#I will just get the UR memory card and be done with that
lilirot · 10 months
Oh, so it's not actually worth it to grind past page 3/the UR memory in events and you if you wanna max a card and can't rank you're gonna need to get the popquiz/Jokers cards
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melverie · 8 months
I made a little something that you feed your card data into and then it spits out which sin and which card you should focus on for leveling
Below the cut is an explanation on to use it! If you have any more questions not already answered below, leave a comment on here or send me an ask! I'll do my best to help you once I have the time to
[last time this post was updated: April 7th 2024]
dedicated to @misc-obeyme because talking with them about card leveling inspired me to make this entire thing in the first place, as well as @impish-ivy and @dsimeon for testing it for me and for giving me some pointers on how to improve some things <3
Things covered below:
current team vs dream team
how to enter you card data -> step by step guide
ranking & recommendation
your three strongest demon cards + your three strongest memory cards of each sin (aka your top 3!) -> head to Contacts, filter for only one attribute and sort by strength to get your top 3 demon cards, then repeat for your memory cards. Rinse and repeat for every attribute If one character shows up multiple times in your top 3 demon cards, only count his strongest card and ignore the rest!
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the cards you want to use in the long-run. Ideally they should all be either UR or UR+ cards
Head to the sheet called 'card data'. Here you'll find seven charts that are all colored differently depending on what sin they are for
First off, each chart is divided into the following sections:
[1] dream team demon cards
[2] dream team memory cards
[3] current team demon cards
[4] current team memory cards
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Here's a quick run-down on all you need to know, but I'll also be going over it step by step a bit further below:
CARD enter who the demon card is of, or any name you associate with your memory card
TOP 3? if it's one of your three strongest cards, check the box; you don't need to re-enter the relevant data below if this box is checked. If it's not, enter the card data of one of your current team cards below it
MAX SIN UP? have you unlocked all of the Devil's Tree sin ups that you can get at your current skill level? If so, check the box
LEVEL enter your card's level
SKILL enter your card's skill level
STRENGTH enter your card's overall strength; sort by 'strenght' in Contacts to get this value
CARD, STRENGTH same as above, this for your current team. Only enter the card data if needed
1. Figure out what cards you want to use in the long run; In my case, that would be Lucifer, Satan and Asmodeus
2. Head to Contacts in the game, select an attribute and sort by 'strength' to determine your three strongest cards
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3. Go to the correspinding chart on the spreadsheet. Pick the characters in your dream team from the drop-down menu. The order you enter them in doesn't matter
Check the box for 'top 3?' if they are also one of your three strongest cards. If not, enter the card from the current team below
Your chart should then look something like this:
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4. If you have unlocked all the sin ups in the Devil's Tree that you can get with your current skill level, check this box
5. Enter the displayed overall card strength and the current skill level. Click on the card to see its level current level, and then enter that as well
6. Repeat the process for your memory cards
Once you're done, the chart should look something like this:
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7. Repeat for all other attributes
8. Once you're done, head to the sheet 'rec & ranking'
just a little ranking to show you how your sins are doing because I thought it'd be cool to have :] Keep in mind that it can't properly display ties tho! You'll have to enter all card data for it to work properly
The recommendation will tell you what order you should level your sins in, what cards you should level, what level and skill level to raise them to, and if you should work on its Devil's Tree first
But first, you need to configure the settings for your recommendation. You can choose
if you want demon and memory cards to be displayed seperately (overwritten only if you choose to display all sins)
how many sins should be displayed
if your current team should be factored into, or if it should be based purely on your dream team
Personally, I'd recommend going with seperated, display all sins (weakest to strongest), and to factor the current team in, but you can change it around to what best fits your needs
Again, if you have any questions or suggests, comment them on here. My asks are also always open, so you can also ask that way!
Anyway, best of luck with leveling your cards, everyone!!
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
First of all, love your analysis!! They are legit my favourites <3 second, do you think the brothers have had past relationships before MC? Were they intimate or just some fwb kind of thing? Do you think that some nobles try to get with one of the brothers? Sorry if I sound nosy!! Just wanna know your guys opinions cause you guys always have the best answers! >:D (ps. you guys are my favourite obey me blog hehe)
Ahhhh thank you, you're so sweet!! Σ(O///O) (,,>﹏<,,) Apologies for the delay in answering this!
As far as past relationships before MC go, yes we think there probably have been some. It is a dating sim, so of course they want to make it that MC is ✨special✨ for them, but let's think realistically about it. They've all lived an incredibly long time before MC!
We certainly do know that nobles and others are interested in them. Barbatos mentions that all of them have fan clubs, and there's even a memory UR card titled "Popular with the Ladies" after all! And Great Witch Maddi is infamously aggressive for trying to get with some of them, including frustrating the hell out of Satan and Lucifer -- as well as a rather dark implication about what she might have done to Mammon once.
As to the particular nature of their past relationships, though, it probably varies a lot from brother to brother!
Lucifer doesn't do anything half-assed, and he's way too prideful for anything that could damage his or his family's reputation. He might go on a few dates for political reasons, but he thinks of those as work, not romance. If he actually gets into a relationship, it's serious. That said, he's such a workaholic that past relationships are probably pretty few and far in between except with Diavolo.
Mammon is the type to hook up intending it to be a casual one-night stand, and end up in love before he knows what's happened. He falls in love fast, and though the relationships may have burned up just as quickly, he really loved them -- even if he might never admit it.
Leviathan prides himself on being a hardcore shut-in, so his relationship history is probably mainly littered with online relationships with fellow gamers. He may have been too shy to actually ever meet up with any of them, or maybe not.
Satan has a lot of acquaintances and is generally well-liked within the Devildom, so he's undoubtedly had his share of admirers. And he's always trying to expand his horizons by trying new things, to get away from being "only wrath." So yeah, he's probably tried dating casually, maybe had some that were considered more serious, but didn't really have that full-blown understanding of love until MC came along.
Asmodeus is, well....let's just be realistic here. He's the Avatar of Lust. We saw the brothers giving him shit for hitting on everyone even when he was an angel, so of course he's probably hooked up with tons of people before MC. But the whole reason MC has been so special to him is because they're the first one that he feels like really loves him for more than just his beauty, so they're the first serious relationship for him.
Beelzebub is one of the "popular with the ladies" guys, but it just isn't really a priority for him. Still, he's not one to say no if someone invites him out for a meal, so he's definitely gone out on dates from time to time, even if some of them may have been accidental. But it seems MC is really the first to be equally important to him as his family, so any past relationships probably weren't nearly as serious.
Belphegor isn't a total shut-in like Levi, but frankly he just doesn't care a whole lot about anybody outside of his family. So he might have had casual flings with those who showed interest, but he likely would have hit a point where he would have decided it's not worth the effort.
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 2 months
Inspired by the latest Reductive Audio Pt. 2!!
I realized as I was posting that I missed like… half the channel. I didn’t include the ones I just don’t care for or I’m not interested in. So sorry if that includes ur fave 🙏. If you want me cover anybody else or want another lol headcanon for anybody I’ve covered so far, feel free to send an ask!! You can find part one here! With no further ado;
Mike’s Hard Lemonade enjoyer. He’s a simple man. What he wants from alcohol is a lil tasty treat that gets him drunk. Mike’s Hard does that. His fav flavor is the strawberry lemonade one.
Babe (Ollie’s listener)
Neat whiskey kind of person. They don’t believe in mixed drinks and are terribly embarrassed when they have to buy Ollie’s Mike’s Hards. They do like it when they order drinks at a bar and the bartender assumes the daiquiri is for them. The look on most faces when Ollie starts slurping that thing down is delicious.
Can’t keep his desktop organized for the life of him. Aaron is a Virgo to the max, he has like… five placements of it in his chart. He is incredibly organized. He folds his underwear and puts them into little stacks in his drawer. He has a little velvet lined case where he keeps all of his cuff links and tie pins. His shoes all go in the exact same spot on the rack every single day. But he can’t organize his folders for the life of him. Everything is just saved wherever there’s room for it. It’s incredibly frustrating for him to try and find anything.
They are So Good at grocery shopping. Aaron hates grocery stores. The lights and noise and amount of people stress him out. So they make a list together and Smartass gets shit done. They have a system. They group their list by aisle and start at the back of the store, and make their way up to the front, wearing through the aisles. In total, it takes them about 30 mins to shop for two weeks worth of stuff. They time themself. Their record is 23 mins.
He wants a cat really badly. His and Sunshine’s current lease agreement doesn’t allow pets, so they’re waiting until they can move. He volunteers at a local cat cafe and is in love with a little calico baby there. He’s determined to adopt her as soon as he can.
He wishes that he could try strawberries. Sunshine loves them, but he isn’t able to experience them through anything but their memories. When he feels resentful of his situation, the small thing he gets caught up on is the fact that he’ll never get to try strawberries.
Hasn’t been behind the wheel of a car since their accident. They’ll ride in one if they have to, but they haven’t been able to drive since. Elliot is more than willing to drive them wherever they need to go, and they have a bike they use when he’s busy.
As a form of short hand when asking his partner if he can be in their brain for a while, he telepathically goes “Knock Knock.” He has to stop himself from using it with other people.
James’ spouse
Uses snail mail with James. Of course they text and email and call, but they love to write out a letter, put pictures in, pressed flowers. They make beautiful, decorated papers with their gorgeous handwriting. James has chicken scratch, but he still replies to every one. He just has to send an accompanying email with the translation so they can read it.
Writes poetry in his free time. He’s a scientist, but he believes that science and art are not so different from each other. When he’s stuck on a problem having to do with his work, he’ll write a poem about it. He writes a lot of poems to his partner. He never sends any of them.
Loves Animal Crossing New Horizons. He’ll never admit it, but it’s his absolute favorite pass time. His favorite villager is Lucky and he bought an amibo card to get him. His island is beautiful and has a sort of cityscape theme. He changes up certain areas for the seasons and does custom builds. He doesn’t believe in treasure islands and does everything for himself. He’s completed the Happy Home Island DLC and is a minor celebrity in ACNH spaces for his customs. If this ever gets out he’ll be ruined.
The Asset
Gets songs stuck in their head. It’s a weird, human thing that they just happen to have. Brian was startled when he heard them humming a Mitski song under their breath. It seemed to disturb him that they were capable of it.
He thinks he’s a good script writer, but he’s actually most talented in writing fiction. He would absolutely slay as a novelist, but he’s stuck on the idea of being a screenwriter. That’s why his script hasn’t gone anywhere in the last few years.
When they were a kid and people asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, they always said “bus driver.” They just thought it would be fun to drive those big ol things around.
Still stalks the entire D.A.M.N. crew’s social media. He has a few alt accounts he uses to drop nasty comments on everybody’s posts. The crew pretty much knows it’s Kody, but every time they block an account a new one pops up. He seems to delight in messing with Lasko the most, since every time he gets a Kody comment, Lasko won’t post for a few weeks. Kody thinks it’s because he’s scared, but actually Lasko is afraid he’ll violate terms of service with the things he’s likely to reply.
Avid consumer of reality tv. He will never admit it, of course. It feels non-intellectual. But he has watched every season of both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette and has incredibly strong feelings about it. He runs a semi-popular twitter account where he live tweets every new episode. He’s deeply, deeply ashamed.
Early riser. They’re up before the sun is. It’s somewhat comforting to them to know that they’re the only person up, and there’s nobody who can be thinking about them and them not know it.
Thinks that Drake won the Kendrick beef. He won’t even listen to “Not Like Us.” He’s been an avid Drake fan for years and refuses to accept that he lost.
Does tarot readings, funnily enough. They like the idea of being able to look ahead to the future. On the day that Blake died, all their deck would let them draw was The Ten of Swords.
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sun-stricken · 9 months
Man I am so happy I found your blog. Like it’s so refreshing to see a gray blog about, well, GRAY. Anyways id love to hear some more of your headcanons about gray, maybe ones on his demon slayer traits as well. If that’s ok with of course😅.
if u like my blog u should see my notes app, its almost embarrassing how full of him it is
i struggled with this ngl, single character (even when its ur fav) hc list r weirdly difficult for me
Grays has a scarily good memory, he can see something once and be able to recall it in almost perfect detail even years later
amazing for molding, horrible for embarrassing or traumatic memories though
If someone needs something done, they go to him
He has a lot of people that owe him favors on standby, and no he will not say how those favor came to exist
he has a patch of natural white hair in his bangs, he got it from his mothers side
He has a brown cat named Catnip
shes his pride and joy
he has boxes full of letters, notes, and cards people have given him since joining Fairy Tail.
He’s really good at talking himself out of situations, as someone else said, hes a bit of a diplomat
if theres a fight or job that requires no magic hes one of the best for it
Some call it gaslighting, i call it being a lawyer in another life
Grays like, terrifyingly smart, he knows what to say, when to say it, and how
if other guilds/maybe the council did scouting, hes at the top of the list
nobody wants him as an enemy
ESPECIALLY after he got his devil slayer magic
speaking of
devil slayers are the embodiment of cute aggression
he gets the random urge to bite people
theres an 80% chance that he’ll try to head-bunt people now
if he gets too happy he’ll try to throw smth
he has ‘fangs’, really sharp canines and he probably has a self-induced tongue piercing from how many times he bit his tongue from them
the tips of his fingers are black, whether thats a demon slayer trait, or a product of having two ice magics, which makes him work in prime frostbite temperatures, is unknown, they just are
Gray collects siblings the way Natsu collects father figures
He also has a larger male following than Erza, but its okay bc she has a higher female following than him :)
he wears eyeliner. i just. i need to say it.
i want to add smth thats in every fairy tail au i make but never explicitly stated
hes deaf, he was born hoh but its gotten worse over the years, especially after Deloria
he has lacrima hearing aids and will turn them off if someone is being particularly annoying and he just isnt in the mood
he stress cooks and has gotten pretty good at it
he has a recipe book full of Isvan style foods and those are his favorite to make
He realized hes lived in Magnolia longer than he ever lived in Isvan and it tore him apart
When he writes things down, its a mix of Fioren and Islavic/Isvani writing
when he gets tired or really stressed he speaks his native language without realizing
hes a secret theater kid
hes the type to hear a song and lie on the floor for a couple hours
he tries to say he doesnt, but my god does he live off drama
he flirts when hes nervous bc its a very fun image to me
a weird amount of ppl hes dated/friends with were his enemy/rival in a sense
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trickstarbrave · 6 months
thinking on my "joining the sixth house" hypothetical morrowind mod i wanna make (but have no idea how to yet. still working on that but i got the creation kit thing)
azura refuses to acknowledge the pc as the nerevarine. when you enter the cave of the incarnate she knows what you've done with joining the sixth house. she says you are not nerevar reborn and a traitor. she tells you to leave immediately and if you put on the ring you will certainly die. you take the ring anyways and can in fact wear it. what this means and if it means you are actually nerevar is left up to interpretation
dagoth ur tasks you with being named hortator and nerevarine as part of the prophecy. it works best for his plans after all. and also it would help prove if you are nerevar or not
after that dagoth ur has a question. which is if you believe you are nerevar reborn after accomplishing that. you have multiple answers to choose from. you can say an enthusiastic 'yes' or deny it and act like a bootlicker. both of those are the wrong answers. nerevar was (based on what my beloved taught me anyways) someone who didnt put all his cards on the table. the correct answer is 'perhaps' which he will have you elaborate upon. basically you want to say 'there is a good chance i am with all i have accomplished as well as the fact that i can wear the moon and star ring. you wouldn't ask me this unless you were at least somewhat convinced yourself either, and you knew nerevar personally, so something about me must be convincing enough to warrant the question. but it is impossible for me to determine it without there being the possibility it is all mere coincidence'
( i will break up that answer's dialogue as most answers you can give arent that fucking long)
dagoth ur will then think this over and task you with something else in the meantime (like when caius would tell you to go adventuring. you know). when you return he then says he has reason to believe you are in fact nerevar, based on your answer. then he directs you to the pool of forgetfulness and asks you to forget all that you were prior to your arrival in morrowind. he'll allow you to remember what comes after as forgetting that would be inconvenient.
"it is impossible to regain memories of your past life to know for certain if your mind is too full of memories of this one. go to the pool and drink to forget all you were prior to coming to morrowind. from there we will see what plays out."
you can of course refuse. maybe you're attached to the backstory you made for your character. if you do refuse though for any reason dagoth ur replies "then as far as i am concerned you are not nerevar. perhaps you do possess his soul in some sense, but you have become someone else and cling to a past that is unimportant. you will remain in the sixth house, but nerevar reborn you are not"
after you drink from the pool you need to rest. i think i might give a debuff? are there debuffs that go away only after u sleep. i dont know. if there is i will use that. but afterwards you get a message that 'your life prior to your arrival in morrowind has become as fuzzy and distant as an only barely remembered dream.' from there you have to wait via resting for bits and pieces of nerevar's memories in the form of dreams you'd get, at which point you go to dagoth ur with them and ask what they mean
dagoth ur will say you are nerevar reborn as those were bits and pieces of nerevar's memories
if you at any point are determined to NOT be nerevar by dagoth ur you're basically just a pawn he will dispose of when you're no longer useful to have around. but having nerevar reborn will be good for retaking morrowind
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wynterrolls · 9 months
Obey Me (OG) Newbie Guide
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Author's Note
There are multiple guides for this game existing already. Most could be found in Obey Me sub-Reddit or by searching in Google. Since the game is already 4 years old, this game has finished the main storyline and already moved on to a new prequel game called Obey Me Nightbringer (NB). Obey Me (OG) is still up and running at the time of this writing, since they run the events in both OG and NB, so if you want to still play this game, then that's up to you. Keep in mind though that this game is grindy.
In this post, I'll make a concise guide that will help new players (hopefully) traverse in the game. As always, this guide isn't only from my own experience, because I'm going to include tips from different sources here. The links for the sources could be found at the bottom of this post. I've created this guide with the idea that this is my game notes just in case I forgot about this game.
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When starting an account
You can't reroll account in this game thru normal means.
It's not recommended to reroll in this game since you'll get a free UR Asmodeus card in mail but, if you're like other players who want to reroll just to get a card of their favorite guy or you want to get ahead by having more UR cards early in the game, then here are the steps.
Play the tutorial by skipping dialogues until you get a 10-pull. The cards you'll get is fixed.
Keep skipping until you clear 1-6.
Click the home button and go to mail after being bombed with announcements. Claim all. (You'll get enough to do a 10-pull.)
Roll in Nightmare. Preferably in event banner.
If you don't like the results, create transfer code for this account. (Walkthrough on how to setup Transfer Password here.)
Close the app in this phone.
Have a second phone or an emulator (e.g. Bluestacks) with Obey Me app.
Open the Obey Me app in the second phone or emulator.
From the title screen, click Transfer Data > Enter Transfer Code > Input your Transfer Code and Transfer Password > Tap Transfer
Once done, the account is now transferred to the second phone/emulator. Close the app.
You could use the first phone to create another account again.
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All about UR or UR+ cards
UR/UR+ cards are the endgame goal to collect in the game. The difference is that UR+ cards either have outfit for character or moving background, while UR cards don't. Both have similar power level.
UR/UR+ card is the highest rarity. SSR cards could work for early game, but would need to be replaced once you reach harder content in game.
There are two types of cards needed to create a team - demon cards and memory cards. Demon cards can be obtained from Chapter A, any event banners, or event reward ladder, while Memory cards from Chapter M, from event reward ladder, or from shard farming in hard mode in lesson 61+. Chapter A and Chapter M are considered standard banners in game.
NOTE: You can't have 2 demon cards of the same character in 1 team. You need to have varying characters for each attribute.
Different ways to obtain UR/UR+ cards:
free pull in Chapter A for demon cards
free pull in Chapter M for memory cards
[RECOMMENDED] pulling in event banners with devil points (DP) or demon vouchers (DV)
[NOT RECOMMENDED] pulling in Chapter A and Chapter M with DP or DV
buying UR card shards in Akuzon with raven (Akuzon > Exchange Raven > Piece of Card)
grinding past events in Lonely Devil for UR cards
UR memory card shard grinding in hard mode of Lesson 61+
UR memory card from limited-time event login rewards (happens during holidays or anniversaries)
UR demon card from 10-pull birthday banner
** It is advised to save up the DP and DV for the limited-time event banners.
** It is advised to save up DP or DV enough for a 10-pull before your birthday. The date you write as your birthday will have a special 10-pull banner that will guarantee a UR card.
NOTE: You need 80 card pieces and 60,000 grimm to form a single UR card.
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Surprise Guest
Surprise Guest randomly comes out after you manually battle a stage. One of the 3 guys in the demon cards you used will appear. Getting their 3 interactions right make them gain intimacy points.
Their preferred touch interactions after battles can be found here. Better go look at the list yourself because the options are many.
You can also get gifts when you get a heart reaction for all 3 interactions. You could get 6 gifts per day. Gifts include:
2 AP x10
2 Grimm x1,000
2 Raven x1
There are several ways to obtain gift items for characters during Surprise Guest:
can be bought in Akuzon > Items > Present, costs DP
[RECOMMENDED] can be bought in Akuzon > Exchange Raven > Present, costs raven
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
unlocking gift nodes of Devil's Tree from cards (Click here to find out more.)
possible reward from sending characters in :D Jobs
** To know more about intimacy, click here to check Thal Fox's in-depth guide on intimacy.
** Here's the updated link for the Lesson Intimacy Bonuses.
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All about Devil Points (DP)
Devil Points are premium currency used in game and can be bought using real money.
From one-time DP sources [free]:
unlocking gift nodes in Devil's Tree in cards (Click here to know the specific cards.)
clearing the boss stages in each lesson, DP found in To Do > Total > Tasks
reaching certain point requirements in event reward ladder
clearing the missions in To Do > Total
clearing the missions in To Do > Demons
claiming event login rewards (happens during holidays and anniversaries)
From recurring DP sources:
completing To Do > Daily (18 DP)
claiming Day 8 and Day 14 rewards in Attendance card for non-VIP players (10 DP)
claiming Day 8 and Day 14 rewards in VIP Login Bonus for VIP players (30 DP)
TIP: To do the level up card x3 and upgrade devil tree x5 daily mission, do these using N, R, SR, and SSR cards you have. You could easily get these missions done with minimal grimm cost.
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All about Demon Vouchers (DV)
Demon vouchers are used to pull in Chapter A and Chapter M in Nightmare. These can also be used in limited-time event banners.
Ways to obtain DV:
unlocking gift nodes in Devil's Tree in cards. (Click here to know the specific cards.)
buying DV in Akuzon > Exchange Raven > Nightmare, costs 45 raven
completing missions in To Do (Click here to know what specific missions rewards DV.)
claiming event login rewards (happens during holidays and anniversaries)
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
buying the flash sales with DP
TIP: Save enough DP to buy these flash sales. To learn more about these sales, click here to check out Thal Fox's comparison guide on different flash sales.
[PRIORITY] Level Up sale - costs 99 DP
Solomon's Summoning Sale - costs 150 DP
You Got This Set L - costs 500 DP
** Congratulations Set Flash Sale (Level Up sale) does not occur until the player has reached level 15. From that point, the sale will appear:
Every five levels from levels 15-40 (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)
Every three levels from levels 43-58 (43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58)
After reaching level 58, the sale will be made available at every level increase.
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All about Grimm
Grimm is used for upgrading card level, unlocking Devil's Tree nodes, and pulling in Chapter G. This is a scarce resource if you are a F2P so you need to allocate this carefully on the cards you only want to use and level up.
Ways to obtain grimm:
sending characters in :D Jobs
doing x3 or x5 of the latest battle stages you've cleared
claiming Day 2 and Day 10 rewards in Attendance card for non-VIP players (7,000 grimm)
claiming Day 2 and Day 12 rewards in VIP Login Bonus for VIP players (30,000 grimm)
completing missions in To Do
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to know the specific cards.)
participating in event ranking
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
buying the Congratulations set flash sale (Level Up sale)
buying the AP recovery set flash sale (appears every 12 hrs)
TIP: Unlock Ristorante Six as fast as you can so you could earn the max grimm you could get.
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All about AP
AP is used to battle stages. Without it, you can't do anything in the game. Replenish rate is 1 AP = 5 min.
NOTE: It is strongly advised not to hoard APs by letting your AP bar capped. Better spend the APs to let the AP bar replenish itself.
From one-time AP sources:
buying the Congratulations Set flash sale (Level Up sale)
completing missions in To Do > Total
completing missions in To Do > Demons
participating in event ranking
claiming event login rewards
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to know what specific cards.)
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
From recurring AP sources:
288 AP from natural regen (if no sleep, awake for 24 hours straight)
20 AP from Surprise Guest gifts
50 AP from watching x5 ads daily
50 AP from AP exchange in Friend list
30 AP from 12pm - 2pm Fridge Mission (local time)
30 AP from 6pm - 8pm Fridge Mission (local time)
30 AP from To Do > Daily
60 AP from claiming Day 4 and Day 12 rewards in Attendance card for non-VIP players
200 AP from claiming Day 3 and Day 13 rewards in VIP Login Bonus for VIP players
200 AP from buying the AP Recovery Set flash sale (appears every 12 hrs)
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All about Raven
Raven is used to buy items in Akuzon > Exchange Raven. Pretty good resource to grind for if you need specific items.
Sources to obtain raven:
claiming Day 6 reward in Attendance card for non-VIP players (1 raven)
claiming Day 6 reward in VIP Login Bonus for VIP players (10 raven)
pulling in Chapter G with 27000 grimm until you max the skill level of your N, R, and SR cards, the next pull with max skill level would convert the card into raven
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to know the specific cards.)
potential reward from sending characters in :D Jobs
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
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All about :D Jobs
:D Jobs is where you can obtain grimms, Surprise Guest gifts, raven, keys, and daggers, and increase intimacy points for characters you send.
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TIP: Always send the characters in :D Jobs.
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All about Daggers
Daggers are used to uncap the max level of card. This is done in order to increase the power level of the card, to be used in harder lessons in main story.
For example, UR/UR+ card has max level of 100. You need 10 daggers of same sin attribute with the card, 100,000 grimm, 100 gems of main sin attribute, and 100 gems of secondary sin attribute of card in order to increase the max level of this card. Each uncapping of max level of card is increased by +10 levels.
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Ways to obtain daggers:
potential reward from sending characters in :D Jobs
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
maxing out the Surprise Guest encounters for rewards in To Do (1500 max per character)
participating in Otaku Boot camp (Do they still run this in OM OG?)
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All about Devil's Tree Items
Devil's Tree items are needed to unlock the nodes in Devil's Tree.
Ways to obtain the said items:
doing the Akuber orders (each day has corresponding sin attribute)
completing missions in To Do
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to find the cards.)
grinding the hard mode stage for RNG drop of items
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All about Lonely Devil
Lonely Devil is a mode where you could rerun the past events in game. You could unlock a past event using LD tickets or by paying 10 DP.
Players who have missed their desired rewards from the event ladders rerun this event in order to continue what they have started. The total points acquired from previous run is saved and could be continued on your next run of same event. The event rerun lasts for 4 days. However, cheat cards don't work in here.
Lonely Devil is a great way to obtain UR memory cards in the game. Daggers could also be obtained here.
Ways to obtain LD tickets:
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to know the specific cards.)
reaching certain point requirements in event reward ladders
potential event login reward (happens on holidays or anniversaries)
** To know more about Lonely devil, click here to view the in-depth guide of u/SeriousLatte.
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All about D-energy
D-energy is used to increase the chances you could have in capped battle stages. Battle stages that have x3 cap are event stages and hard mode stages. Using one D-energy gives 3 battles. If you run out of D-energy, 5 AP will be used to get 3 more battles.
Ways to obtain D-energy:
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in card (Click here to know the specific cards.)
buying the Congratulations set flash sale (Level Up sale)
reaching the certain point requirement in event reward ladders
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All about Card Mechanic and Total Power
UR/UR+ cards have max level 100 and could be uncapped until you reach max level 200. SSR cards has max level 80 and could be uncapped until you reach max level 160.
Each card rarity has their own power level that is used in battle stages. This part will be further explained in a separate post (because I think I'm almost reaching the 30 max image cap in a post). I will link the post here later on.
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All about Lesson Summaries for Obey Me (OG) Main Story
If you don't want to grind the main story and just want to read the whole story, here's the link for the lesson summaries for lesson 1 to lesson 80.
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Miscellaneous Info
You can drag your finger across the hearts that appear on screen during battle instead of tapping them individually. WAY more effective.
Choosing quick clear x3 or x5 on battles only gives EXP to player level, not including the card level, but you still get grimm and rewards.
Save glowsticks. Rainbow glowsticks are the more powerful buffs in battle.
You don't need to complete all daily missions in To Do. Just clear 7 missions in order to get the 18 DP daily.
You can leave your rewards sitting for as long as you want, and collect them whenever.
AP will carry over when you level up.
You can edit the game's graphics settings if you have lag. Just go up to the top right corner and hit the settings gear.
Work towards building a deck that covers all colors with a variety of characters, both demon cards and memory cards alike.
Try to keep your in-use cards (your deck, as opposed to your overall collection) evenly leveled.
Don't forget to level your memory cards. They are also important in total deck power.
Daily server resets at midnight JST or UTC+9. Convert into your local time to know when it will reset in your location.
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Useful Resources
Resources to look into to know more about this game.
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Banner Image Source
How to reroll in the game using emulator by u/Guilty-Ticket
How to reroll in the game using second phone by u/AngelicaLily
How to setup Transfer Password walkthrough video by Obey Me Official
Transfer Data from Fandom Wiki
Surprise Guest
Devil Tree Rewards from karasu-os.com
Intimacy Guide by Thal Fox
Obey Me Flash Sales by Thal Fox
Flash Sale from Wiki
Obey Me Guide from VN Guides Wordpress
The Hidden 68 DV in OM by Thal Fox
F2P Guide to Obey Me! by u/gniehc
Daily Login Bonus from Wiki
How to obtain daggers? Question by u/Master-Computer4437
Ways to farm daggers by u/kindacutekindapunk
Guide on Lonely Devil by u/SeriousLatte
Unlocking a Card's Maximum Level Cap from obeymewiki.com
Using DP for getting more battles answer by u/Clarasiir
10 Tips for people who are starting out by u/RustyBoyo
Lesson Summaries for Obey Me (OG) from obeymewiki.com
Lesson Intimacy Bonuses from Fandom Wiki
Obey Me advice thread from u/LadyBastilla
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➥ Back to my otome game masterlist.
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Update Log
12/20/2023 - Uploaded this post.
01/01/2024 - Added Player's birthday info
01/27/2024 - Added the reminder line at the top and server reset in Miscellaneous info
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ca-suffit · 5 months
my inbox got *so* quiet the last couple days but then I noticed something interesting.
almost everything was about sam or lestat again
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then look at how virginia is posting now
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and this
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this side has always needed to pretend this is about something else so they don't have to talk about fandom racism. some of the asks I got might have been real but the timing of this feels sus. trying to get me to talk shit about sam but when I didn't post anything for days u decided to get the gossip rolling urself? that's what this is lol. faked outrage to stir the pot. u have to subtly aim at black fans again and also go deeper into ur weird parasocial sam reid feelings so u feel important and loved. wtf.
didn't u all send sam a fan art book and other stuff ur always being loud about cuz he mentioned having it in interviews a few times? don't u visit him on sets and tell him u luv him all the time (I've seen the posts lol). he's fucking with u so u will watch the show more and react just like this lol idiots.
the last fangs psa post also tried to pretend it was about this
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the craziest thing about this tho is that after she was done aiming at the black and brown fans, she posts a big part about this white guy *with a lestat icon* but.............now it's about race??
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isn't it weird how they can't keep to one story lol. it's all about hating lestat except for when u can't use that against a white lestat fan u wish would stfu so u pull the "I'm black" card instead and then reveal u have no friends lol.
this has never been about lestat or sam. it's an excuse because they don't have the range to speak about why lestat being judged for his ignorant white shit feels uncomfortable to them (especially if they want to fuck him, cuz I'm p sure fangs does). they get off power tripping on telling white fans it's okay to do racist shit if u hate the "right" ppl. her and keybearer are the first to do dumb shit to alienate themselves but blame everyone else for it. then cry to white fandom for hugs because they know how easy it is to get white ppl to feel good about shit if u stroke the fires of antiblackness in them. nobody is kicking u out of spaces unless ur doing some fuckshit but white ppl only hear "I'm black and ppl are being mean to me :(" and then rush to do the most racist shit ever because u just gave them a "good" excuse to do it. if a lot of black ppl are defending a white person who talks about antiblackness and ur the only black person saying that's wrong? u are the one who is the problem! especially because fangs and keybearer are both *not* american and nearly everyone from "this subset" is......and that is also the show's focus, that is louis' struggle! not to mention how fangs got upset about *this* in the cap but then had no issue pulling out talk of the fucking palestine genocide on a black american fan, to say that black americans don't suffer oppression. is this the real reason nobody likes ur bitch ass, mayhaps?
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them being unable to let anyone know peace because of their own bad feelings is the most annoying thing. the show hits u over the head with the "memory is a monster" thing. we *know* we're gonna be seeing different versions of ppl and events and that's alot of what makes it interesting and fun. it's insane u keep pretending we're ignorant to this, as if u *also* haven't been crying for years now about "wait until lestat tells his side!!!!" we have fucking heard ur annoying asses jfc. WE KNOW.
but u have these ppl who can't hear a word against their fav without pulling out the books and showing u some sad lestat passage to change ur mind. girl shut up idc?? can't u let ppl like things as they come gd. what's the harm in enjoying the journey. u assholes are always saying ur so smart but then u have tantrums that the show isn't on book 12 already and ppl don't luv lestat enough yet. who tf cares? he's literally all the tags are whenever a 2 second clip shows up in any S2 thing rn, what are u even complaining about.
fucking crazy that this is louis' story but the focus is always on why isn't lestat getting more attention, why do ppl hate lestat, why is everyone mean to lestat. nobody frames it like that because then u'd v easily understand how stupid and racist this shit rly is. when u speak up in defense about any black character they literally accuse u of being the woke mob but ok lol. "did u listen to what jacob *a black man* said about the character being a crazy liar, sweetie??" (example 1, example 2) this shit is so obvious.
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stuckinapril · 10 months
hi random question here idk if you'll see it but I recently went through a breakup in early September and nothing has felt right since then and sometimes I feel like I'm living a different life/started over a new life and everything is so foreign
Like I genuinely feel like I'm learning to talk to people again and take care of myself and watch TV again and listen to music again and just...ugh
The whole thing sent me for a loop and I just felt so unlovable and sad...and I lowkey feel like I went over the deep end because everything feels so weird to me and I probably didn't but I swear to god!! I got in a new relationship and I swear I can't love right like it just feels so weird!! Like I'm happy in my new relationship and the new person is making me very content sometimes I just feel like it's just me and everything feels so trippy and dream-like
Point is I feel like nothing will ever feel "okay" or "good" again and I go through spouts of believing it but sometimes I feel so insane...so yeah
i call it a “soul glitch” haha. it’s when you lose someone (platonic, romantic, familial whatever) who meant a lot to you and then you sort of just feel like your whole life is a house of cards that even the slightest breeze could knock over. i feel that. i feel that so much. i just wanted to start off this ask by telling you your feelings are valid, that they’re normal, that september was such a short time ago and you’re allowed to mourn a person whom you loved but who’s no longer in your life. i don’t want to start this off w any therapy speak or the typical “work on ur confidence” “you need to be okay w being by yourself” blah blah bc i think human connection is so beautiful. like from the bottom of my heart. i think it’s beautiful that you loved someone so much that the loss of them has made you the most human you possibly are, w all this sadness and longing and everything in between. it’s normal that you’re sad. it’s normal that you’re hurting. i’m sorry that this happened.
i’m not one to tell anyone what their capacity is, when to move on to a new relationship, how to best bounce back from a breakup… but it kind of reads to me like you’ve moved on too fast. you broke up in september but you’re already in a new relationship? i would’ve never done that after my breakup. i did talk briefly to a couple guys from uni, but it was all so empty and no one really hooked me for long. you could have totally different coping mechanisms from me, but idk i’ve never met anyone who jumped into a new thing so early after their old thing and it ended well. literally not a single person. it always turned sour eventually.
not saying to break up w this new person, but i don’t think it’s fair to you or to them to stay in a relationship where you’re actively thinking of someone else. you need to give yourself time to mourn. i’m the kind of person who wants to immediately be okay and to bounce back after a heartbreak and to ignore the “soul glitch phase,” but that has never done me any good. let your soul glitch. genuinely. lie in bed in the dark and think of all the things you want to talk about w them but can’t. think about the sweet memories. feel a little like you’re living in unreality bc they’re not in it. you need to get it out of your system. i’m not sure your current relationship fits into that equation. i hope you get well soon friend
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stacotto · 1 year
*Inhale for four, exhale for four* Alright, let's get into it.
Guess we'll just start at the start, Asticassia is far more wrecked than we could see at the end of episode 20, death count is probably in the scores if not hundreds, and the survivors are basically in a refugee camp. Earth House and Suletta out here doing their best to make everyone comfortable, which automatically makes them the GOAT house. Petra's alive...ish! Mio's President now, for whatever that's worth, Quinharbor is a bombed-out crater, and those slimy Peil crones somehow managed to once again pull the "we didn't know this unethical thing was being done right beneath our noses" card (even if they really didn't know until someone else told them, I wouldn't put it past them to want a piece of that pie). More on them later.
The meeting between Earth House, Guston, and Belmeria is a perfect example of what I like to see in an infodump; nothing is said that characters in the room should already know, everything is news to someone. I really really dig now Suletta handled relaying her nature as a clone, and maybe feeling a little smug that my headcanon that those flashes of Eri's memories of the Vanadis Incident really were a full memory share between the two. And of course, Suletta understanding that there is probably no reasoning with Prospera, but no unnecessary angst beyond that. I like it, it's refreshing. Also hot damn, we've been theorizing about a "Caliban" Gundam for months and this is not what any of us expected but I'm not complaining; it really is thematically appropriate that Prospera's creation would be piloting the machine named after Prospero's servant.
Now to the real spectacle of the episode: The Space Assembly League charging headfirst into something they should know could not possibly end well. To paraphrase what I've been saying about Quiet Zero ever since episode 16; "You may have your guns, but I control all the triggers". You literally cannot fight against it with any conventional weapon. The only way to fight against the QZ Data Storm network is with a Gundam of your own, and Sophie Pulone showed us exactly why even that is a toss-up. The more I think about it, the more I feel we're building up to a reveal that Suletta may have actually inherited her sister's affinity to the Data Storm, it just might need a little push to fully manifest.
Miorine really cannot catch a break here. She may be President, but that pales in comparison to the world falling apart around her. Quinharbor is in ruins. Her father is still in a coma. The League has popular support to dismantle the Group by force. It's really telling that Sarius is the one telling her "Look, I'll take the L on this, you keep the Group together" but she completely refuses to sacrifice anyone else, one of my favorite tropes when done well. It'll be interesting to see what her next move is.
Ah, Elan Ceres Number 5. Curious as to how he went from Ur's cockpit to sneaking around Asticassia but that's neither here nor there; he's finally given up the act (and genuinely apologized to Suletta, that was good) and is joining up with the heroes for the final act, which I appreciate. He says "no Gundam" which does pique my curiosity as to how he's going to contribute - Enhanced Persons are no doubt chosen by the Peil AI for piloting skill, so I doubt that he won't be piloting period - but I do get the distinct feeling that he's going to pay the CEOs and Elan Prime a visit...with bullets.
Welp, guess we know who's piloting the Schwarzette whenever that comes up now; Lauda about to follow in the infamous footsteps of one "Graze" Ein Dalton. I do kinda hope that someone can snap him out of it before it's too late; most likely candidate is probably Petra if she can wake up soon, given that A) He's definitely going to try and kill Miorine, so that knocks her out, B) there's no way he's going to listen to Guel after learning he's the one who killed Vim (even if it was by accident in self-defense), and C) Suletta is still the "Mercurian Wench who ruined everything" in his eyes. If he can't be reasoned with, Guel's probably going to have to kill him, I'll put my chips on that.
We in the endgame now.
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redcr9ssnine · 7 months
✈ - an eye-opening memory
✈ - an eye-opening memory
This game has not been kind to you.
The godtier process was a total nightmare, a slog that you've contained in the very furthest regions of your pan. It was something that had to be done alone, something you sought out by yourself and gained by yourself. No one was ever actually interested in learning the game mechanics, you weren't particularly interested either, it was the end game you wanted. The hope of a new universe you could have a hand in, one where you could shape the politics yourself, people wouldn't have the choice to coddle you, whether they wanted to or not. Maybe people would listen to you then, and get the fuck out of their own heads if you were the god of a new planet. You wouldn't have to try and trick them into caring about peoples feelings through cue cards.
"Kankri, wo+uld yo+u! Just- Ah! Lo+o+k o+ut!"
Her frustration is what snaps you out of your own thoughts, but it was too late. The containers of mystery fluid and half sprouted tadpoles slips from your hands, immediately collapsing onto the ground. Fluid bursting upwards towards you, flinging the baby frogs in every direction. You let out a shrill shriek, your hands quickly fanning in front of you in an attempt to keep your face from getting splattered but it's all in vain. You're drenched and absolutely disgusted, your eyes huge and wide in shock as your little body trembles from the complete sensory over load.
"O+h jesus... Kanny, yo+u need to+ fo+cus o+n what yo+u're actually do+ing, I can't do+ all o+f this by myself."
From her sylladex she pulls out a rag, one of the many she carries around for you, and gently cups your cheek with her bare hand. Her skin ejects you from your own.
"O+pen yo+ur eyes, Kanny, co+me o+n. Yo+u're so+ stro+ng, just keep them o+pen."
"5H4K3 H1M. FUCK1NG D0 50M37H1NG, WHY 4R3 Y0U JU57 P3771NG H1M?!"
Stop fucking yelling at me! It echos through your skull as the only form of input you can give. GET FUCKING OFF OF ME! Everything was dark, probably for the same reason your mother was freaking out, your eyes wouldn't open, you were in too much pain. Your skin was burning, from your hip to the crook of your neck, your back was burnt by the sun. It all happened so fast, you weren't asleep but you were on the verge of it when you heard multiple pairs of footsteps. You assumed it was your family, until someone much larger than anyone you knew grabbed you by your ankle and began to drag you out into the sun. It was a complete blur afterwards, but god were you mad, and none of them would stop fucking touching you.
A hand touches your cheek and pulls you forward, forcing you to sit up and it finally stirs enough anger in you to react, despite your body begging you not to. Your entire body was wet, you realize when you move, likely covered by your own ugly blood. With as much force as you can, you grab your mothers wrist and yank it off of you, grunting in pain.
And you can see her again, not your mother- your... what? You see Porrim standing in front of you, bewildered by the death grip you have on her wrist. It scares you too, did she see all of that? What the actual FUCK was that, your body still feels the minor aches from the heat that doesn't exist, your entire body shaking and trembling as if just the frog fluid had sent you into a complete shut down.
"Kanny-" Her voice sounded annoyed. You didn't care, barely able to make out her voice at all.
"FUCK!!" You completely reel back away from her, your hands quickly being tucked against your chest, eyes wide and firey like an animals. "D9N'T T9UCH ME. D9N'T PUT Y9UR FUCKING HANDS 9N ME! I'M I- I'M TRIGGERED! I'M TRIGGERED D9N'T Y9U PUT Y9UR HANDS 9N ME AGAIN! I G9T IT!!!!"
In a dramatic fit of eccentrics, you take both your hands and wipe your face off on them, flicking them to the ground. It barely helped at all, and if anything, only smushed the fluids further directly into your eyes.
"What is yo+ur pro+blem!?"
"Jesus, Kankri, if yo+u're go+ing to+ freak o+ut this much then go+! I'll call so+meo+ne else fo+r help!" She groans, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. Fine. If she wants you to leave you will, you felt fucking sick anyways, the less frogs the better. You stomp away, having to be extra careful not to step on any of the rogue tadpoles.
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melverie · 1 year
- how to raise intimacy fast* -
*also known as "how to lose your mind to get laid by one (1) guy"
Dedicated to @winter-sol!
So, as mentioned on here, I already have a.........somewhat high intimacy level with Satan already, cough cough. So here's a quick guide on how I did it!
Keep in mind, this strategy works best if you focus on only one character! Also, this is a f2p guide, just keep in mind that I'm also crazy and spent a lot of time playing this game on release day <3
Since some things differ between the og game and Nightbringer, I'll specify which game a point works for if necessary. If no game is specified, it works for both
Here's also a general guide for the og game and one for Nightbringer if you need it
(last updated: September 25th 2023)
- what you need -
a demon card of the character you want to raise your intimacy level with
that's it! :)
can be N, R, SR, SSR, UR or UR+; doesn't matter as long as it's a demon card
- preperations -
(NB) create a team and put the character you want to raise your level with on it; the other two charcters don't matter -> put them in first position. Not sure if it's just a coincidence, but I seem to get more surprise guest interactions with whoever's in first. So if you wanted to romance, say, Satan, then your team should look like this
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(NB) edit to the point above: lately it seems like it switches around every once in a while. In that case, just switch your desired character to the spot of the character you get the most Surprise Guests which
(OG) create a team and put the character you want to raise your level with on it; ONLY use that one demon card, don't put any others on there. Using memory cards is fine Again, if you wanted to romance Satan, then your team should look like this
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make sure to do this on stages in normal mode. This method requires a lot of AP, so doing it in stages that only cost 5 AP is cost-efficent. Doesn't mean you can't do it in hard stages
pick a stage you can skip!! Don't sweep!!
- execution -
skip stages until you get a Surprise Guest
(NB) if it's not your desired Surprise Guest, skip them -> again, not sure if it's just a coincidence, but they seem to show up less often if you skip them a few times
if it's you desired Surprise Guest, do whatever actions they like best (guide for anyone that needs it; Satan's a little different in Nightbringer, I've added his preferred interactions toward the end of this post)
rinse and repeat for hours until satisfied (or until your done with everything)
The great thing about this method is that (in NB, at least) you'll indirectly be supplying yourself with more AP by skipping. Every 50 times you use a character in battle and every 50th time you meet with a (specific) Surprise Guest, you'll get 50 AP, which let's you skip more battles and meet more Surprise Guests, which gives you more AP, which let's you skip more battles and meet more Surprise Guests, which gives you more AP, which le--
What I'm trying to say is that it's more or less self-sufficient for a while
Also, it's a great way of passively leveling your cards, so there's another small benefit to this madness!
- additional things you can do -
set them as your home screen guest so you can get them for the home screen surprise guest
have them work a job at their preferred location
(NB) give them items in WW
pick all options in the story (this one hardly gives you any points tho so I personally wouldn't really bother much)
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Christmas Decorating gone... Right?
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Citrusy holiday with Kate, surely nothing will bother you
Y/N x Kate
Because Yelena made such a big deal about waiting until AFTER thanksgiving to celebrate Christmas, you and Kate decided that today was the best day to start putting up decor. Although thanksgiving was fun, you and Kate both love Christmas decor and being able to get into the spirit. Slowly you both take out boxes from hiding to find all the boxes filled with only the best decor.
“Babe! Can you help me with this pleaseeee!” You yell desperately pulling on the long rectangular box. The hole as a handle rips which makes you fall back just in time for Kate to see. Giggling she helps you back up, “You need to be careful Cupcake, this box will not last forever if you keep treating it like that. It’s probably very hurt now.” She teases as she goes to the other side of the box. “Wow, maybe I won’t help you if you’re gonna tease me like that.” Y/N laughs as she rubs her butt “this hurts ya know!” Making emphasis on her but she laughs with Kate. “Hey, it was your idea to get an 6ft tree so you’re helping me move this big ass box.” Kate gave you a knowing look while smiling. Together you both moved the box to the main area.
You dust your hands off once you take a good look at the multiple boxes laid in front of you. “Okay! How about you do the tree and I’ll hang stuff up first!” You smiled at Kate knowing very well how much you would rather put gum in ur hair than put that tree back together again. Kate sighed while walking towards you, “Fine. But you owe me since your not gonna help.” She rolled her eyes before giving you a kiss on the forehead. You chuckled to yourself, happy that you got a get out of jail free card this year. You turned on the music and the festivities of the holiday were finally beginning. Since you wanted to get hanging stuff done first you decided you were going to change some photos with holiday photos from before. It was always nice being able to see how the both of you looked when you were kids, and how you and Kate’s relationship changed throughout the years. You found the mistletoe in the same box, although it was very fake it was still cute. You decided that you wanted to hang it in the hallway entrance this year, since you and Kate are hosting a Christmas party for all the avengers it seems a fitting place. It’ll be easy to catch people under it as well. Because you have to hang it on the ceiling you decide to grab a small ladder. Kate of course took notice of what you were doing while trying to carefully set up the fake tree, she smirks to herself, she’s happy that she finally found her person in life to share memories with, she’s loved you for so long she couldn’t imagine life any different. Before grabbing the mistletoe you decide it’s best to first make sure that the ladder is tall enough to reach the ceiling. You carefully go up the small ladder and on your tip toes you can reach it, not perfectly but well enough that you can hang the decoration with a small tac. You grab the tac and the mistletoe and adjust the ladder perfectly in the middle, you carefully go up again. You finally got the tac in all the way when you feel a pair of hands on your legs. “Yeah that’s a perfect spot indeed.” Kate states while you admire your work, when you finally look down at her you realize she was definitely not talking about the mistletoe, but how the ladder places you perfectly to have your crotch at eye level to her. Kate looks at you with pleading eyes, they look like they have been starved, “I also admire the mistletoe, don’t worry.” You close your eyes as you laugh at her but quickly open them with a gasp when you feel Kate’s lips peck your crotch. She looks at you innocent like, “what? Was a kiss not supposed to happen?” She grabs your legs and turns around while slowly putting you down. “Here” she kisses you gently and passionately, you can’t help but melt in the kiss. She slowly moves you back until you are pressed against the wall. She deepens the kiss as she places her knee between your legs. You both separate and look into each others eyes. “You really are the most perfect girl, you know that?” She cups your face as she compliments you, “you are absolutely stunning cupcake.” She moves her knee against you forcing you to grind against her. Your face heats up and you melt into her palm you can’t help but push your face into her hand. With her other hand Kate pushes some of your hair off your now exposed neck and starts to kiss your shoulder slowly making her way up to below you jawline where she makes a small mark. She continues up to your ear and whispers, “I think this is a perfect way to pay me back.” She kisses your cheek before looking straight at you. “Does that sound good love?” You shake your head yes growing desperate now, “You need to use your words love if you want to get what you want.” She moved back a little and put her knee back. “Yes, yes it sounds good.” You basically beg in response, this women makes you so desperate for her it doesn’t even seem real. With your words Kate quickly threw you over her shoulder and headed straight to the bedroom where she gently throws you down on the bed. “That’s what I love to hear.” Kate states as grabs your feet to pull you closer to her and starts to kiss you.
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
no wait talk 2 me abt rook&vil they're so silly (unless ur legitimately busy but I will listen if u ever want to talk abt sillies lol)
god i had to restrain myself from literally screenshotting every single convo vil and rook have ever had bc theres Simply Too Much, and even trying to contain myself i still went over the limit LOL god ok anyway love is real and i have to put in a readmore bc i love posting screenshots and talking FOREVER!!!!!
one of my earlier memories of them was back when i first got into twst in 2020 and reading random card stories. i remember the jade leech dorm story and i just got his card recently so i got to relive married couple vil and rook experiencing Jade Leech Behavior
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"you're making me jealous~ is he as good as meeee~" and vils like well kinda LOL but also in the rook lab coat story
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aka the one where rooks openly thirsting after leona and teases vil about being jealous about it. like hello. ?? ?!?!!?!?!?!
also TWO instances of vil casually dropping that leonas attractive
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a pretty face. a good looking layabout. vil no one is making you say these things.
anyway i just love how openly loving rook is in general, but especially with vil 😭
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^both from the jade dorm story.... vil shows up and hes like Oh My God Life Is Beautiful. ok well hes like that about everything but he does it More when vils around :')
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god this whole second half of rooks lab story is soooooooo hshdhfhehheskefkjjdfjfgfdg yknow????? like the whole story is half rook being So Very Weird About Leona fkjefskljdf "if those sharp fangs of his pierced my windpipe, why, i'd be done for in an instant. the very notion makes my heart quiver" ROOK BE NORMAL CHALLENGE just kidding i love that hes a freak it's so fun. he says something kinda similar about vil??? i cant remember which instance it was - i wanna say maybe when vil got kidnapped in Halloween 2 or book 6 or something? where he said something like "oh no, i know vil doesnt need my protection. if i dared imply such a thing he'd kick me in the head with his six inch heels lol 🤗" like HELLO????
speaking of halloween 2, omg. i forgot to take screenshots but that whole bit makes me insane. he calls vil "my etolle/ my star" and is agonizing over his disappearance......... hes so overjoyed to see him again and rushes to his side when theyre reunited,, and omfg i also forgot the part in masquerade where hes getting ready to leave and hes like "here is a flower, im so sorry im leaving you alone vil, ill be back to you before this flower blooms ♥" like literally why was he so romantic about it. vils like dude you will be gone Three Days fjklsejklfjkls i cant get over it. it's so FUNNY and so,,, hfhdhhhghf. the way he and vil act like parents of pomefiore is so cute too. like when theyre leaving rooks like "dont worry vil ill be with epel to make sure things are going okay!!" and vils like "hmm. yea idk im still worried actually" bc he loves rook but he also knows rook better than anyone LOL
anyway i got distracted, back to the rook lab coat story
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this part is so good. rook is going on and on about leona and vils like "ok so just join spelldrive club and bother him there" and rooks immediately like "no. im in science club so i can help you with special effects for your film work to support you " HE LITERALLY SAYS SUPPORT WITH HIS LOVE WAHHHH god they make me go bonkers actually. a lot of what rook does is out of love and support for vil and his pursuit of beauty wahhhh
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he likes being close to vil
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he knows vils exact measurements, he even says in vils lab story that the only person that looks at vil longer than vil is him lol
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he was so enthusiastic about vil and his work that hed run up to him and just talk forever and ever until vil finally spoke back to him and they were just INSEPARABLE after. i think so often about that bit where they say they talked so much they GOT SICK IN THE SNOW!!!! HELLO HI CAN ANYONE HEAR ME- theyre so full of matched passion i love them so much no one understands them like they understand each other AUGHHHH
anyway back to rook mentioning he wants to be up close to vil and his pursuit of beauty,,, i ALSO cant stop thinking about how thats literally one of the reasons he TRANSFERRED DORMS TO POMEFIORE
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it means everything to him to be at vils side as long as possible and the fact that he cant when theyre away on their internships in fourth year is devastating WAHHHH 😭😭😭
but also. beanfest.
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LIKE. HSDFHDSLJ every time they interact in this entire event is So Charged. hey rook your body is bulked up, i know this because I Was Looking. vil i am so excited to brawl with you one on one ive been anticipating it for a month. back and forth banter with each other and then just
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whatever this is. and epel standing there like 🧍‍♂️ I Will Avoid Them Actually. jfksdlfjdkslfjkj
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hes So Fucking Excited when it's time to fight vil,,, he even brought evil face trey LOL
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"btw you look hot-" thats nice rook
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THEY ARE FLIRTING. and then rook literally Sent Trey Away because he was so excited for his 1v1 with his beloved husband skdjfdskl and trey was like "yea i dont wanna be involved Bye 🚶‍♂️" fjlkdsfj no one wants to get tangled up in their Strange Relationship
also this line vil says in the home screen
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ive seen fanart about this too thats like "hmm. vil most of you is covered. you have no hard to reach parts. it's like, your hands and neck and face 🤨" and it's so tender, rook putting sunblock on vils hands.... but also WHY cant you do that YOURSELF, HMM?? 🤨🤨🤨
ok ok ok but then. book 5 finale. i remember some people were Rook Haters after that and i simply do not agree!! and apparently some people dont like book 5. cant relate!!!!!!! rook hunt dislikers do not interact book 5 is everything to me!!!!
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i might have those out of order but sjdklfjelsjkfdjsklf DFHDLKSJFLDKF GODDDD I CANT TAKE ITTTT 😭 rook going on and on about how it doesnt matter what vil looks like but as long as hes confident like rook knows he is then he will always be beautiful!!! i didnt get screenshots of that part in book 6 where theyre flying back and vil Turned Old but i love how loving and supportive rook is while vils just having his breakdown 🥺
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idk man i just really like their interaction about this whole think ;A; like yea vil practically fell over in BETRAYAL when he saw rook voted for their enemy LOL but then i like that hes like "please. i know you and i know you dont make biased decisions ever, you always tell what you truly believe in your heart," and and and god damn it tumblr wont let me post any more photos but vil SMILES and hands rook back his handkerchief to let him dry his own tears and it's just SWEET WAHHH listennnnNNNN. i think it's nice. vil couldve gone off and been super mad at rook but he wasn't 😭 like he wasnt happy lol, but he knows rook. he understands [as much as one can LOL] rook. and rook loves and supports vil with everything he has, but hes also true to his heart and i think thats something vil really values about rook and a big part of why he keeps him around. it can be a positive and a negative, sure- this isnt the only time rooks honest to a fault lol, but i love,, multifaceted characters with deep relationships....
point is i lay facedown on the floor and cry for hours when i think too hard about vil and rook bc theres just So Much Love..... i cant get really coherent points or analysis out i just love repeating parts that happen in the game and posting six million screenshots bc thats all thats happening in my brain constantly JKFLJDSKLDJS i love rookvil. one of the ships ever. theyre married your honor theyre MARRIED and also being in a toxic yaoi polycule with leona is very funny to me jfklejskljfe marriage + divorce love wins(?)
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vermanaward · 3 months
dawntrail msq, 97-99
solution nine
current sphene theory is that she's a robot. which is why she doesn't eat. beep boop
her being so chummy with her subjects rings extremely hollow when you know she could just download information about them any time and we'd be none the wiser
'levin sickness' huh. don't we have aetherial imbalance solved? just get alisae down here with her piggy
sure, it was lindblum's fault, brahne. i definitely trust the survivors to be telling the truth :))
raid series name dropped. please be the sphene memorial tournament
yeah this guy is going to die in a cutscene at some point isn't he
when can i shank sphene already
lamat honey you're operating on the flawed assumption sphene isn't a-okay with alla this shite
bitch you already saw tuliyolal
(i don't know if i'm on team pashtarot truther. i would like to never see another ascian again. i'm also acutely aware that's not going to be the case unless i quit, so)
gulool ja? also grown in a tube. calling it now
heritage found pt 2
now THIS is alexandria
remind me when i unlock flying to check the bell tower for a tt card
sphene is indeed a robot. beep boop
something something ascians something body hopping
does explain the infinity loops in her design mind
oh okay we're leaping straight to 'she's not flesh and blood, thus not alive'. don't care for this. not surprised in the slightest, but
oh. ohoho. bitch might not be an ascian but she sure thinks like one. please let me shank her. i know she's a body hopping robot whatever that just means i can shank her repeatedly
(yes yes she's dollar store lolibait emet i'm not a fan of this being done Again but)
all these casters using fire when it's been well established the mechs are weak to lightning. blm nerfs hitting hard
guys. guys do you remember how great endwalker was
oh so WE'RE the gullible ones
you know what this exp needs? beatrix. just saying
50% jesus that is a deep cut and 50% i mean wasn't orthos an extended arthur joke like
begging soken to use motifs other than torn from the heavens. begging
like this expac is not even about the wol so why does every other track use the wol's theme
man. i guess i'm supposed to be sad about zarool ja or something but honestly. i do not give a single shit like. even sb zenos was more interesting as a villain (and i do not like sb zenos). even ew zenos was etc and i do not etc.
like. was he actually grown in a tube, or is this game just fucking allergic to characters having mothers? what set him on his 'yeah i gotta traumatise the world into wanting peace'? which just got kinda derailed into 'yeah i'm gonna help this loli from another reality do what emet failed to'. when the fuck did he have a kid. why did he have a kid if he felt he had nothing to leave him. what the fuck was wormtongue's deal anyway. he was also an mildly interesting villain even if zarool offing him was kinda funny
i am feeling less emotions about this than i did about ew's finale. this expac is beingg hard carried by its encounter design. sad!
sphene: people will live on as long as they are remembered! 😁 also sphene: [sets up regulators so they delete people's memories of dead people] 🤪
anyway this was the 99 trial and i know there's one more zone to go so time for necrom to come barreling out of the left field. hey, maybe he will eat the loli for me?
oh lol she got her hands on one of trevanchet's trinkets. now that is a fucking deep cut
lamat honey i love you but koana has permanent custody of the braincell doesn't he.
"we need another route" like. oh. idk. the portal under yak'tel? maybe?
okay so confirmed for not the survivors of a rejoined reflection ig? maybe? idek
living memory
lamat you are barred from naming things
sphene acting like she has no choice but to choose the things she does. man it's tiring. only marginally less than everyone being like 'sphene ur a good person y u do dis'. bc she's a bad person hth
and then she has the gall to act like the wol would be down with genocide. bitch. i will fucking cut you
....why is erenville still wearing his gleaner uniform anyway
oh, okay. so sphene is basically a computerised primal of sphene. that explains. i'm still going to cut her, but
[sees water][switches to fsh] aw yeah even the fish are endless
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cavewretch · 6 months
nostalgic absurdism, a media (crit?) list
this black eyed peas music video that came out in 2023 is my thesis statement for this entire concept please watch it i could write a whole paper just about this video. the dead eyed stares of every performer. the star wars font. the lyrics dripping in so much party language it hurts. the "i feel so alive" delivered so incredibly lifelessly. the chorus being "dont worry about a thing, because everything's gonna be alright". it's black eyed peas, shakira, and david guetta giving you the shallowest most haunting memory of 2014 you could imagine. it's phenomenal. oh and aliens. shakira suddenly becomes the leader of the alien dance team but now she has blue eyes. the black eyed peas are abducted at the end. please watch it i beg
ok anyway on to the list (ongoing so this post will continue to be updated) (feel free to send suggestions 🫶)
i have two spotify playlists for this that i made a couple years ago. i stopped using spotify last year so they aren't updated but here is RECE$$10N and Pandemic Era - Nostalgic Absurdism .
song special mentions from those playlists:
save by nct127 - the samsung memory card ad campaign sponsored futuristic-with-some-plants-music-video kpop party song
bo burnham's inside (i am not talking about him as the media-criticizer, i am arguing his special is of this era? moment? itself. im putting him here as a critique)
any song that goes viral on tiktok
most musicians that come out of tiktok
any official sped-up version release (not youtube nightcore)
any covid-themed special release (songs with titles like socialdistancing, new normal, lockdown, etc) . i believe that we will win by pitbull which takes the american government's approach of "viruses are an entity capable of morality and this evil enemy is combatable" . other insane songs: you are the champions (queen/adam lambert, for Health Workers), masks, gloves, soap, scrubs (todrick hall, also for Health Workers)
old groups coming together to make new music in the face of "these trying times" aka jonas brothers, big time rush, abba, etc
hear me out. the 2022 minions sequel soundtrack especially turn up the sunshine diana ross/tame impala
fashion trends (90s 80s 2000s 2010s)
every remake reboot sequel prequel of the last 10 years (star wars etc)
marvel movies
streaming services for everything
shows/movies being filmed for clipability and vertical phone screens
stranger things
minions meme resurgence (this was happening in 2022 on twitter)
old meme resurgence in general (i saw a troll face one recently) (sure it's done in the post-post-post ironic way but it still has trollface)
d&d resurgence (something something methods of theater/storytelling adapting to the social climate)
playlist updates (since i stopped using spotify)
3d country by geese
ogoin & linguini: tv show (this is brasil specific i don't get all the references myself but it's fun to listen to)
only god was above us by vampire weekend
raw data feel & mountainhead by everything everything
january never dies by balming tiger
two night by tierra whack
gangsta by free nationals, asap rocky, & anderson .paak
mos thoser by food house,
>something something nostalgia as a tool / umberto eco ur-fascism
growing up online a neighbor to this line of thought
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