#I think about her. constantly
youngpettyqueen · 6 months
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T’Strei’s main looks/uniform through the years! From left to right-
Security Officer: s1 - mid s3
Medical Officer: mid s3 - early s5
DS9 uniform change: early s5 - early s6
Ocular implant: early s6 - s7 (onward into post-canon)
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ministarfruit · 3 months
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day 24: plagued by the horrors ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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aflockofravens · 3 months
Also, Jinshi in "How to Buy Out a Contract" was hilarious.
Do you think he's prettier than me
I was contemplating your murder but my future wife cat thinks you'll make a good brother in law so I'll let you live
My future wife cat trusts you, so I trust you. Don't fuck it up.
Have some money to leave my future wife alone forever go marry her sister
Did you see that Gaoshun? I did a socializing. Do you think Maomao will be proud of me?
Also Lihaku is precious. What an adorable golden retriever of a man. He went from absolute disdain at Maomao when she approached him for an escort to being like "help me little sister, I'm in love".
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leafspiritz · 4 months
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- maybe you’re going to change the world
— i think she already has
- she’s certainly changed ours
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catrasfreckles · 5 months
*wakes up*
I wonder how Pyrrha feels about her dead lover's dead daughter having the same name as her dead best friend
*goes back to sleep*
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junotter · 11 months
All the jokes about Ken and horses are good but I just wanna say it's such a good parallel to how actual young men get swept into misogyny and the patriarchy.
Like they're told to believe it means men get to be cool and manly and have this power but with that comes extremely rigid commands of what they can be as a man and a cycle of self hatred for never matching those gender roles perfectly. Patriarchy tells men that if they just do exactly what is expected of them, then they get all the "cool stuff" that comes with. That doesn't work though when there's only a small group that actually gets that power, but men will keep trying to fit into those roles in hopes that they can.
In the end there are no horses or the myth men are told, it's just endless cycles of self hatred and ingroup fighting.
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cinnamon-flame · 6 months
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I was going through my art folder again and I saw one of the oldest wof stuff I've ever drawn (the fourth one ever I think?) and I redrew it! I love Turtle and I just took this excuse to draw him again
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gummi-ships · 4 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - The World Within
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chetney-pockopea · 1 year
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I'm feeling so normal about this you guys
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anistarrose · 2 months
The thing about the "fridged" trope is that obviously you can't have a female love interest dying as a defining moment for a male character because that's not feminist, but you also can't have a male love interest dying as a defining moment for a female character because then she's just going to have an arc revolving around her relationship with a man and that's also not feminist, and you also can't kill off a love interest from a gay relationship or a relationship involving a nonbinary person because that's burying your queers, which is at least as bad as misogyny if not even worse, and now suddenly you can't kill off romantic partners at all in stories because no matter the demographics, it's going to be problematic somehow, which is... a pretty ridiculous limitation to impose on storytelling.
And, like, it would be satisfying to have a solution other than "it depends on context if not straight-up vibes, and it's usually very reasonable for audience members to have a range of opinions on the execution of one specific instance," but. Yeah, you do kind of have to just vibe check it in a deeply subjective manner sometimes.
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lucindasthighs · 9 months
Oh my god. I just realized why forever potion!Zane had that weird flirty moment with Lucinda out of nowhere.
It was a fucking MCD reference.
In MCD, Lucinda and Zane were (at some point) being arranged to be married, but then Zane fucked it up (unspecified) and it was called off.
I cant believe this
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Wanted to draw Paige with fancy mourning clothes for her widow persona. That's her dad's jacket btw
Click for better quality! Anyways pls if you have not listened to @thesiltverses literally what are you doing go fix that now
[ID: digital painting of Paige Duplass from the Silt Verses walking against an abstract background. Paige is a thin white woman with dark brown hair and eyes. She wears a long black dress with a brown leather jacket over it. Her hair is covered by a black cowl which she holds in place. She looks towards the viewer sullenly.
She walks through a trail of blood, bare feet covered in it. White crocus flowers sprout up from the ground around her path. End ID]
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mispelled · 10 months
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I'm insane about them
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shitouttabuck · 4 months
i think one of the absolute rawest fucking lines in 911 is when karen says to eva “all of the people i love the most belonged to you first” like. can you imagine. carrying that knot of fear with you every day of your life. it telling you that how ever much the most important people in your life are yours, they started out being someone else’s. and that constant background worry that it’s not something you get to keep, actually, because the claim you have on them always runs the risk of being challenged. and all you can do is love them and choose them and fight for them anyway
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piosplayhouse · 1 month
Wwx is the only mxtx main protagonist who would not be a my little pony fan. But he does own a 20% cooler shirt
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dootznbootz · 3 months
I think people sleep on this moment in the Odyssey...
If I'm wrong, not getting full context, or see something that isn't there, feel free to give evidence to explain why.
Here he crept under a pair of bushes, one an olive, the other a wild olive, which grew from the same stem with their branches so closely intertwined that when the winds blew moist not a breath could get inside, nor could the rain soak right through to the earth.
(Book 5, Rieu)
I think this is about Penelope and him.
Obviously, their marriage bed is made from an Olive tree. If it's just about Athena then why are there two mentioned? Why did Homer mention two when he could've just said he took refuge under one? Or a completely different type of tree? Why mention them being intertwined?
One an olive: Penelope, who has been with society and "safe" in Ithaca ("Safe" because of the suitors)
One wild: Odysseus, who has dealt with literal monsters and immortals and has just escaped from Calypso. Literally naked and filthy, a "wild man".
"which grew from the same stem with their branches": Them both being together at first, before being separated.
"so closely intertwined that when the winds blew moist not a breath could get inside, nor could the rain soak right through to the earth.": Despite being separated, they are still "intertwined". Whether you want to think of it as them being likeminded or simply connected, even though they are apart, nothing could get in between them. 🥺
I don't know what else Homer could be referring to other than them.
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