#I was so excited I got my boss to let me leave work early
theamazingannie · 2 years
I hate when people in small towns on tv complain about how nothing ever happens in their town when they have like block parties and festivals. My town is so boring that the most exciting thing to happen in the last five years is them moving a house four blocks and everyone showed up to watch it
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stevebabey · 2 years
Eddie has a test.
It took some time to formulate, a few too many times with guys careless with his heart, who leave behind more heartache than happiness littered in their memory. It’s fucking hard to tell.
More than once, there’s been a dude who promises between kisses i’m not going anywhere and takes more than his fill during a night which Eddie desperately hopes is passion and not some misguided lust. Only to wake a familiar empty side of the bed, them gone — skipping town, back in the arms of their parent-approved girlfriend, or back to spitting his name out with the word freak.
It’s what the test is for.
It’s specific, purposeful, all intending to weed out the straight boys who liked to dip their toes in the pool of queerness and leave Eddie to any consequences of the heart. Eddie doesn’t want to turn cruel, to be too jaded after feeling used too many times. It’s what the test is for. Protect the heart, see what interest is genuine.
Right now, he’s putting the test on Jared. New in town and in Eddie’s life, he’d captured the metalhead’s gaze from the glint of his pierced ear and light eyes that lingered. Kissed a little mean, and with too much teeth, but Eddie chalked it up to excitement. Jared seemed good. Nodded and smiled when Eddie found himself wrapped up in yet another DnD spiel. Said he found it endearing.
The test is simple.
A bid, a nudge, for attention. Never anything big or too exciting— that always got him specifically warped smirks designed to lead him along. Just something minuscule, like will you come take a look at my notes? or can i play you that riff once more? to see if it gave.
The pattern runs deep in Eddie’s dating history; same ol’ jerks who couldn’t bother to come and look at his new DnD sketches are always the ones who are only leasing a new sexuality for a month. It’s like setting a minefield and seeing who stumbles on a landmine, the bids getting ignored is as early as a warning sign he’ll ever get.
He tries the test on Jared.
It’s a Thursday night and Jared’s round at the trailer, lounging on Eddie’s sheets and still a little flushed from the night’s earlier activities. Usually it’s a good sign when the guys stick around after sex, not flying out the door once they’ve got what they want. By now, Eddie has drifted away from his bed, skittish thoughts already off and away with new campaign ideas.
He’s scrawling in a character design, some new boss, half troll, half hellhound, that requires a lot of finicky details worked out. The page is covered in scribbles, nothing in any semblance of lines and a crude first sketch is in the middle. It’s not quite the vision he had in mind but it took him an hour, so he’s hardly going to erase it. Besides, it looks pretty fucking metal to him.
“Hey,” Eddie calls out, a bit soft. No pet-names used— most of the time boys didn’t like them and wrinkled their nose. Those that didn’t mind, never returned them. “Can I show you the sketch I’ve been working on?”
He pauses, then launches into an explanation without waiting for a response, “It’s for the new campaign I’ve been planning, one of the bosses, and honestly, those little shrimps have no idea what’s coming for them.”
Jared, still slouched on the bed, peeks up a bit at the noise. He hadn’t really been doing much, just leafing through some of the junk beside Eddie’s bed. If Eddie let himself hold any hope, he would say it’s because he wants to know more about Eddie.
“Huh?” Jared asks, genuine enough that Eddie thinks maybe he didn’t hear him.
“A DnD boss?” Eddie says, eyebrows raising. He barrels on, thinking about how Dustin had helped propose the new boss, with a grin spreading across Eddie’s face. “Dustin, the little twerp, challenged me to pick a random combination of creatures and mash em’ together- see what crazy abilities come from it.”
“Who’s Dustin?” Jared asks, failing to sound like he cares. His eyes have wandered elsewhere, head falling back on the pillow and Eddie’s initial question about the sketch is long, long gone.
Oof. And that’s like 3 failed bids at one time because Eddie talks about Dustin all the time. Jared clearly isn’t interested in Eddie Munson, just what he can offer. Eddie’s heart grows a little colder.
“Look, I think I’m gonna get going, yeah?” Jared says, maybe sensing Eddie’s mood change as he begins to sit up and tug his shirt back over his bare skin. His sticks his feet in his shoes, laces them up. Eddie nods, tucks his notebook behind him and walks him out, plastering on a smile the whole time.
After ambling down the stairs to the trailer, Jared turns back, after searching the surrounding area for leering eyes, and he reaches out and gives Eddie’s hand a squeeze. Just a split second, before it flies back to his side.
Eddie would like to believe that he’s at least worthy of a goodbye kiss. Even if some wicked part of his brain says he’s not, that boys like Eddie Munson don’t get sweet goodbye kisses. Don’t get good relationships, just mindless flings.
The thought makes hurt flares in his gut, Eddie so desperately trying to protect his hope, and so before Jared can say anything, some pitiful goodbye, Eddie leans out the doorway and says, “Don’t call me.” then slams the trailer door.
It follows him around for the next week, his own personal storm-cloud to keep his head grey even when it’s sunny out. He mopes to Robin about it during her shift, probably the only other person he can talk to about it.
“So, you tested him? What does that even mean? Is there a gay test you know about that you haven’t told me about? That would be so uncool, man.”
She’s talking as she types, half paying attention to the computer. Steve is out in between the shelves, putting out a new batch of films— Eddie knows because he’d instinctively sought him out when he came in. Harrington was a pretty boy, sue him for wanting to enjoy the view.
Didn’t help he was also decidedly declared not-a-douchebag by Eddie during the whole upside down spiel and had the duality of biting off that bat’s head and somehow being the world’s biggest sweetheart for his friends. Friends that now included Eddie.
 What can you say? Going through that much together, including killing a death wizard and getting dragged out of an alternate dimension certainly forms some strong bonds. Plus, Steve was hot.
(Eddie denies the crush on the basis that would. never. happen.)
At the reminder of Vecna, Eddie winces and supposes he should be lucky he gets any sort of attention after that whole scandal. But it doesn’t stop him from draping himself across the front counter, laying pathetically with a pout on his lips. He shakes his head fervently at her question.
“Not a gay test, Robin.” He stresses. “It’s the Eddie-Munson-is-this-boy-gonna-stick-around-test.”
He rolls up onto his elbows and props his head into his waiting palms. “Gotta make sure I’m not being treated like some common whore.”
It’s meant to be a joke, a usual joking lilt to his voice, but the end of the sentences comes out a bit too bitter to land that way.
Robin’s sympathetic expression makes Eddie’s chest twinge in a way he doesn’t like. He waves her off. Slumps back down a bit before deciding he’s done enough wallowing in the public eye.
Robin doesn’t say anything as he pulls out his usual notebook, pages weathered and filled. Eddie usually hangs around the store on days without plans, flits between Robin and Steve, and scribbles in his notebook. She bites her lip, gaze moving between the book and the resigned expression on Eddie’s face as he turns to the latest page— the strange hellhound troll mashed up boss.
“Okay, I’ll bite—what’s the test involve?” She asks, pausing in her typing for a moment. Her hands don’t stop moving, still stressing the fabric of her pants twitchily. Eddie perks his head up, clutching his pencil a bit tighter and rolls right into it.
“It’s not even really a test, technically, but doesn’t matter- that’s just what I call it - it’s like a bid?”
Robin raises her brows and they disappear under her fringe. “A bid?”
“Yeah! A bid!” He waves his arms around as he speaks, gesticulating a bit wildly. “It’s like— like asking them to come look at something stupid and small, just to see if they’ll give your interests time of the day, yanno?”
He punches a finger down into his sketchbook. “A guy who can’t even be bothered to look at a sketch I worked on for an hour? Douchebag.”
Eddie’s tone turns a bit sing-song as he continues, like it’ll somehow distract from the bleakness of them. “Ergo, not sticking around.”
Robin’s hands finally stop their messing, becoming completely still against her legs. She finally swivels her body to face Eddie, a furrow between her brows. Her lips are quirked up, just a bit, like she knows something Eddie doesn’t. He feels his apprehension grow as he slumps his chin back into his hands.
“You mean, like how Steve is with you?”
Eddie stands a bit straighter at that, some flushed combination of disbelief mixing with delight flooded his body.
“What?” It comes out a bit more squeaky than intended. Eddie clears his throat, waves his hands, anything to stop that smirk from spreading across Robin’s face — he can feel his cheeks glow a bit warmer at the mere idea. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Robin smiles a bit and nods over to where Steve is. “Try it, test him.”
Eddie follows her nod, casting his eyes across the store to find Steve. He finds him situated in the romance section, a pile of cardboard box stacked beside him, the top box open and ready to be unpacked.
But Steve’s clearly been distracted by the first film in the box — he’s sunk deep into his mom-stance with one hip popped, one hand on his hip, the other holding the film as he reads the back cover of it very intently.
Eddie watches for just a moment, watches Steve squint and pull the case just a bit closer, wrinkle his nose adorably, snort a little laugh at whatever he’s reading — and dammit, this is just a fast track to insanity if Eddie watches him any longer.
“Steve,” he calls, too hesitant and too quiet. Steve’s head doesn’t move, he just flips the cover back over, marveling at the front. Eddie tries again. “Harrington!”
Steve’s head pops up, eyes skirting about to see who’s calling him. He doesn’t move when he sees it’s Eddie calling, just raises his brows. “Yeah?”
Eddie swallows, tries not to think of Robin paying close attention to both him and Steve. He grips his notebook a bit tighter even though he’s not entirely convinced Robin’s right. Steve Harrington doesn’t like DnD — not even for Dustin who has self-proclaimed himself Steve’s ‘adorable little brother that he never had’. Steve is hardly going to care if it’s Eddie asking.
“Do you wanna take a look at this sketch I’m working on?” He asks, as casual as he can.
Steve’s features give away just a hint of surprise, a blink as he comprehends what’s been said. Eddie holds his breath, ready to turn to Robin and say ‘I told you so!’ and to pretend that he’s not secretly hoping Steve will say yes.
“Sure,” Steve says, slotting the film back into the cardboard box and beginning to meander between the shelves towards the front desk. Eddie doesn’t even get time to be surprised because Steve’s suddenly there, in front of him, all expectant.
Eddie opens his mouth, thinks the better of it, and snaps it back closed. Instead, he thrusts the notebook to the side along the countertop, opened to the page of the sketch and doesn’t say anything. In the background, Robin snorts lightly. Eddie shoots her a glare.
If Eddie could look at Steve, he’d see the lightly amused expression on his face, but Eddie only focuses on the book. Really focuses. God, if he looks at Steve he’ll probably get some stupid mooned expression on his face that would totally give away his tiny stupid not-a-crush.
In his peripheral, he can see Steve sidle a little closer and lean over to peer at the page. And while he looks over it intently, Eddie let’s his eyes drift up, taking in the side of his face.
Curses his stupid handsome face. Then curses it some more when Steve lights up in recognition, turning to Eddie, excited to have a sliver of an idea what Eddie’s showing him. Normally, it’s all mumbo-jumbo to Steve. Not that he hasn’t tried to keep up but those kids are ahead of the curve and Steve wasn’t about to embarrass himself asking them to slow down their explanations.
“Woah, is this that one that Dustin was talking about?” Eddie thinks there might be a bit of genuine excitement leaking into Steve’s words.
“The weird like, mashed up, uh, what’s the word? Hyp- hypb—“
“Hybrid,” Eddie supplies, voice cool. His heart is not feeling so cool. Jesus Christ, Steve wasn’t supposed to pass Eddie’s test— he wasn’t even supposed to be tested. In order for that happen, they’d have to even be fooling around and Eddie blames his building blush on that mere suggestion.
“Yeah!” Steve raps his knuckles against the countertop and takes a second look at the drawing, closer this time. He looks back up at Eddie, so he knows he’s completely sincere when he says, “This is really cool, man.”
“Okay.” Eddie breathes, sounding a bit stupid. He remembers himself, remembers Robin watching him essentially bluescreen at the praise from Steve and wrenches his awed smile into a familiar smug type of grin. 
“Of course it is, Steve-o,” He quickly amends, reaching back and tugging the notebook back. It’s closes with a quick snap, like Eddie’s afraid Steve will take another look. “She’s not finished yet, of course.”
Eddie had to bite his tongue to keep it from either taking an insanely egotistical route to pretend Steve’s praise hadn’t had a profound effect on him, or even worse, start trying to suddenly be humble — oh this ol’ thing? it’s nothing really, just threw it together quickly— Eddie nearly melts against the counter in relief when the bell on the front door saves him.
A customer enters the store, instantly taking Steve’s attention and he bounds off to help them, an easy smile on his face.
Eddie waits until Steve and the customer wandered off into the aisles to release his breath. He doesn’t look at Robin, just turns and presses his forehead down against the countertop. Then raises it just a bit, and thunks it back down, a couple of times for good measure.
“Okay, okay—“ Robin’s gone a bit wide eyed and she waves her hands at Eddie’s pathetic form, his head still bonking against the counter. “Stop doing that. Jesus, Eddie, are the dramatics always necessary?”
His motions stop at Robin’s words and Eddie’s whips his head up. He narrows his eyes at her, and as if to prove his point, exaggeratedly jabs a finger at her.
“Hey! Never deny my right to be a drama queen. It is my god given right as an American citizen—”
“He passed.” Robin says, cutting off what was about to be a very long rant about god knows what. Eddie just didn’t want her to say what she was about to. “Your test. He passed, didn’t he?“
That. He didn’t want her to say that.
“He’s being a good friend! A very good nice friend!” Eddie counters, only sounding a little bit whiny which takes half the conviction out of his words. He slams his hands down against the wood. “That test is for— it’s not for him! It’s for—”
An annoyed noise comes out of Eddie’s throat and he aims for one more thunk of his head against the counter before tugging it back up and meeting Robin’s smug expression. She’s too smug. Her whole face is smug smug smug and Eddie scowls. He points a deliberate finger at her again.
“Different context, alright? That—” He waves an arm behind him, in the direction of Steve carelessly. “—doesn’t count. Nope. Not- that’s not how the test works.”
Robin sighs, as if she realises how fruitless it is to keep chucking this argument between the two of them. Her hands finally resume their typing and Eddie lets his head drop again, this time resting it against the wood a tad more gentle. He slumps, blowing a pointless raspberry as he tries to evacuate every thought that’s entertaining Steve as more. Or Steve wanting more of Eddie.
“Look,” Robin says suddenly, halting her typing once more. Eddie rolls his head so he can see her but doesn’t bother to lift it. She’s sideways in his vision, but still barreling on in that Robin way. “One last thing and then I swear, I’ll leave it.”
Eddie raises his brows. Says nothing.
“Have you considered,” She pauses, and appears to be trying to pick her words carefully. “whether anyone else is putting their bids on you?”
Eddie wrinkles his nose, knowing exactly what she’s hinting at. Subtlety has never been Robin’s strong suit. It’s even more obvious when her eyes dart across the store — Eddie seriously doubts she’s talking about the random customer that had just entered.
“Just think about it?” She pleads, and Eddie feels his annoyance at how easily he can feel his heart roll over. “See if you notice any bids from... anyone! Anyone at all.”
Eddie picks his head up, chances a glance towards Steve and admits, there’s no harm in trying. Even though, Steve had surprised him today Eddie can find a dozen reasons to chalk that up to. A dozen reasons that don’t include mutual feelings.
Eddie mulls it over, because because what are the chances really? Steve putting bids out to him? To specifically Eddie? The chances are slim to none.
So the answer he gives is, “Sure.”
He’ll get to tell Robin later she can stuff it and wipe her smug expression off with the most righteous i told you so on the planet. There was no way she was right about this, right?
Part two. Part three.
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Kiss me under the milky twilight
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(From the 6th to 30th April, I am having a mini 100 follower milestone event!)
Tags: Scaramouche x GN!reader, modern au, fluff Summary: Where Scaramouche celebrates Valentine's day with you, even if he's late.
Scaramouche pushes his glasses up while blinking tiredly. Not even the 10th cup of coffee can keep him up for any longer. The file and its blinking mouse begin to look like they are taunting him to no end with the tall pile of paperwork sitting beside him. He lets his forehead hit the desk with a ‘thunk’ while his eyelids shut under their own weight. The moment he is about to drift to dreamland, his own alarm wakes him up. Scaramouche looks at the clock on his cursed computer and is shocked awake. Fuck, he hasn’t prepared anything for you! It is already 23:00 on the 14th! He was supposed to buy the chocolate for you before the last store closed but of course his dumbass boss just had to dump more work on him. ‘You’re a great asset.’ He calls bullshit but he still needs money to buy you your favorite things. He groans. No matter how mean or rude he may act, he has never forgotten to buy you gifts on Valentine’s and any other occasion you like to participate in.
Scaramouche stands up abruptly, puts on his coat, grabs his wallet and clocks out. It’s okay to be late, he thinks, as long as he can get to you before the end of the day, even if there is only an hour left. At this time, only a convenience store would be open so he runs to the nearby Family Mart and looks at the various options under the clerk’s judging stare. And he understands because who even rushes to buy chocolate in a convenience store at 23:00?? Scaramouche looks at the many flavors before picking your usual favorite dark chocolate. He also quickly grabs your favorite tea, pays for them both and makes a dash for your shared home.
You stand on your balcony, fiddling with the little plant that you got from the local fair boredly. Scaramouche knows how early you often go to sleep so he would always go back on time but this is the first time you had to wait for him for so long. Even the fancy dinner you made got cold in the meantime. You pout and push against the succulent’s leaves until you hear rapid footsteps and the gate unlocking. You run down the stairs quickly, opening the door and bumping right into his chest in the front yard. Scaramouche huffs at your excitement despite his heartbeat increasing like a teenage boy in love. He shoves the gifts he got into your hands, “Sorry for being late. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow with something better.” You grins and hugs him tightly, “Don’t worry about that, just come inside. My gift is in the fridge, waiting for you, love.” He holds you tight and kisses you deeply, mumbling against your soft lips adoringly, “What will I ever do without you…”
A/N: This is kinda rushed and the ending is weird but happy Valentine's day~ i'll be suffering for 8hrs later but it ain't important rn Taglist: @amyminhminh (comment if you want to be tagged in future scara x reader posts <3)
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brokebonewritings · 4 months
Be Mine, Forever?
Matt Murdock x Reader
Tags/ Warnings: 18+, Smut, Fluff, Valentine's Day Special
Summary: Your day is interrupted by an impromptu girl's day. and your night is filled with passion as Matt surprises you for Valentine's Day. You had a surprise for him as well. Song: Here (In Your Arms) - First Dance by Hellogoodbye
Word Count: 4.4K
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The day started normally enough. Of course, Valentine’s day fell on a week day this year so you were stuck at work. You sent Matt a few ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Happy Valentine's Day’ texts, but it's been radio silence from the other end. This was expected though, since he had already informed you that he was going to be in court all day. 
You sit back at your desk, you've been preparing all month for a new exhibit at The Met. The plans that spread across your desk puzzle you as you try to figure out where to place each case and art piece.
As you meticulously arrange the plans for the new exhibit, your mind can't help but wander back to Matt. The silence from him is starting to feel unusual, as he's always been the one to send you sweet messages and surprises on special occasions. But you brush it off, he's never disappointed you.
Just as you're about to finalize the placement of the last art piece, Marci rushes into your office, a mix of urgency and excitement in her eyes. "Hey!"
"How did you get in here?" You respond with a raised eyebrow. "Did my assistant let you in?"
Just as you finish your question Justin, your assistant, rushes in behind her. "I am so sorry. I tried stopping her, but she is so fast in those heels."
"Lawyer walk." Both you and Marci say in unison. 
She turns back to you with a smile plastered on her face. "I need you to come with me for the rest of the day."
"Marci, I can't just leave work in the middle of the day." You cross your arms over your chest.
"Oh yes you can, I already spoke to your boss! So come on." She grabs your coat that's by the door, along with your umbrella. "We got things to do, come on."
You sigh and thank Justin for trying, and invite him to also take the rest of the day off. Which he does happily.
"So what are we even going to do?" You ask. Grabbing your bag, and putting away your belongings.
"Well we're gonna go get ready for our Valentine's Date Nights, duh." She helps you get your coat on, and you both were off. "I just know that Foggy, and Matt are planning something special for us."
You smile at the thought. "Have you heard from Foggy today? I know they had a busy day."
"Not a word. You didn't hear it from me, but apparently their client is very demanding of their time."
"Oh shit, really?" 
You loved the gossip you got from your lawyer friends. Not that it was filled with a ton of details. Client/Lawyer confidentiality and all that.
"Mhm, Needs lots of attention to detail." She says before dragging you into a nail salon. You realize how nice this salon is after looking around. "Hey, wait, I don't think I'm gonna be able to afford this right now. Trying to save up for a new apartment with Matt, remember?"
She laughs before checking the both of you in for the appointment she had already made. "Who said you were paying? It's all on me today, hun."
"Oh my god, no way! I seriously cannot accept this."
"Too late! It's already done, you don't wanna ruin this day for me do you?" She pouts after turning back to you.
You sigh and shake your head. "Thank you, this is incredibly kind of you."
"Don't even mention it. I wanna make sure we both are dolled up!"
You're both called back after about 5 minutes. The salon was nicer than you thought. When you had both settled at the manicure station, they had offered you both a glass of champagne. Who were you not to accept a free glass?
It was truly relaxing, you were glad that Marci got you out of work early. You both spent the next two hours getting your nails prepped for a night out. Usually you don't get long nails since you work with your hands most of the time, but she insisted you get something more elegant. You couldn't refuse since she was the one paying.
Just as the nail technician finished with your right hand, your phone buzzed on the table beside you. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw Matt's name flashing on the screen. You quickly picked it up and answered, not wanting it to go to voicemail.
"Hey! Happy Valentine's Day!" You chirp happily. "How is court?"
There was a brief pause before Matt's voice came through, heavy with exhaustion. "Happy Valentine's Day, Sweetheart." It's been chaos. I couldn't even find a moment to catch my breath."
You let out a sigh of relief, understanding his predicament. "Then I guess tonight will be a good night to cash in one of those massages I owe you, huh?"
Hearing the low rumble of his chuckle sent chills through your body. "Yeah, guess it will be." He pauses. "I was wondering if you would meet me on the roof tonight, like we used to?"
"Yeah, of course I will." You blush, it has been a while since you both sat on the roof together. "What time do you want me there?"
"8:30. There is room for you to be fashionably late, of course."
You let out a giggle. "Yeah okay, 8:30 then. I'll see you then."
"I love you." He says with a loving sigh.
"I love you too." You respond before hanging up.
"Soooooo," Marci pipes up. "Romantic Dinner?"
The blush was still tinting your face from the conversation. "Yeah, on his rooftop."
"That sounds lovely, very romantic."
As you finish up at the nail salon, Marci insists on taking you to a cafe nearby. She called it a Galentine's Brunch, just the girls. When you both arrived, you were surprised to see that Karen was able to join you. 
"I thought you were in court with Matt, and Fog?"
"Oh no, I told them I wouldn't be in today. Playing hookie." She laughed lightly. "Besides, Im not going to deny Marci a girls brunch. We need it."
As you settled into the cozy booth at the cafe, sipping on your latte, the three of you began catching up on each other's lives. Karen shared stories about her latest investigative assignment, Marci talked about her recent courtroom victories, and you filled them in on the details of the upcoming exhibit at The Met.
Marci nudges you playfully. "Have you thought about what you're going to wear?" she asks with a mischievous smile.
You shake your head, realizing that you've been so caught up in work and the surprise day off that you haven't even considered your outfit. 
"I just figured I would wear what I was wearing right now."
"You're joking." Marci says. "You have to wear something else. Not saying that what you're wearing right now isn't cute, but this is Valentine's Day."
"Yeah you gotta wear something he can undress you with" Karen chimes in with a mischievous smile. "Cause you know he'll love it if you wore something hot."
"Okay, okay. I have been saving a silk dress for a special occasion."
"Silk? I gotta see this." Marci says forcefully.
You pull out your phone and find the dressing room photo you took of the dress in question. It was a lavender colored dress with a cowl neckline. They both stare at the photo then back to you.
"Where have you been hiding that!" Karen says in disbelief.
"In the back of my closet." You respond with a laugh. "I just didn't know how to style it."
"I will simply just have to come over and help you with that." Marci states. 
"And." You pause. "There's matching lingerie."
They both squeal before you change the subject back to Marci and Foggy's plans for the evening.
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You stare in the mirror at the dress you had shown Marci, and Karen earlier in the day.They had left about an hour ago to get ready for their own plans. Not without them giving your outfit their seal of approval though. 
Sitting on your bed, you pull on the heels Marci had carefully chosen. This was going to be a good night, but you didn't know why the butterflies in your stomach felt so prominent. You haven't been this nervous since you started dating Matt.
Taking a deep breath, you remind yourself that there's nothing to worry about. It's just a rooftop date with the love of your life. You run a hand down the front of your dress, feeling its smooth texture against your skin.
As you do your makeup, you can't help but replay all the beautiful moments you've shared with Matt. From late-night conversations under the stars to stolen kisses on the rooftop, every memory fills you with warmth and love. Tonight is just another chapter in your story together, a celebration of your deep connection.
With your hair styled in loose waves, you stand in front of the full-length mirror and admire the final look. The dress drapes perfectly over your figure, accentuating your best features. You feel confident, more confident than you've felt in years.
You look at the clock on your nightstand, and see that it just hit 8:00. Perfect. You grab your bag and set out walking towards his apartment building.
The city is alive with the energy of Valentine's Day. Lovers walk hand in hand, their laughter and joy filling the air. As you make your way through the bustling streets, you can't help but smile. The anticipation in your heart grows with every step.
Finally, you arrive at Matt's apartment building. Taking a deep breath, you enter and climb the stairs towards the rooftop. The familiar sound of the door creaking open greets you as you step onto the familiar space that holds so many precious memories.
The sun has already set, casting a magical glow over the city skyline. The soft twinkle of lights fills the air, creating an atmosphere that feels straight out of a fairy tale. And there he is, standing near the edge of the rooftop, tall and handsome as ever.
Matt turns as he hears your footsteps approaching. A smile spreads across his face, lighting up his eyes in a way that makes your heart skip a beat. That's when you realize that you're not alone. You turn to see that your friends are there. Not only your friends but also your Aunt May and Peter.
"What is happening right now?" You say with a nervous laugh.
"Sweetheart," You hear him say and you turn back and give him your full attention. "I have been meaning to do this for a while, but I didn't know how to go about it."
"Matt, are you?" You begin before he cuts you off with a kiss.
"Ever since I met you I have been so entranced by you.You've brought so much light and love into my life, and I can't imagine a future without you by my side," Matt says, his voice filled with sincerity. He takes a step back, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a small velvet box. Opening it to reveal a dainty opal ring, he drops to one knee.
You stand there for a moment, wondering if this was actually happening or if you were have a really specific dream.
"Will you marry me?" Matt asks, his voice filled with vulnerability and love.
The world around you seems to fade away as you lock eyes with him, feeling a mixture of excitement and overwhelming joy. The weight of his question hangs in the air, and time seems to stand still.
Tears well up in your eyes as you try to find your voice. This moment feels like a dream, but the warmth in your heart tells you it's all too real. You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the question like a beautiful promise.
"Yes," you whisper, barely able to contain your joy. "Yes, Matt, I will marry you."
The rooftop erupts in cheers and he stands and slips the ring onto your finger. You glance around, realizing that they had all conspired together to create this magical moment. Aunt May wipes away a tear of happiness while Peter grins ear to ear. Marci and Karen are practically jumping up and down with excitement, their eyes shining with joy. Foggy is trying to conceal his tears by wiping his eyes with his sleeves.
Embracing Matt tightly, you feel an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. This rooftop, once a place of solace and refuge for the two of you, now holds even more significance. It symbolizes the foundation of your future together, a place where love can blossom and dreams can be realized.
Amidst the cheers and laughter, you take a moment to soak in the beauty of this milestone in your relationship. The twinkling lights of the city below seem to dance in celebration, mirroring the joy in your hearts.
"This is so epic, and I got it all on video." Peter says amidst the celebration.
As the cheers die down, Aunt May steps forward, her eyes glistening with tears. "Oh, darling" she says, her voice filled with emotion. "I couldn't be happier for you both. You deserve all the love in the world. Your father would have loved Matt."
"Thanks Aunt May." You say with a tearful smile.
As the rooftop continues to buzz with excitement and congratulations, you and Matt share a tender moment together. He pulls you into his arms, his embrace warm and comforting. You feel safe and cherished as you rest your head against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat echoing in your ears.
"I love you so much," Matt murmurs softly, his voice filled with emotion. "And I promise to spend the rest of my life proving it to you."
You look up at him, your eyes filled with adoration. "I love you too, Matt," you reply, your voice filled with sincerity. "And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
After the shared dinner with all of your friends and family, you all decide it's time to head home to spend the rest of Valentine's Day in the comfort of your homes.
Saying goodbye to everyone, you and Matt clean the roof top and share a few intimate moments with kisses and lingering touches.
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On your way back down the stairs, you can feel Matt's presence hovering over you. So you stop for a moment and turn to see what he is doing. As you turn, you feel his hand slide up your jaw as he pushes you against the wall. You gasp as he presses himself against you, one hand around your neck and the other sitting on your waist.
"Ive been waiting all day to be alone with you." He growls into your ear before kissing you roughly.
Your heart races as his lips claim yours, a hunger and desire that electrifies your senses. The intensity of his touch against the coolness of the wall sends shivers down your spine.
His hands explore every inch of your body, igniting a fire within you that only he can quench. The urgency and longing in his kisses leave you breathless.
With each touch, each caress, the connection between you deepens. Your bodies move together in perfect harmony, driven by a love that transcends words.
As he pulls away, you feel dizzy with the intensity of his attack. "We need to get back to your apartment." You state.
"Oh do we?" He questions. "I have no problem ravishing you right here in this stairwell."
You huff, as you stare at his smirking face. "I would actually love for you to ruin this dress, but in the comfort of our bed."
"Our bed?" 
"Yes, our bed." You smirk as you push his hands away and begin to walk back to his apartment.
He follows closely behind you, his eyes never leaving your body. The desire he has for you is palpable, and it fuels you as well. As you pass each door, you can't help but imagine what would happen behind your own.
Approaching his door, you grab the keys from his hand and begin to unlock the door.
"I promise, I'll ruin that dress, right here," he whispers in your ear, causing you to shiver.
You hear the click of it unlocking as you turn to him, "Well, Mr. Devil. Ruin the dress then." you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
As the door creaks open, the sound echoes throughout the hallway, the anticipation in the air is palpable. Together, you step inside and kick the door shut behind you. He pins you against the wall, his hands roaming over your body like a man possessed.
He seems desperate to claim you, to conquer every inch of you. You're aching for him too, the want and need between you undeniable. You need his touch, his kiss, his warmth. You're completely vulnerable to him, ready to give yourself to him in every way.
His lips meet yours in a searing kiss, his hands holding your neck as your fingers dig into his shirt. You break the kiss, both of you panting heavily, your hearts pounding in sync. 
"I love you so much," you whisper, your voice shaking with emotion.
"And I love you more," Matt replies, his voice filled with warmth and devotion.
With that his hands grip the top of your dress and he pulls, ripping the dress down the front. You moan at the intensity of the moment. He really did ruin the dress.
You're left in the lingerie you had on underneath as the dress drops to the floor. He takes a moment before feeling up your sides and realizes what you have on.
"Oh you dirty girl." He groans. "You wanted this to happen tonight, didn't you?"
You smile, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. "Maybe I did"
"Well, I'm not complaining." He says slowly. "You have no idea how hard this is making me."
"I think I have some idea." You say as you lift your knee, feeling his erection already straining under the fabric of his pants.
His hand maneuvers down to pull your lingerie to the side, revealing your most intimate parts. "I'm going to make you scream, baby."
With that, he lifts you into his arms and carries you to the bedroom. The moment you step into the room, he drops you onto the bed and crawls on top of you.
"I want you so bad," he growls into your mouth. You feel his erection pressing into your thigh, and you're more than ready for him.
He breaks the kiss and starts to unbutton his shirt, you lay back watching as he undresses himself. What a sight it was, he could have been a Greek god.
Once he's stripped down to his boxers, he leans down to kiss you again, his hand traveling down your body, tracing patterns on your skin as he does. His fingers run along the edge of your underwear and you shudder at the sensation.
He hooks his fingers into the waistband of your underwear and slowly pulls them down, revealing your naked body to him. He leans down and begins to kiss your inner thigh, nuzzling into the most inner part.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his thumbs brushing against your waist.
Before you can respond, his tongue swipes up against your core. You gasp at the sudden electricity of the situation. He repeats the motion, his tongue swirling around your clit in slow, steady circles. Your hips start to rise in response, your hands finding their way to his hair, pulling him closer. You arch your back, moaning softly.
Matt responds with a gentle growl, his fingers still moving against your waist, caressing your skin. He reaches down and slowly pushes two fingers inside you, drawing out a loud moan.
His other hand moves to your breast, gently squeezing and kneading it. You mewl, your body trembling with need. His tongue continues to dance around your most sensitive flesh, and you feel yourself growing closer and closer to the edge.
"Oh, Matt," you moan, "I need you inside me."
He stops his ministrations, lifting his head towards you. "Not yet," he says, standing up and helping you off the bed. "I want to make you beg for it."
He leads you over to a table by the window, bending you over it. The cool glass feels amazing against your naked skin, as you're exposed to the room with your legs spread apart.
Matt positions himself behind you after dropping his boxers. You can feel his erection pressing against your ass, precum leaking out. You know he's ready for it.
"You're going to make me come so hard," you whisper.
He rubs his tip against your entrance, teasing you, making you crave him even more. Sliding his cock between your folds. You push back against him for any sort of friction.
A loud crack echoes through the apartment. His hand lingers, massaging the area he just spanked. "You need to be a good girl for me. Or else the next one will be a lot harder. Do you understand?"
You nod, pleasure spread across your face as you lean against the table. 
"Good girl, sweetheart. Such a good listener."
Beginning to slide against you once again, you hold back every instinct to push back against him. With every teasing thrust, you feel electrified, your desire for him only growing. He knows what he's doing to you, and he loves every moment.
He slowly begins to tease your hole as you stand there whimpering. Pushing the head inside you, and quickly taking it out.
"Please, Matt, fuck me," you plead. "I can't take it anymore."
He pulls away, a devious grin on his face. "Not yet," he says, kissing the side of your face.
He picks you up, carrying you over to the bed. He lays you down, spreading your legs wide apart and kneeling between them.
"I need you to beg. Okay, sweetheart?" He says and you nod.
He slips two fingers into you, pumping and curling to find your sweet spot. You cry out in pleasure as he hits you right where it feels good. 
"Please, oh god, Matt" You moan loudly. "I'm going to come, please I need you in me."
That must have been enough for him. With a low growl, Matt plunges into you, filling you up to the hilt. He thrusts deep inside you in one swift motion, the bed frame creaking under the force of his passion.
He pulls out almost immediately, leaving you emptiness. "Please," you beg, wanting more.
He chuckles softly, teasing you by running his cockhead up and down your slit. "Patience, sweetheart. I want this to last."
He thrusts back into you, moving slowly, savoring every moment. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer.
The way his cock pulsed inside of you was almost too much to bear. He began to pick up the pace, each thrust harder than the last.
You let out a loud, trembling moan, your head falling back as pleasure washed over you. 
"I love you," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin.
"I love you too," you choke out, the emotions taking over you.
He picks up his pace, driving into you harder and faster, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the room. Your body responds in kind, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you.
"I'm going to come," you gasp, your voice breaking as your orgasm starts to build.
Matt's thumb found your sensitive clit, sending you soaring towards the edge. "Come for me, baby." he growls.
You let out a wail, your nails digging into his back as your orgasm hit you like a freight train. Your inner walls clenched around him, milking him as you shook uncontrollably.
He continued to thrust into you, driving you further over the edge. Your orgasm seemed to go on forever, your body writhing beneath him in pure ecstasy.
Finally, he slides out of you, leaving your inner walls quivering. He pulls you into his arms, holding you close as your heartbeats sync.
You lay there for a moment, basking in the afterglow of your intense lovemaking.
"My ass hurts." You after taking a deep breath. He begins to chuckle as you giggle. 
"Sorry, too much?"
"Not at all."
"Good" He says as he pulls you closer and peppers your face with kisses.
As you lay there entwined in each other's arms, your skin still flushed and sweaty, you can't help but smile. This was more than just sex; it was a powerful expression of love and intimacy.
Matt pulls away and smiles, a look of pure contentment on his face. "I just can't get enough of you." 
You giggle and wrap your arms around him, feeling safe and loved in his embrace.
"Can we talk about the fact that we're engaged now?"
"I've been planning it for the last 2 weeks with Foggy, Peter, and your Aunt May."
"There is no way that Peter kept a secret for that long. How did you even manage that."
"You can thank your aunt for that one. She basically grounded him from texting you."
This made you both laugh. "You know, I'm gonna have to get used to being called Mrs. Murdock."
A smile spreads across his face, "I'm already getting used to it."
As he pulls you in for another kiss, you can't help but feel a rush of emotion. This man. This strong, protective, and passionate man, is now your fiancé. The thought brings a smile to your face, and you wrap your arms around him even tighter.
"I can't wait to see what the future holds for us," you whisper.
He pulls away slightly, a gentle smile on his face. "The future is ours, my love. And I promise to love and cherish you, always."
"Though I do have one complaint."
"And what is that?" He raises an eyebrow.
"You never asked me to be your valentine."
Chuckling, he pulls your hips closer before whispering in your ear. "Be Mine, Forever?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
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ihavethedreamies · 3 months
Pool Boy (5) | Beomgyu
Choi Beomgyu - TXT
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.7k o-O
Pairing: Beomgyu x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Porn with very little Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Small Age Difference (Unspecified, he calls her Noona), Pet Names (Love, Lovely, Baby Girl, Noona, etc.), Swearing, Kissing, Oral (M! & F! Receiving/Anal), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Sex Toys - Butt Plugs, Anal Play, Anal Sex, Semi-Public Sex (at work but no one else is there), Unprotected Vaginal Sex (Use a condom! She's on the pill)
Summary: After you had been flirting with Beomgyu for a while, you decide to go for it despite his more…unique tastes. Luckily, the pool closes early.
Uh…Just utter filth, honestly. Beomgyu is a bit kinky.
Author's Note: This originally was going to be part of a really long series with a lot of plot, but it was taking too long and I was putting too much plot, more than I had initially planned. Because of that, I cut nearly all plot out and it's still four-thousands words of just fucking so…
None of the parts are reliant on the others, there is just a version for each boy.
-> Yeonjun <-
-> Taehyun <-
-> Soobin <-
-> Hueningkai <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"Did you do what I asked?" Beomgyu smirked at you, his eyes playful as he looked up at you through the curtain of his bangs. He had been playing on his phone as you two talked. You had been flirting back and forth every day for nearly two weeks. When you brought up going past the make out sessions you had at the end of the day, he got very mischievous.
"Think you can handle what I like, lovely?" He smirked.
"What is it?" You smirked back, and the hands he had on your butt dug in, a meandering finger pressing between your cheeks. You gasped and pulled back. He looked a bit unsure, but you licked your lips and nodded.
"Tell me what I do."
That night he had sent you a screenshot of a certain product.
"When are you thinking?"
"Not till tonight."
"Tonight?" Beomgyu had left the chair, placing himself between your legs. His hands both rested on the back of your stool, caging you in…why did he smell so good? Did he always?
"Can you wait that long?" He nibbled your ear lobe, then licked along the rook of your ear. Your cunt clenched.
"You're eager." You teased and he huffed, pulling back.
"Too much?" His tone had shifted, and he looked a little nervous.
"No, Gyu. You only work the first shift, right?" You rested your hands on his shoulder, playing with the ends of his hair.
"Yeah…plus, I'm excited." He mumbled and turned a bit red.
"It's okay-" You assured, but your phone went off before you could continue. You reluctantly let each other go and picked it up. It was the boss.
"So there's this festival at the elementary school…" She immediately began.
"Why don't we close after lunch, there is like no one at the other places?" She suggested and you looked out toward the pool area. It was just the two women and another that had come alone.
"Okay, I can do that."
"Tell everyone they will still get paid. I can call the second shift. Thanks, (Y/N)!" She immediately hung up.
"Can you go tell everyone?" you asked him, heading to the back office. He dashed off to do so, and you got a piece of paper and tape and made a temporary sign that the pool was closed for the day. The women were willing to leave early, and the employees definitely were as well. It seemed the odds were in your two's favor. For about five minutes, you two sat in silence, making sure no one else came. Not even anyone walked by with their dog.
"Come here, noona!" Beomgyu pulled you back to him from where you were standing by the counter. You giggled as he groaned, pulling your hair to the side so he could mouth at your shoulder.
"No marks!" You enforced, then gasped when his hands cupped your breasts.
"Fine." His hands continued to wander, one sneaking under your shirt and bra to pinch at your nipple, the other finding the button of your shorts.
"Wait, wait!" You stopped him, leaning forward to pull the shutter closed.
"I need to lock up!" Beomgyu reluctantly let you go, your tank still messed up, bra strap dangling down your shoulder, and your button undone. You locked the gates first, then the doors to outside. The one leading to the snack and drink bars usually stayed open even when the pool was closed, but you shut it too. You opened the door to the back office, and you hoped the cool air would circulate through, and that the doors being shut would block some noise. Not knowing what Beomgyu had planned, you wanted to be prepared. Though, the…cleaning kit he had suggested you get was kind of a giveaway. You kicked your sandals off and he was on you. His lips sealed over yours, swallowing your gasp, and his tongue immediately invaded. You were expecting him to be a little inexperienced, sloppy maybe in haste, but no. He might have been the best you had ever had the pleasure of kissing. You whined when he hauled you closer, having to tiptoe a bit to get the best angle. Your hands wandered him, sliding up under his shirt and rubbing the soft skin of his back. As he pulled away from the kiss, he bit your lip hard enough to draw blood, then immediately laid searing open mouth kisses down to your neck. He smirked against your throat, his left hand wiggling under the waistband of your shorts. The hand also slipped past your panties and his hand gripped the flesh of your ass hard. You hummed in delight, his rapidly hardening cock pressed to your stomach. As his left hand palmed your behind, his right fiddled with your bra. It seemed he wanted to be cool and snap it open one-handed but was having trouble. He even stopped kissing your skin to focus and he cheered like a kid when he got it off. You giggled a bit, then stumbled when he pulled away fast, helping you yank your shirt up and off. If he was going to be hasty, so were you. You stripped him of his shirt just as fast and he groaned when your tongue ran over his collarbone. He chuckled as your kisses ran over his chest and down his stomach as you sunk to your knees.
"Shorts. Off." He nudged your clothed cunt with his toe, smiling when you grinded against the top of his shoe.
"I will if you do." You smirked. He stepped back and so you stood up and you let your shorts and panties fall, stepping back up to him. Beomgyu groaned watching as your fingers flew to his pants and undoing them. You had to remove his belt; the device necessary to keep his pants on due to him being so slim with such long legs. His pants fell as well, and he sighed in relief. While his underwear was still on, they were just boxers and loose. How did you get so freaking lucky that he looked like that and had a nice dick.
"How wet are you, lovely?" His long fingers stroked through your slick folds which made him groan.
"Fuck, get on the table." He suddenly got more aggressive, and it was…hot. He grabbed your arm, not hard, to lead you over. When you moved to sit on it, he tutted, spinning you. Beomgyu pushed you to fall on your chest on the surface and you didn't even have time to turn and look before his tongue was in your cunt.
"Fuck." You grunted, then whined. His tongue was skilled for sure. He was a great kisser, and he was devouring your cunt, making your legs twitch already. You noticed him grab the strap of his bag from the chair to your left and haul it to him. He rustled a bit and you yelped when his hands gripped your ass cheeks and spread you open.
"B-Beomgyu!" You shivered, feeling incredibly embarrassed. While you knew what he had planned from what he had you do to prepare, didn't mean you were ready mentally.
"Good girl." He cooed and then his tongue circled your pucker. It was an odd feeling, but not all that unwelcome. Beomgyu smirked at your whine then you jolted as something cold and wet pooled over your back hole. The scent of mango hit your nose and as you registered that he had dripped lube over you, his tongue was inside again.
"Oh my god-" You gasped; the feeling was incredibly strange. You whimpered as he tongue-fucked you, not able to stop your hips from twitching. Your cunt was literally dripping, and you heard him rustle more in his bag.
"I want to fuck your cute little ass today, noona, but they didn't have the right size condoms at the store. This'll have to do." He pulled away long enough to say that, then his tongue dove back in, helping ease his index finger in. Your breath hitched and you tried to take measured breaths and stay relaxed. While it was new and weird, the vulgar sexuality of it all made you dizzy.
"Haven't had a girl willing to let me do this yet, noona." He huffed and you flinched hard when his finger wiggled all the way in. The fruity lube dripped down his wrist and mixed with your own slick.
"Wait!" You gripped the table as his finger spread you open, his tongue sheathing back into your pussy. Having the stimulation in both holes was nearly too much.
"Okay, just wait." Beomgyu pulled his finger out slowly, and he laughed, almost sadistically.
"Can't fucking wait, though…." He mumbled and you felt something round on your pucker.
"Breathe." He coached and you did so, the little bead entering. You couldn't see behind you, but when a slightly large round followed you grunted. Your whole body shuddered and the sound of your slick splattering onto the concrete floor echoed around the shelter. On the fourth little ball, you realized it wasn't a bead strand but some kind of noduled vibrator. You sighed when the fifth one entered, and the flat end of the device nestled against your hole.
"Ah, fuck, Gyu!" Your exclamation made him laugh, pressing the remote in his hand once more to increase the buzzing again. He stood behind you, watching in delight at your whole-body reaction.
"Turn around." He hauled you up and you let out a long whimper when he gently pressed you onto your knees.
"Gyu~" Your eyes were already starting to glaze over, and he smiled at the goosebumps covering your skin, your nipples were hard too. The best was your bright red cheeks, which he stroked with his thumb.
"I'm gonna fuck your throat. Then I'm going to spray my cum over every inch of your skin I can." He promised lowly and you whimpered. Your hands braced on the floor and your squat changed as he finally shed his boxers. You swallowed hard, then opened your mouth, tongue out.
"Fucking hell, baby girl." He groaned and you did as well when his hand went to your head. Having a lot of practice, you timed your inhale well, because he didn't hesitate to bury inside your mouth, your nose pressing to the skin at the base of his cock. Beomgyu looked down at you, a smirk over his pretty face, eyes dark. He loved the tears brimming in your eyes and he showed you the remote in his hand. He cranked it up once more to the highest setting and your whine around his cock vibrated through him.
"Damnit, lovely." He huffed and right as you were starting to burn for air, he pulled his hips back, and you sucked in air harshly right as he let you. You wanted so bad for him to cum inside, but he had already hinted he would rather cover your face.
"Another day can you swallow, kay?" You nodded and he exhaled, then began to move his hips. His hands tugged hard on the base of your hair. The roll of his hips was slow so you could take in air, but every time he thrust in, he went all the way. At first you gagged some, but you learned his rhythm to compensate. You had to swallow several times, trying to deal with not only your drool but his precum.
"Shit, I'm gonna-" He gasped, pulling all the way out and pumping his hand on his cock. You kept your mouth open, tongue out, hoping to get a taste, all while panting desperately. You felt like a dog begging for a treat.
"(Y/N)~" Beomgyu moaned your name, and you sighed as the hot and sticky release painted you. He covered your face and upper chest, the feeling of the thick bead dripping over your breasts felt like it was burning. The few drops you got on your tongue were swiftly swallowed and he was panting some himself, admiring his work.
"Fuck, I wish I had condoms; I want to fuck your ass so bad~" He was practically whining, and the admission made you clench around the buzzing toy.
"Up." He didn't even have to lead you that time, you stood and bent over the table. He smiled, cooing out some praise, his cock in hand hardening back up. Even more so seeing your tight hole clenching around the buzzing silicone.
"Ready?" The younger man didn't wait for your answer before he was balls deep in your cunt.
"Shit!" You swore, your cunt already pulsing. It was odd having the toy in your ass and his cock in your pussy, but it was so incredibly good. Your whole body tingled, and your immediate thought went to how he might feel inside your ass instead. Just thinking of it made your head swim.
"Fuck, I don't know how tight your ass would be if your cunt's so tight!" His tongue ran over his top lip, beginning to fuck you in earnest. He didn't have great power behind his thrusts, but his technique was clearly there. The vibrations of the toy carried through the walls of your holes, and he could feel it buzz on his cock. He wondered how tight you would be with a cock in your ass as well. Preferably with a third dick in your mouth.
"Oh, noona!" He laughed, gasping a bit at the clench of your walls. Damn, did he wish he had a condom. His head was looping so much on the thought of fucking your other hole he didn't even realize you came around his cock and just plowed through it. Your moans had turned into yelps and whimpers, drool spilling from the side of your mouth.
"If you thought I had stamina swimming, huh, you ain't seen anything yet." Beomgyu promised. He could not only last a long time, but he could keep going over and over. You were already gone, fucked out, and he knew he still had at least three orgasms in him. After holding back from even just fucking his fist, since he met you, he could actually probably do more. Such a fucking shame he couldn't buy what he needed. That would be the only place he would rather fill up than add to layers of jizz on your skin. Better though not to make a mess.
"B-B-Beom! Gyu~" You nearly screamed as another orgasm rose. You had no idea how long he had been pounding into you.
"Shit!" He groaned himself and when he felt your walls clenching his cock again, he pulled out. Letting out a sigh, your skin lit on fire as he sprayed his release over your back and ass. There was a faint pink dusting on the skin there. Beads of cum rolled over your skin, down the outside and inside of your thighs, mixing with your own release and the lube he had slathered around your ass. As you both panted, you looked around the room, trying to get your bearings. It was then you noticed a plastic grocery bag sitting near it that you did not put there.
"Beom-" You pointed to it, recognizing the drug store logo. He panted but went over to it and groaned in excitement. Must have been Brandi, she was a fucking life saver. You had requested it from her the day before just in case, and she had followed through. There were two boxes, luckily one was the right size.
"Oh, fuck yeah." He pumped his fist and came back to you, smirking at the messy puddle on the floor between your feet.
"Come here." He was gentler that time and he carried most of your weight as he rolled you onto your back. The man smiled, ready to cover your front with his cum as well, but first…
"Breathe." He coached again and you whined as he eased the toy out, letting it fall to the floor. There was plenty of slick there, from the lube and your cunt, and the condoms were covered as well. He tore the box open, barely registering the toy losing battery where it lay.
"Can't fucking wait…" He mumbled something else, digging out a single condom and desperately unwrapping it to roll it onto his dick. He had instantly gotten hard again at the prospect of getting inside you.
"You want my cock in your ass, love?" He teased and let out a pleased groan when you nodded with a soft, "yes please." Beomgyu could even see your cunt clench as you replied. Realizing you needed a bit more prep, he grabbed the bottle again, slathered more on his fingers, and circled your rim again. You yelped as he slowly let two of his fingers in, much looser now from the toy. The vibrations had also numbed you some, and the stretch was just a little bracing. Your breathing picked up, your eyes closed to help concentration. You shivered at the third finger and pondered what his cock was going to feel like.
"Can't wait." He mumbled but was gentle taking his fingers from you. The sticky digits met your thigh as he used his hands to fold your legs up and out, giving him perfect sight and access to your pucker.
"Gyu~" You whined, and he laughed. All the air left you as he began to inch his cock inside. You were shivering so hard it was hard to believe it was still nearly eighty degrees in the shelter. It was still during the day, the sun causing somewhat of a greenhouse effect. The air conditioner in the back office wasn't strong enough to cool the whole inside down.
"Fuck, noona!" He panted, finally burying his cock into the hilt. He was right, you were so much tighter there, and hotter, even through the rubber. Your tremors calmed as you got used to him, trying so hard not to clench too hard. He was rubbing calming circles on the skin of your thighs, his own brow furrowed to hold back.
"Move." As soon as you allowed, he pulled slowly out just a few inches, then eased inside just as slowly.
"Fuck-" You keened, back arching at the feeling. Beomgyu led your legs to wrap around his waist and you giggled when his hands linked with yours and held them over your head.
"I…can't-" He grunted, and he started to batter his cock into you, luckily only pulling out half way each time. Still, his hard cock was carving into you over and over, the feeling was incredible. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and he fell onto his forearms, whining some. You felt so fucking good around him. Plus, he got to ravage not just your mouth and cunt, but your ass as well. When he felt his orgasm coming back up, he gently pulled out as not to shock you. You whined and he pulled the condom off and fucked back into your cunt. You did scream that time and he nearly came inside as your walls squeezed and pulsed around him. More slick spilled from you and splattered to the floor. After a few thrusts, your orgasm died, so he pulled back out, stroking himself to completion. More hot and sticky fluid fell on your skin, this time on your lower stomach and even over your cunt. He was a bit worried when he saw you breathing so heavily but with your eyes closed. One leg had flopped down, the other still bent in the air and your arms still laid limp near your head.
"Noona?" he called.
"Gyu~" You mewled, and he sighed in relief. He stood at the end of the table, stroking your thighs since that was one of the few places not covered in his cum. As you came back to reality, your eyes opened and you looked at him, eyes widening when you saw that his cock was still hard.
"What the fuck are made of?" You chuckled and this made him laugh, a little bashful.
"You have to be done?" He sounded a little dejected, but you shook your head no.
"I just can't do the work." You giggled and he smiled.
"Don't worry." He was more than willing to help with that. You whined, sore as he helped you sit up. While he wanted to just pick you up, he wasn't confident in his strength. Instead, he helped you get off the table and to his next destination. You let him pull you down to the floor with him, a little confused. He had prepared something earlier it seemed, because there was a few towels on the ground and leaning against the wall…a mirror. It was normally near the door that led out to the snack bar, but he had moved it. Luckily, the spot allowed you both to sit right near the back-office door and get a full blast of the cold air. As he pulled you down, he made you sit on his lap, his cock standing proudly against your cunt. Your face bloomed red as you saw your reflection. You were…a mess, absolutely.
"B-Beomgyu!" Your back was still covered in his cum, though it was drying, but he didn't care.
"Here." He handed you a little package and you used the little bit of strength you still had to lift yourself a bit so you could roll the condom onto him again. You yelped when you fell back into him, his hands cupping your thighs again, spreading your legs up and over his own.
"You-" Your head fell to his shoulder when he lifted you up and started to press back into your ass.
"God!" You nearly cried as he filled you back up. You couldn't bring yourself to look in the mirror, but he soaked it in. Seeing you quivering as he split you open, fully on display and covered in his release…
"You're gonna make me crazy." He nuzzled your ear as his arms wrapped around your middle, one hand cupping your breast and the other rested on your lower stomach, dangerously close to your clit. Because you were nearly deadweight on him, he had to use more strength to thrust up into you, but the image before him filled him with energy. Your whimpers right in his ear spurred him on too and you could see the cocky smirk spread over his lips. He was already gorgeous, but that grin was incredibly sexy. From your other interactions with him you weren't expecting the confident dominance he was exuding. Taehyun made sense, but Beomgyu seemed to have a dominant streak as well. He absolutely loved how you took him, physically and mentally. He wanted to just hole up with you in his room and fuck you till you passed out. Till you couldn't think of anything but him, his tongue, his cock…
"(Y/N)-" His grunts in your ear were just as stimulating to you and another orgasm broke over you as his fingers tweaked your nipple. As you tightened around him again, he couldn't hold back, and he groaned into your shoulder as he filled the condom.
"You've been so good for me, lovely. Want me to fill you here?" he muttered in your ear, two of his fingers stroking your cunt.
"Yes~" You moaned softly, and he groaned as he pulled you off. He definitely only had one more in him. Beomgyu let you recover in his lap, kissing everywhere he could reach as he pulled the condom off. He tossed it over to where he left the toy, and he knew he was probably going to have to clean up as you rested. That was fine with him, if it were up to him, you would never do anything again but sleep in his bed as he took care of you. His ultimate dream was to have you live with him as he took care of your every need and let him fuck you as much as he wanted. Maybe one day…
"One more time, baby girl." The man lifted you once more, and he knew he would be rougher in your cunt. He buried to the hilt instantly, shifting to get a better position and started to jackhammer his cock up into you. He somehow was managing to fuck you more aggressively than before, or you were just that much more sensitive. His arms around you helped you ride him, but he knew your mind was gone. He could see it in the mirror, and you were babbling nonsense, the only thing he could pick out was a plea for him to cum inside.
"Don't worry, lovely. I'll do it." He assured, and brought you down, held you close, and came inside. Your eyes rolled back, another small orgasm twitching your muscles, both of your releases leaving another mess. Good thing Beomgyu told you to bring body wash because you were ruined. During the act you barely noticed, but you felt a little gross. Sweat, cum, your wetness, lube and saliva were not just all over you, but parts of him, the table, and the floor.
"You need more of a bath than a shower." Beomgyu realized and you grumbled in agreement. Could you even stand? He pulled his softening cock out of you and even more fluids painted your inner thighs. You laid back on the towels, panting and even his legs felt like jelly. You watched as he dashed into the back-office bathroom himself, the shower in there turning on. It seemed he rinsed off then came back out, getting his pants back on. You giggled as he tried to clean up quickly, but you told him to slow down.
"I need some time still." You smiled and he nodded, calming the frenzy. Once everything was done but the towel you were laying on and…well, you, he came back.
"Ready, lovely?" He brushed your hair from your face, then kissed your forehead at your hair line. You nodded and he helped you sit up and you groaned. You hoped you could even get to work the next day; you were already sore. Luckily, it was only a bit past noon, so you could get home and rest longer. Surprisingly, you could stand and even walk, albeit with a limp. You were sore in a whole new kind of way, and you complained about it as he giggled, leading you to the bathroom.
"Can you get the body wash in my bag?" you asked him, turning the water on. You let it get pretty hot before getting in and just stood under the spray. Beomgyu came back in, and you almost scolded him as he took his pants back off.
"I just wanna help." He whined and you sighed, relenting. He proceeded to be incredibly sweet, almost didn't let you do anything, softly washing all of the mess from you.
"It's my fault anyway." Beomgyu insisted. He kept making jokes to get you to laugh thankfully, otherwise his hands all over you would have turned you both on. As you stepped out, he even had a fluffy towel prepared to wrap around you. He had a smaller one around his waist and he rested against the counter, hugging you to him, swaddled in the towel.
"You were so good for me." The younger man kissed your cheek, and you hummed in delight. Turning to face him more, he grinned like a goof as you rested on his chest and closed your eyes. He really wanted to just lay on the couch in the office and let you fall asleep on his chest. But it would be best for you to rest at home.
"I was going to have my roommate come get me but she's at work for another hour…" You glanced at your phone after getting your clothes back on.
"Oh?" He was taking the chance. With a smile, he pulled you onto him and you both took a little nap and he let you rest till she arrived. After getting you -half-asleep- to your car, he assured you he could get everything shut down. As everyone else left before, everything was pretty much handled, but he could do the last few tasks. When he left the pool, he couldn't hide his giant grin all the way back to his apartment.
-> Yeonjun <-
-> Taehyun <-
-> Soobin <-
-> Hueningkai <-
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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bouncer!steve x fem!reader Steve’s night
🎵 I finally found someone that can make me laugh, hahaha you so crazy, I think I wanna have your baby. 🎵
summary: you’ve got a crush on the new bouncer at The Foxy Lounge. turns out he’s not very good at his job.
word count: 13.6k
warnings: 18+ 90’s AU// Steve is in his early 30’s, Your date gets drunk and says some night nice things, some mild violence (bar fights), possessive steve, fingering, smut (p in v) cream pie, ass eating (f! receiving), oral (f! receiving), dirty talk.
authors note: part two of Whatta Man (steve’s night) you don’t need to read eddie’s to read this one it’s just a little more fun if you do. i’ve seen other writers repost their work after it’s been flagged so here I am. I worked on this for months. please be kind.
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The perks of moving into the apartment that presides above The Foxy Lounge were vast for a single girl like yourself, but the perks of becoming friends with the bartender that worked there seemed to make them endless. 
Memorized orders and free drinks when he was feeling nice (which he almost always was), he wore the crown of wingman of the century with pride, Eddie always made sure you had a good time. It was days like today that were your favorite though, heading home from a shitty morning shift at work, you weren’t surprised when you tugged on the front door an hour before open and it wasn’t locked. The annoyed look on his face told you he wasn’t either. An irritated groan leaves his chest at the carelessness of the owner and your landlord before popping the caps off two beers with ease. The loud clink of metal to glass echoes in the empty bar, as he flips his bottle opener between his fingers like muscle memory stuffing it in his back pocket.
“He’s gonna get us robbed one day, and I’m just gonna take my favorite bottle for damages and let them have the rest at this point.” His smile shows the lack of truth behind his words when you sit in the stool in front of him.
“Lucky for the both of you, it’s always just me.”  Winking when you take a swig, the bitter liquid and the company eases the bad day out of your bones almost instantly.
The beginnings of a relaxed sigh start to push past your lips when the jarring sound of his rings slapping against the wood of the bar to the tune of a drum roll has you tense right back up. You’re unable to stop the slam of your beer before deadpanning, “you know I hate when you do that-“
“My best buddy Steve starts tomorrow night, I finally got Rick to say yes.” Eddie’s excitement has him vibrating when he cuts you off to tell you the news of the latest Foxy Lounge employee. “You’re gonna have such a crush on him. I’m calling it now.” The smirk on his face and the arch of his brow dare you to challenge him as he leans forward into your space.
Rolling your eyes with a snort, you start picking at the white sticker wrapped around the bottle. 
“As if you know my type, Munson.” You can’t control the twitch of your lips the second the words leave your mouth when you finally dare to meet his amused gaze.
Eddie knew your type better than anyone else. Watching the men and sometimes women you’d bring upstairs weekend after weekend. He had you pegged and the Cheshire smile on his face told you he knew it too.
“I can hear it now.” He changes the pitch of his voice so it sounds like a bad version of yours before he continues with an exaggerated batting of his lashes, “Oh Eddie, Steve is just so dreamy. Do you think he thinks I’m cute? Will you talk to him? Come on Eddie!”
“I do NOT talk like that, asshole!” Launching a handful of bar nuts at him, he raises his hands in mock surrender shaking out the few that got stuck in his hair with a booming laugh.
“I don’t think that's a nice way to treat the guy who not only didn’t kick you out but also gave you a free beer before we opened, sweetheart.” His dimpled grin and perfect smile almost has your stomach in butterflies.
“I basically live here, besides your boss is the one who left the door unlocked. Maybe it’s a good thing you’re upping your security around here,” you tease, gulping down the rest of the beer before sliding the empty bottle over. 
“We’ll see about this Steve guy you won’t shut up about, who knows Eddie, maybe it’s you who’s got a crush.” 
Sweeping up the mess you made behind his bar he smirks before wiggling his brows.
“Everyone’s got a crush on Steve, baby.”
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The pink fluorescent lights of the Foxy Lounge sign that hangs outside your window paints your studio in a blush tinted glow. It bleeds through the sheer floor length curtains, softening its harshness in a way that you liked. The darkness outside always makes it shine brightest around this time, a constant fight with your overhead lamp before bed. Your eyes catch the glaring red numbers on your clear digital clock reading 8:45pm.
Shit. You’re late.
No Doubt’s I’m Just A Girl plays loud enough through your boom box speakers to drown out the murmurs of the bar downstairs that spill through the slight crack in your bedroom window. You finish the last touch ups to the bubble gum colored gloss that coats your lips, smacking them together loudly. You give yourself a sweet smile in the mirror before fluttering your lashes for good measure. The finishing touch.
Finally feeling ready enough to leave, you adjust the black velvet choker around your neck with lavender painted nails. They highlight the lime green tube top that wraps around your chest as you pull at your black maxi skirt that sits above your hips hugging your curves just right.
You give yourself one last once over while you slip on your clunky Steve Madden slides, telling yourself the whole time you didn’t get all done up for the new bouncer. Instead you tell yourself it’s because you want to get lucky with the guy that invited you to get last minute drinks conveniently at the bar you above.
Turning around to give your studio apartment the safety check, you shuffle over your baby blue carpet with loud clacks from your sandals to hurriedly straighten your pink comforter and snuff out your incense. Grabbing your bag, you rush out with a flip of the light switch, only getting two steps away before having to pop back in to grab your keys hanging by the door.
The platforms on your slides are heavy as you make your way down the staircase, the narrow hallway bouncing your steps off the walls despite the cushion of the ugly brown carpet. One hand on the banister and the other dragging along the wall for balance, you pick up your pace barreling towards the door. Pushing it open with more force than normal, you hit something on the other side, hard.
An oof and the sound of plastic skidding across the sidewalk is followed by the crash of a stool that must’ve belonged to whoever was sitting on it. Stepping onto the pavement with a clack from your sandals, you stop in your tracks when you see his broad shoulders first. Bent over, you watch him collect what looks like an orange Tamagotchi, stuffing it quickly in his back pocket before brushing the dust off his dark denim clad thighs. The way he fills his jeans has your mouth dry up and his muscles flex under the black cotton shirt that wraps tight around his torso, the seams barely containing what’s underneath. Turning around he runs a big hand through his honey colored locks that stop just below his ears, pushing the fly aways from his face while the shine of the street lamp highlights his cheekbones and sharp jaw.
God you hated when Eddie was right.
Hazel eyes rake over your form while yours follow the freckles that run along his neck that lead to small moles placed like a cluster of stars along his jaw. His chiseled nose runs down a narrow line with lips tinged pink like his cheeks. The expression on his face going from irritated to flirty in a matter of seconds flat, the whites of his teeth showing when he gives you an easy smile.
“I’m - oh my god, I’m so sorry. I’m running late and no one is ever sitting there and I - Are you okay?” Talking a mile a minute, you hate that he has your nerves getting the best of you.  
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Raising his hands up to stop you, the press of your thighs is instant when you see the silver band wrapped around the thickness of his middle finger. “No apologies necessary, it was an accident, honey.”
The endearment leaves his mouth while his lips turn his smile crooked, and it makes you dizzy. Bending down to grab the stool off the ground, a matching chain slips out from under his shirt and the glow above gives you a glimpse at the patch of thick chest hair hidden from sight.
“Besides, it’s not the first time a pretty girl has knocked me on my ass.” Folding his arms across his pecs, he leans against the brick of the bar crossing his legs at the ankles. The black boots that cover his feet look big and menacing despite his disposition.
Biting your bottom lip into a smile, you look up at him through shy lashes and you swear you hear him sigh at the sight.
“Well as long as you’re okay-“
“Steve,” he offers his name with a flash of his teeth again, a spark lighting in his eyes when he sees the way you react to it.
“Well you’ll probably see my face around here a lot,” you say, doing your best to ignore the way your cheeks burn.
“I sure hope so.” Pulling a toothpick out of his back pocket, he slides it between his lips. Jaw clenching when he bites down on the wood while his eyes roam your curves again before offering you another grin.
It makes you do one thing a man has never made you genuinely do. You giggle. Tucking your hair behind your ear, you hardly recognize yourself anymore.
“I was gonna say, 'cause I live upstairs.” Your voice is sweet despite the roll of your eyes, his jaw clenches against the wood. He liked that.
He only breaks his stare to follow the path of your finger, his eyes lingering on your open window for a second before bringing all his attention back on you. The tension grows even thicker when he kicks off the wall, realization hitting him. The soles of his boots are loud against the pavement when he closes the distance between you with two long strides. Getting close enough to smell the cinnamon on his breath, and the expensive cologne that lingers on his bronzed skin, you forget all about your date waiting for you inside. 
“Eddie’s told me all about you.” Using the tip of his tongue, he pushes the toothpick to the other side of his mouth, his smirk telling you all you need to know.
“That’s funny, Eddie’s told me about you too,” you lick your lips, tasting the fruit of your gloss as you look up at him from under hooded shimmering lids, “Steve.”
He inches just a little closer to teeter on the edge of what’s appropriate before responding, “Oh yeah? Did you like what you heard baby?”
His smile is as sinful as it is blinding. A darkened gaze locked on yours as he pulls the tooth pick out his mouth letting the sharp end snag his bottom lip before stuffing it in his back pocket again.
The electricity in the air sparks and fizzes, standing close enough to see the freckles that line his nose and the specks of glitter smattered in a similar pattern on your cheeks. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Raising an eyebrow, your response has him sucking his teeth before rolling his tongue against the inside of his cheek accepting your answer with a nod of his head.
Pulling out a small red flashlight with a soft click of the button at the end, white light floods the dark. The beam roams over the expanse of your body with a purposeful path before stopping at his outstretched hand.
“I.D.?” Amusement evident in his voice, he wiggles his fingers at you keeping up with his charade. The motion daring to make a mess of your underwear.
You try to cover up your laugh with a fake scoff, making it come out loud enough for him to snort. Your lips twitch as you try to fight the losing battle with the smile threatening to break across your face. 
“What? I need to be careful here sweetheart. It’s my first night, I gotta make sure you’re really who you say you are, and not just some pretty girl trying to flirt her way inside.” He keeps the perfect poker face while he tuts at you to hurry up for the invisible line behind you.
“Would it have worked?” you ask handing him your driver’s license, wincing internally at the picture he is about to see.
Brushing his fingers against yours when he takes it for closer examination, he huffs out a laugh before looking down at you with a smug grin.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He winks like an expert before making a big show of bringing your ID close to his face like it might be a fake.
Tsking to himself as he reads it over, he peeks over at you with a sly smirk. “A whole year older than me. Good for you, I like older women.”
Closing the space that developed when you had to dig in your purse, you snatch the plastic out of his hand, relishing in the way his breath hitches because of it. “I’m shocked you can read Steve, Eddie’s taste can be a bit…shoddy.”
“I think I’m pretty good at it actually, I’m good at reading a lot of things.” Ignoring your jab he’s quick to regain his confidence. “Things like, I don’t know, body language.” The spice of the cinnamon returns when he pulls out his toothpick again. He flashes you his pearly whites when he bites down, keeping his eyes locked on yours, a silent dare to prove him wrong.
Like magnets finding each other, the toes of his boots brush against your sandals. When did he get this close again?
Mariah Carey’s Fantasy cuts off any witty response that sits on the tip of your tongue as the bar door creaks open, rudely snapping you both back to reality. A boy who looks barely above the legal age is the culprit for popping your bubble, stopping dead in his tracks when the flirting bouncer’s attention redirects itself to where it should be. You already miss it.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up, punk.” Grabbing the kid by the collar of his shirt, he mutters a ‘shit’ under his breath. 
You take a step back, your eyes meeting Eddie's from inside, the commotion catching his and a few other patrons' stares, including your date.
Oh yeah, you had a date.
“I’m gonna need to see some I.D.” Steve’s voice drops deeper after he clears his throat, if his tamagotchi didn’t beep right after, signaling it’s need to be fed it would’ve been more intimidating. Your own digital pet buried at the bottom of your bag probably doing the same, already reborn fresh this morning from forgetting it at home while at work the night before.
“Umm, you see, I left my wallet at home,” the kid starts to stammer, the metal of his braces showing when he gives the bouncer a nervous grin.
Almost forgetting he had an audience, Steve’s eyes meet yours, softening before that million dollar smile takes over his handsome face.
“You’re free to go in. You know where to come when you wanna talk about all those things you liked hearing about me.”
Your stomach flutters despite the roll of your eyes at his words and you're reminded crossing the threshold that you’re here to meet another man, already scolding yourself for not taking Eddie’s warning seriously.
“I bet you’d like that wouldn’t you, Steve?” You linger in the door frame, looking at him from over your shoulder, and it makes the corners of his eyes crinkle.
“You already know the answer to that, gorgeous.” His toothpick switches sides again before finally going back to doing his job, tugging the kid closer.
“I.D. or no entry dick head.”
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Despite there being no line outside, the bar was pretty full. The low buzz of conversation before the drinks really start to hit filling the crowded space. Mariah finishes her last high note when your eyes connect with Eddie’s before meeting Devin’s. He’s dressed like Danny Tanner and it makes you cringe. Pushing up his wire frame glasses, he waves so eagerly the Salmon’s that cover his dress shirt look like they're swimming in the background rapids with the movements of his arm. He’s completely oblivious to Eddie mocking him behind his back, mouthing ‘DORK’ with a shit eating grin before finally attending to the girl with smeared makeup that had been desperately trying to get his attention from the other end of the bar.
You take a deep breath, readjusting the strap of your bag before you push your chin up making your way over. Determined to have a good time, you put on your best face, returning his wave with forced enthusiasm while Steve’s smile etches itself into your memory permanently.
Paula Abdul’s Vibeology starts pumping through the speakers around you, the sticky floor vibrating with the bass under your sandals as you sway your hips to the beat. He stands up when you approach his spot at the bar and you notice his button up is tucked into mustard colored corduroy slacks, and it makes you miss the tight fitting denim of the man outside even more. Shaking your head to try and get rid of all the thoughts swirling in your head about the guy you weren’t on a date with, you desperately try to match Devin’s excited energy when he opens his arms for a hug.
“I was starting to get worried you were standing me up.” He laughs nervously as you tuck yourself into his chest. Your eyes peek over his shoulder meeting Eddie’s again as he slides your favorite drink over (tequila and pineapple), and god you wish you hadn’t.
Wiggling his eyebrows, you flip him the bird behind Devin’s back watching the bartender pretend to catch it and put it in his pocket making your eyes hit the back of your skull.
“No, sorry, I just lost track of the time.” Not a total lie you leave out the fact that you forgot about him completely just a few minutes ago. Pulling away, you avoid his eyes, too scared they’ll give you away.
“All is forgiven, pretty lady.” He bows slightly, and you have to ignore the way Eddie snorts as he walks past with hands full of Miller Lite.
“You’re so sweet,” cringing at how fake your voice comes out but Devin doesn’t seem to notice as you both take your seats, knees barely touching between the space of the stools.
“Thanks for agreeing to drinks tonight, I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while now. Just didn’t know, w-with office etiquette a-and all,” stuttering, his nerves get the best of him. He tries to hide it behind a sip of his beer.
“No, I’m, I’m glad you did,”you lie, your eyes flicking to the door one more time before grabbing your drink. An awkward silence settles between the two of you as you press your lips to the rim to slurp at the top to prevent any spill over.
God, you already want this to be over.
The conversation does get easier after your first drink, the flirting a little less forced as your hand finds its way to squeeze his thigh when you laugh at something he says that’s only half funny. Choking on the foam from his beer from your sudden touch, he wipes his mouth bashful from his outburst. Eddie murmurs a “go easy on him tiger” when he gets you a refill, earning him your bratty tongue. 
“So you transferred here last year from Portland, right Devin? What’s it like over there?” Resting your chin on your knuckles, you look up at him from under your lashes enjoying the way it makes his breath catch.
“It was- It was a lot different from here…”
Finally on your A game, you try not to pay attention when the front door opens behind your date. It’s to no avail when you catch his figure in your peripheral and you can’t fight it anymore. All the progress you’ve made going out the window when Steve makes his first reappearance since your arrival. 
Toothpick replaced with what looked like Big Red chewing gum, his hazel eyes scan the crowd before landing on you. The smirk that you’d been trying to forget tugs at the corners of his lips, and any luck that Devin might have had with you tonight disappears like that.
The bouncer looks pointedly at the man beside you, sizing him up, smile stretching wider when he assesses his threat. Leaning against the wall, he crosses his arms across his chest so the sleeves of his shirt look like they are being pushed to their limits as the muscles in his biceps flex. Hips pushed out in a way that’s daring you to look below his waist, he throws you a wink with a snap of his gum.
“...So yeah, that’s the long and short , it,” Devin finishes with a proud smile and you just nod, not catching a single word he said.
Steve’s stare is relentless, and your body responds to it without you having to even meet his gaze. His tongue swipes across his bottom lip, jaw clenching with every hard chew of his gum. Pushing himself off the wall, he starts a slow walk towards you. Big heavy steps bring him closer, every thud of his boots making your thighs clench, as you try desperately to stay concentrated.
Your date’s in the middle of another story that sounds like white noise, your lack of attention making him a babbling mess. He doesn’t notice the way Steve stops next to him first, giving him a once over from up close to make sure he wasn’t missing something from afar before coming up to you with the kind of smile that’s dripping with trouble.
“....So the logistics of it are kinda crazy when you think-“
“Just checking on my pretty new friend over here,” Steve cuts Devin off, not interested in anything but you. His large hand finds the small of your back, his palm almost big enough to cover the exposed skin between your skirt and top. It sends a shiver up your spine that the pad of his thumb soothes when it rubs circles over your sprouting goosebumps. “Having a good night, baby?”
The pet name falls so smoothly off his tongue that it takes Devin a minute to realize that it even left Steve’s mouth, a scowl souring his face when he sees the way your eyes glaze over looking up at the bouncer. 
“Yeah, I’m having a real nice time Steve.” Sucking your bottom lip between your teeth, he notices the subtle way you lean into his touch. Your body needy for more.
“You better be.” He winks, letting the blunt ends of his nails scratch along your back before adding salt to Devin’s wound, “And you know where to find me if that changes.” 
There’s a knowing smirk that plays on the edges of his mouth, biting his lip he finally tears his eyes away from you to give a head nod to the date you’d forgotten about for the second time tonight. Steve tosses him a wink too, a gesture that makes Devin’s jaw clench. Steve opens his mouth to say something that was sure to piss him off more, but he’s cut off by the sound of Eddie’s rings slamming hard on the bar behind you. 
“Dude! What the fuck are you doing inside? Do you know how many people have walked in without getting checked? It's PEAK hours!” The bartender's eyes are frantic, fingers running through his curls as he yells at his friend. “Quit flirting and go do your job. Also, is that a fucking kid man?”
Eddie points to the boy that the bouncer stopped earlier who was snooping around abandoned tables in search for leftovers he was definitely not of legal age for, Steve’s cheeks tint the color of your lipgloss when he looks at you with sheepish eyes. The confidence he was dripping with disappears into embarrassment while doing his best to ignore the smug look on your date’s face.
“Calm down man, it was three minutes! I’ll get rid of the fuckin’ kid. Again.” He rubs the back of his neck as he walks away, stalking towards the boy who looks like he’s seen a ghost. “Hey asshole! You must’ve grown eight years in twenty minutes for me to be seeing you here!” 
The boy raises his hands up in surrender slowly backing away, giving Steve an opportunity to turn around to toss you one last smile and wiggle his fingers at Devin before focusing on the high schooler who is already halfway out the door. The kid's walk turns into a run when Steve cracks his knuckles for show, following him out with long strides, disappearing back outside and out of sight.
You’re left with awkward silence between you and your date as Eddie stomps away muttering under his breath. Devin clears his throat, twirling his beer, the glass against the wood making a sound that starts to grate on your nerves. He’s daring you to look at him. The huff he exhales afterwards begs you to look. Your mind races with ideas of how to get out of this and when you dare to finally take a peek, he’s looking forward, emptying the last of his bottle.
“I’m gonna go smoke a cigarette!” You blurt out, grabbing your bag and leaving no time for a response. Your sandals clack as you power walk to the door. To Steve.
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The summer night is sticky on your face when you step out of the bar, the sound of a girl’s sniffled “You’re right Steve” directing your stare to the bouncer you were looking for. Sitting on the very stool you knocked him off of, his big boots sit on the lowest footrest with his knees spread wide. Inviting. His eyes connect with yours, widening a bit when you smirk at him while getting yourself comfortable on the brick wall on the opposite side of the door. Digging your cigarettes out of your purse, you notice the girl next to him has mascara running down her cheeks that she only makes worse when she wipes them with the back of her hand. 
“You know Maryanne, it sounds like this isn’t the first time he’s done this to you. I think it’s time to kick him to the curb. You deserve better.” He speaks to her like they’ve been friends their whole lives and you have no idea how he’s learned so much about her in the few minutes he’s been outside. Crossing his arms as he leans back enough for the legs of the stool to pull up, he catches himself with his shoulders against the wall behind him. 
“He sounds like a chump if you ask me,”you chime in, lighting your cigarette. Steve’s smile shines under the pink luminescent sign above him when he hears your voice. The wooden legs of his stool smacking loud against the cement when he pushes off the wall.
She’s startled by your sudden appearance, not noticing when you came out - too lost in her own world. She gives you a weak smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes before she nods, tugging at her high pony and somehow making it higher. The sequined scrunchy in her hair catches the street light as she tries hyping herself up to return to whoever was making her cry inside.
“He is a chump, but most men are.” She sighs, her shoulders relaxing a little more as she calms down.
“You’ve got this honey, tell him to fuck off and go home with Lisa if that’s what he wants so bad,” Steve champions, patting her on the back, a new layer to Maryanne’s story being revealed. His eyes flick back to you as you take a drag, the mossy green going dark when he watches your cheeks hollow.
“Thanks for listening Steve, I’m gonna go back in now.” She wipes her nose one more time, before giving you a polite head nod.
“Have Eddie make you something sweet, and tell him it’s on me.” The bouncer winks, giving her the boost of confidence she needs before opening the door you just came out of. Monifah’s Touch It adds to the tension between Steve and you when it leaks out of the bar as she disappears inside. The bass thumps against the brick, leaving the song just muffled enough to be background noise when it closes behind her.
The air is heavier, thicker with something you both know is there. Playing hard to get, you don’t meet his gaze, despite feeling it over every curve and dip of your body. Inhaling another hit of nicotine, you lift your head up to exhale the smoke into the dark sky, extending your neck for him to see before you finally give in and chance a glance in his direction.
He looks far too handsome, smiling wide when you meet his eyes, all his perfectly white teeth baring themselves at you in a way that makes your legs shake.
“Missed me already baby?” His feet hit the sidewalk, his man spread somehow bigger this way as he scoots closer to the edge of the stool. 
“You’re not very good at your job, are you?” You grin, successfully dodging the answer he already knows as your head hits the side of the building. Tilting your chin in his direction with your lip tucked between your teeth, you catch his narrowed glare.
“Nice try sweetheart, I used to watch Road House, religiously. I learned from the best. I’m just distracted,” the buttery smoothness of his voice returns, the last of his sentence coming out in a purr.
“Distracted?” You quirk a brow, not giving into him just yet.
“Yes, very much so and I regret to inform you that it’s all your fault too.” He sticks his bottom lip out at you in a pout, earning the giggle he’d been trying to get again since he first heard it, even if it's accompanied by your pretty eyes rolling in the back of your head.
“I’m on a date, Steve.” Even though you know it’s a weak comeback at this point, you still give it and he doesn’t miss a beat.
“Where? I don’t see him.”
Your cheeks heat up at his observation so you take another drag of your half smoked cigarette to try and hide the way he’s affecting you.
“I’m supposed to be quittin’, but you’re makin’ it look too good, pretty girl. Let me have a puff?” His question is an invitation, making the first move to call your bluff, to get you closer.
“Is that why you seem to have a cinnamon addiction?” you tease, not surprised when you kick off the wall accepting it with a smirk and an exaggerated sway of your hips.
He licks his lips while his eyes roam the length of your body unashamed, one large hand raking through his hair when you stop close enough to smell the topic of discussion on his breath. 
“Could be addicted to worse,” he murmurs, not sure where to look having you between his legs like this. 
“It’s a Newport, S‘that okay, Steve?” you ask him from underneath flirting lashes. His breath hitching before a sly smirk spreads across his pink lips.  
“More than okay baby.” He leans closer, fingers wrapping around the plush curve of your hip to anchor you in place.
Tipping up on your toes, your hand comes down on his thigh making the muscle flex against your palm, your touch sending shocks through the rough denim while the other holds the gloss stained end up to his mouth. 
Steve holds your stare when his lips wrap around where yours just were. His nails dig half crescent moons into your exposed skin as his cheeks hollow out. You can feel your heartbeat between your legs, your brows meeting in the middle when he tugs you even closer before tilting his head up. The thick expanse of his neck on full display as he blows out his drag, adam's apple bobbing in the light making the moles dance across his skin. 
“The strawberry really sets it off.” He grins as his hand dares to slide down the top curve of your ass, making it his new home when you make no moves to get away from him.
“Thanks, it’s my favorite gloss.” You shrug, pretending to unphased by his teasing, but the mess in your panties would give you away if he could see.
“Maybe I could get a better taste,” his words are bold, but his free hand is bolder. Soft fingertips play with the top hem of your skirt, daring to dip under the fabric every once and awhile and he swears he hears you whimper.
“You want more?” Your voice comes out small, dripping in honey just for him. You know what he really wants, but he’s not gonna get it yet.
“God, if you’ll let me honey.” There’s a light squeeze on the dough of your ass, and it makes you flutter around nothing.
You lean in slowly, your hand moving further up his thigh watching the way his chest starts to rise and fall from it. Stretching the cotton of his shirt with every breath. The fingers that had been exploring the top of your skirt start a path up to the bottom of your top. A low hum coming from under his breath when the sweetness of your body lotion hits his nose. 
His eyes shut when your faces get close enough that he feels like he can taste the strawberry that he wants so bad. He doesn’t notice when you pull back at the last second to replace your kiss with another puff until your cigarette shoves past his puckered lips. 
When he opens them, he’s met with your giggles, a sound he wants on a loop. He pretends to glare, still taking the hit you were offering him, exhaling it through his nose like an angry bull. He opens his mouth to chastise you but the beeping of his digital pet interrupts his intimidating moment again.
“Gotta get that?” Your lips twitch while you try to contain your laugh, flicking the cigarette onto the street.
“Listen, my best friend got it for me. I thought it was incredibly stupid, and I definitely told her it was too.” The hand on your waist leaves to dig his Tamagotchi out of his front pocket. “But now I’m attached to the little guy.” 
The key chain sized toy lights up in his hand, as he starts to feed it with a press of a button.
“Mine died yesterday,” you admit and the laugh you’d been fighting off echoes loudly when he looks up at you horrified. 
“What? Do you have it with you now?”he questions as the small happy tune plays signaling that his pet is fully satisfied. 
“She’s somewhere in my bag, don’t worry she was reborn this morning,” your words don’t reassure him considering they seem to need food every thirty minutes and you haven’t pulled it out once since he’s met you.
“Sounds like you want her to die again to me.” Steve’s very real concern about your Tamagotchi has you smirking.
“They die so easily, you’re telling me yours hasn’t died?” 
Your jaw drops when he shakes his head ‘no’, a smugness taking over his handsome features.
“Steve, that’s like really hard to do.” You don’t know whether you should be impressed or roast him but when his hand grips at your ass one more time you decide it’s the first.
“Better give her to me for the night baby, I’ll keep her nice and healthy for my favorite girl.” Stuffing his back into his pocket, he holds his palm open for you in a vow to keep your digital pet alive and an excuse to see you later.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you obey his wishes. Digging to the bottom of your bag till you find your purple one. The screen already going off, and the muffled beeping that signaled the need for it to be fed finally becomes loud enough to hear.
“See! I told you. On the cusp of death already.” 
You drop it in his hand, right as an older trucker comes barreling out of the bar reminding you where you’re at and that Devin is still waiting inside. Again.
“Fuck, I should go back in.” You sigh as your fingers play with the seam on the leg of his jeans.
“Go back in and tell that guy to get lost,” the bouncer almost whines, his grip on your hip tightening before he lets you go.
“Steve,” you huff but the smile on your face gives him hope.
“Just saying sweetheart, could be fun.” He shrugs, putting on an air of nonchalance while your Tamagotchi dangles from his thumb.
You both know who you really want to go home with tonight.
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The bubble you and Steve are in pops as soon as you get back inside The sound of the distant cars on the freeway and Steve’s voice is replaced with Return of the Mack and the crowd that was at a simmer when you first got here is now at a full boil. 
You have to get rid of Devin.
He’s right where you left him, hunched over and twirling his beer bottle on top of the bar. You notice the three empty shot glasses before you see Eddie dropping off another one while giving you the kind of eyes that say ‘Come take care of your date’ as he walks away. Taking a deep breath, you make your way towards him going over all the ways you can let him down easy while your nerves drown out the little bit of guilt you had for ditching him.
“Heeeey,” your voice is high pitched, awkwardness dripping from its tone when you finally return to your stool next to him.
You freeze - he’s ignoring you. How can you get rid of him if he’s ignoring you? Your eyes shift around the bar nervously, offering an awkward tight lipped smile when anyone meets your stare. You search for Eddie again, hoping to silently ask for help but his back is to you, clearly putting the moves on a girl at the other end.
You hope that saying his name will elicit the desired response but that dwindles quickly when he chugs the rest of his beer, continuing his charade and keeping his gaze forward before slamming the empty bottle down.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” he grumbles, irritation laced in every word before he pushes off the stool still not meeting your eyes.
You wait till he’s out of earshot before you let out a groan, your long disappearance clearly pissed him off. Propping yourself up by your elbows on the sticky bar, you close your eyes, rubbing your temples while you try to think of the right way to go about this. Eddie’s knowing chuckle is the last thing you want to hear but that’s just how the night is going now.
“You pretty little scoundrel!” He slaps the spot in front of you forcing your eyes open, his smile only widening when you glare at him.
“He’s so pissed and now thanks to you,” gesturing towards the empty shot glasses Eddie gets rid of with quick hands, you avoid the real reason, “He’s gonna be trashed!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa sweetheart. I’m not the one who can’t keep their hands off Stevie boy. And on a date too? Tsk tsk tsk.” He crosses his arms with a shake of his head, “Now you broke poor Derek’s -“
“Whatever - fish guy’s heart. Aren’t you in a little predicament hmm?” Eddie hums the last part, but you can see the excited glint in his eyes. He loves watching your escapades.
“Listen,” you can’t help the giggle that bubbles past your strawberry lips under his knowing gaze, “When you told me he was hot Eddie, you didn’t tell me he was that hot.”
Smirking, you enjoy watching the way his face contorts knowing that was a damn lie.
“Are you kidding?” He throws his hands in the air, giving you the reaction you were baiting him for, “It was the first thing I told you.”
You laugh loudly at his exasperation with your antics, almost forgetting about Devin entirely for the third time tonight. 
“Have fun figuring out this little love triangle you’ve created, I need to get to the rest of the paying customers so I can get back to that hottie at the end of the bar.” He points to the girl he was talking to earlier who’s sipping a drink she looks surprised to even like.
“I bet you aren’t charging her for anything are you?” You narrow your eyes playfully, cackling when he rolls his waving you off as he walks away.
Sliding off the stool, you tug up your tube top, ready to give it to Devin straight, more than eager to get back outside again. 
“I knew the guys in the office said you were easy, but I didn’t think you’d be spreading your legs for anything that walked on our date.” Devin’s voice comes as a surprise, but the tight grip on your arm pulling you to him is an even bigger one.  
Searing rage fills every part of your body at the fact that he put his hands on you, palms flat on his chest, you use all your strength to shove him away. Shock paints his features, not expecting you to fight back so aggressively. All the drinks he’s had make him stumble back, losing his footing almost falling into the couple next to him.
“Well I’m sure as shit not spreading them for you!” you spit, looking him up and down with disgust before putting a finger in his face, “And your shirt? It’s fucking ugly.”
You give him one last once over before shaking your head and walking away. Heading back towards the entrance, you notice Steve inside again. A hard glare is set on his face, nostrils flaring as he zeros in on Devin behind you who’s still trying to regain his balance. 
God, it’s the hottest he’s looked all night. 
Steve’s hazel eyes meet yours and they instantly soften when you can’t help but smile as he opens the door for you.
“Thanks Stevie,” using Eddie’s nickname, you run your hands across his chest when you walk by, just to add salt to Devin’s wound.
The flush that paints his cheeks tells you how much he likes it.
“When I told you to ditch your date, I didn’t mean to fist fight him, honey,” he teases, following you outside, letting the chipped red door shut behind you and muffling the sounds of the bar again. 
“He got mad about my little disappearance before I could let him down easy.” Turning around, you bite your bottom lip to try to hide your growing smile.
“Poor guy.” Steve grins before taking the two steps to close the gap, to crowd your space. Cinnamon fanning across your face, “Never stood a chance.”
It’s harder for you to breathe when he looks at you like he wants to kiss you, but before you can respond, the door flies open.A drunk Devin stumbling out with a glare breaking you two apart.
“Of course, of FUCKING course. Not even two seconds later? You really are a slut, huh?” Devin seethes, stumbling out onto the sidewalk.
“I’m really going to need you to watch your mouth champ. No need to call girls names. You’re a big boy.” Steve’s tone is condescending as he squares up, making sure you’re behind him.
“You think you’re so fucking cool,” Devin scoffs before hiccuping, “Careful with this one, she’s probably sucked your buddy’s dick inside too.” 
“Yeah, that’s enough, asshole. Go home, before I have to beat some respect into that ugly skull of yours.” Steve cracks his knuckles again, but it doesn’t have the same effect as before, Devin only raising his eyebrows at the bouncer.
“Respect? That’s funny. The whore behind you hasn’t heard of it.”  
Steve loses his cool and like a flash he’s on him. Pulling his fist back Steve moves just a little too slow and Devin clocks him right in the jaw. The sound of bone against bone echoes loudly into the night. Stumbling back, Steve cradles where an ugly bruise will start forming in the morning, rubbing it out. He cracks his neck before barreling towards Devin, taking him down to the ground like a football player.
In a flurry of fists and cuss words, Devin somehow gets Steve pinned. The alcohol and anger flowing through his system turns him into The Hulk. Your screams for them to stop fall on deaf ears while they continue to roll around on the ground. Panic sets in when you realize neither man is going to stop. Doing the only thing you know how to do in these situations, you get Eddie.
Frantic, you open the door, ignoring the fact that  Third Eye Blind is playing at the exact worst time, you scream Eddie’s name loud enough to silence the bar.
“Eddie! It’s bad. Steve needs you!” 
He looks up from a clearly flirtatious conversation with the girl from before, both of their eyes landing on you as you get your friends attention. He grumbles, grabbing her hands saying something to her that makes her nod bashfully before jumping over the bar top. Jogging out the front, he towers easily over the two men, neither one of you bothering to check the red heads I.D. that walks in after you.
“The first fucking night man!” Eddie yells at Steve, grabbing Devin by the back of his shirt pulling him off the bouncer with ease, but not before Steve gets one more cheap shot in.
He wrestles against Eddie’s grip for a second before finally giving up with a hiccup, hocking a loogie in Steve’s direction.
“You done?” The bartender's face is unamused, as he waits for Devin to nod. “I never wanna see you or your shitty ass style at my bar again. Beat it bozo before I give you a matching black eye to go with the one Steve gave you.”
Two against one is too much for Devin to take on, so he raises his hands up in surrender when Eddie lets him go. Rolling his tongue against his cheek he shoots you one last glare before turning on his heel. Flipping everyone off as he starts down the sidewalk. Steve returns the gesture, spitting at his retreating form.
“You good?” Eddie asks, extending his hand for his friend to take.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Just hate that guy.” Steve mumbles, looking everywhere but at you while he straightens his shirt and dusts off his jeans with bloody knuckles.
“Your hand dude, I can’t have you bleeding all over people I.D’s. and I know Rick doesn’t have a first aid kit. At least I’ve never seen one.” Eddie rubs the back of his neck, stress coming in the form of knitted brows.
“I’ve got one,” you mumble, finally finding your voice and the bartender claps, wiping his hands clean of the situation.
“There, go play nurse with lover boy and get out of my hair tonight. I’m like this close,” he pinches two fingers together to show “to scoring and you both have been fucking it up every chance you can get. I swear to god.” 
Eddie waves you off as he makes his way back in, and you can feel the shift in energy between you and the bouncer you’ve been wanting all night.
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Steve’s quiet the whole walk up the stairs to your apartment, fuming with anger and embarrassment, the confidence from before gone while the bruise on his jaw deepens and he cradles his bleeding knuckles.
“This is me,” you break the silence cringing, your voice amplified in the walls of the narrow hallway while you dig out your key.
“Thanks for this, angel,” his words come out in just above a whisper but at least it’s something.
The endearment has a smile creeping across your face and you finally dare to turn around to get a look at him after you hear the click of your lock. You press your back against your open door, it’s your turn to extend an invitation.
“Anytime Stevie.”
His face softens the minute he lays his eyes on you again, jealous of the way you bite your bottom lip sweetly, he wishes it was him. 
You let Steve into your world one heavy boot at a time, locking the door behind you. Watching the way his dimmed eyes brighten, curiosity winning over any leftover irritation. The ghost of a smirk twitches at the corners of his lips while he walks the small space of your studio taking everything in. The neon sign outside your window is the only light that illuminates it, shadows dancing off trinkets on shelves and pictures on walls, he was getting a glimpse of you. 
He stops in the middle of your room, right at the edge of your bed. The dark denim and leather that cover him are a stark contrast against your baby blue rug, but you think he looks like he belongs here. You watch the way he takes in your hastily made bed, licking his lips when he sees a pair of panties that didn’t quite make it in the laundry basket in the corner. The radio you’d forgotten to turn off plays a commercial, filling the space between you, and you aren’t prepared for when he puts his full attention back on you again after not having it for the past twenty minutes. Your body responds immediately to the playful glint in his eye.
“Cute place, for a cute girl.” He grins, running his good hand through his hair before he walks over to the window to take a look at your view.
“I bet you say that to all of em’,” you tease because it’s easier to do with his back to you. Making your way to the bathroom, nerves burst like butterflies in your stomach.
“You’re the only one baby.” 
His response is quick as he turns around, the flirting you’d grown accustomed to coming back like a raging storm. He watches your hips while you walk the short distance with a heavy stare that covers every part of you. Leaning against the door frame with your curves on full display, something shifts behind his eyes. Flipping the lightswitch, white beams break apart the pink, highlighting even more of you for him to drink in.
“Come on handsome, let’s get you patched up.”
His cheeks flush at the new nickname and it's his turn to bite his lip in a shy smile for you. 
It doesn’t take more than a few steps for his long legs, the wood creaking under his weight. Pressing your back to the frame, he stops in front of you with one foot over the threshold and the other still in your room. He takes up so much space. His biceps flex when he reaches for your hip, tugging you even closer, you can smell the menthol still lingering on his breath. On instinct your palm hits his chest, muscles dancing under heated skin as you tilt your chin up to meet his eyes. Squeezing at your softness before he speaks, he lets his middle finger dip under the top of your skirt.
“I really meant it when I said thank you back there. Just need you to know that.” His finger dares to dip lower, rubbing circles that make your back arch, hips pushing forward on a search for his. The curve of your stomach touches the cool metal of his belt buckle and the heat of his body sets fire between your thighs.
“I know you did,” your voice is sweet for him, the tone you know he likes while your hand moves down the dip between his pecs, “Thank you for sticking up for me.”
You can feel the coarse hair that starts at the top of his belly button where your hand stops, and you swear you feel him twitch in his pants. A second one of his fingers finds its way under your skirt and another subtle tug gets you even closer. So close that all you’d have to do is stand on your tiptoes for your lips to touch. 
“Anything for you, pretty girl,” he breathes, spice and tobacco taking over. His adam’s apple bobs when he catches the way you start staring at his lips, the gloss on your own shimmering in the new light.
“Anything?” Quirking your brow with a smirk, your innuendo makes him moan and his hold on you tighten.
“Absolutely.” Ducking his head lower so his nose brushes against the bridge of yours, he dares you to make the first move.
“In that case…” Pressing your toes down to push yourself up, the playful glint in your eye goes unnoticed by him.
Your lips are a ghost, his top one barely brushing against your bottom, it's enough for him to taste the strawberry he wanted more of outside but not enough to satisfy. His eyes flutter closed waiting to feel their full plushness but your words bring him back to reality.
“Sit on the toilet for me.”
The specks of emerald shine again when his eyes snap open to see you flat on your feet with a grin. Groaning loudly with fake irritation, he lets go of you in exasperated defeat, letting his head fall back and hit the wood of the frame.
“What? We came up here for my first aid kit, didn't we?” You giggle after you say it, you don’t mean it.
“Sure, sure, yeah, yeah.” Nodding, he runs a hand through his hair while he looks around your bathroom. 
It smells like your coconut body wash and it drives him crazy. He takes an unexpected step forward, his hand finding its way back to your hip to push you against the wall. One heavy boot between your wedged sandals, getting just close enough to kiss you. Is he going to?
It's your eyes that flutter closed this time, your fingers wrapping themselves around his belt loops again. He’s tentative with his injured hand when he uses it to cradle your jaw. His palm is soft as it covers half your neck, his thumb pushing up against your chin to tilt your face up to his. He runs the tip of his nose along your cheek and you feel your knees start to get weak, a whimper begging to fall from your parted lips.
“If that’s the only thing we’re here to do then we should get to it then, huh?” 
Just as quick as he invades your space, he leaves it. The porcelain of your toilet seat cover clunks loudly when he drops himself on it. Spread out like on the stool outside, he takes over the room, leaving you to catch your breath with a smug grin.
It’s a staring contest with narrowed eyes after that, but the twitch of your lips tells him you aren’t actually mad. He snorts when you clear your throat to regain your composure, purposely ignoring the obvious when you bend over to open the cabinet under the sink, pulling out the bright red zip up bag. 
“We need to wash your knuckles first, then I’ll put some ointment on them and wrap it up for you. We’ll keep it that way for the night and we can check on it in the morning.” The words leave your mouth before you can stop them and he catches the slip up instantly.
“Oh? You need to keep me overnight for observations?” 
You bite your lip to try and hide your smile, grabbing a washcloth running it under hot water instead of looking at him. 
“You know what I meant, I’ll come check on it tomorrow when you get to work.” You don’t even believe your lie, and the toothy smile you catch from the corner of your eye tells you he doesn’t either.
“But nurse, I don’t know. I think I should stay, I got hit in the face too. Concussions you know? I really shouldn’t be alone tonight.” He lays it on thick, eating up the way he sees you loving it spreading across your face when you ring out the soapy rag.
You don’t try to hide it when you finally face him, or when you settle between his legs for the second time tonight. The new position has him eye level with your chest, easier access to his lips. You hold your palm out for him, your hand disappearing completely when he drapes his wounded one over it.
“Concussion, huh? Are you feeling light headed Steve?” You play along giving your best impression of a medical professional.
He hisses when you press the damp cloth to his knuckles, sucking in air between his teeth when you start to clean. The soothing circles the pad of your thumb rubs on the side of his hand is almost enough to distract him from it.
“Yeah, but that started before I got hit.” 
You finally dare to meet his gaze, a flattered smile spreading wide across your face that you try to play down with a roll of your eyes.
“Hmmm,” you hum to yourself, deciding not to give in just yet as you switch from the rag to the ointment, getting the bandaging and medical tape out.
“I mean, you’re the professional honey. You tell me.” You feel his good hand tug at the bottom of your skirt while you smear the neosporin on his knuckles with a q-tip, his long fingers flexing at the cooling effect.
“It started before you got hit?” You question with a fake pensive expression, gently taking his palm in your hand to start the wrapping process. 
“Yeah, you see, this girl hit me with a door earlier. Knocked me clean off my stool.” He makes the motion of him falling with a swipe of his hand, “ and I haven’t been the same since if I’m being completely honest.”
It takes everything inside you to not give him the satisfaction of a laugh, the way you met coming back to the forefront of your mind.
“Some would argue putting your stool in front of the door like that is kinda stupid, but that's just my professional opinion.” Your shrug earns a loud laugh from him and you relish in it, promising yourself you’ll get him to do it again.
“All done.” You let go of his hand and he already misses you holding it, but the proud look on your face is a good distraction while you admire your handy work.
He holds it up, and you still can’t get over just how big they are. Curling his fingers in before extending them, he only winces slightly from the pain. The pressure of the bandage already helping. He jumps slightly when the backs of your fingers smooth over the fresh bruise forming on his jaw, the stubble tickling your skin. His eyes watch yours as they rake over the damage, the softness of your touch almost enough to make his eyelids heavy when you stroke the sore spot again.
“What do you think, huh?” His question comes out quiet, the playful edge gone while both his hands find the back of your legs. Rough fingertips run up your calves, catching the bottom of your skirt as they go, “Are you gonna keep me baby?”
A shiver runs up your spine when he hits the back of your thighs and you feel yourself getting pulled closer. He drags his nose up the bare skin of your sternum while his hands grab doughy handfuls just below the curve of your ass. The sound of your moan when his fingers get high enough to just barely graze the soaked material between your weakening legs sends him into overdrive. Growling, he nips at the tops of one of your breasts.
“Come on, tell me, what’s it gonna be?” Despite trying to sound confident, there’s a desperation in the way he asks. He knows you want it but he needs you to say it.
It’s when his fingers slip under the lace trim of your panties that you finally give in with a gentle grab of his chin. His eyes are black when they meet yours, the ends of his nails digging into soft skin. 
“Yeah, I’m gonna keep you.” You give into an urge you’ve had since you laid eyes on him, tangling your fingers in his hair as you spread yourself open for his hands to wander.
He doesn’t hold back anymore and you’re reminded of just how tall he actually is when he stands up. His actions are quick and with purpose, the strength you knew was behind those muscles showing itself when he lifts you onto the edge of the sink with your skirt rucked up to your hips. He man handles you in a way no one ever has and you feel it light a fire in your gut. Impatient for his next move, you grab the collar of his shirt while his hands spread wide over the tops of your thighs, your lips finally getting to do what they’ve wanted all night.
It’s soft at first, both of you moving slow as you figure out what the other likes, careful not to hurt his jaw. One of his hands finds its way back to your cheek, the pad of his thumb rubbing the length of the bone while his tongue begs you to open up. He traces the top of your lip, shuddering at the taste of the strawberry and it makes him wonder if your skin tastes like the coconut he smells. 
You give him the access he wants, your tongues meeting in the middle, making the fire that had been begging to consume you pour out from your fingertips that bury themselves into the roots at the nape of his neck. You need more. The hard length that has been fighting against the denim of his jeans presses hard into where you want his attention, your legs wrap around him - silently begging him to do it again.
One arm snakes around your lower back, holding you flush against his chest, the grind of his hips giving you the friction that makes you keen. A moan and a breathless “fuck” is what breaks your lips apart when his zipper catches your swollen clit with just the right amount of pressure. He uses his new found freedom to kiss down the length of your jaw, humming against your heated skin when you tilt your head to give him better access to all the sensitive places he can’t wait to discover. He sucks the soft spot behind your ear when you meet the next roll of his hips, your slides falling loudly off your feet to the tile floor.
“Steve,” his name comes out in a high pitch whine when he starts sucking a bruise in a place you know you’ll have to try and cover up for the next few days. He was marking you, and you could care less. You hold him there, encouraging more as his teeth graze your pulse point, a “baby” slipping past his lips when he finally pulls away.
He meets your eyes with flushed cheeks and messy hair and the kind of hunger that makes you melt.
“Let me take you to bed, let me take care of you,” he’s panting, his hold on you tightening so you can feel just how bad he needs this. A smirk spreads across his swollen lips when your hips shift in search for more, giving him the answer he needs along with the nod of your head.
Just as easy as he lifted you on the sink, he carries you to the bed, big hands cradling thick thighs before he lays you on your back. Your giggle fills the space in between heavy pants before TLC’s Creep starts playing over the speakers of the radio. His hands find their way to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head and you watch an expanse of new freckles and moles get revealed to you. You want to kiss them all. They dot the spots next to the dark hair over his belly button while the thick thatch of chest hair you’d only gotten a glimpse of glistens with beads of sweat in the glow of the Foxy Lounge light. 
His jeans hang low enough for you to get a glimpse of the veins protruding from the V shape that leads to the part of him that’s sure to make you forget your own name. His grin is cocky when he recognizes the expression on your face. Grabbing your ankle, he pulls you closer to the edge of the bed. The bottom of your foot resting on the soft hair of his chest while long fingers hold you in place. He keeps his eyes trained on yours while he starts to trail wet kisses down the inside of your leg. The stubble covering his jaw scratching along his path in the best way. He stops when he gets to the soft skin of your knee, nipping playfully, he smirks at the squeal it earns him before he drops your leg in favor of curling his fingers under the top of your skirt.
You lift your hips for him without him having to ask, and the flash of his teeth is almost enough to blind you. He’s slick with his movements, taking your panties too. You hear his breath catch in his throat when he sees the effects all his teasing has on you. His fingers grip at your thighs before pulling your sticky skin apart with a lick of his lips.
“Look at you baby, all this for me?” The last part of his question comes out in a groan when he swipes the pad of his thumb against your bundle of nerves, kicking up in his jeans when your legs shake in response. “So sensitive too. Let me make her feel good, yeah?” 
He swipes his thumb against your clit again making your eyes shut tight and your hips buck.
“I need to hear you say it.” He keeps rubbing circles, applying just enough pressure for you to forget how to speak, “Come on, be a good girl for me.”
His other hand pulls down your tube top, breasts spilling out in the blush light for his eyes to devour. He groans at the sight, his other hand coming up to cup the soft flesh feeling the way your nipples pebble against the warmth of his palm.
“Steeeeve, please.” 
You’re whining for him and it makes his brows pinch together, feeling drunk off you. 
“God angel, you’re fuckin’ beautiful you know that?” He emphasizes his question with his hands, giving your sides a squeeze while his eyes roam every dip and curve of your body. “Turn around for me? I wanna see all of you.”
The look on his face makes you decide that you’ll never deny him anything he asks, giving him a nod, you run your hands up his arms, nails dragging across the light hair before you push yourself up to get on all fours.
You feel completely exposed to him like this, all the secret places of your body on full display. He’s quiet for a minute and it’s almost enough for your nerves to get the best of you until you feel his palm find the apple of your ass. Fingers digging into doughy flesh, a groan loud enough to drown out the music erupts deep from his chest.
“Baby, baby, babyyy,” he emphasizes the last endearment with another handful before pulling your cheeks apart to get a better look at your dripping cunt, “Prettiest pussy I’ve ever fuckin’ seen.”
Your hips wiggle at his words, your walls fluttering around nothing while the cool air from the overhead fan hits your heat, sending goosebumps dancing across your supple flesh. A dark chuckle leaves him when he sees how much power his words have over you. His knees hit the side of the mattress, one hand hooking around your hip while the other runs down the dip of your spine giving you a light push when he hits your shoulder blades until you're bent over for him.
“She likes when I talk to her, huh?” his voice is low, mesmerized when you start dripping on the bed for him and he’s barely touched you, “She likes when I call her pretty doesn’t she?”
The moan that leaves your mouth is pathetic and he wishes he could record it. 
“Playing hard to get all night, but look at you.” His good hand comes down hard enough on your ass for the fat to jiggle and you to fist handfuls of your comforter because of it, “Making such a filthy mess and I haven’t even put my mouth on you yet.”
His grip is rough when he tugs your hips, the outline of his dick pressing into you, the denim scratching against your clit in a way that has your eyes rolling in the back of your head. 
“Tell me how much you want my mouth baby, tell me how much you want me to make you cum.” He grinds against you again, only this time making sure to apply the kind of pressure that makes your back arch.
“Fuck - Steve, please I want it. I’ve wanted it all night. I’ve wanted it all night,” you're babbling as he circles his hips, fingers kneading your soft skin.
Satisfied with your answer he mumbles a “so good for me” as he pulls away he gives you another light slap to your ass - signaling for you to scoot up, your mattress dipping behind you when he gets on his knees. 
Big hands spread you apart, your forehead hits the comforter when you feel the heat of his breath against your slick folds. Your walls flutter, begging for his attention when his tongue runs a long stripe up your slit. He hums at the taste before he does it again, this time making sure to circle your clit before lapping up everything you were drenching him with like he was thirsty for it. 
“Oh my god,” you huff into your blankets, toes curling when he starts an assault against your bundle of nerves, the pointed tip of his nose pressing deeper into your entrance as he gets lost in the sounds he’s pulling from you.
His fingers stretch across the tiger stripes on your butt cheeks, pulling you even further apart to give him better access. The coil inside you already threatening to snap when he sucks hard on your clit. He lets it go with a loud pop, smirking to himself at the way he has your body shaking from overstimulation already.
“Taste so fuckin’ good. Strawberries, just like your lips.” He groans, inhaling your scent like a man starved, his good hand coming down on your cheek again only this time a little harder pulling out another broken moan from you.
“Can I taste all of you pretty girl?” 
There’s zero hesitation when you say ‘yes’, in fact it’s a little desperate. He could have whatever he wanted from you now. Not even sure what he means, your brain’s too fuzzy with lust to comprehend anything until you feel the tip of his tongue circle a place you’d never let anyone else go before.
“Holy shit - Steve.” The new sensation sends another wave arousal to your dripping core, a needy whine following it when he does it again.
“This okay?” He kisses the curve underneath the apple of your cheek, the softness of his voice comforting you while he checks in.
“God, it’s, it’s -“ He gives you another kitten lick and it makes your eyes roll in the back of your head, “It’s more than okay - Jesus Christ.”
Too lost in the feeling of him testing the tightness of you with his tongue, you aren’t expecting his thick finger to start circling the entrance he’d been neglecting, the one you need him to fill the most. Your silk walls welcome the intrusion with ease, the stretch only stinging a little when he pushes to the last knuckle while his tongue starts getting a little more bold. Your back arches when he groans against you, curling his finger to hit the spot only you’d ever been able to find with ease. He adds a second digit when you start bucking against his face, the new addition almost makes you run away. He tsks at you from buried between your butt cheeks, one large hand locking you in place when he starts feeling you get close.
“Give it to me,” he demands, coming up for air. Fingertips relentless against the spot that has you squelching loudly.
His mouth returns to the sensitive part of you, tongue circling your tightness in a way that has you finally snapping. Your walls constrict, wrapping around his fingers while your vision goes white. Your body freezes, the orgasm overwhelming your muscles with a violent shake, his name falling from your lips like it’s the only word you know. You feel him grin against you, the movements of his fingers only slowing down but never stopping, milking every last drop you give him.
“So good, so pretty when you cum baby,” he mumbles praises, his lips kissing anywhere they can reach while your body comes down from its first high. 
You feel his weight leave the mattress, hear the metal of his belt buckle clinking followed by the low thump of his jeans hitting the floor. You find enough strength to look over your shoulder and it’s enough to make you whimper. Steve’s big. Dark hair at the base, it’s thick and curved, the pretty pink tip leaking just for you. The long vein that runs up the side pulses when he gives it a couple of tugs before his knees hit the mattress again. 
His hands spread over your hips pulling you closer before he starts trailing kisses up your back, the silver of his chain making you shiver as it runs up your spine till his lips stop right at your ear.
“You ready for me?” 
Your eyes meet his and they’re pitch black, tucking your bottom lip between your teeth, you know yours looks the same when you give him a nod but you know that’s not going to be enough for him.
“Come on, you know what I need,” his tone is mocking as he grabs his cock at the base, swiping his head through your folds, smirking at the way you try to suck him in, your body greedy for him.
“Please, please, please, please.” 
All your self respect goes out the window when he pushes the tip in and you can’t stop repeating yourself. The stretch is already bigger than his two fingers and he wasn’t even half way in yet and for a brief moment you wonder if he’ll even fit. 
“Fuck - baby.”
He moans as he pushes further, sheathing himself half way and he feels the way it makes your legs shake. His hand sneaks around your waist to find your clit, slippery fingers rubbing circles to get you to open up more as he rolls his hips one more time bottoming out. He groans so loud you’re sure anyone who might be smoking outside of the bar can hear him. 
“Holy shiiiit, I’ve never had pussy like this.” He stills, adjusting to how tight you feel, and it’s his turn to babble as you constrict around him making him twitch -  dangerously close to cumming already.
“You feel so good Stevie,” you whine as you push back against him, taking his length even deeper, feeling every curve and ridge of him against your walls.
He pulls out half way before slamming back in and it makes him curse under his breath before he does it again, only harder.
“God, fuck- this is all mine now, yeah?” he mutters, an angry edge to his words when he thinks about Devin getting to do this. 
“Mmhmm,” your answer is automatic, no thoughts behind your eyes while his cock fills you in the way you fantasize about when you touch yourself. 
“That’s right baby, it’s mine. You’re mine.” 
His thrusts get aggressive as he gets closer to his release, your slick making it easy for him to slide almost completely out before pushing back in. The rough hair covering his pelvis rubbing your clit at the same time his tip reaches the same spot his fingers pulled your first orgasm from. 
“Shit, Steve, right there.”  Your jaw goes slack, eyes closing tight when he hits it again, your words spurring him on while he tries to re-grip his hold on your sweat-kissed skin.
“Yeah? you want more?” He makes sure to put all his attention where you want, slowing his hips just enough to hit it even harder. “I’ll give you more.”
Steve tilts his head to the side watching how you wrap around him, and the way he barely has to push back in, your greedy walls doing almost all the work when he finds the perfect pace that has you twisting the sheets.
He huffs out a cocky laugh and it makes you tighten in response, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.”Yeah, I know baby. I know. You gonna cum again for me?”
“Uh-huh,” you manage to get out with a nod but it’s not enough for him, he needs you loud enough for Devin to hear from across town.
The sound of skin slapping against skin drowns out the music, keeping his stamina up despite the twitch of his cock, he bends over, somehow getting deeper, the cool metal of his chain dragging across your back while one hand snakes under your waist. His fingers are unrelenting when they find their way to your puffy clit again, applying just enough pressure to get your legs to shake for him.
“I’m gonna ask again, are you gonna cum for me?” He keeps his voice even, but he knows he’s not gonna last much longer, especially not when your cheek hits the mattress and you meet his eyes looking like that.
“Yeah, god, yeah Steveee! Please, please, please.” You don’t even know what you’re begging for but it makes Steve’s resolve break. 
The moan he lets out is loud enough to echo off your wall, warmth flooding your insides as he cums hard enough to collapse against your back. It’s enough to send you over the edge for the second time. Your walls fluttering enough to make his nails dig crescent moons into your hips with a low “fuck” escaping him as you milk him for more with the sweetest chant of his name he’s ever heard.
“That’s it baby.” He coos lips placing sloppy kisses along the your shoulder blades when you collapse against the mattress, your bodies tangled in a way you don’t have the energy to leave quite yet.
The radio cuts out leaving just the sound of the two of you trying to catch your breath, you can faintly hear ‘Pony’ playing from the bar below but the sound of a car driving past quickly snuffs it out. You feel his nose nudge against your ear, a slow lazy smile creeping across your face when his lips brush your temple.
“I don’t think you have a concussion, but you better stay the night just in case.”
His laugh vibrates against your back, a toothy grin pressed to your skin.
“It’s always better to be safe than sorry,” he agrees. The response you somehow managed to conjure up gets lost on your tongue when both your long forgotten Tamagotchi’s go off in his abandoned pants in a matching tune you’d never heard before.
“Our babies need daddy, honey,” he groans, slowly lifting himself up on his elbows.
You roll your eyes with a snort as he trails kisses down your back only wincing slightly when he pulls himself out. Folding your arms under your head, you still can’t bring yourself to move, but the view of him naked and still semi hard while he holds the two digital pets in his hand with a confused expression isn’t one you really can turn away from.
“What?” Your curiosity is piqued when his eyes grow big.
“No fuckin’ way,” he mumbles more to himself than you, “I didn’t even know they could do this.”
“What??” The irritation is clear in your voice, the feeling of being left out turning you into a brat.
“Umm, I think they had babies… yep. Marty definitely got her pregnant.” The smile on his face gives away just how excited he actually is and you hate to admit that it’s contagious.
“Well we’re gonna have to figure out a child support plan I’m afraid. Daisy’s a free woman Steve.” The serious delivery makes him do a double take before he narrows his eyes.
“Child support? No, we're raising these kids together. So I’m gonna need you to care a little bit about keeping her alive. It's not just you here honey.” He tosses you the toy before jumping back on the bed pulling your body into his chest with ease, “I’m afraid you’re never getting rid of me.”
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wonton4rang · 23 days
could you write something on Kictchen fuck with leehan?
ofc !! I am a hardcore taesan biased but I CAN'T deny that leehan sometimes has a place for too long in my mind :')
pairing; leehan x reader.
warnings; smut +18, and that's it, just some porn without plot, regular sex.
summary; kitchen fuck with your boyfriend leehan after being so absent for a couple weeks due to your job.
note; currently writing another ask I have for taesan 👀 always open for any thoughts or requests <33
you were working like a bitch the last few weeks, loads and loads of paperwork filling your desk and restraining you from coming home at the end of your shift. it was tiring, your body was not going to keep holding on for much longer, so you requested your vacations.
your boss did not want to let you go tbh, you took most of the workload of the team and did everything perfectly, but he also knew that you needed to rest so he sent you home the week after you requested him those few days off. but let me tell you something, you were not the only want who wanted to be home, your pretty boyfriend had missed you too during those days that you wouldn't come home early enough for him to see you before falling asleep out of tiredness, and then when he woke up you were already gone, it was hell for leehan.
you got home late last night and as usual you found him sleeping with his back on the bed's board, waiting for you with his arms crossed and his glasses resting in his nose bridge. he looked so hot you almost woke him up to give him the exciting news that you were staying home the next three weeks. you just removed his glasses and tried to make him sleep on his back without waking him up, it worked; you took to the bathroom and then tucked into the sheets with him. it was so nice to have him by your side.
then the next morning when leehan got up, brushed his teeth and went out of the bedroom guided by the smell coming from outside, he got sooo confused because it was saturday and it was HIS day off, you always did extra hours on saturdays so he had two things in mind: he is having visions or someone broke in. but he was so relieved yet dumbfounded when he saw you wearing his large shirt with just your underwear beneath it, you were quietly humming your favourite song of the moment, killer queen by none other than queen itself.
and he would approach you from behind, his hands going automatically to hold the front of your thighs and his head laying in the crook of your neck, leaving a few kisses before you talked "good morning, sleepyhead" your voice was such a turn on for him that you could literally feel his dick twitch in your back, his pajama pants being extremely thin.
"are you staying the whole day, baby?" you nodded and turned around to face him, his hands immediately taking place in your ass.
"i took my vacations"
and that's all you said before you felt his plump lips against yours, his hands touching you with so much hunger you were confused as to how much he most have missed you those few weeks; and is not like you didn't miss him, but he was more in a calm side type of behaviour so he didn't really acted desperate most of the times.
which led you to be very confused when you noticed he was not slowing down, quite the opposite, he was accelerating his pace and kissing you harder, his tongue exploring your mouth and his hard dick pressing against your tummy.
"babe, can you take me now? can i... can i please...?" he couldn't even talk at this point, he was just so hot, so you let him, you ensured him that you could take it and well, you did, cause he lifted you up to the counter and took your underwear to the side so he could get in after taking his dick out of his trousers.
you both saw heaven when he finally thrusted in, speeding up like his life depends on it, kisses trailing down your throat, small hickeys laying there and your hands tangling in his hair while you accepted everything he had to give you. it was so good, so good and so hot, you guys were so horny for the days you couldn't be together that it was not long before you both came, leehan coming first and being followed by you when he rubbed your clit with his thumb for a few seconds.
"I missed you so much" he whispered against your cheek before placing a kiss there, still inside of your throbbing cunt.
"i can tell, i missed you so bad too"
and you guys forgot about breakfast for a while until the burnt smell made you realize you never turned off the pan in the stove. but it was okay, you were with your boyfie and you could always do the pancake mix again !!
I am 100% sure that asks/ thoughts/ drabbles should not be this long but I just can't help it 😔 hope you guys enjoyed and that the person who requested this did too!!
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Imagine: being in a long distance relationship with deacon and you surprise him at home. He doesn’t know it and is still at the HQ. Hondo knows about your surprise and sends him home with a knowing smile after the shift. When Deacon comes home he finds you sleeping in his bed
Oh my gosh, this is adorable. I'm not totally sure if you wanted a fic or not, but I wrote one! I hope you like it and please let me know what you think!
Warnings: fluff!
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Long Distance to the Future
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Since you left Los Angeles to take a new job across the country, you’ve stayed committed to Deacon and he to you. The job is supposed to be temporary, only it is indefinitely temporary. It’s been nearly three years since you started dating Deacon, but it will be your first anniversary away from him. It would be a lie to say long distance is easy, but it’s worth it. You haven’t used a single vacation day since you started, so you’re checking the price of flights to LAX, hoping you can afford to surprise Deacon for your anniversary. The first few months of long-distance were surprisingly easy since you were getting settled and forming a new routine, but now that things are settled, you miss Deacon more than anything. The screen finally loads, and you cheer in your quiet bedroom when the low price appears. You quickly book your ticket, prepared to see Deacon in person again. You text Hondo and ask him to call when he has time, hoping to get his help in the surprise.
Your phone rings less than a minute later, and you answer before the second ring. “Hello?” you greet, expecting Hondo.
“I have big news!” your boss cheers. “You got the promotion; if you want it, its yours!”
“Are you serious?” you ask, experiencing the second miracle in less than ten minutes. “This is such an honour, I don’t know what to say.”
“Think it over for a day or two then let me know, okay? Congratulations, you deserve it!”
“Thank you! I- can I sign the contract while I’m on my trip?”
“Oh, I forgot you’re off this week. Yes, we can do it online or we can just get a written acceptance and handle the paperwork when you get back. I’ll let you get back to your vacation, but I couldn’t wait to tell you. Have a great time and talk soon.”
The call ends, and you lay back on your bed, kicking your feet up in excitement. Your phone rings again, and you see Hondo’s name, smiling as the pieces of your plan begin falling into place.
The landing in LA is a little bumpy, but nothing can take the smile off your face. You practically skip through the airport, energized by your countdowns until you are back in the same time zone, state, county, and now, city as your boyfriend. Hondo is leaning against his car, smiling, when you walk out.
“Thank you so much,” you tell him, hugging him before he takes your bag to put in the trunk.
“I should be thanking you. He misses you,” Hondo replies as he opens your door.
“I missed him, too.”
“When do you leave?”
You let the question hang, waiting until Hondo is in the driver’s seat with the door closed to answer, “About that.”
Hondo drops you off at Deacon’s house, giving you his spare key to get inside before Deacon returns from work. Waving at Hondo, you go inside and lock the door behind you. You leave all of the lights off and hide your shoes and bags in Deacon’s closet so there is no evidence of you visible when he walks in. Checking your watch, you see that Deacon should be home in about an hour, so you order his favorite food for dinner and wait in the kitchen, away from the windows (in case he gets home early), for the delivery. Once the food is dropped off, you hide the containers in the microwave and throw away the bag before walking to Deacon’s bedroom to wait. The adrenaline is wearing off, and you’re getting tired, even though you know Deacon should be home soon. Sitting on the edge of his bed, you wipe your eyes before realizing how tired you are. You yawn once and fail to find the motivation to get back up.
“Alright, Deac, head out and get some rest,” Hondo says. “The rest of us got behind on our paperwork.”
“Okay,” Deacon says, his brows furrowed as he walks by. “Have a good night, guys. Don’t work too hard.”
He walks out to his car, a little suspicious as to why Hondo seemed so eager to send him home, but he’s tired and misses you, so he’s okay with a quiet night at his house.
Parking in his driveway, Deacon sighs before exiting the car and going inside. He puts his backpack in the front closet and then walks toward his bedroom, ignoring the kitchen and planning to order food later. When he walks into his bedroom, he freezes, part of his mind telling him to get a weapon while the other works on recognizing who is sleeping on his bed.
He whispers your name and smiles when you move your arm, exposing your face. He sits on the edge of the bed beside you and lays a hand on your back, leaning down to kiss your temple. You stir slightly under his touch, unconsciously moving closer to him.
Running his fingers over your hairline and down your jawline, Deacon keeps his attention on you, questions to ask when you wake up flooding his mind.
You stir again and crack your eyes open. When you see Deacon, you sit up slightly and blink before asking, “Deacon?”
He nods, slipping his arm around your waist to help you sit up. You lean against him and look up into his eyes. You missed his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep, I was trying to surprise you and didn’t realize how tired I was, I guess,” you apologize, pinching Deacon's shirt collar between your fingers.
He takes your chin between his forefinger and thumb, looking into your eyes as he speaks. “Don’t apologize. I’m so happy to see you. Why am I seeing you?”
You laugh at his question, leaning against him as he twists you so your legs are draped across his lap as he leans against his headboard.
“I had a bunch of vacation days built up and.. I really wanted to see you. I missed you so much and our anniversary is coming up,” you explain.
“I didn’t want to be alone,” you and Deacon say together.
“Well, it’s an excellent surprise. You didn’t leave any evidence you were here. Although, how did you get in?”
“Hondo let me use his key.”
“Hondo. Of course. That’s why he wanted me to go straight home. Are you hungry?”
“I ordered food. It’s hidden in your kitchen,” you reply.
“You’re amazing.”
“I know. You’re pretty amazing, too.”
“This was an excellent surprise. Thank you,” Deacon says as he pulls you to your feet.
“There is one more thing,” you say, squeezing his hand.
“Okay,” Deacon says slowly.
“I got a promotion.”
Deacon’s eyes widen as he picks you up, twirling you around. You laugh, holding onto his shoulders. Your hands stay on his shoulders as he sets you back down.
“That’s amazing! Congratulations, you deserve it!”
“That’s not the good part.”
“What’s the good part? That seems pretty good.”
You lean up, close enough to kiss him, as you say, “It’s in Los Angeles.”
Deacon closes the small gap, kissing you like you’re his source of life. When you finally pull back, breathless and feeling whole with Deacon in your arms, you know you made the right decision to come home and take the job.
“Did you forget about the food?” you ask, laughing as Deacon kisses your cheek.
“We can reheat that. I had food earlier, I haven’t seen you in,” he looks at his watch to say, “11 months, 2 weeks, and 14 hours.”
“No minutes?” you ask.
“Just this one,” he replies, pulling you in just to push you backward onto the bed where he found you.
You laugh and cup his face in your hands. “I love you, Deacon Kay.”
“I love you,” Deacon says, his eyes glancing toward the top drawer of his nightstand, where a black velvet box is hidden. Future Mrs. Kay, he adds to himself.
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iamasaddie · 6 months
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mean & bitter
paring: Tim Rockord x f!Reader x Ramon Nomar (iykyk) rating: explicit (18+ minors DNI) word count: 3,9k~ summary: you knew how immature it was to be mocking two grown men that you worked next to, but whenever you saw them you just couldn't help yourself. They've been tolerating you for too long and now they've had enough. Secretary!Reader gets 'put in her place'.
warnings: pwp; dubcon due to power imbalance; age gap (reader late 20s - early 30s, Ramon is 40+, Tim is 50); mfm; oral m receiving, unprotected PinV, dirty talk, spit-roasting, choking, ass spanking, fingering, slight degradation; slight mysoginy but no one actually thinks like that; reader has hair that can be pulled; no use of y/n. let me know if I missed anything
a/n: big love and hugs to @noxturnalpascal for helping me out woth this little brainfart monstrosity by being the best first reader and beta <3 i love you, dearest, you make my heart all warm and fuzzy with love! and amazing and talented Han @swiftispunk , I am sending you love, adoration and I hope your day (week, month, year, lifetime) gets better from this point forward, ILY <3
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The clicking of your heels on the slippery tile floor of the precinct made the men in the office wince. It usually wasn’t the reaction you got from the opposite sex, but when it came to Detective Rockford and junior detective Nomar things weren’t so nauseatingly easy. You weren’t at war, or anything of that sort - you weren’t even in the position to be at war with them - but you couldn’t lie, getting on their nerves did send an exciting chill down your spine. A chill that traveled even further than your spine (down your panties) more times that you cared to admit.
You hated the stereotypically misogynistic behavior of your workplace. Feminism works hard, but prejudice works harder, you huffed to yourself. The fact that you were a secretary in a place filled with men who had more prestigious jobs didn’t help either. You were used to tearing men apart with your snarky remarks and cruel observations, only keeping your job with your unquestionable professionalism. 
Most people in the precinct already knew better than to get on your bad side, preferring to keep things if not friendly then at least civil, but not Rockford and Nomar. Oh no, the men walked around like they sported ten inch dicks and egos the size of the Empire State Building. Whenever you made a comment, they retorted with two, so whatever you did the best score you came out with was 1:1, but that would change today.
Late night already fell on New York, the city as bright as during the day thanks to the innumerable billboards, city lights and Christmas decorations that shone brighter than your future. When the clock hit a painfully late 10pm, your boss told you to go home as he intended to do so as well, and you nodded, saying that you’d only bring some files that needed signing downstairs and head out. You did as you told him, though quite pointlessly, seeing that every other conscious person had already left the building, leaving you alone with the exception of the security guard that was most likely flirting with the night shift janitor.
You noticed light at the end of the corridor, knowing exactly what office it came from. Before you could stop yourself, your heels had already passed the doorstep. 
Detective Tim Rockford, a handsome man a little bit over fifty with a surly demeanor and cynical view of life was sitting at his desk, his eyes closed and his thick thumbs rubbing his temples slowly. Over him, just across the table cluttered with photos and notes, was junior detective Ramon Nomar. You had laughed a few times about how a man over forty can still have a junior position, and in very clean Spanish he told you exactly where to shove your comments. You smiled bitterly when you saw the deep wound you poked. To your misfortune, Nomar was also handsome as a sin, and had an attack dog behavior, for which you called him Rockford’s little pup. Even though there was absolutely nothing little about that man.
You knew the things weren’t good for them right now, a series of murders of young girls had shaken the city and for the three months they had worked the case they were nowhere closer to finding the murderer.
Of course, you didn’t find the situation enjoyable in any way, but you did revel a bit in the misery two detectives obviously felt. You wiped the corner of your lip, fixing the red of your lipstick.
“You know, maybe it’s finally time for you to retire. Go on a couple's retreat somewhere. Maybe Sandals,” you pretended to think, tapping lips with your index finger mockingly, “that is, of course, if you managed to earn anything with what a shitty job you’re doing here.”
Rockford didn’t even open his eyes, the only acknowledgment you got was a slight tilt of the head from Ramon, who immediately dismissed you as well.
“We don’t have time for your shit right now. Get out.”
“Or what? You're gonna kill me so you could crack at least one case?”
You didn’t notice how Ramon was on you so quick, easily enveloping your neck with his hand and squeezing it, pressing you into the wall painfully.
“You think it’s fucking funny?” He growled so close to your face that you could almost feel his breath in your mouth that opened in surprise. “You think that you can walk in here every fuckin’ time you want and bother us with your bullshit?”
His hand squeezed tighter around your throat, cutting off the airflow completely and making you dizzy. Your eyes started wandering pathetically, landing on Rockford, who finally sat straight in his chair, his face completely unfazed despite the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.
“No,” you tried to push the words past your lips, but failed, making yourself look like a dying fish. Ramon shook you, your head banging against the wall as he made you look back at him. His face was screwed in anger, but there was something else behind his furrowed brows. Something that resonated with the growing dampness in your panties that you failed to acknowledge as the lack of air made you almost unconscious. 
“That’s enough, Ramon,” finally, the older man intervened and as soon as the words left his mouth you felt air filling your lungs back up. You started coughing violently and would’ve fallen with how hard you leaned forward, but Ramon’s hand gripped your hip, keeping you steady and pressed to the wall. The sound of Rockford’s shoes clicking on the tile floor approached you, and before you saw the shining leather of his footwear, you felt already familiar warmth close to your neck. “She’s just a stupid little secretary, she doesn’t understand why our work here is so important. Why we cannot be interrupted.” His hand found your jaw, squeezing it in a tight grip and forcing you to turn.
“I-- ”
But you weren’t allowed to finish, the men who practically cornered you into a wall continued talking over you as if you weren’t even there.
“Maybe we should show her, then?” Detective Nomar raised his left brow, addressing Rockford. The younger man’s hand strayed dangerously close to your ass like it was the most natural thing in the world.
“What do you -- ”
Ignored again, like an annoying mosquito that you can’t catch so you just wait for it to start sucking on your blood to kill it. 
“You really think she’s teachable? ‘M pretty sure her brain has the maximum capacity of spelling the words correctly.” The older detective sighed, as if he was exhausted at just the prospect. His partner shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant gesture. You should’ve seen it minutes ago, that this was all just a scene. Their little foreplay before the main act that they already perfectly played out in their heads. 
The men in front of you looked at each other, barely containing little smirks. Their hands on your body weren’t angry or pushing, they just reminded you that you’ve been standing in a compromising position quite willingly, with your panties wet and your thoughts tangled. You’d given them your inaudible yes when you haven’t pushed either of the men away. You were going to play their game and they knew it, it was too late to back down now.
“I don’t know,” Detective Nomar stopped containing his satisfied smile, and you watched his hand go to his trousers to adjust the intimidating bulge before he looked at you, “but we can try.”
A set of rough hands took you by the shoulders, pushing you towards the desk cluttered with papers, documents, and the pictures of tortured victims and the suspected criminals. You didn’t have much time before you were shoved roughly and bent over it, your face pressed hard into the glossy photos, your left hip crying with pain as Rockford’s name plaque crashed into it. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing,” the words came out muffled.
“Didn’t think you were that dumb, girl.” Ramon laughed, hiking up your skirt and exposing your panties. “And judging by this big wet stain,” his thick thumb traced your slit, pushing the wet fabric into your flesh, “you know exactly what I’m doing.”
The whimper you let out was pathetic, and you heard a mocking laughter behind you. You’d never heard Tim Rockford laugh before, not like that, at least. "Goddamn, girl, is this the reason you were walking around acting like a bitch for the last few months? Just wanted to get fucked?”
You whined in protest, Ramon’s thumb still working on massaging your pussy lips, squeezing and thumbing the flesh becoming exponentially wetter. Detective Rockford walked around the table, his crotch with an intimidating bulge was on the same level with your face, and he patted your head, pushing the strands of your hair away from your face with a false softness. “You don’t need to lie now, sweet cheeks,” he almost whispered, “I know you think we’re bad detectives, but with evidence like that even a Starbucks employee would crack the case.”
The embarrassment got out of the picture pretty quick with other feelings occupying your mind and body, you had half a brain cell left to think about what it all could cost you. Your career, your reputation, it all can go out of the window for a moment of physical pleasure. But you felt like everything, every little jab and comment, every sarcastic laugh and side eye adamantly led you to this moment. To the moment where you were bent over a table with one strong man already sliding your panties down your legs and the other clicking his belt and opening the zipper of his pants.
“I thought you’d be yapping your mouth all the goddamn time, but look, we didn’t even have to gag you, huh?” Rockford’s voice was calm, if a bit merry, as his fingers finished with the fly of his pants and tugged the white shit up. Ramon hummed in agreement behind you, both of his hands busy with squeezing your asscheeks, tugging them apart to look at both of your holes.
“Don’t think your dick is big enough for the job, you’re overselling yourself again, just like I think you did at your job interview.” Sometimes you hated that sarcasm was your second language, and your short temper never got you anywhere but trouble. When every movement from both men stopped you realized that you were in trouble again. Tim crouched a little to look you in the eyes, his face wasn’t bothered a bit, only a confident smile telling you that you’d been wrong. You knew that you’d been wrong just from the bulge, but you just couldn’t fight your bitter nature.
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to see, sweetheart.” His eyes raked over your face and then looked behind your shoulder, giving a little nod to detective Nomar.
His movements were fast, practiced, boxers down, cock and balls out. You choked on air when you saw the delicious monstrosity bobbing heavily in front of your face. If either of the men laughed at your reaction you didn’t hear it, blood rushing in your ears and saliva pooling in your mouth. You admitted to yourself that Rockford was handsome, you just didn’t expect every part of him to be so attractive. His cock was easily seven inches, thick with a beautiful head shaded dark pink from arousal. His shaft was curved to the right just the perfect amount, two prominent veins running on the opposite sides and meeting the underside of his cock. You licked your lips, and your pussy squeezed around nothing as you imagined him stretching you out. Tim’s hand engulfed his shaft, and even though he could fully hug it with his thick fingers, the whole picture was still intimidating. He took a step closer, his thighs cutting into the edge of the desk and his full, heavy balls almost kissing your chin. You didn’t notice how you closed your eyes, but you opened them quickly as you felt his cock slapping your cheek. Tim looked at you condescendingly. 
“Open your mouth, doll.”
You did. Not a word left you when your lips obediently parted letting as much of Tim in as you could physically muster. He was warm, heavy and almost spicy on your tongue. A taste that would be impossible to recreate, a feeling that you will never get to experience again. This moment was unique, and you moaned at the realization.
You didn’t notice the disappearance of the junior detective, all of your thoughts consumed by the man who started shoving himself inside your throat at a slow but steady pace. You evened your breathing just in time to feel Rockford’s hand closing around your throat. He moaned for the first time since he got his cock in your mouth when he felt his shaft parting your throat from the inside.
“Fuck, doll,” he was almost breathless, “your cocksucking skills are way better than your secretarial ones. Maybe you should think of switching your profession.”
His words were almost enough to start protesting, you pushed your hands up and placed them on his hips, but Tim was too quick to read your mind. 
“No, no, baby, keep your hands behind your back. If I wanted a handjob I’d tell you to give me one. But I want to fuck your bitchy throat until you can’t speak and that’s what I’m going to do.” 
You felt your hands being caged behind your back again, and a second time a belt clacked. Part of your brain that still worked told you that it was Ramon, who was absent for the last year that you’d been sucking Tim’s cock. His big hands quickly squeezed your wrists, and then you felt leather tying them together. All of it was overwhelming you, their voices, their actions, Rockford’s hand still on your throat and slowly working you up to take the full length of him even though you thought that impossible. Nomar, grabbing your tied hands before hunching over you so that his head almost touched Tim’s protruding soft belly when he whispered filthy promises in your ear.
“You look like a great fucktoy, mi amor. You should just stay like that for us to fuck you like the dirty desperate slut that you really are.” You couldn’t kill the moan, letting it spill right from your belly and vibrate in your throat, making Tim’s breath catch. “Your cunt is so fucking wet both my pants and my boxers are ruined.” 
You gurgled, trying to protest, or agree, or beg, but ended up just spluttering saliva on Rockford’s cock, making his shaft move even easier into your wet mouth. 
“Poor slut, always wants to talk back but now she’s got her mouth full.” Ramon cooed mockingly, his weight finally off your body, and his hands back on your asscheeks. You didn’t expect the rapid fire of slaps falling on both of them one after the other, making your skin burn and your nipples cry with tension in the confines of your bra. “You’ve got a great ass, let’s see if the pussy matches.”
The words laced with a thick accent barely registered in your mind, one moment you were getting used to the stings of rough hands abusing your ass, and the next two thick fingers easily found your entrance and slipped inside. You felt tears streaming down your cheeks both from losing your breath sucking the biggest cock you’ve seen in your life, and from the feeling of relief to finally have something to squeeze with your dripping core. You didn’t understand who your body belonged to anymore, but it was definitely not you.
Ramon’s fingers parted your insides easily, sliding in and out with no resistance as you dripped more and more arousal onto his hand. 
“Fuck, that’s a good pussy, should’ve checked it out sooner. So many nights with blue balls while she’s just gushing for me.” 
His fingers curled inside you and you couldn’t stop your body’s reaction, jerking your head back and almost screaming as white hot pleasure seared your body, starting from the pleasure spot that Ramon almost punched with his fingertips, continuing to rhythmically caress it. Tim let go of your throat, giving you a moment to catch your breath seeing as your body arched as if you were possessed. He placed his hand on your hair, clutching it instead and bringing you closer to your original position as Ramon abused and worshiped your cunt with his fingers at the same time. 
“You had your cigarette break, doll, it’s time to come back to your workplace,” he chuckled, breathless, and pushed your face into his balls, before dragging it up and back on his cock, letting your tongue dance over his salty skin all the way up. You resumed your position, welcoming his cock back into your throat with much more ease than before. You could almost feel his short-trimmed pubic hair touching your nose, but you weren’t quite there yet. 
You whined as Ramon removed his fingers from your pulsing pussy, but were quickly shut up by a harsh tug on your hair.
“Hold her tight,” came from behind you, and before you could protest, before you could even think about what you’d just heard, two big palms enveloped your head pressing it hard into Tim’s pelvis, and Ramon’s cock - that judging by your pussy measuring skills was at least as thick as Rockford’s, if not as long - pushed inside you in one deep thrust. Your head was getting dizzy with the lack of oxygen, the feeling of euphoria so overwhelming and new that you almost weren’t surprised when Ramon - with his cock fully seated inside you - barely touched your clit with two of his fingers, causing a body-shaking, mind-altering orgasm to leave your body weak and pliant in the hands of two still very much aroused men.
“Mired, did you see that? She just came all over me from us, filling her holes.” You knew Tim would find something to answer with if he wasn’t busy with choking his dick right above your face. When you came, he let your head fall gently on the desk, right side up. Your vision was blurry with mascara, tears, white spots of pleasure, but you still saw just enough of his tensed up, reddened face as he approached his climax. His hand swiped faster over his cock, still slippery with your saliva, and you were grateful that Rockford was conscious enough to point his cock at your cheek and lips as his hot cum started painting your skin. His breathing was labored and you thought he’d fall over you, but he took a step back and fell into his chair with a heavy sigh. 
Your eyes were closed, and your cunt twitched around Ramon’s cock who wasn’t as invested in his colleague coming on your face as you were. Instead, he was chasing his own pleasure, thinking that you were just conscious enough for it to continue being a consensual encounter. Your hands were almost numb, and you tried to move your fingers. Noticing the movement, Ramon let go of your hips, and loosened the belt.  You took one of your hands out, bringing the tingling limb to your face and running your fingers through the cooling coat of cum covering your cheek.
“Fuck, you filthy little thing,” Ramon moaned, his speed going up, his soft belly pressing into your lower back as his cock continued stretching you open. You felt the familiar tingle coming from the inside of your thighs and concentrating on the twitching bundle of nerves at the top of your slit. If you could talk, you’d beg Ramon to touch it, but all the strength left your body after your first orgasm, the strongest one you’ve had in an embarrassingly long while. Apparently something in your body betrayed your needs, or Ramon was a good fucking lover, but as if he read your mind, his thick fingers found your clit again, rubbing it gently in perfect tempo with his thrusts. 
“Come on, give me one more,” he growled, and you couldn’t disobey. Not when his shaft was molding your insides to fit his perfect shape. Not when the head of his deliciously curved cock was kissing your g-spot with every motion. “Give it to me, mi amor.”
And you did. Your mouth opened in a silent scream, throat too raw to let you make actual noise. Your body convulsed, as if you had a seizure, and maybe you did. Maybe you even blacked out, because you didn’t remember how Ramon pulled out of you at the last moment finishing on the crack of your ass. You thought that you’d been laying there for a week no less before you felt fingers running through the mess on your ass, heard slow footsteps, fingers, someone touching your face, and then fingers again parting your lips and pushing what you understood was the men’s combined cum into your wet mouth. Ramon wiped his digits on your tongue, and then patted your cheek with more gentleness that he’d had for you the entire night. 
He came back around, pushing your skirt that was hiked up at the beginning of the night down, you hissed as the material scratched your abused flesh, but didn’t say a word.
You finally had the strength to push yourself up, your legs trembling and unsteady in your heels. You were scared to imagine what you looked like right now, and your eyes looked around the office trying to find something to look at while your heart found the correct rhythm. Your eyes landed on Tim, who already looked as if he wasn’t just balls deep in your throat mere moments ago. His pants were done, shirt tucked in, the only thing that gave him away was the sheen of perspiration on his forehead and two extra buttons of his shirt undone, revealing his white wife beater that he wore underneath. 
Catching your gaze with his, he slowly stood up, coming to you slowly, like he was afraid to scare a young deer away. 
“Go clean yourself up, okay?” His voice was soft, but determined. “We’ll close the office up, and then we’re gonna wait for you in the car. We’re gonna take you home.”
You shook your head, trying to find the right words to say that you don’t mind repeating what you’d just done, but your body was physically devastated today. No matter how willing your brain was, you were done. “I don’t think…”
“Amor, we’re just going to take you home.” Two strong hands that belonged to your other lover lowered on your waist, his head falling to your shoulder in an uncharacteristically romantic gesture as he warmed your neck with his baritone. You pressed your back closer into his body, feeling the warmth and softness, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to be taken care of. “But tomorrow morning you can come over for coffee… and cream.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing full well that there was no way in hell you’d pass on that offer, no matter what it may bring. 
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silvermarley · 7 months
Hi! I just discovered your acc and I love what I have read 💖🥺 Can I make a request? 👉🏻👈🏻 today is Tanjiro's birthday so I would like a Tanjiro x fem reader smut (both are adults but his gf is a couple of years older than him) where both have been busy lately with work and don't have time for a bit of sex until one night after work his girlfriend decides to start the action and seduce him but despite the fact that they have done it before he still feels very shy with her but in the end they end up having a good sex night. Have a nice day! 😁
Thank you for reading my stuff! <3 (Ik it’s his bday by the time u asked but happy very late bday to Tanjiro 😭 so sorry I couldn’t work on this sooner!)
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Work Can Wait
Tanjiro x F!Reader
Warnings: smut, aged up, established relationship, soft sex
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Work really left no time for sex, leaving only cuddling to sleep and the other more basic things. That’s not entirely a problem to you, but you began to miss his touch in the more intimate ways.
With the seemingly never ending work you two had to do, it seemed impossible for it to happen for the time being. But you felt hope when your boss let you leave work slightly early, saying that you’ll be working the later shift the next day.
Not just that, but it seemed the gods had blessed you tonight since you got a text from your lover after you informed him of your situation.
Tan <3: Love, you’ll never believe this!
(Y/N): Go on-
Tan <3: I get to work much later in the day tomorrow, so we can finally have time to ourselves! :)
(Y/N): You’re joking.. that’s amazing!
You set down your phone on the bed and smiled happily.
Tanjiro got home about 15 minutes after you did on a normal day. But now that you had the extra time to ready yourself, you decided to put it into use.
You took a shower, and made sure you felt good.
Then you dug through your drawer to find what you wanted. You had bought a beautiful lingerie set a bit ago, it was a lovely maroon color. You bought it in hopes that something like this would happen.
With almost child-like excitement, you rush to put it on. After doing so, you admire how it complements your body. You were reminded of why you picked it to begin with.
The color was your boyfriend’s favorite. It seemed to also be close to his hair color, bringing a sense of warmth to your heart at the thought.
You continue to freshen up, making sure you looked your best. Deciding not to put your normal clothes on, you put a silk robe over it temporarily. You already knew what you would do to get what you want.
Tanjiro texted you that he was on the way home by the time you completely finished getting ready. “Great timing..” you thought.
You sat yourself on the bed and waited in anticipation for him to arrive home. You practically jumped up when you heard his car door shut just outside.
He knocked on the door, knowing you were home. When you opened the door, he didn’t notice what you were wearing at first, doing his usual routine.
You had discarded the robe, wanting to initiate what you’ve been wanting for a while.
After giving you a kiss and a warm hug, he pulls back. Suddenly his face becomes a rose color, blushing like a schoolboy.
“I-“ he started then gulped, “B-Baby.. what’s all this? You got all dolled up for me?”
You pull him down to you by his collar and gave him a peck on the lips. “Mhm..” is all you said.
He couldn’t help but stare. Something about you wearing his favorite color in such an erotic way made him feel hot.
Tanjiro pulls you in by your hips after regaining his composure. “Y-You look amazing..“ he puts his head on your shoulders and inhales. “‘Always love your scent after a long day..”
You chuckle lightly, and start running your hands on his upper body, knowing the effect your touch has on him. He lifts his head.
Taking the chance, you pull him by his hand, leading him to your shared room. He patiently follows like a lost puppy.
As you two enter the room, neither of you bother closing the door. You find your back against the wall, lips against his once more, but this time your tongues dance together in a heated makeout.
You both shamelessly moan into the kiss, knowing you two needed this. It’s been way too long.
You parted from the kiss, tugging on his dress shirt. He nods and lets you take it off of him, to which you discard the clothing to the side.
Your hands ran up and down his chest, admiring the view you missed dearly. It wasn’t long before you were forced back into another kiss by his desperate lips.
Not wanting to break away from him, you unbuckle his belt and slip it off, letting it drop.
“Fuck darling.. I-I need you..” he whispers huskily, now hastily leading both of you to the bed like a virgin who can’t wait to get his “v-card” taken away.
He hovers over you, his lustful gaze admiring you under him. He was going to make up for all the missed moments due to work.
“‘Looking so pretty..” he mumbles, kissing down your collarbone to your stomach and then your thighs.
He presses more sloppy kisses on your inner thighs until he gets right next to where you need him. Tanjiro tugs down your panties, getting harder at seeing how wet you already were.
After throwing them to the floor, his lips are immediately on your pussy. You moaned loudly at the contact, sensitive from lack of attention to it.
He groans at your taste, something he craved daily, but such a thing was out of touch. His skillful tongue worked wonders on your pussy, licking and sucking on your clit.
Your hands thread through his hair, gripping it to base yourself in reality. Even after what felt like ages, he knew just how to make you feel good.
You don’t remember when he did it, but one finger, now two, was pumping in and out of you. Your back arched off the bed, the stimulation he was giving your poor cunt after being neglected was overwhelming.
“G-Gonna cum! Don’t stop..!” You whined.
He was lost in your taste and in your sounds. He only hummed and continued his actions.
It was only when your legs were shaking and you were pushing at his head did he stop. He licked his lips, like someone who just ate a delicious treat.
He blushed wildly, his body screaming at him to fuck you. Tanjiro removed the rest of his clothing, which felt a bit embarrassing due to your staring.
He moved back over you, slotting himself back in between your thighs. His cock rubbed against your slick pussy, and you both groaned in unison.
“Y-You ready baby? Please say you are..” it’s not hard to tell he is holding himself back.
You nodded. He smiled, and kissed your lips.
“Been dreaming about this..” he whispers again as he pushes in slowly, as he always would.
“Me too..”
As he finally bottomed out, it was a feeling you both knew and loved. He wanted to wait until you were properly adjusted to him before he moved, even if it was almost painful for him.
But you couldn’t wait anymore. Not when what you’ve been wanting is right in front of you. You try to buck your hips up to get the friction you crave.
He bit his lip and knew you felt the same. You needed this now.
Tanjiro began slowing pulling out and the thrusting back in. With every one, we would find the rhythm that worked and then kept it from then on.
He had you gripping at the sheets and moaning without restraint. Not that he was any better though. He was quite loud himself, gripping onto your hips for dear life.
“God.. I missed this so much..” he breathily mutters, immersed in the clenching of your pussy on him.
You whimpered in response. His thumb, almost out of reflex, moves to your clit and rubs small circles. You arch into him more, as he leans over you carefully watching your reactions.
You felt yourself get close. Your noises increased in volume, and you tighten around him. The bucking of his hips got sloppier as he felt himself get close to the brink as well.
“Y..You’re gonna cum with me right sweetheart?” He moaned, “Please.. cum for me.”
You nodded with vigor, one hand holding onto his arm and the other digging into the sheets.
“Fuck.. cumming!” You moan, seeing white as you do.
Tanjiro groans wildly and thrusts a few more times, before spilling his seed inside you. He stays inside for a moment, then pulls out.
He watches his cum drip out of you. He has to tear his eyes away.
You chuckled, noticing his trance. He falls to the side of you when you pull him.
“Didn’t know I needed that this badly..” he laughed nervously, staring into your eyes sweetly.
“Yeah..” you agree, “I love you so much.”
He kisses your forehead. “I love you too, my love. I’m sorry work has stalled my attention towards you. I’ll make sure I can get more time with you from now on to take care of your needs.”
You lay your head on his shoulder. “That would be nice.. and I promise the same.”
Your eyes slowly flicker shut, as his voice soothes you to sleep. He smiled warmly and later decides to get some rest himself.
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timetorace · 2 years
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭
HELLO! My first Max one shot, so excited for this one. To the anon that requested it: Thank u so much I hope you like it. 
ship: max verstappen x toto wolff daughter!reader.
summary: Five years ago you used to love Max but you had to say goodbye, will you be able to save what you could have been?
warnings:  SMUT. SMUT. Unprotected sex. Oral (f! receiving). Doggy style. Dirty words. 
word count: +6.0K
waity katie: Catherine Middleton was given the nickname “Waity Katie” to mock her because of the time Prince William took to propose to her.
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May 2017 | Monte Carlo, Monaco
It was raining buckets; you weren’t surprised it rained that week. It was almost a tradition that it rained for the Monaco Grand Prix. All of Monaco was in a bubble after yesterday’s race but you were going to see him. You had decided that you had had enough. Max and you had been seeing each other secretly for a year now, long enough for both of you to know what you wanted. You had been mulling over going public since the beginning of the year while Max was still scared of the consequences. Or at least that’s what you thought at first. Now you weren’t sure anymore, especially after last night. You and Max had hung out with his friends and some mutual friends who worked on some teams. The club was full, but even so, when you had returned from the bathroom you had heard how one of Max’s friends called you “waity Katie”, the rest laughed and Max just stood there, said nothing or moved. You didn’t even try to say anything. The problem was that this had been like a wake-up call for you because when you arrived home you couldn’t stop thinking and seeing what you had lost.
When you thought about it, you realized the signs were always there, the way he changed the subject when you talked about going public with what they had or at least telling people around you like your dad. Oh, your dad. That was another thing. Your dad was Toto Wolff, who had tried to get Max to sign with Mercedes instead of Red Bull a couple of years ago but he had failed. Your dad would not be too happy that you got involved with a driver. They were strictly forbidden, especially since you were only 19 years old and most of them were much older than you.
You felt like a toy, after not sleeping the night before thinking about it you had concluded that Max didn’t care enough about you, you really hoped you were wrong though. Because otherwise, you could already feel your heart breaking. You were afraid, afraid that Max wasn’t into you half as much as you were into him.
You let out a sigh as you got into the elevator and put in the magnetic key so you could go up to Max’s penthouse. That’s how serious you thought you were, you had the key to go up to his apartment; you liked to use it to go to his house after leaving work and cuddle up against him. You liked that. Now that made you feel so stupid. Haven’t you seen the signs? Or had you seen them and ignored them because you were too into him to recognize them? When the elevator stopped at the top floor and before the doors opened, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath to prepare yourself.
“Hey, you’re early,” Max greeted you when you got out of the elevator. He was in shorts and a T-shirt watching a soccer game on television.
“My boss let me go earlier,” you explained. You were interning at a venture capital firm and living with your father, Susie, Jack in Monte Carlo. Your father was more than happy because he had always kept you at a distance, living in Germany.
“Surely he saw you hadn’t closed an eye last night” You hadn’t but not for the reasons he believed. You hadn’t even had enough to drink to have a hangover, you hadn’t stopped giving the subject a run for its money.
“Yeah, probably” You shrugged and crossed your arms. If you were going to have that conversation, you were going to stand still.
“Are you okay?” he asked, frowning.
“Yes,” You hesitated “Well, no” You added, “I think we should tell them” By them, you meant your family, his family, and possibly Max’s PR team.
“I think it’s still too early”
“Soon? Max, we’ve been doing this for a year now” “This” was referring to whatever it was you had, until yesterday you thought it was a relationship but now you thought it had actually been just an adventure or an affair all this time. “My father will get over it,” you told him before Max winced and you knew it. Toto Wolff wasn’t his problem “But my father is not the problem” You murmured before closing your eyes “Oh my God” What a fool you had been. Max wasn’t afraid of what his father might say. He wanted you as his little toy, his secret. You let out a bitter laugh. Less than 24 hours ago you were sure that he loved you. How had life changed so fast? “Don’t” You told him, taking a step back when you saw Max get up from the couch to approach you.
“(Y/N)” He called you
“I don’t want to be your dirty little secret, Max,” you said, letting out a bitter laugh. That couldn’t be happening to you “I can’t and won’t be the other woman” Max was a young promise and the girls literally threw themselves at him. You had had to shut your mouth more than once in the last year when he was involved with other girls. And above all, believe him when he told you that everything was rumors. Had he lied about that too?
“You are not my dirty little secret” That was a lie. He knew it, you knew it.
“You treat me like one,” you pointed out. It was almost as if he was ashamed of you, but you knew that in reality, he was too immature to be honest with you about it “And I deserve more than that”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that if you weren’t ready to commit, you just had to say so, Max! There was no need to have me hovering around you” You were angrier at his lack of honesty than anything else.
“It’s not that I lack commitment, it’s that for me it’s still too early”
You released an ironic laugh “You and your friends must have had the time of your lives laughing behind my back”
“No one is laughing at you, (Y/N)” He said in a calm tone that almost made you think it was all in your head.
“One of your friends called me 'waity Katie' yesterday” You pointed and saw how his expression changed to a mix between astonishment and surprise “Yes, I heard it, thanks for defending me by the way”
And then he did probably the thing that hurt you the most that night. The bastard shrugged. He shrugged. As if he didn’t care.
“They are just messing around” Was he downplaying it? Wh-What was going on? You had entered a parallel reality suddenly.
“And you let them do it?” you raised your eyebrows
“What am I supposed to do? A scene?”
“Em, yeah,” you told him as if it was obvious.
“Don’t be ridiculous”
“I’m not- “you started before stopping mid-sentence. It made little sense. He had already said everything you needed to know. He didn’t interest her. Not only was he not interested in whitewashing you, but he didn’t even care enough to stand up for you. "You know what?" You left the magnetic elevator key next to the coffee table next to the elevator. “Have a good life” You ended up turning to look at him one last time before walking towards the elevator.
“(Y/N)” He called you but you ignored him and pressed the elevator button.
“I don’t want to hear any more of your bullshit,” you replied, looking into his eyes one last time. Max looked devastatingly beautiful, as always, even with that look on your face “Not anymore” you added before the doors closed in front of you. He didn’t come back. He just stood there.
You greeted the doorman on your way out of the building. Dammit. The storm had broken, and you hadn’t brought an umbrella. Could that day get worse? Apparently yes, because when you were halfway home, soaked to the feet, your phone vibrated with a text from Max.
Max: Call me when you calm down, please?
Call him? He wanted you to call him? Hadn’t he caught the vibe? If he wanted to talk to you, he knew where you lived. He could call you instead of asking you to do so. Suddenly you realized something else. It was always you who made the effort for you. You just sent him to hell, and he was making the minimum effort. How pathetic and painful. Not even the rain could erase the tears in your eyes. It was incredibly painful to find out that a person didn’t love you even a quarter of what you loved about him.
(Y/N): Do me a favor, delete this number.
June 2022 | Montreal, Canada (Five years later)
There you were. Canada. It wasn’t like you didn’t like to travel and accompany your father from time to time, but Canada meant jet lag and jet lag. He insisted and you couldn’t tell him no, since you had moved back to the UK, you didn’t see each other as often. The bad part was that he hadn’t gotten a room in the same hotel as his, so you were staying somewhere else. What you didn’t know was that Max was staying in the same hotel as you. You were going down in the elevator to have breakfast when it stopped at the fifth floor and Max went up. Great. You two met twice but just exchanged glances or a brief hello, as if you were strangers as if you barely knew who each other was. Actually, for the rest of the world, it was like that. You two never existed.
You moved your leg up and down impatiently, looking at the floor numbers as the elevator descended. Just as they were about to take you downstairs, you saw out of the corner of your eye that Max, who had been staring at you ever since he entered the elevator, would open his mouth, ready to say something.
You beat him to it “Whatever it is, save it, I don’t want to hear it” You told him before the elevator doors opened and you shot out of there.
The fight between Red Bull and Mercedes was real. Especially after last year, when he had been world champion. You couldn’t help but be happy for him even when your father was still complaining about how Masi had given away the championship to Red Bull. Max deserved it because he was an incredible driver but also now everyone was doubting last year’s championship and you knew he wanted to show that he was worthy of being world champion. You could respect that.
That same night, when you were watching a movie and about to sleep, someone knocked on your door. When you looked through the peephole, you saw it was Max. You got nervous. Anyone could see him standing there in the middle of the corridor in front of his door.
You yanked the door open “What are you doing here? People are gonna see you,” you whispered before grabbing his arm and pulling him into your room to close the door behind him.
“I need to talk to you,” Max explained
“I don’t see why,” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You know why”
“No, I don’t, I don’t read minds”
“I wanna talk about it” You knew that by “it” he probably meant the obvious. What had happened to you? You didn’t want to put labels on it because you didn’t even know if what they had qualified as a relationship.
“About what? You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, Max.” If he wanted to talk, then they were going to talk, but first, you were going to make him suffer a little.
“I wanted to talk about what happened, in Monaco, five years ago”
“You will say”
“You tried to give me an ultimatum” Oh, if that was how he was going to start by accusing you, then it would not end any better than last time.
“After a year Max, that doesn’t even count as an ultimatum, especially when you were supposed to be in a relationship,” you replied, trying to keep your voice as calm as possible. What you had had had been a relationship, at least for you.
“We were in a relationship,” Max corrected you.
“It didn’t seem like it.” You wanted to be as honest as possible. For a year it had seemed that way, but then you realized you had just ignored the signs.
“I’m sorry, for everything”
“You’re going to need more than that Max” That he apologized was the beginning, but now that he had stirred up the past, you wanted him to really mean it.
“I was an asshole” Max ruffled the hair on the back of his neck with his hand.
“Yes, you were” There was no point in denying it when it was what you thought.
“Thanks,” He replied with a sarcastic tone
“You said it first,” You shrugged
“I’m sorry I kept you in the dark and kept you a secret,” He clarified. At least he acknowledged that he had done wrong “You deserved more”
“That’s not even the problem” Actually it was okay for Max to admit that he had been wrong for keeping you a secret but that wasn’t even what hurt you the most “You made fun of me by letting other people put me nicknames” The fact that he had said nothing. Uff, that if he had hurt “You played games with me, I didn’t deserve that” The lie had bothered you the most. He just needed to be honest with you “You could just be honest and tell me you weren’t ready for commitment in the first place”
“You’re right, I was immature”
“Yes, you were”
“I should have been honest with you”
“Yes, you should have”
“And I should have said something that night at the club”
“Yes, you should have,” you repeated with a nod. You would deny nothing or try to make him feel better about it. If he wanted to be a big boy, then he had to accept his mistakes.
“Are you going to agree with everything I say? Well, that’s something new,” He scoffed.
You shrugged. “If you’re going, to tell the truth, I won't make you feel better about yourself.”
“I’m really, really sorry” He finished, and you believed him. After he listed the mistakes he had made, you believed him. It meant that he really knew that he was wrong and that he wasn’t saying it to sweeten your ears or because it was what he thought you wanted to hear.
“Because right now?” You asked, a little curious, why he had removed all this so many years later and why he seemed so eager to clear things up, “Why did you come?”
“Your perfume”
“Today, in the elevator, I could smell your perfume,” Max explained “It reminded me of a lot of things, but it made me realize I miss you and that I could never fill the void that you left”
“We have crossed paths many times in the last few years,” you pointed out. You had not spoken, but you had seen each other on over one occasion afterward. It wasn’t like I saw you for the first time today.
“And I’ve always been able to ignore what I felt after seeing you, letting it go” Max nodded I understand what you were referring to. It was strange because his visit that night had taken you by surprise “Until today”
“And what happened today?” You raised your eyebrows.
“Today I couldn’t let go,” He said and you couldn’t help but gasp. Was he saying what you thought he was saying? “And I hate I can’t move on, get over you. Today I just stare there, watching you walk away from me and it felt painful” Oh God. Oh my God. He was saying what you thought he was saying. There were no doubts. You didn’t believe in destiny. You were a person of facts. If you couldn’t see it, you didn’t believe in it, but your heart wanted to believe Max. You hated when your heart got involved because he was the one who made you make stupid decisions.
“So…” you said after a moment of silence between the two of you, not sure how to continue that conversation or if there was actually anything else to say.
“You like my perfume,” you told him, raising your eyebrows in mockery.
Max let out a laugh “I just gave you an entire book of apologies and that’s the only thing left in your head?”
You shrugged “You said my perfume made you come here, so it’s an important fact though” You answered before he took a step towards you, closing the distance between you “What are you doing?”
“I’m kissing you,” Max answered before leaning towards you to meet your lips with yours. That took you back in time, to those sneaky caresses, to those stolen kisses and secret encounters. It took you back to his apartment in Monaco, to his couch, petting Sassy, while Max watched a football match. It made you remember him and the familiarity of him and, unfortunately, you liked that a lot. He felt like home, he felt like he belonged. When you separated you stayed looking at him but you saw how his gaze lowered a little and you noticed that from above he had a good angle of your boobs under your pajama satin tank top.
“Stop,” you told him, crossing your arms over your chest to cover yourself.
“I didn’t do anything,” He replied, feigning innocence and raising his hands up.
You gave him a reproachful look. Clearly, he was looking at your boobs, taking advantage of the fact that he was a couple of centimeters taller than you. Honestly, you weren’t expecting visitors either, so you were in pajamas and without a bra, so you didn’t want to lower your eyes to see if your panties were showing on the satin.
“Ok, sorry, it’s not my fault they’re exposed like that”
You let out a laugh “Really? You just apologized and now you want to offend me again?”
“Is a compliment”
“You are very close to being kicked out of my room” You warned him
“What do I have to do so you don’t?” He asked to give you a puppy look. You hated the way he was a professional extortionist and the soft spot you had for him.
“Stop acting like a slug when I just forgave you,” You said, and he licked his lips almost without thinking, which made you unable to prevent your mind from drifting towards not holy thoughts.
“Ok, ok, I’m done,” He said, raising his hands in a sign of innocence before you approached him a little closer, bumping your chest against his to kiss him again. Were you acting contradictory? Yes, of course, you did, but suddenly you wondered how it would feel to run your hand through his hair. To feel again the sensation of your fingers massaging the nape of his neck.
“Who’s acting like a slug now?” He scoffed, briefly separating from you to rest the back of his head against yours.
“Shut up,” you complained before kissing him again so you wouldn’t have to listen to his arrogant and stupid mouth mocking you. Max was arrogant, and he knew what generated you, you were not immune to his charms and there was no point in denying it. What were you doing messing with him five years after you dumped him? Clearly, I wasn’t thinking rationally. You were thinking about your vagina. Were you going to regret it later? Definitely not because sex with him had always been good. Now, the problem was going to happen after that. Because if there was one thing you didn’t want, it was to go back to where you guys had been and there was no chance of getting back into a relationship with Max after what had happened. You weren’t sure you could bet on yourself again.
Your hands slid down the back of your neck caressing your hair. You remembered how much you liked to do that. Max grabbed you around the waist to lift you slightly into the air and carry you to the bed. You pulled him to you again by his shirt from him when he put you on the bed. He was still wearing the same perfume. You took a few seconds to inhale his scent. That felt familiar and felt too close to make you feel sentimental. That was a bad idea. You had to act and not think. You slid your hands to unbutton his jeans before removing the Red Bull polo shirt.
“You really want to undress me I see”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up.” You had forgotten how arrogant he could be. As in everything he did, he liked to succeed in all areas of his life. You hated to admit it, but he fucked well and he was well aware of that.
He giggled and just kissed you again, making you smile between the kiss, remembering how much fun you guys could have together. Max grabbed the edge of your shorts and pulled them down your legs, along with your panties. Your legs stretched out and your feet stood on tiptoes, craving his touch. 
He moved you to the edge of the bed, and he knelt between your legs. You rested your elbows on the bed so you could see him. He ran his tongue along your folds and you gasped, throwing your head back. The anticipation was killing you. He started playing with his tongue in your pussy, playing with your opening, teasing you, and getting to know him. Max was enjoying taking you to the limit. You moved slightly, and he placed his hand on your belly to keep you still by pressing you against the mattress. He moved up your folds to your clit and sucked on it, making you let out a loud, clear moan. The way he took his time, to adore you, to make you feel as much pleasure as possible. Your hands clung to the fabric of the sheets as Max worked on your pussy. You felt how the muscles of your pussy contracted against his tongue and you knew he was stubborn enough not to stop until you came in his mouth. You moved your hips against your mouth as much as his hand pressing your belly against the bed allowed. Max nibbled lightly on your clit before outlining it with the tip of his tongue, making you crave contact as he ran his tongue around his without touching it. He knew what he was doing because two minutes later he was back at it, licking up your juices and sucking on your clit, making your cunt twitch every time he did it. Your moans grew louder as he reached for his arms to play with the tips of your nipples between his fingers. That was it, that sent you over the edge and it was all it took for you to let out a little yelp of pleasure before you came against him. Even in the post-orgasm fog, you could feel him sucking your juices. Playing with your fingers there didn’t feel nearly the same. You had forgotten what devastating orgasms were like.
Your mind was still trying to recover from the earthquake that had been your orgasm when you felt Max pull you towards him and turn you over, placing your face down on the mattress. You let out a lopsided smile. He still remembered it. Bastard.
“I still remember how much you liked to do it that way,” he murmured, pushing you into doggy style on the bed.
“Do you?” You asked, raising your eyebrows as he brushed your hair to one side so that it fell over your shoulder.
“Yes, I remember it pretty well actually,” He whispered, playing with the tip of his cock against your folds. You couldn’t help but move your ass against him “Along with your moans when you were full of my cock”
“You may imagine things,” you pointed out, letting out a gasp as you felt him place just the tip of his cock inside you.
“Do you believe so? We will see,” He said before sliding the rest of his cock inside you in one motion.
“Fuck yes” You exclaimed. You felt so full with his cock inside you.
“You were saying?” He asked, and despite having his back turned, you could feel the arrogant smile on his face.
“Shut up,” you moaned before he moved inside you. How good that felt. You were so full, so wet that his cock slid smoothly inside you. You felt how he approached your ear and played with the earlobe, nibbling on it while he rammed you hard. Max’s hands slid in front of you to play with your clitoris between his fingers, rubbing it hard and making you let out a couple of moans that came out more like screams than anything else. The combination of sensations and movements was exquisite. You needed it as much as you needed to come at that moment. You could feel your juices soaking into your thighs too. He panted and moan against your ear, causing the air to tickle you, making you want his cum more and more. You wanted to cum, you needed to cum.
“Should I-” Max asked in a gasp. You knew what he was going to ask. He always asked you the same thing when you guys had safe sex.
“No” He wanted to know if he had to get his cock out of him or not. The answer was always no, but you were taking pills and the idea of ​​having your cum between your legs really turned you on. “It’s okay”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah” You confirmed him and that was enough because he started moving faster against you. You could feel the noise of his balls slapping against your legs until the tug of your earlobe between his teeth and you knew he was on edge. You contracted the muscles of your pussy around his cock on purpose, which made you feel the first load of his cum inside you, which triggered your second orgasm of the night. How good that felt.
You rolled over to place your back against the mattress and Max threw himself next to you. You fell into silence for the next two minutes before Max spoke again.
“Everything is ok?”
You just gave him a shaky smile in response because you weren’t sure you knew what to say.
July 2022 | Monte Carlo, Monaco 
The next few weeks were a bit of a blur. You had returned to England but then found a lame excuse to visit your father in Monaco. You and Max hadn’t stopped fucking in those two weeks. If it wasn’t in bed, it was on the couch and if it wasn’t on the couch, it was on the kitchen counter. Anywhere was a good excuse to get naked. You hadn’t talked about what was going to happen to you later. On the one hand, you didn’t want to do it because you really wanted nothing more than sex. You needed to repeat it to yourself. Just wanted sex from him. You couldn’t hope for anything more about Max. They hadn’t spoken until that night. The next morning Max was going to go to Silverstone, and you were going to stay with Susie and your brother Jack.
You were both in bed after watching a football game, watching the post-game interviews with Max hugging you from behind in a spoon position when he turned down the volume.
“I grew up,” He said suddenly.
“I see,” you told him, raising your eyebrows, thinking that he was referring to his sexual abilities.
“No, not like that,” He shook his head “I’m not a kid anymore”
“Meaning that I learned from my mistakes,” He clarified.
Oh. He wanted to go there? You straightened up to separate yourself a bit from him, sitting on the couch to turn to look at him “What are you saying, Max?” You wanted to know what he meant before you said anything.
“I want to say that we deserve a second chance”
You laughed “Yeah, I’m not doing that again, you wanna fuck? Fine, but I’m not trying anything else with you ever again”
“Why not?” He asked, and you felt a little guilty for being so blunt about it, but you had to be. You felt you had to protect your heart.
“Cause we already tried once and everything went down the drain”
“(Y/N), I’m not just fucking with you, I don’t want just sex from this” Max frowned "I thought we agreed about it”
You raised your eyebrows “Apparently we are not”
“You thought I just wanted sex from you and that’s why I went to apologize? I was hoping you would have a higher opinion of me.”
“I do, It’s just that-” You let out a sigh “We already collided once Max, the last time it didn’t go very well”
“So? Let’s try again”
“Max, I-” You passed your hand around your neck “I can’t allow you to break my heart again” The feeling of losing it and the anguish of having done it that way had left you broken into a thousand pieces.
“I won’t do it”
“You can’t give me guarantees,” you pointed out
“(Y/N)” He called you taking you by the cheeks so you could look at him “I know what I did wrong five years ago and I don’t plan to do it again, this time we are going to do it right”
“And what if not?”
“Then I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you.” He replied, and the sweet way he said it made your heart race.
You sighed “Do you really want to do this?”
“Yes, I do”
“Don’t break my heart again Max”
“I won’t”
July 2022 | Le Castellet, France
You believed it could not be repeated and yet, Max and you had returned to stolen kisses and secret meetings everywhere. You had agreed to try something serious again with him, but you had not agreed to make it public yet. Now, the one who did not want everyone to know was you. The roles had been reversed. You still weren’t sure that this was going to end well, and you didn’t want to stir up the abyss for nothing.
“Ok, we need to tell them,” Max told you as he stroked your hair. You were lying on the bed of the motorhome waiting for it to be time for him to go to the paddock.
“No, we don’t”
“You know what Christian is going to do if he finds out for someone else? Eat me for breakfast,” Max complained.
You rolled your eyes “Sometimes I can’t believe how dramatic you are”
“(Y/N), we are going serious about this,” Max frowned “I thought we agreed on that”
“We do, but I don’t want to stir everything up for nothing,” You shrugged “Let’s go step by step”
“Are you afraid that we won’t last?”
“Honestly? I don’t know what’s going to happen” You confessed biting your lower lip “And I don’t want to add more factors to the equation”
“Your father deserves to at least know” Max’s family already knew and had kept it a secret, so it was only fair that your father found out too.
“Now, do you want to tell him?” Five years ago, that had been one of the turning points for you and now he kept pressing you to be honest with your father.
“I told you to grow up and I think so. He deserves to know” Max shrugged “Besides, I’m not a child. Toto Wolff doesn’t scare me”
“Sure?” It didn’t scare him as a director of Mercedes but as a father-in-law? That was a whole other version.
“I would do anything for you” He wasn’t a romantic who was always making grand gestures or saying cheesy things to you, but when he said things like that your heart swelled.
“Ok, I’ll try to tell him after this weekend”
The “after this weekend” ended up becoming “today” because you couldn’t deal with the anxiety of sharing the garage with your father and the only thing you could think about throughout the race was that you were a liar. Max’s words kept echoing in his mind. Susie was with you and Jack was staying in Monaco, so maybe with her around you could soften the blow? Would you have to tell Susie first? You walked to your father’s office. He was working on his laptop. Your flight back to Monaco was supposed to leave in an hour and the airport was five minutes away, so you weren’t surprised your father was still working. You walked into the office that had the door open, rubbing your hands, not knowing what to say, or having an armed speech. were you doing the right thing?
“What happened?” He asked before looking up at you and chuckling, “Why do you look like you’ve broken all the china?”
“I need to tell you something,” you told him, swallowing hard.
“You say,” your father replied, leaning back in his chair and putting aside his laptop. One thing you loved about him is that he always found time for you, but at the time you hated he was staring at you like that.
You decided to just blurt out the truth at once, without anesthesia “I’m kind of dating Max” You confessed with a sigh before clarifying “Max Verstappen”
Your father stared at you for a minute, which made you wonder if he had even heard you because he didn’t even blink at you “For how long?”
“For a few weeks now” You bit your lower lip
“Is it serious?”
“Yes, well, I hope it’s” You wanted to be as honest as possible with your father so that he wouldn’t believe that you simply had a crush on Max.
Your father just stared at you. He didn’t say a word. You opened your mouth to ask if he was okay before he jumped up and walked past you to leave the office.
“Dad?” You asked, walking next to him. Your father didn’t answer you, he just kept walking out of the Mercedes garage. “Dad?” You repeated a little more anxiously when you followed him into the Red Bull garage. The garage was half empty except for some engineers and Christian who seemed to review some papers.
Horner looked up when he saw your father walk past him without even acknowledging him. “Toto what-“
“Not now, Christian,” your father replied curtly. You gave Christian an apologetic smile before following your father down the hallway to the garage.
You let out a groan when he watched as he yanked open the door to Max’s driver’s room. Shit. You got to him and saw that Max was putting on his shirt with your father staring at him.
“Dad,” you called him, standing between him and Max to get into your father’s field of vision. Max reached out his hand to take one of your hands in his.
He ignored you “This is what we are gonna do, you are coming to my house when we return to Monaco and we are having dinner properly, with you as my daughter’s boyfriend because I hope you are decent enough to make her your girlfriend, are we clear?” Your father hadn’t even looked at you. He was staring at Max, who could only nod.
“Yes sir”
Your father rolled his eyes, although you could see a small twinkle in his eyes. He was enjoying having Max at his mercy “Now take your dirty hands out of my daughter,” He added without waiting for an answer before leaving Max’s driver’s room.
You giggled as your father left before turning to Max “I never thought I’d live to see you call my dad ‘sir’”
“Oh, shut up,” He replied rolling his eyes before pulling you in for a kiss. You were going to make it work. This time, everything was going to be different.
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mbappeslover · 1 year
écoute chérie // kylian mbappé | part two.
kylian mbappé x f! reader.
saw this edit on tiktok by strkvoid!!! they edited mbappé to écoute chérie by vendredi sur mer and… i fell in love. the song is sooo mbappé.
y/n got the job as kylian’s personal assistant. his previous assistant fired for unknown reasons. y/n had heard about kylian mbappé and his terrible attitude. she wasn’t excited to work with him. but, turns out.. he’s actually not that bad.
read part one first.
read finale.
“and then, he says he’ll call me in the morning. like what?”
y/n got home later that night and the first thing she did was call her friend to tell her of the events that went down.
“y/n, relax. i don’t know why you’re thinking so hard when it’s crystal clear.” y/n friend says.
“what’s crystal clear?” y/n asks.
y/n hears a deep sigh over the phone.
“you are such a idiot. it’s clear that he likes you, y/n! he’s interested in you.”
“but, i am his personal assistant. that can’t happen, he can’t be interested in me. do you want me to lose my job? i know i don’t.” y/n whines.
“i don’t know about you, but no regular boss does that to someone he only sees as a worker. an assistant… i’m just saying, if i were in your position, i’d be thinking of things to do when i become a wag.”
“shut up! i am not going to be a wag, i cannot stand you. plus, he literally hates me.” y/n rebuttals.
“again y/n, let’s use our brains. didn’t he say he had a reason. he was flirting with you and you think it’s nothing! you better go to his house tomorrow to find the answer.”
“okay, mom. you better be right about this.” y/n accepts in defeat because her friend is making a great point.
“mhm. i’m so tired, go to sleep y/n.”
“goodnight.” y/n says before hanging up.
you wake up to your phone ringing. it’s 8am.
‘who’s calling me at this time.’ you think to yourself.
still halfway asleep, you answer groggily.
“hello, who’s this?”
“waouh, j'ai mal. pourquoi mon numéro n'est pas enregistré? (wow, i am hurt. why is my number not saved?)”
hearing the voice of the caller, you fully wake up immediately.
“no, no, kylian. i do have your number saved, i just, you just woke me up and i was still asleep, so i, i just answered the phone without lookin-“
“relax, i’m just joking. bonjour, y/n.”
even if it was way too early, kylian’s voice being the first thing you heard after waking up; it had to be the best thing ever.
“bonjour kylian, comment vas-tu? quelque chose est arrivé? (hello kylian, how are you? did something happen?)” you greet him back.
“no, nothing happened. i told you i would call you in the morning. i wanted to inform you that i decided to take a day off. so, you also have a day off.” he says.
“oh okay, is that all?” you ask.
“yes, that’s all. i’m outside of your building, get dressed and come down.”
you immediately sit up, removing the sheet off of yourself.
“what?! how are you? why are you…? you know what. didn’t you say today was my day off?” you question, confused.
“who said you’d be working? just come downstairs.” he says before hanging up the phone.
you calmly set your phone aside, before picking up a pillow, holding it up to your face and screaming in frustration.
you didn’t know what you were expecting, it sure as hell wasn’t that.
you hop in the shower and get dressed, wearing a black crop top, with black oversized cargo pants and panda nike dunks. you do a quick hairstyle and no-makeup makeup look before rushing downstairs.
it was a bit chilly in paris today, and you forgot to grab your coat before leaving the house.
you got downstairs but didn’t see the usual all-black van with extra dark tinted windows. it’s the car most celebrities drive in.
‘i thought he said he was outside…?’ you wonder, the wind making you shiver a bit.
you were about to pull out your phone to call him, when a red ferrari 488 pista pulls into the driveway.
the windows were tinted so you couldn’t tell who it was.
till the driver stepped out the car.
it was kylian. and, kylian looked so good.
he was wearing black airforce ones, cargo pants that cuffed at the ankles, a black shirt, with a light brown leather jacket.
you saw him outside of his practice uniform, it was usually athletic clothing, like a nike tech.
but, this?
he was all dressed up, and looked so nice.
“hello, y/n. over here! i knew you’d take a little while so i decided to get us something hot to drink in the meantime.” he said waving.
you walk up to kylian.
“this is yours? you’re so fancy.” you say in a teasing tone, running your index finger along the shiny exterior.
“yeah and rich.” he says confidently. he had his elbow propped up against the car door.
“whatever, you’re just kylian the crybaby in my eyes.” you scoff jokingly.
“don’t get too comfortable, miss y/l/n. i’m still your boss.” he says in a warning tone, of course, joking.
“you’re right. i don’t wanna go back to getting mean mugged all day for no reason.” you say, leaning against the car, crossing your arms.
“you know, you still have to explain to me why i deserved that.” you continue.
kylian just looks at you, up and down.
“where’s your coat? didn’t you know it’d be a bit chilly today? you look like you’re freezing.” he asks.
“is it that noticeable? i thought i was hiding the fact that i’m cold pretty well.” y/n says, a little disappointed.
kylian’s pov:
“is it that noticeable? i thought i was hiding the fact that i’m cold pretty well.”
there she goes with the unintentional pouting again, she just doesn’t know how cute she is.
on top of that, she had the nerve to dress so simple yet look so stunning.
he began to take off his jacket.
“what are you doing?” the woman in front of him questions.
“what does it look like i’m doing, cher?” he says trying to hand over the jacket to her.
y/n looked at the jacket, then looked at kylian.
‘please don’t be difficult.’ he hopes to himself
“i’m not wearing it.” y/n says before turning around, making her way the the passenger side.
he follows behind.
“yes, you are. you’re going to wear it.”
she reached to open the door, kylian quickly maneuvered in front and opened it for her.
“i’m going to make sure you won’t have to touch any door when with me.” he says to her, he didn’t realize how close they were to each other.
y/n’s pov:
he always does this. these small moments where they’re saying so much, yet so little.
her heart was beating, fast. abnormally fast.
after an intense stare down, y/n complies.
“fine, give me your stinky jacket.”
“stinky? you’re childish. i could never stink and you know that.” kylian says smirking as y/n slides on the jacket.
“he swears he’s all that and a bag of chips.” mumbles to herself.
“huh, what was that?” he says.
“nothing, what’s the plan for today?” you question, entering the car, kylian made sure you were properly seated, before closing the door for her and jogging to the driver’s seat.
“put your seatbelt on and here, this is for you. i got you some ginger-lemon tea. it tastes amazing.” he says pointing to the cup holder.
you thank him as he starts the car.
you sip on the tea, as you look out the window. you still didn’t know what the plan was today, but, obviously you weren’t gonna ask anymore questions because he wasn’t going to answer anyway.
it’s quiet, extremely quiet. but, it isn’t awkward, it’s quite nice.
why does the world suddenly slow down when i’m with my boss?
it’s ten minutes into the drive and kylian break the silence.
“earlier, you asked me what’s the plan. today’s plan is i’m taking you shopping.”
you choke on your drink.
“no.” you say after clearing your throat.
“no?” kylian questions, taking his eye off the road for a second to analyze your face.
“but, why?”
“why? just because.” kylian answers.
“you’re lying.” you shoot at him.
“yes, i am.” he shoots back.
kylian’s pov:
“what’s your deal?” she questions him.
“i can’t treat my assistant out to some shopping?” he says.
obviously, this isn’t normal. but, he likes y/n. he’s accepted that.
he still feels bad about the way he treated her.
he wants her.
“you’re not fooling anyone. i see right through you, mr. mbappé.” she scoffs.
“it’s kylian.” he replies, smirking.
they spent most of the day together at an extremely fancy mall in the heart of paris. places where only the elite shop: athletes, models, actors. so, the two didn’t need any security or had to worry about running into fans and paparazzi. it was just the two of them.
or at least they thought.
it was around 12 o’clock when they finished going through every store.
kylian bought y/n too many things.
when they first made it there, y/n refused to even set her eyes on anything in the shops because they were insanely expensive.
“we aren’t leaving here till you buy at least three items, please, i wanna do this for you. buy whatever you please.” kylian says to y/n.
y/n sighs before accepting it, she was grateful but she didn’t wanna use his money.
a few stores later, she lets kylian purchase exactly three things for her: christian louboutin so kate red bottoms, jacquemus asymmetric draped midi dress, and the chanel classic double flap bag.
the whole time kylian couldn’t keep her eyes off of her. he felt so happy, seeing y/n wear his leather jacket and him paying for anything that grabbed her attention.
they were making their way back to the car. kylian holding the bags.
“11.9K, not bad.” kylian says humorously.
“stop it, i will literally turn us back around and go return everything.” y/n says, still feeling a little bad for letting him spend that much.
he laughs.
“seriously, thank you, kylian. i’ll make sure to work over time to pay you back.” y/n says observing his face. if y/n had to choose her favorite part of kylian, it’d probably be his eyes. they were beautiful. big and clear. or his personality, he said so much, even when saying little. he had amazing comedic timing.
“pay me back? i offered to do this for you. i wanted to do it. i don’t expect to receive anything back.”
okay. she couldn’t deny it anymore. since day one, y/n was attracted to kylian. no doubt. he’s smart, he’s talented, he’s strong minded, with a strong heart. he’s an inspiration.
she smiled big, opening her arms to engulf kylian into a hug.
it obviously took him by surprise as he stumbled back. but, tried his best to hug her back with the bags in his hands.
they hug for a lengthy time. taking in each other’s warmth, shuffling from side to side. kylian smelled amazing, like a smoky, deep aroma.
y/n backed up, still at a close proximity with both hands on his shoulders.
“thank you, a million times. are you hungry? let’s go to your house. i’ll make you something very good to eat. c’mon.” you say, intertwining your hands with kylian’s sorta dragging him to the car.
you felt like you were in primary school again, having a stupid little crush and being all excited over it.
you two arrived to his penthouse. even if you were here the day before, you were still amazed at the beauty of his apartment.
you handed kylian back his coat, thanking him once more for letting you hold onto it this morning.
“i’ll set these down over here for you.” kylian says, referring to the shopping bag.
you hummed in response. making your way to the kitchen. looking through the fridge and cabinets to see what you’d be able to make.
kylian made his way to the kitchen island and took a seat there, watching you.
you turn around, “how does oven baked chicken and rice sound?”
“good. is there any way i can help?” he asks.
“mmm… no. just sit there and look pretty.”
“you think i’m pretty?”
“go to your room, kylian.”
“you said it, can’t take it back.”
“leave the kitchen, right now. go watch tv or something. the food won’t take long.” you say, shoo-ing him away. he laughs before getting up, plopping himself on the couch and turning on some tv.
he’s always laughing, loud and goofy.
you like it.
it was now 1 o’clock.
the food was ready. this time, two plates and two empty glass cups were set on the island.
“kylian, the food is ready, come eat!” you call out.
he gets up immediately and makes his way to to kitchen.
you see him approach with wide eyes, each second he gets closer, he gets even more amazed at the food.
“you don’t know how hungry i was, smelling the food didn’t help me much either. seeing it up close, is even better. how can you cook so well? i could kiss you right now.” he says enthusiastically, sitting down on the stool chair.
what did he say???
“ok, kiss me, what’s stopping you?” you chuckle, you were joking, but, serious. there was some seriousness in that sentence.
kylian looked up from the food fast, you could tell by his expression he wasn’t expecting you to say that.
“i’m just kidding. oh my gosh. you look like you were about to catch a heart attack, kissing me wouldn’t be that bad, you know.” you say playfully.
“anyways, what would you like to drink? water or orange juice. those are literally the only drinks you have in your fridge.” you ask, changing the subject.
“water would be fine, thank you.” you pour water into the two glass cups. you put the water back into the fridge and make your way around the island to sit next to kylian.
you two eat, sometimes occasionally staring at one another, and laughing when eye contact is made.
again, it’s nice.
you set your utensil down, sipping on some of the water before starting conversation.
“oh yeah, you told me you’d tell me why you treated me that way. i feel like now is the perfect time.”
he looks up, chewing the remaining food—wiping his mouth with some paper before sighing.
“yea i did tell you i would, it’s a long story but i’ll shorten it for you.”
it’s quiet, he looks to be deep in his thoughts. he looks hurt?
he begins, “i had a personal assistant before you. i got along with him very well. i thought we were buddies, we hung out like friends. multiple articles began coming out, stuff like ‘people close to young football prodigy reveals his terrible attitude and large ego.’ my manager and i thought it was just press doing their thing for some clicks and views. till more personal information of mine began to spread.”
he stops, sighing hard again.
“i just don’t know what i did for him to do that… we found out it was my assistant spreading rumors about me. things that were untrue, he got paid to fabricate stories. it really ruined my reputation. and it messed with me, i thought i had a genuine friendship with the guy.”
you pat and rub kylian on the back.
“oh, kylian. i’m so sorry.”
he looks you in the eye.
“no, y/n. i’m sorry. when i got the news of me getting a new personal assistant, i didn’t like the idea of it at all. i didn’t wanna have to deal with something like that again. so to make sure history wouldn’t repeat itself, i was awful to you. to see if you’d ‘rat me out’ to those gossip blogs. and i feel terrible, because you’re so sweet.”
you take his hands into yours.
“i forgive you.” you say, smiling sweetly at the man next to you.
he smiled, radiantly.
“thank you, y/n.”
“no problem, now, if you’re done, let me put your dish in the sink and go sit on the couch. i’ll cheer you up.” y/n says, gently removing her hand from kylian’s while getting up.
he listens, making his way to the couch.
kylian’s pov:
‘she’s perfect. she’s the one for me and she just doesn’t know it yet. i don’t care if she’s my personal assistant, i don’t want to be her friend. i want her.’ kylian thinks to himself while sitting on the couch. the only thing making noise is his mind and the water running as y/n clean the dishes.
y/n’s so patient and polite with him. he wants to build a healthy relationship with her.
his mind was making so much noise that he didn’t register that the girl on his mind, was seated next to him. staring at him.
“are you alright, mbappé?”
“hm? yes, yes i’m fine, y/l/n. so, how are you gonna cheer me up?” he responds.
“i’m gonna put on the dress you got for me, for you.”
‘i have got to be the luckiest man on earth.’ he thinks.
he’s rendered speechless. he didn’t know what to say so he just nods.
he watches y/n grab the bag and make her way to the bathroom.
for some reason, he’s nervous.
‘you���re acting like a virgin right now, loosen up.
you bastard, i am not acting like a virgin.
you sure are.
no i’m not. i am kylian mbappé. virgin who-‘ he says arguing with his consciousness.
he sees her walk out the bathroom.
y/n is the most beautiful person kylian has ever set his eyes on.
he sees she’s shy, kinda reserved as she walks towards him with a small smile on her lips.
“so, do you like it?
‘what sort of question is that?’ he wonders.
“do i like it, y/n? i love it. it hugs you in all the right places.”
he sees her blush.
“you’re cute, y/n. behind all that fiesta girl act you put up, you’re a little sweetheart.” he says, trying to get her to blush more.
it works as her smile beams.
he quickly grabs the remote, going on youtube and typing in a song.
he clicks on the video and the song begins, lyrics filling up the room.
‘j’ai pas fait semblant, j’te jure.’
he makes eye contact with her, smirking.
“it’s our song.” y/n says.
“yes, our song. come here, let’s dance. you look gorgeous.” he says, getting up.
they slowly close in on each other, shy giggles being shared. soft touches being placed.
‘partir, venir, mourir, courir.’
kylian has his hands wrapped around y/n’s waist, y/n’s arm around kylian’s neck. they weren’t making eye contact, but, they were pressed up against each other. in a tight hug as they swayed to the beat.
‘je te dirai que je t’aime.’
kylian lifts his face from the curve in your neck.
“you smell so good.” he whispers in your ear.
a feeling in your stomach began to tumble in at the breathlessness of his voice.
at that time, nothing mattered to the neither of you. forgetting that kylian’s your boss and you’re his personal assistant.
you look at him.
eyes connecting, like always.
“mhm?” you say, looking back into his eyes.
you two just look into each other’s eyes, then at each other’s lips, before the eyes again. their song playing in the back.
at the same time, you two lean in.
‘tais toi, écoute chérie. j’ai pas le temps.’
your lips meet.
one word to describe it: euphoric.
it was intense, but, soft and short. like the feelings they started growing for each other in such a short time.
they pulled back at once, they’re always connected, in sync with each other.
‘courir, partir, venir, mourir.’
kylian is the first to dive back into the kiss with more passion. y/n reciprocated it back. it’s like craving a sweet caramel candy, knowing you shouldn’t eat it because of cavities.
it feels so right, though.
his hands went lower, lightly gripping your bottom before caressing it.
“wait, kylian.” you say backing up from the kiss.
“is everything ok?” he asks concerned, backing up from you to give you space.
“c'était parfait. (it was perfect.)” you answer.
“but, this isn’t right. i’m your personal assistant, kylian.” you continue.
“so? i don’t care about that, obviously. i know this is a drastic change, but i want there to be an us. i’ve been attracted to you since the day i saw you in the psg office. i really wish we could’ve met under better circumstances, but, i still wanna get to know you. we can move at your pace.” he explains, getting closer to you, placing his hand around your waist again.
y/n thinks about it.
‘écoute chérie, c’est maintenant.’
she looks into the eyes of the boy who’s on her mind, all the time.
“i do have a tiny crush on you, sir. we’ll work this out, right?”
“yes, we will.” kylian says, landing his lips onto y/n’s.
a/n (author’s note):
y’all the clutch for this was insaneee, i was so motivated thanks to the kindness i received from dropping écoute chérie part one. i hopeeee y’all enjoy this, it was so fun to write. it’s not completely revised as of rn so if u see any mistakes, it should be fixed in short time. as the saying goes… it’s calm before the storm. ecouté chérie part three is on the way! thank u for reading <333
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 year
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[1:56 pm] 
(cw:reader wears lipstick)
You hated work. For all the usual reasons of waking up early, annoying bosses, and even more annoying coworkers. You worked long days and you worked hard, you go home every night exhausted, but this wasn’t why you hated work.
You hated work because you hated Doyoung. Well, hate was a strong word- you did love him but you hated your relationship at work. What had started as a rivalry had blossomed into a secret office romance. When you both entered the company you were both eager, young interns hungry for jobs in one of the most prestigious companies in the country. You hated him at first. You hated how he stepped on your toes, kissed the bosses ass, and corrected you any chance he got. But there were too many nights when you were both the last ones in the office, delirious and sleep deprived that you both got closer. There were less snarky comments and more compliments which turned into a relationship.
You were excited, a boyfriend with your same drive and motivation in the same company. You could see him at any time you wanted. What was less exciting was that Doyoung was a stickler for rules. You were now both heads of department, you were head of sales and Doyoung was head of marketing, as heads of department you “both had to be examples for those who worked under you and and office romance would not be the way to do that.” He hadn’t even cared when you mentioned how close you were with one of the girls in HR who could handle all the paperwork. He just laughed in your face and told you that no one in HR was really your friend.
And so it went. Some days you would spend the night at Doyoung’s and some night he would sleep at yours, and no one seemed to pick up on the fact that you’d both enter the office at the same time every time. It irked you.
There were days though, like today, where Doyoung would be more lenient with the rule following. Usually when you both went too many days without spending time together outside of work, like when one of you stayed at work too late to bother going to the others. Days where he would sneak you into a supply closet and press you against the shelves and kiss you until you were out of breath.
You were grasping at his shoulders, gasping as his teeth nipped the spot right behind your ear that drove you crazy. “I have a meeting at 2, I can’t be much longer,” he said breathily, hot breath hitting your ear.
You pressed hot kisses down his throat, tugging on his tie so his ear was next to your mouth, “You don’t want to be late then Mr. Kim.”
You could hear him gulp as he stepped back, running his fingers through his hair to fix it. You straightened out his shirt and tightened his tie, then used a finger to wipe away at the lipstick around his mouth.
“Ok, you got this, my love. Good luck and let me know how it goes, I have a meeting at 4 with the finance guys,” you rolled your eyes, you hated them.
“You’re smarter than them,” Doyoung told you as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Wait 2 minutes before you leave and check to see if the coast is clear.”
“Yes Mr. Kim,” you smacked his butt smiling at his shocked expression, “I love you.”
He was blushing, stuttering as he looked at you with wide eyes, “I told you not to do that at work.” You shrugged nonchalantly, staring at your reflection on your phone as you fixed your smudged lipstick. He gulped again, “I love you too, text you after my meeting.”
Then he was out the door. He walked toward the conference room, smiling at his secretary as he took the stack of papers from her arms.
He reached for the handle of the conference room door before he stopped, “Um, Mr. Kim?”
He looked at her questioningly, he had one minute before he was right on time, which for him was late. “You have… red lipstick on your collar.”
He froze, it took every fiber of his being to fight the embarrassment from showing on his features. “I had spaghetti for lunch, must have eaten pretty messily. I have an extra shirt in my office, please go ahead and let them know I’ll be right back.”
He rushed down the hall toward his office, as she smiled at the sight of you, with fresh red lipstick, peeking out of the supply closet before you stepped out and strutted your way to your office at the opposite end of the hall.
Yeah right, spaghetti for lunch. Had Doyoung forgotten she ordered a salad for his lunch? She and your secretary were going to have a blast talking about this later.
a/n: i love them
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vastill · 1 year
I was wondering if you could make a Rebecca Welton x fem!reader fic where Rebecca and reader were childhood friends but got separated when reader moved away. Now, reader is back and they end up learning they both had crushes on each other when they were children while attending an event.
Unexpected meeting
Rebecca Welton/fem!reader
warnings: hurt/comfort, cursing, some kind of slow burn, let me know if there are more
words: 3000+
My requests are open!!
English is not my first language!
A/N: thank you so much for request! i changed it a little but i hope that you will like it! it's my first Rebecca fic so i'm anxious and excited:) let me know what you think!💚
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“Howdy, Boss!” Ted said walking into Rebecca's office and handing her fresh biscuits. “You have any plans tonight?”
“Good morning Ted, no I don’t think so, why?”
“I’m trying to set up a party for my friend. She is coming from Kansas here to see family and I thought it would be nice to welcome her in and maybe introduce you guys. What do ya think?”
“Yeah, sure I will try to stop by, thank you for the invitation.”
“Great! See you later Boss!” Ted exclaimed as he was walking out of the office. “Oh! We will be at Mae’s!”
Rebecca shook her head as she watched Ted leave. She made a mental note to swing by Mae's at some point but hoped she could make a quick appearance and then slip away unnoticed.
You were at Ted’s apartment getting yourself ready for dinner he told you about earlier this morning. He didn’t tell you anything besides that he would meet you when he come home. You were sure that he is plotting something but decided to not worry too much. You need to let Ted be Ted, you learned that early in your friendship.
You had met Ted in high school when you moved from the UK to Kansas. When you first met him you couldn’t understand him, how are this man constantly happy and optimistic about everything? But with time and getting to know him more and more your friendship bloomed and here you were years later still together as always.
But being in England for the first time in so long brought some unpleasant memories.
Your father got a promotion in his job but it required moving to America. It was hard to leave everything behind, you were just a teenager and had all of your friends here. It was especially hard to leave your best friend, Rebecca, she was your everything. When people think about soulmates, she was yours.
“Becca, I need to tell you something.” You said your voice getting stuck in your throat instantly. You dreaded this moment. “I’m moving away. My father got a promotion, and we have to move.”
“Silly, I know we live close now but a couple more minutes won’t make a difference.” Rebecca said to you while giving you a hug.
“No, Rebecca. We are moving to America. It won't be a couple of minutes, it will be hours.” Your eyes teared up, and when you said that to her it became real. You are moving away. Moving away from her.
“What?” You observed her face, her smile disappearing as the realization came through. “No. Tell me you are kidding, tell me it's your another stupid joke.” You only shook your head, you couldn’t get your words out. Her eyes filled with tears as she watched you. “No, I’m not letting you go. You can’t go, please, you can’t go. Not now.” She said her voice full of emotions she was feeling.
You embraced her as the two of you cried into each other shoulders. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Becca. I don’t want to go either. Everything will be good darling. You have Sassy here, she will take care of you when I’m away.” You said into her head that was resting on your shoulder, you could feel your shirt getting wet from her tears. “We will make it work Becca, we have to.”
She raised her head to look you in the eyes. “You can’t go now, not now when I-” Horror crossed her face for a second as she stopped herself mid-sentence.
“Not when you what?”
“Nothing, nothing. Never mind.” She quickly blurted out. “Now come here give me a hug, lots of hugs.”
As you sat in her embrace you felt your heart ache as you remembered all the good times you shared with Rebecca. The sleepovers, the movie marathons, and all the inside jokes. You wondered if you could ever find a friend like her again. But she wasn’t only your friend, you were sure you loved her. Loved her more than friends should love each other. You wanted to confess your feelings for her but the time didn’t seem right. Your departure messed everything up.
The next few weeks were a blur of packing, goodbyes, and tears. You tried to spend as much time with Rebecca as possible, making memories to last until you saw each other again.
And then the time for your departure came, she was at your house for your last goodbye. Tears streamed down your cheeks and you promised to keep in touch, call as often as you can. You hoped that your friendship will last forever.
At first, everything was nice, you made new friends in your high school and kept in touch with Rebecca but not everything was meant to be forever. There were a few calls a month or even only one a month and your contact slowly disappeared. You were heartbroken but didn’t want to disturb her so you stopped calling and tried to move on with your life. But there wasn’t a second that you weren’t thinking of her.
And now you were here again, you were in England wondering if you should make a call to her or do something to meet her again. But you didn’t know if she even remembered you. You hoped she did.
“Howdy, are you ready? We need to go out in a second!” Ted's voice startled you from your daydreaming. You didn’t even hear him coming into the apartment.
You shook your head to clear your thoughts and put on a smile to greet Ted. “Yeah, let's go.” You replied, grabbing your jacket. As you walked out of the door, you couldn't help but wonder what could have been if you had stayed, if you had stayed with Rebecca.
But now wasn’t the time to wonder, you had a surprise waiting for you.
You arrived at Mae's with Ted by your side and instantly was greeted by his friends from work. Everyone seemed really friendly, maybe except Roy he scared you a little, but right away you were swooped by a girl named Keeley. She had a bubbly personality and so many questions, to be honest, you didn’t quite keep up with all of her talking. She asked about everything from work topics to your personal life, she was a handful, but it was nice. You felt welcomed and in the right place.
“Sorry for interrupting girls,” Ted said “first how are you feeling? Is everything good? I know it’s a lot, all of those people and all of that?” You were grateful for him and for his concern about your well-being.
“Thank you, Ted, everything is good, Keeley is a fun company. Maybe I will get some gossip from your club.” You said sending Keeley a wink.
“For sure you will get that but I have one more thing. Keeley, do you know if Boss will stop by? I talked to her earlier but you know girls talk and all of that maybe she told you something.”
“Don’t know, sorry Ted.” Keeley said with a frown on her face.
“Is it this boss you keep telling me about? I need to meet her, connect your blabbering with a face.” You said curious if she really was like Ted described her to you, she was some kind of mystery to you. Gorgeous mystery if Ted was telling the truth.
Ted laughed “Yep, that’s the one. Fingers crossed that she can make it here. She is a busy lady.” You chuckled at his words. “Okay, I’m not keeping you away from your daily dose of gossip! I will catch you later!” And with a mention of gossip Keeley started talking, she told you all about every player that club has, every single detail she knows. But you were hardly listening, your mind wandering to the mystery boss. You would be lying if you said that the idea of meeting her intimidated you. After all, this was someone who owned the club.
As you wandered about her, Keeley's screech interrupted your line of thoughts. She shot up from her chair and sprinted toward the entryway.
And there she stood. Tall, statuesque blonde she was gorgeous as Ted said but you didn’t quite see her face. Keeley let her from the hug and you were at a loss of words.
There she was, your Rebecca. All those years later you got to see her. You couldn't believe your luck. Rebecca was here, in front of you, and she still looked as beautiful as ever. You couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions as you saw her.
“Boss! Glad you made it! I need to introduce you to my friend!” Ted exclaimed as he spotted Rebecca. And first time in years your eyes locked. You didn't know what to do or say. All the scenarios of you two reuniting and how it would go vanished. You just stood there, staring at her, hoping she would say something first. But she just stood there, looking at you with a mixture of surprise and confusion.
Ted broke the silence, “Rebecca, this is my friend I told you about earlier today. This is-”
“Y/N?” She didn’t let him finish too shocked to see you to even care.
“Yes, that’s her name. How do you know that?” Ted was confused, he never mentioned your name in their conversations.
You didn’t pay attention to what he said too absorbed in looking at her, admiring her beauty. “Becca? Oh my God! Rebecca fucking Welton that’s really you!” You exclaimed and embraced her in a tight hug trying to make up for all these years apart. Everyone just stared at you two exchanging confused looks between each other.
“What the fuck is happening? What are you doing here?” She asked still confused.
“Decided that it’s a good time to maybe come back to my roots. I don’t know Becca, I’m still figuring it out.” You let out a laugh don’t entirely believing that she is in front of you.
“I’m sorry but what the fuck? You know each other?” Ted asked, he looks like a lost child his eyes going from you to the blonde.
“We grew up together.” Rebecca answered. “We were inseparable until this little shit had to move away.” She said trying to mask her hurt voice behind laughter but you knew her well despite all these years.
“I’m sorry darling,” the pet name you used to call her easily slipped into your sentence, “you know I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to leave you.” You said looking directly into her eyes.
The others sensed that the atmosphere was growing serious, so they left you two space to talk.
“But you stopped calling. Not me, you!” Her voice groggy from the feeling she was feeling. “Why did you stop? I was waiting each week for your call and it never happened. You left me wondering if I did something wrong. Fuck this thought haunts me to this day.” She averted her eyes from you to not show you how hurt she was by your actions.
“Darling, look at me. I can’t say how sorry I am but at the time I thought it was the best decision. I didn’t want to disturb you. I wanted to let you enjoy your life here.” You took her hand into your own. “Also I was selfish, I’m sorry that I didn’t think about your feelings, I needed to do that for me. I needed to move on. I thought that was possible but my darling Rebecca it never happened. And I’m regretting this shitty decision to this day. How different our lives could be if I didn’t fucked it up. I’m so sorry.” You said with tears in your eyes. You didn’t know you had hurt her this badly, you were sure that not calling her would be good for her.
Rebecca looked at you with a mixture of emotions, hurt and anger mixing with happiness “I needed you, Y/N. You were my everything and you left me alone. Alone with all those feelings and unsaid words. I had to deal with everything on my own and it wasn’t fucking fair.” She said softly, tears glassing her eyes. “But seeing you now, after all these years, I can’t help but feel happy. I missed you so much.” You pulled her into another embrace, feeling the weight of her words and the years of separation between you two.
“I missed you too Becca. So fucking much you have no idea. There wasn’t a day that the thought of you didn’t cross my mind. I may have left you here but you never left my heart.”
“And you didn’t leave mine, sweetheart. Never.”
You two spent some time alone at the bar, catching up on the last years you were apart. You both laughed at the memories of your childhood and teenage years. The conversation was easy, comfortable, and filled with warmth. You found yourself being drawn to her all over again, and it was clear that the feeling was mutual. You could feel the electricity in the air between you, and it was as if you were teenagers again.
“You remember when Sassy where climbing to your balcony for the first time? She almost fell off three times. And you were standing and not helping at all!” You two laughed as you pictured her terrified face. All those nights spent in her room gossiping and stealing her parent's liquor passed through your mind. How happy you were when she was beside you, this feeling of comfort that she brought to your life.
“Like you were better than she! You fell off on your first time and woke my parents up!” She laughed and you blushed at the memory. This was the night when you realized that you have a crush on her. A massive crush.
“Y/N! Fuck, are you okay?” Rebecca whispered from her balcony looking at you with worry in her eyes.
“I’m okay! I’m okay!” You shouted quietly when you landed on your back in her backyard. You only hoped that you didn't wake her parents up but a fool has more hope than the wise. And in seconds her mother appeared in the backyard.
“Girls! What are you doing? Do you know what time it is?” She scolded both of you. “Y/N what are you doing on the ground? Couldn't you get into the house like a human? Through the door?” She looked at you disappointed.
“Sorry, Mrs. Welton.” You said with your head hung low.
“Come on you won’t be spending the night here.” She walked you to Rebecca's room. “Good night girls. Don’t do anything stupid. I need my beauty sleep.” And with that, she was gone.
“Fuck! I told you it was not a good idea!” Rebecca whispered to you angry. “Are you sure you are okay? Does nothing hurt you? Let me check.” She quickly said and grabbed your arm to inspect for bruises.
“Darling, I’m okay. It wasn’t that far. It’s okay, stop worrying.” You felt sparks when you locked your gaze with hers. You couldn’t stop looking at her, she was so beautiful. How you wanted to kiss the worry off her face but you stopped yourself. She was your best friend, you can’t do that. Not now.
“Hey! Earth to Y/N! What are you daydreaming about?” Rebecca's voice pulled you out of your dreams and you blushed. “You are blushing! Now you have to tell me!”
“It’s embarrassing. I was thinking about that night when I fell down.” You laughed awkwardly.
“And what happened that night that made you blush? Besides the obvious landing on your ass in my backyard.” She asked you curiously.
Fuck it. It’s in the past I can tell her now. You thought.
“That night I realized I had a crush on you. Like I knew you were beautiful, and you still are but that night it hit me full force.” You said quietly embarrassed that you told her your biggest secret.
“No way. You are kidding?” She said in disbelief.
“Never mind. Forget it.”
“No sweetheart. I had the biggest crush on you too. That’s why I was so heartbroken when you needed to leave. I wanted to tell you about my feelings but it didn’t seem right.” You stared at her not believing that you were so oblivious. But you were teenagers then so it kinda explains everything.
“Fuck we were so stupid.”
“Yeah, we were.” You two laughed. Her face was so relaxed when she was laughing, so free. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from her. The feeling that you had as a teenager slowly crept back. You found yourself being pulled more and more towards her. You wanted to be close to her, to hold her, and never let go. Turns out your crush never disappeared. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You are so beautiful, Becca. I can’t stop looking at you. You were a beauty as a teenager but now. Wow. It’s really true, woman age like a fine wine. You are the best example.” Her cheeks turned red from the compliments.
“Thank you but look at yourself, the definition of perfection.” She smiled sheepishly at you. “It seems to me that the first real crush never left us.” You felt a sudden surge of courage as she spoke those words. Without thinking, you leaned in and kissed her, you felt the same spark as you felt all those years ago. The kiss was soft and gentle, but it was filled with all the love and longing you had felt for each other over the years.
“Fuck, sorry. I didn’t mean to-” She didn't let you finish as she leaned to steal another kiss from you.
“It was worth waiting all those years for your return.” She smiled resting her head on your shoulder.
You knew that the future was uncertain, but you were willing to take a chance. You were willing to see where this new chapter in your relationship with Rebecca would take you, and you were excited to find out. But one thing was for sure, you had found your way back to the person who had always been a constant in your life, your soulmate, your Rebecca.
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asshlyyyy · 2 years
Number Deux Pt. 1 (Austin!Elvis x Reader)
No matter how much hate I'm getting I am still posting something out. Hopefully those anons won't find something wrong with this... and if you do... well... you got some issues. Also, if you ever interact with my page again I will be sure to block you.
Despite that, I am excited to announce my new series. Yes, Just The Nurse will get finished. I wanted to post out my new series before I finished off Just The Nurse. I hope you guys enjoy this one, because I have a feeling I will.
I hope it's okay that I used Austin!Elvis, but then again you can imagine Austin or Elvis for any of my works!
Part 2
Requested by: @bxbylexi23 "Can you pls make Elvis Presley x Assistant!Reader Forbidden love Series🥺🥺 I love reading your fanfic so much!"
Pairing: Austin!Elvis x Fem!Assistant!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Female Assistant Stereotypes, Harsh Words.
Word Count: 4k
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You tapped your pen against the leather cover of your very messy, yet readable notes. You had down all the important dates and times... when you leave, where you leave. When you arrive... where you arrive at. Where you're staying... all the technical boring stuff. Well, it wasn't boring when your boss was a fool.
"Yes, so we need to be at the airport tomorrow early morning... about ten. I'll be here ar-"
"Elvis, my boy!" The colonel walked in and immediately interrupted you. Didn't surprise you much, that's all that idiot did. He felt that just because he was Elvis's manager he can act all high and mighty.
Elvis turned to look at the Colonel, an obvious annoyed look on his face. Elvis was known to have anger outbursts here and there, but when it came to someone interrupting you... especially when you were explaining the schedule... he tended to get a bit more mad than usual.
"What is so goddamn important, that you couldn' knock on the door?" Elvis spoke. 
"I got some great news. Scratch everything off the schedule. I got you on the Steve Allen show." You tossed the small notebook down on the top and shook your head. 
"We leave tomorrow at eight in the morning. Don't be late my boy! Big things! Big things are coming!" The colonel yelled as he walked out of the house. Did he seriously come all this way... to say that one thing? You have got to be kidding me.
"'m sorry 'bout him." Elvis apologized for his manager. You let out a sigh and shook your head.
"You shouldn't keep apologizing for him, E." You turned your gaze at him.
You knew Elvis before the Colonel stepped in. When he first appeared at Sun Records your father immediately pushed you to help him. At first, you were employed under your father, but after he sold the contract... you well... you lost your job. That was until Elvis wanted to keep you and employ you under himself. You were extremely grateful for that, not that there wasn't anything wrong with sitting in the recording studio waiting for someone to come in.
"Well, he ain't gonna do it... So, someone has to." He sighed and rubbed his face.
"So, Steve Allen? You're really moving up in the world." You smiled softly. He chuckled and shook his face.
"I don' know... I just want to go back home. They don' like how I move." Elvis shook his head.
"Elvis, they're just jealous because you're stealing the hearts of many." 
"It just don' understand why they want me on their shows, just to not let me be me."
"Well, you're rising up there quickly and well... when you get into your music... and your ya know... People mention how they can see your uh... ya know." Elvis started to laugh at that. You looked at him confused. Why was he even laughing? Was it something you said?
"Is it the people ya hearin', or is it your eyes." He winked at you. You rolled your eyes and let out a disgusted sound.
"You're disgusting," you commented and picked up your notebook. "Now, if you excuse me... I have to cancel some things." 
You picked yourself up from the couch and moved over to the phone. This wasn't the first time to happen, and you knew it wasn't going to be the last. The Colonel was always known to for canceling plans or prolonging a stay.
You've been in New York for way too long now and you missed the fresh air of Memphis. It was overly stuffy here and not to mention people were just plain rude. However, all the tv shows in America were all filmed here. Yet, people were getting tired of the way Elvis acted on stage. 
It was everywhere in the newspapers. There was talk they wanted to throw him in jail just because of the way he moved his hips. They called him a disgrace to all humankind. Elvis was far from that... he just moved the way he felt. It wasn't like he was doing it on purpose... it was his body... and his body was feeling the music.
Most of the time, your days were spent in an empty room overlooking the city. There was a piano and some foldable chairs around. That room drove you insane, even when Elvis was playing and singing... you felt trapped and locked up. It reminded you of a prison cell for some reason. 
"Elvis the Pelvis. That's one of the most childish expressions I've ever heard coming from an adult. Is Mr. Allen gonna cancel me from the show?" Elvis asked as he looked over at the Colonel, who was staring out the window.
"Yes. Yes, he is. He is replacing you with one of the country's greatest singers." Colonel responded as he walked to the side of the piano.
"Mario Lanza?" Elvis raised an eyebrow.
"Someone greater." Just then you heard a set of wheels and saw three people walking into the room with a clothing rack filled with suits with bow ties and tails. 
"The new Elvis Presley!" He boosted his voice, throwing his arms out... a wide devious smile on his face. 
Oh hell no.
"Yeah, I snowed 'em! You just have to put on one of these tails here, and sing the Hound Dog. It's a light-hearted, sophisticated family show." Parker explained like it was nothing. Elvis got up from the piano bench and walked towards the clothing rack that held the clothes.
"I can't move in one of these." Elvis pointed out as he stood looking at them.
"And that is the point. Mr. Allen agreed only as long as there is no wiggling of those hips" Parker explained.
"I can't figure it out. My own mother approves of what I do." Elvis shook his head.
"Mmm. You have read the papers, my boy?" Parker asked as he stepped closer to Elvis. Scotty came up behind Elvis and handed him a bottle of coke, to try and calm him.
"Yeah, I read the papers. The papers say that I shot my mother and smoke marijuana." Elvis shook his head and took a swing of his cola.
"Your movement's in the style of a black man, and you have broken the segregation laws. So, let's follow the plan. It's a good plan."
"I woul-" you tried to speak up, but was immediately interrupted. 
"The grownups are talking, Ms. Y/l/n." The colonel shot you a look before turning back to Elvis. You saw Elvis tense up by that. He hated every single time someone got interrupted.
"You do the Allen Show, family style, and then tomorrow we go back to Memphis and we snow them on the July 4th Children's Charitable Concert. And we put this whole unfortunate misstep behind us. Now, do you want to go into politics, or shall we stay in the show business?" Parker held a smirk on his face.
This was a bad idea... You can't just force Elvis to not do what he's good at. Not to mention... why would someone want Elvis on a family show knowing damn well his hips don't lie? You knew Elvis was conflicted... So, as you sat there watching those fashion people take his measurements, you spotted Scotty and Bill looking annoyed.
Much like you did, they weren't a huge fan of the Colonel. Hell, no one was. You looked over the contract and a lot of it was bull shit. The Colonel was really milking everything he could out of Elvis. In return, his friends and family were suffering. Not to mention, you got pushed to the side a lot. 
The colonel wasn't telling you any of the dates you needed to know. He wasn't telling you the locations and time. He didn't share any information with you because of your gender. He felt... female assistants were to be as they were viewed. Secret whores for their bosses, and oh boy you were there to prove that fat fuck something else. 
Sure, you were attracted to Elvis... and maybe felt something for him... but there was no way you were going to prove him right. You rather suffer than let the Colonel win. You hated when he won and he always felt like he deserved to win.
Plus, it was very hard to believe that Elvis would date someone like you. Considering he had literally hundreds of girls throwing themselves at them... and well... the Colonel said relationships were off-limits for him. Why? Oh because he wanted Elvis to always appear single in hopes fans will rise because they have a chance.
"Y/n, do you think I'm makin' a mistake?" Elvis asked as he sat down on the chair next to you. You turned your head to look at him. Everyone had seemed to left the room at that point. You were too stuck in your own thoughts to notice. 
"Well... it's not you." You started off. You turned to look at him. He looked... disheveled... annoyed... upset. You don't blame him. He was just told that in order to stay on the show he had to play the part of New Elvis.
"It doesn't seem like you want to do it either." You pointed out, which Elvis nodded in agreement.
"He wants to put me in fuckin' tails. I- I can't even move around. How am I supposed to perform without being able to move?" He asked. It didn't seem like he was asking you directly... more like himself. That was always the case with these things. People loved Elvis for his music but hated how he moved his hips and legs.
"You're his monkey, E... in the end, a snowman will always just want money." You brought up Colonel. 
"Do you think that's all he wants from me?" Elvis questioned. I mean, isn't that why anyone gets a job? There was something more to the Colonel though... It just didn't make sense. 
"It's what anyone wants from you. Money." You said truthfully. All these tv show producers... they knew if they had Elvis... well the viewership would go up and bring in more money.
"Are you tryin' to hint at something?" He chuckled lightly.
"Please, I was employed under my father and got paid nothing to be your assistant. I do this because we're friends and quite frankly... your life is a mess." Elvis chuckled at that and nodded. It was true, with everything the Colonel had him do... he never knew when he had a free day anymore. 
"Yeah, without ya... I wouldn' know what I'm doing." He confessed. You stifled out a light laugh and shook your head. 
"You've made your way into Sun Records alone," you smiled softly.
"That I did," he nodded, "something just... kept bringing me back after that first visit."
"Singing will do that to you," you stood up and straightened out your skirt. You looked over towards the clock. It was near four. The show was either at eight or nine. Eh, the exact time didn't matter. You were hungry, and you bet Elvis was also.
"Do you want to get some food?" You asked, a slight tilt to your head.
"Depends, are ya askin' me on a date?" Elvis teased as he stood up.
"In your dreams, Presley." You gave him a sly wink and picked up your things. Elvis let out a laugh and shook his head.
The two of you traveled out of the building and onto the busy streets of New York City. God, you wanted so badly to be back in Memphis. There was nothing wrong with big cities, they just weren't for you.
"You missin' home?" Elvis asked from beside you. You nodded your head.
"Yeah... I just want to be able to curl up in my own bed." You explained and wrapped your arms around yourself.
"I get what ya mean... New York... it's not for me." He nodded in agreement. 
"I don't think it's meant for anyone," you chuckled lightly. "This is home of Broadway... actors... Everyone is just rude also."
"Yeah, I get that." He nodded. 
"Not to mention it's so stuffy. I feel like I'm about to pass out at any point."
"I'll catch ya if you do," He smiled softly. You shook your thread. Hopefully, it wouldn't come down to that. You two walked for a bit until you found a diner that was just down the road. It wasn't too busy, but you preferred it that way. You always felt more important when it was just you and Elvis.
"I don't suppose you take all the boys here, hm?"
"Oh shush," you chuckled and looked over the menu. "I ain't got no time for any boys. I'm busy keeping track of your life."
"You didn't have to take up my offer." He held his hands up in defense.
"Had nothing better to do, why not." You shrugged.
Truth was... you didn't want to leave. You have gotten to know Elvis while he was at Sun Records. He was an amazing person, a great friend. Sure, you guys would've continued to be friends... but you knew he would also grow distant so... you decided to work for him. You stay friends, and you're with him all the time. Sounded like a good time to you.
"Do you want to just share some fries and a milkshake?" You suggested.
"Oh, so this is a date huh? Sharing a basket of fries and a milkshake? One or two straws?" 
"If you're good, two." You teased and pushes the menu off to the side.
"Ohh, treatin' me good tonight aren' ya."
"You'll need it, wearing those tails and everything." You chuckled lightly. Elvis stared at you and nodded. Sure, he didn't need an assistant, his parents could easily keep his schedule in check... but he didn't want you leaving his side. Ever since he first met you... he was quite fond of you.
"What can I get started for you two?" A waitress came over, trying her best to keep her excitement inside. 
"We'll just share a basket of fries and a milkshake, two straws, darlin'." Elvis nodded at the waitress. She nodded quickly and walked off.
"She was a fan," You smiled.
"Ya think? Didn' act like one." Elvis looked at you confused. You couldn't believe that he couldn't tell. Then again, he must've not seen the restraints she held on herself.
"She's working, Elvis. She can't exactly be like..." you clear your throat," oh my god, Elvis Presley! I love you!" Elvis chuckled as you made fun of his fans, which you weren't. He knew you meant it in a nice way.
"Man, maybe you're the only fan I need. Especially when you got the voice of thousands." If you didn't know any better, you would say he was flirting with you. Yet, you were stupid enough to not notice it, because... how could someone like Elvis ever want to flirt with someone like you?
"Here's your food," the waitress came back and placed the basket and milkshake down. A strawberry one with a white fluffy cloud of whipped cream on top along with two cherries. She was smart, had to give her that.
"Thank you," you smiled. She nodded and sent you a smile with her cherry-red lips. She nodded at Elvis and walked away. Immediately the two of you flung for the cherries on top. You both took one each and popped them in your mouth. You were sure you two looked like little kids. 
You two could talk for hours, and for hours you did. At one moment it was just over four, and the next you knew it was eight. You went through several baskets and several milkshakes. Your feet were perked up next to Elvis on the other side of the booth, and his hand was on your ankle, rubbing circles. It was like that for a long time, well... it felt like a couple of minutes.
Not to mention, your waitress was so nice. Elvis even gave her a pair of tickets to his next show. Well, mostly due to the fact that you were both probably extremely annoying. Staying there for hours upon hours. They probably never had that before. Most people came in, ordered a burger, and left. You and Elvis... oh no no.
"Shit, I- I can't believe I lost track of time. We have to get back." You stumbled as you noticed the time. 
"What do you mean? We still got- oh fuck-" Elvis muttered as he realized how late it actually was. Elvis was quick to pull out his wallet and drop down some money before standing up and grabbing your hand. He pulled you up quickly and out the door.
"Give me a second, Elvis! Jesus!" You spoke as you tried to catch yourself. Not only were your legs wobbly from keeping them up for so long, but you had just down so many milkshakes. 
"I'm goin' to get killed! We got to hurry!" He called back to you. If he was about to be killed you could only imagine way worse for yourself. The colonel would most likely point out how bad you were at your job. You were an assistant. You were supposed to keep track of time for god's sake. 
Elvis was supposed to practice before going on television and now he wouldn't have time to do that. He had to be on at nine! God, you really screwed up now. You knew you wouldn't lose your job, but you knew the Colonel would try to convince Elvis otherwise.
"Where is that boy?!" You heard Parker's voice the minute you walked... well ran into the building. People were running around like crazy to find where Elvis was.
"Sorry sorry! We're here!" Elvis called out and stumbled out of his jacket tossing it towards you.
"Where the hell have you been, boy???" The colonel walked up to him.
"Y/n and I, we went to get food. Lost track of time is all." Elvis shrugged it off like it was nothing. Parker turned and looked at you. You already knew he blamed you. He usually always did if Elvis was late... which was hardly ever. You made sure he was always present and before time... Today... well... things just got out of hand... 
"I'm terribly sorry... I- W-we really did." You stood up for Elvis. You didn't want him to get in trouble on your account. It was your idea in the end. 
"Shut it, Miss Y/l/n, we have got to get this boy ready." Before you knew it the two of them disappeared. You let out a sigh and shook your head. You folded Elvis's jacket over your arm and walked over to the viewing room and sat down. 
You were never really allowed backstage when he was on tv. You had to sit in the viewing room with everyone else. There was nothing wrong with that... you just wish you could've been there when he was most nervous. Helped calm him down a bit. You knew how he got... Especially at that Hayride so long again. He was more nervous than a fly on a boot. 
This was the last show... tomorrow you go back to Memphis... and then perform at the stadium. It won't be so bad. You'll be back home, which will lighten your mood drastically. Not to mention you'll see your family again. You'll see Vernon and Gladys... everything will be better before you know it. 
Before you knew it the show was starting. Steve was introducing Elvis and what tonight's show was about. Elvis walked out on stage with a massive smile on his face, though you knew he was dying inside. That's when you saw it... A hound dog being wheeled in.
"Oh no-"
You could tell by the look on his face that Elvis was horrified. He was embarrassed beyond repair. He wanted to sink down into the floor and lay for the rest of his life. This wasn't part of the deal... Parker just said he had to dress up and sing Hound Dog... not sing to a  hound dog! Everyone around you practically gasped. Everyone was just in the blue as you were.
This wasn't good one bit. Elvis wouldn't recover from this... no no… if you had to guess... he would probably storm off. Try his best to roll with it... but he would be pissed and would run off. You quickly stood up and rushed over to the room that held the piano. You knew he would storm into there first. 
You weren't scared when he got angry. You were used to you. Plus, he would never yell at you directly. He never wanted to yell at you. Sure, there were moments when something would come out, but he would apologize immediately. He cared about you and didn't want to hurt you. 
As if it was clockwork, the boys walked in. Elvis was the most mad out of all of them, but you knew Billy and Scotty were just as mad and embarrassed.
"God damn it!" Elvis yelled as he angrily and quickly took off his suit jacket. He balled it up and threw it towards the window. 
"He could've given us some warning. I- I- I know how to do a skit, I could've made it funny!" He paced around, arms flaring up in the air. He sounded like he was about to cry. 
"The most stupid, embarrassing, humiliating thing I ever did."
"Well, what the hell do you want me to do about it?" Elvis looked at Scotty, on the verge of a breakdown.
"We're musicians!" Scotty yelled back.
"All right just calm it!" You raised your voice, making the all heads turn towards you. You weren't one to raise your voice unless needed so... and well... you always kept to yourself, but it was no use for these boys to fight over something they had no control over.
"Now no one here knew what was happening tonight! Ya got that?! So don't you go and blame Elvis, Scotty! Now what y'all gonna do is get your stuff packed and ready to leave first thing in the morning ya hear!"
"You don't understand Y/n! You weren't up there!" Scotty yelled towards you. At this point maybe Elvis wasn't the maddest. Bill didn't seem to want to engage, but you knew how he was feeling. 
"Oh but I didn't watch now did I? I saw the dog and walked away, so no, I wasn't up there and I didn't watch. I know how embarrassing it must be for you boys, but you can't let this come between you two. No, go on! Get a drink and calm down! I'll see you guys tomorrow." With a huff, Scotty picked up his things and walked out of the room. Bill sent you a sincere smile.
"Turn off the light and lock the door will ya?" You asked Bill. He nodded and did as you asked right before he left. You walked over to Elvis and pulled him into a hug. His head crashed into your chest and his arms linked around your waist. Before you knew it, wet tears fell onto you.
"I know... I know..." You said softly and ran your fingers through his dark hair. "I know..."
This concert in a few days... you knew the Colonel probably wanted him to play the new Elvis. Whoever that even was. Because the new Elvis they put out on live television was not confident. He was... he wasn't even Elvis anymore. Elvis was conflicted... his head was probably a mess of knots right now. God, how you wanted nothing more than to know what he was thinking about.
You two sat in that room for hours. You couldn't even recall the time when you two walked back to the hotel. It was late enough for sure. The Colonel tried to barge in and talk to Elvis, but you weren't having any of it. Parker didn't have to go through what he had done to Elvis. He... He wasn't the one who was embarrassed in front of thousands upon thousands of people.
It wasn't funny... and it never will be. How Elvis would recover from this... you didn't know.
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Want to join my taglist? // Let me know If I spelt any wrong! Everyone is Tagged correctly this time. There were a good amount of people I couldn’t tag, so please let me know if something is wrong.
Taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s, @mommy-maia, @yagirlalexx, @slutforblueeyes, @alligator-person, @diorxmimi, @anangelwhodidntfall, @pumkiinpasties, @djconde58, @starryhazee, @21bruhs, @girlblogger2002, @dollfaceyourfear, @smbonilla2002, @homebodybirkin2003, @apparently-sunshine, @dark-as-love, @pandora-journey, @hsstylesrings, @jeonggukschris, @4everrmore, @bewitched-tales, @thelaziest10, @butlersluvbot, @curatedbyemily, @lovingly-unlovingme, @starlight-jpg, @omegellenlouise, @gyomei-tiddies, @Chlobug07, @wandawiccan60, @re3kin, @Itzjira18, @passengerjett, @neepo, @vane28282, @emilykolchivans, @gothantoinette, @gruffle1, @aradevil, @ilovemuppets, @hangmanswhore, @theinvibislecapricorn, @hariestyles1, @annamarie16, @holliemahady, @misacc08, @Brighteyesscum, @marchingicenotes7, @callthedarknessdown, @domaniquessidehoe, @gay-af-satan, @skinnypantsmcgee​, @sassyblazecloud​, @lovelyney, @lordandmistress, @Sharkslayersblog, @billysway, @nuo0n​, @coldonexx​, @adoreyouusugar​, @aliciaelle47​, @kh1898, @danitheedanimal​, @raefoxiegirl​, @cobra-kaii​, @rylee-durhxm​, @bob-the-tomato, @crabat-the-queen​, @naveyelise, @austinbutlersgirlfriend​, @iluvnerds69, @hopefulinlove​, @aradevil​, @Tylerdurdenisme, @laperceval​, @xcallmetaniax​, @londonalozzy​, @mslizziesblog​, @rosemochaaesthetic-blog, @bxbylexi23, @gloomynigvts​, @persephones-blood-iris, @milaa24, @randompointlessbeauty​, @auds02, @BubblyYork, @nora-nexus-34​, @rqseycheeks
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kickthecan-revolution · 3 months
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Last week was a lot. I told my team that I was leaving for another experience. They are sad and processing but also very happy for me. We cried a little at the end of the meeting. The initial support structure I had in place was OK but a few parts were confusing/concerning so I adjusted those and I think they feel better. My boss isn't sure where they will officially report into yet but I just made the call and confirmed who their direct manager will be. I've let all of my partners across the company know which has been weird, but OK.
The work in the new role is SO intense, I'm learning everything as fast as I can but also have to apply new learns to what I really don't understand yet to a plan that has to be localized into multiple languages by next week. It's nuts but there's no option not to do it, so I'm working a lot this weekend. I was experiencing such a confidence crisis but a few meetings on Friday validated I am moving in the right direction. For the first time in so long, I had anxiety dreams about work which in a weird way is a good sign - I was just kind of....dead, going through the motions, not super busy, not really caring about anything. My brain is waking up. It's where I am at my best. There will be a time for another way of moving through the world but right now for this next year/last experience, I want to be driving something hard and seeing the impact. I want to push myself to take risks and not be an invisible middle manager. Shirley said that I am like a little joey (baby kangaroo) - I am mostly comfortable living my emotions through animals and I have a tendency of hiding like a little joey. I already see this job will make me deal with conflict, stand in the strength of my opinion instead of being accommodating and malleable, afraid of making someone upset. There's such personal growth here for me.
The Alki remodel continues to provide a number of surprises. After we found so many concerns in the electric wiring in the lower unit, I asked the contractor to have the electrician check the upper unit as well. He couldn't even do much given the electrical panel is over 30 years old, so I had it replaced. We also repaired some cracks in the roof and an HVAC person is coming out to assess what I should do to upgrade the 30 year furnace. It's a lot but I am comforted to know these upgrades will make everything so much stronger and safer, I'm much more confident in renting it now. Another fun thing, the contractor found an outdoor shower on the side of the house so we're going to replace it with this and create a little area with a sauna, so someone can do a cold plunge in the ocean, and then wash off in the shower and take a sauna. It's actually not expensive and the contractor can build it for us. I'm excited!
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Health-wise, I signed up for a service that will make it easier for me to get the updates to my health that I need. I got 16 vials of blood taken on Friday for a number of tests - a full panel including a lot of early detection stuff.
This is going to be such a good year. It already is. I trust it. I trust that good things are here, that I deserve them and I am going to meet every moment with new strength, new capability and create more silence so those that are guiding me can be heard even more clearly.
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