#I will cry thank you very much
an0ma1y-d0ma1y · 1 year
A Giggly Awakening
A/N: yes I am a Wu stan stfu- so uhh OVER 1800 WORDS THATS A RECORD RIGHT THERE once again I am not at all experienced in the fanfic writing house so sorry if it’s shitty, hope you enjoy :]
It was a cool morning in Ninjago. The sun peaked over the mountains, the birds singing their morning songs, meanwhile Wu was meditating outside, waiting to hear the ninjas loud and dramatic voices.. nothing.
He sighed, standing up and walking inside. He looked in the kitchen to see if they were still finishing up breakfast, he didn’t see them, he didn’t even see any plates in the sink. He walked into the living room where they would play their games to help wake themselves up, the controllers were on the console untouched, and the room was completely empty.
He came to the conclusion that they were still asleep, he always thought he got them out of the ‘sleeping in’ phase, but he also seemed to forget that he was in a monastery full of teenagers. He stroked his long white beard, thinking of how to handle this. Then, it struck him. How had he not thought of it before? All he knew was the ninja were getting up either way, and hopefully not in a grumpy mood.
He decided to get Kai up first, he was usually the grouchiest one out of the 6, so he’d figure he would get him out of the way first. He slowly walked to his room, his feet light on the wooden floorboards while he turned the knob, slightly cringing at the creaking of the door. He walked over to the bed where the master of fire was knocked out. He gently placed a hand on his shoulder, attempting to shake him awake. “Kai.. Kai are you awake?” He mumbled softly. He saw as Kai’s face scrunched up in annoyance, putting his pillow over his head. “Mmm… five more minutes..” He hummed, a smirk appearing on Wu’s face. “We don’t have time like that Kai, don’t make me have to take extreme measures.” He gently poked Kai’s side, a hard flinch coming from him. He seemed to realize what was going on faster than Jay’s lightning as he immediately sat up. “I’m up! I’m up!” He shouted, already smiling nervously. “Too late, I made up my mind.” Master Wu quickly skittered his fingers on Kai’s sides, causing a squawk to come from the red ninja as he immediately curled in on himself, snorting and laughing. “MAHAHAHASTEHEHER!!! NAHAHAHA!!-“ He squealed, cackling madly when Wu started prodding at his ribs. Wu smiled and rolled his eyes, finally showing mercy to the hothead as he stopped his tickling while he helped rub the ghost tickles away. “Now go out in the courtyard before I have to do any more.” Wu said with a chuckle as Kai sped out of his room.
Next on his list was Jay. He opened the door to his room which was covered with starfarer and video game posters. He immediately noticed Jay hidden under his covers, trying to hide his giggles. Wu couldn’t help but smile, it reminded him of when the ninja were younger. “Hmm.. I could have sworn I had seen Jay in here somewhere..” He said, only causing more giggles to come from the blue ninja as he walked around, observing the room until he finally got to his bed. “Hmm… I feel that he may be right.. Here!” He pulled the covers off of Jay’s head.. only to find it wasn’t Jay, just a fake him that he had made. Just then, Wu had realized that Jay was in the closet as he smiled. “Alright, that’s it for me.” He opened the closet doors, grabbing Jay as a loud yelp came from the ninja. He immediately began squeezing the ninja’s sides, causing a near shriek to come from him as he squirmed around relentlessly. Wu was impressed he hadn’t gone deaf from Jay’s shrill laughter yet. He gave him one last quick squeeze on his hips before letting him go, giving him time to recover. “Now, how about you head into the courtyard with Kai before I have to teach you another lesson.” Wu said with a playful glint in his eyes. It didn’t take Jay long to get up and sprint out of the room, even crashing into a wall on the way as Wu laughed, the ninja were certainly special.
Now there was Cole. He was an easy one to catch off guard considering he slept like a rock.. huh, never thought he’d make such a corny pun like that. Wu opened the door to his room, walking over next to Cole who was fast asleep, laying on his stomach. Wu didn’t want to give him a heart attack, so he just gently traced a few fingers on his back, causing soft giggles to come from him and a few jerks when he reached those specific areas. “Cole, it is the crack of dawn and you are still asleep.” Wu said, gently tickling the back of his neck, causing Cole to scrunch up his shoulders and giggle. “You’re not good at pretending, y’know? Maybe I should give you all a lesson on that..” He quickly moved his fingers over Cole’s ribs, a squeak coming from the black ninja followed by loud giggles while he struggled to get away from Wu’s quick fingers. “Lehehehet mehehe sleehehehep!!” He yelled, turning over on his back. “And let you get away with missing out on training? Now you’re just trying to insult me.” He shoved his fingers into Cole’s underarms, a loud yelp coming from the master of earth as he cackled loudly, squirming and pressing his elbows into his sides. “NAHAHAHA!! GEHEHET OHOHOHOUT!!” He squealed, snorting and squirming. “Well, you have my fingers trapped, you know that, right Cole? So I have no other choice but to continue until you let me go..” He held back a smile while Cole’s face flushed in embarrassment while he shakily raised his arms, in which Wu slipped his hands out. “I believe you need to go into the courtyard with the others now. Wouldn’t wanna miss out on training, would you?” Wu said with a smile. Cole chuckled, rubbing away ghost tickles as he got up, leaving his room.
Next up on the list was Zane, he was gonna be a tricky one.. Although, he felt a presence behind him as he smirked, closing his eyes. “3…2…1…” He counted down quietly before quickly darting out of the way when Zane lunged at him from behind in which Wu took the opportunity to pin him on the ground. “Very sloppy. I could practically feel the cold air from you.” He tutted playfully, he decided this one time to use his powers in a rather… irresponsible way as people may put it. He placed his hands on Zane’s ribs, his creation energy zapping all throughout Zane’s body as he nearly shrieked. He broke down into loud robotic laughter, kicking and slamming his fists on the ground while Wu tickled him with his powers. “MAHAHAHASTEHEHEHER!! I-IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHIHICKLEHEHEHES!!!” He yelled, squeaking when the sensation made its way to his back. “Well, atleast your observation is on point..” He held back a smirk, moving one hand to the back of Zane’s neck, causing a series of snorts and squeals to come from the titanium ninja. Master Wu didn’t want to have to leave Pixal to fix up his gears from laughing too much, so he got off of him, helping him up. “Your little stunt was brave, but foolish.” He chuckled. “I probably should have taken more time to calculate it.. I’ll just go start making breakfast.” He mumbled. If he had real human flesh, his face would’ve been burning up.
Now, there was Nya. He was wrong when he said Kai was the grouchiest, she definitely takes the cake for it. Although, just as he was planning his attack, he found that someone else was doing it for him. “KAHAHAI!! IHIHIM GOHOHOHONAHAHAHA KIHIHIL YOHOHOHOU!! GAHAHAHA!!!” Nya cackled out while Kai scribbled his fingers under her arms. “Hey, Master Wu said it’s time to get up! I’m just doing his job for him!” He teased, moving up to her neck, earning some soft giggles from her. “Doing my work, are you?” Wu finally said as Kai and Nya whipped their heads around to him. “Yup! Wanna help?” Kai offered, pinning Nya to the bed to prevent her from getting away. “Hmm.. I believe you have this situation under control. Besides, I have one more person I need to visit.” He smirked, walking away as Kai turned to Nya. “Wahahait! Kahahai ihihm uhuhup!-“ She protested, but Kai was already squeezing her hips while squeals and cackles filled the room.
Lloyd heard it all. The laughing, the shrieking, the snorting. He couldn’t help but feel scared and excited at the same time when he heard footsteps approaching his room. He hid underneath his covers, although adjusted the blanket a bit to where his side was visible as he heard the door open.
Wu walked into Lloyd’s room, scanning around for a quick second before spotting something under the covers. He was a little skeptical about it after Jay had tricked him, although Lloyd didn’t seem like the type of person to pull something like that. He walked around the room, pretending to look for him like he did with Jay. “Hmm.. perhaps Lloyd isnt here?” He muttered, hearing the childish giggles coming from Lloyd warmed his heart. He made his way to the bed and spotted the sliver of Lloyd’s shirt showing. He already knew he did that on purpose, and being the good teacher he was would help him. He slowly lowered his fingers onto Lloyd’s side before suddenly latching onto it. A loud squeal came from Lloyd as he thrashed around under the covers while Wu scribbled and squeezed his side. Soon enough, Wu ripped the covers off of Lloyd, vibrating a claw into his belly while Lloyd giggled hysterically. “MAHAHASTER WUHUHUHU WAHAHAHAIT!!-“ Lloyd cried, his voice cracking while he grabbed Wu’s wrist, not pulling it away, just kind of holding it. “Why aren’t you pushing away? Do you enjoy this, Lloyd?” Wu teased, poking and squeezing at his ribs while Lloyd squirmed and snorted. After a little longer, Wu let Lloyd go as he picked him up, giving him a quick playful spin while Lloyd laughed childishly, a warm smile on Wu’s face as he put him down. “You should join the others, I believe Jay told me he was going to.. ‘beat your record’, in ‘prime empire’.” He said in the most old man way as Lloyd laughed, shaking his head and speeding out the door. “OH YOURE GONNA GET IT ZAP TRAP!!” He yelled as Wu laughed. He really did love his ninja, they were more than he could ever ask for. They’ve had their dark moments, but they’re childish spirits are still running strong.
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shepscapades · 5 months
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Xisuma, why in the world were trying to fix your helmet with TAPE?? I thought the superglue idea was unhinged but THIS IS A NEW LEVEL
(I know that it's probably not holding itself ONLY on tape, but the image in my head is too funny)
What's next? You tell me he attached Doc's new arm to his body with tape and glue too??
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THIS RESPONSE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE COMICAL but I let it get away from me;;
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cable-salamder · 2 months
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Youngest of FF Kai Kai bonding with Bonzle blah blah what I wanna see is Jordie’s soul (/body) ALSO being stuck in Superhell with one of the Forbidden Five having taken over her normal body at the end of s2p1, and her now having to chose between either these ancient evils or two peeps who keep forgetting her name
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She’s grumpy not just because of her predicament of having to accept help but also because one of the first things that happened is that she fell down a set of stairs and at the very least sprained her arm.
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 23 days
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This line. Jfc this line
“I wanted to be good”. I wanted to be good. I was bad before, I was evil, I was cruel, this world wasn’t built for me and it’s my fault and I have to change myself to fit it.
I wanted to be good, in the eyes of everyone who doesn’t know who I am, who are so judgmental and who are so good, despite the cruelty and the evil and maybe if I got rid of the evil inside me then I’d be good enough for this world, for the people around me, for myself.
I wasn’t good, I was never good— and only by creating that awful version of me and casting the sin I thought I was committing onto this earth could I be decent, or worthy, or good.
Just. Good.
He could have said “I wanted to be good enough.” He could have said “I didn’t want to be evil.” But no, “I wanted to be good.”
Not good enough, not good for you, none of that. Good.
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thisisdes · 1 year
Me starting Good Omens season 2
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Me finishing Good Omens season 2
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"You're the only one for me"
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It's their big day!
@birrdify @froggie-robbie
Had to sketch this out quick before I lose the vision
Close up/Different angle
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sidetongue · 6 months
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this dog came for foster with a horrifically shattered leg which had gone untreated and i fell in love with her instantly and i fought not to euthanise her for over 2 weeks even though she had heart disease and luxating patellas and aforementioned shattered leg and then they gave her to me on account of being in the vet industry and being able to provide her with everything she needs and i was the happiest person in the world for 48 hours until we went to surgery to fix her leg and she fucking carked it
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keepthetension · 8 months
this was made especially for those of us who cut ties with our shitty families, huh
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i cried so much this whole episode. i know that i can't be in that house and be who i am at the same time, but the guilt and shame never really go away. i love that this episode said, wholeheartedly: fuck what society says, you should be wherever allows you to be happiest
anyway! you always hear that family estrangement is rare in asian communities, but i did it! and you can do it, too! dump your shitty family! i believe in you~
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
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neorukixart · 1 year
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My calendar told me that it's been a year since I finished my first play of Digimon Survive so because I'm a nostalgic busy idiot, let me compile all the stuff I've drawn of Miyuki the Minase siblings (because it's the only thing I've done for Survive to far ;w;)
I'm sorry I'm so busy being overly emotional about this game to the point that I barely draw stuff orz and sorry not sorry that I felt in love with the Minase siblings uwu
Check the individual pieces in the following links:
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
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Ikemen Akiharu edit
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Adult Ruki mama that no one asked for (actually yes, someone asked)
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shizekarnstein · 2 months
I finally decided to watch (torture myself) a chinese drama after taking a rest from the genre for a couple weeks (aka after finishing war of faith) and my lucky pick was till the end of the moon based only on 1) a post i read a long time ago about how interesting ep 1 was for a xianxia 2) 40 ep sounded like a good number (i was a fool) and 3) it really has a pretty op. And here i am. I went completely blind and im really glad i did? After finishing it yesterday (and crying my eyes out just as many times as the characters spitted litters of blood) i did my regular well lets see what other ppl thought of it in the trusthworthy internet and afsghjsjs its actually incredible how bad some ppl are at consumming media and making tantrums bc things dont happen exactly as they wanted them to. The ed was enjoyable, i expected far worse, and it even alludes with zero subtely to the original novels ending (that i just learned about) but somehow ppl still act as if it was an absolute garbage can when even i, a total blind watcher, could tell it leaned strongly to the happy ending a lot of ppl were crying about being robbed of???????? And convincing ppl to never watch it bc of their own biased pre conceptions about it??????? Pls. How utterly annoying. Till the end of the moon is a fantastic emotional rollecoster that production troubles aside manages to have you totally invested for 40 ep with an ending that in no way "ruins the whole show" just bc it didnt follow the exact step by step detailed recreation some ppl apparently needed? Pls first watch the ending of the rebel and then start talking about a truly bad executed "bad ending".
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cannibalhellhound · 7 months
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I've got the Transmasc Mav zoomies and I cannot be stopped
Ice and Sli are looking (dis)respectfully from a distance
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fulltimeinternethomo · 6 months
Dan and Phil: kings of doing the most convoluted shit just to sell us merch with them holding hands
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peaceoutofthepieces · 5 months
5 and jerejean for the kiss thing? 🥺🥺🥺
you chose a different kind of violence and i respect it (thank you thank you thank you)
5. Romantic (Tender) Kiss
Jean Moreau was not soft, but Jeremy had not expected him to be. Of all the rumours he'd heard, he'd always thought this one most likely to be true. You could not play a sport like exy, with a team like the Ravens, under the lead of someone like Riko Moriyama, and remain soft.
It was hardly surprising. Jeremy was often assumed to be soft, because it was something kindness was often mistaken for, but even for him it was not entirely true. There were parts of him that were hardened into a protective shell, and parts of him that were splintered and rough, same as anyone else. But he could not deny his softness in the sense of being gentle, because even at his worst he would try to be that—especially for someone like Jean.
Jean was not gentle, either. He did not try for softness in any sense. His insides were brittle and bitter; his outside was scarred and tough; his manner was sharp and blunt. Jeremy was in parts soft, and in hopes gentle, but Jean had been scourged of such customs.
What remained, though, was tenderness.
Jeremy had been surprised the first time Jean kissed him, for how tender it was. He'd been waiting for the aggression Jean often showed on the court, or for the violence that tended to drip from his tongue when he spoke, but the way Jean had cradled Jeremy's face and pressed them together could not be described as anything other than tender.
Now, Jeremy understood how to return it when Jean needed it.
Catching when Jean needed it was upsettingly easy. The storm cloud that had accompanied him all day, for instance, was one way of knowing.
It made it easy to follow Jean to his room—their room, really, now, considering the two narrow beds they'd crammed in and how much more frequently Jeremy stayed here, rather than his parents' house, because he could, because he was allowed, because Jean wanted him there and that made it more of a home than anywhere Jeremy had ever lived before—and pull him in.
Jean came without resistance. His towering frame tucked itself in to reach more of Jeremy's touch as Jeremy slid a hand over the back of his neck. Jean's hands, large and calloused, fit themselves around the dips of Jeremy's waist, smooth and easy in contrast to the stuttery breath that fell out of him. Not a careful touch, but a caring one, not light or gentle but tender, always tender.
Jeremy drew him down, slid his other hand over Jean's cheek, and stretched until they were pressed together. Even toe-to-toe, chest-to-chest, Jean pushed closer. He rested his forehead against Jeremy's and shuddered, his eyes drifting shut.
"Alright, Jean?" Jeremy asked, the French vowels falling from his tongue with more ease after months of practice.
Jean's lips quirked. "Alright, Jeremy."
Jean's accent curled around Jeremy's name, and Jeremy's chest tightened predictably. He stroked his thumb over Jean's cheekbone, pressed it to the stark black outline of a flower petal, and drew him into a kiss.
Jeremy corrected himself; Jean's lips may have been the one part of him that was soft. And though he was tough, he was malleable, molding to the shaping of Jeremy's hands with little pressure. Jeremy kept his touch firm, still, because Jean liked to feel it, but tender, always tender.
Jean nudged his nose against Jeremy's, the quirk of his lips curling almost into a smile, and Jeremy ached. Because this, whatever they had and whatever they were, might have been soft, but if it was not, it was only so they would feel it all the better.
send me a number + ship
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whatwooshkai · 1 month
20 please!!
The weight of the world seems to have settled on the other rescue bot's shoulders.
Something's bothering Heatwave, it's been bothering him every since all four of them met, and now it's bothering everyone, especially Chase. After the Incident, the police bot can't seem to get his mind off whatever it is Heatwave's got eating at him.
And Blades. He's always had this kind of heaviness, but after the Incident, he's just gotten heavier. He's got this far away look in his optics, like he's watching bots that aren't them, and always reliving memories instead of staying in the present moment.
In short, it's depressing. They have their moments, yeah, but the vibe around here is so bad even the humans have started to pick up on it.
What the rescue bots need, Boulder decides, is an intervention.
So they whip up several of everyone's favorite flavor of high grade and gets them all blackout drunk.
Boulder had graciously decided to stay sober to keep an optic on everyone, and that is proving to be a better and better decision by the moment as this is not going well in the slightest.
Well, it's not going badly. This is pretty much the usual for a night like this, actually. But the Burns are reacting badly.
They'd started out playing poker, and now Boulder isn't even sure what the game is, just that they, Chase and Heatwave are absolutely losing.
"Boulder," the Chief hisses through gritted teeth, "it is midnight. What is going on?"
"'M GOIN' ALL IN!" Chase slurs, shoving his meager pile of chips forward. One of his arms is wrapped tight around Heatwave, who started uncontrollably sobbing two bottles in and hasn't stopped since.
Blades has almost every single chip in their set, stacked in high, neat piles that cover a large swatch of table in front of him. He gives Chase an unimpressed glare, then pushes one of the smaller piles forward.
Boulder's basically done playing anyways, so they push their chips towards Chase, who absorbs them into his pile without hesitation.
Blades rolls his optics exaggeratedly. "Don't extend their suffering."
Ignoring him, Boulder leans down to the Chief. "I thought it might help them relax," they admit, tapping his hands against their thighs. "We used to do it in the academy."
The Chief raises an eyebrow. "Is it helping?"
"Tomorrow will tell," Boulder says, patting their thighs again. "Now I'm not so sure."
"What, Heatwave usually doesn't cry this much?"
"No, that's uh, pretty par for the course, actually." Boulder chews on their lip. "They're just not talking like I thought they would."
Both Boulder and the Chief look to the other Burns kids, still on the lift, watching the scene with a mix of abject horror and fascination.
"What, lots of deep and in depth conversations going on usually?" Kade pipes up. "'Oh, guys,'" he poorly imitates Heatwave, "'even though I'm a total jackass and insufferable to be around, I love you guys, I really do-"
"Not so much like that," Boulder mutters, tuning him out. "It's less of a tangible thing, for lack of a better work. Field talk, kind of. Everything's so muddled right now it's like they're speaking in a different- oh."
Boulder blinks as realization hits them. Of course they can't understand any of the talking that's happening, they're not drunk.
Reaching for a bottle, some of the tension leaves their frame. "I'm just not drunk enough to listen," they hum, about to throw it back, when the Chief places his hands on their calf.
"Stay sober, please?" he asks. "I'd rather at least one of my rescue bots not be inebriated if something happens."
An uncharacteristic beat of anger flashes through Boulder, and it's enough to cause the other three to look over in surprise. Your rescue bots? they want to demand. They're my rescue bots, as I am theirs. These are things I may never hear if I don't hear them now. I can't stay in the dark forever. If they need me I need to be able to know what to do-
They put down the bottle. "You're right," Boulder says, offering a smile that doesn't quite reach their optics. "Someone has to be responsible here."
Even that night, with the other three pressed so close Boulder can feel their fields in their frame, Boulder can't understand it.
The next morning, Blades is looking at Heatwave strangely, and Chase is brimming with frustration. And Boulder doesn't understand.
Somehow, they think they've made it all worse.
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marimbles · 9 months
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I’m not like other 22 year olds…I’m 29
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