#kunikida angst
fisshbones · 3 months
Once More to See You
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A/n: I still suck at endings :’( i’m half asleep and sick so this might not be that good!!
If you liked this please like and reblog <333
Tw: gn!reader(only reffered as you), possibly ooc, hurt with no comfort.
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Men whose reputations were everything to them. They had to keep up the pristine and perfect persona. They kept your relationship hidden from everyone. Shameful over daring to even converse with someone as lowly as you. Yet despite the harsh words, they enjoyed every second with you. To be seen with a standard human like you would surely damage his image.
One night the fear of ruining his reputation hits an all time peak, and he loses his cool. Yelling at you that you’re not worth losing anything for. That this all needs to end; that it’s been a waste of his time to be pursuing a useless relationship. When he finally cools down and you leave, will he realize what he’s just done. No matter what he sees or hears he tell himself that it was worth it. His reputation is no longer at stake and you can be happier not needing to pay pretend anymore.
They wish they could just leave everything behind and live a life with you two. No worries of work, reputation, or enemies. Maybe in the next lifetime. But in this lifetime they hope you’d forgive them somewhere down the line for leaving you.
As years go by and he gets older, the only hope he has is that one day you’ll be back so you’ll be able to grow old together. Every marriage proposal he turns down because he can only imagine spending his life with you. He thought his reputation was everything, now he realizes you were actually everything thing to him.
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doppo kunikida, Ayato, pantalone, Sunday, alhaitham, Fyodor, Angel Devil, dr. ratio, Barbatos, Saigiku Jouno, blade.
©2024 fisshbones do not translate, copy, modify, nor repost.
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vivizaii · 2 months
wanted to live but didnt x wanted to die but didnt </3
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im gonna shoot myself in the hea
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sky-drgn · 2 years
Heart Break Valentine's Day
Genre: Angst Pairing: Kunikida x reader Pronouns: None Warnings: None Word Count: 905
Reading Kunikida was as easy to read as reading a book, more specifically, his notebook. Not only is it the tool for his ability, but it also carries everything about him. His schedule, his beliefs, his ideals. If you want to know about Kunikida, get your hands on that notebook. 
Now, that is easier said than done if you are his enemy. He always has his guard up and his notebook tucked away safely. In the office around people he trusts - with his life, not his notebook - it's a little easier to get. Dazai gets his hands on it whenever he wants to. Trying to find some things new to pester the blond about. Like his love interest, for example.
Your name was written in the margins and on some of the corners of various pages in his notebook. All of those accidental of course. The action surprised the blond, when he realized he was doing it, he closed the notebook and denied the action and the heat on his cheeks. Dazai teased him about this constantly.
“Oh ho, what’s this?” Dazai teased, having swiped Kunikida’s notebook earlier that hour. It was just the two of them in the office, everyone else was on a job or at lunch. “Why is Y/N’s name written all over your notebook Kunikida?” 
“Hey! Give that back!” 
“Do you like them Kunikida? I thought you weren’t planning to meet someone for a few more years. Did they make an exception to your ideals?~”
“Of course, they didn’t! They’re-
-Special to you. You can’t just meet someone you’ll fall in love with at a specified time and place. Love doesn’t work that way.”
“And what would you know about love? You’re just a player looking for a double suicide with every woman you meet.” 
“I know more than you’d think actually. Things aren’t going to work out like you think they will.” 
Kunikida reread his notebook with Dazai’s words stuck in his head. Seeing your name in the margins and corners. He loathed admitting that Dazai was right. He does have feelings for you. The schedule he has planned out isn’t possible. When you meet someone, you meet someone. And you… you didn’t even meet half of his long list of character traits he wanted in a life partner. Yet here you are, making his heart beat faster and occupying his mind. There was no denying his feelings. 
Turning to a new page Kunidia wrote how he was going to ask you out and where he’d take you for your first date.
Dazai, of course, got his hands on Kunikida’s notebook the next day. 
“What’s this? You’re going to ask them out?” Dazai said with a singsong tone to annoy the blond. “They love this restaurant! They’ll definitely enjoy that.” 
Kunikida really should have questioned why Dazai knew you love that restaurant. 
A week later, Kunikida was finally able to meet with you. Since you don’t officially work for the agency, your schedule had been more hectic than his. But given that it was a calm day with no terrorist or mafia attacks that the agency needed to clean up, you invited the blond over — but only if he didn’t mind watching you do some baking. In the end, he agreed, and showed up exactly on time; just as you expected him to.
“You can take a seat at the island, I was able to get the baking done earlier than expected so I’m just cleaning up now. Sorry about the mess, I know you don’t like that.” 
“No, it’s alright. Would you mind if I helped?” 
“By all means, go ahead, I’ll ways take help when it comes to cleaning the kitchen.” The two went to work cleaning Kunikida starting with the washing while you dried and put things away. “So, what could I do for ya, Kunikida?” 
“Well, I was hoping you’d join me later for dinner. Apologies that it's such short notice, I wanted to ask in person.” Kunikida said as his cheeks painted red. 
“Today? I have plans for dinner already. Is this something work-related? You can always tell me now you know. With you helping me clean I’ll have some free time on my hands. If it’s something that has to wait, I can always meet you after dinner.” 
“Don’t tell me you already forgot what today is, Y/N?” Kunikida nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of that teasing voice. Why is he here? In your house. “Are the chocolates ready yet?” 
“Your crab-shaped chocolates are cooling in the fridge, so you can’t have any yet.” You said turning to face the source of the teasing voice. “And yeah, of course, I know what day it is, Osamu. What does that have to with- He doesn’t know.” 
“He doesn’t~” 
“What don’t I know?” Kunikida finally asked turning to face Dazai. The brunette was dressed down in house clothes, pajamas even, hair a mess like he just woke up. Kunikida could even see across the room that the door that most likely led to your bedroom was open ajar, where it was completely closed when he looked around when he first walked in.
“Y/N and I are each other’s permanent Valentine,” Dazai said with the softest smile Kunikida had ever seen on the man. He didn’t even know his work partner was capable of smiling in such a way. “We’re married.” 
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thecircusofend · 1 year
If Only
[Kunikidazai angst <3]
[This can also be found on my ao3]
[Trigger warnings(?): suicide, sh, drugs/OD, ‘taunting’, (there’s probably more but I’m half asleep, so read at your own risk)]
    Close. So very close. He was almost there in time. Oh, how sad. Dazai’s life had been placed in his hands. Such a fragile thing, truly. But he dropped it. It shattered right before his eyes.
     And although the cracks weren't quite cracks, it was still so, very, similar.     He could have caught it. Maybe. If only he had moved just a bit faster. If only he’d noticed that the bandages weren’t the only things in the trash can. That there had been broken pencil sharpeners and pill bottles too.
     If only. If only. If only.
     It sounded so similar to the mocking voices of his students in the past.
    “Could've, Should've, Would've”
     If only he’d realized. If only he didn’t yell at him all the time. Maybe, if that was the case, Dazai wouldn’t be dead in his arms right now.
      Perhaps, if he’d helped with the paperwork, or maybe if he’d gone to lunch with him.
     Maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t his fault. No. That’s just absurd. Of course it was his fault. He was the only one that acted even remotely anything other than nice to him. Hell, even Yosano was nice to Dazai!
     Really, whose fault could it be other than his?
     “Could’ve, Should’ve, Would’ve”
     He’d left his notebook sitting on the counter the second he’d figured it out.     If only he’d noticed the note sooner.
     Perhaps, if he’d noticed the cuts cracks sooner. If he’d stopped the drip, drip, drip from the porcelain that was Dazai’s skin. Maybe. Just maybe, the man wouldn’t have shattered. If only he’d been there.
     Perhaps, if he’d saved Dazai, Dazai could've saved him.
     Perhaps if Dazai had been there, the noose wouldn’t have felt so comforting around his neck, or the blade against skin, or the notebook in the blender.
     Perhaps, everything isn’t his, but rather, that stupid notebook’s fault.
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lotus-pear · 1 month
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mourning black and the death of ideals
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mio-san04 · 2 months
A Pretty much rushed art cuz i need to sleep and i have work tomorrow :'(
Spoiler 117
It's basically Katai looking by the city cameras on his monitor while he can't do anything for his friend who's dying.
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riolone-moon · 2 months
The people you left behind
(BSD spoilers 117)
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My feelings about the recent chapter. Now there's a hole in my heart and as much as I don't like fake deaths, I believe Kunikida will come back. There's no way asagiri killed him.
Doesn't make sense. Give my husband back. I'm begging 😭
Note: Dazai called him an idiot because, most of the time, when Kunikida got mad at Dazai, he called him in the same way 😔 Sorry
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triplethewinds · 2 months
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angst for angst’s sake
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yokohamapound · 9 months
How about some angsty HCs?? 😏
How would Kunikida, Dazai, Fukuzawa, Chuuya and Fyodor (or anyone else you’d like too) react to their s/o taking a hit for them that would have otherwise been fatal if they didn’t?? S/o ends up being okay but the gentlemen are all angsty in the meantime >:)
Thanks so much lovely! 🥰💕
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Hello, my lovely! It's been a while since I wrote some good old angst, so this scratched an itch. I hope these are what you are looking for!
Characters: Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Kunikida Doppo
Contents: death mentions, suicide mentions, controlling behaviour, anger issues
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Nakahara Chuuya
Ooh, it’s kinda difficult for him to deal with? He’s in two minds about it, really. 
On one hand, he’s strong enough that whatever blow was being dealt to him really wouldn’t have hurt him that much, or so he tells himself. All he can think about is that moment where the bullet/bomb/fireball, whatever it is, was coming toward you. Yes, you survived it, but he had to live through the nanoseconds of absolute hell when he thought he was just about to see another person he cares about die right before his eyes. 
His temper erupts afterward. He’s furious, yelling at you that you “didn’t fuckin’ need to do that!” You’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s his pride you’ve hurt, but it’s anger born of worry. Those few moments he thought you were going to die were harrowing for him. 
Imagine if he carelessly lost the person he loves the most, just because he was too slow or too stupid to see it coming? Shit, he could never live with himself if that happened. 
However, there’s the other side of the coin. Which is that you cared about him enough to intercept a blow aimed at him. Chuuya can’t remember the last time someone did that for him. He’s used to being the tank, to soaking up all the violence so the geniuses can get on with their schemes. He doesn’t really know how to handle someone trying to protect him, like he’s something vulnerable.
He likes it and he doesn’t. He’s grateful and he’s pissed. Chuuya’s a complicated creature. 
Once he’s done yelling and has calmed down a little, he’ll mutter something that sounds like a ‘thank you’, though he says it with his eyes mulishly averted and one arm wrapped tightly around your waist. He won’t be letting you out of his sight for a while, even while he’s being a grouch.
Dazai Osamu
While he might not show it on the surface, this has a rather profound effect on Dazai. Remember the last time someone he loved died in front of him?
While he pretends to be calm on the surface, inside he’s in turmoil. He should have seen it coming; you’re the self-sacrificing sort, always trying to save him in one or another. But before now, it hasn’t been literal. 
I feel like time moves very slowly for someone as fast as Dazai. He was able to process far too much information in those few seconds you were in danger. All of his mistakes, laid out for him as plain as day. 
He tends to convince himself that he can plan around every kind of incident but this is a start reminded that this isn’t always the case.
“Hey, bella?” His tone is unusually serious. His hand on your shoulder. “I’m going to need you not to do that again. Believe it or not, I don’t want to see you die in front of me.”
If you pay close attention, you’ll notice Dazai doesn’t make any more double suicide jokes after that. They don’t have the same appeal. Dazai doesn’t think he could stand to watch you die, even if you did want to join him. 
He keeps a close watch on you after that, turning up unexpectedly throughout your day without any explanation, his lanky form popping up like a weed.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
While he will never, ever reveal it, this will shake Fyodor’s iron-clad ego a little bit. He likes to think he is in control of everything, and he can predict every single action of yours down to the blink. For whatever reason, he didn’t foresee you getting in his way and taking a hit meant for him. 
You gain an element of unpredictability, which is both intriguing and alarming for him. 
There is also the fact that you stepped in to take a hit for him. While he’s used to having underlings who look up to him like a god (Ivan), he doesn’t count you amongst the peons. He’s got you wrapped around his little finger, but in a way that promotes adoration and obedience, not self-sacrificing recklessness. He’ll have to step back and examine your relationship somewhat.
“My darling, what was the meaning of that?” he asks of you, his tone soft and a little dangerous. “I do not need you flinging yourself in the path of danger for me. I have everything in hand.”
He likes your devotion, but he doesn’t want you getting in the way of his plans. And he does care about you, love you in his own way—he doesn’t want to lose something he sees as his. 
If you were injured at all, he will have the best private doctors on hand to treat you. Be prepared for his love and attention to be a little stifling for a while. He won’t want to let you out of his sight. 
As for the person whose attack you foiled? Fyodor will turn the full weight of his enormous intellect to destroying them. They were dead the moment their attack came near something he cares about.
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Fukuzawa is very much the self-sacrificing sort. He’s said more than once that he doesn’t mind giving up his life in order to ensure peace in Yokohama, or to protect the lives of the younger members of the agency. He’s heavily bound by duty.
While he holds these values to himself, he doesn’t expect you to abide by the same code. In fact, he doesn’t want you to. You’re not a grizzled old samurai like him. (His words, not yours.)
He also heavily dislikes the idea that you were in danger because of him. Your relationship with him shouldn’t be a source of danger for you. As soon as he’s sure you’re safe and well, he will sit back and mull things over in his silent, intense way. He considers all options, from simply killing the person who tried to attack him, to ending your relationship with him to ensure your safety.
Thankfully, he comes to the conclusion that you are an adult who knows what is good for you. He’s never hidden the truth from you, and if you’re willing to face that to stand at his side, then Fukuzawa needs to respect that. He can’t make your decisions for you. 
“However,” he says. “I must ask that you do not do that again. I can accept my own death, but not yours.”
“Don’t you trust me to watch your back?”
“Obviously, you can be trusted,” he says. “Today is evidence enough, but know that I could not live with myself if you were injured or killed looking out for me. If death is coming for me, I have earned it.”
He can’t really be talked out of this mindset, but that’s part of why you fell for him in the first place. Just make him a promise that you won’t put yourself at risk on his behalf. 
Kunikida Doppo
Poor Kunikida.
One of his ideals is that he will never watch anyone die right in front of him if he can help it. The last time he had to watch an innocent person die, it almost shattered his psyche. 
If you were to die in front of him, it would break him utterly. Even though you’re fine, the close shave rattles him down to his core. Instead of blowing his top and then settling down, the way you’re used to him doing, Kunikida becomes grim and quiet. 
He refuses to step away from your bedside while you’re in the hospital for a check-up after the incident. His notebook of ideals is folded in his pocket, ignored. The fact he isn’t scribbling anything down is a little alarming. He’s not Kunikida if he’s not adding little notes to it every five minutes. He has his hands steepled together, his face grim behind his glasses.
“Are you going to yell at me?” you ask him. 
Kunikida lifts his gaze to you, almost as if he’s surprised to hear you speak. He breaks out of his reverie a little bit, sitting up and pushing his glasses further up his nose. The light hits the lenses, hiding his expression from you a little. His voice is sombre.
“I must thank you for saving my life,” he tells you, almost formal. 
“That’s not the only thing bothering you, is it?” You know him well enough by now. You reach out and take one of his hands.
Kunikida fingers tighten around yours, trembling slightly. It’s the only way that you can see how completely off centre he is. 
“Don’t…don’t make me worry like that again. Please.”
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nixnephili · 1 year
Day 4 Strangulation
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NoLongerHuman taking Dazai on a vacation to the shadow realm
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freakoont · 5 months
In love with your Ranpo fics fr, could I order another Ranpo fic? Maybe something similar to unrequited love again (⁠ʘ⁠ᗩ⁠ʘ⁠’⁠) but this time from his perspective
❝𝐈𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮?❞
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐨 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐠𝐬
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨 𝐄𝐝𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞, (𝐘/𝐍) 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦. 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠... 𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅 // 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆
REQUESTS ARE OPEN ! check the bottom of this post for information <3
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Ranpo Edogawa, it was hard to describe him... He was definitely special, to you. There was just something about the way he'd happily say your name as he would run up to you with the latest snack he'd find... Or how he'd ramble about his day to you... Or the way he'd call you his favorite assistant.
He definitely knew how to make someone smile... But he also knew how to make someone feel dumb.
It's been... How long since you've known this guy? How long have you been trying to make it obvious that you liked him?
For someone who called themselves the world's greatest detective... He could also be clueless.
How many gifts, snacks and treats, have you left on his desk since you've met him? How much do you have to deal with his cockiness and tease? How long. Have you waited. For him to say. Three simple words?
╰┈➤ ❝I love you❞
Maybe its time you give up. There's no point in trying. He'll just never notice it, huh?
Or maybe he has, but just doesn't care... Maybe he just doesn't see you anymore than just a friend.
Ranpo stepped into the Agency a few days later, ready to be visited by your great smile and a big hug from you ! He always loved it when you'd give him attention, it was a different kind of attention compared to the other agency members.. similar to that same respect that he had with Fukuzawa.
"(Y/NN) !" He called out to you, noticing how you were at your desk, not jumping to greet to him, like you often did. He didn't suspect anything at first.
You turned to him with a straight look, no smile at all... "Yes?"
"wellllll?" He dragged along, holding his hand out. You were silent for a moment before pulling a small lollipop from your pocket and placing it in his hands. "That's it??" He questioned, disappointed. You often brought him big and new things from different stores and bakeries. Besides, didn't you promise him a surprise a few days ago??
"I don't have anything else on me," you spoke before turning your attention back to your computer, typing away and choosing to end the conversation there.
Ranpo stared at you for a moment, quiet.
He didn't want to question it, so he chose to ignore it and sit down at his desk. 'Maybe you're just feeling down. Or having a mood swing.' he thought to himself while he put his legs up on his desk and leaned back, staring at the ceiling.
It wouldn't take long for Ranpo to notice a pattern after just a few days. You seemed to be ignoring him more and more. You gave your attention to the work and other members instead of him.
What, him jealous? No..
Why would he be jealous? He's the world's greatest detective ! The thought of love just didn't sit right with him. He was too busy helping dumb little cops with their cases to get into that business ! ...right?
That night, he stared up at his ceiling, not seeming to fall asleep as he thought about your pretty face or how you'd smile at him... Or the way you'd pamper him with more attention then he could ever get compared to all the other agency members combined.
...maybe he did miss you, just a little.
What felt like forever, only a few weeks, since he's actually hung out with you, he's decided to confront you about this! Obviously there's something upsetting you that he's not knowing about? It's that easy to see!
"(Y/N)." His voice had called out to you as you were ready to enter the Agency building. You turned to see him standing with a frustrated and upset, yet saddened, look on his poor face.
"why are you ignoring me." He cut you off, not wanting to wait any longer to know the truth.
You were quiet to say the least, but not surprised. ".. whatever do you mean?"
"don't act stupid, (Y/N). I can easily pull out my glasses and use my ultra deduction if I wanted to." He paused with a sigh as he looked up. He had noticed a small leaf fall from the sky, the wind carrying it as it fell on top of your head. He couldn't help but smile a little, but he was still serious about getting an answer. "But I want to hear the reason from you."
"... You tell me, Edogawa." He was a little shocked by you calling him by his surname. That was.. a different approach. Slowly he pulled his glasses out and pushed it up the bridge of his nose, staring at you quietly.
"... y'know, you could've told me all that time, yeah.. I was bound to.. deduce it eventually.."
"..I know." You lied.
"..so why didn't you?"
You were quiet for a moment before pulling that leaf, that fell on your head, out of your hair and holding it in between your fingers. Ranpo didn't like the friction in the air, it oddly felt intense to him. Maybe it was just the awkwardness between you too... But he didn't understand why it had to be like this. "...I don't know."
"no, you do know."
"..I guess," you paused and sighed, letting the leaf fall to the ground. "So what now?"
"..is it too late to say I love you..?" He spoke under his breath, the smallest tint of blush on his pretty face.
"..you've lost those feelings, huh?" You nodded your head while awkwardly smiling at the ground, your hands were held tightly together. "..sorry. I was an idiot."
"let's just stay friends..."
"..ah, of course."
It hurts to be the greatest yet feel the worst.
REQUESTS - I am accepting any requests for any character for the following fandoms:
Bungo Stray Dogs, Genshin Impact, Danganronpa, Ninjago, Southpark, Obey Me, 7 Deadly Sins, Tokyo Revengers, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Death Note, Walking Dead, Demon Slayer, Assassination Classroom, Hunter X Hunter, Komi Can't Communicate, Diabolik Lovers and Doki Doki Literature Club
I will write any of the following: smut (all characters WILL be aged up), fluff, crack/joke, specific plot, angst, HC's, BL, GL
Do not expect me to write any of the following: intense gore scene, sexual themes that are disturbing to most people and anything that will get me banned for a specific and obvious reason.
I accept requests for any character from any of the fandoms I have named :)
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dragondoodling · 2 months
All my Bungou Stray Dog Headcanons, ALL OF THEM
(more to be added)
-T4T skk (masc)
-Oda and Ango were dating 
-Dazai is touch starved
-Chuuya is touch-adverse, Dazai being an exception
-Chuuya loves supplying Dazai with all the touch he craves (just like me fr)
-Chuuya has top surgery, but not on T
-Dazai is on T, but no top surgery 
-Dazai binds with bandages (DON’T DO THIS ITS VERY BAD AND UNHEALTHY)
-Dazai and Chuuya were dating in the mafia and broke up after Dazai left
-They got back together after the truce
-Chuuya was very hurt by Dazai leaving, but they talked it out and Chuuya understands why Dazai left how he did
-Dazai and Chuuya live together
-Chuuya has central heterochromia 
-Chuuya’s corruption marks are always visible, albeit very faint when not active
-Chuuya’s manga hair color is his natural color, occasionally dying it ginger
-Chuuya has intervened and stopped multiple of Dazai’s attempts 
-Dazai does Chuuya’s nails
-Dazai doesn’t self harm (he dislikes pain)
-Dazai actually has abnormally low pain tolerance, but has learned to hide it in the mafia
-Dazai has autism, which is why he struggles with showing his emotions, but trauma (Mori) has led him to believe it’s because he isn’t human
-Dazai has severe medical trauma and outright refuses to enter Yosano’s office/clinic
-Dazai has mistaken Yosano for Mori on particularly bad days
-Dazai is NOT allowed on the roof of the agency without someone else there
-Dazai is blind in his right eye
-This is from @asingleflyingfuck but Dazai has alexithymia
-Within the ADA, Dazai is the closest with Rampo
-Dazai and Rampo play video games together, both enjoying Danganronpa
-Rampo and Poe don’t live together (yet)
-Rampo and Poe are both autistic 
-Rampo is also ADHD
-Rampo is farsighted, which was the original reason Fukuzawa bought the glasses
-Rampo is legally adopted by Fukuzawa (all the minors that join the agency are)
-Poe is blind
-Karl is a seeing eye raccoon that guides him like ratatouille
-Trans masc Akutagawa 
-Akutagawa isn’t on T or have top surgery due to his health issues
-Akutagawa has haphephobia
-Atsushi chuffs (tiger equivalent of purring)
-Atsushi has been legally adopted by Dazai (He doesn’t know)
-Atsushi has schizophrenia
-Kunikida has OCD
-Everyone has some form/amount of PTSD
Posts of headcanons I like:
This is what I was saying about Rampo’s poor eyesight:
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skkfujoshi · 1 month
I have dawdled long enough…Dazai angst,hoes
Either Atsushi or Kunikida being chosen for the PM transfer and Dazai giving them his trench coat like he did to Aku back in the day cause he feels like him being close to them is the reason Mori picked them.
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hanashiz · 2 months
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"She twirls in her white kimono like a flower petal fluttering in the wind. Then, just like a marionette cut from its strings—"
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mk4u10 · 4 months
They make me sick. They should all kiss honestly-
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akutasoda · 1 year
hiii!! Have you heard of the song ‘Dial Drunk’? It’s becoming my comfort song so-
reader who uses alcohol to cope and will just randomly call them crying asking to be taken back? Even if they’re still in a relationship? I’d say it’s because reader might see them as someone from a past relationship cause reader can’t get over them yet?
(with Dazai, chuuya, atsushi, Fyodor, and kunikida? + anyone you want!)
blank memories
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synopsis - feelings are strange and often become more prominent in certain circumstances
includes - atsushi, dazai, kunikida, chuuya, fyodor
warnings - gn!reader, angst, slight comfort, quite heavy, alcohol, mention of underage drinking, fyodor being horrible with emotions, wc - 720
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
as someone who only wants the best for his partner, would be absolutely so sad to see you in such a state. but seeing the fact that you're with him would probably mean your close to his age - so that would be even worse for him to see.
and getting any kind of phone call from you and seeing you so upset would mean he's dropping everything he was doing and going straight to you to comfort you.
would want nothing more than to help you and maybe get you out of using alcohol to cope, telling you that he would always be there to help and support you in whatever way you wanted
no matter the reason he would try his absolute hardest to help you. afterall he believes you deserve everything and seeing you like that breaks his heart.
osamu dazai ★↷
a man who personally and very id very much ashamed of it, but had turned to the bottle a couple of times when feeling particularly low. but that all changed when he had met you, you finally gave him a reason to attempt to crawl out of his bad habits.
but throughout the relationship he could tell something was slightly off but respected your privacy and wouldn't pry.
but when he found out about your habit it pained him deeply as he knew all to painfully what you were feeling. to receive a phone call from the one of the only people who bring him happiness sounding so distraught made his heart ache.
he would want nothing to comfort you in times of need but unfortunately he was never all too good eith his own feelings, let alone another persons. but he'd be damned if he didn't try and help you in the ways you've helped him. whatever the reason for you to turn to the bottle he would try his best to help you.
doppo kunikida ★↷
would only ever touch a bottle of alcohol in celebration or, very rarely, in times of desperation. although he heavily strays from the second as he knows how bad it is and wants to avoid it at all costs.
receiving that drunken call from you did nothing but break his heart even if you two were still together. would try and comfort you in whatever way possible and whatever the reason that you told him he would still offer nothing but support.
wouldn't openly tell you how much he hated your way of coping but would try and slowly gett you to stop and find another way around, with your consent of course.
chuuya nakahara ★↷
yet another who is no stranger to turning to the bottle in his darkest times. sure he does openly drink but it is never in serious amounts unless its really rough. and he knows, and he's not proud of it.
so receiving that phone call from you in the middle if the night, he couldn't help but feel himself be nearly brought to tears at your drunken, distraught cry to be taken back despite nothing between you two being off. what made it even more painful for him was knowing exactly how you felt.
now he knew he wasn't one to criticise your habits but maybe you two could figure it out, get both if you off the habit and do nothing but be there for each other. whatever the reason for your habit he would listen and offer his most heartfelt advice.
fyodor dostoevsky ★↷
someone who would rarely even think about touching a bottle of alcohol. not only does he just hate the idea but he hasn't really got a healthy body. so alcohol normally is out of the question for him.
but that's mainly because he isn't a fan of it, so seeing you resort to something like that msde him feel something he didn't want to feel. and receiving that phone call definitely didn't help. wouldn't immediately comfort you because he's kind of hopeless in that area.
but would talk about it with you later, once you sobered up and agreed to talk about it. would try to support you, again he's not that good with emotions but tries his hardest for you and hates to see you resort to alcohol and really wants to get you to find a new way if coping. a better one.
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