#I was going for a fluffy ending but I thank Kitty mom for giving me the idea of having a little bit of angst
anna-sunberry · 12 days
Meeting in-laws pt.2
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Zelda: hii fluffy kitty, what's your name?
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Zelda: you're so sweet
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Aidan: you're here..
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Aidan: I'm sorry, love. I knew they wasn't satisfied that I'm going to marry, but I didn't know that it would be that awful.. If I knew beforehand, we would never go here.. Zelda: it's ok Aidan: no, it's not.. I am really very sorry, for everything they've told you Zelda: they're worried for you Aidan: that's not how we show people we are worried for them Zelda: I never have parents so what can I know about that Aidan: your parents' choices aren't your fault! You're the best person I've ever met and I love you so much.. Zelda: thank you, I'm fine, baby. Don't worry..
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Zelda: so this is your room? Aidan: yeah.. Zelda: I didn't know you were boxing.. so sexy
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Aidan: don't embarrass me.. Zelda: I like your room, it's so cozy, so Aidan .. -ish Aidan: Aidanish? what is this word? Zelda: I don't know.. but it feels that it's YOUR room, so many books, dark colors, vinyls
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Aidan: here I spent the worst years of my life Zelda: Aidan.. don't say it Aidan: but it is true.. I was locked in this room, with books, vinyls and homework.. I didn't have a chance to hang out with you, and when I managed to run for a few hours, I got punished when I back home, because they check my room every hour.. Zelda: why are they so strict?
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Aidan: I don't know.. when I was a kid I had the best childhood, we spent time together, go traveling, I had friends, they even let me go to a sleepover party to your house.. Zelda: yes, I remember that day Aidan: once my mother told me about the days when she didn't meet father yet, she run away from home, because of her strict parents didn't let her to be an artist. She took her cat and run away here, to Brindleton Bay, she was working working for an art gallery and was painting pictures for them, when she earned enough money she bought a house for herself Zelda: she was so brave Aidan: yeah.. and then she meet my father, he recently moved here after his parents passed away, after few months they've started dating and then mother find out she was pregnant and they've got married Zelda: it sound so lovely, but when did they become so protective and strict? Aidan: at the end of middle school, my mom find out she was pregnant.. but unfortunately she lost a child.. Zelda: oh no.. Aidan: since that day my parents changed.. I was afraid they will divorce, since that's what happens in most of cases, they even slept in different rooms for some time, but then they decided to be over protective about me.. and my hell life began Zelda: I'm sorry, my love.. Aidan: and I would like to understand them, they've lost a child, they're heartbroken, but they are doing everything to loose their only child now, because I am not going to support their opinion, you're my woman, I am going to marry you, and I don't care what they think about it
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Louis (from downstairs): Aidan, Zelda, come here we need to talk
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Aidan: WHAT NOW? what do you want from us? Louis: son, please stop yelling and take a sit, we talked with your mother and we need to say you something..
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Louis: Wendy?.. Wendy: I am very sorry Aidan, I didn't want to be so strict with you, if you love this woman. Aidan: Zelda! her name is Zelda, stop calling her this woman.. Wendy: if you really love Zelda, then I cannot do anything and I shouldn't stay in your way Aidan: yeah.. Louis: Zelda, we are very sorry that this dinner turned out like that Zelda: it's fine Aidan: no it's not fine, you were acting so rude, Zelda is my fiance, she is going to be my wife, and you humiliated her, you say so many bad words to her.. and you think that you can say sorry and everything will be alright? it is not her or mine fault that you lost a child, I deserve to be happy with a person I love Wendy: you don't need to bring up this topic, Aidan Aidan: no, I have to, since this happened you became overprotective, you didn't give me to breathe, you was controlling every step in my life Louis: we were just worried for you Aidan: since when career is so important for you? mum you didn't work a day at normal job mum, you run from home, you was artist, you live in a tent! Wendy: that's different Aidan: different? you run away from your strict parents, you should be grateful that I was kind enough and didn't run away from you Louis: we understand you, Aidan.. we are sorry Aidan: we better go home.. Louis: so you stay in Zelda's old home? Zelda: yes.. Wendy: it was empty for years, I bet it is dusty Aidan: I don't care of dust mum
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Hey everyone! So i have been really wanting to write a one shot of Tadashi and Hiro having a bonding moment since we didn’t get to see much of it in the movie or series.
So i decided to write about the time Tadashi taught Hiro how to ride his first bike, just like the first scene we say in the Series. Hiro is 7 and still in school in this timeline, plus I think it would be a super wholesome scene that we really needed to see in the show, but I’ll let you all decide.
This my first time I’ve ever written a BH6 Fic so I apologize if the characters are “out of character”. Ive never written Baymax or Hiro so i do apologize if its not exactly how their characters are in the show. anyway Enjoy!
Bike Day
It was a beautiful day in San Fransocyo, Tadashi was happy that it was the weekend. He had been working hard on a special project at school, that he missed spending time with his little Brother Hiro.
“Hey Little Bro! Time to get up sleepy head.” Tadashi said waking up his little brother.
“Tadashi, it’s Saturday and it’s 7:00am, we sleep in remember.” Hiro moaned sleepingly.
“Come on, we can’t get anything done if your asleep. Plus Aunt Cass and I have a surprise for you, but we can’t give it to you if your asleep.” Tadashi said turning around to leave gazing back at Hiro.
“Wait you said a surprise!” Hiro said excited shooting up from his bed.
“Yeah, but your not ready. So i guess I’ll just have to return it, what a shame.” Tadashi said giving a sad pout.
“No, No, I’m up!” Hiro said putting his shoes on.
“Okay, I’m ready!” Hiro said walking towards his brother.
“Alright, Aunt Cass said we have to eat Breakfast first.” Tadashi said ruffling his hair.
Hiro let’s out a small laugh “Okay, but can i get my surprise after?” Hiro asked fixing his hair.
“Yes, but you know Aunt Cass requires us to eat breakfast before we start the day heh.” Tadashi said with a chuckle.
“Okay.” Hiro answered walking down the stairs.
Tadashi and Hiro walked to the dinning room of the cafe and saw Aunt Cass cooking.
“Good Morning Aunt Cass!” Hiro and Tadashi said in unison.
“Good Morning Boys!” Aunt Cass said giving them a big hug.
“Take a seat, Breakfast is ready.” Aunt Cass said putting the Pancakes, Eggs, and bacon on the plates and putting it on the table.
“Thanks Aunt Cass.” Hiro said his Aunt.
“Yes thanks Aunt Cass, It’s delicious.” Tadashi complimented.
“Aww thank you! You two are so sweet!” Cass said with a thankful smile.
“Ohh did you tell Hiro about his surprise yet?” Cass asked Tadashi.
“Not yet Aunt Cass” Tadashi answered.
“Ooh I’m so Excited! Hiro i know you’ll love it!” Aunt Cass said picking up a few plates.
Hiro began to think what this special surprise was as he continued to eat his breakfast “I wonder what it could be, it could have been anything. A new video game, or some cool machine his brother invented just for him, or it could even be something I’ve been wanting for a long time, a bike.” Hiro thought to himself.
After a few moments Hiro began to eat a bit faster, Tadashi began to notice Hiro eating faster than he usually did.
“Whoa Hiro slow down, you keep eating like that and your going to get a stomach ache.” Tadashi said finishing his breakfast.
“I just really want to know what my surprise is?” Hiro answered finishing the last bit of food on his plate. Tadashi let out a small chuckle as he saw his brother finish his breakfast. He began to pick up his plate when he heard Hiro “I’m done! Can i go see my surprise now?!” Hiro asked excitedly.
Hiro noticed his excitement and composed himself, “I mean, I’d like to see my surprise now if i can? Not that I’m super excited or anything” Hiro said with a grunt.
Tadashi let out a small chuckle as his brother tried to act cool “Alright Hiro, but pick up your plate and put it in the sink.” Tadashi said putting his plate in the sink.
Hiro nodded and picked up his plate, he made his way to the sink but was to short to reach it. “A-almost g-got i-it..” Hiro grunted trying to reach the sink by stepping on his tippy toes.
“Here let me help” Tadashi said picking up his brother and putting him on his shoulders.
Hiro let out a small laugh as his brother picked him up and put him on his shoulders. He gently put the plate in the sink, “Thanks Tadashi” Hiro said.
“No problem bro, now you ready to see your surprise?” Tadashi asked holding onto his brothers legs making sure he doesn’t fall.
“Yes!” Hiro said excitedly.
“Alright lets go!” Tadashi said as he began to bounce up and down and moving side to side making airplane sounds as he took Hiro outside.
Hiro laughed and wrapped his arms around his brothers neck making sure he didn’t fall as his brother took him outside. Aunt Cass smiled as she saw her two nephews having fun, she knew it was hard for them to adjust to this new life when their parents died. Aunt Cass grabbed her camera and began to follow the boys outside when she passed the hallway and stopped in her tracks and turned to the side of the wall to see a picture of her sister and her nephews together. “If only you could see how much they have grown, you would be so proud of them. Especially Tadashi, he’s always there looking out for Hiro.” Cass said with a sigh gazing at the portrait. Aunt Cass turned back looking forward and saw Tadashi and Hiro opening the door, she looked back at the portrait once more and smiled as she began to walk to the door.
Hiro and Tadashi made it outside “Alright little bro, you ready?” Tadashi asked as he gently put his brother down.
“Yes!” Hiro answered.
“Okay I’ll be right back” Tadashi said as he went to the back of the house.
Aunt Cass came outside and stood next to Hiro “I think your really going to like your gift Hiro” Aunt Cass said with a smile.
“Really? Is it something I’ve been wanting like a new video game or a bike?” Hiro asked curiously.
“Well you got one of them right, but I’ll let you see for yourself” Aunt Cass said with a smile.
Hiro smiled back and stood close to his aunt as they waited for Tadashi.
Tadashi opened the garage and saw the present Aunt Cass and he bought for Hiro covered with a tarp.
“There you are!” Tadashi said as he grabbed the bike and rolled it out with the cover still on.
After a few moments Hiro and Aunt Cass saw Tadashi coming with a weird shaped present that looked familiar to Hiro “Ta Da!” Tadashi said as he pulled the cover off revealing a white bike.
Hiro’s eyes widen with excitement as he see the bike in front if him “It’s a bike! Wow thank you Aunt Cass!” Hiro said giving his Aunt Cass a hug.
Aunt Cass smiled and returns the hug, “What do you think Hiro? Do you like it?” Aunt Cass asked gently pulling away.
“I love it!” Hiro answered excitedly.
“Come on, stand next to your brother and the bike so I can take a picture” Aunt Cass said as she ready her camera.
Hiro stood next to his brother and smiled looking at the camera, “Say Cheese you two!” Aunt Cass said as she put the camera close to her face.
“Cheese!” Hiro and Tadashi said in unison as Aunt Cass took the picture.
“Perfect!” Aunt Cass said.
Tadashi looked at Hiro “You ready to get your first bike lesson?” Tadashi asked as he ruffled his hair.
Hiro let out a small laugh and playfully moved his brothers hand and fixed his hair, “Yes I’m ready, what do we do first?” Hiro asked.
“Well the first thing you need is your helmet and knee pads, Safety first.”Tadashi said putting the helmet on Hiro’s head.
Hiro closed the chin strap and began to put on his knee pads, Tadashi helped put on the last knee pad and stretch out his hand to help Hiro stand.
“You look cool bud.” Tadashi said playfully elbow bumping Hiro’s arm.
“Heh Thanks!” Hiro said with a smile. Hiro looked back at the bike and began to feel nervous, his mind began to flood with thoughts “What if i can’t do it? What if i fall and get hurt? Will i get made made fun of if I’m the only kid that doesn’t know how to ride a bike?” Hiro said getting lost in his thoughts.
Tadashi saw Hiro dazed and quiet “Hey you okay? What’s wrong?” Tadashi asked putting a hand on his shoulder.
Hiro snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his brother “I’m not sure I can do this Tadashi?” Hiro answered nervously.
“Why would you think that?” Tadashi asked confused
“I- what if i fall and hurt myself? Or what if I’m not good at riding a bike? I’ll get laughed at in school.” Hiro said with a sigh.
Tadashi took a moment to process what his brother just told him, after a few moments Tadashi went in front of Hiro and kneeled down to his level “Hey I know you’ll do great.”  Tadashi said softly putting a hand on his little brother shoulder.
“Do you wanna know how i know?” Tadashi asked.
Hiro nodded.
“I know your going to do great because your a smart kid and no matter what problem or task comes your way, you don’t ever give up.” Tadashi said
Hiro gave a small smile at his brother, he was thankful to have a brother who loved and supported him. “You really think I can do this?” Hiro asked.
“I know you can.” Tadashi said with a soft smile.
Hiro sighed and gave his brother a hug, “Thanks Tadashi, i think I’m ready now.” Hiro said.
Tadashi retuned the hug, “Alright, will start off easy okay?” Tadashi said retuning the hug.
“Okay” Hiro said gently pulling away from the hug.
Tadashi gently picked Hiro up and put him on the bike, “Okay Hiro, all you have to do is grab the handles and put your feet on the pedals” Tadashi instructed.
Hiro followed his brothers instructions and grab the handles and put his feet on the pedals “Wait!” Hiro said hesitantly and put his foot back on the ground.
“How will the bike stay balanced if my feet aren’t on the ground?” Hiro asked.
“The gravity is what helps the bike stay stable and upright, once you grabbed the handles you have to hold it straight so the bike doesn’t tilt or lean to the side while your trying to get it moving.” Tadashi explained.
I’ll be okay Hiro, I’m going to hold onto the bike while you put you feet on the peddles so you don’t fall. Then I’m going to need you to start peddling slowly while i push you  to get wheels moving okay?” Tadashi asked with a tender tone.
“O-Okay” Hiro answered.
Tadashi held onto the bike as Hiro put both his feet on the pedals, “Alright Hiro, go ahead and start peddling slowly” Tadashi instructed.
Hiro did as his bother instructed and began to peddle as best as he could. It was hard at first, he had to put a lot of effort and strength to move the pedals. After a few seconds of peddling the bike began to move slowly “Haha! Tadashi look I’m doing it!”Hiro said excitedly as his brother held on to the bike while he peddled.
“Great Job Hiro! See told you there was nothing to be afraid of.” Tadashi said with a smile.
Tadashi helped Hiro practice riding his bike, they went around the block and rode around the cafe. After a few more tries Tadashi knew Hiro was ready to do it once his own. “Alright Hiro, I think your ready to do this ride on your own.” Tadashi said.
“You really think I’m ready? You think i can do this turn on my own?” Hiro asked.
“I know your ready, you can do this little bro!” Tadashi said encouragingly.
Hiro smiled and nodded “You’ll still be here though right? Like if i fall you’ll be here?” Hiro asked nervously.
“Hiro I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.” Tadashi said reassuringly.
“Thanks Tadashi, I think I’m ready” Hiro said with a smile.
Tadashi and Hiro did their fist bump and went back to the bike lessons. Hiro grabbed the handles and put his feet on the pedals as Tadashi held onto his brothers shoulders.
“Okay Hiro, I’m going to let you go now. You ready?” Tadashi asked
Hiro felt a little bit of fear rise up inside of him, “No, no, no, Tadashi, wait!” Hiro said fearfully as he felt Tadashi let go.
“Don’t be scared, little brother. Just pedal harder! You can do it!” Tadashi said cheering his brother on.
“Go, Hiro! Yeah! Woo-hoo!” Aunt Cass cheered as she recorded the whole thing.
“Yeah, yeah! You got it!” Tadashi said with a proud smile.
Hiro felt that fear he had disappear as he saw himself riding the bike all on his own. “Haha, yes! I’m doing it! I’m riding a bike!” Hiro laughed proudly as he went back to his brother giving him a hug.
“See, I knew you could do it! I’m so proud of you Bro!” Tadashi said proudly returning the hug.
“Aww group hug!” Aunt Cass said as she hugged both of her nephews tight.
Hiro and Tadashi laughed and smiled embracing their Aunt Cass hug.
                        ~8 years Later~
Hiro opened his eyes and sat up from his bed, He gazes at the bike that his brother had given him and hie eyes begin to glisten with tears as the memory floods his mind once more. Hiro walks over to the bike and puts a hand on one of the handles as the memory continues to play in his mind.
Baymax wakes up from his sleep mode when he hears Hiro getting up. He turns to see Hiro standing near his bike “Hiro is everything alright?” Baymax asked scanning him. My scan indicates high levels of sadness, what’s wrong?” Baymax asked walking over to him.
“Nothing Baymax, I was just.. remembering something that happened a long time ago” Hiro said wiping away a few tears from his eyes.
“Hiro, it is good to talk about your feelings, and if something is bothering you. Whether it be with a loved one or a close friend, it would help you feel better.” Baymax stated.
“Thanks Baymax, I guess i was just remembering the day Tadashi taught me to ride this bike.” Hiro said sniffing.
“I miss him Baymax, i wish he was still here with us.” Hiro sighed sadly.
“It is okay to morn and miss a loved one” Baymax said giving Hiro a hug.
Hiro felt tears fill his eyes as he returned the hug.
“Thanks Baymax” Hiro said with a sigh wiping his tears away.
“I know Tadashi would want me to keep going, I know he is still with me” Hiro said sniffing.
Hiro’s phone began to ring with a txt message, “Momakase just stole something from Krei Tech, meet us there.” ~Gogo
Hiro looked back up and looked at the bike once more, “Tadashi wanted to help people and that’s what were going to do Baymax.” Hiro said determinedly.
The End
I really hope you all enjoyed it? I know it’s probably not as best as my other stories but I really wanted to write a BH6 fic and I really wanted to see this scene in the show. Sorry If some of the txt or story is a bit rushed or random, it’s been sitting in my notes for like 5 months and I haven’t touched it till yesterday heh😅 Likes, Comments, Reblogs, and constructive criticism is most welcomed and encouraged✨ I love hearing feedback from you all, it makes my day better and makes us writers feel good that something we work hard on is appreciated by our readers✨💛
I also want to thank @whitecatindisguise for helping me with the idea of giving it a little of angst ending✨ I also want to thank @bighero6dreams for the idea of writing this fic because I love the brotherly relationship these two have and we definitely should have seen more of it✨ also big shoutout to @baymaksu because I’ve read their fics and it’s what inspired me to write my own BH6 fic☺️
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Babysitting Aizawa’s 6... no 10 Nieces and Nephews
Hey There! Today we have the second part to the Aizawa fic I posted a few days ago! It can act as a stand alone so don't worry if you haven't read the first one! Ill try to post it here but I'm new at this. Also isn't much Shouta x you in this, just domestic fluff! More a set up for the loving in the next work, I hope you'll still read it anyway. Reader is neutral and I hope you all enjoy!
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Aizawa’s mom goes into the hospital for an emergency surgery and all his siblings turn to you to watch their kids, but you don't remember there names let alone their kids.
Words: 2610
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
You look a bit of mess currently. You were sitting at home in your pj’s with about 20 pictures scattered around you and 20 pieces of paper. You looked like one of those crazy conspiracies theorists. When in reality you were only trying to learn your boyfriend's family’s names and likes, in preparation for Christmas of course. It was not going so well all you could remember was Saika was the eldest sister but which sister was she exactly? You looked between the two pictures on the table. None of the Aizawa’s age so that didn’t give away and you couldn’t remember if she had the long hair or the bob. 
“God help me.” You mumbled with a sigh as you threw your head back. By some great miracle a phone call pulled you from the task. Surprised to see it was Aizawa you picked it up with a smile.
“Hey baby.” He said
“What’s up love? Aren’t you in class?” You said a tiny bit concerned.
“Should be but my mom’s going in for some emergency surgery, so me and my family are going up there.” 
“Oh, are you alright?? Do you want me to come?” You rushed out to him
“No, and I’m fine. It’s a fairly low risk surgery from what I’m told. There is of course something you could do for me.” He said lowly
“And that would be?” 
“My siblings need someone to watch their gremlins and I had the perfect person in mind.” He said with a light chuckle. You knew right away who this mysterious person was. Part of you wanted to say no because it was a lot of young kids but the other part of you knew you were gonna say yes.  Even if he didnt say so, Aizawa was worried and he didn’t need to be stuck watching the kids, none of them did.
“Yes, of course! Tell your siblings to bring them to my place. I got a few toys from babysitting years ago.” You said getting up to get ready.
“You're a lifesaver.” He said fondly
“Says the hero, I love you babe, everything is gonna be fine and of course be safe.” You told him
“Love you more, kitty cat. You’ll be great, see you when I get home.” He said hanging up. Well now you were panicking. How many kids were there again? What about their parents? You couldn’t even remember their names. How are you supposed to greet them? Holy shit what did you get yourself into is all you could think as you rushed to clean your house. You were barely finished when the first knock came, you opened the door with a small smile.
“L/N!” A tall black haired man said. He looked like Shouta no doubt but he had an undercut and was taller.
“Please call me Y/N.” You smiled at him.
“Aww, you're too sweet! Seriously, how did Shouta end up with you?! Anyway, This is Haru and Jun, they are gonna be good little boys for you, right?” He paused as the boys nodded. “Thank you so much we should all be back to pick the kids at 10!” He said as he started to leave. You waved him off and showed the boys in.
“Alright! So I’ve got a few toys and I think i've got all the cartoon channels. I want to make sure we get all your cousins here first before we do something really fun.” You said to the little boys who immediately went to sit on your couch and watch the cartoons that were playing. You let out a huge sigh of relief. It was done prematurely as a knock at the door was heard. You opened it to reveal his two sisters which was which you didn't know.
“L/N you sweet little lifesaver! This is the rest of them except Rei, Daisuke, and Maki. They all walk together from school, we let them know to come here so don't worry about walking to go get them. Also, only two of them are still in diapers so you should be fine! Thank you so much, love.” The shorter one rushed out before she left, pulling her sister with her. You looked done at the baby that had somehow got into your hands.  Alright this one was obviously in diapers, the one grasping on to your pant leg barely standing up was probably the other one in diapers. Okay you were now surrounded by um.. 6 six kids, maybe more you weren't sure. 
“Okay, now that we're all here, wanna play a game? It's really fun I promise.” You said with a cute little smile but you were lying. You only wanted them to introduce themselves and say who their parents were. You had no idea how to make it fun.
“What kind of game?” A little girl asked, wait you knew this one! She was the only young girl when you first met all the siblings, it was Nozomi, right?
“A umm…. A… A scavenger hunt! Yeah! We're all gonna introduce ourselves and then get into groups by who your Mama's and Papa’s are and see who can find all the treasures first! Whoever wins gets a super cool prize.” You said hoping they didn't ask too many questions about the game you just made up. Which they didn't they all were giggling and saying incoherent things excited to play.
“We’ll go first since we're the oldest. Im Haru.” The tallest one with his hair pulled back into a ponytail said. “I is Jun! Our papa is Shiori! Can we play now??” The cute little blonde one said. Okay 2 down, Tall and hair pulled back is Haru, Small and blonde is Jun, they are both Shiori kids. 
“Oh us next, us next! I'm Tetsuya, that's Umi, my lil sister, and Yukio is the one on your pants. My mama is Shizumi!” The boy said. He was a cute pudgy boy with black hair that covered his eyes. Umi, the little girl had her dark blue hair in two pigtails on top of her head.  Lastly the little boy holding on to your pants also had black hair but it was super curly.
“L/N, Oni-chans at school and Taiyo is too small.” Nozomi said with teary eyes. Okay so the one in your hand is Taiyo, another one of Saika kids. Okay you got this. You made it through all 7 kids, you would worry about the 3 at school later.
“Its alright me and you can be a team okay?” You said as she beamed up at you nodding. Alright with that you went to place the sleeping Taiyo on your bed. You left the door open so you could hear if he started to cry or moved around too much. You took a sheet and made a makeshift sling for… Yukio, right! 
“Okay so there are 3 hidden treasures around the house! One is a pink treasure chest filled with jewelry and prizes. The other is a huge blue fluffy whale, be careful it may bite! Lastly, there are 2 little lions wandering sound, we gotta catch. I'm gonna get you guys nets of course! First one to get all of these things and show me them gets a super cool prize!” You said as they erupted into cute tiny roars!
“Okay here are your nets! May the best team win!” You smiled at them as they took off. You felt a little bad for the Aizawa cats you had just set up to be chased but something told you they wouldn't mind. They were always so attention hungry this would probably please them.
“Okay then, lets go Nozomi!” You said grasping the young girl's hand. You knew where everything was of course so you just followed her around. Only helping her when you heard kids getting close to the hiding spots or helping her try to catch the cat. You guys had been playing for about an hour now, only needing to catch the cats who caught onto the game and were running for their lives.
“Kitty cat c’mere!” Jun said as he chased the gray cat around.
“Yeah! We jus wanna win.” Haru said following his brother. You laughed as the cat gently pawed at boys. Now that you were thinking about it there were so many boys in this family. Only 5 girls out of all these boys, Aizawa’s genes were strong for boys. You didn't get long to think before you saw a flash and heard a camera click. You turned to see 3 older children one with a camera.
“Oh man, Uncle Shouta is gonna be so happy.” The girl said with a smile. She looked to be about 12 and was blonde, if you had to guess she was Jun and Harus’s older sister. There were two boys next her one was probably the oldest of all the kids.
“Sorry for letting ourselves in, we were just knocking for a while and you didn't answer.” The older one said as they bowed.
“No no it's quite alright! Sorry for not answering, my hands are a little full!” You said as you had Taiyo still slung around your back and Umi squirming in your hands. 
“Yeah, we can see that!”
“Daisuke! Rei! We gotta catch the kitties so I can win a prize.” Nozomi said, rushing off to her brothers. You made a mental note of who was who.
“Oh no problem! Uncle sho’s cats are easy to catch.” Rei said and he was right, you just had to know how. He went over to the counter and got the cat treats and sprinkled a few on the floor. The cats came running and began eating as fast as they could. He then took the blanket/net and put it over the 2 cats and picked them up, they compiled so easily it was almost comical.
“Oh! Yay! I wins right?? I get the prize!” She said dancing around you.
“Yes you do! I should go get dinner ready but you can pick anything you want to take home.” You said booping her nose. She did a little gig before taking off like she knew what wanted.
“Alright, who wants to help with dinner!” You called to the kids you roared with agreement, racing to the kitchen
“Oh you three would you mind helping and introducing yourselves?” You asked as you took out a few different ingredients.
“Oh yeah! No problem! Im Daisuke, the eldest of all the Aizawa’s cousins. First year in high school actually! This is my little brother Rei, he is a middle schooler. Then the girl snapping pictures is Maki-chan she’s the closest to my age! Oh, Saika is my mom and uncle Shiori is Maki’s dad. What can we do to help out.” He said with a smile.
“I think they said introduce yourself but whatever.” Maki mumbled kind of chest fallen. You only laughed and pointed out what they could do while you helped the kids and before long boom, dinner was done. You might have to convince Aizawa to have kids soon cause they were actually helpful. You all set the table and sat down to eat, almost forgetting about Nozomi.
“Can I have this!” She rushed to you holding a black cat plushie that had red eyes. Aizawa had given it to you when he went on a mission that pulled him from home for a month. You gave a small smile to her.
“Of course! I said you could have anything you wanted, I meant it. Let's eat right now then you can go snuggle and lay down.” You said moving to pick her up and help her to the table. Your table of course wasn't big enough so the big kids were in the living room, the younger kids ate with you and the babies you fed first were now napping. You let out a breath, it was 7:30. They should be done by 10:00 at the latest and the younger kids would be asleep by 8:30, so you could say you had this in the bag. Dinner was peaceful to your surprise and now you were all washing up and laying down on the makeshift beds you made in the living room. Maki was taking pictures as you had put all the younger children into your shirts, it was quite a sight to behold.
“Alright everyone lay down!” You yelled as you grabbed the youngest and began rocking him back and forth. 
“We is ready” Umi said as she snuggled into her blankets
“Ready for what?” You asked cautiously.
“When we visit uncle Sho’ta he tells us ‘tories at nighty time.” Tetsuya slurred to you.
“Oh, okay then…. Um. Once upon a time there was a pretty Pink cat, who lived in a kingdom full of all kinds of cats. One day he got curious and left the safety of his kingdom. He went into a forest and everything was fine until he bumped into a big huge black wolf. He wanted to run back into the safety of his kingdom but the icy glare of the wolf kept him still. The wolf slowly opened its jaws…. Showing off its rows of bone crushing smile. The pink cat thought it was over for him until the Wolf smiled at him. ‘Your a little far from home, huh? Its okay I get lost sometimes! I can take you home.’ The wolf said, her tail starting to wag. The cat didn't know what made him say yes but he did. He continued to say yes time and time again, long after they had become friends. He said yes so many times to the cat he thought he might run out of yes’s to give. But when the wolf asked him to leave the safety of his kingdom behind and run around the world with him, though it frightened him. He said yes again without hesitation. And that's how the pretty pink cat learned to fly.” You said, it was a cheesy story with no real plot but it worked. You looked around to see everyone sleeping even the bigger kids. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You looked at the lot one more time before you went to work on something you had been meaning to all day. You continued to work on it even as 10 o’clock hit and you said goodbye to the kids one by one. Only stopping when a familiar set of hands wrapped around your waist. 
“What’s this, kitty?” Aizawa asked as he kissed your neck sweetly.
“Ahh, nothing much! Just a family tree with pictures and the things about your family.” You said as you stated proudly at your work.
“Oh that's sweet. I saw the pictures Maki took and that you let Nozomi have your cat, I know it was special to you.” He said nuzzling further into your chest.
“It's fine, I told her she could have anything and to be honest, I'm wrapped around every single last one of them’s thumb and I would do anything for them so it really was nothing.” You said playing with his hands.
“God, I love you, how did I end up with you? I mean god I just love you. Let's get in bed. I wanna cuddle you, Right. Now.” He said turning you around and picking you up.
“Yes, sir.” You said clinging to him like a koala.
“Oh and babe, you got Shizumi and Saika mixed up.” He said into your hair.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Forever & a Night//michael clifford
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Second NYE chronicles! This is some sweet and fluffy Michael with maybe a pinch of smut who knows🤷🏻‍♀️ I also got very carried away. Oops. reader insert but written as fem!reader
warnings: casual drinking, champagne, first time having sex, reminiscent memories
NYE Chronicles masterlist
Enjoy! feedback is always welcomed :)
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Michael’s holding your hand as he weaves through the New Year’s Eve traffic. The leftover snow glitters from the neon signs of bars and restaurants that are already flooded with New Year’s Eve celebrators. The radio station is playing the top forty song of the past year, Michael’s thumb rubs over your knuckles and circles the diamond ring that hasn’t left your finger since last New Year’s Eve.
“Remember our first kiss?” he asks you, his voice soft and soothing. 
His voice was one of the many things you love about Michael. The soft timber was the only thing that can calm you down if you’re frantic over a busy schedule, and the scratch of it tickled your ears in the early mornings. 
“Of course I do, it was also the first time we met,” you giggle resting your head on your seat to gaze lovingly at him. The lights on the street flickered over his face, accenting his pretty green eyes and perfectly pink lips. Lips you’ve kissed since you were fourteen years old. 
“You missed my lips the first time,” he chuckles, eyes sliding over to you as he rolls to a stop at a light. 
“I was nervous! You were my first kiss ever.”
It happened in the basement of your (at the time) best friend’s house, she was having a New Year’s Eve party and it was your first boy/girl party to attend. It was mainly kids from school so you knew everyone but stayed on the outskirts of the party taking it all in. You were at the snack table when a call for a game of Truth or Dare aroused and you scampered away as fast as you could. 
On the other side of the stairs was the tv where Michael and his best friend Calum were playing video games. Michael had on his signature dark gray beanie, making his face appear more round but you could see his boyish charms were fading into a teenager. At first, you thought he was annoying because he was loud and interrupted the teachers. Then he made a joke that you laughed at during math class and you realized how funny he was. His humor is what attracted you to him in the first place. 
“You got me with a blue turtle? Fuck you,” Michael shoved Calum with his shoulder and your ears rang at the cuss. 
It’s weird hearing people you’ve known since you were six use swear words now. Growing up is weird. 
“Hey, Y/N, you wanna play?” Michael asked and you stared dumbfounded that he asked and that he knew your name. 
“I’m fine watching,” you shrugged, moving to the floor in front of him. You sit cross legged placing your plate of snacks in front of you and start to munch. Knowing your manners, you hold up the plate of goodies. “Want some?”
“Thanks,” he smiled and took a few pieces of popcorn. 
“Is the pizza here yet?” Calum asked, his eyes focused on his character. 
“I don’t think so. I think Casey’s mom just went to pick it up.” 
So there you sat, watching them play Mario Kart ‘64 laughing at their banter and even shouting at Michael to pull away from the wall or to watch out for a banana that’s in his path. The pizza arrived and the three of you remained in the back corner of the basement enjoying your smaller party. 
When midnight neared, Casey shut the lights off so you could watch the ball drop. Michael pulled you to the back away from everyone else and for some reason you had butterflies in your stomach. 
Ten minutes until midnight and Michael moved closer to you so his bicep touched the top of your shoulder. He was very tall and your arm zinged from the contact. 
Five minutes until midnight and he leaned down to your ear.
“Would you maybe wanna be my kiss at midnight?” goosebumps formed on your ear and you never knew that was even possible. You nodded your head, too scared to look at him because you’ve never kissed someone before. “Cool.”
Your nerves were heightened as it ticked closer and closer to midnight. The other kids were becoming louder in anticipation of the new year but you were worried about where to put your hands and how to turn your head so your noses don’t bump. 
The twenty second countdown began and Michael took hold of your hands. His were cool and soft compared to your warm clammy ones. He moved you in front of him, holding you close as his thumbs ran over your skin. It calmed you down a little. 
You stared at each other as it became ten seconds. Your heart was about to beat out of your chest but you were hypnotized by his eyes. 
Party horns and silly string exploded behind you as you leaned up on your toes to give him a quick kiss. You ended up kissing below his lips a little and on his chin but you still felt a shock from the contact. Embarrassed, you buried your face in his hoodie, your face hot.
Michael hugged you back with his cheek resting on the top of your head. 
“Could we try that again, maybe?” he asked politely. 
“Now?!” you squeaked in shock. 
“Or later,” he chuckled. “How about we go back and play video games?”
He held your hand as he led you back to the tv area and you both sat a little closer to each other on the couch. 
“Hey Y/N?”
“Yeah?” you’re concentrating really hard on the tv screen and your fingers on the controller. Then you feel Michael’s lips smoosh on your cheek in a kiss. You’re frozen. Frozen in shock and heightened senses. 
“Happy New Year.”
Michael’s thumb is still rubbing your hand as you both walk into the lobby of the hotel. It’s still decorated from Christmas with a few blue and silver baubles for New Year’s. At the concierge desk stood Calum and his girlfriend who were dressed to the nines for a party they would be attending after the ceremony. Calum was in all black with a gold tie and a top hat to complete the look while his girlfriend had on a pretty silver dress that sparkled in the light. 
“How did we beat you here when it’s your day?” Calum asks.
“Got stuck in party traffic,” Michale laughs. “Love the hat, man. Is the officiant here?”
“Yup, he’s all set. We just have to get you in your dress,” Calum’s girlfriend beams at you. 
“Everything is in the room, right?” you ask, your voice shaking slightly from excitement and nerves. 
“Yes, but you can’t see what it looks like until after the ceremony. Come on, time to primp and pamper you!”
“I’ll see you in about an hour,” Michael says, tugging you against his chest. His long finger pokes your nose before he leans in to give you a soft kiss. “Breathe, baby. This is our day.”
“What are you and Cal gonna do?”
“I’m going to buy him a drink while we wait for you ladies,” Calum grins.
“Okay,” you sigh heavily. “I’ll see you soon.”
You hold each other’s hand until the last possible second, until it’s just your pinkies linked together and then you’re walking towards the elevator and he’s headed to the bar. 
Calum’s girlfriend covered your eyes as you entered the honeymoon suite you and Michael reserved for after the ceremony. You’re sat in a glam chair as someone works on your hair, two other people work on your nails and toes and another does your make-up. They’re all a well oiled machine and you close your eyes, seeing past New Year’s with Michael behind your lids.
On another New Year’s Eve when you were nineteen, you were with Michael at a cabin his parents rented out for the two of you. It became a tradition of yours to order pizza and play video games. But this year...this year was going to be special. When he picked you up in his old car and he kissed you hello, you felt different. 
The whole journey to the cabin was full of this energy you couldn’t quite place. It left you buzzing and in anticipation of what the night would bring. Sensing your feelings, Michael reached over and took your hand bringing it to his lips. You felt a surge of affection as you felt the shakiness of his breath on your knuckles. He was nervous too.
While you played video games and ate, you also had a drink or two as the night progressed. And as the night progressed, you became warm and filled with a burning you’ve never felt before. Michael was in the kitchen opening a bottle of champagne he brought and walked in with two gold flukes.
“For you my lady,” he handed you a glass then poured the bubbly in your glass. It simmered and fizzled the bubbles away while he poured his own. “This is called ‘34+35.’’
“What does that mean?” you asked while taking a sip then smack your lips together at the sweet taste.
“Probably the year? I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Hey! We need to toast first before you drink!”
“To our five year tradition and anniversary,” he smiled looping his arm around yours. “I love you, kitty.”
“I love you, too,” you smiled then you both took a drink.
Two glasses later, you were both laid out on the large couch with Michael nestled between your legs, your lips connected in drunken kisses. Both of you are in your underwear and Michael’s fingers are dipping under the strap of your bra. He pulled it off your shoulder and his lips moved to the free space above your breast. 
The scruff of his beard tickled your skin, his lips so soft on your skin as he kissed it lower, lower, and lower until he pulled the cup of your bra down. Being exposed to the air and his hot breath made your nipple harden. Michael sucked it between his teeth and you gasped at the newfound sensation. His lips puckered around your mound while his tongue flicked and circled your nipple. 
“Does this feel okay?” he asked, his voice a little raspy.
“Good...good,” you nodded squeezing his shoulders, “really good, Mikey.”
After a few more light suckles, he pulled your other cup down and used his mouth in the same fashion. You closed your eyes at the care he was taking with his mouth on you. He palmed your other breast, rolling your peaked nipple between his fingers and you rolled your hips against his trying to tame the heat between your legs. 
Soon after, the rest of your clothes were discarded and you stared a little wide-eyed as he rolled a condom on his hardened dick. He pumped himself twice to make sure it was on properly, his lower lip caught between his teeth. 
“You’re sure?” he asked and you shifted your eyes to his face. 
There was so much love and care in those sea glass eyes. In answer to his question, you dragged him by his neck so he was on top of you. 
“It’s you, Michael. I want you,” you mumbled on his lips. 
It took some time because it was the first time for the both of you. Tears pricked in your eyes as he nudged himself inside you, even with the lube he brought it was forgein to your anatomy but each inch felt better. 
You were both breathing heavily as he adjusted, he was very patient and his careful care made sweat form on his skin. 
“You feel amazing,” he panted closing his eyes. His head drooped to your neck, hot breath fanning your skin and he began to rock. 
Each pull and thrust the burn between your legs lessened and was replaced with a new sensation that made your toes curl. It was special, it was hot, it was all brand new but you loved every minute of it because you and Michael were perfect for each other. 
Afterwards, he poured you both another glass of champagne as you snuggled under the large blanket watching the New Year’s celebration on tv. You hadn’t even realized it was the new year because you were so involved with each other. 
“New Year’s Eve is my favorite holiday,” Michael said.
“You’re just saying that because you got lucky,” you teased taking the bottle from him. 
“Yeah I got lucky. Lucky to have you as my best friend, my girlfriend, and now my lover. New Year’s Eve is our day, babe.”
“Forever?” you asked, holding out your pinky. 
“Forever and a night,” he grinned, linking his pinky with yours.
You’re adjusting the flowers in your hand as you walk towards the small party room where Michael is waiting for you. About a year after that first time, Michael started off on his music career and with timing and being on different continents, that was the last New Year’s you spent with him until two years ago. You still were in each other’s orbits silently cheering the other on on social media. 
You met up again on New Year’s Eve at a mutual friend’s party. You stuck by each other like glue, reminiscing and catching up on new adventures you’ve both had. Discussions of break-ups, stupid moments, and other memories occurred and when the ball dropped you were already kissing. 
“It’s just you and him,” Calum’s girlfriend tells you quietly. 
The music starts inside, the doors open and she walks down the small aisle laden with glitter paper and flowers. You adjusted your dress, a pretty champagne color and took a deep breath as you made your way to your best friend. Michael couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
The ceremony was short and simple since it was just the four of you. Michael’s vows made you cry because he brought up past New Year’s Eve moments. He held your pinky the whole time then when you were declared husband and wife, he cradled your face in his hands pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
Your first kiss as husband and wife.
Photos were taken shortly after, then Calum and his girlfriend were off to finish the rest of the evening at a party. They offered their congratulations and happiness before you and Michael were finally alone. When the elevator doors open, he lifts you in his arms and walks across the threshold into your honeymoon suite.
“I’ll do this again when we’re back home,” he says nuzzling your cheek. 
The room is decorated with roses and candles. Near the window overlooking the city is a table with steak, shrimp, fruit, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. The meal is delectable, the champagne is your favorite ‘34+35’ brand. Michael snapped pictures of you and you took some of him. Then you took one with your hands over the other capturing your wedding bands. 
“How about we take a bath?” he asks, already scooting his chair from the table. 
The bubbles are warm and so is the bubbly in your flukes. You share kisses that leave your lips tingling and soon you’re in his lap. 
“I’m having deja vu here,” he mumbles moving his lips over your jaw. 
“I hope that’s a good thing.”
“It’s a very good thing.” he sucks on your neck and you gasp. 
Shortly after, you shift back into the suite and fall on top of the dark gold bedspread. Michael rocks into you and you’re filled with overwhelming sensations. He drags his tongue between the valley of your breasts and you gasp out his name when he hits a certain spot. 
Your fingers link and your wedding bands clink together just as fireworks explode outside. It must be midnight. 
“Happy New Year, wife,” he pants, his eyes glazed over as he looks down at you. He gives you a kiss. 
“Happy New Year, husband,” you smile lazily then bite your lip as your toes curl. 
“New Year’s Eve, it’s always been you,” he sighs, knocking his forehead to yours. His hips move at a slower pace. “My best friend, my girlfriend, my lover, my fiancé, and now my wife.”
“New Year’s is ours,” you smile stretching your lips to his in a gentle kiss. “Forever…”
“Forever and a night.”
He lifts your arms over your head, starting the new year the way you know best, connected.
Taglist: @calpalirwin​​  @thecurlsofgod​​ @myloverboyash​​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​  @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @lukeisbaby @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​ @idontneedanyone​ @dinosaursandsocks @haveufoundwhaturlooking4 @suchalonelysunflower​ @burstintocolor​ @zhangyixingxing1​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @stardust-galaxies​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @lovelybonesetc​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​ @calpops​ @superbloomed-c​ @ophelia-enthusiast​ @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​ @flaneurcth​ @dariangarcia
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Stark Spangled Challenge: Bumps In The Night
Summary- 5.3k Steve Rogers x OC Katie (Stark) Rogers. Its Halloween Night! and the Roger Clan is busy getting ready for the night ahead. Once Steve and Katie have some time to themselves for more adult themed fun, there are some interruptions that might set them back. All a part of life in the Rogers Household though. Set in What-is-your-plan-today’s SSB Verse. Warnings- Hinted smut. Its really mostly fluffy fun for these two. Might be a curse word or two, cause lets face it, its who I am. Moodboard made by @what-is-your-backupplan-today​ and the lovely dividers made by @firefly-graphics​
A/N- Congrats on your one year anniversary @what-is-your-backupplan-today​. I know this year has had its moments, but I am eternally grateful I have gotten to know you this past year, and that you shared some beautiful stories with us, full of laughter, awww, and tears. (You know the moments I am talking about.) Thank you for letting me also dabble a bit in your OC’s lives, I think this is number 3? Also for basically just bullshitting random stuff in your inbox every week. It was a great challenge, a hell of a lot of fun. And as always sending you all the Love Babes. 💙  
Be sure to read the follow up to this by @what-is-your-backupplan-today​ called Stark Spangled Forever: The Devil Wears Nada 
Steve Roger’s Masterlist
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Steve stabbed at the top of the pumpkin and cut around the top till he could pry it off, handing the pumpkin over to Jamie, who immediately started scooping out the seeds and innards, shaking his fingers a bit to shake off the sticky bites. Katie sat at the other end of the newspaper-covered table, wrinkling her nose. “I’m so glad this is your father’s holiday.” Flossie reached to grab a handful, and Katie scooped it over so the baby could squash it between her fingers. 
Rori nearby, who was told she could paint her pumpkin instead, leaned to dip her brush into the hot pink and then swirled it around her pumpkin with the tip of her tongue sticking out in concentration. “But it’s fun Mommy. In going to paint spiders all over for Auntie Nat Nat.” 
Harry gave a firm nod as he covered his pumpkin in hulk green color. “Yes mommy, fun. Hulk Smash!” He tossed his brush aside and started to use his fingers and hands, slapping green handprints all over it till it was covered. Soon his face was streaked with green and he looked beyond proud of himself. 
“Alright kids, you all know Christmas is your mom’s specialty.” Steve started to cut another pumpkin when Emmy came in, dropping her bag in an empty chair and rolling up her sleeves. 
“Moms christmas’s are the best.” She dropped a passing kiss to Flossie’s head, and then picked up a knife Steve had nearby, ready to take the pumpkin Steve was cutting the top off of. “But Dad’s pumpkins are really awesome.” 
“Thanks, Em.” Steve’s face flushed a bit at the compliment while he took the last pumpkin and opened it up, scooping out the innards just as Jamie started to finish his. Tilting it around, he looked at his mother. 
“Which side should I carve? I’m going to do a scary face this time.” He twisted his pumpkin back and forth, Katie studied it a moment and made a twirly motion with her hands. 
“Back that way, Yea. Looks flatter.” Jamie nodded and grabbed a sharpie, drawing a Jack-o-Lantern face on the pumpkin. “And your dad’s pumpkin’s do always look good on the front stoop. Why he does the pumpkins, and I take the pictures.” Moving to a stand, she patted a fussy Flossies back and took her to show her Rori’s and Harry’s wildly painted pumpkins. 
Emmy scooped out some more of the pumpkin guts and scrapped it all clean with a spoon. “Well I was actually going to ask you and Dad, how would you two feel about Peter and I took everyone trick or treating this year? It will be a warm evening, and Flossie always sleeps while being strolled around. You two could have an evening to yourselves, hand out some candy to kids, and spend time together.” The way she said it, Steve and Katie both knew she had given this some thought. When Steve looked over at Katie with a questioning look she gave a slight shrug and nod. 
“You sure you and Peter can watch over four kids?” Katie asked, slightly rocking Flossie back and forth. “Flossie can stay with us, she’s on a schedule, but I’m sure the other three would love to trick or treat with you and Peter.” 
Emmy gave a nod and plunged her knife into the face of the pumpkin. “I will message Peter and let him know, this was actually his suggestion. He was really excited when he mentioned it to me.” 
Steve gave a slight snort as he started carving. “And who are you two going as?” 
She grinned as she cut the grinning mouth and handed it to Flossie to inspect, who shoved the hard piece in her mouth to gnaw on, making a funny face at the taste. “We’re going as Han Solo and Princess Leia Dad. Pete’s a Star Wars fan.” 
“Course he is. Tony would have been thrilled to see Peter as Han Solo.” Steve turned his pumpkin to show Katie, who grinned as she leaned against Steve’s shoulder for a moment to look at his work. 
“He would have loved it and never let you live it down that you carved him a pumpkin.” She said softly, and Steve kissed her forehead. 
“Why I carved it.” Sitting on the pumpkin, was a carving of Ironman, Katie rubbed her face against his shoulder a second to collect herself. Memories of her brother still snuck up once in a while, but there were so many good memories that she didn’t mind. 
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“It’s nice to see him still a part of the holidays. And this…” she pulled out her phone to take a picture to send to Pepper. “Makes me start to like fall a little more?” 
Steve gave a shrug, a bit of pink rising in his cheeks at how pleased Katie really did seem with it. “Jamie’s old iron man always ends up on the Christmas tree, and we started doing that sponsor a turkey in Tony’s name…” He drifted off, Katie giving a bit of a laugh. They always bought a turkey to be rescued, naming him Marv, it just seemed a fitting memory for Tony. 
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It was starting to get dark. Katie was helping Rori dress in her outfit, giving a slight sigh and grin at her daughter’s antics as she stood in the mirror, inspecting her mother’s artistic skills. “I need more whiskers mom. Cats have more whiskers.” Katie leaned down again with the costume makeup kit. Using the black pencil, she etched two more on each of her cheeks and pointed to the mirror. 
“Okay how’s that Princess?” she asked, trying not to be sarcastic as Rori leaned in and stuck her ears on. 
“Perfect! Let’s go get Jamie and Harry, I want my candy.” She grabbed her trick or treat bag and marched out of the room, a girl on a mission. Katie followed to hear Steve talking to Jamie. 
“Okay, I’m trusting you to help Peter and Emmy look after Rori and Henry.” 
“Yes, dad I will, okay? I know I know.” 
“Sorry sorry, remember to have fun.” There was a rustling when Jamie scoffed and when Rori just slammed the door open and marched in like she was on her very own catwalk, you could see Steve holding a dinosaur Harry who took one look at his mother and held his hands out for her, which Steve passed over, and Jamie was straightening a wig he had on, having painted his face green, between him and Steve, they somehow managed to glue knobs on the side of his neck. Katie looked over her kids and gave a nod of approval. 
“Oooh, you all are spooky.” She shivered and Harry laughed in her arms giving a roaring sound. When Katie gave a fake scream, the little boy broke down in laughter, half hanging out of her arms. 
Rori started twirling around on her toes, showing off her costume. “What do you think, Daddy?” She sang and Jamie gave a smirk. 
“Don’t you know Stark chases cats up trees?” Jamie started teasing, and Rori stuck her tongue out at him. 
“Cats rule and dogs drool Jamie!” she retorted, and Jamie opened his mouth to say something when Steve cut them both off with a stern tone. 
“Cut it out you two or Emmy and Peter will just be taking Harry out. Rori lets see that spin again.” 
Both kids’ mouths snapped shut because they didn’t want to lose the privilege, Rori gave one more spin and gave her painted nose a wriggle. 
“Look just like a Halloween kitty Rori.” Steve smiled at her, Jamie quick to pipe up. 
“Year Rori, you look really cool.” 
Katie chuckled at their quickly changing attitudes and set her dinosaur down, who clamped right on Steve’s leg, looking up at his daddy giving a squeaky roar. 
“Oh! There’s a Trex on my leg!” Steve yelped and picked him back up, handing Harry his own trick or treat bag. “Okay, my Youngin’s, down to the living room to wait for Princess Leia and that boy.” 
“Han Solo Steve.” Katie rolled her eyes at him in passing, checking on Flossie who wriggled happily in her pack and play. “You hungry Little Girl?” She collected her and went into the living room with everyone else to wait, she had settled on the couch and was feeding Flossie while the kids all sat around watching Halloween Town when Emmy announced they were there. Steve pushed up from the couch to go greet them, all three kids rushing to follow him. Katie finished feeding first and turned her to her shoulder to burp her. Going out, she saw Emmy showing her costume to Steve, and Peter shuffling a bit in just Steve’s presence. But visibly relaxed once Katie had come out. 
“How do you think we came out Mom?” Emmy pressed in against Peter and hugged her arm around his waist, which he returned the gesture. 
“You two look great! Love the characters you two chose.” Katie genuinely praised and Rori swung her bag. 
“Can we go now?!” she whined and this time Katie gave her a reprimanding stare. 
“As soon as we are done talking to your sister and Peter. Patience Rori. And I want some pictures of all of you on the porch with the pumpkins.” Of course Rori perked up hearing that. 
“Can I wear my princess tiara?” 
“Yup, go upstairs and get it, we will take pictures afterward.” Katie smiled at her, and the little girl sprinted towards the stairs. Jamie was just about to say something when he caught sight of his father’s face clearly telling him to zip it. 
“I will be outside with Stark.” the boy patted his thigh, the dog pushing up from his bed and together they went out into the yard. Stark raced forward, diving right into a huge pile of leaves Steve had raked that morning, making Jamie laugh as the dogs head reappeared, half scattering the pile in his bounds back out to reach his boy for praises and head scritches. Steve, having watched all of this just shook his head with a chuckle before turning back to his oldest and her boyfriend.
With just the four of them left now, Steve remarked to both Emmy and Peter. “They are very excited, don’t let them run you over though.” 
Emmy shook her head with a smile. “Rori and Jamie? They won’t be an issue.” 
Peter was currently squatted down with Henry, playing a game with the little dinosaur. “They are always really awesome with us Mr.Rogers, I don’t see there being any problems. And were just staying in the neighborhood.” 
Emmy gave Steve a ‘See Dad, he’s responsible’ look, which Katie hid a smirk against the top of Flossie’s head, giving a gentle kiss. Steve gave a look of defeat, Peter was really good with all the little ones whenever he was over. 
“How about we head out to the porch? I hear Rori coming back down the stairs.” Katie suggested while sure enough, one black cat with a shimmering tiara bounded around the corner, throwing her hands up in the air. “Ready for my pictures!” 
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Once pictures were done, Steve and Katie reminding everyone to behave for Emmy and Peter, they stood on the porch together waving. Katie leaned into Steve’s side, watching him closely as he kept an eye on the group till they were out of sight. 
“You all good Soldier?” she asked, and he glanced down in surprise, a smile forming on his face. 
“Yes, just weird not to be with them.” His hand rubbed down Katies back. “But we got the next couple hours to ourselves, how about we make it like old times? Except I will order us some take out. You go enjoy a bath while I put Flossie down, and we will watch a movie?” 
Heading back inside where it was warmer, Katie nodded, and handed Flossie over to Steve. “I think that’s a great idea, Steve. Is this pre or post dating old times?” 
“Post, cause fooling around on the couch is permitted. Italian or Chinese tonight?” 
Already Katie was reaching up to her ponytail and removing it. “Italian, get that penne arabiata, get extra garlic knots to.” She went to tiptoes and kissed his cheek before heading up the stairs to go pamper herself. Steve was already pulling out his phone to pull up their favorite takeout number when the doorbell rang. Looking out to see a group of trick or treaters, he set Flossie down in her pack and play, grabbing the bowl of candy they had set up earlier next to his pineapple bowl, and opened the door to the chorus of kids. 
“Trick or Treat!” the group sang out and bags were held up with expectations of candy to go flying in. Which Steve did, fistfuls of candy tossed in, praising each costume he saw, a cowboy, an alien, princess, and then a teeny tiny little Captain America stepped up, holding his bag up towards Steve. Steve might have given him a bit extra.
Finishing getting the order placed, sure not to forget the extra garlic knots, Steve gave Flossie a quick bath in the sink just to clean her up, and wrapped in a towel, he carried his sleepy daughter upstairs to put her down. So far they have been lucky with her, not too fussy lately, as soon as he laid her down, she settled right in. He poked his head in momentarily to check on Katie, who looked so relaxed in all the bubbles, that he eased away and back down the stairs. 
Steve set about opening a bottle of wine, and he went through the tv selections till he found one of Katie’s favorite movies. 
He never cared for the scary movies, so Stephen King wasn’t necessarily one of his favorite artists. But the first time she had him watch The Green Mile, he really enjoyed it, which thrilled Katie seeing how much she loved. And the film, well it had a special meaning just for the two of them. 
Get busy living, or get busy dying. 
Yup, this would be the movie tonight, and as he finished setting it up, the doorbell rang. Digging out his wallet, he gave the delivery kid a nice tip and started to take the food out as Katie made her way down the stairs. Hair braided down the back, loose sleep tank and fuzzy warm plaid sleep pants. Her nose was lifted with appreciation, and she danced over to the counter, opening the bag immediately of garlic knots. “Steve, you’re the best for not forgetting the knots.” Immediately she ripped into one of the buttery rolls and popped the piece into her mouth. 
“Would you like a glass of wine with that?” He asked, already knowing the answer, and started pouring. 
“Mmhh, a man who knows the way to my heart.” She took the glass and sipped before going to grab plates and forks to serve them up. 
“I hope after all this time I do.” Steve chuckled, grabbing things like napkins, the bottle of wine, a beer for himself and Katie’s garlic knots. She brought the plates with her to set them down on the coffee table before falling onto the couch. “Flossie all tucked in?” 
“Passed out as soon as she laid her down. I think today’s activities tired her out.” He pulled the baby monitor from his pocket, turning on the screen to see Flossie had already shifted in her sleep, but still out of it. He set it up on the coffee table so they both could check in on her on occasion. Katie glanced to the tv screen as she got comfy on the couch. 
“Ahhh, one of the best.” She cuddled up next to Steve, feet tucked up and her plate balancing on her thigh. 
“Well this is as spooky as I like getting with movies.” Steve admitted while hitting play, and Katie chuckled, looking up at her husband while she took her first bite of pasta. 
“Yea, you don’t seem like a ‘Scream’ kind of guy.” 
He smirked while sipping from a bottle of beer, his blue eyes glinting at the innuendo that fell from him next. “Only Scream I want to hear is you saying my name.” 
Katie rolled her eyes at him with a laugh, shaking her head while stabbing her fork into her penne. “You might get lucky and have that happen later. Maybe. Start the damn movie Soldier.” 
A wiggle of Steve’s eyebrows teased further while he hit play, and they both ate in silence for the most part, Katie giving up first and setting her plate back on the coffee table, sipping from her wine and settling back in against Steve. 
Katies arm went around the back of Steve’s neck, letting her fingers tangle in the short hairs, and then her fingers trailed along his chain, seeking out a tense muscle at the back of his neck and rubbing her fingertips over it. It felt good, enough for Steve to close his eyes, tilt his head forward and enjoy the sensation that it caused to ripple along his back. “Mmmhh, right there Baby.” Digging in deeper, she shifted, pressing in closer, and watching as Steve’s face twisted a bit with pleasure at the way her fingers were working the muscles. 
“You know Steve, it’s going to be a while before the kids get home and Flossie will be down for a while.” That caught her husband’s attention, his eyes opening back up to look at her as she licked her lips, and catching the bottom with her teeth. 
“We should really take advantage.” Steve started as he shifted a bit to offer more of his lap. “Come here Doll.” He grasped her hips and shifted Katie easily into his hold, a soft squeal of delight coming from her.
Katie was straddled in his lap, fingers moving to twist in his hair and large firm hands pressed against her back to pull her in closer, any words were lost between exploring lips, and soft sighs shared. This was familiar to both of them, fingers exploring, nudging of noses against the other to draw back into hungry kisses. As familiar as it was, it was exciting, Katie starting to rock herself in Steve’s lap, and his pants grew achingly tight the more his wife grinded herself in his lap. 
“You’re going to drive me crazy.” he groaned into her neck where he was chaining kisses down, and Katie bit on his earlobe, sucking it to flick her tongue against the sensitive spot, moving enough to trace the shell of his ear with soft lips and heated words. 
“That is the goal Captain.” a husky tone drove her point home, and Steve with his arm wrapped around her tightly, shifted the two of them till his larger frame pressed her into the couch. 
“How much time till everyone gets home?” Steve asked as he drew up Katies tank top, flushing kisses along her collarbone and tugging it over her head to discard nearby. Grabbing his wrist, she twisted his arm enough to look at the time.” 
“It’s just after seven now, so maybe forty five minutes?” letting go, she looked up at Steve, teeth pulling at her lips as her eyes roamed over his face. “You got time.” Wrapping her hand in his dangling chain, she yanked on it hard enough to draw Steve forward, crashing open mouths together and wrapping her legs around his waist when he lost balance and just about fell on top of her. 
Katie knew she had caught Steve unaware, but he recovered quickly with a grasp to her hips and jerked her up the couch to give himself more room. Katie started to tug up his shirt to get to his shoulders, his chest, when the all familiar chime of the doorbell went off, and both of them froze in place. Steve hovering over Katie, his shirt half dragged off him, Katie arching her lower back to press into him. Both wide eyed at each other when the doorbell went off again, and a chorus of kids sang out “Trick or Treat, smell out feet, give up something good to eat.” 
Katie busted out in a giggle, and peeked over Steve’s shoulder to see the shadows on their porch. Steve dropped his head against her shoulder with a groan, and pushed up off the couch, giving a parting hissing kiss. 
“Don’t go anywhere Doll.” Off the couch and he pulled at his sweatpants to try and hide his semi erection, straightening his shirt. “Give me just a second.” Steve said with a raised voice when he grabbed the candy bowl. This time when he opened the door, there was ninjas, a witch, an angel, and a exhausted looking parent flashing a sorry smile at him. 
“Happy Halloween kids” Steve held out the bowl and insisted each kid take themselves some extra, now kind of looking for an excuse to be able to turn off his porch light for the night. But he didn’t have it in him to do it before they were out of candy. Giving a wave as the kids thanked him, he let the door close and went back to the couch to see Katie half watching the movie. But hearing him approach, she turned her eyes up to him and gave a crook of a finger with a grin. “Where were we Soldier?” 
Steve lowered back down onto the couch, pressing Katie to her back with caging arms, kisses going down from her neck to her shoulders. “Exactly right here.” He rumbled between the brush of his lips along that rush of her pulse. They only had 35 mins now, the thought danced in the back of Steve’s mind while his hands rubbed along her sides, then dipped his fingers into her soft comfy pajama bottoms to rub at her core through her panties, making her sigh and shift to tighten her legs back around him, her eyes softening to a lust filled haze as she pressed further against his fingers with the soft whimper of need. “Stevie…” Fingers tightening into his shirt and then she tugged at it, this time dragging it off so she could really touch him. That first push of her hands against his chest and down his stomach, it was hard not to control the tensing of his muscles, making Katie bite at her lip as she started to wriggle more, want more. Steve caught her lips with his as his hand withdrew, going to fold fingers into her bottoms and pull them off when a crash came from the kitchen. 
“What the hell?” His head whipped up and concern crossed his face. Katie tipped her head back to look in their kitchen, but couldn’t see anything. “I better go look.” 
As he got up, Katie twisted back to sit up and grabbed the baby monitor to check, and see Flossie still sleeping peacefully through the loud bang. Katie moved to grab her tank and tugged it on, as well as collect their empty plates, and called out. “Steve? Is everything okay?” 
Steve walked in a bit cautious, looking around to see nothing looked out of place. A frown crossed his face as his eyes searched the darker areas of the kitchen, his hand sliding along the wall to find the light switch and flicked it on. That’s when he heard something shuffling against the floor just out of sight behind the kitchen island. Going around it, there he found Stark with one of the pasta containers, chasing it around as he licked the sauce out of it. Katies voice rang out questioning, and he scowled at the dog, his hands falling to his hips. “It’s okay Katie, just Stark.” Turning his attention back to Stark who seemed to realize Steve was there, and he lifted his head from the take out box with a wag of his tail. “Yea, buddy you kinda just blocked me.” he sighed as he reached down to grab the box and scowled at him. “And when do you counter surf?” Stark just stared at him, then leaned forward to attempt to swipe his tongue against Steve’s face, but the man yanked back in time, shaking his head. “Nuh uh Stark, that isn’t going to fix it, i’m mad at you.” Moving to straighten, Katie came in with empty plates and opened the door to the dishwasher to put them away. 
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“So what was it?” her eyes scanning around the room, Stark looking innocent between them and Steve stuffing the empty containers into the garbage. “Was it Stark?” Katies eyes narrowed at the innocent face while closing the dishwasher. 
Steve gave a nod. “But my fault, I left the take out boxes on the edge of the counter.” Why was he defending Stark? Well he did have a soft spot for the mutt. “Any why didn’t you wait on the couch?” This time he crowded her into the counter to lift her to perch on the edge, Katie looking at Steve with an arch of her brow as her hands seemed to have a life of their own, sliding palms over his chest, scratching lightly. “Because now we’re at 25 minutes before Emmy walks through that door with three exhausted kids, and we have to get them in the bath and bed. While keeping them away from the candy.” 
“You know I like a challenge.” Steve drew her in closer around him, making Katie giggle as they resumed their teasing from earlier. 
“You really think you can do all you want to do, and have me presentable for the family.” she locked her legs back around him and grinded herself against him. 
“Doll, you really doubt me?” Steve grinned a bit, cupping the back of her neck and tilting to kiss her breathless, once more the two of them playing a game of pull and push, bodies flushing against each other, and just about to take it to the next step. Steve grasping Katies clenching thighs around his waist when a cry emitted from above them, and next to them. The baby monitor was just seconds behind Flossies cries above them, and together they stilled, Katies forehead leaning against Steves as she drew in a frustrated breath. 
“She’s hungry, it’s her feeding time.” Breathing that out, Katie cupped Steve’s face and gave just a affectionate kiss, her emeralds shimmering with a hint of amusement. “We were not even close.” 
Taking a step back, Steve shook his head, lifting Katie off the counter. “I will go get her and bring her down Doll.” He offered, Katie giving a nod while she decided to make her a bottle this time. 
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Upstairs Steve saw a fussing Flossie, little fists waving and big eyes filled with tears. Steve shushed Flossie a bit while he picked her up, pulling her into his shoulder where he felt his littlest snuggle with soft cries into his shirt. “Now now baby girl, are all these tears needed?” His hand which covered her entire back made gentle soothing circles as he rocked himself back and forth gently. “Moms downstairs making you a bottle right now.” 
Reaching for a soft blanket and draped it over his free shoulder while leaving the room. He was quick to go down the stairs, and back into the kitchen to check on Katie’s progress. Looking over her shoulder, Katies gaze softened seeing the two of them, and she tilted her head to look at Flossie who quieted once she saw her mother. “Did you tell Daddy that yes, all those tears were needed?” glancing up at Steve while she grabbed the bottle, he gave a confused look at how she knew what he had said, she nodded towards the baby monitor. “Heard you talking to her earlier.” Brushing past him, Katie got comfy in there makeout spot earlier, holding her arms out for Flossie. Earlier frustrations were gone as she pulled the baby into her arms, kissing the silky soft baby head while she offered the bottle. Eagerly, Flossie sucked on the bottle’s nipple, her eyes crinkling in the corner in happiness. Steve watched a moment before the doorbell rang once more. Dropping a kiss to the top of Katies head, he went to the door, automatically grabbing the candy bowl off the table and opening it. This time he was met with a black tiara wearing cat, one dinosaur, one frankenstein, a han solo and princess leia. Then behind them was one Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson grinning like idiots. “Trick or Treat!” 
Steve held onto his bowl and smirked at his kids. “Well aren’t these just the coolest costumes of the night… I suppose you all want some candy and head on home?” 
Jamie grinned and held out his almost overflowing bag, Rori marched past her father, and announced she was home with a loud “Mom! I got so much candy, and everyone loved my costume.” Bucky and Sam went around the two younger adults holding the dinosaur, Bucky grabbing the bowl from Steve’s hand. 
“Happy Halloween Schmaptain Schmerica. Damn Wilson, they have the good candy.” Bucky started picking through it, and Sam grabbed the bowl from his hands. “Hey!” 
“Let’s see what you call good, you old fart. If you’re talking about licorice, you’re certifiable.” 
Their voices drifted off as they went into the living room. Peter and Emmy came in next, in which Emmy grabbed her car keys out of the pineapple bowl. “Peter and I got invited to a party after we finished up. So I won’t be home till late Dad. The kids were great, no problems at all. I’m just going to go say goodnight to Mom.” Taking Peter’s hand, she pulled him into the living room, Henry hanging on her hip. Steve decided to step outside for a moment, take in a breath of fresh air, clear his head. 
It had been an interesting evening to say the least, but Steve wouldn’t have had it any other way thinking back on it as he tipped his head back to admire the night sky, the moon a full one this year casting everything in that eerie glow that just seemed to fit this night. Katie and him had fun together, even with the interruptions, the kids all had a blast as he could hear the laughter coming from behind him, and everyone was back home. 
Well… mostly. But Steve trusted Peter for the most part to take care of Emmy, although he knew she could easily handle herself and had them on speed dial. Speaking of, he could hear Emmy and Peter making their way back out the door,  talking to Katie who was following behind them. She paused at Steve’s side, leaning into his warmth as it got chilly out now. 
“Be safe, and have fun.” Katie finished off what she had been saying and Emmy nodded. 
“Of course, I will be home probably after midnight.” she assured her parents, and Steve pipped up. 
“Need anything just call.” 
“Yes, will do. Bye you guys, love you.” Emmy pulled away with Peter, and soon it was just Katie and Steve on the porch, together they walked off the steps and turned to look at the glowing pumpkins, their candles dying down to flickering flames. Steve’s hand rubbed against her bare arm, the tank top not protecting her much from the cold. “Ready to go back in?” 
“Go back in, collect Flossie from Bucky and Sam, get the other two into showers and one roaring dinosaur into a bath. Put them all down for the night? That sounds like something a task force is needed for.” 
“Yea, that kind of go back in.” Steve chuckled softly, knowing it was gonna be a bit of a fuss getting the excited kids all simmered down with how excited they were. 
“I left Sam and Bucky entertaining to catch a few extra seconds with you before the madness starts.” she twisted into his hold, hugging him and tilting her head back to look up at him. “But, if you’re up for it, I think tonight in bed we should pick up where we left off. Without all the interruptions.” 
“Only if you are still wanting Mrs.Rogers.” Steve assured Katie, who nodded and grinned. 
“Let’s blow out these pumpkins and get started.” Going back towards the house, where a loudly singing Rori and Sam sounded like they were doing a disney duet, Katie and Steve blew out the glowing pumpkins and went back inside to get everyone situated.
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chaerrie-on-top · 4 years
The Stars Aligned For Us
Shy, social outcast Kim Dahyun wishes for a best friend to somehow magically appear in her life (spoiler alert: her wish comes true).
sana x dahyun (+ other twice pairings)
fluffy and angsty 
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Chapter 1
It's a gloomy evening in Seoul, and Dahyun has decided to spend the day curled up on the couch of her tiny apartment. She had been watching movies and dramas since she got home from class around three hours ago, waiting for the rain to pass over. The rain had stopped maybe twenty minutes ago, but Dahyun wasn't quite ready to depart from the warm, cozy couch. Scooping up another handful of popcorn, Dahyun shovels it into her mouth while giggling at the funny scene playing on the TV in front of her. She hears the front door leading into the apartment jiggle, and quickly searches for the remote to pause the drama as she doesn't want to bother her roommate. Her heart speeds up and her sweaty palms pat the blanket and cushions of the couch as she blindly feels for the remote. Dahyun's roommate, Chaeyoung, rounds the corner of the hallway leading to the living room, the girl a bit wet from the rain.
"Hey," Chaeyoung smiles, kicks her shoes off and leaves them at the shoe cubby at the end of the hallway. She reaches up and gathers her long, shiny black hair in her hands. Chaeyoung makes a sound of annoyance as she ties it into a low ponytail: her previously styled hair now disheveled from the rain.
"Hi." Dahyun replies. "H-How was class?" Dahyun almost rolls her eyes at herself, frustrated with how even the smallest interaction makes her flustered. She wipes her sweaty palms on the knit blanket draped over her body, her empty hands making her realize she never found the remote.
Chaeyoung shrugs, makes her way across the room and into the kitchen joint to the living room. "It was okay: kinda boring. Would've been better without the rain." Dahyun's head is spinning with anxiety, so she just musters out a noise of acknowledgment. She saves herself the embarrassment of stumbling over her words. Chaeyoung grabs a glass of water and some seaweed chips before announcing her plans to go study. Dahyun nods in, again, acknowledgment and watches Chaeyoung disappear into her bedroom. Dahyun lets out a sigh; the interaction is over but she's still dizzy.
Dahyun's phone, which had been sitting on the coffee table, suddenly starts ringing. Startled, Dahyun slaps on hand over her heart while the other reaches forward and snatches the phone up. "Ah, hello?"
"Hello, Dahyun-ah you sound flustered," its Dahyun's mother on the other end.
"I was talking to my roommate. I didn't expect my phone to ring so suddenly."
"Oh, okay. Finally you're talking to someone. Are you still eating lunch alone?"
Dahyun sighs, her lips pulling down into a frown. She feels a heavy burden settle on her shoulders as her mom starts her daily lecture. "No, mom."
"Why not? What have I been telling you?" Dahyun's mom starts. Her tone is firm, but has an underlying sense of care towards her daughter. "You want to be alone. Hm? You don't want any friends?"
"No, I do..."
"Then why aren't you making any?"
Dahyun's shoulders feel heavy and she sinks back into the couch. Her stomach twists, heart sinking. "I don't know. Mommy, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize to me, Dahyun-ah. I want you to enjoy college. Study hard, but it shouldn't be the only thing you do. Make time for friends, too, okay?" Her mom reasons.
Dahyun nods to herself, "Okay. I'm gonna go on a walk: its been raining all day and I'm tired of being pent inside. I'll call you tomorrow."
"Alright, go eat dinner Dahyun-ah. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye."
About fifteen minutes later and Dahyun finds herself at a local park only down the street from her apartment complex. As expected, the gloomy weather leaves the park empty. Walking straight through the park, Dahyun follows the hiking trail the runs alongside it, leading deep into the forest at the edge of the park. Dahyun knows the park and trail like the back of her hand, as Dahyun had been brought her a lot in her childhood by her grandparents. The thing was; Dahyun's hometown was about an hour or so away from the college she was currently studying at. However, her grandparents only lived about fifteen minutes from the college, so she was quite familiar with the area as she grew up her every summer. Dahyun thought to herself about how she would have to call them soon, perhaps tomorrow after classes were done.
Suddenly, a small black cat runs in front of Dahyun. A friendly creature it was, it comes right up to her and paws at her feet. "Oh," Dahyun gasps, bends down to scratch the feline on its chin. "Are you lost?" the little things collar jingles, and Dahyun reaches towards it. "Ah, your name is Mercury? Hello, Mercury. Let me see who your owner is..."
Miss Celestia, it reads, followed by an address... The address traced back to a shopping center only a five minute walk away, instead of a home address. Dahyun furrows her eyebrows at the strange name. Was it American, maybe? "How am I supposed to return an American her cat if I can't speak English?" she wonders to herself. Regardless, she scoops little Mercury into her arms and heads for the entrance to the park.
Mercury doesn't put up a fight, instead seems to purr and bury it's little face into Dahyun's chest as she is carried. Dahyun runs her hand through the soft, silky black fur. As Dahyun turns out of the park and onto the street, she spots an older woman further down the street. The woman is shaking a small box of kitty treats, and calling out for mercury. Dahyun calls out to her and picks up her pace, meeting the woman half way.
Strangely, Dahyun finds that the woman is in fact Korean; and not American. "Ah," she exclaims. "You found my little Mercury. Thank you so much."
"You're welcome; it's no problem, " Dahyun smiles kindly. She makes a move to hand Mercury over, but the lady reaches out a frail hand and gently touches Dahyun's arm. Dahyun freezes, a small shiver running through her body as she looks back at the little old lady.
"Dear, do you mind doing me one more favor?" She asks, her brown eyes glinting under the sunlight that has finally started to peek out from behind the clouds.
Dahyun shakes her head, "I don't mind. What would you like me to do?"
"Can you carry Mercury back to my shop for me? It's right down this road; it isn't far at all." The woman points down the street, her little hand shaking a bit. "Mercury is stubborn, she won't stay put if I hold her. She seems to like you, darling. "
Dahyun smiles, she thinks the elderly lady is as cute as a button. "Sure, Miss Celestia."
The woman, a bit taken aback at first, looks at her for a moment before breaking into a wide grin. Her little eyes turn into crescents as she looks up at the young girl. Miss Celestia leads the way, making small talk as she tells Dahyun about how Mischievous Mercury escaped the shop. "Ah, she sounds troubling," Dahyun says once the story is finished. Mercury, almost like she knows, lets out a meow.
"Hmm, sometimes she is," Miss Celestia tells her as the two near her shop. "However, I found her after my husband passed. I believe she is a gift from the gods." Miss Celestia kisses the cat's little head, before opening the door into the shop. Dahyun looks up at the sign hanging by the door, reading Celestia's Tarot Shop.Dahyun follows her inside, where she finally sets Mercury down. The cat meows, pretty green eyes casting upwards to look at Dahyun.
"I'm so grateful that you found my Mercury. I don't know what I'd do without her," Miss Celestia comes over and gently takes Dahyun's hands into hers. "Thank you, Dahyun."
Dahyun smiles back at her, the realization that this lady somehow knows her name starts to hit her as the lady turns and rushes over to a tiny table situated towards the middle of the room. "Come, sit. I would like to return the favor."
Shocked, Dahyun follows. She sits across from Miss Celestia, silently watching as the woman whispers to herself. Dahyun looks around the room, inspects the crystals and gems and candles that sit neatly along decorative tables and shelves. Back on the table Dahyun is sitting at, she notices a thick book, stack of tarot cards, and a little pink crystal. Miss Celestia holds her hands out, smiling kindly at Dahyun. "Give me your hands, please, dear."
Hesitantly, Dahyun brings her hands up and onto the table, slowly bringing them to the elderly lady. Soft, wrinkled hands encase themselves around Dahyun. "Because of your kindness, I will grant you a wish." She reaches over with one hand and picks up the pink crystal. "I have enchanted this Amethyst crystal to grant any wish you have," Miss Celestia gently places it into Dahyun's hands. "I sense that you want love and friendship in your life, so I present you this crystal. It will bring them to you."
Dahyun runs her thumb over the smooth surface of the Amethyst, eyes wide and staring at the elderly lady in surprise. Miss Celestia closes her eyes, squeezes Dahyun's hands gently. "Do not stress, dear. You are one of a kind and people will gravitate to you as you are. Carry light and kindness in your heart, and love will come to you." She opens her eyes. "Go on, make your wish."
With one hand still holding Miss Celestia's and the other grasping the crystal, Dahyun brings her free hand to her chest and holds it tight.
School has been difficult and I've been lonely and depressed. I wish for someone to come into my life and stay by my side; a best friend. 
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
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schnees-and-schnugs · 4 years
head empty baby schneebling ficlet ??? (just so yall know i had no idea what this was going to be about until i started typing so im gonna be surprised by what i write too). if it seems that winter has chronic ADHD brain in this fic its bc i have chronic ADHD brain and that’s just how i roll.
  Winter tried to ignore the meowing as long as she could. After all, there was not a single feline creature to be found in the manor, so either she’s dreaming or hallucinating. Or maybe her ears are ringing from her father’s latest tantrum. 
  Being held hostage at the dinner table and forced to listen to his incessant barking voice ought to have caused me permanent brain damage. She smirked under her covers. Now if I can close my eyes and go back to sleep-
  What the fuck is that?
  Winter knew she ought to get up but she really did not want to. Her thighs ached from horse riding lessons earlier in the day. Her head ached from her business studies her father forced down her throat. Her soul ached from the pain of existence. She was beginning to think she was being punished for some transgression- if being unbelievably charming and sexy deserved- actually, I don’t think I’m going to finish that train of thought. 
  Winter could only tolerate her own sense of humor in small doses, but giver her situation- her entire life up to this point- she didn’t think having an unbecoming jocularity was high up on her list of Current Problems and Tragedies. In fact, it’s quite low given that her father makes up the better part of the first half. 
  She rolled onto her side, one ear muffled by her pillow, and the other under the soft thick layer of her cotton blanket. The noise seemed to have disappeared, and Winter was quite okay with that. She wondered briefly of the possibility of a mountain lion finding its way into the Schnee Estate. She wasn’t even sure if wild animals such as that existed in Solitas, much less bright and pristine Atlas. Winter wasn’t even sure if mountain lions meowed. 
  If a beast made it’s way into the manor, what would I even do? No doubt she would try to locate the animal, gather Weiss and Whitley in her arms and stow them somewhere safe. Maybe even use a piece of meat to lure the lion into father’s bedroom, she mused. Winter tried lull herself back to sleep with the thought of her father begging her for mercy as she unleashes her new pet-
  Her eyes snapped open. Gods-
  A soft muffled voice followed the feline yell. A familiar voice. A voice exactly suited for one little boy she new very well. 
  Winter narrowed her eyes and listening closely. She could tell it was Whitley from the general childish sound of his tone, but due to her very comfortable position in bed, she couldn’t quite her the specifics. Huffing, she sat up and pricked up her ears.
  “... quiet....please kitty... you’re going to wake up....”
  Winter sputtered. Kitty?
  Did Whitley somehow bring a cat into the manor? She didn’t doubt that given the chance he would- he was overly fond of animals in a way that Winter never understood. Not that she hated animals per se, but the idea of the added responsibility of a pet on top of her already ever-growing responsibilities of being heir to the SDC did not sit well with her. Whitley on the other hand, being the third child, and well, and actual child, didn’t really have much to care about beyond his normal tutoring sessions. Which means that, of course he can have a tiny bird feeders outside his window to feed the little birdies and cry at the sight of a roasted chicken because how could they kill and cook and innocent little animal?
  Winter didn’t understand how a child under 10 years of age could be taken by vegan persuasions- even Father was shocked to silence at that outburst at the dinner table.
  The sound of Whitley’s voice faded out as Winter strained her ears. If he did bring a cat into the manor, she needed to fix that immediately. Father would be furious at not only being woken up in the middle of the night but Whitley breaking the strict rule of no animals whatsoever allowed indoors.
  Father is allergic.
  (What animal he’s allergic to is unknown, but Winter suspects he’s just afraid of them).
  Sliding off the bed, Winter winced at the feeling of cold tile on her bare feet. She simultaneously thought of giving Whitley a good scolding for making her roll off of bed at such an ungodly hour and thanking the Gods that Whitley’s room was right next to hers on the other side of the wall. And the farthest away from Father’s room.
  Sliding her feet into a pair of pale blue fluffy slippers, she cautiously stepped out of her room and into the hallway. The moment the clock strikes 12 the hallway lamps usually shut off on their own, leaving at least this portion of the manor pitch black until the sun rises and lights up through the windows. If Father was working late he would manually change the lights to turn off at a later time- only to suite himself, of course. Everyone else who had the misfortune of living in the manor had to finish up and be back in their rooms by midnight or suffer having to find their room in the dark among the endless doors that lined the hallway. Winter had mastered the art of blindly walking down this hall- but not without multiple mishaps and embarrassments at first, unfortunately. 
  Arms outstretched, Winter felt her way from her doorway to Whitley’s room. She kept close to the wall and tiptoed, feeling for the doorknob before pressing her ear against the room door.
  “Are you hungry little kitty?” There was an affirmative purr and Whitley hummed. “I’m going to have to find you some treats...”
  Winter could practically hear the cogs turning in his little adolescent mind. She knew for sure that Whitley was formulating a plan to break into the food storage for the animals in Mom’s garden- would they even have any cat food in there? He surely is going to be disappointed. 
  Winter sighed. She almost wished she had stayed in bed. She turned the knob and nudged open the door, prompting Whitley to softly gasp. 
  “Winnie!” She heard him quickly shift on his bed. Winter stepped fully into the space before gently closing the door behind her. She turned towards him and assessed the scene before her. Whitley, in his white nightgown, sat in the middle of the bed. He was cradling a suspicious lump wrapped up with his blanket while his round face was contorted by a small frown as he stared back at his oldest sister.
  “Father says that we shouldn’t leave out room after midnight”, the lump shifted and Whitley clutched it tighter.
  “Father also says we aren’t allowed to bring animals into the manor...” Winter crossed her arms over her chest. “What’s that on your lap?”
  “Are you sure?” Whatever annoyance Winter felt melted away at the sight of Whitley pouting. She sauntered playfully to the edge of his bed and wiggled and finger in his face. “Are you lying to me? Your older sister Winnie? You’re lying to me?”
  Whitley broke eye contact. “Well...” The lump mewed and a furry white paw extended from out of the cover of the blanket. Winter raised a brow.
  “That looks suspiciously like a cat.” Winter crawled into his bed and uncovered the little creature. The cat loafed on Whitley’s lap, grooming the pristine white fur on around its pink paw beans. It looked to be a few years old. 
  “Isn’t it pretty?” Whitley caressed the cat’s back, having already moved on from the earlier argument. Winter tried to pat its head but the little critter swiftly dodged her palm and scampered to the edge of the bed and curled up, seemingly to sleep. Rude.
  There’s a more present matter at hand anyways.
  “Where did you find it?” Winter turned her attention back to her little brother.
  “It’s a she, Winnie! Look at her butt!” Winter politely declined the suggestion. She had no interest in inspecting the cat’s backside- she didn’t seem to like Winter anyways.
  “Well, where did you find her?” 
  “I didn’t find her! Mr. Hartley gave her to me”
  “The grounds keeper?”  Winter scoffed. “Why would he give you a cat?”
  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Why don’t you don’t believe me?” His eyes started to brim with tears and he grabbed Winters right hand with his own two smaller ones. “Father said we’re not allowed to bring animals in here but I didn’t know what to do! Mr. Hartley said he’s leaving but he can’t take her with him. I said I would keep her. But Father is going to yell at me if he finds out- I’m scared...” 
  Winter’s chest ached at the desperation in Whitley’s voice. This isn’t normal is it? For a child to be so terrified of their parent like this. When she was his age, she felt the same way- so scared and vulnerable. It was the end of the world to get negative attention from Father, and most of the time it seemed to be the only type of attention he gave. It almost seemed par for the course all those years ago. She didn’t know any better- it was just the norm.
  Looking at Whitley, petrified like she was- she could see the abuse from the outside. Almost as if she’s watching her own experiences and she’s chained to a front row seat. Except she didn’t have an older sibling to hold her hand and to share the pain with. To protect her. To defend her. Isn’t that what she always wanted in the worst days of the past? Couldn’t she be that now?
  Whitley couldn’t keep the cat. There was no amount of convincing that could make Father give in- it’s always been about his own ego, more than anything. But that doesn’t mean that Father has to know this cat was ever here in the first place. Atlas has plenty of animal shelters, and having a pet cat was in vogue now. She would convince Whitley to let Klein take the cat to the nearest one in the morning. Father would never know if they were discrete. 
  “Winnie...” Whitley’s bright blue eyes searched her face.
  Winter grabbed him under his arms, and with little struggle, sat him between her stretched out legs. She hugged him around the waist from behind and softly told him her plan. 
  “... do you want to do this with me?”
  Whitley sniffed. “I can’t keep her?”
  “Father won’t allow you to. We can make sure the kitty is safe and taken care of though... Klein will do this for us, I know it. You won’t get yelled at and you can tell her goodbye in the morning. Father will be none the wiser.”
  “What does that mean?”
  “It means that he’ll never know.”
  Whitley was quiet for a few seconds before Winter felt him nod softly beneath her chin. “Can I sleep with her tonight?”
  Winter blinked. She forgot it was currently hours past Whitley’s bedtime. He must be half asleep.
  “Yes. Just make sure to keep her in your room, okay? I’ll leave a message for Klein to see in the morning. Don’t...” She paused. She noticed Whitley breath start to even out as he fell asleep against her.
  I suppose I’m going to be sleeping her tonight also. She needed to make sure that this all goes well. However, Winter couldn’t ignore the uneasiness in the pit of her stomach. Was she just getting Whitley used to this? Hiding secrets out of fear? Was she allowing Father to have his way in Whitley’s eyes? Getting Whitley accustomed to living under Father’s thumb? She was just trying to protect him. But she couldn’t shake the feeling of selfishness, that she was denying Whitley happiness for the sake of peace with their Father.
  Mom always told her to choose her battles carefully. 
  She couldn’t help but feel that if she chose all the wrong ones, she’ll end up hurting Whitley beyond repair.
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gryffindorcls · 5 years
Meant To Be:  Chapter 5 (Comfort)
(Lol..it’s not, but we can pretend it is.) Thank you @lovesquarefluffweek​ for organizing this event!
Welcome back!  Today’s prompt is “Comfort”.
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Chapter 5: Comfort
Chat Noir didn’t look up when Ladybug swung off into the night. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her, so he kept his eyes glued to the piano. Every cell in his body was frozen in place.
Even though it hadn’t been a patrol night, Chat knew his lady would find him in the park. He knew that she would come to him. He knew that she would want to be with him.
Since Stoneheart’s defeat, he could sense the connection that pulsed between their souls, tying their fates together. Sometimes, it was almost as if they could read each other’s minds. He loved that about their relationship.
However, despite the connection he had with his partner, today made him realize that his lady had never actually possessed his whole heart. She only had a piece of it, and the other half of it belonged to another girl. He was now one hundred percent sure that he was hopelessly in love with both Ladybug and Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and he had no idea what to do.
When he transformed earlier that night, he thought that playing the piano for Ladybug again would bring him closure. He thought that he would finally know who his heart wanted, but he now had more questions than ever before.
Why did thinking about Ladybug and Marinette suddenly make his brain hurt?
Why did spending time with both girls feel the same?
And why were their eyes so blue?
He closed the lid on the piano and leaned back. Home was the last place that he wanted to be, but he knew that he needed to sleep. He had a photoshoot in the morning, and his make-up artist was getting tired of covering up the rings that were always under his eyes.
After several more minutes of pensive silence, Chat finally mustered the energy to get up and leave. With a heavy sigh, he unsheathed his baton and launched himself onto a rooftop across the street from the park.
Even though he was on the building next door, he did his best to avoid looking at the Dupain-Cheng’s bakery; however, the faint sound of sniffling made him involuntarily turn his attention to the balcony that led to Marinette’s room. When his eyes landed on a small, huddled form that sat alone in the darkness, he began to panic.
A flurry of thoughts raced through his mind. “Marinette is crying. She could get Akumatized. I have to go to her.”
Without hesitation, he leaped onto the adjacent rooftop and wrapped his arms around the sobbing girl. “Shhh, it’s okay, Marinette. I’m here, and I won’t let anything happen to you. You can cry. No butterflies will visit you tonight. I promise.”
He heard her whimper his name between sobs before collapsing into his embrace. As she continued to cry, he simply held her and stroked her hair.
When the tears finally began to subside, he could feel her breathing begin to slow. Chat gradually loosened his grip until he locked eyes with Marinette. Her unshed tears glistened in the pale moonlight like diamonds at the bottom of the ocean. His heart melted upon seeing the anguish in her expression.
“Chat Noir?” she whispered, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.
He gently touched her cheek. “Yes?”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you, Princess.”
She gasped. “You called me ‘Princess’.”
“I guess I did,” he chuckled nervously.
“That’s right! You called me ‘Princess’ before my date with Evilustrator. That’s why it sounded so familiar.”
“A boy called me ‘Princess’ earlier today, and…” Her voice trailed off as a fresh set of tears began to streak down her cheeks.
Doing his best to ignore the pit that had formed in his stomach, Chat carefully wiped some of the tears away with his thumb. “And did this boy...umm...hurt your feelings?”
“No, of course not. He’s incredible. He...we...I...I’m so confused! You just remind me of him, or maybe he reminds me of you. I DON’T KNOW ANYMORE!” She buried her face in her hands and once again began to cry.
He pulled her back into his arms and rocked her back and forth. “What can I do? Please tell me how I can help you.”
“Stay,” she croaked between sobs.
Chat tightened his hold. “I’m still right here. I’m not going to leave you.”
“I know.”
The crying lasted longer than before. His heart cracked each time he felt her shake in his arms. Knowing that he was the source of her pain made him want to detransform and profess his love, and if it hadn’t been for the image of Ladybug that popped into his brain, he would have. The confusion in his own heart had stopped him from making Marinette feel better, and that made him angry. However, all thoughts regarding his own emotions melted away when the girl in his arms shifted.
“Thank you for staying with me.” She rested her head against his chest.
He nuzzled his cheek on the crown of her head. “You keep saying ‘thank you’. There’s no need to thank me.”
“One should always take the time to thank the valiant knight who comes to her aid.”
“But it’s my duty to help the princess when she’s in trouble.”
“I’m not royalty.”
“You could be.”
She gasped. “I...you...have you said that to me before? A lot has happened today, and everything is starting to blend together. I can’t think straight.”
“If I had, would that be so bad?” The desire to detransform surged again.
Marinette shook her head and touched his cheek. “No, it would actually make everything a lot easier.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, Chat.”
“You are always welcome to tell me what’s on your mind. I won’t judge.”
“No, I’m not worried about that, it’s just…”
“Just what?”
She slid out of his arms and pulled her knees close to her chest. “Have you ever been in love with two people at the same time?”
“Yes.” Chat got onto his feet and walked to the edge of the balcony. “I just wish that my heart would tell me what to do.”
She moved next to him. “It’s kind of hard when you’re living in two different love stories at the same time. If only it was like the movies. You know, the ones where two separate plotlines turn out to be the same one in the end?”
“That’d be convenient.”
“Yeah, but that kind of stuff doesn’t happen in real life. I’m starting to learn that ‘happily ever afters’ are just for fairytales.”
“But what if we actually were living in a fairytale?”
“Doubtful. I’m not wearing a big, fluffy dress.”
He laughed. “Hold on. You’re telling me that the only reason you know you’re not in a fairytale is because you’re not wearing a dress right now?”
Marinette scoffed. “Excuse me, but I would one hundred percent be wearing a ballgown if this was in a fairytale. I’m an aspiring fashion designer. Do you really think I’d pass up the chance to get dressed up?”
“And you’re sure that a dress is the only thing that’s missing?”
“Well, I already have a knight and a prince, and both of you keep calling me ‘Princess’. Also, you’re living proof that magic exists in this world, so yeah, I’m just missing the dress.”
“So this boy you were talking to today...is he the prince?”
“And you’re upset because you love him and someone else?”
Chat’s heart pounded against his chest. “And how do you know that you’re in love with this prince of yours?”
She smiled. “I hated him when I first met him. I thought he was spoiled, but I was wrong. He’s actually one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”
“What did he do to change your mind?”
“He gave me an umbrella.”
He closed his eyes and allowed his thoughts to return to the front steps of the school on the rainy afternoon where he’d asked Marinette to give him a second chance. “She’s loved me since the beginning.”
“And what about the second person you’re in love with?” he asked, afraid to hear her answer.
She leaned against the railing. “What about him?”
“When did you fall in love with him?”
“When he played me a song that he wrote.”
One name echoed against the walls of his mind. “Luka.”
Chat took a deep breath and cleared his throat. “So, how long have you been in love with the other boy?”
She bit her lip. “I would like to say that it’s a recent development, but I think I’ve been in love with him since I met him. I just didn’t want to admit it because I was head over heels for the prince.”
“Does that mean that you stopped loving the prince for a while?”
“No, my love for him will never go away. When he started dating someone else, I worked hard to ignore my feelings for him, but today I found out that he broke up with his girlfriend. Because I started recognizing my feelings for the other boy, I didn’t think that knowing that bit of information about the prince would make my crush on him come back.”
“But it did?”
“Big-time, and I think he was flirting with me. I’m not sure, but I had the best day with him. When I was with the prince, I almost forgot about the other boy.”
“What made you remember him?”
“It turns out that the prince and the other boy are freakishly alike, but then again, that might just be my mind playing tricks on me. I’ve only gotten two hours of sleep in the past forty-eight hours, and my brain is not functioning properly.”
“Wait...what? Why are you still awake?”
“My mind feels restless. Confused, but restless.”
“You should be sleeping.”
“Are you the mom friend now?”
He crossed his arms. “I’m serious.”
“You can’t make me.” She stuck out her tongue.
Chat snaked his arm around her waist, placed his other arm behind her knees, and swept her off her feet. “Watch me.”
Marinette giggled and secured herself by wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. “Fine. Now that you have me, what’s your plan, kitty-cat?”
“Well, if the princess refuses to go to bed, then her knight will just have to take her there himself. Then, once you are there, I will bid you goodnight so you can sleep for ten hours.”
“As wonderful as that sounds, there’s something I don’t like about your plan.”
“And what might that be?”
She craned her neck so her mouth was next to his ear. “I don’t want you to leave.”
He swallowed. “I think that’s just the exhaustion talking, Marinette.
“It might be, but I don’t want to be alone right now.”
“What if I stayed until you fell asleep?”
Chat felt his cheeks grow warm when she closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest. He then tightened his grip on her and walked over to the windowed hatch that led to her room. Using his foot, he opened the hatch and gently hopped onto her bed. He peeled back the covers, placed her onto the mattress, and tossed the comforter over her. He then sat at the edge of her bed and looked at the sky through the window.
“What are you doing?” Marinette groaned, turning over in her bed.
He whipped his head in her direction. “I’m waiting for you to fall asleep.”
“I know, but why are you all the way over there?”
“I don’t want to bother you.”
“You know you’re allowed to come over here.”
“But you’re trying to sleep.”
She opened her arms. “And getting a hug from my favorite knight would really help me fall asleep.”
He took a deep breath and crawled across the bed. Once he was close enough, Marinette grabbed him and pulled him close. She ran her fingers through his hair and began to hum a familiar tune.
Chat closed his eyes and listened. “Where did you hear that song?”
“The other boy I fell in love with played it in the park last night,” she said with half-lidded eyes before continuing to hum.
His mind went blank. “But that would mean that she’s in love with…”
“Me,” he whispered.
“Of course it’s you. Who else would it be?”
“How could you possibly know that?”
She buried her face into his chest. “I know more than you think.”
He tried to wrap his mind around her last statement. “What do you mean by that?”
Chat waited for an answer, but the only response he received was the sound of soft, slow breaths. When he pulled away from her embrace, Marinette didn’t move.
“Princess?” he said quietly, “Are you still awake?”
He was once again met with silence.
“She was deliriously tired,” his mind mused while he continued to look at the sleeping beauty in his arms, “She probably didn’t know what she was saying.”
Doing his best to not disturb her, he carefully moved his arm away from Marinette and pulled the covers up to her shoulders. He then opened the hatch and climbed onto the balcony. Before closing the window, he took one last look inside the room.
“Goodnight, Princess,” he whispered, “I’ll see you soon.”
Chat unsheathed his baton and vaulted into the night. He bounded over the rooftops until he was close enough to jump through his bedroom window. Once inside, he detransformed and collapsed onto his couch.
“Plagg,” he groaned, running his fingers through his hair, “Marinette started humming my song again, and then she told me that she was in love with me...like, not just Adrien me, but Chat Noir me, as well.”
The Kwami shoved a piece of cheese into his mouth and landed on Adrien’s shoulder. “And that’s a bad thing because…”
“Because she fell asleep about thirty seconds later! She couldn’t have possibly meant any of the things that she’d just said. Luka is the other boy she’s in love with. Not Chat Noir.”
“Are you serious?”
“The other boy isn’t me. It’s Luka. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”
Plagg rubbed his temples with his paws. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Adrien sat up. “What are you talking about?”
“This. I can’t do this anymore.”
“Am I supposed to know what “this” is?”
“Yes, but apparently, you don’t. Let’s just hope that Tikki can talk some sense into Ladybug because this has to stop.”
“What does any of this have to do with Ladybug? I was talking about Marinette.”
“You literally have all the pieces to the puzzle. How can you not see it?”
“See what?”
“That’s it!” Plagg flew close to Adrien’s face and jabbed him on the nose. “You’re not even trying. I’m going to sleep, and I suggest you do, as well. Don’t wake me up until you’ve figured it out.”
“Get back here, Plagg!” he yelled as he watched his Kwami disappear into a laundry basket.
“Fine, goodnight, whatever.”
He rolled his eyes and got ready for bed in a huff. When he crawled under his covers and began to drift off, the events of the past twenty-four hours began to replay in his mind.
Marinette’s eyes flicked open. “Tikki, how did I get here?”
“I...what?” her Kwami groaned on the pillow next to her.
“I was on the balcony with Chat Noir. He picked me up, but now I’m in bed.”
“You really don’t remember?”
“No, should I?”
“Chat Noir brought you inside after you asked him to stay with you. Then, you cuddled with him and mumbled a whole bunch of stuff before you passed out.”
“Oh, wait!” She paused before continuing. “I remember now! He tucked me in, but...what did I say to him? What did I say?”
Tikki closed her eyes. “Go to sleep, Marinette.”
“How on earth am I supposed to do that while I’m in the middle of a crisis!”
“I’d hardly call this a crisis.”
“But how am I supposed to choose between Chat and Adrien? How? They are both kind and selfless. I love both of them, Tikki!”
“And how am I supposed to pick when I don’t even know who Chat is?”
“This would all be so much easier without the masks in the way.”
“If only there was a way to know who he was.”
She looked at her Kwami. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Tikki zipped over to Marinette’s face. “You are going to listen to what I’m about to say. I’ve been trying to tell you this all day, and you’ve interrupted me every single time. Just be quiet and listen!”
Marinette hugged her legs against her chest. “Sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry. I just need you to listen.”
“Okay, I’m ready.”
“Now that you are the Guardian, it is your right to know who all of the Miraculous wielders are, and that includes Chat Noir.”
“You’re not suggesting what I think you are...are you?”
“Yes, I am. I am asking you to seriously consider having you and Chat reveal your identities to each other.”
“But you always said…”
“Things have changed.”
“No buts! Just consider it, please. I’m begging you. Put us out of our misery. Plagg and I are way too old for this.”
“Aren’t you as old as time itself?”
Tikki flopped onto her pillow. “Yes, and that’s entirely too old to be dealing with this!”
She rolled her eyes and gently patted the top of her Kwami’s head. “If it means that much to you, I will think about it.”
“Thank you,” Tikki sighed, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” she chuckled.
Marinette laid back down and closed her eyes. Despite her best efforts to fall asleep, her mind continued to buzz with activity for the next hour. The thought of knowing Chat’s identity filled her with immeasurable joy. When she suddenly realized that her cheeks were hurting because she’d been smiling for so long, she made her decision.
She was going to reveal her identity to Chat Noir...tomorrow.
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First of all, thank you! I’m happy you guys liked it and it touched you enough that you guys reached out to me! Thanks for all the compliments!!
Here’s a quick little extra ending scene for What I Missed since I don't really plan to continue it. It’s fluffy.... kinda...
It was four years before he finally saw you again. You were somehow able to keep your location a secret from him the entire time. No one knew where you’d gone and your family refused to speak with him. He was at a loss. For four years, he operated on auto-pilot: go to work, go home to eat and sleep, and then work again. He only took days off  when his agency told him it was mandatory that he did, like today. He was currently sitting on a bench waiting for Sero to meet up with him to go book shopping, wearing a hat and medical mask over his mouth.
He heard your laugh first, though it was different from what he remembered. Shouto stood up, looking around for you, his head whipping in every direction. You laughed again in a higher pitch. 
“Mama!” A little girl with fiery red hair squealed as she rushed over to a woman stepping out of a nearby store. You lifted your sun hat up as you patted the little girl’s head. 
��Hi baby, did you have fun today?”
“I did! I did! I made a kitty! Look!” She held up a small stuffed animal to your face and a gentle smile spread across your face. Shouto’s feet were stuck to the ground as he watched you speak with the little girl who had called you mom and whose hair was similar to his left side. He took deep breaths as his mind raced. You didn't go through with it…you’d had it, his—
“Papa helped too!” His thoughts stopped as the little girl gestured to the man behind her. Shouto could only see the back of his blonde head.
You shake your head at him, sighing. “Honey, you need to stop spoiling her.”
“Hey, she beat that Class A bastard’s child at getting a quirk first.” He bent down to pick up the child, placing her on his shoulders. “She deserves a reward for giving me even more bragging rights about my daughter being better than that damn Bakugo’s.”
“Oh Neito, will you ever let that rivalry die?” Shouto watched in horror as Monoma Neito took your hand and pressed a kiss to your lips.
“Not when I have the two of you to rub in everyone’s faces.” Monoma pulled at your hand to leave; the three of you were the perfect image of a happy family walking together. Shouto felt his heart break again as you disappeared with another man and his child he would never get a chance to meet.
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delicateunraveling · 5 years
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Dear Taylor,  
A version of this has been in my drafts since the week Lover came out, and I’ve been alternating between too shy and too overwhelmed to post it, but I wanted to try and say something in honor of your 30th birthday, the astonishing year you’ve had, and the impact you’ve made on my life. (The photo is of things I received in a package from a fellow Swiftie, who sent me the deluxe version of the album - and the extra surprises! - because I couldn’t afford it myself, and that itself was remarkably kind and a testament to you - you’ve inspired so much goodness and generosity in others.)
Even if you’re, understandably, never able to see this, it’s honestly a blessing to think I can send this out into the universe. That's enough. Somehow I never knew that I could reach out on Tumblr until recently, or I likely would have said something to you many years ago (despite that overwhelming shyness). I wish I could be eloquent or imaginative in writing it (if I could be complex, if I could be cool!) instead of...an overemotional mess? I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you, for everything you've given to us in your music, everything you've given of yourself no matter how hard it's been, everything you've represented in your honesty, your displays of compassion and strength.
Music is the deepest passion and love of mine, it's the gossamer thread that's held me together in the worst times, the safe place where I could pour my heart and be myself. I'm a couple of years older than you are, though I generally feel behind these days because I've been chronically ill and mostly housebound since I was 19, and that halted my life and dreams in their tracks. The dream of truly honing my voice and my musical self was the most difficult to put away in the midst of all the others. It's often felt like being trapped in amber while the world keeps spinning, or like being a ghost, ostensibly drifting in the world, but nearly invisible to it, only occasionally peeking out of the windows to see the sun.
Ten years ago, I fell for a boy (still the only person I've ever felt that way about), and everything he was ended up being a lie and devolving into him gaslighting me and threatening my safety directly, along with breaking my heart. It took such a toll that I had to pull myself out of a harmful darkness, and he was a musician himself, so I had some terror that the experience with him had stolen or tainted that dearest part of my being. It hadn't, but the recovery took a while. One of the very first things that got me through it, that woke me up again, was being able to hold close to your first two albums. Those songs quite literally helped keep my heart beating, and then Speak Now helped it to heal. I’ve unfortunately never had the chance to see you live (the concert films are spectacular, though!), but your music became a part of the tapestry of my life from those first moments on. I've loved your work ever since then, but often quietly and tenderly, because it's near to such a delicate part of my spirit. It's vulnerable and personal, it's romantic and devastating, it’s starshine salvation when the world feels cold and clouded, and saying that is strange since those expressed emotions are fundamentally yours, but the way they transform into something both universal and specific is truly magical.
This year has been the worst and the darkest I've felt since that heartbreak ten years ago, though for very different reasons. My health took a serious turn for the worse. My beloved dog, who was my constant companion and my emotional support through every day of my illness for almost 13 years, succumbed to cancer. She was my sweet baby (I'm sure you understand this feeling with your precious kitties), and I still struggle with her absence daily. My mom and I are in the most precarious position we've ever been in financially, and we're looking at losing our condo with nowhere else to go. I've felt like everything is terrifying and tenuous and slipping away from me, including time itself. I apologize for even putting those burdens down in words, but if I don't, the weight of my thanks to you isn't as real. "Me!" came out only a couple of weeks after she passed away, and the pure happiness of it was the first bit of joy I'd even felt since she had relapsed. Then when you released “The Archer,” it moved me to the point that tears were streaming down my face when I first played it, feeling like I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost was transcribed from a cathartic place in my own thoughts. Knowing a new album was coming from you once again gave me something to look forward to, a reason to want to keep going, even when it hurt to breathe from missing her, even on days when my illness has been flaring too severely and painfully for me to get out of bed, I kept thinking...make it through to August, you have to hear Taylor's next album. Making it there felt like a minor miracle, and even though I’m scared and don’t know what’s ahead or what’s going to happen now, I am unbelievably glad that I was here to listen to your music, and then to witness your continued bravery, over the past few months. Laying that out in words on a screen sounds too small, but it's tremendous to me.
There are connections to each of your album releases that I could ramble about (Red would take several chapters of its own in my hypothetical novel, My Melodic Inclinations and Inspirations: An Autobiography), in their meaning to me and how much they represent in the pages of these passing years, but I realize how special Lover is to you specifically, and that's why now, more than ever, I wanted to be able to say how grateful I am for your poetic words, for your sweeping and intimate melodies, for your works of art. Hidden away in my room, I've sung-screamed your songs in delight at the top of my lungs, I've curled up under covers and cried to them, I've twirled around in pajamas with them. This is the first time I won't have my fluffy girl to hold on my lap and sing them to, but somehow that has made having new songs all the more treasured and cathartic. Lover is an absolutely exquisite, sparkling gift of an album. I cherish it as I do each of your albums, each for their own special reasons, and I will forever be thankful for all of your work.
I respect and admire you so much for the way you've stood your ground, the way you've championed what you believe in and spoken for equality and for artists’ rights, the grace with which you've approached everything you've been dealt in such a harsh spotlight. I can't fathom what that's like, but I am constantly proud of how you respond, your ability to both grow and remain authentic in expressing your views and truths. Exceptional artistry is worth celebrating (your Artist of the Decade and every other accolade is earned and deserved!), but being an exceptional person is even more worthwhile, and I believe you're both. When we say we stand with you, when we rally around you, I hope you remember that it’s out of not only that admiration and pride, but also rooted in genuine care and connected humanity. Our society needs bright, bold women, making changes and supporting one another. The world is lucky to have your beautiful songs, and your individual voice.
Thank you for creating such incredible things. Thank you for giving a valuable perspective to such a breadth of emotions. Thank you for giving your dazzling art so wholly. I hope you remember how much it means, how deeply it resonates, to so many people. I hope you remember that so many of us are in your corner with the brightest wishes, for your happiness and your freedom to be yourself, with prayers for you and your family and loved ones. I hope you know that your words have given some of us life rafts in swirling currents that threaten to drag us under, that your music has the ability to break through shadows with powerful light. There is a sacredness which exists in art that knits us together. Wherever I go, I'll carry your songs in my heart and soul.
Happy, happy Birthday!!! 🍰 🎈✨ It truly is the end of the decade, but the start of an age. May 30 be the beginning of brand new creativity and experiences, and even more wonder and daylight, golden on the horizon.
Love always,
Jess 💖💖💖
@taylorswift  @taylornation 😘
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A View To A Winchester (Part 7)
Series Page
Summary: Julie’s starting a new life after divorce in a home with a very nice view.
A Dean X OFC story. I got this idea staring out the view of my home office window and thinking how nice it would be to have Dean Winchester to ogle. Gotten pretty cute and fluffy, with some angst. I’m a few sections ahead now in my writing so the outline of the story is taking shape and smut is on the near horizon. This has been a fun escape during stay-at-home orders. Getting to know Dean through my heroine’s eyes has been a great writing exercise and therapeutic reduction in anxiety. There should be studies done on what staring at photos and video of Dean/Jensen does to the human body. (But the SPN fandom has probably done one already; if not, it could be the next big scientific breakthrough.)
Section Word Count:  3,385
Section Content: fluff, angst, R-rated language, drinking, Spice Girls references, Dean being Dean and turning ladies to puddles
Thank you to @deanwanddamons​ for reading some of the story so far. Appreciate it.
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Dean had not returned the next day. But Julie was apparently on his mind. He’d texted her that morning with an update. Another job had dropped into his lap. One too good to pass up. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone. But he was looking forward to seeing her when he got back.
That was on a Monday. She filled that day with decisions about what to make for her “girl power get together” scheduled for the end of the week. There was also the necessary recuperation from overdoing it with the wine. She hadn’t been that hungover in a while. Bingeing on caffeine and “The Office” helped.
By Tuesday, she’d become ancy. Staying home was not going to work. If her mind was going to run around in circles, there would need to be something else to occupy it. Rifling through options landed on a trip to a nearby state park. She’d decided on one with a bit of a challenging hike. Composed of winding hills and trails near the Brandywine River, the nature reserve filled her senses, balancing the whirlwind of emotions. She spent close to an hour sitting beside the riverbed. A turbulent spot chosen where the white water rushed over boulders and splashed into a slight descent. The river’s frantic pace cancelled out the chirping of busy birds. A gauge nearby displayed a healthy amount of rain had occurred over the past few weeks.  
Even the intrusion into her personal space by a talkative, friendly dog walker didn’t bother her that much. The petite raven-haired woman, whose age was hard to pinpoint, made some chit chat while Julie trekked back to her car. Her name was Ina and she was new to Delaware. Currently, she was in search of a server job at a high-end restaurant where the tips would make it worth her time. “Any recommendations for decent food markets? Best place to order take-out, Thai being my favorite?” Ina’s chocolate lab, Cocoa, sniffed at Julie’s sneakers with abandon as questions were tossed in her general direction. Julie pet Cocoa, dodging some inquiries and rambling off information about places near her home. Cocoa got a few good scratches behind an ear before she wished Ina well settling into Pike Creek.
Wednesday ticked by even slower. Her fingers itched to text Dean. The basement had been the lucky recipient of her time and attention. A large amount of progress was made unpacking boxes, sorting out donations, and finding permanent spots in the house for decorative items. She broke down and reached out to her brother and sister-in-law, Patty, and face timed with her nephews later that night. 
By Thursday, she went over her mom’s house. They ended up going to the mall and then shopping for the food Julie needed for her Friday night get together. She was reminded by her mother to feed the ladies well, with various cooking tips. Dean was also a large part of her mother’s focus. Julie feigned as much non-interest on the Winchester topic as possible. But her mother knew her well enough. She was reminded upon leaving to feed him the lasagna in the freezer soon.
Karen, Stacey, and Cat benefitted from a substantial number of Julie’s hours in the kitchen that Friday night. She’d attempted chicken parmesan, one of her mom’s signature dishes. Sauce had simmered on the stove for a couple hours - not as long as Brigida’s, but not bad. They were on the second bottle of red wine, having moved out of the dining room and into the living room. Cat, sensible and responsible as usual, was abstaining and had driven the other former college roommates over to Julie’s house.
Streaming radio played. They ended up singing along to “Holler” by The Spice Girls, sans Ginger. Julie had always been eager to take Posh’s lines, mainly because hers were few and far between. But, Karen, with her mocha colored skin, coiffed haircut, and pencil-thin skirt wrapping a pencil-thin body truly embodied the word posh. In spite of all that, Karen tapped away on her cell phone while covering Scary’s verses.
Julie had always admired Karen’s drive and dedication. She even hoped to get the divorce thing down as well as Karen. Her two teenage boys were spending the weekend at the Ex’s. She was heading up to New York by train to see her wealthy lawyer boyfriend Saturday morning. Karen made more money than “new man” did. She was a partner in a very successful law firm.  
Stacey always loved Baby Spice. She had the requisite long blonde hair and blue eyes and curvy figure. She also apparently loved babies, as she had birthed three of them in her fifteen years of wedded bliss. The youngest child was two and at home with the rest of the brood that night. Her somewhat sickeningly sweet hubby was great with the kids, she gushed. “He doesn’t think he’s babysitting when he spends time with them.” She nodded and pointed at all three women in succession. Her affinity for wine had not faltered either from their college days. Stacey’s lips are already way too loose when she’s sober. Her rouge stained mouth was downright slippery at present, wet with a good Cabernet Sauvignon.
“Lucky you.” Karen quipped. “My ex went to the mat to get shared custody. Yet, every time it’s ‘his’ weekend, there has to be an argument.” Karen’s love for air quotes hasn’t gone away. She smiled over at Cat. “You should have tried harder to seduce me, Kitty Kat. Would have saved me decades of dumb dick.”
Cat, who always seemed relegated to Sporty Spice by default, pushed black rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose. Her blue eyes crinkled behind the frames. “It wouldn’t have stuck, Kar.” She dipped and sipped at her soda. Sharp angles of her brown bob curtained a pale face. Stubby fingers with short nails - that she probably still bites - flicked the hair back. “Besides, I wouldn’t be happily domesticated with Sheila now. And you hate dogs. I have two, remember? Big ones.” Cat turned to Julie. “What about you, Jules?”
Julie’s eyes widened behind her own glasses. “Are you offering to try and seduce me, Cat?”
Karen and Stacey laughed. Cat blushed. “No, smartass. Are you going to get a pet to keep you company?”
Julie shook her head. “Don’t think so.” She was taking it easier on the wine than the other two, still milking her second serving. There would be no hangover repeat.
“Well, a man, then?” Karen asked.
Stacey guffawed. “It’s only been a few months. Give the woman a chance to grieve.”
“Grieve over what? A shitload of baggage she never checked on the flight.” Karen shot back.
Cat rolled her eyes. “Here they go,” she mumbled.
Julie cleared her throat. All three turned to stare in her direction. “There is… someone.”
Karen slapped her thigh. “That’s my girl!”
“Already?” Stacey’s lids blinked in rapid succession.
Cat waved a hand at Stacey to hush, looking at Julie the whole time. “Details.”
Julie began the very lengthy tale that was Dean Winchester. When she was done, she was met with mixed reactions from the trio.
“He’s been stalking you?” Karen’s brow furrowed.
“He’s a bounty hunter?” Stacey added her concern.
“What’s his name again?” Cat pulled her tablet out of the huge purse by her feet. She was a communications manager at a large non-profit and social media was her specialty.
Julie shifted in her seat. “Dean Winchester.” Defense mode shot up. “To be fair, it’s not like I was innocent in the whole stalking thing, either.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t go much beyond some Googling, right? He got downright illegal in his activity.” Karen shook her head.
“Hm.” Cat frowned. “You said he’s around our age?”
Julie nodded. “43, he said.”
Stacey wagged a sluggish finger. “Hey, we’re 40. Don’t age us all prematurely. Nature’s doing a fine job of that without any additional assistance.” Stacey’s starting to slur. May have to cut her off soon.
Cat ignored Stacey, swiping and typing. “I’m not coming up with anyone around that age with that name. Weird.”
“Why’s that weird?” Stacey asked.
“Everyone has a digital footprint. Something can be found on anyone pretty quickly. Even if it’s the smallest, inconsequential bit of data. But, to find nothing…”
Julie shrugged. “Maybe he’s good at covering his tracks.”
“Even more reason to be wary of this guy, Jules.” Karen attempted a maternal look. “He sounds like the epitome of a bad boy. Come on, a vintage muscle car? You’re a sucker for that type. We were study partners working on our Minors in Psychology together, remember? Think about it. Ten years with a man you thought was a good partner and reliable, only to have that rug ripped out from under you? I’d be searching for the exact opposite, too, faster than you could say peanut butter sundae.” No wonder she makes the big bucks. She presents a damn good argument.
“Karen’s right.” Stacey tried to sound soothing. “You’re in a very vulnerable state right now. Hormones are probably all over the place. Any guy with ill intentions could take advantage of that.”
Julie raised a brow. “If you saw this man in person, Stace… trust me, you’d be all aboard the Dean Train. Remember Gavin Teller?” Julie leaned forward for emphasis.
“Yeah?” Stacey squeaked out the question. 
“Imagine Gavin having aged to perfection, like that fine wine you enjoy so much.” She pointed at Stacey’s glass. “Now, square that. You get Dean Winchester.”
“We all remember Gavin in his heyday.” Karen let out a low-key whistle. “Damn. I may have to reconsider my opening statement.” Her original career path of a prosecutor fell by the wayside midway through her college career. An enticing salary that could be earned helping clients buy and sell publicly traded companies won out.
Stacey shushed Karen. “College quarterbacks don’t turn into bounty hunters.”
Cat raised both hands in the air. “That is an opinion, not fact. And a totally ridiculous leap. Besides, Gavin Teller sells cars at his dad’s dealership now, is bald, and has a pot belly. His local TV spots are downright cringeworthy. Such a pain in the ass when his company sponsored one of our events. Wanted his cheesy grin inserted in so many media posts. How is that better than being a badass bounty hunter?”
Julie smiled at the tension and exchanged a knowing glance with Karen. They had long suspected there’d been some sexual experimentation between Cat and Stacey around college graduation. It had centered around a night of lemon drop body shots.  
Stacey tilted her nose up. “He was always nice to me.”
“That’s because he liked how you looked in that cheerleading skirt, Stace. I know I did. But, really, Julie… you should be careful.” Cat repeated the other’s concern.
The doorbell chimed. Stacey gasped and Karen’s posture stiffened. Cat returned the tablet to her purse. 
“Did you order more food?” Nervous laughter from the ladies followed Cat’s question.
Julie shook her head. She looked at her watch. It was not quite 7:30 pm. Seconds later her phone buzzed. She tapped at the screen to view the text.
Knock, knock
“Oh, shit.” Julie whispered.
“What?” Karen placed her wine glass atop a coaster on the coffee table. Even in high alert, the woman has good etiquette.
“It’s him.”
Stacey cupped a hand over her mouth.
“Dean Winchester?” Cat asked.
“Why’s he coming by unannounced?” Karen was in full-blown fact-finding mode.
Julie wrinkled up her nose. “I may have told him to stop by when he got back.”
“How desperate are you?” Stacey scolded.
“Stacey…” Julie sighed.
Karen raised two hands in the air with a smile on her face. “This is great.”
“Why?” Cat asked.
“So we can all get held hostage by Julie’s lady killer?” Stacey’s voice got higher with each word.
“We can vet him.”
“Vet him?” Julie groaned.
“Yep.” Julie had seen that stern nod from Karen countless times. “If he seems like a creep, you’re done with him. I’ll call in a favor to get a court order issued if need be.”
Stacey nodded. “Yeah. Between the three of us, we’ll be able to give you a decent character profile. And Cat’s not affected at all by men…”
Cat slapped both palms on her thighs.
Karen waved Julie to the door. “Hurry up and open it.”
“This is a horrible nightmare,” Julie mumbled. Her stomach was doing somersaults. What the hell will Dean think? What will the girls do?
“Your phone’s buzzing again.” Cat commented. “Anxious little bugger, isn’t he? What did you promise the man?”
Julie took a deep breath, her hand on the doorknob. The last rays of daylight sparkled through the etched glass. Maybe this is good. I may really need an objective opinion. After all, he’s probably not as irresistible as I’m making him out to be. Context.
When she opened the door, Dean greeted her with a full watt smile. “Hey there.” The two words slipped out slow. His hands held the cake box, fingers thrumming against the cardboard sides. “I was told to deliver this as soon as I got back.” His tongue darted out to the side for a quick lick of his bottom lip while he inspected her.
Damn. He was outfitted in a light grey, muscle-hugging t-shirt and faded blue jeans. Positively edible. Fuck context. She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading over her lips. This will be fun.
He stepped up into the entryway, not waiting for permission to enter. His hands offered Julie the box. She was careful to grab the box from the base. He glanced over her head and spotted the company in the living room. His eyes narrowed, tilting down to look into Julie’s eyes. “Sorry. Am I interrupting?” He whispered. “I saw the car parked out front when I drove into the neighborhood… didn’t recognize it…”
Julie arched a brow. “Were you worried for my safety? Or being nosy?”
He grinned. “A little of both.”
She nodded him into the living room. “Come meet some friends.”
He nodded in return and shuffled into the living room, hands stuffed in his pockets, shoulders back, a swirl of timid confidence. The ladies were all up from their seats. The tiny living room felt even smaller with the congregation and Dean’s frame occupying some of it. Julie’s slow steps gave her time to take in the reactions, hiding somewhat behind Dean’s impressive stature. In his wake, she picked apart his scent. The heady mix of leather, sweat, and grease was sharp and crazy intoxicating.
Stacey’s mouth hung open in slight disbelief. Karen fiddled with her hoop earrings and gave Dean the full top to bottom to top inspection. Cat’s eyes narrowed.
When Julie strolled up to Dean’s left, she saw his cautious smile preparing to melt the group. “Dean, these are some college friends of mine.” Julie rattled off their names in order. “Karen. Stacey. Catherine.”
Cat smiled over at Julie, appreciating the replacement of her nickname reserved only for select company.
And, then, Dean unleashed the smile that Julie was certain would topple their wall of uncertainty. He extended his hand and shook each one with the right amount of strength. “Pleasure to meet you, ladies. I didn’t think Julie had any friends.” He chuckled. “She doesn’t get many visitors.”
“And you’d know that because of all the spying you’ve been doing on our dear friend, I hear.” Karen was ready to knock him down a peg or two right out of the gate. But the look on her face betrayed the lackluster attempt at disapproval.
Dean’s eyes widened and he stared at Julie. “Have you been talking about me?”
Julie pursed her lips.
Dean shrugged, intense eyes still on Julie. “Well, if you appreciated beautiful ladies as much as I do, you’d understand.”
Stacey cleared her throat, Dean reddening her cheeks even more than the red wine had. She looked in desperate need of fanning. “Where’re you from, Dean?”
The question pulled his gaze from Julie. He smiled at Stacey again. “Kansas.”
Julie tilted her head, wondering if it was the truth.
“Long way from Kansas.” Cat added.
“Well, I’ve been all over the country.”
The three nodded in unison. Karen asked, “Have you gotten a tour of Julie’s house yet, Dean?”
Julie’s eyes zeroed in on Karen with laser focus.
Dean licked his top lip. Julie caught Stacey and Karen taking particular notice of that sexy tick of his. Not the only one at the mercy of those physical attributes, am I, Ladies?  “Um, no. This is the first time I’ve been allowed entrance into Julie’s compound, actually.” He pointed to the sliding door. “I’m usually relegated to outside chores.”
“Uh-” Julie started.
“We were getting ready to take a look around,” Stacey interjected. “Jules, why don’t we get the full narrated tour with Dean, here?”
Julie could feel her cheeks blushing.
“Oh, that’s…” He laughed, protesting with a shake of his head, “that’s okay. I’ll leave you ladies to your night. I was only dropping off this cake.” He pointed to the box Julie was still holding. “Still pretty damn tasty after a week.” He grinned at her. “I snuck another slice before bringing it back.” He rubbed a hand on his thigh. “It was nice meeting all of you.”
The three nodded again in unison. As Dean turned their gazes all dropped to stare at his ass. Julie stifled a giggle and pushed the box into Stacey’s hands. She met Dean at the door. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.
He bent close to her ear and whispered, “You’ll have to let me know if I passed the test later,” waited a beat, straightened his posture, then ended with, “Jules.”
The light spilling in through the front door glass lit up his eyes a crystal green. “You’ve already passed mine.” She whispered back.
“Good.” He grinned.
“What are you doing tomorrow night?” she asked.
His tongue peeked out only a sliver between his lips, revving up the grin even more. “Guess that depends on you.”
“Come over around 8:00.”
He tilted his head. “Is that a request or an order?”
She ignored the question. “Make sure you eat dinner ahead of time. Cause I’m not making any.”
Surprise mixed with amusement on his face. He glanced into the living room. The ladies were seated now, talking amongst themselves, but still staring at the pair. His gaze heated her back up when it returned. “Want me fueled up for any tasks in particular?” Julie shrugged in response. “Hm. Any other commands?”
“Just don’t disappear tomorrow.”
He nodded. “Yes, Ma’am.”
She sighed. “Don’t call me Ma’am.”
His eyes narrowed. “Kind of sexy when you’re bossy.”
She laughed, blushing again.
“And when you’re blushing.” He opened the door for himself, waved a hand to the women and then mouthed “See you tomorrow night” to Julie.
As soon as the door shut, Stacey called out, “I take back everything I said earlier.”
Karen added, “If you get kidnapped, give him my address so he can swing by and grab me, too.”
Julie giggled, walking over to the group. “Seriously, what did you think?”
Stacey’s eyes bugged out. “Oh my god! He’s gorgeous and knows how to use it. That’s dangerous on a ton of levels. But I don’t think he’s a crazy psycho.” Stacey fanned herself. “My husband’s in for it when I get home.”
Karen nodded. “Oh, he’s totally trouble and you’re in for an amazing ride. But, in this case, it’s not the destination but the journey. The journey all over that fine man, of which explicit details will be mandatory. Plus, he didn’t go for the bait to inspect your house. I think an under the radar creep would have been all for that.” She pointed at Julie. “But, we still get a tour as your oldies and besties.”
“Of course.” Julie turned to Cat. “What about you?”
Cat shrugged. “He seems alright. I still think he’s got stuff to hide, though. I’m going to do some serious digging.”
Julie frowned.
“Just looking out for you,” Cat added. “But he did have a really nice ass.”
Part 8
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5-seconds-of-bucky · 5 years
So I Don’t Forget (Luke Imagine)
A/N: Anna's writing 5sos stuff??? It's been forever since I've posted anything with 5sos but nobody reads it so . . . Anyways, I know this is a cliche idea but I like it. Thanks to everyone who reads this! Please reblog and leave feedback! It would mean the world to me!!!
Summary: You write letters to Luke to help cope with his death
Word Count: 2.1k+
Warnings: Mentions of death, very sad, swearing
*Italics are the letter, normal font is y/n's actions* 
                                                                                                          April 13, 2018
Dear Luke,
It's been a month since the accident and I haven't been doing so great. My therapist suggested writing letters to you to help cope but I don't think they're going to help. I've only felt more upset now that I have to think about you more. I don't even know what to write about. Not much has been going on since you left. I haven't been able to do much without feeling the need to break down. I've tried to stay strong for Robbie but it's so hard. He's too young to understand what happened, other than the fact that you aren't here anymore. Everyone is nice to me, but in a pitiful way. It's almost like death is contagious or something. They bring over meals and tell me that they're there for me if I need anything but the second I invite them in, they act like they have somewhere to be and leave.
That hurt: realizing that nobody knew how to comfort you, or even made an effort to try. Without Luke, you felt so lonely. You had Robbie, but he couldn't do much, being so young.
You should see Robbie now. He's grown so quickly. I can already see you in him, it's insane. His hair is all curls and his nose is an exact replica of yours. I wish you were still around so he could take after you personality wise. Now he's going to be as sarcastic as I am (which probably isn't a good thing). Fuck that driver who couldn't stop to think about how dangerous drunk driving is. They didn't just take you from us, they left Robbie without a dad, your bandmates without a brother, and me without my soulmate. You left too soon and now I have to be a single mom when we barely had this parenting thing down with two people. It's so hard.
The tears that had been few and in between for the past few days were pouring down your face now, some splashing onto the paper of which you were writing your letter. You couldn't help it. The more you thought about it, the more the pain crept into your soul, consuming every last cell you had. You had lost you husband, your soulmate, and you'd never get him back.
This is all I can write for today. I love you so much and I promise I will never forget you. Not a second goes by when you're not consuming my thoughts. With more love than we could ever imagine,
It was done. Your first letter to your dead husband was finished. What else could you write to someone who would never read it?
Dear Luke,
It's been a while. I'm sorry, I just haven't been able to get myself to write this. I've been doing so much better lately. I can go out and do things like a functional person now! Everyone's doing a lot better actually. The boys have been coming over a lot recently for dinner. They look less heartbroken, and I guess I do too. They've talked about finishing the tour soon but they're probably going to break up after that. It's not the same without you. Who knows, maybe they could get someone to replace you! (Haha, they could and would never. You are just too special to replace.) That was kinda mean but I think this deeply heavy and emotional letter needs some comedy relief. (You can tell I'm doing better since I'm making jokes again.) How is it up there? I hope you're doing alright and that you're not lonely. Robbie is convinced you don't have enough friends and you need some company but I told him I'm sure you've made plenty. He really misses you now that he kinda understands that you're gone for good. He's told me that he wants to be just like you when he grows up. (He's convinced he could replace you in the band if someone would just show him how to play the guitar. I don't trust his three year old hands around them though so don't worry, your guitars are perfectly safe.) He's going to start preschool this year and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. He's grown up so fast! Soon enough he'll be going to college and I'll be all alone. I forgot to tell you, I got a job! At first it was just to distract me from my grief, but I've found that I really enjoy it. Sure, we have enough money to live comfortably for a very long time, but I didn't want to spend the rest of my days sitting around and doing nothing. Anyways, that's all I really have to write for today. I miss you so much and I love you to the end of the universe and back a million times! Love,
You clicked the end of the pen with a sigh of relief. You had written your first letter to him in two months and you were just now realizing how much better you felt. It was like swearing when you stubbed your toe. A bit of relief from the pain you felt. Maybe this helped more than you originally thought.
Dear Luke,
I know it's only been a few days but you need to hear about this. Robbie told me he wants another pet. Another fucking pet. I though Petunia was enough but no, he wants a cat. I love cats and all, but do we need another pet??? Petunia takes up enough space as the baked potato she is (I love her for it don't get me wrong) so we don't need another animal right? It's really hard to get ask your advice when you can't respond. Maybe we should do it just because we can and I think Petunia needs a companion. She's good around cats, right? Fine, I'll do it. I can't believe writing to you is helping me make up my mind. Oh well. While I'm here, might as well mention that I miss you and I love you so much!!! (Three exclamation points, that's a lot! That's how you know how much I miss you) Sorry this letter is so short but we have to go look for a cat now. Love you! Love,
P.S: We bought all the supplies for the cat. Now we have to go find one (7/4)
P.P.S: We got a really fluffy cat and Petunia loves her (7/6)
Dear Daddy,
Hi daddy! It's Robbie! I miss you so much!! Mommy has to write this cause I don't know how to write yet. We got a kitty and we named her Oreo cause she's black and white. Petunia likes her soooooo much. When I play blocks Oreo knocks them over and then I have to start over. I built a really cool castle yesterday but Petunia ran into it before mommy could take a picture of it. My birthday is coming soon! I'm going to be 4! Mommy said that Grandma and Papa are coming over and we are going to eat cake and open presents (but the presents are for me because it's my birthday).  I'm going to play with Petunia now! I love you!!!!!!!!
Love, Robbie
Hey Luke, It's me, Y/N. I'm not gonna waste paper so I'll write this on the same sheet. I think we'll keep the letters to once a month now so I have stuff to talk about and so we don't forget. Robbie drew you a picture so I'll put it in here when I fold the letter. It's a picture of all of us and Petunia and Oreo. I don't know why I'm so short compared to you. Maybe because I told him that you were super tall? I don't know. Anyways, the boys have decided not to finish the tour. They claimed it's just not the same without you on stage and that they don't want to have a 5sos without you. I don't know if they're going to continue as a band or not. I know you would want them to but it would be weird without you. I'm gonna go now. Sorry these have been short lately. I'm not really sure what to say anymore. These letters help to cope but I don't think I can really put everything I want to say on paper yet. Love you more every day that passes by! 
 Love, Y/N
Throughout the next few months you wrote Luke letters, hoping that the words would just flow onto the page. Every month it seemed harder to put something down. You felt much happier now, but that emotional barrier was still present. After a while you stopped writing the letters, too frustrated with yourself to try to write more. You never forgot about your husband, but you started to think about him less often than before. That was, until the one year anniversary of his death.
Dear Luke,
I'm back. I know it's been too long but I've been doing so well. The letters got to a point where there was nothing for me to put down on the page. They started to make me more frustrated with myself than they helped me cope. I never knew what to say other than I miss you and I wish you had never left. I finally finished my last therapy session! (Last week actually, but now is not the time for technicalities) I'm so much more at peace with myself than I was a year ago. A whole year that you've been gone and it feels like an eternity. It's been so hard without you here. I know I said I've been doing better but sometimes I feel myself slip without anyone there to catch me. There are nights where I can't do anything but cry because I know that I have to live the rest of my life without you. That I will never find someone who I love like I loved you. Like I love you.
In that moment you broke down. Luke was gone for good and you couldn't do anything about it. The only part you had left of him was his guitars and Robby. 
I know I have to be strong but it's so fucking hard. Life is shitty without your sunshine personality to make it better. Robby is constantly asking about you and I wish I didn't have to leave you partially up to his imagination. He needs a father figure here and I can't give that to him. I've tried to get back into the dating game but I just can't. Being with someone that isn't you doesn't sit right with me. The thought of someone taking your place as my husband and as Robby's dad is terrifying. You were supposed to be with me through it all and you were barely there for the first portion.
You place the pen down on the desk you kept in your room and stood up to go to bed. You couldn't finish this letter. Sobs pushed through your body and you couldn't seem to stop them as they slowly got louder and louder. Normally you would be concerned that Robby would hear you but at this point you just needed to let it all out. The pain that you had held down for the past year all came out at once. What if Luke had been five minutes late from the meeting rather than out on time. What if you had asked him to pick up the milk you needed so he would have to take a different turn. What if that stupid driver hadn't gotten drunk in the first place.
"Mommy, why are you crying?" Your son's voice came from the doorway. He was holding the stuffed tiger Luke had bought for him when he was born. Ever since the accident, Robby rarely let it out of his sight.
"I just miss daddy," You reply, sitting up in your bed and holding out your arms to pick him up when he walked over to you."We lost him a whole year ago now and I miss him a whole lot."
Robby was clinging onto you now, hugging you as tight as he could and burying his face into your shoulder. You sat like that for a minute, trying to stop your tears until you felt Robby start to shake.
"Why can't daddy come back to us? I miss him!" He wailed, causing you to shed a few more tears. At that moment, the only thing you could do was rub his back and cry with him.
"I miss him too baby. I miss him too." 
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Thank you so much for doing my prompt, I loved it!(^ω^) I'd like to suggest another one if that's okay, but you don't have to do this one if you don't want to :") Maybe a Klance one where Lance wants to tell Keith about his love for tickling, but doesn't know how to go about it? (Since he's afraid Keith would break up with him or think he's a weirdo.)??
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Characters: Keith Kogane, Lance McClain
A/N: Of course it’s okay! I’m literally asking people for prompts, don’t be shy XD. This too was an adorable concept and I hope my execution of it was was as soft as your idea!
Description: After yet another tickle fight, Keith is left breathless and sore. He’s noticed Lance has been tickling him a lot lately and is curious to know why. Lance, however, isn’t too confident in sharing such information. But Keith’s reaction in the end reassures him it’s fine. 
A soft squeal bounced about the cabin walls aboard the Atlas as the black paladin tried to escape the unexpected cuddle. He tried to hide into his fluffy son as to avoid such tormenting hands, but it was no use. Keith threw his head back softly as he tried to curl more into Kosmo, the soul being who was preventing the tormentor to gain access to the bed. 
Unfortunately, that gave Lance more places to roam, rather than being confined to Keith’s upper body, which the red paladin was eagerly taking advantage of. “Lhahahance, sthahahop thahaht,” the older cried softly. His son was becoming a bit curious. He rested his head atop the side of his dad’s face, watching. 
“Come on kitten, let’s go out and have fun, huh?” Lance really wanted to spend time at this fair with Keith, rather than winning toys for someone who would stay in the Atlas. “I dhhahahaon’t whahant thahaho!” Hiccupy giggles became even more feather touched as Lance worked skilled fingers around. The less ticklish areas would give off the most pure sound if touched correctly. 
It was like a siren's song to the Cuban male’s ears! He could just never get enough of Keith’s laughter, or seeing that adorable, true smile. Sure, he loved to hear Hunk, Shiro, and his niece and nephew’s laughs too, but there was just something about Keith’s that was so….. Silky?
He didn’t know, it just made his day ten times better and gave him such soft butterflies! “Khahahosmo!” The wolf was half assedly crawling over his dad to sniff at the other human in the room. He smelt food, didn’t he? Well, Lance had been outside already, looking for Keith. THat’s when an idea hit him. “Kosmo, you wanna go find Adam? Huh? You want Adam?!” Oh did that tail start wagging. Grandpa!
Between Iverson and Adam, they were and even tie of favorites under Keith. The tail brushed along partially covered legs, earning a soft smile as Keith shook his head. “No, Lance stop.” The male hugged his baby as to get more protection or cuddles, but the wolf slipped away before teleporting out of the room. 
No dad, no one to tell him he couldn’t eat x, y, and z! Food-topia time baby, whoo hoo! The leader pouted as he watched the blue light fade away. He was comfy with his big lap puppy! It took the older a minute to notice the smirk radiating from beside him. Oh boy. Glancing up, Keith blushed softly at the threatening face. 
Lance looked a bit charming in all the crepiness of the evil “persona” before two clawed hands really sent the boy nto a panic. He let out a shriek before rolling away to hide in his small bed; Something Lance wasn’t letting happen. He followed after the shorter quickly, finally getting to properly cuddle. “Where are you going kitty, huh? You trying to get away from me?” The red paladin was blessed as anticipating squeals let out. Keith shook his head. “Yehehhes! I dhahaon’t whahahant to ghahaho! Don’t, don’t!” Tactics changed as Keith decided to lay on his back, giggling breathlessly. His blush was still soft, ieyes watering. 
“No,” he stated softly as he pushed the hand away. As soon as he moved it away, it swopped back around and came back into view. Lance snorted. “No?” The older nodded. “No.” Oh, but hads said otherwise. “But, why not yes?” Keith started to giggle a bit harder. “Whahahy ahahre yhahahou tickling meheh so mhahauch lately?” The playfulness was slowly ending as Keith’s sides and stomach started to outweigh the pain from his smile. 
Lance frowned a bit as the question came up. Had he been doing it more than normal? He didn’t think so. “No, I’ve been tickling you the same amount since we started dating back a little before Kuron came in.” The other blinked before shaking his head. “No, we hardly saw each other.” Lance pouted as he thought. “No, no, before you ran off with your knfe dad I use to tickle the snot out of you like… daily.”
“Weekly,” Keith corrected. “Even on our way home you never did this, not this much.” The older rubbed his sides as he tried to relieve the slight tenderness. “Are you alright?” Lance blinked a bit. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Keith shrugged. “You look like something’s bothering you.” Seeing as Lance made his emotions very obvious. 
The taller shook his head. “No. Did I hurt you?” Keith didn’t answer, he just hummed before going to tickle behind his boyfriend’s ear. Blue eyes widened before squeezing shut as the Cuban mae became a snickering turtle. “H-Hehehey!” He turned his head away, giggling more as he noticed Keith fall over to follow him. But, Lance had the advantage of the floor, whereas Keith was tangled in bed by his blankets. 
“Lance.” Keith slowly stopped messing around. He wanted answers. The other shrugged with a sigh. “I don’t know man, I guess your laugh is just too addicting.” If Keith was well, less dense, perhaps he would have thought Lance wanted to calm down with the childish game to distract himself from stresses and other issues that were occurring lately. 
However, Keith is dense, and just wasn’t understanding. “Your lying, your tone is becoming more serious.” Attention to detail much? The other hummed, looking away shyly. He didn’t want to say it, he couldn���t! What if Keith got weirded out? Shiro did say it was something he and Adam used as a playful form of bonding for the other; Just to help bring him out of his shell and remind him he was loved!
But would Lance admitting his fixation with the game be too much? Would it end their relationship? Would Keith think the other was trying to sexually advance over him?! Blue eyes watered. No, no, it wouldn’t be like that, right? Keith knew Lance respected that he was ace, even if he didn’t fully understand what it meant. 
He did know, didn’t he? It wasn’t a kink, it was just fun and addicting! “What’s wrong, why are you crying?” The softness and sincerity in the older’s voice caused the other to shake his head before standing and brushing off his uniform. “Ah, I’m not crying. Just… little…. Mmm.” Space dust? Keith would want to talk about this no matter what. 
One look into that concerned face and the other felt himself crumble. “I’m… strange, alright? Just don’t want to lose you over something like this.” A little more context would be nice. Rather than walking away, like normal, and trying to avoid Keith, Lance walked to the opening hand and let it take his softly. 
That was a first. Sitting down, Lance then started to untangle Keith from the gray sheet and… crocheted blankets? Where did he…? “You seem willing to talk about it.” Of course that’s what he’d say. The taller shrugged. “Well,” his eyes watered up as his tongue tried to stop him. But, soft, loving rubs form the side of the calloused thumb on the top of the tanned, soft hand slowly eased the male. 
“Lance, come on. It’s clearly bothering you.” Concerned was still present on the older’s face as he moved closer. Okay Lance, like mama says, like a bandaid. “I really like tickling.” It was so fast and quiet that it took Keith a moment to process what had been said. That damn word caused Lance to cringe after the fact.
He didn’t bother to explain or anything else, not yet. He just wasn’t there yet. “Okay…. And? I… guess I do too?” Yeah, it was mice when Adam or Shiro tickled him, even when his mom did. So why wouldn't it be when his boyfriend did too? “Huh? No like… I really like tickling. I…. It makes me really happy and I like to tickle… others a lot too.” Keith tilted his head. “I’m not… getting it?” Bingo. Lance started to calm down more. “I guess you kind of are? It’s not like a kink or anything to do with sex or dominance in a seperate veiw. It’s just…. I guess a fun thing I like to do and feel. “ 
Keith nodded. “Yeah, like I said…. It’s fine. I like it too. Maybe not as much, but I do enjoy it. It means safety and…. Bonding.” He gave a bit of an irritated face with the last part. “We’ve had plenty of cuddles since then Mr.! Shush!” The older rolled his eyes before letting go of Lance’s hand and laying back down, offering him room this time as apparently Kosmo had ditched him for Adam, or maybe Iverson. Lance smiled before removing his jacket and pants so he could cuddle comfortably. Keith nuzzled into his chest, listening to the anxious heart beat. 
He smiled softly as he thought of an idea. Lance, however, was trying to change the topic. “So, where did these blankets- gah! Oh no, Keith!” Lance was so flustered, of course his freaking boyfriend had to do this now! Fingers moved up and down his sides in a soft pattern as the younger started to relax. “Adam’s mom and Shiro’s grandma.” Lance wasn’t really paying attention to the answer as he just started to ease his mind of his anxieties. 
Keith was okay with it! Hell, he was tickling him now! “So, should I do this more often,” the smaller chuckled with a playful and arguably flirty smile. “Iahahf yhahaou whahant.” It felt nice when Keith tickled him. He was always light though, afraid to hurt the other. It wasn’t like Shiro where both brother’s would mercilessly dig into each other until one begged for mercy; Or in a newer time: Adam. 
Maybe that’s why Hunk liked being tickled by Keith too, he knew boundaries. Which was why he just didn’t tickle Pidge or Allura at all…. He helped Lance ice those bruises. “Whhahahaoa kay! Keahahaith!” He spoke to soon. The other jumped as fingers wigged under his arms. Keith, however, smiled in absolute delight. How cute!
“You said you like tickling,” he teased softly before stopping to give Lance a small eskimo kiss. His eyes were open, a small blush dusting his face as he smiled. Despite the pants, Lacne felt his lips curl upwards happily. With eyes starting to close, he too blushed, butterflies trying to escape him. Rolling them over to their side, he ran a hand through Keith’s hair before moving in to cuddle him. “So… about the festival outside?”
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emptybloggy · 5 years
It’s been so hard dealing with all this. So I temporarily moved into gracies room. Also because missy was leaving Friday, yesterday, to watch the dogs and usually we all go, but I needed to take care of blue. But then I’d be alone. So I wanted the comfort of my sister and be closer to my mom. So Gracie and I and blue are on her bed and we’re playing roblox together. When blue starts choking. I shove my laptop to the side like, screw this game, blue needs me. I’m so glad I did. If I just ignored her and kept playing, I’d hate myself even more.
She starts gagging and gasping for breath. I freaked out. She hops off the bed, which is low to the ground since Gracie got a new bed and it’s only a mattress on the ground, also why I moved in with her, since that’s easier for blue, she wobbled and fell to the ground on her side. I picked her up and cried so loudly. I didn’t even care about my dad hearing me. Angel comes in and she’s like what’s wrong. And she starts crying. Gracie is crying. But it’s all background noise. All I can focus on is blue, feeling so lifeless in my arms as she’s choking and gasping for air. Angel gets our mom and she calls the vet. I hear my mom asking me if she wants to take blue to the vet so she can be put down painlessly. Nothing feels real to me. I nod, thinking that when we take her to the vet, they’ll be able to fix her, that she’ll be okay.
That dream I had earlier, it gave me peace, I thought god was telling me that blue was going to be okay, and I should stop constantly panicking and worrying. In the dream, she got better, she was okay again.
Everybody keeps telling me to put her on the ground. I refuse to let her go. She bites my arm but I don’t even care. I keep kissing her head and whispering her name, over and over. Praying over and over. Praying god please help her.
They keep telling me to put her down. I promised her I’d never let her go. I promised her I’d be there until the end.
I read a post online, about people who get their pet put down, don’t even stay in the room. And their pet dies looking for them. I didn’t want that.
We go to the vet and I’m still holding her. I sit down and in the passenger seat and keep saying her name, keep praying, smelling the familiar scent of her head, rubbing my face in the fur on her next, which feels like a blanket. She’s like my blanket. My safe place. My home. My other half. Every time she sits next to me, she sits up against me, the empty space, meant for her, completing me.
She still has her mouth open and she’s breathing so heavy. She keeps choking and fighting it, kicking her legs, she fought for so long. And then she went completely still. Her body lifeless in my arms. I don’t want to believe she’s gone. She’s staring at me with her eyes open and her tongue out.
We walk in the vet and I lay her down on the mental table. He checks her heartbeat and tells me she died in my arms.
He leaves the room to give us a minute. My mom is there, Gracie is there, angel and her boyfriend are there. Angel is cuddled into her boyfriend crying. Gracie is crying. My mom is hugging me and whispering in my ear over and over “I’m so sorry”
I just stare. I stare for a long time. This isn’t real. I say it in a whisper “this isn’t real”
My first words when I got her: is it real?
My first words after she’s gone: this isn’t real
I take a step back in shock. I stare. Tears flowing down my cheeks. I wish I could cry. I wish I could just endlessly cry and shatter. But I’m in shock. I’m shaking. My best friend can’t be gone. I keeps at her staring like she’s going to come back to life. I take a step forward and touch her. I gentle shake her body and whisper her name over and over. I hear angel let out a cry and then she says “Rachel she’s gone”
But I don’t believe it. It can’t be real.
Angels boyfriend wraps her up in a blanket and puts her on my lap when I’m sitting back down in the car. It took both angel and my mom to hold me up and walk me out of there.
I stare at blue in my lap. I keep whispering her name. I burry my face in her fur.
She can’t be gone. I’ve lived the majority of my life with blue in it. She can’t be gone.
We get home and I sit on the floor of gracies room with blue. Her body has gone stiff. I hold one of her paws, she’s usually playfully swat me when I’d do that, now she does nothing. Because she’s gone.
I sit on the ground with my back pressed against the wall. I can’t stop staring. She can’t be gone. I hold on to the memories of her. Everything is background noise. My mom freaking out and telling me to snap out of it. My sisters crying. I’m not there. I’m with blue. She’s jumping up on my bed. Sleeping next to me. I’m lightly laying my bed on her like a fluffy pillow. And now the next time I go to my room, that won’t happen. My life is empty without her.
The night before, I laid on my bed for a minute. Trying to picture my life without her. I pat the bed and say “come here kitty” and she’s usually jump up on the bed. And I start crying. Because I know my life will be empty without her.
I can’t stop staring. I can’t get out of my head. I don’t want to accept reality. My mom is still freaking out and wanting to take me to a hospital. But then decides to take me to missy to see the dogs. She says that might help. I grab my iPod and shove it in my pocket, I also grab blues fluffy ball. It still smells like her.
My mom and someone else walk me out the door. My dad is acting like we’re all overreacting. I want to lash out but he’s already left the room and I can’t even open my mouth. I’m shaking violently.
They put me in the car and we all go. My mom sitting in the middle of the back seat and Gracie and I on either side. Angel and her bf in the front. My mom keeps trying to comfort me and leans me into her and my head rests on her shoulder. Every now and then, she sticks a finger under my nose to check if I’m breathing. I’m still holding onto blues ball. She holds my hand and the ball falls out, she puts it back into my hand and closes my hand around it.
We get there and the dogs are happy to see us and being friendly. Somehow I end up sitting on the couch and missy puts on a movie. We’re all in the living room. Missy gives me a box of tissues. I look at her with wide eyes filled with tears and whisper “she died in my arms”
I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I held her close to me as she fought. Praying over and over. Praying for god to take her to heaven. She fought for awhile and then she went completely still. There was a couple jolts afterward, but then nothing.
I asked missy for a change of clothes, since blue peed all over me. In the bathroom, I was trying so hard to get connection to wifi, so I could get on here and text you.
And then I just stare at the tv throughout the whole movie. Drowning in pain. Missy and my mom are talking in the kitchen, I get up and go in. Missy is asking me if I want to turn blue into a ring or something. And I’m just freaked out by that. But after thinking about it, maybe it would be better to keep a piece of her forever, rather than putting her in the ground to rot and worms and possibly the dogs trying to dig her up. I was thinking of her ashes being a necklace the colour of her eyes. So I can keep her with me forever.
I hug my mom and thank her for everything. She starts crying again and saying she’s sorry this happened.
I get asked a bunch of times, if I want to get a new cat or dog. I don’t. Blue was everything to me. There is no other cat like her. There never will be.
Everybody cried while hugging me and telling me how much she loved me. I know she did. She always wanted to be with me.
She will always be with me
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ghost1643 · 6 years
How to train your dragon sequel series idea
Okay for the second series I want a lot!....okay a bit. Like a tiny bit but I had this idea for it that I have been working on for two nights so be prepared! The one thing that I want for sure is for the sequel series imagine it being in the decade with pirates. Cause like...it's pirates and dragons. Just tell me that isn't Cooke enough for you!
Idea for story:
Imagine a rich family traveling around the world and hitting a rock, falling into the abys where dragons live now. Everyone on the ship dies except for a young toddler.
The toddler is crying their eyes out which attracts the largest dragon you have ever seen that's got pitch black skin, a red neon line going down its back and red glowing eyes. That alone ie enough to make anyone scream in terror and run.
Anyways as he looked for the noise he sees a toddler struggling to stay afloat on a tiny ship peice of wood sobbing their eyes out. He gets inches in front of them, ready to attack. He opened his mouth only to feel a tiny pair of chubby arms hug his leg while she clings for dear life, water slowly sinking her raft.
The dragon tried to shake her off and just gets her to laugh. The dragon just glares down at her while she giggles slowly trying to climb up his leg. To which upon seeing the dragon freaks out and tries to fling her off only to get her on his face.
She giggled petting his head and calls him kitty. Then kisses his head like she does with other pets back home.
At that point tha dragon just has itself emotionally thinking this kid is cute. So he just brings her back to the nest where there's four other baby dragons sleeping next to his mate. He just lays the human down while his mate just gives him a annoyed look.
They make noises at each other before she glances at the human and nuzzles her, acting like a big cat. Then the dragons just go to sleep.
Going forward the toddler names all the dragons she sees after the only words she knows. The tiniest dragon from her home she names tree. She names the biggest ones puppy and kitty. The other dragon is known as fluffy which is the scrapes looking one of all.The parents she just calls mommy and daddy. He she even names other dragons that don't try to kill her as well including the tiniest dragon alive which she names Steve, the only normal human name by the way.
As time progress she learns how to survive like a dragon by learning to cook fish, how to defend herself, how to put up a goo fight against any kid of dragon or animal, etc.
Along with this she learns to draw really detailed picture. She draws the most realistic nightfury the entire hidden world has ever seen. It's so realistic that a few dragons bow to it which she finds funny...dragon dad doesn't find it as amusing.
Yet, she still can't do one thing. Hunt with the other dragons. The two dragons that raised her don't want her to go to a world that would take her away and change who she was. So she starts home and looks after hatchlings while naming other dragons.
Then they run low on food. The dragons go to get it and out of five of them, only one returns while looking injured. No dragon wants to go hunting afterwards except for three. As they head out the girl just climbs on her brother, fluffier back, and refuses to leave.
Cue cute moment with the family glaring at her and her trying to make her case with what little words she knows and what little dragon noises she can make. The father dragon just gained at her walking over, it looks like he's gonna pick her up like a baby cat. Instead he nuzzles her with a tiny whimper. She just hugs him back then her adopted mom and heads off.
The rest of the trip goes without a hit. Thanks to the human, teenage girl distracting the hunters they are able to get a lot of food. Heck she even kills a few when they attack the dragons. They return with a bunch of food this she's aloud to go hunting.
A few years later there at the same old same old hunting routine, the girl is 17 by now. They get the sheep and everything is fine. Surprisingly there's no noise as they get ready to go. That is until there's a scream. The human girl races over to see a bunch of people dragging a female Slave away from her family to be killed. She's screaming and kicking.
Then she goes to be thrown off the edge of a cliff. When the slave is she ends up being caught by a dragon. Her eyes are close until she hears a scream and opens them to see a winged beast has her. They make eye contact for a split second as they go up befroe she starts screaming and kicking almost falling to her death again.
Only to fall into our main girls arms. They make eye cotanct.
Then que our main girl blushing as the slave just panics looking around. The second the slave girl figures out their flying she faints.
When the slave come satound a few hours later they're on a island resting. She yawns sitting up mumbling to her sister how there was the strangest dream last night and- and then she sees our dragon girl sitting close to her. Before the sakes can scream the main girl opens her mouth and begins to study her. She's never seen a human like this.
Of course her hands get smacked away and she gets yelled at. Our main girl just sits there confused. Slowly the salve stands up and tries to introduce herself like she has before.
"My name Lunar ma'am. It's an honour to meet you miss..."
"Miss Maria. Now I just ask you where on earth did you get your...pets?" She asks genseturing to the other dragons. Maria walks over looking around at the dragons. Then she just points around at the dragons saying there names, and the word home.
It doesn't take long for Lunar to catch on to the fact that this girl isn't very smart...speaking wise. So like he just sits there before she actually just sighs. This is gonna take a long time to find out where they're going.
Thus we get a movie about a Black African America women traveling with dragons and an adopted Odd human women as a bunch of pirates hint them as they slowly in love or become friends. Which ever one more people, would be okay with.
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zombizombi · 7 years
years go by, will i still be waiting
“You can adopt them,” Kent said, hands full of fluffy orange tabby and face bright with a smile.
“I know! Aren’t they sweet?” Eric took a picture of Kent staring down at the cat. It was his idea to come to Regal Cat Cafe -- he’d found the place on Google, apparently. Jeff hadn’t know there was a cat cafe in Calgary.
It was a bit irritating that he hadn’t thought of it first.
The cafe was adorable. Clean and bright, it had the sort of geometric design to it that Kent liked, and the floor was a fun turquoise color. They had little cakes shaped like cats and funny kitty drink names, like the tea called “Tortoiseshell” that Jeff was currently enjoying. Kent’s hot chocolate came with a cat print in the foam, and they’d all been delighted to hear that the place partnered with a no-kill animal shelter.
“We have to give them a donation,” Kent said, and Eric laughed.
“I’m sure they’ll love that, sweetheart,” he said.
Jeff was sure they would, too. He’d already caught people putting both of them -- all three of them, really -- on Instagram.
Once they were in with the cats, though, he forgot about how many people were probably still putting them on social media. Kent was so happy. Every time a cat did something cute, he’d look for Eric and Jeff, wanting both of them to see the adorable happening -- which meant that he was constantly pointing out different cats.
“I’m so glad we came,” Kent said, as a tabby settled into his lap. “Thanks for finding this place. I can’t believe I didn’t know about it before.”
Eric laughed. “Yes, well. I am very good at using the internet, honey,” he said.
“Yes,” said Kent, “very good with The Google.”
Eric laughed again, startling the cat in Kent’s lap.
They spent the rest of that day just wandering around Calgary, talking and poking into stores and restaurants. Eric, it turned out, was more charming and funny than Jeff had realized. He was also very attentive, and he seemed to have figured out some magical way to get Kent to talk about how he was feeling without acting like it was a personal violation. He recognized that Kent wanted to go home before Kent said anything, and his jokes always made Kent laugh.
They pulled up to the condo but Jeff didn’t cut the engine.
Kent poked at the seatbelt to unbuckle it before looking up. “Aren’t you coming in?”
“Nah, it’s late, I should go home.” Jeff smiled.
“Are you sure?” Eric leaned forward. “We could watch so many episodes of The Golden Girls!”
Laughing, Jeff reached out to ruffle Eric’s hair. “Thanks, but I really gotta go. Kevin’s waiting for me.”
“Ugh --” Eric ran a hand over the longer part of his hair, trying to settle it again. “Well, fine. But I’m making peanut butter cookies tomorrow.”
“Is that a threat?”
“A promise,” Kent said, opening the passenger side door. “So bring Kevin over when you come.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Jeff waved as they exited the car. Kent laced their fingers together immediately as Eric pulled in close. The sunset stained their hair red. “See you tomorrow.”
“Bye,” said Eric. “Drive safe.”
“Bye,” Kent said. They waited for him to back out of the driveway before heading inside.
Jeff stopped in the kitchen when he got home, pouring a glass of water and checking his sugar before heading upstairs, moving slowly. On the way he clicked off the light his mom left on for him, pausing at the top of the stairs to check that nothing was in the hall before he shut it off.
Fuck, he was tired. Shaking his head, Jeff flipped the light switch and walked straight down the hallway, headed for the last door on the right. They’d had a good day. The cats were cute and they’d had great food and Kent had finally stopped walking with that tension in his shoulders that always built up at the end of a season. And Eric had promised to make peanut butter cookies. So why did he feel so --
There was a light on in his room. As he pushed the door open he could hear a Tori Amos song playing quietly on the stereo.
Excuse me, can I be you for a while....
Dagny was laying in his bed with Kevin sprawled out next to her.
Jeff paused. “Hey, champ,” he said, after a minute. “Everything okay?”
Startling a little, Dagny sat up immediately. Jeff did not recognize the name of the band on her black t-shirt. “I, uh -- what are you doing here?” She hadn’t taken off her eyeliner.
“It’s my room,” Jeff reminded her, stepping in and nudging the door shut. “I recall you having one at the other end of the hall.”
“Well, yeah,” said Dagny, “I just thought, um. I thought you weren’t coming home tonight.”
Jeff set his water glass on the bedside table. “It’s still my room,” he said. Turning to look at the stereo, he grinned. “Are you getting soft in your old age, listening to --” he made air quotes “-- vintage tunes?”
Dagny rolled her eyes and flopped back down.
Jeff flopped down next to her. They laid quietly as the song continued, almost over.
Hey, but I don't care 'cause sometimes, I said sometimes I hear my voice I hear my voice, I hear my voice, and it's been here Silent all these years
Jeff’s eyes hurt. Fuck. He closed them, because nothing could be worse than crying over nothing in front of his baby sister.
“You have a good day?” Dagny asked, after a moment.
Jeff swallowed against the burning in his throat. “Yeah,” he said, because it was, damnit, but his voice came out wrong.
The CD switched over to the next track and Dagny sighed. “Yeah,” she said. “Me, too.”
Scrubbing at his eyes with the heel of his hand, Jeff swallowed. “Yeah?” He pushed up onto one elbow. “Hey. You okay?”
“How did you know you liked boys?” she asked, after a long stretch of quiet.
Oh. “Uh,” said Jeff. “I don’t -- I don’t like boys.” That was not strictly true, but --
Dagny gave him an incredulous look. “You don’t like boys,” she repeated.
Jeff sighed. “I like lots of people,” he said.
“No, you fuck lots of people.”
Holy shit. “Dagny!”
“What?” she finally looked at him. “You do, right? Boys, too?”
“Not any more,” Jeff hissed. Jesus.
“Right,” she said. “Because you’re in love with Kent.”
“Whatever,” Jeff said.
“But you are.” Dagny looked back up at the ceiling. “Did you ever love anybody else?”
Jeff looked down at the blankets. “No,” he admitted, “but that’s not a prerequisite for --” wait. That wasn’t what he was supposed to be telling her. “Uh, not that you shouldn’t be safe, but --” god, it was getting embarrassing. His ears burned. “I just didn’t, um. It never happened before.”
“There’s a word for that, you know,” she said. “Demi--”
“I don’t care,” said Jeff, both because it had nothing to do with her original question and because he didn’t.
“‘Course you don’t,” said Dagny. She paused. “Amelia thinks she’s in love with you.”
He laughed. Right, of course. His sister’s sixteen year old best friend thought she was in love with him. “Where is this going, buddy? I’m tired.”
“She just talks about you a lot,” Dagny said, and something in her tone of voice made Jeff frown.
She talked about Amelia all the time. They did everything together. In fact -- oh. “It’s just hockey,” he said, tone gentle.
“I wish she liked me like that,” Dagny whispered, and Jeff’s heart hurt for her.
He thought about it for a minute before clearing his throat. “Maybe you should just play hockey,” he suggested.
Dagny finally laughed and punched his shoulder. “Fuck off,” she said. And then, a minute later, “don’t tell mom.”
“Oh, I’m totally telling mom,” Jeff said. “She’ll love hearing you’ve finally decided you like hockey.”
“You’re such a dick,” Dagny said. “I love you.”
Jeff laid his head back down onto his pillow. “I love you too, champ,” he said.
( missed the beginning? it’s all on AO3! )
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