#I truly think šŸ¤”
catharusustulatus Ā· 2 years
So hype about ā€œThe Crawlā€ and thinking about the different things it could mean. Eddie crawling out of the upside down. The others crawling out of the upside down. The others having to go BACK to the upside down. A dungeon crawl/the gang having to navigate a broken down Hawkins hell scape. Steve talking about how he used to crawl backwards and now heā€™s crawling forwards - towards what? Are they going back in time? Crawl like ā€œcome crawling faster/obey your master.ā€ Crawl like the monsters of the upside down crawling out of the earthquake lines around Hawkins just like Nancyā€™s vision!!!!
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cuubism Ā· 2 years
I see your "Dream yelling at Desire because 'how dare you make me have feelings for Hob!!'" and raise you "Dream yelling at Desire because 'how dare you make Hob have feelings for me!!'" because it's the only logical explanation for why Hob would claim to want someone like Dream
[ cat screaming crying . jpg ]
Dream storms into Desireā€™s realm, steps thudding on the uneven floor, rage propelling him forward. He cannot remember ever feeling such anger, such betrayal towards his sibling, not even when he had learned they were behind his imprisonment.
Desireā€™s games have always gone too far, but this is beyond trying to teach him a lesson, this is beyond what Dream can reconcile, this is simply cruelty.
ā€œYOU,ā€ he thunders, the air shaking around him as he stalks up to where Desire is lying casually on a chaise lounge as if they havenā€™t just ripped Dreamā€™s one comfort in this life out from under him. ā€œHow dare you.ā€
ā€œBrother, dear,ā€ drawls Desire, popping a grape into their mouth with not a care in the world, ā€œit is rude to simply fly in without even knocking on the door. You wouldnā€™t like it if I did it to you.ā€
Blind with fury, Dream grabs them by the throat and hauls them to their feet. Desire lets out a choked gasp, genuinely startled by his vitriol. Their pulse trips under Dreamā€™s thumb.
Desire cannot be killed through something as simple as strangulation, but it truly is tempting to try. ā€œWhat,ā€ Dream snarls, grip tightening, ā€œwhat have you done to Hob Gadling?ā€
Desire blinks at him, torn from their alarm by confusion. ā€œWhomst? Listen, I know you know everybodyā€™s name and their kinkiest fantasy but I honestly canā€™t be bothered with the details, youā€™re going to have to fill me in.ā€
The rage in Dreamā€™s core only flares hotter. ā€œEnough of this charade, you know exactly what youā€™ve done.ā€
ā€œNo, seriously, I have no idea what youā€™reā€”ā€
Dream whirls away, leaving his sibling staggering in the wake of his grasp. ā€œWas it not enough?ā€ he demands, staring sightlessly into the gleaming red curves of Desireā€™s realm. ā€œWas the vortex not enough? Was a century of imprisonment not enough for you?ā€ His voice cracks halfway through, and itā€™s mortifying. ā€œTruly, your hatred of me is untempered by even the slightest compassion.ā€
Desireā€™s voice is quizzical when they next speak. ā€œI am starting to wish I was behind whatever this is that seems to have pierced you straight through the heart. Iā€™m afraid my own arrows have missed that organ thus far.ā€
ā€œHob Gadling,ā€ Dream insists, but Desireā€™s seemingly-genuine confusion has him wavering. Itā€™s not like them not to revel in their own victory, and oh, this has been a victory, Dream feels laid lower than even a century in a cage had managed. ā€œYou are manipulating him.ā€
ā€œOnce again, I donā€™t know who that is. But heā€™s clearly excellent ammunition so Iā€™m certainly going to find out once you leave.ā€
Dream flexes his hands at his sides, summoning his control. If Desire truly was not behind this, then heā€™s already made a mistake in coming here. Best not to offer anything else.
Being in Desireā€™s realm makes this stoicism difficult. The very space brings emotions to the surface, drags feelings up from his stomach that heā€™s tried so very hard to tamp down. He tastes blood at the back of his throat, his stomach churns, his skin prickles with sweat.
Desire stalks up behind him, sensing all of this. ā€œNow I am curious,ā€ they murmur, dragging a finger up his shoulder, over the collar of his coat and along the back of his neck. ā€œNow I must know whatā€™s go you so riled up.ā€
ā€œYou think you have earned such things?ā€ Dream says through gritted teeth. His heart is pounding hard and uneven such that it physically hurts in his chest, the weight of the Threshold bearing down.
ā€œNo need to earn, you can hide nothing from me here.ā€ Desire circles around him to his front, dragging their finger along his collarbone until it lands right at the base of his throat. They look at him from under their lashes, all smug satisfaction. ā€œYou are all tangled up in the realm of Desire, arenā€™t you?ā€
Dream moves to storm off, but Desire blocks him, nails pressing into his skin.
ā€œNah-ah, no running away. Let your little sibling help you, hm? As you may know, I am rather wise in matters of the heart.ā€
The look on Desireā€™s face is craftiness, glee, not charity or wisdom.
ā€œI neither need nor wish for your assistance,ā€ says Dream, voice hard. ā€œOn this, or any other matter.ā€
ā€œBut there is a matter.ā€ Desire leans in and speaks right in his ear. ā€œI can smell the heartsickness on you, Dream.ā€
There is nothing Dream can say in response to this. Any denial would only be read as falsehood, for Desire does not lie ā€“ of late, Dream feels sick with wanting in Hobā€™s presence, hunger so sharp it turns over into nausea, much like the first time Hob had pushed him to eat after his captivity. How cruel, then, to have his pain eased, his desires sated by a reciprocation that cannot possibly be truly felt.
There is nothing to say, so Dream doesnā€™t speak. Silence, of course, is its own answer.
ā€œYou know, if thereā€™s one thing I have always admired about you, big brother, itā€™s your willingness to destroy yourself for the sake of passion,ā€ Desire continues. ā€œYouā€™d think thatā€™d be my sort of thing. Whoā€™ve you lost yourself on this time? Demigod? Demon? Dryad? Vampire?ā€
Dream glares at them, but does not speak.
Desireā€™s face absolutely lights up as they realize. ā€œOh. My. God. Is he human? Dreeaaammmmm, my my, maybe your little time out did change you, after all.ā€
Dream turns away, refusing to give them the satisfaction of confirming. Though he knows this reaction is also a confirmation.
Desire claps their hands. ā€œOh! Iā€™m so proud of myself. Look at this! Look at the softness of your heart. Look how I can bruise it.ā€
Dreamā€™s heart, indeed, gives a painful thump. ā€œShould you dare to touch him, even the old laws will not protect you.ā€
Desire sighs, flopping back onto a couch, legs crossed, head propped in their hand. ā€œWhy bother? Youā€™ll destroy it yourself, and thatā€™ll be much more fun.ā€
I hate you, Dream thinks, like a petulant child. He hates, also, how any argument with Desire makes him feel that way, feelings crowding at the surface of his skin, throat tightening, mind spinning in a chaotic churn. His muscles clench so hard he thinks they might have snapped, were he human, then he forces himself back into a semblance of ease.
There is no extracting himself from this situation with any dignity.
ā€œInterfere with my affairs again,ā€ he warns darkly, ā€œand I will destroy you.ā€
Then he storms out of the Threshold.
ā€œLove you too!ā€ Desire calls after him, a grin in their voice. ā€œGood luck with your human!ā€
When heā€™d found Hob at the New Inn, thirty-three years after heā€™d meant to arrive, Dream had not known how he might be received. Friendship extended once may not be extended again after so brutal a rejection, and so prolonged an absence, no matter that the latter offense was not within his control.
Being met with a smile, then, and an easy acceptance of his apology, like Hob had already forgiven him long before Dream had stepped through the door, had been a revelation. Something had settled in him that he had not known was knocked askew. Could there, truly, be one thing in his life that was allowed to be easy? Where Dreamā€™s missteps were not met with scorn or vitriol or world-shaking consequences, but with grace and the chance to try again?
It seemed improbable, but still Dream had grabbed for it with cold, shaking fingers. Had held that unlikely flame between his palms. Had watched as it grew, hotter and brighter with each smile Hob sent his way, with each gentle brush of fingers as he pressed cups of tea into Dreamā€™s hands, with the hug Hob finally managed to wind him into, once Dream had told him of the true reason for his absence in 1989.
Hobā€™s grace, Hobā€™s generosity in inviting someone, something like him into his home, into his lifeā€¦ Dream did not quite know how to hold it, so unlikely it was. He tried, though, oh he tried. And he swore he would not mess it up, not like he had when Hob had first offered his friendship.
He has now, quite royally, messed it up.
He very much doubts Hob will be so generous this time.
He finds Hob where he left him, sitting on the couch in his flat, a book in his hand. He doesnā€™t seem to be concentrating on it; his thoughts feel scattered in ragged, disturbed daydreams.
He doesnā€™t even startle when Dream materializes next to him. Though he knows it can be startling to humans, Dream has not been able to break himself of just appearing where he needs to ā€“ traversing the long way from point to point is not how he works. But aside from the occasional, teasing, I have a door, you know, Hob never truly complains about these disturbances to his day.
Dream means to offer him an apology. To say, I should not have walked out when you said that you loved me. To say, I am supposed to be better, I am trying to be better.
Instead, just as Hob looks up, the words that trip out of Dreamā€™s mouth, pushed by the flurry of Desireā€™s realm still pounding within him, are, ā€œDid you speak truly, Hob Gadling?ā€
Which is a ridiculous question. Dream does not think he has ever heard Hob speak a lie. Still, Dream must have the answer.
Hobā€™s expression shifts through several incarnations, none of which Dream feels capable of reading. Finally, it settles on the same soft, exasperated understanding Dream remembers being presented with when heā€™d said, I know thirty years is truly quite late, at their reunion, before heā€™d told Hob why he was late.
Grace, then. He is to be offered grace, again.
His emotions are still so close to the surface that he has to physically swallow down what he feels about that.
ā€œOf course, I did,ā€ Hob says, and thereā€™s a hint of nerves in it, but he pushes through, he always does. ā€œI wouldnā€™t lie to you about that.ā€
His gaze is genuine, open, and no, Desire had not lied ā€“ Hobā€™s feelings are no manipulation of theirs. And while it is tempting to search for other answers, spells or illusions or any number of other causes, Dream knows, deep down, that he will come up empty.
Hobā€™s feelings are true, are his truth, confounding though that is.
Dream no longer feels capable of holding any of this in his hands.
Instead, he kisses him.
Itā€™s like he is pulled forward by a force outside his own body. He goes to Hob like he had gone to the sugar in the tea Hob had made him, that night at the inn when Dream had first realized how long it had truly been since heā€™d eaten; he goes to him like he had gone back to the Dreaming after being freed, returning home breathless, lost, changed.
Hob catches him against his mouth, hands cradling Dreamā€™s face. His grip is solid and warm, and he kisses Dream like he looks at him like he speaks to him, with a care Dream hardly knows how to accept. He leans into it anyway, he leans in.
ā€œI wasnā€™t fishing for a kiss when I said that, you know,ā€ Hob says when they part, still lingering close enough that Dream can feel his heat, his breath. ā€œI meant it in more ofā€” well, that way, for certain, but really, any way you wanted to take it.ā€
ā€œAny way,ā€ Dream repeats, not sure he comprehends Hobā€™s meaning.
ā€œYeah, youā€”ā€ Hob cuts himself off, letting out a breath, thinking. His hands slide from Dreamā€™s face down to his shoulders, and he holds him there. ā€œI. You just. I want you to know that youā€™re loved. Not demanding anything of it. Just telling you. Take it however serves you best.ā€
Dream stares at him, his whole being tripped and restarted at a new rhythm, and Hob gives him a sad smile.
ā€œItā€™s too big to hold,ā€ he says, and taps his chest. ā€œIn here. And besides, I wanted you to have it.ā€
Dream had had it. Only he hadnā€™t quite known what he had. The sunshine of Hobā€™s smiles, sustaining him, a bridge between distant points of light.
Finally, he manages to say, ā€œI felt it. You have been my succor. Myā€¦ only.ā€
Hob has captured him more effectively than Burgessā€™s snare, but this capture is not a prison. It hurts, oh, it aches, but it never wounds.
Hob smiles at him again. Thereā€™s still something pained in the creases around his eyes. ā€œI know.ā€
Heā€™s still touching Dream. His hands run over him, up his neck, over his throat, along his collarbone, andā€”
catch, on the collar of his shirt, above his heart.
ā€œWhat happened?ā€
His voice is tight, now, worried, andā€” yes. There are bruises on Dreamā€™s chest, crawling up over his breastbone. He had felt them form, and hadnā€™t stopped them.
Hobā€™s expression darkens further the longer he looks; he drags the collar of Dreamā€™s shirt down, trying to see how far the damage spreads. ā€œYouā€™ve got bruises all over you. Dream, what happened?ā€
What happened is Dream stood in the Threshold and his heart beat so hard it drummed right through to the surface of his skin. What happened is it hurt so badly his form shifted to give reason for the pain.
ā€œDesire,ā€ he says, and he does not mean his sibling.
Hob doesnā€™t seem to understand, but he smoothes a hand over Dreamā€™s heart as if to wipe the bruises away. Dream could will his body to return to its original, unharmed state, but he does not. He lets the blood stay pooled beneath his skin.
Hob sighs, tugging Dreamā€™s coat tighter around him, shielding him from further injury. ā€œCome here, you. You strange creature.ā€
He pulls Dream in, though he does not have to pull hard. Dream tucks his face into Hobā€™s neck, reveling in the warm scent of him, woodsmoke from the fireplace down in the inn where theyā€™ve now spent many a long evening, basking in the heat of the flames. Hobā€™s arms go around him.
Absolution. Dream does not think this is a gift that has ever been granted to him.
ā€œI would also love you,ā€ he says. ā€œIf you would accept it.ā€
ā€œIf I would accept it?ā€ Hob repeats. ā€œDarling, your love is a privilege.ā€
Dreamā€™s heart, in all its bruises and blood, finds rhythm again, and he thinks, though he certainly doesnā€™t pull away from Hob to check, that his skin clears up partway, too.
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burningparadiseduck Ā· 9 months
New characters coming in 4.4 !!!
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alexjcrowley Ā· 2 days
My favourite James Bond running gag is that he keeps killing people who have information about cases. M is always like "Hey, we need this guy, alive. If we could question him, it would help us greatly in catching a lot of bad guys" and James Bond's like "Got it, Ma'am". 10 minutes later M calls Bond "What about our guy?" "Oh well he's dead". Top-tier comedy for me, every single time. These are the vibes I get every time there's a scene with an appalled M because James Bond has accidentally killed off the 12th Super Very Important Guy With Top Secret Information:
At this point I think James Bond is single-handedly responsible for slowing down 30% of the cases of MI6. He's actively helping international crime by eliminating everyone who could ever reveal their secrets if captured.
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satans-knitwear Ā· 4 months
Just ordered some lingerie!!! I probably shouldn't have, given how broke I am!! But i guess that's how you can tell I'm getting better! Nature is healing. šŸ˜ŒāœØ
Help me cover it and pick your favourites for some pics just for you!
Pypl Cshpp
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chaos-burst Ā· 1 year
think i'll write molly/essek hades au for the au roulette
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shortkingvi Ā· 5 months
gimme ur hot take on tswift/galoyrism (not me trying to get you killed)
my only hot take on taylor currently is just that ttpd is absolute dookie and iā€™m mad at her for it
gaylorism though???? iā€™ve told u about this before for SURE but iā€™ll repeat it here for everyone. i wanna write an academic paper on the following:
essentially, i think the whole gaylor phenomenon comes from a deep desire to queer the american dream. taylor represents the quintessential american whoā€™s allowed to access the american dream: white, cis, straight, attractive, wealthy, popular, able bodied, etc. the only thing that doesnā€™t fall into the standard qualifications for the dream is her womanhood which is why she relies so heavily on boring neolib white feminism,,,,, a man can shout when a women must only whisper, that kinda shit
for gaylors though, this is insufficient. their major barrier of access to the american dream is typically their queerness; being a - usually - chronically online person means that they need to see a queerness that is not only socially accepted, but celebrated. so, they imagine this distant far off land where taylor comes out one day and it irrevocably shakes the foundation of the mainstream because sheā€™s still the american dream except now sheā€™s queer and that implies so many things for them
iā€™m not articulating this the best because tummy hurts and tired, but in essence i think that thereā€™s an assumption that an out, queer taylor swift would be a roundabout way of allowing the dominant acceptable americanness metabolize queerness in a way that normalizes it entirely.
i saw a post from one of them once that was like ā€œif taylor really is straight, doesnā€™t that make everything she does boring and no different from the million other straight stories weā€™ve heard before?ā€ and likeā€¦. you are so close to the point, my love. A: sheā€™s a human person and not a doll for you to dress up, so yeah, it would totally make things boring and unimaginative. but the bigger point is B: youā€™ve mistaken the fact that sheā€™s always relied on ambiguity about muses as her giving secret hints of some illicit queer romance
sheā€™s the absolute paragon of american cishet acceptability which is why if she were queer, that entirely changes the idea of who gets to access the dream. itā€™s wild stuff, but with some more research i really think that might be what it is
send me a šŸ”„ for an unpopular opinion!
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overly-verbose Ā· 3 months
I did it! I wrote the thing :D
Yep, I saw it haha! I'll get into more detail once I finally sit down to write a proper comment, but honestly it was awesome! :DDDDDDD
The 'it' in question is Spycemel's/Travellers_Of_Void's fic, inspired by my SIkuna story (what an honour!!! :DDD)
It has 'just' one chapter so far, but it's shaping up to be a very very cool 'variant' haha! :DDDD
(ofc not to say it's not its own completely separate work, I just mean a variant of the premise)
A link to check it out;
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tgirljoker Ā· 4 months
ughhh. ive got to get a girlfriend so i stop thinking about guys its so so bad
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goldensunset Ā· 2 months
re: the music rant I tagged you in I am so sorry for tagging you in my double-dose caffeine fueled haterism explosion post. truly was off the shits and did not realize how much random garbage talking points I was ready to spill on the first person to ask
but i love haterismā€¦..
#truly i really donā€™t care if ppl like those artists. they do so for good reason#but itā€™s just impossible to see it as like. particularly noteworthy and countercultural or anything anymore?#like obv itā€™ll never be on the same mainstream level of like taylor swift or w/e#but as far as being ā€˜weirdā€™ or ā€˜fringeā€™ itā€™s like. safe weird. safe fringe#mainstream weird or mainstream fringe to use an oxymoron#thereā€™s nothing wrong with enjoying something with a large community that makes you feel something#but it just isnā€™t particularly striking as far as making a statement about how unique you are#not that you need to be unique to be cool#but i think a lot of people truly do see it as a thing that makes them special or even superior#itā€™s not harmful at all just a little silly#and truly when every young neurodivergent well-off internet dweller is doing it. well itā€™s not totally weird is it#safe and sanitized weirdness#either that or to get back to the point if it is true weirdness then itā€™s like yeah are you sure this goes on that character playlist LOL#maybe the other bigger threat is when stuff is genuinely good and raw and unique and strange#art thatā€™s screaming something out#and it gets watered down into something incredibly generic#like this lament about the singerā€™s very real life is like ā€˜woagh this is just like these two fictional white men who have never metā€™#less ā€˜morally wrongā€™ and more ā€˜hardcore cringe at best and in poor taste at worstā€™#or like. what if it is an EXTREMELY specific situation genuinely#why is it on every playlist šŸ¤”#the answer is bc it goes hard of course so who am i to say theyā€™re wrong for having fun#but behind the scenes in secret iā€™ll be laughing sinisterly#like everybody in the world thinks Their Artist is the most freakish unique and special artist. including swifties#fact of the matter thereā€™s always something weirder. even the stuff i listen to i am well aware could be so much freakier#is there really any point in making it a competition of how weird you are#just listen to what appeals to you and stop acting like youā€™re the main character idk#asks#dj-of-the-coven#ok iā€™m done now. hope none of this sounded too bitter and judgmental
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echthr0s Ā· 10 months
What are some others in your Top 10 Most Fuckable Spaceships?
I don't actually have a list of Top 10 Most Fuckable Spaceships, unfortunately, mainly because I never thought to make it but also because I can't think of 10 off the top of my head
here's some others I think are fuckable, regardless (based on exterior, interior, the ship AI, or all of the above)
Event Horizon (Event Horizon)
Endurance (Interstellar)
Normandy (Mass Effect)
Helios Station/Cloverfield Station (The Cloverfield Paradox)
the Mothership (District 9)
Wraith Hive ships (Stargate: Atlantis)
am also taking other people's suggestions at this point because I'm realising there's not nearly enough sexy spaceships in media imo. what are we even doing as a society
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narugen Ā· 3 months
GWUH i love when comments tell me how i might have prolonged certain aspects of my fic but then reassure me it Gets Better to read (very important to meeeee).. thank u to user swirling wind of repetition ur comment made my DAY!!!!! (crying)
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#egg boils#comments#<- was that my tag#UGHHHHH THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY.#I ALSO GOT MORE COMMENTS AFTER THIS AND I. WE FRUCKINB CRODEEEE#FAVE#save#also smth abt the angst is that it was literally the basis of the fic bc i wanted hoshina to be comforting her each time and i know his own#thoughts mustā€™ve been so frustrating to read MY BAD REALLY like what is ur problem girl but also#<- thinking abt it i did make hoshina confess First Verbally which is woah. in its own sense bc all this while he would only initiate to#comfort or help his captainā€¦. but when he doesnā€™t have that excuse of reaching out anymore n sheā€™s the one who takes care of him instead šŸ¤”#i guess that also helps him gain a bit more confidence and see where he truly stands beside her#like yeah flowers r cute and all but the confirmation she wants him and will stay by his side too.. (something she said previously and Then#proceeded to do so when she found him in the dojo) WHICH BTW. she figured out smth was wrong w the text messages but never got the chance to#find out properly bc sheā€™d always miss the timing. girl whoā€™s been staying on base recently and KNOWS where hoshina wld go when he canā€™t#sleep but never catches him bc sheā€™s either too late or he never shows up (choosing to lie awake in bed instead)#ARGHHHHHH MY HSMN#hoshina afraid to take the first step but he does it anyway DOES IT ANYWAY BECSUSE HE WONT LIVE FOREVER AND i think with the raid on#tachikawa base and other significant deaths it gets a lot more Obvious
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kuromi-hoemie Ā· 1 year
truly fail-wifing tonight, got v crossfaded, locked out of the parking garage and my new gf who lives in the area is letting me surprise crash at her place šŸ˜”šŸ’– sorry and thank you girlie lifting back from here is so expensive šŸ˜­
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threnodians Ā· 6 months
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local chronically ill woman feels eepy šŸ˜“
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roseofcards90 Ā· 1 year
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Iā€™ve been interpreting what Rin says here a bit trying to wrap my head around it, but I think thereā€™s multiple things going here with how initially it seems like sheā€™s angry at Shirou for being chosen as a master despite him being very inexperienced, which she would take as an insult to how much sheā€™s sacrificed her life and childhood just to train to be a magus
But I think thereā€™s more here that can be read, especially when Rin looks away from Shirou after stating that Kiritsugu ā€œchose to be a parent over being a magusā€. It seems like thereā€™s resentment there too with Rin towards her father, as well as to Shirou since Shirou at least got to be a semi normal child with a parent and guardians who looked after him; Rin, however, had nothing because she lost everything that left her alone for so long. She had to cast her humanity away from the start, and while she seems to justify that fact due to saying a magusā€™ child isnā€™t human, I think itā€™s more or less Rin trying to compensate just how much sheā€™s lost from being the successor to her fatherā€™s legacy, and what she couldā€™ve had which was a father who couldā€™ve been around to be there for her instead of dying off in a war and an actual childhood instead of parting with it so soon
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indigodawns Ā· 7 months
watching any edition of in the soop really never fails to make me 1) want to eat steak fried rice or noodles and 2) move to korea to go live in the mountains
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