#I was in an improv group at school and I hated doing the 'can someone please give me a ride home' dance every Monday so I quit
iamnotawomanimagod · 1 year
sometimes seemingly small shit will stick with you forever. when I was a teenager, my parents were drunk all the time and neither could nor would give me rides to places I wanted to go. so if I wanted to go see friends, do an after-school activity, or get a part-time job, I had to rely on the kindness of my friends/acquaintances (or, in reality, their parents) to be able to leave my house. and I hated being at home, because of the aforementioned constant drunkenness of my parents.
I'm 31. it's been almost 15 years since I've been in that situation. if I get stuck somewhere, I can call my husband. worst case, I have a cell phone and money and I could do a rideshare. more importantly, I drive now and I have my own car. I'm never stuck anywhere. I don't have to rely on the kindness of people who aren't responsible for my well-being. I'm safe, I'm safe, I'm safe.
and yet one of my most frequent stress dreams is being stuck somewhere. not having a ride home. having to walk in the dark and cold after school. being stuck with drunk people and having no escape. getting lost by taking the bus.
my parents were pretty shitty, but even still, I have to wonder - if they knew then that I'd still be having nightmares about this in my 30s, would they have tried harder? could they have? I don't know. addiction is a monster and addicts often make for shitty parents.
I just wish I could go back in time and give myself a ride. I guess I can do that now. but that doesn't stop the nightmares.
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starvity · 8 months
hi! i love your writing, im so shocked to find someone with the same ults as me ^ i was hoping you could maybe write a protective gunwook scenario? the idea of him always thinking he needs to protect you from others (even when he is a little scared himself,) is rlly heart wrenching.
like !;!!,!,! imagine him pulling you behind him slightly with a serious voice but you can feel him shaking a bit. 🥹 hes too precious rlly we dont deserve him.
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— ☆ follow your steps
gn!reader x zb1 gunwook
genre: angst, student!au, fluff?, gunwook and you as the popular class presidents // warnings: bullying, blood, violence, jealousy
author’s note: i was originally going for a happy ending because angst makes me feel so bad but no i like to make us (yes, myself included...) suffer today :D (you'll be fine) also omg ult twins!!!! you’ve got insane taste btw hehe <3 (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
gunwook and you were two of the most popular students in the entire school. you two being the two class presidents, you can often be seen together to work on projects or just share ideas on future plans to improve your lifestyle. it had started with a pure academic motive. meeting up after classes at the library to talk about the recent complains from the students and how you could find a solution to those. after a few weeks though, you found it less and less of a burden to stay late at school and, if you dare to say, you were excited to do your duty as a model student simply and solely to spend some time with gunwook.
and the other students were quick to catch up that maybe you two had become much closer than expected and let's say people were not very happy about it. you were aware of how popular you were just by counting how many love letters would be squished in your locker on valentine's day and how many students would wait for gunwook to clean the classroom until sometimes 5 or 6 to hand them a cheap snack and hearing a few words from him, a simple hello and thank you. and you hated how that popularity made all your relationships feel fake and forced. but when you were with gunwook, everything felt so light and casual. for the very first time, you felt like you didn't need to keep a facade and felt like you could finally be yourself.
gunwook was already waiting for you at the quiet and empty library as he had finished his classes earlier than you. he took the chance to grab a drink for both of you, thinking that it could maybe cheer you up after this long day. gunwook noticed that you still hadn't arrived after 20 minutes and assumed that you were probably talking to your teacher or helping your friends with their assignments like you usually do. therefore, he starts working, his glasses resting on the tip of his nose, almost sliding off. his chin was placed on the palm of his hand, his index occasionally taping his upper lip and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. almost 45 minutes since your class ended and you still were nowhere to be seen. the boy starts to get worried and he goes looking for you, considering that a walk around the school would also empty his mind a bit.
"i already told you we are just friends, nothing else" you state firmly, glaring at the group of students circling you. the girl in front of you, who seemed to be the "leader" of the crowd steps on your foot, lasers shooting through her eyes. you wince in pain but keep your composure and replies calmly "have you maybe considered that your terrible attitude might be the reason gunwook doesn't want to have anything to do with you, with all of you guys? he wouldn't even befriend and even less date any of you guys." you suddenly feel a boy grab your hair from your right while another person twists your arm from your left. despite the pain you keep your head up, smirking at her while some blood from the punches received earlier was staining your lips "and what if we were more than that?" her eyes turn dark and you know you're about to receive either a slap or a punch, or worse, in the next 5 seconds.
but those 5 seconds were enough for gunwook to find you and quickly stand between you two. he takes a glance at you from over his shoulder and his heart aches seeing the state they left you in. he orders them to leave you alone with a shaky voice but the only response is a couple of chuckles. all of a sudden, the crowd takes a few steps ahead, slowly closing the gap between you. gunwook takes your hand in his, he was trembling and he could barely murmur a sorry with the tears building in his eyes. and the boy had never felt so much shame and disappointment in himself before this moment when he understood that he won't be able to protect you this time.
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This is a meta on Our Flag Means Death episode 5: The Best Revenge Is Dressing Well, Sir Godfrey Thornrose, The scene where he calls Ed a donkey, and so called "race science."
It has come to my attention that some of you apparently do not know what a phrenologist is.
*a note: I'm going to for the purposes of this assume that the guy played by Jeff Lorch is sir Godfrey Thornrose, I do not know this for certain but in my opinion even if he is not Thornrose the same principles still apply to him for reasons I will discuss in this meta.
So lets recap the scenes I want to touch on. At the beginning of episode 5 Stede is teaching Ed how to identify rich people cutlery like they're Barney Thompson and Vivian Ward in pretty woman. Stede bitches at Thornrose for not having enough spoons for Stede's liking. Thornrose responds "My apologies, I hadn't imagined we'd be hosting your kind."
Ed responds "My kind, what kind"
to which Godfrey responds "A rich donkey is still a donkey."
Ed then proceeds to scream at him and then orders Fang to skin him with a snail fork before throwing him overboard. To which Fang presumably responds by either skinning him with a normal skinning implement or forgoing the skinning step and just throwing him overboard, because who tf has time to skin a man with a snail fork.
I've seen some dogshit takes on this scene. I've seen it treated as evidence that Ed is exceptionally violent or abusive or has mood swings or anger issues or whatever bullshit. And I... Do Not Agree. You'll see why.
The next scene I want us to have in our back pocket is the first couple scenes with Gabriel and Antionette. When Gabriel and Antionette introduce themselves to Ed and Stede they reveal that Sir Godfrey Thornrose is a quote "Master Phrenologist." Stede is then expected to study Antionette's head. When he does he introduces his fake craft as "Phrenology, which is the study of the human head." He then takes a wild guess as to Antionette's heritage based on her skull lumps.
Content warning for like real old school racism ahead.
The reason Stede goes for the heritage is because Phrenology is a pseudoscience closely linked to other contemporary race science of the time. It was the idea that bumps on your head, thought to be caused by the pressure of the brain, could be used to identify your personality traits.
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Phrenology gets really fucking racist, really fucking fast. Phrenology was used as proof that the white race was superior to other races, and as a justification for slavery and eugenics. Eugenics is the idea that you can improve society through breeding out "bad genes", which is almost universally popular among all types of racists, but the Nazis were big fans of it and there's a direct through line between the race scientists in the 1700s who were into phrenology and modern hate groups and neo nazis. I wanted to use an image here as an example of racist phrenology texts, but it's rough and I don't want to make a cut so I'm just going to link to the wordpress anthropology article I found the picture in, it's sourced and an alright place to start if you're into further reading.
With this information, I would like to use another example, that is relevant to the ethnicities in contention. A French physician who attracted huge crowds with his phrenology lectures, François-Joseph-Victor Broussais, once claimed that Maori people (as well as indigenous Australians) could never become civilized since he claimed they had no cerebral organ for producing great artists.
This is the context in which we need to understand the exchange between Ed and the French captain. I've seen some people claim it's about class and not about race, but Thornrose acknowledges Ed's wealth when he says a rich donkey is still a donkey. It doesn't matter to a man like Thornrose what Ed does or how rich he is or how well he can learn his fucking forks, he's still akin to an animal in this skull molesting freak's racist little mind. If a phrenologist, or even someone who's rubbing elbows with a phrenologist, calls a man of color a donkey they're clearly saying he's an uncivilized animal based on the shape of his face. That's how racists operate.
And Sir Godfrey Thornrose is not just any old racist, he's a racist spreading his ideology to other people, convincing them that people like Ed are inferior, that people like him should be subjugated by white people. He is clocking in for his shift at the racism factory creating more racists.
So basically what I'm saying is Ed should skin him, no quarter for genocidal maniacs. Basically I can tell you're either racist sympathetic or talking out of your ass if you think French captain was fucked up. It was antifascist direct action and I don't want to hear another word about it. I personally believe the only thing you can't come back from is death in terms of being a better person. I also believe that there are situations in which killing someone is more or less fine and you're never gonna catch me feeling bad for a fucking phrenologist when he compares an indigenous pirate to an animal and the pirate responds by doing what pirates do.
Killing Godfrey was based.
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mellon1998 · 27 days
On the subject of Kipperlilly Copperkettle...
It's okay if you like her, it's okay if you want her to be redeemed. It's okay to wish she had been revived and redeemed and grown as a character. Some of you may relate to her, may know people who were once like her, and it can be daunting to see yourself in a character and see them not get the chance to grow. After all, you got that chance, people you know like her got that chance. We all look back on parts of ourselves we've moved past (maybe even are still working on) and are glad to be past them. We're glad people loved us through those parts of ourselves.
I need you all to understand something though: You chose to change. People like Kipperlilly cannot grow or change until they choose to. Kipperlilly doesn't want to change, she does not recognize the flaws in herself. She may be aware of her anger issues, but she doesn't see her want for power as wrong. She doesn't see her desire for recognition she didn't earn as wrong. She doesn't see the issues of romanticizing trauma and hating people you don't even know and who have done nothing to you. She doesn't see a need to change her ways. Unless and until she does she will not change, no matter what anyone else may do or say.
More than anything, we see this in the fact that she chose Porter. We don't know the series of events that took place, but Brennan made it very clear that she chose him of her own freewill. She chose his side, she chose to force her decision on her party, she chose to kill Lucy and Buddy, she chose to end the world to gain power. She chose to end the world to get revenge on people who, at that point, had never even spoken to her. Up until the final fight, the worst thing they ever did to Kipperlilly was trade quips and call her four dogs.
The truly sad part? She probably never will. I've known many people like Kipperlilly who still, after years and years, refuse to recognize their own flaws. Refuse to seek help. They are given chance after chance, people choosing every single day to love them through their flaws, and they refuse to change.
Kipperlilly is addicted to power, we see this in so many ways. We see this in how she so very clearly tried her utmost to be the leader of the High 5 Heroes seemingly unprompted, as evidenced by 3 (maybe 4) of the other 5 not liking her. People don't tend to be chill about someone forcing their way into the position of leader. Especially in small groups. We see this in how she saw grinding would, at least in the early days, be more efficient for leveling than adventuring. She wanted the power, not the skills and experience. We see this in her bid for class president. She questioned if Kristen actually had any interest in improving the school, if Kristen cared. Did you care about the students or making the school better, Kipperlilly? We saw no evidence of that. The only things she wanted to do was make things better and easier specifically for herself.
It sucks. She is a kid, she isn't pure evil. Even in the world of dnd with devils and demons, nobody is pure evil. She could be more, she could grow as a person. She could use her eye for efficiency but learn to also take the necessity of practical application into account to help her party improve. She could use her abilities to hide and blend in to potentially do really good work to make the world better. She could have been more, but she didn't want to. It's unfortunate, but it's true. She didn't want to change.
Yes, she did go to therapy with Jawbone, but we don't know why. We know it was for anger issues, but we don't know that it was her choice to go. Her parents or the school could have forced her to. Even then, based on the notes, it doesn't sound like she was really interested in using therapy to help her grow as a person. She just used it to vent, which can be a part of therapy but it's not everything.
At the end of the day, she made her choices. None of which were to grow as a person.
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asmodeus-682 · 2 months
Not my usual post type but imagine a Kung Fu Panda AU but it's one of those human high school AUs
The Furious 5 are a group of friends who all attend the same martial arts club outside of school (run by Shifu ofc) and Po is a new member of the group after his dads encouraged him to do it so he could improve his confidence.
When in school however; Crane and Viper are in the same dance club, Tigress and Mantis are part of the student Council meanwhile Monkey isn't in an after school club but often stays behind after school on Fridays to help the cleaning staff out
Kai, Tai Lung and Shen are a group of friends, your average bully group if anything. Though each one is different in their method of bullying and why they act like that
Kai being the oldest and skilled in a few different forms of martial arts likes picking on others who are more weaker than him to boost his own ego due to being scared of being seen as too soft by his two friends
Tai Lung used to be bullied before he transferred to Jade High (what I'm calling the high school in this nonsensical au) and to avoid it happening again he became a bully, eventually teaming up with Kai. Much to his family's disapproval and disappointment (his family being Shifu and Tigress)
Lastly is Shen, the rich (nepo-baby) of the group, he is vain and likes making rude comments about people's looks. But he will also be physical whrn bullying someone. Think like Regina George from mean girls mixed with Hoshiko Mizudori from Yandere Simulator (I hate that game but she's the only one I can think of that fits Shen for this). Along with this he often gets away with it more due to his parents funding the school during big events.
As for the Chameleon from Kung Fu Panda 4 she's like the stereotypical pick-me who thinks she's part of Kai's squad just bc she's also a bully, though none of those 3 dudes even know she exists
If I actually decide to make more for this I'll probably try making designs for each character and/or short stories on Tumblr based off this au.
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vera-deville · 1 year
Hi! Could you please write Luka Couffaine x fem. reader who has trouble talking about their feelings? Writes him letters, love poems or plays the drums for him because it's easier for her to show her feelings like that? Sorry for my English it is not my first language.
02/28/2023 - 03/29/2023
Pairing: Luka Couffaine x Reader
Word Count: 867
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of!
Gender: AFAB
In which Luka has a significant other who has a hard time expressing her feelings.
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Luka Couffaine absolutely adored Y/N. The girl had captured his heart, mind, and soul, and he had no trouble expressing it. However, the same could not be said the other way around.
Other people labeled Y/N as someone cold and uncaring, but only a select few knew of her true nature - she simply could not express herself in the ways others would. And Luka understood completely.
Y/N had a small group of friends (most of whom had never even met each other, but knew the existence of). She wasn't one to stick to one particular friend group after all. A good friend was a good friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
And two of her very good friends were Juleka and Rose. Originally, Y/N had only Juleka (since she went to the same school as Luka), but quickly became acquainted with Rose as well. And for that, Y/N thanked whatever lucky stars she had.
The whole process of confessing to Luka was already gut-wrenchingly terrifying, seeing as she had no idea how to go about it, whether Luka would return her affections (even though Juleka said he would), and if she was actually dateable material.
But after the confession, a lot of her worries were put to rest. Luka was the sweetest boyfriend she could have asked for, and she was extremely grateful for having met him.
Luka was someone who was fairly affectionate (not like some of the couples she's seen walking in Paris being overly lovey-dovey), but he also never shied away from letting her know what was on his mind.
If there was a particular moment where Y/N was caught up doing something and was quite focused on it (such as homework), Luka would find himself simply staring at the girl, absolutely in awe of the work of art he had the honor of calling his girlfriend. (Yes, he's tried sneaking some photos of her when she wasn't looking).
And when he was caught, Y/N would ask, "what're you staring at?"
Only to be met with, "just caught up in the ethereal masterpiece in front me."
To which Y/N would feel her face heat up and a warm sort of buzz envelope her whole being. She'd become a little flustered and brush off his oh so charming and teasing self, but looking at him once more, she realizes every time that Luka wasn't teasing at that moment. He meant every word.
So when others meet her and find out she's in a relationship with Luka, they wonder how on Earth the relationship works. Luka was pretty well known and well-liked. But Y/N wasn't like that. She stayed to herself for the most part, and she'd never initiate any sort of PDA with her boyfriend.
And some of these people would take to whispering about this behind (or so they thought) Y/N's back.
She'd feel bad about it, but not to the point where she'd find herself spiraling down a rabbit hole of self-hate and whatnot. But that didn't stop her from wanting to improve. And what better way to improve than by asking two of her best friends?
"Aww, it's so cute that you want to be more lovey-dovey with Luka!" Rose gushed. Juleka had a slight smile on her face, finding the situation slightly humorous. The involved parties were her brother and one of her closest friends. How could she not be entertained? Especially when said close friend was going on a tirade vaguely reminiscent of Marinette's tirades about Adrien.
Rose suggested making a perfume for Luka, and Y/N thought that it was such a good idea that she'd probably do that for his birthday. "What if you write him a letter?" Juleka asked. Pondering over the idea, Y/N decided that it indeed was a good idea.
But what to write?
And so some amount of days passed, and Y/N finally ended up finishing her letter to Luka. It wasn't anything elegant or pretty or anything of the sort. It was goofy, filled with her typical sarcasm, and most importantly, it was heartfelt. Now, the only thing left was to actually give the letter to Luka.
Which was still quite hard surprisingly.
Y/N assumed that once the letter was finished, she'd just hand it over to the turquoise-haired boy and bada-bing bada-boom, romance!
Apparently it doesn't work like that.
Apparently you pour your heart out into the letter, but then you feel nervous to actually give the letter to your oh so accepting boyfriend.
But somehow Y/N pushed down her anxiety and gave the letter to Luka when they sat down after getting their ice cream. Opening it, Luka's face gradually morphed into one of extreme joy (and if Y/N didn't know any better, smugness), before he pressed a chaste kiss onto Y/N's cheek.
And from that day onwards, Y/N would (every once in a while) gift Luka letters, love poems, and even play the drums for him as means of physically showing her affection for him. It was their own little dynamic and some may have found it odd, but to them, it was perfect.
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Author's Note: Once again, I'm really sorry for taking so long to complete this fic. I hope you enjoy it (if not, feel free to request again, since I honestly don't feel like I did my very best with this one).
I'm still in the middle of trying to find a specific fic format to stick to. I've tried looking at a bunch of other fanfic writers' profiles and the format they use to write their fics, but I'm still not 100% sure if what I'm doing right now is what I want to continue doing.
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zzoguri · 11 months
surrender to me ➵ kim sunwoo
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fuck buddy!kim sunwoo x reader
you despise everything about him—detached, shy, a blind follower. if anything, being in the same room as him infuriates you. so how did a leader like you end up in this mess with him?
genre/warnings ➵ fuck buddies au, smut, afab reader (they/them pronouns, gendered terms are used), porn with little plot, dom!sunwoo, condescending and cocky sunwoo in contrast to his supposed shy nature, fingering, nipple play, a lot of hickeys, dirty talk!!! so much begging, he whines ONCE, he is also obsessed with the taste of you, degradation (uses terms like bitch, calls you pathetic), he is demanding & likes to make fun of you, calls you "Ms. Leader" a lot, a bit of aftercare in the end, yeji does interrupt the fun
word count ➵ 4k words
taglist ➵ @deoboyznet @kflixnet @blankjournal @winterchimez
a/n ➵ first time writing a oneshot that is less than 10k words and it has smut? and it's also my first time writing smut? and it's not my usual format of writing titles? be so for real moni. i don't even know if this counts as full-blown smut for you guys there is no p in v action. guys, this is truly the worst experience of my life. this writing experience has made me applaud smut writers because i feel like having to scream and laugh at myself. i didn't even fully read through this because i feel like i'm going to ram myself against the walls. anyway, thank you @haet-sal @snowflakewhispers @sungbeam and @cerescomets for the reassurance while i was writing! anyway, if people enjoy this, i can consider making this a series possibly! if you enjoyed this, always make sure to reblog (even if it's on your tbr </3)!
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlist
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God, you hate yourself for many reasons. Many knew you as the overachiever in your classes, one who will find themselves setting goals that should be unattainable in all ways. The same people found you the leader type, one who is determined to take charge of everything and anything. But most people, if not all, think of you as the hard-headed one—someone who will never waver from the choices set.
It did not matter what others thought. You could care less what these people had to say; it does not matter if they threw around nouns they felt encapsulated the image you present in school. If anything, they were doing you a favor for you can hope that it would remain.
But god would you hate for anyone to see you like this—to see you out of the powerful persona you had carefully curated.
You should not be doing this—definitely not with him. If anything, you hate him for so many reasons. He is the detached one in your class, one who never raises his hand nor finds the right answers to say when asked. Everyone knows him as the blind follower, one who will follow instructions but never provide any input on how things can improve. But most of all, people knew him as the shy one—someone who will not refute or refuse.
He infuriates you for he is not like you. God, you hate being in the same group as him—let alone being in the same room as him.
So why did you find yourself with your limbs tangled with his, all locked up in your very own room?
“God,” Sunwoo whispers against your lips. “I thought you said the last time would be the last.” His plump lips nip on your bottom one as his fingers find themselves on your buttons, popping them undone one by one.
And it should have been. You should not be doing this with him. Yet, you always find yourself ringing his phone again, and again, and again. Did you not respect yourself?
“It should’ve been.” With the way you grunt while you attempt to unbutton his shirt, he cannot help but chuckle. It is humorous—you say one thing and the complete opposite happens. 
His lips leave yours as soon as he successfully gets rid of your button-up shirt. Once they find themselves in the sweet spot on your neck, you cannot help but moan at the sensation. “You always come back for more,” he says in between sucks. “Just admit that you like doing this with me, Ms. Leader.” Sunwoo’s mouth moves to your chest, right above where your heart should be. “You like to finally have someone in control over you.”
You never wanted to agree to that assumption. If anything, you crave to be in control of everything. That is how you go on with life—taking everything in your own hands under the safety blanket that everything shall go your way. But when his fingers glide against every part of your body, traversing you as if you are something to be explored, you almost cannot help but feel all resolve crumble.
“Come on.” Sunwoo nips on your skin, coloring your chest with wet bruises. “I just want to hear you say it. It’s not like I’ll ever tell on you.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
He chuckles at your words. “Like I said, I would never.” As soon as his eyes meet yours, you almost cannot help but cower under his stare. “I would never let anyone know of what you allow me to do to you.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for another kiss. With your hands tugging on the strands of his hair, he lets out a small moan at the feeling. His lips remain locked with yours as he attempts to undo the rest of the buttons on his shirt. Noses bump against each other from how messy this whole thing is—not the kiss but everything about you two. God, why on Earth are you doing this again?
As soon as his lips part from yours, you notice how swollen they are from how much he has kissed you. You can only wish yours were not like his. When his buttons are fully undone, he decides to keep it on just to tease. And even with the small amount of skin he revealed, your eyes will never stop devouring him—the smirk that is evident on his lips seems to show that he knows that.
“You know, I would never let anyone know about this behavior of yours, Ms. Leader,” he says as he pushes you down against your bed. When he straddles you, he lets himself take in the sight of you—wide eyes that look up to him with desire. He brings his face close to the right side of your face so that his lips hover over your ear. “I want this to be something you reserve just for me.”
As his breath fans over the side of your way, you close your eyes in an attempt to calm every emotion coursing through your body. His hands find their place on your torso, letting his fingers draw shapes on each side. And when his hands slowly move further down, you arch your back so that he has full access to your bra clasp. His fingers carefully play with your bra strap, slightly tugging it and letting go so that it smacks against your skin. You do not hiss at the contact but relish it.
“Not gonna talk your shit like you always do, Ms. Leader?” The condescending tone of his makes you want to rip him into pieces. “You always seem to do that everywhere—except here,” he chuckles as he finally grabs onto your clasp.
“S–shut up.” Your eyes wander away from the man who knew your body too well than you could ever understand it. And as soon as he undoes the clasp, you feel his hands move to your shoulders. His fingers slowly move the bra straps away. “God, you don’t need to take forever.” Your impatient tone has him chuckling and shaking his head.
“I think I can do whatever I want. Did you not surrender all control to me?” When you do not say anything, he grabs your chin to make sure you face him. Now that your eyes are back on him, you notice the smirk that so badly infuriates you to the core. “Answer me.” You only frown at his demand.
“If you don’t answer me, I’ll walk out that door.” His threat should have been your window to end this mess after all. But god, you hate yourself.
“N–no, don’t leave.” Your plea has his eyes flicker down to your lips which hold a pout.
“Then say it—say that you surrender everything to me.”
How can you even say such words? You respect yourself. But under his gaze, you cannot help but follow. “I surrender myself to you.” The phrase falls out of your mouth pathetically. Sunwoo snickers at how ashamed you are. God, even you knew that you said it miserably.
“You think I’ll fuck you just like that? Who do you think I am?”
He is the pathetic one in group works, one who will accomplish tasks and never question your authority. He is the shy type, someone who will never speak up against you. And he is useless in everything that concerns you—but not this time.
“Fuck,” you mutter as you try to rip away from his stare. But when he keeps his firm grip on your chin, you know there is no way to get what you want unless you abide. “I’m all yours. Control me—use me in any way you want.”
And his laugh is just the sickest one you have ever heard. “Don’t demand me—beg for it.” His tone is sinister-like, one that makes you shiver. If you could control him like how you do with everything, you would never be in this position. And yet, you always found yourself succumbing to his demands.
You huff out a puff of air. “Please,” you make sure to prolong the ‘e’ sounds. With your eyes staring directly back into his that are clouded with desire. “Use me.”
And somehow, those three words had his resolve crumbling.
He goes in for another kiss, letting go of your chin as his hands go back to your bra. As soon as Sunwoo successfully removes it from you, your arms wrap around his neck. His fingers graze around the area where you so desperately needed him to touch. With your rushed kisses (and your attempt to press your chest against his), he can tell how impatient you are growing. And the moment his thumb brushes against your nipple, the moan you let out is grueling—almost embarrassing.
You hate how he starts to smile in the middle of him tasting your lips. God, you knew he would only grow cocky with it. As he continues, you can feel your pussy start to form a pool—one you hate to admit is caused by him. You never want to give him the pleasure of relishing his power over you.
But when he readjusts his knee to find its spot in between your legs, your lower body cannot help but move on its own. Your attempt to rub yourself against his clothed thigh is just a pathetic attempt to receive the pleasure you desperately seek. And when he shifts his thigh farther away from the clothed spot between your legs, you let out a whine.
“Ms. Leader,” he giggles after he parts his lips away from yours. “You have to be patient.” His narrow eyes hold yours as he lets his mouth trail down your neck, to your chest, until he reaches the area that is only centimeters away from where you needed him. And when you watch the way his tongue peeks out of his mouth to flick against your nipple, your eyes close in pleasure.
The ministrations continue. He would switch to your other boob just to give it the same amount of attention, but he always made sure that both nubs were stimulated—whether through his sucks or his hands.
Your eyes slowly open in a haze and you attempt to look down at the man who suckled on your chest. And the sight alone is enough to kill you—eyes closed as he is focused on nothing but your pleasure. The air in your lungs is knocked out. God, how did you even hook up with someone like him?
Somehow, he feels your eyes on him. As soon as his eyes flutter open to hold your gaze, he continues. And somehow, the sight is even hotter than before—his lips wrapped around your nipple as he looks right back at you. You do not even find it within yourself to break eye contact.
As soon as his lips leave your boob, he shoots you a smirk. “My sweet Leader, don’t you think this is funny?” His hand trails down to your stomach until it settles on the band of your skirt. When you feel his fingers pry their way under, you notice how they hook on both your skirt and panty. But he never drags them down. “That despite the title you carry around, you definitely don’t hold it when you’re with me—not when we’re alone.” He lets the bands snap against your waist and you let out a hiss at the contact.
“I think I should call you something more fitting, don’t you think?” The question hangs in the air. His hand trails down your skirt until it lands on the hem of it that rests on your lower thigh. “What about…” his fingers slowly slip under your skirt. “My baby?” He tilts his head to the side.
When he is met with silence, he chuckles. “How about my toy? Or what about…” his hands grip your thigh. “My bitch.” And you do not think twice when you let out a mewl. The satisfaction that paints his face is condescending—god, you hate him for it.
“Ms. Leader, I didn’t expect you for the degradation type.” He smiles as he brings his face back up to yours. His hands move up even further until it rests on the inside of your thigh. “But to be fair, I didn’t expect a lot of things from you.” It almost sounds like a diss on your skills in what you do, but you both knew that is not the case. “Just like how I didn’t expect to have you at my mercy that first night.”
When you feel him tug your underwear to the side, you feel the breath in your lungs get knocked out. And when you feel his fingers finally dip themselves in the part where you needed him since you first rang him up, you let out a whine. The way his eyes get wider is only a sign that he did not expect you to be as wet as you are. But his smile still remains as cocky as ever.
“You’re this wet?” He laughs in what sounds like disbelief. “I never knew how much of an effect I had on you.” He gives you another kiss as he lets his fingers leave your sopping cunt.
As you whine at the absence, he cannot help but smile. “Don’t worry, I’m not that mean.” And with a smile, he brings his fingers in the space between you two. The smell of your arousal is intoxicating for him but shameful for you—it is only proof that you are almost nothing without him.
But when you see his eyes look right into you as he shoves them in his mouth, you almost pass out. The sight of him with squinted eyes as he relishes the taste of you is addictive, but the whine that leaves him is everything.
“Oh god,” you whisper as you watch him lick his two fingers one by one. “You need to whine for me more.” The star-struck look on your face makes him smile. It is one he has never seen—he almost cannot believe he caused it.
As soon as his lips hover over your ear, he whispers, “I’ll whine for you if there’ll be a next time.” When he moves his head back to see your expression, it is one filled with anguish.
You do not want another next time—this cannot keep happening. But when you feel his hands finally tug both your skirt and panties down, all reasonable thoughts leave your mind. “Don’t think too much about what we have, Ms. Leader.” He presses his lips against your neck. 
“Sunwoo, we can’t keep doing this,” you mutter as you feel your eyes shut close.
As soon as his hand rests on your exposed slit, he raises you a question, “Why not? I think we’re made for each other.” While he continues to suck on your skin, you can feel yourself pant. “I think that you need me more than I’ll ever need you.”
Before you know it, his fingers make their way into your pussy. And god, the moan you let out is confirmation to Sunwoo—you truly did need him in every way possible. “Ms. Leader, you say that you don’t want this, but the way you react to how I touch you proves otherwise.” He continues to plunge his fingers into you at a rate that provides you with just the right enough stimulation to keep you on the edge.
“How do you expect me to answer when your fingers are fucking me like this?” You manage to say in between breaths. “Do you think you could say no if I put my hands in your pants?” Your condescendingness only makes him laugh.
“I would never stop doing this with you.” His lips leave your neck before moving back to look at you whose eyes are on the verge of closing. “Plus, I would not be so cocky if I were you. I could leave you high and dry.” And when he notices the way you pout and whine at the idea, he chuckles. “But I wouldn’t do that to you.”
His fingers continues to assault your pussy—the rate they were going even faster. And he notices the way your breathing gets heavier. When you finally let your eyes shut close to focus on the pleasure, you let out a string of moans—ones he will only have the pleasure of hearing.
“Ms. Leader, look at how you crumble for me.” His lips find their place on yours. With the way he tugs on your lips as he fingers you unlike anyone else, you mewl in the middle of the kiss. His lips leave yours. “Just admit that you want me.”
When you shake your head with eyes still closed, he chuckles. And somehow, his fingers go at an even faster rate. God, you could feel the coil get tighter. “Oh fuck,” you whine. “Don’t stop.”
And he listens to you—he continues going at that rate. When you feel yourself on the edge, you try to move your hand to reach down for your clit. But he holds your arm in place. “Say you want me.”
Your eyes flutter open as you whine. “S–sunwoo, please. I’m so close, just let me cum.”
“And I’ll let you cum if you say you want me—that this will not be the last time.” His demanding gaze makes your brain go fuzzy. “Just one simple phrase and I’ll give you what you want.”
You wish you still had some rational thoughts in your head. But god, did you need to cum. “A–are you fucking kidding me?”
“I’m serious, Ms. Leader.” His tone sounds even more demanding than how you usually speak. “Don’t you want to cum?” And god, you want to.
His fingers don’t stop, but you still need that stimulation on the nub. Without a thought, you say, “Fuck it, I need you.” Your eyes flutter open and you attempt to move his hand down to rest on your boob. “God, Sunwoo, I need you. Please just let me cum.”
“Say this won’t be the last time.”
“Fuck, it won’t be the last time—I swear. Sunwoo, please I need to cum.” The way you beg makes Sunwoo lose all sense of self-control. And with that, his fingers played with your nipples while he continued to finger you. The combined sensations have your face contorted into pleasure.
And as soon as his thumb finds itself rubbing against your clit, the coil in your stomach gets tighter. “Oh god, Sunwoo.” The way you mewl out his name almost has him breaking right in front of you. 
“God, you are so pathetic.” He chuckles as he moves his mouth back down to your neck. “I can’t believe everyone thinks you’re a leader—you do nothing but follow and beg.” Your pants are heavier. “You fucking need someone to surrender to—me.” The way he sucks on your neck, plays with your boobs, and assaults your pussy is like no other—the feeling cannot beat any achievement you have ever received.
And you feel yourself about to tip over the edge. With the way your walls tighten over his digits, you both knew you were about to cum. Your eyes flutter open as you look at the man whose eyes are zeroed in on your face. “S–sunwoo, I’m—”
“Cum for me.” He repeats that chant as he watches your face contort into different expressions. The pressure in your pussy is getting tighter. “Cum for me, you fucking bitch.” And just like that, the coil in you broke. As you were orgasming, he continued to finger you—letting you it ride out until you started to reach overstimulation territories
When he hears you whine as you attempt to push his hand away, he listens. Your breathing is heavy. And when you get a whiff of your arousal, your eyes flutter open, only to see that his fingers glisten with your release. When your eyes dart toward Sunwoo’s face, you notice his satisfied expression as he moves his three fingers apart to see the strings of your arousal.
“God, you’re so hot,” he says before popping them into his mouth. This time he does not whine, but his expression will always show how much he enjoys the taste of you.
Once his digits leave his mouth, your hands reach out toward the collar of his shirt. But before you can remove the top off of him, you hear your ringtone blast out. “Fuck.” You do not miss the way his expression switches into disappointment. “I’m sorry, I need to take this.” You do not hear him out as you fling your arm to your bedside table to grab your phone. 
You answer the call without looking at the contact. “Hello?”
“Oh, sorry! Is now not a good time?” You hear Yeji’s voice on the other line. As you lock eyes with the man who is starting to button up his shirt, you let out a sigh.
“No, it’s fine. What’s up?”
Yeji lets out a sigh of relief. “We need some hands in fixing the welcoming banners for the exchange students.”
“What happened to the welcoming committee? Didn’t I leave Jisung in charge of that?” You frown as Sunwoo makes his way to your washroom. But when he quickly comes out with a wet towel, you cannot help but smile.
“Unfortunately for us, he is MIA,” she sighs. “That’s what we get for trusting a man to handle this.” The revelation should have made you mad, but when Sunwoo crouches in front of you to wipe off the mess between your legs, you feel yourself melt.
The moment you hiss at the sudden contact of the towel against your sensitive pussy, his eyes snap up toward you in worry. “Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine!” You quickly exclaim. “I’ll be there in 30. Just make sure to get as much done, I’ll leave you in charge for the time being.”
“Got it.” And with that, you hung up on her.
“Sorry, I forgot that you’re still sensitive,” he says as he lightly wipes off the remnants of cum.
You shake your head and say, “It’s okay.” 
It is silent for a bit. You two usually do not know what to say during these times. As soon as he finishes cleaning you up, you take this as an opportunity to get off the bed and get some fresh clothes from your closet.
“I’m sorry for cutting this short,” you start off as you wear your underwear. “I would’ve told Yeji that I’m busy but they need me on campus to help out.” When you successfully wear your bra, you look at the man who came from the bathroom after washing up the towel.
“It’s fine, Ms. Leader is needed everywhere they go.” There he goes again calling you that.
You roll your eyes as you quickly grab some jeans. “I hate when you call me that.”
“But it’s what everyone calls you.”
A scoff leaves your mouth as you pop the button of your jeans close. “Yeah, but it’s annoying.” The moment you grab onto a clean graphic tee, you quickly put it over yourself. Your eyes land back on Sunwoo who only smirks. “What?”
“You’re going out like that?”
You find yourself frowning before asking, “What’s wrong?”
“I just didn’t know you wanted to present your hickeys to everyone on campus.” The moment he says that has your eyes widening in shock.
You quickly make your way to a mirror to see that your neck is littered with hickeys left by the man who now stands behind you. “Fuck.” As soon as you lock eyes with Sunwoo, you notice the satisfied expression on his face. “Hey, now is not the time to be proud of your work. I can’t go around like this!”
Once you spin around to face him, he only shrugs. “You’ll figure it out.” He grabs onto your arm and pulls you close to him. The moment his lips hover over your ear, he whispers, “I’ll see you for the next one.”
Before you could retort, his lips move to give you a peck on the cheek. You and Sunwoo were never the type to do such actions outside of sex. So when he moves away and sees your expression, he cannot help but chuckle. “Good luck, Ms. Leader.”
And just like that, he made his way out of your room. God, you should have broken this off.
if you enjoyed this, please reblog!
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spadesolace · 10 months
can i request reader being someone’s older sibling and haerin is like into the reader but people think she’s into her friend 🥹
i can see haerin just observing the reader while she has friends over and being such a sunshine
my best friend's sister : non idol! kang haerin x fem!reader
synopsis: you don't know if haerin hates you or she's just super shy whenever you're around
words: 1k
haerin knew this was bad.
she’s been best friends with danielle for who knows how long, they could all see the way the pair act all lovey dovey, something that sparked the rumors of them dating. all of their time is spent right next to each other, both families know of their presence, and even you, danielle’s older sister, know of haerin’s presence.
who wouldn’t fall for danielle, she’s top of her class, part of the cheer team, and has a voice of an angel. why settle for less, right?
well, having a crush on her best friend’s older sister was going to be a problem, let alone people thought that danielle and her are dating. the assumptions people make that kang haerin is thinking about love because of her best friend who is secretly seeing someone. partially, yes, she’s helping danielle in courting jang wonyoung who’s in a different class, and she’s no help when she’s being all flustered and blushing when you’re nearby.
personality wise, y/n marsh, is the complete opposite of danielle marsh.
you’re chaotic, loud, playful, but you deeply care for danielle, one of the first traits that haerin found endearing about you. just like danielle, you’re part of the top students in your university, an officer in multiple organizations that shows how dedicated you are in improving your leadership skills, but also you play instruments and sing bass to support danielle in her hobbies.
haerin has always kept an eye on you, and she wonders if you do the same thing to her.
it was no surprise that you and danielle go everywhere together during the weekends, probably because her sister who is older by 2 years is the only person she can drag anywhere, aside from haerin. 
it was already a problem trying to avoid you at school when you would drop danielle off and keep her safe. or how when you two are left alone, you become quiet and try to do some sort of small talk but fail miserably because haerin is too flustered to even talk to you.
she’s trying her best, but something about you just makes her freak out, panic, blush, and overall just lose her mind. even when danielle has her entire friend group over, haerin has a hard time conversing with you, minji and hanni do it with ease, hyein tends to keep close as you baby her, and most of the time she’s next to danielle.
“hey, jihye.” danielle hums, not looking at you as she continues reading her book.
“does haerin not like me?” that line made danielle stop and look at you with, ‘are you that dense?’
“why…? do you want her to like you?” you raised your hands up in a defensive way, it just felt weird that you’re close with all of danielle’s friends except for her best friend. even wonyoung talks to you, so you simply question it.
“well, yeah. haerin’s your best friend after all. you’re close with yuna, and sometimes i feel like you two are best friends.” danielle only laughed at your face as she reassured you that haerin does not hate you or anything along those lines.
the next time haerin came to visit, you weren’t there to greet her like you usually do. a smile on your face ready to hug her and check up on her then going back to doing whatever you were initially doing. maybe she missed her chance, you’re a college student and probably in the middle of finishing some requirements. benefit of the doubt.
danielle took notice of how haerin’s eyes kept lingering at the door or the stairs, she could only laugh at her best friend. you just went out to buy some snacks because yuna was gonna come by to do some allnighters for your midterms. not because haerin was also coming over and you wanted to buy them snacks as well and think of a way to talk to the girl.
so when haerin heard your footsteps that somehow always have a rhythm going through the front porch and humming something. you opened the door to see haerin looking at you as soon as you entered, carry two bags filled with snacks and some ramen, you gave her a shy smile.
“haerin-ssi, hi. where’s danielle?” you removed your shoes and let haerin carry one of the bags to help you sort them in the kitchen.
“she went to the bathroom.” you hummed, placing the bag on the counter, turning to haerin and hugging her as your usual greeting. she wanted to stay within your arms, you’re taller than hyein, the perfect height according to her, the warmth you give off. i’ll never get tired of this.
“how’d you been?” you let go first, giving a small smile at her and went on to sorting the snacks you bought.
“good. you?” she helped you sort it out, passing the chips and biscuits to your side as you handed her the ramens.
“quite alright, wondering if you hate me.” that took haerin by surprise, another trait of yours that she just admires is the way you confront people with no fear. danielle still has that fear of hurting people emotionally but with you, if there’s a problem why let it linger?
how does she say that she doesn’t hate you, that she actually likes you a lot, and not in a way where she looks up to you but wishes to be a part of your daily life.
“i don’t hate you, its quite the opposite really. i’m just…”
“shy?” haerin nodded as you fold the eco bags and place them under the sink along with the other bags and plastic bags.
“... would it be weird if i ask you out on a date?”
you stopped what you were doing, looking at haerin directly in the eye. it would be lie if you said you don’t like her, heck danielle knew of your crush on her best friend and simply didn’t wish to intervene.
“JUST SAY YES!” danielle shouted by the stairs, making you and haerin stop and look towards that direction.
“DANI!” to say the least, you did manage to get that date with haerin after chasing danielle around the house. haerin is lucky that her best friend’s sister looks her way.
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7ndipity · 9 months
Roommates with Jin(College au)
Jin x Reader
Summary: Headcanon list and blurb about moving in/being roommates with Jin
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I started it as a drabble, but couldn’t decide on a single idea, so I made it a hc list instead, I hope that's alright. Also, big thanks to everyone for your patience as I slowly catch up on requests.
Requests are open
Moving in together was technically his idea, after your roommate announced they were transferring and you were stressing about finding a new one
“What if I just move in?” He’d all but blurted one evening over dinner, leaving you to nearly choke on your drink before gaping at him.
You’d only been dating for about six months, so you definitely had some concerns about moving too fast, but you couldn’t deny that the idea was a lot more appealing than living with a potential stranger, so ultimately you agreed.
He was so happy when you said yes, practically skipping to buy packing supplies.
The two of you fell into habit with each other surprisingly fast, balancing out tasks and chores almost without thought.
He makes sure you wake up on time in the morning, you make his coffee. He takes the trash out, you do the vacuuming. Etc…
You’re friends joke that you’ve become the parents of the group, bc there’s always someone sleeping over on your couch or staying for dinner(and by someone, I mean usually Jungkook)
Which reminds me, he’s a really good cook(he jokes that he almost went to culinary school instead of majoring in film) He was lowkey horrified by the amount of instant ramen and takeout you’d been surviving on previously, so your diet definitely improved when he moved in.
Half of your conversations are yelled because you’re on opposite ends of the appartment and refuse to walk through the house to find each other.(yeah, the neighbors kinda hate you, but it’s just Joon and Yoongi, so it’s nbd)
Late night cram sessions, where one or both of you are almost falling asleep on the other’s shoulder, but you won’t just go on to bed because you’re trying to be supportive.
Movie nights that he claims count as studying for him(even tho you’re like 99% sure his professor didn’t assign Shrek 2 as viewing material)
Being able to find each other's things, but never your own.
Going all out for holiday decorations, but you have to agree on them before purchsing bc one time you bought one of those motion activated figures for Halloween without telling him and he almost had a heart attack and punched it in the face.
Groaning as you set down the last box, you staggered over to where Jin sat unpacking another box before sliding down to sit next to him on the floor with a soft thud.
“Is that the last of it?” He asked.
“Yep, everythings here.” You slumped against his shoulder, “Ugh, I’m so tired. I think I went up and down those stairs two hundred times.”
“Hey, look.” Jin nudged you as he looked around at the disorganized mix of furniture and boxes scattered throughout the space.
“We did it. We’re in our apartment.” He said, grinning at you proudly.
“Yeah, we are.” You agreed, returning his smile.
”This is our living room. That’s our bedroom, our bathroom.” He pointed as he spoke.
“We have a kitchen too.” You noted.
“You wanna cook dinner together in our kitchen?” He asked, raising a brow at you.
“Maybe tomorrow, I’m too tired now.” You sighed, falling back on the floor dramatically. “Can we just go to bed?”
“Fine by me.” He chuckled, getting to his feet and turning to face you. Rather than helping you up, however, he simply grabbed hold of your ankles and began pulling you across the floor.
“What are you doing?!” You squealed.
“Taking you to bed.” He said. “I can’t carry you right now, my back hurts.”
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tessiex17 · 6 months
You will be happy to hear that this is a 2 parter (second part is in development) since this is infact already 2,147 words WHICH IS KINDA LONG FOR ONE CHAPTER
This does have a fem reader BTW!!!
Short description: set when rayman is attending collage in America before he became famous and he gets invited to a party where he meets y/n
(Also if there are any mistakes/errors in my spelling PLZ let me know as written helps me improve with my dyslexia so any feedback will be amazing 😋)
Tw: alot of swearing, smoking and alcohol, abusive behaviour
"What am I doing?"
Rayman muttered to himself regretfully as he walked down the cold grid iron streets to the address the party was supposedly located. Rayman has always been a social creature, he loved the idea of meeting new people and going on adventures with them but that mindset had been slowly chipped away during his time in America. Specifically American school. He struggled to make social connections in his classes and was quickly deemed an outcast by his peers which was heart breaking for Rayman because he know it was only because he was alien, the people that liked to make fun of him made that fact pretty clear. It was something he couldn't change and even though he didn't choose to look the way he does or be where he's from he still got hate for it and he never really understood why.
Which is why he was shocked when he was invited to a house party by one of his class mates. He just knew he couldnt miss this opportunity to finally mend his social status and make a friend! Which leads him here. Walking towards the door of a house he's never been at before. He let's out a Sigh before raising his fist and firmly knocking the door. He knew he was at the right place, the sound of music and enthusiastic people could be heard quite clearly through the door (it made him almost feel bad for the neighbours).
Before rayman had the chance to knock once more the door swung open revealing the very drunk but very happy class mate that invited Rayman in the first place
"BROOO! You made it! I thought you where gonna be a no show"
The class mate ushered rayman in shutting the door behind him.
"Hehe what can I say, im a man of my word"
Rayman chuckled slightly nervous but intertained by how friendly his class mate was being. He finally takes a look around the house to see that this party was a lot bigger than he thought. There was at least 10 people in each room. Some where in groups chatting away to eachother, some where playing drinking games and others where dancing. A small smile started to grow on raymans face. Everyone seemed to be having fun so it shouldn't be so hard for him to join in right?
"If you wanting a drink feel free to grab whatever you want in the kitchen!"
The drunk class mate spoke a lil more slurred but still sounding enthusiastic. Rayman just gave him a smile and a small thanks before watching him stumble back to a group of people he must have been previously chatting with. 'Now what?' Rayman asked himself as he looked around anxiety curling in his gut like a snake. Does he just go up and chat to someone? He decides before doing anything he should take his coat off which he then hung up on the pegs by the door. He walks further into the house seeing people having fun. ' they make it look so easy' he thought to himself sullenly but a small creature in the corner of his vision distracts him from his thoughts.
"A cat!"
Rayman says aloud to himself before following the cute Calico cat into the kitchen. He doest pay much mind to the people as they seem to be talking amongst themselves. He crouches down In front of the cat petting it gently
"Arnt you just a sweetheart~"
He cous while scratching behind the cats ear. He spots a purple collar and a little silver name tag around the cats neck reaching for it to find out what the cats called. He flips the little silver tag and reads it
"Well hello kaya, aret you a cutie~"
Kaya looks at him Acknowledging he is speaking to her. She let's out a high pitch soft meow that makes rayman chuckle. He always loved animals.
"Of course your making friends with the animals considering you practically are one"
A voice filled with poison and Sadistic Humor spoke from behind him. He looked away from the cat and up to the owner of the voice. It was a guy in a very generic outfit and a blue hat.
"Excuse me?"
He spoke confuse hoping maybe the guy was meaning it as some sort of distasteful joke? Oh lord how he hoped.
"Who the fuck invited this thing to the party!"
Blue hat guy shouted loudly while pointing at rayman looking around the room as he did so. A few people began to giggle and rayman could feel all hope for having a fun night disappear.
"I'm not a 'thing' dipshit!"
Rayman retorted embarrassment making his face feel hot.
"Well what are you then huh?"
He leaned in close to raymans face. There was a short moment of silence before he continued
"Because all I can see is some sort of alien freak!"
The smell of alcohol was reaking from his breath. Rayman didn't like how close he was. How angry he was getting the more he talked. He opened his mouth to speak.
"What the fuck is your problem!"
An angry feminine voice spoke causing both rayman and the drunk guy to turn and face her. She stormed towards the both of them before pushing the drunk guy away from rayman.
"You asshole!, what gives you the right to speak to anyone like that!"
Oh lord was this girl mad. Rayman looked up at her in disbelief as she shouted at the guy who was previously insulting him. Was she defending him? She stood tall in front of rayman making sure she was blocking him out of the drunk guys line of site.
"Hes a fucking freak just look at him!"
The drunk guy slurred his words trying to justify his point but the scowl on the girls face just grew deeper.
"Your fucking disgusting"
She spoke lowly to him
"Thinking you have the right to speak to somone like that, do you think your better than him because he's not from here or something?"
She asked with genuine confusion In her voice
"Is that why? Do you feel more entitled than him because he looks different from you?, because if that's the case then that sound pretty fucking racist if you ask me"
She quirks her brow as if asking a question. He stays silent but his anger is clear on his face
"Men like you disgust me"
She spoke her words laced with anger before she turned around and faced rayman. She jerked her head to the side indicating towards the door
"Let's go"
She said kindly to Rayman who looked up at her like she was some sort of godess that saved him. He nodded quickly before grabbing his jacket and following her outside.
"Well that was a shit show"
He muttered to himself while following after her. She made her way to the sidewalk before taking a seat on the edge of it. She looked over to rayman and patted the place next to her offering him to sit down which he does. The air is chillie enough to see your breath as a moment of silence fell apon them. She pulled a packet of cigarettes out her pocket before offering one to him which he decides to take.
"Thank you..."
Rayman spoke timidly.
"Not just for the cigarette obviously but for everything that went on in there"
That got a little giggle out of her. She brought the cigarette up to her lips taking a long inhale of it.
"It's okay, that guys was being a prick"
She faced rayman with a slightly sullen expression.
" I'm y/n, I don't think I got your name?"
"It's rayman... thank you y/n"
She chuckled again a small smile growing on her face.
"You've already thanked me"
She spoke sweetly
"besides I couldn't just stand and watch. That guy was being cruel for literally no reason"
"People stand and watch all the time"
Rayman spoke sadly but honestly his eyes avoiding hers
"Your the first person who hasn't..."
He looked back up at her to see her intently watching him. There was something behind her eyes he couldn't quite place. Anger?, sadness?, he wasn't sure but he just knew that the feelings weren't directed at him.
"Don't say that man, your gonna make me cry"
She joked half heartdly the sound of her voice wavering was clear.
"Oh nonono!, im so sorry!"
Rayman spoke in a panic
"I wasn't trying to upset you-"
"No no, don't worry!"
She placed a finger over his lips in order to get him to stop talking. He's silent. Pleading eyes staring up to gentle one's as she moves her hand away from his mouth.
"It just makes me upset that nobody was willing to help you before. Don't feel like you need to sensor yourself for my benefit"
She spoke softly to him. Rayman was starting to feel like he didn't have to be so much on edge now that it was just them two alone which was new for him. Usually he had to be more alert if hes gonna be by himself with somone. Even thought he didn't know y/n that much he still felt safer alone with her than back in the house. She took a deep drag from her cigarette and so did he.
They sat there together for a while. Talking and laughing between cigarettes and alcohol. Y/n decided to share a good few bottles of her own alcohol with rayman. It wasn't the nicest of drink but it was good enough and strong too. It didn't take long for the both of them to be intoxicated. They where sitting closer together now the alcohol making them loose the concept of personal space as they chatted.
"Hey this place blows, why don't we go back to my place?"
Y/n suggested as she took another swig out her bottle
"We have been sitting outside getting drunk ourselves, would be warmer at yours too"
Rayman spoke semi to himself as he pondered on the idea
Y/n whined as she grabbed one of raymans shoulders and shook him playful chanting "My house! My house!" Over and over while laughing
"Okay okay!"
Rayman laughed placing his hand ontop of the one y/n placed on his shoulder in hopes it would get her to stop shacking him
"It is better than staying outside the party we kinda just walked out on"
He chuckled as he stood up reaching a hand out for y/n to help her up. She takes it as rayman pulls her up onto her feet. Y/n thanks him before giving herself a big stretch followed by a pleased groan
"Ahh~ Alright!, let's go!"
She glanced over the floor making sure she didn't leave anything behind before looking at rayman a smile spreading across her face.
"We're actually not that far from my house probably like a 10-15 minute walk roughly"
She tilts her head a little to see if raymans okay with that. He gives her a smile and a goofy thumbs up.
"All good, lead the way!"
He smiled enthusiastically. Y/n just laughs before turning around and walking down the street. She checks over her shoulder to see if rayman is following and motions with her hand for him to catch up. Rayman jogs up next to her before sticking to a walking pace. He doesn't know if it's the alcohol or not but he's having more fun tonight than he has in a while but whatever it is he doesn't want this good feeling to go away. Then suddenly y/n gasps
"Oh my god! I just released somthing"
Y/n spoke in a shocked voice
"What is it?"
Rayman look up to her worried as they walked.
"I can order McDonald's!"
Rayman playful hits her shoulder while chuckling
"You bitch, I though you where gonna say something serious"
"I am serious!"
They both laughed as they walked
"Somthing to eat does sound good though"
Rayman agreed and nodded with this idea they began cooking up
"I just want food"
Y/n whined as she walked down the street and before they knew it they where at her house.
"Home~ glorious home~"
Y/n sung aloud to herself while approaching the door making rayman chuckled in amusement. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her key sticking it into the door and opening it. She stood to the side of the door before doing a little bow while gesturing rayman to enter
"Ladies first?"
She teased as rayman walked by rolling his eyes but the smirk on his face was hard to hide. She chuckled at his lack of a reaction before closing the door behind them
End of chapter 1
So what did u guys thinkkkkk 😋😋
I gave the reader and rayman a silly lil dynamic bc I love bammy interactions I think it's so funny so I made them bams
If you have any feedback LMK and i wanna hear ur opinions of if it should stay platonic between rayman and the reader or should I make it more romantic 🤭
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romantichomicide95 · 1 year
Levi x Reader -CollegeAU
summary: I wrote this college AU jealous Levi smut when I first started writing and I hated it so now I’ve decided to improve it.
warnings: NSFW 18+. Penetration. Slight Oral (m.receiving). Kinda rough?ish.
“Hey Y/N long time no see!” you turn around towards the direction of a familiar voice. You remembered that voice, one that you hadn’t heard in over a year.
“Jackson hey.” you turn around, stepping into an awkward side hug, trying to balance the drink in your hand, not really wanting to be hugging him or feeling his touch. He looked different, new haircut, fresh shaven. Why was he here though? He transferred schools at the end of last year. “What are you doing back here?” you ask.
“I am visiting with my grandmother. She lives in the area, remember? Jason told me about this party, thought I would stop in and see the old crew.” Jason, you think, having to hold yourself back from rolling your eyes. One of the many douchey friends Jackson kept in his company, a big reason as to why you broke up.
"It's nice that you're keeping in touch with your grandmother," you say, trying to keep the conversation polite. "As for the party, it's been alright. Catching up with a few friends, enjoying some drinks." You pause for a moment, wondering if you should ask him how he's been since you last saw him. But before you can speak, Jackson starts talking again. "I was really hoping we could talk, Y/N," he says, looking at you with an expression that's difficult to read. "There are some things I wanted to clear up, especially between us." You feel a small sense of unease at his words. What could he possibly want to talk about? You were over, thankfully and you had someone in your life, miles better than the man who stood before you now.
You glance over to the beer pong table where your boyfriend Levi was. He looked so good, you thought, alcohol coursing through your body. He was wearing his favorite black hoodie, the one with his favorite band on the front, paired with the dark jeans you got for his birthday. He seemed to be engrossed in the game, his dark raven hair falling over his eyes as he lined his hand up to make a shot. You could swear he was glancing over to you every few seconds, but the anxiety you were feeling over this interaction with your ex, paired with the alcohol, made it so you couldn’t be 100% sure. Not that he cared when you talked to other guys, he wasn’t controlling or jealous like that. However, he knew the story with you and Jackson. The real story. Once upon a time that story was a great love story, before Levi came along of course. He had to hear it for so long when he transferred here. The story of you and Jacksons meets cute, how you instantly fell for each other. He hated it, and he hated Jackson. The way he treated you, the things you told him that you’d never shared with anyone else, made sure that hatred would be there forever.
Levi had immediately made friends with your group; he had known Erwin previously as their families vacationed together, so the transition was natural. You had thought he hated you at first. Levi wasn’t the warmest or the most inviting person. He constantly looked pissed off, he was sarcastic af, he wasn’t afraid to fuck someone up if they pissed him off. You were, of course, immediately smitten. He was hot, like hotter than any guy you’d seen. There was something more too, you couldn’t put your finger on it at first but there was something about him, something that drew you in. But he seemed so cold to you, you didn’t think you had a chance. Then you guys got close, really close, and you came to see the person he was underneath. He was kind, and he cared so deeply, he wasn’t selfless and he would do just about anything for the people he loved. One night he walked you back to your dorm after Erwin’s birthday party. You had spilled beer all over your top so he’d given you his t-shirt to wear. You could still remember how hard it was not to keep glancing at his abs. He’d walked you all the way to your door-“you can keep the shirt” he’d said- than without warning he’d leaned in and he kissed you. The rest was history.
You turn back to face Jackson, an ache rising in your chest. "I think everything that needed to be said between us was already said, Jackson. I've moved on." You try to sound as firm as possible. Jackson drops his gaze, looking contrite. "I know I messed things up, Y/N. But I want you to know that I'm sorry. I've changed, I promise." His words prick and you can be sure this time that you feel Levi's eyes on you. "I appreciate the apology, Jackson. But I'm happy with someone else now." You give him a polite smile, ready to make your exit. Just then, Levi saunters over to you, his normal stoic expression on his face. He slips an arm around your waist. “You’re missing me dominate this beer pong game.” he says. “I see that.” is all you can think to mutter out as you take his hand and walk away from Jackson. You could tell by the seriousness in his voice he was a little pissed, taking mental note of the way he had been eyeing Jackson. You decide you’d rather stay by his side for the rest of the night.
“Are you okay?” you ask Levi once you guys are back at his dorm. It was late, you think 2am but the alcohol is making it hard to focus on the numbers on your phone. Levi was quiet on the walk back, quieter than usual, if that was possible. Come to think of it, he was quiet all night. He wasn’t holding your hand as tight as he normally did, he wasn’t running his thumb along the back of your knuckles like he always caught himself doing. His eyes were glazed over, and his face flushed red, he’d drank a lot more than he ever did. He didn’t normally drink a ton, he wasn’t a super heavy drinker.
“No.” he says, pulling off his sweatshirt and collapsing on his bed. His roommate was out for the night, he was out pretty much every night honestly. That’s why you spent so many nights here, instead of in your own dorm. You practically lived here. You take off your heels and lean over him. Careful your breasts don’t fall out of this insanely tight dress you had on. “Okay why not?”
He rolls his eyes and huffs at you. “LEVI! Don’t be like that. Answer my question.” you plead.
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask Jackson.”
You didn’t really expect this reaction. Usually Levi brushed things off, he internalized and didn’t let things bother him. Besides, he really wasn’t a jealous guy. He knew how head over heels you were for him, how much you loved him.
“Levi seriously? You’re mad about that?” you didn’t mean to sound so defensive; you were drunk. But you regretted the way it came out.
“Tsk. I’m not mad. He’s just a fucking prick. Why would you even be talking to that asshole?”
“Idk he approached me. I wasn’t expecting to see him. I didn’t ask for him to show up out of nowhere, you of all people should know that” you threw your hands up in frustration. This was ridiculous.
“You both seemed pretty chummy though.”
 “Levi! Seriously. I promise you we were not.” You try to put your hand on his, but he pulls away.
“Okay what did he want.” He asks, sitting up and looking you in the eyes, running his fingers through his thick black hair. He looked annoyed. He wasn’t looking at you like he normally did. You hated it. You and Levi rarely ever fought. It was something that made your relationship differ from you and Jackson. It was one of the things you loved about him. You knew deep down it wasn’t you he was mad at, but alcohol fucks you up and he didn’t really know how take out his feelings of frustration without being able to punch the guy in his face.
“Idk, to say sorry. He said he was here visiting his gram and Jason told him about the party. I wouldn’t hear him out though. I just wanted to get away from him honestly.”
“Hmmm.” He pinches his nose in thought, you had to hold in a chuckle knowing that he was probably drunker than he was used to. It takes him a few minutes to say anything, the anticipation kills you. You didn’t want him to think something was up, you didn’t give a shit about Jackson. You loved Levi. Really loved him, like fireworks exploding in your heart loved him. Like your eyes could only ever see him, even in a group of a thousand people. He was your person. Always.
“Okay.” He finally says.
“Okay?” you question.
He leans in close, so close your noses almost touch.
“Okay…say your sorry.” He demands. So, he was going to play this game. The you can make it up to me by letting me fuck you silly game.
He slips his hand up your thigh and under your dress, pulling your underwear down over your legs. His lips meet yours in a kiss that’s soft and slow, but filled with passion, before moving his to your neck, nibbling and biting at your flesh. His hand moves up your thigh once more and his fingers make their way to your clit. You can feel yourself instantly get wet as he works you exactly the way you like. You let out a small moan and you can feel him smirk in between nibbles to your neck.
“I said say your sorry.” He demands again, whispering into your ear as he pulls down your dress with his free hand.
“I-I’m sorry Levi…. fuck.” you whisper as his fingers enter you. He stops for a second to pull his shirt over his head and you take in the sight of his abs as his fingers enter you again. He was so physically fit, just the sight of him turned you on further. You ran your hands down his abs and unbuttoned his pants. Pulling them off and taking your hand to his hard shaft, pumping his cock in your hands. He leans down taking your breast in his mouth, nibbling at your bud while one hand massages the other.
As he moves his mouth back to your neck, sinking his teeth in hard you whimper and you don’t think you can take anymore of the anticipation. “Please” you whimper as his body looks over you and you take his cock inside you. The sensation feels so good and you can’t help but clench around him. The way he thrusts inside you and the way he moves his hips has your head in a tailspin. You reach up with one hand to grab his hair, but he pins your arm to the bed behind you. “You don’t get to touch me.”
He spreads your legs wide apart and props one up on his shoulder as the pace of his thrusts quicken.
“You feel so good, god you’re so tight.” Levi says in your ear before kissing you again. His body comes down closer to yours as his cock fills you all the way up. You can feel it deep inside you and it’s pleasure mixed with a ting of pain. His hands are gripped on your hips and he turns you over on all fours, gripping you tightly while fucking into you from behind. He pulls your hair back so you’re looking at him “Look at me while you cum.” he demands.
Your legs begin to shake, as you feel the orgasm coming. Your hips jerk at the sudden intensity of “I’m cumming Levi….” you moan. You collapse onto the bed as you cum all over his cock. He flips you over once more.
“Me too.” He breathes, “Open your mouth” He demands right before he finishes and shoves it in your mouth, filling the back of your throat with his cum. You suck it and lick the top of his shaft to ensure you get every last drop.
He collapses on the bed next to you. His abs glistening with sweat. His breathing so heavy. You both lay there a moment composing yourselves.
“Fuck Levi. That was…”
“I know.” He says. “Go clean up.”
You go to his bathroom and do as your told. Slipping on one of his t shirts as you crawl back into his bed, waiting for him to clean up and come back. He pulls on a pair of sweatpants and climbs in, pulling you close to him.
“Still mad?” You ask nestling your head into his chest.
He lets out a soft chuckle. “No Y/N I’m not still mad. It was a good attempt at an apology.”
“Attempt?” you say, eyeing him puzzlingly.
He just chuckled as he wraps his arms around your midsection. “I love you Levi.” you say as you start to drift off the sleep listening to the pitter patter of his heartbeat.
“I love you to brat.”
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thedivineart · 2 years
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PICK A CARD: WHAT CAREER IS THE BEST FOR YOU [ career series reading #01 ]
notify: please do remember this is a general reading- take what is resonate and leave what is doesn't, to choose a pile, kindly close your eyes and take a deep breath and choose the one that your soul find it alluring, images that used are my screenshot from the "Bejeweled" music video of Taylor Swift.
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masterlist • pick a card • paid services form
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You're the type of person who is intellegent and have alot of creative ideas or plans, you are naturally a innovative person who is clever and do their best in any thing or in a situation, you use the power of your mind or intellegent to achieve what you want and need in life. you use your possible reasoning to solve conflicts or confront issues that may occur in the present and for future, you might be good at communication and as well in argumentative situation or in a simply dicussion since you are someone who uses smart word and know what your going to say so you rarely to lose in argument though you can be appear as competitive individual. Also you judge very wisely and uses mind often rather than heart, you want to pursue a career that related to law, science or a writer or journalist for a living. you are also someone who doesn't afraid to show how much they enjoy life, you like to try things, you have full faith. like i said above that you uses mind than heart, there's some people who choose this pile uses their heart rather than their mind, like listening in their heart and follow their bliss. I think some people here are too young maybe a teenager or in early 20's that don't still have job or expeirence or still studying.
mostly: attorney or lawyer, writer, journalist, professional astrologer, doctor, educator, something related to travel, related to justice
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I think some people who pick this pile is already working, if you have been working for so long then all your efforts will going to recognize sooner and possibly have awards/recognition or even promition. you are someone who is a skilled worker however you may work with 3 or more people in future and i see that in that group may be you are the leader or the boss. you are someone who have strong ambition in life and not in rush to get in finish line. If you are someone who will go on college, don't attend in long distance learning or home learning since education in school can improve your surroundings like having more self-esteem. However don't study the course you are not interested with just for the sake of others, may be your parents wants you to be come a doctor you will get that, no, doesn't mean they are in the field of medical, or accountancy or, farming etc. does it mean you will follow them and will be suited for you, follow what is your most interested or desire job but if you really want what others want for you then proceed to it. I'm seeing 22 yrs and below but can be older as well, you are someone who can be talkative and bright person. when you finish or not you have scholarships that's why your educated person, you could be someone who is quick in thinking or having new ideas in few minutes but i'm also feel that your always nervous at the times like performing or presenting in front of other people.(you could be a libra sun or rising). you also someone hated sports and some here your parents forced you to be in sport when you are young. yuh, mostly who choose this pile are just teenager who always on their phones or gadgets and still student. you could also love anime/hello kitty and went obsess/crazy for it over a month. you could be also artistic and intuitive, (astrologer or intuitive tarot reader), you are someone who is sensitive and cry easily and may have alot of crushes.
mostly: architect, engineer, web desinger, blogger/journalist, management and finance, artist, fashion designer, loan officer, agent, flight attendant/pilot, something related to travel(air), computer programmer, poet
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you are someone who seeks for prosperity and joy from material world or away from material world, it seems you just recently abandon or will abandon something in your life, and your reason is because "there is something better out there" and you want to get it. you changed your priorities and many people said it to you, you grown up and become mature to the point that your family and/or friends hardly to recognise you anymore. you may also became an introverted individual(not all) and can be very private person, and will only do what is right for you rather than what is right for the others, you may also insecure about your own abilities or may feel alone if working or your lacking in communication and you may have anger issues. a very conservative person and not following trends like tiktok?fashion trends?idk, and you like to buy things/goods that is good quality but the prize doesn't matter as long you can use it for a very long time. people see you as quiet and reserved but doesn't mean aloof. Ohh, you are someone who is kind, helpful and also trustworthy, you may also appear someone who is rich or people think you are like that and you have bigger plans for your own future. I'm also sensing you don't want to work with other and want to be a boss and prefer to work for yourself, you also believe that before achieving success you need to start in small things to be bigger, mostly who pick this pile would likely to be a bussiness person in the future.
mostly: bussiness person, professor, real state agent, military(not officer), related to nature, something related to travel, writer, architect, loan officer or mortgage broker
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trashrattt · 7 months
Some Code Lyoko headcanons I have had over the past couple of months:
Out of all the things Odd has pursued in art-wise, he loves painting and film-making the most, as it doesn't matter how messy or terrible it could be, he just loves trying his best (and would argue that whatever it is, IS art, and lists off the reasons why it's so great in a heartbeat)
When Aelita first came to earth, she ate too much ice cream at once, and thought she was dying when getting a brain freeze (she LOVES caramel with her ice cream, she cant do without it)
William is a HUGE theater kid, he could recite his favorite play quote for quote in a heartbeat (I can't say what his favorite could be because I've only seen Heather's, and I'd probably make some people mad lmao)
After months of Aelita lecturing him about 'getting some fresh air once in awhile,' Jeremie unintentionally picked up a habit of sitting at a particular bench while in intense thought (when they defeated Xana, he would often sit there and think of miniscule school related problems, and thinks of Aelita whenever he passes by that bench)
Out of all of Xanas monsters, Odds favorite are the Hornets because "Sure, they're pests, but they helped improve my aim, and now I always know where to shoot, theyre practically nothing now" (he HATES megatanks to death, he often asks someone else to deal with one if they pop up)
Yumi is a huge fan of classic literature, and often asks William if there's any books she would like, as he too loves it (they would often talk about different plot points they liked or despised in a certain book they read)
Ulrich loves to indulge in his Pencak Silat training, as often that's how he can express himself (it's the only thing he truly likes to do, and his father doesn't bug him about it)
(This takes place during Evo) after William got integrated into the group again, he and Aelita often get together to do their nails, while eating pizza secretly after hours (the two think they're so bad) Aelita often tries eyeliner as well, and William always compliments her no matter how good or terrible it is
Yumi definitely went to Kyoto when she was a little older, as she was already talking about it in the series
William had braces up until he was 13, he would often complain how "braces didn't look cool on him" and "my teeth are already straight" until his parents finally obliged, getting them removed a couple days prior to being expelled (he hated smiling for photos during that time, as he had this punk look to him, while having very obvious braces on) (he wears retainers to bed when he was at Kadic)
Odd and Aelita had this ongoing bet, where one set a bet that either Yumi or Ulrich confessed first, the prices raising every week (when they did, the number was up to the thousands, and neither one could pay each other, even if they wanted to, but that doeant mean they dont joke about it)
(This one's more of an observation from Evo) William LOVES going to Lyoko, giving him the thrill he wanted in life, but he has repressed rage back when he was Xanafied for months, often taking it out on Xanas creatures as if to make a point that he HATES Xana for what he did to him (often being rather brutal in the way he fights)
Jeremie will always keep the photos he took with Aelita the first day she came to earth, and often treat it as a precious item of his (and would complain for anyone slightly damages it)
Ulrich and Yumi often bonded over the fact that before meeting Odd and the others, that they were two lonely kids in their own families, both liking the fact that they related strongly to one another due to their strict family lives (this was when Hiroki wasn't there at the time)
Back when, Williams mom often was overly affectionate, and Will was always "Mooomm stoooooppp-" but after being Xanafied for months (Which must really be disorienting having the month be May, and then the next being fucking December or some shit) he doesn't mind his parents being affectionate, as he realized just how important they are to him
Yumi often talked to Williams clone, sometimes being like "Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" And he often says "Even though I am not the real William Dunbar, I'm sure he would be proud of the person you are today, Miss Ishiyama" (tbh I wanted a scene like that)
Jeremie is obviously very bad at expressing his emotions, but he holds his freinds dear to him, but doesn't know how to show that, so instead back then he'd buy small cheap gifts for everyone as he saw on the internet "gift-giving is a good way to express your gratitide to people that are dear to you" (evreyone eventually convinced him to stop as he was spending too much)
After William being dished on the lore that happened (because I'm sure nobody told him much) he and Aelita had a invisible bond with each other as they were both Xanafied (alot,) they often comfort each other if one had a nightmare or whatnot, very wholesome
Ulrich hates to admit it, but he and Will are very simular, as the two have a 'older brother' vibe to them in the group, and they often argue with each other often, arguing who "has to" protect each other (William often using the excuse that "he's the older one")
William is a HUGE cat person, and got really exited seeing Odd for the first time on Lyoko
And so on, I should stop because I have too much on my mind (I can make a part 2, Def)
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ivryne · 1 year
. . . ⌗ the aftermath ! 🔬 | scara x f!reader
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— 014 : a new face 🍬
scara’s appearance finally
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The night was still young, the party barely started. The penthouse was filled with people he doesn’t know, loud music engulfed every corner, cans of coke and beer filled the tables, not leaving any empty spaces. It’s safe to say that Scaramouche was overwhelmed.
Parties was never really his thing. But perhaps he longed to see someone in particular. It’s been 2 weeks after their last project meeting and they have been getting warmer ever since.
Those malice tones behind his words slightly toned down, replaced with glints of tease instead. Her daily insults were now more at ease, sole purpose to lighten the mood instead of bringing him on edge (only partly true though).
Though of course, their occasional banters and fights were still as boldly evident. One disagreement can lead into series disasters. But hey, it’s a bit of an improvement right? Maybe it wasn’t too noticeable, but the atmosphere surrounding the two has surely calmed down.
As if on que, what seemed to be a group of people entered the door. With laughters overflowing from some, soft chuckles from others, and a side eye from one. Although, the group wasn’t exactly what peaked his interest.
There lies the person he had been waiting for not that he’d ever admit that. The makeup drawn on your eyes made them more saturated than ever, with the blush on your cheeks that highlighted your features, he almost failed to notice a blue haired man beside you.
Words he planned to spare for you left untucked, no longer in need of use. He saw the smile you gave that man, the light in your eyes brighter than the mirrorball hanging above, as the person alongside you returned the same smile.
Scaramouche knew he had to remember. You and him were on a temporary truce, a t-truce as you would phrase it. All that just for the sake of your grades and what comes after will be the same as before. Besides that you guys were nothing, barely even friends. But alas, that alone couldn’t stop his heart to clench ever so slightly. Silently hoping that it was him that you smiled for, and wishfully thinking about what would happen if you never hated him before.
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+ fun fact & bonus — !
zhongli is hutao’s uncle but he’s basically raised her bc her parents died since she was young.
as briefly mentioned before too, zhongli is a professor in TU.
he’s also quite well known amongst students
bc he doesn’t really understand twitter, hu tao is the one that put his header and pfp, hence why she is there
also, meet ayato’s twt profile
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. . . ⌗ the aftermath ! 🔬 masterlist - prev | next
synopsis — the aftermath ! After a drunken night that resulted in some late night endeavors, you woke up in an unfamiliar environment. Looking around you in search for any familiarity, you spot a familiar tuff of violet hair beside you, hidden beneath the heavy duvet. Realization blew you over as you finally connected the scattered dots. Did you really just sleep with Scaramouche, your no.1 nemesis and rival? Well I guess all we can do is wish you luck to deal with the aftermath.
taglist — OPEN ! ( send me and ask, or comment to be added in ! ) @raideneiari @kino-alternative @xirthia @meigalaxy @ghostsaysno @sakiimeo @lxry-chxn @mcryv @ar1sc0rn3r @soosuro @thomawifey @thenightsflower @scaraapologist @plinkuro @kairxse @swivy123 @baelloraa @scaravibe @samyayaya @darkcheesecakemusic @lazy-sanns @blurr3db3rry @epicalspeckle @lfgceo @kaekazuha04 @certaindreampost @reiqnn @elfxiao @jinxnotpowder @exhaustedcommunist
NOTE. not my best chp but i’m feeling drained. there r so many works at my school rn and as part of the student council literally everything is so hectic this week i want to cry 😭
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©️ shrslair
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chaosbeetlefrontiers · 3 months
We need to talk about ghosttothefuture
cw/tw: stalking, racism, abuse
In the past I’ve talked about situations where I saw myself as a victim and blamed the people who rejected me because of my own behavior. In the present we’re doing something different.
This is a user named Ghost to the Future. Throughout the post I will be referring to him as Alex.
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Since August of 2023, Alex and I have been friends as we shared a lot of Intergang ideas and later I would eventually help him overcome his insecurities and irl issues… or so I thought. Since Valentine’s Day, I stuck by him and tried to help him on a journey of improvement as he confessed to me that he was jealous of me talking to people that I’ve known for 2 years now because he wanted me all to himself when he needed to vent. I’ve tried multiple things such as exercises where he couldn’t DM me, cracked down on limiting the venting and most of all, trying to get him a therapist. I even talked to my own therapist and school about how I can get him the help he needed. It wasn’t just “get him a therapist so he could stop venting to someone who wasn’t qualified to handle it,” he actively hurt and pushed away my friends when they tried to help him themselves. For the sake of their privacy I will be censoring the names of my friends.
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But eventually he told me that he’d get a therapist and during those weeks he told me about talking to him and even shared me advice that the therapist gave him and I thought we were on the right track. Then on March 26th, 2024, he confessed that he lied about it.
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He admitted to lying about it and told everyone that he was toxic and manipulative. Minutes after this I blocked him and told him that someday we’d be able to talk again. Hopefully we could move on.
Then the day after he started spamming my email after I refunded him for a commission I never got to. He told me that he was getting help but he also asked me to unblock him and told me that I was the only person he hurt. We’ll be getting back to that in a bit. Make of these what you will.
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To add insult to injury, he started stalking my Tumblr yesterday when he commented on one of my posts after I blocked him on Discord.
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We’ll get back to the stalker part at the end because it is truly fucked but for now let’s tear into how he’s hurt my friends! Not all of this will be complimented by screenshots but I’ve talked with people and can confirm that all of this has happened, if you want evidence of it I’ll see what I can do.
He has constantly pushed my friends away after they have tried helping him out.
He has lied about watching certain media multiple times, my friends managed to prove this has he lied about watching a show that didn’t even air yet. Most of the time he fails to elaborate on why he loves a piece of art if he hasn’t experienced it or he’ll just sheep other people.
Back in December he complained to me about two of my friends making fun of him only to find out that they were just joking with each other and Alex made a big deal out of nothing.
After trying to set boundaries Alex kept on using the excuse that “we’re equals.”
He harassed one of my friends in DMs for having a Hazbin Hotel pfp at the time.
He makes fun of other people and their interests yet infamously can’t take any jokes towards him at all.
He tried instigating hate in me against my friends when they watched MAWS and didn’t like it.
Has urged and pushed people to do sexual RPs in the past even when they were uncomfortable.
He said the N word in my friend group, he is white btw. And when one of my friends talked to him about this Alex only constantly apologized and made excuses for why he said it. I have the screenshot of this, I won’t be sharing it in this post so I won’t violate any policies.
He’s made racist and misogynistic remarks towards people in his friend groups.
Has sexualized people who are younger than him.
This is only scratching the surface of what he’s done to people online as apparently he has a history of changing his username after being rejected from fandoms, one of which included the Owl House and he used it as a crutch to excuse a lot of his behavior. Online, he’s dangerous and a chameleon but learning about his irl activity he’s even worse. I won’t go too in depth there but needless to say he insults his friends, is violent towards other kids in his school and has caused a lot of toxic relationships.
And ultimately we get to why I decided to make this post. I told Alex’s friend (who is one of the nicest people I’ve met btw) that if Alex contacted me again then I would call him out. And since yesterday, Alex has not contacted me again… but he tried to. How? By using his friend’s email to message me. The attempt failed but I was alerted of this and furious. Originally I said that I think Alex can improve but he’ll have to do it without me. Now he’s killed his chances. Everything I covered here only scratches the surface of what he’s pulled but in short: cut contact with him for your own safety. If he tries joining more fandoms under this name or a new name, use this post for reference and stop him before he can do more damage. Right now, Alex is a toxic and manipulative person and shouldn’t be in a lot of these public spaces especially when he’s admitted that he is DANGEROUS. Currently his main fandom is My Adventures with Superman so I will be tagging that to get the word out. Please reblog as much as you can to get the word out and let people know about this individual before he gets to them as well. If you’re reading this Alex, you’ve hurt me and too many people for me to just let this slide and if you try contacting me and my friends again, hope you enjoy whatever stupid prizes you get in the future.
Until next time, I wish you guys luck. Stay safe, people.
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idontplaytrack · 18 days
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: angst, injury, violence, hospital setting, coarse language, biphobia/homophobia, criminal investigation
“We’ll be just fine, mi vida.”
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Stepping inside the freezing cold hospital room, AJ could control her tears. Seeing you lifeless and hurt right before her eyes, she couldn’t handle it. As hard as she’s tried to keep it together, finally seeing you did it for her. It broke her. Gabi waited outside, watching her sister closely.
AJ sat down in the plastic chair by your hospital bed, “I know you’re hurting right now and you need to rest, baby. But please don’t leave me. Rest all you want, but don’t leave me. I need you with me, baby. You can’t leave me just like that, y/n. Please. I need you.”
“Due to the fall, she’s obviously concussed. On top of that, a fractured arm and fractured ribs, lacerated liver, puncture wounds to the chest.”
AJ’s knees nearly gave way if it weren’t for Gabi standing right behind. “So what does that mean?”
“There is significant swelling in your brain, so we put her in a medically induced coma to help with the pain she could feel. We will keep a close eye on her and monitor the swelling. Once it improves, we’ll slowly take her out of it. Her other injuries aren’t as much of a concern.”
“I was told that the police wanted to talk to us? What is that about?” Gabi asks.
“y/n’s fall and injuries were caused by a group of teens. She didn’t fall on her own.” The doctor explained, “They’re on their way here and will let you know more about the situation. They wanted to talk to you guys to gather more information, to see if there’s anything that could help them with the investigation.”
“I should’ve just headed out with you, y/n. I’m so sorry.”
Gabi was then joined by two detectives. Covington and Rogers. They approached her and introduced themselves while AJ was still talking to you. “Special Victims?” Gabi squinted, “Is this a hate crime? Oh my God.”
“Based on video evidence, yes, unfortunately that seems to be the case. Your friend was hurt because she had been taunted by those kids because of her sexuality.”
“There was video? No one stepped in to help her?” Gabi was disgusted.
“We have identified the kids. So we’re gonna show you pictures of them and we need you to tell us if you do recognise any of them.”
Gabi was then shown the photos. To her surprise, she recognises one of them. “Wait go back— this girl. She lives across the street from me and AJ.”
“Which one? What’s her name? Where does she go to school?”
“Molly Hammond. She goes to Miller Junior High. I don’t recognise the other two people.”
“What school are you and your sister in?”
“Me, y/n and AJ are all seniors and Miller High.” Gabi confirms, “Please let justice be served, detective.”
“Gabi, we take this very seriously. We’ll do the best we can. We need to talk to your sister too, so is it okay if we step inside? Or would you want to get her out here?”
“Of course, I’ll— I’ll get her out.” Gabi stood up, knocked and walked in. “AJ, the detectives are here to talk to you.”
She looks at Gabi, then stood up, then back at you before she finally walked towards the door.
“So we’ve talked to your parents, and they told us you guys were here. We’ve shown the pictures of the people who hurt y/n to Gabi and now we’re gonna show them to you— see if you recognise anyone.”
“That’s Molly. She goes to Miller Junior High, leaves across the street from us.” AJ pointed out.
“Has she ever said anything to you or y/n? That made you guys uncomfortable in any way.”
“There was a park on Molly’s street. At the end of that street. So we passed by her house and she was in her front yard, on a swing. Me and y/n were holding hands. She yelled, “‘Eww, that’s disgusting.’ She does that, we didn’t say anything back because it’s just not worth it spend our time on someone who’s just there to hate. One day, few months ago, I told her, ‘stop saying that, it’s not something you should be saying’. It’s not like we’re heavy on the PDA- we hold hands, occasionally there’s pecks on the lips, on the cheek, the forehead. We’re careful, because we know there are people like that who are out to hurt us.”
“Has she ever physically inflicted harm on either of you before this?”
“No.” AJ shook her head. “It was always just comments when we walked by her and her friends. We always just didn’t give them any attention because that’s what they want. We’re happy, we were secure. In fact, I was going to propose to her tomorrow night— five years since our first date.”
“What do you want for dinner?”
“I dunno. Nothing.” AJ sighs, shutting the front door and then just going upstairs to her room.
“Mom and Dad are out, but that doesn’t mean you can just get away with not eating anything.”
AJ stares at Gabi, stopping in her tracks. “Fine. Just cook whatever, order anything you want. I’ll have some of it.”
“She’s in good hands.”
“You don’t know that.” AJ snapped.
Gabi bit back a sigh, carrying on with her task of ordering their dinner. “I’m sorry.”
Gabi shook her head, “I get it, it’s okay. You’re going through a hard time right now, you’re sad, you’re angry. And rightfully so— but take care of yourself. She’d want that. You need to be healthy when she wakes up. I don’t you to collapse too. Have dinner, get some sleep. You need to rest. It’s been a very long day, AJ.”
“I hear you.” AJ nods, “I will. Just— will you sit with me till I fall asleep?”
“Of course I will.”
Dinner was a painfully silent affair, while Gabi cleared up everything and tidied up the house, AJ lazed around in the living area trying to stay off her phone. It didn’t take long for AJ to decide that it was time to get upstairs, and ready for bed. She had nothing better to do anyway. While she was brushing her teeth, Gabi enters the room. “You don’t have to do it.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Gabi assured. “We used to do this all the time anyway. You’d always climb into my bed and snuggle because you had a bad dream.”
AJ cracked a smile, “Yeah.”
After brushing her teeth and washing up, AJ changes into pyjamas and climbed into bed. Gabi follows suit. “We’ve barely spent a day apart and I miss her already, it’s crazy.” AJ admits.
“I do too, she lives here after all.”
“Her parents didn’t even come see her at the hospital. I saw the visitors’ log— their names weren’t in it.”
“She has us, she knows that. She’s so loved, AJ.”
“Not enough, apparently. A kid did this to her, pushed her at a fucking pool. The detectives showed me the video onlookers took.”
“Why would they show you the video?”
“I asked to see it. I wanted to see if I could see or hear anyone I knew.” AJ shrugs, laying down in her bed. Gabi stayed seated up for a bit while they both chatted.
Gabi looks at her, curious. “I only recognised Molly. The other two were probably her clique.”
“They’ll get them.” Gabi nodded, “I’m sure of it.”
“I really hope so. She’s been through enough— I should’ve been there.”
“AJ, no one expects anything like this to happen. She wouldn’t be blaming you. Stop doing this to yourself, please. Close your eyes and sleep. I’m gonna be right here.”
AJ was exhausted, but she couldn’t sleep. Her mind was racing. She couldn’t wipe the look of the girls’ faces from her mind, it made her sick. “AJ, deep breaths.” Gabi reminded.
After….awhile, AJ succumbed to the exhaustion and dozed off. That was when Gabi allowed herself to sleep as well. Gabi gets woken up by a phone call at about seven in the morning.
“Yeah, hi.”
“y/n’s awake. The swelling somehow lessened significantly overnight. It’s almost miraculous.”
“That is such good news, thank you.”
“We still can’t contact her parents, but she will be allowed to have visitors— two at a time, once the doctors fully clear her for it. But she’s recovering very well, Ms. Campos.”
“The lacerated liver isn’t too severe so a surgery wasn’t done. But you have to be careful when you move.”
You nodded, “Who’s come by to see me?”
“Your girlfriend and her sister. I’m sorry but we couldn’t contact your parents.”
“That’s— fine, they kicked me out a year ago. Don’t try again.” You revealed.
“You do have a concussion so you have to really take it easy, you’ll still experience headaches and nausea, light and sound sensitivity as you get better. But you will still be in the hospital in the meantime, so we will be right here if you need anything. The puncture wounds…”
“Were caused by a pin I had on my shirt.” You told them, “I assume police are waiting to talk to me? When are they coming?”
“That’s up to you, and how you’re feeling, y/n.” The doctor tells you.
“Now’s good. I remember everything, how they look like, what they said. Just a little jumbled. So before I lose my focus and forget…I think you should call them.”
“As long as you’re sure.” The doctor gives you a kind smile, “I’ll give them a call as soon as I’m done checking you over.”
“Thanks.” You say quietly.
“I’ve given your girlfriend’s sister, Gabi, a call before I came in here, so you can expect them to come by today.”
Your face lit up at the mention of AJ’s name. The doctor was happy that you had such a reaction. “Before I get on with my rounds, what symptoms are you having?”
“My head hurts, so does my chest. My arm? Not so much.”
“We can give you some pain medication if you need it, alright? Just let us know.”
“Can I have some now?”
“Certainly. I’ll get the nurse to come in afterwards to give you a dose. We’ll also try and keep the room a bit darker for you so it’s more comfortable. You can also eat some foods that are easy on the stomach now, so if you’d like something, I can get that arranged for you too.”
“Maybe just some juice for now. My stomach’s a little…unsettled.”
“Of course, darling.” The doctor nodded in understanding, “You rest up, I’ll go get you whatever you want and need. When the detectives get here, they’ll knock, okay?”
“Yep. Thanks, Dr. Higgins.”
As she leaves you alone, you closed your eyes again to rest, waking up again when you heard knocks on your door. “Sorry to disturb your rest, y/n. I’m Detective Rogers, this is my partner Detective Covington. We’re from the SVU and we wanted to ask you some questions.”
“Oh, I was expecting you. Come in.”
“The girls have been identified but we do need you to ID them too, as corroboration.”
“I know all three.” You nodded, they hand you a file. Opening it, you look at the photos: screenshots from videos, they seem like. “Molly Hammond. She was there with two of her friends. Madison Doyle and Vania Todd. All of them go to Miller Junior High— they come over to the high school every other day just to say shit about me and AJ. But mostly me, because AJ’s the most popular girl’s sister.”
“Thank you.” Rogers nodded, taking back the file, “Could you walk as through what happened?”
“Well I woke up and decided I wanted to go for a swim so I told my girlfriend where I was going— to the pool near her house. And I went, alone. She was going to come with me but she was not feeling too well. Just gotten her period and her cramps are usually pretty bad, so I asked her to just sleep in. I don’t spend a long time at the pool anyway.” You started to explain, “Everything went fine. I spent about half an hour there before the three girls showed up. I didn’t think anything of it because it’s a public pool and they were in swimwear, so— an attack wouldn’t be the first thing to cross my mind, you know?”
They nod, listening attentively and jotting down notes. You continue, “But then they saw me, and they started laughing, talking, I heard those names they use to call me. They swim over and started to splash water at me— right in my face. I was uncomfortable, so swam away. They followed me. So, I got out of the pool and they also got out of the pool. it was wet okay, so I was being careful. And then there was, ‘Go ahead, Maddie, push her. She’s disgusting, she likes all the girls.’ It all happened to quick for me to process what they’d said and get away. I saw Maddie standing there by my clothes— she took out one of the pins I had on my t-shirt, came over to me and poked the pin on my chest. Madison and Vania were laughing, I hear the pin drop to the floor and what happened was I got up the steps of the pool completely— I’ve left the water. These kids waited till I was at a distance and pushed me back so I lost my balance and slipped. They all took turns shoving me like I was some kind of toy. I pushed past them a little, but Madison? She came right and me, pushed me down with both hands. She looked right at me, smirking. I just remember my head felt like it was going to explode…it was the worse pain I’ve ever felt. They were laughing, going ‘yes!’, I hear high-fives…then I blacked out. That’s the last thing i remember before I woke up here.”
After that, the detectives pretty much had all they needed. So they thanked you and left. But almost immediately after, AJ showed up in the halls, rushing into the room after locking eyes with you. Gabi was close behind. Shit, you hit your head so fucking hard and yet you could remember everything? What a miracle.
AJ hugs you first and foremost. But she was being very cautious— they have definitely told her what happened to you injury-wise. You didn’t even know how you got that lacerated liver, but hey. At least you didn’t need surgery for it.
“I’m not gonna leave you, I promised. We made a promise remember? What am I if I just gave up like that?”
AJ sniffles, chuckling slightly. Pulling away, she presses a kiss to your cheek. “Babe, they put you in a coma because your TBI was that bad.” AJ breathes out shakily, “You waking up the next day because they see that the swelling has basically disappeared is a fucking miracle,”
“Thank you, universe.” You said while squeezing her hand, “The doctor said I’ll just be here a few days before I get to go home.”
“That’s so good, baby.” She cups your cheek, still crying. Then you see Gabi waiting by the door, through the little clear panel.
“I remembered everything. I told the police whatever I could remember.”
AJ nodded, “I was so scared I’d lose you, y/n.”
“Never gonna be able to get rid of me, I’m afraid.” You cracked a smile, “Don’t cry. I’m alright. I’ll get even better with time.”
Almost a week later, you were discharged and on your way home with AJ and her parents. Gabi had a track meet, so she wasn’t around. She’d only be back that night. You still had to rely on them for most of what you needed and wanted to do, but they took good care of you and not once did they make you feel bad. You’d spent about another week home from school and during that time, the same detectives you met at the hospital showed up. They sat you down with AJ’s parents, “We have good news. All three of her attackers pleaded guilty. They’ll be living under probationary terms for three years and it all goes on their records permanently. For Madison, she will be in juvie for three months, thereafter her three years begin. They are not allowed to come anywhere near you and your girlfriend because a restraining order has been placed. These kids, they’re 12 both of them, one of them 13. At such a young age, they showed no remorse for what they did. Truly cold-blooded. When we talked to them, it was clear that they had no regret. It wasn’t hard for the judge to see how terrifying they are.”
“Thank you,” You looked at the detectives, “So much for your help,”
“It’s our job, honey.” Rogers smiled and gave you a hug, “Take good care of yourself. You’ll be okay.”
“Thank you, detectives.” AJ and her parents said.
“The best thank you would be to see you continue thriving.” They say and stood up, AJ’s parents led them to the door.
With one last smile, they leave. The door shuts. A huge weight lifts of your shoulders and theirs, you could breathe easier now knowing that they got what they deserved. “What do you say we order your favourite for dinner tonight and celebrate, mija?” Her mom asks you.
“Oh.” You blinked profusely, grabbing a tissue from the coffee table, “Yeah, sure. That- that’d be nice.” AJ quickly realised you were about to cry and just held you in her arms, rubbing your back. Her mom presses a kiss to the top of your head then left you and AJ alone to finish watching the movie you had to paise because the detectives came by.
“We’ll be just fine, mi vida.”
“We’ll be spectacular.” You chuckled at the end, letting a tear slip, “The good guys will always get the last laugh:”
“Oh, always.” AJ agrees, holding you tighter. “I love you.”
That night, Gabi returns, bringing along your good friends Stacy and Dylan. They were aware of what had happened but they were just so very happy to see you. “Girl, I have missed you so damn much. Oh I’m so glad you’re alright.”
“I’m thriving, honey. Not gonna let three little girls get in the way of my life.”
“That’s my girl.” Stacy smooches your cheek.
“A literal miracle.” Dylan sighs, “Your recovery and the fact that Miller High placed first!”
“What?!” You and AJ shrieked, “Oh, my God. You guys…that’s incredible. I’m sorry we weren’t there,”
“You guys were there in spirit, we know you guys would’ve been cheering us on.” Dylan corrected, “It’s the thought that counts, my friends.”
“Okay, kids! Eat up before the food gets cold.” AJ and Gabi’s Dad urged.
“But first, a toast— to miracles.” Their mom raised her glass.
“To miracles.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭A/N: Wasn’t sure if I wanted to share this fic, but I did spend a good 10+ hours writing it so I figured why not
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