#I want to reiterate in the tags that I don't HATE her
drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
My “I heavily dislike Flora” post has been making the rounds again, and I can’t be bothered to reblog it to add this, but a thing I didn’t say in that old post was that, fun fact, I ACTUALLY LIKE S1 FLORA. It’s S2-onwards Flora that I take issue with.
S1 Flora stood her ground, S1 Flora had a snarky side to her, S1 Flora could be a bit of an asshole, S1 Flora, while nice, was not usually very considerate of others, S1 Flora was proactive and took matters into her own hands if she felt no one else could help (Mirta’s pumpkinization, anyone?), S1 Flora didn’t immediately go “nooooooo don’t huwt the poow wittle thing twying to kill wus” (though to be fair, S6 Flora threw this in the trash too). S1 Flora was allowed to BE as a character, in a way that I feel S2-onwards Flora wasn’t.
S2 somehow does a regression with Flora making her the “soft plant mom that dies in one hit” archetype that sticks all the way until S5, with S6 flipping a switch and making her go feral 24/7 to the expense of everyone else. And I find that sad, because if they had stuck with S1 Flora, she wouldn’t be my least favorite character in the series.
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gettothestabbing · 2 years
My sister keeps telling me that I should make more personal posts here and vent and be more open. Not a bad idea, on its face. But she also reads my Tumblr. She’s the only person I know IRL that reads it and knows it’s mine. So I could vent on here about pretty much everything . . . unless it pertains to her, in which case she will message me and tell me to change what I wrote about her. Even though NONE of you know who she is.
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((Everybody got Harry Potter blacklisted? Good.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
Today is the day I make one lucky cringizen's dream come true!
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I've had this screenshot saved for over a month, knowing this day would come! So congrats little cringizen, your wish is finally granted!
Because I'm going to talk about Aspen's bullying of Custom-Emojis, and recount my two minutes in Aspen's server!
So let's see if I can sum this up. Aspen, an anti-endo TikToker, goes into the Custom-Emojis server. She barely says or does anything there. She gets banned for conduct in other places. Rather than moving on, Aspen plays victim while mocking people's triggers, and says she was banned for saying hi.
You can find the story from Custom-Emojis here:
Aspen escalated and is now allegedly openly admitting to bullying Custom-Emojis.
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I do say allegedly because these screenshots are from r/systemscringe and I don't actually know what the context is for that second one. But if it's legit, yikes!
Now, I normally wouldn't get involved in this drama. Mostly because I think both parties behaved pretty poorly. Aspen blew a ban out of proportion instead of just moving on, and chose to mock people's triggers in retaliation for banning her. Obviously terrible. But... I also don't support Custom-Emojis following up by telling people to mass report her TikTok. Both seem like massive overreactions that only furthered the conflict.
There are no mature adults in the room.
So why am I talking about this?
Well you see, I have a funny story to share!
See, a while back, when r/systemscringe added Aspen to their hit list, I wanted to see what the deal with her server was. Was it really as bad as r/systemscringe claimed?
So... I joined it... just to see.
I never actually got to find out!
While casually scanning, before posting anything at all, I read people talking about me just joining. They recognized my name. A few were explaining to the mods who I was and that I was an endogenic systems. I think they mentioned I was a tulpa too.
One of them even mentioned following this blogs for the laughs. Which, if you're here now, hi! 🙋‍♀️
And then, everything went black. Well, gray. Point is, I was kicked from the server! Instantly! In what was probably less than 5 minutes having said absolutely nothing!
All for the crime of being an endogenic system.
And at the time, I didn't comment on it. It seemed... disadvantageous. r/systemscringe was focused on Aspen. Aspen and her server was focused on r/systemscringe. Why interrupt that? Why get in the way of ableist anti-endo factions tearing each other apart?
But with this latest incident, I had to talk about the sheer hypocrisy of Aspen's community at being outraged over Aspen getting banned while doing the same exact things!
It's just too funny to not point out the hypocrisy of Aspen and her followers!
Wait... Aspen's Here?
Okay, so everything above I wrote Thursday or Friday. I didn't post then because other things were going on and I wasn't quite ready to get dragged into the drama. Then surprise, Aspen made a new Tumblr! And one of her first acts was invading inclusive tags.
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Expanding on what this anon says, the pluralgang tag isn't merely where endogenic systems hang out. It's a tag that was made explicitly for the inclusive plural community.
As a reminder, the "plural" label originated from non-disordered system, and has always been inclusive to all plurals for nearly 30 years. The plural community is our community. And hate isn't welcome here.
Oh, did I mention she tosses around ableist slurs?
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Putting aside the blatant ableism against people with schizophrenia with that slur, let's reiterate that the existence of non-disordered and endogenic plurality is back by actual psychiatrists. This is not schizophrenia. It is not a mental disorder.
Transgender Mental Health by Eric Yarbrough explicitly states that you can be plural without trauma or a disorder.
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This is a book that was peer reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association.
The ICD-11 states you can experience the presence of multiple "distinct personality states" (the same term it uses for alters) without a disorder in their entry on DID.
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The existence of non-disordered and endogenic plurality is FACT!
And anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or lying.
Oh, and since I'm sure this post will get around to r/systemscringe and one or both of its servers, be sure to check out my debunk of r/systemscringe's lies while you're here. 😉
Also, as always when an anti-endo invades inclusive and pro-endo tags, my response is going into anti-endo tags. If any anti-endos don't like this, please take it up with Aspen. I'll respect boundaries as long as the boundaries of our community is respected. Otherwise... 🤷‍♀️
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fuck-customers · 8 months
I am that person who always has all the plant-related stories. Sorry I submit so much but jeez the amount of customers that just...don't understand is a bottomless pit. And then even when they do understand that they dont know what theyre doing, they reject your 15 years of advice.
Had a lady look at a hydrangea and say "this should be fine in a pot on my patio forever right?" Uuuuuuuuuh. I tried to explain that our winters get really cold, and plants reeeally kinda need the insulation from the ground to come back each year. There's not enough soil in the skinny ass planter she showed me for that to be insulating enough. I told her she could try it, some people have a warm enough spot near their foundation or something that can give them enough heat to get them through to spring, but there's no guarantee it'll come back. She is starting to glare and huff at me.
(This is without me even pointing out that the fucker is going to get 5x5 and will NOT want to be in that small a planter for more than two years...plants' root systems are waaaay bigger than the leafy growth!! There won't be any soil in two years to insulate it!!!)
She then sticks the info tag in my face and says "see? It says good to -30° F!"
I responded "yes that's for when the plant is in the ground". She shot me DAGGERS. I just reiterated that there's no guarantee it'll come back but if she doesn't mind the cost to experiment, to give it a go. And I've helped her before so I really didn't understand why she felt the need to make it a fight; she supposedly trusted my judgment enough to ask for it in the first place.
I just really hate just seeing a person leave with plants when I know they're going to die from neglect. People want plants to do so much for them without having to take care of them. I can't wait to be out of this industry. I'm just so done.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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Imagine if Voyager truly cared about what B'Elanna and Seven wanted, like. once in seven years? For all the screentime Seven gets, it's never about what she wants, just what she has to do in order to fit in better, and B'Elanna... well. She truly gets shit from everyone for no reason whatsoever.
One of the main reasons why I would've love for them to interact more is that, for all their mutual annoyance, somehow they aren't as dismissive with each other as others are with them. Seven is a an arrogant little shit but she apologizes to B'Elanna very frequently when B'Elanna expresses her annoyance, more than most other characters generally do with B'Elanna honestly! And Seven seems to notice pretty quickly when B'Elanna is upset too, which always makes me raise my eyebrows because we're constantly told Seven is not very socially smart... she is though, once she starts learning. B'Elanna in turn only tells Seven to cut it out when she crosses a line and is not at all about giving her a lesson in 'humanity' or whatever.
@nebulouscoffee left some tags that made me think last night:
#on rewatch especially!! I noticed how much the script kept telling me these two hated each other #but they so rarely ever really came off that way? #and even when they did it always felt so... idk Scripted
And I totally agree with this. Voyager to me is a fundamentally unselfaware show, especially when it comes to B'Elanna: we're told things about her by other characters, but those never, ever gel very well with how she acts, how she expresses her feelings, how justified she she is in being irritated when others treat her like anything she says or does is unreasonable. On a lesser degree Seven is also treated that way; constantly, constantly told 'this is how you need to act', 'this is what you need to learn', 'this what it means to be human' and punished every time she's not good at it which is inevitable because literally no one else (except B'Elanna! or maybe Harry, although he is exempt from sexist tropes) is held to the same impossible standards. And Seven tries very hard every time! But of course the show is convinced that she needs to be taken down a peg in order to become 'a real woman' (yikes).
The way the show wants to present B'Elanna and Seven together is always 'look how catty they are with each other (wink wink)', and imho it isn't different from what's going on with them taken singularly. We're told they don't like each other, but what is shown to me is... way more nuanced, especially taking into consideration how they both fit (and not fit) within the ship. In a way, the way they relate to one another is the most honest rapport either of them have on Voyager. They don't really want anything from one another, they aren't thinking about fundamentally changing the other so their lives can be easier (again, when B'Elanna gets annoyed with Seven she only reiterates her own boundaries). Granted the show makes awful jokes at their expense sometimes (“Infinite Regress” and the cold open of “Someone to Watch Over Me” come to mind) but show me a character or a relationship on Voyager who is exempt from this kind of deeply uncomfortable and not actually very funny situation.
I truly believe that exploring this relationship more could have given them some much needed space. Space is a concept I always come back to when I think of B'Elanna and Seven, because I think both of them (especially B'Elanna) needed more of it to be themselves on their own terms for once. And I'm not talking necessarily about minutes of screentime—I'm talking about the writing being less sexist and racist, being less enamored with the idea of conformity, caring about them as characters and not as props in the absurd sexist, idiosyncratic fantasies of a 90s production: even beside Seven's horrible biosuit, B'Elanna is so often 'the girlfriend who doesn't understand what the protagonist is going through and will be insulted onscreen', it makes me genuinely mad!
Obviously I'm not exactly wishing Voyager had actually done it, because again, totally unselfaware writing all the time, but thinking about B'Elanna and Seven interacting always leads me to think about how they could both let each other simply be, even if they would still likely annoy the shit out of each other. And I wouldn't ever want to change that, honestly: willful women deserve to be themselves, that's all.
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raayllum · 8 months
in honour of this post, tags on another of mine i cannot remember that talked briefly about Rayla's issues, and that I've talked about Claudia and Callum's moments of being hypocritical, now I want to actually talk about Rayla's hypocritical tendencies cause it's something S4 and S5 made a fun little consistency - let's dive in
Rayla can sometimes ignore (or react indignantly to) other people possibly having their own reasons/justifications because she's tunnel visioned into only thinking about her own justifications as uniquely warranted
Let me explain
The first time I noticed this was in 2x03, mostly because it was one of those moments that made me laugh even though it's not trying to be funny because
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Cause Rayla, honey, you know you lied to them too ("lying and hiding the truth aren't that different") - and Callum forgave you for that and is still your friend. Why would Claudia and Soren be any different to him? (And they are, but not the point of this point).
Now, unlike Soren (who is the person they're primarily discussing), Rayla didn't lie outright, but she did lie by omission - much the same way Claudia did. And Rayla has known her own motivations all along - probably worried they might give up on their mission if they knew (especially at the start), and she doesn't want them to hate her, and most of all by this point in the show, she didn't want to hurt them ("I'm afraid of hurting him" / "when you care about someone, it's hard to hurt them").
This made sense to me in terms of Rayla being good at being initially (often times rightfully, sometimes not so) indignant on her own behalf. She is able to justify herself and does so often, both angrily - as the next examples will show - and more neutrally ("How could I take his life?"). She defends herself both physically and personally to Corvus ("I didn't kill anyone"), she smarts at Callum when he (rightfully) tries to push at her ("I don't have to explain anything to you"), and is mad at Ethari when they initially talk ("Yeah, it's me. Surprised to see my face?"). This initial defense of herself doesn't usually persist and typically gives way to self loathing ("I can fix this" / "I don't deserve your trust, not yet" / "They're right to reject me") but it is there at first and is usually her first reaction, which is very fun.
However, this coupled together with the other two instances arc 2 brings up in terms of her being kind of a hypocrite makes it a pattern, beginning in early season four. (Callum also isn't at his best in early season four, saying he doesn't want to talk about stuff and then bringing it up the next episode to take a jab at her - but he's still dealing with the fallout of the problems she caused, so he absolutely gets more of a pass. As always, see my In Defense of Callum's Narrative Lens from way back in the day if you're interested in more of how his perspectives are portrayed.)
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Because gee, Rayla, I wonder whose fault that is? And again, it does make sense that she's angry - she's spent two years just wanting to be with him with none of the messy complex heartbreak he had to go through because she was the one who made the choice to leave. She expected him to at least shout at her, not ice her out completely. And again, we see that initial indignant streak fade when he reiterates he wants to go, and she looks down disappointed, but accepting of it (and puts whether she'll stay or not in his hands, too).
Since she had a good reason for leaving, and it's what her parents did, while she expected anger, she also wants affection and love. Isn't her justification enough, in some ways? Shouldn't it be? And while Rayla wrestled back and forth with this, it's clear she does think that it should be (even if both seasons show she's starting to realize just why she was wrong).
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But we do see this hypocritical tendency of hers perhaps pop up most prominently in S5 with Nyx
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Again, in Rayla's head, lying and stealing the key wasn't perhaps the right thing to do, but the better thing to do than burden Callum with what she was going through / to be open and vulnerable. It makes sense why she'd do so - and her shot at Nyx gets a tiny pass cause she's technically sticking up for Ezran - but it still falls back on Rayla leaning too heavily on her logic / independent streak to justify actions that are actually counterproductive to having healthy, wilfully open relationships.
And this is something I love about TDP. Even when the characters are genuinely making the worst possible fucking decisions they ever could (hi arc 1 Viren, Claudia and Karim constantly in particular) you completely understand how and why they're justifying those decisions, and Rayla is no different. Doesn't mean they're right, doesn't mean it's not logically stupid or fair or whatever, but it's emotionally consistent, and that's what matters most in the end. And now we have a fun little consistency to add to the pile
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krakenshaped · 5 months
Tag Duel bios are so funny because they include so much dumbass trivia and a whole section on each character's love life for some reason? Trivia detailed below because it's SO funny.
(From Tag Force 2)
Judai: Apparently not only is Judai really disinterested in girls but no girl has ever hit on him before which is why Judai finds Rei scary ("It will be interesting to see how Jaden reacts to Blair Flannigan, who becomes really infatuated with him. No one like that has been around him before.") It's stated he's happy to eat everything. Not anything. Everything. Judai is an unstoppable gluttonous machine.
Sho: Honestly the funniest entry by far. Someone on this writing team just wants Sho to SUFFER and its lowkey hilarious. This kid exists to be in pain. Apparently he "tends to fall in love very easily. On top of that, he cares quite a lot about looks, making things even more difficult for himself." His favourite food is shrimp but can't stand spicy food. I don't know if this is a direct translation or a dub gag but apparently he changes his glasses on special occasions but nobody ever notices (lol)
Asuka: Asuka's crush on Judai is described as a mystery which is interesting. Apparently Asuka doesn't even know she has a crush on Judai which is so funny, I love you girl. Seeing Rei flirt with Judai apparently puts her in a bad mood. Apparently if she was to look for a partner, it would be someone who can put her mind at ease. ("More than maybe anything else, she needs a partner to give her peace of mind if they really want to support her") The bio makes a point of speculating whether or not she's good at cooking since Judai is Duel Academy's hungriest guy. She likes sweets! And healthy food and dislikes stuff with strong smells.
Manjoume: His bio is so funny. Like. So funny. The first paragraph basically calls him a tsundere (true). Canon use of bad language (whether or not this is cursing or just general Manjoume rudeness - LET HIM SAY FUCK!!!) He's described as being obsessed with Asuka - although not as infatuated as he used to be. Dude does NOT eat his veggies!!! He likes expensive food and hates vegetables!!! He is NOT growing big and strong!!!
Kenzan: Kenzan bio is really just contributing to sweet kid propaganda. I am a Kenzan fan and apologist he is one of my favourite characters. "Hassleberry stands out at Duel Academy due to his very muscular physique. Although he's probably very good in a fight, he's by no means a violent person. In fact, he's usually very kind and generous." YOU BET!!!! KENZAN IS A SWEETHEART!!! KENZAN NO.1 IN THE WORLD!!! He's apparently pretty fashionable, as on top of the bio rehashing that he modified his own uniform, it mentions that he would probably do the same to the Obelisk Blue Uniform. Which is interesting!!! Fun headcanon material! Apparently he has no dislikes but his favourite food is fish (another fishing enjoyer too)
Edo: This bio was the worst victim of dub translations as it reiterates the dub version where his father is kidnapped and not like dead LMAO. Other than that tho? Apparently he doesn't really show interest in romance since he was too busy hunting for revenge but now that it's been settled "Aster finally has time to look for love. It'll be really exciting to see he goes for it or not." According to the bio he's considered good looking in universe. His favourite food is steak and other meats.
Rei: Apparently Manjoume's entire room was just turned into a Red Girl's Dorm. Which is tbh. Hilarious. Not only did he get evicted by a toddler but his entire room that he stole his brother's credit card for was turned into a girls only space lmao. Apparently Rei is actually one of the best at dueling among the entirety of the first years (real I feel like people sleep on Rei's dueling abilities sometimes since she's. Yknow. Like that.) She likes sweet and spicy food.
Johan: Finally. Weirdo Johan propaganda. He's described as someone who's thoughtful but frank and says the craziest weirdest shit sometimes. His whole bio paints him as someone who's very composed but can be reckless or impulsive when he's in the heat of the moment or excited. Incredibly funny how the bio claims "Nobody knows what kind of girl he likes. If the right young lady does come on the scene though, we wonder if the Crystal Beasts will call a family meeting..." (LMAO.) His favourite food is... Bread stuffed with various unusual fillings. You know this guy makes the WORST, WEIRDEST sandwiches known to man.
Jim: interestingly, despite the game referring to Karen as Karen in Jim's dialogue, the bio calls her Shirely. More reasons why changing the name for the damn crocodile was so silly. We do not information about Jim's love life or favourite food in his bio :(
O'Brien: Not much is said about the non-Johan transfer students. Like. Nothing except information you could find the anime. Interestingly enough though, O'Brien likes cola and junk food.
Misawa: One paragraph. Mf gets one paragraph in his bio. Is described as having a good personality but isn't treated well by his peers. (I wonder why.)
Fubuki: "ALL THE WOMEN FLOCK TO HIM WHEN HE APPEARS!!!!" His bio also reiterates his friendship with Ryo and questions what it's like since "They seem like polar opposites"
Momoe and Junko have bios too!!! Although they're mostly described as growing apart a little from Asuka :( Although apparently Momoe hangs out with Judai's clique a lot. Junko on the other hand is influenced mostly by what Momoe does.
If I've missed anything, or somethings been lost in the English translation let me know! I love collecting trivia brbrbbr
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daenystheedreamer · 5 months
ok niche shit but I really really really want to start an asoiaf blog because I'm a literature nerd and I'm obsessed with dissecting things and themes and cycles and analysis. but I know asoiaf people can be um how they are. so I what's your experience with getting hate or stuff like that? because I don't need people in my inbox telling me to kys yknow? xoxo yin stan
KISSES my three recommendations
dont feel cowed but i will warn that if you tag something as #daenerys targaryen #alicent hightower etc, the people who follow that tag will see your posts. and some of them will be insane. im not saying dont use those tags, but #asoiaf and #valyrianscrolls are MUCH more chill
delete anons that attack in bad faith. not to reiterate the cliche but They DO just want attention. just delete! they might keep harrassing but simply reorient your view of the situation. this is an insane person who has no grip on reality and is getting an adrenaline rush from having a semblance of control in their miserable lives. dont bother indulging them cos youre just gonna get upset<3
BLOCK! block people who are mean to you or piss you off or even just cos You Feel Like It. who cares! nothing matters. we are all here to have a good time. you arent a bad person if you block someone, but if you feel bad you can add their username to the "filter post content" section in your settings so it filters them out (and then use xkit and toggle on 'filter out entirely' so it doesnt even show up on your dash) basically dont let anyone dull your sparkle<3
finally its really not that bad, i dont get hate anons often unless i post something spicy. people are generally nice and even if they disagree it'll be in good faith. ive had drama in the past but its mostly like mutual drama nonsense or vaguepostng or a stan who is feeling particularly emotional that day. cliques and weird relationships online are everywhere and its just part of human nature to be kind of bitchy and judgy sometimes. again Reorient the world. Everyone is just a guy. and i would love to follow your blog if/when it is made!!!
my final recommendation is. Bjork's Bachelorette from her Homogenic album. beautiful song<3
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menderash · 1 year
Sometimes I think how often I see a terf go into my selfie tag (thanks, tracker app thing!) and then receive anon hate from terves telling me how "obviously a man" and I'll "never be a woman" and how I "even talk like a moid." (Moid is, as mentioned in another post, an extremely racist term altered and coopted by terfs, sooo.) Frequently they also list all my physical attributes that "give me away."
When this happens, I like to try and see it from their perspectives. Despite their anonymous missives, by terf standards, I am, and always will be, a woman. This is because I was born with a vagina and grew boobs during my naturally occurring puberty. They do not care about a) my intersex condition, or b) my people's own gender traditions stretching back pre-contact.
BUT- terfs have not and will not ever see my vagina. No one ever will, if I get any say in it. Even if they could, I got a big bush and a big clit and it's hard to tell what's goin on exactly. My vagina is irrelevant, socially. So with my vagina out of the picture, what's left? My selfie tag, and how people perceive me with my clothes on.
I am tall. My shoulders are the broadest part of me, I've been told they're linebacker shoulders. My hands are huge and broad, I've been told I have 'man hands.' My neck is thick. I have a chin beard and sideburns and thick eyebrows and a heavy brow. I wear US men's size 12 shoes. I've never been on testosterone therapy. When I shaved my head, I got questioned, aggressively, about whether I "belonged" in the women's restroom. She didn't see my vagina because, as I said, my vagina is completely socially irrelevant.
One more step. All of these traits I share with the women in my family. We are indigenous women of color, with traditional third gender systems. If I was thinner, like my mom, you'd see the adams apple I inherited from her.
So, a terf, someone who is allegedly a radical progressive feminist, is looking at the way I look and the way I talk and deciding that I don't have a vagina. Let me reiterate: we are dealing with a schrodinger's vagina here. I have one I was born with, but terfs don't know that. There is no vagina in play. They look at me, either in real life or my selfies and decide that I am not a woman because of a) my racial traits, b) my, what terfs believe to be, medical condition, or c) how I behave. Revoking my womanhood on basis that have NOTHING to do with my vagina, which may or may not exist. Revoking my womanhood based instead on racism, medical discrimination/ableism, or misogynistic ideas of how someone with a vagina should act. Ya know. None of those seem super progressive or radical to me.
You can whine and scream all you want about "biological reality", but at the end of the day no one's talking to vaginas or cocks, we're talking to each other. Acknowledge the nuance of social reality or shut the fuck up. Also, terf ideology is inherently racist.
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unholybinchicken · 1 year
my fics masterpost
Please note: the following fics are only available on AO3, and are only intended to be published on this platform as Glee fanfiction. If you see a version of any of them on another site, or in print/eBook format (particularly for purchase), know that it is unauthorised and stolen.
While I do not write NSFW/smut, please check the tags and trigger warnings before reading my works.
this life, well it's slipping right through my hands - (unholybinchicken)
my fic series (aka "be gay, do crime, make art and breed lizards")
but when i'm older, i'll be so much stronger, i'll stay up for longer (meet me at our spot) - brittana and friends in middle school band class
lie amongst your lies like tuna in the brine - 2009 but it's the unholy trinity, puck and finn
the great new directions takeover - chaos ensues when glee club is cancelled (an alternate take on 1x22 inspired by Heartbreak High)
i'm open to falling from grace - two mentally ill teenagers attempt to reclaim some semblance of normality (if it ever existed in the first place) after a traumatic summer
i love the way you love but i hate the way i'm supposed to love you back - santana's sad gay era and sam's need for a rebound leads to an unexpected friendship* blossoming (*just want to reiterate that the samtana in this fic is entirely platonic)
don't you know to cry in shame (when you've got yourself to blame) - will, lumbered with detention supervision duty, is confronted with one of his less-than-stellar teaching moments (will kind of sucks in this but is way less shitty than canon will)
(though they do pretend) they won't go when i go - midway through her senior year, santana has a major menti-b and attempts to hide it from everyone (relevant TWs at the start of the fic)
chatty chatty bang bang (a series of glee chatfics)
brittany s pierce's guide to sniffing out the mentally ill - a season 3 glee chatfic featuring past and present new directions and a couple warblers (follows the same timeline as the fic series)
other works
stranded on the line where i lost you - santana, shaken by the ostracism from her childhood best friend quinn, meets brittany in high school (this is an AU where santana never joins the cheerios and brittany is in the grade above her)
Heartbreak High fics (again, these stories are only intended to be published as fanfiction on AO3)
just between you and me - missy and quinni meet at year 7 camp, grow up together and fall in love (slow burn, mostly canon compliant up to the season 1 finale, not particularly spider white friendly)
rack off - a heartbreak high chatfic
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Can you say more about your thoughts on the anti-hero video? I feel that the whole thing is much more nuanced than either "side" is making it out to be and your tags make me want your take!
Anon: This is just to say that I absolutely agree with your thoughts on the Anti-hero video. It's been bothering me, and is a good example of the discomfort I have felt in certain aspects of online criticism in recent times.
I've been thinking about Taylor a lot with her tour and so really wanted to come back to this question that I have a lot of thought of.
I should start by saying that I have only seen the most high level mainstream summary of the criticism of the video. For example: "[Taylor] made a choice to explicitly name her demon, the fear of being called fat, which is fatphobia in its most literal sense” or "Taylor Swift’s music video, where she looks down at the scale where it says “fat,” is a shitty way to describe her body image struggles. Fat people don’t need to have it reiterated yet again that it’s everyone’s worst nightmare to look like us." Both those statements absolutely fill me with rage, both because I think they're wrong about what the problem is about how the world works, and because I think they're even more wrong about how to change it.
My read on that scene was that it was a very real, if obvious point, about the messages she got about her body as a person and a performer. It was an artistic depiction of a common experience. I don't think anyone who was criticising was denying that there was something fundamentally accurate about what she was depicting. It was just that they thought she shouldn't depict it.
My disagreement is basically two fold - one is experiential and one is analytical. The experiential part is that I know what happens when women who live in our society feel unable to articulate their actual feelings around fat.
In my late 20s, I was part of an activist scene that had enough of a feminist understanding that people didn't talk about fear of being fat, but not a culture of actual liberatory fat politics. What this mean was that all the feelings that would have been expressed somewhat directly in another context - were filtered through the language of 'health'. Just making some things unacceptable to say hadn't changed the politics around it and hadn't changed the way anyone felt. Instead it just meant that the orthorexia talk went up to 11 - and it was even harder to address what anyone meant. Making the language that actually had meaning to people unacceptable made it harder for people to heal and harder for people to fight collectively.
And as one of the fattest people on this scene, it also didn't make me feel any more welcome or acceptable, it didn't feel like an act of solidarity. I always knew what people meant.
From an analysis point of view - I think I just fundamentally disagree with the people who criticised Taylor's video about how fat hatred works in society. One of the things that I struggle with in the current moment is a version of analysis that maps one form of oppression onto each other. And one of the starting points is that there is a group that is oppressed and a group that's not oppressed.
I've never thought that's how it works in our society. I remember reading a very early version of a thin privilege checklist (I also hate privilege checklists, but that's a story for another day) in like 2005 that listed things like:
You don’t receive suggestions from your friends and family to join Weight Watchers or any other weight-loss program.
You can eat what you want, when you want in public and not have others judge you for it or make assumptions about your eating habits.
And just thinking - how do these people think the world works - do they really think it's possible for women to be thin enough to avoid this sort of policing?
There are many elements to fat hatred and the way it functions in society - but one important strand is as a way of disciplining and controlling everyone, but particular women. In this thread of fat hatred, fatness isn't a function of absolute body size, but falling outside what is acceptable in a particular context. (I do think there are elements of the way fat hatred - systems of oppression are complicated)
I have never met a woman so thin that I was able to assume that she didn't grow up being told that she was too fat by her mother and other female relatives. As well as this social element to what fat is - I absolutely think the same is true at work. I am absolutely sure there are waitresses, actresses, clothing retail workers, and people who work in the fashion industry as a whole, who are a fraction of my weight, but have not just had to deal with more fat hatred, but more material consequences in their employment for their size than I have. (And of course I can't know, but I think it's likely that my size has contributed to me not getting jobs).
So it doesn't make any sense to me to act as if you can draw a line around people based on body size and say - these people are affected by fatphobia and these people aren't.
My third disagreement is basically the question of how we create change. One of my big criticisms of the fat acceptance movement in general is that it's incredibly individualistic. There's this huge emphasis on how people feel about their bodies as individuals - and I don't think think it matters so much. The idea that the problem is an individual woman being afraid of being called fat, as opposed to the structures of society that made her feel that way - is just completely fucking alien to my politics and makes me want to rage.
I do think there's a important discussion to be had about how to act in solidarity with each other - and that means not casually reproducing fucked up ideas in the lunchroom every work day. But I think it's incredibly important that there's space for people to make art that honestly depicts how oppression structures our life. We don't change the world, by having a problem with art that depicts how it is at the moment.
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WIP Wednesday
I got tagged by @cassietrn and @adventuresofmeghatron, thank you both!
Stimpaks is on hold for a bit cause I need a break from the monster I released (both in word count and in emotions), and am reworking a few ideas on the Mass Effect AU, so no worries.
What I do have, is some Minnow! The far cry fic!
"Yes. Why?"
"The new cop."
"Yes. I'm new. Thank you for reiterating that I don't know what I'm doing!" Marley hated feeling like a child, but she felt she was turning all the wrong ways since she left the hangar. The urge to wipe at her eyes with the angry tears that stung them was as firey as her temper at the moment.
"I'm just saying, you can shorten it," Sharky shrugged.
She blinked. She certainly wasn't expecting him to say what he said. Marley was sure there was more insults or words of disappointment let out under a breath.
"What would you shorten it to?" Why not let him humor her?
He thought for a moment. "Mars."
"Sure! Take Mars to the bars!" He grinned.
Marley sighed. I hope this dumb nickname doesn't stick.
Thank you for tagging me! I'll tag @kharonion , @socially-awkward-skeleton , @electricshoebox and whoever else wants to be included!
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Risky Business
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L is for Lifeguard
Spending a day at the pool with your best friend is cool. Teasing the hot lifeguard is cooler. 
Pairing: Samuel Drake x Female Reader 
Warnings: Lil bit of public smut. Just a touch. Porn without plot. I'm sorry, lmao.  18+, Minors DNI
Summer is in full swing. You’re back from college for a few months and ready to spend all your free time with your best friend, Lily. It’s been a while since you’ve hung out just the two of you. And since you both hate summertime, you spend it the only way that seems appropriate. The local pool. 
Community pools aren’t your favorite. The massive groups of people, the germs, it all freaks you out. But it’s the only place in town where you can cool down without spending a fortune. And, if you’re being honest, the lifeguard who works on the weekdays is pretty nice to look at. 
His name is Sam. And you’ve known him for a while. He’s a few years older than you and Lily. But still immature and goofy. He's not in school and doesn’t have much of a family. You learned early on that he spends all of his time working or traveling.
You don’t know the details of his adventures. You don’t know too much about him, actually. But you like to think you know enough, like the fact that he’s super hot and super friendly. And he's kind of a big flirt, at least when it comes to you. 
Nothing has ever happened between you and Sam. He keeps things professional, no matter how much you try to crack him. And trust, you try a lot. 
Lily finds it amusing, which is probably the only reason why she keeps tagging along to the pool with you. She’s not a fan of the public, either. But your desperation? That's hard to miss. Swimming is a plus, too. 
You both relax on your lounge chairs, sunglasses on, sunscreened up, soaking up that golden sun. You listen to music to drown out the enthusiastic shouts of the children, but you keep it low enough so you can still hear each other talk when one of you has something interesting to say. 
It’s not an ideal situation. But being in the sun is already making your mood perk up. So you don't mind it. You’re kind of like a plant, water and sunshine and you feel recharged. 
After the stress of finals and being cooped up with your family again, this is just the mini escape you needed. The only thing that would make this moment better would be a large boozy drink from a coconut or pineapple. Or both. You have to shake those thoughts from your head. Unfortunately, you are not at the beach. 
And that revelation is reiterated when you hear a child screech and then jump into the pool. You groan as the water splashes you, annoyed that you’ve been pulled from your happy place. Now you'll have to restart your fun little daydream. 
Next to you, Lily laughs. And you could just punch her. Brat. 
“Still glad we came?” She asks, peering over her sunglasses at you. She has to hold back a grin as you shake droplets from your face like a soaked puppy. The pout on your lips is comical. 
“Yes,” you force yourself to say. “That was refreshing. Just what I needed in this hot weather.” You lie. 
“Bullshit,” she snorts, but ignores you and goes back to sunbathing. She's lucky you love her. Or you'd have her pushed in that pool within three seconds. 
You'd like to join your friend in peace, but as you pat yourself dry, you let your eyes scour the place for Sam. You and Lily have been at the pool for at least an hour now. And you haven’t seen him yet. It would be your luck if today happened to be the day he took off. 
At least you get to spend time with your friend and enjoy the summer breeze. That’s more important than a guy, right? Of course it is. 
You let out a happy little sigh and settle back into your chair once more. The harsh summer heat sizzles against your skin. But you want to wait and get nice and toasty before going for a dip in the pool. It’s more satisfying that way. 
Gentle melodic sounds flow through your earbuds, and you can feel yourself drifting back to your fantasy, ready to pick up where you left off. If you could be anywhere, you’d be on a tropical island, toes in the sand and drink in your hand with Lily hanging out beside you. Maybe Sam can even make a special appearance. You can admit you’ve fantasized about him before - touching you, kissing you, being inside you. 
“Damn, you look good,” you can hear him say, and a happy sigh floats past your lips. Even in your dreams, he’s flirting with you. And he smells incredible, like sunscreen and chlorine. Not a romantic smell. But it’s distinct; it’s him. And it all feels so real.
You have to open your eyes to bring yourself back to Earth. But when you do, you nearly scream, startled by Sam’s tall figure towering above you. Fuck, were you actually dreaming? Or has he been here the whole time? 
“Sam?” You question, not sure what’s real and what’s not anymore. 
“Yeah, babe,” he chuckles. “That’s my name.” 
“Weird,” you mumble, shaking away the remnants of your daydream. You sit up and pop your sunglasses off, resting them at the top of your head. Your eyes squint under the blazing sun as you look at the handsome man standing next to you. Sucks to be pulled from such pleasant thoughts. But when the source of your dreams is in front of you, it's not so bad. “Hi,” you grin. 
“Hey,” he smiles back, licking his lips as his eyes do a quick sweep over your body. Even though his stare is hidden behind dark shades, you can pick up on what he’s thinking. And your impatient self wishes he would just do something about it already. “Nice bikini,” he smirks. 
“Thanks,” you chirp, pushing your chest out and glancing down at your cleavage so you can see the cute floral top that covers your breasts. Sam appreciates the view, focused on the line of sweat shimmering between your tits, wishing he could lick it up for you. 
You look up at him with a teasing grin. Your fingers trace over the vivid aqua fabric, pulling at the halter straps that wrap around your neck. Sam watches every tiny movement you make, hypnotized by you and your ability to make anything look sexy. What he wouldn’t give to take that top off with his teeth and touch you everywhere his hands can reach. 
“Get a room,” Lily mumbles next to you, obviously interrupted by you and Sam talking. She looks less than pleased at the two of you, annoyed you disrupted her calming time. She looks at you, then to Sam. “Seriously, you aren’t even saying much and I can still feel the sexual tension. Just go bang it out already. Let me tan.” 
You gasp, feigning offense. Admittedly, you feel a little mortified by the fierce callout. But you’d be happy to do what she's suggesting and take Sam somewhere to relieve your tensions. It’s not like you haven’t offered. You’ve done everything short of throwing yourself at him. But you have to keep some of your pride, right?
That’s what sets you apart from the rest of Sam’s fanbase. You notice them from the corner of your eye, standing strangely close to the area where you and Lily chose. The only reason they’re hovering is because of Sam. Teenage girls who just want him to notice them. You can relate, but you really hope you aren’t that annoying. 
“Another day as a lifeguard,” he rolls his eyes, turning back towards the group of girls and giving them a wave. Just that one simple gesture is enough to have them squealing. He sighs, but he’s used to the girls. The old ones and the young ones. It never ends. 
You nod towards the pool as a playful idea springs to your mind. “Want me to jump in and pretend I’m drowning? I can save you from your little fan club,” you suggest. A quick splash in the pool actually sounds amazing right now. And if you can get Sam to dive in after you, well, that’s just a bonus. Oh, who are you kidding? You're just like the rest of them, wanting to see his shirtless chest soaked and glistening. 
Sam laughs at your notion. You’re a cute one. And he won’t lie, he likes the idea of saving you. He also likes the idea of seeing you wet. 
“Actually," he states, "I kinda want you to pretend to drown so I can give you mouth-to-mouth,” he teases, once again pushing all the right buttons. He always does this, revving you up just to deny you later. 
“Why stop there?” You giggle, compelling him more than you usually do. “Mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-chest, mouth-to…” you trail off, eyes briefly dropping to his swim trunks. “Well, you know," you shrug and put your attention back on his handsome face. 
“Cute,” Sam muses as he stares at you, keeping a cool exterior while his insides jumble together in lust and anxiety. You two have been playing this game for a while now. And your comments just now are making it hard for him to keep up his wall. Maybe it’s time he gives in. You both want it. “I’m about to go on break,” he speaks up, shocking you with his confession. Surely he’s not going to… “Meet me by the supply room?” 
“Huh?” You choke, bewildered that this is potentially happening. His smile only grows the longer you gape at him. He’s not joking. Okay. Okay, yes. This is what you’ve been waiting for. “Can't wait,” you say. 
Sam offers a wink before striding off, his fans following him, completely unaware that he basically asked you to fuck in a closet. You watch him walk away, twirling your hair between your fingers like a little girl with a crush. God, you are just as bad as those other girls. 
“Whore,” Lily teases without making eye contact. You hear the playful undertones in her voice, and your smile widens. Quick, you think, pinch yourself to make sure this is real. Your nails dig into your skin for a sharp second, and you squeak, rubbing over the crescent dents in your arm. 
Yep, this is real. Holy shit. 
You are definitely in a position you never ever thought you would find yourself in. Stuffed in a storage room, bouncing on Samuel Drake’s cock while he mutters sinful things in your ear. Hell, you’re not complaining. This is one of your greatest fantasies. And he’s so much better than any dream you’ve ever had. Bigger, too. 
Your legs are wrapped around him tight. He has you pressed against an old shelf containing various pool supplies as he pounds into you harshly. His thrusts are quick and needy, and you’re breathless, trying to match his energy. But he fucks you so well, and he's so fast, you see stars behind your eyelids. 
“We should have been doing this already,” Sam grunts, driving into you faster, hitting that delicate spot within you that has you squirming in seconds. Your walls clench around his dick as you let out a gasp and nod your head, the shelf behind you shaking each time your back bangs against it. 
“I’ve tried,” you pant, eagerly finding something for your hands to hold on to. You settle for his shoulders, digging your nails into the tanned skin. “You always rejected me.” 
“I’m an idiot,” he laughs, holding you by the hips and pulling you against him. You grind yourself on his hard dick, taking as much of him as you can. He's so big and makes you feel so full, that you can hardly catch a breath. “But I was just trying to respect you,” he adds. 
“I don’t want you to respect me,” you tell him, biting your lip and holding his intense gaze. You roll your hips in time with his, smothering the embarrassing whimpers that want to rip from your throat. Sam goes from fast to slow. And it has your body tingling with desire. “I…” You trail off, eyes rolling back as he slides into you, filling you to the brim, stretching you with his thickness, creating a pleasurable burn. 
Sam smirks and smacks your ass, making you jump a little. He pins you against the shelf, your exposed back feeling every ridge of metal scraping against you as his rough hands grip you tight. “You want me to treat you like the desperate slut you are?” He asks, his eyes dark and sinister and filled with passion. “Baby, all you had to do was ask.” 
“Fuck, Sam,” you groan as your foggy mind goes blank. Sam’s touch ignites an intensity within you, and you lose yourself to his movements, desperate to feel all of him all over you. More, you think. Fuck, you need more. “God, don’t stop!” You gasp. 
“Say it again,” he purrs into your ear, nipping your lobe with his teeth. “Keep saying it, baby.” His large hand glides down your curves and past the expanse of your skin where your swimsuit should be. He trails down to your thigh and grabs the soft flesh in his palm, hitching your leg up higher so he can drill into you with more force. 
“Don’t stop,” you repeat, your words quiet and breathy. “Don’t stop, Sam. Fuck, you feel so good,” you cry out. 
Sam smirks and glances down between your sweaty bodies. He licks his lips at the sight of his slick cock dragging in and out of your wet cunt. “Gonna make me cum, babe,” he warns, watching himself disappear inside you. “Can I cum inside you?” He whispers his plea. “Please, baby, I wanna see this pretty pussy leaking with my cum.” 
“Christ,” you mumble at his words and the way they make you unravel. “Do it,” you tell him. “Fill me up, Sam. I want your cum.” 
“So filthy,” Sam hums as he cups your cheek in his free hand. Your sweaty skin against his palm feels hot, just another memory he can lock away for later when he’s lonely. “I can’t wait to do more dirty things to you,” he smiles. “Will you let me?” 
“Uh huh,” you murmur, feeling yourself close to release. “Whatever you want.” 
“Oh, yeah?” He chuckles, thrilled by your answer. His actions are getting sloppy, letting you know he's so fucking close. “You gonna let me take you from behind?” He breathes, hot and heavy against your face. “You gonna get on your knees for me? Choke on my cock like a good girl?” 
“Yes, Sam, yes,” you reply as heat pools deep in your tummy. “Fuck, I’m close.” 
“Me, too, baby,” he admits. His lips hover over yours, teasing with soft touches, enough to make you whimper. “I want to taste you, princess,” he tells you. “I want to bury my head between these thighs, eat you out like no one ever has.” 
“Sam,” you moan, pushing back against him. His nimble fingers sweep between you, rolling over your clit with encouraging strokes. 
“Cum for me,” he demands, pressing his thumb into you. “Show me how I make you feel. That’s it, good girl,” he praises as you climax, gasping out his name. Your eyes squeeze shut as your release takes over, and Sam watches in amazement at how beautiful you are. 
Now that you’ve been satisfied, he feels like he can finally let go, pumping into you once, then twice before cumming, shooting his load deep within your silky walls. He grunts as he cums, burying his face in your neck, breathing in deep the overwhelming scent of sun tan lotion. You're both so lost in each other you don’t hear when the storage room door opens. 
Roman, Sam’s friend, and fellow lifeguard, startles you with his groan of disgust. You look up, blinded by the light, and Sam turns his head with you still in his arms. Roman gags dramatically, and it’s then you realize what a sight this probably is. You half-naked and sweaty, wrapped around Sam with his bare ass hanging out of his swim trunks. 
“I have so many thoughts,” Roman says with a wrinkled up nose. “But I don’t know where to start. Sam, pull up your pants,” he decides to say. 
“Whoops,” Sam blushes and lets go of you. Your wobbly legs find the ground once more, and you quickly redress as Sam covers you with his own body. When you’re both presentable again, Roman thanks you and quickly grabs what it was he needed in the storage. Sam looks at you with a cheesy grin on his lips. “Come see me tomorrow?” He asks. 
“Of course, I will,” you poke your tongue out before standing on your tiptoes to give him a kiss. 
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Sam Drake Taglist: @julesclues - @tiredbeebo
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lindszeppelin · 1 year
what the fuck i’m not a friend of mollie lmao i just think you guys are exaggerating lmao. if people hate sm her content just block her like you did or ignore it and scroll down😭 just bc you guys don’t like gossip doesn’t mean everyone else do. i enjoy reading what she posts about she always informs of things and tell small details which a lot of us find entertaining. it’s not like she is imagining harmful things of something like that it’s just fun and daydreaming about austin/olivia or austin/kaia. it’s not like any of them is going to see it, we actually enjoy it and if you don’t like it again, you can just ignore or scroll. you don’t have to interact with her or anything, and you don’t have to be mollie’s friend to see that she doesn’t do real damage, but of course if you take everything in the internet seriously, it’ll be your problem, but in that case i recommend going out and touch some grass. she doesn’t even take it so seriously and you guys shouldn’t either
okay i feel like i need to take all of you guys to school on how gossip is inherently toxic.
you caught me on a good moment anon because i got back from my therapy session, so im feeling more inclined to sit with this one.
gossip, while entertaining, is at the expense of real people. celebrities seem very far removed from us normal people because they're famous and we think maybe they're unattainable. that surely we are regular people can freely talk about the little intricate details of their lives as if its completely fine.
when i said that gossip can be triggering to some, it most certainly can be. lets just say that Austin Butler wasn't some famous celebrity, that he was truly a "regular" person. imagine if literally everybody around him was gossiping about his personal life, his relationships, his every move, scrutinizing him, calculating his every move and where he's going today or tomorrow. one would crumble under that pressure. spreading gossip can be harmful to those with compromised mental health issues. and CLEARLY in austin's case the poor guy is already going through the ringer.
the fact that some of the fans in the community perpetuate the gossip about his relationships, who he may or may not have slept with, and looking at his every waking move, is in fact pretty toxic imo.
let me reiterate YET AGAIN that i had no issues with mollie prior to her posting the largest wall of gossip i've ever seen in the austin tag. there are a lot of people in the fandom that don't wanna see it. we asked her to move her gossip to a separate tag, which is a nice compromise. we weren't telling her to shut up and not post her gossip. but hey, if you want to throw it back on us and say "fuck it, it's your problem" then we have the right to say "no, actually it's not"
i appreciate you telling me to touch grass though, i do it every day. perhaps you should as well
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caduceuss · 1 year
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#𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐔𝐒𝐒    -    private    &    selective    /    mutuals    only    BAIZHU    of    GENPACT.    highly    NSFW    and    dark    themes    present.    DO    NOT    FOLLOW    IF    TRIGGERED    BY    SNAKES.    minors    do    not    interact.    mun/muse    25+.    heavily    headcanon    based.    MULTIVERSE    /    MULTISHIP    /    AU    /    CROSSOVER    /    OC    /    DUPLICATE    friendly. penned    by    Goose    (    29    /    she    +    her    /    CST    -    5    ) carrd.  -  art credit. -  temp.
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𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬: @eunoirous , @zhongshen , @raeso , @foliarlight , @ksharhrewar
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𝐈. This blog is PRIVATE, SELECTIVE, and MUTUALS ONLY. I follow people I would like to interact with, as well as to make a point to keep my dash clean. If I follow you - please know it means I want to write!
This blog is also MULTIVERSE, MULTISHIP, CROSSOVER, OC, AU, and DUPLICATE friendly. I rarely do EXCLUSIVES or MAINS - unless my partner requests it. If that is the case, all relations will be listed here!
  𝐈𝐈. My activity can be sporadic at times, as this is a HOBBY and I refuse to force myself to write. Additionally, I run a number of other blogs on top of this one. However, given tumblr's penchant for not NOTIFYING me of things, please feel free to send me a poke of it seems like I have lost track of our thread.
I am a WORDY writer. I have a hard time doing short threads seriously, though I can make an attempt. I don't expect my partner's to match me word for word, and QUALITY over QUANTITY is always appreciated.
I DO format my posts and use icons, but do not expect the same. At this time I am able to use LTE - but if I notice my partner is using BTE I will switch to that as well!
  𝐈𝐈𝐈. None of the ART on this blog is mine unless stated otherwise. Any and all graphic resources will be credited here or on my carrd.
icon border.
A few other standard pieces of business: I hate DRAMA, do not drag me into it. I won't unfollow you for reblogging CALL OUT POSTS lest they be in excess. DNI if you, as a mun, condone or write pedophilia, incest, rape, etc. Racism, homophobia/biphobia, transphobia, ableism, etc by MUNS will not be tolerated here as well.
  𝐈𝐕. I absolutely love SHIPPING. Not only is it an excellent character development tool, but it is a great way to familiarize yourself with certain aspects of your muse. I am a HUGE shipper at heart and will ship about anything - from TOXIC, ROMANTIC, to PLATONIC. Obviously this does not apply to minor muses/minor muns or incest ships. No thanks.
I prefer to develop a bit of a repertoire with a mun before diving HEAD LONG into a ship so please feel free to slide into my DMs with any ideas or shipping suggestions you may have! Or even just to say hello. Seriously, I probably can find away to ship it.
  𝐕. AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Given the state of Baizhu's canon, a lot of this blog is headcanon based. As such I have made much of my portrayal morally grey/darker. I will not sacrifice this characterization for the sake of ships, or soften it in general. Additionally, this will blog contain a plethora of references to snakes and medicine, if either of these topics bother you, I would suggest not interacting.
I cannot reiterate this enough: NSFW may be highly present on this blog. If you are a minor or if your muse is a minor PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW OR INTERACT. NSFW includes, but is not limited to: smut, violence, gore, drug use - etc. I will always make an attempt to tag triggers and place sexual content under a read more.
  𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 - my discord/UID is always available to mutuals on request. Please never be afraid to approach me!
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