#I will add links for the first three for anyone interested in the notes
I feel like I'm always coming to you for period drama/classic lit recs 😂😂😂😂 i really hope u don't mind if u ever do feel free to just ignore me lol but since I'm reading North and South now (I'm having so much fun with it btw) was wondering what film/series adaption u like best
Of course I don't mind at all! And I love reading your comments on different books.
This is a complicated question... as far as I know there are only four adaptations of North and South: two tv series of four one hour episodes each, one from 75' and one from 04', and then two radio dramas, 3 one hour episodes each, one from 97' and another from 2022. None of them are good adaptations of North and South as adaptations of North and South.
What I mean by this: some are better than others as standalone things, but in one way or another they either don't understand some of the themes, plot lines, and character dynamics and why they are the way they are, or they are just taking the book story as a backdrop to insert common tropes they like, or whatever they think the story should be actually about.
It's difficult to put examples, as you are so early on in the reading, but one could be that 2022 decides Mr Hale is actually a wise character that philosophically shapes and embodies the lessons of the book, so all his shortcomings as husband and father are either lessened or omitted, and he's given far more wisdom and foresight than what he had in the book.
There are stories I can trust an adaptation to introduce the book to the readers decently enough, even when they do take liberties with plot and characters (such would be the case of Cranford 2007, for example, or P&P 95 or Wives and Daughters 1999), and neither of the adaptations fit that bill, which is a pity.
So, that's for the preamble XD
I find both radio adaptations enragingly bad. My expectations were low, and I was disappointed to not find even one scene I could say "now, that's a satisfying rendition of this". You don't even get a dialogue accurate ending for either, and they are both riddled with baffling decisions. I do not recommend these at all.
Then there's the 1975 miniseries. It is very much a 1970s BBC series. It's low budget, Margaret is more of a delicate damsel in distress, and Patrick Stewart overacts as John Thornton. It's somewhat better than the radio dramas, because of the added length and some less wildness in changes. It's also rather dull.
So what's left is 2004. 2004 is a very beloved period drama. Apparently there is a dedicated facebook group for it, although no Elizabeth Gaskell page at all. And that's sort of the crux of it. If the book is velvet, sort of very rich and textured but rather heavy and difficult to work with, the series is silk, lighter, shinier... lovely in its own way, high quality, but it's not the same thing.
For example, Margaret becomes a bit of a blank slate, and John becomes the big Darcy-Beast-Hades mashup. The drama is turned up to eleven: their first meeting is Margaret bursting into the mill and witnessing Thornton beating a worker up in a fit of rage (they justify it later, but it is... well, what it is).
So it is a common thing for people to watch the series, then try the book and find it dull and boring and that's the end of it. And I have a love-hate relationship with the series because of it. It's not that much of a good adaptation of N&S (granted, its heights are higher than the highs of the other adaptations, some of it is perfect), but it is a delightful period drama.
So that's more or less where I am at.
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jymwahuwu · 3 months
(This is about Aventurine + Ratio x You!! Note there will be polyamory here)
cw: dystopian au, forced breeding policy
"Insufficient credit. Please add a new balance."
On a sultry summer day, the burning air seems to condense around you. You quickly ran to the station and scanned it with your phone, and you got this result. You were stunned for a few seconds, frowned, and let the passengers in line behind you get on the spaceship first. what happened? Your wallet has been linked to the Universe Bank account, and the credit of the wallet will be automatically added. You stand aside and log in to your bank account, and a message that it has been frozen pops up. What the fuck. What happened-
You quickly scanned the account freeze prompts. "According to the law, you have exceeded the appropriate reproductive age for Beta citizens and have been punished by freezing your bank account. Please conceive within three months or you will be sent to a breeding facility." As if anxiety slapped you in the back of your head, knock Your mind is melted and cold. Damn it, they really mean it. What the fuck kind of planet is this.
Fifty years ago, the planet's fertility rate had been declining, prompting this government to introduce forced childbirth. In the past few years, you have been perfunctory with the government's Citizens' Fertility Bureau. They focus more on Omega and Alpha, after all. The poor Omega citizens are much earlier than Beta's breeding age. They enjoy paid vacation benefits throughout the estrus period, but that's just the surface. The benefits provided by labor laws have resulted in most companies being reluctant to recruit Omega…
As the passengers watch, you dig out a few vintage coins from the bag and plead with the driver to take them. ("Physical currency..." The driver sighed.) Finally passed, and after returning home, you browsed interstellar dating websites in despair.
"Beta female. 32 years old. Interested in cooking and reading. I hope to find a spouse who shares common topics with me."
"Omega male, 21 years old, hoping to find a humorous spouse (need to have a nest!)
Coordinates: a nest-like planet. If you are interested in knowing more details and getting to know me, contact me <3"
You held your chin with one hand, pouting unhappily, and pressed the big data pairing button, but there was only one result. Just when you were about to close the page, your eyes were caught by the introduced information.
“Alpha Male & Alpha Male
Career related: Education and business^^
We hope to meet a suitable spouse and have a baby^^”
Your eyes light up, you are looking for people like this! Ugh, but why are two people recruiting spouses at a time…Is this how relationships are on other planets…It would be great if they agree to a short-term marriage .
You pressed the contact button.
… Is anyone interested in this story?
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teeth--thief · 1 year
Google Drive full of book PDFs about Chernobyl
Link to the Google Drive if you don't want to click the title: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kscKFciW6almJA8p-0sUQPO3c0A4AQYe
Note: It will be updated regularly - for as long as I'll be able to find/get new things =) So far I've compiled 41 books in three languages.
Just to repeat what I said in the first post: I'm open to any requests or suggestions or even PDFs themselves, if someone wants to share theirs from their collection. Message me, send me an ask, throw a rock through my window - whatever you prefer, just please, do it yourself because I'm too scared to message anyone, thanks. No fiction - that's the only rule. Any language is welcome - if you want me to look for a certain book in the language of your choice, I'll do that. If you have a book in language other than English, I'd love to add it to the Drive! If you have a better version of whatever PDF I've already got, then I'd be more than happy to do a swap.
Now, some of my reasoning, if anyone's interested: first of all, I think it's important for everyone to be able to access stuff like this. Think of it as a library, minus the "give these back" part. Secondly, I get soooo mad when people are like haha, found this super rare, basically impossible to find, very expensive book! ...I shall now keep it exclusively to myself. Ma'am, you're ruining the vibe and stalling everyone's hobby research but I guess you do you...
List of all the books (under the cut):
In English:
Voices from Chernobyl - Alexievich S.
Chernobyl Reactor Accident - Source Term
Chernobyl - Insight from the Inside - Dr. Chernousenko V.M.
How It Was - Dyatlov A.S.
(ENG+RUS) Chernobyl Booklet
Chernobyl: The Devastation, Destruction and Consequences of the World’s Worst Radiation Accident - Fitzgerald I.
Final Warning. The Legacy of Chernobyl - Gale R.P.
Midnight in Chernobyl: The Untold Story of the World’s Greatest Nuclear Disaster - Higginbotham A.
Interesting Chernobyl - 100 Symbols
From Chernobyl To Fukushima - Karpan N.
Manual for Survival. A Chernobyl Guide to the Future - Kate Brown
Chernobyl. Confessions of a Reporter - Kostin I.
The Politics of Invisibility. Public Knowledge about Radiation Health Effects after Chernobyl - Kuchinskaya O.
Memories - Kupnyi A.
Chernobyl 01:23:40 - The Incredible True Story of the World’s Worst Nuclear Disaster - Leatherbarrow A.
Chernobyl Notebook - Medvedev G.
No Breathing Room - Medvedev G.
Chernobyl Record - The Definitive History of the Chernobyl Catastrophe - Mould R. F.
Wormwood Forest - A Natural History of Chernobyl - Mycio M.
Life Exposed: Biological Citizens After Chernobyl - Petryna A.
Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy - Plokhy S.
Ablaze - Story of Chernobyl - Read P.P.
Producing Power: The Pre-Chernobyl History of the Soviet Nuclear Industry - Schmid S. D.
Chernobyl: A Documentary Story - Shcherbak I.
The Vienna Report
Chernobyl - Crime Without Punishment - Yaroshinskaya A.A.
In Russian:
Chernobyl: Kak eto bylo. Preduprezhdeni - Kopchinsky, Steinberg
Chernobyl. Tak eto bylo. Vzglyad Iznutri - Voznyak Ya. Troitskiy N.
Лучевая болезнь человека (очерки) - Гуськова А.К., Байсоголов Г.Д.
Чернобыль. Как это было - Дятлов А.С.
Чернобыль: 30 лет спустя - Кравчук Н.В.
Живы - Купный А.
Чернобыль - Щербак Ю.
(ONLY Pages 367-383) Чернобыль, 10 лет спустя. Неизбежность или случайность?
KGB files - pre and post accident (includes additional information in Ukrainian)
In Polish: 
Jak to było - Diatłov A.S.
Czarnobyl - Plokhy S.
Czarnobyl - Sekuła P.
Katastrofa w Czarnobylu - Sekuła P.
Czarnobyl. Od katastrofy do procesu - Siwiński W.
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eyeritestuff · 6 months
Eddsworld x Reader Drabbles
Characters: Tom
Warnings: None! Might get suggestive though…
Author’s note: This’ll be split into parts :3 How many ? Idk !! I’ll edit this post to add the links if i ever get to it.
First impressions
> Tom is of particular interest to anyone he encounters. He stands out, and not just because of his literal voids-for-eyes, but because of that damn attitude.
> In 2024, it’s addressed as the sassy man apocalypse, but universally, Tom is dubbed an asshole… amongst a bunch of other very colorful colloquialisms.
> When Tom chooses to speak to anyone, it’s not the accent that swings first, it’s the quickness of his “don’t care” response that uppercuts, and he relishes in watching people struggle to find the words to respond.
> For whatever fantastical and universal reason, when he came across you, things were different… and no, he didn’t change overnight because he saw you and it was “love at first sight”. More so, your ability to rebuttal his stupidity stood out.. and he wanted to know what made you.. you.
> Admittedly, when you met Tom, you were hooked. Something about having a taste for men with a less than stellar track record.. and that’s putting it lightly.
> The light and unintentional tan, the eyes, the dirty blonde hair, the piercings, the way the moles on his face were placed in an aesthetically pleasing way… need you go on?
> You pondered if he had any muscle to match the verbal punches he gave those around him.
> He definitely smells like alcohol.. but you’re also picking up the scent of ‘male manipulator’ cologne.. it’s soft but it’s there.
> Totally random, but are those fuzzy dice hanging off the side of his jeans? Amazing. Goes well with the mini harpoon gun keychain next to it.
> “..and this is Tom! Tom, say hi to y/n!” The taller boy in green motioned to the freak in blue, and you beamed as you waved at him. He came prepared, however, with an umbrella that naturally blocked your rays. In other words, he had a resting bitch face.
> Cliche, but you knew that if push came to shove, he cared about hurting others— he has emotions. You just didn’t know how much it would take for him to show them.
> You had all the time in the world… well! Technically, as much time as your landlord wanted to give you when renewing the lease. You and the three taller boys in front of you lived in the same complex. You needed a place to stay while studying away at uni.. and this place was perfect. The fact new friends came with it was a plus you didn’t really see coming.
>“Twiddling with your hair isn’t gonna make it grow any longer.” a gruff voice said. You looked up to match the voice with Tom. His voice sounds like he just woke up from a bad hangover, and honestly you wouldn’t be surprised if that was the exact scenario. Considering, well…
> “And drinking more won’t make the problems any better,” you retorted and gestured towards him and his flask , “exhibit A.” The blue boy was taken a back, clearly by the way his facial expression illustrated confusion.
> “Some people do it for the fun of it.”
> “Some people should really pick up a book if they consider taking a swigs’ a hobby..”
> “Oh really?”
> “Make the book high school biology, yes.” what a nerdy response , you say you yourself.
> The two of you stared each other down. Honestly though, what was there to stare into? Trying to find his soul was like walking in the dark, really. Your peripheral vision caught the redhead and the green hoodie boy fidgeting in place, so you knew to stop here.
> To your surprise, Tom’s face then broke character with a smile.
> Oh.. his smile.
> Toothy, sly, and alluring. Your face was heating up. The way his lips curled.. it was something you wanted to see more often. It’s decided then.
> “You’re different, y/n, I’ll give you that.” You then snapped back into reality after feeling his hand land on your shoulder a little rough like.. especially since the spiked bracelet he wore on that hand jabbed a little into your skin.
> Make no mistake, you were attracted to him surface level. However, you wanted to know more. Little did you know he shared the same sentiment.
How did you find out
> Tom sucks at compliments. No, really! Especially when he’s crushing on someone.
> He doesn’t want anyone to find out. Which is code for he doesn’t wanna seem vulnerable to anyone. His rationale is if he were to compliment someone, that person and the others around them will get to thinking.
> You, however, are blissfully unaware.
> Tom sucks at hiding his feelings. Shit, he sucks at hiding anything in general. He wears his emotions on his sleeves, and then expresses them in a pretty fucked up way. So, no, your ignorance isn’t because he’s good at bottling things in. It’s because you’re genuinely empty in the noggin.
> Everyone around you knows. Tom knows everyone knows. It’s just better if he gaslights himself into thinking otherwise, it helps him sleep at night.
> Your presence amongst the group is almost a daily occurrence. Edd tries to throw hints, but they’re drowned out but Tom’s sudden outbursts.
> Sudden outbursts could range from burping, shouting vulgarities, injuring himself ‘by accident’ and then channeling his inner sailor some more, or punches to the arm of the messenger. You take your guess, he’s probably done the latter.
> Back to the compliments. There was a particular time where Matt and you decided to have a silly little shopping trip. His invite! You guys went around 10 in the morning, only to come back to Matt’s apartment around 8 in the night. To your surprise, you see Edd and Tom already comfortable on the couch. Tom was in a tight band t-shirt and some sweats, while Edd wore a silly creeper onesie.
> “How was the adventure you two?” Edd hums and smiles. You struggled with your bags and gently placed them down to the side. You had quite a few and your arms felt a wave of relief once you set them down. “I had so much fun! Matt was super helpful in my wardrobe cleanse mission.”
> Matt frowned slightly as he set his bags down and his hands magnetized to his hips, “ What’dya mean cleanse? We didn’t buy cleaning supplies!” You giggled at his empty headed moment and changed the subject.
> “Want a fashion show?” You smiled once you noticed Edd’s visible excitement at the prospect. You also couldn’t help but notice Tom shifting in his seat at the mention. You took a glance in that direction and decided to be a little direct.
> “How about you, Tom?” He cringed at your question. Again, not because of your doing.. necessarily… but because he was nervous. His head was being imaginative, put it like that.
> “…Whatever..” He mumbled, and you shrugged it off. Fashion show time!
> You and Matt were having fun doing silly poses and pretending to vouge. Edd was super encouraging, loved every outfit, and even clapping to the music that was playing. Tom, however, was sunken in the sofa with his arms crossed just glaring at the floor.
> Tom isn’t and wasn’t going to praise you. Again, he had a weird stigma about compliments.
> However, those lowrise bell bottom jeans with that studded belt and that fitted sleeved shirt in what he knows is your favorite color. He couldn’t help but stare at your waist and what little view of your chest your shirt had to offer.
> You noticed how Tom rose in his seat, and felt your face break into a sly smile at the realization that he was interested. His face screamed that sentiment. Everyone noticed it too, and it quickly got silent.
> You try to poke. “What’s with the face, nerd.”
> He deflected next. “You look stupid.”
> “Do I really?”
> “Not gonna repeat myself twice.”
> “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say I’ve piqued your interest.”
> “You fucking wish. I’d never be into someone like you. Honestly, you’re such an air—”
> “Hey Tom, your face is really red… are you okay?”
> “Yeah.. Tom… you look like you’re suffocating! I’ve never seen you so-”
> Tom threw up his hands in surrender and shouted “I’m out!” With that, he stood up and walked out. There was a brief moment of silence before there was a slam of the door. You looked back at your friends and sighed, “Sorry guys.. maybe I took it too far..”
> “Seriously..?” Matt facepalmed.
> “What..! I Already said s—“
> “What Matt means to say is, have you really not noticed yet?” Edd asked genuinely concerned. You looked at him and laughed awkwardly before realizing he was serious. “What’s.. what.. huh..? What did I do.. wait- what’s going on?”
> “Tom is whipped for you, y/n,” Matt exclaimed, “Even I knew that!” You felt your face heat up and your head whipped around to face both at them.
> “Huh..?” is all you could manage out before you focused on Edd.
> “Yes! He just doesn’t know how to express it.“ You swing your head to look over to Matt and begin to twitch, “He needs to figure it out then!”
> “That’s the thing y/n, he doesn’t do that all the time. It’s just with you. Sure him and I have our moments, and then there was Tord, but those two genuinely couldn’t get along. Have you not noticed that after your arguments how he hides his face-” Matt then interjects, “Or that time when it was your birthday, and he helped you clean cake off your face after arguing about how much of a slob you were,” Edd then copied Matt, “or when you had just failed your chemistry exam, and all you could do was sulk and watch My Little Pony, and so he stayed the night with you saying the excuse that-“ and in unison the two sung: “I’m bored, and terrorizing y/n sounds like fun.”
> You felt your face heat up recalling just those handful of moments. “I thought he was just being a friend…” you mumbled.
> “It would…! If it was anyone but Tom, of course.” Edd chuckled and shrugged. He was right.
> The MLP binge watch weekend should’ve been so obvious. I mean, come on, you two shared a throw blanket and your legs intertwined with his. Tom isn’t touchy with anyone. You had failed a chemistry exam, yes. It got especially emotional since that week you were already feeling homesick, and you had sacrificed phone time with your family to study.. and failure. When Tom came over, you’d cry everytime the episode had a familial lesson— it sucked. Next thing you knew, Tom put aside your one sided beef when he wrapped you into a tight hug.
> “Well what now…?”
> “Run to him!!!” Matt exclaimed dramatically.
> Do you even wanna give the punk rock boy a chance?
How did he find out
> Laying there sprawled out across his bed was Tom. His bed was the safe haven in the mess that was his room.
> Dirty room. Very Cluttered. Clothes scattered the floors, clean and dirty. It smelled like his cologne took a stroll through a bar.. minus the pungent scent of stomach acid.
> His bed consisted of his precious Tomee bear, two pillows with gray cases on them, and 6 blankets. Half of those blankets were throws, but still.. why so many blankets?
> Posters scattered across his room walls. Old band posters, classic anime franchises, and a few posters of video game crushes he had over the years. In the corner was a cluster of polaroids of all his friends! Yes, Tord included… and yes, even you.
> Tom found himself shifting his gaze from the white ceiling to that corner. There was a picture you took where he was caught mid laugh and you took the opportunity and posed with your polaroid. He loved that picture, to the point where he placed it in a position where it would be the first one his eyes went for. That day, he thought you looked the prettiest. Not like you don’t look pretty everyday, it’s just that one he appreciated because you were in bliss. All he could do that entire night was fight back a smile when you smiled, when you laughed, and when you looked at him with those caring warm eyes.
> “What am I thinking…” He groaned and threw his hands over his face. He wants to tell you, trust, he really does! He’s just.. afraid of rejection.
> It’s a pretty typical fear amongst many people. So he wasn’t alone. He just feels humiliated and embarrassed for having weaknesses. What if those feelings transferred to the relationship? Is there even a potential relationship.
> Gosh you were so pretty to him. He loved every detail about you. There wasn’t a moment he didn’t fantasize about you. He’d probably take you to a museum for a first date.
> Tom loves art. It’s kinda obvious. Unless you view music and art as separate catagories that never merge.. then I don’t know what to tell you.
> He noticed what kind of media you consume, which was a lot of animation, and he wanted to explore other genres with you on that first date. So what better place than a museum?
> There was a knock.
> It shook the man out of his fantastical wonderland, and he shot up.
> Tom has this terrible habit of opening the door without checking the peephole. Opening the door he found himself devoid of air coming face to face with the person in front of them.
> It was you.
> You weren’t wearing the outfit you were modeling earlier. To be fair it’s been about 2 hours since then. You were wearing a silly cat onesie, and in your hand was a reusable grocery bag. Unknown to him, you gambled on having a sleepover with him, and in your bag was a bunch of ingredients to make milkshakes.
> He didn’t have the energy to disguise the emotions he was feeling, and leaning against the door frame, he spoke to break the ice.
> “Uhh, what’s- What’s up ?”
> “Wanna have a sleepover?”, you smiled and shifted the bag to the front of your knees and grabbed it with both hands.
> “Uhmm..” he shifted off the doorframe and let out an unsure sigh. Grabbing the ends of his fitted band tee, he pulled and looked behind him.
> “If it’s a mess you’re worried about, I don’t mind! I can even help you clean up.” you offered.
> “Oh no- you.. you don’t have to do that. Uh. I’m down, I was just caught off guard because when you showed up I was zoned out.” he nervously laughed and opened his door wider, gesturing for you to walk in.
> You walked in and set the grocery bag down on the kitchen island to the left. He went straight for the bag and started snooping while you started picking up items to clear the space you were going to get comfortable in.
> “Smirnoff…?” He said in an almost childlike wonder way.
> “Ah, yeah,” you started, “I remembered it was your go to at bars, and I wanted to see how it would taste in a milkshake.”
> Oh you were perfect.
> “Also, Tom, We need to talk.. but don’t get mad with me.”
> Tom scoffed and turned around to start the dishes, “I could never be mad at you y/n, don’t be stupid.”
> “I don’t, actually. I feel like some of our bickers are not jokes.”
> “Well to clarify, I’m only teasing.”
> “Back to the point, Tom,” you started and he hummed in response, “I like you Tom.”
> No.
> “Yeah me too y/n. You’re fun to be around.”
> “Nono, Tom, I mean.. romantically.”
> The sound of dishes stopped with a crash of glass. Nothing broke, but it was loud enough to startle you.
> You stood up and turned to look towards Tom to see him standing there with wide white eyes and a red face.
> “What..?” He said like a child, and it made you laugh.
> “Yeah, I love being around you, I like your presence.. albeit I could live without the insults, but I love your sass and your jokes. You’re funny, you’re pretty, and I wanna know more about you.. more than the Tom I know.”
> “y/n.”
> “Yea?”
> “I don’t even know what to say in this situation, but know I do feel the same. I feel strongly..? If I could jump off the walls like a damn molecule, I would. Y/n, I really like you too.”
> “Oh what a relief. For a second, you had me believing that the boys were wrong.”
> Tom laughed.. out loud. It made your heart melt because it was a genuine one for once, “You dummy! I’m sure you had Edd and Matt biting their fingernails in frustration over this.”
> “i’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner!”
> “I’m just happy you noticed at all.”
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ashensgrotto · 1 year
The Sea's Sacrifice (Part 2)
Tumblr media
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto / Jade Leech / Floyd Leech x Fem!Reader
Total Word Count: 14.7k+
Part 1 Part 2 (You Are Here) Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Synopsis: A potential job as a marine biologist’s assistant leaves (Y/N) feeling something fishy going on behind the scene…
Author’s Notes: Original Idea came from @merakiui ’s annonymous ask with a short story / headcannon -> https://www.tumblr.com/merakiui/684490143936167936/ooohhh-i-love-those-writing-ideas-you-had-for-sea?source=share
and I absolutely love this concept and wanted to take it a step further. I don’t write yandere nor fanfiction as much as I did a few years ago. However, I do hope I do this piece justice; I will have links to the next part once it is completed and ready for viewing.
Also, this is a work of fiction. I disagree with anyone that justifies the following behaviors which are represented in this fic (if I think of more, I will add them as I go):
rape/non-consent/dub-consent, possessive/controlling/dominating behaviors, and manipulation
Come my love be one with the sea
Rule with me for eternity
Drown all dreams so mercilessly
And leave their souls to me
You don’t see the twins for the remainder of the day.
When you make mention of the encounter in passing to Crewel that evening, the man only smiles - and not in a warm way whatsoever.
“It would seem that our puppy here has peaked their interest,” the eccentric man grinned, an unsettling look on his face as he bares his teeth, “It’s interesting how Floyd has taken the first step, though - I thought for certain Jade would’ve been the one to approach you first.”
“Floyd? Jade?” you arch a brow at the black and white cloaked professor, “Those things have names?”
“They are not things, pup,” Crewel taps his cigarette case against the palm of his hand before pulling one out and lighting it up, “To answer your question, yes, the mers do have names. While you were waiting for them to make their first appearance with you, Trein and I have been working on cracking their communication code. All three speak in chirps, clicks, and coos - though their growls are both intriguing and nerve-wrecking. We believe, based on how quickly they chirp or click, they are either warning each other of danger, food, or saying each other’s names.”
“And how did you figure out their names?”
“It’s a mere guess - but the sound waves we see on our monitors follow a similar pattern as the sound waves in the air following the pronunciation of the names ‘ Jade ’ and ‘Floyd. ’ We’ve also hidden cameras in the enclosure and have heard them speak in our language during playback sessions after certain incidents - such as the attacks on our coworkers.” 
“And part of my job is to see how much of our language they know and potentially teach them more?”
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt to know how much they know or teach them,” Crewel chuckled, “one can’t be too careful with so much knowledge after all.”
‘Knowledge was power,’ you recalled someone telling you once long ago, ‘and too much power could either destroy you or save you.’
“Regardless,” Crewel continued, “I, personally, think it would be interesting to see exactly how much they know about us land dwellers. It would allow us to know if they are watching us and, if so, where we should look to find more - maybe even see how they live and coexist with each other, what parts of the ocean they are likely to hide out in… maybe even see how they mate!”
You sputter, “M-mate?!”
“Of course it’s perfectly natural for animals to go through mating seasons,” Crewel answered with a shrug, “For scientific purposes, it would be interesting to see if they mate like their animal forms or if they follow the human side of romantic courtship.”
‘I’m beginning to think you and the rest of this group are a bunch of perverts,’ you thought to yourself, grinding your teeth together, “And what are you going to do about… that particular question?”
“I think that is enough questions for the day,” Crewel raised his arms above his head, a popping noise indicating a cracked back as he let out a yawn, “Come, puppy. Both of us need rest - we’re going to have a busy day tomorrow.”
You didn’t see the twins when you first came in the following morning, nor even after depositing your stuff beside the coat rack and your lunch into the freezer. 
At first, you thought maybe they didn’t exist and you had dreamt up the encounter; but the memory of Crewel’s grin and comment about interacting with ‘Floyd’ kept replaying in your mind as you prepared the merfolks’ breakfast. As you leaned down to dump the second bucket into the pool, a sudden splash of water soaked you from head to toe - forcing you to drop your bucket and fall back on the concrete flooring, sputtering as giggles and clicking noises filled the room.  You brushed your damp hair and salted water away from your eyes as they fell on a familiar figure leaning over the edge of the pool.
Skin the color of seaweed shone under the dimmed fluorescent lights while a set of heterochromic eyes gleamed in delight at your surprise. A grin spread across the mer’s features, revealing a set of shark-like teeth that flashed in satisfaction, the dark teal strand falling in front of his features. 
You huff, grunting as you slowly stand and arch a brow at the creature, “Was that really necessary?”
The creature only beamed wider, clearly pleased with your reaction.
“Honestly, you scared me - nearly gave me a heart attack.”
The creature clicked a few times before pushing himself away and swimming around close to the edge, watching as you grab the last bucket and bring it to the edge.
“No more surprises, ok?” you eye the creature as you reach in and pull out a squid that was about the size of your palm - much larger than a fry, but too small for an adult - offering it to him, “I give you this, you won’t splash me again, deal?”
The moray mer chirps, moving his head in a nod and shifting his body slightly before you toss the squid in his direction. He catches it mid-air like a dog with a tennis ball, the squid dangling out of his mouth as he beams at you. You watch him carefully as you dump the contents into the water and he begins his meal. He starts with the tentacles, pulling them apart and gnawing on them while his webbed hands dug into the mantle of the miniature sea beast - strings of muscle, blood, and ink staining his features before crunching of bone echoes around.  
“Geez, take it easy,” you grumble, “no one is going to take it from you.”
The mer stops and regards you with a look that means, ‘Shut up, I’m trying to enjoy my meal.’
You return the buckets to the side of the freezer before grabbing your notebook and take a seat at the pool’s edge, opening it and beginning to jot down notes.
6:05 am: One of the mers has made an appearance this morning. Based on what I was told by Professor Crewel last night, I believe this one is Floyd - one of the twin morays. It’s hard to differentiate between the two of them, but if I had to venture a guess - Floyd is far more playful than his brother -
Nails clicked against the edge of the pool, forcing you to look up to see Floyd leaning over the edge, studying the word on the notebook. He shifted his gaze from the words before looking at you and back again. 
“What’s up?” 
Floyd chirped at you, crossing his arms and resting his chin on them, eyes watching your every movement as he continued to click and coo.
He stayed like this for the next several hours, clicks and chirps echoing in the room as you shifted between taking notes and partially listening to him. You figured he was telling you something, but since you didn’t understand him, you could only nod and hum in his direction as if you did understand. 
“Hungry,” he says eventually, the word throwing you off guard for a moment.
“Did you just.. Say ‘hungry’?” you asked, blink incredulously.
“Hungry,” Floyd said again, a grin spreading across his features, his eyes narrowing as he eyed you like a piece of shrimp.
“Alright, one moment Floyd,” you move to stand, only for your ankle to be caught by a webbed grip.
You turn, confused to see a look of surprise on the mer’s face.
“Name?” Floyd inquires.
“Are you asking if I know your name?” when the mer nods, you smile, “I was told your name. But, excuse me, I never introduced myself - I’m (Y/N). I’ve been tasked as your keeper.”
It was a white lie - a big one at that - but you weren’t sure if Floyd understood what ‘keeper’ meant nor if he understood that the three of them were under observation. However, you did want to be cautious in the event that in the case Floyd and the others did understand what was going on around them, you wouldn't be seen as a threat.
Floyd spoke your name softly, tasting the words on his tongue before grinning, baring sharp teeth as he shouted, “(Y/N)!” 
You couldn’t help but giggle a bit, murmuring behind a hand that covered your mouth, “That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
Next thing you knew, Floyd launched himself from the edge of the pool and disappeared into the murky water, leaving you curious as to what he was up to. However, if he intended to splash you again, you weren’t going to stick around to find out.
You stood, stretching your back and legs before moving towards the freezer, with the intention of pulling out the three buckets for lunch when Floyd’s voice came again, “(Y/N)! (Y/N)!”
You turned with bucket in hand as Floyd approached the edge, his brother in tow - though he stayed at least a foot away from the edge, but keeping a close eye on you and his twin. You reach the edge a squat down, offering a smile to the second moray mer and a hand outstretched in a non-threatening manner. 
“Hello. You must be Jade, right?”
‘Jade’ lifts his head, allowing you to see his full face and neck, the water lapping at his shoulders, as surprise etched across his features. He blinks slowly, moving a little bit closer before his voice, soft and deep, speaks.
“Know name?”
‘So, Jade knows a few more words than Floyd,’ you think to yourself before nodding, “Yeah, I know your name. I told Floyd that I was told both of your names - I was assigned as your keeper for the time being.”
“Keeper?” Jade askes, head cocking to the side like a dog would.
“Yes, I’m in charge of taking care of you during the day. I’ll be here most of the time, except at night when I have to leave. But I’ll be here to feed you in the morning, afternoon, and evening, and spend time with you guys during the in between hours.”
The twins looked at each other, both clicking and chirping - eyes shifting between your crouched figure and themselves. The looks they shared during these few moments made you feel a bit uneasy, like they were sizing you up for a meal; it reminded you of the lewd glances you received from drunks at the bars you used to work when you first started working, hands sliding up your uniforms before one of the bartenders would step in and smack them away, reminding them the girls were not for touching. It made you shudder, goose pimples rising along your arms.
Jade seemed to notice, clicking softly at his brother as his features relaxed, heterochromia eyes softening on your figure.
“Hungry,” Jade’s voice brought you back, “We… are… hungry.”
It only took about a week for Jade to eventually warm up to you, the three of you getting along - even with Floyd’s continued antics.
From what you observed, Jade was the eldest of the two moray twins - he was courteous to you and most of the staff that had on more than one occasion popped in to check on you during your sessions with the two and often kept Floyd from getting too much out of hand; although he seemed to be the one that would antagonize his younger brother with a few clicks and chirps in his direction before Floyd would splash you with water or attempt to pull you in for a swim. Regardless, Jade was always there to pull his brother back while Floyd shrieked in mer - their native tongue that you supplied in your notes, thrashing about while the eldest cooed in delight at how quickly Floyd could be worked up. 
Jade was also very intelligent, often poking at the books you had brought along with you and chirping with curiosity. Unlike his brother, who had the attention span of a three-year-old, Jade listened intently to each word and pronounced them back to you with a few stutters here and there before saying the word like he was born to speak. He couldn’t form coherent sentences without the occasional click or chirp, but then again - speaking your native tongue was like you learning to speak his, it would take time and practice before he could reach that point. 
The easiest words for Jade are your name, the word ‘pearl,’ and greetings. He always glowers when the time comes for you to leave before grumbling in the water, bubbles appearing around his face as he sinks under the surface with only the top of his head and eyes peering out from beneath the enclosure’s water surface. Floyd had picked up on this and began copying his brother, both of them looking like angry puffer fish each time you leave the enclosure and lock the door behind you.
Trein stops you one evening on your way out, a black and white cat in his arms, “How are things going, little keeper?”
“I think I’m making progress,” you answer, holding out your filled up notebook from the first month to him, “Crewel requested I give you this at the end of the first month.”
“I should hope so,” Trein took the notebook, shifting the lazy cat in his arms around to flip through the pages, “I saw that you’ve become quite comfortable around the twins - Floyd nearly drowned you in the pool the other day, yes?”
“Almost, though I think he was just playing around,” you answer, “he’s like a little kid - so energetic.”
“Perhaps… How's the research on our cecaelia?”
“The cecaelia?”
Trein raised one brow as the cat harrumphed at you, “Did you forget there are three of them?”
“I suppose I did,” you gulp before shrugging sheepishly.
“Do not forget that there is more than just the twins in that enclosure,” Trein warned, closing the notebook with a loud snap in one hand, “The sea is as dangerous as its mysteries that lurk beneath its surface. The twins may be comfortable around you, but the cecaelia is something no one has ever seen, much less interacted with. If it were to pull you under the waters tomorrow, we’d never know what happened, and I doubt the twins would do much to save you either.”
“I won’t let anything happen,” you answer with a strong resolve, brows creasing inward, “besides, if Crewel’s hunch is correct, I might be able to get the twins to persuade the mer out if I play my cards right.”
“You better. Remember, you only have two months left. I’d like to see some progress before the end of next month.”
As was expected, the twins were no help at all.
Each day for the next week, you attempted to discuss the octomer with the twins - you figured if you could get more information about the mer in question, you might be able to indicate something about him in your notes. Unfortunately, the twins couldn't completely understand you - even when you drew out a picture of what appeared to be an octopus and tapped a finger against the drawing. They did, thankfully, seem to understand you were curious about the third member of their trio, with Floyd chirping "Octo-chan" a few times before disappearing under the water.
The only piece of information you could gather was a word, spoken by Jade when you first asked about the mer.
But, azul was a color - blue, to be precise. What does "azul" have to do with an octopus? You contemplated this for several hours after the twins left you to your devices one morning. They had greeted you in their usual fashion before taking their leave and disappearing under the water. It had been about two weeks since Jade had spoken the word and even when you asked about it, the clicking and chirping that came from both mers had you scratching your head in confusion. 
Maybe "Azul" wasn't a color, but a name? Or code? 
You scratch the back of your neck as you look at the chart you've drawn out - hoping that you might get some answers. "Okay, let's see," you push the notebook forward and roll to lay on your stomach as the bottom end of the pen traces through the drawn lines and words, "Floyd and Jade are twins - that much is straightforward - and are literal polar opposites of each other. Other than looks, both of them are connected by the octomer who may or may not be named Azul. However, how are the three of them connected? How did they meet?"
You circle the question before moving on to the next part, "As for Azul - he doesn't seem fond of humans as the morays seem to be his protectors. We know he is an octopus, based on eyewitnesses during their capture - however, we don't know much else about him."
You tap your pen against the notepad before flipping through the other notebook that sat beside you, rereading all of the notes you had gathered during the course of the week when discussing the octomer to the morays. You shifted to a kneeling position, your body getting tired of laying flat on your stomach when you felt a pair of eyes watching you.
You turn your head toward the pool, eyes nearly popping out as a head dunks itself low, the top mop of white and lavender shaded hair falling across a set of unfamiliar sea blue eyes.
Dove gray skin glowed in the dimmed fluorescent lighting as the sea blue eyes peered at you curiously, pupils horizontal slits that expanded and constricted as the two of you locked eyes with each other. When he raised his head, the water revealed several long strands of silver that rested about chin length on the left side of his face - the rest of the starlight colored hair cut short with water dripping from the tips and creating little pointed tips on the ends. Full lips were slightly parted with surprise, a little beauty mark resting just below his bottom lip and nearly blocked by the long strand. Unlike Floyd and Jade, his ears matched that of a human - rounded and uncut by earrings many humans wore. Below him, you could only see blackness - a darkness that cut through the murky waters of the pool as multiple limbs shifted in the water.
Overall, the octomer was stunning.
You took a deep breath and smiled softly at him, holding out a hand to him, “Hello. It’s nice to finally meet you. Are you Azul?”
The octomer looks around cautiously before returning his gaze to you with a slow nod.
“You have a beautiful name, Azul. I’m (Y/N) - though I’m sure the twins told you about me.”
Azul nods, slowly reaching a hand out towards yours open one.
“(Y/N)?” the voice of Crewel comes from the entrance of the enclosure.
Startled, Azul disappears under the waves as the twins appear, a heavy wave of water dousing the two of you - causing the two of you to sputter in surprise. Jade growls at Crewel, snapping his jaws in a threatening manner while Floyd leans over the edge of the pool, getting into a protective stance in front of you and snarling at the professor before shifting his gaze at you with worry.
The only thing you can think of as you watch the scene before you unfold is, ‘Did I manage to become a part of Jade and Floyd’s group? If so, what happens now?’
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a speech about goncharov i made for my public speaking class!
note: this is not exactly what will be spoken for my class, as i am not reading my speech word-for-word. however, this is an outline of the speech i will be presenting, and i thought y'all might be interested in seeing it.
The purpose of my speech is to inform my audience of the fake movie “Goncharov” and how it has impacted me. My goal is to inform my audience of how the fake movie “Goncharov” came to be and of the value it has. 
By a quick show of hands, how many of you have seen or heard of Goncharov before? [Quick pause as I wait for no hands – or almost no hands – to go up.] Alright. So, Goncharov was a 1973 mafia movie supported by Martin Scorsese, and has been widely regarded as the greatest mafia movie of all time. It’s about the Russian mafia in Naples, Italy, and follows a variety of characters such as Goncharov himself, Katya, who is Goncharov’s wife, Audrei “The Banker” Daddano, and my personal favorite, Joseph “Ice Pick Joe” Morelli, with actors such as Robert De Niro, Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel, and Lynda Carter. So, why have you never heard of this movie before? Well, everything I just told you? It’s all a lie. It’s all made up. Goncharov? Yeah. It never actually existed. 
I remember being part of the Goncharov fandom as it first blew up on Tumblr in late 2022. It was a great source of joy for me and made a significant impact on Tumblr’s culture. I am going to show my audience how Goncharov came to be, the creativity is spawned, and briefly reflect on how the website it originated on was vital for its growth. 
So, what is Goncharov, and what is going on here?
Goncharov was a fake movie created by Tumblr in late 2022. 
Sometime prior to August 22nd, 2020, Tumblr user ZootyCoon posted a photograph of knockoff boots they had bought that advertised a non-existent movie, Goncharov, on them, claiming that Goncharov was “the greatest mafia movie of all time.” In response, on August 22nd, 2020, another Tumblr user, AbandonedAmbition, commented “This idiot hasn’t seen Goncharov”, which was then added to the post itself by Tumblr user LoserMo. 
While ZootyCoon’s original post did receive some attention, it wasn’t until November 18th, 2022 that Goncharov truly hit it off as a cultural phenomenon, thanks to Tumblr user Beelzeebub, who posted a fan-made poster for Goncharov, receiving almost 20,000 likes and over 15,000 reblogs in three days. 
As it turns out, you don't actually need a piece of media to be real in order for a fandom to form around it.
Countless fanworks were created for Goncharov, including fanart, fanfiction, music, scene analysis and analysis of motifs, gif sets, memes, and so much more. As mentioned in a YouTube video by YouTuber ColeyDoesThings, there was even a time where Goncharov had more fanfiction on a popular fanfiction website than James Cameran’s Avatar, the highest grossing movie of all time. 
So much lore was being created for Goncharov in such a short amount of time that efforts had to be made to record it all. Multiple individuals attempted to create a “master copy” of Goncharov’s lore, including what is now a 48-page Google doc that includes a plot summary, brief descriptions of various scenes, and links and sources to various contributors. 
But Goncharov could not be contained just to Tumblr. Various media outlets, such as The New York Times, The Guardian, Forbes, and The Washington Post all posted articles about Goncharov, an internet phenomenon. 
But, why? Why this fake movie, and why on Tumblr of all places? 
As a social media site, Tumblr has an incredibly weird culture. There are no public follower counts, no verification for users, and a whole array of weird social rules. But one thing that really makes Tumblr special is the interaction between large and small blogs alike. Because anyone can and is encouraged to create their own content and add to others’ content, something like Goncharov could very quickly become a “yes, and” game among Tumblr’s users. 
Tumblr is also very much a “fandom” site. Fanart, fanfiction, and other fanworks dominate the website, and Goncharov in its heyday was no exception. Interactions between fans and fan creators is what really causes fandoms to grow and survive, so it makes sense that Goncharov thrived the way it did considering how easy it was to find fellow fans. With no pressure to reveal your “true” self, there’s a lot less pressure when you share what you’ve created. 
So, what can we learn here?
The fake movie “Goncharov” was unintentionally created by a tag on a pair of off-brand boots but didn’t truly become popular until Beelzebub’s poster. Fandom quickly grew around it, creating countless fanworks, but Tumblr’s unique culture as a social media site is what truly allowed it to thrive. 
There is joy and creativity in unusual places. Whether or not you believe Goncharov to be a waste of time, the popularity of a fake movie says something about the human fascination with stories. Thank you. 
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pyreofsunflowers · 2 years
How to make the Sims 3 look its best in 2022
so simming is a long time pastime of mine, and I've - in my humble opinion - perfected the look of the game without turning it into a yassed out modeling agency. (if you've ever looked for cc you know what I'm talking about) so in this first of probably many posts - here is a complete list of all my graphics mods!
Firstly, though, I should note that I have a very strong pc with a very strong graphics card. Please please please don't overload your computer, and explore options that will work best with your specs. What looks best for me might not look best for you.
Ahem, with that out of the way let's start with my default graphic settings.
Tumblr media
This keeps my game looking beautiful while running smoothly (hence the low reflection and edge smoothing)
Now let's get into the mods!
Lighting and Environment
Burnt Waffles' Moonrise Kingdom Lighting - Self explanatory, textures for the skybox, weather overlays, and general lighting. Make sure you pick the water that matches your world!
Simsi45's Reworked and Improved EA Lights - tones down the brightness of some lights, fixes directional lighting for covered lamps, light colors made more consistent, and other such fixes.
dDefinder's Outdoor Lighting Tweaks - removes that nasty blue hue at nighttime, adds more dynamic shadows, adds new weather types and can make nighttime darker!
Neim's Sims Blog's Default replacements for Garden Bushes and Orchard Trees - Replaces the textures for plants like tomato vines, apple trees, and onion plants - creating a much more lush looking garden.
Aminovas' Plant Retextures - softens the bright, garish colors of EA plants to be more appealing. In two parts, and available as non-defaults.
CAS + Create-a-Pet
Kurasoberina's Primer Skin + Buhudain's You are Real - my skin mod and a default replacement pack with upped realism. The skin was designed to be used with You are Real, just a heads up.
I don't use any nudey mods out of personal preference - but I hear good things about Cmar's and Geck.o's work. Here is a link to a bunch of nsfw sims stuff, if that's what your into. I also don't really use sliders outside of the hat slider, a glasses slider and a height and posture slider. this is again out of personal presence, as I am generally making an entire neighborhood's worth of sims at a time and don't have the energy to be nitpicky with sliders on every single sim. That being said, OneEuroMutt complied a really nice list of CAS sliders AND a list of animal sliders if your interested in that.
Bloom's Sexy Feet and Cyo's Cute feet for children - realistic foot retexture, the op is long gone so this is a forum post. May not work unless sim detail is set to high!
Shady's Loney Eyes - subtle eye retextures available as both a contact and a default replacement. I'm currently not using any eyelash retextures - mostly because I haven't found any that work. If anyone has suggestions, let me know!
MaryJane's, Firefox's, AND Agnelid's Hair Replacements - replaces defualt hair with much better looking CC from other creator's - I mix and match between the three. Note that these are far from complete, and I still work with pleanty of EA hair.
I like teh Sims CAS overhaul - less shine, and hides rather than deletes mostly unused items (i always have this weird paranoia that deleting them form CAS will delete them in gameplay...)
One Euro Mutt's Less Shoe Shine - self explanatory, fixes that weird shine that's on so many default shoes.
Simple Life's Lipstick, Blush, Eyeliner, Beards, Eyebrows, and Age Details - Simple Life is my go- to for facial updates, do note however the textures may look funky if your sim detail isn't set to high. (They don't have individual pages for each item, so you'll have to scroll - my apologies)
Ketheira's Freckles and Moles - self explanatory, more realistic face marks.
Eternal 2nd Kira's Insect Wing Replacements for Fairies - replaces the EA textures with high-def insect wings, I just think it looks neat mostly.
Brinwood's HD Dog Coats and Eyes - Also includes more colorable options for dog coats, such as inner ears and individual paws.
Lazy Duchess' cat and dog addons - adds whiskers, primarily, but also edits some face textures and adds more facial markings
Kale and Traelia's HD cat skin and eyes - better meshes for cats.
Dimitri Dane's and Elin Fredriksdotter's EQHD - a FULL retexture and remodel of EA horses with better textures of coats and eyes, and optional stallion junk if that's what your into (I'm not... lol). you will have to download custom saddles, bridles, tack, and poses as EA meshes will be incompatible - but I will probably make a separate post with all my horse CC... lol.
Misc. Textures
Pretty obviously, I use the No Build Sparkles and No Intro mod that everyone gets when they set up there CC folder for the first time. These little details make a big difference!
JustMiha's Clean UI reskin, which is currently still in development (hence the default graphic menu... lol)
Velocity Grass's remove stencil tool to remove any unwanted stencils from cabinets, beds, or toyboxes.
Simsi45's Tileable Items Fix - you know how you go to place a row of bookshelves and there's the lighting gets all messed up on a few of them? yeah this mod fixes that.
Jane Sambroski's Wood Grain re-textures - fixes a lot of the EA woods to have much nicer looking grains, and fixed an issue that caused the grain to become pixelated when zooming.
Plastic Box's Doorway Lighting Fix - fixes lots of the broken lighting with doors and archways, so now all glass doors will cast light through them and all arches of similar size will cast the same amount of light through them
Aminovas' Cow Textures - retextures the cow in the Milkin' It Corral store item to be more realistic. That's it.
And that's it! Yes, I know it's a lot, but I like my game GOREGOUS.
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Fallen Order & Survivor Musical Themes
Has anyone done this yet? Here is a comprehensive list of all of the character themes/motifs found in the Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor video games for anyone interested. I tried to give several examples of each and also included some of my own thoughts. You can listen to many or as few links as you want. If I missed anything please feel free to add on or let me know.
FALLEN ORDER CAL KESTIS - I'm giving Cal two separate sections because I'm pretty positive he now has two separate themes and in attempts to make it less confusing, I've decided to very creatively refer to them as Fallen Order Cal and Survivor Cal. I'm a genius, I know. Fallen Order Cal is consistently heard all over both games. It's his primary theme. It feels young and heroic and wide-eyed... Remember feeling like nothing could touch you when you were young? That's the sort of feeling I get from Fallen Order Cal. It's not happy per se but it's hope and optimism sprinkled with naive youthfulness and an undertone of solemnity. He's been through some serious shit but he's a kid, he's young. The grief and trauma are there for sure but they haven't encompassed him completely. There's still some hope behind those eyes, there's a healing journey to go on, and there's a chance to take on this Empire. It's only until Survivor that the theme starts feeling a little more grounded just like the transition from childhood to adulthood. Fallen Order Cal in Survivor feels a bit less magical, that youthful spirit has diminished, that hope has dwindled.
SURVIVOR CAL KESTIS - So, I originally thought this was a minor key variation of a section of Cal's theme but I've since realized that it technically is a completely separate theme. That being said, thanks to @foxykatie425 in this insanely detailed reply to my frustrations regarding this theme that put what I was hearing into musical terms way out of my element in terms of explaining, I've realized that I may have been somewhat correct. I don't know if the two themes are actually connected, that would be a question for the composers but at the very least, it's definitely a secondary darker theme for Cal as it only ever plays in reference to him and I'd wager a guess that it's the main theme of Survivor as a whole. Compared to Fallen Order Cal, Survivor Cal feels drained, heavy, tired, burdened, and above all else, dark and foreboding. There is a genuine weight to this theme that just feels sinister. There is a hint of Fallen Order Cal there but as that post says, it almost feels like it's on the verge of falling apart. He's not the same man he was five years ago and the fact that this theme is the first thing you hear music-wise in the game and accompanies your very first view of him is an incredible way of subconsciously telling that to your audience right off the bat.
ABOVE THE CLOUDS - note: this theme and Fallen Order Cal switch back and forth constantly in this track and I find that so interesting.
NIGHTSISTER MERRIN - Merrin's theme is interesting to me because it doesn't sound anything like the type of music you might use to accompany a witch or magic user. It's not necessarily fantastical or whimsical or anything of the sort. In fact, it sounds more like something you might use for a superhero. It's a little bit timid or unsure or even afraid in Fallen Order but god damn has it built in confidence and strength once Survivor rolls around. The only time you hear that sort of timidness to it again is during the first kiss on Jedha which has such interesting implications for her being a nervous wreck in that moment. I also adore how it sounds as an action cue which you hear several times throughout Survivor. It sounds like it comes straight from the best MCU movies and yes, I do mean that as a compliment.
CAL & MERRIN'S LOVE THEME - Look, I genuinely did not think they would actually go through with making Cal and Merrin canon, I honestly thought they'd chicken-shit out and I was certainly not expecting them to get any sort of love theme if they did but here we are... and we somehow got both. Cal and Merrin are canon and they got a love theme. Holy fucking shit. It just has all that warmth and sweetness of a friend-to-lovers romance too.
BD-1 - I said in my post regarding my thoughts on the Survivor score that these two video game scores are quite possibly the closest we've ever gotten to a John Williams sound from a composer(s) who is in fact, not John Williams. Not that every piece of Star Wars music has to sound like the big man himself, part of the reason The Mandalorian theme was so positively received was that it was such a different sound for Star Wars but I stand by what I said: this is the closest a composer has gotten to a John Williams sound and they have clearly done their research. Some people might not know this but R2 and 3PO have a very small motif heard throughout the films. It's not played very often and is sometimes not very noticeable but it's there and BD-1's motif is not only similar but definitely sounds like it exists within the same universe. I also love that droids are so often musically presented as very childlike, innocent, and mischievous. BD in particular has a very playful energy.
TRILLA SUNDURI/SECOND SISTER - Trilla's theme legitimately activates my fight or flight response and when I say that, I mean mostly my flight response cause you won't find me messing with this shit. It's very much in lieu of the famous Psycho violins which were written to heighten your senses by emulating screams. I wish we got more of it cause it's intimidating as fuck and a piece of dark side art.
CERE JUNDA - Don't hate me but I haven't quite fallen in love with Cere's theme yet. That's not to say it's bad by any means, it's absolutely beautiful. It has such a deep melancholy vibe to it, like an inescapable sadness. It almost has a feeling of failure to me weirdly enough.
ENO CORDOVA - I've mentioned this before but again, for people who might not know: the music that is widely considered to be the main theme of Fallen Order - so much so it was primarily used during the recap at the beginning of Survivor - is Cordova's theme. It's such an interesting artistic choice because I think many people would've made it either Cal's theme or given the entire game its own theme in general. I listen to this one a lot honestly. It's so calming and safe feeling.
BODE AKUNA - Yes, Bode does have a theme and you know what? It slaps. I really like it. It's very adventurous and feels quite friendly which is ironic as hell. It does get some heart-wrenching renditions nearer to the end of the game. It's the music that swells when he force-pushes Cal and everyone collectively shits themselves. Oh, it also has some dark renditions as well.
RAYVIS - As far as I can tell, Rayvis does not have a set theme but he is usually accompanied by high-playing strings and his boss fight music is the best example of that. I actually don't think a lot of Rayvis moments ended up on the score soundtrack which... how dare they.
DAGAN GERA - I thought Dagan didn't have a theme for the longest time but it turns out he actually does have a tiny motif that I do wish had been more thoroughly realized in the score because it's so menacing and I absolutely love it. It's most prominently heard during his last confrontation with Cal. He is also usually accompanied by low-playing horns. Not always but usually.
KATA AKUNA - I'm going to rant about this one for a second, okay? I have spent the last few weeks wondering what the hell the melody that plays throughout the track Through Darkness is. I was sitting here plucking out melodies on a piano app (cause I don't own a keyboard) and was like, "Okay, it's not Cal's theme, it's not Bode's theme, it's not Merrin's theme... what the hell is that series of notes??" Yes, I'm aware that not every note has to mean something but these just felt like they did. It's played at such an emotional point in the game and for two scores that already work heavily around themes and motifs and musical ideas, it didn't make sense to me that this little series of notes would mean nothing, especially at such a poignant moment. Funnily enough, it only just occurred to me while making this post that it's fucking Kata's theme. At least I think it is. Well, motif. It's not a fully developed theme but it definitely has the makings of one. That's not even me making a wild guess either, these notes appear in other places in the story that feature Kata.
GHOST STAR - I'm adding this for fun because I think it's gorgeous and I love it but it leads me to ask: why has there been no official release of Ghost Star? With or without vocals? This is a genuine question. It does not appear on the Cantina album nor is there even a snippet of its melody on the score album. It makes me wonder if the song was maybe added later into production? Trust me, I love the orchestral cover that has been going around and people are obviously seeking it out cause the track has gained thousands of streams in the months since the game was released. It was at 10k the last time I looked on Spotify and it's currently at 24k as of writing this. I'm just genuinely surprised EA/Respawn or hell, even Lucasfilm hasn't capitalized off that.
Thank you most sincerely if you made it all the way here :)
I liked this. I should do this for more scores lol.
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d0llylove · 2 years
♡friends? [2]
♡pairing: saiki kusuo x f!reader
♡synopsis: art class put you in a sticky situation, having to pair up with someone you were uncomfortable with led saiki to save you from that. but things didn't go too well even after that.
♡t/w: sorry I forgot to add the reader was mocked in this fic for her art skills 💀
♡link to pt1: indifferent , pt3: furry feline
♡note: 'thinking', "saiki speaking telepathically"
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ah yes art class, everyone's favourite lesson. not because everyone loves art, but probably because it's the one class where people could slack for it and get away with it.
obviously, kusuo was never a fan of art class to begin with. due his powers, he could draw the perfect replica of anything. almost as if it was traced line by line.
"spilt up into pairs and draw each other's portraits."
upon hearing that, you knew you were doomed. you always hated doing pairwork. not because you couldn't do it, it was because you had no one to do it with. you were ensure whether people just never noticed you to begin with or are actively avoiding you. either way, you still held a resentment against any sort of pairwork.
kusuo wanted to be careful with who he picked, he had already outed nendo and kaidou.
'I've got no one again?'
this familiar voice.
'I suppose she's struggling to find a partner.'
kusuo could see the you from the corner of his eye. it wasn't too obvious but you were sulking, probably beat up by the fact that no one approached you.
you face lit up as you saw someone walking towards you, he had weird lips but who cares?! this was the first time someone has spoken to you today!
saiki knew that there was no way he was going to let you end up with someone like takahashi.
"saiki-kun, if you haven't found anyone to pair up with, do you mind partnering me?" the class's most gorgeous girl, teruhashi kokomi had approached saiki.
he thought for a second, before giving a quick nod and then pointing to you.
"e-eh? could you tell me what you mean?" teruhashi seemed confused as she looked over his shoulder to see you with takahashi, seemingly very uncomfortable.
"let her join," saiki said with his signature expressionless face. teruhashi immediately started panicking over the fact that he was trying to include you. she took a peek at your face as you backed off from takahashi, in a polite manner trying to tell him that you weren't interested in the date he was asking you out to.
she felt horrible for you, having to be paired up with someone that weird. however, her heart fluttered when she realized why saiki was trying to invite you to their group.
'saiki-kun is always so thoughtful! helping out a girl in distress, I'll let you do it this time. even if it means sacrificing time alone with the most beautiful girl in class!'
'not really, it was out of pity.'
"o-oh wow!" you gasped, upon laying your eyes on teruhashi, you were speechless.
'why are you saying oh wow to teruhashi.'
"y-you're seriously asking me to join your group?" you repeated your question for the second time now, still in shock that teruhashi asked you.
"yeah, the more the merrier!" teruhashi gleamed clapping her hands together with a smile on her face.
you gave her a nod, before turning to saiki.
'this guy... is.. saiki, right? I think so, he has so many friends, it would be bad if I didn't know his name...'
looking at him, you grinned, "pleasure to meet you saiki-san!" he looked at you with a blank expression before giving you a small nod.
'a man of few words huh?'
'you're not wrong.'
"i just wanted to let you guys know, i'm not the best artist, so i'm really sorry if I draw you poorly," you let out nervous laughter, your fingers fiddling with the hem of your uniform.
"no worries, we won't judge!" teruhashi was quick to lighten the mood up.
the three of you decided to take turns drawing each other. teruhashi would go first, saiki second then you last.
you sat beside saiki comfortably, as the gorgeous lady who sat opposite the two of you had a nervous smile on her face and flushed cheeks.
"are you okay, teruhashi-san?" you asked, looking up from your sketch book when you noticed how nervous she seemed.
she gave you a quick nod, quick to deny the fact that she was feeling nervous and blamed it on the large amount people surrounding the three of you.
'must be hard being the prettiest girl huh..'
you peeked over to your side, saiki sitting calmly beside you. your eyes blew wide as you saw the drawing of kokomi, it was far to realistic for a normal sixteen year old student to draw. you looked up, at saiki.
'c-could it be?'
'crap! she saw it,' saiki's brows furrowed as he awaited your response, as if it was a gamble, to see whether he won or lost it.
'saiki is secretly the world's best sixteen year old artist?!'
'she's truly an idiot.'
"I'm finished with mine!" you exclaimed, proudly showing kokomi your sketchbook. teruhashi's excited smile immediately switched to a disgusted look for a spilt second before regaining her composure.
"w-woah.. [name]-san... its truly.. something," kokomi grinned nervously, trying her best not to hurt your feelings. even though her feelings were hurt. you didn't know but in her head, she couldn't believe her eyes, your drawing was well, to put it nicely, horrendous. it made sense why kokomi was so upset.
her eyes in your sketchbook were uneven, one big and one small, they weren't even placed correctly. her nose was just two big dots, no nose bridge, nothing. her lips? it looked like a toddler drew it. actually the whole image looked like a toddler drew it.
'I didn't know you were funny.' saiki had an unnoticeable amused smile plastered on his face.
'but it's really ugly.'
bonus: (everyone's reaction to your drawing)
your popularity actually got boosted up so much when you teamed up with teruhashi. it went from a 49 to a solid 78.
that was until you showed her your drawing. everyone who was surrounding you guys were absolutely horrified by the sight that stood before them.
many of the guys started scolding you, yelling horrible names at you. however, saiki saw that coming, he made sure to use his powers on you before they could start making fun of you.
basically what you saw was completely different. in your eyes, everyone just saw your drawing, then just stood there quietly.
however, in saiki's eyes, when people were yelling at you, you just sat there, smiling calmly. it only lasted a brief moment before kokomi stopped it, telling them to stop treating you poorly because she thinks that you both are friends.
at the end of the day your popularity raised by an astonishing one! sitting at a solid 50! it did pull up from a 20 earlier when you were getting bashed by your classmates. but you never noticed so it's fine!
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silenzahra · 2 months
I think I've made up my mind about my headcanon posts! (I'll talk about my stories in a different post during the weekend).
As the three of them were saved, what I'll do (probably tomorrow as I'm going to bed soon) is to reblog them again, but adding some notes on the links that unfortunately don't work anymore since they directed to posts that I made on my old blog. I'll try to be concise and clear so that anyone who stumbles upon these posts knows what happened and are able to enjoy them despite everything!
Also, I thought it'd be nice to add as well a link to each reblog they got, so that the newcomers can easily find the first impressions these posts got when they were originally posted. And of course, it'll be my own way to thank each and every one of you for reblogging my old stuff, since it's thanks to you that it's safe now 🥰 Reblogging is really so important!
Still... and I really hope this doesn't come across as rude or ungrateful... I think I will redo the Luaisy one. After all, it had just been posted when my old blog disappeared, and some people didn't get a chance to read it and leave their impressions (if they wanted to of course). Besides, three of the links directed to the side blog I made for my translations, specifically to the three songs that were important for Luigi and Daisy, so they don't work anymore. And in all honesty, I really want people to fully enjoy the experience and have the chance to listen to the songs and understand them if they wish to.
Please don't get me wrong! The original post was saved, and again, I'll be adding the first reblogs it got so that they won't get lost. I obviously appreciate your help, dear friends, but I hope you understand that I wanna do this because of the links and whoever would like to read this post in the future, and also because I worked so hard on the songs that it pains me they got lost and the links no longer work. I really really hope this doesn't sound ungrateful, because nothing could be further from the truth. Sorry if this upsets you, and I sincerely hope you can forgive me 🙏
Aside for that, and if it isn't too much to ask for, perhaps those of you who mentioned my Musicians and Bookworm posts in your own stuff could, perhaps, fix the links after I'm done with the reblogs? 🥺 (probably tomorrow) Only if you want to of course, I know it's a lot of work and you've already done so much for me! I just think it'd be easier for whoever stumbles upon your work to find my posts in case they'd be interested in reading them.
Anyways, I don't think I'll reblog anything till tomorrow, and the Luaisy post will take a day or two to be ready as I gotta create again a side blog for the translations. In any case, I'll keep you guys updated in case you'd like to revisit these headcanons, reblog them again so they reach a wider audience, or read them for the first time in case you didn't when I originally posted them. I hope you're all okay with this and that you won't be mad at me for redoing one of them. And also that you know how deeply I appreciate your help, love and support 💖💖💖
This new blog is barely getting started and I have to admit that, despite what happened, I'm excited about it 🥰
PS: I'm slowly but surely getting to everything in the doc! I'm seriously so amazed and touched by all the work you've done 🥹 Thank you so so much, for real 🫂🫂🫂
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redthefortuneteller · 7 months
Chapter 209
Chapter 209 was… well I think it provided a lot more questions than one would expect.
So, first off, my theory of Snake being originally a snake was proven wrong by the mention of a human mother. However the experimental facility held by someone akin to a dr Moreau having made Snake the was he is, still stands. As I'd already mentioned on this post, it's been officially confirmed that he did stay and eavesdrop on their conversation. And it's also been confirmed he'd been suspicious when they said they'd leave on that morning when he said "going out again?" and finally he was indeed flip flopping between believing our Ciel and being against him, which was one of the points I made in the dr. Moreau's theory post. He says he always felt suspicious. I believe either from intuition or because Sebastian right from the get go tried sneaking into the first tier side by pretending to be lost, before he even became a member of the circus.
As a small side-note to this @abybweisse's post, Snake didn't know Smile was the earl Phantomhive. He followed the scent of their circus clothes and it led him to the town house. Once there, he was confronted by Agni and Soma, he asked if a small lad and a man dressed all in black lived there. But until then we're led to believe that he didn't know of their identity. It's been so long, I too don't remember all the details about every single thing! Also, I believe he delayed reporting to Joker because he knew Doll knew Smile was in the first tier side and did nothing. So he didn't know if he should take it into his own hands to report to Joker if Doll, who is one of his superiors in a sense, already knew of this and was keeping quiet. I spoke of this more in depth here if anyone's interested. It's the same link as the one I linked in the begining.
Right, then we have a whole rewash of things that had already been known for years, with perhaps the exception of him being taught mathematics. We'd already known that he had been taught how to read. All of this in quite a fleeting, vague way. Nothing even close to the flashbacks Baldroy got. And Baldroy didn't die so, with all humbleness, I don't think he needed so much put in about him because he shall still have time to "talk" about it. In comparison, that is. Of course it's interesting know Baldroy's backstory and know more about his time with the Phantomhives. I simply feel Snake should be rightfully owed much more in comparison, since his time is now over... I will post more of my feelings on this later. Finally, we get information about a human mother, which of course confirms my theory about his origins is not to be! At least not in it's main point which is him being a snake originally. He could still have been in a experimental facility of the sort, of course.
Now, the information we were left with is simply these three points which weren't touched on or explained in any way before he died:
he was at some point in an orphanage (but was illiterate)
he was in a cage since he can remember
he and the snakes came from somewhere far away
his mother was an actress by the name of Sarah Kemble
he not only has snake attributes like snake skin, slit pupils and a split tongue, he also understands what they say and talks to them
I've been thinking hard and am having a little bit of a hard time trying to tie these three things together in a flowing, graceful manner that would fit the story and not sound like a very twisted pretzel of a backstory. Haha! Of course given more time I hope to conjure something of sense up! I'm looking forward to reading everyone's ideas on this! Everything that I was going to say about Sarah Siddons (born, Sarah Kemble) was already said by @abybweisse on this post which is quite aptly named, given that the woman that brought Snake into the world, brought out of her womb a personified epitome of tragedy, which is him.
I'd only like to add that she was born in Wales. Although Wales doesn't really count as a place far away, I just feel like mentioning this as it could become relevant later on, or someone might think of something that might add to the story. It's hard to know exactly how much Yana intends to keep in the manga of the real Sarah Kemble and how much is made up for the story. So, how much we can stretch what we know for theories is limited. We could for example say Sarah went to one of the British colonies, gave birth to her bastard child (Snake) there and left him.
Now the orphanage and the cage are a little hard to put together for me, but alas… also him not knowing how to read is odd as he was in an orphanage. Of course, we should consider too, the possibility that he could've been living there at a time when he was very little and still unfit to learn such skills. Then some organization got him and experimented on him?
Or Was he given away in England to an orphanage and later picked up by an organization that was using "free" orphaned children to experiment on them and thus taken to somewhere far away? And that's when he was introduced to the all snakes? And then they all came together back to England again? You see how it quickly becomes a little messy? But he did say that since when he can remember he was always in a cage… was he in a cage in the orphanage? That's very peculiar. Unless, the orphanage was the experimenting facility, as in my theory (minus him being originally a snake, of course).
Could he have been born as he is of some sort of socialite demonic ritual and the mother was a sacrifice? I mean, I suppose I had already thought of this hypothesis but it just sounded so inorganic that I didn't further consider it… That's simply my opinion of course, maybe with a few little details added, it could become more palatable!
That's it for now! Thank you for reading!
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
The Hellflire Club Foreshadows Mike's Monologue (and More Than You Think...)
Several fans have noticed already that there are direct parallels between Mike's monologue in The Piggyback, with Eddie's monologue in The Hellfire Club.
While we've been grappling with all sorts of supernatural creatures over the course of Stranger Things' entire run, here Eddie is warning us about forced conformity and how that is the real monster.
This has also led fans to joke painfully about the fact that Max 'died' because forced conforming; that's what's killing the kids, aka Mike's whole speech to El wouldn't have happened the way it did in the first place, had him, Will and El not been trying so hard to be who they think they're supposed to be, instead of who they truly want to be.
However, what I want to add to this discourse, because I haven't seen anyone else acknowledge it (correct me if i'm wrong!?), is that this scene at lunch has two extras with whom Mike sits between, which are very likely meant to represent Will and El.
We've seen a lot of (love) triangle blocking used with these three before, often with Mike between the two. This screen-cap below has gotta be one of the most iconic and so I feel the need to mention it briefly:
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What also makes this shot relevant as an example for this post, is the costume choice for Will and El here: the same shade of dark blue (hints of gray), and the fact that this doesn’t align with the colors/style they usually wear as individual characters. However, this was presumably one of the few times Will and El have genuinely interacted beyond supernatural happenings. And so now, with both of them standing on either side of Mike, after two seasons of him having only one of them beside him, and while the other was out of reach, what we're seeing is that these two are more or less two sides of the same coin. Whether Will and El are actually blood related (I'm like 75% sure they could be) remains to be seen. However Mike's bond between both of them individually is causing him to sort of be at war with himself (and his identity).
Now bear with me, because I know so many of you see theories/analysis involving set design/blocking/costumes and you just instantly check out and stop taking it seriously. But I can assure you, this is the real deal.
What follows, is so outrageously easy to overlook. And yet upon thinking about what it actually requires to film a scene, especially a scene like this with dozens of background extras, along with how this scene actually turned out, I'm going to explain why there are several factors which make me feel fairly confident about what these two specific extras represent.
To start things off, we know how this scene begins, with Eddie dramatically reading a Newsweek magazine:
"The Devil has come to America. Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... Murder."
After they give us a short introduction to some of the faces of the Hellfire Club (notably Eddie), they cut to this point of view shot from Mike:
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Here we are instantly introduced to the two extras that are going to dominate a majority of this scene outside of the main characters themselves, aka Willel...
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note: interesting they don't include Mike in the shot for that specific sound bite below... almost as if he considers himself a freak for a different reason...
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Yes, on the surface this scene is establishing that Mike and Dustin are finding a place in High School, as the freaks and geeks, but a place nonetheless.
Though, is that really all there is to it?
You'll see what I mean.
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note: there's no meaning behind the circles touching here. i just wanted to acknowledge here that the El extra is visible at first, only for her to become hidden the moment that the Will extra becomes visible.
Now, this shot right here below is kind of iconic, because it's what made me realize that this girl extra here in the scarf represents El.
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To provide a little more context, the Will extra next to Mike has already been picked up on by a decent amount of fans. I've even posted about it at least once. This guy definitely resembles Will at certain angles, to the point where he could arguably be a stand in/stunt double for scenes that don't require a close-up of him.
Also keeping in mind, this is a scene of the party in high school, in a D&D club. Assuming Will could have stayed in Hawkins and went to high school with the party, he would've more than likely been right here beside them. So that's what I initially got out of this scene and still partially do get out of it, regardless of these other observations I'm discussing here.
What's so fascinating about the Will extra though specifically, is that they avoid showing his face as much as possible, which is a unique choice that we're just not seeing be applied to the other extras in the frame. They even let us see the face of the guy across from the Will extra (blue/yellow striped shirt guy) multiple times, but apparently they really wanted to avoid showing this guys face (there are a few notable, but fleeting side profiles from an outside POV), almost to keep up this guise that we could imagine this is Will and hell, it could be him, bc it's pretty damn close.
However, upon recently rewatching this scene, I remember looking for other points when this Will extra might have been prominent, to see if I could find anything else.
And that's when I realized this girl in the scarf, directly blocks the Will extra at the most convenient time.
And that's when it hit me...
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The following images below is when it really starts to get obvious that there was an intended direction going on here with the blocking of these two extras, in accordance with Mike's placement in the frame.
What sealed the deal for me, was noticing how the other extras surrounding them (excluding Willel), do not seem to be granted much importance in the continuity of this scene.
Continuity between shots is pretty essential to filmmaking. It's gotta be the main thing about film that just bugs me, which is that you can tell very visibly when a shot is followed by another shot, but from a separate take (has the capacity to ruin the illusion that this is real and not all fabricated).
For example, what I gather from the beginning of this following conversation, is that there were at the very least 2-3 takes done for these reaction shots of Dustin and Mike, and it's because the extras in the background give it away. Sometimes they're in the frame, sometimes they're not.
The Will and El extras provide a contrast to all the other extras, in that the continuity for their blocking in the frame is fairly spot on each time, equal to the standards of the main cast arguably. Meaning they had a mark and they had to stick with it.
Check this out:
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side note: star wars reference (luke & leia??)
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The most obvious thing that gives away the importance of these two extras, besides the blocking, is them both sporting an almost identical color in their costume. While the Will extra wears a maroon shirt, the El extra wears a scarf in that same color.
This is so simple yet sort of genius, because again, from what I understand, no one has noticed this, and so it's pretty epic once you finally do pick up on it.
The Will extra is almost always in the frame on Mike's right? The El extra is facing the the opposite direction as them (not on the same page), and wearing a scarf, which is there to represent the tentacle choking her during Mike's monologue...
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This theory does take a turn for the hilarious, when at a later point Eddie starts monologuing again, while Dustin and Mike look at him fondly (w/ Mike in focus), the Willel extras are now nowhere to be found...
I think this choice was made to indicate that Mike's attraction to Eddie is based on the most basic type of attraction, while what he shares for Will and El is so much more complicated (and deep). When you're just experiencing everyday attraction, you're not thinking about your significant other or your hearts desire in that moment, because this moment is just a blip encounter that isn't going anywhere, it's attraction and that's all there is to it. Whereas what he feels truly for Will is true love, while what he feels truly for El is familial love. This tiny moment isn't about his conflict over his romantic feelings, it's about the fact that Mike is attracted to men.
And then what follows directly after this, is that little snippet of Eddie's monologue, which echoes Mike's monologue to El at the end of the season...
Oh and look who it is?! The El extra has made a reappearance, just in time!
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This is one of the few times they made a point to have the El extra in the frame while the Will extra wasn't, which I also think is intentional because it could be a hint to how Mike's speech about falling in love with El the moment he saw her is a fabrication (copyright to be exact), and it also doesn't resemble the love that Mike has for Will, hence why he was almost entirely left out of those shots. (Also similar to Mike's monologue at the end of the season, where Will was in certain shots but not others, because the words did/didn't match Mike's feelings for Will at those points).
Lastly, we get a Gap (gay and proud) reference for Mike. And low and behold, the Will extra is making a reappearance, just in time!
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I think what makes this scene easier to understand on a basic level, without making it too complicated for yourself, is comparing the implications that come with it, to the implications that came with Mike's monologue.
The choice to put Will in most of the shots, directly behind Mike as he professes his love to El, who is lying before him unable to look in his eyes or even respond, leads those truly paying attention, to the conclusion that this is not how you shoot a satisfying love confession. Therefore it can't be a genuine love confession.
Instead what this scene more so depicts is a character having a confession practically wrenched out of him. And because of all the other details happening over the course of this season and just the series overall, we can gather that Mike feels pressured to go through with this because he thinks he has no other choice.
They didn't beat the big bad this time, instead they lost. Because forced conforming, that's the real monster.
With only one season left, they're going to have to face the truth if they want to make it out alive this time (and happy!).
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Hey I’m new to tumblr and want to start posting some of my writing for people to read and comment one. Do you have any tips on WIPs, drafts and how to get attention on it? Very new to this space so I don’t really know how things are done.
Hi! First of all, welcome to Tumblr (and Writeblr)!!
The first thing I recommend you do is make a Writeblr intro post and tag it #writeblr intro. Introduce yourself, what genres you like to write, who some of your inspirations are, what your WIP(s) is/are about. You can scroll through the tag to see what others have posted if you need ideas.
You can also make WIP specific intro posts and tag them #WIP intro. These tend to include images that match the vibe of your WIP and will also contain a blurb of what your story is about and a snippet or two of your writing.
For any writing you post - snippets, full chapters, WIP intros, OC intros, single sentences from your WIP - you can also make use of tags like #writing, #writeblr, #writers on tumblr, #fiction writing, #creative writing, #original writing, and genre specific tags like #fantasy writing. Put the five highest trending tags first to guarantee your post shows up in them.
Another great way to grow your blog (and help your writing find an audience) is to interact with other writeblrs. Follow the people who reblog your intro post, send them asks (and ask games like Story-Telling Saturday (STS) or Worldbuilding Wednesday (WBW)), reblog their WIPs, jump in on open tag games. My post for how tag games work can be found here. The more people get to know you the more people will send you asks back, tag you in games, and most importantly reblog your WIP posts so they can reach a wider audience.
You can also specify in your bio if you are ask/tag game friendly. You are more likely to get tags/asks if other writeblrs are certain they won't be annoying you haha.
In general, posts containing links to original writing hosted on other platforms (google docs, wordpress etc.) tend not to do as well as posts that contain the writing itself. I've also heard that posts with images and interesting titles tend to do better. Same with formatted paragraphs and dialogue as opposed to a single, huge text block.
Another thing you can do to help readers find your work is make a master-post for all your WIPs and pin it to the top of your blog. List each WIP, then add hyperlinks below (in reading order) to each post containing snippets/excepts from it. [To make a hyperlink: click on the three dots on the top of the post you want to link to, select "copy link", then go to the post you want to link from, select the text you want to link, then ctrl+v. This will be your end result.]
In settings, you can also feature up to 10 tags that you use for all content on your blog related to specific WIPs. This will help make it easier for readers to search for and find your content too.
My last bit of advice is to talk about writing on your blog (and use the tags). Make little jokes and memes, those "oof relatable" kind of posts, and make and reblog writing advice from time to time. It is the hard truth of WriteBlr that these posts get a lot more interaction than original writing does but they do serve to get your blog seen by more people because they are short, relatable, have wide appeal, and/or low-effort to read. Strangely, they seem to prompt people to check out your blog. I tend to get a small wave of new followers every time one of my posts reaches 100 notes or more. I can only speculate as to why this is.
I hope something in here helps and good luck!
If anyone else has any tips feel free to add on!
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chussyracing · 7 months
what's been happening in the world of motorsports?
(this is a long one since i had no time to write it down, so it will be hidden under the cut in relative chronological order)
Williams and Alpine were the last teams to do their shakedowns before pre season testing (Williams announced it was a strategic move to keep the real car concept a secret for as long as possible)
Helmut Marko has been saying a lot about Ferrari and 2025 Ferrari like that he thinks Lewis only came to Ferrari because Max earning more hurt his pride and Ferrari offered him a bigger pay check or that he considers Charles 2024 season's champion (ok grandpa, let's get you to bed)
after Alpha Tauri departed as title sponsor of current RB team, they became official clothing partner of FIA from 2024 to 2026
RBR was the last team to have their launch (although the livery looks just the same as it did before and although the car leaked a few hours before) and Horner was present just like he is at the pre season testing, he gave an interview during the launch where he denied any allegations, but Viaplay suggested he will be stepping away from the position of Red Bull team principal and it will be announced on 28th Feb which they promptly denied afterwards. Walls Street Journal speculated the victim is Horner's personal assistant and apparently people already spied who it is on Linked in and then made it big on Twitter. If you have names, please PLEASE do not publish them. And finally Craig Slate who followed the case from the start and spoke to related personnel said the investigation is now finished the report (close to 150 pages long) was delivered to the Red Bull Board and now we are awaiting the decision. In the meantime both F1 and FORD urged for prompt resolution of the case.
F1 also officially addressed the situation but only to say they hope RBR resolve it asap
McLaren boss Andrea Stella admitted they will be doing something similar to last year in terms of updates, because they wanted to add more to this year's concept before launch, so they will push the updates forward and expect early gains from them
F1 Academy announced more drivers and partnerships: they have partnered Charlotte Tilbury make up brand to have their own livery and Lola Lovinfosse as a driver (for Rodin), Jessica Edgar will drive for Rodin as well, Reema Juffali as wildcard driver for Prema for the first round in Jeddah and FDA driver Aurelia Nobels driving a Puma livery for ART. The grid is now complete and girls are training for first race.
Nico Rosberg broke his silence over the contract news and denied the rumours he would be coming back to Mercedes, because he now has great respect for the dangers of the sport (he also said that besides living close, Lewis gives his kids Chrismas presents every year
Fabio Quartararo claimed that Pierro Ferrari let him know about Lewis coming to Ferrari when he visited Maranello
it was Enzo Ferrari's birthday anniversary on 18th February (or was it?? nobody will ever know when he was actually born and how long it took his father to announce it to the authorities), then it was Niki Lauda's birthday anniversary on 22nd Feb and finally Alain Prost's birthday was on 24th Feb
three day long F1 pre season testing is over and RBR seems to be clear favorite, with almost no reliability issues (spare a few fuel pumps and Checo's brakes catching fire for a bit) but Red Flags still appeared because of loose drain covers [side note: I have detailed summary of each day if anyone is interested as well as some technical analysis and predictions]
fun fact about some changes in testing: Alpine seems to have added a bit more blue color onto the nose and Mercedes changed their suspension for the last day of testing, because their car features a clever solution which allows them to fine tune the suspension setting for each race
Jeff Dodds the CEO of Formula E believes that F1 title for 2024 is done and dusted after he saw the first day of testing and promised to donate 250k to charity of drivers choice if they win instead
We have an F1 group pic to look forward to which we already saw some glimpses from teams like McLaren
Aston Martin presented their new safety car (personal opinion it looks like a green zebra and I liked last year's so much more)
Sauber confirmed Zane Maloney and Theo Pourchaire as reserve drivers for 2024
4 teams complained about Mercedes front wing but FIA deemed it legal
Fred Vasseur confirmed that Ferrari didn't publish the lenght of Charles' and Lewis' contracts for strategic purposes, he also mentioned they are still waiting for compensation for Las Vegas drain cover damage on Carlos' car (and now they may try to ask for the same for floor damage from pre season testing), speaking of Lewis he said that Fred was the main push for him to come to Ferrari and he didn't have to think much about it and didn't even tell his parents until the day of announcement, one of the things he wants to focus on is the diversity of the team
Steve Nielsen who left FIA returned to F1 as a consultant, Guenther Steiner will return in the paddock as RTL presenter and Matia Binotto returns to the world of racing with E-Powertrain of TEXA
there are rumours of issues for Audi caused by two main figures of team possibly leaving
Este said he's like to try Le Mans
FIA warned fans there are two companies claiming to sell unauthorised F1 hospitality ticket packages
if you follow F1 on Sky Sports, David Croft will miss 3 races this year because of his wedding and a wish to spend more time with family among the expanding calendar
RacingNews365 estimated driver salaries for 2024 (Max 55m dollars, Lewis 45m, Charles 34m, Lando 20m and George 18m for the top 5 highest earning ones)
Ralph Schumacher tried to get into the headlines when he said he thinks that Sebastian Vettel wants to race again but Mercedes would be too big for him
F1 and Nascar might be infringing the IMS trademarked phrase "The Greatest Spectacle in Racing" (because F1 uses "the greatest spectacle in motorsport"
after McLaren Reece partnership, Haas partnered with Palm Angels for luxury clothing and speaking of fashion, Ferrari introduced their fall/winter 24-25 collection this weekend
Google extended the partnership with McLaren to not just be primary partner for their F1 team but also Extreme E
FIA wants to close up a loophole in the costcap rules about part time and third party workers and include their full year salary into the budget (did teams use it to gain small advantage? perhaps yes. but we should have a talk about possible obstacle this makes for teams to find new workers among "undiscovered" talents)
from fan's point of view:
Guanyu did a photoshoot for Elle Men China (and slayed)
Charles was in Uzbekistan before pre season testing for an event with fans (and for skiing apparently)
Lewis posted a thirst trap from his work out session
Pierre apparently posted a pic (video?) of being stopped by police and performing an alcohol test and later deleted it
Charles with his boytoys made another ad during karting
Arthur Leclerc randomly came on Twitch to stream Fortnite (and mentioned he will say Hello everybody, because he can't pronounce Hello guys 😭)
Lewis hung out with Anna Wintour (for Baftas? I think)
multiple drivers played golf and padel together before the Bahrain gp
REMINDER: the first two gps will be held on Saturday, so don't miss out
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amandacanwrite · 11 months
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Little Witch ☽ The Hallowed Wilds ☾ Chapter One
POV ;; Aurelia ☽ 10 y.o.
Summary ;; Aurelia enjoys the typical day of a young witch protected by the Hallowed Wilds, drawn to the border of the forest where she meets an unexpected friend.
Warnings ;; mention of moths, other insects.
Author Note ;; Hello there! This is the first chapter of my original story called The Hallowed Wilds. It's a star-crossed romance infused with southern gothic horror elements. I'll be posting one chapter per week going forward. I already have 27 chapters written, and I'm hoping by the time I'm running out of chapters I'll be back to writing it again and nearly finished drafting it in totality. If you're interested in joining the taglist for this story, you can find the link for the sign up all the way at the bottom of the post. Last thing: I am someone who doesn't get triggered by much, but it's very important to me that anyone who reads my work doesn't become inadvertently triggered because of my writing. While these early chapters are quite light, this story does get dark at times. If you ever notice something I should have issued a content or trigger warning for, please reach out to me so that I can properly apologize to you and add the warning to the list. That all said, let's hop in!!
The wilds spoke to those that could hear it. Those whose ears were kissed by mother Eterna before their bodies took shape in the womb. She didn’t kiss just any soul, though. No, there was a payment to be exchanged and worth to be proven.
The Priestess had taught this to me since I could remember. This is how my coven lived. We served Mother Eterna, and in exchange, The Hallowed Wilds protected us.
Every day for the ten years I’d lived, I woke up, thanked Eterna for another day and set to work. The work was unique each day because The Priestess encouraged us all to listen to where The Wilds told us to go, for The Wilds had a will of its own and a plan for us.
On this day, The Wilds coaxed me to the River of Rye that separated our home from the village where the Deafened lived. I had no inkling what I would do when I got there, but I was certain that my task would become clear once I arrived, or maybe even somewhere along the way. That’s how it always worked. It was just my job to be quiet and listen for a whisper or wait for a gentle tug.
I dressed for the day in linen as white as starlight, and brushed through my hair with a comb carved from a deer’s antler, given freely by the stag for our needs, as all things were for us in the forest. I slipped on a light cloak made of moth’s silk and made my way out into the day.
“Aurelia, merry meet,” one of my sisters said to me.
I smiled as I passed her, turning to walk backwards so that I could see her as I made my way into the forests. The earth tingled against the soles of my bare feet, bringing with it a feeling of familiar comfort.
“Good morning, Cressida,” I said.
She was preparing more moth cocoons for spinning, it seemed. I wondered if her fingers tingled when she woke this morning, the way mine once had when I learned I was unsuited for the delicate work. “I’m excited to see what you do with the new silk sister.”
“And I’m eager to hear stories of your adventures when you return today,” she called back as disappeared into the trees, leaving the clearing and the rest of the coven behind.
I couldn’t see the River of Rye from where I stood, but I felt a golden thread tug me ever toward it. That thread reeled me in from the center of my chest. It wasn’t far from the clearing—maybe two or three miles—I could run the entire way if I wanted to.
I decided I did want to, in fact.
Somehow, the air in our ever-unchanging forest was different today. It sparkled and fizzled in an unfamiliar way. The sun shone through the boughs of the trees and cast new colors on the ground; rose and orange where there were typically shades of yellow and green. I set into a sprint, my hair flying behind me like the mane of a spirited mare.
Those new colors streaked together as I ran, turning into smears and smudges that hinted at shapes. It reminded me of Ophelia painting our huts with her beautiful, messy fingers—how the pigments came together to form images of flowers and the moon and the night sky.
This was my home, and I loved it as much as it loved me. I cradled it in my heart, as it had always cradled me. It was an even, happy exchange of energy between us—always given freely. Always.
My feet were wet and dirty when I finally made it to the River of Rye. Squirrels and bugs dances around my ankles, having joined me on my journey somewhere along the way. I stopped just at the opening into the wide-open space of that golden river and looked out at the village where The Deafened lived.
Winter had covered their roofs in thick blankets of snow. The world was so quiet with it — the sheets of ice absorbing most sounds that came from the village.
After a lifetime of spring, I wondered what the winter felt like. The Priestess said it was bitterly cold and brought death on its breath that choked the life out of the earth, but as I stared across the expanse of golden swaying rye, I wondered if there was more to it than that.
Surely a season that looked so beautiful and serene couldn’t be so awful. And with the winter brought times of generosity, even in The Wilds. We gave gifts at solstice and spread blessings even to the Deafened in exchange for the strange tools they would leave at the edge of the forest for us.
I wanted to touch that ice that fell in flurries from the sky, leave my hand print in it, and watch as more flurries filled in that imprint. The way snow erased any evidence that someone had passed through was fascinating to me. Tracks could be left in the mud of the forests—sometimes they would be there so long they would be preserved in stone. Snow was different—ever changing, ever making something new.
I thought perhaps that was my task today—experiencing the snow. But I didn’t feel the tug of that thread through the center of my heart as I stood there thinking about snow. No, it seemed I had made it to my destination for the day.
There was a strange cleaving—I couldn’t decide if I heard it or if I felt it. But with that cleaving came a powerful gust of wind that swirled my hair and bit at my nose and cheeks like needles. I’d never felt cold like that before. It stung and I could feel blood riding to my face to compensate for it.
I winced and backed away from the tree line, gently warming my face with my hands. That golden thread pulled me again, this time to the west.
I walked for a time, following the flow of the golden river, stepping over stones and twigs. My feet were silent as sleep as I walked. The Wilds told me to sneak—told me to hide. I wondered what manner of beast or creature I would encounter. I wondered what I would need to do. Wondered if I’d need to help them.
And then he was there, just beyond the massive trunk of an old oak tree.
I hid behind that tree as he spun slowly in place, staring up at the tree canopies that cast the ground in dappled light.
I had never seen a boy before.
I knew I should run away and tell The Priestess. She always told us that the Deafened were dangerous, especially the boys. But…
But he looked so enamored with The Wilds.
It filled me with a strange vicarious happiness to see him take in the forest—see the entrance to what I called my home. An unbidden smile curved my lips as he heaved an awed breath.
With his back to me, he took off his heavy coat with all those tedious buttons, and then took off his scarf. The Wilds were in a perpetual state of spring thanks to Mother Eterna, whose fertility never ebbed. The boy dressed for his village’s winter and must have gotten warm in the vernal heat of the forest.
He wore a billed cap on his head and hair the color of damp tree bark poked out at interesting angles. Flipping at the bill, dusting his nape and his ears. It looked so soft—like a rabbit’s fur or a squirrel’s tail. I wanted to touch it.
That desire drew me out of my hiding place, that golden thread tugging me closer, reeling me in and in and in. I could almost see it glittering in that small distance between us. I took a step toward him, then another, reaching out for him.
And then he turned and saw me.
We froze at the same time.
We were silent for a long time while our eyes devoured unfamiliar sights on each other. I traced constellations in the smattering of freckles on his tanned nose. His blue eyes flicked to my white hair, to my eyes and then to my linen dress. He flushed scarlet and looked pointedly away, seemingly put off or embarrassed by something.
When he broke his gaze he also broke the spell holding me there. After feeling frozen, I remembered who I was and what I was doing.
I turned and ran.
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bonitalissa · 2 years
A How-To Guide for Mastodon!
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What is Mastodon? - It is a social network that is decentralized and part of the Fedivese.
Okay, but what's the Fediverse? - The fediverse is an ensemble of federated (i.e. interconnected) servers that are used for web publishing (i.e. social networking, microblogging, blogging, or websites) and file hosting, but which, while independently hosted, can communicate with each other.
Essentially, what "decentralized" means, is that each server in Mastodon (called "instances") is interconnected to be able to talk to each other on any instance but also each instance is a sort of micro-community of similar interests and/or values that can be managed as a smaller community within the Fediverse.
So, how do I use this? It sounds complicated! - It honestly does sound complicated and it's easy to get overwhelmed at first, but what new technology doesn't when you first look at it?
Let's take a look at signing up first! (long post I'm sorry, but I try to break things down as understandable as possible with pictures!)
*Note - this information is up-to-date for 4.0 version on Tuesday, November 15, 2022
So, first thing you might see when searching up how to join Mastodon is that there's tons of instances (or, servers) that you can create an account with. I'd recommend first looking at the official server page found here to see what kind of options you have! The biggest thing to keep in mind is that this list is absolutely NOT exhaustive and there are many, many more options than are listed. Ones that are even more exclusive to interests or cultures or other groups! You can search up your special interests in Google to see if there's a Mastodon server that is currently taking applications or are open to all account creations. Alternatively, you can use something like this instance helper in order to find an instance that is more geared towards your values and interests. Once you choose your instance and go to sign up, it'll look similar to this. As you can see, there's two links under the normal boxes for username and passwords and such.
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Most, if not every, instance (worth their salt, I might add) has a list of rules and TOS that must be agreed to when you sign up. Please make sure you read these carefully as these instances are very serious about moderation.
Let me show you an example of what the rules list and terms look like from my instance (mastadon.lol)
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This is all located on mastodon.lol About page. While your instance won't look exactly like this it may appear similar with the dropdown and explanation of everything you might need to know.
Now that you've read all the TOS and Rules, you're ready to click the "I agree" checkbox and create your account!
Now that we've created the account which is, arguably the hardest part, let's jump to see what your home page looks like and what all the buttons do!
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Down the center of the page is your "home feed", in which anyone you are following, their posts will show up there, also anything that people you follow have boosted (boosted, in this case, means "reblogged" or "retweeted"). One of the biggest differences between Mastodon and other socials is that your Favourites (which are akin to "Likes") will never show up on other people's pages and do not affect any type of algorithm. It's just for you to Fav and the writer will see the notif you Faved their Toot (which is what we call the posts and yes, we know it's silly, but calling posts on Twitter "tweets" was also silly) and that's it (well, plus the little feel-goods that someone saw and liked it enough to favourite it!)
On the top left is the Search bar. That's one of the best ways to find people and topics you're interested in! Mastodon relies on a generous use of hashtags in your toots. You can also use the search in order to find people directly by their @ and server name!
Under the search bar, it's your handle and a quick dropdown under the three dots to ceartain pages (such as follower requests or editing your profile or muted words, etc).
Finally the last spot on the top left is box where you write your toots. Going clockwise from top left, there's where you start your toot, then ou've got your emoji picker on the top right of the box (including special, server-specific added emojis), bottom right is your character count which updates in realtime so you see how much more you can write, and then there's a slew of buttons on the bottom left: (from right to left as is clockwise) Language picker, Content Warning (creates a bar above your toot that you can explain what cw's there are), privacy levels (Public, Unlisted, Followers Only, and Mentioned People Only), Poll maker, and finally the Upload for pics/gifs/vids.
Now we focus on the right side of the screen:
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We'll focus on the top portion in a minute.
At the bottom are the top 3 hashtags trending and roughly how many people (only in your instance) are talking about it.
Just above the trending section is your "Preferences" button. That will take you to your Preferences & Settings page which will have all the sliders and bells and whistles to customize your Mastodon experience to your liking. That might become another post but it is too much for this guide which is just an introduction.
Now we focus on the part that really seems to confuse people (including me when I started) - the whole top right section
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(idk why it's not centering I'm sorry)
So at the top, is your Home button, as previously stated, this is the feed in which you'll see everything from people you follow and whatever toots they boost.
Underneath we have your Notifications tab where you can see who follows you, who favourites your toots, who boosts them, and any replies or mentions of you.
Then we have the Explore tab, as indicated by the little picture to the left of the word, this is where you can see what is going on. There are 4 tabs at the top of the page when you click it
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Posts is all trending posts and boosted posts that are gaining traction on your instance. The Hashtags tab is similar but more like a top 10 of trending hashtags from all over Mastodon. News is what is being talked about by people on this and other servers of the decentralized network right now (kinda like Google News page which links to official news sources and websites). Finally, the For You is just a list of people who you might potentially want to check out and see if you want to follow!
Next we're going to talk about the following two tabs: Local and Federated. The Local tab will show you posts from just your instance you are on, it's a slightly more isolated feed of just people who share your interests. The Federated tab is a bit more of a free-for-all because it shows posts from all over the Fediverse, all different Mastodon servers will throw up posts as fast as it can (but don't worry, somewhere in preferences is an option for "slow mode", though with how many people are on Mastodon now, slow might still be too fast for some people).
Direct Message tab is pretty straight forward. It's where your private messages between other users go.
Favourites, Bookmarks, and Lists; all important all do different things. Favourites is the place where any post that you like goes to, as said before, it doesn't do anything to the algorithm, it doesn't mean your post will get shown to others when they get favourited, it's just a nice feel-good moment that someone showed appreciation to your post, that they vibe with you in that moment. Bookmarks are very different in that no one will ever be alerted when you bookmark a toot, they are there for you to refer back to when you need to so I would recommend being more selective about what you bookmark and periodically clean up your bookmarks tab. Lists are super important in that you can create lists for different categories of topics or users that you want to see at a given moment: have a Twitch list, an Art/Artist list, a Sex Worker list, etc! Lists will allow you to scroll through those feeds individually so you won't have things that don't pertain to what you want to check out at that moment.
I have a whole slew of tips to give out but this post has gone long enough. I hope that this helped you and anyone you chose to share this with understand one of the biggest growing new social media on the internet right now.
You can always find me at this Tumblr, or on Mastodon at https://mastodon.lol/@bonitalissa or on Twitter (for however long it's around) @BonitaLissaTTV
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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