#I swear his sadness is so pretty but his smile is PRETTIER
marmaruuu · 9 months
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Gave up on this one, but here u go internet
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chronicdisasterwrites · 10 months
for you, i would
pairing: gojo satoru x fem!reader, geto suguru (gojo’s past arc)
genre + warnings: - JJK S2 SPOILERSSS !! deaths (obvi), panic attack, funeral mentioned, smoking, just major pain. everybody's just hella depressed, swears are said, shifts between past and present (italics is past, normal is present moment), the slow burn is KILLING ME
ANGST but then it's FLUFFY :') bittersweet fluff tho (i'm sorry)
word count: 3,953
authors note: okay you asked, i hope i delivered omg :') this is the part 2 of my fic "death is pretty but his eyes are prettier". this might just be a series, because I have some ideas.
enjoyyy <3
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Suguru’s gone. He’s now exiled from Jujutsu High and a certified criminal. Shoko’s putting on a nonchalant show and Satoru is lost. And you are not quite sure how to process so much information all at once. 
It's been a few days since your encounter with the special grade curse. A few days since you and Satoru had that moment in the hall. Days have passed since then, but your mind still seems to be stuck there, wondering why it felt so different. Since then, every time you've been near Satoru felt different. His looks looked different, his voice sounded different, his aura felt different. You felt different, and you're not sure what changed. Now you were being sent off to another assignment and Satoru was being sent off on a different assignment, and this distance could either make things a good different or a bad different. Now, what you think would be a good different is a thought you don't even want to ponder.
“Hey, you.”
Satoru moves his eyes from the window to acknowledge you. You're leaning against the classroom door with a backpack slung over your shoulder and a smile on your face. A smile that Satoru returns tenfold.
“Hey there. You start missin’ me already?”
You snort with a laugh and walk toward him. Leaning on the desk next to where he was sitting, you lightly shove his head, “Absolutely not.”
He laughs heartily and leans forward on his chair, resting his head on the palm of his hand. He's looking at you through his ever-present dark sunglasses with a dopey smile, and this is exactly what makes your stupid heart flutter, and you just don't understand why. You smile back but it doesn't stay on your face for long enough. Satoru notices of course and similarly his smile is also wiped from his face and replaced with a quizzical quirk of his brows.
“You’re worried. Question is, why?”
You shrug and bring your hand up to bite the skin around your nails, a bad habit you've had since you were a child. Something you've always done to avoid answering unwanted questions or just to avoid the storm in your mind. Satoru sighs and lightly holds your wrist to move it away from your face. He holds your hand and assesses every finger, slowly tracing the lines on your palm with his slender fingers, then your bitten nails, then the veins on your inner wrist. You blush.
“I don't know, this mission just feels different, I guess. I mean…” You look out the window and observe the blue sky with its fluffy white clouds. There's a black rogue cloud creeping up on the clear ones, and you sense a storm coming. You know Satoru and Suguru are strong and they're perfect for this job. But of course you’ll worry, and your voice does nothing to hide that, not that you could even if you tried. Not with Satoru, anyways.
“It’s just a lot for anyone, y’know?”
Satoru looks up from your hand and with soft eyes and an even softer smile he says, “Sure, but nothing we can't handle. And anyways,” His smile gets cheekier and cheeks get warmer, “I gotta come back soon, right? Can't have you bein’ all sad and mopey without me.”
You laugh and shove your hands in your pockets, turning to leave the room when Satoru calls your name.
“Be careful on your mission. I'll see you soon, yeah?”
You look back and smile, “Yeah, you too.”
“So I heard you losers are tasked with babysitting the star plasma vessel? Amanai, was it?” You find Suguru smoking on the balcony near the courtyard on campus. He cranes his neck to look back at you and gives you a small smile.
Blowing out a puff of smoke, Suguru offers you his half-smoked cigarette. You accept it and bring it to your lips as you take your place next to him. 
“Yeah. Riko Amanai. I thought you had a mission outside Tokyo?” Suguru asks head tilted as he leans against the wooden railing. 
“Yeah in a bit. Wanted to catch you before I leave. I already met Satoru,” you reply as you blow out smoke through your nose and return the remaining cigarette to him. He hums and holds the cig between his index finger and thumb as he puffs it twice before stubbing it out in the ashtray half filled with cigarette butts. 
You both stare ahead at the courtyard, basking in the shared silence. You think about the responsibility on their shoulders and how heavy it must be; considering the star plasma vessel is just a few years younger than the four of you. Being raised with only one obligation; to be preserved and grow in isolation for the rest of her years. It isn’t something anyone would want. But that’s Riko Amanai’s life. 
“Stop worrying,” Suguru looks at you with an easygoing smile. 
You are always amazed at how well he could read you. So you just laugh and pat his back twice before turning to leave. 
“Just be careful, alright?”
“Yes, ma’am.” 
You’re lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling; paralyzed. Things went to shit so fast. Riko had been killed by a man called Toji Zenin or Fushiguro; at this point, you’re not sure. You’ve heard him be called both Zenin and Fushiguro. But nothing had been the same. Suguru was different. Satoru was now the strongest and being sent on more and more solo missions overseas, and back then, you felt in your bones that something was wrong. Everything was wrong anyways. Riko Amanai didn’t deserve the life she got. She didn’t deserve to die like that. And you know Satoru and Suguru. They were headstrong and stubborn; doing things their own way regardless of what anyone said. They were the strongest, after all. So you knew things were worse than they seemed because you know for a fact that if Riko chose to live, they would do whatever it took to make her wish come true. And you were right. 
Your mission was more or less a success. A dead curse and a few bruises here and there is the best outcome any Jujutsu sorcerer can hope for. But the air in Jujutsu High felt different. Thicker, darker, and not at all the way it was when you left it. Figuring Satoru and Suguru’s mission regarding the star plasma vessel should be complete, you head out to look for them. Heading towards the guy's dorms, it doesn’t take long before you find the hunched-over figure with jet-black hair sitting on the benches near the vending machines. 
You approach him with a soft call of his name. Suguru lifts his head to look at you as he mutters your name with a greeting. He looks awful. He looks skinnier and his hair is mostly wet as if he didn’t even bother to dry it off completely after taking a shower. Dark eyebags and half-lidded eyes make him look so much older than he is. Ironically, he looks smaller too. As if the life had been sucked right out of him.
You move forward slowly taking a seat next to him. You lean back and stretch out your legs and wait for him to say something, anything. Preferably about the mission and why he looks so fucked up. But he just asks about your mission.
You reply with a shrug, “It was fine.”
He nods his head as you wait for him to say more. He doesn’t.
“Suguru…what happened?”
He looks detached, lost. He purses his lips and fiddles with his thumbs. “Riko was killed.”
You don’t know what to say. So you don’t say anything at all. 
“You know, she wanted to live. Satoru and I decided that we’d support any decision she’d make. She wanted to live longer with her friends, and her family. But then-“ he chokes up. Trying to mask it with a cough he just shrugs and exhales. He lets his head hang low.
“They were clapping,” he clenches his fists and you feel his cursed energy spike. 
You don’t know what he means by that. You’re in shock and you have no idea what to say. What can you possibly say to make any of this better? Apologizing seems ridiculous. Saying “she deserved better” is even stupider. Of course, he knows she deserved better. You reach out your hand to touch him before he speaks again.
“I was wrong. These people. These monkeys… they don’t deserve to be protected.”
He looks at your outreached hand and gives a half smile. He unclenches his fists to hold your hand in his larger ones. He caresses your knuckles as you say the only thing that you feel.
“You’re right. They don’t deserve to be protected.”
Suguru looks at you with eyes filled with curiosity and surprise as if he expected you to say the opposite.
You look at his hands holding yours, squeezing his hand once as you continue. 
“But then, there are also people like Riko, who do deserve to be protected, right?”
His eyes widen and his hand slacks as he stares at you. Right when he opens his mouth to say something, Haibara’s boisterous voice fills the room. He greets the both of you and you smile back as you retract your hand from Suguru’s and stand to leave. 
Suguru calls your name and you look at him. You feel so bad for him, you can’t express it. It’s tearing your heart out seeing him look so depressed, so utterly destroyed. You reach out and brush your knuckles against his cheek. He closes his eyes and releases a sigh. Leaving featherlight touches against the darkness under his eyes, you say softly, “It wasn’t your fault, Suguru. I hope you know that.”
His eyes shut and you can almost hear the torrential thoughts flooding his brain. Your voice is hushed. You want to be as gentle as possible with the way you speak to him now. He’s like a glass bottle filled with a corrosive, bubbling liquid. It must be handled with the utmost care because the only thing containing the liquid is the bottle. If the bottle breaks, the liquid will spill everywhere. Even if it’s collected from the ground and stored in a tougher container, the microscopic glass shards will be near impossible to separate from the liquid itself. Geto Suguru, is a strong man. But even the strongest material is bound to break; if a stronger force acts upon it, continuously, without giving it time to heal and repair. And once broken, Geto Suguru will always have those shards lodged inside his soul.
“Take care of yourself, okay?”
He looks at you with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. You drop your hand as you turn to leave him with Haibara. “I’ll see you, Suguru. Best of luck on your mission, Haibara.” 
Haibara gives you a bright smile with eyes turned into little moons. “Thank you senpai! I’ll bring back souvenirs for you all!” 
You return his smile and send him a thanks and a wave as you look at Suguru, gaze not being reciprocated. You only see his dark ebony hair covering his face as he stares at the ground, unmoving; distant.
The moment your back turns to them, the smile drops from your face and your eyes fill with tears.
You found out about Suguru from Yaga-sensei. Apparently, he had killed his parents and 112 non-sorcerers. Geto Suguru was now a criminal and exiled from the Jujutsu community. The Suguru you last met near the vending machines before he embarked on his new path; before Haibara’s death. 
Now you’re lying in bed, marinading in your sadness, thinking about how everything went to shit so fast. Haibara died and Suguru was as good as dead. Nanami was broken. You don't know where Satoru is but wherever he is, he's definitely not okay.
You’d heard Satoru had met Suguru from Shoko, considering she met him before Satoru did. And Shoko. Shoko shut herself off, acting as if everything was fine. She keeps conversations short and drowns herself in her studies and her work. Things will never be the same again. 
You feel conflicted. Did my words tick him off? Could I have said something better? Am I a terrible friend? Maybe if I find him now I can talk to him and be by his side, but he’s not the same Suguru I once knew. He didn’t seek me out. Why didn’t he come to meet me? Does he hate me? Does Satoru know I spoke to him before he did what he did? Does Satoru hate me? Will Shoko ever be the same again? No, of course, she won’t. None of us will ever be the same again. It’s all broken. Everything went to shit. 
There’s knocking on your door. You glance at the alarm clock on your side table. 2:30 am it blinks, in an angry red light that hurts your eyes. You sit up on your bed as you contemplate whether to open the door or ignore it. You can feel the cursed energy of the person pulsing behind the door. They knock again. You get up and open the door to see one Gojo Satoru leaning against the doorframe with his sunglasses on and shoulders drooped. His stance is unguarded, tired, and face sullen. 
“Sorry, were you sleeping?” he looks apologetic as he opens his sunglasses and puts them in his pocket. His once crystal blue eyes are now a muted blue with dark purple circles underneath them. 
You silently shake your head, opening the door further and walking deeper into the room hoping he’d follow. He does, as he shuts the door behind him. You sit on the foot of your bed as he drags his feet next to you and falls on his back with his long legs dangling off the edge. 
He closes his eyes and opens them, then closes them again. You look at him wondering what to say. As nothing comes to your mind you simply decide to lie down next to him and stare up at the ceiling. You both stay like that for what seems like a long time, soaking in each other’s presence as if it might be stolen from you both within moments.
“You know…I met him. We spoke and he told me I should kill him if I wanted to. I was about to but then I couldn’t do it,” his voice is so small, almost trembling. He’s breathing heavily, the silence in the room when he’s not speaking is so loud you can almost hear his heart beating.
You turn your head to see him staring up at the ceiling. He breathes your name.
“I just… couldn’t do it,” he releases a shaky breath, eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Maybe I should have. Maybe because I didn’t kill him, a lot more people will-” he chokes.
Your heart hurts seeing him like this. The pain you were trying to control floods your senses and nothing feels real anymore. You wish it was a nightmare, that once you wake up everything would be fine. Suguru would still be here, his parents still alive, Satoru being his usual childlike self, Shoko with her hilarious little remarks, Haibara filling the room with his larger-than-life presence and laugh, Nanami emo as ever but still with you all. Riko still alive. But the more you try to force yourself to wake up you realize you’re fully awake already. This isn’t a nightmare; it’s real. This is your life.
“Of course you couldn’t, Satoru. I mean it’s Su-“ you cut yourself off with a shaky exhale. “All of this is just so-“ your voice breaks as you try to contain the tears. You take a deep breath trying to hold in your hurt. You have to be strong because right now Satoru isn’t. He needs you now more than ever.
“It’s just so unfair,” you say under your breath. 
“I’m supposed to be the strongest. I’m supposed to be the “honored one”. I mean- it was a moment of weakness. I can’t-“ he puts both his hands on his face as he breathes heavily and mutters incoherently. 
“I can’t be weak,” he spits the word as if it’s venom. Poison, tainting his pristine lips. 
“I just- I can’t.”
He mutters your name as he starts heaving and trembling. You immediately sit up and lean over him; your face over his own. 
His eyes blink rapidly as he gulps and tries to take a full breath, ultimately failing. 
You hold his face and look into his eyes. “Satoru, you’re having a panic attack. Look at me, okay? Focus on me.”
He shakes his head, and sniffles, clutching his chest as he continues spiraling. “I can’t- I can’t breathe.”
You grab his clenched hand and hold it against your chest. “Feel me breathe, okay? Look look. Inhale, and exhale. Okay? It’s just us here, alright? Forget everything else.”
Your chest rises and falls in a steady motion as Satoru’s eyes lock onto yours. Trying to match his breathing with yours, his eyes slowly regain focus as his chest stops heaving. His Adam’s apple bobs as he takes deeper breaths. Soon enough, your hearts beat in the same rhythm. 
“There you go. Deep breaths,” you give him a small smile as one hand still holds his against your chest and the other holding the side of his face; thumb caressing his cheek. 
Mouth open and eyes blurry, he gulps as he brings up his free hand to touch your face. His fingers brush over the scar on your right cheek. No one else has ever touched your scar like this. Even you've never traced it with so much love and tenderness. Only Satoru has, and you realize you like that very much. You like the feeling of his fingers on your skin, especially on the part of your body that makes you feel like a complete failure. It scares you, but you can't even think about it now because his fingers are everywhere. They graze your jaw, run through your hair, and trace your nose, before finding their rightful place back over your cheek. His voice is strained and so, so small. “You’re real, right?”
A stubborn stray tear escapes your eye as you give him a watery smile. “Yeah, I’m real, Satoru. I’m real.”
He leans up to rest his forehead against yours as he closes his eyes. Your breaths mix as you feel his silver eyelashes flutter against your cheeks. His wispy bangs tickle your face and you notice his hair has gotten longer. You also notice how he has two indents on each side of the bridge of his nose where his sunglasses spend all their time. He also has the clearest skin you have ever seen anyone have. Your eyes map his face like it's the first time you're seeing him but not the first time you realize that he is so, so beautiful. And your heart almost stops at the realization that you might just be in love with Gojo Satoru.
This is the most intimate you’ve ever been with anyone. This is the most vulnerable you’ve ever seen him be and the most vulnerable you’ll ever let yourself be. Your tears don’t seem to stop now, flowing freely, falling onto his rosy cheeks and shirt. He gently wipes them away with his thumb as your foreheads stay pressed together. Hands still intertwined against your heart and thoughts flowing together. 
“Thanks. I’m glad you’re here. I just- I had to see you,” his voice was low, almost a whisper.
Your voice is quiet too and you feel your face getting warm. “Always.”
You both stay like that for a couple minutes, breathing each other in, feeling each other’s heart beat. You feel so guilty for wanting to tell him you love him. You can't do that now. He's upset and lost and you won't put something like this on him right now. So you bury it and just bask in the sound of his breathing.
Once he’s calmed down, you both lie down next to each other, shoulders touching, back to staring at the ceiling. You sniffle and wipe your eyes, feeling the weight on your chest significantly lighten. After a few minutes, his raspy voice breaks the silence.
“He has a son,” He looks at you, “Toji Fushiguro. He has a son. Said his name was Megumi Fushiguro.”
His eyes shift between yours and then travels all over your face. He nibbles on his lips and continues, “Apparently, the kid’s been sold to the Zenin’s, ‘cause of the Ten Shadows Technique he inherited.”
You turn your head to look at him and you know what he's thinking.
“You’re gonna stop the sale?”
Satoru grins, “I'm gonna stop the sale,” He looks up at the ceiling and stretches his arms up. “And, anyways. He’ll be much better off here. Not to mention, his technique is the best thing to come out of his shit family, so win-win.”
“How old is he?”
Satoru shrugs, “6? 7, I guess?”
You look up at the ceiling and wonder. When Satoru speaks again, somehow reading your thoughts, you look at him.
“Will you help me?” He looks at you so longingly, and you don't even need to think about the answer. Your worries are forgotten. All you know is that you both will figure it out.
“Of course, Satoru.”
He releases a small exhale and smiles at you. You return it. You open your mouth to say something but Satoru beats you to it.
“You know, sometimes I wish I was just any regular person. Not the strongest, not a sorcerer. Just some random normie.”
You wish you could give him that. Sometimes you also have thoughts like this. What if you were just a regular person? No powers, no clue about curses, no idea about weapons or cursed techniques. A regular life, a regular family. 
“Yeah, I know what you mean.”
Satoru hums as he brushes his knuckles against yours. You let your wishful thinking get the better of you. 
“Hey. What if we run away?”
Satoru looks at you with wide eyes and a slacked jaw. You look back at him with a half smile, because you know you would. You would run away with him if he wanted to. Of course, you’d ask Shoko to join the both of you as well. But you imagine going somewhere tropical maybe. Somewhere small, a place with a beach preferably so you could watch Satoru prance around in the water and build sandcastles, only for you or Shoko to go and stomp all over it. And then you’d watch him throw a hissy fit and pout about it for the rest of his life. You’d watch the sun set over the ocean every single day without a worry in the world. Maybe you could be there till you’re old and wrinkled. Living to 80, dying in your bed wrapped in blankets and the people you love - a dream. A place where you’re nobodies. A place where Satoru could finally be free. You’d leave everything behind to have that with him. Not like you have much to leave behind anyways. But you would. 
Satoru laughs softly, almost under his breath.
“You know what?”
Your eyes are observing his every expression; you stare at his porcelain skin and sharp jaw, eyes staring up at the ceiling and bottom lip pulled between his teeth. He looks at you with his glittering sapphire eyes and bitten-bloodied pink lips stretched into a real smile. You look at the small dimple on the side of his right cheek and you think, just for tonight, maybe the weight on his chest feels lighter too. 
“I’ll hold you to that.”
part 3
a/n: HAH YOU THOUGHT THEY'D KISS? nope, still hopelessly pining lolol. but we’ll get there, bear with me :’)
tagged: @thepup356, @porridgesblog, @stray-npc, @daisy-the-quake, @reignsaway, @ainetx, @icarusignite
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drewsbuzzcut · 4 months
Valentine’s Day Through The Years
Mat Barzal x model!fem!reader
A visceral in doses fic
Warnings: mentions sex, mentions drinking, mentions being pregnant and I think that’s all(let me know if i missed something)
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First Valentines as a couple (2023)
The 3 dozen red roses sit prettily on your kitchen counter, and the warmth you feel pacing around your living room, waiting for Mat to arrive, is similar to the cup of coffee he had sent to you in the morning. You’re still in shock that he remembered your coffee order, especially when you’ve only been officially dating for 7 days. It gives you confidence about your relationship, the promise of it lasting and growing strong as the days pass by.
Part of you was sad that Mat wasn’t with you in the morning, his focus and responsibility being on his morning skate. Another part of you didn’t even expect to celebrate Valentine’s Day being that your relationship is new. So for him to send you flowers and coffee, means a lot more than it typically would. Plus, he’s picking you up any minute for a couple of drinks. You can’t wait to see him in the suit he wore to the arena earlier. He looked so handsome through the photos posted online, so you have no doubt that he’ll be even prettier to the eye.
A hard knock snaps you out of your thoughts, and you quickly pull it open. You let out a giggle when he immediately pulls you into his chest. His arms lock around your neck and yours wrap around his middle.
“Barzy! You played like a superstar out there. Congrats on the win,” you cheer, pulling him into a kiss.
“Thank you, pretty girl. I wish you were there,” he whispers against your lips.
“Me too, but for now I will settle on seeing you through a screen,” you rest your forehead on his and rub his shoulders. He looks tired and you’re sure he’s feeling sore.
“You look so beautiful,” he eyes your dark denim and pretty, lace top.
“Thank you, handsome,” you blush wildly. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to his compliments.
“Ready to head out?” You nod your head and let him lead you out of your apartment.
“Thank you for the flowers and coffee, babe. That was really sweet of you,” you whisper, breaking up the silence as you walk to the nearest bar.
“No need to thank me. You deserve it and more. I’m sorry I couldn’t spend the entire day wrapped in your arms,” he apologizes in the most sincere way.
“I swear it’s fine. I know hockey is your main priority. Thank you for taking me out even though I know you’re tired as hell right now,” you wrap your hand around his, feeling fire spread throughout your arm. It lingers in your body and you have to take a moment to cool down.
“You keep me going, baby. I’d never pass up a chance to be with you. Anyways, it’ll be nice to look back at this moment whenever we have kids. They’ll know to never settle,” he says nonchalantly even though his heart is pounding in his ears. The last thing he wanted was to scare you off, but he can’t help but picture his entire future with you in it.
“You’re such a charmer,” you turn in front of him to quickly peck his lips. You move back to his side just as quickly, practically skipping beside him as you think about your future with your hockey player.
Valentine’s Day with Nolan (2026)
“Nolan, smile for the camera baby,” you try to get Nolan’s attention on Mat’s phone.
“Nolie, be like mama and strike a pose,” your boyfriend teases, doing his own little pose as well. You giggle at his antics, cheeks rosy from his silliness, but also from the heat that warms your entire body from just being close to him.
You and Mat are laid in bed, cuddling under the thick comforter with Nolan in between you two.
Your baby is almost 7 months old, celebrating his first Valentine’s Day in the cutest onesie that says, “cuter than cupid.” You and Mat have spent the entire morning kissing your son’s soft, chubby cheeks and listening to his sweet giggles.
“I love you,” Mat whispers, turning on his side to face you. His hand reaches over Nolan’s little body and settles on your stomach.
“I love you, Barzy,” you place your hand over his, turning your head to look into his eyes. His pretty, hazel eyes that make you melt and make you feel so many emotions.
The eyes that you wake up to and the ones you dream about when he’s away. Mat’s the love of your life and you feel lucky to have him here with you and your baby.
You watch as he repeats the same words in Nolan’s ear, pressing a kiss to his cheek before taking a deep inhale of his baby scent. You’ve been lucky enough to witness all the different sides there are to your boyfriend, but him taking on the role of fatherhood is your favorite.
Your thoughts drift to the hand written letter Mat gave you this morning, and the way his face scrunched up to keep his tears at bay. You’ve never been given a hand written letter, so the piece of paper sitting on your bedside table means that absolute world to you.
“I never saw myself finding a love that feels new every single day, but I find myself pleasantly surprised when I wake up to your beautiful face in the morning and still feel an immense amount of love in my heart. You’ve given me life, you’ve given me purpose- especially with our baby boy. God, I can’t believe I get to love you. I can’t believe you’re the mother of my baby and future babies. I wish I could be there with you today, but duty calls. I love you with all my heart. -kisses from Mat.”
You repeat the words over and over again in your head, thankful that you have the opportunity to know a love like Mat’s.
First Valentines as a married couple (2028)
Your hands cradle your husband’s cheeks, eyes locked and hearts beating in tandem. His hair is matted to his forehead, sweat lining the contours of his godlike body. You’re positive you look just as unkempt and breathless. You lean in, as much as you can with your 6 month baby bump in the way, and slant your lips over his. His hands travel up your back, one hand straying to the back of your neck. He caresses the cherries inked into your skin.
“I love you,” you mutter into the kiss.
“I love you. You’re such a goddess. Look at you, carrying my baby,” Mat says lovingly, his lips traveling down your chin to your chest.
He sucks softly on the “13” tattooed on the swell of your boob, making your back arch. Your body will never not react to his touches.
“It’s our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple,” he points out the obvious. A soft smile rests on your features and a warm blush coating your cheeks. You don’t think the giddy feeling Mat gives you will ever go away. You don’t want it to.
“I know, husband. This one’s extra special with our precious boy,” you place his hands on your bump.
Your second son starts kicking at his father’s hands. Mat stares at your bump, eyes growing teary.
“We’re going to have two sons. I can’t believe we have kids and they’re so perfect. Thank you,” he kisses your lips again, a tear or two hitting your skin.
“I love you,” you wipe away his tears.
You think this is your favorite Valentine’s Day. Mat and Nolan woke you up with so many flowers and pastries. Mat watched your favorite rom coms with you throughout the day- even crying with you during some parts. Then you all got dressed up in black tie attire just to sit in the dining room to eat, but nothing could’ve been more perfect. You were so content with listening to Mat talk to Nolan and Nolan’s nonsensical replies. Now you’re in the comfort of your bed, Mat, your husband, underneath you after he worshiped your body.
Mat lifts your left hand, kissing your diamond ring and placing your hand over his heart.
“You’re my girl forever,” he whispers and shuts his eyes before more tears fall.
“Maty, I thought I was supposed to be the emotional one?” You tease him but squeal when he pinches your nipple.
“I can’t help it that I’m in love,” he responds and you take a moment to appreciate him. You’re glad that he’s yours.
Valentine’s Day with all the kids (2030)
“Daddy?” Nolan pulls at Mat’s hand to get his attention.
“Yeah, buddy?”
“Is mommy your Valentine?”
“She’s always my Valentine,” Mat answers with a smile, but it starts to fade when he watches Nolan’s face turn solemn.
“Can she be my valentine?” Nolan asks, but his voice is so shy Mat can’t hear what he says.
“What was that? What’s wrong, Nols?” Mat crouches down and runs a hand through his first born’s hair.
“Can mommy be my valentine this year? I just really love her,” Nolan says, his blue eyes wide and so innocent.
“Of course she can. I think mommy would be really happy to be your valentine,” he assures Nolan and feels relieved when he sees Nolan visibly relax.
“Can we go to the store and get her a gift?”
“Yeah, bud, we can.”
On Valentine’s Day, you’re lying down on the sofa with Angel and Sloane cuddled into your sides. The tv is on, one of your favorite movies playing. The sound of the front door opening and Nolan shouting for you makes you smile. You love hearing the noise of the people you love. It’s home and it’s safe.
“Hi, mommy. School was good. I missed you,” Nolan burrows into you, deciding to tell you how his day was before you get to ask. Your heart melts at his affection. Soon, he wouldn’t want your hugs or kisses and the thought makes you sad.
“I missed you more, bub. Where’s daddy?” You push his hair off his forehead and rub at his back.
Nolan looks up at you with a suspicious smile and it makes you laugh.
“I’ll be right back,” he whispers, trying and failing to hide his giggles as he runs away.
You sit in confusion, but you don’t think too much about it.
Next thing you know, you see your husband and son walk back into the living room, and their arms are full with flowers and gift bags. You sit up, carefully setting Sloane in your lap and make sure you don’t disturb Angel’s nap. Nolan walks up to you with a bouquet almost bigger than he is and a medium sized bag in his hands.
“Mommy, will you be my valentine?” He asks, wide eyes looking into yours as you try not to cry.
“Oh my. Of course, baby. I would love to be your valentine,” you coo, blinking your tears away.
“I love you, mommy! These are for you,” he kisses your cheek and hands you the flowers and gift bag.
“I love you more, Nolie,” you smell your flowers, smiling when you realize they’re all your favorite ones. He obviously had Mat’s help. Speaking of your hockey player husband, you look up at him to see him waiting patiently with gifts in his hands.
“Wow! Nolan this is a lot of candy. I think you’re going to have to help me eat some of it,” you tickle his tummy, earning a laugh from him.
“Okay, but none for daddy,” he says, hands coming up to his mouth as if he’s whispering.
“Hey! I heard that,” Mat intervenes with a lighthearted gasp.
You give Nolan a wink and watch with a smile on your face when he hands the little bears he got specifically for his younger siblings to them. Although Sloane has no idea what he’s saying and Ángel is knocked out, he’s promising to always be the best big brother and to always protect them. Your heart melts at the scene.
“My turn,” Mat walks up to you with his signature crooked smile.
“Let’s see what you got,” you tease, pulling him down into a quick kiss.
“My pretty girl. It’s our 8th Valentine’s Day together and I still love you just as much as I did in the first, if not more. No, I know I love you so much more. I actually feel pretty nervous right now,” he nervously giggles, running a hand through his hair.
Your heartbeat starts to race. He makes you nervous, too. You squeeze his hand, encouraging him to continue. It takes you back to when he proposed to you. He has the same lovesick look in his eyes.
“I’m glad you are my forever valentine,” he finishes, pressing another kiss to your lips. This time it’s more passionate and long lasting.
“I love you, Barzy. It’s you and me forever. Plus the littles,” you whisper into your kiss.
“Open your presents before I cry,” he hands you another beautiful bouquet of flowers and two gift bags.
The first gift bag contains a beautifully wrapped jewelry box. When you open it to find a sparkly, diamond encrusted ‘13’ pendant necklace placed in the box, you laugh. Recently your dainty necklace broke, so Mat joked around that he’d get you another one that’s bigger. You thought he was playing, but the medium sized necklace sparkles at you. It’s beautiful and you know it’s something you’ll never take off.
“Babe. This is so pretty. I love it and I can’t wait to wear it,” you pull him down to sit next you, over his distance and needing him against you.
“You have one more,” he gives you a bag and it’s extra light.
You pull out a piece of Nolan’s construction paper. There are two sets of inked footprints with scribbles at the top. It doesn’t take you long to realize they’re Sloane and Angel’s feet mimicking the shape of a heart. The small scribbles at the top say, “Happy Valentine’s Day, mommy. We love you,” and you know Mat probably put the pen in their tiny hands and moved it for them.
Tears finally slip down your cheeks even though you hastily wipe them away.
“This is too cute. The best gift ever, and then Nolan asking me to be his valentine. Did you tell him to do that?” You cry into Mat’s shoulder while he rubs your back.
“No, it was all his idea. Yesterday he had me take him to the store and everything. He even asked me if he could ask you. It was the sweetest thing ever,” he whispers into your hair.
“He gets that from you. God, I love you all. Thank you for making this like the best Valentine’s Day ever. I love you so much,” you kiss his jaw in between each word.
“I love you more, baby,” he catches your lips with his.
“I have a little something for you, too,” you pull away and walk to the kitchen, not waiting for his response.
He never wants you to give him gifts, but you do anyway.
You walk back towards him, hands hidden behind your back.
“For you, sir,” you hold out a bouquet of flowers.
Men never get flowers, but you want to change that. Flowers are for everyone. You’re happy you got them when you see Mat’s eyes light up and his smile widen. Nobody knows this, but Mat’s favorite flowers are tulips.
“Baby, stop. These are nice. I love them. I’ve never received flowers before,” he whispers, delicately touching the petals and smiling up at you.
“I know. I just wanted you to feel special for a change. You’re always getting me flowers,” you explain, caressing his cheek.
“You make me feel special everyday,” he kisses your palm.
“One more thing!” You perk up and run off to get his last present.
“No way! Baby, these are so cool,” he jumps around like a little kid as he checks out his new golf clubs that are accented with the islanders’ blue.
“Shower sex later tonight?” You ask in his ear while you give him a hug.
“Duh!” He squeezes you to him, and you feel that familiar giddiness in your entire body.
a/n: Enjoy🩷💋
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lxmine · 1 year
you’re in love + genshin men (mostly) valentines speacial
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+. fluff, not proofread written in one go lmao, wanderer favoritsm just because 😼
+. summary ; they’re in love
+. A/N yeah so i changed it to them asking you for valentines to this because i thought it felt more pure like this sooo… me being a hopeless romantic is acting up again T-T happy valentines!😚 AND ALSO THANK YOU FOR 108 FOLLOWERS I LOVE YOU ALL MWAAA <3333333
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itto knew what love meant. he knew how giving love is. but itto didnt really know what love felt like. not until he met you. he thought you were really cool, you’re rich too. but meh, your father always hated him. but he didn’t care! you guys are buddies. just buddies…
until he started feeling that unusual feeling in his stomach whenever you would smile at him. you started looking more prettier by the day in his eyes. even the simplest clothing you wore made him swoon. he was confused, so confused.
so he asked you the first time you snuck him inside your estate. “why does… why does my heart beat so fast like this…” he asks looking at you who’s laying beside him inside the comfort of your chambers. he took your hand and placed it in his bare chest. a smile spread across your face as you felt his heart race. “my face becomes warm too, whenever i would see you smile or just hold me…” he says timidly, avoiding eye contact but still holding your hand against his chest.
“it’s weird really. cuz, from just one look at you. i imagine a future where i can be with you, just with you…” he gulps, taking the courage to look you in the eyes. you’re staring back at his lovestruck eyes with a smile. “you’re… in love.” you whispered, placing your palm on his cheeks and caressing it.
leaning in closer. and closer until you’re only centimeters apart. “as well as i.” you were about to kiss when someone knocked on the shoji (the japanese sliding door yawl) “i’m sorry to have interrupted your study… but mx. yn your father wishes to see you!” says the lady outside.
the two of you stood from where you lay, leading him out quickly. “i’ll see you tonight.” you chuckled giving him a small kiss on the cheek before urging him to leave. and boy he felt as if god just sent him the most beautiful thing.
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thoma always thought you are beautiful. beautiful in a friendly manner, though he wouldn’t deny that he’s gained feelings for his master’s dearest friend. but he doesn’t dare mention it to anyone. except ayaka.
though she looked pretty dense, she never missed how thoma looked at you from a distance. “it’s just a small crush m’lady. yn is way too out of my league if i were to love them.” he chuckles. he swears it’s just a small crush. a simple adoration, nothing more nothing less.
but oh when you visited the estate and the siblings wasn’t there, he was a little sad that he needed to send you away because the sibling wont be home for the whole day, “i’m sorry, but the siblings are out on business. but i can send them a word that you came by today.” he smiles with a broom in hand.
“oh, thoma, i know that! i actually came by to hang out with you.” you smiled handing him a box of pastries from mondstadt. he swore he could feel his heart almost beating out of his chest, his cheeks started feeling warm too. “oh, sorry! i remember ayato mentioning you’re from mondstadt and my father just got back from buisness there and brought me back lots of mondstadt pastries so i thought i’d give some to you.”
you chuckled embarassed. oh how your voice sounded so genuine, so caring. he could only stare at your face as you talked. “it’s fine! i uhm… thank you. its been a while since i’ve eaten something from my home land. thank you, yn.” he smiles carefully taking the box from you. “you’re welcome. im sorry for the bother! i must get going then, you seem pretty busy-“
“no, not at all. i’d… love it if you’d join me for tea. waka says i must entertain guests after all.” you smiled linking your arms around his before nodding. you’re so close to him. he couldn’t help but hold his breath. perhaps, lady ayaka was right. he is in love.
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a childhood friend who he only though of as a… friend of course. the kissing of the forehead, the hugging, the compliments were all pretty normal between the two of you since you’ve done that with him your whole life! “‘yato, come taste this.” you sit beside him, pestering him while he worked.
he smiles, trying to ignore you. he’s pretty used to your antics already and he doesn’t really mind. he felt as if you’re the only one keeping him sane from the loads of work he had to do all day. in a friendliest manner of course. “i swear, i’m not gonna be giving you souvenirs from when i get back from liyue.” you say pouting beside him but then soon turned to a smirk when he looked at you. that sure did made him look. “you’re departing to liyue?? when?? why??” he asks placing his pen down. now his attention is all on you. so you must tell him!
“i thought… ayaka and thoma told you already? papa wanted me to come with him.” you said meekly feeling his intense stare. “when?” “tonight. you see that’s why i want you to taste my cooking so you wont miss me as much.” you smirked as he sighs in frustration. “how long?” he grabs your hand that is holding a spoon full of something you cooked and feeding it to himself. “a month or so. it’s like a vacation.”
he breaths out, standing up and grabing your hand so suddenly. “‘yato!? what the-.” “you could’ve told me sooner. i’m having my break for the day, let’s go to the city.” he says without looking at you. he felt like his chest becomes tighter and tighter as the sky goes darker. you were gonna leave. and for a month at that. he always has you by his side almost everyday and he doesn’t know why the hell he felt like you’re abandoning him or something.
the sun has set, and now he holds your hand for the last time at the docks of ritou. “don’t look too sad, it’s not like im gonna be living there or something.” you chuckled caressing the back of his hand with your thumb while he held you so firmly. “i’m gonna be missing your annoying self.” he chuckles pulling you close to him. “my darling, we are to depart now!” you hear your father say.
pulling out of his embrace. you took a good look of his face before kissing his cheek. “i’ll miss you lots too ‘yato. see you next month.” you said before walking over to your father who is patiently waiting for you. he too waves goodbye at ayato before they boarded the ship.
he waves just as you do, like a lonely puppy he stood as your ship departed. “i’ll see you soon, yn. i love you.” he says but only the wind could hear. oh cupid, he’s given up and sighs in defeat. accepting the fact that he truly does love you.
he kissed you when you got back from your trip btw
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kaeya always found you so amusing. how you are easy to fluster and easy to please. not to mention you’re good with kids too. kaeya loves teasing you, taking care of the orphan kids with you in springvale whenever he has the time to and stays the night on his day offs.
now he sits on a log with an apron on outside the foster home grilling some mushroom skewers while some kids watch. “mr papa, do you like mx yn??” says one kid out of the blue catching the cryo user off guard. he couch and smiles trying to hide the embarrassment he felt because the kids are patiently waiting for an answer.
“of course, they’re my friend after all.” he chuckles watching you from the open door cleaning the kitchen while you talked to the other kids who are helping you out. “mr kaeya, mx yn will melt if you look at them like that.” the 12 year old boy smirks beside him. “oh shut it, kid.” he chuckles before continuing his grilling.
“i think mx yn and mr papa looks good together! like the prince and the prince/ss in the story they read us!” the little girl chimes, and all kaeya could do is laugh nervously. how can a bunch of children make him embarrassed!
“thank you for the meal!” says the children all together. you and kaeya stood together as you guided them with their food. the elders gossiping obviously about the two of you “thanks for the help mr kaeya, i really appreciate it every time you’re here. so are the kids, they seem to like you very much.” you said with a hint of blush on your cheek.
“it’s nothing, you needn’t thank me everyday. and please, kaeya would be fine.” he smiles patting your head. and you’re obviously flustered now. he lowers his sleve to his palm and wipes the sweat of your face. “i uhm…”
“mx yn can we play house after!” one of the kids says making you and kaeya look away from each other. but he was smiling and you were really flustered. the 12 year old kamu was smirking at kaeya who sends him a knowing look to not say anything absurd.
“oh that would be wonderful! and they can be our parent figures, yeah?” kamu suggests and the kids cheer happily. they love the idea. “i, uhm. please calm down! i’m sure mr ka- i mean kaeya has a lot to do today! so he might leave after the meal.” you say, kamu crosses his arms. this kid is never gonna give up until the two of you are together.
“but mr kaeya says its his day off. and it would be great if he could take a break after a long week of work right?” kamu smiles innocently. kaeya’s heart couldn’t take it. kamu is far too smart to catch on his not so obvious growing feelings for you. “it’s fine, i guess i could be your husband for the day.” he winks. oh how he wishes he could be.
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kazuha met you when he fled from the sakoku hunt decree. it was thanks to you he met beidou. let’s just say that he’s become somewhat your body guard??? he owes you his life he says, so he vowed to protect you at all cost. but you didn’t quiet need the helping, you’re beidou’s cousin after all.
“don’t you miss your home land?” you asked, standing beside him who seem to be reminiscing at the railing of the ship. it’s dark, and the moon looked magnificent. “i do, yes. but i’m not quite ready to go back yet.” he says silently. looking at you who’s looking at the endless sea.
he liked how the light of the moon reflects on your features. “you look just as magnificent as the moon tonight.” he whispers, but you obviously heard quickly looking at him surprised. a chuckle escaped his lips upon seeing your surprised face. “i’m sorry. was that too sudden?” as asks.
but you could barely speak, and you couldn’t help but smile and blush. “we’re buddies.” you said looking away. buddies. somewhat that title made his chest sting a little. he wasn’t gonna deny that he gained feelings for you as days pass by. you’re strong, kind, and beautiful. he guesses he fell the first time you held his hand while you patch him up back then. when you saved him from exhaustion.
and he wasn’t afraid to voice it out. he figures if you knew, he’ll get the chance to make you fall for him too. “can i have the honors to fall deeper in love with you?” he asks while you look at him blushing and surprised. unknown to the both of you, beidou and some crux members drunkly watches.
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you used to be a friend of diluc’s. back when he was still a happy young man, and the cavalry captain of the knights of favonious. but alas, as you know his father died and him and his brother fell apart. so did your friendship with him.
he didn’t really want to. he just felt so betrayed then, that he thought you’d betray him too so he distanced himself from everyone. but he still tried to fix it, he tried to save it. he sighs fidgeting the ring you’ve given him then back when you were 17.
“thats silly.” you chuckled as you’re sat between his legs, back resting against his chest. “aren’t you the one who wanted to marry me then? you were like ‘’luc, when we grow up i want you to marry me.’” he mocks with a laugh. “shut up! it was puppy love!”
you slapped his thigh playfully before he grabbed your hand and placed the ring on your middle finger. the both of you fell silent as you looked at it. he kissed it with a smile. “i’ll marry you one day. i promise i will.” he whispers, resting his chin on top of your head.
he still is and will always be in love with you. still in love with the way you smile whenever you would receive an anonymous gift that is obviously from him. in love with the way you talk. especially when you engage conversation with him, even if it’s just a short while.
he loves every second that your attention is on him. in love with how playful you are and how you would still tease him like how it was back then. and there kaeya chuckles at how smitten his dear brother looked as you walked with his ring on your finger.
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he isnt oblivious, he's not dense. so he picked up what he was feeling the first time he has ever felt it. you're his childhood sweetheart as his mother called it. you were always so nice, so caring not only to him but to everyone. it wasn't a question how he had a crush on you.
and then he realized that after he came back from the abyss, finding you sitting and crying from where you'd last seen him patiently waiting. 13 year old ajax realized that he is going to spend the rest of his life with you. "hey, i'm here. don't cry." his young self hugs you as you looked at his face, his eyes. they no longer feel alive.
"ajax..." you said in between tears burying your face in his chest. since then, even he's slightly changed you still stuck with him. but even you yourself did. everybody guesses that he was rubbing off on you. like he was talking about happy stuff then turned into wreaking havoc, while you are still a sweetheart but always there to taunt his behavior.
"stop acting so damn impulsive. gosh i swear i will drag you by the hair the next time i catch you picking fights with random agents." you threatened while you patch him up. now that you're older, and that glint in his eyes are no longer there. he still looked at you lovingly as he did back then.
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hates it whenever you would pester him. not because he hated your company. it is only because you're a mortal and he's scared of hurting you. because of his contract with morax, he vowed to not hurt any mortals after all. but oh well, it's not like anything he says could get in your stubborn head.
he grumbles and sighs as he watches you beside him with flowers on your lap, busy making a 'flower crown' for him you say. it's a fine day at wangshu inn, the wind was calming and the atmosphere is peaceful. t'was too comfortable than he's used to so he couldn't settle.
"are you uncomfortable?" you asked placing the flowers beside you scoot over closer to the almond tofu on the laid blanket where the two of you are seated and placed it in front of him. he looks at you and then your lap. "this comfortable feeling... im not used to it." he says. you gave him a small smile. fixing your posture so he could lay on your lap.
"you must be overwhelmed huh. come, lay your head on my lap." you tapped your lap as a gesture but he just looked at you as if you just said something so dumb. "do you know how much harm my karmic dept can do? have i not told you enou-" his breath hitches as he felt your warm hands on his cheeks. "i dont mind, xiao. if it's for you then im willing to take the risk and help you even just for a short while."
you smiled so sweetly that he felt his tense shoulder go calmer, your hold makes him feel week like you had him in some type of magic and he just succumbs to it as you slowly laid his head on your lap. "you seemed pretty close with the wangsheng funeral's consultant mr zhongli so i asked him about your dept. and he says it really doesnt harm mortals if they stick with you for long... not too long tho."
you chuckle, caressing his hair. his breathing slowly steadied as he felt more calmer and calmer. "so... rest easy even just for a little bit.." you whisper before humming him a lullaby. if he isn't hurting you... maybe he can try the thing that mortals call 'love'.
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"you... i don't love them! why would you even bring them here!?" kuni asks at the verge of tears after seeing you again for the first time after he changed the past. nahida smiles, he was angry of seeing you, saying that he really didnt need to. but his heart and mind says otherwise. lets not forget that the dendro archon can read minds.
"but wanderer, i didn't bring them here. it was their choice they're here." she sighs crossing her arms. his screaming echos inside the sanctuary of surasthana and nahida will not lie... it is annoying her. "she's talked to me about a certain dream. listen to me wanderer."
she tries her best to calm the puppet down and it slightly worked. he's crying tho. "it seems that you are appearing in their dreams, they said that in their dreams, you were asking them to find you." kuni looks at her as tears continues to stream down his cheeks. nahida is astonished of how a puppet can feel as if it were human. it seems that he, even without a heart is able to feel and love. considering that she too see's you in the dreams she gives him.
"i asked them to wait at the akademiya. to the place where most students go to, to rewind. they are waiting for you wanderer." she sends him off. and now there he is standing just a few feet behind you. he didnt know what he was feeling. "so you really did manage find me huh? congratulations i guess." he coughs trying to seem tough and coat how his voice is about to break.
you just stare at him speechless. debating whether he is real or not. walking over to him as your eyes start to gloss. "you're... you're real..." you said piking his cheeks. he smirked at your surprised face. oh how much he missed making you cry. from the teasing of course. "of course i am. what? you still think this is a dream?"
he mocks flicking your forehead. "i... dont know you but... it seems like i've met you before." you say placing hand on his chest. he didn't move at all he just let you do as you pleased. "maybe we have. in a different past, perhaps." he smils placing a hand on your cheek. he couldn't take it anymore. he wanted to hold you again, kiss you, love you the way he did.
"mr... may i hug you?" you asked between tears. he smirks and without questions asked, he envelopes you back into his hugging you tightly. he is going to love you, and you're going to love him. but this time, he is to fulfil the future you once had planned with him. to live peacefully together, away from the people, where the two of you could live on your own. in a field of flowers, he remembers refusing but deep down all he wanted was just to be with you.
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Accidentally In Enemies : Teaser (S.CB)
Word Count : 0.7k
Warnings : break up, heartbreak, mention of stalking (jokingly), swearing
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            The next couple weeks seemed to go by the same. She followed her routine, taking everything day by day. San and his new girlfriend seemed to be everywhere. She tried not to notice them, but it was as if her eyes could only see them. As if they knew when they were nearby and immediately searched for them even in crowded rooms. To her, they stuck out. As if they had an aura around them.
            And Changbin. Changbin was always there, covering her eyes, turning her away, telling her not to look at them. If she just read between the lines, she could see that he was begging for her to only look at him. Looking at her with so much love in his eyes, it overflowed into his gentle touch, overflowed into the way he’d tuck her hair behind her ears, smiling at her. Overflowed into the way he’d carry her groceries to his car so she wouldn’t have to take the bus home. Even carry them into her place so she wouldn’t hurt herself.
            She tried not to think about it. Thinking of all the little things Changbin does for her would send her into a spiral. Wondering why. Overthinking all their interactions from high school on. Maybe she read him wrong. Maybe he wasn’t the asshole she had painted him to be in her mind.
            “Again? Are you stalking him or something?” Changbin chuckled as he turned her towards him. And she remembered who he really was. All the nice things he’s done could never outweigh the bad.
            “Are you stalking me?” She questioned back. Changbin just laughed as he shook his head. He couldn’t help but think about how cute she looked. Staring at him with her arms crossed and a small pout on her face. She could never look angry, no matter how hard she tried. He wanted to tell her how cute he found her, but he bit his tongue. Like he did every time affectionate words crawled up his throat. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t bring himself to say the words he wanted to.
            “Y/n, Changbin, hey.” Both of them were so caught up in each other, they didn’t notice San making his way towards them. His smile was wide as he looked between the two. Y/n tried to greet him back but no words came out. She hasn’t seen him up close in over a month. She almost forgot just how pretty he was. Changbin noticed, his smile slightly faltering. She still wasn’t over him.
            “Hey.” Changbin responded. He hated the way San looked so happy while Y/n looked so broken. He tried so hard to block San from Y/n’s view so she wouldn’t see how happy he was, but it was impossible to do when he stood right in front of her, as if showing off his new found happiness. Changbin noticed her eyes glancing towards San’s new girlfriend, so clearly comparing herself to her.
            He wanted so badly to hold her, whisper in her ear that to him, she was so much prettier. That he loved her little quirks he knows she hates. The flaws she sees just makes her more ethereal to him. As if she wasn’t real. A figment of his imagination. Someone he made up. Created in his mind as his perfect girlfriend. As if he could reach out and his hand would go right through her.
            “I always knew there was something more than hatred between you two.” San smiled. Y/n’s eyes widened, which made San chuckle. “I thought it was just sexual tension, but you two look really good together.” Changbin wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him, his thumb gently rubbing her side, which comforted her, grounded her. She focused on the feeling of his thumb rather than the feeling of her heart breaking again.
            “Seeing her sad after you broke up with her really helped me pull my head out of my ass. I never want to see her sad again.” Y/n looked to Changbin. He met her eyes, giving her a soft smile. She didn’t need to know that’s how he really felt. He could pretend that he was just putting on an act.
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@mxnsxngie @maeleelee
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schlattsdoll · 10 months
saw that you were sad your inbox was empty so i’m doing my duty as a reader and filling it up!!
the ted brainrot is brainrotting rn
going off of 🐾 anon’s latest ask, imagine him calling accidentally calling you mommy in bed??!
“fuck, p- please don’t stop, don’t s- stop mommy!” both of you stopped and silence filled the room. “y/n, i- i’m so sorry, it just- it just slipped out, i- i didn- didn’t mean i-”, and you shut his blubbering ass up with a kiss. “ted, don’t have to apologise. it was so hot.” and he’s shocked because you’ve never talked about wanting to be called that during sex. “m- mommy…” he said, timidly, like he was afraid of upsetting you. but you continued to surprise him. “mm, yeah baby?” you said, your hands in his hair, your face buried in his neck, your legs around his waist. “mommy… am i good boy for you?” “the best boy, teddy.” his thrusts speed back up, and he’s pounding you with renewed vigour, finding your g-spot within seconds. “fuck teddy, right there!” “yeah, mommy? you gonna cum for me? gonna cum for your good boy?” and he moaned incoherent words when he felt you cream on his dick. your legs tightened around his waist, and your pussy clenched harder. “cum inside me, teddy. fill mommy up!” “f- fuck mommy, you’re so pretty, i love you- fuck, i’m cumming!”
he collapsed on top of you, his cum leaking out of your pussy. “i love you too, teddy.” your hands found themselves back in his hair, and you pulled it a bit so you could see his face. he was red, you couldn’t tell if it was because he was tired or if he was blushing. he looked so pretty like this. “you’re so pretty, baby.” you said, cupping his cheek. “you’re prettier, sweetheart.” ted said, kissing you sweetly. you felt him smile through the kiss and in that moment, you knew he was home. he pulled out of you slowly, both of you groaning quietly at the feeling. he sat on his knees, watching his cum pour out of you, and he could swear you looked like the most gorgeous person on the planet. he was pulled out his thoughts by your voice. “let’s clean up, teddy?” you got up from the bed on unsteady legs, ted reluctantly following. you grabbed his hand, “come on, lover boy!” and dragged him to the bathroom. needless to say, you showered together, washing each other’s hair, and the night ended with ted giving you the best cuddles.
i hope it wasn’t too shitty???? also, can i be 🤭 anon? (also i go by anna, she/her!!)
- 🤭 anon (anna <3)
anna !!!! i wanna be inside ur brain omf
yes to ted w the secret mommy kink. he’d be so cute all nervous that you didn’t like it but when he finds out you’re into it he’s putty in your hands.
also the aftercare after!!! ugh he’s just so cuddly and sweet. really loving up to the teddy bear nickname
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thoughtssvt · 4 months
Far Beyond Eternity
cw : sad topics, negative thoughts, mentions of death, comfort
It'd been a while since something good happened to Suguru. It was about time he started wondering when it would end like all the good things in his life
wc : 850
A/N: nothing really happens that's sad, suguru just thinks sad things and satoru is there to comfort him! this is a happy piece I swear! not proof read tho, oops. sorry for any mistakes!
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It wasn’t their first time sneaking out after curfew. It was, however, their first time sneaking out after they shared their first kiss. Though, maybe it’s better to say after they became comfortable kissing each other with no restrain. They kissed all the time, annoyed the hell out of Shoko, got scolded countless times by Yaga to have a little self control.
They just couldn’t help it. Especially not now. Not while the moon shone so gently down on them and the breeze was so soft that it slipped beneath their uniforms, kissing their skin and wrapping its arms around them in a comforting hug. Not while Suguru’s rainbow dragon droned a comfortable pur, deep in its chest as it slithered steadily in the air for them. Not when he looked so pretty.
Satoru pulled back in a soft pant, reaching to tuck the dark sliver of hair behind Suguru’s ear, breath hitching at the realization that Suguru was staring at him as hard as he was staring at Suguru.
Suguru’s hands were much more callused than Satoru’s, but he didn’t mind. It still felt good against his cheek, thumb running back and forth against his blush. Satoru was prettier than the moon, Suguru thought. Eyes more captivating than the limitless sky, more precious than the depths of the ocean.
And he loved him.
He loved him.
He loved him in a way Suguru never thought he could be loved.
With his whole heart. So deeply and boundless. And it came for free.
Suguru didn’t have to beg, he didn’t have to give himself up in his entirety. The love between them just became and it engulfed him, filled him up so full that sometimes it was nauseating, but it was his and theirs and it was them.
Sometimes Suguru didn’t know what to do with it. Sometimes he woke up and after the feeling settled that this was actually real he asked himself when it would finally come to an end. Everything must come to an end, right? Even love.
He’d ask himself whose fault it would be. Maybe it would be mutual. Maybe they’d drift apart as the seasons passed. Maybe, just maybe, for them the world would be kind. Maybe their love would end in death. It would be no one’s fault, they wouldn’t decide to close the chapter, the seasons would pass and their love would grow stronger. Only death could break them apart. Though, even that thought terrified him.
He turned his head to look at Satoru where he was now laying next to him, arms crossed and tucked under his head, legs bent, one knee crossed over the other.
“Satoru,” He gulped, “I can’t live without you.” He’d said so suddenly. It had surprise and confusion spreading across Satoru’s face. “Please let me die first.” Suguru rasped, so small and delicate like he didn’t want the world to hear his plans.
For a split second concern knit his brows tightly together. Pain and anxiety spread through Satoru’s chest, but seeing the same feelings on Suguru made his dissipate. He knew Suguru. He knew this wasn’t about anything that was coming any time soon. Suguru was just a worrier and he’d already endured five lifetimes of hurt before meeting Satoru. He knew his boyfriend just needed reassurance. He needed to know that what they had would last. That it wouldn’t end like all the good things that came before.
“I’ll bear that for you because…” Satoru sucked in a deep breath. “Suguru, if we live to be 100… how could I possibly fit all my love for you in 83 years? So you go on ahead– but not too soon, okay? Because there has to be something after this.” Even in his uncertainty he managed a stable smile. “Meeting you has made me believe it.” Satoru sat up, turning to face Suguru completely. Suguru could see the cogs turning in his boyfriend’s head along with a growing type of excitement. Like all their worries would be washed away. If he said this then it’d be set in stone. “I don’t know if we’ll get another lifetime or if we’ll be reincarnated as ice cubes or if we’ll just meet together in whatever paradise is, but i know that my love for you will reach far beyond eternity.” He said it with such sincerity that Suguru would have believed that this was a guarantee after death. Although he trusts his boyfriend with his life this wasn’t something that would go away over night. It did ease the uneasiness, though.
Suguru couldn’t help launching himself at Satoru, cupping his face with two rough, callused hands, pulling him close until their lips intertwined. The wind massaging their scalp, ruffling their hair, reminding them to be wishful children filled with youth. ‘Sneak out in the middle of the night, get scolded for kissing too much, talk about the future of endless possibilities,’ it said as the moon illuminated their hearts. Reassuring them that in darkness it’ll be there to light their path for whatever is to come to them.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Low Expectations
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Reader has low self esteem when she meets Bucky. Can he convince her that she's the one he wants?
Chapter 8
Warnings: swearing, little angst
Thursday afternoon finds Y/N at the salon getting her hair, make-up and nails done. She had a light lunch and popped an edible to help her nerves beforehand. Not only did she want to impress Bucky and make him proud to have her by his side, but she would also be around his friends and who knows how many rich and powerful people. She hoped he wouldn't leave her alone too much because her anxiety might kick in. She hoped she didn't run into any nasty politicians or that she could at least hold her tongue if she did. There were a few she would like to give a piece of her mind to.
When Bucky knocked on her door at 7:00 Y/N looked herself over in the mirror one last time and opened the door.
"Hey Buck" she said softly
Bucky whistled "Damn doll, you look like the beginning of my favorite wet dream. I'm not sure I want a bunch of men seeing you like this." He gave her a soft kiss and hummed "Mmmm, taste good too."
Y/N felt her face heat up "You look pretty delicious too, Sarge"
Bucky felt a twitch and tried to think about something else "Do you have a bag for the weekend?"
She pointed to an overnight bag on the couch and he grabbed it, then walked outside. She followed him and locked the door.
They held hands and chatted about nothing important on the drive over. When they arrived at Stark tower a valet took the car and Bucky led her to the entrance. There were a few photographers lining the sidewalk but just walked past them, smiling and completely oblivious. There was a bit of a wait to get through security and Y/N tried to calm her nerves and stop herself from acting like a tourist surrounded by a number of people she recognized. Politicians, actors, musicians and more. She knew she would have to keep her inner fangirl in check.
Bucky squeezed her hand and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll stay near you all night. Gotta make sure no one gets any ideas."
Once they entered the hall she gasped "Oh my gosh its beautiful. They really go all out for these things don't they."
Bucky nodded "Yeah, even with Tony gone Pepper knows how to throw a party but nothing in this room is as beautiful as you are.
Come on, lets go get something to drink"
Across the room neither of them noticed the senators aide that came on to Bucky. She saw them come in and was watching his every move and expression. Her name was Brittany and only had the job with the senator because of her family connections. She had started as an intern and had recently been promoted. She didn't need the money but believed one could never have too much.
Brittany was pissed that Sargeant Barnes had brushed her off, no one turned her down. Ever. So he would have to pay because she was determined to get in his pants regardless of what he wanted.
How dare he show up here with another woman on his arm. Brittany knew she was prettier and had more money and better connections than the amazon bitch he had with him. She came up with a plan and wandered the room, biding her time.
After they got drinks, Bucky took Y/N to say hi to Sam then introduced her to Torres and Rhodey.
While the 5 of them were chatting, Pepper came over to say hi. Y/N felt so underdressed and outclassed that she could barely stutter out a greeting. "Ms Potts, wait I I mmean Mrs Potts-Stark"
Pepper smiled gently and rubbed her arm in an attempt to soothe Y/N. "It's ok, you don't have to worry about all that. Just call me Pepper."
Y/N felt her face flush "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I've never been to anything like this before and it's a little overwhelming."
"I understand, I've been planning and attending these things for years and still get a bit overwhelmed sometimes butTony always loved a good party" she choked a little at the end.
Y/N forgot all about her own discomfort and took Peppers hand "I'm sorry if I brought up sad memories. I wish I had the chance to meet Tony he sounds like quite the character"
Pepper laughed and wiped the tears from her face "He was everything you've heard and more."
Y/N and Pepper chatted for a bit about Tony, about Morgan, Stark Industries, the GRC contracted company Y/N worked for. Y/N was surprised at how kind and down to earth Pepper was.
Of course Pepper asked how Y/N and Bucky met so Y/N told her some of the details of their young courtship. Love stories always made Pepper smile.
"Y/N, it was so nice meeting you. I could stay and chat all night but as the host I have to make the rounds. You too Sergeant Barnes, I know you don't love it like Sam does but you need to get out there and schmooze for donations and government grants"
Bucky sighed "Yes ma'am, I can't promise I'll talk to anyone for very long but I'm going."
He pulled Y/N around the room and stopped to talk to people he knew and those who called him over. It wasn't so terrible but he always felt like he was under a microscope. Having her by his side helped him feel a little more comfortable.
After Bucky introduced Y/N to Nick Fury and talk turned to business she excused herself to use the restroom. Bucky pointed out the way but with the lights and so many people she got turned around. At least until she ran into Sam and he helped her find it.
While she was touching up her make up, a short, beautiful woman with dark hair came in, looking her over like a piece of meat, which made Y/N very uncomfortable.
The woman smirked at her "So you're the mystery lady, huh? Why on earth would he pick you and ignore me? I mean look at you, such a plain Jane. Amazon tall and definitely more than a size 4. You're a loser and should stick with your own kind."
Y/N shook her head "I don't know what you're talking about and you need to learn some party/club ladies room etiquette. We are supposed to support and lift each other up not whatever you are trying to do."
Brittany gave her a malicious grin "What I'm going to do is make you understand that the sergeant isn't yours, I saw him first. He might be into you now but eventually he will realize that he's out of your league and he can do much better."
Y/N shook her head. "First, I've been seeing him for a couple of months and second, if Bucky wanted to be with you he would have asked you out or at least asked for your number instead of refusing all of your advances. Makes you look kind of pathetic chasing him and threatening me like this. Get over it, go out with someone else."
"I'm not backing down until I get to fuck him. There are creeps who will pay good money for candid, private pictures of people like Barnes." She poked Y/N in the chest "So you will back off or this is going to get ugly."
"How sad for you, that you can't see how ugly you are already acting. I don't have time for your hateful bullshit. I'm going back to my date."
Brittany grabbed her arm "You're not going anywhere"
Y/N twisted her arm out of Brittany's grip and pulled away from her. Brittany slapped her in the face, scratching her cheek with her ring, and Y/N saw red and punched her with everything she had.
Brittany fell over and started crying when she saw blood dripping onto her dress "You bitch, this is a $2000 dress and it's ruined"
Y/N smirked "I think you might have a broken nose there too. Maybe you shouldn't try to start fights when you're wearing expensive clothes. You could have just let it go, us Amazon's aren't to be trifled with." and stormed out of the restroom.
Once she got away and the adrenaline wore off she had Brittanys words running through her head, words that she had heard so many times. Amazon, loser, plain. Why would Bucky want someone like her? She found a door that went out to a large balcony with a number of planters full of plants and trees, decorated with fairy lights. Her heart and mind both calmed as she breathed in the night air.
After 15 minutes Bucky started to get worried that Y/N had gotten lost or overwhelmed by the crowd so he excused himself and headed towards the bathrooms to make sure she was ok. On his way there a familiar woman tried to catch his attention but he didn't notice until she grabbed his vibranium arm.
She dropped it like it burned her and reached for his right arm. "Hi Bucky, I didn't expect to see you here.
He looked at her confused "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
Brittany sighed "Yes we met in DC. I'm Brittany, Senator Johnson's aide. We had talked about getting together."
Bucky suddenly remembered who she was "If my memory serves you talked about getting together and I told you I wasn't interested.
You should have your nose looked at."
She scoffed "Your date did that to me. Why would you go out with someone like that?"
Bucky tensed "What do you mean? What did you do to her?"
She smirked "we just had a little chat. I was trying to offer some dating advice and she just hit me. Out of nowhere."
Bucky glared at her "Bullshit. What did you do to her? Where is she?"
Brittany shrugged "She was in the ladies room a little bit ago but-"
"Shut up. I don't care" he looked around frantically "I have to find her"
He called Sam "Have you seen Y/N? Senator Johnsons aide apparently got into it with her and looks like she has a broken nose. I need to find Y/N but security needs to do something with this woman."
Brittany stammered "Look, can we just let this go? I'll lose my job if the senator finds out and my dad will flip. I promise I'll leave both of you alone from now on. Besides I only slapped her but she broke my nose."
Bucky bristled "You what! What the-"
Happy Hogan walked up. "Sergeant Barnes. Is this the trouble maker?" Bucky nodded "I'll escort her out right away and make sure the senator is notified. Sorry about the trouble."
"Thank you Happy and I asked you to call me Bucky.
I have to go find my date"
Happy smiled "Tall girl in a purple dress? She's quite a looker. I saw her on the balcony a few minutes ago."
"Thanks again Happy" and Bucky bolted. He went out the balcony doors and saw Y/N on a bench, looking out over the city.
"Hey sweetheart. Are you ok out here?"
She turned around surprised "Bucky! I'm sorry I wasn't trying to ditch you I just needed some fresh air."
"Are you cold? You can have my jacket" He took it off and put it over her shoulders.
Y/N was enveloped in his scent and it made her feel so safe and warm. Not to mention a little turned on.
He looked at her "I ran into Brittany. You throw a hell of a punch. I think you broke her nose. That's my girl" He saw the redness and scratch on her left cheek. "We should get some ice on that. How's your hand, killer?"
Y/N giggled "It hurts a little. First time I've had to hit someone since high school."
"What happened sweetheart?"
She sighed "She guessed that I'm your mystery lady and told me you were out of my league. She said I'm too plain, too tall, too fat. Amazon, loser. Nothing I haven't heard before" she looked down at her feet.
Bucky cupped her red cheek and gently pulled her head up to face him. "Hey, Y/N. Look at me. She doesn't know what she's talking about, just jealous because I don't want her. I want you. Just like you are."
Y/N felt herself getting choked up. "Are you sure? There's plenty of girls who would-"
He pressed his lips against hers for a long moment then told her "I don't want any of them. All I need is right here"
"James" She whispered when he pulled away.
"Yeah, darlin?"
"Ask me again."
Bucky looked at her confused "What?"
She looked into his eyes "Ask me again."
"Ask you wha-" his face lit up with understanding "oh I see. My beautiful, sweet Y/N, will you be my girl?"
Y/N nodded "Yes James, I'll be your girl" and kissed him.
Bucky pulled away to catch his breath "Would my sexy girl like to dance with me?"
She smiled "Always Sarge"
Bucky growled "The way you say that does something to me. Be careful"
He led her to the dance floor, put his right hand on her lower back, holding her right in his left. The band started playing 'My Girl' and he pulled her closer to him. The music surrounded them and it was like they were in their own little bubble. He looked at her like she hung the moon and she was convinced it was a dream.
Bucky leaned forward and whispered in her ear "I'm real, promise."
She pulled away embarrassed "Oh my God I can't believe I said that out loud. I've just never met anyone who treated me like you do."
Bucky pulled her back into him "Well, you ain't seen nothin yet so get used to it. You're stuck with me now." He checked his watch "We should probably get going soon, it's a couple of hours to the Hamptons."
Y/N nodded and felt her face heat up thinking about what kind of adventures this weekend at the beach might bring.
She felt fluttering in her stomach, that tingling at her core and a sudden dampness, hoping that Bucky didn't notice. She realized he did when he took a deep breath and looked at her hungrily.
This was going to be a long 2 hours.
Chapter 9
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fandomhopping · 2 years
Dis is for you. You asked for this.
word count: 1,515
“One of these days I’m gonna get outta here Donnie!” The red banded turtle pouted while sitting idly in the ‘time-out’ corner. Splinter put him there for saying his very first swear word, he stubbed his toe and yelled “BITCH!” When splinter heard this he immediately put the young turtle in time-out… It was laughable. 
“When I do, you should come with me! We could go out in the world! Just the two of us!” Donnie chuckled,
“Sure, but only when you get out of time-out!” He teased, earning an unamused grunt from Raph.
“Y’know what! I’m gonna go by myself then! You can’t come! And-and… you’ll miss me when I’m Gone!”
“Sure… sure” the purple turtle jeered.
The twins had a bond, one that even if stretched through the thinnest wire would be indestructible. When they were kids, the pair was inseparable, constantly making promises and keeping secrets… some of which they still kept today! Life was in no sense easy, but they all made do, Raph had anger issues and Donnie was the one he would talk to. They’d talk for hours about the prettiest places, unexplored regions etc… they were ignorant to the cruelty above.
Oh how Donnie wished for those blissful times….
“Awww the nature show’s gone…” Mikey cried out. He loved the pretty plants and mountain ranges! His older brother walked in. He hunched, worried they heard him… they were 15! He shouldn’t be sad about a stupid plant show! Instead his brother pulled out a book Mikey was very familiar with.
“If I read this to ya, will ya stop complainin’?” Raph held up the old slightly torn picture book. The one splinter read to the orange banded turtle when they were tots. Mike nodded happily and his brother only sighed in response.
“Y’know one of these days I’m gonna get a train ticket with the prettiest of views and hightail it outta here!” He half joked. Mikey looked at him with bewildered eyes!
“No!” The red banded teen snorted,
“Y’know it’d be pretty but… it would be prettier to you…”
“Mhm! The train with the prettiest of views… mountains, rivers…” the red turtle went on about all the things he’d see. His youngest brother only marveled at the thought.
“That’s amazing, Raphie! But…” the orange banded brother trailed off
“You will be really far away… like Leo…” he sniffled, the latter snorted.
“You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone?” He chortled.
“Yeah…” the turtle said while slowly succumbing to sleep… dreaming about the beautiful Appalachian mountains his brother had told him about.
Raph chuckled and bundled Mikey in blankets.
How Mikey will miss those moments…
Leo was training when his younger brother walked in fiddling with something in his hands…
“Leo! You’re not gonna believe this!” Oh boy. The oldest stops his katas to give his brother his attention.
“What’s up?” He asks
“I was just looking at the most impressive volcanoes in the world! An’ I saw this one thing… I think it’s called Mount Fuji? In japan? Anyway! Did you know it stands a whole 12,388 feet!?” The blue turtle sighs at the red banded turtle’s fascination in all things worldly wonderful. 17 and still passionate, it's a trait Leonardo hopes he never loses.
“No I actually didn't!” He huffs teasingly. Watching as Raph’s smile brightens and he ever so slightly stims with his fingers.
They spend the next half an hour just talking about Mount Fuji! And another hour and a half talking about the wonders of the world…
Though something seemed to be bothering Raph,
“Hey… are you alright?” The box turtle snapped up from staring holes into the carpet and thought for a minute.
“Well, something has been bothering me.” He began, “it's just… I can’t help but think of the amount of times we almost died, and worry… if you guys would miss me if…” The short turtle trailed off. Leo knew what he meant instantly.
“Raphael, of course we would miss you! More than missing you! We wouldn’t be able to function without you!” Leo had a full argument ready in seconds. “Donnie wouldn’t get any sleep… Mikey would lose his spark, and I…” The oldest shuddered. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
Raph looked at him, uncertainty turning to relief. He snickered.
“You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone.” 
Leo didn’t think of those implications…
He wishes he did now…
It shouldn’t have gone this far. They shouldn’t have let it.
It was a normal day for patrol, the 17 year olds were jumping across rooftops and whooping and hollering, to the greatest displeasure of whomever was below them. The turtles heard a noise… the noise that would change their lives.
A conversation, one begging for their life, the other demanding money. Purple Dragons…
The four jumped down and the lady ran away instantly leaving only four Hamato members against a pretty large group of a gang.
Fighting broke out, and Raph was locked in combat with three gang members all wielding weapons ranging from crowbars, pipes, and even a machete! (Yikes! That would need to go first.) the red banded turtle thought to himself, dodging a barrage of attacks. He noticed it. A grenade, being thrown at his brothers! As if on instinct he threw his sai, making the explosion go off mid-air averting the crisis.
He was too late to notice… 
The red brother looked behind him, noting the gaping crack spread across his shell. Noting the sudden dizziness he felt… noting the fact his legs felt like jello… noting the ringing in his ears and what he thought was someone calling his name? It was so distorted, like he was underwater. Noting how… tired… he… was…
‘Hey that concrete is getting awfully close…’
His brothers rushed to him,
“Heh.” He laughed… “you’re… gonna… missss… me…when i'm… gone.”
Mikey saw it happen in slow motion… the bomb exploding, the snarky remark that died on his lips as he watched a gang leader stab into his brother’s shell… watched as the color drained from him. And watched as Raphael… his strong big brother slowly collapsed to the ground. . .
Mikey. Saw. Red.
Two seconds passed and instantly the orange banded turtle was on the offender, growling at him like a deranged animal. Markings glowing brightly across his arms and around his body as he seethed. Reaching into the air a mystical three section staff appears in the young turtle’s hands. He wields it with an intent to send the attacker to the fiery pits of hell.
Said opposer is asking and trembling a few feet away while the rest of the gang backs him. Encroaching on the four, Mikey notices in his peripheral vision his two older brothers desperately aiding Raph… his mission is clear.
Buy them time.
He launches himself at the gang, seeming to fight endlessly! He doesn't care if the opponent dies. He cares if they’re defeated by any means necessary.
Minutes pass. Maybe hours.
Leo is dragging a still feral Michelangelo from a pile of bodies… some of which are alive. While the orange banded turtle is biting and scratching at the thing keeping him from his enemies. 
“MIKEY CALM DOWN!” His oldest brother pleads. He quiets, cop sirens…
They are in the sewer before raph could say “you’ve gotta be kiddin’ me!”
Arriving at the lair Mikey is ushered out of the med bay so Donnie and Leo can work their medic magic… that leaves Mikey, and his thoughts… 
He killed people today.
As if he had super powers, his rat father walked into the room sensing his distress.
“What troubles you Michelangelo?” He asked. Mikey sighed sorrowfully.
“Master splinter… I killed people today. So many people…” he choked out. It was the rat’s turn to sigh knowingly.
“Let me tell you a story, my son.” He began. “Long ago, recently after I was turned into a mutant… you and I were scavenging for food and supplies when we were discovered by the shredder's minions. They surrounded us. They were after you.” He pointed a bony finger at the turtle. “I did what I had to do… most of them… didn’t make it out alive. I dealt with that grief in the only way I knew how. Apologizing.” Mikey looked at his master, puzzled.
“Apologizing?” He questioned.
“Yes. I lit the spirit candles, and went into the spirit realm apologizing… it was up to them if they forgave me or not.” Mikey was bewildered but knew that was what he had to do.
Several days later a certain red banded turtle awoke to many family members worrying over him! And had been banned to bed rest for 5 weeks while his shell healed. Earning a very annoyed groan from. Him. During that time, Mikey went to the spirit world. He never told anyone what he saw there… but his spirit appeared to have lost a massive burden it carried.
Not entirely… but almost, eventually that feeling would leave.
Mikey… wouldn’t miss it when it was gone.
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lilaceas · 1 year
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doesn't seem flye'd both of who we wish we'd been by like a river where our body flows together & every one's death so we call it breathing even that's not underwater because we still alive & no needed to kiss & we'd have something always in mind & like a promise we'd not forget each other & how to live together without any hurt & they seen any one broken-boned & remind of that couple that wasn't a couple & sadness are a lovely expression undone & for whose ones who kept together & are scared of dies & heaven not up there & there's god for me the best pill is that one who makes me blind for real world & made me remind of you close to wake up next morning & ask who been there for too long & cannot see & not blind because of pill & make you look mine with my dad's eyes that i can mean much more than my legs tattoed & hurtful & black eyes means that i'm too good at being smart & doing greath things that means something, too like feelings of when we get in airport & saying i don't want to kiss you, i want breakfast & very early good good a blunt & not more so you call me violence itself because is too good to be true & fell again drunk 'til another night alone in my bed & not feeling like that felt like i'm not lonely because sheets smelling like drunk & dizzy & a little high. but more as a flower i want to be meaningless & freedom smallest as a detail & pursuit of keeping secrets & we fell in another way of loving something that get no reclue & resolution because brides be always in trouble & wants to be president of her country made of my on my doll house ruling over & call highschool & how'd sad only find & find & never be found & my eyes get clear & i never believed in magic 'til you made me high with honeypots jointed i'd be goig at a café bar but i swear it's only to find you nor because you're my lover this is a lie been buried undertongue within a diary secret & lovenotes with kiss that red lipstick you hate & i'm dressing overly clothing i hate so you never see like i'm bad & in a dream we met & you never been feeling like a shit because i'm looking for myself un anothers bitch mirror that fucking bar bathroom & that's too lovely to be a teenage girl & so desesperated in love getting curve by curve didn't waiting for get drunk again because she's so cool there's no meaning to get up another boy that's like in a cold night saying you're pretty & i'm drunk & a heart of a whore that hates getting drunk & a whore who likes coke & a whore who show up her titties & i in middle off shit town with another man who loved whores & how a whore in corset & tights & leather skirt, i'll never touch myself just to be loving you & i'm prettier & not talking only wihin you thinking & never smiling to another shot. comes easy & never goes away we don't know nothing about each other & all about them. what i mess i be following you around & discovering that nothing mattered any how & this makes me happy like how'd sounds just as fuck off & boys who fucks myself & believen i know how to garden & his dog loves me & i know to cary you home when you so sick when i was younger faking slept to be carried.
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donghoonie-3 · 2 years
Noo, he'd look so pretty :( IKR! Even when he doesn't have anything in his mouth, he's always biting/touching his lips so it kinda looks like he needs to have something in his mouth all the time. You're right, I gotta admit that I'm pretty observant and he has a pretty tongue lol. And when he accidentally tucks it out cause he's kinda licking his lip😶 boy wants me to go insane I swear. I agree! Imagine him cumming and making a mess all over his tummy<3 Praise him and you'll see his dick twitching cause baby boy loves praises :(
OMG CAMBOY HOON😭 HE'D BE SUCH A TEASE WITH HIS VIEWERS. I feel like every time they try to tell him what to do, he'd be a little bratty so he goes like "No, I won't do that." But he'll do it anyways. Back to the "he sends you a video jerking off." I feel like it'd be in front of a mirror (because of his mirror kink). He looks so cute in that pic😭 Also, same! I always end up smiling when I hear his voice and he's effortlessly funny so I can see him always making you laugh even when you're sad (unless is something too serious)
How are you today?? Still having cramps?
Literally <3 it's like he's asking for it<3 i feel like if he jerks off he'd shove his fingers into his mouth tbh😵. Exactly!! No bc that post of yours with his tongue sticking out 🥴 literally is making me go mental istg. Oh god I'd absolutely love to see him cumming on his tummy<3 have you seen how pretty his tummy is??? It'd look even prettier with his own cum on it<33
IKK RIGHT he'd literally be such a brat</3 imagine he invited you over to be in one of his live streams and you notice his little brat behaviour so you end up punishing him and the viewers would literally love that so much<3 but also like make sure to make it clear that he's yours and not anyone else's bc those views would be head over heals for him smh. Oh god imagine him cumming all over the mirror😵 and when he sends you the video he'd also text "I made a mess on the mirror, oop ;) ill clean it up<3" NSJSJEIS yesss<3 that reminds me whenever he speaks English<3 I love his English so much it always makes me smile especially bc that shows that he wants to learn a whole ass different language for (what it looks like) his fans:( AND THAT REMJNDS ME when he said "I hope that you keep enhypen inside your heart like I keep engene inside mine" or smth like that:( and he said that in English too please he's literally precious<33 and yesss I definitely agree!!
Ahh sorry for the late reply:,) I've been doing good<33 and the cramps ofc have gone away and I'm so happily not on my period anymore😍 how are you??
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rayisalive · 1 year
Does anyone wanna meet the loml
Im married to him im in love ive been in love since i saw him hes the loml i need him i am so close to having him just have to wait till april i need him i would kill for this man i would stop eating donuts for this man i would stop my plan to out-pizza the pizza hut just to spend a second in his godly presence if i did as much as see a strand of his hair i would be sent to the moon and back and honestly i might not make it like kotokos dad hes so damn pretty everytime i see him i feel fluttery in my heart and like ive accomplished everything in life if he stepped on me i would thank him if he even shot me a glance i would be so happy omg imagine his smile i would do absolutely everything in my power to see his beautiful and cute smile if he was in the middle of killing me i would profess my love to him and thank him for existing i love that he exists hes a little emo boy i love that hes tough on the outside but omg imagine if he has a soft side im sure he does i want to see that soft side i would be so happy i would be overjoyed hes my bbygirl hes the ultimate bbygirl i would call him doll or love or honey or dear just to see him flustered hed be so adorable he can choke me and id be grateful for being so close to him i want to have him test my cooking i want to have fun at the beach with him i want to show him my fish he could betray me and id still love him i would tell him how pretty he is every night and every morning give him a good morning kiss and and and i want to wear lipstick and kiss him all over his face just to fluster him even though tbh even being in the same room as him id die of happiness i would commit so many crimes for him in the name of love even if it was all a trick he could play with my heart and id let him despite people saying no i want to kiss him his lips look so kissable i would tell him all my secrets if he asked i would die for him i would sacrifice myself to protect him from wtv monsters are in star rail im still salty at march 7th when she pushed him out of the way when he was about to kiss us to see if it would wake mc up in the intro if he was/ends up being the villain of the story its ok we can have a villain-hero romance, hero-sidekick romance i want to ruffle his hair i want to play with his hair and add butterfly clips and stuff hes so fucking beautiful hes prettier than vil hes prettier than anyone ive ever seen he could make me do anything and id go along with it which is concerning but its ok i want to give him cheek and neck kisses i mean princess-knight romance oml hes so fine jajsjsjk i love him sm hes the loml i swear his eyes remind me of clouds i could stare at them forever and not get bored i could get lost in them i would protect him with my life if he wanted to he could hit me with his spear and i would still be smiling from living long enough to be with him for even a split second the things i would say the amount of times i would profess my love to him its more than how many times mammon has gotten in debt i love him more than anything hes so bbygirl in others eyes he may just be another character in the game but in mine hes the prettiest and best person ever yes i understand hes fictional but shhh he could not even know me but i would still give him all the love i can he looks like a good hug sleeping body pillow partner i like to sleep it works i wanna hug him hes a god hes godly he is everything he could step on me and id let him hes majestic hes beauty hes grace hes the loml i am now realizing how long this is but at the end of the day no matter what i still love him sm its almost sad
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arlestial · 2 years
Could you do a Kamado Tanjiro from Demon Slayer where he purposely separates himself with his crush by walking slower than Inosuke and Zentisu so they can spend time together?
❝red lips and rosy cheeks❞
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synopsis : Tanjiro has a huge crush on you, but doesn’t know to tell you : and his friends don’t help him much…
pairing : Tanjiro Kamado x genderneutral!reader •— Demon Slayer
tw : None, it’s fluff and Tanjiro is flustered, (what’s prettier in this world ?)
word count : 850~ words
author-note : Hi !! I love your ask, thank you for your request. I absolutely love Tanjiro, he’s so pretty and sweet :(( (Marry me please). Hope it’s not too short nor too bad, enjoy :) take care of yourself ♡
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TANJIRO was exhausted. It had been one hour already your group had been heading for the next mission Tanjiro's crow had given. He wasn't exhausted from walking : no, he was used to long journeys with Nezuko on his back. He was just exhausted by the two idiots who kept yelling dumb things (like always) in front of you. And he was so embarassed. Yeah, they were his bestfriends, but at the moment... He just wanted to finish the mission and return to the HQ. But you were there.
Tanjiro has a crush on you for a long time. Unfortunately, all your moments together were interrupted by Zenitsu and Inosuke. He loves them, he really does, but at this very moment, they just ruined another moment he actually could've spent with you. You were amazing : your style-breathing was so cool, your fighting skills left him speachless everytime, you were incredibly kind and easy to get along with, funny and he couldn't described you with words to anyone. He couldn't even form a proper sentence with you next to him, your presence was just too-much for him.
"Zenitsu, can you talk less loudly please ? And Inosuke, stop hitting him !", warned Tanjiro, embarrassed by the situation. "We won't make it to the end of this journey, I swear…", he whispered again. He heard a chuckle from you and couldn't help but break a smile towards your relaxed face, a noticeable blush creeping on his cheeks.
So, he had an idea. The group was now walking towards a small village, the sun still in the pink-tainted sky, and Zenitsu and Inosuke kept yelling dumb things at each other (Mainly because Inosuke called him a crybaby or something like that).
"Hmm guys, listen !“
Inosuke and Zenitsu stopped talking for a second, and Tanjiro sketched a mischievous smile.
"What about walking a bit faster ? I don’t want us to arrive at night. Plus, I’m sure all of you must be tired !"
His two comrades nodded silently before yelling at each other again. Zenitsu challenged Inosuke, tears in his eyes :
"The last to arrive in the village must pay for the food "
To nodody’s suprise, Inosuke agreed, and they began to run as fast as they can to the nearest village.
Now, you were walking side by side with Tanjiro, a slight blush on his cheeks. The march was silent, a comfortable silence, before you spoke with your soft voice if he was okay. He was, to say the least, kind of suprised. He wasn’t used to people asking him if he was okay, it was usually the contrary. So he smiled gently, and responded with a simple "yeah I am". He was even more surprised when you sketch a dubious pout,
"Are you sure ? "
"Yeah. I’m just a bit tired, but that’s it ! Why wouldn’t I be okay ?"
"I don’t know. Maybe you just want to rest or take a moment for yourself, I guess ?"
"Don’t worry, spending time with you counts like a rest. You’re one of my most precious friends after all."
Your smile dropped completely, so was his. Did he say something bad ? His eyes searched for yours, but you looked away immediately, a little bit sad, but not disappointed. Tanjiro was Tanjiro, you were you, it was clearly impossible for him to have even a little feelings for you. You began to walk faster, wanting to escape from this embarrassing moment.
"Y/N, wait- Did i say something wrong ?"
"No, not at all don’t worry", you replied, waving your hands in a apologetic manner. "You are right, you’re one of my most precious friends too."
He frowned. He smelt the lie 10km away. You began to walk even faster, looking at your toes on the dusty path. Suddenly, you felt something grabbing you wrist : Tanjiro had a huge blush on his cheeks, his breathing was faster, and he seemed nervous. You tilted your head, surprised.
"I’m sorry. I- Okay, hm. I didn’t mean to offend you. I just kinda like you, that’s why I made a lot of plans before to spend time with you. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable," he chuckled nervously, "Don’t feel pressured, I totally understand if you don’t like me back, there’s no problem in that-"
"You like me ? Really ? I thought I was just a friend for you."
"Not at all !! I like you a lot. I like everything about you ! I’m sorry, I sound like a creep."
"No you don’t ! I like you too, by the way"
You looked at each other, then chuckled lightly and nervously. The silence was a bit tensed, but you were relaxed and for once, you felt a well-known feeling creeping in your chest. You were about to talk again to Tanjiro when Zenitsu cried for help. Both of you smiled and sighed, running to the crybaby boy.
But this time, it was different : you didn't know for now, but it was the beginning of a long story.
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foli-vora · 3 years
Hi ♥️ congratulations to 1k 🎉🎉 can I request 31. doing a pinky swear - with F! Reader and little jealous Frankie? 🥰
Hi my love! Thank you so much ❤️ and thank you for your request—I hope you enjoy!
#31—doing a pinky swear
Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: drunk slightly jealous Frankie, THIS GIF KILLS ME
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He’s pouting.
He’s been pouting for the last… well, since you left the bar, now that you think about it. You side eye him as you drive, lips twitching at the cute purse of his lips as the streetlights highlight his features.
“Everything okay?”
A grunt.
You snort, eyebrow raising. “Excuse you?”
He turns to you then, hands unfolding from under his thighs and greedily latching to your leg as he shifts closer, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Do you think Pope’s pretty?” He slurs into your neck.
“Pope,” he whines, dark eyes glazed and unfocused as he tries to blink up at you, your nose curling slightly as a wave of beer breath hits your face. “Is he prettier than me?”
“What are you talking about?”
He looks so damn sad. “You said he was the prettiest.”
A frown of confusion pinches your brows until you remember just exactly what he’s talking about, and you laugh. “That was just to get a rise out of Benny, baby. You know what he’s like.”
And it worked a treat—the younger Miller had looked like he’d been slapped across the face with the way he blinked in shock when you mentioned Pope being the better looking one.
Frankie goes quiet for the rest of the drive, but the pout doesn’t quite melt from his lips. He follows your lead when you coax him from the truck, winding a steadying arm around him as he stumbles a little up the porch steps.
He’s in the middle of wrestling with his T-shirt when your phone dings softly in your pocket, and vigilant eyes watch you from the cover of cotton as he pulls the top over his head.
He can’t help it. “Who’s that?”
He cuts you off with a scoff, throwing his shirt across the room in the general direction of the laundry basket. “Of course it is.”
“Francisco Morales, that is enough.”
Your sharp tone has the grumpiness quickly dissolving from his features and his eyes soften in quiet apology, frame heavy as he lets himself fall onto the mattress.
“He’s just asking if we got home safe, now stop it.” You poke his forehead as you pass him, but an arm winding around your waist has you pausing.
“I’m sorry.” His words are muffled against you, and you card a gentle hand through his tangled hair. “Please don’t be mad at me.” Sad eyes are soon blinking up at you and you grin.
“I’m not mad. Besides—” you murmur, smiling softly at him as you brush the stray curls away from his face, “—you’ll always be the prettiest to me.”
“Even if he grows better beards than me?”
You can’t help but laugh. “What?”
“Pope has great facial hair.”
“Well, I happen to love your scruff.” Your nails scratch softly against his cheek and through the patchy facial hair there, heart hammering against your chest as he nuzzles into your touch, smiling drunkenly up at you and eyes warm, dancing with affection.
“Really? Do you promise?”
“I promise.” Your eyes follow the movement of his hand until he’s wiggling his pinky finger at you, a brow arching as they flicker back to meet his. “You’re not serious.”
“If you can’t pinky swear, then you don’t mean in it—”
“God, how old are you?” But still, a smile stretches your features and your own finger winds around his. “Now let’s go to bed.”
His grin is pure filth. “Now you’re talking.”
“Not what I meant, Fran—”
You yelp as he tackles you onto the mattress, his body quickly rolling onto yours as he blows raspberries into your throat, beard tickling your skin. His heart races for the way you squirm, and the way your laughter echoes throughout the room.
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Once Again (PT.4) | Iwaizumi Hajime (Haikyu!)
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Iwaizumi’s broken marriage results in his five-year-old son trying to match him up with his primary school teacher, whom he thinks will make a wonderful replacement for a mother.
Genre: fluff, angst, f! Reader x dad! Iwaizumi
"Miss Y/N, is daddy okay?" Hoisuke peers up at you from the backseat as you pull up to your apartment unit. You glance at him through the rearview mirror and smile, "don't worry, he's fine. He's just going to be slightly late."
Iwaizumi had called you earlier that day, sounding breathless and stressed out as he iterated how slow traffic was moving. On impulse, you'd proposed to bring Hoisuke over to your house to make things more comfortable and after a slight bout of hesitation, he'd agreed to pick his son up in the comfort of your home.
"This is the first time I come to your place, miss Y/N," Hoisuke's eyes are darting back and forth across the tiny kitchenette to your right to the small tv screen plugged to the wall on the left. Granted, your flat is merely anything special and far from ready for unexpected guests. But the sharp curiosity gleaming in your student's eyes holds no judgement and for that you apprrciate him all the more.
"You hungry?" You ask while settling him down at your tiny dinner table compact enough to fit snuggly up to your kitchen counter.
Hoisuke purses his lips in thought and you swear he's learnt this facial expression from observing his father, "hm yeah. A little bit," before throwing you a sheepish grin.
So you whip up something simple; omelette rice with your special Korean chilli sauce as a sudden downpour splatters through the cityscape, the rain dancing to its own rhythm as it splatters over your windowpane. The TV plays in the background, a random cartoon that gets interrupted with Hoisuke's giggles and that ignites an affectionate smile on your lips as you chide himto eat. And you're not really sure why your chest feels tight and filled to the brim with comfort, but you realise you don't actually mind having the small human around that much.
Teachers aren't supposed to have favourites. But you admit to yourself that teachers are only human. And if you are to choose, Hoisuke would be one of yours.
"Miss Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?" Hoisuke's voice pierces through your thoughts and as you blink down at him, you shake your head, "no, I'm single as a pringle."
"You are not married then."
"No I'm not."
"Great!" Hoisuke jumps up on his seat, eyes twinkling with mischief, "then do you want to marry daddy?"
"What?" You laugh out, "it doesn't work that way Hoisuke."
"But I like you miss Y/N," he replies with the seriousness of a child wanting his way, "You'd be a great mum. Can you be my mum?"
"Oh gosh kiddo," your hand reachea out to ruffle his hair, heart twisting at how easily he leans into your touch, "I'd love to be your mum, but--"
"Then marry my dad," Hoisuke's mumble is muffled against your side. He unconsciously snuggles up to you and you caress the top of his head down to his nape, "daddy likes you too. He really likes you. You make him happy. He laughs a lot when you're around, and he doesn't get sad like he usually does when Mama is here."
"But that would be unfair to your mum wouldn't it?" You say softly, "you can't have two mums. She'll be upset."
There's a slight pause where you can see the cogs turning in his brain, "yeah," he says eventually, "but I don't really like going to Mama's anyway--"
The sound of your doorbell jolts you both to attention. You give Hoisuke's head one more ruffle before getting up to unlock the door.
Only to come face to face with none other than Hoisuke's mother.
You blink. Once. Twice. Unconsciously taking a step back.
She's pretty. Prettier up close, with those feline cat eyes and that full mouth that renders any man crazy. Standing a few inches higher than you, there is no doubt as to why Iwaizumi had fallen for her charms in the first place. She looks like the kind of woman that would still be elegant even dressed in a mechanician's uniform.
"H-Hello," your eyes dart from hers to a blank spot on the wall opposite, "can I help?"
"Where's Hoisuke?" Her voice is smooth, yet hard enough to make you wince.
"I--" your mind races. Isn't Iwaizumi supposed to pick him up? And how the hell does she know where you live?
She seems to read your face as she says, "I saw you with my son leaving the school. You're his...teacher, aren't you? I was waiting to pick him up."
"I thought Iwaizumi-san--"
"I don't need a reason to see my son," she arches her brows at you in a way that makes you want to crawl under a carpet and hide.
"Mama?" Hoisuke's voice floats from behind you, a tentative waver of nervousness as you hear him pad up to the door.
"Does Iwaizumi-san know you're picking him up?" You hope your tone is diplomatic, but the way her body tenses proves you otherwise, "You can tell him Hoisuke's with his mother," she nods at her child, "now come on Hoisuke. Let's go home."
Maybe feeling the tension in the air, Hoisuke merely shrinks back, "but it's Daddy that picks me up."
"Yes well, Daddy's not here now is he?" She gestures aggressively towards him, "now come on."
"Maybe we should wait until Iwaizumi-san gets here," you try to smooth things over, "he's on his way--"
"Don't tell me what to do with my child," Mizune snaps and without warning, grabbing hold of Hoisuke's arm before pulling him out of the flat. He resists.
"Mama no, let's wait for Daddy--"
"Daddy isn't coming. Now stop being so difficult," she doesn't relent against the way her son twists and kicks at the ground while you stand there, mind blind with panic because you've never actually had to deal with such a situation before.
"Mama please!" Hoisuke cries out with a sob.
You want to move. You urge yourself to. But your feet won't budge. It's like you're rooted in place.
Hoisuke has started crying at this point and in an attempt to smoothen things out, you try again by saying, "I'm sure we can all calm down and talk this out. As a teacher, I cannot--"
"That's right," Mizune's feline pupils narrow down on you, making you flinch at the rage simmering through those dark orbs, "you're his teacher. And as a teacher, you should know how to keep your boundaries. You're not his mother and you never will be. So fucking stay out of my family's life."
The words burn as they etch themselves into memory and you can only watch, hand clutched to the door as Mizune drags her crying son away. His cries are loud enough that they bounce throughout the corridor and keeps resonating even when he's long gone, as you try to comb through the last fifteen minutes where everything has turned upside down.
Fucking stay out of my family's life.
Your brain reels. Your heart feels heavy. You don't know what to do, what to say.
And Mizune's words are as sharp as a knife.
Don't tell me what to do with my child.
A sob slowly catches the back of your throat, eyes slowly brimming with an onset of tears.
You're not his mother.
The truth hurts. You know that Hoisuke is not your child, know that all this time it's merely Iwaizumi and his son, and then you watching on the sidelines. But hearing the cold rejection thrust in your face hurts more than you'll admit.
You aren't quite sure how long you stand there gazing into the empty corridor as if if you will it hard enough, Hoisuke will come running back to you. It is only when a familiar alto reaches your ears that you snap back to attention:
Jerking at the sound and looking up to see none other than Iwaizumi, drenched and breathless, standing a few feet away from you, your breath hitches in warning.
He closes the distance between you, frowning upon noticing the tears at the corner or your eyes, "what's wrong? Where is Hoisuke--"
"I'm..." your eyes drop to the ground, "I'm sorry," your whimper is barely above a whisper and you feel him move closee, his hand gently grasping your arm.
"Y/N?" His voice is gentle, though ragged and breathy, "what happened?"
It's probably the gentlest he's ever been with you. Turning away to cup your mouth with your hand, your teeth clamp down onto your lower lip in hopes of keeping the emotion from spilling over.
"Mizune came," you murmur out, "she took Hoisuke home."
There's a sharp intake of breath on his part. A pause, "how did--"
"She followed us."
Iwaizumi lets out a sigh as he moves towards you and you stagger back to hide your tears, but it proves useless when his hand grasps your arm to pull your hand away.
Deep brown mocha meet yours. Your throat tightens.
"Sorry," you breathe out a forced chuckle but it's clear from Iwaizumi's face that he's spotted your tears, and that he just knows that there is something bothering you.
But he doesn't ask. Doesn't question your intent or your feelings.
Instead, he pulls you close, close enough you're stumbling into him, before his hand wounds around the back of your head and presses you against his shoulder.
It shocks you, the sudden intimacy of his touch. His citrus smell once again invades your space and you can't find it in yourself to keep on holding on before you break down.
Maybe it's because you had felt-- at this point in time -- that you were someone significant in Hoisuke and Iwaizumi's life that you're not crying into Iwaizumi's shoulder as if everything is going downhill in your life. But you're comforted by the casual way he holds you with his head turned away so that you can bury yourself in the crook of his collarbone.
"Sorry," you manage to mumble out after you've managed to calm down. He's moved you back into your flat and has sat you down onto your kitchen chair, having rummaged through your utensils to bring you a cup of water that you sip on gratefully, if only to act as a distraction from the way he's gazing at you.
Iwaizumi shakes his head silently, looks away and clears his throat, "I'm gonna call her. You good?"
You nod and after searching your face for a few more seconds, he slides out of his seat and walks away with the device already presses to his ear. Bowing your head and gulping down the rest of the water, you manage to block out his angry alto resonating through the compact space as you focus on regaining control of yourself. You rarely fall to pieces like that, rarely give in to the downward pull of your emotions because the nature of your job obliges you to.
You jump involuntarily and look up to see the said man sporting a frown, "is Hoisuke okay?" You ask.
"He's fine," a sigh escapes his lips as he slides back into the chair as if there's a weight pressing down onto his shoulders, "I'll pick him up tomorrow after school."
You nod. Good, the last thing you need is for Hoisuke to be disrupted by problems that don't concern him.
When he speaks next though, his alto is hoarse and thick, "I'm sorry Y/N. You don't deserve to get in the middle of all this."
"It's okay."
His eyes pierce yours with burning hot intensity, causing your gaze to drop to your fists laying across the table, knuckles so tight they're turning white.
A bout of silence ensues, lest for the pounding in your heart while your thoughts take on a tumultous turn for the worse. What if Mizune is angry? What if she stops Hoisuke from coming to school altogether? What if she makes her child move just for the sake of keeping him away from his teacher who can't seem to keep her nose out of anyone's business? What if--
Warmth floods your hands so suddenly that it interrupts your train of thought. Head jerking up in surprise to see Iwaizumi's hands clasp yours, your blood suddenly pulses through your limbs upon feeling his thumb gently stroke over your knuckles.
Iwaizumi is not a man of words. That much you know, but this evening has been full of surprises for you both. So you force yourself to relax, almost enjoying the gentlest of his touches fluttering across your skin.
"How," your words are choked, "how angry is she?"
"That doesn't matter."
"But what if--"
"None of this is your fault, Y/N," he replies firmly, followed by a gentle squeeze, "whatever you have cooking in that head of yours, stop."
Nodding and sighing in defeat, you lapse into a more comfortable silence as the time dwindles on. It's different to have someone else occupying your flat, considering that you've gotten so used to living along after your horrible breakup. A good kind of different.
When you bid him goodbye that evening -- granted you shall wake up with dark circles and puffy eyes the next day -- he suprises you with another casual, one-armed hug which signifies so much more for the usually reserved man, Hoisuke's bag hanging loosely from the other. He holds you close, his grip strong and secure and making you wish you can melt in a puddle of warmth at his feet, while his cheek pillows atop your temple against the side of your head. You lean in, cozy and warm, while his heart beats underneath your ear like a gentle drum easing you of today's worries and you wish you have the willpower to keep yourself away, in vain.
He pulls away slightly, mutters a soft "night" before a ghost of a kiss imprints itself on your temple.
Your breath hitches but the moment is gone all too son. He's already swivelling around and making his way down the corridor, leaving you to stare after him with a wild, raging heart.
You know, without a doubt, that you're already a little too skin-deep.
Iwaizumi is furious. Filled to the brim with a rage that's threatening to bubble over his insides.
He'd gone round to fetch Hoisuke in the morning as promised, just managing to keep himself from knocking his ex-wife's double mahogany doors down only to be greeted by that stupid bastard who'd stolen his wife away.
Todoka had always roamed within the same circle of friends as Iwaizumi and Mixune, having met under the same dormitory roof and sharing common sports interests. So imagine how big of a slap it was to hear that he'd been the one stealing kisses and sharing soft subtle touches with his wife behind his back.
"I could've driven him if only you'd let me," Mizune had told him as they waited for Hoisuke to finish brushing his teeth. is ex-wife's familiar soprano made him tense. Her face was a cold mask of indifference that covered up her silent anger. She'd folded her arms, chin jutted out and lips pursed, "he's my son too, you know."
"Was he still your son when you went and fucked Todoka?"
She'd sighed. As if dealing with the tantrum of a child, "Why are you bringing this up again?"
"Because you never put him first. Not when he threw his tantrums, not when he cried for you. Not even when he was sick," Iwaizumi spat out, the words tasting bitter upon his tongue.
"I had issues Hajime, you know that--"
"Like what? Like we weren't good enough for you? Like I wasn't pulling myself apart while you were out for nights on end?" Iwaizumi would've continued with an onslaught of pent-up statements if his son hadn't spoken out:
"Hey bud," Iwaizumi's anger had deflated like a hot air balloon, "you ready to go?"
And so he packed his son up in the car, his ex-wife watching his every move, and just after he'd closed his vehicle door did Mizune mention something about you.
"Do you like her?"
He'd bristled, "none of your business."
"Hoisuke is my son," Mizune's eyes had hardened into steel, "I don't need anyone else filling up his head with stupid ideas, nor do I want him to get hurt--"
"Like you did?" The words were fire burning upon his tongue. His shoulders were squared as he faced her fully, "stop beating around the bush, Mizune. We both know you hate the fact that Hoisuke loves spending time with Y/N."
"That's not it, I--"
"Y/N has spent more time with Hoisuke in a week than you did in a month. She's wiped his tears more timesthat you've seen him cry," he swivels towards his car then, "are we done?"
"You're acting like a child."
"I'm not the one picking a fight because of some petty jealousy," Iwaizumi had snapped.
"I'm not jealous!" Mizune burst out, her patience finally wearing thin, "I'm trying to look out for him, for you! She's not right for you--"
"Don't. Talk about her like that,” Anger had flared at how dismissively she spoke of you, visible as his knuckles tightened and a vein throbbed in his forehead, "and if you know what's good for you, you'll stay the fuck out of my life."
He'd driven off without looking back, knowing full well he'd shocked her into silence and if he were to be honest with himself, that outburst had eased some of the knots in his stomach. Dealing with Hoisuke's anxiety after witnessing yet another argument though, that was something else.
"Daddy, I don't understand why you and Mama fight so much," Hoisuke finally finds his voice when they stop inside the school gtounds. His small chubby hand, fitting into Iwaizumi's large one, cling to him with more force than necessary as they make their way to his respective class.
"Your mama and I...have different opinions on things," Iwaizumi tries to explain, suddenly guilty that his son has to pick up all the broken pieces. Impulsively, he ruffles Hoisuke's locks, "don't worry."
And that's when his son stops in mid-walk, looks him dead in the eye, and tells him, "Mama doesn't like miss Y/N, does she?"
It's a different kind of slap, but he shouldn't have understimated the little five year old. Children know much more than they let on snd here's the proof of it.
Iwaizumi allows both his hands to clasp Hoisuke's shoulders and bends down until they are face to face, "hey," dark mocha meets lighter caramel tinged with a fear of a child desperate for a family that all his friends can take for granted, "that doesn't matter. Do you like miss Y/N?"
Hoisuke nods, eyes wet.
Iwaizumi's heart swells and he swears he doesn't ever want to see that expression on his son's face, not if he can help it.
"Then it doesn’t matter what your Mom tells you," he squeezes the child's shoulder for good measure, "no one can boss you around and tell you that you're not allowed to like who you like," he brushes a few hairs off Hoisuke's forehead, "not me, not even your mom. Got that?"
“Will we be able to invite miss Y/N again?” Hoisuke asks with a trembling bottom lip. 
“If you want to.” 
“Do you want to, daddy?” 
That question takes him by surprise, the familiar guilt lurching through his stomach as he tries to comb through an excuse to hide his growing feelings. 
Except, why does he have to hide in the first place? 
It takes a moment, before Iwaizumi nods, “yeah,” he murmurs gently with the softest of smiles, “I want to.” 
Hoisuke nods once more, which is shortly followed by lurching into Iwaizumi's arms as a sob echoes from his throat. His father holds him close, glad that the earlier tension from Hoisuke's has dissipated into relief for now.
What he doesn’t know though, is that you stand just a few feet away, body tucked into the corner of the wall and holding up your racing heart against your chest. 
The more you spend more time with the Iwaizumis, the more your heart gets invested in the coaxing warmth that makes up their family. You try to dismiss what you've overheard back in the school corridor but it's an itch you can't quite erase now that you've been exposed to Iwaizumi's feelings, which does nothing to stop the way your heart skips a beat whenever his gaze lingers upon yours for too long.
And you've taken notice. Or you think you do. Of how he sounds more gentle whenever he talks to you, how whenever you play hands they drift towards each other for a few extra seconds that causes your skin to tingle with warmth. How it is so goddamn easy to fall into this familiar routine of playing families with Hoisuke around like a human sunshine.
But there's still one thing nagging you. Which is why you corner him once you have tucked Hoisuke into bed on Saturday night, seeking him out on the small terrace tucked beside his kitchen that overlooks the glowing city lights.
"Can I ask you something?"
His gaze flits to yours. He nods.
Swallowing back the sudden knot of anxiety in your throat, your question comes out more like a soft proposition rather than a demand fot answers.
"I know it's none of my business, but-- I overheard you and Hoisuke a few days ago in the school corridor," your words are rushed and quick as you fold your arms over your chest, "did you and Mizune have a fight...about me?"
Iwaizumi shifts in your peripheral to face you, but your eyes adamantly find purchase onto the cement ledge splattered with dirt. For a split second, you wonder whether it wouldn't have been better to keep your mouth shut.
"What did you hear?" He asks quietly.
With a slow breath, you tell him what you've heard, underlining that this whole encounter was an accident.
"And from the way she acted when she saw me...well, it's not hard to put two and two together," you finish off in a mumble, then quickly adding, "look I--I don't want to come in-between you and your family. I just don't want Hoisuke to get hurt."
Surprise flits through his features. He regards you for a long moment, long enough that you feel like squirming underneath his gaze.
Then, taking you by surprise, he chuckles softly and shifts his elbows onto the edge of the terrace, "No wonder he likes you."
You blink at him. It suddenly feels a little too warm.
"None of this is your fault, Y/N," you wonder since when have the formalities dropped from Miss Y/N to just Y/N and decide that you like the way your name rolls off his tongue, "Mizune gets jealous over stupid shit and if she can't see someone else making her son happy then that's not our problem."
Your teeth unconsciously find purchase onto your lower lip, which he notices. That doesn't stop him from reaching over to press his thumb against your lower lip, "don't."
You freeze at the touch. His thumb is warm against your mouth, calloused and sending a series of tingles down your spine.
He must realize the intimacy of his touch, for he drops his hand away and mutters, "he's...livelier. when you're around. Happier, even. I've never seen him like that with his Mama."
"What about you?"
You feel like slapping yourself. The audacity coming out of your mouth surprises you and you swear your cheeks burst into flames.
Iwaizumi looks at you almost at the same time your pupils focus on his, causing your breath to hitch.
Why the hell can't you just keep your mouth shut?
Iwaizumi's voice is merely a murmur when he speaks next, deep and laced with a roughness.
"What about me?"
Your brain seems to turn to mush, "do you like having me around?" You hope you don't sound too pathetic.
Your heart almost stops at his next set of words.
"I do."
And there's that smile, barely there but enough that your own lips stretch to mirror his action. Until you realize you are smiling at him like a fool and quickly look away like you've just been burnt.
Something shifts in the air between you, spurred on by the way your eyes keep searching each other's with a growing tension that makes your skin rattle. Iwaizumi's frown is present, yet not unpleasant and you're not quite sure who moves, just that he's suddenly a little closer. Close enough you get a whiff of the citrus smell you've come to recognize as his own.
"Miss Y/N?"
Hoisuke's voice suddenly snaps you out of your daze. Quickly whipping around to see the said boy rubbing his eyes, a hand unconscioudly scratching his tummy, your entire countenance softens as he blinks up at you sleepily.
"I can't sleep," he mumbles out with sleep still in his eyes, "can you come back to bed with me?"
"Yeah sure," you're already on your way over to him, scooping the child up in your arms. He takes this chance to bury his face into the crook of your neck, sighing contently.
You turn back to his father, a dark silhouette against the bright landscape, "I'll be right back."
But Hoisuke surprises you by saying, "you too, Daddy."
Iwaizumi stills, "what?"
"Come to bed too, Daddy."
For one single moment, it's like time stops. You can't see Iwaizumi's face but a moment later he straightens and walks over, nodding at you when he's close enough. You don't realize your heart is besting like a hummingbird until you hear it throbbing through your chest as you try squeezing into Hoisuke's bed, you in the corner and his father barely hanging onto the edge, Hoisuke squished in-between.
It's like an instinct for the boy to latch onto your shirt. He turns to burrow himself into the curve you've made with your body, facing Iwaizumi who is half-sitting, half-lying down in an angle that surely isn't comfortable.
So you decide to point it out to him, patting the bed for good measure in hopes that he doesn't notice the warm flush of your neck.
"It's okay," your whisper tickles Hoisuke's hair, "it's only until he falls asleep."
He hesitates, before you see his head nod and he slides his body a little closer, chest curving into Hoisuke's back and close enough for you to get bathed in his warmth.
He smells good. He looks good. God. Why does he look so damn good?
Stop! You squeeze your eyes shut aa if that might help your racing thoughts, and you are so caught up in your own head that you almost miss the gentle brush of Iwaizumi's fingers against your shoulder.
You tense up right before realizing that his action is intentional. Your shoulders slowly relax, a shaky exhale escaping your lips as he takes the chance to linger over your arm a little longer, before falling away onto the mattress.
You fall asleep that night listening to not just Hoisuke's, but Iwaizumi's heartbeat. 
Taglist: @multi-fandom-fanfic, @168-cm-png, @bakugouswh0r3, @yatoatyourservice, @ayocee, @marvel-ing-at-it-all, @astrolcve, @lilith412426, @elianetsantana, @schleepyflocci, @oohlalie , @kaashikoi , @tendo-sxtori , @iwaroses , @its-the-aerieljeane , @lalalemon101 , @lanaxians-2 , @dora-the-grownup , @sharin-gone , @nekomavsnohebi , @crayonwriting , @imafan , @random-fandom-girl-24 , @bucinhajime , @izumikunmy , @iwaoioioi​ , @evesmores​ , @meri-soni-meri-tamanna​ , @paintedstarres​ , @okadaxo , @michaki , @archiepudding​ , @ysatrap​ , @cringe-freak​ , @thatprettybunny​ 
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tyongxnct · 3 years
𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 - 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝐿𝑒𝑒
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pairing: Mark Lee x reader
summary: Dating Mark Lee was wonderful- until it wasn’t. You were fighting all the time and he hurt you with his words, but this time you had enough. You couldn’t let him hurt you and accept him back whenever he said that he was sorry. You were so sick of letting him hurt you, so sick of him talking about your relationship with others behind your back. He changed so much, you probably did too, but he wasn’t the person you fell in love with anymore.
song: same old love - Selena Gomez
genre: angst, a dash of fluff
warnings: swearing, mention of sex
word count: 2,7k
A/N: this one’s a little short and I hope you enjoy it anyway! 💖 a little spoiler for the last story in my series: back to you won’t be a short fic, it’s going to be a full fic with (currently) over 7k words and I’m not finished yet! If you want to be added to the taglist send me an ask! 🥰
taglist: @alex-chann​, @aesthetichrj​
© tyongxnct on all platforms
Take away your things and go You can't take back what you said, I know I've heard it all before, at least a million times I'm not one to forget, you know
“Leave. Take all of your things and go.”
“No, baby, fuck. I didn’t mean-“ Mark stepped forward and you stepped backwards. It broke his heart. “What? You didn’t mean it? It’s not your first time saying that Mark. I’ve had enough. We’re going in circles, it needs to stop!”
It wasn’t the first time that Mark told you that he’s sick of you and that he wished that he never dated you in the first place.
“I love you, baby. Believe me, I was just angry and-“
“frustrated- I know, it’s always the same excuse Mark. I know that you don’t love me, so please, just leave. Find someone you love and who treats you better, apparently I’m not enough.”
“I do! I do love you! Just hear me out, please!” Mark was crying, you weren’t even crying.
“Why are you crying? I’m letting you go Mark, you don’t have to force yourself to stay with me anymore.” Your heart clenched, your hands formed to fists, nails dug into your soft skin.
“I love you…” he whispered, “I love you so much, please give me one last chance.” He begged. “Did you love me when you told Johnny that I was so annoying? Did you love me when you told Jaehyun that you’re sick of having sex with me, sick of me calling you and texting you? Sick of me asking you about your day and worrying about you? Did you love me when you told Mina, that we aren’t serious? How can you love me when we aren’t even serious?”
Mark looked defeated, “H-how did you-“
“Is that important? You talked to them every time I was with you, you wanted me to hear that. You want me to break up with you because you are a fucking coward.”
“I-I never wanted you to hear that- I just, I don’t know what to say, I’m so sorry, please. I’m begging you, give me one last chance. I love you. I really love you so much, I can’t do it without you. I need you in my life.” Mark wiped away his tears with his hands, but the tears were still rolling down his cheeks.
“I’ll never forget how you treated me, how much you hate me. You made me think it was my fault- that I was the one who destroyed this relationship, but it wasn’t me. It was you, and now, take your things and go. We’re done.” You didn’t allow the tears to fall until you entered the bathroom, closed the door, and locked it.
I don't believe, I don't believe it You left in peace, left me in pieces Too hard to breathe, I'm on my knees Right now
You fell on your knees, your hand was on your mouth, covering your whimpers and sobs. It hurt, you loved him so much it broke you apart. You felt your chest tighten, the pain filled your body and there was nothing you could do to stop the pain.
“I-I love you. So much.” Mark was on the other side of the door, his hand was on the doorknob, he couldn’t hold you anymore, it was over now. Mark was still crying as he held his bag tightly and hoped that you’d open the door and jump in his arms, for one last time.
He could hear you, your sobs were loud, you were never good in hiding your emotions. Your eyes filled with tears and pain. “I’m sorry.” And with that, he walked out of your apartment and left.
You couldn’t breathe, the hand that covered your mouth before, was now holding your chest tightly. Your eyes were wide, were you having a panic attack? The bathroom suffocated you, the walls came closer and closer and you were having a hard time controlling your breathing.
Your curled up and closed your eyes, you tried to think of happy memories. Yeah, you had happy memories with Mark, not just bad memories. The first time you had met him was your favorite memory of him.
I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough I'm so sick of that same old love, feels like I've blown apart I'm so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heart
You’ve met Mark on a blind date your friend had arranged for you almost two and a half years ago. She told you that you were a perfect match and after two weeks of begging you to meet him, you said yes. It wouldn’t hurt right?
“He’s a little bit shy, okay maybe not a little bit, but like, you know, he’s cute you’ll love him.” Your friend said as she helped you with your make up. “I’m shy too! What If we just sit there and don’t talk?” you said worriedly.
“No, he will talk. Maybe even a little too much.”
You looked through the restaurant and looked for the man in blue. The two of you decided to wear a matching color since you still didn’t know what he looked like, and he told you to wear blue because it was his favorite color.
Your gaze met his, and your brain stopped working because he looked so handsome and cute at the same time. Mark’s smile widened as he watched you walk over to him. His palms were sweaty, and he was absolutely nervous.
“Hey, Mark?” you said nervously.
“Yeah, hi. I’m Mark. Wow you’re way prettier than I imagined.” He rambled and you smiled at him shyly. “Oh yeah right.” He got up and helped you with your chair like a gentleman. “Thank you.”
“Uhm, I ordered red wine, but like, if you want to drink something else, like, champagne or something tell me.” He was talking so fast and you could see how nervous he was, just like you.
“No, no. Red wine is totally fine.”
“Yeah, uhm, Minsoo told me that you like red wine, but I thought maybe you’d like to drink something else.” He rambled again. “Am I talking too much? I feel like I’m talking too much.”
“No,” you giggled, “You’re not talking too much don’t worry.”
“That’s good, my friends told me to shut up, but I feel like I can’t stop talking. Did I tell you that you’re really pretty?” Mark didn’t even notice the waiter looking at him with his mouth wide open, “Thank you, Mark. You are very handsome.”
The waiter looked to you and then back to Mark as you and Mark just looked at each other without saying anything. The waiter cleared his throat, “Sir, would you like to order now?”
And after ordering, your night was filled with smiles, giggles, and loud laughs. Mark was so funny and cute the whole time, and when you held his hand, which was resting on top of the table, his cheeks started burning and you just wanted to squish his cheeks.
“You’re so adorable.” You smiled at him shyly. “And you’re so gorgeous.”
You were in front of your apartment, even though you didn’t want the night to end, but it was almost 1 am and you had classes the next day. “I had so much fun tonight, Mark. Thank you so much.”
“Me too. And uhm, I really would love to do it again.” He blushed a little. “Me too. You have my number?”
He nodded and you couldn’t resist, so you tiptoed and kissed his cheek before you entered your apartment, “Good night, Mark.”
I'm not spending any time, wasting tonight on you I know, I've heard it all So don't you try and change your mind 'Cause I won't be changing too, you know
You woke up on the bathroom floor. After crying for hours and trying to calm yourself down, you fell asleep. You fell asleep with a smile on your face, the memories you shared with Mark were beautiful, almost too good to be true. But after everything you’ve been through, you didn’t want to wallow in memories. Even it’s just for one night, you wanted to stop feeling sad and down, you just wanted to be happy and think about yourself first. No more thoughts on Mark’s wellbeing, no more going through pictures of him on your phone and no more texting him that you missed him.
You were determined, your relationship with Mark was over, and he wouldn’t change your mind this time, like he always did. This time, you had enough.
You can't believe, still can't believe it You left in peace, left me in pieces Too hard to breathe, I'm on my knees Right now
“H-Hyung, I just- fuck.” Mark cried into his palms. Johnny knew that your relationship with Mark was about to end, after everything Mark had told him, he didn’t think he’d see his friend crying like this after you broke up with him. “I just can’t believe it, I-I thought that we’d be together forever, no matter w-what.”
“Mark, isn’t this what you wanted?” Johnny asked carefully.
Mark shook his head, “I-I don’t know what I wanted, I only know that I want her b-but she’ll never want me back.”
“You said it yourself though, that you were sick-“
“I know what I said!” he shouted at his friend, “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to shout at you, but like, I know what I said and If I could take it back I would. I just feel so… so empty without her. I think… I think I was scared that she’d stop loving me first and that’s why I pushed her away.”
“That’s literally the dumbest thing you could’ve done.” Johnny sighed.
“She didn’t even cry. S-She looked so, so done. Done with me and done with everything, like she fell apart and it’s all because of me.”
Mark couldn’t breathe, his heart clenched, and he gripped his shirt, everything suffocated him. He remembered your emotionless face and the emptiness in your eyes, and this time it was Mark who was on his knees, having a panic attack.
I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough
I'm so sick of that same old love, feels like I've blown apart I'm so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heart
A couple weeks after your fight with Mark, you found yourself alone at home, an empty bottle of wine next to your empty bed.
He didn’t try to contact you. The only information you had about him was that he stayed with Johnny. Johnny sent a simple text, telling you that he was sorry and that Mark was in safe hands, since he knew, that you after everything still cared for him.
You didn’t cry after the last time you cried. It’s going to be a long journey until you close the big chapter labeled ‘Mark’ and you hoped that it’s going to be a peaceful journey, but after tonight, you weren’t sure if there was a possible future without Mark in it.
Suddenly you heard sounds coming from your door. Didn’t you lock it? Who is trying to get into your apartment? It was past midnight and with a pan in your one hand, you slowly walked to the door.
Of course, it was him. Mark still had your spare key and he forgot to ask for your permission before he entered.
You let out the breath you were holding. “What are you doing here? Did you forget anything?”
Mark looked at you and then at he pan in your hand. “Are you going to hit me with it? I’ll let you do it If you listen to me for just a minute.”
“N-No I’m not going to hit you with. I thought you were a thief.”
You put the pan on top of the little shelf next to your door. “A-Are you scared alone?” he asked you.
The truth is, yes you were. You were scared of being alone, scared of darkness.
“You don’t have to lie to me, I know that you’re scared. I’m sorry.”
“What are you doing here? I don’t think you came just to ask me If I’m scared.”
“I needed to talk to you, I know it’s late and stuff, but like, yeah I just- I couldn’t sleep nor eat and yeah, I, uhm-“
“Mark you’re rambling.” He reminded you of the time your first started dating, how nervous he was and how he couldn’t stop talking because he hated awkward silence.
“Yeah, I am. Sorry, I just want to talk.”
“I don’t think there is anything to talk about, Mark.” You sighed. “There is. I can’t survive another week without telling you how much you actually mean to me.” He whispered.
“Mark I really don’t want to do this-“
“Please, just one minute. Just one minute.” He held your hand, and you didn’t push away. You missed his touch. “Fine. Just one minute.”
“First of all, I love you. I really do. Since the second I saw you enter that restaurant, I knew that I loved you and I can remember how much of an idiot I was, like, the entire night, but you still kissed me goodbye on the cheek and my heart was about to explode. I thanked Minsoo so much and I still thank her for introducing you to me. I was like, a blind date? How’s that going to work? And it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I know I pushed you away, I was an asshole and I hurt you so much, but I’m an insecure, stupid pussy and I can’t believe I had you, but then I let you slip through my fingers. I didn’t know how to hold your hand and I didn’t know how to make clear, that I need you. The things I told the others, I don’t think that I was actually complaining because If I think about it now, my heart flutters and I can feel the butterflies in my belly jumping around. You cared about me like no one else did and I missed you so much, I just can’t lose you. Your my first and only love, I don’t want anyone but you.”
You were crying, he was crying, Johnny was probably at home crying too.
“M-Mark…” you whimpered, you didn’t know what to say.
“P-Please just give me a chance to gain your love and t-trust back.” He wiped your tears away with his soft hand.
“I’m… I’m so sick of being hurt, I’m so sick of it, Mark. I can’t take anymore pain, I’m so sick of suffering and not being loved, I-I just want to be loved. You h-hurt me so much the past months, I don’t think my body and soul can handle it I-If I go through that again…” you sobbed.
“You won’t need to- Baby, I promise you, I’ll never ever treat you like that again. I won’t let you suffer, not again. I love you I love you so much. I love you please believe me, I love you.”
Mark wrapped his arms around you as you cried into the crook of his neck. He repeated over and over again that he loved you as you both cried together, arms wrapped around each other and hearts connected again.
“One last chance, and if you fuck up again, you’ll never get to see my face again.” You whispered.
“I won’t fuck up, I promise you. The days without you were torture. Being without you is torture.”
“C-Can we take it slow, Mark? I feel like… I feel like if we rush things you’ll get sick of me again…” you were scared that giving him another chance was a mistake.
“No, no baby. Don’t ever think that again, okay? We can take it slow if you want that, but I don’t want you think that I’ll get sick of you, I could never. Being away from you was so hard, I don’t want that to happen ever again.” Mark pressed his lips on your temple.
“Do you want to go on a date with me? Are you free on Friday?” he asked you and you chuckled.
“I’m not sure, I have to check my schedule.” You teased him.
“Babe…” Mark whined.
“I’m just joking.”
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