#I think I’m going to wake up and delete this tomorrow because it doesn’t make any sense or has too many typos or something LMAOOO
luckykiwiii101 · 29 days
Tough Love, Oops, I meant Tough *Hate
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(There’s nothing comforting or kind for you to read in this post, and i’m going to be very harsh, if you can’t handle that, then don’t read.)
Hey Pathetic Upper East Sider.
Here are some fun facts about you! ->
- You’re the reason you don’t have what you want. You blame your circumstances…when in reality it’s actually all your fault and only your fault.
You’re pathetic.
- You aren’t persisting because you’re too lazy to pick a new story and fulfill yourself with it. Talk about self harm, but mentally.
- You’re going to continue to stay miserable because you find comfort in it.
- Ignore all the bloggers that tell you that you can manifest anything you want. Plot twist. You can’t. Because you won’t persist.
- You clearly don’t love yourself. At least not enough.
- You have no aura. Infact, you are an insult to aura itself. Aura runs from you. At full speed.
- You can’t even do something that requires not even moving a muscle.
- The audacity. Of you. Burning in hell. When you’re not even dead yet.
- The devil himself would be kinder to you, than you are to yourself.
- I always wondered how much self hate it took to destroy your own life, but looking at you…now I know.
- You’re not even living, you’re surviving.
- When your life goes downhill, how does it feel knowing even you wouldn’t have the will to save yourself..?
- No one will be there for you, because nobody understands that you have the power to change your own life. They’d never understand. No one is here for you. No one understands you. No one.
- Way harsh but suicide doesn’t seem any worse from this.
- You’re the reason you’re going to end up crying tomorrow. You’re the reason your pillow is drenched at night. You’re the reason.
- You’re never going to be happy. And it’s all your fault.
- You’re the villain that the audience actually wants to get rid of.
- No one on this app cares about you.
(Do I sound harsh enough yet? Well maybe because you let the truth be harsh).
- Again, it’s all your fault.
- People younger than you are out there living their dream lives.
- Let go of all that hope for the future. The future’s got nothing for you apart from eternal misery. I would say you have nothing but misery is far from nothing.
- Delete your vision boards, they’ll never be your reality. Now they’ll only make you miserable. What sane person stares at things they know they can never have?
- If you really had it in you, you would’ve done it by now. Or at least tried.
- The fact that you think this is all difficult.
- The audacity you have to feel bad for yourself. Don’t cry at the fact that your life is miserable. Cry at the fact that it’s all your fault.
- You’re powerless. With power comes persistence. And you’ll do anything but persist.
- You’re not going to persist today, you’re not going to persist tomorrow, you’re not going to persist next week..
- Tomorrow you’re going to wake up, with nothing you want. And your lack of care for yourself is the reason why you’re going to live like that forever. Enjoy your 9-5. If you can even get one..
- The fact that you think i’m kidding.
- The fact that right now you’re telling yourself “maybe i should persist” when you told yourself that months ago…and here you are. Same old same old…
- It’ll reach 2026 and you still won’t have anything you want.
- Remember all that excitement you felt reading those success stories?…funny how it’ll never be you…
- The fact that the only reason you probably saw this is because of the #loasuccess tag, when you can’t even relate..
- You’re never going to have what you want. You gave up ages ago when you decided to not persist. I think it’s time you truly accept it. You’re never going to have what you want. Read that again.
- You don’t have tomorrow to redeem yourself because you’re never going to stay consistent with yourself and persist. You’ve already tried that before.
- You’re hopeless.
- The fact that all this is to you, is just words on a screen, and not your actual reality.
- And the worst of them all…you’re going to read this, feel bad, and just keep scrolling. As usual.
Happy miserable scrolling, as your miserable little finger scrolls from this post, and your miserable little eyes skim the words of the next, as your miserable little child self watches you crush their dreams, and take away everything. everything. everything.
You are actually just…pathetic. It’s pitiful. I know.
P.S. Did I forget to mention? You’re pathetic.
- gossip girl
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
i’ve been very quiet so srry - my week started with my annual performance review (which went well) and ended with an emergency surgery (also went well) so…a lot going on to say the least
this is a deleted scene from the first chapter of plant a seed
When Robin called, Steve and Eddie were in the phase of newborn parenthood where they froze every single time the phone rang (because said newborn was napping more often than not and when she was, there was a 50% chance minimum the phone would wake her up).
So when Robin called and the ringing of the phone broke the otherwise peaceful silence, Steve froze and he waited. When the baby didn't wake up, Steve exhaled a sigh of relief and answered the call.
"This is Steve."
"Hey Steve-o!"
Steve immediately recognized the voice as Robin's – of course he did, even if he hadn't heard it since she and Nancy left for a work trip in Japan a little over a month ago.
“Oh shit,” Steve said, because this means that Robin and Nancy are finally home, finally back in their Boston apartment fifteen minutes away from his and Eddie's in Cambridge instead of the opposite side of the entire world, “You’re home!”
“Yep,” Robin replied, popping the P, “That plane was a million degrees, I’m pretty sure. No more August flights if I have any say in it. Anyways – wanted to let you know we made it back unscathed. What’s new with you guys?”
“Uh…” Steve began, not totally sure where to start, because Robin didn't know about the baby he and Eddie had been placed with two weeks ago and she certainly didn't know that they're going to adopt her (because they'd landed on that decision that very day – about two hours ago, to be specific), “Well–”
“Hey, do you still have those placements?" Robin interrupted, "The kids who like to read the Goosebumps books?”
“Oh,” Steve blinked, “No. They went back with their mom a couple days after you left.”
“Damn. Been a while. Forgot this trip was longer than usual – wait, so are you between placements now, then? Hey, we should finally make that trip to P-Town!”
"Might need a raincheck on that," Steve said with a laugh, because at the moment a trip to the goddamn grocery store required at least a day's worth of planning, "We've got another placement right now – a newborn. We've had her for, uh, for just under two weeks, pretty sure."
“Shit, a newborn?" Robin repeated.
Steve faintly heard Nancy's voice, though he couldn't make out exactly what she was saying. He listened as Robin recounted to her what he'd just said, then started to laugh.
"Nancy just said that if she misses out on a chance to hold a new baby, she'll kill you," Robin told him, "Any idea when she might move on?”
Steve paused for a second. He and Eddie had decided earlier that they wouldn’t be telling anyone about the baby until the adoption was finalized, but…it’s Robin. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever kept a secret from Robin before, certainly not something this big and certainly not for very long.
He has to tell her.
“We’re, uh, we’re actually adopting her.”
Robin was silent.
Then –
“Holy shit – Steve.”
And then –
“I’m coming over right now. Immediately. Wait–” Robin stopped, “Damn, I can’t be a dick and come over unannounced anymore, can I? Because you guys have a baby. A baby. And she’s gonna be yours? What the fuck? Wait, let me start over.”
Robin paused long enough to take a deep breath.
“Steve Harrington – my best friend who’s finally fulfilling a lifelong dream of becoming a dad – when will you allow us to come and be formally introduced to our niece?”
Truth be told, Steve wouldn’t say no to a visit from Robin and Nancy that day (especially after the our niece comment), but their case worker had just started faxing over all the paperwork to get the ball rolling on the adoption process and Steve has a feeling that he might catch Eddie trying to fill that shit out as it came out of the machine so tonight they might be a little occupied.
"Tomorrow?" he suggested.
"Morning?" Robin added.
Steve laughed, "Sure. Tomorrow morning."
"Bright and early, dad. Holy fuck, I can't believe you're a dad."
"You can't?"
"No, I totally can."
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wolfdog-weatherman · 5 months
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@heart-patch-jacket Thank you for this! I’m gonna make a whole post on it because I have some stuff 2 say…I’m also gonna write it like I’m turning this shit in to my teacher cause this is serious TO ME !! Get ready 4 a bit of reading…
Quick thing before I start: I am absolutely horrible at translating things outside of my brain. Sorry if anything I say in this post doesn’t make as much sense as it did in my head :(.
Ice Sculptures and the “Frozen Man” Metaphor in Groundhog Day:
Including deleted scenes, there are three major moments throughout the film involving ice sculptures, and how Phil chooses to interact with them. In each of these scenes, Phil is in a completely different stage of the loop. The headspace he is in at the time is reflected in how he interacts with the ice sculptures.
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Instance #1:
The first time the sculptures are featured prominently in a scene, not much happens, Phil just walks by and looks at them with an overall forlorn expression.
At this point in the movie, Phil hasn’t realized the potential for growth that the loop has given him. He hasn’t tried to turn his life around or improve the lives of others, he’s mostly just been feeling sorry for himself, morose over being stuck on the worst day of his life.
His feelings of insignificance and overwhelming sense of being powerless in this situation is reflected in the way that he watches the statues: doing nothing to them, and nothing about his circumstances.
In the director’s commentary, Harold Ramis himself notes that this scene is meant to convey Phil as a “frozen man”; not learning or growing, but instead choosing to brood over his current state of hopelessness.
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Instance #2:
(Tw for mentions of suicide in this section)
This is the only deleted scene on this list, but I think that it’s significant enough to be discussed even if it never made it into the final film.
While there is no way to know where this scene was meant to be put in the movie, I believe it fits best amongst the scenes of Phil repeatedly ending his own life as he tries, and fails, to escape the loop.
In these sequences Phil is careless with his life, trying every possible way to destroy himself despite knowing deep down that he’ll wake up perfectly fine the next morning.
His destruction of the statues mirrors this: he knows they will be fully intact by tomorrow—and no one will be able to see what he did—but at this point it’s just a method of catharsis for him, the same way his attempted suicides were.
His discovery of this power leads him to believe he’s some kind of god, and—after an effort to convince Rita to give credence to his situation—he learns just how much he can accomplish with his ability. This leads us into…
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Instance #3:
This final example is probably the most obvious one. After finally realizing the potential that reliving one day over and over gives him, Phil decides to take up ice sculpting, and becomes incredibly skilled at it.
Unlike the other two instances, Phil is creating a statue of his own, he’s at last using his circumstances to shape the small life that he has into something new and beautiful, that only he can accomplish.
While each of the previous examples involve the tacky groundhog sculptures made by the townsfolk, Phil’s statue depicts a graceful, angelic being. His previous hatred for the small town has faded, and he’s using his unusual power to bestow benevolence and good deeds onto all the townspeople, even if none of them could know or comprehend how he’s able to solve all their problems.
I could go on a whole other tangent about “Phil is a god/angel” implications, but I will hold back now for the sake of this post. (And because I’m a very normal person.)
So yeah, that’s my little analysis of how the ice statues are used as a symbol throughout the movie! The movie that I’m obviously very regular and not crazy about!
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cptsd-skywalker · 2 years
After reading through your blog, I have to conclude that you think that patients with CPTSD are all ticking time bombs who are always going to be violent and abusive and cannot ever change themselves for the better. And since you have CPTSD yourself, that means you think you will never be able to improve yourself, and the people in your life who have to live with you should just get used to how you are because you’re not changing. And that sounds very lonely to me; I too have CPTSD, but ever since I started to take an active role in my own healing instead of blaming everyone around me for my condition, I’ve been much happier. I hope someday you can reach the same conclusion.
This is a very cruel ask. I almost just deleted it without answering. However I think explaining myself might be worth something.
Mental health healing is not a linear journey and one must have resources to do this. I am assuming by “taking an active role” in healing you mean going to therapy and taking medication, both of which I am doing currently. Neither you or I are going to wake up tomorrow being “totally healed” you’re being mislead by your care team if you genuinely believe there is a cure for ptsd. You can be treated and it can be managed with the right resources, but it doesn’t just “go away” one day. It’s like to you mental health is an Olympics game to win and losers are just that, worthless losers. Honestly shocked that someone who claims to be so far along in the healing process would pass this kind of judgment.
For the record, if you had bothered to really read any of my posts you would know that I do not condone any of Anakin’s crimes towards others. An explanation is not an outright excuse. Understanding why he did something doesn’t mean you think what he did was the right thing to do. Furthermore, there are more factors in peoples choices in the world than just morality. People do not make their choices in a vacuum. Referring to your comment that all survivors must be “ticking time bombs” to me, I would like to add that under the right set of circumstances just about anyone can find their humanity tested to its limits. That doesn’t mean there is no right or wrong or that the choices we make don’t matter. After all, I’d Anakin choosing to overthrow the emperor matters than his choice to hunt jedi also matters. It’s not a one to one correlation. Diagnosing Anakin with CPTSD or BPD doesn’t sweep anything under the rug so much as it acknowledges contributing factors to the whole.
Also for the record, I don’t like your undertones of “people should just live with how you are” becuase you seem to be implying that I’m an abusive person when you don’t even know me. Again the judgement is very strong here. I honestly don’t think you read any of my posts in a meaningful or thoughtful way. Just because I don’t think of Anakin as you do or through the lenses that you do doesn’t mean that I am automatically going to champion abuse in real life. That’s just ridiculous.
Anyway? I hope you don’t hardline against people in the future without any backup. If you want to take issue with something specific I’ve said then please let’s have a real discussion with sources. I have many posts deep diving into why I believe Anakin fits the criteria for CPTSD. The morality of his actions is a totally separate thing.
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pinkest-nekomata · 2 years
Just finished 1899 and I have thoughts. Very much fingers crossed for more seasons here.
Spoilers ahead!
Alright so based on how Daniel answers Maura at the end, that he’ll be always with her, we know he’s dead IRL. Since we know Elliott is also dead, we see it’s possible for a memory-character to have (some) agency.
This could then be taken to mean that Daniel and Elliott are both elements of Maura’s subconscious, Daniel therefore knowing how to manipulate it because he’s an element of Maura’s unconscious and she architected it. Or, his consciousness only exists in the simulation (or won’t survive waking up) as is implied with Elliott. Either way, it’s clearly self-sacrificial of Daniel to try to wake Maura up.
Given the theme of the 1899 ship sailing for the new world and the parallel in 2099, I think the purpose of the simulation is for a variety of people with real-world tragedies to be able to move on from / escape. Physically, through amnesia, or both. Notably, 1899 is just before the turn of the century—the ultimate “new year, new you.” I think that’s the significance of the setting and the choice for the simulation.
But we’re reminded that you can never fully delete those past memories, hence everyone being plagued by flashbacks and still having to confront their pasts. I’m still not sure whether I think these flashbacks are an intended part of the simulation or not.
Whenever Maura’s voice says “wake up”, the character returns to the root simulation—from their memory back to the ship. But they don’t wake up all the way. I think we’re going to get more on this later. Does Maura’s voice want them to wake up all the way, or just into the convincing middle layer?
Even Maura’s code doesn’t wake her up all the way—just into another simulation. Maybe the simulation always had layers like that, maybe it’s adapting.
We do get a clue that the simulation is shaped like brain areas, and memory/prediction areas are closely linked. Since 1899 represents the past, maybe 2099 will represent grappling with what hasn’t happened yet—confronting what we fear and hope for. Who we can or cannot be tomorrow. Three planned seasons could then give us past/future/present to explore.
I think it’s equally plausible that the “new” relationships that the passengers form (eg Eyk x Maura) are indeed new (efforts to escape past memories, but often re-creating old dysfunctions, as with Angel x Krester) or are indications that they know each other in real life. I learn towards new relationships though, because I think that’s the whole point of the simulation—(fail to) find new beginnings.
Father is interesting too—he has an observation desk but we know this is also part of the simulation. Since I think he doesn’t want a new relationship to “replace” Maura’s mother, he instead gets a “job” to really observe and learn about the human brain (by being in the observation room) but it’s still just a fantasy and doesn’t represent real power.
So we have both Maura and Father choosing to withdraw from the pain of reality—abandoning Cieran. That would be a pretty compelling motivation for sabotage, or otherwise forcefully ending the simulated world.
The meaning of Father and Maura competing to get the key and the pyramid would also be that whoever activates the mechanism gets to “wake up”—therefore it’s Maura who first awakes in the 2099 sim, not her father.
I’m guessing the black crystals are a “virus” that Cieran spitefully introduced that really can “kill” people in reality. Because if its purpose was to make sure everyone dies in the simulation, there are other ways to accomplish that. I’ll be very curious if the british lady shows up in season 2 or not.
All in all, I liked this one a lot and I’m looking forward to seeing it play out!
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marcomargomeredith · 2 years
It’s the end of January in my town which means one thing: there's still that one house that hasn’t taken its Christmas lights down yet. Luckily for me, this year that house is the one right outside my bedroom window. And, following this extremely obvious train of logic, these leftover lights have me thinking of two things: aliens and God. Why? Well, because when you wake up in the middle of the night and your bedroom is slightly lit by purple and red lights, you obviously think you’re either about to be abducted by extraterrestrials or raptured by angels. Obviously. I’m not going to touch the God part (sorry haters), but I am coming out as an alien-believer. Whenever people ask me why, I tell them that the universe is just too big to not have other living things in them. I mean scientists have already come up with equations that prove the probable existence of aliens. However, that's not the root of it all, and I don’t exactly care about math all that much. The simple fact of the matter is I believe in aliens. Despite the proof that they do or don’t exist, I do. People believe in things all the time, that things will get better, that things will get worse, and neither of them are entirely wrong. People believe that a stranger on the internet knows them personally or that he’s never gonna cheat on you again because he promised too (replace this with: the person who just glanced at them in class is in love with them), maybe those two people are actually wrong. I don’t know. That’s what's really being chewing me up, believing. 
To slightly contradict myself, about 95% of the time knowing the truth and reality is important. For the majority of your life, belief isn’t some big leap from point A to happiness, it’s a daily prayer and a warm feeling. I’m not arguing for us to completely abandon reality for degrees of delusion. However, the other 5% still does exist. There’s a point where you reach the horizon and you have the option to look over the edge or not. If you do, you fall down into everything, suffocating under the facts that atoms are particles are quarks are whatever or whatever and you get lost in the technicality. Your 5-year-old self cries because they realize reindeer can’t fly nor can they eat carrots and there’s no way a whole man can fit down your electric chimney. The other option is to not look down, to close your eyes and confidently step forward: to believe. Younger you knows it doesn’t matter if Santa is real or not because the presents are going to pretend to have his name anyway, and it’s much more fun to pretend. You realize that whatever’s below quarks doesn’t matter because you hit a growth spurt very young and don’t have to worry about anything that small (RIP Short Kings - delete this whole sentence probably). 
When you get down to it, we really cannot prove anything. That’s a sentence with a load of nihilistic 14-year-old energy, but stay with me for a moment. We prove everything based on our senses. They tell us what’s going on by sending signals to our brain. Our brain is made of millions of chemicals telling us they are a brain and we believe them. We believe them when they tell us we are chemicals and so we right that down. Not to say that science isn’t true, it most definitely is, but this is how logic breaks down. You tear any belief down to its core and you end up back at the top again. There’s a symbol called the Ouroboros which is a snake eating its own tail, going around and around, a symbol for infinity. That’s the way I imagine believing, you strip a belief back to its basics and circle back around to the whole. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s just the way I comprehend it. We believe tomorrow could be better because yesterday we did the same thing, and there’s another day coming tomorrow. The thing below quarks is just the tail staring us in the face, asking for another bite. I believe in aliens because I like the thought of it. I like the thought of it because it makes my life more entertaining. I got that idea from some movie about aliens. The person that made that movie probably thought aliens were entertaining too. Around and around and around.
In the end, I don’t believe in aliens because I have any proof, and I don’t need any. The point of it all is that my belief doesn’t affect anyone. It doesn't change anything pretty much, except for one thing: when I wake up in the middle of the night I get to imagine that something exciting is happening. I get over it just as fast, but I still get to smile because, for just a moment, I got to believe in something fun.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
L.S.S.: No progress on leaving, but the inbox has some new stuff… I guess we can see if anybody has any more ideas before we try and figure out our sleeping situation?
Mitch(1): [typed] Yeah, okay. And we thought the sheets were dirty when we got here…
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L.S.S.: Good to hear from you, MJ. Yeah, the last few days have been… not ideal. 
Mitch(1): [indecipherable]
L.S.S.: What? I know that’s putting it too lightly. Sarcasm is my defense mechanism of choice, you know that.
So, fae are real, huh? And you got spirited away by some fairy king creep while you were walking alone in the woods at night? Wow. Shocker. Why am I not surprised…
Mitch(1): [typed] MJ! You’re okay!! I’m so relieved…! 
L.S.S.: Oh my god, you actually punched him over that? Ha! Serves him right! 
Mitch(1): [typed] I usually don’t think violence is the answer, but when the chips are down and you have no other choice, it can be necessary. Hopefully, that punch will be enough of a warning. Just try to talk it out with from now on him, okay? 
L.S.S.: And if that doesn’t work, go for the balls. Fae have balls, right? Keep us updated, I’m actually kind of curious.
Mitch(1): [typed] keep us updated so we know you’re okay!
L.S.S.: Oh yeah, that too. I thought that went without saying…?
Mitch (1): ….
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L.S.S.: WOAH, AWESOME!! It's the medical supply motherload!! Damn Meadow, way to come through...! I guess we can start patching ourselves up, huh Mitchie? If we're still alive somehow, maybe we can heal, too...? It's a stretch, but it's not like anything else here makes any sense, so it's worth a try... oh, hey, I bet I could learn to pop some wheelies in this thing [the wheelchair], once we reset my arms and fingers! Nice...
Mitch(1): ......
[typed] Thank you very much, Meadow. It's really thoughtful of you to give us all this. We'll be sure to put it to good use.
L.S.S.: ...are you okay?
Mitch(1): .....
[typed] Yes, I'm fine. I think I just need some more water in my skull hole. And I want to start picking this glass out of me, since we have tweezers now.
L.S.S.: ...
Okay, yeah, of course, we can do that... er, I mean, you can do that... I'd help, but I can't really do fine motor functions right now.
Mitch(1): [typed] Okay.
L.S.S.: ....
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L.S.S.: It is really weird, but so is everything else about this situation, sooo...
Mitch(1): ...
[typed] We looked behind it, but I don't think we looked closely at the back. I'll take a look.
[typed] What does 'K.E.W.K.' stand for?
L.S.S.: It says that on the back?
Mitch(1): [typed] It has 'K.E.W.K. x L.S.S.' scratched into the wood in a little heart. L.S.S. is what you go by with your friends, right?
L.S.S.: ... shit, that... probably isn't good...
Mitch(1): [typed] This painting seems like nothing but trouble. Should we try to throw it away? Should we destroy it?
L.S.S.: No! That might make things worse! Besides, I... if we are stuck here forever, I... kind of want to keep it...
Mitch(1): [indecipherable, angry]
L.S.S.: What? It's theirs. I don't know if I'll ever see them again... I can't keep something to remember them by?
Mitch(1): ....
L.S.S.: ...?
Mitch(1): [typed]Sal, I'M MITCH! The only reason you were ever with the others is because you couldn't have me, remember? Why do you want to keep something from my copy when I'm right here?!
L.S.S.: They're not your copy. They're you.... just different. And I was supposed to be with them this month... I'm supposed to be with them right now.... I may be here, but I still I miss them, just like I missed you. What's wrong with that...?
Mitch(1): ........
[text deleted]
L.S.S.: ........
Listen, it's been a fucking crazy day and we're both exhausted. We'll talk more about this in the morning, okay?
Mitch(1): ..........
L.S.S.: ... c'mon. Let's change the sheets and get in bed. We'll talk and keep trying to figure out how to get out of this 'box' tomorrow. Who knows, maybe we'll wake up and be back to normal again...
Mitch(1): .... [nodding]
L.S.S.: Okay. Here, I'll... hold down a corner of the sheets, I guess....
Mitch(1): .......
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
of all the social networks, i think facebook is the one i have the most dysfunctional relationship with. it’s the one i’ve taken the most breaks from, and the one that i wish i could just delete already, and yet i can’t seem to bring myself to pull the plug. i came really close a couple of times, like really close: i was there at the deletion page, but there was something that stopped me from doing it.
i want to rid of it. i want to wake up tomorrow and see it gone forever and instagram its own independent thing, just like how i want to wake up tomorrow and see tiktok gone forever as well.
what’s stopping me, you ask? my dad is on there. so is alex. and my aunt chris. and teababe. and xana.
i don’t give a single fuck about the rest of it, though. the people i’ve on my friends list are either: complete depressive pathetic trash, right-wing nutjobs who don’t listen, people in their 40s/50s/60s who are your typical run-of-the-mill boomers/gen xers or they have empty nest syndrome, people my age who are already entering their quarter-life/”oh fuck i’m turning 30 soon” crisis (been there, done that, can’t help ya) and i look at them and think “it’s 2023. what are you guys even still doing here?”, ai apologists, or just really, really, really boring people, and what’s weird is i didn’t really start taking notice of these traits until about a couple of years ago when the pandemic first hit. there’s only like a few people visible to me who actually strike me as happy or genuinely content with life. i see a lot of people on there who give off this vibe of missing something from their lives the memes are trash or glurge-y or the most cringe bullshit i’ve ever seen or just the same shit i’ve seen and heard a thousand times before on tumblr... what, 10 years ago? jesus. there are so many people on there i just punk the shit out of because they need to be challenged and offended because they have a terrible attitude (like, kristin: “ugh, pop music sucks” | me: “some of it does, but some of it’s actually kind of decent, i don’t make the rules #kristinisthenewkaren #apologiestoanyonenamedkristinwhoisntlikethatatall” - fun fact, i have never seen that woman laugh. not a giggle, not a teehee, never went “HA!”. she’s very pretentious, too: besides being a massive loser stuck in the past and an absolute fucking piece of shit i, i mean, a ~pro-life feminist~ who’s way too much of that for her own good to the point of believing in the theory of evolution but heaven forbid science proves 100 times over that it’s okay to have an abortion, she’s one of those people you look at and you think, “do you even have any hobbies or pets or books or... a sense of childlike wonder? because when you’re not at work, or bragging, you’re navel-gazing pretty much. at least I have hobbies and a dog and a cat, and i’m always wanting to read stuff, too.” yeah. you need to be punk’d, and by a woman no less). i’ve called that place a toilet before, and i’ll really call it that now. also, the groups suck, and it almost doesn’t matter what the subject of said group is now.
i should’ve left 7 years ago when it all started going downhill with the orange running for el presidente.
but i didn’t, though. because i have people i care about on there. otherwise, yeah, i would’ve deleted in 2016. all i can say is that site just needs to die. we need to let it die on its own. it’s old and stodgy and useless and clinical and censors everything and everyone often for no reason (i know it has with me).
the other thing that kills me about it? it’s the one account i have with my real name on it. i’m mostly faceless on instagram (mostly; i’ve shown my face and my name on there before but i’m known as simply badmotorartist and hannah-bal lecter on there), but it’s the one place i’m most myself on - next to tumblr of course - because i can’t do it anymore on facebook.
it’s this really weird conundrum of having people i care about on there but i feel so restricted and it also brings out the hellraiser in me, and yet i’m more “myself” in places where they’re nowhere to be found and my rebellious streak is put to good use. or in alex’s case, lurking and 99% of the time, i forget he’s there. he’s a very quiet one - you know, typical triple scorpio man, he moves very silently until he’s ready to pounce. but this also happened to me with chris all the time; and i get that with joey and eric, too, i forget they’re looking at me all the time. i think that sets me apart, aside from the art, is that i just don’t even think about it, like, “oh my god, chris cornell is following me” or “oh my god, alex skolnick is watching me”, i don’t think about that sort of thing. it surprises me when it’s brought to my attention, like “holy shit, really?” or when it happens initially, but i don’t ruminate on it, mainly because this is the internet. unless you’re sitting behind a paywall or you jimmy with your settings to where you’re left out of a simple search, you’re out in the open and you can be found. there’s something very comforting about that, too.
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starjxsung · 8 days
Babe is such a universal thing, I think I’m going to start calling you honey! Honey is one of my personal favorites heheheh
I’m so sorry you went through so much star I hope you’re doing well and I can’t wait for you to be able to make that cake ahhh please send me pics! Also on the applying it’s best to stay in the job your in because it’s so true it’s hard to apply and see if you even get the job especially me as someone who’s still trying to apply and no luck ugh
What’s your love language??? Mine is words of affirmations I love telling people I care that i appreciate them so much
I don’t remember if someone had asked this before but has an anon actually tried to get with you like I know most of anons flirt with you a lot and you flirt with us and we made a mutual connection by even talking out of tumblr but like has an anon actually tried to take your flirting to the next level ie actually thought you were trying to get into a relationship????
A little life update on my end: anxiety really sucks, it’s making me lose sleep by waking up every hour and it’s messing with me a lot making me feel like my friendships are just one sided and that they rather be with other people than me. It’s not helping either that this anon on my tumblr has been saying mean things about me and criticizing the way I write ( it usually doesn’t affect me but rn with how I am mentally it kinda is) but it’s getting so bad that opening my phone and seeing notifications just makes me want to puke
NO BC HONEY IS SOOO CUUUUUUTE it feels like marriage vibes frfr I love it 🤞🥹
I WILLLL POST PICS OF JILIX CAKE TOMORROW PROBABLY I actually bought one of those mini birthday cakes and it’s been sitting in my fridge for like 3 days so it probably tastes like shit now but it’s SOOOO CUTE IM SO EXCITED 💓 Ughhhhh I know exactly what you mean the job market sucks ASSSSSS rn I just know it’s gonna be an ordeal but I’m definitely still looking at what’s out there and seeing if there’s anything I can transition into that might be a little easier bc my work load right now is the fucking worst :(
Love language HMMMM I think it’s words of affirmation for myself, and then for others I’m really partial to gift giving 💞 I loooove being the kind of person who just finds something cute online and sends it to someone or surprises them w it! I order my sister little desserts sometimes since she lives in another city or sometimes I get random shit for my parents or friends bc it reminds me of them I just love seeing people’s reactions to gifts 🥹
The anon question hahaha yesssss I was in a kinda long situationship type thing w an anon on here and it ended really badly. I truly wish her nothing but the best now and we’re no longer on talking terms, but I’m always grateful for the people I have the pleasure of being in romantic relationships/situationships with even if they end badly ! I hope she finds what she’s looking for eventually
Also I’m so sorry to hear about your anxiety :((( I’m kind of in the same boat rn (literally just picked up my antidepressants today slayyy) but holy fuck wym there’s an anon sending you hate?? Hello?????? That is so fucked up oh my god I’ve gotten my fair share of anon hate on here but please just delete any messages you get and don’t even give them the time of day. It’s so fucked up they’d stoop so low and hide behind an anonymous profile to send hate to random people. What have they even been saying to you? If you need to send me anything privately on discord pls feel free to do so :( I’m so sorry this is happening my love you don’t deserve this at all and it’s gross people would think to do that. I love you so so much please ignore those losers
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star2sworld · 1 year
Well today was fucking confusing.
Started off at school.. I wore a off the shoulder shirt with no bra and it kept sliding off I felt uncomfortable in class & I had my hair in a low ponytail so I felt weird bc people could see my face better from the side although no one probably even looked at me lol. Someone pushed into me and my drink spilled a little on me and then I managed to spill my Celsius drink twice. I’m also on my period and I bled through my pants by 3rd period .. 8th period was fun towards the end.
I came home with the intention of getting all my work done.I finished my English work and my brother came to help me with history asg. At the end he ended up doing my history project for me because I literally can’t fucking think and it takes me ages to comprehend a fucking term. I felt off the whole day.
I had to download Snapchat bc I needed ai help on my history work and my phone is dry asf. I downloaded insta and I saw deeya bf and saw she barely had any followers and it made me go through my followers. I removed the people I didn’t know or want to follow on my account. My following dropped form 350 to 83 and following from 386 to 96. Lollll
It’s 12;00am now. Idk why I felt really off today but I hope this doesn’t last forever. I’m getting tiktok withdrawal like what do I do on my phoneeee. I have a lot of work to turn in tomorrow as well for school ughhh. At least tmr is Thursday. I need to sleep through now. I’m going to limit my social media usage still to 5 minutes max and I’m going to try my hardest not to go on social media all day long bc I may have to delete it again 😭
Self work seems fun to do and all but after a few days I get tired of working on myself. I need to learn discipline clearly. And I definitely need to start meditating more bc I cannot concentrate.
I am going to make a new routine tomorrow to try to get in some good habits in my daily routine. Also, from tmr I’m sleeping earlier I cannot keep staying up even tho I’m extremely tired. It’s giving self sabotage which I don’t want!! I’m just feeling a little u lovable bc I haven’t had a boyfriend but I’m trying not to think about it but do people even find me attractive rlly? I’m out here like doubting myself which is farrrr from my goal lol.
Waking up at 5:30 today so I can straighten my hair and have extra time for myself as I listen to podcasts in the morning. I think I recapped about everything that happened today. Tomorrow is my Socratic seminar please pray for me. I have to talk 3 times LOL.
Also how are we already 9months in 2023? This is insane to me. I am getting closer and closer to graduating and become 17. I want to stay 16 forever please. Lol fucking hell I feel like nothing is going right in my life currently but let’s stay positive ok ok !
Goodnight! 9/13/23
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tcpimpabutterfly · 4 years
It’s nearly 1am so here are my random “chicken scratch” notes app notes on what affiliation I think some of my muses would have in Cyberpunk:
Corpo: Rose, Cynthia, Janie, Kirk, Scout (formerly), Malcolm, Isabella (it’s complicated 🥴), Angelique (it is also complicated 🥴)
Streetkid: Vera (getting to notorious fixer status), Vincent, Angel, Eliana, Marco (runs a small less violent scavenger gang), Matias, Oscar (fixer most likely or gun for hire), Xena, Munroe, Leonel (the Amici name actually holds weight in this verse, but I know for a fact it’s the bad kind)
Nomad: Adonis, Andre, Destiny, Ishani & Ethan (more like scavengers but not as mean and gruesome and they don’t forcefully take cyberware from ppl)
Others: Violet (law enforcement, duh), Xavier (NCPD officer, duh), Cornelia (cyberpsychosis therapist), Cordelia (ripperdoc), Monica (solely black market ripperdoc), Elijah (still a pawnshop owner, has things like used cyberware implants & “vintage” technology alongside jewelry), Naomi (she’s a mess in this verse honestly, think a mix of Lizzie Wizzie with a splash of that man running for Mayor and his wife; her mind is all over the place)
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bemylord · 3 years
being their girlfriend/dating them
or they're as your boyfriend
character: sukuna, itadori, nanami, satoru, megumi.
warnings: fluff to smut hdc, curse words, kinda rough and soft boys + sukuna.
note: or they're as your boyfriend/dating them
ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ
i don't think he'd call it relationship or love. just the bond that binding you're together. he also doesn't talkative a lot, he prefers to show you his feelings in actions.
as long as itadori is searching fingers, you'll exist in his domain, being the slave and queen in one time. he'd praising and teach you new techniques, but also may use your body as he wants it.
praising to the degradation - generally, nothing new. if you had been bad either you did something on purpose, there will be no mercy for your body and throat - the king knows the way to punish you.
the cute thing is when you are exhausted from the little practice sukuna does in his small domain: breath had been taken away and your body is sweating. all you want is a little break to catch your breath. despite his selfish and demolished nature, he gives you some time in his lap to debilitate your sluggish body. your arms are wrapping around sukuna's neck by accident - it may seem he doesn't give a damn about it, but he pulls you by the waist, put your head on his athletic chest, and have you in arms 'till you'll wake up.
'you are too weak, brat, more energy, put more fury on me, or did you forgotten that i'm the fucking king of this world?' he laughed, knocking off your attacks. he's got a god complex and perfection. 'i'm getting stronger each second, sukuna, don't make yourself as a god'
you are the one he lets talk like that. being tremendously gentle with you is hard for him - he still being rough and could inflict damage, although, after pain, the king will take affection aftercare. but don't think he would murmur some sweat stuff in your ears, just spooning you is enough.
ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ɢᴏᴊᴏ
master of the aftercare. sensei of the smooch and teacher of how to cuddle a person. he's good at those things. you never complain of how warm and strong satoru's arms wrapping your waist and his lips are kissing the back of your neck. after rough sex gojo would make an apology with soft kisses all over your figure.
cute fights in the kitchen while cooking. satoru is very needy and sometimes, he could be clingy for your attention, trying to get it whenever he wants to feel your body. even fight doesn't stop him - gojo would fight back and hitting on you.
show everyone that you're taken by him by marks he left on your soft skin last night. satoru would give you an order to dressing a shirt which will show his label on your body - wanna get a punishment? disobey the order; sure, later, you will regret it. however, it will be somewhere in the future, so you do mind disobey him?
whisper on his ear how long you've been craving for his fat dick in your dripping pussy and satoru would stop everything he did later, just to bury his cock deep into you, feeling the outlining of his member in your stomach. it's driving him insane when his fat dick rearranging your insides. no words could describe emotions in his soul when you're scratching his back whilst satoru is doing the pulsative movements inside you. 'does it feel good, kitten, doesn't it? feeling my cock in your little tummy, my god.. put your hand on the lower abs to perceive it' 'satoru~, i-i won't take any longer, give me that~' how could he disobey the order of his little angel?
gojo would degrade you only you've got the bad attitude. at other times - you may hear as he repeats the words 'you're so fucking amazing, kitten' he's hazing at the throbbing feeling in his cock you've been giving him.
ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴊɪ
he's so much loves to play games and dancing with you when he has the time to do that - you'll play all games he bought for those evenings when both of you are playing fools and being kids. he may act like a kid around you, but trust me, he isn't good while railing you.
there's no door named exit while he's eating your out. yuji will apologize for not being close when you want to cuddle him or smack your lips against his. his apologies are mostly his head between your legs and his fingers in your cunt, stretching your walls, preparing you for the night. he makes sure you're enough dripping for his throbbing cock. it gives me a vibe that he'll overstimulated your little clit only with his tongue.
having you in missionary position, leaving the half-moon on your hips, unquenchably fucking your overdose cunt filled up with your juices. but you know itadori adores when you're squirting on his dick, shuddering while giving the huge release. 'that's right, beautiful, give your daddy all juices you've got' his words make you squirt one more time when he's finishing on your chest. quick series of spanking on your cunt and you're melting definitively by him.
but most of the time, you're both doing silly stuff that bothering megumi a lot. actually, you've got a game 'who's bothered megumi first'. it's fun to watch how he's activating shikigami dogs. you're idiots, although happy idiots.
ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ
daddy issues. daddy vibes and daddy chill. you've got no choice but to obey every order he told you to do. no way to escape and no way not being fucked to him if you did have time to do his tasks. his big and strong hands pulling your hair back, so you arch your back, feeling his breath in your ear. scream as loud as you can, 'till you reach the high note you could - he won't stop it.
sweat aftercare in the shower where nanami is washing your hair for you, also massaging your shoulders and kissing your stomach sort of excuses for being too extremely rough with you. but you knew he won't be soft, the language of his sex life is rough and painful. but the aftercare is worth having bruises the next morning around your neck.
nanami is an obsessive and dominant lover, he would mark you as his baby girl, his property, and the woman he's seeing his future with. even if you've got powerful and strong abilities nanami still doesn't allow you to battle the curse. think whatever you want to - he doesn't like the thought of having your dead body in his arms. he doesn't like the thought his small girl would have injuries from the demon.
nanami will show his love in action rather than words. you've got an unspoken rule to kiss your partner when they're tired of the work or giving a good morning/goodnight kiss. even if you're sleeping, nanami kisses your forehead before going to work. nothing could stop him from the morning kiss. you baked warm goods before he returns from the office or battle tired and having no strength. he fucking loves your baked bun.
after work, you make a warm bath for him, where he can loosen his body, burying his face in your hair. 'sweetie, i love you so much, so-so-so much. with you i can enervate myself and get lost in your smell, wrapping arms around your waist, feeling like it's my private heaven'
ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ
i've got a feeling he'd be an overprotective boyfriend. doesn't leave you alone with itadori for the reason he's a vessel for sukuna - don't treat him weird, he trusts itadori, but not sukuna. doesn't like when you interrupting his battle using your abilities because it's making him think about implications.
doesn't show his affection among other students because doesn't like being called a clingy or needy puppy. nevertheless, pulling you closer by your waist to show everyone to fuck away from you. megumi would not hesitate to kiss you with a tongue in front of the students to show them you're taken and your man is crazy.
megumi is more like a homeboy. every time you're alone or having time to spend together, you'll be stuck in his arms 'till you both need to go back to the sorcerer-life. cuddling and smooching are his life - in the bathroom, while you're cooking, watching tv-shows, he's arms around your body, therefore megumi is telling sweet nothings in your ear.
sex life with megumi? complicated question. would be bad and good simultaneously. i still have a thought he'd tied you up and use a flogger on your booty for spanking and preparing your pussy for his dick - it was passed on by his genes [wtf his father omg]. makes you squirt a couple of times, also makes you beg for his fat cock before pull it inside unexpectedly. using a collar with a chain to arch your back 'till it crunches and you moaned because megumi literally choking you.
only god knows how much megumi has kinks for you. how much energy he has to rail you all night and be able to continue that after the sun is illumining the room. 'you're dirty little slut, the rays of the sun in our room, and you still have the energy to squirt' degrading you during coitus and praising you in his muscular arms after.
fuck. i was planning to post kuroo x reader x kenma but i deleted my work [by fucking accident i hate myself] that i had been writing since morning. sooo, I'll post it tomorrow. so sorry for the grammar mistake i was writing it on my phone.
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Haikyuu boys and wearing their clothes
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Characters: Asahi Azumane, Kageyama Tobio, Sugawara Koushi, Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Kotaro, Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a gender-neutral reader :) (let me know if I missed a pronoun change or made something too femme! I very much so did not proof read this lol)
Warnings: Probably some swearing
A/N: This might be an overdone topic but I love it so much soooooo no regrets :) Let me know if you’d like more!
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Asahi literally carries a picture of you in his phone case because he loves you in his clothes so much. He also has a pic of you wearing his hoodie as his wallpaper, and another printed pic of you framed in his room. I don’t care what size you are, his sweaters still manage to feel gigantic on you. It is like a hug FOREVER. 
He literally could not care less that his closet is slowly growing smaller because it means that he gets to see you in his clothes. Eventually, you’ll carry them all back to him in a bag so that he can make them smell like him again. But this is his favourite part, because now his favourite items smell like you. 
Daydreaming in class? Thinking of you wearing the sweater he has on. 
Gets smacked by a volleyball during practice? It’s cause the smell of you is still on his jersey. 
This man trips over his own two feet cause he’s trying to find you in the halls and you wave at him wearing his volleyball jacket ”So that’s where that went. I thought I forgot it somewhere...”
The two of you would trade sweaters before he went on any overnight trips and you’d send him snapchats of you cuddling with the sweater over a pillow or just you snuggled in bed with it on. He’d screenshot all of them, regardless of if you thought you looked good. 
He has an album of you. He will never delete them because they’re all precious.
His teammates have accidentally caught him looking through it before a game because it really de-stressed him if you weren’t able to attend the game in person (though you made it to most of them). Tanaka would burst into tears over not being able to have a significant other with cute photos of and would make Asahi promise to always treat you right. And Asahi would just stare at your photos with his cute little smile and obviously promise because his least favourite thing in the world is seeing you sad.
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(Look at how cute he is omg)
Kageyama is confused when you ask to wear his sweater. You probably did it at a time that made some sort of sense. Like it was late at night and you were studying in the gym while Hinata and him were practicing. 
The cool breeze into the gym made you shiver a little and you noticed that his sweater was just sitting there on the ground so when he came over to grab some water you just looked up at him with your signature puppy eyes. “Can I wear it?”
“Oi, stupid head. They’re probably cold!” 
It would probably annoy him so much that Hinata figured it out before him. He’d kneel down and help you put it on, pulling it over your head and giving you a little smile cause you looked so damn cute in his sweater. 
But now that you’ve started wearing his things, he’s still very confused as to why you ask for them. “Should we go shopping?” He’d ask you randomly on a weekend when there was no volleyball practice. And you’d just stare at him because why would Kageyama want to stand somewhere that wasn’t a gym. “Aren’t you running out of clothes to wear or something?”
It would take a while and some conversations before you realized he was asking cause you had like 3 hoodies, a t-shirt, and some track pants in your room that were very much so his. “I just like having a piece of you with me,” you’d explain. He would have to think it over but he was very happy with this idea.
There’s only one shirt you’re not allowed to take and it’s this cute little graphic tee you got him for his birthday that has a nice drawing of a milk carton on it. He loves it. He will kill anyone that laughs at it. And no, you cannot wear it because if you’re wearing, what is he supposed to wear.
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Sugawara and you regularly switch clothes because this man gives no fucks for your gender roles thank you very much. He shows up to practice one day wearing a dark pinkish basic, or some floral print shirt that you had in your closet and the boys are like “um Suga what are you wearing?”
And he’s probably just like “it’s call fashion, look it up.” (Like Suga sweetie, it’s just a shirt lol)
If you own any tighter pants like yoga pants or leggings? Suga has worn them because his legs and ass look great in them and he will strut around fully confident with that knowledge.
Honestly, he probably steals your sweaters more than you realize. You guys are baking at his house one day and you’ve made a mESS of your clothes and he’s just like oh it’s okay I’ll get you some new clothes.
And you’re expecting this cute little pj set that he has that might fit you or some comfy clothes that he’s lending you. No. He legitimately has some of your clothes and gives them to you and you’re just like.... “Suga I’ve been looking for this shirt for weeks. I even asked you about it.”
And he is suddenly deaf, little shithead.
He likes you in any clothes but they have to be his comfy clothes or he will set that shit on fire. Ennoshita once offered you his gloves because it was fricken cold out and you forgot yours at home and Suga literally threw him across the road and was like “hello angel I have gloves for you”.
You’re just like “um... Ennoshita are you okay?” Boy probably has a concussion and Suga’s just like “who’s Ennoshita?”
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Tsukishima will kill you if he finds you raiding his closet. Like if he walks into his room when you two are supposed to be studying and you’re just casually picking out a sweater, he will throw you on the bed and tickle you until you call for mercy.
Will he offer his clothes to you if you’re in need of something? Most of the time, yes. But you have to ask. No stealing allowed in this household.
Except one night you stayed over and totally forgot a night shirt. Tsukishima is already like half asleep because he woke up way too early for practice that morning, so you just sneak into his drawers and pull out the first shirt you can. You can’t even see what it has on it cause it’s fucking dark. Then you crawl into bed with him, figuring you’ll accept your punishment for stealing tomorrow.
And when he wakes up, you best believe he was annoyed. First off, who plans to stay over and doesn’t bring a shirt? Stupid, can’t you remember anything? But then he realizes, you grabbed this cute little dino graphic shirt and his face is RED. Pasty boi so bright, he might as well be Hinata’s hair. And he’s desperately trying to get out of the bed and run to the bathroom before you wake up because holy fuck you’re PRECIOUS?
But all of his squirming just wakes you up and you see him all flustered, and just assume he’s mad and you’re like I’m so sorry I just didn’t have anything else and was stupid and forgot. And he just hits you (lovingly) on the head, mutters some sort of insult, and moves on.
From then on, that is your designated shirt. It’s a comfort item almost. He’ll only really wear it when he has to be away from town overnight, in which case he’ll wear it as a reminder of you (he won’t admit to it but you tried to take the shirt as a keepsake for while he was gone and he only had a heart attack. Tsukishima Kei does not believe in lucky charms. But he has yet to lose a game when he wears that shirt the night before).
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Bokuto has been WAITING for you to wear something of his, but you haven’t yet. And it’s been stressful. He keeps trying to find a good excuse to see you in his clothes but you’re always too well-prepared.
“It’s kinda chilly out, Y/N, want my sweater??”
“I brought one, don’t worry!”
-.- *cue owl boi pouts*
And he doesn’t want you to wear something of his just because he asked. He wants to you want to wear his things. So he just waits. And pouts. And waits some more.
The day finally came when he was least expecting it. The gym that his game was in was freezing and you couldn’t imagine why. Most of the gyms they had played before in were pretty standard temperature but you were going to die if you stayed in the clothes you came in.
You had snuck onto the court while the boys were stretching, Akaashi smacking Bokuto in the head and interrupting his hype session to help him notice you.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a sweater with you, would you? It’s freezing!”
His eyes would widen. The day has finally arrived. He would finally get to see you in his clothes!!!!
But of course he has no sweater because he had not planned on needing one. Cue more sulking. Of course Akaashi comes over and offers his sweater and Bokuto almost bites his hand off.
“Well offer her your jacket then, idiot.” Akaashi just needs this man to hold off pouting till later. 
Bokuto’s jacket just looked so perfect on you and it was a nice way to keep warm. You cheered him on during the games and after some jaw-dropping move of his, he would turn to your direction and send you a kiss. Embarrassing? A little. But he was such a cutie, how could you deny his air kiss?
Wearing his clothes became more common after that and he will literally bring you his whole closet so you can pick your favourites.
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Ushijima didn’t even wait for you to ask to give you his clothes. He probably folded up his hoodie or jacket for you before a game and placed it awkwardly on your lap or in your arms and you’re just like um... do you want me to put this away for you or?
“Would you wear it for me?” How can you say no??? His cheeks are just slightly going red and he’s avoiding your eyes a bit so of course you have to wear it.
Ushijima thinks you look so nice in his clothes and he really likes how happy you look when he asks you to wear something, so he keeps doing it. That and he knows that sometimes people ask you out during his matches and he likes knowing that they’ll recognize his school colours or his jersey number and at that moment, he will send a calculated glare in their direction. And they will run for the hills, never to bother you again :)
I feel like he’s accidentally shrunk his clothes in the wash before and he just keeps them in a small pile in his room so that you can wear them when you come over. He also buys you proper house slippers that you can wear around his home because he wants you to be as comfy as possible.
Sometimes when you guys are just standing around waiting for a game to start, or if you’re all done eating lunch, he’ll unzip his track jacket and open it up so you can stand there and hug him, and he’ll hug you back with his hands in the pockets so it’s like you’re in the jacket with him (Tendo has definitely zipped it up before and trapped you guys in an awkward hug like stance and he will continue to do this because he thinks it’s hilarious. Has definitely snapped pictures of it and sent it to Ushijima. Ushijima saved it because it was kinda cute).
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close friends | t. holland
pairing: tom holland x fem!reader word count: 3.1k warnings: some language, some angst if u squint. otherwise it's just fluff and tom being tom. didn't proofread this. a/n: so tumblr decided to be a little bitch and deleted this t w i c e. so i had to write this t h r e e times. this came up in my head after i got like three notifications that tom posted something on his ig story, and then it turned out he deleted them. as always, english isn't my first language so i'm sorry if this gets confusing bye. also, i was listening to cardigan by taylor swift as i wrote this.
my masterlist
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so we all know tom sucks at instagram. that's a surprise to literally no one. no matter how many times you tried to teach him he still doesn't get it, and it was only a matter of time before he finally posted something he shouldn't have.
it was just one of those days, you missed him like hell. he was away filming the third spiderman, and you had to stay behind because of work.
naturally, you relied on face time and texts to survive and fill the void he left behind. you loved talking to him, listening as he rambled on and on about his adventures on set. a love-struck look on your face as you tried your hardest to stay awake despite the urge to close your eyes.
eventually, sleep took over you, and you drifted off with the sound of his voice lulling you to sleep. he stopped talking abruptly when he didn't hear your soft chuckling in reply to the story he was telling.
instead, he saw your sleeping figure, long steady breaths moving your chest up and down. and he cursed himself for making you stay up so late for him. he took one last look at you, taking a screenshot of your sleeping form.
he quickly hung up the video call and opened instagram instead, uploading the screenshot to his story,
'missing my favorite girl, thank you so much for everything you do for me. x @yourusername'
the next morning you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. at first, thought someone had died as one notification after another filled your screen. most of them came from instagram, so you opened that app first.
thousands upon thousands of mentions, tags and new followers. you frowned, and suddenly a text from your friend popped up at the top of your screen.
'omg just saw his story. so happy for u both'
who's story? what was going on?
you refreshed your timeline, and tom's icon appeared, a colorful circle around it. an odd feeling sank in your stomach. you tapped his icon and suddenly your screen was full of... you.
a picture of you, sleeping. tom's smiling form in a small rectangle on the bottom right corner.
oh god. you read the words he wrote, over and over again. your heart pounding in your chest, and a sudden wave of fear ran through your body. but then you read his words once more, and all you could feel was love. pure, unconditional affection.
sure, your families and closest friends knew about you, but you hadn't talked about making your relationship public yet, but there was nothing you could do now.
you sighed, leaning back on your pillows. a small chuckle left your throat.
you grabbed your phone once again, quickly facetiming tom. you knew he had an early call today, and you hoped you could catch him while he was still in his hotel.
it ran once, twice, and then you saw him, hair all over the place, bare chest. hands rubbing sleep off of his face.
"mornin', darling." he said, his raspy morning voice making you smile.
"hi, baby. did i wake you?" you asked, sitting up and crossing your legs.
"yeah but it's fine, princess. i did keep you up last night so it's only fair."
"i'm sorry about falling asleep on you, that was a really nice picture you took last night," you lifted one eyebrow, and watched as he smiled at you sheepishly.
"i thought you looked really pretty, you always look pretty," he said, grabbing the water bottle on his nightstand and taking a swing.
"thanks, i hope the whole world thinks so, too," you declared. leaning your chin on your fist, watching him expectantly.
he did not react like you had expected him to.
his breath hitched as he sipped his water, and suddenly all you could see was the cream-colored ceiling, as you heard him spitting out and coughing.
"tom! oh, my god! are you okay?" you asked, getting on your knees and holding your phone up to your face, "tommy?" you repeated when he finally stopped coughing, you could now hear his heavy breaths.
at last, you saw his curls appear from the bottom of the screen.
"wh-what did you just say?" his voice was rough, his chest heaving.
"are you okay?" you asked again.
"ye-yeah i'm fine. babe, what did you mean by 'the whole world'? did something happen?" he asked, frowning. you echoed his expression, watching him for a second.
“you posted a picture to your story,” you repeated, and he nodded.
“yeah, i posted it to my close friends, i-” he stopped mid-sentence, eyes growing comically wide. “oh shit, did i-” he caught himself off as he threw the phone to one side, you heard him fumbling around for his laptop and you snorted. “shit, baby, don’t tell me i posted it… fuck!” you couldn’t keep it in any longer, you broke out laughing.
“of course this is how the world finds out about us!” you continued giggling until your stomach hurt.
“fuck, princess i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear i- why are you laughing!?”
“tommy, tommy! it’s okay, baby, don’t worry. i’m not mad,” you stopped once you noticed his pouting. “it’s fine, my love, i don’t mind. sure it’s unexpected, and a little sudden but i wouldn’t have it any other way. i knew what i was getting into when we started dating,” you told him honestly, wishing you were there to give him a hug and kiss him all over.
“darling, i’m really, really sorry. i swear i thought i tapped the green button like you told me to” he continued his sulking, nervous eyes glancing back and forth from his laptop screen to you.
“i know, baby, i know this is not your forte, and i really appreciate the sweet gesture, honestly. i love you so much,” you told him as you bit your lip. folding your legs to your chest, wrapping one around them.
“god, i love you. i swear i’ll make it up to you,” he ran his hand through his hair, giving you a quick peek of his bare chest.
“i’ll hold you to it,” you chuckled, you glanced to the clock on your nightstand, sighing when you saw the time. “i’ve gotta go,” you said as you stood up and stretched. a wicked idea ran through you head. “i’ve got like five meetings today, so i’ll probably be busy most of the day. just in case i don’t reply or something,” you made up you lie quickly. grabbing your laptop and opening a new tab.
“oh, okay. i’ll be on set until like 1 am, so we’ll talk tomorrow?” he asked, eyes bright. you nodded, biting your lip.
“definitely. i love you,” you blew him a kiss. he smiled, and you felt your heart swelling.
“i love you, too. good luck today!” he said as you reluctantly hung up the call.
you immediately got to work, calling your assistant and telling her you were taking a few personal weeks, and to email you in case of emergencies. next, you texted harry, asking him to call you once tom was busy on set.
you waited for the page to load, and once you had bought your one-way ticket to atlanta you hurriedly threw some pre-planned outfits into two suitcases, just in case. your phone rang and harry’s face popped up on your screen. you quickly answered the call, and let him know of your out-of-the-blue plan. he agreed to meet you at the airport and drive you to set. and because of your recent and sudden rise to fame, he suggested you wear all black and a cap. you followed his advice, throwing on some sunglasses as well, as you had seen tom do many times before.
once you reached the airport and checked-in, you bought some coffee and breakfast, as well as some food for the flight. you opened instagram, seeing all the messages and comments. you had seen how the fans reacted when their favorite celebrities announced a relationship, and you knew to expect the meanest comments, and even death threats. for your own sake and peace of mind, you allowed yourself to scroll until you read three of those, and closed the app.
once the plane took off, you tried to catch some sleep, preparing for the inevitable jet lag, but your mind kept buzzing from one scenario to another. so you took out your book and tried to read some chapters, putting in your earbuds, music playing quietly.
when you finally, finally landed, you stretched your legs and grabbed your bags, putting on the cap and sunglasses again, you spotted a familiar head of wild curls. you quickly approached harry.
“what happened to all black and a cap to go unnoticed?” you asked as he took one of your bags in his hands.
“think about it, two kids wearing black, a cap and sunglasses? people would think we’re up to no good.” he gave you a tight hug, you’d missed him almost as much as you’d missed tom.
he caught you up on everything he and tom had been doing these past months, you shifted in your seat in excitement, the sleep that was slowly taking over you on the plane had now disappeared from your body.
in what was probably a 15 -but to you felt like five- minute drive, you got to the hotel to leave your bags and take a quick shower. harry left you alone in tom’s room, making his way to his own room next door. he said he’d order something for you to eat whilst you got ready to see tom.
you took the quickest shower ever known to humankind, and when you walked out of the bathroom after using tom’s shampoo and conditioner, -you’d missed his smell all over you. the few forgotten hoodies and shirts that were once drenched in the smell of his soap and cologne, were now very faint.- you wrapped a bathrobe around your body, rummaging through tom’s clothes until you found one of his shirts.
you pulled it close to your face, sighing at the familiar scent you’d missed so much. you got dressed quickly, grabbing your now fully-charged phone and the key to tom’s room that harry had left on a coffee table. you knocked on harry’s door and he let you in.
“i just texted tom, he says they’ve got like three hours left.” you sat next to him on the couch, the table in front of you filled with food waiting to be devoured.
“my poor baby, they overwork him,” you pouted, reaching for one of the plates.
“it was his idea, said he’ll do anything that helps finish filming sooner.” you stopped chewing your food.
“wait, really?” you asked in disbelief, you knew tom loved his job, and you found it odd that he wanted to cut his time on set short.
“yeah, it’s been rough for him. not having you around, i mean, after he spent months with you. he’s been pretty distracted lately. messing up lines, he’s been waking up late and missing early calls...” your heart sank at the words. you ate the rest of your food with a knot in your stomach, cursing yourself for not getting there sooner. soon enough, you were back in the car, your leg bouncing up and down. you fell asleep on your way to set, waking up when harry parked the car and nudged your shoulder.
you stepped out carefully, your head turning back every few steps you took, in fear that tom might catch you. once you reached the stage where tom was filming, you flashed the visitor badge harry had given you to the guard and he let you both in. you walked in as you leaned down, your forehead against harry’s back, shielding you from the curious stares. harry told you to hide behind a giant box where they kept some lights whilst he spoke to the director.
although the box was big and tall enough to cover you completely, you crouched down, straining your ears for nearing footsteps. you heard two sets of feet approaching, your heartbeat racing.
you were met with your accomplice, a friendly-looking man behind him. you stood up as they approached you.
“this the girl?” the man asked, and harry nodded, “nice to meetcha, i’m jon.” you shook his hand, “okay, so we’ve cleared tom’s schedule for one week, we’ll need him back fully recharged and ready to work like it’s his first day on set, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, if it means he’ll work better if you’re here you can stay until we're done. i really don’t mind, i just need my guy back.” you blinked at his words, nodding slowly. “we’ve got a couple hours left tonight, i’m all up for some cheesy reunion, but it’ll have to be when we’re finished, i can barely keep him focused as it is.”
with that he left, and harry led you to tom’s trailer, where you caught some sleep while you waited. like that morning, you woke up to your phone buzzing. you reached for it, sleep leaving your body as you read the text.
‘just finished filming for the night, i’m exhausted. miss u, love you. x.’
all rational thoughts left your head, you opened the door to tom’s trailer and sprinted out of there until you reached the set. your eyes finally, finally met his figure, and tears filled your eyes.
your legs moved on their own accord, you mumbled apologies as you crashed into people, but you didn’t care. tom had his back to you, and even though he wasn’t wearing the spiderman costume, you’d recognize that ass anywhere.
“tom!” you called out, stopping a few feet away from him. you saw him whipping his head around, eyes scanning the sea of people. you made your way up to him, “tommy!” you repeated, and he finally turned around.
his mouth wide opened in disbelief, arms twitching, feet running towards you as you did the same. you crashed into each other, your legs wrapping around him, arms around his neck, fingers curling on his soft hair. his hands running all over your back, your hair. pulling you as close as humanly possible.
whispers of ‘i love you’, ‘god, i missed you’, ‘never leave me again’, and ‘i promise’ were exchanged. you tightened your hold on his hair, pulling back to look at him.
“hi,” you whispered, your nose brushing his.
“hey,” he replied, burying his face on your neck again, pressing small kisses anywhere he could reach. his hands settled on the back of your thighs as he spun you two. you giggled, sniffling as a few tears escaped your eyes.
you could not care less about the people around you, all you could think about was the boy wrapped all over you, your favorite boy. tom led you back to his trailer, where you finally untangled yourself from him. he settled you down and you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him close to you again.
you had been starved of his touch for so long, there was no way you were letting him go anytime soon.
after many kisses, touches, tears, promises and more kisses, you left for the hotel. harry had already left, getting a ride from another cast member to leave you two alone. at that moment you swore you’d make him godfather of your firstborn child.
as you waited for tom to step out of the shower -you would’ve joined him, but three showers in a day seemed kind of excessive-, you laid down on the bed, throwing the covers over your body, tom's scent engulfing you. you breathed in happily. you tapped on your phone, replying to some work emails when you received a text from harry.
‘i believe the ball is in your court. you’re welcome.’
next, you received a picture of you and tom. harry must’ve taken the picture when you and tom were too lost in each other to even notice anyone around you. in the picture, your legs are around tom, bodies pressed closed together, your noses touching as you stare lovingly into each other’s eyes. it was a beautiful picture. and the black and white filter harry had applied to it made it seem like one of those old pictures of wives reuniting with their spouses after the war.
you smiled, heart swelling with emotion as you contemplated your options. you hummed quietly, tapping the instagram logo and waiting for the app to load.
you quickly uploaded the picture harry sent you tagging both him and tom and adding a quick caption before you shut down your phone. you were drifting off to sleep when you felt familiar arms around you.
you leaned into tom’s touch, your back resting against his chest, legs tangling with his as he interlocked his fingers with your own.
“thank you so much for being here, my love. i love you,” tom whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“i’ll be here whenever you need me. i’ll always come back to you.” you turned around, facing him. you kissed the corner of his lips, and he cupped your cheek, his lips meeting yours in a slow kiss, filled with emotion. your fingers played with his fingers as you moved to straddle his waist. “i love you,” you broke the kiss reluctantly. as much as you both wanted to make love that night, you’d made it your top priority that tom took his time off to rest as much as he could, and that included that first night.
you gave him one last kiss, going back to your previous position. the familiar and comfortable weight of his arms around you, the feeling of his lips on your neck, his chest rising and falling against your back, you couldn’t ask for anything better.
the peaceful environment you had created suddenly burst like a bubble as tom’s phone pinged over and over again. you heard him grunting, arms reluctantly leaving you.
tom chuckled, putting his phone on do-not-disturb and throwing it somewhere on the bed.
“you’re perfect for me, my favorite girl.” you smiled, leaning into his touch as he kissed you all over. sleep quickly taking over both of you.
tom swore his heart stopped when he’d seen the picture you posted. you’d never looked more beautiful than when you were staring up at him, your bottom lip between your teeth. the words you wrote as a caption were the last thing on his brain as he finally succumbed to sleep.
‘i said, “i bet you can’t keep this a secret for five months.” he said, “darling, i won’t make it past three.” @ tomholland2013 it’s been 10 months, who won?’
edit: i just saw henry cavill's ig post and omg what is my life. pls respect celebrities' privacy and relationships.
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
so today i remembered to transfer the Shadowpeach Drabbles I wrote for @winterpower98 Cursed AU onto Ao3, and in honor of that (and simply because I wanted to) I have written a bonus part-
"Another cave? Seriously?"
The group of three stood at the entrance to the cave, looking in, trying to see as far as they could into the darkness.
"Must we explore every cave we stumble upon?" Macaque sighed.
"Well, it's not gonna explore itself." MK shrugged, turning to go in, only to be stopped as Wukong leapt in front of him.
"Oh no you don't." He said, "You're not going in there by yourselves. I'm coming with you this time."
"Wait, why would you-" Macaque started, confused.
"Because the last time you two went into a cave by yourselves, MK ended up with an injured leg." Wukong said, arms crossed. "I'm coming with you this time, and that's final."
"But what about-" MK started-
"It's fine. I'll be fine." Wukong said, walking past MK and Macaque, marching into the cave as though if he waited any longer he'd loose his nerve. "Let's hurry up and get this over with."
MK watched his mentors back with concern, before glancing to the side to see Macaque mirroring his expression. Said expression snapped back into a more neutral one once he noticed that MK was looking at him though.
"C'mon." Macaque said, nudging MK as he walked past him. "Let's make sure he doesn't freak out and fall down a hole or something."
Surprisingly enough, things didn't immediately go downhill.
Well, that is, up until-
A loose rock tumbled down from above, and Wukong, who was already very on edge, startled backwards, bumping into Macaque and knocking him over, sending the both of them rolling over a ledge and down a small cliff, the both of them ending up laying on top of each other.
MK, after doing a quick check and making sure they were both okay, stood on the edge of the ledge and smirked.
"I thought you said you were going to keep him from falling down a hole." He said, and Macaque groaned.
"I didn't think he'd knock me down with him." He said, slowly moving to sit up as Wukong hurriedly backed off of him, giving a murmured apology.
And then MK jumped down the ledge, landing with a thump and knocking loose a few more rocks, and suddenly Wukong was clinging to Macaque again.
(Macaque was suddenly grateful, that he was the one with the super hearing. He wasn't particularly fond of the idea of Wukong noticing how fast his heart was racing from the close contact.)
"Sorry." MK said, wincing as he realized he'd startled his mentor. Wukong gave him a nervous smile.
"It's fine bud." He said, but Macaque could feel him shaking a little. Macaque sighed, before starting to try and peel Wukong's arms off of him.
"You can let go of me now." He said, trying to ignore the knowing look MK was giving him. "C'mon, we won't be able to move if you keep clinging to me like this-"
"It...helps though. The touch, I mean." Wukong reluctantly admitted, slowly letting go. "Though you're right, I guess we wouldn't be able to move if I'm clinging to you like-"
"Why don't you just carry him then?" MK asked, and Macaque's head shot up.
"What-" He hissed, and then nearly bit his tongue to keep himself from yelping as suddenly he was being lifted up, being held tight against Wukong. The Monkey King wordlessly held him bridal style, obviously happy for a way to maintain contact while also being able to move. His arms were tight around Macaque as though he was holding onto a teddy bear for comfort. He turned around, starting to walk as Macaque remained silent in shock, trying to process what had just happened.
He looked over Wukong's shoulder, back at MK, who gave him a smirk and a thumbs up.
Oh that little sh-
The shock finally wore off, and Macaque started struggling.
"Put me down!" He hissed, fur bristling. "I can walk by myself!"
"I know." Wukong said, but didn't even loosen his grip in the slightest.
Macaque gave up on struggling suspiciously quickly.
Oh, how MK wished he had a camera.
Well, actually, he did, in fact, have his phone with him, but every time he started trying to pull it out, Macaque would glare at him from over Wukong's shoulder.
MK eventually resolved to committing the image to memory in order to draw it later.
As it was though, they'd found another exit out of the cave, one that lead into a wide open meadow instead of the dark forest they'd been traveling through. Wukong immediately let out a relieved sigh, slouching a little and loosening his grip on Macaque, who almost immediately jumped out of his arms, brushing invisible dirt off his clothes.
"Glad that's over." He said, before registering the muffled giggling coming from behind him.
MK kept one hand covering his mouth to keep his giggles quiet, and at Macaque's questioning look, he subtly gestured to the monkey's tail.
Which was currently wrapped around Wukong's.
Wukong seemed to notice this fact at the exact same time Macaque did, an embarrassed flush taking over both monkeys faces, their tails letting go of each other as they looked away in different directions, avoiding eye contact.
MK almost wished that Mei (or maybe even Red Son) was here so that he could have someone to lose his mind over this with.
Pretty much anyone would do, really, he just needed someone to rant to about all this-
Wait. He could have someone to rant to, now that he thinks about it.
He looked back over at Wukong and Macaque, making sure that they were suitably distracted.
And then he took one of his hairs and blew on it.
And Porty MK popped into existence.
He still looked like a monkey, exactly like how MK currently did, but the sunglasses and coat made it obvious that it was Porty. (MK never really did understand how Porty and the others had managed to maintain their clothes and personality. To be honest he....didn't really want to think too hard about it.)
Anyways, back to business.
"Are you seeing this?" MK asked, gesturing over at where Wukong and Macaque had somehow swapped from looking away from each other, flustered, to all out glaring at each other, albeit with a certain sense of playfulness in it that would be hidden to anyone who wasn't looking for it.
"Oh, I'm seeing it alright." Porty said, before smirking a little. "But don't worry OG, y'see, I've got a plan."
And really, MK should've dispelled Porty right then and there.
But on the other hand, it'd been weeks. Weeks of dealing with the mutual pining that rivaled the number of pine trees in the forest they'd been walking through.
In the end, he'd ended up accepting Porty's plan.
Porty shook MK awake later that night. (MK had dispelled him as they'd walked through the meadow, only bringing him back in secret before going to bed once they'd made it back to the edge of the forest.) The clone must've been hiding in the trees or in a bush, MK thought, as there were stray leaves within his hair.
"They're asleep." Porty whispered, "C'mon, OG. Let's hurry this up."
MK crawled out of his sleeping bag, shaking some of the tiredness out of his body as he stood up.
The plan was simple.
MK would push Wukong out of the tree. Porty would catch him. (MK had, recently, discovered the Monkey King was actually a heavy sleeper. His strong nighttime vigilance from legends had literally only been the result of him not sleeping at all.) Once they'd secured Wukong, they'd carry him and lay him down near where Macaque slept, and simply let things play out from there.
MK was halfway up the tree Wukong was sleeping in when he remembered something important.
"...Are you sure you'll be able to catch him?" MK asked, and both he and Porty went silent as they remembered just how easily a clone could be destroyed.
"...Good point, OG." Porty said, "Let's swap, I'll push him out of the tree, you can catch him."
With a quick change of positions, the plan was back in motion. Porty shoved Wukong out of the tree, and MK caught him, stumbling a little under the dead weight. (And oh, was he ever glad for his super strength.) The two of them paused for a moment, waiting to see if Wukong would wake up.
When the Monkey King showed no signs of stirring, Porty jumped down from the tree, landing beside MK, and the both of them turned around, slowly walking over to where Macaque lay on the other side of the camp.
"...What are you doing?"
And oh, MK had just known he had forgotten something.
Both MK and Porty startled, MK only just barely keeping himself from dropping Wukong, as they whirled around to see-
Wukong's hair clone, lounging back on his cloud, watching them with a disapproving look.
"It was his idea!" Porty quickly said, pointing at MK, who let out an offended "Hey!", before suddenly Porty dispelled himself, disappearing in a quick flash, leaving MK alone with the Wukong hair clone.
MK nervously giggled, tightening his grip on the asleep Monkey King as the hair clone's eyes narrowed.
And then suddenly the clone smirked, amusement in it's eyes, and MK relaxed, letting out a breath of relief.
"It's about time you actually tried to push things along." The hair clone said, lounging back on its cloud, looking away. "I can't say he's gonna be happy in the morning though."
MK rolled his eyes, he'd already long since accepted he'd probably have to go through some kind of stern telling off tomorrow. With the hair clone seemingly having given it's permission, MK turned, completing his mission of bringing Wukong over to Macaque, gently laying the Monkey King on the ground beside the shadow monkey.
Macaque shifted, rolling over, and MK froze, worrying that he'd accidentally made too much noise-
But then Macaque put an arm around Wukong, pulling him closer, Wukong responding by nuzzling into the other's neck as their tails curled together.
MK made no short work of pulling out his phone and snapping a picture. (And sending said picture to both Mei and his own email. One could never have too many backups after all, Macaque was sure to try and delete it once he knew it existed).
Mission accomplished, he returned to his own sleeping bag, whispering a quiet good night to the Wukong hair clone as he walked by.
(In all honesty, MK didn't think this would get Wukong or Macaque to confess. It might push them a little closer to it, yes, but it wouldn't make it actually happen, no, there was far too much going on, too much history for one night of cuddling together to lead to a full out love confession.
Until that time, he'd be fine with just watching the chaos that unfolds.
....He was fairly sure that, come morning, their expressions would be hilarious to witness though).
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moodymelanist · 3 years
I beg I beg I beg for part 2 of Nessian pregnancy🧎‍♀️ never seen or read anything more adorable
hell yeah I can do this, nonnie. I had so much fun writing the first part that who am I to say no to a second 🧎🏽‍♀️
also as a general PSA: please note I am not currently accepting drabble/prompt requests! i have a whole bunch to get through and I have zero problem deleting even the cutest requests if people can’t respect that. thank you!
now onto the story 😌
Nesta had discovered that one of the worst symptoms of her third trimester was how often she had to go use the bathroom. Especially in combination with how often the baby would sit on her bladder, she seemed to spend more time on the toilet these days than off it.
Her poor husband never complained about her new bathroom habits once, not even when she’d wake him up from getting in and out of the bed so much. They’d even switched sides so she didn’t have to walk so far, something that made her love him even more than she already did — he was selfless and compassionate and just kind.
After her latest midnight trip to the bathroom, she found herself staring at her reflection in the mirror. She was practically ready to pop with how rounded her stomach was, but there was a rather large part of her that was absolutely terrified that she wouldn’t be a good mom.
She hadn’t said anything to Cassian about it; he was so good with kids that to think he’d be anything but an amazing dad would be ludicrous. But her? She didn’t know the slightest about how to make a kid happy, and she didn’t exactly have the best role models. Her mother had only paid attention to her daughters when it benefitted her, and her father wasn’t exactly winning any number one dad awards anytime soon.
Nesta didn’t realize she was crying until she felt a warm hand rubbing her back. She turned to see her husband standing in the doorframe, his hazel eyes wide with concern.
“What’s wrong?” he asked her softly. She let him pull her into as close of a hug as she could manage with her stomach.
“I…” she began. Even after all this time she had to battle the urge to not say anything, even though she knew good and well he would never judge her. “I can’t help but worry that I won’t be a good mom.”
“Why?” he responded, sounding genuinely confused. That was another thing she appreciated about him — he would never tell her she was wrong for feeling the way she did, even if they both knew she was being ridiculous and irrational.
“I have no idea what being a good mom looks like,” she said. She sniffled and he reached out to wipe her tears away. “I’m so scared that I’ll end up just like my mother and ruin our baby.”
“You won’t ruin our baby, sweetheart,” Cassian said immediately. “There’s no universe where that’s even a possibility.”
“But you don’t know that,” Nesta said.
He gently started guiding her back to their bed as he responded. “I do know that, though. Your mom may have been shitty, but at the bare minimum that taught you what not to do, right?”
“I guess,” she replied warily. He helped her sit down on the bed before walking around to the other side and sitting down to face her. “But just because I know what not to do doesn’t mean I’ll be any good at this.”
“I know you’ll be a good mom because you’re an amazing person, Nes,” he said, reaching out to cup her face. “You have so much love to give that it’s impossible for you to fuck this up. Will we be perfect parents? Probably not, but that’s okay, because we have each other.”
Nesta was fighting tears again, but this time they were because of how much she loved her husband. He always knew exactly what to say to her to reassure her.
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve worried about this too,” he added. “You’re so good at all this parenting class stuff and I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“You’re going to be an amazing dad,” she said, turning her face to press a kiss to his hand on her cheek. She couldn’t believe he was worrying about this when he was…. well, him. “I really can’t believe you’ve worried about this.”
“Why?” he asked, amused.
“You’re just so warm and fuzzy. Babies love warm and fuzzy.”
“Babies also love having fresh diapers and being swaddled, but I’m nowhere near as good as you at that stuff.”
Nesta couldn’t help but laugh softly as she came to the same conclusion he’d offered her earlier. They might struggle — no, they’d definitely struggle — but everything would work out in the end because they were a team.
“I can teach you how to swaddle better tomorrow,” she promised. “But even if you can’t figure it out, you have so much love to give, too. I think our daughter will care much more about that in the long run.”
Cassian nodded, and she couldn’t help but notice that he looked a little teary-eyed. She leaned forward as best as she could to press a soft kiss to his lips.
“Besides,” Nesta said, smiling, “If we could survive ten years of each other, I think a baby will be a piece of cake.”
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