#I want to like
This is a scene that was sitting in my head since the end of season 2 lmao but it felt way too occ, but uh, with development of the third season I thinks is pretty reasonable
A prequel to this, if you will
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"I have a hard time believing he's got a nose between his eyes, yet here you are arguing he's a saint." He sideyed the hedgehog, before fully frowning once his eyes fell onto the fox next to him.
Admittedly Sonic was slightly taken aback by the hostility, but he maybe should've expected it by now. Living in an Eggman controlled world would make anyone cranky, so he can't exactly blame them.
"That fox cannot be trusted." Rebel echoed immediately after, as if Sonic didn't get their poor memo already. "Have you already forgotten everything he's done!" Taking a step forward she flaunted her wings dangerously.
Still, Sonic stood his ground and he crossed his arms while tapping his foot rapidly. He eyed the couple before him and did his best to push down the anger he felt at their remarks.
He had to remind himself they obviously don't have the full picture, and what they do have, does not paint Nine in the most positive light.
Patience. He's gotta be patient.
"I never said he's without fault." He started slowly, a dangerous edge to his voice. "Or that you have to forgive and forget every wrongdoing he's ever committed. But you guys are more antagonistic than necessary."
"Oh, I think endangering the entire Shatterverse and destroying people's homes is just a bit more antagonistic than simply being wary of such a person." Rebel mirrored his pose, minus the foot taping as she continued to eye him up and down.
"And holding grudges." Sonic sighed and he already saw the echidna's mouth open with shoulders rising, so he decided to cut him off then and there. He didn't feel like hearing the same thing twice.
"All got fixed in the end, and no one- er, everyone who got hurt is fine and kicking now, no?"
He forced some cheerfulness in. The atmosphere was suffocating, with tension so high you could cut it and serve like cake. He would go eat some cake after they're out of here actually. A reparation pay for Nine as well.
Speaking of which, he felt the fox shift behind him after a while of silence when the resistance leaders looked for a good rebuttable.
"Doesn't erase the fact we nearly did not make it. You nearly did not make it, because that little problem child of yours decided to throw a tantrum for whatever reason."
Knucks seemed to be the one with the most to say, and that somewhat grinned Sonic's gears more than necessary.
He narrowed narrowed his eyebrows dangerously.
"Ok first of all, it wasn't for no reason, and second–"
"You're wasting your breath, Sonic."
Nine's surprisingly aloof voice interrupted him.
When looking back he saw the fox standing right behind him. Most likely hiding from the duo before them, but he was sure Nine would deny it if he phrased it like that.
"That's all you have to say for yourself, punk?"
Knucks was most definitely looking for a fight at this point, and Sonic would give him one, if he didn't feel a gentle tug on his glove.
"Have you considered that maybe he was just having a bad day?" Sonic shrugged. He was honestly done being serious at this point and he believed Nine to be right. In everything actually, this was a bad idea from the start. He thought he was better at listening to his friends now, yet he seemingly remained just as stubborn as before.
"How many people do you know that go destroying a whole universe just because they had a bad day!?" It was Rebel's turn to snap as she lifted herself above Sonic with a glare.
The hedgehog just smirked "A few. And they have less salt up theirs than you guys." And he turned to leave, gently placing a hand around Nine to guide him away before things would escalate beyond control. This whole situation was his fault, with Nine as uncomfortable as he was, it was best to just exit entirely.
"Leaving already?" Knucks crossed his arms as he raised his eyebrow tauntingly.
"Still don't get what you see in him." Rebel sighed as she hopped back down onto the solid ground, "Keep him out of trouble, will you, Blue?" Rebel tried with a softer tone, but Sonic ignored her.
Except they didn't get far as Knucks bumped into them purposefully on their way forward.
"You're actually going the way we intended to. Really happy to see you again but we have work to do."
Just what was this guy's problem.
"Shame you decided to waste your time on that little freak, would've been much more useful here."
Nine went deathly still under Sonic's hold and the hedgehog's blood ran cold.
"What? Was that too mean?"
He vaguely saw the echidna was now under Rebel's scrutinizing gaze, but most of his attention was on Nine.
"Bud? You ok there?" Sonic asked, uncertain. Hundreds of scenarios ran through his mind at lightspeed but he didn't even have time to hope the worst of them won't come true when he saw Nine's ears pin to his skull.
Sonic reacted on pure instinct and the next thing he felt was a painful sting in his forearm and sharp metal digging into his back.
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mooseyspooky · 1 day
@wolfstrong I have now added "I Want the One I Can't Have" to the list of songs I think Moz wrote about Johnny
I also added "My Love Life" because somehow I missed it, too.
Lastly I made a Youtube playlist of all the songs on the list, because Spotify is missing too many of them for me to bother with making it there (lots of the rarer Moz b-sides and demos aren't on Spotify - as well as some bigger songs like "Pregnant For the Last Time." It's weird).
Here's a link to the original post for those who missed it. It's been updated a lot and has basically become a marrissey master post at this point lol
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felt-texture · 1 year
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some reisen sketches
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acesammy · 1 year
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totally kafkaesque
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stuffedsand · 2 months
shidou and kotoko for the character opinion bingo?
Thank you for the ask hehe :p under the cut for people's dashboards
Kotoko!! I love her ngl she's so silly
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(friend in question for blorbo by proxy is seari haha)
She is very fun as a character! Spinning her in the head like a microwave. Grabbing her and holding her like a fucked up pigeon
And shidou! Mhm I wonder which character is my favourite hmmm/silly
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I'm Soo Normal about him. Normalest . (<-guy who's drawn him uhhh 5 ish times in a row now) he makes me both violent and horribly sad (on one hand I want to like. Toss him at a wall on the other I want to hold him gently . God)
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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butchfalin · 7 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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girldraki · 17 days
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qrowpilled · 9 months
hate when you find a character whose so infuriatingly Your Type that its embarrassing like yeahg no one is gonna be surprised when i announce this is my new Guy Of The Month
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The math just adds up!
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cadaverkeys · 6 months
You guys rlly don't realise how much knowledge is still not committed to the internet. I find books all the time with stuff that is impossible to find through a search engine- most people do not put their magnum opus research online for free and the more niche a skill is the less likely you are to have people who will leak those books online. (Nevermind all the books written prior to the internet that have knowledge that is not considered "relevant" enough to digitise).
Whenever people say that we r growing up with all the world's knowledge at our fingertips...it's not necessarily true. Is the amount of knowledge online potentially infinite? Yes. Is it all knowledge? No. You will be surprised at the niche things you can discover at a local archive or library.
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taffywabbit · 6 months
they should invent a new type of "staying in bed for 2-3 hours after you wake up repeatedly opening and closing apps on your phone" where it makes you feel awesome and energized and emotionally fulfilled
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cemeterything · 10 months
"objectively physically attractive but in possession of negative rizz" is one of my favorite character concepts. i think it's so great when there's an absurdly hot person who's just a complete fucking loser. the mood is unsalvageable the moment they open their mouth kind of deal. you get no bitches because you're so sucks.
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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