#this took awhile to write I’m not going through it again
inkdropdemon · 2 years
Out of all the brothers, I think Donnie would make the best villain. This is probably obvious if you’ve watched the show (he can act a little unhinged, just watch the Snow Day episode)
Before I start, I’m going to go through my counter arguments for his brothers
Raph, while the strongest, is too gentle to intentions cause mass destruction. While he’s tough, he doesn’t seem to go out of his way to hurt people unless his brothers are in danger
Similar to Raph, Mikey is too compassionate to intentionally hurt others. I could see him as a prankster type, causing problems for fun, however he’d probably feel bad when he learns how his actions effect others
I could see Leo possibly being a villain, who doesn’t like a charming swordsman? How his insecurities play into his villainy could also be fun to explore. What stops him from being the best is his destructive capabilities are definitely limited in comparison to his brothers. Plus he tends not to take things seriously, which could lead to his downfall.
Now that I got that out of the way, why is Donnie the best? Well it mostly boils down to his intelligence and expertise with tech.
I don’t think you recognize how impressive Donnie’s tech is. His tech bo is a swiss army knife of a weapon with how much hes packed into it. And the three battle shells he wears are all very useful. There’s also the turtle tank, which he created *by himself* from the Jupiter Jim Moon Buggy. Not to mention that it holds 2 motorcycles and a shit ton of weaponry. Let’s not forget about Sheldon, a sentient ai and essentially Donnie’s son.
I could go on but it is incredible the things Donnie is able to invent. As a villain, he could create whatever he needs for his schemes, provided he gets the resources needed. Considering how the show doesn’t go into detail explaining how he gets them, however, means he doesn’t need to worry about that. Oh, and now that he doesn’t need to be concerned with law or ethics, Donnie could definitely get his hands on some uranium. Be afraid.
Now Donnie isn’t just tech. He’s smart and analytical, which means he won’t just face his enemies head on. He’s the type to study his opponent, figuring out the best way to defeat them (I’ve thought about how he’d beat his brothers too much). Considering that he can hack into every security camera in NY (stated in Hot Soup! The Game), he has the ability to watch and analyze his opponents. Better yet, he can delete any camera footage of him, making it harder for Donnie to be tracked.
Oh, and because Donnie loves music and dance, you know this theater kid would get his own villain song.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go rewatch rottmnt.
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Awkward Situation - Paul Lahote
Paul x reader!Fem!Swan
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,541
Requested: Twilight imagine the part in New Moon where Bella slaps Paul and her little sister is their w/her Paul imprints on the reader and jacob isn’t happy about it and stuff like that. - @cokecola4211
Authors Note: I enjoyed writing this I tried to make it different from what I’ve read before. Thank you for requesting! Sorry it took awhile to post my queue has been FULL lol
Twilight Masterlist
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“Bella, maybe Jake just wants to be alone- or maybe some guy time.” Y/n suggested it to her slightly older sister. Bella and Y/n were hardly even a year apart in age but that didn’t stop Y/n from occasionally getting treated like a baby compared to Bella.
Y/n knew Jake and Bella had been spending a lot of time together recently and it seemed to be good for her sister after the Cullens left. But Jake had become sick or at least that's what he and Billy had been telling Bella. Y/n wanted to just leave it, he’d come back on his own either way. But her sister, no Bella , needed answers now and she wasn't going to wait to get them on Jacobs time.
Bella shook her head with a tight expression on her face. “No, Y/n. Something's up. Somethings wrong I can feel it.”
“Bella, we’ve both known Jake practically our whole lives maybe he’s just-” Y/n shook her head lifting her hand in q wave motion before dropping it down to her lap. “I don’t know, going through puberty?”
“His dad keeps saying he has mono but it’s been almost 2 weeks and he won’t even answer texts. Let alone calls.” Bella explained further as she pulled into the Black’s driveway.
“Maybe he’s still sick.” Y/n tried one last time as Bella put the car in park.
“Well, we're going to find out.” Bella stated before she got out of the car.
Y/n unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car to chase her sister muttering to herself. “This isn’t gonna go well.”
Bella knocked on the door and shortly after Billy opened the door. Bella had told the man in the wheelchair that she needed to see Jake, but all she got was that he wasn’t there. Next thing Y/n knew her sister had welcomed herself into the home practically going right over Billy.
“Bella.” Billy called after her but it was too late and Bella wasn’t listening anyways.
“I’m sorry, Billy.” Y/n said apologizing for her sister's actions.
Billy let out a sigh and sent a tired smile to the younger Swan. “Don’t worry about it, Y/n.”
It wasn’t even a few minutes later that Bella stormed out of the house and Y/n followed yelling after her. “Bella!”
“Hey!” Bella shouted and shoved one of the shirtless males Y/n somewhat recognized. “What did you do to him?!”
That's all Y/n could really hear from so far back. So she shouted out to her sister again, hoping to defuse the situation if she couldn’t just get her to leave. “Bella!” 
“Y/n wha-” Jake spoke out suddenly standing beside the Y/h/c-ed girl.
“She dragged me here with her.” That's all Y/n had to say for Jake to understand what was happening. Charlie got Y/n in the devoirce so Y/n and Jake grew up together their whole lives as siblings in Forks. They could understand what the other was saying with just a look.
Jake nodded before looking back at the scene and then pointed “And that?”
“She slapped that Paul guy.” Y/n told him and that changed his demeanor.
“Crap. Y/n, stay back.” Jake said as he noticed Paul shaking.
Y/n wondered why but then she made eye contact with the Paul guy her sister was taking her anger out on. It was as if time showed for a minute. All the members of the pack put it together, and that's when Jacob flipped and inevitably so did Paul.
Seeing them turn into giant wolves Y/n ran to her sister. “Bella, you okay?” Her attention was drawn back to the wolves fighting not far from everyone. “Woah. Now that's cool.”
“Really, Y/n?” Bella asked, turning her head to face her sister in disbelief at how her sister wasn’t scared.
“What?” Y/n shrugged. In her opinion that was cool. Way cooler than Vampire super speed, the eyes, and sparkling under the sunlight someone dumped a 1,000 pounds of glitter on you. The Paul guy and Jake turned into Wolves! And not just wolves, Giant wolves. That's impressive.
“What just happened?” Bella asked Sam Uley she believed his name was. All the while Y/n was confused as to the looks she was getting from the others, a few she had grown up with just like Jake. 
“Paul imprinted.” Sam stated looking at Bella. Then Jacob came out of the woods still looking pissed off.
“On Y/n.” Jake grumbled, clearly pissed off at the new found fact.
“Take her back to Emily’s. Bella too.” Sam told Jacob which resulted in a very loud scoff from the younger male. “That's an order Jacob. Embry go with them.”
“Hey, Em.” Y/n nodded to Embry. They have been friends for years. It brought comfort to Y/n, knowing someone else. Someone that wasn’t pissed that would be in the car with her, her sister, and Jake.
“Hey, Y/n/n.” Embry smiled. He had missed seeing her around since he phased.
“Why is Jake so pissed?” Y/n asked Embry hoping he could fill her in on what's going on exactly.
Embry sighed before explaining. “Him and Paul don’t get along, and he’s protective of you. As he should be, you're like brother and sister.”
“Why would he be protective over me when it comes to Paul? I’ve never met Paul before.” Y/n squinted with a furrowed expression as she questioned Embry confused.
“Paul should be the one to explain it to you. It’s not my place, or anyone else's in the pack.” Embry felt bad for Y/n. She had no idea what was going on and it very much involved her. But like he said it wasn’t his place to explain any of this to her. 
Y/n nodded in understanding, kind of. But maybe he could explain something else to her. “Can you explain the pack part to me then?”
Embry nodded with a smile stretching across his lips. “Yes, I can do that.”
It wasn’t a long drive but long enough for Embry to explain about the pack to Y/n.
“Who’s place is this again?” Y/n heard Bella ask and she listened for Jake’s answer.
“Emily and Sam’s.” Jake answered as he got out of the truck.
Jake and Embry helped Y/n off of the truck bed. With a quiet thank you from Y/n they all headed inside. The only ones that weren’t there was Sam and Paul. But it didn’t take long for them to join in on the group.
“Can I talk to you? Outside. Alone.” Paul asked nervously looking softly at Y/n, to let her know she could reject his request if she wanted to. Y/n nodded ‘yes’ getting up to follow him.
“Over my dead body.” Jake growled, glaring with his eyes set on burning holes into Paul.
“Jake.” Sam said his name firmly. Making Jake stand down. For now.
“Come on.” Paul nodded his head towards outside Y/n nodded as well and followed him outside the small nice home.
They walked into the woods for awhile, Y/n assumed long enough to be far away enough so the rest of the pack couldn’t hear their conversation. “So, I assume that they explained the whole pack thing to you?”
“Embry did, yeah. But not the imprint part?” Y/n spoke with a unsure tone, hoping she got the word right. Paul nodded with a twitch of his lips. “Not the imprint part. What is that by the way?”
“Guess I should explain that part then.” Paul smiled, hearing her just say the word of what she is to him. That made him feel warm on the inside, which was a new feeling for him. He did like it though.
“Embry said it was only your place to tell me what it is.” Y/n looked to the still shirtless male with curiosity. What did it mean? What did it have to do with her? And why did Paul have to be the one to explain it?
“I have a spot I’d like to take you, and I’ll explain on the way.” Paul suggested there was a place he wanted to show her that only he knew about. Great view that he never that he never showed anyone.
“Ok” Y/n knew she was being way trusting with this stranger. But he felt trustworthy. She didn’t know why but he does.
Paul stopped them for a second in their tracks. He really needed to know something and it was bothering him that he didn’t. “I do have a question before we get too far that I should know that I do not.”
Y/n let out an amused breath before asking. “And what's that?” 
“Your name.” Paul smirked
Y/n nodded with a smile. “Y/n. Y/n Swan.”
“Well, Y/n Swan. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Paul’s smirk fell into a smile. He always teased the others who already had their imprints about how whipped they were, but now he was starting to understand.
@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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inknopewetrust · 13 days
Summary: when the storm chasing is done and the weather doesn’t sit right, Scott is always there to reassure you everything will be alright [Scott Miller x Reader] [WC: 1.6k ish]
Warnings: none really. Fluffy romance, for once Scott isn’t an asshole, maybe a little suggestive at times but nothing that merits a warning. This fills the gap between the next massive Scott fic I’m writing.
Quick Links: Masterlist (including all twisters fics)
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In the middle of nowhere Oklahoma, the sounds of rain pattered on a front porch covered by a roof. Its meeting of wood had once been rhythmic. Each beat building anticipation of a storm in the distance—you loved that feeling.
And you curled up on the bench beside the door to watch it fall. Gently and softly until it drowned out the nothingness of your home.
It was heaven—if you just stayed awhile and simply listened.
On nights like these, Scott had learned the phases of your own storm chasing to a specific pattern.
The revelation that it was indeed going to rain came first. A light excitement that flashed before your eyes in hope that perhaps it would evolve into something far for exhilarating in the darkness. Second came the socks over your bare feet even after the evening had settled and there was no cause for it.
You’d be going outside—the moment the socks slipped over your toes he knew it.
And then when the rumbles or the pattern started, you’d be gone. Disappearing to the outdoors as though you’d live there in the wilderness to simply live amongst the weather.
He always questioned why you had never chased them, truly, yourself. Scott had never met someone so admiring of a natural phenomenon that exceeded your appreciation.
But it also happened to be a Friday night on this particular evening. One that was far and few between the longer the seasons lasted for his work and the end had just occurred. All he wanted was to hold you, feel you, love you, and yet you chose the storms he ran away from.
The thunder was sounding closer. The echos marched through the home you shared and he tapped on his leg in thought as the television set went out of service and the weather was all that was left.
So, he got up.
A prolonged squeal ached as the porch door opened beside you, taking the attention away from the sky alight with fireworks of Earth’s greatest display. From your spot on the bench, you looked up at Scott as he took in the sights you were captivated by.
It’d been so long since he’d been home that even in the darkness of your favorite storm, he’d still steal your attention. A blanket in hand, he was comfort embedded in the walls.
“I guess this is better than whatever’s on the tv, huh?” He commented gruffly. You shrugged, leaning your head back onto the siding.
“I can watch tv all day,” you countered. “It’s not everyday you get views like this.”
The lights captured you again. Breaking and busting through the clouds far away. It was beautifully bright.
“No,” he bit the inside of his cheek and shut the door. “You don’t.”
“Are you gonna sit with me?”
Scott knew you did not need to ask for him to sit with you yet you always did. An offer he couldn’t refuse—his heart wouldn’t let him. You stuck stakes into them and dragged him along for the rest of eternity in his eyes.
He hummed, holding out his hand covered with the blanket that normally rested on the back of the couch. Scott knocked his head to the side in instruction for you to move aside.
You shuffled to the end of the bench but knew it wasn’t enough. Therefore, you stood up, allowing him the space to sit on the furthest edge of the bench. Scott bent a knee, offering a hand and twinkle in his eye to you.
“Oh, look at you,” you quipped. “Such a gentleman.”
He tugged on your hand which only caused you to tumble into him. Knees meeting the bench with a thud, you caught yourself on his chest. His breath fanned your face as his chest lifted in a chuckle at your expense.
“I’m always a gentleman,” he feigned. “I don’t think you’d let me walk through the door if it wasn’t.”
“Well I don’t know if this is a gentleman’s way of handling their lover.”
A ghost of a smile met his lips. His eyes bared down to your lips before he pecked yours gently.
“There’s plenty of ways I can hold you if you ask nicely enough.”
“Uh huh,” you laughed. He let you go to turn your back to him before sitting down in the space between his legs. “How about you just hold me for now and we can decide on the rest later.”
Scott took the blanket he had brought and laid it over you both.
“You’ve got yourself a deal there, baby.”
You rested against his chest as the rain continued to rush to the ground. The sound, like before, drowned out everything else that didn’t matter as much as the shallow breathed of Scott and the hum of a constant pour.
It was perfect.
All of the love was filling a room that expanded beyond the porch of your house. You leaned your head back, relishing the feel of his head against yours as his arm wrapped around your front and held you securely. You’d bend every piece of you to rest forever in this position.
It was heaven.
“Hey,” against the rain, Scott’s voice murmured into your ear deep and calm. You turned your head into him as a signal of an answer.
“I love you,” he whispered.
And yeah, maybe it was more than heaven. Maybe it was something far better, more real than anything you had the imagination to conjure. To be loved unconditionally in the honesty of a stubborn man’s silence was a reward far beyond the peace only dreamt.
You were in your own heaven—one you were so lucky to have.
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A/N: thanks for reading! As always comments, reblog, and likes are always appreciated. I love hearing from all of you!!
Also this is not proofed at all as of today. Sorry for errors.
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sansaorgana · 2 months
Hi Lily!! It’s been awhile, how are you? I just saw your new Benny fic and ran to request another bc I love your writing so much 💞 What are your thoughts about soft!Benny coaxing a nervous reader onto his bike for the first time? Can you imagine those mesmerizing baby blues hovering over you as his deep, soothing voice promises, “I won’t let anything happen to you, baby girl.”
hello, Lee! 💚 it feels nice to see you again 🥺💐 this fic is so Lana Del Rey that I should get sued by her tbh 🙈😭
I had to close my requests for now because I got so many 🙏🏻
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“I won’t let anything happen to you, baby girl,” Benny looked deep into your eyes as he leaned in, trying to convince you to hop on his bike after you had left the pub with all the other guys.
You bit on your lower lip and giggled nervously. You had been curious about the bikes for a while now – especially after starting to date a biker. Not any biker but Benny Cross himself on top of that. But still, you were nervous. There were so many accidents, you heard about them every day. And you knew the way Benny was driving – it was careless. You were already worried enough about him.
Whenever he was visiting you, you would play that song by The Shangri-Las “The Leader of The Pack” and he would sigh and roll his eyes.
“Promise me I won’t ever have to cry on this song, Benny,” you would always say and he would stop all the playful expressions.
Because Benny couldn’t promise. He had even mentioned once – drunk on beer – that he would want to die on the road. To die like he was living. You had been sitting in his arms by the bonfire but you had to stand up and walk away after hearing that; to hide in Kathy’s car and cry a little.
You would always go to the meetings in someone’s car. You knew it was a little ridiculous considering the fact you were dating a biker but…
“I promised my ma that I would never ride that beast,” you batted your eyelashes at him. “She let me go out with you on that condition,” you reminded him.
“Baby,” Benny put his hands on your shoulders to move you away slightly from the road at the sight of other gang members hopping on their bikes to drive away. “I’m gonna be slow and careful, come on. I won’t even go past the speed limit with you in the back, I promise,” he put his right hand on his chest where his heart was. “You’re my pretty lil’ dollie, I won’t anything bad happen to you.”
“Why do you care so much about it, Benny?” You bit on your lower lip and looked into his eyes, trying to understand.
“It’s somethin’ I love. Somethin’ I’m excited about. I want you to try at least once. Want you to know what I’m talkin’ about and… Yeah, it’s a nice feelin’. Want you to experience it, okay?” He booped you on the nose. “Please, one time. I would never break the law with you in the back.”
“Well, if so… Then I should be always riding with you, don’t you think?” You teased with a wink and took a deep breath in. “Okay, fine.”
“No, no, don’t fine me, baby. You gotta want it, I don’t want to force you,” Benny shook his head and fixed one of the rings on his fingers nervously.
“I want it, Benny. I mean it. I’ve been curious for some time, I’m just…” You took a deep breath in. “I’m a chicken.”
Benny chuckled at that.
“Yeah, you are,” he nodded and hopped onto his bike before looking back with a daring look on his face and an eyebrow raised.
“What?!” You gasped. “You were supposed to deny it!”
“Well, I didn’t,” he shrugged. “You comin’ or what?”
You laughed at him and rolled your eyes before clumsily getting behind him. He moved forward to give you more space and when you felt like you were comfortable enough, he reached to the back and grabbed your hands to wrap them around his torso.
“Pat me on the chest if you want me to stop,” he told you. “I’m starting the engine now,” he warned and you nodded before swallowing a lump in your throat. You liked that he was talking you through it, it was making everything easier.
The act of starting the engine was pretty aggressive. He kicked his boot and jumped as the motorbike roared like a lion and you felt fresh sweat droplets forming on your back. So, that was it. You would ride a motorbike now.
When he started driving, at first you got a little dizzy and felt as if you were about to fall down. You clung to him with all your force and felt him chuckle as you moved as close as possible and leaned your cheek on his back and closed your eyes, too scared to open them.
“Keep your eyes open, baby!” You heard his voice and you sighed. You hated how well he knew you already. So, you forced yourself to flutter your eyelids open as your fingers dug even further into his jean vest.
It was a warm summer evening and the sun was slowly setting in pink and orange hues. Benny was driving you out of town and into the cornfields, into the infinite open road where the horizon seemed to be a beautiful and an unreachable dream.
You gasped at the sight and moved your face away from his back to let the warm breeze tickle your skin as you kept looking around in awe. You suddenly understood everything. Everything.
You had been asking Benny many times before to explain to you what was that about the road that he loved so much but he never knew how to put it into words. Now you understood that there were no words to describe that feeling. It felt unearthly – the freedom, the sudden lightness of being. The infinite amount of possibilities to just keep driving and getting lost, starting a new life in a different state or crashing against the truck. Yeah, you even understood now what he meant when he had said he would want to die on the road. You understood even that.
Riding the motorbike made you feel invincible. You were immortal, you were one with the road, with the American land, with the pink and orange skies, with the badlands and with the desert. With the cornfields and The Grand Canyon. You loosened your grip on Benny’s vest once you began to feel more comfortable and steady but you leaned in again to let your lips brush the sensitive skin behind his ear. Your hot breath over him as you kissed his pulse point before whispering the words you had never expected you to say:
“Faster, Benny. Go faster,” you pleaded and leaned back again.
You felt his hesitation for a moment but then the engine roared again and you smiled at the feeling of him speeding up. It was a real beast that Harley. It was big and shiny and heavy. A prince of the road, you thought, with only good ol’ Cadillac earning the name of The King.
Benny was going faster and faster as the sun was setting and you couldn’t help the feeling you wanted to crash with him. Maybe not now but one day – two young lovers tied forever in the act of tragic death. Like in the movies. Perhaps the movies had messed too much with your head. And in this moment you actually loved America. And everything it was standing for.
You pouted when Benny turned around to take you back to town. You didn’t want him to. You wanted him to keep driving and take you to the motel and in the morning to keep driving further, to start a new life somewhere or keep the life on the road. Together. Like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde or Jack Kerouac.
He slowed down again once you were back in town and he took you right home. When he parked the bike in front of your house, it felt like you had just awakened from a dream.
Holding onto his waist, you clumsily hopped off the motorbike and took a step ahead to be able to face him.
“And?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh, Benny…” You didn’t know where to start. You suddenly remembered all the thoughts you had on the back of his bike but now you were ashamed of them. It was like having sex – after the high was gone, you no longer liked the obscene things that were turning you on while it lasted.
“What? Thought you liked it,” Benny sighed.
“I did! Too much, perhaps,” you explained as your cheeks heated up and you bit on your lower lip. “I don’t think it’s good for me, though. I don’t think I should keep riding. It’s messing with my head,” you confessed and Benny chuckled at you.
“But now you understand?” He asked with hope in his voice.
“I do,” you nodded with all seriousness. “Everything.”
“Good,” he nodded back. “Goodnight kiss for Benny?”
“Goodnight kiss for Benny,” you nodded with a chuckle and leaned in to cup his face and join your lips together with a smile. “Be careful,” you whispered and watched him drive away.
But on your way from the driveway to the front door of your house, you had a feeling, somewhere deep inside, that it had not been the last time you were on that goddamn Harley.
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artiststarme · 10 months
It's No Secret... Anymore
Thank you to @mx-jinxous for the prompt! This took a really long time to write but it was so much fun playing with everyone's dynamics. I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve felt like he was dreaming. It felt like he was looking through someone else’s eyes, dissociating far from his own body. He couldn’t feel the weight of Eddie’s slowly-fading body in his arms or the burning of the wounds in his sides. He wasn’t aware of where he was or if anyone was following him. He was purely relying on muscle memory and muscle memory alone. 
He didn’t see the speeding car in front of him that swerved into a nearby bush and fence post. He hardly noticed the hands pulling him backward and out of the road. He came back to himself though once he heard his brother’s voice. 
“Steve? Steve-O? Come on buddy, you’re worrying me here. Where have you been? I haven't seen your ass all week. Come on man, are you… are you fucking bleeding? Brother, answer me. We can’t be out here, there’s an earthquake going on. Come with me.”
Steve blinked just to come face to face with Phil. He was shining his flashlight on Eddie’s face against Steve’s shoulder but his eyes were focused directly on Steve’s.
“You with me, bro?” His mustache twitched unhappily and Steve rushed to answer. 
“Um, no. Not really. I think he’s dying and I kinda might be too. And I think my friends are missing? Where am I?” Steve couldn’t get his thoughts together cohesively. His mind was fractured, overcome with too much trauma in too little time. 
Phil just looked more concerned at his words with his face becoming vaguely panicked once he looked at Eddie. He looked quickly up at Steve, down at Eddie, then back at Steve. “Is this Eddie Munson? The murderer Eddie Munson? The Eddie Munson that has been on the run all week? Good golly Steve, I’m trying not to curse but what the fuck?”
Steve just looked at the pinched expression of pain that Eddie held and murmured, “he’s my friend.”
“Oh my god, Steve. Fine, we’ll deal with this later. Think you can walk to my squad car? I kinda damaged the front end but I’m sure it's semi-driveable. Powell’s tied up with the gates to hell opening up, I have plenty of time to take care of you.”
“Yeah, I can- I can walk,” and he could with the support of Phil. He felt his brother supporting both his and Eddie’s weight until they were deposited into the backseat of the patrol unit. 
“And uh, is the girl hiding in the bushes with you? She’s kinda been watching us for awhile. You might have a stalker, little bro.” He shined his flashlight over to the bush and saw a sandy bob duck behind the foliage. 
“Robin?” Steve muttered, still out of it and only on the verge of consciousness. 
“Buckley, is that you? Come on, you’re coming with us back to Steve’s place. Let’s go,” Phil waved the light between the two. He had both hands on his hips and stood like a disappointed middle-aged dad. “I don’t have time to be doing things willy-nilly. Let’s go!”
Robin poked her head out of the bushes and scooted gracelessly over to the car until she was able to bump elbows with Steve. They both relaxed a smidgen within the same space, the two brain cells reuniting after a stressful ten minutes apart.
Phil hopped in the driver’s seat and bumped his head against the steering wheel. What had this idiot gotten himself into now?
By the time Phil arrived at his house at the edge of the suburbs, all three kids were out cold in his backseat. He stood at the open back door for a moment before sighing and lugging first Robin, then Eddie, then Steve into his living room, huffing with exertion all the while. He would definitely have to cut back on the station donuts and start exercising again. Right after he dealt with the dying fugitive on his brother’s couch, the blood seeping through Steve’s shirt, and his brother’s unconscious best friend that was snoring atrociously. 
Jesus Christ. 
Well, he had plenty of practice with medical care from his EMT training so he got to work. He got the first aid kit out of the squad car and started with the murderous Munson. Phil didn’t know what had happened to these kids but it couldn’t be any good. Munson’s entire torso was torn apart like he’d been gnawed on by a wild animal. It wasn’t bleeding too bad but he was missing chunks of skin, so much so that Phil couldn’t sew him up with just sutures. Hell, this kid was going to need skin grafts. A lot of them. 
He put gauze on the worst of the wounds then cautiously stepped over to Steve. What he’d seen on Munson made him hesitant to look at the damage but surely it couldn’t be worse than that. Right? As soon as he lifted Steve’s shirt, he came immediately to two conclusions. 
1. Steve had a lot more chest hair than he did and that was totally unfair.
2. The wounds on Steve’s abdomen were deep, infected, and horrific. 
Just like with Munson, there was nothing to close. All he saw were missing chunks of skin and muscle that should have been in his sides. The marred remains were covered in grime and yellowish puss that made the entire room smell of infection. 
Fuck, he couldn’t help them here. He had to get them, all three of them because he wasn’t touching an unconscious girl for anything, to a hospital. But that begged the question; which hospital? Munson… Eddie was wanted all through the state of Indiana for at least three murders and an assault. If he took him to any nearby hospital, he would be arrested and surely there was more to the story if Steve was protecting him so much. He couldn’t let one of Steve’s only friends get arrested without hearing the story from the both of them. 
He had to take these three up to a hospital in Illinois. Chicago was roughly four hours away, he knew from his and Steve’s annual visits to their great aunt in Evanston. It was a risk, both for aiding and abetting a wanted fugitive as well as hoping he survived that long of a drive, but his gut told him to trust his brother on this one. So that’s what he did. He loaded the three teens back into his patrol car and mumbled swears under his breath when he passed the “Leaving Hawkins” sign. He hoped to all that was mighty that he was making a good call. 
Steve woke up to familiar voices; one hushed and one screeching. 
“You kidnapped them?! You’re a cop, I thought you would help them but instead you drove them all the way to goddamn Chicago like some middle-aged pervert loser?” Steve came around to a loud argument between what sounded like Dustin and Phil. It was weird though because he’d never introduced the two. 
“Hey, listen here shithead, words hurt. I am not middle-aged, I’m 28. And why would I kidnap my own brother? I can legally take him anywhere, it's practically my birthright. I don’t have to go through all the work of kidnapping him.” Phil shook his head at Dustin.
“Stop trying to trick me, I know Eddie is an only child!”
“Munson?! I’m Steve’s big brother, you little gremlin. Can’t you see the resemblance?” He gestured between where Steve was groggily looking up at him and then back at himself. 
“No, but I can’t see anything past your outrageous mustache.” Steve saw Phil’s jaw drop and knew that Dustin had crossed a line. 
“You short fucker, that is too far! I take a lot of pride in this ‘outrageous mustache’,” Phil put air quotes around the offending remake before pointing an aggressive finger in Dustin’s direction. “I will absolutely take you off the visitation list, toothless. Do not test me.” 
“Don’t threaten me, I’ll report you to the authorities!” Dustin countered. 
“I am the authorities!” Phil dropped all decorum and screamed at practically the top of his lungs. 
Sensing enough was enough, Steve tried to push himself up to a sitting position before a burning in his sides caused him to fall back down. Both men (or one man and Dustin) stopped their squabbling and rushed to his sides.
“Steve, you’re hurt so don’t try to get up. Shit kid, let me get a nurse or something. You weren’t doing too hot.” With that Phil sprinted out of the room, presumably to the nurse’s station and Steve was left with Dustin, Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin. 
He looked blearily at all of them before asking the most important question, “where’s Eddie?”
They all parted to reveal Eddie lying in the bed next to him. His neck and chest were covered with bandages but his face looked peaceful. There were no cuffs on his wrists as Steve assumed there would be. He laid back again and let out a sigh. Everything was as it should be, he could finally relax.
“Um so Steve, don’t be mad but your brother can be really persuasive when he wants to be and you never introduced him as your brother so I just kind of assumed that we were getting captured by the police and that it was going to be so much worse than the Russians because I always thought Officer Callahan was kind of psycho. But then I woke up here and he bought me Cheetos so everything is fine. Except it's kind of not because you and Eddie have been out for a couple of days and I told Big Not-Harrington about the Upside Down and now he’s really worried. Why did you have to stay asleep so long, dingus? I missed you!”
Steve honestly zoned out when he heard “Cheetos” and only tuned back in when Robin, the usual physical affection-hater, threw herself on top of him in a hug. He withheld the grunt of pain and held her back just as hard. 
“What the hell just happened, bro? Like that was a lot of words, little bird lady. Woah.”
Steve didn’t know if he was hallucinating the long-haired surfer in a Hawaiian outfit or if Vecna had somehow managed to melt his mind after all but he had never been more confused in his life to see the new visitor make themselves known. 
“Who the fuck is that?” He muttered in absolute bafflement. 
Dustin sighed as he too wrestled a hug from Steve, “that’s Argyle. Come on, Steve. Keep up.”
“Like the sock pattern? How many drugs am I on right now?!”
“... and that’s kind of why I didn’t tell you about the Upside Down,” Steve finished from his seat beside Eddie, their hands tangled together as they both sat across from Phil. 
He looked at both of them with a completely deadpan stare. “Again, but the truth this time.”
Eddie huffed in annoyance. “We are telling you the truth, man! An evil wizard guy named Vecna-”
“Slash Henry, slash One,” Steve and Robin interjected in unison.
“-possessed four teenagers to end the world or something and broke their bodies apart with his mind. Then the angry mob thought it was me but I would never kill anyone, especially not Chrissy. She was always really nice to me and remembered my band from the talent show in middle school. And then we got stuck in Hell where evil demon bats ate our flesh and tentacles ripped through the earth. Then we saved Nancy from the evil mind melt powers by playing her favorite song. After that, we made a plan and she shot Vecna and killed him while Dustin and I were decoys where I was attacked.”
“Then I went back for Eddie and carried him out where you almost ran us over. The end,” Steve emphasized the finale with a deliberate nod of his still-aching head. 
Phil looked at them with the most exasperation Steve had ever seen in his life. He let out a pitying chuckle, his poor brother didn’t sign up for this. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
Phil's eyes rolled so hard that Steve could tell he saw stars. He could almost see the scream being prepared in his throat and couldn't gather enough strength to escape it.
"Look Philly, I'll say it one more time then I'm done, okay? It first started way back when Will Byers went missing in 1983..."
My Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @ksherlock15 @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschildextra @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone
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willowrites · 22 days
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PAIRINGS. jake webber x jealous reader
SYNOPSIS. you and jake got invited to a tara yummy party and saw how girls were drawn to him causing you to feel an unavoidable sting of jealousy in your chest.
WARNINGS. angst, arguing, reader being extremely jealous (not cuz she’s insecure just bc of how the situation looks. she’s a bad bitch!), angst to smut, cowgirl, praising, bratty!reader, dom!reader, sub (kind)!jake, edging, pet names! mdni 18+ !
THOUGHTS. this one is pretty good? idk im writing this one half asleep i hope you enjoy!!!
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“thank you!” you told the bartender as you carried yours and jake’s drinks. you danced to the music, swaying your hips as you passed the clusters of people and toward jake. you looked up to scan the room for his familiar red hair. when you spotted him you instinctively smiled until you saw he was talking to three girls. you shrugged it off but as you got closer you saw how close they were and how giddy they got whenever jake spoke.
your jaw clenched as you became green-eyed at the few girls that were having way too much of a fun time. what made matters worse was that jake was laughing. not just laughing but cackling. his dimples were apparent as the party lights flew over his face for 2 seconds.
you took a breath and walked up to them. “yeah! it’s so crazy but like…you handle it so well.” one of the girls said twirling her hair between your fingers.
“here’s your drink.” you muttered to your boyfriend as you pushed it against his chest spilling it a bit in the process. his facial expression changed quickly as he noticed your hostility. “gonna go to the bathroom.” you made an effort to smile toward them but failed. you turned on your heels and darted to the restroom in irritation.
you did your thing touching up your face and making sure your hair wasn’t too crazy. you felt yourself calm down but you knew once you walked out, those feelings were going to arise once more.
the night went on and you got frustrated even more as you noticed jake was still in deep conversation with the same three girls. you visibly rolled your eyes as you sat down on one of the couches sipping on your drink. you felt a little tipsy a few minutes later and decided to dance. besides, you didn’t need anyone to dance and have a good time — so that’s what you did.
as the night went on you had fun by yourself. you were accompanied by tara for a few minutes before she got whisked away by her other friends. it was around midnight when you got tired of being alone. you went around the room searching for jake. as you reached him it was just one girl left. you tugged on his arm. “m’ready to go.” your eyes brows were furrowed as you refused to make eye contact with him.
he looked down and smiled until he heard the tone in your voice. “whats wrong?” he questioned not sure where your hostility came from.
“nothing, i just want to go home.” you huffed, combing a hand through your sweaty hair. jake obliged bidding goodbye to the girl before taking your hand in his and leading you out of the building. as soon as you got out you removed your hand from his.
once again jake shrugged it off assuming you had still been off because of something at the party. you drove home and did what you needed to do to get into bed before you laid down. you were quiet as you pulled the covers over you.
“y/n?” jake called out from the restroom. receiving no response he turned off the light and walked into the bedroom. “y/n..” he spoke again, he knew you hadn’t been asleep. it usually took you awhile to fall into a slumber.
he walked up to you. “y/n.” his tone more serious.
“what…” you groaned not feeling like speaking to him.
“why are you ignoring me?” he put his arms up. he was starting to become irritated at your silence.
“i’m not ignoring you.” you turned over on your back to look up at him.
“then why are you acting so… just not you?” his hands were clenched in fists which you noticed.
“maybe because you were practically flirting with those girls at tara’s party? you saw them. they were all giggling and laughing and ‘oh jake you’re so strong!’ and you just stood there and let it happen.” you sat up as you explained what made your blood boil earlier.
“are you serious?” he asked in disbelief. “baby, i wasn’t flirting! they just came up to me and i didn’t want to be rude.” he explained but you were reluctant to give him the attention.
“whatever jake.” you took a long deep breath as you tried to calm yourself down and avoided picturing the scene you had just described, in your head.
he sat down beside you. “y/n, i’m yours. why are you acting like this? you know i’m yours.” he placed a hand on your thigh. you continued to stay quiet secretly loving the way his hand was rubbing your thigh.
he then leaned forward stopping beside your ear. “need me to show you?” he purred. you hated how wet you immediately became as he suggested what he said. your heart began to race as his hand trailed higher toward your center. he moved a finger lightly on your clit sending a jolt of electricity up your body.
you couldn’t help but spread your thighs allowing him more access. he moved your sleep shorts to the side along with your underwear and made contact with your clit. your mouth fell open at the sensation. “pretty pussy, just f’me?”
you refused to nod or speak. jake noticed you biting your lip. he felt himself harden at how much arousal had been oozing out of you and couldn’t help himself as he palmed his dick over his boxers. “look what you do to me?” he groaned as he continued his actions, pleasing himself while pleasing you. you moaned as jake’s fingers moved slowly over your clit over and over tortuously. “cmon baby, speak.” he begged, wanting nothing more than for you to quit being mad with him.
your eyes fluttered shut as he kept stimulating you. you felt his fingers falter as he was trying to multitask by pleasing the both of you. you couldn’t take it any longer as you moved your hand to place on his cock replacing his own. he audibly moaned louder at your actions. you pulled away and then reached your hand inside his boxers to properly wrap your hand around his cock. you twisted and pumped his hand up and down. “you’re mine?” you asked, your tone laced with something he couldn’t identify.
he tried to move his fingers to continue pleasing you more but the way you were handling his dick had his actions faltering. his dick twitched in his hand as you spoke again, “you promise?”
he nodded aggressively as he felt his lower stomach tighten. “promise, i’m yours.”
you smiled loving when jake was compliant. you jerked him off to the point where his legs were shaking and as soon as you felt his dick twitch once — you pulled away.
he opened his eyes at the loss of touch. “n-no, cmon baby. please.” he begged, his dick painfully hard and sticking out of his boxers; staining them with his precum.
“beg more, baby.” you stood up removing your shirt and shorts. you felt your arousal in between your thighs. “i’ll give you what you want if you ask nicely.” you batted your lashes
“please please please baby.” he whimpered, the angelic sound going straight to your core. he was gripping the duvet he sat on leaning his weight back onto his arms. you went ahead and straddled him purposefully grinding your core on his cock earning a low groan from his lips. “fuck — baby, please make me cum. make me feel good.”
you nodded feeling a bit bad that you let him wait long enough for his orgasm to slowly start slipping away from his grasp. “i’ll make you feel good baby.” you grabbed his jaw pecking his lips multiple times.
you reached into his boxers one more time bringing out his red irritated cock. you then moved your underwear aside and lined him up with your entrance. you didn’t hesitate before sinking down onto him letting out a moan in relief followed by a whine coming from jake.
you were quick to move up and down, grinding down on him to try to stimulate your clit again. “God…” you moaned letting your head drop forward. jake thrusted up into you causing you to jolt as he nudged your g-spot. “fuck yeah…” noises fell out of your mouth we you felt his tip hit that spot that drive you crazy. “you’re mine right jakey? all mine?” you asked him as he made his home inside you.
“fuck — all yours baby. all yours. this dick, my mouth, my body. every part of me is yours, truly.” he rambled on, dumb-fucked by how good you were taking him.
his words egged you on until you felt your own legs shaking. “mmm — so close. gonna cum, baby boy? be a good boy for me and cum; let go.” you wailed as you felt your own orgasm rushing toward you. you finally released as you felt jake’s thrusts stutter and a spurt of moans escape his pink lips.
his arms buckles as he fell onto his back on the bed while you were still straddling him. he had a lazy smile plastered on his face. “love it when you ride me.” he spoke up. “maybe i should flirt with other girls more huh?” he joked, earning a playful slap to his chest. “ow! i’m kidding im kidding.”
© willowrites
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taglist: @tloufein @ireallywantsomepizzarn
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skyof-atlas · 9 months
Pairing(s): Cyno, Tighnari, and Candace x afab!reader 
Warnings: breeding, pet names, fingering, oral, usage of the term “mommy”, biting, dumb-fucked, cuddles, whimpering. 
Summary: It was supposed to be a simple commission for easy Mora. You were coming back from taking photos and gathering relics for the person who commissioned you. (Supposedly they were busy with something else). A sandstorm abruptly swept through forcing you to take shelter. However your savior(s) have come to help.
A/N: describing things is a thing i'm working on and hv no clue how. I imagine it…wait..i can just dra–! 
I can’t write for men…Apologies. I’m a woman enthusiast but won’t mind writing for men. 
words: 2k
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Cyno happened to run into you just before the sandstorm hit. He led you to a cave nearby and said that it was best to stay in until after the sandstorm passes. 
Both of you started chatting about many things. You asked about how he like being mahamatra and he asked you about you life as an adventurer. 
Somehow the conversation ended up about relationships and how you weren't really looking for someone who couldn’t keep the same pace as you. 
He could relate. You admitted that you had a crush on him back when you were both students at the Akademiya.
From there everything is a blur…
“Cy..-Cyno-“ you moaned. His cock buried deep into you as you clawed the floor.  The heat from his body was warming you up more than the campfire. He had a grip on your thighs and refused to let go. 
He kept thrusting in and out. He kept hitting that perfect spot making you see stars and arching your back. The sandstorm didn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. 
His grunts and the sound of skin slapping was echoing through the cave. You were close to coming again and he might be as well, due to the now slow and hard thrust he’s doing. He pulled out making you whine and flipped you over on your belly. 
He quickly lifted your hips higher and closer to him, making to face the cold ground. You turned your head to look at him but he pushed your head back to the ground. 
“What the He— nghh- ahh..” He entered his cock back into you. 
Everytime he thrusted you can feel him gently hitting your cervix with how deep he’s penetrating you. 
“I-…I’m c-..coming Cyno..” 
“Go ahead baby..” He was grunting and his breaths were heavier. 
Fuck. You could feel every part of his cock with how tight you were. You came all over his cock as his cum filled you up. He kept it in order to prevent any of his cum from spilling out. Oh dear Archons he wanted you knocked up. 
“Good girl~ taking it all in” Your pussy tightened around him even more hearing those words. Your were tired and sweaty from the heat. It took him a while to pull out because of how tight you were holding onto him. He then made sure to clean you up and let you sleep after that. 
You should bring him with you more often.
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Tighnari insisted on coming with you and reluctantly you said yes. Now both you were stuck in a cave waiting out this sandstorm. 
“It’s going to be awhile until the storm passes.” Tighnari said as he added more sticks into the fire. 
“Ah. Damn, at least the photos are safe.” You said checking the photos to see if they were actually safe.
“Hey ‘Nari I’m gonna take a nap.” He nodded and you laid down and decided to take a nap. 
You don’t know how long it’s been since you fell asleep but you woke up to a whine and grunts. 
“Tighnari?” you called out for him. The fire was slowly dying out but still provided enough light to see his outline. 
You kneeled beside him and carefully turned him over to see him. His ears were flat down and you could tell he was breathing heavily. 
He curled himself into a ball and whimper. 
“Tighnari? Are you ok?” You asked, worried about his health.
“It’s just a lit–little fever…no worries..” He said trying to maintain his composure, but clearly that wasn’t working. You didn’t believe that it was a fever. 
You placed a hand over his forehead to check for his temperature and instead of a kind response from him, he grabbed your wrists and pinned you down. (dear lord). 
“Please…” He practically moaned. The archons were testing your self-control cause you were about to ravage this man the moment he said please. 
This fine ass man was dry humping your thigh looking for some friction as you laid on the ground dazed. You quickly snapped out of it and you pressed your thigh closer to him. 
“What a pretty sight to see.” You could tell he was getting close to his high by the way he was moving slower but humping harder, but you wanted to have a little more fun with him.
You removed your thigh and stripped your pants and underwear off. You made sure you placed it under you. He understood what you were doing, slightly annoyed at you for stopping but he followed as well. 
You laid him down and positioned yourself on top of him. You started off slow, coating his dick with your own cum. You were going painfully slow, watching him writhe around and while like a cute little dog, it got you excited.
 He was getting annoyed with your antics and forcefully grabbed your hips to lift you up and slam you down straight into him. You moaning loudly at the sudden feeling of being penetrated, but how he filled you up. 
Every thrust made you see stars as strings of moans left your mouth. Your hips started moving on their own, at this rate you could feel the knot in your stomach tighten. 
“I-I’m close” Tighnari grunted out. He clawed into your thighs leaving you crescent shaped moons which made you wince. 
A few more thrust and you came all over him. It wasn’t long until he came inside as well. His cum felt warm and you could feel it dripping down your thighs as you got off him and collapsed next to him. 
He pulled you closer to him and hugged you. 
All you could hear was a thank you and love you as you cuddled him for the remainder of the sandstorm. 
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It’s been a couple of hours since this sandstorm started and you took shelter in a nearby cave that had some abandoned stuff. 
You rummaged through the things to see what you could find, not much but there was a couple of books, food, and sticks. You noticed a broken cup and decided to move it out the way. As you picked up the shards and placed them in a box, a small shard cut your hand.
“Fuck! Ow…whatever..” 
You weren't far from Aaru village, but this sandstorm would sweep you away if you tried. 
“Y/N?” You heard someone call your name from the entrance of the cave. You turned your head towards the person calling your name and found Candace standing there. 
“Candace? What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Looking for you of course..I got worried when you didn’t come back and assumed you got stuck in the storm.” She said, as she walked over to where you set up a little fire and sat down next to you. 
“How…? How did you get through the sandstorm???” You were hella confused on how this woman managed to find you in this crazy ass sandstorm.
“My shield helped and I know my way through the desert.” She smiled and looked down at your hand. 
“Your hand is bleeding.” She took your hand and noticed some gauze in one of the boxes near you and took it. 
“Oh. I accidentally picked up a broken vase and cut myself.. No big deal.”
“Y/N! You could’ve gotten an infection. I don’t like when you get hurt, you know this.” Candace spoke with a gentle soft voice that made your heart flutter. You chuckled and looked away embarrassed. 
“Yeah I know…sorry Candace…It won’t happen again” You felt her finish wrapping your hand. You were going to check out your hand to see the job well done, but she grabbed your chin and made you look at her. She stared at you intently, looking at every feature you had. 
“C-Candace??!” You stuttered out. It took you by surprise and your heart rate increased. 
“Making sure your pretty face isn’t injured.” You were now staring at her with a flustered face. 
Your eyes trailed down from her gorgeous heterochromic eyes down to her lips. It seemed like she caught on at where you were looking at because the next thing she did was lean into you barely brushing her lips onto yours. Her hands cupping the back of your neck and finally kissing you. 
The next couple things were a blur as clothes went flying and her mouth latched onto your neck. 
“Nghh—- wa-wait!” She pushed you back flat to the ground. 
“So wet already? Just for me?” You could feel her breath close, you threw your head back and covered your eyes in embarrassment. 
She noticed this and grabbed your arms and placed them near your side holding them there. You could see her look up at you from her position, her eyes were filled with lust and admiration. 
She gave a quick kiss on your thigh before diving into your soaking cunt. 
“Such a good girl for me. What a divine taste.” She ate you out like it was her last meal. Her hot tongue played with your clit, gently sucking and biting it as you bucked your hips into her face and hands tangling into her hair. 
For each passing minute, your orgasm was nearing. Her tongue was doing some damage but not enough for you to reach your high.  
“Please— i need moreee” Your voice came out as a whine. Eyes were glossy and drool was dripping down your mouth. 
“Mmm what the magic word darling?” She asked with a sly smirk plastered on her lips. Her fingers teased your entrance and you moaned out. 
“Ngh-ah– M-mommy…pleaseee~” Now your face is completely red. It didn’t even register in your head what you said until it came out. You didn’t care, all you wanted was to cum all over her fingers. 
Her 2 fingers slipped into you easily and started pumping in and out, hitting that sweet spot. Moans and screams of her names left your mouths like a prayer on repeat. 
She added a 3rd finger and pumping harder but slower, making you go stupid. 
“My good slut~ taking it all in easily~” She said in such an angelic voice. She left marks all over your inner thigh. Pretty purple colored your thighs now. 
“‘ s’good…mommyyy!” Praises flowed out of her mouth which made you even more wet than before. 
All you could hear was the sinful sounds coming from your cunt. Her mouth latched back onto your clit, providing more stimulation. Your brain turned to mush and it was no longer moaning of her name but just babble. 
“A-aahh... Ahn... Candace—!!!”  Her fingers kept moving and her mouth sucked. Not a single moment did she stop. 
“O-oh…AHH- COMING!!” Suddenly the knot burst, coming all over her face. You were near passing out but still felt her fingers leave and her tongue licking up all your cum. 
Your vision was blurring and your body felt like jelly. She sat on your lap and sucked on your neck leaving marks. This women had a mission to mark you. 
“That was a nice appetizer, but I'm ready for the main course~” She said, licking her fingers while smirking. 
Archons bless you because you won’t be able to walk, but it will be all worth it. 
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mahg-stuff · 1 year
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒐𝒍𝒍
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Prompt: "Only God knows why"
Summary: Big Daddy just wants to try exploring new erotic themes with his sweet dolly but it involves a firearm, though she is wary she puts her faith in Elvis and God.
Pairing: bd!elvis x afab!reader
Word count: 13k
Warnings: p in v, unprotected sex, excessive smut, 18+!, gun play, sorta naive reader, manipulative tactics!?, mentions of religion, age gap (isn’t directly stated), certain themes can be disturbing/dark, lots of manhandling, quick mention of Elvis’ health, implied butt stuff f!receiving (only briefly brought to the attention), first time giving oral m!receiving, use of the word daddy, pet names, Elvis at one point calls himself papa bear, might’ve missed a few...
AN: ITS HERE MY LOVELY'S! I know i made y’all wait so so long for this & I just wanna say sorry. Life just decided to get in the way again and took a toll on me but I'm finally back & ready to give you guys this story you so deserve!
Like I mentioned in my previous post this is my literal first attempt of writing something like this and about Elvis, as well as writing about religion. Hope you all enjoy it! I’m no expert so please go easy on me. hehehe (Though I will admit I had this story idea marinating for a quite awhile, let's just say Big Daddy is a handful.)
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 After wrapping up your usual prayer of gratitude to God for another day of life, something you had started doing since getting with Elvis. You noticed the time on the clock and realized that night was drawing near. Feeling a sense of peace and delight, you closed your eyes, ready to embrace the night and all the possibilities it may bring. You felt grateful for the moment and decided to cherish it. As you opened your eyes, you promised yourself to make the most of the night and enjoy every minute of it. 
 Getting up from your vanity's desk, striding to the bathroom with some pep in each step, and starting to wind down for the night by getting ready for a relaxing bath. You entered the bath and soaked in the warm water, letting your mind drift as you reflected on the events of the day. You remembered what Elvis mentioned earlier today, that he'd be getting his hands on a new toy for the two of you. You weren't sure what this toy could be at all, but you were excited to find out. You trusted him to surprise you with something delightful, even if it meant not fully understanding it at first. However, as you soaked in the warm water, trying to relax, you just couldn't help but wonder if this new toy would be something intimate and sensual, considering Elvis' comment about it being an "adult" toy. Regardless of your slight inexperience in this area, you felt safe knowing that Elvis would be there with you. 
 Finally feeling freshened up, you hop out of the bath, wrapping yourself in a fluffy towel before heading to the closet. Looking through it, you spotted your new pink babydoll nightie. You couldn't help but beam at yourself, your thoughts going straight to him. Taking it off the hook, you slipped it right on after putting on some simple underwear. You skipped  towards the mirror, admiring how the pink satin fabric draped over your curves and how the lace details accentuated your feminine features. You couldn't wait for him to see you in it, knowing he'd be pleased. He always told you how pretty you were in pink and how it brought out the rosy glow in your cheeks. You turned your back to the mirror, looking back at yourself over your shoulder with a playful grin, then blowing a kiss to yourself, feeling like a ditz just at the mere thought of his approval. Catching the time on the clock through the mirror, you gasped, realizing Elvis would probably be on his way right now. You rushed back to the bathroom and applied some light makeup and a little bit of eyeliner, just the way Elvis liked it. Before letting your hair down and brushing it out, your natural loose curls flowing against the midsection of your back. Finishing up and giving yourself one last glance in the bathroom mirror, your hand naturally reaches to touch the cross on your necklace, a comforting habit you've developed over the past months of being with him.
You take a deep breath, and as you are about to walk out of the bathroom, you can hear the sound of the bedroom door opening and closing. You feel a flutter of excitement in your chest as you know it's him. You were probably so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even hear his arrival. Composing yourself, you slowly walk out into the bedroom, and there he is, standing with his side to you. 
 He turns to you, revealing a better view of his tall and broad frame, slightly pudgy but taut at the same time. As you approach him, you observe just how tall he is, towering over you. His big shoulders stretch out the fabric of his shirt, and his pudgy belly that protrudes just barely over his belt. You can't help but feel small in his presence. Shyly meeting his gaze, you notice a twinkle in his eyes through his glasses, and you can't help but wonder why he held both of his hands behind him. His deep, honey-colored voice echoed off the walls.
 You felt a sense of security wash over you as you listened to him speak. "There's ma sweet baby 𝑫𝒐𝒍𝒍." 
 You practically pounced on him, embracing him in your arms, they hardly reached to hold him all. You nuzzled your face against his hairy chest that was revealed by his open button up, breathing in his distinctive aroma of musk with hints of cigar and his cologne, feeling safe in his embrace. As he held you tightly, you felt like a kitten being cradled in his large and heavy arms. As you pulled away, you gazed into his eyes but everted them due to his intense stare.
 "I missed you." you mumbled as you coyly ran your little digits through his chest hair. 
He then held your lower back tightly with one of his broad hands and kissed your forehead. 
"I missed ya too, ma sweet angel," he replied in his thick, southern drawl. 
As he spoke, you could feel the vibrations of his bass voice reverberating through your body, making you shiver. You knew that no matter what happened, his embrace would always be your safe haven. He looked at you with such intensity that it was practically begging you to look away. You could feel the weight of his gaze, as if he were trying to communicate something without saying a word. It was both exhilarating and unnerving, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Eventually, you broke the silence. 
"What ya thinking about, bub?" you voiced as you poked at him in a girlish manner.
He let out a soft chuckle and shook his head, breaking his intense gaze. You felt relieved but also a little disappointed that you didn't get to uncover the mystery behind those blue eyes. You spotted him looking at you up and down behind his spectacles, and you were overcome with a rush of shyness. You were conscious of how little clothing you were wearing in comparison to him—you were just wearing a pair of underwear underneath your babydoll and were barefoot—as opposed to how fully dressed he was. He kept staring at you, and you could feel your heart pounding and your cheeks flushing. While you were already his, it took some getting used to the impact he had on you. Sometimes he left you almost woozy with the way he handled you. You made an effort to keep his stare in your direction, but soon you had to turn away since the intensity of his gaze became too much to bear. He made a muttering noise and stretched out to firmly grasp your chin to make you look up at him. The coolness of his rings and roughness of his large hand on your warm skin was a dangerous sensation you enjoyed but knew you'd never admit it to him. As he held your gaze, you couldn't help but feel excitement. You wondered what he was thinking as his thumb lightly brushed against your lips, making you shiver with anticipation.
 "Yur jus tha prettiest lil’ thing, ya know that sweetness?" in a low tone. 
You nodded to him with your doe-eyes, trying your hardest not to break eye contact. While holding his gaze on yours, gauging for your reaction, he let go of your face and slowly lifted your nightie to reveal your undies he stroked his fingers over the waistline, letting his icy rings brush across your belly, giving you goosebumps. His face lit up when he saw your choice of underwear, a simple pair of white cotton undies. You couldn't help but be embarrassed by his attention, but you also wondered what else he was thinking as he looked at you. You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, but you couldn't deny the little thrill you felt of being so intimately inspected. You felt exposed but also desired, and knowing that he was the only one who could make you feel that way made him even more irresistible.
 Letting your nightie drape over you once again, he held out one of his hands. You took it without hesitation, feeling the warmth of his big palm against yours. He leaned in, pressing his lips to your neck and trailing kisses down to your collarbone that left tingling sensations behind. You closed your eyes, trying your best to hold back any noise that urged to escape. 
"C’mon, tiny, give yer ol' man ah lil’ spin," he encouraged whispering into your ear as he leaned back. 
 You agreed compliantly and did a twirl for him, your nightie flowing up a  bit and revealing your clad butt to him, which he whistled at with praise. As you spun around, you couldn't help but feel a rush of giddiness. 
He liked seeing you this way, it was like you were his own little doll. 
 You liked the sense of being entirely in his hands and enjoyed playing, exploring, and being pleased with him. As he continued to admire you, you felt your body responding to his touch, with that fuzzy feeling in your belly and your panties growing slightly damp. You were immediately distracted when you noticed that he still held something behind his back. You wanted him so desperately. The same ache could be seen in his eyes, but you quickly fought the tension that was beginning to grow between your gazes, leaving only want in its wake.  
 "So, w-what exactly is this new toy you were getting t-today..?" You stuttered out as you wriggled towards the arm behind his back in a kittenish manner, but he was faster than you and withdrew away before you could get a good look. 
"Now, darlin’, you go ahead and sit yer lovely self on that bed there and keep those pretty eyes closed f’me, hmm.." was the command he gave in that thick drawl you adored. 
With a sneer look on his face, he gestured to the side of the bed, and you realized there was no use in disagreeing with him. You closed your eyes and tried to relax, wondering what he had in store for you.
 "Alright, babydoll, now hold out them gorgeous things," he said once you were comfortable on the bed with your eyes shut. 
His voice made you shudder, and you extended out your small hands, palms up, as he asked. You could feel something heavy, metallic, and cold being put inside of them, and you couldn't help but want to have a look. You opened your eyes and gasped when you saw a black pistol gleaming in your hands. You were aware that Elvis owned a variety of guns, but since they were lethal weapons, he never brought them near you. You gave him a confused look as you glanced up at him with wide eyes. 
 "Goddamnit, honey, did I tell ya ta open your eyes?'' He voiced it sternly. 
 You quickly shut your eyes again, unable to utter a word. 
 As you sat there in your and Elvis' shared bed with a gun in your hand, you couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. You had never held a firearm before, let alone a lethal one. Your heart was racing, and you could feel the weight of the gun pulling down on your dainty arms. You knew you had to trust Elvis, even though you were unsure of his intentions. You tried to calm your thoughts, but the fear of the unknown was getting overwhelming.
 Suddenly, Elvis broke the silence, seeing the way your hands were starting to slightly shake, and said, "Darlin', now go ahead an open 'em pretty doll eyes f'me." 
You slowly opened your eyes, still feeling the rush of adrenaline, and looked up at Elvis. He saw the rushing thoughts in your eyes, making him feel a twinge of guilt but also amusement. He took a few steps back, and it looked like he was admiring the view. 
"Would'ya look ah that, mah two stunnin' girls look great together." He gasped as he stared in awe. 
The way he referred to you and the gun as his girls sent a shiver down your spine, a strange mix of fear and excitement. You never expected to find yourself in this situation, holding a gun in your trembling hands. But deep down, your assurance in God gave you a glimmer of hope that everything would turn out okay. As Elvis looked at you and the gun, you couldn't help but feel a rush of confused emotions. Elvis was looking at your expression, and he couldn't help but be entertained by your confused state, but then he saw as your expression went from confusion to overwhelm. Your rookie self was sitting there with that cold weapon in your trembling hands, looking at Elvis with knitted eyebrows and a pout. He sensed your emotions were becoming too much for you and quickly moved to ease your distress. With a gentle smile, he reached out and gently took the gun from your trembling hands, placing it safely out of reach on the bed.
 "I ain't mean ta startle ya, tiny. I ain't gon hurt cha." He said it softly, soothing your nerves slightly. 
You nodded hesitantly, still unsure of what was happening.
 "Good," he ushered as he stroked down on your hair, putting a strand behind your ear. 
You took a deep breath and tried to process what was happening. So this was the 'new toy' he went to get today—a gun. Elvis was known for his extravagant gifts and gestures, but this was different. He had presented you with a gun, and although he said it was out of reach now, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease. You continued to observe him, searching for answers, but he simply leaned in closer. 
"I trust ya, baby," he said, his voice low and smooth. 
"And I need ya to trust me too." You couldn't deny the allure of his charm, but the fear in your gut was still present. You had no idea what he was implying here. 
"El-" you tried to speak before Elvis interrupted you. 
"Now before you say anythin' darlin', lemme explain. Last night, ..." he paused, "it's just I had a thought, and, w-well, maybe I was wonderin' if you'd like ta bring that beaut into the bedroom, hmm? What d'ya say?" 
 You were taken aback by Elvis’ request and unsure of how to respond. Your gut was telling you to be wary, but you also didn't want to offend or disappoint him. Elvis was now taking off his slightly tinted glasses and placing them on the bedside table. Your eyes connected once again with his sense of urgency.
 "I understand if ya ain’t comfortable with it," he said softly, his words rolling off his tongue like sweet velvet, "but I jus thought it'd be fun ta try s-somethin' different, somethin' new, together." 
You weren't sure why, perhaps it was the brief tingling sensation that still lingered after your body responded to his touch from the events that occurred not so long ago, but there was something about his request that gave you a rouse deep down. Pushing that feeling away almost quickly and coming back to your senses and reality, you wondered how a gun would do any good in a setting of intimacy, which led your thoughts to race once again. Handguns are made for killing, they are no better for anything else, as you thought. 
 Building up the courage to speak, you expressed, "E-Elvis, I don't really understand, why, why you'd want to involve an item like that i-in our intimate space." 
Elvis looked at you, his expression unreadable for a moment before he let out sternly, "Only God knows why, hon', everythin' appears for ah reason, an that is why this idea was sent to me." 
You paused for a moment before timidly looking up at the cross that hung on the wall of the bedroom.
 "Sweetheart, look, you may not comprehend it right now. That may not appear ta be fair. But God knows what he's doin'." Elvis interrupted your thoughts. 
He took your smaller hands in his big ones and gently squeezed them, speaking, "Trust in the Lord with all yur heart, and do not lean on your own understandin', in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight ya paths."
He had just uttered the following words from Proverbs 3:5-6 as he stared into your eyes. It was clear that Elvis was trying to soothe you and help you find peace in your current situation. Giving the cross another glance brought you back to what you had promised yourself at the beginning of the night after prayer, 'to make the most of the night and enjoy every minute of it'. You pondered for a while and thought that certainly this was truly God's notion, and he was leading you to embrace this unexpected and confusing situation as an opportunity for growth and a test of your faith. He was telling you to fulfill that promise right now. 
 As you looked back at Elvis, you felt a sense of calmness and knew that with him by your side and your faith in God, you could handle whatever came your way. Elvis gave you an encouraging look after observing your train of thought. You took a deep breath and decided to let go of any doubts or worries and instead fulfill Elvis' request by taking a leap of faith. While you knew Elvis wouldn't harm you, you were still a little wary about what role that particular object might play in the night's events. Eyeing the firearm where it now lay on the bed. You felt Elvis' large hand come into contact and rest on your bare shoulder, and your head shot back to his face as he gave you a reassuring smile.
 "Don worry, doll," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and affection.
 "I promise it'll all jus’ be like ah playful lil' game." 
With a mixture of curiosity and uneasiness, you sluggishly nodded to him, “Okay-y then.”
He then went to remove his heavy blazer, slipping it off and tossing it somewhere on the bed. You flitched a little at the sudden movement but couldn't tear your eyes away from his piercing gaze. The uncertainty in your eyes was replaced by a flicker of fever as he approached, his confident steps inching closer to you.  As he stood in front of you, he bent down to meet your gaze as you sat still on the bed. His broad shoulders and tall stature seemed to loom over you, emphasizing how bitty you were in comparison. With a coy smile appearing on your lips, you began to play with a lock of your hair, feeling oh so fragile in his presence. He clutched the back of your head and pulled you in close for a passionate kiss. In your overwhelmed state, your hands fumbled clumsily, unsure of where to go. He pulled back, staring into your eyes, and with a rough motion, reached for your arm, pulling you to stand up from the bed. 
You couldn't help but yelp a tiny, "ouch." 
His grip still firmly on your arm, he went and sat himself down on the bed. He pulled you into him right away and made you lay on your tummy beside him, he handled you like a ragdoll and pulled you over so your lower body was draped across his lap. Your uncertainty and exhilaration were both palpable as you lay there, consumed by a mix of confusion and excitement. His actions left your mind spinning, unsure of how to react or what he expected from you.  You felt his big belt buckle rubbing against your bare thigh, as well as feeling his slightly protruding belly pressing against your upper thigh. In a way, it brought you sensations you didn't understand but liked. You felt his large hand rubbing up and down against your back thigh, going higher and reaching under your nightie to your clad bum as he firmly squeezed it. Feeling your face flush at this, though it wasn't new to you, you still felt shy at his actions. He scrunched the bottom of your nightie, pulling it up and revealing your undies to him. 
"My, my, you are jus ah sight for sore eyes, honey." You blushed even deeper as his words sent a shiver down your spine. 
His touch, combined with his compliment, made you feel excitement. You couldn't help but squirm slightly under his firm grip. As his fingers traced the edges of your underwear, teasingly exploring the delicate fabric. Suddenly, you felt the coldness of something gliding up your calf. You glanced over your shoulder to see him holding the gun. Your heart raced as a million thoughts ran through your mind. Was he really about to use the gun in such a way? You gulped nervously, unsure of what to expect next. His eyes locked with yours, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as he brought the gun more upward across your leg, grazing the tip softly over your delicate skin. You slightly moved to lift your upper body, feeling overwhelmed by this new situation.
 Softly you stammered, "Wait... E-Elvis...". His eyes softened as he looked at your frazzled state. 
“I want no harm done ta ma baby doll, hmm, it's only ah little fun," he rasped out. 
"Y'know I'll always take care of ya.” he caresses you with one hand while the pistol rests in the other along your thigh. 
 You start to feel more at ease as he reassures you, and gives you an encouraging look. You take a deep breath, trying to calm the racing thoughts. As you glance down at the pistol resting on your thigh, you look back at him and give him a timid but sweet grin. While keeping an eye on the pistol, your gaze shifts to the cross on the wall in front of you, providing a comforting sense that everything will be alright. He steadily starts to bring the gun more upward, grazing it on your back thighs and in-between them, slowly inching higher until it reaches over your clothed backside. 
 Despite the unsettling nature of the situation, your mind becomes foggy and your senses dulled. That fuzzy sensation rises as he traces the contours of your back thighs and rear end with the cool touch of the gun, heightening a mixture of nerves and anticipation. He brought his other hand to your hair, grabbing it, making you turn to look at him, and the way he ran the gun across your body left a trail of goosebumps along your precious skin.  
 In that moment, time seems to stand still as you stare into his eyes, a mix of fear and curiosity swirling within you. You watch as he inches the gun towards your undies, dragging it slowly along the fabric, teasingly close to the sensitive skin underneath. Your breath hitches, your heart pounding in your chest, as you wonder what he has planned next. Every nerve ending in your body is on edge, ready to experience the unknown.
 As the gun hovers just above the edge of your undies, you can't help but let out a shaky breath, a silent plea for reassurances. He eyes you as he starts sliding the pistol in between you and the fabric, his gaze filled with both mischief and desire. The cool metal of the gun grazes against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. His other hand lets go of your hair and brings it to caress the cheek of your face, lightly squeezing it. With one hand gripping the gun and the other now firmly holding your face, he leans back slightly, to admire you. The contrast between his strong, supple thighs and your petite frame as you lay across his lap sends a jolt of anticipation through his body. As you rest against him, you can't help but feel both breathless and eager for what lies ahead. He chuckles softly, enjoying your muzzy state and the way your lips are slightly parted. 
"Mah sweet yittle baby is doin' so good f'me." You can't help but blush at his words, feeling a mix of embarrassment and arousal. 
His deep, even-keeled voice sends shivers down your spine as you obediently keep still, not daring to make a sound. The weight of his hand on your face is both comforting and controlling—a reminder of how much you love pleasing him and giving your all to him. As he continues to stroke your cheek, his touch gentle yet firm, you can't help but surrender further to his control. The intensity of his gaze holds you captive, his eyes piercing into your soul, leaving you feeling displayed and vulnerable. Every word he speaks feels like a command, and you are eager to comply, to show him just how much faith you have in him. He lets go of your face and directs his attention back to your clad bottom, the gun still grazing under the fabric on your buttocks as he inched closer to your dulcet parts. 
 But then he stops and reaches with his other hand, coming into contact with the waistband, and swiftly pulls them down to your mid thighs, revealing your bare ass, and slowly but firmly starts grazing the gun over it. Every nerve ending in your body is on high alert, acutely aware of your every movement. 
 Each stroke is calculated, leaving a trail of electrifying sensations in its wake. As the gun traces its path along your rear, you can't help but feel a strange mix of pleasure and danger—an intoxicating concoction that leaves you craving for more. You feel a tad bit jittery but stiffen as you feel him bring the pistol along your tailbone and drag lower along the middle of your buttocks, going lower until he reaches that sensitive area between your thighs. Your heart pounds in your chest, matching the rhythm of your quickened breaths. 
 He notices your state and coos again, questioning softly this time, "Tiny's doin' such ah good job fer me, ain't she?" 
Your cheeks flush deeper with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement as you nervously nod to him over your shoulder, yearning for his approval. 
As he continues to explore the sensitive area between your thighs, you can't help but feel a ripple of pleasure and shock shoot through your body when he presses the cold metal against your heat.
 "Oh—mmph," you gasp lowly, your words muffled by the intensity of the moment. 
The sensation is unlike anything you've ever experienced before—a tantalizing mix of pleasure and the forbidden. As he continues to tease you with the cold metal, your mind becomes consumed with a dizzying array of thoughts. You find yourself surrendering to the intoxicating pull, losing yourself in the overwhelming sensations that ripple through your body. 
Elvis sees this and smirks, his grip on the gun tightens, rubbing it against your sensitive core, as he slowly speaks, "You enjoyin' that doll? See, I knows what's best for ya." 
You're too overwhelmed to respond, the mixture of fear and arousal fueling a confusing rollercoaster of emotions within you. He takes a peek and sees how your flesh is pressed against the pistol, he lets out a low chuckle, seeing the slickness of your arousal starting to glisten along the gun. 
"Oh, y’dirty lil' girl." he murmurs out in his smooth voice. 
The physical sensations and his words, combined with the undeniable evidence of his growing desire against your thigh, heighten your anticipation, leaving you flushed. Your face probably looks like a tomato by now, but all you can do is bite down on your lip from the new sensations you're feeling. Elvis decides to push the boundaries as he brings the pistol back up along the middle of your ass, leaving your throbbing core, but this time he goes in-between your cheeks, catching a view of your small hole. You shift in his lap as you feel the cool air hit it, and your breath hitches in response. The charged atmosphere is heavy as Elvis slowly traces the outline of your anus with the muzzle of the pistol, teasingly applying gentle pressure. Your mind races with panic at the unfamiliar commotion, and you try to slowly crawl further toward the bed and away from his lap. He had never been so close to that area, and the intrusion by gun both jarred and frightened you, you felt it was getting too much for your little self. 
 "Wha-, no-o, not there!" you shrieked out in a high pitched voice, hoping he would attend to your plea. Elvis smirked, his hold on you loosening. 
"Oh, sweetheart," he whispered huskily, his voice appearing playful.
 "Is this too much fer mah yittle baby," he said, as he withdrew the gun from your prohibited area. 
You relaxed, still feeling the tingling in your belly but also having scattered emotions. He went and placed his heavy hand on the small of your back and leaned down to kiss your bottom before giving it a light slap.
 "Y’were so darn good, f'me doll." He cooed out as he gripped your arm roughly, lifting you up from your lying position along his lap. 
You stumbled slightly as he pulled you up, your body still feeling weak from the intensity of the moment. As he guided you to your feet, his grip on your arm tightening, you couldn't help but feel a mix of conflicting emotions, excitement, and danger. You balanced yourself, feeling your nightie drape back down, but then heard the slight noise of your undies hitting the carpet under you near your feet, causing a sudden rush of embarrassment to flood over you. You glanced down, and so did he, both of you eyeing the wet stain you had left on them from the actions that had just taken place. Your cheeks flushed crimson, and you quickly looked away, playing with your fingers. 
 He couldn't help but smirk at the sight of your damp undies. Elvis stood up from the bed and towered in front of you, his presence commanding the room. You could feel the intensity of his gaze as he leaned closer, bringing his larger hand to gently pet your head. He then gripped your head towards him, his voice low and filled with a mix of desire and control. 
 "Did ya enjoy that, Tiny?" he murmured, his breath hot against your ear. Your heart raced as you met his intense gaze, unable to speak. 
You nodded silently, feeling a wave of anticipation and curiosity wash over you. 
His smirk broadened as he noticed your reaction—a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. Slowly, he released his grip on your head and leaned in, kissing your forehead softly. Then he took your lips in a slow, passionate kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. As his enormous hands wandered down your body, the intensity of the moment grew, causing your body to respond eagerly. Your brain goes fuzzy once more, as your nipples harden under your silk pink nightie. As his hands trailed down your smaller frame, his touch felt intense and electrifying. His lips left yours and began to trail a path of kisses along your jawline, down the column of your neck, and to the hollow of your throat. 
Your breath quickened, mingling with his as he pressed his body closer to yours, the feeling of his pudgy belly and big buckle adding a comforting weight against you. His desire was evident in the way his large hands gripped your teeny waist. His bulge grazed against your upper abdomen, and a surge of anticipation coursed through your veins, heightening the electricity between you. You felt yourself growing hotter, the slick between your thighs was starting to ooze out even more, causing your legs to clamp together involuntarily.  Elvis caught this, and his lips curled into a mischievous smile. He leaned in closer, and brought his hand to squeeze your breast over the silk fabric. The touch sent a jolt of pleasure through your body, making you gasp softly. His fingertips danced over the hardened bud, teasing and caressing, as his other hand trailed down your back, giving your ass a light but firm squeeze. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, as the heat between you became almost unbearable. You could feel his desire pulsating against you, almost matching the rhythm of your racing heartbeat. He then dragged his hand down your body until it met the hem of your nightie, his touch tracing the delicate fabric.  
The impatience built within you, as you yearned for him to explore further. His massive hand continued its journey, inching lower and lower, until it reached under and to the center of your innermost desires. With a tender yet possessive grip, he cupped your exposed, sopping core, sending a buzz of electricity through your entire being. He starts softly caressing your sensitivity, carefully switching between light strokes and firmer pressure. 
 "God, darlin', yur drippin' like honey down there," he whispered huskily in your ear. 
The weight of his hand, combined with the coolness of his rings, made it impossible to control the rising tide of pleasure that threatened to consume you. As he continued his intimate touch, you could feel the heat building within you, your breath coming in shallow gasps. Each stroke sent waves of pleasure crashing through your whole body, making your toes curl and your back arch. Elvis eyed your expression, your scrunched eyebrows, shut eyes, the slight agape of your small mouth, revealing just how lost in the moment you were. He smiled mischievously and pulled his hand away from your heat, leaving you feeling a sudden void that sent a shiver down your spine. You opened your eyes, meeting his gaze filled with amusement. The air around you crackled with anticipation as he leaned in closer, his warm breath grazing your earlobe. 
"How ‘bout we take this lil' nightie off ya, doll?" Your cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and nervousness as his words sent a rush of tingles down your body. 
With a subtle nod, you allowed him to take control, trusting him entirely. 
He gestured for you to lift your arms up, and he carefully slipped the delicate fabric over your head, revealing the curves and daintiness of your body beneath. His gaze seemed to appreciate every detail, from the suppleness of your breasts to the gentle curve of your hips. As the nightie hit the ground, you stood facing him, captivating him with your shy yet alluring presence. He brought his hands to your boobs, kneading them, causing a surge of pleasure to ripple through your body. 
He admired them in his large hands, "You jus got tha prettiest, perkiest pair ah titties I've ever laid eyes on," he whispered in his drawl. 
You blushed deeply, even though he'd always say the same thing every time he saw them. 
 He leaned down into your breasts and placed gentle kisses along the curve of each one, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. His hands traveled further down, exploring the softness of your stomach and the curves of your waist. You arched your back, allowing him to trail his kisses down your abdomen, leaving a trail of heat on your soft skin. He started lowering himself until he almost got to your heat. 
He looked back up at you as he spoke out, "M'gon take ah look at cha doll parts, ok? darlin'." His voice was filled with a mix of lust and tenderness.
 With a mumbled "A-Alright", you watched as he positioned himself lower between your thighs, his eyes locked with yours, before you interrupted.
 "W-Wait, I don't want you t'get h-hurt on your knees." Elvis having health issues, you couldn't help but worry and didn't want him putting strain on his knees due to his age. 
"Don't cha worry ‘bout me, sweetheart. Daddy's takin' good care ah himself." He reassured you with a gentle smile, his hands caressing one of your thighs. 
The concern in your eyes lingered, but his words provided some comfort. Slowly, he lowered his gaze to your throbbing heat, and a mischievous smirk played on his lips. 
"But right now, I think there's sumn else that needs mah attention," he whispered huskily, "M'doll is lookin' so pretty an pink down here." 
You felt a rush of heat spread throughout your body as his words sank in. 
His touch on your thigh sent shivers down your spine, but you couldn't help but feel torn between his desire and your worry for his well-being. However, as his hand moved closer to your throbbing heat, you found yourself giving into his touch, unable to resist the temptation that lay before you. He grazed his fingers against your hot flesh, feeling you shudder under his touch. 
As he leaned his face closer to your heat, he mumbled, "So perfect, jus f'me." 
He stuck his tongue out, giving your cunt a slow, tantalizing lick that made your body arch in pleasure. The intensity of the moment washed away any remaining doubts as you surrendered yourself completely to the passion and desire coursing through your veins. A symphony of soft moans filled the air as he continued to explore every inch of your moistness with his skilled tongue. He reached over and forcibly pulled one of your legs over his shoulder while the other remained balancing your posture and allowing him better access to your throbbing core. His hands firmly gripped your hips, holding you in place as his tongue delved deeper, swirling and flicking with expert precision. He pressed his face closer into your heat, feeling his nose graze your bud, sending electrifying tingles of pleasure throughout your body. The intensity of his actions sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, causing your toes to curl up and your breath to hitch in your throat. Every sensation seemed to be intensified, with every touch and movement driving you closer to the edge of bliss. Your itty-bitty fingers found their way into his hair, pulling gently as you gave in to the overwhelming pleasure he was providing. 
 As he continued to devour you with his mouth, his hands roamed your trembling thighs, gripping them firmly as he held you in place. With each flick of his tongue and every gentle nip, the tension within you built, threatening to push you over the edge. You could feel your body arching towards him, desperate for release. The world around you faded into a hazy blur, leaving only its raw intensity.
 "Elvis-s...feels s-so good," you managed to gasp, your weak voice barely a whisper. 
The words hung in the air, heavy with desire and need. His movements became more fervent, his lips and tongue working in perfect sync to bring you to the brink of ecstasy. You could feel the slight familiar heat pooling between your thighs, your senses heightened as you yielded completely to the pleasure he was giving you. The sounds of your tiny gasps and the lapping of his tongue filled the room, creating a trance of pleasure that echoed in your ears, only pushing you more over the edge. Your body trembled with need, yearning for release, as the intensity of his mouth consumed you. Every nerve-ending tingled with pleasure, the sensation was electric and intoxicating. 
 With each passing second, the climax grew within you, the waves of pleasure crashing against your core. Your nails dug into his shoulders, desperately clinging to him as you rode the wave of ecstasy. His hands, strong and sure, held you steady, supporting your weight as you surrendered to the dizzying pleasure coursing through your body. Lost in the moment, you gasped for air, your breaths coming in short, ragged bursts. His mouth continued its assault on your dripping cunt, his tongue expertly flicking and teasing your swollen clit. Every touch sent electric shocks of pleasure through your overstimulated body, making it hard to think or speak. You tried to push his head away, tell him you needed a break, that you were reaching your limits, but he was stubborn as he continued licking up your release and savoring every drop. The intensity of his actions had you teetering between ecstasy and displeasure, your mind going numb. 
 As you struggled to regain control of your senses, you found yourself yanking his hair and grasping at his shoulder, trying to bring him back up to your embrace, but he wouldn't budge. The conflicting sensations of pleasure and sensitivity overwhelmed you, causing your body to tremble uncontrollably. 
 Finding your voice, "Too much-h..t'much, daddy-y." 
You gasped, your voice trembling with a mixture of pleasure and a hint of discomfort. His actions had pushed you to the edge, and you needed him to ease off, even if just for a moment. As you tugged at his thick hair, you could feel his lips curl into a devilish smile against your skin. His grip tightened around your waist, his fingers digging into your flesh as he continued to ravish you with his mouth. The intensity of his action nearly blurred your vision, and he pulled away to give you a look. You felt relieved but were still in a gasping and quivering mess as he held your hips to calm you and keep you steady. 
"M'sorry doll, seems like papa bear jus can't get ‘nough uh yer sweet honey," he murmured, his voice filled with appetite. You give a timid smile as you try to regain thoughts.
 With a strength you had never seen before, he rose from his knees, towering over you. His eyes glimmered with a mixture of hunger and adoration as he stared down at you, you couldn't help but rest your body against his from slight exhaustion. In that moment, he saw you as his cherished doll, a testament to his faith in him and the divine guidance bestowed upon both of you.  As he stood before you, you noticed a subtle shift in his posture, he adjusted himself, making his bulge more prominent. You couldn't help but feel a surge of desire as his confidence and craving for you became increasingly evident. And as your fingers grazed across his hairy chest, finally breathing steadily again, he couldn't contain his passion any longer. 
He took hold of your waist firmly, pulling you closer to him and gently guiding you towards the bed. Lying your naked, slender body down, grabbing the small cross that hung around your neck, he paused for a moment, his eyes fixated on the symbol. The contrast of the saintly necklace against the sinful scenario heightened the vague nature of it all. With a passion fed by the shared devotion, he kissed the cross, then left kisses against your collarbone and chest, moving lower, leaving a trail of holy desire across your skin. The sight in front of you made you purr with anticipation, every nerve in your body aflame with a mix of excitement and a tinge of fright. And in that intimate moment, the boundaries between sacred and profane melted into an ecstasy that intoxicated both body and soul. As he trailed more kisses towards your belly, he looked at you, eyeing him, he got up from the bed, and you sat up slightly to see as he tugged at his tucked shirt from his waistline and started unbuttoning it. 
  Your heart races with suspense, desire igniting within you as you watch him undress. The sight of his pudgy yet strong physique only intensifies your desire for him, appreciating every special detail. In this moment, he is perfect to you, captivating you with his raw masculinity and genuine desire. As he finally removes his shirt, your eyes drink in every detail, savoring the sight of his wiry chest and abdomen hair. The beads of sweat already glistening on his skin only add to his allure, making him appear even more irresistible. He watches as you're in awe of his beauty, a smug smile appearing on his face. He knows the effect he has on you, and revels in the power it gives him. Slowly, he walks towards you, his steps deliberate and confident. You can feel your heart race, and your breath quickens. 
"Y'wanna try helpin’ me wit these, lil' girl?" His words flowed smoothly from his lips with that mesmerizing southern accent, the drawl adding a touch of charm to his request to help him with his pants. 
You sit up more and inch closer, your legs dangling from the bed as you try to gather the courage to respond. 
"P-Please, I'd like... to," you stammer at him sweetly in that soft voice he adores , your cheeks flushing with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. 
 As you reach out to assist him, your fingertips graze over the firm bulge in his pants, making you momentarily lose focus. You quickly retract your hand, feeling a rush of embarrassment flood through your body. He chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he watches your reaction. Your cheeks grow even hotter as you meet his gaze. He stares into your doe-eyes, his smile never faltering. 
"No need ta be afraid, hon’. Y'seen him before," he says, his voice filled with a hint of mischief.
 You take a deep breath, trying to regain your composure, knowing it would be the first time seeing it so up close. 
With a nervous laugh, you reply, "Yes, b-but... not like this." 
He can't help but chuckle louder, his hand reaching out to gently touch your cheek. 
"Well, darlin', consider it an introduction then," he teases, his touch sending shivers down your spine. 
 Despite your flustered state, you manage to regain composure and slowly begin undoing his big belt buckle, the trembling in your hands being noticeable. As you struggle with the clasp, you can't help but notice the stark difference in the size between his buckle and your hands. His deep chuckle vibrates through you, a sound of amusement. With determined focus, you finally manage to loosen the belt, feeling a surge of confidence wash over you. And reach over to his zipper, your voice small and shaky. 
"C-Can I...can I undo this too?" you ask, biting your lip nervously.
His eyes lock with yours, a mixture of adoration and desire shining through. 
"Uh course, my yittle baby can do anythin' she wants," he whispers huskily, his hands caressing your flushed cheeks. 
 You start bringing his zipper down, and as you do this, Elvis' heavy hand goes and gives your supple breast a light squeeze, causing a shiver to run down your spine. The touch is both gentle and possessive, sending a surge of electricity through your body. You can feel the heat between your legs rise as you continue to undo his zipper, revealing his hard on as it springs out, you can't help but let out a tiny gasp as it captures you with his size and girth up close. Despite not wearing any underwear, his arousal is evident on his glossy red tip as a bead of precum glistens at the slit. Your curiosity grows as you bring your shaky hand to give him a teasing stroke from base to tip, feeling the throbbing pulse of his large member in your hand. The combination of his commanding presence and your newfound control ignites a fiery desire within you. 
 Your heart racing, never having done this before, you looked up at him, your eyes filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
 "Is this-s okay?" you asked in a shy, uncertain voice. 
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he gently placed a hand on your cheek. 
In his deep, southern accent, he reassured you, "Doll, ain't nothin' to be shy bout’. Yer doin' just fine. Keep goin' like that, nice an slow."
 As you held his cock in your hand, you marveled at its size and how it felt, barely fitting against your palm. With every stroke, you tried to mimic the rhythm you'd seen him do before when he'd spew himself on your tummy. The softness of his touch on your cheek reassured you, making you feel more at ease with each passing moment. As deep, low groans started flowing out of his mouth, you felt yourself grow more wet. His grip tightened on your cheek. The sound of his pleasure, mixed with the rush of the moment, sent shivers down your spine. You kept stroking him as you eyed it in front of you, glistening with anticipation. The sight of his throbbing member made your heart race, fueling your desire even further. His breathing became heavy, and the way his hips involuntarily bucked against your touch made it clear how much he was enjoying this moment as well. As you continued to stroke him, you felt his grip tug at your face to move closer to his manhood.
 Panic shot through you as you gazed up at him with wide eyes and knitted eyebrows, unsure of what he wanted next. 
"Awh, darlin’, don be scared," he whispered lovingly, his voice filled with tenderness. 
"Jus wants ya to give him some gentle kisses, show me how much ya adore me," he said, his words both soothing and tempting. 
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart as you processed his request. This was so new to you, you'd never felt his with your lips or hands before. Slowly, you leaned in closer, your lips hovering just above his shaft. You could feel the warmth radiating from his skin, and with a mix of nervousness and desire, you pressed your lips against him, planting soft, delicate kisses along the length of his throbbing member. As you pressed your lips against him, his scent filled your senses, it was a distinct aroma that aroused you even further, making your heart race with want. The way his flesh felt on your lips was like velvet—soft and smooth, yet with a subtle roughness that made it all the more exhilarating. You could feel his pulse throbbing beneath the surface, echoing the desire coursing through your own body. 
 He reached out to hold your face, making you look up at him as he ran a swipe across your lips with his thumb, "How bout' cha give him ah lil’ taste, baby," he whispered in a low, commanding voice. 
 The words sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire within you that burned with a mixture of nervousness, knowing it'd be your first time taking him in your mouth. With a shaky breath, you obediently parted your lips, allowing him to guide his throbbing shaft towards your waiting mouth. As the tip grazed your tongue, a surge of electricity shot through your body, causing your senses to heighten and your arousal to intensify. You could taste the saltiness of his arousal mingled with a hint of his musky scent, a heady combination that intoxicated you further. 
 As you slowly began to take him in, your mouth stretching and adjusting to accommodate his size, a mixture of pleasure and slight discomfort washed over you. You were a bit clumsy and couldn't help but gag a little at first, trying to relax and focus on your breathing. Your rookie inexperience was evident, but you were willing to please him. Slowly, you went just past his tip trying to find your own pace and rhythm. You felt him buck into you, making you tense up a little and unconsciously attempt to back away a little, he then firmly brought his broad hand to the back of your head. 
"Relax, f'me doll, jus wanna feel more of tha pretty little mouth," he murmured, his voice low and smooth. 
You swallowed hard, fighting the urge to panic as you looked up at him with your big eyes. 
 His grip on your head tightened slightly, guiding himself deeper into your mouth. Starting to gag, you struggled to maintain control and suppress the instinct to pull away. The taste of him overwhelmed your senses, and the musky scent of his skin filled your nostrils. As his hand continued to grip your head, his pace quickened, and you could feel his desire building. Your mind raced with a mixture of fear and arousal, unsure of how to navigate this new territory. 
 His other hand went to caress your face, giving it a soft slap, "Doin' so good, tiny," he groaned out. 
The sensation of his hand connecting with your cheek sent a jolt of conflicting emotions through your body. You felt the corners of your mouth starting to burn due to the stretch from his size, and you couldn't help but squeeze your eyes shut, trying to block out the overwhelming sensations. The intensity of the moment was almost too much to handle, but you liked this, you liked the thrill of exploring uncharted territory with him. It was a delicate dance between pleasure and pain, and you found yourself surrendering to the unknown. As his hand continued to explore your face, you felt him trying to horse himself in deeper, but you weren't letting him as you brought your hands up to rest against his upper thighs.
 He brought his large palm to stroke your throat, breathing out, "C'mon, baby, r-relax tha itty-bitty throat ah yours."  
His voice was low and velvet-like, sending shivers down your spine. You hesitated for a moment, but you did as he said. As you did this, he bucked straight to the back of your throat, almost fitting his whole shaft inside. The sudden intensity took you by surprise, causing a gag reflex to kick in. You fought against it, as you let out a tiny cry that sent vibrations to his cock and only seemed to heighten his pleasure. The tip of your nose is just barely grazing against his pubic hair. The sensation of his soft curls against your skin sent a jolt of electricity through your body, fueling the fire that was already burning within you. 
You could feel the heat radiating off his body, and the scent of his arousal filled the air around you. 
 As he thrust deeper into your mouth, your eyes began to water. The taste of him, slightly salty and intoxicating, lingered on your tongue, further abusing your senses. Your mind became a blur of sensations, the taste of him, the pressure against your throat, and the sound of his ragged breaths. He groaned above you, the sounds of your sweet muffled yelps and his cock hitting the back of your throat seemed to just rile him up more. But just as he was reaching the edge, he suddenly stopped himself. Harshly, he pulled out of your mouth, his length glistening with arousal and your saliva. 
 "Goddamn, honey!" he panted, his voice filled with lust. 
You gasped for air, your lips still tingling from his intense assault. Your eyeliner smudged from the force of his movements, matching the chaotic state of your mind. The taste of his saltiness lingered on your tongue, intertwining with the bitter sensation of adrenaline that coursed through your veins. You went to wipe your lips, feeling the mess of him and your drool covering your soft lips and chin, but he grabbed your hand before you could clean yourself up. His eyes locked with yours, and he leaned down, pressing his lips against yours, sealing the taste of him on your lips in a deliciously filthy embrace. He pulled back, seeing your puzzled state, and reached up to clean some of your smudged eyeliner with the pad of his thumb. 
"Lordy, girl, ya sure make this old man feel young again," he chuckled, his voice laced with passion. 
You felt a rush of warmth surge through your body at his words. Not having a chance to answer, he gripped your face closer, giving you a harsher kiss. 
As he pulled back from the kiss, his grip on your face tightened, and he forcefully guided you back down onto the bed. You let out a low gasp at his sudden roughness as you lay there, arousal coursing through your veins. The sound of his pants and buckle hitting the carpet was heard in the room, only making you more aware of the intensity of the moment. You couldn't help but bring your hand and rub your small digits over your cunt, the ache almost paining you. Elvis saw the way you were growing needier and needier, and he let out a low chuckle. As he climbed onto the bed, the mattress shifted underneath you, sending shivers down your spine. You glanced up at him with your doe eyes, feeling both needy and shy at the same time. His gaze intensified, and his lips still formed a smirk, he brought his hand down over yours and pulled it away to catch a look at your throbbing core, glistening with desire. 
"M’god, yur all rosy an swollen," he teased, and he went to cup it in his hefty palm, relishing in the wetness that coated his fingers. 
You felt your body jolt at his touch, showing just how sensitive you were. Your breath hitched as he continued to stroke you, his fingers dancing lightly over your pulsing center. Giving your pussy two light slaps to heighten your arousal, he chuckled lowly, reveling in the way you flinched. He pulled his hand away and positioned himself in front of you as he pulled your legs apart and made them bend so that your knees were raised, exposing your most intimate area more to him. You watched as he reached for something, a dark glimmer in his eyes. As he retrieved the pistol another time tonight, a rush of anticipation and fear coursed through your veins once again. 
"It's alright, doll. Only wanna have more fun wit cha." The mix of arousal and trepidation overwhelming you. 
"O-Oki," you mumbled softly after some time, your voice barely audible as you tried to steady your racing heart. 
 You watched as he moved closer between your legs and raised his arm over to your face, grazing the barrel along your cheek and slowly moving it towards your mouth. You look at him, and he gestures to open your mouth. You're hesitating, but comply. He swiftly inches the cold metal into your hot mouth as it grazes over your tongue, it tastes metallic and foreign. You can feel the weight of it against your tongue, the coolness spreading throughout your mouth. He slowly moves it in and out of your mouth, staring at him, his expression filled with a mix of curiosity and satisfaction. As the cold metal continues to dance against your tongue, you feel him withdraw it as a string of your saliva comes along the tip of the metal. You can't help but shudder at the sensation, a mixture of discomfort and a strange, illicit pleasure. He brings the gun down along your neck, brushing against your necklace, then to your chest, tracing a chilling path along your skin. The metal's touch sends a shiver down your spine, and you can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins. Bringing the gun to your breast, he traces it over your hardened nipple. You let out a shaky breath.
"Daddy-y," you whisper, your voice trembling with a mix of fear and desire. 
He leans in closer, his breath ghosting over your ear as he replies, "Does it excite cha, doll?" 
Your heart races as you nod, unable to form words. 
Your body hums with anticipation as he continues his tantalizing exploration. The cold metal trails down your abdomen, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. You bite your lip, trying to stifle the moan threatening to escape your lips. He stops the gun just above your lower abdomen, his fingers gently tracing circles across your sensitive skin. 
His voice drips with seduction as he murmurs huskily, "You want more, don't ya, tiny?" 
Your breathing quickens, as you notice how close he is to your aching cunt. Gulping, you watch as he hovers it just above the bundle of nerves with a quick motion. You reach to stop him, your mind filled with hesitation. But he was quick to raise his hand with the gun in his grip. 
“Aye now, none of that babydoll, hmm.” he asserts firmly.
You brought your balled up fists to rest on your chest and gave him an understanding pout, letting him graze the gun on your bud. As he does, a mixture of fear and excitement surges through your body. The dangerous thrill intensifies as you feel the cool metal brush against your hot, sensitive flesh. Your soft whimpers escape in short gasps as he rubs the barrel along your outer lips. As the tension builds, his touch becomes more deliberate, tracing the outline of your entrance with the cold barrel. Your heart pounds in your ears, and you feel yourself tense up as you feel him trying to push the gun inside you. 
 "Wait, wait!" you stammered, your voice trembling with nervousness. 
"Is-isn't.. this, too dangerous Elvis?" you stumbled over your words, feeling hazy and disoriented. 
The rush of adrenaline mixed with fear creates a dizzying sensation, clouding your thoughts and making it difficult to articulate your concerns. He looked at you with a stubborn expression, his gaze unwavering. 
"Come on, darlin," he said, his eyes gleaming with desire.
 "'Member why wer doin' this hmm, the Lord struck me with this vision, and I ain't one ta ignore His call." His words echoed in your mind, intertwining with the doubts that swirled within you.
 The weight of the situation settled heavily on your shoulders, he leaned in towards you. Placing his forehead against yours as his grip on the gun continues toying with your entrance for access. 
"No, no," you stammer, your voice shivering. 
"I don't— f-feels wrong." 
Fear grips your heart as his eyes bore into yours, a flicker of anger crossing his face. His grip tightens around the gun, pushing against your opening.
 "Don't cha understand?" he whispers, his voice filled with a mix of desperation and fervor.
 "This is tha path we must walk together, doll, guided by His will." 
Your mind races, the conflicting emotions tearing at your soul. You look into his eyes and see a glimmer of hope—of someone who believes in something greater than themselves. In the midst of the intense moment, mingling with your feelings of desperation, you seek divine guidance. You hold onto the belief that, through this unsettling path, you and Elvis are bound by a higher purpose, walking together under the will of a greater power. As the intensity builds, Elvis places a hand on your cheek, seeing how your racing thoughts are slowly starting to disappear. 
"Attagirl, trust in Him, in Me." he uttered in his soothing drawl. 
As you look into Elvis' eyes, you find solace in his words and the comfort of his touch. In that moment, you give him a nod and surrender to the newfound growing faith, allowing yourself to trust in a higher plan. The pressure against your center intensifies as he continues rubbing it with the gun. Despite the unease, you remain connected through the shared purpose and the touch of his hand on your cheek. You feel as he retracts the gun from your entrance and backs up along your clit trying to give you pleasure in the midst of your discomfort, his movements becoming more deliberate and controlled. The combination of unease and pleasure leaves you bewildered, yet strangely more aroused. Your mind struggles to comprehend the conflicting sensations, but your body responds instinctively, arching towards his touch. He watches as you enter a state of bliss once more, the pistol getting easier to glide along your folds from all your slick. Inching the gun back towards your entrance, he presses it against you with a firm yet gentle pressure. 
"Quit clenchin', honey," he grumbled, his breath tickling your ear. 
You try to relax, and let go of the fear that still lingers in the back of your mind. As he eases the pistol's tip inside you, the cold metal sends shivers down your spine, contrasting with the warmth radiating from your core.
 "Look at cha tiny, yur doin' purfect." he purrs out as he lifts himself from hovering over you to take a look at how your cunt clenches at the muzzle. 
 As he begins to move it in a slow, rhythmic motion, you can't help but be amazed at the conflicting sensations overwhelming your body. The fear that once gripped you tightly begins to fade away, replaced by curiosity. The coldness of it all sends shivers down your spine. Elvis feels a mix of satisfaction, desire, and a hint of surprise as he sees how your body responds to his actions. He puts more of the pistol's barrel in, so you're taking about two inches of the gun. You hear him chuckle as he sees how wet and heated you are, and your face flushes deep with embarrassment. He moves slowly in and out at a delicious pace that has you letting out low gasps and moans of pleasure. As the pleasure intensifies, every movement of the pistol sends waves of ecstasy through your body. The combination of fear and arousal fills the room, creating an electric and forbidden ambience. With each thrust, you tighten around the barrel, your soft gasps and moans blend into a symphony of pleasure, driving him to push slightly deeper into you. The sensation of the cold metal against your walls only heightens the intensity of the moment, as you surrender completely to the dangerous passion enveloping you.
 "Daddy-y..I-." You start to feel that heat pooling in the low part of your belly, spreading through your entire body, reaching your fingertips, and curling your toes.
 Elvis sees that you're on the brink of pure bliss and pulls the pistol out of your throbbing heat, leaving you feeling empty, his eyes filled with hunger. With a mischievous smile, he grazes the pistol against your folds and up to your bud, and you can't help but shudder with anticipation. The cool touch of the metal against your sensitive clit sends a jolt of electricity through your veins. As Elvis continued to tease and taunt, you grabbed his wrist with both hands, barely able to wrap around it and pressed the side of the barrel more firmly against your bud while slowly moving your hips upward. 
Elvis saw this and was amused, smirking, “Look at cha honey, goin' crazy over ah piece of metal.’’
 Lost in bliss, you didn't pay attention to his words, you were so drowsy from the feeling and trying to chase that sensation you craved again. This ticked something in Elvis though, he had gotten jealous over the thought of something else but him giving you such grand pleasure. He yanked the gun from you with a growl, and threw it across the room, you let out a whine while looking at him dumbfounded. 
"N-no, Elvis-s!" You stammer, your voice laced with nerves and frustration. 
"W-Why did you, you do that-t? I was almost-." 
His eyes narrowed, and his voice was filled with annoyance. 
"You was almost wha, huh? Y’were gettin' lost in some dang stupid piece ah metal!" 
You bite your lip, the familiar sensation of nervousness coursing through your veins.
 "but.. but you.." you stutter, confused. 
He shakes his head, his bitterness evident as he moves over so he's resting against the headboard, "I jus... I don like seein' yur little pussy gettin' all soppin' wet if it ain't cause ah me. I ain't gotta be competin’ with no damn gun."  
Your heart races as his words sink in, a mix of desire and uncertainty swirling within you. You bite your lower lip, feeling a sudden rush of excitement coursing through your veins as you sit up and crawl in front of him. 
"But," you whisper, your voice trembling with anticipation. 
"I-I was only feeling so, so good b-because you were there w-with me." you said quietly.
 His eyes darken with a dangerous intensity, and a smirk plays at the corners of his lips. His mood instantly switching again.
 "Is that so, doll?" he growls out. 
"I reckon, ya c’mere nd make me feel better then," he gestures you over to his lap with a swift motion. 
Your heart races as you obediently move closer, your body trembling with desire, but nervous hoping he wasn't still angry. As you straddle his lap, you can feel the heat radiating from his body, igniting a fire within you. His strong hands grip your hips firmly, and you can't help but let out a small whimper as you hover above his hard throbbing cock. 
"Why doncha give me ah sweet ride, darlin' '', his blue eyes dark with want. 
You gulp, feeling the weight of his words and the intensity of the moment. With a raised confidence, you slowly lower yourself onto him while holding on to his broad shoulders for support, gasping at the slight stretch. Still not quite used to his size, you feel your legs quiver. His deep groan echoes in your ears as he tightens his grip on your hips, guiding you lower. 
"Lord, honey, this lil' pussy needs sum stretchin'," he blurts out in a low tone. 
You let out a pitiful cry as you took him in fully, your bodies becoming entirely intertwined in a passionate embrace. 
"Oh...oh god," you whine, your voice trembling with pleasure.
 You feel Elvis slowly beginning to thrust upward into your dripping heat, filling you completely with every movement. Each thrust sends waves of intense pleasure coursing through your body, leaving you powerless to resist his advances. As the intensity builds, the rhythm of your bodies matches the beat of your racing hearts. With each deep thrust, you can't help but surrender to the overwhelming pleasure, your senses consumed by the touch of his skin against yours. 
Elvis whispered in your ear, his voice filled with lust and desire, "Y'feel so good, tiny. F-Fuck, can't get enuff of yuh." 
His words sent shivers down your spine, adding to the already intense pleasure you were experiencing. As he continued to thrust into you, his movements becoming more urgent and desperate, Elvis let out a low moan that echoed through the room. The sound of his moan only fueled your own desire, pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy. Your body arched against his, seeking more of his touch, more of his passion. 
 The room was filled with the intoxicating scent of his musky scent mixed with a hint of sweat, a potent aphrodisiac that heightened the atmosphere. Each breath you took seemed to draw you deeper into the moment, as if surrounding yourself with his essence would somehow bring you closer to him. The sounds of heavy breathing and skin slapping against skin echoed through the air, creating a trance of pleasure that drowned out all other thoughts.  
 As your bodies moved in perfect rhythm, you couldn't help but run your hands through his chest hair, feeling the softness beneath your fingertips. His groans filled the room, fueling the fire that burned between your legs. The feeling of his large arms wrapped tightly around your small waist provided a sense of security. You felt him ram into you deeper and couldn't help but let out a wail of pleasure as the intensity of the moment overwhelmed you. Each thrust sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your body, building towards an inevitable climax. His lips found yours, their touch igniting a fire within you that matched the one consuming your every sense. 
You pulled away, “Oh, I, I can-n feel it in m’tummy.” you softly cried out.
 "Is ma yittle d-dolly feelin’ all good in... er t-tummy?" He panted, sending shivers down your spine.  
 "Mhmm," you moaned, barely able to form words as the pleasure intensified. 
As his thrusts continued, the sensation in your stomach intensified—a delicious ache that made you yearn for it. You could feel the tension building, the coiling of desire ready to explode into an overwhelming release. He held you even tighter, his thrusts becoming more passionate. Your vision blurring, you felt his other hand glide over to your bundle of nerves, pushing you to reach your peak of ecstasy. Each movement drew you closer and closer to the edge, until finally, you couldn't hold back any longer. With a breathless cry, you shattered into a million pieces, waves of pleasure washing over you and leaving you completely spent. Collapsing onto his hard yet soft chest, your legs trembled above him as you both basked in the impact of your intense orgasm. You could tell he was still yearning for release, his need was evident as his cock still throbbed and thrust inside you. 
 Catching your breath, you felt him shift underneath you, his hands gripping your hips tightly. He flipped you over onto your stomach, positioning you exactly as he desired. You gasped in shock, but your jumbled mind prevented you from fully comprehending the situation. The aftershocks of your orgasm only made you struggle to process what was happening. As he entered you again, every thrust sent waves of pleasure and confusion coursing through your body. His hands firmly gripping your waist, he guided the rhythm, leaving you vulnerable and powerless to resist. Although your mind was clouded, your body arched in response to his commanding touch, willing to surrender once again to his insatiable desires. The weight of him pressed down on you, enveloping you in a delicious mix of pleasure and submission. Every movement seemed to blur the lines between pain and bliss, blurring the boundaries of your own identity. His chest brushed against your bare back, adding an extra layer of sensation to the already electrifying experience. The intensity of his touch sent shivers down your spine, making your breath hitch and mingle with his own ragged exhales. The occasional sound of a low, guttural growl escaped from deep within him, further fueling the fire that consumed both of you. And then, unexpectedly, another climax crept up on you, taking you by surprise and leaving you gasping for air.
"E-Elvis" you wailed out.
Your voice cracked with desperation, and your body quivered with the force of the pleasure coursing through you.
“Mmf, h-hang in there, baby.” He comforted trying to soothe your overstimulated mind and body.
He continued to move against you, his own release imminent, but he didn't falter in his rhythm, driving you to the edge once again. As your mellow moans filled the room, the air crackled with a raw and primal energy, and you could feel the intensity of his desire he was clawing at. The world seemed to blur around you, your senses consumed by the blend of pleasure and drowsiness. Your mind was clouded, lost in a sea of sensations that left you highly sensitive.
 Every touch, every stroke sent electric currents coursing through your body, heightening your pleasure to an almost unbearable level. The intensity became too much to handle, pushing you to the edge of sanity. You felt your body exhausted and your mind going empty, the only thing you could do was clench the sheets beneath you, desperately trying to ground yourself in some semblance of reality. The room around you felt like it was spinning, a dizzying carousel of colors and shadows. Your breaths came in shallow gasps, the air feeling heavy and suffocating against your skin. He lets out a gnawing grunt, pulls himself out, and sits up on his knees. Swiftly stroking himself until he spews his release onto your ass. You feel a sense of relief and soreness as you try to come down from your powerful orgasms and still your breathing. 
 He chuckles weakly, spreading his cum over both of your cheeks with his smooth tip, "T-Tiny, yer lil’ booty sure looks even p-perttier covered with mah babies." he pants out.
If even possible, your face heats up even more at his witty comment, and you gather the strength to look over back at him through half-lidded eyes, the feeling of drowsiness and contentment consuming you.
 "D-did I do good, b-bub?" you murmur, your voice carrying a soft, low tone. He smiles wearily, his hand gently stroking your hair. 
"Y'did more th-than good," he slurs, his voice filled with exhaustion yet affection. 
You are can feel his weariness as he lies back against the pillows, his chest rising and falling heavily as beads of sweat glisten on his forehead. The room is filled with a comfortable silence and your breaths as you both bask in the aftermath of the erotic, hazardous experience. Slowly, he reaches out to caress your cheek, his touch tender and loving. 
"You were perfect…perfect f'me, sweet, yittle, doll," he murmurs, sleep already taking him. 
As his hand caressed your hair, you couldn't help but feel a sense of divine connection. The words wrap around you like a warm blanket, and you know that you have pleased him, fulfilled his message. The intertwining of the pleasure and fear you faced made you question the boundaries of your faith. Still drowsy, you inch closer to Elvis and rest your head against his fluffy, warm chest, feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath. You looked up at his face, his eyes were closed in peaceful contentment. The room is dimly lit, with the soft glow from a lamp in the corner as you both lay in each others mess. On the wall, the cross hangs, casting a shadow that dances alongside the gentle sway of his snores. You close your heavy eyelids, cuddling closer to his warmth, succumbing to exhaustion from the nights events as sleep overtakes you both.
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- This is the only account I have and the only platform I’ll be uploading my stories on, just informing in case my stories get stolen and re-uploaded somewhere else.
𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙇𝙞𝙨𝙩
₊ ⊹ Taglist: @18lkpeters @doll-elvis @eliseinmemphis @prompted-wordsmith @rockstarg1rl @dkayfixates @livelaughelvis @honey6578 @girlblogger2002 @justinlovewithjulesvaughn @velvetelvis
₊ ⊹ Get added to Taglist for future stories here. ♡
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
I don't know if you usually take requests, but could you please write a drabble about Bucky taking care of the reader during her period? Period cramps are killing me and I just want some cuddles 🥺
aw i love this 🥹 i’m sorry your cramps have been bad, i’m sending you all the love and hugs your way💗 i hope this bucky fluff makes you feel better 🥰
♡ Pairing: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: Bucky helps comfort you when you are having bad period cramps.
♡ Warnings: SUPER FLUFFY, light angst, period cramps, blood (duhhh), light self hate
main masterlist
* i know this is mickey, but let’s pretend it’s post tfatws!bucky *
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You had showered after a long day, doing your usual routine— taking your time to really treat yourself after a tough week.
Immediately after sinking into bed, the sheets feeling so good against your freshly shaven legs— it took no time at all for you to slip into a much needed slumber. You didn’t know you could sleep so soundly, so well. Most nights consisted of rolling and waking up occasionally in sweats. Tonight was the first, as you slept through the entire night, waking only the next morning.
You were excited to start off your Saturday after a good nights rest, except when you went to get up— you noticed you were still exhausted. It was then you could feel your back ache, all your limbs heavier than usual. You furrowed your brows in confusion, thinking perhaps you had gotten too much sleep. But as you swung your legs over the edge of the bed, you suddenly felt something wet in between your thighs.
Glancing down, ripping the cover off— everything dawned on you at the sight of red smearing the inside of your thighs, your underwear ruined.
Fucking periods.
You knew getting that good of sleep was too good to be true. You could feel the tears working their way up, your nose burning with frustration. You had just cleaned and changed all your sheets, taken a shower. Now everything, including you were dirty again— like you had never done any of the cleaning to begin with.
You knew it was just your emotions running wild, so you willed your tears to stay away. Sucking in a deep breath, you walked to the bathroom sluggishly. You made it your mission to grab a pill before the cramps started— you had learned your lesson. Although you were starting your period, you were not going to let this ruin your weekend. You were going to have a nice relaxing weekend. Not letting the beauties of being a woman ruin your day.
If only you had kept that attitude up for the entire day. The cramps had come as you expected, but this time the pill did nothing to relieve the pain. The heating pad worked only for a few minutes before the pain came crashing in waves, your body attempting to curl in on itself from the discomfort.
You swore a ghost was digging a knife in your uterus, and right now— you’d appreciate if the ghost just ripped out your uterus completely.
You had holed yourself up in your room, only making it downstairs for breakfast before you were running back to your bathroom to empty the contents of your stomach back out. This was definitely one of the worst periods you’d had in awhile, and you just wanted to slip into a coma until it was over.
Knocking sounded from your door, and you rolled over still clutching your stomach. You looked a mess, you felt like a disaster. Periods always made you feel gross.
“Yeah?” You asked out loud, and you couldn’t hide the discomfort from your tone.
“(Y/n)? You okay?” Bucky asked through the door.
Your eyes widened at his voice, wondering what he was doing here.
You and Bucky had been dating for awhile now, and things had been great. You still managed to get flustered by practically anything he did— and he loved every second of your flustered state. There was one thing that was brought up though— and that was periods.
“Uh— yeah I’m fine! Just tired!” You shouted, nervous that he could sense your lie. He definitely could.
It’s not that you thought he’d judge you for being a woman and having a period. But you were shy to show him that vulnerable side of you. Both you and him had shown the soft sides of each other— clinging to each other when you needed each others comfort. But there was something extra vulnerable about this— and you couldn’t ignore the embarrassment you felt when you even thought of it. You didn’t want him to find you gross, or annoying as you whined.
Okay… I guess you were a little nervous that he’d judge you.
“Doll what’s going on? Can I come in?” He asked, his voice growing more concerned.
You pulled the cover over your legs, giving the room one last once over— it didn’t look terrible. You just wished you could have a minute or two to tidy up. You knew Bucky very well though, and he’d break the door down if you waited one more second.
“Of course, come in!” You announced finally, taking a deep breath, hoping a cramp didn’t hit you while he visited.
The door opened and Bucky peeled his head in first, after making eye contact with you— he sent a warm smile before heading all the way in, shitting the door behind him. He quickly made his way to the bed where he plopped down, looking over you concerned.
“Baby what’s going on? I feel like I haven’t seen you much today. You sure you’re just tired? You aren’t getting sick are you?” He rambled on, and your heart swelled at his concern.
“Buck— I’m fine really. Just didn’t sleep too good last night.” You completely lied, last night was the best sleep you had ever had. Too bad it leaked into today though.
He furrowed his brows and looked at you like he was about to figure you out— see right through you and pick out the lies. You wouldn’t be surprised if the serum gave him those abilities.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” He asked softly, scooting closer so he could slip his hand underneath the covers to land on your bare thigh.
It was meant to be a comforting gesture, but you feared you’d get blood on him. You knew that was a silly thought— but you were paranoid.
He noticed you tense up from his touch and immediately he removed his hand, his face growing more concerned.
“Baby, what is it?” He pried, trying to look you over again— needing to know what the cause of your discomfort was.
You sighed and gave in, shoulders sagging in defeat. You didn’t want him to worry, and seeing his frantic eyes search you for a wound— you realized you were making this bigger than it needed to be. You just couldn’t ignore the embarrassment you felt.
“It’s just uh… I’m… I’m on my period Buck.” You mumbled, lowering your eyes to the bed.
His concerned expression melted away, his heart falling back into a regular rhythm. He knew he was prehistoric— but he knew what a period was. He just didn’t know why you wanted to hide it from him.
“Oh.” He finally said, “Doll— you can tell me things like that.”
“I know Buck but… it’s embarrassing and gross. I can usually deal with it and nobody ever notices— you know because it’s a normal thing.” You told him, playing with the edge of the comforter. “This one has just been pretty bad and… I just— I don’t know.”
You trailed off, avoiding his gaze. Bucky reached his hand over and tucked some stray hairs behind your ear. Tracing his fingers down your jaw to raise your chin up— that way he could look into your eyes.
“You’re not gross, okay? I’m sorry you’re in pain baby— I wish I could take it all away. It’s not fair you have to deal with this all the time.” He told you gently, and you leaned into his touch.
“It’s not usually this bad but… I don’t know, I guess it’s just a bad one this time around.” You assumed.
Before you could say anything else, you doubled over as the pain came back— stabbing into your uterus. You clutched your lower abdomen— hoping it would help relieve the pain. Bucky’s eyes widened at your whine.
“What can I do to help?” He rushed out, hands hovering over you.
If it were any other time, you’d find his protective, mama bear mode adorable. But for now— you were too busy being in pain.
“Just stay with me please? I don’t wanna lay here alone.” You admitted, your words coming out in whimpers.
Bucky wasted no time in kicking his shoes off, shimming his jacket off before he crawled back into the bed, sneaking under the covers. He leaned back against the headboard, pulling you on top of him.
“Don’t even have to ask doll, I’m staying right here. You comfortable?” He asked.
You reached down and raised your shirt just above your belly button, before you lifted his shirt the same. He furrowed his brows, wondering what you were doing. You laid down completely again, letting your skin smush against his, and because he was a super soldier and was always hot— his warm stomach felt amazing against your lower abdomen. Like a personal heating pad.
“Ahh… that feels good. You’re so warm.” You sighed, ticking your face into the crook of his neck.
He chuckled and smiled into your hair, wrapping his arms protectively around you.
“I love you baby.” He whispered to you, already feeling your breathing even out— falling asleep on him.
Your uterus calmed for now, the warm sensation soothing your pain. You could only wait until the next wave of pain came— but you knew you’d be okay with Bucky holding you.
“Love you too Buck.” You mumbled sleepily against his neck, your breath warming his skin.
He hated that you were in pain, wishing that he could take it all away— but he’d give you as many Bucky cuddles as you needed until you were sick of him.
Truthfully, you’d never get sick of Bucky cuddles.
A/N: short but sweet 🥰
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cheri-2047 · 3 months
Helloooo do you write for aventurine from hsr?
If you do, would it be possible to request an aventurine x gn reader where he tries to comfort the reader who has religious trauma? If that's a little too complicated then something like aven trying to comfort the reader when they were suddenly reminded about their trauma from parents.
I'm really just desperately trying to make myself feel better 😭 anw the decision is still up to you <3 I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope that you stay safe and healthy, take care!! 💞💐
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭 I LOST MOTIVATION TO WRITE ANYTHING 😞😞 I’d love to write this for you but I’m not so sure on what religious trauma is so I focused on reader getting triggered by their parents instead, I hope that’s okay. Please don’t hesitate to comment if I mischaracterized him, this is based off what I see online since I don’t play hsr, thank you!
Aventurine comfort:
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TAGS: slight mentions of self harm, hair pulling (out of stress) angst, fluff and comfort at the end
CHARACTERS: Aventurine
You were on your way home after meeting up with your parents. It’s been awhile since you last saw them so you thought you’d pay them a visit.
They welcomed you with open arms and were very glad that you came over, your mother excitedly sharing new stories of what’s happened while you moved away and your father just simply listening to you two.
Everything was smooth sailing, you had fun with them, sharing laughs and all until it all went down the drain.
“haha…” you chuckled it off. You hated hearing about the incident that had happened. Your parents brushed it off by now as a joke, but to you it was anything BUT that.
you continued to catch up to them, holding up a smile to get away the memories that ran through your brain.
stop stop stop
You clenched your hands tightly, continuing to laugh along with the “jokes” your parents made. You couldn’t stop thinking about it now, everything that happened, everything that you worked so hard to forget, all of it GONE just because of a few simple words.
“I might be home a bit late sweetheart, please don’t stay up waiting for me. Love you”
Your phone buzzed, a message from your boyfriend, Aventurine.
You took this to your advantage, deciding it was a good excuse.
“Ah I need to go home, sorry mama, urgent things at work.”
You made a white lie. You knew it was a bad thing to lie, it would make you a sinner, but you would do anything right now to get away from that so called ‘home’
“I hope you visit again, we love you”
Your father kissed you on the forehead, before both waving off.
You quickly shuffled to your car, driving as fast as you can away from your parent’s home. You were thankful for your boyfriend’s text, not only can you have alone time but you also were able to lie with getting home.
You drove faster, the music louder, anything to try and get the flooding memories away. You clenched the wheel tightly, taking rough turns, completely ignoring your surroundings.
shut up shut up shut up shut up
You reached your home, running to your bedroom, your safe place.
You opened the television, had your snacks around you and all but for some reason, nothing would work. The thoughts still lingered at the back of your mind, the unspoken memories, the things you’ve tried to hard to forget.
Little did you know, you ended up spiraling. Your eyes on the TV, your mind elsewhere. It all came back too quickly, too much for you, the way you were treated, the rules you were forced to have, the life you so desperately wanted to escape, and it felt like you were back. “…y/n… y/n? Hey hey-“
you got started by the sound, only to realize you had been pulling your hair a lot,
“ah- y-you’re back earl-“
He wrapped his arms around you tightly, Aventurine pulled your hands away from your hair,
“Shh, shh… there there”
he rubbed his hand on your back, you leaned into his touch, before looking down to see blood on your fingernails. “What happened?”
Aventurine pulled away, cupping your cheeks and rubbing your hand, careful not to touch the skin you picked.
You didn’t even notice it, but you were crying. You had tears run down your face as if your eyes were waterfalls.
“I visited my parents today”
“mh…did they do anything?”
“they just…mentioned something and I got triggered and started spiraling I guess…”
as you spoke, aventurine started to wrap some bandages around your fingers.
“What did they say?”
(cutting this part off here so you can like…. Explain to him ykyk. He doesn’t know much of your trauma so u explain that you went through that before)
“Oh sweetheart…”
he wiped your tears and kissed you on the cheek, before hugging you and hurrying your face into the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know that’s ever happened, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to remember…”
he frowned and pulled you closer,
“I’m sorry…. If you’re up to going to your parents again, I’ll be here to accompany you. If you don’t, then that’s alright, I understand.”
he kisses the top of your head multiple times, hoping to sooth you with his affection.
He intertwined his hand with yours as he continues to speak reassuring words. “I am always here for you, alright my dearest? If you feel triggered by anything ever again, please don’t hesitate to tell me. I’m never ‘too busy’ for you or any of that. I love you”
you smile as he tells you how he has your back and how he will never leave and swear to always protect you. As you stop crying, he starts to clean up the snacks you left and comes back with more of your favorite foods.
“I got some before I left work”
he chuckles, lying next to you on the bed as you two stayed in the comfort of each others arms.
“I love you, I always will and I will never stop.”
He presses a kiss to your lips, pulling away to see your smile, which makes him smile as well.
A/N: OKAY… so I tried to make it like him as much as I could, I think he’s the type to gen take things seriously in scenarios like this, and the part where he like… pushes(?) your head to his neck for comfort, that means a lot since I hc him to not like being touched there or anyone touching him there either, so yeah. Thanks for requesting and I hope this is ok!! Comments are appreciated (for tips, if I mischaracterized or just to say hi) I hope ure okay dude, if you want more of these feel free to request
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idiaa-shroxd · 1 year
Do you think you could write how Vil, Idia, and Azul would react to finding out gn reader is afraid of spiders? Thank you for consideration and no rush!
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THE ARACH-NO-PHOBIC PREFECT ꒱ ❝ azul, vil, idia. ❞
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SUMMARY: being terrified of spiders you find yourself in the midst of one while in the presence of a certain someone. you find yourself teary and petrified, but just how do they react to seeing you like this?
warnings; gn!reader x azul, vil, idia. by interacting with this post you agree you’ve read through my navigation and i hold no responsibility for the content you view.
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OCTAVINELLE. azul ashengrotto.
Although he was the one at fault, Azul never imagined the reaction you’d have as tears fell down your cheeks, hiccuping with puffy eyes, sniffling while trying to calm down. For the first time in a long while, he felt as though he might of been the bad guy, a very rare occurrence considering his high lack of morals when it comes to unethical business practices. He was unsure how to console you as he nervously looked at you.
“I’m sorry..” he mumbled after a few seconds, awkwardly attempting to calm you down while patting your back after he captured the spider and relocated it to a glass jar, taking it out. He was originally supposed to be scaring you into a favor after helping you, but he would never of imagined the sheer severity of it as your knees buckled and he was frantic, a pure mess. “Please, I’m so sorry.” He was scared you’d now hated him.
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Azul had taken a lot of time into finding out anything he could use against you, and after hours of trying, he had heard one of your friends mention how freaked out you were the other day seeing a spider crawl around Ramshackle. Naturally he saw this as an opportunity, he was going to rope you into a business contract after you beg him for help taking the spider away, one that he released but would not mention to you, and in return he would ask you to repay the favor when you’re too frantic to think straight whether that would be a good or bad decision. As he called you into his office, he had never imagined just the chaos he would cause with a simple spider.
“Azul, I already told you I have no interest about…” before you could finish your eyes darted to the spider roaming near the edge of his desk, letting out a huge scream as you fell backwards, butt hitting the ground hard as you felt hot tears stinging the corner of your eyes, your breath hastening as you were hyperventilating. Your fingers trembled against the cool floor as your lips quivered, vision blurring and beginning to get scared the spider may crawl near you, or even worse out of sight. At the sight of you, Azul had begun feeling a pang around his heart as he had never believed this would be your reaction, just a few screams not pure hyperventilation and tears. If anything your friends undersold your reaction during their conversation he eavesdropped!
He felt a bit conflicted, mumbling an apology as you had no idea why, before he took the spider away from you while trying to calm you down. He kept muttering a few sorries along with comforting words the best he could, but he had never been one to give comfort to anyone. “You’ll be okay.” He tried his best, not sure whether to touch you or to let you have personal space. He quickly gave you tissues and guided you onto the sofa within his office, getting you a glass of water. For better or for worse, he had you in his office at least. But now you were a sniffling mess and there was no way he would allow himself to take advantage of you at the moment, even if he really really had wanted to get you to sign his business proposal.
After awhile you were finally speaking again and calmed down a lot. “Sorry, I’m just.. really scared of spiders.” You mumble while wiping your puffy eyes, sniffling. He could see that, but decided not to say that aloud. “Would you like more water..?” He asks as you laugh at his attempt to cheer you up. The two of you managed to continue talking for a bit more, helping you calm down a whole lot as he apologized again but would not elaborate after you asked why he kept doing that. He’s never going to let you near a spider again, and ended up treating you to a one time thing and let you pick one item off the menu free of charge to comfort you while trying to pretend to be smug despite his care for you being written all over his face.
Overall, he’s learnt his lesson that he should probably not put someone he cares about through a traumatic experience again for the sake of his deals. However, he’s still going to find other ways to rope you in. He’s bad at comforting but he’s understanding and helpful, doing his best to keep you calm and if he ever sees the same reaction again he will be willing to take care of the spider for you. He will also never reveal to you that it was a set up because he is terrified you will hate him and he only adores you. “I’m not too sure I’ll be eating at Monstro Lounge for awhile..” you say as you felt your skin crawl, his face turned to you within a heartbeat as he tried to save himself and claim his restaurant was exceptionally clean, only for you to not trust it whatsoever. He reaped what he sewed.
POMEFIORE. vil schoenheit.
Raising his brow, Vil folded his arms for a second while watching you nearly slam your head into the wall while turning on your heel and attempting to run away from a small little insect. He uncrossed his arms as you let out a shriek before deciding to handle it himself, really, sometimes you’re more dramatic than all of his drama club students he thought.
“Vil, you’re my hero.” You cried out, bruise on your head as you watch him roll up a piece of paper and set the tiny spider outside the window. A part of him felt happy to be complimented, but now he had bigger issues to care about, such as that bruise on your head and your tears ruining the look he just did for you. “Really… sometimes I wonder why I like you.”
After finishing your hair Vil had finally let you go and stand and admire yourself in the mirror. He had given your hair a full spa treatment and it was shiny and smooth, not as much as his but it was looking beautiful. As he opened his makeup pouch to fix his lipstick a small spider came out, nothing alarming to him as Ramshackle was old and cold, and a spider likely crawled inside after seeing a dark place to hide. This was not an unusual occurrence or to make a huge fuss about, it was just a tiny little spider barely the size of his fingertip nail. As the little spider crawled out, you however had different feelings than Vil as you knocked over the chair and tried to run, slamming your head against the wall after failing to take into course just where your body were moving.
A part of Vil was amused, another part of him were conflicted, but the mature part of him rolled up some paper on your desk and let the spider crawl into the hole, opening your window and gently letting the spider go. As he turned around you had tears and your clothes were a mess after your tumble, and he noticed your forehead may be bruised. He sighed to himself ready to take care of you as you began shining him with compliments about how amazing he was. He knew he was perfect, but he would rather you call him beautiful than heroic for sparing the baby spider. “Alright now, get back up. You ruined your appearance and I need to make sure your skin does not bruise.” He said, fixing the chair while getting the things ready again.
His lips curled into a smile as you sat back down, apologizing to him for ruining his hard work today, at least you knew that he doesn’t have that much time for everyone else. He was amused by your fear, honestly. You were ten times the size of the spider, yet you resembled a wet kitten on the side of the road with how you looked at him when he took the spider away, before erupting into a thankful smile. He doesn’t bring it up, but keeps thinking about it while talking to you and distracting you from what just happened. You don’t even realize it, but within an hour you completely forgot the experience as Vil works on you and talks to you, never once poking fun at you for your fear unless some of your first year friends, such as Ace.
“There, that should help with your forehead.” He hummed to himself after he applied some lotion to your bruise, putting his stuff away. He had fixed your clothes to your hair, meticulous as ever and even treated you as you looked in the mirror, good as new. You seemed pretty happy and no longer shaken up as he began thinking to himself. He wasn’t too sure how you felt on cobwebs or spiders as a design but decided for your sake when he begun shopping for your Halloween clothes or for your costume he would avoid those types of things, along with clips that resembled spider legs or any accessories that may resemble spiders just for your sake. Though, he’s not going to tell you this, figure it out on your own that he’s being nice to you.
Overall, he’s a very reliable person if you are afraid of spiders. He will not make fun of you, depending on how much he likes you, and you should be lucky he really likes you, he will not purposefully trigger your fear, and he also doesn’t bring it up to make you uncomfortable. “Now that you’ve become more presentable I’ll allow you to stay by my side, just make sure to take care of that bruise so it will go away.” He said, watching you laugh and smile at him. “Thank you for worrying about me, and thank you again for saving me, Vil.” You knew he only cared, saying those words out of love rather than believing your bruise were unsightly. Really, sometimes he should just be a bit more honest!
IGNIHYDE. idia shroud.
Both you and Idia sat on the desk crying, holding one another as Ortho looked at you two with a smile after picking up the spider and taking it outside. Both of you turn towards each other and then back towards the ground, where the spider once used to be. “You.. really need to clean your room.” You break the silence as you sniffled, the blue haired boy sniffling as well as he hesitantly got off the desk.
“Maybe I do..” he mumbled, shivering at what else could lurk beneath his room he had neglected the past week for a tournament. You both look at each other as though that would reassure you both there were no more spiders. “Scan complete, there are four more spiders within the room.” Ortho said as you both shrieked, running away together out of his room, perhaps he should just burn the place and stay in Ramshackle temporarily.
Idia had invited you over to his room after a week of radio silence, gaming in one of the biggest tournaments that season. He wanted your company, really, but each time he thought of inviting you he knew he would be too distracted to focus. Your smile, eyes, lips, he couldn’t focus and win with you being around in person, or even texting him as then he would spend the next five hours thinking about how he could of responded differently and how much he can’t stop wanting to see you. When it was over, he barely won but invited you over nervously, asking if you wanted to watch some anime that just finished airing together, knowing you were a fan of the author from a different series. He really should of cleaned his room first, but you were never one to judge him or mind his messes as you knew he lived like a true gamer, messy.
As you entered you smiled greeting him, joining him on his bed as he began to talk about the anime and put it on, only to scream at an octave higher than possible and point to the bed where a spider crawled, only for you to follow and shriek even louder, jumping onto him. He ended up backing onto his desk as the two of you crawled up, crying against one another as though you just found out you were stranded on an island with no one to save you. The two of you were whispering about your wills, how much time you should of had left, how this was never meant to happen. It continued for two minutes before Ortho returned to the room and took a few seconds to analyze just what was happening. As he located the spider and screened you both to realize how you were both fearing for your life, he took the spider which was now crawling on the ground and brought it outside.
Upon returning, the two of you were still huddled together shaking, as he did his best to calm you two down and check your heartbeats. After a few minutes, you managed to make a joke about how Idia should probably clean his room, hesitantly getting off his desk. Idia chuckled and agreed, maybe he should. It had been one messy week with a few cup noodle packages all over the room, but at least the spider was gone now. As you two got off the desk and looked at each other as though to process what next, Ortho spoke up after he gave the room a thorough scanning. “Scan complete, there are four more spiders within the room.” He says as the two of you begin shaking despite his happy tone. You both only needed a second to look at one another before sprinting out the room, Idia debating on telling Ortho to blow it up, he could always buy a new pc and get a new room anyways.
The two of you ran all the way to Ignihyde lounge, where some students looked at the two of you confused but returned to their switches, Ortho trailing after as you both pant, silently agreeing to never speak to anyone about this ever again and that his room was a goner, as even if the spiders were removed you two could never step back in, what if there were eggs or more spiders? Neither of you would take that risk. “Ortho.. please take my computer and valuables out then proceed to destroy my room.” The Ignihyde students looked up from their games, utterly confused as Ortho tried talking sense into his big brother and you, which may or may not have worked.
Overall, he’s in the same boat. He will not make fun of you but he also won’t comfort you because he’s screaming as well, maybe the same amount as you. He’s so adrenaline filled that he can’t think straight and may clutch onto you as you clutch him, both fearing the worst and acting like you’re going to die. He does end up staying at Ramshackle for a few days in the guest room as Ortho cleans up his room after destroying all of the furniture and does a thorough cleaning. Both of you refused to step into his cleaned room for a month, silently coming to an understanding as comrades afraid of spiders that this was for the best.
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meant to get this out sooner but my cat is on a diet.. decided to put him on a diet after he gained weight and he’s been throwing a tantrum refusing to eat for two days and as a responsible person ive been worried about him, sorry for the delay!! i’m working on another draft req and will upload it early as an apology for those waiting!! reqs are still open, and I am going to do a cat cafe req next!!
©idiaa-shroxd. do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or use my works to train ai.
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sacharinee · 1 year
could you write something like tony accidentally finding our peter and his daughter (the reader) are dating then always teasing them about it, even though he’s secretly their biggest shipper🫶
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pairing: peter parker x reader
w/c: 900+
a/n: hi anonnn, srry it took awhile- this was cute and fun!! so ty for that, i love secret!bf!peter :)
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“you know you can’t keep sneaking in my room forever, right, pete?”
the pretty brunette sits atop your cushy comforter, breathless as he rips off the humid mask.
the poor boy is looking up at you in all innocence. his mouth is agape, hair messy, and eyes wide with pure exhilaration; so excited to finally be alone with you after tiptoeing around your father all day. 
the sight before you makes you feel all warm inside, your provocative thoughts threatening to corrupt your sweet boyfriend.
peter takes a deep breath when you take a seat on his lap, hands immediately settling on either side of your hips.
he looks you up and down, “ehhh, i don’t know, y/n/n. kinda seems like you’re into it,” he teases.
you offer him a shrug, as your hands snake around his shoulders, pulling him inches closer to your lips, “maybe just a little.”
he’s relaxed at your touch, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, 
“huh, didn’t peg you as a fan of breaking and entering,” he jokes.
“mm only when it’s a certain spider.”
your boyfriend exhales as he leans back a bit, smirking, “oh yeah?” 
one of his hands leaves your waist to push back his unruly hair, then swiftly flexes his bicep exaggeratingly, “i don’t blame you,” he shrugs, “i had a hunch you had a thing goin’ on for-”
you’re quick to shut him up, attacking his sweet lips with yours. 
your hand falls to his firm bicep and he’s laughing into your sudden kiss, instantly melting against you. his hand resumes his place on your hip, curling it around your side, and pushing you further into him.
peter holds himself up by his elbows as you push your weight down further onto him. 
he couldn’t think straight when you were on top of him, let alone near him. all his worries of getting caught are thrown out the window when a deep groan rumbles from his throat.
he’s like putty in your hands, his head and limbs going numb at your touch.
and while it was difficult to deny the way your heart races at moments like this with peter, you couldn’t help but feel at such ease around him. when something you know is intrinsically wrong but feels so right, you were tired of peter being your guilty pleasure. 
you know the disapproving thoughts your father would muster up had you and your boyfriend publicly announced your official relationship. 
however, there were often many things you’d fail to notice. like how he’d mutter under his breath of the amount of money he could bet that a certain webhead would set off the security system yet again as sipped his midnight coffee. or when he would prepare a breakfast dish for you to take to your room, one that he knew would be too much for you to finish and unintentionally feed your boyfriend as well. 
sometimes you wonder if this boy was worth risking everything for.
but with peter softly panting against you, all doubts leave your mind and there isn’t anywhere else you’d rather be but with him.
“what was that, petey?”
he’s swift in flipping you over, pushing you against the silky mattress.
“shut up,” he whispers as he tenderly attaches your lips once more. 
as he moves down your body, he isn’t shy with his wandering hands when he caresses your breasts over your shirt, pushing the cloth higher and kissing down your stomach, heat rapidly growing at your core. 
you’re flushed with excitement and when you take a look at the boy below, you can tell he is too.
finally, he rests his hands just above the waistband of your shorts, fingers gently stroking the skin below your navel. 
“i’m thinking… that you really enjoy our sneaking around,” his curls obstruct your view from his sultry eyes. your fingers weave their way through his locks, his strong gaze on you has your beaming red, and you’re desperate for him to do anything, 
“maybe, almost as much as me?” he’s teasing you, the roles are reversed and now you’re the one begging him.
he’s painfully slow in stripping you of your loose shorts, leaving your bottom half in just your panties.
your eyes close in bliss as you tilt your head back when peter kisses the inner of your thighs and he grunts at the sudden pull of his hair. his fingers are grasping onto your underwear torturously pulling the garment down when-
“hey honey, have you seen my-”
sad to say, peter’s spidey sense wasn’t quick enough to mask the obscene sight that your poor father had walked in on.
“jesus fuck!”
peter scrambles away from you handing you a pillow to save you some decency. 
and tony’s back on the other side of the closed door, clearly horrified at the very scene, “are you fucking kidding me!?”
“it’s not what it looks like mr. stark! s-sorry!” you stare at peter with a displeased look, rolling your eyes at both your dad’s and boyfriend’s reactions. 
his eyes are frantic when he looks to you for help, “i-i wasn’t doing anything i swear! i was just, checking out a-uh… a mole?” 
you give him an offended face, “a mole? seriously, pete?”
“i don’t know!”
while the two of you bicker, natasha is there waiting on the other side, an aggravated expression painted on her face.
tony clicks his tongue when he meets her outside, “well, that certainly wasn’t how i was expecting to find them, but…” 
“yea, whatever,” nat scoffs. rolling her eyes, she shoves a twenty dollar bill to his chest, too annoyed with the fact that she just lost a stupid bet to the billionaire.
“told you so.”
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suniix · 9 months
Lol rain again while thinking of link taking care of u while you’re sick… bc this raindrop over here is super sick [sob]
But it’s okay cuz it means I can sleep
sick | (BOTW) link x reader
word count | 1k+
note | this is so late but HI RAIN HOPE YOU'RE FEELING BETTER!! wrote you a little something 🫶 ALSO SORRY I TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE THIS 😭😭
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Your body ached and you were beginning to feel a headache coming on but you willed your legs to keep going. You knew how important this journey was to Link and you refused to be the one to hold him back. The weather was nice and despite being far away from Hebra Mountains you couldn’t help but feel a chill in the air, maybe fall was approaching? That would explain your runny nose. The thought alone made you want to sniffle but you resisted the urge to, already feeling Link’s eyes on your back.
Almost as if he knew you were trying to avoid his gaze he walked right up next to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, forcing you to slow your pace. He shot you a concerned look and you already knew what he was going to say. “I’m fine.” You winced hearing your own raspy voice knowing well enough you weren’t going to fool Link like this. “I’m just a little cold.”
He furrowed his eyes, gently placing the back of his hand against your head. It was comforting, normally his hands were always warm but right now they were oddly cool.
“You’re warm.” He mumbled.
You ignored the worried look he gave you, closing your eyes and continuing to rest your forehead against his hand. “That’s ‘cause I’m alive.” You joked, but you knew what he was implying.
He pulled his hand away and brought out his sheikah slate, zoning in on what you assumed was the map. “There’s a town nearby, we can stop and rest there for a couple of days.”
“Link, I’m—”
“Sick, you’re sick.”
You don’t deny it because you know it’s true, but it still sucks hearing it out loud. Link unclasps his hood, removing it from his shoulders and placing it over yours. “Are you tired? I can carry you if you are.”
The thought is tempting but you shake your head knowing he’s just as exhausted as you are. “I can walk.”
A hint of a smile graces his lips and he wraps his hand in yours. “Tell me if you get tired ok? I don’t mind stopping.”
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The headache you were beginning to feel earlier had finally formed into a pounding feeling in your skull the moment your head hit the pillow.
Link was right about the town being close by. At some point the road split into the forest which quickly revealed a small town. It was a small detour, you’d be back on the road in no time. You allowed Link to do all the talking awhile at the inn, not trusting your own voice.
You felt a dip in the mattress along with a cold hand on your forehead. “I think your fevers gotten worse.” He mumbled. You simply hummed in response, not able to focus on anything else beside your headache.
You feel him pull his hand away and hear the soft robotic sound of the sheikah slate as Link looks through the contents. You’re tempted to ask him what he’s looking for, but you’re now oddly aware of how soft the bed is and how heavy your eyelids feel.
It isn’t until Link gently shakes you awake that you realize you had fallen asleep. The first thing you notice is how your forehead feels cold and wet. You raise your hand and feel a damp towel. The next thing you notice is how your headache is almost gone. It’s still there, but it’s now only a dull ache.
“How’re you feeling?” Link sits on the edge of the bed and removes the towel before placing his hand on your forehead.
You lean into his hand and realize it’s not as cold as before. “I feel a bit better, my headache is almost gone.”
Link smiles and lets his hand linger for a few more seconds before pulling away and handing you a drink. “Drink this, it should keep your fever down and hopefully get rid of your headache.”
You sit up with Link’s help and hesitantly sniff the drink. “..Do I even wanna know what’s in this?”
He rolls his eyes dramatically. “I promise there’s no monster parts in there.”
You only hum in response and take a sip. Despite the drink being warm it leaves you feeling refreshed, almost like waking up in the middle of the night and chugging down water you didn’t know you needed. “Mmm, it tastes good. Thank you Link.”
Link watches as you continue to take sips of the drink before leaning his head on your shoulder. “I hate seeing you like this.” He mumbled and you could already imagine his kicked puppy expression.
“I hate feeling like this.” You laugh, feeling the drowsiness begin to return. You place the empty cup on the table beside your bed and yawn. “I think I’m gonna sleep some more.”
Link sits up and nods. “Good idea, you need rest.” He gets up and begins pulling the covers over your form. You take a quick look around the room and notice you’re occupying the only bed. “Where are you gonna sleep?”
He’s quick to drag a chair and place it right next to your bed. “Right here next to you.”
You’re silent for a minute, wondering when he’s going to say he’s just joking, only to realize he’s not. “..Yeah no, get in here.” You say and lift the covers, gesturing for him to lay down next to you.
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable—”
“Seeing your posture in that chair makes me uncomfortable, now hurry up and get in here it’s cold.”
Link complies and lays in bed with you. You’re quick to snuggle up to him, savoring the warmth he radiates. “Aren’t you worried that I’ll get sick?” Link whispers, but despite his words he’s quick to pull you closer.
“With everything you eat I’m sure your immune system can withstand anything.” You mumble, already drifting off to sleep when you feel Link squeeze you in retaliation for your comment. After a moment of silence Link whispers your name and you hum in response.
“Please promise me you won’t push yourself like that again. We can take breaks, I don't mind. I want you to be healthy.” His voice is gentle, just like his words.
“..Okay, I promise.” You manage to respond before feeling his lips press against your temple as he wishes you a goodnight.
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thank you for reading till the end! reblogs are greatly appreciated :D
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xxatinyminionxx · 1 year
ZB1 Reaction - You Say Their Name
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Genre: Reaction, fluff, a pinch or two of crack
Background: You have been around him for some time but never really used his name to speak to him until now.
Warning: Yujin + Jiwoong’s are a little longer sorry I took a break while writing this 😭
A/N: Happy ZB1 debut day!!! At this point I haven’t seen the comeback yet. This reaction is a call back to Say My Name era on Boys Planet in a unique way! 🫶
Zhang Hao
He saw you as the more distant person among his acquaintances and didn’t bother you as much because of it. He respects your space and if you’re not comfortable enough to talk to him, he’d rather not push you.
One day you found a really funny meme and decide to show him. “Zhang Hao, look at this!”
“Hm?” He’ll ask with raised eyebrows, his heart moved by your attention to him after all this time.
You hold your phone out to him, meeting him by his side to watch his reaction. You get the cutest giggle out of him.
“Oh, then I have something to show you too.” He adds before searching for a funny post he recently liked that he thought catered to your humor.
You two bond over your sense of humor and exchange phone numbers before his schedule whisks him away.
Sung Hanbin
You took one of his classes when you were on the lookout for a new hobby. You had such a good time even though tutting isn’t easy.
Swamped with work again, it takes you awhile to sign up for another one of his classes. In the midst of your busy schedule, you think you see him in a store you frequently go to.
“Sung Hanbin?” You ask carefully hoping you’re right and didn’t make a fool out of yourself.
He turns his attention away from a display and smiles politely. “Yes?”
That’s when it clicks. He probably has no idea who you are. A lot of students attended the tutting class.
“Ah, I’m Y/N. I took your tutting class at your studio. I guess I wanted to come say hi and thank you for leading such an engaging class. Dancing is my new hobby.” You ramble on but manage to say everything you meant to say.
He smiles and nods through your immense gratitude for him, his eyebrows furrowing at particular parts that he thinks praise him too highly. Our humble king. “Ah, you’re lovely. I remember watching you try to perfect every hand movement in the mirror. I’m glad I could provide you with a new hobby! Will I be seeing you in class again?”
“Of course!”
Seok Matthew
Matthew was the saint that was always there when you were having a hard time. He held the elevator for you who was sprinting to make it inside, offered you a ride home when it was pouring outside, listened to your advice and opinions on things when others weren’t, and called you his friend when you least expected that title.
The difference this time was that you were going to take him by surprise for a change. That’s what his kind gestures have led up to. While you were used to saying “thank you”, you never really addressed him by his name. It was nameless appreciation.
But when he takes some of the items you were clearly having a hard time juggling to hold in your arms…
“Thank you, Matthew.” Is what you say.
As if his dream came true, his face brightens up and he gifts you with one of his shy smiles.
“Haha no problem Y/N.” He responds lightly trying to keep calm though he’s screaming on the inside.
An extremely handsome guy enters your cafe during work hours and he takes you ABACK with his aura. You’re suddenly so glad someone traded shifts with you. Your somehow unphased co-worker takes this man’s order before handing it off to you to make.
You feel his gaze on you for a moment—until it drops to his phone to check something on it. With his head down, you can hardly take your eyes off him as you prepare his order. Unfortunately you may never see him again, which is why you call his name with the utmost enthusiasm.
He peers up at you and greets you with a cute smile before grabbing his order. “Thank you~”
Your eyes remain locked on each other a couple seconds too long for just a meaningless encounter.
“Y/N.” You point to your name tag assuming he wanted to know your name.
He hums and nods. “Y/N, thank you. Have a good day.”
Little did you know he would become a regular just for you <3
Park Gunwook
You had been window shopping today and came across a busking event as you walked around the city. Music along with someone’s talented rapping voice echoes down the street.
You approach the crowd to get a closer look. That’s when you catch a glimpse of a guy you frequently sat next to in school one year. You talked sometimes, but you weren’t really on a first name basis.
You decide to cheer along with the crowd, remembering his name as it used to appear on his school uniform. “Park Gunwook!”
The sudden unique cheer throws him off and he looks over in your general direction. You can tell he’s flustered in the face when he spots you but he keeps going until the end of his verse.
Once his performances are over, he rushes to come see you before you decide to leave. “Y/N!!”
You smile at each other and applaud him again for his charismatic performance. “By the way, did I scream a little too loud?”
He shakes his head all giggly, flashing you his big smile. “I remembered your voice, plus I don’t go by Park Gunwook when I rap.”
“Then what do you go by?”
You can tell he’s not joking.
Kim Taerae
You went to a gathering that people you knew were going to be at. You really were not enthusiastic about going, but you were curious and felt guilty since you had a track record of skipping events like this.
To your surprise, you have a good time up until the host initiates a game of truth or dare.
Sitting in a circle that looks more like an oval, you’re eventually the next person to ask.
“Y/N, truth or dare?”
You scan the room but it’s no use. No one gives away what they’re thinking through their facial expressions. This was a 50/50 question.
“Um…dare.” You choose.
“I dare you to hold hands with someone for the rest of the night. Who will it be?” The host instigates with the help of an online list of dares.
“Kim Taerae.” You say in almost the same second that the question into the air to be ‘oooh’ed at.
The called-out young man perks up not expecting you to call his name one bit. “Me?” He can’t stop smiling as he gets up to be beside you.
When your fingers lace together, you notice his hand is warm, some callouses adding to the nature of his hand.
“You’re allowed to switch hands, but you can never let go of each other.”
You two would never let each other go. A lifelong dare meant to stand the test of time.
Kim Gyuvin
You were sitting on the bench at a bus stop when a familiar acquaintance sat on the other end of it. You end up locking eyes and you laugh in unison.
Minutes go by and without delay, the bus arrives. You two get up to board it and end up sitting in rows across from each other.
The ride is quiet besides the couples of people to the front of you and behind you having their own conversations.
The bus stops at some photoshoot place and the tall male gets up to leave the bus, accidentally leaving his jacket behind on the seat beside where he was.
He turns around in shock at the sound of your voice.
“You forgot your jacket.” You get up, scooping up his leather jacket and handing it over to him.
He gives you a sheepish grin and bows politely. “Thank you, Y/N. I’ll um see you again sometime?”
Kim Jiwoong
As a staff on the set of a drama, not only do you get to service the actors, but you also get to peek in at the production occasionally.
The scene being filmed today requires several touch-ups to the actors’ makeup, so you have a closer look at the acting on set.
You make sure to run up to Jiwoong, your assigned actor, to reapply makeup as requested by the director between takes.
He is nice and friendly to everyone apart of the project while his character unironically contrasts so much in front of the camera. His character is cold, confident, and assertive.
Still not completely out of the emotions of the character, he has a somewhat tense look on his face.
“Relax your face for me, Jiwoong. You’re doing great.” You sneak in a compliment being thoroughly amazed by his dedication to the drama.
He gifts you with a small smile before relaxing. “Thank you Y/N, I have to work hard because you work hard too.” He responds in a similar tone as his on-camera character, which makes you hot and flustered inside.
“Still in-character?”
“A little~” He whispers cooly and it takes everything in you not to bolt out of the set area.
“Wow, you’re crazy Mr. Jiwoong...” You tease as you finish up his makeup and take a step back.
He winks at you before taking his place and resuming filming again.
Han Yujin
There is an internet cafe that you frequent since it’s merely a 5-10 minute walk from your house. You’re embarrassed to admit it but almost everyday, you come over to the pc room to play an online game that’s had you hooked.
The game is popular enough that you can easily play with others local to you. While you may have thought that was cool at surface level, you never really gave it a second thought.
You grow fond of a few players and “friend” them on your gaming account. You all start coordinating times to play as a result.
One day, you sit down to meet your online friends in-game using a mic and headset as usual. When you are successful at a specific mission that had you and your friends stumped, you can hear loud cheering from next to you.
There is a small delay between what you hear in your headphones and what you’re hearing beside you. You could’ve sworn you heard your gamer tag being uttered from both, saying the same thing.
“Ohhh! Amazing! Wow, you totally carried us, (your gamer tag)!” Seems to echo in-game and in real life.
The outburst, or outbursts, take you off guard and you push your left headphone off your ear wondering if you were just hearing things.
“Guys guys, let’s go heal up! I took a lot of damage.” The guy beside you says grinning ear to ear, eyes glued to a screen running the same game as yours.
“Wait…Yujin?!?!” You say overwhelmed with shock and kind of excitement. You poke his shoulder repeatedly and of course you scare the life out of him—he’s screaming bloody murder over voice chat.
He soon recovers and it’s clear that you’re the only one who has put two and two together given his bewildered expression.
“I’m (your gamer tag)!” You clear up quickly before he thinks a crazy person suddenly spawned in real life.
His eyes go wide as he recognizes who you are from your computer screen. He then leans far back in his chair letting out a heavy sigh. “Wahhh! It’s really you?!”
You laugh along with the rest of your friends—who are absolutely dying of laughter listening in online—and nod at Yujin.
“Sorry for startling you, you startled me! Don’t worry, I’ll buy you a meal.” You say to Yujin while the others “ooooh” over voice chat.
©️ 2023 xxatinyminionxx. All Rights Reserved.
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he-goes-down · 8 months
For @duffys-girl CAUSE YOU SAID AND I QUOTE “Duff breeding fic when”
Break On Through (To The Other Side)
Pairing: Duff Mckagan x reader
- sorry if I’m not getting to the other ones quick enough this was just small enough to write rn -
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Warnings: smut, breeding, unprotected p in v.
Second Person POV:
“Oh honey…”
Duff low melodic voice rang through your ears. His blonde locks falling to your shoulders as he rested his forehead on your collarbone. He cursed as he entered you, no protection, this was your first times with no protection. Duff had dreamed for awhile about filling you with his cum and sweetly you having his babies and starting a family. He groaned as your nails began to claw at his back, he loved it when you did that, especially your whines as you took his full length. “God baby, you feel so fucking good.” You felt yourself push back deeper into the fluffy white duvet as Duffs dick went deeper into your soaking and tight pussy. “Duff…” you moaned. “Yes baby, yes, what’s wrong?” His head shot up in concern. “Do you want me to stop?” He said a bit frantic with worry. “I want you to cum in me…” you said slowly, your face burning a reddish colour and the rest of your body hot at the new feeling of Duff in your pussy. He stuttered a low shocked moan, your words made his heart race and head fill with the most sinful and lust filled fog. He eased back into you letting his dick go deeper. Finally his tip touched the back of your pussy, but he pushed more into you, letting himself bottom out and leaving no room between you two. “Such a good girl, taking all of me.” He praised as his kissed your neck sloppily. You moaned in your mouth, bitting your lip, just wanting him to fuck you. Like he could read your mind, he pulled out, not fully and thrusted into your sweet spot. You both moaned at the rough feeling. Sighing as his torso raised and he looked down at you, his hands now placed firmly on your hips. Your hands no longer getting to reach his back so now holding onto his shoulders. He thrusted back into you again, your moans getting louder as he fucked harder. “Fuck…” he huffed. Going faster and faster as you pleaded for him to do so. Your sweet areas now closer together, caressing each other erotically as his dick grazed on in your sensitive pussy. His dick twitched in you, you felt it more intensely and intimately than before.
“Take my cum.” He spoke. Gritting his teeth as his thrusts got sloppier but rougher. “Such a good, good girl.” He praised continuing his words with how much he wants to breed you and let his cum fill you. You moaned a whimper, clenching around him, burning with the rising orgasm in the pits of your stomach. “Fuck… Duff…” you whined, your sweet release inching closer and closer as ur nerves tingled and you body shook under Duffs tight grasp. “God… I’m gonna…” he groaned, not finishing his sentence as he shot his hot cum into your pussy, you clenched and came with him, your juices mixing together. He panted against you as he slumped down, his dick still in you, wanting to make sure that all his cum spilled into you. He kissed your cheek lovingly before pulling out, watching as your combined sweetness dripped onto the bedding.
Hard again at this new scene. No rest for his sinful fantasies. Asking you for another around. Going the whole entire night, not a single spot in your pussy that wasn’t covered in him.
“Such a good cumslut for me…”
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Hearrrrrrr me out...a steamy, smutty Eddie fic based off of "Fire Up the Night" by New Medicine. Every time I hear it, I think of reader just...ruining Eddie 🫠
A/N: I'm sorry it took me awhile to get to this. It takes me time with certain requests. I hope this fits what you imagined. I started writing one thing and then went the other way and then started over again lol Idk.
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Warnings: Passionate (slight rough) smut, choking, spanking, daddy kink (cause I'm me), edging, etc :)
Word Count: 1395
Eddie Asks
Eddie groans, pulling at the handcuffs that have him chained to your headboard as your tongue runs along the tattoo on his chest. 
“Aw. What’s the matter, rockstar? You don’t like a little baby like me teasing you?”
“Keep on playing, little girl, and I’ll make you regret it.”, he threatens as he leans forward to capture your lips right as you giggle and pull away.
“How are you going to do that in this position?” You smile as you dip your fingers into the waistband of your panties and begin rubbing circles against your clit. “I don’t need you to make me cum, rockstar. See?”
“No one, not even you, can make you cum as hard as I can. You need me, sweetheart.”
You continue to laugh as you lean your forehead over his, your moans warming his lips. 
“Prove it.”
Eddie wakes up with a start…and a massive hard on. 
“Jesus fucking Christ.”, he growls as he searches for his sweats and some shoes. “This girl is going to fucking kill me.”
You didn’t hear the front door open but you vaguely caught the pounding of feet on the stairs before the bathroom door flew open and your shower curtain was pulled back. 
“Eddie! Jesus Christ! What are you—”
His lips cut you off as they feverish dance with yours and he wraps you up in his embrace while climbing in. The metalhead’s tank and pants stick to his skin but he doesn’t care. All that matters is the taste of your tongue as it glides along his own. Resting his arm on the tile beside your head, you both moan as he grinds his bulge against your core. 
Your fingers tangle in his hair as his heated kisses trail to your neck. 
“F-Fuck, Eddie, baby. Please.”
Roughly, he spins you around, pressing your face against the tile as he digs into his soaking sweatpants to pull out his cock. You both groan as he teases your folds with his tip, gliding it through your slick as he watches with pure delight. Abruptly, he smacks your ass but before you can even register it, he guides himself into your entrance. 
With one hand grasping your shoulder and the other resting on your stomach, he sets an animalistic pace. With no foreplay, he’s stretching your walls more so than he normally would but you can’t help to enjoy the slight sting as it’s followed by him hitting your sensitive spot with just as much force. 
“Eddie, that-that feels…oh my god. It’s too much.”
The metalhead’s breath warms your ear as he leans his chest onto your back. 
“You can take it, baby. Tell me how good my dick feels.”
“So…so good. Eddie, PLEASE! I’m gonna…”
The hand on your tummy slides down between your legs making you whimper as he rubs circles against your clit. 
“What are you gonna? You gonna cum, baby girl?” Nodding, you roll your hips back against his own, your mouth falling open as you came. “Fuck—that’s a good girl. Make a mess on my cock.”
He continues to pound into you till he feels your body stop trembling against his. Hastily, he pulls out and you whine at the loss. After turning off the shower, he yanks off his wet clothes, leaving them behind as he collects you in arms and carries your dripping wet frame to your bed. 
Falling back first, he maneuvers your body till your knees are on either side of his head and he pins you still with his limbs securely wrapped around your waist. 
You jolt as his tongue licks a stripe between your lips and you feel him smirk at your sensitivity. As Eddie’s mouth wraps around your clit, your eyes roll as you lean back into his hold.
When your eyes opened again, they met his as he watched your body shake and move above him. 
“Look at you…fucking falling apart…on just my tongue.”, he teases between long flicks. “No one can make you feel as good as I do, baby. Not even you.”
Your breathy giggle catches his attention as you reach down to tangle your fingers in his hair and lightly tug it back. 
“Aw. Was poor rockstar feeling insecure? Needed to prove to his baby that he’s better than a vibrating machine?” A wicked grin spreads across your face before you say the one thing you know will rile him up more. “I didn’t know my Daddy needed that validation.”
Those beautiful brown eyes you love promptly set ablaze as he pushed you up and climbed on top of you, pinning you to the mattress by your wrists. 
“I don’t need validation, sweetheart. I just need to make sure you understand that all your pleasure comes from me.” There’s a defiance in your gaze that, if possible, makes him harder. He enjoys picking you apart and you know it allowing him to any chance you get. 
You both groan as he guides his cock into your body and thrusts into you with a rough abandon that has your toe curling. Eddie’s teeth dig into that sweet spot on your neck making you whimper as you push back against his hold.
“That’s it, baby. Don’t stop.”
As the coil in your stomach winds, he feels your pussy tighten around him and he grunts at the feeling before abruptly pulling out of you.
“Shit.”, Eddie moans as he taps your bundle of nerves with his length causing you to jump.
“Please…Please, Daddy. I want to cum again.”
With a big tooth filled grin, he glides his tip through your arousal watching with a giddy pride as you beg and tremble in front of him. 
“Kind of greedy, sweetheart. Didn’t I make you cum in the shower?” Gripping the base, he slides his cock into you before pulling all the way back out, chuckling as your cunt constricts trying to keep him inside of you. Leaning over you, his palm takes hold of your throat and lightly squeezes as he grinds his dick between your legs. “You know what Daddy wants to hear, baby girl.”
“No one—mmm—no one can make me fell as good as you. Not—fuck—not even me.”
With his free hand, he lifts one of your legs over his shoulder and pushes it to your chest as he enters you once again. 
“Who do you belong to, Y/N?” In this position, he’s so deep inside of you that you can’t even fathom words to respond. “Come on, princess. You can do it. Tell me who you belong to.”
“Good girl, sweetheart.”, he coos as he slams his hips into yours. “Good girl. You feel so fucking good. Cum for me pretty girl.”
His pace quickens, his eyes never leaving your face as your pussy tightens around him and you cum hard around him. Releasing his hold on you, his head falls into the nook of your neck as he chases his high, grunting expletives as he fills you up.
Eddie doesn’t immediately move, panting against your skin as your arms circle around him and he feels you run your fingers through his hair.
“So, do you want to talk about it or was I just lucky?”
His belly shakes as he laughs, pushing up on his elbows as he looks down at you with nothing but care. 
“I had a dream about you.”
“Oh? A good dream?”
“Always when it comes to you.”
Grinning, you crane your neck to kiss his lips. You wince as he pulls out, collecting you in his arms as he takes you back to your shower, and moves his damp clothes out of the way.
Standing under the hot water, he holds you to him as his he tenderly kisses your lips. 
“You know if you moved in with me, I wouldn’t have to break down your door so late.”
“Eddie Munson, is that your way of asking me to come live with you?”
“Maybe.”, he teases making you giggle. “I miss you when you aren’t with me. And not just sexually. I mean…I just I love you…I feel less lonely…happy.”
Hearing him stumble over his words has you blushing as you guide his lips back down to yours. 
“Yeah?”, his voice cracks in excitement as he hugs you close. 
“Of course. I’m yours until you die, rockstar.”
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