#I wonder which turtle is my favorite lol
inkdropdemon · 1 year
Out of all the brothers, I think Donnie would make the best villain. This is probably obvious if you’ve watched the show (he can act a little unhinged, just watch the Snow Day episode)
Before I start, I’m going to go through my counter arguments for his brothers
Raph, while the strongest, is too gentle to intentions cause mass destruction. While he’s tough, he doesn’t seem to go out of his way to hurt people unless his brothers are in danger
Similar to Raph, Mikey is too compassionate to intentionally hurt others. I could see him as a prankster type, causing problems for fun, however he’d probably feel bad when he learns how his actions effect others
I could see Leo possibly being a villain, who doesn’t like a charming swordsman? How his insecurities play into his villainy could also be fun to explore. What stops him from being the best is his destructive capabilities are definitely limited in comparison to his brothers. Plus he tends not to take things seriously, which could lead to his downfall.
Now that I got that out of the way, why is Donnie the best? Well it mostly boils down to his intelligence and expertise with tech.
I don’t think you recognize how impressive Donnie’s tech is. His tech bo is a swiss army knife of a weapon with how much hes packed into it. And the three battle shells he wears are all very useful. There’s also the turtle tank, which he created *by himself* from the Jupiter Jim Moon Buggy. Not to mention that it holds 2 motorcycles and a shit ton of weaponry. Let’s not forget about Sheldon, a sentient ai and essentially Donnie’s son.
I could go on but it is incredible the things Donnie is able to invent. As a villain, he could create whatever he needs for his schemes, provided he gets the resources needed. Considering how the show doesn’t go into detail explaining how he gets them, however, means he doesn’t need to worry about that. Oh, and now that he doesn’t need to be concerned with law or ethics, Donnie could definitely get his hands on some uranium. Be afraid.
Now Donnie isn’t just tech. He’s smart and analytical, which means he won’t just face his enemies head on. He’s the type to study his opponent, figuring out the best way to defeat them (I’ve thought about how he’d beat his brothers too much). Considering that he can hack into every security camera in NY (stated in Hot Soup! The Game), he has the ability to watch and analyze his opponents. Better yet, he can delete any camera footage of him, making it harder for Donnie to be tracked.
Oh, and because Donnie loves music and dance, you know this theater kid would get his own villain song.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go rewatch rottmnt.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
You write unhinged Leo so well, and I really like how you write him. I was wondering if you had tips on unhinged characters 😂, or do you just get inspro from existing characters 👀
aksdakjsdh thank you so much ;w;
And honestly???? I’m not totally sure how to give tips— but I love, love, love unhinged characters in media, so I’ll use them as examples
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(long rant below lol)
I’ve always been a big fan of silly, ‘crazy’ characters in animated movies and cartoons. I grew up on Batman the Animated Series and the original Teen Titans, which were full of silly, fun tragic characters.
Don’t get me wrong, i love a good edge-lord— but as a tot i thought the colorful, theatrical, insane bad guys were more fun to watch than the big scary serious ones (ESPECIALLY if they had a good villain song. A+ good shit)
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(From left to right: Ratigan from Great Mouse Detective, Joker from Batman the Animated Series, Mumbo Jumbo from Teen Titans, Martin from Secret of Nimh 2, Bill Cypher from Gravity Falls, and Spinel from the Steven Universe movie)
And not just bad guys!! There are a ton of unhinged good/neutral characters that i absolutely adore.
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(From left to right: King Bumi from ATLA, Clara from Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun, and, of course, our silly 2018 turtle boys)
((There are many more characters in both categories, but I’ll slide these examples in here for now))
My personal brand of “Unhinged” or “Crazy” characters definitely leans on comedy. That’s what i enjoy seeing and reading! I personally like it because it can help keep a story fresh and interesting. There’s an element of surprise and unpredictability with what a character might do, and i love that!!
I also really enjoy a touch of feral behavior in my unhinged characters. The lack of clarity and the danger that imposes can be a very fun tool to use, no matter the character’s moral compass. (I’m feral for feral behavior lol)
And impulses. Whether a character has a few screws loose or is generally a goober, they like to act on impulses. This often goes hand-in-hand with comedy, and that’s something I enjoy!! We get a lot of moments like that in Rise, and that was one of my favorite parts of that TMNT iteration.
But as far as writing goes, it’s been tricky for me. All of the characters I grew up or love have been visual— trying to find a good balance for reading has been a puzzle I’ve been figuring out as I go.
I read a lot manga (lol nerd) and comics, and I love how thoughts/dialog are depicted. Especially the really dramatic or impactful moments. (I’d add examples but I’m already at the Tumblr image limit LAME)
As strange as it sounds, I try to capture that “impactful visual” style in my writing. If I had ANY advice on writing unhinged characters, pay attention to pacing—
Short. Fast. A calculating thought. Perhaps a run on sentence that lacks punctuation to represent the rushing and disorganized thought process. A question? An answer with little thought. Is this moment amusing; describe how. Is it upsetting; describe how. Are the thoughts starting to scatter? M aybe s o…
Big moment statement.
Action or plan of next big move. Flow should never seem too uniform. Even in normal writing. Don’t be afraid of accentuating— but don’t overdo it. Remember, unhinged characters are impulsive. Have fun with that.
Just as a quick and dirty summary— when it comes to unhinged characters, I like to use comedy, feral behavior, and acting on impulses. I also like to keep it as visually appealing as possible for characters to give the eyes a little treat after reading walls of text. I like to use fun text formatting to help with the fun too (But don’t overdo it! Don’t make it feel like a chore to read) (<- says the girl who goes into way too much details sometimes lmao whoops)
But ultimately— have FUN!!! Unhinged characters are fun, so make sure you have fun writing/drawing/creating them!!
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torturedblue · 10 months
Spoilers for Mutant Mayhem! // Deleted scene
Part 2
Because I love you guys so of course I HAD to share this 🫶🏽
Breaking up my favorite screen grabs in posts since I’m on mobile lmao ✌🏽
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Edit: I’ve been reading the reblog tags and realized I completely forgot to explain the background behind this 😂 These goons were trying to take down the turtles by disguising themselves as teenagers–very cartoonish I know–but idk how well they did considering how quickly Leo figured them out lol. Since the guys are already at school I’m wondering how this would’ve fit into the first movie bc it definitely seems like something to come in the series/sequel
Second edit: I’ve seen another video with the creators explaining that the first draft of the movie had the turtles in school by the second half with Baxter Stockman as a teacher which makes this make more sense
I head canoned a while ago Leo 2012 would be a Captain America/Marvel fan and this video proves it for all the Leo’s basically 😏 and that’s using the term hc generously considering Leo’s are literally the Captain America’s of TMNT lmao
Also peep the Casey Jonessssss, after seeing so little of baby boy Rise Casey Jr I’m so excited to see what MM does with him
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laylajeffany · 3 months
Grant Us Peace, Forevermore |  Chaos Universe OneShot for @endofn1ght
Summary: Wednesday and her fellow Raven (OC/Emiliana) engage in witchcraft, looking for additional peace after the horrific events of the past year continue to weigh on them. WC: 4.9k (part of layla's <5k challenge that barely makes it lol) Rated: E
Note: New Lovely Thorns content coming in the next day or so, for now enjoy revisiting another OC from the Chaos universe as @endofn1ght prompted Chaos-verse Wednesday with Emiliana doing witchcraft. Thank you for all the support and forcing me to analyze some of my work in ways I hadn't previously thought about. This is part of my less than 5k writing challenge of prompts that I'm only allowed to work on at my place of employment when my free time is actually free (was a little less than usual over the last week which is why this took so long).
Set between Wednesday's birthday at the end of Chapter 31 and the start of the epilogue; end of semester / late April-ish at Nevermore - enjoy!
Wednesday kicked the final bit of gravel on her way up to the front porch of one of her favorite places. Emiliana’s cottage looked somehow smaller in the late spring; with everything finally green, the large shade cast from centuries-old woods dwarfed the structure considerably. Augustus slithered down her wrist, excited to enter the home, irritate Piper and greet his favorite turtles. The windows were open on the front, and she assumed likely the French doors on the back. Glad that Emiliana was letting in fresh air, as sometimes the house took on a more powerful odor of stale cigarettes when it was just her home for a while, Wednesday was surprised to have to knock – that she hadn’t heard her coming.
The door opened, revealing a frazzled looking Emiliana. It wasn’t terribly out of the ordinary to find her hair tangled and in just her long, black skirt and too-loose tank top, but she looked particularly greasy that afternoon. Wednesday bit back a sigh instead of a hello as she considered she’d need to shove her in the shower before they did anything productive to relieve the nagging sensation swirling around in her gut. “What is the day?”
Struggling not to smile, Wednesday regarded, “It’s Thursday.”
“I have not gone mad, then. I hate it when you do this – you send me into mild cardiac arrest. You are unharmed?”
Nodding, Wednesday stepped in as she closed the door – spotting a mess in the kitchen, a sink filled with unwashed dishes, a pile of laundry on the sofa, and the floor of the living room covered in remnants of a spell. Her entryway altar was a disaster and Piper was nowhere to be seen – probably avoiding the chaos. She watched as Emiliana struggled to place Wednesday, and tried to read her energy at the same time. She wondered if Emiliana could sense just how unease she truly was.
“I attempted to call and text all morning. I finished working with Aunt Larissa on the proposal for the new council duties, and she doesn’t want me to start anything new until next week. Enid has physical therapy and then her rehearsal. Mother is working with the Doves on oaths, father is entertaining Fangs that are in town, Josie is doing real administration, and you know I simply can’t be bothered with the Nightshades.”
“I am your last resort, then,” Emiliana crossed her arms, her expression mostly playful.
“No,” Wednesday argued. “I just know that you prefer your alone time unless it’s scheduled and was explaining why I’m interrupting…” She looked around at the mess. “This.”
The older Raven gave a chuckle, tugging Wednesday to her and placing an obnoxious kiss on the top of her head. Augustus immediately tore off in search of the yellow and white snake he longed to bother. “You are the one person who can always interrupt me, little bird, regardless of how it fazes my mental state. I am afraid we will have to take most activities upstairs or outside as it is a touch of a mess in here…”
Wednesday popped a brow. “Just a touch? Em – go shower. You’re gross.”
She gave a little cackle into her smoker’s cough. “Indeed, I am. The week has flown by, apparently. I shall see you on the other side of clean,” She didn’t fight the direction, and took to the bathroom with a small salute.
Once she disappeared, Wednesday hurried to start picking things up. It was far from her responsibility, but as Emiliana had picked up so many of the pieces of her life that spring, it hardly seemed enough or like a burden to care for her. Realizing the laundry on the couch wasn’t to be folded, Wednesday rolled her eyes and stuffed it into the washing machine, then moved to unload the half-full dishwasher that Emiliana had been taking things out of instead of putting them away throughout the week. That didn’t take long, and she made haste to reload and run a cycle there, too.
She was sweeping salt away from her to put in a jar after getting the majority of the spell on the floor picked up when Emiliana came out with her wet hair curling into ringlets. She opened the French doors, as hoped, and wondered, “Might we start with music?”
Tilting her head a little, Wednesday decided that was more than appropriate. Her goals for the late April recovery period were to get back to some of her long-abandoned hobbies, and starting a spell session with Emiliana by playing her favorite instrument would be a remarkable way to return to it. Playing music had once been one of her only ways of settling her spirit, and to play with a fellow Raven would be helpful.
She moved it to the end of the couch, wishing Thing were there to turn the pages as Emiliana set up a collapsible music stand for her and placed the selection she wanted there. “I have been composing something I shall play for you after this warmup, and perhaps you can come up with the strings to match?”
“I confess, original music content hasn’t been my forte over my studies, but I would be willing to try,” Wednesday agreed with a small shrug. Emiliana slipped onto her piano bench, wiggled her fingers, and counted them down twice before starting the melody to a famous duet.
Wednesday came in on the third line of music, her bow sweeping over the strings as her fingers moved in time up top. She couldn’t help the smile that came over her features as she got into it – the old habit returning, a swell of joy filling her from the outside in.
The first selection was about eight minutes long, and as it wrapped, Emiliana clumsily dashed over to Wednesday, hugging her tightly. “I love you.”
Grinning into her shoulder, Wednesday gave something like a nuzzle. She considered what she knew about the other Raven that had impacted them – how David Bowie’s music had been the soundtrack of her life. There was something distinctly soothing about music to someone so dark-coded as they, and she wondered if Goody had preferences as well, even if they were liturgical.
“Play me your new song?”
Nodding, Emiliana returned to her favorite place, closing her eyes and squaring her shoulders before letting the ivory keys take her away. She started, playing mostly minor chords – a haunting tune that Wednesday knew just what to do with, instinctively after the first repeating section. She jumped in – natural ability filling the air with cello sounds along with the piano.
It went on – the two playing in harmony for nearly twenty minutes. As they managed to come to a close without a single line of verbal communication, Wednesday was the one to get up first. She tugged Emiliana’s wrists, leading her to the back porch, where they sat on the swing together in silence.
There weren’t words needed between them – the energy spoke volumes. Emiliana kicked back, letting the swing rock. They both lost time – but not in a dangerous way, as they swung back and forth, back and forth until –
“Em? Oh! Hey, Wednesday!” Josie appeared, wearing a pair of athletic pants and an old reptile rescue organization t-shirt, her hair up in a high ponytail. She leaned down to push a kiss on Emiliana’s temple. “I tried to get a hold of you earlier, I figured you might be in the ether. Did you still want to do spring foraging and grocery shopping…?”
Emiliana opened and closed her mouth. “I am afraid I was not aware of the day. What is the time?”
“Going on four-thirty…I finished a meeting and swapped duty with Larissa for Sunday – I’ve got things to do at school then, regardless – I might as well be required to be there. I am so cool to just have turtle time if you -”
“I would still like – and require to, head into the forest. My stores are woefully low. Might we bring a small bird with us?”
“Yeah,” Josie smiled with teeth. “Provided she wants to? Wednesday – I’m not sure what your intentions were here?”
“To spend time with another creature of the dark,” She spoke in earnest. She wasn’t upset with it being Josie who disrupted the moment – but she certainly wasn’t ready to give Emiliana over to her fiancée. “My mother is out of birch – we could collect and distill some – if you’d be willing to go that far into the woods.”
“Whatever you need. The evening is mine now – we can go for a gathering walk, get groceries, eat something – then I am content to leave you two alone after for a bit before we’re ready to wind down for the night.”
Wednesday hurried in for a basket and her boots, while Emiliana insisted it was more than warm enough to be barefoot. Standing on the back porch with Augustus back around her shoulders from where he’d been snuggled in with a half-consenting Piper, Wednesday watched her big sister figures sharing a kiss in the middle of the grass before disrupting them with a hard stare. Josie giggled and pulled her to be between the Ravens, one arm around either of them. They walked a familiar path deeper into the woods behind the cottage, while Josie filled them in on the latest with just two weeks left in the semester – she was busy, but it seemed like the warming weather had behavior incidents down and she’d been largely able to accomplish her work during the daytime hours, instead of being constantly disrupted. Wednesday was distracted by wildflowers, tapping into her unique botany abilities she’d learned to mimic, discovering that a few could very well be useful in potion making with Emiliana. The red aquilegia was particularly interesting, but she warned Emiliana thrice about not attempting to eat it – as the toxicity would prove for a long and challenging evening.
Josie rolled her eyes when she produced a knife from her boot to peel back birch bark. “I find it interesting you’re still keeping a knife on your person, given all the recent trouble that’s caused you?”
“Maybe I just never learn,” Wednesday said with a shrug. “The consequences didn’t relate to having it on my person-”
“Only because Emiliana and I tampered with a crime scene,” Josie sighed. Wednesday felt a strange twist in her stomach. “I’m just saying, Wednesday. I…I’m not saying to walk around unprotected, just…I don’t even know what I’m suggesting. I just don’t want you forget what you’ve been through.”
“Believe me, I couldn’t if I tried,” Wednesday grumbled, picturing the woman’s biological father in a pool of his own blood. The inability to forget was half the reason she’d come to Emiliana that day in the first place.
“Alright,” Josie pulled her close. “I won’t nag.”
Emiliana snorted in a yeah right sort of disbelief and Josie slugged her a little before gesturing to some wild berries.
The foraging walk went on until nearly five-thirty, where Josie pushed a fruit pouch on both of the Ravens before getting them ready to go to the store. Emiliana tried to argue that she wasn’t the one with blood sugar regulation problems, but Josie told her the last thing she needed was scurvy from a week straight of eating noodles and broth.
They loaded into her SUV and Wednesday apologized to Augustus, who was disappointed they weren’t heading out of town to the pet store to get some of the live tiny mice he was fond of killing before eating fresh. Realizing she’d never been grocery shopping with the two women before, Wednesday should’ve been less surprised at just what a scene it was, with Emiliana’s need to touch every piece of fruit or vegetable before putting it in the cart, and asking Josie to read every label on packaged foods that caught her eye. Understanding why Josie usually just helped her with a delivery order, she found herself exercising patience before finally making it back to get started on a late dinner.
Grateful she’d done the dishes so that it was one less thing to do before she got overly hangry and acted out on it, Wednesday enjoyed the simple dinner of warm sandwiches and the fresh fruit and vegetable cut up before Josie finished up and a knock at the door revealed her best friend, who was going to take her out for a drink while Emiliana and Wednesday did their...whatever they were going to do together.
Wednesday eagerly sorted the foraging materials and she and Emiliana set to work cleaning her altar, putting her stones and other items to charge in the moonlight in a basket before smiling at Wednesday when she plopped beside her. “Alright, my little witch, what are you thinking?”
“Something for peace,” She whispered, finally confessing what she really needed with her fellow Raven. “Enid and I…let’s just say – the nights are challenging. I’m not sure how long she is going to be tortured by memories. She’s already had the worst of the feeling removed by the twins, and still, each night at the witching hour…”
“Less you say,” Emiliana sighed. “I am unsurprised. I doubt that I could even attempt to fall asleep at all under the circumstances. Much as I might like to be under a weighted blanket, I do not like to be in an enclosed area, considering what she went through.” She shivered. “My parents used to lock me into the small powder room when I was tearing off and…well, let me just say – I understand. I think…it is not even peace you are looking for. More like certainty.”
“Either way,” Wednesday sighed. “If you can think of a blessing, a potion, or a spell that will help, I will try it.”
Emiliana wiggled her fingers, reaching for a spell book in her native language. She tried to read the contents but sighed and gave up after several minutes, flopping back dramatically on the meditative carpet, mindful of her head. “Wednesday, confessions of truth. It is getting worse.”
“What is?” She asked gently, looking at Emiliana out of the corner of her eyes.
“I am afraid…I am afraid I may be losing more skills. It is common, with a brain injury, regression, or worse, a total loss of a previously mastered skill. But you know I used to be able to at least read decently in French! Now I can hardly manage. Everything looks like squiggles.”
Frowning, Wednesday bit her lip. She really didn’t have any advice to offer. “Would you like me to read to you?”
Emiliana had the base of her palm pushing against her closed eyes. “How am I to read wedding vows if I cannot even read familiar spells?”
That was an entirely separate problem – but that one, Wednesday had a solution for. “You don’t need to read anything. You’ll speak from the heart. And – if you do prefer to have something prewritten, so you don’t slip up, I will help you memorize it. You will give Josie lovely vows, okay? Don’t worry about that.”
When Emiliana didn’t immediately respond, Wednesday frowned, stretching out on the floor beside her. “What are you worried about, if that was just a mask?”
“I feel perpetually like I burden,” Emiliana confessed. “I just do not want this marriage to be a trap for Josie to take care of me.”
Thinking about how other people probably thought that about herself and Enid – but they didn’t see just how Wednesday could show up or be there for her, because it wasn’t anyone’s business, she gave a hug to Emiliana’s shoulders. There were other people in the world who surely struggled with similar problems, but only they knew how uniquely different they were. What it was to be and love a creature of such dark, always striving for light…
Emiliana hugged her in return, and she could feel her crying. “Sometimes I want to take you and hide us away in the countryside and just forage and do potions and spells and meditations forever.”
“Josie would miss you too much, Emi,” Wednesday promised. “I was with her, when you were not. Believe me, she loves you more than you even understand. She takes care of you in different ways as one of her expressions of that love, not in spite of it. You are not a burden. It is to be without you, that is her burden. Hey,” She sat up a little, pulling her fellow Raven up. “Let’s make a peace altar, for both of us. For all we want to ask of the universe.”
“The universe does not want us to have peace, Wednesday! That is half the point of our curse, and you know it!”
“Want doesn’t always get,” Wednesday quoted the myriad of adults in her life who’d long warned her about always having things go her way. “We’ve defied the dark before, and we’ll do it again. Don’t be pessimistic.”
Emiliana sighed, looking up, then to the side. She frowned, sitting up and looking at Wednesday. “When did you become the hopeful one?”
“I had no choice, Em,” She spoke, thinking about that awful night that sent Enid screaming in the middle of almost every night since. “I had to have hope. And I’ll have hope today, for both of us if you can’t find it on your own. I’ll ask for it for you. Come, help me,” She said, closing the book. They didn’t need it. They’d do their own spell, their own way – with her intentions shining through the dark that was clouding Emiliana’s vision.
Heading out to the back porch, she lifted a small, homemade tarp (she loved the way that Emiliana made it her own, lining the silver with black, celestial fabric, and putting a clear vinyl over the top). Beneath it, she took a water carafe, willed with water that she blessed under the recent moon. Bringing it in and sitting at the altar, taking the trunk full of Emiliana’s stores and the basket from their walk, Wednesday watched as she wiped at her cheeks, but started to take out potion ingredients, her little picture labels likely coming in handier than ever.
“I am recalling, somehow,” Emiliana rolled her eyes even as the left one twitched. “Acorns, are for luck.”
She held up a jar full of those that were dried and collected likely from the fall, full to the brim. “Well, add fifteen and hope for peace, then,” Wednesday agreed simply, watching Emiliana line up three rows of five, watching her double count to be sure before setting them into a bowl. She looked at Wednesday, waiting for her to go next.
Reaching into the basket of their yield from the woods, Wednesday removed a blackthorn blossom, placing it with the acorns. “For warding off negative energy.”
Emiliana found a little bit of a smile, apparently finding her approval of Wednesday’s method, lifting a piece of bark. “The city was removing the trees with Dutch Elm disease in the winter. I took a sample, and Holly found it was actually not completely affected, so – I saved the healthy part…As Elm…um, it…helps to balance…?”
“The heart,” Wednesday finished, smiling herself, squeezing Emiliana’s hand.
“Four pieces, then – with a lucky knife. Perhaps…” She took on a serious expression, that also offered Wednesday an out. “Are you yet ready, to open my summoning chest, retrieve your own?”
Shaking her head, she made it clear – Wednesday was not ready for that. “Not yet. Perhaps, come fall – we could do a purification ritual under the harvest moon.”
“Excellent thinking. Add it to your mental calendar, then. I happen to have one…” She lifted up her hands, wandering over to the basket of tools on the tall shelf by her altar. “I once used this to so very carefully remove a hook from one of those babies over there – when Josie and I found him,” She gestured to the tank of turtles. “She says it is a lucky knife.”
She chopped her bark with even slices, tilting her head, inviting Wednesday to make the next choice.
Taking a glance through her many jars and small, homemade sinch-sacs, Wednesday found a dried, pink flower. “Hollyhock. Useful to personal growth.”
“Hm…” Emiliana’s left eye wandered for a moment before she pulled it back, blinking and reaching for a bag. “Mint – for energy. Goodness knows this grows everywhere I don’t want it to out there. I need Holly to spend some time with me,” She mumbled, dropping in seven leaves.
“Pennyroyal,” Wednesday took one from the basket. “For harmony, tranquility.”
“And finally, the liquids.” She took a basket off the shelf, putting lavender and sage oil out, before looking at Wednesday with a sigh, then – sudden watery eyes yet again. “I am so happy to have a partner in the dark to do this with.”
Wednesday gave her a half a smile before headbutting her. “Would you like to grind or smash?”
“Oh, grind, please. You,” She passed her a mallet, “Smashy girl.”
“Always,” She said gleefully, taking the acorns and elm sticks and rolling them into one of Emiliana’s homemade altar cloths, placing it all on a silicone mat and taking it outside, giving them a good few playful whacks before going to town – not letting them stand a chance against the depths of her unrestrained violence.
Once they were more into a powder, Wednesday brought the folded cloth back to Emiliana, who was grinding everything else together with a large mortar and pestle. She let Wednesday add the newly crushed ingredients and continued to grind it all together before Wednesday prepared a simple setup for their spell and blessing.
She carefully selected runes from Emiliana’s collection, placing one of her homemade shell symbols in the moon water she poured into a small simmering cauldron. “Peorth, for luck.”
Emiliana nodded, drawing three Ogham Staves, that Wednesday was sure she hadn’t used at least since the Solstice break at home with her mother. “Hm. Ironic, is it not?”
“Ura, for spiritual healing, Duir, for strength, and Sail, for balance? It sounds exactly like what we need. Put them on the meditation plane.”
Emiliana set it all up, rolling out a clean scarf, putting the three Ogham Staves in a row, placing the dry ingredients in front of them. She added six candles, a photo of Enid and Wednesday, and one of herself and Josie, then as many crystals that gave positivity that Wednesday imagined she had at the cottage. Satisfied with her spread, she crossed her legs and took Wednesday’s hand, lighting the candles with a wave of her own. “Would you like to give your intentions?”
“I acknowledge, the break in traumatic events that we are presently being allowed – from the universe. I express, my gratitude for it – as I am not sure how we could have continued to cope. But – the ramifications of all that took place, continue to haunt us. I implore, peace – positivity – light. I must be able to be more present and grounded, I must be able to provide comfort to my beloved who needs me most at the current time. Em?”
“I recognize,” She could hear her swallow, “My privilege in position, in wealth, in relative health. But I also feel a sense of futility – that I am not able to give enough to my own beloved, and that I am taking more. I implore – peace, positivity – light. I ask for these things to be stable. I must be able to give as much of myself as is given to me.”
Feeling their intentions were matched, Wednesday spoke in verse, letting a natural sense of rhythm and rhyme take over.
I seek both light and peace, I request that this darkness cease.   I need a positive force that can bring Something good to this endless spring. I require a flame from the eternal fire, To help me be a healer and inspire. I ask this, for the only one I adore - Grant us peace, forevermore.
Emiliana spoke a familiar blessing in French, and Wednesday smiled at her as she finished, pouring their dry ingredients into the pot, while Emiliana added the oils. They stirred together, focused on intentions, before Emiliana lit the flame in the fireplace and put the small cauldron on her hook. Cleaning up just a little bit from the spell – it wasn’t a terrible mess, they passed the time while waiting for the potion to brew, about three hours.
Not realizing how much time had passed, Wednesday felt her cheeks heat up when her mother opened the cottage door with Enid, finding Emiliana and Wednesday in the middle of a very dramatic tarot reading for her Beanie Babies. Enid managed to take a picture before suggesting they head home as it was going on her late snack and bedtime, and she wasn’t one to skip her routines.
Feeling just a little bit irritated that she wouldn’t be able to see the potion through to the end, Wednesday let Emiliana scoot both members of the party out to the front porch before she located Augustus from where he’d been antagonizing her own snake, putting the boy around Wednesday’s shoulders, and tugging her close. “I will mind the potion and bring it to you tomorrow morning with an appropriate color tie and charm.”
She hugged her in return, feeling a strange pit of emotion as she held onto Emiliana’s thin frame. She turned her cheek against her bony collarbone, looking to the side, staring at the fire. Wednesday knew her intentions were clear when creating the potion, but…she wasn’t so sure if it would hold up or prove effective.
As Emiliana embraced her long, it seemed like…sometimes – that homespun magic was all an illusion; the potions and spells sometimes felt like nothing more than a placebo effect. Perhaps it really was, and the magic of it all was belief and pluck and –
“You are thinking over, little bird.”
“I know,” She whispered, still clutching onto her.
“You have proved, time and again – you are very strong, very powerful.”
“At a cost. I don’t think that potion will cause anyone to be hospitalized.”
Emiliana’s fingers tangled under her braids as she pulled her back to look her in the eye. Her left one was twitching like it wanted to be shut for the night. “Do not estimate under the power you have,” Emiliana warned.
Nodding – not sure how to do that, but knowing Emiliana’s misused idioms were wise, she accepted her obnoxious kisses to her cheeks before taking her backpack and the Beanie Baby blackbird and scorpion from the floor, tucking them inside, seeing all the missed messages on her phone that had caused her girlfriend and mother to have to walk over to collect her. Giving a wave to Emiliana, Wednesday accepted next her mother’s hand to her shoulder before letting Enid envelop her in a warm greeting.
“Sorry for interrupting your Beanie Baby tarot reading. That looked really fun! Did you get anything good out of it?”
Wednesday hid a dramatic sigh, contemplating on the fairly neutral cards she’d drawn that night. “Nothing life-changing, for the better or worse.”
“Well, we’ll take that, too,” Enid let go and slipped her fingers between Wednesday’s, practically skipping along the solar-powered little garden lights that illuminated the path from Emiliana’s cottage to the Addams house.
Wednesday had made a potion to give her hope that night. The irony of it was – the only reason who’d ever given her any reason to chance that sensation in the first place, despite her chipper-looking demeanor on the trail, was the very reason she needed it, and would likely be hysterical in just six hours.
Trying not to think over as they made it home, ate her usual pre-bed snack and followed her established routine with Enid, Wednesday tucked in beside her. Enid was cuddled on top of her chest like usual, obviously exhausted from her day – and had slipped to sleep in minutes.  
She’d sought out Emiliana for the very same reason that her fellow Raven had spoken the quiet part out loud – when she struggled with her reading. Sometimes – the weight of the dark, even if there was no vision, no promise of horror from the universe, was simply too much. To be understood in a way that such a microscopic percentage of Outcasts had ever truly been cursed…
There was a light from the nightstand an hour and a half later as Wednesday wanted to take her mother’s sleeping potion, but also didn’t want to be too out of it when Enid woke up in short time. Reaching for her phone, she examined the picture Emiliana sent; her potion was in a small bottle, with white-dipped twine, tied around the neck, a small bird charm of promise adhered in wax. There was no text attached to it, just the picture of the potion.
It looked beautiful in the light of the still-burning candles and Wednesday sighed, putting it back, adjusting herself around Enid’s sleeping form as she rolled onto her side with a snore. She considered the poem she’d spoken in verse over the potion, willing the universe to grant her a few hours of peace before she’d be woken up to provide it to her traumatized girlfriend.
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pianokantzart · 4 months
Reading your most recent post on Movie!Bowser… it does make me quite curious as to how they’ll handle Bowser and Mario’s fighting dynamic in the hypothetical second Mario movie. In terms of physical strength, I mean. Game!Mario is quite capable of taking down Bowser in his original form(as in, can physically take Bowser down without power-ups) but Mario more or less needed the aid of the star power-up to do so. The movie versions of M&L are definitely closer to normal humans in terms of fighting prowess, so it makes me wonder if they’ll try having Mario, and Luigi by proxy, fight in hand-to-hand combat with no power-ups with Bowser at some point?
Maybe that could be a plot point in the second movie? Bowser worms his way out and starts whichever villainous plot his evil little heart desires, and Mario and Luigi start off a journey of sorts to find another star power-up, believing it crucial in obtaining victory? But, unable to find it, they’re more or less thrown into the fray with their wits and only limited power-ups in tow? And thus sustain a significant amount more of injuries without their invincibility from the star? (And perhaps the fabled green mushroom makes its debut that way…) The movies could have an interesting juxtaposition with the first movie bros being inexperienced + power-upped vs. second movie bros being more experienced + ….not-so-power-upped lol. They sort’ve have to earn their hero titles more(though moreso in the eyes of themselves only. Mostly everyone around them is already like ‘Duh. Your heroes with or without them.’ But, alas, character arcs! Potentially!) Sorry, I’m kinda word vomiting, but day by day I grow ever more curious how the second movie could play out….
One thing I like about The Super Mario Bros. Movie is that it's pretty much just an origin story. There is so much room to expand between where the movie left off and the full Mario lore as we know it today, and I for one am interested in the process of Mario and Luigi going from "Haha! We're heroes!" to "Oh f*ck, we're heroes," to "Okay... we're heroes... we can do this."
Like, how would they react to the idea of facing off against Bowser again without a power star to help them? How will their dynamic shake out when they're bouncing from one life-or-death situation to another? How will they balance their protectiveness toward each other with their moral obligations? Where will the new stakes take them? What new powerup/ally/enemy will they encounter? But back to what you're saying. If Mario and Luigi don't use powerups– even small ones– in the fight against Bowser, I predict a combination of the following tactics will be employed:
Reliance on dexterity. Bowser has them beat in terms of speed, strength, and resilience, but being a giant turtle monster he isn't nearly as agile as Mario and Luigi.
Using Bowser's emotions against him. It's his most glaring weakness, so while prodding at his ego is risky it could also make his movements more predictable.
Using their surroundings to their advantage instead of relying strictly on their own physical ability, which is a pretty common thing to do in Mario games (and video games in general.)
Leaning heavily on teamwork, not just with each other but with Peach, Toad, and probably Yoshi given the post-credits teaser.
And maybe a certain green and white mushroom will need to come into play at some point? We'll see. My biggest fear is that the writers will nerf Bowser a little so that he's easier to take on without the aid of the super star, but I really hope that doesn't happen. Speedy, strong, ruthless, unwavering, tactical, durable Bowser with a fire breath powerful enough to destroy civilizations is my favorite Bowser.
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sketchiefoxie · 26 days
#TMayNT 22 Favorite Turtle Duo
For this one, it depends on if we’re talking canon or fanon.
For example, canonly I adore Smarts&Crafts!
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They’re so goofy and fun together, and the trust they display is so heartwarming! Mikey and Donnie, the classic ADHD and autism group get into a lot of hijinks and fun together. They don’t mask around each other, and they display large amounts of trust in one another. They’re always hugging each other, which is something that Donnie doesn’t let his other brothers do as often. (Not Mikey tho lol, he hugs everyone.) Donnie trusts Mikey’s advice when he’s having problems with Sheldon, and trusts him to make good plans with him in the repo junkyard. Meanwhile, Mikey is INCREDIBLY trusting of Donnie, to the point of letting himself fall at the top of a building!! The same building that Leo continually brings up to Baron Draxum, complaining “You threw me off a roof!!”
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Fanonly, my favorite duo has got to be the disaster twins!!
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The whole “twins who aren’t twins” thing is precious to me!! My sister and I have been mistaken as twins for our whole lives, despite the fact that we aren’t lol. I have seen so much wonderful fan content for the twins, and the most consistent factor I have seen, is a strong sibling bond. Carrying for each other, even when fighting. Being allowed to safely unmask, and be their authentic selves. The way that they play off each others strengths, such as Leo relying on Donnie’s smarts, and Donnie relying on Leo’s charm as the face man. They have a very “hey you can’t be mean to my twin, only I can say that crap to him” mentality.
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Also, as a bonus;
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them. They’d build a nuclear bomb, explode the world and simply nod and say “ah good times. Wanna grab pizza?”
prompt list below the cut.
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wardenswateringhole · 27 days
I would love a little drabble about taking care of a sick Ingo (BW Ingo or PLA Ingo, not picky!). He'd hate being unable to take care of the reader but he secretly likes being taken care of, even if he doesn't want to admit it at first. ;w;
(While I do have something already written here, I think this does call for a couple of more flavorful bits. The rolling storms and pollen allergies actually helped in writing this one. lol.)
Ingo groaned as he tried to get out of bed. His head was heavy and muscles were sore. His voice was distorted from nasal congestion. Ingo still rose, slowly and painfully. His uniform was put on slowly as he braced himself against the edge of the bed. A loud sneeze sent him tumbling backward onto the bed and brought you running into the room. He was a sight. Sprawled spread eagle on the bed with his shirt buttoned lopsided and his pants on one leg still.
He flailed weakly like a turtle attempting to right itself after being flipped onto it’s shell. You already had your phone out and was calling Emmet. Ingo would not be coming into work today. Emmet read you loud and clear despite Ingo’s slurred protests in the background.
You helped Ingo undress and get back into bed as he continued to complain and whine. He was fine! You were overreacting! He needed to get to work! People depended on him to get things done! He was tucked in gently, not strong enough to actually fight you. You shushed him and rubbed his fevered forehead. He seem to almost purr and lean into the gesture.
“Does you head hurt?” You asked. He nodded silently, still savoring the sensation of your hand massaging his skull. You chuckled over how that was all it took to shut him up.
You left him to rest and with promises of soup and medicine. Ingo protested weakly once more, much like a child who had to miss a much anticipated field trip. His head was laid back limply against the pillow and his eyes were drifting closed before you even left the room.
You woke him later with soup you had made and medicine. You helped him sit up and sat the food tray in front of him. He knocked back the small cup of bright orange syrup before diving into the soup. You wondered how that didn’t make the soup taste bad.
“I can’t taste anything anyway…” He answered with his blunted goopy voice. “But I appreciate this very much dearest…”
You turned on a show you both liked and sat with him as he ate. Soon the bowl was empty and put aside to make room for cuddling. He grunted against your chest. “I shouldn’t be near you… I could get you sick…”
You rubbed your fingers through his hair and shushed him once more. “It would be worth it.”
Ingo’s eyes opened and looked up at you. They looked so tired and pitiful but still shined with that familiar look of love he would give you all the time. “Thank you taking care of me, my love. I will be returning the favor ten fold later.”
He put his head back down and wrapped his arms around your torso tighter. “As soon as the room stops spinning…”
This could not be happening. Calaba had given him a look as soon as he began sniffling. Ingo had insisted he was fine and went on about his duties, despite Calaba warning him he would regret not resting then and there.
He regretted not resting then and there.
He rose at the sound of knocking at his door. That’s right, you were supposed to come by today. You were both going to go enjoy a day by the river. He wrapped blanket around his shoulders and answered the door.
The man looked like death warmed over. His normally bright and alert eyes looked like they were trying to slide off his face. Despite his insistence that he was fine, you managed to force your way into his home and ordered him back to bed.
Ingo awoke suddenly. He didn’t even realize he had drifted off. His home was filled with the aroma of warm food, which he could only get a faint hint of. But he recognized it. It was something you had told him was a favorite comfort food. His stomach grumbled in anticipation for the food, but some part of him felt bad. He was the one to usually cook for you…
It wasn’t long before you had a bowl ready for him. You served him his meal and took yours as well. A book was taken from a small shelf. A book you had both been enjoying together. You read to him between bites as he ate. Your voice was nice to listen too, and the embellishments you put on the descriptions of the scene were amusing, silly voices and all. Something bothered him though. He was usually the one to read to you…
The food was finished and dishes cleaned. Ingo hated watching you clean everything without being able to help out at all. Any effort to help was met with a stern warning that he would lose his legs if he got out of that bed. All he could do was watch as you cleaned the dishes and tidied up his living area. That was his job, not yours.
“Dearest. Please…” His voice warbled out, weak and croaky from sickness. “Come here.”
You did as he asked. He took your hand and rubbed his cheek into your knuckles. “I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for taking care of me so well…” His face looked up at you so pitifully. “But please… take a break… Join me for some rest?”
You couldn’t say no to such a sad pleading request. He scooted over to give you room. You both spent the rest of the evening cuddled in bed and just enjoying one another’s company. Ingo would never say it out loud, but he felt that was better than a trip to the river any day.
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loftwingsuarus · 2 months
On this day in history I pretended to be engaged and tried on wedding dresses.
By the way the ranking is based on how much I like these *as a wedding dress*. My fashion sense is pretty versatile outside I think
Honorable mentions! I tried on a ballgown and a column dress because I think everything is worth trying, but I didn’t like them that much, so I did not walk out with them. Which meant no photos lol.
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I did like the ball gown more than the column dress, which I didn’t expect- but that was on account of the ball gown having an organza flower pattern and a sculpted neckline, while the column dress is the definition of plain. (The puffs on the neckline of the ball gown are removable, which is how I tried it). At the very least the ball gown made me feel special, but it also made me feel like I was getting ready for my quinceanera. I like ball gowns, and the column dress was flattering, but they weren’t my style. D-tier for me: God intended these for other brides
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I’m not about the minimalist-trend, BUT I looove a good power dress. I love the fabric twist in the center, the sleeves, the shoulders, the slit, and it shows off my tattoo!!! But I thought I would like it more than I did. I felt pretty damn good in it, but not like I was getting married. Maybe one day I’ll star in a Netflix soap opera and I’ll wear this. C-Tier.
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I love the asymmetric style and the slit on the side. It shows off my shoulder tattoo. And the train is gorgeous! The gathers in the fabric adds an elegant touch, and I love the way the sleeve drapes around and clips to the back. Plus I look SNATCHED. Add in some jewelry and a headpiece, and you won’t wonder who the bride is. I have no complaints, but it looks like the plainer version of what ends up being my favorite dress. B-tier
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Ignore the clips. I LOVE the back on this dress, and that bead line going down the back makes it look very lovely and delicate. Plus, that dip in the front is perfect. You wouldn't even know there was illusion mesh there! And I love the way the skirt flares out. However, even when the stylist clipped me in, I feel like the lace wasn't serving. I didn't feel snatched. The cross-netting lace pattern makes me shapeless. In other words, it’s serving *table-cloth*. There were aspects I really adored, but I didn’t end up liking it as much as I thought I would. B-tier
I’m just about outside the 10-photo limit so I’m smacking you with part 2 in a minute. @turtle-ly also I need ALL YOUR THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS
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indieyuugure · 10 months
I recently watched tmnt 2012 and I was wondering for your opinion which overall arc worked for you in season 5 mine is the yojimbo Arc
My favorite season 5 arc is the ‘87 Crossover Arc, the series finale. I love those three episodes so much, I die laughing every time.
The scenes with Shredder and Krang are probably my favorite, right next to the scenes of the 87 turtles interacting with the 12 turtles. Lol it just kills me how OP the 12 turtles are in comparison to everyone from the 87 universe.
One of my favorite lines is Rocksteady describing Shredder and Krang:
“What if I says you look like the soft cheese grater, and you look like pregnant man with a brain for a belt buckle.” Yes. Thank you Rocksteady for that wonderful description 😂
And of course 87 and 12 Leo’s line of:
“He’s always trying to ‘conquer the world’ or ‘destroy the world’ or turn us into balloons, you just never know with him.”
“That’s…not very helpful.”
lol I could go on forever why I love this episode/arc I love it so much!
Good question! :]
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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so i think a lot of turtles are cackling because of the recent ugg coincidence that happened. and i agree, this one is really sus and something that deserves a spot in cpn history. but i’m more interested as to the why of it all. why is it there. my first guess is they forgot to blur it out and thought it’s no big deal. we could leave it at that, but it’s xz studio we’re talking about here — and considering the events leading up to it, i guess one can’t help but wonder if there is anything more to this….
XZ & XZ STUDIO are notorious for blurring things out. not just faces of people close by or the staff, but also things around them. You even have a photo of GG with the window of the car blurred out, so people don’t know where he is — or the things on his car seats also blurred. This is understandable, it’s for his privacy. There are also times where certain items are covered in videos & photos because of ( the most likely ) certain contractual obligations. Also fact that the most random things people see him use gets sold out can be a factor, he doesn’t want to unintentionally endorse something that’s really more of a personal favorite.
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It’s him wanting to keep certain aspects of his life private and that’s perfectly fine. Even if sometimes the guessing of what he has blurred out in some cases have been a game that turtles love to play. 😂😂😂
Now let’s review the video in question and why the shoes being left in the open seemed out of the ordinary.
you see they did cover up ( blue smileys ) some things on there and at some point the ugg slippers were sort of obscured. until that one frame where you can see everything clearly.
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At this point, it’s not the first time that we saw one person having the other’s endorsement before it was announced. and the culprit was mostly ZZ. him having WYB’s endorsed products before it gets announced. Also it’s not usually THEM that you see using it ( well except for bottled joy lol ) but the staff. It’s like they were given a sizeable amount of that product and was shared to the crew — which only happens to an endorser/sponsor. I think this is the first that we saw from their videos. other incidents we have are from second pass photos so it’s why i’m overthinking it all. why does it seem intentional.
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considering days ago there was the whole maison kitsune same style hot search and the same phone case is still fresh in people’s mind… shouldn’t he be more “careful” with these? not just with public opinion ( who mostly don’t mind ) but also his fans who get worked up about it.
A key incident also was earlier the day, there was an HS about him and his WDB co-star. It was a video “leak” from when they were shooting the drama. It looked very sweet and cp material — but they were shooting. I personally don’t have any bad blood with LQ. I genuinely think that they are friends and he’s comfortable to joke with her like that.
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It stayed up for some time on the HS, and it’s okay to have it up considering it’s promotion for the drama. It’s normal. You would expect stuff like this to pop up since they are the main pairing in the drama.
THEN LATER IN THE EVENING XZS DECIDES TO DROP THIS ON US. While I do think a very small amount of candies are intentional, this one seems to be ZZ hammering us. I still remember how he spoiled us when OOL was out so this is really nothing compared to that. He could have gone for something more in your face but what they did was actually perfect. Only those who pay special attention will notice what’s going on. The casual fan will be distracted by him doing push ups and leave it at that— but not us ( and well other wfs who seem to be better at noticing stuff than us lol ). It’s like him comforting us after that HS and all the cp stuff in his drama ( which i’m not mad about cause the love stories between him and the two girls is well written so far ; i wanna do a proper post about it in the future ).
So there you go. It’s not just because we saw Ugg shoes on his video clearly. It’s the endorsement incidents before, his acts of subtle comfort to cpfs, the events that lead up to the release of the video and ZZ’s penchant for giving candies you can’t wash. CPNs that become popular like this are usually not only because of what get at face value. You have to look at the bigger picture to make it sweeter. 💛
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evenmoreofadisaster · 5 months
the last chapter was my favorite in the whole fic so far! I'm very invested and very pleased to see how fleshed out this has become- I absolutely love the dynamics. I'm so intrigued to see how this story plays out, thank you for the wonderful writing!
Apologies if this has been asked before, but regarding Two not getting enough praise and feeling lesser than in comparison to One, is there a particular vulnerability that hurts more than the others? I'm assuming the list is fairly long but the ones I can think of are their names, his softshell, his tech malfunctioning, and his lost arm.
(I think this was in reference to Smart Lair, I just took a while to respond, sorry about that)
Thank you! I don't think this has been asked before actually
I think those are the main things so I'll just dig into them a bit more ehe
yeah, the names are a big one, mostly because of the ranks associated with them.
Two's tech is another important one since he thinks it's the only thing that makes him truly valuable (as an extension of his intellect). So, when One insults his tech or it malfunctions he gets defensive and takes criticism personally.
I would say the lost arm and softshell are insecurities to a lesser extent. Two's more sensitive about the experiment he conducted than the lost arm itself. That's mostly because Draxum uses it as a reason not to trust Two to work unsupervised, which justifies Two's lower rank, while One uses it to take Two's credibility away when he needs to (I feel like that's mostly for the events in the fic, though, since he's actively trying to deceive Draxum AND Two). Two personally sees the actual amputation as proof that he can not only come back from anything but come back even better than before, in this case with the enhanced prosthetic. So, it's a bit of a complicated subject for him since Draxum only sees it as a reason to distrust him. I don't really think Two would be insecure about losing an arm, since we figured Draxum would be able and willing to train him to fight without it (I can't remember if we mentioned Two more directly removing himself from training than Draxum, who just avoided him for a bit.) So it's more the accident itself and the way it changed his reputation that he's insecure about. The arm is a sensitive subject as a reminder of his personal and professional failure. I tried to sort of hint at that in this comic.
I haven't actually thought of Two's softshell being an insecurity in depth before but now that I am I'd say it's a sort of similar situation. Two, like canon Donnie, is aware that his softshell is a weak spot that his brother does not have to worry about, which is why it's a comparative disadvantage. As far as I understand, softshell carapaces aren't SUPER fragile on their own, they're just more fragile than other turtles. So Two would have the same kind of durability as a normal yokai or human child. Perhaps when he was younger he was more insecure about it because Draxum would probably warn Two and One to be careful which would just be an early example of One stepping up as the 'oldest' which Two isn't super happy about (I've talked about Two struggling with feeling respected in the household). But when he's older, probably after he lost his arm and after One's accident he ends up just erasing the weak point by giving it defensive capabilities. I wouldn't be surprised if he installed them after giving himself the arm as if to overcompensate for losing the arm in the first place. Like, in stead of just fixing his mistake so he's as he was before, he's showing he'll make himself even better, both by adding enhanced systems and tools to his prosthetic and by giving himself the spines. But i'm not 100% sure so that may change lol. But anyway, the shell is a vulnerability by being something people can use to prove that One is better than Two, and by being a literal weak spot as a turtle. Two installs the spines in his shell so that his enemies can't take advantage of his soft shell, and so that he has a way to make himself equal to and even surpass the tactile advantage that One gets from his shell. "Take that, mother nature" --Two, probably.
Aside from those, another vulnerability would be Two's temperament. He's got a lot of anger and aggression that he doesn't have much control over, which can make him a liability for One and Draxum, and thus makes him anxious because the more emotional he gets the more of a problem he is. It's just another reason Draxum can't fully trust Two, and he knows it. Two's unpredictable, temperamental, and pretty uncontrollable when he wants to be. I love these qualities because it really shows how passionate Two is, and is a good tell for when Two is really hurting or adamant about something, but One and Draxum will shut Two up by telling him he's forgetting himself or being overemotional, and it's one of the things that Two is not proud of so it usually works. Two tries to remain unaffected and composed and usually succeeds except when it comes to his anger, which is usually born from anxiety or hurt.
That one ties into the vulnerability that hurts the most, which is the notion that Two is a "loose cannon," as One puts it in Smart Lair. It's what ties back to most of the stuff that is on this list and is a big topic in Mind Meld and Smart Lair. In Mind Meld, Two snaps at Splinter when he calls his experiments crazy ("'I am not crazy!'"). He gets worked up when One messes with his technology because, of course, it's his job and he takes it very seriously, but it's also because every haywire experiment is just another docked point against his credibility, and the same goes for his emotional outbursts. He got the label when he did the experiments that got himself and One hurt, and being a high profile criminal in the Hidden City just proves the point and further threatens Draxum's mission. Draxum doesn't trust Two because he is afraid of what he's capable of, but instead of respecting Two's commitment he calls his unpredictable behavior a flaw that keeps him in the second rank. Two's furious because his ambition and passion are labelled as unpredictable and erratic, and that leaves Two constantly trying to fight against behavior that he believes makes him an invaluable asset to Draxum. So that's why Two fluctuates between following orders without question and working on really dangerous projects on his own
Great ask! thank you! I hope this all makes sense :)
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Oh yasss rottmnt!!! Btw drink some water my fella!
Anyways, I was wondering if you could do a Donnie x male reader where the reader has recently adopted a kitten who's very playful and tends to scratch a lot but is still an adorable sweetheart and when Donnie goes to visit him, the kitten immediately likes him? I've seen cats distrust and dislike people that aren't good for their owners so the idea of the cat immediately accepting Donnie would be super cute imo. You can skip this ask if you want lol ^^
Kitty Cat
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Genre: Fluff
A/N: I'm prettyyyy sure Mnt. Dew has water in it, so I should be good! :) Haha, in all seriousness, ya'll stay hydrated! And thanks for the request. ^-^
"I seriously doubt you thought this through," Donnie said, tapping his foot as you fiddled with the door to your apartment.
"I did, Don. Trust me when I say that this was a perfectly thought out plan," You replied with a smile, cheering as you finally got the door open. Damn door and it's finicky lock, Donnie knew he'd have to fix it someday soon. Lest you break your hand trying to get it open.
When you had called Donnie a few nights ago, saying you found a poor little kitten in an alleyway, abandoned by it's mother, he had thought you would take it to a shelter. Or maybe give it to some extended family members. Not immediately get attached and try to keep it.
Not that he's surprised, you always had a bleeding heart.
Now, you had somehow roped him into meeting the thing. Something about how you wanted your two favorite creatures to get along. Donnie still thought it was a bad idea - you lived in a rinky dink apartment in New York, a city which had a new mutant or yökai or another odd threat every other week - but he couldn't judge. Your life, your choice.
So, as you two stepped inside your apartment and you went to go put up your belongings, Donnie decided to go searching for the little creature who lived in your walls. Didn't take him very long, the thing had somehow slipped behind the microwave and was meowing loudly for someone to come save it.
Donnie picked up the kitten by the scruff of it's neck and held it up, examining the cat with an analytical eye. The kitten was still young enough that there wasn't any clear way to tell their gender and from what research he did on cat species, they seemed to be a Ragdoll. "Intriguing," he muttered.
"Donnie, I swear, if you're expirementing on poor Crash," you said as you walked into the kitchen, gently scopping the kitten from his grasp and setting them back down to let them scamper off to go explore the apartment more.
"Crash?" Donnie asked.
"Short for Crashworth Cortex Bandicoot the First," you said with a shrug, before leaving the kitchen to go sit on the couch. Donnie paused for a moment, thinking about how silly of a name that was for a cat, before turning his attention to your snack cabinet.
After settling down on the couch next to you - granola bar and flavorless juice in hand - he thought that was the last he'd see of Crash for the rest of the day, besides the little bugger running into the living room to play.
At least, until he started clawing at the couch, meowing for your attention.
"Aw, come here baby," You cooed, picking them up and holding the kitten close to your chest. Donnie could almost wish you'd talk to him like that - so soft and full of childish love - if you didn't already do that, in front of his brothers no less. Oh well, it's onlt naturally for a kitten to want to spend time with it's owner.
Yet, the kitten kept meowing.
"What's wrong baby?" You asked, still using that cute baby-talk voice as Crash simmied out of your arms and leaped over to him. They circled around on his lap for a while, before laying down to rest, purring. "Hey, they like you!" You exclaimed, eyes shining with pure delight.
"I...suppose so," Donnie said, confusion laced in his tone. He knows cats can eat turtles - and that cats will, on many occasions - so he thought Crash would just see him as a gaint, walking tray of yummy turtle meat.
He supposed not.
Slowly running his fingers through the cats fur he was...pleasantly surprised. Normally, stuff like cat's fur would trigger all his sensory issues, but this nice and fluffy and didn't feel like a thousand ants trying to bury under his skin.
"You good, babe? You're zoning out," You asked, tapping his shoulder lightly with a concerned look on your face. Donnie cleared his throat.
"There isn't anything wrong, my dear. Let us focus on the show. Oh, remind me, what's it about again?" Donnie asked. The question sent you on a hyperfocused-induced ramble, which allowed Donnie a moment of breath and also to distract you from the rare pet name that slipped out in a moment of weakness or how he kept petting the sleeping kitten for the rest of the marathon.
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heartofwritiing · 2 years
Hotter than Mr. Darcy
paring: steve harrington x fem!reader
a/n: so i had this idea where the reader was like a super book/poetry nerd whose into all the classics, jane austen, shakespeare etc. And i thought it would be cute to write something where her and steve are just like chilling on one of his days off and reading together! ahh it sounds so cute! I hope you guys like it!
warning(s): unedited, spoliers for pride and prejudice, one swear word, cheesy lol, short af, and fluff, takes place before season 4!
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“wait, wait so she’s not into Darcy at all?!”
Your boyfriend Steve Harrington spoke up from behind you. Currently you were sitting on the couch in Steves living room with your back to his chest with your copy of Jane Austen’s Pride and prejudice in your hands. You had just gotten to the point where Elizabeth Bennet rejects Mr. Darcy’s marriage proposal. Steve was reading over your shoulder, his head leaned against the side of yours, every so often placing kisses on your collar bone. While his eyes scanned the pages of one of your most favorite novels. His arm around your waist while his free hand played with your hair as you both enjoyed each other’s company on Steves only day off.
“I mean do you blame her? he seems very arrogant.” you point out. You rested the book on your knees which were propped up.
“Yeah but he’s rich.” Steve argued. “right? isn’t that what they’ve pointed out the past couple chapters?!”
“true, but she still doesn’t like how dishonorable he is towards others.” You point out.
Soon after you started dating you were worried Steve wouldn’t like you after finding out you enjoyed books more than anything. You had an obsession with books for as long as you could remember. They were there for you when you needed comfort the most. When your parents fought you would use books to escape and that was what helped you the most. That wasn’t the case though, Steve had made it very clear early on that he cared for you and nothing would change that.
Ever since you both got together it would be tradition for you both to hang out and read on his day off from working at the movie store downtown. You had already introduced him to a few of your favorites and he loved them almost as much as you did.
He never thought he’d like Shakespeare, he always dreaded it in school but you somehow convinced him that it wasn’t so bad. Much ado about nothing was his favorite always saying how Beatrice and Benedict reminded him of the both of you before you got together.
Like alot of people you thought Steve was this arrogant big shot who was the king of Hawkins high. It wasn’t until an incident regarding a bunch of Demodogs and a bus that you had gotten to know him for who he was. He was selfless, charming and an overall wonderful person. You had only started dating a year ago after you both lost your jobs at the mall and decided after pining over each other for so long.
“I guess you’re right, I mean he dose seem like an arrogant rich asshole.”
“You know what’s funny is, I used to have a crush on him when I was younger.” you admit sheepishly.
“Really?” Steve chuckles.
“Yeah I used to think he was hot, I think its the way Austen describes him, he was kinda my dream guy, that is.. until I met you.” your cheeks heat up profusely while you speak.
“awee babe, are you saying im your dream guy?”
“yeah..” you trail off sinking into your shirt like a turtle, a little embarrassed.
Steve than begins giving you kisses all over your head and face that he can reach. It has you giggling and smiling like a love sick fool. You were both so smitten with each other, it was so adorable.
“of course you are handsome.” you lean back to peck a kiss on his cheek. Now it was his turn to blush. You then get back into your positions and continue reading. After a few minutes of silence then Steve speaks up again.
“I am hotter than Mr. Darcy though right?”
“oh, definitely hotter than Mr. Darcy.” you assure.
he laughs.
I feel like maybe i should do another fic in the same universe with the same reader type but idk! *gasp* or a 1800s!au OMFG. Stranger things Regency era au?! i might do itt!
taglist: @redheadspark @steve-harringtons-slut @drspencerreid921 @a-lumos-in-the-nox @ftrmrs-ally-keofield @magnificentzombiebasement
let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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thelaundrybitch · 9 months
You ask, I deliver! 🧊,🍀 and 🧠 for Sunny, please 💛💛
Gosh sorry it's so long. I hadn't realized how much had been put into Sunny's character until you asked these questions, and I really want to thank you for that. I had to do a bit of soul searching for these answers 😂💖
Sunshine Alisabet Meadows
🧊  - Is their current design the first one?
Kind of.
What I mean by kind of, is that Sunshine has always been "the laundry bitch".
And I will come back to this later.
So, I'm gonna start this off by telling you that instead of using y/n in my reader x turt fics, I like to use pet names. Sunshine is one of those pet names.
And actually the pet name originally stemmed from Tethered - which has been being written for I feel like YEARS at this point, but has yet to see the light of day - whomp.
Sunshine is what Donatello calls his significant other, as a pet name in said series.
And actually, now that I think of it, I first used it in LBH BY Donatello, and I think it just kind of stuck after that.
Because we all know, I do love me some DonDon.
Then, Sunshine really came about next, through means of my one-shot Sniped.
She was dropped into an apocalyptic au through human trafficking and saved by Donnie. Later she moved in with the turtles on base and met Mona Lisa - courtesy of the wonderful @tmnt-tychou 💕
Her most current version that you all know and love, was restructured to fit in a Tactical Turtles (Rise) AU, where she met a hot ass mechanic - Axel 💖
🍀  - What originally inspired the OC?
Weirdly enough, a dream. I dream in turtle occasionally. And Donatello's pet name for me, was Sunshine.
Great, I've outed myself
The person really responsible for helping start Sunshine on her OC journey, however, was TyChou 🫶🏻
Mona was Sunshine's first girlfriend.
That's right folks, you heard it here first. MonaShine was and sometimes still is a thing. Because Sunny also loves herself a lizard girlfriend 😂☀️🦎💕
Sunshine continued her journey into what we'll call a group writing exercise started by the incredible @morning-sun-brah 💖 and in an au created by the equally amazing @donathan 🤩
She got a little resizing, if you will, to become a self insert character for said writing exercise.
And then she just sort of found a voice of her own as time went on. She does indeed resemble me in many ways, but she is very much *her own person* now.
🧠  - What do you like most about the OC?
Her girlfriend, Axel. 
No but, really, I love everything about Sunshine. Girlfriend has been through A LOT. And put ME through A LOT.
Including springing the fact that she has an identical twin - Buttercup. Who I also love dearly, but that's a story for another ask.
Sunny is my most frequently written OC, although you'd never know it because most of her stories remain in my drafts, and unpublished 😅
Which is a crime because she's a friggin riot.
I love that she is sassy and sarcastic. She has such a wonderful sense of humor and a heart of gold. She is warm and welcoming, and she is equal parts safety and laundry. She is the epitome of Shenanigans Supreme® and if you ever looked up Little Shit™ in the dictionary,  you'd see her staring back at you.
She holds a very special place in my heart and is my favorite out of all my OCs.
Just don't tell her. It'll go straight to her head 😑🙄😂
And honestly, she's my OG laundry bitch, how could I not love her the most 🫶🏻☀️
And since we're here, and I'm writing about her character development, I want to give a huge shout out, and thanks to all of you who have helped me create and develop her. Especially @shiftandshade ❤️🥰
@leosgirl82 @sharpwindow @post-apocalyptic-daydream @scholastic-dragon @m1dnyt3-w0lf @eveandtheturtles @raphsmuneca @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda @tinkabelle19
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boxfullaturtles · 1 year
I have a question about your fic if its okay to ask
I was wondering what the threads and lights were about that mickey saw? What are those?
Ah yes, the worldbuilding I started for the magic system that I never went anywhere with lol
I'm gonna get kinda long here, please forgive me. I love talking about this kind of thing.
"Mortal Shell" was originally going to be a lot longer of a fic, with Mikey being outside of his body for an extended period of time, something nefarious possessing his body, and then it leading the family on a fun little chase all over New York with lots of collateral damage. It would have gone more into the mystic plane that Mikey was existing on and how mystic powers draw from it and so on and so forth.
When I changed almost everything about the fic (partly to make it shorter and partly because I had started reading Dandy's "I May Be Invisible" and got paranoid about being called a copy-cat), pretty much all of that stuff was scrapped. There was going to be a little scene at the end of the fic while Mikey was recovering where he asked Draxum about the stuff he saw on the mystic plane. I did start writing that scene, but it didn't fit the pacing anywhere so it got scrapped too. Here's the only bit of that scene I wrote:
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So first off I am a massive fan of personifying things that are beyond comprehension. Sort of cosmic horror but without the horror. I love the idea of a city being alive simply because it is a city, because lives have been lived there and where there's life, there is magic. Kate Griffin's Matthew Swift and Magical Anonymous series have had a huge impact on me and remain my favorite books to this day for a reason. I highly recommend them if you're a fan of urban fantasy and kick ass women and a protag who is a pathetic little meow meow that could burn London to the ground if they so desired.
Anyway. All that to say, when Mikey describes New York City as "alive", it is in an almost literal sense. New York is living place, it is alive, it breathes, it feels, it IS. The white lines are akin to ley lines; the theory is that there are lines across the globe that important and historical landmarks and monuments fall on. I sort of localized this specifically to New York City and its major landmarks. So the ley lines connect to each other like a dot-to-dot going from places like Time's Square to the Statue of Liberty, etc.
The Threads I think I touched on a little in the fic, Draxum dropped a line about them being the connections of the universe. And that's pretty much what they are. Individual people have thousands of Threads that connect them to other people, to places, to objects--they are powerful in their own ways but can't be seen outside the mystic plane. Originally these Threads were going to be used in a ritual to pull the antagonist creature out of Mikey's body and put Mikey back in. But that ritual got scrapped really early on since I never really figured it out. Mikey was also originally going to be able to see the Threads of his family members, flowing out and tying together and attaching to him. But when I was writing the scene, they made everything wwaayyy too cluttered and would have given away what was going on far too early. So why can Mikey only see the Threads in that one specific scene? idk because mystic reasons. The mystic plane is a mysterious and virtually unknown thing, that's why.
As for the golden river of light in the sky, that is very much inspired by the river of light from Mushi-Shi, an anime I love very much which has also heavily inspired me. It represents life itself, in its purest form.
I think that basically covers everything? But please! Feel free to ask me more questions! I am always down to talk about turtles and my writing! And other people's writing. I can wax poetic about that all day, my dude. <3
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nani-nonny · 21 hours
God i was so tired i forgot to write about the new chapter lolol
So finally ch 10 came and god i was HYPED AF!
Papa Leonardo is trying to calm down but he's JEALOUS that Draxum is getting the benefit of holding Lou without bonding with her, this actually point out tho Lou was still small, the time she spent with F!Drax was either; A, long so their bond is stronger then Leo. Or B, short time but Draxum had few tricks thanks to - theroy - spending time with F!Splinter and the family to apply them and win Lou's heart.
But my biggest question up until now is; why making Lou?!
This question is eating me up and my only answer was "She was made as a 2nd resistance leader in case F!Leo didn't make it" Of course after losing his arm surly it won't be that hard before Leo dies and IF it happened the resistance will fall. Seeing how good and strategic f!Leo is, by making Lou there could be a chance she can have his own power and hopefully mind from the war planning part.
I straight up laughed when Donnie presented the book that says "When Daddy and mommy loves each other very very much" LMFAOOO LIKE BRO YOU DON'T NEED MORE HINT THEN THAT XDD
Also when Donnie said he doesn't know yokai language i remembered WDS Donnie where he's a "drop out" lmfaooo.
When Raph suggested going into baby Lou's mind i was like "YES MY FAVORITE PART!! I LOVE SEEING THE PAST MEMORIES OF THE CHARACTERS!!" Any heart MELTS seeing Leo jumps to take baby Lou to feel "Safe" and i loved how Mikey was giddy about it! Me too mikey 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Seeing the future was wonderful until F!Leo thought about how the kids will see few gory stuff about the future and it worried me about Lil Leo, it not only he got smacked with harsh truth but also gonna witness more scary stuff that makes him think "Oh! This... All of this could happen if i failed getting the key!" Like he's safe, everyone are safe, but he will think about what could've happen if F!Leo wasn't there to interrupte the ceremony..
But what made me feel more... Uncomfortable (don't worry it's pos) is the rotten eggs in the end.. It shows - probably (?) Not sure not all of them could be Leo's kids - that these eggs didn't make it... They're dead children...
Hahah! I was so tired after posting I immediately fell asleep!
Peepaw Leonardo not realizing he’s jealous how the baby wants to be in grandpa Drax’s lap makes me happy and laugh haha and ooo I like what you’re thinking! She created a strong bond with Drax either way, but how hmmm? lol
Yes! Why was Lou created?! And oh! I like what you’re thinking! A 2nd resistance leader? But I wonder with that theory, that would mean Draxum had an inkling or hope that Leonardo would stay alive long enough for the baby to grow?
Donnie’s book was a quick run because the librarian was definitely not happy to see him there hahaha! When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much… hahaha! He got the wrong book on reproduction! And I can see how it’s a callback to WDS lol he doesn’t understand mystics that well haha!
Yesss! Memory adventure! I initially planned for them to suggest going through Draxum’s memories in hopes to find a connection to the future Draxum’s memories and some memory shenanigans would happen, but going through the baby’s pov is more fun!
And baby Lou telling her peepaw in her little turtle language that she feels safe in his arms :(((( /pos
They’re so cute!
Yes! The guilt Lil Leo would feel after hearing about it is one thing, but witnessing it?! It would tear him apart! And I love it >:D
The rotten eggs… yeah, they are the failed experiments. They were all Leo’s eggs used for Draxum’s experiments, that failed to meet the world, which explains Draxum’s disbelief at the end where he says “you’re alive”
Thank you for reading sniper :(((( (/pos) I was waiting to see how you would react haha!
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