#I was all oh nooo this comic is going to have them counting down as the other eggs get tossed over the edge
sp0o0kylights · 2 years
“Oh god it’s covered in hearts.” Gareth says, staring horrified at the stage that’s been set up in the cafeteria. Grant and Jeff stand next to him, eyeing the abomination of glitter, paper, and tinsel that’s been shaped into pink and red hearts with a microphone standing proud in the middle.
Several of Hawkin’s jocks are standing to the side, talking amongst themselves, but worse is the crowd of students accumulating in front of the stage.
“You don’t think they’re gonna serenade us for Valentine's Day, do you?” Jeff asks in a similar tone of horror.
Grant makes a disgusted face at the very thought.
“It’s about time they gave me my own mic!” Eddie cackles, slamming his hands down on Gareth and Jeff’s shoulders for leverage, jumping up for a better look (Grant smartly ducked away before his friend can crawl all over him too), “I’ve only been going on about the capitalistic horrors of Valentine's Day since middle school!”
They groan in unison..
Eddie’s got a look on his face that says he’s about to vault up on stage and do this year's rant in style; Gareth will be damned if he lets Eddie get detention on a Hellfire campaign night.
“Eddie, no.” Gareth warns, as his best friend tries to worm his way past them.
“Eddie, yes.” He grins, bolting forward even as multiple hands reach out to yank him back.
“Whatever they’re doing we do not want to get in the middle!” Jeff hisses in his ear as Grant reaches for his middle (already once tricked by grabbing Eddie’s jacket, which he simply shrugged out of). Gareth does his part, holding firmly onto one of Eddie’s hands. Eddie bravely tries to stagger forward, despite the efforts of what looks like some kind of mutant tangle of human limbs.
“Come here microphone, my beloved!” He pants, comically reaching his arms out towards the stage, before Grant promptly stops fooling around and hefts him into the air.
“Nooo--the people need to hear me!” Eddie wails, thrashing.
Gareth rolls his eyes and spots three familiar faces in doing so. Freezes so abruptly that the arm he was holding onto slips out of his grip, allowing Eddie to deploy a tickle attack.
The result is Grant almost throwing him to the floor, with Jeff forced to let go or fall.
Free to cause chaos, Eddie throws his hands in the air, grinning widely.
“Is that…the freshman, up there?” Gareth asks before his best friend can crow victory.
“I’m sure there’s many freshmen up there, buddy.” Grant says with false sincerity as he regains his breath.
“No, not--I mean our freshmen! Henderson, Wheeler, and Sinclair!” He points, and sure enough, on the side of the crowd opposite the jocks, there stood Hellfire’s youngest with their heads put together.
“Now just what are they up to, I wonder?” Eddie ponders aloud, before shrugging his jacket back in place and strutting forward.
Trading uneasy looks with each other, his friends follow.
“The auction isn’t kicking off until 6 pm.” Henderson says, as he carefully counts the individual bills in his hand. “We know that besides the basketball team and the cheerleading team, they’ve got like, the Mayor involved, and the fire department, which means--”
“A lot of people are going to be there.” Mike interrupts, arms crossed over his arms. “That’s what it means, Dustin. What’s the point if every girl there is going to be bidding on him?”
“Were you even listening, Mike? I just said there’s a bunch of other people they’re auctioning off!”
Wheeler Jr. pulls a face that nearly makes Eddie laugh (and thus give up the fact he was slowly sneaking up on them) before the kid shoots back, “We have five dollars total Dustin. I don’t think that’s going to be enough.”
“Not to buy a whole person.” Eddie says, voice dropping to imitate the current big bad in their D&D campaign, “But five dollars is a fair price for a body part I’d say…”
He trails off with a cackle as the three freshmen startle away from him like spooked horses. “Now what--or who--are you buying?”
“They’re gonna explain it here in a minute,” Dustin says after he recovers, waving at the girls in front of the stage with a hand. “But there’s some big charity fundraiser happening tonight. Right now they’re voting one guy from the basketball team and one girl from the cheerleading squad to represent the school, but they’re auctioning off a bunch of people.” Dustin explains, holding up his fistful of dollars with a wild grin.
“If you’re the highest bidder, you get to spend the day with the person you bid on.” Lucas adds, because Dustin skipped right over that part. “Since it’s Valentine's Day themed, they’re referring to them as “winning a date”.
Well that explained all the giggling cheerleaders.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, “I’d ask if this is Sinclair’s bail money, but as my last two years remind me, it’s only for juniors and seniors. Not--” He playfully slings an arm around Lucas’s shoulders, “--for the darkside’s newest recruits.”
The uncomfortable look Lucas gives him is almost enough to make Eddie feel bad, but it’s not his fault Lucas was tempted by the evils of highschool sportsball. He figures the kid will come to his senses soon enough, and considering how awful the jocks are, it won’t be too long before Sinclair is 100% a Hellfire club member again.
“Which begs the question.” Eddie continues, slinging an arm over Mike’s shoulder as well. “What are you scheming? I’d ask if you’re buying me a date, but,'' He gives an over-dramatic sigh,” alas, no one can survive the charms of Eddie the Banished.”
“Charm is one word for it.” Jeff says, as the rest of Hellfire finally catches up. Gareth and Grant roll their eyes as Mike and Lucas chuckle weakly at Eddie’s exaggerated pout.
He drops his arms from his little lamb’s shoulders, taking a step back and looking around at the growing crowd.
“Hush Jeff. Let’s see if ol’ Eddie can guess who our brethren here have their eyes on. I wonder if…” He trails off, dragging out the last word as he does so before a bright, teasing smile lights up his face. “Aha! I see one Miss Cunningham. Are we bidding on her for Sir Gareth?”
A sputtering noise erupts behind him, as Eddie turns with glee to watch Gareth practically choke on soda he’d just taken a sip of, Grant thumping him on the back.
“Eddie.” Gareth hisses, and somehow it sounds like a warning even if his voice has a slight wheeze to it.
“What?” Eddie says, full of faux innocence. “We all know the lengths you’ve gone to get her attention recently.”
Gareth’s gone bright red, a testament to the fact that he’s been mooning over Chrissy Cunningham since the day she complimented one of his drawings.
His over-the-top moaning of how to woo her away from Jason is a prospect Eddie tolerates only because he himself has gone through great lengths to impress men that will never once look his way, let alone consider him as a romantic option.
(And also because Gareth, as Eddie’s best friend and confidant, was well aware of Eddie’s own crush on one Steve Harrington.
Apparently, Hellfire’s members were just cursed to fall for jocks.)
“They want to bet on Steve.” Mike says with an eye roll, apparently done with this entire charade.
For two seconds Eddie thinks that he’s somehow spoken the part about Steve aloud and that Mike is somehow echoing his deepest, innermost thoughts but is saved from panicking further by Dustin adding;
“We’re gonna make him play a campaign with us.”
The kid’s grin makes his eyes sparkle, which is completely at odds with the way Eddie’s stomach plummets.
“He played D&D with my sister, Eddie.” Lucas says, feigning a hurt look. “My kid sister, but not me?”
“Harrington played D&D?” Gareth’s voice implies he doesn’t believe it, and honestly? Had it not been for the freshmen, he wouldn’t have believed anything that was said about Harrington. He was on the verge of tears with laughter when they told him that the almighty King Steve was their chauffeur. They had to be lying about how often they hung out with Steve to begin with, right? Because there was just no way.
Except they weren’t. They really, really, weren’t.
It only took a handful of times of watching Steve pick them up from Hellfire, and then seeing the entire extended group (including Sinclair’s on-again-off-again girlfriend and Robin Buckley of all people) bouncing around Harrington like over excited puppies all over town.
The arcade. Downtown Hawkins. The local milkshake diner and the stupid movie theater.
“You guys are going to bid on Steve Harrington and make him play D&D.” Jeff clarifies, and Eddie doesn’t blame him for doing that either.
It’s the stupidest thing he’s heard all day, and he spent the last hour and a half listening to Mr. Rulf yawn on about parallelograms.
“Yeah! You guys wanna pitch in and help?”
“Absolutely not.” Eddie sneers. He can’t help himself--this is against everything he’s ever stood for.
Stupid thoughts of stupid Steve going on a stupid date with him, aside.
“Yeah guys, I think we’re gonna eat outside today. If you wanna listen to…whatever,” Jeff casts his eyes towards the cheerleader that’s bounding up the steps of the stage, ponytail bouncing, “ then go right ahead.”
“Oh we don’t need to listen to this.” Dustin dismisses the entire thing with a wave of his hand, making Mike roll his eyes again.
Somewhere in his campaign notes there’s a joke written about Wheeler Jr’s eyes getting stuck like that. Eddie hadn’t planned on bringing it out tonight, but a part of him really wants to.
Maybe if he can talk the freshman out of their idiotic idea, he’ll reward himself and do it tonight anyways.
….Or he could still steal that microphone.
xXx Steve xXx
Steve has no idea how he got talked into this.
Actually, that’s a lie, he knows how it started: a phone call, his mother, and a sudden way for her to be in the spotlight for her yearly fifteen minutes of Hawkins fame. He just can’t recall why he agreed to it.
“It's an opportunity, Steven." She says, heels clicking against the department store tile.
An embarrassment is what it was, but Steve knew better than to tell his mother that.
"You should be honored that Wendy--that’s the head chair of the charity board, you remember her don't you? She used to attend your piano recitals--she asked for you personally." His mother expertly plucked a shirt from the rack, holding it up to the light.
"Those were your parties mom, not my piano recitals." Steve reminds her as she holds the shirt out to him. He took it, adding it to the stack he had in his hands.
The parties were the exact same kind of shit this as this “Valentine's Day Fundraiser” a way for rich people to celebrate themselves by making others uncomfortable.
Only instead of being forced to play piano so his mothers friends could wine and dine with the famous Harrington's, he was being hauled up in front of the entire town (or whoever was attending this stupid event) and auctioned off as a “date” to the highest bidder.
(“It’s for one day, Steven, don’t be so dramatic. Why is your generation entirely incapable of taking a joke and having fun?” His mother had said, when he tried to tell her he wasn’t comfortable with the idea.
Of course there was no answer that would please her; soon enough, Steve found himself dragged about town as his mother played dress up.)
"You'll be standing alongside the Mayor, the fire department, even that idiot, Mary Marie--"
She stops for a moment, eyeing a jacket with a critical eye.
Just as quickly she dismisses it with a hum, prowling on to the next section.
"--the point is that there will be plenty of candidates for the children to pick from, but you’ll be the only hero up there."
That same critical eye turns on him, appraising him like he was no more than a horse in her stable, adding up imperfections and dividing amongst his best qualities.
(Despite a lifetime of training, it still takes everything in him not to squirm.)
"Not to mention a Harrington.” She purrs, taking a step closer to run a manicured hand down the front of his shirt, smoothing away a stray crease. “Women will be throwing money to win a day with you."
Steve has to fight not to outright shudder.
"Which means you have to look your best. Now stop whining, we’re almost done.”
Steve doubts that, but it doesn’t matter; he never had a choice to begin with.
Four hours, one shower, and several rounds of his mother’s nagging and meticulous styling, ,Steve finds himself back in Hawkin’s High, staring at the gym.
His mother had long swept past him, having spotted some high school friends and gone over to lord her lifestyle and general wealth over them.
For a fundraiser, the charity board in charge had spared no expense in dressing the gym up. Red, pink and white balloons decorated the doorways and a large stage hauled to one end.
Tables with thick, white table cloth are artfully arranged about the floor, caterers swiftly moving between them.
This is probably the fanciest this gym has ever looked, and Steve wants to be anywhere but inside it.
“Oh--Steve.” A gentle voice says next to him, and Steve turns his head in surprise to see Chrissy Cunningham look nervously up at him. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“Me neither honestly.” He tells her, watching the way that makes the younger woman smile. “But I’ve been volun-told to be auctioned off. What about yourself?”
Chrissy runs her hands down her dress, a modest if not beautiful blue halter dress , wincing as she snags a nail on it. “The school held a vote at lunch about who would represent the school tonight. All of the varsity cheerleaders and basketball players were involved.”
“I see.” Steve says, keeping his voice gentle and playful. There had always been a part of Chrissy that had reminded him of El. Someone who needed kind words in their life. “You got voted as tonight’s sacrifice, huh?”
Chrissy laughs at that, hand flying to cover her mouth. “I guess you could say that.” She says, and seems surprised at herself for it.
“Did Jason get picked too?” Steve asks. It would make sense if he was, the guy was the basketball Captain after all.
Chrissy nods, then chews on her lip. “Yes but--he’s not happy about it,”
Steve snorts and tries to cover it with a cough. “None of us are.”
“It’s more that I’m being auctioned off.”
Chrissy must catch the look on his face because she rushes to add; “You know, like any boyfriend would be! I know it’s just supposed to be a fun silly thing and they’re not really dates but…” She trails off, voice growing quieter at the end. “He worries.”
The word “worry” sounds like it means something else entirely.
Steve feels for her.
“Hey, if Jason’s an ass about it, let me know.” Steve says after a moment of shared silence. “You don’t deserve to deal with him being a kid about this shit.”
Chrissy blinks up at him at that, hand almost to her mouth as though she’d subconsciously raised them up to chew on her nails. “Thanks Steve. That’s nice of you.” She whispers it, and Steve nods and smiles at her.
“There you two are!” A woman says, rushing over with a clipboard. “Steve Harrington and Chrissy Cunningham, right? We’re gathering all the dates behind those doors.” She turns and points to the opposite end of the gym. “If you both would follow me please?”
Steve motions for Chrissy to go first, and moves to follow her when a flash of curls crushed down by a blur of white, blue and electric yellow catches his eye.
He turns automatically, seeking it out and sure enough, ducking down the hall is Henderson, Sinclair hot on his heels.
A familiar mixture of emotions lights up Steve’s spine, and he knows immediately he won’t be able to rest until he figures out what the gremlins are up to--because their Hellfire Club was supposedly canceled today on grounds that Munson had stolen a microphone, or some other crap.
“I’m really sorry, I’ll join you in a second!” Steve calls, before darting down the hall, after them.
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Water fight - Mikey Way x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Mikey Way x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 753
Summary: You and Mikey hang out on summer break
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“Hey Missy!” Gerard calls out from across his front yard. Gerard and Mikey are probably some of the best neighbours a girl could have. Both awesome to play with when we were younger and now, my best friends. 
“Hey Gee! Hey Mikey!” I shout as Mikey runs up to me. 
“Hi,” he smiles, sitting down next to me, long legs stretched along the stairs. He’s cute. Cuter than he knows. 
“What’s new?” I ask. 
“There’s this really cool comic that Gee found last night and I read it in like two hours last night. It was the best. It was all about these superheroes that were in group therapy, it was so cool,” he laughs. That amazing smile plastered all over his face. I love listening to the things he says, the excitement that fills him is purely the best thing to experience. 
“That’s cool. I was reading the one you and Gee recommended the other day, Watchmen. It’s actually really good, not gonna lie.”
“I miss your glasses Mikey. They made you look cute,” I look away from him, towards Gerard who is playing with some of the younger kids in the neighborhood. 
“They had to go, I looked like a nerd.”
“You already are a nerd Mike,” I laugh. One of the kids starts to wave me over, throwing a water balloon in my direction. “Oh it’s on!” I shout, grabbing my water gun and running over. Gerard pops out from behind a bush, a water gun in hand. 
“Attack!” he yells as all of the kids start drenching me in cold water. Good thing it’s a hot day. 
“Mikey, help!” I scream trying to run away.
“I got you!” he runs over and stands guard in front of me. His blonde highlights stand out in the sun, bright and shiny. Mike’s prettier than he knows, he really is. The kids continue to run around us, throwing buckets of water, water balloons and firing water guns at us. This is the life we have, seventeen and in senior year, our last proper year together. Gerard’s already left school but he stayed back, commuting into New York for art school, cartooning specifically. Mikey and I told him that he should do music but he was set on comics, of course. He’ll end up on the stage one day though, I know it. And Mikey will be up there with him. I’ve got no idea what I’m going to do in college, or if I'll even go to college. Not to mention the fact that Mikey also has absolutely zero idea as to what he’s gonna do either. 
“Gerard, we're all out of water!” a little boy shouts running behind him. Gee’s always been so good with kids, he’ll be an amazing dad one day, everyone knows it. He spent so much time growing up babysitting the kids on the block and hanging out with them on the weekends, almost acting like their leader. 
“Nooo!” Gee shouts, collapsing to his knees dramatically. 
“Alright guys, I’m gonna go grab a towel from inside, I’m drenched,” I laugh walking back towards my house. Mikey follows behind me, wringing out his t-shirt and his sneakers squelching with each step he takes. “Your hair is so wet,” I laugh, turning to look at him.
“I know. That’s what I get for trying to protect you,” he grabs me by the waist as we get into the house. I feel my cheeks slowly blush, immediately realizing, one, that he’s touching my waist and not in a ‘we’re just friends’ way and two, that he’s actually a lot taller than me, meaning that when he looks down at me, he's the perfect height to kiss me. God, how have I never really thought about Mikey like this? I stand huddled over while he grabs a towel from the closet and passes it to me. 
“I’m cold,” I sigh, tying my hair up and out of my face. We sit down on the porch again, watching Gerard terrorize the kids by shoving the hose in their faces and laughing maniacally. Classic Gerard Way. 
“Of course you’re cold, my brother’s little army gave you a shower,” he laughs. “But you know what?” 
What Mikey? What? What would you possibly say that could make me feel even better than I feel after spending the entire day with you?
“You had absolutely no business looking that good back there.”
Feedback is appreciated! Please request on my page if you have a story idea. I write for lots of different fandoms so request anything and I'll write it!
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DBD ramblings: episode SIX
Jenny says the thingy!
she sounds so mad on nooo
What is that drawing on her wall?? and that weird oval thingy??
I DESPERATELY need to know who told Niko!
help. or support. <-odd phrasing
he gives back the seaglass :(((
"I guess it doesn't represent emotional stability" then what does it represent?? and didn't she wear green in the Devlin episode?
wooden armadillo
the Light of Heart has its own soundtrack!
Also why is that one in a box and nearby it are other similar items including an identical white heart gem that are all not in boxes??
they're both like Niko, take a chill pill
the way he says it's just tragic is so funny
Do you think Mick found out about Angie waking in storms because he went outside during one to see if he could talk to Sedna?
why to the walruses never have tusks in this show?
why is there randomly a shot of a hand with one missing finger??
ANYWAYS r u fr?
oh this is the comic ref outfit!
I mean I know it's only a one-time use for por purposes, but it is interesting that someone would make a thing like that and it can only be used once. very odd that it would end up in the shop rather than being used by the creator. I wonder if whoever they were going to keep away found them and they never got a chance to use it.
It looks like Monty didn't arrive home until morning, even though it was the middle of the night when he talked to Edwin (I kinda wonder what Esther thought he was doing all night)
stuffed meerkat
"hey this plan won't work unless all the of them are really fucking stupid" "slut"
what was she gonna do if Monty said no? I mean, kill him, yeah. but would she, like, get some other ghost to get them to the woods??
The way Monty I SO decisive. He'll get it done... why? Does he hate/think he hates Edwin THAT much? Is he trying to be detached? This is "just" his job. Is he empathizing with Esther?
fun fact: knitwear, in Edwin's time, was still considered rather formal.
he's ALREADY dressed fancy this early in the episode!
I think it partly represents a departure from his school. That controlling environment made everyone wear one uniform, but today he is wearing a unique sweater.
The way he's looking at Charles👀 No WAY Niko didn't catch that!
Charles looks at Edwin when Monty shows up
The way his voice goes UP
Edwin just wants to talk things out with Monty and Monty is NOT having it. I can't blame him, he might not even know that Edwin wants to help him, he hasn't exactly had friends before.
Charles keeps watching Edwin for that whole line and then turns to Monty like "Are you seeing this shit?" and Monty is just like
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[ID: Debby Ryan in the film Radio Rebel ticking her hair behind her ear while gazing coyly into the camera : end ID]
and the girls are giving NOTHING. I want to see them!
That's actualy probably really worrying for Charles considering what haltend the day before.
The way Monty cocks his head to indicate to follow him XD
aww Crystal can't share things with Edwin and Niko doesn't wanna lie 😔 😢
Monty: Im so cool and have already moved on. look at me flirting with Charles. As if I'd ever say Edwin was kind or considerate.
Charles: yay we're friends now!
Edwin: Can we be so fucking serious for one fucking minute
This HAS to be when Monty figured it out. Something about Edwin's look..
"unlike Edwin, Gladys doesn't have anyone else" *looks him up and down* "just me"
first of all: He must be taking after Edwin with his dramatic-ass walk
secondly: dos this count as outing someone?? like he is making it very obvious what happened, right?
third: What is he playing at? Is he just being mean because he wants Edwin's feeling to be hurt just like his are? is he trying to make a realistic reaction? Is he trying to tempt Edwin to take the bait by making him desperate for his good graces? probably not the last one, since he thinks Edwin doesn't care. Maybe he is trying to get Edwin to prove he cares.
Why would he think someone was missing who wasn't missing??
MUSIC omg this is so funny
Jenny's outfit omg
Niko is the only one to mention the sweater lol
NIGHT NURSE! I guess she was knocked out for the whole last episode.
that music box is still going?? I would go insane.
where are the bodies of the other people she ate? where is the stomach acid?
Lucky Kashi had a lantern when he was swallowed
"dying isn't available to me" TMN generally views death as a mercy. Earth=bad, afterlife=good, but also, if she were a dead soul, she'd be taken care of by others instead of 24/7 work for eternity.
"it would be a shame for you to die" she isn't above death threats, even though having too many dead souls is supposedly part of her problem
do you think Kashi ate the corpses? what did he normally ear?
oh no the music box
Also is that a breathing asshole??
Edwin: don't worry about Gladys :)
Monty: can you not be condescending for one fucking minute?
"clear the air" *rainbow lense glare*
everyone has the capacity to hurt people, Monty. If that's your criteria, prepare to have zero options out of any sign.
Did I mention how badass the visuals for this show are?
are those Norse runes?
kinda weird how there's one big tree separating Monty and Crystal from the boys. maybe a living/dead thing?
Si THAT'S what it takes to convince Charles. People in obvious danger.
Monty's face??
*hits tree with stone*
are these enchanted stones reusable?
Monty's reaction to Crystal losing her abilities!? He's like "oh shit"
I wonder if he was depending on her to figure out the plan so he could blame her to Esther and not be at fault, but also not kill the boys, or something
Edwin in his head: Oh no our friend didn't tell us what was wrong! She was willing to jeopardize a case just to stop us from helping her :(
anyways. "tone" is made up and he had a valid question. Charles already asked if she was okay and he didn't have to be redundant, and he just wanted relevant important information.
why does he randomly add the Monty thing into the conversation?? and how does the not liking her thing relate???
so they think it's a blindness/pain thingy
what are her earrings?
so NOW they figure out that the ghosts are being *consumed*
I see someone say Death picked up the moose, but if she had, the boys would have had to hide.
complete obliteration
oh my god she literal wanted that twink obliterated
✨️why would anyone even do that✨️
why's one lantern look like a fucking camera
do characters HAVE to bring up horror movies every time they split up? I mean, I think they do, actually.
the quiet footsteps as they switch spots...
also if peepers in Washington are anywhere NEAR what they are in my state, there is no way those guys could hear eachother at night in the woods.
why is this scene so trippy
redemption arc core
oh the music did a weird thing
1. Does Kashi want to stay inside the fish??
2. why would she go back to sleep. She would feed again.
not sure how the glowing works but okay
what do you think will happen by fuckin. poking it
they play with *fear* alot for David
the yellow scratch for magic!
Also this is like. the first time he *actually* uses that cricket bat.
why does breaking the constructs of mirrors dispel David?
scratch still there glowing yellow on the ground
me when I climb up a fucking tree
Monty's really just fuckin chillin, huh?
Edwin finally learned how to talk about feelings, y'all!! he interrupts but he is so so sweet about itt!!!
THE WAY MONTY JUST FUCKIN. SPINS AROUND. it's like he was just waiting for a reason! he had that son locked and loaded, man
why are the trees glowing?
oh it's the lantern. kill me.
"but I promise you that I care"🥲🥺🥲🥺🥲🥺🥰
it's easier to go along with killing someone if you can convince yourself they're a terrible person, huh? Makes it easier to pick one side, to stick with the woman you've been following your whole life?
Also both of their facial expressionssss I could DIE
Monty: aww🥺 you care about me🥺🥺
aw shit..
um, heyy Eddie boy, let's go NOT be in the middle of the woods in the dark at night haha how's that for an idea uhh
Edwin: *spells out what the fuck in facial expressions*
okay in all seriousness the rise in urgency before CK even shows up is so. I don't even know the adjective! compelling?
Edwin is still all serious and caring and Monty is all of a sudden deflecting even after that moment, so Edwin is confused as fuck, and the rushed tones and fast walking and ask if a sudden the fucking?? lantern??? goes out????
Also the tree-filtered moonlight in this scene!? TO DIE FOR! it's so pretty and pulls the color scheme together.
he's weirdly defensive about the tree thing but okay
this scene never fails to leave me dumbfounded. like, CK kisses this child on the face to prove a point (said boy, Monty, makes a face of "who the fuck do you think you are") then proceeds to call him a gross bird and tell Edwin that he ""owes"" him a thank you kiss.
Honestly I think this really speaks to CK being so entitled. Like, he definitely isn't good to Edwin by any means, but he also wants Edwin to actually like him, so he always gives himself plausible deniability. oversimplified, but I don't want to dwell too much on this fucker for an annotation post. Monty? Monty's just a fucking bird to him, something he would eat, food he can play with. Much less of a person than his own cat self, or than Edwin.
Esther was cheated on. She was betrayed. She turned to her magic, and eventually her patron goddess, Lilith, who would give her a gift and one day in the future, take it back.
so, in Monty's point of view, Edwin's love for Charles is mutually exclusive with giving any shits about Monty. He hasn't been around very long, he thinks of things in a simplified view because it makes more sense (and what's more human than that?) and Esther's backstory is all he's got for any negative experience with a man. So he turns back to his patron goddess, who would eventually take back the gift she gave him.
holy fuck, I'm actually crying now.
He can barely get out Charles' name awww
the way Edwin has nothing to say when Monty tells him how obvious his feelings are...
Do you think Monty felt stupid for not seeing it sooner?
I am not sure what Edwin's speechlessness means, but it leads to one hell of a falling out.
nobody wants to kiss your tuna-breah ass, cat.
nothing about you si far can be classified as 'nice' bro. don't threaten your crush.
I never asked to be human. With all these feelings.
Monty comes back😢😢😢
there's a table and a sandwich, clearly means something
^^look who knows symbolism
She just met these ladies and is already ready to spill about her ghost problems! after a minute she stops like wait if three ppl aren't psycic this week sound stupid as hell
I wanna learn about these other ones!! and Iris (eye pun) too!
also I'm not sure what country Iris' accent is from, but her clothes are giving America to me, so we have some idea as to how long Crystal's family have been on this continent. but relevant atm just interesting.
What kind of other powers does she have?
Iris lists off some different types of women in their family with the magic. priestess, shaman, and artists. Crystal's mom, Maddy Surname, is an artist!!
the line "no desperate mistake" always gives me CHILLS
oh, so NOW violence is okay?
teethface, what the fuck
Charles explaining his kiss with Crystal🤝Crystal explaining her inherited magic: IT'S IN HERE *points at skull*
I love Jenny's outfit in this scene
causing the emotions... in your eyes.
the way she needs a cue to sit down
At least Jenny is self-aware
this scene is so sweet and I love the music
I don't think Ed gets your shroom joke, Charlie.
AN APOLOGY (that's like, two now, right?)
Even when confessing, Edwin can't say it directly (well, until...)
well, y'all didn't know you'd see Monty, right? so are you saying he dressed up nice just to come out to you??
I love that Charles smiles when Edwin starts talking, like.
Charles is like "yay my friend is coming out to me! I'm a cool, safe guy!" then he's like "don't worry bbg hoy don't even have to finish your sentence I can see ur having difficulty there" and inadvertently messes up a little but like. idk. It's a really nice scene.
*hands on shoulders* *eyes locked* "don't matter one bit to me"
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He's been waiting entirely too long to have an opportunity to bring up CK LMAO
he's like aw yeah my bud my bro just came out to me as gay he's opening up and being vulnerable hell yeah- wait NOW I can stop acting like I don't think CK was trying to get in his culottes!
the angle??
Charles with the debate skills
tHe AfTeRlIfE iS iNcApAbLe Of A fUcKuP well then what's your job? cleaning up nonexistent meses??
*presses paper like button* *intensely breathing hell creature awakens*
so the thingy is caught between hell and not-hell because of what Edwin believes 🥲🥲🥲
me when I question everything
camera thingy??
so how were they planning to get Edwin to L&F with the bracelet?? would it fall off when he went to that plane??
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, episode 17-20 thoughts! finishing up season two! the finale is the THIRD 2-PARTER OF SEASON 2. that's so many! I wonder how many season 3 will have?
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-UERGH WHY DOES VLAD HAVE AN AI WITH MADDIE'S FACE ON IT. SOOO CREEPY. AND MORE 'CREATIONS' waiiiit. vlad is Dr. Frankenstein! (despite his ghost design obviously referencing vampires) HE HAS 'CREATIONS' HE MAKES THEN WONT TAKE REAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR!!! this bitch.
-danny was late and his friends immediately start going off about how hes inconsiderate, and has been treating them like sidekicks??? he just overslept, my god. chill. even if he has, be nicer about talking about it with him?? he really can't help that he sometimes has to chase the ghosts, or has a secret identity to protect...
-'what kind of ghost haunts a miniature golf course' umm. me as a ghost. next question
-imagine going home and theres a tiny child on your bed claiming to be your cousin. with as many cousins I have, I would probably believe her. but the 'ran away from home' BIT....SHES 12?? SHES SO TINY. I hate that they have her belly out in her ghost form, but I like how her colors are asymmetrical. something about her design...maybe the proportions?? are weird to me...anyway danny was good to feed her, but he shouldve taken her to his parents FIRST. or, tbh, probably jazz. (JAZZ DIDNT EVEN GET TO MEET HER!!! NOOO. I mean she said she'll be BACK BUT STILL)
-ANYWAY. shes voiced by AnnaSophia Robb, the girl who was in because of winn dixie, played as violet from charlie and the chocolate factory, and was the girl from bridge to terrabithia. (the movie that made me cry hysterically when I was 12 and I never watched it again because it Broke Me!) thats super cool.
-vlad sucks: the episode, basically. what's new!! I love how he's like, I'm Not A Villain. *immediately cuts to him torturing danny to make him transform, to get mid-transformation DNA, to perfect a Clone.* *immediately shows that he doesnt give a shit about his new daughter Dani and just wants a ''more perfect clone'' and will put her in danger to get that. will let her DIE to get that*
-Dani is danny's clone and is a girl? transgenderism....one of them has to be trans. or they both are.
-the next ep opens with skulker chasing a ghost down. ...does skulker count as a ghost hunter in the way valerie and danny do? I mean, sure, he hunts the good guys too, but he. he hunts ghosts...also, we haven't seen his Real Form since his debut episode! tiny...
-the guys in white are back! ngl, I assumed they were a gag for that one episode. you're telling me they might actually be a threat? ok.
-valerie in her lil nasty burger uniform looks so cute!! glad shes not in that mascot uniform this time. I guess she stopped hiding that she's working there now?
-gregor having white hair, dressed in black and white...and green eyes...sam has a Type, I guess.
-danny being unnecessarily hostile about gregor. danny!!! hes been nice so far. he looks a little...tall to be 14, but. danny doesnt know anything about him! (he does Suspect, but...you cant just spy on people and be rude to them from a hunch.) also, gregor kissed her, and when she freaked out, he was like 'oh no!! sorry, we can take it slow! I understand!' which was NICE. I hate jealousy plots still tho.
-altho. umm. tucker, being concerned about danny spying on them??? SAM AND YOU WERE SPYING ON DANNY AND VALERIE A FEW EPISODES AGO!!!!! im not saying its RIGHT, but dont be a hypocrite!!! AND THEN SAM BEING MAD ABOUT IT, TOO.
-DANNY IS A 7 ON THE SCALE OF ECTOPLASMIC POWER!!! out of 10? so I want to know where the other ghosts rank...I mean it's a list from the guys in white, so, it may not even be accurate, like, they havent seen ALL of his powers, have they?
-Lancer being like 'im not cooperating with the FEDS' until they said they could access his tax records. they already did that joke with jack, but like, its still funny. kings of tax evasion.
-tucker's aggressive third-wheeling. but gregor being super into it. gregor/tucker is the real ship here. then gregor kissing danny on both cheeks after hugging him. bi poly king gregor. (he does turn out to be a liar with a phoney accent. unsurprising, BUT THE CONCEPT OF HIM BEING GENUINE AND THEM ALL DATING IS FUN)
-sam saying tucker is part of the package because theyre friends was super sweet <3 but also 'part of the package'...polyships are obviously the solution to these dumb jealousy/love triangle plots.
-danny crashed a whole plane. the collateral damage...
-is he....
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-you know....
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.... (ITS NOT GAY IF YOU'RE DOING IT TO PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT, AND LIE TO A GIRL. RIGHT? he was getting a little too into pretending to enjoy tucker's company, and the above...c'mon, guy.)
-lmao, freakshow is in actual prison. I didn't expect a follow up, or for him to show back up! in the finale of this season, too!
-THE SICK TATTOO GHOST IS NAMED LYDIA!!! more Lore On her. freakshow seemed genuinely concerned about her. also, is she mute? I don't think she talked the first time we saw her, either. and we didn't know freakshow 'envied' ghosts, either, the first time, we just knew he was controlling them. interesting!
-...they literally stole the infinity gauntlet from marvel and called it the reality gauntlet. is that legal. what the fuck. even with the gems in the lil slots, having different powers...they had freakshow in jail, but didnt check his pockets??! hes just still in his lil outfit??? what kind of ...oh, its in amity park. yeah, all of the adults are idiots, okay, sure.
-'freakshow!' 'in the anemic flesh!' dude take some iron pills then. also, sure, the red eyes could be contacts for his aesthetic, but the whites of his eyes are yellow! does he have jaundice?! he severely needs more...like, every kind of vitamin. (this is what im worried about as freakshow attacks danny with giant robots)
-again, goth circus is a sick theme, and I love his goth train.
-oh FUCK every single person saw danny transform. on a stage. including his parents via TV. oh god. the guys in white and immediately like 'youre coming in for experiments!' SCARY. at least the crowd is willing to help him to escape...perks of now being a local celeb! even the kids at school are accepting :) this is what, the third time his family has found out? its always been an alt timeline tho. and danny fully intending to just rewrite things again instead of...I dunno, trying to roll with it this time? hes really worried his family won't accept him, huh...
-'maybe our son IS THE GHOST BOY, but its not as if our family's ghostly activities have EVER PUT YOUR FAMILIES IN DANGER' maddie. mmmmmmmmmmmm. okay.
-danny 100% prepared to run away from home because of this :( oh :( and saying his parents are 'looking for him, or a scalpel to dissect him with' ouch...
-side note (another one about voice actors...) freakshow's voice actor, Jon Cryer, was lex luthor in pretty much every DC tv show, which is why I recognized his voice, because my dad loves those shows so I've seen a good bit of them without seeking them out...)
-the old man saying 'hey, i still had minutes left!' and danny saying 'you gotta watch those roaming charges!' about danny destroying the people in the diner's phones so no one could report seeing him...would kids today understand these things. can you even BUY minutes anymore...I remember my first phone being a flip phone, and the fact I always had minutes when my sister ran out super fast, because I didnt have friends calling or texting me like she did...:/
-the fentons being genuinely like 'why didnt danny trust us and tell us this, we love him :(' and JAZZ LAYING INTO THEM WITH THE 'DISSECTION/MOLECULE BY MOLECULE' LINES. LITERALLLLY. they need to apologize
-technically, lydias stronger than you! -jazz lesbianism moments! when did you even learn her name!!! but also get freakshows ass. lydia is also cooler looking. looove her design sm still.
-jazz psychoanalyzing freakshow... (also, her also having ghost envy? au where jazz is a ghost!! id like to see it)
-im glad the kids still got to go to their respective vacation things, even if they cant really stick around and enjoy them much...
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-furry: confirmed. (also tucker calling her hot. tucker is a furry confirmed)
-danny being mad someone at the comic con is selling comics of him without permission, lmfao. give him his royalties!
-freakshow > thanos because hes a drama clown and does use his gauntlet to be FLASHY AND DRAMATIC.
-jazz's 'USE PYSCOLOGY' to danny about freakshow LMAOO. AND THEN IT WORKING. but, oh, freakshow's ghost form sucks. I like him as a clown better tbh. good thing danny took away his ghost powers!
-his parents hugging him and saying theyre proud :"( and saying 'of course you lied to us, we never gave you a reason not to!' and saying they were in the wrong basically for always talking about hurting ghosts aaaa :""(
-then he WIPED THEIR MEMORIES AGAIN!!! FUCK. I can understand him wiping the goverments/student bodies' memories, but why his parents?? they were being accepting!! ARGHHH. season 3 couldve been them all trying to adjust to them knowing!
-I know, on a meta level the showrunners probably wanted to just reset things to the status quo of him having a secret identity. But. We've been doing that for (2) seasons, I'd love if season 3 could be like, his parents adjusting to this and trying way harder to learn more and accept it (and the shenanigans that could come from that) and for fun, if he didn't wipe the students memories, it could be him being popular for a while, then everyone slowly realizing, oh, he's still Danny. Like. he might have ghost powers but hes Just The Same Guy instead of putting him on a pedestal (and seeing them all try and help him hide it from the giw/people who don't know!!)
-fuck they didn't even explain WHY he wiped everyone except sam, tucker and jazz's memories. he just Did It right when his parents were saying they loved/accepted him!! and sam and tucker didnt question it at all!!! HELLO??? very annoyed about this turn of events.
-anyway. onto season 3! I know its shorter than the first two seasons, and is the last season... I might just do it in 2 bursts if I can... :3c depends on the episodes' content and how much I want to say about each!
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isolaradiale · 4 years
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(full size comic image can be found here!)                                          ☆               ☆                ☆
“And… that should do it.” 𝛿Caeli sighed, punctuating his words with a few taps of the keyboard and putting his drink back down on the desk.
“Look this over for me?” “Do I look like Bellatrix to you? You think I can just read code with my own eyeballs and say whether this should work or not?” “I wouldn’t sell yourself short.” He answered with a wry smile. A nice way of saying Aspidiske wasn’t getting out of this one, she regrettably realized. Moving from her spot with a groan, she propped her elbows against the back of the old man’s desk chair with a bored expression.
“Yeah yeah, looks great--Hold it. This isn’t even the same thing you were typing twenty minutes ago.” “Ah, very good! See, I knew you were capable of reading it with your eyeballs, as you said.”
“You think you’re funny don’t you, Grandpa.”
Gritting her teeth to block out the sound of a hearty laugh, she scrolled through each line, reaching a couple times to tap something on the keyboard in front of him.
“...What’s that line there.” “A choice bank.” “What for?” “I thought it might be courteous to allow them to decide where they want to go.” “Why.” “Well, if people choose an environment they like, they’re more apt to explore it, yes? Why choose someone who isn’t equipped to handle it?” “Because it’s fun watching them squirm, that’s why. I’m changing this.” “Hey--” “Oh nooo, I’m gonna hit Run! Ohhh nooo!” “Now see here, I--”
The next sequence of events all passed within seconds. 𝛿Caeli’s fingers hit ‘undo’, Aspidiske moved to push his hand away with her own and deployed the RUN button with the other. Both collided with the glass on the table, knocking its mostly full contents onto the desk. A mixture of ice and sweet liquid flooded between the keys and into the cracks of the dashboard as Aspidiske pulled her companion backward sharply, saving him the sting of electric shock. The monitor split into several bright, jarring colors before attempting to pull itself back together, and numbers and symbols jumped from place to place before everything went blank for a few agonizing seconds. Both exhaled when the monitor whirred back to life, with the following prompt flickering and glitching across the screen.
                                        [ OPERATION S.H.O.R.E ]                                             [ STATUS: ACTIVE]
Not too long after that ordeal, the click of the intercom and a long, disappointed sigh cut the silence. The deadly even voice of Pleiades spoke into the room. “You two. In my office. Now.”
                                            ☆               ☆                ☆ Your phones switch on by themselves; the cafe televisions turn on, the daily news changes, your phone calls all display the same message over any visual media they can. But the person who appears in the broadcast is an elderly man, sitting at a table in a semi-professional manner, and a smaller woman behind him cackling.
“Hello! Hello, good evening, everyone. This is the first time we’ve met like this, ah? It’s good to see you on a personal level--” “As personal as a giant broadcast can be.” “...Ahem. You can call me Delta Caeli. Behind me is Aspidiske.” “Don’t drag me into this, old man.” “I’m here to report that there are several islands off the coast of Spirale that have recently cleared from the mist. Given what happened a couple months ago when a mysterious object appeared, we’re unsure if the GPU has a hand in this or not. I’ll be frank with you, my friends, there aren’t enough of us to explore the islands ourselves. That’s where you all come in, I hope!” “Not like you all have that much of a choice, after all. Cooperation is key, or something, something...” “On your devices, I’ve sent something of a ticket for your island excursions. There are four that we’ve monitored in total, so you have the option of being transported to any one of those. Once we’ve collected enough information on the islands, we’ll bring you right back, safe and sound. We’ll be here, monitoring your progress as--”
From off-camera, something seems to spark and pop menacingly, along with a hissing noise that makes the old man lose a bit of color.
“...Well, I trust you’ll do fine! If you’ll excuse me.”
He grabs his cane, and with a bit of effort, 𝛿Caeli rises from his chair. Aspidiske takes the seat in front of the camera.
“Uh, guess that’s one way to get the job don-”
The monitors cut the broadcast abruptly, and on your devices, a prompt appears.
[ Welcome to Operation SHORE: Surviving Hazards Of Relaxing Escapes! Please choose your island destination: ]
Haugst Isle
Resources: Plentiful (manufactured)
Shelter: Provided
Danger rating: High
Tags: Monsters, Prison, Laboratory
Nommin Isle
Resources: Plentiful (natural)
Shelter: None
Danger rating: Low
Tags: Tropical, Deserted, Beautiful
Foss Isle
Resources: Plentiful (natural)
Shelter: Minimal (caves)
Danger rating: Moderate
Tags: Volcano, Dinosaurs, Jungle
Volaat Isle
Resources: Moderate-Low (luxury)
Shelter: Moderate (abandoned ships)
Danger rating: Low
Tags: Sunken ships, Storms, Small
(Detailed descriptions of each island can be found Here!)
Upon choosing your destination, your phone screen will glitch out for a few seconds, and you’ll suddenly and instantly vanish from your place in Spirale. As soon as you disappear, you reappear on the island you chose (or perhaps a different island than what you picked altogether) with your island-issued cell phone as your only belonging.
                                           ☆               ☆                ☆ 
So, what’s happened?
Your characters have suddenly appeared on one of the mystery islands outside of Spirale, and must survive and thrive on the island they’ve chosen/landed on. This includes things like finding food and water, making shelter, and fending off the elements and creatures that you encounter during your extended stays.
Am I limited to one island?
Nope! Due to the system shorting and glitching out on occasion, it’s entirely possible for your character to wind up on a completely different island in the blink of an eye. It’s also possible to build some kind of raft or ship and sail to one of the other islands! (If you know how to sail and the weather is kind to you…)
You can also use means like flying, freezing a bridge, riding a dolphin, or whatever your powers would allow you to do to get from one island to the other.
HOWEVER if you sail too far away from the islands, you’ll run into the mists that usually surround Spirale, and you’ll succumb to the safe effects they have under normal circumstances and sail right into Davy Jones’ Locker… (...and die.)
How do I get back to Spirale?
It’s impossible to get from the islands to Spirale by any means of transport (sailing, flying, teleporting, etc.)
However, if you’ve met a grisly end and died on one of the islands, you’ll respawn in Spirale, and won’t be able to return to the islands.
Do our phones work?
They sure do! You can even still use the internet on them, if you’ve met the rank requirement to get it. They charge with solar power and are waterproof, but they won’t survive being smashed or broken, so don’t do anything reckless with them!
Do I have to go to an island to participate in the event?
Not necessarily. As long as you have a thread or drabble that’s related to the event, that will count toward participation. (For example, if your character in Spirale City were to make a phone call to another character stuck on one of the islands, that would count.)
Do I have to explore and survive and put my muse in danger?
Not at all! This event is designed to be versatile; you can take the opportunity to build from the ground up and bond with your friends (and enemies?) and have a laid-back vibe if you want. You can have a dangerous expedition to find resources and shelter with peril at every corner, too. You can even ignore the survival aspect and finally have that cool one-on-one duel with your rival atop a rocky cliff during a lightning storm where no one will interfere!
You can help or hinder anyone who arrives on the island and make new friends or enemies. You can learn to fish, hunt or forage for food. You can play in the ocean or run for your life. It’s up to how you want to play the event!
Do drabbles count?
Yup! A drabble of 500+ words will get you credit for this event.
Is there an event reward for this one?
The reward is the friendships you made along the way… and maybe a cool sea shell.
How long will the event run?
This event will run until Friday, September 4th,  at 11:59:59 pm EST!
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eatsleepfuckread · 3 years
The Important Things in Life
(also posted on Literotica)
Kink: rather vanilla sex
Warning: sex?
Sentence summary: You make it up to me after messing up my newly painted nails.
Word Count: 3085
             I didn’t often paint my nails; they never lasted and would chip almost immediately. My toenails, however, were always painted. I would paint them every color under the sun, even if it no one except you saw them. They made me happy. Thus, on the few occasions that I did paint my fingernails, especially if I matched them to my toenails, I walked around as if I was in the midst of a mine field. Or as if I were a mummified zombie trying to find my stolen, and cursed, treasure shaped like brains. Given that nail polish and nail polish remover both have a distinct smell, you knew when to stay away. Sometimes, however, the shenanigans you brought me into were worth redoing my nails.
           I had just painted my nails, both sets of ten, and had just placed the top on the bottle. More than solid colors even: one finger on each appendage was a sparkly silver while the others were all a dark grey. I was waiting on my top and final coat to dry, what feels like the longest layer of all, when you sauntered in with a tell-tale gleam in your eyes.
           “No,” I stated firmly, already knowing what was coming. “Noooo, I just painted my nails. Can’t you smell the nail polish. They are perfect! Not a single smudge or missed place. Get away from me with those eyes and grabby hands.”
           I saw the pout forming, slightly dulling your eyes, before it vanished. “What if I tell you that you don’t have to use your feet or your hands and that I will preserve your nails completely?”
           It wasn’t unusual for you to find me and already be in the mood for sex. Nor did it take me very long to get on your level. Often times just telling me what got you worked up, well, worked on me too. Especially if you were teasing me, like now, by palming your length through your sweats (or boxers, or jeans, or even the one time with the suit pants), biting your lip, making bedroom eyes, and subtly flexing your arms (we both know I am a sucker for biceps and forearms). Hardly ever did it take all four tactics to rouse me, but this time I was giving you a run for your money.
           “You told me that a time or two ago about my hair. It took me twenty minutes to put it back together. We ended up not even going too,” at this point I folded my arms across my chest, over my tits, to show a point and hide your staring. If I had known, I would have worn a bra, and more than an oversized hoodie of yours. Hell, probably would have worn a parka if I could have. Painting my nails is a process that should never be interrupted. “So no, turn around and go jack one out in the living room or somewhere away from me and my nails.”
           All of the tactics somehow failing, which had never happened before, I could see your mind whirring with possibilities. Seeing how all four tactics are rarely all used without me giving in, you were having a hard time coming up with a fifth. Seriously, three of the tactics are used generally around when I start my period each month. All four have been used once and that was in the beginning of our relationship when you wanted me to finger your ass as I blew you (you didn’t even need to use them either, I just didn’t want to sound so eager to put my fingers up your butt). I knew I was in trouble when a calm certainty came about, completely sure of yourself, and my inability to deny you anything sexual.
           A quick peak at my nails and the clock next to where I was sitting on our bed proved that my nails were far from dry. Given that I use a super strong top coat in hopes of my nail polish lasting longer, it usually means that it takes three centuries to dry or it needs some special lamp. Of course, I opted for the option of time.
           “Since I’m already in our room, you don’t mind if I sit next to you, right baby girl? I won’t make any attempt to get too close to you or your nails. I will stay on my side of our bed.” With that, you took your time to get to your side, ensuring that I had a perfect view of your dick swaying under your sweats with every step. The lack of a shirt only further aided the view, the dark trail of hair connecting both of my happy places. You weren’t ropes of muscle, but you also weren’t skin and bones either. You were my ideal man. Something which you had every intention of exploiting to your best degree. You furthered my point when you met my eyes and let your sweats drop to the floor before climbing into bed, albeit carefully, to rest your back against the headboard. “See. Not anywhere near your nails. And since he,” with a pointed nod towards your dick, “isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I assume you don’t mind if I rub one out here.”
           At the sight of my flushed cheeks and parted lips, you knew that I had no intention of answering you, not even if I was forced to. Especially as your right hand went from behind your head, which allowed me a full view of your body, to your dick. You slowly, and loosely, started stroking your dick, the muscles bunching in your arm with each stroke. I was still able to hold out on helping you, but not by much. I saw you facial expression change from calm certainty with a side of arousal to completely confident with a main dish of arousal. You knew you had me. It was just a matter of time.
           “Ohhh, fuck baby. This feels so good,” you moaned out breathlessly. By this point, your pre-cum had leaked out and your stroking did a good job in spreading it around to only aid you. Your hold got tighter, making the sound of your strokes get louder and wetter. You were so confident that you had me, you stopped paying me any attention to focus on your dick. Your head was still against your other arm but now your eyes were closed, lips parted to let out every sound, every harsh exhale as your stroked yourself to completion. Or maybe I wasn’t even needed for this jerk off session. We both had a pretty good memory for our spank banks. This wouldn’t be the first time that either one of us would cum without the other, usually due to schedule conflicts. At that thought, I folded. I hated masturbating by myself, would rather wait until you could join or even just direct, just so that I could feel close to you. Nails could be re-done. Besides, I don’t need my hands to make you cum.
           You didn’t falter in your strokes, nor did you startle when you felt me suddenly move to straddle you. All without hands, too. My pussy was mere inches from where you were stroking your cock, I could almost feel the whooshing of air against my pussy. I had been so busy trying to not give in that I completely ignored my own arousal sings; my nipples were pebbled, noticeable through your hoodie while my pussy was leaking my arousal onto your cock as I hovered, only aiding in your stroking. I fully admit that it doesn’t take much to turn me on, not that I can’t behave, but your tease and how far you pushed me made it ten times worse than usual.
It wasn’t until I started to sink down on your cock that your eyes opened, and your lips briefly went into a smirk before I smothered them with my own. Nipping on your bottom lip, almost in punishment for my lack of a will power when it comes to you. As I bottomed out, quite easily due to how wet and turned on I was, I went from nipping your lips to meeting your tongue with me own. Adjusting to your size, the stretch of your think cock always making it a necessity, I started to grind against your cock followed by lifting my hips and slamming back down. By this time, I knew my toe nails were fucked, if they weren’t messed up from when I straddled you, they were now as I moved my feet every lift of my hips to offer balance. My hands were still half in the air after all, rather comically.
“Good girl,” you murmured to me, having broken off of our kiss. “I was wondering when it would take for you to fold. It’s a shame about your toenails. It’ll be a shame if something happened to your fingernails too.” At the same time, your hands from behind your head, where they went after my pussy swallowed your dick, to my hips. Your hips started to meet my own in a frenzy, your grip on my hips almost too painful as you helped me keep my speed. As I had opened my eyes to meet yours after you broke the kiss, I was able to see the pure animalistic need that appeared as you thoroughly fucked me from the bottom. It seems as though you held off from coming to find me longer than I thought, but in the moment, all I could think was how good your dick felt.
I gave in. Having almost lost balance and fallen off your dick, which we definitely can’t have, I moved my hands from being a mummy to rest on your shoulders, just slightly grasping a hold. This moved my breasts from lightly resting on your chest to help with balance, to out I the open. Something you definitely took notice of at they bounced with every thrust. This only further your need, mine too, as I now got even better leverage to move my hips. Occasionally, I would go against your hold on my hips to grind against your groin. Before allowing you to go back to leading me in the rhythm. Each time your dick bottomed out, your balls slapped against me, adding a slight sting that did nothing but further the knot being created in my stomach.
“Nooo, what are you doing,” I half whimpered, half moaned, as you stopped altogether. “I was enjoying that.” Turning to look at your face, I had been ogling your muscles that were tensing and relaxing from fucking me seconds before, your confidence was back and even more apparent than before. You got me right where you wanted me anyway, begging for your dick, so you had no reason not to be.
“Oh, I know,” cue the half smirk. “But you are going to like this even better.” Not a second after that, you somehow took us from cowgirl to missionary without detaching our connection or further messing up my nails that rested on your shoulders. “Now hold on.”
           And I did. If I thought you were animalistic before, I had no words for how fast and hard you were thrusting into my pussy. The squelch sounds from my pussy only got louder and I could feel a mixture of my wetness and your pre-cum dripping down to make a puddle on the bed. I could only imagine how wet your balls were from slapping into me, which made the feeling of them slapping into me that much greater. My hands on your shoulders went from a loose, I-need-to-balance, hold to a I’m-being-fucked-for-my-life, hold on so I don’t lose my soul. My legs wrapped around your waist, feed resting on top of your ass, feeling how you tightened with each thrust. The ball that slowly dissipated with my disappoint of you stopping came back with a vengeance.  You were supporting your weight on your arms, allowing a gap between us, feasting your eyes on my tits that had their own jiggling in mind, occasionally looking down at my stomach that was jiggling just the same. You had the perfect body in my eyes, and somehow, you always said that I had the perfect body in your eyes, regardless of my jiggly parts. Rather than feeling self-conscious, I let the feeling of possession and love take over me, in between the tightening of my lower stomach.
           When your dick buried into me at the hilt each thrust, I moaned out, “I’m. About. To. Cum. Don’t. Stop.” What did you do? You stopped completely, not moving an inch. Pressing your hips against mine to stop me from bringing about my own orgasm. You brought your arms from pressing against the bed on either side of me to under my head, ignoring my whining and begging to please move all the while. After what felt like years of struggling for some kind of friction, I gave up with a huff. “I was so fucking close babe. Why?”
           This brought your attention up from where you were staring at my tits, to my face, giving you a slight smolder. “Well, seeing as how you didn’t want to have sex in the beginning, I didn’t think you would mind not having an orgasm either. After all, aren’t your nails more important?”
           I couldn’t tell if you were trying to appear innocent or just plain old furthering an agenda that I have no doubt you planned at this point.
           “Yes. I know. You know. But not want now they aren’t and I want to orgasm on your cock. Then I want you to call me your dirty little slut as you fill my pussy up with your cum. Then we are going to cuddle and I will give you all of the attention you can handle until you are ready to go again. Then we can have nice lazy sex to make up for both of our rudeness.” In my head, my words had backbone, they were words from a strong independent woman who didn’t need a man to cum. In reality, however, they were barely more than a plea for mercy hoping you took pity on me.
           “Hmmm. I don’t know. I don’t think bad girls,” you emphasized the last two words with two harsh thrusts, “should get what they want. So how about this. I’m going to fuck you until I cum and if you cum too, great. If not, well, I guess you have to mess your nails up further, huh? With how tight your pussy is right now, I wouldn’t doubt that you were still on the edge, I know I am. Now gimme a kiss and hold on.”
           I had been well and truly defeated. You definitely won this round of wills. So I offered my lips up for you to dominate and gripped your shoulders for dear life. The thrusts that I thought were animalistic were nothing compared to how your cock felt diving into my pussy. In hindsight, you were thrusting fast, yes, but not your full length. This time, though, I’m pretty sure I’ll need a band-aid for my cervix after the pounding your cock puts it through. I was getting your full length over and over and I could do nothing but hold on. There was no lifting my hips to match your pace, none of that. I was there to receive whatever pleasure you deemed fit to allow me and bring you to cum. Judging by the drool enticing kiss you somehow managed to keep up with, you weren’t not trying to prevent my orgasm. Just the opposite really. I knew I was done for when one of your hands moved from cradling my head to putting pressure on my throat. If I ever had any reason to doubt that you knew my body, every time we had sex and you somehow knew just the right thing to make cum restarted my thinking.
           “Mmm, that’s baby. Cum on my cock, clench your little pussy on my cock as it pounds into you. Are you gonna squirt? I think you might. My little slut is gonna squirt just from having her greedy cunt filled. So sensitive.”
           “Ohhh fuck. Oh fuck,” I moaned, if not screamed. “Yes, yes, yes. Please, please. Please.” Whatever rhythm you had before was gone. My hips were uncontrollably fucking myself on your cock and, as I could feel your balls tighten and dick start to twitch, I knew you were done for too. As the nice person I am, I decided to help you, “Ohh, yes. I want your cum inside me. Cum in your slut’s pussy. Yesssss,” I hissed out as I felt your cum shoot out with each sharp thrust into my pussy. Judging by how wet we both were, there was little doubt of me squirting and even surprise as the amount of cum that you pumped into my pussy, only for it to leak out with the softer thrusts following out big climaxes.
What cultivated over who knows how long by yourself, a good half an hour of teasing alone, and an immeasurable amount of time of fucking, both our orgasms felt that they took eons to fully pass over us. Leaving us in the aftermath of sweat, cum, and pussy juices. Even though both of our bodies needed a shower, neither of us wanted to move from where we found ourselves; your dick softening inside of me while your arms wrapped around my waist with your head on my chest, your full weight offering me the comfort only you can bring. Our legs were tangled, although mine barely reached your knee with our height differences and positions. Not even paying mind to my sure to be messed finger nails, I was lightly running my nails over your scalp and back, or what I could reach of your back, before continuing the path.
Although both of us enjoyed our positions immensely, the drying juices were starting to get uncomfortable. You popped your head up to look at me, “Wanna take a bath with me? I will show you how a man does his woman’s finger-nails.”
At my slow grin and heavy eye-lids, you had your answer. And a promise for a second round. Maybe even a third, depending on how well you can paint.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Chapter 2
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Pairing: Cassian X MC ( for this chapter)
Warning: Slight swearing and violence
Word count: 3.2 K words
Chapter 1
Taglist: @choices-love-affair @miyakokurono @openheart12 @trappedinfandoms @noboundariesplease @nooruleman @madampugzalot @sekizincimektup @dailydoseofchoices @choicesfanatic86 @kaavyaethanramsey @junggoku @flyawayboo @whatchique @vampiregirlsblog @squishywizardhq @lilyvalentine (let me know if you want to added or removed from the taglist 😊)
Song: Cross your Mind by Niall Horan
forgive if I make any mistakes
I am an early bird.
I love the period just before the sun rises. To see the sun slowly come out of the cover of darkness and illuminate every thing in its wake is truly beautiful. The chirping birds, the cool breeze which blows against my face and to see the sky slowly become a mixture of different hues almost makes it feel like it heaven on earth.
Dawn. The start of a new day. The chance to rewrite your slate. To have a fresh start.
Just like the way the sun paints the night sky with a variety of colours, I try to bring the different shades of happiness in my life. I have seen so much violence and gory as a US Marshall that I am still surprised I haven't gone for therapy.
I think it's because I try to find the happiness in everything? I know sometimes it feels like finding a needle in haystack but no matter how ever small that reason is, it's always enough to hold on to.
I was sitting on the beach, crossed legs as I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of the rising sun on my face and the sea breeze which whistled through my shoulder length brown hair. The feeling of the white sand in my hands and smell of the ocean made me feel alive. It's only during moments like this that I feel like the original me.
It's short, it's fleeting but a great reminder on how different I am now.
I turned and saw Adira walking towards me in nothing but my shirt and runner shorts. A smirk was pasted on her face as she sashayed towards me.
Being the lead on this case was... Interesting.
I learnt many quirks about her and the one which stood out the most was that, she was a grade A spoilt brat.
I am usually very respectful towards woman but damn, she drives me up the wall. Hell, she threw a fit when I tried making her wear a life jacket.
When we were on the houseboat to Nantucket, I debriefed her on the case and her identity. "So Adira, they finished putting together your cover. You'll be Adira aka Maliha Johnson, a working class girl who just lost her parents. The money your parents left you allowed you to purchase a small house on Nantucket, where you'll be working odd jobs to pay for the contractor helping you repair the weather damage on the place."
The look of aghast which painted her face almost made me wheeze. "Working class? Me?" I thought she was being comical and I just gave her grin. "What is wrong with that?"
I thought wrong.
"You want me? Adira Lockhart.. daughter of the CEO of Lockhart industries, the girl who has a motherfucking MBA, to scrub barnacles of yachts? Excuse me while I puke."
I observed her. Her hands were smooth with no callouses and her skin was flawless, with not a single scar. She was definitely one of those obnoxious rich people who thought that they were above everybody and that the poverty was a disease.
Yup, I hated them.
Serves her right, maybe she can learn a thing or two about humility.
"Yes, Adira that's how it's gonna be and I'm sorry you are going through this. We can't put you in some big place like your old job because that will be the first place they will look for you. We need to rework your entire cover identity so that it's completely different from what Adira Lockhart is."
She sighed and looked out on the ocean. "I was supposed to be settling into my new position at work... Not start a fresh."
I reached and squeezed her hand, conveying my empathy the best way I could. "It's hard to not feel like this is a punishment, but believe me you are doing the right thing. Not only will you be protecting yourself but, you will also be protecting the countless others when you testify."
She turned towards me, her hair whipping her face. "I hate it when I am not able to be in control of my life.." I turned towards her and gave a small smile our eyes meeting.
We stared at each other's eyes, the air between us cackling with lust and the need to be close to each other.
She was about to lean in when an icy gust ripped across the desk, spraying water all over her back.
She shrieked and I swear I momentarily became deaf.
"You need something to cover you up." As I was reaching for my jumper she stopped me.
"I'm fine without it." She said in a voice as cold as the ocean water.
"But, you are shive-" she stopped me with a hand up.
"No, I don't need it Cassian."
And it had been like that since the last week. The hot and cold moments. At one time she is all open, carefree and flirty and then suddenly like a flipped switch she will give Elsa a run for her money at being the coldest person. The silent treatment would be so harsh that it felt like my ears would ring.
She would throw major tantrums and I would have to end up doing maximum amount of work, but then she would profusely apologize by sucking my dick and ride me seven ways to Sunday.
Cassian, don't you love the challenge? The thrill of tasting the forbidden fruit? Don't be so harsh in judging her... She is going through shit.
But, it was surely a new experience. It felt natural to wake up next to her and it was natural to make breakfast in the morning, even if she didn't eat it. I felt like I was the mother hen, trying to make sure she ate and was physically fine so that she won't slip into depression.
And it's a proven fact that exercise get the endorphins rushing through your veins so, I have taken up the responsibility of teaching Adira how to fight so that if I'm compromised, she can at least defend herself.
"Good morning, your highness. Shall we begin?"
"I'm sorry I'm late... a certain someone kept me up till late night." She said with a smirk as she picked up the jumping rope near me.
I just rolled my eyes playfully and started skipping rope.
We did our warm ups which included running and basic stretching. There was teasing and playful shoving which made the entire thing fun. Her eyes would trail to my abs whenever I picked up my singlet to wipe the sweat of my face. And my eyes would trail to the sweat trailing down her chest into her cleavage.
I am not one to deny the view.
"Okay Adira, we have mastered basic punches and blocks but, it's not always gonna be that easy... Have you watched 'Knight and day'?"
"The Tom Cruise movie? Hell yeah."
"Great. So do you remember the part when the bad guy wrapped his arms around-" I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her chest tightly, trapping her hands there "-like this?"
She started breathing heavily. "Yeah.."
"Good. Hands like Houdini. Put your palms down and all at once, throw your hands to the ground and move your hips back."
She did that but, ended up falling on the ground with a smile.
"Nice. The other guy won't know what hit him."
I reached forward and held my hand out. She grabbed and stood up, dusting off the sand on her ass.
"Are you ready for work?" I asked as we started walking back home.
"Ugh nooo." She whined.
I chuckled. "Adira its-" a sudden crash and bang sounded from the house and I stopped in my tracks, my shoulders tensing.
Adira was going to open her mouth to say something but I help up my hand to quieten her.
"There is someone in there." I quietly whispered as I picked up the gun which I had buried in the rose bushes. I stepped in front of her. We entered through the back door and tip toed in.
"The place could be surrounded, stay close to me."
"What if it's them?"
I reached down and squeezed her arm. "I will protect you."
I grasped the gun tightly and Adira just clinged onto my arm. Stepping into the house, I noticed every nook, corner and shadow. Another bang resounded and Adira shrieked and my eyes narrowed onto the open front door.
Moving slowly, I led her to the door and checked the handle.
"No signs of forced entry." I said as I let go of the door.
"But why... Oh." As realization dawned on her.
"What do you mean by oh?" I asked as I turned towards her.
She looked away, guiltily and stared at her feet. "I may have opened the door for getting the newspaper... Guess I never shut it."
What.. the FUCK?
I take my hand down my face, trying to keep my anger at bay. Can't she understand that even the smallest mistake and she could die? Just the smallest feeling of security and she could be on the floor with her throat slit? Is it so hard to understand that this is WITSEC and not some fucking vacation in the Hamptons?
"Adira, how am I supposed to protect you when you're literally leaving the door wide open for the people who want to kill you?" I asked through clenched teeth.
She just crossed her arms and let out a huff of frustration. She just turned the other way.
How dare she have the audacity to get angry?
"Fine. Nice chat. Go for a bath and we are going to work."
She stomped up the stairs and shut the bathroom door so hard that it resounded throughout the entire house.
Well, annoying Adira is back at it again.
I trailed behind Adira, trying to match her pace, but she just kept stomping on the sand, full steam ahead.
"Walking angrily on sand doesn't have the effect you're going for. Unless you're trying to look cute." I called out to her.
She just huffed and walked even faster. I ran a couple of steps and fell into stride with her. "UGH! Can you not?"
"I'm just trying to do my job ya know? Try to protect you from a mob that is after your life?"
"I hate this. I'm sick of being escorted around."
"But Adira-"
"Shut the fuck up Cassian." I raised my hands in surrenderance, not wanting to ruin her mood even more.
"I'm sorry Adira."
Apologizing will make it better, right? Even if it isn't my fault?
"And you should be." She said haughtily.
I could have given a fucking powerpoint presentation on how this wasn't my fault but I would really like to keep my balls intact so I just shut the fuck up. Avoid conflict, they say. The shit we men go through...
We reached the lobster shack but, Adira didn't slow down her pace. This resulted in her feet getting tangling in the fish nets on the deck. She let out a huge groan and stared at the sky as if to ask "Why is it happening to me?"
What a drama queen... But, I still like her.
"Do you want me to help you?" I asked, preparing myself for a brutal rejection.
She just sighed and looked up at me with her tired blue eyes. "Yes please."
I bent down and slowly untangled the net out if her ankle. After I was done, I slid my arm up her calf and smiled up at her.
She gave me a soft smile. "Thanks Cassian."
I was going to say something when Renata called out to us. "Why are you both standing there doin' nothin'? The lobsters aren't going to shuck themselves!!"
Adira rolled her eyes and said lowly. "Well, that shucks."
Barking out a laugh, we both headed to the shed to get on with our work.
I was outside the shed doing my work when I heard Renata sigh with frustration. "This... Is really getting my goat!"
I couldn't help but snort. Who even says that nowadays?
"Anything I can do to help?" Adira's voice spoke up. I stopped my work so that I could hear how their conversation goes.
I heard a loud crash and bang which made me flinch. Renata really must be pissed.
"Rockport Dining needs fifty-seven ounces by tonight, and I keep losing track. Numbers have never been my strong suit."
Please Adira don't blow your co-
"Well, you're in luck. After years in finance, there's nothing I can't keep track of in my head." I heard her gleeful smile.
I sighed and pinched my nose in frustration. This is just like Jonah all over again.
I heard Renata's loud boisterous voice which I swear, the entire town could have heard. "Aren't you full of surprises!"
"Everyone has their surprises."
Yeah and your fucking surprises will be the death of me.
"I knew you had that smart look about you. Any other secrets locked away in that head of yours I should know about?" Renata asked in a teasing manner and my eyes started surveying the area, to see any suspicious activity.
You never know when your enemies can creep up on you and one stumble, boom you are dead.
But it was crowded and it was hard to narrow in on any suspects.
I creeped close to the door of the shed and peeked in. Adira had a fake smile plastered on her face and said, "No of course not. I'm an open book."
Renata laughed. "We'll just have to get our hands dirty together then Let me get you a new pair of gloves." She headed for the door and I blended myself in the shadows so that she couldn't notice me.
She leaves and I storm inside the shed and throw the bucket of crabs on the floor.
"Grab your things and tell Renata you are quitting." I said as I started taking my own gloves out.
"WHAT? Why?'
I took a deep breath, trying to prevent myself from breaking out. "She's going to start asking questions about how someone with your work history ended up here. Your cover is blown, Adira. Let's go." I reached for her hand but she just pulled away.
Rolling her eyes, she turned to her work station. "Nothing will happen, you are just being paranoid."
She. Just. Didn't.
I was just gonna speak up but Renata came in, bustling. I casually leaned against the wall, staring at Adira with hard eyes. "So tell me more about your talents. My son is finance so he might know more about this topic."
I smoothly cut in. "I'm sorry Renata but Maliha needs to leave. There has been a family emergency."
Adira's eyes widened before she played along, stammering." Yeah.. uh there has been an emergency. I have to quit."
She was heading out when Renata grabbed her hand, eyes full of compassion. "Maliha, I'm a mother too. And I know that look in your eyes is sheer fear. I don't know what it is, but I hope everything is okay."
Without saying anything, Adira turned and fell into step with me.
We biked back to the house, but I still couldn't shake off the feeling that we were caught. That maybe, just maybe they are on to us.
And that's because she couldn't keep quiet.
I saw Adira peek at me from the corner of the eye. She opened her mouth to say something but ended up not saying anything.
And I'm damn glad she didn't because I swear to god, I would have snapped so hard.
After a few minutes, Adira blurted out. "How many times have you done this? You must be an expert in helping other people leave their lives behind."
I sighed. "Don't get comfortable. The moment you do, you'll make a mistake you can't take back."
Adira stayed quiet as we peddled the rest of the way. We parked the bicycles and I bent down to put the chain on the wheels.
I entered the house and headed to the kitchen while, Adira went up the stairs. I sighed and started getting dinner ready. The sun was setting over the ocean and the sky was a mixture of pink and blues, as if it was confused as to which colour it wanted to show. The sun gleamed a vermilion hue and it painted the entire house orange in its wake.
I heard the shower run and I took out the cutting board to cut some vegetables. I was thinking of making stir-fry with a side of noodles. And I didn't care if Adira didn't fucking like it or not.
I cut the vegetables, pouring in all my day's frustration into massacring them. I took a break and grasped the counter tightly as I let out a sigh.
I stood up and looked out fo the window, to see the dying sun. But that's not what caused me to grasp the knife tighter.
A reflection.
A reflection that was not Adira.
I ducked and the crow bar whistled over my head. I turned and flipped the knife so that I could hold it tighter. Let's call the intruder Thing 1.
Thing 1 tried to go for my head again, but I blocked his hand and punched his face with my left hand.
Disoriented, his grip on the crowbar loosened. Seizing the opportunity I twisted his arm and disarmed him. A parry of blows were exchanged but I managed to stab him twice in the gut. Moving like water I ended up behind him and got him in a headlock.
"Lights out motherfucker." I said as I snapped his neck, ending his life.
But that wasn't the end of it.
I was tackled to the ground by another person. I ended up hitting my temple on the counter edge and I swear, I heard ringing. Things were blurry and I saw the guy lift a knife, trying to stab me but I was quick.
Making an 'X' with my hands, I blocked the knife and it stopped inches from my face. “Oh you just. did, not....Not the face asshole.” I reared my leg up and kicked him as hard as I could on the balls.
"Fuck." Thing 2 said with a thick Irish accent as he writhed on the floor.
"Take this you cunt." I kicked him hard in the ribs and picked up the crowbar.
"Say hello to Thing 1, when you meet him in hell." That being said I hit him hard on the head which ended with him having a cracked skull.
"ADIRA!" I called out as I ran up the stairs, tightening my grip on the crowbar.
The bathroom door was open but I heard the crash of the lamp and a high pitched scream from the bedroom.
I kicked open the door and there was Adira.
But that's not what made my blood boil.
The asshole was standing there, his arms around her, trapping her.
With a gun pointing at her head.
well well... guess who is going to have his ass handed
can we just say that angry Casian is hot yeah?
I will probably post the third chapter next week? because currently I'm taking writing requests for hitting 400 followers and to fill the void of Ethan Ramsey in my heart
maybe you might get to see the character I have been raving about next week?
like, comment and reblog!! tell me what do you think will happen?
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blookmallow · 4 years
its becoming apparent to me that i am never going to have the motivation to draw this lmao so uuhhhh anyone wanna read my script for a fosters home for imaginary friends halloween episode i made up? no? here it is anyway 
it’s almost time for the annual halloween party at fosters... but there’s somethin strange in this neighborhood! weird, spooky occurrences start to happen around the house.... is it just somebody’s idea of a halloween prank? or is fosters... HAUNTED?????
[ SCENE 1 ]
[ Open on a SPOOKY MONSTER FACE! ……Oh, it’s a Halloween decoration Frankie is putting up. We zoom out to see the friends of the house all at work getting ready for a Halloween party. Some friends are putting up decorations, some carving pumpkins, some getting costumes ready. Coco runs around laying eggs full of candy. Mr. Herriman is fussing over everything, as usual. He is arguing with some shameful looking friends who got into the candy before the party. Madam Foster is dressed up as a little witch and keeps sneaking them more pieces of candy every time his back is turned. ]
[ Wilt is helping hang little bats from the ceiling when Mac walks in. ]
MAC: Hey, has anyone seen Eduardo?
WILT: Not since this morning.
BLOO: Pshh. He’s probably *hiding* from all the *scaaaaary* spooky-creepy-…stuff.
MAC: Hm… Well-… I’m gonna go check on him.
[ SCENE 2 ]
[ Mac walks through the house, calling for Eduardo. He notices a door open. ]
MAC: Eduardo?
[ There is a quivering pile of blankets in the corner. ]
EDUARDO: No-…Nobody in here!!
MAC: Eduardo, what are you doing in here? Everyone’s getting ready for the party! Don’t you wanna come have some candy?
MR. HERRIMAN, hopping through the hallway behind Mac: NO candy until the appointed time!!
MAC: Uh, later, I mean? We could go help Wilt with the decorations, or -
EDUARDO: NO!! Es too *scary* out there!! [peeks out] There’s ghosts, and vampires, and werewolves, and spiders, and and BIG SCARY MONSTERS with big scary teeth!!
[ Mac looks at Eduardo… with his big teeth… for a second, but lets it go ]
MAC: Eduardo, it’s not real! There aren’t any real ghosts, it’s all just fun! See, look-
[ He holds up a bat on a string. Eduardo screams and hides in the blanket again. ]
MAC: No, look! It’s fake! See! [ He wiggles the string. The rubber bat flops a little. Eduardo hesitantly takes the string… gives it a little wiggle. It’s sorta fun. ]
EDUARDO: Oh… Maybe not *so* scary…
[ Eduardo nearly jumps out of his skin. ]
MAC: That sounded like-
[ BLOO comes bursting into the room, screaming, and runs Mac over ]
MAC: Bloo, what’s gotten into you? What’s going on?
MAC: What’s horrible??
MAC: What, what, what???
EDUARDO: Was it a werewolf??
MAC: What is it????
BLOO: [ takes a huge breath ] IT… WAS… [ Lightning flash ] A GHOOOOoooOooOOOOST!
[ EDUARDO SCREAMS! Mac looks unimpressed. ]
MAC: C’mon, Bloo, stop messing around. Eduardo’s really scared and you’re not helping -
MAC: Are you sure it wasn’t just Coco?
[ We zoom out slightly to reveal Coco covered in a sheet in the doorway. Her feet are obviously visible. ]
COCO: [spooky voice] CooOoOoco!
BLOO: No, no, no, not COCO! It was a REAL. GHOST. Come onnn, Mac, when have I ever lied to you about aAANYTHING?
[ Mac just looks at him. ]
BLOO: …Okay, when have I *re-cent-ly* lied to you about anything?
[ Mac just looks at him. ]
BLOO: …Fine. DON’T believe me. But when you get haunted by the ghost and you get so scared your hair falls out, DON’T come cryin’ to me!
[ He turns to leave, but runs into Wilt, who has just entered in a panic ]
WILT: Guys, I’m sorry, but we got a problem!
MAC: A problem?
WILT: There’s… [ lightning flashes ] A REAL GHOST HAUNTING FOSTERS!!!!
MAC: It’s not a ghost, it’s just Coco!
COCO: Coco?
WILT: No, not her! …Though it is a *great* costume, Coco! Wow! That’s pretty convincing!
COCO: [proudly] Coco!
WILT: But Mac, if you saw what I saw… [shudders]
BLOO: SEE! I TOLD you there’s a ghost!
MAC: What did you see?
[ SCENE 3 ]
[ Flashback to Wilt walking down the hall. ]
WILT: ??? [looks all around]
A SMALL VOICE: please……..
WILT: [looks in the kitchen, where he sees…]
GIRL: he l p…… m e……
[ SCENE 4 ]
MAC: Well-… well maybe it was just a costume! It was probably just someone playing a prank.
BLOO: But what *I* saw is ten MILLION times scarier than THAT!!!
[ SCENE 5 ]
[ Flashback of Bloo running out the door with a bag of candy. ]
BLOO (Voiceover) : I was minding my own business, hhhelping… Mr. Herriman, uh-…
BLOO (Voiceover) : Count… the… candy?
BLOO (In Flashback) : [ disgruntled look toward the camera ]
BLOO (Voiceover) : Aaanyway, I saw something in the upstairs window!
BLOO (Flashback) : [stops short with a squeak, looks up at the window above him. The same little ghost girl from Wilt’s flashback is visible in the window - AND SHE’S HOLDING A KNIFE!! ]
[ SCENE 6 ]
[ Transition to current Bloo, making the same face ]
MAC: Yeaaaahhhh….. I don’t buy it.
WILT: Mac, I’m sorry, but this could be really serious! I mean, what if somebody got hurt?
BLOO: And she only PRETENDED to be calling for help to lure Wilt as her NEXT VICTIM!!!
MAC: You guys, relax. I’m sure it was just a misunderstandi- hey, where did Coco go?
[Coco is gone. They all look around.]
MAC: …Coco?
[ SCENE 7 ]
[ The gang goes on a wacky scooby doo chase through the house, the little ghost girl appearing at every turn ]
[ Mac is hiding from the ghost, separated from the others, when…]
COCO: Coooooocooo…..
MAC: Coco!!??
COCO: COOooocoooooooOooOooo……
MAC: [ nervously peeks around the corner ]
COCO: COCOOOO!!!!!!! [ COCO HAS BEEN HORRIBLY TRANSFORMED!! Stitches all over her face, bandages wrapped haphazardly around her body… WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO HER??]
MAC: [ SCREAMS and runs away!! ]
[ SCENE 8 ]
[ Meanwhile, Eduardo runs into a closet, and locks up the door with a comical amount of massive locks in a hurried frenzy. Finally, he is safe. ]
EDUARDO: Phew! [ Relaxes, but then… A soft gasp from behind him! He turns slowly around to see… ]
[ SCENE 9 ]
[ Thoroughly spooked out, Wilt, Eduardo, Mac, and Bloo all come running in from different directions and all crash into each other ]
[ Everyone starts talking at once, Mac is incoherently trying to break the news about Coco, Wilt is trying to console a sobbing Eduardo, Bloo is escalating everything, when SUDDENLY… ]
[ They all SCREAM and cower as she comes closer… and closer… ]
FRANKIE: Oh, hey, there you are!
FRANKIE: Woah, woah, slow down! What’s going on?
GHOST: [Suddenly shy, floats over to Frankie] I don’t know, Miss Frankie! Everyone just keeps running away from me!
FRANKIE: You guys haven’t met Whisper?
BLOO: Whisper????
FRANKIE: She just moved in this morning!
GHOST, WHISPER: [shy wave]
FRANKIE: She’s an *imaginary* ghost.
MAC: But- but she- the knife- and- the screaming- and-
WILT: - And the kitchen - !
EDUARDO: AND COCO!! [bursts into tears]
BLOO: Ohh, poor, sweet, innocent Coco… It was too soon. She was so YOUNG! [falls onto Mac, sobbing]
FRANKIE: *WHAT* are you guys talking about??
WHISPER: [giggles]
COCO: [bursts into laughter until she falls over]
WHISPER: I was helping her with her Halloween costume! She didn’t think it was scary enough.
WILT: But- earlier, when I saw you in the kitchen-
WHISPER: [looks down sadly] I broke a jam jar.
[ SCENE 10 ]
WHISPER: h el p…..
WHISPER: :( [ melts sadly into the floor ]
WHISPER (Voiceover) : But Miss Frankie helped me out!
FRANKIE: [ Walks in with a broom, pats her on the head, helps sweep up the broken glass while Whisper scrubs the floor ]
[ SCENE 11 ]
BLOO: Yeah, but what about the KNIFE???? I SAW you - [makes stabbing motions] I SAW. WHAT. YOU. DID!!!!
WHISPER: What? …..Oh! I was helping carve the pumpkins!
[ SCENE 12 ]
[ The knife comes down… and we switch to inside the room, where Whisper is only stabbing the knife into a pumpkin, while Bloo runs away screaming outside ]
[ SCENE 13 ]
WHISPER: Oh! I was just listening to my favorite album! Spooky Ghost Jams 5! [floats over to a radio, clicks it on]
WHISPER: [does a lil dance]
[ The gang exchanges awkward glances while the screaming continues for an awkwardly long interval ]
WHISPER: Oh! [ turns the radio off ] That reminds me… I have something SPECIAL for YOU… [lightning flashes as she advances on EDUARDO!!]
[Eduardo cowers in terror… and a small pumpkin is held out to him.]
FRANKIE: It’s okay, Ed! Open your eyes!
EDUARDO: [slloowwly, nervously, opens one eye just a little bit]
[ Zoom on the pumpkin - which is an adorable Eduardo jack-o-lantern!! ]
EDUARDO: [immediately brightens up and accepts the pumpkin] AWWWWWW, ITS ME!!! Look! Look! Soy una calabaza!!!
[ Whisper is delighted. ]
WHISPER: When I saw you, I knew I had the PERFECT design for my pumpkins!
BLOO: So…. she’s NOT an evil ghost come to seek her revenge and kill us all?
MAC: Bloo!
FRANKIE: *NO*, Bloo.
BLOO: Ugh! LAME! [leaves the room grumbling to himself]
WILT: We’re really sorry. All this time we’ve been running away from you, and you just wanted to say hi!
WHISPER:  [Smiles] That’s okay. I… have that effect on people. [ One of her eyes falls out. ] I have no idea why!
[ Awkward pause. ]
MAC: …………..O-….kay.
HERRIMAN (Over the loudspeaker) : ATTENTION, everyone! The Fosters Annual Halloween Celebration has officially begun! Please report to the foyer to participate in this year’s festivities!
WILT: Guys, wait for me! [Runs off]
MAC: ….
FRANKIE: Mac, don’t you wanna go win some candy?
MAC: [twitch] [remembers The House Party] Th…aaat’s okay, Frankie. I think I’ll just hang out with Whisper for a bit.
[ SCENE 14 ]
[ Closing shot of everyone enjoying the party; Coco is running around scaring people with her new look, Wilt is killing it at carnival games. Eduardo looks nervous. Bloo sneaks up on Eduardo with a fake spider, causing him to scream and drop candy everywhere.]
BLOO: [ escaping with eduardo’s candy ] HHEHHhheh heh heh- [Walks directly into a TERRIFYING APPARITION BRANDISHING A KNIFE, HOLDING HER OWN SEVERED HEAD!! ]
BLOO: [SHRIEKS and runs away, dropping all the candy]
WHISPER: [Pops her head back on, brings the candy back to share with Eduardo]
EDUARDO: Gracias, Whisper!! That Bloo… he is such a scaredy cat! [They laugh - END SCENE! ]
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hola - welcome to another reaction post
Agents of SHIELD - s7ep11: Brand New Day (WARNING – SPOILERS (obviously))
-          So straight off the bat, reading the tagline, looks fun - “(in order to win against Sibyl/Nathaniel) they’ll have to get creative, and maybe even a little out of this world.” Intriguing. Looks like we could be in for some fun stuff this episode, but I’m really wondering how we’re going to turn this all around in just three episodes (counting the finale as two), so I’m guessing there’s gonna be a big thing to happen that’s gonna end it all. Like, someone’s gonna die, I’m just gonna say it, it’s gotta happen?
-          Also, because I can’t restrain myself, I have been on Tumblr and Twitter today, and I haven’t actively stopped to read what I’ve seen, but because I am rubbish at avoiding it, I have figured out that we’ve got some flashbacks this episode, which appear to have Fitz in them??? I bloody hope so gosh.
-          Right, I’m gonna start it. Deep breaths.
-          Recap, okay.
-          RIP Jiaying.
-          Deke is so oblivious but I still love him and wish that Daisy and Deke had been a thing.
-          Daisy’s been crying nooo
-          So they lost the Zephyr. (And what’s left of the Fitzsimmons fam)
-          They went to space??
-          Daisy’s gonna fight this bitch. (I know I’ve seen it already in clips but still).
-          I’m discovering it’s really hard  to type and pay attention.
-          “I wanna be an agent of SHIELD” 1. I mean, that’s the show but 2. She says with the face of “but like actually don’t trust me look at my evil grin mwhahahaha”
-          Space woowww
-          How do all these randos know how to fly the Zephyr??
-          Did Deke just make a Die Hard reference? (rhetorical, yes he did); I mean I haven’t seen the entirety of Die Hard, but I watched bits last Christmas and I’ve also watched enough B99.
-          …Motherfucker. (again actually something I learned from B99, not Die Hard)
-          Aw Mackelena babysitting
-          Proof?
-          Oh so the team’s finally learning what we learned about time in Endgame.
-          “A Brand New Day” got it
-          Bro I was gonna say that (about it’s basically Project Insight) but he said it better cos he’s Coulson and he’s cooler.
-          “My sister” look at these two
-          Ha lies I bet she’s fucking lying
-          “Sibyl said” the new version of Simon Says
-          Hold up did she just give her the keys?
-          And I’m going to cry
-          DON’T hit my BABY
-          Elizabeth’s eyebrows are to die for
-          Where’s she going huh
-          Look Sousa put suspenders on
-          Are they his battle suspenders
-          Cos that’s the cutest thing ever
-          I love him
-          Science Daisy
-          So she’s really never flown a quinjet huh
-          “It’s your last chance to stay behind” *assertively puts on seatbelt”
-          That moment when you don’t know if it’s a cut to the next scene or Mack’s caught them
-          No wait he’s got his shotgun axe. Bitch ready to go yes.
-          Oh wait he’s telling her off.
-          No he’s agreeing.
-          Omg yes Mack
-          Where does all that water go – I’m assuming there’s a drainage system?
-          So they left Mum and Dad behind rip
-          Is Kora just in the background reading a book.
-          Protective Nana Jemma
-          Nate you never cared about ‘your old man’.
-          Sousa just leaves his seat
       It’s a nice parallel to Goose in Captain Marvel
-          They have an auto-grav setting? But like, the quinjet isn’t made for space.
-          Daisy, ever the optimistic.
-          Mmmmmmspace
-          Oooof pulling the Bahrain card.
-          If May hadn’t done it, she wouldn’t have had a cool backstory, so put that in your pipe and smoke it Kora
-          Mmmmmcreepy messages through a virus in 1980s aesthetic. What a…. well… aesthetic.
-          Sassy Coulson back at it again.
-          I mean you are a fucking robot can’t you just plug yourself in or some shit; I’M NOT VERY SCIENCY OKAY
-          Oh great another “last mission” convo
-          Sounds like you will.
-          Thanks I’m crying
-          Oh wait he doesn’t remember the kiss I forgot that, shit.
-          Can’t just break a fucking window Nate, you’re gonna have to pay for that. Like literally with your own money, please and thanks, I don’t think the team brought any money with them.
-          Ooh love a good Coulson talk.
-          Honestly where would the team be without May? Dead, I think.
-          Burnt toast.
-          Did she just say Grant Ward.
-          Yes she did.
-          Ward would have been worse without Garrett? Uh I think not, not if someone had just called Child Services, and gotten him some fucking therapy.
-          “What are your intentions with Daisy?” Dad Mack coming through, “no funny business” and all that.
-          “Well then you better get some” omg we stan mack even though his voice is so deep I often miss what he says
-          “omg shes like so into you gurl” is basically what I just heard. (picture 2000s american teenage girl, phone pressed to ear, chewing gum really loudly etc.)
-          “sir” HES SO POLITE
-          I’m loving this chat and its so true, every single one of them would massacre Sousa if he hurt Daisy.
-          “just like a damn comic book” ahaha haha…. ha. yep.
-          But I do love a good comic book joke in the show.
-          Wasn’t it in like s4, and Coulson said something about Daisy being Director and she was like “ha yeah maybe in the comic book version”? idk man im rewatching SHIELD because I have the worst memory but that was funny too
-          These two’s eyebrows in this scene god.
-          Honestly if you get the chance to rewatch this scene just watch Mack and Sousa’s eyebrows as they turn to look at each other it’s adorable.
-          Alright Sousa no need to be so mean I think it’s a great name.
-          These two giggling together omg the one things I didn’t know I needed.
-          19th century definitely was.
-          “can you give us a moment” “yes” “…..oh”
-          What are you suggesting fitz my darling
-          …sooooooooooo….
-          Some time to have a kid maybe.. idk… grow old together…
-          What bloodwork? Did I miss a thing?
-          Snuggling Fitzsimmons ahhhhh
-          I didn’t think Kora would be so sad omg. Now I feel bad for her shit it wasn’t meant to be this way, I-
-          Fitz looks so different omg
-          Omg Fitz grabbing onto her and hugging im soft omg what a beautiful trope
-          A kickass fight scene nice
-          Uh oh
-          Nice one May
-          “Sunshine” what an asshole
-          They’re gonna decimate everything wtf
-          Wasn’t there all those ships in the trailer
-          “quake”
-          Look at these cuties
-          Thanos could turn you to dust too.
-          SORRY too soon
-          Uhhhhhhhhhh what the fuck is happening
-          They’re just wiping out shield
-          Rip the Triskelion
-          DON’T YOU TOUCH HER LIKE THAT oh look now I’m being protective wtf is happening to me
-          Urgh absolutely disgusting
-          Well shit
  Uhhhhhhh so this is problematic. I mean, by all accounts, they could just leave this timeline and go back to the OG one. I mean, there’s a canon timeline where Steve learns early that Bucky is alive, Loki has the Tesseract and Steve just told a elevator full of Hydra agents “Hail Hydra” (so a highly chaotic timeline, that the avengers just left) so they could just leave but like, that’s unethical, i guess???? Oh well.
  Let’s go have a look at the new trailer for the FINALE!! ARGH omg its all ending and I’m sad
  WELL im going to cry aren’t I? ffs
Daisy’s accepting that this is their last mission.
“This is what we were fighting for.” Which issss….? 
It really is the end, huh.
The finale will make me cry. There’s not many SHIELD episodes that have made me do that. I think the one that made me cry the most was the spy’s goodbye. And I seem to remember crying when Fitzsimmons were at the bottom of the ocean,  and then laughing through my sobs bc the shot of Fury coming down from the helicopter, arm outstretched like Jesus was the most hilarious thing I had ever seen; but other than that? Not many. 
I’m excited and terrified at the same time. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF. HELP.
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park-thatasshere · 5 years
With A Face Not Even A Mother Could Love
Facials was by all means             
                                                                       the last thing you had in mind
Featuring: Jungkook Genre: Smut (facials) Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Just dropping in to say hi. Thank you so much to @chimmysdick for being a pillar of support with my craft and just life in general. This fic is of course nc-17 so read at your own risk but please enjoy.
Should you really be thinking this with him so close to you? Fuck, should you be thinking about this at all?
It was a nice gesture for him to take time out of his Friday night to come help you do some last minute cramming, but how did he expect you to focus when he’s wearing that Tommy Hilfiger cologne he knows drives you crazy? 
Okay, he doesn’t know it drives you crazy...but he should by now with all the squirming and squi-
“___, is something wrong?”
“...No why do you ask?” Your face heats up, further succumbing to the guilt of being a complete horndog.
“You haven’t answered my question.”
“Oh I’m sorry what was the question?”
“I asked which bone marrow is considered to be life saving.” At this point Jungkook doesn’t seem amused in the slightest.
You rack your brain trying to skim through your memory of which one your professor emphasized on multiple occasions only to draw a blank. “Leukocytes?”
Jungkook visibly deflates, “That’s not even an option.”
You give him a comical smile topped off by a lazy shrug of your shoulders. “Look ___, I really want to help you but if you’re not feeling up to it we can try this again some other time.”
“No, I’m sorry I’ve just been...distracted is all.” You close your eyes in resignation flinging yourself onto the floor.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You keep your face buried into your arms debating on whether or not you should profess your frenzied desire to have his cock beat your pussy black and blue. “Not really,” is what you settle on.
He gently shuts the textbook and places it on the table, muscles rippling underneath his white T-shirt with the action. “How about we take a break and order something to eat or something.”
He doesn’t know what’s bothering you but one thing is for sure, whatever it is, food will most certainly take your mind off of it.
You nod in agreement, whipping your phone out to order take
While Jungkook heads for the bathroom, you take a moment to think back to how the both of you got to this moment on your couch.
You knew of the whimsical Jeon Jungkook for quite some time before you were formally introduced to him. Every mention of him is filled with nothing less of pure adoration, admiration, and lust. He is very successful in his academic career. In order to keep him, and his high test scores, eager to learn, his high school had to bump him up two grade levels, or so the tale goes. 
You’d be a fool not to believe it though,you are two years his senior and you’re learning more from him than he ever could from you, other than how to be a functioning alcoholic.
You never thought much of the snot nosed kid in the beginning other than what you’d heard. But he’s shown his worth on many of your shit faced nights stranded at parties, as well as cramming sessions. Much like the one you’re having now, hours before a really big final. 
He was alright to you, you soon concluded.
More than alright even, but that makes you wonder. What is such a clean cut wonder boy hiding behind all those manners and gentlemanly gestures? 
You peek over your shoulder for any signs of movement coming from the bathroom door. Assuming Jungkook is hosting D-day in your toilet, you commence to sneak a peek at what lies within his laptop.
You open up the browser and click on history. Skimming through the list only finding a seemingly endless list of research material and obscure google searches. After a minute more of snooping through the list, a light bulb goes off. 
P r i v a t e browser
Your fingers hurriedly brush over the mouse pad, opening up the obscure browser only to see a screen filled with a plethora of open tabs
You click on random ones frantically loading up each web page to take a gander at what Jungkook spends late nights beating off to.
Cumshot facial compilation. Cheating gf takes biggest facial of her life. Premium bukkake. Sloppy face fucking. Bukkake gangbang.
The list is very telling on his foreplay preferences, but facials? Facials are by all means the last thing you had in mind. Actually, you don't know what you had in mind. Maybe something on the more purer spectrum, like mild nipple play. You did not expect Jungkook to be into such a degrading kink.
You’re stuck in a reverie of conflicting emotions. A part of you wishes that Jungkook is the sweet innocent boy he portrayed around school, having never been kissed and what not. A pure virgin. While the other half of you was silently relieved that maybe he wasn’t so prudish after all. In fact, a straight freak. 
You’re pulled out of your thoughts with the clicking of the bathroom’s door lock and a hushed chorus of swear words. You slam the laptop shut completely mortified at being caught snooping.
You’re both left speechless, but then again what can really be said under these circumstances. You weren’t sure exactly what he saw but you damn sure knew you were not sticking around for the fallout.
“Actually I think I’m going to hit the hay, I’m not feeling too well.” He gave an apologetic smile.
“Oh! Is it a fever?” He’s reaching a palm for your forehead before you even have time to step away and your reflexes cause you to smack his hand away. Way to make the situation a lot more shitty.
“Uh, yeah well goodnight. I’ll let myself ou-” you don’t even give him a chance to finish his statement before you head to your room, slamming the door behind you.
He ponders over the post bathroom break exchange before he’s back to packing away his things. “I wonder why she was in such a hurry to shut my laptop.” 
Upon opening his laptop, his entire face flushes at the contents he’s faced with. Pornhub, wide open and anything but discreet. After putting the pieces together he becomes completely mortified, moreso because he was sporting a half chub in spite of all that had transpired. He wastes no time in leaving your apartment in complete shame at what you must think of him.
Little does he know that you’re pressed up against your bedroom door entirely enthralled with salacious thoughts of his cock drilling your throat.
There are no texts. No calls. No messenger birds being sent two and fro. Absolutely nothing over the span for a week and a half. 
You yourself vowed to stay away from the boy, in hopes your lust for him would fizzle out.
It didn’t.
You wish you were better at defusing situations and being the bigger person. That’d make it a lot easier to march right up to the onyx haired bow and flick him in his perfectly proportionate forehead for not texting you andohmygodjungkookisstandingrightfuckingthere. 
Of course he’d be here, you coerced him to volunteer to present a booth with you to keep you company. For extra credit, of course, not that he needed it but you sure did. You remember when your professor eagerly spoke about the Convention, droning on and on about how we would greatly benefit from attending. Then slapping down a clipboard down onto her podium with a sign up roster on it. You pleaded and begged Jungkook to sign up with you, even using the cheap “there’s gonna be free food and booze” line.
He’s looking sharp, and you want to dissipate into water vapor because you comparatively look and feel like a dirty napkin.
He’s wearing a dark button up, sleeves rolled in a relaxed manner, with semi-tight slacks to match. His belt cinches to his waste, only emphasizing his cute ass. His hair haphazardly drapes over his forehead and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him look this damn sexy.
Clearly you’re staring for too long because the burn of your eyes pulls his attention from the conversation presented to him and directly towards you. The eye contact is brief before he whips his head around redirecting his attention to the couple seemingly immersed in the stimulating discussion before them. You watch him exchange a few pleasantries with them before he sets his drink to the side and walks off.
Your feet are frantically speed walking through the cigar smoke and stench of hard liquor before you can even register or piece together what you’ll say once you catch up to him.
You find him slumped down on some god awful read pleather couch in one of the spare conference rooms, head in hands.
“Who said you could just waltz away whenever you pleased. You still have an hour and a half on your shift.” You chastise all in good fun.
His head jumps up at the sound of your voice and he visibly starts to clam up. “I wasn’t- I didn’t-”
You flop down next to him, a bold move on your part, before speaking up. “About last Friday…” You trail off.
“I know. You must think I’m disgusting.” He’s back to sulking.
“Nooo, why would I think you’re disgusting?”
“Because...of what you found on my computer.”
Now it's time for you to go flush. He knew this whole time!?
You’re actually hot from the sheer mortification that he knew you knew.
“You must think I’m a complete pervert.”
“Being a pervert isn’t always a bad thing, I like perverts.” First attempt and consoling was a fail.
“You what?” His brows furrow at your strange statement.
“I like perverts? Besides, have you ever even tried giving a facial?”
“I mean no, I’ve only ever been with one girl but she was pretty much a one sided lover. I never really got to experiment other than missionary and painful blowjobs.”
“Do you want to? Right now?”
His eyes grow to the size of saucers. This was definitely a proposition. Something seemingly straight from one of his porno’s. Wait! He needs to humble himself, he can’t just use his close friend like some kind of gloryhole can he?
“I don’t think this is a good idea ___-”
“Shut up kid, I’ve been craving your cock for a week and a half and I refuse to practice self control any longer.” And with that you drop to your knees before him and spread apart his legs to make room for yourself. You stare at him expectantly for a few moments until he gets the hint and hurriedly unzipped his pants and slips both his pants and boxers seamlessly down the length of his thighs.
Your eye to eye with his weeping red tip. The first thing that comes to mind is big, you were excited to finally get a hearty helping of his dick.
It jumps toward you, an invitation to welcome him into your silky throat. You haven’t tasted cock in a while and the scent alone sends your senses into a frenzy. 
“I like you!” He rushes out in a hurried exhale. You flick your eyes up to see his visage marred in a scarlet hue. It tickles your ego to know that the ripened Jungkook feels so small in your presence, even with his hefty cock in your view.
Awkward silence fills the space between the both of you before you realize he’s probably expecting an answer.
“...I like you too Jungkook”, another awkward pause “I’m sorry I’m not used to explicitly expressing my feelings. This,” you worry your lower lip and gesture to the current situation, “usually suffices.”
You don’t spend time dwelling on the formalities. 
His cock is anchored with a tight grip, you poke your tongue out to administer skittish licks along the ridges and veins of his member. Jungkook let’s out a needy whimper, one that has you shivering.
You finally open your mouth just wide enough to slip the head of his cock in. You suckle on it as if it held life's secrets. While one hand gripped his thick cock, the other reached down to cup his balls. Your teasing ministrations never halted as you dribbled all over the tip whilst gently rolling his balls. You could feel his testicles tighten and that was just the beginning of his end.
His head is thrown back, thighs flexing with every particularly hard suck. 
“P-put it in please, your mouth.” His eyes are glossy, voice coated in a whine.
Without further adieu you take the whole of him into your slick mouth. The initial stretch is a bitch to get used to as he fills you fully but once your saliva starts to pool on his cock you’re able to slip him in even further.
You bob your head up and down to the sound of soft melodic moans, periodically stopping to gargle his balls into your mouth. His jaw is clenched in uninterrupted ecstasy and your pussy throbs at the sight alone.
Jungkook gets adventurous, reaching over to grip your hair before shoving you down on his cock once again. He was encased in a warm frenzied haze of lust, wanting nothing more than to coat your pretty little face in his emission. 
He abruptly stood to his full length, never leaving your mouth as he walks you over to an open space within the room. His fingers tug at your soft tresses even tighter as he starts face fucking you. Slick sloppy tell tale signs of the pummeling your throat was getting resounded around you.
He’s thrown all caution to the wind as he thrusts his hips forward at a steady pace. “F-fuck ___, you’re good at this.” You press your tongue against his shaft, to garner another response.
You eyes water at the ache in your jaw at the sudden intrusion, trying to alleviate the discomfort by breathing through your nose. In this moment the only thing you’re both focused on is getting him to his release and it shows with the way you start bobbing your head in time with his thrusts, allowing him to bottom out in your tiny little throat each time.
His fingers falter around the strands of hair so tightly wrapped around his knuckles, betraying him.
“I’m so-“ Jungkook breathed raggedly, “So...close.”
He casts his gaze down to you, eyes dropping with pleasure and mouth left agape for many labored breaths and moans to be escape.
His pace quickens, grunts becoming more apparent. Not even a second later he’s pulling your hair to release you from his dick.
One hand tugging on a fistful of your hair while the other is rapidly jerking him to his orgasm. Your eyes are closed while you give him a brilliant smile. Soon enough you feel the spurt of hot, sticky cum land on your face.
You open your eyes to see Jungkook completely captivated by his handiwork. Your mouth is wet with saliva, a mixture of spit and cum coating your lips and dripping down your face and cheek.
“How do I look?” 
“Like a fucking goddess.” 
He helps you up, ushering you over to the couch before he’s pressing up against your back suckling on the side of your neck. You lose your footing and trip onto the couch, on all fours mind you.
“I’m gonna fuck you right here, just like this... okay?” It was really a question but the concern on his face said otherwise. 
You nod your head and just as he's about to lift your dress there is a loud knock on the door.
“Jungkook? Are you in there? Some of our guests would like to speak with you.” A muffled voice who you believe to be your professor spoke on the other side of the door.
“Better get going wonder boy.” You catch the giggle that threatens to spill from your mouth.
He waves your comment off, begrudgingly stepping out of the door and you can’t believe just how nice his ass looks in those pants.
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powerfultenderness · 5 years
Catch up with me
Title: Catch up with me
Rating: M
Pairing: Armitage Hux/Reader
Summary: Everyone aboard the Finalizer is celebrating, except for General Hux. 
Word count: 1856
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, slight sexual content, implied smut is implied.
You stared at the tower of champagne glasses as your coworkers talked and laughed cheerily around you. It was a rare event on the Finalizer, but the fleet just secured a network of planets that would line the pockets of the First Order. It was sorely needed after Starkiller. So the higher ups OK’d a celebration.
There would undoubtedly be some relations between personnel as a result of the flowing alcohol, but there was one person, one man, missing that you really wanted to see let loose.
“I’mm goin’ for it.” You declared as you sloppily pushed your chair back.
Your friend, who was busy giggling with a sergeant, turned to you when your chair clattered back. “What?”
“I’m goin’ for it.” You repeated with even more resolve.
“Waaaaait!” She giggled when her partner’s hand tickled her, though she continued to ignore him. “WHAT’RE you going for?”
You looked at her and rolled your eyes.
She gasped, “Ooooh! Welllllll, kriff, good luck!”
“What is she going for?” Her partner asked, now curious.
“Hux.” She answered with a goofy grin. She’d known about your little “crush” on the general, in honest, you were hardly the only one attracted to the general. But as far as you knew, no one was brave enough to do something about it. The excessive alcohol you’d partaken in provided the boost in confidence you needed to approach him. If only he were here…
“Hux? Is she crazy?”
You friend laughed, “Yep.”
You took a deep breath before heading to the drink table. You ignored the server who protested as you grabbed two flutes and two bottles of champagne and threatened to shoot him when he made a move to take one of the bottles from you. Then with a final glance at your friend, who didn’t even notice, you walked out of the mess hall and headed towards General Hux’s office. That was the only place he could be.
The walk to his office was quite sobering. Mostly because you weren’t entirely confident this wouldn’t result in you getting demoted, or even getting spaced for that matter. Still, you had just enough of a buzz going that you managed to make it all the way to his office. You took one last breath and knocked on the door, which was quite a bit of a struggle since your hands were currently full.
The door hissed open without a word from the general, which you assumed meant that he was expecting someone. Who else was still working, besides himself?
He shifted his eyes from his desk just enough to see who walked in, but had to look up again as he realized you weren’t someone he was expecting. “Lieutenant,” he greeted, “What are you doing here?”
You smiled, a bit of pride swelling in your chest that you and Hux were on a somewhat personal level. Well, he knew your name, trusted you to carry out what orders he gave, and most of all, you’d had a few conversations with him that didn’t entirely involve work. You’d even seen a hint of a smile once, though everyone in the room had sworn you were just seeing things. General Hux did not smile.
“Welll, I was in the mess with the others,” you paused, brows furrowed as you realized how slurred your words were coming, and cleared your throat before continuing. “Sir. And I realized that you weren’t celebrating.”
He sighed and set down his pen, taking an extra second to make sure it was in line with the papers he was going over. “That is no reason to disturb me,” he started.
You cut him off, only a little fear coming through your inebriated state, “Forgive me, sir, but it is. This victory is yours more than anyone else's. It was your strategy, you led the ground forces yourself.” Nevermind that there hadn’t been much fighting at all, the fact that he wasn’t overseeing the plans from the Finalizer and had actually gone down planetside was enough. “And you brokered the deal with the local politicians. It was because of you that other planets followed suit.”
A small grin graced his face (and no one around to confirm it!) as you rambled on about his accomplishments. You took a breath, the beginnings of a blush warming your face, and approached his desk to set the champagne bottles and glasses down. “And you’re not even celebrating.”
“Lieutenant, I know for a fact that I saw you as I addressed-”
“You said two sentences!” You protested as you popped one bottle open.
Hux called out your last name in exasperation. You risked giving him your best puppy dog eyes, “Just one toast, sir!”
He sighed again and sat back in his chair, resigning himself. “Very well. One toast and you leave me to work.”
You cheered and quickly poured two glasses of the bubbly beverage. As the second glass neared the top, Hux stood and moved around his desk to meet you. He gently took the offered glass, “What shall we toast to?”
“To you, sir, your victory and of course, the First Order.”
The way you were looking up at him with admiration clear in your eyes and the most genuine smile he’d ever seen had him suppressing his own blush. He quickly tipped his glass to yours then glanced away, ostensibly to drink but in truth to hide that blush creeping up.
“Wait!” You yelled just as the liquid was about to touch his lips.
Hux jumped slightly and cursed under his breath as he made sure he didn’t spill on his uniform. “What now?” He asked sharply, fixing a glare on you.
But the glare didn’t seem to have an effect on you. You looked at him with wide and concerned eyes, “You can’t look away when you toast! You have to look someone in the eyes, othewise it’s seven years bad sex!”
“Oh for the love of- Fine. To the First Order.” He repeated the toast and tapped his glass against yours a little more aggressively this time.
You smiled nonetheless and repeated his words, almost laughing when he tipped the glass to his lips and stared at you with his eyes comically wide while he drank. You tried to match his stare but you broke first, turning with a laugh. If you hadn’t been trying to hide the dribble that you let past your lips, you might have seen the soft smile he sent your way, but when you turned back around, still giggling, he was stoic as usual.
“That was one toast. Now if you’ll excuse me-”
“Nooo! You have to finish the whole thing!”
He sighed as he rounded his desk, “Or what, it’ll be another seven years of bad sex?”
“I mean, do you wanna risk it?”
The glass made a small clink as he set it down on his desk and sat down. “Can’t have bad sex if you aren’t having sex.”
You choked on your champagne, nearly sputtering on the desk but managing to catch most of it. Hux typed idly and pointedly didn’t look your way while you were clearing your throat. That didn’t stop you from looking at him with more curiosity than a cat.
“Lieutenant.” He still wasn’t looking at you.
“General, are you tellin’ me…are you tellin’ me…?”
“I’m telling you.” He answered as you were still trying to formulate the question.
“Oh...Ooh...Like...by choice?”
“Lieutenant.” His tone was warning enough.
“Sorry, sir.”
You tossed back the rest of your champagne. One awkward bump in the road was not going to deter you, that’s what the alcohol was for, right? You poured yourself a second glass and pushed past the awkwardness. “So, you gone celebrate, General?”
He sighed and gestured to his work, “This is how I celebrate.”
“Uh huh. Uh huh.” You nodded, “Thennnnn, I’mm celebratin’ with you.”
“Very well, grab a holopad, Lieutenant.”
You laughed, ninety percent sure he was joking, and with only one stumble moved around to his side of the desk.
He eyed you as you leaned against the desk, even in your inebriated state you were mindful to not disturb his work. “What are you doing?”
“I told you, I’m celebrating with you.” You smiled at him before taking another sip. “I’ll be quiet, promise.”
Despite the fact that you were literally staring off into space, his office really did have a wonderful view, you kept catching Hux glancing at you. You had to hide a few smirks behind your glass as you were glad you thought ahead and wore a uniform skirt instead of slacks. Those glances he was sending your way often traveled down to your legs, where your skirt was hitched up half way up your thighs.
Still, he did nothing but occasionally look and once you drained the first bottle of champagne you gave up on your little mission. “5-1-6-3-7.”
He glanced up from his work, confused at the sequence you just spit out.
“That’s the code to get into my room,” you supplied with your room number. “Just in case you want to keep this party going later.”
He suppressed a laugh and pointed at the unopened bottle, “Are you forgetting something?”
“Nope. That’s for you, so you can catch up with me. Bye, General.” You gave him a half salute half wave as you left his office before he could order you to take the champagne.
You returned to your room only slightly disappointed. Sure the General hadn’t returned your interest but you still somehow felt like it was a night well spent. After all, who else could claim to have done what you did tonight? You were in his office for nearly half an hour sipping champagne and he didn’t kick you out, or bark orders at you even once.
Once you were out of your uniform and into sleepwear you were ready to call it a night. At least until you heard someone trying to punch in the code to your door, only for it to fail. You blinked at the door, wondering if someone was too drunk to realize this wasn’t their room. When the code failed a second time, a warning alarm letting them know they had one more try, you opened the door to see which neighbor it was.
Except it was the last person you were expecting.
“Finally.” He muttered at the keypad, half of a wrong code still flashing on the input.
“Armitage.” He replied as lifted the bottle of champagne and drained the rest of it with one last gulp. “Now I’ve caught up with you.” He mumbled as he handed the empty bottle to you and pushed past you into your room.
You looked at the bottle then back at him, a grin slowly tugging at your lips. “You sure did, Armitage.” You tossed the bottle in the small trash can near your bed
The trashcan wasn’t even done rattling by the time Armitage had you pinned to the bed with an eager, if sloppy, kiss. Now this was a good way to celebrate.
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bleached-d-soul · 5 years
Team ALAB: Home Sweet Home
Part 2 of Team ALAB commissions for @the-hapless-ace
When Jaune ran away from home to enroll in Beacon, his greatest fear was failing.
Now that he managed to get in the academy, fjoin a team of badass guys and even learn how to fight from them, he thought that there were few things he would be terrified of. Bullies couldn't hurt him. His grades were more or less decent. And he even managed to kill a Grimm or two by himself now! He was living the life without fear!
Until the holidays came, that is.
Winter Solaris used to be his favorite time of the year when he was a kid. You gather up with your friends and family, eat a feast of delicious food and basically relax for the entire period of the festivities. Even the Huntsmen Academies allowed their students to take a short break and go home to their families.
It was his time to go home.
Oh Gods, home...
"My parents are going to kill me."
"Kill them first then."
"You are not helping, Mercury!"
The former assassin showed no sympathy for him as he simply flipped through the comic. Then again, considering how complicated and homicidal his relationships were, Jaune couldn't blame him. But right now it wasn't Mercury Jaune was losing head about. It was his own life. His sisters would be mad. His dad would be furious. And mom... Oh Gods, mom wouldn't be mad.
She would be just disappointed.
"You know you could always stay here in Vale, right?" Ren said as he got tired of watching Jaune pace around the room. "Many students do that."
"Really?!" He was saved, wohoo! Now that he found some peace, he had a few questions. "Why are they staying though?"
"Some don't want to. Most cannot," Ren replied simply. "The latter don't have a home to go back to, that's all."
Jaune looked at his teammates. The son of the assassin who was running away from life of abuse and pain. The former terrorist exiled from his only home. And the boy who lost everyone to a Grimm. Fuck, he was feeling like such an asshole.
"You are coming with me."
All three looked up at him, confused and lost.
"Uh, Jaune? I don't think you-"
"Nope, you are coming with me, Ren. All of you are."
"Hey leader, weren't you trying to stay away from your family?" Mercury rolled his eyes. Seriously, Jaune was an okay guy but he seemed to not have much for attention span. "If this is about us killing each other without you, don't worry. Hornhead over here will be too busy stalking his ex."
"I swear to God, Black, another joke like that and I will-"
"Nope, all of you are coming with me for holidays!" Damn his cowardice! He was going to make sure the guys didn't spend the Winter Solaris alone eating some cafeteria food! "I am not taking no for an answer."
Now, all he needed to do was convince his parents to let them stay over and-
Something blew up in the halls.
"Where is he?!" the loud and terrifyingly familiar voice boomed through the corridors, mitigated only by even louder cries for help by the fleeing students. "Where is Jaune Arc?!"
Oh Gods, they came for him.
"He is over there! Please, don't stomp on my ballsa-AAAAAAAH!"
With a sickening crunch and then deadly silence, the four sat watching the door in suspense.
They could hear every step made towards their room but none dared to move.
They were too terrfified to move.
The blade of an axe ripped through their door, tearing the thing into bits and pieces. And now before the young men of the team ALAB stood none other than Jasmine Arc. The former Huntress. Now the mother of eight.
"Hi sweetie!" her voice dripped with warmth and love. And anger. Gods, so much anger and bloodlust even Adam found himself uncomfortable. "I decided to drop by. See how you are doing..."
Jaune gulped as he found mom's eyes staring hollowly into his.
"... and make sure you come back home for holidays!"
Before any of them could do or say anything, the young men were on the Bullhead flying back to Everwoods, the home to the Arc family.
Adam didn't remember much of his parents.
His earliest memory was that of a dirty cell full of the other faunus children like him. Little more than cattle in the eyes of their oppressors, the kids were sent down to mine more Dust for the Schnees, as if they were not rich and fat enough. If you slacked off, you didn't get dinner. If you didn't meet your quota, you didn't get to leave the mines until you did. And if you fought back, talked back or even looked like you were thinking something other than 'Yes, sir', you got a beating. Do any of those enough times and you disappeared.
In those conditions, it was the oldest like him that had to be the parent. The mother who could comfort the smallest and weakest. The father who would give up his own stale bread and water so that others didn't starve.
Then he joined the White Fang and his fight was no longer about keeping the kids in cells fed and protected. Now he was taking them out of those cages. No matter where they went, the kids they saved from the labor camps were always the same: starving, scared and silent.
He never had a place to call home. His hoke was whichever base White Fang was situated in. The sands of Vacuo or harsh snow valleys of Atlas, none of it mattered as long as he could set another Faunus free. He never understood people who held any warmth for something as small and frail as a house.
"Shhh, Adrian, mommy is here!"
"Hey, Rouge, where did you put my book?"
"I didn't touch anything!"
"Mooom, I think the pie is burning!"
Which is why he was still unsure what he was feeling in this place. The Arc house was quite big and nice, though hardly large enough for the family of nine. It was somewhat old too. Yet none of the family seemed to mind.
There was laughter. There were jokes. Nothing so out of the ordinary and yet... Yet there was something that Adam still couldn't put his finger on. Was it the smell of all homemade food? Perhaps it was due to his increased senses that he-
"Ren, I have a problem."
"What is it?"
"There is a small child clinging to my leg." Adam pointed at the toddler who looked at him, eyes bright with some weird awe. "I think he might see me as as a threat."
"What is he saying?" Adam whispered as he picked the little one up. He seemed not to mind his mask, which was good enough. He would hate to remove it and get unnecessary questions asked.
What did that mean?
"Uh, I think he likes your horns?" Ren guessed as Adrian touched said protrusions. Did he really? Well, it was certainly a surprise. Back when he was a kid, the wardens used to push him around using his horns as one of the main targets for their verbal abuse. Why, they even called him a cow-
"Adam, are you okay? You are, uh, shaking..."
"Maybe I should take Adrien back to Saphron."
Mooo? Fucking Mooo?
The room erupted in laughter. But not the kind Adam used to hear. There was no mockery or spite. Or fear and disgust. They weren't even laughing at him as much as his reaction. And somehow... Somehow he couldn't help but laugh too. Not like the brat and the sisters. Like he always did, quiet and reserved.
But a laugh nonetheless.
Adam never celebrated any holidays. Had no time. Had no desire. Why celebrate the moments of peace when his kind was still at war?
But maybe... Maybe these things weren't so bad, after all.
Well, Adam was pissed. Which counted as good in Mercury's book.
Also, he was training with Jaune's dad, Alder. Which was pretty badass.
"You are good for your age, old man," Mercury smirked. "Too bad I am better."
"Are you sure?" and just like that, Mercury fell onto the ground, suddenly winded. What the hell? "My Semblance is called Drain. Within a certain range, it makes all the people I see slowly use up more of their stamina and Aura. Honestly, I am surprised you lasted this long. You have really good control over your body. Not something you see in a lot of young huntsmen."
Well, he wasn't the most huntsmen, was he now?
"Let's just say I didn't have a choice on that."
He didn't have the Semblance. He used to but now it was stolen, gone along with the asshole that took it from him. A part of him told him that he was crying over nothing. Without his Semblance, he was pushed to become the most vicious and efficient fighter he could be. His speed and strength were the fruits of his own work.
And hey, it was a small price to pay for his bastard dad's death.
"I am really glad my son met you guys."
Huh? "It was mostly an accident," Literally, in fact. "That crazy headmaster launched us all into the forest with a freaking catapult."
Seriously, he could have them jump off the Bullhead or something. But nooo, somehow that old psycho decided that launching them off like some paper planes was a better use of Beacon money.
"Still, I doubt Jaune would make it without you and the rest of the team," Alder said as he took a sip of his beer. Mercury wasn't quite sure why but he took a step back. No, forget that. He knew exactly why he put some distance between the two. And he hated himself for it. Hated how much power his old man had over him even now that he was dead. "You know, you are strong, Mercury."
He knew that. He had to be.
"Thanks, I guess."
"And you don't have to be a huntsman to prove it."
At that, Mercury looked at the man confused. What was that supposed to mean?
"I don't know what it is that happened to you in the past, not my place or right to pry. But I can tell from our little spar that you hate this strength you have. I can tell that you are not fighting because you decided to."
The man looked him dead in the eyes.
"You fight because you think this is the only thing you are good for."
Mercury sat silent, refusing to meet the man's eyes. What else was he good for? Dad never taught him anything beyond the simplest basics. How to write, read and count and that's it. The rest of the time was spent beating the fighting techniques into his skull. It's not like he could become an accountant or something now. At least being a huntsman would let him get his own money for whatever he wanted.
"I became a huntsman for much the same reason."
"I thought you were some kind of town hero," Mercury could still remember all the annoying rumblings of how his dad joined Beacon to protect his home after graduating. "The whole White Knight routine and all that."
"That's only half the truth, unfortunately. Didn't want my kids to know I used to be a violent and unpleasant thug," the man chuckled. "I joined Beacon because I wanted a simple life. Be strong enough to slay a Grimm or two in some major cities. Collect enough money and live the life you want. I wanted to get out of this place so much back then. Leave and never look back."
"Let me guess," Mercury rolled his eyes. "Then you found love and decided to clean up your act?"
"No, my entire team almost died on a mission because of me."
Okay... Shit.
"I was young and reckless. But more importantly, I had nothing to lose back then. An orphan without any actual friends, all I cared about was me and what I wanted," Ardel recounted with the small sad smile. "My teammates were different. Each and one of them had something to return to. A home. A family. A lover. Something that made them so desperate to survive that they beat the impossible odds and even saved my sorry ass."
Did he have something like that though? He had no idea where his mom went. Or if he wanted to meet the woman who left him with that monster. He had no special love for his home village either. In the end, Mercury realized that he had nothing to come back to. Nobody waiting on him.
"You are young though. And I can tell you four are good for each other. Whatever comes your way, you don't have to face it alone," Alder said as he stood up and picked up his sword. "Now then, ready for another spar?"
Mercury smirked.
"I could use some more exercise."
"Guys, dinner is ready!"
With a loud miriad of steps, the relatively big kitchen in the house of Arcs soon had no space left. The table was breaking apart under the weight of all the food, the orchestra of mouth-watering smells teasing the hungry stomachs with the promise of delectable end of the day.
But not before the man of the house finished his speech.
Which had lasted for good twenty minutes by now.
"Is he always like that?" Adam asked, not quite irritated but still hungry and exhausted from all playing with kids.
"Only when he is drunk," Jaune admitted.
"-and finally! I am happy to welcome Adam, Mercury and Ren into our family!" Alder finished, cheeks red and stance wobbling. "You three take good care of my son! And Jaune, make sure they don't have to take care of you all the time! Now, let's eat!"
The dinner began.
The table laughed, all of them exchanging their own stories and experiences.
And come the end of the night, team ALAB found themselves growing closer.
Not just teammates.
But now members of the same family.
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thegreencircleone · 4 years
A Belated 10/10 Story
The Girl from Out of Town.
((Eloni gets hit on/hits on someone.))
October 10th, 9 pm. Officially 1010’s 6th birthday.
It was between a few big events; but honestly from looking at Eloni, the green Android, one could not tell. October 10th was a big night for 1010, but it was one of Eloni’s favorite nights in general (apart from maybe new-years)... Even now he wandered to-and-fro speaking with guests, introducing himself, even pairing people off with other dancers.
A robot’s job was never truly done, but Eloni lived for this! 1010 loved to party, but Eloni in particular loved THIS party. He loved the formal wear, the excuse to get gussied up, the copious amounts of booze and alcohol, the exorbitant amount of food (though he couldn’t enjoy it). Right now he was waiting primarily for the game of croquembouche jenda- but as he did so he scanned the room for any negative or alarming emotions.
… And that is exactly what he found.
Eloni slowly maneuvered his way in between throngs of party-goers toward the bar; his vision of the emotions causing the disturbance to his radar began to ping more completely. Anger was brewing loudly at the bar, though the cause remained a mystery. There was no fight, no arguing that he could detect; it seemed like the barely contained rage was simply stewing there on it’s own…
And then it’s source came into view.
At the bar sat a woman with vibrant yellow skin, brownish hair with streaks of medium blond curled into a loose, low, and messy bun at her neck. Her jewelry was simple and ornate, but hung close to her body aside from her sequined headband and row of pearls that hung in a knot all the way down to her navel, and her dress was an old-fashioned tabard-style dress of white and sequined gold and copper. She looked less like a party-goer, and more like a run-away or jilted bride.
She was stunning, even if you didn’t have a thing for the art-deco look… Or her pretty, pissy face as she slowly sipped whatever drink she had in that martini glass. This mystery woman also did not look like she was a typical party-guest for the 1010 crowd.
Eloni needed to intervene.
And that’s just what he was going to do.
Eloni slid up to the bar-stool right beside her. “You know;” he began with an earnest grin. “I thought the Captain turned off the time-machine before the party.”
The mystery woman stopped, looked up at him and gave him a dubious scowl. For a moment they stared at each other in mutual silence as the heartbeat of the EDM around them did some of the talking for them.
She locked eyes with her as she took a pointed sip from her glass as he started to continue.
“Hey. Name’s Elo-” but the Android stopped his sentence half-way through as he realized something much more interesting to talk about. “Oh wow. Your eyes are pretty.”
The woman continued to sip her drink, this time her brows knit in confusion. Beneath fluttering, heavily eye-lined lashes and golden eye-shadowed lids lay a set of perfectly vibrant emerald eyes- with a ring of ultra-light purple around her pupils.
Finally, she spoke. “That’s it?” she asked. “... I thought y’were some sorta robo-casanova. You pick up most skirts like this?”
Eloni was flabbergasted.
“I mean- I…” he blinked as he tried to unpack what all the heck she just said. “Oh. OH, no. I’m not- I’m not a lady-killer. That’s uh- that’d be my brother. He’s… Uh…” Eloni felt his shoulders ride up in awkward embarrassment as he gestured elsewhere. “I just… Uh. I didn’t greet you as you came in and you seemed really mad, and I thought I’d come over to… You know?”
“Shoot the shit?”
“... Help?” Eloni offered, smiling. “What are you drinking? Where are you from? You don’t sound like you’re from around here.”
From where he sat the woman’s ire retreated noticeably. She was still angry, but now she was more… Uncomfortable than angry. Well… No. Mostly angry… She just wasn’t the rage-filled time-bomb waiting to go off.
She looked back to Eloni, who by now was leaning halfway over the bar, trying his best to be suave. He thought for a moment that her anger retreated entirely-- and then the rage was back.
She let out an audible noise, crossed her legs the opposite direction from him and returned to her drink. “One; if this is your attempt to get me to say by boozin’ me up; don’t bother. It’s lemonade, sugar. Two; you just insulted my dress. Why the heck’d I’d tell ya where I’m from?”
Eloni sat up. “What? Nooo. I didn’t- I didn’t mean to insult your-” he gave her a once-over again. 1010 wasn’t really programmed to oggle fans, at least not discriminate, but Eloni still found her sense of style utterly different and definitely worth looking at. The dress, be it old-fashioned definitely fit her pretty well, and upon closer inspection it wasn’t white; but a very pale yellow. She looked and talked like a gangsters wife from some of those old mob movies.
“My eyes are up here, birthday boy.”
“Sorry!” he said on instinct.
The mystery woman turned around in her seat and finally looked at him again. “Don’t’cha have some fan to flirt with?” she asked. “Doubtless this is comfortable for you.”
Eloni smiled a little more. “Try me! My prime directive is to make sure all our fans have a good time at our birthday party!... Annnnd you seem dead-set on being pissed.”
The woman gave him a disbelieving look and crossed her arms, letting her drink sit on the counter empty. “Butter my scotch n’ call me in the mornin’, you ain’t gunna give up on this, are ya?”
“I’m programmed to make people smile!” Eloni insisted, sitting up straight and giving a little, informal salute. “Noooo frowns on my birthday!”
Eloni relaxed and leaned a little closer to her. “So, seriously baby. If I’m bothering you; I can always get one of my brothers. I’m not the popular one, but you say the word! All I want is a smile from you, and it’d be the best birthday gift.”
“Ppft,” the woman dismissed, but then she got a little quiet. “... No offense…” she said quietly. “... I’m flattered, but, seriously. You should go try to flirt with one of your fans, okay?” she asked. “It’s sweet you’re trying to make me feel better, but it’s not going to do much for me.”
“SiiiiSTER!” came a bombastic voice from right behind them. “Sister, I have procured the caviar and blinnies! You are correct! They are-” Eloni turned around to see a man with long, straight blond hair with stripes of green, but the strangest thing about this man was not his hair- but the goggles worn on his face.
The moment that Eloni saw the man seemed to be the moment the man saw him in return. There he stood, knees slightly bent with two plates filled with the aforementioned hors d'oeuvres on little plastic plates.
“OH. A 1010!... I will- uhh… I’ll just.”
“Zeebs, it’s fine…” the woman said, turning around and sliding off. “We were just going anyway.”
Eloni spun to follow her with his eyes. He should have just dropped it- everything in his code should have told him to stop his pursuit of this faraway, foul-mouthed, foreigner… But it was his birthday, dang it.
“You know; it’s rude to come to the party and ignore the birthday-boy!”
The pair stopped. The man with the goggles; (Zeebs wasn’t it?) turned around and let out a low and singular laugh. “It’s rude to harass a troubled woman! You don’t see her complaining!”
The woman held up her hand to her companion, then glared back at Eloni. “Well, kill me softly with his song- for an NSR goon ya don’t give up, do ya?”
Oh! That was a musical reference… Actually it was two. The comment on being an NSR goon was a bit befuddling for a moment, but figured it had been because she plainly was not from Vinyl city.
Eloni saw her irritation flare, but all he could do was smile. By now their interaction had proven to become interesting to the people around them. “1010 never surrenders,” he recited.
The two unknown party guests stopped and seemed to survey the situation. Zeebs glanced around a little more frantically than his sister whose interesting gaze settled back onto the green android after a moment. “Oh my goood… What. Do. You. WANT from me? A smile?” she asked, not at all afraid to show she was still mad. “‘Cause I’ll have y’know:  I have a reason why I’m absolutely livid!”
“Sister… Ix-nay on the Ad-may…”
“Fuggit. We’re already here,” the woman said back at him. “Go on, birthday boy. What’ll it take for you to let me skip town in peace?”
Eloni stood up, stretching out to his ten foot height. “If you weren’t here for my birthday; you should have made an appointment!” he chided, watching the face of this mystery-woman’s flinch with embarrassment. “Tonight’s my night! A night to pAaRrTty~” he hummed musically. “What sort of party would it be without dancing?”
The woman paused, her face still scrunched in disbelief before she turned to her brother. “... Hold my purse,” she instructed softly, turning back to Eloni with a little stomp. “Alright, soldier-boy,” she said lifting a finger up at his face… From allllll the way down there. At least five feet down. “You get ONE. Dance. After that, and I’m gone. No ifs, ands, or buts.”
Eloni studied her emotions for a moment. She was still… Mad, but she was almost acting comically pissy. To liken it to something easier to explain- if red was anger and yellow was happiness, then her emotions teetered on a pale orange. She was just as happy to be pursued as she was angry it was him.
Eloni leaned down. “Sure, baby. I can make one dance count.”
There came a tart snort from the woman below him. “Oh,” she laughed… Then slowly her anger receded a little more. “Oh. I’m gunna fucking run you into the ground, you sentient lamp-post.”
It was a threat. It was playful. It was a challenge… It tickled him.
Eloni let out an equally incredulous laugh. “Can you even… Dance in that thing?” he asked, taking in the nearly floor-length gown.
But surprisingly the woman forced a smile, grabbed Eloni by his suit jacket and started dragging him off to the dance floor. “Quit talkin’. Move ya gams.”
Eloni let out another chuckle as he watched the woman drag him out to the dance floor. The anger was practically no longer there. Only tracings remained; but emotions didn’t necessarily just stop because you had moved on: they lingered. This stranger had some fight back in her, but it seemed she was enjoying this more than not.
“So aggressive, baby~”
The woman looked back up at him. “Don’t call me ‘baby’, sugar.”
“Don’t call me ‘sugar’, doll.”
“Don’t call me ‘doll’, either.” By the time Eloni was dragged back into the dancing fray the woman had turned around and snapped to, heels he hadn’t had the chance to see snapping to as she readied herself. “You swing, darling?”
Oh. Oh he didn’t entirely know how to respond to that.
“... I’ll take that as a-”
“I’ll match whatever you put out, ma’am,” he finally pushed out.
The woman finally seemed to regard him for a second, before shrugging, not looking at him straight in the face. “Mm. We’ll work on it,” she said, stepping close. “Ever dance with a partner?.... And I don’t suppose you can use your super robot powers to play a good swing number?”
Eloni…Wasn’t entirely sure what happened after that. All he did was look up towards the DJ booth where Subatomic was playing his fair share of music and sent in a request, message hurried and likely missing a few vowels. He didn’t care.
“... So, uh,” Eloni started. “Uh, I’m sorry. I’m not normally this brave…” he said. “Or. Uh this pushy…”
The woman cocked her hips and shimmied a bit closer. “It’s your birthday,” she excused. “... And it was kinda rude of me to stop and not say hi, at least, so. Two-fer-two, darling.”
Eloni blinked again as DJ came through- birthday boy requests were high on the chain of command. Soon the sound of electric-pumped ragtimey-toons pounded through the air… That’s when it was all a blur.
1010 was designed to dance, yeah, but new dances took a lot of concentration and coding on the part of the Droids AI. Eloni and his brothers were great with their dance routines, but sometimes their personal dancing skills were hit-or-miss… Even then Eloni liked to think his long legs would hit those swing-high kicks; but he was nothing on this woman. Sheer fabric and  high-heels were competing with him faster than he had ever seen…It wasn’t a quarter into the dance that his lead was entirely taken over by her.
It was a situation he had no idea was coming; a woman half his size beating him at dancing. A HUMAN woman practically running him into the ground… It was a lot, it was an endless barrage of legs and shimmies…
It was pretty great.
Just as soon as the song had started; it had ended, Eloni was practically bent over and the mystery woman was done. Off she trotted in her high-heels to re-join her worried looking brother with a completely enraptured Eloni to follow her.
“W-wait. What’s your-” but before Eloni could finish the question or even grab her attention- he felt his hydraulic knee buckle- and land him square onto a nearby table.
Plasticware and plates flew to the floor and Eloni struggled to keep his holographic head above a pool of spilled rose and champagne. When people rushed him to see what was wrong he gazed around.
The Mystery Woman and her brother were gone.... Well. At least he made her smile!
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evergreen-dryad · 4 years
thoughts about spook 65
...Although, it’s more like a stream of consciousness commentary. I try and fail not to make this too long as usual, so warning long post ahead.
Summary: Aidairo leaves us on that cliffhanger by giving us a break with tension-breaker Kou with his caring friends, more Mitsukou, and then dun dun dun they encounter a Wild Comic Relief of Universal Proportions Natsuhiko (poor fish and tarantula I hope they got back safe) and apparently Natsuhiko wants to capture No.6 like he’s the rarest pokemon of all and might have the secret key to the immortality fountain?? Will we ever know more about these mysterious man stay tuned next month. And oh yeah also No.6 always wanted to throw Aoi into the hole to rot away because he’s also a necromancer. Just great and swell here folks, don’t know how Nene and Akane are faring ~
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whaaww Kou’s feeling really overwhelmed I mean this is a lot for like what a 13 year old boy
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‘Teru-nii hasn’t been home recently’ -- hmmmmm? What’s he up to? Is he out on a journey to exorcise bigger fish out there?
...Or it could be just a field trip lmao
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lol. out of context -- 👀
(I love that white-black juxtaposition between the two of them)
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ahahahahaha ofc Satou sugarboy here has his priorities right. ‘Get sweet drinks and sweets for us you simp’
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I love it, we’re getting outside perspective from the supportive side characters. It’s the Arc for no1 Supportive Side Character Ao-chan after all!
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ooooooohhhhh Satou’s the observant one here. Starting to love him now~
what a cheerful sandboy Yokoo is holding that carrot
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oyo it’s Mitsuba but I’m just distracted wondering if those plants on the left side are mimosa plants, le touch-me-not
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omg you just popped right outta the mirror like that. I would have screamed and flung my hands everywhere. Kou you have nerves of steel or in this case your brain is a steelwool scrubber right now
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Yeah man that’s his job your man’s a ghost in case you forgot
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It is unbelievable to him since Mitsuba has always been such a prickly tsun before he’s probably never shown much common decency let alone common friend interaction like showing concern esp since Kou to him is a blokehead
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Awww, Kou
(oh? oh? what was his wish again exactly, to be friends or for him to be human somehow?
and lmao Kou is going doki-doki when Mitsuba for the first time ever asks if he’s okay)
Aww, Mitsuba misses his Daikon-senpai, this is too cute guys I--
Nene your fantasy came true Mitsuba’s looking for you like a lost puppy
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really. why am I so intrigued Teru is gone. Where did he go. There must be a story somewhere.
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oh whoa there goes Kou acting all otome ML again (callback to Hanako wanting Nene’s wish to come true too with the shoulder-clutching?)
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Mitsuba’s face is sending me I swear
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Yes Mitsuba he deserves that kick to the arse. Teach him to listen to you
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There we go again~~ *Kou otome ML move count: 2*
A scream??? COULD IT BE---
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wow Mitsuba just suited up. our two superheroes on the move
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also lmao these phat daikon arms. And these rando fish are all so cute. Look at this guy on the right. So smooth and chill like a seal
Ya jeez more and more apparitions are showing up y’all it’s becoming a yokai manga (I’m not complaining I love them all.)
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Oh that dramatic foot in a spotlight, Natsuhiko you dramatic hoe, it’s you I’d know you anywhere (jokes aside I saw that Sailor Moon edit of him so)
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Good shonen boy Kou finally jumping into action to the rescue, because god knows without Hanako around there’s no one to do the saving of damsels in distress around here
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‘I want to join too’ -- AWWW LOL THIS IS SO CUTE
and off they go bullying a fish like it’s a game, so sad I liked that whalefrogfish
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is it ded. rip.
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oh wow Natsu you kissed fish gullet, look how red your face is wow. Also you really shouldn’t think that you’re too funny to let die. You survived being thrown into Nowhere, you’ll survive fish llke Jonah did. But fr did Sakura throw you into a fish trash pit or smth
ohmygod he called himself an Onii-san. He wants Kou to call him Onii-san. I am crying. Teru come back your lil bro’s being propositioned (w hA T a tiME for YoU TO Be GonE eH)
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KOU BABY IS SUSPICIOUS IM CRYING YES AS YOU SHOULD BE HUN (that font is just perfect *chef’s kiss*)
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Natsuhiko just awkwardly perched there in the background
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and yikes Natsuhiko’s pulling the same moves as Nene to gain kouhais lolol, aaah I’m starting to see similarities between them
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HAHAH OMG *Kou otome ML move count: 3*
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ooh what a shady guy. Natsu what do u know tell us tell us tell us
omg y u like this. whY do you sound so threatening now. I take it back you’re not harmless
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Natsuhiko do you mean to tell me you’re immortal????? Is that why you survive all these ridiculous levels of eldritch horror????
Fml he really looks like a vampire in that lighting. Esp since I can like see all his individual teeth what on earth is this level of detail Aidairo for once Natsuhiko looks like the cool mysterious guy he was meant to be
Just realised he has like a dyed hair thing going on kinda like Tsuchigomori. Don’t tell me. Natsuhiko are you Tsuchigomori’s secret love child.
‘There’s a bad energy coming from here’ --- pFFFT. He sounds like he’s trying to be a fengshui expert now. A conman
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hmmmm??? Oh that wasn’t a phone?? what is that it’s an onsen...?
wait that is probably a phone nvm. I’m just jumping at every little detail like 👀 
so huh I’m assuming Tsukasa can’t handle no6 on his own either, so....or possibly Natsuhiko is acting on his own??
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Ooh cool blankets, everyone has different flowers!! (*squints* no stop you can’t go looking for flower meanings everywhere)
And yes that’s a phone. Naatsuhiko just canonically has an onsen symbol phonecase just to show he’s a Chill Bro
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lol Mitsuba i don’t think you need to worry you’re not a whole soul anymore
D’AWWWW LOOK AT ALL THOSE LITTLE CUTIES (sheep, elephant, bunnies (multiple), rubber duckling)
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You. Natsuhiko. You’re the one most like a cat.
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omg what a braggart. what a chest-thumping man u are Natsu-senpai
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hahahahha I’m crying. Even Natsuhiko’s conscience is touched by Kou’s trusting naivete I can’t
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oh my god. but thank god Teru-nii still comes first he still hasn’t completely seduced you over to the dark side just yet
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awwww, Kou. Awww. He really, really wants to do his best to save them all. I--
Aw yay Natsu is touched to the point he’ll help!! Hopefully he wasn’t lying!! I hope there isn’t a sacrifice involved-
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Onix (srsly I really love all the lotuses everywhere. really going Buddhist symbology there)
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look at dat foot. it go.
oh!! we’re fresh at the battlescene!!
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I guess these guys are too useful to let rot in the trashpit eh
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?? For one moment I thought we were looking down into the trashpit at our missing 4 lmao. But why. No 6 you’re coming off as ...naturally innocent??? Dang. Let this cutie rest
I’m genuinely curious how on earth this no 6 is not a god on his own. (It’s funny to me that I’m coincidentally writing about a god like this as well at the same time.) How does he rank equal to the others. How is Hanako even his boss have they ever met before I demand a full show of Hanako’s powers one day. We’re not even sure what his boundary is. Or is it that he only has the power of life and death on those in his boundary?
(edit: just realised that if Tsukasa is behind Natsuhiko then no6 is basically Tsukasa’s dream power - necromancy. He could build all the Frankensteins his little heart ever wanted)
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oof there go the minions. I love how they have little buds on their heads. Every minion of his is ‘living’! And they’re like the first with individuality I’ve seen...?
oh he thinks Aoi did this purposely? Pfft she got dragged in there
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juijuirjfuerjcjkekerjckdediejdiedmwec. I am so worried. But fr this one panel of Aoi is so beautiful.
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Huh the hole is a starburst shape? 6 points hmm --oh wait im dumb it’s closing up oh no
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But shiet really how did he see to that. By giving her power over those specific bugs?? Planting info of that hole in her?
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mars-the-4th-planet · 4 years
But I don't wanna be the bees knees!
(last time on rwby fanfiction, Vale and Atlas had an unfortunate battle over the fate of Penny who was involved in the demise of Jacques who was technically killed by Neo. Penny has since been recovered by Atlas with her girlfriend Ruby, and Neo and Torchwick have kind of just been mucking about in Vale up to this point.)
"Now listen up!" Penny Polendina said, pacing back and forth on an Atlas sky cruiser. She had finally showed up, and demanded the presence of the soldiers on the ship, Ruby Rose, and even General Ironwood himself. Having become a symbol of Atlesian technological supremacy and patriotism after the battle at Vale, everyone in Atlas pretty much did what she wanted. Even Ironwood, despite technically out-ranking her. Thankfully Penny was not power hungry, but she did have some concerns regarding recent events. It was rare to see her acting so serious and firm.
"Most of you in this room have done very brave things for me." She said. "And I appreciate it, really!"
"But...?" Ruby asked, tilting her head to one side.
"Not now Ruby." Penny smiled slightly and shook her head. "I am busy relaying important information regarding my feelings. I can't help but notice that I am actively endangering people just by being something to fight over. And... I don't want you, or you, or you..." She begin pointing to her fellow Atlesians one by one, starting with Ironwood and going down the line of low rank soldiers. "...to be hurt on my behalf."
"You tell them Penny!" the always supportive ruby rose exclaimed.
"...And ESPECIALLY not you Ruby."
"Aww man! But Penny- I would give my life to protect you! You're not just some Atlas weapon or the guardian of beacon... I love-- mmph"
Ruby was cut off by Penny kissing her and grabbing her cheeks. "Awh Ruby, I love you as well. What you say is worrying to me though, not comforting. Watch:"
Penny did a flip backwards and rapidly beeped at a turret on the wall. It turned towards her and aimed. Immediately, Ruby along with Ironwood and a handful of the closest soldiers ran into each other trying to pull an "Its been an honor madame president" and block the attack for Penny. Penny looked down sadly. "This proves my point. I do not want to be on my own... But it is the only way I can keep everyone from risking themselves for me. I am sorry Ruby, Genny, and-" Penny started to cry, cutting off her sentence.
"No Penny, you can't leave! I need you here with us... And so does your girlfriend!" Ironwood insisted.
"He's... He's right!" groaned ruby under a pile of armored men. Since she was the fastest, she got in front of Penny first and then ended up being on the bottom of the pile.
"I am sorry... This does not make me happy either, but your safety comes first...i...i at least will be safe... I'm..." Penny sobbed. "C-Combat Ready, as always."
"But what about Salem? What about the white fang? What about Vale?! There are so many things we need your help with... Not just with fighting, we need you for diplomacy too! How will it look if you've disappeared and are out of control again?!" Ironwood said sternly as he got up.
Penny cried harder.
"I am so sorry Penny I didn't mean it like that... I know you didn't do anything wrong..."
"Hmph... Jerk." Ruby added.
Penny looked down. "I understand. I'm not angry at you Genny. I know what you meant... And..." She saluted. "I will take care of all of that. You can -sniff- count on me! But I do have to go on my own. I will keep in contact with both of you."
She ran over to the exit door and jumped out into the open air prompting everyone to scream until one by one they realized she could prevent herself from dying of fall damage. Penny was now on her own, flying down to remnant on her swords.
Meanwhile, back in Vale...
Roman Torchwick poked his head up out of a bush, followed by neo doing the same out of an adjacent bush. They were spying on a bank with the side blasted open. A half dozen security guards were standing around while construction work was being done.
"Ehehehehe, look at them Neo... No idea that they are about to be facing the low point in their career. You ready to do the plan?"
Neo didn't say anything.
"Show me your cutest, saddest face."
She widened her eyes and made a comically exaggerated frown.
"I guess that will have to do. These guys don't look too bright."
Neo did a thumbs up to Torchwick and got out of the bush and walked towards the guards. "Halt!" they cried out.
She huffed and pouted and made the face. "What is it lady?" One of them asked. She squirmed in front of them and held up a female restroom sign.
"Oh fine, you can go." They parted to let her into the bank. Roman chucked. "Fools... Never let neo behind you, I learned that the hard way."
Once behind them, Neo whirled her leg up and clocked one of them out with her heel. "HEY!" The guards drew the weapons and faced Neo, whole Torchwick stood up from the bush raising two canes. He began firing one after another while Neo punched and kicked up close. One fired a couple shots at Torchwick but they were so rushed that he missed. Another backed up, evading Torchwick's shots and fired at Neo who blocked it with her aura before doing a flying kick into his chest. The guard stumbled back, about to fire again but was finally zapped by Torchwick. All the guards had been stunned or dazed, and the two criminals were able to walk in without further trouble.
"Look neo! In that room... Piles of money! And dust- hey! What is she doing!"
Torchwick rushed into the vault, inside, an elderly woman was sweeping up the dust. She had filled her pan and was about to dump it into the trash chute on the wall. "STOP! That dust is mine now! We robbed this bank fair and square!"
"I'm sorry dear." She replied and dumped the dust down the trash chute. She tapped the dustpan to ensure it had all come off.
"NOOO!" Torchwick cried out, at seeing such a waste. "You..."
His eyes were in the shadow of his hat, revealing he had villainous intent. Neo patted him on the shoulder but it was no use. He picked up the old woman and shoved her down the trash chute in a flurry of lace, homesewn cotton, and old ratty shoes. She galumpfed her way down the chute and landed with a thump and a yelp.
Torchwick realized what he had just done, and he opened the chute and shouted down to her "All you alright? Sorry!"
"Fuck you dear!~" She shouted back in a voice somehow more whimsical and grandmotherly than before.
Neo silently giggled. "Yes, very funny Neo... Hehe... Let's get what is left up here." Seeing as she was apparently okay, the two criminals started bagging up pound after pound of Valebux and dust. "There is still so much in here! We can buy you a new umbrella Neo! And new gun shoes! Maybe even a new skyship! Mwahahaha, we are going to be so rich and powerful! Right Neo?"
Neo didn't say anything but smiled, winked, and made a V with her fingers. Then a siren began going off.
"Oh no... We have to get out of here, come on!" Torchwick and Neo scrambled out of the bank and into the streets, where villainy would continue. Now with sacks of cash and dust. To be continued...
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seanfalco · 4 years
Famous Last Words | Valdryn
Fandom: The Witcher Punk!AU (past) Pairing: Valdo Marx x OC [ Aevryn Swift ] Word Count: 2683 Rating: T a/n: I really wasn’t planning on posting any of this series, and yet here we are.  Perhaps someone will be interested. :3  I just have a lot of Valdryn feels and there’s a lot of backstory to play with.  So this is basically the story of how Aevryn and Jaskier became friends and her and Valdo’s tempestuous journey to where they are now.  Summary: A story of star crossed lovers, doomed from the start. It’s no secret that Valdo Marx has been in love with his best friend Aevryn since they were children.  He’s gotten everything he’s ever wanted in life handed to him, except for her -- for her he’ll have to work, but for her he would do anything.  However, when fame goes to his head he loses sight of what’s important and a series of mistakes leads him down an irredeemable path.  This is the story of how Valdo loses her.
[ Part I | Part II | Part III ]
Part I - I Can't Do Everything But I'd Do Anything For You
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Julian Pankratz, otherwise known to his classmates as Jaskier.
Aevryn twisted in her seat to glance at her assigned partner for their latest group project; their teacher having just finished divying the class up into pairs.  She knew the cute bright eyed musician from class, but she’d never really talked to him outside of that much.  He seemed like a cool enough guy, she just usually didn’t hang out with anyone outside of Valdo’s circle, and even that was hard enough lately with how jealous her boyfriend had been, she thought with a twist of her lips.
Taking a deep breath she forced those thoughts to the back of her head for a later time.  She had a group project to focus on after all. 
The rest of the period was reserved for project discussion and as Aevryn gathered her things to move to the desk next to Jaskier’s she caught sight of Valdo in the back trying to get her attention and stopped, tilting her head and wrinkling her nose in consternation as she tried to puzzle out what the fuck he was trying to communicate with his hand signals and exaggerated facial expressions.  Jaskier cleared his throat from his desk in front of where she stood and she gave a start, dismissing her friend with an exasperated wave of her hand before sitting.
“Sorry, I uh --” Aev chuckled awkwardly, tucking her hair behind her ear as she glanced down at the desk, feeling her face flush slightly in embarrassment.  “So, about that assignment hey?” she segued abruptly, not sure what else to say.
Jaskier snorted, flashing a grin.  “Smooth, very smooth.”
“Hey what can I say, I’m the queen of smooth,” Aev joked, laughing in earnest now, thankful that her new partner had a sense of humour.
As they began to brainstorm ideas for the assignment she discovered not only was Jaskier a musician as well, but he was funny and also really easy to talk to -- a bit awkward at times, but who was she to judge?  The queen of smooth, indeed.  And despite the many tangents they ended up getting lost in, they soon had a solid idea for their presentation.
“This is gunna be so great,” Aevryn murmured, chewing her lip as she began making notes, flipping through her text book, unaware that Jaskier was studying her intently from the corner of his eye.
Feeling eyes on him in turn, Jaskier shifted in his seat to find Valdo Marx glaring at him from across the room.  The dark haired youth narrowed his eyes as their gazes locked, bottle green piercing his bright blue as Valdo made an exaggerated ‘I’m watching you’ gesture.
Jaskier frowned, brows furrowing before pointedly ignoring Valdo and turning his attention back to Aevryn.
“Sooooo…” he mused after a moment, drawing the word out as though torn between curiosity and the fear of overstepping a boundary; unsure how his question might be received.
“Hmm?” Aev hummed in response, not looking up from her notebook as she continued to write.
“Uhhh, just wondering what the deal is between you and Valdo Marx,” he ventured carefully.
“What do you mean?” Aevryn asked, shooting Jaskier a confused and somewhat guarded look.  She assumed that everyone knew they were best friends.
Wilting slightly under the intensity of her gaze, he held up his hands defensively.  “Just… I’ve noticed you hang out with him a lot.  I thought you might be dating or something,” he added offhandedly.
Aevryn blinked at him a moment before huffing a laugh.  “What, nooo.  We’re just… just really good friends.”  She paused, trying to decide how much to tell him.  “I’m uhm, dating René from the other class, actually,” she explained, her eyes flicking away.
“Oh,” Jaskier exclaimed, unsure what else to say.  “I uh, I see.”
“Why?  Were you gunna ask me out or something?” she asked, leering at him comically, the grin on her lips full of mischief.
“No!” Jaskier yelped, quickly composing himself.  “No,” he repeated, somewhat calmer.  “I was just gunna ask for your number, purely for school project related purposes, you know.”
“Uh huh, suuuuure.”  Aevryn gave him a knowing look before snorting a laugh.  “I’m just kidding.  Yeah, give me your phone and I’ll put my number in.  Maybe if you’re not busy after school we can get a head start on this thing,” she suggested, holding out her hand expectantly as the bell rang.
Sliding his Sidekick open Jaskier handed it over as the room was filled with the shuffle of chairs scraping back and the muted murmur of students collecting their things.  As Aevryn began typing her contact info in Valdo sauntered over, backpack slung over his shoulder, stopping behind her and peering over her shoulder at Jaskier’s phone in her hand, his expression clearly unimpressed.
Jaskier eyed the other boy warily, his lip curling in disdain at the cocky grin that suddenly stole across Valdo’s face.  
Everyone knew Valdo Marx was a spoiled rich prick who got everything he wanted without having to work very hard for it.  ‘Well, maybe not everything he wanted,’ Jaskier thought smugly as he watched Valdo eye Aevryn.
“No,” Aev said curtly before Valdo even opened his mouth, his dark eyebrows raising in mock surprise.
“I didn’t even say anything,” he exclaimed, an impish light dancing in his green eyes.
“No, but I know you,” she replied, glancing up at him, fondness tinging her grin despite her sharp words.  “I’m not telling you our project idea only for you to steal it and pretend like we’re the ones copying you.”
Aevryn turned her amused grin on Jaskier as she slid his phone closed and handed it back to him.  “Don’t let him bully it out of you either.”
Unable to bite back the smirk that tugged at his lips Jaskier nodded, pocketing his phone.  “Don’t worry, I won’t.”  His gaze flicked to Valdo, who was clearly unamused at the turn of events, though as soon as Aevryn turned back to him, he was all smug confidence once more.
“Okay, okay, let’s go get some lunch, I’m fucking starving,” Valdo exclaimed, attempting to usher Aev out of the classroom.
Rolling her eyes her smile turned apologetic.  “I’ll text you later okay?  We can figure out when to meet up to work on this thing.”
Out in the hall Valdo let out a loud groan, clearly fishing for Aevryn’s attention as they left Jaskier behind. 
“Yes?” she asked, fighting back a grin as she glanced at her friend, his dark messy curls bouncing as he walked. 
“He asked you out didn’t he?” Valdo asked, disgust just barely concealed in his voice.
“What?  No!”  Aev exclaimed, bumping her shoulder against Valdo’s arm.  “We’re just meeting up for project stuff.”
“Yeah, uh huh, okay,” Valdo continued skeptically.  “Maybe he did and you just didn’t realize it.”
“Are you implying something?”  Aevryn asked, frowning dangerously as she tried to keep up with his long strides.  “Like that I’m dense or something?”
“No,” Valdo answered quickly, “I would never.  It’s just —I don’t trust that two-bit musician wanna-be.  It was obvious he was trying to charm you.”
Aev snorted in amusement.  “Oh, like you do all the time?  You know what he asked me?”
“He thought we were dating,” she replied, gesturing between the two of them.  “Isn’t that wild?”
Valdo’s face fell for a moment, his posture stiffening slightly.  “Oh.  Yeah, wild.”  
Aevryn glanced at him, her stomach dropping strangely at the sudden shift in his tone, perhaps barely imperceptible to anyone else, but to her it spoke volumes.
“Would it be so weird if we dated?” Valdo’s voice dropped and Aevryn opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, René threw his arm around her shoulder, catching her by surprise.
The look in Valdo’s eyes before he glanced away wrenched at something deep inside her and she fought the urge to shrug René off.
“Hey babe, how was class?” her boyfriend asked, falling into step with them, effectively pushing between her and Valdo, who scowled and looked away, pulling his phone out.
“Uhm, not bad,” Aevryn answered, glancing across René to get a glimpse of Valdo, seemingly ignoring their conversation.  “We’re uh, doing a group project, so I’m probably gunna meet up with my partner after school for a bit to work on it.”
She hoped he wouldn’t ask who her partner was so she wouldn’t have to either make up something to avoid a fight or tell him the truth and endure his jealous suspicion.  Unfortunately her hopes were dashed.
“Who are you working with?” René asked slowly, his arm around her shoulder tensing.
“Uh…” Aev faltered.  If she lied and he found out, that would be bad.  But if she told him it was Jaskier, that would also potentially be bad.  René’s jealous streak became infinitely worse when someone good looking was involved and Jaskier definitely fit the bill, even if she wasn’t interested in him like that.
“It’s me.  I’m her partner,” Valdo said suddenly, sliding his phone shut and pocketing it before glancing at René, silently daring him to say anything.  “Right, Aev?”
“Uhm yeah, that’s right,” she mumbled, breathing a sigh of relief.
René eyed Valdo skeptically, but didn’t say anything further though it was obvious he wanted to.  
Sitting down at their usual table and plunking her tray down Aevryn pulled out her phone, making sure René was distracted as she slid open her keyboard.
Hey V.  Thanks.  I owe you one. 
Across the table Valdo’s phone chimed and Aev watched as he read her message, his expression strangely unreadable -- his usual cocksure grin missing.  He typed for a moment before biting his lip and deleting it and typing something else.  However as he hit send and closed his phone his smile was back.
Yeah I know.  I’m the best.  x
Rolling her eyes Aevryn picked up her fork, sharing an amused grin with her friend before digging in, feeling somewhat normal, though she idly wondered what it was that Valdo had originally typed.
“Do you think we could find a lute somewhere?”  Aevryn asked, the scratch of her pen pausing as she looked up at Jaskier.
“Hmm… mayyybe?”
“Hmm,” Aev mused, her nose scrunching up in thought.  “If not, I suppose we could use a regular guitar, and we’ll have my violin, but it would be so cool to have the whole historical accuracy thing going for us, especially with the costumes I wanna use.”
“We could check ebay,” Jaskier suggested, spinning in Aevryn’s computer chair to face the keyboard, typing in the url.
Getting up off her bed Aev moved closer, joining him in front of the monitor, leaning over his shoulder.  Noticing how close she was Jaskier swallowed, quickly averting his eyes back to the screen.
“Hey, this one’s not too expensive,” Aevryn said, pointing at one of the items on the screen with the end of her pen, completely oblivious to Jaskier’s momentary discomfort.  “If I get it, do you think you could play it for our presentation?”  Sea green eyes swung to Jaskier excitedly.
“Of course,” he replied, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.  “I can play anything.”
“Oh, I sincerely doubt that.”
Valdo’s drawl at the door had Jaskier jumping, glaring at the smug youth leaning casually against the doorframe, his sharp green eyes taking them both in.
“Oh shut up, Valdo,” Aevryn called, barely glancing away from the screen as she leaned past Jaskier to grab the mouse.  “And be nice.”
“Oh, but I am being nice.”
Jaskier watched Valdo push off the door and cross the room, throwing himself down atop Aevryn’s bed and sprawling his lanky body out; propping up on his elbow to idly flip through her notebook.
“Uh Aev, is this… a normal occurrence?”  Jaskier asked, his voice pitched low for her ears alone.
“What?” she asked, following Jaskier’s gaze toward Valdo lounging on her bed.  “Oh.  Yeah, he’s basically here more than his own house.  Our families are old friends, and they live next door, so…” she trailed off with a half shrug.
Jaskier nodded slowly, frowning to himself.  He was beginning to understand.  He liked Aevryn -- she was witty, smart, and genuine, but if he was gunna be friends with her he was gunna have to put up with Valdo Marx as well.  
Sighing, he picked up his phone to check the time.  “Hey Aevryn, it’s getting late.  I should probably head home for dinner.”
“Oh.  Okay,” the disappointment in her tone was audible, but she quickly hid it.  “I mean, you’re more than welcome to stay for dinner here, if you want.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Valdo interjected from the bed, but Aev ignored him.
“I get it though, we can’t really do much more today anyway.  Lemme walk you out, Jask,” she offered, following Jaskier out of the room.
“Bye bye Pankratz,” Valdo called smugly after them, not bothering to get up.  “Good riddance,” he muttered under his breath as soon as they were out of the room.
It took every shred of self control he had not to growl in annoyance as Jaskier walked next to Aevryn.
“I’m uh… sorry about him,” Aev mumbled as they walked down the staircase.  “He’s kind of…”
“A dick?”  Jaskier supplied without thinking, mentally kicking himself as soon as he’d spoken.
Aevryn stopped at the bottom of the steps and shrugged.  “Yeah, he is.”
He knew it wasn’t his place, but Jaskier couldn’t keep it in any longer.  “So, why are you friends with him?” he demanded, half expecting her to get angry, defensive, snap at him maybe, but she didn’t, she just looked thoughtful.
“Because… you don’t know him like I do,” she said softly.  “Because we grew up together.  He’s always just… been there for me.”  A sad smile tugged at her lips.  “There’s more to him than everyone else sees.”
Jaskier looked down at his hands, not sure how he should feel about that, but he didn’t want to upset Aevryn further.  “I’m sorry, that really wasn’t my place…”
“It’s okay,” she assured him quickly.  “I just hope that this doesn’t mean we can’t be friends too?”
Jaskier flashed her a grin.  “Of course we can be friends.”
“Oh good,” Aev breathed, relief flooding her as she held open the door.  “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
At the top of the staircase Valdo quickly slunk back to Aevryn’s room, rearranging himself on her bed before she returned.  He wasn’t exactly pleased with how friendly she was getting with Jaskier -- the fellow hadn’t really ever appeared on his radar before, but now he’d have to start paying attention.  It was what Aev had said about him though that buoyed his spirits, making the rest seem rather trivial at the moment.
He was special to her.  
“Ahhhh blessed peace.  The intruder is gone.  Finally,” he sighed dramatically, flopping onto his back amongst her pillows as Aev returned.  When she didn’t speak however he cracked an eye and peered at her as she sat on the edge of the bed next to him.
“Aev?”  he asked, shifting to see her better.
She was so close.  How easy it would be to pull her into his arms in that moment and hold her.  How many times had he imagined that.  Imagined brushing her hair from her cheek and kissing her…
How --
“Y’know, you don’t have to be a dick to everyone right?”
Aevryn’s soft words stopped his daydreams in their tracks and he lifted his head, his dark curls shifting against her pillow, a frown tugging at his lips.
“Yeah, and?” he asked.  Why did it matter, as long as he was nice to her?
Aev sighed and shook her head, running her hands through her hair before turning to face him, her expression back to normal, a grin tugging at her lips.  “I’m just saying, it wouldn’t kill you, you know.”
The knots that had begun to tie in his stomach disappeared and Valdo flopped back down, smirking impishly.  “It just might though.”
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