#I think this is a theory blog now
tategaminu · 2 months
SOOO the title for 05X6 dropped and I'm going feral
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Be prepared to hear my long ass theory about this episode and why it will be the rayllum fully gets back together episode (I'm annoying)
Of course we already know season 6 will mirror S3 or at least that's what it looks like. "Moonless Night" is episode 5‚ the same one when Callum and Rayla first got together‚ just as 4 had the title of the place they reach. (The Midnight Desert‚ The Starcrapper)
I have to add‚ just as season 3 had Nyx‚ there's this sky girl called Astrid who may act as the Nyx parallel‚ who knows.
I don't use Discord but my info provider (hello there) told me Devon said episode five would be emotionally heavy and a favourite. A person said ep2 of season 5 were their favourite because the cute rayllum moments and Devon said "until 5 of 6" 🧐
Aparently, it was confirmed by writers this episode would DESTROY people KILL EVEN, well maybe not that but you get me. We know how emotional these two blorbos are for each other right? and we for them. In Discord, a person said ep2 of season 5 were their favourite because the cute rayllum moments and Devon said "until 5 of 6" 🧐
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Now let's go to the juicy part. The title. This title is absolutely loaded. like wth. We all know whose favourite girl is related to the moon right? of course we are worried. But I think she's gonna be ok, in the end at least, let me explain.
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Of course I'm asuming this scene from the teaser may be from episode 5. We see Callum falling in a moonless night but I'm guessing the title isn't that literal. I think Callum is falling emotionally and literally just as he has before for Rayla. He fell in love with her‚ he fell off a cliff for her and then fell emotionally when she left. The sky he is in is dark‚ no moon‚ representing his own mental state without Rayla. Rayla left him at night just as Callum is falling in the night (omg)
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Callum had a moonless night every day for two years because his guiding moon wasn't in his life. I think they may talk about it or it will affect Callum in this episode some way.
Note that the teaser opens with this scene, next we have Aaravos saying "we are all of us, stardust, held together by love for an instant"
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(wow subtle foreshadowing you guys)
and the teaser ends with Callum losing his love wings. The wings he got for her. Basically opening with a rayllum scene and closing with a "rayllum" scene ya know
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In Chasing Shadows Rayla specifically mentions the stars in his eyes‚ when he does the big speech:
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Now‚ what do I think will happen?
EP3: They visit the Silvergroove? just like in ep 3x3. Maybe visit Ethari? "heeey your husband is alive ok bye". My own guess is that they will get the boat from the leaked scene there since there are moon animals in that thing and reach the frozen ship with that.
Ep4: they reach destination and meet the sky elves, Astrid included, with no hiccups. ba dum tss
Ep5: Basically 05x3 but different and sexier
Whatever Callum is about to do I highly doubt Rayla will agree with it because you know how they are (me getting hurt is ok but not you). He convinces her like he did in TTM‚
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But this time Rayla is the one to say it
I think that even if Callum promises he will be ok‚ he will have a "I want you to know" moment again and that may lead to talking about her leaving. This may derive into a kinda argument. Callum and Rayla can't continue their talk because they get interrumped (once again) but the memories of a broken heart and feelings affects him badly. He's just emotionally distraught and loses his love wings because whatever. I doubt Rayla isn't seeing any of this, you know how she is. She didn't spend 7 hours watching him sleep to actually not watch this like c'mon
This time Rayla may be the one saving Callum from falling (literally and metaphorically). Now yeah Rayla can't fly but maybeeee
A: she calls out for his name, "waking" him up
B: she just jumps (im going for this one) like Callum did for her. She jumps, not knowing if it's going to work, wakes him up after catching him‚ Callum is able to get his wings back and fly them both into safety, Callum gets his love wings again for her but this time she's being the savior (in the most part). Maybe even completing whatever mission they ask as well. TOGETHER.
After this we may get a Rayla is a hero speech or this time Callum is a hero speech, I don't know‚ I think it would be more fitting if it's from Callum and the hero Callum speech is from Rayla to her parents. Whateve, they finally have their three sesaon dragged conversation and they both kiss like in S3 but maybe reversed this time (Rayla kissing first and apologizing and Callum kissing her next) and they fully come back together :'). I dont think we will get an I love you until ep 9 but we won't really need it here right? we already know!
The episode ends with them kissing under the moon. Moonless Night ending with with a moon night (metaforically and literally)
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Now‚ this is just my own guess and it sounds very very self-indulgent (heh) but a girl can dream
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riwooga · 5 months
Absolute crackpot theory that I don't actually believe myself but
We know from Vrel on the blog that Bailey and Eden had a friend with green eyes that Bailey was genuinely in love with and still not fully over??
But my brain was thinking,,, out from Bailey's dialogue about the PC always being the best looking little shit (or whatever the wording was precisely) low key suggesting the PC to be Bailey's type,,
And then.. The PC looking similar to one of Kylar's parents, which was a thing I always found odd to specify, but that also combined with the icon for Kylar's jealousy being a green eye?? Odd coincidences one might say 👀👀👀
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jumping-jackalope · 11 months
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Nathan Pfeifer // @lotshusband on the sea // swimming Sitka Black Tailed Deer by Robb Lansdowne // @catadromously, "explain how tide pools work?" // Bharath M by Rishi Raj for Vogue India // @coprinellus-cluster riverbeds // Andrew Wyeth, The Carry // photography by Lloyd Meudell, analysis by @fuckyeahfluiddynamics
[id in alt text]
water theory part 2 [part 1]
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xtwstedtalesx · 3 months
Ceraunophilia (noun) — Loving thunder and lightning, finding them intensely beautiful.
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mulletmitsuya · 4 months
random tokrev rant ahead !!
when i first started this blog it was going to be for random shitposts, groupchats once in a while, and mostly tokrev analysis but i was so scared of discourse that i just chose to do the funnier stuff 😭. when tokrev was at it's peak i'd be reading 20k+ words of analysis and it was so fun!! but i felt like i couldn't word what i wanted to say properly so that discouraged me but i wish i'd ignored that because there would have been at least one person who understood what i was saying yk?
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fourthclone · 1 month
i got two replies out , woo . now i'm going to sleep .
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Thanks to this post on Reddit, I realized when one (1) unreliable narrator Jason Peter Todd was born. Is it any surprise that it was when he died :)))))))))
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Your whole life??? I can count on one hand the number of times you got angry. Right now you’re hoping Sheila will make it to Heaven after she got you killed,
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And you still consider her your mom. You lived and died an angel.
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You had no clue what was going to happen. You were a child who never should have been left alone by his parent.
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You and me both, Boston.
Deadman: Dead Again issue #2
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onepiece-polls · 9 months
Going through the new fan cast submissions for the first time in a week or so...
*sighs* why is there always that one person who submits spoilers? Thanks again for reading the rules.
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mememan93 · 1 year
Zonai? you mean walking retcons?
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faebriel · 4 months
i wish i could watch tfa for the first time again and be filled with hope
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miscreantahead · 5 months
Ppl are like "they wouldn't include characters from the old podcast in the new one because they said you don't have to listen to the old one" and I I I I
Sorry you're right every media ever opens by describing every characters birth circumstances and life up to this point and including any characters that appear in other media or had undocumented lives in the canon is bad writing and makes the text incomprehensible.
On the whole we need to remember "don't need to listen to the first one" just means "this one can stand on its own as a story" and not "no elements of the original will be included."
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Do you think the Demon Bull Family will enter the plot again? I think a lot of parallels between MK and Red Son have come around this season and it'd be interesting to explore
Oh please share your Red Son and MK related thoughts with me! I'm not quite sure what you're talking about specifically, but of course the DBK - Wukong / Red Son - MK parallel is always fun.
I don't think the Demon Bull Family will ever be shoved out of the plot entirely, at the VERY least we'll get something like how they were integrated in s4, but with Wukong, Macaque, and DBK all being previous members of the brotherhood I hope we get to explore their relationship a bit more!
I hold onto my crumbs, and so I remember Wukong's little "I've honestly missed that guy" from Revenge of the Spider Queen, and maybe deep down I want that to be explored. It seems like we're going to get into why Wukong stayed up on flower fruit mountain for all that time, and part of that might involve why he sealed DBK away/his feelings on that whole situation. And honestly if DBK is involved, then Red Son is involved. Red Son's admiration for his father is very similar to the admiration MK has for Monkey King, so maybe there's something to be explored there!
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cardboard-queen · 4 months
i’ve realized that i have a very strong ‘gimme positive stimulation’ response to stress.
i may not even consciously know i’m stressed. but my body will call out to me:
“hey. i need something. i wanna smoke something. drink something. bite something. someone. feel someone. something. anything. now.”
and like. it’s a constant uphill battle, finding ways to re-direct that stress response into healthy coping mechanisms, yknow?
i’ve found exercise is by far the most helpful thing for me. but that’s just like. not practical all the time. i can’t workout at 1 am lol.
neither is removing the source of the stress. sometimes you have some control over it. other times u don’t.
anyway. art kinda helps. journaling helps. stretching and breathing exercises often help. reading is nice but doesn’t make it go away.
i think it’s about re-directing the stress. sitting with it, and putting that energy into something tangible. i think that’s really important for me.
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No one talk to me I just came back from a family vacation to find out my favorite youtuber ever is leaving the platform.
I am devastated.
(I am actually happy for him, he has given me so much happiness for like 8 years. He deserves to let the channel go an enjoy his life. It just hurts, but I'll get over it
I'm so thankful for MatPat and Steph. I Hope every future endeavour or project they take on is successful and that over all they have a happy and fulfilling life with Ollie.💚❤️💛💙)
#I leave to a place with no cellphone signal and come back to this?#may be the lord was protecting me idk#What do I call this? a personal rant? Im not really ranting more like letting my feelings out#venting if you#never done this on my blog before but I feel like I have to#I've been a Fan of game theory since I was like 13 or 14#He was like the first youtuber I ever suscribed to#that spoke english cause my first language is spanish lol#His videos and overall community meant a lot to me. I dont know how could I possibly express that#Of course Im going to still watch the videos after he is gone with the new hosts but still it wont be the same#Hope this doesnt sound too like sad. I dont mean to be negative. I am legitemetly so proud and happy for him#I mean He had one of the classiest goodbyes of YouTube at least I can say my favorite youtuber was never cancelled thats a win haha#But seriously he has achieved so much and has over all been such a positive influencer how could I not be proud to call myself a Fan#so truly I am not sad He ended on the highest note you could ask for. I cannot ask for anything more from him.#I am not sad However I did cry like a Baby during the Video. Man I just. Im tearing up even thinking about it#but anyway#You bet I am going to watch every single one of his videos the second they upload until march 9.#And then I am going to dedicate the day to the celebration he supposedly plans for then#I will probably vent some more in a bigger post then too. like I did in this tags lol.#Right now... I just cant. I need to process a little more heh#MatPat#Matthew Patrick#The game Theorists#game theory#goodbye matpat
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airenyah · 1 year
watching everyone change their url (back) to bad buddy urls like
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thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
Yes, my ask was entirely in good faith and with the aim to get a PSA out to the fandom. I have more I'd like to say but not the time to say it, unfortunately.
I will just quickly state that I used the Lucifer theory as my example solely because it was the most recent and causing the most discourse right now. I have also seen some earnestly and genuinely insisting Neil is lying and intends it to be canon. Those are the people my comment is aimed at, as well as anyone earnestly saying they should send him the "Magic Trick" theory. Or the Raphael theory, which he has already seen and debunked multiple times. Or the "Time Stop" theory, which I believe is why he's been asked twice now about the clock during the Final Fifteen. Once more I will say, as a general PSA to the fandom, do not put any fan theory in Neil's line of sight. Keep it to your own blogs, as you yourself did with your separate posts on the Lucifer theory. Otherwise all you (general) do is ruin the fun for everyone else, in several ways.
hi again anon✨ thank you for the clarification, i appreciate that. my response came across quite pissy (and i won't pretend that i didn't intend some small measure of that, the whole debunk fiasco, whilst funny, has had my hackles raised since last night), but i am sorry you got the brunt of it. understanding tone and intention can be difficult on here✨
you're absolutely right re: the arguing back that neil - the author, screenwriter, and showrunner - is lying is not the way to go about things. look - if by some slim, slim chance he is? cool. if he isn't, as i imagine to be the case? we will get something even better than what we imagined. i genuinely trust that. it's a win-win for us either way you slice it.
re: the other theories; tbh i wouldn't be surprised if neil has at least seen some of them. maybe not these ones, maybe so, but it would stand to reason that he has. but that is his risk to take, and completely his choice. so yes, i completely second you in that regard - the fandom should not take that choice away from him.
ask questions about the show, if you spot errors, etc., yes sure! and if the answer supports your theory, take it back to your blog and discuss it there! but don't send theories, don't send fic, don't send anything that could land him in hot water, directly into his inbox. if he wishes to rb or like anything that contains a theory etc, that's up to him. but don't remove the choice✨
once again anon, sorry for my shitty tone in the last ask, but hope you got where i was coming from in the grand scheme of things. sometimes fandom politics is A Lot.
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