#I was so excited seeing this in my inbox
magickingdompng · 2 years
Any pictures of the old ride called "If You Had Wings"? Bonus points if you include the song that played on the ride.. Like that other poster, my mom also in Florida in the 80s and has a ton of memories of Disney from that era. That ride was by far her favorite.
What a unique favorite! If You Had Wings was a very interesting attraction, and not only is the ride extinct, but so is the airline that sponsored it!
Eastern Airlines was a popular budget airline in the 1960s, and a year before Walt Disney World opened in September of 1970, it became the “official airline of Walt Disney World”.
Eastern Airlines then sponsored an official attraction; If You Had Wings! It opened January 1972, less than a year after the park opened. It was unique in that it was a free ride; that might seem strange to hear today, when all you have to pay for Disney is admission, but back when the park opened, you had to pay for admission AND a ticket book which you could spend on certain attractions. However, If You Had Wings, being a sponsored attraction that was basically an advertisement, was free with admission and could be ridden as many times as one would like.
It was a fairly simple ride, an Omnimover ride that travelled through various simple sets, mainly using projectors. A highlight and an interesting point in ride tech was the “speed room” - a huge wrap around projection screen encased an incline in the track, with fans blowing and trying to give the guest the feeling of taking off in an airplane. This could be argued as a predecessor to a bunch of technology that Disney uses in its rides today, but I think it’s best compared to both the Circle-Vision 360 shows (which are huge 360 degree movies, mostly found in Epcot today) and Soarin’ which uses a huge dome-shaped projection screen to give the illusion of flight.
At the very end of the ride, as guests exited, there was an Eastern Airlines travel agent to help book their next vacation.
The thing most people remember about it is the theme song, If You Had Wings, written by Buddy Baker! Listen to it here, with the song starting at 1:00:
Unfortunately, Eastern Airlines would drop its sponsorship with Disney in June of 1987. Disney then removed any reference to the airline in the park and closed the ride; it opened again about a week later as “If You Could Fly”, but without its signature theme song, disappointing fans of the ride. This version was closed in 1989.
Delta took up the opportunity to partner with Disney, and reopened the ride with all new music and scenes as Delta Dreamflight. However, Delta’s sponsorship would end in 1996 and the ride would close yet again and reopen as Disney’s Take Flight, which actually kept the same music and scenes with only a few minor lyric changes. The attraction was not popular, though, and was closed in 1998.
Replacing Delta Dreamflight was an all new attraction: Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin, hugely popular and still in the same spot today. It actually uses the same Omnimover ride system, which isn’t so much of a surprise as Disney loves Omnimover rides, but it also uses the same track layout! Disney has a habit of doing this when replacing rides, as it’s extremely expensive to rebuild the track layout from scratch and far easier to just use what’s already there.
Eastern Airlines, the former sponsor of the attraction, would go the way of the dodo and shut down in 1991, only 4 years after dropping its sponsorship with Disney. If you’d like to know more about it, Defunctland made an excellent video about its history here:
Today, sponsored rides at Disney are a rarity; the only one I can think of off the top of my head is the Chevrolet sponsored Test Track at Epcot, which is similar to If You Had Wings in that it ends with basically a huge advertisement. (You can buy a car there. Literally. Who goes to Disney World and buys a car? I really wanna know if someone’s done that.)
Unfortunately, since it was not a particularly popular attraction and it’s also a fairly old one, what I can find is basically relegated to just a few pictures of the ride. I will still add those to the queue for you, though!
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notherpuppet · 4 months
Hello! Okay, so i have question about your radioapple human AU. (I don't know if you've answered this question yet)
Is there a special day when you post another part of this AU? (first, i thought it's like 3 days, then that on Tuesday, but now i don't know, should i wait for some exactly day or its random? 😭)
I work on it in my leisure time, and some weeks are busier than others. There’s no schedule for release. I’ll post the next part when I finish it.
I promise that I’m the most eager to see the next part finished haha.
And I’m very eager to share it with you all 🤗
I’m sorry it’s inconsistent, but this is something I do for funsies outside of my duties in life
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ontosgold · 6 months
Honestly Ryomina makes me fucking insane like everytime i think about them i start to combust and fly around like a rocket
Just .. Them being together ever since Minato was ten, i imagine them as childhood friends of sorts, but in a extremely gut wrenching way, Ryoji learned everything through the eyes of Minato, and even when there was nothing but sadness in Minato's life, im sure Ryoji just saw all that with so much wonder
and i imagine Ryoji not understanding everything in his surroundings, but everytime Minato feels bad, he himself feels as if his entire being is set on fire
SO IMAGINE, Minato crying on the floor, back on the wall, hes just a little child with so much sadness within himself for whatever reason, and he just hears a voice that seems like his own, but also completely different "I'm with you, it's okay." and he doesn't understand, but he knows it's true, the only person who's with him through it all is himself, and for some reason, he feels it really is okay.
YEAH ME TOO ANON ME TOO 🤝🤝 YOU UNDERSTAND YOU GET ME if i think about them too hard i feel like I'm gonna explode. I'm internally bouncing around the walls.
ALSO OUUUGGGH WHY DID U HAVE TO COME INTO MY INBOX WITH THIS :(( <- /POS ryoji feeling everything minato's feeling with so much intensity... (bcs he's never experienced anything like emotions before) AUGH... I love them being unaware childhood friends, but also something so much more intimate than just childhood friends soso much, I'm nodding. you get it anon. ough. (also I'm not gonna get the image of little mina being comforted by ryoji out of my brain orz) The strange familiarity when ryoji and minato "meet" and the inescapable feeling that they've known eachother their entire lives and they know eachother like they know themselves. yeah.
I adore the idea death being minato's only comfort throughout those 10 years... death took so much and yet it was the only sort of companion mina had. death was right there with him for every dark hour he had to experience alone for those 10 years of his life...
thank u sm for the ask anon ^_^ I'm gonna spend the entire day brainrotting about this 👍
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shalomniscient · 6 months
sevchino req!!! wanna see protective arle to the children please,,,,,,father in action raahhhh
you and me BOTH anon 🥺🥺🥺 ......................
protective || sevchino
cw. none (?)
notes. yeah i like bullying pantalone (and not in a fun way like a bully rahu). sue me. also super self indulgent with no consistent pov dshjjdfhk
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"My, my. What's a little girl like you doing in a place like this, hm?"
Estelle hugs the little bear closer to her chest. Her father had told her to stay in the office, but she was taking so long, and it was starting to get lonely...
She lifts her eyes up from the ground to look at the man crouched before her. He has long, dark hair that reminds her of her father's with how soft it looks. He has a polite smile on his face, but it doesn't reach his eyes. And his eyes—something about them made her nervous.
"I'm here with my father," she answers quietly, squeezing her toy. "I was supposed to stay in the office, but..."
The man clicks his tongue. "Tsk. Poor little thing, did your father leave you behind?"
Estelle bites her lip. Should she answer him? Father always told her not to speak with strangers, but it's been so long, and she wants to go home. She knows she'd begged her father to let her tag along, but now, all she wants to do is go home to her mother and Noé.
So she nods, looking back down at the ground. The man sighs, and rises back to his full height. He's tall, towering over her, and the way the lights backlight his form makes Estelle reflexively take a step back. He looks down at her down the bridge of his nose, the silver rim of his glasses glinting.
"Then how about I help you find her, hm?" he asks. "I think I know exactly who your father is."
Despite her apprehension, Estelle brightens. "Really?"
"Really," he nods. His white cloak parts, and he extends a gloved hand to her. But before he can take her smaller hand in his own, an arc of pure, blistering flame snakes around the girls feet, creating a protective, blazing wall. But around the girl, the fires cool, warm and comforting instead of threatening.
Footsteps echo like thunder down the hall, and the man tucks his hand back into his cloak, those dangerous eyes turning sharp, and a venomous grin creeping onto his face.
"We meet again, Knave," he sneers. Estelle turns, and standing behind her, expression twisted into a level of fury she's never seen before, is her father. A blood-red wing pulses over her left shoulder, flickering and shifting in the light. In her father's hand is a mean-looking red scythe, radiating a furious, hungry aura.
"Stay away from my daughter, Regrator," Arlecchino snarls, practically vibrating with rage. She keeps her eyes trained on the other Harbinger as she kneels down, and Estelle runs into her waiting arm. Pantalone watches it all with a deceptively placid smile.
"You know," he hums, "she has her eyes."
Arlecchino glares at him with enough fury to kill a normal man. But as much as she loathes the waste of breath before her, he is still a Harbinger, and Harbingers have always been far from normal.
"Do not speak of my wife," she says lowly, dangerously, cradling Estelle against her chest. Estelle tucks her head beneath her father's chin, one small hand winding tight in her father's jacket and the other clutching her bear plushie. The little thing's fur is slightly singed. Then, her father's gaze shifts from the man and to her, and her eyes soften. "Are you alright, starshine?"
Estelle nods, snuggling closer against her father's warmth. Arlecchino presses a soft kiss to her forehead, then turns back to Pantalone. She dispels her scythe, but it does not make her any less deadly. She considers, briefly, ripping the man before her to shreds; but Estelle takes priority, and she'd hate for her daughter to have to witness such violence, so she turns on her heel and walks away instead.
She will ensure the Regrator understands that her family is off limits in other ways.
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
Haiiii fren!!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
I don't talk to you enough recently!! So, just checking in, how are you?
And also if you want a drawing just like... Send an ask... bc... I have no ideas and time to draw...
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HELLO!!!!! Pigeon my friend Pigeon! :D
I'm good! Tired from work somehow even though this was my day off (rip) and I got like no drawing done (double rip) BUT I had a nice day I think, so it's all good ^^
How are you?? How's your vacation going if you still on it? Have you seen any more cool bugs or animals?? :o
As for drawing ideas... what about the guys getting Cross his first toy since he didn't have any as a kid? Or y'know, not to be a kross enjoyer or anything but... maybe Killer introducing Cross to all his cats? Or just annoying him with how clingy he is lol
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bugcatcherkit · 2 months
in the shou and teru post canon friendship that is definitely real and exists i think teru tries to get shou a Hobby since there’s no Claw anymore and drags shou into all his sports and instruments and shit and this is their bonding
this is actually real and it happened !!!!!!!!
He'd be good at them I think (mostly due to his stamina) and find much enjoyment there !!! and I am especially assigning him Basketball Enjoyer. Imagine the 2v2 games between teru ritsu mob and shou. He would also like playing instruments but early on into any lesson he disregards the sheet music and starts making up his own songs even though he doesn't know how to play at all. So theyre bad. Teru resists the urge to grab his hands and direct them himself because he is So Nice
Shou is like “okay I’ll do those but you have to try my hobby (art)” and teru actually really enjoys doing it due to the Enrichment he gets from the never-ending amount of things to study/learn and all the techniques and mediums to master. Teru is like “I just mastered this [name of a difficult painting technique or something]” and shou is like “oh that’s cool. I drew this creature sitting by a lake I think it’s some sort of dinosaur maybe?”
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Daily brainrot delivery. :)
I have some new theories/headcanons about cooking. Mostly, why is Wild's cooking so good and Hyrule's cooking so bad?
Someone pointed out a while ago that Hyrule's era is the less plentiful period of the Downfall Era, which is true and certainly has an impact on cooking! I don't think this is often explored much in fics beyond noting the lack of resources like sugar, the emphasis on food preservation methods (such as drying and curing meat), and the general scarcity of food.
That said, I have read some very good fics that get into the nitty-gritty details of what it's like to grow up starving and the process of Hyrule healing from that with the fear that one day he'll starve again when he has to go home after their quest is over.
Anyway, my point is that scarcity has a weird effect on cooking. Recipes from WWI and WWII do an excellent job of showing that because they lack ingredients like sugar and flour which were used to make food for soldiers who were fighting on the battlefield. This means that they used some bizarre sugar substitutes like cooked raisins and molasses. The results caused some truly unique flavors and textures that are not appealing compared to modern recipes.
Additionally, Wild's games literally have a cooking mechanic that has modern recipes from more than one culture. A lot of it does appear to be Japanese, but things like meat pies are generally associated with Great Britain, and pilaf is from the Middle East. So Wild is probably the Link that's the closest equivalent to a modern cook.
In conclusion, Hyrule is probably making food that's reasonably close to what people ate during the Civil War and/or World Wars, and that's why everyone hates his cooking. I am convinced that he would make awful 1950s food if he was introduced to Spam (the meat) and Jello. That is the face of a man who would make pickle Jello "just to try it."
i had quite the hyperfixation on how americans vs british recipes changed before, during, and after the world wars back when I was in fifth grade SO THIS IS SO COOL FOR ME TO HEAR ABOUT AGAIN
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, I totally agree that it’s not that Hyrule can’t cook, his recipes are just very very different from what the others might be used to, and Wild can cook literally anything, he probably makes a new dish every day
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fernsproutxx · 2 years
How many michaels are too many michaels?
this is a trick question.
there’s never enough, they’re all blorbo material.
edit; speaking of, i just remembered i have this one drawing laying around and oh my god. it’s supposed to be him taking a selfie with the front camera yknow those lmfao.
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5h0w1sh · 1 year
*paps hands on table* I need more Tails as Jynx content, thats my JAM
*paps down harder on table*
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Take it! And have additional concept for Maria and Shadow
(Please send more asks‼️)
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tiny-vermin · 3 months
i can't lie, getting messages, notes, replies, asks etc on tumblr is so exciting.. like what are the people saying to me today!!!
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xerith-42 · 3 months
It's kinda interesting that you make mcd Ein a really good person.
Meanwhile I have the hc that mcd Kacey isn't as good of a person as his mystreet counterpart. Not bad by any means, but like- inspired by Lapis Lazuli from Steven universe. More bitter and jaded than his mystreet counterpart, emotional and traumatized.
He is going through it.
He might be misguided and get in the way of (someone in) the main cast at some point, idk yet. (Maybe Vylad and him are bitter exes)
I mean I have a lot to work with; he has a shitty mother and he is from oh'khasis so has been spoon fed propaganda throughout his life.
Idk I like Kacey but in mystreet he is just sweet and shy and not very athletic, I'm trying to have some more stuff going on for him.
I cannot put into words how happy this made me but I'm gonna try to anyway!
1) So happy other people enjoy soft idiot Ein for MCD. He's still very traumatized because he's a member of the Jury of Nine, it came free with the armor, but he's just a way nicer person instead of being bitter about it because Zane literally just leaves and he gets to do his own thing.
2) MCD Kacey is someone I haven't thought about, but considering how much time I've spent thinking about Katelyn it's surprising I haven't played around with him yet. Obviously being raised in propaganda and having your sister that you look up to climb the ranks to the highest position she could have, it put a lot of weight on his shoulders and kinda just. Fucked him up. A bit.
I love your interpretation of him as just. Not okay. There's a lot to work with in terms of who he could run into and how they respond to each other. I will certainly be thinking about him a lot now.
3) As for MyStreet Kacey, I find there is a lot to work with as long as you're willing to make any one of your friends into a MyStreet character. Or make yourself into them. In that vein I think Kacey is honestly the most chill guy ever. Like. He's just so calm and not pressed about anything literally ever. It's the perfect contrast to his hot headed pothead sister who likes to get mad for him, or because he won't get mad at something he should be mad about.
I write Kacey as a very much "Don't give a fuck character." He generally only has nice things to say but on the rare occasion he makes his opinions on people he's not fond of known, it's a little terrifying. Katelyn isn't phased by it but anyone else who knows Kacey could hear him talk about someone he really doesn't like and just say the most out of pocket shit about them. He doesn't give a fuck if he thinks it he's gonna say it.
I think he and Travis would get along really well, and he totally teases Katelyn about dating him because he thinks his sister getting embarrassed is funny. Travis also eventually joins in on this, making dumb jokes about how he has her "family's blessing" despite meeting one of her like 3 brothers.
There's always something there with MyStreet characters and I truly wish I could describe the process as to how I make them like this, but at this point I'm convinced I'm literally just magic because I don't know how I pull decent characters out of these blocks half the time
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enkvyu · 10 months
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yn talking to gojo in two faced vibes
HELP this is literally their relationship condensed into one image.. how did u get an screenshot of the next chapter 😯
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dummerjan · 7 months
i just came across ai covers on youtube and people are requesting songs in the comments instead of getting enraged and i am further losing hope in humanity and turning to misanthropy
#meins#for a minute i got really excited about henning may singing take me to church :(#i hate people#have you no appreciation for or understanding of art? clearly not.#why would you want to listen to an ai generated song? even if it sounds like your favourite singer it's not them#it has no feelings to meaning to intention. it is empty and soulless#reading the booklet for sinéad o'connor's album of traditional irish and folk songs gave me so much appreciation for her#she wrote a little bit about each song. why she chose it or what it means to her.#it has added so much to my enjoyment of those songs and i think of it whenver i listen to it#they were chosen with intention with love with a deep appreciation for the music and lyrics and there is a story behind it all#it is art and love and human#i see aboslutely no appeal in ai generated 'music' or 'art'#and i hate that i fell for it for a minute#i was sceptical because i had never heard of henning may covering hozier and since it wasn't just 20-60 sec i am certain#i would have heard about it by now#and something was just a little bit... unsatisfying? something was missing which does apply to a lot of cover songs#(i could go on hour long rants about why people fuck up danny boy (and sinéad o'connor does it best (because she actually takes her time)#or trash madonna's version of don't cry for me argentina (again a song ruined for by everybody else but sinéad - once she has sung somethin#i have a hard time enjoying it by anybody else. the parting glass is an exception. hozier's version is phenomenal))#but! henning may not giving it his all for a cover? unlikely. very unlikely.#anyway this concludes my tuesday night rant. rather here in the tags than some poor person's inbox.#or i would have kept fuming by myself for another hour or two
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tastydoge · 4 months
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Hey guys! Um, someone on AO3 (I'm assuming this is all one person who really doesn't like me or my work) is accusing me of using AI for my work. (Or maybe it's a chain of bots. I'm not sure.)
But I wanted to clarify that I don't use AI for any of my writing; I actually didn't know some of those writing AI bots existed. I actively hate AI, actually, and I would sooner quit writing than use one for my fanfictions.
I'm going to delete these comments, not because I am "hiding" it, but because they're just hateful, unconstructive criticism that makes an entirely false claim about something that I do as a hobby.
Thanks for reading.
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ghostlywhiskey · 11 months
i hope i have more energy to reply to asks tomorrow mwah i'm sorry y'all i feel like my brain is second guessing itself and hating everything i write rn grrr <3
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dylawa · 4 months
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I ended up not replying to their comment although I REALLY wanted to send that diatribe off, but authors in the BNHA fandom, MHA fandom, fanfiction authors, fanfic writers, etc (yes I'm using numerous title variations to increase post spread), beware this bozo. If you've gotten their comment on your work before and it's still there, report their ass for violating Archive of Our Own TOS. Or hell, come report them on chapter 1 of my work "'Having Lived and Loved' B-Sides," I haven't deleted it yet so the AO3 Abuse team can take a look at it lol.
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