#I would actually call it a pet peeve of mine
silverpiwon · 10 months
Being a piwon stan really is a challenge for me because I HATE when there’s one person in a group who’s more popular than other members and there are people who only care about this one person…
And the thing with Keeho is that the people who only like him don’t actually care about him as a person because they treat him like a cartoon version of himself
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horsegirlhob · 9 months
I'm not an Angel hater by any means however I do think Spike should get to be as big of a dick to him as he wants to be and people shouldn't get to say shit about it.
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smhalltheurlsaretaken · 10 months
Pet peeve related to a post of mine that people have been tagging weirdly: I don’t get why you would call a dude who’s caring towards kids a mother. like "oooh he’s such a mom for this." No he’s not? You’re not breaking any gender norms, just drawing attention to the fact you believe so deeply that childcare is a woman’s job that you can’t conceive of a man filling that role.
Or if what you’re saying is actually: "he’s caring in the way mothers are caring," you’re still not making a revolutionary statement. You’re saying tenderness and gentleness are inherently feminine and unmanly. It’s like saying that a man doing the dishes or baking is "wife-coded" which I’ve seen some of you say btw. Which is insane to me
If you’d say of a nurturing guy that he’s a mother then I have to assume you’d call a tough gal who teaches kids to play rough a "father". (I know you wouldn’t and yet it’s the exact same thing.) And mulling that over for a minute should make it plain to you why that’s just a sexist view of parenthood.
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July OC of the Month: Luna Auclair
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Please welcome July 2024's OC of the Month: @peonierose's Luna Auclair
Each month, we highlight one MC or OC on our Meet My MC / OC List. They are selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
Learn more about Luna below
1- In your own words, tell us what you like most about your MC / OC. 
I love how passionate and carefree Luna is. She loves and gives without expecting anything in return. She is an amazing character, one I’d love to be friends with (because she’d know some hot guys and could get me a date 😅). Overall, she‘s very sweet, but hurt her friends or family, and you’ll get to know another side of Luna. 
She’s just a good soul with good and bad sides, which I love. Luna is sunshine mixed with a little hurricane. 
2- Do you feel your MC / OC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
There are some things Luna and I share. We both struggle with anxiety. We both have a similar eye color (blue-green) and a shade of blonde hair. Hers is lighter than mine. We both share the love we have for our friends and family. We do share the same taste in guys or are somewhat similar 😅. We are different in the sense that Luna is a more creative soul, and she’s less stubborn than me 😅. 
3- What is most important to your MC / OC? What is their motivation in life?
Luna just wants to leave a good impression on people and life itself. She thinks if you send positivity into the world, good karma will return to you. 
To make memories that’ll last a lifetime. A life well lived and one that’s cherished. 
4- What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes?
People who are judgmental of others
Tourists/Locals who endanger animals (in the ocean and on land alike) and litter (throwing their trash everywhere, including the ocean) 
5- If your MC / OC could change one thing - anything - what would it be?
Less war, hate and negativity in this world. Just live and let live. 
6- What is your MC / OC's favorite quote or song? 
Luna’s favorite quote is a Hawaiian saying her grandmother always mentions: ‘A’OHE PU’U KI’EKI’E KE HO’A’O ‘IA E PI’I – (No cliff is so tall it cannot be climbed.)
7- Other facts about Luna
Luna got her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Hawaii. She specialized in ceramics, drawing, painting, and sculpture. Currently, she teaches art at the University of Hawaii, but she wants to have her own gallery in Honolulu to showcase her art and show how proud she is to call Honolulu her home.
She actually has a sweets drawer; Bryce always makes fun of her but secretly takes some caramel-covered almonds from Luna’s drawer, and she pretends she doesn’t notice 😅.
Her favorite painting by Lindsay Wilkins is ”Akala Sunset“ (akala = pink in Hawaiian).
8- Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC / OC? 
I created Luna while going through a rough patch in my life. I was fired from my job during COVID, and so many other things were happening, so I was looking for something to help me deal with things. That’s when I found Tumblr and all these wonderful people. At first, I hadn’t even thought of writing anything, but then I kept having this idea for an OC, and I wrote down a fic, and it went from there. 
Luna inspires me daily. To live in the moment, to enjoy life. To spend less time on my phone (even if it’s where all my notes about stories and characters live 😅) and to spend more time with my friends and family. To love pink. Be more positive in life, and not let the bad days win. To simply be more me, my sometimes weird, full-of-energy Aries self.
I‘m also SO grateful I created Luna and all my wonderful stories. Thank you to anyone who’s ever given my characters and stories a chance. I will never be able to express my thanks and gratitude 🥰.
Also, here is a little thank you letter from Luna. 
Dear you,
Whatever happens in life, whether good or bad, don’t take it too personally; don’t let it consume you. Just try to breathe out and let it go (yes, it can be like the song from Frozen 🥰) I learned a long time ago that if you carry hate and bad vibes with you, it’ll be like a bad smell, you can’t get rid of, and you don’t want that do you? So be you!!!!!! However, you choose to be, whatever you wear, how you express yourself. Be you!!!! And maybe live close to a place that has a lot of sun and a beach (just saying, vitamin D is good, you know, and yes, the advice came from Bryce 🥰) 
Whoever needs to hear this: I see you. You are loved; you are worthy. This world wouldn’t be the same place without you in it. Never forget that!
Lots of love Luna
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dallasgallant · 2 months
“Ain’t nobody call the Fuzz in this neighborhood cause they know better!”
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This line sits with me as a very telling one that often goes overlooked, as it’s lost in the blur of energy before the rumble. Now most of this is going to be from existing knowledge but it did prompt me to dig into poor communities a bit more. The line is said differently between the Book and the movie but both are said within the idea of pride and community— when they’re caught up in the high of before a rumble, all the energy close to bursting out of them- repping their kind and going on this spree of yelling stereotypes and taking ownership. In the movie Steve’s much more happy and hyped as he yells it— in the book he also says it to correct Darry but in a more exact tone.
In a surprise to no one cops aren’t friends to poor communities. Economically poor, crime heavy communities tend to be over policed and often met with force, brutality etc. We know the boys get hauled in a lot, sometimes just for the assumption they did something. Cops pick out, they stereotype and often target within the neighborhood.
There’s a social aspect as well that’s not so direct to do with police action and that is the social isolation. Lack of resources, mistreatment and disapproval from those outside creates strong communities that further isolate. In a lot of ways it’s a helpful thing, mitigating the effects of poverty by having a social net and trust. A detail I like is that Darry seems to be a part of a phone tree when Pony was late the first time (not exclusive to poor areas but a great example of having networks.) People help each other out “help their own” building networks. A lot of work is under the table or can be barter based - questionable legality of work, building/fixing things, way of general running of life. Perception of law is different.
This isn’t to say everyone in the neighborhood has broken the law at some point but it’s likely a lot have at least something of questionable legality or more likely have family members who are greasers, criminals etc but will protect them. All of the guys instantly flock to go help Dally after he robbed the store and have been stated to hide and protect the guys whenever they do something like this. It comes back to the “help/protect your own” … no one in the neighborhood is calling the cops because they know what will happen if they do. A family member or friend might be taken in, potential brutality, people coming in and uprooting the way you live your life because it’s “abnormal” etc etc etc.
If someone does call the cops who do you think they’re going to help? A bunch of no good, greasy hoods or the nice boys from the other side of town with their khakis and new cars and clothes? It was probably a greaser who threw the first punch too… doesn’t matter their side of town or what its over, or if some Soc is standing over some bleeding greaser kid. It’s systemic. (An aside but this is also why it drives me nuts people would assume the boys to be bigots because they’re … lower class in the 60s… let’s do some introspection there. Added to the fact that, there’s a lot of overlap with racial issues, their community would likely be FAR more integrated than the west or even rest of the town. Not that their wouldn’t be ignorance but the assumption— that’s not the point of this post but a pet peeve of mine)
Anyways, the Outsiders often gets reduced to a simplistic “use vs them” of just Greaser vs prep like it’s one of the beach movies they watch. When in reality it’s actually a lot to do with class and societal expectations/conditioning.
Papers if interested Here and here
Either for general interest or potentially helping with writing. Ones an older study (which skimming and certain sections I found interesting), the other IS Wikipedia but it’s for the general idea
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 11 months
The MHA Fandom and How Minoru is written in Fanfics:
So today I wanna talk about a somewhat controversial topic. Let me preface this by saying that I am no means a Minoru Stan. I’m pretty neutral about his character but I completely understand the hate he gets due to his actions.
However, a pet peeve of mine is how people write Minoru in such a negative light that it becomes OOC, especially when they write Katsuki in an extremely positive light when both of them have done extremely shitty things. Let me break down some stereotypes that fanfic writers fall into when writing Minoru:
Homophobic/Quirkist Minoru: Something that is constantly done in MHA to villainize a character they don’t like is to make them either homophobic or quirkist when they aren’t in canon. Focusing on the homophobia part, Minoru’s a victim with this alongside other characters such as Neito and Inko. A lot of authors will write Minoru as this homophobic asshole who sprays out slurs and will bully whichever character(s) has come out. With Minoru, the idea that he’s homophobic comes from him being a sex obsessed person who’s always lusting after women. The thing is, Minoru displays absolutely no homophobic tendencies whatsoever in canon. You know who does? Katsuki. In one of the light novels, he asks Ejiro if he’s ‘into that’ with a disgusted tone when it was revealed Ejiro wore a dress once. Minoru on the other hand has never said anything negative about the LGBTQ+ community. For fics to have Katsuki be the one to defend the LGBTQ+ community and have Minoru be disgusted by it screams “let me villainize Minoru so Katsuki can look good”. In regards to whether he’d be quirkist, that’s also a resounding no. In fact, he apologizes for calling Mezou an octopus after hearing how he’s been discriminated against and tells Izuku that it was his bravery that inspired him rather than his quirk. Minoru also canonically has self confidence issues with his own quirk not being as flashy as other people’s so he’d be more empathetic towards someone who doesn’t have a quirk. Katsuki meanwhile bullied and suicide baiting someone who didn’t have a quirk because he saw him as beneath him.
Coward Minoru: Now, in canon, Minoru is more fearful than his classmates. However, fanon would have you think that he’d abandon his classmates to save his own skin. Canon once again disproves this. During the USJ, he was panicking, for a good reason mind you, but inspired by Izuku taking action even when he was afraid for his own life, he ended up aiding Izuku and Tsuyu in stopping the villains. During the Final Exam, he did initially cower against Midnight. A few moments later, he gathered the courage to not only go against Midnight, but to save his partner Hanta from her clutches. This proves that despite his fear, he wouldn’t leave someone as a result of it. You know who would leave someone? Katsuki. In the Final Exams, Katsuki refused to work together with Izuku to the point of admitting that he’d rather fail. It took Izuku sucking up to him to actually convince him to work with him. When it came time to rescue Katsuki, Izuku knew that he hated him so much that he’d never accept his hand, so he had Ejiro reach out to him instead. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have Minoru as a teammate than Katsuki.
Now, does this mean I think fanfic writers HAVE to write Minoru in their fics? Absolutely not. Are fanfic writers not allowed to expel him? Again, no. Alongside Katsuki, Minoru’s the easiest character to expel. He’s constantly groping and harassing the female students. All an author needs to do is have one of the girls become so fed up with him that they report him to a teacher. Boom! Problem solved, and it didn’t even involve jumping through hoops to make a character look worse than they actually are. Another way you can remove him is have Shota expel him during the Q.A.T. Minoru, despite his fantastic score in the side step test, scored below the guy whose electricity based quirk can’t help him with any of the exams, the girl with an earphone jack quirk that faces a similar problem, and an invisible girl who struggled to do a pull-up. Shota could look at this, somehow notice him being creepy to one of the female students during the exam, and expel him for these reasons alone. If you wanna remove him from the story later, you can either have one of the girls get the teachers involved or you can say that Minoru decided to drop out of the hero course after experiencing the War Arc or something along those lines. Seriously, it’s not hard.
In conclusion, while I’m not a fan of Minoru, it bothers me how much people will butcher his character just to have a reason to shit on/expel him where there are perfectly reasonable ways of which they can shit on/expel a canon accurate Minoru. It also annoys me when people choose to make Minoru a worse person while simultaneously making Katsuki a better person despite both characters having done some shitty things. While it is Fanfiction and people can do whatever they want, it’s bad writing if you have to change someone’s personality to make them look bad to prop up another character, especially one that isn’t a good person. There are better ways of writing a Katsuki positive story that aren’t lazy and/or cliched.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Finally Home - Jason Todd Blurbs
Jason Is Sick
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x GN!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Jason has the flu so you spend the evening taking care of him
Note: These just keep getting cuter to me
               You were shocked that Jason was actually taking a night off, at least you were when he called you at work.  He seemed fine, telling you that Bruce and the others were going out and that he was staying in.  It worried you, why would he stay in?  He loved patrolling, protecting the city, taking out the bad guys, and even sometimes, he liked hanging out with his brothers, even if he wouldn’t admit that.  So you were expecting the worst when you got home from your day job.  And it was smart for you to be suspicious. 
               Jason was on the couch, three blankets over him, head on a pillow and the normally neat coffee table was covered in tissues.  You closed the door, and he looked up, eyes red and watery, nose rubbed raw from tissues, his face pale and sweating.  He looked terrible and your heart ached.
               “Jaybabe, what happened, you were fine earlier?” you asked, setting your stuff from work aside and going over to kneel by the couch.  He sniffled and shrugged.  “Did you take anything?”
               “Nah, nothing’s in the house to take and I can’t move, everything hurts,” he groaned.  You sighed and kissed his head.  He had a little fever; you assumed the flu was running roughshot through his system. 
               “I’m going out, I’m going to get you some flu meds and then I’m coming back and making you soup, ok?” you said.  Normally Jason would get up, say he was fine, and he would do it, so when he just stayed there and nodded you knew he was going to be laid up for at least another day.  Jason Todd was one of the strongest men you had ever met, and you hated seeing him like this, completely unlike himself.  You kissed his head again and ran out to the corner store, getting everything you needed.  You were met halfway home by a costumed Dick Grayson.
               “How is he?” Dick asked.  You could see his concern despite his mask.
               “He is fine Nightwing, I’ve got meds and soup stuff, and he will be back patrolling soon,” you said.  Dick nodded and handed you a bag.
               “Batman thought he might want this,” he said.  You took the bag and peeked in, smiling softly.
               “That was thoughtful, I told him he shouldn’t have left it behind,” you said.  Nightwing hopped back on his bike and took off and you headed home. 
               After giving Jason his meds, you went about making soup as Jason fell asleep watching Food Network.  You finished and tasted it, still a little peeved it never would taste as good as Jason’s did when you were sick, but you got him a bowl and some crackers, along with water and set it on the coffee table, gently coaxing him awake. 
               “Come on baby, let’s sit you up,” you said, gently helping him sit.  He crossed his legs and tried draping the blankets over him still.  You laughed and set the soup in his hands and then wrapped the blankets around him yourself before going and getting what Dick had given you.
               “Bruce sent this over, thought you might want it,” you said, gently offering him the stuffed Teddy Bear.  He stared at it for a moment before reaching out and taking it, setting it in his lap as he ate your soup.  You sat down on the end of the couch, putting on The Lord of the Rings, knowing that Jason would love a good comfort movie.  He ate silently, almost finishing the soup before setting it down.  He scooched and laid his head in your lap, and you started gently petting his hair, glad to feel that he was no longer warm to the touch.  You hoped the meds worked overnight and he would be back to normal in the morning.
               “Your soup was good,” he said softly.  You smiled.  “Not as good as mine though.”
               “Bat brat,” you called him, gently smacking his shoulder.  He laughed and snuggled into your lap more. 
               “I love you YN,” he whispered sleepily, eyes closing.  You leaned down and kissed his head again.
               “I love you too Jason.”
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calimera62 · 17 days
hello ⚘️ I really love to say that napoleon bonaparte is very handsome and pretty I don't care about his height 🥰🥰 and that because hate Josephine because her cheating hoe could she doing that his such baby 😢😢
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Like Julius Caesar, I don’t think Napoléon Bonaparte would be considered handsome by our society’s standard. Though he looked quite sicklish with a bit of yellowish complexion in his youth, he became healthier when he became First Consul. He was said to have a charming smile and lively blue-gray eyes (people described his “piercing gaze that went right through you”), an aquiline profile, and Jacques Louis David was fascinated with Napoléon’s “classically structured face”. He was considered handsome in his time I believe.
If you wish to know how he looked like, this post is very interesting.
Some actors portraying Napoléon were also quite handsome! My favourite is Daniel Mesguich. Just look at him!
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The general belief of Napoléon being short is a pet peeves of mine, because he wasn’t as short as legend as led us to believe. He was actually 1,69 m tall (the equivalent to 5’5), which was the average height for his time. While he was called Le petit caporal (which you can translate as “the little corporal”), it was not meant as a reflection of his stature but more a term of affection by his soldiers. Napoléon also liked to surround himself by his troops and his guards, which he chose to be very tall men, so of course he would look very short in comparison. Alas, we can also thank our English friends for this belief as well. I believe it was largely the work of a British cartoonist who caricatured Napoléon as a small man in the 19th century, and his works were very popular and influential.
As for Napoléon and Joséphine, I do love their relationship a lot, even though it wasn’t an ideal one. Joséphine seemed bemused by his love for her at first, she used him because she needed him, and she did cheat on him and they almost divorced in the early years of their marriage but they stayed together and settled into a more mature relationship where Joséphine grew up to have a genuine affection for him and Napoléon always loved Joséphine, even if he had to divorce her, though that didn’t stop him from cheating on her multiple times. Like I said, their relationship wasn’t perfect, but I still love them!
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afanofmanyth1ngs · 7 days
Yellowjackets/IWTV Fanfic
So, about a week ago I put out a poll about doing a weird IWTV fanfic that's basically set in the Yellowjackets verse... And now I'm doing it... YAY!! but I do just want to come on here to basically throw around some things I'm going to do :P So this is going to be where I update people and just basically talk about how I'm going to do this, what my schedule is going to look like, things I need opinions on. This is more so a motivation thing so IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, please please please comment and follow along. I lose motivation quickly, but this is something I'm pretty dedicated to. but either way THIS IS HAPPENING.
First things first. YES I have started working on it. Im not even close to finished with the first chapter because each chapter is going to be LONG. This is not going to be everything that happens in Yellowjackets happens in here, and not even close. Even as I started it... I will sometimes use direct quotes, but thats only if im stuck and cant figure out what im doing.
NEXT as I said this is not going to be yellowjackets word for word, but I will be using each episode as a starting point. scenes might mirror each other, and I will cut between scenes as they do in the show.
Some things that are automatically going to be different from Yellowjackets:
They will not be on a Sports team of any sorts. The one thing each character has in common, is that they all are passionate about one or more forms of art (ex: Louis: Photography - Lestat: Acting - Madeleine - Sewing and dress making and altering (not the right words sorry lol)) SO im having them go to an art school :P little bit of a long shot but not only is it just convinent for me because of all the art forms they like, but also I think it would be kind of cool for just normal (LMAO) IWTV kids who have never touched a sport in their lives to now have to like hunt and stuff... kind of Lord of the Flies with half of the kids being CHOIR KIDS core.
Theyre all gonna be in High school. i was like well im not aging them up cause what fun would that be, so lets just age them down and keep a whole bunch of that trauma and see what happens... and im not super far into the writing process but its working rn!!
Theyre crashing in the Alps. I have zero knowlege of the Alps whatso ever BUT i know i went over them when i flew to Italy so Im having them go to the Uffizi Galleries!!! and then BAM Alps. so get ready for some major inaccuratcies about that cause im gonna make them how they are in Yellowjackets... just in like Italy. Maybe I'll reasearch a bit more... dw about it its ok :D
As I said before each chapter is going to be LONG. so rn I have around 4ish scenes (ones not finished yet) and by the time I'm finished with those and edit it's going to be close to around 4,000 words I'm estimating... that's 4,000 words for not even a quarter of THE KIDS STORY LINE. on that topic, because each chapter is going to be so incredibly long, I've decided to split each chapter in about half. I was originally planning to do one chapter = one episode of yellowjackets but again it's going to be WAY too long, so kids' storyline, adult story line. I like that a lot too because a big pet peeve of mine is in stories where it keeps switching through times and then i get so lost and have to reread like 10 times to understand... LIKE PLEASE JUST SPLIT IT INTO A FEW CHAPTERS SO IM NOT CONFUSED
Last thing! Most of each character's backstory IS WORKED IN... so for example (A HUGE example) is for at least the first few chapters Armand will be called and referred to as Amadeo. Marius is his adoptive father who rescued him from some sex trafficking scandal or something and renamed him, before he eventually changes his name to Armand while out in the mountains. So, like obviously he's not going to get the name Armand from Santino, but you know... working in what I can :P
OK ACTUALLY LAST LAST THING: I don't know when this will come out... I have a deadline for myself and I'm certain I will get to it, HOWEVER I do not have access to the other Yellowjackets episodes, which is pretty crucial if I want to get into a schedule of posting each week regularly. As of right now I am hoping to get the first chapter out on October 3rd... Yellowjackets will be accessible to me AND then I'll be able to post a chapter on Halloween... YAY!! if that does not work out because the following chapters are taking too long and I release before I can make sure the Schedule is set, it will most likely be one of the Thursdays in October because I REALLY want to get one out on Halloween!!
OK!! hope you guys liked my little rant!! I'll keep everyone who's interested updated on here so if you want to be in the loop follow me (or don't! if you don't you can just check my page!) and again comments motivate me, so if you have any questions or just think it's a cool idea let me know!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 26 days
So I’m kinda curious, I know you said you are not much of a shipping person (aside from like SkSw Zelink and Miphlink) but are there any of the popular ships that stand out either as ones you think are cute or ones you really do not like?
Hmmm 🤔 I’m fairly neutral or just meh about most, but I guess there are a few that stand out? Or maybe I should just list my opinions on the major ones I know of?
BotW Zelink - I don’t mind it post Calamity. Not really into it pre-calamity, it feels like it’s at the expense of a relationship that’s already there (Mipha and Link). But dang the two definitely would be close after the calamity, given that they’re the only ones who have such a shared experience. I could see it being romantic or platonic, and there’s kind of a heavy leaning towards romantic but then totk also makes it seem platonic sometimes too?? Whatever. Nintendo likes to be vague (except Skyward Sword, let’s be real, nothing about that was vague lol), but I can see it happening after everything.
Midlink - I think it’s sweet. I think in canon Link’s most likely gonna either be with Ilia or someone we don’t even see in the game as he travels, but Midna definitely could’ve had a chance with him if there’d been more time for them. They had good chemistry, and the physical attraction was clearly there when Link saw her true form.
OoT Zelink - Nope. Especially Adult Timeline, absolutely not. It’s a pet peeve of mine that people ship this Link with anyone in the Adult Timeline - he is a child in a teenager’s body. NO. Sure, his body might be attracted to people, but his brain sure ain’t figuring it out, and anybody who wants to explore that just… no. NO. As for Child Timeline, I feel like this Link has a hard time reconciling what happened, has a hard time letting go, and would therefore have a really difficult time separating Child Timeline Zelda from Adult Timeline Zelda and that would lead to too many mixed feelings. I can’t see them getting together. This ship is either entirely one sided (I can 100% see Adult Timeline Zelda romanticizing the Hero she’s been waiting for before she really realizes that he’s still a kid, if she ever realizes it) or nonexistent.
Malink - I quite like it. I honestly didn’t really see it in the game, there’s like… enough for it to happen, I guess, but admittedly Linked Universe has made me biased. But given that it’s heavily implied TP Link and OoT Link are related, and TP Link knows Epona’s song, and Malon was a friend of Link’s, and she talks of marrying a knight in shining armor, and Shade is a knight in shining armor… I can put two and two together. And I think they’d be cute together.
Sidlink - Just… why. I get that half the fandom is in love with Sidon, so they project that, but good grief. Link was engaged to his sister. That’s some Hamlet level incest nonsense there. Link may not remember Mipha all that well but Sidon freaking does. Just because the dude is ridiculously sweet and supportive to literally everyone and about literally everything doesn’t mean he’s romantically inclined towards everyone. He’s a golden retriever, there are two brain cells firing between those fins, let the man just be happy and vibe, good grief. I had this opinion before totk came out, and then the addition of Yona made me laugh because I knew the fandom would blow up about it, but she’s honestly really sweet and good for him - I loved when she called him out to help him, she’s a good wife, I like her 😤
Uh… I think those are all the popular ships I have any kind of actual opinions about? Aside from Skyward Sword Zelink and Miphlink, love them both, mwuah. The rest I’m just meh. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Honestly, I’m very inclined to say that just because two people share oxygen together doesn’t mean they’re gonna fall in love. Just because two people might have some chemistry doesn’t mean they’re gonna fall in love. And just because two hormonal teenagers think each other is hot does not mean they’re gonna end up together. But since romance is such a huge thing in fandoms and in our culture, and I am very much not in a romantic relationship and therefore the culture makes me feel like my life is incomplete, I am not very inclined to get into shipping all that much (translation: sometimes shipping is downright annoying to me, and I hate it when fandoms ship characters together just because they like each other as if other relationships can’t even exist or be meaningful), even the ones that I love. My biggest weakness is loving families, though, so that’s usually where I cheat lol.
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lemonthepotato · 3 months
Amai’s Week
I didn’t even know until today that Amai had a week, that’s how hard this game fell off. Anyway, boy do I have some criticisms.
1) We need that many ways to enter a building in a mission? Why? It ends the same no matter what. The mission is still linear.
2) The dialogue in this game is so stiff and not how people talk. Never played a Hitman mission where the target said “I’m going to be here at X time, doing Y thing, blah blah blah” but Amai is kind enough to specify the times she’ll be serving food. Yeah, it’s kind of intuitive to not exit the classroom and start serving octodogs, the cooking club should know it’ll only be at morning, lunch and after school.
3) Amai’s sabotage events are so silly. I remember jokingly thinking “what? are we going to be giving him a pink apron or something?” as a JOKE. And then it HAPPENED, essentially. These characters are meant to be adults LARPing as teenagers but even a teenager has more maturity than “oh, you made an apron I didn’t like!” What? Did Ayano draw a swastika on it or another hate symbol? The game refers to it as a ‘lame’ apron, which implies it’s more likely that Ayano used a bland colour scheme. I’m sorry, but “I wanted a black apron but you made me a pink one, that offends me” is not on the same level. And by the way- if Amai’s food is giving people food poisoning due to Ayano’s sabotage, why is she still allowed to run the bake sale???
I was genuinely thinking “surely, it’s more going in this direction” during the picnic talk. It was. So, what? Amai is supposed to control the insects?
If you sabotage all of Amai’s events, Senpai should get the sense that she’s a BAD COOK. Literally all. Her sabotage events are NOT enough to warrant being cut off or rejected.
4) I like how no one in this game questions a giant ass water fountain placed randomly in a room.
5) THE LOVE CONFESSION DOESN’T MAKE AMAI LOOK GOOD, EITHER. Who the FUCK says “yeah, I know I’ve known you for a week, but I was actually pissed at you for mourning your dead friend because… what about me???”
6) Okay lol I just. I love how funny Kizana is.
I like to imagine Ayano and Senpai are in some Truman Show situation where Info-chan is just hiring all these colourful personalities to rizz Senpai to create the craziest situations ever. Like Ayano is just some institutionalised person who was dragged out by a studio to be exploited in her dire mental state. Can’t wait to get Kizana in 2025 and Oka in 2026.
Look I’m an Amai defender but spitting in someone’s food is VILE. The reason I don’t go to… let’s call it OldRonalds is because three employees spat in my food. I had three occasions. Yeah, wasn’t risking a fourth. AND IT’S IMPLIED SHE DID THIS SEVERAL TIMES. That is NASTY.
7) Yeah I definitely talk to myself when cooking. That’s totally normal.
9) A small pet peeve of mine over the years is the line “oh my god! is that a dead body?” when talking about their classmates. Akademi is a small school, where everyone should know each other. Maybe- like “Oh my god! [character’s surname, because it’s Japan, or whatever their nickname is considering Akademi has nicknames]? A-are you okay? I need to get help!”
10) Ben Shoku-ro asks us to essentially stalk Amai. Very normal. See, this is why I headcanon that Akademi is just a mental institution disguised as some… high school LARP. A very ineffective one, too.
11) I like how everyone has the exact same criticism with the exact same wording towards Amai’s cooking.
12) “You shoot 100% of the takes you don’t miss” is such a funny quote. No shit Sherlock.
13) “juvenile delinquent” aren’t they 18? C’mon, if you’re gonna use the “they’re actually 18” excuse, be consistent about it.
14) Welcome to Writing 101. In Inkyu and Sakyu’s conversation on Friday, the pink one (Inkyu, I believe) says “however?” While Inkyu is gathering her thoughts. It doesn’t add tension to the scene, they’re talking about fucking studying. It happens twice, actually. It’s awkward and drags on too long. I’m a writer, not a programmer, but surely there has to be a way to make the dialogue end faster?
Also Horuda canonically drawing kill art is real asf. She is not okay in the head and is expressing her emotions to avoid doing something dangerous. This is what we call showing, not telling. This is something this game struggles at.
15) Wait, Kyuji stalking Osana is a bounty? What if the player match made them? Is the game seriously gonna punish you for doing the pacifist route?
16) Why can Toga walk on bushes???
Okay if Senpai’s new personality is himbo than I kinda fw him.
HELP DID YANDEREDEV FORGET TOGA WASN’T A CREEP SO HAD TO RETCON IT?? Same with Horo, though I think Horo being weird was inferred by the demon Easter egg.
17) Also, another general criticism, but the dialogue in this game is so wonky. Instead of “Hey, blah blah, did you know blah blah dislikes gossip?” It could be “Hey, blah blah, X said to me gossipers were all evil people. Ridiculous, right? Who doesn’t gossip from time to time? Guess that’s what I’m doing” or something shorter than that. And things like money and violence shouldn’t even be discussable topics. I’m sorry but “Hey, Horuda Umetsu, did you know Amai Odayaka dislikes violence” would receive an “okay? don’t we all?” IRL. Like even though Horuda is prone to violence no one’s going around shaming people for disliking it WTF.
(Edit: Btw, before Amai came out, I made my own version of Amai’s week a year ago, along with the other rivals, but honestly? They suck. I’ll add them anyway, if you wanna check them out, but I got lazy halfway through and began half assing stuff: Amai, Kizana, Oka, Asu, Muja, Mida, Osoro, Hanako, Megami. I’m not saying these are better than the game. The way I characterised Kizana, for example? Canon Kizana is much better. The writing on these posts were somehow cringier than the actual writing. Why share it then? Dunno. I like humiliating myself? Oddly, I got a lot of nice DM’s from people about them at the time. I also made a shitty AU.) (I have more posts over there, like a mission mode concept ending) (also, it was only a year ago, but I feel like my writing has improved a ton since then)
Addendum: Not sure if I gave the impression I support YandereDev. I don’t.
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aanoia · 2 years
How Well Do We Know Each Other (interview)
Obx cast x reader (Rudy Pankow x reader, not much mentions tho)
Summary; the obx cast gets put to the test on how well they know their coworkers
Warnings; drug mention, not proofread
Words; 3,330
I kinda hate this, but I kinda love it. I hate how many times I used the word laugh though.
Also, I got totally lost with points so I made them up so you would win.
Also, why can't I find any GIFS of the whole cast?
Requests are welcome and encouraged! I have an anon submission box and you can ask in comments!
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“We’re rolling in three,” I cleared my throat and adjusted the way I was sitting as the director called out. My boyfriend, Rudy, who was sitting next to me ran his hand through his hair and Jonathan, who sat on the other side of me, cracked his knuckles.. “Two, one.”
Madelyn began talking with a laugh, “We’re the cast of Outer Banks and we’re here to test each other on-”
“Nope.” Chase said, shaking his head with a smile and we all left as the cameras cut.
“Take two.” The director said.
“I am Madelyn Cline and we are here to test how well we know each other.” Madelyn tried again and I shook my head.
“Thank God.” Chase muttered.
“And we also the cast-” Austin started.
“We’re also the cast of Outer Banks!” We all said in unison and began laughing again.
“Cut! Take three.”
“I’m Madelyn Cline, and we’re the cast of Outer Banks.” She motioned towards us and I waved to the camera with a smile. “And we are here to test how well we know each other.
“Yeah!” We cheered as we clapped.
Madelyn held up the card, “What astrological sign do I like the most other than mine?” She asked.
“Do you like the most?” Madison clarified.
“Scorpio.” Carlacia said. “Taurus.”
“Capricorn, duh.” I said with a smile.
“Woah, woah, woah, wait.” Jonathan started. “One response, per person.”
Drew got up and leaned over to the side. “Drew, stop cheating.” I said.
“Drew, don’t you cheat.” Chase said as Drew sat back down.
“I’m not.” He defended.
“Or Capricorn, I agree with Y/n. I’m gonna go with Capricorn.” Madison decided and I high fived her.
“I’m gonna say Gemini.” Drew said as Jonathan was saying Gemini.
“Ah, I was about to say Gemini.” Jonathan complained.
“I was just thinking the movie Gemini Man.” Chase said.
“No, Geminis are crazy.” Jonathan decided. “I’m going to go Aquarius.”
Madelyn smiled as she turned the card around, “Gemini women.”
I snorted as everyone laughed. Drew held up his hands in a “what did I tell you?” way as Jonathan protested.
“Ah, he didn’t specify.” He tried.
Madelyn moved on, “What am I most likely to do when I’m not filming?”
“I’m gonna go Call Of Duty.” Austin said and I laughed.
“I think you’re gonna chill at home with a glass of wine.” Madison said.
“Cards Against Humanity. I don’t know.” Rudy said, his hand resting on my knee.
“By myself?” Madelyn laughed.
“Hm, sleep.” I said simply and Madison laughed.
“Okay, well I have a couple. Actually three.” Madelyn informed us and we laughed again. “Um, napping.” I put my hands up in victory.
“I’m so smart.” I bragged, looking straight into the camera and pointing at my head. “Come to me with all of your problems, and they will be solved with the low cost of five dollars.”
“Stop self promoting.” Jonathan deadpanned and I flipped him off.
“Um, wine.” Madelyn continued. “All natural. Natty wines.” Madison snorted. “Or doing Austin impressions to myself.”
I pointed at her, “Oh that’s fun. Mhm.”
“Right?” She said with a smile.
“It’s an honor, thank you.” Austin said with a hand on his heart. “Have you perfected it yet?”
“You’re perfect.” She imitated with a laugh. “What is my pet peeve?” She asked.
“Your car window getting broken, like four times.” Austin said
“In a year.” She added.
“I think that’s a pet peeve. That’s solid.” Madison agreed.
“Being like, talked down to.” Jonathan said.
“Yeah, changing out of pajamas.” Rudy guessed.
“Hm, that’s good.” I told him quietly.
“Like, mansplaining and stuff.” Jonathan continued.
“Getting out of your pajamas.” Rudy repeated.
“Not going to the spa?” Carlacia asked.
“So, JD, you were close. Being told what to do.” Madelyn said.
“Oh, yeah, yeah.” He agreed.
We rearranged as Drew got up to the seat.
“Purple nurple. Is it hot in the hot seat?” Chase asked.
“First question. What’s my secret talent? Bonus, where did I learn my talent?” Drew started.
“Sleeping.” Carlacia said.
“Insomnia.” Jonathan said right after.
“Guitar, piano. It’s an instrument.” Madison said.
“Well, what’s happening right now is you’re just giving me a lot of ideas.” Drew explained.
“Write it down.” Carlacia told him. “Cause you look like you’re waiting for us to tell you.”
“Yeah.” He said and wrote down his answer.
“Probably juggling.” Rudy said quietly, but not everyone heard him.
“I saw him playing harmonica with the monkeys.” I pointed out.
“With the monkeys?” Madison asked and I nodded.
“Oh, I can see that.” Austin said.
“When was he serenading?” Madison laughed.
“When the monkey swiped the drink.” I explained as Madison imitated playing a harmonica.
“Alright. My secret talent. I think I did hear someone say it. Which is juggling.” Rudy clapped his hands and I smiled at him. “Um, as a bonus though, uh insomnia is my secret talent.”
“Yeah.” Jonathan agreed.
“Who is my favorite Outer Banks character?”
“Barry.” Chase and Madison said together.
“Come on, that's easy.” Jonathan said.
“We know this.” Carlacia chimed in.
“I’m gonna say Shoupe.” Rudy said.
“Wheezie F baby, Wheezie F.” Madison said and I nodded my head.
“Yeah, Wheezie. Or C/n, because she’s just so hot and great, y’know?” I said with a smug smile while dramatically flipping my hair.
“Oh, for real.” Madelyn agreed as Rudy nodded in approval.
“Is it Ward Cameron?” Jonathan asked.
“No, it is Barry.” Drew said and flipped the card to face the camera. “Except C/n is pretty great.”
“I agree.” I nodded.
“That’s a point, can we count that one.” Chase said to the producers in the back.
“If I could live anywhere in the world, where would I live?” Drew asked.
“I’m tempted to say Bikini Bottom.” Carlacia said and we laughed. “But I’m gonna not.”
“Bikini Bottom.” Rudy repeated.
“North Carolina.” Madelyn said as she laughed and Drew flipped the card which said North Carolina and we all laughed.
“You can see right through that. I saw it too.” Jonathan laughed.
“Hickory, North Carolina.” Austin said.
“Hickory, North Carolina.” Drew repeated.
“No, just put North Carolina.”
“North Carolina. Asheville, North Carolina. That’s my favorite place on Earth.”
“Aw. The Outer Banks.” Madelyn said.
“Paradise on Earth.” I said as Drew threw the card.
“Who’s up?” He asked.
Jonathan sat on the seat. “You ready?” He asked. “Settle down, class. Here we go, first question. What’s my favorite TV show of all time?”
“I know what it is. Go ahead, write it down.” Madison said.
“It’s Boondocks!” Madison, Carlacia and I all said in unison before all high fiving each other.
“It is Boondocks.” Jonathan said with a nod, turning his card to face the camera.
“Sunny Philadelphia?” Austin asked.
“Ooo, always Sunny Philadelphia close second. Hilarious.” Jonathan deadpanned. “Alright, two. What is my favorite soda? And I don’t really drink soda.”
“Crap, it’s root beer.” I said, trying to think of the brand.
“A and W root beer.” Carlacia said.
“It’s not A and W but it is root beer.” Jonathan said.
“Mugs?” Madison asked.
“It’s not Mugs.”
“Oh! Barks!” I exclaimed, pointing at him. “It’s what they have in Texas!”
“Yes, it’s Barks. That’s what they had in Wataburg, Texas. But other than that I don’t really drink soda. Now this is a trick question, because I think you all think you know the answer.” Jonathan said.
“Write down your answers.” Madison said as the boys kept talking over everyone.
“Boys, boys, boys, boys, boys.” Jonathan said, keeping up the teacher act.
“I apologize.” Chase said.
“What’s my go-to snack on set? Now, this has changed since the first season and everybodies gonna yell out fruit snacks. It’s not that.”
“Vickie’s jalapeno chips.” Madison said.
“Goddamnit, Madison.” Jonathan said with a smile and we all laughed. “Give everybody a chance. Alright, I’m gonna write down a second answer too. So everybody can know my second favorite too.”
“I feel like it’s flaming hot cheetos when they got ‘em.” Carlacia said.
“That’s Vickie’s. Vickie’s takes that spot.”
“Then fruit-roll up?” Rudy guessed.
“It’s fruit by the foot, actually.” I said while rolling my eyes.
“Fruit-roll up, or fruit by the foot. What do you say, Chase?”
“I’m thinking, come back to me.” Chase responded.
“Sour patch kid roll up thing?” Austin guessed.
“That’s not a thing.”
“Anyone up there got a guess?” Jonathan asked us.
“I’m just gonna go with the classic, Lays?”
“Again, it can’t be chips because that’s Vickie’s.”
“Honeybuns?” I asked.
“Uh, it’s goldfish. But Honeybuns too.”
“Does that count?” I asked and looked behind the cameras to the producers. “Does that count?” They shook their heads and I deflated with a pout as Drew patted my head and Rudy wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my arm.
“But goldfish is a chip.”
“It’s a cracker. It’s in the cracker aisle.” Jonathan defended.
“Is goldfish a chip?” Rudy asked the camera.
“It’s a- it’s a cracker?” Austin said unsurely.
“I’m gonna win this one.” I said as Rudy sat on the chair dramatically, his eyebrows furrowed.
“You better.” He said, pointing at me. “Uh, there’s two things, the two things to this question, uh, what am I certified in?” He asked.
“Kayaking.” A bunch of people said.
“Yeah, kayaking and climbing.” I agreed.
“Yeah, it’s kayaking, which I don’t know if I spelled that right, and climbing.” He said, pointing his card to the camera.
“Two of the most Alaskan things possible.” Jonathan said and I nodded my head with a laugh.
Quick point update. I have the most points, four, then Madison with three, Carlacia, Chase, and Jonathan all have two, and the rest have one.
“This one’s kinda weird, how many instruments do I play?”
“How is that weird?” I asked and he just shrugged with a smile. Lots of threes rung out.
“Wait, at what skill level?” Jonathan asked.
“That’s the question now, isn’t it?” Rudy laughed.
“I feel like we can all play something.” Calracia said.
“Cause I’m thinking the kazoo.”
“Yeah the kazoo!” Rudy laughed, doubling over in his chair.
“Yeah and then we got the maracas and the flute.” Jonathan said.
“The triangle.” Madelyn said.
“It’s definitely harmonica.” Chase said.
“Harmonica and guitar.” Madison listed.
“I was gonna say ukulele.”
“He plays the drums too.”
“So, I’m gonna say 2.5.” Rudy said. “And I’m gonna even count like the piano. But I play harmonica and percussion. The drums.”
“Oh.” Austin said in realization.
“Yeah we bond over them.”
“The one person that should know.”
Austin sat down and grabbed the marker from Rudy.
“How old was I when I started playing drums?” Austin asked.
“Nine.” Madelyn said immediately.
“Right out of the womb.” Chase said.
“What?” Austin said, pointing at Madelyn.
“Wow, Cline.” I commented.
“You saw it.” Drew accused.
“I’m not saying that’s correct. We can keep going.” Austin said. “It’s nine.” He said in disbelief.
“Give us another age.” Jonathan said.
“What is the first thing I do in the morning?” Austin asked.
“Check your phone.”
“Wake up?” I said.
“Uh, just breathe.”
“Brush your teeth?”
“Check your phone.”
“That’s what I said.”
“No, take out your little soldiers.”
“Brush your teeth!”
“Go to the gym.”
“Invisalign?” Chase asked.
“Chase got it. Take out my night guard. But Y/n was also correct, give her a point too, I do wake up first thing in the morning.”
“I’m so cool.” I bragged.
“What’s my most prized possession?”
“Your drum set.” Rudy said with a laugh.
“Is it Blueberry?” Madelyn asked.
“The range?” Madison guessed as Rudy asked Madelyn what Blueberry was.
“The car, the BMW.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Yeah, for sure your car.” I said. “That thing was a lot of moolah.”
“I’m gonna go with the old, uh, bounce house that you got for Christmas.” Jonathan said, his arms crossed.
“Oh, when I was eight?” Austin laughed.
“When you were eight, yeah.”
“Thought Christmas was over and went downstairs to the basement and there’s a jumpy house!” Austin explained.
“My car.”
“Dude, why did you write it like you’re four years old?” Chase asked.
“Alright, good job, you guys know me pretty well.” Austin said and hnaded the Sharpie to Madison.
“This is the hot seat, huh?” She asked. “Okay.” She looked at the question and gasped. “Do I know how to spell this? I’m gonna write it small.” She said in a higher pitched voice. “What word would I use to describe myself?” She asked in her normal voice.
“Whoo.” Calracia said with loud laughs. I pursed my lips with a smile.
“The S-A-T word?”
“This is blasphemy!” Carlacia said and the whole cast laughed.
“Green.” Drew said with a straight face.
“She can’t spell green?” Jonathan asked.
“Yeah, there’s your hint.” Madison laughed.
“I’m gonna go with- Earthy. I don’t know.”
“I feel like you’re tidy.” Austin said.
“Yeah, I’m going with earthy.” Rudy agreed. “You said earthy, that was a pretty good one.”
“What’s the word you can’t spell?” Carlacia asked and Madison flipped her card.
I nodded, “That is difficult. For sure.”
“I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T! Do you know what that means? Hey!” The cast sang with large smiles.
“I covered my mouth because I’m over here like I-N-D-E-P-” Madison said and we all laughed.
“How did I meet my girlfriend?” She asked.
“Tikity Tokity.” I said as everyone said some version of Tik Tok.
“There’s gotta be some like, some OBX super fan getting all of these right, right now.” Jonathan said and I nodded.
“It’s me.” I said.
“Sure. But to you, we say thank you.” Jonathan said to the camera.
“What is my favorite movie?”
“Legally Blonde.” Chase said automatically.
“Pursuit of Happyness.” Jonathan guessed..
“Nacho Libre.”
“Princess Diaries?” Austin said unsurely.
“Solid movie.” Madison agreed. “JD got it, it is the Pursuit of Happyness. And it’s supposed to be spelled wrong, before I get cranked.”
“Oh, this is a great question.” Carlacia said as she sat down. “What am I most likely to spend my money on?”
“Drugs.” I said confidently, making the whole cast burst out laughing.
“Sneakers.” Madison said once she calmed down.
“Oh!” Carlacia laughed pointing at Madison.
“Sneakers!” Austin said, mocking Carlacias hand motions. “Jordans?”
“Good ass food?”
“Fashion. I just think it’s fashion. Just say fashion cause it’s all of it.” Jonathan said and I nodded.
“I change my answer to the entirety of fashion.” I said with a proud smile.
“You can’t do that, cheater.” Jonathan said, crossing his arms.
“Watch me.” I responded, also crossing my arms.
“Ladies, ladies, break it up.” Chase said.
“I have to change mine a little bit because they're probably right.” Carlacua said and I snorted. “I put shoes, but I spend a lot of money on fashion, cause y’know, shoes.”
(A/n, at this point I’ve lost track of points, so I’m kinda making them up) Point update. I have seven, still in the lead, Madison, Madelyn, Chase and Jonathan have five. Drew has four. Carlacia and Austin have three, and Rudy has two.
“Where is my favorite vacation spot?”
(There’s two way people say this, pick whichever you want)
“The Caribbean.” I said.
“It’s the Caribbean, not Caribbean.” Jonathan said, rolling his eyes.
“My bad, Hermione.” I said with a scoff.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna sum it up with the Caribbean.” Madison agreed.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s the Caribbean in general.” Calracia said with a smile. “That’s my favorite vacation spot. Shout out to the West Indies.”
“True or false: I have won a beauty pageant?”
“For sure it's true. You’ve also won my heart.” I said making a heart with my hands and she put her hand over her mouth, pretending to be flustered.
“Stealing my girl over here.” Rudy said and the cast laughed as I blew kisses to Carlacia.
Everyone else said it was true.
“If you didn't, you got robbed.” Madison said.
“Absolutely.” Jonathan said.
“It’s true. I have won a beauty pageant.”
“Yes! Carlacia, I'm your biggest fan, marry me!” I begged jokingly as the rest of the cast snapped their fingers.
“How many tattoos do I have? Bonus: Where are they?” Chase asked after he sat down.
“I feel like you probably have one on your ass.” I said and Drew nodded in agreement.
“There’s an ace, there’s a card.” Madison said, counting on her fingers. “There’s a dove.”
“Everytime I see you, you have three more.” Carlacia said.
“There’s a match.”
“Twelve.” I said with a nod, guessing a random number.
There was a bunch of crosstalk and guesses before Chase began talking.
“I think it’s twelve.” He said.
“Is that what I said?” Madison asked. “That’s what I said?”
“Yeah, we both said twelve.” I nodded.
“What other Netflix series did I appear in?” Chase asked.
“Stranger Things.” Everyone said together.
“I got four letters in then I realized my handwriting is that of a four year old, so, it’s just STRA.” He said, showing us the card.
I sat on the chair with a giddy smile. “It’s my turn.” I said in a sing-song voice and everyone laughed.
“I love how excited you are.” Carlacia said.
“I love you.” I responded while wiggling my eyebrows as she blew a kiss to me, which I pretended to catch and stick in my pocket.
“Ew.” Jonathan said plainly as I looked at the card.
What is my earliest memory?
I laughed evilly as I wrote down my answer.
“Oh Lord.”
“Mk. Guys, my dearest friends, what is my earliest memory?” I asked.
Rudy looked to the ceiling in thought.
“Is it when you peed your pants in second grade?” Austin asked and I gasped.
“You can’t say that on camera!” The cast laughed as I pouted.
“Getting the giant stuffed dog from your dads girlfriend.” Madison said confidently.
“That’s good.” Jonathan agreed.
“No, it’s the fishing trip.” Rudy said with a nod. “When you caught the biggest fish.”
I turned around my card which read “fishing trip” in large, bold letters.
“You’re right, Rudy. It’s the fishing trip.”
“Damn.” Madison said disappointed.
“I feel like Rudy has an unfair advantage here.” Chase said.
“Shh, they’re just in love.” Carlacia said.
“Guys, shush, it’s time for the next question. What sport did I play in middle and highschool?”
“Volleyball.” Everyone said.
“It’s all you want to do when we aren’t filming.” Austin said and I nodded, agreeing with him.
“Okay, the finale, what is my biggest secret?” I said and everyone was silent for a few moments.
“I have zero clue.” Madison said.
“I literally know zero of your secrets.” Jonathan said, getting a nod from Drew and Chase.
“I don’t know man.” Austin said, rubbing his neck.
“Is it that you used to write fanfiction?” Rudy asked.
“And?” I prompted.
“You would post it on Wattpad.”
“Ding ding ding!” I said.
“What did you write about?” Madelyn asked.
“Everything. I’m pretty sure one of my books got to like, 100k reads too.” I said.
“I’m not even surprised you wrote fanfiction.” Drew said.
“Okay guys, who do we think won out of this?” Chase asked.
“I’d say like-”
“I’m banking on you.”
“Drew?” Carlacia asked, looking at the scoreboard.
“Drew?” I repeated, looking for confirmation.
“How did Drew win?” Madison asked as Drew stood up, holding his arms out. The whole cast argued.
“False alarm.” Chase said. “It’s like the whole Miss Universe all over again.” He said as I wiggled my eyebrows at the camera, being the winner.
The whole cast began walking off the stage.
“So, can we play some volleyball?” I asked as Rudy wrapped his arm around my shoulders and groans rang out.
“No!” They yelled together and I laughed evilly, knowing I was going to force them to play anyway.
Unbeknownst to us, the camera was still rolling, and yes, they put that at the end of the video.
You could tell how tired I got towards the end by the lack of detail lmfao
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blue-rose-soul · 2 months
I really love your Devil’s bastard and Raised Together AUs because there’s a lot of familial drama but also lore associated with Lucifer and just what he can pass down to his children that is so fascinating.
I can imagine a scenario where something like this occurs and both Charlie and Alastor are pushed to unlocking the sleeping demons that lay sleeping inside them.
Imagine Charlie with red and white wings and Alastor with red and black wings, the hellfire being appearing over their horns and insane power emanating from them
Appreciate it! The big fun of this AU for me is definitely how it throws a monkey wrench right in the characters' usual dynamics. Lucifer going from implicitly threatening to murder Alastor to awkwardly stumbling around him. Alastor trying to manipulate Charlie without letting her assimilate him into her idealistic fantasy version of a brother-sister bond. Vaggie waking up from nightmares of having Alastor as a brother-in-law.
But yeah, it's also interesting to imagine what effect Lucifer's angelic DNA would have on his offspring. We don't know much about what Charlie actually is or how she's different from demons in general - Hellborn or sinner - or from either of her parents. Sinners are human souls, but based on the fact that they eat and sleep have toilets, they do seem to have all the same gears and whistles as living breathing humans. At the same time, they can twist their bodies into impossible shapes, grow to enormous sizes, even pull themselves back together after being ripped apart by anything that isn't an angelic weapon. And this isn't even mentioning any supernatural powers they may have like Sir Pentious's hypnosis or Alastor's - [gestures to all of him] - everything.
The idea of Alastor and Charlie unlocking some greater power does sound pretty cool! However, as they're already pretty demonic at their base, I would instead flavor it as them unlocking their sleeping angelic powers. After all, angels are said to be more powerful than demons in-universe, and this is power inherited from Lucifer. Plus, I love love love angels as monsters. I think that Charlie did experience a more mild form of what you're talking about after Sir Pentious was killed.
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Of course, it wasn't quite the raw explosion of power I think you're thinking of, and the end result is still pretty demonic looking. But this is still power she inherited from Lucifer. But we're still early into the story, and it's fun to speculate what kind of greater power Charlie may unlock in the future.
(Alastor agrees.)
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But back to the AU, the thought of them manifesting wings along with their greater powers at a later date would be sooooo fun. Maybe while facing off against the person who owns Alastor's soul (who I will say is Eve for the purposes of this AU). The both of them manifesting wings would be a nice way to visualize their shared bloodline. Plus, the addition of wings to Alastor's design may call to mind the peryton; a mythical creature with the appearance of a winged stag. A not-so-minor pet peeve of mine is when people say Alastor is a w**digo just because his deer-like appearance, and the peryton feels much more appropriate to his character.
Granted, he doesn't have any cultural ties to the peryton either aside from maaaaaybe his name (the name 'Alastor' has its origins in ancient Greece and the creature seems to be either Greek or Roman), but it does make for a great visual pun if you take 'peryton' to refer to radio signals.
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ironunderstands · 6 months
help I have been afflicted by Boothill brainrot time to share some shitty angst bulletpoints with the class (that I’ll probably turn into a fic later)
I don’t think I have to tag anything specific but be warned there’s probably something bad in here so if you understandably don’t wanna read that then scroll. Expect cyborg related angst (and minor spoilers)
Also I hc Boothill as nonbinary (using he/they and occasionally she) so if you’re wondering about the use of multiple pronouns that’s why, it’s not related to the angst, I just don’t want people to be confused.
-has a sensation of touch on the metal parts of his body, but it’s visibly muted compared to his skin and it drives them nuts
-despises hot/cold temperatures due to how they interact with the metal parts of their body, on especially hot days
-very vulnerable to hacking and it scares the shit out of him (thanks past obsession with Genji for giving me this one, the amount of “Sombra hacks Genji and he has a bad time” stuff I have read is unhealthy, even if she would only do it for the shits and giggles or a mission, a character losing control of their body is unfortunately very compelling please don’t cancel me)
-can’t remember their past life or how he died but still has nightmares of it
-phantom pain is a bitch and her name is Boothill
-won’t be seen as human by most people (even actual people write him this way which is a little weird to me, like I know the Robot/Human tag w Boothill serving as a Robot is probably just for reach, but like, he’s still human, he’s not a robot, he’s a cyborg, idk it’s just a pet peeve of mine)
-has to go to the scientist who made him to get “upgrades” (aka whatever they feel like fucking with this week) against their will
-he can’t remember his old life, but they can remember how their body felt back then and the cyborg one distinctly Doesn’t Feel The Same
-Boothill’s synesthesia beacon doesn’t just prevent Boothill from cursing, it prevents her from saying certain things entirely which makes it very hard for him to express his feelings
-charging induces sleep for them, something which Boothill tries to hide as it could be used against him
-debating between making Boothill unreasonable heavy (because metal) or unreasonably light (because high tech) both scenarios cause problems for him, feel free to torture yourself for as to why
-animals (especially dogs) don’t like them as Boothill doesn’t have as strong a scent nor the flesh of other humans which is why it’s hard for them to trust him, which sucks for Boothill because he loves animals
-doesn’t even know the planet they were originally from or how old he was when he died, Boothill doesn’t even know their birthday, so it ended up becoming the day he was brought back to life against his will
-gets called “it” by people who don’t like cyborgs or people that are non-organic/have nonorganic parts of their body/existence, I also share this for the trailblazer because of their dubious origins, I’d like to believe transphobia isn’t a thing in Star rail because it’s already tiring enough irl and there’s no proof for it unlike other real world problems, so the misgendering happens for other horrible reasons! Horrible reasons that are close to canon considering the whole organic/inorganic war thing depicted by the Sim Uni, I’d imagine a lot of people are still bitter about that (honestly I don’t know the details I was there for the jades) and/or ignorant enough to believe that only fleshy beings have a monopoly on personhood (it/its pronouns are cool but not on people who don’t want to use them!)
-constantly pushes the limits of their body (aka self destructive behavior), I doubt Boothill would be trying to hurt herself but it’s more of a “it will get fixed anyway” kinda thing, any injuries sustained still hurt like a bitch but Boothill forces himself to not care because well “it’s his job and he will get healed anyways” (also it’s implied from their LC that he’s a Galaxy ranger against his will from the whole “never living for themself again” thing, so Boothill probably has to get injured for the job and is just forced to grin and bear it
alright that’s all the angst my sleep deprived brain could cook up for now if I did something wrong or missed a tag pls tell me
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Perhaps it's just me being salty for the whole s4 and s5, Kuro Neko and Ephemeral in particular. But I couldn't see a possibility of Adrienette break up because, say, Adrien know she's hiding a major thing about his life and feeling betrayed by it, without Adrien realizing that Marinette was hurt by his "outburst" and then then say sorry for being so "emotional" that he hurt her, just like what happened in Kuro neko.
This show is really, really bad at letting Adrien express himself in healthy ways. I've mentioned before that I think Chat Noir is in the wrong in Kuro Neko and it's not because he's not allowed to be hurt or quit. He had legitimate feelings and concerns! It's his handling of those feelings and concerns that was deeply unhealthy and unreasonable. He kept those things bottled up inside, never talking to Ladybug about what was wrong even though the writers chose to actively have her ask if he was okay, meaning he was straight up prompted to express himself, but didn't. Since he didn't, Ladybug had no idea until he took drastic measures, which is a good example of unhealthy relationships and a real life issue that many of us have probably experienced or seen.
Someone does something that upsets another person, but the injured party says nothing because they think the offensive is obvious even though it's super not obvious. At least, it's not obvious to the person causing the offense. So they keep doing the offensive thing and the other person keeps feeling hurt until there's a massive blowup where both parties end up feeling hurt.
This is just a thing that humans do. We build up stories in our heads based on our own perceptions of events, personal wants, and personal beliefs, but those stories are often unrealistic or at least warped versions of reality.
"My friends never call me, so they don't love me," said by someone with a large social battery who would happily do things every night of the week. Meanwhile their friend is over here thinking everything is fine because, in their world, it's perfectly normal to go months without talking. The two friends' different perceptions, wants, and beliefs about what a good friendship looks like is leading to a conflict that would be easily solved if the upset person just asked the hard question.
I don't think the above really applies to the secrets Marinette is currently keeping. At least, they don't on Adrien's side. Breakups don't need a logical reason, but if they did, Adrien would more than enough logical reasoning behind dumping the girl who hid massive, life-changing secrets from him. Getting angry and yelling at her would be perfectly valid reactions. But I also agree with your worry about the show turning it into Adrien somehow being in the wrong because the show hasn't handled a single complex conflict well.
A lot of that is due to the asinine "every episode must stand alone" rule, which is a terrible rule for a show with an actual overarching plot. Sitcoms mostly stick to petty drama for a reason. There are very few serious topics that you can introduce and handle in 20 minutes. Add in the rule that every episode has to have some sort of fight, eating up even more of your run time? And it's no wonder the show is such a total disaster.
I would not be surprised if season six ends up being a sort of inverted version of season four's conflict or even a straight rehash, which is straight up obnoxious because what was the point of season four if neither of these characters learned how to communicate? Marinette is still keeping secrets and I have no doubt that Adrien will continue to fail at expressing his very valid needs if he's even allowed to have them. Add in the fact that Lila is the new villain and is it any wonder so many of us have hit a breaking point where we no longer want to watch this painful mess?
Can you tell that poor communication as a plot point is a major pet peeve of mine? About the only time it really works is in literary fiction that's supposed to be a character study. In plot driven narratives it's just obnoxious. The fact that this is a show for little kids makes me even more annoyed because this is not suited to a kids show. I've said it before and I'll say it again: they're writing teen drama complexity in a Y7 show and of course that leads to a terrible final product!
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nishnormp · 1 month
Slightly new version of my interp of cmedic
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His dad is Nigerian (ignore the 1960s flag in this 1930s setting) and his mother is Cape Malay! Inherited his dad's sass, and can sniff out backtalk like a bloodhound; otherwise nice when he feels like people respect him, though. Due to his competence on the job, no one immediately questions why he made it all the way to America; and he hopes it stays that way.
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His long rant partially echos a pet peeve of mine kekw. Idc what type of artstyle you have, calling [vaguely fluffy swooping clumps of hair] 'locs' isn't doing an accurate portrayal of what locs actually are. I draw the swooping hair stuff too, but I would call them "curls" or smth rather than a cultural hairstyle with a specific appearance. "Locks" of hair are different from "locs", I hope ppl actually look at irl references for stuff they're talking ab next time, there are many ways to stylize locs without being inaccurate so theres no excuse,,,
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