has always been her grandmother-- BB!Lionblaze was adamant about that, when Brambleclaw disowned him.
Fernsong is an ex-kittypet, and the primary parent of the kittens. Their "Mi."
This fixed Moonpaw's parentage problems pre-emptively. Bayshine and Thriftear are NOT cousins in BB
It's still a little up in the air, but I'm leaning HEAVILY towards Bayshine and FLIPCLAW being the parents of Moonpaw. Two very silly dads and their weird child.
If the dynamic between Moonpaw and her parents ends up being more distant or unhealthy though-- it'll probably be Thriftear and Plumstone.
BB!Thriftear has a VERY strong personality in my mind. She's Firekin and proud. Bristlefrost is gone and she is dedicated to carrying on her strength and ambition in her place.
Since they were young, they both planned on doing big things in the Clan. Thriftear is serious and a bit sarcastic, intense personality.
Plumstone has just as much raw ambition, but in a sort of laid-back, authoritative way.
As a couple, they're fantastic at "Good Cop/Bad Cop" plays. It doesn't matter how hard it looks like the two of them are fighting-- it's a trap!
They will ALWAYS end up turning a united front on you. They are terrifyingly good at working as a team.
So, bottom line is, I'm not giving this up to accommodate canon unless they end up giving me something REAL interesting. I'm very fond of the BB!Ivykin family!
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ggukkieisintominnie · 1 month
and we cheer 🥂
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I want to gush out how much I love this week's episode very much. It was everything I could've asked for definitely comes second after episode 2. Beside everything Jikook; what made it more special is that alot of ANTI'S tuned in to watch.
In episode 3 most anti's tuned in because of the addition of Tae. They came in gun blazing that they will get MOMENTS. So they very much loved and appreciated that selfie scene and swiming pool scene. They even claimed that Jungkook looked happier. And Jimin illness made for fewer Jikook moment. Therefore it safe to say episode 3 fed them and made them very much happy so episode 4 was definitely a must.
Oh boy how they were proven wrong. Anti's got gagged. Jikook karma striked so hard even I was gagged.
Jikook barechested. Jikook hard-core flirting. Jikook sharing a bed. Jikook eating from the same cup of ramen. Jimin caring for Jungkook. Jungkook calling Jimin pretty. Jungkook's mom only mentioning Jimin and her soft endearing way of saying his name. Jikook cuddling and watching the sunset together just after Jimin spoke about romance. Jungkook showing Jimin unreleased footage of his solo endeavors. Jungkook opening up to Jimin about his lack of sleep. Jikook going to sleep at the same time. Jikook role playing. Jikook snorkeling... and the list goes on.
Although the highlights were Jungkook and Jimin further confirming that AYS is indeed a Jikook show and Tae is simply a guest. They clocked that tea. As well as Jimin and Jungkook giving Anti's something for comparison -Jikook's own rendition of the swimming pool scene.
No matter how much Anti's try to recreate history, they will forever remember episode 4 becuase this time they saw what us, jikookers see in real time. At the same time they watched jikook jikooking.
I'm sure they were pissed. Honestly I would do anything to watch their live reaction to the episode. I can bet other's dropped the show and those who kept on believing a moment will come watched till the end. I hope they cried themselves to sleep that exact day.
Episode 4 hit them with the harsh reality that jikook are naturals. That the so called script given to them is being acted out marvelously. Jikook really need their Oscar's it long overdue. Also mama jeon her acting was spectacular. Anti's watched and realized that we jikook supporters don't have to force a jikook interaction because it given to us without begging. That we do not have to manipulate and analyze a scene, or rely on bad camera angles and bad lighting to claim a jikook interaction.
Anti's were caught by surprise. And it will haunt them forever.
What funnier is that this people are masochists and never seem to learn their lesson. They are indeed gonna tune in for next week episode because "can you be my girlfriend?" promises for a moment.
Well well... I guess we wait for next week to find out. But I know Jikook. Jungkook is legit the best sniper to their delusions. Jimin and Jungkook will absolutely make those anti's wish to die once again.
Anti's should remember they will forever remain desperate while we, the ones who support and are loyal to Jikook will keep on getting our moment becuase we support a spontaneous bond.
Jikook for the win.
And once again nothing for the haters.
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