#I was around when Christmas movies would come on tv for the holiday(do they still do that or nah)
animationismycomfort · 10 months
bruh being born in the 2000s is so weird cause I grew up with one tmnt show was around when another came out and ended and I’m now around for another new release
#then again I was also around for the 2 3 and the second show for#httyd#damn I feel old now that I remember when just the old series the first movie and the specials/shorts existed#my stuffy stuff#I feel old#realizing I was around for a lot of movies that came out#y’all I remember when the peabody and Sherman movie came out#like I saw in theaters!#IN 3D#guys I was around when the lego movie came out#I was around when Madagascar and brave were in theaters#I was around when trailers and McDonald’s toys for tbol was coming out#I was around when Christmas movies would come on tv for the holiday(do they still do that or nah)#I was around and saw monsters university on tv and on a burnt disc#I was around when only rise of the plane of the apes existed#I was around when the god damn first Jurassic world movie came out in theaters#I was around when my brother started buying all the transformers movies everytime a new one came out#I was around when a lot of the laika movies came out#im pretty sure I saw boxtrolls in theaters#I was around when over the garden wall was new#I was also around when sonic boom was on tv#I was around when scooby doo curse of the lake monster was on tv#(​im pretty sure is was on tv at the time or maybe it was on a network….but either way)#I was around when a lot of CN shows(that have now ended)first started#guys….y’all don’t understand how old this makes me feel#like I know it’s not that big of a difference or deal to some but like….#damn time sure flies and I hate it#THE PROBLEM IS IM NOT EVEN OLD
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
Thinking about Price who never flies home for the holidays. He doesn’t even have a family to fly out to anyway. So when Christmas and New Year’s Eve roll around he celebrates it on base. Well calling it a celebration would be an exaggeration since on Christmas he gets drunk out of his mind and for New Years he watches the fireworks on tv.
Usually he’s all alone on base but this year you’re there as well.
Price hadn’t pried as to why you hadn’t flown home since he considered it to be too personal and you knew better than to ask why he spent Christmas and New Year’s Eve alone on base.
So instead the two of you sat on the worn out couch, in the small living room on base, shared a couple drinks and watched some shitty Christmas movie.
It had been a bit awkward at first since the two of you never talked to each other outside of missions but it didn’t take much before you fell into comfortable conversations.
You laughed at the cliche Christmas movies, complained about the cold, even discussed what the rest of tf141 could be doing back home.
It didn’t take much before the two of you called it a night before planning to do something similar for when New Year’s Eve came around.
Couple days later and the two of you are back on the same worn out couch, sharing drinks and waiting for the fireworks show to start playing.
It’s clear that you and Price have grown more comfortable around each other since you got your arm practically slung around his shoulder and you’re sitting so close your thighs are pressing up against each other but Price doesn’t seem to mind it.
Instead he’s watching the tv, seemingly deep in thought.
“You ever had a new years kiss sergeant?”
You snort at that, almost spitting out the drink you were sipping on.
“No don’t think I have,” you say sounding amused while putting down your drink on the table. “Have you ever had a new years kiss captain?”
“He was drunk out of his mind and planted a wet kiss on my lips, didn’t remember a single thing in the morning” he scoffs out.
“He?” You say, surprise clear in your voice as you look at the older man beside you.
Price nods in response but looks a bit uncomfortable by your reaction.
You scramble your brain for something to say, needing him to know you weren’t uncomfortable by this revelation. You just didn’t know what exactly you should say.
“Must’ve been a shitty kiss,” is all you manage to say while feeling heat creep up your face.
That was the best thing you could come up with? You think to yourself
“Yeah? How do you know sergeant? Were you there?” Price says with a small smile on his face and looking a bit more relaxed than before.
“No but he was drunk you didn’t see it coming i don’t think anyone would like it” you say feeling your face scrunch up at the thought of having a stranger’s beer breath hit your face before they kissed you on your mouth, without even asking for permission.
“I suppose you’re right,” is all he says.
You don’t know what made you say it but before you know of it the words are slipping past your lips
“I can prove it,”
“Oh yeah?” He says as he raises a brow at your words “how?”
Your eyes flicker down to his lips before you look into his eyes again.
“Tell me to stop if you don’t want this” you say voice breathy and strained but Price doesn’t say anything. Instead he waits to see what you’ll do next.”I promise I’m not drunk” you add on and he just smiles in response.
As you lean in you can hear the countdown starting.
10, 9, 8
Price’s eyes flutter shut and so do yours.
7, 6,5
You can now feel his hot breath washing over your face, nose brushing against his.
Slowly but surely you lean in
..1,0 Happy New Year!
and before you know it the two of you kiss.
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lalacliffthorne · 6 months
christmas with the modern!batboys!roommates - as headcanons 💕
because there's way too much I wanna talk about to just put it into a meek lil drabble!!! and I actually can't wait for christmas now. 🎄
merry christmas ya filthy animals 🎀
it's about halfway through November when you decide on spending your Christmas at the flat
reason is the fact that all of your three roommates will, for once, also be staying for the holidays
usually, Rhys is forced into an awkward, stilted celebration with his father that mostly consists of very tense dinners, coffees and him trying to flee to his room for as much time as possible
Azriel always visits his mother, and Cassian usually either stays at the flat or visits the orphanage he spent half of his childhood in to help with the kids
but this year, Rhys' father isn't even in the country because of some business deal
Rhys jumps at the opportunity to avoid one awful holiday and decides to not go with him and instead spend christmas at the flat
Azriel's mother is seeing someone new who invited her to spend the holidays in the mountains
Az really doesn't want to be third-wheeling, so he, too, decides to stay home
(you're a bit surprised he's so unbothered about his mother dating someone new
he is quite protective of her
but then again, Az is quicker than even Mor at stalking someone on the internet
and out of all of you, has probably the best intuition when it comes to people
which means the new guy seems to have passed all the first hurdles)
Cassian doesn't let it show too much bc he doesn't want them to feel bad about how things usual go
but you can tell he's beyond happy to have them there
Mor's also staying in town and will be over for Christmas Eve
you usually always go home for the holidays
but sometimes, it's time for new traditions, right?
"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"
Your voice rises over the sound of the movie, and with a curious look, Rhys turns it on mute before looking your way, Cassian, lounging in one of the armchairs, craning his neck to do the same when you worm yourself out of Azriel's arms where you have been curled up for the past half an hour, barely paying any attention to the TV.
You can feel Azriel's eyes on the side of your face when you grin sheepishly.
"I - I think I'm gonna stay here as well for Christmas."
Cass crunches his brows in surprise. "What about your family, don't you go home usually?"
"Yeah." Rhys grins. "Won't you be missed?"
You huff at him.
"They might come here for a few days during the holidays, but -" You shrug and grin at them. "I don't know, I feel like I want to stay here this year." You frown in thought. "Would be weird to just leave you all here."
Cassian starts grinning toothily, and just that would have convinced you that this is definitely the right decision. But then you turn your head and find Azriel staring at you, the golden spots in his eyes seeming to twinkle in the warm light, and your heart does a flip.
Yep. Definitely worth it.
and with that and the knowledge that all of you will be spending Christmas at the flat together - you decide on going all in.
everything starts with the flat.
it's your home, your place to be after all
and it deserves to be spruced up and decked to completion
which is why it becomes first thing on your big Christmas list
because the boys usually don't spend the holidays at the flat, there aren't really any decorations in storage down in the basement
so the next Saturday, you and Rhys hit the high street and every place in town needed for the perfectly decorated flat
you get fir garlands and fairylights, together with an unholy amount of candles
in a concept store next to the café where you take a much needed break around lunchtime, you find funky glass baubles
(you make sure you take the black camera and one of the motorcycles)
in another store, you find big stars made out of thick paper for the windows, even light up ones, along with stockings and some candleholders for the big dining table in the living room
(because of course there will be a ridiculous amount of food, if the way Rhys has been buried in cookbooks for the past few days is any indication)
you even get a new set of dishware
on the market, you score some big wreaths
Rhys buys mistletoe; so much of it, you're wondering whether he wants to plaster the whole house
you get ribbons and wrapping paper, festive cookie cutters, trinkets and more candles -
then, the next morning, Rhys turns up the Christmas music, and you get to decorating
because Cassian is tallest, he is tasked with anything that involves hanging things up the second he steps through the front door
fastening garlands and fairylights to the doorways, putting up the light up stars you got for the windows and the one for your room that fits its colorscheme
and hanging up the mistletoe
you place garlands over the mantle of the fireplace, together with fairy lights and candles
the window sills get the same treatment, while outside, Rhys fights with a long string of tangled lights to wrap around the balustrade of the balcony and the bushes
for safety reasons, the stockings are hanging underneath one of the windows and not above the fireplace
(you don't want any accidents involving burning stockings)
you found some pillow cases and a cozy blanket for the couches that fit the theme, and the coffee table is decorated with more candles and a wreath with bows you tied meticulously
you even set up the big dining table in the living room, with more garlands and candles and some of the baubles, and the new dishware
(you rarely use that table because you always eat in the kitchen anyway, so it can stay like that until the holidays)
the bookcases get covered in fairylights and little trinkets, the mirror gets a stole of fir
you're hanging up the biggest of the wreaths with a big red bow at the front door of the flat when Azriel comes home
the corner of his mouth kicks up when he sees you, some glitter on your face, a black bow in your hair and beaming at him
and his eyes actually twinkle a little when he sees the decorated flat
Cassian is positively buzzing with happiness when he hangs up the final wreath in the kitchen window
Rhys has hung some fir branches over the table, with some baubles and ornaments dangling from them and candles sitting on the wooden tabletop
every room smells like pine and firewood and it makes your heart skip with happiness
Rhys smirks and drops his arm onto your shoulder
"not bad, darling. not bad at all."
and with that, the festive time between decorating and the actual holidays begin
and you plan to enjoy every second
one of the first days of December, all of you embark on the most important mission of all:
finding the perfect tree
there's a pop up outdoor place selling trees a little walk away from the flat
Rhys, extravagant as usual, wants to take the huge fir tree right at the entrance
you manage to convince him that even though your apartment does have very nice high ceilings, a tree the width of both Cassian and Azriel combined would be just a little over the top
Cassian votes for a slightly crooked specimen that's about two feet taller than him
("it's got character.")
in the end, Azriel is the one who finds the perfect one
"What about that one?"
Turning at the sound of Azriel's deep, calm voice, you slip past a bickering Rhys and Cassian, and Az looks down at you when you shiver happily and slide your cold hand into his pocket, curling yourself into his side.
It's gotten really freaking cold.
Squinting, you look up at the tree you're standing in front of. It's probably a foot taller than Cass, it's branches thick and close together and it's top just the tiniest bit crooked.
"Huh." You feel a smile slowly spreading over your face, turning your head without looking away from the tree. "Hey, dumb and dumber."
Azriel snorts softly.
"Who's who?" Cassian appears next to you, crunching his nose to suppress a sneeze as he offers you his elbow to hide your freezing hand in.
"If you gotta ask,", Rhys mumbles from Azriel's other side before dodging Cassian trying to kick his shin, his nearly violet eyes twinkling when he smirks.
Not you, you mouth up at Cass and earn yourself a wide grin and a wink.
"What about that one?" Azriel threads his fingers through yours in his pocket, nodding towards the tree in front of you.
Both Cassian and Rhys tip their heads to the side in unison.
"Hm." Rhys doesn't sound as opposed as with every other tree that has crossed your way so far.
"It's big, but not too big, it's got character -" You shrug and look back and forth between them. "I think it's perfect."
"Let's check." Cassian lets go of you, and you're about to look up at him with a confused frown when strong arms wrap around your waist and lift you off your feet.
You squeak and sway and feel a deep chuckle against your back. You look up to find yourself face to face with the tree top, then you get slid back to your feet.
"Yup." Cassian straightens and pats your head. "Perfect height."
You scowl up at him.
"I mean, it's not as perfect as the first one -" Rhys gets cut off by three people groaning and snickers.
"But it's pretty close, so -"
"Thank God,", Azriel mumbles into your hair, and you giggle.
you go home with the tree and a white amaryllis that'll hopefully be in bloom by Christmas and that you want to use as centerpiece for the dining table
Cassian carries the tree like it's not a foot taller than him and probably just as heavy
that weekend, you put it up
Rhys and you bicker about the best way to detangle the ball of fairylights
by the time you're finished and turn towards the tree, Azriel holds up one end of the neatly laid out fairylights with a deadpan look
it takes some more bickering about the perfect way of wrapping the lights around the tree until the huge fir tree is twinkling from every angle
and then little by little, you distribute all the the baubles and ornaments evenly
Cassian is responsible for the top branches and you, begrudgingly, for all the ones at the bottom
the whole slightly chaotic endeavour is accompanied by the sound of Christmas music, hot chocolate and the crackling fireplace
when you're almost finished, Cassian lifts you up, completely ignoring your soft squeak, and Rhys hands you the tree topper
the golden star goes right on the top, and then you're done
that evening, you all just sit and stare at the tree
it's magnificent and slightly chaotic
really mirrors living in the flat, you think
and with the tree up, all the festive activities can truly begin
you bake gingerbread cookies, happy to huddle up in the warm kitchen as it progressively gets colder outside
you go gift shopping with Feyre and Mor, who get along like a house on fire
when Feyre drops you off at home after and helps you carry your bags upstairs, Rhys opens the door
you're pretty sure the blush in Feyre's cheeks does not stem from the cold
even as she huffs at Rhys' blatant flirting
you get dragged out for another round of gift shopping with Cassian a few days after
it ends with the two of you buying a dutch oven for Rhys and almost forgetting it on the Christmas market when you stop for mulled wine and food on the way home
since Feyre is going home for the holidays, you have a little celebration the second weekend of December
you kick the boys out of the flat for the evening
the two of you make a whole small roast, dancing around the kitchen to Christmas music and have dinner in the living room
the tree is lit, and the first presents have found their way under it, all wrapped up more or less craftfully
you watch classic christmas movies and eat on the couch
when the boys get back later that night, the both of you are so full and happy, Feyre actually beams at Rhys in passing
you think he might faint
after saying goodbye to Feyre at the door, you turn, and he still stands in the hall, looking a little dazed
when he glares at you like a silent "not a word", you grin and tackle him in a hug
he's adorable
the day after (probably in an act of revenge on Rhys' side), the both of you engage in a gingerbread house building competition in your kitchen
there's Christmas music, hot chocolate and containers and bowls with icing and dozens and dozens of different decorations spread all over the counter while you set up camp at the kitchen table
when Cass and Azriel come back from the gym and their own Christmas shopping in the late afternoon, the kitchen is absolute chaos
and Rhys and you have switched from hot chocolate to mulled wine and are slightly tipsy
both Cass and Azriel lean into the doorframe, staring at Rhys and you as you giggle and bicker, trying to kick at each other under the table
you're a little dishevelled, wearing a pair of wide pyjama pants, fuzzy socks and a loose t-shirt, your hair a mess and specks of icing all over your nose
Rhys looks equally unkempt for once, slightly flushed and violet eyes twinkling as he grins, icing on his dark t-shirt
when evening rolls around, you're completely exhausted
but both of your houses are standing
they are a bit wonky
but very pretty
complete with white icing, windows made from melted candy, roof tiles and cotton candy for smoke rising from the chimneys
Mor, who drops by that evening, acts as impartial judge and rules a tie
neither you nor Rhys really are too bothered by it
you're mostly proud they've not collapsed into heaps yet
Rhys smushes your face between his sticky hands and leaves a smacking kiss on your forehead that ends the competition before calling dibs on the first shower
and Azriel decides, when you crawl onto the couch where he's already sprawled out on the cushions and bury yourself in his chest, your body aching and feeling sticky
that even though he doesn't really care for sweets
you smelling like gingerbread and icing could make him come around to it
he doesn't say it, but when he wraps his arms around you and drags you up his body, curling around you to bury his face in your t-shirt and humming, you decide that this is definitely becoming a tradition
(even tho the next few days, Rhys and you get nauseous at just the sight of anything sweet)
the closer you get to Christmas, the more giddy you get
Azriel takes every chance he gets to crowd you under one of the many twigs of mistletoe Rhys has snuck into every possible spot in the flat and kiss you until your heart nearly gives out and your knees are jello and you can feel his lips curve against yours
to be fair, the other two don't really hold back either
Cassian has the time of his life leaving smacking kisses onto the cheeks and foreheads of whoever ends up under a sprig of mistletoe next to him
it's cause to different stages of crunched noses and huffs
from amused (Rhys) to fits of giggling (you and Mor) to grumbling (Azriel)
and Rhys likes to dramatically pretend he's about to smooch the shit out of you, sweeping you up and dipping you back and everything, causing you to break into fits of snickers and Azriel to roll his eyes
you're pretty sure to see his lips twitch tho
you go to the Christmas market a few more times
with Rhys, because he wants to sample every food that's sold there and you would never pass up a chance to eat and gossip
then with all the boys and Mor, on an icy cold evening, to look at the decorations all over the shops and drink mulled cider
it's so cold you're permantely glued to Azriel's side, your fingers laced with his in his pocket, your arm wrapped around his elbow
he lets you slide into his coat as far as possible when you're waiting for the hot beverages, his chin resting on your head when you bury your face in his chest, his lips pressing against your forehead when you peak up at him, nose pink from the cold
the way he's staring down at you makes your heart hop and swerve, and Azriel's lips twitch
then, a few days before Christmas, Mor turns up and takes you ice skating
it ends in giggles, the two of you holding onto each other and singing aloud to the Christmas music from the speakers
you get waffles and hot chocolate after and Mor drags you with her into several clothing stores because she still doesn't have an outfit for the celebrations
it's when you decide she's gonna sleep over on Christmas Eve
because the thought of her going home in the evening and then coming back on Christmas Morning is just ridiculous
and when you promise she can sleep in your bed, all by herself, Mor beams
(you'd be sleeping in Azriel's room anyway)
the boys don't mind
quite the opposite
Rhys actually huffs bc he didn't think of it earlier
you have Christmas movie nights, with snacks and gingerbread and hot chocolate, the tree glittering and the smell of pine making your heart skip happily
gingerbread decorating competitions
and evenings where the fire is crackling and you are curled up against Azriel on the couch, reading with his arm wrapped around your shoulder and lips absentmindedly pressing against your temple
and then the afternoon before Christmas Eve, you take advantage of having the flat all to yourself and lock yourself in your room to wrap all your presents
in the end, you're sitting on the floor, surrounded by paperscraps and bows, with sticky tape on your forehead and a small heap of presents in front of you
wrapped to the best of your abilities and carefully labelled
they go onto the growing pile of presents under the tree, and you award yourself with a bubble bath
(wrapping gifts is hard, okay?)
you got the Dutch Oven you bought for Rhys with Cassian, along with a pair of purple fuzzy socks (mostly so he stops stealing yours) and fancy pickles
the guy has weird interests
Cassian's boxing gloves have seen better days, so you and Mor got him a new pair, with his name embroidered in deep red stitching at the wrist
you also bought him a set of hair care, after he once accidentally used yours and was in awe about how soft it made his hair for a solid three days
for Mor, you found a small shop on etsy that makes custom jewellery with recycled materials
you got her a necklace with a little charm with a little deep red stone and a matching bracelet, both dainty and slim
as well as a kit for a fancy bubble bath
as for Feyre, she already got her present a few days before and now lugs it home with her
you and Mor bought her a set of fancy oil paints
you also got her two mugs
one says coffee
the other paint water
you hope it means she stops accidentally poisoning herself
as for Azriel
his gift makes your heart hop with nerves
on Christmas Eve, Mor comes over, and Rhys whips up a three course dinner
you eat in the kitchen, Mor and you occupying the couch and giggling into your wine glasses
then you move to the living room and watch Home Alone
at 11, you all suddenly feel the need to move
so you bundle up with coats and scarves and hats before piling out of the flat
outside, it's so cold, your breath rises in thick white clouds
you take a long walk around the neighbourhood, looking at the lights and decorations everywhere
some people have wrapped their outside trees and bushes in fairylights
some have hung stars that light up porches, balconies and windows
you're actually not the only ones on a walk
there are still quite a few people out, probably with the same idea as you
you walk next to Mor, your arms linked together and awing softly at the glimpses you catch at decorated living rooms and twinkling trees
Rhys and Azriel are behind you, talking quietly between themselves
and Cassian is walking a little bit ahead of you, sniffling against the cold air, ridiculously broad in his thick jacket, a hat pulled over his head and seemingly lost in thought
after a while, you let Mor fall back to the other two and catch up with him
shivering happily, you wrap your arm around his and bump your shoulder softly into his side
"you okay?"
your voice is soft, and when you look up at him, your heart does a little warm pulse
because Cassian, big, vibrant, boisterous Cassian is completely quiet and calm
he looks at the houses with the lights and the twinkling trees in the living rooms, and one corner of his lips tips up gently
as you're staring up at him, something's suddenly swelling in your chest, making it hard to breathe
bc for one second, the only thing you see is a very little Cassian, alone in an orphanage on Christmas
you really try not to allow the sudden pressure behind your eyes to surface
but then Cassian looks down at you and gently bumps his elbow into your side, grinning softly
"got my family."
and that pressure spills over and with it the tears as your chin wobbles and your chest aches
"duh", you press out, voice weak and trembling, and Cassian smiles, bigger and crooked
you realise what that look on his face is when he tucks you into his side and lets you bury your face in his jacket until the tears have died
complete peace.
The quiet, deep voice travels through you, and you shift, grumbling quietly.
There's a soft breathed smile, then warm, rough fingers brush over your cheek, and lips press against your forehead. You can feel them move when the familiar deep voice, soft and rough with sleep, vibrates through you and causes shivers to run over your spine.
"C'mon baby, wake up."
Your heart does a little skip, and the warm haze of sleep slowly slips away. You exhale slowly, then you force open your heavy eyes, and something in your chest rises in a soft flutter.
Azriel's face is only an inch away, all sharp cheekbones and soft lips and tired eyes, and something in your chest dips over at the sight of his warm amber iris dragging over your face.
"Hi,", you mumble, voice thick and raspy with sleep, and the corner of Azriel's lips tips upwards, causing your heart to rise.
With a quiet sound, you shift closer, your arms sliding over his bare shoulders as his dip and wrap around your waist, pulling you into his body until one of your legs drapes over his hip and you're completely pressed together. There's something shifting at the back of your head, keeping you from just burying your face in the warm crook of his neck and going back to sleep -
Your heart misses a beat, your eyes dart up as suddenly, a flutter builds in your chest, and Azriel's lips curve, up and up until his cheek creases.
"There it is." His voice, deep and low, husky with sleep and vibrating with a hint of amusement, sends your heart tumbling as his gaze drags over your face. Then he blinks, and something softens in his eyes, a slow twinkle growing in his iris as his gaze drags over your face. One corner of his lips curves upwards.
"Merry Christmas,", he mumbles, low, deep, and steady.
If your heart hasn't stopped before, it definitely does now, and you need a couple of seconds until it works again. Then a smile spreads over your face, slow but growing until it is ridiculously wide.
"Merry Christmas,", you whisper back, breath hitching and voice thick with sleep and something pulsing and swelling under your ribs.
The twinkle in Azriel's eyes grows; your breath hitches when he dips his head, and something tipping over in your chest when he presses his lips onto yours, warm and slow and unhurried.
He only pulls back once he coaxes a soft sound breaking from your throat. Your heart is thrumming and one corner of his lips has curved lazily as he stares at you, a few strands of hair curving over his forehead, the rest so tousled, you just can't resist burying your fingers in it as warmth spreads through your body and your hearts start fluttering as giddiness starts spreading through your chest.
Slipping your arm tighter around Azriel's neck, you pull him down to kiss him again, deeper and firmer and causing your breath to shudder and Azriel to groan softly. His hand slips under your hoodie, palm slowly roaming up your back with the softest pressure, pushing your closer.
When you pull back, breathing shakily, warmth rushing through you and gather in your cheeks, Azriel nudges his nose against yours, a soft rumble building in his chest.
"Sleeping in on Christmas morning, so rebellious,", he mumbles, and you lightly kick his shin, causing a tired smirk to spread over his face that makes your heart topple and still.
Azriel is about to pull you back in and roll you over when suddenly, the door bursts open.
You jump, Azriel huffs and rolls his eyes, and when you crane your neck to look over your shoulder, Cassian is standing in the doorway, only wearing a pair of checkered pyjama pants, hair pulled back haphazardly and grinning wildly.
"Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals. Get your asses out here." He winks. "It's present time."
knowing that he is not going to let up, you grumble and dig yourself out of your blankets
your heart starts hopping as you pull on some pyjama pants and fuzzy socks
Cassian hugs you so tightly, you can't help but fall into a fit of giggles when he lifts you off your feet with a dramatic groan
squeezing you for a solid few seconds in which you squeeze him back with all your might, he lets you slide back to the floor and presses a kiss onto your cheek before letting you pass
Rhys and Mor are already in the living room
the giddy feeling in your chest grows when you sink into Rhys who's sitting on the back of the couch, squeezing his middle tightly and feeling him hug you to his chest, pressing a kiss onto your hair before he straightens and pats your bum
you press a sloppy kiss onto his cheek in revenge that makes his nose crinkle and a snort break from your throat
then you drop down next to Mor on the carpet
you feel like your heart is expanding to impossible sizes when she wraps you up in a ribcrushing hug and leaves kisses all over your face until you giggle
Cass and Azriel come into the living room, and Rhys hugs Azriel so tightly he huffs, but you can see the muscles in his arms straining when he hugs him back
Mor beams up at Az when sinks onto the floor behind you, squeezing her shoulder before he wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face in your neck
and you feel like you might burst
you open your presents, with the tree glittering and the fire crackling
Rhys fangirls over his pot and the pickles
Mor gets teary eyed over the jewellery and leaves more smacking kisses all over your face
and Cassian actually looks like he might be speechless when he unpacks the boxing gloves
he wraps you and Mor up in a hug so tight, you're completely smushed together
you even get a selfie from Feyre with her mugs and a deadpan look that makes you giggle for a solid minute
it's Azriel you're really watching though, as he unwraps the last gift with his name on it
you see him still for a second before he pulls out a very old camera
you feel something twitch nervously in your chest
"I - found it at an antique store. I remember you showed me a similiar one and that you said how difficult it is to find one like it today." you grin lopsidedly. "I got it repaired, it's working again."
Azriel blinks
then he raises his head, and you're pretty sure your heart just stops
because the way he is staring at you is flaring and deep and heated and burning with something that causes your breath to stop
his throat works, and he carefully slides the camera back into its case and places it on the floor
then he reaches out and drags you over the floor until you're trapped between his legs
your heart gets stuck in your throat when his arm slides around your waist
your breath falters when his hand comes up to cradle your face
and the world stills when he pulls you forward and kisses you like it's the first and last time and there's no one else in the room but you
and he doesn't need to say it
you can feel it all in the way his breath shudders when he exhales and somehow pulls you even closer, until you're flush against his chest and your arms wind around his shoulders and he kisses you harder
only Rhys clearing his throat makes you remember you're in fact not alone
something dips over in your chest, and you can feel heat wash over you when you somehow manage to break the kiss, breathing harshly as your fingers dig into Azriel's hair
you pull back a little and look at him, just to really be sure, and your heart tightens at the way he's looking at you
kinda like you're beginning and ending and everything in between
something swells in your chest, begins rising, and you can't help it
you beam at him, your heart thrumming against your ribs, and Azriel drinks it in like he's dying of thirst
you somehow manage to turn in Azriel's arms, curling into him as you stare at your friends that bicker and laugh, and your heart swells when Azriel buries his nose in your hair and holds you like he's not planning on ever letting go
after unwrapping, you have a big, fancy breakfast in the kitchen, with waffles and pancakes and eggs and bacon
you sit curled up in one corner of the couch, with Azriel behind you, chest in your back and arm wrapped around your waist
you spend the day all together
watching Christmas movies, playing boardgames
Rhys drives you all into bankruptcy at Monopoly, twice, and you beat Cassian at trivia (again)
when it gets dark in the afternoon, Rhys disappears into the kitchen, and Mor drags the rest of you to a classical Christmas concert in a church nearby
you all sit together, Azriel and Cassian flanking you and Mor, Azriel's fingers linked with yours
when you inevitably get teary eyed towards the ending, Mor squeezes your other hand and sniffles
when you get back to the flat, you're met with scents more delicious than anything you have ever smelled before
your stomach grumbles, Cassian groans, and Rhys appears in the doorway to the kitchen and grins
"to the table, please"
to say he went all in would be too little
he supplies you with a whole seven course dinner
soups, salads, a whole freaking goose, and two kinds of dessert that make your mouth water even though you already feel like you won't be eating anything until next Christmas
the whole living room is lit
the tree is twinkling, the candles are flickering and the fireplace crackling
Cassian's rambunctious laughter mixes with Mor's ringing giggles and Rhys' deep laughs, and Azriel sits next to you and grins, his arm draped over the back of your chair that he has pulled so close you can feel the side of his body pressing against yours
and you think that maybe, making new traditions was the best idea you ever had
it's really only topped by your decision to move into this flat.
@azrielshadows1nger @waytoomanyteenagefeels @secret-ly-here @knmendiola @luvmoo @azriels-mate2 @bookishbroadwaybish @maybe-a-winchester @stayinglow-exploringworlds @harrystylesfan2686 @icey--stars @ssmay123 @ailyr92
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baldval · 3 months
Since you made one for Valentine’s Day, how bout celebrating Halloween with the main hazbin cast? Maybe Charlie is throwing a Halloween party or something!
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characters: vox, charlie, valentino, lucifer, alastor
warnings: nothing :)
a/n: idk if i like alastor's part, he's just so hard to write imo😭😭 pls tell me what you think guys🤞
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꩜ it’s obvious to anyone that vox looooves halloween. 
꩜ he’s claimed to you on several occasions that it’s his favorite holiday.
꩜ and that getting the chance to spend it with you only makes it better. 
꩜ and how does vox spend Halloween? two words.
꩜ haunted house. 
꩜ you never really understood the concept of having those on hell.
꩜ hell is already scary as it is.
꩜ however, being an overlord, having the control that vox has, eliminates some of the fear most people normally feel.
꩜ so a haunted house is his favourite place to go when he wants to feel some of that adrenaline.
꩜ he picked you up that night and away you went, ready to get your scare-factor on. 
꩜ darling, if you get scared, just let me know!” he pointed to himself with a grin "i'll stop the whole thing, i swear".
꩜ “afterall, I wouldn’t be much of a man if I can’t protect the person I care about most.” he smiles at you and you can't help blushing.
꩜ you stuck to him like glue, laughing and screaming through every house you went through.
꩜ it was well into the night before you both decided to call it.
꩜ your throats raw and blood pumping from the adrenaline.
꩜ but even in your stupor, vox still managed to take your breath away once he brought you back to your apartment.
꩜ his arms circled around you as he kisses your face.
꩜ you bury your face in his neck as you hug him goodbye.
꩜ as far as charlie is concerned, you can’t celebrate Halloween without a good time.
꩜ and to her, the best way to do that is with a party!
꩜ she throws one once every year at the hotel, because, how could she not?
꩜ “you’ll come right? you have to! pleeeease!”
꩜ she’s so adorably persistent, eyes all puppy dog wide and hands folded.
꩜ your answer is obvious.
꩜ and it had her jumping up and down throughout the whole lobby.
꩜ upon arriving at the hotel, you were completely in awe of the change of scenery.
꩜ what once had a reddish vintage look now practically screamed 'halloween'.
꩜ costumes, decorations, snacks, bowls filled with candy, games, music.
꩜ you knew your girlfriend sure took things to the extreme, but nonetheless, it was always fun.
꩜ valentino loves halloween.
꩜ you could say he likes it for the aesthetic and you would be right.
꩜ he'd invite you over that night to spend the evening with him.
꩜ you thought maybe you were gonna go to a halloween party, somewhere filled with decorations and people.
꩜ but when you get to his house you only see a mountain of scary and halloween themed movies piled high on the coffee table in his living room.
꩜ along with a bowl of popcorn, soda, and a selection of only your favourite candies of course.
꩜ “are we… gonna watch all of these?”
꩜ "well duh. why? you got something else to do?”
꩜ unexpected, indeed, but who would complain?
꩜ it was hard to pick which movie to watch first since he had such an extensive collection, but you both decided to kick things off with the classic 'the nightmare before christmas'. 
꩜ after that, 'carrie', 'scream', 'anabelle', 'halloween' too of course.
꩜ name it, and valentino had it. 
꩜ you sat on the sofa between his legs the entire time, bowl of popcorn in your lap, and you silently fed him pieces of the salty snack while he unwrapped and fed you bits of candy. 
꩜ it was the perfect way to spend halloween and you wished you could have gone at it all night.
꩜ but after the 7th film, you had promptly knocked out against val’s chest, popcorn bowl empty.
꩜ but instead of waking you up, he merely shut off the tv and covered both your bodies with a blanket, kissing your forehead.
꩜ you're getting ready as you anxiously wait for the king of hell.
꩜ the hotel was organising a halloween party, and of course you couldn't miss it.
꩜ and of course you were going with lucifer.
꩜ you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mingled with nerves.
꩜ just as you were beginning to think he might not show, you heard a knock at the door.
꩜ with a mischievous grin, he strutted over to you.
꩜ "sorry for the delay, darling," he said, offering you his hand. "hope you didn't wait too long."
꩜ you accepted his hand, feeling a thrill run down your spine as his fingers intertwined with yours.
꩜ "not at all," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant despite the butterflies in your stomach.
꩜ together, you walked in to the lobby, greeted by the lively sounds of the halloween party in full swing.
꩜ you were sitting at the bar, just chatting.
꩜ "i have to go to the bathroom, i'll be right back" he says with a wink as he leaves.
꩜ "hmm so he really is in love with you" you hear husk, the bartender, say.
꩜ "oh so you've doubted that?"
꩜ "not really, it's just that it's the first time i see it in live action".
꩜ "what do you mean?" you question him.
꩜ "i mean, do you see the way he stares at you as you talk." he fills up a glass. "pure adoration."
꩜ you feel heat creeping up your cheeks and turn around before husk realises how flushed you are.
꩜ lucifer gets back and it isn't long before you find yourselves in the ballroom.
꩜ with a twirl, he pulls you into his arms, and the two of you began to dance to the infectious beat of the music.
꩜ as you moved together, laughter bubbled up between you, your clothes swishing in tune with the music.
꩜ "you know," he says, his voice low as he spun you around, "there's nothing i would want more in the world that being with you."
꩜ you couldn't help but smile at his words, feeling a warmth spreading through you.
꩜ "well i can assure you it goes both ways." you replied, caught up in the moment as you gazed into his eyes.
꩜ it does surprise you that the radio demon has no idea what halloween is.
꩜ he comes up to you and asks you why the whole lobby is filled with pumpkins and little paper ghosts and black and orange streamers.
꩜ you simply smile and say, “it’s halloween!”
꩜ “oh…”
꩜ it’s not that he didn’t know what hallowen was, he explained to you.
꩜ he just wasn’t really aware of what occurred during the holiday itself.
꩜ so you decided it was time to change that. 
꩜ you told him to meet you at your room, not giving him any more details than that.
꩜ when he arrived, you took him by the hand and led him towards one of the best places you could possibly think of to give him a proper introduction to the spookiest night of the year. 
꩜ the pumpkin patch. 
꩜ upon arriving, alastor seemed absolutely awestruck at all the different things there were to do.
꩜ the corn maze, hayride, petting zoo (to which you found out that alastor is a major softie for animals).
꩜ and of course, pumpkin carving.
꩜ it was so cute watching his expressions.
꩜ how his brow would furrow when he tried removing the guts and how his tongue would poke out when he began working on the face.
꩜ you almost forgot you had your own pumpkin to carve. 
꩜ you both left in the later evening, hand in hand as the stars twinkled above you. 
꩜ “so what did you think? did you have fun?”
꩜ you were expecting a nod, or a quick little hum. 
꩜ but he straight whisked you off your feet and into his arms.
꩜ and you knew that right now, the smile on his face was truly genuine.
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gingiesworld · 6 months
Rocking Around The Christmas Tree
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1050
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff
It was Wanda’s first Christmas in the States since she lost her brother, the Avengers taking her in and giving her a home. As Nat left with Clint to spend the holidays with his family, everyone else left to spend it with their own family and friends, leaving Wanda and Y/N alone in the compound.
Although Y/N had a crush on the witch, they were afraid to act on it as she was still mourning the loss of her twin.
“Good morning.” Wanda greeted shyly as she walked into the kitchen, seeing Y/N prepare for the christmas cookies and building the gingerbread house. “What’s all this?” She asked as she stood beside them.
“I figured it’s your first Christmas here, so I wanted to show you how we spend it here.” They told her with a smile.
“Why didn’t you do what the others had done, spend it with your own family?” Wanda asked as Y/N looked down before shaking their head no.
“Because I wanted to be here with you.” They told her with a bright smile. “So come on, you like to bake right?” Wanda nodded as she joined Y/N’s side. With it being christmas eve, they had decided to do all of the baking before watching christmas movies.
“I didn’t realise there are a lot of activities for just one day.” Wanda laughed as Y/N nodded.
“There is more.” Y/N told her. “But we can always do that next year because now we watch movies and eat junk.”
“What?” Wanda laughed at their enthusiasm, soon following them into the living room. “The Grinch?” She questioned as Y/N smiled.
“The original cartoon version, and then the Jim Carrey one.” They told her as they threw a pack of crisps at her. “Now, sit back and relax.” They told her with a smile. She had done as they told her, thanking them quietly when they covered her with a blanket, soon finding herself leaning her head on their shoulder.
“What now?” She asked as they jumped forward, startling her slightly.
“This is for you.” They handed her a gift bag. “Open it.”
“Pyjamas?” She raised her brow.
“Christmas pajamas, now go shower and change woman.” They pushed her into her room as she laughed. They soon went into their own to change into matching pajamas.
“I thought only couples and families would wear matching pajamas?” She questioned with a raised brow.
“Well, we have known each other for almost a year and I consider you my family.” They told her sweetly, making her smile and her heart flutter. “Besides, you deserve to have the full experience.”
The two soon sat down as they ordered pizza, not really wanting to cook anything for dinner.
As they ate as A Wonderful Life played on the TV, Y/N sighed as they turned to look at her.
“You asked about my family before.” They started as Wanda nodded, giving them her full attention. “They died, it was a couple of years ago, I had just joined SHIELD after leaving the military.” They wiped their hands on their pants. “My parents and baby sister were proud of me, I was going to fight alongside the Avengers. But then, Pierce, he killed them, he recorded it and showed me when they captured me. Tortured me but watching how they tortured my parents and Kay, that was the worst torture anyone could ever go through.” Wanda reached for their hand. “Last year was my first Christmas without them, and I was here alone. Everyone was off with their own families and all I felt was pain and anguish during the time of year we usually enjoy.” They looked into her eyes, stinging with tears that threatened to fall. “I never wanted you to feel what I felt last Christmas.”
“Y/N.” Wanda spoke their name tenderly before she caressed their cheek. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok.” They gave her a smile. “I learned how to live with the pain and I fight everyday so someone else doesn’t have to go through the pain I did.”
“You’re amazing.” Wanda told them honestly as they smiled before turning back to the TV.
The next morning rolled around after the two had fell asleep on the sofa in each other's arms, Y/N woke before Wanda and moved her gently before getting up to make some breakfast for the two. Her gift is already sitting proudly on the counter.
“Hey.” Wanda smiled as she approached Y/N who was cooking pancakes. “Christmas tree pancakes.”
“With cherries.” They beamed as they plated them up for her. “And this is for you.”
“What?” She questioned as she looked at the gift wrapped box. “I never got you anything.”
“Seeing that smile on your face is a gift.” They told her honestly. They watched as she opened it eagerly, her eyes glistened as she spotted the Dick Van Dyke Show box set.
“How did you know?” She asked them as they shrugged.
“I remember Pietro told us about how the two of you loved the show when you were kids.” They told her. “It was one of the things we spoke about before he uh.”
“Thank you.” She whispered as she gave them a hug, their arms instantly wrapped around her waist.
“Dance with me?” They requested as White Christmas played through the speakers. Wanda’s arms moved up around their neck as their hands remained on her hips, both swaying to the gentle rhythm of the song. A smile on Wanda’s face as their breakfast remained untouched.
“Thank you for this.” She told them as she looked up into their eyes.
“You don’t have to say it.” They told her gently. “Just seeing this smile is all the thanks I need.”
“Mistletoe.” Wanda pointed up above them as the two chuckled.
“Stark.” They both spoke in unison before looking back at each other.
“Isn’t that sort of a tradition too?” She asked with her lip between her teeth.
“It is.” They confirmed. “But we don’t.” They were cut off by her lips on their own. Pouring every emotion and feeling into the kiss, the two feeling complete for the first time in their lonely lives.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 6 months
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Summary: It's Christmas Eve, and you and Javi spent the night preparing for your girls to have the most magical Christmas morning
Word Count: 5.2K
Paring: Dad!Javi x Wife!Reader (No use of y/n, reader's nickname is Osita)
Warnings: SMUT (18+) unprotected p in v sex, oral (f recieving), creampie, praise kink, talk about not using birth control, kind of getting caught (??? Thank Santa's Reindeer I guess), terrible Christmas puns, sweet, sickening Christmas fluff, Javi spoiling the crap out of his little girls because he loves them more than life, idk you guys, this story is just a warm lil Christmas hug 😭
A/N: IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!! Christmas is my favorite holiday, and I have been so excited to write about our adorable lil Peña family and their holiday endeavors 🥹 These two would do anything to give their girls the most magical Christmases ever and my heart is exploding into a million pieces 😭💕🎄
Series Masterlist Never Too Late Masterlist
“Mommy, is Santa coming now?” 
“No, baby. Not until tomorrow.” 
“...Is tomorrow now?” Your 4 year old Harper questioned, plopping herself down on the couch next to Javi, snuggling herself in between her dad and older sisters as you tucked the girls in with a big, fluffy blanket before finding your spot next to your husband. 
“No Harper, Santa comes at night. When we go to bed. Remember?” Elliot sassed, letting out a huff of frustration at how many times her younger sister had asked about the long awaited arrival of Christmas morning. 
“Elliot! If you’re not nice to Harper, Santa may not come!” Your oldest Lucy gasped, trying to police her younger sisters’ behavior within an inch of her life to ensure that she would wake up with presents under the tree tomorrow. 
Elliot’s face went white in fear, immediately reaching over to her younger sister and pulling her in for a long hug. “Sorry, Harper. Santa will be here tomorrow morning… I hope.” 
“I don’t think you girls need to worry, I’m sure Santa knows you’ve been pretty darn good all year long.” Javi grinned, leaning over on the couch to wrap the girls up in his broad grasp, making them giggle and squeal as he tickled and peppered them with playful kisses. “Okay, Pollitas (little chickens) what do you say you guys start the movie and Mommy and I go make hot chocolate?” Reaching over to give your thigh a little squeeze, Javi shot you a little wink, tilting over to press a soft kiss into your hair. 
“Yay! Hot Chocolate!” The girls screeched in unison, waving their little arms in the air in excitement as they snuggled closer together on the couch. “Thank you!” 
“De Nada (you’re welcome).” Javi beamed, letting out a little grunt as he pressed his hands into his knees, rising up off the couch, giving each of the girls one more kiss before making his way to the kitchen. 
“Alright cuties, which movie, Rudolph or Frosty?” You smiled, making your way over to the TV to hold up their VHS options. 
“Rudolph! Rudolph!” The three chanted, wiggling in excitement in their spots as you pressed the tape into the VCR and hit play on the remote, following Javi’s suit as you gave each of your daughters a quick kiss before making your way into the kitchen where you found Javi with a handful of Christmas mugs and an extra large can of whipped cream. 
“Javi…” You sighed, letting out a little laugh as he set down the five mugs on the counter followed by the whipped cream, “I think we probably should go easy on the whipped cream tonight, you already know how hard it is to get them to bed on Christmas Eve, and a sugar high isn’t gonna help.” 
“What makes you think I’d give ‘em too much whipped cream?” He smirked, shrugging his shoulders at you as he pulled the box of hot chocolate out of the cabinet, setting it next to everything else before snaking his hand around your waist, pulling you in closer to peck a quick kiss on your lips, staring down at you with his sweet brown eyes. 
“Because,” You huffed playfully, pressing up on your tiptoes to give him another peck back between your words, “you spoil these girls rotten. They’ve got you wrapped around their fingers, Jav, each and every one of them.” 
“Can you blame me?” He beamed, gesturing towards your daughters all snuggled together, giggling and singing along to the movie. The two of you couldn’t help but admire your beautiful girls, letting out a content sigh as you rested your head on his shoulder, taking a moment to soak in how truly lucky you were- because truth be told, you couldn’t blame Javi one bit. 
“No, I can’t. God, they are cute, aren’t they?” 
“Cute just like their Momma.” Javi grinned, sneaking his hand just a little further down your waist to grab a handful of your ass, making you let out a little squeal before giving him a playful smack in the chest. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” You smirked, making your way over to the fridge to grab your milk, completing your hot chocolate ensemble. “I honestly should be having coffee right now considering how late we’re gonna be up, setting up presents and putting things together.”
“C’mon, we’re pros at this by now.” Javi teased, now getting to work on warming up the hot chocolate ingredients. 
“Oh yeah? Tell that to Santa who insisted on getting the girls a brand new hockey net that still needs to be assembled, even after all of their gifts had already been bought.” You sighed, rolling your eyes at Javi as you began pouring the hot chocolate into the girls mugs, sprinkling mini marshmallows on the tops of their cups. 
“They’ve been extra good…” Javi pouted, shooting you a guilty look as you handed him over mugs to be topped off with whipped cream. 
“Well, I sure hope Santa didn’t lose the instructions to put it together because Mrs. Claus will not be assembling the net at 2 am.” 
“Don’t worry, we’ll be done before then. Gotta make sure Santa has plenty of time to give you his North Pole before Christmas morning.” Javi chuckled, biting down on his lip to contain his laughter as you gave him another nudge, snickering along with him. 
“You are such a dork.” 
“What? You’ve been a good girl this year too, you don’t want Santa to stuff your chimney?”
That one made you almost drop the two mugs you had in your hands, letting out an audible snort as you set them down on the counter, burying your face in your hands to try and hold in your laughter. 
“You are fucking ridiculous, you know that? Finish up these hot chocolates, you dummy, your daughters are waiting for you.” You smirked, picking back up your mugs as you began to make your way out of the kitchen. 
“Like you’re waiting for my balls of holly later?” Javi quietly called out behind you, making you whip your head around to give him the biggest stank face you could muster, unimpressed. “What? That’s a good one.” Javi insisted, still laughing at his own joke. 
“Ridiculous, I swear.” 
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It wasn’t long after your hot chocolates were finished that the girls had passed out on the couch, cuddled in a pile between you and Javi and buried under the blanket that had been spread across the 5 of you. You probably should have woken the girls up to get them off to bed, but you and Javi couldn’t help but relish in the moment of your family snuggled together in the soft glow of your Christmas tree lights, your hearts feeling fuller than any present under your tree could make you.
After the two of you finally agreed you had soaked in enough snuggles, you gently woke up Lucy as Javi slung Elliot and Harper over his shoulders to carry them off to bed, unable to stop yourself from admiring how broad he looked with your two girls and their matching pajamas and sleepy hair hoisted on either side of him. 
You helped Lucy and Elliot get settled into their rooms, promising to make your way back to say goodnight after tucking in Harper, still sound asleep in Javi’s arms as he laid her down into bed, gently tucking her into her covers, brushing her tangled curls away from her face and pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead. Elliot was next, now half awake after being dropped off in her room, stumbling her way into her own bed, grumbling a half awake “Goodnight Mommy and Daddy” as she snuck into her sheets, nestled between the mountain of stuffed animals piled between her mattress and bedroom wall. You and Javi couldn’t help but chuckle at how quickly your little rock was back to being sound asleep as soon as she hit the bed, already inheriting her dad’s obnoxiously loud snoring at the ripe age of 6. Lucy was the last stop on your bedtime train, seeing as she was the most awake and coherent as she had at least been able to walk herself to bed after you and Javi had woken her up. 
By the time you and Javi had gotten to her room, she had already settled into bed, pulling her comforter up to her face as she snuggled up with her worn and well loved stuffed penguin, her little face lighting up as the two of you made your way though the door.  
“Hi cutie pie.” You cooed, sitting on the edge of her bed, gently stroking her hair as Javi settled down onto the mattress next to you. “You ready for Christmas tomorrow?” 
Lucy nodded, a slight look of concern now spreading across her face as her big brown eyes stared back up at you. “Mom… Santa’s gonna come tonight, right? He won’t be mad at Elliot or Harper because sometimes they aren’t always good… Well okay, I guess I’m not always good either, but-” 
“Amoricta (Little love),” Javi cooed, reaching over to reassuringly rub her back, cutting her off mid sentence, “You and your sisters are the best daughters that we could ask for. I know for a fact that Santa knows that. And I also know that he knows what a good older sister you are to Elliot and Harper. Don’t worry, Monita (Little Monkey), I’m sure Santa will come.” 
“Okay Dad. Te amo (I love you). I love you too, Mommy.” Lucy grinned, snuggling deeper into her sheets with a content sigh, slowly beginning to close her eyes and drift off to sleep. 
“We love you too, Lucy.” 
“Te amamos mucho, linda (we love you so much, cutie).” 
As you and Javi each gave Lucy one last kiss goodnight, pressing gentle kisses in her messy hair, you gently closed the door behind you, the soft click of the last bedroom door knob signaling your success at getting the girls to bed before the real work of Christmas Eve began. You turned around, holding out your hand to give Javi a quiet high-five to celebrate the easiness of your bedtime routine before snaking your hands around Javi’s waist, caging your chest with his as you looked up at him. 
“I think that was the quickest we’ve ever gotten them to bed on Christmas Eve.” 
“I don’t even think the whipped cream even had anything to do with it.” Javi teased, shaking you playful in his grasp. 
“Pendejo (Jerk). C’mon, let’s go get these cuties some presents, Santa.” 
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After your 8th Christmas with kids, you and Javi had gotten present set up and placement down to a science. After several trips up and down the stairs to the basement, all of the gifts for the girls had been set under the tree as Javi got to work on setting up his inevitable last minute gift that seemed to make its way out of Santa’s Workshop every year, even when all of your agreed upon gifts had already been purchased. 
Javi sat cross legged on the floor, directions and hockey net parts spread out in front of him as he grumbled to himself trying to connect two of the pieces together, letting out a frustrated sigh while you set out the plate of cookies the girls had decorated for Santa, laughing at your husband’s current fight with his late gift. 
“How’s it goin’, Jav? Need me to call in the elves to ask for help?” You snickered, plopping yourself down next to him, grabbing a few pieces to help with assembling. 
“Shut up. I think I’m almost done, I just have to put the net part on. Is everything else set up?” 
“Mmmmhmmm. Including the reindeer carrots that are your turn to eat this year.” 
“Fuck me…” Javi sighed, shooting you a menacing look, “Do I have to? You know I-” 
“Oh believe me, I know how much you hate the carrots.” You giggled, mischievously raising an eyebrow at him, handing over a few of the pieces you had put together to connect to the existing frame of the hockey net. “I did it the past 2 years in a row. You are such a baby, you know that? Your turn for carrots this year, Peña. I made sure they were the biggest ones I could find. You know how hungry those reindeer are.” 
Before Javi could respond, he was grabbing you around your side, tickling your stomach as payback as you laughed and squirmed in his grasp, flailing your arms as the two of you rolled over on the ground. Javi pulled you to lay on top of his chest as he rested his back against the floor, wrapping his arms around the small of your back, peppering kisses along your jaw and neck. You tried your best to keep your squeals semi-silent to prevent waking up the girls as his mustache brushed against your skin, the smile spread across his lips pressing over your body. 
“Don’t think- don’t think your adorable antics are getting you out of carrot duty.” You snickered, cupping your hands around his cheeks, pausing his assault of kisses as his sweet brown eyes stared up at you. 
“Me? Trying to get out of eating those terrible ass vegetables? Never. What would make you think that, Hermosa?” Javi smirked, his voice oozing with sarcasm as he shook his head at you, caging you tighter against his chest as his hands slid down the small of your back, now grabbing handfuls of your ass, making you let out a little squeal. 
“Javi! You are so bad!” You playfully scolded, trying to pry off the tight grip his palms had on your backside to free yourself. “Presents and carrots first, you know the rules.” Smirking down at him, Javi let out a reluctant sigh, finally releasing you as he sat back up, picking up one of the remaining pieces of the hockey net left to assemble, shaking his head in a sarcastic disappointment at his failed attempt to at least prolong the inevitable. 
“You don’t wanna let Santa stuff your stocking early this year, huh?” Javi teased, giving you a little shrug as he chuckled to himself at the terrible Christmas puns he had in stock tonight. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Javi…” You sighed, burying your hand in your face in embarrassment at your husband’s terrible joke, giving him a little shove as you stood up, making your way back to the kitchen to set up the rest of the cookies and carrots before the two of you headed off to bed. “You keep making those terrible puns and I’m gonna make you wrap your present before you give it to me.” You joked, eying the half hard bulge still in Javi’s sweatpants and gesturing your head towards your bedroom where your unopened box of condoms sat untouched in Javi’s nightstand- You had never started taking your birth control again after having Harper, and while you and Javi had agreed that 3 girls was the perfect number of kids, you also hadn’t necessarily been proactively preventing yourself from having a 4th. Javi had bought the box in an effort of good faith a few months ago, but hadn’t seen an ounce of action, despite all of the action that had happened without them. 
“Fine, fine, I’ll be good, don’t put me on the naughty list yet. Like you’d want my present wrapped anyways…” Javi smirked, snapping together two of the last pieces of the hockey net before pressing his hands to his knees, letting out a grunt as he stood, and pushing the net by the rest of the already arranged presents. 
“I swear, I’m sending you back to the North Pole.” 
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With your living room perfectly arranged for Christmas Morning, you and Javi made your way back to your bedroom, stopping to do a quick peek in on each of the girls as you traveled down the hallway. All 3 lay sound asleep in their beds, quietly snoring away, you and Javi making your way to your bedroom with a quiet high five for Christmas Eve accomplishments- presents assembled, girls asleep, the palpable excitement of the holiday hanging in the air. 
“Bets on what time they’re up tomorrow?” You laughed, looking over at Javi, standing in the doorway brushing his teeth as you stripped out of your clothes and into your pajamas. Javi let out a playful huff before stepping back into the bathroom to spit out the rest of his toothpaste, setting his toothbrush next to yours before taking off his shirt and sweatpants and tossing them into the hamper with your freshly shed clothes. 
“If it’s anything past 5:30, I’ll be happy.” He chuckled, climbing into bed with you, sneaking his way under the covers and wrapping his arms around your waist, making you giggle as he tugged you closer, pressing ticklish kisses over your neck and face as you playfully swatted at him. “If my girls are happy, I’m happy.” 
“I’m sure the girls will be more than happy. Considering how much their Daddy spoils them rotten.” You teased, reaching up to cup Javi’s face, your thumb gently stroking the scratchy stubble of his cheek. 
“What? Santa only comes once a year, right? I’d give ‘em everything if I could. They deserve it. Just like their Momma deserves everything too.” Javi gently rasped against the skin of your neck, softly sucking at your pulse point, forcing a breathy moan to escape from your mouth. “God I still don’t know what I ever did to deserve you, Hermosa. If you’re the only present for the rest of my life, I’ll die a fucking happy man.” 
Letting his hands snake down your sides, Javi’s fingertips toyed with the hem of your shirt and pajama bottoms, his fingers sliding towards your heat as your lips met his with a gentle and tender passion. You ran your fingers through the dark curls of his hair as he flipped you onto your back, now pressing languid kisses down your stomach as he carefully tugged your pajama bottoms off your hips, tossing them to the floor. Letting your knees fall open, Javi’s soft kisses met the inside of your thighs, a smile spreading across his lips as you revealed the slick that had been pooling between your legs. 
“And this…” Javi smirked, letting his kisses feather closer and closer to your core, leaving your hips to instinctively start to buck towards his face as you waited for his tongue to relieve the dull ache of your already throbbing clit, “This is the best fucking present I could ever ask for.” 
Before you could even roll your eyes at Javi’s cheesy remark, a long, broad swipe of his tongue traveled through your folds, the sensation already enough to have you trying your best to stifle your moans to keep from waking the girls just down the hall from you. Javi took his time, letting his tongue work around your clit in a mix of flat, even strokes and circling swirls, his arm draped across your hips to hold you in place while his other free hand reached up to grab yours, your fingers intertwining, palms pressed together. 
You bit down on your lip as his nose bumped against your throbbing bundle of nerves, letting his tongue plunge in and out of your cunt, the familiar tingle at the base of your spine beginning to build as your bottom half squirmed against the sheets, Javi’s firm grasp keeping you in place. 
Javi had spent years memorizing every tick and twitch that made you writhe under his touch, learning each moan and movement that brought you closer to your end- so it should have been no surprise to you that Javi could sense you were close, yet the sudden switch of his mouth latching around your clit, sweetly sucking at your sensitive bundle of nerves, had the coil in your belly on the verge of snapping. 
“Javi… Oh, fuck- baby, I’m close, don’t stop, please don’t stop, oh my god.” You whimpered, trying your best to keep your voice hushed, but despite how hard you tried, you could help but let a muffled moan escape from your lips as you squeezed down even harder on Javi’s hand to try and keep from being any louder than you already were. It wasn’t long before you felt your legs begin to tremble, and heat bloom in your core, your orgasm ripping through your body, leaving you panting and breathless as Javi pulled back from between your legs, a boyish grin spread across his shiny face, now covered in your arousal. 
You could feel your chest rising and falling, your breathing heavy and labored as Javi crawled his way back up the bed, reaching down to help tug his boxers off his legs, revealing his cock, already painfully hard and dripping with precum as you thumbed at his tip, slowly wrapping your fingers around his length, stroking him as a low groan rumbled in his chest. 
As he slotted himself between your legs, you guided his tip towards your entrance, collecting the slick dripping through your folds before caging his chest against yours, pressing into you inch by inch, the sweet stretch of his fullness making you whimper as he bottomed out against your cervix. His lips met yours, his mouth catching your whines as he began to slowly thrust in and out of you, like he was savoring every moment buried deep in the warmth and wetness inside you. 
“Shhhhh, gotta be quiet for me baby.” He rasped against your skin, nipping at your ear, almost as if he was trying to remind himself as much as he was reminding you, a deep grunt rustling in the back of his throat. You nodded, your eyes meeting the brown pools of his, filled with an equal mix of love and longing as a tender smile lined his lips, whispering a soft “I love you” to one another before your lips were slotted together once again, your tongues swiping in the parted spaces between your mouths, your kisses slow and solicitous as you became more and more tangled in your sheets. 
Each thrust of Javi’s hips felt deeper and fuller than the last, the lewd noises of your wetness and muted moans coating the walls of your bedroom only intensified as Javi wrapped his broad hands around the backs of your thighs, pressing your legs to your chest, and making you clench tighter around the sweet sting of his stretch. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking perfect, Hermosa. My beautiful fucking wife.” Javi mewled through gritted teeth, snaking his hand between your bodies to rub your clit, still swollen and puffy from your first orgasm. You let out a sharp gasp, so sensitive and worked up, already feeling yourself climbing towards your own high once again as the pads of his fingers circled your mound, and dick punched against your g-spot. 
You could feel your cunt beginning to clench tighter around his cock, fighting with everything in you to keep from screaming out his name, fisting at your bedsheets and clamping your eyes shut, trying to hold out for any ounce of composure you had left. “Fuck, Javi, fuck- I feel like I’m gonna cum again, fuck- oh fuck.” You whined, eyes still closed, head tilted back against the pillow. 
Suddenly, you felt Javi’s free hand slide under jaw, wrapping his fingers around your cheeks, gently forcing your head back down, making you open your eyes to see the wrecked look also beginning to spread its way across his face. “It’s okay, sweet girl. Just need to see that pretty face for me when you cum. Let go baby, I’ve got you.” 
With only a few more thrusts and circles of your clit, you could feel the tingle at the base of your spine beginning to spread through every inch of your body, pleasure rushing through your veins as your orgasm crashed over you. Javi’s hand covered your mouth in just enough time to mute the ragged moans escaping your lips, the feeling of you clamping down around his cock as you came almost enough to take him out right along with you, fighting with everything in him to let you finish riding out your own high before he followed suit. 
“Fuck, fuck- I’m not gonna last much longer, Osita. Oh shit- Fuck, where do you want me, baby?” Javi grunted, his thrusts becoming sloppier and faster with each snap of his hips, the hand covering your mouth now gripping the meat of your thighs, fingertips digging into your skin. 
“Inside, please, fuck- I’m not ovulating, please, I need to feel you in me.” You whimpered, your brain barely functioning as you tried to form a coherent sentence, still reeling from your orgasm. 
That was all Javi needed to send him over the edge, barely making it halfway through his last thrust before spilling deep inside you, his cock throbbing as warm spend covered your walls, milking himself of every last drop before letting his body slump into yours, your chests rising and falling in sync. 
You both lay there for a moment, breathless and blissed out as you tried to compose yourselves, Javi letting out a soft hiss as he pulled out, resting his head against your chest as you ran your fingers through the damp curls of his hair, a satisfied smirk spreading across your face as you quietly giggled to yourself. 
“What’s so funny?” Javi asked, perking his head up to look at you, his brow scrunched in confusion. 
“Your sleigh feelin’ a little lighter? Because I think I did a pretty good job of helping Santa to empty his sack.” You couldn’t help but snort as Javi let out the most exasperated sigh before joining in your laughter, burying his face in his hand before looking back up at you. 
“And I'm the ridiculous one....” 
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If your daughters' high pitched shrieks and squeals weren’t enough to have you wide awake at the ripe hours of 5:46 A.M., their tiny bodies flopping onto the bed, squishing you and Javi under your covers most definitely was. 
“Mhmmmmm, Merry Christmas, cuties.” You yawned, stretching your arms over your head, trying to wake yourself up quick enough to keep up with your girls’ boundless energy, giving Javi a stark nudge with your elbow to help wake him up from his log-like slumber. “Jav, wake up, baby.” 
“Daddy! It’s Christmas, you gotta wake up!” Elliot insisted, now jumping on top of her dad, making him let out a loud grunt as her body landed on top of his. 
“Yup, yup, I’m up, I’m up.” Javi grumbled, rubbing his hand over his face, trying to wake himself up enough to face the wrath of his energetic daughters. “Merry Christmas, Pollitas.” He smiled, reaching out grab the girls and pull them on top of his chest, making all of them giggle and squeal in delight as the 5 of you snuggled together in your bed. 
“Can we see if Santa came? Please, please, pleaseeeeee?” Lucy begged, her sisters nodding in agreement, bouncing up and down on the bed with excitement as you and Javi inched yourself more and more awake. 
“Yup, let’s g-”
“LET’S GO!” The girls screeched, already scampering off the bed and out the door as you and Javi pushed yourselves up off the mattress, groggily following behind your daughters with heavy footsteps trying to wake yourselves up from your lack of sleep the night before. 
“Do you think Santa brought us coffee?” Javi mumbled, running his hand through his curls, ruffling the ends of his hair as you curled tighter against the oversized sweatshirt draped over your body, letting out a little half yawn, half laugh. 
As the 5 of you finally made it down the stairs, you could hear the girls squealing and pattering around the kitchen, gleefully pointing to the table, where a now practically cleared plate for Santa and his Reindeer sat. “Mommy, look! Santa ate all the cookies!” Harper giggled, grabbing you and Javi by the hand and dragging you across the room to see the lack of sugary treats that had been left behind. 
“And the reindeer too! I told you they love the carrots! They must have been really excited because last night, in the middle of the night, I could have sworn I heard the reindeer making happy noises for their treats too! Mom and Dad, I think they must have landed on the roof by your room, because that’s where I heard the noises coming from!” Lucy informed her sisters, leaving you and Javi’s faces both ghost white at the realization you two were 100% the reindeer that your daughter had heard last night. 
“Oh wow, Lucy, that’s uh- Yeah, they really must love those carrots.” Javi barely choked out, the both of you grimacing at each other in horror, guilty looks plastered across your faces. 
“Let’s go see what’s under the tree!” Elliot squealed, dashing towards the living room, completely oblivious to her dad’s comment, too focused on the gifts sitting under the tree for her and her sisters to care about any reindeer her sister may or may not have heard. Once again, your trio was off, sprinting to the living room, leaving you and Javi practically speechless as you wearily trailed behind them. 
“I’ve always worried about them catching us, but never once did I think about the fact they’d mistake us for reindeer.” You quietly snickered, giving Javi a playful nudge, trying to laugh to keep from dying of embarrassment. “Santa’s definitely putting us on the naughty list next year.” 
“Mommy! Daddy! Come here! Look what Santa brought us!” 
“He got us a new hockey net!” 
“Oh my god this is the best Christmas ever!” 
“I think Santa will understand.” Javi smiled, pressing a soft kiss into your forehead, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest as you watched your girls scamper in joy around your living room, the soft glow of your Christmas tree lighting up their beaming smiles as they began the hunt for their presents. Because the truth was, in that moment, nothing else in the world mattered. Not reindeer noises, lack of sleep, or late nights setting up last minute presents- The only thing that mattered in that moment was the pure love and happiness radiating from every inch of your living room. At the end of the day, you couldn't care how many presents sat under your tree because the best gift you could ever ask for stood right beside you and in front of you, and that was enough to make you feel like the luckiest person on earth. You weren’t sure you’d ever understand what you had done to deserve the world’s most perfect present- Your beautiful family and the life you had built together with them. 
“I love you so much, Javi. Merry Christmas.” 
“I love you more, Osita. Merry Christmas, mi amor.” 
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
On the Right Flight
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader
Summary: A long flight with a gorgeous neighbor takes a hard turn when you get on his favorite subject - Nicholas Cage.
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, allusions to sex, PiV sex, brief hint of voyeurism, lots of fantasizing, we are Looking Disrespectfully, plenty of sweetness dumped on top.
Notes: I had the worst writers block for this, but then went on a plane and remembered all the fun/not fun things about flying. Plus traveling for the holidays would be greatly improved with a dose of Javi.
I apologize for one moment and one moment only in this story. You'll know what I mean when you get there.
Cross-posted on AO3
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For once, you pray to the gods of airline transportation, let there be no one in the window seat.
It’s futile, you know. It’s LA to Boston and you’ve never seen an empty seat, but you’re hoping that this one time you’ll get a little respite. You’re already fed up with having to pay extra for an emergency row seat, no other options left on the only flight that gets you to your parents in time. Then the dread of endless questions about your work (fine), love life (dismal) and future plans (???) just adds to your crankiness. It’s the holidays, you’re going home, and you could use a holiday miracle. 
At least the expansive legroom is a plus.
You like LA, but no snow in December is weird. Growing up in places where snowfall is a guarantee makes you miss it all the more when towering evergreens are carted into the Grove and fake snow looks strangely post-apocalyptic against a 75 degree sunny day. It doesn’t feel right without the tip of your nose being perpetually cold and a scarf devouring you from shoulder to chin. 
Plus you still have a handful of presents to get, and the anticipation of a long flight is making you antsy about your procrastination. There are still a couple days, but one present has eluded you this year and you’re getting desperate.
“Excuse me.”
A polite voice, Spanish accented, lifts over the murmurs and rumbles of the plane. Your heart sinks briefly.
“Sorry, is this your seat?” you ask, sliding your shoulder bag out of the way before getting a good look at the man waiting in the aisle.
And you do get a good look.
A long one.
Probably uncomfortably long.
But holy hell he’s gorgeous.
He definitely doesn’t belong in coach, and if the cogs in your brain could turn at all you might have asked him if he was in the right aisle, but instead you numbly stare as he steps around your knees. He nods with a tight smile, tucking his elbows and broad shoulders as he squashes into the small window seat. Against the dull beige and navy of the walls and seats he’s a cream and maroon dream, a lightweight striped jacket barely zipped over a white shirt. Tan chinos hug his thick thighs as he twists to find the seat belt, a tiny slip of his tan stomach peeking out. You look up desperately at the flight attendant, whose expression is almost as shocked as yours, before settling back into your seat. 
Six and a half hours next to this golden god might actually be a Christmas miracle, but not one you’d ever dream to wish for.
You follow basic plane etiquette, pretending he isn’t there as you arrange your belongings just how you like them. Without a seat directly in front of you most of your supplies remain stuffed in your bag - a bottle of water, your iPad loaded with movies and tv shows, snacks easily in reach, headphones at the ready. You do sneak a peek at your seatmate’s luscious caramel curls, the intriguing curve of his nose, the perfect dip above his chin where pursed lips tempt.
Stop it, you scold yourself, you’re not in a goddamn Hallmark movie.
“Sorry,” comes that rich voice again, heavily apologetic as he waves to get your attention. Pretending you just noticed him - very smooth, you praise yourself - you turn and nod with your best people-pleaser smile. “I am not sure how to make all this work,” he sighs, mouth downturned and brow knitted. A wild gesture to the lack of a tray table, or entertainment display, makes you bite back a smile.
Hot and hopeless? Oh no.
“The tray is in the armrest, you have to flip it out. Same for the TV screen. The headphone jack is here,” you indicate quietly, though your elderly aisle neighbor is not paying much attention, “and you can plug in your phone here,” you add, tapping at the ports in the armrest. His face lights up, then falls when he fails to have the correct cable. You’re not normally this forward with someone you just met, but there’s something about the fish out of water routine that’s making you bold.
“Here, you can share mine, I won’t need it much for the flight,” you offer, fishing the other end of your cord out of your bag. The man’s face breaks into relief - you’ve never seen so many expressions in such a short time - before he thanks you over and over. It makes heat tingle at the tips of your ears and the back of your neck.
“You must think I am quite foolish,” he murmurs when he finally settles into his seat, wincing at the stiffness. 
“Don’t fly coach much?” you ask, fighting your smirk when he throws up his hands, the gesture too big for the tiny space he’s occupying.
“Can you believe every plane was booked for two weeks? My assistant barely got me on this one!” he groans, and the tiniest part of you loves the plight of an obvious mucky-muck living like the plebeians. His face turning to you, capturing you in an intensely focused gaze, dries out your mouth.
“You are laughing,” he states, more incredulity heaped on. You can’t help the smile and snort that eke out of your unwilling mouth.
“I’m sorry, it’s just…you gotta know how silly that sounds,” you say, flight attendants beginning safety demonstrations in the aisle. You lower your voice further. “My assistant had to book me in coach because it’s three days before Christmas, oh the humanity!” 
For a moment you’re nervous you’ve offended him, the blank expression he pins you with making you fiddle with your fingers. Then he covers his face, a thick gold pinky ring only adding to the ridiculousness of the situation.
“You are right, I sound like the worst sort of person. My apologies, I will try to be a better seat-mate.” You shake your head, waving your hand at his apology before settling back into the seat. “I’m Javi, by the way,” he says, and you give him your name in return. He repeats it back to you, along with another few apologies, before leaning over to finish settling himself for the flight. The plane begins taxing, and the telltale rumble of the jets lulls you into closing your eyes. 
Your right arm is warm, pressed against something amazingly comfortable. Considering snuggling into it, you’re shocked awake remembering you’re on a plane and you’ve accidentally slumped against the golden man - Javi’s - arm. 
“Sorry,” you whisper, straightening, but he only smiles (holy shit can he get more attractive?) and shrugs.
“We are all on this plane together, what is a little touch?” he whispers back before returning to scrolling through an iPad. His is bigger, the nice pro version that’s almost the size of an actual computer. You begin to settle back into your plane nap when a hefty list of titles flash by.
“That’s a lot of Nic Cage,” you comment sotto voce, the rumble and white noise of the plane keeping your conversation relatively private. Javi looks at you blankly, one eyebrow quirked.
“He is my favorite actor,” he says, and the seriousness of this statement bleats a little laugh from your lips. This furrows his brow further, though his eyes do dart to your mouth briefly.
“Sorry, it’s not funny, it’s just…serendipity,” you say, adding more confusion to Javi’s face. You wave your hands, centering yourself.
“You celebrate Christmas?” you ask, and he nods, confused. “Okay, so every Christmas I’ve got this tradition with my sister. It all started one year when she said she didn’t like Nic Cage movies.”
“How could she dislike one of the greatest actors in film history?” Javi interrupts, now half perched in his seat and animated, hands flying. It makes you lose your train of thought, those soft brown eyes now shockingly sharp. You swallow once before continuing.
“I don’t think she hates him or anything, she just thinks he’s silly, and plays a lot of goofy roles.” At this Javi flops back in his seat, rubbing a hand over his face. The dramatics are making you giddy, a frenetic energy barely contained in your body as you try not to disturb the quiet travelers surrounding you.
“Has she never seen Raising Arizona? Con Air?” he interrogates, counting several more movies you didn’t even know he was in. Shrugging, you watch his face fall.
“She got through Ghost Rider and Face/Off before she called it quits,” you say, shoulders shaking at the exasperation rolling off his broad ones. 
“Please don’t tell me you feel the same,” Javi pleads. You shake your head.
“He’s made some…questionable choices, but I unironically love Lord of War, and National Treasure is just fun to watch,” you say, the flight attendants starting beverage service. 
“Thank goodness,” he grumbles, folding up his iPad to have enough space. The flight attendant moves to take drink orders, a professional smile following, “Something for you?”
“Champagne,” Javi says, almost off-hand, which shoots the flight attendant’s eyebrows up to his hairline. Warmed by conversation, you test a tease.
“You’re not in first class anymore, Toto, try a vodka.” Javi’s cheeks pink, but he does order a vodka soda instead. You begin to order a ginger ale when Javi interrupts.
“No no, it’s a long flight, you should have a drink too,” he says, the confused flight attendant’s eyes darting between your conversation.
“Oh no, that’s all right…”
“You drink, yes?”
“I do.”
“Then you should have a drink.”
“I, uh…”
Javi addresses the flight attendant directly, and where embarrassment radiated off him before is now confidence.
“She’ll have a drink on me,” he says definitively, and when he catches your eye there’s a sweet smile that makes your heart pound. “You should have a drink with me.”
Moments later you’re sipping on your own vodka soda and the flight attendant is giving you an approving nod as he moves on to the next row. 
“So your sister does not like Nic…” Javi prompts, your story brought back to the forefront sharply. 
“Yes, right! So after she told me this, I was looking for her Christmas present and found this ridiculous pillow on Amazon that I had to get her. It’s sequins, and when you brush them a certain way…”
“...you can see a photo of Nic,” Javi finishes, to your surprise. “I have the same one.”
“Get out, you do not!” you reprimand, the vodka starting to warm your blood and loosen your tongue. 
“I do! It’s part of my collection.”
“You have a collection?!”
The next half hour is spent slowly sipping your drink and enjoying the hell out of Javi’s extensive Nic Cage collection, complete with photos. The wax statue is a little much, but the golden guns are pretty badass. You’re half distracted with Javi’s proximity, leaned in to flip through his photos, shoulder to shoulder. Tart orange peel and the clean musk of some expensive cologne engulfs your senses. Add the relaxing effects of the booze and you’re actively trying not to cuddle up to this stranger with an insane amount of movie memorabilia. 
“But you have not told me what your sister and Nic have to do with Christmas?” Javi finally says, leaning back in his seat and finishing his drink. 
“Okay, okay, so after that first Christmas it’s a tradition every year. I get her some silly Nic Cage thing, she pretends to get mad about it, and we all have a good laugh. So far it’s been the pillow, a shirt, a mug, and a really awful coloring book.” Javi shakes his head and laughs, catching the flight attendant’s eye to bring another round of drinks. You’re pretty sure that’s not how it works in coach, but Javi’s charisma gets him two nips and two glasses of ice palmed to him surreptitiously. If only you had that charm.
“So what is the gift this year? Pants? Shoelaces?” he teases, pouring your drinks. 
“That’s the problem! I haven’t found it yet! I’ve looked everywhere for the perfect gift and I am coming up empty!” You slump back in your seat, accepting the second drink with a wry smile. “I’m gonna break my streak.”
“I may be able to help you with that,” Javi says with a sly little smile, looking at you over the top of his cup. 
“Something out of your collection? I’m sure you’ve got some fun things in there you’re not showing me,” you say, altitude and alcohol making that come out flirtier than you expected. 
“Even better. I know Nic,” he says, beginning a standoff between your incredulous face and his smug one.
“You’re joking.”
“I wrote a screenplay, he was the lead. We’re good friends.”
You have to bury your mouth in your elbow to keep from screeching like a pterodactyl.
“You’re fucking with me, really?”
“He came and stayed at my home. He’s an incredible man - talented, kind, humble, funny. I could call him up the second we land and have him record something for your sister. It would be the ultimate gift.” 
You have to admit, that would be incredible. A personalized message from Nic Cage himself? Your sister would shit a brick. You would win Christmas for sure. 
“And what would you want in return for being my Christmas miracle?” you ask, but Javi only shakes his head good-naturedly.
“Only the pleasure of your company,” he says breezily. You scoff at that.
“I don’t think my company is quite worth that.”
“I do.”
The air thickens around you, not daring to look up and see what expression Javi is wearing. Instead you let your finger run the circuit of your cup rim, hot flashes bursting along your collar. Your heartbeat thuds with twin thoughts - yes yes yes and not worthy. 
Some air would probably do you good. You excuse yourself to the restroom and lock the door firmly behind you. 
The tiny plastic sink is grounding under your hands, the hum of alcohol in your blood receding. A glance at yourself in the mirror makes you grimace - disheveled, tired eyes, rumpled loungewear that suits plane travel but not handsome strangers chatting you up. You splash a little water on your face, fortifying yourself for the return to your seat. Anyways, Javi’s out of your league, fun only because you’re trapped in a plane together. He clearly has money or comes from money, and once outside this pressurized tube you’d never be able to hold a candle to the life he has. 
So stop fucking fantasizing about what you would do if he opened that door right now and joined you in this tiny bathroom. If he’d be soft and sweet, plying you with passionate kisses as he lifted you to balance on the edge of the sink. Or maybe those flashes of focus you kept glimpsing were signs of a man who would fuck you hard and fast, time a factor but attentive to your pleasure. Would he urge you to bite down on his shoulder to muffle your cries before he spills his seed on your inner thighs?
Are you fucking rhyming now?
Sighing, you open the door and run almost directly into the man himself, a sheepish smile on his face. Your face is on fire, nodding and smiling as you pass in the tiny space outside the bathroom. Returning to your seat you try to center yourself, but a tap on your arm directs you to your forgotten aisle neighbor. She smiles conspiratorially.
“He’s single,” she says simply, eyes sparkling, and you share a secret giggle at her wingmanning your chance encounter. “And he’s clearly interested, trust me. If you don’t get his number you’ll be kicking yourself later,” she adds before going back to her show. Javi returns soon after, a few wet trails in his hair and a fresh face.
“It is not so bad in coach,” he muses, pulling out his iPad and opening up his library. 
“Even without the champagne?” you toss back, getting your own entertainment set up. The distance beginning to grow between you dampens your mood, fingers uncertain as they fiddle with the tech. 
“Even without the champagne,” Javi sighs back with a wink. He scrolls through and settles on something before looking up at you, lips parted around a question. You wait with baited breath.
“Do you…want to watch a movie with me?” he asks tentatively. “I was going to watch a favorite of mine, if you want me to AirDrop it to you?”
Heart fluttering but trying to keep your cool, you nod. “What movie?”
“Paddington 2.”
After all the Nic Cage talk, this takes you by surprise.
“I’ve never seen it.”
Javi’s face breaks out in joy.
“Then we have to watch it.”
How could you say no to that smile?
Syncing pressing play, you both settle in to watch the children’s movie. It’s honestly really good, Javi occasionally leaning over to whisper commentary in your ear. The tickle of his breath against the baby hairs along your nape is a delicious shudder you savor. 
After Paddington 2, it’s airline lunch, which Javi pokes at with an mistrusting face. You share some snacks between you as he queues up National Treasure, “the perfect movie for flying,” which leads you to debate whether that title should belong to Con Air.
It’s halfway through the movie (which still stands up after all these years) when your eyelids begin to pull, settling deeper into your uncomfortable seat. Javi peeks through his lashes, sliding a little closer.
“If you would like to close your eyes, you can lean on me,” he says with gentle hesitancy. 
“Don’t want to be a bother,” you protest, a yawn interrupting further thoughts. Javi gives you that soft smile you don’t feel worthy of receiving.
“What is a little touch between friends?” he says, an echo of his previous sentiment.
Everything, you think to yourself before resting your head against his warm shoulder. 
You dream of Javi between your legs in the plane bathroom, holding you tight to his chest as he fills you with his cock. He is whispering movie trivia to you, punctuating his thrusts with facts your mind can’t grip. Legs spread wide, head bumping against the mirror behind you, he pushes you higher and higher, hips snapping into your core. The door opens - Nic Cage pokes his head in, asking Javi about changes to a script. Javi pulls back to talk to him as he keeps fucking you senseless, swapping ideas as your orgasm hovers on the precipice. He turns back to your pleading face before absentmindedly licking his thumb and pressing it on your clit.
“Want to watch her cum, Nic?” he asks, your eyes rolling back in your head. 
A jolt of turbulence shocks you awake, your body in unbalanced arousal from that confusing dream. A wide palm strokes along your forearm, Javi’s rumbling hum right next to your ear.
“It is okay, conejita,” he murmurs, your mind blearily taking in how far you’ve leaned on him, his hand on your arm, his mouth moving against the crown of your head. “Only a few bumps, you can sleep.”
“What’s conny…” you mumble, but close your eyes at his urging. He breathes a puff of air into your scalp.
“You twitch your nose when you’re sleeping, like a bunny,” he says, hand slowing to only his thumb caressing your skin. Humming in response, you slip back under, thankfully into a dreamless sleep. 
You’re not sure how long it’s been when you finally rise, neck stiff and fingers tingling. Javi’s watching something in black and white, a man and a woman having an animated conversation. Straightening up, you wipe the corner of your mouth and pray you didn’t drool. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Javi teases, “they said we should be landing in an hour.” The rapidly approaching deadline makes you wish you hadn’t passed out, even if it was the most comfortable you’ve ever been on a plane. You want to ask Javi more about himself, the life he leads, the movies he loves. But the flight attendants are making the rounds, stilling your tongue. This is only a chance meeting, nothing more. 
The landing is smooth and uneventful, both of you watching the Boston skyline come into view. You ask Javi if he’s ever been before and when he responds in the negative you point out popular landmarks, the Leonard Zakim Bridge the easiest to spot.
De-boarding is always a mess, but with the extra legroom it’s easy to get your carry-on out quickly. Javi helps you get it down, pulling his own out as well. You stand and stretch your legs, admiring how Javi's shirt pulls across his back while he packs his belongings. 
With nods and smiles and “thank yous” said on the way out, you’re free from the tight confines and in the open air of Logan. It’s nothing fancy, but it feels like homecoming whenever you enter the familiar airport. 
“Walk you to baggage claim?” you ask, Javi’s expression blooming from uncertainty to agreement. You savor the last dregs of conversation, Javi telling you he’s visiting family friends on the Cape for a few weeks. The time to part is nearing, but you don’t know what you want to ask. For his email? His number? Could you really ask for anything?
Bags in hand and a man in a suit with a printed “Gutierrez” sign looking pointedly at Javi, you finally square up to your unlikely friend.
“Thanks for a fun flight, I can’t say I’ve had a better one,” you start, Javi waving his hands in protest.
“A pleasure for me as well.” The awkwardness mounts as Javi’s driver fidgets impatiently. Girding yourself, you speak.
“I should probably…”
“I need your number.”
Javi’s blurted out request stops your goodbye, eyes widening. His do too as he stumbles to explain, fishing his phone out of his pocket.
“For the video! From Nic. For your sister. I promised, didn’t I? And you were very good company, I must keep up my side of the deal,” he rushes out, flushing high in his cheeks. You couldn’t stop beaming if you tried.
“Yeah, you’re right, you’re gonna help me win Christmas for sure,” you say, typing your number into his phone. Relief dances in his eyes as you hand the phone back, sending a quick “It’s Javi” text to you. “You only have three days to get it, though, you’re on the clock.” 
“Nic will come through, I know it,” he says, hands wrapping around your upper arms. He hesitates, then pulls you into a hug that blocks out the sweat and grime and frustration of the world around you. Orange peel and warmth fill your nostrils, and you hug him back, face tucking under the light scruff of his jaw. He holds you for longer than you expect but just long enough to know you’ll miss being hugged like this.
“Take care, conejita,” he says, watching you over his shoulder as he leaves. You wait for him to be out of sight before heading on your way.
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Christmas morning, after all the presents are opened, coffee is drunk and cheer is spread, you pair your phone to your parent’s TV and play a video message.
“Hi Clara, this is Nic Cage. My friend Javi told me you were one of my biggest fans. Now I don’t know if you can compete with him, but if he says so I have to think it’s at least a little bit true. So to my biggest fan, Merry Christmas, happy holidays, happy new year, and if you’re ever nearby I owe you a photo, a handshake, and some thanks for all your support. Take care.”
Your sister is in stitches, laughing on the floor and interrogating you about how you pulled it off. For now, your lips are sealed. 
The other video message, sent right after, you keep as your own Christmas present. 
“I told you he would come through, conejita! Merry Christmas, I hope you are spending it with the ones you love. Maybe we will be on the same flight back to LA and I will get to see you again? Or...ah, I have no plans for New Years…and you know, it’s bad luck to start the new year without a kiss. If you…would like to be mine, this year, maybe I can take you out. Yes. I would like to take you out. Please. If you want. Okay, let me…let me know. Okay, bye.”
You would very much like that.
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Part 2: A Bearable Weight
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chelseachilly · 6 months
do you want to build a snowman?
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell request: "ok so you and ben have a daughter around 3 or 4 and its her first time seeing snow so they take her outside to build a snowman :)" - anonymous warnings: fluffff, dad!ben word count: 2k
author’s note: thanks for all the requests!! i'm really getting in the flow of writing rn (and inspired by the holidays) so i'm going to do my best to write as many of them as i can! ❄️
“Is Daddy gonna be home soon?”
It’s not the first - or the second, or the fifth - time your daughter has asked this question since she woke up this morning. 
Ben left for training shortly before 8, and neither you nor your daughter Sophie were awake yet. You could’ve happily slept a few more hours, but Sophie woke you up not long after to excitedly announce that it had snowed overnight.
In her four years of life, your daughter has never seen a significant amount of snow, at least that she can recall. It snowed quite a bit on her first Christmas, but she was far too little to remember that, and since then there’s been nothing but a few flurries here and there or a light dusting on the rooftops.
She’s quite fascinated by the concept from watching movies and TV shows featuring winter activities and is currently deep in a Frozen phase, which means she’s obsessed with the idea of building a snowman. 
Over the past month as the weather got colder, you and Ben had tried to keep her expectations low as you weren’t sure you would get enough snow to make this dream a reality. You could tell it was killing Ben to disappoint her - he hates denying his little girl anything - and a few nights ago you caught him looking into booking a holiday to Switzerland or Finland or anywhere she would be guaranteed some snow.
Thankfully, today her prayers were answered, and you were fully prepared to bundle up and go outside with her before you even had your coffee, but she insisted on waiting for Ben. It was their plan to build the snowman together, Sophie told you, and she stuck to her decision even when you reminded her he wouldn’t be home for hours.
It‘s been pretty adorable watching her anxiously await her dad’s return all morning, pacing around the house and checking for his car in the driveway often. You can tell how badly she wants to go out and play in the glistening white snow, and the remarkable restraint she’s showing is a testament to how much of a daddy’s girl she is. 
“Not too much longer, sweetheart,” you assure her as you beckon her to come cuddle with you on the couch where you’re doing a bit of work on your laptop. “He texted a while ago and said he’ll be here as soon as he can.”
“Alright,” Sophie sighs. “Can you put on Frozen?”
You’ve watched this movie more times than you can count lately, and once already today, but you remind yourself that you signed up for this when you chose to be a parent as you’re queuing up Disney Plus once again. 
Later, when you’re nearing the end of the film and you’ve given up on doing any more work as long as your daughter is screaming the lyrics to each song, you hear the sound of the front door opening and closing. 
The movie is quickly abandoned as Sophie darts toward the foyer to greet Ben. You’re not too far behind her, though by the time you reach them she’s already in her dad’s arms.
“Daddy, it snowed!” Sophie exclaims, her little arms wrapped around Ben’s neck. “We have to build a snowman!”
“I know, darling,” Ben laughs, giving Sophie another squeeze before gently setting her down. “Why don’t you go get your coat on while I say hello to Mummy?”
Sophie nods and eagerly runs toward the closet to fetch her winter coat. As Ben drops his bag and makes his way over to you, you can see how tired he is from training. When he cups your face to give you a kiss, you can tell he’s also freezing. 
“How was training, baby?” you murmur, placing your hands on his to warm them up. 
“Cold,” Ben sighs. “Forgot how brutal it is training in the snow. I’m glad the gaffer let us go home early, though.”
“You and me both,” you smile, leaning in to kiss him again. “Maybe you should warm up a bit before going out to play with Soph?”
“No, she’s been waiting for me all day,” Ben says. “I’ll be fine.”
You know there’s no changing his mind, especially when Sophie comes running back into the room in her adorable little puffer jacket that nearly swallows her whole. You help her zip it up and grab mittens, a scarf and a hat to keep her warm, as well as some for you and Ben. 
Once you’re all ready to face the cold, you head out to the garden together. You and Ben have matching grins on your faces as you watch Sophie excitedly run through the snow for the first time, a core childhood memory being created right before your eyes. 
She gets to work right away on her snowman, rolling the snowball she’s formed as long as she can before it gets too heavy for her and she has to accept Ben’s help. 
You join in on their efforts, occasionally taking a break to take some photos of your daughter and husband that you already know are going to be your new phone background.
After some hard work - certainly for a four year old - the snowman is completed with a carrot nose and hat that you had prepared just for this occasion. 
“He looks great, Sophie!” you exclaim. “What’s his name? Olaf?”
Despite it being a fairly safe guess, Sophie looks at you like you have two heads.
“No, Mummy, Olaf doesn’t have a hat,” she reminds you very matter-of-factly. “His name is Tom.”
“Like Uncle Tom?” Ben chuckles, referring to his best friend and her godfather.
Sophie seems to contemplate this for a moment before shaking her head.
“No, because I want him to be Tom.”
You and Ben look at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. You both blame your daughter’s stubbornness on each other, though deep down you know it’s from both of you, but at times like this it’s both hilarious and adorable. 
“Fair enough, sweetie,” you say, bending down to give her a kiss on the forehead. “Now, I think some hot chocolate is in order. Ready to go in?”
“No, we have to make snow angels!”
Of course, this was another activity she had seen in films that she was dying to try for herself. 
“Alright,” you chuckle. “Why don’t we make snow angels while Daddy goes and warms up? He’s been out in the snow all day.”
The pout on Sophie’s face quickly tells you that she is not happy with this plan, and Ben swoops in before you can say anything else.
“I think I have a few snow angels left in me,” he smiles, picking Sophie up and balancing her on his hip. “Babe, can you start the hot chocolate while we finish up here?”
You raise an eyebrow at your husband but accept his proposal nonetheless, placing a quick kiss on both his and Sophie’s cheeks before heading inside. 
As you’re warming up the milk on the stovetop, you look out the window where Ben and Sophie are still playing, her excited giggles loud enough that you can hear her through the windowpane. 
Your heart is threatening to burst from the sweet scene, overflowing with love for your daughter and admiration for your amazing husband. No matter how tired he is from training, if he’s upset about a loss or injured or anything else, he always steps up for Sophie. You’ve known since you met him that he would be a great dad, but ever since you became parents, he’s continued to exceed your expectations.
Just as you’re pouring three steaming mugs of hot chocolate, you hear your family come in through the back door and begin to strip off their winter gear. 
To your delight, Sophie runs straight into the kitchen and hugs you tightly.
“I made five snow angels!” she exclaims as you run your hand up and down her back in an effort to warm her up. “Daddy made some big ones, too.”
“That’s amazing, love,” you smile, kissing her head. “You want some hot chocolate?”
“Yes! Can I put the marshmallows in?”
“Of course,” you say, lifting her up onto the counter and passing her the bag of mini marshmallows.
As much as she’s a daddy’s girl at heart, you also get your fair share of moments when your daughter seems to only want her mother. You know how special her bond is with Ben, and you really can’t blame her for how much she loves spending time with him, but you still cherish the little things that just for the two of you - making hot chocolate with extra marshmallows being one of them. 
You carry the tray of drinks into the living room with Sophie trailing behind, and find Ben already there getting the fireplace going and arranging some pillows and blankets.
“This looks cozy,” you smile, setting the drinks down and sitting on the floor across from him, Sophie following your lead. “Thanks, honey.”
“Thanks for making the hot chocolate, my loves,” Ben responds, glancing over at the tray that holds two regular Christmas mugs and one with the Frozen characters on it. He picks that one up and pretends to take a sip. “I assume this one is mine?”
“No, Daddy, that’s mine!” Sophie squeals, making both you and Ben laugh as he carefully passes it back to her. 
You all sip your drinks in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth of the sweet beverages and the burning fire. 
“So, did you enjoy your first snow, Soph?” Ben asks. “Was it everything you hoped?”
“It was amazing!” Sophie confirms. “Thank you for playing, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome, angel,” Ben says with a soft smile as Sophie climbs into his lap and he kisses her rosy cheeks. 
It’s not long before she drifts off to sleep, tuckered out from playing in the snow and comforted by her dad’s embrace and the sound of you and Ben quietly talking about your days. 
Once she’s fully passed out, Ben carefully shifts her tiny frame over in his arms to make room for you on his other side and beckons you over. With him laying back against the sofa and you now laying against his chest, both of you watching your daughter sleep peacefully, you’re not sure you’ve ever felt more content. 
“That little girl absolutely adores you,” you comment, nuzzling further into Ben’s warmth.
“She must get that from her mum, then,” Ben jokes, making you roll your eyes for a moment before kissing his jaw, then his cheek.
“Mhm,” you nod, smiling as you reach his lips and kiss him slowly. 
When you pull back, Ben gazes lovingly at you for a moment before his eyes return to Sophie, her little hand curling around the material of his hoodie in her sleep.
“Babe?” Ben murmurs, and you nod again. “How would you feel about trying for another one?”
It takes everything in you not to betray yourself with a grin as you think about the tiny Christmas onesie and pregnancy test you boxed up and placed under the tree yesterday while Ben was picking Sophie up from daycare. 
It’s less than a week until Christmas - you can make it that long. 
“Let’s talk about it after the holidays?” you say for now, pressing another kiss to Ben’s lips. 
He nods with a smile, though you can see his mind wandering with thoughts of another little one to play in the snow and curl up by the fire and watching the same movies over and over with. 
It’s been the greatest joy of your life raising Sophie side by side with him, and you absolutely can’t wait to do it all again. 
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hischierswhore · 6 months
cindy lou who
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i'm back, and just in time for ficmas! this was inspired by sabrina carpenter’s song “cindy lou who”. i highly recommend listening to it as you read 🎄
pairing: lando norris x ex!reader
You, Kika, Alex, Carmen, and Lily all sat around your Christmas tree as you began your Secret Santa exchange. It was a girls' night, and you all thought this would be the best way to spend your final girls' night before Christmas.
The holiday spirit was evident within your cozy little flat, as the elegant pink and white ornaments decorated your tree and the pine-scented candles spread a wonderful aroma throughout your home.
"Oh my gosh, this is adorable! Which one of you got me this?" Lily questioned, looking around at each girl, trying to see who could barely contain their smile.
When Lily got to you, her bright smile slightly fell into a frown.
"Y/n? Is everything alright?" She asked as she rested her hand on yours, the contact waking you from the daydream you were in.
"Oh yeah. All is good!" You gave her and the rest of the group a thumbs up.
Truthfully, you were reminiscing on last Christmas. It was the last one you spent with your now ex-boyfriend Lando. This time last year you were at his house, kissing underneath the mistletoe.
After a few more Secret Santa reveals, the whole exchange was over. You picked up your phone and began to scroll through Instagram. As you scrolled, you saw a glimpse of Lando, leading you to scroll back to view it properly.
I saw you laughing in one of his pictures But you'll be the one with his ring on your finger There's red and green everywhere But I'm so blue Cindy Lou Who
You felt your stomach drop when you came across the photo of Lando... with a girl. She was stunning. Her long brown hair curled to perfection. The smile on her face was bright and huge. Her arms wrapped around Lando's neck. Her eyes weren't on the camera, they were on Lando.
He was smiling back at the girl. You wondered who took the photo, or rather, who captured them in that moment, and why did they want to torture you for the rest of your life?
You turned your phone off, desperately trying to find something to distract yourself with. You looked at the tree, you looked at the candles. You stupidly looked at the picture frame that was placed right in front of your TV. The one that had a picture of you and the girls. The picture that had replaced the one of you and Lando from Christmas 2 years ago. The frame that always reminded you of him.
Maybe he met you somewhere in the desert While he was soul-searching, he found someone better Guess you make him happy like I couldn't do Cindy Lou Who
As the night went on, you began to think of the girl in the picture. When did they meet & was it after what you had assumed was going to be a sort break?
Your breakup with Lando was a result of him claiming that he needed space to find who he truly was. You understood, but you always thought he'd come back for you when he was ready.
Now it seems as though you were never part of his plans after his "self-discovery".
You couldn't ignore the fact that he looked happy with this girl. He hadn't looked that happy with you in a long time. It pained you to see how happy he was without you in his life. His smile, the one you loved to see, was now causing you so much pain.
With your hair so long, lips so red Maybe we met once I forget Scrolling five years back, I'm obsessed Breaking my heart 'Tis the season I guess
After successfully distracting yourself with a Christmas movie that you watched with your girls, everyone was beyond tired and headed home. You dragged yourself to your bed, grabbed your pillow, and put it over your head. You were so done with the holiday season.
You tossed and turned for what felt like hours, when in reality it was just 30 minutes. You knew you shouldn't, but you did it anyways. You picked up your phone and went back to Lando's post. You clicked on the girl's tag and pulled up her profile.
Your breathing faltered as you were met with the brunette's feed: it was basically just pictures of her and Lando. You scrolled all the way down until you were five years back. She was a model, so of course Lando fell in love with her.
Just as you scrolled to the top and refreshed the profile, a new post appeared on her feed. It was a picture of the girl and Lando, her red lips pressed against Lando's underneath the mistletoe. You tried to hold back tears as you looked over the photo, along with the caption.
"meet me under the mistletoe :)"
If you're waking up now in his old bed At his family's house, know that you're just Breaking my heart 'Tis the season I guess
You desperately wanted to tell him how you felt, but it was no use. Lando had moved on and he appeared to be in love, but you were in love with him too. You never stopped, and now there was nothing you could do to get him back.
The snow's gonna fall and the tree's gonna glisten And I'm gonna puke at the thought of you kissin' The boy who I love is now in love with you Cindy Lou Who
hope you all enjoyed 🫶🏼
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veryberryjelly · 4 months
Karaoke time: tis the damn season, remus lupin
remus lupin x fem!reader
tis the damn season - taylor swift ( i love this song so much, stop- )
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coming home during summer break was definitely not your favourite time of the year. you much preferred to stay up at university but you hadn't been home since christmas and you were only supposed to spend a few weeks there before going away with your friends.
you were certain that your mum had informed her friends of your return home, which in turn informed the entire town.
you were from a small town of gossips. everyone knew everyone and knew everything about everyone.
sometimes you just wanted to do something without the entire town knowing about it.
but you had never been granted that courtesy.
it got a million times worse when you started dating.
you learnt very quickly it was impossible to date in that town so you settled for only meeting people at university.
though that failed miserably.
until one christmas break during your second year at uni, you had met remus. a boy your age who had gone to a boarding school, which was why you never met him until he went off to uni and started going home for the holidays.
you had spent a lot of nights together during that winter break.
it was something amazing, but only for a few weeks. and you both knew and accepted that.
that didnt make it any easier to leave for uni every break.
but you relished the time you spent together.
you knew he was home for the summer, and while you hadn't made any plans, you both knew you were going to spend a lot of time together.
you spent your first day at home with your parents, but the next morning you met up with remus at a cafe in the centre of town.
the moment he walked through the door you were up out of your seat and it was as though you had never left eachother.
your day was spent wandering around town, more often than not with a coffee in your hand, catching up on what had been going on over the last 6 months.
you didnt talk much when you were both at school. the occasional message about when you would be coming back home, but not much information was exchanged.
you learnt that remus was currently at the top of his class, which earned him a muffin from you.
and when you told him you had been accepted for a job when you got out of school, he bought you a toasted sandwich.
you were shocked you didnt run out of things to say to him, but you didnt, eventually ending up back at his house while his parents went to a movie.
it was no surprise that you ended up making out on the sofa while a movie played on the tv.
the film had been bought with the full intention of watching it, but when you sat curled up in remus' side, he couldn't resist.
" i missed you " he whispered between touches of your lips
three simple words which sent alarm bells through your body, causing you to pull away from him.
you missed him too.
but you thought it was mutually agreed that you never talked about the prospect of seeing eachother more.
that you enjoyed the time you had and never spoke about it.
" i don't know what you expect me to say..."
" i mean, i kind of hoped you would say you missed me too "
" what are you doing, rem ? you know this would never work with us. "
" why not ? " he countered, growing slightly more passionate about the subject. " people make this work all the time. i could come visit you at school, we could meet half way...i just- i can't find anyone that makes me feel as.. alive as you do "
his words caused a burning to grow behind your eyes, which you tried to hide by ducking your head to avoid his gaze.
but he wasnt having it.
he lifted his hand to tilt your head up with his thumb and forefinger, delicately wiping away the tears from your cheek.
" why dont you want this ? " he questioned again, his voice soft.
" because i dont want to make you miserable. " you started, unable to stop the free flow of tears down your cheeks.
" i can't keep people close to me without ruining them. it's why i dont come home, it's why i dont have any friends at uni. its why i look forward to seeing you so much because i know i dont have enough time to ruin you. you are the only perfect thing in my life and i dont want to lose that " you rambled.
remus said nothing, instead choosing to wrap his strong arms around you and pull you close to his chest.
that broke you completely.
you let a damn break and the only thing holding you together was remus' arms wrapped tightly around you.
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So we could call it even You could call me babe for the weekend 'Tis the damn season, write this down I'm stayin' at my parents' house And the road not taken looks real good now And it always leads to you in my hometown
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prowlerverse · 3 months
smiling critters x reader (christmas edition !)
disc ; for the sake of the hcs , let's just pretend actual sunlight and snow get into that... DOME they live in. also lowercase intended !
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dogday loves holidays. especially christmas. holidays mean ; no looking after kids. It also means he gets to hang out with his friends, to hang out with you.
there's not much you can get from just around playcare, but you can get some things from out of playcare, which leads to dogday begging staff for things from the outside.
eventually, they get tired of his begging and just give it to him to shut him up, and on christmas day he tells you he has a surprise for you — then you walk to his living room to see STACKS of presents.
"all for you!" dogday chirps as he hugs you tightly. "we can hang out after, if you want to.?"
for dogday, hanging out = playing in the 'snow' all day.
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catnap again, doesn't exactly celebrate holidays unless you force him to. which you do, every year.
you make catnap one of those itchy christmas sweaters for him to wear, it takes a bit to make him wear it but he eventually gives in.
you usually try to involve catnap in the critter's activities, which he hates. not the fact your trying; but the fact he has to be social.
either way, when playcare winds down catnap spends the night with you watching what tv shows they have and eating cookies (animal safe, of course.)
"today was.. fun."
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bobby loves giving, she likes receiving but LOVES giving.
meaning on christmas not only does her love multiply, but her gifts too!
she even asked her friends to set up a mistletoe just so you could both kiss under it.
everything else aside, when the sun goes down there's nothing she loves more when it comes to cuddling with you under cozy blankets drinking hot chocolate and old romantic christmas movies.
"aweee!! aren't they such a cute couple like us?"
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picky loves to cook. she loves to cook for fun, for her friends, and mostly you.
so when christmas comes around, best believe that you'll both be in the kitchen for hours cooking stuff as the snow falls outside.
even if they don't come out THAT well, picky loves spending time with you. even if it means a burnt cookie smell lingers around her house.
"it's okay! we tried in the end, that's all that matters!"
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hoppy loves being outside, so having to be cooped inside was a struggle.
but when you said you could both just gear up and go outside, she was over the moon.
you both ended up getting into snowball fights and getting sick, but hoppy found it worth it.
even if it meant having to stay inside for the rest of the week.
"hey, but I mean," she started. "it's more time with you. that's good for me."
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just like hoppy, he loves to be outside in any weather.
but, he's taken consideration of what you tell him.
so just to be sure this one time.. he decided to take it slow and just walk around playcare with you, in warm clothing of course.
kickin' was usually hyper, so this surprised you. but you enjoyed it. he was happy to see the snow.
"this is nice — not running around and getting sick. pretty cool if I say so myself."
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bubba is mostly a stay inside person, which you don't mind. being outside is not always the answer.
that didn't mean he would just study all day though, he'd try his best to please you by watching shows, cooking (the best he can.)
all the running around and watching shows made you a bit tired, so he would let you lay down on the couch with him.
"today was great," he squeezed you a bit. "thank you."
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crafty enjoys coloring and crafts, it's in her name.
so when it comes to christmas, everything she makes is christmas themed, and a gift for you.
she even made a little christmas city made out of paper, and you loved it.
"I made this.. and thought you would like it."
end ; am I mad that I can't for some reason use the yellow text anymore and have to make kickin and dogday share the same , just slightly different? Yes. Am I gonna update the project: fic soon? maybe. did it crash once and I lost all the progress I made? Yes. Did I wanna cry? Yes. Did I delay this because I was mad over the yellow font suddenly going bye bye?
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stevesbipanic · 5 months
@steddiemas Day 31: New Year's Eve
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There was always a certain magic in the air on new year's eve. Steve could feel the bubble of excitement in the countdown and it almost felt like a clean slate washed over you as the fireworks brought in the new year. When he was little his parents would often take him to New York for the big celebration, his father often hosting a party. After they stopped returning home as often, Steve brought in the new year with Tommy and Carol getting drunk on his father's whiskey.
1983 he spent alone and hoped that 1984 would be better, it wasn't, well except for the kids coming into his life. 1985 saw him cuddled up in the living room with Robin watching the fireworks on tv, he hoped 1986 would be their year.
"Stevie, do you have plans for new year's?" Eddie had asked at Christmas dinner, Wayne had insisted he joined them when he heard Robin and the Hendersons wouldn't be in Hawkins this year. "Not really, Robin won't be back, I might just turn in early." He was kind of sad to be spending it alone this year.
"No! You've gotta have fun Steve! Come join us here, Rudy a couple doors down always lights up the best fireworks!" Eddie explained excitedly and who was Steve to say no to that face.
Steve had gotten to Eddie's around 8, a pack of beer and a warm smile on his face when Eddie answered the door.
"We've gotta get you your own key one of these days, Stevie, you're here enough." If that warmed Steve's heart that was his business.
Wayne wouldn't be back from work until 11, getting that holiday pay to help them through the rest of winter. The boys didn't mind, curled up on the couch watching movies, laughing and drinking beer. Steve felt a soft buzz from the alcohol but the butterflies were certainly because of the boy sitting across from him.
When Wayne got home they switched the TV to the countdown of the final hour of the year. Eddie moaned about the pop music they played but didn't seem to mind as much when Steve was pulling him up to dance around the trailer. Soon it was time to head outside with all the other neighbours to watch the fireworks.
"Here, Stevie, I know the perfect spot," Eddie said pulling Steve up to lay down on the trailer roof. They could see Rudy setting up the fireworks on the hill, sleepy looking kids still just staying awake gathered with their parents. The radio crackled as the last song finished and the countdown began.
Steve could feel the magic start to fill the air, the new year was so close.
He hoped that next year they'd all be safe, that next year would be their year.
Next year he's going to make sure he spends it with Eddie, this has certainly been his favourite new year's eve.
He turns away from looking at the hill to the other boy to find him already looking at him, there's something in his eyes.
"I'm glad you're here this year, Stevie."
"I'm glad I'm here with you, Eds."
Eddie's face is holding a soft smile and his eyes flick down to Steve's lips.
Oh, that's what that magic was.
Steve took a chance and lent forward, pressing his lips softly to Eddie's who immediately pushed back against him smiling.
Fireworks went off behind them but they didn't care as they pulled away, twin smiles on their faces. Yeah, 1987 was going to be their year.
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
Rope Bunny || ‘Helping Hands’ Halloween Special
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Pairing: Caretaker! Yoongi x Kindergarten teacher! Reader
Genre: Fluff || Smut || Established Relationship || Non-idol AU
Summary: Yoongi had never been too fond of Halloween. Hated that one tacky day of the year with every fibre of his being. All it takes however, is your little surprise to convince him that maybe, just maybe, Halloween isn't all that bad.
Word Count: 7.3k (i don’t know what happened)
Tags/ warnings: fluff, smut in the forms of: bondage, reader get's tied to the bed, vaginal fingering, penetrative protected sex (because that's cool), slight dacryphilia, playboy bunny costume, implied predator/prey play, implied pet play, aftercare, halloween slander, ew they're still in love
Notes: this can be read as a stand-alone without reading the first part of this mini-series! however you can read ‘helping hands’ here! as minor references are made.
for my love, @4amj3zz who i love with all my heart <3 thank you for the playboy bunny idea!
my full masterlist
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It was no secret that Min Yoongi hated Halloween. The holiday—if you could even call it that—was a waste of time and money.
Halloween was a poor excuse to spend too much money on tacky decorations, and an easy excuse for candy makers to profit off one singular night each year. Frauds if you asked him.
Yoongi had never understood why parents let their children stumble from door to door in goofy costumes, asking for an inexplainable amount of sugar from strangers; the whole agenda a little backwards when ‘stranger danger’ is drilled into our heads as children. And now, kids have enough candy to give themselves a sugar high until Christmas rolls around, and an equally questionable Santa Clause fills their stockings with enough chocolate until the easter bunny comes.
He never understood why parents would buy a new, tacky looking costume each year when maybe they could be saving up for their child’s college tuition fees. And don’t get him started on adults dressing up. Min Yoongi was convinced that Halloween was the only night a year adults could dress in skimpy outfits, and no one would bat an eye. And a few too many sleazy men get a couple of hours of eye-candy to keep their imaginations running wild for the next couple of nights.
Now, Yoongi isn’t one to judge what others like to wear. He doesn’t feel it’s fair to judge, when he rotates the same 4 black shirts each week and might change it up with a new colour when you beg him to match outfits. Yoongi’s issue lies with the fact that it was the end of October.
The cusp of winter.
Where each night should be spent sat in front of the heater with stupid amounts of coffee (or in your case, hot chocolate) and a nice, cosy blanket wrapped around both your shoulders while a movie plays as you run your cold toes down his legs.
He wonders if cases of pneumonia or frostbite are at an all-time high on the 31st of October with the way some people dress themselves.
However, the absolute bane of Yoongi’s existence is all the pumpkin flavoured crap that nearly every franchise in the country liked to overprice in the month of October.
No, he didn’t want a pumpkin spice latte. No, he didn’t want the pumpkin tart instead of your usual sugared doughnut and his tiramisu.
It was Yoongi’s downfall when he was buying food for Holly, and suddenly the pet shop owner had asked if he wanted pumpkin favoured treats for his dog. Yoongi loved Holly as much as he loved you but he’s more than certain his puppy couldn’t give a flying fuck about a pumpkin flavoured biscuit.
The one thing that Yoongi did like about Halloween, however, was the excuse to watch scary movies. You on the other hand couldn’t stand them, burying your head underneath his arms when anything remotely spooky came up on the TV of an evening. So unfortunately, Yoongi hadn’t gotten his adrenaline rush as of late with a few too many trashy thrillers.  
“How do I look?” you give your boyfriend a twirl, black dress flaring around your thighs prettily.
Yoongi just blinks up at you, trying to ignore the pointed hat you’re wearing that grates at his eyes.
“What are you supposed to be?” he asks, raking his gaze down your body. Any excuse to give you a once-over.
“A witch obviously” you roll your eyes, if the spiderweb tights, hat and cape weren’t enough of a give-away.
“Isn’t that… basic?” Yoongi dares to ask and your shoulders slump forwards.
“Yes, but I don’t think a bunch of 4-year-olds are going to know who I am if I dress up as… I don’t know, MJ”
“From Spiderman, Yoongi. We’ve watched all 8 movies, plus the animated one”
“If you were MJ does that make me Spiderman?” Yoongi drawls and you sigh.
“No” you shake your head and Yoongi’s eyebrows furrow, “You don’t believe in Halloween, so you don’t get the privilege to be my Spiderman.”
Yoongi scoffs at that, no real venom in his expression as he watches you fix your hair in the vanity mirror.
“Oh” you turn to look at your boyfriend, “Don’t forget to pick up that package at the post office after work today either, okay?”
Yoongi nods, puckering his lips for a kiss. You oblige, leaning down so the brim of your hat brushes the top of Yoongi’s head as your lips press against his own.
“Love you” he whispers, breath fanning your lips in the way where goosebumps prickle the skin of your arms.
“Love you more!” you smile, “And, don’t be late tonight. Remember I have a surprise!” you giggle, and Yoongi would have been a little more worried if you hadn’t been so happy. On more than one occasion you’d tried to surprise your boyfriend; once trying to cook a three-course meal, however you hadn’t known cans can’t go in the microwave. That had led to your boyfriend having to work over the weekend to replace the wretched utility machine.
He smiles as you skip out of the bedroom, chunky boots thumping on the hardwood floor as you flit around the house for anything you may have forgotten last minute. Even though your boyfriend had made sure to pack your work bag the night before, since he knew you could be a little slow in the mornings and he knew you didn’t need the added stress.
Yoongi’s foot taps impatiently, dull pat pat pat of his sneakers bouncing off the walls as he leans against the post office’s desk. Fingers numb as he scrolls through his phone, weather bitter outside the heated post office. The old man that was at front of house had wandered out back to get his package and seemed to be taking his sweet, sweet time riffling through piles of unclaimed mail.
Yoongi’s phone lights up, a message from you; asking what time he would be home because you’d gotten his surprise all ready. And no matter how much Yoongi loved you, he was still a little sceptical of what your surprise could be.
You had never been good at keeping secrets, always blurting out little hints which would evidently lead to him to your little plots, only to act like he never knew what you were up to when the time came for you to surprise him. Because your smile was worth a little acting if it meant he got to see you looking so happy. Like he had been the one to surprise you, and of course he’d reward you with a sweet kiss that always made your cheeks flush the prettiest pink.
[4:56 pm]
My love:
Yoongs how long will you be? I’ve finished setting up your surprise and I’m getting impatient :’(
[4:57 pm]
Soon, the old guy that works here is slow.
[4:57 pm]
My love:
He should really get someone to help him with all those packages…
Maybe we could help
[4:58 pm]
You barely have time to take care of yourself. There’s a flyer on the door saying they’re hiring; a few high school kids will probably start applying soon now that the holidays are almost here.
Yoongi takes a look at your package. You hadn’t told him what you’d bought but from the looks of things it was from that little doggy clothing shop you loved. If Yoongi thought he spoiled Holly too much, don’t get him started on you.
He doesn’t bother pulling his keys from the back of his jeans, knowing you were home, instead he knocks.
Only to be answered with silence.
Yoongi knocks on the door again, no stranger to your habit of dancing around the bedroom with your music blasting through his speakers as you tidy up the mess, you’d made during your morning rush.
Only to once again be faced with nothing.
He leans his ear against the door, cold wood numbing his cheek as he narrows his eyes, hoping to hear any sound coming from the apartment.
Assuming the best, he guesses you’d forgotten to pick something up at the shops and decided a little early evening walk was now squeezed into your meticulously planned Halloween schedule.
Get home. Clean while Yoongi picks up package. Cook together. Bathe together. Maybe watch a Halloween movie, only if it isn’t scary. Roast marshmallows on the balcony. Read together. Brush teeth together. Wear matching pjs. Get the fluffy blanket for bed from the dryer. Talk about each other’s plans for tomorrow. Maybe sleep.
Yoongi easily slips his pair of keys from his pocket, the jingling bouncing off the walls of the empty hallway. And he hears the neighbour’s dog bark at the sound.
The lights are on when he pushes the door open with his foot. Your work shoes neatly placed on the rack, an empty space for his own sneakers to sit comfortably beside your own.
“Y/n?” he calls out, kicking the door closed behind him, “You home, my love?”
He hears shuffling from the other room, your silk bedsheets ratting you out that you’re home.
Yoongi dumps the brown box onto the couch, the little pattering of Holly’s feet bringing his attention to the floor as he kicks his shoes off.
Yoongi bends down, pulling a strip of tissue paper from the dog’s mouth. “Gross. You can’t eat that.”
He pokes his head into the kitchen, the dog’s bowl still half full of dinner, so you hadn’t forgotten to feed him. But it seemed his little dog had gotten distracted in the process of his meal, and you may be the main culprit. Yoongi didn’t even know what to think. For the first time since you’d started dating, you had kept a secret, and he didn’t have an inkling of what it could be.
Were you proposing?
That was meant to be his job. He had the ring and everything.
He just hadn’t worked up the guts to ask you yet.
What if you really were proposing? Should he say yes and then tell you he also had an engagement ring? Or should he say no?
That would be stupid.
He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but he wanted his proposal to be more than perfect.
Not that you wouldn’t make it perfect.
What if he said no and you got the wrong idea?
What if you decided to break up with him?
God knows what he would do if that were to happen.
Maybe you weren’t proposing…
But your surprise.
It wasn’t dinner, he knew that much. You hadn’t set the table, nor was there any food simmering on the stove.
Maybe you’d bought ugly matching pyjamas again.
But what if you were proposing?
He wanders towards your bedroom; a slice of dim orange lamp light coats the floor in its heady glow from where the bedroom door is slightly cracked open.
And Yoongi stands there for a moment as he hears you hum to yourself; and his new assumption is that you’re probably lying-in bed as you watch something from your phone, headphones plugged in as he hears nothing more than your voice.
Maybe you’d forgotten all about your little surprise and although you’d been hyping him up all day, with teasing glances across the cafeteria at lunch, and light brushes of your fingers over his chest as he passed you in the halls; Yoongi would much rather you have forgotten your little proposal if it meant he could be the one to get down on one knee.
Yoongi feels as though time stops when he pushes the bedroom door open.
There you are, sprawled out on your stomach, legs kicking up behind you as you rest your chin the palms of your hands. Open book long forgotten, the pages flipping closed by themselves. You hadn’t bothered to crack the spine, design too pretty to tamper with, and although later you’ll whine about losing your page, maybe even blame it on your boyfriend, right now the look on Yoongi’s face was funny enough for you not to care. Whatever little love story you’d been invested in suddenly meaningless as you look into Yoongi’s eyes, love and lust mingled into one as he stares at you, mouth agape.
And you wonder if you’d ever seen Yoongi make such an expression during the course of your relationship.
It’s not often you splurge on an outfit for the bedroom; truthfully Yoongi had never been all that bothered. You could be wearing a chunky sweater and sweats for all he cared, and he would still get bricked up at just the thought of you, with what you hide beneath layers of clothes. Though, it was never an unwelcomed surprise when you did choose to go and buy something that makes you feel a little prettier than usual.
“Is that a playboy bunny costume?” he gapes, eyes glued to the delicate black ears that sit prettily atop of your head. Frilly little collar and bow snug around your neck with matching little cuffs that encase your pretty wrists. The epitome of sex. All his. And god, did Yoongi love you.
He thinks you put all the other playboy bunny models to shame as you smile up at him, warm orange glow cast over your face in a way that makes Yoongi think you look almost angelic. Almost, if it weren’t for the skimpy little outfit you had on, that did wonders to highlight every part of your body that Yoongi loves most. Though he supposes it covered your pretty little pussy too much for his liking, nothing his fingers can’t fix.
“Yep!” you smile, “Surprise!” your radiant smile a little too innocent for what was about to happen.
Yoongi opens his mouth, only to close it. His extensive vocabulary, years of studying a thesaurus for lyrics that flow like poems suddenly evaporating to nothing more than the image of you dressed so prettily in his bed.
His eyes flit back up to your ears, lacy and black and they just looked so perfect on you. And it leaves Yoongi wondering if some part of him liked your little bunny ears more than he should, something primal vibrating in his chest with the need to just defile you, with how soft and round and absolutely perfect you look, a pretty little bunny all his for the taking.
“Did I really make you speechless?” you ask, eyes wide with wonder and Yoongi can only be baffled at how good you’d been able to keep this a secret.
Yoongi had always been a man of few words, and over time you’d been good at deciphering his wants without him having to open his mouth but this, this Yoongi, whose head looked empty apart from you, was something new.
“Seems so” he takes a few steps towards the bed, unintentionally hesitant as he wonders where to touch, “Oh fuck—” he groans, head tipping back, “is that a tail?” he gapes, shameless as he watches your butt wiggle. Hand pulling his jeans away from his crotch, blood rushing south as he just stares. Enamoured by the little ball of fluff that sits perfectly above your pert behind.
“It’s really soft. Wanna touch?” your index finger toys with your bottom lip, shiny with gloss and little plumper from where you’d been biting it.
Yoongi kneels on the edge of the bed, tips of his fingers brushing over the faux fur tail. His hands trail downwards, index finger running over your covered core; feeling it pulse as he applies a little more pressure. Chocked groan catching in his throat as he feels the material dampen under his careful touch.  
“Was this your idea?” He asks, ignoring your evident frown when he pulls his hand away from where you needed it most. Instead choosing to run it through his hair, grown out from when you’d first started dating, and perfect for you to pull when he makes home between your thighs.
“Someone at work brought up the idea” you tell him honestly, legs still kicked up behind you; the flex of your thighs entirely mesmerising to Yoongi that you can only wonder if your boyfriend was actually listening.
“You didn’t have to do this you know” Yoongi leans down to run his nose along the length of your jaw, the vanilla perfume he’d bought you on your birthday making him smile. Though you didn’t smell like him, he had been the one to pick out the scent, so he supposes it sates that little possessiveness he has over you when you aren’t together.
“Do you not like it? I thought it would be fun, especially since it’s Halloween” you say, albeit a little distracted as Yoongi presses open mouth kisses along the apples of your cheek, painting them ruby red with your own natural blush. Yoongi’s kisses always did make you flustered, he had never been very shy with his tongue, and he made sure you knew it.
“I like it. Fuck that—I love it. I just don’t want you doing anything you’re uncomfortable with” he whispers, continuing his onslaught of wet kisses, though he now trails them down the length of your bare neck. Addicted to the taste of your skin, making sure it glistened with his saliva.
“I’m okay with it. Made me feel pretty and sexy” your mouth falls open as his teeth nip your skin, red and purple roses blossoming as he sucks on the skin of your neck, painting you like an artist would a canvas.
“You’re always pretty and sexy” Yoongi grumbles, pushing himself to sit. And if he pretends not to notice the way you trail after him, that’s his own secret. The two of you like magnets, hard to pull away once pushed so close.
You follow Yoongi in sitting up, now giving your boyfriend a full view of how your little playboy bunny costume pushes your breasts together.
Yoongi swallows thickly, tongue coming to wet his lips as his fingers itch to touch you. He pulls away when he’s nothing more than inches away from touching your heated skin, and your shoulders drop at that. Pitiful pout tugging at your lips as he shuffles off the bed eagerly.
“Wait here” your boyfriend tells you, and you take a peek at his steadily growing erection as he scuttles towards the closet.
“What’re you looking for?” you ask, leaning back on your arms as you watch Yoongi rummage around for a certain box. Your fingers trail down the length of your body, index finger toying with your clit over the thin cottony fabric. You couldn’t help it that Yoongi had riled you up, hole clenching, begging to be touched, filled, you’d take anything just to have that sweet release that taunts you while your boyfriend shoves box after box and piles of clothes out of his way, in looks for something.
“Some ropes for my little rope bunny” he mutters, patience steadily growing weary the longer he’s away from you, watching as you play with yourself from his peripherals. Yoongi think’s all coherent thoughts are slowly trailing down to his dick, throbbing almost painfully in his jeans as you continue to squirm under the careful touch of your fingers.
“They’re on the top shelf. Velvety box”
“Thanks” your boyfriend throws a soft smile over his shoulder, you feel your own lips tug up at that.
“Hey! No touching” he points an accusatory finger at you, eyes trained on your hand that you grind against.
It had been surprising, how open about sex you had been once you’d gotten closer, more comfortable with Yoongi. And he thinks you must be the horniest person he knows. You’d been shy, a little reserved about being so intimate with him that it was beyond a surprise when you’d gotten comfortable enough to touch yourself in front of Yoongi without a care in the world. He never minded, always eager to please you sexually, and he felt proud even, that the two of you had progressed so much in your relationship.
“Can’t help it” you giggle, falling back onto the bed as Yoongi brings the box back over towards you.
You feel his fingers replace your own, tugging the crotch of your costume to the side to side a finger through your slit, your cheeks heating red at the lewd squelch. Your thighs twitch at that, hips bucking to try and get Yoongi to push at least a finger inside of you.
Your boyfriend, however, seems to have other plans, pulling his hand away from your pulsing core. Instead, he flips open the lid of the box, neatly wound coils of rope lined delicately inside. He’d indulged, buying a plethora of colours to spoil you with when you wanted to be tied up.
Your boyfriend had gotten good at cuffing you to the bed with ropes, had practiced over and over after you’d confessed one night you liked the idea of being completely at his mercy. Begging him to at least let you touch him while he makes you cum. Something about Yoongi being a little mean in bed always riled you up, your cunt shiny with arousal as he plays around with your body a little.
“Arms up, baby” he nods his head towards the head of the bed, “Nothing too crazy today” he reassures when you scoot your way up the bed, head resting comfortably on a couple of Yoongi’s pillows as he shuffles up the bed.
He’d watched so many videos online, making sure that the first time the two of you tried playing with ropes there was no chance he would hurt you in the process. The product of his practice showing as he cuffs you to the head of the bed with ease, looping the ropes expertly around your wrists before he weaves them between the bars of the headboard, chunky knot keeping you attached to the head of the bed. He slips two fingers between the ropes and your wrist to ensure it wasn’t too tight and your skin wouldn’t be nicked or burnt in the process.
You watch him bite his lip, friction of his jeans against his erection sending a jolt of pleasure up his spine. Your boyfriend’s head tipping back to ride out the shuddering arousal that wracks his body.
You tug at your restraints, checking if they would hold, “Loose enough?” Yoongi asks, and you nod, “Words, darling”
“It’s good” you whisper, breath getting caught in your throat at the deepening lust in Yoongi’s eyes as you lay sprawled beneath him. Left to writhe under his hands, completely at his mercy.
“And you remember your safe word?”
“Good girl” he throws his head back, palming over his jeans to alleviate some of the discomfort, underwear starting to soak through with precum.
“Can you get a condom?” Yoongi asks as he unzips his jeans, sigh of relief tipping off the ledge of his lips as the pressure on his cock is alleviated.
“No, not really” you snort, and Yoongi looks up at you, mouth dropping open. If he wasn’t mildly embarrassed, he may have started drooling a little at the image of you laid perfectly for him, ever so pretty as you wait patiently. Your core glistening in the lamp light, hole winking rhythmically, calling your boyfriend to sink his hard cock into your tight heat.
“Sorry” he grumbles, tugging his jeans off, throwing them somewhere behind him before leaning across your body to pull open the drawer of his nightstand. He’s glad you’re tied up, little velvet box shoved to the forefront of the drawer next to the box of condoms and he can only thank his lucky stars you’re unable to see it.
“Can you take this off” you toe at his hoodie, exaggerated frown tugging at your lips. Growing restless as you boyfriend fiddles with your condom stash.
Yoongi leans down to kiss your pouty lips, “not fair you’re still basically dressed” he whispers, pressing another kiss to your lips.
“Not my fault you got ahead of yourself and got the ropes out” you smile as he presses another kiss to your lips, revelling in the feeling of your minty breath fanning his skin.
“Couldn’t help it” he tells you as he pulls his hoodie and shirt over his head, leaving him in nothing more than his boxers, “Looked too pretty to let you hop off”
You ogle at his bare skin, so smooth, begging you to mark him up.
Yoongi had always had soft, milky skin, pretty and smooth and perfect for you to press kisses down his stomach as your fingers trace his happy trail, a pathway to what hides in his pants. A part of his body that was yours, somewhere no one else would ever get the pleasure of seeing. Or having the pleasure of touching.
Your eyes widen at that, “Are you into like predator, prey play?” you gape, wad of slick seeping from your folds at the prospect of your boyfriend being into something so… primal and raw. By no means was he vanilla but this came as a surprise to even you.
“No” your boyfriend laughs, fingers tugging down the neckline of your top to free your breasts, low moan rumbling up his throat as they bounce.
He leans down, tongue laving up your right nipple with spit before his teeth tug at them, intent on making them red and puffy and ever so pretty and sensitive. You let out something akin to a squeak, surprised by the jolt of that delicious pleasurable pain that jostles down your spine straight into your core.
“Feels like it” your mouth falls open, breathy moan dripping off your tongue like sweet honey as Yoongi presses a wet kiss to your neglected nipple, making sure it shines in the bedroom’s lamp light.
“I’m sure it’s something we can look into” you feel his warm breath fan against your skin as he talks. Goosebumps prickling in its wake.
Your hips lift off the bed when you feel your boyfriend’s greedy fingers push the fabric of your costume aside that covers where he wants you most, cotton fabric brushing against your clit, a lick of pleasure kicking your hips up, knee knocking against Yoongi’s stomach. He slips a finger into your awaiting hole, groaning against your neck as he gently thrusts it into you, velvet walls pulling him in.
“Another one, please” your hips buck in rhythm with his fingers, a second finger easily sliding into you. You feel a dribble of arousal push out of your hole as Yoongi continues to increase the pace of his fingers, determined to find that little sweet spot that’ll make you see stars.
“Ah” you jolt forwards, teeth catching your bottom lip to subdue any more moans, something so embarrassing about the borderline pornographic sounds that tumble from your lips in quick succession.
“I wanna hear you, darling” Yoongi pushes himself up to meet your eyes, determination etched in his brows as he soaks in your pleasure.
He slips his fingers out of your cunt, kissing away your frown as he haphazardly tugs his underwear off. Beyond the point of caring for foreplay, his cock pulsing as it slaps against his stomach, pearly beads of precum staining his skin clear as he reaches over to grab the condom, he’d dropped to sate your needy cunt.
“I love you” he reminds you as his deft fingers tear the foil wrapper open, and you don’t care to look where he throws it as you watch him pump his cock a few times before he rolls the rubber down his shaft.
You lick your lips, Yoongi’s mouth tugging into a cocky smirk as he catches it from the corner of his eye.
You’d never been a big fan of male genitalia, something unappealing about them. However, in all your years of living, Yoongi may have the prettiest cock to ever grave this earth. Curved just right that it nudges that little sweet spot inside of you, girthy enough that you can feel the stretch as he pushes into you.
“Like what you see, little bunny?” he taunts, hand coming to wrap around his thick cock, tipping his head back as he languidly strokes himself; a shame you couldn’t touch him really.
You tug at the ropes that keep you bound to the bed, a pathetic whine falling off your lips that sends arousal straight to Yoongi’s cock, causing it to twitch in his palm.
“Fuck, doll. I could get off right now, and you would have to watch”
You stare at your boyfriend, refusing to look past his waist as he continues to jack himself off, only hoping your eyes could convey just how much you needed him.
“I can’t do anything if you don’t tell me what you want” Yoongi’s voice comes out gravelly, another wad of your arousal dribbling down onto the sheets.
“Fuck me. Please Yoongi, fuck me” your hips roll upwards, arms tugging at the ropes, anything to get some sort of friction.
Yoongi takes a moment to look at you, the epitome of sin laid out all for him. Your nipples still shining with his spit, your cunt glistening with your own arousal, pitiful as it had slicked up from a few heated kisses and a couple of fingers teasing you. Your little bunny ears lay a little askew from where you’d been writhing around, desperate for some form of release. However, Yoongi liked to tease, liked to make the build-up to your orgasm worth it.  
“I was thinking of cumming on those pretty tits of yours” he drawls, thumb brushing over the head of his cock, thighs clenching with pleasure.
Your eyes turn teary at that, and Yoongi thinks that by some miracle his dick hardens just a little more, “Doesn’t look like you like the sound of that” he frowns, mocking you.
“Yoongi please” you sniffle, and your boyfriend would have been worried by the pearly little tears that cascade down your cheeks if he didn’t know you liked to be teased a little, your safe word was there for a reason.
“Please what, doll? I’m not a mind-reader”
“Please fuck me, it hurts” your hips buck up into nothing; another pitiful snivel at that, your fingers taking a-hold of the ropes around your wrists, “wanna touch you, please Yoonie”
“Yeah?” he asks, and you nod.
Yoongi leans down, pressing a warm kiss to the apple of your cheek before he lowers his lips to yours. You think you can taste your salty tears on his lips, his tongue licking up into your mouth when you let out a breathy moan. Yoongi makes light work of toying with your clit, making sure you were slicked up enough to take him.
Two fingers were never usually enough prep for you without there being a little burn on your behalf, but he felt a little mean today, pent up frustration from a long week at work. And he knew you liked to feel the stretch, having confessed during your first time together that you didn’t mind him being a little rough; encouraged it even.
“Please, please, please” you whisper into his mouth as he moves himself over you, pulling your thighs so they rested over his own, your restraints pulling taught as he moves you further down the bed.
“Okay, my love. Gonna fuck you now, okay?” he asks, running his hands over your thighs.
“Yes. Yes please” your thighs twitch in anticipation.
You watch Yoongi as he lines his length up with your hole, dragging the head through your slit to lube up his cock before he gently pushes in. His mouth falls open as you let out a breathy moan, thighs pulling him closer as he slips further into you.
“Slowly, darling. I don’t want to hurt you” he holds his hips in place, shallowly thrusting to help you accommodate his size.
“I’m okay, please—I need more” you shake your head, bunny ears barely holding on as your back arches, another attempt to get Yoongi to hurry up and move. He relents, hips kicking forwards to thrust the rest of his length into you. You moan, arms tugging to try and touch your boyfriend, only to feel another wave of tears coat your cheeks as you can’t hold him.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Forgot I can’t hold you” you tell him and Yoongi chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss to each of your cheeks.
“Want me to untie you?” he asks, running his nose along the wet skin of your jaw.
You stay silent for a moment, before giving him a simple nod.
“Anything for you, my love” he smiles, and you feel a little less distressed as he unknots your restraints.
Yoongi inspects your wrists, a little red from where you’d tugged a little too hard but nothing a little soothing cream couldn’t fix after he’s finished with you.
“Ready now?” he asks, and you’re surprised he hadn’t slipped out of you yet.
You nod.
“Words, baby” he reminds, and you scrunch your nose up at that.
“Ready, please fuck me now”
He laughs at that, pulling his hips back before thrusting back into you. You scramble to hold onto him, nails digging into the clear canvas of his back, your lust and love written in the red marks that paint his skin, matching your own art that he’d bitten and sucked onto your own precious body.
Yoongi’s head falls into the crook of your neck, hips relentless as he continues his onslaught of thrusts, crude slapping of skin on skin dulled out by your own staccatos of breathy ‘ah ah ahs’ filling the room as Yoongi harmonises with his own throaty groans. Practically folding you in half as your thighs squeeze your breasts together.
“Gonna come. Cum with me” he moans, angling his hips to try and find your sweet spot.
“There, there, there” you tell him, voice pitching higher as your body jolts up the bed. Bunny ears long forgotten as they lay abandoned on your pillow.
Yoongi pushes himself up to watch your face, breasts catching his attention as they bounce in time with his thrusts. “I love you so much” he groans, snapping his hips upwards.
He leans down, spit dribbling onto your right nipple before he leans down and takes the sensitive skin between his teeth.
“Play with yourself, doll” he groans.
Your hand trails between your bodies, slicked with sweat as you gather your own arousal onto your fingers, bringing it up to circle your clit. Your hips buck up to meet Yoongi’s halfway, your fingers drawing tight circles on your sensitive bud.
“Gonna cum” you tell your boyfriend, continuing your onslaught on your clit, pleasure licking up your spine.
“Me too. Together, okay?” his pelvis smacking into your own.
You feel his cock twitch, your fingers strumming at your clit in quick circles as you fall over the edge, vision turning white as your fingers cramp up, nails raking over your sensitive pearl, causing your thighs to clench, pulling Yoongi so he was completely buried in your cunt.
Your pulsating walls were enough for Yoongi to cum as well. His hips rolling sluggishly, no rhythm as he helps you ride out your high, his cock starting to soften as your thighs start to shake around his waist.
“Too much�� you tell him, hips jolting as his pushes himself all the way in once more before pulling out.
Your chest releases a stuttering breath, skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. Yoongi pulls the condom off, tying it before he throws it in the trash beside the vanity, grabbing a rolled-up towel to help wipe up your slick stained thighs. He’s gentle as he does it, not wanting to push you into the worst kind of overstimulation.
He collapses beside you once he’s done, towel somewhere with his forgotten clothes on the floor, a task he’ll deal with later. “That really was a surprise” he hums.
“It was hard to keep a secret” you say, voice a little hoarse, “The package arrived like a week ago and I wanted to show you so bad”
“Thank whoever at work gave you the idea” he teases, frowning when you bite your lip, a little guilty, “What?” he asks, heart dropping.
“Well, you can thank them.” You give him a little smile, “It was actually Seokjin that said you’d like it”
“Why the fuck is Jin giving you advice on your sex life?” he gapes, arm falling over your waist.
“I really don’t know how we got onto that conversation” you tell him honestly, head tilting cutely in that way it does when you think, “But then he was telling me about that girl he’s dating—the one with kids, and he said he came home from work one day and she was wearing this really pretty lingerie”  
“Where does the playboy bunny come in?” he asks, watching your eyes light up.
You look down at your costume, bunched up around your waist, “Well I then asked Jungkookie what he thought about the idea because you know Jin can be a little… extra; and kook said maybe go for a costume or something for Halloween but make it sexy”
“And he suggested a bunny? That’s fitting” Yoongi snorts, thumb gently rubbing over your bare skin.
“No, it was actually Taehyung. Kookie must have told him about my idea, and he sent me this link to a website, they had some really cool stuff on there, we could try roleplay one day. They had a cat costume as well with little socks that have toe beans and a collar and everything”
“I’m starting to think you’re into pet play” Yoongi teases.
“Oh, no, I meant for you” you giggle, kissing away the crease in his brow as he narrows his eyes.
“Oh yeah!” you push yourself up on your elbows, ignoring how Yoongi watches your breasts bounce with the motion, “I bought Holly bunny ears too. I was gonna show you, but then… yeah” you scrunch your nose up at the state of your costume, “I think this needs a wash before it goes anywhere near the dog”
“Is that what you made me pick up” Yoongi closes his eyes, “the amount of shit that dog has, he doesn’t need bunny ears, darling”
“But I wanted us to match, it was gonna be so cute, but you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants long enough for me to go through with my whole Halloween plan before we had sex. Plus, I bought another little jumper for him as well so it wasn’t a wasted trip before you complain” you huff, and Yoongi can only smile, enamoured that even though you looked moments away from passing out from exhaustion you still seemed to have a little fire lit within you.
“Don’t act like it wasn’t your plan from the start, I bet you weren’t even reading” he accuses, and you gasp, ever the dramatic.
“Was too. And the guy took the girl out on a date before they fucked” you perse your lips.
“Is that so?” he muses, “We can always go on the date now” he peers over at the clock on the wall, “I don’t feel like cooking, it’s too late. Why don’t we order in?” he turns towards you, pressing a kiss to your collarbone, “Then we can catch up on that series you liked the look of”.
“Oh, actually I bought pumpkin spice ramen for us to try”
“You what?” his mouth falls open.
“Huh?” you raise your eyebrows, “talking about the time, I really should pee and then shower, I feel sticky”
“Hey! You know I despise pumpkin spice anything, you’re not getting out of this one” he follows you as you push yourself off the bed, stripping out of your costume. It lays discarded on the floor as you wander into the bathroom, Yoongi not far behind you.
“Yeah, but it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience. When are we ever eating pumpkin spice ramen again?”
“Never” his eyebrows crease in mild disgust and if he wasn’t so cute then maybe you would have been a little more offended.
“Exactly, it could taste like ass for all we know” you shrug, “And then you can justify your pumpkin spice hatred”
“It’s already justified” he tells you as he turns the water on, nudging your butt into the shower as he follows behind.
“Whatever, you’re lucky I love you” you muse, turning around, pushing yourself on your tippy toes to press an innocent kiss to his puckered lips.
“Love you too, I’ll make pumpkin soup next weekend”
“So, you do like pumpkin” you gape.
“Yeah” he smiles, “Only when it isn’t a marketing scheme”
You sigh, shoulders falling. “I really do love you” you can’t help the smile that tugs onto your lips.
“I love you more, as a matter of fact” he angles the water so it soaks your body.
“Crazy, science actually says that I love you more”
“Science is usually a bunch of bullshit. I dropped out of college anyways, science means jackshit”
“You’re unbelievable” you lean your head against his chest, heart beating languidly as he reaches over for your shampoo, lathering it up in his hands before he helps you wash your hair.
“Science proves that I may be unbelievable but a certain someone can’t seem to get enough of me” he replies, fingers expertly massaging your scalp.
“I wonder who that is”
“The woman I wanna marry”
Your eyes snap open at that, pulling away from Yoongi as you just stare at him.
“Marry? Me?” you point at yourself, eyes wide with wonder as your boyfriend shrugs.
“Who else?” he drawls, trying not to smile at the precious image of you, soap sudded hair, cheeks rosy from the steaming hot water, as you look at him like he had been the one to hang the stars in the sky.
“I don’t know, are you secretly dating someone else?” you narrow your eyes, wiping a dollop of shampoo from your forehead as it threatens to fall into your eyes.
“Guess you’ll never know” his lips tug into a smirk.
“This isn’t your proposal, right? I literally haven’t said yes and that’s probably really shitty of me”
“God no” Yoongi groans, “I’m not proposing in the shower, doll. I thought your surprise was you proposing” he admits, and you can’t help the laugh that bubbles up your throat.
You slap a hand over your mouth, “I hadn’t even thought of that, holy shit, were you disappointed?”
“What? No. I was relieved” he shakes his head, damp strands of hair stuck to his forehead, “I really want to be the one to propose and I almost shat myself thinking you were doing it tonight”
You snort, “Would you have said yes?” you ask, rinsing your hair, beckoning Yoongi over with a nudge of your head so you could wash him.
“I mean, yeah” he lets out a long breath, “and then told you to take it back so I could ask you instead”
“You really are unbelievable” you shake your head, “Does this mean I should expect a proposal at some point in the near future?”
Yoongi thinks back to that little velvet box that still sits in his nightstand drawer, then he narrows his eyes down at you, “I don’t know, should you?”
You smile up at him, “I love you”
“Jokes on you, I love you more” he turns you away from him, tugging your body wash from the shelf. “Ah Ah” he shushes you when you try and speak, “No more of that, just let me take care of you and then we can try your shitty ramen while we watch corpse bride or some other lame kids movie”
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prettyboywoll · 3 months
♡ Lover - Joseph Woll ♡
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warnings: none?
Notes: this fic is based off the song lover by Taylor swift. Hope you guys like it!
“We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
And this is our place, we make the rules”
“It feels nice to have our own place” Joseph whispered, taking in the view of the new place you guys had purchased. He wrapped his arms around your waist to bring you closer to his body placing little kisses on your temple and neck.
As you stood there, it was finally your turn to take in the new place you had been dreaming of for so long. The excitement and anticipation you felt were palpable, and as you looked around at your dream home, it almost didn't feel real. You couldn't help but imagine the memories you would make here with your future family, and the thought filled you with joy. This was the place where you hoped to build your life and raise your children, and you felt happy to start that journey with Joseph by your side.
“Do you know what this means, Joey”
“That we can finally do it wherever we want?” He smirked, moving his hands to let them rest on your ass. Joseph laughed when he heard you gasp and hit his shoulder.
“I’m serious, baby”
“So am I. I’m kidding.. not really but what were you gonna say, love”
"Come with me," you say, grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers. You lead him towards the grand entrance hall, where the breathtaking view of the backyard, the cozy living room with a small fireplace, and the sleek modern staircase leading to four bedrooms, an office, and an upstairs lounge area await.
As you gaze around, a wave of excitement washes over you. You can already picture all of Joseph's teammates, friends, and family gathered here, especially during the holidays. The thought of Christmas in this house is making your heart race with anticipation. You turn to Joseph and exclaim, "Jo, I'm going to transform this house into a winter wonderland! We'll start decorating November 1st, and we'll keep them up until January or February when I feel ready."
Joseph looks at you with admiration and affection, tracing his fingers over your cheek and giving you a soft smile. He brings you closer and kisses you with passion. "I'm all for it, honey. Whatever makes you happy," he says, and you know that this is the beginning of something wonderful.
“We could let our friends crash in the living room”
As Matthew prepared to leave, he turned to ask, "Are you sure it's alright for me to stay over?". You walked over to gently push him towards the couch, reassuring him that it was perfectly fine, and that Joey would even make him breakfast in the morning. Joseph soon joined the conversation, carrying a spare pillow and blanket for his friend, and placing them carefully on the couch. He turned on the fireplace and handed Matthew the remote.
"Make yourself at home. We know you don't want to go back to your place. The guest room is open if you change your mind”
Matthew settled himself comfortably on the couch, turning on the TV to watch a movie. "I’ll be ok," he said, "You guys know I love this couch. I'll sleep like a baby here." As you bid goodnight to Joey and turned off the lights, Matthew had already made himself at home, cocooned in blankets and pillows, drifting off to sleep in front of the warm fireplace.
“And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover”
Joseph always felt comfort and security when you sat next to him. He cherished moments spent whispering sweet nothings to each other, feeling a deep connection beyond words. Your mere presence gave him warmth and happiness that he couldn't find anywhere else. He often found himself lost in your eyes and your voice, feeling like he could stay in that moment forever.
"Hey Joey, can I sit next to you?" Matthew asked, already knowing the answer. The goalie blushed and shook his head. "That spot is for my girlfriend."
Joseph eagerly anticipated your arrival at the restaurant. When you walked in, he was stunned by your beautiful black dress that hugged your curves perfectly. He stood up to greet you and pulled out your chair. "God, you look stunning, love."
Joseph spent the entire night kissing and praising you. His hands never left your body. He ignored his friends' teasing and focused on your smile and laughter.
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perseephoneee · 6 months
yule (kai parker x reader) {ficmas 2023}
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 6 of ficmas!
authors note: this is short bc i'm lame, but i really love kai and thought it would be fun to highlight one of the holidays i celebrate during the winter season.
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“I don’t care much about the holiday season,” Kai said, lounging on your couch and eating chips. You lifted your head from his shoulder and looked at him with raised eyebrows.
“How could you not care? The holidays are awesome,” you gasped. Kai just shrugged, returning his attention to the TV. You were currently watching Die Hard, your favorite Christmas movie. 
“The holidays were never special to me,” he mumbled. “Just another day, I was reminded that my Dad didn’t care.” You looked at him with a sad expression, and you could see him get slightly uncomfortable with your show of emotion. “Babe, you’re doing the puppy eyes again.”
“We have to do something for the season,” you pouted.
“We could have sex?”
“Kai!” you scolded, hitting him with your hand. He winked at you. 
“What? I think it’s special,” he munched on another chip, looking offended as you grabbed the bag out of his hands. 
“Kai Parker, I will give you one good holiday if it’s the last thing I do,” you exclaimed, crossing your arms defiantly. Kai rolled his eyes at your you-can’t-change-my-mind face, which usually meant he had to do whatever you wanted. Early on, before you were dating, it used to drive him up the wall. You were incredibly obstinate. But now, he found it slightly endearing, albeit annoying. 
“So what? We’ll get a tree, wrap presents, sing carols?” Kai chuckled. 
“No,” you hummed, twiddling your fingers. “I don’t celebrate Christmas.”
“You don’t?” Kai asked, gesturing to the TV and the green and red lights you had strung up around your apartment. 
“I celebrate Yule.”
“Oh, so super traditional,” Kai nodded. You were both witches, but while Kai grew up in a family devoid of love and happiness, you grew up in a traditional coven. The whole community raised you, as was tradition. It meant that when Christmas came around, while you enjoyed the cookie-cutter capitalistic nature of it all, you still celebrated Yuletide at your roots. “I’ve never celebrated Yule.”
“Then I’m going to show you how it's done.”
Yuletide started on December 21st, and you made Kai go to the market to get a Yule log to burn. You had to shoo him out after he began to crack many innuendos about his wood. Kai didn’t entirely understand the purpose of burning the log. 
“To ask for the light to come back as we sit on the coldest night of the year,” you explained, sitting in front of your fireplace. Kai sat next to you, sipping on mulled wine. 
“I don’t need the light to return; I already have you,” He winked. You gave him a pointed look, even with the blush coating your cheeks. 
“Where’d you hear that one?”
“Sounds like something a more romantic man would say,” Kai sighed. 
You kissed him before the fireplace before beckoning him to wear his winter coat and follow you. You took him out to the forest behind your house, covered in a fresh coat of snow. The tiny white crystals coated the ground and the evergreens. Even the birds were quiet. You loved watching Kai try to catch snow on his tongue, ever the child. He peppered you with questions about where you were going as you walked further into the woods. Eventually, you came upon a clearing where many of your covens stood around with lanterns. A bonfire was in the center, and witches exchanged gifts and ate hot food by the firelight. Kai looked around with a sense of awe and confusion. 
“Peaceful,” Kai settled on. He looked around with slight discomfort. As Kai struggled to identify and process his emotions, you got better at figuring out the things he was feeling. In this case, you had seen this look on his face before and knew what he was feeling. 
“You are allowed to feel peace,” you put a hand on Kai’s arm, capturing his attention. “Love isn’t conditional, and I’m sorry you were taught it was.”
Kai had a single tear cross his face, and you put up a hand to wipe it away. He nuzzled into your palm, kissing it and giving you a look of adoration. 
“I…thank you,” Kai said, speechless. Kai still struggled to say I love you, and you didn’t hold it to him. You knew by the fact that you managed to shut him up that he was overwhelmed. 
“C’mon,” you took his hand, leading him deeper into the clearing. You waved hello to several of your fellow covenmates and laughed as Kai kept sneaking food from the buffet tables around the clearing. After eating, you told Kai that you wanted to show him something. He followed you into the forest, a flickering candle in your hand. You brought him to a section of the forest where the coven liked to grow specific herbs and plants. It was under one tree that you stopped Kai. “Take a guess where we are.”
“The forest,” Kai deadpanned. You pulled off some of the berries from the tree. It took Kai a second to recognize them. “Is that…?”
“Mistletoe?” You answered, putting your candle down in the snow and smiling coyly. “I think someone owes me a kiss.”
Kai smirked, leaning in and kissing you passionately. His lips were cold from the temperature, but you didn’t care as you felt yourself melting into him. If there’s one thing Kai excelled at, it was kissing the living daylights out of you. When you parted, you smiled as you noticed the tree had grown even brighter around you. You didn’t even see when Kai siphoned you, inadvertently affecting the wildlife. 
“Thank you for making the holidays worth it,” Kai whispered, kissing you again. 
To him, you had made it all worth it.
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guiding lights | m. verstappen
pairing: max verstappen x singer!actress!reader word count: 1.7k words request: nope, at least i don’t think so. prompt: putting up decorations ⎯ “wow… that’s… a lot of lights.” from this prompt list. not my prompts, credits to the person who created it! warnings: allusions to sex, language, idk what else a/n: am i ready to jump back into a month-long challenge? nope, but i will try my best. i have tomorrow’s fic ready but i’m not too sure i’ll be able to complete this lol. friendly reminder that my requests are closed!
my masterlist / this is part of the 'superheroes and flat caps' series. find all the parts here! / 25 days of christmas masterlist
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she sighed, dropping her luggage once she opened the door, leaning her weight against it to close it as she entered her home. the house was cold, and dark. not even the light in the kitchen was on, which dropped her spirits a little.
it was officially the start of her winter holidays, max’s had started a week prior, -technically two, but he’d had other events that first week - which meant he’d been all alone in their house for a week, bored out of his mind with no company or distractions other than his simulator, netflix, or their daily videochats. 
during those last ones, she’d insisted he visited some of his friends, or invited them into their new home, but he refused, said she was supposed to be there to welcome guests, too. it was their first official home, and max couldn’t take all the credit for scoring such a great place like that. their new house was big, spacious, without being too much. she’d drawn a line when the real estate agent showed them a house with not one but two jaccuzis, in the backyard, besides a really large pool. she could see max was really, actually contemplating it, but she shook her head and muttered ‘uh-uh,’ her eyes open in a way that said ‘don’t even think about it.’ 
so, max was really taking the word ‘vacation’ literally. doing absolutely nothing but sit on the couch and watch movies - a few big releases he’d missed during the year-, and yell at the tv whenever a character did something stupid. he was living his best life.
meanwhile, she was working hard, finishing her new album, planning release dates and other marketing strategies ahead of the new year. and once everything was planned, she was more than eager, ready, to go home.
although this welcome wasn’t what she’d had in mind when she thought of finally coming home to max. it seemed that he’d finally listened to her advice and had gone out of the house, for once. she couldn’t be upset about it, max wasn’t someone that took solitude easily, he enjoyed being around people, although he didn’t express it verbally most of the time. 
she turned on the lights as she made her way in, grabbing her suitcase and walking to the washing room, making a mental note to wash all of her stuff the following day. after that, she walked further into the house, and couldn’t help but smile, a soft, content sigh leaving her lips as she took in the fact that this was theirs. not just hers, or max’s, but theirs. they’d jumped into this adventure together, and it still didn’t feel real.
a thud coming from upstairs caught her attention, she frowned as she heard another sound, like something had fallen. she rushed to a closet, where max kept his golf clubs, and grabbed one, soundlessly walking up the steps. there was an open door, the third room to the right, what they’d decided would be max’s space. she got closer, trying to peek her head in, and just at that second, max came out of the room.
she yelled, both in shock and surprise, which caused max to do the same.
“why are you holding a club?!” he yelled/asked, making her drop the object to the floor.
“i thought you were a burglar!” she ran her hand through her hair, feeling her heartbeat quickening, “i saw all the lights out and thought you were out somewhere,” she closed her eyes and placed a hand on her chest, catching her breath.
“jesus,” max’s chest was heaving, and they both stood there for a few seconds, recovering from the scare, and once that had passed, she jumped straight in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, he turned, placing her back against the wall for support, and looked her in the eyes, saying the words he’d been waiting for since he got to monaco, “welcome home.”
she smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him close, she buried her face in his neck, breathing in his scent and relaxing under his touch. one of his hands found its way to her hair, he tilted his head and placed a kiss to her neck as he curled his fingers around her hair.
“did you finish the song?” he asked, there was one song left in the album that was not ready yet. and she was okay with it not being in the album, she wanted to perfect it, no matter how long it took. ‘you are in love’ was being a pain in her ass, but this song felt too special, too important for them, for their relationship. 
“not yet.” she sighed, “i guess you’ll just have to do more romantic things for me.” she chuckled.
max stilled for a second, before laughing as well, kissing her again as he led her to their room.
after catching up (and making up for lost time), a forgotten thought ran through her mind.
“hey, what were you doing in your office earlier? when i came in?” she asked, looking up at him, her chin resting on his chest, fingers playing with the gold chain hanging from his neck.
“oh!, i was getting something i needed,”
“for what?”
“and what’s that something?” she raised an eyebrow.
“a surprise, for you. but it’s not ready yet. actually, i should go finish,” he said, gently cupping her chin and lifting her from his chest, he got up from the bed, putting on clean boxers and sweatpants, and throwing a hoodie on. 
“maxwell?” she called for him, max chuckled, it always humored him how she’d find different names to call him when she was annoyed at him, “you’re not seriously leaving me like this, right now,” she held the sheets up to her chest, watching him look back with a smile on his face. 
“i’ll be right back.” he declared.
“you’ll like it, i swear!”
“payback’s a bitch!” she reminded him, falling down on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
“i’ll be waiting for it, then. i’ll come back for you when it’s ready!” she heard his voice getting lower as he walked down the stairs, getting farther away from her.
she took her time alone to take a warm shower, doing her extended skincare routine, noticing how some of her products were less ful than what she remembered from the last time she was home. she chuckled at the thought of max experimenting with her products, applying the creams and serums to his face as his thought process told him to. 
“it’s done!” max said as he walked in the room, his head whipping around as he looked for her. “baby?” he asked.
“bathroom!” she said, and turned her head to look at him as she finished washing her hands. 
“you stole my hoodie,” he noticed.
“what happened to ‘what’s mine is yours’?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“there’s not a ring on my finger yet,” he said, making her laugh.
“there’s not one on mine either. better treat me right if you want me to stay,” she teased, “you’ve got points off for leaving me like that.”
“oh, but this will make up for it, i swear.”
“hm, that’s up to me to decide.”
he grabbed her hand, bringing her close to him, his free hand found her cheek, pressing his lips against hers, she responded softly, sliding an arm on his waist, curling her fingers on the fabric of his sweatshirt. her other hand reached inside his hoodie, grabbing the chain and seeing the small charm again, a smile on her face as she remembered the moment she saw it for the first time.
“no persuading me,” she tapped his nose, “now show me.”
he grabbed her hands, leading her out of the room and down the stairs, meanwhile he spoke.
“so i know this is our second christmas together, but it’s our first in our new home, and we have to make it special, right?” he asked, waiting for her to agree.
“right,” she said warily, not knowing where this was headed.
“we’ll need to get a lot more decorations compared to what we had last year, we have so much space here. anything you want. and i know you looove sparkles, so-” he said, leaving her through the sliding door, out into the garden, where everything she could see was warm glowing light.
little lights everywhere. and i mean, everywhere. 
around the trunks of the trees, all along the edge of the pool, the chairs and the roof of the house. even a few christmas trees made completely out of lights.
“wow, that’s… a lot of lights,” she whispered, overwhelmed by the amount of lights everywhere she looked.
“yeah, they’re to guide you home,” he said cheesily, a sly smile on his face. it was meant to be a joke, but she grinned at him, loving how open max had become to express his love for her, to her.
she hugged him, wrapping her arms around him so tight that max huffed out a little, before placing his arms around her shoulders and placing a kiss to the top of her head. 
“you know… when i said about doing more romantic things… i didn’t mean like right now. not that i’m complaining but-”
“i know. i just… i don’t know, i feel like since this is out first christmas and other holidays here, i think we should go all out.”
“that’s alright, we can do that.” she nodded, turning her head around, her eye catching a different kind of glimmer. the chain hanging from his neck, the charm with her initial on it, seemed to sparkle, reflecting the lights all around them as he moved. he grabbed her hands, taking a step back and twirled her around. she chuckled, not expecting the movement. she came back to him, placing a hand on his chest as he pulled her close. he started swaying, his free hand meeting her waist. and they slow danced under the moonlight, and all the christmas lights. “thank you. i love it.”
“you’re very welcome,” he smiled, kissing the side of her temple. 
“you’re paying the electric bill this month and next, though,” she made it clear.
“yup, i figured.” he laughed.
“we can start decorating tomorrow,” she declared.
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