#I think Roman could also be switched for Virgil
howam-i-theparent · 1 year
Remus: Come one Ro, we need to go, stop hugging your girlfriend.
Roman: Janus is not my girlfriend! He’s a guy!
Remus (turns to Janus): oh, my apologies
Remus (turns back to Roman): Stop hugging your boyfriend! We need to go!
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theelmoarchive · 2 months
Sanders Sides theory (rant). I know im mainly a mh acc here but I have thoughts i need to get out there
(just fyi this theory is Roman centric, I know most TSS people nowadays are talking ab Orange and Logan so if Roman's not interesting then continue on 🔥🔥)
(Also slight TW, talking ab the sides "ducking out" and depression themes, so yeah👍👍)
Okay so. I was scrolling through Sanders Sides theories and found that no one seems to have this theory, even though I thought the Roman angst enjoyers like me would be writing this all over the place but. Ig that means I need to talk about it.
I've had this theory for years now, since the day I first watched SVS Redux.
I think Roman is going to duck out.
I dont know if I have to explain why but. I mean, just looking at the explosive end SVS Redux had will tell you a lot.
He doesn't belive Patton when he tells him they love him. He thinks Thomas has lost all faith in him in favor of the person Roman views as the epitome of evil. He's been switching views left and right to stay on Patton's side (because Thomas prides himself on his morals), but he always ends up doing something wrong - he always ends up as an antagonist. He no longer believes that he is the one thing that being has kept him stable since "Am I Original?" - Thomas' hero. The only side he has a stable and positive relationship with is VIRGIL of all people. And tbh that could quickly be ruined too. Logan is second, though, but that's EXTREMELY fragile, as we've seen.
Roman always does something wrong and it will and has sent him over the edge. From Roman's perspective, with a very flawed view of everyone around him, he is inherently the thing that flaws Thomas.
+ Roman is really dramatic obviously, so ofc he would do this.
When you look at Virgil's reasonings for ducking out, it seems plausible after everything Roman has gone through recently, too. I mean like:
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"I quit. Decided it wasn't worth it anymore"
Why would Roman keep fighting a battle he knows he will never win?
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"Well, It didn’t seemed like I was wanted. You all made that pretty clear any time I showed up."
Again, from Roman's perspective, he is constantly and consistently antagonized.
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"If I wanted to stand around being insulted, I would've shown up I would've shown up in person like I usually do."
[same thing]
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"I actually think you were right to not want me around."
Roman fears that he is becoming the villain (as we see in SVS, SVS Redux and DWIT).
(In fact, Roman has already said something quite similar to that last one in sentiment.
In SVS Redux, Roman says this, which is pretty funny because of the dramatics and the stupidity, and does get shot down quickly, but I am begging you to listen to him.
"The blame falls to me. If you're missing that do-gooder drive... I think It's because I'm in the driver seat... And I'm an awful driver... Perhaps... Perhaps I should let Patton take the wheel.")
(2nd sidenote to the Virgil quotes, can we talk ab Thomas' acting again I just love how tired Virgil is in AA. He's so. Troubled. I love him.)
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"I've always aimed to protect you,"
THIS!! First of all his face makes me so sad BUT SECOND OF ALL yeah. Roman core idk what else to say, you get it right.
"I thought I was your hero."
So yeah.
Anyway, I think the episode where Roman does this will be centered around depression. Without Roman, Thomas is depressed. Let me explain this further.
Roman is Thomas' creativity, imagination, ego, passion, love, wills and wants, hopes and dreams, aspirations and enthusiasm.
Without any of that, what is left? A guy who can't even will himself out of bed, but can still feel the nagging voice of reason and logic telling him how unreasonable he's being. A guy who cant will himself to talk to friends, family and loved ones, but can still feel sorrow for letting them down and worrying them. A guy who can't will himself to pursue creative content that he relies on for a living but can still feel anxious about letting millions of people down and never being able to create again. A guy who cant even make food for himself or brush his teeth, but still knows he NEEDS to take care of himself. A guy whose only creativity is activly trying to disturb and scare him.
So yeah thats really awesome idk.
Furthermore, I think the sides might be SEVERELY impacted.
It has been said many times over the series that the sides are purely figments of Thomas' IMAGINATION. so. Without Roman, I doubt anything would be left. Obviously, if Roman does duck out, I don’t think they'd all immediately just cease to exist because an episode still needs to occur, but I find it likely that they'd all start slowly fading or maybe even "malfunctioning", glitching, putting them on a timer to get back Roman and making it far more tense.
Is this theory weird?????? I feel like it's the natural progression TO ME but I've seen no one even getting near this and im just confused ghfhfhfh. Maybe it is kind of weird and im just too much of a Roman enthusiast. SORRY I LOVE ANNOYING WEIRDO FREAKS!!!! AND IF I WAS HIM ID DUCK OUT TOO BECAUSE NO ONE IS APPRECIATING HIM ☹️☹️☹️ EVEN THOUGH HE'S LITERALLY WHAT MAKES THOMAS DO THINGS. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
I also think it fits really well because of Prinxiety's parallels, such as:
(using the ship name just as a duo name because that's what I usually do I am not trying to push the prinxiety agenda although I am a fan of it ghfyfgfh)
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"Thanks everyone... Well, almost everyone."
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"I mean, it's cool to see you all trying to be helpful. Well most if you, but-"
The only difference in these two is obviously that Virgil just silently ducks out, while Roman has the entire "You make us better" speech, probably effectivly saving Virgil and Thomas, because it seems like Virgil was going to insist.
(Also another sidenote that I think everyone will agree with: WE NEED A "YOU MAKE US BETTER" SPEECH BY VIRGIL FOR ROMAN that is all)
Also. Who can forget.
Virgil saying that he tried to "duck out" and then
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"That's a thing you can do?"
Do you understand what I'm saying. Do you. Huh.
Okay anyway.
Idk how to end this I feel like theres still more I wanna say but i forgot. In conclusion: prin up that xiety. Reminder that FWSA was real and not a fever dream. I lied this is actually prinxiety propaganda.
But Hey That's Just A Theory. A really quite depressing and sad theory. Thanks for tumbling down a hill with me 🫶
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feel free to discard if this doesn't strike your fancy:
what would an AU of ping verse where LMP start out as villains and ADR start out as heroes look like? how would things have to change in order to make that happen, and would it still end the same way?
just spitballing but i think theres some angles i could take here
Logan is easiest - his first instinct is always to shut off and stoicly handle everything himself, but if he'd had even one moment of weakness long enough to tell Rémy what Hammond had done 1. Hammond would have been blackmailed into the underworld and 2. Sandman would have acquired a shiny new star powered partner
Virgil is next easiest to switch, if his parents had paid even a marginal amount of attention to him after dropping him off with the Peacekeepers, and especially if they'd permitted him to talk to zoe, he definitely would have gone the route of "if im just Completely Perfect All The Time they will Love Me." in this scenario i assure you Zoe is constantly talking shit about the peacekeepers to his face and he's stubbornly sticking his fingers in his ears
The think about Janus is that "society is terrible, let me fix it" is that it can be very easy to fall into the trap of "people are terrible, let me fix them." it wouldnt have taken much more than one decently-nice handler to radicalize janus in the direction of authoritarianism instead of the other direction
the other three i have more trouble seeing flipped - Roman maybe, if upon being thrust into actual keeping/combat and being harshly confronted with the reality of the violence he was inflicting on other anomalous people knocked his head a bit
Patton's hard mostly because i cant see him doing anything other than what he did - maybe if Morgan had lived, and he'd come to resent the peacekeepers enough, but its also hard to see what his angle would be as a supervillain
and by far the least likely switch i could see is remus. i cant think of anything the peacekeepers could have done to engender loyalty from him to be honest, and he's got far too much of a chip on his shoulder to go along with them anyway like patton and logan
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Fairytales : In which Virgil kills some plants.
Virgil ends up on a quest in the imagination he didn't agree to. Through which he ends up slaughtering some flora, almost stabbing an old woman and expessing his hatred for a staircase in his quest to rescue his beloved from his own woes.
| Ao3 |
Warnings: None I'm aware of, if there are any I should list lmk!
Pairings: Prinxiety
Word Count: 2139
This is the longest fic I've written from one of these ship weeks so far jfkdlsjfds
Todays prompts from @prinxietyweek were Fairytale and Daydream! Both of which I employed here!
Roman is genderfluid in this fic/au! They switch between pronouns and how they prefer to present - in this fic they're using they/them
I don't think this needs any tws but please let me know if I should add any!
“Roman?” Virgil yelled into the forest, picking his way through dense vegetation, pushing aside a thick dark green vine to keep making his way forward. Belatedly he realised he could use the sword at his hip he had been given to cut through them - albeit sloppily, Virgil wasn’t good with a sword, “Ro c’mon, we don’t have time for this!”
The wind whistled through the trees, there was no answer.
“Can you at least - eugh-” Virgil slashed at an invitingly pink flower that had started oozing some kind of corrosive slime as he got closer, “Can you at least give me a hint at what I’m even doing here?”
Looking for Roman was a pretty monumental task when Roman didn’t want to be found, and Virgil had been the unlucky soul to get the job (he had volunteered). They were supposed to be going to a ball on Remus’ side of the imagination as a group in less than an hour and no-one had been able to find Roman, so Virgil had said he’d go into the imagination to look. His time spent in there with the Prince himself had gotten him acquainted enough.
At least so he thought. 
When he entered the imagination he found himself in this thick forest - closed in on all sides with dense vegetation, half of which seemed to be out to kill him. Not to mention he was dressed up all fancy. The imagination was in quest mode.
Quest Mode was the name Virgil had affectionately given to the infuriatingly frustrating trials and plotlines Roman liked to conjure up to get the others to play in. They’d get an outfit change, a character role, sometimes even a backstory. Virgil hated it (he didn’t, usually he liked the adventures his beloved Prince put together for them all, he was just frustrated). He was yet to even work out what his role was supposed to be here and Roman wasn’t giving any hints. 
And they had to be somewhere! Yet the only way to get out of a quest was either for Roman themself to end it or for the quest to reach its conclusion. Great.
“Where am I supposed to be going?” Virgil yelled at the sky, which he couldn’t see through the canopy. 
A rumble of thunder sounded in the distance and Virgil groaned, taking that as a sign and beginning to head that way. At least he finally had a direction.
“So…” Virgil said aloud to no-one, “Anyone gonna tell me who I’m supposed to be…. Or what I’m doing here…? Where is Roman anyway, they’re usually here with us!”
No response. Virgil looked for a puddle of water he could at least see his reflection in, before once again realising he had a very shiny sword in hand that he could quite easily use to look at himself. When he did, he groaned. 
On his head was a silver crown. It was light enough that he had barely noticed it before, and it was pretty too - set with purple gemstones and shimmering silver beads. The outfit he wore was way too fancy for his tastes, he already knew that, and absolutely not suited to trekking through the forest at all. He was wearing a royal purple sash. 
“Am I supposed to be some kind of Prince?” Virgil complained, huffing and tugging at the sash. His outfit looked a little like Roman’s, but black with silver and purple accents rather than white with red and gold. It was also a little more elaborate, with silver embroidery and a collar that circled up to his neck. His boots came up to his knees and his pants were loose and baggy - at least that was decent. This outfit was horrifically impractical for the setting he had been thrust into. Usually on these quests he ended up as some kind of rogue or archer - not a Prince - that was usually Roman’s role, if they were feeling it, or princess, if they were feeling that instead. Regardless, ‘Royalty’ wasn’t Virgil’s role, he didn’t like it. Suddenly he felt like he had a whole lot of pressure on him. 
All he could do now, though, was to keep moving towards the distant sounds of thunder. 
Eventually, Virgil emerged from the forest after what felt like hours on hours of walking, though really it mustn’t have been that long. From the forest he came onto a cliff face, the drop must be hundreds of feet and a sick feeling pooled in Virgil’s stomach when he looked down. Looking back he could see that this forest spanned for miles, and behind him the cliffs continued upward to form a steep, rocky mountain. 
This place seemed just as treacherous as the forest did for a whole host of different reasons, but at least here he could see into the distance - and what he saw was a single tower surrounded by a dark sky full of storm clouds, lightning crashing and thunder rumbling.
He guessed that was his destination. Great. 
If he died, he was going to kill Roman.
At the very least, the tower had given him a little more of a clue as to what the story he was supposed to be a part of was about. That didn’t mean he liked it any more.
So he was a prince rescuing a damsel in distress - a princess locked in a tower, or something. The typical cliche.
“Hello dearie!”
Virgil screamed, turning and pointing his sword at the little old lady who had just materialised on the goddamn path out of fucking nowhere. He had almost stabbed her right in the face. 
“Who the hell are you?” Virgil asked, he could admit he had panicked a little - he wasn’t normally the type to scream at old ladies. 
“Now now dearie, it’s all okay, don’t fret so! I’m your guide!” She said brightly, Virgil stared, dumbfounded.
“Well I know where I’m going now,” he huffed, “You couldn’t’ve poofed into existence back when I was lost in that stupid forest?”
“I’m afraid Their Grace is… having a tad bit of trouble,” The old lady admitted as she took Virgil’s hand and hobbled resiliently up the rocky path. Goddamn, this lady was strong.
“Trouble with what?” Virgil asked, following though he was unhappy about it, “Roman never has trouble with this kinda stuff!”
“Trouble holding the fairytale together for you, dear, but it’s what they need right now.”
“Cryptic much?”
“You’ll understand in time,” She said, typical old-lady-in-a-story to not actually tell him shit. Virgil grumbled, but eventually fell quiet too as they continued to approach the distant tower that slowly became not so distant.
The old woman left when they arrived at the foot of the tower, wishing him good luck as he headed in. 
It turned out that the tower itself wasn’t that special, with just a set of spiral stairs inside leading up. 
Looking back, none of this journey had actually been hard - well, perhaps the deadly plants in the forest had been annoying - nothing had been impossible or even all that difficult to defeat. 
The worst thing he’d had to face today, thinking realistically, was the stairs in this tower. By the time he finally reached the top of them he was exhausted, and not to mention worried about Roman. What had that old lady meant? What if Roman was hurt?
When Virgil finally gets to the top of the tower he expects to find Roman. 
What he did not expect was to find Roman huddled up on themself in the corner, dressed in an extravagant ball gown and tiara but looking practically miserable. Immediately, of course, Virgil went over to them, crouching down and reaching for them. Roman quickly took his hand in both of their gloved ones. When they looked up it was clear that they had been crying. All of his frustration at the quest melted away at the look of pure relief on Roman’s face. 
“Hello, your majesty,” Virgil says softly, with just the hint of a tease, reaching with his other hand to cup Roman’s cheek, “I believe I’ve been sent to rescue you?”
“I’m sorry, stormcloud,” Roman said quietly, voice smaller than Virgil would like it, “I didn’t mean to rope you into all this I- I couldn’t project properly - I meant to bring you closer to the tower - just- I- I didn’t want any of the others so I had to-”
“Hey, hey, shhh Princey, it’s okay,” Virgil said, rubbing Roman’s cheek back and forth with his thumb, “It’s okay, what’s wrong? What's got you in such a sorry state?”
“I- I couldn’t decide what to wear to Remus’ ball…” Roman admitted, looking down. For a moment, Virgil considered saying something along the lines of “Is that all?” but he bit his tongue. He knew how important presentation was to Roman. 
“And you got upset?” Virgil asked, Roman nodded, “Can you tell me exactly what it was about it that upset you?”
“I…” Roman said, before stopping themself, “I couldn’t decide whether to wear a dress or a suit - and - and so I tried both on and- neither felt right and I- I didn’t know what to do-”
Virgil could see the tears building up in Roman’s eyes, so he gently squeezed Roman’s hand. 
“Okay,” Virgil said softly, “Can you end the daydream, my love?” he asked, “I’d like you to snap us into some comfy clothes, if that’s alright? Pajamas - or a hoodie or something, whatever you feel most like wearing right now.”
It took a decent amount of time and concentration, but eventually the quest setting faded, leaving them in a lush room in Roman’s palace instead, the one that sat at the centre of the imagination. Best of all, though, Virgil was back into his hoodie. With a snap, Roman wore an oversized sweater along with a skirt and knee-high socks, Virgil coo-ed.
“Pronouns, love?” he asked, tilting his head. 
“They/them, I think, it’s kinda fuzzy right now,” Roman admitted, looking down. Virgil nodded and scooped Roman up - earning a yelp in surprise - and carried them over to the large bed. Putting them down and climbing up after them earned him a confused hum as Virgil pulled Roman into a hug. Resting his lovely Royal against his chest and combing his fingers through their hair. 
“So…” Virgil said eventually, “What’s bothering you so much about the clothes, then? It’s not that Remus’ll care, right? We both know he won't.”
“No- no it’s not that,” Roman mumbled against his chest. Virgil kissed the top of his head, “It’s… I don’t know, both just felt - wrong, too - too gender, both outfits.”
“Ahh, I see,” Virgil said softly. So Roman didn’t want to dress masculine or feminine - Virgil sighed, trying to wrack his brain for a solution. Eventually he came up with one.
“What about-” he paused, “Hm- I saw this thing on the internet a while ago where it’s like - some kind of formal jumpsuit thing that has pants that kinda look like a skirt? Do you think something like that might work?”
For a long moment, Roman seemed to be lost in thought, before humming, “Oh that - that could maybe work…”
Roman stood up and Virgil moved to the side of the bed to watch as Roman snapped themself into a red and white jumpsuit. The jumpsuit had no sleeves and a high collar with a cape-like section attached to the waist that looked like a skirt when they stood still, but when they walked showed that they were actually wearing pants instead. They looked delighted. 
“Oh you look great, Ro,” Virgil said happily, “Does it feel okay?”
“Y- yeah actually - this feels… perfect,” Roman said softly, “Thank you, my dearest stormcloud… are you sure it looks okay?”
“Well duh -” Virgil rolled his eyes, “Now - we should head to the ball before it doesn’t matter what we wear - because he’ll kill us.”
“Oh but what about you? You can’t go dressed like that!” Roman protested, rushing over and brushing down Virgil’s hoodie. Virgil rolled his eyes.
“Damn - thought I might get away with that,” He joked, “Uh - I mean, that prince costume from earlier wasn’t actually that bad…”
“Your wish is my command!” Roman cheered, leaning forward and giving him a kiss. When he pulled away, Virgil’s clothes had changed back to the costume he had been wearing before, “You shall go to the ball, my sweet Prince.”
Roman kissed the back of his hand and Virgil blushed bright pink, making a string of incoherent sounds before finally ending up on “That’s - that’s not how this works! You can’t do that!”
“I think I very well can,” Roman said with a smirk, “Come, lets go, we wouldn’t want to be late now, would we?”
“That’s what I- oh nevermind…”
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierreblogs @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @scalesfeathersnfur @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @littlerat2 ( if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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beetlewine-art · 6 months
Hey guys, do you remember this post i made about an AU were Thomas is Batman and his sides are Batman villain: https://www.tumblr.com/beetlewine-art/710102337156530176/okay-listen-ive-been-thinking-a-lot-about-a?source=share
Well, i mentioned that i also wanted to make a post about the sides as Spiderman villains, so here is what i have so far:
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Those are my takes, i want to clarify that i'm putting Virgil as Spiderman, mostly because i think it fits him too well. Also, i wasn't happy with making him any of the villains, i thought of making him Electro but i decided it didn't match well outside of the electric aesthetic. So far i think they all match pretty well, specialy Remus as Mysterio, i thought of switching Remus with Janus, but i am not sure. I feel like Remus could be an amazing villain if he had Mysterio's powers and the outfit just fits so nicely.
Roman is not in the post because, if i am honest, i have no idea of what villain he could be. I just can't make my mind about him, the only one that i can think about is Mysterio, but I already made Remus Mysterio and i don't want to repeat it. So, i am taking suggestion about wich villain would fit Roman the best, because at this point, my shipper side and my funny side is thinking about Roman being either one of this two:
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Neither of them fit, but i'm a prinxiety shipper so in my mind it makes sense the Black Cat one. And for Carnage... Well, they both red, to be honest, it would be more about Roman having a Symbiote more than him being Carnage. So if anyone has more suggestions, i'm listening. (Might as well just make him MJ)
Also, about the Batman AU: I think i'm going to change some things, don't worry, Bane!Patton and Scarecrow!Virgil are staying, Remus is also staying the same most likely. I thought of changing him and instead of making him the Joker, i could make him "The Creeper" but aparently Creeper is not actualy a Batman Villain (i need to investigate more about him) and every Batman needs a Joker, so i think Remus is staying as the Joker. Logan and Janus are going to change, Logan is most likely going to replace Janus as Riddler and Janus is either going to be Two-Face or Pinguin, mixed a little with Killer Croc.
I'm, again, not sure about Roman. I want to keep i'm as The Music Meister but i also got some very cool suggestion from @donttellthemangosiwashere about making him Clayface or Babydoll and now i can't unsee it (Calendar Girl is good option too). I'll see what i do with him.
Tag list: @maze-arts @roman-can-gay @dorkyduckling16 @emomightmareace @full-of-roman-angst-trash @pyros-random-thoughts @skeleton-obsessed-idiot
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snowdice · 2 months
Creased Hoodies (Chapter 12: The End (For Now)) [Folds in Time Universe]
Fandom: Sander Sides
Relationships: Logan/Virgil, Janus/Patton (background), Remus & Roman  (background)
Main: Logan, Virgil
Appear: Patton, Roman
Mentioned: Janus, Remus
Summary: Virgil just wanted to go on his planned summer research trip to do an anthropological study in 2005 America. However, when he is taken off course by an unknown enemy, he ends up stranded in the summer of 2018 with no way to get back the the 44rd century. Luckily, 2018 happens to be where a certain illegal time agency is based, and he might have an in with one of its agents.
This is the intermission for the story Folds in Paper. It takes place between Folds in Paper Book 1 and Book 2. It also takes place after the first 5 chapter of “Messages for a Hacker” which are side stories in the universe. Check all of this and more out on my Folds in Time Master Post.
Chapter Summary: It's finally time for Virgil to return home.
Notes: Time travel AU
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
It took Logan a few days to ensure the timepiece and the distortion device were not at risk of blowing up the fabric of time itself. It took about a week more for him to properly study the distortion device Patton had brought home.
“It’s similar to what little we’ve seen of TPI technology,” Logan concluded. He debriefed them all while sitting on the couch with a notebook in hand. “It’s derived from the same technology unlike our time travel devices, which explains why it can block TPI timepieces but not ours. However, it has its differences, and this model in particular is rather shoddily made. While it was meant to create disorder, I doubt almost ripping time apart was its intended purpose, though that is almost what it did.”
“So, you’re thinking whoever made that is from my time then?” Virgil asked.
“Most likely,” Logan agreed. “Though it could always be a Roman and Remus type situation where the culprit was originally from another time period and ended up in your time accidently. However, the origins of this device were certainly the 4500s.”
Virgil glanced at the device set on the coffee table in front of them. It looked more like a 21st century light switch than something with the power to almost destroy time. Even though Logan had been able to study it, there were still many questions Virgil doubted he had an answer to. They didn’t even know why it had been made.
“Do you think whoever made this trapped me here on purpose?” Virgil asked.
“It is a possibility,” Logan mused. “You do work with the TPI and with Janus, a time agent who both is often caught in the chaos these devices create and who runs into Patton frequently. Plus, you know Remus, Roman’s brother, though we didn’t know of the connection before you came to be here. Also, we had a correspondence before this situation. It’s all quite a coincidence if it was not by design.”
“But why?” Virgil asked. “Sure, I’m connected to all of this, but I’m no time agent. All I am to the TPI is a walking history book. I’m not actually involved.”
“Well,” Logan said. “Perhaps someone knows something we do not. Or at least something we do not know yet.”
“Or maybe it’s just a happy accident!” Patton said, though Virgil felt it was more to break the sudden tension that had befallen the room.
“Accident or not,” Logan continued, “we do now have a solution to you being stuck here. I’ve managed to use this device to recalibrate my calculations and pin down its sister device’s current location in this time with much more accuracy. We now just need to get it and turn it off to allow Virgil to leave with his own timepiece.”
“Where is it?” Roman asked.
“A local trash dump,” Logan replied.
“Well, that should be easy enough to get,” Patton said. “Give Roman and I the exact coordinates and we can go and get it now.”
“Wait,” Roman protested. “Why are we the only ones who have to dig through a garbage dump?”
Patton gave him a meaningful look.
“Oh!” Roman said, eyes lighting up. “Oh right!” Then he scowled, remembering the detail that he’d be digging through garbage. “Fine,” he sighed. “The things I do in the name of…”
“Adventure!” Patton cut him off. “It’s an adventure!”
“We’re time travelers. There are so many more exciting adventuring opportunities than dumpster diving, Pat-Pat,” he whined, but he still got up. “I’ll go get changed.”
Patton stood up then and handed Logan his phone, so Logan could download the location of the distortion device onto it.
“We’ll text you when we’re heading back!” Patton said after changing and getting his phone back. “I’ll make sure to give you a 15- and 5-minute warning.” Patton said this with a wink. Virgil immediately hid his face in his hands.
“Do you think the TPI is hiring,” Logan asked as the door closed behind Patton and Roman. “I’d love to move to a different century without those two.”
“Time agents don’t usually live in 4500s,” Virgil said, face still hidden behind his hands. “They’d probably still place you in this century, especially since you’re comfortable here.”
“No escaping them then,” Logan sighed.
“Mmm,” was Virgil’s response.
He felt Logan shift on the couch next to him and a warm palm touched his wrist, gently tugging his hand away from his face. Virgil chose not to resist and let the hand fall away with a sigh. Logan smiled at him when his face was revealed, and Virgil smiled back despite how he could still feel heat in his cheeks.
“You will be going home this evening, I imagine,” Logan said.
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed. It hadn’t fully dawned on him yet. He’d grown used to living here in the past few weeks. He was used to briefly living in other places and times, but here had been different. He hadn’t felt like the observer he usually was. Because Logan, Patton, and Roman knew about time travel and what he really did, he’d had a chance to almost fit in with them. It would be weird to be back in his own time.
“I would like to give you a gift before you go,” Logan said, “If you’ll allow it.”
“Oh,” Virgil said, “uh, okay.”
Logan nodded and reached into his hoodie pocket. He glanced over at Virgil once he’d pulled his closed fist back out. “It is a ring, by the way, but this is not a marriage proposal.”
“Well, I’d certainly hope not,” said Virgil dryly. “An impulse elopement would be off brand for both of us.”
Logan grinned. “Very true,” he agreed. Then, he opened his palm revealing a small, plain ring as promised.
“What is it?” Virgil asked.
“This is an emergency time travel device,” Logan explained. “It’s not particularly complex. It can only take you here to this room between 2 weeks and one year from now, but if you ever find yourself in need, you can use it.”
He offered the ring and Virgil opened his palm. He studied the ring once it was placed in his hand. It was warm, though if that was from Logan’s touch or the technology running in it, Virgil did not know. It was surprisingly light and a rose gold color.
“It also has some security measures,” Logan continued. “It wouldn’t do to make an emergency time travel device that someone else might easily take from you. So, it’s designed to disappear when you put it on. You’ll still be able to feel it and take it off whenever you wish. It will become visible again once it leaves your finger.”
“An invisible ring?” Virgil asked, studying it even more curiously now.
“Yes,” Logan said with a smile. “Full disclosure, it is designed to store your space-time coordinates for up to 48 hours, but as I said, you can take it off whenever you wish and… I promise not to use it against you.”
Virgil looked away from the ring and back up at him. “Okay,” he agreed, surprising himself with the ease at which he accepted this. “Can I put it on?”
Logan nodded, and Virgil slipped the band on his finger. As promised, it disappeared as soon as it passed his first knuckle. He could still feel its unfamiliar weight on his finger.
“You must turn it three times counterclockwise to activate the time travel,” Logan said, making Virgil look up from the seemingly empty space on his finger. “It would drop you pretty much exactly where you are sitting now if you did.”
“Thank you,” Virgil said. He did not feel those words were enough to say when gifted something as impressive as this, but he hoped his tone said enough.
“Don’t use it against me?” Logan asked with a half-smile, and only then did Virgil realize just how much trust was being put onto him. He’d just been given a device that was linked directly to their base of operations despite Virgil working with the TPI.
Virgil shook his head. “I won’t,” he swore.
Deciding to throw his nervousness and embarrassment over last time to the wind, he shot forward to kiss Logan quickly on the lips.
They bumped noses and Logan’s glasses ended up askew in the process, but Logan didn’t seem to mind judging by his delighted laugh when they parted.
“Thank you,” Virgil said again because he still didn’t know what else to say.
“You’re welcome,” Logan replied.
The ring continued to sit on Virgil’s finger, invisible but heavy even after Patton and Roman returned from the dump with the device that had caused this whole mess. It was still there when Logan turned off the distortion device and Virgil’s timepiece reactivated. The knowledge of its existence was always in the back of his mind even once he’d made it home and gave the TPI and university an excuse as to why he’d left his trip early. It would stay there even when he received an email from an “unknown sender” making sure he got home okay.
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Folds in Time Universe Master Post
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sanderssideswriting · 9 months
genuinely, why do you not like incorrect quotes?
So I have a few reasons: the first is that they're repetitive as fuck. All the same quotes, all in different fandoms. After you've seen one you've seen them all.
Secondly, and my bigger issue is that is boils characters down to the bare minimum.
here's a little example of the first incorrect quote I've found specifically searching in another fandom
A: I just electrocuted myself.
B: How... shocking. How do you feel... currently.
A: I feel kind of... amped.
C: Oh, he's fine if he's making puns.
A could be Patton. B could be Roman, C could be Logan. Now switch fandoms, I'll use pjo/hoo A is now Leo, B is Jason and C is Piper
Here's another example that I found. (also in another fandom)
A: B, you’re a jerk. Why on earth would I want to do something for you?
B: To go to heaven?
A: I don’t believe in heaven.
B: To avoid hell?
A: Have you met the people I live with? I live in hell.
A could be Janus, Virgil or Logan. B could be Roman, Patton or Remus. Switch fandoms again to pjo/hoo. A is now Nico, and B is Percy.
Repeat this over and over again and characters loose their nuance, they become the one trait they're assigned for this incorrect quotes. This is like an oversimplification, but it's what's happening with sanders sides recently. Like Roman he's just kinda a stuck up dick now. Janus is a wine mom. Logan's always getting ignored and yelling. Virgil is edgy. Remus is creepy. Patton is the little cinnamon roll who knows nothing about the world.
@rosesradio left these tags on this post I made awhile back which I think helps explain how the sides have become more fanonized in canon over the years
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hahanamegobrrrr · 2 months
If all the Sanders Sides characters were switches, what percentage of Ler/Lee would you hc them as? (Bonus points if you include Picani and Sleep)
ooooo yessss
I feel like Logan would be pretty 50/50, it would really depend on the day or what other people wanted. I think he might not have very many ler/lee moods just unprompted? but if someone asked him to tickle them or asked if they could tickle him, he'd be happy with whatever. if that makes sense?? LOL
Virgil is like 70% Lee and 30% ler. any given tickle mood is likely to be a lee one, but sometimes something will prompt the biggest ler mood ever and no one will be safe WHAHHDA
Roman is also pretty 50/50, I feel like. but he's way more likely to act on his ler moods than his lee ones. he would be really embarrassed about being lee, no matter how many times the others tell him there's no real reason to be
Patton is a super silly ler. maybe 90% ler and 10% lee? his ler moods are often and he acts on them LOL. but if he does have a lee mood he is also not embarrassed at all to find someone willing to help.
Janus would be like, 60% ler and 40% lee. I think he'd be similar to Logan in that he'd be pretty influenced by basically just whatever someone else wanted, but he would also get his own unprompted moods sometimes, and he would have slightly more ler moods than lee.
I don't know if Remus would have lee and ler moods the same way that everyone else would LOL. he would just be out to cause as much chaos as possible, and sometimes that would be by tickling everyone silly. or sometimes he would walk into a room with multiple people in a ler mood and just offer himself, watch as people fight over who gets to tickle him until they realize that they all can LOL. he'd also probably be 50/50 I think.
Picani would be mostly lee, maybe 80% lee 20% ler. he would be so very silly.
Sleep would be a super sassy ler LOL probably like 90% ler, but also sometimes wouldn't mind if someone was to take him down a peg by methods of a tickly persuasion
I think I've recognized a pattern of a lot of true 50/50 characters
sorry I didn't have as much to say on picani and sleep, I don't know their characters quite as well LOL
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immediate yes to that AU. What would the plot be? I’m not super familiar with horror tropes, but the spooky gays doing a musical together is just—right. It’d be an easy AU to slot in the others, even add in OCs depending on how large the cast is. my role ideas:
Virgil: stagehand, artist (set/costume design), writer, musician, or dramaturg. I feel like he wouldn’t want to act? Depending on how long the play is, how much needs to be done for it, how many people are involved in the process, he could take on several productive roles or just one. (which applies to the rest of this list as well). Imagine Virgil playing spooky piano though… If it was a smaller production the sound would probably be recorded clips, but even outside this AU. Imagine fanon Virgil playing piano.
Remus: writer, artist, actor, practical effects dude. I feel like Remus would play the main villain, especially if Roman played the hero. However, it’d be interesting to switch up their typical roles and have Remus play the tragic hero, and Roman gets to be the dastardly villain. As a treat. :} Either way, I love picturing him up late writing with Virgil. And I can’t be the only one who sees him getting really into the practical effects, trying to get that blood bag to spray just right.
Roman: actor. To the point where I’m struggling to think of what else he would do.
Logan: definitely a techie/stagehand (are those the same thing?) Maybe he’d handle lighting? Idk what this musical is about yet, but I know it has great (and super symbolic) lighting. I can’t really see Logan as an actor, but then again. He could also be an awesome dramaturg.
Janus: …actor? I don’t really know for him, he could be whatever the story requires him to be.
Patton: same as Janus. I did not walk into this thinking about what Patton and Janus would be. I feel like Patton would play a pretty good victim though.
After writing this out I do actually have an idea for the musical’s plot, but that’s going to be a separate ask, if I can flesh it out a bit more. (gonna see if letting it ferment in my head helps it develop, it’s pretty basic right now. And, like I said, I’m not really familiar with horror)
Fuck Y E S Horror Musical AU!!! I L O V E L O V E L O V E the roles you gave them!!! Jan and Patt definitely could be extra actors and as far as plot mayhaps it could be the spooky beloveds' first official big production? (Also no worries on not knowing Horror tropes it usually varies from murder mystery, suspense, supernatural, slashers, etc. and I'm sending you A L L the good AU vibes to be able to gain D E L I C I O U S AU K N O W L E D G E <3)
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lovelivingmydreams · 5 months
Questions about powers in your Raven Poetry AU because there is a voice in my brain that is screaming at me to learn everything possible about this world’s magic system. (Sorry if any of these were answered in an earlier chapter and I forgot about it) (and I’ve only read up to chapter 30 so if any of these are answered in a later chapter… yeah.) (also feel free to not reply at all, idc)
So, in this AU, everyone has a power, right? And they manifest/become strong enough to be noticeable during childhood. (how does that part work?) Are there any cases of people who don’t develop powers? Or whose abilities don’t develop until adulthood? Are there any really useless powers/powers with no practical applications like… idk, always switching radio stations at the right time to catch the beginning of a song? Being able to fold paper perfectly? Being able to lower the IQ of anyone within a metre radius of you by exactly 3 points? Does everyone have a completely unique power? Are some powers more common than others?
Functionally, Roman has multiple powers. But technically (and I would assume legally), he only has one. Are there people who technically do have multiple powers? Like, could someone have super strength and X ray vision with absolutely zero connection between the two?
Focusing on Roman, do his different gimmicks have some kind of time limit on them? Would they ever time out at an inconvenient moment like mid-flight? Or do they magically fade away when Roman wants them to, or when it’s safe for the power to disappear? There is an image in my head of Roman frantically trying to come up with a poem for flight while falling through the air, but (based entirely on vibes) it doesn’t seem like such a scenario would be possible. I know you’ve mentioned that he doesn’t tend to do more than two, maybe three powers at once, but that he probably could if he had to… and what would the repercussions of that be? Does conjuring powers wear him out?
Really curious about what’s going to happen with the Fortunas Trinitae (hope I spelled that right) plotline, but if any of the answers to these next questions would spoil that, probably don’t answer? Ultimately it’s up to you if you want to do spoilers though. (Might not even be spoilers, like I said I still have 20+ chapters to catch up on)
Theoretically, could Roman summon powers of wealth creation, fortune telling, and luck manipulation? Or is there a plot device that keeps that from happening? Can Roman only summon physical abilities like the angel wings and fire monster? No, right? Cause he had that study boost thing. Are there any powers that he’s unable to conjure? Can he copy powers? Can he steal powers? (Is there anyone whose power is stealing/suppressing other’s powers?)
Virgil… definitely something is up with his spidey sense. Pretty sure that it has to do with Professor Daniel’s experiment thing, and also that I’ll probably find out once I actually read the rest of the fic.
uh. yeah. I think that’s all the questions I have? If there’s anything else you feel like sharing about the magic system, PLEASE DO. No worries if you haven’t thought super far into it, I just think it’s really interesting! Sorry for the long ask, and again, no pressure to answer. Have a great day!
Hi! No worries. I got so excited when I saw all these fun questions. It means so much to me that the world is of interest to you. So let's get started: (warning long ramblings under the cut)
Yes, everyone is born with some kind of power. Some cause physical changes in the body (like Logan's tail) and those will be noticable at birth. Other powers will present themselves sooner or later. Virgil's by example is a very intuitive power so he'd be using it from very young even if he didn't understand it yet. Roman's power wouldn't show up until he developed a certain way with words and found his passion for the performing and literary arts. In my head the power can change slightly with the personality of the person. The baseline is established at birth. But by example, Logan's curious nature made him understand all the animals. Someone else with the same 'baseline' power might have just developed 'animal instincts' or develop better senses.
There is always a power. Sometimes you don't realize it is a power until later. But developing a power is as much a given as having a heart or a brain. They might not all be equal but they are all there. There are always late bloomers but that's more a late teens situation. There might have been one or two cases of adults discovering their abilities. But that's more not realizing what it was. Like how do you know your power is attracting luck? Or maybe you have healing powers but every time you just figure you didn't hurt yourself as bad as you thought until you are seriously bleeding one moment and then perfectly fine the next.
There are plenty 'useless' powers. One of Virgil's teachers always knows when it's going to rain. There'll be a character who can change the flavor of food. Mundane stuff. We didn't give the main cast any of those cuz we were having too much fun comming up with them.
There are more common powers, you'll find that telekinesis is one of the comon ones. It manifests slightly different in every user though. But Ro's dad does a good job explaining that in a later chapter so that's all I'll say on the matter for now.
There is always a connection. Wether it is obvious or not. You get one power. That power can give you multiple benefits or be used creatively (Like using telekinesis to fly). But there is always a same point of origin. Being able to use multiple powers like Roman does is Extremely rare. So no Superman's in this universe except for in the comics where the artists can take liberty with the established rules behind powers if they really want to. Superman is an alien there cuz it gives a canonical reason to why he has multiple powers that have nothing to do with each other.
About Roman's powers. I'm pretty sure we elaborated on that before, but a refresher never hurts. Roman's powers run on his emotions. That's why he got so powerful when he was upset about Virgil being kidnapped the first time. So falling out of the sky likely wouldn't happen. It would mean he went form high emotional state to perfectly calm in a second. He always knows he's running out in time. He's practiced enough to be able to tell. Speaking of practice, the more practice he has with a power the easier it is for him to summon it. His charm barely requires any energy anymore as he's used it so much to keep his secret identity. Using a lot of powers or fighting for a long time, is emotionally draining of course. He'd get exhausted if he did too much for too long.
Trinitas Fortuna: He could defenitely do that. But they'd all only work temporarily. Maybe that's good enough for TF maybe not. We'll have to wait and see. If Roman can dream it he can do it. It does help if he is familiar with the power in question though. The study boost one was improvised and gets better with time. I'd say his limits aren't in his power but in his own disposition. If he's scared or grossed out by one it likely won't manifest. So stealing someone's power would only happen if it was the only way. And it would likely not be permanent as none of his powers are permanent. We don't have an All For One in this universe and I'm inclined to keep it that way. But there might be a few who can turn other people's powers off for a bit Erasure Head style.
Virgil. You should defenitely read on for that one yeah.
Something we'd like to add... Well not sure how obvious it is in the story. But in this universe, powers have been part of the human experience since forever. Every belief system has their own spin on where they come from. Scientifically it is just accepted as fact with no difinitive answer on the how and why of it. Of course there is an attempt at categorizing cuz we're humans and our love for boxes is only outdone by cats. So there are active powers (not always happening, only when you choose too. Roman for example) Passive (Can't turn it off. Ever. Like Logan). And within those you have a sub category of Body modifications. A power that changes the body of the individual from the standard humanoid form. Those can also be active or passive. There are still powers that lie in murky waters probably with this one, but it's the best they could come up with.
@skeletinmoss anything to add?
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goldnskyart · 11 months
Skateboards and jam 3/?
This is probably my favourite thing I’ve ever written, especially the last few paragraphs, so I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I do😭
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Instinctively Roman put his arms out to catch himself, and this time it worked. His hands and knees hit the ground hard. Virgil was too caught up in his own thoughts to realize what was going on before he was on the ground, flat on his back with Roman’s hands on either side of him. His face started to flush again, accidentally locking eyes with the other, who was awkwardly leaning over him on shaky hands and knees. Those eyes truly were something special with how they kept making his heart race. Roman froze for a moment, his body screaming in pain. And on top of that this was undoubtedly the most embarrassing thing he’d ever done. ”I’m sorry.” He almost whispered, before quickly trying to get on his feet using his right hand, putting more weight on it he softly winced before smoothly switching to using the left one instead. Trying his very best to keep face and pretend nothing hurt.
Virgil's eyes widened noticing his pained expression, damn he really hurt himself this time. Worried he quickly followed him up, brushing the dirt off the back of his black jeans. But Roman got there before him, “Are you alright??” He asked, looking at him with big worried eyes. “Yeah, I’m alright, don’t worry about it.” He replied, still trying to get the stubborn dust off his pants. “Turns out this really isn’t my thing, huh?” Roman chuckled, his face burning red. He couldn’t believe he just did that, just falling was bad on its own but this, mortifying, by now he had for sure blown any shot he might have had. Maybe he should just leave now before embarrassing himself further he thought and slowly started to back away. Suddenly he felt a soft hand around his wrist. “Hey wait, come with me.” Virgil said gently but still firmly, it wasn’t a question. He had turned around to pick his board up and when he turned back Roman already started to back away from him, visibly in pain. He didn’t like to admit he was worried about him but it just wasn’t something he could allow, he couldn’t just let him leave like that when he knew he could help. He gave him a gentle smile “I think you need to sit down for a bit”, his hand still firmly locked around the other's wrist. Romans eyes slowly widened, but he followed him without protest. “Sure,” he murmured, too flustered to look directly at him. It wasn’t like he wanted to leave anyway, and as long as Virgil didn’t want him to, he'd be more than happy to stay. And they were basically holding hands, what could be better than that?
Virgil had a specific spot in mind. Most of the benches in the park were placed in the center, always used by the other skaters' bags and jackets and in the middle of the big crowd, not where they wanted to be right now. But a little hidden on the opposite side of the park there was a small concrete wall. Most used it for spray painting but it was also the perfect height for sitting, he had done so often while waiting for his friends. Virgil stopped, gently letting go of the other. “Here, have a seat.” He gestured vaguely towards the wall. Roman plopped down with a big sigh. “I guess you were right,” he chuckled, not able to keep his eyes off the skater’s nervous expression. He truly has no business being that cute.
For a moment Virgil just zoned out, staring blankly at nothing, mindlessly spinning a wheel on his skateboard. He shook his head a little, trying to snap out of it before putting the board down next to Roman’s feet. The guy really wasn’t in great shape at this point, apart from his hands the knees and forearms were covered in bleeding scrapes. He knew from experience it probably looked way worse than it was, but that didn’t mean it was good. And it certainly didn’t mean it wasn’t painful. Virgil sighed as he sat down on the ground right in front of him, getting not one but two packs of bandaids out of one pocket and a bandage from the other one. It felt a bit embarrassing to admit he was always carrying those around, but he had needed them enough times that it started to feel justified. Roman tilted his head in confusion as he realized that he was sitting down on the ground instead of next to him on the wall, eyes widened seeing Virgil get a bunch of bandaids out. “You really don’t have to-“ he began but was swiftly interrupted by the other looking up at him. “No, I do.” He said and gave him a gentle smile before continuing, “I have the time and the stuff and you clearly need it so why wouldn’t I?” He pointed out while opening the first pack of bandaids. “Unless you need to go soon of course-“ he quickly added, the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. Roman aggressively shook his head at that, “No no no, I don’t, I can stay all night if I wanna.” He let out a little laugh, “I just didn’t expect you to want to do that- there’s gotta be more fun things you could do.” Virgil shrugged, “nah not really- besides this is kinda calming..” He felt his face heating up but he didn’t quite understand why, it was true, nothing to be embarrassed about.
“Well if you say so” Roman chuckled. He didn’t like admitting that he needed help but he probably did, and the fact that Virgil wanted to take care of him made his heart flutter a little. Gently Virgil started to place some bandaids, trying to be light on the hand to avoid any unnecessary pain. “How come you just have all this with you?” Roman asked, genuinely curious, he had never met anyone who carried anything more than a couple stray bandaids for emergencies. Virgil tensed up a bit at the question “I just like being prepared, you never know when you’ll need them” he replied, trying hard to avoid looking at the other. And he seemed to accept that answer, they sat there in silence for a while, Virgil slowly working his way up from knees to arms. Using up every last band aid. He couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the sight of him, not unlike a toddler who just fell off a bike for the first time. Hurting himself that much was almost skillful.
“So, which hand?” Virgil asked, bluntly but not harsh, finally looking up towards him again. Roman chuckled nervously, “I don’t know what you’re talking-“ he was interrupted by a stern stare, accompanied by a hand reaching out towards him, telling him to just quit his bullshit. He sighed, “alright,” giving him his right hand, for some reason he was more embarrassed about this than the scrapes covering most of his legs. And the thought of him gently holding his hand made him blush furiously. “You can move it right?” Virgil carefully took his hand “Mhm.” Roman nodded, it did hurt but it absolutely wasn’t that bad. “Good.” He smiled a little and gently started to put the bandage on, for some reason holding his hand like this made him feel weird. For a moment he stayed quiet before he let out a sigh “I feel like I should probably tell you this..“ Stopping for a moment, eyes fixed on the ground beside him. “You do know I can’t actually skate very well, right? Better than you, but like I’m still very much a beginner.” He laughed a little to himself, glancing up at the other. Roman stared up at him with wide eyes, the thought hadn’t ever crossed his mind. But thinking about it, he hadn’t actually ever seen Virgil on his board, he was always carrying it around or sitting on it, but never actually using it.
Virgil swallowed hard, he couldn’t read that expression at all, maybe he should’ve just stayed silent. Not that he cared about what this guy thought of him, he just didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of him. “Well that explains the band aids then.” Roman laughed softly and gave him a gentle smile, the skater couldn’t help but also laugh a little at that. “It’s true, I do usually need them myself.. but never quite that many.” He chuckled, a weight lifted from his chest. Roman laughed with him and briefly Virgil stopped and turned to look at him, immediately regretting it. His laugh was the most breathtakingly beautiful thing, and the sun perfectly hit his golden brown hair and soft cheekbones to make him look absolutely radiant. And his eyes, oh god his eyes, a soft honey color gently sparkling in the sun, he’d never seen anything like it. Quickly he looked away again, face flushed Finally he had realized what was going on. Putting the rest of the bandage on wasn’t easy, suddenly he was hyper aware of everything he did, and holding the other’s hand in his made him almost nauseous from the rush of feelings. He absolutely did care what this boy thought of him.
Thankfully for him, Roman had gotten started talking and was barely stopping for him to respond. So he could comfortably just sit and admire him for a while as the golden light danced across his face, his soft hand gently resting in Virgil’s, trying to come to terms with his new feelings. He knew he was a little out of touch with his emotions, but missing this massive crush was strange even for him. He really thought the nerd was just getting on his nerves. Maybe it was for the best though, if he had felt like this he never would’ve approached him, ever. Now he at least got a chance.
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myapathyhaspeaked · 12 hours
Platonic Sides Week Day 4: Inside Jokes
Back in the day, yearly Halloween decorations were less holiday fun and more a force of nature. The Core Sides would wake up on October first to find the Mindscape common room covered in gore and grime. Blood seeped from the floorboards, and impressions of haunting faces were pressed into the wall. Posters for horror movies were plastered all over, and cobwebs crowded each corner. It was the result of Virgil and Remus sneaking in late at night. Inspired by Virgil listing off the scariest things he could think of, the Duke would bring it all to metaphysical reality.
But then Virgil was accepted, and instead of ambushing them, he was invited to collaborate with Roman. The decor wasn’t nearly as scary, now consisting of cheery jack-o-lantern lights and plastic skeletons, but now that they had more than a late night raid to set up (and Remus wasn’t involved) it was a lot more cohesive, and the others could tell that real thought was put into how it was all arranged. Unlike before, when it looked like the Exorcist throwing up everywhere scene equivalent of a Spirit Halloween. It was also a lot more relaxing for Virgil, who didn’t have to face the consequences of telling Remus of all people (why did he used to think that was a good idea?) what he saw as shit-your-pants worthy the morning after. And despite what one might expect from someone who loved making himself a nuisance and inviting himself where he wasn’t welcome, Remus didn’t crash the decorating or switch out the cartoony ghost banners for goopy intestines. He just went back to his tower in the Imagination, and did his worst.
Because of recent “developments”, they were now making an effort to not force any Side out (though some were more excited about this prospect than others). Since Halloween was soon approaching, Virgil had hesitantly decided to dig up an old tradition, and invited the Duke to join Roman and him in decorating. After all, with two Creativities bouncing ideas off each other and two safer Sides to keep His Disgrace in check, it had to turn out great, right?
Yeah that silly idea was thrown out the window as soon as the twins’ opposing tastes lead to them butting heads.
“Why the hell would I use plastic knives? This isn’t a school cafeteria, I’m using high-quality, stainless steel, blood covered knives!”
“You’d use plastic knives because we don’t want someone to poke their eye out!” Roman argued. In his defense, he wasn’t suggesting they use the dinky plastic knives found in fast food restaurants that can’t actually cut anything, but plastic molded to look like the kind of bloody knives you’d see in cartoons, with bright red blood painted onto a right triangle on a stick. 
“Maybe you would, but I have some goddamn artistic integrity. The glorious season of Halloween deserves nothing less than real knives.”
Having had enough, and really needing a hand with hanging up the witch on a broomstick, Virgil decided to get involved (which was never a good idea, but being smart was Logan’s job).
“Yeah, because we totally want a repeat of Crochet Night,” he interrupted with a snicker as he struggled to get a loop of string onto one of the hooks they’d stuck onto the ceiling. It didn’t help that he really didn’t feel safe standing on a chair for this, so he was shaking a bit.
“Crochet Night?” Roman asked, interest evident in his voice, because one would assume that crocheting was a very mundane activity, the kind of thing you’d expect grannies to do while talking about the latest bingo game. But the combination of yarn, needles, Remus, free time, and perhaps a lack of supervision had some interesting possabilities, and he was intrigued.
“It’s a long story,” Virgil answered, and he wasn’t lying. It would be a task of its own to even describe the end result.
“Yeah dude, get your own fucking noodle incident!” Remus jeered, stabbing some rusty nails in the wall to hang decorations from. The nice thing about the Mindscape was that they didn’t have to bother finding a stud.
“Excuse me, Rudey Gloom and I have so many ‘noodle incidents!’ Just last week was spaghetti Sunday!” the Prince protested, and Virgil just shook his head and went back to trying to hang the witch (because that’s how it actually happened). He’d explain it later.
It was a while later, and they were debating if adding fake eyeballs to the blood red Hawaiian punch was too much. In Remus’ opinion, there was no such thing as too many eyeballs, but the others didn’t fully trust him not to put in real ones. Maybe one of two though, ones that they verified were just ping pong balls or something before they were put in, that might be fun.
One might think the first week of October is too early to start putting out party snacks. But since food in the Mindscape didn’t expire unless they (just Remus really) wanted it to, a table of them served just fine as decoration.
“We could make them outta jelly, then it would be like eating an actual one.”
Roman cringed at his brother’s suggestion, before hiding his face behind a sip from a red solo cup. Yes, like in the movies.
“I’m pretty sure you’re the only person who’d want that,” Virgil said, setting down a tray of those sprinkle covered sugar cookies that have pictures of pumpkins and ghosts on them.
“You say that,” the Prince replied, looking more excited than the situation called for.
“You say that,” Virgil mirrored, laughter barely contained by the grin on his face.
“What the fuck are you two saying?”
“Oh, it’s uh…” he trailed off, because really to understand he’d need to explain about five weeks’ worth of context, the history of ferrets, and the plot of an obscure kids’ show episode.
“You had to be there, Angus Boredom!” Roman boasted, gesturing his solo cup at his brother. Remus groaned, wanting more than ever to know what that was all about now that he was being denied the knowledge.
Several minutes later, Virgil gawked when he walked in with paper mâché supplies to see the twins working together to stick spooky gel stickers to the ceiling. Them working together for once wasn’t what he was reacting to, though that was also unusual. No, the real weirdness was that Roman was sitting on his brother’s shoulders.
“Hey Emo,” Remus waved, causing Roman to brace himself against the ceiling so he wouldn’t fall off. “You got the sauce?”
“For the last time, glue is not a condiment. And what are you two doing?”
“Uh, isn’t it obvious?” Roman asked as he removed the backing from a squishy spider sticker. “We’re putting up stickers. They glow in the dark, it’ll be fabulous!”
“I can see that, I’m not blind,” he rolled his eyes. “Couldn’t you use a ladder or something?”
“Nah, do you know how many people die from ladders? This is much safer,” he answered, and normally Virgil would argue that there was no way that was true. But really? They were quite good at it. Roman could stretch and reach and maneuver however he needed to, and Remus had no problem adjusting so they didn’t come crashing down. And, as long as he was given a bit of warning, Remus could stroll over to where they needed to be next and Roman wouldn’t so much as sway, balancing himself with his twin’s gait. It was obvious they had done this before. Multiple times.
“When did you even learn how to do that?” he queried, because before Remus revealed himself to Thomas, a majority of the interactions he used to see between the Creativities consisted of medieval duels.
“Oh, well we were on this quest in the Imagination,” Roman began, and that was already a plot twist. Last he checked, each brother was banned from the other’s side unless given explicit permission to enter. Of course, that didn’t mean the rule was actually followed (it wasn’t). But before he could continue, steam started escaping from his ears.
“Unfortunately, a wizard banned us from ever saying what happened that day, so it’s a pain in the ass to explain. I’d try writing it down, but I don’t want my morningstar to be dyed pink.” Usually Remus was immune to curses, since he didn’t mind if horrible or weird things happened to him. But the bastard of a wizard had personalized the curse to do things that actually bugged him, like covering his sketchbooks in cute cat stickers. He was tempted to donate it to Patton, but the paternal Side probably wouldn’t have been too appreciative of the drawings within.
Virgil looked up from where he was spreading out a tarp in preparation for the messy craft. “So I’ll never know?” The twins just shrugged in unison.
“Eh, I guess that’s fair. Three Sides, three things we refuse to explain, all checks out.”
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And Another AU Enters the Ring!
You can blame @rataticaisdreaming and @starshard17 for this. They got me hooked on CookieRun: Kingdom and on Last Cookie Standing. So, here's a freakin' au.
(I finished it, and omg-)
This au is the CookieRun Sides AU! It will be an au based on the show Last Cookie Standing, a gameshow-style webseries on YT. Here's a link for the first episode if ya want to check it out. This basically sprouted from watching the show. For now, it's just which cookie I think the Sides would be.
Who Would be Who?
Roman/Roman would be Caramel Arrow Cookie.
Logan/Logan would be Espresso Cookie.
Patton/Patton would be Cream Unicorn Cookie.
Virgil/Virgil would be Licorice Cookie*.
Janus/Janus would be Affagato Cookie.
Remus/Remus would be Milky Way Cookie*.
And of course, because my moots got me hooked on the damn rareship, this will be a False Dreams/False Dreams (Affagato x Cream Unicorn) and Moceit/Moceit (Janus x Patton) au. Have fun with this!
[bonus under the cut]
I just think Remy (Sleep) could also be Milky Way Cookie. To me, Remus and Remy have similar vibes. Either way, Milky Way is hilarious.
A few others that remind me of Remus a little bit (though not in Last Cookie Standing), are Poison Mushroom Cookie and Pumpkin Pie Cookie. Each in their own ways. Not exactly/completely like Remus, but close enough.
And Virgil is Licorice Cookie because it's funny, and they both try really hard. Also because of something his English VA talked about; how Licorice tried something that didn't work out, so he turned to something else that's working better for him. He's like a pathetic wet cat and I love him (lmao). Also, both Virgil and Licorice have a tendency to get defensive, especially when either of them realizes you're making fun of them.
*Edit: may switch these? I can also kinda picture them switched, so we'll see.
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logarhythm-bees · 1 month
The Carousel Kingdom 🏰 CH4 The Great Divide
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Virgil cannot do this.
After breakfast, Patton had suggested that they had packed up a couple travel bags just in case, and while Virgil had agreed initially, he was now regretting most of the decisions he had made in the previous 24 hours. Curse his need for new furniture and his cheap budget and his interest in cool old gothic looking carousels. He didn’t like packing, or traveling, and he super didn’t like the idea of going into another world, but he was going to suck it up and do it anyways, because Roman complimented his pancakes and unfortunately had pretty eyes that made Virgil want to fix whatever was putting sadness into them. 
The doorbell rang, which meant Patton was back from his own apartment. He’d taken Roman with him because apparently, in addition to pancakes, Innova did not have things like cars, and people there traveled by animals or by magic. Virgil wished he was so lucky as to not have to pay for gasoline all the time. 
However, Virgil was not so lucky, as he did have to pay for gas, and also Patton was there and ready to go into another dimension and Virgil had been standing in his bedroom holding a bag containing three band t-shirts while staring at a pair of socks for the last fifteen minutes. 
The doorbell rang again, and Virgil jumped to action, shoving his basic necessities and then pretty much every article of clothing within reach into the backpack and sprinting towards the doorway.
“Hi,” Virgil said, while definitely not still trying to cram a hoodie into the bag. 
“Virgil,” Patton said softly, moving his hand from where it had been poised over the doorbell ready to ring it again, “You could have told me if you needed help.”
Virgil shrugged. Patton took the backpack from him and came inside, unzipping the contents and emptying them on the coffee table to refold. “Where’s Roman?” Virgil asked. 
“Experiencing the joys of adjustable car seats,” Patton said, folding up the hoodie and placing it into the bag. “They were so excited by the glove compartment, y’know? It’s glove-ly to see them being excited about things,” he winked. 
“Yeeaah.” Virgil said, watching intently as Patton folded things and put them back in the backpack, picking up a shirt of their own to help. “Anything about…their world? Besides the lack of cars and pancakes?”
“I think they’re trying not to think about it.” Patton replied, folding another shirt. “They mostly just asked about how cars work and raved about your cooking.” 
“That good, huh?”
“Your pancakes are great, Virge. You’re syrup-sly talented!” Patton said, tucking a pair of jeans into the bag as Virgil placed the last shirt on top. “And besides,” Patton whispered, as if they weren’t the only two in the apartment anyways, “I think they really appreciated you showing that kindness to them. You wanted to help them feel better in any way you could, and I think it meant a lot after waking up somewhere they didn’t recognize.” Patton, switching from his genuine tone to a lighter one, giggled. “A choco-lot!”
“Right.” Virgil said, swinging his backpack on. “We’re taking your truck?”
“Righto!” Patton said, taking Virgil’s arm comfortingly and leading him outside. “Onwards!”
Roman, true to Patton’s word, was moving the front seat of the truck back and forth curiously. “There’s no magic involved in this, you say?” Roman asked.
“Only the magic of hydraulics and electricity,” Virgil said. 
Roman contemplated this. “I’ve never heard of hydraulics. Is it like telekinesis?”
 “No, it- it was a joke,” Virgil explained, putting himself and his bag into the backseat. “Hydraulics aren’t magic-magic, they’re like, compressed water and valves and stuff.”
“Oh.” Roman said. “I know what electricity is, though! Logan says it’s how the non-magic light bulbs work. I know there’s something about a current involved?”
“Yeah, that’s how electricity works here too,” Virgil said as Patton started driving to the junkyard. “How does telekinesis work? I mean, we have the concept of it, but it doesn’t exist yet in this world.”
“Well, it’s a skill, and not a spell,” Roman said, which didn’t make a lot of sense to Virgil. “Magic users can use their ambient magic to move stuff around. It’s really cool!” Roman fiddled with his thumbs. “Logan was starting to teach me how to use it, but I can’t quite do it yet.”
“It’s cool either way,” Virgil replied, which made Roman smile, which made Virgil feel warm inside. He promptly looked out of the window at the buildings going by, imagining a little guy jumping over them as Roman began to chatter with Patton in the front seat about how the air vents worked.
“We’re here,” Patton said after a while, the truck pulling onto a dirt road and then stopping, the engine shutting off as Patton took the keys and hopped out, rushing to the other side to assist Roman with the step. “Let’s see if we can figure out how to get you home, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Roman said. “It was…a carousel where you found me?”
“Over here,” Virgil said, having hopped out of the truck to head to where they’d been yesterday. “Hopefully it didn’t get buried or moved, I don’t know if they do junkyard maintenance or somethin’.”
Roman nodded understandingly, but Patton picked up a shoe from the ground. “I dunno Virge, I think that would de-feet the purpose!”
“Put that down, Patton, it’s gross,” Virgil prodded light-heartedly. He walked around a pile of rebar and wood, stepping just out of sight. “It’s still here, anyways.”
Roman sprinted around the pile, tail swishing behind them. “Whoah.”
“That’s what I thought, too,” Virgil said, as Patton came to join them. 
“I would love to admire it, were we not on a mission here.” Roman said, stepping closer to the carousel. “It’s..”
They stopped a few inches far of touching it, but fingers extended towards the center pillar, covered in old but beautiful art of grassy fields and a castle.
“This painting,” Roman said, breathless, “this is Innova.”
“It is?” Virgil asks. Roman nods.
“This castle, the greenery…” Roman whispers. “They can take me out of it, but I’d recognize my kingdom anywhere.”
Their fingers drift closer, moving wistfully towards the castle. Roman’s skin comes in contact with the paint, though, and the quiet moment is broke, suddenly, by the carousel coming alight. The painting becomes vibrant and alive, and music comes from somewhere inside as the horses gleam, the old and chipped coats becoming new and clean.
Beneath Roman’s hand, the painting of Innova ripples and opens, and the two worlds rejoin.
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anxiousgaypanicking · 2 months
sure why not?
so roman being arthur. logan being sally. patton being ollie. virgil being margaret. janus being uncle jack. let me explain.
there was never any doubt roman would be arthur. he's an inherently selfish character - its his entire personality! he took care of his disabled brother, but ultimately abandoned him on a train alone when he switched their passports. (the only real issue here is that percy was older than arthur, which is how arthur got away with using his passport, but we can say remus and roman are irish twins since thomas/the fandom celebrates their "birthdays" on different days anyway lmao). holds childish resentment for sally for doing something that truly she had no choice but to do (bitter exes, much?) but still comes to him for help anyway, only to abandon her when she can't leave immediately. when he eventually escapes, he's still given the choice to go back and forget, and live his life in oblivion
logan as sally is something i truly was back and forth on. both patton and logan would be great as sally for different reasons, but i decided i liked patton as ollie more. sally is great with chemicals, but also has a baby. she sleeps with the general for favors, while also supplying him and the constables drugs that they threaten her over. while taking care of her baby is what her gameplay generally centers around, shes a very self-sufficient character, and very smart, getting herself out of negative encounters with the general on separate occasions!
patton as ollie, whos mind has been so fucked by drugs that he hallucinates his supposed dead daughter. but margaret isnt his daughter, and is instead uncle jacks daughter, whom he got killed out of spite after uncle jack was making comments about the war. after this, he felt so guilty that he took a ton of drugs to make him forget it. he hates uncle jack with a passion, but is inevitably the one to expose uncle jacks last show where he implores everyone to go off their joy (a pill that makes them happy)
virgil as margaret - uncle jacks dead daughter. she's ollie's voice of reason, even though she's mainly a hallucination. ollie got her killed - not intending to, but it being done anyway - and so she sort of haunts his mind until he eventually overcomes this grief, remembers what he's done, and plays uncle jacks last show
and janus as uncle jack. he's a tv personality who interacts with sent-in questions, gives advice for living in the town, talks about joy, and in his last show - after margaret has been killed - exposes the town for starving to death because the joy keeps them from even realizing theyre hungry. he goes from a charming, charismatic face to someone distraught by reality. he also argued against surrendering during the war, which is what eventually led to his daughter - who he was hiding, after the town demanded that everyone's children be sent on a train over to germany - being found and killed
anyway yeah idk i love the story of we happy few sm and think the sanders sides characters fit so neatly into it <3
victoria byng was another character i thought either janus or patton could be. she's the one who initially made joy, and after no one was taking it, spiked the water supply with it so people would get addicted to joy even if they didn't want to. eventually she's forced off her own joy by ollie and realizes that the town is in ruins because of joy and so eventually destroys it all which people hate her for because what gives her the right, though they do eventually realize they were all going to die if they stay on it
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theoncelee · 1 year
Yknow I’ve been here awhile it’s time I actually make one of these:
Hi! I’m Tree!
This is an SFW tickle blog! I’m 17, so keep that in mind when interacting with me. I’m a full time college student and I live on campus. I use he series pronouns. Been going by Tree on here so you can call me that, but my real name is Nathan and a buncha ppl call me Nat so any of those are fine tbh. I won’t say my exact location but I live in the US.
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Adults CAN interact
NSFW accounts can NOT
If your acc is 18+, idc if you’re SFW or NSFW please DNI. If I can’t interact with you, don’t interact with me.
Dms are OPEN (please dm me I want friends)
If you’re over 25 or under 13 maybe don’t dm me unless it’s important because it starts getting weird.
Ask box is OPEN for anyone to send friendly asks or genuine questions. Please don’t send teases unless I know you personally. If you’d like to get to know me, my dms and ask box are open to friendly conversation starters. Teasing ain’t the way to start a friendship.
If I DO know you and you’d like to send a tease in my ask box, I’d prefer you do it off anon. Otherwise I won’t know it’s you and I could think it’s some random stranger.
Requests are OPEN for both fics and art (pls specify which if you send a request and also specify if you want tickles or not)
Fics and Art:
Nothing NSFW
Nothing non-con
No promises on timing I’m both very busy and very slow
No fandoms that I’m not familiar with (if you’re unsure just ask)
JJBA (parts 1-3 only so far)
Hazbin Hotel
Stranger things
Sanders sides
Umbrella Academy
Harry Potter MAYBE
Frequent tags to search or block:
“non tickles” or “non tks” = content not tickle related
“tickle community” “tickle fic” “tfb” = tickle/tickle community related content
“Tree’s bs” = random thoughts or a rant
“Tree’s frens” = my friends being awesome/adorable
“moot moment” = exactly what it sounds like. A moment with mutuals in it.
“my fics” = a fic I’ve written
My fics:
A Paper Alternative (Lee!Bakugo Ler!Kirishima)
A Different Kind of Bet (Lee!Virgil Ler!Roman)
Merry Chanukkah (Switch!Logan Switch!Roman)
SS2k23 Submission (Switch!Bakugou Switch!Kirishima)
Honest (a story I wrote for a friend that I decided to post)
Not into tickling? Check out @imawalnat for silly reblogs and poetry!
Have a fabulous day and be sure to drink a snack and eat plenty of water :)
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