#Oooh I loved gushing about this world so much!!!
lovelivingmydreams · 4 months
Questions about powers in your Raven Poetry AU because there is a voice in my brain that is screaming at me to learn everything possible about this world’s magic system. (Sorry if any of these were answered in an earlier chapter and I forgot about it) (and I’ve only read up to chapter 30 so if any of these are answered in a later chapter… yeah.) (also feel free to not reply at all, idc)
So, in this AU, everyone has a power, right? And they manifest/become strong enough to be noticeable during childhood. (how does that part work?) Are there any cases of people who don’t develop powers? Or whose abilities don’t develop until adulthood? Are there any really useless powers/powers with no practical applications like… idk, always switching radio stations at the right time to catch the beginning of a song? Being able to fold paper perfectly? Being able to lower the IQ of anyone within a metre radius of you by exactly 3 points? Does everyone have a completely unique power? Are some powers more common than others?
Functionally, Roman has multiple powers. But technically (and I would assume legally), he only has one. Are there people who technically do have multiple powers? Like, could someone have super strength and X ray vision with absolutely zero connection between the two?
Focusing on Roman, do his different gimmicks have some kind of time limit on them? Would they ever time out at an inconvenient moment like mid-flight? Or do they magically fade away when Roman wants them to, or when it’s safe for the power to disappear? There is an image in my head of Roman frantically trying to come up with a poem for flight while falling through the air, but (based entirely on vibes) it doesn’t seem like such a scenario would be possible. I know you’ve mentioned that he doesn’t tend to do more than two, maybe three powers at once, but that he probably could if he had to… and what would the repercussions of that be? Does conjuring powers wear him out?
Really curious about what’s going to happen with the Fortunas Trinitae (hope I spelled that right) plotline, but if any of the answers to these next questions would spoil that, probably don’t answer? Ultimately it’s up to you if you want to do spoilers though. (Might not even be spoilers, like I said I still have 20+ chapters to catch up on)
Theoretically, could Roman summon powers of wealth creation, fortune telling, and luck manipulation? Or is there a plot device that keeps that from happening? Can Roman only summon physical abilities like the angel wings and fire monster? No, right? Cause he had that study boost thing. Are there any powers that he’s unable to conjure? Can he copy powers? Can he steal powers? (Is there anyone whose power is stealing/suppressing other’s powers?)
Virgil… definitely something is up with his spidey sense. Pretty sure that it has to do with Professor Daniel’s experiment thing, and also that I’ll probably find out once I actually read the rest of the fic.
uh. yeah. I think that’s all the questions I have? If there’s anything else you feel like sharing about the magic system, PLEASE DO. No worries if you haven’t thought super far into it, I just think it’s really interesting! Sorry for the long ask, and again, no pressure to answer. Have a great day!
Hi! No worries. I got so excited when I saw all these fun questions. It means so much to me that the world is of interest to you. So let's get started: (warning long ramblings under the cut)
Yes, everyone is born with some kind of power. Some cause physical changes in the body (like Logan's tail) and those will be noticable at birth. Other powers will present themselves sooner or later. Virgil's by example is a very intuitive power so he'd be using it from very young even if he didn't understand it yet. Roman's power wouldn't show up until he developed a certain way with words and found his passion for the performing and literary arts. In my head the power can change slightly with the personality of the person. The baseline is established at birth. But by example, Logan's curious nature made him understand all the animals. Someone else with the same 'baseline' power might have just developed 'animal instincts' or develop better senses.
There is always a power. Sometimes you don't realize it is a power until later. But developing a power is as much a given as having a heart or a brain. They might not all be equal but they are all there. There are always late bloomers but that's more a late teens situation. There might have been one or two cases of adults discovering their abilities. But that's more not realizing what it was. Like how do you know your power is attracting luck? Or maybe you have healing powers but every time you just figure you didn't hurt yourself as bad as you thought until you are seriously bleeding one moment and then perfectly fine the next.
There are plenty 'useless' powers. One of Virgil's teachers always knows when it's going to rain. There'll be a character who can change the flavor of food. Mundane stuff. We didn't give the main cast any of those cuz we were having too much fun comming up with them.
There are more common powers, you'll find that telekinesis is one of the comon ones. It manifests slightly different in every user though. But Ro's dad does a good job explaining that in a later chapter so that's all I'll say on the matter for now.
There is always a connection. Wether it is obvious or not. You get one power. That power can give you multiple benefits or be used creatively (Like using telekinesis to fly). But there is always a same point of origin. Being able to use multiple powers like Roman does is Extremely rare. So no Superman's in this universe except for in the comics where the artists can take liberty with the established rules behind powers if they really want to. Superman is an alien there cuz it gives a canonical reason to why he has multiple powers that have nothing to do with each other.
About Roman's powers. I'm pretty sure we elaborated on that before, but a refresher never hurts. Roman's powers run on his emotions. That's why he got so powerful when he was upset about Virgil being kidnapped the first time. So falling out of the sky likely wouldn't happen. It would mean he went form high emotional state to perfectly calm in a second. He always knows he's running out in time. He's practiced enough to be able to tell. Speaking of practice, the more practice he has with a power the easier it is for him to summon it. His charm barely requires any energy anymore as he's used it so much to keep his secret identity. Using a lot of powers or fighting for a long time, is emotionally draining of course. He'd get exhausted if he did too much for too long.
Trinitas Fortuna: He could defenitely do that. But they'd all only work temporarily. Maybe that's good enough for TF maybe not. We'll have to wait and see. If Roman can dream it he can do it. It does help if he is familiar with the power in question though. The study boost one was improvised and gets better with time. I'd say his limits aren't in his power but in his own disposition. If he's scared or grossed out by one it likely won't manifest. So stealing someone's power would only happen if it was the only way. And it would likely not be permanent as none of his powers are permanent. We don't have an All For One in this universe and I'm inclined to keep it that way. But there might be a few who can turn other people's powers off for a bit Erasure Head style.
Virgil. You should defenitely read on for that one yeah.
Something we'd like to add... Well not sure how obvious it is in the story. But in this universe, powers have been part of the human experience since forever. Every belief system has their own spin on where they come from. Scientifically it is just accepted as fact with no difinitive answer on the how and why of it. Of course there is an attempt at categorizing cuz we're humans and our love for boxes is only outdone by cats. So there are active powers (not always happening, only when you choose too. Roman for example) Passive (Can't turn it off. Ever. Like Logan). And within those you have a sub category of Body modifications. A power that changes the body of the individual from the standard humanoid form. Those can also be active or passive. There are still powers that lie in murky waters probably with this one, but it's the best they could come up with.
@skeletinmoss anything to add?
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
warnings: none!
a/n: i have arisen from the dead with this blurb instead of actually finishing the two other series i have... anyway! this was so cute to write hehe
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luke, to put it simply, was a pack horse.
he had been dragged around the shopping complex all morning, bags of snacks and clothes adorned his arms and he had never been happier.
the reason for his happiness was the excited girl rushing back to him with a candle in hand gushing over the smell. "luke! luke! ahh smell this one!" she places the candle under his nose and, yep sure enough, its vanilla. your favorite scent.
nearly all of the candles you've picked out this morning have been some variation of vanilla; french vanilla, caramel & vanilla, coffee & vanilla, light vanilla- what even is that?
"oooh we've got to get these! look at them, they're adorable!" she says picking up a pack of heart shaped tea-light candles and placing them in lukes arms.
after he pays - he will always insist on paying no matter how much she argues - when his girlfriend notices a bookstore across from the current one they're in, she takes off dragging him behind her and exclaiming how they must go in there.
a smile appears on lukes face as he watches her's light up with joy while she flicks through books and spins back between the shelf and him chattering excitedly about each book. the girl - y/n, his y/n, was so wrapped up in her little world that she barely noticed when luke slipped away and scoured the aisles looking for a book that he think you'd like.
he found two, both with pretty covers - which she loves - and both written by authors she loves.
"luke?" the girls tentative voice fills the store, and he quickly spins around finding his way back to her.
"hey you," he says his voice low and adoring when he sees the worry on her face before she notices him. "i'm here."
"hey," she breathes, coming to a stop in front of him. "you disappeared." she hesitates a little, "i'm sorry for dragging you around all day, i know this isn't your cup of tea."
luke softly smiles down at her placing the bags on the floor next to him and he wraps his arms around her waist. "baby, i could be completely covered in bags and it wouldn't matter, you're here so im here."
y/n's eyes fill with so much love and she leans in to place a soft kiss on luke's lips. "i love you so much," she whispers.
luke grins and picks up the bags letting her lead the way to the counter, "oh wait i forgot to get that book!" his girlfriend says, "be right back!" luke discreetly picks up the books and pays for them before the before she comes back.
the girl appears again with another book and smiles brightly at luke when he pays and then allows him to lead her out of the store and to their car.
when they're both home that night snuggled up in bed luke leans over the edge and picks up the two books he had bought earlier.
"luke!" his girlfriend shrieks peppering with kisses when she sees the books. "you're my favorite human i swear. i love you so much."
"not as much as i love you," luke hums kissing the top of her head as she settles into him. "read to me," he whispers.
your calming voice fills the quiet room and luke presses a heartbreakingly adoring kiss to the top of your head.
"not as much as me."
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quickspinner · 5 months
Do you have any hidden gem fics or lesser known authors you would recommend for Lukanette?
I'm not going to lie, it's way easier to call to mind friends' fics so the same names tend to pop up when I'm trying to think of recommendations, so this is a great question. I don't really want to claim these are 'hidden gems' or 'lesser known authors' just because they're not in the circle of authors I hear from and talk to frequently, so let's put it this way: here's some works I love that haven't come up in the recs I've been asked for recently.
(full disclosure some of them are still written by friends 😂 but may be older or don't get as much love as I think they deserve)
I don't know tumblr names for most of these authors so I can't tag them but if you recognize your fic here and would like to be tagged, shoot me a message or leave a reply and I'll edit the post to add it.
A Discordant Song by Bounemr (this one is not heavy on the lukanette but I still love it)
Standing Here All Alone by Thistle_and_Thorns
Cherry Blossoms at Midnight by FrivolousFlare
The Feel of Music by Renigan
Juleka vs. the Forces of the Universe by @goldenlaurelleaveswrites
Drunk Talks (and Sober Confessions) by @chrwrites
Saltinette by @freedom-shamrock
if you know, you know by RenderedReversed 
i'm in a world apart (a world where roses bloom) by nonbinarynino (STILL one of my absolute favorite ever stories)
In Vino Veritas by Marie_Chambers
The Hope of it All by Marie_Chambers
Crowned by @semi-slaughtomatic
Five-Minute Time Machine by L3245
Wingwoman by @mintaka14
So, You Met Tchaikovsky? by @mamanabeille
The Swan Song of One Marinette Dupain-Cheng by Wolfsbaene
the reason you stay by @eat0crow
Ewww... Not even dead by @bloody-writes
Acmé by @astronavigatrix
Or I could Just Kiss You... by @livrever
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang (Lukanette Week 2019) by @semi-slaughtomatic
Brave New World: Lukanette Week 2019 by seasonofthegeek
Chai Tea and Fresh Starts by @freedom-shamrock (I still looooove this one)
Awards and Appreciation by whatarubberchicken
music to knit a broken heart by Nanimok 
In Between the Metro by damagectrl
Okay, disclaimer on this one: It is adrienette endgame, but I enjoy the Lukanette part of it so much that I'm listing it anyway. When I reread, I just stop before they breakup. I don't know that this kind of recommendation would actually be appreciated, so apologies to the author. 😂 More of What Was Once Mine by RavenclawPianist 
Oooh and I haven't read this one myself yet but friends are gushing about it so I'm reccing it based on that: Hunted by the Night Light by hislittlelady (NSFW)
Have fun! and be sure to leave the authors a comment, I'm sure they'd love it.
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animeomegas · 1 year
What if the alpha in MHA isn't a hero or famous person in general? And they met their omega when they already are an adult. How would the omega show their alpha to the paparazzi? OR MAYBE they try to hide their private life?
Oooh, interesting!
Keeps his alpha as far away from the paparazzi as possible. Never mentions anything in interviews, only picks dates at home or places you won't be disturbed, either no or heavily edited social media
Bakugou, for sure. The world knows he has an alpha that he's committed to, and they probably know what the alpha looks like, but that's it. It's his business, no one else's.
Shinsou. He's an underground hero, so he doesn't mess with paparazzi at all. For his and his alpha's safety, they both keep a very low profile.
Aizawa for much the same reasons as above.
Toshinori (post-retirement) loves to keep his relationship and family as lowkey as possible. He doesn't want any media outlet to know he's even mated. It's too risky for their safety, but also, he thrives being Toshinori, not All Might, in his own home and he doesn't want those lines to start blending.
Tamaki clams up when the public start prying into his personal life.
Finds a happy medium. Likes to brag about and post photos of their alpha sometimes, but still enjoys the privacy that comes come keeping strict boundaries.
Midoriya falls into this category, for sure. As number one, keeping his alpha a secret would be near impossible, so instead he tries to maintain healthy boundaries. He enjoys gushing over his partner in interview and getting fan art with his alpha in it, so he likes this balance.
Mic. I know it might seem like he should go in the 'no privacy' category, but I actually think that Mic is really good at saying a lot, but also not saying anything at all. Like he gushes about his partner all the time on the radio, but when you go to the partner section of his wiki, it's surprisingly empty, because he keeps a lot of information to his chest. It helps that he doesn't get recognised much when he's out of costume too.
I think Iida falls here too. His whole family are famous heroes and I think his PR team at the very least would play on that a lot with an active (but well curated) social media about Iida's life. Fancy events, birthdays, family gatherings, things like that, so his alpha would definitely pop up. He like to keep interviews on his heroics though.
Never stops talking about their alpha for even a moment. Constant pictures, videos, social media all the time, interviewers kind of end up hating their alpha because they can't get the hero in question to tal about anything else.
Denki, of course, is anyone surprised? His relationship is only one step away from being a YouTube couple lmaoo. He gushes and talks about his alpha, he gets caught with hickeys, he posts lovey dovey photos of lazy mornings and fancy dinners. The world is very invested in the 'couple goals'.
Kirishima slips into this category because he thanks his alpha for their support in every interview and lavishes them with praise about how supportive and amazing they are. He's also the kind of person to give out relationship advice to his fans lol. It's not as non-stop as Denki, but everyone knows about his alpha.
Mirio would 100% have the 'golden couple' image attached to him. Him and his partner are couple goals, but in a different way to Denki. Denki and his alpha are relatable, but Mirio's relationship is perfect (to outsiders.) I'm talking charity appearances together, pictures of their elaborate proposal and wedding, wholesome pet pictures, the whole works.
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xamaxenta · 3 months
STOP THAT'S SO CUTE obviously Sabo's player character did Not have a mutually adopted baby brother and Marco is absolutely On His Toes about making a good impression here in the real world now that he has like, in-laws. He is LOCKED IN. Unfortunately Ace absolutely wins the New Brother Competition because he's one of Luffy's most favorite-est characters ever and Luffy immediately starts gushing about how Ace is sooooo coooool and Ace is instantly like I Am Keeping This One. (Ace is Luffy's favorite character to play and Ace stares Directly At Marco about it.) Sabo is experiencing that thing women experience when men are good with babies he needs his guys to Stop being so kind and friendly and patient with his favorite person he is officially passed the safe amount of horny that a human can be he's at critical levels this isn't sustainable please think of his health. (He is GOING to get these men pregnant watch him he will find a way)
Zoro will obviously be marrying into the family so he bows very respectfully to Sabo as his honored elder brother and Sabo goes huH??? Meanwhile Zoro, Ace, and Marco all immediately form a Warriors Bond Of Mutual Respect. They exchange exactly three words but that's plenty. You have my swords/laser canon/fantasy brass knuckles of +6 Fire Damage.
Oooh love this youre right Sabos avatar didnt have any notable family because it wasnt programmed so he doesnt have a typical script to follow here for … family? So for the first time Marcos floundering as much as Ace was but the difference is is Ace is from a roster fighter game that has the cheeseball plot of saving the world and befriending your enemies and ofc
All the critter characters (chopper) call him Aniki yknow its just how it goes so Ace is THEE aniki character so ofc he takes to Luffy immediately but also he recognises him as one of the top players in the world bc
It would be so funny if the leaderboard for his character had a kid 15 years old named NikuNikuNi (lol im sorry) and its one Luffy Monkey who decided to hyperfocus all his singular interest into gettinf good at this game and specifically at Ace’s character because he thought he was cool
Ace adopts luffy instantly like oh! Youre my number one player!!! And Luffy is OVER. THE. moon like YOU KNOW ME!?!?? 🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️
And aces does the classice JPN aniki head pat of cooler older brothers who are effortlessly sexy and everyone loves them— Luffy actually implodes doesnt shut up about it for WEEKS!!!
Marco may be a little jealous about it bc Luffy and Ace hit it off!!! He wishes to have the same camaraderie but this is such a difficult scenario to navigate because his game has no children or underage characters he doesnt know how to talk yo a teenager at all!!!
Zoro Ace Marco mutual warriors bond is BEAUTIFUL BTW 🥹 zoro thinks Marcos wing blades are very cool and tells him your bird blades are cool and Marcos like thank you the mouth sword gimmick you have is also cool
Mutual warriors nod of respect haha
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Oooh, the zombie AU has huge angst horror potential. How do you think each of the Afton siblings would react and cope if they got bitten and infected? How would each react to the other getting infected?
If Evan gets bit, there's a lot of crying and asking "am I going to die?" over and over, and when he starts getting really scared, he asks Mike (and Mr Emily if he's around) what death is like and what he should expect. Even if the bite (hah) doesn't happen as a result of something Evan does, he apologizes over and over for misbehaving/not being "good" and getting himself hurt.
Evan reacts similarly if either of his siblings gets bitten: a lot of crying, asking "is he/she going to die?" over and over, and giving his siblings little presents (drawings, flowers he picked from the yard, roly polys and snails he found, etc) to his sibling. If he still has a Signature Plushie that he carries around with him wherever he goes, he lets his sibling hold the Plushie while they're sick. Evan's not too young to understand that being bitten makes you into a zombie, but he's too young and naive to understand that the people he loves can and will hurt him if they turn. Evan has to be taken out of the room when whoever finally has to mercy kill the infected sibling, not just because it's too violent for him to see, but because he would actively to stop anyone from killing his siblings, even zombie siblings.
If Liz gets bit, she tries to pretend it didn't happen. She wears long sleeves and snaps at anyone who brings up the wound or her inevitable fate. She asks Mike to doodle over the teeth marks and the bruises with sharpies. Even when she starts getting so ill that it's hard to move or breathe, she tries pretending that she and her brothers are just playing doctor and she's getting really into her role as patient. As the deliroiusness finally begins to settle in, she gushes to her brother about how much she loves them and wants them all to stay together forever. This turns into her crying and slowly accepting her fate, so long as her brothers promise to find her in the afterlife (but not too soon. she doesn't want them dying just yet.).
If either of her brothers get bitten, then Liz tries diving head first into denial, but she's quickly snapped out of it when she sees how much pain her brother is in. It becomes terrifyingly real terrifyingly fast. Liz stays at Michael/Evan's side and refuses to leave, trying to anticipate every last one of their needs before Michael/Evan is even aware of the need in the first place. She tries playing pretend with the brother, sometimes, to take both of their minds off of it, but Liz isn't able to delude herself into happiness anymore, and it doesn't work. They stay up all night and talk about any random thing, though the conversation always loops into heavy silences as they accidentally say something that reminds them of their current situation.
Michael becomes overprotective if he gets bitten. It was his job to keep his siblings safe, but now he's abandoning them alone in a world they can't protect themselves in. He tries drilling every survival method and trick they could ever need to know into their heads as he fights to get his little siblings somewhere safe before he dies, if they're not already in a camp surrounded by people who can protect them. He's angry and terrified and he hates himself more with every tear that drips from his siblings' eyes and with every tear they hold back for his sake. He forces Evan and Liz to be the ones making and maintaining the fire, cooking the food, checking the traps they have set around their camp; he doesn't do it because he's too weak to do it himself, but because "cmon, what are you gonna do when I'm gone, eh? You gonna eat tree bark to survive? Gonna cuddle to stay warm at night? Because you already hate my cooking and i can guarantee you tree bark won't taste nearly as good, and you're gonna get really sick of being around each other all the time!" He tries turning it into a big joke, even if he knows his siblings can see straight through him.
If either of his siblings get bit, there's a lot of lashing out from guilt because Mike thinks he should have done a better job of keeping them safe. "Why didn't you come get me?" "What were you thinking?! Oh, that's right, you weren't." "I told you not to, didn't I? DIDN'T I?!"
The anger is interspersed with grief, though, and Michael will slip between screaming at his siblings, and being kind (putting damp rags on their heads for the fever, wiping their tears, crying with them, talking about stupid stuff to take their minds off it) so quickly that it gives his little siblings emotional whiplash. Michael becomes paranoid, demanding, and strict after the bitten sibling finally passes away (though this is also interspersed with him being loving and kind).
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Lullaby 'Cross The Void
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(I have the flu. First time. It sucks. My oc must suffer too, but also comfort. What are these Mummy Issues of which you speak? Set in @idiotwithanipad 's Moving On series, after Exile)
She could throttle that boy!
He promised. He swore to her on the stars themselves not to breathe a word of what she almost did that night. She thought he understood her pain, her confusion, how demons can throw strings 'pon a person's mind and puppet them to do what they never thought they were capable of.
That had been her moment of madness. Her greatest shame. Silver was never supposed to know. T'weren't necessary for her to.
Just to hurt. T'is all he'd wanted to do, to win their silly spat.
As soon as that ragamuffin gets sucked off, she will slam that dull head of his with her own till it doth crack like a goose egg. For the first time since she arrived in this land, she misses her fire and smoke. She misses having something to channel her rage into. Not that she'd ever had cause to be this angry since.
"Not to play savage advocate, love...But looks like 'e regrets his words to her, same as you regret nearly burnin' the child." Annie reasoned after watching Mary shout abuse at the image of Robin in the waterfall for almost an hour.
"I care not! Let him wallow in his shame! My little'en be sufferin' and the one I did rely on most to care for her in my absence hath wounded her beyond repair." She responds, tears of fury pricking her eyes; "Now she casts herself out, all alone. My darling girl. Be there no one to give hers succour?"
Wiping her soot-free face, she reached her hand to stroke across the vertical water's surface, over the image of Silver crying on that log, in the middle of the woods. How cold she does look, even for one not able to feel the chill of the Autumn night. Mary's arms ache to wrap themselves around the child and hold her tight, take all the pain away.
No matter how loud she explains herself to the waterfall, how much she tries to convey that her sinful attempt was never about Silver herself, it will be for nothing. Her words, her love, none of it can reach her.
Sometimes she wonders if this window into the Before World is more of a curse than a blessing.
"Where be the other little'en?" She asks Annie.
"Still on that cliff. The sky doth darken from her misery." The Puritan sighed, "Not sure my efforts to comfort her brought much fruit."
"The potion of citrus and anxiety did not raise her spirits?"
"Not even a smile. But she did drink it. And she yet to throw herself over the edge."
"Perhaps it be best she does. Then she may teach herself to fly." Mary smiled, "T'is hard for any soul to be morose when soaring on the winds."
"Maybe wes can go flying later on? You is need of cheering too, my love." Annie reached to stroke her hair behind the taller woman's ear.
The temptation was there. Maybe they could try to convince little Amy to come with them.
Then her eyes fell back to the waterfall. To Silver.
Silver without her Amy. Without Robin.
How could she abandon her too? It didn't matter if she wasn't aware of her presence. If her vigil brought even a smidgen of comfort to the girl, then she had to stay.
"And so this Fluffy-."
"Rights. She be younger than yourself and fightin' all these demons."
"Yeah, she's a total badass." Silver gushed, skipping across the rocks beside the lake.
"But you say she also let's them seduce her?"
"Well...one or two. Three if you count that thing with Dracula." The Pagan shrugged; "Girls love a bad boy. Or girl. Like, uhm...Wuthering Heights? Or Jane Eyre?"
"Oooh, I do recall her Ladyship watchin' them on the little box!"
"Well it's kinda like that, but the men are vampires and the women fight more. I doubt Heather will be buying the dvd set any time soon. Shame, I think you'd like it." She giggled, jumping off the final rock, "Especially Willow."
"She be a tree?"
"No!" Silver chortled, "She's a good witch, like me! And she has a girlfriend, Tara. Those two influenced little me a lot growing up as you can tell."
"Ooh, sounds like a thrillin' romp."
Mary could listen to the child talk about her favorite stories from the telly, as well as the myths about her favorite heathen gods, for hours on end.
The girl did always seem to brighten at any chance to chatter about her favorite things to anyone who listened. Many of the others in the big house had no patience for rambling, as Mary herself knew, so she was happy to indulge their newest ghost.
Birds began to chirp in the treetops as they awoke, though the sky remained dark. Mary had always been one of the first to wake, a habit from her farming life she'd never been able to shake. Where once she would wander the land alone, the girl is always up and abouts at all hours during her cycle.
"Next time I'll tell you about Charmed. Not as good as Buffy but still lots of cool witches defeating mostly blokes." Silver promised.
"Do all your favorite tales involve witches?"
"Uhmm...Not always. I mean there's Friends. But I suppose that has Phoebe and she's kinda witchy." The Pagan blushed; "Guess I am kinda a one track mind."
"Nothin' be wrong with that, sweetling. You has your good witches, I has my potatoes." The two shared a laugh at that.
Silver's eyes moved to a set of pale weeds close to the bank.
"Aww, look at all those dandelions. I wonder if ghosts can make wishes on them."
"Ain't stopped me from tryin' all these years." Mary confessed, taking the girls hand.
They knelt down together and tried to blow the seeds into the air.
"Oooh, Is think wes almost doing it, little'en!" Mary cooed as a couple of the seeds began to float off into the air.
"Pretty sure that's the wind."
"Ah, what if we is the wind. Ain't that what you said you thought we became 'pon death? One with Mother Nature."
"Yeah...You were listening to that?"
"'Course I was, silly." Mary reached to ruffle the top of the girl's hair; ""Cor, what I'd give to have a brush to sort that barnet of yours out, it be as untidy as Robin's."
"Shut up, it's not that bad!" Silver ducked, though her cheeks reddened at the offer.
Mary suspected, with a twist of her gut, the child had never been sat upon her mother's knee to be groomed with much tenderness.
"What did you wish for?" Asked Silver.
"Oh, you knows better than to ask someone's to utter that, darlin'." Mary said with a poke to her nose.
"Was it about Annie?"
"Oh, I should never have revealed her to you. Nosy little nymph that you be."
They pushed themselves up to their feet. Silver grinned and began to twirl, humming some modern melody, letting the floating dandelion seeds hover around her. Mary watched her with a besotted smile. The little witchling, dancing among scattered wishes.
"I wished to find someone like that. Don't think there's any harm in saying that, if the Goddess wants it to happen for me." Silver smiled, contently.
"She better or Is be havin' words. Yous deserve to find your Annie, little'en."
The girl shone like the dawn, just as said light began to pierce the early morning sky.
Then Silver's feet twisted beneath her and she fell.
"Silver?" Mary knelt down, reaching for the teenager; "What ails thee, pet?"
The girl struggled to lift her head, "Nearly coma time. Must have lost track..."
Mary had not witnessed the transition between Silver waking to her falling under her curse before. It was typically Robin at her side, Robin who carried her to her sleeping spot in the woods. But the caveman was currently resting soundly on the living room floor after he and Patrick watched a marathon of those movies left on the box, about the apes taking over the world.
She was surprised by how weak the child now looked, her energy sapped in but the blink of an eye. The way her skin turned pale and she struggled to lift her limbs, t'was as if she be struck down with consumption, without the hacking cough.
"How long do you has left with us?" Mary asked.
"...Usually 'bout twenty minutes. 'Till the sun properly shows itself." She explained, followed by a yawn.
"Can ye walk?"
The girl answered by trying to test that for herself. She barely propped herself on one knee before crumbling like a paper doll again.
Mary tutted; "How doth it feel?"
She shrugged, head listing to one side; "Bit like the flu. My joints go all stiff and sore when I try to move. And my head weighs a ton. S'like the batteries in my body have run out."
"Uhm....Like the stream has gone dry and there's nothing to spin the water wheel?" She tried again.
"Ah! I sees." Mary nodded, then stroked the girl's hair; "Oh your poor, sweet thing. I hads no idea. I always assumed it were but a sudden fainting before you slept?"
"That would be better." Silver huffed.
She began to curl forward upon the grass.
"Oh, little one. You cants sleep here in the field, the Ladyships gardener will trample thee." Mary fussed, running her fingers across Silver's clammy forehead.
"S'fine...Just fetch Robin when he gets up, he'll move me...." the girl said, eyelids fluttering.
"Tush and flops! I don'ts need no silly boy to help me tends to thee!"
"What you-?"
Mary tucked her arms beneath the girl and lifted her up as she rose, securing her against her front. The child let out a brief sound of surprise before sliding her arms around Mary's neck to help.
"Wow...Julian was right. You are freakishly strong." Silver smiled, eyes glinting, impressed.
"Life of toiling the land since I were old enough to walk, little'en." She explained as she began walking towards the woods; "Skinny thing like you do weigh no more than a newborn lamb."
"Thanks!" The girl snorted. She yawned, leaning her head against the woman's shoulder.
Mary carried the child with relative ease towards the trees, following the trail of cornflowers towards the mound which the girl had claimed as her resting spot.
"Yous sure I cants convince thee to rest in the big house? There be plenty of free rooms for your picking."
"You say this every month....Thanks for the offer, but m'fine out here...."
"Suit yourself. Strange little urchin."
Mary clicked her tongue as she knelt and laid the young woman atop the mound. She did look oddly comfy as her head fell upon the flowers and she settled amongst them, the sharp pink of her fringe set against the striking blue of the petals.
Sitting beside her, the older woman continued to pick and stroke at her hair, smiling down at her.
"You reminds me of my husband." She confesses, her heart aching a little; "He always loved his fanciful tales and saw the joy in every little thing."
"Did you..." She yawned again, wider this time; "D'you love him?"
She nodded, leaning down on her elbow and resting her head on her hand.
"Greatly so."
"You're lucky. You got...two loves of your life..." the girl smiled, those sapphire eyes growing smaller by the second.
Three, thought Mary, gazing affectionately at the sweet ray of moonlight in her afterlife.
"Close them eyes, little'en. Time to visit your dreamland." She coaxes, smoothing her finger down her cheek, same as she once did to her own baby girl in her crib all them centuries ago.
Silver obeys, resting her eyes, chest slowly rising and falling as she settles.
"'Nighty night, darling. Rest well." Mary whispers. She then sang as the child drifted off, just as the sun made its appearance over the horizon.
A lullaby of old English terms of endearment, barely even recognisable to modern ears. But one her mother had sung to her in her cradle, and her mother before hers, going back possibly to Eve herself, or so Mary had been raised to believe.
It's many hours before she leaves the child's side. Robin appears shortly after eight, looking fretful and guilty for having overslept, but relieved when he finds Mary close to his Moonah Girl, still stroking her hair and gazing at her with pure devotion.
All those doubts and fears and prejudices that had caused her to nearly do the unthinkable all those months before, now felt like a bad dream, barely worth remembering.
And that's how it was supposed to stay.
Mary still sings. Any time she looks in on her girl through the magic waters and sees her sleeping - which is most of the time - she sings her mother's lullaby.
"May the winters pass, may night turn to day,
For I do miss thee, gentle heart,
All these many miles away..."
It's the third night of the full moon, back in that world at least. There are many glorious moons in the skies of this land, some silver, others violet or emerald, some as large as Jupiter while others small but dance in circles.
Silver will be falling asleep soon. The dreadful fatigue will pull her under and there will be no loving arms to carry her to bed and see that she's comfy.
A pox on thee, Robin. Sort that filthy head out and get to the girl's side with haste! Fix this!
He promised. He swore to her...
Mary chokes out a sob. In troth, it were not merely Robin she were vexed with. The blame lay at her door too. Had she been honest with the child, had she confessed to her sins when she'd been present, this would not be happening. And she'd have had a chance to explain herself. Silver would at least be aware of all the facts instead of drowning in doubt and rejection as she did now.
But Mary had been a coward. Scardy cat. Once she'd let Silver into her heart, found the daughter she thought she'd never have again, she'd been so terrified of losing her again. As she had her and John's firstborn. As she'd lost Annie.
Forgive me, I beg. Forgive me.
Silver's tears were as much on her hands as Robin's. Except he had a chance to atone where she did not. At least, not until her darling girl was finally sucked off.
"I is here, little'en. I's always here." She sighed, watching the girl weep alone.
She was no longer alone. There was someone else with her now. Someone...sat with her on the log, cradling her sleeping form on his lap, bundling her in a thick red cloak.
Body Bit?
He had come to tend to her? Not Robin? Mary watched with awe as his hand stroked the girl's hair as she curled into him, eyes shut, black marks staining her cheeks from all the crying.
Oh. Was he mistaking her for his own little'en? Did the husk not understand...?
They had traded daughters, it seemed.
Whether conscious of it or not, he was caring for her little'en now. Mary sniffed and got to her feet, smoothing down her dress. Annie had already gone back to check on Amy. T'was time that Mary joined her.
She voiced a promise to Silver through the water to return soon. But her presence not be of use to her now. She's not leaving her child alone. In the body's arms, she'd be safe.
And the last thing Silver would want is for her dear companion to feel as lost and lonely as she.
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drottni · 1 year
LBFAD Rewatch Part 10
1. When your cheap ass friend starts becoming generous and your immediate thought is "is she broken? Is she possessed ?"
2. Okay can we just talk about the creativity of the "shes deeply in love with me and thats why the Bone Orchid is killing her" arch. Like the way they stitched that in there so we could have the whole "I have to get her to hate me " angst. *chef kisses*
3. Xunfeng: Wait so the Moon Queen is not going to live long?
DFQC: Over my dead body >:(
Xunfeng: Or....hear me out. Over HER dead body! Eh? Eh!
DFQC: *jail for Xunfeng*
4. Xunfeng: I cannot give you the sword. You will destroy it. You are the last hope for the Moon tribe
DFQC: *angry exasperated face* If one more person says that to me---
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5. Xunfeng kicking DFQC while he is down:
Me: You little menace.
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6. Idk how many times I will gush over his acting, but ya'll. Wang Hedi looked soooo genuinely torn. Like his facial muscles rippling with checked anger. His tight grip loosening as Xunfeng's words start to hit home. The rippling anguish in his eyes as he realizes just what he is doing and how much of a risk he is taking. God.
7. Omg the absolute hell ish pressure cooker my poor baby DFQC is in. Like ya'll imagine everyone relying on you and just trusting in you to handle the enemy cuz you got mad crazy powers and you have to sit there and not have a panic attack because you no longer have the mad crazy powers and you will most likely lose either your people or the person you love. OOOH GOD. Get him out of there! I got second hand panic attacks watching this
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8. XLH: Im gonna make the Phoenix Crown out of the flowers Big Blockhead planted for me when I came to Cangyan sea.
Jieli: You're such a romantic you dweeb. Loser -_- (I love you, you beautiful innocent soul)
9. XLH: I dont care who I was. All that matters now is I will be his wife *blush*
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10. DFQC giving her an out. Telling her she still has time to save herself before the war. Hoping that she does leave but also that she doesn't. Her barely holding back tears as she continues to discuss the wedding. Both of them losing their shit as the reality sets in. AAAHHHHHH 😭😭 Reminding each other of their promise. "Whatever happens, we face it together". (him also realizing at this point the absolute betrayal hes going to have to put her through) omg.
11. If your demon hubby doesn't sit by your bedside while you sleep despite having 1001 and other things to look after, namely a whole ass war...drop him. DFQC supremacy.
12. "In this world what is real and what is fake? I only know that I love DFQC, that is real. It is more than enough" >>>>>>>>> any other love confession
13. DFQC: Because I know them well. One was my bestfriend. The other was the woman I wanted to marry.
Me on my first watch: was? WAS?? WAASSS?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
15. XLH: this food is the one I hate. THIS RIGHT HERE is going too far.
she's just like me fr. dont mess with food.
16. DFQC about to sacrifice his body, soul and spirit to save his people.
XLH: *in danger*
DFQC: Sacrifice is canceled. We are saving the love my of life. Again.
17. I dont even have words for that scene. Never getting over that. (actually i have words and they are too many.)
18. I just wanna say that in my first watch, I did not process that she actually died for the longest time. Despite the whole setup and slow mo. I just kept thinking nahhh DFQC going to think of something and save her. Aint no way he letting her die.
With this thought in my mind, I just imagine how it must have felt for him. How absolutely helpless and devastated. 😭
19. My mans out here straight up suicidal and burning his primordial spirit faster and faster, getting irritated with all his bros for trying to give him their primordial spirit 🥲🥲
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sassysnowperson · 9 months
oooh, I love book recs! Maybe worldbuilding, or friends to lovers? Also/alternatively a book I read this year that I loved was Brotherless Night by V.V. Ganeshanathan and it is very definitely a tragedy but beautifully written, and maybe my favorite thing I read this year. And I just finished The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride, which I think you would enjoy - very much a story about a community and the ways people rely on each other, which is a theme I think we both enjoy!
It IS a theme we both enjoy! Also, I don't know if you remember, but when we were in the bookstore and a stranger came up to me and started gushing about a book, just brimming with the need to tell people about it - that book was Heaven and Earth Grocery Store! I did read it, and enjoyed it very much. James McBride has such a rhythm, lyrical way of writing. I also read Deacon King Kong by him this year - another solid read.
For worldbuilding - I think I have to go with Nghi Vo's The Singing Hills Cycle - it's a series of novellas, they are meant to be read in any order, and I think it's true, but the first one is The Empress of Salt and Fortune. Told from the POV of a cleric moving through the world collecting histories and stories - I think Vo has a gift for unravelling the world as she goes, with a lot of loveable characters too.
Friends to lovers was trickier - didn't read too much this year, but I think I'm going to rec a different novella - The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Ann Older. This is mostly a Sherlock-inspired mystery set on Jupiter, but there's a sweet F/F romance between the Sherlock and the Watson in amongst all the mystery-solving. I remember enjoying their friendship and mutual respect as I was reading.
Oh! I've got a wildcard pick for worldbuilding - but this one is for authors that want to worldbuild. An Immense World by Ed Yong is a nonfiction trip through the beautiful and bizarre ways all the creatures of the world experience it through their different senses. I had so many writing aliens/fantastic species thoughts while listening - there's so much room to really make someone different by altering how they perceive the world.
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baconcolacan · 2 years
Sorry about the moth thing- lemme fix that-
What type of spider do you think the regimen gang would be?
CW for spiders, I'm putting this under a readmore so that people who are arachnophobic don't have to see my answers. I love love LOVE spiders so I will include pictures and might contain me gushing about them as related to my version of the boys in Regimen.
Edd: Darwin's Bark Spider. (Caerostris darwini)
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See, when I think about Edd in general, I would associate him with the orb weaver species of spider. This is mostly because I personally think that orb weaver webs look really pretty and unique. I always thought that Arachne (in Greek mythos) was revived as an orb weaver, so that she could continue her artistic weaving in her next life. Artists = Orb weaver spiders.
The thing about Darwin's Bark though, is that this particular orb weaver is known to spin the world's biggest webs to date, with one recorded to reach 82 ft in length, plus its webs are also known to be the strongest spider silk, known as Dragline silk. In Regimen, I mostly try to keep a more canonical characterization of Edd along with things he's known to be. Artistic is obvious, but he's also steadfast and strong (Dragline silk), and like most fans I associate the world I'm using as "his" (Large webs). He tends to "catch" people around him, lots of people, and build up from there. Matt: Sequined/Mirror spider. (Thwaitesia argentiopunctata)
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Aside from the obvious name, do I really have to explain more?? LOOK AT IT!! My GOD, Mirror spiders are SO SO PRETTY. When threatened these little guys are likely to make the "scales" on their back expand, reflecting a lot more light than they usually do. In Regimen, Matt is still very sunny and somewhat optimistic, he's still confident about himself despite some rough upkeep on his part. Amongst all the bleak and dreary, I had a lot of fun writing Matt because he still does shine despite everything. But there are times where Matt still falters, where he tends to wither away in the background especially when it comes to problems with Tom. Mirror spiders are also able to make their "scales" smaller when they want to hide, usually to make their escape. If you've read Matt's parts in Regimen, he does have this habit of slipping away sometimes, hiding his luster and withdrawing, when it all becomes too much. Still, he's able to shine even during these moments.
Tom: Peacock Tarantula. (Poecilotheria metallica)
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Oooh boy, Tom. Tom, Tom, Tommy. My main guy in the story. I was actually so torn about him, there were two spiders I thought would suit him. The Peacock T ofc, and another T: Green Bottle Blue (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens). In the end, I chose the Peacock for this version of him. Peacocks are Old World Ts, they're arboreal so they live up in trees and usually spin funnel webs (webs that go down like a tunnel, usually they have "trip-wire" webs at the front to alert the spider of prey or predator). Like most Old World Ts, Peacocks are really really fast spiders, they're very skittish and would often avoid predators by fleeing, so they don't often look for trouble, but Peacocks are still venomous, and while we haven't had any deaths caused by this T as of yet, their venom is still a cause for concern and their effects (heart-rate increase, sweating, headache, stinging, cramping, or swelling) are able to be felt for a week, and in extreme cases, months later. (Hey, effects of something done that can still be felt months later?? hMMMM Wonder if Tom has done anything like that HMMMMM)
Tom in Regimen starts out not actively looking for trouble, he was all about defense and fleeing when needed, so long as he could survive to the next day, he doesn't need to risk extensive combat. As we went on though, he started getting backed into a corner more and more, causing him to violently lash out with no other choices he thinks he could make. Peacock Tarantulas are also extremely aggressive when overly threatened, if they can't flee from an encroaching predator, they will use their venom, which like I said, poses something of a medical concern to humans, what more to an animal? Peacock Ts are also semi-social. They tolerate spiders from the same species living near them, sometimes they would even form communities. Other spider species will threaten them though and they will attack them. Don't really need to explain how Tom relates to that yeah? See: How he treats Matt vs how he treats everyone else. Tord: Sydney Funnel-Web Spider. (Atrax robustus)
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So hey, you know how much I love writing parallels? Well, coincidentally, just like Tom, I had a difficult time choosing a spider for Tord. It was either the Sydney Funnel, or the Redback (Latrodectus hasselti). After comparing them though, I felt that the Sydney Funnel-Web Spider was the best choice. You might have heard about this guy, Sydney Funnels are recorded to be one of the world's most deadliest spiders, and does have a record of actually killing people. These guys are super SUPER aggressive when they're threatened, like would show you their fangs aggressive, that kind of behavior in the spider world is like a High Level of aggressiveness. Their fangs are strong enough to bite through human nails by the way, if you needed to be even more concerned about them. Not only that, but Sydney Funnels are known to deliver full envenomation, by biting repeatedly. These little fuckers will HOLD ON TIGHT and bite the bejesus out of you. Vindictive little shits, all for pissing them off/startling/scaring them. Sydney Funnels are, like their name implies, funnel-web weavers. They're terrestrial spiders and like to hide in innocuous, shaded, places. i.e. Under logs, crevices, under plants, etc etc. Like all funnel weavers, their webs have "trip-wires" on the outside, making them semi-ambush predators as they would dart out and nab prey when they get close enough.
I'm pretty sure you can guess why I think of Tord when I chose this spider.
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RO reactions to overhearing MC gushing about them to a good friend of theirs? Like they're saying how awesome the RO is, how much they love the RO, they feel like the RO is their soulmate, etc etc
Cassandra: Would get a little puffed up from it, she doesn't often let herself feel egotistical or overly prideful but she feels really good hearing such praise from someone she loves so much.
Valeria: Would invite herself to join the conversation, "Oooh I like how this sounds! Don't mind me~ Go on, go on!" She loves to hear it and will talk to whoever it is your talking to even if she doesn't know them and talk you up as well.
Tomas: Would get bashful but would also like lowkey stand around and want to hear everything MC has to say about him. He will never admit to this and won't mention it but treat you sweeter afterwords.
Ludovica: Like Tomas she would take the stalker-eske route and want to listen in. However this means ten times more to her than anyone else because this proves your genuine about your love towards her. Which means the world to her, it gives her great comfort and reassures her beyond words.
Aurelio: Is a bit like Valeria but will just stand directly behind you and listen as long as he can until you notice. He will wear the most smug face and hush the person your talking to to not rat him out. Will also make fun of you for a while about this but he does always end the teasing an "I love you, darling".
Elio: Silent but smiles. He likes to hear your compliments but prefers to respect your privacy and will leave you alone to have your conversation in peace.
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years
Shopping for daddy’s treasure (father!Kuroko x F!reader)
A/N : Hereby, the Kuroko drabble I was planning! You were shopping with your husband, Kuroko Tetsuya, and your still-3 year old daughter, Kuroko Nanami. Nanami’s 4th birthday was coming up later this month, and you and Tetsuya had agreed to go shopping for a birthday dress. Which was basically your husband’s excuse to buy your little girl whatever glittered tutu and princess-like dress she could lay her eyes on. You didn’t knew which of the two enjoyed it more, Tetusya spoiling Nanami and internally fangirling over her cuteness or Nanami getting everything she wants from her daddy. As the three of you hit the children’s departement, you and Tetsuya held onto Nanami’s hands, making sure she wouldn’t run off in glee. She loved sparkles, and was always over-enthusiastic at the prospect of getting ANYTHING glittery, but when she was able to wear sparkles she found it even better. You had to admit, it was difficult not to melt whenever she was just giggling happily whenever she studied the way her outfits sparkled in the sunlight, saying, “Wook mommy! Imwa star!” She hadn’t perfected her speech yet, but it made it even cuter. Nanami totally had her parents wrapped around her little fingers. The fact she had inherited Tetsuya’s blue puppy eyes only made her pouting expressions even more harder to resist. “Oooh!” She yelled out excitedly, eagerly pulling her parents towards a yellow and pink glitter tutu-skirt, decorated with black stars. Her (h/c) ponytails swishing around her tiny head too match her excitement. You tried not to feel concerned about the inevitable fact that Kuroko was going to get past the budget limit for this shopping trip. He always did whenever it came to preparing for a big event evolving any of you two.  You two were his girls, and he’d give up his last meal for you. He adored to dote on his family, and you loved him for it, as much as it annoyed you from time to time because it wasn’t like he had Akashi’s or even Midorima’s money. You were the only girl he had ever dated that actually understood the bad impulses that he did have and how to keep him in line. It was one of the reasons he married you. So you allowed your husband to search the rack for her size, and as he found one, he held it up for her to see. “Wanna go fit later?”  She nodded eagerly, and so you held out the shop’s basket. This was going to end in a fashion show, that was going to end up filling your husband, and some of your phone’s gallery. Kise would always whine about it, asking why ‘Kurokocchi’ never wanted his pictures, and that he’d love a collaberation with his favourite ‘niece’- yeah, he’s the GOM member who’s claiming himself as the uncle to every single one of his previous teammates’ children.  You hoped he’d get one of his own some day and leave the three of you alone. Just the thought of him at Nanami’s upcoming birthday party gave you a headache. She stopped in front of a shirt this time, white with glittery bright red strawberries. It was a relatively simple shirt, one practical enough you could actually send her to the pre-school she went to wearing that. You approved of her choice, and it was added to your basket. And so the shopping trip went on, Tetsuya was silent the entire time, but only because he was too busy smiling at his precious treasure to have words. His blue eyes were so warm as he looked at you and at her, that you couldn’t help but feel just as treasured.  You were the 2nd luckiest girl in the world. The number one, of course, is Nanami, who was gushing over the basket as she was taken to the changing stalls. Tetsuya sat down to wait, whilst you went inside with Nanami to help her change her clothes. As you made sure the outfit she wore fitted correctly, you grinned at her, “Wanna show daddy how beautiful you look?” She nodded excitedly, and as you opened the door, you could see Tetsuya had already taken his phone out. Your grin widened. ‘you’re the worst Tetsu, but that’s why I love you.’
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starleska · 1 year
I'm a gossip so please I need to hear some Fractal, anything works 👀
oooh is this because you're working on your own Teen Titans OC to ship with dear old Moddy, by any chance? 😉 of course, i'd love to gush more about Fractal!!! i need to make a proper reference sheet for them as i've commissioned a dear friend to draw them and Moddy... but for now, have a little more on their villainous origins 👀
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Fractal (real name Lori Shaw) used to be a superhero-in-training. Lori was an orphan raised in a type of 'heroic orphanage' - a training ground for talented orphans, run by a revolving door of lesser-known heroes attempting to give them a better life and raise hte next generation of heroes. Lori was pushed into superhero training after their skill with gadgetry and weapons modifications was noticed, but found the scene unbearable. the black-and-white morals which came with heroism didn't align with the world they saw: especially their friends, who often came from much less fortunate backgrounds and would need to steal just to get by 💔
this is how Lori got their start in crime: petty thievery to keep their friends fed. Lori justified this as a type of Robin Hood scenario, but when their guardians found out, they went ballistic. they told Lori that if they didn't give up this 'life of crime', they would be kicked out. seeing their 'love' for what it really was, Lori decided to leave, depriving them of the chance 💪 Lori spent the latter half of their teenage years sleeping rough and selling second-hand gadgets filched from dumpsters that they remodified. after selling these gadgets on another villain's turf, said villain (i'm thinking one who is quite technologically-oriented) gave Lori a place to stay, in exchange for a steady stream of suped-up gadgets. as Lori hit their twenties, they became interested in the fashion world and started attending club nights and raves for a variety of Jump City subcultures, trying out new outfits thanks to their gadget-money. at this time, they started posting their co-ords on social media under the pseudonym 'Fractal' 💠 at 23, Lori cut out the middle-man villain and started selling their gadgets directly to the consumers. the name 'Lori' was all but dead to them: they were now exclusively known as Fractal to friends, their clients, and online. it was around this time that they began trying out villainy for themselves; they began to use their flashy dress sense and distracting accessories to rob clubgoers blind. Fractal would be careful about the times, dates, and content of what they posted online, posting photographs of outfits they weren't going to wear that evening, or locations they wouldn't be attending, to give a false trail 📷 this went on for a few more years...until Fractal saw a new villain on the news. according to their older clients this villain was named Mad Mod, and had been prolific in the area long ago with his British-themed crimes and hypnotic technology, but no one had seen him for years. he'd been arrested from his off-shore mansion for capturing the Teen Titans, and authorities were unearthing years' worth of advanced hypnotic technology belonging to Mad Mod from various warehouses on the edge of Jump City. this piqued Fractal's interest, so they visited one of those warehouses under the cover of night, broke in...and stole as many pieces of Mad Mod's hypno-tech as they could carry 🦹‍♀️ in the following months, Fractal distilled Mad Mod's hypno-tech down to its components, and began reworking the technology to fit with their own. at the same time, Fractal began researching up on Mad Mod's past, curious as to how he'd had such a lengthy career: villains of his age would normally be retired. the details of his age-reduction tech and hologrammatic projections fascinated Fractal, as did Mad Mod's clear eye for style: Fractal was delighted to find out his background was in fashion design. taking inspiration from some of Mad Mod's past fashion-related schemes, Fractal began incorporating this new hybrid hypno-tech into wearable accessories: chokers, rings, glasses 👓 and…the rest you already know!! Fractal became a successful small-time villain, only to be captured and interrogated by Mad Mod when he broke out of prison. cue some fun rivalry shenanigans and an eventual master/apprentice-type relationship, with Fractal being wholly smitten by this brilliant, crazy hypnotist 🥴💖
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rotten-games · 1 year
I think this question got asked on here b4 but it was only for RoTT so, if the CoI characters were real what would be you favorite and/or least favorite thing about them?
Oooh yeah I remember this question. Here we go.
Mordred: My least favourite thing about Mordy would be his hotheadedness. Though I enjoy that kind of thing in fiction (as you can probably see), irl it's a very different beast to deal with. My favorite thing about him would be his looks how fun he is to be around when he's actually around.
Carol: No-nonsense women intimidate me, however I would think it's cute how she melts for Lowrie. I do not think we'd be friends but we'd be polite acquaintances, perhaps even coworkers.
Lowrie: I'm quiet, Lowrie is quiet, one would think that would be a god match. However, no, Lowrie would probably bore me as a real person. I guess we could bond over our ex-horsegirl(TM) status???
Ridley: Least favorite, their silent stubbornness. They may not voice it but they will do the thing they said they wouldn't do anyway. Favourite thing would be their mind <3
Doc: I would not like her very dry humour. It's so dry that I wouldn't be able to tell it's a joke. Like uncooked instant noodles. I would like all the stories she has to tell about her travels :)
Harley: See, I think we'd actually get along. My favourite thing about them would be their fashion taste and colourful shirts (I would have gender-envy for them), least favourite thing is how they would just drop hang out time for a pretty face.
Allard: Hmm. Hard to say if there would be anything I'd like about them in real life. I enjoy writing bastards but interacting with them? I'd rather not get stabbed for fun.
Arthur: He is a sad, wet man and I have a thing for sad, wet men, but his stubbornness would annoy me because it's the type that makes it harder for friends and loved ones to be let in. My favourite thing about him would be how he always manages to come through for people.
Deimos: Least favorite thing would be the grumpiness and, you know, his very violent line of work. Favourite thing would be his drinks. (I don't think we'd get along very well)
Adrastea: I would not like much about them because Adrastea is apologetically Bourgeoisie and someone who wouldn't really want things to change. I guess I'd like her extensive wardrobe.
Saga: We'd have conversations about gender you wouldn't believe... The best thing about them would be how they are apologetically devoted to their friends and loved one, the worst would be that they never stop gushing about their partner.
Perci: She would scare me. She would also radicalize me. We'll just see what comes first :)
Dagda: Unfortunately for Dagda, they'd probably be my least favorite person in the world because unfortunately for Dagda I have now met someone very similar to them in many ways and absolutely did not get along with the worst of those traits. I guess my favorite thing about them would be that they know how to have fun.
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
Happy WBW! ♥️ What's the section of worldbuilding that's your favorite? Feel free to gush about it or share something you've created!
Hi Sweetheart!! <3
Oooh, thank you for asking this question. I may have to come back to it and gush later, but I'll make sure to tag you. I haven't had enough coffee to get the synapses firing completely. I've built a lot of worlds over the years. I may have to go back and look at some I've done to find it. Maybe while I'm on lunch!! Okay, my favorite part? Is painting the picture for the reader. I HATE info dumps. I hate reading them. I LOATHE with every fibre of my entire being writing them. They bore the ever loving fuck out of me. So I prefer, if you haven't noticed, to paint as I go. But I love to have a character walk into a room and describe it as the character is seeing it, especially if they are in awe. OOOH...hold on...I have one that I think I can use for this... we are going to have to put in a break, this babe is gonna be long. *big grin*
This is from the story arc where Abriella (then Gabrielle..long story on the name change) and the other core residents of Imperium went to rescue Talia in the prison realm where Stennis (The Source) had put her. I had so much fun imagining this prison realm, so the world building built in here is one I totally enjoyed. So...hope you can picture this...
As the band of 14 teleported into the center of the tower, all quickly scanned the surroundings.  This was a vastly different atmosphere than they’d really expected.  The floor was squishy, like walking on a sponge.  The walls were some kind of iridescent metal that while the colors changed when your angle of viewing did, there was no reflection.  They were cold, ice cold.  No one could put their hand on them for more than a minute or so before it began to ache.  The air around them was thick feeling, with a smell that most resembled formaldehyde on Earth.  It was a wholly unpleasant environment.  
The hallways off of the center hub were easy to find.  Each one was illuminated in a different color light: purple, blue, and green.  No one was quite sure what that meant.  All of them had half expected there to be some kind of alarm when they teleported in, but there was nothing.  Instead of making them feel reassured, this made them more on edge.  It wasn’t clear what that meant, but it was almost assured that it was nothing good.
Mithos cast protective wards over the three who would be hunting.  They would give them some protection should they be attacked.  No one knew what the inhabitants of this foreign place looked like or their weaponry.  For that reason, all of the team had brought many options.  This was another reason for the wards, they weren’t sure any of their weapons would be effectual against whoever or whatever they would face.  Once the three started making their way cautiously down the hallways, Mithos cast layers of wards over the remaining ten that still formed a circle.  All were tense, blades and/or firearms drawn.  Mithos’s back was against Brie’s.  Adriel was on one side of her, Thinius on the other.  Thanases was in front of her, ready to create illusions should the inhabitants of this place eventually show up.  While they did not doubt the fighting prowess of their Queen, none were quite sure of her fitness for battle.  While Mithos could detect nothing wrong, he knew her powers were still depleted.
As the three made their way down the hallway, they found it often hard to see with the colored lights.  They cast weird shadows and distorted the view through what seemed like glass doors into holding cells.  It was like some kind of prison.  However, no two creatures being held looked the same. 
Abbadon was the only one who felt the air change suddenly.  Unlike the others, he had experienced life in many realms and realities.  A being strait from the Source, he was able to detect life forms that the others could not even dream of existing; and in some case they would be the things of their worst nightmares, even for the demons.  “We have incoming.  Don’t ask where because I can’t see them either.”
Taking a step back, he lightly bumped into Thinius.  As he looked over he raised a brow.  With the four males who were surrounding her, he wasn’t sure if Brie would be able to fight.  At almost two feet shorter than them, he doubted she could even see anything other than Thanases’s back.  Not that he was even going to attempt to disagree with the arrangement,; he was actually relieved that whatever it was that had decided to come see them, it would have a hard time getting to her.  
“Ummm…look up…” Arioch’s voice sounded a bit unsure and as everyone looked towards the ceiling, they understood why.  Replacing the blackness that had been above them were multitudes of eyes.  No faces, no heads, just eyes.  The entirety of the ceiling seemed to be covered in them.  And it wasn’t just one being, all of them were blinking at different times.
“Well, that gives a new meaning to death from above!” Dez sarcastically quipped.  Why had he agreed to come on this mission? Oh yeah, the babe that was at one time his bestie, and who he was working on getting back to that level with.
Okay, so that is the past...now the present...well...future...I love this one too...even if it is shorter...
Told you it was going to be a long post *grins*
“It makes me all warm and fuzzy to watch her stomp on their little egos and turn it all to dust.  Then Cruz or one of us gets to blow it all away and watch them wither like a forgotten plant in the corner.”  Arioch grinned then chucked then put his hand on the handle to the gilded heavy door that reached all the way to the ceiling of the throne room that he would open in unison with his twin.  Raguel’s hand was already on the handle to the one next to him.  “1...2...3…”
The brothers stepped back to swing the doors open together in unison, the grins on their faces were a matching pair.  They’d practiced this a few thousand times when deities and royalty from various realms had started making appearances.  It was almost habit now, but one that they enjoyed.
“King Kellen Cythraul of Uffern and Chancellor Grae Drwg, you have been granted an audience with Queen Abriella Estephania Bethania Engel and King Cruzantheon Alexadre Demetrios Engel.  Come forward and state your business.”  Lucifer’s voice echoed throughout the Throne Room.
The throne room was elegant.  The floor was black marble, the walls a white marble with black veins running through it,  and the ceiling a polished hematite that acted almost as a mirror.  Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room and making all surfaces almost seem to glow with their golden warmth.  At one end of the room were three steps up to a platform.  In the middle of that platform was Brie’s throne.  Elegant and ornately carved black marble that was crafted in a way to fit her perfectly, and she was seated upon it in a gown that was peacock blue.  If she were to move it would shift from a brilliant turquoise to a deep purple.  It was sleeveless and had a sweetheart neckline before having a full skirt like something out of a princess movie.  She hated it, and hated all of the pins that were holding her hair in some complicated updo even more. A tiara of silver, opal, and black diamonds sat upon her head, glinting in the light with every movement.  Next to her stood Cruz, clothed in regal finery as well. His crown was black titanium and diamonds.  There was no doubt anyone laying eyes upon him that he was a powerful and competent King.  At each of the front corners stood one of her grandfathers, slightly behind Lucifer and Div stood the other two Horsemen, Olly and Deacon who were.  All four were likewise dressed in regal finery, indicating their station within the realm.  Behind her throne stood her entire Royal Guard flanked by Dez and Talon.  All of them were dressed equally elegantly, and all were well and obviously armed. They were standing at attention, hands resting on the swords that were sheathed at their waists.  It was a grand and imposing picture when viewed through the doors that had just been opened.  
SO....sneak peek to when King Kellen of Uffern comes to Imperium. Although, he obviously is not going to be the first Uffernian to visit since Karlen is currently chatting and having coffee with Jean Pierre. So...we'll see how long it takes for Kellen to end up there and how that comes about......I can't give it ALL away.... I love painting the picture. When I do my revisions, I normally end up adding rather than removing. My first drafts are bare bones, and I add the meat until my story is no longer a skeleton, but a beautiful fluffy bunny, or a sparkling, fluttering humming bird.
I hope you enjoyed and this all made sense. I get a little excited about sharing my worldbuilding! <3
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
Also for the ask game!! I'd like to make it sound all fancy and smart like I'm an English teacher, but my brain is too silly for that
6 - Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics: Is it weird that the first thing that came to mind is Jaehee with pigtails from the 'Hair' fic you wrote for her? It was such a domestic piece, but picturing myself playing with her little pigtails and watching her blush as I call her cute, is something I still remember very vividly, oddly enough. I love Jaehee!! And I love the way you write her to bits and pieces. Soft coffee wife, my beloved <3
7 - What made me the most emotional after reading: Telepathy. It's always going to be Telepathy. Okay, maybe not always, but it'll definitely remain up there even in the future. I'd say it's my favorite fic of yours, actually. Which is... honestly very surprising, because I don't get as effected by Jumin/V stories as I do with Choi twins or Rika, for exactly! I do get sad and it's interesting for me to see them explored in different ways, but I never really felt... all choked up about them, you know? Well, you took that and slapped me right across the face with the masterpiece that is Telepathy./pos The way you wrote down the slow and painful process of drifting apart from your best friend... God, it felt both cathartic and painful. Probably because it's something I've experienced first hand, very recently, at that. Telepathy is a fic that left me laying on my bed and staring up into the ceiling, just thinking about it for a good 15 minutes. And, you know what? That's my favorite kind of feeling after reading a fic. I love Telepathy. I will gush about for as long as it exists. Go read Telepathy, ya'll.
8 - What I like the most about your writing: Descriptive writing. Now, it's probably because descriptive is my personal weakest point (in my opinion), and I tend to always focus extremely hard whenever I read someone else use descriptive writing in their works to learn new techniques and memorize if it sounds good or not. Either way, God, do I adore the way you manage to just paint the exact image of what's happening as I read. It's not too much, and it's not too little. It's just right. If I would write up everything I vividly remember from your fics, this ask would get too damn long, but what's important is that I often remember the exact location. How it looked. How it felt. How it smelled. How a certain character was dressed. How their face looked. Whether it was warm or cold. What sounds there were. It's those tiny details that make even the simplest of your stories shine so brightly! They just... get stuck in your head like your favorite song. And I think that's just amazing <3
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I don't know what I did to deserve this Mia!! I've been sat here reading this over and over and feeling all warm and fuzzy🥺 Please don't worry about trying to sound English teacher-y, you've conveyed everything here so well.
Soft coffee wife Jaehee! I've made it my personal mission to write her soft and happy because she gets to little opportunity to do that in the canon routes (and I love her to bits and think she deserves the world). I'm so glad the pigtails imagery stuck! She deserves her cute moments too!
The Telepathy love!!! I will always appreciate love for Telepathy, it's one of those fics that will also always be one of my favs because of the writing process and the relationship between V and Jumin. It's a wonderful surprise to hear that my writing had that effect on you, especially for a relationship that doesn't usually affect you that strongly. It's all I could ask for, really. I'm very sorry that you had to deal with the slow loss of a friend. It's a uniquely painful experience and I'm sending you a lot of warmth <3
The details of my stories sticking in your head like a song.... Oooh I'm going to need a moment, that's one of the nicest things anyone has said about my writing. Thank you, Mia.
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