#I wanted to see her in a cheongsan!
riuhere · 2 years
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leaderwonim · 7 months
pairing. lee heeseung x fem!reader
genre. established relationship, zombie apocalypse au, ANGST, fluff then and there, high sch!au (they’re seniors), mentions of dying and being bitten
synopsis. when it comes down to it, will lee heeseung protect you like he had promised in the beginning of your relationship?
author’s note. This one is a long one and I lwk felt my heart being ripped apart as I finished the ending 🙁 the scene where he sings to her is based off of the scene from “Beautiful Boy” where Nick’s father sings to him. I kind of envisioned Y/n and Heeseung as Cheongsan and On-jo so do whatever you want with this information!
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Lee Heeseung was the perfect boyfriend. He was athletic, tall, and most importantly of all, loving. He wasn’t afraid to show you how much he cared about your relationship.
Being the captain of the hockey team came with a lot of perks. For one, no one was able to yell at him for always giving oogly eyes at you during practice, and no one dared say a word when Heeseung would stop in the middle of his laps to talk to you.
“It’s pretty cold, isn’t it?” Ha Kyungmi, the girlfriend of your cousin and Heeseung’s friend, Sunghoon, perched herself right next to you in the stands.
“Heeseung gave me his jersey.”
Kyungmi smirks, letting her hands feel the material of the jersey you have on. “You lucky bitch!” She says, making you giggle. “Heeseung’s never lent someone his jersey before, that’s how you know he’s serious.”
“That’s good to know,” your eyes look back into the ice, seeing your boyfriend and Sunghoon competing to see who was the fastest.
“You hear that breakout that’s been happening in Busan?” Kyungmi digs in her sweater pockets, pulling out her phone. “It’s reaching Seoul. My mom told me about it yesterday.”
You read over the article that Kyungmi shows you on her phone, something about a deadly outbreak that’s been contaminating the people of Korea. It had started in Busan, and it was making its way to Seoul now.
“Hey!” The voice of your boyfriend makes you snap out of your daze. Heeseung makes his way towards you along with Sunghoon, pulling off their skates as they tossed it against the wall.
“You look pretty,” Heeseung leans in to give your cheek a sloppy kiss, one that has Sunghoon pretending to gag at. “What are you gagging at Hoon? As if that’s not you and your girlfriend all the time.”
Sunghoon raises his hand in mock surrender, interlocking his hand with Kyungmi. “It’s weird seeing you kiss my cousin dude!” He says. “We’re gonna go to the cafeteria if you guys want to meet us there later.”
You glance at your phone, realizing there was only 15 minutes of lunch left.
“Sure, we’ll meet you there man.” Heeseung gives Sunghoon a pat on the back before intertwining his hand with yours, pulling you closer to him despite already being in close proximity.”
“Were you cold?” He asks, concerned bambi eyes making you bite your lip.
“No I wasn’t Seungie.” You lean your head on his shoulder, his thumb rubbing your fingers as the two of you stayed in silence for a bit. “We should probably meet with Sunghoon and Kyungmi before lunch ends.”
“Yeah.” The two of you stand up, making your way out of the ice rink. Thankfully for your growling stomach, your school’s cafeteria was only a few meters away.
“There they are!” Kyungmi waves the two of you over, “I told you buying 2 extra sandwiches was a good idea!”
“Okay okay, sorry baby.” Sunghoon says. “Took you guys forever.”
“It was 5 minutes Hoon,” Heeseung rolls his eyes, thanking Kyungmi as she passed you two your sandwiches. “I really don’t want to go to Ms. Jung’s class. She’ll be the death of me.”
Suddenly, there’s a scream, one that is so horrid that it makes your boyfriend drop the glass cup of orange juice he was holding.
“What’s happening?!” Heeseung says, standing up immediately. He wraps his arm around your waist, eyes widening when he sees students panicking all around.
“Quick, Mr. Jeon’s class is nearby!” Sunghoon pulls the three of you towards a classroom. Inside was about 10 other students, whom of which looked like they were on high alert.
“Yah,” one of the guys said, suddenly standing up. You recognize him as Yoo Hanbin, one of your classmates from biology during your tenth year. “Are you guys bitten? Show us your neck and arms.”
“Bitten?” Heeseung scoffs, pulling you closer to him.
“They don’t know what’s happening Hanbin.” One of his friends says calmly. “They’re probably just scared like us. Close the door, hurry.”
Hanbin snarls, but he obliges. He ushers the four of you in, closing the door in a rush. He then places the teacher’s large wooden desk against it with the help of the other students.
“What’s going on?” Kyungmi asks, flinching when a sudden bang comes from the door.
“Quick! Move more desks!” Despite not knowing what the hell was happening, you helped Hanbin and the others place all the desks against Mr. Jeon’s room.
“There’s an apocalypse,” Hanbin’s friend answers after you all catch your breath. “Haruto.” He introduces himself after.
“Apocalypse?” Heeseung’s grip on your hand is suddenly tighter. “What? You mean like a zombie apocalypse Haruto?”
“I didn’t believe it either,” Hanbin slides his body down against the wall tiredly, lifting up his sleeves to show you his arm. “At first.”
It was bloody and looked like it hurt badly.
“I was in the piano room when it happened. Seolhee’s cries were all I could hear before I heard them. Their growls.” Hanbin shakes his head, looking down at the ground. “I tried saving her—but I couldn’t. One of them tried to bite me before I slashed them across the face with the piano chair. I ran so fast that I fell on the way to Mr. Jeon’s room, that’s where the cut came from.”
You can’t help but send the poor boy a look of pity, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden information.
“Is this about the outbreak?” Kyungmi suddenly speaks up. “The one we read about, remember Y/N? Is it the one from Busan causing all of this?”
Haruto solemnly nods, and that’s enough for you to let out a small cry.
Heeseung wraps his arms around you, letting you bury your head into his chest. “Sh, it’s alright.”
But it wasn’t.
You and Heeseung huddle up together against one of the corners of the room alongside Kyungmi and Sunghoon, trying to generate as much heat as possible.
With the whole city in ruins by now, you knew electricity would be gone soon, you just hoped it would be gone in the morning instead of night.
“We’re almost out of water.” Haruto says, getting up suddenly. One of the girls, who you recognize as Ryujin gets up with him.
If you weren’t stuck in a zombie apocalypse, you would’ve gushed over how much they complimented one another. Ryujin was the star tennis player who looked like she hated everybody, but the way she looks at Haruto showed that she more than tolerated him.
“You seriously aren’t thinking..?” Ryujin pulls Haruto back by his arm. “You can’t go by yourself to get water!”
“I’ll go with him.”
For all the years you’ve known Sunghoon, he’s never been as brave as he was now. You could tell Kyungmi was scared out of her mind, grabbing onto his hand as her lips quivered.
“It’s too dangerous! We’ll live without water for now!”
“Don’t be ridiculous baby,” Sunghoon gives her a comforting glance. “Me and Haruto will go, we’ll come back soon.”
“If he’s going, I’m going too.” The emotions Ha Kyungmi felt earlier now transferred to you. You shake your head, not letting Lee Heeseung’s hand fall from yours. “Y/N, please. Sunghoon’s my best friend, I have to.”
But I’m your girlfriend, you wanted to say.
As much as it hurt you, you knew you had to let Heeseung go. The risks were high, but you knew the rest of your classmates were thirsty to death and needed water as soon as possible. You couldn’t be selfish and beg your boyfriend to stay in front of all of them.
“Be safe.” You say, standing up to cup Heeseung’s face. “Please. Protect yourself first.”
He nods, wiping away the tears that escaped your eyes.
“Promise me, Heeseung.” You whisper.
“I promise.”
You let go of Heeseung reluctantly, watching as him, Sunghoon, and Haruto all slowly push aside the desks, opening the door as slowly as possible.
The growls were less prominent than they were a few hours earlier. You didn’t even want to look through the window to see how many zombies were downstairs at your school’s entrance.
As soon as they’re gone, a boy comes and sits himself right next to Kyungmi and you, giving a small smile.
“You okay Kyung?”
You find it weird how close he’s being with Kyungmi, and even weirder that he waited till Sunghoon had left.
“I’m fine Eunwoo,” Kyungmi replies, slouching against the wall. “Are you okay?”
You turn your head back around, not wanting to eavesdrop on your friend. You prayed and prayed that Heeseung would be kept safe when he was going to get water. You knew where the boys were going—Mrs Ahn’s room. She was the only teacher who kept giant packs of water bottles in her class for students who were thirsty. You hoped Mrs. Ahn was still alive.
“They’re going to Mrs. Ahn, aren’t they?” Ryujin asks, sitting herself next to you.
“They are.” You turn to make eye contact with her, surprised to see a purple bruise near her eye. “What happened to you?”
“Zombies.” She grins, although she knows it’s no time for jokes. “I only made a fuss earlier because Haruto was the one who saved me. Despite being quiet, he really knows how to fight off zombies.”
“Hey,” you get closer to her, almost whispering now. “What do you know about Eunwoo over there?”
Ryujin raises her eyebrows, placing her sight on Eunwoo who was talking to Kyungmi up close. “Has had a crush on Ha Kyungmi for over a year now. I see them sometimes.”
Your eyebrows furrow, not expecting such a response. Before you could say anything back, Heeseung and Haruto quickly rush into the room, slamming the desks back onto the door.
“Seungie?” You and Ryujin rush over to help them. They had 2 packs of waters in their hands, letting it drop on the ground along with their knees as they tried to catch their breath.
“I—I—” Heeseung seems choked up, his eyes teary and red. “I tried to help him—I really did.”
Your jaw practically drops knowing full well what Heeseung was implying. Park Sunghoon was nowhere to be found, not behind him, not behind Haruto.
“They came so quickly, we panicked and we just ran and I—” Haruto is unable to finish his sentence when you let out a scream, your body scumming to the floor.
“My cousin’s dead?” You sob out, clutching onto Heeseung’s bloody blazer when he comes down to hug you.
“I can’t believe it,” Kyungmi’s mouth goes dry and she turns over to hug Eunwoo, who rubs her back comfortingly.
You’re too distraught to even question why she was in another guy’s arms right after your cousin, her own boyfriend, just died.
“I’m sorry,” Heeseung repeats over and over again, letting you cry into his shoulder.
“It’s not your fault,” you sniffle. “Tell me he died a quick death. Tell me it wasn’t painful for him Hee.”
“He fell out the window,” Heeseung says, a few tears escape his eyes. “They backed us up into a wall and Sunghoon fell out an open window. We heard a loud slam and when we looked, he was already dead.”
You sob even louder, making Heeseung’s hold on you tighten.
When you finally catch your breath and pull away, you notice how Heeseung has scratches all over his face.
“Oh Seung,” you say, tracing your fingers over them. “It must really hurt.”
“It feels fine when I’m with you.”
The both of you lean against the cushion that’s propped against the bookshelf in Mr. Jeon’s room, your head laying against Heeseung’s shoulder as you both hold each other’s hands tightly. You felt like Heeseung would disappear if your grip loosened.
“Your lip,” Heeseung suddenly says, letting his index finger touch your lips, which were chapped and bleeding.
“It’s fine,” you brush him off, but he shakes his head, reaching into his pocket for something.
“Here, I have your chapstick.” He pulls out your strawberry flavored chapstick, the one that you always bought before the apocalypse had happened.
“Where’d you get this?” You breathe out.
“I always keep a spare one in my pockets because I know you,” Heeseung smiles down at his lap. “I knew it would come in handy.”
Your eyes softened at his words, one hand coming to hold his chin as you lean in to give him a long kiss.
“Thank you Seungie,” you say as you pulled away. “For everything.”
You suddenly jolt up from your sleep, face covered in cold sweat.
“Hey, hey, everything’s okay.” Heeseung whispers to you.
You take in your surroundings, making out Hanbin and Haruto’s figures guarding the doors and the rest of the students in the class asleep.
You had your head on Heeseung’s lap, your body sprawled along the cold tiled floor of Mr. Jeon’s class.
“How long have I been out?” You ask groggily, trying to squint at the dark clock on the wall.
“Just two hours.” Heeseung sighs. “The growling stopped for a bit. It’s eleven now. You should sleep more.”
You shake your head, disagreeing. “No Seung, you should sleep. I could watch over for a bit with Hanbin and Haruto.”
Heeseung bites his lip, almost as if he was really debating whether or not he should be sleeping right now.
“Seung, please. You need your energy.”
Heeseung agrees hesitantly, letting you switch places so now his head was on your lap.
“Goodnight Hee.” You say, placing a tender kiss on his forehead.
He smiles back at you, closing his eyes as he let sleep consume him.
Your eyes search around the room, focusing on Kyungmi and Eunwoo sleeping on one another.
Before you were too distraught to care about them two, but now that everything was calm, you really took in the situation.
Ryujin’s words rang in your ear like a mantra. Eunwoo liked Kyungmi for over a year now.
Does that mean.. ?
No, it couldn’t. You knew Ha Kyungmi. She was a sweet girl to you for the most part, she wouldn’t do that to your cousin.
Would she?
“They’re here.” You hear Hanbin whispering. His voice was filled with dread and fear, and your worst suspicions were true.
The zombies had reached your classroom.
“EVERYBODY! UP!” Haruto yells, clumsily turning on the small light that was still working in the room. “WE HAVE TO MOVE! QUICK!”
Heeseung wakes up with a grunt, his arms automatically reaching for your waist as if it was a natural reflex.
“They’re here?” He asks, squinting a bit at the bright light.
“Yes, let’s wake the others.”
You two start tapping your classmates awake.
“There’s a window we can climb out of.” Hanbin points at the window that was half covered by the cushion you and Heeseung had laid on earlier. “It’s not a big drop so we’ll survive it. It’s our only escape.”
Your classmates all start talking at once, some unsure of Hanbin’s plan.
“We don’t have much time!” Ryujin exclaims. “Quick! Climb out!”
A few of your classmates help each other get out of the window carefully, cheering silently when it works successfully.
“I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to hold them off.” Haruto says, the desks being pushed out by the bangs of the zombies on the door.
“Kyungmi! Let’s go!” Eunwoo grabs the girl’s hand, pulling her towards the window.
“Eunwoo—but—Y/N?!” She turns to face you, who was currently helping the boys hold the door against the zombies. “Y/N!”
“Just go Kyungmi!” You yell, watching as Eunwoo helps her get out first.
“We’re going to have to let go and make a swift run for it,” Hanbin says to the three of you. “A broken arm or leg will be better than dying at the hands of these creatures.”
Haruto closes his eyes, nodding slowly at his friend’s words. “On a count of three.”
The four of you let go, the zombies automatically piling into the room as soon as you do.
Haruto and Hanbin are quick, climbing out and jumping onto the ground in a swift second.
“Cmon Heeseung! Y/N!”
Heeseung climbs out first, foot barely making it out the window before one of the zombies have got you.
“Y/N!” He screams, hands gripping onto the window as he tries to reach for you.
“Heeseung! It’s not worth it!” Kyungmi shouts, “they’ve already got her, she’s gonna die anyway, it’s not worth it.”
Heeseung’s vision goes red at this. “I don’t fucking care Kyungmi! Unlike you, I actually love my girlfriend to death and would do anything for her!”
His words have her cowering in embarrassment, Eunwoo wrapping a protective arm around her.
“Yah you fucker!” Eunwoo yells. “You want to be with your girlfriend so badly? Then die!”
He and Kyungmi run off to find shelter, the only two who were left were Hanbin and Haruto.
They were silently begging Heeseung to drop it with their eyes, telling them that it wasn’t worth it.
“Cmon Heeseung man,” Haruto says croakily. “You’ll die.”
“Then I’ll die with her.” Heeseung whispers. He watches as one of the zombies bite you, making you scream out in pain.
The zombies all make their way to another classroom when they realize you’re the only one, and since you’ve already been bitten, you were no longer desirable to them.
Despite knowing he would most likely die if he did it, Heeseung climbs back into the room, pulling you into his arms as he did many times before.
“Hey, hey.” He chokes up as he pulls you closer. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s—okay.” You reassure him, eyes slowly turning red as your twitching hands come up to touch his jaw. “Will you sing to me Heeseung?”
You had always joked before that Heeseung would become a famous singer in the future, his beautiful voice entrancing you whenever he’d sing or hum a song.
“Of course.” He gulps, eyes becoming blurry from the tears as each second pasts.
“The monster’s gone, he’s on the run, and your boyfriend’s here.” Heeseung’s lips tremble, unable to hold in his emotions any longer. “Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl.”
He holds you in his arms despite your twitching body, knowing any second you would turn into one of them. He watches as the light from your eyes disappear, and your skin turns green and veiny.
Lee Heeseung doesn’t cry a lot. He believed that crying wasn’t going to fix anything.
But as he watched the Y/N he loved disappear from his arms despite being physically there, he sobs and sobs. Despite knowing it won’t do anything, he pulls your body onto his, hands on the back of your head as he begs the world to silently bring you back.
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terpsichorestyx · 1 year
hiiii!! i was wondering if u could do a aouad Su-hyeok fic where him and the reader we’re together in the broadcasting room with everyone else but she ended up getting lost when they were going to save Cheong-San? Maybe she re-finds them after the group got to the roof ?
(established relationship if that’s okay 🤗)
i really hope that makes sense (_T_)
sorry it took so long 😭 su-hyeok x f!reader
murder, zombies, blood (everything in aouad basically)
(on-Jo likes cheongsan, Nam-ra doesn’t like anyone. Also the whole rooftop thing with eun-Ji doesn’t happen at the same time. she’s already a halfbie and her friend is at the safety camp already.)
Not proofread and it’s not very good 💀👍
You both were together when it happened. Su-Hyeok had bought you flowers out of the blue, and you were laughing together outside. He had put a baby pink flower in your hair, stuffing the rest in the dark blue bag that hung on your shoulders. He was just leaning in for a kiss when you both heard a bloodcurdling scream, and saw a horde of students running in one direction infront of you. Looking to see what they were running away from, you saw a group of bloody students stumbling behind the rest. An unfortunate girl had tripped and fell, and you both watched as the group fell on top of her while ripping flesh from her skin with their teeth. You looked at Su-Hyeok in fear, and he got up holding your hand and ran through the halls, following the other students.
You both ran until you found a safe classroom and locked yourselves inside.
Gyeong-Su, Cheongsan, On-Jo, Na-Yeon, Dae-Su, Nam-Ra and Hyeon-Ju were already inside.
Since then, you all stuck together. Bad things happened, like Hyeon-Ju getting infected, zombies breaking in, and more, but you all stuck together and fought no matter how much you were hurting. Eventually, you had found a way to the broadcasting room. The water-pipe hung from the window and everybody took their turns going down. You volunteered to go last, after Su-Hyeok.
In the broadcasting room, Na-Yeon and Gyeong-Su had began arguing. Su-hyeok and Cheongsan went to make them stop, so they didn’t notice. If they did, you would’ve been with them right now. You weren’t blaming them, if anything, you blamed yourself. You had slipped. You slipped off the pipe, and luckily grabbed onto a ledge a few floors down just in time. Too scared to call for help in case you attracted the zombies, you went inside the class hoping to find the others soon later.
Su-Hyeok realised soon enough, and he was frantic. He tried climbing up the pipe to get you, but in your place were a bunch of zombies. He wanted to leave, to find you, to save you and bring you back to safety, but nobody let him. He still had hope you were alive. You were strong, he knew that. Despite the growing feeling of despair each hour he wasn’t with you, he held onto that string of hope.
You, on the other hand, were fighting. Running from class to class, hitting zombies with anything and everything you could find. You took a break in the music room, trying to stock up on food and water. Opening your bag and looking at the flowers for a second, before gently placing the food inside to not ruin the flowers. “He’ll be okay. He’s with everyone else, and he’s going to be safe.” You thought.
Your break was interrupted by a lone zombie running to the music room. Dropping your bag, you pushed a piano onto it before grabbing a bottle of water and running. You ran to the roof. Luckily, the door was unlocked and you could find refuge there.
You saw helicopters near the school before, you knew more would come soon after, so you waited.
Meanwhile, Su-Hyeok was with everyone else. They had used a drone to locate Cheongsan, but couldn’t find a trace of you. They had made their way to the music room and sat there for a while before exploring the music room for useful things. They couldn’t open the supply room door, but they saw a zombie stuck under a piano.
“Hey, What’s this?” Dae-Su said as he picked up a dark blue bag. Su-hyeok didn’t pay attention. He was caught up in his thoughts. “Is she okay? It’s almost been two days.” He thought. Dae-Su opened the bag and said “Hey! There’s food here!” Which caught Su-Hyeok’s attention. They group had been starving for hours. They all scrambled to Dae-Su to take some food. Su-Hyeok went last, but just as he was about to pick up a Soda can he saw a familiar bouquet of flowers. Wilting baby pink flowers were placed beside the food, just barely out of sight. He grabbed the bag and looked around it, finding a name tag with your name on it.
He froze. He couldn’t think of anything, nothing registered in his mind. Your bag was in the music room, bloody. You were in the music room. You left your bag here, with food and water. By choice? No. Something must have happened. The small string of hope he was holding onto was gone.
Everybody came around to gather, and they all saw your bag. Though they tried to comfort Su-Hyeok, they were all thinking the same thing. You were bitten.
After that, nothing mattered. su-hyeok felt dissociated. He was fighting, but for what?
They made a plan to go to the roof, so that the helicopters notice and save them. So they did. They fought and fought until they made it to the roof, and started banging on the doors to get in.
You were skeptical at first, but you heard Cheongsans voice. You ran to the door and pulled it open.
Everyone fled inside and closed the door behind them, and then you saw him.
He spotted you and his eyes widened in relief. He ran to you and pulled you into the tightest hug, never wanting to let you go. “I thought you were dead” said su-hyeok, holding back tears.
You didn’t say anything, you just held him closer. Sure, you would have to keep fighting, and it won’t be easy, but you were together. All of it was okay if you were together, and he wasn’t going to let you go ever again.
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luvymelody · 2 months
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NAME : lee cheong-san , all of us are dead
SONG : love. , wave to earth
SUMMARY : cheong-san's friend group finds out that he has a crush on y/n l/n. wc : 2.5k
(it's gn reader pronouns but the reader is mentioned to be a princess a few times)
(non apocalypse au!)
"hey you punk, get to your seats!"
ms. park yelled out, people rushing to their seats as y/n slept soundly on their table,
"someone wake up y/n."
"y/n.. wake up.."
y/n's deskmate quickly slipped into their seat, tapping y/n on the shoulder rapidly to wake them up. y/n stirred awake, blinking at the bright sun that was shining through the window.
"thank you for joining us, y/n!"
ms. park said with a teasing smile, then setting down her books. y/n returned a small smile, sitting up.
"hi, good morning."
"good morning!"
as usual, everyone started to stand up, walking to the front to hand in their phones. y/n lazily stood up, walking slowly until someone bumped into them.
"here, i'll do it."
the boy said, softly taking y/n's phone out of their hand. y/n found that it was cheong-san.
"thank you, cheong-san."
"no worries."
cheong-san grinned at them, then walking to the front to put their phones into the box.
"in fact, none of us are completely free from prejudice. we all have preconceived ideas about others. here, 'free from' means the lacking in or unincumbered by. anyone want to interpret this?"
y/n lazily drew in their book, smiling a bit when their friend drew random things next to it.
"class president?"
nam-ra lifted her head, ms. park tapping the board with the chalk.
"the truth is, all of us have some sort of prejudice. we all have preconceptions about other people."
"hmm, okay. nice. next, y/n, bare-su, stand up."
y/n's smile faded as they looked up at su-hyeok who stood up, them following suit.
"what's with 'bare-su'?"
"it's short for barefoot su-hyeok. bare-su."
some people in the class could be heard laughing. su-hyeok nervously swaying on his feet with his hands behind his back. y/n was still scribbling on their page while their deskmate was smacking their hand to stop them.
"okay, bare-su! what did nam-ra say a minute ago?"
ms. park asked su-hyeok, who looked at y/n while they were still drawing on their page.
“y/n? do you wanna help out bare-su?”
“everyone has their own type of prejudice against other people, something like that.”
“yes, sit down. bare-su, you can keep standing- put your arms in the air too.”
su-hyeok groaned aloud as the class laughed under their breaths. cheongsan looked back at y/n as they dusted off their lap, laying their head on the palm of their hand and looking out the window.
cheong-san watched as the sun hit their face, y/n slightly squinting and covered the sun with their free hand, sighing a bit.
cheong-san quickly looked away as his friend, gyeong-su hit him on the shoulder.
"what are you doing man? shit, are you looking at y/n?"
"what? no way."
"you like them, don't you?!"
"shut up!"
eventually, lunch rolled around as cheong-san walked with his friends, laughing together as cheong-san prayed that gyeong-su forgot what happened in class an hour before.
cheong-san turned his head to see y/n, looking up at him holding their tray of food.
"do you want these? i hate them."
y/n pointed at the cubes of pickled radish, cheong-san looking at their face rather than the food they were pointing at.
"oh, sure, i'll take it."
cheong-san quickly picked up his chopsticks, picking up at the cubes quickly as his friends noticed that he wasn't walking with them anymore.
gyeong-su hit his friends, pointing towards y/n and cheong-san as cheong-san gave them his banana milk, y/n smiling up at him and he shared a giddy smile back.
"wah, they totally like each other."
"he's coming- turn around!"
the group all turned and walked towards a free table as cheong-san caught up to them, sitting down next to su-hyeok.
cheong-san's head went up to dae-su who was sitting across from him on the table.
"you like y/n, right?"
cheong-san blinked at dae-su, chuckling, then looking back down at his food.
"what gives you that idea?"
su-hyeok and gyeong-su made silent eye contact as gyeong-su dramatically rolled his eyes.
'no way he doesn't.'
'if he doesn't, he's crazy.'
the two telepathically contacted through their facial expressions, wu-jin hitting dae-su on the fore arm hard as dae-su caressed his arm in pain.
"shut up and start eating."
"why are you so rude to me?!"
"alright! be quiet!"
ms. park yelled once again that day, quietening the class in a hurry as they quickly reduced to silence.
"the school festival is coming up, and our class will be doing a play."
"again? our class did that last year!"
"quiet! they all liked our performance last year so much that they wanted us to do it once more."
ms. park said, wanting the class to be more proud of themselves. but some people just sighed, looking away in embarrassment.
"this time, we're going to be randomly choosing our roles, so don't get upset with what you get."
"yes ma'am.."
y/n and cheong-san said at the same time, having gone up together to randomly pick the paper out of the box of random roles and looking at their papers while walking side by side to get back to their seats.
"what? what did you get?"
cheong-san asked, peeking over their paper to see what role they got but y/n quickly held the small piece of paper to their chest, shaking their head.
"tell me what you got first."
"no way, i asked first."
"same time?"
"okay fine."
"one, two, three!"
y/n and cheong-san held their papers infront of their chest, blinking at each other's roles.
y/n said, looking up at his face as cheong-san looked up at them.
cheong-san muttered, nearly out of breath as he felt the breath in his lungs start to float away, up and up into the sky as the two held eye contact with each other, gazing at each other until a certain someone's best friend interrupted.
"wah! y/n and cheong-san are the prince and princess!"
gyeong-su exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the two who looked away from each other, quickly putting their papers down, cheong-san shoving his into his pocket as y/n held it in their hand, scrunching it up.
"y/n, you're the princess?"
y/n's deskmate asked, looking up from their seat while on-jo and i-sak looked up with y/n's deskmate, smiles on their face.
"are you?! that's so cute! y/n and cheong-san!"
the class ooo'ed in unison, making y/n embarrassed as they covered their mouth with one hand, cheong-san starting to glare at gyeong-su.
"yah, asshole."
"okay i'm sorry man i didn't mean it- wait! i didn't mean it!"
“okay, take 16. three, two, one!”
ms. park said with a clap, na-yeon next to her holding a clapperboard and closing it right, rolling her eyes while doing so.
“romeo, you must leave, it isn’t safe for you here!”
y/n said, holding a piece of paper with their lines, their eyes looking down at it every few seconds.
“i can’t leave, knowing you’re here by yourself, it’s too much.”
“mercutio will be here any second, you have to go!”
y/n fell into cheong-san’s arms, worry on their face on they banged on his chest. cheong-san kept his gaze on y/n, gripping tight onto them.
“i don’t care, i’ll fight him, here, on the spot!”
cheong-san declared, pushing y/n softly out of his arms as he raised his shirt up a little, flashing the dagger that was tucked away under his shirt as he took out the fake plastic dagger, holding it in his hand.
“romeo! juliet!”
su-hyeok yelled, popping out from behind the curtains as he locked eyes with cheong-san, pointing the top of the fake sword in his hand at the two, cheong-san shielding y/n with his free arm.
“have you given in? will you give up juliet to me?”
su-hyeok said, glaring at cheong-san.
"never, you'll never have y/- juliet."
cheong-san declared, pointing his dagger at su-hyeok as the lights went out, the auditory room going dark as a little bit of shuffling was heard. after a few seconds, the lights went back on to reveal cheong-san on the floor, holding his stomach with one hand as the other propped himself up on his elbow, y/n held cheong-san, facing away from the audience.
su-hyeok was a few meters away, holding his neck while he slouched while standing up.
"if i can't have juliet.. no one can.."
su-hyeok said with a final breath, collapsing on the floor and presumably dying.
"che- romeo. please.. i need you..."
y/n said, cradling cheong-san's face in their hands.
"don't worry, juliet.. i, love you. i always have.."
cheong-san said, his eyes fluttering shut slowly as his hands held onto y/n's back, squeezing tight as y/n leaned in, the script saying that y/n and cheong-san would have to kiss, but y/n was too nervous, their lips opening and closing, pausing still infront of cheong-san's face.
cheong-san sensed it, his eyes looking down at y/n's lips, knowing y/n was nervous, the expression on their face being a tell-tale sign.
"it's okay, you don't have to."
the front curtains closed, cheong-san, su-hyeok and y/n were then hidden from the audience.
"good job!"
"that was good!"
"time for costume building!"
a person exclaimed, clapping aloud as the curtains opened back up, y/n quickly standing up, holding out a hand for cheong-san to get up.
"nice acting y/n."
cheong-san, smiling up at y/n as he grabbed onto their hand, y/n pulling him up.
"thanks, you did good too."
y/n smiled up at him, cheong-san's heart beating faster and faster as cheong-san adjusted his tie, swallowing a gulp.
"are none of you gonna help me up?"
su-hyeok said, still on the floor on his back as he looked up at the duo who looked over at him.
"ha, no."
cheong-san said, pulling y/n by the arm away to make their costumes as su-hyeok yelled out, and y/n laughed out.
"yah! help me up!"
"cheong-san, c'mere."
y/n said, writing down measurements as cheong-san looked over at them, walking over.
"i gotta take your measurements, lift up your arms please."
cheong-san did so, lifting his arms up as y/n wrapped the measuring tape around his waist first. cheong-san stared at y/n's focused features, not minding how y/n's hands trailed down to his hips.
“what colour do you think suits me?”
cheong-san murmured, standing tall as y/n began to measure his arms.
“hm, i think.. white. black too.”
“everyone suits black and white.”
cheong-san chuckled, feeling y/n's hands shake while y/n laughed.
"y/n! can you come measure su-hyeok?"
"coming! one sec!"
y/n said, quickly measuring cheong-san's shoulders, cheong-san becoming distracted at the thought of y/n measuring su-hyeok.
cheong-san questioned, y/n not hearing him as they started to walk away, holding the clipboard and writing down cheong-san's measurements.
"ah! y/n-.."
cheong-san quickly became quiet, watching as y/n smiled at su-hyeok, the two of them laughing about something that cheong-san couldn't hear. the dark haired boy's jaw tightened, closing his eyes as he breathed out.
"cheong-san! come over here, we need help!"
y/n sat on the long staircase, their hands behind their back resting on the concrete, staring up at the sunset.
cheong-san said, making y/n look towards the voice as cheong-san threw them a can of soda.
"no problem."
cheong-san sat down next to them, opening his own soda quickly and chugging a bit, opening the bag and picking out the corndog he bought, munching into it as y/n looked after they heard the crunch.
"hey, why didn't you get me one?"
y/n whined, reaching over to grab the stick but cheong-san brought his hand away, making y/n lean over him, hand on his leg.
"you didn't ask me, and i wanted one okay?"
cheong-san commented, taking another bite off the corndog as cheese stretched off on the stick, making y/n groan.
"please cheong-san- i'll buy you chicken!"
"you're gonna just buy from my mom's place and she's gonna be too nice and just give you for free."
"well.. i'll tell you anything you want."
cheong-san paused for a second, letting y/n snatch the corn dog out his hand, taking a bite.
"i will though! anything you want, but one thing."
y/n said, while chewing a bit, then swallowing.
"whatchu wanna ask?"
y/n smiled up at him through their eyelashes, blinking rapidly trying to charm him while cheong-san laughed, looking away from y/n but just scooted closer to them.
"okay. do you,"
cheong-san hesitated for a second, y/n tilting their head while waiting for his response, their can of soda pressed to their lips as the liquid shine from the drink spread onto y/n's lips.
"do i?"
"do you.. like anyone?"
cheong-san asked, quickly darting his eyes away from them as y/n blinked at the weird suspense to ask such a, normal question.
"that's it? but yeah, i do."
"i said i'd tell you one thing."
y/n replied, not letting the topic spread any further about themselves.
"do you like anyone?"
"what the hell?! who! tell me cheong-san."
"no, you aren't telling me your one!"
"i, have my reasons."
"well then me too!"
it felt like it had been taking months to prep for the school festival play, y/n could hear the talking of the crowd and audience outside, having put on the ridiculous dress that i-sak and gyeong-su made together.
"so, itchy.!"
"stop complaining!"
y/n's deskmate said, slapping them on the arm as y/n grabbed their arm, rubbing it in pain.
"you got this- oh, lee cheong-san."
y/n turned their head, seeing the dark haired 'prince' who wore the black and white princely attire that y/n had personally, helped make for him.
"hi y/n."
"hi cheong-san."
y/n smiled at him, making their deskmate slip away with no notice, walking towards on-jo and i-sak who were setting up the lights.
"are you ready?"
y/n asked, scratching the back of their head while looking away and cheong-san smiled back.
"yeah. are you?"
cheong-san felt conflicted about his feelings, his jaw clutched as he lied on the floor.
"if i can't have juliet.. no one can.."
su-hyeok said with a final breath, collapsing on the floor as his body spread across the floor in a dramatic manner.
"romeo. please.. i need you..."
y/n said, cradling cheong-san's face in their hands. their voice hiccuping as they talked and their voice sounding out loud and clear through the auditory room.
"don't worry, juliet.. i, love you. i always have.."
cheong-san said, bringing a hand up to y/n's cheek, and then also swiftly taking off his mic set, making y/n raise their eyebrows at him as he also pushed down y/n's mic away from their mouth.
"i love you, i always have, y/n."
y/n's eyes widened at the declaration, surprise filling their eyes as cheong-san had a sudden change in heart, his heart beating out of his chest as he worried of y/n not reciprocating his feelings.
"of course."
cheong-san quickly added, nothing registering in his mind until he felt y/n's lips against his, his eyes widening, the crowd cheering, and the curtains closing.
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quinntillion · 11 months
Lee Cheongsan X Reader - “Never. Maybe. Definitely.”
(Series!) Part: 1
(Not My GIF!)
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Request?: No
Fluff/Angst/Smut?: Angst-Fluff
Readers Pronouns?:
Words: 752
Warnings/TW’s: Blood, Swearing
“I hate him.”, you said sternly, glancing over at Lee Cheongsan, someone you could never get along with, no matter how hard you tried, stabbing the tofu on your plate with chopsticks.
“Can you guys please just at least try to start getting along? It’s so tiring being in the middle of you two always bickering.” On-jo, a mutual friend between the two of you said as she raises her hands as if they were speaking, moving them one at a time, “I hate you blah blah blah” she made one hand say, and moved the other one “Well you’re a bitch blah blah blah”, she put her hands down and continued “That’s all I hear!”, she grabbed her chopsticks and continued eating the food her dad packed for her.
You chuckle at her ridiculous example of you and Cheongsan bickering. “On-jo, I’ve told you, he just presses all of my buttons, we’ve hated each other ever since we were kids.”, you scowled thinking about him and rolled your eyes, shoving your food into your mouth in irritation, just thinking of him made your blood boil.
“Please? For me?”, On-jo looked at you desperately, wanting her two best friends to get along.
“Girl, you know that’s never gonna happen, the hatred feeling it’s mutual.”, you chuckled softly and continued eating your food as On-jo rolled her eyes, and scoffed jokingly.
All the chatter of the fellow students was all you could hear, which then turned into screaming and banging. Looking towards the glass door you see a large group of other students desperately trying to get in. “Why do they look so scared?”, On-jo looked over at you, but you shrug, just as confused as she is.
On perfect timing however, you see something that answers your lingering question. Another wave of students flooded the view to the outside, but they had blood all over them? And were biting other students?
The glass started to crack as all the weight from all the students pressed on it, and it eventually broke.
Their screaming filled the dining hall as you grabbed On-jo’s wrist and ran.
You heard her scream as she was tackled to the ground, a zombie on top of her. “GET. OFF. OF. HER”, you yelled, kicking the zombie in the ribs at the same time. However, you then see two hands come down to grab the zombie, throwing it to the side and quickly helping On-jo up, checking if she’s okay.
You rolled your eyes, “Oh don’t worry guys, ‘Mr. I’m gonna save the day’ is here, nothing to worry about now”, he scowled at you as On-jo dusted off her skirt.
“It’s not like you were doing anything, you can’t kick for shit!”, he gestured both arms towards you as his voice went higher towards the end of the sentence.
You rolled your eyes, grabbed On-jo’s wrist once again, and made a b-line towards the main part of the school.
You slam the door to one of the classrooms, leaning your back against it, “That was way too close”, you looked at On-jo as she nodded in agreement.
You heard banging on the door, and you quickly turned around, expecting to see a zombie, but see Gyeong-su and Su-hyeok, two friends of yours, instead. Thankfully.
You open the door for them, “Get in, quick”.
“Thank you, holy fuck, it’s crazy out there”, Gyeong-su said, leaned over with his hands on his knees, panting.
“Yeah, I had two zombies attack me at once, I was sure I was going to be, you know”, Su-hyeok dragged his thumb across his throat and made a “Kccch” sound, signifying him being killed.
“Did you see anyone that’s still human?”, you look at Su-Hyeok.
“There’s a few, but I doubt they’ll be human much longer, how does something like these even start?”, he sighs and walks over to the window of the room, looking down at the soccer field in the front yard, seeing all the zombies taking over, chasing humans around.
It’s silent for a minute, as we all think of ways some strange thing like this could have even happened, before On-jo speaks up.
On-jo looks at Su-Hyeok, “Is Cheongsan okay?”, and you give her an annoyed look, but curious too, knowing she’d be destroyed if he wasn’t.
Su-Hyeok turns around and shrugs “I haven’t seen him, I’m sorry”
Screaming can be heard from all down the hallway, then, there is a similar bang on the door, as you turn around quickly.
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ggrtyrhfg · 1 year
대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료
대외비 다시보기 2023 링크 <<
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대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료
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대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료
대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료
In many ways, he has complex emotions for the people around him, but his feelings for Kim Tak-gu are a mixture of all sorts of emotions. He opens his heart without knowing it, but immediately suffers from a complex about where he is from and an obsession to beat Kim Tak-gu. He comes to rely on him as an older brother in his heart, or he has a longing for him, and when Takgu say대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료s, “I can be friends with Seo Tae-jo,” he asks, “Then does that mean you can’t be friends with Kuma Jun-ha?” In the first contest, when he tied his wrists with a string and stayed close to Kim Tak-goo, he quarreled, but then he hugged him and slept, and his breathing was in perfect harmony. Recalling the dignity of table tennis at Mrs. Hong's funeral, we can see that deep inside, the longing for table tennis has remaine대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료d since childhood. The basis for this was that he growled in contention and then tied the string around the wrist of the ping-pong player again. To Seo In-suk, who came to Palbong Bakery, 'I'm using a pseudonym here, so what should I do if I come like this. Go back quickly,' he said very furiously.[5] Because of his twisted personality, he was able to hide his identity for two years after being caught, why the hell di대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료d he do that? When Tak-gu asked if it was just because I was Kim Tak-gu, I said all sorts of abusive words, and I drew the line saying, "I wanted to stay here as Seo Tae-jo."
Either way, I do have complicated and subtle feelings for Kim Tak-goo. In fact, they are the only friends and brothers, but their blood is not mixed, and they long for table tennis, but they show a three-dimensional appearance that denies it. Still, at t대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료he end, they acknowledge table tennis and show a warm look to each other. In the end, as long as it was Ma-Jun Gu who managed the last case.. He was not the son of Gu Il-jung, but the blood of Han Seung-jae, and because of Seo In-suk's desire to be recognized as the daughter-in-law of the Gu family, he conspired with Han Seung-jae and was bo대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료rn as a one-night affair. Seo In-suk was treated with contempt by her mother-in-law, Mrs. Hong, as 'an incompetent bitch who couldn't give birth to her son'. Thanks to this, he grew up in a wealthy family, but Seo In-sook raised him with ignorance, and Gu Il-joong never showed a warm gaze, so he became a carefree personality. Her grandmother, Mrs. Hong, who was scolding her for not wanting to go on a tou대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료r of the bakery factory, was often beaten up, and Mrs. Hong, who was so fond of her son, saw Ma Jun's behavior and said it was the same as Seo In-suk. was
Then one day, the concubine's child, who was born as a result of her father Gu Il-jung's affair with Kim Mi-soon, suddenly jumped out and lived in the same house and began to reject him. At this time, in order to frame Tak-gu for stealing, 대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료he commits an extraordinary act by stealing a mechanical pencil from his older sister, Ja-kyung Koo, and bringing it to the table-ten room. However, Ma Jun's attitude was so obvious that neither Ms. Hong nor Ja-kyung Koo, who hated her table tennis, was fooled.
Then, in the middle of the night in episode 4, he overhears the three-way meeting between Han Seung-jae, Seo In-suk, and Mrs. Hong outside the window, and finally learns the secret of his birth. At this time, Majun was 12 years old. And after seeing her mother Seo In-suk and Han Seung-jae murder her gr대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료andmother Mrs. Hong [6] and cover it all up in episode 5, she becomes disillusioned with her mother Seo In-suk and runs away with Kim Tak-gu to Cheongsan. In Cheongsan, he suffered from losing money and sleeping at Shin Yoo-kyung's restaurant, but the very next day, Han Seung-jae found him and brought him back to Seoul.
After learning baking for 12 years, he met Tak-gu Kim again as he became a student of Palbong teacher in order to gain recognition from Gu Il-jung.
At first, they were in constant conflict. To put it bluntly, they even went head-to-head over the baking soda incident, and after that, they fought childishly at the level of elementary school students. Look at yourself and open your heart. As I w대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료rote above, I thought of the old days when I heard the word 'brother', and even though I growled like that, I untied the string for myself and ran out and tied the string again to the wrist of the table tennis player who had been beaten by a gangster and started to open my heart. What are you doing? My leg is sprained and it hurts. Please hurry up. He flinched at the word 'don't you have friends?', but he showe대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료d a warm side as if he were really friends with table tennis. He gives eggs and other ingredients to Takgu, who doesn't even have the proper ingredients, and shows warmth that won't come back. Even this can't go even for a day, and with the appearance of Seo In-sook, Tak-gu comes out to pick up a cassette player and finds out.
They all hurriedly sent Seo In-suk back, but Yang Mi-soon shouted, 'Seo Taejo! Kim Tak-goo! Why aren't you coming in!' He calls out the name of table tennis. The rotten expressions of the two are excellent. They sit side by side in the room and talk, but after returning from Seo Tae-jo to Gu Ma-jun, they 대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료start acting harsh again. 'You're just an unpleasant bastard,' he says abusively.
They try hard to ignore each other's identities and get along well again, but when they eat Tak-gu's barley rice bread, they are surprised and say, 'It's like bread now'. In response 대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료to Takgu's statement that he would treat Taejo Seo as his friend, he asks, 'You can be friends with Taejo Seo, but you can't with Majun Goo?' Table tennis is also 'see you tomorrow at the competition. 'Seo Tae-jo' and draws a line. The bread made in the next day's competition was praised by even Palbong, the master of the baking industry, as being the best in terms of baking skills, creativity, and taste, but with 대외비 다시보기 2023 영화_누누+다운 무료the words that he felt a cold energy somewhere [7] Although he was accepted, on the contrary, table tennis is the most backward in form and technique, but he praises the friendly ingredients and 'best scent', and his pride is hurt properly, so he throws away the bread and burns his anger.
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husberttee · 3 years
am i the only one who absolutely is not feeling the romance in All of us are dead
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sparklybinder · 3 years
Hi I just finished the 11th episode of All of us are dead
To synthesise my current mental state : ✨EMOTIONAL DAMAGE✨
#all of us are dead#all of us are dead spoilers#spoilers#they're in the following tags so please please please go watch this tv show if you haven't already it's truly an experience#i haven't cried that much since Train for Busan and I CRY ALL THE TIME JUST TO SAY#anyway#this episode ended me#all of those episodes were already pretty charged in emotions but especially at the beginning it was bearable#mainly cause it was 'going easy' on us#The plots touch you and then join together and you're like 'nice'#but it just gradually becomes more and more tragic#you know a majority of them will die#and you know that it could be any of them#Because the characters survive because of sheer dumb luck (or not. the girl that wanted to off herself ended up as an immortal half zombie-#-and was confined to be a test subject. All she wanted was to see the world that killed her in the inside to burn. It did#But she never got to see it and she never will.)#I knew Cheongsan had a high chance to die but to go out like this??? I mean it's in character but damn bro don't make me cry over name tags#ALSO I SO NEED TO TALK ABOUT HIM AND GWI NAM AND#AAAAH#not in a shippy way but in a 'those two were so different but ended the same no matter how hard they fought to undo what the other does'#'they end up piled up in the same lump of corpses and no one will know who did what'#'who pierced eachothers eyes first? Who tried to kill the other? Who was the monster and the hero?'#The people who will remember them do not know either#it's an untold tale of two unfortunate ennemies#of a coward and a hero#as they are both technically infected too#I JUST CAN'T THIS IS SO GOOD#I have so much to say about this tv show please please please just ask me about it
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mikanotes · 3 years
idk if u still accept reqs but can u do a cheong-san au or short one shot abt the reader is like a part of the group w/ on-jo and cheong-san and the reader r getting teased be almost the whole class but they dont know that they r actually dating and only finds out in the whole apocalypse thing
— for real?!
cheong-san x gn!reader | arnd 700 words
genre: fluff, established relationship
warnings: swearing, mentions of kissing/making out, mentions of punching and hitting people, that’s it i think LMAO
synopsis: it’s getting funny to see your friend group tease you and cheongsan about how good of a couple you’d make. really funny, actually.
author’s note: thank you for requesting! i hope i understood your request well and that you like it!!! <3
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“Stop it, you two. You look like a couple.” Joonyoung scoffed, shaking his head as he looked down at his book. Daesu and Wujin laughed, nodding their heads.
“For real. Get a room, or something?” Daesu added, teasingly bumping his shoulder, while Wujin bumped into yours. They exchanged glances before grinning mischievously and leaning closed to the two of you. “… So you can kiss without us interrupting.”
You pushed Wujin’s face with the palm of your hand and heaved a sigh, shaking your head, while Cheongsan only looked elsewhere. Your lack of response got the duo sighing and muttering words about the two of you being no fun.
“Come on, leave them be. If they say they don’t like each other like that, they don’t.” Onjo chimed in, chuckling despite her statement. “Okay?”
“Not okay!” Daesu scoffed, “Where’s the fun? The excitment?! Plus, they’re both missing their name-tags. Isn’t that odd? Isn’t it?!”
You rolled your eyes lightheartedly and walked away.
“And they— Stop ignoring me! Man.”
This was a daily occurence, now. You and Cheongsan would do something as simple as talking or exchanging homework notes and your friend would start going on about how good of a couple you’d make, or something along those lines. You two were always telling them off, saying there was no such thing between the two of you anyways.
But, well.
“You guys were actually— Like seriously dating? For real?!”
Joonyoung said what everyone was thinking when they walked over to a remote part of the rooftop. Everyone had gathered here, staring at you two wide-eyed as your hands awkwardly hovered over Cheongsan’s face, and his tried to move away from your waist. He was the first to clear his throat and turn around, but no words left his mouth.
“No way. You guys were ma—” Daesu stop talking when you held your hand up in what felt like a warning of sorts.
“Before you get any ideas, we weren’t making out.” you said, raising your eyebrows. Cheongsan muttered something in your ear and you elbowed his waist, resulting in him wincing and nodding as he turned away and everyone following his movement with their eyes. Their gazes all turned back to you when you spoke again. “…We were not. But, we are dating.”
Joonyoung whistled as he turned away and Daesu held his hand up im triumph. Onjo scoffed and started going on about her not having her wallet during a zombie apocalypse, and you figured they’d placed a bet on whether or not you two were dating. If you were angry, you could’ve very well hit them both for that, but you weren’t. Surprisingly. Maybe it was because you expected it, but it felt fine. Good, even, for everyone to finally know the two of you were together.
Cheongsan joined your side again and instinctively put his arm around your shoulders.
“How long have you guys been together?” Suhyeok asked, curious, as he raised an eyebrow. His lips were turning into a teasing smirk that was very much directed towards Cheongsan and you could feel how much the latter wanted to punch him. It made you laugh.
“Three years.” he said, before scoffing. “So stop acting like you knew everything when you only started going on about us dating at the beginning of the school year. Idiots.”
There was muttering and whistling and laughs about how surprising it was that you’d spent so long together without anyone noticing a thing.
“Look at him getting all worked up.” Jimin said with a slight grin and Namra chuckled. Onjo pulled both your wrists and leaned in closer.
“You’re lucky I’m nice and didn’t tell them.”
You shared a look and smiled, murmuring a small “thanks” as she grinned in return.
“Alright, you guys, let’s go back to the fire. I’m getting cold.” she said, pulling you two along as she did. Everyone agreed, some shivering exaggeratingly as they jogged back to the fire.
You and Cheongsan followed closely behind the group, and you turned to each other with a smile.
“Stop smiling, idiot.” you said.
“You stop smiling, idiot.” he retorted.
Neither of you did, until Joonyoung yelled at you both to stop smiling like fucking idiots or you’d have to share body heat because they’d keep the fire to themselves. And then you stopped and rushed over to the rest of the group to sit around said fire. Daesu and Wujin started talking about how you guys could say you not only spent three years dating but also survived an apocalypse together, and then Joonyoung started talking about Suhyeok and Namra which brought on more teasing, until the ones teasing ended up quiet when called out on the fact that they were still single. Which was quite funny. It was a nice evening.
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colorvario · 3 years
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Open the Door
Cheongsan x gn!reader
summary: you lock yourself in the storage closet to protect your friends
warnings: swearing, fighting, mentions of blood, angst bc that’s all I know how to write :)
You were on the floor, back pressed against the cold tile of the music room as you tried to fight a zombie off with your hands. The broomstick you previously held as a weapon had gotten lost in the fight and it was getting continuously harder to keep the zombie from biting.
The plan was to make it to the rooftop of the school and wait for help. But with all the zombies outside the classroom it was impossible to get out without a fight. Taking a risk, your group decided the best option was to leave anyways. You thought it was the best idea too, at first, but the zombies proved to be way harder to kill, and all the noise created from fighting them off only attracted more to come.
You pushed at the zombie’s shoulders and face, trying to push them off but they weren’t moving. The noise around you started to go quiet as you tried not to panic, wondering if this was really how you were going to die.
Suddenly the zombie let go of its hold over you and contorted backwards before falling to the side with a push. Cheongsan was quickly kneeling next you you, asking if you were okay. He had stabbed the zombie’s back with the sharp end of the broomstick and pushed it off you, saving you again.
You nodded lightly and he helped you stand up. Your hearing was coming back, but you still felt like you were in shock.
“There’s no more in the hallway right now,” Suhyeok said looking out the classroom door, “so we have to go now.” He turned back to look at the group and Cheongsan nodded at him.
“Cmon,” Cheongsan said, grabbing your arm to pull you close to him as he moved toward the door. But the shock was starting to wear off and your whole body began to ache, you didn’t move.
“Y/n,” he said turning around to see why you weren’t following. You were still, looking down at your hands.
There was a small bite mark on the back of your right hand. You stared at it, feeling like all your emotions were hitting you at once and your hands began to shake in fear. The zombie must have bitten you while you were pushing at its face, and you didn’t feel it until now, having come back to your senses.
Cheongsan followed your eyes to your hands.“Oh shit…” he said, reaching out to grab your hand for a better look.
You stepped back, not wanting him to touch you, the rest of the group turning to look. Your eyes were glossing over, making your vision blurry and you laughed nervously. Your hand was soon red with blood. You looked back up to see them all staring at you.
“It’s fine right?” you asked them, tears filling your eyes. You swallowed hard, trying to keep yourself from breaking down. No one could do anything to help you now.
You knew it was not fine and that the time between being bit and turning was short yet you couldn’t think of anything you wanted to say or what you should do next.
Everyone was watching you intensely. You wanted them to look away, to leave, but you were so scared and selfishly a little part of you wanted them to stay. Unable to find the right words you just stared back at them, hoping somebody else would say what you all were thinking.
“Y/n,” Onjo said, trying to get closer to comfort you, but Suhyeok put his hand out to stop her. It hurt, seeing your friends now scared to be around you, but it made you realize what you had to do.
“You have to go,” you said turning to Cheongsan, “you know, before the zombies come back…or….” You looked back at your bite mark then covered it with your other hand, trying to act as normal as possible before looking back up at him, “there probably isn’t a lot of time.”
“Y/n, no,” he said trying to move closer to you again.
You took another step back and shook your head no. “Go,” you said again, “okay?” You looked around and everybody was still just staring at you. With each passing moment of silence you only grew more anxious. Looking at them hurt too much, so you looked back at your hand.
“Fuck,” you said sighing. The defeat was evident in your voice as you fully began to accept what was happening.
Suhyeok looked back out into the hallway anxiously. “If we’re gonna go, we-“ he started.
“No,” Cheongsan interrupted, his face wet with tears. He wanted so badly just to hug you, for you to stop moving away, and he felt an enormous amount of guilt for not being able to protect you.
“No?” Woojin questioned, “we’re just supposed to stay here and wait for them bite us too?”
“Go,” you said, turning to Cheongsan, “…please.” You pressed your lips together and looked to the floor, trying your hardest not to break down into full sobs. Your vision started to turn red. Now panicking, you remembered the music room had a storage closet. If you locked yourself in there you wouldn’t be able to hurt them when you turned, it would force them to leave. You looked over to the closet door then back at the group.
“Shit…” Woojin said, seeing your now red eyes and moving backwards.
You tuned and looked at the closet door for another moment before quickly going and locking yourself inside.
“No, y/n,” Cheongsan sighed, following you to the closet. His eyes were puffy with tears, but you had already closed door. “Y/n,” he wined, twisting the door knob repeatedly in hopes it would open.
You watched the door knob shaking from the other side.
“Open the door y/n,” Cheongsan begged, his words becoming sobs, “y/n open the fucking door!”
He started using his fist to bang on the door, pleading with each hit that he could get to you. You went and sat against the wall, sobbing silently as you hugged your knees to your chest. Your heart began to beat faster and you knew you didn’t have much time. You wished Cheongsan would just go away and you wouldn’t have to hear his cries.
“Open the door, open the door, open the door!” Cheongsan cried, doing everything he could to try and break the door with his body.
“Hey!” Suhyeok yelled, looking back down the hallway, but he was ignored. Cheongsan continued to hit the door while everyone watched. “Hey!” Suhyeok yelled again and Cheongsan finally stopped long enough to look over at him.
“They’re coming,” Suhyeok said calmly. All the noise had attracted zombies from other floors. “We have to go…now,” he said.
“No,” Cheongsan cried, grabbing the door handle, “just go without me.”
“Cheongsan,” Onjo said, but he shook his head and continued holding onto the door handle.
Suhyeok looked down the hallway again. Two zombies from the floor above had heard Cheongsan and were now running tward the classroom. Suhyeok looked over to Cheongsan who was still refusing to move. Sighing, he decided closing the sliding classroom door was their only other option, they’d have to wait it out and try again. He pulled the door halfway when it suddenly stoped. Suhyeok pulled at the door but it kept jamming.
“It’s not closing,” he said causing the group to turn and look over at him. He stopped trying to close the door and stood to the side before picking up the bat he had been previously using as a weapon.
The room was quiet for a moment, then the sound of the zombies down the hallway became loud enough for them to hear.
“Shit,” Woojin said, walking over to Suhyeok and checking down the hallway himself, “shit I…there’s like 10…oh fuck, more are coming, Cheongsan I swear to god if we all-” he shook the sliding door, not believing that it wouldn’t close, “Damnit!” Everyone looked at the door in fear. Without warning Woojin went up to Cheongsan and pulled him away from the closet door. “Stop, let’s go before you get us all killed,” he said, looking around the group to get them to follow.
“No,” Cheongsan said, shaking his head and trying to get out of Woojin’s hold.
Seeing Woojin struggling, Suhyeok went and grabbed Cheongsan’s other arm with his free hand. “C’mon,” Suheyok said sternly, “we can’t afford to lose you too.”
Cheongsan looked over his shoulder at the closet door. You hadn’t said anything since you went inside. The silence hurt him, and he felt helpless, there was nothing more he could do.
Suhyeok let go to Cheongsan to look out the door again. “I can stop the first two long enough for you to run,” he said turning back to the group, “we’ll meet in the staircase okay?” Everyone but Cheongsan nodded.
Suhyeok looked down the hallway for another moment before running out. “Go!” he yelled to the others, signally them to get out of the classroom while they could. The group started to exit nervously. Cheongsan, feeling guilty for getting them into the situation, untimely went to help Suhyeok.
From the closet you could hear them fighting and their footsteps from running. Soon everything was quiet, and you were alone.
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nanawiin · 3 years
Not Enough Anymore
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warnings: slightly angst, jealousy, cursing, kissing (may contain spelling errors, I’m not a native)
summary: you found yourself desperate for Cheongsan’s love. You wanted to kiss him, touch him, hold him, declare your feelings for him. However, you decided to keep everything inside of you, thinking that it would be better than being rejected… until that day when the worst happened and Cheongsan’s best friend, Gyeongsu, found out about it.
Being Lee Cheongsan’s friend was just not enough anymore.
That feeling was growing inside you more and more each day and you knew you shouldn’t feel this way. You shouldn’t love someone who definitely was incapable of seeing you romantically.
Cheongsan loves Onjo. Cheongsan loves Onjo. Cheongsan loves Onjo. You have been trying to repeat this sentence in your own mind as a mantra for eight months already.
It all started when you moved into the same building as Lee Cheongsan and Nam Onjo. And you soon found out that you three attended the same school as well. You just wanted distance from him, this platonic feeling would get you nowhere, but Onjo and him ending up becoming close to you and eventually your best friends.
The first contact you had with Cheongsan was when you were coming back from the convenience store and accidentally dropped everything because of your father messages on your phone about you being late. Cheong San was kind, he saw the mess on the floor in the hallway and offered his help, picking up the things for you.
Since you were in a hurry, you both didn’t exchange many words.
“Thank you!” you shouted without looking at him and ran off quickly, almost tripping over your own feet pathetically. What a shame!
Days later, Cheong San met you again since you were classmates. At first, he didn’t seem to recognize your face, but he soon figure it out when he heard Onjo introducing you as her new neighbor.
Yeah, you were supposed to be friends, but it all felt like living a love triangle. It was sad you couldn’t control yourself from staring at Cheongsan everytime he was distracted with something else.
You found yourself desperate for Cheongsan’s love. You wanted to kiss him, touch him, hold him, declare your feelings for him. However, you decided to keep everything inside of you, thinking that it would be better than being rejected.
Until that day when the worst happened and Cheongsan’s best friend, Gyeongsu, found out about it.
You two were doing an assignment together in the library and you fell asleep because of you lack of resting from the previous night.
“You haven’t getting so much sleep lately, have you?” Gyeongsu looked at you with great interest, curiosity vibrating from every particle of him. “Anyway, you said Cheongsan’s name during your sleep.”
Your eyes widened the instant you heard this.
“No, I didn’t!”
“Yes, you did! I’m not deaf.” Gyeongsu smirked. “You were like Oh Cheongsan, you’re so handsome and perfect, I love you so muuuch.” you stared at the boy angrily, he obviously was enjoying teasing you and his wicked smile started to make you feel nervous.
“Shut the fuck up!” you slapped him hard on his head.
Gyeongsu let out a low laugh, but you ignored him and finished some last details of the assignment just in time for the break to end.
When you two got back to the classroom, you noticed it was empty. You and him were the first ones to return.
“So… ” Gyeongsu started talking again. “You’re in love with Cheongsan, but aren’t gonna tell him?”
“He doesn’t need to know.”
“Really? I don’t think so.” you felt your throat go dry at the thought of the boy saying something to Cheongsan.
“Please, don’t say anything to him!” Gyeongsu looked at you surprised. He had never seen you ask him for anything like that.
“I don’t know… he’s my best friend, I can’t keep secrets from him.” the boy argued firmly.
“Yeah, but this has nothing to do with you.” you replied lowering your voice now that the classroom was already getting full of students.
“Let me tell him. Who knows, hm? Maybe you two… ?” the boy said suggestively, causing a sigh to come out of your mouth.
“Never. Cheongsan would never give me a chance… ”
“I would never what?” you heard a familiar voice and then saw Cheongsan coming closer, he looked from one face to the other, trying to understand the situation. “Hey, all right here?”
Before Gyeongsu could think of answering, you acted faster than him.
“Gyeongsu, please… ” you ignored Cheongsan’s question as you beg his friend, making the best to sounded sweet and cute to convince him. “Please… ”
“Ah… okay.” the boy moved closer to your ear to whisper the following words: “You don’t have to beg. I won’t tell him.” and then he walked away from you along with Cheongsan, who had a very confused expression on his face.
If Cheongsan insisted at least a little, would he still keep his mouth shut?
No, you're sure you couldn't trust Gyeongsu.
Your fear was confirmed when you heard Cheongsan shouting your name at the end of class in the middle of the hallway, but you didn't stop to wait for him and walked faster. At some point, you were practically running from him.
He knows. Fuck, he knows...
You went down the stairs to the first floor and the main entrance as fast as you could, but you didn't go that far, because soon the boy reached your figure and stop right in front of you, preventing you from scaping.
"Why are you running away from me?"
"What? No, I'm not."
"I may not be the smartest in our class, but I'm not dumb, y/n." he smiled, finding your odd behavior very amusing.
"Okay, hm... then let's pretend...let's pretend you don't know."
Cheongsan raised an eyebrow, not understanding what you meant.
"Don't know what?"
"Stop it! I know that Gyeongsu told you!" you didn't realize that your voice sounded quite a bit loud, causing the other students to stare at the two of you.
"He said.... ?"
"That I-I like you, Cheongsan."
"You forgot this in class." Cheongsan was holding up your math book and you didn't hesitate to grab it from his hand. "Wait... what you just said? You like me... ?" Cheongsan obviously didn't know what he should answer, but what you hated most was what was described in his eyes. Surprise. Disbelief. Compassion. "I'm sorry, I... "
"You have feelings for Onjo." Cheongsan's attention fixed even more on you. "I understand that, let's just forget about today, okay?" you walked quickly past him and he didn't stop you this time, but you could hear him sighing and saying again "I'm sorry."
It would be a huge lie if you said that things didn't get awkward between you and Cheongsan. Not that it was completely bad, but even the way you looked at each other was different.
"There's something else here." Anyone would say that.
All the time, you had the feeling that the boy wanted to tell you something, and it left you in a state of anguish, wanting to know what he was thinking. But a week after you proposed to him, you couldn't even imagine that Cheongsan would react and cross the line.
"What are you doing right now?" you had just showered and were getting dressed when your cell phone started vibrating. It was already late. Why was he texting you?
"None of your concern."
"Are you upsed?"
"Fuck off, Cheongsan."
"I just want to know if you're okay."
"I am fine."
It was your last message before ignoring him, however, Cheongsan did not give up easily. The boy insisted and soon you could see a picture of the two of you together with Onjo in the background glowing on your cell phone screen. Annoyed, you aggressively answered his call.
"What do you want?"
"Come outside."
"I said come out here. I'm at your door."
"Cheongsan, it's already very late."
"Please. Come here."
You debated with yourself for a few seconds, but ending up not resisting.
How could you resist him?
You put a sweatshirt over the thin shirt you used to wear to sleep and after making sure you weren't inappropriately dressed, you left your apartment quietly. Cheongsan was standing right in front of your door and he stared at your face for a long time without saying anything. Several seconds passed...
"Cheongsan... ?"
"You are really very beautiful." your heart melted and sped up at his words.
"S-stop it!" You stammered pathetically.
"Sorry for not noticing it before." Cheongsan took steps toward you, breaking the distance between you both.
"Please... don't do this. " and before you knew it, he was close, too close. That wasn't right.
You put your hand on his chest to push him away, but it didn't work.
"I can't stop thinking about you. Ever since that day...I can't stop thinking about it, y/n." Cheongsan lowered his eyes to your mouth and you swallowed hard. "Keep quiet, I need to try something."
You didn't have time to protest or think about anything before his lips met yours, initially it was supposed to be an innocent kiss. You felt like you were going to fall, but Cheongsan held your waist with one of his hands. He was really kissing you. It was real. Not a dream.
He deepened the kiss, his hold getting tighter on you, his body dangerously close to yours, and soon you both were making out as if this was the only way to stay alive. So wrong. You were in your front door and anyone could see that scene.
"Cheongsan... " you pulled your face away from his, looking into his dark eyes.
"Good night, y/n. Have sweet dreams." Cheongsan seemed like he wanted to kiss you again so badly, but he didn't. So you pushed him away and quickly came back inside your apartment.
You sighed deeply. Your legs were wobbly.
The next day, Lee Cheongsan said that it was a mistake what he had done. That he had acted on impulse. Cheongsan made you cry by saying that he loved Onjo and could not like you back. It hurt too much to hear. It hurt you even more that Cheongsan acted as if nothing had happened. He had said that he couldn't stop thinking about you and kissed you like that, and now... this? What a asshole.
Onjo had noticed how awkward you two had been lately, avoiding each other as much as possible. She tried to bring it up whenever the two of you were in the same place, but it was the same response from both sides. Nothing. There was nothing going on...
You felt so tired, you didn't want that heavy atmosphere with Cheongsan anymore. You wanted to have him around you. Even if only as a friend.
So you decided to move on when a student in your class asked you out, maybe if you started to date someone else everything would be okay...
"Are you insane?" you were so focused on your book on the table that you got a big fright when you heard Cheongsan's angry voice coming into the library.
"Cheongsan, I'm trying to study."
"Are you really going out with that guy?" he closed your book on the table to have your full attention on him.
You bit your lower lip nervously.
How did he know that? You hadn't told anyone except for Onjo...
"Who told you that?"
"Answer my question first." Cheongsan demanded.
"Yeah, I'm going out with him."
"No, you're not."
"I'll go out with whoever I want!" you stood up from your chair and pointed your finger in his face. Slowly, Cheongsan's expression became lighter and he smiled a little.
"What are you smiling at, you idiot?"
"You look so small and so cute trying to fight me." his smile got larger, but Cheongsan cursed as he was kicked hard in his leg. This time, you were smiling in victory.
"Lee Cheongsan, you are a... " you couldn't finish the sentence because the boy took you by surprise by hugging you suddenly. A very tight hug. It was as if he was afraid that you were going to run and disappear away from him.
"Please, don't go out with anyone else." the boy whispered, keeping you tied in his strong arms, and although you didn't respond with words, you hugged him back and that was just enough.
It turned out to be you and Cheongsan's secret that you met with him secretly almost every day at school. Deep down, you were aware about the reason he might wanted it that way, but you pretended not to.
Maybe you were just being used, but you enjoyed being with him too much to stop and think about it properly.
His lips and his touch were addictive. You felt safe in his arms.
Maybe Cheongsan could fall in love with you eventually. Maybe he will forget his love for Onjo. Could he fall for you? Be yours?
However, the most important thing at that moment, while the boy pressed you against the wall of a empty room and once again got lost himself in your sweet kisses, you knew that Cheongsan was only yours.
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panjakes · 2 years
In the end
Summary:Su-heyok and Gwi-nam have been fighting over Yn for a long time but in the end? Su-Hyeok always wins
Parings: SuhyeokxBlackreader
Warnings: cussing, mentions of blood, violence(this one’s pretty long)
Implied black reader, anyone can read
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“We’re safe” On-jo says making Su-Hyeok sigh in relief.
“Cheongsan…where’s your sister?” Ms.park asks
Cheongsan looks around the room slowly breaking into a panic
He pokes his head out the window
“Yn! YN!!!” He shouts up but all he heard was growling and then he heard a scream.
Yn’s scream.
“She didn’t come down with us?” On-jo asks
Her breathing became faster. She had just lost Isak now Yn too?
“Im going up!” Cheongsan says going back out the window
“Cheongsan no!” Ms park says grabbing him
Cheongsan looks over at suheyok
“Your so worried about Nam-ra you didn’t even look out for your own girlfriend!” Cheongsan says
“Me? She’s your sister!” Su-heyok says
“She’s your girlfriend! You said you’d look out for her! Now she’s dead!” Cheongsan says going into the corner to cry and about his sister
Everyone looks a Suhyeok with a frown.
“Is something going on between you too?” On-jo asks
“Of course not! You know Yn’s my girlfriend!” Suheyok says
“Enough! Just cut it out!” Ms.park says
“Got damn it!” Yn whispers as she runs through the halls
She had been on the other side of the room when everybody had escaped out the window. As the zombies rushed in she went out the other door and had been running trying to get to the broadcasting room ever since.
As a Hoard of zombies came rushing her way, she ran the opposite way into an empty classroom. When she got inside she slid down the wall covering her mouth as the zombies ran past the classroom looking for her.
She turns around quickly seeing Gwi-nam hiding in a corner
The boy rushes over to her wrapping his arms around her.
“Oh I’m glad too see you!” Gwi-nam says
The girl awkwardly pats his back. She hadn’t spoken to him since the night he confessed his undying love for her.
She had been doing a great job avoiding him up until this point
“Where have you been?” He asks
“In a classroom.”
“Where’s your brother?”
“We got separated”
“Where’s your boyfriend”
“With my brother” Yn says in an annoyed tone
“Your boyfriend allowed you to be separated from him? Some kind of boyfriend he is” Gwi-nam scoffs
It was quiet for a moment
“You know…you should have chose me” Gwi-nam says bitterly
“Gwi-nam I told you! We’re nothing more than friends! You didn’t even want to be that so you lost me all together” Yn says rolling her eyes
“But with me I would make sure your safe. Not chasing after the class prez” Gwi-nam says chuckling
“Su-hyeok loves me” Yn mumbles
There’s was no doubt in either of their hearts or mind that Su-Hyeok loved lee Yn. The first day he laid eyes on his friends sister he knew he had to have her.
Gwi-nam just wished he could be in Su-hyeok’s place. He wanted Yn’s eyes to shine at the mention of his name like they did when ever someone brought up Su-Hyeok.
“Doesn’t stop him from having feelings for somebody else” Gwinam says harshly
Cheongsan sat in the corner softly sobbing. Hearing his sisters scream was just horrible
“I’m sorry cheongsan” On-jo says rubbing his back
“I’m such a terrible brother” he says sniffing
“No you aren’t” On-jo says
“I am! How the hell am I suppose to explain to my parents that I left their daughter behind while saving my own ass?!” Cheongsan says
On-jo gets quiet not know what to say next. She was just trying to comfort her friend.
“How could we forget about yn” joon-yoong says sighing
“We were so worried about saving ourselves we forgot she was on the other side of the room” Dae-su says sighing
“Hey! Your alive right? Stop crying” Naeyeon says
“How could you say that?! That’s his sister! His bestfriend! My girlfriend” Su-Hyeok says
“Like you actually care. You were so worried about the class prez you let the zombies slaughter your girlfriend” Naeyeon says with a bitter chuckles
Su-Hyeok sighs taking a seat. It was true. And he felt bad. He missed Yn to the bottom of his heart
Nam-ra puts her hand on his shoulder but Su-Hyeok just shrugged her off. Nam-ra sighs and goes to sit in the corner alone.
“I’m sorry Yn.” Su-hyeok whispers wiping his tears
“We have to get out of here. Here take this” Gwi-nam says handing Yn a knife. She hesitantly takes it and follows Gwi-Nam’s lead.
“Slice any zombie that comes our way” Gwi-nam says making her nod 
On Gwi-Nams count, the two ran through the school halls avoiding every zombie that came their way. As the two ran up the stairs Yn trips on the stairs
“Yn!? We don’t have time for your clumsy ass!” Gwi-nam says
“Shut the fuck up!” Yn says kicking her leg
Gwi-nam peeks around her body seeing that a zombie had grabbed her ankle. Yn continues to stomp her foot on the zombies faces
After about four kicks the zombie was tumbling down the stairs but quickly gaining its strength to chase the two.
“Let’s go!” Yn shouts grabbing Gwi-nam’s hand and running up the stairs
The two run some more avoiding more zombies.
“In here!” Gwi-nam says opening the door to the principal’s office. The two rush in killing every zombie in the room.
Yn’s chest moves up and down as she looks around the room at the body’s on the floor. She sigh throwing the knife to the side sitting down at the big desk.
“Shit I’m tired” Gwi-Nam says
Yn was silent just thinking of her brother, bestfriends, and boyfriend. She should be holding hella grudges right now but she couldn’t in this situation. She just wanted them to be alive
“Hey, idiot! Look around for something to eat” Gwi-nam says pulling on one of her puff balls. She smacks his hand away rolling her eyes
“Don’t you know not to touch a black girls hair?” She asks
“Yeah I know, you were pretty serious about it back when we were friends” Gwi-nam says
“So don’t touch it” Yn says
“Just look for food. I know it has to be a mini fridge or something” Gwi-nam says
The next day, On-jo wakes up to Cheongsan looking out the window.
“Nobody came” he says
“They’ll come” On-jo says
Cheongsan scoffs and walks away from the window. Soon everybody was starting to wake up.
“Hey, Cheongsan” Su-hyeok says
Cheongsan looks up to See Su-hyeok standing in front of him holding a purple bookbag with colorful pins and patches. He recognized it. It belonged to yn.
“How’d you get this?” He asks
“She…told me to hold. Thought you might want it” Su-hyeok says
Cheongsan slowly reaches for the bookbag slowly opening it. Cheongsan sadly smiles at the things she had in her bag. Nothing school related just the things she felt like she needed
He pulled out a picture out of one of the pockets. It was a picture of him and her when they were kids. Their parents had took them to the beach and the two of them had a “sand fight”. Sand got in both of their hair and it was all over their skin
Cheongsan laughed at the memory,a tear dropping onto the photo.
Yn woke up to a lot of talking. She groans turning over on the couch
“Gwi-nam stop talking to yourself” She mumbles
“I’m not! I’m talk to the dumb ass principal” He responds back
Yn shoots up at the mention of an adult. Maybe he could help
“Sir! Have you been here this whole time?” Yn asks
“Yes! Now I need you and Gwi-nam to go and get my car!” The principal says making the two frown
“Yeah no. Not happening” Gwi-nam says
“You idiot kids! Do as your told” the principal says making Yn sigh
“He will be no help” Yn says walking over to the desk. She starts going through it to find something that could possibly help the two out
She was so focus on the task at hand she didn’t noticed the principal and Gwi-nam fighting over his knife.
“Yn come help me tie him up” Gwi-nam says
“No” Yn says
“No?! What do you mean no?!” He asks in shock
“Why do we need to tie him up?” Yn asks
“I’m tying him up to protect you!” Gwi-nam says
“Protect me? From what? Him?! He’s harmless!” Yn says
“Yn I swear…if I Die protecting your ass I’ll bite you first” Gwi-Nam says
“Your trippin. There’s literally nothing to protect me from!” Yn says
“Yeah there it is! Those flesh eating things out there! He could be one for all we know!” Gwi-nam shouts
“I am the principal! Let me go!” The principal says thrashing around in Gwi-nams arms
"Honestly sir I don't think titles matter at this point in time" Yn says
"You idiot kids! Do as your told!" The principal shouts. Finally getting out of Gwi-nam’s grip.Before Yn could speak again Gwi-nam raised his knife at the principal
"Whoa Gwi-nam wat are you doing?" Yn asks
"Grab his keys. Me and you are getting out of here he says
“Like hell you are!" The principal says
"Grab his keys then something to tie him with" Gwi nam says
"Uh no." Yn says
"Why not?!' Gwinam asks
"If the police find out a black girl tied him up l'm fucked!” Yn says raising her hands in surrender
"Fine l'Il do it myself" he says. Then the door opens and in runs Cheongsan
"Cheongsan! Great your here help me tie him up your dumbass sister won’t help”Gwi-nam says
Cheongsan frowns at the mentioning of his sister. He looks over seeing Yn. Standing over the desk alive. Well and healthy. Cheongsan starts tearing up walking over to his sister
“I thought you died! I heard a scream” he says wrapping his arms around her
“Oh please! It’ll take more than a couple of zombies to kill me!” Yn says smirking
“Su-Hyeok is crying over you. We have to go” cheongsan says
“Su-hyeok, Su-hyeok, Su-hyeok…what’s so important about that idiot? Huh yn? What’s he got that I don’t?” Gwi-nam asks
“Your a bully…why would she want to be with you?” Cheongsan asks
“Please. Suheyok use to hang with us” Gwi-nam chuckles
“Stop being Human trash. Your not hard” cheongsan says
“Excuse me?!” Gwi-Nam says
“You’ll just always be the bully’s gopher. Your just a loser” Cheongsan says
“I’m not!” Gwi-nam shouts
“Prove it” cheongsan says
Just then Gwi-Nam pushes the knife into the principal’s neck shocking the siblings
Yn gasps as cheongsan lowers the phone. Cheongsan wastes no time grabbing Yn’s arm,running through the hallway.
“Get to the broadcasting room! That’s where everybody is!” Cheongsan says
“No! I’m not leaving you!” Yn says
“Yn stop being stubborn and do what I say!” Cheongsan says
“No!” Yn says
The two rush into the library filled with zombies and Gwi-nam hot on their tail
“Cheongsan! Give me the phone and Yn” Gwi-nam demands
“Give you?! Excuse me?!” Yn asks
“Yn! Come here! I love you got damn it!” Gwi-nam says
“I’m not giving you the phone nevertheless my sister” Cheongsan says
“Shall I kill you for them both?” Gwi-nam asks
“You think I want to be with you after threatening my brother?” Yn asks
“I’ll kill your brother and that punk Su-hyeok if it means I can have you!” Gwi-nam says launching himself at cheongsan on the shelf
Yn watched as the two tussled back and forth. Yn tried her best throwing books at Gwi-nams back.
Yn watches as Cheongsan digs the corner of the phone into Gwi-Nam’s eye. As Gwi-nam was focused on the pain in his eye cheongsan took that as an opportunity to throw him over the shelf
Yn flinches at Gwi-nam’s screams. Cheongsan jumps over to the next shelf grabbing Yn
“Let’s go! Now!” He says as they get up and make a run for it.
“There he is! Someone’s with him!” Dae-su points out
“Who?!” On-jo asks looking at the screen closely
“It’s Yn!” Su-Hyeok shouts
“Are you sure?” Wu-Jin asks
“I think I know my girlfriend when I see her” Su-hyeok says
Nam-ra flinches at the term girlfriend
“That’s definitely her!” Joon-yoong says smiling
“She’s not dead!” Dae-su shouts hugging woojin
Everyone in the room start to cheer and jump around.
“Well we have to get to them!” On-jo says
“Yeah, let’s make a plan” Suhyeok says
“They are idiots! Why would they come here! They could get hurt!” Cheongsan says walking back and forth
“Honestly chill out. I bet on-jo didn’t want you to come down here and you still went” Yn says making cheongsan quiet
“Exactly!” Yn says
It was quiet for a moment. Cheongsan takes a seat next to his sister grabbing her hand
“Do you think mom and dad are okay?” Yn asks
“Most definitely! Moms spirt will keep her alive” cheongsan says smiling making Yn laugh
Su-Hyeok gasp as Gwi-nam kicks him in the stomach
“You were always the better fighter than me. You got the girl I want, and for that. I will kill you” Gwi-nam says smirking
“You think Yn will be with you after killing me?” Su-hyeok asks holding his stomach
“SHE HAS NO CHOICE!” Gwi-nam shouts going to punch Su-hyeok but Su-hyeok grabs his hand
“She does! And she’ll choose me every time” Su-Hyeok screams
Gwi-nam growls before snatching his hand away and punches Su-Hyeok in the face.
Nam-ra took the opportunity and jumped on Gwi-nam’s back. The two struggled with each other before Gwi-nam bit her on the arm then threw her to the ground
While Gwi-nam was focused on her. Su-heyok jumped up and pushed him out the window.
All you could hear was heavy breathing and zombie growls
“Yn’s your girlfriend?” Nam-ra asks
“Yeah…come on” Su-heyok says making the girl frown
Yn and cheongsan’s laughing stopped as the doors busted open and in runs their friends closing the curtains so their zombie-fied classmates wouldn’t see them.
“Are you guys okay?!” Cheongsan says
On-jo quickly sends a kick to The boys ankle making him fall over onto the desk
“You idiot I told you not to go!” On-jo screams
Su-Syeok looks over Cheongsan’s head seeing Yn trying her best not to laugh. He smiles before it turns into frown
He slowly walks over to Yn trying his best not to tear up.
“Y-Yn” he says
Yn stops her cackling looking up at Su-hyeok. She smiles pushing her long box braids out of her face. She opens her arms making Su-hyeok run into them
“Yn baby I’m sorry! I-I thought you were dead! I-I thought I lost you forever” Su-hyeok says sobbing into her neck
“Ew your getting snot on my edges!” Yn jokes
“I’m serious Yn! It all happened to quick…I thought you were dead” he says
“Well I’m alive” Yn says smiling
“You don’t know how sorry I am Yn. When we get out of here I’ll treat you to a meal” Su-hyeok says with a weak smile
“I’ll hold you too that” Yn says returning the smile
Su-Hyeok leans in connecting their lips in a passionate kiss.
Nam-ra stood in the back sulking. She really thought she had a chance. She thought,he liked her.
His love for Yn was strong. There was no way she could beat that. Or beat Yn for that matter.
“I’ll never leave your side again” Su-hyeok says rubbing his thumb across yns hand
“Alright that’s enough! Get your sweaty hands off my bestfriend” Joonyoung says going to hug Yn
“I happen to like Su-Hyeok sweaty” Yn says smirking. Su-hyeok blushes while Joonyoung gags
“Gross” he and cheongsan say at the same time
“Uh Nam-ra…were you bitten?” Hyeorang asks making the attention turn to nam-ra
“No! It’s not a zombie bite” Su-hyeok says jumping to her defense instantly annoying Yn
“So what is it” cheongsan says holding up a paper stand
“It’s gwi-nam, he bit her”Su-hyeok says making The two siblings look at each other in shock
“Your lying” cheongsan says
“I’m not!! He bit you didn’t he” su-hyeok says to nam-ra who didn’t say a word
“Baby…Gwi-nam died” Yn says looking at Su-hyeok sadly
“No he didn’t! I fought him!” Su-hyeok says
“No. He died. He fell into a bunch of zombies and was bitten” cheongsan says
“It’s true. I seen it” Yn says
Su-hyeok looks at Yn with a confused face
“You sure it was Gwi-nam?” He asks
“Positive. I wouldn’t lie to you” Yn says looking up at the taller boy
Su-hyeok looks over at nam-ra with a sigh
After a long,dangerous trip, the group made it to the rooftop. After facing disappointment that the helicopter flew away and not looking back for them. Night had fallen and they had to spend yet another night at the school.
After an awkward confession, Joonyoung decided to lighten the mood
“So Yn, Su-hyeok…how’d you two end up together?” Joonyoung asks
Nam-ra’s ear perked up at the question. She too would like to know
“Your my bestfriend, you should know” Yn points out
“But I don’t, so tell us” Joonyoung says smirking
“Well, his English was, and still is, ass! And Ms.park made me tutor him” Yn says making everyone laugh
“My English isn’t that bad” su-heyok says laughing
“It’s terrible. Anyway I would tutor him at my house. The more and more our sessions went on the more and more we fell for each other” Yn says smiling up at Su-hyeok
“You just couldn’t get tutor. You HAD to make my bestfriend your girlfriend?” Joonyoung says in an annoyed face
“I couldn’t help it, she was super cute and super sweet..and super flirty” Su-hyeok says making the group laugh
“How i fount out, I walked in on them making out” cheongsan says rolling his eyes
“Knock first” Yn says sticking her tongue out at her brother who scoffed
The friendly conversation was stopped by the scream of On-jo. Everyone turned their heads in her direction gasping at the sight of a bloody Gwi-nam. Cheongsan and Yn gasp. He was alive
“Cheongsan…give me your eye” he says smirking
“Gwi-nam?” Yn whispers
Gwi-nam turns his attention to the girl smirking.
“Ah,love. Come here” Gwi-nam says smirking as he walks closer to the girl
“S-stay back! Your suppose to be dead!” Yn says holding her arm out
“Ah, I was. But I’m a god and gods don’t die” Gwi-nam says walking closer to the girl
“Stop! That doesn’t make sense! I seen you die”Yn says as he grabs her wrist
“You left me to die. I know it’s not your fault. Your dumbass brother made you leave. It’s okay I forgive. I still love you, you can still be my goddess” Gwi-nam says making Yn shake her head
“Goddes? Gwi-nam wat are you saying?” Yn asks
“Be my goddess and we will rule this school”Gwi-nam says
Su-hyeok grabs yn’s wrist
“She’ll pass” Su-hyeok says. You can see the anger in his eyes
“Ah, Su-hyeok you punk. She can make her own decisions. Leave. Before I kill you too”Gwi-nam says pointing his head to the door
“If I leave she’s going with me”Su-hyeok says pushing the brown skin girl behind him
Gwi-nam sighs before running a hand through his hair
“Yn come here”
“No Gwi-nam. Just leave this little feud is stupid” Yn says
Those words made the mullet boy throw a fit.
“Damn it yn! I love you! Can’t you see. This idiot isn’t man enough for you! He left you for dead to save another girl! He.doesn’t.care.about.you.I’m the man you need! I’ll take better care of you!” He shouts at the top of his lungs
“GWI-NAM STOP! You’ve bullied her friends! Tried to kill her friends! You tried to kill her brother do really think she wants to be with you!?” Su-hyeok asks
“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Gwi-nam shouts pushing Su-hyeok across the roof
He stalks over to the boy grabbing him by his shirt about to punch him but Yn jumps in front of his fist
“Just stop! Just fucking stop! I don’t love you gwi-nam. My heart is with Su-hyeok” Yn says
“Wow. You’d really chose this prick over me in the end? I’m your god Yn!” Gwi-nam says standing up
“Your no god. Your a fucking imbecile. Even during the apocalypse your still human trash” Yn says
Hearing that from the girl he loves hurts. She couldn’t feel that way. It was her dumb brother filling her ear with lies.
“I will NEVER love a person like you” Yn says hurting the boy even more
Gwi-nam takes a step back in shock.
“That’s how you feel? So be it….everyone who isn’t cheongsan, Su-hyeok, and Yn leave” Gwi-nam says
Nobody moves.
“You choose this dumb fuck over me? I’ll just have to kill you too”
Hearing this, cheongsan charges at Gwi-nam. He won’t be killing him or his sister.
The group of friends follow his actions and helps him out.
Su-hyeok lands a punch on Gwi-nam just for him to throw him across the roof. Yn runs up roundhouse kicking gwi-nam.
“I loved you, you should have chose me” Gwi-nam whispers to Yn before shoving her, not as hard as he did Su-hyeok.
Nam-ra finally had enough and decided to throw his ass off the roof.
It was quiet as everybody was out of breath and tired from jumping their common enemy
“You okay?” Cheongsan asks checking Yn for any wounds
“I’m fine, are you okay?” She asks making the boy nod
Yn quickly gets up running to be by Su-hyeoks side.
He groans in pain holding his side
“Su-hyeok baby are you okay?!”Yn asks cradling the boy’s head in her lap
“I-I’m fine. Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you did he?” Su-hyeok ask
“I’m fine” he says slowly sitting up with yn’s help
“Your not! Let me see” Yn says lifting his shirt seeing a purple bruise
“I’m okay Yn I promise” Su-hyeok says standing up
“Your not so stop lying” Yn says grabbing his arm
“As long as your okay I’m okay”Su-hyeok says smiling
“I’m fine. Learn to put yourself first Su-hyeok please. I don’t want to lose you” Yn says with a frown
Su-hyeok grabs her chin making her look up at him
“You’ll never lose me. Thank you for choosing me” Su-hyeok says smiling. Yn returns the smile wrapping her arms around his waist
“I’ll always choose you in the end” Yn says
“It’ll always be you Yn” Su-hyeok says staring into the girls eyes
“It better be” Yn says making the dark haired boy chuckle. He rests his forehead on hers.
“Your so beautiful, I love you so much Yn”Su-hyeok says staring into her eyes lovingly
“I love you too Bare-su” Yn says making the boy chuckle again
Nam-ra watched from the corner as the couples lips connecting for a sweet and passionate kiss. She sighs
As long as he’s happy.
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satorusplayplace · 3 years
reader finding out that cheogsan likes onjo despite them secretly dating in the scene with the fireplace and then reader got bit by gwinam while fighting or whatever you want :)
AHHH YES THIS IS SO GOOD. though i don’t know if onjo and cheongsan are together or if reader and cheongsan are. i’ll go with the latter.
word count ;; 668
genre ;; cheongsan x gn!reader, angst, romance, angst with semi? good ending
warnings ;; language, cheongsan can be a dick, gwinam gets soft
summary ;; cheongsan is dating y/n but still has feelings for onjo. when gwinam is coming to get his revenge on cheongsan and bites y/n, cheongsan still feels some type of way.
note: if you want a part two please let me know!!!
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y/n and cheongsan have been a couple for three months now. but their relationship is getting harder due to the jonas virus that caused their whole lives to be a zombie apocalypse. trying to be there for eachother and trying to survive is stressful while cheongsan also worries for onjo. y/n has noticed how much cheongsan stares at onjo and how much he talks to her more and they get jealous over that. it’s upsetting that their own boyfriend talks to his best friend that’s a girl more than them.
while in a circle surrounded by fire, nam-ra was telling her story about why she really never had friends and those around her telling her that they never liked her. 
“I never hated nam-ra. I always felt like I related to her at times. Nam-ra to me was just another person at school who probably needed someone in her life, and especially someone like suhyeok!” y/n smiles a bit. the circle looked at them and just smiled a bit and then they started talking about dae-su and his crush on wu-jin’s sister.
“cheongsan, are you okay? do you need water?” y/n asked the boy next to them. he nodded his head no and smiled at them, it looked like he had something to say. but didn’t say anything yet. then jimin shared her story. and then wu-jin, nam-ra says something and then y/n does.
“I really like someone and he makes me the happiest person ever. i wonder if he ever cares about me as much as i do since we are in a relationship.” they say and put a stick of wood in the fire.
cheongsan is next, he puts in the stick and sighs, “me and onjo... i just, well. i just really want water.” y/n already is seeing what’s coming and so they were trying to keep a straight face. 
“be completely honest. do you like someone?” dae-su asked.
“yea.” cheongsan says. 
“really? you do?” onjo says in shock.
“yeah.” he repeats.
“why do you keep on stalling? do you have a crush?” onjo pressures on/
“uh. pretty much”
“pretty much? what does that mean?`` She wants to know more.
“who is she?”
“no one.” he says. y/n knowing there is someone.
“who is it? do i know her? who is it?” she keeps asking. y/n kept getting more teary eyed. they knew the answer, they knew.
“it’s you, onjo.” cheongsan finally says and y/n breaks down. “I like you.” he says to her. onjo is in shock. onjo ran off to a corner. and that’s when suhyeok motioned for him to go over there but y/n was in a corner crying already and only nam-ra noticed. y/n looked at them talking and just tears came down. they didn’t know what to do. those three months must’ve been a joke to him. all they could think about is how they were played. the bangs of mental getting louder and louder behind y/n and then gwi-nam appeared. he hopped over and looked at y/n.
“look at the pretty person here. might as well take a bite of them too.” gwi-nam bit y/n and they all yelled. cheongsan screamed for y/n but it was too late, you weren’t turning into the others but you were like a half zombie, like gwi-nam and nam-ra. when gwi-nam came over to y/n again after beating up some of the group. he smelled y/n, “you smell nice eh? why don’t you join me?” when he said that. something in y/n snapped and they decided to go with gwinam. cheongsan felt like crying watching his significant other go with the man who is trying to kill him. y/n went with gwi-nam and he was gentle with them, he didn’t hurt their feelings at all surprisingly and he was careful with them. unlike cheongsan who broke their heart and thought nothing of their relationship.
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andornism · 3 years
�� snap out of it.
pairing: han gyeongsu x gn!reader
genre: angst, established relationship, fast paced.
warnings: major character death, reader death, zombies, swearing, Really angst.
request: hii, can you do gyeong-su where him and the reader are lovers but he’s a zombie and sooner or later he turns they into one also?
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autor's note: i'm not the best writing angst and this one got me huRTTT (gyeongsu is one of my faves), i really hope it's enough and i got the request alright. i also recommend read listening to sparks by coldplay.
when the situation started to get chaotic, students running around, the halls crowded and people being bitten by the zombies, you and gyeongsu hide together until the class reunited. he would never let go the grip of your hand (except when he was holding on the door or windows), so later when nayeon complicated the entire situation and he convinced everyone he will be at least 1 hour isolated to guarantee the safety of you all, you really missed the heat your hands radiated together.
you were tired. of all the situation and of nayeon being a bitch about your boyfriend. the least thing you wanted to do was look at her annoying face, so you seated in front of the glass that separate you and gyeongsu. you were certain he wasn't infected, but you knew how stubborn he was in these moments.
in times, you and cheongsan caught his attention doing funny faces at gyeongsu and showing how mature he was, he would do the same thing. telling him 30 minutes already passed, gyeongsu refused getting out and moving on. you were tired, he was tired. you decide gluing to the group making a strategy for the time when you all get out of the room. you didn't realized nayeon entering the room right after you stopped paying attention to your boyfriend.
you saw nayeon and gyeongsu storming out of the room gyeongsu once was.
now you were feeling guilty, seeing your boyfriend collapsing his mind right in front of you and everyone who was with you. the blood dripped from his nose and the tears dripped from your eyes. you felt the need of doing something to stop gyeongsu from transforming into one of these things without any consciousness. but you could not think of anything.
— gyeongsu! — you shouted as his last consciousness looked at you sobbing. — i love you, please know that. i know you will... you will. — your crying got in the way as your words started to get confusing.
— y/n... — you listened to his voice. the last thing he said after completely transform.
you felt suhyeok holding you tight while your tears dripped frenetically from your eyes. gyeongsu was not him anymore, and you didn't want to live your life after knowing and experiencing this.
— please get of me. — you said with you voice low at suhyeok, letting go of him with all your strengths.
gyeongsu threw himself forward, now being just a virus. you could not let him alone, not like this, not because of that bitch. you and gyeongsu collided as you threw yourself forward too. you felt the bite on your shoulder, screaming and leading you two at the door of the room, opening and getting out.
you kept holding gyeonsu in your arms, as you felt dizzy, weak. now you two were alone in the corridor, despite the sounds made from him, you almost could not hear it, vision getting black and feeling the blood drip from your nose.
— it's okay... — you whispered, still holding gyeongsu, passing out.
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greenficsworld · 3 years
° Book ° Part 3
Gwi Nam x Reader
( Author : i am sorry not posting early but here ya go and enjoy 😃☘️ , btw this will only be readers pov )
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( Readers Pov )
We were relieved that he was alive i suddenly go to him and grab bis ear....
" yah!! you scared the shit out me , good thing you were my brother if not i would kill you "
I said to him and suddenly hugged him he was always been distant from and i kinda hate the fact it was my fault that we were distant from each other ...
Until someone ruined , a zombie actually ruined it she was hanging on the hose that we used wanting to get in , gyeong su grab a broom and hit it with it , as they were hitting it suhyeok suddenly scratch gyeong-su and falls down ...
After the zombie was push all the way down we began breathing properly again silenced was filled in the air when someone interrupt it...
" Gyeong su your bleeding " " what , what oh i am bleeding because suhyeok hit me with a mop " he explained to us...
" stay there , stay where you are " nayeon burt out..
" Didn't you saw suhyeok hit me " he said but nayeon only gasp and takes two steps back...
Nayeon Mrs.park and Gyeong su started explaining and fighting over just one thing that didn't even happened , nayeon notices gyeong su scratch hand and began fighting gyeong su more until cheongsan comes to the rescue...
" it's not a bite it's just a scratch , you all can see it for yourself "
Everyone gather around gyeong su and check it out they got relief with was only a scratch me and dae su began speaking ...
" yah na-yeon why don't you say sorry to him " we both said in unison...
As for nayeon explained to us that she is not sorry and she will never be sorry makes my blood began to boil and slap her on the face but suhyeok on the other side stopped me , and nayeon had the audacity to call gyeong su welfie and i had enough of it , i began talking ...
" nayeon it's not that hard to say sorry even you that the zombie grab his hand you wouldn't see it because you were here in the back protecting yourself , i am sorry to say but ... "
I was about to tell her something but suhyeok and Mrs.park stopped me and lets me behave , i just glared at her ...
Mrs.park began explaining to nayeon and gyeong su what to do that gyeong su will wait in the other room for an hour , when he is done and didn't became a zombie nayeon would just say a simply sorry to him that wouldn't be hard right...
30 minutes have passed and i see him just talking to cheong san and i just sat here and talk to onjo...
" hey you ok " " yeah y/n thank you for comforting me and thank you for still being here by my side when isak was gone " i simply just smiled and say ...
" Well i am suhyeok sister if lee suhyeok can't die then lee y/n can't die either " i said to her proudly as she simply laugh a little we didn't even noticed that Mrs.park comes inside the recording room to talk to gyeong su ....
Everyone tells nayeon to go inside and tell him sorry since she was wrong about thinking gyeong su a zombie , when she got inside and began getting her handkerchief out of her pocket i immediately barge in and stop her ...
" yah !! don't even think about cleaning his hand with that dirty hanky of yours "
" y/n what are you doing didn't you see they were getting along " cheong san yelled
" didn't you see her wiped her hanky with that stick that stick contains zombie blood and if she wiped that thing on his hand he will be a zombie " i explained to them...
" you don't have any proof " nayeon yelled at me
" oh yeah then let's ask nam-ra , hey prez didn't you see her acting suspicious just earlier when they were talking about how stubborn gyeong su is " i said to her ....
" yes i saw her too Mrs.park was in the room talking to gyeong su when everyone was watching gyeong su nayeon goes to the stick with the blood of the zombie just earlier " she explained coldly but i didn't care much as she explained it and smiled at her ...
" you two have no proof , and this is my own blood " i stopped her ...
" why don't you wipe it on your knee then " i said to her , she kneels and cries i got enough of her drama then i slapped her ....
" y/n stop it we have enough evidence " gyeong su pulled me as i saw nayeon run out of the classroom i kinda felt bad but i think she deserves it cause she always tell dramatic things that didn't even happened ...
Mrs.park began explaining to us and i said sorry to her and she said it was alright she bid goodbye then run out of the classroom to chase after nayeon ....
( Time Skip )
Hours have passed and it was now dark we were all sitting and lying , as daesu tells us he needs to shit that do we need to poop and tells us how we will poop , but good thing that onjo had a bright idea that we can make our own bathroom inside the recording room ...
Me and the girls gather up some supplies that were in the room and began using them , as i help the girls taping the window so no one would see IT our you know...
( Time skip )
As the boys were getting they're relief i sat and began drifting to my pass where as i remembered gwi nam kissed me
( Flash Back!!!! )
I was at the library looking for flowers with cures as i was searching someone called me...
" yah lee y/n! " as i look who it was it was none other than Yoon Gwi Nam , i look at him and shush him as the librarian lady shush as and i say sorry to her ...
When i look at gwi nam i asked him what does he want he just look at me like some sort of meal good thing his friend was not with him , i asked him again what he want and he pulled me into the back so no one can see us i look at him....
" if you have nothing to say then let me go jerk " i say and leaves but stopped me by holding my wrist
" look i just wanted to say y/n , i like you " he confessed i look at him wide eye and laugh a little cause him liking me no way...
" not a funny joke but your my time so i will just g-" i was cut off when he kissed me i squeak a little and push him by his shoulder but no help , i give in and started kissing him back , i push him away and say...
" if you wanted me and like me show me not just words and kissing jerk , i might end up some of your exes and i don't like that bye " i look at him one last time then leave ...
( flashback ends )
I was remembering that past and touch my lips but i immediately put my hands to my nose as daesu was done pooping they were just talking that will they save us here and after that i was begining to close my eyes as i sleep because of tiredness....
( Author : did yall like it i hope you did cause i was thinking would i be making a season 2 for this cause i have a plot that would be good so pls wait and see for updates ☘️😃 bye )
Part 1 Part 2
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cheongsan-net · 3 years
you lied. you liar.
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desc ! it was almost valentine's day, you were so happy to finally spend it with cheongsan, but he dumps you for the girl he told you to not worry about. [ angst ]
it was saturday, the 12th of february. it was the day that cheongsan asked you out , but a year before. you entered the school gates really excited because valentine's day was 2 days away. you enter the halls to be met with cheongsan leaving on-jo to talk to you.
"hm that's weird.." you think.
"hey y/n can we talk?" he never calls you your real name unless he needs to seriously speak to you, so this could end up really bad or be a joke. he's best friends with gyeongsu either way, so maybe the second option.
"hm? yeah sure!" you replied with. he pulls my arm near the bathrooms.
"i just thought I should tell you this before valentine's day comes around on monday... I want to break up with you." what ? this cant be real.. he was just cuddling with you and saying i love you yesterday? was it all fake? all this thinking put you into a trance that made him think you didn't care. soon enough, you break out of it. "is this a prank?" "im really sorry y/n, i really am." "wait-" you can't even finish your sentence before he leaves you alone, and heads to the classroom.
you head into the classroom about 10 minutes later, eyes a bit red but you fixed most of it with some of your makeup you packed for occasions like this. his friends give you a quick glance and go back to talking. you speed walk to your desk feeling embarrassed, mostly because cheongsan could have told them.
time skip to monday, the 14th 💘
you enter the school looking more different then usual. you aren't wearing your usual flats with your skirt, and have realllyyyy bad eye bags. you looked like you just got through a harsh breakup. technically you did, but it was 2 days ago.
you enter the class quietly but spot a familiar pair, cheongsan and on-jo.
they were exchanging name tags, and giving each other gifts.. chocolate boxes and letters probably made with love. you spot them sharing a kiss before pulling away and looking your way, sensing someones stare burning through their face.
tears are coming down your face without you even realizing it. the girl he told you repeatedly to not worry about is kissing him right now, in front of you. all of a sudden you feel angered and storm up to them not caring who is staring at you right now.
you slap him as hard as you can, and as for on-jo you kick her.
"you lied. you both did. you guys are liars."
"y/n it isn't what you think-" they both try to say at the same time but get cut off by you.
"of course it isn't right? friends exchanging each other's name tags and kissing .. and all the chocolates and letters in the world sliding in each of y'all's hands isn't what I see?" "wait-" you cut him off and start again.
" no don't tell me to wait . you cuddle with me, you tell me you love me, you do everything to pull me into your tricks but still leave me for my best friend. you are sick lee cheongsan. you lied and are a big ass liar. don't fucking dare talk to me ever again. and for you on-jo, you're disgusting and such a bitch." you storm out of the classroom, and the school too. you find yourself going to his moms chicken shop, and greeting them like usual.
"honey you look upset what's wrong?"
"your son is a liar."
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