#I will not complain if you want to keep it rolling
r0se1111 · 2 days
just found your page and you’re so talented! I love me some Stanford Pines.
I’m in the mood for some angst and fluff so how about reader getting courage to confess to Ford, but he rejects reader because he’s scared and reader tries to move on, and Ford ends up regretting rejecting reader and after much convincing, Dipper, Mabel, and Stan help ford win reader back with a grand gesture and they get together?
Thank you so much! S/o to the ppl who get the title reference :P
Too Sweet
Stanford Pines x Reader
You take a deep breath through your nose, feeling the cold air flow to the back of your mouth, down, down, down, until it settles in the warzone that is your fluttering stomach, bolstering your nerves into a full-fledged shaky-handed, sweaty-palmed fit.
The hot cup of coffee jostles in your grip as you stood before the door of the Mystery Shack. You fix an intense stare on it as if you could telepathically keep the warm liquid from spilling. This is it. You chew your bottom lip and climb the stairs to the front door. I'm gonna tell him.
You knock a few times before the door swung open, revealing a familiar brown mop of hair and niche handmade sweater.
"Y/N!" Mabel beams. You swore you saw a little rainbow arch above her head for a second with the amount of joy she put into your name. You smile back warmly.
"Hey kid. Would your Uncle Ford happen to be home?"
A whip of her head and a call of his name down the hall confirmed that the man of the hour was home and decidedly not currently occupied. Soon enough his oh so comfy looking sweater, crooked glasses, and friendly smile were in your view.
"Y/N! What brings you here?"
You give a quick sidelong glance to where Mabel was standing beside the doorframe, watching the two of you with bright eyes and a bitten back smile. As much as you love her, having an audience to what you were about to do wasn't exactly ideal. You take another steadying breath before thrusting the coffee forward.
"This is for you."
Ford blinks and amusement pulls his mouth into a close-lipped but genuine smile. He takes the cup from your hands, fingers brushing yours. His touch was so warm that when you withdrew your own hand, you glanced down to look at where your skin had met, convinced there must be some sort of mark signaling that electric shock he gave you.
"Thank you!" He pries off the lid to blow some of the heat away and smell the deep, earthy aroma. "I'm never one to complain about free coffee, but what's the occasion?"
"Well!" You start a lot louder than you meant to, slapping your palms down onto the sides of your thighs in a fit of nervous energy. Shit. Start over. "Well," You repeat in a quieter tone. "I wanted to see you and ask you if you would possibly be interested in. Well. In a date?"
You try to overlook the squeal you hear from Mabel as you watch Ford's expression. His face goes a little slack with shock, and he tilts his head in an achingly endearing manner in what looks like thoughtful confusion.
"With me!" You clarify. "A date with me."
You wince at the word, then watch in anticipation as Ford does that thing he always does when he feels stuck with a problem. Rolling around the idea in his head as he tries to look at it from every angle. His mouth opened and shut a few times, and every time he opened as if to reply your body tensed. Finally, he seemed to settle on his response.
"Y/N," He spoke in a gentle tone. "I'm really flattered, but I'm not one for relationships. And I-" He paused and his eyes flitted to the top of the doorframe as if he was searching for some script there, some guide to turning down half-assed attempts at confessing long-held feelings. "I value our friendship as it is too much to jeopardize ruining it because of my own...er... situation. Feelings." He clarified with some vague hand motions you'll definitely read too much into at a later time.
You reminded yourself to blink and bit out a polite chuckle, pressing your nails into the palms of your hands and nodding as you forced yourself to keep eye contact with him. "Right! Of course, I understand. I really value our friendship too so this is... this is good probably. Just us staying friends. Good friends."
You could feel the blood rising to color your cheeks, and the embarrassment of rejection arriving to clench at your heart. As Ford furrowed his brows and started to speak again, you abruptly interrupted, unwilling to endure any other placating excuse he could give you. "I should actually get going. Lots of errands to run. But you- you enjoy your coffee!" You wave and back down off the porch. "Bye Mabel!"
As you walk away you can't help the frown from decorating your face, and the weight of disappointment from weighing down your shoulders until they slumped forward. All the slow-kindled courage you had summoned to ask Ford out had escaped your body like helium from a sad balloon, descending to the ground at a meandering, melancholy pace. He has a point though. I'd rather have him as a friend than nothing at all.
Shaking your hair back from where it had dropped into your line of sight, you shove your shoulders back and initiate the grim process familiar to many a rejected lover, the dreaded moving on phase. I can do this. I can do this.
Back at the open front door of the Mystery Shack, Ford stands in gaping wonder at your disappearing form. You wanted to go on a date with him? A weird old man with six fingers and an obsession with fantasy-math-based board games?
"What the heck was that?" Mabel's borderline shriek of horror interrupted his brief bout of self-doubt.
"What... was what?"
"The girl of your dreams asks you on a date and you say no? How am I supposed to be the flower girl at your future wedding if you can't even say yes to one date!"
Ford stutters and stares at the girl before composing himself to reply. "Mabel, this is much more complicated than that. Y/N is a close friend of mine and someone I admire and care about greatly. I can't just go on a date with her. Not when so much could do wrong!"
"All I'm hearing are excuses getting in the way of true love! What could go so wrong?"
What couldn't go wrong, Ford considered the possibilities grimly. "Well, I could scare her off with my immense knowledge of interdimensional travel, or we could be on the date and get attacked by some half-man-half-car-half-horse for all I know, or she could want to hold hands and our hands would fit together weird and she'll realize she's much too good for me and deserves someone else-" He's cut off by the sad look on his niece's face.
"You know you're a good person, right Great Uncle Ford?"
"Um, well, yes. Yes I suppose I try to be."
"And don't you think good people deserve to be happy?"
"I suppose so."
"And go on dates with pretty ladies who are so totally into them?"
Ford smiled crookedly. "I think I know where this is going." Out of fear of the surprisingly stern look on Mabel's face, and out of love for his niece who he never wanted to cause unhappiness for, he sighed. "Yes, they do deserve that."
"Aha! So you admit that you deserve to give dating Y/N a shot?"
The man flusters. "Admitting that doesn't change the fact that I said no. Why would she give me the time of day now?"
The look on Mabel's face looks eerily similar to Stan when he's come up with a new way to scam tourists, a vaguely threatening sort of manically joyous ambition. "Because you've got me, my brother, and your brother to help you come up with the best apology-slash-confession ever!"
A few days into your abstention from thinking about Ford under the threat of tears and self-pity, you hear a knock on the door and open it to reveal none other than his twin brother, Stanley. He had his hands shoved into his pockets as he leans against your doorframe and stretches his leg across to kick at the other side in casual indifference. "Hey kid. You busy?"
"... no?"
"Well I need a favor done for me back at the Shack. Think you could help me out?"
You pause and take him in. Something about this seems fishy. "You want me to help? Don't you have Soos for that?"
"It's his day off."
"What about the kids?"
Stan shrugs and waves his hand dismissively. "The kids are bein' kids. They don't wanna help their poor old Grunkle out. Spoiled, really."
"What about-"
Stan crosses his arms and looks at you pointedly. "Look, I wouldn't have stopped by if I didn't need your help specifically for an undisclosed reason back at the Shack. You coming or not?"
Maybe it'll be good for me to do something. Get me out of my funk. You think. The devil on your shoulder whispers back, but what if you run into Ford? Frowning, you ponder for a bit as Stan drums his fingers on your door obnoxiously. You're a big girl. You can handle it!
You sigh and move past Stan to close the door behind you. "Alright. What's the damage?"
When you make it to the Mystery Shack everything looks pretty normal. You peek around at the generator and inside the gift shop as Stan leads you, searching for whatever he could possibly need your assistance for. Suddenly, two pairs of hands grab your own and tug you around excitedly.
"Y/N! Why don't we all walk into the kitchen together for a totally mundane and normal reason!" Dipper's voice cracks a bit and you narrow your eyes in suspicion. You look over to Mabel for clarification, but are only met with a giggle and the glimmer of the sparkly heart patches on her newest sweater as she ushers you forward.
"You Pines are up to something." You eye Stan, who simply holds his hands in front of him in an act of faux innocence which you might have believed if you didn't know the guy.
Your investigation of this new strange behavior which has gripped the Pines clan is cut short as you are pushed into the kitchen and abruptly stumble to a stop.
"Ford?" Any residual embarrassment you might have felt was overshadowed by the sight in front of you. Ford, standing in the middle of the kitchen holding a mug of hot coffee. In his other hand, he holds what looks to be a handmade poster proclaiming the words "I'm sorry" in glittery gel pen. Little cupids and swirly heart doodles frame the phrase, and you're charmed to notice that Mabel obviously helped make it.
"Y/N." He breathes your name out like he'd been punched in the gut. He stares at you for a beat before shaking himself out of whatever trance he'd been in. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. About the way I acted when you asked me on... a date the other day."
Ah. There's the embarrassment. You flush at his mention of your failed flirting. "Ford, it's really fine. You don't feel the same, you don't need to apologize for that." The words sting your throat a little, but you desperately want him to understand you'd forgive anything for him, just to be with him at all.
"No it's not fine." His voice starts to verge into the passionate tone he gets when explaining his newest discoveries. "I can tell I hurt you, and you don't deserve that. Also..." He clears his throat, suddenly looking a little shy. "I never said I didn't feel the same."
You swear your heart freezes in its quick motions within your chest. "Oh?" Your voice squeaks out as a near whisper.
Ford nods as he continues. "I do... feel the same. For you, that is." He clears his throat and sets the poster to the side before moving forward with his mug of coffee. "I was a fool to try to hide it. I was blinded by my own self-doubt, and worried about things I had no real way of knowing for sure. But I can see now that us being just friends isn't the best solution to my problem."
Holding out the mug, he smiles and your breath gets stuck in your throat. "I would love to go on that date with you, if the offer still stands."
You reach forward to grasp the mug with two hands, fingers overlapping Ford's on the warm ceramic. You hold them there for a moment, his confession enough to embolden you to savor the shimmering feeling of his skin under yours. Slowly, he works his fingers out from under yours, with purposeful and slow movements where he traces your hands and presses them closer to the mug, as if urging you towards the comforting heat.
Once his hands have retreated to gather together in front of his chest, you bring the mug to your lips and sip at the coffee. Of course it's perfect. Of course he knows exactly how I like it. You pull the drink up to your chest, basking in the warmth you feel not just from the drink itself bleeding through your top and into the skin over your heart, but also in the sincerity of the gesture, and the confession that had breached Ford's lips.
You nod and smile, a small, coy thing. "The offer still stands."
Ford visibly relaxes and you almost giggle at the fact that he'd felt just as nervous and tense as you. "Thank you-I mean- that's great! I know a wonderful cafe downtown where they make the best coffee. Of course, I am of the belief that my recipe is superior, but they are a close second. In fact..."
As you work on downing your own mug, you watch Ford in pure adoring pleasure. Your mirth and affection only grow as you see Stan, Dipper, and Mabel exchanging high-fives from the corner of your eye. Those sneaky Pines.
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libingan · 17 hours
—how the tf141 are like when they’re sick.
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im sick. that’s literally my only motivation to write this.
i feel like absolute shit but holy fuck i wanted to write this so pls enjoy
no horny juice rn, so its all fluff
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when price gets sick, it’s almost like he’s in denial about it. he’s the type to downplay everything—says it’s just a little cough, just a bit of a sore throat. but then, as the fever starts creeping up, you see the cracks in his usual solid demeanor. he’s flushed, his breathing a bit labored, and when you gently place the back of your hand on his forehead, he swats you away at first, grumbling that he’s fine.
“you don’t have to worry about me,” he mutters, trying to keep his voice steady. but the cough that rattles through his chest betrays him, and eventually, even he can’t deny it anymore.
you coax him into bed, tucking the blankets around his broad frame, and he grumbles under his breath about how ridiculous this all is. he’s not used to being taken care of—he’s the captain, the one in charge, and letting someone fuss over him isn’t in his nature. but there’s a moment when you bring him some tea, and he accepts it quietly, his eyes softening just a little as he watches you.
“i’ve had worse,” he rasps, his voice thick with congestion, but when you sit beside him, he leans into the warmth of your presence, even if he won’t admit it. he tries to stay in control, tries to ask about your day or if there’s any work that needs to be done, but you can see how tired he is. when he finally gives in to sleep, his hand rests loosely on yours, a silent acknowledgment that he’s glad you’re there, even if he doesn’t say it out loud.
gaz is the worst when he’s sick, and he knows it. he tries to be strong about it, but the minute the fever sets in, he’s a mess of sniffles, groans, and dramatic sighs. you find him sprawled out on the couch, a blanket barely covering him as he flips through channels, looking utterly miserable.
“i feel like death,” he complains when you sit next to him, and despite the obvious exaggeration, he looks pitiful enough that you can’t help but smile. he’s not usually one to be overly needy, but when he’s sick? he’s all about the attention.
you bring him some soup, and he gives you a weak smile, propping himself up just enough to take a sip. “you’re an angel,” he mumbles, but even that little bit of gratitude is followed by a dramatic cough that makes you roll your eyes.
he’s restless, constantly shifting under the blankets and complaining about how bored he is, how much he hates feeling like this. you offer to stay with him, and his eyes light up, a mischievous glint behind the obvious exhaustion. “you gonna keep me company?” he teases, voice thick with congestion. “or are you just here to make sure i don’t die on the couch?
you settle in beside him, and even though he’s feeling awful, he still cracks jokes, trying to keep things light. but there’s a quiet moment where he leans into you, his head resting on your shoulder as he drifts off to sleep, his breathing finally evening out. you stay there, feeling the weight of him against you, knowing that as much as he’s complaining, he appreciates you being there.
soap is absolutely insufferable when he’s sick, and he knows it. at first, he tries to play it off—still bouncing around, still grinning, still acting like everything’s fine. but then the fever hits, and it’s like watching a hurricane get knocked flat. he’s sprawled out on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable no matter what he does.
you bring him a glass of water, and he gives you that familiar, cocky grin, even though he’s clearly not feeling well. “you’re a sight for sore eyes,” he rasps, taking the water and downing it in one go. his voice is rough, but there’s still that glint of mischief in his eyes. “ye know, if i weren’t sick, we could be havin’ a lot more fun right now.”
you roll your eyes, but there’s no denying the way his teasing makes your heart flutter. he’s always been like this—flirty, cheeky, always pushing your buttons. even now, as he’s lying there, feverish and miserable, he can’t resist making a comment.
“don’t suppose you’ll give me a wee cuddle, eh?” he grins, shifting on the bed and patting the spot beside him. “might help me feel better.”
you know he’s just trying to get a rise out of you, but when you settle next to him, he actually quiets down for a moment, resting his head on your shoulder. his skin is warm, almost too warm, and you can feel the tension in his muscles as he tries to get comfortable
“don’t worry,” he mumbles, his voice soft now. “i’ll be back to my usual self soon enough. ye won’t be able to keep yer hands off me.” despite his words, he’s clearly exhausted, and when he finally drifts off, he’s peaceful for once, his usual energy gone, replaced by the quiet rhythm of his breathing.
when ghost gets sick, it’s like he’s trying to hide it from the world. he’s not the type to show weakness, not even to you, and it takes a lot for him to admit that he’s not feeling well. but eventually, even he can’t fight it off anymore, and you find him in bed, eyes closed, the tension in his body betraying how much he’s struggling.
he doesn’t say much when you sit beside him, offering him some medicine and a glass of water. he just nods, his fingers brushing against yours as he takes the glass, the touch brief but enough to let you know he’s thankful for your presence.
he’s quiet—always quiet—but even more so when he’s sick. there’s no grumbling, no complaining, just the occasional shift of his body as he tries to get comfortable. you adjust the blankets around him, and his eyes flicker open for a moment, dark and heavy with exhaustion.
“you don’t have to stay,” he mutters, his voice low and rough. but there’s no force behind his words, no real intent for you to leave. in fact, the way his eyes follow you as you move around the room tells you that he doesn’t want to be alone, even if he won’t admit it.
you sit beside him, and for a while, there’s just the sound of his breathing, slow and labored. he doesn’t ask for anything, doesn’t demand your attention, but the way his hand occasionally brushes against yours is enough. he’s not used to being taken care of, but he lets you stay, lets you be the quiet comfort he needs.
eventually, his breathing evens out, and he falls into a restless sleep. you watch over him, knowing that even though he doesn’t say much, your presence is enough to ease some of the weight he’s carrying, even if only for a little while.
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annievrse · 3 days
the sled problem
roronoa zoro x fem!reader —ᡣ𐭩 fic summary: thinking about alabasta where there's no room for matsuge to carry you, so zoro puts you on the sled with chopper (feat. a lot of reader x crew too!). w/c: 1.1k c/w: zoro refers to reader as 'my girl' & 'girlfriend', she/her pronouns, established relationship, reader is shorter than zoro. a/n: thanks everyone for voting! here is bf!zoro.
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"My turn!" Luffy exclaims, feet dragging through the sand. You eye him wearily as it seems he used the last of his energy to make it known that he was to take your place on the sled. You wince when he stumbles, the last of the water hanging by a rope around his neck.
"No way, moron," Zoro grunts behind you. "My girl and Chopper only."
Next to Luffy, Usopp lets out a noise of disagreement, his body weight relying on the walking stick in his hand. "Surely she can walk— Ouch!"
Chopper's weak giggle cuts the thick air beside you, and you look to where the sharpshooter lays motionless in the orange sand. Glancing back, you see Zoro's fist lowering back to his side.
"Stop complaining," Nami says, adjusting the scarf on her head. "We'll be there soon."
"You're on the back of a camel," Usopp splutters as he gets to his feet. Matsuge grunts in dismissal, and Nami pretends not to hear her crewmate and turns to face the horizon.
"Let me on!" Luffy attempts to yell, staggering toward the swordsman. "C'mon, Chopper, you're an animal fit for the desert."
The reindeer shakes his head and clasps his arms around your bicep. "No way, you try having a fur coat in his heat."
Usopp giggles, though he eyes the waterskin that hangs against Luffy's chest instead of the medic. "I'll cut it off you if you'd like—"
A collective gasp sounds through the group; this time, you kick your leg out to trip him over, realising too late that he was speaking about the water and not Chopper.
Zoro chokes out a cackle at the thump of his crewmate against the sand. "Atta girl."
Usopp makes no move to get up. He lays there, delirious, until Sanji grips the back of his shirt and tugs him along. "Idiot."
The only sound is the wind and the crunch of shoes in the desert. Sighing, you start to feel bad for the others when you see them struggling to stay upright, so, you shuffle Chopper over so you can get up.
"'Ro," You say, turning to face his back. Zoro stops and looks at you with his brows furrowed. "Here, Luffy—"
The group groans as you stand, dusting the sand from your clothes.
Zoro shakes his head and scoffs. "I'm not pulling that moron. Sit back down."
With pleading eyes, you shove your captain toward the sled, carefully avoiding Chopper. "Just pull him; I'll walk with you for a while."
Zoro grumbles and suddenly jolts the sled, so Luffy slides off. "Oops."
"Please, Ro," You say, touching his forearm. "Just until I get tired."
"Yeah, just until she gets tired," Luffy mumbles, heaving himself onto the sled. "Which will be never."
Zoro glares at you, but the look is too familiar for you to take it harshly. Then, he starts walking again, purposefully making a face of discomfort.
"Thanks, baby," you smile, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
"Aw, baby, that's so cute," Usopp mumbles, his face just inches off the ground thanks to Sanji's grip. "Zoro, baby, my baby—"
Sanji rolls his eyes, drops him, and keeps walking. "Do you ever shut up?"
You glance back at him, but Zoro nudges you with his shoulder. "He'll catch up."
Sighing, you stop and walk back to Usopp. Zoro knows what you'll make him do, but god knows he’ll always do what you tell him.
You try your best to help the sniper to his feet, muttering that he won't have to walk anymore, giving Usopp the energy to run to the sled. So much for feeling bad for him...
"You need to learn to ignore them," Sanji says, plucking the cigarette between his lips. "Let the moss head drag you through the dunes. He clearly wants to."
You look back and slow down to match his steps, smiling at Sanji's attempt at being nice to your boyfriend. "It's the least I can do."
The cook begins to counter your lame argument but stops short when he sees Zoro waiting for you ahead: his captain, the sharpshooter, and the reindeer piled on the wooden sand sled.
"I'm doing all this for you, and you ditch me for the cook."
You can feel Sanji roll his eyes beside you. Laughing, you quicken your steps to catch up to the swordsman.
Zoro scoffs and readjusts his grip on the ropes. "Of him? I'd rather die."
There's a sigh behind you, and then Sanji speeds past you, hands clasped before him as he asks Nami if she needs anything.
Zoro knocks your shoulder with his bicep, bringing you back to the man beside you. He's a man of very few words, but you know what he's trying to say. Quit teasing me.
Rolling your eyes, you giggle. "Stop flirting, we're in the desert."
You shrug and glance at the boys on the sled, your sweet expression turning to irritation when you see them sitting cross-legged, whispering animatedly while Chopper lies half-delirious from heat stroke. “Seriously?”
“Yeah? I just asked that—“
You stop walking and hit an oblivious Luffy upside the head when he passes. Your captain tumbles onto the sand, Usopp following soon after with expletives falling from his lips.
Huffing, you reclaim your place next to Chopper. "Manipulative idiots."
“You got that right,” Chopper mumbles. You shake your head and watch as the pair stumble back to their feet and start complaining again.
"Why?" Usopp cries. "Zoro control your girlfriend; she's mean."
Zoro laughs deeply, like a warning. "Usopp, I swear to god, if I hear your voice one more time, I won't hesitate to kick your ass."
"Sorry," Usopp mumbles to you. "Sorry, Zoro."
"Damn right," your boyfriend states. "And Luffy?"
Your captain's head raises, face screwed in anticipation of what the swordsman had for him.
"Give her the water."
"Now, moron!"
You go to counter Zoro's demand, insisting that it is fine, but Luffy hastily rips the rope from his neck and stretches his rubber arm to drop the waterskin in your lap.
"Thanks, Luffy."
His only response is a whiny grumble.
"Here, Chop," You unscrew the lid and push the bottle towards the reindeer. "Drink."
Chopper lifts his head weakly. "No, that's yours."
Rolling your eyes, you shove it further into his tiny chest. "Zoro won't curse you for drinking it, I promise."
Nodding, Chopper takes the waterskin between his hooves and sips.
"Hey, no fair! Why do she and the reindeer get water, and we don't?"
Zoro stops dead in his tracks and drops the rope to the sled. "Usopp."
A terrified scream echoes through the barren desert, and then Zoro rounds the sled and tackles the sharpshooter to the ground.
Nami groans from the front of the group. "Can't we have a normal trip for once?"
Vivi's soft voice follows. "Doesn't look like it."
"Please! Please, I'm sorry! Zoro, please! I'm not meant for combat!"
"Shut it, asshole," Zoro sighs. "You speak to my girl like that again? See what happens." 
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celli-ohs · 2 days
11:40 PM | sim jaeyun x reader, fluff, crack, sfw, 800 wc
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This is so stupid. You think as you crawl around the yard, searching the grass. You were doing all of this because your stupid boyfriend got himself grounded.
Jake Sim was 22 and grounded. But you love him, so much so that you’re willing to get on your knees and hunt down a single pebble in his backyard.
It takes you a bit longer than expected (how the hell does his lawn not have a single rock??) but you eventually find a couple, small as coins. You run around the back, praying you don’t get caught by his parents. His mother (god bless her heart) had already warned you to not contact Jake until Wednesday.
But when you're young and in love, you do crazy things, like throwing rocks at your boyfriend’s childhood bedroom window. After your fourth rock, the window cracks open and Jake peeks his head out.
Unfortunately for him, you hadn’t realized he’d finally noticed you (it’s dark out okay? You could barely see.) and you throw a rock smack dab into his face.
“Ow! What the fuck- Stop!” He whines, rubbing his forehead.
“Oh! Sorry, sorry! Are you okay baby?” You slap a hand over your mouth, feeling guilty. Jake rubs his forehead, sending you the most adorable pout. “Yeah,” He nods. 
“What’re you doing here? I’m grounded, you know.” He tells you, making you scoff. “I know, I just really missed you.”
Hearing how much you missed him has Jake grinning from ear to ear, said ears turning pink. “Oh yeah?” He asks shyly. You roll your eyes at him.
“Yeah Rapunzel, now let down your hair and let me in!” You joke. “I can’t, my mom will hear the door!” Jake complains. “But you can climb that tree.” He points to the old oak tree planted a few feet away. Its long sturdy branches extend right past his bedroom window.
You look at the tree, then at Jake, then at the tree, and then back at Jake. “You’re joking, right? I just came here to tell you goodnight and that I love you.” You clarify. Jake’s pout deepens.
“But I miss you so much. I can’t stand being apart from you, I’m already having withdrawals!” Half of his body is practically sticking out of his window now. “Jake I’m not gonna climb a tree to get to you, what if I fall?” You argue.
“I’ll catch you!” He sounds so sure. “You’re grounded!” You remind him. “I’ll still catch you, now come on, I really want to kiss you.” He’s got this cheesy grin on his face that pulls at your heartstrings.
In all honesty, you missed him a lot too. You probably wouldn’t be standing outside in nothing but your pajamas lamenting to your lover unless you were having withdrawals too.
So that’s how you found yourself 15 feet in the air, balancing on a single branch to just get close to your boyfriend. “If I fall and die, you are so not invited to my funeral.” You hiss as you drag yourself, moving painfully slow, inch by inch.
“Well that’s because I’ll be buried right beside you, if you’re going, so am I.” He jokes, which doesn’t help because if he makes you laugh too hard you fear you might slip.
“Shut up! I’m concentrating,” You huff, and hold your breath as you finally reach his window sill. As you mentally congratulate yourself for achieving a physical challenge you never thought you’d accomplish after the age of 12, Jake stares at you with hearts in his eyes. 
“Are you going to keep staring or let me in?” You finally ask, and Jake comes back to reality, chuckling as he helps carry you inside. You both clumsily land on the carpet, making a thud on the ground. “Do you think-” “Don’t worry, my dad’s a snorer.” He assures you, helping you up.
Once on your own two feet again, you’re suddenly tackled into Jake’s bed, the owner snuggling his head into your chest. “God I missed you so much.” He hums, a boyish grin plastering his face.
You can’t help but squeeze him tight and press a kiss to his hair. “I missed you too.” You sigh. “But I definitely think I deserve some kind of reward for risking my life to get here?” You joke, clearing your throat. Jake looks up at you, excited.
“Who would I be to refuse?” He’s already up, leaning towards you. “I felt like Flynn Rider climbing up the tower.” You giggle as Jake begins to pepper your face with kisses.
“Shouldn’t it be the other way around? I’m Flynn,” He questions, looking at you confused as you only laugh.
“Whatever you say princess,” You sigh, cupping his face and finally getting a taste of his lips.
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author's note: someone tell jake i'm deeply in love with him omfg 😭 I saw that one tiktok and immediately just had to start writing he's such a beautiful man and so princess coded.
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jinnie-ret · 1 day
we are family
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stray kids x fem!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: alcohol mentions
word count: 1.7k
summary: having one brother in stray kids means you have 7 other brothers too
requested: @turtledove824
It was fun being the youngest in the Kim family, having the best of both worlds with both an older sister and older brother, the two of them having the same supportive, playful energy as you did. Along with this, having 7 other older brothers practically adopt you as their own sibling was also great, even with the chaos it brought.
You were fortunate enough to visit Seungmin and the rest of the Stray Kids regularly when you had free time during university, and so that built up your bond even stronger with the other boys. With Seungmin, it meant that the teasing was even stronger, considering he's seen you complaining about assignments, boring lecturers and night life not hitting the same anymore.
"Maybe you've become boring now," he had teased you in the past, a joyful laugh always following right after when you would get annoyed and smack him on the shoulder.
This time round, however, you had completed your three year course at university, and the other boys had suggested they should have a celebratory dinner at Seungmin and Felix's dorm to congratulate you, Felix and Changbin's suggestion.
"Yah! You should do something nice for your younger sister! She always sends gifts for when we release an album, and that's with student debt too!" Changbin had righteously said a couple weeks ago. So here they were now, all eight Stray Kids gathered in the Seunglix household, waiting to greet you.
Seungmin was already having a mare. He was desperate keep the place tidy, already jokingly scolding Felix for the remnants of a late night gaming sesh being scattered across the coffee table in their lounge. Not to mention, where Stray Kids were, there was chaos, so just the mere fact of them all being together had him worried of the mess that works ensue.
"We should have just gone out somewhere instead," Seungmin complained watching his most of his hyungs and Jeongin messing around.
"Just be grateful I'm the one cooking, Kim Seungmin!" Minho called out from the kitchen.
"I swear this hyung hears everything..." Seungmin turned to the others with wide eyes and a shake of the head.
"Lino-hyung's cooking is so good though, you must be jealous you're not living with him anymore," Jisung smugly grinned, stretched across the sofa and his head in the maknae's lap.
"Maybe it's just a ploy to eat Minho's cooking again," Jeongin jokes making Jisung laugh as they giggled together.
"No no, it's for his sister," Chan shakes his head fondly.
"Yeah..." Hyunjin began with a laugh, "he doesn't want her to get food poisoning from his own cooking."
"Yah!" Seungmin yelled and pointed at Hyunjin with a crazy face that made the ferret like man cackle especially loudly.
"Yah! Did you just 'Yah' your hyungs?!" Changbin stood up suddenly with his muscly arms folded, but before any threat from Seungmin could be voiced, the doorbell rang.
He speed walks towards the door, opening it to see you with your heavy shoulder bag on the floor. You smile in relief that you could not only sit down and have a nice meal but be around your brothers.
"Thanks for letting me stay whilst you're busy," you smiled up at Seungmin after sharing a short hug.
"No, no, it's no problem, the guys are all here to see you by the way," Seungmin turned around, leaving the door open for you. A nice gesture, yes, but it didn't stop the stinkeye you gave him for not even offering to carry your- heavy, by the way- luggage inside. You rolled your eyes but brightened up upon seeing everyone else as you walked inside.
"Hey guys!"
And with that you were greeted with multiple hugs, some more gentle, like Chan, Changbin, Felix and Jeongin. Others, Hyunjin and Jisung being others, were a bit more overexcited and gave tight hugs.
"You don't greet me like this," Seungmin observed, arms folded as he perched on the arm of the sofa.
"Because we don't miss you," Jisung savagely commented, getting revenge on Seungmin by copying his same energy when they had previously changed dorms and split in half.
"Mm, something smells good, you cooked?" you asked, shocked that her brother could cook something that smelt so nice.
"Oh yeah, that was all me," Seungmin nodded, pride on his face.
"Kim Seungmin!" Minho sternly walked out with a spatula in hand, apron on and tied around his waist. He did a 180 when he saw you though, going soft, you could say. "Oh hey!"
"Knew there was one of you missing," you stood up to hug Minho quickly. "Want any help?"
"You should sit down and relax! You've been busy with uni, you can just rest now," Felix dismissed you with a warm heart, wanting to chat and catch up with you rather than have you get lost in the kitchen.
"That was like one month ago that it ended, haha," you shrugged his light concern off.
"Really? It's been that long?" Jisung's jaw dropped, slightly dramatically in your opinion but it made you grin nonetheless.
"Yeah, it feels really weird that it's over but I'm glad I can do nothing now, you know?" you replied, sinking into the sofa in relaxation.
"That's the way to go," Jisung nodded in approval, being someone that appreciates time for himself despite being more outdoors recently.
"No, there must be something you're doing right? Gotta keep yourself busy," Chan wondered, leaning forwards in his seat.
"No not really. Just been chilling, meeting friends..." you trailed off, which gave your brother the perfect time to pitch in.
"And drinking, a lot."
"You can't judge, you like a drink or two as well!" you bickered back.
"Yeah but not five," Seungmin smirked, seeing you riled up. He was only fueled further when the rest of the guys laughed at your siblings banter.
"Aish this oppa is really, geuuahh," you pulled an odd face, raising your fist jokingly at Seungmin.
"They're literally the same person," Jeongin claps his hand and laughs.
"Say it louder, Seungmin won't like that," Hyunjin plotted, leaning into the maknae, whilst the Kim siblings continued to argue.
"No but not five!" you started indignantly, "Well, it depends but..."
"What do you mean it depends?" Seungmin was exasperated at this point, wanting his point to be proven right.
"Well how much does a shot constitute for a whole drink...?" you scratched your neck Felix tapped you in the shoulder with a laugh.
"Aigoo... your liver will be.... Pwahhh!" Seungmin makes a bursting explosion motion with his hands in your face.
"Hey no it won't-!" you shoved his hands away laughing.
"Puppies stop fighting and eat some food," Minho called from the kitchen, which started a chain reaction of making everyone enter the kitchen and sit down at the dining table. Makeshift dining table, mind you. It was a creative ensemble of a small dining table, a desk, and a couple of side tables too. And that wasn't even getting started on the chair situation.
"Why does your table have a hole in it?" you poked your hand in and out of the desk, a deep look if concentration on your face.
"Oh that's my gaming desk and the cables go through there," Felix excitedly explained.
"What happened to your setup then?" you looked at him in disbelief.
"On the floor..." Felix sheepishly looked down.
"Oh you shouldn't have to have done that!" you grin at him affectionately.
"I think Jeongin is sat on an old speaker right now?" Chan questioned in bewilderment.
"Wahh we really let Seungmin and Felix live together," Changbin laughed.
"We didn't have time to order a bigger table! You're lucky you've got a chair," Seungmin complains, waving everyone off with his hand.
"Oh what's this? Seungmin complaining again?" Minho teased as he brought in the food, serving some kimchi, rice and jajangmyeon.
"Yah hyung!" Seungmin slapped the table, triggering a laugh from you. "Why are you laughing too?"
"Nothing, nothing," you shrugged, not able to hide the smile creeping up on your face. However, your brother got triggered, and so a piece of hot kimchi came flying your way, only to go through the hole in Felix's gaming desk
"Goal!!!" Han and Hyunjin cheer at the same time, making them look at each other in awe and silence before they burst out laughing.
"So loud," Jeongin groans and covers his ears, but when he moves his hands he accidentally knocks over some water onto poor Chan, who had been happily tucking into some food. He got startled so much so that he stood up from the chill of the water hitting his lap but inevitably fell back into the inflatable floaty he was sat on. One that was probably taken from a SKZ Code episode.
The air cap popped and Chan sat their in defeat as he sank to the floor, deflating. Minho and Changbin snorted at the chaos, happily eating where they were sat in normal, wooden dining chairs. Minho had tried offering the normal chair to you but you insisted he got an at least stable chair as he had done all the cooking himself.
Plus, you were quite happy on your fluffy beanbag.
"Arghh we can't eat here anymore! Go into the lounge please," Seungmin whined at the mess, disbelief returning once again.
The boys nod, some stifling laughs as they carry plates and glass into the lounge. It probably would have been easier if you all ate in there in the first place, you thought.
Felix remained in his seat, almost frozen at the mess of their attempted dinner.
"Seungmin I think your roommate is traumatised," you waved a hand in front of Felix's face.
"So am I," Seungmin nods along and pats Felix on the shoulders.
"I'll help tidy," you stand, scanning the kitchen to find some kitchen towel to mop up the mess.
*No no, it's only a small mess, they just made it seem like a lot more haha," Seungmin chuckled at the chaos his bandmates had brought.
"Ok... But you know it wouldn't have happened if you didn't throw that piece of kimchi at me," you laughed as you left, Felix following, seeing it as his time to escape.
"Actually no get back in here!" Seungmin has his hands on his hips, yet he was stood there alone for a good few seconds before he gave up and joined everyone in the lounge.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @kpopmenace143 @haodore @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @his-angell @2minstan @skzoologist @lovingchan @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @lilmisssona @astraysimp @lixie-phoria @theo4eve @linoalwaysknows @royal-shinigami @jolly04 @turtledove824 @yangbbokari @thisrandomgoofy15 @lieslab @hannamoon143 @arumlilyeclipse
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mischiefmaker615 · 2 days
I Told You So (1 of 2)
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Credit: Shoutout to @darknessawaits28 who's roleplayed this storyline with me to make this one shot(s) possible! she and i both worked hard on it so please give her a follow :D enjoy!
Summary: Ignoring Loki’s warnings, you blew off the fact that you might have yourself a bit of a stalker at work. When one thing leads to another, you find out you should have listened to your boyfriend.
Rating: R *dark warning!*
Song: Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell
Note: Happy Spooky Season!
Loki’s finger tips slowly ghosted over her skin, having made an unspoken routine by starting below her ribs and moving just above her collar bone before restarting. He had propped himself up on one arm, his cheek resting against his fist as he gazed at the woman before him. The morning sunlight gave off just enough to hide and highlight her features.. that was just enough to get him hard again.. yet it was hard to enjoy when he had woken up with a particular feeling about today as well.
He didn’t want her going to work today.
Exhaling, he did his best to let her sleep while his eyes continued to wonder her, the sheet having also been pulled away to expose enough of her skin for him to enjoy with his lips, having followed his trail right after his finger tips had been there first. His eyes flicked over to her alarm, debating whether he should mess with it or not, perhaps causing her to be late so that she could remain here rather than the strange feeling that was slowly consuming him to worsen with her out of his eyesight.
Y/N slowly stirred, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips while she embraced the feeling of her boyfriend’s lips waking her up in the best way possible. ‘’if you are trying to convince me to be late, there’s little to no chance today…’’ she sighed, disappointment of the fact in her voice while she slowly opened her tired eyes to gaze at him.
‘’work can wait, you’ve never complained about being late before.’’ He smirked before she rolled out of bed before he could pounce. It was a game of theirs, most days he would earn himself a few extra minutes with her, some she would slip away. Today was a day he was determined to keep her entirely while he sat up to ignore the negative feeling and opted to gaze upon her naked form while she looked over her shoulder.
‘’you going to join me in the shower at least or enjoy the bed to yourself?” she teased, knowing fully well Loki would never stay in the bed if it meant he was going to be in it by himself and giggled when he got up quickly- all in his naked glory.
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‘’darling, if I so much as let that beautiful ass out of my sight while your clothes are off, do feel free to kick me to the curb.’’ He smirked, prowling around the bed playfully before he came up behind her, his morning wood pressing up against her perfect ass while his hands wrapped around her waist.
‘’there’d be no chance at me kicking you to the curb, you’d come back in a heartbeat.’’ She giggled, resting her dainty hands on his slender ones while he walked forward, guiding her into the bathroom in their apartment. ‘’you just can’t get enough..’’ she winked.
‘’no darling, I cannot.’’ He smirked before his mind began focusing on trying to convince her to stay.. to ease this feeling he woke up with.. ‘’Are you sure you want it to be a quick shower darling? I’m sure you have nowhere urgent to be’’ he murmured against her skin, leaving open mouth kisses between her shoulder and neck, nipping here and there as well.
His hand reached over her shoulder at the same time, feeling around while his mouth was busy at her skin to turn on the shower once they both had stepped inside. She flinched a little as the water landed on her, Loki quickly adjusting the temperature for her comfort while he paid little to no mind to it. She leaned her head against his chest, feeling the water land on her chest with a slight moan before she turned herself around for it to caress her back, wrapping her arms around his neck while his, around her waist.
‘’I’m sorry honey but.. without money, this right here won’t be possible; and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to do it at my parents’ house.’’ She half teased but knew there was little to no cares when it came to Loki and sex.
‘’I’m sure your father wouldn’t be joining us in the shower so this is still possible..’’ he smirked, pulling her close so his cock could press between her thighs while her chest smooshed against his. His hands slowly traveled down to squeeze her ass, his head dipping down to capture her lips in his own while he backed them up so the water fell upon her head until it was on his, her back resting against the shower wall.
Y/N giggled before melting into his kiss, feeling how his teeth gently captured his bottom lip while his hands roamed her hips, ass and back. His cock was at full attention, trying to get as close as possible before his kisses slowly, his mind seemed to be distracted while he opted to kiss at her neck slowly and trail to her jawline. Knowing he boyfriend well enough by now, she slowly rested her hands upon his shoulders, pulling back a little to look at him.
‘’..what’s wrong?”
Loki was momentarily distracted by how the water glided down her chest, the temperature causing her nipples to react beautifully where he felt the strong urge to take one into his mouth. Yet he felt her concern and exhaled, keeping his eyes on her body rather than her eyes as his lips parted slowly to speak.
‘’darling..’’ he hesitated. ‘’..i don’t want you to go to work today..’’ he said quietly, most of him trying to vent to her about the feeling he had woken up with and the rest of him still working on convincing her to stay while his hand fell from her hip to glide between them, his fingers slowly circling her clit that had a gasp leaving her lips at first.
A shiver ran down her spin, feeling how her arousal began to grow as his fingers played her skillfully. He half debated on prolonging her orgasm, hoping to maybe throw her in a state of arousal where she’s wait willingly to fall from that delicious edge towards release, but he also didn’t want to torment her while he felt her breaths quieten while she struggled to speak.
‘’t-they’re paying me double Loki.. it’s not every day that happens..’’
‘’are we so much in a financial struggle for us to require sacrificing quality time?” he sighed, a smirk tugging at his lips as he watched what he was doing to her. How her find fought to listen and answer while her body squirmed between his and the wall behind her. Just for his own amusement while he drew her closer to climax, he slipped in a digit up to his knuckle, causing the words to fall from her mouth a moment while her nails dug into his shoulders.
‘’w-we used up more power t-this month for..’’ she exhaled, eyes fluttering as her thighs tightened around his wrist. ‘’for when I was teaching you the computer, remember? Those lessons took a bit of a chunk in our savings-‘’
‘’power should be free darling, how was I suppose to know that- never mind..’’ he shook his head. ‘’I can see what I can do for those idiot Avengers, just- you would be much more comfortable staying here today, wouldn’t you?” his voice then switched to try to allure her while he dipped his head to her neck again, waiting for her to inhale to begin speaking before he gently sank his teeth into her skin, causing her to moan to be silent again before she could gather herself once more.
As cloudy as her mind was getting with all the dirty thoughts she wanted to do with him today, she couldn’t help but ponder on his statement ‘don’t go to work today’. Why? He never had a problem with her going to work before, even with double shifts and overnights on occasion. There was little to no trouble working in a café- the most you’ll get is a Karen or two. What brought this on?
She knew he was working through his jealousy phase- how he sought to practically kill any male that would so much as look at her. Perhaps he had another dream again, something to upset him and send him in another possessive state. It was something they both had to discuss, how she was independent and required breathing room once and awhile. They were doing good, but nothing was perfect. So she figured he was just going through another wave of jealousy again by knowing there was going to be your occasional male customer enter the shop. By this, she nuzzled her cheek into his chest affectionately, as if to ease his unspoken words before she felt her body shiver and draw closer to her pleasure.
‘’you c-cant make me stay b-but-‘’ she stuttered, trying to plead with him as he stroked her painfully slowly, curling his finger before pushing into her again while his thumb took over her clit.
‘’that’s right darling.. I can’t make you stay, but I can definitely make you want to stay..’’ he murmured against her skin ‘’and if you do.. I can promise you I can make you orgasm.. all.. day.. long..’’ with each word he emphasized against her clit, stroking it with almost a ghost touch that had her move her hips forward to try to find more of his hand again.
‘’or how about this..’’ his voice got deeper, a smirk against her neck before he drew his lips up to brush against hers. ‘’you can orgasm now if you stay.. but if you go, you will be surely punished later..’’ he smirked.
‘’y-your punishments aren’t necessarily cruel..’’ Y/N whimpered, wanting release as he drew his finger out, teasing her entrance with his fingertip instead of the whole digit while his other arm held her firmly in place around her waist.
‘’oh darling I could be downright cruel if you want me to be..’’ he smirked and nipped at her bottom lip. ‘’I’m sure I could drive you mad if I edge you for.. how long are your work hours?” he threatened with a smirk.
‘’I could always pleasure myself-‘’ she tried to threaten, her words being cut off as he pushed two fingers now up her channel.
‘’darling, you haven’t been able to make yourself cum since you’ve met me.’’ He chuckled and began to pump her, focusing on proving his point while she began moaning and squirming in his hold. His arm kept her from losing her stance, knowing her legs were getting weak while she wrapped her arms around his neck for support.
‘’I always take very special care of you darling.. which is why you are going to cum for me..’’ he breathed against her neck, burying his face in her hair while the shower water hit his back. ‘’right.. now…’’
Her mind then froze, snapping half a second later that had her screaming her name and feeling her orgasm wash over her. Her body quivered and tightened, clenching around his thrusting fingers while her muscles tightened and her back arched. Loki smirked against her neck, feeling her shake as she rode out her climax, his fingers taking their time slowing down before his lips pulled down ever so slightly at what he had done.
Upon his stubbornness to prove he could have her like putty in his hands any time he wanted, he had also lost more of his leverage to keep her there. While his mind secretly ran quickly to find more of an excuse to keep her here, perhaps to sway her with another round, she gasped and pulled back a little, pressing her lips against his to momentarily pause his mind before she gently pushed him half a step back.
‘’now I’m really going to be late for work.’’ She teased.
Hope fluttered in his chest as he looked at her, feeling the water hit his chest while he gazed through it to watch her. ‘’so you’re choosing to-‘’ his words were cut short to find her turn around, hands pressing against the shower wall while offering her backside to him, a sly smirk on her lips as she looked over her shoulder with do-me eyes.
‘’you want to get yours before I leave?”
Curse this woman.. his cock twitched and felt his chest being pressed up against her back, his hand aligning his tip to her entrance before he desperately thrust up into her, hearing her gasp and her head falling back to flutter her eyes up at the ceiling.
As much as he tried focusing on trying to get her to stay, his feral side snapped while he laced his fingers with hers, his hands over hers against the wall while his hips took over and repetitively thrust into her. Her moans and sensitivity from her first orgasm had her fluttering around him, bringing him quickly to the edge he tried to make stop to have her here longer under him. the gods seemed to be against him today and upon feeling her second orgasm milk his cock, he came as well, gasping and moaning her name before sinking his teeth into her shoulder.
He stayed put, making sure she got every drop of him while she shook and panted against him before he felt himself slowly pull away, catching his breath while she turned around and gave him a  triumphant smile and kissed his cheek.
‘’gets get clean darling.’’ She secretly smirked before grabbing a bottle of shampoo beside him.
‘’Nothing.. Strange has been happening over there right? Your people in charge treating you well? Customers aren’t strange in any way?’’ Loki rambled, leaning against the back of the couch while Y/N buried herself to gather her things for work.
‘’no no no, for the twelfth time..’’ she said, half distracted as she slipped on her converse and grabbed her café apron, searching for her purse next. ‘’..Loki.’’ she warned.
Loki sighed and waved his hand, her purse appearing onto the couch beside here where she reached over and picked it up. ‘’what about those.. regular customers?”
Y/N struggled a little as she thought, looking around to double check to make sure she had everything. ‘’not really-  I mean, there’s this one dude who always comes in, buys the same stuff and stays with his newspaper all day and leaves when it’s closing time, but he rarely speaks unless spoken to.’’
‘’..and you’ve spoken to him?” Loki asked, a small warning in his voice as his body noticeably stiffened, making Y/N sigh.
‘’babe, it’s my job. Can I get you anything, need a refill, stuff like that. Honestly we’ve talked about this and your jealou-‘’
‘’I know I know..’’ Loki sighed, hoping it was just jealousy and not something else as he went over and cupped her face with his hands. ‘’I just love you.. you mean the world to me and i- don’t know what I’d do if anything happened..’’
‘’then stop jinxing it.’’ She lightly tease and turn her face to press a kiss against one of his palms, her expression turning serious again. ‘’everything is fine, I promise. If it makes you feel better, I can text you when I arrive and when I’m on my way home.’’
Loki quickly nodded at the idea and kissed her forehead, his grip tightening every so slightly to not want to release her before he did when he noticed her cheeks smooshing ever so slightly, raising his palms in a surrender position ‘’alright alright- how about I pick you up today, we can go out tonight?” he offered, mostly so he could get to her sooner than later but she bought the idea by brightening up.
‘’okay, I get off at five’’ she smiled and took hold of the doorhandle. ‘’I love you, I’ll see you later’’ she grinned before leaving.
‘’okay I’ll see you-‘’ the door closed before a wave of the uncomfortable feeling washed over him.. stronger than before as Loki tensed.
Stay tuned for part two! Tag List is open upon request 😊
Tag List: @foxherder @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fire-in-her-veinz
Special Note: @cabingrlandrandomcrap Thank you for putting the idea in the comments when i was debating on a writing promp with Loki AI art holding Reader in the street Lol this request is for you :)
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weskie · 3 days
domestic? got you.
wesker cockwarming you when he takes a day to read paperwork at home. you're a great lapwarmer, so when you complain that you're thirsty and need to do your own things, he gets his own water bottle while unpointedly ranting about how distracting you are, honestly, takes a large sip, makes you corkscrew in his lap (and grunts a little, hot breath fanning you), forces his face together with yours and gives you the most dominating, spit-bubble-filled kiss.
The front of your shirt gets wet.
you turn back around red as a beet and he has to hold you close against him so that you don't drip water all over his important Umbrella papers.
he privately wonders to himself what the fuck just came over him to do something so messy, but waves it off as silly oxytocin and a helping of serotonin from your too-gracious rocking. he'll have to discipline you better next time.
also, when you wobble in his lap, he steps on your foot and growls a little to make you stay still.
if he's feeling deeply focused and generous he'll lean forward just enough, grab your jaw with one hand to keep it steady (and because he likes the way you tense and huff), and begin reading off the results of his paper in your ear, so close, deep and breathy that you can feel the hot breath against the shell of it and smell nicotine and mint. he likes when you ask what different things mean and he gets to explain them to you while purring and rolling his hips into you.
but watch out, ask too many dumb questions so you get more rolling and he'll harmlessly degrade you about how stupid you must be. what idiot doesn't know what "n =" means? you must be asking because you want more stimulation, right? that's it, dearheart... tell him what you want... use your words...
he just gives a sadistic laugh, lets your jaw go, and goes back to reading like he never asked. but you feel his hips tense.
ok sorry for making it really long i just have Thoughts about this man.
probably pretty OOC. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. <:3c ...
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wesker I'm thirsty pspspssps
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ryescapades · 3 days
can i request narumi x gojo like reader (like extremely overpowered and yk gojo stuff 😝) because ur dazai fics are just mwah! could they be and captain and they're vc is like suguru :>
thank you !!!!
limitless | kaiju no. 8
characters: narumi gen x gn gojo!reader
contents: sniper!reader, attempt at humor, fluff, some OCs, a lot of made up plots bcs this fic wouldn't exist otherwise (feels like i was world building ngl), reader's division number is not mentioned, narumi appears like in the second half of this, hint of rivals(?) + idiots to lovers
a/n: i hope i did your req justice, tqsm nonnie! lmk if you're satisfied with this or not (bcs im kinda not) almost made reader and their vc become a doomed yaoi couple just like satosugu 2k wc
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"ehhh, another mission?"
your vice-captain, akira rolls her eyes at your grumble. "yes, another mission, captain. the higher-ups have requested for us to be there as soon as we possibly can, for the location is said to be in an uptown city of tokyo, a few hours from our base, so we ought to dispatch early," she explains.
"blegh, i bet the old man shinomiya is laughing at me right about now. we literally just returned from a mission like two days ago, akira! he sure loves working us to the bone!" you complain as your hand continues to work, cleaning the glass lens of your sniper rifle's scope.
akira throws a flat look. "maybe because we're the only unit in the defense force that specializes in kaiju intelligence? dummy," she says pointedly, causing you to wave her off. "nah, semantics."
she sighs, shaking her head. "in any case, we need to get ready now. we have to be on the move in about half an hour," your vice-captain's words go into one ear and out the other as your mind drifts away, thinking of how you can possibly sneak away to buy some nice treats while in tokyo.
hm, preferably those ringo apple-custard pies... your mouth waters at the thought.
less than five hours later, you find yourself strutting in the hallways of the ariake base, with akira following close behind.
"how many times do i have to remind you to tell me first if you wanted to make a detour mid-way," akira pinches the bridge of her nose, and you pout slightly. "i didn't even take that long, mind you!" you argue, though the way you dust off the sweet pastry crumbs off your lips doesn't really give the impression that you sound apologetic at all about it.
"captain, you keep forgetting that we have a meeting to get to. you should try to be more considerate towards others' time, you know?" she chastises, making you shrug dismissively. "you're too uptight about everything, akira. loosen up,"
already used to your petty remarks, akira crosses her arms and narrows her eyes at you. "what was that? you wanna take this outside, y/n?" the way she drags the syllables of your name daringly has you smirking, eyes glinting dangerously as you flex your hands. "oh yeah? and what if i say yes?"
what both of you don't realize is that you've walked far enough to reach general shinomiya's office, the sound of the double doors opening snapping off the tense rope that connects your challenging gazes together.
the two of you straighten up awkwardly, whistling a mindless tune and fixing your uniform respectively to pretend like you weren't about to start a scuffle just a second ago.
hasegawa, the one who had opened the doors raises an eyebrow curiously when he sees you and your vice-captain. "seems like they're already here, general shinomiya." he announces over his shoulder before giving a respective nod and taking his leave.
as you enter the office, general shinomiya gives you a long, pointed look. "you're late." your nose scrunches at the comment, "only by fifteen minutes. chill out, old man."
"what they mean to say is—" akira immediately speaks up, frustrated at your lack of manners, but shinomiya isao raises a hand with a shake of his head to interject. "never mind that. we have more pressing matters at hand,"
as he drones on and on about the details of the mission, you're barely listening to any of them when one particular statement catches your attention.
"do your surveillance for at least two days before you clean up and come back to report. i'll send in narumi as well for some extra hands."
like a puppy hearing the sound of kibble food being poured in its bowl, your head perks up in interest.
seems like this mission won't end up being a bore, after all.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
"akira... i'm bored,"
you can almost hear your second-in-command's teeth gritting against each other. "that's the sixth time you've said that, captain." she says, her voice crackling through your earpiece. "wait, really? maybe i should say it another time—"
"please, don't." she interrupts with a huff. "you don't know how many nights i've spent wondering how your impatient ass got this job,"
you're about to counter when a new voice chimes in through the comms, "they're good at this job, that's why." a smile grows on your face at the statement. "ren, of course! this is why you're everyone's favorite," you cheekily say.
your operations leader snickers at the quiet but still audible vomiting noises akira is making. "i'm flattered, captain. but i do agree with vice-captain akira. given how our division is all about stealth and patience, it is quite the surprise someone like you sits at the top," ren muses.
you click your tongue, the small 'tch' sound only providing more amusement for your two subordinates. "you deserve a headlock for that, ren."
be that as it may, you are indeed good at your job. appointed as the captain of a special intelligence unit for the defense force, your division is tasked to undertake any job that requires kaiju surveillance, where you discreetly observe and study the behaviors of these monsters, especially the new species before subjugating them once your task is completed.
where do you think all those official kaiju encyclopedia books and websites get their information from?
your missions are all basically just field trips, to be frank. you command officers who are specifically trained in stealth and espionage, with your sharp sniping skills second to none in the defense force.
your beloved vice-captain, the talented officer that she is, unluckily holds the job of patrolling the perimeter and taking care of any kaiju that happens to stumble upon where your sniping port is set up. can't have the sniper getting jumped now, can we?
pulling your eyes away from the scope, you mindlessly tap away on the side of your sniper gun. "anyways, how's captain narumi doing?" you ask.
the division has very few recruits every year, due to the fact that not everyone can master the perfect form of stealth and spying when it comes to such untamed creatures. with the unit being the only unique one, your officers are often dispatched at various locations at the same time.
thus, the subjugation after the observation is usually carried out with the help of other divisions. and that's where narumi comes in.
or rather, he actually does come in. like, legit.
"worried about me?" the man himself steps into the empty room of the desolated building you're currently positioned at, his bayonet held close to his side. your brows quirk in amusement at the question, "yes, actually. i was worried your... extravagant method of killing kaiju is going to get us spotted sometime soon,"
narumi feels his blood thrums in his ears. he doesn't know what it is about you, but every time the two of you interact, he just gets frustrated and bothered. how are you so... infuriating?
"excuse me? i know perfectly well how you handle your operations, thank you very much!" he exclaims.
"oh? is that so, akira?" you inquire into your earpiece, wanting to poke fun at the first division captain further. he tenses slightly as he's reminded of his recent kills.
a big tease just as you are, akira hums, "well, i certainly heard him gloating with the other officers after his first kill earlier. he was probably doing his usual egosurfing after that... and the second kill was obscenely loud too. and then there's the—"
"okay, i think they get it now, vice-captain." narumi cuts her off in a snap, crimson hues dusting his cheeks. you smirk, about to make another retort when ren's voice intervenes you.
"emergency, captain! there's a kaiju about less than two kilometers away from the town!" your pupils flare in alarm just as akira voices out her surprise, "wait, what? there shouldn't be any of them so close to the human settlement. is it a stray?"
without focusing on ren and akira's discussion, you sling your sniper over your shoulder and head out of the building, "i'm going after it," you announce.
as you walk past narumi, he grabs your arm to stop you. electric sparks jolt underneath the material of your suits and into your skin, though neither of you seems bothered enough to acknowledge it. "there could be more than just that one. i'm coming with you," he insists, unaware that he's leaning into your space to get his point across.
what is it with him and needing to be closer to you? narumi can never figure out the answer to that even if he was aware of it in the first place.
you didn't expect him to suddenly be all up in your face like that, so your hand automatically shoots out towards him, a palm splaying over his chest to hold him back. realizing how weirdly intimate the touch is, you move to pull away but your hand unconsciously lingers, dragging itself down the metal chestplate of his suit before finally retreating in a matter of seconds.
the loss of contact nearly burns you from the inside out, and you hate admitting that it's not in a bad way. not at all, not ever. something about narumi gen just flares you up deliciously, and you're more than happy and willing to crash into this man's blazing inferno.
perhaps you're just as hopeless as he is in that regard.
with a shrug, you throw a sanguine grin at him over your shoulder, "even if you weren't here, narumi, i can handle them just fine. this is my forte, and i'm the strongest one here." shivers run down the back of his spine, the knowing glimmer in your eyes almost making him visibly and audibly swallow.
he doesn't doubt that sentiment. not at all.
narumi knows how strong and skilled you are. if ashiro mina is known with her extremely explosive power, you're known with your hawk's eye trait. you're good at predicting just exactly where the kaiju's core is supposed to be, courtesy of the years of meticulously studying the monsters.
'how am i different to ashiro? hm, let's see... to put it simply, ashiro is the type to spam her high-damaged gun. like a reaaally offensive dps, you see. while i prefer to go with that one shot one kill style,' you'd often say. as a chronic gamer himself, he understood that crystal clear.
as the two of you exit the building and make a beeline towards the direction of the town, a few kaiju that you had surveyed just a few minutes ago turn their heads in attention when they hear your rapid footsteps.
your annoyance rises when they start advancing towards you, all feral eyed and inhumane. "sorry but i really don't have time to waste on small fries like you," you mutter as you take out your handgun.
the next thing narumi knows, their cores are precisely struck with your bullets, including the kaiju whose humongous tail almost swiped at you two from your common blind spot, one which he could've taken out. with his RT-0001 retina, he was less than one second away from handling it!
"oh, would you look at that! i saved your ass, narumi! ain’t i just the best?" you boast, causing his imaginative feathers to ruffle. the respond he's about to give doesn't get to come out, as you manage to irritate him even more.
"by the way, don't you think you should slip in some more trainings everyday? you play enough games as it is. at this rate, you're gonna get weaker than me, you know?" you remark before swiftly skipping away, your tongue sticking out in jest and leaving narumi to deal with his own agitation.
you're literally a menace in narumi's eyes, but his curiosity is boundless. as he moves to follow after your tracks, he keeps asking himself why he just cannot seem to stop wanting to get know you more.
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nah i'd win, *dies immediately after*
ps i love when gojo made that digimon ref in s2 he's such a nerd pls. also there's like one hidden ow2 ref in there somewhere. like using pharah and widowmaker in regards to the difference between ashiro and reader
taglist: @maruflix @iamjellyfish @ouiouimochi @yueliie @justwinginglife @lumiambrose @minasfwoopyponytail @17020
©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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steddie-island · 24 hours
Champagne kisses
@softsteddieseptember week 3: Anniversary Rating: G | WC: 1,406 | Tags: Getting together, first kiss, Eddie Munson lives Find full list of tags on ao3 | Divider credit
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Eddie woke to the sound of pebbles hitting his window. He looked around for his watch to check the time, then carefully climbed out of bed.
He'd expected to see Dustin, or Mike, or even Max, one of the shitheads. He hadn't expected Steve on the other side, with a palmful of gravel— a piece of which narrowly missed hitting Eddie as he opened the window.
"Steve, what the fuck?" Eddie's nose wrinkled and he looked at the other boy with one eye cracked open. "You have a key, you couldn't just let yourself in?"
"I was hoping you'd come out, actually." Steve bounced his hand, letting the rocks drop back to the ground around his feet. "I've got a surprise for you."
"A surprise, huh? And it couldn't wait until tomorrow?" Eddie heaved a put-upon sigh, his head tipping back and his gaze catching the swirls of paint on his ceiling. "All right. Let me grab my shoes."
Steve grinned and watched as Eddie disappeared back into the darkness of his bedroom.
Eddie climbed out the window and dropped carefully to his feet. It pulled his scars, made his joints complain, made Steve curse and step forward to help him. He held his hands out with both thumbs up to show he was okay before tugging his leather jacket on. "This better be good, Harrington."
Steve just grinned and jogged to his car to grab a black totebag. "It will be. I hope you brought your keys, Munson."
Eddie was dying to know what was in the bag, what couldn't have waited, but found that he was willing to be a little patient if Steve kept smiling the way he was. He followed after Steve to unlock the van, and a few moments later they were bumping their way down the road in Eddie's new used van.
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The quarry stretched out before them. Eddie smoked a cigarette while he watched the place where the stars and the ground met. Even if he hadn't been threatened with loss of life and limb if he'd tried to watch what Steve was doing with the black bag behind him, the horizon was where his eyes would've strayed to anyway.
There were a million possibilities in that horizon. He could point the van and just drive until he ran out of gas, start over as whoever and whatever he wanted to be. It made him feel small, insignificant, but not in a way that made him feel bad. It was comforting, knowing that there were stil places he could go where people wouldn't think of dead teenagers as soon as they heard his name. He just had to get up and do it.
And he would. Someday. Eventually.
Still, as beautiful and comforting as the horizon was, the sound of paper, of a tape dispenser, the crinkling of plastic, it was definitely harder than usual to keep his eyes locked there and not behind him.
"C'mon, Harrington. How much longer is this gonna take?"
"I'm almost finished— Eddie I told you, do not turn around!" Steve said. "I tried to do this before I woke you up but your van was locked. Now just— be patient."
Eddie rolled his eyes, but he was smiling as he tossed the cigarette butt to the ground and stubbed it out with the toe of his sneaker.
There was the flicking of a lighter that washed the van in Eddie's peripheral vision a soft orange color. "Okay, look."
Eddie turned around with a smartass remark ready, but it died on his tongue.
There were streamers taped to the walls of the van, and there were plastic champagne flutes sitting next to a cake that had something nearly illeligable written on it. And there was Steve, smiling almost shyly as he picked the cake up, showing the candles he'd lit around one edge of the cake. Candlelight flickered over his face, danced in his eyes, and Eddie felt his breath catch in his chest.
"Happy… what?" he asked, when he managed to talk again.
"Anniversary," Steve said, flushing. "Sorry, it said happy birthday and I had to wipe that off, but then I had a hard time trying to write over it. But— you should blow the candles out before your cake gets coated in wax."
Eddie leaned in and blew the candles out, turning the van dark again. "Hold on." He dug in the crate he'd learned to keep full of shit that would come in handy in an emergency and came away with an "A-ha!" before turning the little lantern on. It filled the van with gentle orange light again. It didn't dance the way the candlelight had, but Eddie was still struck once more by how beautiful Steve was.
It didn't last for long, because it occurred to him that he wasn't sure what exactly they were celebrating.
"So… what… anniversary is this?" he asked.
Steve huffed out a laugh and passed over a plastic fork. "You don't remember?"
"Shit, no. I'm not good with— any of those things." Eddie ran a hand over the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, man, it's— I'll try to remember next time."
"Eddie, it's okay. It's… it's your anniversary." Steve picked wax drips off of the cake, avoiding Eddie's eyes. "You woke up a year ago today."
Eddie was quiet for a long moment. He could only watch Steve, until he noticed more pink flood into Steve's cheeks as the other boy looked up at him again. "I did?" he asked finally. "You… you remember?"
"They thought you might never wake up," Steve said, shaking his head. "Jesus, man. I spent so long at your bedside. We— we all did, just… begging you to wake up. Then… you did." He flicked a piece of wax onto the store bag he'd pulled the cake out of. "Of course I remember." He shrugged one shoulder, and Eddie all but heard the, "how could I not?" that he didn't say out loud.
Of course Steve had remembered. Steve, who had spent so many hours, so many days sitting beside Eddie's bed. Eddie didn't remember any of it, but he did remember the first face he saw when he woke up. He remembered Steve, slumped down in the uncomfortable hospital chair, his legs hanging over the arm of it. He'd been dozing lightly, at at the smallest movement from Eddie he'd been up and beside Eddie's bed, grabbing his hand and ringing for the nurses.
Steve's relief had been palpable. He'd looked the way Eddie had felt. He still looked that way sometimes, when Eddie caught him not watching whatever movie they had on. It was like Steve could hardly believe that Eddie was there, like he might've been lost if Eddie hadn't survived.
Eddie watched the way the lamplight played on Steve's face, casting part of it in shadow. Somehow he hadn't just survived, but he'd found this beautiful boy who liked spending time with him, who listened to him talk about D&D and music. Steve remembered, too— or tried to. After all of the thumps to the head, some of the details slipped away sometimes. But Eddie could see how hard he tried.
Steve made Eddie want to try, too. Made Eddie want to learn about sports even after all the shit he'd said about them in high school, just so he could chime in when Steve and Wayne were watching the game together. He liked the way Steve smiled when he noticed Eddie listening to him, too. He wanted Steve to always smile like that.
He wanted to be the one to make Steve smile like that.
Not for the first time, Eddie found himself wanting to kiss Steve Harrington.
Only this time, for the first time, he actually did.
Their first kiss tasted like chocolate cake and champagne and Eddie never wanted it to end. Even so, it didn't last long.
When Steve pulled back he looked surprised, but he was smiling. "What was that for?"
"Something else for us to remember when this rolls around again next year," Eddie said.
Steve's smile softened, and Eddie felt his heart skip a beat in his chest. "I like the sound of that," he said. "Maybe we should keep practicing, to have something even better to remember next year."
Eddie laughed, but when Steve leaned in again, he was happy to meet in the middle.
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seoktized · 9 hours
KIN!! hear me out: Gyuvin being mean (but not overly mean) by edging you and then overstimulating you! I know that he just LOVES to hear how whiny you get whenever he rubs your clit until you're close to cumming but as soon as he knows you're about to cum he moves his hand away just to hear his pretty baby complain and almost cry about it :3 He only makes you cum "if you're good for him" which obviously you have which leads to him overstimulating you until you're begging him to stop! He acts so smug about it too that little shit snksfnkfnkf like: "I thought you said you wanted more? What happened to that, baby?" LIKE DSNGJKSGNKSG GRAAAAH
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mmm m mmmnnmdnmfnw only real ones know about this emoji LOLL
"please gyuv, wanna cum.." you whined, pouting from being denied an orgasm for the second time. tears welled in your eyes as gyuvin shook his head.
"you'll take what i give you, bunny. you'll be a good girl right? only good girls get to cum." he said as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to your clit. you nodded your head, biting your lip as he pressed his fingers against your hole, slowly pushing them in.
his long fingers curled against your sweet spot and his other hand went to rub your clit. "gonna cum, pretty? maybe i shouldn't let you..." he smiled wickedly.
you immediately shook your head, eyes pleading for gyuvin to let you cum. "please, gyuvin! wanna cum so bad-!" you cried. gyuvin continued to drag his fingers along your walls, he leaned down wrapping his lips around your sensitive bud. your eyes rolled back as you shook, your orgasm quickly hitting you.
after the pleasure wore off, gyuvin kept plunging his fingers inside of you. "w-wait! s'too much, gyuvin!" you whined, desperately trying to move away.
he held your hips, keeping you in place, "thought you said you wanted to cum, bunny? didn't say how many times." he teased, once again moving down to lap up your juices, quickly bringing you to your second of many orgasms <3
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ficoandleo · 1 day
Leo posted a Tiktok! The description says "I've gotten a few of these again, so here's a reminder lol"
The video appears to take place in an apartment, so clearly from sometime before he came to Darkwick. The quality is a little lower too, perhaps filmed on a slightly older phone. The camera follows Leo's socked feet as he walks across the floor, then pans up to Sho's back where he's sorting some ingredients. Leo starts to speak while walking up to him.
"What is it." Sho doesn't even look up.
"What'cha makin'?" That makes Sho look up, eyebrow raised.
"Did you forget what you asked me to--" It takes him a moment to process the way Leo's holding his phone. "What're you doing?"
"I was gonna record you making me lunch for a video!"
"The hell you are." Sho returns to the food, beginning to wash vegetables. "You're not gonna be in here while I'm cooking, we've been over this."
"Aw, c'mon, my kitchen's bigger than the one at your house!"
"Space ain't the problem. Outta my kitchen."
"Uh, this is my apartment?"
"Yeah. And while I'm cooking your meals this is my kitchen. Out." Sho glowers over his shoulder and the camera flips back to Leo pouting, then turning and leaving. Over his shoulder the sight of Sho beginning to prep gets smaller.
"He's so mean. He's not gonna let me do it, guys."
The video cuts into another, a reply to the previous one imposed over the upper left. "Have you tried offering to help?"
"What." A different day, but the same kitchen. A different set of ingredients on the counter, this time with Sho's phone propped up for him to look at. Until the soft sound of Leo's slippered feet on wood becomes tile, alerting him to Leo entering the kitchen, he doesn't even look up from his phone screen, which appears to have Nashville hot chicken on it. "I told you to stay out while I'm cooking, dude."
"But I wanna help!"
"No you don't." Sho doesn't even hesitate or consider the offer. "You never wanna help me. You just wanna film a video."
"No, I'm not filming this time!" Leo insists with a laugh, moving the phone so the camera's no longer pointing at Sho, as though this will be enough to convince him. The view becomes dark, perhaps from Leo covering the camera in some way, so the screen looks darker. "I actually wanna help--"
"You don't wanna help because if I ask you to touch raw chicken you're gonna get grossed out. And if I ask you to touch any kind of herbs or seasoning or spices, you're gonna get annoyed when it gets on you and your hands. And if I ask you to chop or mix something you're gonna complain about how you don't like the sounds. And if I ask you to clean up you're gonna get grossed out. You want me to keep going?"
". . ." Leo whines a little in protest, audibly pouting.
"Chat, he is so mean. . . ." The camera goes front-facing and Leo looks sadly into it, leaving the kitchen while Sho rolls his eyes and goes back to cooking.
The video cuts into yet another, this time in a different location, probably Sho's apartment or family home. "Please try asking Sho-san to let you stream him cooking again." There's additional text near the bottom of the screen from Leo that simply says 'Sho-chan's kind of like a spider, it's scary 🕸️' that disappears along with the reply after just enough time to read it.
". . .I didn't even say anything yet."
"We ain't doing this here." Sho doesn't look up from what he's mixing on the stove. "Don't even start."
Leo doesn't say anything for a moment, panning the camera down from Sho's back to the junction between where the kitchen arch starts and the previous room's floor ends. The tip of his socked foot is in view. He pans back up to Sho, too busy to mind him. Leo tilts his phone so the view is of the floor again and takes a single step just barely into the kitchen--the shot quickly and sharply snaps up to just barely catch Sho turning around and advancing on Leo in annoyance. Leo starts to backpedal, laughing. "I'm not! I'm not!! I'm not!!!"
"C'mere." Sho, given Leo isn't actually trying to retreat, catches up quickly, and reaches out for Leo, pulling him and the camera shot closer. Then, based on Leo's little cry of alarm and the view lifting, Sho appears to have picked Leo up.
"You can watch. . .," he begins, walking them, view from just overhead showing Sho using only one arm to carry his little friend. He only walks a short distance before depositing Leo, from the soft sound of his body hitting the surface, onto a nearby couch. "From over here. Got it?"
Leo continues to laugh, but probably nods. Sho sighs, the corner of his mouth twitching as he tries not to laugh with him.
"Good. Sit." With that, Sho walks back into the kitchen, the camera following his back.
One last cut in to another reply. "I NEED another POV of Sho carrying us and telling us to sit--I mean! Please try and get Sho-sama to let you in the kitchen one more time!! Please!!!"
"Sho~." Leo whines, sounding a little tired. The camera looks into another, different kitchen, smaller than the first one, although still likely in an apartment.
"What~." Sho imitates Leo's tone, though it's unclear if he's mocking it. He cooks, seemingly unaware of the camera on him, although it's hard to see what he's doing with the camera pointed at his back.
"I want a juice~." Sho sighs and steps away from where he's cooking, exposing what's likely the beginnings of some sort of salad. He opens the fridge and squats down to look through what's in there, then grabs something and holds up a bottle of lemonade behind him. "Yeah, that's good!" Sho closes the fridge and sits the bottle in front of Leo, just within frame of the camera. He frowns, and Leo takes the bottle closer to himself and out of frame. "Thanks, Sho~"
"Stop trying to record me cooking."
"But I'm not even in the kitchen. . . ." He follows Sho as he rounds the counter. "I just wanna watch, Sho. . .can you open this for me?"
Sho stops in front of Leo, looking down at him and the camera with an unamused expression. He reaches over and opens the bottle, removing the protective seal, and putting it aside. Before Leo can properly coo his thanks in his sleepy, pathetic voice, Sho reaches an arm out towards him. He starts to laugh, jumping up out of the stool and backing away quickly. "Wait, wait, wait--"
He gasps and laughs as Sho runs at him with a grin and snatches him up, once again with one arm, still holding his lemonade as he begins to carry him away from the counter. Leo whines and laughs, not resisting being carried and only protesting the potential spill of his drink. Finally, Leo is dropped onto a couch a ways away from the kitchen area. "You can watch from here. Stay away from my kitchen."
Leo laughs. "Can I have my drink, though? I'm thirsty, you jerk."
Sho offers it to him, then pulls it away before he can take it. "Hey. Hey. Listen to me."
Sho puts the bottle behind him, then pushes his hand against Leo's chest, his other hand resting somewhere past Leo and the camera, probably the back of the couch. The camera view moves backwards with Leo being shoved, but Sho leans in close regardless, camera tilted back to still see most of his face as he glowers down at Leo. "Stay. Okay?"
Leo lets out a giggly 'mmhm' and reaches a hand out for the lemonade. Sho sucks his teeth and gives it to him. "Good."
The camera stays on for a bit and Sho glares down at Leo for a few more seconds before returning to the kitchen.
. . .understandably, the comments are full of suggestions that he simply keep trying, wondering what else Sho would do to get him to stop, and people questioning the nature of Sho and Leo's relationship(as well as others insisting they're not together and professing to Leo's single status or that they believe him to be in a relationship with others--other content creators, other friends he's had on stream, Romeo, and of course the Inspector.)
"So noisy." Leo says to himself while watching the rising engagment with some amusement. "These are reposts. . .you guys are so basic. . . ."
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thecopynin-kakashi · 1 year
❛ you’re not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜ (@sasukeuuke )
The kunai he had been spinning between his fingers comes to an abrupt halt.
He'd known the moment he crossed the threshold of the front gates, dawning his ANBU attire and a bag of simple items, that he would be marked out as one of Konoha's best to bear the title of one of their most hated.
The hatred was mutual--at least to those that deserved it.
They thought him terrible. He accepted that maybe in some sense, he was.
But it struck him harder to know that Sasuke didn't follow that line of thought.
Sasuke had always affected something familiar in him, a kindred soul perhaps in the sense that he had been forced to grow up far faster than he should have. He learned early on the reality of the world and the agony of loss. He too had been focused on becoming stronger, just to chase the hurt away, and Kakashi had felt for him. Further more, he had wanted to be a presence that was capable of patience and understanding for this particular student.
Now he had a target on his back, painted bright because he wouldn't stand for the actions of Danzo and the ROOT. If only he had been able to infiltrate sooner...if only he had taken the opportunity to end it all when he'd been among them for a brief period of time. He should have known then the distasteful things that had been going on behind the scenes then, but he'd been too blind, and far too loyal.
"Thanks." He says softly, head lowered as he stares at the gleaming edge of the freshly sharpened blade. It's difficult to make out, but there's a smile under that mask. His eyes become heavily lidded, as if being told he can finally rest.
"I'm...glad you think so."
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maliro-t · 3 months
some game design thinky thoughts.
#it speaks#da gameplay complaints so weird to me. which i say as someone whose favorite combat was origins.#i mean 1 like i just enjoy a lot of different types of games. including crpg style tactical and including action#and inclulding me style arpg#but fr like people just keep saying over and over 'only three abilities???????????' like bro did u know in dai#that one of the warrior abilities was COMBAT ROLL.#a lot of things like that were previously abiliities and can in real time combat become different kinds of mechanics#and lemme say as someone who never invests in combat roll i spend a lot of time in dai fighting dragons by fruitlessly jumping in the hope#that THIS time i might be able to dodge the incoming attack i can clearly see coming (i can't)#idk like the point is obv if you don't like action-oriented combat whatever but complaining about design changes which actually serve#to make GOOD action-oriented combat is wild to me.#love that it's still rtwp my beloved. love giving commands to followers. love that it's built around synergies and that the wheel actually#tells you things like detonation combos and enemy resistances because i love taking advantage of stuff like that but find often in games#that information is overly obscured or a hassle to discover#and if i in real time action combat had 20 different abilities to choose from while still needing to dodge out of the way and pop off#an attack- that would be at worst overwhelming and distracting and at best feel like more than i need.#and at the same time! the skill tree looks great. best i've seen from da (and iterated from other franchises well imo) and still looks#plenty deep and customizable. way more than me's five little blocks or whatever#and wrt to party control yeah i'll miss it i like it a lot!#but again for this style of combat i literally don't think you need it and that's okay!#the game feeling better for what it is is okay!#even in dai like i have a lot of moments in that game where it's actually more a nuisance than anything else to fully switch control#to use an ability. e.g. i usually spec solas out with spirit magic and i almost always will fully enter the tactical cam just to#tell him to cast a barrier. or a revive. or dispel some demons before they spawn in#like i'm literally already just telling him to use abilities and then i switch back to me. and in that game there are def times where i hav#thought yeah this would actually be smoother if i could just tell him to use it +position it!#i spend the most time party switching in origins esp on higher difficulties but obv the game is most fine tuned for that#and you can play through the entire series as if it were an arpg if you want. that's what i did when i was a kid lmfao#well anyways. that's my two cents! i think it'll be really engaging! from what i've seen the game director isn't talking out of her ass!#vir dirthera
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savage-rhi · 3 months
Magenta 🤬
#my state is complaining about not having enough customers for psilocybin treatments#well as someone that heavily advocated for it to be legalized because of research and science lemme tell you why:#you gatekept your whole client base via outpricing them because you don't want to serve people with medium to low incomes#you only want rich people as your clients when the majority of people who could legitimately benefit from this treatment#are one paycheck away from homelessness or have to choose between an 800-1200 dose or buying groceries for the next month for their families#now look I get it you gotta get your cake and eat it too#but that's no excuse for isolating a large client base just because you're offended that poor people with mental health issues exist#if you want to keep this shit rolling and not have the state overturn anything#make it more accessible to people that truly need it and I'm telling you word of mouth travels fast#you'll get more clients more advocacy and more investment into research#by giving people an opportunity#and making them feel included in the process#thats what yall did when you started the petitions to get lawmakers to take the benefits seriously#so what changed?#what turned you into greedy cunts?#oh yeah money and again you're offended poor people exist#y'all know too folks will just go to a dealer they know and get it for cheaper right?#i mean whats the point in paying 3 to 5k for a special “retreat” where you pay an additional 1k to 2k for 3 doses#when johnny boy down the street can hook you up with 10 doses for 100 bucks and a bag of chips?#and btw guys wtf happened to all that money that was supposed to go to creating state of the art mental health clinics and facilities#when measure 110 got passed that decriminalized drugs?#no one has an answer???#hmmm#it's no wonder we are near dead last in mental health in this country#its like i said in the meeting: you guys love to profit off the suffering of others#magenta#magenta is my vent word
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chr0n1c-ag0ny · 11 months
Sigzai HC - [nsfw below]
Dazai has a thing for panties.
He likes to gift Sigma a set (the nicest, prettiest ones he can get his hands on) and then... borrows...the old ones.
He prefers softer fabrics and styles, things that feel nice in his hands. He also likes bows or ruffles, again, so he has something to play with when he's holding them.
He'll just keep them around, in a pocket or a bedside table, running his fingers over them, sometimes to... self soothe (handle his separation anxiety and general manwhore-ness)... other times to straight up get off (he uses them like one would use... a sock... for example)
Prefers when they feel more... used...
Never gifts the same pairs back again, they're normally a bit too... soiled... to be returned (Sigma wouldn't mind, might even be into it, but Dazai believes him to be above that, he deserves only the best)
He likes to see Sigma try his new panties on and takes that opportunity to worship and kiss Sigma's front, tracing his lips over the detailing or softness of the fabric, moving up to their waist and down to their thighs. (he's on his knees, looking up at Sigma like they're the sun, the stars, and the moon).
Gifts matching bralettes/lingerie as well.
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the-everqueen · 2 years
statistically, it's very likely that i will be one of those post-grads who does not get an academic job. i hate that this is framed as a failure on my part, like i'm just lazy and stupid, instead of an institutional problem.
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