#I think the only thing I read that is even CLOSE to/beats this page count are SOME of the realm of the elderlings books THAT'S CRAZY
camellcat · 4 months
you guys I'm losing my MIND
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I have NEVER seen this sort of thing in any other fandom I've been in and I LOVE IT
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bueckers-sturniolo · 2 months
the alchemy.
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paige x fem!teammate! reader
word count: 2k!
warnings: uhhh, cursing? literally one suggestive-ish comment, if i think of anymore ill come back and lyk!
authors note: HIIII! this is my first time ever writing anything whatsoever, and i can’t tell if i genuinely enjoy or really hate this. you gotta start somewhere though, right? 🤔🤔🤔
go read part two here!
this happens once every few lifetimes; these chemicals hit me like white wine…
you and paige were inseparable. it didn’t go unnoticed by fans, not by any means. you were a year younger than paige, you started playing for uconn her sophomore year. as soon as this was announced, paige followed you on everything, immediately commenting on any post the uconn instagram page made about you, commenting something along the lines of just saying your name in all caps with a bunch of emojis, or even, when she was feeling bold, “Theres our girl! 🤩🙌 (or, ‘my girl’ if she was feeling silly that day),” and even on your own, individual posts about yourself, she’d like and comment some form of encouragement or a subtle compliment just to hype you up, as she does the rest of the team.
she couldn’t deny her nearly unbearable attraction toward the minute she first had laid eyes on you. even if it was over a tiny screen. the first time she saw you was when geno had shown the team videos of you playing and explained to them who you are, where you’re from, what position you play, and all other things they should know. you were around 5’10, and you were a point guard. you had gotten a scholarship to uconn, and obviously, you took it up. the first time paige physically saw you play, she knew you two would become close. not only working together on the court, during games and practices, but also, off of the court.
and you guys did. by the time the season started, you were sure you guys were unstoppable. every practice, you guys were fully locked in, becoming an outstanding duo together. that is, until, she got a tibial plateau fracture. she sat out a whopping 19 games after her surgery, and it was sad to see. she was such a powerful player, and now one of your best friends. games and practices didn’t feel nearly as good without her, but she made you promise that you’d work everyday to improve your already very strong talent, to play for ‘the both of you,’ as she said. she’d come to practices, games, and even just to your personal training sessions to provide some form of support.
what if I told you I’m back? the hospital was a drag, worst sleep that I ever had, I circled you on a map; I havent come around in so long, but im coming back so strong.
as soon as paige was cleared by doctors to begin playing again, she worked several hours, every single day. she came back as a fucking beast. since the day she got cleared and started working her ass off, she earned the nickname ‘sniper’ from you. your nickname for her was ‘killer,’ which, is kinda where she got the idea for sniper. you both were very powerful point guards. every day since she came back, you were amazed by just how hard she was working to get back up to her already impressive level of skill. and as time went on, she got even better than before. from the wise words of your guys’ coach, geno, she literally ‘came back better than she was when she was named player of the year.’
so when I touch down, call the amateurs and cut ‘em from the team, ditch the clowns, get the crown. baby, im the one to beat. cause the sign on your heart said it’s still reserved for me. honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
one night, after a practice, you guys are sitting on your couch, scrolling on your phones in the living room of your apartment. she was over there often. you didn’t live in a dorm, but she did, so this is where you typically hung out. you didn’t get a dorm, for mainly one reason, living on campus is expensive. you personally thought that if you were gonna pay so much to live somewhere, might as well be somewhere bigger than the dorms at uconn. your parents somehow agreed, and helped you through paying for it your first few years. you’re now a junior, and paige is a senior. though, she was technically going into her junior year of playing basketball, but it was her last year as a uconn ‘student.’ over the past several months, it’s been…. flirty, to say the least. you’ve always been not ‘just friends,’ but, you never talked about it. it was just ‘normal’ to you guys. you had talked about to kk once, and the conversation didn’t really help. at all. not in the fucking slightest.
“well, i mean… yeah, we all notice it. she just…. acts so different around you…? it’s not a bad difference, per se… it’s just like, why the fuck is she so nice to you? she’s constantly like… on her knees praising you. it’s crazy, lowkey. but none of us wanna say that, so we kinda just have accepted it all season.” kk says, finally looking up from her phone at me, sitting on the edge of her bed, giving her a ‘please help me’ look.
i stare at her for a few seconds, then sigh. is it actually different? does she really do that, or is kk just exaggerating, like she always does?
“kk, i don’t- i don’t know, dude. i don’t notice it. it’s just- like-“ kk interrupts me, knowing i couldn’t find the words to explain what i was feeling, “normal to you?”
i nod, putting my face in my hands and letting out another sigh. “yeah, i get that. but, also… like, how do you not notice it? it’s like- remember that guy she said she had a crush on, like- 7 months ago or some shit?” she said, sighing.
“yeah, why?” i say, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion on where the fuck she could possibly be going with this.
“she literally flirted with you more than she flirted with him. then, she rejected him, and said there was ‘no reason behind it….’ is that not suspiscious to you? in that one picture of you guys and the weird ass dude she apparently liked, she’s leaning closer to you than she is him? does that not even slightly spark a tad bit of suspiscion?” kk says, getting frustrated that im not seeing her point here.
“i mean- no? i didn’t even notice it, kk.” I say, shaking my head in disbelief. “exactly my point,” kk says, sitting up to really try to get her point across. “she acts like she’s in love with you, and heaven forbid you notice it even slightly. i could name so many things that just, like- we have all noticed, and paige knows we’ve noticed. like, that time that one bitch was pushing you on the court the entire game, and paige eventually got pissed off and pushed her back off of you, then got a fucking technical foul over it…? or, how about when she gets drunk, she literally is all over you. like, hugging you, holding you, falling asleep on the couch with you literally on top of her? is that not somehow making you just use that little brain in your head?” kk says, and i just stare in thought. maybe she was right. maybe it is more than a close friendship.
you snap out of your thoughts as paige says your name, looking over at her. “yeah?” you say, trying to seem cool.
“are you okay? you just spaced out for like…. 10 minutes…” paige says, turning her phone off sitting her it down on her chest. “oh, yeah,” I say, chuckling. that’s fucking embarrassing, you thought. but why wouldn’t she notice it? she notices everything about you.
“y’know… you did really good today,” paige says smiling at you. you smile too, looking down at your hands, “thanks. you literally always do good, so. no point in boosting your ego any more than it already is.” you say, looking back up to meet her gaze.
“i call you killer for a reason, you know that, right? you’re fucking phenomenal.” and she meant it. you were a goddess, in her eyes. if there was any person closest to heaven on this earth. it’s you. everything about you. she couldn’t get enough of you, and if it was up to her, she’d show you just how perfect you are to her. you smile, shaking your head in disbelief. “you’re insane.”
“im literally complimenting you, idiot- how does this make me insane,” paige says, laughing. you shrug, shaking your head. “you know, you’re my bestfriend, right? like, the best, best-friend i’ve ever had? ” paige says, after a few seconds of silence. you look back up, your gaze softening, your big grin also softening into a sweet smile. kk was right, you thought. you knew what that was. you knew what she meant. she is in love.
hey, you. what if I told you we’re cool? that child’s play back in school is forgiven under my rule. i havent come around in so long, but I’m making a come-back to where I belong.
you sit in your room in silence, staring at the ceiling. you keep replaying things in your mind, things she’s said. things she’s done. you knew you liked girls, you knew you liked paige. but, at what cost? did your whole friendship form from the attraction you guys had from the start? was this random to her? were you guys ever going to talk about it? this whole situation is ridiculous. right now, paige is visiting her family in minnesota. you’ve met them before, and you loved her little brother, drew, like your own brother. he was precious to you. but, this time you didn’t go, you had to stay back and practice. which, sounds ridiculous to paige given that you’re already the best player in the world to her. but, you knew you’d been slacking on practicing and certain skills you were supposed to be good at. you didn’t want to let her down. or the team, of course. but, paige specifically.
these bloakes warm the benches, we’ve been on a winning streak. (s)he jokes that it’s heroin but this time with an ‘e.’
today, you guys had a game. you were always pretty hard on yourself, but, today was worse. paige noticed this, quickly. as she always does. right before halftime, you shoot a three. you make it, but, it still was kinda sloppy. not all of your shots were sloppy, of course. but, today you felt like shit and were on your period. you didn’t feel great, and you were pissed off that the girl guarding you was on your ass all damn game. the girl in question was no other than kate martin, who was always on your ass specifically, when you guys played iowa. it was infuriating, and not to mention that you kept getting fouls called on you by a ref who clearly doesn’t realize that kate won’t stay off of your case. as soon as half-time hits, you walk over to the bench, muttering a ‘holy fucking shit’ under your breath. you sit down, paige immediately following after you, sitting beside you.
“hey, killer…. it’s okay, i promise. you’re doing so, so good.” paige says, leaning closer to you trying to reassure you in a soft, gentle tone.
“doesnt feel like it.” you say, grumpily, grabbing your water and taking a drink of it. “i know, but hey,” she says, smiling. “you’re fuckin’ killing it. if it makes you feel any better, you scored and knocked her down because of how close she was to you, maybe she’ll back off. but…” she says, pausing. “do not get a tech because of her.” you look over at her, slowly nodding. “yeah, im trying. but, the next time she gets in my face, i’m knocking her to the fucking ground again.” you say, quietly. paige smiles, “no being too aggressive… i mean, yes, be aggressive. but, no techs.”
“yeah, yeah. okay, idiot face. i’ll try.” you say and paige smiles wider, shaking her head.
as the game continues, we’re up by a solid two points. youre now in the last 45 seconds of the game. iowa has the ball, clark scores a 3 on paige. of fucking course, you think.
kk gets the rebound, and we get the ball, finally. with now only 30 seconds left, you’re panicking. you’re losing by one damn point. geno calls a time out out to the ref, the ref granting him this and you all huddle over. paige leans over to you, mumbling a, “you’ve got this, killer. im leaving this up to you. you won’t let me down.” you smile, nodding. she smiles at you for a few seconds. she is so whipped, and it’s obvious. you’re addicting. you’re like heroin, but with a fucking ‘e,’ paige thinks.
shirts off, and your friends lift you up over their heads. beer sticking to the floor, cheers chanted, cause they said, “there was no chance, tryna be the greatest in the league.” where’s the trophy? (s)he just comes runnin’ over to me.
as the game resumes, the ball is passed to paige. 15 seconds. the time is ticking, so, so fast. paige does a pump fake, immediately passing the ball to you. you catch it, turning slightly so you can dribble around martin, who’s still on your ass. you nearly lose the ball. you’re wasting too much time time, you think. you glance up at the clock. 5 seconds. you try to think fast, then quickly preform a fake pass to paige, then as soon as kate turns her attention toward paige, you shoot directly behind the point the three-point line, and you make it. the buzzer sounds. you look over at the score counters, wondering if it’s able to be counted. they announce it is, and you feel like you’ve never been happier than in that damn moment. your entire team is screaming, all of the fans in the bleachers standing up and cheering. you place your hands on your knees, leaning down and panting while smiling. that’s when you see paige, her shirt is lifted up so her stomach is showing, still cheering. smiling ear to ear, she suddenly runs over to you from across the court. she hugs you, picking you up and spinning you around.
this type of shit only happens once every few lifetimes. who are you to deny your love for her any longer? who are you to fight the general chemistry between you two? who are you to fight the alchemy?
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Aziraphale, I love you. But you lied. And here's why.
Okay. I’m not gonna beat around the bush for too long. It’s time now for me to also throw my try at a personal Good Omens Season 2 Magnum Opus into the mix of already existing magnum op..i? Opusses? (Smited? Smote?)
If I’m honest, it isn’t fully my own magnum opus, as I read this meta not too long ago that made me go: „Oh! My God! That’s it!“ And I’m pretty sure a lot of other people have clocked this too by now. Of course I’m not saying it’s the objective truth but after having mulled it over for many endless nights and days, wading through the onslaught of coffee theories, body swap theories, The Metatron re-writing the Book of Life theories and many, many more, this is the one I think is most plausible and, if you look closely, most obvious.
And it goes as such: Aziraphale lied.
To all of us. All of them. And most of all, to Crowley. He lied to him. Well, he sort of did and also sort of didn’t. He certainly didn’t tell the truth. At least not all of it. I hear you ask: “OP, what the fuck are you talking about”. I answer you: Let’s start from the top and under the cut.
(Small note: this meta ended up being way too large for Tumblr, which is why I will redirect you to an external doc at the end of the post, where I have written it all down nicely and accurately. It's about 35 digital A4-pages long, just in case you want to save it for later.)
(Word count: 12.831 | Approximate reading time: 50 minutes)
Let’s start with a short recap of what happens before the Metatron crashes the bookshop party and everything goes to shit. The proper visuals for this are in my Tumblr post but I am absolutely convinced that right up until when the Metatron comes to take Aziraphale away and talk to him, the angel is fully ready to get into Crowley’s Bentley-chariot and finally ride off into the sunset (or Alpha Centauri-set or whatever). You can see it in his face and body language. You can see when the penny drops for him that a) Crowley loves him b) he loves Crowley and c) they can finally start their happily ever after. Aziraphale realizes this all throughout said Brielzebub reveal in the bookshop. And he’s such a lost cause once he does. 
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I mean, look at that. Look at it. This (very shitty recording, sorry, I'm not tech-savvy enough to avoid the Amazon Prime screen recording blocker) is the very second Aziraphale realizes hat Crowley loves him. When he hears him suggest Alpha bloody Centauri as a getaway for Gabriel and Beelzebub, as Crowley has done to Aziraphale for so, so many times now. He finally understands what Crowley was trying to tell him with that all those times.
Aziraphale realizes this all throughout the Brielzebub reveal in the bookshop. And he’s such a lost cause once he does.
Right when Crowley suggest Alpha Centauri as a nice getaway spot to the two, Aziraphale looks at him and he gets it. That Crowley has loved him, has been loving him for millennia. Truthfully, they've both known that for a long while now. But there's a difference between knowing, wanting, craving and actually being able to finally have something. And that's exactly what we see on Aziraphale's face here. This is it. This is where it all starts working out for Crowley and him. This is were they can start their eternity together.
So from that second on, Aziraphale only has eyes for Crowley. He keeps physically pawing at Crowley with complete heart eyes, as if to say „Look, look, that’s gonna be us too! Finally!" He’s actually so smitten that he doesn’t even hear what Crowley is saying when he asks Shax if he can have back his apartment now because he’s sick of living in his car. (Also, what way to drop that bomb right in this moment Crowley, lmao). 
Once the Metatron comes in, the first thing Aziraphale says is that they don’t need to talk because „he’s made his position quite clear“. He doesn’t even want to talk to the Metatron, because in his mind, he’s already made the choice. Actually, he made the choice way before the bookshop showdown. For starters, I’m convinced that the Jane Austen Ball actually never was for Maggie and Nina but for Crowley and him (you can read more about that here). And apart from that, for this whole season we have seen Aziraphale trying to advance his relationship with Crowley romantically and domestically and move them to the literal next base (our car!). And after everything he just witnessed with Brielzebub, the final nail in the coffin of ethereal-infernal romance being possible, his choice is absolutely crystal clear: It’s Crowley. It’s always been Crowley and it always will be Crowley. And now it can be Crowley. They can be an us.
The whole of Season 2 is such a massive learning curve for Aziraphale’s character, with him remembering all those important pivotal points of his past,  and this very moment is the peak, with him not only understanding that Crowley loves him (because he certainly knew for quite some centuries now) but accepting that love, letting himself have that love, being allowed to want that love and taking that love and starting their new and final chapter with it. Nevertheless, the plot clock ticks for them. The Metatron saunters into the bookshop, evil and stinky as Metatrons do, and urges Aziraphale to come with him with his whole Take The Coffee schtick, which I will get into later. And Aziraphale, immediately sensing there’s Something Up, does. Can’t really turn down someone as high-ranking as the the voice of God, after all. Even if you were currently already planning how you were going to elope with a certain red-haired serpent of Eden. 
he next time we see Aziraphale on screen, it’s so painfully evident on his face that he is neither happy nor excited. Not even the slightest bit. We’d know if he was, thanks to Mr. Michael master-of-microexpressions Sheen. None of the usual “Aziraphale is happy”-signs are there. No blinding eye-smile, no giddy wriggling, not giggles and gasps. No, when the Metatron tells Aziraphale to „go tell your friend the good news“, his expression looks like this:
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I’m gonna go out on an entire limb here and say: That does not look like someone who’s absolutely tickety-boo hyped to tell his demon soulmate that he just got the juiciest promotion and that they can both be angels and live happily ever after in ethereal eternity now.
This, folks, looks like someone who knows exactly that the news he has to break right now, are going to be tickety-shit awful and very upsetting to said demon soulmate. And already, from that very short snippet of conversation, we can tell that Aziraphale isn’t really given a choice by the Metatron. Because while the Metatron does tell him that he doesn’t have to „answer right away“, he immediately follows it up by: „Go ahead and tell your friend the good news!“ Very distinct and definitive choice of words here. It’s “good news” because it’s already been decided. Because it’s already a done deal. There is no “yes, no, maybe”. This is the only choice he’s giving to Aziraphale. Because it’s ‘Coffee or death’. 
And he already gave him the coffee. 
Tumblr won't let me continue this over a certain character limit and I am not even remotely done yet – so, I feel like this is a good moment to redirect you to the continuation of this insane meta before we're in too deep. You can do so right here!
I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions about this once you've fought your way through it. Hope you have a good time with it!
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ginevrapng · 1 year
pairing: george weasley x reader, ron weasley x reader
word count: 3.0k words
contents: swearing, a couple suggestive comments, reader wears a bikini at one point, chubby-coded reader, drinking, percy (he deserves a warning), reader not specified what hogwarts house they were in, no use of y/n, british idioms, phrases and slang words
a/n: this was originally a one-shot about george but as i kept writing i decided i wanted it to be a short series that also included ron and the possibility that the reader may up with him. this isn't a love triangle fic! there is no triangle!
summary: you're an honorary member of the weasley family and have been for years, you're one of ron's best friends and are very close. everyone thinks and teases you both that you're dating or have feelings for each other. this muddles up things as george feels guilty about his own feelings.
<< part two | masterlist (check out my poll for this chapter)
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you became an honorary member of the weasley family when you were in your third year at hogwarts, after meeting ron and afterwards meeting his family. now you probably spend more time with the weasley's than you do your own family. when you attended hogwarts you spent the summer holidays with them. it's been years and you've formed a bond with all of them, you care about them and they care about you. little did you know george cares about you in a different way than the others do.
ginny and fred often tease you and ron asking about when your wedding will be, while you flip them off and ron tells them to "bloody fuck off." whenever you see bill he asks if ron has finally had the balls to ask you out and sometimes you even worry that molly may be planning the wedding, no matter how many times you both insist there is nothing going on between you two the weasley clan make it their goal to not listen.
"i don't know why you all bang on about us. i fancied hermione for years. we're not dating, she's not my girlfriend!" ron shouts while throwing something at fred as he easily doges it.
looking up from reading the new muggle book hermione let you borrow you say with a fake teasing scowl, "who's 'she', the cat's mother?" ron glares at you in warning to tell you to shut up causing you to laugh.
george plops himself next to you on the sofa and looks at the book you're reading. "why're you readin' in the middle of the day? you normally read at night." he asks while looking over to you, blocking your vision of the page with his head.
pushing his head away with one hand he grins. "because hermione's lending it to me. that means i only have like a week to finish it before she wants it back."
"hey!" hermione shoots you a look, causing you and george to chuckle.
the person who believes you and ron the least is george, he knows you're not a liar, you would never lie but he worries that ron wants to keep you secret and not treasure you the way you deserve to be treated. he worries that your feelings towards his younger brother are unrequited and he'll end up breaking your heart. he would never voice these feelings out loud but you're always on his mind. he does feel guilty because he knows that you likely are dating ron but that doesn't stop his heart skipping a beat every time you smile at him or his stomach fluttering with butterflies anytime you brush up against each other.
he tries his hardest not to stare at you but it's hard, especially when you decide to sit opposite him at the dinner table, it's torture. he steals glances at you when he thinks no one is looking, your cute chubby cheeks pressed against the palm of your hand while your elbow is resting on the table and you're looking entirely unimpressed with what percy said. sticking your tongue out at fred from across the table whenever he teases you for liking 'really weird food' and how you don't like 'normal' food. sneakily threatening ron when you think molly isn't looking, pretending to stab him in the eye with your fork.
the whole time he thought that no one notices how he feels about you, he should know better by now with fred around. you've seen how george looks at you too, when you want to admire him secretly but you find that he's already looking at you, causing you to quickly look away but you figure george would never look at you in any other way than his brothers annoying friend or like a younger annoying adopted sister, no matter how much you wished he'd see you as more.
sometimes you think you have a chance with him but those cases are rare and they're gone as quickly as they come.
one summer you all went down to the seaside, wanting to spend some time at the beach, while you all complained about how hot it was in the car and annoyed because not all of you could apparate yet, so you had to be boiled alive in the car. when you finally got to the beach you all changed as soon as possible, wanting to get cooler and strip off the extra layers you were all wearing.
normally you would have had some insecurity about wearing a bikini but in those recent years you'd became more comfortable in your body and you knew that none of the weasley's would judge you. and after you, ginny and hermione went shopping the week before to buy swimming costumes you were more than content with your recent purchase and happy to wear it. your costume was fairly simple, it was really cute. your stretch marks and soft stomach visible while wearing the bikini, you thought you looked rather pretty though.
you glanced up after getting changed to see harry gawking at ginny, you went up next to him and flicked his nose. "eyes up front solider." harry blushed and turned away from you both making you giggle.
you feel eyes on you and think it's likely one of the girls but looked to see george as he was marvelling you and for a second you swear he was looking up and down your body, focusing on your plush thighs. your body bursts out your chest but you worry that he isn't looking at you with fondness and instead the opposite, thinking you don't look good, that is until you saw his eyes and his dilated pupils and mouth slightly agape. if you were braver you would of said something similar to what you said to harry but alas you're not so you settle on. "georgie, are you okay?"
he snaps out of whatever he was thinking about and grins at you. "'course i am, shortcake." you have a craving for shortcake once and eat only shortcake for a 5 days and you are forever condemned to the nickname forever. at least it's better than ronniekins or weatherby you suppose. george walked up to you and for a second you thought he might just pull you closer to him and hug you, instead, it felt like a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on you as he ruffles you hair and goes to get a drink from the cooler. hopes crushed.
"you look nice," ron tells you picking up a couple drinks, going to hand one to you.
"gee, thanks ronald. i might just fall in love." you roll your eyes playfully. he presses the ice cold drink against your arm causing you to yelp. he runs off before you can do the same while you swear at him.
george watches the interaction and his heart hurts, he wants to joke like that with you, he wants you to tell him you love him. he looks away and tries to clear his head. he doesn't want you to think he isn't okay.
another time while you both were still attending hogwarts george asked you if you were going to hogsmeade that weekend and you declined saying you had to study. " 'shame, i'll miss you." you spent the whole week thinking about that. he will miss you, not we will. the day everyone goes to hogsmeade you can't concentrate in the library, you try to but you can't, you had a huge essay due the following day and you'd barely begun it. instead you're rethinking what george said over and over again. you decided to pack up your things early after only an hour of studying and head to hogsmeade to meet everyone.
you were unsure of where everyone would be so you search around to see if you can spot anyone. you spotted george in the three broomsticks opposite a girl you've never seen before. you were about to walk in to talk to them until you saw them holding hands as george places a kiss on her knuckle. you froze, i guess he didn't miss me that much. you turn back around and walk straight back into the castle hoping no one sees you, luckily they didn't and they're none the wiser as you pretend you've been studying all day and george never mentioned the girl. fake smile plastered on your face as you hear them talk about their day. hopes crushed.
this pattern has been going on for years now where you think maybe he might look at you the way you look at him, every time he proves you wrong. when you get too in your head you think about how attractive he is compared to you, how you could get lost in his deep chestnut eyes and his chiselled jaw. how you want to run your hand through his pretty red flaming hair and kiss the freckles on his broad shoulders that he has from playing years of quidditch. god you want to kiss him so bad.
now though you're getting ready for the night, there was a vote and the majority dictated a muggle club, so you're all getting ready and tonight you're going all out.
"you look beautiful." you hear ron say as you walk down the stairs with harry nodding in agreement getting an amused smirk from you. ron smiles at you and you get reminded about how sweet he truly is and about how much he's grown in the last few years, especially when you think back at the disaster of the yule ball when he was still hung up on hermione and treating padma patil like shit. maybe in another life you and ron would of been together.
"aw, thanks ronald. be careful though, i might think you do actually want to date me," you tease.
"piss off." he mumbles and you swear you see a light blush causing you to chuckle. you hook your arm around his and wait for the stragglers (i.e hermione who is still doing her hair.)
when you walked down those stairs george forgot how to breath. you looked absolutely stunning with your dress accentuating your curves, clinging to your body in all the right ways and your hair framing your face. george couldn't look away you. wide hips he wanted to grab and hold on to and thick thighs that he wanted to feel wrapped around him. your pretty eyes gazing at ron, pissing him off. george's mood switched up quickly after that, body tense and jaw clenched as he sees you chuckle at whatever ron stupidly said. his eyes hardened stare when he watches you hold onto his arm.
the whole night he doesn't take his eyes off you as you dance and drink and sing along to the muggle songs you recognise. everyone notices, you notice, ginny notices, hermione notices, even oblivious ron and harry notice it. george gets teased most of the night about it, especially by fred, who whenever comes over to get another drink after dancing with a group of girls calls him "loverboy" and an "idiot, jealous, fool."
he knows that you must know that he's watching you no matter how many drinks you've had you must be able to tell, and you do but you assume it's something like last time and you don't want him to do something like ruffle up your hair again, especially when you've spent so long doing it. you don't want to ask him and realise that he's judging your outfit or that he doesn't think you're pretty enough to stand and dance with the rest of you. you don't want to know what he's thinking this time. your hopes on his feelings towards you were crushed long ago after multiple events so you do you best to ignore him, knowing that eventually some gorgeous girl will get his attention, little do you know that you already have that.
so you dance the night away, ron spinning you in his arms while he complains that if you keep drinking at this rate he'll have to carry you home.
ron moves your hair to the side over on one shoulder so you can hear him better as he talks into your ear and pressing your soft frame against his. "s' you gonna tell me why george is looking at you like." he spins you around again.
"honestly, ' no idea. tryin' not to think about it. just want to dance with you."
"i can definitely do that." he grins as you carry on dancing and swaying together.
george didn't think he get more angry, that was until he saw ron brush your hair away from you and whisper in your ear. he thinks you're both incredibly too close together, he knows he has no right to be angry. he thinks there is something going on between you two but that doesn't mean it doesn't boil his blood to see you two all over each other.
"gonna go get us more drinks 'kay? you want the same?" ron gently takes his hands of your waist and asks you.
"yes please ronnie." you reply, slightly stumbling without ron behind you to balance you.
ron watching this, smirks. "i'll be right back. don't fall over 'right. after this one you'll be drinking water." you stick your tongue out in response causing ron's smirk to widen.
george watches ron make his way to the bar and he considers going up to talk to you, to compliment you, to spend time with you while everyone else is busy, you've barely spoken together all day. the decision is made for him and stopped as harry comes up to talk to him and he sees ginny and hermione make their way over towards you.
when he looks over to see you again you're dancing with the girls and singing to a song he's never heard of before, he wonders if ron's heard it, if you've showed it to him before. if you like it so much you're singing it at the top of your lungs, you must really like it, probably enough to show ron. george isn't listening to a word harry is saying but he can't stop the grin that appears on his face, watching you jump and dance and sing. 'if you wanna be my lover. you gotta get with my friends.' his grin disappear as he see's ron behind you with two drinks in hand finishing of the lyric with you, "make it last forever. friendship never ends." you wrap your arms around his neck after spotting him, slightly spilling both of the drinks and take your one.
the night ends a couple of hours later, you slightly sobered up, tipsy instead of drunk, with ron sticking to his guns and only letting you have water. near the end of the night you end up leaving the dance floor exhausted from the dancing and pulling ron with you knowing that the only reason he was still on the dance floor was because he didn't want to leave you on your own while you were drunk in case anything happened to you. leaning on his shoulder and softly singing the songs you know you cuddle up to him. he pulls you both back on the booth so you're comfier and wraps his arm around your waist.
you both sit in comfortable silence as you watch everyone, at the same time spotting harry trying to hopelessly flirt with a girl that looks like a carbon copy of ginny causing you to laugh. "i had no idea ginny had a twin." you joked making ron burst out laughing. you pull on his shirt to get his attention, "love you ron." kissing your forehead he tells you he loves you too.
weirdly enough harry ended up the drunkest out of all of you, normally the drunkest title gets handed to you or ginny. tonight the title was handed to harry with george and ron staying the most sober.
trying to stumble into the burrow as quietly as possible was a harder feat than you thought, fred chuckling at your attempt to try not to trip over anything. "fuck off." you tell him, louder than you probably should have but lacking volume control due to the alcohol.
you make your way up the stairs with the help from ron and begin to walk into ron's room. "what'cha doing? you stay in ginny's room remember." he stops you from moving any further.
"but i want cuddles ronnie!" you whine in your drunken state. harry hearing this laughs uncontrollably at the scene of you trying to slip out of ron's hold to get into his room.
"shut up harry." ron hisses trying to deal with his two of his drunk best friends. "bed. now. we'll cuddle tomorrow."
"promise." you hold out your pinky finger for him to take.
he takes your finger, "promise. get some sleep."
"mm, 'kay. night harry!" you quietly call behind ron say in a sing song voice before ron shushes you. "night ronald." both harry and ron wishes you goodnight and you turn to tiptoe into ginny's room.
that's when you see george still on the stairs, watching you. for the first time tonight you've looked at him and he realises that absolutely anything could happen yet if you'd look at him like you are now then everything would be okay. george clears his throat and goes to say goodnight. to say how beautiful you looked tonight. how he missed speaking to you all night. "night george. sleep well." you walk past him and kiss his cheek, he audibly gasped but you were too tired and tipsy to notice. you go into ginny's room and leave george standing on the stairs, taking in how soft your lips felt against him and how he could still smell the drink you always get. george holds his hand against where you kissed him and beams before entering his room.
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orangesaek · 2 years
phone or video sex with mark please? where he’s been on tour and calls reader when he misses her
hi! thank you so much your request 💚 i hope you see this and tell me if you enjoyed it as much as i made it ♡ this was honestly a bit challenging to write — it's so difficult to keep myself from feeling so turned on by kinky mark 🥹
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genre: smut, a little bit of fluff
pairings: mark x female reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: mentions of: porn, sex, masturbating, fingering, cum, kinky stuff, cussing, horny couple lol
a/n: lowercase intended, slightly proofread. also, i'm not adding "fluff" in the tags since this is 98% smut lol
mark kept tossing and turning in his hotel bed, feeling quite relieved that he and jaehyun were sleeping on separate beds. otherwise, he would have definitely woken the latter up already from his restlessness.
it had already been 2 weeks since the group started their world tour, and they still have a few stops left for the month.
and that means it had already been 2 weeks since the last time you and mark had sex, which also means that he hasn't touched himself since then.
mark never thought he would become addicted to sex until the two of you started dating.
you were just so amazing in bed to the point he stopped relying on porn to jack off, and just imagines fucking the life out of you to do the trick.
he was just blankly staring at the ceiling before he raised his left arm to check the time on his watch. mark heaved a deep sigh after realizing that he only had a few hours left to sleep before they need to wake up for the rehearsals.
"she might be in the middle of work right now..." he mumbled to himself, staring at the ceiling again. this was definitely one of those nights he missed your touch the most.
ever since the two of you started dating, mark has come to love the kinkier side of sex. sure, he enjoyed the slow, more intimate kind, but he has come to enjoy the hard fucks more, bdsm, the quickies, and a lot more — all because of you.
mark dimmed the table lamp and grabbed his phone from the bedside, thinking he could just watch porn at this point instead of disturbing you at work.
he looked over at jaehyun, whose back was facing him before opening his phone's browser in incognito and typed in his favorite go-to porn site. mark heaved another sigh after scrolling through pages of videos, trying to find something to jack off to but failing. nothing really caught his eye enough to get a boner.
mark closed his browser and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. thinking naughty things about you might help him get off, but it had been 2 weeks since he has seen and touched your body that he just felt the absolute need to actually see it again.
"i guess i can try..." he quietly said to himself again before opening your chat thread and quickly sending a 'hey sexy. i miss you sooo so bad :('.
mark closed his eyes, phone held tightly on his chest as he anxiously waited for your reply.
not even a minute later, a buzz on his phone signalled a new text. mark hastily opened the notification before smiling to himself, biting his lower lip in the process.
"hey pretty boy ;) i miss you, too :* but why are you still up?" you replied before sending a follow-up message, "isn't it, like, 2 a.m. over there?"
"yeah, can't sleep, baby :( i wish you were here :(" mark replied almost immediately, a follow-up message coming right after, "are you busy at work right now?"
a smirk fell on your lips after reading mark's follow-up message. you definitely knew what he wanted at that moment, as it wasn't the first time he has texted you like this when he was on tour (and when he was supposed to be sleeping).
mark's heart started beating faster in excitement after reading your reply, "i got you, baby ;* will call you in 10 minutes 👅"
he jumped out of his bed and dashed to the bathroom, quickly locking the door and making his way to the large bathtub. he got inside it and patiently waited for your call.
after sending your reply, you excused yourself from the ongoing seminar, informing your manager that you just had a really bad stomachache and will be heading to the infirmary for some medicine.
of course, that was all a lie.
as soon as you stepped out of the conference room, you ran as fast as you could to the elevator and went down to the parking lot. you got into the back seat of your car, quickly stripping off your clothes and your underwear.
the frequent car sex you had with mark was the reason why you have decided to invest in a really good dark tint for your car.
"hey, pretty boy," you greeted on the other line as soon as he picked up, voice already sounding so seductive for him. he bit his lower lip in a smirk and chuckled lowly, feeling the tingling sensation down his cock.
"hi, sexy." he said. "how are you?"
"not really feeling all too well... i want to see you,"
mark quickly requested for a video call with you, fixing his hair a little bit as he waited for you to accept it.
you quickly secured your phone on your car's phone holder before accepting his video call request.
"holy shit!" mark blurted in surprise as soon as you came into view. you were seated at the backseat, completely naked.
"you like what you see, baby?" you purred, cupping one of your breasts in one hand before playing with your nipple and dangling both of your legs on the sides of the seats infront, allowing mark to see the thing he's been craving for the past 2 weeks — your pussy.
mark could only gulp in response, feeling his boner growing by the second.
"let me see you, babe." you said, letting out a quiet moan as you used your free hand to lightly massage your clit.
"m-mark... baby..." you moaned in pleasure. "feels so... good..."
"fuck," mark grunted, positioning his phone in front of him and letting it lean on the bathroom tiles for support. he then shimmied out of his boxers in a hurry, with his hard cock springing out in full view.
you let out a gasp at the view of his big, hard cock. oh how you've missed it so much.
"fuck, baby. i want to suck your cock so bad right now," you moaned, still touching your now-wet pussy.
"oh yeah?" mark said, lips slightly parted as he started pumping his cock slowly, his eyes focused on your body. "i miss seeing you choke on my cock, baby."
"f-fuck," you moaned some more, turned on by the memory of deepthroating mark and how he would hold onto your hair to fuck your mouth until he cums.
"suck your nipple for me, angel." mark said. he let out a moan, increasing his pace as soon as you cupped your other breast higher and brought it to your mouth, licking and sucking on your nipple.
"fuck," he growls. "you're so hot."
you stopped playing with your nipple and used both of your hands to part the lips of your pussy, letting mark see its pink flesh. mark moaned again in pleasure, remembering how he'd hungrily eat it and how addicting its taste was for him.
"two... fingers..." mark said breathlessly as he pumped even faster, his eyes focused hazily on your pussy.
you adjusted yourself for mark to get a better view of you before placing two fingers on your clit, lightly massaging it, and the other two at the entrance.
"lift your shirt, baby. i want to see your nipples," you said, biting your bottom lip at the pleasure from your clit. hearing mark moan whenever you'd lick, suck and softly bite on his nipples was one of the things that turned you on, and for mark, it was one of things he never thought he would find so hot for a girl to do.
mark took off his shirt and threw it somewhere in the bathroom before spitting in his hand and pumping his hard cock again. you licked your lips at the sight of mark's fully naked body.
still massaging your clit, you licked your other hand's middle and ring finger and sucked on them seductively, moaning in the process.
"ahhh, fuck," mark groaned as his head lolled back in pleasure.
you let out a long moan as soon as you inserted your fingers into your pussy, slowly pumping it in and out, and massaging your clit at the same time.
"fuck, fuck," mark hissed, pumping faster, eyes rolling at the back of his head.
"hmm," you moaned, feeling so turned on by mark's reaction. you pumped your fingers in and out faster, now aggressively rubbing your clit.
"babe... your c-cock..." you said in between breaths, feeling your juice dripping. "want... it..."
"fuck, babe..." mark let out another groan, feeling another tingling sensation in his cock. "i-i'm g-gonna... cum..."
having been with mark for a while now, you have come to learn the things that drove him crazy in bed. and one of those things is when you would suck on your nipple as you fingered your pussy, which was exactly what you did at that moment.
"shit, i'm cumm—fuck!" mark grunted as he pumped even faster, his head lolled back again and eyes closed tigtly as he heard you moaning loudly on the call.
"m-mark... fuck, i'm cumming!" you said, your own eyes closed as you quickened your pace and pinched your nipple hard, the sensation driving you crazy.
"fuckfuckfuckfuc—shit!" mark hissed when he finally reached his high, his cum dripping all over his beaten cock. he heard you moaning quietly and chuckled tiredly.
"did you cum, babe?" he asked, panting. you could only hum in response, still catching your breath.
"i love you so much, baby," he said. "i love you, and i miss you so much."
you chuckled in response before giving him a tired smile, "i love you, too, mark. so, so much. and i miss you."
after catching up for a bit (while quickly putting on your clothes again and fixing yourself, mark did the same and cleaned the tub), the two of you ended the call with a promise from mark that he'll take you out on a fun date once he comes home from tour.
mark jumped up in suprise as soon as he opened the door to the bathroom, his face drained of color.
"i just hope there's no residue on the tub, bro." jaehyun said as he patted mark's shoulder with a knowing grin on his face before walking past him into the bathroom.
- end.
requests are OPEN! feel free to send in an ask ♡
oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! i wish for whatever everyone's been manifesting to fall into place this year ✨️
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
Internets Favorite Fangirl
paring ✦ Bella Ramsey x Fem!Reader
summary ✦ You are the internets most famous fangirl. You were a famous actor with no shame in thirsting over celebrities. So naturally you’re very public about your love with Pedro Pascal. Only to switch up when watching TLOU, fancying Bella. What happens when you show up to an award show they’re both attending? poorly proofread
word count ✦ 3,700ish
authors note ✦ hey sorry I’ve been mia I missed all y’all and want to start posting again anyways here’s a bellaxreader I wrote several months ago lmao im gonna post a few bella things I’ve been working on and even venture into tlou ((Abby Anderson is the love of my FUCKING LIFE)) ily bye
Feedback & Reblogs are helpful and extremely appreciated ♡
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
It had become a reoccurring theme in your press interviews to be asked who your recent celebrity crush was. It started when you landed your first big movie. Shortly after the release in a chance to find out more about you fans search the internet for any crumb they could find. Someone found an old Harry Styles fan page you had when you were a teen. You were absolutely mortified by the stuff they were finding. Deleting it wouldn’t undo it so you learned to embrace it. Quickly becoming the internets most famous fan girl.
Making TikTok’s and tweets thirsting after unattainable celebrities. The whole internet eating it up and thirsting along with you. Your most recent viral moment was a TikTok you made featuring the infamous dvcree Pedro Pascal edit. Your face green screened over the original with a caption talking about this singular edit has taken over your for you page and you were enjoying every second of it.
With the upcoming release of the anticipated second movie to your most popular role you were busy doing press work. Sometimes by yourself but mostly with the rest of the cast. Today you were invited to do an google auto complete video with you male costar, Johnathan, who plays your love interest.
The first board asking where your from, then your age, and other basic questions. The next board is handed to you all the google searches begin with ‘who’.
“Who is y/n?” You read aloud laughing as you read.
“I am. That’s me. I act sometimes but mostly embarrass myself on the internet.” You costar laughs agreeing with the last half of your statement.
“Who is y/n dating?”
“I wish I had some juicy gossip to share but I’m as single as it gets.”
“Who is y/n’s celebrity crush?” You sit there and think, your smile grows bigger when it comes to your mind.
“Oh this one’s easy. I know.” Jonathan says.
“Pedro Pascal.”
“Pssssh that was so last week.” Jonathan audibly gasps.
“Who then?”
“We’ll it’s actually his fault.”
“Who’s fault?”
“Please explain.” Jonathan says confused.
“Well I’m late on the train but I just binged watch The Last of Us. I was the last of us to watch it.” You laugh at your own joke, Jonathan doesn’t only shakes his head disapprovingly.
“Anyways I started watching it for Pedro but stayed for Bella Ramsey.”
“Bella? The one who played Ellie?” Jonathan asks, his face telling you he doesn’t get it.
“Yeah them. You may not understand but the girls will get it.” You respond.
“Okay you heard it here first y/n is single and wants Bella Ramsey. My turn.” He says as he reaches for his board to read off the questions directed at him.
A few days pass before the video is released. Your publicist notify you it’s out and you don’t dare watch it, just pray that you didn’t do anything to embarrassing this time. It doesn’t take long before your notifications are flooded with people talking about the interview. You read a few before realizing a theme, Bella.
Everyone is tagging Bella in clips of you gushing over her. An edit of you saying the girls will get it followed by edited clips of Bella to the beat of a song. You may have watched it one too many times before favoriting it. Just as you about to close TikTok you get an Instagram notification from a verified account. It’s Bella following you, you click the notification not believing for a second it’s real.
But it is.
Two weeks ago Bella had made the first move by following you on Instagram. The internet went crazy when they realized quickly shipping the two of you. No one realizing that was the extent of your relationship, mutually following each other on instagram. It had crossed your mind at least a hundred times, you had drafted plenty first messages. Always deleting your words before you could muster up the courage to press send.
Tonight no different, you were in the process of preparing for a movie and tv awards show. In your dressing room being pampered by your glam squad. Clicking away at your phone looking for any sign that Bella was going to be here tonight. If they were you’d have no choice by to say hello. Cursing yourself because if only you had messaged Bella beforehand this would be less awkward.
A knock at your door steals your attention and your crew stops what there doing. The door opens revealing your manager, the biggest grin on her face. Something was up.
“We have a surprise for you.” She sings with a soft smile.
“So finish what your doing and meet us in room A3.” She says before shutting the door. You ask your team if they know what’s happening but they all answer with a shrug of the shoulders.
“Why are there cameras?” You ask as your guided to room A3. The door is shut, your mind races wondering what it could possibly be. Everyone around you is looking suspiciously excited for what’s about to happen. Your instructed to open the door so you do so, peaking your head in as it creeps open.
With nothing more than your head in the room, you peek around into the darkness. Blinded momentarily when the light turns on from inside. Blinking as an attempt to get your sight back your greeted by none other than Pedro Pascal.
“Absolutely fucking not.” You spit following with a squeal as you shut the door. Leaving Pedro alone in the room with whoever else in there. He erupts into laughter, a sound you had heard many times online.
“There’s no fucking way this is real.” You turn around ready to run greeted by the camera shoved in your face. Realizing you have no choice in this matter. With a nervous breakdown around the corner you open the door. Peaking your head once again making eye contact with Pedro.
“I’m sorry.” You say too afraid to approach already had made a fool of yourself.
“Don’t be.” Pedro laughs, calming your nerves temporarily.
“Hi.” Is all you can manage to spit out.
“Hi honey,” he smiles and waves, making you melt. The two of your still stood a few feet apart. You’re looking him up and down and moving your gaze onto your manger who’s sat in the corner motioning you to get closer.
“You can come closer. I don’t bite.. I mean unless…” His voice trails off and turns into laughter. You laugh before closing the gap, hugging Pedro. After you pose next to Pedro as photos are taken. His arm rests on your shoulder. You look up at the man next to you he’s already looking down at you.
“I was so excited to meet you a few weeks ago.”
“How long have you guys been planning this?” You ask.
“A little over a month.” Your manager answers.
“Yeah then you had to go and switch up on me.” He sighs dramatically, letting his arm fall from your shoulders.
“What did-“
“Don’t act so innocent Y/N. Don’t think I didn’t hear about your new found love for Bella.” Your eyes go wide realizing what he’s talking about.
“They better not pop up out of nowhere. I can’t handle two surprises today.”
“See exactly it’s like I don’t even matter to you anymore.” Pedro whines face falling.
“You do matter but…” You start to go on about Bella but stop your self.
“But what?” Pedro must notice your the worry in your face because he takes it back.
“I’m just giving you a hard time.” He teases.
“It really was nice meeting you.” You say your goodbyes but decide to follow it up with an apology for your actions when you were surprised. The cameras were gone now.
“Don’t worry about it. If anything I should be worried. Bella’s not gonna be happy with me.” Your ears perk up at the mention of Bella not being happy.
“I’ve said to much.” He attempts to change the conversation.
“Wait you can’t just say that and pretend like you didn’t.” He let’s out a defeated sigh in response.
“Bella has not shut up about you in weeks. I tried to convince them to tag along but they refused. Which turned into a whole thing. Bella made me promise several times not to embarrass them.” Pedro rambles on before stopping face full of regret.
“I won’t say anything if you won’t.” You respond.
Maybe you don’t plan on repeating the words that had come out of Pedro’s mouth but they surely lit the fire in your self to finally message Bella or maybe even say hello if you saw them tonight. Your rushed to finish getting ready before being instructed to walk the carpet. Taking pictures first and then stopping to do mini interviews.
Your in the middle of the red carpet where your stood answering questions for some publication. When you hear the crowd and paparazzi roar. Bella is stood next to Pedro, they’re holding hands. Pedro giving his full attention to the cameras while Bella is sneaking glances at you. In front of the camera still and the interviewer waiting for an answer you smile one last time, waving softly before going back to answering. Your whole demeanor changing from the subtle interaction with Bella, suddenly a little more smiley than before.
Eventually you’re seated at table, you say your hellos to the few people sitting with you. The seats next to you empty, so you take a peek at the name tags on table. Pedro is suppose to be sat right next to and Bella next to him. You don’t have time to process it because you hear the voice of the man who’s suppose to be sitting next to you. You turn around and he’s busy talking, no sign of Bella. You face forward in your seat, pulling out your phone to distract yourself.
“Told I’m sitting next to you but I don’t want to.” Pedro says from behind you. You smile politely kind of confused watching as he changes Bella’s name place with his. Sitting down where Bella was suppose to be. He sports the biggest grin as you realizing what he’s doing. He whispers you’re welcome before averting his attention else where.
Within seconds your planning your escape but it doesn’t matter because the familiar British accent fills your ears as they chat up some other people at a nearby table. If you left now it’d be too obvious, so you sit there painfully waiting for Bella to sit right next to you. A few long minutes pass before you fill the seat being pulled out and someone sitting down. You look over and smile, making eye contact with Bella who’s a few inches away.
“Hi.” Bella says with a shy smile.
“Hi.” You say back, barely a whisper.
“This is kinda crazy. I’ve never been to an event this big. Especially in America, this is on a whole other level.” Bella explains, staring a conversation.
“Oh yeah you’re probably far from home. Where do you live?” You ask, you already know the answer but Bella doesn’t need to know all that.
“The UK.” Bella responds.
“Oh damn. I’ve had to make that trip a few times. Absolute hell.” You say causing Bella to laugh lightly.
“Yeah kinda. Getting used to it after so many times. It’s usually worth it.”
“Well I hope this time is worth it.” You respond, you haven’t stopped smiling since Bella sat down.
“It already is.” Bella teases, their tone a bit flirty causing you to temporarily malfunction unable to come up with a response. Thank god some camera man comes by asking Pedro and Bella to take some pictures before the show starts.
As soon as Bella’s attention isn’t on you anymore your aggressively messaging your best friend, freaking the fuck out. As you’re typing some one grabs you hand, trying to get you to stand up. It’s Pedro and he’s begging for a photo with you. You happily oblige standing up but Pedro has a plan, posing you next to Bella. He takes a few photos with the two of you before stepping out of the way. Your unsure what to do but without notice Bella arm is around your waist. Pulling you a little closer, you smile for the picture and then look to Bella who’s already looking at you causing you to smile even bigger than before.
You two spend the beginning of the award show chatting in between breaks and sneaking glances at each other. Pedro constantly giving you looks, letting you know he’s happy with what’s happening. About half way though the show, a member of the shows staff comes to grab you and Pedro. Apparently the two of you presenting a reward.
You were not prepared for this in the slightest but it’s not the first time, you’ll be fine. You keep telling yourself that. It’s your time to go out, Pedro follows closely behind. You smile as everyone starts to cheer, when your finally to the podium Pedro begins reading off the teleprompter. You can’t help but cringe as the words as they come out, praying that it’s not too obvious.
“Today we’re here to present the award for break out actress.” Pedro says.
“Yeah… it’s been so amazing watching these nominees make their dreams come true.” You say through gritted teeth.
“With enough hard work and dedication, your dreams are possible. Just like her dreams.” He laughs, pointing to you.
“What do you mean Pedro?” You read off, sounding entirely out of touch with the words coming out. Confused where this could possibly going.
“Your hard work at being a fangirl, has finally paid off. You got to meet me. The man of your dreams.” Pedro can barley finish, laughing harder than he should be. Stopping every other word to laugh or catch his breath from laughing so hard. You don’t have any words being prompted at you, so you laugh and agree. Being shut up by the sound of your own voice being blasted from behind you.
“Absolutely fucking not.” You hear and followed by the sound of a door being slammed. You turn around in horror seeing yourself, on the biggest screen freaking out about meeting Pedro.
“There’s no fucking way this is real.” Plays on the screen, your curse words being bleeped. This is more embarrassing than anything you could’ve imagined that they had planned for this footage. You watch in full disgust too afraid to face the crowd of thousands. You hear them laughing at every stupid thing that leaves your mouth in the video, adding to your embarrassment.
When the video finally ends, Pedro gives you a hug. Saying something about how it’s okay in your ear but you’re far too gone from the moment to understand him. You turn to the face the crowd, the actor in your turning on.
“Well that was embarrassing.” You laugh.
“It’s okay, everyone loved it.” Pedro responds.
“Yeah everyone but me. Anyways, the nominees are…” You say as at attempt to make this end sooner. The nominees play in the background as you avoid eye contact with everyone in the crowd, just kinda looking off in the distance. Especially Bella because you two were hitting it off so we’ll and now the whole room, including Bella, just watched Pedro talk about your new found love for them.
Pedro starts ripping at an envelope letting you know it’s time to announce. The both of you read of the winner and start clapping. When the winner gets to the stage, you hug them before moving out of the way. Listening intently as they give their speech. It’s finally time to leave and you waste absolutely no time getting off that stage. Once backstage your overwhelmed by the sheer amount of good jobs and laughs at what just happened to you. Your manger tells you that was perfect.
“No more suprises please that was horrible.” You mutter, embarrassed and ready for the night to be over. Your manager apologizes. You make the walk back to the table, being stopped several times on the way. When you finally see your seat, Bella sees you. They flash a smile at you as you sit down. Pedro following close behind.
“That was something.” Bella says teasingly.
“That was embarrassing, I’m sorry.” You say not finding it funny.
“Why are you apologizing?” They ask, face full of concern.
“Because I opened my big mouth and dragged you into this.”
“I don’t mind. I actually kinda enjoy it.”
“Enjoy it?” You ask, your sour mood suddenly disappearing.
“Who wouldn’t enjoy one of the most beautiful and talented actors out there publicly simping for them?” Bella says, bringing your smile back.
“Mhmm and talented.”
The two of you spend the rest of the night talking whenever you can. Pedro often inserting himself, neither of you minding. When it finally ends you can’t help but feel sad. Wishing the night could some how continue. You say your goodbyes, hugging Pedro. Then hugging Bella, a little longer than the hug with Pedro.
“It was nice meeting you.” You say as you pull away.
“You too.” Bella smiles as you walk away, your manager hounding you to get back to the dressing room so you can leave.
“How long are you in town?” You ask.
“I actually have to get on a plane back tomorrow afternoon.” Bella responds, sadness apparent in their voice.
“Oh well, shit that sucks.”
“What do you normally do after an award show?” Bella asks.
“Normally I get some terrible fast food and rot in bed until I fall asleep.” You respond honestly.
“I could go for some terrible fast food..” Bella says, with a hint of hope you’d understand what they were trying to say.
“I’d love it if you joined me.” You say, blush appearing. You make plans with Bella, letting them know you’d have to go to dressing room and unglam yourself. Bella understands following you to the dressing room, waiting for you outside of it. Eventually you come out in sweats, hair tied up and no more makeup.
“We’ll now I feel overdressed.” Bella teases, noticing your causal attire.
“You can borrow some clothes at mine.” You say, not realizing that you’re unofficially inviting Bella over to your home. Bella nods yes, biggest smile plastered on their face as they follow you out of the venue.
An hour later, Bella and you are laid up in bed. Tummy’s full watching some bad reality show. Doesn’t matter because you two can’t stop talking, not paying much attention to the tv. The conversation flows naturally, never missing a beat. Little did you know the internet was actively loosing their shit over all the content of the two of you tonight. Unaware of all of it, neither of you feeling any need to check your phones.
“I’m so glad I got to meet you tonight.” You say when the conversation starts to lull.
“Me too. I’ve been wanting to message you for weeks but I was absolutely terrified.” Bella admits.
“Me too. I was scared shitless when I realized you were sitting next to me. I’ve made a complete and utter fool of myself.” You say, looking at Bella who suddenly seems way closer than before. Tension between the two of you is heavy.
“Not at all.” Bella reassures you for what feels like the hundredth time.
“You sure? Because I still can’t believe-“ Your words are cut off by Bella kissing you softly, pulling away quickly.
“I like you. Okay? Please don’t fret over it.” Bella laughs, your laid there in shock. The biggest stupidest grin on your face.
“I like you too.” You whisper barley audible cause you’re quick with pressing your lips to Bella’s. This kid lasting a lot longer than the first.
The next morning, you two sleep in after staying up late. Only giving you two an hour before Bella has to get on the plane. You offer to drive Bella to their hotel, so they can pack and end up dropping them off at the airport too. Saying goodbye with a sweet kiss and plans to see each other in the near future.
You get into your car and pull out of the airport. A whole mix of emotions. Happy because of the prospects of a relationship with Bella but also sadness because Bella lives so far away. If the two of you do end up making it official, it’ll be long distance. The short drive home is spent in silence trying to figure out of the feelings your currently experiencing all at once. When you pull into your garage, your phone goes off its Bella.
Bella: thank you for last night, had so much fun and I can’t wait to see you again
You: is it stupid that I kinda miss you already?
Bella: I miss you too xxx
You catch yourself smiling so hard at your phone. Before you can respond Bella messages you again letting you know that their getting on the plane, they’ll message you as soon as they can. You shoot a short sweet message back and close the messages app.
You start opening your social media apps and your mentions are flooded with Bella and you at the award show. Hundred of photos from the event. People taking notice of the way you two were looking at each other. Then photos of you two leaving together. Most recently blurry photos of you off someones phone, outside of the airport saying goodbye to Bella.
“That was fast.” You groan aloud to yourself. Everyone is assuming the two of you are dating and you can’t blame them. You have a dozen unread messages from family, friends and people on your team.
A notification lets you know Pedro tagged you in a story. You click it and it’s the blurry photo of you kissing Bella outside the airport, with text that says ‘you’re welcome’. He tagged you and Bella in it. You can’t stop the laugh that leaves your mouth. Praying that Bella has knowledge of all this and isn’t blindsided when they get off the plane.
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close to home | chapter fourteen
close to home | chapter fourteen
plot: after passing out from dehydration, the reader doesn't get a moment to rest when two bodies show up
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,872 Warnings: violence, blood A/N: thanks for reading!
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Daryl was talking with Rick when he saw you pass out, and his stomach immediately dropped. He cursed loudly and ran down the fenced pathway to where Glenn and Sasha were kneeling next to you.
“She was in the cell block with the sickness, you think this is it?” Sasha asked, looking over your pale face. 
“Nah, can’ be,” Daryl said, because the alternative was too hard to think about. “She been up with us all day workin’ in the heat, probably wasn’ drinkin’, ya’ll know how she can be,” 
Glenn and Rick shared a skeptical look, but you weren’t showing any other symptoms and weren’t sick ten minutes ago. 
“I think he’s right. It’s over a hundred out, and she does have a habit of forgetting to take care of herself,” Rick said, “We should bring her up to her room and just let her sleep it off.”
“She lost a decent amount of blood yesterday, too, from those guys that attacked you two. Didn’t need stitches but still, couldn’t have helped,” Maggie said, looking between Daryl and you.
Everyone visibly relaxed at her words and believed it was exhaustion and dehydration.
Before anyone could say anything else, Daryl carefully picked you up. He heard you groan softly and adjusted you so your head fell against his shoulder. “Imma put her in her cell and set up some water for her, be back in a few,” Daryl grumbled to Rick. 
As he walked through the courtyard and into the cell block, he ignored most of the looks of concern people gave him. It wasn’t a secret that a sickness was spreading, but it wasn’t affecting you. Still, when he passed Beth, he asked her to get Hershel and have him come up to look at her. 
Tora was sleeping on your bed when he pushed through the curtain, and she jumped up at the intrusion. Daryl carefully set you on the bed, and you moved about but still didn’t wake up. He lifted a hand to your forehead and sighed with relief when he didn’t feel a fever. 
Hershel came in at the moment with a worried look, and Beth and Carol were behind him. “What happened?”
“Passed out,” Daryl said, moving away to give Hershel some room. He sat on the chair you had found on a run a few weeks back and immediately got to work. 
“This the sickness, or whatever it is?” Carol asked. 
Hershel hummed for a second before he shook his head. “No. And right now, it’s only Karen and David who have symptoms. She has no symptoms, and I don’t think she was exposed long enough to catch anything anyway. She’s severely dehydrated. Does anyone know if she’s eaten today?”
“Nah, after the cell block and the meetin’ we went right out and dug the graves, didn’ see her eat a bite,” Daryl said. 
Hershel sighed at you, knowing this was in your character. You cared too much about the things around you to care about yourself. “She should wake up soon once she cools off. She’ll need to eat, drink some water, and rest.” Hershel said as he stood. 
“I can get her some food,” Carol offered, “I can sit in here with her until she wakes.”
Daryl looked down at you, his heart beating fast with worry. Even though everything made sense as to why you passed out, he was still worried. He told himself you were going to be fine over and over again. 
A couple hours later, you slowly opened your eyes and met the metal ceiling of your cell. Your mouth was dry, and your head had a dull ache, but for the most part, you were feeling okay. Slowly you moved, stirring Tora and causing her to move from where she slept between your legs. Another movement caught your eye, and you looked at Carol, who was looking at you, a finger between the pages of a book. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked you. 
“Thirsty,” You joked. She handed you a water bottle, and you drank it hurriedly, only taking a few quick breaths before you finished it. “Did I pass out?”
Carol leaned over and pressed a hand to your forehead. “Yeah. Must’ve been the heat. You feel fine,” 
You nodded and stretched your arms. “I didn’t miss dinner, did I?”
She finally laughed and made a move to stand up. “Not yet. They’re cooking now. I’ll go get you something to eat.”
“I’ll come with you,” You said, standing up. 
“It’s okay, I got it. Hershel said you needed to rest anyway,” Carol said. 
You ignored her words and followed her out of your cell, still a little wobbly on your feet. Carol attempted to usher you back in, but you ignored her and followed her outside anyway. 
It was just barely starting to cool off, making your head ache even more, but hunger was a powerful motivator, and you made your way to the awning-covered tables. Maggie was already there, eating alone, and she smiled when you sat down. 
“I told my dad you wouldn’t stick to his advice,” She said. 
You shrugged your shoulders and watched as Carol made a plate for you. “I was goin’ be a doctor. I know my limits.”
You, Maggie, and Carol ate together in mostly silence. Your head was still aching, and despite feeling hungry, you didn’t seem to have much of an appetite once the food was in front of you. After a little while, Beth joined you guys and struck up a conversation with her sister, while you and Carol listened along. 
You were just about to excuse yourself to clean up when Rick and Daryl joined you at the table. With an even bigger crowd at the table, you felt more obligated to stay. Rick struck up a conversation, and you listened to every other word, playing with the rest of your vegetables with a broken fork. 
“How ya feelin’,”
You glanced at Daryl. His face was all sweaty and had some dirt patches, which was nothing new for him or anyone honestly. You were positive you didn’t look the best, either. Your hair and clothes were dirty, and you were probably just as sweaty. 
“Better,” You said, forcing a smile and taking a bite of rabbit. “Just needed a home-cooked meal and some water,”
He scuffed and shook his head. “Needa be more careful, coulda been worse,” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” You trailed off. 
The next day, you woke to hushed voices and someone shaking your shoulder. You blinked awake and looked at Rick, staring down at you. You opened your mouth to speak, but he held a finger to his lips and nodded towards the door. Daryl, Tyreese, and Carol were standing outside. 
You nodded, and after he left, you quickly got dressed. You strapped your weapons down and followed him out the door, taking a quick look around for Tora before concluding she’d spent the night with Carl downstairs. 
You jogged a few steps to catch up and looked at Daryl. “What’s going on?” You whispered, blinking away your sleep and uneasy feeling. 
He glanced at you for a second and nodded his head towards Tyreese. “Said he needs to show us somethin’,”
You two didn’t exchange any other words as you followed Tyreese down a long corridor and further into the prison. As you approached the exit to a small courtyard you all had yet to expand to, a trail of blood pointed the way. You and Daryl exchanged a glance. 
When you walked outside, you gasped, covering your mouth at the scene before you. Two charred bodies were laid out in the center. You fell back a step in shock, bumping into Daryl’s shoulder. The metal crossbow pressed against your bare arm, but you didn’t move away. 
“You found ‘em like this?” Rick asked. 
“I came to see Karen, and I saw the blood on the floor,” Tyreese said quietly. As he spoke, his anger grew. “Then I smelled them. Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire. They killed them and set them on fire!” He yelled. Then he advanced towards Rick, and you and Daryl moved towards them. “You a cop. You find out who did this, and you bring them to me. You bring them to me!”
“We’ll find out who--” Daryl said, trying to pull Tyreese away. 
You glanced back at Carol, who looked utterly shocked and scared. Then you looked at Tyreese and Rick; the latter was trying to calm the other down. But Tyreese was only getting angrier, and when Daryl tried to step in again, Tyreese pinned him to the wall. 
You grabbed your machete and took a step forward, but Daryl waved out his hand, and you all paused. 
“We’re on the same side, man,” Daryl said. 
Carol grabbed your arm and tugged you backward. You both felt the tension in the air when Rick started to calm Tyreese down and as much as you liked the guy, he was scary when he was angry. All three were, and you definitely didn’t want to be in the way when the fists started flying. 
Tyreese threw the first punch, and you grabbed Carol when she tried to take a step forward. The two of you were both yelling at them to stop, and you couldn’t believe your eyes when something inside Rick snapped, and he went insane on Tyreese. 
All three of you seemed to pause at Rick’s action for a moment before Daryl tried to get him off, and you and Carol continued to scream at Rick to stop. 
Finally, he did, and when he fell back, you rushed to Tyreese to inspect the wounds. You couldn’t tell what was bleeding, it was a mess, and your hands were coated as soon as you tried to. He mumbled a few things before pushing you away, harder than he would’ve if he weren’t out of his mind. 
Your head smacked against the concrete wall, and your vision blurred again. 
“Hey!” Daryl yelled. 
“Stop,” You said, rubbing your head. “I’m fine. Everyone just fucking stop; I’m not in the mood for this shit!” You yelled, pulling yourself up. 
Carol wrapped an arm around you, making sure you were okay. When you nodded, she sighed with relief and watched Tyreese disappear. 
You rubbed the back of your head and looked at your hand; there were a few blood spots, but it wasn’t too concerning--most likely, your skin just broke. 
Daryl grabbed your wrist roughly and spun you around, looking at the back of your head. 
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” Rick quietly asked you. You nodded and closed your eyes at the feeling of Daryl’s hand on your head, checking to see the cut. 
“I’m okay,” You said, “You should see Hershel for your hand. And probably take a few minutes to yourself.”
“Not deep,” Daryl said, “Already stopped bleeding.”
You chuckled, “What an exciting couple of days,”
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blood-mocha-latte · 4 months
Hi, I need an outsider's pov of postwar luztoye please, if that seems interesting enough to distract you from other tasks. 😅 Maybe a little old lady who lives next door and brings those nice boys a pie sometimes because George fixed her radio while Joe let her talk his ear off about her son who doesn't visit?
bestie i took this and RAN with it, so i'm hoping this is okay and/or what you were thinking! it got... longer, than i was expecting, but i hope you enjoy <3
It’s been lonely, since Lulu died.
The mutt managed to make it seventeen years before kicking it, so she counts it as a victory as best she can. 
Still, the apartment is often too quiet, so she’s grateful for the book club, even if her guest is quieter than the dead dog. 
Book club is probably pushing it, as at best it’s a mangy meeting to discuss books that neither of them necessarily enjoy. 
Still, they’re classics, and she’d like to read them at least once before she herself kicks it. Toye doesn’t seem prone to disagree with her, anyways, just sits grudgingly in the chair across from her, one crutch propped up against the armrest and the other in his lap
She looks over at him, amused. There’s a dark dip between his brows, a telltale sign of focus where focus isn’t necessarily wanted. 
“You can just pretend to read it, you know.” She says. It takes him a moment to look up at her, to pull away from the page.
“What? Oh.” He looked down at the open book in his lap. Her own was kept steady with her palm to its spine. “No, it’s fine.” Silence, for a beat. A pause. “It’s okay. It’s — this is George’s favorite.” He goes back to reading. 
She’d figured as much. The copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray that he’d shown up with was obviously well-loved: the spine cracked and pressed white, yellowing pages littered with pencil markings. Toye treats it like a landmine, like it's liable to break completely in his hands.
She presses back her smile and looked down at her own copy, newly bought. “Alright.” She murmurs, and that's that. 
They’d moved in maybe a year and a half ago, and the only reason she knew who either of them were at all was because she’d tripped down the last two steps outside of her own building and the one with two legs had seen her and helped her back up and to her own place.
The rest didn’t really matter, and she found it rather boring. What matters is that she invited the one with two legs up for dinner as a form of gratitude and he’d shown up with the one with one leg that looked a little rougher around the edges and that was that.
The one with two legs was Luz, who worked every day, and the other one was Toye, who worked every three days. On Fridays, Toye would come over for her self proclaimed book club with whatever she’d deigned best to read.
“I think it’s a load of crock.” She tells Toye on one of these Fridays, flipping through her pick of the week distastefully. “Overall written alright, but underall it’s garbage. What a worthless read.”
Toye is always generous enough not to mention that she’s always the one to choose the books. “I think there could be a point to it.” He says, always hoarser than she’d think he’d sound, and he talks so very little that she should probably be less tetchy. Still, bad habits are hard to break, and she scoffs.
“Yeah, and what would that be? Fate or God’s plan? Because neither seem to be good and neither are anything close to happening, no matter how much you pray.” She flipped through another few pages disdainfully. Toye’s own copy sat carefully in his lap, and he deigned not to touch it, tapping his fingers instead against the wood of the crutch that stayed across his lap.
“I don’t know.” He said, glanced out of her window. She knew why, and didn’t have to follow his gaze. The only reason that Luz had seen her at all when she had fallen was because they lived directly across from each other, right down to the building's story and window make. “There’s a testament to things falling into place.”
There’s something fragile resting along the lines of his face, and she has to pause for a moment, remind herself how utterly young he is. How young the both of them are.
She has a husband in a cemetery she isn’t able to get to anymore, because the streets are too crowded and her knees are too bad, and a son that’s lost forever in the mud in some godforsaken island in the Pacific, and if praying could have prevented that, they’d still be with her. 
She doesn’t say any of that. She watches Toye’s face carefully before huffing and looking back down to her own book. “I want to read another Shakespeare, next.” She says. “I think he’s an overrated rats’ ass, and you can quote me on that.”
On the same Friday’s where she hosts book club, Luz will come by after he’s done at wherever he works with some sort of tupperware of something and they’ll eat dinner with her.
She’d never tell them, but it feels less like an embarrassing sort of pity, when one of them only has one leg. 
“I think that he was a hack, God rest his soul.” She tells them one day, because they’ll listen to her, and she was thinking about it earlier, and there wasn’t even Lulu to tell. “I mean, do all you want and bow to him in whatever, but he was a right fool. I think that it was that wife of his that kept him in line, more than anything.”
Luz is smiling into his own bowl of food, and he’s prone to doing that. He won’t look at her, like he’s worried he’ll burst out laughing if he does, but she doesn’t mind. She came to the conclusion a long time ago that he just likes laughing, and she won’t care much if he does so because of her.
Toye’s always more serious, nods and is able to meet her face and send annoyed looks at the man at his elbow, who usually sits on the floor next to her stuffed armchair. “Eleanor’s a hell of a lady.” He says, and she nods at him, approving.
“She was the real one, if you ask me.” She says, and Luz coughs a bit into his bowl and coughs a bit more lightheartedly when Toye’s hand comes down to shove at his shoulder.
On the days that Toye works, and only in the wintertime, Luz sometimes visits by himself.
She has a sneaking suspicion that he’s intimidated by her, in some way, or something about her apartment is off putting. She doesn’t care all that much. He’s a nice enough boy, and he helped her back up the stairs, but she’s always had more of a proclivity for the quiet ones.
In the winter, he tends to be more of one of those himself, paler and usually scruffier than usual.
He looks so on the day that he knocks on her door and when she opens it, he looks like he hasn’t shaved in three days and eaten in six. 
“Dear God.” She says, and steps back from the door to usher him in before he can freeze her apartment. “You look like a transient.”
She never paid much attention to what was going on in the Atlantic, other than the newsreels (which she never went to) and by word of mouth from her friends (which she didn’t have) and newspapers and magazines (which she rarely left the house to get).
Her war, like it was her boy's war, was with the islands, and when he died, her study of it died with him. 
Still, she knew enough to recognize that Europe could get cold and that hollow eyes are often related to that ice. 
Luz doesn’t laugh nearly as much in the wintertime, or smile, and she can’t even get him to crack half of one, even when she deigns to instead criticize Toye, which usually works.
“Oh, for Gods’ sake.” She ends up saying today, hips aching and irritated. “Now I have to waste coffee on you. Perfectly good waste, most of it is going to end up in that… thing, on your face.”
She doesn’t like beards. Never did like it when her boy grew one, said it made him look more grown-up than she’d allow.
Luz still doesn’t smile.
Fifteen minutes later, she sits with him in the overstuffed armchairs and wonders about what boys still find funny when he asks her, quite out of the blue, “What do you do when you miss someone?”
She blinks.
“Well, I’m sad about it.” She says, and when Luz just stares down at the mug she’d pushed onto him, rather desolate looking, she sighs and tries to think of something else to say. “I get angry. Or I knit. Or I look through my photos. Missing someone isn’t a glove. Why?”
Luz huffs, but it isn’t exactly happy. She doesn’t like it when Toye has to leave. He always seems happier, when the other one is around. The creases around his eyes aren’t so frustratingly deep.
“Nothing.” He says, and his voice is hoarse. “Just thinking about people who’re gone.”
She watches him, critical. God, she hopes he shaves before she sees him again. It’s really just improper. 
“They never found my son's body.” She tells him. “Or they did, and they lied to me. Either way, he left and he’s gone and I barely have anything of him but what I remember and what he wore. So you find things that help you do more than obsess over those things.” She thinks of Lulu, of her soft fur and the way that she’d lick at her face. “And that’ll be gone before you know it, too, so you have to appreciate it all. You can’t afford to stop loving things in the world just because someone you love is no longer in it.”
She stares back down at her cup. 
Luz clears his throat, and when she looks up, he cracks half of a smile at her awkwardly. His eyes are dark, there isn’t much light there. “Thank you.” He says, and she wishes she hadn’t told him about her boy. Still, she feels warm.
“Good god, child.” She says, anyways. “Go home and shave. You look like some sort of Hungarian.”
Luz doesn’t laugh, but looks like he might have, if it wasn’t wintertime.
Later on in the same night, they’re up later than they usually are, and she only knows it because she’s trying to get through a chapter for book club on Friday and she can see their silhouettes through their lit up window, light and orange and slightly blurry.
She doesn’t watch them for long, doesn’t want to pry.
Luz’s arms are around Toye’s neck, his face dropped down to his shoulder. Toye’s arms are wrapped fully around him, maybe more for balance than anything else. The way they’re turning, it looks like they're dancing. She wonders to what music.
She used to dance like that, with her husband. That was how she taught her boy, as he stood on top of her shoes and she held his little hands. 
She shuffles back over to the armchair and goes back to reading her book. She doesn’t like this one either.
One day, she thinks they might be arguing. 
Toye comes over on a Thursday night, instead of a Friday, and looks rather tired. It’s springtime, which is why she’s more hesitant about letting him in, but he’s shaved, so she allows it.
“Could I stay over for the night?” He asks her, voice raspy. “I’d – I hate to ask, but—”
She squints at him. “You’re the one with one leg.” She says. “Shouldn’t he be leaving?” Toye coughs. He shifts on his crutches, glances vaguely over his shoulder in a way that makes him look rather guilty.
“No, it’s—” He starts, and cuts himself off. “I want him to stay in the apartment.” He looks vaguely embarrassed. She squints at him again, but in the end just starts moving back towards her armchair.
“Fine.” She says. “I like you better than I like him, anyways.”
She tosses a bunch of moth-eaten blankets from the closet onto the floor and tells Toye good luck with standing back up and gets to bed. Toye looks strangely pleased about her rudeness, so she keeps that in mind and makes note to tell him that he needs a haircut tomorrow.
Toye stays over the whole day and helps her with small things and she tells him that he needs a haircut, and needs to shave, and needs to go outside more, and needs to get a better job, and needs better crutches, and should wear his fake leg more often, and a dozen other things before they sit down to read and do so for hours.
Book club lasts much longer than it usually does, but when there’s the usual knock at the door, albeit more tentative, Toye looks up and looks, again, so painfully young that she sort of wants to smack him for it.
She doesn’t. She pushes to her feet and complains the whole way to the door.
Luz doesn’t have food, and he barely says hello, just looks right past her to Toye, says in a soft, hoarse voice that she thinks means that he’s been smoking and that he wants to talk.
She looks from him, to Toye, to him again, and decides to stay out of it. “Get out of here, the both of you.” She says. “And clean up, before I see you again. You both have jobs, you know.”
She doesn’t see them for maybe three or four days after that, doesn’t even see them entering or exiting their own building. She wonders if one or both of them are sick, but thinks they might just be locked up in their own apartment for some godforsaken reason. 
They don’t emerge for days and Luz is the first one that she sees, looking more relaxed than he has since the wintertime. He waves at her, but doesn’t spend too much time outside. Just pitches a cigarette over his shoulder and skips back up to the apartment, and that’s the last she sees of either of them for another two days. 
She supposes they’ve made up.
She only goes over to their apartment once. 
It’s alright. Rather homely.
There’s only one chair in the sitting room, which is rather ridiculous, though every time she’s seen him, Luz usually insists on sitting on the floor, so she supposes that may be a part of it. The kitchen is small, rather boring. A whiteboard sits on top of the fridge, tracking something by tally marks that she’s not privy to knowing. They don’t let her into either of the bedrooms, and she doesn’t care much to investigate.
“You, uh.” Luz tells her awkwardly, hands in his pockets, mouth quirked up in his forever-grin. “We could start eating here, if you’d like.”
She wrinkles her nose at the cracked open fire escape and the dishes in the sink and the crooked blanket on the chair. “I’m quite alright.” She says, and decides not to come back. 
(There’s one of those song-players on a table off to the side, however. It looks more expensive than anything else in the apartment. Underneath it is a basket, and the only vinyl she’s able to make out is one of Billie Holliday.
Ugh. Figures.)
They come over every Friday for two years and she sees them more often than that, and as soon as something changes, she can tell immediately. It annoys her.
She knows right off the bat because Toye’s wearing his prosthetic, which he never does, and Luz is shaved, which doesn’t matter much, because his hair is still much too long. 
“Where’s the house at?” She asks him, after barely another two minutes, because she’s connected the dots and doesn’t want to wait for them to be explained to her. 
Luz is the one, for once, to pause. Toye turns to look at him, face doing the same sort of lined, barely held back guarded emotion that it often throws up around the other man before he looks back at her, hesitates.
“It’s, uh.” He says. She sighs, wants to tell him to knock it off with the pausing. “In Bedford. It’s—”
He keeps talking, and she deigns to ignore him to instead watch Luz, the way he looks at Toye. It’s the same sort of emotion, barely lined, making him heavier.
She wonders if her boy got to care so much about someone, before he was killed.
“Alright.” She says, maybe with a sigh, holds up a hand and decides that’s that. She’ll miss book club, but if she truly gave a rats ass, she’d join a real one. Maybe she will, now. “Make sure you pack enough. And shave. You have jobs.” 
Toye’s smile is a crooked curve, and Luz’s takes over his whole face. She looks at both of them, unimpressed. 
“Write to me, if you want.” She says. “Or visit. God knows I’m not going anywhere.”
She’s not, either. Maybe she’ll get another Lulu.
They leave on a Wednesday, which annoys her only because it’s such a random day to leave somewhere, with some sort of boring car packed with trunks in the middle of the summer.
She watches from the steps of her own building, arms crossed, and gives them advice on how to best stack the luggage, which they don’t follow. 
“They’re all going to fall out and you’ll be left with broken and dirty things, and then you’ll see who’s in the right.” She tells Toye, who’s closer, annoyed. His mouth twitches, but he doesn’t say anything.
Luz looks back at them and smiles, but she knows he’s not looking at her.
She stands on the steps until it’s time for them to leave, and she hates dilly-dallying, so she rushes through the goodbyes by patting Luz’s cheek and grimacing at the stubble there. He looks like he might laugh at her. 
She lets Toye get a step further and give her half of a hug, which she’s also not a fan of but allows anyways.
He watches her with those careful, dark eyes and says, very punctually, “Thanks, Moira.”
She waves him off. “You should be thanking me for trying to help you with the luggage.” She says, pointed. “Off you go. Get a dog. God knows there’s enough of them running around.”
From a few feet behind Toye, Luz laughs. 
She can see their silhouettes, as they get in the car. Can see what looks like Toye kissing Luz on the cheek. She grimaces.
It must have been a horrid kiss. He never does shave enough.
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orchidyoonkook · 11 months
I wish you would write a fic where: UTWT Yoongi and Reader were cuddling while it was raining outside. 🥰
(This is just for that post you shared - although I would be over the moon if you did do this. But you do whatever your heart desires!!)
You're the best and I hope you have a lovely week. 💕
Rainfall Brings Tomorrow | MYG
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Pairing: UTWT Badboy! Min Yoongi x (F)!Reader
Genre // Rating: (T) | fluff, touch of angst, some self reflection
Summary: You leave tomorrow, and there's one thing you need to say goodbye too.
Warnings: none! I think. Reader just thinks a lot.
Word Count: 923
Release Date: October 19, 2023, 3:00PM
A/N: Well I wrote this from 2am to 6:14am. I didn't even see this ask until about 1:30am and then I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I hope it lives up to your expectations, dearest Anon.
A/N 1.5: This was written in 3 hours and then only edited twice. I think it's coherent but if there are mistakes, please forgive.
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The soft patter of rainfall falls around you, filling your ears with earthsong. His soft breaths flow in a steady rhythm to its beat, and the patio umbrella you shoved into the ground is doing its job well, keeping your resting forms dry from the delicate cadence of an afternoon shower. 
Your pond vibrates in its own little symphony of ripples, ducks hidden away in their nests while it plays. The boughs and branches of your home away from home rustle in its light wind, their tune mixing in beautifully with the rest. 
It’s cold and overcast out, but his body keeps you warm, as yours keeps his. He sits in your usual spot, back against the years worn wooden truck, while you sit against his chest, both covered by his leather jacket, preserving the heat you two were just beginning to learn to share with one another. 
It’s the day before you leave.
The day before you say ‘fuck you and goodnight’ to everyone and everything in your town, hop on the back of a motorcycle and never look back. 
But you needed to have one last visit to the place that brought you and Yoongi together for the first time, plus all the times after. And you wanted him here with you when you did. 
To say goodbye. To the one thing you would miss more than anything else.
Your willow tree. 
Yoongi’s arms circle your waist as you lean your head back against his shoulder. His touch still sends sparks anywhere it lands on your skin, and you hope that it never goes away. Hope it never dulls or fades. Because you’re learning way too fast that it’s becoming one of your favourite things, and you don’t even want to think of what you’d do if you lost it. 
A gentle kiss at your exposed neck, under your ear, lets you know he’s finished the page. But you still have a couple sentences to go as you hold The Mysterious Island open with a hand through the jacket sleeve for both of you to read.
You found it suiting, to truly bring this chapter in your lives a full three hundred and sixty degrees before closing it forever. And that’s what you need more than anything, you think. 
Because as much as you hate it here, and as much as you can’t wait to go, it’s all you’ve ever known. And while this change is good and needed and necessary, it’s also incredibly scary. 
You hate that a very small part of you doesn’t want to go, for the sake of familiarity. It’s safe here. You know what to expect. You know what will happen, when it will happen, what to do, where to go, who you’ll become. There’s a guideline written into your future by your past here. One you’ve never wanted to follow and always wanted to change.
But there are the absolutely terrifying ‘what if’s’ that comes with big change. What if you leave and it’s no better than where you were? What if you somehow mess all of it up? What if nothing goes to plan, everything goes to shit, and you’re forced to come back?
That’s your biggest nightmare, and it could very easily become your reality. 
But it’s not enough to change your mind. 
You’re going. Tomorrow morning, you’re leaving, come hell or high water or…maybe rain water if this keeps up. And you’re taking the man currently drawing you closer into him with you. 
He takes a quiet inhale of your hair, happily drowning in your scent. Yoongi’s still settling into the fact that the woman he’s holding is his. At least for now. The one that always caught his eye. The one that he never knew he could want so badly. The one who reads with him on a rainy afternoon in their shared space so she can say goodbye to the only thing that was kind to her, with him here to support her.
He’ll support you however you need, forever if he can.
His girl.
Pulling your legs up to rest the book on, you flip the page though your focus wavers, and you stare out into the shower blurred haze of your favourite place. 
This is the last time you’ll ever be here, so you take in every detail you can. The way the grass feels underneath you, the shape of the pond and the colour of its water. You commit the height of the tree and the ebb and flow of its leaves to memory as best you can. You take in the feeling of Yoongi behind you, remembering how he used to sit a foot away from you.
How every day, whether you realized it or not, he got just a little bit closer.
And before you can stop it, a silent tear slides down your face. You wipe it away but Yoongi catches it, and gives you a reassuring squeeze.
“You okay?” he asks. 
You are.
It’s just finally hitting you that your years of pain and loneliness and misery are ending. You’re finally taking control of your life like you’ve always planned, and better yet, you aren’t doing it alone. You have someone now. 
You can’t remember the last time you had that. 
“Yeah,” you say, lifting your chin to look at him. “I think I’m going to be just fine.”
Holding the book back up, you see you’ve reached the final chapter. And somehow you know, it’s the first chapter of your own.
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A/N 2: Thanks for reading, loves. Xoxo, Yoon <3
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whatitsdecending · 1 year
Chokehold: Pt. III
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Disclaimer: I do not know anything more about Vessel than you do, all of this is fiction.
Word Count: 5.7k
Content warning: smut, smut and more smut. Biting, choking, dominate reader, dominate Vessel, submissive reader, submissive Vessel, edging, unprotected sex (wrap it up please, don’t be stupid like this).
The soft light filtering through the curtains pulled you out from your sleep. You stared at the environment around you, and for a split second you’d forgotten where you were. Once your brain cleared up that bit of fog you snorted at your slight stupidity. You rolled yourself over to the side of the bed that had the clock on the table next to it, 12:52 pm is what it read. A sigh escaped from you as you never let yourself sleep so late, but you came to realize if you’d forced yourself up at the normal time you definitely would’ve hated yourself for it later.
You rolled out of bed and to the window, drawing the curtains and letting the white light flood the room. From between the blinds you could see that snow now covered the ground, and it was still falling at a light rate. You adored whenever it snowed back home, especially the first dusting that just covered everything in white and seemed to bring a different brightness to the world around you.
A soft smile was stuck on your face for the entirety of your morning routine, in the shower and in front of the mirror as you did your skincare. You couldn’t wait to get outside to take in the scenery, you kinda hoped Vessel would join you.
Vessel. You haven’t heard a sound from him this morning, not even the creaking of his footsteps in the hallway or the sound of him in the kitchen. Maybe he was still asleep? You never really figured out if he had a set time he’d wake up, although he would typically go to sleep later whenever you spoke on the phone.
You went with the idea that he was still asleep, so when you left the room you quietly made your way downstairs, doing as much as you can from waking him up with a creak on the stairs. The house was very quiet and the lights were all off, allowing the natural lighting to do its job. It was peaceful. Your apartment wasn’t as quiet as Vessel’s home, only because the walls were thin and your neighbors were loud. Living in the middle of nowhere seemed like the thing you needed to do.
With it being past 1pm already, you decided the window for breakfast was closed and that having lunch would be a much better option. You walked into the kitchen and almost leapt out of your skin when you saw Vessel sitting at the table reading a book.
“Jesus Christ.” You breathed, clutching your heart as it beat rapidly. “You scared the fuck out of me, Ves!” He placed a bookmark between the pages he was on and closed the book, a look of amusement on his face. “Oh so you think that’s funny.” You crossed your arms in a sassy manner.
“Yes I do actually, you got so scared of me just relaxing in my home.” He responds, placing the book on the edge of the table. His eyes wandered outside to the snow that was falling. “Did you see the snow?”
You stepped closer to the window. “I did. Instantly put me in a good mood the second I saw it.” That same smile from earlier sat on your face again and the urge to go run outside grew stronger.
“You like snow?”
“Oh I love it. It’s one of my favorite parts about winter.” You expressed. He stared at you with wonder in his eyes, taking in your body language as you spoke. The excitement truly radiated off you like a little kid who just learned that a snow day had been implemented and they can spend the entire day at the local sledding hill with their friends. “Do you?”
“I only hate shoveling and driving in it, otherwise it is quite beautiful.” Vessel said as he rose from his seat, picking up the book to put it back into its rightful place in his collection. With your eyes stuck on the snow outside, he came up behind you and placed a heavy coat over your shoulders.
“What’s up with the coat?” You asked, turning around to see him lacing up a pair of heavier boots and a jacket resting on the table.
“Thought you’d maybe want to go outside and sit in the snow together…” He trailed off at the end of the sentence, glancing up at you. “If not, that's totally okay… I can get the leftovers from last night out-”
You pulled the coat over your arms. “I would fucking love to.” Realizing you didn’t have your boots, you rushed back upstairs to your room to put them on. Your heart raced as you tied the boots up as quickly as possible, hands shaking from the lack of nutrients in your body; but you didn’t care. The last time someone ever invited you to sit in the snow was years ago in elementary school. So at your age, this really was an invitation you could not decline.
Running back down the stairs while your boots loudly echoed against the wood, buttoning up the coat as you sped back to the kitchen. Vessel had an amused look on his face once again as you returned, leaving you to throw your hands up in defeat.
“What now?” You asked.
He chuckled. “You need to see how ridiculous you look in my coat.” He pointed over to a mirror that was just a few steps away, leaving you curious to just how stupid you look. Yeah, he was right. You definitely looked ridiculous. The coat hung down to your knees and the sleeves swallowed your hands, with where your boots ended on your legs it made you look shorter than you were.
“Eh, at least I’ll be warm.” You shrugged, pulling the hood over your head and adding to the look. The edge of the hood covered your eyes and you had to tilt your head up in order to see Vessel, he was just shaking his head at you and unlocking the door to the yard. “Are you regretting letting me stay with you now?” You followed him outside, the chill of the air hitting the part of your face that wasn’t covered.
“Nope.” He said. “I’m actually enjoying it.” You flashed a big smile at him and earned a chuckle in response. Taking big steps through the snow, you stayed quiet to determine if the snow was heavy or not. The crunching beneath your feet gave you the answer you needed.
“This snow is perfect for a snowman.” You blurt out, kicking a small pile that had built up. “If you want to build one with me.” You turned back around to face Vessel, noticing he had both hands behind his back and the most devious look you’ve ever seen on his face. “Oh no-” Was all you barely managed to get out before a snowball came barreling at you. You turned to the side quickly as a reflex, letting it hit your arm. “So you want to play that game?”
His laugh filled the air and added to the playful energy between you two. You bent over to scoop snow into your hands, mashing it together into a ball and whipping it at him. It hit him directly in the center of his chest, making him stumble back a bit.
“Goddamn you have an arm. What did they have you doing on tour?”
“Lifting the heavy shit the guys can’t.”
He grinned. “Of course.” He already had another snowball ready to go and launched it at you, missing by an inch. You laughed at him for it and threw another snowball that hit his shoulder. He stood there staring at you, a bit of defeat showing on his face.
“Oh, did you give up already? Didn’t think you were the type to give up so easily.” You egged him on, trying to get under his skin so he’d continue the fight. He raised his brows in a playful way taking a step forward in the snow before taking off in a sprint towards you. You had zero time to react due to how quickly he came up on you, all you could do was brace for him to impact your body. His arms wrapped around you quickly before the rest of his body hit yours, knocking you to the soft ground.
Your breath hitched as you made contact with it. You noticed Vessel had moved one of his hands to rest against the back of your head, making sure you didn’t smack it too hard. He pushed the hood of the coat up so he could see your eyes, but the second you made eye contact you started laughing. It was amusing that he just slammed into you like a linebacker into the snow. He couldn’t help but laugh along with you, the glimmer of the snow and pure joy reflecting in his eyes and leaving you to just stare in awe.
He calmed down the moment he realized your mind had switched to something else. “You okay? I didn’t hit you too hard did I?”
You shook your head. “No… I’m okay. I’m just-” You couldn’t bring the words together, it wouldn’t come out of your mouth the way you wished it would.
“Need me to get off?” He asks, starting to move off of you and the look of worry starting to creep onto his face. Just as his chest lifted from yours, you subconscious reached up for the collar of his coat and pulled him back down to you, pressing your lips against his. The softness of his lips were all you could’ve dreamed of, the way they pushed so gently against yours allowed the butterflies that were being held back to be freed.
You kissed for what felt like only seconds before he pulled away and the ache for air dragged at your lungs. You took a deep breath and could only stare up at him as he hovered only inches away from your face. He pushed himself up off of you and reached out for your hand, drawing you up once you placed your hand in his.
He seemed to be studying your face as his hand rested against your cheek. You watched as his eyes were locked on your lips and he ran his thumb over them. “You’re turning blue.” His words slipped from your mind before he pulled you close to him. “Y/N, your lips are turning blue.” Vessel walked you back to the house, stomping the snow off his boots and you doing the same. “Come with me.” He says, guiding you through the house into a room you have yet to see. A beautiful velvet couch sat in front of a large brick fireplace, more books littered around the room. This room seemed more lived in than the rest of his home, it had a more comfortable atmosphere to it as well.
Vessel had you sit on the floor in front of the fireplace, taking the wet coat off your body and replacing it with a blanket. He quickly removed your boots and placed them off to the side. You watched with awe stuck on your face, he just did all of that without you even asking.
His face lightened as he lit a match for the fireplace, throwing it onto the logs already resting in it. The fire slowly came to life, adding a warm glow to the room around you. Vessel stepped out of the room for a moment, coming back in just his clothes from earlier. He sat down beside you, glancing at the color of your lips before rubbing your hands between his. He was extremely warm, the heat coming from the fireplace and his body was enough to keep you from shivering.
“You warming up okay?” He asked, a genuine expression on his face.
“Mmhm.” You responded and watched as he poked at the fire a bit. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me.”
“You were turning blue, Y/N. Why wouldn’t I make sure you didn’t freeze on me?” He said, the slightest bit of a “duh” tone ringing out.
“Are you sassing me Ves?” You pretended to be offended and clutched at your heart.
“I can get sassy if you want me to.” He joked. You shook your head at him and turned your gaze back on to the fire in front of you. It danced around as the logs burned, the smell filling the room and bringing you to a calm place. Your mind had been going insane since the kiss you had with Vessel, the fact that he put so much care into you after you started getting too cold made it so much worse. Each little thing he did, from removing your boots to replacing the damp coat with a blanket, had your heart flipping around inside of you. It was these small gestures he seemed to do without any hesitation that made you want it all from him, everything he could ever offer to you, you’d take. You’d take it all so fast, but at the same time it scared you. Things were changing and changing rapidly. If you had asked yourself four months ago if you’d see your future self in a position like this, you definitely would’ve said no. From how things were going for you at that time, keeping your extremely casual relationship with Noah going for however long you both needed was the furthest you were willing to go at the time.
Noah. You’d completely forgotten you had promised to call him back… he probably thinks you’re dead at this point. A deep sigh escaped you at the promise you remembered, now felt the guilt creeping up your spine.
“Hey Ves?” You broke the silence, taking your mind out of the forest of thoughts it was just in.
“Hmm?” He mumbled. He lingered close to you, something you hadn’t noticed until now. His arm was draped lazily behind you and pulling you closer to him. The ability to ask the question you’d originally gained his attention for had suddenly gone away, you couldn’t seem to form the necessary words to say. You could feel his eyes on you as he waited for you to say something; they burned into you deeper than the fire ever could.
Instead of asking what you originally wanted to, you decided to ask another question that had been on your mind since September. “Do you remember when we first met?”
“There’s always been something I’ve wanted to ask you, especially now with how things have come between us.” You felt him shift his body weight in order to get a better look at you, raising his brow as he waited for the question. “What exactly did you mean by “one on one”? Was it just going to be something random like what me and Noah had been doing or…” You trailed off from there, turning and meeting his gaze. “Or am I reaching too far now.”
“You’re not reaching at all darling.” His voice soothed you. Bringing that up had been something dragging you down for a little while, especially when it became clear that Vessel was turning into a more special person in your life. “I remember leaving you that note with the intention of getting to know you better. The moment I saw you I just had to do it… even though I didn’t know the full extent of what was going on between you and Noah until you had explained it later on to me. It was a risk I was willing to take.”
“Are you still willing to take it?” You whispered just above the crackling of the fire. He held his gaze on yours for a long time, until his eyes started lingering on your lips. Your eagerness got the best of you, knowing damn well he could sit and stare for hours and torture your body by not touching you. You ripped the blanket off your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor before climbing onto his lap and pushing your lips on his. The desperation in this kiss compared to the one you shared in the snow was mind boggling, he was just as desperate for your lips now as you were for his.
His hands furiously tugged at your shirt, giving you the opportunity to pull away for a second and take it off. For just a moment his eyes glowed at the sight of the one part of your body he had yet been able to see. He leaned forward to attach his lips to your neck as his hand that had been placed on your back masterfully unhooked your bra. After you let the garment drop from your body, his other hand instinctively took hold of your left breast and massaged it gently. The stimulation of his lips against your neck on top of this had you moaning, your head leaned back to give him all the access he wanted to your neck. His teeth grazed along your skin and sent a shiver down your spine that made your hips buck.
“You like that huh?” He quipped, leaving another kiss against your neck. “Do you want me to mark you up darling?” A whine left your lips as a response, leaving him to chuckle at how desperate you are for him. He trailed up your neck before finding the area he wanted to mark, he licked it meticulously before sinking his teeth into you. Your body didn’t know how to react to that feeling, a new sensation that trickled through your nerves and sent your brain into overdrive.
“Oh fuck, Ves.” You breathed, gripping the back of his neck to drive him closer to you. He pushed his body up from the sitting position he had been in and began to push you gently down against the floor, his hand never leaving the spot on your back. After you’d laid down, Vessel pulled away to take his shirt off and revealed that physique you had grown to miss. He was glowing with the light from the fire bouncing off his skin, and in that moment it seemed you were about to sleep with a God.
He leaned down to connect your lips once again, this time with a more fiery passion than before. His tongue pushed into your mouth, letting yours fight against his. In the battle for dominance over your mouth, his hand made its way to the spot on your back to push your chest into his. His skin was warm and soft against yours, the heat from the fireplace adding to what radiated off him.
Vessel pulled away from the kiss and sat back on his feet, his hands going to your jeans to undo them and pull them off your legs. He stared at the laced panties you chose to wear that day, the lust that filled his eyes as it took every bit of patience in him to not rip them off of you. His fingers delicately slipped under the fabric that wrapped around your hips and pulled the garment down your legs, not once breaking the eye contact between the two of you. He leaned back fully on his feet as his eyes toyed over your body, taking it all in and memorizing every single detail he could see.
“You are so beautiful.” He breathed, his palms resting on your knees as his fingers circled your skin gently. “I want this to be for you, this moment everything is for you. Y/N, tell me exactly what you want and I’ll do it.” There was a pleading tone in his voice as he spoke. His hands remained where they were, not leaving until you would tell him to move them.
“Vessel…” You say, his body perking up at his name. “I want you to touch me, show me how badly you’ve missed me. Show me all that you wanted back in September that you couldn’t do.” A devilish grin crossed his face as his hands moved their way closer up your thighs, his body leaned forward with them. He placed kisses along the inside of your thighs, slowly moving closer and closer to your core. You grew restless as each kiss made you more wet, the slow inching of his face to where you wanted him most drove you crazy. Just as his cheek brushed up against the skin of your folds, you said one last thing. “And don’t you dare edge my orgasms this time.”
“Wasn’t planning on it darling.” Vessel says before the feeling of his tongue dragging up between your folds overran your body. Your hips bucked upwards into his mouth as a moan escaped from you. He was going slow on you, aware of the fact that it’s been a little while since the last time someone had gone down on you. That did not matter for you though, he knew exactly what he was doing and learned quickly the first time around. He lifted his face up a bit so he could focus his tongue on your clit and watch your face when he slipped two of his fingers into you. Your body arched at the stimulation of his fingers pumping slowly into you and his tongue delicately swirling circles on your clit.
“Ves.” You breathed. “Go faster.” With your instructions, Vessel picked up the pace with both his fingers and tongue. The wave of pleasure that hit you was almost enough to send you over the edge, but you held yourself together. His free hand tapped at your leg, giving you the notion to put them on his shoulders. You obliged and draped them over him, allowing you the power to hold him there for however long you pleased.
You used your heels to push him down closer into you as the knot built in your stomach. The moans that came from you were loud and high pitched, which led to Vessel removing his fingers from you and using both hands to grip your hips. He increased the pressure and pace of his tongue on your clit in order to make you cum. You cried out in pleasure as the ecstasy hit you, your hand gripped tightly on the blanket underneath you as you searched for some piece of reality so you didn't get completely lost in the pleasure.
Vessel kept his mouth on you, watching your body shake as it came down from the orgasm. He did not let you catch a breath before his tongue was back at it again and his fingers pushed into you, the extra slick that came from your orgasm made it simple for him to add another finger to the mix. You whined as his tongue hit your clit, it had grown sensitive from all the stimulation that you haven’t experienced in a while.
“Ves.” You cried out, a hum in response coming from him and sending vibrations through you. “I want you to fuck me.” He lifted his face from your core, the sight of his chin and lips being covered in your slick made a smile pull at your lips.
“Is that what you really want, darling?’’ He leaned back against his feet again, taking your legs off from his shoulders and setting them back down on the floor. You nodded, biting your lip as he began to remove the belt from his jeans. “I wasn’t even worried about getting myself off today, but since you’re insisting I fuck you, how could I resist?” He’d pulled his jeans down, revealing his cock that struggled against the fabric of his briefs. He never broke eye contact with you as he pulled the briefs down, exposing his hard cock. You bit at your bottom lip as you watched him remove the articles from his legs and throw them somewhere in the room. He reached over to the couch and grabbed a pillow, motioning for you to lift your lower back up off the floor so he can place it below you. He let you lay back and adjusted it as you needed until it was comfortable for you.
He leaned into you again, placing a kiss on your lips and then your forehead. “You ready?” You nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. He returned the smile before taking your legs and placing them on his hips, using them as a guide to line his cock up with your entrance. Before he pushed himself into you, he ran it through your folds to slick it up, not wanting to cause that much discomfort going in. He focused on the sight of his cock spreading the muscles of your entrance, going slowly in order for you to adjust to his size.
“Oh fuck.” You muttered, the feeling of him inside of you after not having anyone fucking you since September was intense.
“God you’re so fucking tight, Y/N.” He groaned as he slowly thrusted in and out of you. His grip tightened on your hip, adjusting himself to be able to get a better angle to thrust into you.
“Go faster.” You spat out. He nodded and picked up his pace, the sounds of his thighs slapping against the skin of your ass echoed through the room and mixing in with the moans that came from the two of you. The initial bit of discomfort had completely disappeared now and the pleasure that racked your body was all you could think of. He felt so good, the first time he fucked you was good, really good… but with the circumstances of that time, you don’t think it could ever compare to this now.
His moans had turned to whimpers and his face was beginning to contort, notifying you that he was close. Except, this time you wanted to be the one that edged him. Torture him a bit like he’d done to you. So, you put your hand up and signaled for him to stop. He hesitantly pulled out of you and had a confused expression on his face.
“What-’’ Before he could finish his sentence you cut him off by pointing to the couch.
“Go sit and lean up against the couch.” A tone of demand came from you that was unfamiliar, but you liked it and he clearly did too as he quickly moved to where you told him to go. He watched as you stood up, ignoring the weakness you felt from how hard he’d just been fucking you. His breath hitched as you stood over him, placing one hand on his shoulder while you came down to straddle him. Your other hand wrapped around his cock and aligned it with your entrance, the feeling of it filling you up as you sat down left both of your mouths wide open. You let yourself get used to this position before slowly bouncing yourself on him.
“Jesus Christ Y/N.” Vessel groaned, throwing his head back against the cushion of the couch.
Your hand reached out and wrapped around his neck, making him return his gaze to you in shock. “I don’t think so, Ves. Keep your eyes on me, pretty boy.” You kept your hold on his neck, making sure not to add too much pressure to the point where you were actually choking him. His hands found their way to rest on your hips, but you swatted at them. “Keep them on the couch, I don’t need your help with this.” He smirked at how you demanded him, a new found power that you’ve never had the control over.
A rhythm took you over and Vessel’s eyes constantly rolled back whenever you squeezed both his cock and his neck, each roll from your hips bringing him closer to that release he chased after. You watched his face and listened for that same whiny tone in his moans that informed you he was about to cum. You were getting close too, unsure if he was going to cum before you did or vice versa.
“I’m going to cum.” Vessel cried out and his breathing became more rapid. You clenched tightly around his cock and his neck, clearly sending him over the edge as the warmth of his cum filling you up took you by surprise. Your release happened right after, your moans mixed in with the heavy breathes he took as you rode it out on him. You let go of the grip you had on his neck and fell against his chest, your face pressed against the crook of his neck.
The two of you sat there for a little while, coming down from the high. Admittedly, you sat there because of how numb your legs felt from all of this. Vessel seemed to notice your uncertainty with getting up, so he took matters into his own hands and shuffled his way over to the blanket in front of the fireplace, laying you down on top of it. You hissed at the feeling of him taking his cock out of you, your entire core was extremely sensitive now and any little touch or movement made you squirm.
“Let me get you a warm cloth, I’ll be right back.” He kissed your forehead and stood, walking away to the kitchen. You took the time to regulate your breathing a bit, letting yourself come back from the ecstasy you’d just experienced. Vessel came back into the room just a moment later, a damp cloth in his hand. He sat on his knees between your legs, gently running the cloth along your folds and cleaning up the cum that was dripping out of you. The warmth of it soothed your body and finally brought you all the way down from the high.
Vessel placed the cloth off to the side after he made sure he did a good job cleaning you up. He laid down beside you, letting you lift your head up so he could rest his arm beneath it. His other hand rested on your stomach, watching as it rose and fell with each breath you took.
The two of you laid there in a comfortable silence. The primary reason being the utter exhaustion you felt after the physicality you endured, but also still being a bit jet lagged didn’t help either. Also maybe the fact that you just had some of the best sex in your life had some kind of power over you not being able to speak.
Breaking the silence was a loud grumble from your stomach, reminding you that you never ate today. “Jeez I felt that.” Vessel laughed as he removed his hand from his stomach, leaving you to laugh at it as well. “Is this my sign to make you some dinner?”
“I think so.” You wiped at the tears that sprinkled the corners of your eyes from your laughter. “I’m going to go take a bath while you do that.” You rolled out from his hold and pushed yourself up into a standing position, your legs wobbling as you did so.
“Need me to carry you to the bath?” Vessel asked as he placed a hand on your leg to help stabilize you a bit.
“Nope, I should be good, just need to walk around or else it will stay like this for too long.” You smiled down at him, giving him a thumbs up as you started waddling away, the chuckles that erupted from him as he watched you walk away was enough to make you laugh. You knew you looked ridiculous, but you could not help it. Glancing at the time on a nearby clock, you realize it’d probably be later enough in the morning for you to call Noah and not have to deal with his grumpy ass after waking him up.
As you struggled a bit to get up the stairs and to your room, you decided to call him the second you got the bath running. You couldn’t help but have a nagging feeling that calling him was wrong, especially now right after you’d had sex with Vessel and was running a bath in his home.
But you promised him… and who knows exactly the reason he needed to talk to you. Could be work related, most of the time it is. You knew you were capable of keeping it professional and in this case that’s exactly what needed to happen. Then again, the idea of hurting him by telling him exactly where and what you were doing toyed in the back of your mind. Why? You weren’t sure.
It will be the first time since October that you will be speaking to him, the last time being when you all parted ways at the airport after the US leg of the tour ended. You hate admitting it but you did miss speaking with him, especially music. His face lit up each time he got on the topic of how he wrote a specific song or his plans for the future of the band.
Your hands shook as you picked up your phone that was still on the nightstand, glancing at the overwhelming amount of notifications on the screen before going to your contacts and pressing on Noah’s name. You hovered over the icon that will take you to a call, debating if it was the best thing to do.
You walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind you, starting the water in the tub. You stared at the screen again and took a deep breath before hitting the call icon, your phone coming to life as it rang.
It didn’t take long for the ringing to stop and Noah’s voice to echo through the speakers. “Hey pretty girl, I’ve been waiting for you to call.”
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heliads · 1 year
Dear Elena
It is hard to keep track of anything when your entire life has been shattered into pieces. You're meant to be writing letters to your best friend, who happens to be in a coma at the moment, but you keep getting sidetracked by the one man who won't leave your thoughts.
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It is a beautiful morning, the sun is out, and all you can think about is the people you’ve lost. Last summer, you had more friends around than you do right now. Some of them are gone forever, some have moved on and moved out of town, and others are not within your grasp anymore. The endless loss blends together into one dense cacophony of regret, enough to keep you indoors even despite the lovely day outside.
Instead, you’re curled up on one corner of a sofa in the Salvatore house, passing off your suffering as an excuse to write to yet another one of the friends you’re missing. Elena Gilbert is not to blame for her absence in your life; she certainly wants nothing to do with her seemingly eternal coma, but your journal entries to her have started spiraling into irritation as the weeks go by without her waking up.
Case in point, your latest attempt at a happy message to your friend if/when she ever wakes up:
Dear Elena,
Shit has been fucked.
A voice sounds from over your shoulder, just as dry and sarcastic as ever.
“Y/N, you’re supposed to be uplifting with these things. Last time I checked, ‘uplifting’ didn’t involve nearly so many bad words.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, but it’s a losing battle. “And last time I checked, these journals were for Elena, not you, Damon. Quit reading over my shoulder.”
Damon Salvatore, for of course it is he, spreads his hands in another display of his usual casual bravado. “Maybe you shouldn’t be writing them in my house if you don’t want me looking. Consider me curious, that’s all. I want to know if you’re adequately portraying my great deeds of heroism that I’ve been doing all the time since Elena closed her eyes.”
You take a moment to ponder that, then scrawl in one more line beneath the aforementioned expletives:
Also, your boyfriend is annoying me to death. Again.
Damon swats you on the shoulder. “Rude. Don’t you have anything nice to write other than complaints or depressed musings?”
You laugh bitterly, but the sound only turns more troubled as it trails off into silence. “Not really. Nothing’s going well at the moment. Every time I think I can count on someone, they leave or let me down.”
Damon blows out a low breath. “Tell me about it. I mean, it’s not like Mystic Falls is always a powerhouse of fun and playtime, but I think I even caught Caroline moping around when she thought I wasn’t looking.”
You hug your knees tighter to your chest. “It just all feels pointless. We fix a problem and two more take its place. You think you know someone and you’re wrong about them every time.”
Damon gives you a look, finally serious for once in his extended life. “This is about Enzo, isn’t it?”
You glance away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He chuckles. “Of course you don’t.” A beat goes by, and he speaks again, almost an afterthought. “It’s not love, by the way.”
You frown up at him. “What?”
“Why Enzo is on Lily’s side. It’s not love, it’s duty. She turned him. That does stuff to your sense of obligation. He’s helping her because he thinks that’s what he should do. He doesn’t love her. Or, not like that, at least.”
You shake your head. “He doesn’t love her like what?”
When Damon remains infuriatingly silent, you press him again for information. “Wait, Damon, like what?”
He doesn’t answer you, though, just disappears, leaving you only with the fluttering of your notebook pages for company. You groan, muttering silent curses about over dramatic vampires never saying what they mean, then toss your notebook to the side. Damon’s right, you’re never going to get this entry done properly if you’re still in your head about everything to do with one certain Enzo St. John.
After all, how could you? Enzo is Enzo, for better or for worse, and nothing about him has made sense since the day you met. You were there when Enzo was trying to kill Damon, when he did time on the Other Side, even when he was helping the rest of you try to free Damon and Bonnie from the prison world. He’s been your enemy at times, your friend at others, but above all, he has lingered around your thoughts far more than you would care to mention.
Dear Elena,
Do you remember when you first told me you were falling for Damon? How I told you that you were crazy for loving someone who had tried to kill us at one point? I think I might have to join you in that camp. I’m not crushing on Damon, don’t worry about that, but someone else. Someone pretty similar to Damon, actually. Guess that’s why they’re such good friends.
You never counted on falling in love with Enzo. Love is difficult in Mystic Falls– there are always a thousand different things going wrong, enough to tear you from what you’re certain is a happily-ever-after just when you’ve finally allowed yourself to have hope. You had just decided that you were going to use your head and not fall in love at all if you could help it, and then he showed up and just like that, you knew you were done for.
It’s not like you could have done anything else. Enzo flirted with you constantly while he was trying to kill you. He made jokes when you were facing each other off. He sought you out first when he escaped the Other Side, said something about how the worst part of it by far was not being able to talk to you. 
He made you promises you knew he couldn’t keep, and then he joined Lily Salvatore and now it’s like he’s gone from you forever. Technically, he’s still out there, but he’s not yours anymore. If he ever was, that is. Suddenly, you’re not sure of anything the way you once were.
Dear Elena,
Why do boys have to be so insanely difficult?
Your moping clearly isn’t doing anything for you, so you give up and head outside. Most of your remaining friends have taken to camping out in the Salvatore estate at some point or other during the day. It makes it easier to find everyone when a new startling discovery descends upon you all, but it also makes you feel trapped, a bird in a cage who longs to spread her wings.
There is, however, a very good reason why you should stay inside longer, and that reason appears when you’ve hardly taken three steps into the center of town. You were headed for the Mystic Grill, but you do an abrupt 180 on the sidewalk and start heading back towards the residential areas when you spot a dark-haired figure that’s all too familiar to you. You don’t think he saw you, so you might be able to get away if you hurry.
Or maybe not. There’s a shout after you, it makes you flinch. “I missed you, you know.”
A gust of wind rustles the leaves on the branches nearby, and you don’t have to turn around to know that Enzo has just appeared behind you, taking advantage of his vampire speed to cross the street in less than a second.
“Yeah, well,” you say, still not trying to make eye contact with him, “maybe you shouldn’t have joined Lily and her Heretics, then. If you miss me, why aren’t we on the same side?”
“We weren’t on the same side at the start,” Enzo muses, keeping time with you even as you try to walk away, “that didn’t bother you then, now, did it?”
“That was different,” you argue.
“Was it?” He asks. “I was trying to kill you then. I’m not anymore.”
“And how do I know that?” You ask, finally standing still long enough to look him directly in the eyes. It’s been a while since you saw him face to face, you almost forgot how deeply he looks at you, like you’re the only person in this world worth seeing.
Enzo sighs, raises his hand to scuff through his hair but stops himself just in time. It’s been a while since he cut it short and started gelling it smooth, but sometimes you think he forgets that it isn’t the unruly almost-shoulder height it had once been. Enzo has spent enough time in various stages of captivity and death and rebirth that sometimes the lines start to blur. Even for seemingly insignificant things like hair. 
You like it better now, actually. You’re certain you’ve told him that at least once, and if you haven’t, he’s probably picked up on it from the way your eyes lingered on him when he first got the cut. 
“You know because you trust me,” Enzo starts, and holds up a hand when it looks like you’re going to cut him off. “And yes, you can say all you want about how you won’t trust me since I’m with the Heretics but maybe— maybe I don’t want that anymore.”
Your brow furrows. “Why not?”
He lifts a shoulder. “I’m not sure, honestly. I thought it would feel better. She promised me that we’d be like a little family or something, but the lot of them have been together so long that I just feel like an intruder.”
“Then why haven’t you left yet?” You dare to ask. 
“I’m waiting for the right moment,” he answers you, “Lily’s control over her little monsters is slipping. At some point it’ll be easy for me to steal away and just never come back. I don’t want her sort of life anymore. I want something that feels right.”
“Like what?” You breathe. 
“Like you,” Enzo says without a second’s hesitation, “it’s always been you, Y/N, you know that. I liked you from the very start. I had hoped that spending more time with Lily wouldn’t hurt us, but I was wrong. I just want you. Not her, not her bizarre idea of a family. You.”
You exhale slowly. “I’ve been waiting to hear that for a very long time, you know that?”
Enzo cracks a grin at last. You missed that smile more than anything, more than it hurt to admit you needed him. “My apologies, love. I’ll try to be better at spilling my heart out in the future.”
He’s joking, though, and his smile only grows when you start to laugh. It is easy, being with him, and although you never really thought about why that was before, you’re glad to know that you’ll have plenty of time to ponder it now, especially with Enzo by your side. 
Dear Elena,
I think, for once, that things actually might turn out alright. 
tvd tag list: @thatfangirl42
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mouwrites · 11 months
Heyy love your content
Could u do a Kyle x reader so basically she’s singing and he hears it yeah something like that
Of course! :D
Word count: 923
South Park - Kyle Hears You Singing
The classroom was empty. It had been for a while now, and the boisterous noise of the hallways had faded as well. The only thing you could hear was the sound of your pencil scratching against the paper.
A cramp in your wrist forced you to pause your work. You looked around, not surprised at the empty desks surrounding you, but rather by the teacher’s empty desk. When had he slipped away?
You rubbed your wrist absentmindedly. So you were totally alone. The silence suddenly seemed deafening.
Checking one last time to make sure you were alone, you conjured up the tune of your favorite song. Your lips curved into a little smile as you began to hum, getting back to work with a little more pep this time.
The lyrics rolled off your tongue effortlessly; you didn’t even pause to think. It was as if your voice was a radio, playing the song on its own while you penciled numbers on the page. And, much like a radio, the next song began as soon as you finished the first one.
You didn’t notice your voice becoming louder and louder with each song until your voice filled the room and poured out into the hall. You abandoned the sheet you were working on, using your pencil to drum a beat on the desk instead. You were completely lost in song.
Your voice carried acoustically through the linoleum hallways, making its way to the ears of one Kyle Broflovski. He had stayed after school to catch up on the homework he missed the previous day, and he was just now making his way outside to go home. But he paused when the sound of music—not the kind that booms from a speaker, but the kind that pours soulfully from someone’s chest—caught him like a fish hook. He stopped in his tracks, cocking his head to try and determine which direction it was coming from.
His feet moved on their own, walking at first, then jogging, almost running towards the noise. He didn’t know when it was going to end, but he hoped it wasn’t soon. It was nice. More than nice, it was enchanting.
Like a sailor to a siren he walked, entranced, desperate to know the origin of the noise. At last he came to a classroom in the far west wing of the school, isolated, unmistakable as the source of the lovely song.
He stood breathless with his back pressed against the wall adjacent to the open door. He sneakily edged closer, craning his neck to peek inside.
He caught a glimpse of a h/c head turned away from the door. Letting out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, he allowed himself to lean on the doorframe, confident now that he wouldn’t be seen.
His skin was alive with chills at each note. Louder and louder the voice was going, high notes coming out in ambitious belts fit for a stadium.
Suddenly, it stopped. Kyle’s ears rang with the sudden deprivation of noise, and he was disoriented just long enough to be caught by the eyes of the singer.
You felt your face go white. Then red. Then it was in your hands, and you turned away from the boy in the doorway.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t realize I was being so loud!”
“No, don’t be sorry,” Kyle waved his hands dismissively. “It was… really good, actually.”
“Oh. Um, thanks?”
Kyle pushed himself off the doorframe, making his way over to you with an outstretched hand. “Kyle.”
“Now I’ve got a name to put to that angelic voice,” he grinned. Then, spotting the half-finished assignment before you, he pointed to it. “Math?”
You groaned, remembering your initial task. “Yes. I’m re-doing this assignment because I did not understand it at all. I still don’t, but… hey, I’m trying.” You sighed.
“I could help you.” Not waiting for an invitation, Kyle plopped down next to you and leaned forward, reading over the paper.
You felt your cheeks grow a little hot as you realized how close he was, but you just muttered a little thank you and let him keep reading.
As luck would have it, this Kyle kid was a math wizard. Not only did he help you finish the assignment (and correct your mistakes), but by the end of your little session you actually understood the concept.
You beamed as you picked up the finished paper and dropped it in the teacher’s homework basket.
“Hey, thanks, Kyle. You really saved my grades there.”
“Consider it a thank you,” he said, putting on his backpack, “for gracing me with your music.”
You chuckled bashfully. “So we’re even.”
“So we are. Though…” Kyle looked away, going a little red himself, “there is something I’d like to ask you before I leave.”
“Ask me on the way. We’ll walk together.”
You ended up exchanging numbers while you walked, by Kyle’s request, but with absolutely no objection from you.
You had to part out in the front of the school. Both your faces were subtly flushed, but you told yourself that the nippy autumn air was to blame.
“See you later, math master.”
Kyle winced comically at the nickname. “See you later, siren-song.”
As you walked away, you could tell by the light feeling in your chest that you’d be seeing a lot more of Kyle in the future. Little did you know he was coming to the same conclusion as he attempted to quell the butterflies in his abdomen.
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Thank you for your request! And thanks for reading, take care of yourselves guys <33
(divider by saradika)
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dracowars · 1 year
Hi love! Could I request an obi Wan X reader where it’s late at night and he finds her reading in a library and he joins her?
peaceful | obi-wan kenobi
pairing: obi-wan x jedi!reader
word count: 0,6k
summary: where obi-wan joins y/n in the library
a/n: enjoy <3
warnings: mentions of war
universe: star wars
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With your face bathed in a soft bluish glow, you scroll through the pages of the holobook that sits on your lap, only reading the titles of each chapter to see if there is anything relevant to you. Sitting with your legs crossed, you lean against the back of the armchair, which is located right by a large round window and has recently become your new favorite spot. It is only here that you can finally rest, letting your mind wander, and enjoy the rain gently pattering against the window, hiding the dark and busy city beyond.
Coruscant never sleeps and, apparently, neither do you. Especially not these last few days, considering you only have one day left until you embark on one of your longest and probably most dangerous missions so far. For this reason, you try to acquire as much knowledge about the planet and its habitat and inhabitants as you can in the short time since the Jedi Council gave you the instructions.
It is always hard to keep your cool in times of war, but it is moments like these when you can just sit here in the Jedi archives, alone, thinking about everything and nothing. For some inexplicable reason, it gives you a sense of security. The mission will probably cost you the last of your strength, but the end of the Clone Wars is in sight, and if this single mission can bring you a little closer to the end, then you will do just that. Giving your all and fighting for your values, for what is right.
Your eyes get caught on a chapter you find useful, and it is only when you change your sitting position that you suddenly feel a change in your surroundings. You do not even have to look up to know he is here.
"Still out and about at this hour?", you tease him, carefully putting the book aside before looking at him because let's face the truth, you can't take your eyes off of him for more than a few seconds. As soon as you do look at him, however, your heart aches in your chest.
The man in front of you has seen a lot of terrible things in this war and it only makes you want to end it even quicker. His hair is disheveled, probably from tossing and turning back and forth for hours to get his well-deserved sleep, which was obviously not granted to him in the end. Obi-Wan only returned to Coruscant today after being sent out to Kamino for several days, and has to leave again tomorrow, with you. Which is why you made it your task to spare him as many difficulties as possible, dealing with the necessary information intensely.
"I knew I would find you here", is his answer as he sits down on the armchair next to you, a small smile on his lips as he can't help himself but to softly run his hand over your head. "And before you tell me to leave and get some sleep: I can't."
"I know", you respond sadly, only knowing too well how it feels to run on low fuel and still not being able to fall asleep, letting the misery of this galaxy behind. Grabbing his hand, you push your palm against his before closing your fingers around it, squeezing lightly.
Reaching over you with his other hand, Obi-Wan grabs another holobook that you have carefully searched out a few hours ago, leaning back in his seat. But not before placing a soft kiss on your hair, whispering 'I'm proud of you' along the way.
Your heart painfully beats for this man. You know that all of this, everything you have build up, can be over tomorrow, and yet he does not disturb the peace you have built around here. He fades in perfectly and, with your hands intertwined, reads on, the soft glow illuminating his beautiful face.
You can't wait for all of this to be over. Because once it is, you will finally make him yours. And he will finally make you his.
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hwelloooo would u be comfortable writing first kiss with gunwook? he keeps doing nootnoot and i can’t help but starting at his lips 😚
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First Kiss
pairing: gunwook x gender neutral reader
summary: your best friend gunwook helps you study for an exam but silly banter soon leads to you having your first kiss with him
genre: fluff
word count: 1.7k
warnings: you're smaller than him, some parts could be read as a tiny bit suggestive
a/n: ayyy, first published story!! this got so much longer than i planned to make it but oh well, hope you like it :)
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"Come on, y/n, you're gonna fail if you don't focus", Gunwook sighs as you playfully mess with his hair.
Living in the same neighborhood, you two had been good friends for several years and got even closer when you both entered the same high school. You had an important maths exam coming up at the end of the week but really struggled with the material. Since Gunwook is top of your class, you begged him to help you study.
"Only if you promise to actually sit down and study. I know you get distracted quickly."
"Yay! I promise, thank you!", you squealed, hugging your best friend tight out of excitement.
Yet here you were, kneeling on your chair, using your hands to put his hair in a little ponytail, the textbook long forgotten.
"But we've been studying for the past 5 hours! Don't you think that's long enough? Hehe, you look like a unicorn when I do this", you giggled.
Gunwook shakes his head to make you let go of his hair.
"It's only been half an hour, y/n, and most of that time you spent messing around. Do you want me to help you or not?"
You sink back in your chair, opening your mouth to make some playful remark. You decide against it when your eyes land on Gunwook's serious expression and you realise he's genuinely worried about you failing. Taking a deep breath, you pull the textbook closer to you again and pick up your pen.
"Alright, no more getting distracted. I'm gonna ace this test!"
Gunwook chuckles at your newfound motivation and leans in closer to read out the next maths problem. When his shoulder touches yours, you feel your heart skipping a beat.
Lately, you've noticed yourself thinking about him more than usually. Makes sense, since you're now seeing him every single day in class, you've told yourself. After all, you're just friends.
You've always just been friends.
But in moments like these, when he's so close that you can smell his perfume and feel the warmth radiating from his body, your mind starts to wander. What it would be like to be more than friends. To run your fingertips over his soft skin. To feel his hands around your waist. To rest your head on his chest. To press your lips on his.
Gunwook's voice reading from the textbook pulls you out of your thoughts.
"Okay, let's go over this again", he says, pointing his pen at the numbers in front of you.
Another 15 minutes pass while you're doing your best to focus on his words instead how softly his lips move as he's explaining how to solve the equation. He has a habit of pursing them whenever he talks, effectively making him look like a duck. You always thought it was the cutest thing.
"Ah, I think I got it now! Like this?"
Your face lights up when Gunwook excitedly nods yes at your right answer.
"Yeah, exactly! Looks like you won't fail after all", Gunwook chuckles, gently hitting your shoulder. "Now let's strengthen that knowledge with some more practice."
You groan in frustration at his words. His sense for responsibility is incredibly admirable and you're grateful he's helping you but you just wanna take a break.
"Come on, Wookie, it's been almost an hour and I think I actually understand how to do it now! If I look at any more numbers, I might actually go insane."
Unfortunately, he's invested in your success now and no amount of pouting and puppy eyes can convince him.
"If you stop now, you might forget it all again and all of this will have been for nothing. Let's just finish this page and then we can take a break."
He points his pen at the next problem and you come up with a plan. Taking the opportunity, you grab the pen from his hands. Without it, he can't write down the explanations and it will force him to let you take a break. What a genius move, you think to yourself.
"Hey! Give it back!" he laughs at you.
When he reaches out for the pen, you quickly get up from the chair and hold it as high as possible. The playful smirk on his face tells you he's accepted your little game. He slowly gets up from his chair and walks towards you, making you walk backwards. As he inches closer like a cat stalking a mouse, trying not to alert it, you suddenly hit the wall behind you.
"You know I could reach that, right? I'm taller than you."
You quickly realise he's right and hide the pen behind your back instead. He's now standing dangerously close to you, towering over you. He traps you against the wall with his bare arms on each side next to your face and a victorious smirk. Being reminded of how much taller he is than you has your heart racing again.
As much as you try to suppress those thoughts, you can't help but think of what a wonderful boyfriend he would be. He's smart, funny, charismatic, tall, gentle. He smells good, has warm hands and his soft hoodies just beg to be stolen. You quickly try to shake those thoughts, telling yourself he probably doesn't feel the same way. Your best friend came over to help you with studying and here you are fantasising about dating him. He'd probably be weirded out if he knew.
"Y/n, give me back my pen. Don't make me tickle you because I will if I have to", he says in a threatening but warm voice.
Knowing you're incredibly ticklish, your eyes open wide and you know you have to find a way out. You're not willing to give him back his pen just yet though so instead you resort to sneaking out under his arms and running away.
"Not if you can't catch me!" you yell from the other side of the room.
He smiles and chases after you. The room is soon filled with the sound of laughter and the occasional "too slow!".
After a while he catches up to you and tackles you on the sofa. To make sure you can't escape again, he pins your wrists down and entangles his legs with yours. You immediately notice the warmth radiating from his body and how soft the skin of his hands is against your wrists.
Your carefree smile slowly fades as you study his features above you in awe. How plump his checks are. His soft and slightly wet lips. The way his deep brown eyes are seemingly lit up by the golden sunset shining through the window.
At this point the way he makes you feel is impossible to ignore. The butterflies in your stomach are going crazy with him being so close and all you can think about is how badly you want him to lean down and kiss you.
Even it ruins your friendship.
Gunwook must've noticed the shift in your mood because his mischievous demeanor disappeared as well. Apart from both of your breathing, the room is so quiet you could've sworn he can hear your heart thumping.
You notice his eyes trailing down to your lips and for a second your mind lands on the idea that maybe, just maybe, he might feel the same way. Before you can convince yourself of the opposite, Gunwook leans down and presses his lips against yours.
It takes a moment for you to process what is happening but when you do, your entire body reacts. It feels like the world is suddenly spinning around you. Your heart is beating faster than ever before and your stomach feels like it's been turned upside down from excitement.
His lips are so warm and smooth, it feels like a dream. You take a deep breath in through your nose, taking in the smell of his perfume mixed with his natural scent. He smells manly but like vanilla at the same time. Even though he's so tall and strong, he's pressed against you in the most gentle way possible, like you're a fragile doll and he's trying his best not to break you.
After the first moment, which felt like an eternity, his lips part from yours, only to carefully press against them again. Your mouth moves on its own and matches his sweet kisses, both of you finding a comfortable rhythm.
Suddenly he leans back up, his eyes filled with worry.
"I'm sorry, I should've asked if it's okay first. I don't know what I was thinking, you just looked so pretty lying there and-"
"Gunwook, it's okay", you smile at him, still somewhat out of breath. "I wanted you to kiss me."
He lets out a relieved sigh and gently moves a strand of hair out of your face.
"Really? Because you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this. I've had a crush on you for ages and had no idea how to tell you."
His words sound unreal to you. He had a crush on you all this time and you didn't even notice? You grin widely as the realisation that he likes you back kicks in.
"No way! I have a crush on you too but thought you didn't feel the same way! So we were both oblivious, huh?"
He smiles and leans down again to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"Well, at least we can be together now", he says but quickly concern spreads over his face. "I mean, if you want me to be your boyfriend, that is."
You laugh at how much of a gentleman he is. Hearing the word boyfriend from him feels like a dream come true.
"Of course I want that," you say, pulling him back down to you to and placing another kiss on his lips.
"Even if I tell you I'm still gonna make you finish that maths page?"
He grins at you and you both break out in laughter over his determination. But you couldn't imagine wanting anyone other than your boyfriend to help you study.
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sky-drgn · 2 years
Heart Break Valentine's Day
Genre: Angst Pairing: Kunikida x reader Pronouns: None Warnings: None Word Count: 905
Reading Kunikida was as easy to read as reading a book, more specifically, his notebook. Not only is it the tool for his ability, but it also carries everything about him. His schedule, his beliefs, his ideals. If you want to know about Kunikida, get your hands on that notebook. 
Now, that is easier said than done if you are his enemy. He always has his guard up and his notebook tucked away safely. In the office around people he trusts - with his life, not his notebook - it's a little easier to get. Dazai gets his hands on it whenever he wants to. Trying to find some things new to pester the blond about. Like his love interest, for example.
Your name was written in the margins and on some of the corners of various pages in his notebook. All of those accidental of course. The action surprised the blond, when he realized he was doing it, he closed the notebook and denied the action and the heat on his cheeks. Dazai teased him about this constantly.
“Oh ho, what’s this?” Dazai teased, having swiped Kunikida’s notebook earlier that hour. It was just the two of them in the office, everyone else was on a job or at lunch. “Why is Y/N’s name written all over your notebook Kunikida?” 
“Hey! Give that back!” 
“Do you like them Kunikida? I thought you weren’t planning to meet someone for a few more years. Did they make an exception to your ideals?~”
“Of course, they didn’t! They’re-
-Special to you. You can’t just meet someone you’ll fall in love with at a specified time and place. Love doesn’t work that way.”
“And what would you know about love? You’re just a player looking for a double suicide with every woman you meet.” 
“I know more than you’d think actually. Things aren’t going to work out like you think they will.” 
Kunikida reread his notebook with Dazai’s words stuck in his head. Seeing your name in the margins and corners. He loathed admitting that Dazai was right. He does have feelings for you. The schedule he has planned out isn’t possible. When you meet someone, you meet someone. And you… you didn’t even meet half of his long list of character traits he wanted in a life partner. Yet here you are, making his heart beat faster and occupying his mind. There was no denying his feelings. 
Turning to a new page Kunidia wrote how he was going to ask you out and where he’d take you for your first date.
Dazai, of course, got his hands on Kunikida’s notebook the next day. 
“What’s this? You’re going to ask them out?” Dazai said with a singsong tone to annoy the blond. “They love this restaurant! They’ll definitely enjoy that.” 
Kunikida really should have questioned why Dazai knew you love that restaurant. 
A week later, Kunikida was finally able to meet with you. Since you don’t officially work for the agency, your schedule had been more hectic than his. But given that it was a calm day with no terrorist or mafia attacks that the agency needed to clean up, you invited the blond over — but only if he didn’t mind watching you do some baking. In the end, he agreed, and showed up exactly on time; just as you expected him to.
“You can take a seat at the island, I was able to get the baking done earlier than expected so I’m just cleaning up now. Sorry about the mess, I know you don’t like that.” 
“No, it’s alright. Would you mind if I helped?” 
“By all means, go ahead, I’ll ways take help when it comes to cleaning the kitchen.” The two went to work cleaning Kunikida starting with the washing while you dried and put things away. “So, what could I do for ya, Kunikida?” 
“Well, I was hoping you’d join me later for dinner. Apologies that it's such short notice, I wanted to ask in person.” Kunikida said as his cheeks painted red. 
“Today? I have plans for dinner already. Is this something work-related? You can always tell me now you know. With you helping me clean I’ll have some free time on my hands. If it’s something that has to wait, I can always meet you after dinner.” 
“Don’t tell me you already forgot what today is, Y/N?” Kunikida nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of that teasing voice. Why is he here? In your house. “Are the chocolates ready yet?” 
“Your crab-shaped chocolates are cooling in the fridge, so you can’t have any yet.” You said turning to face the source of the teasing voice. “And yeah, of course, I know what day it is, Osamu. What does that have to with- He doesn’t know.” 
“He doesn’t~” 
“What don’t I know?” Kunikida finally asked turning to face Dazai. The brunette was dressed down in house clothes, pajamas even, hair a mess like he just woke up. Kunikida could even see across the room that the door that most likely led to your bedroom was open ajar, where it was completely closed when he looked around when he first walked in.
“Y/N and I are each other’s permanent Valentine,” Dazai said with the softest smile Kunikida had ever seen on the man. He didn’t even know his work partner was capable of smiling in such a way. “We’re married.” 
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hornyhornyhimbos · 1 year
"Seeing Starrs" ~ Argyle
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Summary: When tension is high in the recording studio, Argyle knows exactly how to relieve it… and it has you seeing stars.
Pairing: Modern!Radio DJ!Argyle x Co-Host!AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 1,975
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content) unprotected piv sex (don't be silly, wrap ur willy!!) doggy style activities, spanking, hair pulling, fingering for like a second, nicknames (baby, slut; sir), maybe dom/sub dynamics? i gave argyle a last name bc why tf not, lots of beatles references oops, not beta read, lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: Who would I be if I didn't write an Argyle fic for National 🍃 Day?
Originally Written: 04/20/2023
stranger things masterlist can be found here!
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To say you had the hots for your coworker… Well, that might've been the biggest understatement of the year.
To be fair, who wouldn't? From his slick, raven hair to the airiness of his voice to the intricate knowledge he held of a soundboard, it was hard to say Argyle Montoya was anything but gorgeous.
It definitely didn't make matters any better that you knew him better than anyone else. You'd spend hours every single day talking about anything you could find, in between DJ-ing for one of California's biggest radio stations of course. You felt like you'd begun to know him better than even he did.
Maybe that's how you'd weaseled your way in and found out he was currently single and very ready to mingle.
Somehow or another, he'd let it slip that he'd been particularly… lonely, let's say. And maybe that was why you'd been flashing him extra special glances while he was working, paying extra special attention to the way his hands looked roaming around the soundboard. You could swear you felt your heart flip as he flicked the microphone switch, leading back into his next segment.
The two of you made eye contact for what was most likely only a second, but felt like hours. The normal caramel shade of his eyes had faded into obsidian, and you were surprised his glare hadn't burned a hole right through you.
"That was the iconic Lucy In The Sky," he started, his breath hot on the mike. "Can never go wrong with The Beatles. Can you, Y/N?"
Your stomach turned as his gaze zeroed in on you again. "Nope," you chuckled into your mike.
"I don't know about you guys but we're huge fans of The Beatles here at 102 The Groove, which is why… drum roll, please."
"Dum dum dum dum," you improvised, forcing yourself to chuckle at the way he motioned toward you. His expressions were normal, average Argyle. But that glare… that stupidly sexy glare was going to be the death of you.
He laughed, a sound that managed to be sweet and rough simultaneously. "For a half hour, in honor of Ringo's sold out stadium tour, we're gonna be playing nothing but the best of The Beatles. Maybe a Wings song in there somewhere, maybe a Plastic Ono Band song or two. And who knows? Maybe at the end we'll be giving away a couple tickets to a very lucky listener. Here's Come Together to start us off."
You panicked, looking over your schedule. You were sure you didn't remember there being a half hour block scheduled for that hour, much less a Beatles block. Your eyes drifted along the page, examining every word, down to last syllable and-
"What are you doing?" Argyle asked, practically hovering over your chair.
You let out a strangled breath, your heart beating fast from his close proximity. "I-" you struggled, attempting to collect your thoughts. "There wasn't a half hour block scheduled."
"I know. Which is why I reiterate, what are you doing?" He eyes locked with yours, and it wasn't until that moment that you realized how close his large hand was to yours on the desk.
"What are you-"
"Don't play innocent with me," he said. All cheerfulness and light had left his voice, what he met you with was a sound as dark as his pupils."You think I haven't noticed all those little looks you've been sending me?"
Oh. Oh. "Oh that," you teased, trying to keep calm, though every inch of your body was screaming at you to jump his bones. "It's nothing really."
"Before I say anything either of us will regret, are you open to me being completely honest?"
Your stomach was doing so many somersaults, it rivaled an Olympic gymnast. "Of course, you can always be honest with me." The whole truth. You'd never be dishonest with Argyle, inside or outside of… whatever this was. And you needed him to know that you wanted nothing less than complete honesty from him.
"Do you think me trying to hide a boner from you all damn day is nothing?"
Your heart fluttered and you could already feel arousal forming in between your legs. You were sure it was a risk, but that didn't seem to stop you as you licked your lips, following it up with, "Is there anything I can do to fix it?"
"Yeah," he said as he kneeled in front of you, his tall figure still managing to be eye level with you even down on his knee. "I think fucking that look out of you would fix it. How 'bout you?"
You were rendered speechless as he lifted you from your chair, both of you standing back up to your full height. He towered over you, his brows raised as he awaited your response. You simply nodded, afraid your voice would betray you.
"Gonna need words, baby." You both cursed and commended him for being such a gentleman.
"Yes," you answered in a low moan.
His eyes flicked around the room, and you followed them like a lost puppy. "Close your blinds."
He walked over to his side of the studio, tugging down his blinds in swift, hurried motions. You stood like a deer in headlights, unsure if you could will your legs to move.
"Do you not understand plain English?" he all but growled. "Close the damn blinds."
You knew your lips would betray you at some point or another, but you didn't expect them to betray you by saying, "No."
Two letters, one syllable, and somehow the worst possible answer you could have ever given him.
He strided back toward you, one of his hands landing on your hip while the other met your hair, caressing it with his pointer finger. "Do you want everyone in this office to see me fucking you senseless?"
Your breathing sped up, and by the expression on his face, he already knew your response. Still, you shook your head, willing your hand to reach over and close the blinds.
In an instant, his mouth was on yours and his hands on your skin. The two of you pushed and pulled at each other, and you hadn't noticed you'd moved until your back hit the wall. You arched away from the foam, secretly fearing you'd damage the equipment if you were too hard on it.
His lips traveled down to your neck, nipping and sucking at the base. Your hands tangled in his hair, the soft texture contrasting the roughness of his hands and mouth.
"Tell me," he said, his voice low, "how you need me."
You could think of about thirty positions you wanted him to take you in and twenty more places you wanted his mouth. You breathed heavily, one thing prominent in your mind. "I want," you panted, "I want you to bend me over your desk."
"Oh, yeah?" he smirked, lifting you up and forcing your legs around his waist. You willed your body to hold on to him, mewling as his rock-solid erection settled against your core. "Your wish is my command then, baby."
His mouth connected with yours once again as he carried you over to his desk, untangling your legs from him. "Bend over," he demanded.
You turned, lowering yourself onto the desk with the speed of a turtle. "Yes, sir," you sighed, raising your ass slowly to meet his tented jeans.
"Sir. I like the sound of that, baby."
His hands met the waistband of your pants, slowly slipping them down your legs until your cunt was on full display for me. His hand met your asscheek, gripping the supple skin, his nails embedding dirty crescent shapes into you. "Look at you."
Your hips canted as his nails dug into you. "Marking me as yours?" you asked, grinding against him.
"Hell yeah, I am." He smacked your ass, and your head fell forward. "You like that? Making sure everyone knows you belong to now?"
"Uh-huh," you answered in a breathy sigh. You rubbed your butt against him, and you were positive you'd created a wet spot on his jeans.
His hand trailed down your body, until his fingers met your folds, your slick soaking the digits. His opposite hand moved to his jeans, undoing the fastening quickly. "God, so wet, baby."
"Only for you," you answered as you rutted against him, sinking his fingers further into you. "O-Oh," you moaned, throwing your head back.
"Not so fast," he instructed, moving his hands to your hips and lining you up with the tip of his cock. "You can have my fingers later, baby. My cock needs you right now."
He slowly slid in, and you nearly came just from the sheer girth of his dick. He pulled at your hips, beginning to create the perfect rhythm. The sounds of skin and slick filled the air, and sweat began to pool in the dips of your breasts.
He rocked into you, the tip of his cock hitting your sensitive spot with every thrust. His hips slammed against yours, so hard you were sure you'd have bruises. His fingers grasped and squeezed at your love handles, and you couldn't help but whine from the pure pain and pleasure he was providing you with.
"You dirty little thing," he grunted with a particularly rough thrust. "Wanting everyone in the office to see me fucking you like this."
You moaned, fucking back onto his length. The thought was enough to have you seeing stars.
"Little slut. Oh, shitttt," he exhaled, his dick twitching inside of you. "God, I'm close, baby."
Your eyes screwed shut as you rasped, "Me too, sir." Your bodies glistened with sweat under the hot lights, creating extra friction that you craved. You moaned as his hand met your ass again, slapping you in some form of disapproval.
"Not yet, baby," he instructed, one of his hands meeting your hair. "I need to see your eyes when it happens."
He pulled your head back, and you forced your eyes to meet his. Your pussy fluttered around him as your climax built, rutting your hips against him until the head of his cock was surely hitting your cervix. He held your head up, his grip so tight, you wouldn't be surprised if he pulled out your hair. Not that you cared, if he pulled your hair any harder, you'd probably cum just from that.
With a couple more thrusts, he was spilling inside of you, and you were finishing in sync with him. Your walls pulsed around him, milking his cock for everything it was worth. "Fuckfuckfuck," he was groaning in your ear, his hand firm on your hip as you both worked through your highs.
He stayed buried inside of you until the last possible moment, making you cum three more times before he pulled out. You weren't even sure he had pulled his pants back up before speaking into the mike. "That was Photograph by Ringo Starr to close us out. Y/N, you wanna announce what number caller is gonna win pit seats for Ringo's show at the Greek Theater?"
You tried your hardest to not sound like you were recovering from an earth shattering orgasm as you said, "How 'bout caller number four?"
"I like that number. Call 213-555-9333 to claim your tickets now!"
He pulled away from the mike, his gaze closing in on you. The phones began ringing, and as he picked up, his gaze was still zeroed in on you. "Caller number four, who is this?!"
The person spoke, but you didn't hear a word he said. Your gaze stayed on his as you mouthed, "it's a lucky number, considering how many orgasms you provided me with."
He rolled his eyes, mouthing back, "How do you feel about me beating that record later?"
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @serenity-lattes
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