#I wanted the pretty clothes and furnitures and the CATS
Me: *goes to walmart to get a Barbie from the movie* Me: *finally see the display...but there's only Kens* Me: Ew, there's just Ken Random dad with his kids: *heard and laughs so hard*
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onsomenewsht · 1 month
Took a loan on a house I own
About when she panics and you’re very patient, but out of t-shirts
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《 shout out to @p0orbaby, who turned this shit around and back on the fun side of the road
》 Leah Williamson x Reader
》 words count: 3k
》 commitment [noun, law]: a written order of a court directing that someone be confined in prison; mittimus
“Accept the Arsenal deal”, your agent encourages, his client’s best interests – and transfer fee – close to his heart.
“At least it’s not Manchester”, your father comments, still wishing for your comeback as saviour of your hometown club.
“What can go wrong?”, your childhood friends resonate with sincere smiles and rolling eyes at your unjustified hesitation.
Turns out, signing for the Gunners puts you in the Ballon d’Or shortlist after the first season and Leah Williamson in your bedroom.
One night you two are sharing a ride after a shameful celebration, you’re way too drunk to even remember how to walk in a straight line and she finds herself thinking way too much about your carefree giggles – if anyone asks, she just wants to make sure you don’t get kidnapped or fall on your pretty face tripping over nothing.
The following day she’s still in your house, wearing your clothes and sharing questionable stories of failed dates just to hear you laugh.
A week after she’s in your bed again, this time naked and cracking up at the worst jokes you got.
It’s not like you planned such development in the relationship with the skipper or tried to win her over with infallible pickup lines, it just happened.
Not that you’re complaining now.
Another season ends, but you keep finding each other in compromising positions at the worst possible moments, avoiding friends and teammates teasing comments with really not much effort.
Her mother, the wiser when it comes to Leah’s debatable life choices, asks about you all the time and went as far as personally inviting you over for Christmas. You declined, obviously, but made sure the Williamson family received your presents.
Your best friend demanded to have a private conversation with the blonde the first time he visited, probably embarrassing you with made-up memories and pointless threats. She took it all more seriously than needed, teaming up with him at your expense by the end of the night.
“Do you have a t-shirt I can borrow to sleep in?”
A sense of domesticity fills every interaction with the English woman nowadays, feelings you’re way too pleased to indulge but even more scared to address.
Knowing her, like a stray cat enjoying the sun and the offered food, a too-close approach or unexpected movement could provoke a runaway.
You move your eyes from the laptop slowly, taking in her freshly showered body and the wet blonde locks dropping water on the floor. She knows you hate that.
“Top drawer on your left, dry your hair before going to bed”
“What do you have against air drying?”
“What do you have against respecting my silk sheets?”
When she misses the opportunity to quip back, like she always does when your sleeping habits are mentioned, you give up any chance of reviewing the last away game to find Leah cautiously studying the furniture.
“Why are my clothes here?”
“Would you prefer to have them lying around the apartment?”
“It’s a lot of clothes”, she states, digging through all the tops and shorts and even some designer pieces stocked in the drawer.
It’s not really that much, honestly.
“You leave behind a lot of shit”
That makes the younger girl react, recovering from the shock of her things being carefully folded somewhere other than her closet – and occasionally a strategically placed chair in her room.
The cat is bothered.
Closing the laptop, you rise from the bed to slowly approach her. Cautiously.
“I just don’t understand why you put my clothes in your drawer”
“You have a lot of things here and I quite like the idea of a clean place”
“That’s not true! I–”, she fumbles for the right words to explain herself in her own mind.
You guide the blonde to the bed, sitting her down like you’d do to explain to a kid that Santa looked a lot like their overweight uncle because was, indeed, their overweight uncle; or that no, they can’t walk the dog for the last journey to Heaven.
The next words are going to be crucial.
“Leah, you basically live here”
Bad choice, noted.
She literally jumps so high you have to take a moment to appreciate your own cat metaphor for such spot on accuracy.
As the freshly nominated Arsenal’s captain, the goddesses and gods of football bowed to Kim Little, she shouldn’t risk her knees so mindlessly. You have to calm her down before some questionable network buys the rights for a high-budget documentary of how you managed to kill the equivalent of Princess Diana for the football community.
“I’m sorry to be the one that broke it to you, but at this point only you don’t–”
“You’re not making any sense, really, I–”
“Please, walk me through your day”
The past two weeks have been dedicated to national duties, training camp and a friendly overseas. Not too bad, you both manage to keep in touch despite the time difference and your own commitments.
The trip back is uneventful, she sleeps for most of the flight and annoys Beth for the rest of it.
You pick her up at the airport.
Just because you’re closer than her mom and offered to.
You drive her to her apartment, but the blonde leaves the suitcase somewhere in the living room to deal with another time and comes back to the car in under three minutes.
Just because you promise to make dinner, she is supposed to refuse?
You two cook together, even if she’s still forbidden to use the air fryer and your wine accessories after the shrimps accident.
But we don’t talk about the shrimps accident.
The food is good, the company is even better. Stories are shared, memories are created with a questionable playlist in the background and laughs front and foremost. Plans are made to go see a film you’ve been waiting a year for and to find a dress she needs for a charity event.
Just because.
She takes a shower after, finally washing away the fatigue with her fancy shampoo you somehow have around in the bathroom. There’s also her favourite lotion, the delicate scent she can now smell with her eyes closed when she misses you a little too much for some reason. Even getting to the point of applying the scar cream she uses when her knee bothers, just because you know–
Oh, shit.
“Oh, shit”
“Yeah, ‘oh, shit’, indeed”, the smile on your face grows as you see the realisation crashing over Leah.
The English capitan may be a clueless idiot sometimes, but you’re already too into it to pretend not to like it.
“I basically live here”
The thought of her finally realising she moved in with you is not something you’ve indulged too much. An unconscious but lingering fear is the faithful companion of ruthless nights, lying in bed with Leah and her commitment issues.
Most nights she falls asleep holding on to you, and most mornings she wakes you up with a freshly made coffee. But she runs away and disappears for days after sharing a way too intimate moment.
By now, you know her well enough to know when to push her limits and when to let her be.
Yet, the confused and almost uncomfortable frown creasing her features hurts.
“I have to go”
Without giving you the possibility to say anything to reason with her – or just protesting, for what it matters –, the footballer is putting on the first t-shirt she finds and fleeing the scene.
It’s one of your favourite tees, but maybe this it’s not the time to point it out.
“I need to go, I–”, she mutters as she tries to simultaneously put the shoes on and open the front door.
“Are you planning to walk back to your place?”
“It’s a ten minutes ride by car, you’re not that kind of athlete”
“I’ll call a taxi”
“With the phone you left on the nightstand?”
For the first time, probably ever, you sound exhausted and not amused at all about the situation – she notices it too. It’s not like she’s completely clueless about the loose attitude, the blowing hot and cold.
You look at her, never dropping your gaze as your head shakes and a tired smile doesn’t reach your eyes. You hand her the phone you picked up when she was too concerned with running away from whatever therapist’s comment was echoing in her mind to realise what she was leaving behind.
Literally speaking, obviously.
“Please, wait here for the taxi. It’s dark outside”
“I’m sorry, I–”
“We can talk at training in a couple of days”, you ease her worry with a quick side hug and a kiss on the forehead, closing the bedroom’s door behind you.
A couple of days later, you don’t talk at training.
She’s avoiding you.
Well, kind of. Everyone at Arsenal, even the chocolate-coloured dog Win, can tell she’s torn up inside and always on the verge of a mental breakdown or, probably worst, ready to rant an apology speech she rehearsed in front of the mirror a concerning amount of times.
The usually composed skipper is panicking whenever found around you, trying to approach and chickening out despite the mental pep talks.
“Care to tell me why she’s sleeping on my couch?”
Lia insisting on pairing for the drill was a trap, you should have seen it coming.
“She found out she moved in”, you let her know, an amused smile lighting up your features for the first time this week.
It’s easy enough to put aside the bruised ego when the situation is as ridiculous as the one you’re currently in, one can laugh at their own misery.
“I think she panicked”
“Of course she did, she has commitment issues and an apartment she’s not staying in– not even now!”, she passes the ball back to you, completely missing the point of the exercise you’re supposed to do, “Why is she sulking in my house?”
“Can’t tell you, she’s avoiding me as if I signed for Tottenham”
“Don’t joke about that, she may have a heart attack”
You both burst out in giggles, knowing too well it’d be a real chance. Or Leah could find the motivation to approach you – to kill you, sure, but she’d need to be close enough to do it with her bare hands.
“Be patient with her, she’s trying”, Lia gently says after composing herself.
The curious relationship you are building with the blonde may be questionable and unhealthy for some people, but it’s filled with respect and care. It resonates with genuine laughs and whispered secrets, it cherishes with caring hands and firm holds. It’s love.
The kind of love two people give each other despite the fears and the doubts.
“I know, I’m trying too”
After two weeks, the most awkward goal celebration in a London derby history, and an even more embarrassing phone call with Leah’s brother, you definitely have enough.
It’s not too bad, really.
She doesn’t flee the room as soon as you make your entrance anymore, the conversations start quietly but progress in the usual easy and carefree way. Sometimes she leans into you in the middle of a night out, other times your hands find each others without a real reason if not the comforting feeling that such a simple action can provide.
It’s not perfect, but you can tell she’s trying and she has a lot going on in her head already. You just want to be there, that’s all you have ever wanted.
It’s not too bad, there’s a reason for everything.
There’s a reason for your shopping list to still include her favourite bread and that inexplicably expensive shampoo, there’s a reason for the warm coffee with your name scribbled on it in the changing room every morning.
There’s a reason for saving a spot next to the other during tactical and video sessions, on the bus for the away game, or on the table at your go-to restaurant.
There’s a reason for the smiles secretly shared in the middle of a stupid debate going on between your teammates.
There’s a reason for you to sleep with the jersey she gave you the first time you played against each other and for her to still be squatting on Lia’s couch wearing your tee – the Swiss woman makes sure to send pictures and updates every night.
It’s not too bad, but it’s game night at the Williamson, and you’re not going to put your victory streak at risk because Leah is freaking out about her housing situation and ghosting her therapist too.
“Are you planning to hide here all night?”, you ask after tapping at her car’s window.
She looks surprised, even if she’s the one parked in front of her mother’s house for the past ten minutes – lights turning off as soon as she spotted you on the side of the road.
The window rolls down comically slow, and the blonde relaxes immediately when she gathers enough courage to look up at you just to find your amused smile. Hands still grasping around the steering wheel, turning white as her cheeks get redder every second.
She’s aware she’s been ridiculous.
“I didn’t know if you’d have come tonight”, she admits.
“I can leave, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable in your own–”
“No!”, she shouts immediately, “I mean, you’re already here. I want you here, I–”
“Good, I really want to defend my champion’s title and I can’t do it if my charades partner is playing hide and seek by herself”, you say, taking a step back to invite her to exit the car.
The teasing smile, that faded just for a moment, is back on your face and she couldn’t be happier to realise nothing really changed – you still look at her with unconditional affection and care, you still look after her heart in the most gentle way you possibly can.
“Hurry up, Williamson, I’ve been talking with your mother more than I’ve been with you lately so I kinda own her to lose a game or two”
She sighs and finally opens the door, getting out of the car with all the enthusiasm of a kid heading to the dentist without the promise of ice cream afterwards. And there is the t-shirt you’ve been looking for.
How many of your clothes did she manage to steal without you realising?
That’s why there’s so much of hers in the damn drawer.
“I wasn’t avoiding you”, she mumbles, more to her feet than to you as she drags them even slower.
It’s going to be the longest ten metres ever.
“Right, and Mariona isn’t asking me how to befriend the stray cat wandering in her apartment”
“I’m sorry, alright? I freaked out. The whole ‘basically living together’ thing just–”, she stops in the middle of the road, waving her hands around as if trying to catch the right words out of thin air, “It just hit me, I haven’t seen it coming”
You gently but firmly pull her safely to the other side of the road before answering, “I figured when Lia cornered me in the middle of training”
“I knew she’d tell you”, the footballer groans, rubbing her face, “She said you’d understand, but I was too scared to talk to you and–”
“I do understand, Leah, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make you suffer for abandoning me and tricking Lia and Mario into adopting you”
She laughs at that, the sound loosening the tension in her shoulders and deep into your stomach. You may be more at peace with your love for the blonde, more confident in this relationship, but you have doubts too.
It breaks her heart to make you insecure, you who always go above and beyond to make sure she’s comfortable when it comes to the feelings and the moments you’re sharing – the future you’re building.
“Can we go slow? Like, really slow?”, she looks at you, her eyes softer and the panic fading to be replaced by a new sense of certainty.
“I think we can’t go any slower even if we tried, took you half an hour to exit the car and for us to make literally ten steps toward your mom’s house”
The punch that hits you is strong enough to make you wince.
“Fine, I think we can compromise”
“Your terms?”
“I get visitation rights to my own apartment and free access to your closet”, she proposes, holding out her hand.
“You already have those”, you raise an eyebrow at her cocky smile, “You have to promise not to air-dry your hair on my silk sheets ever again”
“Deal”, Leah smiles as you shake hands, “I’ll just have to get my own pillows for my side of the bed so you can stop complaining”
She laughs oh-so-carefreely at your stunned expression, finally stepping closer and leaning into your embrace, still holding on to you as she approaches the front door.
“I’ll text Lia I’m going home with you tonight”
“Good”, you say, kissing the top of her head, “But let’s be real, you just need an excuse to steal more of my clothes, don’t you?”
“Maybe, but it looks better on me”
She’s saved by her own mother, opening the door and happily taking in the lovely scene with a knowing grin. The older woman pushes you both inside, commenting about the delay and claiming it is a tactic not allowed – all the games are going to be played, doesn’t matter how late it turns.
“You better let me win if you don’t want to be the one sleeping on a couch tonight”, she whispers in your ear as you take the seat by her side.
“Don’t push your luck, Williamson. We’ve got a long way to go, and you still have to find out about the pair of keys with your name on it hidden in the drawer”
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stevieschrodinger · 2 months
Part One Two
“I’m really sorry,” Steve is saying before Eddie has the door fully open, but it makes Eddie smile. It feels like Steve has started saying ‘I’m sorry,’ instead of ‘hello’ as a matter of course.
It’s Sunday afternoon though, and Eddie isn’t cooking anything and Steve isn’t holding an empty plate, so Eddie has no clue what Steve could be sorry for this time.
“Could you come and help me with something? It’ll just take two moments.”
“Sure thing,” Eddie agrees easily, slipping on his adventure crocs and following Steve down the hall.
Eddie follows Steve into and then through his apartment into the small bedroom. It’s a two bed apartment, the same as Eddie’s. Eddie uses his spare room to store his guitars. He has a desk in there too; a place to write and paint his miniatures and do guitar maintenance.
It’s a nursery. It’s cute, animal themed. The ceiling is painted powder blue, which drops down onto the walls about a foot before ending in a neatly done scalloped edge. The walls are white, but have cloud shapes printed on them in the same blue. There are random tufts of painted grass popping up from the floor; some with flowers. The rocker and the other furniture, including crib and chest of drawers, are all painted the same green, and the blinds are green jungle, with elephants and big cats and monkeys hiding amongst the leaves. A lot of the soft things are yellow and white, and Eddie has not a fucking clue as to the sex of Steve’s pup, so he asks as much.
Steve smiles, “I don’t know. I didn’t want to know. I like surprises.”
“Huh. Well. I’m always the one shaking the gifts at Christmas, but I do love a surprise too. What did you need?”
“We have the fixings for the mobile there ready, but I clean forgot about it until now, and I’m too big to stretch up there. Didn’t do it at the time because we were moving furniture and I was frightened I’d break it.”
“Okay sure,” Eddie takes the dangly parts of the mobile; cute little moons and stars and sun shapes, and fixes it to the bit already attached to the ceiling. It’s nice, and easy to figure out, but it does hang low so he gets what Steve means.
He also sees why Steve can’t reach; he seems to have suddenly gotten even bigger over the last week, and he's also only been wearing these sort of loose shift dresses, like a blouse, a button up, and a tent had a horrendous love child.
He looks gorgeous though. Eddie always thought pregnancy must be pretty fucking miserable; your body betraying you almost. Needing to pee all the time, unreasonable hormones. Cravings. Morning sickness. Odd shit happening all over the place. Eddie always figured telling pregnant people that they’re ‘glowing’ was just a nice thing people said to make them feel better during what must be a pretty shitty nine months.
Not with Steve though. Steve’s actually glowing. Not like literally glowing but...he’s beautiful, and Eddie suddenly understands what all the fuss is about.
Steve clears his throat. Right. Right okay, Eddie’s creepy staring, “so I was going to make chicken parm again tonight, since I know you like it and it’s been a bit...do you maybe want to get out the apartment and come to another, slightly different, apartment?”
Steve laughs a little, looking at where his hands cradle his bump, before looking back up, cheeks pink, “I think I’d like that.”
Eddie’s laid the table as nice as he can. He snagged a little bunch of daisy looking things out of the garden and shoved them in a mug, just because he remembered Steve’s little daffodil.
He doesn’t own place mats, but he does dig out a table cloth he usually only uses for games night; it’s black, but it’s clean.
Steve settles himself at the table and Eddie goes and gets dinner, he can’t help but notice Steve shift in his seat, wincing.
“You okay?”
Steve hums, “been getting funny back pain, but it’s all normal. Could be anything really, just the weight of the baby, or maybe they are leaning on my sciatic nerve. It’s all fine. Nearly done now.”
Steve takes the first bite of his dinner and hums appreciatively. It makes Eddie warm inside, a little tickle of his brain releasing happy chemicals. Omega is being fed. Omega is safe and happy.
Eddie tells it to fuck off.
“So you’re due soon?” Which feels like he;s stating the obvious, Steve is the size of a tiny moon.
Eddie makes a noise, startled, then nearly chokes on a string of spaghetti, “excuse me,” he manages to get out, before drinking half his water, Steve looking half concerned and more than a little amused from the other side of the table. “Tomorrow?” Eddie asks weakly.
Steve nods, chewing and swallowing before he answers, “the due date is tomorrow, but it’s the norm really for first pups to go over that, even more normal with male Omega, don’t worry, it’s fine. Although it should be soon, I passed the mucus plug yesterday.”
Eddie nearly chokes again, “the what?” he tries his best not to sound too horrified.
“Oh. Sorry, you probably don't want to hear about the uhm, the kind of gross stuff.”
“No, no, of course it’s fine what is...uhm...that?” And Eddie is fully prepared to regret acquiring this cursed knowledge. He doesn’t even know what it is and he’s already eyeing his spaghetti sauce dubiously. For Steve though...he will learn about the gross stuff.
“Oh, well, when you’re pregnant you get sort of this...lump of...gacky stuff and blood. You don’t have periods when you’re pregnant usually, so it kind of protects everything from infection getting in and stuff like that.”
Eddie takes a deep breath and lets it out, blowing up his bangs, and makes himself eat his dinner normally, “fair enough, but that means you’re...kinda’ close?”
“Well, kinda’. Robin’s spending this morning with her girlfriend and then this afternoon sorting her place out. She’ll be over later, she’s moving in until the pups a week old or so, just make sure I’m okay.”
“She’s...a really good friend, right?” It warms Eddie to know Steve has someone like that in his life.
“Yeah...she’s been there with me through everything. Every appointment, all the classes, everything. Even when I decided I wanted to do this it was...it was right after yet another crappy breakup, you know. She could have said all the sensible things about maybe it's not the right time yet, or that I should...think about it. You know, all that things that would have been totally reasonable for her to say but I'd just...I’d just had enough of waiting and she said she’d support me whatever, and that was that. She’s the best.”
Steve shifts again, putting down his cutlery to try and stretch his back out, hissing with pain, “you sure you’re okay?” Eddie asks, concerned.
“Yeah, fine I think,” Steve bends forward then, gripping the edge of the table and breathing out harshly through his nose, “oh that felt weird.”
Eddie’s up and coming around the table before he can stop himself, hovering his hands, not sure if it’s okay to touch, “Steve?”
“I...oh. Oh gosh I’m so sorry Eddie,” Steve stands cautiously revealing a very clear wet patch on the seat.
“I...that’s fine,” Eddie squeaks out, “are you...is this. Is that…?”
“Yeah, pretty sure my water just broke. And I really wanted that chicken parm,” Steve sighs.
“I can make it again,” Eddie says reflexively, “kind of feel like there’s bigger things to think about what should- like can I help? What do we do?”
Eddie finds himself, very strangely, not panicking. Like, well, maybe a little, but not an uncontrollable amount. Which now he’s here that’s a really nice surprise.
“I’ll just call Robbie, and then will you walk me home?”
And Eddie had maybe had inappropriate thoughts about walking Steve home so he could steal a kiss, not whatever this is. But. Still. “Of course.”
Steve smiles at him with his phone next to his ear, “it’s go time Birdie. Oh, what was I supposed to say? Code red? The eagle is...leaving? I can’t remember, you couldn’t make your mind up about the-” Steve hisses, bending to lean on the table, “yep, yep, see you soon.”
Steve hangs up, telling Eddie she’s on her way as they walk down the hall, dinner abandoned on the table. Steve chooses to stand, walking little laps back and forth along the back of the couch, “is there anything I can do?”
“My bag and car seat are in the nursery, if you don’t mind grabbing those?” Eddie does, putting Steve’s things right by the door, “oh, and a towel, from the bathroom? I don’t want to make a mess in Rob’s car.”
“Sure thing,” Eddie grabs a bath towel from there, and puts it on top, just as Steve’s phone starts ringing.
Eddie can practically feel it when Steve tenses up, his scent turning bitter with distress. Despite what’s going on, Steve’s scent hadn’t changed at all until now, “your car won’t start?”
He sounds terrified.
“I. Yeah. Okay. I can wait I’ll- okay.”
“Okay?” Steve shakes his head, eyes suddenly wet, he looks like he’s biting back tears and Eddie can’t stop himself from going to him.
“She’s got to wait for Chrissy to get to her place and pick her up, then they’ll come over,” Eddie has to make this better. He has to.
“Okay, how about this, me and you go now, I’ll take you, and they can meet you there? That’ll make it faster right?”
“I mean, I’m not...I mean labor can take hours and hours, I’m being silly I just- Eddie I’m a bit scared. She was supposed to be here, it’s a bit too soon.”
They end up holding hands, which Eddie’s kind of thrilled about even if Steve is squeezing the life out of him, “would you feel better if you were waiting at the hospital?”
Steve bites his lip, clearly torn, “are you sure you don’t mind?”
“I’ll get my keys.”
Part Four
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daydreams-after-dark · 3 months
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Good things come in small packages
Part 1 | Part 2
Pairing: Mini Han x fem reader
Synopsis: One year ago you purchased a ‘miniature companion’ named Hannie. He’s the size of a Ken doll but alive and horny. But something unexpected happens on your one year anniversary.
Word count: approx 2k
A/n: Hey!!! It's finally here! My Mini Han oneshot (posted in a couple of instalments because I get too excited to share). The idea for Mini Han was born through a conversation with my girl @noellllslut (we always have the most unhinged thoughts). Then I wrote a little "imagining" here (which I’ve incorporated into this fic anyway, so you don’t have to read), which then sparked quite a bit curiosity amongst you sweet/filthy readers. Questions came, and I felt compelled to explore more of this theme.
I hope you enjoy this little fic. It's sweet and smutty, and as I kept writing, I fell in love with our dear y/n and Mini Hannie. I want one for myself tbh.
CW below the cut
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CW: supernatural themes, oral sex, sexual acts, sexual themes, voyeurism
You've had your miniature human, Hannie, for almost a year?! You realize, sitting at your work desk as you look at your desktop calendar. You smile and make a note to organize a celebration for just the two of you, and to buy a cheesecake for dessert. Hannie loves cheesecake. Your smile grows. He always manages to get it all over him, then wants to get it all over you so he can lick it off you.
One year this coming weekend. It feels like time has flown, yet at the same time it feels like he’s been part of your life forever. Your heart bursts as you think back to how it all came to be.
You had been lonely. You'd broken up with your long term boyfriend and was feeling sad one night. So you went online to doom scroll, and online shop. You expected you'd end up down a rabbit hole of cat memes and be $500 down in shoe purchases, but instead an ad appeared on your screen.
"Miniature human companions" it said, with images of very attractive men. Miniature men. Were they human? Couldn't be. Were they robots? Probably. They must be really expensive to make which is why they are so small, you'd decided.
You were intrigued, so you researched the company, finding that this new type of 'companion' utilizes cutting edge technology that simulates actual human behavior and bodily functions.
By 4am you'd chosen your companion. His name was Han. He was adorable and attractive, with fluffy black hair and pouty lips, and from the personality trait notes, he sounded like a lot of fun.
"Pay Now". You can still remember the feeling of excitement that ran through you as hit the button to complete your purchase.
When he arrived, he came in a box with air holes, which you found kind of weird considering he didn't actually breathe oxygen. You set the box on your kitchen table, took a deep breath and lifted the lid. You gasped as you peered inside.
A little man, about the size of a Ken doll, sat on a blanket eating miniature crisps out of a miniature chip bag.
"Oh hello!" he looked up at you. "Are you my Noona?" he waved excitedly.
Holy fucking shit. You almost fainted as you stumbled to sit down on a dining chair.
You knew he was meant to talk, but he just seemed so real as he chewed his food then licked the seasoning off his lips like he could actually taste it. His little chest moved with his breath, like he was really breathing. Could he do everything a human can do? You wondered.
"My name’s Hannie." He said standing up and brushing the crumbs off his trousers.
"Um...I-I'm Y/n..." you stuttered, trying to process what you were witnessing,
"You're really pretty, Y/n." He beamed up at you with a gummy grin.
You prepared him a little space of his own, with a makeshift bed, clothing that you had also ordered from the company you purchased him from, and bought a set of Barbie sized cups, plates and furniture. You even bought him a Barbie Dreamhouse to live in, but he preferred to just climb up your full sized furniture and use that.
You studied the information manual that came with him and learned that he could in fact, experience life just as a human did. He needed to eat, sleep, wash, poop. Oh and he could get erections and ejaculate. Wow!
Over the next weeks and months you'd gotten yourselves into a routine, and became really close. He was your best friend. You did everything together, mostly staying at home. You assumed he was some sort of AI, and that's why you got along so well, but the longer he was with you, the more his own interests came to the surface. Like singing and Anime.
He helped you bake, often getting himself covered in flour and other ingredients. You'd watch movies together. Most nights you'd lay on the couch and he'd lay face down on your chest while you watched your favorites. Sometimes you'd feel him get hard against the curve of your breast, and you'd think inappropriate thoughts about him. You'd grow wet between your legs and wish he was able to touch you.
He loved it when you’d brush his hair with a tiny little hairbrush and sit him on your benchtop in the bathroom when you’re getting ready for the day. You know he loved it when you forgot he was there one time and you took a shower in front of him. He got so hard watching you soap up your body.
Sometimes you'd take him out on a picnic somewhere secluded near the ocean so he could freely move about the picnic blanket without fear of being seen. Or he'd sneak into your work bag and scare the shit out of you when you were working.
In the early days, you'd occasionally go on dates with actual men. Mostly to take your mind of your growing feelings for Hannie. You'd bring them home and fuck them in your bed, knowing he was somewhere watching, listening. You'd imagine him getting hard from your noises, and it made you moan even louder just picturing it. You'd imagine it was Hannie inside you too, pounding hard into your cunt, and making you come on his cock.
He was distant with you in the days after. He’d sit around sulking and pouting.
"What's wrong, Hannie?" You asked him after he’d ignored you for three days.
"Noona... it's just…I get so jealous of them." He burst into tears. "I want to do things like that to you. I want to the be the one who makes you come." He sobbed.
Things changed after that. You no longer went out with other men, and you and your miniature companion began to explore a more physical, more sexual, relationship.
From letting you see each other naked, to mutual masturbation, to eventually touching each other and making each other come.
You soon learned that even though Hannie is small, he is extremely talented with his mouth, and he can make you come harder than anyone had ever before.
One morning he noticed that you were still asleep, and very naked. The way you were laying, legs splayed out looked so inviting to him. You’d kicked your blanket off at some point. He couldn’t help himself.
You woke up to a sensation between your legs, and when you looked down you saw him kneeling between your your legs, using his arms to push your pussy lips open and doing his very best to lap at your clit.
“Hannie?” You whimpered. He stopped for a moment to stand up and wave at you, the entire front of his body dripping with your arousal. “I’ve just found my favorite thing to do!” He said enthusiastically and then he was back to being buried against your pussy.
These days, at night time he’ll climb up onto your chest while you’re lying in bed watching videos on your phone. He still loves to nestle against the bulge of your breasts, especially if you’re in a loose satin camisole, and he’ll slide himself under the fabric.
“What do you want to watch, Hannie?” You’ll ask him.
“Porn!” He’ll answer excitedly. The phone is like a giant screen to him and it’s never long before you feel him shimmying his clothes off and rubbing his little swollen erection against your skin.
He’s such a desperate little thing that you let him do whatever he needs to get himself off. Often, he’ll rub his cock along your bottom lip while he humps your tits, or he’ll scramble to suck on your nipple. He does his best to stretch his mouth around it, while he grinds against you and cumming on your soft skin. Then he’ll pass out right there. Poor little tyke gets himself tired.
Some of the kinkier things he gets you to do include tying him up and edging him until his cock becomes so painfully red and engorged that he’s crying. His naked body is delicious to look at, and you love to run the pad of your index finger over his muscles. He’s perfectly toned, his skin honey brown, and his cock is mouth-wateringly big for his frame.
He’s rendered helpless as you stroke your finger gently up and down his body. Then, using the tip of your tongue, you lick his cock carefully whilst shoving your pinky finger into his mouth.
There are times when you’ll dress up in lingerie covered in buckles and straps and he’ll climb up your body like he’s doing some kind of adventure hike. He gets so sweaty and very hard as he explores the terrain of your body.
He really is the perfect companion.
You are broken from your thoughts by your alarm signaling it's time to go home from work, and you hurry home to see your Hannie.
"Fuck! Hannie! Please... need to come...need one more...please. Don't stop." You pant. It's later that evening, and you're on the verge of your third orgasm with Hannie between your thighs sucking expertly on your clit. He's got your lips spread open as far as he can manage, and he's grinding against your core seeking his own release. Inside your pussy you've got your vibrator egg on full intensity. "Yes!!! Yes...coming!!!" You cry as you arch off the bed as you come all over him.
He quickly climbs up your body, almost slipping off because he’s covered in so much of your cream, and kneels on your chest to pump his cock until he’s spurting cum onto your tongue.
“Tastes so good, Hannie.” You show him your empty tongue, but he’s already collapsed across your body.
You clean him up and put him in his striped pajamas, before you both nestle into bed. You’re used to him sleeping on the pillow next to you now, although it took you a while to stop worrying you’d roll on him in the night.
“Noona? Did you know that tomorrow it’ll be one year since I came here?” He says sleepily.
You roll onto your side and smile. “Yes, actually I do, honey. Have a think about what you’d like to do to celebrate, okay. Anything you want."
He nods. “Yeah, I’ll think about it. But just so you know, it’ll involve me being buried in your pussy.”
Han laid back on the pillow. What would he like to do to celebrate? He’d love to celebrate by being inside you. Properly. Fully.
He wishes he could do the things he'd seen those men you’d do to you all those months ago. To pin your legs up and fuck you so hard the bed would shake. He takes his mind back to when he’d hide on your shelf and watch, fucking into his hand and holding back tears of despair.
What would it be like to bend you over and fuck you from behind? What would it even be like to fuck you at all? He wants to know so bad.
But he does have a special relationship with you, he supposes. Not every guy has to stretch his mouth around a nipple or clit like he has to. Can those men be covered head to toe in your juices? Or lay completely across the bulge of your boob. No. They can’t. Only he can.
He pouts to himself.
He knows he’s got it good, you are his everything. But as he lays on the pillow next you and closes his eyes, he wonders if he’s enough for you? Could you give up real men forever, with real sized cocks that can stretch you out and fill you deep? Would you be okay with never having a boyfriend you could take out in public, or take to family events, or be seen with?
Could you settle for him? A miniature version of a man?
He sighs. "Goodnight, Noona. Love you." He whispers as he leans over and gives your giant lips a kiss.
"Goodnight, my sweet Hannie. I love you too." you reply sleepily.
As he drifts off to sleep he wishes what he always wishes. That he could be human sized and be with you like a proper human.
The morning sun peeks through your window, landing on your face and causing you to stir. You groan and try to stretch, but a heaviness across your middle keeps you in place. You peer down to find a man's arm wrapped around you, snuggling you tight.
Fear courses through your body, and you scream as you fling the arm off and jump out bed. You grab your lamp, ready to hit the intruder.
"Noona?" The man lifts his head, his dark locks falling around his face.
Your eyes almost pop out of your head when you see the confused look on his face. "Hannie!?" You choke, hands poised to strike.
"Noona? What are you doing?" he peers down at the pillow his head had been resting on, and then down the bed toward his feet. "Why is your bed so small?"
"Hannie?" You whisper, lowering the lamp, letting it drop to the floor.
"Why is everything so small? Wait. Why am I naked? Noona, have you been playing with me in my sleep?" He looks up at you confused and worried. "Noona, why are you looking at me like that?"
His eyes land on his pajamas, torn to shreds next to him. He picks up the scrap of fabric that was his pajama top, and his eyes widen. "Why are my clothes so tiny?"
"Hannie," you take in the man before you, naked and taking up most of the bed. "You're big."
To be continued…
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@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx @chuuchuu1224 @fun-fanfics @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy @armystay89 @igetcarriedawaywithyou @mylittleponeypinkrosieposie @kyunchoni @justforreaders @melochacco @scenuniverse @oddracha @ismokeeweed @galaxycatdrawz @jiminssluttyminx @teddy-stay @kayleefriedchicken @imperfectlyperfectprincess1
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t-lostinworlds · 6 months
Big, Hormonal Heart | Bucky Barnes
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》 PAIRING: bucky barnes x pregnant!female!reader
》 TROPE/GENRE: established relationship (marriage), fluff fluff fluff
》 SUMMARY: It'd probably take more than one lifetime for Bucky to list reasons why he was so lucky to call you his wife. He was certain your big heart was one of them. One that grew even more with pregnancy hormones. It was sweet, how you to got so upset when they got his order wrong. Your meal was perfectly fine. But when his wasn't? Oh it was a crime.
》 WARNINGS: pregnancy, a dog named Snow and Alpine the cat, pet names (doll, baby, my love, sweetheart), emotional!r (she cries. like, most of the fic), husband!bucky being the sweetest, domesticity and just overall fluff (pretty tame fic ngl)
》 WORD COUNT: 2.5k+
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A/N: this idea was super random. i saw an insta reel of a pregnant woman having mood swings over some food and then everyone was sharing their experiences in the comments and i got inspired so here ya go alksalkss. DISCLAIMER! I'm not pregnant nor have i ever been lol. I did as much research as i could but still, don't count on me to be 100% accurate.
++ ALSO this was written in just a few hours. this isn't my best work. just something i wanted to write as an exercise since i haven't written anything in months. anyways, i hope you enjoy!
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⊱ ─────.⋅♚ *。・゚.★. *。・゚✫*.
Bucky Barnes was one lucky man.
If someone had told him years ago that he was going to live in a quaint home in the suburbs, a lovely backyard space for a dog and a cat to enjoy, and that he'd be married to the absolute love of life, an angel on earth who was now carrying his first child—
He honestly would've stared at them dead in the eye, wondering how someone could make such a cruel joke.
Yet here he was, actually living it, a life that seemed so much like a dream.
Though he was quickly reminded of how real this was as he stood in the nursery, glaring at the manual that came with the crib you two had bought from the furniture store.
It looked simple enough at first—putting together ready-made pieces should be easy, right?
Not when you have countless amounts of screws that more or less looked the same but were actually not because each served a different purpose. 
He was in the middle of figuring out how to install the legs to the main base when you walked into the room with your two bodyguards—Alpine the Cat and Snow the five-year-old Samoyed—in tow.
"How's it going, handsome?" you hummed as you reached his side, arms wrapping around his waist, your warmth immediately easing the frustration he had about this goddamn crib.
"It's…" he sighed, gesturing at the wooden pieces scattered around the floor. "Going."
You laughed at that, kissing his clothed shoulder before standing in front of him.
Bucky held your waist then, pulling you as close as he could given that your baby bump was in the middle of you both.
He honestly couldn't begin to express how much comfort and warmth covered his whole being every time he was met with the absolute love in your eyes.
And Bucky was sure his gaze shined the same.
So many people have pointed it out on numerous occasions, the twinkle in his eyes every time they land on you—his beautiful wife.
"I was thinking," you murmured, resting your hands on his chest, moving up his shoulder and down again in a sweet caress. "How about a quick break while we order some food?"
It was only about an hour after lunch, so Bucky wasn't particularly keen on filling his stomach some more.
But you, on the other hand, were nearing the end of your second trimester. It wasn't out of the norm for you to be hungry at this time, given you were eating for two. Plus, there was an added layer that your little peanut probably had some super soldier serum in their DNA—the baby's appetite could be enhanced for all he knew.
Other than that, the last thing Bucky wanted was an angry and hungry pregnant wife. So it wasn't really a hard decision to make.
"Okay, let's get you something to eat," he said.
Ever the observant person that you were, you quickly noticed his choice of words.
"For me?" you asked, brows furrowed. "You're not hungry?"
Bucky shook his head. "Not really."
Your bottom lip went.
He instantly knew he said the wrong thing.
"But I'm hungry," you murmured, eyes starting to glisten.
He could never explain it even if he tried, but whenever you got upset, your bodyguards always seemed to notice it. The two have always been protective of you and that only grew tenfold when you got pregnant.
Today wasn't an exception.
Snow barked at him, whining his complaints as he put his fifty-pound body between your legs, slightly pushing Bucky back. The furball was well trained though, so his protectiveness never went too far beyond being vocal about it. Alpine, on the other hand, was sitting a foot away, glaring at Bucky—quite the traitor given that she was supposed to be his cat, but he couldn't blame her for loving you, either—as if she knew it was his fault you were upset.
But still, Bucky wasn't quite sure what he'd done wrong.
"I know, sweetheart," he said slowly, a little confused, trying to navigate around Snow who was pawing at his leg as if trying to push him further away. "I'll order some food for you."
"But you're not hungry," you repeated, body slumping with sadness.
"I'm not," he agreed, quickly cupping your face when a tear slipped from your eyes. "But hey, hey, that doesn't mean we can't still order food for you, doll."
"No, I know," you sniffled.
"So, what's making you upset, hmm?"
You buried your face in his chest with a shaky breath as you said,
"I don't want to eat alone."
Bucky paused, pressing his lips and swallowing down a laugh because he couldn't have you thinking he was making fun of you. He wasn't. But you were so adorable it made his chest ache.
"Okay, okay," he hummed, kissing the side of your head as he rubbed your back in comfort. "I'll order something for me, too."
A few minutes later, your little family migrated to the living room. You both were sitting on the couch together, the two furballs sprawled at your feet as a random show played on TV. Various take-out bags covered the coffee table, way too many for two people but hey, that's what fridges and microwaves are for.
Fondness filled Bucky's bones as he watched you settle your food on your lap, doing what he called your Cravings Satisfied Wiggle.
He couldn't contain his chuckle.
You looked at him with furrowed brows, words a little muffled with your mouth full. "What?"
"Happy?" he asked, reaching over to wipe the sauce on the corner of your mouth.
"Very much," you giggled, eyes wrinkling at the corners.
Even after all these years, the sight of your pure joy still made his heart stutter, chest growing warmer when you leaned closer with a pout.
Bucky met you halfway for a short yet sweet kiss.
"Thank you," you hummed, even though there was no need for you to thank him for ordering you food.
"You're welcome, sweetheart."
Reaching over the table, he took the one and only paper bag that was for him, because again, he wasn't that hungry.
"What's wrong?" You turned to him in concern.
"It's not a big deal," he reassured with a smile, shrugging because it really wasn't. "They got mine wrong."
You frowned. "You didn't get the nuggets?"
"No, they give me the burger meal," he said. "They must've misheard me.
Bucky immediately perked up when your lips started to tremble.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly, cupping your face to wipe away your tears.
"You—" you sniffled. "You didn't get your nuggets."
Bucky pressed his lips to stop a smile.
God you were so fucking cute.
"It's okay, baby," he soothed. "I'm fine with a burger, too."
You cried even harder.
Snow and Alpine quickly stood, all alert and concerned as they nudged your leg.
"You wanted the nuggets, Bucky," you insisted, choking back a sob. "But you didn't get it."
He carefully pulled you closer, rubbing your back in comfort as you laid your head on his shoulder. "I know, but it's okay—"
"No, it's not!" you protested, all teary and frustrated, pulling away to glare at him. "You deserve to get what you want. Y-You deserve all the good things after e-everything."
Bucky might honestly start crying too with how sweet you were being.
"Oh doll, come here," he placated, pulling you in for a hug while trying to navigate the food on your lap.
He could take it away for safety, but he'd already learned his lesson the hard way. Taking food away from a pregnant woman was a death sentence.
"I want you to be happy," you sniffled, burying your face against his neck. "You wanted the nuggets and they disrespected that."
It took so much for him not to let out a chuckle. Because as much as Bucky hated to see you crying and upset, he couldn't deny how adorably funny this whole conversation was.
But you'd always had the biggest heart. Whether that was crying over those rescue animal videos, emotional scenes in movies, to feeling upset over something he was experiencing—your empathy was always high.
What more with the pregnancy hormones in the mix?
"How about I ask them to change it?"
Again, wrong thing to say.
He needed to get better at this.
"But they're probably so stressed and overworked already," you sobbed. "A-And it's about to rain. I don't want the delivery guy to get wet in the rain. T-They already don't get paid enough."
"Hey, hey, it's okay," he hummed, rubbing your back. "Will you look at me, my love?"
You lifted your head then, Bucky's heart aching at the absolute distress on your features—pout in full play, eyes a little bloodshot with tear stains on your skin.
He cupped your cheeks with a soft smile, placing gentle kisses all over your face, unrelenting until you let out a whine of protest. He stopped then, thankful to see that you'd calmed down now.
"I promise you, the burger meal is perfectly fine with me. I'm not mad or upset about it. I don't mind it at all," he said.
You took a calming deep breath and nodded. It only took a second for you to look at him sheepishly.
"Sorry I overreacted," you whispered, embarrassed.
"Hey, none of that," he lightly scolded. "All the emotions you're feeling will always be valid."
You smiled, small yet sweet, leaning in and kissing him with as much gratitude as you could muster.
"Besides, it makes me feel so honored to know that you're willing to fight for my chicken nugget rights."
"Shut up, Barnes."
You and Bucky always had a nightly routine and it usually consisted of the two of you getting ready for bed in your own different ways. They were intertwined, but not exactly the same. Like you'd be doing some skin care in the bathroom while he would be brushing his teeth.
But ever since you got pregnant, your routine became more in sync.
It usually started with a bath that he'd run for you. Most of the time he'd end up joining you, the length of said bath varying since that usually depended on what mood you were in. Bucky was always at the service of meeting his wife's needs, after all.
Recently, now that your bump wasn't particularly easy to navigate, he'd helped you get ready for bed. From getting dressed to your skin care, including rubbing some moisturizer on your stomach. That part was one of his favorite things to do.
Then it was the typical things, getting dressed, brushing your teeth—this one you stopped him from doing it for you even though he was more than willing—and overall just getting ready for bed.
Once you’d settled on the pregnancy pillow that Bucky fluffed up for you, he'd sit near the foot of the bed to give your sore feet a massage while you read a book.
Tonight, right when he was in the middle of doing that, he heard you sniffle.
Bucky looked up in concern, catching you already staring at him with tears already in your eyes.
"What's wrong?" he asked, looking you over. "Does something hurt?"
"No, I-I'm okay. I just—" You cut yourself off with a sob.
Bucky quickly moved beside you, pulling you onto his lap as he wrapped his arms around your form. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, body shaking as you cried.
"Hey, hey, talk to me," he murmured against your hair. "Tell me what's wrong."
"It's just—" You let out a shaky breath. "You're always taking care of me."
"Of course, sweetheart, you're my wife," he said. "And not only because it's my duty as your husband, but because I love you so much."
That made you cry even harder.
"I l-love you too, so much," you sobbed. "But I haven't been able to take care of you lately and that's not f-fair."
Bucky felt his heart grow as if it wasn't already bursting at the seams.
How could someone be so selfless and sweet?
"You're pregnant, my love," he stated the obvious reason as to why. "Besides, I'm capable of taking care of myself. It's alright."
"No, it's not," you argued, pulling away slightly to face him. "You deserve to be taken care of, too! You deserve to get pampered a-and a break but you're always fussing over me and taking care of me instead. I'm not helping with any of it. I'm just making it harder for you."
"No, absolutely not," he stated firmly, holding your face in his hands, wiping your tears away with his thumbs. "I love taking care of you. It honestly makes me feel so fulfilled and happy when I do."
"Really?" you sniffled.
"Yes. It's the least I could do with everything that you've been going through right now," he said truthfully, adding with a chuckle, "Hell, if I could carry our baby so you wouldn't have to go through all the pain I would."
That earned him a small laugh.
"But I want to take care of you, too," you admitted after a deep breath.
"You already are," he hummed, thumb stroking your cheek lovingly. "You're taking care of our baby and my heart, and those are very important to me."
You scrunched up your nose adorably.
"That was so cheesy."
"But it's true, though."
You smiled, cupping his face. Bucky turned his head to kiss your palm.
"Thank you," you sighed fondly. "For putting up with me and for everything."
"First off, I'm not putting up with anything," he reassured, kissing your other palm before adding, "Second, you never have to thank me for taking care of you. Never."
You nodded, leaning closer to press your lips against his, pouring all your love and gratitude into it. Bucky kissed you back with the same fervor, never needing words to express what you truly feel for each other.
He felt so content—feeling your lips, your fingers tangled in his hair, and your little peanut asking for attention too, kicking the second Bucky rested hand on your bump.
When you let out a soft, needy whine, he was ready to take the kiss even further.
That was until a wet tongue met his cheek.
Bucky groaned in annoyance, pulling away to see Snow giving you a kiss, too. He couldn't be angry at the dog for ruining the moment when your lovely laugh echoed in the air. Alpine jumped on the bed a second later, nudging her head against Bucky's chin before walking over to place a loving paw on your bump.
His smile was as bright as it could be as he watched the scene before him.
A wonderful home, a wholesome family that involved his beautiful, loving wife and two furballs, his family that was only getting bigger in a few months—
Bucky Barnes was one lucky man.
✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚♛ *.
↬ thank you for reading lovely! reblog & leave a comment if you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated! ++ consider supporting me on ko-fi if you can!
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© t-lostinworlds, 2023 ✘ I do NOT give any permission to repost, translate, & use any of my works (writings, gifs, dividers, etc.) on any platform, with credit or otherwise. Please respect that. Thank you.
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maiiuelle · 3 months
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❀ warnings: minors dni, alcohol, “daddy” is used, phone sex, mutual masturbation
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⋆ ˚。⋆ ᡣ𐭩 ⋆ ˚。⋆
your room is like a sanctuary; poofy pink pillows, a silky canapé over your bed, and your fluffy duvet just melt your anxieties away at the end of the day. before bed you have a sort of ritual — after your extensive shower and skin care routine, you tip toe into your princess suite and shut off every light except the floor lamp next to the window overlooking the street.
you have a gorgeous vintage bench beneath the window that functions as your reading nook, complete with floral pink and cream cushions, lace curtains, and your favorite blanket. you’ve been loyal to your nighttime reading since you were little, always setting aside at least an hour to read before going to sleep every night. to really set the mood, you light your favorite cinnamon vanilla bean scented candle and put on a relaxing record.
humming along to lana’s soft voice, you shuffle to your towering bookshelf to look over its contents. the shelves are overflowing with books and knickknacks — most being calico critters and sonny’s angels that live happily amongst the hardbacks, complete with appropriately sized furniture for them. you carefully squeeze past the animal tea party you carefully set up to retrieve tonight’s read—
buzz buzz.. buzz buzz.. buzz buzz..
you sigh, your eyes softly closing in annoyance at your phone ringing against the wooden end table where it’s charging. one peek at the bright screen and you stomp over to answer.
“rafe? its 11:30.”
“yeah? what’re you doing up so late?” you can hear the smirk on his lips, and you roll your eyes.
“well, i was trying to read.” you snark, looking at the book in your hand and skimming over the summary on the back, pacing mindlessly over to your reading bench with the phone pressed to your ear. “what’re you doing? working?”
“nah, actually — i was just thinking about you.” in truth, he was supposed to be working, but the scotch in his glass distracted him. now he’s reclining in his office chair, tapping his pen against his wooden desk as he speaks. “missed you today.”
“mhm.” you muse. he’d invited you to come golfing with him, topper, and kelce but you refused. sometimes it felt like he was a completely different person with them, and you don’t want to be around that. you hadn’t heard from him for the rest of the day, until now.
“what? you mad at me or somethin’?”
“no.. i just — i’m frustrated! i wanted to see you.” you admit, throwing the book down on the bench cushion beside you. “and only you — not top and kelce — just you!”
“aw, pretty girl, m’so sorry.” his tone is almost mocking, clearly not actually apologetic as he slides his toned hand over the bulge in his pants. he really does miss you, and he certainly missed watching you prance around the country club in your mini skirts. even now you’re just too cute when you’re angry, it’s driving him crazy. “how ‘bout you lay down, i’ll help you relax, yeah? yeah.. lemme make it up to you.”
you pause, all of a sudden very aware of how his breathing has deepened. he couldn’t be.. “rafe? what’re you doing?” you ask again, listening closely to the muffled sound of his clothes rustling.
he has the phone pressed between his ear and his shoulder, both hands working to pull off his belt. “didn’t i just tell you to do somethin’, princess? go lay down.”
you blink like a deer in headlights — you want to stay mad at him, after all he had completely blown you off all day. but his gravely voice is already making you push your thighs together, you’d rather he take care of you than prove a point. “mm.. okay.”
“yeah, s’what i thought.” rafe breathes over the phone. you’re always so pliant for him, so desperate to please him you’d do anything he says. you jump onto your poofy bed, scaring your poor cat awake as you roll onto your back.
“wanna tell daddy what you got on?”
you look down your torso, manicured fingers dragging down your thigh as you try to stay patient. “just a tank top n those cute panties you got me. you know the pink lacy ones?” you play with the bow attached to the front of them in thought, remembering how he’d ripped them right off of you last time he snuck over.
“oh yeah? that’s it?” he’s amused, his smirk growing as he pictures you putting on practically nothing to go read. he groans at the thought, freeing his cock from his boxers. “i like ‘em better off.”
“i bet.” you bite your lip, giggling as your fingers slip under the thin fabric to pull them down. you want more than anything for him to appear at your door so he can take care of you properly, his encouragement over the phone just isn’t the same. “you should come here n help me.”
“oh, believe me, i want to. could sneak in the window and fuck you right — like you deserve.” rafe coos. “remember last time? had you on your back, spread out on your bed with your pretty legs around me.” the memory makes you whine, hips moving on their own in search of friction. “you playin’ with that pussy like i do, baby?”
you take that as permission, humming a soft, “mhm..” as you dip your fingers into your mouth to wet them, then settling them in between your folds.
“don’t tell me i’m gettin’ you all wet already, princess.” he teases, his smugness interrupted with a grunt as he slowly strokes himself to your soft moans. “such a good girl, see what happens when you listen? feels nice, huh?”
“ah.. rafe—”
“shh, i got you. you just worry about playin’ with that pretty pussy n daddy’ll handle the rest, a’ight?”
maybe it wouldn’t hurt to skip reading for one night?
⋆ ˚。⋆ ᡣ𐭩 ⋆ ˚。⋆
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heartsforvin · 3 months
Vinnie fucking y/n against those windows in his apartment
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been needing this mf SO bad lately , why isn’t he real 😔
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pairing: vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings: smut, p in v (unprotected), cussing, use of pet names, praising, dirty talk, vinnie being his own warning
summary: self explanatory for dis one
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since moving into his new apartment, vinnie has appreciated all the beautiful views the place has to offer thanks to the nice big windows in his livingroom.
he hadn’t gotten curtains for the windows yet, still needing to measure the windows and all that beforehand.
it was a pretty nice place, plenty big enough for you, him and hera. as you walked in, you smiled as you realized this was your new home.
you and vinnie had went to a furniture store and picked out nice, new furniture for your place. the employees at the store had told the both of you it would be delivered to your place in a few days.
the important thing was the two of you had basic necessities for the time being.
“welcome home, baby.” vinnie whispers in your ear as he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
you smile when you feel him plant a kiss to your neck. hera comes up to you both, nuzzling against your leg.
“welcome home to you too, hera bear.” you say, grabbing the cat carefully and holding her in your arms.
vinnie smiles, realizing the nickname he had given hera come from you. he squeezes your hip, making you smile.
as the two of you look out the window, his mind races with thoughts that should definitely not be going through his head this early in the morning.
to be fair, it wasn’t that early, it was early afternoon. he knew you weren’t thinking the way he was, but he needed to do something.
the sight of the big windows, the way he can picture your body pressed up against them as he fucks you from behind.
“baby,” he pushes hair behind your ear, kissing just below your ear.
you hum, letting him know to continue. “wanna know what i’m thinkin’?” he asks.
you smile and melt into his touch, feeling him feel you up, squeeze your hips and kiss your neck.
“you would look so fucking sexy up against those windows as i fuck you.”
you blush and clench your legs at his words, turning around to face him. he’s got such a simple outfit on, yet he pulls it off effortlessly.
he watches your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you smile. hands traveling to your waist as he pulls you in.
“you want that, sweet girl? wanna give people a show in the new place?” he asks.
you’re high enough up on the apartment to where it was possible no one could see you both do whatever it is you do.
he can tell you want this, by the way you clenched your legs, the audible gasp that left your mouth as he took hold of your throat, smiling at you.
you smile back at him and his free hand finds its way to your thighs, slipping in between your skirt and finding your soaked panties.
“naughty girl, getting turned on by the idea of me fucking you against the windows where everyone can see.” vinnie rasps, making you clench around nothing.
you nod with a whine followed by it as you feel vinnie run his fingers up your clothed pussy.
“vinnie,” you moan at the feeling of his fingers against you. “please.”
the boy smirks as he continues. “i’m touching you over your clothes and you’re already begging for me.”
he slowly tugs at the waistband of your panties and you tell him to pull them off. he does, leaving the skirt on for just a minute.
his fingers make contact with your pussy again, this time bare so you can fully feel him move against you.
“so wet f’me, sweetheart.” he says against your lips, kissing you softly.
you push your hips against his fingers, making you moan as you do. vinnie smirks as he continues to rub your folds.
“please, vinnie.” you can’t take the teasing anymore, you need him inside you.
he removes his hand and tugs down your skirt, next goes your shirt and bra. “you want this bad, pretty?”
you nod, leaning in to kiss him, body pressing against his as you do. “want it so bad, baby.”
turning you around, he pushes you up against the window, cheek and chest against the cold glass, making you moan.
vinnie quickly removes his shirt and unbuckles his belt, pants pooling to his ankles before he pushes his boxers off too.
“gonna give it to you so good baby.” he rasps in your ear from behind.
you whimper as you feel his cock slide against your slick folds. he teases you again by pushing himself into you slightly before pulling back.
rolling your eyes, you push yourself back into him, making vinnie slap your ass.
“patience, pretty girl,” he says, squeezing and massaging your ass. “be a good girl for me, yeah?”
you nod, turning to face him with a smile. after what felt like hours of teasing, he finally gives you what you want.
the minute he’s inside you, a loud moan rips through your mouth as he grips your hips.
“that’s it, baby. takin’ me so good.” his voice is deep, almost unrecognizable, but turns you on even more.
you move your hips back on him making vinnie moan and grip your hips tighter. you feel amazing, the way you clench around him, it was like you were made for him.
another groan rips through him when he feels you do it again. “shit, you love fuckin’ yourself on my cock, don’t you?”
you mumble out an ‘mhm’ that’s high pitched and whiny, making vinnie smirk.
“yeah i know you do, love feelin’ my big cock fill you up, yeah?” his thrusts become deeper and more fast paced.
your tits rub up against the glass, moans spilling from your lips as your boyfriend pounds into you from behind.
“l-love it so much!” you try to say, it coming out more of a strained moan than actual words.
vinnie smirks as he moves his hand down and finds your clit, helping you reach your peak.
“i’m close princess, you gonna cum with me?” he asks through pants, hips thrusting harshly as his breathing gets heavy.
you mumble out again and vinnie rubs harsh circles on your bundle of nerves, making you moan.
“fuck, gonna cum, gonna cum. vinnie please, i’m gonna-“ you cut your rambling by cumming all over vinnie’s cock. strings of moans and profanities leaving your lips.
vinnie’s not far behind you, cumming deep inside you as he too mumbles out profanities.
he stays inside you for a minute before pulling out and carefully turning you over.
mascara had run down your face as you look down and see vinnie’s cum drip out of you, making you smile up at him.
“you like that?” he teases as he watches you look at the white substance run down your thighs.
you bite your lip and nod. vinnie pulls you into him and kisses you harshly.
“gave whoever saw quite the show, huh?” he asks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
you blush at his words, closing your legs together as you do. “all quiet on me now, baby. you were all moans a minute ago.” vinnie says.
you playfully hit his chest and grab your panties, putting them back on as vinnie puts his boxers on.
“found my new favorite spot,” you say as you grab your shirt and throw it over your head. “let’s not get curtains, at least for awhile.”
you say that close to his ear as you walk away. vinnie slaps your ass before you get too far, making you smile.
what a fun way to break in a new house.
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guys i wrote this in the span of three hours because my freaky ass literally had so many thoughts after that new pic vin posted, so this request from months ago came into mind
i hope you all liked this, i loved it and hope nonnie does too <33
tags: @cosmicanakin , @anqeliclust , @native2princess , @rafespreciousbunny , @slvthrs , @visualbutterflysworld , @leqonsluv3r , @laylasbunbunny , @kriissy4gov , @supabhad , @violet0182 , @jpg3 , @kayleighh , @lovingsturniolo , @bernelflo , @0strawberrysorbet0 , @khxna , @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom , @hallecarey1 , @defnotayonna
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azure-lily24 · 2 months
Just thinking about having one of the men be your neighbor. Whether it be Price being an absolute gentleman of a neighbor or Ghost just being his usual black cat self (or even a fic of Single dad! Soap)
Idk I just really love this idea
So here’s my take on Neighbor!Gaz :D
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Context (Or warnings?): Reader uses She/her pronouns, Reader has a service dog that makes sure no one gets too close to her and helps with regulating her panic attacks, Kyle being his sweet self
Mentally thanking whoever gave you three days off from working almost a whole week in a row, it took nearly a day to pack everything up and making sure your mail was being transferred to the right address, and then the next day you finally moved out of your crappy neighborhood to a new neighborhood. You sigh as you lock the door when your cousins leave after helping move your furniture in.
Walking over to your sofa, you flop on your stomach as Honey, your Doberman, comes over to check on you. She comes and joins you on the sofa, settling between your legs and resting her head on your thigh.
You chuckle and reach back and rub her on the head. “Are you tired from all of this moving? Me too, girlie..”, you smile as you hear a sigh come from her
You stay like this for a couple of minutes, then get up and start unpacking. Moving to first unpack your kitchen, then moving to put stuff away in your bathroom and then finally unpacking in your room.
Putting your clothes away and then giving your room a makeover to fit your aesthetic..
Few hours later of setting everything up, you just lay on the floor of your room and sigh to yourself. Honey comes in the room and makes her place on your bed. You sit up and look at her and then look at your phone.
“Almost 11 pm?! Wow.. I was productive” you smile to yourself and then contemplate, “Should I shower now or tomorrow? Eh, I’ll just shower, I’m too tired..”
And with that, you get up and settle in next to Honey and turn off the lights and go to sleep..
Next day rolls around as Honey wakes you up, signaling she wanted to go out. Getting up and rubbing your face, you walk out and slip on your shoes and exit your home.
Walking around the neighborhood, Honey walks around off-leash as she bounds around in the grass along the sidewalk. You smile as she takes in her surroundings.
A few people walk by, also going for a walk in the morning. Some compliment Honey and her ability to walk off-leash, but when they try to get close to her or you, she leans away from people or loops around you to keep people away from you.
Sure you get a couple of weird looks but you just smile and shrug it off.
After walking around the neighborhood and Honey handling her “business”, you get back to your home and see a man getting out of his car and taking out a few duffel bags. He seemed to be in the military as you see that the duffel bags were all the same beige color.
He also seemed to have a military build as he walked up to his door, which was next to your own. “Did I just move in next to a military dude? I did, huh..”, as I thought to myself.
He opened his door and set his bags down and turned to get the other bag he left in his car when he noticed you and nodded towards you. His expression seemed quite reserved at first until he noticed Honey appearing at your side, staring him down.
His lips then curled up into a smirk and he held up his hands in surrender. “Relax pretty girl, I’m just getting my things”
You chuckle as you pat Honey on the head. “He won’t do anything Honey, at ease love..” The man’s eyes widen a bit when he sees Honey loops around you and look up at you with an open mouth smile and he smiled at you, “Did you teach her that?”
You look up at him and tilt your head in curiosity, “Teach her what?” “At ease?”, you smile and nod. He chuckles and grabs his bag and walks back to his door, “That’s really adorable”
You nod and walk up to your door and unlock it. His eyes widen and his smile grows wider, “New neighbor too? Well then, I wonder if I should introduce myself”
You smile and let Honey inside and nod, introducing yourself first, “Y/n, and that was my dog, Honey”
He nods and sets down his bag inside, “Nice to meet you Y/n, name’s Kyle”
You decide to push aside your thoughts and ask a question, “By any chance, are you in the military?”, Kyle nods and replies, “I’m actually a Sargent”
Your eyes widen, but your attention was immediately diverted when Honey barked at you and huffed in annoyance. You chuckle and quickly end the conversation with Kyle, “Sorry, looks like Honey wants her breakfast now, I’ll see you later, maybe”
Kyle chuckles and nods as you walk in and close your door behind you. You smile to yourself and walk to your kitchen to prepare food for Honey.
After eating breakfast, you take a look at your new home and smile. Feeling quite happy and satisfied that you managed to find and nab a place like this; "And a cute Sargent next door..", you thought to yourself.
Then unconsciously, you start to scratch your leg, a habit that made you spiral down a dark rabbit hole a while ago.. Honey, on the other hand, walks over and paws at your hand, making you stop and realize what you were doing.
"Oh shoot, sorry girl.." you smile and pat her on the head. Honey keeps an eye on you as you ponder on what to do for the day.
"Okay since I go back to work tomorrow, what should I do..?", you question Honey as she looks at you and tilts her head in question. Then your phone starts ringing, picking it up and seeing that it was your father calling, you smile and answer.
Hearing your father's gruff voice on the other side brings it usual sense of peace to you as he asks how have you been and if moving in went well. You replied with happy and satisfied responses and direct the conversation to him, asking if he is well and all…
The day went by after that call with your father hours ago, clouds pass as Honey naps in between your legs. You sat on the sofa watching a video of some youtuber. As the video played, you can’t help but think about the Sargent next door..
The interaction you had earlier replaying in your mind. “He’s in the military and he’s a Sargent.. and by the looks of the bags he had brought in, he’s probably not home a lot.. but if that is the case, then how does he manage his home??” You shake your head as you try to stop thinking too hard about someone you’ve just met.
After making and eating a simple meal, you decide to go for another walk, taking Honey with you to burn off some energy.
Walking around your new and unfamiliar neighborhood at night is rather interesting. Some neighbors have hangings lights going from their porch to surroundings trees, lights up pathways.
Looking up in the sky at the stars as Honey sniffed around, staying close to you, you continued on your walk.
The next day rolls around as you wake up to your alarm blaring in your ear and Honey stirring at your feet. Feeling dazed, you shut off your alarm and slowly get up and make your way to your bathroom to get ready.
Showering and getting ready, and making yourself look work-appropriate with ease as Honey watches. You quickly let her out to relieve herself as you prepare a quick breakfast and her vest for her.
Letting her back in to eat as you munch on a granola bar, you quickly wipe and brush her down as she eats. Once she was done, you put on her vest and grab your keys and stuff and head out to go to work.
Arriving at work, some of your co-workers greeted you and your dog, always delighted to see her. As you make your way to the back room to clock, you spotted one of your managers dealing with a "particular petty customer". You chuckle at their misfortune and continue walking.
After clocking in, you get to work, basically restocking shelves and organizing things. Whenever you were fully facing a shelf, Honey would sit facing backwards, watching anyone who walks by or steps into the aisle. A woman happened to walk into the aisle and saw you and the dog sitting at your feet, watching your back. As it was kind of normal for random people to come up to you and say that dogs weren't allowed in the store, you pointed to Honey's service dog vest and reminded them of the sign that was on the glass door when entering that service dogs were allowed.
Thankfully, most of the people either apologized for their misunderstanding or acknowledged it and backed away but of course, and sadly, there will always be that one person who just doesn't get the context or just doesn't listen to you at all, even though you have on a vest that shows that you work at the place and the vest that Honey has on.
However, the woman scoffed and got closer to you and started to shove her phone in your face for no reason at all. You quickly tried to back away as this started to stress you out. Honey started to bark and try her best to get the woman away from you but it worked to no avail as the woman continued to harass you when another person had intercepted. They got in front of you and blocked you away from the woman's further approaches. The woman looked offended and started to go on a rant about how your dog had bit her and how she was telling you that your dog wasn't allowed in the store since it was obviously feral and not trained. The person calmly moved her away and a manager, who heard the sudden outburst appeared and handled the situation and took the woman away.
After that was handled, the person turned back to check on you but was a bit surprised when they saw you sitting on the floor with Honey sitting between your legs and her, resting her head on your shoulder as you tried your best to calm down from the situation. The person walks closer and recognizes Honey and speaks up.
"Y/N?", you look up with teary eyes, then your eyes widen when you see Kyle in simple civilian clothes. You do a small wave and try to compose yourself to not break down in front of him. He crouches down a couple of feet away from you to give you your space and asks, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"
His questions and him worrying about you would tug at your heartstrings.. if only you weren't trying to not have a panic attack at the moment. You shake your head and reply softly, "Just give me a minute and then I'll be fine" as you wrapped your arms around Honey's neck and breathe in and out, slowly.
Kyle nodded and backed away, walking a couple of more feet away from you to give you as much space as possible without completely letting you leave his sights. In and out, you breathed slowly as your mind started to calm down and your heart stops racing. You slowly stand up, Honey watching you closely as you stand. Kyle takes notice and looks at you and looks at you in question and gives you a thumbs up. You nod and give him a thumbs up, he nods and smiles and walks away to continue with his day.
You sigh and mentally facepalm that your neighbor had not only, seen you at your workplace, but also almost seen you have a panic attack. Man was that embarrassing..
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jmscornerlibrary · 2 months
Snape's Retirement Headcanon:
In an alternate reality, in which Snape survives Nagini and is pardoned by the higher powers or whatnot, both Minerva McGonagall and he come to a decision: as soon as the aftermath of the war is over, they are going to retire.
And they do retire. Minerva manages to find two matching bungalows somewhere in a village and after a lot of snapping and arguing Snape agrees to move into the one meant for him. They visit one another every day, read to one another, go on walks dressed exactly as they normally would be in Hogwarts and become somewhat of a mysterious attraction for the locals.
The village children don't like Snape at first - he's always grumpy/scowling, hardly laughs, and he looks pretty ominous in his black clothes which he wears even during the summer. Minerva is slightly more welcoming: she invites the children for biscuits and tea and they after a week or two they all call her Granny Minnie and are fascinated by all the things she has in her house and how amazing the sweets she has are.
After Snape catches a cold or something irritable like that, and the children arrive at Minerva's for their usual visit and after they get scolded for having muddy knees and hands (which they wash), Minerva gets up using her walking cane, gestures with it and says:
"Come on, children, we're all going to pay Mr Snape a visit to see how he is!"
And Snape gets absolutely swamped by these loud and hyper village children (including little girls of six with frilly bows in their hair which fetch their plush toys and dolls and place them all on his bed and rowdy boys trying their best to be helpful whilst fetching things and knocking furniture over) who all offer him tea and show him their treasures and babble nonsense while he vaguely resembles the 'A Bug's Life' ladybird. He's obviously really irritated but cannot for the life of him bring himself to chase them away since they obviously mean well. During all of this, Minerva basks in the image and almost gets a stitch from laughing and... well. After some time, they end up adopting all these village kids, deemed a mad uncle and auntie, get invited by their parents for tea and get interested in the small village community state of affairs (though Snape obviously pretends he couldn't care less, which is a big fat lie).
Minerva often says things like:
"Wow, Franny has grown so tall and quite a proper young lady! We'll have to use a warding charm so that she doesn't get into trouble when the admirers start pouring."
"Don't worry, Dylan, you'll look as good in braces as you did without them, like I have told you before... What? Your teeth magically straightened overnight? Merlin's beard, what a surprise! [hides wand] I cannot imagine how that possibly could have happened."
And Snape:
"You say Antoinetta has a boyfriend, now? Tsh. I remember when she was six and could hardly tie her laces... a tidy, neat creature, that has to be admited. Though she had a gift for breaking all of my porcelain... What? He left her for another girl? She was in floods of tears? [drawing wand] Oh, no, no, don't be silly Minerva, I'm just going to repair the sink. It broke recently... [under his breath] And it won't be the only thing that's broken when I'm through with that wretch."
"No, for the final time, Minerva, I don't give a damn whether Brandon wants a cat or an even an ostritch for his birthday. Honestly. [scoffs and adds 'cat for Brandon' to shopping list] Who do you take me for, a fairy godmother?"
And for them, life is good, and they do live happily ever after.
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engeorged · 1 year
In Good Hands?
Author's note: This is my attempt to write a ghost story, inspired by some of the amazing artwork out there featuring ghost hands. Also, I can't find a way to naturally explain what Yann looks like in the story, but as I'm writing to him, I'm picturing him as something akin to John Krasinski. Very tall and unconventionally handsome but with a killer bod underneath his scruffy clothes. Hope that helps?
Day One
As part of my dissertation on paranormal activity in domestic properties I’ve searched the internet and found the most haunted airbnb that I could find. This is my diary to document my experiences whilst I live here for 3 months. It might be helpful at this stage to list some of the reported sightings that I have come across so far. Then that might give us some helpful data, post study 
1) Several reports of items moved around the house. Mostly furniture and food items found in unusual places
2) Numerous accounts of noises and banging, often around meal times
3) Sightings of ‘ghost hands’ in several places on the property. These are mainly visual sightings with a few vague physical encounters. Interestingly all the people who encountered the hands touching them didn’t want to elaborate. 
4) One person reported feeling uncomfortable when undressing, as if they were being watched
An unusual observation is that so far, all witnesses are male. Normally, the majority of spectral anomalies that are reported are from female witnesses so this is something to ponder as we go forward.
I have set up my equipment around the house with several cameras and heat detectors. I will endeavour to report on a daily basis
Day Two 
Nothing so far. I did wake up in the night to a banging but then discovered a cat had gotten into the property and wanted letting out.
Day Three. 
Again, no actual sightings and no recorded 'feelings' around the house. There have been none of the sensors going off and no recordings on the equipment. The only unusual thing so far was two pizza deliveries to the house that I didn’t actually order. I expect that to be the neighbourhood kids having a laugh. They were paid for though?
Day Four
I’m not sure how to report this but in the spirit of scientific advancement I will forgo my own embarrassment. 
After eating two large pizzas yesterday I woke up in the night needing to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. Stumbling through the house naked in the dark I found the toilet and proceeded to use the facility. The light wasn’t working and so I used the light on my phone to find the paper. I was a little sleepy and disoriented but in hindsight I think someone, or something, handed me the paper. It wasn’t hanging on the wall  anyway and I think it was actually held out for me. I didn’t really notice this at the time but as I was wiping myself clean I stood up to flush and felt a hand grab my left ass cheek and squeeze it firmly. 
I’m not ashamed to say that I ran pretty quickly from the bathroom. It wasn’t till I got to my room that I thought to check the cameras. I was now fully awake and checked everything but with no luck. The camera facing the bathroom was also powered down. I think I need to get the batteries checked. 
Once I calmed down I recorded my findings and headed back to sleep. A promising start
Day Five
It's been an interesting day. Pizzas have been arriving pretty much every hour alongside grocery orders. None of which I’m ordering. I’m starting to wonder whether they are more than just pranks. There is a phone in the house and when I pressed the redial button it connected me to the same pizza place. They were pretty busy and refused to give out order details for data protection purposes, but they guy did ask if I was having some sort of party. 
I’ve been grazing on the pizzas all day. (An important piece of data for later) It was later on in the evening when I was setting up some more equipment and I hadn’t quite realised how much pizza I’d eaten until I felt my belt digging into my lower belly. I’m pretty naturally toned and so it was noticeable. (I’m recording this factually for the study but please understand that’s not a brag)
As I stood up I realised how bloated my stomach was and so I stretched and went to take my belt off. When my hand went to my belt it brushed past another hand also holding my belt. I slowly moved my hands away and looked down. A fairly large male hand was resting on the belt buckle. As I watched, it undid the buckle for me and slid the belt out of the loops and landed on the floor. The hand reached back round, undid my button and then moved up to my lower abdomen where it rested on my belly for a few seconds before dissipating into the air. I physically felt the hand on my skin and it was cool but felt very corporeal.
No more encounters that day.
Day Six
Despite my efforts I have had no more encounters today and no more pizza orders. 
Day Seven
For the sake of the research I endeavoured to repeat day five’s conditions. I had stashed the pizza in the fridge and so tried to eat the same amount I ate on that day. The results were the same and my stomach was yet again visibly distended. I waited for a while in the same room with my belt dowe up and no further encounters. After an hour I decided to call it a night and head off to bed. I was a little surprised to find several pizza boxes in my bed when I got there. There was no sign of the hand and I hadn’t heard any movement. I placed the pizza on the floor and got ready for bed. Still no sightings. I set up an extra camera to track any activity and turned the lights off. Almost immediately I felt rapid movement in the bed and turned the light back on to find all the pizza boxes back on my bed. 
I moved them back to the floor and turned the lights off and yet again they arrived back in my bed. This repeated four more times until the final time when not only did the pizza end up in my bed but one slice found its way into my mouth. I turned the lights back on and found the hand resting on the pizza slice. I took a bite and began to swallow. The hand then waited patiently for me to chew and swallow and then proceeded to feed me the rest of the slice. It paused briefly in the air before yet again dissipating. 
I am left wondering if this apparition is trying to feed me up? I felt no malice towards me and no sense of anger or unrest. Perhaps I need to allow it to do what it wants and see where we get?
Day Eight
Throughout the day, the hand appeared to me several times. Usually during meal times and when I have been in any state of undress. It made no attempt to feed me but did bring me sauces and a few times put additional food on my plate. The hand has not shown up on the cameras but you can definitely see the objects it’s moving. I’m not sure if that will be enough proof though as it does look like I’ve edited it myself. One thing of note is that It tried to help me clean myself in the shower and if I’m being completely objective it actually just sort of felt me up. It was as if it was pretending to help but in actual fact was touching my ass and stomach area. Its touch was gentle but inquisitive? I felt as though I was being explored by something benevolent. 
Day Nine
More of the same today. The hand is getting bolder. Touching me more and bringing me more food throughout the day. I’ve been eating as much of it as I can to appease it but honestly it’s a lot of food. I’m struggling to eat it all. After dinner I was pretty much maxed out and crashed on a sofa. I left my belt to see if the hand would undo it for me and lo and behold it did. This time after undoing my belt and top button it slid up my shirt underneath and began to massage my belly for me. I have to say, for the record, that it was actually very pleasant. I can usually eat a lot but I’d lost track of how much I’d had that day and my normally flat stomach had quite a curve to it. The massage lasted for a good 20 mins and I think I had actually nodded off. 
I awoke with a start to find the hand was joined by a second. The left hand, also male. I wasn’t surprised to see both of them had food. I opened my mouth to see what would happen and the sandwich the right hand was holding was pushed in straight away. It was a little firmer than last time and more insistent but I obediently chewed and swallowed. I think the massage actually helped and I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I was a little hungry!
The left hand brought me a hotdog and began alternating offerings. Not long after, both the sandwich, and hotdog were gone. I waited to see what would happen next. The right hand continued to rub my distended stomach and the left hand appeared with a large pitcher of beer. I would guess maybe four pints worth. I was a little taken aback but the jug lurched towards me and pressed to my lips. I didn’t really have a choice but to swallow as the liquid began to flow. I kept swallowing whilst the other hand continued to massage my expanding stomach. I settled into a pace with no let up from the hand pouring the beer. I was beginning to feel totally maxed again as the foamy beer kept coming. I tried to move the hand but it wasn’t budging. I had no choice but to swallow until the beer was gone. The pitcher fell to the floor and the second hand joined its twin in massaging my bloated stomach. They had at this point pulled my shirt up revealing my distended gut. They were firm but gentle and I can’t lie, it felt really good. As I lay there I couldn’t help but feel safe. Like I was in good hands (if you’ll pardon the pun)
The attention lasted for a good half hour and again, in the interests of recording all the detail, I think they actually got rid of all my gas. The beer and food combo made me belch a lot and the hands seemed to be getting them up. Even giving my stomach a little tap after a good burp. And then just like that they were gone. Leaving me like a beached tourist after a buffet.
I have several questions around the intentions of the hands and why they are so set on feeding me? Is this something that others have experienced? There was no mention of this in the reports I have. Maybe I should contact some of the people who have stayed here and ask some specific questions. I’ll have to word them carefully?
I will have to do this in the morning as I can’t quite think straight whilst I’m this full. 
Day Ten
After the events of the previous evening I slept in until midday. I wasn’t disturbed in the night but I awoke to the smell of coffee and pastries. Heading downstairs I discovered a set table with the hands poised on the back of the chair. After sitting down I attempted to eat the offering but the right hand gently held me back whilst the left proceeded to feed me the croissants. I didn’t think I could be hungry after last night but I managed to eat everything I was given. The hands then disappeared. 
Throughout the day at regular intervals they would appear and continue where they left off. A brunch of poached eggs and avocado, lunchtime sandwiches. Afternoon tea and a main meal of steak and chips. The meals they present are hearty and as the day wore on I struggled more and more with the portions. The hands remain gentle yet firm, I haven’t resisted them yet but I’m not sure what would happen if I did. For now I will oblige as what I am recording is unprecedented in this field. I am yet to capture them on film but I am seeing interesting readings in the infrared spectrum. I need to keep tweaking but I wonder if this data will help me modify a camera to get some footage. 
Heading to bed I half expected more food but as I lay on my bed, my distended belly loudly digesting my feast, the hands appeared one final time to explore my body. The previous encounters had been purely massages of my abdomen or a cheeky squeeze of my ass, but this time the hands started there but quickly covered the rest of my body over. I’m not sure if they are turning into a sexual encounter or not. They have not touched any private areas but the intention of the massage definitely felt more intrusive. I have to admit that I was beginning to feel quite aroused during the whole experience. 
Day Eleven
More of the same today. The hands fed me an even larger breakfast of pancakes, brunch, lunch and two afternoon meals. I wasn’t sure my stomach could take any more when I discovered my evening meal. I walked into the kitchen to find the dining table was filled with what looked like a meal for four! A whole roast chicken dinner was laid out on the table with all the trimmings. I felt a little sick just looking at it. My gut was still packed full from the whole day's feeding sessions. I hesitated at the door, wondering what to do when the hands appeared behind me and gently pushed me forward toward the banquet. They weren’t aggressive but I definitely didn’t have a choice but to move. When I reached the chair the hands pushed down on my shoulders and indicated to me to sit. They set about unbuttoning my shirt and removing my belt, which I allowed. The left hand began to massage my stomach, which I also allowed. (They are very good at massaging my stomach when it feels super stuffed and full). I decided to resist slightly to see what would happen. I spoke to the hands to tell them politely that I wasn’t really hungry this evening after all the food they had already given me. This didn’t deter them in any way as the right hand pulled off a chicken leg and brought it to my mouth. I shook my head and politely declined. The leg stayed in front of my face. We waited for a little while in a bit of a standoff. It was even more unexpected then, that the left hand then reached round to my side and began tickling me. It was so out of the blue that I opened my mouth to laugh out loud. At that point the chicken leg made it straight into my mouth. I bit off a mouthful and laughed, I submitted to their feeding yet again. This time the hands were much more persistent and felt even more attentive. As I ate, they paused to give more belly rubs, and would move me when I slouched or needed to belch. At one point they even tipped my forward and rubbed my back to help me belch which also made me laugh. 
I was so busy trying to keep track of what they were doing that I didn’t notice I had eaten the whole meal. The moment of realisation was as I saw the hands withdraw and I saw all the plates were empty. I looked down at my stomach and saw how distended I was. It was as if I had swallowed half a basketball. In fact that’s inaccurate. It felt more like half a bowling ball. 
The hands seemed very happy with what they had accomplished and did a small clap as I tentatively gave my own stomach a quick explore. The fullness at that point hit me and I felt incredibly uncomfortable. I tried to stand up but they stopped me. I began to protest but soon found my mouth full with beer. The pitcher from the previous evening had been brought back out and they were pouring it down my throat. I had no choice but to swallow or choke but the pressure of the beer in my stomach was increasingly difficult to handle. I tried to push it out of the way but the hands kept on pouring. As the pitcher was finished I coughed and sputtered and pushed one more time and the now empty glass jug flew across the room and shattered against the wall. The hands immediately began to make me stand and I began to worry that they were angry but I was yet to feel that from them. They helped me get to my room and almost laid me down on the bed. 
As I lay there they began to undress me. Pulling my trousers down and taking my already open shirt off my back. I lay there bloated and aching only in my underwear and socks. The hands began again exploring my tightly packed abdomen. Tracing the curve of its distended rise and gently massaging some of the aches out. I closed my eyes and let them continue. At some point I must have drifted off to sleep but when I awoke the following morning I was in the same position but totally naked. My stomach had gone down some from the previous evening but I was still pretty distended. 
From a scientific viewpoint I am incredibly excited about the results I’m getting. An encounter like this has never been fully documented. I feel like Davies exploring the Antarctic for the first time. This will be groundbreaking research into the paranormal and may even get me a full residential post. 
But from a human perspective I am totally baffled as to what is happening. Ghost hands have taken a shine to me and are regularly and consistently stuffing me full of food and giving me sensual massages. What the actual fuck is going on. And I’m being totally honest with myself, they are actually starting to feel really good? I'm finding myself looking forward to encounters with the hands. I sense they are intrigued by me and that they are also enjoying this as much as I am. There seems no mal-intent and nothing malignant about what’s happening. From a purely detached perspective, I need to understand if my feelings are mine or if the hands have some sort of supernatural ability to manipulate my emotions. I have to admit, it all feels very real though. 
Day Fifteen
As I write this, I’m finding it incredibly hard to sit upright, I'm so full. After the enjoyable but intense feeding session on day eleven I have been subjected to something a little more intriguing and a little more sinister. 
The hands didn’t really bother me at all for the whole day on day eleven. The occasional appearance where they would just touch me but no food and nothing sustained. I was beginning to wonder if they were done with me. As dusk approached I was busy setting up some equipment in the kitchen, as I was starting to wonder where the food was coming from and I wanted to see if they were actually cooking it themselves when the light all went off suddenly. I found my phone and turned on the torch and tried to find my way to the  fuse box. As I stumbled in the darkness down into the cellar I felt the now familiar hands on the base of my back, guiding me down. They clearly wanted me to go somewhere and they were pushing me a little harder than I was expecting.
When I reached the cellar I found lights already on. The fuses obviously hadn’t blown, but the hands had done something else. I could smell food in the air and instantly felt my saliva glands begin to water. As I turned the corner I saw they had set a lazy-boy in the middle of the floor and there were two tables full of food laid out. And when I say full of food I mean a full banquet for a few dozen people. A whole thanksgiving meal was laid out including a whole turkey and hams and pies aplenty. I felt strangely worried and also very hungry. Guided by the hands I sat in the chair and waited to see what would happen. I suddenly remembered that I had not set up cameras there yet and went to stand to go get some, but the hands came thumping down on my shoulders, forcing me to sit. They were not keen on me leaving. This also didn’t feel as playful as before and I felt a little nervous that there was no way I would be able to eat all this food? (How wrong I was)
The hands began removing my t-shirt, which was something they had done before. Unbuckling my belt was next as they pulled my trousers off, folding them neatly and placing them amusingly to the side. They began to explore my body gently but firmly. As they did so I began to see that I’d put on a little timber in the past few weeks. My normally flat stomach was a little more puffy than usual. It had been blown out and bloated for a few days and it was only now that I hadn't eaten for a few hours that I could see its newly acquired pounds. The hands had definitely noticed as they both mainly stayed around that area, clearly enjoying themselves.
I lay there (enjoying the attention if I’m honest) until abruptly they stopped and I felt the hands lifting up my arms above my head. This was new and I should probably have been more suspicious of this than I was. I wasn’t aware of what they were doing until I heard a click and looked up to see they had placed handcuffs on my wrists which were attached to a rope tied to the ceiling. As I struggled to free myself, I heard two more clicks as my ankles were also cuffed to the bottom of the lazy boy. I wasn’t stretched out but there was no way I was going anywhere and that’s when the food started coming and let me tell you it did not stop.
I completely lost track of time down there, suffice to say the hands were determined to get every last mouthful of food into me. They would take it in turns pushing fistfuls of pie and meat and roasted vegetables into my mouth. I wouldn’t say they were increasingly aggressive, but they were very insistent. At the beginning, I would be given a bite of something and allowed to chew and swallow but the next bite would come straight away. The pressure in my stomach would increase and increase until I thought I would burst and then they would pause, returning to the belly rubs and massages. I would eventually fall asleep only to be woken a few hours later for the next round of feeding. More and more food pushed into my mouth until I couldn't take any more. This pattern continued for what I now know was 3 days. That’s how long it took me to eat the whole banquet. And I tell you that every last mouthful was fed to me. Not a crumb was wasted. 
I am now fully aware that I was under some sort of supernatural influence here. My stomach is way bigger than humanly possible. It's gone from a basketball size when full to to a pregnant looking beer gut. Perfectly round and tight and engorged. There is no physical way a person would be able to eat the amount of food they have packed in me, even at the rate they fed me over the past few days. Also, at no point did I attempt to spit the food out or refuse, I simply gave in and let them stuff me. 
I will at some point try to document exactly what I ate and how it happened but for now this is all I can manage. If I think of how much food is currently inside me I begin to feel quite nauseous. If I can manage to get to my feet, my belly now starts straight under my ribs and sticks out at least a foot before curving underneath my belly button and tapering in at my v line. It's as tight as a drum and warm to the touch and as I breathe only my chest goes in and out. I don't think I have ever seen anything like this.
In addition, I should note that the massages became a lot more personal in nature. Again for science I admit that as my stomach was filled, so too were other parts of my anatomy. A state of arousal which the hands most definitely noticed. As they massaged my food baby they also began to massage other engorged parts of my body. To climax. Being totally frank, these have been the most intense orgasms I have ever experienced in my life. The climax started as normal but as it built it spread up the bottom of my distended stomach giving me a whole body experience like nothing I have experienced. It seems that a supernaturally full abdomen is capable of a belly wide orgasm. I need to ask one of my female friends if that’s what a female orgasm feels like. 
I am beginning to feel like I need to leave the house at this point. The experiment has already brought me a huge amount of data and I’m worried if I stay I will end up even larger. I am worried to think what they are going to try and pack in me next. I should have weighed myself before the past experience but alas I only have my memory of my weight beforehand. I can’t imagine how my body will digest this amount of food and what will happen to my already bloated stomach after the next day or so. 
As I wrote that last sentence the hands have come back. They are currently resting on my belly shelf and I feel they are pretty pleased with themselves. I’m going to see what happens next but for now I’m turning off my laptop. 
Find the rest of my stories here
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cheollipop · 1 year
idk if u r into pegging so feel free 2 ignore this.. but pegging wooyoung basically never leaves my mind and i saw this vid on twt of a guy bent over the arm of a couch getting pegged while the girl had him on a leash and all i could think of was fucking fox!wooyoung😫😫 he’d be so cute and whiny ughh i just needed 2 share this thought…
finally, I can sit down and write something for this delicious image you've put in my head *evil laugh echoes in my small room* dallas.... let me give you a smooch 😽 I really hope you like this~
(this is the first time I write something like this so I really hope it's not shit-)
nsfw under cut—minors dni!!
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heavy breathing and steady shuffling cut through the silence in the sunlit living room, two pairs of shoes haphazardly thrown off at the entrance and clothes strewn all over the furniture—wooyoung's shirt hanging off the empty flower vase on the coffee table, his pants thrown over the loveseat opposite to where he splayed out on the couch, his nipples rubbing over the armrest with every forward rock of his body.
sliding the lubed strap out of him, you rocked back onto your heels to watch wooyoung’s puckered hole clench uselessly. your thumbs dug into the flesh of his ass to spread him open, leaning forward and dropping a wad of spit over the stretched rim. his tail wagged erratically in front of you, a desperate whine ripping through his chest while his cock—red and angry, leaking precum onto the couch under him while swaying between his legs.
"p-please, fuck me, please-"
you reached for the discarded leash lining his arched spine, tugging harshly until his head jerked backward with a choked sob. "bad boys don't get to speak, do they?" you slapped the silicone head over his rim, spreading the lube around as he tried to suck you back inside.
he shivered under you, his mind wandering back to the cat hybrid he'd seen at the park, red coating the siamese's face while wooyoung rutted against him, staring back at the fox with equal want.
his airflow restricted with another firm tug to the collar around his neck, the leather leash wrapped around your hand as you pulled wooyoung's head back. "I asked you a question."
"b-but... 'm not a bad boy," he muttered, pushing his hips back into you, the ribbed exterior of the dildo rubbing over his hole.
"you aren't?" you leaned over his body, reaching down to wrap your fingers around his cock, smirking at the whimper leaving his lips. "one look at the pretty kitty's dimples and you couldn't wait to get your dick wet—that's not very good, is it now?"
wooyoung's ears flattened over his head, "youngie's a good boy," he mumbled weakly.
You pressed a kiss to his shoulder, leaning back and aligning yourself with his entrance again. you watched his tail straighten up, his ears twitching as you slipped back inside him, the uncontrolled trembling of his thighs urging you to move. you gave a few harsh thrusts, purposely angling your hips upwards to press into wooyoung's swollen gland. "good boys can cum like this, can youngie do that for me?"
a quick echo of "yes" and "please" was enough to put an end to your teasing, relentlessly driving your hips into the fox hybrid and reveling in the frantic moans you pulled from him. your free hand smoothed down his back, digging your thumb into his dimples of venus before wrapping your fingers around the base of his tail.
"fuck! please, please, I-I can’t-" he cried out, broken ah's ripping through his chest as pleasure seared through his body, the silicone tip pressing into his prostate with every roll of your hips, his cock swinging uselessly between his legs. "g-gonna cum-"
your fist tightened around his tail, tugging once, twice, before a stream of white painted the cushions under him, his cock rocking with every forward jerk of his body. his muscles seized up as his orgasm washed over him, his walls clenching around you and restricting your movement. you loosened your grip around the leash, watching as wooyoung's head lowered onto the arm of the couch to muffle his voice, the sound gravelly and broken while you continued to roll your hips into his used hole.
his cock twitched weakly, a few pathetic spurts of cum dribbling out of the angry head before shots of painful pleasure jolted his hips away from you, his hand reaching back to paw at your thighs.
"please, t-too much- a-ah! 'hurts-"
you grinded into him despite the pleas, waiting until his head turned sideways—teary eyes and wet cheeks peeking at you over his shoulder. slowly sliding the length out of him, you sat back go watch his gaping hole flutter around air, his softening cock dripping with cum while it remained untouched between his legs.
you drew a line of kisses over the back of his spasming thighs and up to his ass, licking a stripe around his swollen rim before pulling away, the corners of your lips tugging upwards at the pained whimper sounding from below. the fox hybrid looked content, having had his cock milked from getting thoroughly fucked, lying in a puddle of his own cum and sweat.
your fingers tangled in his hair, nails scratching behind his perked-up ears until he nuzzled into your palm. a soft smile graced your lips, a tender peck planted on wooyoung's forehead while you spoke, "my good boy."
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cemeteryspider · 7 months
Ballet on the Bayou Pt. 3
Alastor x Ballerina! Reader
Summary: After the accident on stage Alastor invites her to stay at his home.
Trigger Warnings: Injury, emotional distress, mention of Alastor's (ahem) activities
Word Count: 1055
Previous | Next
Ballet on the Bayou Masterlist
Alastor was made to stay in the waiting room as they set your ankle to the best of their ability and put it in plaster of Paris so it would heal. Even then, they said it would be a long way to being able to walk again. Feebly he brought up the subject of dance, but their silence spoke volumes.
He waited until your ankle had been set into place before he went home to check on his mother, who by this time would be worrying about him.
While he was there he grabbed one of his mother's old skirts and a sweater from their house. Alastor explained the situation to his mother who, as the loving woman she was, told him to offer you a place at their home. She also told him she would have dinner ready for when he returned.
When he got back to the hospital, you were sitting up in the hospital bed happily talking to staff. It seemed like a far departure from how you were mere hours ago.
A nurse pulled him over to the side and calmly explained that you were on pain medicine. He knew that you would be out of it for at least a few more hours.
A simple nod was all he could manage to the nurses, and he shifted his focus to you. He made his way over to your bed.
"Why aren't you just the cat's meow" A slight purr came from her lips with a big smile.
He let himself chuckle, even at the speakeasy a couple drinks in you, you weren't this loose. A warmth crept up his neck and to his cheeks and he hoped that you were too out of it to notice.
"I brought you some clothes, darling, I'm taking you to my house and we can call your folks there"
"Usually a man will take me out to dinner before takin' me home"
His smile was blinding as he left the clothes on your bed, discreetly exiting to give you some privacy. He informed the nurses and helped you sign the release paperwork.
After safely bringing you home, Alastor observed her peaceful slumber before tending to his mother and eating dinner with her.
She was rushing around the guest bedroom trying to make everything perfect. He knew exactly why. Never once had he shown interest in another human being besides his mother. He made no friends at school, and rarely went out of the house except to the radio station.
It came as a shock to him too when he took such interest up in you. Maybe part of it was just how happy she made him. How quickly he started to change his mind about humanity.
"Mother, we don't know if she wants to stay here"
"Just in case darling-boy"
They continued to sit quietly in the dining room and eat while you slept soundlessly on the couch.
You woke up to a searing pain in your leg and a vinyl on the record player beside you. In a seat opposite yours sat Alastor.
"Oh good, you're awake" He smiled as you wiped the sand out of your eyes and looked around.
Alastor lived in a modern house with velvety furniture. A massive stone fireplace adorned one wall, a majestic deer head presiding over the room. The crackling flames cast a warm glow, illuminating the velvety furniture that exuded an air of luxury.
"Wow, this place, it's beautiful" You had never seen such a lovely home. This was practically a palace compared to your meager living in a rural small town.
"Ah, thank you Dearie, now would you be staying here? Is there someone whom I could call? Or would you rather a hotel perhaps?" The questions swirled in your head.
"No, nobody to call, I left to pursue my dreams and when I went back to visit they wanted nothing to do with me. I haven't any money..."
"No need to worry about any of that, I will get you a room if you wish, although our guest room is pretty comfortable. Plus you get my mother's cooking"
"You'd let me stay here?" You tried not to get your hopes up, whenever you were with the troupe they always made you sleep on the floor. Or they would kick you out of the room.
"Of course! How could I kick someone as lovely as you out?"
You took the aspirin he guided into your hand and swallowed, hopeful that some of the pain would subside. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. You spotted a pair of wooden crutches leaning against the wall, you would never be able to dance if you didn't start walking.
You made a move to stand up. Alastor just tutted and brought the crutches over to you and carefully pulled you up until your forearms rested against the arm rests.
After giving you a tour and formally introducing you to his mother, who gushed over your beauty and grace on the stage. Profusely apologized for grievous injury, and told you to stay as long as you liked.
Over the months of healing you had ahead of you, you helped her cook in the kitchen, clean around the house, go out for groceries with her, and help her wash and hang up the clothes. It was the kind of domestic life you didn't see in your future, but this somehow felt right.
Under the cover of night, Alastor silently left the house, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He knew exactly which train to be on to be where your troupe would be now. He also knew exactly how much time he had before he needed to be on the train back in time for breakfast and for his shift at the radio station.
He had everything he could need in the duffle bag at his feet. To any other passenger he was just a guy on a train, maybe going home for a short stay. In reality, he was paying Louise a visit. He couldn't wait to hear her beautiful screams as he wiped the grin off of her conniving face.
The tip of his wingtip shoes played with the bag near his feet, and he tested the weight of the hunting rifle and knifes inside.
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wilbursprincess · 8 months
Arranged Marriage With Princebur Pt. 4
Princebur x Female Reader
Warnings: No angst this time. Fluff, smut, all the feel good reads!
Fourth and final part of this story :) Love that everyone’s loved Princebur, and maybe I’ll have some more oneshots of him and reader that take place after this story!
Headcannons below cut!
~You two end up settling on a bit of land across the border, a cozy cottage nestled in the woods, a stream running through the pretty hills.
~To afford some furniture, you sell all the jewels and clothes from your old life, which gives you just enough for a rough wooden table, two chairs, and a perfectly cozy bed.
~Wilbur teaches himself to chop firewood to keep you two warm, and you set to work learning how to plant crops and keep animals, cooking simple yet delicious meals for two every day.
~He’s so tender and loving, the best husband you could ask for.
~You both wake with the sun each morning, Wilbur heading outside to milk the cow and collect eggs from the chickens that you’ll scramble up with homemade toast and hand churned butter for breakfast.
~One morning, he comes back to your little home with a mewling kitten in his arms, looking proud of himself.
~”Well, he was all alone by himself! I couldn’t leave him there, could I?”
~Soon after, in addition to your cow and chickens, you have three cats and two dogs. The dogs are allegedly to protect the animals, but Wilbur insists they sleep in the bed with you two and the cats each night.
~Wilbur feels so bad for basically ignoring your existence when you still lived in the castle, blaming himself for not wanting to own up for his feelings and begs to make it up to you.
~And oh, man, did he make it up to you.
~Being alone in a cozy thatched cottage with a lot of pent up energy…
~You were surprised that your family was limited to you two and a bunch of animals with how much he was pawing at you.
~Besides, when the sun went down, and the only light was coming from the fireplace… what else was there to do?
~The life you lived in luxury, with silk gowns, diamond jewels dripping from your neck and ears, staff waiting on you hand and foot, to waking up with the sun to feed the animals in the mud and rain… it was night and day difference.
~You’d often walk up to the small town, where they had a farmers market every Sunday.
~Your homemade bread and pastries were a favorite, and with the money from selling them, you took up a few hobbies.
~Knitting, crocheting, and painting were your favorites, and occasionally, Wilbur would join in the painting.
~Truth be told, he was awful, but you enjoyed spending time with him.
~This was the happiest life you’d ever known, and you couldn’t imagine living without the animals and your clingy-yet-loving husband.
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velvet-serenity · 3 months
Hello! My name is Lucian and Im in dire straights rn. I am a trans, intersex, disabled, otherkin who really does not want to be on the streets. My commissions are open in a sort of emergency mode as my housing has become incredibly unstable and I need to get out of the state I'm in (Missouri) and preferably this country.
Between all of us (my two partners, who also need to escape) we have 3 cats and a dog who all need to come with us. I cannot leave them behind.
Here are my goals so you know what any money you spend or donate will be going towards:
Feeding me and my cats: pretty self explanatory I think.
Passports: we all three need them and they're about 165 dollars each.
A mobile home or RV big enough to fit all of us, used: I have no idea how much this will cost but I know it's a lot. We may also need a vehicle if it's a 5th wheel.
Everything you give will go to keeping me and my pets off the streets.
If you aren't interested in Fursuits, Bleach Painted Clothes, Traditional Art or Pixel Art, but you ARE willing to donate, please send it to $SignalEhxx on cashapp. Everything helps, even one dollar.
I am willing to take "after dark" style commissions! Please feel free to dm me if you have any questions regarding ANYTHING.
I'm thinking of offering writing (fic/custom work) coms but I have no idea how to price those so if you're interested in having a fic written please message me about it.
Fursuit commissions:
! quotes required for full pricing !
This list does not include material pricing, which will be a part of your quote. These prices can, will, and do go up based on complexity and other factors such as tail length and plantigrade (humanlike) or digitigrade (animal like) legs.
Head Only: Starts at a baseline of 100USD.
Head+Handpaws: Starts at 150USD.
Mini Partials(Head+Hands+Feet+Tail): Starts at 200USD.
Partial(Head+Hands+Feet+Tail+Armsleeves OR Legsleeves): Starts at 300USD, if choosing legs, digitigrade legs add 50USD.
Full Partial(Head+Hands+Feet+Tail+Armsleeves+Legsleeves): Starts at 400USD for plantigrade legs or 450USD for digitigrade legs.
No Fullsuits at this time.
Individual Part Prices:
Handpaws: Starts at 50USD
Feetpaws: Starts at 75USD
Tails: Depends on length. Nubs/Short tails start at 25 USD, Long Tails+Husky Curls start at 75 USD, Floor Draggers/Oversized Tails start at 150USD.
Armsleeves: Start at 100USD.
Legsleeves: Start at 150USD plantigrade, 200USD digitigrade.
Price will go up depending on certain factors and complexities in your design. Here are a few:
Colours: Suits exceeding 3 colours (including blacks, whites, and greys,) will have an additional 25USD added per colour. this is because it will add to the working time.
Markings: Stripes, Spots, Lines, Swirls, and other numerous small markings will raise the price by 50USD per type, this is because i have to hand sew them and they take a very, very long time. if it is a single marking, i likely wont charge for it unless its very complex, like a cutiemark.
Specialty Fabrics: Fabrics including Vinyl, PVC and Metalic/Leather look type fabrics will raise the price by 25USD per. this is because theyre very hard to work with, especially when hand sewing.
Payment Plans Available.
Material Costs will be expected to be fully covered before work begins. Completed items will not be sent until all costs are covered. At this time, I cannot give refunds.
Bleach clothes:
Simple designs: 15 dollars + shipping
Medium design (ie lots or words or a character) 20 + shipping
Complex/Dual Sided: starts at 30 and depending on just how much you want may go up! + shipping
Traditional Art:
Simple doodle: 5 dollars, may be less depending what you ask
Bust: starts at 10
Half body: starts at 15
Full body: starts at 25
Full body + scenery (ie furniture, background): starts at 35
Shaded Sketch:
Bust: starts at 15
Half body: starts at 20
Full body: starts at 30
Full body + Scenery: starts at 40
Badges: must pay shipping! Otherwise prices above + 10 (so I can laminate them!)
Full colour:
Bust: starts at 20
Half Body : starts at 30
Full Body : starts at 40
Full body + Scenery: starts at 50
Badges: must pay shipping! Otherwise prices above + 10 (so I can laminate them!)
After dark adds a small fee of 5 dollars for all of the above
Pixel art: all of the above prices, but does not offer badges.
My work is under no circumstances allowed to be used for nfts or ai generation.
You are not allowed to claim my art as work you did.
Please don't post my work on Pinterest just for personal comfort
Won't do:
Any of V1vzie P0ps works
Z00, n3cr0, or p3d0 nonsense. Get out of here.
Anything promoting racism or bigotry, including exclusionism or medicalism of any kind.
Extensive gore.
Wont do AD (tbh this mostly all applies to everything):
All of the above
Sc4t or Di4pers
R4p3 or anything non consenting
Anything where one of the characters is dead or dies.
L0li, sh0ta, or anyone who is not of age
Abdl/ddlg or anything similar.
Thank you so much for reading, if you made it all the way down here. I will be posting examples separately! Please scroll my page to see them 🥺
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ahedderick · 2 months
Monday Meow
Good grief.
Meadow-cat is the queen of disappearing. Inside or out, if she doesn't want to be found you're highly unlikely to find her. This is only made worse by the fact that I have a lot of old, HEAVY wooden furniture that is next to impossible to move. So, knowing that she (and big-guy Rocky) had an appointment for shots this morning, I confined her Saturday evening to one bedroom. She had a litterbox, food, water, and a reasonable amount of petting. I just didn't want to get to Monday morning and find that she was doing her invisible cat routine . . and they seem to know the night beforehand when an appointment is scheduled. (Other cat owners - agree? It's like they can read your calendar!)
There was rather a lot of meowing, and not nearly as much using-the-litterbox as I expected. However, when Monday morning came around, I knew right where she was. Into the carrier she went. Rocky really should have a small dog crate; he is awfully big for a standard cat carrier. Off we went! Listening to the Song of Meadow the whole way!
She trembled her way through a brief physical, got weighed (good weight), and got her vaccines. Rocky seemed calmer about it all, but did hiss several times. Highly Unusual for my chill-boy.
After agreeing with the vet that, yes, our pastures are WAY too dry, we headed home. When we took her out of her carrier - disaster! She had peed and pooped on the way home; there was an appalling mess in her long fur. I took her in to the bathroom for the second cat-bath I've had to give this month. My normal number of cat baths is zero, and I like it that way.
Oh, the yowling. The clawing. She was, bless her heart, trying to avoid outright clawing my skin, but she very much wanted to catch hold of my clothes and climb up out of the water. I crouched in the tub (again) very gently trying to wash fur (again) and not get lacerated (again). There was a dingleberry that distressed everyone involved. My daughter the aspiring vet tech Dealt With that while I held Meadow down as gently as possible. I'm pretty good with Kit-jitsu holds.
Now she is holed up under my bed, and may never speak to us again. Poor girl.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Heyo, it's water spirit dream anon again. I feel like I should grab an emoji but tbh Im not sure what all's taken.
Speaking of I was very taken with the Hot mess Hob and Horny neighbor Dream au a while back, yknow the one where there's a fire alarm and Hob ends up outside in a towel? Good stuff. Well Ive just had my own very specific Yes And to add.
Hob and Dream have apparetments right next door to eachother, and thus have pretty close balconies. Well on day, Dream's pet (cat or raven as you prefer) hops onto Hob's balconey from Dream's, and no amount of coaxing will get them to jump back. Dream is very flustered thinking about Asking Hot Hob nextdoor to let him in so he can retrieve his Stupid Son, but he takes a deep breath and knocks on his door.
Hob answers in the smallest shorts he's ever seen and an apron, clearly embarrassed, and it's only getting worse when he realizes it's Dream of all people. He's been doing like 10 different chores, including laundry, and dream has caught him doing dishes. After some stammering, Dream asks Hob is he can get his pet off his balconey, and Hob rushes to go get the door bc Kitty!!! (Or birb?) And gives Dream a wonderful view of his mostly bare back and ass hanging out of his shorts.
If Raven, Hob opens the door and Matthew swoops in to land on Dream's shoulder, preening at his hair and shirt collar while Hob laighs in delight and calls him Beautiful. Matthew takes a cautious interest in Hob and Dream asks if he'd like to saw hello, and to hold out his arm, just don't pet him too much, it's bad for his feathers. He tentatively hops onto Hob's outstretched arm and says "Hello" in Dream's voice to him, being very friendly, before leaning in very close and making Hob nervous. Dream is very embarrassed to tell Hob that what Matthew wants is a kiss. Hob gives his head a little kiss and Matthew goes "Wow!" And swoops back to Dream. Look up Fable the raven on youtube, she's great!
If cat, Hob rushes to the balcony to make sure he hasn't jumped clean off the building and Dream rushes after to see Hob walk back in with a luxurious black cat draoed over his shoulders rubbing on him like no tomorrow. He's smilling and petting and kissing and Dream is Not jealous of his cat even if he would like to wrap around Hob's shoulders and be petted and kissed he's So not jealous. Hob walks them to the door, and when trying to get his cat back, the cat takes the tie of Hob's robe with him and leaves Hob basically naked in front of a Dream who's trying very hard to wrangle his cat and get him safely back to his apartment. It's so so tempting but Hob is Busy, and Dream needs to get his Son inside, and even though they'd both just love to jump into Hob's freshly made bed, they are alas victims of Bad Timing. Dream and Hob exchange an awkward goodbye in the hallway, and each go back to their days. Hob does he rest of his chores sinking furthur into the "God Shit it's Always a bad time when he's around! I'll never get to ask him out!" And Dream daydreams the rest of the day about Hob in a cute little apron, doing things around the house and doting on Dream with pets and kisses. ❤
And as a side note I am a firm Fucked Up Knee Hob Truther and with all that leggy on display, maybe Dream asks about it? Maybe offers to help Hob with stuff if he ever needs it, he's stronger than he looks, promise. And maybe Hob wants to rearrange his bedroom furniture? And ends up pinned to his askew bed by an indeed, stronger than he looks Dream.
Luv u mwuah
OOOO YES I always wanna talk about nearly naked, blushing and stammering Hob.
Hob kind of tends to lose track of his chores during the week, what with work and trying to have a social life. Laundry particularly tends to pile up, meaning that by Sunday he’s down to his very last items of clothing: tiny football shorts, SpongeBob socks… he does have a t-shirt but he was doing his meal prep and ended up spilling something all over himself (hence he is now shirtless. and wearing an apron, too little too late). The shorts are absolutely too small, he’s had them since he was 18 and still in his twink phase. So you better believe that Dream gets an EYEFUL when he comes to the door. Poor Hob is so embarrassed, particularly with his sore knee on display (he’s a lil bit insecure about it and he notices that Dream is staring, little does he know that it’s only made Dream fall for him even more).
The rescue of the birb/kitty cheers Hob right up though, and he forgets his almost nakedness. He peppers Dream’s runaway pet in kisses and cooes over them, gushing about how he really wants a pet but he works all day and it wouldn’t be fair to leave an animal alone, plus he’s often too sore to walk a dog or anything like that. Dream immediately offers Hob the opportunity for pet cuddles any time he wants (he’s almost like “you can cuddle me too” but he just stops himself at the last second). Pet cuddles are healing!!
They keep having awkward little meetings and then one evening Dream hears a knock on his door. Hob is there in baggy sweats and a hoodie, and he looks sad and tired. Dream invites him in straight away, and Hob explains that he’s in so much pain today and he really doesn’t want to be alone. Before he knows what’s happening he’s being ushered onto Dream’s sofa and he gets either a kitty on his lap or a Birb on his shoulder for comfort, and Dream immediately makes tea. Hob sheepishly explains that he tried to move furniture on his own and Dream gets this real mother hen expression. He promises to come over the next day and help out.
Next day happens to be chore day again and there’s Hob in his obscenely tiny shorts and a shirt with “my tits are up here” printed on the front. He’s also baked cookies (with frozen cookie dough, he admits, but Dream is no less charmed). They quickly get to work on the furniture and Dream takes great pleasure in demonstrating how strong he is!
Neither of them are quite sure how they end up sprawled together on the mattress. Dream is pretty sure that he just groped Hob’s chest as they both tumbled down. He is pretty sure that Hob was the first to lean in for a kiss, though.
It’s fair to say that the something does get rearranged, just not the furniture that Hob was expecting 😏 and Dream is very gentle with him… just not too gentle!
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