#I wanna draw scenes from a bunch of the episodes
fernifox · 2 years
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Drawing Rex lapis in bee and puppycat style for my bee and puppycat genshin au I’m drawing up. Stay tuned for mischief. >:)
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genericpuff · 4 months
oh boy it's that time again
when rachel posts 'video progress' of her work and we proceed to dissect it like a frog in 9th grade science class
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like ok first the caption of "is persephone the chicken and hades the egg" makes no fucking sense except to anyone who overthinks it and goes "wait is that a reference to the popularly-perpetuated version of the myth where persephone went down to the underworld willingly and hades didn't actually exist???" because if it is ima scream lmao
Here's the transcript of what she's saying in the video:
"I think I've always wanted to write Hades' and Persephone's story because obviously I really like them. It's like very much a chicken and egg situation because I think in the beginning I thought that I was going to use a very abstract black and white style, and I realized it wasn't very enticing or fun for me, um... and I started drawing these very like vibrant characters and as I drew them I understood more about the story the more that I explored the art style, um and I guess an example of that is, y'know, Persephone is like a very bright color um, and the Underworld, is a very dark dark blue, and so when she says she really sticks out so it's just environmental uh processes like that that really helped inspire the direction of the story."
(despite her expanding on the "chicken and the egg" bit it still doesn't make sense imo lmao)
But what we're seeing isn't S1 LO, it's actually from S3 of LO:
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But um... you notice anything interesting about the screenshot I just showed you?
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That literally looks NOTHING like what we see in the final panel. At the VERY least I think this goes to show how overcooked it becomes in post-production, when they add the canvas layer and hypersaturate the shit out of the colors, but even the blending technique just isn't matching up?
A lot of what she's doing in this video also feels very... non-existent, like she's brushing her pen around but very little is happening so it feels more like her just putting down random brush strokes to try and make it seem put-together but really she's just kind of pushing colors around and/or doing nothing. Especially when, again, what she's painting here looks nothing like the final picture (so at best it's a lot of wasted work??)
And knowing what we know about the assistants drawing the characters separately so that Rachel can rearrange them in the final episode layout... I don't wanna call foul play here, but this feels like yet another attempt on Rachel's behalf to make her process seem more involved than it is by simply redrawing a scene for the performative aspect of it all. It's like the "sketches" in the books looking way too 'clean' for the final product and giving the impression that she just sketched over the final panels to make them look pretty enough for print.
I also wanna mention that for some reason she's drawing this on her iPad when she owns a Cintiq. It could be because she was drawing this while abroad in the US for her conventions last fall, but despite clearly being ahead of schedule, she still wound up drawing the final episode the night of-
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Oh yeah and btw there are like a million clipping layers for what looks like just a simple drawing of Demeter. And this lines up with our previous theories about her using like 128549021809 layers for literally one character.
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And aside from all that her commentary, as always, is very nothingburger, just a bunch of word salad. Like she's literally trying to explain LO's color theory as "well Persephone is bright pink and the Underworld is dark blue so she sticks out! That's all you need to know!"
IDK, I'm not coming to any sort of ironclad conclusion based off this one video, but it does feel like yet another desperate attempt to prove that she does work on LO and doesn't just leave it all to her assistants to do at the last minute. But like... she's kind of screwed in that argument either way, because even if she draws the majority of panels in LO, that just further proves the argument that she's stopped trying.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
Okay, I keep posting around what I actually wanna say about Buck, Eddie, and the parallel love lives, and, well, their love lives have been written as parallel but misaligned, but I don't think they are that misaligned anymore. Or at least they are the closest they have ever been. Abby and Shannon both serve as the first love who left and never gave them real closure, Abby left, forced Buck to leave her, came back and didn't admit to anything, just continued to force Buck to deal with it on his own, and Shannon left, only came back because Eddie asked her to, and she died right after asking for a divorce, so she never gave Eddie time to process the idea of permanently letting go of her before he was forced to do it on his own, and they are the love they keep reliving, because they were forced to find that closure on their own and they can't. Eddie because he is actively chasing Shannon and Buck because he is trapped in the same structure as his relationship with Abby, meeting because of work, the other person starts it, they leave at some point, at most times it feels like Buck is more in it than the other person. Buck gets a whole apartment because of Ali, Taylor was never as intense as we knew she could be about Buck, Natalia ran away because of who he is, Tommy doesn't seem to be putting in as much effort as he could. Ana, Marisol, and Kim and Ali, Taylor, Natalia, and Tommy, they get scrambled in the parallels between themselves though. I think mostly because where Buck needs time, Eddie needs intensity. Buck will realize stuff if you give him enough time, Eddie will only realize shit if it slaps him in the face. And Eddie's breakups tend to be Eddie's fault, where Buck breakups are usually because the other person does something. So one to one parallels are hard to draw, but they are there. Ana and Ali both are relationships that started because people keep telling them it was time to move on. Natalia and Marisol show up in their lives because of a call that wasn't about them, and they go out because they actually want to ask them out. Tommy and Kim both give the impression of it being about someone else, Kim is a carbon copy of Shannon, Tommy is presented to us as very similar to Eddie and he also parallels other Buck li, and there's also the way Eddie doesn't really want to date Kim and Buck and Tommy have the conversation about taking things slow. Taylor exists in a different situation because Eddie doesn't really have a multiseason love interest, Ana has a lot less episodes, so it's hard to compare the introductions, but Taylor and Ana parallel each other with the being introduced in an episode their family gets hurt, the whole thing with the brownies and Bobby and Chris and the skateboard, and the hurting Buck and Eddie part comes from their jobs, Taylor wants to capitalize on Bobby's addiction and Ana was the teacher responsible for making sure Chris stays safe, I think even the way Taylor's camera man teases them and the way Carla teases Eddie about Ana, structure wise Taylor and Ana are introduced in a similar way, and then coming back into their lives in unrelated circumstances, Taylor happens to be covering a scene Buck is working on and Eddie runs into Ana again during an unrelated call and later asking them out because of peer pressure. Ali, Ana, Taylor, and Marisol also parallel each other with being someone they meet while working and then start dating after a period of time has passed unlike Natalia. Taylor, Ana, and Natalia all get treated by them and that's interesting when they are not actually paramedics. There are a bunch of parallels between Natalia and Ana when it comes to conversations Buck and Eddie have with them too.
Kim parallels Taylor with the way both of them create chaos in their personal lives, Kim ends up making Chris want to leave and causes the breakup with Marisol, Taylor continues to try to capitalize on Buck's family even in a situation where their lives were actually at stake (and Chim is family in a more traditional way, now obviously because he's Buck's brother in law but at the time because he's the father of Buck's niece, and it is interesting that Chim leaves and actively wants to be as far away as possible from Buck and Chris is trying to get as far away as possible from Eddie, and I know the Chim's situation is not about Buck, but the person getting hurt the most over Taylor/Kim actions actually leaves the state while wanting to stay away from Buck/Eddie after finding out they were keeping something from them, which is something).
So the storyline parallels between all the love interests are there, but the things that's been getting me the most right now are the lines you can draw between Tommy and Kim. Because the thing is, while Eddie is actively chasing Shannon, I believe that Buck has let the Abby ship sail, but they are both looking in familiarity for something they already have with each other. With familiarity I mean the way Tommy parallels all of Buck's love interests, including Eddie, and the way Kim literally looks familiar. But also the way neither would have a chance of working long term because of that familiarity. Eddie can never bring Kim into his life, so that relationship would forever be surface level, and so far no real depth has been added to Buck and Tommy even though the show had opportunities to do so. Both Tommy and Kim presented Buck and Eddie with something they wanted but weren't fully aware of until they slammed into them, with Buck is the general concept of attraction to men he couldn't understand on his own and with Eddie, he didn't fully confront the way he still wants something from Shannon, that being more time, closure, or just the general feeling of grief that sometimes gets so unbearable you just want it to stop for a little bit and Kim was enough to trick his brain so it would stop for a second, I don't know, but she was offering something. But either way Eddie is finally at a point where he might actually look around to try and find out what he wants, because he was forced to confront the ghost of Shannon and Chris is not there, so he's at a point where he has enough puzzle pieces to realize that what he wants is the life he already has with Buck, the same way Buck can trip into the realization he already built his idea of love with someone, he just didn't understand Eddie is also an option. I think both of them work as a way to expand Buck and Eddie's dating pool, Eddie beyond what's expected from him, a mother for Chris, and Buck beyond women. So I think this is the closest they've ever been to actually being able to stumble into each other.
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
Buddie 7x04 Meta Part 2 (of 4)
Click here for Part 1, Part 3, and Part 4.
Where I left off in Part 1 is that Buck is known for being overly nosey about Eddie's romantic prospects. He does this for Ana a bunch and Marisol too to an extent. But this is the first time that Buck is doing so for a MALE romantic prospect for Eddie.
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Even though Buck isn't aware that he's viewing what Eddie and Tommy have to be romantic, the fact that it's written and directed almost EXACTLY how Buck's been about Eddie's other girlfriends speaks volumes. The only added layer here is that instead of being "enthused" for Eddie, he's hostile and upset about it. The new layer here is that Tommy is a man. This once again goes back to Buck viewing only women as romantic prospects for both of them, and placing himself firmly in the best friend category because that's the only place he believes he CAN be (at the moment).
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This also marks the first of several callbacks to Eddie's streetfighting arc in season 3 (specifically the famous 3x09 "I could take you" kitchen scene) which was inherently intertwined with what Buck views as one of the biggest mistakes of his life: suing the department, breaking Eddie's trust, and being forced to be away from Eddie and Christopher for an extended period of time.
Last time he and Eddie talked about "throwing punches" Buck said "you ever stop to think that maybe you were throwing punches at the wrong guy?" which is fucking HILARIOUS to me because it has SEVERAL huge connections to this episode. 1.) Eddie dating "the wrong guy" aka Tommy instead of Buck, 2.) Punching/fighting/physical violence as a metaphor for "socially acceptable" M/M intimate touch and 3.) BUCK misassigns his romantic feelings to Tommy aka "the wrong guy" at the end instead of realizing that Eddie is the core of his desire in this episode.
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Where's my "Tommy is Eddie in a different font" counter? It is now textual that the writers WANT us to take SPECIFIC notice that Buck views Tommy to be extremely similar to Eddie. And the main thing other than the army that he points out that they have in common is "they both like watching half-naked men pummel each other". This is just pointedly saying Buck thinks both of them are into/attracted to men. Like, is there any other way for this to be interpreted? (It could also be seen as mild internalized homophobia.) Maybe Buck doesn't realize that's what he's saying, but that's what he's saying. Which is once again assigning queerness specifically to Eddie (like in 7x01) even though Buck is the only one of the two who textually experiences MM queerness in this episode.
This line also draws attention to the fact that Buck is jealous because Eddie and Tommy are together in a homoerotic atmosphere. He may even be (unconsciously) thinking about Eddie and Tommy half-naked pummeling each other and no he doesn't find it hot. And this is proven by Eddie confirming that he and Tommy have pummeled each other in Muy Thai. Buck could be thinking of this as him being uncomfortable because he wants to be homoerotic with Tommy, but no, once again the focus of this scene is Eddie. Eddie continues to be the object of his desire.
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((Running tab on Tommy's similarities to Eddie: badass, competent, helicopters, army, Eddie-coined phrase, both like watching fights AND fighting together, both like cars, both are attracted to men ))
This line is yet another callback to the famous kitchen scene in 3x09. Buck homoerotically said "he could still take Eddie [in a fight]" and "you wanna go for the title?" implying they'd wrestle. In this instance in 7x04, just like it was in 3x09 wrestling is a (common queer) allegory for gay sex. The kitchen scene in 3x09 was buddie's most sexually charged moment to date. So Tommy being the one here to "go toe-to-toe" with Eddie and "take him" in a fight? Oh buddy boy Buck is PISSED.
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This is so funny because Buck clearly doesn't believe his own words here. But it's true in the past. Buck doesn't mind when Eddie makes friends. He was cool with Eddie making friends at the dispatch center, and he was also cool with Eddie going to play basketball with friends excluding him for a LONG TIME prior to now. He was also chill with Eddie being friends with Felisa, and even Marisol. Something has changed now, and I believe that Buck's belief of only being able to be close to Eddie as his "special friend" is changing. He's subconsciously realizing that he could be closer to Eddie than just a friend. But someone else is coming in and swooping Eddie up right out from under him. This entire episode is Buck (unconsciously) panicking over possibly missing his chance of being romantic with Eddie. That's the layer he doesn't realize. Buck DOESN'T usually mind Eddie making new friends, and he even says it again at the end of the episode that he knows Eddie's allowed to have other friends, but he does mind when said "friends" could ruin Buck's chances of being with Eddie before he even realizes he HAS a chance.
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This is the first of many callbacks to 2x01 in this episode (but not the first this season, 7x01 was absolutely riddled with callbacks to 2x01). Eddie is thinking about how it feels to "click" with someone and canonically this has only happened to Eddie before with two people: Shannon and Buck. This is also a callback to 6x17 Love Is In The Air where Eddie says he wants "chemistry" and "magic" with someone. And clearly, Buck sees that Eddie has chemistry and magic with Tommy--far more than he has with Marisol. But the most recent time Eddie has clicked so strongly with someone was with Buck, and that's obviously what Buck's thinking about here. Because Buck also remembers what it was like to click with Eddie.
Who else is Buck supposed to be thinking about in this scene? Abby? Natalia? Ali? No, no, and no. He's thinking about Eddie and how they clicked (not immediately) but very soon after meeting in 2x01. And they developed an extremely close bond that's been growing deeper and deeper with each year that passes. And Buck thinks he may lose that special bond with Eddie because now Eddie's developing something (possibly BETTER) with Tommy.
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Once again Buck using the same phrasing here as he does with Eddie's previous female love interests. This is how he's asked after Ana in the past. And when Eddie mentions trivia and karaoke, these two things made me think of Madney, another famous pair in the show who DID NOT REALIZE (or want to admit) THEY WERE DATING until someone else pointed it out to them. Sound familiar?
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Again, I want us all to give Eddie some grace here. In the past, Buck has been more than happy to watch Chris while Eddie goes out on dates. There's even a famous date where Eddie goes out with Ana and Buck watches Christopher for him "you're a miracle worker". But this time, Buck is unhappy about it. Why? Because he wants to be involved in whatever Eddie's got going on with Tommy, because previously those kinds of things were reserved for Buck (or Buck + Chris together). BUT how is Eddie supposed to know that Buck would feel hurt by it this time? He's never been mad in the past when he asked Buck to watch Chris?
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I giggled. Eddie's regulated Marisol to a glorified babysitter. He'd rather go out and date Tommy than spend any time with Marisol and it's so funny. And of course, the implication that Eddie's already had been out two times with Tommy in the little time they've become friends, enough to ask Marisol multiple times to watch Chris while Eddie goes out, something that used to be Buck's job. But to Buck, it's never felt like "babysitting" it feels like spending time with his son.
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This scene does something else that makes it indisputable that this episode is not about Buck wanting Tommy. The Christopher layer. Christopher is an extension of Eddie, but at the same time, he's also a little boy that Buck loves separately from Eddie. Buck views him as a son, and he reacts to Christopher finding Tommy cool the same way a parent would react when their kid finds someone else cooler than them. This is in fact the same reaction Michael had to Harry finding Bobby cool in 2x14 Broken. Because now Tommy's not just threatening Buck's place with Eddie, but Buck's place with Christopher too. If the object of Buck's jealousy was Tommy in this instance, why would Buck be threatened by Christopher? It doesn't make any sense.
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Buck's aware that Christopher is not the one bringing Tommy in, Eddie is. And he's afraid that if Christopher likes Tommy more than him, Chris will want Tommy as another parent, not Buck. All of this stuff with Christopher has absolutely no romantic underlining, it's all parental. Therefore there's no way this scene can be read as Buck jealous because he wants Tommy for himself.
Additionally, Buck being a parent to Christopher alongside Eddie is one of the few big things that sets Buck apart from just being a "regular" friend to Eddie. Co-parenting with Eddie is one of the most intimate things they do together in their relationship. Losing Christopher as a son means losing Eddie as a co-parent, and again the object of desire here is Eddie.
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Another point to this is that Buck gets actively angry at Tommy in this scene. He thinks that Tommy is lying to Christopher's face in order to gain favor with Chris, which gains favor with Eddie. He's basically accusing Tommy of being inauthentic and using phony means to get in with Chris and Eddie. And the kicker is that it's over such a trivial thing too! I swear to you Buck does not really care about which Star Wars movie is superior. He's trying to find something, anything, to indicate that Tommy isn't who he seems to be, that Tommy is using Chris to get to Eddie, that Tommy isn't a good person and therefore should not be the one that Eddie (and Chris) wants. Why on earth would Buck be searching for any little excuse to make Tommy look like a not-great person if Buck really secretly wants Tommy for himself? He wants Eddie and Chris to see that Buck is the "superior" option, and to choose him over Tommy. He doesn't want them to see that Tommy's a sucky person so then they'll dump him and let Buck have him. That doesn't. Make. Sense.
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And these lines prove that yes, it was not Christopher going on and on about Tommy but Buck questioning him and Chris just answering truthfully. This is also unprecedented because (as far as we know) Buck's never questioned Christopher about any of Eddie's other friends or girlfriends.
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Not to mention this scene parallels Maddie's "does this mean this boycrush on Eddie means you're finally getting over Abby?" It's another instance of Maddie being the voice of truth during one of Buck's many info-dumps about Eddie and Chris over the years. But it's also interesting because this shows Maddie hitting the nail on the head when it comes to this aspect of Buck's problem, and she'll have one more scene with him later in this episode where I actually think she misunderstands the underlying truth, but Buck takes it as fact cuz that's his big sis and she's always right. I'll get to that later.
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This line proves that this is not something that Eddie's been doing alone and never wanted Buck to be a part of. It's not like Eddie specifically invited Tommy because he wants to do this specific thing with Tommy. Eddie has invited Buck on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION to play basketball with him, and Buck says no because he's not interested in basketball. Which is a totally fine thing to do if a hobby is not your thing. But it implies that Eddie has wanted to and has actively tried to share this thing with Buck in the past, but Buck has just never taken him up on it. But now that Tommy's involved, Buck's suddenly interested? We also get to see a short moment of Chimney expressing interest in Tommy and thinking he's "so cool" as well, but does Buck really react or care at all that Chimney thinks Tommy's cool? No. Not at all.
And before I get into the next set of scenes, here is where I want to draw attention to something Tim Minear said in an interview about wanting Buck to meet and get integrated with Tommy but through someone in the 118. He didn't just want it to be something where Buck is isolated with Tommy like he's been with nearly all his past girlfriends. But here's the kicker and why I will call Tim on his bullshit. He had THREE OTHER ESTABLISHED CHARACTERS who all know Tommy WAY better than Eddie. Eddie is actually the character that makes THE LEAST SENSE to be Buck's introduction to Tommy as a person. If the writers wanted this episode to be PURELY focused on how Buck is into Tommy but doesn't realize this, they could've had Chimney be the middleman. Chimney could've invited Buck to hang out with him and Tommy, Buck could've gone to basketball to impress Tommy, could've tried to show off with basketball, could've tried to impress Chim on a call to get him to tell Tommy how cool Buck is. But nope.
Or Hen could've been the person to bring Tommy in. We could've seen scenes of Hen and Tommy, showing a bit more of Tommy as an individual, making amends with her. She's also the only openly queer member of the 118 at the moment. She also could've been a POV character to point out Buck's queer attraction to Tommy. They could've openly discussed Tommy's queerness in a much more straightforward way, maybe even have Hen empathize with Tommy (possibly) being closeted when they worked together. If anything, making Tommy make amends and show himself to have grown as a person would've endeared him to the audience of long-term viewers (many of whom don't like Tommy due to his past actions) FAR MORE than what actually happened in the episode. It could've been a great way to integrate Tommy into the core firefam. But nope. That's not the story the writers want to tell.
With Bobby, he makes the least amount of sense of the three, but he still knows Tommy better than Eddie. You could've gotten the same "Buck thinks he's jealous but it's not because he thinks he's losing a friend but because he's into Tommy" story if you used Chim or Hen, but Buck is not in love with either of them. So why is Eddie the one bringing Tommy into the fold if not to provide a clear direction for where Buck's queerness will lead him down the road?
Alright, I'm gonna stop here for part 2 cuz tumblr is once again saying I have too many pictures. Got to part 3 for more.
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
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sokkastyles · 28 days
I have a request if it’s not too much to ask. I’m having an argument with a Kataanger on another site who thinks Zutara is delusional and making ridiculous claims without any real receipts. Cherry picking the times when Katara was angry at Zuko as the ‘reason’ why they wouldn’t work, completely ignoring their growth arcs, themes, parallels, context of scenarios, the whole enchilada. What else is new? So my question is: are there actually any ‘romantic’ and ‘blushy’ scenes featuring Katara concerning Aang like he keeps claiming and the context of such? I sure as hell remember a bunch of Aang crushing on Katara, but not the other way around. He has the whole series to use and has yet to name a singular episode. I wouldn’t think it’d be that hard if said scenes actually exist compared to our handful of episodes to draw from. (Oh and if you do decide to answer this, could you please leave my handle out of it in case I want to link your answer to him? Don’t wanna connect my tumblr page to my other socials. Regardless, thanks for your time!
There are times when Katara blushes in romantic contexts with Aang, but off the top of my head, the ones I can think of that I've seen used as "proof" that Katara lurvs him can be very easily rationalized as "she's fourteen in a romantic situation / embarrassed."
The first one I can think of is in the "Cave of Two Lovers," where Katara seems more interested in the idea of love than into Aang, who puts his foot in his mouth and ruins the moment.
The other one is before the invasion, but Katara is also frowning at the same time she is blushing, right after Aang kissed her and then flew away. This says more "I don't know how I feel about this / I'm uncomfortable" than anything. Especially since a lot of fans interpret that kiss as nonconsensual. Blushing ain't consent.
But I don't particularly care about winning those types of arguments. The writers made Katara blush because they want to convince us she's attracted to Aang. It's whether they did a convincing enough job that concerns me more, and as far as I'm concerned, they did not.
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greekabooo · 3 months
Really liking suicide squad isekai so far (personally felt that the current 4 episodes are great) and the subbing and dubbing in general have been consistent with each other. However, there is one scene where the sub and the dub are completely different that it caught me off guard for a bit.
Sub: Oh stop it Puddin'. I don't wanna hear anything about rats right now. Not when we could be talking about something more erotic.
Dub: Come on Puddin'. I don't wanna hear a bunch of stuff about rats right now. Not when we could be talking about something more yummy.
Like...hello these are two completely different interpretations?? In the sub she's flirting with The Joker while in the dub, she just sounds hungry and wants McDonalds 😭.
This also opens up to more interpretations that although the dub probably didn't intend, but managed to sound like it this way:
"Yummy" is often associated with food or eating something. Is Harley saying she doesn't want to eat rats? If so, that's kinda redundant because no sane person would eat rats willingly. Has Harley tasted rats before?? Is she assuming The Joker wants to eat rats??
Harley wants The Joker to eat her out?? Granted if the dub tried to keep the sexual connotation from the sub but didn't want to say erotic, so they instead said yummy as a weird metaphor for sex?????
This is a strange case of censorship for many reasons:
Harley has swore in previous episodes (such as "assshole", "damn", "hell"). Specifically, in episode 2 (around the 11 min mark), Harley said the phrase "tough titties" in the dub. However, the sub was 'cleaner' and Harley instead said "it can't be helped". So they obviously have no problem with Harley being crude in the dub but I guess they draw the line at erotic. God forbid women have desires 😱
It's a mature rated show (characters should be allowed to discuss or mention mature topics)
The male characters can swear and make sex jokes all they want (see Deadshot and Ratcatcher flashback scene in episode 3)
Of all the things they want to censor, it's "erotic"?? And replace it with "YUMMY" of all words???
What the dub could have done:
Talking about something more romantic
Talking about something more fun
Talking about something more exciting
Another weird dub moment is in episode 3, Harley called Katanna a dirty tramp but in the sub she straight up says bitch. But then you see Deadshot and all the other men call each other bastards. Like isn't bastard the same thing as bitch but for men?? I guess we can't call women bitches now????
Overall, I think the subbing and dubbing are fine (I find the dub actually quite good and Harley's voice to be adorable), however there are moments of weird censorship or rephrasing that is otherwise hilarious.
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I absolutely adore Inoue Momota's movie manga. She adapted the last DP movie (Zoroark) with a rougher but still rounded style that reminds me of 80's shounen about the face and all three BW! movies with this absolutely adorable, clean and softly rounded style that I find so inspiring.
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It isn't just that her style is adorable and the expressions funny and varied, it's that she draws and writes the characters like a fan in the best of ways--she knows their little quirks and she even improved on the already good Victini movie's plotline to make it clearer that Ash is the Hero of Ideals. And as adorable as her style is, she can still make Ash look heroic and cool when it comes down to it!! She's got range.
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She adds more emotional impact to scenes, like Ash awakening Zekrom, or Ash seeing the resurrected and altered Genesect fight the modern day Pokemon (I feel like it echoes the clones vs originals battle from the first movie, here)...
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And the sweetest thing is, she took an already beautiful scene (Mewtwo in space in the Genesect movie, finally feeling connected and part of the world) and referenced the past and other characters we know (showing Misty, Brock, Delia, Mimey... and characters from every movie she adapted into a manga)--it felt like a farewell, knowing it's the last one she'll adapt. You can just feel the love in her work! ;_; I absolutely wanna own copies someday!!!
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I think it's fair to say she was a fan of the Pokemon anime, or at least, the original series, perhaps while growing up, because there's some tells (aside from including the OS trio in this scene...): she draws James' hair in a very 90's way! The ends of his hair didn't have those alternating thick and thin/straighter jagged edges (often with loose strands) except in early Kanto episodes!!! This was streamlined later on into more uniform jagged/triangular chunks early in the seires. : D
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Now, closing by spamming panels with Iris because she's my favourite and I love how Momota draws her.
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(Even when it's something like this "Iris is too short to properly fit in this frame" gag she does sometimes, because it's cute.)
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Anyway, please purchase Inoue Momota's movie manga, please and thank you. You can also borrow copies to read (in English!!!) from the Internet Archive's Open Library, that's how I read a bunch--just note that it's low quality on there!
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
just listened to the new episode here are my thoughts:
- i was actually crying laughing at this episode
- idk HOW im gonna do a doodle page to this episode or if i even want to bc i dont wanna just draw a bunch of characters from other things
- i have not watched ANY of the things referenced in this episode. i am not a movie guy (or a family guy hehe)
- i seriously thought stewie was scam at first bc anthonys stewie voice started sounding progressively more like scam
- why was link being himself funnier than the others playing their characters and actively trying to be funny
- freddie trying to be austin powers has the same energy as beth trying to be darryl back in the s1 swap episode
- "meg was in every single scene and u just didnt notice she was there" oh so meg is hermie
- "....but does he look like he got what he needed?" ANTHONY WHAT DO U MEAN BY THAT.
- OKAY at least we know for a fact that were getting scam and hermie all next episode and ISTG THE TEENS BETTER GO BACK TO THEIR NORMAL SELVES PLZ
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misscammiedawn · 10 months
Well, since you asked, what sorts of fantasies/scenes/ideas would you like to do in the coming year?
OKIES! I have had time to think about it! Thank you Miss for asking and I hope you know this isn't like a checklist! Don't feel like you need to do all these okay!
Also I am kinda on the spot! Like the old ones were things I dreamt about for years or organically had that welling I WANT THAT reaction! I feel like I'm sort of just racking my brain for these <3 you did too good a job, Miss! I want for nothing because you made my dreams come true <3
Buuut here are some ideas! Summoning Shenanigans - I still want a "summoned to a hotel room" style thing where a trigger (whether text message or time based) has me glide from my room while bespelled and unaware of where I am going but knowing I am supposed to go there. The whole Summoning skill in Vampire: The Masquerade has imprinted on my weak and susceptible mind! (Though maybe if we had joining rooms there could be a kind of "leave the window open" sort of thing? IDK vampire scenes and me are just always gonna be a thing!)
Make-up scene - A looong while ago Dawn did this for Sleepyhead:
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it was back when we were actually spending money on our Sephora products and trying to learn things-- something which tapered off a bunch the past couple years--
2019-2021 era Camdawn was still getting used to being trans and overcompensated our gender performance.
But I wanna be prettied up. I think we did something like this during Charmed 2023? I vaguely recall starring blankly at my reflection but that may have been a hair brushing thing?
Either way I just wanna get pampered up and made pretty just one time in my life. I dunno why but that fantasy always gets me. When I'm at the salon getting my hair dried in that helmet thing I like to imagine myself being brainwashed. It's just a nice lil' personal indulgence.
Though this may be best saved until after COVID anyway.
Hair Style stuff? - Daja once had a thing about "The Cammie is stored in the hair, right? So what happens if I style your hair?" and we play a lil' with hair brushing and stuff but I like the idea of being braided into obedience or having a bun that when released will do something. It's a tough one because of how our brain works but I really like the idea of hair style control. It hits the buttons from the previous one but in a much more personal and lovely way <3
Singing/Dancing Fantasy - I remember there was once a "musical episode" of a TTRPG I did and I can't remember if I was able to sing along with it or not but I like the idea of just being under a spell or compulsion that makes it so I can only interact in musical <3 it is silly and I love silly!
Curious concepts which aren't fantasies but popped in our head while thinking of answers here:
Silly Request - I'll be wearing my Hypnotist/Switch/Hypnotee pin again at Charmed! I kinda wanna have a thing where if I forget to switch it and someone I love reaches in and spins it to hypnotee I just drop instantly (provided that it's safe to do so)
Curiosity/Amnesia'y thingy??? - So like--- I OFTEN have moments where I push stuff out of head and out of mind but don't commit to deleting it-- like I delete a lot of stuff and it upsets me when I go scratching that itch and find it's not there but like y'all underestimate how much I search through old photos, journals, videos and such to satiate an impulse.
It'd be nice to have a trap for myself in there like a video or audio or word file that draws attention and I click it and it hypnotizes me and I forget about it and then rediscover it again someday.
Like I'm thinking of it as some kind of emergency "feel better" spell from me to me and have considered doing it a few times or writing a story about it. Like this isn't something I want done for me, more a concept I've been thinking about and a good use of my proclivity for hypnotic amnesia <3
Elevator thing - So like I don't talk a bunch about the specifics of my past life because the people involved can't consent to my sharing but I did do hypnosis in the before times. There was one scene born from an elevator at a convention in Chicago that had this soothing LED color pattern and like--- I kinda wanna make a memory like that again. There are three big scene memories I can think of from my past life and I think understanding which of those I remember super fondly would help craft new scenes. One was watching snow fall, one was in a hot tub and the other was the elevator thing. I think it's just a mix of the intimate, unexpected and situational elements-- like they were all during times which were heightened level of Special Moment and built upon that high-- it's why Fountain Scene in October was so important to me!
I hope that helps! It's hard to explain when I refuse to be specific!
ANYWAYS! I'll keep thinking!
For now! I hope the elevator thing explains what makes a scene work for me and know VAMPIRE STUFF ALWAYS WORKS <3
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gideongrovel · 1 year
I love when others acknowledge my F/Os being my guys, or just hearing others talk about them just makes me 🥰🥰🥰 no tw,,, im just adding a readmore cuz i don't know how long imma ramble lmao,,
so my brother's been visiting for a couple weeks, and normally we (me, my brother, and sister) watch or rewatch a bunch of shit while he's here,,,, so last night we were doing that but my sister wanted to go to bed after a couple movies, but me and my brother wanted to stay up and still watch something still,,,, so we wanted to pick something our sister wouldn't care if we watched without her,,,, so we decided on C.astlevania,,,,, my brother didn't wanna watch any eps from the third season, i said "we have to watch episodes from the fourth season because V.arney is in it" im pretty sure he just thinks I like V.arney as a character he doesn't know how i ship with him tho I'm not good at hiding my affections, so he probably knows it's more then platonic love of a character *rip*,,,, but my sister who does know that I ship with V.arney or at least know vaguely that i do, from down the hall overheard my suggestion, and was like "I heard he stinks, you can't watch that" (she wasn't being mean she was doing a bit, since we will roast characters eachother like for sillies,,, tho he canonically does smell bad lol)
when i was pulling up the episodes my brother started laughing cause he realized the timestamps are all at random points of each of the episodes,,, and he was like "You have them all stopped in the middle of the episodes, on the V.arneys scenes don't you?" and I just laughed and agreed cause he was spot on 😂 I told him "earlier I mentioned how I had "''episodes recorded"'' I really just meant the V.arney scenes" idk what he was thinking when I said that cause he just laughed and was like "Oh my gosh" 💀 Anyways,,, when V.arney first shows up I'm like "There he is! my boy!" and the next scene when they show him my brother immediately was like "There's your boy" 🥰 and then later on when G.ermain (one of my brothers faves in the show) is going through it, I made a joke saying "Your boys looking rough" he just responds saying "It's your boys fault" 😂 calling V.arney just "my boy" feels very much so like an understatement,,,, since he is in fact my husband, not just "my boy" that sounds more casual,,,,Idc if my brother knows I ship with V.arney,,,, but at the same time idk if I would feel comfortable if he knew I see V.arney as a husband,,,, 😅
But being able to gush throughout the episodes at his scenes, and pointing out details about him has me feeling all 🥰💞💞💖💞💞💞 I don't get to gush about V.arney enough to other people,,, since not all of you know his source, so id feel bad just info dumping, and fandomwise there's hardly any post for him to reblog,,, so I can't do it much as I want to,,,, so it's nice to be able to do for a change with to someone who actually know him,,,, and it's always fun to see others acknowledge my affections for a f/o UwU 💕 Still doing our rewatch so I will mention if anything else noteworthy is said (or if i just wanna post about for myself so I don't forget, like mostly how this post is meant to be)
Been so focused on my wife lately,,, so haven't been watching the husbands stuff as much or not as focused when i do,,,,, and coming back after a while,,, gots me in a shippy mood,,,,, I need to draw more ship art of us 👁️👁️ other then the 2year anniversary art the majority of my stuff is from before most of y'all followed me,,,, 😭 i need to finish up an trade I'm working on,,,, after that I can work on something for myself hehe >:3c
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fearowkenya · 9 months
heyyyy its time to declare my @campdigimonth goal!!!
coming up with a goal is hard because my flavor of adhd makes it near impossible to settle on a concrete plan because there is almost a 100% chance i get distracted and divert.
that said, i have an enormous backlog of digimon stuff i wanna do. some stuff pertains to survive, some doesn't. either way, the projects are MANY , and it's impossible to say which ones i will have the impulse to work on and which ones i wont. i dont want to commit to a specific project and then decide 'actually i dont feel like working on this one' so i thought it would make sense to just list a bunch of things i want to do and knock out the ones that i have the most motivation for.
points below the cut are parts of bigger projects (sub-projects), and then the sub points are bite-sized, realistic steps (sub-sub-projects)
GOAL: complete 5 sub-sub-projects SECONDARY GOAL: complete 10 sub-sub-projects TERTIARY GOAL: complete 1 entire sub-project OR 15 sub-sub-projects
finish winds of change
edit chapter 6 + post
edit chapter 7 + post
edit chapter 8 + post
[REDACTED] (dont worry 😇 )
redesign survive partners
context: I am very charmed by the idea that a digimon's design is affected by the events and relationships in their lives. For example, a digimon may change a little in appearance in a way that reflects something about their human partner.
design some digifakes i've had in mind for a while
tigervespamon burst mode
write another survive fic
figure out which idea to pursue and outline it
draft it
edit it + post
NOTE: these points will be edited to be more specific if i wind up working on this.
write snippets of survive stuff that don't belong to a specific fic yet but have been kicking around in my head for a bit
conversation between dracmon and [REDACTED]
fight between dracmon and [REDACTED]
alternate [REDACTED] evolution scene
alternate [DIFFERENT REDACTED] evolution scene
The Gang Does Laundry (And Various Other Mundane Tasks)
draw some stuff from digimon ttrpg campaigns
delaney beach episode Look(tm) and maybe herculeomon also
nova (terriermon-x) beach episode Look(tm)
babie deimi (wanyamon)
champion-level deimi (bladeLekismon)
sanderumon-x design
polaris and [REDACTED]
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found--family · 1 year
i finally finished Bridgewater season 2!
(i know i'm way behind but i was listening on my drive to and from work but then i lost my job and suddenly listening at home felt weird but i binged the last handful of eps this long weekend so now i wanna share some thoughts..) 
best finale bits: 
- realising francine was spn alumn/battlestar galactica's tricia helfer (wish I'd realised this sooner bc i think i would've enjoyed her character more) 
- jeremy becoming an unexpected father to a time travelling kid he spent the whole season vocally not giving a shit about (serious s13!grieving!dean vibes here) 
- the setup for season 3! would love to get some pov from folks in the fae realm! 
best s2 bits: 
- aside from misha, soni has been my fave thing about this series (his voice acting is So Good) and this season we got more vippin and more of him interacting with other characters! 
- learning more about jeremy: he visited fairyland as a kid! he was a teen wiccan! he just wants a friend! he's happy without a partner and kids! (the phonecall to his british colleague was a fave scene) 
- peyton! wish we'd gotten more of her, hope she returns next season. 
- more hillary! she's not in it much but we got a few long scenes with her and it was great to hear her flex her voice acting chops. 
- tudyk! i was sceptical at first (i'd really been looking forward to fillion) but he was stellar. his distinct voice is perfect for voice acting and his vocal control and timing was really superb. his and misha's scenes were a highlight but there were also a few delightful and emotional scenes with other characters (including a makeover!) 
- MONSTERS. one of the huge draws of this podcast for me was the supernatural element. this season had a bunch of different creatures appear and there were mentions of way more that had me googling and learning so much (yay fic fodder!) 
a few s2 cons (imho): 
- this season is a lot compared to season 1. more characters, more plot, more at stake. it was hard to keep up with what was going on specifically with all the fae stuff. i had to relisten to numerous scenes multiple times to grasp what was happening.
- it kinda feels like season 1 was written not knowing how everything would play out bc all the fae stuff feels shoehorned into the relevant parts of the s1 narrative. they make it work but some explanations seemed like a bit of a stretch. 
- as much as i love her on-screen, i didn't really enjoy helfer in this. i don't know whether it's because i found her character annoying from the jump or if it was her vocal style being a little too overdramatic and on the nose (that could've been a director's decision in which case it makes sense, but i really didn't enjoy her personality as the legend tripper or her almost comical portrayal as fae) 
- the finale was a lot of exposition, and it got very convoluted with different characters wanting to sacrifice themselves over each other, and the whole fae deal thing was still unclear and confusing despite being explained. tbh i was bored for most of it. 
- the first 19 minutes of the finale was an uninterrupted convo between jeremy and francine. that's too long, it's half the damn episode. and francine was doing most of the talking (almost monologuing) and since she's the badguy of the season it felt like a poor choice (or maybe that's just my bias for not liking her portrayal?) 
- anne and thomas going through the portal made total sense and I'm glad that's what happened bc thomas was sick and anne had missed her life BUT that made all the arguments over who should go that much more pointless. the arguments felt like filler, going round in circles with people ignoring each other's sound reasoning. 
- there were quite a few noticeable editing mistakes this season: chopped dialogue poorly stitched together, misspoken words, and dead air that did nothing to set the tone but instead felt like they hadn't bothered fixing. 
closing thoughts: 
i preferred the mystery of season 1. this season was a lot of focus on the how's and why's of all the monster and fae stuff with character studies crammed between, whereas season 1 was more concise in the investigation and character focus and there was always room to wonder what was going on (i preferred that) but there was also room for the narrative to breathe; season 2 is crowded. it's a lot of fast dialogue and info dumping, a lot of characters - some interesting, some annoying, a few pointless. I'd listen again for clarity and enjoyment of particular scenes and dynamics, but more often than not i found myself confused, left with more questions than answers, and therefore not being able to enjoy the journey. there were definite high points, including the many monster cameos, but it lost that eery feel that season 1 did so well; this season felt like multiple genres rolled into one with all of them fighting for dominance - horror, fantasy, drama, mystery - whereas season 1 melded themes and genres effortlessly. season 2 also didn't have the emotional chords that season 1 played so beautifully (I'm looking at you, emotional jeremy realising his whole life was a lie) the finale should've been a tear-jerker, it wasn't. 
it's always hard to follow the success of a first season, especially when the second decides to explain all the mysteries season 1 set up - and given how season 1 ended there was a lot that needed explaining. unfortunately (for me) the story felt caught up in the details and yet it explained things without explaining things leaving me wanting for clarity that never came. often it didn't bother setting the tone (or an intriguing tone) and more characters meant less misha which is always disheartening. 
i'm looking forward to season 3 with papa!jeremy(?) and fae realm content (I'd love more fae) i just hope they can recapture the thematic feel of season 1 (it can be a different vibe but it has to permeate the narrative) and refocus on our main folk (jeremy, vippin, anne, thomas, olivia) instead of introducing too many new characters and elements that will steal more scene time. 
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tricornonthecob · 11 months
Alas, it will keep me awake
LK 120: An American Manwhore in Paris
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DIC animators: "something something edutainment here's the shit we know all of you 18th cent/Antoinette/frev/amrev geeks are freaks for: that sweet sweet material culture" aww yeah we got Robe à la française errwhere.
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Its ya boi, Benji Franxxx
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lol both of them bout to geddit.
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Fuckin' ZINGED I wouldn't even be mad if I got roasted by Benji Franx.
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lol they all gonna geddit.
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If I was the one who came up with that dress I would be SO MAD that it was only in there for a fraction of a moment.
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lol this entire episode is the art department going FUCK YOU WE WANNA DRAW FASHIONABLE HO'S.
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Benji you do realize it sounds like you want to take down their monarchy, yes?
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Oh good! she's back!
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Literally spending this entire scene interrupting all the edutainment by showing off their design work with anachronistic dancing (waltz isn't around until 19th century.)
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You probably should its very cold outside.
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Not throwing any shade, this is the laziest walk animations I've seen so far in this episode and i'm guessing its because they spent the entire animation budget on the previous scene's Roccocaine ball. Honestly, great tradeoff.
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man the writer's room is just chomping at the bit to flesh out Dad Issues, The Tory.
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Nothing good comes from coughing in a period piece.
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Oh did she take Sulfa, too?
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Daaaaaaang that's a nice swipe at her deadbeat dad, Abigail. High-fives!
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James, you sweet summer child, why are you still surprised when conditions at Camp Continental Army are shit.
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Washington? Arnold? Greene??
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Lol Benji taking full advantage of this paid work trip.
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The footman is either hella stoned, or checking out that elegant twunk (fancy dress can't fool me, that guy's a twunk under all that silk.)
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Not with that attitude, sheeesh, you don't even have a bunch of teenaged reporters hanging out around you guys.
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"Fuckfuckfuck this wasn't the plan"
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ya girl is HALLUCINATIN' also is she just... wearing her normal clothes in bed with a wicked ass fever???
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Straight up havin' a real bad trip
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apparently she's in the same forest Snow White was in.
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Check it out, its him! The PTSD Deadbeat DILF with a wonky accent! My blorbo!
Lol the closest she's ever gotten to her father in 4 years is a fucking fever dream.
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They gave that man some full fuckin lips, straight up lookin' as fabulous as John Hancock.
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imrowanartist · 2 years
15 questions!
I got tagged by both @maderilien-deactivated20220901 and @drama-is-my-second-name ^^
Are you named after anyone? - Not specifically. My parents just heard the name through a friend of a friend etc and liked it.
When was the last time you cried? - Yesterday, when I watched the first episode of The Last of Us. That scene still hurts like a bitch, even though I've played the game twice T_T
Do you use sarcasm? - I guess? I don't pay much attention to how much I use it though.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? - Definitely an ADHD thing, but I'll either notice someone's face, or I don't register what someone looks like at all, because I was too focused on other things.
What’s your eye color? - blue
Scary movies or happy endings? - scary movies with happy endings?
Any special talents? - I can read Aurebesh and I still remember the alphabet from Dinotopia that I taught myself to write in as a kid XD
Where were you born? - Dutchlandia (aka The Netherlands)
What are your hobbies? - Drawing, writing, playing video games, the occasional sewing project
Do you have any pets? - I have a void cat named Morgan, who's both the sweetest and clingiest cat ever and the most annoying when he gets hangry. I love him to bits <3
What sports do you play/have played? - Ooof, tried out a bunch of sports as a kid, before I realized I much rather did something creative. Cycling, gymnastics, I even tried a chess club for a while (spoiler alert, the ADHD did not like that)
How tall are you? - 167 cm (5'5)
Favorite subject in school? - Art and History :)
Dream job? - I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing now. Part-time work at a game store and part-time doing commissions. I might try out tattooing in the future, at a friend's tattoo studio ^^
Uuuuhhh, let's see. Not gonna tag 15 people. but if @r2wedoomed @anstarwar @allenvooreef @marbled-polecat @seascribbling and @indira-korr wanna have a go at it, be my guest!
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dolphs-world · 4 months
Too much faith in above
Friends is a generic but decent show. And it is probably the best generic show. I have only watched a handful of episodes from the first 2 seasons but if I remember correctly there are only a handful of plotlines, we were on a break, Joey and Rachel, Ross and Emily, basically just how drawn out Ross and Rachel's stuff was, that are bad. Hell, I caught some season 10 episodes on reruns and I was actually belly laughing! And I've seen this show like 20 times thanks to my sister. It's consistent and that's the draw. So I've heard people criticise Jerry Seinfeld's acting in Seinfeld but it's never bothered me. Everyone is much better, I can admit, but he gets the job done. In Friends, everyone feels like they are just playing themselves. Which brings up a thought my mother and I had, what makes a good actor? Tom Cruise is very good at playing one type of character, he feels authentic and genuine. But contrast this with Edward Norton, a guy who every role of his feels different. Even if Tom Cruise is better at one role than Norton is at all, Norton is still the better actor. Even with this in mind, the actors in Friends suck. Anytime a guest is on the show I am floored by how much better at acting and more convincing they are as character's with significantly less screen time. You wanna know what the best scene is in all of Friends? When Robin Williams and Billy Crystal appear for a cold opening! They're semi-competent but it just surprises me that Jennifer Aniston famous from that. She's the worst one! And honestly I'm surprised, I know Lisa Kudrow is a good actor. She's definitely a league above the rest but she too defaults to the same mannerisms. Except for David Schwimmer, he is a great actor. I know Ross gets worse in his beliefs as the show goes on and turns into a bit of a butt monkey but he is the best actor. Maybe he should have been Jerry in Seinfeld? Now watching a show from 30 years ago, where $1 then = $2 now, about a bunch of people who seldom work, it's dated to say the least. Again, honestly Ross, at this point, is probably the best when it comes to this. He's proud that Joey is able to take financial gambles when he cannot and gives away his ex-wife to her new one. But there's no consequences. Like anytime they lose a job there's always a back up. And when the back-up sucks it doesn't make sense that they don't help each other out. There's an episode where half of them are mad that the other half don't realise that they make less money and when the richer ones help out they deem it charity. You're not Walter White, swallow your pride! Do you know how lucky you are? (sidenote: Susan, the woman who "stole" Carol from Ross is the one who offers money to Walter White in Breaking Bad). I think an ultra left class critical analysis of these old shows is a bit of a waste but it's really hard not too. I think this aspect of the show is worse than any of transphobia. They're always talking about sex but money? No no no, that might be to real. No, let's focus on how women like commitment and men don't. Yay! That's another thing the show does, it really props up the whole women are from venus and men are from mars. Again, it's hard not to be critical when analysing how this may have shaped norms at the time. But I think the gay jokes are still funny, mainly due to the ignorance of the characters. And again, they had a Lesbian couple as supporting characters. Joey is very comfortable in his sexuality and it may be because he is Italian but it is still great to see! Also Rachel to the man who she thinks is Chandler's dad, a drag queen. "What's your name?" "Amanda" "Oh! I Get it! A-man-duh!" But the worst part of the show is how repetitive it is. I always thought Chandler was the funny one but it's really Joey, Phoebe, and Ross. He's on Family Guy levels of one-liners. If there's any take away from this post is do not binge watch TV! Appreciate it before it's gone forever!!!
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hocusbogus · 2 years
Daily Gratitude
This was supposed to be on Sunday, so I’m going to combine Sunday + Monday + Tuesday
Experiencing a pottery class and had the best time, can’t wait see if my creations survive, I hope it won’t break during baking
Getting to spend time with Diana and do the things we love, also drew on a sketchbook together while sitting at Starbucks
Spending the day with Sher at Petaling Street with great food
Catching up on life and being open and honest with each other, literally 15 years worth of friendship right there.
Got to eat Ayam Gepuk on Tuesday as lunch
Bought sketching pad and a bunch of pencils because I wanna learn how to draw to train myself to see the bigger picture 
Being smart with my financials
Watched Yet To Come Busan behind the scene Episode from Bangtan, made me miss them so much
Jimin Dior content, Hobi and Jimin Pairs content, Yoongi flying to PFW for Valentino
Malaysian weather is cosy right now
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