#I will stay here till tumblr's dying breathe and longer
So i did manage to make myself a bluesky account, and welp gonna say it is too much like twitter to be likable
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xviruserrorx · 2 years
Title: "I'll Be Your Last Breath"
For @flashfictionfridayofficial but it's monday again because I've been busy! Enjoy! 😅
Flash Fiction Friday - Tumblr | Ao3 - [Prev <- • -> Next]
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Fandom: BBC Merlin
Prompt: "As Good As There"
Relationship (s): Merlin/Lancelot
Character(s): Merlin, Lancelot
Important Tag (s): Hurt Lancelot, Angst, No Happy Ending
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: Major Character Death
Word Count: 1,011
"Please," he begged, "please, I-I can't, I can't, I—"
"Hey," Lancelot cupped his face, "everything will be alright."
Merlin and Lancelot's last moments...
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The smell of blood choked him and stained his hands, tainting the air in horror as his screams danced with fear. Previous memories of non-stop chatter and glee only filled Merlin's head at the thought of Lancelot. The night before it all where limbs were tangled in one another's and breaths were shared. Their last happy moments only brought the pain of sorrow from pity.
The mission that held precedent of solving a simple conflict, neither of them knowing for one second of it all that those would be some of their last moments. Things went awry, the small problem to be dealt with turned into something much larger. First held so nonchalantly till they were yanked from their sleep in the middle of the night. Held at the end of a sword, cornered and caught off guard, Lancelot acted before Merlin had a chance.
One man came disarmed as Merlin was caught off guard and stumbled. The sword came up in preparation to charge forward, Merlin readied himself for the impact, but it never came.
With one plunge of a blade into Lancelot's chest, past chainmail meant to protect him, called the beginning of the end. Blood had pooled and blossomed from the middle of his chest like morning flowers. Delicate petal of life so simply and atrociously plucked away.
Dragged in the wind, Merlin was able to get them both away from their captors. His actions were far too late as he found his hands frantically yanking at Lancelot's chainmail and all his armour, removing anything that got in his way and added weight. His tunic was ripped in a useless fashioned bandage of crimson intentions but was blocked by the blue fabric. Lancelot's once white tunic leaked and dripped with every jostle of a movement. A trail of draining life that followed despite protest and everything accounted for nothing to be real.
Red darkened even though blood continued to spill. The metallic stomach retching smell kept Merlin from toppling over out of exhaustion himself. Lancelot's dead weight plus his own made the journey longer even though they needed it to end as soon as possible.
Merlin stumbled, a gasp of pain ripped from Lancelot's mouth.
"Merlin," he rasped.
"Just a little bump," he tried to push it off. He picked Lancelot's weight more on him, ignoring the blood that smeared on his side.
"I won't—"
"Sh, save your breath."
"It's no use, Merlin," he reached for the nearest object for support, his hand meeting the jagged skin of the tree.
His arm was unhooked from Merlin, hands coming up to cup his face in desperation on one last look. Wide in terror and fear but sadness of a dying love.
"Stay here," he muttered, helping Lancelot slide down the bark to the ground. "I'll look ahead, we're close, " he grabbed his hand, "I know it."
Lancelot managed a smile as Merlin's hand disappeared from his and from his vision. He let his head fall back, with no strength left to push for the life that he was battling against death for. He tried to keep things together for Merlin as long as he could, but he couldn't anymore.
He wished he had known his goodbyes would have been his last. Hugs would have lasted longer, he would have held the people he loved tighter, maybe pulled Merlin closer the night before they left when no danger was of any threat.
He sucked in a breath, a rattle followed deep in his chest as he coughed, letting his head fall to the side. Blood dripped down in his vision while he took a quiet chuckle.
He pulled his head up as Merlin came running towards him.
"Camelot's just over the hill," he pointed behind him.
Lancelot was jostled again as Merlin threw his arm over his head. He struggled to get him to his feet, Lancelot no longer able to carry any of his own weight.
"No… Merlin."
"A few more steps, a little bit more Lancelot." He pulled him forward. Each step got heavier and heavier till Merlin was dragging both of their feet forward.
"There's Camelot, it's…" He slid from Merlin's grip, both of them staggered as Merlin rebalanced them.
"Merlin, it's no use."
"No, no, come on. All the knights, Arthur, Gwen, they're waiting, they're all waiting for us," he inched them forward again. "I got you—"
"I got you, you're okay—" they both stumbled, Merlin no longer left with strength for the both of them, they collapsed. The hill, not quite reached for Lancelot to see the overlook of Camelot in the distance.
"Merlin…" he breathed.
Merlin shook his head, his bottom lip trembled as he brought Lancelot's upper body into his arms. "You're…" one hand covered his wound while the other tangled itself in his matted hair. A sob broke from his throat, his body collapsing in on itself as he pressed his forehead to Lancelot's "Please," he begged, "please, I-I can't, I can't, I—"
"Hey," Lancelot cupped his face, "everything will be alright."
He shook his head, "I can't lose you again, please Lancelot."
"Merlin…" he struggled for the name of hope on his lips over his last breaths. "Thank you," he rasped out, "thank you for letting me in, letting me be your friend and so much more."
"No, no…" the word repeated like a mantra off of his tongue. Tears slipped past his cheeks and down his chin, falling and streaking Lancelot's own cheeks with tears that weren't his.
"I'll tell everyone," he stifled a couch, more blood trickling down the edge of his mouth, "you said hello." Lancelot managed a small smile.
Merlin's hand left his wound, stained and covered in blood to cup Lancelot's cheek. He swallowed, "I'll tell everyone you… said hello as well." His voice faltered behind the tears and ache in his throat.
He watched as Lancelot's chest rose, a strong breath among the many weak ones, Merlin took his own. Connecting their lips in a last futile attempt… his final breath left him.
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kurodai-week · 3 years
The Wolf and The Bear
Kurodai day 2! Prompt: Supernatural (Written in chapters, I was feeling inspired, more to follow on my tumblr) Words: 3442 ——————————————————————————————- He waited in the dark for an opportunity to strike. She looked like she was alone. Not a very big bear, he could definitely take her if he aims for her throat. One big bite, even if she throws him off, he could try to land on his feet. He might break a few toes, but that was a very small price to pay if he could get food and shelter for the month. Kuroo stepped out into the clearing by the water’s edge, stalking closer behind the bear who seemed unaware of his footsteps. And just as he was about to lunge, he hears massive footsteps running towards him, causing him to turn wildly around- a giant bear, much bigger than the other was charging at him. Where had he come from, this wasn’t going according to plan at all. He ran back into the woods behind them, running for his life, his heart beating against his chest to carry him further. This was it, he was dying today, and for what- for a life of a petty vendor running errands between tribes for scraps. He could see his life flashing before his eyes as he scrambled into the woods- the grizzly was fast as he was big, even the trees weren’t deterring him like they normally should any bear. He managed to climb a leaf strewn slope up to a jutting rock- hiding behind it to try and catch his breath. He debated running further, calling for help from the neighboring packs- maybe someone would come after all, even if he wasn’t welcome there anymore, maybe they’d mistake his call for someone else. But then he knew, nobody would come. He was alone, and he would die alone, under the jaw of this grizzly. He’d have to put up a fight, and this was his one chance. He takes a deep breath, steels himself, and prepares to die. He aimed for the inside of the bear’s paw- a soft spot, easy to sink his teeth into and try to tear a chunk out of. As he connected with the beast, a terrifying, thunderous roar filled the forest, enough to shake new life into his body- he wasn’t all that small compared to him, his jaw clamping down on his entire paw, sharp fangs digging in deep. But the bear was bigger still, stronger, taller when he stood on his hind legs, and he was being thrashed around in the air like a ragdoll. Then finally, with one last shake, he was tossed into the side of that very same rock. His fate was cruel, but that wasn’t the thought running through his mind when the wind was knocked out of him- the only thought he had, as he whimpered loudly, tears stinging at his eyes- was the excruciating pain shooting through his entire body. His legs, his torso, his head. His head was spinning, the world was spinning- everything seemed to be going dark. This was it. This was the end. He was dying. Like the dog he is, bleeding against a rock in the middle of nowhere. He couldn’t breathe, his ribs surely broken and its contents jostled around. Only his heart seemed to beating still stronger, aching as it pumped life into his body that begged it to stop. Meanwhile, the bear seemed to be in immense pain, stumbling through the woods higher up the slope, leaving a trail of blood behind from its paw. Kuroo closed his eyes then, satisfied with at least that much. That he’d died a fighting dog. If.. if his parents knew, then maybe they’d be proud. And with that, he let the blackness take him. ——————————————————————————————————-  Kuroo opened his eyes. How much time had passed, he didn’t know. It seemed dark still, had it been a day already? No, he didn’t think so- it was his instincts driving him now, he needed a safe place to crawl into. Somewhere he could pass out in peace, not here where some animal or other would find him.
But could he move? He looked down to his legs, they looked bad- bruised dark, he could see it better now on his human skin. He was so sure he looked like a sad sack of meat as a man, but he knew he was too weak to change back, for a while at least. So not only was he on the verge of death, he was in his defenseless form- no sharp teeth or claws, or fur.
He reached down to the little bundle of rags he had tied to his thigh, and suddenly felt pain, bolts of pain running jagged through his torso. He gasped for air, struggling as he undid his clothes and managed to pull his hide-skin on. The bottoms were far worse to get into, his pelvis must be shattered he thought as he willed himself not to cry out loud. Panting, sweating, and delirious from the pain, he looked up the slope- all he needed to do was find a cave to lie down in. He wouldn’t move again for at least a week, but right now, he didn’t want to die of shock when something attacked him for meat as the night went by.
Taking in sharp hissing breaths through his mouth, he gripped at the rock beside him, and discovered that he couldn’t stand. He closed his eyes as the tears came, pain like he’d never felt before- and gritted his teeth, crawling up the slope as best as he could. Thankfully, it wasn’t too steep, and there were roots he could use to hoist himself up- his arms though bruised and hurting, could still carry him.
He managed to crawl on his knees some of the way- though it took the life out of him, which made him wonder if he might just survive this. Funny what 5 seconds of being upright can do to a man. Kuroo looked ahead of him just as the slope began to ease up, and saw the entrance of a tunnel that led into the mountain. It wasn’t used by any humans, that much was certain by the large bones strewn outside of it.
It wasn’t his best choice, but it had to do. The man managed somehow to stand then- his muscles aching, tears streaming down his face- he managed to hobble the rest of the way to the little doorway of the cave and collapse right in the middle of it, elbows hitting the hard granite.
This time he did whimper- and suck in a breath, eyes tired from staying open for so long. Crawling to the wall, he tried to sit up, but it hurt to put weight on his tailbone- so he slumped up against it instead. His peculiar gold eyes glinted towards the dark tunnel, praying that nothing came out of there while he was awake. Or that if it did, it would snap his neck first, do him a kindness.
What he didn’t expect, was a pair of eyes watching him from just inside the doorway- 
human eyes.
Kuroo sucked in a breath, his adrenaline kicking in for a few seconds while he tried to sniff them out. He smelled dangerous, it made him want to roll right out of the cave he’d so painstakingly brought himself crawling into.
What was that smell.. strange, human but, unlike any human he’s ever smelled.
The stranger came forward then, his face illuminated slightly by the moonlight outside- dark hair, dark eyes, his body covered in dark furs, and a rugged face that spoke of immense strength. He didn’t seem hostile.
The two men stared at each other for a while longer- till Kuroo finally becomes aware of the smell of blood on him. Injured, like him, taking refuge in this cave then. But, a quick glance over his body revealed to him that he was nursing his hand behind him, the blood draining from there no doubt.
His gold eyes flicked up to his face just as he’d connected the dots, and so had the other man apparently,
“You should’ve run when you had the chance- I didn’t want to make a body bag out of you-“, the young man said plainly, bringing his bleeding hand out into the light, bandaged roughly with some leaves.
“I didn’t think you’d let me go with my life, after I almost attacked your mate”, Kuroo answered, his eyes studying the man’s affect, his body language was calm, composed. It wasn’t like he was a threat to anyone in the state he was in of course, and clearly he was more in danger than this bear man was.
The stranger didn’t say anything, only looking down at Kuroo’s legs, then at his torso. “Why were you hunting her- didn’t expect a wolf to hunt a grizzly on his own, the stupidest thing you dogs have ever done”
That comment got his hackles rising- a low rumble in his throat, which died as fast as it had come. He was far too much in pain to care about his pride.
“I was hunting for my tribe in the village nearby.. fish was drying up over the fall, deer running far from here- bear would’ve given them fur and meat for weeks-“, his voice was weak, his mind focusing on breathing more than his story.
“You were hunting for humans? You live with them?”, bear man asked, scooting forward to hear him better. He had a curious look on his face, clearly out to get as many answers as he could from the man he’d just maimed beyond repair.
“I.. I travel, and sell my wares..”
“What do you sell..”
“Meat.. clothes, I’ve carried messages and found wives for tribes-leaders”
The man squints at him, not fully understanding, “You’re a matchmaker?”
A little laugh sounded from the injured other as he cranes his neck backwards, reminiscing almost, “Ah h.. I’m a salesman.. I make deals in return for some food, shelter from other tribes”
“So you’re a conman-“, the brown-eyed fellow shot back at him, quick as ever to pass judgement, much to the chagrin of the wolf. However, he wants to continue this conversation, he wants to humor him, play him with his words if he can. “It’s only a con if they’re not happy.. and besides”, this he says with a little more pride, “I sell medicine too, not stolen, crafted by me”
“You don’t run with a pack..?”
Oh, the real questions were starting now. The ones that were difficult to answer.
Kuroo shook his head at him, keeping his eyes cast at the fur that hung over the man’s chest. Grizzly fur.
“Your home..? Home pack?”, he prodded some more, unknowing of the look he would see on the man’s face at the mention of it. Kuroo turned, the dark black hair that hung over half his face was facing him now, eyes cast away from his prying brown orbs. 
Kuroo saw flashes of the faces again, he could smell the fire, the blood. He’d tried to make sense of it, not fully remembering any details only just piecing together what might’ve happened to his home, to his parents and his pack. His siblings, a sharp memory of a chasing game, and his mother.
It took him a few seconds, but with a slow blink of his eyes, he turned back to him, “You..? Your home pack?”
This topic seems to lift up bear’s spirits entirely- causing a wide smile to spread on his lips. Pride in his voice when he says, “Yep- lived here all my life, parents raised me here past the under-fall river, cliffs over there”
Kuroo watched him, nodding at the words, exhaustion climbing over his body slowly but surely. And it seemed that the other man noticed, his dark brown eyes showing some concern, maybe even warmth if he wasn’t imagining it.
Another minute passed before he said, “I can take you to my pack.. heal you there-“
The injured man looked at him, tired eyes, shaking his head, “What, let you take me to a forest full of bears? I don’t think so-“, he started off- but could not shake the look in his eyes as they bore into him, his wounds.
“I’m not going to survive another two days-“, Kuroo said to deter him further.
That’s when he came forward, this stranger who owed him nothing, and locked his eyes into his gold, his voice betraying no hesitation as he spoke the words. “I’m not going to let you die”
Kuroo’s head lolled a little now, which caused him to come closer, holding at his neck with his good hand, supporting his heavy, weary form with his strong arms. His strength was leaving him, so he whispered, brows knitting together as he shook his head at him again, “It’s not your place to save my life.. I tried to attack your family today- you can leave me here and go on with a clean conscience knowing they’re safe-“
“I’m not going to let you die”
His words were spoken even firmer, an air of finality about them, the stubbornness of a bear perhaps. The wolf could only watch those eyes, full of conviction, like they defied death itself to take him from him. And though he didn’t want to be moved, though he didn’t want to fight this awful, heaviness that was setting in his bones, he just knew he couldn’t say no to him.
Or maybe he was too tired to try.
The bear understood that this defeat meant a silent agreement to being in his care, which brought an impossibly warm smile to his face- the man who could have killed him, who came very close to doing just that barely a few hours ago. “Want me to carry you?”, he asked with clinical concern, but the response Kuroo gave was one of misplaced pride, “N o ..?”
Of course, that earned him an amused look.
A heavy sigh before Kuroo nodded, feeling his pride wilt, his tail between his legs at the thought of being carried like a cub to his cave- but the pull at his neck that he somehow expected instinctually, did not come. Instead, strong, capable arms despite his own injuries scooped underneath Kuroo’s torso and his legs carefully. Before he could protest, he was lifted in the air, and held close to his chest.
Swaddled then, like a baby. His mind seemed to snap when he saw the ground below them, a good way away, and he scrambled just a little to wrap his own arms around the man’s neck, wincing in pain from the movement.
And the gall he had to laugh at him. “Just like you dogs~ always the same, put you on a little shelf and all that pomp dies in seconds-“
Kuroo fumed at him, not appreciating the commentary as he was carried out of the cave-
“Alright alright, I’ll stop cause you’re injured”
Stubborn. Big. Stinky. Bears. —————————————————————————————————
He was carried the rest of the way, past the river, and to the forest beyond the shallow fishing pool. The climb in the forest was gentle, the terrain naturally flowing back towards the riverside till it tapered to the side of a mountain. The rocky ledge he walked on was the worst hurdle- Kuroo didn’t dare look down to the depths below, burying his face into his shoulder, and closing his eyes shut.
But then, it cleared out onto a wide shelf overlooking the water- the bear cliffs were beautiful, something he’d only seen in the distance. The side of the mountain had several hollows inside of it- each one, full of sleeping bears.
His mouth hung open when he saw them, hardly believing his eyes.
“This is my home.. and you’re welcome here till you’re healed and ready to leave-“, he spoke finally, carrying him in the dark past several occupied caves and into a smaller, empty one.
He set him down on furs that lined the stone, gentle as a feather, showing exceptional control despite his severely injured hand- which the wolf suddenly felt so much guilt for giving him. Gold eyes heavy with sleep followed him as he walked about the surprisingly warm cave for where it was situated- then watched him as he kneeled by his side, a hollow shell in his hand.
“It’s a salve, should take away the fever and the pain for a little- help you sleep tonight..”, he said softly to the man in his care, trying to ease his worries. Looking down at his body now, the next words spoken were, “Strip your clothes off-“
Kuroo shouldn’t have- he shouldn’t have been able to ignore the exhaustion taking over his body, and look up at the man, a little smile building on his lips. But he did just that, eyes heavy lidded with sleep, but also something else-
The bear nearly huffed at him, raising his brow sternly, disbelievingly.  Was he being, suggestive? Of what? “Or I’ll just cut it off of you, you’re not going to be needing them anyway-“
“Alright alright, I’m doing it-“, he said with what bear could’ve sworn was a giggle. After all that he’d been through, the man was giggling and chortling like a pup as he winced and sat up to pull his hide-skin rags off of his torso. He even had the gall to reach for his skirt, which gave good enough access as it is, “This too..?”
A firm little slap on his ribs seemed to do the trick. The man reeled, and gasped for air as he lay down instantly, to the delight of the brown eyed other,  “Blood seems to be leaving your head, do better to lie down-” 
The sun seemed to be filtering through the air, it was morning after already. Orange rays of light fell on the bear man’s face as he leaned over him and applied the salve to his body.
Kuroo watched him as he did it, carefully, taking all the time he needed- first over his chest and under his ribs, then down to his abdomen. As that hand pressed soft circles into his skin, he watched its fingers travel lower, to his hips, and then to his thighs underneath the rags of his skirt. He went still lower to his knees, his shins, his feet and his toes- leaving a trail of burning-cooling tingles in his wake.
When he was done, Kuroo found himself wishing he wasn’t, waiting for another round of this, whatever it was that he was doing to his body. He’d used salves before on himself, but none hadf felt quite like this.
Oh but he wasn’t done, his warm fingers found their way underneath him, rubbing soft lines down his spine to the small of his back. His face was so close to his body while he touched him, his palm cupping over firm buttocks, and travelling.. between them.
Kuroo’s eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets when the firm fingers rubbed at his pelvic bone. There was not a moment of hesitation or awkward reluctance in the man’s eyes, only concentration on his task. A true healer at work, and a man of his word. He wasn’t going to let him die.
The wolf’s eyes poured into his, the words catching in his throat as he watched the bear put the shell down and wipe his one hand on the wall behind him, the other still covered in a bloody bandage and clotted, dirty. He came back to his patient’s side, smoothing over his forehead with the salved hand, a cool sheen of the stuff masking his skin and instantly giving him relief from the throbbing in his head.
“I’ll go find some crystals for you, they’re in a cave not far from here-“, he said to him, eyes full of not sympathy or even empathy really. They were full of care and quiet devotion. “They’re magic, they’ve healed the worst injuries we’ve had- broken bones, bleeding wounds, cured bad appetites and ailing hearts too”
Kuroo smiled faintly up at him then, “Thank you..”, he whispered, the events from the day fully settling on him as his eyes searched his brown. There was nothing there to read, only, inexplicable warmth. The bear’s thumb rubbed a small circle into his forehead, returning Kuroo’s smile with his own.
“Get some sleep..”
He didn’t have to be told twice, going out like a light as soon as the man had left the cave- sinking into dreamless slumber, and a deep one.
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asmallbirdinmayy · 4 years
I'm not sure why I haven't posted anything here yet since this world craziness started... Normally I would have bombarded it with posts everyday and such.
This social distancing is my life style, so I've been doing pretty okay better than most unfortunatly. Thank you Tumblr, and hours of scrolling for preparing me for this moment in time!
I've been filling my days with video games, reading and trying to force myself out for runs. I've helped my mum clean the house. (She has a bad back and would end up killing myself if I didn't go over every once in a while to help out)
I've also recently shaved my head! Finally, I've wanted to do it for years to see what I'd look like and to get rid of the years of dying it and hairstyle frustrations. I like it, but some days I get self conscious and don't end up going for runs. But maybe I'm just using that as an excuse and I'm just hella laazy!
It's a learning curve for sure, I've been reading a lot of philosophy lately and listening to the philosophize this podcast for the past year now so I've been trying to work on myself, thinking more and trying to meditate and gain self confidence and just be able to help myself help others. If that makes sense? Anyway, cutting off all your hair really helps practice Stoicism. There's no instant regrowth, and my hair takes longer to grow out than normal people.
I do love myself, a hella a lot more than I used to. There's nothing I wouldn't change, and I think that mind set alone has been what gets me out the door more often for runs and wanting to take care of my body and mind!!
I've also been cooking more, to save on money and because I'm not a huge advocate for waste being delivered to my door. I have had breakdowns however, I did it twice, I've ordered breakfast for myself to help me get up earlier and to get better coffee. Because the Maxwell can is not working out for me, and it's so gross, its taking me forever to get through it! I'll still drink it though, because, caffeine! Hello.
Back to cooking more! I've been mostly making mashed potatoes and what nots, but I'll occasionally make a vegan grilled cheese or have vegan hot dogs! I've made some pasta, quinoa and lately before bed I'll get a chia bowl ready to set while I sleep. That's pretty healthy and delicious. I've made terrible pancakes, I accidently got the whole wheat flour rather than the other stuff, soo that wasn't a fun mistake. Alas, no waste, so I have to make it into things!
I also signed up for a sustainable cities online course, lots of reading, but it was on sale. If anything it'll help me plan imaginary cities better in my head and I'll be able to put it on resumes. So level up?
I've re arranged my living room so I can easily switch between laptop and PlayStation without having to get up for any reason! +40 laziness. Aha. Fun.
Cats bombard with with attention and cuddles All. The. Damn. Time. I thought cats were supposed to not care and be independent and stuffs. Not my cats, noo. I wake up pinned, cat by my head, in the curve of my back and on my feet! If I'm laying on my back xews will be on my chest. Like hello! Let me breathe. They follow me to the bathroom, and to the couch! My couch is tiny, and all three of them find a little spot and take up all the space. It's hard to take notes! Anyway. I love them, I love their cuddles I'll never take them for granted and I'll always be like okai in the lap you go! It's nice playing a videogame with your cats stretching their paw onto your paw!. #catmum
Works been telling me the new opening day is July 3rd.. July 3rd two more months of this madness. I'm okay with it though, I'll hopefully finish the online course and get out for more runs! I've signed up the the social distancing run thing, I'm hoping to do a 10k for it!
Our government is all over the place about everything, and its making people crazy! There's lies, uncertainty questions unanswered. There's conspiracies left and right and I don't know which ones to believe. I mean some seem drastic and obviously crazier than others. I'm just not politically educated enough for this. But what if they're true to? I dunno, I've been watching a lot of things and reading stuff of history and stuffs and theirs some people that end up being corrected and proven right when people thought they were insane ? And yea people are just crazy and have their crazy thoughts. I dunno. I just want to have a back seat, and I mean my first and foremost fight is with nature, so my bias towards anything will be on how it affects the future of how we live with nature. If that makes sense? I could go on and on about this part, but this part makes me the most unwary and depressed honestly. I've been crying for days about this and where I stand, I've always been one to stand with the people. But which people? My brain hurts. I'm a sheep guys. I'm a sheep. I'm just a very lost sheeple.
People that I know from South Africa sent me a message saying that they were starving and asked for help, I wasn't sure what to do. I sent them some money, but I don't have much to give. I hope it'll be enough to get them by for a couple of days! I haven't heard from her since? So I don't know?
I haven't heard from my possibly future school yet about the upcoming semester and what to do, am I still able to go? Are they going to be opened by end of August? Will I be allowed to travel to another province? I'll wait till the end of May to send an email and find out! I am not doing that course online, I have a hard enough time motivating myself to do this current baby course. And I really want to do well in this course if I get there! It was a whole thing guys.
Before all this started I had started therapy, volunteering for the theater and taekwando. I'm really sad that i haven't been able to take part in these new hobbies. I had the chance to volunteer for the opening of the wizard of oz production before all the other shows at the theater got cancelled. It was amazing. Maybe I'll be able to do something similar while I'm in Vancouver. I only had one beginning trial class for taekwando, I'm slightly sad because by the time it reopens I'll probably be heading to Vancouver and won't be able to attend.
Cancelling therapy was the hardest, I had just started after years and years of being afraid to go for many reasons. I only got two sessions in before having to stop due to being laid off. But it's okay, because I still have my writing as my therapy. I end up asking the questions to myself while writing. I've read a lot of psychology, well not a lot, but a good amount. But the extra help and guidance was nice. I learned new terminology that applied to myself and my childhood and a couple other things that I'm able to sit back and acknowledge during meditations.
It was like I was finally getting out more, trying to fix myself, trying to go meet new friends and say hello to the world. And then the world was like nah. Back to social distancing! Kay, thaanks.
The last three or so days I've felt a little pull back into myself and I couldn't motivate myself lately. I think a large part of it was due to an argument I had with my mother, and the political drama that's been going on lately.
Wanting to go on runs or outside to enjoy the chilly sunny day has been a struggle, when it hasn't been I'm a while. I was playing ESO with a couple friends when all of a sudden all I wanted to do was just lay on the couch, curl up with my eyes closed and just bleh. I listening to the ESO music for a while and remembered that I haven't wrote anything in a long while on Tumblr or anywhere. So here I am, returning to my old therapy just writing my garbage thoughts to replace them with happier more motivated ones. It's sort of working, we'll see how the day goes.
All in all, I'm okay, my family is okay. And only time will tell what craziness is next for this year!
If anyone read this far down, first of all thank you. You're probably someone that I love! Love you <3 and I hope you're also doing well, and staying safe!!!
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17mounteens · 6 years
Frustrations (Jihoon)
hello it is i here to re-request :) can i request jihoon + this prompt "he's all tired from work and rather,, frustrated and seeing his babygirl in too short pajama shorts isnt helping either" thank you!!!
» Smut.
» Jihoon is tired from work as well as sexually frustrated after not being able to see you for a while nor having had time to do anything himself. Seeing you again, in particular wearing short, tight pajama shorts, does nothing to help.
» If you’re using the tumblr app and can’t see the scenario, which is under a “keep reading”, please try opening the post in your phone’s internet browser (or a computer)! 💕
» 4,269 words
Jihoon held back a sigh and got up from his chair to stretch out a little. It had been yet another long, exhausting day in the middle of so many other similar days, filled with practicing, evaluating, planning and, at the end of it, locking himself up in his studio to work on some rearrangements and drafts for future songs.
He knew it was partially his own decisions that made the days get so long, but he couldn’t help it - as a dutiful perfectionist who felt like the group depended on him a lot, which it did, Jihoon wasn’t able to just relax after practice.
He had to do more, especially now that they had a tour coming up, which meant that he wouldn’t be able to work quite as productively as he wanted to for over a month.
Finally letting out the heavy sigh, Jihoon moved his eyes to the clock on the bottom of his monitor’s screen.
“I guess it could be worse,” he mumbled and got his phone from the desk. Upon seeing a message from you, sent some hours earlier, he got a small smile on his lips.
I’m sure it’s been another long day today, so I wanted to send you some strength! 💕
Attached to the message was a picture of you with a kitten, presumably owned by one of your friends, and the sight of you made his heart feel more at ease, although he also felt regretful about how it had been a while since the last time he had been able to meet you for longer than an hour or two.
Biting down on his lower lip, Jihoon began typing a message to you.
Thanks, that really gave me some strength. Are you still up? Can I come over?
He put his phone down and began shutting down all the programs he had open on the computer, after which he turned off the whole thing. His phone buzzed, and yet another smile-provoking message appeared on his screen.
I’m up and you’re more than welcome. It’s been a while 💕
Jihoon hummed to himself and replied that it had been way too long and that he’d be at your place in ten minutes - it was almost ironic how you lived closer to the building he did most of his work in than he did yet he couldn’t visit you too often.
So close yet so far - all too literally.
While walking to the building you lived in, Jihoon was lost in thought, simply thinking about how his life had been for the past weeks. It had been an eternal cycle of work, food and sleep with hardly a day off, and he wanted to rest on pretty much every aspect: he wanted to just physically lie down, mentally not have to deal with anything, and even socially he just… wanted a break.
But no matter how much he just wanted to spend some quality time alone, his desire to see you, whom he deeply loved, was greater.
During the busy weeks, Jihoon had really missed your smile, your presence, your touch… you’d spoken on the phone a few times and your voice had given him some comfort, but in a way it had also only made him miss you more.
And he didn’t exactly only miss you in a cute way, which had only become more prevalent as his frustrations began growing.
Soon Jihoon was taking the elevator up to the floor you lived in, and not much later you were opening the door to him. You wrapped your arms around him as soon as you saw him.
He let out a soft chuckle and hugged you back, hiding his face in your neck. “It’s so good to see you.”
“You, too,” you said softly and held onto him as though you were still making sure he actually was there. It was a minute later that you finally pulled away with a wide smile on your lips. “Do you want something to drink?”
“Yes, please. Maybe ice tea, if you have some,” Jihoon said warmly and gave your hand a squeeze before following you into your apartment.
He watched you go to the kitchen with a serene smile on his lips; he felt like he had just come home, in more ways than one, and he loved the comfortable feeling of it.
Once his gaze fell lower on your back, however, Jihoon swallowed hard.
You were wearing a pair of pajama shorts: tight, thin and so short that he could actually see the bottoms of your buttocks, and the sight was phenomenal.
The sight made his mind race, and he was almost painfully reminded of how lonely the past weeks had been. He wasn’t frustrated only professionally but also sexually; he hadn’t had the time or energy to jack off, much less to do anything with you, and the need to come had been plaguing him for quite a while. He supposed that’s why he had started to snap easier lately, although he had been putting the blame on stress.
Turned out that it wasn’t quite that simple.
Jihoon’s mind slowly trailed to the last time the two of you had had sex, and as he processed the memory, he followed you to the kitchen and sat down by the table to watch you get him a glass of ice tea.
It would’ve been exaggerating to say that he had forgotten how attractive you were, but he genuinely was taken aback by how amazing you looked with your shorts riding up even higher when you reached for a high shelf or how your shirt tightened around your chest when you poured his drink.
You looked fantastic, and it all, in particular the short shorts, had his jeans tightening and his sexual frustration making itself all the more known as he was dying to just fuck you hard and have you moan his name.
Biting down on his lower lip, Jihoon fell back into the memory of your last time together, when you had had quite likely the longest foreplay up till then. You’d done everything: touched each other’s most sensitive spots a lot, given words of affirmation, given some oral and masturbated each other while making out… by the time he pushed into you, you were drenched and desperate for your release, and he was just as eager to come, too.
It was understandably the hottest memory Jihoon had, and he felt blood rush to his cheeks when he was dragged back to reality by your voice.
“Jihoon?” you asked, sounding like you had just asked him something that he had completely missed, and let out a quiet sigh when he smiled and apologized.  “It’s okay. You just… look really tired. Are you sure they’re not overworking you?”
“Oh,” Jihoon said dumbly and quickly thanked you for the drink before sipping on the tea. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve brought a lot of it upon myself on my own, so…”
“Doesn’t really erase the other members saying that you practice around the clock,” you mumbled as you sat down next to him and pouted a little, taking in just dark the areas under Jihoon’s eyes were. “And you have so many other things to do, too…”
“Yeah,” he sighed and lowered his head to close his eyes for a moment. “It is tiring, I can’t claim otherwise, but… in the end it’ll be rewarding, too.”
“True…” you muttered, still pouting a little. “Is there any way I could make it easier for you?”
Jihoon blinked and lifted his face again. His heart skipped a beat, and he licked his lips. “Well… could I stay over tonight?”
You nodded with a smile. “Of course. Anything else?”
He was silent for a moment before placing his hand on your thigh and stroking it a little. You quirked your eyebrow and were about to ask something when Jihoon gave you a small grin. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
Jihoon had definitely not been the only one who missed being intimate, and you could already feel heat starting to pool between your legs. Grinning, you placed your hand on his thigh, too. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
“I think I can imagine,” he grinned and leaned in to kiss you passionately, tasting mildly of the lemon ice tea he’d just taken a sip of. You sighed contently into the kiss and placed your hands on Jihoon’s shoulders that you squeezed lightly as his hand slid higher on your thigh.
Just as his tongue began brushing your lips, you pulled back and looked at him with slightly hooded eyes. “Bedroom.”
He grinned while nodding and was quick to stand up and pull you up with himself, although as soon as you were on your feet, you took the lead and dragged him into your bedroom.
Finally in the dimly lit room with the comfortable full size bed as your destination, you turned around and wrapped your arms around Jihoon’s neck before locking your lips in a heated kiss. You poured the neediness of the lonely nights into how your lips moved against his, and Jihoon’s own frustrations became easily known through how passionate his kisses were and how quick his hands were to move to grab your ass and pull your body flush against his.
“I’ve missed you,” you breathed against his lips while starting to fumble with the button of his jeans. “And I need you.”
“I need you more,” Jihoon said quietly as he bluntly slid his hands into your pajama shorts to get a better feel of your ass. He grunted and took in a sharp breath. “Just wait and I’ll show you.”
“Show me what?” you asked playfully and pulled back, looking at Jihoon with a twinkle in your eyes while unzipping his jeans. You were fairly confident that you knew exactly what he meant, but you loved hearing him say it.
Jihoon’s lips tugged into a small smirk, and he spoke with a low voice. “How badly I need to fuck you.”
Biting down on your lower lip, you nodded and, placing your hand on his chest, began dragging it down on his body. “I can hardly wait.”
His breathing grew heavier as your hand moved lower on him, and right when you were about to palm his half-hard length lightly through his boxers, he grabbed your wrist and leaned to your ear.
“Let me be in charge.”
You merely blinked, surprised yet incredibly excited from the sudden sense of authority coming from your boyfriend, and grinned when he got your shirt and bra off you and helped you lie down on your bed. He got on top of you and gave you a long, deep kiss before starting to kiss his way down your body, pulling your shorts and panties down when he got low enough.
Threading your fingers into his newly dyed hair, you closed your eyes and focused on how fantastic it felt to feel his eager lips on your skin after such a long time, as well as his tongue gliding on your skin here and there. “Jihoon…”
Jihoon’s ears perked at the way you sighed his name, and it had him growing all the more impatient. He got your panties and shorts off you and, while kissing his way up your inner thighs, he got out of his jeans and boxers, too. Your breath hitched in your throat when his lips pressed on your clit lightly, and he grinned at your disappointed whine when he pulled back instead of giving you more.
“Not fair,” you huffed and looked at him with a pout on your lips, only to be met with his eyes full of determination.
“We’re not in a rush,” he hummed softly and began kissing your inner thighs again, stroking lightly the one that his lips were not on, and gradually moved higher again.
You breathed shakily because every kiss he placed on your sensitive skin made you grow wetter and needier, and so by the time he reached your pussy again, you were already sensitive enough for your back to arch involuntarily when Jihoon gave you a long lick.
He smirked to himself as he began eating you out, holding one of your thighs with one hand and sliding his free hand to his cock to stroke himself slowly. As he grew harder he also got more passionate and vigorous at eating you out, circling your clit with his tongue in ways that he knew had you weak as well as enjoying the way your arousal tasted on his tongue.
Jihoon loved the way you tasted just as much as he loved feeling your fingers in his hair, tugging at it lightly when you felt particularly good. However, eventually he could sense and feel how impatient you were getting, with your hips bucking against his face more and more frequently and quiet pleas leaving your lips, and so he gave your swollen clit one last lick before sitting up and wiping his face.
“You stopped,” you stated the obvious, turned on beyond belief as the only thing you could think about was just how badly your pussy was throbbing. Jihoon let out a low chuckle.
“I did,” he hummed and leaned down to kiss your neck, allowing his shaft to dip between your wet folds. “I figured we could do something else, too.”
You let out a content sigh and stroked his hair. “You sure you don’t want me to suck you off first?”
Jihoon froze for a few seconds, and you smiled to yourself when you felt him nod. “Now that you mention it…”
During the next few seconds Jihoon sat down on your bed and leaned back, supporting himself with his hands. You lay down between his legs and took his hard cock into your hand before giving it a long lick from the base to the tip.
“It’s been so long,” you mumbled half against his shaft and allowed your tongue to glide over it with ease. What you didn’t say, yet what you definitely felt was that you had missed it a lot - Jihoon himself in many ways, yes, but also his cock; how it felt in your hand, how his pre-cum tasted on your tongue, how it felt to have him in your mouth as deep as you could go…
You had missed it all.
Jihoon looked at you intently as you first merely licked his dick here and there, and when you got the head between your lips and sucked lightly, he hissed and bit down on your lower lip.
Oh, how he had missed seeing your lips wrapped around himself, especially when you simultaneously looked at him so sultrily.
“Good girl,” Jihoon said quietly and ran his hand over your hair slowly, which you took as a signal to go down, which was exactly what you did. He groaned when you took as much of him into your mouth as you were able to, moving your tongue on the underside of his shaft as you did so, and pulled your head back up with your cheeks hollowed. “Fuck…”
The hushed cuss word made you clench around nothing, and somehow it was all you needed to go all in on blowing him.
Five or so minutes later, when you were tonguing the slit of Jihoon’s length, his toes curled and you felt his hand on your shoulder. “E-enough, Y/N.”
The stuttering made you raise your eyebrows, and it was with a grin that you let his cock fall off your glistening lips. ���Were you close?”
Jihoon merely nodded and let out a sigh as he held his orgasm back, and once he had calmed down a little, he ordered you to get on your knees with your ass up.
You obliged as readily as always and bit down on your lower lip when you felt his hands on your ass, spreading your cheeks and watching how your skin gave in under his touch. Soon you felt his cock grinding against your skin, dipping between the upper part of the area between your cheeks, and it made you let out a needy moan that was followed by more.
He was so close to being inside of you, and the fact that he wasn’t giving you what you most needed was driving you crazy.
Jihoon looked curiously at how perfectly his shaft was gliding between your ass cheeks, and while he was just as desperate to move on as you were, he still wanted to hear you let out that needy moan one more time.
“Please, ah… Jihoon...”
There it was.
Taking in a deep breath, Jihoon pulled back and guided the tip of his cock to your dripping entrance, figuring that since you were using another form of protection and only had sex with each other, being bare would be fine. He pushed in just a little before leaning down to press his upper body against yours. “Are you ready, baby girl?”
“Yes,” you whined and were just about to wiggle your hips a little when Jihoon began pushing into you little by little, clearly drawing out the pleasure of being encased in your warmth.
While pushing into you, Jihoon placed sloppy kisses on your upper back and shoulder blades, and only returned to your ear when he had bottomed out. “How is it?”
“Perfect,” you said quietly and looked at him from the corner of your eye with a small grin on your lips. “Go on.”
Smirking, he stole a quick kiss from your lips before standing up on his knees. He ran his hands over your ass a few times and spread your cheeks to see just how well your pussy was taking his cock, and the sight had him grunting and his hips bucking involuntarily. You moaned at the movement, which in turn made him hiss.
“God, this looks good,” he said half under his breath and pulled his hips back, taking in just how slick with your juices his cock was. You let out an appreciative “mm” and clutched on your sheets, and once Jihoon pushed back into you, you let out a moan and let your lips remain parted from sheer pleasure.
Jihoon breathed heavily as he began fucking you, loving every little detail of how it felt to finally be moving inside of you, and moved his hands to your hips so that he could take a good hold and pull your ass back against his pelvis with every thrust. Your toes were curling and you could feel pleasure starting to build inside of you hard and fast - it was all too obvious that you had needed to be fucked for a while.
He slammed hard into you time after time, and you moaned in bliss every time the tip of his cock hit a particularly sweet spot inside of you. Jihoon grunted when he felt your pussy clenching around him, and somehow both that and feeling you push against him on your own turned him on to the point where he was soon smacking your ass.
You whimpered at the sensation - just enough for it to feel sinfully good for you and for your ass to sting a bit afterwards - and found yourself only hornier afterwards. “More…”
“More?” Jihoon repeated and smacked your ass again, the sound of it mixing with the sounds of his hips hitting your ass. He grunted at the blissful moan you let out, and his hand met the tender skin of your ass some more times, working as a reminder of why the two of you loved having sex when one or both of you were frustrated: more often than not, it resulted in some more heated sex, often with some spanking and other things involved, and you both enjoyed it to the fullest.
You could hardly focus on anything else but how amazing it felt to have Jihoon moving inside of you as well as he was, with his cock filling you up perfectly and hitting all the right places inside of you. Likewise, Jihoon was mesmerized by how much pleasure he got from fucking you hard, and it was only increased by your loud moans that gave away just how much you were enjoying it, too.
“Y/N,” Jihoon said with a low voice and ceased his thrusts, merely rolling his hips instead. You let out a sound that urged him to continue, and he licked his lips. “Wanna ride me?”
“Yes,” you replied simply, and after some shifting around Jihoon was lying down on his back and you were sinking down on his cock with a moan slipping from your lips. He looked at you appreciatively as you began moving your hips on him while sliding one of your hands up to your breasts to provide some extra stimulation.
Jihoon loved the feeling of your hips moving on him, although his frustrations were still ever-so-present in him and how he still wanted to have the lead. He placed his hands half on your hips and half on your ass and squeezed it.
“Go harder,” he urged and looked directly into your eyes while slowly sliding one of his hands to your front, just enough to be able to massage your clit lightly with his thumb, which had your back arching.
You let out an incoherent reply and placed your hands on Jihoon’s chest before starting to ride him to the best of your ability, knowing exactly how to move your hips for the highest pleasure for both of you. He shut his eyes and hissed when he felt your pussy clenching around his cock a little, and the sinfully good moving of your hips only made him see more stars.
“Oh my god,” he said under his breath, and you grinned when you felt his hands hold you just a bit tighter, his fingers digging into the still slightly tender skin of your ass in a way that you loved as he guided your hips on his lap.
Yet as good as you were feeling and knew that he was, too, you knew that there was something that would essentially seal the deal.
Leaning down, you first nibbled lightly on Jihoon’s right earlobe and then smirked as your lips brushed against it. “Weren’t you supposed to be in charge and show me how much you needed to fuck me?”
His eyes shot open, and when you lifted your face, you saw how his surprised expression slowly turned into a smirk. “Yeah.”
With that, you leaned down to kiss him while he placed his feet on the mattress. When you had lifted your hips a little, he began fucking up into you hard and fast, all the while pushing you down on himself, too. He hit all the right spots inside of you, and having your hard nipples rubbing against his bare chest as well as his lips so hungry against yours added to your pleasure in ways that had you mewling as your orgasm built up inside of you.
He rammed into you desperately, each thrust bringing both of you closer to your releases. You were thrown over the edge without a warning, and Jihoon hissed when he could feel your core clenching rhythmically around his cock. A few thrusts later he released inside of you and broke away from the sloppy kiss to catch his breath.
You rolled your hips as your orgasm still continued to wash over you, and Jihoon grunted at how good it felt, as sensitive as he was. Letting out a content sigh, you got off his cock and just lay down on top of him.
“That was amazing,” you breathed and placed a kiss on Jihoon’s collarbone.
He smiled and stroked your back and thighs slowly, giving you a kiss on your temple, too. “Beyond amazing, Y/N. I really missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” you grinned and looked up at Jihoon with one of your eyebrows playfully cocked. “I feel like something had you particularly worked up, though?”
“Your shorts,” he replied bluntly and chuckled at your surprised expression. “They hardly covered anything, how did you expect me to ignore it?”
“I didn’t,” you said with your lips forming a small smirk. “Do you think it was an accident?”
Jihoon looked dumbfounded for a moment before melting into a bright smile. “Did you seduce me without making it obvious?”
“Maybe I did,” you hummed and leaned in to kiss him sweetly. A smile remained on your lips even when you pulled back. “Are you complaining?”
“Not in the least,” he said with a low voice and shook his head a little before closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around you. “Thank you.”
You knew that his thank you was for many things, and you figured that letting him sleep over - next to you - was one of those things. With a soft smile on your lips, you shook your head and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Anytime.”
The relationship between the two of you was strong, and you had both missed one another equally much, and so it was a pleasure for you, too, to have him sleep over. It was quite a rare occasion, and especially with Jihoon leading such a busy life, you enjoyed any and all time you were able to spend with him to the fullest.
And if you got to witness him sleeping like a baby, it was only a bonus.
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mercurytail · 6 years
Split Instincts
This is a little McHanzo fic that is inspired by the recent RP I was graciously allowed to spectate by @iblackfeathers and @plucky-pomegranate . They were kind enough to let me run with this amazing prompt! I plan to just post small chapters here on tumblr. Once they are all out and finished I’ll link to AO3. ;) I’m thinking about writing in more character development and FEELS.~~ >u< But, I just couldn’t keep this to myself any longer. Enjoy!! @iblackfeathers also made some rough sketches of Dragon possessed Hanzo too! *permission to post granted by artist*
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Synopsis: Hanzo is caught in an exploding facility while on a mission. Gravely wounded, he falls unconscious in the field and McCree and the others manage to get him back to base. The dragon’s sense his body’s struggle to stay alive and they know they have to do something. To help protect him while he is comatose the dragons take possession of his body and have a little fun whilst he is away.
tags: Pre-relationship, light angst, noodle dragons, McHanzo, future smut
^u^ Enjoy and PLEASE comment!! <3 I live for them!!
Hanzo is fatally wound, the whole left side of his chest is shredded and his lung is punctured and collapsed. He bleeds heavily, quickly losing consciousness. McCree finds him and calls for an emergency extraction. Tracer arrives and they escape under heavy gunfire. McCree is forced to Deadeye for the fifth time to ensure their safety. His eye vessels rupture and blood drips down his cheek. Genji helps him carry Hanzo on board the carrier.
McCree keeps watch over the other man closely. He tells himself it's because of the adrenaline and for Genji.
Angela and her staff are waiting when they land, they rush Hanzo to surgery. he flat lines on the table; three times. Each time Angela just barely brings him back. Finally, after a grueling eight hour invasive surgery he is stable and Angela moves him to an ICU unit and post a nurse outside the small room.
After receiving treatment himself, McCree waits for news on Hanzo. Hanzo is in critical condition. Everyone is denied access to his unit. All the team is allowed is the view from the Plexiglas window or visual update via Athena.
Hanzo lies near motionless, He could be mistaken as dead if not for the faint rise and fall of his chest. His face is marred by bandages, and dried blood. An oxygen tube extends from his throat and mouth.
An odd feeling blooms in McCree’s chest and he feels wetness in his eyes, in his confusion he shoves it away to the back of his mind and wipes away the tears.
He visits sparsely, once a day or so; trying not to arouse suspicion. After three days Angela bans him and everyone from the Unit. Hanzo was teetering on the brink of death and she only allowed authorized personnel in and around the room.
But his thoughts still wondered at night. “Athena.”
“Yes, Agent McCree?”
“Can you show me an update on Agent Shimada’s condition?”
“Yes.” A holoscreen appears in front of him as he raised up in bed. On it showed Hanzo still hooked up to many instruments. The eery beeping creeps to his ear. “Show me his vitals.” A second screen pops up, showing Hanzo’s heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and a few more.
A sense of dread builds up within him. He fisted his hand in the sheets and then curled into them on his side. “That's enough Athena, thank you.”
“Yes, Agent McCree,” the holoscreens disappear, “Have a good night.”
Listening to the silence, he then closes his eyes and forces himself to sleep.
It's a week before Hanzo shows significant improvement. The flush of his skin returns bit by bit, slowly his breathing becomes more stable and on day thirteen they remove his indo-tracheal tube and replace it with an oxygen mask.
Angela announces she will reopen the unit to visitors only once he is awake, but access to the room is off limits till then.
That night, just back from a small recon mission, McCree finds himself standing in front of the window looking down at the sleeping man. He is relieved to see Hanzo's progress. Though the amount of relief he feels he doesn’t wish to think on. His eyelids droop, It’d had been a stressful but uneventful mission and he was tired. it’s well past three in the morning and he's feeling the weight of his body. The ache in his bones seeps deeper. His knee joint is ablaze demanding reprieve. ‘Just a minute,’ he tells himself as he sits down in one of the waiting chairs across from the window.  ‘I'll rest and then head back.’ He closes his eyes still keeping them locked on the movement of Hanzo's chest.
‘Master you are dying. Please allow us to save you. We will give you our strength and carry you where you cannot. Give in to us. We will protect you.”
Floating in the black abyss, Hanzo feels cold and yet he also feels nothing at all, his finger tips burn in the icy black sludge. He is scared.
‘I don’t want to die.’
He gives in, ‘Do whatever you must, by any means necessary.’
Whatever had kept him aloft broke away and he dropped. As he falls one thing comes to his mind, ‘Jesse.’
Then he hits.
Hanzo shoots up in the bed. Its blindingly bright, the sterile white room bathed in the sun's morning light sears his eyes.
‘Run!’ He bolts from the bed, not knowing where to go. The machines shrill in a flurry of beeping as he breaks his tubes and wires to them.
‘Hide!’ His instincts scream at him. He screams. He crouches among the hanging curtains, hiding away against the corner of the tiny tiled room.
A door sliding open sounds and footsteps near. ‘FIGHT, HIDE, RUN’
He cries out an call of pure distress, confusion swirling in his head.
A nurse enters Hanzo’s room as per usual. But they find the bed empty, equipment tubes loose and machines beeping erratically. Panicked they are about to press the emergency call button when they hear a quiet hiss sound off in the dark corner of the room. They creep hesitantly toward the wall of curtains. A figure lashes out at them as they reveal its slumped form. The nurse runs screaming out of the room. Soon, Dr. Angela walks in. “Mr. Shimada!” she ducks as a obscure piece of medical equipment is thrown at her. “Call for Ana!!” she says to a nurse coming into the room behind her, “we may need to sedate him. ***
A loud crash shakes Mccree awake. He sits up in the chair, back cracking. The morning sun shines harsh on his sleep deprived face. Two nurses fly past him and barge into Hanzo’s room. He follows them with his gaze. They file in carefully as if trying not to startle something. His eyes cast across the room and there, in the corner of the room crouched like an animal is Hanzo. Torn wires and tubes hang from the man as he folds in on himself and hisses at the staff attempting to placate him.
McCree surges up pushing a nurse out of the way of the door and enters.
Slowly he approaches Hanzo. The man is crouched low to the floor, hissing around his oxygen mask, and lashing out at the nurse nearest him.
“Angela what’s going on?” He asks as he passes her.
“I don’t know! My tech says they found him like this. He is going to reopen his stitches if this continued!” She says with desperation in her voice.
McCree kneels closer to the crouched figure.
“Hanzo,” McCree edges closer and offers his hand.
Hanzo whips around and stares straight at him. Then without any warning Hanzo closes the distance.
He pulls himself into McCrees space and nuzzles softly into his neck. Shocked McCree lightly wraps his arms around the man and strokes his back from neck to hip. Humming softly.
Hanzo makes a sound akin to a purr, if that was even possible and curls into him. But still remains jumpy and vigilant of the others in the room.
After a long few minutes the nurse’s attempt again to return Hanzo to his bed. They are met with growls, and demands for them to leave. Ana then walks into the room. “What is wrong, I was called and it sounded urgent.” she asks Angela with worry evident in her tone.
“Hanzo is behaving manically. I fear he may hurt himself or someone else. I called you to assist with sedating him.” Angela turns to the two men, Hanzo growls toward them still clinging to McCree; giving no sign of backing down or complying.
Angela sighs, “He will not let anyone near him other than Agent McCree. I feel it is an extreme but if you could use one of your darts-” a blue streak startles her as she turns back toward Ana.
“All I needed was your verbal approval,” the wise old lady says as she tucks her dart pistol back into her coat lining. Angela turns to see McCree softly laying a swiftly collapsing Hanzo on the floor.
She motions to McCree to return Hanzo to his bed. McCree nods.
The door clicks shut after the two women make their exit and he looks down in his arms at the man now curled completely in half in his lap.
McCree sits cross legged on the floor laying Hanzo’s head against his thigh. He sees Hanzo fighting to stay awake. His eyes close and flash open. McCree strokes his hair comfortingly.
“Hanzo, Darlin’, How you feelin?” He asks as he sweeps a pieces of hair from Hanzo’s face.
“We are content,” Hanzo hums as he drifts off succumbing to his exhaustion and the serum.
“We?” Jesse just stares down at him, stroking his hand over the crown of his head.
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FGO Destiny Awakenings: CDD #2
Heads up! This chapter is unusually longer than the usual chapters, because one is to make up for the long delay for releasing this chapter... And, another long delay again to release the next chapter ^^;;;
*back in Ritsuka's room* Emiya: Hunger and Sex are different sorts of motivations. Hunger responds to a need. If you don't eat, you die. Sex is not 'in this sense' a need. If you don't have sex, you may feel like dying, but you do not. Ritsuka: How do you know nobody ever died from lack of sex? Caster Cu Chulainn: Because, you're still alive, kid.
-- After the tour in Chaldea HQ at the end of the day 
AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Author Note: Because upon seeing the title of this chapter... This is NOT an R18 chapter! I can fully assure you as long as this chapter is, it's not lemon chapter! Any future potential R18 stuff is not even going to be posted here but at AO3 or else Tumblr will ban my account under no porn allowed!
Sexual experiences are now required in Chaldea HQ
Rows of tables and chair arranged with a tabletop counter in front of the sink. Mash went on forward with her two Masters and newly summoned Servants. “And, here’s Chaldea Organization cafeteria. It caters for hundreds of people, there’s also a well-furnished kitchen at the back for the staff to prepare their own meals–!”
“S-Section chief, are you all right?!” 
Ears perked at pained and alarmed cries from where they stood. Ritsuka deduced on recognizing the second voice, “That’s Meuniere-san’s voice…!”
His legs sprinted off to the door beside the tabletop. Ritsuko accompanied her brother soon after without hesitancy, leaving behind the three Servants confused. Mash jerked out of stupor and followed them, “A-Ah, Senpais!”
In the back room, Meuniere held the first aid kit with a tense clutch. He stayed beside the male figure with brown slicked-haired tied in a loose bun and a goatee, kneeling and gripping his right bloodied hand. “H-Here’s the first aid, Section Chief!” 
“It’s fine, Meuniere-kun. It’s a small scratch!” The Section Chief turned back to his worried colleague with an assured laugh. 
But, Meuniere’s eyes twitched at the sight of his bleeding palm. “T-That amount of blood can’t be something to make light of–!” 
“Are you all right, Meuniere-san?!”
Ritsuka’s voice cut off the two as he came in hastily to where they were. Meuniere switched to him along with the Section Chief with a shared surprised look. “R-Ritsuka-kun?! Why are you–!” 
“Mash-chan brought us here for a tour and to have our lunch–!” It’s Ritsuko’s turn next as she arrived behind her brother upon entering. Her orange orbs glimpsed upon the bloodied hand, and she came to the Section Chief. “Y-You’re hurt?! W-What happened?!” 
“Th-The Section Chief was making his lunch earlier while I came here to make my coffee. He had been careless and hurt himself when peeling the carrots…,” Meuniere’s eyes switched between the siblings and his Chief every now then.
The raven-haired Master widened his eyes, his sister gasped at the source of his injuries. The said Section Chief, however, stood still with a strange expression written on his face. His brown orbs focusing on the siblings and their words drone out from his ears.
Ritsuko turned back to examine the wounds. A deep cut at the edge of the right palm bleed profusely, causing the orange-haired Master’s eyebrows furrowed, “It’s terrible…” 
Beside her, a gentle blue aurora light emerged and formed a familiar white-haired figure. He stretched his head forward to inspect the wound. “It doesn’t look to affect his magic circuits, so a simple treatment would suffice, Master.” 
Meuniere nodded in agreeing what the Archer noticed and included. “I wanted to take him to Roman-san, but he told me not to as he’s still busy with the counseling. The first aid should suffice–!”
“I can heal him with my runes if you wished to treat it as soon as possible. It will grow worse if he leaves it open.” Another familiar voice interrupted Meuniere again with his tone mixed with a warning.
Ritsuka turned behind and acknowledged his Servant’s presence, “You could do it, Caster?” 
Standing beside the concerned Mash, Cu shrugged and threw a confident smirk to his Master. “Sure, kid. I’m not your Caster for nothing so you can count on me.”
Meuniere made a nervous gulp and stepped back when the Caster approached the Section Chief. Once Cu stopped in front of him, he stretched his right hand forward slightly before lifting his index and middle finger pointing towards the wound, “Uruz!”
Finger stroking across the air, a glowing rune appeared momentarily before the brown-haired man’s right palm glowed. The wound has ceased bleeding, closing the open wound till it sealed. 
With the wound treated and traces of blood vanished, Ritsuko’s orange orbs widened and murmured in awe, “It’s… Healed?” 
Satisfaction and pride shone on Cu’s face and smirked, “What did I tell you? How does your hand feel, Onii-san?” 
“Yeah, Chief?” Shifting back to the said figure, Meuniere became stunned at his remained strange expression on his face. He lifted his right hand to wave before the Section Chief’s face, “Um… Chief?”
“H-Huh?!” Brown orbs caught sight of Meuniere’s fluttering hands, the Section Chief realized the worried faces of his colleagues and the two Masters. Also, the tentative yet awaiting expressions of the two Servant’s face. Caster’s words went into his head a second next, “Oh, right, the wound!”
Back and forth between the blue cloak Caster and his healed wound, his mind processed all that took place seconds ago.  “Thank you very much for the help, Mister Caster! And, you…”
Once his eyes landed on the siblings, Ritsuka smiled at him. “Pleased to meet you, I‘m Fujimaru Ritsuka. 
“The one standing beside me is my younger sister, Fujimaru Ritsuko.”
“Nice to meet you, sir!” Ritsuko nodded with a bright grin. 
“Fujimaru… Ritsuko…”
While muttering her name with his head turned to the side, the Fujimaru siblings looked at each other before shifting back to the Section Chief. The orange-haired Master tilted her head and nudged with a wary tone, “Um, is there something wrong…?” 
Again realizing he received strange stares from not merely the two, but her Servants and his own colleagues. He assured with a pleased grin, “A-Ah, no! Not at all! I’m Agano Sadakuni, the Section Chief of the Control room. Thank you for treating my injuries, you two and Caster-san with you!” 
“Drop the suffix, and I’ll accept your thanks. But I’d advise you to avoid doing any cooking if you want to have your hand to bleed.” Cu’s red orbs focused on his healed right hand to emphasize to him. 
A bright grin stretched across Sadakuni’s lips as he laughed, “It’s fine, I’m alright! Plus, I still have my lunch to make finish too.”
“But Caster said–!” Before Ritsuko could include in her own reminder, Archer walked ahead to the counter behind the Section Chief. 
His black orbs focused onto the vegetables at the side, and the chopping board used earlier to chop the carrots. 
“Is there something wrong, Archer-san?” Mash’s voice broke his thoughts, delivering out everybody’s curiosity at Archer’s movement. 
Heavy and a reluctant sigh slipped from the Archer’s lips. He faced back to everyone, especially towards the two Masters. “Masters, do you have any special food allergies?” 
“Allergies?” Ritsuko’s orange orbs glanced to her left to ponder before returning with a shook of her head, “No, I don’t.” 
“No, I think?” At the familiar growl, he heard beside him, Ritsuka nodded in agreement, “Yep, even her stomach confirms it.” 
The younger Fujimaru snapped her head to her older brother with a frown after hearing his own stomach rumbling. “Use your stomach to confirm instead, blockhead!” 
Disregard to their quarrels of whose stomach started first, Archer’s black orbs directed to Mash. The latter shook her head and responded, “I have no food allergies. Neither does Fou-san too, Archer-san.”
Fou squeaked to respond to Archer’s question. “Kyu kyao! Fou, fooouu!” 
Meuniere muttered next once Archer’s black orbs landed on him, “No allergies in particular…”
Sadakuni nodded before making a querying face to the Archer, “Same with him, mister Archer. Is there a particular reason you ask?” 
With another short breath left his lips, Archer decided with a detached tone, “Very well. Then, Ritsuka, I’ll need your help in assisting me in the kitchen.” 
“Eh? Err… S-Sure!” Forced to cease arguing with his sister, Ritsuka felt stunned for a minute before replying with a confused stare.
The white-haired Servant didn’t bother to clarify himself and went on, “Master, Mash, do you mind getting the cutlery and plates? If conceivable, could you find large plates and return them back here?”
“Yes!” Ritsuko shook up when Archer addressed to her and Mash.
“Understood, I’ll do my best!” Mash replied at the same with Ritsuko. She spun towards the latter and added, “I know where the plates are, so follow me, Senpai.”
“Okay!” The two ladies left with Fou sitting on Mash’s shoulders.
After seeing them leave, Archer instructed while turning his back to them. “The rest who are uninvolved please wait outside the kitchen.”
“S-Sure! Let’s go, chief!” Meuniere turned towards Sadakuni after acknowledging to Archer. 
Watching the two staff leaving the room as instructed, Cu hummed to himself, “Then, I’ll go–!”
“To that Caster over there, do you mind ordering him to be a watchdog if he has nothing better to do?”
Again, pressing onto his button on purpose by Archer, the Caster Servant turned back with a nerve twitching on his forehead. “Why, you–!”
The raven-haired Master ran to the front of Caster. Both hands went forward onto his Servant’s body to push him towards the exit as Ritsuka proposed, “A-Ah, that’s right! Why don’t you help bring more ingredients for us, Caster?”
Ritsuka slammed the door in his Servant’s face before the latter finished. He let out a fatigued sigh before shooting back to his sister’s Servant. “Don’t you have a better way to tell him to leave? We don’t need round 2 also in cleaning up before the meal, Archer.”
“To deal with a Hound of Chulann in this way, it was necessary,” Archer countered in an aloof tone. His red overcoat evaporated by a blue light exposing his black sleeveless shirt while putting on the apron on the counter. “Master, could you take the onions in the fridge?”
“… Ritsuka?” Archer turned behind when noting the said Master hadn’t responded moments later.
Ritsuka’s jaw dropped, and his eyes enlarged at what he saw earlier. Yet, he realized Archer shot him a questioning expression and shook out from his trance, “R-R-Right, onions! Will get them!” 
Dashed to the fridge and opening it, Ritsuka scanned and grab the onions once found. While taking his face revealed back his disbelief face from earlier and thought. “I’m not daydreaming, right…? His clothes did not just evaporate into thin air, right?!”
Hours later outside the cafeteria, the Chaldea staff along with Mash and Ritsuka had their eyes sparkled with amazed on what’s on the table. 
A pot of creamy clam chowder had Meuniere drooling from his lips. 
Familiar food Ritsuka recognized such as the fluffy Dashimaki, crispy Karaage Chicken and Tonkatsu cutlet. 
His heart swelled at the nostalgia of longing his home-cooked food back in Japan.
Last, Mash and Sadakuni marveled at the colorful Caesar Salad, juicy Grilled Bacon and slices of hot toasted Garlic Bread before them.
Wiped his wet hands with the apron, Archer summarized the knowledge he learned from the Demi-Servant, “According to Mash…. I’ve cooked for a minimal of 20 people in this organization. 
“There should be enough servings for everyone with a range of dishes for both lunch and dinner–!” 
“Seconds, please!” Ritsuko who had begun her meal shoved out of her empty rice bowl towards Archer. 
Fou joined her too and pushed the small plate with his paw out. His mouth stained in brown gravy from the Grilled Bacon, “Kyu, kyao!” 
As the Demi-Servant took the napkin on the table to wipe Fou’s face, Meuniere commented. “A-Amazing, all of these looks completely the same as the dishes in a 5-star restaurant.” 
“A-Ah, and it’s enough serving for all of us at least! Until tonight maybe…,” Sadakuni commented. He switched back to the white-haired Servant and grinned, “Thanks for your service, Mister Archer. Wait that doesn’t sound right…”
Archer, however, shrugged it off with an offhand reply, “It’s nothing. I’m purely a Servant helping my Master along–!”
“I meant your name. It’s strange if we kept addressing as Mister Archer, and who knows if there are any other Servants from the Archer-class called into the Chaldea. Even if it’s a fake name, we don’t mind,” Sadakuni cut in with a sheepish grin. 
The raven-haired Master nodded and admitted with a grin, “He’s right. You’re our comrade now, so a name would be easier for us to refer to you.” 
“Please…!” Ritsuko clapped both hands together, her eyes shut to plead her Servant. “For me, Archer?”
Not only her, but Mash also showed an earnest and curious expression to him. Fou and Meuniere stared at him with anticipation. 
The white-haired Servant’s mouth was agape at their persistence in learning his identity. A sigh left his lips deciding there’s no harm in exposing to them. He came back with a murmur, “….. Emiya.” 
A considerable breath exhaled from Archer's lips and repeated with a clearer voice, “Emiya is fine if you insisted.” 
Both blue and orange orbs widened, both siblings turned to each other and grinned at their victory. Mash showed a grateful and warm smile to him and bowed, “Then it’s a great pleasure to work with you together and Caster, Emiya-senpai.”
“Thank you for the food again, Emiya-san!” Meuniere bowed with a delighted beam on his face, making Sadakuni grinned before turning back to the food. 
Unknown to them, Emiya had a faint exasperated smile on his face at their reaction before turning towards the door. A familiar blue-haired Caster entered holding large plates on a tray dish in one hand and a large pot in another. “Young lady, I delivered them as you requested.”
“Thank you very much, Caster,” Mash turned and headed towards Caster and seized hold of the pot in his hand
“You saved us the trouble, Caster. Thanks,” Sadakuni took the other cutlery from Cu before turning to Mash. “Mash-kun, would you mind helping me to bring the food to the rest?” 
“Sure, I don’t mind but–!” Mash nodded with a slight concern expression before changing to the two Master. 
While Ritsuka took his seat after receiving his foods, Ritsuko still gulping down the next bowl of rice after Emiya sighed and gave it to her. She then glanced up to see Mash staring at them, “Eh?”
“Ah, don’t worry about us, Mash-chan! We’ll be here for a while, so please help him!” The orange-haired Master assuredly replied to her with a grin. 
Ritsuka nodded, “Yeah, we’ll wait for you to return to join us, Mash.” 
“Understood, Senpais,” Mash smiled. She turned back to the Section chief and included, “I also have something to discuss, Section chief.”
Understood what she hinted, Sadakuni replied, “If it’s about that, then sure. Meuniere-kun, could you lend a hand too?” 
After telling the siblings she’ll return shortly, Mash assisted both Chaldea staff in collecting different foods onto the plates and pot. She took off with them carrying the container while the other two moved many plates onto the tray dishes. 
Noted that it’ll take a while for her to return, Ritsuka returned to his plate to continue eating. But, as he was to do so, he spotted his attention at the two Servants. “Emiya-san, Caster, aren’t you guys joining us?” 
Cu had reached to their table and pulled the chair opposite to sit. “I’m not that hungry, but one or two is fine, kid.” 
As he gave him a small nod, Emiya who was clearing up Fou’s plate, responded, “I’m all right. My job is finished once you are both fed, us Servants don’t require human food.” 
He approached Ritsuko next and picked her plate, bow after she expressed a ‘thank you’ to him with a shocked look. Though she recollected a memory in Fuyuki, her head swung between both Servants while questioning, “Eh?! But back then, Caster went out to hunt–?!”
“Oh, that?” Cu plucked another Kaarage Chicken from the plate and threw into his mouth to chew. “Your brother drained out most of his mana supply, so the food was to recover the energy before fighting against Saber.” 
Ritsuka’s brows furrowed and determined, “I see, so you guys eat when you feel like it?” 
“More or less, or when the food is good. Or, if both of you ran out of supply to maintain us materialized.” The Caster shrugged and three another piece of chicken into his mouth again. 
Nodded as she understood, Ritsuko asked next, “That makes better sense… But, what do you guys eat to recover your energy?”
“Like your kind partakes of meat as nourishment,” Emiya returned with another bowl full of rice and set before Ritsuko. “Servants partake of spirits and souls.” 
“Humans souls?” The raven-haired Master repeated his last word. 
Emiya nodded and elaborated somewhat, “The more they ingest, the greater their prana stores become.”
“But why? Isn’t it enough for you guys when your Masters supplies the mana?” Ritsuko asked with a concern established in her tone. 
“Don’t get the wrong idea, imouto-chan. It’s not like we are unhappy with what they supply with us. But, there’s the saying that more is always better. For example, of those corrupted Servants back there, to absorb energy from nearby humans is a basic stratagem of a Master.”
Cu’s indifferent and straightforward reply caused the orange-haired Master flinched and gulped from dread at the knowledge. This didn’t go unseen by her brother who replied while making a glimpse at her, “I see…”
They couldn’t forget at the memory from being targeted. Hence they figured out what they were to the Servant. 
But, Ritsuka grew concerned at the dire necessity if followed that their own Servants required innocent lives to sustain themselves alive. 
While both dismayed at the knowledge, Emiya exhaled and shifted his head aside. “To make matters clear, I would never do something like this.”
“I’m not interested in killing people either,” Caster raised his hand to wave off the tense atmosphere before shooting a look at them. “Unless, that’s an order, however.” 
“I believe it’s something we can agree on. Since neither of us would want it,” Ritsuka raised his hand to give his sister a few assuring pats on her head. 
Exhaled a relief sigh, Ritsuko took her rice bowl to go on eating once she’s at ease from the declaration. 
Emiya turned his head back to return to his explanation, “Alternatively, Servants do intake alternatives for nourishment such as blood.”
“You mean like the blood transfusion from one to another? Or, the vampire kind intake?”
“The vampire intake humans defined as, kid. It’s a great source since it’s able to hold in the magical energy for some time after leaving,” Cu paused for a second. Then, he raised his hand once more to wave off before picking up another Kaarage. “But, I’d rather stuff on food when called for.”
“Uh huh…,” Ritsuka took hold of his cup to drink and confirmed. “So, no need to bare our necks for you to suck us dry?” 
Emiya nodded to the raven-haired Master drinking down his beverage, “That’s right.” 
Picking her cup to alleviate her thirst, Ritsuko questioned, “But isn’t there anything else that’s more comfortable for you guys to have? It’d be a headache when we are out on a mission, and you guys will be down on mana.”
“About that–!”
“Oh, there is one other way, imouto-chan,” Cu interrupted Emiya which received a glare from the latter. 
“And that’s?” Ritsuka prodded while gulping down the next sip.
Cu smirked at the interests from both siblings, “The sexual fluids from our Masters.” 
Both eyes went wide as saucers. They immediately turned aside from each other and spit out the drink violently. Both Ritsuka and Ritsuko coughed to calm their throat and returned to yell at Caster. “WHA-WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!”
“Oi, Caster!” Emiya’s black orbs narrowed and rebuked at Cu’s blunt answer. 
“What? They need to know one way or another, eventually.” Cu turned to the Archer and shot him an impassive face.
“S-S-Sexual fluids, you say?!!” The orange-haired Master repeated with her face in beet red color. 
Turned back to the two Masters, Cu’s lips curled an impish smile, “That’s for female Master. The male Master will be your–!” 
“I-I-I hear you for the first time!” With a red tomato face, Ritsuka slammed his hand on the table, “B-But why is it ‘that’ of all things?!” 
Cu reminded to the two at their present situation, “Well, none of you learned how to share magical energy back there. Besides, our contract creates both physical and spiritual paths. So, there shouldn’t be an issue isn’t it?”
“A-At least, answer my question first!” Ritsuka exclaimed.
Emiya sighed reluctantly and made to explain, “Both sexual fluids has a cluster of magical energy. 
“It’s the same with human blood, but a sexual intimacy wouldn’t threaten our Master’s life. Hence, it’s one of the most common methods in transferring of magical energy.”
“No need to worry if you’ve got zero experience, kid. I’ll be more than willing to guide you.… Unless there’re problems about that,” The Caster raised one of his eyebrows as his red orbs focused at Ritsuka’s lower part of the body.
Three seconds later, Ritsuka realized where his red eyes settled and displayed a flabbergasted expression*. “W-Wh-What do you–?!”
The two Servants and raven-haired Master switched their attention to Ritsuko. Her head lowered hiding the upper half of her face while she confessed in a stammer, “I-I mean... I don’t have an issue... Since I have some... With women only since...”
A darker shade of red bloomed on her face after the nerve-wracking confession. A blank expression from both Servants stared her in silence. Emiya, the one who broke the unpleasant mood, let out a relieved sigh, “Seems like your sister has come to terms in her role, Ritsuka.”
“Aah,” Turning his attention back to his Master, Cu prodded his earlier question. “She has no protests to this. So, what about you? Are you impotent or there’re no ladies to your liking, kid?”
“No, I have zero romantic interest in women—! But, that’s not the point!” Ritsuka stopped from explaining further. He questioned with a flustered face. “Are you guys not making bullshit from a pervert writer’s excuse?!”
“T-That’s right! What do you mean by ‘sexual fluids’ storing mana energy?! No way, such things like this exist in the first place!” The orange-haired Master added her own input too. 
The Caster leaned back on his seats with arms folded, “It does, it takes place from a ritual described by humans as Tantrism. I’m sure you know somewhere in your history.”
A moment of pause again, Ritsuka facepalmed with an exasperated grown, “Don’t even tell me about it...”
“For now, there’s no need to worry about mana supply. 
“The Chaldea provided adequate magical energy for us to do as we please,” Emiya informed both distressed and frustrated Masters. 
Ritsuko frowned at the information and pointed out, “There’s that, but who knows what’ll happen the moment we–?”
“I’m back, Senpais–!”
“GYAH!” The orange-haired Master flinched and nearly jumped out of her seat. Both Fou and her brother showed surprised looks by her reaction. 
Turning to where the voice came from, Mash shared the same startled expression as Ritsuko. “I-Is something wrong, Senpai? Did I scare you by accident?”
Orange orbs blinked in confusion at what she meant, Ritsuko realized and hastily reassured, “N-No, nothing! I-I’m just surprised that you’ve come back! Fast trip, huh...? Ahahaha...”
Behind her, Emiya made another exasperated sigh while the Caster snickered at her reaction. 
Ritsuka made an exasperated sigh while shaking his head. “Anyway, Mash, pick up your food before we continue the tour.”
“It’s alright. I’ve taken my lunch with Sadakuni-san back in his office while we were discussing. So, I’ll wait for Senpai instead.”
The raven-haired Master saw her violet orb gazing at his untouched food. Let alone his meat, he had barely eaten any of the food on his plate. With a guilty grin, he admitted, “Right... Better dig in...”
Took the cutlery in his hand, he cut the bacon into smaller pieces. Though as he took it up with his fork, Ritsuka watched Fou leaped across him and seized the meat into his mouth. “H-Hey, that’s mine!”
“Fou!” Fou squeaked to hint it’s his fault for offering out in the open before gulping down into his mouth.
Watching his Master arguing with the furry companion with an amused grin, Cu made a grunt and rose from his seat. “Hmm... I should grab some bite before we continue.”
As he walked out from his seat to get a plate, his upper robes degenerated in a white light before disappearing. Ritsuko watched his robes disappeared and leaving behind only his gray sleeveless top, swung to the side to spit out her food violently. “W-W-What—Y-Y-Your clothes?!!”
While the orange-haired Master coughed with a red face, Ritsuka muttered with his eyes averted away. “Glad I’m not the only one who was seeing things…”
“About that, Senpais…. Servants have control over of the armor they wore. Their armor is formed by magical energy so they can call it forth when required.” Mash explained as she approached closer to where they were.
“I see…,” Ritsuko coughed one last time to calm herself. Though, a thought entered her mind before returning to the Demi-Servant, “What about that armor when you are Servant, Mash-chan?”
“Ah, that… That was what the Heroic Spirit had given me to transform for combat, as its only powers allow me to transform when I required to.” Mash replied which made Ritsuko hummed thoughtfully to herself. 
“If you’d like,” Appearing beside the Demi-Servant, the Caster put his arm around her shoulder with a smirk on his lips. “I can give you training for that, little lady.”
Both Fou and Ritsuko hissed and glared respectively once more at Cu’s unwelcome gesture towards Mash. Ritsuka was about to sigh at the fury before flinching at cold, and sharp feeling grazed passed him.
A familiar black sword zoomed past between Mash and Cu stabbed to the wall behind. As it vanished, they swung to see Emiya at the other end, coolly picking a used plate while commenting. “I’m sorry, it looks like my hand slipped there–!”
A baseball-sized fireball’s heat grazed past Archer’s cheek interrupted him. 
The fireball exploded behind Emiya, creating a black burnt into the hard wall. Ritsuko stood from her seat with her jaw dropped wide open, “E-E-Emiya-san!”
“My bad, my fingers slipped, Archer,” Cu scoffed before firing a taunting smirk back at Archer. His fingers set back down before grasping the wooden staff appeared before him.
Black orbs glared pointedly at the Caster, Emiya set down the plates on the table. After that, blue light generated from both hands to create the black and white swords in his hands. Both Servants positioning their weapons before getting ready to attack.
“Guys, can we set up the rules that there shall be no stripping of your armor anywhere permitted other than your own room? So,” Drawing a calm, deep breath, Ritsuka stood up and yelled. “Finish your strip wrestling session outside the snowstorm!”
“And, that’s how we wasted the last of our Command Seal…,” Ritsuka summarized. His blue orbs moved along with hands flipping a page in his hands.
After finishing their lunch, the Fujimaru siblings continued with Mash and their Servants in the tour. But while exploring, Ritsuko suggested to Mash to go on without them as they wished more time to look at the books in the library.
Something that the raven-haired Master knew it’s a lie, seeing Ritsuko sitting on the ground while complaining. “It’s not my fault that Caster was becoming all too touchy with Mash-chan…”
Blue orbs rolled at her excuse, Ritsuka reminded her in a mocked understanding tone. “Right, and it’s not your fault that Emiya-san gained more mana than before to kick Caster’s ass.”
Because it didn’t justify how Emiya gained more energy to launch powerful projected swords with his bow. Though, it’s easily guessed when his sister encouraged him on with another use of her Command Seal.
But, Cu blocked and dodged most with courtesy of the furniture as a decoy. His Servant being unharmed was one thing, changing the cafeteria into a war zone was another right after they cleaned one place.
Ritsuko glared back at her brother, her turn next to remind, “Oh, please! Like it’s my fault that Archer is more than eager to shove him back to that throne of heroes, Ritsuka!” 
Another roll from his eyes to his sister, Ritsuka let out a tired sigh from his lips. “Anyway, we’re now unsuited to head for the next Singularity until all of them returned.”
The orange-haired Master stared at the back of her right hand showing three pale pink markings of the Command Seal. “Ditto, Mash-chan was furious at us for what we did to the cafeteria.”
Both siblings received a scolding from Mash too for not working to stop them and supporting them to fight among each other. 
“Takes magical energy as well to clean up that mess,” Ritsuka stared at the back of his right hand too. The last of his Command Seal granted to Cu for more mana in repairing broken furniture and decorations while cleaning.
But as his mind drifted to the Demi-Servant, he shifted to back to his sister with one of his eyebrows lifted. “Speaking of Mash, shouldn’t you be with her touring those two around?”
“I went around with her while you’re asleep earlier. Besides, shouldn’t YOU be the one to be on tour instead?” Ritsuko turned back to her brother to return his question again at him.
Waved the book in his hand, the raven-haired Master responded. “The report I had gathered and written was too general to identify anything about the Heroic Spirit she contracted with. Besides, Mash said there’s a holographic map of the headquarters inside the wristwatch.”
“Wait, there is?” Ritsuko switched back to lift her hand and fidgeted through the holographic screen from the watch.
“Yup, right under ‘My Room’ option and you’ll be able to see it–!”
As Ritsuka turned to leave stealthily, his sister rose and clutched his collar firmly in one hand. The other lifted to gesture the door behind, and she interrogated, “The exit is that way, so where do you think you’re going?”
“To find a sign that announces ‘Wingman Consultation Service is closed for today,’ Ritsuko. 
“Ask Emiya-san instead, he’s got better info on mana transfer from sex!” The raven-haired Master sought to pull away by shrugging off to free her grip.
But, Ritsuko tightened her grip and rebutted, “Oh come on! You consider it’s easy to ask our enemy-slash-newly turned ally for this?!”
Ritsuka reminded and struggled harder than before. “You already had experience in sex, it should be easy for you. Besides, whose fault is it I’m missing out to meet the world greatest genius, Leonardo da Vinci?!!”  
Screw his role as her wingman, he’d be more than willing to become dead and turned into a spirit to meet him. 
“You’re the last person I need to hear from, you virgin ex-Otaku! You can always find him another time, so I don’t see a problem there!” The orange-haired Master countered. She tugged him closer while pointing out, “And, it’s Mash-chan we’re talking about! I… I can’t do ‘that’ with her because if she needs mana supply for our mission!”
“Then don’t, you moron! Remember your softball rules here. You move to the first base, second, third and home base—!” Ritsuka stopped his midway when a thought hit his mind. At once, he concluded with a decisive tone, “You know what…. Remember to find a room when you start mana transfer.” 
“What kind of person I am to do it for mana transfer?!” Ritsuko’s eyes twitched at her brother’s absurd suggestion. 
“Would you like me to recall the times I walked in on you and your ex-girlfriends? I mean, you went out with them for a few months for some of your exes. And, that took place, really?” Turning behind to shoot his sister a pointed expression, Ritsuka dared her to quip back.
To his expectation, Ritsuko’s face turned crimson at the memories she recalled. She withdrew her hand from his collar to turn elsewhere and sulked. “That’s your fault for walking in and getting traumatized…”
“That’s rich coming from an experienced woman who never locks her door when it happens,” Ritsuka quipped while adjusting his collar and coat. 
Dropped to the ground, Ritsuko let out a disheartened sigh and hid her head into her knees. “I can’t believe this…. What kind of work as a field researcher requires you to have sex with your colleague from this bullshit…?!” 
“Trust me, as bullshit as it sounded…,” Ritsuka crouched down beside his sister and sighed, “It’s the real deal there, sis. Magical energy transfer exists as much as it sounded like an excuse to write a horrible eroge game.”
“At least place it in their advertisement with bold words to turn innocent people away from this…,” The orange-haired Master grumbled.
“If they do, they’re imprisoned for attempting to set up sex trafficking people like us for prostitution.” 
Seeing his sister groaning her dissatisfaction, Ritsuka spared an understanding grin for her. He lifted one of his hand to ruffle her head, “As far as they’ve said, they have sufficient mana to be on their own for a while. I’m sure she wouldn’t want it that way if she knows it will make you uncomfortable.” 
Raised her head, Ritsuko heaved a sigh and murmured. “It’s a wonder she’s taking things calmly about this if she knew in the first place…”
The raven-haired Master hummed before acknowledging, “She’s our Senpai in this field with the magus and staff here. She had no alternative but to accept how their world goes.”
“But, it doesn’t make both of you any less than my Senpais, Senpais.”
Both Fujimaru siblings flinched at the recognizable voice behind Ritsuko. They swung over to see Mash returned with both Cu and Emiya behind her. Standing up hastily, Ritsuko greeted her, “T-That was quick for the tour, Mash-chan. Welcome back!”
Cu raised his right hand to dig his ear, “You could say that, imouto-chan. Chaldea’s third summoned Servant wasn’t in his workshop when the little lady took us around. So, we came back quickly once we finished looking around.” 
“That… Can’t be helped, huh…?” Ritsuka’s shoulders dropped and sighed in disappointment. So much for his struggles to slip away from his sister to find his admired idol. 
After doing a brief glimpse of the library, Emiya’s black orbs landed onto the book in Ritsuka’s grip, “A book about Arthurian legend?”
“Some light reading while waiting for you guys, Emiya-san. And, again thinking what alternative ways are possible for mana transfer with her during our mission….” Ritsuka headed towards the shelf at the far end to put the book where he found.
“H-Hey, Ritsuka!” Ritsuko called out furiously at him for slipping out their secret conversation. 
But, the latter ignored her outburst and blinked in surprise at the unusual feeling on the bookshelf backboard.
“You guys are still wondering about that?” Cu questioned. 
The raven-haired Master moved his right hand to gesture towards his sister while fiddling at the bookshelf, “It’s her, not me.” 
As Ritsuko was about to yell at her brother for spilling out any further, Mash’s voice cut off with a reassured tone. 
“If it’s that Senpai, the leyline we connected to Chaldea will provide us more mana.” 
“It does…?” The female Master shifted her attention to the Demi-Servant with a curious expression.
“Not only the purpose of finding a Leyline to connect is necessary,” Mash raised one of her fingers as a signal to continue her explanation. 
“The Leyline provides as another mana source to Servants to avoid draining too much energy from our Masters, Ritsuko-senpai.”
“I-I see, I believe this settled one of our main worries!” Ritsuko nervously grinned back at her. Though, she shot a glare to her brother who muttered ‘You’re the one being a nervous wreck here.’ The orange-haired Master shook her head, “Anyway, where are we heading off later?”
“Before that, there’s something I’d wish to confirm,” Emiya approached and stood beside Mash before she could suggest anything. 
“Masters, do you have any basic combat experience other than the battle in the previous Singularity?”
“Other than fighting those skeletons, nope,” Ritsuka shook his head firmly. 
Tilted her head, Ritsuko queried, “I guess you wouldn’t think fighting one-on-one in school sport as experience, would it?” 
“No. but, if that’s the case where will you two go from here?” Emiya folded his arms and looked at them. 
Cu stepped forward to answer the orange-haired Master’s confusion. “You two need to save your world, right?”
Nodded his head, Ritsuka prodded, “Yeah, and that’s…?” 
“You can leave the fighting to Servants to us, kid. But what Archer was saying, what will both of you be doing while we attack them? I don’t mind either you guys staying at the back to provide us commands–!” 
The Caster’s suggestion interrupted by the raven-haired Master, who responded with clear yet unexpected resolve. “Then, it’s clear, we’ll accompany you guys to fight.” 
A second afterward, Cu shot at Ritsuka with an incredulous expression, “Huh?!”
Not only him, but even Ritsuko also stared at her brother with a complete disbelief expression. “Seriously, did you learn nothing from that nightmare we’ve been through?!” 
“To grow into a hero… It doesn’t sound like what you’ll do, Fujimaru Ritsuka,” Emiya snorted with a half-amused and half-sardonic smile. 
Mash too, nodded her head to agree with Ritsuko’s words, “That’s right. Senpai, leave the fighting to us Servants–!” 
Both hands raised to stop Mash from proceeding, Ritsuka interrupted, “Woah Woah, you guys jumped to the conclusion way too fast! I’m not saying because I wish to be a hero. Only a complete brainless moron with no common sense will undertake that.”
“And you have something to say otherwise?” Emiya prodded. 
Ritsuka nodded and huffed, “Yeah. It’s obvious against Medusa that a human’s physical assault will accomplish nothing to a Servant. A battle against Servant we’ll leave it to you guys to handle with.” 
While Emiya nodded that he understood, Ritsuko raised her right hand to query. “Wait before you move on, I think there’s a reason behind this?” 
Turned the attention to her, Archer explained, “Even if we’re summoned, we’re still regarded as spiritual beings having a physical form. Something you once noticed from your battle with Medusa, Ritsuka. No matter what punches or any work of physical attack a human does to a Servant, It’s won’t hurt us.” 
“But not impossible either for humans to fight against Servants if you strengthen your combat abilities with magical energy. 
“Still, this won’t diminish the fact only a Servant could kill another Servant,” Cu added as a matter of fact to Emiya’s answer. 
“Their source of energy moves from the spiritual cores inside them. 
“Hence, a noble phantasm or extremely powerful mana from a Servant could kill them, Ritsuko-senpai.” 
Nodded in understanding to Mash’s reply, Ritsuko folded her arms and hummed. “So that explains when you offered yourself as bait while watching for an opening so Mash-chan could kill her…” 
To a nod to his sister, the raven-haired Master summarized. “Yeah, so that concludes we’ll leave the fighting to them to you guys. But what I’d like to learn was practicing magic to safeguard ourselves from those smaller monsters like that damn skeleton and its army.” 
“To defend for yourself… I agree it’s an excellent reason to learn how to use magic for self-defense, Senpai,” Mash smiled. 
“Those things… That makes sense in training how to use magic,” Ritsuko murmured in knowing. Switching to her Servant, she declared her views, “How about this? We’ll stay back and leave you guys on dealing with enemy Servants. And while you guys were doing so, we’ll just fight the smaller lackeys with them.” 
“You guys will have your hands full to deal against them too. Also, I don’t feel like sitting back and accepting the glory of doing nothing. But, if that’s the Master you’re hoping for…,” The raven-haired Master threw a small smirk to Emiya to prove the latter.
Black orbs stared back and forth between the two Masters. A reluctant sigh left his lips, both siblings were much more naïve and even stubborn than someone he knew of, “Understood, and no. That’s not the Master I’m hoping for, Ritsuka. But, you’re correct. It’s important both of you have lessons in physical combat during your missions.” 
Orange orbs sparkled at the result, Ritsuko exclaimed in a delighted tone. “Does it mean you’ll be training us?!” 
“That‘s taken care of, Senpai. Sadakuni-san is also one of our Chaldeas’s combat instructor. I’m certain he’s more than enthusiastic to train, Senpais,” Mash beamed cheerfully at the happy faces of her Masters. 
Ritsuka grinned and eagerly thanked her, “That’s great! Thanks a lot, Mash. Now, what’s left is–!” 
Towards the blue-haired Caster, he saw all eyes had landed on him. Cu’s red orbs turned aside from the expecting orange and blue eyes, “Right, about that…. I’ll teach both of you later when you got the essentials covered.” 
Confusion erupted on both Fujimaru siblings’ faces. They didn’t hear him wrong… As it’s coming from a Caster-class Servant himself. Ritsuko’s eyes blinked twice before asking again, “But, aren’t you a Caster? Shouldn’t you be training us the basic?”
“Yeah, but… Yeah, I’ll show you guys sometimes,” Cu repeated with one of his hand raised and waved off their idea to be their teacher. With hesitation, the orange-haired Master chose to not prod further. 
Noticed the slight frown on Ritsuko’s lips, Mash switched her attention back to her and comforted. “Don’t worry about that, Ritsuko-senpai. Sadakuni-san is also a magus too. Though his circuits quality isn’t as impressive as the Director, he doesn’t mind teaching both of you that too if you’d like.” 
“Thank you, Mash-chan!” Ritsuko grinned once more along with the raven-haired Master making a relaxed smile at their plans. 
“If both of you require further knowledge on magecraft, I have learned basics too. Come to me if you call for help,” Emiya offered to the siblings. As predicted, both Masters shot a startling expression at Archer’s ability.  
Ritsuka nodded and came back with a grateful beam, “Of course, Emiya-san. Sorry to trouble you on that.”
While Emiya returned with an assured nod, Cu let out a snort and challenged, “Lessons on magic from an Archer?” 
“Better than an unwilling Caster, Caster,” Emiya countered. 
Again, Cu shot a glare towards Emiya who gave the same. Ritsuko facepalmed at the sight of the two Servants arguing. 
Probably Sadakuni could offer them guidance on how to get their Servants to not quarrel like children at every opportunity they had.
A groan from Ritsuka escaped from his lips, recommended in a drained voice, “Let’s start our training tomorrow, you two. Maybe during sparring practice, you people can murder each other to your heart’s content…”
End of Issue #2
*cough* Sorry, got excited despite saying the above... I'm really sorry for the long wait again, and as stated above, this chapter is longer than usual to make up for it! That's right, Archer's name is finally revealed properly to everyone in Chaldea. He'll be referred as such through out the whole story... Yeah, that boils down to a little problem when it hits a certain singularity/event when another Servant similar will be appearing at there.
Stated by the end chapter and earlier before with Merlin, this is one of the original twist for both siblings aka Gudas. Both will be learning magic and fighting against minor mobs with magecraft they're taught with. I already planned their specialized magecraft, but.... While waiting for Waver Case files, I'm actually personally having a headache reading Nasuverse lore on magecraft. Most probably I'm reading only from his fate works, so if his other works explained how magic works easier... I'll probably get a hang there as there's going to be some weird twist in this twist OTL
Lastly in regards to Agano Sadakuni, he's one of the 2 OCs for this whole story (or more if you counted both Ritsuka's and Ritsuko's parents). I'll definitely have his bio up on tumblr for easier understanding of him, along with the magecraft he uses as he's a magus himself. Same for both Ritsuka and Ritsuka, their bios may be up some time later to have an easier understanding of their character!
Thanks for reading this chapter! Those who have given Likes for this story, thank you very much and I hope you have a wonderful valentine's day! Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter ^^
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wolfypuppypiles · 7 years
Love, Hope, and Misery: Chapter 5
(I'm so sorry this took so long! It all got stuck in my head and I couldn't write it the way I wanted but I have an idea for the next chapter so I hopefully should be able to update soon.
Special thanks to my wonderful friend discarded-arc-reactor on tumblr for your help as always you're fantastic and also thank you to all the amazing reviews they make me so happy!)
"... and I just want you to wake up. I really miss you." 
Jace sounded so sad, and his hand in Alec's was firm, like a reassurance. Alec was glad he was there, and he didn't know why but without him, he felt scared. 
His parabatai’s voice came again, tired, and regretful. 
"Looks like my turns over, but I'm sure you've been waiting for Magnus this whole time, anyway. I'll come back later." Then quieter, as if he'd moved away. 
"Tell me if he wakes up." 
The hand disappeared and Alec wanted it back, but he couldn't move to grasp it. He couldn't move at all. His mind suddenly took him back to that basement, that horrible place where he'd been strapped down and tortured. And this time he couldn't even scream. 
The fear was a tsunami, washing over him and crushing him completely beneath the waves. His heart beat so hard in his chest that it hurt and he felt as if it would burst. 
He would have succumbed to the darkness and fear completely if it weren't for that voice, smooth and soft like dark silk. He knew that voice, and knew that touch; the light fingers stroking his cheeks, and the lips on his knuckles. And all at once, he was somewhere else, somewhere safe with the man he loved. 
 Jace squeezed his brothers hand and sighed, wishing he could just get an answer back. He already missed Alec so much, he wasn't used to being apart from his Parabatai and he didn't like it. 
It made him feel lonely, even with other people in the room.
Magnus came in then, looking better than he had the night before. He was still wearing the sweats Jace lent him, and his face held no trace of makeup. It was a shock at first, seeing the warlock so unravelled, his hair without its usual colour or style. He looked softer than Jace had ever seen him, with his cat’s eyes un-glamoured, glowing green in the low light. 
Jace couldn't help staring until Magnus blinked, embarrassed, and covered his warlock mark with the familiar warm brown irises instead. 
Izzy looked up from where she was adjusting something on her brother’s side. 
"Feeling better?" 
The warlock nodded, moving to Alec's side and brushing a hand through the archer’s hair. 
"Much, thank you. How's our Alexander doing?" 
The doctor settled the blankets back down and gently took the oxygen mask off her brother’s face, replacing it with a nasal cannula, before tapping at her screens to adjust the airflow. 
"X-rays were clear so I took the chest tube out. It went well, and he's breathing a lot easier now so, I've reduced his sedation. He should wake up today." 
Jace squeezed Alec's hand again, saying his goodbyes before handing him over to Magnus, asking that he be called if his brother showed any signs of waking. But as soon as he let go of that limp hand, the monitors began to squeal unhappily, as Alec's heart rate skyrocketed. 
All eyes went to the screen, not knowing what was happening. 
Alec's hands began to curl into fists, as his brow furrowed and his breathing began to turn into pants and whimpers. 
Although they had all been waiting days for any movement from the archer, this was not what they wanted to see. 
Jace watched his big brother, worried, and let out a small "Alec?"
Izzy looked over the monitors, assessing the lines and numbers on the screens. 
"I think he's having a nightmare. His hearts beating too fast."
Magnus quickly took the seat next to the bed, that Jace had been occupying just moments before, and took his boyfriends hand as he trailed his fingers across those pale cheeks. 
"Shhh, love it's all right. I'm here Alexander. Everything's okay, you're safe." His voice was soft and quiet, as he laced magic into his words, turning the dark images in Alec's head into something safe. 
He conjured an image of their bed, at Magnus' apartment, the sun dripping through the windows to warm their skin as they lay together, in each other’s arms. 
The cold table melted into a soft bed and warm skin, fingers trailing over a chest as green cat’s eyes and a lover’s smile hovered above him. 
He was in Magnus' arms and he was safe. 
Alec let out a sigh as his tense body relaxed, fingers gently squeezing back where the downworlder held them. 
The monitors went back to their calm, rhythmic beats and Magnus smiled. 
"That's it, just breathe. You're safe now." 
The warlock pressed his lips to the back of Alec's hand before holding it to his chest. 
Isabelle tucked the nasal cannula back behind Alec's ears where it had been disturbed in his panicked movements. She kept her voice light and quiet.
"Alec? Can you open your eyes?" 
Brows slowly furrowed in concentration, as lips parted to release a huff of air. He was trying to find his way to the surface without knowing where he was, the drugs in his system making everything heavier than it should have been. 
Finally, lead weighted eyes blinked open, those beautiful hazel irises foggy with confusion and drugs. 
"M'gnus." The word was mumbled, a slur evident even in its short syllables, but it made everyone sigh in relief all the same. 
"Hello Alexander." That beautiful smile and warm eyes were the first thing he saw, and his face formed a similar shape in response. A lazy, happy smile, but it lasted only a few seconds before his eyes were drawn to the IV in the back of his hand.
The pain in his chest became more evident, as he came back to himself. He didn’t know where he was, and the last thing he remembered was almost dying at the hands of a seelie woman, and before that…
Alec looked up at Magnus, as his heart rate began to climb once again. Isabelle watched the screens worryingly as her brother began to hyperventilate, his hands desperately gripping Magnus’ arms.
“Magnus! We had a fight! I’m, so sorry!”
The warlock attempted to placate his boyfriend, but he was too panicked, and confused to listen.
“Alec, it’s okay-“
“No, I didn’t listen to you, and you were mad at me. I’m so sorry for what I said.” His huge eyes were filling with tears, and his too-fast breaths, were turning into hiccups and sobs.
His breathing was becoming strained and Isabelle watched the lines on the monitor jump. She placed a hand on his chest and spoke quietly to him.
“Alec, I need you to keep your heart rate down. Take some deep breaths, in through your nose and out your mouth. There we go, everything’s okay; no one’s mad at you.”
The archer felt awful, his chest was tight and sore and he still wasn’t quite sure what was happening. His sister sat on the edge of his bed, and smiled at him reassuringly.
“You’re okay Alec, I promise. The seelie’s dead, she won’t be hurting anyone anymore.”
Alec believed her, but he still couldn’t get the panic to subside completely. He didn’t like the needle in his hand, or the dripping of the IV; it reminded him too much of the sting of the blade that had sliced him open, and the way he’d been drugged when first taken.
He was still holding Magnus’ hand and tried to pull him closer.
“I want to go home.”
Magnus tilted his head, offering an apologetic look, as he brushed a hand over the Lightwoods cheek.
“Oh love, you are home. You’re at the institute.”
The shadowhunter shook his head and tried to pull Mangus closer, breath hitching as if he were about to cry.
“No, I want to go home with you. I want to stay in our bed.”
Magnus gently slipped his hand behind Alec’s neck and pulled him in for a hug, the archer immediately tucking his face into the warlock’s neck, and holding on tight. He shuddered in Magnus’ hold, shaking like a leaf.
“It’s all right darling, I won’t leave you. You’re safe here. You just have to stay for a little while longer, till you’re all healed and then we can go home.” Magnus raised his eyes to Isabelle, face creased in concern.
“He’s shaking, and he feels a little warm.”
The doctor came closer as Jace moved towards the bed, worried.
She placed her hand on Alec’s forehead and felt the heat there, scrunching her nose as she concentrated.
“Hmm, might be the start of an infection. I’ll give him some more antibiotics but it should pass. Jace, let’s leave them alone for a little while. Alec needs his rest, and we do too.”
Jace patted Alec’s shoulder before leaving with his sister. Although they didn’t want to leave their brother, they knew Magnus would want to talk to him.
The warlock gently laid Alec back down and held his hand, those hazel eyes watching him closely.
“Feeling a little better now?”
Alec nodded, but still looked a little upset; he turned his wide eyes to Magnus’ brown ones.
“You really aren’t mad at me for our fight? I said some dumb things.
The downworlder shook his head, he’d been thinking about it for a while.
“No, I was mad then, but that’s over. It seems so long ago too, I don’t even really remember why I kicked you out instead of just talking about it. When you left, I felt bad and almost instantly wanted to call you to come back, but after everything with Valentine and the body swap I’ve been having a rough time. And I was pushing you away. And then, Izzy called me and said you’d been taken, and I found your bow and blood on the ground, and all I could think was that the last time we spoke was for a fight.
“I was so, so worried, and then we found you, but you were screaming and that knife came down.”
He sucked in a breath, eyes blurring with tears.
“I thought I was going to lose you, Alec. We’ve barely had any time together, I can’t lose you so quickly. So, you rest and get better so that we can make the most of whatever time we have. And let’s promise that we won’t ever leave each other angry. I can’t bare for this to happen again.
Alec agreed, thumbing away Magnus’ tears with a clumsy hand.
“I promise. I love you, Magnus and I really am sorry for what I said. Thanks for saving me.”
The warlock held Alec’s hand to his cheek before, taking it and pressing kisses to his palm, trailing his lips down to his wrist. His voice came out wobbly and thick.
“I love you so much, Alexander. Never leave me again all right?”
Alec smiled, nodding. “Never, ever. I love you too.”
He was so tired, his words began to slur once more, and he blinked his tired eyes.
“Maggie? Where did your beautiful green eyes go? You know I love your brown ones, but you don’t have to hide your cat eyes from me, I love them.”
Magnus blinked, stripping away his glamor to show his sleepy angel his bright eyes. Alec smiled dopily and trailed a finger across his boyfriend’s cheek as he began to drift off.
“Hmm, my handsome man. Pretty, kitty eyes.”
Magnus laughed a little at Alec’s nonsense rambling, and tucked him in, kissing his forehead as his eyes fell shut.
“Goodnight, my love.”
(You can find this as well as the rest of the fic and all my other wrks online on ao3 and ff.net in the links below!
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Early Mornings
My first ever hannigram fic! You can read it here on my tumblr or on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/11119209 He lay in the comfort of arms wrapped tightly around him. It’s dark, but the soft light hinting of a new day shines through a crack in the curtains, barely illuminating his lover’s face. Will focuses on their breathing. Neither are asleep; he knows this. But neither are words needed for this bubble of time that they find themselves in. No, right now they just rest and enjoy the quiet stillness that only each other’s presence provides them. Will’s mind is quiet. But the longer he remains wrapped up in this myriad of senses---the familiar weight of Hannibal’s arms, the inherent smell beneath that could only be the man himself, and the soft breath ghosting across his ear in time with the rise and fall of the chest beneath his head---the more they prove to become a distraction rather than a source of focus. Will’s mind drifts to thoughts of the intimacies that they share. Though it had been several months since the dam broke on the waters of their physical pull to one another, the closeness that they now share in body still feels as fresh as the first time to him. At the beginning, they shared a closeness of minds; it seemed fitting now that they should be brought to the point where their bodies share in it as well. Will smiles silently to himself at the thought and lets the hand resting atop Hannibal’s chest begin to slowly slide down. His hands find Hannibal’s balls, the weight heavy and familiar, as his hand begins gently massaging them between his fingers and against his palm. Breaking the silence of the room, a low hum of approval emanates from the previously quiet man beneath Will. No words are spoken, but the appreciation is clear and Will takes it for the encouragement that it is. Taking his time, he begins to leisurely increase the pace of his massage, widening the drag of his hand until it also begins covering Hannibal’s cock which has slowly begun to fill out from Will’s careful ministrations. Once he finds Hannibal to be suitably hard enough to his liking, Will begins his descent---soft kisses placed gently along the side of the chest his head once laid against, trailing his lips down the rounded off indents of ribs, further down to the juncture of Hannibal’s thighs. For a moment he pauses, nose pressed into the soft but wiry hair there, and just breathes Hannibal in. Will knows his sense of smell is in no way comparable to that of the man beneath him. But in this place Hannibal’s base scent is at its strongest and most pure, and Will drinks in the comfort that that smell brings him like a dying man who’s just found an oasis. Soon that becomes not enough and he continues his journey, lips trailing to the prize he has first sought. Though he cannot see it in the barely there light of the room, sight is not needed, as Will knows the weight and feel of Hannibal’s cock as his own now. He knows exactly how far it is from his face as he knows exactly as far as he wants this to go. His kisses continue up and around Hannibal’s cock, not quite brushing the long length, around the base, till he begins slowly working up to the tip for a last peck. Through all this, Hannibal has remained fairly quiet save for the occasional pleasured noise of encouragement, although that is not unusual for the man in their intimacies. But that soft sound of encouragement soon turns into a deep groan of demanding need as Will’s lips part from a gentle kiss and envelop the length of him. Will lets his mind go black for a second as he takes Hannibal into him. This is not new for him, but like every time, he savors it as if it’s the first. Letting go his own sound of pleasure, Will continues to suck along Hannibal’s cock---long swipes of his tongue interspersed with the hollowing of his cheeks as he takes him to the root. Will thinks he could stay this way forever if time and the needs of his body would let him---forever eating and drinking at this feast upon Hannibal’s table. But early mornings don’t last forever and he knows the full rays of the sun will soon illuminate their room, heralding the beginning of a new day with new work that must be done throughout their house on both of their parts. And so he stops his mouth’s gentle exploration of Hannibal’s cock, and redirects the aim of his focus to his true target. Sliding himself up on his arms, Will moves to the side of the bed where the box of condoms lay on the side table. Hands closing around the first packet he finds and the jar of lube, he makes his way back over to Hannibal on his knees, searching for the man’s eyes through the soft light of the room. Up until this point there has been no words between them. Will makes to say something in a low voice, but upon finding those eyes looking back up at him----need and desire burning as brightly in them as he’s sure his own reflects back, he swallows whatever the words were going to be. Instead he makes to open the package and works the condom on Hannibal’s cock. Once satisfied, he gives a few gentle pulls to the now covered cock before him, all the while maintaining eye contact with the man underneath him. Hannibal’s eyes are an already stoked fire quickly gaining ground, and it makes Will gently groan under his breath, his growing need forcing him give his own neglected cock a few pulls. Opening the jar, Will reaches in and scoops a generous portion onto his fingers. The sun has continued its path and its rays now shine slightly brighter through the slit in the curtain, making their bodies more visible to each other. Will holds up his fingers for Hannibal to clearly see, the moisture heavy looking and glistening slightly in the light, and watches as Hannibal’s already dilated pupils blow wide. Will swings his legs and straddles Hannibal in one smooth roll of his hips while at the same time easing his lube covered hand behind himself to find his own hole and begin working himself open. He is no stranger to this by any means now---these past few months Hannibal had been very patient in showing Will the pleasures to be had from this new sort of stimulation. It takes Will hardly any time now to feel the gentle easing of his muscles there, signaling to himself his growing readiness. After a few minutes of preparation, Will lets his eyes roll back from the place they had travelled into his head and find Hannibal’s again. Pupils still blown and breathing getting heavier, he watches as Hannibal’s chest rises up and down, slightly faster each time. Easing himself onto his knees astride Hannibal, Will holds the man’s gaze as he slowly sinks himself onto his cock. It’s always a struggle in this moment to hold himself there---to stay with Hannibal, to not go inside of himself. The first time Hannibal had sunk into Will he had had to grab the smaller man’s face and hold him center just to keep him there, to keep him present. The feeling is so overwhelming, like he’s both a little of himself and a little of Hannibal at once. Will no longer tries to go away anymore, but that doesn’t mean he’s not tempted to. Will begins moving. Yes, this is better, he knows. The familiar drag and pull inside, it helps ground him in the moment. The first movements are slow and tentative, felt out. Will likes it this way. The pull, he knows Hannibal feels it as much as he does. He’s known the same from those few times Hannibal has let Will feel him. He keeps it slow for awhile, each drag of his hips say feel me. Briefly he lets his eyes slide shut, a moment to enjoy it all on his own without distraction, but then snaps them open. Will’s pace picks up as does their enjoyment increase. Will is pretty sure he knows what love is. He has not always known, although the concept of it was there. But looking into Hannibal’s face now is the closest he’s ever felt it. The look of raw, unfiltered adoration shining there mixed with a heady blend of the man’s own pleasure, spurs Will on. It quickly becomes too much and Will’s hips jerk forward. “Hanni…” he says, his voice breaking. “Shhh...I know,” the voice beneath him answers. And with that, Will comes undone, all the muscles in his body seizing, his hips continuing to move seemingly of their own accord as he distantly registers the sudden familiar surge of warmth within him. The drop is slower this time for Will, lazy almost. The highs he rides with Hannibal tend to send them both up a sheer and steep cliff face, only to quickly plunge them back down again. But not so now. Now, he all but floats on a cloud, waiting to gently drop back down to earth. And so he does, back into those arms.
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