#I tried to tell it as objectively as i could tho
noirsvault · 8 months
Oops sorry for the disorder, but I opened the game expecting to see my kids in today cutscene, but they decided to stab me right in the chest instead OUCH
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So, er, a little villain story for mutuals who don't read bnha or didn't reach very far in the story, I guess? There will be lots of spoilers tho so if you don't want to be spoiled or simply don't care, then just move on I guess...
So Jin's quirk is that he can create countless clones of himself or other people, as long as he knows their measurements. The clones are less durable than the real deal btw.
There's one period in his life when he was very lonely, no family, no job, no friend. And I think he's the type that always yearns for people connections. So he started creating clones of himself to make friends with himself, and also to create a robbery gang of himselves oops (did I mention he had no job?)
One day, there's a dispute in his himselves gang, which escalated into him being tied up while the clones arguing about which one of them should be in charge if they killed him, which escalated into the clones fighting and eventually killing each other in front of him, until he's the only one left with a big cut on the forehead.
That incident messed up his mind badly. So he had to cover his head all the time because he's scared that he would 'split' again. That, along with several consequential mental issues, drove him further from the ordinary society to be an absolute outcast. And have I said he is the type that yearns for people connections??
He is ride or die for the League of Villains because it is the only place where he feels accepted and belonged to. (Because everyone there is also weirdos basically, but anyway.) So he joined them in several villain activities, starting with attacking high school (read: UA) students' summer camp 💀 and abducting a high school kid (read: Kacchan) 💀
He probably also killed many people in villain disputes? (Esp. the Liberation Army?) But they are just randos and villains so nobody cares ╮(╯∀╰)╭
Tbh, Jin's life is just chain and chain of consecutive consequences of his own Very Bad Choices™️. But he is also a ✨️Friendship✨️Supremacy✨️ guy who loves✨️to✨️make✨️friends✨️ anywhere, and he was shown to care for his friends a lot *sigh*
Anyway, he wasn't there at the time the LoV finally DID success at something that actually harmed NUMEROUS civilians. Because just before it happened, he died ,_,
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His last clone of himself protected Toga (by killing a hero trying to capture her btw 💀), while it was also on its last leg. His actual body had died just a few minutes before that, without Toga's awareness ,_,
Aaanyway the writer of this collab just woke up and chose violence haha ouch
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be-good-to-bugs · 10 months
i will be in hell world forever and that is ok i guess
#the bin#i am resigned to my fate unfortunately#maybe its easier to believe itll be like this forever. idk.#ive been so desolate for so long and i just cant get myself out of it at this point. and there is absolutely nobody to help me#people will say when youve reached a low point like that how important it is to reach out to the people around you who care about you for#help but who is there for me to reach out to? my sister? ive tried and it didnt matter and i dont want her help anymore#honestly. theres people caring about your concept because they know you and youre family and then theres actually caring about YOU#and there isnt anybody who cames about ME they just acre about the concept of me. not even the version of me they have in ybeir head#its just routine to 'care' about me. lik3 you would anybody. but its very surface level. doesnt go beyond wishing i SEEM ok#and not wanting particular harm to come to me. but they dont care about ME. the oerson i am. i guess it makes sense cause im not close#with literally anybody. i was never even actually close to my sister. i just felt pressured to tell her private stuff about me#every time after it felt coerced tho. like i felt tricked into doing it or forced to because shes so weird about everything#ugh. her being so weird has made it so much harder to socialize with anyone else#i dont even want to ask her for transportation to places to socialize because she makes me so uncomfortable#and the only other people i have to talk to are family members who i cant talk to about it becasue shes their family too#:( ive hit a new low somehow! yay...#ugh. i dont even have online friends to talk to. i wish i did but i could never. im not interesting to talk to online at all#just like. objectively. my anxiety makes my type like the most boring person ever online and ut sucks#maybe i could try again if i used voice chat but idk. then id have to meet people. im tired of being so lonely though :(#i wanna just play minecraft or smth with some people and forget abt how sad i am for once because i havent been able to for years
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nkogneatho · 1 year
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—a/n: just a toji thought i can't get off my head. this ain't a fic or anything but i need to tell you this. but tell me if i should write a fic on it tho. major character death, gn!reader, angst, jjk major spoilers.
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toji broke up with you on the day he went to fight gojo. despite showing nothing but utter confidence, there was a tiny ration of his heart aware that he might not come home to you tonight. he might not get to eat the meal you prepared. he might not get to wrap his arms around you. the thought of you being alone, waiting for him with a smile on your face...he couldn't bear it. so he did what he always does. masks himself as the villian.
before leaving for the fight, he'd tell you how he's lost feelings for you, escalating the ground beneath your world. what did he mean? all of a sudden? what happened? your brain immediately started replaying memories, desperately hoping to find a reason where did it go wrong. You started crying, begging for him to give you a reason, or did you do something wrong but his face showed not a single shred of remorse. It felt someone stabbed your heart with an object big enough to hurt it, but not strong enough to pierce it, to leave you with an agonizing pain.
so when you leave your shared apartment—don't think you'll ever say that word again—after packing your things, hating his guts with all you've got, he sighs in satisfaction. When you're at the door, gracing him with one last glance of yours, your brows furrowed, all you could witness was him smiling. you hated him even more. Here you were, hurting, and all he did was smile? did he find someone else? but you didn't have the privilege to keep wanting him anymore so you left.
When you were crashing at a friend's place, Shiu gave you call. You tried to ignore it but 10 missed calls back to back means something.
"Toji's dead. The head of the Gojo Clan killed him." Your world shifted once again. This time, swifter than the breakup. You asked a hundred questions, denying, desperately trying to find a loophole out of this pain but Shiu answered them all as if it was the truth. And to your unfortune, it was. You've never cried harder.
But, when you happen to witness him at Shibuya, you convinced yourself that either you were hallucinating or he was doppelganger. When he locked eyes with you, his lips widened in a smile. Tears formed in your eyes. You immediately jumped in his arms.
"missed me that much, huh? i guess you don't hate me anymore" he said, arms wrapped around you.
"shut up and kiss me." when his lips crashed against yours, it felt like heaven. you've been deprived of this for years and now you finally had it. you knew why he broke up with you. toji tried to convince you to leave since he wasn't real. just an incarnation going to leave again for good, but years later your denial stage wasn't over as you tried to make him stop talking with your kisses.
"baby," he whispered. "I have to leave. It's time you go."
"No." Your voice firm but crumbled in seconds when you realized he won't listen to you anyways. "I don't care if you're not real. I need you. You can't just walk away again. You still have to make up for breaking up with me."
"Sweetheart, please." He sighed, trying to keep his composure but tears rolled down his eyes, a sight the world never witnessed but you.
"Toji. . .I know you wanted to protect my feelings so you made up all that breakup thing. . . but baby it still hurt. Nothing in this world can make me stop loving you. I hated you for it but I hated you because I love you so. damn. much"
"I am sorry. I love you and I am sorry I was so bad to you. I never deserved you. I never deserved your light, but thank you for gracing me with it." His hands started pushing you away.
"No. Stay. Toji!"
"I will always be by your side." In a quick second, he grabbled the broken part of the sword and stabbed his head.
"No. . . no. To—Toji? NO, BABY. TOJI!" you sobbed, crying as loud as ever as you held the corpse of a stranger morphed back to it's orginal body.
"Always be by my side? You left me, you motherfucker," you cried.
Ironic how there was a dead body lying on your lap, but you were the one experiencing death. Knowing everything he did in his life after he met you was to keep you safe from others, yet he was the one causing your heart the most pain right now. But how do you hate a criminal who also happens to be your saviour?
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happytroopers · 8 months
Pent Up // Tech x Reader
Summary: After an awkward wake up call from a rather... entertaining... dream. You spend a week trying to distract yourself from your traitorous mind. It doesn't take long for Tech to catch on.
TW: wet dream, brief mentions of erotic things, nothing outright just a lot of build up and tension
somewhere between pg13 and R, originally I was gonna write the smut but then it sat in my drafts for two years so congrats you're getting a fade to black
18+ MDNI for sure tho
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A hand shook your shoulder, shaking the last sensation of your dream away and forcing you awake with a start. A whine died on your lips as your bleary eyes snapped open to meet the eyes of the object of aforementioned dream. Your already blushed cheeks went even hotter as Tech looked down at you in mild concern and heavy curiousness. He was put together, as always, still in his armor except for his helmet. Laying in your bunk in disheveled pajamas, the contrast wasn’t lost on you. You were acutely away of how warm you were, how much you had been squirming in your sleep, how your thighs were clenching, and extremely aware of the slick warmth dampening your pajama bottoms. 
As your mind reeled from the… riveting dream, it switched gears to run overdrive on how to save yourself the embarrassment of being caught having a wet dream. Caught by the one soldier you were mentally assaulting in your sleep… Under Tech’s curious gaze you wanted to melt- and not in the fun way his gaze usually made you want. How loud were you that you not only alerted the genius, but you drawn him away from his projects- something that usually took an explosion or ship crash to do? 
Of course Tech didn’t look uncomfortable in the least, simply waiting for your answer as he removed his hand from your shoulder so you could scramble up into a sitting position, keeping the blanket firmly around your lower half as you batted sleep mussed hair from your face. The only consolation was that while you and Tech hit the rack, Wrecker and Hunter were supposed to be flying while Crosshair filled out his fair share of his share of field reports. 
Tech gave you a once over as you collected yourself, eyebrows creasing as you tried to get your breathing under control. 
"Are you alright, (y/n)?" He asked slowly, watching you curiously as your knees bowed together under your blanket. If you’re eyes weren’t screwed shut from embarrassment, you would’ve seen his Adam’s apple bob at the sight. You cleared your throat to busy trying not to focus on the way his armor accentuated all of his best features in the dim light of the bunks, hoping your voice would maintain some level of propriety. 
"Y-yeah, yeah, Tech, I’m alright. ‘M Fine." You nodded just a little too quick, voice just a hair from being even, so in an attempt to feel out how much damage you did to your dignity in your sleep, you added in false casual airs, "Why do you ask?"
Tech's eyebrow went from creased to quirked, running a hand over his face, "You were tossing and turning, groaning like you were-" 
You didn’t think you could take him continuing or the thought of him watching you so you went with the first excuse that came to mind, "In pain, like I was in pain." 
Voice rushed, your own eyebrows furrowed at what you were saying. Tech looked confused as well- neither of you knew where this was heading. 
"Pain?" He repeated, voice unbelieving but worried, "Are you…injured? Why didn’t you tell me earlier." 
Well, that lie wouldn’t work either. Besides your inability to control your brain, there was nothing wrong with you. And if you couldn’t come up with something, Tech would insist on checking you over. You couldn’t look him in the eye at the moment much less let him touch you after your dream. Wait, dream! 
"Injured? No, no sir." You cringed, you had never once called Tech ’sir’ since you met him, and judging by his… reaction, now wasn’t the time to start, "I had… a nightmare. Yeah, real bad nightmare. Probably gonna talk to the Civ. Enlistment shrink about it, yep." 
Your nodding didn’t do much to convince the Tech, as he just watched your rambling, with a concerned furrowed brow. Running a hand over your face, flung your blanket off your legs quickly as you swung them over the side of your bunk- the middle one. Just high enough that you had to jump, but low enough someone tall like Tech could still look down at you if you were laying down. Too much laying in the dark room with the man (literally of your dreams) had your thoughts spiraling along with your white hot embarrassment- fight or flight was kicking in and you were choosing flight. 
Pushing off the bunk, your bare feet hit the cold floor but you weren’t prepared for how jelly-like your legs would be. Before you could even hit your knees, Tech caught you against his chest. He was warm, and the hopeless romantic in you didn’t fail to notice how you fit perfectly against him or how easily he held you steady, and his chest was firm. Oh stars, don’t let him feel how hard my nipples are. Tech was leaner than his brothers, but no less stronger than his brothers, something that slipped your mind occasionally- only now, as your palms were splayed over his chest it wasn’t so easy to forget. 
His large hands easily encased both of your arms, images flashed through your mind- but it wasn’t your arms he had been holding in your dreams. Eyes fluttering, you shook your head, backing away from the genius as soon as you were sure you wouldn’t fall over. Tech ignored your stammered apologies though you were sure cheeks were practically glowing in the dim light, "(Y/N), are you sure you’re alright? You feel warm, you might have a fever. I think I should-" 
You were pretty sure if you spent one more moment with his hands on you, you would break every single rule about soldier civilian interrelations in the books so you all but wrenched away from him, earning a confused look as you grabbed the first jacket and pair of pants you could find. 
"No time, I’m perfectly fine- hey that’s almost a rhyme-" You stammered, snatching your shoes, "Look at the time, things to fix, no fever here." 
Tech tried to protest but you were already down the hall before he could even grab a medscanner off his belt.
I’ve been on this ship too damn long.
You thought to yourself, splashing water on your face. If the interaction with Tech wasn’t enough to keep you from sleeping again, the lingering feelings and memories from your dream kept your skin tingling and your mind swirling around one resident genius. So you gave up sleep. 
Instead, you decided to work, preferably underneath floor panels where engine parts were thrumming with power - where Tech wouldn’t run into you unless he tried. Bonus points for being far away one of the few places on the ship your dream hadn’t contaminated. 
If he can’t see me, I can’t think about- images of lips trailing across skin, pressing into your thighs, thighs over a lean shoulder. You smacked hands on either side of your cheeks to physically halt that train of thought, What is wrong with me?!
The answer was simple, you were the only woman on a ship of five men, one of which you pretty sure you were in love with, had been on active duty nonstop for weeks and you didn’t even have your own room- no action, no breaks, no privacy. 
You worked for a couple hours straight, too embarrassed show your face again. Until, you finally surfaced top pass through the fresher. Clean face, clean thoughts, right? Growling in frustration, you ran a dry towel over your face before shoving your arms back into your work jacket. 
You were so caught up in your own thoughts, you didn’t even think twice when the fresher door swished open- it was a communal fresher, it wasn’t uncommon for one or more of the Batch to share the space with you at a time. So common in fact, you didn’t even look up from your routine- adjusting your hair, swiping cosmetics on. 
As you peered into the mirror, internally giving yourself a half pep talk, half scolding, the last face that you wanted to see appeared in the reflection behind you.
"Kriff!" You yelped, startled, spinning around so quickly you risked whiplash, instinctively your hands flew to balance yourself against the counter, the cool metal grounding your feverish skin. It was Tech behind you, in his blacks with a towel over his shoulder, watching you in confusion as you met his eyes briefly before your face went scarlet, your eyes dropped- resting anywhere but his. "Tech! Good morning- night… afternoon? No time in space, am I right?" 
The genius’s eye brows crinkled, which you would’ve noticed if you weren’t so busy staring at the floor. Tech took another step forward, bending slightly so he could look at your face and eyes narrowing. He was close enough to touch, the smell of mechanic grease, GAR issue soap, and something so inherently Tech flooded your senses as he asked, "You didn’t get anymore sleep, did you? Are you sure you’re alright, (Y/N)?" 
Another slew of images flashed through your mind, long fingers tilting your chin up, and the last time you were pressed against a counter it wasn’t from this angle, ‘is this alright?’… It was then you realized with his new position, your floor gaze had turned into staring at his abdomen, where his blacks clung to him leaving very little to the imagination. You forced your eyes up to his. 
Between his scent and your own traitorous thoughts, your throat constricted, eyes widening and nostrils flaring slightly, "‘m fine. Gotta go, things need fixing." 
With that, you ducked away from him and quite literally fled the scene for the second time in a matter of hours. Tech watched you go, head tilting to the side. 
"I don’t understand civilians."
Ridiculous, You thought. I’m an adult, I should be able to control myself. 
The bolt you were tightening popped out of the panel it was supposed to be holding together. 
“Dank Farrik!" You growled, snatching it back and attempting to shove it into place. The first time it skewed to far to the left, and next swaying to the right, and the third it was too far up. Irritated, in rapid succession, you slammed the bolt into the metal over and over- despite it never going into the hole.
 A certain part of your dream popped into your mind.
Don’t think about slamming- or holes. You quickly corrected yourself, but didn’t stop your incessant sla- jamming. 
"I thought being a trained engineer meant knowing how to do something a bit more… technical than that." A drawling voice appeared over your shoulder, the bolt getting plucked out of your fingers and plugged into the ho- opening on the first try. 
"Crosshair." You breathed in recognition, irritation still lacing your tone as you looked over your shoulder. The stir in your stomach thinking it might be Tech fading away into not quite relief, but something less… stirring. The marksman was leaning against the wall you were working on, it wasn’t surprising he sought you out. Aside from Tech, you were close with Crosshair- an odd friendship that no one really understood. "I thought you were next on nav rotation.” 
“Tech came to the cockpit with a pretty interesting concerns. He switched shifts with me, said he had too much to think about to sleep. So, he’s up top with Hunter." The marksmen shrugged, critical eyes giving you a once over as you blushed- a more and more common occurrence. 
"Yeah, we all have bad dreams sometimes." You huffed, a low blow, but if anyone could take a mean comment it was Crosshair. The nightmares were kind of a sensitive spot for most clones, but was there anyone on this ship that hadn’t already heard of your sleep... issues?
You assumed that once he got his odd version of teasing in, he would move along but Crosshair didn’t go any further than the nearest crate so he could sit down and pop a tooth pick in his mouth. You allowed him two minutes of staring before snipping, "Is there something you needed?” 
"Not me. Tech wanted you to help him with something about reverse thrust-“ 
"I’m busy." You clipped quickly cutting off Crosshair’s words, wrenching the bolt so quickly that the metal scraped. Your fingers were shaking as you tucked hair behind your ears, clearing your throat, you elaborated, "Tech can handle them himself, he’s, ah, perfectly adept. I’m incredibly busy here.” 
Crosshair lifted a single brow, looking at the squeaky cupboard panel you were working on. Clearly a bottom of the list kind of task, "You are acting weird. He might be oblivious, but he always notices you.” 
"I am not acting weird." You snapped but your voice had a quirk to it, what did Crosshair mean by that? You filed that away for later, "Unless you have something to put on my to do list, I’m busy because I’m fine, Cross.” 
"Riiiiight, completely normal, I’ll let him know.” 
You watched him go before looking at your rather shoddy wrench-bolt job. Sighing, you set to work undoing the crooked bolt, Maybe I am a little pent up.
So started a week of awkwardness between you and Clone Force 99’s resident genius. And it wasn’t long before the rest of the batch began to catch on. Not that you were exactly subtle about it. 
Any time Tech entered a room, your eyes would go wide and a flush would creep up your neck. If you were speaking to someone else, the moment you saw him you would start stuttering or just stop all together. Sometimes it was fluttery nervousness, and other times you just got distracted by his presence. But always, unless actively in a firefight, it would only take about five minutes before you’d shake your head and escape the room like a gundark out of hell. 
Bright side, you spent so much time avoiding Tech you had made it to the bottom of your prioritized to-do list for the first time since joining Clone Force 99. Down sides, it was getting harder to avoid him, and as mentioned earlier, the others were starting to notice- plus, even if you to do list was getting slim, all the work was shoddy at best. When you weren’t actively avoiding him, all you could do was stare at Tech like a lovesick (re: hormonal) schoolgirl.
Crosshair had caught you staring at Tech on multiple occasions, typically flicking his toothpick at you to get you to stop. He would roll his eyes but at least he was quiet about it. He’d just tease you whenever he caught you alone, constantly reminding you of your embarrassment. If you weren’t so preoccupied with Tech, you’d be glad- his teasing his own way of accepting you into the group. But you were preoccupied, so usually, you’d huff dramatically throwing (and missing) the toothpick back in his direction. 
There was the incident where Hunter himself had to order you to go with Tech on a mission, something that had never been an issue before as you usually preferred working with the genius. Subsequently, you were so high-strung that you put your complete focus on rewiring a door panel. So much focus, in fact, that Tech himself had to pull you out of the way of a super battle droid’s fire. He had pushed you against a wall and completely covered you with his body while Crosshair took care of the battle droid. Had it not been for the smoking blaster shot in the wall where you had previously been working, you would have melted when Tech so tenderly asked if you were alright. Like a helpless damsel, all you could do was stare up into the goggles of his helmet for a moment before nodding demurely. Then, so frustrated with yourself you had to walk away from the genius before you could give Hunter a reason to transfer you. 
Tech, himself, had decided you were obviously upset about something and spent more time than usual trying to get you alone. He’d sit down across from you while you ate, which resulted in an awkward silence and you abandoning your barely touched food. Find you while you brushed your teeth- it had been embarrassing when you accidentally choked yourself with the toothbrush because you’d been too busy ogling him in his blacks. And if you hadn’t been so focussed on saving yourself from any additional embarrassment, you would have noticed the worried expression start to slip into a more hurt category whenever you’d literally run away from him with a lame, short excuse. 
Then there was the time when Wrecker had been speaking to you, explaining how his helmet’s comms unit was shorting out after a hit in battle. You were supposed to be listening to him, figuring out from his description of the sound what the issue was and how to fix it. But over his shoulder, your eyes had landed on Tech and your breath had hitched in your throat as you watched him unfasten his armor. Like a teenager watching a strip tease, you shifted your weight from foot to foot, "Are you even listening to me?" 
Wrecker’s booming voice sounded more distant that it should considering you were fiddling with his helmet, but it alerted Tech who looked up from his chest piece. His eyes immediately found yours, and you looked away quickly. After promising Wrecker you’d look into it, you took the helmet before escaping down to the cargo hold, thankful Tech didn’t follow you this time.
 You might actually have too request a transfer at this rate. 
It was Hunter that confronted you about it. He’d noticed your distraction, your anxious demeanor, the decline in your quality of work, and that’s just the things he noticed outright. He saved some of your pride by not mentioning everything he could smell or hear. Instead taking the role of scolding boss. A role he played expertly, judging by the exceedingly dissapointed way he said your name before pressing further. 
"You’re better than this. What’s up with you?" He had asked, having followed you after you slipped away from Tech yet again. He had found you cleaning the brand-new air filters in the cargo hold. 
"Nothing’s up with me, Hunter." You shrugged, hoping he would drop it. He didn’t. 
"Really? ‘Cause you’ve been making rookie mistakes. You were assigned to us because you don’t do that." The sergeant reminded you, crossing his arms over his chest. You were offended to say he had a point. 
"Just going a little stir crazy, Sarge." You sighed. Hunter shook his head, clapping a hand onto your shoulder. 
"Do us all a favor and just tell him." He requested, shaking his head as he turned to leave, "It’s a small ship to be stir crazy on, and neither of you are subtle." 
You watched him go, first embarrassed at being caught- knowing what Hunter could hear, smell, and infer, that he chose not to complain about- but then your mind fixated on something else. 
"Hunter. What do you mean by ‘neither’?"
You were grateful for the planet’s scorching sun, some unnamed backwater (despite the lack thereof) planet that simply had been the nearest Republic friendly refuel/ maintenance station after you deduced the Havoc Marauder wouldn’t make it back to Kamino with the navigation calibration malfunctioning like they were, lest you hyper speed into a black hole. After you’d made your deduction, you had almost combusted when Tech had leaned over your shoulder, breath grazing your ear as he checked over your work at Hunter’s request. You would’ve been offended if you weren’t so busy gaping like a schoolgirl at Tech’s side profile so close to your face. 
’Neither of you are subtle.’ The sergeant’s words played through your mind for the hundredth tune. 
Like, for instance, as you sat in the cockpit, you were supposed to be running diagnostics on the rather shifty new calibrator and modifier Hunter had procured from the maintenance station’s ‘buy, sell, trade’ front room. It didn’t have to be perfect, it just had to get you from dust ball point A to rainy, Kaminoan point B. 
But instead, you were distracted. Which should really be the summary of the past week of your life. Specifically, you were distracted by Tech’s legs. Long, armor clad, muscled, his leather side holsters clinging to the white composite as they splayed out from under the Marauder’s dash. 
You never exactly forgot how tall Tech was, he towered over you even with his usually hunched posture. But, with his top half hidden underneath the console it was a reminder at just how long his legs were. Your breath caught in your throat as his hips lifted, legs tensing as metal groaned. Something snapped before Tech tossed a rusted piece of metal away from himself. The way his thighs clenched and unclenched with the effort made your entire body tense as well, you hadn’t noticed your straying focus until the electroprod zapped your hand. Fortunately, Tech’s voice drowned out your quiet yelp.
"I have found our problem." He announced, grabbing a tool off of his belt. So preoccupied with his long legs, you blinked slowly at his long fingers as they traced up his thigh to find the right tool. 
"Oh? have you?" You breathed, after realizing you hadn’t answered. You shook your head, forcing yourself back to your task. You corrected your own work, the small electro prod in your hand zapped at the calibrator, mostly to see if it could handle any sort energy current. Tech had started rambling about some Acid spitting bugs the ship had picked up on Ethesda IV, apparently the coating on the calibrator was similar to their main food source. Acid spitting bugs should’ve been a turn off, but how his voice stopped and started and strained and grunted as he periodically tore out rusted pieces outweighed the bugs.  
“And the calibrator? Is it satisfactory?” He asked, hips twisting as he continued working under the dash. Satisfactory? Nothing about the past weeks had been satisfactory but that wasn’t what he asked. He emerged just enough to hold his hand out. 
“It’ll do.” You hummed as the diagnostic ran somewhere between yellow and green. You stood, keeping a respectable distance between you as you handed him the small piece of equipment, “I could use an extra set of hands down here, would you?” 
You were digging through your mind for another lame excuse until you saw Hunter peek around the door frame of the cockpit, a look someplace between warning and scolding crossing the sergeant’s face. So, you sighed. 
“Of course, where do you need m-e?” You nodded, noticing your words as they caught in your throat. You cleared it and crouched down beside the soldier. He paused for a moment, even his feet halted their slight movement until he cleared his throat as well. 
“Beside me, I need you to hold the calibrator in place as I wired it in.” Tech answered you, staying half obscured but twisting his body so his hips stayed flat but he was laying on his ribs. You swallowed around nothing, sighing flatly as you wiggled under the dashboard beside him, “A bit closer, so I can reach around you.”
Stiff and rigid, you slowly inched closer to him until you were close enough for one of his arms to snake under your waist and pull you all the way to him. You choked out a yelp. Just as easily as he’d pulled you to him, he propped you just enough so his shoulder and chest could slot underneath your back. 
Under the dash there was barely enough room for this position, so it wasn’t possible to keep yourself propped up unless you wanted your nose pressed to the exposed wiring he was working on. So, you had no choice but to forced yourself to at least half relax against him. Your back to his chest, his face right next to yours so the light on his goggles could illuminate the slot where the calibrator belonged, one of his knees twisted under yours leaving you caged between the legs you’d been staring at for so long. His even breaths were fanning over your cheek, the two of you practically puzzle pieced together. He retracted the arm from underneath your waist and moved himself accordingly so that arm instead went under your neck, further trapping you against him.
“Apologies, though I trust I don’t need to explain to you what happens if this comes loose during light speed travel.” He explained, though you couldn’t see how his analytical eyes watched you carefully as he pressed the calibrator back into your hands and guided them to the correct spot, “Perfect, just there.” 
His fingers left your wrist and began the process of wiring the calibrator into place. You were grateful for his armor, even if your couldn’t ignore his scent and warmth all around you, you were positive if you could feel his muscles moving underneath you you’d have to stick your hand in the power source to keep from committing a serious breech of civilian-solider contact etiquette. Just a snap of his hips… placed just under the round of your ass… 
“You’re shaking, is everything alright?” Tech’s voice shocked you out of your thoughts. You flinched, almost jerking the half connected calibrator right back out of the dash. You tried thinking of a reason, but your voice seemed caught somewhere between your heart and throat. So you settled for a vague hum.
“Would you hand me the microwelder? It’s on the right side of my belt.” 
Even your breaths were shaking as you used one hand to keep the calibrator in place, and used the other the blindly reach down between the two of you. Your fingers grazed against the composite of the armor on his thigh, overshooting your aim for his belt. For the first time, he tensed as well. Using nothing but touch, you worked your way up, trying to keep your touch as light as possible as it worked over his holsters and to the tools hanging from his belt. You put all your focus on your mechanical knowledge, deducing the tools by shape- data scomp, electoprod, multitool, electrical tape… microwelder.  You almost cried in relief, jerking your hand away as soon as you’d unclipped it. The slight graze of your finger tips against his glove palms felt the same as sticking your fingers in the power source.  Tech’s shoulders adjusted, jostling the both of you. Though he didn’t struggle to move you at all, his voice sounded ever so slightly strained as he used the microwelder to hold the wires in place, “Almost there, keep doing what your doing.” 
Kriff, what the hell was wrong with this man?
“There. That should do it.” 
You wiggled out from the dash so fast that you almost didn’t register his hands on your waist assisting you. Almost. Tech watched after you, the curiosity in his eyes turning into something more akin to understanding as you slipped into the fresher. 
You had never been so grateful to touchdown on Kamino. After the longest week of your life on probably the smallest ship you could’ve been assigned to, you were ready for some much needed space. And the privacy of the usually empty civilian barracks sounded like the perfect retreat. Kamino was the one republic stronghold that didn’t have a shortage of workers, they didn’t need a civilian enlistments to lighten the load when they could hand the tasks off to Cadet’s and call it a learning experience. Usually you found Kamino to be lonely, only seeing the boys at meal times, but this time you were chomping at the bit, praying to the Force or whatever other entity out there that the bunks would be empty as usual. 
As soon as the Marauder touched down in the hangar, you were down the loading steps before it even finishing descending. You finished your debriefs in record time and skipped dinner in favor of returning to the Havoc Marauder to start fixing some of your shoddier than usual workmanship in addition to typical post-mission ship maintenance since your bunk would be the first place Tech might look for you. 
"I thought I would find you here.” 
You physically jumped when Tech’s calm voice called out from the ship’s entrance, hitting your head on the cockpit’s console you were working under. Cursing under your breath, you scuttled out from under the console. Tech was leaning against the entrance to the cockpit, watching you like a wild animal who might spook. You guessed that wasn’t too far off from the truth judging by the already rising heat to your face and the way your eyes danced around to anywhere but his face. 
"You missed dinner." He informed you when you didn’t respond, rubbing your head as you closed the panel you had been working on and pulled yourself up to your knees. 
"Oh, did I?" You asked in faux concern as if you hadn’t purposely skipped communal dinner. Suddenly, you realized you were looking up to him from your knees and your nearly choked on the recycled air your were breathing. You scrambled up to your feet, nervously smoothing out your clothes as you momentarily met Tech’s eyes before purposely pointing your own gaze else where- the blinking lights around the cockpit very interesting. In your peripheral, you saw his eyebrows furrow, face hardening as you leaned back against the console. 
"Have I done something to bother you?" He asked, suddenly. Moving a bit closer to you, he froze when you leaned even further away. 
"Not a thing, Tech. Why do you ask?” 
One of his eyebrow quirked behind his goggles, telling you he didn’t believe you for a moment. Tech might be oblivious about somethings, but he always knew when you were lying to him, "You have not looked me in the eye, much less spoken to me since…” 
He trailed off, looking to you to finish his thought. Your rose tint flashed ruby, redder than the shield button blinking on the console behind you. Yep, time to escape. 
"Listen, Tech, I really don’t-" You chuckled dryly, moving to squeeze past him. 
"Have time for this? I think you do." Tech shook his head, sidestepping so his larger frame immediately cut off your exit. Bumping into the composite chest piece of his armor, you stammered something akin to an excuse as you tried to squeeze past you again. The genius repeated his action, this time catching you by bracing his hands on either of your arms and holding them gently to your side to keep you in place. 
Now, you were forced to look up at him, trying to ignore how much skin his longs fingers managed to cover. You wondered if he could feel your erratic pulse under your skin. He observed your face for a moment, from the tint in your cheeks, the quickness of your breath, to part of your lips. He muttered mostly to himself but you caught it, "Dramatic dilation of the eyes, heightened pulse, shallow breathing, erratic behavior.” 
Once he finished his list- or maybe stopped listing aloud for your pride’s sake- he cleared his throat, releasing his grip one your arms so you could take a hesitant step back. Your mind was screaming at you to create some distance, but your thudding heart made it hard to force yourself to move. Tech wasn’t finished with you yet though, his chocolate yes narrowed on you before softening as he continued, "Hunter informed me that you didn’t have a ’nightmare’, as you said.” 
Yep, you were going to spontaneously combust if the ground didn’t open up and swallow you first- either option was preferable to the turn in conversation. Hell, spontaneous separatist invasion would be less painful. 
"Listen, Tech, I really-" You started, but silenced yourself when you saw the way he adjusted his stance. Shoulders broader, chin dipping lower, one leg moving forward…. if you were any closer it would be between your legs. 
"He also had a few theories about the content of said dream, one in particular that interested me." He continued, voice dipping as he continued to stalk towards you until the back of your thighs hit the control deck, forcing you to half lean half sit on the panel. Your backside pressed a couple buttons, managing to conveniently kill the overhead lights and close the door to the bridge in one fell swoop. Whoever was in charge of the force, you wanted to have a firm talking to because you’re heart couldn’t take much more of this. "You’re in your prime, in multiple adrenaline and endorphin inducing situations, surrounded by 4 men… a healthy drive is nothing to be so embarrassed of.”
Your own voice wasn’t quite a sure, almost choked as you nodded, "Gl-glad we covered that, Tech.” 
"I also know, from my research, that the easiest way to resolve this is to act on it.”
Your mind actually went blank the moment the word sunk in. You weren’t sure, but there was a large likelihood you just stood there and gaped at Tech like a fish. He waited, eyes analyzing you from behind the goggles. One moment passed, and then two before you spoke. 
"Act on it…" You repeated slowly, butterflies melting from your stomach, pooling elsewhere, "Like.. you want to act on it with me?” 
Tech closed the distance, his hands on you again. One at your hip and one gracing your hair,  "We really were as oblivious as Hunter said.” 
The armor on his hips pressed into your soft flesh, his long diligent fingers trailing down your arm, "You can tell me to stop.” 
Your eyes had be following his fingers down, your own twitched and laced into the leather straps that held his holsters to his thighs as if that would tether him to you, "Please don’t.”
A ghost of a smile went across his face before he startled you, picking you up swiftly and depositing you in the pilots seat. You weren’t quite sure of the logistics of this decision until he knelt down in front of you, kissing your lips first and yet not long enough for your liking. You chased his mouth with yours, but he pulled back, focussing down to your belt.
“Now, tell him. How did these dreams of yours go?” 
as usual half edited so excuse the typos
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Ok but imagine price being a dockworker and coming to the bar the reader is a server at after long days. Smelling like the salt on salt, chest hair peeking thru his shirt. She knows his exact order down to how much froth he wants on his beer and he just melts into his chair once he sees her on shift but their asses won’t even kiss yet (they wanna fuck diiiirty in between all the barrels out back tho)
Thank you so much for the ask!! I wish I got more of these <3 I love impromptu writings!! ^_^
Somehow, you knew it was him by the sound of your door. The way that it creaked and popped, and the force with which it knocked the tinkling little bell at the top - all of these noises were the same, or at least they should have been, no matter who was coming or going from your bar. The way the metal bolt clicked out of the frame, the way the warped wood of the threshold whined and bent, the way that one pane of glass shuddered in the top left corner... it shouldn't have sounded different when he walked in. But, it did.
He sat in his seat, objectively the worst one in your bar. It was out of the line of sight from the television, and it was down at the fruit-filled service end, far from the keg taps. It was where you ran credit cards and kept your phone to take breaks, and you flattered yourself that the reason he sat there was to spend time with you.
John Price was a piece of work, that was for sure. He would come by right before close and linger. It was nice to have someone walk you to your car, especially on cold nights, since you were so close to the docks. He'd ride his old Triumph over from his work as a shipping and receiving foreman in the harbor, and he'd smell like sweat and the salt from the sea. His clothes would reek of tobacco from those fat cigars he'd always smoke, and you knew his beard would smell like it, too.
You wondered what it felt like, his beard. You wondered if it was as soft as it looked. You wondered what he would say if you asked him to give you a ride back to his place on that old, worn-out bike and lay you on his bed so he could kiss you from behind that beard all night. You wondered, over and over when you lay in your own sheets alone, what it would feel like for him to drag that rough-shaven chin over the swell of your breast. How would it feel on the insides of your thighs? Would it hurt you?
"You want the usual?" You asked him, trying your best to concentrate on shining the glass in your hand and not about having his body between your legs.
He smiled up at you and nodded,
"Sure, love. The usual."
As you poured his lager, keeping a little extra foam at the top, just how he liked it, you caught yourself staring again.
It was cold out, so he was in a thick coat, but he never had his collar buttoned up. There was always a bit of his chest on view for you through the drab plaid shirts he wore. He had a cut tonight, and you could see it soaking through the white of his undershirt.
"You okay, John?" You set his beer down and motioned to his gash.
"Oh," he chuckled warmly, "Yeah. Just got a little too close to the off-loader crane and paid for it. No harm, really."
"Let me clean it up for you. C'mon," you opened the bar's side door and lifted it so he could duck underneath, taking his beer with him and following you upstairs to your office.
Your barback would take care of the two other patrons you had. It was a Tuesday after midnight. You could close without any harm done.
As John wandered into your space, he noticed your makeshift cot in the corner.
"Surely you're not sleepin' at work, love?"
You laughed a little nervously,
"Don't tell the health inspector on me. Have a seat in that chair. Lemme get the first-aid kit."
He sat. Your heart pounded in your throat. As you dug around for the kit, you felt your nerves fraying. Maybe you liked John a little more than you thought.
"Here. Alright, can you show me the cut?"
You knelt in front of him so you could be in line with the wound. You tried to clean it, but his clothes were getting wet.
"Oh, sorry. Uh -"
"Here, love," he shucked his jacket off and peeled his shirt off from his back, leaving it around his arms, pinned in the sleeves, "That better?"
You nodded, feeling your breath catch in your throat.
He was huge. It was almost monstrous, the way his body bulged out around his bones, enormous snapping muscles rolling around his shoulders and neck, making him look like an animal. He was covered in soft, brown fur, and as you went to touch him, you made a grave mistake.
You hesitated.
Ever observant, you knew he caught you stumbling over him, frozen in place like a scared doe. But, mercifully, he said nothing, and allowed you to get to work.
Clean. Dry. Salve. Bandage. Smooth the edges. Make an excuse to do it again, once more to seal it down.
"There, all done. You have been a very brave patient," you smiled up at him and went to box up the supplies back in their little tin.
"You know," he purred, "Brave patients usually get some sort of prize."
You laughed softly,
"Fresh out of lollies and peppermints, I'm afraid."
"Sure there isn't anything else you'd offer me to suck on, love?"
His voice was low, dark, and deep. It crawled to you on its belly from the bottom of the sea, from the pressures and the cold, black hell of the fathoms of the water, lapping at the sides of your boat, threatening to sink you. He looked at you like a tiger shark studies a diver, with a chilling curiosity from the mighty to the fragile, wondering what you taste like and deciding if he'll bite.
John's arms were still bound by his clothes. If you wanted to flee, you would've had plenty of head-start. But, you didn't. You were moving outside of your own volition. It was as if you were dreaming, watching yourself be piloted by an unknown force. You stared him down and stood, stepping right between his knees, forcing him to look up at you and wait for your reply.
You peeled off your white tee shirt, revealing your bare breasts to him. Going bra-less meant usually meant more tips, but tonight you weren't concerned about the money. You wanted him to praise you. You wanted to call his bluff. You wanted him to fuck you on the stack of kegs in the corner of your office and let the sharp metal rims dig into your belly as he stuffed his cock into you from behind.
His shirts were gone from his arms in a second, and he leaned forward just enough to put his face to your breast, letting you feel the heat of his breath on your skin, sighing into you. John held your eyes captive in his the whole time, as if he may look away and break the spell. Then, he watched you watch him take your nipple into his mouth, suckling on it as gently as he possibly could, as gently as anyone had ever done.
You trembled, letting go of a breath you'd been holding, looking down at him as he sucked your flesh between his wet lips. You were right about the smell of the tobacco.
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sh0tanzz · 3 months
HOW RIIZE HANDLES BREAK UPS ~ based on astrology
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reminder this is based off of MY opinions of their birth chart placements + aspects and is not exact fact unless I knew them myself !!!
He definitely wouldn’t go around telling everyone would happen and would prefer to process and think about it privately on his own; if the members knew about the s/o they’d maybe have to find out about the breakup on their own honestly..he’d try to be mature and even seem very distanced after it’s over, he’d possibly become a workaholic but still have times where he’d have to think about what happened. If the relationship really meant something to him he might become a little restless or even attempt to bring the relationship back to together or have some form of proximity. OR he straight up goes no contact completely like. GONE 😀
Similar to my second chance romance post from a while back he’d essentially force himself to move on especially if there’s no prospects of you two coming together again. Like Shotaro he’ll deal with his feelings on his own and would rather find solutions than to ruminate and sulk or even feel the full grasps of his emotions. He’d have his moment and then move on he might even have a somewhat nonchalant “shit happens” attitude towards it; even if it had hurt he wouldn’t allow himself to crumble especially in front of others. I feel like he’d try to date around to get him out of a funk however he might accidentally move on too fast causing room for error.
Oh man who cued the water works. I feel like he’d have to emotionally self soothe, he might seek comfort or advice from his mom or close friends and to see if what happened was “valid”. He’d take a bit longer to move on, even if the feelings weren’t as potent he might lowkey get stuck on the situation itself. Definitely a crier if he genuinely valued the relationship. He might give himself a little glow up or work on himself physically because the break up would essentially affect his ego especially if it’s in bad terms or if the event makes him feel insecure and doubt his self worth. Most DEF has a bounce back tho or tries to at least, like I said before he wants his new partner to look better than the last.
Um. It could turn out in a multitude of ways. If he really liked you he would attempt to spin back or would want you to come back if he simply can’t move on to someone else and is deluded by you OR he’d have himself move on knowing how available other people are to him. He might become a victim in certain situations or may struggle to see where the relationship had went “wrong” due to him not acknowledging the short comings. Honestly Wonbin takes a bit longer to get over breakups but most likely when he finds a new object of affection or is preoccupied with something else he enjoys he’ll ultimately be fine.
He’s one that would go out sad but then try to bounce back. He’d have to emotionally retreat into himself for a bit and even take time away so he could fully process and think through the break up before tapping into his more optimistic stance. Similar to Sungchan he definitely asks/talks to friends on if the relationship was fair, what terms him and the ex s/o are on, if he should spin back, if he should move on; he’d rely heavily on what other people in his circle think. After grieving he’d want to enjoy himself, to party, explore, try new things honestly bring new joys to avoid thinking about what he’s lost.
Mr.optimist and get over it honestly. If he executes the break up he’d want it to be blunt and simple but if he got broken up with he’d be slightly taken aback but would accept your stance and try to move on. Honestly he’s what Eunseok aims to achieve after a breakup. He would try not to sulk and would definitely attempt to move on and date others or even attend events where he could get lucky with meeting someone. He’d want to not let it hinder other aspects of his life and may even have a lack of acknowledgement on the fact the relationship even happened. If it’s on bad terms or he felt/was done wrong he’s definitely talking at least a little bit shit I’m sorry 😭.
Retail therapy, comfort food, ranting about it and gyming it out, a more simple man to a degree in the getting over it process. How he’d treat the person depends, if the break up was on pretty bad terms and you guys can’t even remain on being friends/acquaintances he’d probably essentially avoid you 😭 he might even become a bit gossipy if he felt as though you were in the wrong or shady. However if the terms were good and he really loved the person he might attempt to be platonic or at the very least an acquaintance.
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marunene · 2 months
—· Castiel Head/canons!
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There are also some angels headcanons too! — Remembering that these are HEADCANONS and even if they don't make sense to you, they make sense to me./LH. Some (many) of them I only kept in a jar in my brain while I was reading fanfics, hehe...
English is not my first language, be patient with me.
- Pansexual! I firmly believe that angels don't care about your sex or gender, for them it's practically the same thing besides your body.
- This also means that they don't care if you are a man or a woman, if you do something they don't like you will be beaten, probably die. I see Castiel from the first seasons doing this so— yeah.
- Autism spec. You can't convince me otherwise.
- For petnames, he doesn't use it much, but if he does sometime, he calls you honeybee or love. Probably "human" if you call him "angel".
- He LOVES physical contact, even if it's not apparent, he could cuddle with you for hours and still want more
- His wings are HUGE, dark and blue, when you touch them they feel like silk, they are so soft, completely from another world.
- And to complement, I like to think that they are quite sensitive to touch.
- If he were to choose a favorite color, it would be green because it reminds him of nature. But he also likes blue (sea and sky) and yellow (bees)
- His trenchcoat are his comfort object.
- HE HUGS YOU WITH HIS WINGS WHEN YOU CUDDLE OR ARE JUST SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER. Imagine him protecting you with them while you sleep <3
- Gets grumpy when drunk <3
- Legends say that Castiel once tried to make breakfast and Dean forbade him from touching his stove...
- He's almost always watching you, just... Looking at you. Sometimes it's a little creepy, but he loves you too much not to look.
- When you had your first kiss, all the light bulbs in the neighborhood just exploded and he looked at you with a surprised face-- (not because of the light bulbs)
- After seeing how good you are with children, sometimes he imagines what you would be like as a mother and what it would be like if you could have a normal life, without hunting, without dating an angel. He knows what could happen if you two had a child and can't even imagine what he would do knowing that he was the one who did this to you :3
- Physically, what he likes most about you are your eyes. And his favorite part of himself is his wings, even after the fall, it still reminds him of what he really is. Jimmy isn't exactly... Him. He's just a vessel. It wouldn't make much sense for him to choose some part of his body as his favorite.
- You collect his feathers when he's moulting (I love comparing angel wings to bird wings! Sorry...)
- besides tasting molecules, He can literally SEE them... Or at least some of them...
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- PRAISE AND DEGRADATION KINK. It depends on the day, although at first if you degraded him he wouldn't understand why you would be doing that... But praise him and this angel will be on his knees for you.
- He's more into slow and sensual sex.
- He doesn't sweat at all, not in the intercourse or out of it. (This is canon actually)
- Something between 7/8 inches, specifically 18/19cm, a bit thick - (Misha messed with my head when said he has 9 inches, so hmm)
- He definitely doesn't shave, just let it grow and wouldn't mind if you didn't shave it too. He is an angel, he saw everything from the beginning, including Eve and Adam. There were no razors at that time.
- LOVES oral sex, give him a blowjob and he would be a pathetic whiny mess. However, he doesn't really like to GIVE bc of the taste of the molecules. (Human Cas would LOVE to taste you tho ;))
- As I said before, his wings are sensitive, he LOVES it when you stroke them when you 2 are having sex, even if it makes him a bit overwhelmed and quite Desesperate
- Usually a dom. He followed rules his whole life, let our little angel have a little control <3 But of course on his first time he would like you to tell him what to do, but over time he would become more confident and you are fucked.
- LET HIM USE HIS GRACE ON(in) YOU. Pin you against the bed, you can't even move properly as he fucks you w his grace, looking into your eyes with a little smirk on his face.
- As an angel, he has much more stamina than you, so you would only stop when you are tired. For him, you 2 could do this all night.
- MY BOY IS A VOYEUR! I'm sure he's watched you touch yourself and stuff when he were invisible, but never had the courage to jerk off to it tho
- He will look you in the eye almost all the time, he just can't help it.
- ALWAYS checking on you, asking if what he's doing is okay (especially the first few times you did this), he doesn't want to hurt you... :(
- Call him a good angel/boy when you're jerking him off and that you're proud of him when he finish, he'll fucking MELT.
- He'll get confused if you say “Oh my God”... Why are you moaning his father's name when he's the one fucking you? (HELP)
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There are a lot of nsfw hcs I'm genuinely scared of myself, sorry 😭 I used practically all my headcanons in this post, there probably won't be a pt 2, be glad, mwah mwah mwah
Look at his Dom look HELPP
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pervspace · 1 year
This is my last Leon req i swear!! Perverted Leon who cannot get enough of m!readers thighss!! He can't help but dream of squishing them and fuckin in between them. It's not as good as the real deal tho ♡
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warnings: nsfw, m.reader, pervert!leon, he’s like a desperate puppy :((, somnophila, kinda cliffhanger ending cause i lowkey wanna make a pt2 cause i love this sm aaaaa
word count: 797
note: aaaa i loved writing this please keep sending requests!!!
he felt ashamed of himself, he really was just a pervert. you and leon have been friends for years, you two shared a home, shared a bed, shared practically everything. you two were just friends though, that’s what was driving him almost mad. how was he supposed to act normal when his cock was threatening to jump out of his jeans whenever he saw your thighs, the way they would expand whenever you sat down, how they jiggled when you walked, how they would spill over the fabric of your thigh highs. he even got to take a picture of you where your thighs were clear and visible, he’s found himself doing perverted stuff when thinking to your thighs.
constantly fucking into any object that reminded him of your thighs, he felt so ashamed fucking into one of your pillows like a dog in heat. humping the soft fabric until his cock started to hurt, he was overstimulating himself before he even came. he couldn’t help it, it was your fault! how could you walk around in such slutty shorts and not expect him to get hard? you had to be doing it on purpose is what he tried to tell himself, it had to be you teasing him on purpose. he was driving himself insane, his cock was begging for him to stop the relentless abuse but he just couldn’t. he came onto every polaroid of you, the bottom of his shirt stuffed into his mouth to prevent the whimpers and moans that spilled from his pretty pink lips. he decided he was going to take a step up tonight, he was going to try something new.
“leon…get it together, this is so fucked.” he was absolutely right, he shouldn’t be in your room at 2am watching you sleep, he shouldn’t be gently taking the covers off your sleeping frame to see your body. his cock jumped at the sight of your sleeping body, the way you looked so peaceful and beautiful like this. “fuck…can’t help it m’sorry…it hurts if i don’t touch it…” he pulled your thighs together and just stared like a deer in headlights, tugging his sweatpants down he palmed his cock through his boxers. he had already soaked through the fabric with his pre cum, it was a pathetic sight to see…him desperately pumping into his hands while staring at your thighs, he even stole a pair of your boxers to shove in his mouth to keep him quiet.
he was suffocated in your scent, you lingered in every one of his senses. he brushed his palm against his angry red tip and let out a choked out moan, he really should stop. you could wake up at any minute and catch him being a filthy perv! he couldn’t stop his hips from moving up to meet his hand, his eyes were wet and glossy with tears. everything felt so good when it was influenced by you, he had never felt this good touching himself when he was just watching porn. it was you, all he wanted was you, but there’s no way you would have him. not after the sinful acts he’s committing in your room at the moment, you would definitely move out and never speak to him.
“m’sorry…’m such a bad boy…please fo-forgive me.”he was begging for you, he wasn’t quite sure what he was begging for but he needed it. his balance was unsteady as he fucked his hand faster, his palm twtisting all around his tip. he felt the knot in his stomach tighten uncomfortably, he wanted to cum on you, but he knows he couldn’t.
cum on his thighs, you can clean it up later.
n-no that’s not-
you deserve it, you’ve worked hard and you’ve held back from bending him over and fucking him raw.
don’t wanna it-its bad if i-
you’ll never get this opportunity again, just cum.
he tried to hold back, he really did. he just couldn’t behave himself around you, he was just a gross pervert. “m’sorrysorrysorry…pleaaasseee forgive me baby i-i’m gonna cu-cum…!” he let out a final drawn out whine before cumming all over your thighs, he pumped himself through his orgasm. his body was ruined with aftershocks of his sinful actions, his cum was spread so beautifully across your thighs. he was a bad boy, the absolute worst boy ever. how could he do something like that? he quickly left the room out of pure embarrassment. he came on his best friend's thighs while he was sleeping, he laid in his own bed thinking over and over about what he just did.
he was woken up by the bright sun peaking through his blinds and a warm wet breath against his ear, “what a pervert you are, kennedy.”
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froggibus · 2 years
Hello how are you? Idk if this has been written before cause I can't find something like it but I request a simple valorant x reader where they used to have a crush on her in like highschool or whatever hehe
(maybe yoru, phoenix , jett.. if you can then gekko!!)
Reunion - Yoru, Phoenix, Jett & Gekko
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Genre: fluff! :)
CW: yoru being yoru, maybe a little ooc? mostly wholesome stuff
syd? doing a request? a miracle. technically reqs are closed rn but im still gonna work through a few of them
probably had a huge crush on you but would never admit it
the kind of guy that would tease you/be lowkey mean to you just cause he likes you 
tsundere ass mf
after you guys graduate, he doesn’t see much of you after that 
and even if he does have lots of one night stands, this man struggles with emotional intimacy 
whenever he gets lonely he probably entertains the idea of cute lil y/n and what could have been if he wasn’t so shy 
when you join the protocol, it’s like he’s seen a ghost 
goes right back to that tsundere teenager and probably ignores you 
all the other agents warm to you right away tho so you’re naturally annoyed why this guy can’t let go of *whatever* you did to him in high school
on a mission with just the two of you, you finally confront him about his indifference towards you
things boil over and one thing leads to another and 
he kisses you
you’re literally so shocked you don’t even close your eyes
he pulls away, cheeks BURNING and refuses to look at you
“why do you have to make everything so difficult for me y/n?”
FINALLY admits he likes you after all this time 
he was flirty with everyone in high school, so you never caught on when he flirted with you
but this man was DOWN BAD
he probably asked you out at least once but you thought it was a joke/more flattery and brushed him off 
rip phoenix 
he tries to connect with you after graduation but life gets in the way, and then he joins the protocol 
whenever his relationships don’t work out or he’s on his last leg on a mission, he finds your face flashing through his mind 
when he gets back from a bad mission and still sees your face, he thinks he’s losing it 
“phoenix? you okay?”
bro is not okay
spends the next three weeks doing stupid stunts to try and impress you 
only succeeds in setting multiple objects on fire, spraining his wrist and getting a lot of lectures from Brim
you end up bringing him hot chocolate & rum to lift his spirits after he’s essentially put in a time out
“so, are you gonna tell me why you had a sudden bout of pyromania?”
sighs and finally admits he has a crush on you and has for a long time
you kiss him to let him know you feel the same way
and then the two of you spend the rest of the night getting drunk and laughing about how stupid you guys were in high school
she liked you a lot in high school and didn’t know how to express it
probably tried asking you out more than once and failed miserably
just stumbled over her words all cutely and then says “never mind” and runs away
you thought it was cute and never really thought too much of it
after high school, you think about her a lot and start to realize she probably liked you
and poor jett is so swamped with missions she barely has time to settle down
and even if she does, she can’t find someone to keep up with her 
she’s ecstatic when she sees you joined the protocol 
a second chance!!
you get a little flustered around her now that you know about her high school crush and you somewhat hope she still feels the same way
she’s surprisingly matured and isn’t nearly as flustered around you as she used to be
tries her best to make you feel included too
 it’s not long before her old feelings come bubbling to the surface tho
she’s probably the most emotionally mature of the group so she just straight up confesses to you 
both of you are tired from a mission and share a half kiss/half hug where you’re just leaning against each other 
he was definitely popular in high school but it never went to his head, he just did his thing and hung out at the skatepark 
bit of a rebel 
he mostly just admired you from afar, and if you were ever together for group projects, flirted with you lowkey
never anything serious or enough to make you actually realize how he feels 
but enough to keep him infatuated 
when Brim announces that you guys have a new agent joining the protocol, you do not expect it to be Mateo 
both of you are shocked (it’s like the Spider-Man meme irl)
you do your best to make him feel welcome, taking him around and introducing him to everyone 
you decide one night to take him out for drinks with some of the other agents!! 
everyone starts to leave until it’s just you and Gekko
you’re both a little tipsy and start talking about high school
he admits he had a crush on you in high school and that he’s super happy you guys get to see each other again
kisses you & asks you if you want to go out again
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altea-devotion · 1 year
Lyney X GN!Reader
Lyney, as an magician, encounters a lot of People, but has his eyes wander in the public of its Last show saw you.
Lyney Who could think of anything else after this Day, feeling extra nervous than usual on his next show cause what if you are here again ?
Lyney Who make Lynette read all the previous reservation of ticket of the first show where he see you, just so he could learn you name
Lyney Who couldn't help but… force the hazard when he have to choose à member of public for an magic tour
Lyney Who basks in your attention, he loves it and wants only this.
Lyney who is so flirty but the second you flirt back or seem to like him back became suddenly too shy
Lyney who will hide is face with his little hat if you even just say one sweet Word to him
Lyney Who one Day, blurt that he love you without thinking, after seeing you laughing at one of his magic trick
Lyney Who disappear just after, leaving you with only Lynette Who, with an blank face tell you that you don't have to be surprise because it was pretty obvious
Lyney Who blush when you run at him, telling him you love him too
Lyney who now follow you like a lost kitten but acting like a feral cat when someone try to take you away
Lyney who will use his magic trick and his extrovert personality to humiliate anyone who tries to steal your heart away. Magician don't like to share their magic for anyone to use,and you are HIS magic
Lyney Who is a little jealous when Lynette have your attention, he love his Sister and normally he would share anything with her… but not you
Lyney who swear he could teach you how to swim like if you are born in Fontaine even tho you are not. It's just an excuse to see your body, he dont care if you don't have abs or if you have scars or anything, he just wants more of you.
Lyney who will always Greet you with a flower, and will tell his affection for you with them.
Lyney who hold you tight and whisper his undying love for you, as he listen to your heartbeat
Lyney who talk so much about you, its wake the attention of his Father
Lyney who beg Lynette and Freminet to talk in your favor at Father so she dont disapprove of you. Despite the fact that Freminet and Lynette already love you and accept you as their sibling's lover so of course they would help
Lyney who call you his magic, cause as an magician, nothing else is more important than his magic in his eyes
Lyney who gave you a ring one Day, just because he wanted proof of his love for you. He has the twin ring in an inside pocket, by his heart with a picture of you. As a promise that one Day he would spend all his life with you.
~~Little Drabble~~
It was a cold night, Lyney watched the snow slowly fall on Fountain as he waited for someone to Come. His nose a little red from the cold despite his scarf on him, he smiles as he sees the object of his affection coming at him.
"Lyney ! Sorry i was helping traveler with a commission"
Say the person, smiling apologetic, Lyney, not really thrilled by the fact that his love was with someone else, especially someone as charming as the traveler chose to smile despite the jealousy growing in his heart.
"Don't worry, my magic" He blush as he talk
"So let's enjoy yourself with this stargazing spot I found?"
The eyes of the blondinet don't stop to admire the Man beside him, blushing when the subject of his affection interlocks their hand with his and starts to follow him.
Lyney, with the help of Lynette, has already done all the preparation for this date. A little campfire is already lit so neither of them would feel cold, a blanket and a tent is already up if they decide to sleep here for the night. He even has some marshmallows. The date is perfect, even though it's not an official date.
The two take place, watching the stars beside each other…. The magician can't repress his yearning to watch the face of his beloved, captivating by the star… and as he watch the little star shining in the eyes of the love of his life… A sudden Light of red and violet illuminate their feature.
"Wow…" is all they say. Lyney, à little surprised, watched the sky and… saw the most beautiful Aurora Borealis he has ever seen. The first too to be fair. In 20 years of life in Fontaine, it's the first time he saw it…
He can't suppress his little chuckle, of course if something so magical happens, it's gonna happen when he is with the most magical, almost ethereal person he knows.
Despite the beauty of the sky in front of him, Lyney wanted to see more of his love, but when he saw the look of adoration mixed with the Light who is almost like his eyes color, it's as if his love watched him with adoration… and without thinking, Lyney whispered…
"I love you."
He would have not realized what he said, if he didnt see their surprised look as they turned their gaze from the sky to look at Him.
Lyney started to panic, what is he gonna do now ? He had said his feelings without thinking ! What if they hate him now ? But As he fidget his hat, trying to search à come-back so he's not entirely screwed… He feel lips touch his… realizing it's his love who is kissing him, reciprocating his feeling, he blush, shutter for one sec. Then hiding his blush with his hat ask shyly
"Can we kiss again ?"
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bobbydagen24 · 7 months
some Head Cannons about Bro zone inspired by the fact literally everyone else has been doing these posts lol.
I think Floyd and Clay would end up trying to live with Branch in the Bunker but would find it too hard for multiple reasons one being Branch actually has loud night terrors often. that no one knows about but its actually one of the reasons why he still chooses to live so far away from everyone else in the village and Floyd and Clay are kept awake at nights just hearing him loudly screaming and shouting.
and one on occasion when they did try to wake him it resulted in Branch springing up and attacking them throwing one of them to the ground and pulling a weapon out of his Hair and nearly hitting them with it until Branch finally snapped out of it and realised where he was.
kinda helping Floyd and Clay realise for the first time how deeply affected Branch is by his past to the point he's still on such High alert even in his own home.
2. whenever Bro zone have any sort of arguments even if their not 100 percent serous and just mostly petty sibling Banter Branch still gets visibly afraid.
and nervous maybe even trying to defuse the situation but his voice and body language making it clear he's genuinely nervous which actually stops the other bros in their tracks.
and they try to reassure him the family isn't breaking up and its just normal sibling banter but regardless Branch isn't able to tell the difference between serous family shattering arguments and just normal day to day sibling banter.
so the bros try and make it more clear in the future that their just mostly joking around as opposed to seriously fighting amongst each other.
3. John Dory used to be a pretty social party animal but after spending over 20 years traveling with just Rhonda for company he's actually a pretty anti social person now.
tho he doesn't like to admit it and he tries to put on the persona of the social party animal in front of his Brothers he actually finds big crowds and meeting new people to be super stressful.
4. Bruce gained most of his extra weight in the immediate aftermath of his and JDs big fight as he stress ate for quite a while afterwards tho in present day he tries to hide this fact to avoid making JD feel bad since he can tell he's genuinely changed since then.
5. Floyd would be the one to try and encourage his Brothers to actually talk about their more negative feelings towards each other meanwhile the others just want to leave it as they are seem to be doing fine in present day.
and they don't want to bring up the uncomfortable stuff from the past again but Floyd would think its healthy that they do so.
6. if/when Branch and Poppy do get engaged each of the Bros will be excitedly waiting in anticipation to see which of them Branch picks to be his best man and Teasing each other over it.
only for Branch to shatter their Dreams when he announces that he's chosen Gary to be his best man ( this HC assumes that Gary gets added to the movie cannon at some point ).
and his bros are all weirded out and confused and some of them even think its just a Joke at first but when it becomes clear he isn't Joking.
some of them even sorta angrily confront Branch on how he could choose a friggin Remote Control over any of them only for Branch to cut the none serous casual attitude he'd had up to this point and tell them.
that yes he knows Gary is an inanimate object but he's been a more consistent comfort in his life than any of them ever have and well its his wedding so if they can't accept that then he doesn't want them there.
7. Branch would be a little bit resentful about the fact that Bruce went off and started a new family forgetting all about him while he waited for all of them to come back over the years.
he wouldn't outright tell him this due to fear of stirring the pot amongst the family when they've only just gotten things back on track.
but it'd end up coming out one way or another and Bruce would show a bit of growth and actually be understanding of why Branch would feel this way Rather than judging him for it.
meanwhile JD would would say he also felt pretty hurt by this only for Bruce to casually brush it off since he really doesn't give a crap if it hurt John's ego 😂😂😂😂
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 9 months
rating luxiem and noctyx by how good they would be at taking care of bugs
my name is unit 4402 and i’m typing this on my phone. autocorrect’s suggested emojis are going to go crazy wish me luck
tags: ambiguous relationship, can be read as platonic or romantic, gender neutral reader, fluff, humor, bugs and spiders
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🖋 Ike Eveland: 4/10
he’s neutral about most bugs. he’ll pick up critters like beetles and caterpillars with his hands and set them outside
gets grossed out by the nastier bugs though. won’t touch ‘em himself, they’re lucky if he can gather himself enough to get a paper and cup. otherwise it’s swatter time with gritted teeth and barely mustered courage
certified spider hater. absolutely terrified of them get out of here!!!
he'll use a swatter, pesticides, everything. but he’s so afraid of how they disappear when he’s not looking
you’ll have to keep an eye on it while he finds the pesticide or vice versa
if he’s unfortunate enough to be the one to kill it you’ll have to hype him up, calm his nerves, and then tell him it’s okay once the deed is done
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🦁 Luca Kaneshiro -100/10
this guy… easily the worst of both units at bug duty. you might just have to take the bullet
he gets sketched out by even the cute ones like butterflies and ladybugs if he looks at them for too long. there’s no way he could even take a moth with a level head
he even reacts to all of them the same. “AAAAH! T-t-there’s a [BUG NAME] in [room name]!”
even so he tries to be nice to them with a cup and paper, or some other method to get them out of his space
unfortunately australian wildlife has prepared him so smaller bugs are still scary but he’ll be a big scared scary mafia boss and take action
and everyone says they’ll leave the house as a joke if they can’t find the spider but it’s luca. there is a solid chance that he will invite you to stay with him in one of the kaneshiro vacation homes for about three days. that’s enough time for the bugs to leave, right?
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👟 Shu Yamino: 10/10
oh! a bug!
is rather delighted at bug!
honestly if it’s a cool bug he might just take a video of it doing its thing and give it a personality!
he has a out-of-sight, out-of-mind philosophy with bugs. he’s fine with just about anything as long as they aren't annoying
harmful pests will get swatted tho ofc
everything else, he’s fine with bringing outside himself without much fanfare
some of them are a little creepy but he tries to rationalize it. they’re just tiny animals and he’s a big strong sorcerer, it’s fine. what are they gonna do, infest him to death?
…he’s going to spray the house down later just to be sure.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👹 Vox Akuma: 9/10
a wild card. and also VERY emotionally invested in any bugs that come his way whether that’s good or bad
if they manage to sneak up on him he’ll probably yell “WOAH” or curse out of surprise, then figure out whether he should be scared or not
surprisingly fine with the nastiest of them. he actually loves worms, centipedes and similar critters, and he’ll even admire them if they stumble into his territory
“look reader this is me if i were a worm. would you still love me if i was a worm 🥺” “vox please just get that thing outside”
spiders have a 50-50 survival chance. he’ll kill small spiders but bring the big ones outside because the big ones are like full Animals to him and slaughtering animals is not something he can bring himself to do (tiny ones don’t count)
are scorpions bugs? do they count? either way that’s his one objection. he wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole if he had the choice, but if you’re really that scared, then he’ll put on a brave face and hide his fear
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🎭 Alban Knox: 2/10
if he’s going to take care of a bug you need to make peace with the fact that he will whine the entire time
not a cute fun whine either. he’ll complain the entire time that it’s gross and nasty and ewww yuck ugh!
and that’s just for beetles and caterpillars
show him a spider or something else just as creepy and he will actually scream
and yell as he fumbles around to take care of it
and yell as he eventually grabs it with his hands (he’s panicking a little too hard to get a tool)
and yell as he tries to open the door and throw it outside
this is assuming he doesn’t find a slipper nearby. if he has a tissue or something he’ll smash the bug over and over until it’s pulverized
and he’ll STILL be yelling while he does that
the job gets done but at what cost
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🐑 Fulgur Ovid: 6/10
he’s not a 6/10 because he dislikes bugs. he’s neutral towards them, not really creeped out by them but not a fan either
he’s a 6/10 because he’s a dick about taking care of them for you
here’s how it usually goes: you summon him to save you from a creepy crawly. he’ll inspect it and go “really, you’re scared of that little thing? look at it closer, it’s just a bug”
and once he quits fooling around he just swipes it up. his fingers are solid steel which allows for Precise Bug Snatching
but he’ll act unsure and go “i think i got it. here, reader, look inside my hand and tell me if you see it”
or even the dreaded move where he pretends he’s bringing the bug closer to you so you have to see it
and THEN once he’s outside he’ll open his hands and go “wait i think i lost it” just to get a rise out of you until he confirms yes, it’s safe and out of the house
if you’re legitimately terrified then he doesn’t even bother with the jokes. just point out the bug and close your eyes, and he’ll be washing his hands while you stare back at a smudge on the wall before you can even get out a sentence
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🔗 Sonny Brisko: 8/10
somehow both a gentle soul and a complete menace
he's very matter-of-fact when you point them out. "it's just a little jumping spider, no big deal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
in fact he's almost adorable with how he quietly talks to the bugs and coaxes them to crawl on his hand so he can get them out of your way
and then he prods and begs you to take a picture of the bug bc it's a cool little guy
surprisingly knowledgeable and can identify bugs easily, so once he's got one in his hands he'll show it to you and tell you some facts about it
which is very sweet except for the fact that it's still a nasty bug and you want it out of your face!
he'll lightly tease you over being so scared of a little bug while he takes them outside. and if it's a pest-eater like a spider he'll hide it in a dark corner out of your sight
overall very kind to bugs and thinks they're friendly
which is why it throws you so hard that sometimes after he coos over them he just FUCKING SMASHES THEM IN HIS PALM?
also when the bug is taken care of he'll sneak behind you and lightly tap his fingers up your arm like a creepy-crawly and then laugh when you get scared. what a shithead
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🔮 Uki Violeta: 15/10
the very essence of "i'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with ME"
it's like watching a cat hunt an unaware mouse. he's so quick about it
and he's so good at it too?? he'll find the bug, swat it, and throw the remains away in less than a minute on a good day
doesn't even act like it's a big deal either, he just goes back to what he was doing before you asked for help
he uses tissues or shoes on the big ones like roaches, but anything small, he's surprisingly good at crushing them with his bare hands. this is especially funny when he has acrylics on bc those nails never get dirty nor in the way
spiders get the relocation pass, and he'll insist they stay inside, just out of sight
non-zero chance if you complain about it, he'll go on a lecture about how spiders are how you prevent other pests from invading the house
honestly you only see this side of uki once. the bugs are too scared to show their faces after this stint
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✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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I don’t know if you take smut requests so I’m just gonna request for a fluffy one where Noah’s S/O has her wisdom tooth removed, I never had it done so all I know is that you get high af from dental drugs and people forget they have a partner or even married lol
A/N: I do take smut requests, I have a posted about my rules here. ♡ I like this request a lot tho, Anon. I got my wisdom teeth removed about three years ago, but I'm not from America. Where I'm from, you can choose what kind of anesthesia you get while they get removed. I didn't get full anesthesia, only local, so I couldn't feel pain and I remember everything... BUT... I know videos. Let me see what I can think of! ♡
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Summary: When Noah and Jolly picked up Y/N after their wisdom tooth removal, they didn't know what they settled for.
Warnings: fluff, adorable little y/n, nothing else ♡
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
"Do you know the muffin man?" You asked tiredly when your eyes finally opened after your wisdom teeth operation.
"WHAT?" Noah exclaimed while Jolly was laughing his ass of behind him.
You instantly forgot, what you wanted to tell him with that, so you just giggled. Noah's eyebrows rose. "What have I gotten myself into?"
"Aren't you afraid the snake on your neck will strangle you?" You than asked while looking at his neck tattoo and than noticed how your vision was still slightly blurry. When you were honest to yourself, you didn't even know where you were.
"Please help me, Jolly." Noah than exclaimed and looked at his friend behind him.
"THE SWEDE!" You suddenly screamed in excitement and reached for your fellow friend, who couldn't contain his laughter anymore.
"I wonder if they were ever this excited to see me." Noah said to his friend and band mate, causing you to shoot him a look.
"Who even are you and why are you holding my hand, my dude. I have a absolutely perfect boyfriend that waits for me at home, mister." You mumbled and crossed your hands before your chest, when the doctor stepped in and told the boys, you could go.
They helped you into a wheel chair and drove you to Noah's car, while you slightly dosed off again.
The next thing you knew was about ten minutes later, when you started to mumble again. "Jolly?" - "Yes." - "Do you know how gorgeous Noah is? Literally every time I close my eyes, I see him right in front of me."
Noah quietly laughed while driving the car.
"No, go on. Tell me more." Jolly almost was full on laughing again, while your boyfriend's cheeks turned pink.
"I think he's a siren. Literally how can he woo someone this fast. I look at him and I feel like I'm an object." You muttered. Jolly tried to contain his laughter, causing him to tear up. "Like... HOLY HELL, HOW HOT CAN A SINGLE PERSON BE."
"Yeah, he's pretty hot, Y/N." Jolly cried out under his laughter.
"FACTS." You screamed and started to feel dizzy again. "When we come back imma kiss the shit outta him."
Noah rose his eyebrows to how oblivious you were to his presence.
"Fuck, I love this man." You exclaimed, before falling back into a "half-sleep".
A couple of minutes later, you only partially noticed Noah carrying you out of the car and into your bed, and the last thing you heard before you finally fully fell asleep was him planting a kiss on your forehead and whispering, "I love you too, silly."
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
(only a short one but i hope you like it)
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nogenderbee · 8 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @miya-akane request: okay I'll request for the last tine-
How about Xiao, Chongyun, Freminet and Albedo (my top 4 in genshin<3) with s/o that kins Akito and/or Ena? Like they tend to comparw themself with others and felt like they're not good enough ? Also they have a bit anger issues perhaps? In conclusion they're somehow like akito. (My akito and ena kinnie ass need to)
That's all! Don't overworked yourself and always remember to stay hydrated bee~
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yess! Omg this one was actually great idea! I tried looking at Akito more though I guess they're so similiar it didn't made difference hah And no worries, I'm taking care of myself, but I hope you do as well miya!
Anyway, I know I took my time with this one but I hope you'll like it in the end!
Short boys supermercy forever and ever, I love writing for them sm I swear
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Albedo almost never let's emotions carry him so you could tell he's always the one calming you down when needed
✧ but he does understand that you need to let the negative emotions out, so first thing he does is getting your emotions out on paper
✧ he'll let you all his painting equipment and won't even mind if you damage the canva in the process
✧ as for you comparing yourself to others, he starts noticing you daydreaming and will sometimes make remark for you to not worry about it
✧ he's rather reassuring type so whenever you try comparing yourself out loud, he'll stop whatever he's doing just to hold your hands gently and remind you of all your values
"Don't call yourself like that. You're the most skillful person in this field I know. And believe me when I say I don't just throw words on wind."
✧ and of course, there's also your tsundere behavior which often leaves him chuckling quietly at how you're trying to hide your affection
✧ he's not necessarily the teasing type but he can't stop but naje you clarify what you want just to see that little blush on your face
@bleachtheidiot @miya-akane - come get your chalk alchemist!
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✧ as Xiao can be a bit of a tsundere sometimes as well, he doesn't really have problems with anger
✧ he'd sometimes be the type to put his hand on your shoulder and reassure you there's no need to waste your energy on something like that
✧ but sometimes... he'll let you. It all depends of the situation you found yourself in
"They said what to you...? I'll go fight them instead, you shouldn't risk any danger. Especially when I'm around."
✧ something he can't understand tho is you constantly comparing yourself to others. He saw many mortals do it and yet he still doesn't understand why you're comparing yourself to someone with much more experience
✧ he's gonna be rather blunt with it and just tell you it's not logical at all to compare yourself who just started with something to someone who's been devoted to this genre for few years already!
✧ but if your topic ever goes to not being enough of a lover, he'll try to break his tsundere barrier and tell you all the things he loves you for
✧ in the end, he ends up being a blushing mess when you have a bit of breakdown, assuring you that he means every word he says
@bleachtheidiot @miya-akane - come get your tsundere adepti~
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✧ Chongyun is on rather calmer side and his bursts are usually one of annoyence rather than pure rage
✧ you were definitely the first person he met with such an anger issues so he had hard time getting used, but once he does, he doesn't mind that much
✧ he will try dragging you aside whenever you get angry at someone and offer for you to take your anger out on him or on any object he doesn't care about instead
"Take it out on me. You can imagine I'm them and just tell me anything you want. I won't get upset, I'll only be happy if it helps."
✧ if you decline tho, he'll try to look for other ways since he doesn't want you to carry these emotions inside but he also doesn't want you taking it out on others
✧ as for your comparing, he won't tolerate that! he'll stop you and tell you all things he likes about you right in the face while holding your shoulders or hands and maintaining eye contact. He want's you to be sure you know he's being honest!
✧ though he might need a popsicle or two after such an interaction...
@bleachtheidiot - come get your popsicle boy!
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✧ Freminet is rather quiet so he rarely bursts out, bur something you have in common would certainly be comparing yourselves to others...
✧ you're perfect in his eyes and he's perfect in yours, but that doesn't seem to stop you from putting yourselves down
✧ when he hears you talking badly about yourself, he'll immidietly tell you it's not true and try to tell you some compliments, but he get's shy quickly so it may end in many ways...
✧ he's also trying to help you calm down with your anger! First thing he thinks of that might help would be those anti stressing toys to squeeze!
✧ he'll buy you as many as you'd want, even if you keep breaking them. What matters to him is if they work
✧ if they don't, he'll do his best to find a good excuse and pull you away as he's doing his best to calm you down
"It's fine, it's fine... Breath with me. In... and out... That didn't help? Well uh..."
✧ and finally, there's your tsundere self! Your lovely interactions are certainly rare but they're somehow sweet, since you have to watch out to not say something discouraging to him or he might stop initiating affections...
✧ but don't worry, he'll learn your way of speaking sooner or later and it won't bother him as much anymore!
@bleachtheidiot - come get your shy diver~
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scarlet-fantasies · 1 year
Hi anon!
Gosh sorry I took so long, but I finally came up with something. And its lengthy so that's the good part. I wish I could make content faster but I just get so tied up. But anyways, I will try to write more and faster since I have break for a couple of weeks. :)
writers block plz dont attack me
Obnoxious Bf Eren Hcs
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Eren being an obnoxious boyfriend and you, his gf, being annoyed/embarrassed 25/8 by him. Just a lot of things he does that you have to put up with that can be hot, annoying, or even embarrassing.
::𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬:: sfw & slight nsfw
𝐼𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑥 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛
𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛 --> 𝑇𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
© 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑡-𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑠 // 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑙, 𝑟𝑒𝑢𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠. 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑢𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒. // 2021-𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡.
💚Run, right now!
💚If you’re his first love and he knows, he brings it up to tease you. In front of his or your friends.
💚One time you were with Mikasa and him and you did something for him and he had to tease.
💚“Cause I’m your first love, hmm right?”
💚“No.” You'd eye roll, already annoyed with him.
💚“Yeah it is, liar. C’mere.” He’d smirk pulling you into a headlock and ruffling your hair and telling you that he’s your first love. “It’s cause you like me, admit it, I'm your first love.”
💚“Let me go, you’re ruining my hair Eren!” You'd complain, trying to get out of his grip.
it was totally harmless tho
💚He loves squishing your face and calling you cute to make you get upset. He does it to annoy you and see you flustered if you are the type.
💚When you have sleepovers with Mikasa he intervenes and tries to get in on your girl talks. “So who’s this crush you had before you met me, babe?”
💚“Buzz off, this our girl time.” Mikasa would argue as you avert your eyes and hope your friend can get him to leave.
💚Eren will sometimes causally walk by you and instead of saying hello he playfully bites your ear.
💚"You know 'hi' is nice too." You'd complain with your hands up in a bit of defeat in trying to explain to him that his antics were not in any way romantic.
💚Speaking of biting he likes tackling you down to the floor and biting you playfully.
💚He won’t wrestle but kinda fights you in a way, he just likes to see you try to move him or get out of his hold. He likes seeing you use your strength on him and then he just easily turns you around or stops you with like no effort.
💚Would arm wrestle with you for sure just to show off his muscles.
💚He’s literally so annoying that before you do it he has to take his shirt off so you can see his toned body.🙄
💚Pokes your sides all the time!
💚Loves to point out that you like him or have a crush on him. Or even that you think he’s hot.
💚“Aww my girl has a crush on me.” He’d grin, leaving you to eye roll.
💚Or even, “So I’m hot, huh? What do you like about me so much?” He’d smirk, causing you to look away.
💚“I don’t know—“
💚“Hmm, you don’t know?” He’d tease.
💚“I never said you were hot—“
💚“You’re not a good liar.”
💚If you’re short he loves to make fun of you by calling you fun size and by holding objects above you so that you can’t reach it even when you jump.
💚Or even if you have a baby face or you look younger than you are because of your height or appearance he teases you about you being a kid.
💚Like one time you were out at a restaurant and looking at the menus before ordering and he was like, “you’re supposed to order from the kids menu.” He teased with a huge smirk on his face making you kick him under the table.
💚Or he just likes to ruffle your hair and he’ll call you kiddo even tho you’re not.
💚When he is over he’ll look around the room and if you have something “girly” or “personal” he’s gonna tease.
💚“Babe, can I read your diary?”
💚“No, it’s personal.”
💚“Why not, it’s when you were 12 I’m sure you wrote about really cute things.”
💚“I was weird at 12!” You’d admit, snatching the book away.
💚“What? I doubt it, I bet you were cute.”
💚“I thought these were for kids.” He’d point at the stuffed animals.
💚“Aww you have a night light, are you scared of the dark?”
💚And when he sleeps over he’s just more annoying by making fun of your pjs if there not sexy.
💚“Aren’t those kid pajamas?” He’d laugh seeing you wear this fluffy pajamas with a bear print.
💚“I get cold.”
💚“You look so cute, babe. C’mere.”
💚When you’re brushing your teeth for the night he offers to do it for you but he just put tooth paste on your nose.
💚He’ll also lock you in place when you cuddle so you can never get up
💚When cuddling he likes to hold you in different positions and he’ll even do that leg flip challenge just to smack your ass cause you didn’t even know what it is. So he gets away with it.
💚It was literally extra embarrassing when his brother walked in too.
💚“Damn I need to knock.” Zeke would say before leaving you two be.
💚Sometimes he just tells you to pick something up so he can comment on your butt.
💚Will eat something gross and then kiss you since you don’t like the taste.
💚Tries to hug you when he’s sweaty and you get upset.
💚He also loves to not shave his facial hair just to see you get upset when he starts to poke you just for a kiss.
💚Because he’s taller and maybe towers over you he’s stared down at your chest cause he could see and pulls it to look more.
💚When he walks past you he sometimes lifts your skirt up.
💚If your laying in the bed he grabs you by your ankle sometimes.
💚Will make fun of your baby pictures. “You looked so adorable being that mad, you still give the same face.”
💚Calls you a big baby and you always argue about it.
💚Flicks your forehead for no reason or when you tell him a concern of yours.
💚“Silly girl, I know you didn’t mean it.”
💚“Ow, Eren.”
💚If you ask him to braid your hair he will put the hair in your face to give you a mustache
💚He actually likes to do your hair tho.
💚When you argue and you turn your back to him he turns you to face him.
💚Tickle fights that have no limits, like your skirt could ride up fully and he doesn’t care.
💚He’d even tickle your boobs if he has access to it.
💚Sits on you like you’ll be laying on his bed or couch and he just decides to put his body weight on you.
💚“Eren get off!”
💚“This is my bed.” He’d sass.
💚“Im not a bed!”
💚Puts you over his should and slaps your ass
💚Points out your jealousy, “I didn’t think you could be any cuter, but you being jealous is really adorable babe.”
💚Finds all your reactions so cute that he just has to do something all the time.
💚He loves pretending to drop you
💚He randomly pulls you on top of him
💚Bc he is taller he puts his shirt over your head sometimes and you get so annoyed.
💚If you have a ponytail he will pull on it.
💚He has a very obnoxious laugh and so you hear quiet often when he is teasing you.
💚One thing he does when you get upset and try to fit him is wrap his arms around you so you can’t budge.
💚He will wrestle you, i fact he’ll even do arm wrestling with you.
💚And if you’re really weak he has let you win once or twice and if you’re strong he’s lost but says he’s distracted.
💚He will make bets about it.
💚“If I win, no pants.” He’d smirk, knowing he’s probably going to win now.
💚“That isn’t even fair . . . Fine then, if I win no kisses for a week.”
💚“You’re on.”
💚Because you two have been together for a while He sometimes gets curious about the panties your wear and pulls back your pants just to see what you have on.
💚And if he gets really comfortable he sticks his hand in and tries to massage your ass.
💚One thing he loves doing is asking if he can touch your butt when it’s really being on display by you bending down or whatever.
💚“Can i feel how plump it is?”
💚“What? I thought it looked cute.”
💚“It’s not!”
💚“Yes it is.”
💚Or he just teases you about how much you have.
💚“I wonder how much it weighs.”
💚“Shut up!”
💚“It really looks like a bit.”
💚He defiantly clutches your ass.
💚Eren loves seeing you oblivious so he always says suggestive things.
💚He makes bets with you and you usually lose
💚You two steal the blanket from each other so to end the war he just grabs a hold of you instead.
💚He makes jokes about putting a kid leash on you or squeaky tracker to not lose you in a crowd.
💚If you’re shorter he sometimes will pretend he doesn’t see you by continuing to look up. “Babe where are you?”
💚Will undo any bow or clip in your hair randomly or even something that needed to be tied like now of a shirt or on pants.
💚When he hugs you sometimes and pulls you in a for a deep hug he unclasps your bra.
💚Sometimes you can sense it and try to stop him but he always catches your hand or moves fast enough.
💚You sometimes call him werewolf and he gets so upset he’ll chase you around until your tired.
💚He has sometimes told you to give him a piggy back ride by jumping on top of you, to which you end up falling forward since you don’t expect the weight.
💚“Eren, get off.” You'd complain.
💚“Babe, it’s your turn to carry.”
💚“I can’t!”
💚He likes to make jokes that you need to learn how to kiss so he sometimes tries to instruct you while kissing you. “So then closer, closer, and now look at me—don’t laugh, you’re supposed to focus on kissing better.” He’d scold still making you giggle as he tried to “guide” you.
💚“This is silly.” You’d laugh earning a big grin from him as he cupped your face with his hands.
💚“You’re so fucking adorable.” He’d say before crashing his lips onto yours.
💚If you are ever feeling embarrassed or feel shy to say something, he loves embarrassing you more.
💚~~“What’s the matter, cat caught your tongue?”
💚~~“You know you’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”
💚~~“Aww, look at you getting all red.”
💚Takes your pens or pencils without asking and tells you that if you want them back you have to say the magic word
💚Sometimes he takes the one that's in your hand just to see you annoyed with him.
💚Randomly gives hickies anywhere while trying to do things and you won’t really notice until it’s too late he’s done more than just kissing.
💚Points out the hicky he gives.
💚“It looks nice.”
💚“Shut up.”
💚“It looks so nice, I’m gonna show my brother. Ze—“
💚“No!” You’d shout immediately covering his mouth.
💚“I’m kidding, babe. I would never.” He’d laugh.
💚Randomly scooping you up and holding you in his arms.
💚Bring up embarrassing moments that you’ve had only with him.
💚“Remember when your nose bled while I kissed you.”
💚“That was because of the heat!" You'd remind.
💚“Sure.” He’d eye roll.
💚Or even, “Do you remember when you tripped over that rock at my house and you were about to cry?”
💚“I wasn’t going to cry.”
💚“Yeah right. You had teary eyes.”
💚“I was in pain.”
💚“Remember when that lady thought you were a kid? At the park?”
💚“Why do you always remember the weird stuff?!” 😭
💚Wants to see your baby pictures and asks for copy’s so he can keep them in his books as bookmarks and that when he reads a book he can look it and show you it.
💚“Awww this is when you had your diaper changed.”
💚“I’m kidding, it’s a picture of when you liked bubble baths, you even had a rubber ducky.”
💚You’d frown, finding it to be a bit embarrassing as he just went on.
💚“It’s not much different now, you still like baths—but I took your ducky’s place now.” He’d smirk, making you blush.
💚Though being playful you'd respond, "Maybe, but you're not as cute as him."
💚He keeps a lot of the pictures and you beg him to get rid of them but he just won’t.
💚Speaking of which he loves randomly taking pictures of you when you’re caught of guard just to keep for himself.
💚When driving he sometimes revs the car and even when he says he won’t he’s just lying all to get you to scream.
💚He hits on you all the time even tho he’s dating you.
💚Won’t tell you if you have crumbs or whipped cream on your cheek he thinks you’re too cute. Well that doesn't last because he thinks he can just lick it off and you look at him with a really serious face of like 'seriously, were are in public?!?!?!'
💚Even if you two are married he’s still obnoxious no matter what because he will just randomly ask things like:
💚~~“Babe, do you wanna make little Erens?”
💚~~“Sex?” While you’re like trying to relax and it’s just so awkward 😂
💚He mostly says it because he’s joking tho and to see you get shy or annoyed, kinda depends on your mood.
💚Loves talking about you and how hot you are to him.
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@bi-effing-simp @lucifugovs @xxghoulishspritexx @sp00ksic0la @keithandlevi-ontheroof @songbirdgardensworld
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
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I wanted to write for best bofurin boy so I did :D
(Tickly headcanons below the cut)
-Remember how I said I loved Toma? I do- but of all of Bofurin this is my favorite character (Togame has my current series fave tho) SUGISHITA!!! :D
-He looks all tough and scary but he's the definition of "Wiggle your fingers at him and he's already gone." He cannot handle it at ALL.
-Soooooo ticklish- poor baby can't handle even the smallest of pokes and prods. A single jab and he's on the floor. Think spooked cat after encountering a cucumber kajkrakerkeaj
-His worst spots are his legs; thighs, knees and calves especially. Really, he's someone who's fairly ticklish everywhere (like Sakura shhhh) but if you get those spots specifically he'll be putty in your hands.
-He laughs in lower case; very quiet giggler. If you get the backs of his knees or his armpits you might get a proper cackle or whine, but most of the time he laughs in silence.
-He can't fight back to save his life in a tickle fight, so he just kinda covers his face and curls up. It's very different than when he's fighting for real; his main objective is to run for the hills and get away (Though if he's being completely real with himself he rather likes being tickled physical affection is his love language but like hell he'll ever admit that outloud)
-Umemiya tickles him the most cause of course he does jajreakrekje He does it for every reason under the sun: bad moods, fighting with Sakura again, wrong place wrong time, just because- it's not uncommon to see Sugishita a tad breathless and giggly post Umemiya's reign of tickly terror. (some say that's the first real sign Umemiya's in a mood).
-Wake up tickles are canon with this guy. He's a heavy sleeper even in class; waking him up can be kind of difficult. Suo likes to tickle him awake more times than not- and once Sakura tried it which resulted in a fist fight.
-Suo also tickles him to try and help "Fix is posture"; just sneaking up and grabbing his ribs all "Straighten your back." It usually leads to Sugishita on his knees in mirth, but he does kinda somewhat stand up straighter? No one can really tell the difference if they're being honest.
-If you think Sakura is a blusher, tease this man. Tell him how cute he is laughing and smiling and how "the big bad Sugi is so sensitive to a few tickles, hmm?" and he'll put the worst of Sakura's blushes to shame. He cannot handle verbal taunts at all; it's as bad as air tickles! (he also can't handle air tickles did I say that yet?)
-Not much of a tickler, but when it comes to wars, he's the muscle. He puts his long legs to use in pinning someone down for Umemiya (which- granted- backfires from time to time given how ticklish they are) or puts them in a hold no one knows where he learned from but dang it it works and leaves their lee open for tickly antics without hurting them so they go with it! If you here Umemiya go "Sugi, if you please~" Run- you're likely gonna be the target.
-If he DOES tickle someone...it's so gentle? He's got steel muscles and feather fingers. He's not one to really go in for the kill, but if he's in charge of pinning someone, he'll very gently trace their neck or arms or wherever he can reach. He doesn't really talk, but his devious little smile is just as effective to fluster!
-Poker. He'll reach out and jab sides and bellies from time to time but that's as far as he goes in tickle wars when he's not being assigned pin duty. It usually results in him getting wrecked (which was what he was going for- what who said that?)
I could yell about him for hours ajrkjaekjejk thanks for reading!
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