#all of my friends lived at least a 45 minute walk away
iamnotawomanimagod · 2 years
sometimes seemingly small shit will stick with you forever. when I was a teenager, my parents were drunk all the time and neither could nor would give me rides to places I wanted to go. so if I wanted to go see friends, do an after-school activity, or get a part-time job, I had to rely on the kindness of my friends/acquaintances (or, in reality, their parents) to be able to leave my house. and I hated being at home, because of the aforementioned constant drunkenness of my parents.
I'm 31. it's been almost 15 years since I've been in that situation. if I get stuck somewhere, I can call my husband. worst case, I have a cell phone and money and I could do a rideshare. more importantly, I drive now and I have my own car. I'm never stuck anywhere. I don't have to rely on the kindness of people who aren't responsible for my well-being. I'm safe, I'm safe, I'm safe.
and yet one of my most frequent stress dreams is being stuck somewhere. not having a ride home. having to walk in the dark and cold after school. being stuck with drunk people and having no escape. getting lost by taking the bus.
my parents were pretty shitty, but even still, I have to wonder - if they knew then that I'd still be having nightmares about this in my 30s, would they have tried harder? could they have? I don't know. addiction is a monster and addicts often make for shitty parents.
I just wish I could go back in time and give myself a ride. I guess I can do that now. but that doesn't stop the nightmares.
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sacredjake · 1 year
Moon To Me
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this is the second fic i’ve written, so be gentle pls. i just had this idea in my head that i couldn’t get out and thus, this was made :) shoutout to @gretasimp and @malany-gvf for helping me edit this and giving me feedback <3 (i love you guys)
pairing: jake kiszka x reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: none
“Gonna pick you up around 9, dress warm.”
You stared at the text on your phone from your best friend, smiling from ear to ear. You hadn’t seen Jake in a few months due to his busy touring schedule, and to say you were excited to see him would be an understatement.
However, you were caught off guard by his text. Jake would always tell you ahead of time when he’d be home, making plans before his breaks started. He never surprised you like this, but you shoved the thought aside just assuming he’d been busy and forgot.
You glance up at the clock on your phone, checking the time.
You had about an hour to get ready and dressed before Jake showed up. Well, you definitely had longer than that. Jake is always late. To everything. He was late to classes when you were in school, prom, graduation, parties, even dates. Even with just the two of you, he was bound to be at least fifteen minutes late.
So you waited until 8:45 to get ready, knowing you would have plenty of time. You never felt the need to be super dressed up around him, so you didn’t put a lot of effort into how you looked, throwing on some sweatpants and a crewneck. As you finished tying the laces on your shoes there was a knock at your door. Walking through your living room to your door you looked at the clock on your stove in the kitchen to check the time.
There was no way that Jake was on time.
You decided to look through the peephole of your door to check who was on the other side. Honestly, you never know who could truly be on the other side… or at least that’s what all the true crimes shows told you. Maybe you should lay off those for a bit.
Looking through the peephole, you almost thought your eyes were deceiving you. There he was, standing outside your door in black pajama pants, a grey t-shirt and a red flannel. You could hardly believe your eyes, he was actually on time.
As soon as you opened the door you flung your arms around his neck and held him in a tight hug. He let out a light huff as your body collided into his, and immediately wrapped both his arms around your frame as he regained his breath, lifting you slightly off the ground.
“I missed you too, Moon.” Jake chuckled into your ear as you squealed at the feeling of your feet leaving the ground. He set you back down, and you pulled away to look at his face.
He was still sporting the facial hair he’d grown out during this leg of the tour. You had yet to see it in person, but it looked good. It made him look older, and a little more rough around the edges. His hair was slightly shorter than the last time you’d seen him, and he was wearing large gold hoop earrings. The contrast in his outfit and new look was jarring, but you found it comforting, and oddly attractive.
“I can’t believe you, Jacob Thomas Kiszka, are on time! Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?! Are you feeling okay? You must be sick.” You teased him as you lifted your hand up to his forehead, feigning concern and checking his temperature.
“Yeah, yeah. You’re so funny.” He rolled his eyes with a laugh and swatted your hand away from his forehead. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah I’m ready, let me grab my purse.” You turned around to grab your purse from inside your apartment, but you didn’t get very far. Jake had caught your wrist in his hand, stopping you in your tracks.
“You won’t need it. C’mon, we’re burning moonlight.” He winked at you while you eyed him quizzically. You decided to leave your purse behind and instead grabbed your keys and phone from the small table next to the door.
“Alright then.” You locked the door to your apartment and turned to follow Jake out to where he parked. “So where are we going?”
He didn’t give you an answer as the two of you walked out to his truck. When you approached the truck, Jake unlocked it and you slid into the passenger seat and waited as he hopped in on the driver’s side.
You looked at Jake waiting for him to notice, giving him a pointed look when he finally did. “Don’t wanna ruin the surprise, Moon. You’ll love it.” He grinned at you as he patted the top of your hand that was resting on the center console. “Now put your seatbelt on so we can get movin.”
You followed his request and buckled your seatbelt as he put the truck in reverse and drove out of your apartment complex.
You had no idea where he could be taking you as the two of you winded down empty backroads with thick woods lining either side. As he drove the two of you talked about the tour, and his new look as well as your job and what’s new in your life.
There wasn’t much that was new, your schedule had remained the same since he left. You had been on dates here and there, but nothing ever came of it. You told Jake about the worst date you had been on since he left.
“No way!” Jake looked at you wide-eyed, mouth slightly open before turning back to look at the road.
“Yes! He wouldn’t stop talking about his ex, and started crying to me about her! Then he told me he forgot his wallet!” You laughed telling Jake about your awkward and uncomfortable date a few weeks ago.
"The worst part is that he had the audacity to ask me to come to his apartment with him!"
“Oh Moon, I’m so sorry!” He laughed along with you, and reached over to squeeze your hand. Both of your laughter died down, and you looked at him again.
“So are we almost there yet? We’ve been driving for like an hour.”
“Yeah, actually…” His sentence died off as he turned down a narrow dirt road. It was definitely less of a road and more of a trail. A few moments later it opened into a clearing near a lake surrounded by small mountains and woods.
“We’re here!” He beamed at you as he put the truck in park, the back of it facing the lake. “C’mon!” He motioned for you to get out of the truck before he opened his door. Before you could step out of the vehicle, the back driver’s door opened, and he began grabbing stuff from inside the cab.
You walked around to the tailgate to wait for Jake as he finished gathering whatever he had brought. “Moon, would you let down the tailgate for me?” He called out from the cab.
“Yeah! Do you need any help up there?” You called back as your hand found the latch to let the tailgate down for him.
“Um, maybe… ha, I didn’t realize how much I actually grabbed.” He chuckled lightly trying to wrestle everything in his arms.
As you came up by his side you could see what he had been grabbing. Blankets. Lots of blankets. Along with a few pillows. “Here. Uh, take these for me and put them in the bed please.” He handed you the bundle of blankets he had been holding.
You took them from his arms and walked back to the bed of the truck all the while trying to not let any touch the ground. Throwing the blankets in the back, you hopped up into the bed, kicked your shoes off on the tailgate and began laying the blankets down with Jake appearing every now and then to give you more.
How had you not noticed twenty plus blankets in the backseat? It was like his backseat was Mary Poppin’s enchanted bag or something. The blankets just kept coming.
Finally, after laying down the last blanket, Jake came around to the bed and threw some pillows onto it before climbing up himself. He left his shoes on the end of the tailgate next to yours and began to set the pillows where he wanted.
You took a moment to really look around at the scene before you. There were a million stars in the sky, with the moon shining alongside them, and reflecting off the water of the lake. It was absolutely breathtaking. You hadn’t seen stars like this in years, even though it was your favorite thing to do.
“Ya know, I brought all these blankets and pillows out here so we could lay down and look at them.” Jake teased from the floor of the bed, gaining your attention. You hadn’t realized that you had still been standing up, gawking at the sky, mouth slightly agape.
You shook your head and huffed a small laugh as you joined him, laying down on the now plush truck bed. He pulled the top blanket over the two of you as you continued to stare at the dazzling night sky.
Both of you stayed silent for a while as you listened to the quiet of the woods and gazed at the stars above. The noises of little twigs snapping, leaves rustling, and water rippling and lapping on the lake shore filled the air as the wildlife that lived around you buzzed about like you weren't there.
You had always loved the stars and the moon. When you had first met Jake and his brothers, this was the thing you loved to do most with them at their house. The four of you would climb on top of their roof through Josh's window and stay there for hours, until it was just you and Jake left out under the stars. There were countless nights where the stars eventually faded while the sun rose, neither of you noticing how quickly time slipped away. Always lost in conversation about the wonders of the world and the universe it lived in.
Eventually it kind of became you and Jake's thing. Every Saturday night the two of you would drive out to your favorite stargazing spot and just stare at the night sky for hours on the top of his car. It was how Jake had come to call you Moon instead of your actual name.
He never really told you why, but you didn't mind his nickname for you. It was almost endearing.
After about ten minutes of silence, you looked over at Jake, taking in the way the moonlight illuminated his face and how he seemed to glow in it. "Thank you for bringing me out here. It's been so long since I've done this."
He turned to face you, a smile stretched on his face at your words. "Me too. I think the last time we did this was right after Sam's graduation." You smiled as you thought back to that night, and how the two of you snuck off one last time to lay under the stars before he and the boys started touring again.
"Did you know that pirates would use the North Star to measure their altitude above the horizon while at sea?" He pulled you away from the memory as he spoke, pointing out the star to you.
You let out a small laugh as you followed his finger to where it was pointing in the sky. "How long have you been reading about pirates?" You looked back to his face, his cheeks showing a light blush in the silver moonlight.
Jake always liked learning new things and would read as much information as he could about a subject he was interested in. If his new interest was pirates, you could see where he gained inspiration for his new look. Frankly, it suited him.
"A while. I don't know why they're so intriguing to me, but I find them fascinating. I love reading about their ships and tools, and what life was really like for them." As he continued, his face lit up more and more. He was so adorable when he would talk about his interests with you, and you would be more than content to listen about every single one.
"Tell me everything you know, I wanna know." You smiled at him as he beamed back at you, excited to share his knowledge about his interest.
You and Jake talked for hours about basically everything. It started off with him sharing his knowledge on pirates, and history in general, and you eventually ended up telling him about your new fascination.
"Yeah, so every person has an entire chart of signs that tell them which planet was in what constellation when they were born. Actually, I think we might be able to see your constellation tonight. It's usually visible during the winter months." You explained to him as you searched the sky for his constellation. You had found a few here and there, so you were hoping to see it tonight.
"Oh! There it is!" You pointed to a star above you and traced the outline of the constellation Taurus with your finger to show Jake what you were looking at.
"No way! That's so cool, Moon!” His eyes followed the outline your finger drew before turning to look at you with wide, and excited eyes. He truly was beautiful.
“Could you tell me about my chart?" A wide smile broke across your face at how genuine he was. It was nice to have someone who was interesting in learning about your hobby. You nodded happily, pulling up his chart and began explaining to him what you've learned and how his chart relates to him.
He listened intently and asked a lot of questions which you enjoyed because he seemed to be interested in what you were saying. Eventually you jumped from topic to topic like you did when you were younger and lying beneath the stars.
You both got so lost in conversation that you didn't realize you had stayed out all night until you saw the sun begin to rise, casting light over the small mountains and lake in front of you.
"Oh my god I can't believe we stayed out all night." You laughed as you both sat up to watch the sun for a moment.
"I know, it didn't feel that long to me. We better get going though seeing as neither of us has slept." He let out a chuckle as you both stood up to roll the blankets up in the bed to put back inside the truck. Once they were ready to be moved, you put your shoes on as Jake hopped down from the tailgate.
He held out his hand to help you jump down, and you gladly took it as you hopped off the tailgate. The two of you loaded all the blankets and pillows back into the back of the truck and headed back in the direction of your apartment where you continued random conversations the whole way back.
An hour later, you were pulling into your apartment complex, the sun still climbing in the sky. Jake yawned as he put the truck in park, stretching his arms and legs as best as he could.
"Hey, why don't you come in and nap? You need a little rest." You looked over at him before opening your door.
"I can make it, I'm good." He waved you off, but you didn't budge. While you both were notoriously stubborn, Jake usually gave in when it came to you.
"Jake, your house is still a good forty-five minutes from here without traffic. Come inside and take a nap. Please." You pleaded, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
He let out a sigh as he killed the engine, but turned to you with a smile. "Fine. I hate it when you make that face, I cave every time and you know it. It's unfair."
You grinned in victory as you both exited the truck and made your way up to your door.
"You can just sleep with me in my bed, I'd hate to put you on the couch after you've spent so long sleeping in a tour bus bunk."
"Are you sure?" He eyed you as he walked into your apartment.
"Yeah, it's not like we haven't shared a bed before, Jake." You rolled your eyes playfully at him as you walked towards your room, Jake in tow behind you.
"Yeah I guess that's true."
You both kicked off your shoes at the foot of your bed and climbed in, getting comfortable.
It didn't take long for sleep to consume you with Jake's warmth radiating off his body. Before you knew it you were fast asleep with your head resting on his chest, arm around his waist with his arm draped around your shoulders holding you tight against him.
He couldn’t help but glide his eyes over your face as you slept, taking in your features. You looked so peaceful and lovely like this. He had missed you so much while being on tour, and had started to realize that maybe he felt something more for you.
He couldn’t ignore the way his heart seemed to swell upon seeing you for the first time in months. Or how he instantly felt at home being enveloped in your scent when you hugged him. Or how soft and illuminating you always looked under the moonlight.
His favorite way to view you.
In truth, it wasn’t that his brothers had stopped wanting to stargaze with the two of you all those years ago. It was that they had caught him constantly staring at you while you stared at the moon. They saw his longing looks, even if you didn’t. They decided that they would stop attending your weekly stargazing sessions in hopes of driving you and Jake together.
However, it took Jake a lot longer to place his feelings than they had thought. He wouldn’t stop talking about you all tour, and eventually they teased him about his true feelings. Helping Jake accept the way he felt, of course they encouraged him to finally do something about it.
And so he did. In part he wanted to surprise you, so instead of letting you know days in advance when he would be home he texted you as he was gathering the blankets to put in his truck.
The other part of him just couldn’t wait to see you. He had arrived home only a few hours before he came to pick you up. He had been planning this in his head for weeks and couldn’t wait any longer to once again see you. Especially illuminated so beautifully in the moonlight.
And here he was now, laying in your bed, with your head on his chest, and legs tangled in his.
You were his happy place.
His everything.
His moon.
The center of his whole world, and you had no idea.
taglist: @gretasimp @malany-gvf @gretavanfran
add yourself to my taglist!
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everythingisliminal · 3 months
Day 20 of 75 Hard
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When I complete today, it'll be the furthest I've ever been in this challenge (made it through day 10 then day 19 in 2021).
The journey so far:
Two 45+ minute workouts, 3+ hours apart, at least one of which must be outside. Because I work 10 hour days in wetland restoration navigating mucky, watery, and steep terrain with ~40lbs on my back, I count those 4 workdays as my outdoor workout. Yes it's already part of my routine, but I wasn't going to not do this challenge just because I'm not fitting another workout in before work.
My other outdoor workouts are all walking and/or running around the neighborhood or on trails. My indoor workouts are push, pull, and indoor cycling days with my buddy, bowling with my husband, and following walk/dance/box/lift/yoga vids at home.
Saturdays are wild because I need to get a walk/run in, then go straight to cycling, and then 3 hours later bowl bc my afternoons are booked and I have to get that outdoor workout in but 3 hours away from another workout. Making it work, though!
I did put together an idealized workout schedule to train for the 5 mile trail run my buddy and I signed up for 2 weekends after we complete 75 Hard. Already had to adjust because I twisted my ankle yesterday, so I used that opportunity to try Qigong (followed by 45 min yoga). We'll see if I should stick with walking today or if I can throw in a few 3-4 minute runs.
Honestly, the toughest part of this rule is the scheduling and getting started. I really enjoy the physical activity when I'm in the flow of it.
Take a progress picture. This has been beneficial for me in a way I couldn't predict. The mirror has always surprised me, like "oh, that's what I look like?" It always shows me as curvier, less athletic than I picture myself. Might stem from a grey area of body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria. It's one of the things I'm talking with my therapist about.
But now that I'm taking a picture of my body every day, I'm realizing that what I'm seeing in the mirror looks better than what I'm seeing in the photo, giving an element of valuing what I see in the mirror. Like, I can more positively accept that that's me. So that's cool.
10 pages of reading a "think about your life" nonfiction book. I read The Book on Mental Toughness, which the creator of 75 Hard wrote. 3 of 5 stars. I might write an extended review, but a lot of the book was like watching a car crash. Yeah, the author's mentally tough, but he's not very well read sociologically. It'll be a tougher read for anyone who's nonbinary, living with intergenerational trauma, or can't stand editing/formatting issues. But there was some insightful info about 75 Hard and the continued LIVEHARD program, and I really benefited from the chapter on drinking water.
Currently reading Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft, which I'm fully enjoying.
Books I'm considering reading next are Rest is Resistance: Free Yourself from Grind Culture and Reclaim Your Life / How to Make Friends & Influence People / The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius / Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good / and Keeping It Living: Traditions of Plant Use and Cultivation on the Northwest Coast of North America.
If anyone has a recommendation for books on Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, or Aphrodite/Aphroditus, I'm looking to learn more about their part in trans history.
Drink 1 gallon of water. I have to stick with a 90oz goal. I've tried multiple times in the past to drink a gallon a day and always wound up with a horribly sore throat after a few days. Last time, it made me sick for 2 weeks. So 90oz of unflavored water is definitely way more than I'd drink normally (32oz on a good day) but without dipping back into unhealthy territory. There are some days that I can drink more (allowing me to get in some Gatorade, preworkout, or BCAAs), but I also have a steady supply of good cough drops at hand.
I try to get in 32oz before lunch, another 32oz by 5pm, and 26oz+ before sleepy time.
Follow a diet. No cheat meals or alcohol. I'm focused on getting 100+ grams of protein a day (macro balancing and calorie deficit are secondary but seem to be happening naturally). I've also cut out chocolate (this is how I know I mean business), sugary drinks, gluten, and microwavable mac n' cheese type meals.
This is really forcing me to get my act together when it comes to planning/prepping. No more going to the coffee stand for a burrito and red bull before work. I have to either cook breakfast or nom on a protein bar. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at least 2 snacks all have to be protein-centric for me to meet my goal. It's wild to think of how little protein I must have been getting. But now I'm full, and then I'm hungry! There's no middle ground of kinda-hungry filled with chips and milk teas. All this meal prepping and forcing myself to eat well for 75 days will probably be one of the most beneficial things I've ever done for myself.
Tangentially, cutting out chocolate meant cutting out my herbal calm chocolate supplements I always had at night to help myself wind down. Now I have to get off my phone earlier and stretch/meditate/read to get myself prepped for bed. It's good stuff.
Also, I don't drink alcohol, so there's no challenge for me there.
Overall: I'm so glad I'm doing this. This is helping me live my life the way I actually want to live it. I'm developing daily discipline and gaining insights into myself. I've lost 6lbs, my clothes fit better, and I can navigate terrain more easily. I'm enjoying trails in my free time. I was wishy-washy about my goals when I tried 75 Soft a couple months ago, and so didn't stick with them. With 75 Hard, my commitment is unquestionable. This is what my life looks like for the next 56 days. Afterward, I'll take what I like and ditch anything I don't.
If you're considering 75 Hard yourself, do make a game plan. Figure out what your diet is going to be and shop for it. Know how you'll track your water. Schedule a week or two of workouts that help you fulfill a goal (finding out what's fun for you, increasing strength/flexibility/speed, getting outside, hanging out with someone, whatever). Get a book. Give yourself this Day 0 to set yourself up for success.
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thephloxbayou · 7 months
Im so fucking angry.
I wasnt going to talk about going per protocol but this was so fucking lame it doesn't matter. It was never a threat or a blink on existence.
I went to a local vigil for Aaron Bushnell.
Now, a few things. This is my first time getting to go to anything like this. I have a sleep disorder, and I work nights. Usually activist groupings tend to happen last minute/you find out last minute. I'm far from Boston, on Cape Cod (I've mentioned where i lived generally before hence why I dont mind saying it here), and it's an ordeal to go even for fun. Things rarely happen on days I have off, and if they do, i probably worked the night before or have to that night. I cant take work off, im poor and its hard to get last minute coverage without my job being at risk.
But I found out yesterday about the local vigil. I rested up well before my shift, did it and came home and got very little sleep. But I could manage and that was the point, I could so I should. I had clothes prepped, black bloc even though i didnt expect anything to happen, and dressed for the cold and rain (its closer to 50 today). My phone was at home, my ID and house key in the car, parked some ways away and walked, only had my car key, a water bottle, and a few fruit snacks on me. It started at 1pm but I got there at 2 (lack of sleep plus making sure to eat a good meal just in case rather than run out on a near empty stomach).
I didnt expect a ton, this area is wealthy and white, but I wanted to be ready if anyone of color got harrassed because I have my privilege as a white person. Good to practice anyways. I also felt like maybe the gathering would have more energy, given that it came out that Aaron was a Cape Cod native. Either way, I was prepared to stand outside all day even if the rain that was forecasted was pouring down.
Well I walk up at 2... and they're wrapping up. Everyone (like 45 people) is standing around with signs, but theyre chatting and holding the signs down at their sides. They took a group photo with their signs calling for an end to this horribleness while smiling. I finally managed to say hello to the organizer, and mentioned that I didn't realize everyone would only be here for an hour. "Well it started to rain really hard." People stood around and talked about their anger at our government, and the horrors of whats happening in Palestine, then left because they were cold and it was wet (was listening to conversations and goodbyes. I was wandering on my own, everyone else was with friends). I heard the organizer talking about how he just vacationed in Costa Rica and was going back, then going to some other vacation spot.
My husband was surprised when I came home basically right after I left. I am so deeply angry by how comfortable these people out here are. This is not the first time Ive complained about that, i grew up with a hard life, we came out here on an opportunity, so I wouldnt off myself in the bad situation we had been in, and with his mother's help where she could (he grew up here). Ive never felt comfortable here because these people are living in a different world than I do, and even people who are just normal people and not some rich asshole look at me weird when I say stuff that I consider perfectly normal given where i grew up/class level. You're so angry over this, over the pain the people of Palestine are going through, that you go through the effort of organizing an event, and you stand around and talk about your "anger," and then you LEAVE after an hour because it's a little cold (warmest day we've had in weeks) and it's raining, which was forecasted and you could prepare for???
I havent calmed down. I cant go back to sleep cuz I already took my adderall which i need to stay awake on any regular day with that sleep disorder. I went ready for a fight, I wasnt expecting one but I was prepared, and expected at least a little energy from the group. But nothing. You accomplished nothing but making yourselves feel better.
I wish I could do more. I wish I had money to donate. I wish I had the ability to go physically support activist movement. All just like I wish I could during the summer of 2020. Im constantly torn between recognizing my position and suffering as valid and not a reason to beat myself up for not being able to do more, and feeling like I'm not doing enough and it's just excuses. But I just... cant fucking believe everyone I saw today. I mean yeah, i believe it, i know, i knew, but im just still furious. This is why we're in this fucking position people.
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yeonkimintakecare · 9 months
Best Friend’s Brother
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader; Angsty Fluff
Summary: You've always had a crush on Hobi, but your best friend is his little sister, so nothing could ever happen between the two of you...right?
Author's Note: I mentioned this on my last post, but this is all old writing from when I had an instagram account for these, which is why they're all pretty short too.
Warnings: brief mentions of alcohol, some swearing, some fighting.
You sit on your best friends couch with the both of your legs intertwined. You both were working on your Organic Chemistry homework. You both had an eight page essay on Stereochemistry due in four hours. Your best friend played music as you both sat there typing. Suddenly her roommate walks in.
Eunho comes from a family with money so they pay for her apartment, but their rule was her older brother, Hoseok, had to live with her. They got along well, but lately they had been fighting, she didn’t tell you why, and you weren’t one to stick your nose into personal matters.
You wave and smile at Hoseok but he looks at you, gives you a small nod, and continues to walk into his room. You knew you should try to focus on your homework anyways, but you couldn’t get your mind off of how he brushed you off. Normally he would stop, give you a large smile, and talk to you for a while. You had a little bit of a crush on him, but because you were Eunho’s best friend, you pushed them down. Deep deep down.
After the two of you had finished your homework and finally submitted it, you both stretch.
“I’m kind of hungry, what about you?” Eunho asks while yawning.
“Same, but I’m really just craving a beer” you say while cracking your knuckles.
“We could always just go pick up some and get some fried chicken on the way back.” She offers while she stretches her back.
“Sold.” You say while smiling. You guys were alway on the same wavelength. You guys had been best friends for years, you guys became friends when you kicked a boy in the crotch for taking photos up her skirt when you guys were 16 and you guys have been best friends ever since.
You both collect your coats, but you notice that she doesn’t ask Hobi, which was unusual for her.
“Should we ask your brother?” You hint, not wanting to push her buttons, but to at least try. She shrugs.
“I don’t want to. He can starve for all I care.” she says in a joking tone, but there seems to be a level of seriousness under it all.
You shake your head and walk to his door and give it a light knock. No answer. You try one more time. No answer. ‘Do I open it? I would hate for us to get food and him to be upset we didn’t include him...’ you continue and open his door. When you walk in you see him with his headphones one working on music. You smile and lean up against the door frame. He looks so cute there, working on his music, his head bobbing and his foot tapping. Your attention is snapped away when he turns around. He has a very confused look on his face when he sees you.
“Oh, hey Y/N, what up?” He asks while sliding his headphones to sit on his shoulder. You blush, realizing how weird you must’ve seemed to him.
“Oh, um, so Eunho and I were going to go pick up beer and fried chicken, and I was just wondering if you wanted some.”
“Sure, thank you for offering.” He said with a big smile on his face. You blush harder. He had this vibe around him that would just melt your heart. He was so cute. You give a small nod and you close the door.
Around 45 minutes later you and Eunho return with food. You go and let Hobi know while your friend sets it up on the table. This time when you knock, you get a response.
“Come in.” He calls out. You open the door, he’s still sitting in front of his computer working on his song.
“I just wanted to let you know that the food is here and ready.” “Ok I’ll be right there.” He says while giving you a small smile. You were about to turn around but then you stop yourself. Before you can stop yourself you talk.
“I don’t mean to pry, but I was wondering-“ He turns back to you, you feel a knot in your stomach when you make eye contact with him. “I was just wondering what the music you make sounds like.” He gives out a cute chuckle that makes your knees weak.
“Do you want to listen to it?” He asks while taking his headphones off and gesturing for you to put them on. You slip them on and he presses play. You close your eyes to fully take in the music. It all starts with a fun beat that gets you to bob your head. You are surprised when he starts to sing. His vocals coat your eardrums and it makes you smile. You can’t help but imagine what he looked like while recording this. His singing turns into rapping and you subconsciously bite your lip. You continue to enjoy the music but it’s cut short to a hand touching your face. When you open your eyes you are surprised to Hoseok’s lips on yours.
You fall into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and his hands falling on your waist.
You guys are quickly interrupted when you hear your best friend, his sister, Eunho.
“You have to be fucking kidding me right now.” She scoffs while standing in the door frame. “I thought I had told you I wasn’t comfortable with you dating my best friend. Now here you are practically forcing yourself on her.” She turns around and walks out. That must have been what they had been fighting about. You follow after her, because as much as you like Hobi, your friendship matters more.
“Eunnie!” You yell out to her, but she continues to her room. She furiously sits on her bed, stewing. You sit next to her. You rest your hand on her back. “Eunnie… I think you know that he wasn’t forcing himself on me. I think you know that I’ve liked him for awhile. It also seems that you know he liked me too.” You give her an eyebrow raise.
“I was scared that if you started dating him, you’d stop being my friend. I just figured that if I didn’t intervene, nothing would happen and I wouldn’t have to share you.” Eunho states while sheepishly looking at you. You smile at her lovingly. On one hand you understood where she was coming from, but not the other, you were upset that she didn’t realize that you can love them both and can give both of them attention without neglecting the other.
“I would never leave you behind, you mean too much to me. If you want we can forget about what just happened. I’ll never look at Hobi again if it makes you uncomfortable.” You volunteer, hoping that she turns it down. She cocks her head sideways and gives a small laugh while shaking her head.
“That’s ridiculous, everything is out there now. I’m not going to ask you take back your feelings. But the fact that you offered means a lot to me. Do you promise that you won’t stop being my friend because of him? Even if things don’t work out with you guys? Because if that happens I am so willing to cut him out of my life for you.” She says with a large smirk on her face, looking at the door frame. To your surprise Hobi had been standing there the whole time.
“I can’t believe that I'm so expendable to the both of you.” He says jokingly. All of you laugh, you all continue downstairs to the fried chicken which is probably cold by now. You enjoy your dinner with your two favorite people.
You can’t help but think about how lucky you must be to love and be loved by the two of them.
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f3mcelbambi · 4 months
index to story time part 2:
¹ 19.4.24 (journal entry)
i’ve been reading gone girl and have found myself very driven to amu. she is me. but if she is, who is my dear nick? anam of course. recently i’ve realised that we are nick and amy. and it has made me very sad. every time i read the book i can’t help but think “anam would relate to this” “this is how i feel about anam”. i mean, is that why i have this strong detest for nick? he’s already made extremely unlikeable, but there’s something about him being so aloof and unself aware that just painfully reminds me of her. it makes me hate her. everything she’s taken from me. i put on a show for her. i was her “cool girl”. i liked everything she likes. i put up with her behaviour until i cracked. i became the demanding and nagging housewife. then she found herself a new, fun, hot, younger version of me. she admitted to me in what she thought was a heart felt paragraph that i was her manic pixie dream girl. i made her fall into the road of self discovery. i made you “question your mentality”. i “helped” you. she kept reinforcing this idea that i am what eliza is not, that i don’t come with “pressures” or “expectations”. i am not “toxic”. she is thrilled that i “never gave up on her even when she did things to aggravate me”. you know what nick and any deeply have in common, they pretend as if they don’t understand, as if not aware, but in reality they do, they just don’t care enough to change. i am pretending to be the perfect girl for her, i fill all the emotional and psychological needs she lacks, but it is not enough. how dare you make me feel as though i’m not enough for you? she even had the mind to call herself “the other woman”. i cried when she told me that. not because i felt sorry for her, but intense rage
² To my dearest Anam,
There are 44 days until the end of your exams. That’s 1047 hours. Within those 1047 hours, I would only be able to speak to you for 6 of them. 6 hours Anam? That’s not even enough hours for someone to sleep. The rest of those 1041 hours I’d spend thinking of you. Dreaming of you. I mean I’ve already spent the last 45 hours with you on my mind non stop. I can’t stop thinking about you. I never have. I always think of you. Waiting till the clock strikes 12 on Sundays. Counting down the hours and minutes until I can talk to you again. But I cannot bear it anymore
I physically cannot function without you. I don’t know how to live. And you may think that just because I don’t text you it means I don’t miss you. But you couldn’t be more fooled. Since I no longer have you, I find ways to reach you. I stalk your airbuds and laugh every time I see you’ve listened to Lana del Rey. I check your location even if I know you’re in a lesson. I even love to see when you’re revising because at least I know you’re alive. I’ve thought about you more in these last 45 hours than I have thought about my A Levels which are in 9 days. I couldn’t even revise today because I just couldn’t get you off my mind
I can’t imagine waiting till 6pm at the end of the week for you to maybe not be available. I text you at 6, then it’s 6.05, 6.20, 6.47, 6.59 and before I know it our time is up and we must pretend to be strangers again. I cannot do it. I won’t. I hate having to walk past you like I don’t know you. I can’t even do that. If I see you I try to walk the other way because I just cannot imagine having to pretend not to know you. Yes we are still friends but we cannot share what makes us bond and what makes us closer. We have been watered down to acquaintances. To stare aimlessly and to be shut off from the world for 167 hours of the week. Just for my world to re open at 6pm on a Sunday. It is a crime of murder. You murdered me. You took my life away from me just to hand it to me in crumbs and suggest that I should be okay
I can never be okay
Let me end my weekends hearing the sweet sound of your voice. Let me hear you laugh. Let me hear you speak. Let me hear how your week has been. Let your voice bury itself into my brain and let it rise in my sleep. Let me dream of the same you I once had my eyes open to see. Take a dip into my dreams once we have said goodnight to each other. Let us say goodnight. Let me wish you sweet dreams. Sweet dreams of me. Let me tell you how much I love you. How empty I feel without you in my arms. And how much I crave you. I don’t want to start my evenings ending my conversations with you. I want our conversations to run far. Far away. So far that we don’t bother to find them. Let them loose. Forget it all. Does it even matter?
Anam you are under the false awareness that you think that I don’t want to text you. Whilst I physically restrain myself from my phone. I don’t text anybody. Because I’m scared that I’ll see your message. And I’ll miss you too hard that I’ll find myself running back to you. For you to dismiss me again. It’s for the better, you say. And I know it true in my heart. But it all seems pointless when I don’t have you. I’ve re read everything countlessly. And I’ll read and read and read until I can recite fluently. I bite my tongue at texting you. I hold back. When all I want to do is drown you in my words of yearning. I’ll suffocate you. I’ll smother you. But you’ll die to hear it. You’d die to hear my words because you know the cycle will repeat. And you cannot stand it too. But if you wish Anam, I’ll text you before the sun rises and after the sun sets. I’ll text you in lesson even though I can see you. I’ll text you every time I miss you but you are forbidden to be surprised when I never stop. I’ll tell you all about my day and we will run out of things to talk about by Sunday. but I don’t mind
My darling. My baby. My prettiest princess. I love you more than Lady Persephone loved Hades. That she waits till spring to be blessed on the over world. I’ll wait for you too. I’ll wait for you forever. But you have to be fair. You cannot leave me bare handed. Give me the substance I so rightly deserve. Give me just the evening. A couple hours of your time. And I promise you I won’t disappoint
Yours sincerely
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thechasmsurveys · 9 months
Do you sleep with just a sheet in summer when it's hot? No, I have to have my weighted blanket or else I can’t sleep.
Are you one of those people who needs to have at least some blanket on you when you sleep so the monsters don't get you? Hahaha, yes, actually.
Will anyone be visiting your house any time soon? Not that I’m aware of. We need to clean the house before we both have to go back to work and we don’t feel like it lol.
What was the last museum you went to? The Van Gogh one. It was amazing.
Scroll through your camera roll quickly without looking, then stop it with your finger. What's the first picture your eye lands on? My phone is all the way across the room and I’m feeling lazy. I’m sure it would just be a picture of Dusty, though.
Do you get bursts of creative energy or is it more consistent? Honestly I never really feel creative, ever,
Have you ever been chased by a dog? Yeah, I had to go to animal court over it and everything lol.
What's your favourite kind of soda? I’m not a soda person at all. I like sweet tea and water.
Are you a visual learner? Very much so.
Do you have a drink with you right now? What is it? Just some water in my Stanley.
What was the last science fiction movie you watched? Annihilation. I didn't love the movie per se, but the cinematography and the CGI was gorgeous. I've never seen anything like it. <--This movie lives rent free in my head lol. The bear scene makes me die a little every time I imagine it. But uhmmmmm, no idea. I’m not a movie person.
How far away from your home is the nearest train station? Probably 30-45 minutes.
Do you listen to music every day? Yeah, either on the way to work or on the way home and then just whenever on weekends.
If you have a passport, when does it expire? Oh, I’m sure it’s been expired for like 10 years.
Have you ever smoked a cigar? No.
What was the last app you opened on your phone? Messenger. Someone was messaging me about monopoly go cards lollllllll.
Is your voice high, low, or somewhere in the middle? I think it’s middle to low.
Are you wearing any rings right now? Yes just my two silicone ones for my wedding bands.
Have you ever been to a baby shower? Plenty.
Do you have any cash stashed away anywhere? I have some in my wallet because I just don’t put it in the bank lol.
What are your neighbours like? I live in townhouses so I have tons of them lol. My immediate one on the left is super nice. I love her. She’s super sweet. The neighbor on the right is not my favorite at ALL. And my dog hates her so that means something lol.
What month is your birthday? How far away is that from now? June. 6 months.
What's the next friend or family birthday coming up? Will you buy them a present Lauren’s in February. I will, but I’m not sure what present.
What was the last book you read? I got an advanced reader copy of The Fury by Alex Michaelides and it’s so freaking good.
Have you ever spend a long period of time in a country you weren't born in? Not really. I went to Europe and stayed in Italy for like 5 days and France for about the same but that’s it.
Do you make your own surveys on Bzoink? Hahaha I used to.
What colour are the bottoms you're wearing today? I’m currently wearing Colton’s boxers and they’re plaid lol.
How many beds are in your home? Two.
Do you wear face masks in public? No.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Oooooh, so we’re going with my sister and her family and my mom and us and our dog Dusty, to a park like an hour away and we’re going to walk around. It’s a huuuuuuuuuuuge park and it has like a café and a coffee shop and a tram and everything. It sounds insane. Then dinner with my boss and her husband at her house.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
If y'all are curious, here's my writing after like not writing for years
No I won't be adding this to my masterlist as I don't plan on continuing it
And if you read this on my Wattpad no you didn't
The smell of earl grey and biscuits filled the room as (name) typed away at his laptop, the day just starting and he refused to waste even a moment of time planning his boss' week.
(Name) was efficient, he prided himself on it, he had to be if he was going to be the esteemed principle of U.A's assistant after all. Orientation was currently taking place--hell it probably ended and he would be none the wiser.
He didn't even notice the door open before a light cough and sniffle alerted him to another living being in the room before looking up then down to see a short young man purple balls for hair sobbing before his desk.
"Is there something I can assist you with? Principle Nedzu won't be in for at least another 45 minutes, would you like me to take a message?" (Name) stated as he looked at the clock on the wall, keeping calm and collected as the grape haired boy cried out "A-aizawa expelled me! I want to talk to someone! I worked my whole life for this, he cant just expell someone on their first day!" Stomping his foot like an insolent child would, the teen expected sympathy or at least pity but he didn't expect a dead stare.
"Only one? Im quite shocked really, usually he expels at least three or four students, he likes to weed out those he deems not worthy of being in the class." The (Hair coloured) man said in a bored tone, having been used to this year after year from the underground hero and given permission to handle such matters from his boss as to not waste his time on "trivial human matters" as the stout claimed it to be. "I apologize but Aizawa can expel whomever he desires as the Nedzu has given the teachers the right to do so, though most teachers just give detentions or at worst house arrest in the dorms, thank you for bringing this to my attention as I will make sure to remove you from the student registry" his words baring zero sympathy as he continued "please leave your student I.D at security and don't worry I will be sure to inform them of your departure, I wish you the best in your future endeavours" (name) didn't spare the boy a glance as he already began filing out the necessary things to remove him from the student registry, the young man whom he learned is named Mineta left the room crying harder than when he arrived.
He wasn't hired to dally after all.
(Name) was 21 when he somehow managed to get this job, now the spry age of 27 he was used to the workings of the school and slowly became Nedzu's confidant and most trusted employee. (Name) grew to look up the the stout as a mentor and friend and was incredibly honoured that the being trusted him greatly as the commission had tried on numerous occasions to recruit him to spy on the principle and every time (name) reported these attempts to his boss without hesitation, not caring for the bribes they attached as his loyalty never wavered.
It wasn't long till he received a reminder that lunch had rolled around, assuming his boss had other business to attend to (name) rose to his feet, groaning as his bones cracked from sitting for a few hours and began walking out of the room and towards the teachers lounge.
Students had already began to return home or to the dorms and older students greeted him respectfully and he returned the gesture, finally make it to his destination, stomach growling in protest. He was rather unsurprised that teachers sat at their cubicle like desks, some eating while chatting with coworkers and some working on last minute class plans for the upcoming week.
Cementoss saw him first and waved quietly as he waved back, gaining the attention of the others in the room, including a sentient yellow sleeping bag. "HEEEEEYYY (NAME)! How are you doing!" Present mic yelled out, wrapping his arm around the quiet assistant who sadly (not really) got payed enough to deal with the banana mans quirk constantly popping his ear drums. "I'm doing alright, had to deal with a crying student--well former student before coming here, Mr. Aizawas latest victim" he joked softly, paying no mind as midnight wrapped an arm around his other shoulder "poor (name) constantly having to deal with Aizawas aftermath! Have you no heart Shou!" She yelled out with mock sadness as the black haired man rolled his eyes at her words and returned back to sleep, knowing fully well that (Name) in fact did not mind.
You see, the two had secretly been dating for quits sometime, roughly since the beginning of Aizawas teaching career, amazingly enough keeping it a secret from everyone save for Nedzu who had to know for legal reasons and because he had caught them sneaking a kiss from the security feed.
"It's not a problem really, I cant explain it but the student gave off not right energy and I don't think it would have been best to keep him here--that's my personal opinion of course".
Quickly he grabbed his lunch before leaving the room, sparing a glance at the sleeping man before bolting out.
The staff at U.A had accepted that (name) was a quite man, paying zero mind to his antics, knowing he means no ill by it, having had the time to grow used to it.
One on one, he made excellent conversation but with all the teachers in a room...it could be rather overwhelming.
But oh well, at least he had his food.
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dusk-army-blog · 1 year
What Befell the Ivy Tower
Think of the largest tree you've ever seen. Now, take the largest building you've heard of. Scale the tree up until it's the size of the building. This skyscraper redwood you're imagining? It's only a fraction of the Ivy Tower, a branch, a rural town hall next to the Empire State Building. The trunk is measured in miles, with a canopy of branches that eclipses the sky in twice that radius. Those branches form a network of pathways as tangled and complex as a northern state highway. The roots are the same. And make no mistake: those branches aren't just like roads, they are a road. The Ivy Tower isn't just a tree, nor is it a city; it's a megalopolis, a population center with tens of millions of citizens. And at roughly 7:00 AM on a cold October morning, it falls. In a span of fifteen minutes, millions of lives snuffed out, with maybe a dozen survivors.
Now, you might ask, "Why is Lucy speaking in the present tense? It's been two decades since the Fall." For me, it was yesterday. It will be tomorrow. It's happening now, and I'm there, trying to pick which of my friends lives. You see this eye patch? I'm not wearing it because I lost my left eye during the Fall. That's what people usually think. "Lucy lost her eye, but it coulda' been worse." Psh. I didn't lose my eye. I gave it away. In exchange, I'm always looking out of it, back to those fifteen minutes. It's still there: watching, letting me interfere, letting me decide who lives and who dies.
I'm nine. My family has an apartment in Blackberry Court, a community in the middle of the eastern canopy. I've never set foot at ground level. Dad is the preacher for the local church, and so we're up early to prepare for the day's sermon. I'm tired, but at least I'll get to play with my friends afterward. I promise that I'll be back in time, then go for a walk in the church gardens, probably about 6:45. And that's when it happens.
The branches start to twist and shake, strangling the path, making me choose one way or another. I'm terrified, scrambling to get out as the world is crushed around me. When I reach the church again, there's a girl I've never seen before, standing in front of the gate, watching me. Despite the chaos all around, she smiles, and beckons me with a pale finger. "Come, little one," she coos, "The garden is safe no longer. You'll be alright if you wait inside the church." I draw near, and realize her irises are red, like cherries. Her pupils are slits. From beneath the matted brambles of her hair, a pair of tiny horns stick up, almost unnoticeable in the tangled blackness. I stop moving.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Why, Lucy, I'm hurt!" she says, smile never wavering, "Don't you recognize your guardian devil?" I scream, then run past her into the church, slamming the door behind me. All is silent, for a moment. Then, there is a deafening roar, and I black out.
When I wake, I am still in the church, pinned under the remains of the roof. I struggle to dig myself out, but it is useless. My vision is blurred, but it returns to normal if I close my left eye. And then I hear her laughter. I turn to the side and see the strange girl, my so-called guardian devil strolling toward me, not a scratch on her.
"What did I tell you? The church is safe!" she chuckles, "Aren't you glad you listened to me?" She sits down on a broken beam. "Still, you could have done a better job than that. You didn't even try to bring anyone with you."
"What-" I try to speak, but end up coughing up blood and dust. As soon as the fit settles, I continue, "What do you mean?"
"Exactly what I said, dear. Anyone in this church will survive the Fall for certain. But you only saved yourself... Such a selfish little girl." My eyes water as reality starts to set in. Everyone is gone. Mom. Dad. Nate. Vicky. Everyone. The girl leans down. "Well, I wouldn't be a good guardian if I punished you for being human, would I? So, why don't we make a deal..."
I'm twenty-nine. The government is still trying to figure out what caused the Fall. They still don't understand why I'm not dead. But they can't argue with the results that I get: if I say to check a certain part of the Ivy Tower Memorial Forest, they'll find a body there. It will be gone the next day, and somehow, everyone will remember another survivor of the tragedy, another scarred child driven to find answers. And yet, they'll also remember another victim, someone whose remains were never retrieved from that twisted copse.
I can't save them all. All I can do is watch, pick which ones get to live this week. Maybe, one day, I'll be able to tell you why the Ivy Tower is no more. And maybe, one day, I'll give that devil her eye back so I can stop living in this hell.
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sokovianheadtilt · 2 years
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I posted 6,080 times in 2022
That's 1,704 more posts than 2021!
80 posts created (1%)
6,000 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 403 of my posts in 2022
#asia's thoughts⚡️ - 84 posts
#chris evans - 51 posts
#sokovianheadtilt - 45 posts
#marveledit - 36 posts
#stranger things - 36 posts
#* - 29 posts
#marvel - 29 posts
#young royals - 28 posts
#userbbelcher - 25 posts
#usercroft - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#i’ve had to have seen this movie like 12 times now? at least?? it’s my fav chris film outside of the mcu
My Top Posts in 2022:
Princess and the Knight
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Mafia!Bucky Barnes x black!reader
Summary: Bucky would do anything for you, and he means that
Warnings: Violence, assault, murder 
A/N: Dipped my toes into the world of writing for mob Bucky, enjoy!!!
Word Count: 1.2k
Tonight was supposed to be a fun night out with your friends. With work making you more tense than usual, you didn’t hesitate to accept Natasha’s invitation for a girls' night out at a nearby bar. But everything wasn’t going as you hoped. 
When you and your friends first arrived, you didn’t hesitate to go to the bar and order a round of shots. Shouts of happiness rang out across the group and you felt at ease. You were surrounded by people you always had fun with, and that was what you focused on. You even let a couple of guys buy you drinks because who would turn that down? 
After about 20 minutes, you all decided to move onto the dance floor. You were singing along to the song that was blasting, it was one of your favorites as you danced with your other friend Wanda. A smile was permanently plastered on your face and you were having a great time. That was until a creep decided to ruin your fun. 
You didn’t even notice him until you were dancing, you could spot him in the corner of your eye watching your every move. He looked gross and greasy, definitely not someone you’d even walk up to. Besides, you were already with Bucky, the love of your life. He was everything you wanted in a man. He held an undying loyalty to you, treated you like a queen, showered you with love and gifts, and being with him was heaven. He was also involved in one of the biggest mob organizations in the city. At first, he tried to hide his lifestyle from you. His wealth being covered up with coming from old money which wasn’t entirely untrue, but it was only part of it. He finally mustered up the courage to tell you what he does for a living, wondering if you would run off or not, and you didn’t. 
You were his, and him being a mob boss wouldn’t change it. He just made sure to never bring his work around you, no matter what. He didn’t want you to see the violent side of him. He was always going to be gentle with you, not wanting you to be scared of him, and you loved it. He would die for you, kill for you, but you never wanted to test that, but maybe you might have to. 
When you notified Wanda of the strange man, she pulled you away towards the back of the crowd away from his eyesight. You tried to shake the man from your mind and resumed having a good time. That was until you felt two hands set on your waist. You quickly pushed them off and turned around, seeing the man standing behind you.
“What the fuck dude?!” You yelled at him over the music 
“Just wanted to dance with you, what’s the harm in that?” He replied smugly 
You scoffed “Yeah but I didn’t ask you to, besides I have a boyfriend”
“And he let you leave the house like that?” He pointed to your skin-tight sheer black dress
“Let me? I’m my own person you prick, and besides, he said I looked pretty so” you tilted your head “Still doesn’t give you the right to just grab me like that”
“I hardly grabbed you, don’t be so dramatic. If you didn’t want people to approach you don’t leave the house dressed like a whore”
Your eyes widened and you went to lunge at him before Wanda pulled you back as you kept yelling at him. She led you out of the bar and turned to face you “You alright?” She asked
“Yeah I’m fine” you shuddered “I just- he’s a prick” you crossed your arms “How dare he just put his hands on me then call ME a whore? Who does he think he is?”
Wanda rubbed the side of your arm as you continued to be angry, muttering to yourself. “I know what to do” you pulled your phone out of your purse “Gonna show that asshole who he messed with” you dialed Bucky’s number and held the phone to your ear. 
“Hey darling, having fun?” He spoke first 
“No! Can you come down here please?” You pleaded
Bucky frowned and immediately pulled on a shirt and shoes “I’ll be there in five minutes” he hung up. You held back a smile, he didn’t even need a reason, he was always going to come when you needed him. 
Wanda looked at you “You know he’s gonna probably kill him right?”
You nodded “Mhm”
Wanda giggled and shook her head as you both waited for Bucky to show up. 
Not even five minutes later, Bucky pulls up outside of the bar, getting out of it and standing tall in all his 6’4 glory. You didn’t hesitate to go over to him and wrap your arms around him, resting your head against his chest. He held you close and kissed the top of your head “What happened sweetheart?”
You looked up at him “Some guy was being creepy and kept staring at me the whole night, and when we went to go dance he followed me and tried to dance with me, put his hands on my waist, and when I tried to tell him off he called me a whore for wearing my dress”
You watched as Bucky’s eyes darkened “Where is he?” “He should still be in there, we didn’t see him leave”
See the full post
141 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
Tug of War (1)
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CEO!Steve Rogers x black!reader
Summary: Y/N caught the attention of her boss, who’s determined to win her over
A/N: My first official series!!! I'm so excited to write this and I hope you all like it :)
Warnings: None, I dont think
Y/N was one of the last people at the office for the day which made sense considering it was almost 11 pm. She worked at one of the biggest law firms in New York City and this case was tough as she did her best to gather arguments to get her client the lowest prison sentence she could. Once she looked over at her computer and her eyes felt fuzzy and blurry, that’s when she knew she was done for the day. She packed up her things and locked up her office before going to the elevator. She pulled out her phone and checked for any missed messages and replied to a few before hearing the elevator doors open.
When she looked up from her phone, she was met with a tall, blonde man who was dressed in a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, holding his jacket on his arm and black dress pants. She could admit, this man was absolutely gorgeous. She’s probably seen him around but who knows due to how busy she can get. She flashed him a small smile and got on the elevator with him and stood beside him and watched the elevator doors close.
“Long night?” The man spoke to her in his deep baritone voice
She looked up at him before nodding a bit “Um, yeah, I pretty much always leave at this time” she chuckled nervously “You?”
He shrugged “Yeah, something like that. Just came to see how everything going” She gave him a confused look “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around before. Granted I’ve only been here 6 months so”
He chuckled “Well when you own everything, there’s no need to come into work every day”
Her eyes widened “Y-You own the law firm?”
He nodded “Well, half of it” he turned to you and stuck his hand out “Steve Rogers”
You reached out and shook his hand “Y/N L/N” you let out a nervous smile before seeing the elevator doors open as he walked out with you
“How are you getting home?” He turned to face you again
“Um, probably just going to take the train or something”
He frowned “It’s pretty late. It’s dangerous for a pretty thing like you to be taking the train. Why don’t I take you home?”
You shook your head “N-No, that’s alright Mr. Rogers I do this every day it’s completely fine”
“Every day? This city is dangerous and you take the train at night alone every day?!”
You opened your mouth to speak before he cut you off “That’s going to stop, I’m driving you home every night from now on”
Who were you to say no to that? “O-Okay”
He nodded and set a hand on the small of your back and led the both of you out of the building. He brought you over to his sleek black car which almost made your eyes bulge out of your head “This is yours?!”
He looked at you as he opened the passenger seat door for you “One of them” he smiled as you thanked him before getting in as he got in the driver's seat. You gave him your address as he pulled off.
You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, in pure disbelief that this was your life now. This doesn’t happen to girls like you. You just kept to yourself and let life pass you by a bit. Yes, you were successful and got your dream job, but you never caught anyone’s eye. You accepted the fact that you weren’t considered attractive, so when Mr. Rogers said you were pretty, you couldn’t help but think you were being pranked or that this was a bet or something.
“So, did you grow up here?” He glanced over at you before looking back at the road “Y-Yeah, in Brooklyn” you looked over at him “No shit, me too” he smiled “Do you like working at the firm?”
You nodded enthusiastically “Yes, it’s been wonderful. I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer so working at one of the best, it’s like a dream come true”
He smirked a bit “Well, we only hire the best, so you obviously did everything right”
You felt your cheeks heat up and smiled to yourself “Th-thank you”
He nodded and took one of his hands off the wheel, setting it against the open window “Have anyone waiting for you at home?”
See the full post
150 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Young and In Love
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College!Stucky x black!reader
Summary: Being in love with Steve and Bucky during your college years
Warnings: mentions of violence
A/N: AHHHH I always wanted to write about Stucky because come on, why have one when you can have both? hope you enjoy!!
Word Count: 532
You met at a party you were dragged to by your roommate when her friends bailed on her
You were a sophomore and they were seniors which always made you feel a bit insecure because you felt inexperienced compared to them, but they always assured you that you set the pace in the relationship and they’re going to follow your lead
One or both (mainly both) always walk with you to class, even if it was across campus from where they needed to be
You always go to their apartment on the weekends but stay at your dorm during the week so you can get to class easier
They help you study when they can even if they haven’t taken the class before
They’re not allowed to study with you for finals because they always distract you so you send them away until finals week is over, but they do text you words of encouragement which help keep you motivated
They all have a date night every other Saturday and the person who chooses what they do is in rotation starting with you, then Bucky, then Steve. It keeps things interesting and also exposes you all to things that you end up liking
They’re both super protective but in different ways. Steve is more about making sure you’re okay if someone is giving you a hard time, pulling you away just to sit and talk, wiping your tears if you need him to, Bucky on the other hand won’t hesitate to resort to violence if he needs to. A guy once grabbed your ass when you were at a club which led to Bucky leading him outside to an alley and beating the literal shit out of them. Thankfully you ran out and stopped him before he could put the guy in the hospital.
It was kinda hot to you but you didn’t want him to himself in danger because of you and he simply replied “I’m always gonna protect you doll, no matter what”
When other girls flirt with either of them and you see it, you don’t say anything, just go up and take their hand, pulling them away. They don’t question it and just go with you, smiling to themselves
You steal all of their hoodies, like all of them. They were at their place one day and noticed so many of them were gone and were initially confused before realizing it was you that had taken them. They weren’t upset, quite the opposite. They thought it was adorable considering how short you were and how big they looked on you. When they stopped smelling like them that’s when you would give them back but would take them back once their scent was back
Overall they are madly in love with you and will do anything to ensure your happiness and safety. If their girl comes to them with a frown on her face then they’re determined to change that
If you’re feeling insecure about your appearance they’ll tell you why every part of you is gorgeous which usually leads to you crying a little
Steve and Bucky are down bad for their girl, and the feeling is mutual.
170 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
Bucky Moves In
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Bucky Barnes x black!reader
Summary: When Bucky moved in
Warnings: None
A/N: Long time no write. My bad, school is a bitch and I had no time to write. Anywho, there’s a time jump about a year ahead and we’re moving on to blurbs about their little family. Enjoy!
Word Count: 496
Divider by: @firefly-graphics
The topic came up when you and Bucky were cuddling in your bed after putting Logan to sleep, the young boy making Bucky read him three stories before he did. You had your head resting on Bucky’s broad, firm chest, listening to his steady heartbeat as he rubbed your back. You loved when he held you like this, feeling safe and protected. You let out a happy sigh and smiled to yourself as you heard him speak up
“I wanna stay here forever” he mumbled yet you heard every word loud and clear. You looked up at him with his hand going to play with your newly done braids. “Well, why don’t you?” You sat up a bit more to look at him.
“What do you mean doll?” He pulled you closer to him, having you almost sitting on his lap
“I mean, you’re here all the time, you only go back to your own place to get new clothes” you held onto his bicep
“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you want me to visit less?” He frowned a bit
You shook your head “No” you let out a slight chuckle “I want you to move in. We’ve been together for a while now and I love when you’re around and helping with Logan, I want you to move in” you ran a hand through his hair and gave him a hopeful look, hoping you didn’t freak him out or have him think you were going too fast in your relationship.
Bucky’s lips pulled into a wide smile “Of course I wanna move in sweetheart” he pecked your lips “A chance to be with you and Logan all the time? Waking up next to you every morning and sleeping beside you every night? Hell yeah I’m gonna move in” you squealed a little and pulled him into a tight hug, pressing kisses to his cheek as he chuckled, turning his head to connect his lips with yours.
See the full post
178 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tug of War Masterlist
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CEO!Steve Rogers x black!reader
Summary: Y/N caught the attention of her boss, who’s determined to win her over
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9-NEW!!!
244 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
The 2022 writing Advent calendar: Day 3
3. Visiting Santa's Village
So, some of you may know that I am in fact a Fin. And Finland is famously known as the place Santa Claus lives. So I of course had to write about our favorite skaters visiting the real Santa Claus Village at the Arctic Circle close to Rovaniemi.
“Olette siis menossa tapaamaan pukkia? Oh sorry. Väärä kieli. You are going to go visit the good old Santa?” Taxi asked said as Gastón, Nina, Matteo and Luna got into his vehicle, with broken but understandaple English. 
“Yes, that is correct.” Gastón answered to him as he got to the front seat. Four of them plus Ambar and Simon, who were coming in the taxi behind them, had flown to Rovaniemi yesterday and now they were continuing their journey to their actual destination Saariselkä. But they were making a small stop first, since Luna had insisted, to the Santa’s Village. 
“You are the first tourists I have had this week, which is very surprising.” The driver kept talking, while turning the cars radio on a music that sounded like Christmas music in Finnish started playing. “The two weeks before Christmas, I was just driving japanese and chinese tourists back and forth. So tell me, where are you coming from?”
“Buenos Aires,” Matteo piped up from the backseat. 
“Latin America? That is a first in my cap. You speak very good English, but I could swear you had a British accent.” The driver pointed towards Gastón, and he shared and quick glance with Nina. Matteo and Luna already liked to make fun of the fact that he and Nina pretty much spoke English with British accents. That was what happened when you had lived over five years in England.
“Our, no, WE are so excited go here… or was it there.?” Luna stumped through a sentence in English. “Was it alright?” She whispered to Nina in Spanish
“It was fine.” Nina whispered back. 
“Well my friends, here we are.” The car started slowing down as a huge amount of light up structures came in toe view on the side of the road. Since it was 8:45, they had wanted to be there at the opening time, it was still dark. “Joulupukin Satukylä, or well, to you, Santa’s Magical Village, or whatever it is in Spanish. Have fun!”
“He was really nice,” Luna said as they waved their taxi driver goodbye and stood at the gate waiting for Simon and Ambar. Their taxi came five miles later. 
“Was your driver very talkative?” Matteo asked theme as their car also drove away.
“No, didn’t say a word,” Ambar answered while putting her gloved back on. Simon already looked like he was freezing after being in the cold outdoor air for two minutes. 
Well, it was -15 degrees celsius. It was cold. Having lived through many London winters, Gastón and Nina were much more used to actual below freezing temperatures than anyone else. Luna, Matteo, Simon and Ambar not so. Luna and Simon, having lived in Mexico most of their lives, had never even seen snow in their lives. 
“Ours actually was,” Matteo continued.
“Hmmm, I thought that the Finnish people are known for not really talking.” Ambar pondered, “Or at least there was something about bus stops, when I did the research.”
“Hey! Are we not gonna go in?” Luna was jumping on her feet. Maybe because she was cold, or because she was so excited. 
“I am ready to some hot chocolate.” Simon said still shivering, “Or that Glugo stuff. I am freezing.”
“I think it was called glog, they call it glögi.” Nina said as they walked in. She had pulled up the map of the village on her phone.
“Simon, you are cold because you have not closed you jacket all the way,” Ambar scolded Simon and fixed his zipper. “We are not in Argentina anymore.”
“So, apparently this is the line for the Arctic Circle,” Nina read from her phone as they stopped in from the a row of stone pillars. 
“Hey! I AM ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD!!!” Luna had already jumped over the line already. 
“Luna! Wait for us!” Matteo yelled as the other jumped over the line as well. 
“Well, now we can cross that off our bucket list…”
“Oh noh guys…” Matteo suddenly started looking around. “Where did she go? Guys, I have lost Luna.”
Everyone looked around. Luna really had vanished, even when she had just been waiting for them at the other side of the Arctic Circle. 
“How do you lose Luna?” Gastón asked trying hide his slight amusement. “She was wearing literally the whole rainbow. We are surrounded by snow, the will stand out”
“I don’t know,” Matteo shook his head.
“Okay,” Ambar said, not sounding concerned at all. Well, it would be Luna, if anybody, who would get lost in a forgrein Nordic country. Not to mention in freezing temperatures. “Raise your hand if you are surprised?” No one raised their hand
“OMG, SO CUTE!!!” All of them turned their head towards the noise.
“That has to be Luna.” Simon said.
“Lets go,” Ambar nodded, “Before we get kicked out of here because Luna was terrorizing an elf.”
Soon enough Matteo, Simon, Ambar, Gastón and Nina found Luna at the husky yard.
Luna was taking patting a head of the dog that was sitting next to the fence, and talking animatedly with the employee there, who was in fact wearing an elf costume. The poor elf was looking very confused.
“Luna! Finally we found you.” Matteo was first on Luna’s side. “What are you doing?” 
“I was just asking them how many dog they have, and can we take on home.” Luna looked Mattei innocently, “So Newton has a friend.”
“Luna, first, we are not getting a dog, our lives are way too busy. And second, they don’t understand Spanish,” Matteo gestured towards the elf. 
“I apologise for my wife, she just gets so excited sometimes. How many dogs do you have?” Matteo asked in English
“We have seven at the moment.”
“Thank you!” Matteo took Luna by the shoulders, “Come on. Let’s go see Santa.”
Just to set the record straight here, Simbar, Gastina and Lutteo are all engaged and Newton is Gastón and Nina's dog, if anyone was wondering
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novumtimes · 2 months
Woman refuses to let pregnant guest eat any of her birthday cake
Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more A woman has questioned whether she was wrong to refuse a pregnant woman any of her birthday cake. In a post shared on the Am I the A**hole forum on Reddit, a woman wrote that she celebrated her birthday with a barbeque, alongside her three children and husband as well as his best friend Matt, his pregnant girlfriend Jane, and their three children. She explained that they had gotten close with the family since they lived two houses down. As the men grilled up more than $90 worth of hotdogs and hamburgers, a surplus of which both the original poster and Matt contributed, the original poster swam with the children in their pond while Jane scrolled on her phone. However, around 5:30pm, the men called up the children to get their plates and chow down, but the original poster wrote that she and her middle child, nine, weren’t hungry at the time, so they kept swimming. After spending over 40 extra minutes in the pond, they finally got hungry around 6:15pm, when her husband went for a beer run. By the time they got to the grill, however, the woman said that Matt and Jane were gone as well, and so was the food. “All the food is gone. Literally everything,” she wrote. “I call my husband and ask him where all the food is and he said that it should be on the grill. I tell him that everything is gone. There was a long pause before he goes ‘Jane asked if she could take some for leftovers but I didn’t think she would take all of it’.” He then told her that before he left for the store 10 minutes prior, there were at least eight burgers and 10 hotdogs left as well as macaroni salad. Perplexed, she told her husband to call up his friend to see what happened. According to Matt, Jane said she took “a few” things with her that had already been eaten, but her oldest son, 13, said otherwise. The original poster wrote: “He saw Jane walk off our property carrying the entire dish (one of those extra large tin foil BBQ dishes).” “I’m pissed at this point,” she continued. “Me and my son hadn’t eaten anything.” Her husband, although also pissed, got them some food from the store instead of confronting Matt about the situation since they work together. However, things come to a head anyway when, 45 minutes later, Jane and her three children showed up at their house asking if they could have some of the original poster’s birthday cake. “I tell Jane that her kids can but she can’t,” she wrote. “She asks why and I said ‘I’m pretty sure you’ve eaten plenty considering you took off with my entire BBQ dinner before me and my son could eat anything.’” Jane defended herself saying that the original poster’s husband not only said she could have it but that she was entitled to it because “half of it was hers.” She added that she didn’t know that they hadn’t eaten, despite being next to the grill the entire time and likely not seeing them eat. “I just shrugged my shoulders and walk away,” the original poster concluded. “She tells her kids to ‘let’s go’ and they leave without cake.” In the comment section, people wrote that Jane was being rude by not only taking all the food but leaving without saying goodbye to the hostess and then returning as if nothing happened. “Who leaves a BBQ without saying goodbye to the hostess?” one person wrote. “It was only the two families. That’s rude in its own right.” “Who leaves a party with all the leftovers and then has the gall to return for more?!” someone else commented. “If the party is still going on, there aren’t leftovers yet, it’s just food,” another added. “Why would she leave then come back? That’s just weird.” Source link via The Novum Times
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elijahkelly · 1 year
It’s been over ten days since my last post and I’m baffled at how much has happened.
Dylan worked his last shift at Sanderson.  He’s been occupied all day every weekday doing grad school and stuff for his new job.  Normally I’d be sad that I don’t get to see him very often.  But for anyone who has read this blog, you know Dylan and I have been kinda tense with one another lately.  So I’m trying to put a positive spin on it, seeing this as an opportunity to grow separately from one another and spend the entire time attached at the hip.  I think it’ll be good for us.
A few days later, Ozzy called me.  He told me that his dad had passed and he was gonna be taking some space from everyone and everything for a bit.  This broke my heart.  Ozzy is one of the kindest, funniest, purest people I have ever met, and it blows my mind how such tragic, awful things can happen to the people who deserve it the least.  I spent every day after that texting him asking if he was okay.  He apparently only told me and Trent, which is touching because I was one of the two people he wanted to bring up to date.  But my heart shattered for him.
On Saturday, Trent and I went to a local tattoo shop because I was wanting to get a new tattoo for a while.  The tattoo artist was very talkative (to a fault).  He had told another customer that my tattoo would take between 30 and 45 minutes but when we got started the process ended up going for about two and a half hours.  It took him twenty minutes just to put the stencil on me, then another twenty for him to start the tattoo, because he just kept rambling.  It would’ve been fine if he were just talking about casual stuff.  Contrarily, he was telling us about how awful the other staff there are, talking about how he has almost hit a woman on multiple occasions, the origins of different racial slurs, slavery, stories about the KKK (and his roommate who used to be a member), cancel culture and how stupid he thinks it is, and celebrities that possibly have doppelgangers (his list included Tupac, Joe Biden (because sometimes his earlobes are attached and sometimes they aren’t), and Beyonce (because supposedly her ass changes size every day)).  I told him that I had heard a conspiracy once that Eminem had been replaced with someone else because of the dramatic change in his facial structure, and the artist started adamantly explaining how that was a result of rehab, as if his theories aren’t also easily explained away.  It was an experience for sure, but the tattoo turned out great and I only paid $120 for it (it’s now my biggest and cheapest tattoo).
That day, I had received a text from Ozzy.  He told me he wanted to come with us to see the Barbie movie the next day.  I was so ecstatic, as he had been (understandably) distant since his dad passed.
Yesterday, we went to see the Barbie movie.  The group consisted of me, Dylan, Heather, Ozzy, Trent, Missy, Sav, Jena, and Anna.  We all got dressed up and cute for it and it was so much fun.  What an incredible movie, wow.  It was really heavy hitting and it made me cry a couple times.  I’m going to see it again on Tuesday with Becca since she didn’t get to come with us.
After the movie, Ozzy invited me and Trent to come walk around campus with him and play Pokemon Go with him and his roommate, which I was not about to say no to since Oz had been going through it and was expressing interest in spending time with me.  It was really nice, we all talked and had a good time, and it warmed my heart that Ozzy wanted to be around me with everything going on.
The last thing I wanted to talk about here was my living situation.  I have been pretty comfortable with my living situation during my college experience, since I have never had to live with strangers.  At the college I attended during my freshman year, I managed to live alone in my two-person dorm room.  My sophomore year, I lived with my best friends (Dylan, Becca, and Sarah) and during my junior year, Sarah moved out and my other best friend Heather moved in.  So I have been pretty consistently happy with my living situation thus far.  But the cracks are forming very quickly.  Dylan is moving out because his job requires him to live on campus, so he’s subleasing his room.  Heather can’t afford to live in our complex anymore, so she’s subleasing to someone else as well.  The person subleasing for Dylan is a friend of ours who we have hung out with a few times, so at least she’s a familiar figure.  But the one who is subleasing from Heather is a complete stranger.  I’m fine living with him, but Becca doesn’t think she’ll be comfortable, so she raised the possibility of her moving back in with her mom.  So suddenly, I’ve gone from living with three of my closest friends to potentially living with two people who I don’t really know for my senior year.  This sudden change has thrown a lot of stress my way.  On top of that, I have to do my grad school searching, and I’m starting to lose momentum.  But this is a big year I have ahead of me.  It’s gonna be a lot, but I’m actually pretty excited.
Will update if anything notable happens!
Bye for now.
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isntthatwrite · 2 years
can you write a love letter to a place you left and never plan to return to?
i begin crafting a list of things I have not yet done in the city I have spent my entire legal adult life in. If not now, then when? Presumably never. My announced departure marks the end in a way that signals to the rest, the few lingering who remain, that the party is over and we should all go now. All throughout high school and college, I would consistently be one of the last to leave class, someone who arrived late to the party but would help you clean up afterward, constantly miscalculating how long it would take for me to arrive to my location and needing to make up for it on the back end. You don’t need to be too observant to recognize that if I’m packing up and leaving, you have likely overstayed. I take this in stride -- able to be where I need when I really need to be there, but comfortable enough taking my time where I can. 
When I needed to be on time to something, it would often result in me overshooting and being at least 30 minutes early and having to kill time somewhere. My sense of time is so distorted that I’d say, on average, I would usually be a solid hour early to job interviews. It felt like a combination of things to me. The inability to estimate how long something would take me to complete mixed with the reliance on Things That Would Make Me Late (public transit, for one). Given the option, I would choose an hour long train ride over a 20 minute car ride almost every time. I would reconfigure my day into something indiscernible from my original itinerary if it meant I could do it my way. There is always a way to delight in the complex option -- it doesn’t have to be suffering. Suffering is a choice, after all. Choosing the more physically taxing option doesn’t have to equate to suffering if you see it as built-in exercise or a chance to practice mindfulness. There is something about my state of being that brings me to constant humility. Carrying 4 grocery bags half a bus route and an additional 25 minute walk back home on either the hottest day of the year or the coldest (depending where we may be in the soup of linear time) because the path is too rickety for a grocery cart and the distance of the trip necessitates buying as much as you can every time you go is something you can see as humiliating. All about perspective.
The thing they don’t tell you about living in a walkable city, is that at any time, it can become unwalkable without first consulting you. Despite being near a college campus that claimed to be in the city, if I wanted to get to the grocery store of my choosing which shared the street name of my address, I would have to walk along the highway with periods of no sidewalk for about 45 minutes before I would arrive. This was a 5 minute drive. 
This was also a considerable departure from my first 5 years of living in a microcosm of the city, where you couldn’t spit without hitting a dunkin donuts and all of your friends lived within a mile away. anything can be walkable if everyone you care about in the city is your neighbor and your basic needs are all provided for you down the street. i did not experience reality here. I spend every day missing parts of it.
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Handcuffed to my best friend for 24hrs w/ Colby & he constantly makes sexual jokes & flirty comments
"Colby, i swear to God..."
imagine this takes place in the apartment building theu used to live, but it's only y/n who lives there.
btw, i'll stick to y/n being the editor for the boys as in the You're Fucking With My Head imagine, but they're still friends here
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Pic from Pinterest
I take my laptop and sit on the couch as i am watching Sam and Colby's uncut video from Cosmopolitan Hotel. I look around me and try to find my headphones, but i see them on the kitchen counter. i sigh, getting up and putting the laptop aside to go grab them. as i lift the headphones off the counter, i hear a knock on the door. I swear there's always something going on when i have to work.
"Hello, Y/N", Colby smiles with his camera right in my face. "What are you doing?"
i raise an eyebrow at him. "Working for you?". i let him inside and notice that one of his hands is hidden behind his back. i shake my head, thinking nothing should surprise me anymore. "Why are you filming?", i smile and wave at the camera.
"Can you help me angle this camera on the counter real quick?", i nod and walk up to him and take the camera away from him, positioning it on cereal box. all of a sudden, when i'm about to turn around and face him, i hear a click and something hanging on my wrist.
"What the fuck, Colby?", i laugh and raise our both hands in the air, seeing them handcuffed together.
"Welcome to my channel and today we're doing 24 hours handcuffed to my best friend challenge. today, we're going to spend the whole day together, we'll go to the bathroom together, we're gonna eat together, who knows, maybe see each other naked", he laughs and i pull him harshly by the handcuffed hand, earning an ouch and the same pull from him.
"we're definitely not going to the bathroom together", i shake my hand and grab the camera to sit on the couch.
"Can we shower together?", my mouth falls open and he just laughs at me. "i'm playing, y/n, oh my God". Colby takes the camera in his free hand while i struggle to lift my laptop with his heavy arm lingering.
"Excuse me, but can you lift your arm for a second? i already have a laptop in my hands, i can't lift your arm too", i laugh and shake the laptop up and down, while his arm barely moves.
"Sorry". he chuckles and pays attention at what i'm doing. "Ohhh, you're working on the Cosmopolitan Hotel!", he realises when he sees Rug on the screen. i nod and start cutting the video and adding subtitles here and there, when Colby would either say so or when i would consider them necessary. when i'm concentrated enough, he pulls his hand, making mine fall off the laptop. because i was working with my right hand, i drag a few already edited frames through the ending ones.
"Colbyyyy!", i exclaim in disbelief that the past 45 minutes work is going to take at least 10 minutes just to find it between the other frames.
"oh shit, i'm sorry", he laughs and i put the laptop aside. i get up and drag him off the couch.
"i can't work with you, let's do something else. let's go brush our teeth.", i drag him along with me and i feel mu wrist hurting because of the tightness of the handcuffs. i give him a spare toothbrush that i have and we both start brushing out teeth, while i curse because my right arm is weighed by his. when we're done, i realise i'm wearing house clothes, which means i have to change before we go anywhere outside, but i'm not saying anything to him yet. i start doing my make up, trying to make his video fun to watch. while applying my eyeshadow, Colby keeps moving his hand, making my brush fall on my cheek. looking like a clown, i start putting make up on his face too, not being too able to move because his leg is cought between my legs. he keeps ow-ing when my hand stretches his wrist when i apply the eyeshadow on his eyes.
"We look very beautiful", he says while looking into the camera and arranging his hair. i chuckle.
"that color matches you very well.", i laugh when he gives me an "are you kidding" look.
"you look better with it. remember when you wore it last week?", he smiles at me and i blush
"shut up, Brock. you don't even know what you had for breakfast. you can't remember that"
"well, at least i tried to see if you believe me", he laughs and gets up, taking me with him. i roll my eyes.
"what's up with you guys, being so asshole-ish? comment down below why you think Colby's and asshole.", he takes the cereal box from earlier and throws it at me. i throw it back and hit his nose.
"ouch", he says and i put my hands over my mouth, thinking i hit him too hard. i approach him and try to take his hand over his nose to see if he's bleeding or anything, but he takes it off and starts tickling me. i drop to the floor with him over me, none of us being in the frame of the camera. somehow, i know he'll want this scene deleted and i'll gladly do that. i try to stretch my arm so my wrist wouldn't be twisted so much by Colby's movements, but i also stretch his arm out and he collapses over me. we both gasp when he hits his chest with mine. "i'm so sorry, are you ok, y/n?"
i nod, but none of us moves. he lifts himself up on his free arm and i take a deep breath when he's off my chest. concerned, he asks me one more time if i'm fine and i nod. the close space between us makes me uncomfortable and i try to get up, but Colby pushes me back down. i frown at him. "Colby, you keep me too warm, i hate it. i have a massive hoodie on me and it's 130 degrees outside. please get up or i'm getting violent."
"i'd like to see that", he chuckles and his confidence annoys me. i flip us on the floor and i'm on top now. Colby raises his eyebrows in surprise at me. i stretch or arms again, as i lay on him the same way he layed on me. "oh wow, it really gets hot", he gulps and i smirk at him, because he got intimidated by our position. i get away from him, but still sit on top of him, seeing how he gets uncomfortable.
"never challenge me at something, boy", he rests his hands on my thighs and i only realise it after a few moments. "oh, wow, the camera's still recording", i straighten my voice and get up to stop the camera. Colby scratches the back of his neck. "i need to change, how are we going to do this?", i ask him and i blush
"don't you have something underneath?", he asks, frowning, as he's really trying to find a solution
"i have a sports bra, that's not the problem, since every girl in LA almost walks like that through the city. my problem is how i take my hoodie off"
"well, i'll uncuff us and just tell the fans we did that because i respect your privacy and it wouldn't be fair otherwise.", i nod and accept the deal. "tho you have to remain in your sports bra", he smirks and his eyes twinkle with excitement.
"you're unbelievable.", i roll my eyes and wait for him to uunloc my side.
"what? i like checking you out"
"colby, stooop", i run a hand through my hair while walking away from him, both of us laughing. i get back from my bedroom and i find Colby waiting for me, smirking already.
"i wish we used this handcuffs for something else", he locks them again and we walk towards my house keys, exiting the apartment and locking it.
"the 24 hours aren't over yet, maybe we'll use them", i smirk at his shocked face and i smile wide as i've successfuly left him speechless twice already. "but it looks like we have a full schedule, so i don't know about that", the elevator dings as we reach the main floor.
"we can definitely cut some things off the list for that.", i hit him with my free hand and we laugh.
we go to taco bell to grab a bite and Colby constantly moves my hand so i drop almost every fry. while talking to the camera and people constantly looking weirdly at us, i tell him i'm not making any more public challenges with him.
"oh, come on, i know you like being tied up with me. i know the real reason why you're mad is because we're not tied up in a bed", i hit him in the bicep, hurting my own hand while our hands tangle because of the handcuffs.
"Colby, you're playing with fire and i'm sure i don't want to tame it. so shut up", i take a sip of my drink and hear Colby chuckle.
"i don't want you to tame it", i roll my eyes and i'm happy the camera isn't recording.
a few more hours pass by and at 10pm we choose to end the video.
"Thank you guys so much for watching, leave a like and subscribe, go follow y/n on her platforms, i'll let them linked down below and until next time, i hope i'll get to sleep on a side of the bed and not on the floor, cause i've tested her limits today", we both laugh
"oh, you're going home", we laugh once more and he turn off the camera. Colby hands the SD card to me and i take it, putting it in a box that i use only for them. "you'll have the edited video in two-three days. i'm still working on Cosmo Hotel, because somebody made sure i don't work today", i smile and look at the tiny key that unlocks the handcuffs. i rub my wrist, feeling it weird after such a long time of wearing it.
"i'm glad you didn't work today, you needed a break. i thought about it this morning and thought i should stop you.", he smiles at me and rubs his wrist as well.
"next time bring the ones with feathers. i like them more", i wink at him and he pulls me into a hug.
"we can pretend these are with feathers and see if they break while we sleep", i push him towards the door.
"Goodnight, Colbs", i laugh and roll my eyes as he turns around and pouts.
"Goodnight, princess"
i wave at him and lock the door when he lives. i walk towards the couch while shaking my head, taking my laptop to continue searching for that misplaced video frame. i laugh when my phone dings and i see a text from Colby.
"it's so dark outside, i can't find my way home. maybe i should come back upstairs.", i laugh at the text and face palm myself. such a dork.
"Colby, i swear to God..."
"Chucky is nicer than you"
i throw my phone away, smiling, and i get back to my work.
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primofate · 3 years
Haikyuu! Drabble: When you get hurt (minor injuries)
Note: Ugggghhhhhhh I love these men. Honestly. wtf. How can you have so many good guys in one anime. Also please don’t take this as a sign that I’ll stop posting for Genshin, but you know, give me some space to hype over my other fandoms please XD
Warnings: it’s seriously just plain fluff
Characters: Kageyama, Tsukishima, Oikawa, Bokuto, Ushijima
“What happened to your knee?”
Is the first thing he says, his face as serious as ever, eyes looking at your bandaged knee as he approaches you in class. You laugh nervously as you unwound the school bag away from your shoulder, placing it on your desk.
“Ah, I was walking Momo-chan last night...But you know, he’s gotten so big and I guess I was a little distracted...He saw a squirrel and just went running for it and...” you trail off, feeling Kageyama’s aura change. You knew he was about to call you reprimand you, and sure enough, he says “Idiot,” just as he would to Hinata.
On closer inspection you also had a bandage around your wrist. He guessed that you tried to hold on to the leash and it dragged your hand across the pavement. 
After berating you with that one word, he wouldn’t say anything else about it. But he would, whenever he could, show some concern that you wouldn’t usually see. “I’ll take that,” he grabs your lunch box from you and you look up at him all confused as to why he’s carrying it for you today. 
But, he stops at the door of the classroom and then turns around. “Actually, let’s just eat here,” as opposed to the school rooftop where the two of you usually ate. 
And then, at the end of the school day, before you could even lift your bag over your shoulder, he’s already there and lifting it on HIS shoulder. You’re dumbfounded. “Are you going to your club? I’ll walk you first then go to mine,” 
Then it hits you. It’s because you’re hurt, and he didn’t want you to strain your knee or wrist anymore. You secretly smile but let him do what he wants. There was no stopping him when he set his mind to it after all. “Tobio-kun, you know, it’s just a scrape, I can still do things by myself,” 
“Shut up and just let me do it...” he mutters under his breath, until he drops you off to your club and goes his own way. 
And then, as your nightly routine to walk Momo-chan, you’re stunned when you see your boyfriend standing there, outside your house gates. Hands in his pockets. “T-Tobio?” 
He lived close by, but still, you didn’t expect him to be there. He snatches the leash away from you, your dog is just happily gazing at the two of you, tail swishing wildly at the fact that TWO of his favourite people are walking him today. And again, Kageyama says,
“...I need to go for a run anyway,”
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a Tsukishima-san,”
A girl in the basketball team uniform appears at the doorway of the gym, all members turn to her as she bows and straightens up. Tsukishima sighs in relief. Finally an actual excuse to rest from training. 
“That’s me,” he towers over the girl, who only blinks up at him, slightly intimidated. “Ah, uh, yeah...Y/N said that you have her spare glasses?” His eyebrows perk up. Right. You were in the basketball team, for some reason he always forgot that detail. 
He turns away without a word and goes to his bag. He did, indeed, have your spare glasses. You left it at his house last time during a study session, being the airhead that you are. He retrieves it but before handing the black box to the girl, he asks. “What happened to the ones she has?” 
He wasn’t thinking much of it. Perhaps someone accidentally stepped on it, or maybe you even accidentally broke it.
"The ball hit her face,” 
“Is she--”
The words of worry practically dies on his lips. He could feel and sense Yamaguchi and Sugawara listening in to the conversation and he’d drop dead before getting caught being worried for someone. But still, this is why he always told you that you needed sports glasses. A scratch to the eye could be dangerous.
He sighs pretty loudly, and turns to face Sugawara who was off court, standing next to Yamaguchi who was also taking a small break. “Sugawara-san, I’ll be back,” There’s a big smile on his vice captain’s face, same as Yamaguchi who knew that his friend was actually worried. 
Tsukishima ignored their stupid smiles.
“Oh! Kei,” You look up as the door to the school clinic opened, you were just sitting on one of the beds, legs moving back and forth and waiting for your teammate to retrieve the spare glasses for you. Tsukishima said that he’d handle it and as he passed the black box to you he grabs your chin and turns it in his hands, looking at your eyes. 
There was a cut under your left eye that was already patched up. He releases your face when he was sure it was actually nothing serious, only to cross his arms and smirk at you. “See, I told you that hard head of yours would come in handy. Also receive the ball with your hands, not your face,”
You puff your cheeks out in annoyance and put your spare glasses on, feeling brand new. “Sure did, but my glasses aren’t as strong as my skull,” you sulked and he only blinked. “and I was taking a break! Then suddenly I see the ball coming at me, I don’t think that’s my fault!”
“I believe you. Your team has horrid ball passing skills after all,” he’s relentless with his insults but you knew that’s just the way he was. The fact that he came all the way to the school clinic told you enough about his worry. So, you ignore his last remark and smile up at him, “Thanks for checking on me, Kei,” 
He clicks his tongue but places his hand on your head, “Let’s get you new ones tomorrow, and maybe now you’ll listen to me about those sports glasses,” 
“She’s absent today,”
Oikawa’s face fell. You hadn’t told him anything about being sick or being unwell today. He wondered what happened. However, despite his looks and carefree personality, the Aoba Johsai captain was someone who was actually quite detailed. “In that case, can someone pass me her homework? I’ll go and deliver it to her!”
Safe to say your classmates were always surprised at how much the captain doted on you. He wasn’t always doing it openly, but at least he was thoughtful and thorough.
“Y/N-chan~ How could you leave me all alone in school today?” You could practically hear the pout from the other side of the line. He’d gone to the school grounds to get some private time to call you. 
“Sorry Toru, I can’t really walk properly. It should be fine in a few days though,”
His heart did a little leap, worry etching itself on his features. “What do you mean? What happened?”
The pout in his voice was gone, replaced by what you always called “the captain voice”. 
“I sprained my ankle...It’s a long and stupid story...” you laughed but you heard him sigh. “Well, I have no choice then. Your prince will visit you after-school today!”
You didn’t think he really would. He had volleyball practice and he took those seriously. But at 8 pm, just as you finished dinner, your doorbell rang and next thing you knew he was in your room. 
Your mother just LOVED him. Sometimes you thought even more than you. She was unaware of how hyper Oikawa actually was. He certainly knew how to play his cards right. 
“Alright princess, let me see that foot,” While you were sitting on your chair he practically bent down on on one knee and inspected it. He did kind of look like a prince like that, with his volleyball jacket. Then he suddenly plopped on the floor with his legs crossed. “AAhhhh! That sucks you won’t come to school for a few days!” He was whining again and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
Without fail, every day that you were absent, he showed up at your house after practice.
It’s not that you were particularly clumsy. You were actually a pretty careful person, and that’s why Bokuto always trusted your cooking skills over his. Baking a cake shouldn’t be too hard, but you were rather unfamiliar with the oven at his place.
“Mm, so, it says here to just leave it in the oven for 45 minutes!” he has this big smile on his face and you shake the batter in the round container again. The oven had already been pre-heated and when you open the door to it, hot air greets you. 
You took the round container in your hand, and push it in. It sits just at the front of the oven and you really hate it when that happens, so, with your boyfriend still focused on the recipe (and without mittens cause you think it’ll just be quick push) you try to inch the round cake pan further in with your hand. At one point, you accidentally touch the inside of the hot oven and you recoil your hand with a loud gasp. 
“WHAT?! What what what?!” Bokuto flings the recipe book away and clutches at your hand. In all honesty it didn’t hurt that much, but you had made contact on the hot surface just enough for it to sting and startle you. “Nothing Kou, I just accidentally touched the oven,” you laugh sheepishly but he’s pulling you over to the sink.
The boy is panicking.
“Water!” You’re amazed at how he even knows what to do, running water now splashing on your hand. It wasn’t even enough to burn you, it was just a little red, that’s all. “K-Kou, it’s totally fine,” 
But he turns to you with a waterfall of tears running down his eyes and his hair has deflated from it’s usual spiky style. “I-I’m so useless!” 
‘Ah there he goes,’ you think. But you’ve been trained by Akaashi how to handle these kinds of outbursts from him. “Not at all Kou-kun, you mixed the batter so perfectly. I usually get tired when I do that, but you have really strong arms! Next time I’ll let you handle the oven too, is that okay?”
He stares at you blankly for a moment. The tears have disappeared and his lips oh-so slowly curve into a smile. He gives you a thumbs up, back to his usual flair and confidence. “Of course! Leave it to me!” and he laughs triumphantly while you thank Akaashi in your mind.
Cooking for him and Tendo at the dorms was like a weekly routine. It was mostly for Ushijima, but Tendo liked crashing the cooking party too.
“Be careful.” Ushijima says as he passes the vegetables for you to chop. You did so without any incident. The cooking itself passes by without any incident, until your hand slip off the plate you’re holding and it comes crashing down the floor, shattering into pieces, some of the pieces flying off in different directions.
Ushijima and Tendo perks up in alarm at the sudden sound, with Ushijima being the first to rise on his feet and assess the situation. You’re about to carefully just move away from the mess you made, shards littering around your feet. “Don’t move,” Ushijima tells you, noting that you were only wearing his over-sized slippers. He sees that one of the shards has cut your foot. It was small, but since it was fresh, it was still bleeding. 
“If you move you’ll hurt yourself, wait for me,” you do as told as Ushijima first sweeps off the rest of the shattered glass with a broom, disposes of it. Next he comes to you with a new set of slippers, puts it down on the now clean floor, and tells you to carefully slip out of the ones you have on, he was cautious about the small pieces. Only when you were neatly into the new set of slippers did he clean off the rest of the glass.
Tendo only sat and watched in amusement. His captain was very thorough, even with things like that. “I’ll go and get a first aid kit~” he offered as he stood and sauntered off. “Y/N, sit over there,” he pointed at a nearby chair and you merely follow. There was no use saying no to him, you knew he just wanted to check if everything was in order.
Sure enough just as Tendo comes back with the kit, Ushijima inspects your foot, eyes scanning all around it. It seems that there was only that one cut and it’d be easy to treat. You weren’t surprised that Ushijima knew what to do, watching him take some cotton and pour some alcohol on it, muttering under his breath that it would sting a bit. 
By the end of it, the cut on your foot was disinfected and bandaged properly. “Oohhhh! Good job Wakatoshi-kun!” Tendo praised his friend for the clean job and Ushijima nodded his head with a small “Mm,”
“Thank you,” you smile up at him, “and sorry for the plate, I wasn’t paying attention,” 
Ushijima makes a thoughtful sound, perhaps a little confused by your apology “...The plate is of no great value,” he simply says “it can be replaced.”
"I can’t say the same for you Y/N, so it’s good that you weren’t gravely hurt,” The blush on your cheeks is obvious and Ushijima doesn’t understand what has you so flustered, he’s just being his honest and straightforward self. 
Tendo only laughs at the display.
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