#karen wilson i adore you so
shitouttabuck · 4 months
i think one of the absolute rawest fucking lines in 911 is when karen says to eva “all of the people i love the most belonged to you first” like. can you imagine. carrying that knot of fear with you every day of your life. it telling you that how ever much the most important people in your life are yours, they started out being someone else’s. and that constant background worry that it’s not something you get to keep, actually, because the claim you have on them always runs the risk of being challenged. and all you can do is love them and choose them and fight for them anyway
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daydreams9 · 18 days
WTF Happened?! This was the 9-1-1 Season 7 Finale ?! Thoughts!/?
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Only the ending scene was decent. A good season finale cliffhanger. Rest was very lukewarm.
They tried to jampack so many elements,emotions and feelings together! But why ?! Writer's strike and new channel move?
I was shit scared for Bobby by episode 9.But this episode I was just curious.Nothing else.
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I was worried for Christopher and Eddie last episode. But by this I was just sort of resigned for their fate.
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I was anxious for Hen and Karen's situation with Mara last week. But while watching I was not so sure anymore.
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I was kinda pumped for the arsonist theory related to Athena and Amir. Though I enjoyed their segment, but that particular ending had me a little skeptical.
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I was ready to be emotional for the Buddie interaction, their action and reaction. They partially served tbh. ( At this point I don't care if Buddie ever becomes canon as a romantic pair, or they just remain platonic soulmates. I just want enjoy their chemistry when they play-off each other's emotions.)
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I was excited for Buck and Tommy. At this point I didn't care what happened to them anymore. ( I would have adored and loved the Daddy-issues joke but some it fell flat according to the tone of the rest of episode.)
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The Buckley-Han and Wilsons plan for a temporary solution was a nicely done . But again felt like a mid-season episode whip-up than a season finale wrap-up.
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Maybe that's just an only me problem. I guess since they wanted to us to feel so many things in a single episode all at once, neither resonated much nor stayed with. It was hard for me to keep track of my feelings in order to keep track to whatever was happening to the characters on-screen.
Sorry, the ending for me is neither neat like Fox's 9-1-1 finale nor intense claw-trap like ABC's series finale. But that's just my opinion only.
But the rollercoaster of emotions this season put us through I think am a mature adult enough to handle a lukearm finale. No complains.
P.S : Nevertheless will definitely be eagerly waiting and watching Season 8 no doubts whatsoever.
What did you guys felt?
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iwantasquaresbar · 2 months
911 7x06 thoughts
I fucking loved that episode, I do definitely wish it had been longer or a 2 parter but oh well.
I loved chims whole story and introspection getting to see Kevin again so good. And in hindsight, I’m so glad it wasn’t a kidnapping. I do have too say I wish we got more of maddie and chim actually together but I understand stuff had to be cut for time but I would’ve liked a sweet scene of them at home before the wedding where they’re just all domestic and excited to get married.
Also I just want to point of my personal favourite scene of the episode which was the conversation at dispatch between maddie and hen where hen was reassuring maddie how excited she was to marry her. I want more scenes with the 2 of them so badly.
The final wedding was really sweet loved bobby officiating, do definitely think it should’ve be buck walking maddie down the aisle not philip but you know I’ll get over it.
Also the buck tommy kiss was so cute then them coming into the room ah chefs kiss I loved it and then hen and karen that little shoulder bump and then hen coming in with “about dam time” I love you so much henrietta wilson.
Anyway that episode was adorable.
P.s. I still want the karaoke give us it just at least tell us what song was it under pressure
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whollyfree · 2 years
If you’re in a writing mood, I’d love some fluffy josh content🥺maybe you had a stressful day at work and he just takes good care of you with lots of cuddles and loving
You almost never arrived home after Josh. This was why when Josh cheesily sang "honey, I'm home," as he entered the front door, he became confused when the house was dead silent. He ventured around your shared space thinking he was going absolutely insane. How do you lose your own girlfriend?
When Josh's phone that rested in his back pocket pinged, he knew instantly that it was you.
You: Sorry, gonna be late tonight :( having a really long day
Josh frowned, wanting to hug you through the screen somehow.
Josh: No worries. I'll be here baby
He slips his phone back into his pocket and looks around, almost lost as to what he was supposed to do for the time being. He loved coming home to you. As soon as you heard his keys jingling in the lock of your front door, you were there to attack him in a hug before the two of you lost yourself in breathless kisses and giggles. Now he knew how you felt.
Sulking like a lost puppy around the house, an idea popped into his head. He smiled to himself as he formed his master plan. He made quick work of making the bed from this morning. You were already running late and so was he, so the two of you reluctantly forfeited the chore to do later.
Josh vacuumed the shared rug and the space of the bedroom, dusting and polishing the furniture strategically placed to make the room appear more open. He realized something was missing, and quickly padded to the record player before placing a Wilson Pickett vinyl upon it.
Blues music filled his senses, and he wished you were there to laugh at him as he attempted his best embarrassing dance moves. He carried on tidying up the bathroom before making his way to the living room. He readjusted the pillows and folded the blankets neatly on the blanket ladder that Karen had got the two of you as a housewarming gift.
Josh did the dishes quickly and with ease, worried that you would pop through the door before he had the opportunity to start the dinner he planned to make special for you: pasta. He had heard you request it too many times to count, but this would be the first night you would share it in your new home.
He looked like a madman, tossing an apron on and attempting to tie it as he reached for pots and all of the ingredients he needed. Ideally, Josh wanted it to be ready for you the second you walked in the door.
He knew you were past the point of exhaustion before you even stepped through the door, and when you did, you were nearly brought to tears at the sight before you.
There was Josh, stirring a pot of pesto sauce in a much too small apron, his eyes lighting up when he sees you. His cheeks were tinted an adorable pink color from all of the work he had been doing around the house.
"Hi, sunshine," his lips curve in a smile and you notice his dimple making its special appearance as you walk toward him. "I'm making that pesto you've been dreaming about."
"It smells amazing," you breathe out and you wrap your arms around him. "Hi."
"Hi," he catches your lazy smile in a kiss and you finally feel yourself relax for the first time in the day. All of the tenseness in your muscles releases as he holds you tight and parts his lips from yours. You felt like jello in his arms; partly because of your insane day and the other part was due to Josh's effect on you whenever he so much as glanced your way.
"Oh, you're tired, baby," he mumbles into your hair and you groan in agreement. You felt him chuckle into your hair before he attempts to pull away from you.
You grunt and keep him in your grip. "Just a little longer."
"Ok," he laughs. "But after this, I want you to go and take a shower and dinner will be ready the moment you're done."
"Alright," you all but whimper and release yourself from him. "Thank you."
"For what?" His eyebrow quirks up as he continues to stir the pot.
"All this, babe," you gesture to all of the ingredients (albeit) messily scattered across the counter. You give a chaste kiss to his lips and he says something to the effect of "of course." Who even knows? You're way too tired to hardly form a coherent thought.
You trudge to the master bathroom to shower off all of the stress from your day, still smelling the wonderful scent of the dinner Josh was so graciously making for you. Another smile graces your features as you take in the cleanliness of the shared bedroom and the neatly made bed before you. All you really wanted to do was envelop yourself in it, but you followed Josh's orders and showered anyway.
Following your much-needed shower, you dressed in an old ratty T-shirt and your favorite pair of Josh's boxers and made your way back to the kitchen. Josh had placed two bowls of pasta on the table as well as a bottle of wine paired with two glasses.
"Sorry, I'm a bit overdressed," you crack a joke and he chuckles.
"You look beautiful as always, sunshine," he presses a kiss to your newly blushed cheek before pulling out your chair for you.
Following dinner and a few too many drinks, your eyes are nearly closing at the table. You tried your best to remain tuned in to whatever Josh was saying, but exhaustion was taking over every part of you. He caught on quickly, and stopped himself from his exaggerated story of some prank he pulled on Jake yesterday.
He grins toward you, watching your eyes flutter closed and your head begin to fall lower as you sat in your chair. He tried to be as quiet as he could, getting up and sliding his chair underneath the table. Much to his dismay, the chair made the loudest sound possible as it scratched against the wood.
Your head shot up quickly as your eyes met his. "I'm sorry, baby, what were you saying?"
He shook his head with a solemn smile. "You're exhausted, love. Let's get you to bed."
You pouted as Josh scooped you up in his arms. Nuzzling your head into the side of his neck, inhaling his familiar scent as you nearly felt yourself drifting off again. Your eyes slightly opened as your body fell against the soft mattress, Josh peeling the comforter back and tucking it under you.
"I'll go and clean up, okay? I'll be right back," he promises, but you weren't having it.
"Josh," your voice was hardly there, but he still turns around quickly. "Please stay."
He could never say no to you, and you knew that. So, he grinned and peeled off his clothes and crawled under the comforter next to you. He pulls your body into his and releases a sigh before planting a kiss to your forehead. With your body now curled into his, you found yourself drifting off again in the safety of his embrace. You couldn't fight the sleepy smile on your face, and he saw it and smiled down at you again.
"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, baby. Promise."
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o0anapher0o · 13 days
10 Characters from 10 Famdoms
Thank you @meraki-yao for the tag. This was so much fun, but sooo hard XP
Karen Wilson (911). Gorgeous black lesbian rocket scientist momma bear (I’ll admit she won out over my man Tommy by like a milimeter, but also black lesbian rocket scientist momma bear. How is she not the character of all times?)
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2. Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cartoon). He's my boy, he deserves everything. I will not hear a word against him.
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3. Julian Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine). Look at him. Superhuman space twink, second of his class with a spy kink.
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4. Armand (Interview with the vampire). My favourite insane little horror gremlin. I haven't seen season 2 yet but I know he's going to commit so many attrocities.
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5. Bucky Barnes (MCU). He's an adorable, grumpy murder weapon and I wish they had given him his cat in the movies
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6. Phryne Fisher (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries). The one, the only, the legend, the honourable. Lady Detective, Pilot, Racecardriver, Heiress, best dressed, dancer, model, adoptive mother of many strays, light of his life and perpetual nuissance of one Jack Robinson.
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7. Aramis (The Musketeers). Famous libertine by day, romanic with a heart of gold by night, loyal friend and general dumbass all day, every day.
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8. Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation). He is everything. (And he's alive I do not care)
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9. Firstprince (Red White and Royal Blue). I can't chose between Alex and Henry. I can't and you can't make me.
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10. John Tracy (Thunderbirds are Go!). As with all the others, it’s this particular iteration of this character. I love the Ace!John headcanon but even without that, he’s simultaneously hypercompetent and the most awkward duckling and he parents a toddler AI. I never stood a chance.
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Phhh. This took way longer than anticipated, but here they are. I learned far more about myself than I expected, too.
Tagging @alittlefrenchtree, @sigynpenniman, @taste-thewaste and everyone who wants to play.
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elvensorceress · 1 year
Wednesday is for the WIPs
tagged by @lostinabuddiehaze @dickley-buddie @rogerzsteven @spaceprincessem @fatedbuck @spotsandsocks @prettyboybuckley @confetti-cupcake @monsterrae1 @zainclaw @bekkachaos @deluweil @rewritetheending 🥹💕 I love you all so much!
tagging @messyhairdiaz @swiftiediaz @gaydisasterdiaz @blutterlie @alyxmastershipper @jobairdxx @ajunerose @the-likesofus @ashavahishta @sibylsleaves @fleurdebeton @shortsighted-owl  if any of you haven’t already and want to share something 😘💕
Unless You Ask Me To is way out of my control now. It was not even 20K in the first draft! 🙃 The rewrite is asdjfksl who even knows. But have some more because everything needs more Karen Wilson. 
As soon as Christopher reaches the front door, Eddie kneels and hugs him as if they’ve been apart for years. Chris pats his shoulder in a placating way but also gives him a, “Dad. It was two days,” and wriggles away so he can seek refuge and peace in his bedroom. 
It’s fine. It’s all fine. Because Eddie shuts the front door and reaches for Karen before she can go back to her car. He urgently motions her closer and leans down to whisper to her as if someone might somehow hear them. “He told me he loves me.”
She gives him an odd look. “Who? Chris?”
Eddie huffs. “No.”
“No? Oh. OH.” Karen’s eyes grow wide and then she turned her voice to hushed, conspiratorial tones. “The boyfriend? He loves you?”
The boyfriend. His boyfriend of four months. Who is sweet and considerate and patient and nerdy and fun. And all Eddie can think about is how the only time he’s thought it, mentioned it, felt it— is when he confessed that love? Love to Eddie, for Eddie? Love means Buck. 
“Yes, the boyfriend,” Eddie tells her. “He told me he loves me.”
“Awww,” she smiles proudly like Eddie is a child who’s shown her the messy, scratchy drawing he’s made that she knows is objectively terrible but is maybe subjectively adorable and makes her sentimental. “That’s great, Eddie. Good for you. I’m happy for you.”
At least someone is. 
It’s not that it’s a bad thing. It’s a very good thing. He likes Raúl, he likes being with him. Dating is fun and enjoyable for once, and they just had a perfect, romantic night away together. Unless you factor in the fucking panic attack. There’s that little tiny detail. 
He should be happy. Eddie wants to be happy. He shakes his head and just feels even more guilty and terrible about it. 
“And you said…?” Karen waves her hand— either like she’s confused and wants to know more or like she’s conjuring a spell that will put him out of his misery. He hopes it’s the latter.
Eddie pushes his tongue to the front of his teeth. “He told me I didn’t have to say the same. Or feel the same. I don’t know. He’s very casual and nonchalant about everything. I kissed him and we just—” Eddie shrugs because he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know how to feel about this because he’s much too busy feeling like a failure for being unable to have sex. 
Feelings and emotions are full today. He’s way over capacity. They’ll have to try again later. Except not. They should not try again later because he’s tired of feeling anything. They can fuck off forever. 
Karen shrugs back. “And you just—? Fucked? Or no, made sweet emotional love because he loves you?”
Jesus fuck. Eddie holds up a hand. “No. Nope. No, because that’s the thing. That is the thing. I can’t— I-I don’t? We haven’t. Not because he’s a man. Just to clarify. It’s not that.” 
“Oh,” she says wisely, knowledgeably. “Is it because you were Catholic?” It sounds like it’s a tragic disease he used to have. The way she says it. And… well. Maybe it was. But that’s still not the problem. “No sex before marriage? No marriage that isn’t a man and a woman? God will cry, you’ll burn in Hell, all that bullshit? Is that it?”
“No. Nothing like that.” Although he can’t say it’s very helpful to think about? “I just…” He looks around even though there’s no one who can hear them, no one near his front door, his neighbors aren’t out taking walks or doing yard work, and there’s no way for anyone to know what he’s going to say. But he has to make sure. “The last time we talked about love? Was when I told him that I’m in love with Buck.”
Karen’s eyes widen so large, they just might pop right out. And then she has to glance around, too. Like she’s also wondering if anyone was around to hear what he just told her. “You told him you’re in love with Buck? You’re in love with Buck?”
Why the fuck did he think it was a good idea to bring this up? What in the hell was he thinking? He pinches the bridge of his nose and then tells her. “It was months ago. I had feelings before I even met Raúl and I told him about it because I didn’t want to be dishonest. I was expecting to break up, but he basically said, of course I was in love with Buck and he already knew, from the beginning. But it wasn’t a dealbreaker because we could still build something together if we wanted to because— because I know Buck doesn’t—”
Karen raises an eyebrow and gives him a narrowed, suspicious gaze. 
“Even if he feels something. He’s not ready. He doesn’t look at me or think of me like that. He doesn’t want a relationship right now.” And Eddie would fuck up not just everything for Buck and Christopher, but the strongest most necessary support beam relationship in his whole life. Because that’s all Eddie ever does is fuck up every single potential romantic relationship he ever has. “I don’t want to fuck that up. I can’t ever fuck that up. Love doesn’t mean it will work. It doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. I can’t… I can’t.”
“Okay…” Karen seems to accept that. For now. 
“Anyway, the point? I like him. Raúl. I like him a lot. I love being with him. I really do. I’ve never actually really enjoyed a relationship. And I told him the thing that I told him months ago. Because I had to be honest. And I’ve been trying to commit. I am committed. I am. I want to be with him. But— but the last time I talked about love, it was, ‘I love Buck.’ And— and—”
Karen tips her head to the side like she can decipher all the secrets of the universe just by looking. Who knows. She’s a literal rocket scientist. She might have that power. “And you still love Buck. How could you stop loving Buck.” 
It’s not a question. She doesn’t even say it like a question. It’s a fact. And it will always be a fact. 
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soleadita · 2 years
i’m frothing at the mouth about this episode. i don’t even know where to start. finding out CHIM is the one who set up karen and hen? iconic. delicious. unmatched. (also gives extra hilarious context to the drunk chim and karen scene in 3x17). bobby’s “i love you now let us do our job”?? i died. hen’s little “i don’t know if i’m ready for serious”? hilarious. adorable. i’m sitting here rubbing my hands together and laughing at her (affectionately) knowing full well she MARRIES THIS WOMAN.
chim and hen eating lunch at the beach atop the ladder truck? karen and hen staring at baby denny in the car seat and trying to figure out what to do with an infant? “as long as we’re here, on this earth, as long we have tomorrow, it’s not too late”?! “this was your dream”/“now i have a new one, here, on earth, with denny”!!!! to quote the formidable, beloved, iconic dr. christina yang: SOMEBODY SEDATE ME.
(honorable mention to buck’s “you can live without a spleen, right?” i love you, you big himbo!!)
i'm also IN TEARS about hen's medical school arc. no way can i put my feelings into the right words, but there’s something so fucking tender and empowering about realizing that the thing you thought you wanted, the thing you fought so hard to make happen, the thing, the thing, the thing—is maybe, in practice, not actually what you want? that dreams change, and that's okay? that you ARE ALLOWED TO STOP DOING SOMETHING? if it ends up not being what you expected? idk. just. henrietta and karen wilson, i love you both so fucking much.
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
New(ish) Comics, including some catch-ups:
Superboy: Man of Tomorrow #6: I am actually reassured that they skipped the move I was worried they were going to pull. TKO by Kon on his own achieved! (Also Guy’s sarcasm at the topic of ‘another cyborg Superman’)
I’m…confused by at least one box of the reunion scene conversation? Who are you suggesting you’re supposed to be a ‘big brother’ to, Kon? (I’m presuming it’s a misplaced Clark bubble. The hug was very sweet)
Batman Brave and the Bold #2-4: that Joker story is really over the top, isn’t it?
Re Stormwatch: Rose Wilson is a ‘grown ass woman’ is she? That means her contemporaries are, right DC? RIGHT?
Ooh actual Martha Wayne content for a couple of panels!
I am…probably giving this up? Or skipping it unless I am advised it’s worthwhile. Most of the Black and Whites have had a good moment of screencapping, but everything else has been darker than I prefer and the Stormwatch has been meandering nowhere.
Green Arrow #2-3: I note the complaints made that Williamson is very unwilling to define family relationships broadly and I agree with them.
Lian's little blue and yellow costume is downright adorable but it makes her look like she's Gold Beetle.
WF Teen Titans #1-2: the thing I most appreciated about issue 2 is the focus on Garth and Karen this issue, who are not liable to get lots of attention other places. That said.
I don’t begrudge the Titans their time in the sun, especially as they’re currently the premier team. However. Could DC possibly announce a teen or YA team book that ISN’T this? You have multiple generations worth of younger heroes just sitting there unused while we are on yet ANOTHER flashback OT Titans book (the YJ kids, Damian’s Titans kids, the Rebirth gen, the Titans Academy kids, the Lost Children, the Titans’ Resurrected Offspring…).
Instead we are on the THIRD SERIES in 2 years starring Dick!Robin.
It’s obvious Johns is pitching another Lost Children book and Adams is pitching a Titans’ Offspring book, but can’t we get them announced? Please?
Warlord #16: highlight of the week time!
Today we start trying to rescue baby Joshua from Deimos. So it’s time for a Travis and Tara mission (Mariah and Machete where?) to find a magic eye for a witch. They’re back in tune together (and Tara is once again getting captured).
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For the ask game if you're still taking prompts! It's got to be Buddie with: "I really shouldn't be surprised, and yet."
"I really shouldn't be surprised, and yet."
Eddie doesn't jump at the words, nor the sudden presence at his side. He'd clocked her as soon as she entered, has been keeping half an eye on her as she made her way around the glittering ballroom, talking to people, enjoying champagne and hors d'oeuvres. He'd half hoped she wouldn't notice them, but Hen and Buck have been working the room all night, both of them decked out to the nines (Eddie's hands have been itching to peel Buck out of that fitted tux practically since the moment he put it on). He leans back against the wall he's been unobtrusively hugging all night, tilting his own champagne flute back and forth contemplatively.
"Agent Grant," he says neutrally. "What brings you out tonight? You look lovely, by the way." He lifts his drink in a little salute, smirking when her eyes narrow dangerously. It's not a lie, of course. She does look beautiful, statuesque in a pale gold strapless dress that hugs her like a second skin, tiny crystals sparkling every time she moves under the lights. Bobby's gonna be disappointed he opted to run the op from the kitchens tonight.
Although those miniature mushroom and spinach quiches are delicious, so Eddie's not complaining.
"What are you doing here, Diaz?" Agent Grant asks sharply, the grim set of her mouth daring him to try and bullshit her.
Eddie takes a sip of his champagne, grimacing a little at how warm it's gotten and flagging down a waiter to take it away. Regretfully, he waves away the offer of a fresh glass. Chimney and Bobby assured him the chances of his particular skillset being needed are minimal, but minimal is not zero and he's not risking his head being even slightly clouded with Hen and Buck so out in the open.
He shoots Agent Grant a lazy grin, just because he knows it'll irritate her. He likes her (and Buck freaking adores her for some reason...Eddie suspects it's mostly because Bobby is so far gone on Athena Grant that it's not even funny, and Buck likes anything that makes Bobby happy) but he's not entirely sure they can trust her, yet. Sure, she's looked the other way for them on a few different ops, but she's also helped the FBI burn down some really good aliases Chim set up for them.
"I can't just be here for the shrimp puffs and free champagne?"
Agent Grant does not look impressed. "Uh huh. And that's not Wilson currently schmoozing every bigwig in this place while Buck robs them blind."
"Buck's not robbing anyone blind," he says, immediately defensive of his boyfriend.
*Buck, put that bracelet back...that's not what we're here for.* Bobby's put upon voice over the coms immediately makes him a liar, and he's just grateful Agent Grant can't hear them.
*Aw, Bobby! That's vintage Cartier! Do you know how much those go for? Besides, I was getting it for Karen.*
*You are not shopping for Hen and Karen's anniversary gift in the middle of an operation,* Bobby replies sternly.
*Well now hold on, hold on...Buck has excellent taste in jewelry. You think she'd like it, Buckaroo?* Hen jumps into the conversation, and Chimney's line is suddenly filled with the clacking of keys.
*Absolutely! Tricolor gold braid, diamond setting, circa 1950? Fifteen to twenty thousand, easy. Oh, and I mean, it's pretty. I think it would look pretty on Karen.*
Eddie can't help a snort of laughter. One couldn't really say Buck had excellent taste--his boy is mostly just drawn to all things pretty, sparkly, or soft--but he does have a superb eye for jewelry. Especially high end, very valuable jewelry.
*If it helps, the lady Buck just lifted that bracelet off of recently cut her company's parental leave policy from 12 weeks paid to 4 weeks, citing budget concerns, and rhen gave herself and her board of directors a ten percent salary increase,* Chimney supplies helpfully, drawing a squawk of outrage from Buck.
The squawk sounds like it's in stereo, and Eddie looks up to find Buck himself only a couple feet away from him.
"Well shit, I'm going back for the matching earrings before we're done here. Athena! Hi! You look gorgeous!" A wide, sunshine-bright grin splits his face, and he leans in close, smiling even wider when Agent Grant rolls her eyes, but tilts her cheek up for Buck to kiss. She's always had a soft spot for Buck. Most people who meet him do, honestly.
Eddie had certainly lasted all of 24 hours, even with Buck being kind of a dick to him when Bobby first brought him onboard.
"Hello Buck. I'm going to ignore what I just heard about you stealing earrings. Now, back to my original question...what are you all doing here?"
Some of Buck's enthusiasm at seeing Agent Grant dies away, and he steps back to lean against the wall with Eddie. Eddie automatically winds his arm around Buck's trim waist, splaying his hand across his hip. Buck relaxes against him, briefly turning to drop a kiss on the corner of Eddie's mouth.
"What do you think we're doing here?" Eddie asks carefully. Agent Grant sighs heavily.
"Diaz. Buck. I am asking you not to interfere, here. Greenway has three federal agencies investigating him. We are going to get him on something, I guarantee it."
Eddie opens his mouth to reply, but Buck beats him to it.
"Right, I'm sure Mike Caulfield's family will feel really good when Jonah Greenway gets three years probation for tax evasion." His voice is hard, flat. Eddie slides his hand to the small of Buck's back, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb.
Mike Caulfield had died in a freak accident at one of Jonah Greenway's factories almost a year ago, leaving behind a pregnant wife and two children under the age of ten. Cases with kids always hit them hard, but Buck takes them even more personally. It had been obvious from the start that safety measures at the factory had been lax, but the evidence is piling up that Mike Caulfield had been about to turn whistleblower on just how lax Greenway Industries was on all their properties...and Greenway found out.
Forget tax evasion, they're gonna nail Jonah Greenway for murder and make sure Mike Caulfield's family is taken care of for the rest of their lives.
"Buck, the system is in place for a reason," Agent Grant tries, and Eddie winces as Buck goes completely still under his hands.
He doesn't have to look to know that his boyfriend's face has gone entirely blank, his beautiful blue eyes like two flat chips of ice. It's the expression that always makes Eddie's stomach clench unpleasantly, makes him want to hunt down everyone who ever hurt Buck or took advantage of him (and he knows more about Buck's past than anyone else except maybe Maddie, but there are still things Buck won't talk about, won't share).
"The system only works if everyone in the system wants it to, Athena. And people like Greenway definitely don't." He flicks a look out over the ballroom. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go get a keycard and then bust Chimney into Greenway's office. Kiss for luck?" He turns to Eddie, some of the warmth returning to his eyes, and Eddie obligingly slides his hand into Buck's sandy brown hair, mussing up the gel holding his curls in check just a little, and kisses him thoroughly.
"You don't need luck," he says with a laugh, biting down om Buck's plush lower lip just a little. And it's true...his boy certainly looks like he fits more in Eddie's line of work, but Buck's reputation for getting in and out of places he shouldn't be is second to none. Watching him crack a safe is a thing of beauty.
Buck smiles at him, tips a little wave at Agent Grant, and melts into the crowd. Eddie watches him approach their target, already thoroughly distracted by Hen, and then turns back to Agent Grant.
"You gonna try and stop us?" he asks, cocking a challenging eyebrow.
Agent Grant, also watching Buck as he weaves his way through the crowd, drains her champagne flute. "You really think you can nail him?" she asks finally.
Eddie's smile is feral when he answers. "To the wall," he assures. And then, because he does like her, and he also wants Bobby to be happy, he tilts his head a little. "There's always room for one more on the team, you know. You don't even have to be a con artist. Hen's wife does a lot of research for us...Buck's sister does a lot of our recon."
Maddie Buckley also usually drives the getaway car, but Agent Grant doesn't need to know that.
She shoots him a sideways glare, picking up one of Bobby's canapes when a waiter carrying a loaded tray passes. But Eddie doesn't think he's imagining the look of consideration in her eyes.
"Have a good night, Agent Grant. Enjoy the show." He winks at her, and then heads off into the crowd himself. Buck is making his way towards the elevators, and Hen might need help creating another distraction.
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zahlibeth · 11 months
oooh Hen voice over!! i love that smart sensible Hen is the one with the superstition here. also Hen and Karen and their lil matching sinks and bedtime routine is so f ucking cute
Karen Wilson you horndog i adore you
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 6x06! God I'm so stressed 😳😂
spoilers ahead!
oh my god they're so cute 😍 - I'm loving their first date
Chimney set them up???! this is getting better and better 😂😂
I already love the whole flashback side of the episode and I'm even more scared about the now side 😢 I have the tissues ready lmao
I swear nothing bad better happen to Denny either, I'm already tearing up
I shouldn't have watched the promo for this episode, I'm already emotional 😂😂
Karen's job really is super cool - god she's so smart - that's hot 🔥 lol
aw is Hen about to change her mind about becoming a doctor? 😢 well, at least it'll be her choice and not a failed exam I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
oh shit Karen was right there too 😳😳
oh my god I'm so happy Denny's fine, such a relief, I literally shed a few tears lmao
now save Karen pls 😭😭
being her back to US - I'm not ready to lose her either lmao
Karen has such an adorable smile, I love her - also, I can't stop smiling at the flashbacks, they're so cute
so they found Karen and she's alive... why do I remember her calling 911 in the promo tho 😂
the guy with his face bleeding - oh my god I can't even look 🤢 but also him warning them - there's gonna be another explosion isn't there 😩
I am so worried for literally everyone there, I can barely breathe lmao
oh shit Karen!! 😭😭💔
oh my god Chimney 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 you don't say shit like that 😂😂
she can't be fucking dead, no way, I'm not ready for that
oh thank fuck she's alive 😭 I can't handle this shit 😭
I am SOBBING I love Henren so much, oh my god 😭❤️ and Denny too, he's adorable
"I'm glad you were there to save her" .... yeah, I think she's gonna stay at the 118
yup, she threw away the papers 👌 (tho, pls burn or tear them up pls, there's personal info there lmao)
"and with the help of Google" lmao yeah, when I have my first kid (in a very, very distant future) imma need my mama to stay with me for like a month 😂😂
aww happy ending - and I'm crying 😭❤️
this was so good - the Wilson family is so fucking adorable, I love them, and they better be okay from now on 😂 I cried less than I expected but still a lot haha also, I distinctly remember Karen calling 911 in the promo but it didn't happen in the episode?? whatever, but I was just a bit confused haha I'm so glad she's okay, and I loved the flashbacks, I loved seeing their relationship develop, it was so interesting and they're just so cute, where can I find my Karen pls 😂😂😂
and the next episode is curses 😂😂 is it gonna be a jinx-kinda thing with Eddie being all skeptical again? 😂 I can't wait lol
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The ‘one week wasn’t enough time to mentally prepare for what Aisha and Tracie are about to do to me’ reaction dump:
This is going to wreck me I know it
I’m so stoked for HenRen but at this cost???
Actually feed me the tension and suspense
But also not too much bc I can’t handle it 🥺
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Ohhhhh Karen acting like a bossssssssssss
neighbor Chim to the rescue
Hen was so smitten already
Y'all I'm so excited for baby HenRen
I'm also LIVING for all the home life scenes with Denny ♥
Denny's 'momma' 🥺
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Also, I'm loving the music choices this season
I'll be honest, I never even considered how the fostering would be affected by Hen progressing with the med school story line. It makes sense and if they don't go through with it, I wonder if this will set up more placements? I'd love to see that more for HenRen
yall I KNOW they did NOT just have hen on the phone for THAT ?!
I -
Get them to a vow renewal honeymoon on a tropical island stat
I love Chim catching her sneaking out lmao
jesus the suspense rn
wait was that a fucking arm?
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nice to see they've still got their gag factor going
Buck you shoulda known she was gonna go fully Buck too lol
All yall are the same
So wait, I'm terrified to know how we go from this to her being worked on in the bus ??????
Nightmare for Hen or ??????????
Well tbf it is a nightmare but
I love the glimpse of Karen reacting about Eva calling about Denny - it really hits home harder how the eventual cheating hurt her, and it's kinda incredible she overcame it enough to move forward with Hen.
Bobby in the bus???!!!
Howard. Chimney. Han. You can't just -
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that was too fucking close for comfort okay
sob. city.
I can't believe there's only 15ish minutes Itleft - this episode FLEW
It's a little thing, but once again I noticed how Eddie looks to Buck to reassure him - that little nod and affirmation that Karen would be alright. I really enjoy seeing those subtle choices between them ♥
Karen has such a big heart 😭
Yep, Denny thanking her broke me thanks fox more dramatic sobbing here
So like - here's the thing: I would love to see her as a doctor. I would love to see Hen being a boss bitch saving people and doing surgery, and maybe even getting her own show, but selfishly I'm glad she trashed those papers because I love the Wilson family so much and am afraid that if they moved to a spin off that we'd get significantly less crossover with the 118 fam. Plus the doctor storyline would definitely have her having to make even more sacrifices in the long run (just thinking about residency alone, which is another year off) and I'll be honest I don't trust Fox to give the storyline good attention. I mean, we went how long with it chilling on the back burner?
I'm at least glad they put a lot of thought and effort into fading the storyline, because we got HenRen backstory, we got Karen backstory, we got so many cute Denny-and-Moms moments, and we got to see Chim being a meddling little shit.
"Are we supposed to take him out of the carrier?" lmaooooo
baby denny is fucking adorable ahhhhhhhhhh
Paralleling Karen giving up her dream with Hen giving up hers (at least temporarily) has me sobbing again
Karen's little snarl at Hen on the couch lmao I love them
Denny is too fucking cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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"This is my dream"
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chaoticornot · 2 years
Here is 9-1-1 s06e02
I am guessing that something will crash, looking at the title. Poor Athena, I love how comforting Bobby is. I was not expecting an affair, but I love it. Sassy Eddie and Hen. Maddie is so sweet. I need more of Chim and Hen's friendship because it's so siblingy without being siblings, you know? If Hen goes on like this, she will miss her exam because she is sleeping. "Get her a pillow" should not be as funny as it is. Aww, them running away like it could have been anyone else. I hope it goes well. Question. Is it an American thing to not sit at separate tables during an exam, or is this just the show? Oh no, I have bad feelings about this. Shit. Oh, thank god. You better keep that promise, Henrietta Wilson.
Bobby was right, though. Oh no, Buck. Not another old man. I can't watch Buck cry, I am crying, shit. He is sobbing, omg. This is tough on the whole team and also specifically Hen because this is her first tough decision as captain but Buckk. I adore Eddie and Chim teaming up to comfort their besties, so cute. Okay, serious moment but holy hell, how buff did he get?? Omg. Buck's curiosity is always great to hear but also a bit sad. The reason it is sad is that he always looks so lost like he needs someone to tell him because he can't trust his own intuition. I think he is looking for a universal answer, but that doesn't exist. Happiness is so subjective that the only he can do is look at his life and the people and go from there.
Dammit, she failed. It's so sweet that in the beginning, Karen is a bit pissed, but when she notices something is wrong, she immediately comforts Hen. I love how instead of being angry, she is so supportive even though she is scared, I love her. What the fuck? Uh?? I am in shock.
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justafaller · 3 years
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
Hey do you have any buddie fic recs?
i sure do!!! there have been so many incredible fics posted recently that i'm still trying to work my way through them but here are a few that i've read in the past two weeks that i've absolutely adored:
cause i'm tired of sleeping alone by rarakiplin (gmontys) (@hoediaz)
Buck goes on dates now.
Not often, and never with the same girl twice in a row, but he goes on dates.
And the thing is — the thing is, Eddie can’t be mad about that, because he goes on dates too.
or, five (ish) times eddie and buck go on dates with other people, and one time they go on a date with each other
never want for more when you're near by @hattalove
And Buck had, honestly, just about kept it together through the drive and the wait before Chim opened the door and this particular bout of nausea. He doesn’t have it in him to hold it in anymore, has to tell someone, so he takes a painful breath and says:
“I slept with Eddie.”
Chimney brightens. “Oh, con—“ he stops himself when Buck whines. “Not congrats?”
in which buck gets drunk and sleeps with eddie. except does he?
as easy as defusing a bomb by iriswests  (@evanbucxley)
His Google search history leading up to Hen and Karen’s vow renewal looks like this:
How to stop being attracted to your best friend Why am I attracted to my best friend Why am I attracted to my best friend + man Why are arms so attractive on men How to make my house carry-proof How do I tell my best friend to keep his shirt on Why does my best friend keep yawning Yawning remedies Dry lip remedies Slip-resistant dish gloves Slip-resistant dish gloves floral pattern
And then he just spent the next hour finding and ordering stupid dish gloves for Buck, because Google, it turns out, does not always have the answer, and leaves Eddie with more questions than before (like: does Buck have sleep apnea, actually, and if so, should he be seeing someone for it?).
or; buck moves in with eddie while taylor finds a new place, and prompts what feels like puberty 2.0 for eddie diaz.
Blame It On the Alcohol/Halloween Candy/Mistletoe/Etc. by @hmslusitania
Eddie doesn’t consider the repercussions of his actions until two weeks later. It’s Sunday, and Christopher had spent the previous day working on a school project at Ava’s house, and now over their pancakes, Christopher is just…staring at him. “What?” Eddie asks, reaching over to ruffle Christopher’s curls. “Not enough blueberries?” “Did you kiss Buck?” Christopher asks. Eddie freezes and he’s pretty sure he sounds like he’s being strangled when he asks, “Did I what?”
Five times Buck and Eddie kiss for perfectly platonic reasons and One time it's none of those things (Spoiler alert: It is never any of those things)
All Tomorrows Come From Yesterdays by allisonRW96 (@homerforsure)
“I want that,” he says quietly. “I want that so bad it hurts sometimes. And I don’t think I’m ever gonna have it.”
In the aftermath of a breakup, Buck attends a wedding.
Patch by @wilddragonflying
Change a few things, and what if it wasn't Hen and Chim Jonah captured?
What if it was Buck and Eddie?
said i couldn't stay, but it's different now by @hattalove
“I think,” he says, watching Karen pull Hen out onto the dance floor, their eyes never leaving each other’s, “I think I’m just—sad.”
Maybe. That feels like a close enough word to describe this gaping maw right in the center of his chest. It’s only really there sometimes, taking little bites out of him, easy enough to ignore, but today is worse.
“About being single at a wedding,” Eddie says, not a question.
Buck shrugs. “Sounds stupid when you put it that way.”
or, the one with the four weddings (feat. a drunk karen wilson, shania twain, a single cheerio, and some confessions over cubed fruit).
baby, we can make it (if we're heart to heart) by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck)
“I lied,” he says, the words coming out ragged. “Earlier.”
“What did you lie about?” Buck asks. His tone is mild, edged with curiosity. He doesn’t know what’s coming.
For the space of a heartbeat, Eddie considers changing course. Considers backing out. Considers making up something inconsequential. But the lump in his throat has a mind of its own, and the words come out anyway.
“When I said I’m not in love with you.”
with my heart pounding (down that broken path) by farfromthstars (@buckactuallys)
And it’s been less than an hour since they arrived, and over a year since he last saw his son and grandson in person, but already Ramon feels like he keeps saying the wrong things around Eddie. He doesn’t mean to, but Eddie already seems angry at him, seems angry at him most of the time, and he’s just not sure why. It’s in the way he looks at him sometimes, his snippy comments, and painfully obvious in the way he’s so different with other people, especially Christopher, his abuela and his aunt. Ramon knows that the four of them have spent a lot of time together since Eddie moved Chris and himself to LA, but it still hurts a little that his own son is this close with his mother and sister when it feels like he can’t even talk to Ramon past superficial small talk.
Eddie's visit through his father's eyes.
we've got tonight (who needs tomorrow) by rarakiplin (gmontys) (@hoediaz)
Buck nods, rolling his glass gently between his palms. “Do you think you’ll ever have that? What Hen and Karen have?”
“You asked me that once before, you know,” Eddie says, and maybe he hasn’t fully grown out of deflection. Buck’s head turns toward him, a small little smile that means he remembers. “I said I hope so.”
“Has your answer changed?”
“Has yours?”
A scoff, Buck’s gaze tearing away from Eddie’s to return to his glass, where his fingers tap uselessly against the side. “I guess I’m not sure I’m built for this kind of love. The epic, all-consuming kind, I mean. Maybe I just have to be okay with — something I can live with, you know?”
or, eddie and buck sleep together at a wedding, but it's a little more than that
when i die alone (i'll be on time) by catching_paper_moons
“You good?” Lucy asks. Buck swallows, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“Yeah.” His voice cracks on the word. “Yeah, I’m off shift in 30, so.” He sends her a smile. “I’m good.”
Lucy frowns and takes a seat next to him. “You seem a little…” She trails off, waving her hands in front of his face. “You know.”
He raises an eyebrow at her, blinking. “Uh-huh.”
“Down.” She turns to face him. “You gonna go see your boys after this?”
(or 5 times buck has a talk about life with everyone but the person he should talk about life with, and one time he finally does)
you can also find all of my bookmarks here! i only ever bookmark fics if i want to reread them or recommend them so there are plenty of other gems here 💖
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"A snack or a bandaid" - Matt Murdock x Reader
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SUMMARY: [inspired by the rooftop scene in 2x10] Matt has an odd liking towards martyrdom and eremitism. When he tells you he has to let go of everyone, you promise him that your window will always be open in case he needs anything. One night he takes on that promise.
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The night was cold, crisp wind tugged at your clothes. Sirens were going off somewhere far away. It felt as if all plagues of Hell's Kitchen decided to fall on its citizens on that very night: Frank Castle, Wilson Fisk and, surprisingly, undead Nobu. Looking at Matt's face, you could tell the snowballing calamities were taking their toll on him and still that was maybe half of his problems. He was sitting on some metal box which usage was greatly unknown and held his mask in both his hands, appearing more nervous than he normally does. And it wasn't surprising, not considering what he had just told you and the fact that you took a while to answer.
”You’re breaking my heart, Matt," you said quietly. He knew that. "But if that’s what will make you happy, I’m okay with it.” All the love he ever had for your compassion turned quickly into hate: Matt was livid that you remained gentle even at that moment. In some way, that contempt was directed at himself for hurting someone who deserved so much better. How does a murderer feel when their victim forgives them before they die?
”It won’t make me happy," his voice was angry, partially because of you - for ever entertaining the thought that he would want to leave you, and yet: "Being away from Karen, from Foggy, from you… I have to do this to keep you safe. Law, friends, it's all distractions from protecting my city."
At that moment, Matt remembered when you told him once that 'carrying the world is overrated' and how quick he was to disagree with you. Perhaps, that has made all the difference.
”If you ever need anything, even a bandaid or a snack, I’ll leave the window open." He could sense your salty tears from miles away like a picky kid knows their most hated ingredient is in the food by the sole smell of it. "God, I sound pathetic, don’t I?” You tilted your head upwards, looking at the night sky, to prevent your tears from falling.
"You’re not pathetic, (Y/N)." Matt barely recognized the softness in his voice. It burned him to be so close and yet so far from you but he knew it was for the better. No matter how distant he seemed, his only wish was to hold you again. "You're just in love.”
For a moment, the silence felt at home between you yet again. He made it sound so simple, so mundane: just in love as if devotion was but a whim born out of boredom and fantasy running wild.
"Does it ever get easier? Letting go?” you asked.
At that moment he remembered Elektra and how his young heart broke when she left without a word.
”No but you learn to go on.” But he doubted his life expectancy was long enough to ever get over you.
In some way, Matt was grateful that he couldn't see your tear-stained face. Only God knew what madness would such heart-wrenching sight bring out of him.
”You know, Matt, I think you might be right.” Your voice was quiet, shaky.
”About what?”
”Maybe I am in love.” It was a reflex that his hand raised to wipe away your tears but Matt stopped himself for some unknown reason. After what he had said, it felt wrong, cruel, to show you such intimacy. "Right now, I really don't like you, Matt. But I still love you and understand you." You had an adorable habit of kissing him on the cheek each time you leave and right now, having you simply walk away from him, the night suddenly felt a lot colder than before.
Matt couldn't tell if his heart ever hurt more. He wanted to scream and punch this grief out of his guts but no words or swings ever left him: he simply sat there, listening to you descending the stairs and getting on the elevator.
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Doing it felt, in a way, silly to you and anyone who would've seen you at that moment would think so too. With a window wide open, inviting the noise of New York inside, you hitched a packet of M&M's and a small package with medical dressing to the external windowsill with a clothes peg. It was similar to how people leave birdseed outside their windows to watch birds: it wasn't important that they eat it, it was important that they show up. And with you and Matt it was exactly the same. If he takes it, that means he's alive and well. Considering his wish to cut all ties with the more mundane side of his life, it was probably the best (if not only) kind of closure you could get.
A police siren went off in the distance and for a moment you thought to yourself whether Matt had something to do with it. And if not, maybe he was hearing it too and the two of you were, for a few seconds, connected again, although in the most lonely of ways.
Days passed by with you looking out the window first thing in the morning. Did he take it? And every time you saw the modest "offering" to the borough's hero was still hitched to your windowsill, you felt a little worse. Not only because you began to think something happened to him but that he took his own words to heart: he really did erase you from his life. Maybe you were childishly naive to believe he would ever check up on you. He did, after all, call you indirectly a distraction.
One morning, maybe five days after you've last seen Matt, your heart stopped for a second - it was gone. The clothes peg was still on the windowsill but dressing and candy were gone. So unless raccoons learned to fly or pigeons use clothes pegs, Matt visited your window last night. And that meant he was at least alive and well enough to make the trip. But then you felt a sudden wave of anger directed at yourself - what if you had stayed up last night? Ever for an hour or two longer? Would you have seen even a hem of his suit? It would have been enough to calm your insatiable longing.
Matt is alright, you thought to yourself as you looked for another packed snack in your kitchen, My Matt is alright.
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