#I tried to make it easier to read
wizardgame100 · 2 years
3, 5, 12 for the ask game!!
Music asks, personalized list || Accepting
3. Favorite Band / Artist
A lot of the music I listen to is just so everywhere. It's all over the place honestly. My only rule is that the voice has to be distinct. I mean this by like. They don't sound like just some rando pop singer, you KNOW their weirdass voice right off the bat.
And because of that, my favorite would have to be Will Wood and the Tapeworms!
His voice is just so distinct that I can identify him right away. I love the chaos in his songs and how his voice literally ranges s o wide and how it flips within seconds!! It's honestly incredible, I wish my singing voice was like his. I also love darker songs, especially ones with an upbeat tune.
I'll put some favorites under the cut. <3
5. Latest Song That Made You Smile
Easy, "The Chordettes - Lollipop (Symetry Remix)". My girlfriend and I have been listening to various playlists and we found one that's like for FNAF Sundrop and this is the first song on there. She now plays it on repeat lmfao. I'll link it under the cut too!
12. Saddest Song You Know
O o f. Well. I could go for the easiest being "Cancer" but specificially the Twenty One Pilots version. It reminds me of my grandfather who passed away last year. The original version (My Chemical Romance) is super good too but the gentleness of the top version just makes it extra sad imo. Makes for a good cry if you have any context to it personally speaking.
Another sad song, tho much more upbeat just a smidge, is "His Favorite Christmas Story - Captial Lights" which, yes, is a Christmas song, but can be played anytime. It's about a guy who fell in love with a girl at a Christmas party but had to leave before she got her name, so where ever he goes he tells the story of this beautiful girl he never got to see again. It's so good and the ending just a a g h h.
All songs will be linked under the cut. Thank you for the ask, Nonnie!!
Here's the songs!! Let me know if you like 'em!!!
Important: Will Wood songs deal with various dark subjects, tho written in satire.
Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally - Will Wood
(Yes that's all one song)
Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In! - Will Wood
Lollipop (Symetry Remix)
Cancer - Twenty One Pilots (Cover)
Cancer - My Chemical Romance (Original)
His Favorite Christmas Story
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