#I think it’s very sweet that Lewis participated
vroom-vrooms · 6 months
Instagram decided to remind me of the bee hotels
I still can’t believe that Seb got 20 grown men to build bee hotels with him
Just imagine how good and nice and kind you have to be to get the entire grid to do this with you
It’s like kids with that one teacher they all love
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violetrainbow412-blog · 10 months
Hi! I have a few ideas for Spencer Reid x Reader romantic fics that you could use if you would like. I was thinking about a Hogwarts au with BAU as friends at Wizarding school or where they are adults and work at Ministry as Aurors (analyzing behaviour of dark magic users?).
Or a Star Trek au and them being a team at the ship or a storyline with Spencer being Vulcan and experiencing Pon Farr (Vulcan mating ritual).
Thank you in advance!
First of all, I really LOVED this request. I belong to both fandoms but I write a little better for Harry Potter. I thought about placing them in the school because I wanted to give it a more cheerful tone, but if you're interested I could write about the second suggestion later (where they work in the ministry of magic).
The houses where the characters are assigned are courtesy of this publication and the reader does not have a defined house, so you can imagine it in yours. I hope you enjoy! 🤍
wc: 3.2k
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Visits to Hogsmeade have always been the best part of winter, partly because of all the delicious hot drinks you can have and partly because of being able to spend time with all your friends.
Before entering Hogwarts you could not consider yourself a very sociable person, however, as time went by there were certain people who managed to welcome you until you were a group solid enough to win the admiration of students and teachers. After all, seeing so many youths from different houses getting along was not a common thing.
Right now you were walking with Emily and JJ, two exceptional Slytherin girls who, breaking all kinds of stereotypes, were quite sweet. You were going to meet Elle, Penelope and Kate, from Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor respectively, at The Three Broomsticks to drink something delicious and catch up on many things that you couldn't discuss during the break.
“Do you think Professor Gideon will give us an extension for the lessons we have to deliver tomorrow?”
“Gideon? No way! I could understand it from Professor Rossi, but he…”
“Do we have homework from Professor Rossi?” Em asked absently and you two laughed at the same time.
“Good morning, girls.”
“Morning, Professor Blake,” you sang in unison, after seeing the woman crossing the street accompanied by Professor McGonagall.
The Three Broomsticks was packed with people moving around, laughing, and sharing drinks. You managed to distinguish, from the higher grades, some prefects gathered at a table and two of them greeted you with a smile: Lewis from Ravenclaw and Hotchner from Hufflepuff. You had seen them a couple of times due to sneaky night visits with your friends, but nothing went beyond that.
You walked a little further and finally caught a glimpse of the table with your friends. They weren’t alone, because in the same place there were four boys that you were very used to: your friend Luke and the charming Derek Morgan from the lion house, the kind Matt who was chatting with his housemate, Penny, and sitting in silence was that sweet boy who made your heart race...
“Hey!” Derek was the first to greet them and everyone started squeezing themselves against the old couches so that the three of you had room.
Emily purposely pushed you first to take the place next to Spencer and when your shoulders collided with his, you saw him smile sheepishly.
“How nice to see you. I didn't know you'd be here."
“Neither do I,” he smiled at you. “Morgan brought me here, he told me we would probably find you.”
You had met the boy through your potions classes, when the two of you had to sit together due to lack of space at another table. Even so, the incident hadn’t gone completely bad because you discovered that he was a great boy, it was just that his shyness prevented him from actively participating in everything related to the social aspect.
When you discovered that Derek was a mutual friend, he didn't hesitate to start inviting the brunette to watch his Quidditch practice and sometimes you kept him company so he wouldn't feel bored. You discovered that what you had in common was a fascination with the dark arts and criminals, a passion that would later unite your entire group, and over the years your friendship consolidated into what you saw now. But as time went by you grew up and by this point Spencer was already too handsome and gentlemanly to ignore. Spending so much time with him inevitably gave you a small crush on the smartest guy in the entire room.
During visits to Hogsmeade it was common to see Spencer in bookstores or quieter places, so you were happy that they had taken him out of his routine so that he ended up with his leg stuck to yours, with barely any room to move.
Once you were there, the entire table became a tide of murmurs and laughter in which you participated from time to time, especially when you had to corroborate one of your housemates' anecdotes.
“Do you want me to order you something to drink?” Spencer asked cordially, as a waiter came over to ask if you guys wanted to order anything else.
You had never discovered if the Ravenclaw next to you reciprocated your feelings, but actions like that caused you a certain illusion that you didn't want to pay too much attention to.
“Huh, Butterbeer?” You responded with a smile and he took care of passing the message to the clerk, making sure to also slip a couple of galleons into his hand to pay “So the tutoring went well, right?” you tried to joke.
Your friend had found a prosperous activity by offering tutoring for those who needed it and although he only accepted donations, many rich children preferred to pay an excellent salary to have a private teacher's class 24 hours a day, which assured them a good grade. He was always willing to help anyone at the table at no cost and he was undoubtedly the head of his house's favorite, but everyone pretended not to notice it.
“I could say yes”
“But I'll only let you buy me one,” you threatened while he smiled and shook his head, possibly planning to buy you everything you asked for despite your complaints.
“Have you heard what happened in the prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor?” you all heard Elle say, who always got the best gossip from who knows where.
When the entire group leaned in to listen better, your cheek was almost touching Spencer's and in that position it was not the best idea to turn to look at him, because when he did the same your lips were about to touch and by instinct you moved away to avoid it, cheeks flushing in response.
Even though everyone was paying attention to Elle's story, you could feel Spencer shift slightly uncomfortably in his spot and you hoped it wasn't your fault.
“But hey, the really important question here is…” Kate began, taking a long gulp of her hot chocolate just for dramatic effect “Do you guys have a date for the Yule ball yet?”
The yule ball, you had almost forgotten about that. You had received a few proposals, but you hadn't responded to any of them yet and a part of you was hoping that with this Spencer would have the courage to invite you, because you didn't want to go with anyone else but him.
Emily was the first to tell her plans to invite none other than Prefect Aaron and you all burst into mocking boos at your friend's brazen plan. JJ would go with another Hufflepuff boy named Will, Penelope would go with Morgan like the best friends they were, while the rest had partners that you didn't know yet but that they would make sure to introduce you to.
When everyone talked about their plans they looked in the direction of Spencer and you, as if they wanted to hear your plans too.
“I have received some proposals, but I still don't know who I should say yes to”
“I'm not going”
Hearing Spencer say that made your heart drop and although you tried to maintain your composure your friends couldn't help but notice the disappointed expression that you tried to hide by drinking your Butterbeer.
Why didn't Spencer want to go to the ball? You had already imagined him wearing a nice gala suit with those well-combed golden locks and a corsage the color of your dress, but your hopes seemed destined to die there.
“Come on, Reid! "Everyone's going," Luke murmured, but the man just put on a tight-lipped smile and looked away.
You didn't even want to look at him or you knew your eyes would give you away, so you tried to focus on something else.
Seeing that he wouldn't offer any more reasons, the talk continued and when your beer was finished you felt Spencer lean a little closer to you, until his lips were at the height of your ear. Out of inertia you tilted your head a little to get into a position that involved the closest possible approach.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” he asked softly, sending a shiver through your entire body.
You wanted to lean closer until you melted into him and, with any luck, the movement would force him to kiss you on the cheek.
“I would love to,” you managed to respond when you finally shook off those fantasies and he smiled next to you while he got up from his place.
"Where are you going?"
“Outside, for a walk,” you informed. The same mischievous smile crossed Elle and Derek's faces.
"Oh, sure. Have fun walking, lovebirds,” she murmured while the man simulated exaggerated kissing sounds.
"You guys are idiots"
You grabbed your jacket while you heard everyone laughing and even with that sound in the background you started walking with your friend towards the exit, trying not to pay attention to the romantic advances they were making.
As soon as you got out of there you noticed the severe change in weather and rubbed your hands against each other while blowing air on them in hopes of keeping some heat. The white snow covered the entire town and it was quite a beautiful sight.
“Peace and tranquility,” your friend sighed, after taking a deep breath, and you laughed.
“Were you that suffocated in there?”
“I don't like it when everyone talks at the same time. Too much noise"
You knew that Spencer was a little different from the others and sometimes he could feel uncomfortable with social situations, but most of the time when he wanted to get out of there he asked you to accompany him. Was that some kind of sign or were you just misunderstanding things?
“Have you bought anything at Honeydukes yet?” you asked to open the conversation.
You didn't know whether to put your hands in your pockets or keep them crossed to protect yourself a little from the cold air, so you just kept rubbing them together.
"Yes a while ago. Buy acid pops, frogs, and jelly slugs”
“We buy Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans”
“Since the time I tried one that tasted like rotten eggs, I can't even look at them without gagging,” he confessed while wrinkling his nose, a gesture that you had long ago discovered was common for him.
“Emily says she once tried one that tasted like cat litter, but I don't believe her. And if I were to believe her it would be very disgusting because come on, how would you know what that taste tastes like if you haven't tried it before?”
Spencer's laugh had always been a sound that melted you from the inside out, one you could listen to for hours without getting tired.
You continued along the cobblestone path chatting pleasantly about some academic matters, a little about the future, and sometimes about the most trivial things, until you were far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the town.
There was a little desolate bench next to the road and both of you silently agreed to head over there so you could sit for a moment.
You could see his mismatched socks underneath the robe and the obvious height difference made you able to move your legs back and forth. There was just a space between you where you rested your hand, your pinky almost touching his.
“Did you know that all snowflakes are symmetrical? They have six sides and always reflect light as if they were precious stones. I read it the other day in a book.”
The comment was about the fact that, of course, small flakes of snow had begun to fall. You smiled from ear to ear and stretched out your tongue to capture one, while Spencer watched you sweetly from the opposite side.
“When you were little did you play in the snow?”
“My mom never let me do it. I was a sickly child.”
“And now you're not?” you asked softly.
Just when he was about to respond, your hands reached up to his neck to adjust his two-color scarf and Spencer held his breath at the closeness, while he focused on your cheeks flushed from the cold.
You were the prettiest girl he had ever met and he was afraid to tell anyone, because he would know that when a secret was told sooner or later it ended up reaching the ears of whoever he was trying to hide from. Although he believed that probably all of Hogwarts could tell that he liked you just by the way he sighed whenever you were around.
“Are you sickly now too?” you asked again and he felt stupid for getting too nervous to forget what you had just told him.
"A bit"
"Well, I hope so. Come"
You took his wrist to guide him out of your seat and led him to a blank space on the floor, where in spring it was probably full of grass, immediately throwing yourself with your gaze towards the sky.
"What are you doing?"
“Lie down, we’re going to make a snow angel.”
Spencer looked hesitant for a second, but then he knelt next to you, imitating your position somewhat awkwardly. When you started to move your arms and legs he thought about regretting it, although in the end he didn't, and very soon the two of you were already laughing out loud at how clumsy the situation was.
At some point you stopped and turned slightly until you were face to face, looking at each other's flushed skin and bright smiles. Looking at him you thought about how happy it made you to be with him, more so than with any of your other friends, although you didn't know if it was due to the boy's calm nature or simply your feelings for him reflecting back.
“We're definitely going to catch a cold,” he observed intelligently as he sat up and shook the snow out of his brown hair, which only made you laugh more. “Come on, I don't think snot matches your future dress.”
You took the hand he was offering to help you up and knew that if you didn't take advantage of that opportunity you probably wouldn't be able to talk to him about it again.
“You're really not going to the ball?”
You were sitting next to him, too close for the boy's poor nerves, and there was a clear tone of disappointment in your words. As if that weren't enough, you still hadn't let go of his hand.
“Huh, I don't think so. I don't like that kind of environment” he excused himself, making a small face. You nodded with understanding, but evidently discouraged “Besides, no one has invited me.”
“And why haven't you invited a girl?”
Spencer looked away at your question and cringed a little from his spot, as if he were afraid to answer you. You waited a minute for him to think.
“I just want to save myself the embarrassment of them saying no.”
“Why would anyone say no to you?” you immediately asked in genuine disbelief.
“Because I'm not handsome! And because I spend my time in the library instead of training quidditch and I'm not even athletic and... I don't know, because I'm weird."
“Oh, shut up, Spencer” the stern tone in your voice surprised him, but before he could say anything you continued talking “You're a great guy, you're dedicated and studious, you're kind. You're not weird at all. Well… maybe a little bit, but not as a negative trait, but as something that makes you stand out”
"So you think?" He asked and you nodded effusively. “I still don’t think there’s anyone left for me.”
“Come with me” you breathed out without thinking.
You had wanted him to come with you so much that you didn't even care if you invited him or he did, you just wanted to dance with him and have a valid reason to hold his hand. Even if you were doing it for no reason right now.
"Go where?"
“To the ball, genius!” You laughed nervously. “I don’t have a partner yet.”
“But… you said you had several invitations,” he reminded you, clearly confused. He had dismissed the idea that you were interested when you had said that, contrary to the idea you wanted to give him.
“Yes, but none of them are as charming as you.”
You didn't even know where you had gathered the courage to flirt with him but luckily it seemed to be working. Spencer was quiet for a moment and although you couldn't tell it he was fighting to keep his brain from spontaneously combusting.
Were you really offering him the chance to be your date?
“Unless you're not interested…”
"No!" he interrupted you. In his eyes you could see the shine of the snow and a certain enthusiasm that calmed you greatly “I would love to go with you.”
The smile that crossed your face wasn’t normal and you wished you could better hide your joy at his response, but no matter how hard you tried, you knew it would be impossible.
“It's probably a bit bland and superficial, but I think we can have fun.”
“Did you know that balls were initially used for courtship? In Victorian times they were the social space where a gentleman could look for a lady he wanted to marry and there were certain dances, protocols, and rules”
“Luckily we don't have all that rigor now,” you exclaimed. “You just have to take a couple of classes with Professor Gideon to know how to behave.”
“I thank Merlin that Professor Blake was there to help us because otherwise it would have been most embarrassing.”
“I want to see you dance,” you said in an excited tone, while you gave his hand a light squeeze. Against all odds Spencer used that grip to pull you in his direction until he wrapped you in a hug.
“You're not inviting me because you feel sorry for me, right?”
You gasped almost annoyed.
“For a Ravenclaw you're sometimes quite an idiot, you know that?” you murmured against his chest, which then vibrated with a nervous laugh.
You wished you could confess to him how much you had wanted to achieve this and erase all those pointless worries with everything you thought about him, but you knew that if you had you would probably have to confess how much you liked him and you weren't ready for this yet.
You were silent for a moment until you dared to separate a little to look him in the eyes and then speak seriously.
“Never think that I invite out of pity, Reid. I invite you because you are my friend and I really like being with you.”
He had to hug you again until you saw his face or somehow you would have discovered more than you should about his true feelings towards you.
“I'm glad to know that,” he sighed, resting his flushed cheek against the top of your head.
Spencer didn't know if his hopeful heart could handle the wait to see you in a beautiful dress and dance with you all night long, but for now he would have to settle for the warmth he felt from having you in his arms, smiling like a fool just for you.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @instabull @rhiannonhippiegirl @r-3dlips @missabsey @olivia’s-25 @liptonsbabe @moonbutterflyx
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formula1fanfiction · 9 months
Charles Leclerc / Pierre Gasly / George Russell
Title: sweet little victories
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Pierre Gasly / George Russell
Characters: Charles Leclerc, Pierre Gasly, George Russell
Prompt: George and Charles comfort Pierre after his podium at Zandvoort. As part 3 of what happened between Gasly/Russell and Russell/Leclerc earlier. Bottom Pierre
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"Surprise baby." Pierre gasps in shock as he opens his hotel room door and finds Charles and George? already waiting for him. George is sat awkwardly on the bed, his huge legs taking up most of the room. Charles on the hand is practically beaming and jumping up and down on his feet, which means he has something planned, and that plan clearly involves him and George as well.
"I know he fucked you in Miami, then I fucked him in Italy and I thought it was about time we came together-" George cuts Charles off, appearing behind him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "About time we came together and celebrated your podium."
"Yes, to celebrate your podium." Charles beams as if he had forgotten." Pierre shuffles from one foot to the other very confused. "Celebrate my podium?" Charles takes Pierre by the hand and aggressively pulls him into a hug, wrapping his arms around his neck and whispering into his ear. "So what do you want to do?"
"We could double penetrate him." George says from somewhere behind Charles, clearly feeling left out. Charles nearly chokes on his breath seeing the lust in Pierre's eyes. "That's not possible, you only see that in porn."
"It most certainly is possible, I speak from experience." George wraps his arms around Pierre's neck and rests his head on his shoulder. "So what do you think Pierre?" The Frenchman shivers from the kisses George is leaving on his neck. "Fuck, please."
"Who double penetrated you, I don't think it's possible." Charles asks coming out of his trance. "Alex and Lewis." George shrugs "And they aren't what you would call small."
"Please, can we at least just try?" Pierre moans sounding much more slutty than he intended but Charles has had him begging for his cock before and clearly George his participated in extremely kinky activities before, so he can't find it in himself to care.
"Course baby it is you we are celebrating but if it gets too much i'm putting a stop to it." Charles watches the look of irritation on George's face as he removes Pierre's team jersey and neatly laying it on the back of the chair. "I'm obviously not going to hurt him, Charles."   
"Why don't we get this thing started?" Pierre gently nudges Charles away from him and uses the time to push down his underwear and jeans with one swift move and frees his already hard cock from it cotton prison. "Why don't you get on your hands and knees on the bed?" Charles asks grabbing the bottle of lube from his bag.
"I'm going to open him up." Charles raises his eyebrow at George. "I don't trust you do it." Charles tosses his Ferrari jersey onto the floor and settles himself behind Pierre and lubes up his fingers.
"Are you just going to stare at me George or are you going to come over?" Pierre's question comes out breathy because Charles had chosen that moment to sink the first finger inside. George doesn't waste a single second and climbs up onto the bed with them.
"Such a shame." George wraps his hand around Pierre's cock it's huge and heavy in his hand. "I'd love to feel this inside of me." Pierre's eyes are unfocused, Charles has two fingers inside now and it's easily thrusting them in and out of him. "Stop being slutty George, maybe if you did something worthwhile for a change we could celebrate you."  Charles snaps while adding a third finger.
George feels like a spectator these two are clearly in love with each other, it almost feels like he's intruding. He continues to stroke Pierre's cock anyway, using his pre cum as lube.
"Don't worry George, i'll make you feel so good." George is confused, when did Charles finish? He doesn't even have time to remove his clothing but Pierre is straddling him. His pupils are dilated with lust and his hand shakes as he takes George's cock out of his pants. "Fuck, Pierre." George moans and places his hand on Pierre's hip for support.  
Charles sits beside George's head and watches as Pierre sinks down onto George's cock, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he reaches the hilt with one swift move. Pierre throws his head back, hands gripping tightly onto George's shoulder, clenching and unclenching around George's cock as he gets used to the feeling. Charles watches George's knuckles turn white from how hard he's squeezing Pierre's hips as the Frenchman slowly starts to ride him.
"Pierre," Charles calls out and Pierre moans and his eyes snap open. "Are you fine?" Pierre nods rising the whole way up, only to sink back down onto George again, both of them crying out in pleasure.
"I'm so proud of you." Charles cups Pierre's stubbled jaw and presses a kiss onto his mouth, it takes Pierre a minute to catch up but he soon starts kissing back, their tongues battling for dominance. George is starting to feel a little left out again, so he thrusts up extra hard making him moan into Charles' mouth. "Fuck."
"Tell me what you need me to do baby." Charles pulls away from Pierre's mouth, who is panting heavily. "Your fingers, I need you inside me Charles, please your fingers first."   
"Anything for you baby." Charles circles Pierre's rim where he's already stretched wide around George. Charles' cock is much bigger than George's and he's still not sure how they are both going to fit but there is nothing he won't try for Pierre.
Charles grabs the bottle of lube and pours a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and pushes the first digit inside. "Charles..." Pierre pants, stalling his pace. "feels so good.
"You're doing so well." George soothes, rubbing circles into Pierre's hip as Charles sinks a second finger inside, pulling a ragged breath from Pierre. "It feels so good I promise." George distracts Pierre by kissing him as Charles adds a third finger and starts thrusting them in and out of him.
"I'm ready Charles, please." Pierre pants into George's mouth. "Are you sure?" George asks feeling nervous, he's still not sure how this is possible. "Please Charles, I need it."
There is just nothing Charles won't give to Pierre but he still feels a little hesitant as he climbs over George's massive legs. "If you need to stop, please just say." Pierre chuckles. "That won't happen but i'll tell you okay?" Charles nods. "Okay, then lets stuff you up."
George grunts as Charles pushes Pierre onto him, he manages to catch him and peppers little kisses across is slack mouth as Charles nudges the head of his cock against Pierre's hole.
"I'm going to start Pierre." is the only warning before he feels the pressure against him,  for a moment he thinks Charles' huge cock won't fit but the head slides inside much easier than he expected. Pierre moans a mixture of pleasure and pain.
"It will start to feel good soon, I promise." George slides his hands down Pierre's body and spreads his ass open, giving Charles much easier access. Pierre braces himself, his breaths coming out in slow pants.
"Charles." Pierre grunts in a pained whine. "P, are you okay? Do you want me to stop?" Charles stars but Pierre cuts him off. "I'm fine, keep pushing." Charles does as he told, giving Pierre an inch at a time until he's all the way inside. Charles feels dizzy from Pierre's vice like grip around him.
Pierre is breathing heavy and ragged, his eyes remain closed. "Fuck this hurts so much." Pierre laughs. "I feel so stretched open, I don't think i've ever been so full." George's hand is softly rubbing is lower back in soothing circles as Charles peppers kisses over his sweaty neck, giving him all the time he needs to adjust.
"I'm ready." Pierre pants to no one in particular, letting himself go completely limp against George's sweaty body. George remains completely still as Charles slowly starts to move.
George remains mostly quiet, Charles is the one controlling the pace filling Pierre with slow deep thrusts, George himself starts move, just barely just enough to let Pierre knows he's there while kissing Pierre through every thrust.
"I can take more." Pierre whimpers into George's mouth as the Brit spreads him wider, George speeds up to meet Charles pace, both filling up with deep thrusts, sending him wild with pleasure. Pierre bites down on George's shoulder desperately, his achingly hard cock is trapped against George's stomach and rubs against his skin.
Pierre tries to arch up his thrusts to meet Charles' now much harder thrusts but becomes overwhelming all too soon and instead just lays against George's chest, enjoying the way George quickens his pace to match Charles, both men filling him beautifully to the brim. Pierre can't do anything other than just lay there and enjoy the ride.
Charles pushes his head down onto George's chest and kisses the Brit. "What? I'm just a hole now?" Pierre laughs, watching the two of them kissing pushes him towards to point of no return, fuck it's so hot.
Pierre loses it first, the overwhelming feeling of being stretched to the brim and fucked hard is enough to push him over the edge, he screams as he comes spilling himself over George's body. They continue to fuck him hard through his orgasm, making sure to avoid overstimulation him as they search for their own orgasm.
George is the next to lose it, his fingers claw at Pierre's skin as he reaches the height of his orgasm and spills his load inside, he slips out instantly, letting Charles have his own moment with his boyfriend.
"Fuck, you're so hot, i'm so proud of you." Charles pulls Pierre back until he's sitting in his lap, his sweaty back pressed against Charles' chest. "You did you good today." Charles pants and fucks into Pierre with all his might, the sound of skin slapping against skin echo's around the bedroom.
"Think you can mange one more?" Charles wraps his hand around Pierre's once again hard cock and strokes him to the same pace as his thrusts, until  they come together, Pierre blacks out from the force of his second orgasm as Charles spills inside of him, his cum mixing with George's.
"Is he okay?" George asks as Charles gently lays him on top of the bed covers. "I think he's fine."
George wipes the mess off Pierre's body with a damp wash cloth, which seems to be enough to wake him from his sleep.
"That was fucking amazing, I think I need to podium more often.
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Hello there, does the Almighty Mouse have any romantic headcanons for Zayne, Victor and Jadu? With a Farmer that is generally a quiet, really sweet, "walk the walk" kind of person, but is planning how to expose the Mayor and his Solid Gold Lewis Statue >:3
Oh, pfffff! Phah, almighty 😅
Yeah, I have some short headcanons :D thanks for the ask ❤️
Victor didn't expect his favorite partner to be a walking phrase "still waters run deep". For what he didn't expect was that the quiet and kind Farmer kept a whole board with pinned sheets of paper that said "finding the golden statue". Oh, they want to find some hidden treasure in their adventures? Oh, that's interesting, Victor can help- Uhh, what? What Lewis statue? Maybe this isn't such a good idea... But the fire in Farmer's eyes suggests that they are willing to pursue the search for the truth to the end. *Sigh*
Poor Jadu is just trying to get used to the new place and its inhabitants, and he has already been plunged headfirst into "the most important mystery of the entire Pelican Town". What is the strangest thing - the initiator of all this is his beautiful and precious partner, who by their nature is quite calm and kind person. Who's Lewis? The golden statue? Jadu is so confused. In a way, young mage sees this whole "truth-seeking" thing as just another weird hobby of Farmer.
"My love, maybe we shouldn't meddle in people's private life?" Yoba witness, Zayne harbors the fondest and warmest feelings for his beautiful Farmer, yet he does not agree to participate in their mission to "expose Mr. Purple pants." At the very least, it's rather rude. If they're wondering about this "mystical golden statue" (which young Amethyne doubts exists), it's best to ask his sister, Lenny, about it. Although, Zayne realized that now instead of a quick resolution to this story, poor Lewis now has as many as two people breathing down his neck: the chaotic Farmer, and his older sister with her teasing.
Some mumbling under the cut:
PS: I would like to add that I personally do not subscribe to the theory that Lewis is corrupt and he made the statue with money collected from residents as a tax. My personal theory is the recent gift from the Governor to Lewis for his 30 years being mayor and for making Pelican Town an important plase because of the lifted economy. Lewis knows full well that it is mostly Farmer's merit, but he was afraid to cross the Governor's authority and just... accepted this statue and put in his house. A strange, awkward and slightly tasteless gift that he doesn't want to show anyone (golden statue of himself, really?). While he was thinking about whether to melt it down into gold bars and use the money from the gold sales for the next festival, Farmer found the statue and put it in the main square because lol, hehehe, golden Lewis.
Is that a more plausible theory? Hell knows, but I like it better, that's what the headcanon is for. And yes, SVE at Grandpa's Farm has their own theory and even an event on this statue, but I'll stick with my version.
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💾 Have you read any of the challenge stories that have really stuck with you? (Any stories you still think about/go back and read)
📝 If you’ve previously participated, which team (or teams) have you ended up on?
🖋️Which team are you hoping for?
💻Which team do you least want to end up on?
Have you read any of the challenge stories that have really stuck with you? (Any stories you still think about/go back and read)
Tell Your Dad You Love Him, by @queenlucythevaliant
The salt metaphor resonated just a tad too close to real life. Like, right in the feels. 10/10 would definitely recommend a reread.
If you’ve previously participated, which team (or teams) have you ended up on?
I have not participated before! But I'm very excited about it (:
Which team are you hoping for?
Oh I can't decide! Team Tolkien and his time travelling wizards (<- longest idea by far) vs Team Lewis and his sweet epistolary letter from a planet exploring botanist? It's damn near impossible!
Which team do you least want to end up on?
Team Chesterton for sure. Though I have un-ironically placed my shortest and simplest idea on his team, the trouble would be three-fold. Little time writing it and plenty of time to agonize over it. ;D
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Book Worm
Media Lewis
Character Adam Douglas
Couple Adam X Reader
Rating Sweet af
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"God this is dull..." Adam sighed as he leaned back on the blanket laid against the grass outside the dorm being used for the trial, picking the grass up with his hand. Dressed in his usual red button-down and black jeans the trial had been going on for three days now and another four more to go. Adam looks to the rest of the trial participants who all sit listening to the doctor running the trial recite poetry and rolls his eyes at how they hang on to his basic poetry explanation, and he glances to the side to the only other of the participants who are not drooling over the doctor, Y/n sits in the grass with her book barely listening to the doctor she wears her little Mary Jane shoes, her black tights, a white long sleeve shirt and a black pinafore dress her hair in pigtails with purple dip-dyed ends, she briefly peers over her black glasses as she heard adam sighing, 
He turned towards her. "What are you reading?" He asked quietly,
"ummm? Ohh the witchfinders" She blushed surprised he was talking to her,
He smiled almost amused, "So I take it you read a lot?"
"I guess so..." She admits, 
Adam smiled again. He could tell this girl was a bit nerdy. He really liked that. “You go here then?”
“I am yeah, do you?”
“Yeah, I do, it's strange we’ve never come across one another before now,”
“I know, still it is nice to be here with you,”
“Yeah, it's nice having another Uni kid doing this too…” He smiled, "What do you study?" He asked,
"ohh, ancient mythology, digital media analytics and literature" she blushed "I was doing poetry last year too but I dropped it"
"So are you a bookworm then?" He asked jokingly. 
"I guess so, what are you studying?"
"I study classics," Adam says.
"ohh don't you need Latin for classics?"
"Not just Latin," Adam laughs. "Greek, Roman, Egyptian, you know, the whole lot." he explained mostly trying to show off to this girl as it was obvious she making her way into his heart. She was smart, nerdy, quiet, reserved, and attractive.
"that's very impressive, I take if you don't have much time with classics to do any electives?"
"Not really," Adam says, "Classics is a rather intense course. And I'm going for first class honours, so I have to keep my grades at a high standard.”
"I hope so wouldn't want you working yourself too hard." She smiled "You really think you'll be able to get first-class honours for classics? I thought you needed like to never drop below a C for that"
Adam laughs, "I've never worked this hard to get good grades before, but I'm certainly confident I can do it. And yeah, first-class honours requires you to basically never drop below a C grade. I need to do the same for my other subjects as well." he smirked, "But I'll definitely succeed. I'm one of the smartest people at Oxford."
"you sound like it. Well, I believe in you" she smiled,
"Thank you," he says quietly, "You know, you should come by and see my room once we've moved into the dorms and once we've started lessons. Maybe we can read some books together?”
she blushed hard "ohh uhh yeah that could be nice, do you know what dorm you're moving into?"
"Dormitory 6," he said confidently. "I'm actually in the process of packing some of my things. If you're free, you should come by the dorm once everything is sorted. And my room is number 316. Just pop your head over and I'll show you my Classics books."
she giggled clutching her book to her chest “I’d like that,”
Adam couldn't believe how easy she was making this. She was accepting this without question. This meant she certainly liked him. He felt himself relax a little bit, and his heart beat quickened when she giggled. He couldn't wait to keep on winning her affection. He looked forward to when he could finally be alone with her in his room. “What about you?”
"I uhhh... I'm in dormitory six this year too..."
Adam's heart skipped a beat. It seemed as if the stars aligned in more ways than one. They were both in dormitory 6. It was meant to be. His heart beat quickened even more when he realised this. Maybe he could really take this girl on a date. This is going so well.
He looked over at her. He could see the light of joy in her eyes. He smiled, and began to plot a way to officially ask this girl out. He had to make it clear he was interested.
"Really? So we're going to be neighbours," he laughs, "that's really funny." he decides to take a chance. "You know, it'd be a real shame if you only got to read my books in the dorm. How about I take you for coffee sometime after lessons start? Maybe we could find a quiet café somewhere and we could just spend the whole afternoon talking."
“I think that would be really nice, Adam right?”
“Yeah Adam. Adam Douglas,” He smiled offering his hand,
“Y/n Y/l/n,” she smiled giving his hand a shake, he smiled and gave her hand a little kiss,
“I have a feeling we’re gonna spent alot of time together once the trail is over,”
“Yeah…. I have that feeling too.” 
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doctorbrown · 9 months
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
At least fifteen times through, easy. Probably more than that.
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what?
I sure did! I got my really neat BTTF backpack, a Hot Wheels miniature of the DeLorean, a couple prints from CC including a metal print of the DeLorean about to time travel, and probably another thing or two I can't think of off the top of my head.
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
Not one. I don't really drink soda. If I do, it's probably root beer or ginger ale.
What was a favourite bttf fanfic you read this year?
Oh god, one I absolutely LOVED was Time Is A Flat Circle. I really liked the darker tone of this fic, the villainous version of Doc presented here (because he would be a terrifying villain, lbr), and all the foreshadowing done in this fic as you get closer to the end that maybe you'll miss the first time and then you'll see it all come together later—wow, fantastic. Big fan of being unable to change the present/future via the past because everything's set to play out that way.
A favourite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!)
Ah hmmmmm. I don't go searching for fanart on here as much as I should, tbh. I did actually catch a couple of the Doctober artworks going around and a lot of those were incredible. I'll have to get back to you on this one.
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of?
I'm working on a doodle of Doc atm for fun, we'll see if I ever do anything with it. But fanfics, yeah, I guess you could sort of say I did! I participated in the Doctober '23 event, and actually completed all 31 days. I'm very hard on myself so I don't know if I'd give one I'm proudest of, but I definitely got much more comfortable with my writing as the days went on.
How many times were you late for school this year?
I have long since graduated haha.
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
A few (I'm not a huge film person actually), and I think they were mostly Chris Lloyd's things hmmm—Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, Star Trek III: Search for Spock, I Am Not A Serial Killer, Doc Brown Saves the World (it counts, I guess), Million Ways to Die in the West, there were probably others I'm sure but off the top of my head, these are the ones I remember.
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
A memorable moment? Hmmmm I'm not sure. I listened to enough Huey Lewis this year but I can't think of something particularly memorable about doing so.
How many times did you fall down this year?
A couple, probably. Can't say I kept count.
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like!
I sure did! I've seen it twice now and I'd see it a third time in a heartbeat. It was an amazing experience, I went in completely blind, didn't know anything about the production, the soundtrack, nothing. When it came to Broadway, my first time seeing it was in the pre-showing (or whatever they're called); like it wasn't technically open yet but wow, I was FLOORED. I came out immediately getting the soundtrack and listening to that damn thing on repeat for weeks.
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
I think she's only told it to me once. Twice, perhaps, for different context. But theirs is not a happy story so it's not exactly something that gets spoken about often.
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
My year in a BTTF quote? Uhhhhh. "Yeah, I saw it on a rerun." OR "Yeah, well uh, let's keep this brain melting stuff to ourselves, okay?"
Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a DeLorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock (maybe on this one because I may have knocked one down, can't remember), play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
Oh fuck if I know—this may be the year I quit the job that I hate that doesn't pay me what I deserve for my qualifications and figure out what I actually enjoy doing. I'll work on my confidence re: the content I put out, namely being proud of the things I create, whatever they are.
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tagged by: @cheriboms (thank you! not only for the tag, but for all the support and kind things you've said about anything I've posted) tagging: i'm not sure who to tag for this but if you see it and you like it, steal it!
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yesterdayiwrote · 2 years
I think they’re both at a point where they’re trying to build their off track brand as their on track brand rises. Lando probably has more of a head start in that area.
I find this such a fascinating point that you've raised. Lando has definitely been the most popular, with Charles close behind of the twitch quartet. George's profile has raised this year with Mercedes, and his social media numbers have rocketed this year, but lately and probably due to his bad races in Singapore and Japan his numbers have stopped. I think with perhaps a different social media strategy George does have potential to be a superstar. But obviously George needs to be ok with that. This is in stark contrast with Lando, who at the beginning of the season his numbers looked stuck and people seemed to be cooling towards him, but he seems a lot more active on social media now, and people seem to responding to the Lando.jpg account. I'm biased but I really want George to reach the superstar potential I believe he can and win races and championships.
Right so, I find this area fascinating as well and it always ends up turning into a contentious conversation because I think some people confuse ‘wanting to raise profile/build their brand’ with ‘wanting fame’.
None of them want “fame” in the traditional sense, nobody truly does with all the knock on effects it brings and the sheer amount of negatives in relation to privacy and the like. Not even actors or musicians truly seek fame. They want to participate in their chosen field and be appreciated for it.
But these days in most high profile fields, you have to build a brand and build your profile. Doing that is what brings you the big bucks. There’s no straightforward promotion system for pay rises in these fields, to increase your pay you have to show the worth you bring to a project in both talent and other means, and to achieve that you have to lean in to certain facets of the fame game and combine that with sporting success.
Lewis is absolutely the gold standard of that. Proof of what you can achieve if you combine everything together effectively . Yeah, he’s talented on track, and has the WDC’s to prove it, but he’s almost transcended the sport. He has more star power than the rest of the grid combined and half of that is through savvy marketing deals and building a strong personal brand. His name is associated with a product or venture and it instantly adds value, which is why he gets paid so much in his racing contract. People are desperate for him to sell their products.
I’m not sure either Lando or George will ever reach that level, but Jenson level is definitely within their grasp, and idk if people realise or remember how ‘big’ Jenson became at one point (although I think it was more uk centric)
Lando’s definitely chased a lot of brand deals, he has personal partnerships through Quadrant and he’s really delved into that younger, online audience to build up a name for himself. He knows how to use social media and I think, in the UK out of the UK drivers, he probably still has second highest name recognition. He was hyped up as the next UK race winner for years when McLaren had the car, now this year they’ve not been as competitive the interest has died down slightly.
I do agree with you about George. I think he has the potential to really make something, but in terms of George as a “brand” I think he’ll have to go a more old fashioned route rather than building it solely via social media. He reminds me a lot of Jenson in some ways anyway, and he has that “British charm” that certain people fall over themselves for. My mum likes him because she thinks he’s ‘sweet’. He’s very polite and sensible and uncontroversial. He kind of flew under the radar during his time at Williams and has been launched into the spotlight a lot quicker and suddenly has been doing a lot of promotional work, but still only for Mercedes brands. (Belstaff is a Merc sponsor, owned by Ineos). I think after his win, and hopefully if Mercedes success continues into next year that will change quite quickly and he’ll get more offers. I could go off on the list of brands he’d suit but let’s not get ahead of ourselves 😂
Especially in the days of DTS, all the drivers are facing recognition to a level drivers in previous years probably never had, so it’s only right they make it pay for them somehow, but there’s definite give and take in it, and I think it’s a fascinating aspect of F1 (also just a recommendation to follow @champagnepodiums because she has some great discussions about these sort of subjects on her blog!)
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f1uckinghell · 2 years
Car Wash 🚗 (VV crack oneshot)
a little gift for @guess-ill-just-yeet
read here on ao3
“I don’t know if that’s what they meant when they said Car Washing for charity?” Lewis said, his arms crossed over his chest. 
“If it brings in the money, does it really matter?” Charles asked, and squeezed out the sopping wet sponge, intentionally hitting his own t-shirt, before turning around and stalking off, laughing and waving at the next car.
The day their neighborhood had chosen for the car washing activity was sweltering hot, which perfectly leant itself to the task at hand. It was a whole week charity thing, meant to earn some money for a neighborhood playground so the local kids didn’t have to play on the street between the houses anymore. People were selling cake or diy items, there was a “Prettiest Sheep” pageant (which Daniel was still slightly miffed over for not winning), and there were nightly barbecues for the neighborhood to come together. It was very nice, actually, and a good opportunity for the pack to get to know their neighbors better. 
Today, on the third and last day of the festivities, some of the younger members of the neighborhood were offering their car washing services, the pack of course in the midst of it. Daniel and Michael had dragged a hose from their property to the street, and of course, Carlos with his Ferrari had contributed the good brand of soap, polish and rags. 
By now, cars were lining up. And Lewis suspected it had very little to do with the actual washing. 
“Is this appropriate?” Nico asked him in a hushed tone, shifting Leah onto his left hip. 
“No, I don’t think so,” Lewis replied with a little laugh. “But it seems to be effective.”
“It feels like I should start covering Leah’s eyes,” Nico said, eyebrows rising towards his hairline as he watched the ordeal going on before them.
Daniel wasn’t shirtless, but the peach-colored t-shirt he was wearing had soaked through, showing off both his tattoos and his farm-worked muscles. He had Riley in one arm as he was spraying the hose, giving him a sexy Dad vibe that seemed to attract the local omega population, judging by the gaggle of them around him, pretending to coo at sweet Riley but stealing glances at Dan. Michael, meanwhile, had ditched the shirt altogether. There were a few bubbles stuck to his abs and the lady whose car he was currently washing looked like she wanted to lick them off. 
The pack omegas weren’t much better. Maybe worse, actually. 
Charles was clearly playing into some fantasy here in his damp, white shirt that was almost completely see-through. Pierre (also shirtless!) threw a handful of foam at him, and Charles giggled sweetly. The Alpha in the car they were currently busy with revved his engine to get their attention back on him; it only worked somewhat. Charles, in his defense, was at least wearing jeans, which couldn’t be said about Lando. His skirt made him look like he had escaped one of those barely legal porn videos. There was water running down his legs, reminiscent of… well. A group of older teens had positioned themselves on the lawn somewhere behind Lando; they kept shooting scared glances towards Carlos, but apparently, the threat wasn’t enough to stop ogling. 
Even the two pack members who weren’t actively participating in the wet activities didn’t seem able to escape the collective neighborhood thirst.
Carlos, who was innocently collecting the donation money, dressed in sensible jeans and an even more sensible, casual button down, couldn’t shake the trail of people wanting to talk to him, and Max, in a sundress, watching from the side with Isabel in his arms, seemed to be a magnet to the older people of the community, who either wanted to coo over adorable Isabel, or tell him how good he looked for having had twins only a year ago, judging by Max’s strained smile.  
There was a pretty squeal, directing their attention back to Charles, who was now completely soaked, his hair dripping. Lewis could see his hard nipples from all the way over here. 
“How much money do you think we need to give them to stop?” Nico asked.
“...how much cash do you have on you?” Lewis asked, reaching for his wallet in his back pocket.
Nico hummed. “...the checkbook will do nicely. I mean, how much can one playground cost?”
“I can’t believe we’ve made this much money!” Max smiled happily, counting all the notes once again. 
“That might mean we can actually afford that fancy swing set that has the baby swing as well,” Charles smiled, hooking his chin over Max’s shoulder. His hair had dried by now, curling slightly from the heat. 
“Yes,” Max smiled, turning his head to press a kiss to Charles’ cheek. Charles smiled and kissed him back. 
“Keep going and you’ll make some more money in a minute,” Daniel smirked, reaching across them to grab his beer off the folding table. When the two omegas looked up, half the people at the barbeque with them quickly averted their eyes. 
Charles laughed, low in his throat. “...they still think we’re sluts, but now they know we’re nice sluts.” 
“...are they wrong?” Michael asked through a mouth full of grilled zucchini. 
Charles hummed, running his fingertips up Max’s side, making him shiver and laugh. “No.”
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crab-in-a-pocket · 4 years
reserved farmer headcanons + meeting the bachelors for the first time!
wanted to make some generally reserved farmer headcanons to kick off this blog and bc i see a lot of very friendly farmers out there and i... am not one of them LMAO
additionally, there's reference to a supposed volatile relationship with a (former?) loved one (projection time!)
also i forgot to open my askbox bc idk how to tumblr ?? i think it's open now (i hope).
tw: drinking and alcoholism, references to past trauma, one Bad Word (sh^t!)
when you first meet everyone, it's a quiet greeting and maybe a witty remark, but you don't stay for any chit-chat
close-lipped smiles are your signature move, along with the Man Nod whenever you run into someone
you are, of course, a nice and courteous person but you don't feel the need to say hello to everyone every damn time you pass by them because, really, you're too busy rushing to Pierre's for some seeds or lugging around foraged beach stuff
okay, maybe some of them think you're a little cold and an introvert who has... problems
but you're not! you are a strong and emotionally stable farmer who gets Shit Done and prefers to observe over participate and think over talk!
mayor lewis is extremely puzzled and almost mistakes you for someone else-- it's been over a decade and people change too much, too soon. he makes a remark about a wishing well your grandfather had built long ago (remember the well? how you fell in it that one time?) and you nod along politely (i didn't fall, i climbed in because i desperately needed my wish to come true)
it's nice to meet people who aren't as temperemental as the tides. maybe, for once, you could have a proper relationship with someone.
easily the most annoying and extroverted person in town what with his obsession with sports and loud, brash personality but you two get along fabulously because you had that same passion for gridball in college before you were too busy being a corporate slave
he's a little surprised that you sit next to him at the saloon but he goes along easily and the conversation flows between the two of you easily, ranging from future plans (thinking of going pro... think i'll make it?) to the weather without sounding like you're making fake smalltalk (i wanted to play pro, too, and here i am now. if you really want it, you'll have to leave this all behind)
there's something genuine about him that's intriguing and it leaves you wanting to find out and see what the real alex is like inside because you can see through that wall he's made
and there's something enigmatic about you, who is reserved and quiet and seems to be a simple open book, when in fact, you are a very attractive onion with many, many layers
you think he's immature. a wildchild, a manchild, a wildmanchild, really. sam, on the other hand, is drawn in by your calmness and how in-control you appear to be-- when you offer to play a game of pool when sebastian doesn't show up, he's delighted at the opportunity to know you better
okay, so he is immature and a wildmanchild but there is a softness in him that surprises you every time he shows it-- which is frequently around you
he has a soft smile to counteract his proud one and he's so in awe of how you get so much stuff done every day (i don't know how you do it, that's gotta be tough), every week, and every month (you'd like the responsibility, i think. to me, it's one big project i need to finish)
he has instant crush on you because you're so cool even though your line of profession really doesn't evoke much awe. i mean, you're  attractive, you are so in control of your life, and you have a really cute smile whenever he compliments you-- how could he not?
bit bold of you to sit next to him at the saloon because every knows he's can be a real asshole, but he glances at you with a hint of awe and more than a hint of annoyance. you elect to ignore this and choose to order a whisky on the rocks (if you don't drink, call it apple juice)
whisky: shane's a touch impressed because you look like a lightweight. well, it's nice that someone can hold their liquor. he makes a remark about it (planning on getting drunk, huh?) and you raise a brow at him, looking a little haughty and tell him that it's your drink for the week. he's annoyed at your remark and starts an argument that surprisingly, settles down into a civil conversation
apple juice: he snorts at that and makes a remark about meeting penny for your lessons the next day. you play along and sip at your drink, making witty remarks (thank yoba for hangovers. it's the non-drinker's edge, really. just like not having liver failure). he's not sure if he should be annoyed or impressed at your cool-as-a-cucumber personality, not sure if it's too big city or too closed-off
you offer to buy him a pizza if you can take a away his beer-- at any rate, he looks like he'll end up with liver failure the way he's going. shane aquiesces and devours the entire pizza. your conversation is slow and punctuated with his loud chewing but you're pleasantly suprised that he's quite smart and well-read about whatever you're interested in
the fourth time you sit next to him, he turns down your pizza and doesn't say a word. neither do you and it's almost like it's back to square one until you realize that he hasn't made a single salty remark about anything. you decide to try again the day after tomorrow-- nothing comes too quickly to people like you and shane.
it was the necklace you wore that caught his eye. a shining teardrop stone hanging off a gleaming silver chain. he had spoken before he could stop himself and watched as you smiled and told him he was right-- it is supposed to be a Yeti's tear.
you're pleased to meet someone who is also a homebody and a touch more reserved than a lot of other people in town. he's easy to get along with (oh, you're kidding, you really have the signed edition?) and he's got pretty good taste when it comes to literature-- after all, who can refuse a good sci-fi book? (of course i do, i'm dedicated fan)
oddly enough, your conversation is quick and eager and not all reserved. instead of the companionable silence everyone assumes you two to have, you two nearly talk over each other because you finally have someone to complain to about everyone's over-friendliness and he finally has someone who understands what it's like to be trapped in a small world
you tease him about the corporate rat race and he fires back at you about being a part of it. you like sebastian and he likes you-- it's as simple as that.
he had heard of you through leah who had heard of you through emily who had heard of you through gus who had heard of you from lewis. it was a long grapevine and he's not sure how much of the truth was preserved and it's almost a relief to meet you because, to be frank, he's tired of being the town's newcomer.
first-- you're not peppy and overly cheerful at all. second, you are definitely not hot-tempered. and third, there's something so fascinating about you, something hidden under your calm, pragmatic character. he finds a kindred spirit in you, save for the flowery words and, admittedly, the vanity.
you're amused to meet a writer living on the beach. the cabin was built by one of your grandfather's old friends, a rather surly man who had taken a liking to you when you were much younger. while the hut is in no way fancy, you can't help but consider how pretentious and, contrastingly, humble the writer must be. pretentious in such a way that he thinks living in a sandy, damp shack is a way to beat writer's block (it's odd, it's rarely a choice people make) and humble in such a way that he accepts and bears with living in a worn house with little complaint (it's admirable, if not a little silly!)
you find yourself in his company late at night when you can't sleep and it's so easy to open up to him because he's kind, he listens, and most importantly, he's not embarassed to admit he's got faults, at least to you. you let him see past your collected facade and into your cracked heart far sooner than you think and elliot doesn't mind at all
you might be the most mysterious person in town simply because of the way you present yourself. he finds himself always stuttering a little whenever you're around because of the way you watch him, set in a relaxed stance, your gaze flat and cool. later, he realizes that it's your resting face. he wonders about what you'd look like if you smiled-- really smiled
he's touched at the fact that you buy him coffee whenever he had to patch you up-- which is frequently, given your liking for the mines. you're adorable when he gives you general anesthesia. he had run out of local anesthesia and you needed a fair amount of stitches and though you told him that you have a high pain tolerance (stitches are far more painful than you think. i really don't want to put you through that), he insisted and you let him (fine, fine. get on with it, doctor). you had let out several inappropriate jokes under anesthesia and your cheeks had hurt from laughing non-stop
harvey's entranced. there's no other way to put it-- he's bewitched by your bright character hiding under that collected facade. he never pries for your secrets because he's got secrets, too. you like harvey because he's sweet and compassionate and even though he has to put up a firm, professional affectation, he wears his heart on his sleeve.
you see him as a friend at first, all platonic and it seems to be the end of it. but one day, as you hand him a coffee, he laughs and smiles and hands you a coffee just the way you like it. you're falling for him so hard and fast you think someone's put a spell on you that makes you notice the minute expressions on his face and mull over the way he talks to you. you're in love with him-- you can only hope he feels the same way too
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yuki-tsunodas · 3 years
The Player's Tribune: I will never forget the tears I shed that day
Article published 25 March 2021, originally written by Yuki Tsunoda in Japanese.
I translated the article with help from Google Translate and Naver Translator + my own interpretations of their rubbish translating, so apologies in advance for any mistakes! Anything I had trouble translating will be bolded with a (?) next to it!!
 I think that was the last time I cried in frustration, in regret.
 Four years ago, I was only 16 years old and was a student at Suzuka Circuit Racing School. It was the final selection to join Honda's Driver Development Program. If I pass, I can run in Japanese F4 the following year, but if I failed...I was thinking of quitting racing at that time.
 Now, I'm standing at the entrance of the stage called F1. Looking back, that was the turning point of my life.
 Of course, I didn't know if I would pass that year's trial because there were not only those who had already run in F4 but also some drivers who had come back from overseas.
 However, I've been racing in karts since I was four years old, and I've been doing well. That year, I was the youngest ever podium finisher in my debut race in the Japanese F4 championship, which allowed me to participate in the spot (?) race, and won the Super FJ Japan's first championship. At the selection test, there were good results until the final round of selection, and I was in a position to compete for first and second place overall. So I thought I could afford to make a big mistake in the final selection, and I was confident that I would still be in the top two in the end.
 I am a strong driver. But if you can't get results here or if you can't fascinate the judges with your running, it's already known (?). So I was prepared to give up my racing career if it didn't work. I think there were many other routes to go, such as running in other training programs or non-formal races, but I don't like it when it's not the direction I want to go. I decided to live a different life rather than to do it half-heartedly.
 However, the worst result awaited. At that time, I was very weak mentally and, of all things, it showed in the final round. Even before the race, I found myself tense and stiff. My fingertips were also stiff. I was not my usual self. I started like that, but suddenly I was flying...I had to drive through the pitlane and then rejoin the course. I felt like I was running alone, far away from the previous group. I felt sorry for myself, and I didn't even feel like running anymore. As a result, the points in that race were almost zero, and Tsunoda lost in the final round.
 I was so frustrated that tears welled up naturally on the train home. It was the first time since I started racing in earnest. I was the youngest among the participants, but I was shocked because I was confident that I wouldn't lose, and I couldn't imagine anything even if I tried to think about the future. I still remember clearly that I was so depressed that I didn't even want to see my parents on my way home from the Shinkansen.
 But there was only one faint hope. That was what the then Honda F4 coach said in an interview after the screening.
 "As a training driver for Honda, you will not be able to participate in the race next year, since the Formula 4 Honda has four cars. Maybe I can put you in one of the remaining two cars running as Suzuka Racing School."
 That was because former Formula One driver Satoru Nakajima recommended me. Mr. Nakajima was the principal of the school at that time, and at the time of the final selection, he was watching us run in the final chicane.
 I was given a penalty at the start, and I was racing without emotion, but I was running hard so that I wouldn't regret it. Through the visor, I saw Satoshi Nakajima standing in the final corner. I didn't want to show Mr. Nakajima a careless run. It was a hopeless ranking, but I thought I should not give up until the end and keep running toward the group in front of me. Then the road opened.
 In 2017, Suzuka Racing decided to enter me into F4 instead of making me a training driver. Then, I suddenly ranked 3rd overall in the annual overall ranking, and the following year in 2018, I was selected as a Honda Formula Dream Project driver, and was able to become the champion.
 It's all because I was frustrated at that final selection.
 The most unusual thing is that I think it's mental. Until I had a setback, I had a feeling that I would do well until the end without doing anything. I knew I wasn't good at starting even though I failed in the previous round, and I had time to practice before that, but I didn't. There was something sweet about overconfidence. And at that time, I was afraid of making mistakes, so I didn't know how to grow up.
 After failing the selection, I realized that I was still not perfect and that I had to be faster. I realized that it is important to make a lot of mistakes without fear of making mistakes, and to make new discoveries and grow from there. Therefore, I didn't feel impatient when I didn't get points as I wanted in the early part of the F3 and F2 seasons last year after I went abroad. Rather, there was no hesitation in the process of making a lot of mistakes first and learning a lot from them.
 Takuma Sato, a former Formula One driver, now driving in Indycar, is famous for saying, "No attack, no chance," but I think that's exactly right. If you don't try beyond the limits of any sport, you won't find the future, and if you don't try, you'll stop there. Therefore, even if there are times when I make mistakes or get no results, I don't feel strangely distressed. Even if you make a mistake, it's up to you to take it. Mistakes make me want to investigate the cause. If you think that you can overcome it, you can be faster than if you regret the mistake, and you can always face it positively.
 Now that I can race in F1, I feel grateful to my parents. I've liked to move since I was a child, and I played swimming, soccer, mountain biking, and also, not sports, but piano. Now that I think about it, I feel that my father and mother were letting me do what I was interested in. And the reason why I started driving karts was also influenced by my father. My father liked motorsports and played gym carna himself. One day, at the circuit venue I was taken to, I was allowed to drive a real cart. That was the first time. Actually, I also experienced a pocket bike at that time, but after trying two, I said, "The kart is more fun." I don't really remember at all (lol).
 But there were times I got sick of karts...
 For example, when I was about seven years old. When I was playing a game while waiting at the track, my father told me to "focus more on the race," and my game was taken away, and I felt like, "I don't like it anymore." Then my father became getting tougher and tougher on me to improve me, and he scolded me for many things. To be honest, I didn't really appreciate my father until I was 15, and there was a time when I hated him. 'This is "The Rebellion Period".' I think I was in the middle of it.
 Not only my father but also my mother was strict in terms of academic matters. I was always told to study in case I didn't succeed in motorsports. My junior high school was not a public school (?), so after the race, I would go home on the day, get ready for school, go to school, study, and take the test. To be honest, it was hard and I never liked it, but I continued to study anyway.
 At that time, I couldn't thank my parents, but now I have the opposite feelings. I think I am what I am now thanks to their harshness, scolding, and teaching me a lot of things back then. Thank you so much.
 I didn't expect to be able to get to F1 this quickly. Not only are there few Japanese drivers, but they are also those taking the shorter route compared to foreign drivers.
 When I first went to see F1 at Fuji Speedway at the age of seven, Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso were running. At that time, I wasn't longing for it, but I thought "I wanted to race with drivers like this someday", and those feelings are still the same. Hamilton is already a legend, and it's an honor to run with him, but when I get on the circuit, both Hamilton and Alonso are just drivers. Think of them as enemies.
 It's the same for Max Verstappen, who I think is the fastest and strongest opponent in Formula One, and Pierre Gasly, who's my teammate in Alpha Tauri. I want to know as soon as possible how well I can handle Verstappen and how well I can compete. Gasly was active in Japan's top-category, Super Formula, when I was running in Japanese F4, and I hope I can learn a lot of things from him, but I think he's also my biggest rival that I have to beat someday because we're in the same machine.
 'In the world of F1, "speed" is ultimately required.' No matter how fast you say you are, if you show off your speed, you can make an impact, and if you have speed, you can get back in front in the second half even if you were overtaken or separated from the pack in the beginning of the race. However, it is actually the most difficult to show "speed" in a situation like this. My biggest strength is speed, so in addition to that, I want to learn more of what I lack.
 Come to think of it, at an online conference held this off-season, my goal came out big like, "I'll be a Formula One champion more than seven times, the most ever tied," but that's not what I meant.
 I haven't done a single race in Formula One yet, so I can't say that (bitter smile).
 What I'm thinking about right now is to give the best performance I have in the first race, and to get as many points as possible throughout the season. Just like F2, even if you go up to F1, you will make a lot of mistakes from the beginning to the middle of the season, but I want to learn a lot by making new discoveries there. After saying such a thing at the press conference, there was a question like, "What is Tsunoda's ambition?" So I replied, "Maybe I'll win the championship seven times like Lewis Hamilton?" which became a big headline.To be exact, I really want to concentrate on everything in front of me now, and I hope that my ambition will come true as a result of that accumulated effort.
 What kind of scene will I see in the future? I want to improve my ability and become a race driver representing the F1 world, and I think it will be a different pressure and motivation, so the expectations of the fans may be even higher.
 That's why I want to never forget how I felt when I drove in Formula One for the first time in 2021. I want to cherish the current feelings of a rookie and continue to make mistakes to my heart's content, learn a lot from them, and enjoy them.
 I don't think I'll shed tears like I did four years ago in the final selection. I will never forget the tears I shed that day. But if I were to cry from now on, what kind of tears would I have...?
 I think it's realistic to say when I first win the championship. It's very difficult to get to Formula One, but it's going to be a tough road ahead. It's really hard to win, so if I'm going to shed tears, it's probably not "regretful tears" but "happy tears".
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a-lil-bi-furious · 4 years
Top 10 Ships Involving POC from 10 Different Fandoms
(Round Two!) Thanks for tagging me @welldressedllama
1) Nia Nal x Querl Dox (Brainia) - Supergirl
These two swiftly climbed my list of favorite ships. I think their dynamic is so sweet. They’re both such dorks but in different ways, and I love watching headstrong, outspoken Nia alongside brilliant, somewhat social-novice Brainy. I think they complement each other well.
Also, I think all the time about that scene in season 4 where Brainy is watching Nia’s interview and asks Lena, teary eyed, “What does love feel like?” Because it was Nia sharing herself with the world that cemented for him that he loved her. Their relationship is built on the both of them seeing one another for everything that they are and loving each other for it. And that’s beautiful.
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2) Sweet Pea x Fangs Fogarty (Swangs) - Riverdale
I’m hopeless. Anyway Toni/Sweet Pea/Fangs is the only main friend group I want from this awful show. Core Four is OUT, the Three Serpents are IN (and let Swangs officially date k thx). I just love the dynamic of the short sweeter one named after a sharp object and the tall violent one with “sweet” in his name.
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3) Maia Roberts x Simon Lewis (Saia) - Shadowhunters
They were really good for each other, and 100% they should have ended up together. (Though Jimon and that fucking “boop boop” get me every time...)
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4) Mason Hewitt x Corey Bryant (Morey) - Teen Wolf
They’re just so soft !! It was a hard choice between these two and Malira (or Scalira 👀). So many good options! But they win this round.
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5) Ximena Sinfuego x Calli Adams Foster (Calmena) - The Fosters
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 (couldn’t find a gif of them together, but...what a very non-platonic thing to say)
6) Victor Salazar x Benji Campbell (Venji) - Love, Victor
They had their impromptu dance party and I was a goner.
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7) Ellie Chu x Aster Flores (Ellster?) - The Half of It
This movie! This! Movie! We didn’t actually see a whole lot of Ellie and Aster interacting, but I love that their relationship is built on depth and mutual understanding and how this whole journey resulted in the two of them helping each other come to terms with who they are without actively trying to. (Aster didn’t even know she was writing Ellie until the end. And yet...)
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8) Octavia Blake x Lincoln Kom Trikru - The 100
A relationship built on valuing one another’s differences and learning to love by learning about one another and the cultural in-betweens? In a world where their people are planning to kill each other based on these differences? Yes, please. 
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9) Spencer James x Olivia Baker (Spelivia) - All American 
This one’s a new love for me. I was more for platonic Spelivia through my first watch, but now I dunno. 👀 And this whole dance sequence was hella cute!
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10) Claire Novak x Kaia Nieves (Dreamhunter) - Supernatural
Kaia (not dark!kaia) was in one (1) episode, and because Supernatural is allergic to anything but white men Claire isn’t in it a whole lot either. (The CW took one look at Wayward Sisters and said “nope. only toxic masculinity allowed in spn-verse”) BUT I loved every second they interacted on my screen. I fall too easily for the wlw.
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Bonus: Yusuf al-Kaysani (Joe) x Nicolò di Genova (Nicky) - The Old Guard
Here’s the deal....I really want to include them , but I must confess I still haven’t actually watched the movie. They’ve been high on my list of ships anyway for a while based on this quote alone: 
“He’s not my boyfriend. This man is more to me than you can dream. He’s the moon when I’m lost in darkness, and warmth when I shiver in cold. And his kiss still thrills me even after a millennium. His heart overflows with a kindness of which this world is not worthy. I love this man beyond measure and reason. He’s not my boyfriend. He is all, and he is more.”
Tagging: @daughterofluthien , @sillyteecup , @spikeface​ , @19ninetyfive​ , @rhyslahey​ & @lightfiretomypaperwings​ to participate (if you want! No pressure at all, I just think these are fun!) 
For anyone else who wants to participate, I have good news: this is me tagging you. Go for it! (And please tag me, I would love to see :)
Round 1
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Trigger warning:
Discussions of sexual assault, transphobia, transmisogyny, chattel slavery and violent antiblackness.
Good afternoon,
It may come to many people's great happiness in this community that I am no longer interested in muling for a fandom that wants my community dead and excuses our deaths.
I am not here to hold your hand on why you should see Black people as human beings if you are unable to do so.
I'm not here to sit around here to convince you that the Black trauma that you are excusing is of real live human beings. That enslaved Black people were mothers, fathers, cousins, siblings, aunts, nephews, loved ones and by brushing off the pain that they went through, you are dehumanizing literal human beings.
This is a fandom that excuses white supremacy, discrimination of people with facial differences, transmisogyny, orientalism, the objectification of m/m ships (often involving a party of color), ableism, transmisogyny/transphobia, general anti-Blackness, colorism and we can go on for just about forever.
It protects those and their enablers and in addition to this, excuses and normalizes the use of chattel slavery as a fanfiction trope.
Think about this before you consider aligning yourself with the people in this fandom or joining it at all.
Therefore, this archive serves a reminder of what the true nature of the Phantom of Opera fandom holds and no matter how many times you block me, you cannot erase this. It serves as a resource for current marginalized fans and future fans to heed warning of the false respectable aura these bigots parade.
I would like to thank our allies for doing as much as they can for the sake of protecting themselves from this fandom. Don't worry. I saw your posts. I thank you.
To all non-Black people of color that stood by and watch this happen without a care, I'm not surprised that you would have such lack of feeling for Black fans. I would implore you to do better but that would imply that any of you actually had spines.
Anyways. Keep the Black names of actors under Phantom of the Opera out of your mouths and gifsets. I know who you are and that you're seeing this. No, posting pictures of Norm Lewis and Derrick Davis along with others will not solve anti-Blackness in a fandom that excuses chattel slavery.
Non-Blacks cannot accept "apologies" for anti-Blackness and slavery apologists.
Take your performatism somewhere else.
Blackness, being Irani and the beauty of being trans is something to be celebrated. Do not forget this even in such a bigoted, white supremacist fandom.
To all those who are affected by the phandoms bigotry, let me say this. You are not alone.
Now, I will recount these past months events of transphobia and antiblackness. for anyone who was lost within the narrative.
We begin with @transphantomweek. @cefantomeenhabitnoir noticed that i-penna and filthybonnet, both big names in the fandom were perpetrators of transmisogyny. When he called this out, they were instantly shut down, blocked and isolated from the fandom.
@cefantomeenhabitnoir has an entire Google doc dedicated to the harassment they faced and the transmisogyny perpetuated in this fandom and you can find it on his page and in my phandom bigotry callouts tag.
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Kept Below is the fic that @cefantomeenhabitnoir is referring to.
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See my phandom bigotry callouts tag and @cefantomeenhabitnoir 's transmisogyny/transphobia call out for more details, which is also in that tag.
Now we bring ourselves to our current situation. Madamefaust.
On February 25th, 2021, I called out madamefaust for using the tragic mulatto trope, exploiting the usage of the Dumas Family (real life victims of the Haitian-French slave trade) to racebend Raoul De Chagny as a biracial. Black-French Man in her since deleted fic, "Strange Sweet Sound".
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I will explain to you why this is bad.
"Do you even know the implications of naming a Black/White biracial child a bastard and flat out stating that their white side was involved in the slave trade? It means that child’s mother was possibly raped. You are implying that Raoul’s mother was a victim of slavery and sexual trauma. You are playing into the tragic mulatto trope. You are anti-Black."
- Me in my original call-out post (which you can find on my pinned.)
The tragic mulatto trope is trope born from slavery times involving a Black/White biracial child who was the product of rape between a white and enslaved Black party (typically female). They are pitied for their Blackness.
"Lydia Maria Child introduced the literary character that we call the tragic mulatto in two short stories: "The Quadroons" (1842) and "Slavery's Pleasant Homes" (1843). She portrayed this light skinned woman as the offspring of a white slaveholder and his black female slave. This mulatto's life was indeed tragic. She was ignorant of both her mother's race and her own. She believed herself to be white and free. Her heart was pure, her manners impeccable, her language polished, and her face beautiful. Her father died; her "negro blood" discovered, she was remanded to slavery, deserted by her white lover, and died a victim of slavery and white male violence."
After I called this out, many people in the fandom blocked me and began to post very cryptic things regarding cancel culture.
Madamefaust is not exempt from participating in my harassment. Madamefaust is a pharoga writer and a large number of the people harassing me were pharoga shippers. You can find the list of names in @cefantomeenhabitnoir 's bigot call out list.
Even her literal friends and mutuals were posting things regarding the words, "you don't have to care about anything" about a Black woman calling out the literal fetishization of slavery.
Madamefaust did nothing to stop my harassment. Only posting a cryptic post "to stop" while these people still kept indirecting me.
Why didn't you tell them to disengage until the damage was already done? Why didn't you confront them personally and not in some text post? You knew what you were doing. You were watching. This fandom is small.
I hope you feel ashamed and that the shame follows you forever. You were playing with literal Black lives and the deaths of many people who were murdered. Slavery wasn't a fun game. It was endless brutalization and loss of self. Black people's lives were treated as products. Me and many people's ancestors literally had nothing.
Life as an enslaved person was either get raped by the slave master or labor until you die.
And this fandom has the nerve to excuse using that as a fanfic trope?
Now, we move on to @strength-to-try
@strength-to-try dubs themselves an "anti racism" page yet allows antiblack slave trade apologists and their defenders to interact with their posts.
When a Black woman criticizes them (me), they refer to me as a "Black Individual" and flat out state that they aren't going to block out literal
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You cannot "forgive" or accept apologies antiblackness if you aren't Black.
The entire reason that page exists is because I was calling out ANTIBLACKNESS AND SLAVE TRADE APOLOGISM IN PHANDOM.
FUCK YOU AND FUCK EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS @strength-to-try and their anti-Blackness, slave trade apologism and willingness to stand with white supremacists all whilst throwing me, a Black woman under a bus.
The Phantom of the Opera fandom is especially not safe for Black People and Trans Women. It houses, protects and defends WHITE SUPREMACY.
But it is also not safe for darkskinned people, Muslims and Iranis.
It is reeking with people who fetishize the Daroga, a darkskinned Irani Muslim man. They lighten his skin, barely even mention his religion unless they're trying to strip it away or demonize his home country. They write him hyperaggressive and hypersexual towards Erik. They call him a monkey. This is not love. This is racism.
They also hyper-sexualize Irani women and refuse to think critically about why Gaston Leroux describes the Little Sultana, an Irani woman as so blood thirsty and Erik (a white man's) main abuser.
You can find examples in my phandom bigotry callouts tag. Or just read any pharoga fic. It's filled with this prejudiced shit.
Also I encourage you all to stop demonizing Erik's facial difference and to educate yourself on the history of ableism regarding the discrimination of people with facial differences. You can find some of these resources under my ableism tag.
So, in all, go run your money to @cefantomeenhabitnoir for the transphobic trauma you've put him through if you have a single bit of sympathy for them. You know who you are.
I don't expect much from a fandom who condones literal anti-Blackness and slavery apologism. But if any of you do feel remorse, I encourage you to run your money to Black people. Especially darkskinned, disabled and LGBT Black people whenever you see a donation post as reparations.
Silence is violence.
Also, I have put together an artist blacklist of people who supported madamefaust's use of slavery in her fanfic, defended it or flat out refused to stop interacting with said defenders of it.
In addition to this, I have added said artists who have contributed to the racist orientalist sentiment against the Daroga and, of course transphobes/transmisogynist defenders.
You can contact @queerangelic or @cefantomeenhabitnoir for the list to know which in the fandom to avoid.
More than many of you are guilty.
For new Phantom of the Opera fans considering joining the fandom? Read my pinned and check out my phandom bigotry callouts tag.
I suggest that you do not join this hellscape fandom or get out of here while you can.
Avoid this fandom as much as possible.
And Phandom? I'll see you all in hell.
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the-fiction-witch · 25 days
Reading Time
Media - Lewis (The Mind Has Mountains) Character - Adam Douglas Couple - Adam X Reader Reader - Florance Rating - 12 + Word Count - 3337
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"god this is dull..."Adam sighed as he leaned back on the tartan blanket against the grass, picking grass blades up with his hand.
Classes would begin in three weeks, and he’d move in in two weeks. But now one of the dorms was hosting a drug trial. Two weeks stuck in the dorm with a bunch of strangers for £200 per day just to be a guinea pig for some new medication.
The trial was three days in so far, and he was already frustrated by the boring other participants and the lack of TV… and his phone.
"Dull indeed. It’s a pleasant day though, better than rain than we'd be locked in the dorm" A voice spoke up beside him,
He glanced up, he had met her on day one of the trail but for the first time, he really noticed her.
Florence was part of the trial too, and a fellow Oxford student however she studied literature so Adam in his Classics would never really have come across her. She sat beside the blanket with her hardback of Edgar Allen Poe poems, her soft curls fluttering in the gentle breeze, her make-up pristine wearing a black off-the-shoulder top and a long deep purple skirt with some black boots
“She's cute,” he thought, “her hair and her outfit, plus the whole poetry reader thing seemed to make her perfect. Smart, cute and a reader... And she was the quiet type too. I like quiet girls, they tend to be more sensitive, sweet and well… better in bed”
"That's true." He spoke up, He decided to try to get to know her. to chat her up really. "What book is that?"
"a collection of Edgar Allen Poe poems. I bought it to read on the train on the way here. All that looked good in the Kings Cross bookshop, but I've read them all before," she explained,
"Poe isn't really my kind of reading. I'm more of a..." He paused for dramatic effect. "Classics guy." He smirked, looking back at her.
she chuckled "Let me guess you're a classics major?"
"Yup. And I bet you're a literature girl." He smirked. “She seemed the type.”
"it is my major yes" she nodded
He chuckled. "Figured. You give off literature girl vibes."
"do I?" She raised an eyebrow,
"Totally. The whole quiet girl with the Oxford literature vibes. Cute and smart." He smirked
"I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted"
"Flattered. I mean the smart and cute thing as a compliment." He chuckled slightly, he couldn't resist checking her out again. Adam's eyes flick over Florence he can't help checking out her hips, thighs, and considerable... Assets.
Florence however doesn't notice focusing on her book "Well that's very kind of you, perhaps you could write me a poem in Latin," she joked,
He chuckled at the joke. "Only if you want love Sonnets, poetry in ancient Rome was very much about the erotic." a smirk formed on his lips as he studied her figure, she didn't notice, which he liked. He could check her out as much as he wanted without her knowing.
"I'm well aware" she chuckled
He chuckled, liking the fact that he had found someone he could talk to about Roman literature too. "How did you get drawn to Latin and ancient literature? If you don't mind me asking."
"I had an ancient Roman phase I think everyone did." She shrugged, "I find the ancient Roman views on intimacy oddly fascinating... Mostly due to how strangely contradictory it is,"
"A lot of Roman stuff is contradictory... the views on what the ideal woman is a good example." He chuckled, he liked that she was smart.
"I suppose, I don't know some things just seem strange. Like their equivalent of Valentine's Day where priests whipped women for fertility and single people shoved names in jars like a city-wide key party"
He chuckled again, "Oh yeah, Lupercalia is definitely the strangest Roman tradition. Although it's definitely one of my favourites of Rome's weird traditions."
"I'm sure they enjoyed it"
"Oh I definitely think they enjoyed it. Rome was definitely a city that enjoyed indulging themselves." He smirked studying her for a moment before speaking again. "You seem to know a lot about the... Uh.... intimate side of ancient Rome."
"I find it interesting is all" she shrugged
He tilted his head slightly. "And I assume you know the same about the ancient Greeks? They were worse than the Romans..."
"oh yes, very much so. Many an ancient Greek orgy"
Adam chuckled, glad to have met a girl who actually knew what he was talking about. "Definitely. Are you a Greek literature girl too? Or do you prefer Romans more?"
"... I think I like Roman history better but geek mythology better"
"Ah, so you're into Greek mythology too? What's your favourite myth?" He chuckled, “Have I found the perfect girl.”
she didn't need to reply she simply lifted her long skirt to show her thigh where a Medusa tattoo sat,
His eyes widened a little as he saw the tattoo, his gaze lingering on her thigh a little extra long. “God damn it, she’s perfect.” "Ooh... Medusa? Really?"
"I like her. And how interesting the changes that have been made to her historically"
“I could just sit here and listen to her talk about ancient stuff like this all day.” "Yeah... She's changed so much. Some myths she's evil, some she's a victim. Some she's an allegory for what happens when women are raped, others she's a monster."
"I think a lot of it depends on who's recounting it" she shrugged fixing her skirt,
"Yeah, definitely. Ancient literature was very male-dominated. So everything is from men's points of view." He nodded. "Some myths, like Arachne are worse. They don't even mention anything that Arachne says or how she reacts. Everything is all from Athena's side. The whole moral at the end of it basically blames Arachne."
"very much so, not to mention the absolute chaos caused by male gods that are reviewed as absolutely abhorrent when a goddess does it" she explained, "I mean seriously how many lovers does Zeus need"
He chuckled as she mentioned Zeus and his lovers. "Gods were definitely the worst. They literally thought they could do what they wanted." He paused for a moment, he decided to try to flirt a little again "Which god do you think is the hottest?"
"... Hummm..." She ponders "Hermes"
He smirked a little at her answer, not expecting that. "Hermes? Really? I was expecting you have say like... Apollo or something. You go for a god of thieves?"
"I think he's often described as very handsome" she said "and he's not just thieves his medicine too"
He shrugged a little. "True, he is the god of messengers, travellers, medicine. Plus he's incredibly smart and witty..." He looked back at her and smiled slightly. "You into witty, smart, handsome men are you?"
"I suppose" she shrugged
He smirked a little, "And you're not into strong men? Or brave types like Hercules?"
"absolutely not eww" she said "what about you? A goddess you find the most beautiful?"
He chuckled at how she quickly shut that down. "Me?..." He paused to think for a moment, "Eris, Goddess of chaos and discord."
"ohh really?" She chuckled
He chuckled at her response, "Yup, a total fan of her. Chaotic, rebellious and very seductive." he smirked moving a little closer to her with each word,
"fair enough" she nodded "I like Hecate"
He raised an eyebrow, "Hecate? Goddess of magic and witchcraft?"
"I'm a big fan" she nodded
"I can't say I'm surprised. You do strike me as a magic girl”
"It is a vibe I have cultivated"
He chuckled, "Well you do know how to give off a vibe... What about me? What kind of vibe do I give off?"
"...humm smart, maybe a little nerdy, very cute handsome best friend boy who's ignored for a whole movie till the main lead girl gets dumped and realized just how amazing her best friend was"
He just blinked for a moment, once again surprised by her response. "Wow... I... Wow... That's..." He didn't know how to respond. "I was expecting you to something like 'you give off a arrogant, egotistical, frat boy vibes', not 'cutes, nerdy boy best friend vibe'."
"that a problem? I didn't mean to offend you"
"No, no, no offence taken..." He shook his head and chuckled. "Just... Didn't think you'd pick up that vibe from me. But I guess you are sharp. I mean you got my whole vibe down from a half hour conversation."
"It's a skill" she giggled
He chuckled again, “god shes cute when she laughs like that”. He just stared at her for a moment, a smirk forming on his lips. "So you can analyse someone and figure out their vibe almost instantly with very little information about them? Sounds like an interesting talent to have."
"it's fairly helpful" she smiled
He chuckled and nodded. "I bet it is..." He paused for a moment, deciding to see if he could flirt a little more. He turned to fully look at her, leaning his elbow against the blanket and propping his chin up with his hand. "Am I cute then? You said I gave off a cute nerd vibe."
"very cute" she chuckled pinching his cheek,
a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. It took a lot to get him to blush. But he quickly tried to play it off. "You think so huh? You think I'm cute?"
"Perhaps? Just perhaps? So I'm not exactly your type then? I guess I'm just cute enough for you to pinch my cheek, but not cute enough for you to want to hold my hand or kiss me or anything like that...?"
"I never said you weren't"
“She was being playful. Smart, beautiful and playful... I like that” He smirked and chuckled at her response. "You didn't say I was either. All you said was I was cute. But not cute enough to be your type..." He was fully flirting now, he even moved closer to her slightly as he spoke again. Their knees were practically touching. “God I want to touch her, kiss her, hold her.”
"I never said you weren't my type I neither confirmed nor denied it"
He chuckled and smirked, He moved slightly closer again, so their knees were touching. "Oh, I know you didn't deny it... But you didn't confirm it either. So I have a chance. It's still possible for me to be your type and for you to decide you wanna kiss me or take my hand, take my arm, hold me, touch me..."
"It's possible." She nodded "You’re a very forward boy"
He chuckled, leaning closer to her. "I'm just confident, I know what I want. And I know that cute girls like you… well, you are my kind of woman..."
"are they now? How convenient"
He chuckled and just smirked again, slowly inching closer and closer until his hips were slightly touching hers. "Very convenient... And I'm glad we both did this. I would have hated to be stuck in this trial with another like minded person. I'd much rather be stuck in here with a beautiful, witty, smart, nerdy and gorgeous girl like you."
"mhm" she glared a little before returning focus to her book
He smirked and leaned in close, he was almost up against her. His face was next to hers, his breath against her ear. "You really like putting up that cold, quiet girl act, don't you? I know really you just want to toss that book aside and kiss me..."
she didn't answer she just continued to read, her hand coming to pull on his hair yanking him down to lay his head on her shoulder "Shhhhh" she said "Reading time" she whispered softly stroking her fingers though his blonde locks,
the sudden pull causing him to make a small noise as he landed on her shoulder. His smirk softened as she slowly started to caress his hair, “That’s it… I’m in love,” He relaxed for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of her hand in his hair, his head on her shoulder. "Mmhm..." Adam slowly leaned forward, moving his head to nuzzle into her neck, his cheek pressed against her shoulder. He took another deep breath, taking in her scent. “Damn, she smells good too.” He pressed himself closer against her, almost sitting in her lap at this point. He reached up to take her hand and bring it down to his chest, holding it pressed against his heart. “god she feels so good.”
she chuckled and just continued reading her book letting him hold her hand
He slowly pressed his lips against her skin, gently kissing the side of her neck. He didn't kiss her hard, didn't suck on her skin. He just slowly peppered kisses down her neck, enjoying the feeling of her skin against his lips, her hair against his cheek.
"you're a very cuddly boy Adam,"
He chuckled and tilted his head up slightly to speak, he was still pressed close against her, still nuzzled into her neck, his lips and breath against her skin. "What can I say? I like being close to you... I like being close to cute girls who smell nice and are smart and witty and nerdy and cute and let me lay on them and hold them..."
"I'm glad you’re happy,”
He nodded, nuzzling back into her neck and kissing her skin again, working down to her collarbone. "I am... being here with you like this, you letting me lay against you and hold your hand, is definitely making me happy..." He smirked a little, his lips against her skin between speaking. "Are you enjoying this at all? Or do you really just want me to shut up so you can keep reading your book?"
"it's enjoyable"
"Just enjoyable? How about... 'Very enjoyable'? Or 'super enjoyable'? Or 'so damn enjoyable you should put that book of yours down and pay more attention to the very attractive, very close and very into you boy on your shoulder' or maybe even ‘So incredibly enjoyable you want to throw that book in the river, make some basic excuse and come with said very attractive very into you boy up to his room and make out’ … just as suggestions?"
"into me?" She raised an eyebrow,
"You didn't know? I'm very into you. You're cute, smart, witty, nerdy, you've got a sexy tattoo. I'm very into you..."
"humm... How convenient your into the only girl around your own age in a two-week-long drug trial where no one is allowed to leave"
"And it's so convenient that the only girl around my age just happens to be my type. Cute, smart, nerdy, witty, and lets me lay against her and hold her hand and-" As he spoke, he shifted slightly, getting closer to her, almost sitting in her lap now. "... Let's me lay against her, hold her hand, kiss her neck, nuzzle into her shoulder, talk to her..." He continued to pepper kisses down her neck as he spoke, continuing to press himself as close to her as he could. "... Be close to her. And she doesn't even push me away and tell me to shut up... Just seems like a very convenient situation for us both..."
"umm. A situation that will end after the trial and you'll find new things to grab your attention. So what's the point?"
"Well that's a very pessimistic view of things.” he thought, “Who says I won't still be interested in you after the trial? Who says I'm going to immediately throw you away and move on to someone else?”
"because that's what you boys do. You get into someone, kiss and cuddle and take what you want and then abandon them for the next girl"
He chuckled slightly and nuzzled against her neck again, placing another kiss there, his voice playful as he spoke. "Don't be so cynical. I'm not like that... I wouldn't just kiss and cuddle then ditch. I'm a very loyal type of guy..."
"that's what they all say..."
He shook his head slightly. “God she really is cynical. That would make sense if every guy she dated before was a complete dickhead… which may also explain the medusa tattoo” He moved so his mouth was again by her ear, his voice soft and quiet. "Not me... I'm very monogamous. I wouldn't kiss and cuddle just anyone. I'm very specific about who I would kiss and cuddle. And you, Florence..." Adam pressed Another kiss to her neck. "... definitely fit the criteria."
"mhm" she glared,
He smirked a little. “God she really does not believe me.” He nuzzled back into her neck, his voice still soft and low against her ear. "You really don't believe me, do you? You really think I'm just gonna kiss you and then toss you aside once the trial ends? You don't think I'm a loyal guy? Or do you just not believe me because you think you're not worth my time so I won't be loyal?" He stopped for a moment, tilting his head to look at her, his expression suddenly very serious. "... Do you really think I'm just playing with you? Do you really think I don't like you like that, that I'm just messing around with you?"
"I think I happen to be convenient for you, two weeks locked up in a dorm with no TV and everyone else is older and more boring. All you want is something to do, and once the trial is over you'll never speak to me again. Spent the rest of our time at Oxford ignoring me"
He was visibly shocked by her words, completely taken aback. She really thought that of him. “That just hurt.” he thought, "You really think that bad of me? You really think that I just want to use you to keep me entertained for two weeks and then throw you away? You don't think there's any possibility that I'm genuinely interested and attracted to you..."
"boys don't get interested or attracted in me, not for any length of time"
"Boys... No... You've had boys. Boys who played with your feelings or just wanted a hookup or something casual, someone to play with then toss away." He moved his hand, cupping her chin, tilting it up so she was looking directly at him. He spoke again, his voice softer but still serious. "You haven't had men. Real men who are genuinely interested in you, who actually want to get to know you and spend time with you and get into a serious relationship with you. You've only had boys who use you and then throw you away. But I'm not a boy, I'm a man. And I'm interested, I'm very very interested." he explained holding her hand closer to his chest, “Can’t you feel that? How fast my heart is beating when I look at you?”
"Alright," she closed her book "if you're so interested how about we make a little deal?"
He raised an eyebrow, "A deal? What kind of deal?"
"a deal that nothing sexual will happen between us until two weeks after we start classes?"
"No sex until two weeks into the start of class?” he asked, “she drives a hard bargain.” he thought “Why that long?"
"Because that's almost a month from now, I'd you’re interested you'll wait, If not you'll lose interest by then," she said, “and not just no sex, nothing sexual. Not at all.”
He chuckled softly and moved his arm around her waist, gently pulling her slightly closer, a smirk still on his face. "Alright. No sex or fooling around until two weeks after classes start, almost a month from now. That'll definitely be a good test then. I'll wait, prove to you that I'm interested in more than just using you for physical needs..."
"Then it's agreed" she nodded,
"It's agreed" he smiled, “So… do you think I could get a kiss?”
“You may,” she smiled resting her hand on his cheek and pressing her lips softly to his own for a tender kiss, she slowly pulled back and tapped his nose before going back to her book,
“...Oh my god, I’m in love.” he gasped, “...Oh fuck I said that out loud didn’t I?”
“Yes you did,” she chuckled,
“Well… at least you know I like you,” He smiled rubbing his nose against her neck, 
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
The Tran-Cavill Grandkids
Henry = 79 / Olivia = 70 / Vanessa = 47 / Elodie = 40 / Heather and Chloe are 36
Olivia: We have 8 grandchildren. It has been sixteen years since I first became a grandmother, but I still have to get used to it.
Henry: I love being a granddad. I love everything about it, especially when they all come over and we have seventeen people over.
Oliver (16)
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Olivia: Oliver is Chloe’s and Joon Ki’s first son and our oldest grandson. Chloe was still in college and scared out of her mind when she found out she was pregnant. I stayed over in her dorm from her twenty fifth week of pregnancy to the thirtieth, since poor thing was suffering from a lot of panic attacks and because of their different schedules, Joon Ki and her friends couldn’t be there for her. I forgot how disgusting those dorms were. After that, she took online classes, because she was really fatigued and uncomfortable. She stayed at our place again up until the birth.
Henry: When Oliver was born, my life stopped for a moment. I was officially a granddad. I mean, I always knew I wanted to become a father, but a granddad… I never really thought that far into the future. But Oliver is such a wonderful young man. Takes his job as the oldest grandchild very seriously.
Olivia: He comes over a lot, since our house is on the route when he goes home after school. He helps us with some chores or just comes over to drink some tea with us. Oliver even offers to do groceries for us every Saturday.
Dylan (14)
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Henry: Dylan is Vanessa’s and Trey’s first son. We were delighted that we were going to be grandparents of two boys. However, it was pretty hard for Vanessa and that absolutely broke my heart. My poor girl was in a lot of pain and discomfort and there was nothing I could do about it.
Olivia: Vanessa became dehydrated pretty early on in her pregnancy, forcing her to quit her job. I actually quit my job too, because I realized that I needed to be there for her. 
Henry: Finally, after all those years of her saying that just because I am rich, doesn’t mean she should stop working. 
Olivia: Anyways, my poor baby was really out of it and I moved in with her and Trey for a while, because they obviously needed to prepare a lot for the arrival of their little boy. So Henry and Trey decorated the entire nursery, while Vanessa and I tried to come up with a birth plan, me telling her about the whole giving birth thing and how scary it can be. We even went to a few therapy sessions, simply to put her mind at ease.
Henry: However, Dylan was born ten weeks too early and it was a trying time for all of us. We spend so much time in the NICU. Thankfully the entire family stepped in to help Vanessa and Trey out. Dylan was a pretty weak baby, also really tiny and had troubles eating. Though he was sick and tired pretty often, he grew out to be such an amazing kid, who understands the limits he has and despite that, still manages to participate in certain sports. We are so proud of him. 
Megan (9)
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Olivia: It took five years before Vanessa got pregnant again and thankfully this pregnancy was easier on her. We were so excited when we found out she was pregnant with a little girl! Our first granddaughter. Megan is such a bright young lady. When she was four, she saw a picture of Henry having a tea parties with her aunts when they were around her age. The next time she came over, she brought a dress and her cups and saucers and forced Henry to partake. 
Henry: I thought those days were over, but I’m a push over and I couldn’t say no to her. Megan is such a happy go lucky kid, with the most infectious giggle. I remember when she was a baby, she started to giggle and didn’t stop. Nowadays, she can just stare at you, before bursting out in a fit of giggles. She also forces me to dance with her, but thankfully every Tran-Cavill girl tells her that it’s for the best that I don’t dance.
Jake (8)
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Henry: Jake is Chloe’s second second and that is one special kid. He was already dancing in the womb, according to the sonographer. I think he was only two months when I was playing some music in the background and Jake was in his seat. He started to move his arms right on the beat!
Olivia: He is now going to dance classes and I have to say: that kid knows how dance. He can appear to be a bit more introverted, isn’t really in your face when they come over to visit. All in all, he is a pretty timid kid, but the second he hears music or is on a stage, he dances his heart out. So amazingly talented! When he visits, he always gives us little previews of the dances he taught in class. 
Kiki (4)
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Henry: Heather was never the type of woman that dated. She was always more focused on her own career. It did shock me when she told us that she got pregnant and that she had to tell her boyfriend about it, since we all had no clue that she was even dating someone. Not even her own twin sister knew! 
Olivia: What a fucking doorknob that guy was. Heather wanted me to join her, when she would tell this Tom dude she was pregnant. Turns out she really is a daughter of mine, because she found herself a man that is the spitting image of Wesley, appearance wise and personality wise. He got so mad when she told him and even had the audacity to tell Heather that she got knocked up by someone else. He really wasn’t hiding the fact that he was an idiot, because he told my sweet Heather all that, when I was right next to her! Long story short, I broke them up, slapped Tom in the face and threatened to kill him if he ever sought out to her or the baby.
Henry: That’s my girl.
Olivia: But Heather is a real trooper and manages to take care of Kiki just fine. Thankfully we love her dearly and didn’t kick her out, because she got pregnant out of wedlock (like my parents and brothers did). We are the go to baby sitter for Kiki and it’s so much fun to pick her up from school. It reminds me of the times that we would pick up our own girls from school.
Henry: Kiki is such a happy go lucky little girl. She is a ray of sunshine and we are so lucky and grateful that she is in our lives and that that idiot Tom is not. I fear the day that I run into him, because I will throw him in front of a bus. Accidentally of course.
Olivia: Henry, honey, remember: you’re nearing the ripe age of eighty. What if you break a hip or your wrist?
Lewis (14)
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Olivia: So, Katie, Elodie’s wife, used to teach English in Secondary school, but after she lost her job, since her school had to close, she became a substitute for three months at another school. That’s where she met nine year old Lewis. According to her, he was a shy kid, but every day after school, he’d linger around the classroom and talked to Katie. He would help her out with cleaning up, make his homework and often they would walk out of the school together.
Henry: Unfortunately she had to leave after three months and according to her, it was pretty hard leaving Lewis. Two weeks after she left the school, she got a call in the middle of the night. The principal of that school informed her that Lewis was removed from his home by the police. The neighbors called it in, since they heard the abuse going on. Later on, it turned out that Lewis was the victim of abuse on a daily basis. He lingered in Katie’s class room to postpone the moment of going home to his father. He was in desperate need of someone who would take him into emergency foster care.
Olivia: However the only person he wanted to stay with, was Katie, so she and Elodie took him in. It was supposed to be for a week, but a week turned into a month and after a nasty trial, they officially adopted Lewis on his tenth birthday!
Henry: I remember him coming over for the first time. Maybe it was a bit mean to let him meet everyone at once, but despite his nerves, he managed quite well. Now we know Lewis as such a hardworking young man, who desperately tries to help others and makes sure that they can reach their full potential.  
Stella (8)
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Olivia: Elodie and Katie got into foster care a whole lot more seriously after they adopted Lewis and three years ago, they had to foster Stella, who had lost both of her parents in a tragic accident and there wasn’t anyone that could care for her. I remember Elodie and Katie having a bit of trouble with Stella, because she would lock herself up in her room and not talk to anyone.
Henry: It was hard, but Lewis swooped right in and the two of them had such long conversations. I think it was because of him that Stella opened up to her moms, but also to the rest of the family. She and Lewis are definitely partners in crime. She is quite something. Very mischievous and sneaky. She loves to scare people, hiding behind doors, but she doesn’t do it to us (thankfully), because she is afraid will scare ourselves a heart attack. So considerate. 
Olivia: In a lot of ways she reminds me of Vanessa. She is very eloquent and uses fancy words to throw you off guard. I love taking her out with me, because, just like Vanessa, she “whispers" something to you (most likely she’s gossiping), but the people she is talking about, can always hear it. I know I shouldn’t condone this, but I love the faces of the people when they hear Stella say: ‘Grandma, why is that woman wearing those shoes? The straps are too tight. She looks like a ham.’
Henry: You allow that? You should discipline her.
Olivia: I have been raising kids since I was twenty three and I always made sure to discipline them. Now that I’m a grandma, I can let it slide for a few times.
Charlotte (2)
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Henry: And last but not least, little Charlotte. They fostered her since she was a year and officially adopted her six months ago. We don’t know exactly what happened to her, since she was abandoned at around nine months. No one actually knows what her exact age is, let alone her birthday. 
Olivia: It’s such a shame that something this horrendous could happen to such a precious little bean. She is, despite the things that happened to her, a lovely young girl, who kind of reminds me a lot of Elodie. A bit shy, a bit quiet and not a smiler.
Henry: Definitely not a smiler to strangers at all, but when she does… She’s so precious. Lewis and Stella are really good with her as well. These two were made to be older siblings. I can’t wait to see what kind of girl Charlotte becomes!
Olivia: We are so blessed with our beautiful grandchildren and it’s my goal to become at least a hundred years old, so I can see every single one of them at least graduate!
Henry: And I want to hold my great-grandchild, so yeah, I agree, my love. We should become at least a hundred years old.
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potatosoldier · 4 years
Are you still there? / Part 2 /
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“Dick, you dog!”, the man says with a grin so mischievous that it makes a bystander nervous. I start ticking my brain on people Dick has mentioned to me. This has to be Nix, no one else. I bite my lip nervously and stick out my hand “Sonja E. Winters”
He tilts his head smirk till intact: “Is that a way to greet an officer?” Richard beside me huffs as I quickly go to salute. “Quit teasing her Lew, and me”, he says dryly. Nixon only lets out a chuckle and now offers his hand. 
“Lewis Nixon, your chivalrous knight, but please in private, call me Lew”, once I bring my hand to his, he pulls my knuckles to his lips while never breaking eye contact. He does know that I’m his best friends wife, right?
I grin gently at the mans shameless attitude, he seemed like an amusing case. “I believe I have already found my prince charming, Lt.Nixon”, I chuckle. I can almost hear Richard rolling his eyes at this conversation. 
“That you have, it’s good to finally see the miracle that is the only vice of Richard Winters, in real life” he smirks as he walks over to his bunk. Now I can see Richard rolling his eyes. I only grin at him and straighten his tie, this might be one of the very few chances of showing him affection and I’ll take it. 
“well you do have enough vices for the both of us”, Richard snarks, but without any true malice. Nixon  only winks and looks at us, still smirking. “You see lovely Sonja, this is what it looks like when you hit a nerve. And you are his every nerve”, he continues teasing. I have to giggle at the expression my husband his throwing at his friend. A blush is rising to my cheeks with speed as I listen to his words. It feels good to know that I still am loved. Well of course I know, but well..lets say with the last couple years, one needs reassurance. 
I start unpacking my gear onto the free bunk while Richard sits on his. “When are you getting introduced to the men?”Lewis asks me when I take my books and neatly place them on my stand.
“Colonel said that I’ll be meeting the men tonight”, I start folding my red cross dress prettily and sigh. “They really can’t just give me pants?”I groan as I think of wandering around in the dress. Lewis raises an eyebrow at this and then shares a look with Richard. 
“I mean we could try to pull a few strings to get you better gear, better for your safety too, not you know, getting krauts try to sink under that skirt”, Lewis offers. I smile at him kindly in thanks. My husbands jaw sets at the mention of Germans. He needs his time getting used to me at harms way. 
“Lew, would you do that now, we still have much to discuss”, he says at his friend over his shoulder. I look at my husband again. I know that expression well and right now at this time it’s the last thing I need. I can stand him shouting at me, or well could if he ever raised his voice, but I cannot stand that expression and the cold silence he that follows. 
Lewis furrows his brows. “alright, I will. Nice meeting you, Holy Mary” he says standing up and shoving a lucky strike between his lips. I smile and utter softy; “You too, Lew”
Once he is out of the door Richard puts his head in his hands. I rise slowly and take a seat next to him, but right when I touch him he recoils a little. I inhale sharply. He looks at me, studying my face, the expression never leaving his. 
“You do understand what Nix just said. You could be assaulted by Germans, and you will be right if they capture you”, he says quietly. I gulp and nod: “I am aware, and I am willing to do this, even knowing that. You and I both know that that is a risk every nurse has to take. And we do have some combat training” I explain tenderly.
I can see the stress in his eyes as he looks his hands. Slowly I sink down to the floor and kneel between his legs holding his hands. Warm chocolate meets cold sapphire as we stare at each other. “It still haunts me”, he whispers. I pull his forehead down to mine and stroke his neck soothingly. 
“I know, darling, me too”, I whisper. He looks at me again and then takes my face into his big hands. I move my hands to hold his wrists in a gentle grip. “Richard, I want to do my part, and that requires a sacrifice, as it does to you too, but please lets not sacrifice us”
Ever so slowly he brings my lips to his, for the first time in two years. The kiss is more than a kiss. It’s..it feels like an eternity of love is once again flooded into my soul. Even if my rigid husband gets embarrassed with my poetic ways. 
Once we break apart we nuzzle our noses together. “Richard, if this makes you lose focus I will not participate”, I whisper. The men needed a good officer and I knew my husband would be that for them. I was a nurse, I would have to find a different way to help if needed. Dick does not rule my decisions, but no way in this life am I going to let him worry himself out of focus and to death.
Richard just shakes his head ever so gently not taking his forehead off of mine. “I know how much this means to you, to get back the peace and start building our own little world”, he sighs. “I can do my duty without letting personal matters be a distraction”
He then gives a soft smile and presses a few butterfly soft kisses onto my lips. Our kisses: simple, pure and sweet. I smile into them and let out a soft giggle when he presses the last kiss on the tip of my nose.
"Get ready darling, change your gear on, Sobel will come get us at 1900. And beware, they are an honest bunch of troopers"
I don’t remember the last time I felt this nervous. Here I was standing next to Colonel Sink and Captain Sobel. In one of the five movie theaters in Camp Mackall. Some of the soldiers whistled, some muttered angrily and well some just looked bored. I’d prefer them all to be the last one. No, Sonja, get your confidence, these men are going to get along with you, you are kind. Well, I could be kinder, but for now breathe. 
“As you all know, these times are damn rough. Everyone needs a boost in their mood and morale. That is why the United States army has chosen the Easy Company, for the program of sinking Army Nurses into the company. The main objective for that is keeping your health up and freeing more men to hold a gun instead of a syrette”, Sink spoke with clear short sentences. The whole theater started to get some mumbles, and I could see my husband very uncomfortably just staring ahead as he sat with his platoon. 
Sink glanced at me and Sobel, who was almost snarling from the look on his face. “This is Nurse Sonja Winters, and she will be assigned to the E-company to work as a medic would. From this day on she will be a part of your field exercises and will be treated with the respect she deserves. If this program fails, it will be a shame to all of you”, his tone got more and more sharp towards the end of the speech. It was clear that he didn’t want to get the shame of having unruly men under his command. 
“Enjoy your rest of the night off, for now I want you to start getting used to this, Captain Sobel will take this from now” 
Sobel steps up like a peacock preening. Alright that was just rude, Sonja, remember your manners. “We begin tomorrow at 0600, we will be focusing on battle logistics. Dismissed”, and with that he took off. Leaving me standing there all alone in front of the men. Luckily the officers come to my rescue and order the men to go to a hall of sorts. 
The hall is full of long tables, it looks like a chow hall. I walk next to Lewis as he promised to escort me. How kind of him. He smirks “So, holy Mary, how does it feel to have couple dozen pairs of eyes on your peach?”, I look at him in horror. 
“Please do sleep one eye open if you want to keep your peach uncracked”, I snap. But then widen my eyes. “Sorry”, I whisper. But in the end he snorts so happily that I can’t help but laugh also. 
He then sighs grinning. “Okay, forgive me, my comment was not very chivalrous, no more swine-like behavior”, he says raising his hands up and making a mock bow. I shake my head. This man really is something else, witty and good with words no arguing with that. 
“Oi, Ms. come here!” The shout came from a comely looking fella, light hair light eyes and a twinkle in his gaze. I smile and glance at Richard and see him smiling lightly too. I walk over to the man.Next to him there is a red-headed fella and another man with big brown eyes and a lucky strike between his lips. 
“Yes private-?” I ask softly. He looks at me up and down still grinning. “Muck. Warren Muck, but call me Skip”, he offers his hand which I take giving it a firm squeeze. A handshake can tell so much of a person. “Call me Sonja”
“Me and the lads were wondering, would such a lady like yourself join us for the night and have lovely conversations”, he offers making grand gestures with his hands. I chuckle at his antics. “Yes, but as a proper married lady, I will retire to my own bed”, I say firmly but still smiling. 
The one with the cigarette clutches at his heart mockingly: “You break my heart, how lowly does thee think of me-e”, he says streching out the e, making me giggle. I offer my hand at him: “Who is thee?”
“George Luz, your humble servant. Oh and forgive me I’m supposed to be over there with the 1st platoon, but I think I prefer you”, I smile and shake my head. All these charmers. These really were a bunch. Sudden shyness taking over me, I felt very out of place. they were trying to get to know me, but still I just...well I feel very comfortable with just myself. 
“And that is Don Malarkey, Alex Penkala, Joe Toye, Bill Guarnere- he looks mean but he bites before he kills” George mock whispers at me, as he first loudly points at everyone. Bill really does look like he could bite George’s head of at the moment. or mine, he doesn’t look too happy about my presence. 
In the end they offer me a seat and I take one between Joe Toye and George, opposite of Skip. I look at Joe and offer him my hand too, he takes it and nods. He seemed like the quiet type, not that I mind, I do in the end prefer the quiet type. 
“Where are you from?”, I ask smiling. “Hughestown, Pennsylvania”, he rasps. I grin a little and lean a little closer to him in the hall to hear him over the noise.  His voice is so raspy, but he seems like the type of a man you don’t have to make repeat himself.“I’m from Lancaster, well originally not, but been living there for the last seven years” , I tell him. 
He nods then furrows his brows. “The fuck is wrong with your accent?”, he asks bluntly. 
My eyes widen a little, before I snort. “I’m half Finnish”, I answer. I appreciate him being blunt, honesty is something this world needs more of. I think he appreciates my reaction to his bluntness, since he then smiles. “So, are you a farm gal?”
And that is how I spend the rest of the night, talking to the blunt Joe Toye. 
All the love to @iilovemusic12us​ who has been my aid at this creative process!
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