#I want to make it VERY clear- I love their friendship first and foremost
dragonairice · 1 year
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I think this one speaks for itself (It's just Ollie hardcore crushing on Molly)
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onskepa · 1 year
Humans living with the Metkayina clan headcannons
Helloooooooo everyone! so I made a pole almost a week ago, and this is the winner! Sorry it took me a bit longer cause as I was seeing this being the lead winner, I had to thing of what would fit in the pandora world. So here is what I made! And as usual, if you like what you see and wish to use it for a fic or something of sort, you have my full permission but please do credit me. Any who, lets get on with it!
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First an foremost, I believe when creating their base on the island, water would be the main source for everything just like for the reef na'vi.
By source, I mean using water as the main power source for the base to be functioning, better than mining the earth and flora.
Their base I say would try to mimic or have it look similar to the home pods the metkayina have. More clear windows to let the light in, and not be so clunked and enclosed like the forest base.
The humans be living the same diet if not somewhat similar to the metkayina diet. Such as fish, herbs, and plants that are edible.
Swimming being the importance for the humans, even with their mask making it better to swim longer. Swim to do their part of the clan such as hunting, gathering, or making.
the communal dinners are the humans favorite part of the day, to sit and chat with the reef na'vi and become good friends.
Sign language is the best language to communicate between the na'vi and humans. Since I can guess speaking it is trickier than doing the sign language. Of course the humans would do their best to speak the language.
I think the Ilu would still approach the humans, obviously not being able to connect together but the ilu looks very friendly that is might not see humans as a threat and would approach them.
There for, I think the humans can ride the ilu's like the na'vi can, but have to hold on much tighter. Skimwing? Nope.
But the tulkun? perhaps. Still using the sign language to speak, the humans can communicate with the tulkun, while stilling trying to understand the sounds and language the tulkun speaks.
The tulkun themselves would be wary but have keen interest on the humans, maybe if one is lucky, a human and a tulkun becoming spirit siblings.
Tattoos. Oh yes. Aside from living like the reef na'vi and liveing among them. Tattoos would definitely be what ties the humans and na'vi together.
When bodning together, I feel as though the humans would tell their sea stories from Earth, like pirates', ocean gods and goddesses, sea creatures similar to the pandora sea.
The reef children would definitely seek the humans out, often go the base and bother them until they have the undividing attention.
The children would more than often raid the base and mess with the humans, wanting to see what they are doing and demand to play with them. While it be a tiny bit annoying, the humans would happily oblige and play with the na'vi children
The parents would be happy to see that their children arent alone and are being entertained while they go attend their duties.
No doubt love would bloom between a reef na'vi and a human, making the two beings become one as a whole.
If it wasnt for the war, I see the metkayina and other reef clans be more welcoming and humble to the humans if given the chance. Create friendships and special bonds between the two. Better than the forest na'vi.
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that is all for today! I hoped you liked it! tell me what you guys think. If you are interested, I have more headcanons. Check them out if ya want!
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aussie-tea · 1 year
My personal headcanon is that Glinda actually hated Nessarose.
First and foremost I want to make it clear I don't think Glinda ever intended for Nessa to die. And even if she did I think Glinda would protect Nessa if only for Elphaba's sake.
But I do think that Glinda had a very unique third-party perspective on the sisters' relationship, and she would have seen how Nessa treated Elphaba; as nothing more than a personal assistant and human punching bag.
Glinda and Nessa were once extraordinarily alike. Both were beautiful girls, spoiled endlessly by their parents. They both treated Elphaba awfully, but the difference is Glinda has learnt, grown, and probably agonized over it. Nessa hasn't.
This was solely due to Elphaba. It was Glinda's friendship with Elphaba which taught her selflessness. And nothing shows this as clearly as her own desire for Elphaba's success, not only her own.
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She even seems to recognize that Nessa is one of the things in Elphaba's life that is actually limiting her, and encourages space and separation between the sisters, which, arguably, is what's best for Elphaba.
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Elphaba isn't the only person Glinda cares about that has been hurt by Nessa's actions either. Despite Glinda's moral flaws, she isn't blind to open cruelty and tyranny, especially concerning people she cares about. Nessa's treatment of the Munchkins, and Boq in particular, would not have gone unnoticed by Glinda.
Jealousy is also a huge part of Glinda's personality, so I can imagine her believing herself a better sister to Elphaba than Nessa. Or one more deserving of a sister than Nessa.
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I attribute her reaction to Nessa's death to her guilt rather than any lost love between them. I can imagine that in the absence of Elphaba, Glinda might have wanted to step in as a grieving sister, placing flowers on her grave, saying a prayer.
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It's further supported when Elphaba shows up, and Glinda immediately drops this act, showing her true blasé reaction to Nessa's death, whilst remaining sympathetic to Elphaba's pain.
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Regardless of whether she is the besties-with-everyone schoolgirl in Act One or the happy-go-lucky Good Witch of the North in Act Two I can not imagine, in the musical, Glinda feeling anything but contempt towards Nessa.
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wowowwild · 1 year
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For my krisnix enjoyers. Pls accept my ramblings below.
Good evening. It's me, Mx. Wild. First and foremost, I don't think anyone does, but I definitely do not think they are health, just to be exceedingly clear. Also these are my mostly canon compliant musings, I have other 'if this, then that' headcanons I'm not shoving in here bc nobody has the time for all of that at once. Now, moving on.
Look, Phoenix has bad taste. Kristoph is known to make horrible decisions. Match made in a hell equivalent. Kris wants to keep Phoenix close bc he's paranoid, Phoenix wants to keep Kris close bc he's a sketchy mf (imo).
I think Phoenix would know Kris wanted something out of the relationship. Some random guy he doesn't know stands up for him and tries to be besties with him all of a sudden? Kristoph could absolutely spin it that he knew the legendary Phoenix Wright would never and he feels bad bc it was his little brother who exposed the fake and is so appalled that someone would frame Phoenix and he wants to get to the bottom of it. That's even believable. I don't think that takes away from the clear indication that Kristoph wants something out of the relationship.
And Phoenix isn't stupid. Don't get me wrong, mans is dumb of ass, but he's incredibly intelligent. I think fairly early on if not immediately he would expect that the relationship (at this point budding friendship) is transactional to a certain degree. And honestly, he would get a lot out of it, too. Someone definitively believes he's innocent and is helping him through the worst years of his life. At some point Phoenix figures out the truth, but I don't see any universe where him knowing that is immediate. There would be too much going on. They have time.
From Kristoph's perspective, he needs to keep Phoenix close and figure out what he knows at all times. Kristoph isn't stupid either, just spiralling further and further out of control. Once Phoenix begins to suspect, it's a matter of time before Kristoph suspects that he suspects. Whole lot of suspecting going on. But until then they have time.
So while they have time, they 're both putting into this relationship they have. They're 'friends'. From the outside it wouldn't look like it, but they care, Phoenix might care a bit more genuinely on purpose, but Kris would also have to care somewhat after all that time. Even if it was on accident, if someone is a big enough part of your life, even if you hate them, you start to care.
I think the type of person Phoenix is, is someone that Kristoph has not seen a lot of. Phoenix and Klavier are pretty similar, I can see him drawing some parallels, but he's not really close to Klavier at this point. I think Phoenix's true personality would be pretty disarming for Kris, he wouldn't know what to do, how to act towards someone like Phoenix. With that loss of control and stability, I can find him accidentally very quickly coming to care to Phoenix, despite also hating him. As strange as it is to say, you can hate someone without disliking them, just like you can love someone without liking them.
So taking this time, we've come to a situation where they care for each other. Depending on how long they have, maybe they've come to love each other platonically, romantically, and/or otherwise. But at some point Phoenix begins to suspect. It would be complicated for him. He doesn't want to suspect his friend of being a forger or eventually a murderer. It's hard to say exactly when those two dots might connect or which came first, but at some point he realizes these things. So what happens then?
Phoenix has learned his poker face by now, but Kristoph knows him fairly well at this point too. Phoenix can probably keep the fact that he's suspicious under wraps for a while. Even though Kris knows him well enough to eventually see through, Phoenix knows Kristoph well enough to know how to hide it. Kristoph can never get out of Phoenix anything definitive. Nothing that could be used as an admission. At this point they both know what game they're playing and that the other is in just as deep.
At this point, it would hurt them both deeply if they had fallen into a committed relationship (qpr, romantic relationship, exclusive fwb, etc.). Phoenix has to have some PTSD about the Dahlia situation, and Kristoph doesn't strike me as the type to have thought much about that type of relationship before if at all. He's honestly way too paranoid imo. I think it would cut them both deeply either way, but having someone you've committed to sizing you up like that hits a little different in most cases. (I am aroace but i've been in relationships, I am working based off of my own experiences which are not universal.)
They're out of time now. Any day the other shoe could drop. Kristoph could take Phoenix out of the game once and for all. Phoenix could find the one piece of evidence he needs to pull the curtain crashing down on Kristoph. In the end, it's the latter, but until that day they're frozen, stuck pretending everything is ok, playing their roles the best way they know how, time is standing still around them.
And then a hard rubber sole meets the concrete. That is my broad interpretation of the relationship between smarmy bitch Kristoph and shady asshole Phoenix (affectionate in both cases). I could pick all my little headcanons about this, that, and the other thing to show you, but I'll do that later if y'all want. (pls ask me questions, I would love to explore answers to them)
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iguessitsjustme · 3 months
So we all are upset at Moo’s mother and Shone and how easily the latter was forgiven. I want to talk about why I’m so upset.
Let’s start with Moo’s mother. It was incredibly sad to see her to tell Moo to move on cause it’s been a year. Normally, I would agree with that advice, but not in this situation. First ans foremost, she is the main reason Kang made the decision to break up with Moo in the first place. Then when he does, she tells Moo to get over it? That’s not very supportive. There is also the issue of her lack of support via her job. She is clearly a well known person with power in the music industry. Otherwise why did Moo have to deal with that one bastard bullying him for being a nepo baby? That guy thought Moo’s mother pulled strings to get him that spot. She didn’t. She actively worked against her son this whole damn show.
She had the ability and power to fight back against the no dating rule the way Moo wanted to but instead she used it to convince Kang that nothing could be done and if he wanted to help Moo achieve his dream, the only way was to adhere to the rules and break up with him. What a great mom, right? She only made Moo fight against her every step of the way. Wanna be an idol? She won’t support you. Wanna date Kang? She’ll actively work against you.
Now for Shone. He’s even worse. He doesn’t have the power that Moo’s mom had in the industry, but he sure listened to her and told Moo to break up with Kang. He sure played a part in their breakup. And he might not have done it to get a chance with Kang, but boy did he seize that opportunity. He was secretly meeting up with Kang for AN ENTIRE YEAR. Despite Kang constantly rejecting him and obviously still being in love with Moo, that did not deter Shone. His persistence in the face of rejection alone would have pissed me off, but doing so with Moo’s ex? Unacceptable. Bro code anyone? Not Shone that’s for sure.
He knew how devastated Moo was. He should have told Moo the second he ran into Kang. He didn’t need to tell Moo where Kang was, but he should have let Moo at least know how Kang was doing. Instead he started a secret friendship. Kang obviously wanted to be friends with Shone cause that was the only connection he had to Moo without actually seeing him. But Shone wanted to secretly be friends with Kang so he could date Moo’s ex. And then when Moo was understandably upset by it, Shone pushed back and made it worse.
“You’ve been broken up for a year why can’t I?” “I can’t help my feelings!” They. Did. Not. Break. Up. Because. They. Stopped. Loving. Each. Other. They broke up because you all convinced Kang that he would hold Moo back from his dream. Shone tried to capitalize on Moo’s decisions being made for him. He tried to capitalize on two people’s hurt feelings because he had a crush on one of them. Sure, you can’t help your feelings, Shone. But you damn sure didn’t need to act on them. They are your feelings. Your problem. And it would be one thing if Kang was trying to move on and did show any interest but he didn’t. Kang actually went out of his way to establish the clear lines in your relationship. Friends. Only friends (hah).
Shone made no extra apology or real attempt to make up for knowingly hurting Moo. And that’s what it comes down to. Shone knew his actions would cause Moo pain and when confronted with the pain that HE caused, he blamed Moo for being upset and angry instead of owning up to his actions.
Honestly, despite what the show was trying to tell us, Moo was the most mature member of that family. He fights for what he believes to be right. He fights for all of his dreams. Everyone around him failed him at one point (even Kang but he’s forgiven because he was just doing his best), but Moo perservered. Moo deserved a mother who would fight for him. He deserved an apology for Shone. And he deserves nothing but the best that life has to offer him.
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bookoftheironfist · 3 months
So i was wondering...how does Danny use the fact he's rich? Especialy considering he hangs out with Luke, i could image him being aware of the problems and struggles of the working class and wanting to help, especialy if i understand correctly that he has a very "simple" view of "do what's right and opose what's wrong" while also being generaly optimistic?
Danny's relationship with money in general, and with his inherited fortune in particular, was a recurring theme in Iron Fist comics for a long time, and you're right, it initially came to the fore in Power Man and Iron Fist volume 1, as Danny started settling into Earth society, and particularly through his friendship with Luke and his work as part of Heroes for Hire.
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Power Man and Iron Fist vol. 1 #56 by Mary Jo Duffy, Trevor Von Eeden, George Roussos, Frank Springer, and Tom Orzechowski
To start, Danny never had any interest in his parents' money; the inheritance, and his shares in Rand-Meachum Corp, were essentially dumped on him by his father's lawyer, Jeryn Hogarth. In Iron Fist volume 1, Jeryn tracks Danny down, drags him in front of the Meachums (who had taken full control of the company following the Rand family's apparent deaths), and insists that they give him his inheritance. Danny, who has not been back on Earth long and has much more pressing concerns in his life at this time, is irritated by the whole ordeal.
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Iron Fist vol. 1 #8 by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, Dan Adkins, Bonnie Wilford, and Joe Rosen
Regardless of Danny's feelings on the matter, Jeryn succeeds in getting him what his parents left him: a huge amount of money, a 50% share in Rand-Meachum Corp, and the penthouse he grew up in. None of this has much of an impact on his stories at the time-- as Iron Fist, he has plenty of enemies to face and challenges to overcome, and at this point he was still trying to figure out who his civilian identity of Danny Rand even was. But one thing that does quickly become clear to him, as he settles further into the world of New York City, is that while he now has all of this money, he has no concept of the gravity or value of it. Having observed this about himself, he makes two key decisions: 1. He gives control of his Rand-Meachum Corp shares to Joy Meachum, and 2. He joins Heroes for Hire*. To be clear: he had many reasons for joining Heroes for Hire, key among them being his blossoming friendship with Luke and his search for a purpose while locked out of K'un-Lun. But he also embraces the opportunity to earn an honest living, and to learn the value of money through hard work.
*Just in case anyone reading this is unfamiliar with what Heroes for Hire actually was/is: When Luke acquired his superpowers and broke out of Seagate Prison (where he was being actively abused while held for a crime he did not commit), he found himself alone in the world, a fugitive, with nothing to his name but his newfound powers and his smarts. He managed to find himself a tiny apartment in Times Square (which was a very low-income, "seedy" part of the city in the 70s) and started up a business whereby people could hire him to help them, for a small fee. His goal was to earn enough money to keep himself fed and pay the rent. Over time, however, he became a known figure in the community: a superhero who looked out for the little guy. The operation expanded when Danny joined, and has taken on a number of different forms in the years since, but it has always been, first and foremost, an operation based in low-income communities and aimed at helping the underserved and oppressed. That is Luke's world, and it became Danny's too. Anyway, back to the post...
However, just because Danny is not interested in his fortune doesn't mean he doesn't still have it, and there are occasions when Heroes for Hire finds itself in need of serious cash and Danny has to dip into his funds. Luke doesn't love this; he, like Danny, wants to make it on his own, and he doesn't appreciate reminders of how well-off his friend is. Danny also comes to realize how complicated things can get when money is involved. At one point, Luke's apartment gets blown up by one of H4H's enemies, and Danny lets Luke bunk with him. He also offers him a check to get him back on his feet-- and is startled by his friend's reaction.
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Power Man and Iron Fist vol. 1 #64 by Mary Jo Duffy, Kerry Gammill, Doc Martin, Dan Green, Jon D'Agostino, and Diana Albers
"Being able to help people is the best part of having money" pretty well encompasses Danny's attitude toward his fortune. While he does do the occasional goofy rich guy thing, like going to a fancy restaurant because he never noticed the price and just likes the view, or buying a yacht because he's having an identity crisis and thinks it might help, he pretty much only acknowledges his money in the context of how he can use it to help others. Having made close friends from all walks of life, and been immersed in low-income communities throughout his career as a street-level superhero and Hero for Hire, he is acutely aware of what he has and cares deeply about helping those who have less.
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Immortal Iron Fist #16 by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Matt Hollingsworth, and Dave Lanphear
In partnership with his then-girlfriend Misty Knight, he creates the Thunder Dojo, a kung fu school in Harlem for children from struggling families that also provides them with meals, tutoring, and other means of support. And then, at the end of the Immortal Iron Fist series, he shuts down his father's company entirely and commits to donating away the rest of his fortune.
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Immortal Iron Fist #16 by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Matt Hollingsworth, and Dave Lanphear
He sells his penthouse and moves into a little apartment with Misty. Not long after, he founds the Rand Foundation, a community-focused non-profit, and brings in Joy Meachum, businesswoman extraordinaire, to help run it.
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Shadowland: Power Man #4 by Fred Van Lente, Mahmud Asrar, Ray-Anthony Height, Bruno Hang, Dave Sharpe, et al.
Frustratingly, this strand of Danny's character journey has fallen by the wayside in the decade-or-so since this development. I wrote a post recently about the inconsistencies surrounding Rand Corp and Danny's fortune, the vanishing of the Rand Foundation, and just the blatant lack of continuity regarding Danny's financial situation in general. Currently, for no clear reason, Rand Corp is back up and running and Danny has returned to being a rich guy living in a penthouse. But it's clear-- though frustrating-- that this is largely due to various creative teams' inattention to this particular detail, or perhaps a desire to return to a certain status quo, rather than to any changes in Danny's attitude toward money or helping people.
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Defenders (2017) #5 by Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez, Justin Ponsor, and Cory Petit
Thanks for the great question!
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
your fanfic doesn't need to be Content
ok so thanks to this lovely anonymous message i've been motivated to organize my thoughts on the increasingly common phenomenon of fanfic writers treating their own fics like Content for consumption, the way an influencer on social media might (all of this is in the context of the marauders fandom specifically -- no idea how or whether it might apply elsewhere)
what i mean by that is, essentially, instances of fanfic writers playing into the idea that fanfiction is a product created for the consumption of readers (and thereby the idea that fandom is a community that can be clearly divided between "producers"/writers and "consumers"/readers).
some examples i've seen: people "advertising" their fics on platforms like tiktok, sometimes even before they've started writing said fic ("hey guys i'm going to start writing a fic with x y z who's interested??"), or making posts asking outright "if i wrote a fic with x y z would people read it??" i've also seen people share concerns that if they write a certain thing they want to write (i.e, heavy smut, heavy angst, etc) then it will make their fic less "accessible" to a broader audience ("i want everyone to be able to enjoy my fics!")
another recent example that comes to mind is the "jegulus strike." while i'm sure it was largely well-intentioned, a strike is a form of protest tied inextricably to a consumer economy, and positioning writers as laborers who are standing in opposition to readers demanding that labor reinforces the framework of a consumer economy in which fanfiction is a product for consumption.
something i want to make clear here--i'm not saying that any of these behaviors are like....Moral Failings deserving of Ridicule. i think we are all very much conditioned by late-stage capitalism + algorithmic social media to view everything, even our hobbies, within the framework of a consumer economy. this is just me observing some of the ways i see that mindset creeping into fandom spaces.
like. i think there's this unspoken assumption that art is only worthwhile if it has an audience; that creative pursuits only matter if you can profit from them. if people are applying this mindset to fanfiction, then it makes sense to see this impulse to advertise fics the way authors advertise their books on tiktok, or twitter, or whatever. it makes sense for writers to become preoccupied with audience perception, perhaps changing their stories to make them more palatable for a certain audience or even going into the writing process with the audience already in mind--an overhanging and ever-present anxiety, asking yourself "how will this be received?"
the problem is that fanfiction doesn't fit into this model. it has always been meant for a niche audience, never the mainstream, and it has always existed outside the profit economy. trying to turn fanfiction into broadly consumable content is antithetical to the medium itself, and, in all likelihood, will fail. the vast majority of fanfiction is never going to be read by hundreds of thousands of people. if you go into writing it with an audience as your end goal, you will likely be disappointed.
what makes fanfiction so wonderful and unique is that it is meant to be written, first and foremost, for the writer. fanfiction as a medium grew out of personal joy in creation, out of individuals who thought "I want to see this story for myself" and then wrote it. because fanfiction is specific, catered to individual tastes and niche audiences, it lends itself to a unique sort of community in which your work attracts other people with that same niche taste, making it easier to strike up a conversation or start a friendship by saying, "hey, i love this story you wrote for yourself! it just so happens to be the exact sort of thing i wanted to read."
so i guess at the end of the day, my question for other fic writers is: if nobody was ever going to read this, would you still want to write it?
and if the answer is no...i think that's something that calls for reflection! where is your motivation rooted? is it rooted in a desire to create, in the joy of creation? or is it rooted in a desire to be seen, to be validated? wanting to be seen and validated is entirely natural, and it is by no means a bad thing. oftentimes, both these impulses--creation and validation--will be part of the decision to write + post a fic. but if validation is your primary motivation, and if you have internalized the idea that validation means getting as many people as possible to look at the thing you're making and click a heart button, then you will probably end up disappointed. you will probably end up feeling like your writing isn't good enough, no matter how many people end up reading it--because no audience will ever be big enough to validate you if you aren't able to take pride in your creation independent of any metrics of consumption.
i'm not saying that you should never share your fics on social media. like i mentioned above, community is one of the best parts of fanfiction--but are you posting in search of community? or are you posting in search of an audience? i know the line can get blurry sometimes, but i do think those two things look different, and i do think it is productive to look inwards and ask what you are truly seeking when you throw your writing into the void of social media posts. and i think as writers it's important not to fall into the trap of acting like our fics are a product intended for audience consumption, because to do so contributes to the deterioration of a fandom culture that is separate from the profit economy. plus, i just think all of us would be happier if we started trying to actively unlearn the idea that art is only worthwhile if it manages to amass a huge audience.
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I know it is only anybodys guessing really, and I truly do not want to sound like 'the historian' but you would go as far as calling these relationships of napoleon 'homoerotic'? Why? Couldn't it be the case of him having just very warm attitude and be close to his friends like that?
Again nothing against it, but I needed to ask since I as well am the person to get alike towards my close friends and I don't feel it having any attraction undertones.
Thank you for the ask! As usual for me, my response got really long.
I mean correct! It’s literally anyone’s guess. Who knows? Certainly not me! Certainly no one who is alive right now!
I’m just a queer on the internet having fun who sees Napoleon and goes "ah yes, a chaotic bisexual even though the concept of modern sexual identity wasn't a thing in his time etc. etc. [insert all the other usual disclaimers required on this webbedsite]" so that's why.
[How do I know he’s a chaotic bi? Well, it’s very simple, he couldn’t sit properly in a chair, liked to sit on his secretaries’ laps, pull their ears, and tell them Fun Facts he learned that day, and wanted to make the tsar of Russia his mistress. He also dearly loved Josephine and wrote about how he liked going down on her. This is clear proof that he was a chaotic bi king and we should be so lucky to know this about him. ;)]
I'm also a writer who likes to slap a queer lens onto most things because that's how I role and I'm very unapologetic about it. Which most people who follow me know.
I’m also someone who has incredibly deep, intimate friendships with a close selection of people in my life that are not romantic/sexual or whatever in their nature—but they are incredibly intimate. They are friendships where partners of my friends have been jealous and insecure because of how close we are—which is a them problem, not an us problem.
I would go so far as to argue that friends are more likely to slot into that problematic category of “soulmate” than anyone romantic (ymmv). And from the outside, I’m sure people might read my friendships with a few people (have read them, in fact) as romantic/homoerotic and frankly I don’t care. Whatever. I know what my friendships are, why does it matter what other people read them as? More to the point, why does it matter that someone reads a dead person’s friendships as homo-something? How does that impact my friendships which may, or may not, mirror that dead person’s friendships? Who cares? One should love one’s friends however one wishes to. Fuck everything else.
In an effort to avoid the Great Queer Napoleon Discourse War of 2013-14 I shall include a disclaimer because hot damn do people get REALLY uppity about this: I’m a writer, first and foremost in all things. I’m not a historian. As noted above, I’m a queer fag on the internet having fun. Take what I say with a grain of salt.
(Honestly, doing anything with Napoleon’s sexuality aside from He Was the Straightest Straight Who Ever Straighted, gets everyone’s hackles raised. I think that says more about those with hackles up than it does the person going: maybe he might have had a bit of a queerness about him, it’s not implausible.)
Some general stuff on Napoleon & That Doesn’t Seem Entirely Straight, Even For the 18th and 19th Century:
From Cronin’s biography on Napoleon:
“Napoleon found that his friendships with men often began with physical attraction, and this took a curious form. ‘He told me,’ says Caulcaincourt, ‘…that for him the heart was not the organ of sentiment; that he felt emotions only where most men experience feelings of a different kind; nothing in the heart, everything in the loins and in another place, which I leave nameless.’ 
The feeling Napoleon described as ‘a sort of painful tingling, a nervous irritability…the squeaking of a saw sometimes gives me the same sensation’.”
In addition, Talleyrand speculated Napoleon and Bourienne were, uh, intimate in all senses of the word. Talleyrand, of course, well—one should treat his hot takes with some caution.
There is also the (in)famous letter Napoleon wrote to Josephine about Alexander where he said that he and Alexander were inordinately pleased with one another and if the tsar were a woman, he’d take Alexander as his mistress (Napoleon, honey, don’t write that to your wife).
I mean, do what you want with that. Take it for what it’s worth /shrug
Of the three friendships under discussion: Lannes, Duroc, Junot—I always read Lannes and Napoleon’s friendship as just friendship. Duroc and Junot though. That’s where we start getting into arguments for a homoerotic friendship—or romantic friendship, if one prefers that term.
I’ll do a little ramble for each, because they all deserve it.
Napoleon’s friendship with Lannes was intimate, close, and they loved each other dearly—but as said, I always read them as friends. Even if they lived today and were free/able to be whatever they wanted to be to one another, it’d still just be friendship.
People did make Achilles/Patroclus references to them—particularly around Lannes’ death—but that was the mode of how people spoke back then. It’s the 19th century version of comparing everything to LOTR or Harry Potter (read another classical epic people, jeez).
Their friendship was volatile for sure—these are two hot headed, strong minded, opinionated men who were not afraid to snap and snarl at one another—but at the end of the day I do not doubt their love for each other. But it’s what we would term a platonic love.  
Brian Martin writes this in Napoleonic Friendship: Military Fraternity, Intimacy, and Sexuality in Nineteenth-century France:
Napoleon’s grief for Marshal Lannes took on the very public character of open lamentation. Rather than grieve behind closed doors and conceal his personal vulnerabilities in order to show public strength, Napoleon’s mourning for his beloved friend became a matter of great public spectacle. Like Achilles mourning his beloved Patroclus, Napoleon wept publicly and openly expressed his affection in a way that was widely reported, discussed, and admired by the officers and soldiers in his armies.
Napoleon’s public grief at the death of Jean Lannes represented a new model for social relations between soldiers in the early nineteenth-century France. weeping over his friend’s broken body, Napoleon demonstrated how the revolution and empire had made it possible not only for an emperor to grieve openly for a fallen marshal, but for a soldier to love his comrade. This uncharacteristic expression of affection between Napoleon and Lannes was echoes in similar relationships between officers and foot soldiers in Napoleon’s armies. Military memories of the first empire bear witness to a wide range of intimate relationships among generals, colonels, and captains as well as sergeants, corporals, and grunts (grognards), the infantry soldiers who made up the majority of the imperial armies. Napoleon’s love for Lannes might thus be said to represent a broad spectrum of masculine affection and intimacy in the ranks of the Grande Armée, or what could be called Napoleonic friendship.
So yeah, I’ve not much more to say on them. Their friendship was loving, affectionate, intimate, and complex. Lannes could be frustrated with Napoleon (often was, the longer Napoleon remained in power—because Lannes loved Bonaparte not the emperor), but Lannes loved his friend and Napoleon loved Lannes. But my read on them has always been that it was what we would term platonic.
This one is messy. Because Junot and Napoleon are messy people. I also think this one is the strongest case for “something more than friendship”. I personally believe Junot loved Napoleon in a deep, phenomenal, possibly obsessive fashion that absolutely was romantic—maybe sexual/erotic—and Napoleon for a time may have returned at least some of those feelings. Then it all went south.
I’m ripping a lot of this from a previous ask I received about Junot—since it covered a lot of the more romantic aspects of his and Napoleon’s relationship.
Junot and Napoleon were close friends when they were in their 20s. Incredibly close. Laure Junot, whose memoires one should treat cautiously, intimated that there was more than just friendship between them at this point. But if that is the case, we’ll never know for certain.
Brian Martin sums it up well (and saves me from having to dig out my copy of Laure’s memoir):
Soon after his imprisonment, Napoleon was released and exonerated, but with little money and no desire to take on a new military post in Brittany, he returned to Paris where, as Laure Junot explains, he lived with his comrade Junot and depended on his friend’s emotional and financial support … The 1794 letter from Toulon initiates a half-year period in the lives of the twenty-five-year-old Bonaparte and twenty-three-year-old Junot when … these ambitious young men relied on each other during their impecunious days in Paris. Describing how Junot “loved Bonaparte as one loves at the age” (1: 188), Laure Junot implies that the young Jean-Andoche developed an adolescent crush on Napoleon, as the two young men grew in intimacy.
Laure Junot tactfully observes many years later that it was difficult to assess the nature of these friendships [with Duroc and Junot] without offending their masculinity: “These are the very profound and abstract mysteries of the human heart. It is difficult to explain them without first wounding a man’s dignity” (11: 131).
In relegating Napoleon’s military relationships to the realm of the mysteries, Laure Junot defines Napoleonic friendship — long before “the love that dare not speak its name” was articulated by Lord Alfred Douglas in 1894 and invoked at Oscar Wilde’s trial in 1895 —as an enigmatic and unspeakable love incapable of being articulated without shaming a soldier’s manhood. Amid such ambiguity, it is unclear if such “mysteries” encompass both the emotional and the erotic. What is clearer is that Napoleon and Junot shared a degree of affection during their youth in Paris that was undeniably intimate.
As Napoleon climbed up the greasy pole, the power dynamic changed and expectations of interpersonal relationships became more formal putting a strain on his and Junot’s friendship. Junot, like many who knew Napoleon from the early days, loved Bonaparte, not the emperor. As Laure put it in her memoire: “Now let me explain the sadness and pain which afflicted Junot on learning that Napoleon was no longer his General Bonaparte of Toulon. Perhaps the affair simply followed a natural decline. But Junot … did not see it this way. He wanted reciprocity, which he craved even more as his own affectionate fantasies increased … He loved the man, not the emperor.”
In 1800, Napoleon named Junot Commandant of Paris on the condition that he marry because, it seems, there were too many rumours flying around about the two of them. (As noted above, Talleyrand was already making some “huh. Interesting closeness, there” comments about Napoleon.) Dutifully, Junot married Laure.
Junot always exhibited some signs of mental illness throughout his life and at one point he received a head wound (I forget which battle) that massively exacerbated whatever existing mental health troubles he had. (And note that this was one of many wounds - nor was it his first head wound. It’s just the one people in his own life pointed to as a moment of change.)
Junot had jealous and possessive tendencies, something that drove Napoleon a little batty, and they got worse. While Junot was in Portugal, and later Spain, he wrote Napoleon a series of desperate letters begging him to reappoint Junot as his aid-de-camp. We unfortunately don’t have these letters anymore, Napoleon was notoriously secretive and private when it came to personal correspondence and had a habit of burning lots of it. However, we do have Laure’s account of Napoleon’s reception of Junot’s pleading. Laure writes:
"Look here, Madame, what your husband writes to me!’ said the Emperor, ‘Read this and tell me if he sends you such letters."
I read these letters, and this caused me some pain: my husband sent me affectionate missives, but never in the tone of a lover; here were letters that resembled those between Julie and Saint-Preux, or those of the Portuguese nun.*
Napoleon then goes on and says:
“In admitting that Junot loves me more than anything in the world … [he demonstrates] that he does not love me more than his own ambition”
To which Laure replies:
“He loves you, Sire, more than all the honours that you can give, more than your crown, more than me perhaps, for it was pride that made me say the contrary just now, perhaps even more than his children!”
*Note: She’s referencing Guilleragues’s Portuguese Letters (1669) and Rousseau’s Julie or the New Héloïse (1761)
Also, as I said above, treat Laure’s accounts cautiously. As with all memoirs, she is positioning certain scenes with a purpose and some things are downplayed, or exaggerated, accordingly.
In 1813, Napoleon dismissed Junot from military duty and sent him off to be governor of Illyria which Junot, rightly or wrongly, saw as a form of exile. During his ambassadorship he famously entered a ballroom wearing nothing but his epaulettes and his medals. [above para' edited per conversation in the notes]
Brian Martin:
While one could blame Junot’s naked diplomacy on his progressive dementia, his shocking entrance can also be seen as a kind of buff rebuff to Napoleon. After a lifetime fighting for Bonaparte, watching shrapnel rip into young men’s bodies, leading thousands of soldiers to their deaths, and suffering twenty-seven wounds* of his own, Junot offered his own ravaged body as a hideous and spectacular product of Napoleon’s violence.
*Note: Junot says he had 17 wounds, not sure where Martin got 27 - unless there were wounds Junot wasn’t counting.
After this incident, Junot was swiftly recalled back to France where he soon after died by suicide.
In his final letter to Napoleon he wrote:
“I who love you with the affection of a savage for the sun, I who am entirely yours. Well then: this eternal war that we must fight for you, I want no more of! I want peace! I want finally to repose my tired head, my sore limbs … to enjoy that which I earned … with my blood! The blood of an honest man, of a good Frenchman, of a true patriot. I therefore ask, at last, for that tranquillity that I earned through twenty-two years of effective service and seventeen wounds from which my blood has flowed for my country, and for your glory.” (emphasis in original)
After Junot’s death, Napoleon ordered that Junot’s personal papers be seized and destroyed as he was afraid their personal correspondence might make its way to a public forum.
So yeah, Junot’s love for Napoleon was definitely on the romantic side, I would say. Because Napoleon burned all their correspondence we don’t know what he sent in reply to Junot—especially in the early days of their relationship. I suspect it was intimate and possibly in line with what Junot continued to send him throughout their life and like hell did Napoleon want that escaping to the public.
Anyway—Junot and Napoleon, I would argue definitely had some homoerotic/romantic undertones and such to their friendship. I think it was mutual in their 20s then Napoleon’s feelings retreated to more platonic but Junot’s never changed.
It just man, gives me strong flashbacks to when I was a teenager and one of my best friends at the time  declared herself my soulmate and carved my initials into her arm and left me a million and a half messages on the home answering machine and said that I was cold like Napoleon and she loved me for it etc. etc.
When I look at Junot and Napoleon I see myself and my old friend in all that glory of the strange complexities of young, intensely emotional and intimate friendships that absolutely blur the line into romantic/erotic.
Ah sweet Duroc! Duroc who regularly compared himself to Junot in terms of his relationship to Napoleon.
Duroc to Laure Junot in May of 1813:  “Poor Junot! It’s that he’s like me! The Emperor’s friendship is our whole life.”
And again, this is from Laure’s memoirs:
‘Junot and some others,’ Duroc said to me, ‘misjudge me and misjudge my position as well. The Emperor would disgrace me if he made me a marshal of France. What would I do away from him? No doubt it’s a great honor; but my attachment to him, how could it not be affected by that distance? I love the Emperor as Junot loves him. And isn’t he going to choose the post of first aide-de-camp instead of that of governor of Paris? So why judge me otherwise!’
Duroc’s a hard one to pin down because he was such an exemplary marshal of the palace, in addition he left us no diaries or memoirs so we have the word of others and what survived of his letters, little else to go on.
However, I think it telling that Duroc compared himself to regularly to Junot—who everyone was aware of how he felt about Napoleon—and that Junot was so jealous of Duroc. That Junot saw Duroc as a rival for Napoleon’s affection and love but not Lannes tells me that clearly Junot could see the similarity of what Duroc and Napoleon had to what he and Napoleon may have once had but didn’t anymore. And, that Lannes was different. It was a different relationship and one that Junot didn’t find threatening.
It's also worth nothing that Duroc was the only one of Napoleon’s officers, aside from Lannes, who was allowed to use tu with Napoleon. Las Cases writes: “I’ve heard the Emperor say that in all of his military career, Duroc alone possessed his blind confidence and received all his affection … Duroc loved the Emperor for himself; he was devoted most of all to the private man, even more than to the monarch”
Duroc’s role as marshal of the palace also put him in an interesting position as a sort of quasi-wife to Napoleon. The role he played was very much a “wife” role—Cronin summarizes Duroc’s duties thus:
"Napoleon was struck by Duroc’s sweet nature, his beautiful manners and the patience which he himself lacked. So he employed his friend as a diplomat and when he became Emperor chose him to run the household and court. […] He had his hands full ensuring that the grocer did not overcharge for the Chambertin, since Napoleon would be sure to notice, and, as Napoleon put on weight, tactfully persuading the Imperial Tailor not to make new clothes but to let out the old ones a couple of inches. He also had to make peace when Napoleon lost his temper: pushing over the table, for example, when he saw crépinettes of partridge. He did this admirably, because he was devoted to Napoleon. Many a time, when the Emperor had hurt a visitor with a sharp word, Duroc would murmur on the way out: ‘Forget it. He says what he feels, not what he thinks, and not what he’ll do tomorrow.’"
No one else of Napoleon’s intimate friends really takes on that wifely role—even after Duroc’s death. Bertrand has the same role, Marshal of the Palace, and he was damn good at his job, just as Duroc was, but there was a difference in their relationship and Bertrand doesn’t read as so close and devoted on a marital level to Napoleon. Not that Bertrand didn’t love Napoleon, he did, gods know he did, but it was more in line with Lannes than Duroc or Junot.
Napoleon describes Duroc to Las Cases:
‘Duroc,’ concluded he, ‘had lively, tender, and concealed passions, little corresponding with the coldness of his manner. It was long before I knew this, so exact and regular was his service. It was not until my day was entirely closed and finished, and I was enjoying repose, that Duroc’s work begun. Chance, or by some accident, could alone have made me acquainted with his character. He was a pure and virtuous man, utterly disinterested, and extremely generous.’
When he [Napoleon] went to see Duroc, after he had received his mortal wound, he attempted to hold out some hopes to him; but Duroc, who did not deceive himself, only replied by begging [Napoleon] to make them give him opium. …
After this recollection, the emperor, with an apparent effort, began abruptly to talk of something else.
I believe that Napoleon and Duroc were able to see each other’s interiority in a way that few others were able to and that formed the basis for their affection, love and friendship.
Duroc’s letters to Napoleon, anytime they were apart, are also more intense than usual. Plenty of Napoleon’s friends wrote about wanting to be by his side when they were sent off on diplomatic missions or what have you. But Duroc’s express a particularly intense form of devotion:
Duroc to Napoleon, May 29, 1801:
I am waiting to leave, Citizen Consul, until I receive a response to the letters that I had the honor to write you, unless the circumstances or the letters I receive from Paris let me judge that I can leave earlier. I beg you to remember that I am eight hundred leagues from you and, although I’ve been well-received here, I am never better than when I am near you. (Emphasis in the original)
Duroc to Napoleon, July 7, 1801:
I have sought to conduct myself here, Citizen Consul, in a manner that would satisfy you. I am well-regarded and thought highly of everywhere because I belong to you particularly, but I will not be happy until I’m sure that I deserve your approval. I am waiting to set my departure until I know that you’ve received the letter that I had the honor to write you and that I sent with Captain Leclerc. I very much want to find myself near you as soon as possible. (Emphasis in the original)
When Napoleon offered to have Hortense marry Duroc, Napoleon’s proposition was that Duroc would receive five hundred thousand francs and be named commandant of the 8th military division and would be stationed in Toulon (Napoleon was against having a son-in-law in the house).
When the proposition was passed on to Duroc he turned it down because he didn’t want to be sent away from Napoleon’s side and if marriage meant being apart, he didn’t want it, even though from all accounts he was quite fond of Hortense (and she was fond of him).
Later, when Napoleon was having to negotiate his name in exile he said to Barry O’Meara:
“The name of General Bonaparte was the one which I bore at Campo Formio and at Lunneville, when I dictated terms of peace with the Emperor of Austria. I bore it at Amiens when I signed the peace with England. I should be proud to bear it still, but the honour of France forbids me to acknowledge the right of the King of England to annul the acts of the French people. My intention was to take the name of Duroc.”
But he felt he had to keep Emperor Napoleon in order to Make A statement.
In another account, I forget to who, he repeated his intent to have taken on Duroc’s name in exile in order to be a little more incognito/not draw attention to himself, but because England refused to acknowledge that he had been emperor he was like “fuck that, I’m going to insist on being called emperor”. So, had England not been like “you were never emperor” it’s possible Napoleon would have taken Duroc’s surname as his own.
How very married of them.
Apologies for the long reply. Not sure this will really answer anything, but it's an amalgamation of my thoughts.
Junot is the clearest of the homo-something friendship between Napoleon and another man. Like, I think that's a tough one to read as anything other than a messy break up. Which is why, when we were all nattering on about queering Napoleon in film yesterday, I focused so much on Junot over the others.
But same sex intimacy, even in Just Friends, can have homo-something undertones to it. Friendships can be complex, multilayered and include some romantic and erotic aspects to them. This doesn't mean those friendships are Romantic Relationships as we think of them, but if there's a romantic tinge to it, or a strong homoerotic tinge to it, then why not explore it? See where it takes the story or the interpretation and undestanding of the person and their actions. Maybe it'll go no where useful, maybe it will. Only one way to find out.
Thank you for the ask!
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hello sex witch
this might be long and ramble a bit but i’ll try to keep it succinct. 
so i’ve always thought that the concept of polyamory and having multiple partners sounded nice in the abstract, i don’t really date a lot so it hasn’t come up but i figured it was sort of a thing that most people would be open to or like the idea of (like me). this was until today when i saw someone objecting to the notion of being in a throuple or polyamorous relationship. i didn’t know that was a thing people did. i just thought we all wanted to date lots of people if given the opportunity. the fact that the other people in the couple were a man and a woman didn’t deter me. i’m now considering the fact that i might not be quite as heterosexual as previously assumed. 
when i considered sexuality before it was always a clear cut “yeah girls because i know i like girls” and also maybe that sex with dick seemed sort of weird, but upon further consideration it might just be that i think all sex is sort of weird. 
and now i’m not sure what to do about this, i don’t think that experimenting with people is right because i would feel so shit about it because they’re people and also the fact that i have some strong anxiety about sex in general. someone seeing my naked body makes me feel a little sick. and also i’ve never had sex so don’t really know how sexual attraction is supposed to feel or what i would do with myself if the occasion (sex) was to arise. i feel sort of similar / the same when thinking about sex with both men and women. 
i’m unsure if it’s all a desire for close male friendship or if i might be a little gay. 
tldr i might be polyamorous and attracted to men after a good 19 years of staunchly Not Thinking About It. would appreciate advice or help. 
i guess this isn’t as much a question as more of a asking for advice. this might not even be in your wheelhouse considering the sort of tangential connection to sex. sorry if not
hey anon,
boy, this one is a real buffet. it's legitimately very hard to decide where to start with this, but I'm going to do my best.
let's get this one out of the way first and foremost: if you're into guys that's totally fine. love that for you. if sex with men is something you ever want to explore I would encourage thinking bigger than the stigma that's currently associated with "experimenting." it has a very dehumanizing connotation, but there's no reason that trying out a new kind of sex has to be a cold or impersonal experience! it's fine to approach someone, either via the apps or in real life (honestly! the latter is better!) and be up-front about what your interests and intent are. people have sex without intending to form long-term partnerships all the time; it's literally fine and a thing that many people enjoy doing. so, like, this is my endorsement for respectful, mutually-informed experimentation lmao.
but hey, listen: I don't think that having sex with men is actually, like, a pressing issue for you, based on everything else you've told me here. it doesn't sound like sex is really a huge part of your life, and honestly that's great! it doesn't seem like sex would be great for you right now! can I point to some reasons why?
i think all sex is sort of weird
i have some strong anxiety about sex in general
someone seeing my naked body makes me feel a little sick
[I] don’t really know how sexual attraction is supposed to feel or what i would do with myself if the occasion (sex) was to arise
all of these are, like, perfectly fine things to feel, and also they are pretty good indicators that it's probably for the best that you're not having sex right now. genuinely I do Not do this lightly, because I have a whole thing in my FAQ about not wanting to tell other people their orientations, but has the possibility occurred to you that you might not experience sexual attraction at all? you can like people of all kinds of genders but not want to have sex with them.
let's maybe just take sex off the table altogether while we explore this "maybe you're a little gay" thing, alright? because it seems like that's just going to stress you out a needless amount. what if instead of thinking about having sex with guys, you give some thought to dating guys, forming romantic connections, doing things together that aren't having sex. would you date a guy? I mean, hell, would you date a girl? would you date anyone? does that sound good to you? it's nice to actually interrogate these things; the worst thing that can happen is that you get to know yourself a little more clearly.
you can date and love people without ever having sex with them. does that sound fun for you?
this is the most important thing: you're not under, like, any obligation to figure this out immediately or even soon. take your time, you know? there's no correct timeline for this and self-discovery is perpetual.
also hey listen this one isn't, like, bad and I'm certainly not addressing it as a problem but PLEASE I have to know where you grew up that you didn't realize that most people are actually not polyamorous. are you perhaps the spawn of the greater Seattle area polycule?
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squishyteri · 7 months
My thoughts after episode 9
So, I had a little break and didn't post anything after episode 8 (she forgot). I was really busy (definitely forgot) and then I felt it was too late because everyone had already posted (she was lazy at that point).
But I'm posting on time for this one.
First, quick summary of my thoughts for the episode 8, since I didn't make a post about it. (regarding things we still don't know obviously).
First and foremost, that cut after Non was taken away by Top and Tee right onto the police questioning ... so sus. I'm sure something more happened there, but we will learn later, because it would spoil the fun for us.
Then Keng. Even his last scene felt ... suspicious. It's clear we should believe he's dead, but in situations like this, the good old rule of "he's not dead until I'm seeing his corpse" definitely applies. It's so suspicous that we don't see the end of both Keng and Non. Why that might be? (some thoughts about this will be later because it's regarding the 9th episode plot).
Now moving on to today's episode, that being episode 9.
(This whole post is now turning into one giant "I told you so" because most of the theories I had turned out to be correct in this episode, so please bear with me).
First of all, the big reveal, Tan is New. I've been onto this thought since we learned that New exists, so I can't say I was shocked, I was just excited that my theory was right.
Along with that comes the confirmation, that Tan (I'll be calling him Tan to not make it confusing) really wanted to get some little revenge there. And what more, Phee is on board with him (another win for me there btw).
Next thing, PheeJin. That was wild, I feel like I've seen something I shouldn't, I'm forever tainted by that view, thank you very much (not that I'm complaining about it). But what is important is the fact, that falling for Jin wasn't really on Phee's bucket list of this plan (I was right again, hehe!) and it definitely angers Tan (because he views it as cheating on Non). Which also explains Tan's angry gazes at Phee and Jin in the first ep. (wonder why Phee just didn't tell him that he and Non broke up after the situation with Keng, tho)
Also, not gonna lie, I loved how Tan told Phee, "You go and be best friend with him" and the next thing Phee does is fuck the guy raw and rough, as if that was part of process of becoming friends (or is it and I was doing the whole friendship thing the wrong way the whole time?) But it's also clear that Phee does like Jin and only cut him off to not upset Tan.
From the preview it seems that PheeJin will be cool the next ep, which makes me wonder what exactly is the truth Phee will tell Jin. If he really tells him everything, how can Jin accept it and be good with him? I think it's possible that Phee really says the truth, as well as telling him that he loves him, but was scared to date him because of Tan. It's still hard to believe Jin would accept that, so I'm thinking if our boy Phee won't change some details there. (I personally hope he won't, he's the only good person out there).
Also just a personal side note here... I love Phee, but did he really trust the randomly found water bottle? After all the shit that happened to them? Like I know he smelled it, but like ... there are things that are poisonous and don't have any smell. (I think coolant is one of those). I get that he wanted to help Jin, but I would rather tell him there is no water and that our best option is to go back to the house (they don't know about the shitstorm that's happening there).
Well, now back to our boy Tan. If someone has the perfect motive, it's him now. He has nothing to lose. BUT he mainly wants information. He wants to know what happened to Non. And obviously, we know that he prepared the drug (from now I'll be calling it absynth, because that's what we call it with some of my friends and honestly it's better than calling it green drug so-), but acording to Tan's own words, it was supposed to make them see their biggest fears in order for them to confess/say what they know. With that it's clear that for some time, Tan definitely NEEDS them alive. (also hallucinations, another win for me and my theories, yay!)
Which is why I think that at least Por's injury (and later the death) wasn't on his list of events. Especially since Por got injured so quickly, even before anyone had any hallucinations caused by the absynth. It would be stupid of Tan to plan to literally kill someone BEFORE they can tell him what he wants to know (we can assume that Por somehow surviving that long wasn't part of the plan, it literally only happened because of Fluke and that's something you can't plan) (and even if you could plan it, it would be so stupid to rely on to be doctor to keep the guy alive until you can interrogate him). And obviously there's the thing of all of them having alibi for Por's injury, including Tan. And if Fluke was right, Por had cuts on his arms caused by a knife and I doubt Por cut himself while chilling on the branch, waiting to be saved.
Which brings me to my theory of there being someone else with them. Someone who really wants to harm them. (and before we get any further, since Top was obviously drugged, I think that part was Tan's doing). I don't know if that's possible or even a thing, but there are hints of it. Por's injury, us seeing the ghost hand without any character being present for it to be just hallucinations, multiple different masks/killers being seen. The question is, who could it be. The first obvious answer is Non. But I sure hope it's not him. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want him to be dead, but it would inevitably lead for Phee being forced to make an impossible choice: going back to Non or staying with Jin? And I honestly don't want that drama to happen.
Other option is understandably Keng. But not that I want to defend him, but I don't think he would go that far, even for Non. When he wanted to help him, he did so as legally as possible (he tried to expose the business). And I just do not think he would suddenly switch to killing a bunch of kids.
And for those two, if I'm being honest, I just think they're both dead. Not that I wish for it, but it would fit the narrative more than suddenly revealing they are alive.
I think the character of Perth is interesting though. We know nothing about him now (I mean except his lucrative job for Tee's uncle), but there might be something that could make him want to kill the boys. But hard to say until we have some backstory.
I would rather if it all was just the hallucinations, but personally, as you just read, there are some things that don't add up to that option.
The thing that left me thinking a lot after this ep, was how suddenly White just ... spawned there. No explanation, he was just there suddenly. The way this show is going, I refuse to believe that he's the only innocent person there. And honestly, seeing him suddenly switch from helpless cutiepie to evil grinning while ending someone would be so cool. But even if not that, I think there is something important about him. No one in that house is there just by pure coincidence and I don't think White is an exception.
Lastly, something I noticed in the preview that left me thinking. Before the episode cut the end, we saw Tan giving us his evil grin. In the preview we see him shielding Fluke from Top. Which I find interesting. I guess it means he won't reveal his identity that fast, but even so, him going all the way to shield Fluke seems ... out of his character. In that situation, I think it wouldn't be weird if he just stood afar, protecting himself (especially since Fluke literally pointed gun at them all shortly before). I wonder what made him shield that guy. Was it automatic reaction to immediate danger? Or was it that something was not going as he planned to and he knew that at least for the sake of information, he needed Fluke alive?
I guess that's question for the next episode.
Thank you for reading all the way here. Have a lovely day!
See you after the next episode (hopefully).
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trefle · 2 years
Okay so the season pretty much starts with Wednesday declaring in the first episode that she's not going to fall in love. I believe she says this in her conversation with a distraught Enid while they're standing on their shared balcony on their first evening together. Could anyone please tell me HOW on Earth they imagined that this 15 yo girl who just swore off on love for good would still magically fall in love with a girl she's just met and who happens to be her polar opposite in the span of only 8 episodes? To me there is just no way this could work in any way, shape or form.
Wednesday doesn't even have a single friend to begin with so first and foremost she will need to learn how to open up and how to make a friend! It's very clear that even after the incidents of their tumultous first day Enid doesn't give up on wanting to be Wednesday's friend and she's going to break through that hard exterior to worm her way into Wednesday's heart. All these reviews keep stressing that the most important relationship for Wednesday is her new-found friendship with Enid and I think it's beautiful. This is exactly what I've been asking from the first season so I'm already so happy it's unreal. Let's cherish that our girls went from "Rope. Shovel. Hole." to friends, to besties.
So guys, please, don't you lose your hope even before the show drops because our ship isn't canon right away! It was NOT gonna happen in the first season anyway. However we have the perfect foundation for it to happen. Remember what Hunter Doohan said and be out there to "fight" for Wenclair. Meaning be even LOUDER about them than before. Like, reblog, retweet, share those beautiful fanarts, fanfiction, fan theories and headcanons that come out of this immensely talented fandom! Leave comments and/or kudos on your favourite stories and words of encouragement when sharing fanart (don't ever repost ;). Discuss the fuck out of those wenclair theories and headcanons with each other and everyone who shows interest (but always be respectful to each other even when you disagree). If you are a creator, please don't let the lack of canon (for now that is) discourage you from making art or writing if you find the inspiration for it. Canon or not, I promise you the fandom will adore and appreciate your wonderful contribution anyway.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
'' are you gonna kiss me good night? '' for rulie?
Also for @daintyduck99 who sent me the exact some prompt and pairing!
Julie was never sure why her brain latched onto the most clueless himbos, but it did.
There was Nick who was too far into CarrieLand to see Julie there, ready to be a much nicer, supportive girlfriend who treated him like the prince he was. She swore she could have held up a sign saying I Like You and he wouldn't have gotten the message. And by the time he did notice her, her crush was good and dead, so they were destined to remain friends and occasional dance partners.
Then there was Luke, who obviously returned her feelings, but never made a move. He didn't want to screw up the band, or their friendship, and no matter how much she assured him that nothing would change, eventually they decided it would be better not to act on their feelings. Much to the disappointment of everyone who were pulling for them to get together. Then they went on one very awkward date just to shut them all up, and came back declaring they had definitely made the right decision regarding them dating.
After that, Julie swore off dating people within her friends circle. She had a few flings during college, a serious relationship or two, but by the time she graduated, she was single once more and happy to stay that way.
Of course this was when Reggie decided to reappear in her life. The band was taking a break so that Alex and Willie could get married and honeymoon. Luke was stuck in a song writing fugue, and Reggie decided to reconnect with his old friends, Julie first and foremost.
They met for dinner one night, and Julie had never had a more awesome time. He was still Reggie of course, full of corny jokes and inane thoughts, but he's also grown up. Seemed more settled and mature, able to get into deep discussions about her job as a composer regarding music theory and then switch to talking about the exhibit the boys had seen at the Getty that he was sure Julie would love.
It didn't hurt that he'd grown into his looks either. The same crooked grin and sparkling sea glass eyes, but he was a bit broader, less gangly.
Plus he still flirted like a champ, and part way through the night, Julie realized that she was flirting back.
Oh. Oh no.
But she kept doing it, unable to stop the rampant attraction and ease she felt, and even when they were nearly kicked out of the diner at close, they kept it up. Trading compliments and small touches as Reggie walked her back to her place.
So what if she told him the long way round to get there and they stopped for a bit to admire the clear night sky that only appeared in LA once in a blue moon?
Eventually though, they were lingering outside her door, and Julie wondered how much she would have to twirl her hair and flutter her eyelashes for Reggie to get the message.
"This was fun," Reggie said, running his fingers through his hair. "We should do it again some time."
"Definitely," Julie agreed, taking once step further into his space and grinning when he didn't back up. "Though I don't think we can ever show our faces at that diner again."
Reggie laughed at that, shaking his head. "No, probably not."
They stood there for another heartbeat, staring at one another, the tension between them palpable. Finally Julie had enough. ''Are you gonna kiss me good night or what? ''
Reggie startled, then beamed at her. "Thought you'd never ask." He leaned in and kissed her softly, a mere whisper of a kiss, pulling back a little then dove forward once more, a bruising, hungry kiss that had Julie's toes curling in her shoes and her fingers digging into his leather jacket, keeping him close.
They were both breathing heavy when they pulled apart, eyes aflame as they kept eye contact. "Good night Julie," Reggie whispered.
"Good night Reggie," she replied. Leaning up to plant a much gentler peck to his lips, almost making him whine.
It took all her strength to push him away, and go inside, hand over her racing heart, but a smile stretching her face. Plus some heart emojis from the bassist outside her door that made her ache for their next date.
And it wasn't long before Reggie kissed her good night-and good morning every day.
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thatlittlemouse · 11 months
I was thinking about Xiao Hua and had some quotes saved so here are some words under the cut
I love Xiao Hua a lot, Wu Xie is my favorite character from DMBJ, but if I were to try and rank faves Xiao Hua might come in second. They're super similar so it checks out
Xiao Hua comes across, on a surface level, as a pretty self-centered character, someone that has his interests in mind first and foremost. He's outwardly affable and easy-going, but can get very calculating and ruthless when he's going after something he wants
When Wu Xie gets to know him a little better in vol 7, he presents himself this way
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As someone who is fine with leaving allies behind to die if they're between him and his goal, someone who doesn't really have friends because it's very hard to have them in this business
He adds that he's already a bit past that way of thinking (re:friends) but still leaves Wu Xie with a warning
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(not gonna get into how some NPSS quotes make me think that he changes his way of thinking and became more easygoing after becoming acquainted, or one might say befriending, Hei Xiazi)
He then proceeds to be the exact opposite of what he was saying here to Wu Xie in literally all of his appearances in the story
Not once can I remember him putting himself above Wu Xie and betraying or abandoning him, he always steps up to help and has on multiple occasions gotten himself injured or almost killed
See: Sha Hai in particular, Restart, the new books
His friendship with Wu Xie is a bit special, I guess, but the rules apply to all those he considers friends. This is what Wu Xie was thinking in Restart
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Hei Xiazi is his own separate category. They're "business partners" and you don't get a lot of their interactions directly in the story, but even if you look at just Flowery Night there's a lot of evidence of Xiao Hua not leaving Xiazi behind even when being told to do so (and it's mutual).
He's definitely still ruthless to his enemies or people that don't mean anything to him. It's not a case of misreading him, he's not that nice, he's going to hurt people. He's basically in the mafia 🤷‍♀️. But when it's about his friends he is an extremely loyal person.
The seven fingers extra puts it nicely:
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In fact loyalty and duty are a central aspect of his character, and that becomes more and more clear as the story goes on. Duty to his family and mentor(s), loyalty to his friends.
And everything he does in Sea of Lights to Queen Mother's Banquet is coming from this. We don't know his exact motivation and thought process, but connecting the dots leads to this: he was left with a plan from Ba Ye and Jiu Ye and when the time came he didn't hesitate to take it up, even though the plan looked very suicidal
I somehow remembered he said something like this himself, but I could only find XiuXiu saying it to Wu Xie:
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(they all wanted to keep Wu Xie out of it, sigh, never gonna work)
And it makes me feel kind of crazy and sad, that Xiao Hua just took this responsibility upon himself and went on a stupid suicidal mission, and wanted to involve as few people as possible (definitely not Wu Xie and gang, XiuXiu was just a back-up, Hei Xiazi is really the only one that he took with him and that probably knows the whole plan - not going into how he deviates from said plan and what tf his thought process is lmao; the heihua bran damage is a separate post)
I love Xiao Hua a lot because he's so contradictory, but his mix of traits is like catnip to me ❤️
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kookiecrush · 1 year
I am a pjm and I haven’t had time to go through your blog so I don’t know if you’re an anti- jm but I might do that later. That being said I don’t believe any bts ship is real but this taennie issue got me curious because I want to see how both sides of shippers are reacting to it. I don’t know if you are going to be honest but I need answers from a tkkr. I want to make sense of the whole thing involving my bias. How did jm get entangled in taekook?
Did you also believe he had something to do with them not interacting on camera?
How did he become the villain in your story?
In light of everything that has been going on, if it turns out that taennie is real, where does that leave jm? Especially with the way he has been treated all these years😫😫
To be honest, I’m probably more sad than the average tkkr because the hate is so pointless. I almost wish taekook is real so that I can at least justify tkkrs action towards him. Anyways have a nice day👍🏼
Hi 👋 First and foremost, I am not a Jimin anti or hater. Let me make that very clear. There will be no hating on any of the members allowed around here. My bio has ot7 because I love all of them. I especially love how Jimin is such a warm, caring person, always looking after the other members. He's such a beautiful person, inside and out 🥺
●"How did jm get entangled in taekook?" - I'm not quite sure what you mean by this so I can't really answer. I will say, the two biggest ships in bts both include Jungkook, and sometimes there can be a rivalry between the shippers among the more immature fans. Or some fans may feel threatened by Jungkook interacting with the member from the other popular ship. I don't partake in or condone this behaviour.
●"Did you also believe he had something to do with them not interacting on camera?" - Of course not. That was a result of the company taking action to avoid any rumours or scandals about them. I do believe bighit purposely reduced the taekook interactions and increased the jikook ones, though. Does this mean I think jikook aren't close or that everything they do is fanservice? Absolutely not. They are obviously very close and comfortable with each other, I just don't see anything beyond a friendship between them. That's just my personal opinion, don't come for me jikookers 😩
●"How did he become the villain in your story?" - I don't know what to say to this 😂 There is no "villain" and there is no "story". I've already established I don't hate Jimin 🤷‍♀️
●"if it turns out that taennie is real, where does that leave jm"? - exactly where he is right now, riding high with an extremely successful album and strutting around in Dior looking like a bad b. I don't see what Taennie has to do with Jimin?
In regards to Jimin getting hate from tkkrs, I'm well aware that must happen, and I hate that it does. I truly wish we could ban all toxic fans who spread hate and bitterness. Jimin doesn't deserve anything but love and respect. All the members do. I've seen tkkrs hating on Jimin, and I've seen jkkers hating on Taehyung, let's not forget it goes both ways. But what I will say, is that I do not interact with or talk to any tkkrs who have anything bad to say about Jimin. We don't do that shit around here. You also have a nice day anon 🙂
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imaginatorofthings · 1 year
OC Thoughts: Part 2
The writer's block is ebbing away at me, but I'm trying to write! My OCs are swirling around in my head and going "Hello! Write about us?"
Any my brain is going "Hello! I'm trying!"
Except a part of their story is a bit challenging to write due to said writer's block, so I'll infodump you what I could write down in more formal words!
Akemi and Jazz, I mentioned them possibly being in a QPR. They're good friends, first and foremost! Akemi's #1 thing for her is friendship after all.
But now, I'm thinking more about how they managed to get into their QPR.
This takes place in my DM's main campaign! The radio hasn't been invented yet in Nippon (imagine fantasy Japan, with hints of sci-fi --- I think --- like mechas). So, why not make Jazz the inventor of said radio? (Not just Jazz though, a group of other students too! Akemi labels them as the "Communications Group" in her head).
How the "10% writing / 90% planning & thinking" is going so far is this:
Akemi is cleaning up the main allotted workshop for her group (the "Experimental Group") and three other groups (the aforementioned "Communications Group", and the "Potions Group" and the "Magical Items Group") and she finds the prototype radio. It's about the size of a walkie-talkie and suddenly it crackles to life!
Jazz was on campus and doing something, and it activates the radio. Jazz has a different voice when "on-air" versus when "off-air" (think of it when you talk to one group of people versus another, or when you switch languages, or when you voice train(?)). It's smooth and just very pleasant to listen to!
Akemi, being a musical gal, is just infatuated with this mysterious voice. She goes "I must find out who this is!"
This is where the thinking, unwritten part starts!
Her first suspects are obviously someone from the "Communications Group", but who exactly? It can't be Jazz, as Jazz is an awkward, shy being. Not someone who could talk so lovely on a radio, even a prototype!
Jazz overhears Akemi talking about this and internally goes "Oh no!" because they never thought that the radio would activate nor would someone have heard them talking.
Something, something, and the two are working together! Or at least, talking!
Sidenote: Akemi is half-tiefling, half-elf. She looks very much like a tiefling though! Jazz on the other hand, is more elf, but still very mixed with tiefling blood.
I'm not very good with slow-burn, but I want this to be a slow-burn! We have an oblivious, recently-realized aroace Akemi, and an aspec, very-much-squishing Jazz (Squish is like a queerplatonic crush!).
I want this confession scene to be Jazz going "I've had a squish on you for a while now, would you like to be my QPP?" and Akemi going "Oh! I'm sorry! I see you only as a friend!"
And Jazz is just heartbroken and Akemi's like "Hey, cheer up! I still love you with reckless abandon! Like a homie, a best buddy!"
And what Jazz doesn't know is that Akemi's has slowly been developing a squish on Jazz this entire time. She's only been going "Oh! Jazz is giving me new earrings! I feel very appreciated and I should give them something back!" and "Jazz wants to hang out today and do absolutely nothing but talk and drink tea! I should clear my schedule for that!" and going "✨Jazz is such a nice friend, but I would feel a bit sad if they went off and somehow got a partner✨".
Ya know, like most homie do.
So Akemi just wakes up in the middle of the night and goes "OH SHOOT, THAT'S WHY---!"
And so when they meet up again, this misunderstanding is all cleared out and I think it would be very nice to write!
They're very sweet, and I think the most intimate way they express physical affection would be forehead presses!
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ina-nis · 2 years
(Sighs) This kind of thing is so conflicting for me... As someone who is queer and aspec myself, I grew up dealing with amatonormativity everywhere, and the things it enforces in regards to relationships.
I try to be always open-minded and listen to different perspectives. I’m friends with different people, many who are polyamorous, and/or view relationships in ways that break with amatonormativity. Of course, these friendships are just superficial (and online) for me, and I purposely keep people away for all the reasons I’ve been discussing in this blog for so, so long.
It made me question whether or not polyamory is for me, for example.
I’m a person who falls in love easily, with anyone. I can fall in love with several people at the same time, too. But reading about it, and seeing how, for some people, it’s less a matter of being poly X mono, and more a matter of “do I have the emotional energy for more than 1 relationship?”, “do I have the spoons to juggle several connections with different people?”, “can I nurture and maintain all these relationships?”, among other questions and the answers I arrived to were all similar: my own life is already a handful, I already spend a lot of time trying to keep my head above water. I do not think I’d be able to sustain more than one relationship at a time.
Another thing that bothers me is that, in therapy, whenever I brought up romantic relationships and what I would want from them and think would suit me, somehow it sounded like I was “looking for a parental figure” or that I was implying that I wanted to establish a co-dependent relationship with another person. Even when I always made it very clear that I will prioritize my life and myself first and foremost, then others; and I would like for my partner to prioritize their own life first and foremost too.
I think one of the big issues is how my trauma (and mental illnesses in general) skew the way I view relationships.
So I’ll see things like that post and immediately get defensive, because “breaking” relationship norms feel unsafe for me. It’s not me disliking, condemning or judging people who do these things; it’s how me, seeing things that I consider special and important, becoming trivialized and common, and how it feels unsafe.
Amatonormativity says that romance is the most important thing in the world, and that people should prioritize their partners and a bunch of other nonsensical things, that trap people in abusive and unhealthy relationships. It exists in insidious ways, when loveless aromantics are considered a danger to people for wanting to and liking to have sex without strings attached; when asexual people can have happy and healthy marriages without sex but they’re somehow subjecting their partners for abuse by withholding such “important” part of a relationship; when people in queerplatonic and/or polyamorous relationships do not get the same rights as people in monogamous romantic relationships; and so on...
And people are right to complain and wanting out of this system.
Some things about the other side, that I see people proposing, don’t feel safe to me either...
It tells me that it’s ok for me to be single. That I should work to better my own life and find happinesses elsewhere (even if being single is causing me so much distress). It tells me that my desire for a closed, committed relationship where I prioritize and feel prioritized is toxic and abusive (even when I feel like the alternatives are unsafe for me, and I make it very clear that I will preserve my own individuality and other people’s). It tells me that the fact that I wouldn’t be able to commit to more than one person and that I will prioritize my romantic relationship over friendships, makes me a bad person and a bad friend (even when maintaining any relationship is extremely exhausting to me). It tells me that it’s my fault that I’m single because if I can’t abide by a new ruleset, or lack of thereof, that means I’m in the wrong (and it doesn’t take into consideration my mental health or history with trauma).
I went through the replies and reblogs from that post and most people are on the aro and/or ace umbrella, so I can at least imagine how living in a world where romance is put on a pedestal is like... really, really bad. That’s how I feel about many sex-related things in society, as someone on the asexual spectrum.
To me, one of the possible solutions would be to give space for all kinds of relationships and dynamics to exist. And extend legal protections to them, among other things.
Personally, I do not think I’ll be able to thrive in a non-hierarchical polyamorous or in a queerplatonic partnership, I don’t think I’d be able to thrive having many friendships either. I have other needs and priorities. I’d rather have a small circle of people in my life, and a closed committed relationship with one person, whom I would be able to prioritize and dedicate a good chunk of my time and energy to nurture a good relationship with. My partner will be my best friend and I think that’s what would be good for me. I will feel safe and trust that this is a connection that will last a long time, because I like, want and need stability in my life. I will not have any friendships to mourn because I’m ok with not having many deep, close friendships.
And all this is not because not because I’m falling for the “relationship escalator” from amatonormativity or any of its other influences/demands, but because I require certain accommodations due to my mental illnesses and trauma. And because I know what would work best for me, personally.
As someone (the only person actually!) wrote well in the tags of that post:
#Yeah I was gonna say like #i know it’s annoying af when you feel like you’re loosing friends to the honey-moon-phase/young love relationships #where ppl in them Only have eyes for the other person and u feel expendable #but once you reach adulthood I guarantee 90% of it is bc ppl are basically FORCED to prioritize the person they’re building a life with #like regardless of if it’s romantic or a qpr or whatever. a partnership takes a LOT of work and a LOT of time #trying to sync up your life with someone and maintaining a relationship with that level of involvement is not a casual matter #so I absolutely can’t find myself blaming friends for the loss of our friendship when western society and capitalism #smothers every ounce of personal time and then solely encourages/rewards the remainder of whatever time they have left #be spent with their life partner #if your time is so severely choked by capitalism then of COURSE you’re gonna prioritize the one whose strength determines the stability o f#your life #of COURSE you’re gonna choose to dedicate that time to the person who’s most accessible because you don’t have the energy or the scheduling #to socialize outside of work or home life #i think it’s important to let ourselves mourn the loss of relationships to amatonormivity but in doing so I think we also need #to be kind to each other and realize that the issue is not only societal but systemic as well #i promise you that humanity is social to its core and most of us don’t want to relinquish friendships in favor for the nuclear model #we want friends we want acquaintances and mentors and partnership and community #but we’re forced to pick the one that capitalism can benefit best from #queer stuff
Capitalism aside - and it is such a huge problem in the matters of relationships, to start and maintain them - there’s nothing wrong in wanting to prioritize people who are closest to you, and not being able to deepen all other relationships. There’s just so much one person can do and, believe me, when you deal with mental and chronic illnesses it becomes much, much harder to do pretty much anything.
Call me toxic, abusive or a bad friend for wanting what I want, but give me an alternative then. Something that would work for me. I’m already in therapy and going through all kinds of treatments I could find and afford.
I don’t complain about people having their own relationships and lives to prioritize. It’s possible to find people like you, who are more compatible for you and your relationship needs. There’s many different people. There’s many different relationships. There’s no right or wrong way to connect with others I guess.
Ps.: I have no issue with any individual or community. I believe the queer community will only truly thrive when everyone start working together, that includes aro, ace, aroace, polyam people and anyone under those spectrums. I speak for no one but myself. If something I say is out of place, I welcome people to correct me in good faith.
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