#I really hope you like itt
wandersoul8 · 1 year
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Made a birthday gift for a long time online friend of mine @//emperoromegus on Instagram!!
I drew him up a picture of his Dalek OC, Omegus, which will be turned into a custom gift keychain later this year ✨
I really hope you like it and thanks for being such a good friend 🎉⚡️
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j-jinxee · 4 months
Suggestive under the cut!
"Holy shit Alastor! Is that a lipstick stain?" Angel asked, referring to a red smudge on the collar of Alastors white button up.
The hotel staff had planned a nice dinner night for all the new guests they'd gotten recently, meaning everyone wore their best suited attire.
"Ha! You're seeing things my good man."
- flashback to earlier -
You'd just finished applying your lipstick, setting the tube down on your vanity as your date for the evening came out of the bathroom. You were so thankful that Alastor was interested in you, everyone knew he wasn't really one for romance, yet here he was as your dinner date.
"Oh my stars! You look so good in that outfit! I knew it'd suit you." You were the one who bought him this outfit, since he wasn't used to wearing anything but his usual dress coat.
"I'm glad you like it my dear! I wouldn't be wearing it for anyone else." It was rare to see him without some sort of coat covering his figure, so you wanted this outfit to be absolutely perfect.
You got up from your vanity and made your way over to the doorway he was standing in. Reaching up to straighten his collar, then looking up to meet his eyes. The smile he wore was hypnotising, and the effect it had on you was serious, it made you smile too - most likely from intimidation. You shifted to your tip-toes and gave him a peck, forgetting about your lipstick that wasn't kiss-proof.
"Oh!" You giggled at the sight of Alastor with lipstick on, yet he didn't know what had occurred. "What's so funny darling?" You laughed and lead him to the mirror, letting him see what you'd done. "Would you look at that..." he spoke, "you've marked me, that's different." His eyes grew darker as he observed the vibrant red on his skin, "you want some more?" You asked with a smile.
"How could I say no to a smile like that? Go ahead my dear." He said, crouching down a bit just so you could reach his neck. You hands grasped his collar, keeping him still as you peppered kisses all over his neck and jawline. Giggling the whole time because of how pretty he looked, absolutely covered in your affection. His hands started to drag up your dress, which was already short to begin with. The room started to fill with lust, you could feel it surrounding you, moving up to Alastors lips to capture him in a proper kiss. Feeling his tongue invade every inch of your mouth, smudging the red substance all over him in the process. His hands got dangerously close to your heat, ready to rip off your dress and take you right now, but suddenly-
*bzz* *bzz* *bzz*
"Oh shit Charlie's calling! Uh helloooo"
"Where are you guys? We started like 10 minutes ago and you know I hate leaving people out."
"I'm so sorry Charlie, I uh- we'll be down in a sec I promise!" You ended the call and turned back to Alastor, getting a proper look at your work. Oh how you wish you could take a photo.
"We're late! We gotta go now." You said, scrambling to the bathroom and grabbing some makeup wipes to sort out your messy lips. Alastor slowly followed behind you and did the same, a little sad he had to rub it all off so soon."As much as I would love to show this off, something like this would tarnish my reputation. I'm sure you understand my dear." You smiled, happy that you found something else he enjoys in the bedroom. Little did he know, you accidentally got some on the side of his collar, very obvious since the shirt was white as well. Oh well.
- back to the present -
"I know a lipstick mark when I see one! You can't fool me old man." Of course Angel noticed, you couldn't wait to tell him what actually happened between you two in your next gossip session.
This came to mind outta nowhere and I was like FUCK YEAAAA so aha hope u like itt x
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arminsumi · 7 months
I'll Love You Forever
Itadori ゆうじ
★ Pairing : gn!reader / Yuji
★ Note : ah it was very hard to watch, esp the nail clawing 🥹 i need to make a lil yuji sanctuary where i can put him in to be safe.
★ Warnings : angst, comfort, post Shibuya arc
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Yuji's quiet and motionless, staring into a void that you can't see.
You haven't asked what happened in Shibuya — you don't need to. You can understand the severity of it all just by how heavy his aura is.
The cord tethering him to the happy-go-lucky Yuji feels severed.
But if there's one person who can mend it, it's you. Because even if the cords tethering him to his self snap, the cord tethering him to you will never snap.
He feels sick and you're his remedy.
"Yuji, drink some water. Your lips are chapped."
He doesn't really drink much, he wets his lips with it at most. But he tried at least.
Yuji's still staring into the void that you can't see. He blinks, his gaze drifts to you.
You're still here with me.
"Can I put my head in your lap?" he asks.
You choke up.
"Of course, come here." you respond softly.
Yuji lays his head on your thighs as you sit with folded knees. His head feels like it's made of bricks. And his mind feels knotted up.
"Play with my hair, please." he asks in a hoarse voice.
You play with his hair.
His mind feels disentangled as you run your fingers through his messy hair. He slowly wraps his arms around you, using all his strength just to hold onto you.
You feel Yuji's tears wetting your shirt. They come out fast and hot, one slipping out after another. Little droplets full of pain.
"Keep me here and don't let go."
"I won't let go."
"You really won't let go?"
"I really won't let go."
"Thank you..." his voice shakes.
He swims in your soothing warmth and the tears slow. When he rears his reddened face up to you, you muster a smile that means the world to him.
Yuji thinks to himself when he's laid in your arms; I'll love you forever.
"Will you love me forever?" he asks you.
You place a kiss on his chapped lips. Your wet, warm kiss is everything he needed right then.
"I'll love you forever." you reply.
He feels a tick of hope and goodness in his heavy heart, and retreats into his peace that is you.
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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rogueddie · 2 years
Steve loves giving people things.
It's one of the rare things he misses about Tommy and Carol- even when he'd just give them the food he didn't want, they'd light up and look so pleased. They were encouraging too- probably just because they wanted things from him, he knows that, but it still makes him feel all warm and happy just remembering it.
No one lets him give them stuff anymore.
Jonathon had accepted the replacement camera reluctantly and when Steve tried to give him other things for said camera, he got a door slammed in his face.
Nancy, drunk and repeatedly calling him 'bullshit', slips in a little dig at how Steve needs to buy peoples love.
Not even Dustin accepts anything from him. The only thing Steve could really offer him is a new walkie, or batteries, or food- but Dustin already has those things and dismisses any attempts Steve makes to learn what else he could get him. Jokes that he doesn't need to be bought.
By the time they save Eddie, turn the narrative on it's head and save the day- he's back on his parents payroll. Something about him being a hero in the newspapers (at Eddies insistence). Something about him being a good influence on the Harrington name. Something about him deserving some sort of reward.
That doesn't matter though, itt means he can start giving people actual gifts again!
But, he quickly bursts his own bubble. Because no one he knows wants any gifts from him. No one seems to understand. It makes him, for the first time in a long time, miss Tommy and Carol again.
He gets Eddie a new guitar though. It's not cheap, but he can afford it and... well, Eddies old one got destroyed in the Upside Down. It's the perfect excuse, right? It'd be like Jonathons camera- even if he's reluctant, he'll still accept it.
But it's not like Jonathon at all. Eddie is thrilled before he even opens the box, thrilled that Steve got him something. When he does open it and finds a new guitar, he screams (and scares his uncle, but even he seems to be understanding when he sees the guitar).
Eddie wants gifts. He jokes about it but, when Steve points out that he will if Eddie lets him, he looks genuinely excited at the idea. Tries to tell Steve that he doesn't have to, but he looks reluctant when he says that. Looks more upset that Steve might think he's greedy or using him.
So Steve starts getting him things. Usually just... little things. At first, it was a perfect excuse to start spending time with him, to become better friends.
He isn't sure when it started to mean something else. He isn't sure when he started to swap out little things he thinks will make Eddie laugh for... romantic things. For roses and chocolate. For things that will flatter Eddie and make him blush, make him pull some of his hair in front of his mouth and give Steve looks that can only be described as 'demure'.
It's when Steve gets him a little skull ring he'd seen in passing, something he'd seen and immediately thought of Eddie, that he finally gets the response he'd started secretly hoping for.
"How about... instead of a thing... next time, we go out?" Eddie shifts, hesitant. "Like... see a movie, get dinner?"
Steve had to bite his lip, trying to make his grin a little less goofy. "Yeah. You, uh... mean, like, a date, right?"
"Do you want it to be like a, uh, date?"
Steve can't quite get himself to say it, nodding instead.
Eddie gives him a little smile, looks painfully understanding. "A date then. I'm free this Saturday? I hear there's something cute and family friendly in cinemas that we could watch."
"Yeah, ok, Saturday. Um... you wanna get some food too?"
"Food sounds good. Dinner and a movie, very romantic. Pick me up at 6?"
"Yeah. Yeah, ok, 6. It's a date."
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elryuse · 9 months
Tags : Co-worker, Teasing, Seduction, Creampie
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It was late at night, you and your co-workers were busy finishing all of the left over papers that have been given by your boss. Everybody was hella tired, including yourself. Your whole body was so stiff, and your eyebags were so black and lifeless. All you can think about is having a nice cold glass of beer to make all of the stress go away.
So After you're done with your work. You asked all of your co-workers to have a nice drink at a nearby Gukbap restaurant. And without any hesitation, all of your co-workers agreed. And so the night went on. You're currently having a big cold pint of beer, followed by a nice warm bowl of Gukbap, a bowl of steaming hot rice, and a platter of banchan at the table.
The moment the soup and rice touches your tounge, it immediately warms your soul like never before. The feeling was so cozy not to mention, when you followed it by drinking some cold glass of beer. The feeling was just majestic and refreshing. Your co-workers are also enjoying the atmosphere of the restaurant as well.
Not to mention this particular co-worker of yours. You kinda forget about her name. But if you're not wrong her name is something starting with Miyeon or something. But not gonna lie. She's looking beautiful af tonight. I mean she's not wearing her usual office look. She instead changes her clothes to something a bit more revealing and a bit sensual.
"Hi there"?
"O-oh Hi".
"Do you remember my name"?
"U-uhmm... I kinda forgot sorry".
"Ahh crap... That's alright... I'm Miyeon... And you are"?
"Oh.. Y/n.. Park Y/n".
"Oooh... You're that new kid"?
"Ah yes.. Ahahah".
"Well... I hope you're doing your best alright".
"You gott itt".
As she sways her way to your other co-workers. You can actually see something that you shouldn't see. Because her dress was so short and tight. Every time she leans on someone. You kinda see her panties and a little bit of her ass as well. You were kinda shy and wanted to tell her, but she was just enjoying her time. So you didn't really bother to tell her.
This party continued, until it was basically midnight. And everybody was pretty much Deadass drunk and tired. So after helping your co-workers to get home safely. You were left out there with none other than Miyeon. You kinda forget that she didn't go home yet, so the whole situation was pretty awkward actually.
"So... It's just us left huh"?
"Y-yeah... ".
"Hmm... Well I think it's time to go home... It's getting late".
"Y-yeah you're right Noona".
"Hey.. Uhm... Can you possibly... Accompany me back home? I swear it's pretty close to here.. I'm scared to go home at this hour by myself".
"O-oh O-okay.. I-if it's alright with you.. ".
" *chukle* I'll be more than welcome to be accompanied by a cute guy like you Y/n... *grab your hand* Alright... Let's grab a taxi".
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"What are you waiting for? *chukle* Get inside dummyy".
Inside the Taxi. Miyeon was basically holding on to your hand tightly. It was awkward yet comforting for you. Especially knowing that you'll never do something like this in your life. She was very playful and even teased you pretty much the whole trip. She started playing around with her hands by touching and rubbing your hands. Slowly going down and closer to your crotch.
Before she finally stops. And giggles at your cute reaction.
"Are you horny baby"?
"N-noona not here and not nowww"!!
"What's wrong.. The driver won't hear us don't worry".
"Stopp... This is wrong... I don't even know you yet".
"So what"??
Miyeon suddenly grabbed a hold of your erected cock. Before admiring how big it has gotten. She giggles and licks her lips as if a predator was locked on to its prey. She suddenly gets closer to you.. And she suddenly kisses your neck.
" *mwah* "
" *shocked* Whaaa... ".
"Hehe your reaction is so goddamn cutee".
"P-please stop Noona".
"Nuh uhh".
/sorry to bother you two.. But... We're here/
"O-oh Thanks sir".
"Thank you Sir.. Have a good night".
/Hahaha yeah yeah... Have fun.. You two/
After stepping a single foot inside her apartment room. Miyeon immediately pushes you towards her room. Kissing your lips passionately. The way her tounge intertwined with your own was hot not gonna lie. She was very good at this... And Y-you are just starstruck.
"Hmm..... Let's do it".
"... *pant*.... D-do what.. "?
" *smirk* I'll just remove this dress... And then..... Tadaa".
Miyeon suddenly undresses right in front of your eyes. Her skin was white and smooth. Her body was petite and so perfect. She Smirked while eyeing your body from head to toe. She smiles, before walking closer and closer to you..
"Let's go to my bedroom".
" *gulp* ".
"It's okayy... Babe... I'll be gentle on you".
As you walked towards her bedroom. You Were suprised by the amount of furniture that was scattered all around her room. It wasn't a cheap piece of decor either, I mean I can clearly see an art piece that would sell for thousands, heck maybe even million of dollars just sitting there on her walnut colored wall.
"Don't let that decoration bother us babe... We're here to fuck not to see some boring art piece... Come here... ".
Suddenly Miyeon grabs your body and slams it down to the mattress, before plantimg her soft and silky lips down to your own. The kiss was long and delicious, the way her tounge twisted inside your mouth was divine. After the kiss ended, she immediately started to ride your cock slowly and Erotically. She didn't insert it just yet and just playfully teasing you.
"F-fuck.. N-noona".
" *chukle* Do you want me? Do you want to fuck me baby"?
At this point rejecting her offer is just plain dumb and outrageous to do. So without any hesitation you immediately said.
"Yes. I want to fuck you so bad".
" *chukle* beg harder baby.. And maybe I'll let you do it inside of me".
"P-please Miyeon Noona.. Please let me fuck you... I've always loved you.. And I always wanted to fuck you".
"Mhm... *chukle* alright then".
And just like that, Your cock makes an entrance to her now wet and slippery walls. When you went in, Her pussy walls immediately gripped onto your cock. The feeling was heavenly and there was just nothing like it.
"Mhmmm so big... Hehe".
"N-noona You're so tight".
"Mhm.. Do you like it"?
"Y-yes.. Yes I do.. It's heavenly".
"I'm glad... But this is not enough.. Fuck me harder baby".
And you rightfully did. You started to increase your pace and started to give her pussy a nice fucking. Miyeon immediately started moaning like crazy and started to grip your chest harder than before.... The sound of flesh slapping was so loud it started to become music to your ears.
Before long, You're already on your limit. Your cock just couldn't handle the tightness of her pussy. Your cum is basically leaking right now.. And all you want to do now is to release all of your seed deep inside of her.
"Are you close baby"?
"Y-yes.. ".
" *chukle* mhmm... Then cum in me... Cum inside me... Cum inside my fucking womb".
"Fuck.. Fuck fuck... I'm cumminh Noona".
"Yes.. Ahhhh fuckkk... Cumm inside meee".
And just like that. You've released all of your seed deep inside her womb. Both of you got tired and just basically cuddled in her big ass bed. She slowly makes her hand on your face before caressing it and kissing your lips.
"Starting from today.. You're mine got it"?
"O-okay Noona".
" *chukle* Just call me Miyeon babe.. ".
"O-okay Miyeon".
~ The End ~
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s3raphimssins · 20 days
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷pairings: mafia! dazai x civilian! reader (slight angst)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷plot: oh our dear demon prodigy fell in love, I guess you could really say opposites attract but how would his miracle react to him when he's not himself?
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Felix's Note: AHH okay so this is based off a chat I had with his bot and it inspired me to write thisss so hope you like itt!!! Gender neutral reader as far as I've read! :D Have a great day/night! xoxo, mwah 🩷
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷warnings: slight gore (I mean it's mafia dazai guys) slight angst if you squint, a torture scene 😮‍💨 (interrogation) dazai calls the reader angel
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The demon prodigy, the notorious mafia executive, fallen in love with a mere civilian? He found it curious, he himself pondered over that question for hours when he was not thinking about ways to kill himself. Perhaps it was your innocence that drew him in? Perhaps it was the fact that your smile was so pure so genuine it intrigued him how you did so. Nevertheless you found yourself in his office swinging your legs as he slacked off of work.
He would spare you glances during his fit of rolling on the floor. You just started at him with a smile to which he felt if not a lot but a little at ease. "This so so boringgg, I've finished the game I was playing and I've tried to kill myself aswell there's nothing to doooo" He whines rolling on the floor. Key word tried to kill himself, you saw him and stopped him before he had a chance. You thought for a moment and said "well why don't you try working for a change". He was flabbergasted at that " How could you suggest something thats 10 times worse! Angel I thought you knew me better".
It was moments like these where you found it difficult to believe he was who the media portrays him as he shifted from rolling on the floor to clinging your leg complaining and whining about his job and how you were the best thing to happen to him. But of course you were quickly reminded of who he was as he heard a knock on his office door, he opened the door and someone said something that made his eyes shift to those of a traumatic child and a sadistic grin was plastered on his face. He turns around to you back to his normal self saying "I'll be back, don't try and kill yourself without me okay!" The duality of that guy and with that he left.
You had a lot to keep yourself busy with till the time he was gone but it had been 3 hours already and it had begun to get dark. You thought to go home but just wanted to inform Dazai incase he wanted to hop along, so you made your first mistake of the night, leaving his office. You roamed the headquarters earning a few condescending looks from the other members of the mafia, as they wondered who you were. Then a tall extremely well built guy approached you after noticing you looking for something and bent down to ask you "lost little fella? ". That was your que to get the heck out of the vicinity, so you just gave an awkward chuckle and ran off somewhere.
You stumbled across a room which you didn't bother reading the plaque of and opened it in hopes to ask about Dazais whereabouts. What you didn't expect is to see none other that Dazai himself. Only he was not Dazai. He was the demon prodigy who the media and the people spoke of. He stood in front of a man? At least you think it was a man, he was chained to the wall and he was alive? Hopefully because the condition he was in looked like he a corpse. Dazai held pliers in his hands, and the man let out an agonizing scream as your Dazai ripped one of his nails out with a sadistic smile. "So now, who do you work for? " He asked in a voice that was devoid of emotion.
Your breath got stuck in your thought as you felt paralyzed unable to move. He noticed the presence of someone else behind him as he looked behind to meet his gaze with you only you searched for him in his eyes but he wasn't there. All he said was a simple "get out" And you left the room. Your thoughts were getting louder and louder, as you thought of the scene you had just witnessed, you should've known what you'd be getting yourself into when he told you about his job, and when you agreed to stay with him despite that, but still what you witnessed took a huge toll on you and you couldn't get the picture of that man off your mind. You ran into his office trying to grab your stuff but your hands trembled and your legs wobbled, you plopped down on the couch immediately trying to calm your nerves.
In the meantime as you were trying to your face in your arms hidden in your legs as you tried to collect your thoughts you felt the cushion beside you dip down. You snapped your head up to see non other than Dazai himself tho he no longer had that look in his eyes. "You weren't supposed to see me like that" Was all he said as he avoided your gaze. You looked at him as your breathing regulated and your trembling hands became stable. After a moment of silence you cupped his face in one of your hands to bring him to look at you, you looked in his eyes, they were different than before, they were the same adoring eyes he would always look at you with. You sighed and before you could day anything he spoke "I'm sorry, if you want to leave you can, I won't stop you, I am unworthy of anyones love especially yours, you should live a normal life and not get involved with someone like me".
Why was he saying this, of course you knew about his struggles with love but deep down he really needed it, but all those boundaries that you with so much efforts broke down were starting to build up again and you couldn't have that. "They could never make me hate you Zai" You said softly assuring him "I was just... Taken aback with the scene unfolding infront of me, I was the one who agreed to stay by your side even after you constantly told me not to, I can't just throw that away not can I? " You said and with all your strength you smiled, the same smiled which he melted seeing. He didn't do it but you could tell by the look on his eyes he wanted to hug you, to assure himself that you were right there with him and you didn't disappear like everyone did. So you wrapped your arms around him carefully and for a minute he just stayed like that until his tense shoulders dropped and he hugged you back tightly afraid of letting go.
"Just remember... No matter what you become or what you have to do, I will always adore you" You said assuring him, knowing he how conflicted he was feeling inside. And Dazai himself would never admit it but for the first time a genuine soft smile came on his face as he spoke "im so glad to have met you... My precious miracle"
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m1sfist · 2 months
"I want to watch you"
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re2!Leon x fem!reader
notes: so like this is my first time ever writing a smut and actually posting it, I hope it's not too bad bare with me, I hope you like itt 🙏🙏
Reblogs are greatly appreciated<3
warnings: nsfw, smut w no plot, unprotected sex, hair pulling, praising, p in v, being watched while masturbating, not proof read, whimpering, blowjob, fingering, use of pet names, oral m!receiving, dirty talk
While she left the house to get some food, Leon is in his room touching himself again. suddenly he hears someone open the door, it's her. He quickly puts his precum-coated cock in his pants, the bulge noticeable in his sweatpants and a precum stain is forming on his pants. He desecretly puts his hand on his erection rubbing it and praying that she doesn't notice. But she does.
"W-what are you doing home so soon?" he says with a breathy voice trying to hide the fact he was just touching himself to her.
"I forgot my wallet..." She looks confused about why he's acting so weird.. but then she realizes.
"You couldn't wait for me to get home could you..." she says while locking the door behind her and slowly walking up to leon
Leon looks at her, his face full of shame and fear "No... I mean, I was just... It's not what you think..." He clears his throat, trying to maintain his composure. "I was just, you know, taking a break from studying."
"oh really? is that so? and you didn't think I would notice?" She looks at him with a questioned look on her face taking a few more steps to him before sitting down next to him, rubbing his groin area with a pouty look on her face.
Leon looks down, biting his lower lip nervously "I... I wasn't thinking straight, babe. Please forgive me. I promise it won't happen again." He looks up at her with pleading eyes, hoping she'll believe him
"oh but that's what you said last time, but you'll get lucky this time" she said while caressing his cheek.
His heart was pounding, no one could ever make him feel like his, except for her.
"You're lucky I want to watch you touch yourself to me" she said in a seductive tone while looking at his lips then eyes.
Leon's eyes widen in shock and disbelief, his heart racing with a mixture of fear and arousal "Wh-what? You... you want to watch me?"
"Mhm..." She loves the fact that she makes him so nervous, like she has some kind of power over him.
Leon swallows hard, still struggling to process your request "I... I don't know. Maybe... just this once." He nervously takes off his sweatpants and boxers, revealing his thick cock begging for attention
"do you think of me when you touch yourself, Leon?" She asked him with bedroom eyes, looking at his cock then looking back to his eyes. He nods and starts stroking it for her, knowing her eyes are on him makes him only hornier, but the only thing he really wants is to be inside of her. She cups his face and kisses his jawline while she watches his hand stroke his dick. she loves hearing him whimper even if just for a second.
And her watching him alone gives her a slick between her thighs. She slides her hand under his shirt tracing the lines of his abs, just the touch of her makes him let out a soft groan. Soon enough they smash their lips together fighting over who has dominance, Leon slips his free hand into her pants and circles her cilt through her panties while still jerking himself off. They both moan into each others mouths. she breaks the kiss to whimper under his touch.
"let me help you out Leon, hm?" She gave him a sly smirk and tucked her long black hair behind her ears and lowered her head down next to his throbbing erection with his sticky precum dripping along the side of it. She licks it off him while staring at him through her eyelashes, "oh f~fuck..."
she takes a hold of his thighs and starts swiftly bobbing her head up on down on his dick, feeling every vein along her tongue. Leon takes a tuff of her black hair and gently pulls on it, he could never hurt her even if he tried. He bucks his hips up to match the pace of her head, letting out whimpers and groans to every thrust hitting the back of her throat. With each gag and slurp he throws his head back as he gets closer to his climax, she knows Leon is close so she bottoms him out and wiggles her head on his cock as he shoots his warm white ropes coating down her throat, knowing she enjoyed every second of it just as much as Leon did.
With tears falling down her eyes from gagging, she looks up at him and kisses his jaw still with left over cum on her lips, licking it off of his jaw from where she kissed him.
"you think you can give me another? It's my turn you know..." She gave him a chuckle as she ran her finger down his chest. Before she could even say another word Leon swifts her up bridal style and takes her to their shared bedroom. He throws her on the white silk sheets that smell of coconut
"so I'll take that as a yes" she bites her lip excited for how Leon is gonna treat her. They both take off their shirts leaving Leon in his sweatpants and her in her bra and shorts. Leon bends down over her to whisper,
"it is your turn babe, you see that mirror right there? I want you to see what you look like while I make you come undone princess, how I make you fall apart underneath me" his new found use words only made her grow wetter, she likes this new side of him, she looked over at the mirror as he kissed her neck leaving a very visible mark.
He puts his legs on the bed spreading her legs out to make room for him with his knees as he unclips her bra with one hand. He helps her take her shorts off while she pulls down his sweat pants once again with his boxers soaked again with precum, revealing his still hard dick. He takes a look at her panties, "Already so soaked for me, good girl."
"this new side of you Leon, I like it" she lifted her hand up to cup his face while she was looking up at him. "Well you're about to like it even more my love" he lowered down and kissed her forehead as he slipped his two fingers in her panty line and pulled them down to her ankles, she kicked them off.
He dragged his pointer finger along her sensitive slick to the touch folds as he positioned his dick to her entrance. Leon wasn't one for foreplay, he likes to get straight to the point. "Are you ready princess?"
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matiqore · 6 months
Please write something for Pina!!! Maybe reader is busy with work and pina is frustrated she won’t go do fun stuff with her
baby come on. | clàudia pina
clàudia pina x reader fluff (670 words)
summary: clàudia is frustrated that you arent spending time with her while you are busy with work.
Note: this was a request! Sorry its kinda short, still cute tho (i think) and i hope u like itt ❤️
you chewed on the end of your pen. one hand in your hair and the other harshly gripping the plastic. you stared at your laptop screen, reading through the never-ending notes you had taken earlier of your last match. in the book below you, you wrote new plays, techniques or formations that could be used in the next barca game. specifically you wrote, in full detail, about all the areas you could improve on.
you stretched backwards in your chair before turning around to glance at your apartment door, which was now being opened. hearing clàudias voice you relaxed and looked back to your screen.
"im home, cariñooo!!"
"hey." you replied flatly, now focused on scribbling words into your notebook. clàudia's lips pressed together in dissapointment. you had been on your own ass about studying games recently and left no time for you to relax, not even with her! your girlfriend!!
"baby, you're still studying? i thought you were done with this game yesterday?" she asked, putting her bag down and walking towards you to wrap her arms around your neck.
you yawned, resting your head back onto her shoulder.
"yea i thought i was, but theres some stuff i missed."
"okay cariño, pero..." you hummed in response and she kissed your cheek a few times before sitting down in the chair next to you. she took the front leg of your chair and span you around to face her, then placing her hand on your thigh, a glimmer of hope and excitement in her eyes.
"mapi invited us out today, for drinks! i reallllyyy want you to come baby. we haven't been out together in so long." you bit your cheek at her words, trying to remember the last time you went out with her, but you couldn't. you hesitated to speak, rubbing your head with guilt. "i know, clàu. im sorry, i just really want the next game to be perfect." you didn't look at her, feeling her frustrated eyes on you as you finished your sentence. she removed her hand from your thigh and stood up, letting out a long, exhasperated sigh.
she looked at you "i understand." and started walking towards your bedroom, "clàu im sor-" you were interrupted, clàudia shutting the bedroom door behind her. your head dropped to the floor, feeling guilt build up inside of you after hearing her voice clearly saddened. you heard the shower turn on and spun your chair back to your computer, continuing to write your notes.
when clàudia came out of the shower, basic shirt and boxers on and a towel wrapped around her neck, you were still working. you looked up and offered a smile which she returned in a bored manner. the guilt was really eating you up now, so you started to pack away your things, noticing clàudia glance at you from the kitchen as she filled a glass of water. you put your stuff away and started to walk up to her, but she picked up her phone and faced her back towards you. what a baby. you grabbed her waist from behind and perched your head on her shoulder.
"clàu?" you said, no response.
"babyy please." again no response.
an idea entered your mind, and your hands went up her shirt to trace her abs. you teasingly started to kiss her neck, and when you felt her smile you brought your hands together around her.
you spoke again, "im sorry that i haven't been spending time with you baby. ive been busy with this shit, i just want things to be perfect." she didn't respond, but put her phone down to continue listening.
"let's go out today, amor. i'm done with this studying, i realized how much i missed being with you." you said, taking your arms out of her shirt and turning her body to face you. she beamed at you with her smile, asking "really!?" and draping her arms around your neck to kiss you when you nodded yes.
when she pulled away she spoke again, "finally, cariño. i've missed you too."
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sanest-bsd-delegate · 4 months
Hii!!! Sorry to bother you,I hope you are healthy as always❤️
So, i have a funny idea with Dazai (and others Character if you like), like what about Reader is a woman + tomboy but she more handsome and popular than him (Even though reader is a woman).How will they react about that!
If you don't like it you can skip itt! Thank you❤️❤️
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Headcanon in WHICH, Dazai react to reader being more popular then him
A/N: I actually lost my senses to write and my humour is broken, i swear i arent like this :D
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Denial is the first step of grief they say, and thats what exactly he felt.
I mean, with a ego as big as the sun, Dazai Osamu never in his life met with such a crisis.
what crisis you may ask?
Well, you and him were in a cafe, when a girl approched both of you.
Dazai being Dazai, thought the girl was approching him because, Who can resist his beautiful face and charms?
Oh boy how wrong he was when the girl turned her back towards him.
"Um...Miss you look so cool, I want-"
Dazai was so deaf to the conversation after that (Lmao)
Like he knows you are the most beautiful human to exist on earth but people turning their back on him for you??
He used to get free chocolates to eat from girls and free vegetables for the venders but now? IF HE IS WITH YOU HE HAS TO PAY???
"Hey lets go the market together!" "NO"
Bro is actually really sad cause no free stuff for him #he'sbroken
One time, he actually made you wear a mask when you both went outside for the evening walk, and the next moment a toddler boy came upto you and gave you flowers.
Bro got jelous of a boy.
why do i think he made you wear this mask?
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and the mask in question would be this:
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I mean after sometime, he might as well as give up and use you as a medium of free food gainer (as if he doesnt already)
"Y/N PLEASE RIZZ THEM UP FOR FREE CHOCOLATE" "yeah i dont really want you"
Like he is fr secretly proud of you.
Even asked you to sign his shirt so that whenever you get famous, he might as well as have a original merch.
"Dazai why am I voted as the most handsome/beautiful person in yokohama?" "Well its the truth tho?"
You got delivered free chocolates and flowers after
Sometimes i think he as well as enter your name into politics
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I officially lost my senses.
TAGLIST: @averagehisoilluenjoyer @high-on-dazai @ruru-kiss @kissesmellow21 @just2normalperson
Join or remove your user here.
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mattstattoo · 1 year
cuddle sesh or make out sesh?..
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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sum:y/n and Ethan have been dating for 1 years now, they met thru friends. they really hitted off because they were both silent and shy.Y/n moved in with Ethan and chad a few months ago.
⚠:kissing, a little bit of smut....
Y/n was getting ready for her daily cuddle session with Ethan she put nothing crazy on just some sweats and a Brandy Manville tank top on that Ethan had bought her for her birthday. she really missed him because he was really busy with Econ lately and would come home really tired, but today he was getting out of Econ early.
Y/n watched her tiktok drafts with Ethan while waiting for him, she really did love him but not as much as he did.Y/n felt the excitement ball up as she heard the door knock. she opens the door and jumps on Ethan with her legs tight on his waste, kissing him and mumbling "I've-missed you" through out the kiss. Ethan pulls away responding with "not as much as I did" then goes back for a peck.
he then sits down on the bed which leaves you sitting on his lap. continuously kissing each other Ethan then pulls away from the deep and passionate kiss then says "I thought this was a cuddle sesh?" turning you around on to the bed which leaves him on top of you with his legs in-between yours, "hm so you rather us stop and watch a movie and cuddle? I mean Chads at Taras so this is really are only time to you know.."
Ethan wasn't sure if this was a trick question or a genuine question, "well...maybe we can cuddle later." he said knowing he had thought of many things in his head but thought this was the safest option.
you then look thru his golden retriever eye, moving your head up to kiss him, this turned into a deep make out sesh. Ethan slips his hand under you shirt, and starts to coresing your breast with one hand and the other holding your jaw deeping the kiss.
you start bringing Ethans shirt up signaling you want it off, and he obeys.you couldn't help but look at his awesome 6-pack, then running your hands on it making Ethan have a slight smile on his face.
as Ethan goes in for another kiss we both turn at the door opening and chad and tara start historically screaming while covering there eyes. y/n and Ethan just froze, chad then cried out " I THOUGHT YOU FREAKS WOULD BE STUDYING YOUR NERD STUFF WHAT THE FUCK ETHAN" tara then reply while trying to calm down "I guess I owe Mindy 20 buck now freaks are freaky, anyways we'll leave you guys too it."
I am trying to progress and get better so if there's any grammar mistakes please comment and let me know.
I don't really like the way I wrote this cuz it doesn't really make sense or wtv ♥
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isaksbestpillow · 2 months
Hey, Siiri, I hope you're feeling well today. I saw you were watching Kare no Iru Seikatsu, and was wondering if you could clarify part of the exchange between our leads after they touch heads in episode 3. I feel like we didn't get a clean understanding of what Kazuhito said about not kissing.
Hoping you receive good news in the coming weeks, and thanks for your time!
Hello! Sure thing!
Here we have our scene.
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Here is the original dialogue of that whole scene. I won't use kanji to make it more accessible.
-Gomen. Nanka jibun no koto nanoni yoku wakannakute. Datte Kazuhito to no kurashi wa zenzen tanoshii shi, demo sore tte naka ga ii kara nano kana tte no mo atte. Tada ore kono seikatsu wa... Iya. -Dakara shinee tte. Tameshi ni yatte kimochi warui tte nattemo sasuga ni shokku da shi. -Iya, sore wa... -Wakannee daro. -Maa. -Gomen na. Moshi issho ni inno muri tte nattara, itte na. Ore hanarekkara. -Un. -Natsukawa ga ii nara, ore wa sono mama demo kamawanee shi. -Wakatta.
-Sorry. It's like, I don't really even understand my own feelings.(literally "even though it's about me I don't understand well") I mean, living with you is really fun, but maybe that's partly because we're so close. Tada ore kore seikatsu wa...Iya. This is a tricky incomplete sentence that literally means, "However me this life/living arrangement... Nah." We can't be sure what Natsukawa is trying to say because stops himself from saying it. He could be saying that he's uncomfortable with this living arrangement (very unlikely) or that he enjoys it (more likely).
-I said I wasn't gonna do it (kiss). Even if we gave it a shot and you found it repulsive, that'd obviously be a shock.
-That wouldn't happen... (literally "no, that...")
-You don't know that.
-I guess.
-Sorry. If being with me becomes too much, tell me. I'll distance myself.
-Or if you don't mind, I'm fine with things staying the way they are.
-Got it.
I haven't seen the subs but I hope this clarified things!
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tangerinesgf · 1 month
Okay but imagine Tom Ryder falling for a fan who has ZERO and I mean zero clue on him being famous. Like he met the fan on accident and then was expecting the fan to go crazy when seeing him but the fan wasn’t even interested
And he’s like so into it becuase this hasn’t happened to him before!
Also female reader as the fan!!!
Tags/warnings: nothing I think.. Tom being an ass before being nice.
A/N: this was really fun to write. I'll be honest i had to keep myself from making him too much of an asshole, but i think this is pretty in character. Anywaysss tysm for your request and i hope you like itt<3
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Tom Ryder has never met someone who doesn't know him. He's the biggest star of the world, everyone and their mother's knew about him. Or at least that's what he thought.
He was at his favorite coffee shop, undercover with a hat and black sunglasses. Usually he'd love the attention and praise from his fans, but today he wasn't really in the mood.
As the barista hands him his coffee order (a grande Caramel macchiato, 1/3 whole milk, 1/3 almond milk, 1/3 soy milk, 1 shot of extra espresso decaf, whipped cream and caramel drizzle on top), Ryder turns away to walk out of the shop.
Without noticing he drops his bank card which he used to pay with. You notice this while standing behind him in line and pick the card up.
"Oh, sir!" You call out as you rush after him.
Tom sighs and rolls his eyes before turning around to face the girl. "Here we go.." He mutters to himself.
"You dropped your-"
He instantly cuts you off before you can even finish your sentence. "Yeah, yeah it's me I'm amazing and the hottest man you've ever seen blah blah I know.."
You stare at him for a bit while still holding onto his card. "What?"
"What do you mean what?" He looks annoyed, you're wasting his time every second that he stands there facing you.
"I found your card.. what are you talking about?" You hold the card up to show him, your face still scrunched up in confusion.
"I'm Tom Ryder. Did you honestly not recognize me?" He raises his eyebrow at you. Is this girl stupid? He thinks to himself.
"Was I supposed to?"
"Yes. Everyone does I'm Tom Ryder." He says almost baffled that you don't recognize him.
"You keep saying your name but it doesn't ring a bell." You shrug your shoulder
"Tom Ryder." He repeats once again as if saying it for the third time would help. "Action Pact franchise? Hot Earth? Bad Cop, Good Dog? Metalstorm? How about biggest moviestar of the world?" He explains to you like you're a child.
"Oh I did hear about Metalstorm. Isn't that with that actress Iggy? Was that her name? She's cool."
"What no- I mean yes she is in it, but it's my movie. I'm the lead actor." Tom says in an agitated tone. How could you not know him, everyone knows him. Yet for some reason you kept staring at him with those confused eyes. Those beautiful confused eyes..
"Right well- good for you." It's a genuine smile, it's adorable. Why are you smiling at him like that? You should be wanting to jump on him out of excitement. Tom has never felt so confused in his life.
"Don't you watch movies at all?" He questions you.
"Ofcours I do. Indie movies." You say with a soft smile on your face.
Indie movies. Right. Tom Ryder was known for big budget blockbuster films, not smallscale indie stuff. Although now that he thinks about it everything could be a blockbuster with his name attatched to it.
"Right- so my face means nothing to you?"
"I mean.. I guess it looks slightly familiar but no.. not really. Sorry." You smile apologetically.
A strange sensation washes over Tom as he realizes this girl does not care about him at all. It's oddly humbeling even for him. "No it's fine I guess, I just never met someone who isn't crazy about me."
"Well I could still do that." You chuckle and finally hand the bank card back to him. "I'll just pretend to be obsessed with you and then you can roll your eyes at me or something."
"You'd really make a fool out of yourself for me?" He raises his eyebrow at you. Sure he's used to everyone doing everything for him whenever he asks, but this felt nice, less forced than usual.
"Yeah, look." You smile and then turn your back to him. A second later you turn to face him again, your face laced with excitement.
"Oh my god, you're Tom Ryder! I've seen like all your movies and you're so cool and hot and so amazing. Can we take a picture oh and an autograph, will you marry me?!" You say acting like an obsessed fangirl that's in love with him.
"Alright alright.. I get it." He laughs, readjusting the sunglasses on his face. He was starting to like her more and more.
"Really? I can go on if you'd like. There's this whole part where I improvise your part in a movie." Yoi brush your hair back from where it had fallen in front of your face and Tom's eyes can't help but linger at every move you make.
"No it's alright." He chuckles. "But I will say you're missing out. I've won many awards ya know. I'm not just a pretty face." He says with a grin on his face, trying to impress her.
"Never said you were. Maybe I should go see your new film at the cinema then." You tease playfully.
He chuckles softly at that. The idea of you going to see his movie made him excited. He wanted to know what you'd think about the film eventhough he had just met you 5 minutes ago. Then an idea suddenly pops into his head.
"I have a better idea. How would you like to go to the premiere, hm?" He grins
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A/N: Tysm for reading I hope you enjoyed it!! Comments and reblogs are so much appreciated you don't even understand. Love you guyss<3
Taglist: @earth-elemental18 @cockete @allaroundjejje (lemme know if you wanna be removed/added)
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judesidepiece · 4 months
Finished The Prisoner's Throne and these are my thoughts! (Spoilers)
I like how sure Oak is about his love for Wren, it is sweet!
Wren murdering the guard in cold blood who went behind her back and tortured Oak oooooooOO
I wish they did more with the bridle but I suppose HB didn't want Wren to do smthg that may have been unforgivable
Oak's betrothal plan to Wren was very smart in my opinion, I didn't know how he was planning to prevent the war from starting and was caught off guard by the engagement announcement and I love being surprised! It reminded me of Cardan and Jude's arrangement in TWK but was different in its own right like Oak clearly would have happily married her without all the drama too.
I laughed out loud when Cardan turned the Ghost into a tree like A TREE?? Out of all the things I expected to happen in this book, this would have NEVER occurred to me. How does HB think of these things
When Wren hatched from a chrysalis and was reborn with wings at the end??????? That was also VERYYY unique and random. I was like wtf just happened but I vibe with it??
Jude and Cardan were sooooo adorable in this book, their moments were chef's kiss
Like when Cardan answered Jude's question and ignored Taryn completely, he has his priorities straight
OMG AND WE GOT CLOSURE ON VALERIAN'S CURSE ON JUDE. I thought that part was super cool and protective Cardan was>>>
I did feel sorry for Taryn when the Ghost died, like I wasn't sad when he died but I do feel bad for her
Did anyone else think Cardan was going to tell Oak that him and Jude are going on a 'business trip' to make a child and was on the edge of their seat only for him to say they are attending Nicasia's courting trials? I really thought
I already guessed the next book would be about Nicasia but I was realllllly hoping it would be about Jude and Cardan's kid(s) instead cuz like idgaf about Nicasia
I adored Oak defending Wren to his mother
OMG TIERNAN AND HYACINTH WERE ADORABLEEEE. When they reunited and Tiernan dejectedly said Hyacinth hated everyone including him but Hyacinth immediately said 'not you' I dIED. And their push and pull was so cuteee
Wren closing her eyes and accepting her death by Oak’s hands was so sad ngl but luckily he put two and two together in time
Overall, I loved all the callbacks to the original Cruel Prince characters and storylines. I think I liked the plot of the Stolen Heir a bit better but this book was more fast paced and had a lot more drama due to Oak's family being there which I adored. LOVED ITT
Jude completely ate every second she was in the book like that is my girl right there, I love her so much
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short and sweet mutant mayhem x gn! reader headcanons!!
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bullies you(in a nice way i swear)
playfully wrestles you a lot
you guys walk to school together every. singe. DAY.
and he walks you home everyday too
you go to all his wrestling matches(ALL OF THEM)
he slaps your butt a lot(but if you want him to stop he will)
he calls you baby babe boo bae and meat pizza(IN A NICE WAY)
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biggest. simp. EVER.
he'll order pizza for you whenever you're hungry(since he can't cook), and if you pay him $1.05 and a kiss on the cheek he'll clean your entire living space
he talks about Tom Brady a lot(im sorry)
he talks about football a lot(im sorry again)
he gets jealous when he sees you talking to any human male(red flag)
you guys go on a date at the outdoor movie place every Saturday
he calls you sweetie honey love my love sweetheart and beautiful
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( i LOVE this goofy goober)
shy asf
would do anything Tech wise for you
you guys listen to Kpop a lot(im sorry if you don't like it)
he tells you really bad jokes(please laugh)
let's you try on his glasses
you guys cuddle and hug a lot
he calls you baby babe honey and bae
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he calls you cutie more than your own name
can and will kiss you all day(Forget homework bro)
likes when you scratch his shell
says i love you 478 times a day
if you guys sit across each other in class EVERY TIME you look at him he ALWAYS blows you a kiss
he tells you cheesy jokes
he calls you baby babe honey cutie boo bae and pizza bite
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reyreadersblog · 2 days
hihihi!!!! Can I please req some Grayson and Lyra hcs? Like cute or angsty ones idm 💕
Hii pookie, of course i can💟♥️
Hope you like itt
Pairings: Lyra Kane x Grayson Davenport Hawthorne
A/n: all of these are MY hcs, so if you don't like it, please be respectful🙏🏻
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• Idk if this makes sense but if Lana del Rey was a couple they would be the one, because they are so Lana coded♡
• when Lyra gets tired wearing high heels, she takes them off and gives them to Grayson to carry it.
• my guy would do ANYTHING for her.
• Grayson is very sensitive when it comes to his hair, but Lyra is the only one who can touch it.
• she's a WILD animal, i'm telling you, when she wants to do something, she will do it no matter what or how risky it is, And Gray is always dying when she sees her doing something dangerous.
• they had litearl investogation on each other, i'm not even kidding, not even a fully solved case would have as much documents as they did.
• she calls him by his middle name, Devenport🤭 thanks to @lyrakanefanatic for this idea.
• Lyra's laugh makes Grayson WEAK.
• they're a switch...i'm just gonna..leave it here.
• they'd have a heartbreaking, soul shattering love confession outside in the rain.
• sometimes Gray calls her love as a joke.
• it would take them a WHILE to become a couple.
• they both have daddy issues, yayy.
• they can easly tell when one's mood changed.
• periods are very hard for Lyra, so Grayson tries everything he can and is really careful during that tine if month.
• when they fight, it's actually something REALLY serious.
• Lyra is kind of a sunshine too in their relationship (compared to Gray), but with more of a sarcastic persinality.
• she can make him do anything with her eyes and smile.
• Grayson unbraids her hair.
• they are the IT couple, fans are crazy over them.
• Lyra gets super jealous when fangirls talk and swoon over Grayson.
• HAND. ON. THE. WAIST. y'all. That's his way of claiming her.
• both are pretty dominant in their relationship.
• they have a code word too, like how Averyjameson has tahiti (probably lilies)
• one time Grayson wore all black and my girl diedd.
• they would have so much banter.
• Grayson would fs propose to her with the black opal ring.
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
9 Asks! Thank you!! :} 🎃
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At least I'd like to draw Glamrock DJMM again someday. Whenever I'm able to get past all these health problems I'm dealing with atm-
And thank you, I'm hoping I feel better too 💔
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I feel like some time alone on a beautiful beach is the only real date locations they have access to as pirates 😅
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:DDD thank you!! :}}✨✨
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Hmm.. I wonder. I can imagine that they would feel bad for those cookies and would want to help.. but surely at a big auction like that, they'd be outnumbered. They'd probably just have to look away and try not to think about it much..
:DD thank you! I'm glad I'm gettin the vibes right! :}}
I haven't thought much about the history of their ship unfortunately.. but I really should sometime! <:0
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Perhaps.. but I imagine most of his dreams just revolve around him eating a nice meal XD
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Boop! :D
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