#I think humans should sit on a couch in their underwear and eat sandwiches more. world peace.
notbecauseofvictories · 9 months
I know this is not an earth-shattering revelation, but there's just something about a sandwich. Literally watched someone make one in front of me, carefully assembling it and slathering it in butter, grilling it, and despite knowing (knowing) this is not a particularly sophisticated achievement, I've never been so viscerally attracted to anyone in my life.
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honeyimthedevil · 4 years
I got inspired by @starker-sorbet 's moodboard
And I love mermaids. I couldn't not do this.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Tony Stark
Word count: 1,8K
Tony doesn't know what made him go down to the beach that day. But he was glad he did. As he was walking down the sand he saw something. And the person he is he went to investigate. He, for sure, didn't expected to find that. So beautiful, half in the ocean, half laying on the sand. Tony went closer and touched it softly. He didn't receive a reaction.
"What are you?" Tony muttered under his breath, "you look like a mermaid. But what are you doing here? What should I do?"
The man stood there for a while, thinking. Should he leave it here? Should he take it to the house and put it in the pool so he can get some information? But the mermaid didn't look good. It might've been injured.
He took his final decision and walked closer. He picked it up carefully and walked back to the mansion. Where should he put it? He only wanted to help but it'll probably be scared when it wake up. Tony stopped for a moment considering his next move again. He can leave it here and still help it. But if he brings it to the house he can have a closer look and be able to be more helpful. He continued walking. The door automatically opening as he approached it, he walked in the mansion. That was the moment he appreciated his enormously big bathtub. He set the mermaid in it and turned on the water. He made sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold and walked out of the bathroom to do some research. He needed to know more about the mermaid kind.
An hour later he went back to his bathroom to turn off the water. He looked over the mermaid after he stopped the water. It was beautiful. The tale was a beautiful orange with light blue and some white here and there. It's skin was slightly pink from being under the sun for god knows how long. And on top of it's head was a mop of curls for a hair. Tony took one last look and walked out. Just as he was nearing the living room he heard a scream. He ran back to the bathroom and looked at the tub. The mermaid has curled in itself at the side.
"Hey," Tony said in gentle voice, "It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Do you understand me?" The mermaid nodded, "My name is Tony Stark. Can I know yours?"
The man barely heard the faint, "Peter" that left the mermaid's lips.
"It's really nice to meet you Peter. Please correct me if I'm assuming wrong, but you're male, right?" The small nod answered his question.
Tony nodded back at him and gave him a small smile.
"How did you ended on the beach, Peter?"
"I got caught in a fishman's fishnet. I passed out. And then I woke up here" the merman explained.
"Are you feeling well? Do you need something?"
"My tail hurts, where it was caught in the fishing net. And I'm kind of hungry"
"Is there anything to help your tail?" Tony asked.
"I just won't move it for awhile. I'll be alright"
"Okay. Um, what do you wanna eat?"
"Do you have tuna?"
"Yes, I do. I'll bring you a can"
Tony went to the pantry and took a can of tuna. He opened it and walked back to Peter.
"Here you go" Tony handed him the can. He was now laying near the edge, tail expanded across the tub.
"What's that?" Peter looked up at Tony.
"It's tuna. It's not the best you can find but that's what I have now"
Peter smelled it and digged his fingers in the can, bringing them to his mouth and trying the fish. He chewed it and then looked back up at Tony with big eyes.
"It's good!" He exclaimed.
"I'm glad you like it. I'll be back in a sec. You can finish it"
Tony walked out of the bathroom and was in his room. He changed out of his swim shorts to a normal pair of shorts and took of his sweaty shirt, not putting on another one. It was hot. He made himself a quick sandwich and walked back to Peter. The can was laying empty on the floor and the merman was looking at himself in the mirror across the room.
"Hey" Tony said and took a bite from his sandwich.
"That's me!" He pointed at his reflections.
"Yes, that's you. By the way, I like your tail. It's very pretty"
"Thanks! You can touch it if you want to" Peter said.
Tony leaned forwards, his hand sinking in the water. He touched the little scales and ran his fingers over them.
"Thank you for letting me touch your tail"
"No problem!" Peter beamed.
"You seem happy now. Does that mean you're not scared of me?"
"I'm not scared of you. You're a very nice human!"
"Thanks. Do you want me to move you to the pool? It's bigger"
"I like it here for now. You're gonna let me back in the ocean, right?" Peter asked.
"Of course I will. I just wanna make sure you're all right"
They fell in comfortable silence. Tony was sitting on the floor, his hands floating through the water, making little waves.
"I have a question" he suddenly blurted out.
"So, we have this thing where we all agreed that when mermaids dry out they get legs. Is it true?"
"Technically, yes. But I haven't tried it before"
"Okay. But, have you considered doing it?"
"A few times, yes"
"Tony, are you here?" A new voice asked.
"I'll be back in a sec, Pete"
Tony walked in the hall and closed the door to his bedroom.
"Hey Pep. I didn't expected you today"
"I wasn't supposed to be here. There are some changes in your scedual and I know that you won't open an e-mail that sais, 'new scedual', that's why I came here to give it to you in person"
"You know me so well, Pep. Um, can you leave it in the living room. I have something to do. I'll look at it later"
"What are you up to, Tony?" The woman asked, suspiciously.
"It's nothing you should worry about. It's nothing bad, I promise"
"Okay. I'm gonna be going now. Bye, Tony. Don't do anything stupid"
"I won't, Pep, don't worry. Bye"
The man watched as she walked away. He went back to Peter.
"Do you wanna do something?" Tony asked as he entered the room.
"What can we do?"
"I can ask FRIDAY to project a movie"
"A movie? We can do that"
"Would you mind if I join you in the tub?"
"No, it's your... tub"
"Cool. Let me change out of those" he pointed at his shorts.
A minute later Tony was back in his swim trucks. He got in the tub and layed next to Peter.
"What muvei are we gonna watch?"
"It's called movie," Tony chuckled, "and I was thinking about watching 'Bambi'. I think you'll like it"
"Okay! Let's watch this Bambi"
"Baby girl, can you project it on the wall?" Peter looked around confused.
"Of course, boss" the AI responded.
"Wow! I didn't know you humans have this kind of things!"
"We humans don't have this kind of things. Only I have it. I made her myself"
"You must be smart!"
"One of the smartest"
The movie appeared on the light tales and the scenes started rolling. Peter moved closer to Tony and laid his head on the man's shoulder. Tony wrapped his arm around the merman. When the movie was over the man looked at Peter. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and steady.
"FRIDAY, what am I supposed to do?" Tony asked with a low voice.
"There's nothing about what you should do with a sleeping merman in the internet, sir"
"I'm gonna take him to the guest room" Tony muttered to himself. He got out of the tub and got Peter in his arms. He walked to the bedroom next to his and put the merman on the bed, covering him with a blanket.
"Have sweet dreams, Pete"
Tony dried himself off and climbed in bed completely naked.
The man was awaken early in the morning by FRIDAY.
"Sir, Peter seems to by trying to walk by himself and not being able to"
Tony quickly put on a pair of underwear and ran to the room next to him. He found the merman now with legs on the floor, naked. Tony crunched down in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey Pete, do you need help?"
"Yes, please"
"Do you want me to pick you up or help you walk?"
"Pick me up"
Tony got him in his hands and stood up. He walked to the living room and set him down on the couch.
"I'm gonna get you some clothes" he walked back to his room and took a T-shirt and briefs. When he got back to the living room Peter was sitting, looking around.
"This place is very nice"
"Thank you. Here, you can put this on"
Peter took the clothes from Tony and observed them. He slipped his legs in the briefs and pulled them up. He looked at the shirt and tried to put it on but ended up with his head in the sleeve. Tony chuckled at him but went to help him.
"Why didn't you leave me in the tub last night?" Peter asked once he got the shirt on himself the right way.
"I didn't know if you would drown if I leave you underwater and I didn't know what to do"
"It's okay" he lifted one of his leg in the air then the other.
"Do you wanna try to walk?" Tony asked.
"Yes, but I'm scared"
"I'm gonna hold you"
The man walked to Peter and helped him get to his feet. He made one, two, three steps.
"Look, you can do it!" Tony encouraged.
"Please don't let me go"
"I won't, Pete"
They walked around the living room, went to the kitchen and back to the living room.
"Do you wanna try by yourself?" Tony asked.
"O- okay. Will you catch me?"
"Of course"
Tony took his hands from Peter and walked in front of him. The merman took a step forwards and didn't fall. He smiled up at Tony and took another one. On the third step Peter stumbled over his feet and fell in Tony's arms, their lips crashing together. Tony pulled away and gazed in Peter's eyes, the merman looking back at him. The man leaned back in, capturing Peter's lips in a sweet kiss, the other kissing him back with the same passion.
"I might stay for longer that I expected" Peter said when they broke the kiss, his hands on Tony's shoulders.
"I won't mind" the man breathed out and leaned in again.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Self Care Day
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Summary: Some days it’s hard to human
A/N: Anon request- Fic idea: Ash notices how stressed you been and gives you a little, you know, self care day ;) - Bird
Content: Soft
Word Count: 1k
And away, and away we go!
“Hey, there you are,” Ashton smiled as she finally shuffled into the kitchen, bleary-eyed. The blanket she had clutched tightly in her fist to keep it wrapped around her made her look smaller than she actually was. “Sleep okay?”
The blanket moved with her shoulders as she shrugged in response, her hand coming out of the comfort cocoon to open the fridge. She stared blankly at the shelves that held plenty to eat, but her eyes couldn’t focus on any of it. The door slammed shut with more force than she meant.
“Want me to make you something to eat?” he offered, getting up from where he’d been sitting with a notebook and coffee cup.
She nodded.
“What do you feel like having?” His voice was soft as he got closer to her.
She shrugged again.
“You want a grilled cheese?”
She nodded.
“Okay, baby. Go have a seat, and I’ll bring it to you.”
She answered by shuffling out of the kitchen.
He kept his comments to himself as he set about making the sandwich. Her behavior was unusual. His first thought was that she was under the weather. He was half right. She was under the weather, but it wasn’t from a physical sickness that could be cured with some medicine and rest. 
“Self care day?” he asked, bringing her the grilled cheese.
She nodded, reaching out from the blanket to grab at the plate.
“Do you want space, or do you want me near you?”
She answered by scooting over on the couch to make room for him to sit with her.
He rested his hand on her leg as he sat next to her, the house silent except for her slow chewing. “What can I do to help you?” he asked, his voice quiet when the plate was finally set on the coffee table.
She turned to him, her eyes lost and sad. Her throat worked to try and produce an actual response but no sounds came out. So she shrugged.
He nodded, his brain already working out how to ease some of the pain she was in. He knew her well. He knew she just wanted time to process her emotions, let them run their course, feel them in all their intensity. But he also knew the way she did that best. As he moved to get up from the couch, she finally made a noise, a pleading whimper low in her throat. “I’ll be right back, baby,” he told her, bending over to kiss her head.
She made a noise of dissatisfaction as he walked off, before falling on her side to lay across the couch.
He made his way to the bathroom, quickly getting the water running for a bath. He added bubbles and set about lighting a few candles before dimming the lights so it was just enough to see by. Then, he pulled out her favorite shirt of his, spraying a bit of his cologne on it, before placing it on the bathroom counter along with a big fluffy towel and a pair of underwear. He shut off the water before going to collect her from the couch. “C’mon,” he gently coaxed, holding out his hand to her.
She let out a whine of complaint from having her plans of laying on the couch all day foiled, but got up anyway, slowly shuffling her feet behind him. Her lower lip jutted out and quivered when she saw the bathroom. “Thank you,” she mumbled so low he had to strain to hear her.
“I’m gonna do something real quick, but I’ll be back to join you, okay?”
She nodded, dropping the blanket to the floor and stripping out of her clothes before stepping into the awaiting bath.
She sank low, the heat immediately taking the physical ache out of her body, the scent of the candle and the bubbles developing her in a cloud of comfort. A sigh escaped her lips as her eyes closed.
She must have dozed off because the next thing she remembered was Ashton squeezing himself in behind her. “Feeling any better?” he asked, kissing her shoulder.
She leaned against his chest, smiling softly and nodding her head.
“Mmm, I missed that smile,” he noted, kissing her shoulder again.
“I’ll be okay,” she answered, her voice sounding raspy and weird from not being used.
“I know. And I get if you want to do this alone. Or think that you have to. But I’m here.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.
They lapsed back into the silence until the bath water grew cold.
He held the towel out for her to step into, goosebumps already spreading across her arms in response to the chilly air of the bathroom.
They quickly toweled off, getting redressed. She inhaled his shirt deeply, a lazy smile spreading across her face as she slipped it over her body, his scent soothing her further. “C’mon, he said, offering her his hand again.
She interlaced her fingers with his, letting him take her back to the living room where he had arranged a makeshift fort full of fluffy pillows and a tray of snacks. The television was set up to play her favorite movie. Her bottom lip quivered as she looked up to face him. “Ash…” she said tearfully.
“Shh, just relax.”
Her breaths were slow and deep as his fingers traced lightly across her skin, her eyelids growing heavy. Her yawn switched to a moan when his finger slipped into the waistband of her panties. “Aaaasssshhhh,” she whined, wiggling up close to him.
“Hmm?” he murmured into her hair, playing dumb and holding back a smirk.
“What are you doing?”
“Should I stop?” he checked, his fingers stopping.
“I dunno,” she sighed in confusion.
“It’ll help you relax.”
“I can’t reciprocate.”
“I don’t care. This is your day, not mine.”
“I don’t know,” she repeated, her body trembling in panic.
He pulled his hand back. “Alright. We can just lay here. That’s fine.”
“You’re mad…”
“I’m not mad,” he chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her hairline. “I just want you to feel better. Don’t worry about me.”
“I think I just want to sleep if that’s okay.”
“Whatever you want, baby. I’m right here. I got ya.”
Tag List
@frontmanash​ @goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @sparkling-calm​ @tea4sykes​ @youngblood199456​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​ @gosh-im-short​ @aquarius-hood1996​ @talkfastromance4​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @philthepegacorn​ @kikixfandoms​
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Through the Fire - Chapter Twenty Five.
Tag list - @fyeahproudglambert @kimmwilliams79 @kezznog @smuttypariah @axcelo @nikkilovesthesoldier @bini90 @ronnieinreverse
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Andy’s POV.
“How the fuck do you stay so damn slender when you eat to those kind of proportions?” I ask Nadia, entering the kitchen to find her comically standing there in her underwear, eating a sandwich as big as her face.
“Dude you ate like a fucking horse when you were a human and never gained an ounce,” Ronnie then says, coming into the kitchen and lighting a few more candles to take back into the lounge with him. We might have the power back on in the house now, but we vampires do prefer a softer light since our eyes are sensitive to brightness. That’ll happen when you’re only active at night though.
“I can’t believe you’re still jealous about that!” I exclaim, turning and smacking his chest, Ronnie shaking his head and placing the candles down before flexing his biceps. Damn, he’s so fucking sexy. And I finally banged him. I’m on cloud fucking nine right now because all it did was bring us closer together. It isn’t weird at all. Not even a tiny bit. In fact, it was fucking awesome. Enjoying what I did with both him and Nadia, I swear I’ve never been so turned on before.
“Nope, I ate like a beast and got this jacked. You didn’t. So there,” he replies, grinning at me before continuing into the lounge.
“I didn’t try to!” I yell at him, turning to Nadia and winking. She finishes her food, grabbing a bag of candy and heading into the lounge with me, all of us sitting down to continue the research we’re doing into her family line, trying to find something, anything that might give us some more clues over why it is hell is targeting her. Well, if the words of Liza are to be believed we already know, but we need something to fight back with, some kind of deeper knowledge to protect her or at least arm her with.
Everything is still so disjointed. All we have so far are tiny pieces of information that are being slowly pieced together, so finding something useful in the history of her family really would be helpful. I still maintain this is some kind of ancient vendetta against someone from the past, being taken out now through pledged oath a few hundreds of years ago against her, the last in her family line.
She sits on my lap while we read through pages on one laptop, Ronnie taking the other as he stretches out on the couch. I have to note here that it’s strange, the way all of us having sex has completely wiped away any kind of jealousy or resentment. It’s kicked everything into the kind of balance I think was necessary for all of us to go forward, yet not a single word has actually been uttered about this or what we all now are to each other.
I mean, Ronnie and Nadia are together, of course this much is abundantly clear. What’s my place in this though? Am I just an extra to their relationship or am I now a part of it? I feel like I’m part of it, I mean here I am with her sitting on my lap and Ronnie isn’t acting possessively towards her at all. I can feel from our blood link that he’s nothing but extremely content right now. As much as I was in life, I think even in my death I will need questions answering for me in as many words, lest I torment myself with my own thoughts.
“Andy, why are you stressing?” Yeah, I should have known he’d pick up on it.
“It’s not important,” I say with a wave of my hand, not looking away from the laptop screen as Nadia scrolls down a few more paragraphs. Suddenly the screen shuts, Nadia just about able to move her hand out of the way in time.
“Don’t bullshit the one who made you. Tell me,” Ronnie demands. I guess I better speak up then.
“I’m just wondering what my place is in all of this, after what happened earlier. I mean you guys are together, so where does that leave me?” I question.
“Well, if I’m honest I like the idea of being with you both,” he states, looking at Nadia. Her reaction is to begin nodding.
“I like that idea as well. I think us being a three could work, so shall we give it a try? We know we work damn well in bed for one thing, it’s perfectly clear we all like each other more than friends too, so why not?” she suggests.
“So that just leaves you. What do you want to be in this?” Ronnie then asks me.
“Being together with you both, yeah, that’d make me really happy,” I say in agreement, having him lean forward and kiss me, then Nadia.
“Good, I’m glad we got that arranged. Now let’s see if we can get any further in all this family tree shit.” Just like that he goes back to his laptop, and I find myself with both a boyfriend and a girlfriend. I’m a little stunned at how easily it all got ironed out, the three of us deciding upon a trifecta relationship. It almost makes me feel a little stupid for getting myself so worked up about it before with the simplicity it’s all fitted together with.
“I’m just going to grab my sweats, this laptop is burning my legs,” Nadia then comments, going to get up but having Ronnie race out and then back in again within the blink of an eye with that very item of clothing for her. We’re handy to have around, us vampires. We can fetch things for you literally in two seconds. She dresses and then resumes her place on my lap, our search continuing as we talk amongst ourselves for a while before falling silent for a time, that silence going on until Ronnie suddenly speaks up.
“I got something,” he states, looking over at us.
“What, seriously? What did you find?” Nadia asks, scrambling up as I place the laptop down on the table and join her at Ronnie’s side.
“That guy who wrote The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri, he’s your ancestor on your mom’s side,” he states, Nadia’s mouth dropping open as she leans in to look at where he’s pointing at the laptop screen. “You told me he went to hell and then ascended too, so that has to be a connection somehow.”
“Oh…my…fucking…god,” she states slowly, covering her mouth with her hand. ��How the fuck didn’t I know this? How didn’t my mom know this either?” she then exclaims.
“She never had to research it, did she? I mean he does go back over six hundred years in your family tree. She and your dad didn’t get anywhere near that far either, and with the name changes over the centuries it wasn’t immediately apparent either. After all, your mom’s maiden name was Moretti, no clues there,” he states, reaching to stroke her shoulder when he sees she’s kinda fallen into a state of shock over his revelation. “Your family descends from one of his three sons, Pietro Alighieri. See, there it is.”
“I need a fucking drink.” Again, vampire speed helps her out here, with me having a bottle of scotch in her hand within a few seconds. I didn’t bother with the glass. She seldom does, after all. “So Pietro was a hunter too? Yeah, it says right there that he was. Not a lot of other information is given though. I need to get in touch with the hunters over in Italy who keep his journals. I need to show them this and fucking pray they can help me out somehow, translate them for me and email the information over.”
“That’s a really good idea. If anything, those journals are going to contain exactly what his reasons were for travelling to hell in the first place. How the fuck did he even survive it though? I would have thought a person would be burned up as soon as they stepped foot into the pit?” I question.
“I don’t know, but it’s something else I need to figure out, how and why he did it. There might be a connection there, over why I’m being targeted. Firstly though I need to drink and then I need to call my dad. Damn…this is…woah.” I suggest that we leave this for tonight after Nadia finds a contact for a hunter over in Italy and sends him an email, one he won’t pick up on since Italy are six hours ahead, so it’s only 5am over there.
There isn’t anything else she can particularly research after Ronnie found something so notable, so now we have to play the waiting game in order to continue investigating this further. I also take a look on the hunter network for anything coming in from Fort McKenzie, finding all to be quiet. I honestly am hoping it was some kind of fluke in those two gates opening up so quickly. In fact, I really hope my theory over it all is incorrect. As you can imagine, I’d like nothing more than for Nadia not to be a target.
She is though, whether my theory rings true or not, she still is. She’s troubled by it daily too, although she almost never mentions her fears, which is testament to how fucking strong she is. Sometimes though I do question that strength a little and wonder if her quietness is more down to the fact that the more she talks about it, the further stressed out she becomes. Through my blood connection with her I can feel she’s alright for the moment, just totally dumbfounded over her ancestral link to Dante.
With nothing better to do with our time, Nadia begins looking through the DVD and Blu Ray collection in the house, with Ronnie and I moving the TV and player from the room we never use downstairs upstairs to the bedroom, Nadia lying between us as we watch the classic movie Night of the Living Dead.
“I’m so excited, I’ve never seen this before!” she announces from between us, snacking on a gigantic bag of salted chips.
“What?” we both exclaim at the same time while looking at her in disbelief. “How can you never have watched Night of the Living Dead? What, did you live under a fucking rock or something?” I then continue, Nadia elbowing me in the side.
“You’re so dam rude!” she exclaims, slapping me a little more. “You know I prefer to read already, plus with training to be a hunter since I was thirteen it meant I often didn’t get a whole lot of spare time around my school studies, and then doing this job full time had the exact same time constraints.” She then goes on to explain.
“I guess that’s a reasonable enough excuse,” I say, stroking her thigh where it’s poking out from under the comforter.
“So are zombie’s real?” Ronnie then asks her casually.
“Yeah, I’ve had to take a couple out before in the past,” she replies, crunching through another mouthful of chips.
“Okay movie just got paused. What the fuck? I was only asking in joke!” he yells. “Tell us everything, right now!”
“There isn’t much to tell really. Zombies are reanimated dead bodies, magic being what does said reanimation. They stink and if they get hold of you they’ll tear you apart, but you can take them out easily enough via a blow to the head, whether that be stabbing, shooting or bludgeoning them. We don’t tend to encounter them often, usually they’re just a result of magical people feuding and sending them after their enemies,” she explains.
“No way! So come on, what else is real that we might not have heard of?” he then asks. This’ll be interesting. She goes on to fill us in over a plethora of creatures that truly are real, most she hasn’t encountered and a small number she has before we continue watching the movie. Nadia ends up barely being able to keep her eyes open, flaking out when the end credits are rolling, Ronnie and I deciding to let her sleep on.
“What would you have said if someone had told you five years ago this is where we’d be someday?” I ask him, lying on top of him as I stroke his neck languidly.
“I’d have asked them what drugs they were taking and then laughed my ass off,” he replied candidly, laughing quietly. “How about you?”
“Yeah, my answer probably would have been along the time lines at hearing I’d A- be a vampire, B- be in a relationship with you and C- also have a girlfriend we’re both dating as well. There’s still a little part of me that’s like ‘what the fuck?’ but the rest of me is just ridiculously content right now. I have the best of both worlds, a beautiful girlfriend with endless legs and a tight little pussy, and a hot boyfriend who’s all jacked and has a big dick. I’m so not complaining!” I tell him, leaning down to kiss him as we laugh.
“Nah, me neither.” He replies. I lie here in his big arms being kissed, feeling his dick starting to harden against my hip. Fuck, I want him so much, but also I don’t want to wake my sleepy little honey currently lying next to us. With her routine of late, staying awake all night with him and then most of the day with me, I think she’s only been averaging three hours of sleep in the evening.
“Shall we change location so we don’t wake her?” I ask. Next thing I know I’m on my back in my bed, Ronnie pinning me there.
“Yeah.” He tells me, kissing me hotly before his mouth gradually descends my body. It’s a good job we did move, because the depth of my growl at feeling his mouth wrap around my dick probably could wake the dead, let alone Nadia.
Once we’re done fucking the hell out of each other hours later we return to her though, both cuddling up to her warmth and kissing her, then each other before the dawn sends us into rest. I think being a three is going to work out well for us.
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toomanysurveys9 · 7 years
What is the title of the strangest book you own?
i would have to look, and most of my books were taken to storage, so i have no clue.
How often do you actually wake up in a good mood?
pretty often thanks to wy.
What can we usually find you doing on a Friday night?
staying home with wyatt or out with jacob, wyatt, jon, and jade.
What would you say is your guiltiest pleasure?
i honestly don’t know anymore. i guess sweets sometimes.
Tell me all about your special lady/gentleman.
he can be such an asshole, but he’s been so supportive of me and he’s currently working two jobs to help support us (he got the second job because he’ll be off a couple weeks soon).
What is the highest outdoor temperature you’ve ever had to endure?
i don’t know. maybe a little over 100 degrees when we visited florida.
And the lowest?
negative degree weather.
What is the funniest thing a child has ever said to you?
oh gosh. i don’t even know. some of the things lilli and rose come up with kill me though.
Do you let your pets on your furniture?
when we didn’t live with my mom, yes. but she’s doesn’t like them being on her couches..
Can you usually tell when someone has feelings for you?
not really. i’m bad at that kinds of stuff.
Do you know what things your pet(s) prefers to eat?
yeah... i’ve had her long enough, so i should know.
What would you plant in your dream garden?
vegetables we could eat.
Do you believe in fairies, gnomes, or elves?
lol, as much as i would love for them to be real like in the books i read, no, i don’t.
What does your wallet look like?
black and white zebra stripes.
What is your favorite thing to cook for someone else?
i like using the crockpot. it is so much easier with a baby and things to do. i miss cooking and my crock pot.
Tell me about the last book you read.
it’s young adult fantasy, and i’ve only been able to find in on the kindle store, which bums me out. it’s the first one in a series i’ve read a few times, or at least, i’ve read the first three books a few times. there are several more now. it’s relentless by karen lynch. a girl finds out she’s not quite as human as she thought she was and she gets in all sorts of trouble/adventures, and it’s a good read
Who was the last person to leave you flustered?
jacob i guess.
What’s the last thing you ate that was made with phyllo dough?
i don’t know. i don’t think i’ve eaten anything made with it but i could be wrong.
Have you ever bought underwear simply because it made your underwear drawer look nice?
no i buy underwear i will wear..
Describe the outfit that makes you look and feel your best.
i don’t know. i prefer just jeans and a hoodie.
What can you see from where you’re sitting?
lots of things. i’m sitting on the couch in the living room.
When you have a chance at happiness, do you allow yourself to take it?
What are some bands others would be surprised to find in your music library?
i don’t know, to be honest. i don’t think i have anything that would surprise people...
How do you feel about kettle cooked chips?
i don’t really like them much.
Tell me something about yourself that you’re most proud of.
i was the first in my family to go to and graduate college.
What do you like to dunk in your coffee, if anything?
nothing. i rarely drink coffee though.
What was the subject of the last documentary you watched?
i don’t recall.
What sort of things do you do when you have the entire evening to relax?
cuddle wyatt. read. this. watch tv. whatever.
Are there any books I should check out next time I’m at the library?
depends what you’re into.
Opinions on cold pizza?
i can’t do it anymore.
Do you have a favorite brand of tea?
i don’t drink tea. it hurts my stomach.
What’s the last stupid question you were asked? (Besides these.)
i don’t know. i can’t think of it right off hand.
What’s been on your mind lately?
i just want to run away. just jacob, wyatt, and me.
Tell me about the best thing you created with your own two hands.
he’s not a thing, and i didn’t make him with my hands, and not by myself... but wyatt. haha. hmm. uhm. i guess my papers i wrote for school, if those can count? i do really well with writing essays and things. otherwise, i don’t think i make much..
How strong do you like your coffee?
i don’t know. i don’t care as long as i can add enough creamer so it’s not an overpowering bitter coffee flavor.
Do you feel like you need to get something off your chest?
i guess not.
Describe your morning routine.
get woken up by my alarms, so i wake jacob up for work. i feed wyatt. i go back to sleep for a couple hours. then i wake up and feed wyatt again. i go back to sleep. i get woken up by wyatt hitting my face, arms, stomach, or chest. we play a little. then i get up, get dressed, take wyatt out to the living room and change his diaper.
What strange food combinations do you thoroughly enjoy?
i don’t think i eat any strange food combinations. some people in my family think it’s strange when i eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches, but i mostly did that when i was pregnant.
What’s your favorite Elvis song?
teddy bear. my dad used to sing it on karaoke and i loved when he did. he doesn’t really sing anymore even though he should.
Are there any songs you wish your favorite band would cover?
none come to mind.
Do you enjoy talking on the phone?
no. i hate it with a passion. i would rather someone just text me.
Are you currently waiting for something to come in the mail?
yes. i swear to god if hot topic cancels my order again because they end up not having what i ordered in stock, even though it doesn’t say it’s out of stock, i will be pissed. it has ashley’s now super late birthday present, and the main parts of erin and ashley’s christmas gifts, which they likely won’t get until the day after christmas, assuming it doesn’t get cancelled on me AGAIN.
Would you rather see someone of the opposite sex naked or nicely dressed?
nicely dressed, to be honest.
What makes your best friend the best?
she puts up with me and even if we don’t talk for days, when we do start back up, it’s like we haven’t stopped.
When was the last time you felt incredibly stupid or embarrassed?
probably last weekend when i went ice skating for the first time. but i got it pretty quickly and had fun.
How do you go about cheering someone up?
depends on the person i’m trying to cheer up. different things for different people.
How would you react if someone told you they had feelings for you?
that’s always weird.
Serenade me with some lyrics from the song currently stuck in your head.
i don’t have a song stuck in my head.
What is the last thing you wrote down?
little note i put in jake’s lunch box. just thanking him for being awesome.
Tell me something great about the day/night you’re having.
wyatt is silly and adorable, and he didn’t poop up his back even though it was really close.
Would you ever participate in a suspension?
?? no..
What was the last thing to annoy you?
rose kept giving wyatt her spoon she was using to eat breakfast and then she’d freak out because wyatt had her spoon.
Name five things that begin with the letter C.
camel, coconut, cow, chef, and crayons.
What’s the title of the last book you bought?
i bought two books.. one as part of ashley’s christmas gift, and one as part of my grandma’s christmas gift. i don’t remember the titles. but i do remember the one i got ashley was by lisa jackson.
Would you ever consider visiting Texas?
i would love to go there actually. check out jensen ackles brewery.
Where do you go when you need to escape?
bedroom or i get in the car and leave with wy.
How big is your town’s library?
i think it’s pretty decent size. i’m sure there are ones a lot bigger, and i’m sure there are ones that are smaller.
Which bands would play in your dream concert?
ed sheeran, lee brice, a.f.i., and maybe mcr.
Do you know of any home remedies that work surprisingly well?
uhhh. spoon full of sugar gets rid of hiccups. it tastes gross though.
If you could make a movie, what would it be about?
i’d want to make a movie about the relentless series i enjoy reading. it’d make a good movie.
Tell someone something they need to know.
you’re part of the reason i can’t wait to get out of here. you’re toxic and i’ll be glad when you won’t be around my child so much (not my family - but jacob’s).
What’s something you’ve never been able to live down?
when i was driving as a teenager. my whole family was in the van, and the entire wheel flew off and went across the street.
What’s something that’s been on your to-do list for awhile?
move out of indiana. it will happen though . we’re actually getting money saved.
How do you take your mind off things?
i don’t. lol.
Tell me a joke.
all the jokes i know are lame, so i’ll spare you.
Do you own a battle jacket?
no. i don’t even know what that is..
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