#I’d never start any fights with people who ship them. I just don’t.
pearwaldorf · 7 months
I have been trying to write this on and off for a while. I figure the second anniversary of the show is as fine an occasion as any to shove it out into the world. It is not everything I want to say about it, but I think the important bits are there.
It is a human impulse to be seen. To be told, through art, you are not alone. It is universal, but of special importance to people who are not well-represented in media (i.e. everybody who isn’t cis, white, able-bodied, skinny, and conventionally attractive).   
This show speaks to me as a queer person who figured things out later than most of my peers. (Not quite as late as Ed and Stede but not terribly far off either.) It’s not super common to see queer media address this, and I didn’t realize how much I needed that reassurance until I got it. That it’s okay to find these things any time in your life. To be told “A queer is never late, they’re always fashionably on-time.” 
They’re not my first canon queer ship. But they are the first ones where I knew it was true from the get-go. Multiple people assured me this was the case. And yet, I still didn’t believe it until I saw it with my own two eyes. This experience is not unusual for fans around my age.  
After I finished up season one, I laid in bed and cried. It’s not something I thought would affect me so much, but it feels like a weight I’d carried so long I didn’t realize it wasn’t supposed to be part of me is gone.
One of the reasons people unfamiliar with the fandom seem to think it’s absolutely crazy (which some of it is, to be fair, but every fandom has that) is the way fans of the show get extremely super intense about it. It took me a few weeks to realize this is a trauma response. I’m not even sure “trauma” is the right word. It doesn’t interfere with my day to day function, but it lasted for years. Decades. So it was definitely something that fucked me up. And in the way you can only start to see something as you’re moving past it, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to get my head around this. (I don’t know if I have anything to say about it yet. Maybe I need more time to sit with it.)
I know this sounds contrary, but I’m really glad David Jenkins does not come from fandom. Sometimes it’s good to know where a line is, and others it’s better to not know there’s a line at all. And this is, sad to say, remarkable to somebody who has had to deal with this for so long. With so many writers and showrunners aware of the line, and getting right up next to it, but never crossing it.
Imagine doing a show with a queer romance and not understanding why this was received with such emotion and fervor, because it’s just two people in love right? What blissful ignorance that this needed to be explained to him! And then he listened to people’s experiences with queerbaiting, and went “Oh my god you thought I was going to do WHAT?” And then you go “Huh. That is really fucked up.” 
The problem with being told something enough, even though you know it’s wrong, is you start to believe it regardless. All the excuses and hedging. It’s so very difficult to do they tell us, when we hear from queer creators how they had fight tooth and nail to make it as gay as it already was. 
And then comes Jenks, just yeeting it out there: majority queer and (not and/or. and) POC cast, an openly non-binary person playing an openly non-binary character. The ability to not have to make one queer (and/or) POC character speak for everybody, so you can inject a tiny bit of nuance into the conversation. The way you can tell more kinds of stories, like the one where the smol angry internalized homophobe comes into his own with the support of a queer community, even though he was a giant fucking asshole to them before.
So many people were like “You can just DO that? It’s really that easy?” And wasn’t that a fucking Situation, to have that curtain pulled aside. What next? Majority POC casts with stories about POC written by POC? Absolute madness. (Please please watch The Brothers Sun on Netflix. It’s so fucking good.) 
And people will scoff and say “Of course a cishet(?) white man would be able to get this pushed through.” But do they usually? The thing I don’t think people understand about allies is they use their privilege to wedge the door open. You still have to do the work to get through, but at least you have a place to start. And it really fucking matters.
The press keeps trying to tell me The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin is the OFMD substitute we need while we float in the gravy basket. I’m sure it’s a perfectly fine show, but I don’t know who has watched OFMD and decided the itch we needed scratched was anachronistic historical comedy.
I want stories written by people that reflect their lived experiences, with actors and crew committed to bringing that to life. And I would like streamers and studios to commit to giving them a chance, and marketing them properly so people know they exist. 
You can keep people satisficed with scraps for only so long. At some point, somebody is going to give them a whole seven course dinner and people will wonder why they’ve been putting up with starving this entire time.
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lazorbeanz · 6 months
Why do you personally ship, like, or appreciate Sonamy? What got you into Sonamy? What’s your favorite moment between the two?
Why do I ship Sonamy?
Okay, ima admit it..for someone who is a diehard sonamy fan, and thinks about AND ONLY about them literally every waking second, I can not think of ONE reason why I ship them to begin with….
“So you just ship them for basically no reason WHY?!” Pretty much 😅
And I’ve seen so many other people give their really good reasons and opinions on why they ship sonamy, and I full on agree with ‘em, but as for myself, I rack up nothing…and it’s my favourite ship too I mean come onnn TwT
I’ve also had my sister ask me this same question not long ago, and all I could do was just sit there and think “Damn your life almost revolves around these 2 HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE AN ANSWER?!” I constantly beat myself up for this because I know I should 😭
And I mean, stuff like being the dynamic duo that they are, (whether in battle or not) their attitude and affection for each other evolving over time, respecting the other’s wants and needs, respecting boundaries (kinda the same thing tbh lol) , enjoying each others company, and just how the whole idea of sonamy has turned from what some people may see as “toxic” or “forced” (that might be the better word for it) from early 2000s media, to something more laid back and healthy like recent media because of all the character development over the years… etc, etc…are all fantastic reasons, and even reasons I would now apply as to why I love the ship even more…BUT they’re not the reasons I began to ship them in the first place, because these things I NEVER took into consideration when I starting doing so.
To put a long story short, I just saw pink and blue hedgies and was like, “ooooh I sense chemistry”
I feel like I could be going no where with all this. But all I’m tryna say is that I LIKE sonamy simply because of who they are…just a speedy blue boi and his hammer-wielding pink girlie. I APPRECIATE them solely because of their existence, especially in my life. They are like- one of the few things I ever look forward to these days. I SHIP them because unlike any other ship that has sonic or amy in it, sonamy just… “works” (I don’t know how to explain it but you know what I mean right??) And despite not being canon, (YET! 😏) they have got to be the closest ship to becoming canon (besides vectilla) ..unless I’m just biased :p
What got me into Sonamy?
Well, I did kinda just answer this in the previous question lol but I have to elaborate!
So yeah it started off with just seeing them 2 together and thought “I like where this is going hehe” tho tbh it never really went anywhere…because I was watching Sonic Boom at the time XD, the first piece of Sonic media I consumed since regaining an interest in the franchise. AND WE ARE NOT going back to like 2015 or 16 when I first discovered Sonic…idek what I did regarding shipping back then…I think I like shipped blaze and shadow or something OH LAWD-
Also to think that those short lived Sonamy moments in Boom didn’t even bother me in the slightest?! Present me is disgusted by such lack of interest or care! 😫
Okay okay I’m straying from the question, I’m sorry!!
There are a few things that got me hooked on Sonamy. First was definitely the tv series’. Boom, Prime and X all had adorable and wholesome moments that I could’ve almost died of cuteness from! Some of it was also hilarious too. In Sonic boom for instance, sonic and Amy would fight like a married couple lololol
Another thing (and this was the game changer) was the fanart and animatics. These became the addiction for me; one comic would lead to me reading another, which lead me to read another and so on. Or I’d find an animatic on YT and watch that and then begin scavenging trying to find more animatics to feed these cravings of sonamy I was beginning to gain all of a sudden.
And it just got worse and worse to the point I practically need a daily dose of Sonamy or I just might go feral
Sadly now my food hath runneth dry over the months…so if any of u like come across anything sonamy pls don’t hesitate to tag me or send it to me pls I need it ajhshsjs
On top of all that, came the brainrot. My growing love for this ship and all the incredible media really sent me into a serious Sonamy delulu era. Literally almost ANYTHING can send me into deep thoughts about those 2, no kidding. I literally planned out in my head an entire story of them a couple days ago. Sometimes it’s a head canon or 2, other times just something extremely wholesome I’ll imagine them do and I’ll be deceased. Those rats live in my head rent free omg-
As I said, ANYTHING can trigger this brainrot; a song, a scene, a quote, a random object…you name it, I’ll come up with a Sonamy headcanon in relation to it.
I can’t also forget other sonic media that also boosted it like game cutscenes and IDW. Lately IDW has been CARRYING it for me with the little Sonamy moments like in the 900th adventure, #67 and other tidbits I’d find in former issues. The amount of frames I’ve seen of them hugging warms my heart waaa🥺🥺
Overall, this fandom has really impacted me and my love for Sonamy. (and sonic in general) all the things I’ve learnt and discovered have made me love them all the more because of it. My life has almost become an Sonamy aesthetic now…I am NOT joking when I tell you my PJs are Sonamy coded, and that was hardly intentional…🤣
Favourite Sonamy moment?
Arrghhh why just one?? Pretty much ANY moment involving those 2 cotton candy hedgies are bound to be my favourite!
Totally not saying this cuz I can’t pick a favourite *cough cough*
Take this, it’s the only Sonamy image I really have in my photo album rn.. (I should be in jail for this)
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Its one of my favs so it counts :)
Woowee that just about covers it! Now you know all about my weird and wonderweird love for my favourite ship :D 🩷💙
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thefairywithboots · 6 months
Welcome To My Blog
Hi there! ;)
Welcome to my fanfic blog. My primary places to post are AO3, Wattpad, and Dreamwidth, but I have moved a lot of my stuff over here to Tumblr because I love the community and friends I've made over here!
All of my NSFW work fics will be labelled as such. I am not responsible for any minors who ignore the warnings and read such fics anyway.
Requests are closed
About Me
Hi there! ;) You have managed to somehow stumble upon my little corner of the internet. So welcome!
My name is Rita, and I have written fanfiction ever since I was 11 years old - by hand in spare spiral notebooks that I had - back before I even knew what fanfiction was. I’d just sit scribbling alternative endings to video games whose canonical endings had left me emotionally traumatized (Twilight Princess, Valkyrie Profile, etc.) But I didn’t start writing fanfic to post for the public to read until a full decade later.
I have always used writing as a form of escapism, to create worlds when I felt like the one I am in was too restrictive. This blog will be my safe space from the world, and I want it be just as much as an escape for others as it is for me. I want this to be a positive vibes only blog. 🌻
I am a hopeless romantic at heart, and spend a lot time trying to spread positivity, peace and love. ❤️ 🌻
My other interests include crochet (I often post pictures of clothes that I make,) painting/drawing, video games, fantasy/mythology, and most importantly music. Music is my catharsis. The reason I am alive.
I usually keep to myself in fandoms to avoid drama and fights, but am a really nice person as long as you are not an asshole, so please don’t be afraid to slide into my DMs if you want to chat.
Fic Requests
Stuff that I write:
• Fluff
• And most importantly, angst because I love torturing my characters/muses as well as myself.
•X Reader inserts
•x OC
•FxM (fluff and smut)
• FxF (fluff and smut)
• MxM (fluff)
Stuff that I will not write:
•Obviously icky stuff (pedo/necro/rapey shit)
• Jimbert - nothing against people who write or enjoy these kinds of fics - there's actually a few fics of this ship I enjoy myself - and people can write whatever fictional scenario they want. It's just that a very small handful of people on here take things way too far insisting that this is not fantasy, and these two had very real feelings for each other. So... yeah. That shit ain't for me. So I won't be writing this ship. I'll read others' fics though, and any other MxM ship is open for requesting. :)
So... yeah. Other than that, I'm willing to write anything. So feel free to send in requests.
My Fanfic Library
Iron Maiden
Dave Murray x Janick Gers
Fates Warning (Book 1 of Into Darkness) a Dave x Janick fic that follows their relationship throughout the 1990s.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Led Zeppelin
Robert Plant x Reader
Your Most Sacred Place (Smut)
Submissive Robert (Smut)
Aftercare (Smut)
Fire At Midnight
A Little Deal (Smut)
Way Down Inside (Smut)
Who’s In Charge (Smut)
Daddy, I Just Can’t Wait (Smut)
Far Too Long (Smut)
If You Wake Up With The Sunrise
Just Pretend
Robert and Evanna (OC ship)
Depollute Me, Gentle Angel
Steal Away Now (Smut)
I'm Gonna Put You Down For A While (Smut)
I'm Gonna Crawl (Smut)
Song Fics
Tea For One
Crack Fics
What Is And What Should Never Be
Legend of Zelda
Link x Malon
Welcome Home (Smut)
Recommended Blogs
@bijouxcarys writes incredible Robert Plant fics, is such a prolific writer, and is also the sweetest person ever. So check her out. ⚔️🌈
@firethatgrewsolow @brownskinsugarplum76 and @nature-and-music have also written some of my favourite Robert fics, and just overall extremely talented writers who inspire me to get better at my own. So please check them out. 🌻
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memphis0806 · 1 month
This Town by Niall Horan reminds me of Stucky.
for those who have no idea what I’m talking about. Please stay regardless.
Here’s This Town by Niall Horan, I highly recommend you have a listen at some point: https://youtu.be/ic1l36GrNOU?si=Byjdt9eiFAA92pl1
And for those of you who don’t know what stucky is, stucky is a gay ship between Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier) also know as Stevebucky or Steve x Bucky. Whatever you choose. Shipping them in any universe is fine just as long as you are aware of the fact that Bucky is a teen while Steve is an adult in many of the comic universes and thus don’t ship them in those. Other than that, happy shipping!
For starters, the main bit of the song is “If the whole world was watching I’d still dance with you, drive highways and byways to be there with you.” The meaning Niall intended was essentially, I don’t care what other people think of it I love you and wanna be with you, which works pretty well for Steve and Bucky since they were literally born pre WWII. That lyric works so well for their time because of the way lgbtq people were treated at the time. Even the “…drive highways and byways to be there with you” fits perfectly because of the whole “I’ll be with you till the end of the line” thing and the quote from TFA where Bucky goes “The little guy from Brooklyn who couldn’t stay out of a fight. I’m following him.” Although I mostly ignore canon for the sake of this ship, we can still keep the fact Steve and Bucky continuously found each other. They literally went through so much trouble just to be together. (Even if you don’t ship them, that’s pretty much the plot of the cap movies. Steve is motivated to save Bucky. Just for the sake of this post, please ignore Endgame. Great movie, I ignore it as far as canon goes.) Besides all the wars and things Steve starts for the sake of Bucky, Bucky does a lot to protect Steve too, and even though I usually ignore it he even went into cryo again because he didn’t want to be a danger. Now, for a more literal standpoint, I head canon based on some other stuff I need that Bucky really likes to dance (even though he won’t usually show it around anyone but Steve or for the sake of pre-serum, dames he was trying to impress). He taught Steve to do it, and after he’s improving mentally and starts getting more comfortable/confident, (and especially after they start dating) he consistently asks Steve to dance with him. After Bucky gets even more confident as he’s doing better then they especially don’t care, and my little headcanon can be implemented in the literal canon thing I described above. That’s the thing I love about This Town, is that it fits both canonically for the most part and for lots of headcanons and fanfiction stuff.
You wanna know the best part about this song? There’s more. For the sake of your time and mine, I’m going to summarize it the best I can, but no promises.
The beginning of the song goes “Waking up to kiss you and nobody’s there. The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air.” Which works well if you like to count Endgame (and ignore the fact that it says kiss) since Steve left Bucky. It even works before Steve found about Bucky being alive since he is so motivated by the other. In continuation, “yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running round” was quite literally what Steve did consistently after he woke up in the 21st century. He swore that he saw Bucky everywhere. (It didn’t help that The Winter Soldier was mostly a ghost story.) You can also use it for pre-serum Steve since Bucky was constantly looking down alleyways to keep Steve out of trouble.
okay this post is gonna be really long because I just thought of more lol.
“And I want to tell you everything, the words I never got to say the first time around.” This one mostly only works if you ship Stucky, but that’s mostly the point of this post. How I imagine their love story is that they both were in love before the war (refer to tons upon tons of Pinterest and tumblr posts) and they tried to write letters to each other to confess and they either never got sent, got lost, or who knows what. (There are actually fan made letters somewhere on the internet that you can find for this). After they both find each other and whatever, this is when they get the second chance to telling each other everything “the words I never got to say the first time around”
and then of course there’s “and I remember everything” which is ironic because of Bucky’s brainwashing problem, but Steve still remembers everything so there’s that. And it gets better: “from when we were the children playing in this fairground”. Well, obviously as Bucky gets his memory back he remembers more, I mean like I’ve said I don’t tend to count the movies as canon however, he quite literally told Steve that he remembers “your moms name is Sarah, and you used to put newspaper in your shoes.”
of course there’s a couple bits of the song that don’t match well, but depending on what you believe you can interpret how you want, because that’s what 99.9% of music is.
While “I saw that you moved on with someone new” doesn’t quite fit, there’s “in the club that we met he’s got his arms around you”. Although they met in school, there’s still those times Steve was with Peggy and you can imagine how hard that must’ve been for Bucky.
also “and I know that it’s wrong, that I can’t move on, but there’s something about you” doesn’t entirely fit if you read it the way Niall probably intended it, however. Between Steve waking up in the 21st century and finding out that Bucky was in fact alive, you can imagine that he felt bad for not being able to move on from his best friend that he loved so much.
Finally, there’s the last lines (which are repeated throughout the song but I mean hey). “You still make me nervous when you walk in the room, butterflies they come alive when I’m next to you” Bucky is found to be alive, Steve feels all sorts of emotions at the sight of his best friend. If I wasn’t lazy I’d post the reaction shot of Steve from catws. If you ignore endgame, it’s also pretty evident that the two would be happy to have each other back, and as a plus, works pretty dang well as far as fanfiction goes.
then of course the last last lines are “over and over the only truth. Everything comes back to you” which FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD, IGNORE ENDGAME UNLESS CONVENIENT, GREAT STORYLINE, NOT CANON FOR THE SAKE OF THIS POST. Other than endgame and probably pretty much the motive for the entirety of their relation/friendship. Is there whole thing. They keep coming back to each other. They always find each other no matter what. They fight literally and metaphorically with each other in sync, and they are always saying they’ll be with each other til the end of the line.
To those of you that chose to read this post, thanks. I was not planning on analyzing the whole song but kinda glad I did cuz this was fun. And hey, maybe I awakened something as far as stucky goes for someone.
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sirianasims · 8 months
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The next couple of weeks were strange, to say the least. Slowly, we settled into a routine. Samuel would arrive after work like before. He had picked up a few personal things and was looking for an apartment. For now, he stayed in a hotel somewhere.
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He wouldn’t speak to me unless it involved the girls or the proceedings of the divorce. It was understandable, but still slightly surreal to see him smiling and playing with them like before, while he ignored me completely or gave me short, disinterested answers if I tried to talk to him.
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If he managed to arrive early enough, he’d take over the task of getting them ready for bed, but if he had a late shift and the girls were already asleep when he arrived, he’d spend a few minutes in their room, tucking them in and just sitting there for a while before leaving.
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I was hurting, but not the way I had expected. I only cried a little when I took down all our wedding pictures. They felt like lies now.
The guilt was crippling, but I thought I’d be sadder about my marriage being over. Instead, it was almost a relief.
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I found that I could accept losing Samuel. Maybe he was right when he said that I never really loved him. Either way, I no longer worried about him leaving me, about screwing everything up. That ship had sailed.
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But there was still Hailey and Ivy. Samuel had made it pretty clear that I had to get my shit together or there would be consequences – and the thought of losing my girls made the anxiety flood back in, strangled me. I had to do something.
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He was sitting in their bedroom as usual, watching them sleep. I opened the door quietly.
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He didn’t look up.
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“What do you want?”
“Sorry, just… I wanted to ask if you mind if I start telling people… what happened. Like, my parents and such.”
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“Why would I care?”
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“I don’t know… maybe you’d be embarrassed or something.”
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He just shrugged.
“Tell people whatever you want. You’re the one who should be embarrassed.”
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As if I wasn’t. As if I didn’t think about it every day, about how stupid I had been. I still couldn’t sleep in the bedroom. I tried to summon up some anger at his remark, but all I felt was shame. And worry.
But this time I was worrying about Samuel.
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He was as tired as always, but it felt like the fight had gone out of him. I had always assumed that he was frustrated with me because I wasn’t good enough, because I annoyed him with my constant insecurity and neediness, but I was starting to wonder if he’d just been worried about me.
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I wanted to ask him if he was OK, but that would be ridiculous. Of course he wasn’t OK. And it was my fault.
I no longer had any right to ask him how he felt about anything.
beginning / previous / next
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ryuichirou · 21 days
Some are related to our posts, some are just twst-related; mostly short ones today.
Starting with a couple very sweet ones..!
Anonymous asked:
Have you guys seen @ao3feed-twistedwonderland's pinned post for July 2024? There is something there that might be interesting to see. Dw, it's good!
Ahhh this is so cool! 😭❤️❤️❤️ Thank you very much for letting us know! And thanks to whoever is running the page/submitting works 🥹
Katsu was very hesitant about sharing this work, so I am very happy that it was received so well.
Anonymous asked:
I love your Touhou crossover!! I immediately liked and retweeted it the second I saw it on my timeline. It's so cute! Please know all your hard work feeding the fandom—your art, Katsu's writing, taking the time to respond to everyone—is very much seen and appreciated!
Anon, this is very kind of you, thank you so much 😔💖💖💖!!
About the Touhou drawing, even though it really underperformed, it did the thing that I really love about obscure crossovers: there were some people who connected the dots and went “ah!”. It ended up being a drawing for a very specific audience lol But I am extremely happy that those who liked it did like it, including you! It means a lot that we still get support on stuff that doesn’t necessarily click with a lot of people.
Katsu said it the other day, but I’ll say it too: we really don’t want to seem ungrateful because all the support we receive is honestly insane and we’re really happy that we could be this self-indulgent about stuff that we post. It motivates both of us a lot, and I feel like no matter how much I thank you all, it’ll never feel like I’ve said it enough time to express just how much we appreciate it properly.
So yeah. Cheesiness aside, as long as it’s fun, let’s keep doing it.
Anonymous asked:
You should definitely draw greenhill getting caught watching porn by gregory (not forcing tho)! Btw I'm in love with your art
I really should, Anon. I want to draw them more, and to be honest I’d love to sketch something for every hc about them that I wrote lol Maybe one day…
Thank you so much for your kind words!! <3
Anonymous asked:
out of all the bottoms who do you think the twins would team up to noncon together
Any of them. They don’t discriminate 😇
Realistically though, those who are the most likely to get Tweel’d are Riddle (if Floyd is in a mood to share, of course), Idia (ultimate victim…better catch him first though), Jamil (another ultimate victim of fishies specifically) and probably Deuce… can’t really explain the last one, he just seem to be a magnet for trouble.
Anonymous asked:
so, moray eels tend to have multiple partners, have you considered a Jade x char x Floyd poly ship? And I’m not talking about a v one either. The idea of Jade and Floyd fighting for dominance is sorta amusing.
I’m pretty sure I talked about this before, but I can’t find the post right now, so I’ll answer again!
Jade and Floyd are interesting because even though they act together a lot of times, they don’t really like being “a set” to each other, so I guess whether they would do something like this or not really depends on a lot of stuff. I do love to sandwich one character between them, and I tend to do it with Idia because of course I do lol But it still doesn’t feel like a poly ship to me, more like two creeps harassing poor guy because he amuses them…
I agree that it would be an interesting dynamic to see Jade and Floyd fighting for a piece of meat someone else’s attention because it would showcase their pettier side, like two kids hissing at each other. But in practice, I don’t really know who would fit to be that one person these two would fight for like that 🤔 They are too good at minding their business when it comes to each other’s love affairs.
I’m waiting for an epiphany on this one.
Anonymous asked:
When you say the freshmen used Idia to satisfy their urges, do you mean they assaulted him on the regular orrr…?
(this is related to this post)
Pretty much! It wouldn’t always end up with them having sex with Idia, but they would still do a lot of sexual stuff: rubbing against him, touching him, humping him, etc.
They used Idia’s hair for that a bunch of times too. 😔
Anonymous asked:
I feel embarrassed when I keep sending so many asks about Silver lol 😭 but your recent post about mob/subs for twst has reminded me again of something I used to think about on the DAILY!!
I loooove the idea of Silver being attacked by fae mobs from the valley sososo much, whether it's just some shopkeeper taking out their long lasting hatred for humans on him, or nobles from the castle overruling Lilia's power to demand that Silver attend them for the night... Ughhhh I think about it so much. He wants to unite humans and fae for peace so badly, but it's FUN to imagine him being a frequent victim of all that fantasy racism UGH UGH
He's not even uncomfortable with the things they want him to do or the ways they try to humiliate him, even though they want him to be.. He's just sad and confused by why they hate him and trying his best to be good so they change their mind 😭
This is a hot idea, Anon! Silver is very good at being a good boy trying to please others, even if they’re clearly just trying to belittle and abuse him. Of course he would tolerate anything, of course he would patiently do anything they ask him to do because changing their minds and appeasing them would be this important to him.
They would probably be shocked by just how much this boy is willing to do.
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icey--stars · 2 years
Stories To Be Told: PART 5
Series Index
A shadowsinger, a warrior, an Illyrian, that's what she was. Trained by one of the most formidable female warriors. Escaped the Illyrian camps and her clipping when she was barely sixteen and is now the holder of 6 siphons. What happens when she tries to sneak into the City of Starlight? And starts down a whole new road of chaos?
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
The training I went through was nice. It was nice to train with others again, I decided after a while. Especially with people who were supportive. Sometimes, I took the training off to practice what I’d learned from Rainne. But I was still in the corner, trying not to notice when others stared as I completed a difficult, or difficult looking move.
What was weird however, was Azriel. He seemed to both avoid me like the Illyrian flu and at the same time, wanted to be beside me. He did the uncomfortable talking after training more and more often. It was weird, but I tried my best to think it was just his personality, but this was a sort of thing I’d never experienced.
“Would you like some company today when you fly?” Azriel asked after training one day.
I regarded him for a moment before responding, “If you’d like to join me, I don’t mind.”
Azriel dipped his head and waited patiently as I strapped my sword tightly against my waist before turning to him for only a split second before diving off of the training area’s cliff face. As I evened out into a glide, I saw Azriel come to fly beside me.
I tried to stay out of his way. I’d never actually flown with someone else. Just imagined it, with what I knew from the camps. Once I began gliding high above the city, it was a bit easier to determine how to fly with Azriel. If I’d shown him any indication that I was a rookie at this, he didn’t say anything.
In fact, he said almost nothing to me. Only a couple words were shared when I turned and decided to warn him, but otherwise it was a weirdly silent flight. I felt his eyes trailing over me sometimes, as I did with him when he didn’t appear to be looking. It was weird. I didn’t know if I should say anything.
When I finished the flight, I landed on the balcony near my bedroom at the House. I stretched out my wings far before tucking them against my back.
“Thank you for letting me join you,” Azriel said before he walked off, turning down some hallway once he was inside, towards his marked room.
Why the hell did he thank me? There wasn’t any reason to thank me for coming along. Sure it was awkward, but it didn’t matter that much. He probably just wanted to exercise his wings.
I walked down three doors to my bedroom on the right. Inside was a bed big enough for me and my wings, a bedside table with a lamp, a window and a door that led to a bathroom. It’d been a long time since I lived so comfortably. I double checked the dagger under my bed and then changed out of my leathers, just an undershirt and shorts remaining. I’d definitely have to speak to the docks about getting a job if I was to live here. At least physical labor is an easy one, I amended. I ate breakfast with everyone as well. It was weird having three meals a day again, but it was also nice. My body was even healthier than ever before.
After a morning filled with sword sparring, I glided down towards the docks where trader ships came in requiring help unloading.
I found the dock master a lot faster than anticipated.
“Hello sir,” I greeted. “Are you the dock master?”
The male raised a brow at me but nodded. “I am, how can I help you?”
“I’m wondering if you’re looking for any more physical labor workers,” I stated. “I’d like to apply if that’s the case.”
The dock master had confusion written all over his face. A female Illyrian asking to do physical labor at the docks? I suppose that might be a bit weird. “I do have open positions for unloading and loading- are you physically fit?”
I nodded. “I can lift some pretty heavy things sir. I train to fight.”
“Ah, so you’re that new one that’s been flying around! I was wondering why there was another set of wings in our skies. Nice to meet you. How soon can you start? And what hours?”
“I can start today or tomorrow. I’m busy from early morning to noon, but I can work late. How’s the pay?”
“It’s decent if you do a good job. Don’t drop or damage anything for a month and you’ll find yourself with a bonus, how’s that?” My new boss asked.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Great. How about you work from noon until the sun sets then? That’s when it’s the most busy. Starting now. I will have you fill out just a bit of paperwork back at my office though first. For payments and all that.”
“Sounds good to me.”
I filled out the paperwork, electing for cash payments to my hand, seeing as I didn’t have a bank account in Velaris yet. I’d amend that soon.
I started my work around 2 o’clock in the afternoon and worked until the sun set, carrying bags and boxes galore. It was easy, repetitive work though. It kept my mind off things. And earned me enough funds.
The next day, Azriel approached me again. “Going flying?” He asked.
I looked over at him. “I’ve got a job at the docks, so no, sorry.”
He seemed pleasantly surprised about that news. “Ah, have fun then. The docks are hard work.”
“Nah,” I chuckled. “See you tomorrow.”
I dived off the mountain, making it to work. There were 5 ships to unload. I got a couple weird glances at my wings, but I was polite and hard working, so anyone who was hesitant, quickly accepted me. The other dock workers were relaxed around me, seeing as I did my work and was overall pleasant to them.
After the first week, I got my paycheck and went shopping for some basics like clothes. The rest I stored away with my other funds.
The weeks started to blur, like they always did. Everything was the same. Breakfast, training, lunch, work and some private practice of Mind-Stilling, and then dinner in that secret little corner. I both hated and loved that the weeks were blurring. I hated it because it was the same thing every day, and loved it because it was all predictable.
On my off day of the week at the docks, I went flying. I sometimes saw Nyx with someone else, and it was nice to see the little one having hope and a future in front of him. A High Lord’s son. He could do whatever he wanted. For some reason, that made me slightly jealous.
I turned back towards the House, landing on the balcony and heading for the secret corner I ate dinner in, still unwilling to brave any more socializing for the day.
I sat down, staring out the window before a voice interrupted my thoughts, jolting me.
“Having dinner?” Azriel asked. I flinched and turned to face him. “Mind if I join you?”
I hesitated, but then nodded.
The House provided two plates full of food.
I ate, glancing over at Azriel curiously. I didn’t know if he’d known of my eating place, or anything, but he was here now and was being the weird silent person he was on that flight.
“Do you like it here? It’s been a little more than a month now,” Azriel asked, looking over at me.
I tensed, but willed my face to be a mask of boredom. “It’s been fine,” I replied. It hadn’t been completely with my life feeling like it was useless, but I wasn’t going to tell anyone that.
“That’s good, I suppose,” he said. “You’ve been impressing everyone during training recently. I don’t think I’ve seen someone with better footwork.”
“Rainne made sure I was quicker than everyone else,” I replied.
“Is that the Raven’s name?” He asked.
I nodded. “She was an old Spring Court fae who joined the war and then traveled. I met her in the Winter Court.”
“Ah, how’d you come to know each other?”
“I was trying to teach myself how to use a sword in a clearing, and next thing I knew there was a raven on my shoulder, who then shifted back into a High Fae just to scold me on my balance and how I held the sword,” I replied, setting my fork down and the plate whooshed away.
Azriel chuckled slightly. “She was quite the mysterious type from what I knew.”
“Indeed,” I agreed. “Did you fight in the old war?”
Azriel nodded. “I did, but I was mostly doing spy work. Cassian was the one on the battlefield and Rhys was leading a legion.”
“Ah. Did you meet each other on the battlefield or something?” I asked.
“We met at the war camp,” he replied. “Hated each other at first though.”
“Interesting,” I replied.
“Have you managed to tour Velaris yet?” Azriel asked after a beat of silence.
“I walked around some places,” I replied.
“Have you seen it after dark?”
“No…” I replied.
“Want to come on a night flight with me?” He asked.
I raised a brow. “Why?” I countered.
“Because I figured it’d be polite to offer,” Azriel replied. “And I have to patrol Velaris, so I figured I’d offer you some company. You sit alone here for a good hour before you go to bed, so join me for the first hour.”
So apparently I wasn’t as stealthy as I’d like to be, and Azriel knew my living pattern here, but now I seriously didn’t have a reason to decline. “Fine,” I sighed.
Azriel smiled. “Let’s go,” He suggested, standing up and walking out to the balcony. I grimaced slightly and then stood up following him out into the cold, dark night sky. We flew laps around the city. I could see him using his shadows to stretch out and sense what was going on below us. Something I used to do, but didn’t bother to do nowadays. It wasn’t that useful.
I wondered if I should help. His wingtip then touched mine and I flinched away. 
“Sorry,” he quickly apologized, looking over at me.
“Don’t worry about it,” I said, shrugging off the adrenaline and taking a deep breath.
“Nesta seems to like you, which is surprising,” Azriel continued the conversation. “She’s usually quite cautious.”
“I don’t do anything to piss her off, and I still hold my own,” I explained. “And I believe Emerie likes me, which might make Nesta not mind me too much.”
“Emerie probably does,” Azriel agreed. “Do you like them?”
“They’re relaxed. Nobody bugs me too much,” I replied.
“Do you read any?” He asked suddenly. “Like, books?”
I nodded. “I used to read a lot back in the Winter Court. Rainne had numerous books. She taught me to read and write through them. And once I could read, I couldn’t control myself and read every book on the shelves.”
Azriel hummed. “There are books in the library below the House. Perhaps you can find some familiar titles. The priestesses there are kind. Some you train with. Gwyn alone would most likely assist you.”
“Maybe I’ll grab a book then,” I said thoughtfully.
After a few wingbeats, Azriel spoke up again. “Look, we’re nearing the Rainbow. The artistic section of Velaris.”
I looked down towards where Azriel was pointing, seeing the lights and beauty of the city. I smiled faintly. “It’s a very beautiful city,” I said.
Azriel nodded in agreement. “I’ll be missing training tomorrow. The Illyrian camps are giving us quite the issue and Rhys says I have to go deal with it with him. Cassian gets the lucky ticket out because it's not too important to cancel training.”
“Ah,” I hummed. “Good luck then.”
Azriel nodded. I flew with him for about 15 more minutes before bidding him a goodbye and flying back up to the house. It was quite cold, considering it was still winter, but I’d gotten used to it. But that didn’t stop me from bundling under all the blankets for warmth.
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
TAGLIST: just comment to be added! in the future, i'll work on a taglist for all my works, but for now, its just this story @mis-lil-red, @bunnymallowo, @judig92
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longing-for-rain · 6 months
What incident are you talking about that makes zk mad and have personal beef with you?
Actually now that I’ve done some investigating it’s unclear exactly who is mad at me because there are two cliques mad at me for opposite reasons.
Basically, I hold what I used to think was a very simple and uncontroversial opinion, which is that fiction is a great way to explore dark themes and topics, but at the same time, can spread harmful and insulting messages if these topics aren’t treated respectfully. Too much nuance for tumblr, apparently. Some people called me a terf for saying rape is bad and some people called me a pedo for so much as mentioning sexual themes in my writing. So we’ve got polar opposites here.
As for “incidents” I’ll give a brief overview under a cut because (warning) it involves sexual abuse and suicidal ideation.
To summarize:
I became active in the Zutara fandom during mid-late 2020 as a result of being online due to the pandemic. Just before the pandemic, I suffered a sexual assault and Zutara (ship and community) became a source of escapism and comfort for me
Shortly after becoming active on tumblr, I joined a fandom event and was paired up with a beta reader. This person proceeded to groom and sexually abuse me over the course of about a year. To put it in perspective, this occurred during the height of the pandemic and we were often on discord calls for hours every day. It was a very involved and predatory “friendship”. And I want to make this extremely clear—do not try to find this person. I’ll only answer questions about this in DMs if you legitimately have personal safety concerns. I don’t think they’re even active anymore and I’ve made peace with the fact I’ll never get proper closure or justice and any attempt will only result in more victim blaming and abuse. So please don’t bother. I’ve been over it
I didn’t realize what was happening to me was sexual abuse at the time, only that it hurt and that something was wrong. Due to the sort of culture I’d been sucked into, I wasn’t allowed to properly express my discomfort and had difficulty articulating what was wrong (being autistic doesn’t help there either). So every time I tried voicing discomfort, I was shamed into silence until it reached a breaking point
As I gradually started waking up to the fact I was being abused, I also, as a result, started unpacking some of the harmful ideas that were directly enabling my abuse and questioning them. This made my abuser angry; they felt their control slipping I imagine. I started exploring these ideas through my writing and asking questions about things. That made people angry
My abuser knew what they were doing. They were a self proclaimed “fandom old” and knew how these communities operate much better than I did at the time. So they got a notoriously loud and stupid Zutara stan angry with me, who proceeded to (predictably) write a bunch of unhinged tumblr rants and dogpile on me over discord. As a result, everyone in her clique also decided I was evil and scapegoated some other bullshit (at this point I don’t even remember everything I’ve been accused of) onto me. She also used sexually degrading language (I don’t think she knew this but it was word-for-word things that had been said to me by men who abused me in real life) and this resulted in me being triggered, suicidal, and it was a whole mess. Lots of people were fighting and there was even a rumor (I have no way of confirming this) that anti-Zutara people got in the mix because they enjoyed watching the infighting
I actually did attempt suicide once, and seriously considered it on a few other occasions. These people only used this as further evidence that I was crazy and couldn’t be trusted or believed
Then, as I stated increasingly using writing to vent about what I experienced, people got mad at me for that too. Even called me a pedo. I think that’s the worst part—that the message from all this is that women’s sexual assault and torture is meant for titillation and entertainment, but serious and meaningful exploration of it is forbidden
Currently, people still share out of context pieces of this story and act like I’m some horrible prude and/or pervert. People who don’t even know me spread rumors without asking me a single thing. They’re spineless and believe whatever their respective clique does. So that’s where I’m at
At this point I more or less keep to myself and focus on writing. I do really love writing and Zutara, and despite everything, it still did/does bring me comfort while dealing with the worst few years of my life. I also have received so much positive feedback about my writing—people telling me it helped them, it resonated, it made them see things in a new light. That’s meaningful to me so I continue doing it.
And I try not to take what happened too personally either. Over time I realized I’m not the first person they treated like this and I won’t be the last. That’s just how cliques work, and how people who are different are treated. Tale as old as time: once they’ve decided you’re a witch, they’ll burn you no matter what you say.
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lunehong · 1 year
Black Pirates | Nine
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Modern era robin hood ATEEZ X Undercover spy fem OC
ship : ??? X OC
Genre : slowburn, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers
Synopsis : "The world may be unfair but it does not stop us from changing our own fate." Kang Sohyun tries to investigate a group of bandits who are causing havoc in all of Korea. As she gets into close contact with them, her view of them slowly starts to change. "Why do people even hate you?" "If we worried about what people thought of us, we would've all been in a slump of despair by now." 
Warnings : depiction of anxiety , past trauma, a minor panic attack and a vague mention of a drug
A/n : If anyone wants to be added to the taglist let me know !
Masterlist , Prologue , Chapter one , Chapter two , Chapter three , Chapter four , Chapter five , Chapter six , Chapter seven , Chapter eight
“Did you really follow Rocky to his college?”
“Yes, Fixon and guess what? I found what I was looking for.”
“What do you mean?”
“Keep the CCTV footage ready. I know exactly who that is now.”
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San entered the headquarters and headed straight towards Mingi’s workspace. Wooyoung was about to say something to him but he zoomed past him so fast that he couldn’t get any words out in time. 
He burst into the room, startling Mingi.
“Holy shit, San! Couldn’t you have knocked like a decent human being?”
“We don’t have time for that, Mingi! Did you pull the CCTV footage or not?”
“I did, I did! So demanding, my God!” Mingi grumbled while he opened the footage. 
The video that was playing on the screen was the recorded footage that showed a view of the museum from a telephone pole a street away. What the two men were focusing on however, was that one window on the first floor. The same window Jongho opened to help Sohyun escape that night. Because the video was recorded from so far away, the figure jumping off from the window wasn’t clear to them. 
“That’s Jongho’s girlfriend, Soyeon or whatever her name is.” San spoke up.
“She’s his best friend, San, and her name is Sohyun. You never really pay attention do you?” Mingi sighed. “And how the hell will that be Sohyun? She’s an ordinary college student. We ran a background check on her, remember?”
“She isn’t just an ordinary college student. It’s more serious than you think, Mingi-yah. She was the spy we spotted that day and the same spy that we’re seeing Jongho help.” San pointed at the screen.
“And not just that. She’s part of the NDA. Jongho and her were talking about this today and unsurprisingly, he said nothing and put her before us, again.” he said, begrudgingly. 
“NDA? Damn.” Mingi cussed out. 
“Well, even if she is a spy, there’s probably more to this than we know. Jongho wouldn’t intentionally put us in danger, don’t you think?” He tried to reason with him.
“You’re way too soft, Mingi. Jongho helped an NDA member escape when she saw him and very well knew he was a part of Black Pirates. Even today they were making amends when both of them knew they were enemies. I’d say that’s foolish of Jongho for letting such a thing happen, and then hiding it from the rest of us when we clearly needed to know about such crucial information.” San’s voice got louder.
 “Also, how much do we actually know about this girl? Deeming her trustworthy just because she’s Jongho’s best friend is utter stupidity, Mingi! How do you know she’s not going to use the information against us? Or do something else with the fact that Jongho’s a part of us?” 
Mingi listened quietly, not uttering a word. 
“You don’t Mingi-yah, you don’t know that. In order to make things right and keep fighting for our cause, we need to do what’s right and tell Hongjoong-hyung what’s going on.”
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The office was dim, the light in the centre not doing much to brighten up the room. Hongjoong was lounging in his chair, legs propped up on the table. 
The artifacts were all delivered to their rightful owners safely, which relieved him a bit. 
His phone dinged, which he picked up to see an email sent to one of his many fake email accounts. He skimmed through the contents of the email, scoffing and throwing the phone back on his table. It said that he was fired from the curator position of Seoul Artistic Museum for letting five of the most valuable artifacts of the branch go missing. With that, the mission was successfully carried out, without any loose ends. 
Or so he thought.
Hongjoong heard someone knock on the door, allowing them to come in. 
San came in along with Mingi, with the laptop in hand.
“Hyung, we need to tell you something important.” San started. 
“Alright, should I call the others too?” Hongjoong said while he brought his legs down to sit properly. 
“Uh, I don’t think that’s necessary. Because, some of the members might object even before I finish saying what I want to say.”
“Okay then, what is it?” Hongjoong inquired. 
San proceeded to tell him what he heard and saw, while Mingi showed him the CCTV footage. 
Hongjoong’s mind drifted to the girl he had seen a few times in passing. She did look pretty harmless, cute even, based on her demeanour and the background check they ran on her, but he did notice her sharp calculating eyes, that seemed like it could see right through someone. He always brushed it off as her being naturally observant due to having CS as her major, but what San just told him about Sohyun being a part of NDA, it suddenly made a lot of sense.
“Hm, interesting.” Hongjoong closed the laptop and looked at San. “But San, don’t we already know where Jongho’s loyalty lies? He had been very clear to us about the fact that Sohyun will always be of equal priority to him, since the very beginning. I agreed to that as well, so I don’t see why I have to break my promise to him.” 
“But hyung, that was before she turned out to be a spy! How are you not seeing the threat looming above our heads!” San raised his voice, exasperated. 
“Has she done anything potentially harmful to us? Did you find anything, Mingi?” Hongjoong directed his question to the man beside San. 
“No, hyung. There wasn’t any disruption.” He replied. 
“See? You did say you saw them making amends, so I assume it’s mutual. If she’s anything like what Jongho describes her to be, she won’t throw him under the bus.”
“But hyung–” Hongjoong put his hand up to stop San from speaking further. 
“Let me finish, San. I am not saying I trust her. I will take action if she poses a threat to us in the future. Seeing how she figured out when we conducted the raid, she will probably not sit still. Also, Jongho’s not dumb, he’ll know when to fight back. If he doesn’t, then I’ll see to that as well.” Hongjoong sighed. “Just because you have a hard time trusting people does not mean they can’t be trusted, San. I don’t trust her, but I trust Jongho. So I’ll let this go for his sake.” He said in a softer voice. 
San nodded at that and took his leave, Mingi following him. 
“Hey, if it eases your nerves, I’ll try to find more info on her and see if she’s worth worrying over or not ok?” Mingi patted San on his shoulder before retreating to his room. 
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“What do you think about Jongho’s best friend?” San asked. 
Wooyoung looked up from the vegetables that he was dicing to raise an eyebrow at him.
“All of a sudden?” 
“Just say it.” San folded his arms.
Wooyoung resumed his cooking and said, “Well, she’s nice, friendly and attentive but I doubt that’s what you wanted to hear from me.” he smirked. 
“You know me.” San said with a smirk of his own. 
“As much as I’ve seen her and interacted with her, she seems like she holds back sometimes and is conscious about her words. Her stance is strikingly similar to Jongho at certain times, because I know how much he struggles to hide stuff from her. So it’s almost as if she’s hiding something as well, but Mingi did run the background check and it did show that she’s harmless so…”  Wooyoung shrugged. 
San remained quiet, even after knowing that she’s not entirely harmless.
“But I never sensed any bad intentions from her, if that’s what you wanted to know. She always seemed genuine about Jongho and she really values their friendship.” he added.
“Do you trust her?” San asked after a pause.
“If Jongho trusts her, I trust her too.” Wooyoung smiled at San.
 “She might have stuff that she hides or it might just be me psychoanalysing it, but can we really blame her? Jongho hides stuff from her too, does he not? Albeit for his own sake and Captain’s orders but he does!” He exclaimed while putting the stew on the stove to cook.
 “Plus, y’all trust me right? My job is literally conning people! I specialise in making people think I’m a different person as required for missions. I’d be the last person on anybody’s trusted list.” Wooyoung laughed. 
“Maybe, but you’re also the best person to fish out liars as well, because it’s your job to lie to others.” San replied, laughing along with him. 
“Exactly. That is why, you don’t have to worry about Sohyun. She’s not a bad person, that much I can say. Seonghwa hyung and I don’t just pretend to like her, we really do.” Wooyoung said, redirecting his attention to the pot on the stove.  He was reminded of all the interactions he had with the said girl, as 'Yeon', the cook of Treasure Cuisine, while Seonghwa posed as 'Song', the owner.
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The sound of water filling up the tub was quite loud, ricocheting off the walls of the bathroom. 
San ran the tap of the basin and splashed water on his face, before looking up to see his reflection in the mirror. 
His mind started fleeting to a memory, years ago.  A memory that he wanted to forget, but it haunted him every now and then, reminding him of the pain and the betrayal. 
The scene replayed in his head like a looped video, making him relive the memory all over again, along with the emotions he felt, that seemed so fresh in his mind that he couldn’t believe it happened so long ago. 
“How naive of you to think I’d support you just because you’re family!” 
He grabbed the basin so hard, his knuckles turned white. 
“You’re the reason I’m like this, San! You always took away what’s mine, without even asking for it and here I was, begging and begging to be treated like how you were treated but I was made to suffer!”  He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, in hopes that the scene would stop tormenting him.
“Resent me all you want, baby brother” she mocked. “But, know that I’ll always resent you more.” 
“Please, go away!” He muttered on and on while shaking his head.
He gasped and heaved a breath when it ended, noticing the tub filled to the brim. He closed the tap before it could overflow and looked at himself on the surface of the water. 
He looked fragile, tears cascading down his face and into the tub.
Over the years, San trained hard to get better and stronger, so that he could exact revenge from the people that wronged him. He hated the naive, fragile boy he was before, that let people take advantage of his kindness to hurt him in return. 
The others knew that San’s hostility towards people was a coping mechanism that he developed due to his past experiences, and that he was a great guy once his trust was earned. 
But the rude and condescending attitude he showed to anyone that wasn’t a member of Black Pirates was sometimes annoying for the others to deal with. 
San knew that, but every time he wanted to give someone a chance, his past came back to haunt him and remind him why he was unable to trust others. 
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Mingi couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He sat there, trying to comprehend the situation. “I have to let Hongjoong hyung know about this.” he muttered to himself, while transferring the file to his laptop. 
He knocked on the door impatiently, Hongjoong allowing him to go in. 
Upon entering, Mingi spotted Seonghwa standing beside the Captain’s chair. 
“Uh, Hongjoong hyung, can I discuss something with you? Alone?” Mingi said while fidgeting. 
Hongjoong raised an eyebrow towards him, but told Seonghwa to go out for a minute. 
Seonghwa sensed urgency in Mingi’s voice, so he held his arm and gave it a light squeeze. Mingi looked at him with a small smile, acknowledging his effort to calm him down. 
Once he was out of the room, Mingi opened his laptop and placed it in front of Hongjoong for him to read. 
Hongjoong started reading the file, confusion evident on his face. As he read more and more of what was written, his expression changed to one of shock. Once he was done reading, he wasted no time and pressed the button of the intercom. 
“Shadow to Captain’s office. I repeat, Shadow to Captain's office.” 
“What will you do about this, Captain?” “I never thought she’d be involved with him of all people. We’ll just have to bring her in and interrogate her.” Hongjoong replied. 
“But hyung, what about Jongho?” Mingi inquired. 
“He’ll just have to be unaware about this for the time being. If what I’m seeing on the screen is true, then I won't be able to keep my promise to him.” Hongjoong said, with a grim face. “Captain, may I come in?” San asked from the other side of the door. 
“Yes, San come in please.” 
Once he came in and closed the door, Hongjoong spoke up again. 
“Go and bring Kang Sohyun in, but make sure she’s not injured in any way. I’ll inform Yeosang to give you something that’ll make her unconscious.” 
“Yes, Captain.”
Tags : @wooyoos @jwnghyuns @starillusion13 @n18i81
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Blah blah blah, busy days, you’ve all heard this a billion times from me. Very sorry, love you all, and I hope that the level of filth in this fic will make up for how late it is. 💖 And yes, I know I have a ton of asks and things to reply to. I am getting to those. Plz don’t hate me.
Day 22: Felching
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Valdore (ST:ENT) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Romulan sex, unprotected sex, felching, oral sex (female receiving), face-sitting, everything is consensual.
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Saved from the burning wreckage of an Earth vessel, tossed into an interrogation room, and just barely allowed the privilege of remaining alive, Admiral Valdore couldn’t help but admire her courage. Outside of the skirmish that damaged her ship and killed the rest of her crewmates, he was quite certain that she had never seen a Romulan before they’d snatched her from the jaws of death, but she never once flinched. She was clearly afraid, but she showed no sign of giving in.
Her people thought she was dead, of course. His spies had been monitoring transmissions long enough to know that there had even been a memorial service for the poor souls who’d been aboard her ship. ‘A doomed battle, courageously fought, which sadly left no survivors’ - that was how the Humans had described the vessel’s destruction.
That was, perhaps, a small mercy for the people of Earth. If they knew that the Romulans had occasionally picked up Humans for study or interrogation, they likely would have been more cautious in their maneuvers. However, never had they done so openly, and never before had they allowed their subjects to survive without being experimented on in some manner. The final say about her fate had been given to Admiral Valdore as he’d been the one to capture her in the first place.
Now, two years later, Valdore grabbed his lover’s thighs, dragging her hips to the edge of their bed as he thrust inside her. The desperate cry of his name that issued from her throat made him growl in pleasure. After all the nights they’d spent together and all the secrets they’d shared under cover of darkness, she still made the most sensual noises for him. It was almost as if their people had never been enemies to begin with.
Never in all his days had the Admiral been intimate with someone who tugged at his heart - and his loins - the way that his little ex-Starfleet officer did. What had he done to deserve such a devoted lover?
Once he’d seen how terrified she was - and how beautiful - he couldn’t simply allow her to be executed. After the interrogation, he’d entered her cell and given her a choice: she could continue to be docile and cooperative or he could give her to the Tal Shiar. Even in the face of his intimidating stature and high rank, Valdore could see her steeling herself and attempting to prove that even though afraid, she would not falter.
And she hadn’t. She’d asked what being docile and cooperative entailed, and he explained with a small smile across his lips that at that moment, it meant she would not fight them...would not attempt to escape.
He could still remember the way she raised an elegant eyebrow and spoke with such an odd mix of defeated, dry humor, and seriousness.
“Admiral, given that your people are physically much stronger than me, I highly doubt I’d get more than a few feet. I’ve cooperated, so far. Have I given you any reason to believe that I would change that behavior any time soon?”
She hadn’t, of course. Just because she didn’t have any of the information he sought didn’t mean he would start behaving monstrously. He’d given the Romulan government notice that the prisoner was under his watchful eye and installed her in a small set of quarters aboard his ship. There was nowhere safer on all of Romulus for her. He kept her under guard at all times, and slowly, over the course of a year and dozens of dangerous missions, he came to know her as more than just a captive.
“Jol-ao au,” she whimpered, and that sent Valdore over the edge. His fingers held onto her more tightly, ensuring that when his lok twitched and spurted his pleasure, he did so deep within her. The shout he let out could easily have been mistaken for pain, but she’d heard it so often that he knew she’d understand.
She had to know what she did to him after spending such a long time together. 
Valdore was not naïve. He knew there was a chance that she was simply doing what she believed would keep her alive long enough to give her a window of opportunity in which to escape. He was acutely aware of that possibility, and every time he pondered it, he felt sick to his stomach.
But there was something in her eyes that made him believe that perhaps she really had fallen in love with him just as he had with her. Maybe there was a chance, however slim, that his foolish emotions weren’t as unrequited as he’d originally thought they were.
“Jol-ao au, e’lev,” the Admiral murmured as her pretty little hands skimmed down his abdomen.
It wasn’t intentional, this gradual reduction in his defenses. He hadn’t meant to befriend her...or fall for her, for that matter, but as he’d shared a story with her over dinner a little over a month after the anniversary of her residence on his vessel, he found that he couldn’t deny it any longer. She laughed - a rare, but beautiful sight - and the inescapable truth of his emotions planted itself firmly within his chest. Admiral Valdore, one of the most respected and esteemed military personnel in the entire Romulan Empire, had lost his objectivity and his heart to a Human.
The evening seemed to somehow pass both faster and slower than he wanted once that revelation had settled itself in his mind. What was he supposed to do now? The wise course would be to ignore his feelings. They were inappropriate given the circumstances and the political ramifications. Throwing them aside was the smartest thing to do.
And yet, as she stood and walked him to her door like she always did after sharing an evening together, something felt different. Her gaze was gentler than he remembered. Her demeanor was so much more relaxed than it usually was.
Or was he imagining things? He couldn’t trust his own judgment regarding his little Human guest anymore. He could be imagining all of this as a product of his own wishful thinking.
“Admiral? Are you alright?” She asked before he could even think of opening the door. For the first time in years, he had been rendered speechless.
He’d taken a horrible chance that night. Stepping into her space, Valdore grasped her hands and kissed her.
The gush of their combined fluids wetted his lips as he pulled her to sit atop his jaw. Large, strong hands kept her hips in place as he drank from her like a finely-made crystal goblet. Her delicate little fingers tugged at his hair, Valdore couldn’t stop himself from smiling against her most sensitive area.
“You’re getting off on this, aren’t you?” Her voice sounded shaky and breathless, just the way Valdore liked it.
He wouldn’t deny it. He couldn’t. Romulans valued honesty, after all, and nobody deserved the truth more than she did. With a hungry hum against her clit, the Admiral resolved to keep her squirming above him until she lost her voice. Perhaps that would prove to her how much he enjoyed this.
@akamitrani​ @android-boyfriends​ @attention-bajoranworkers​ @bigblissandlove1​ @darkmattervibes​ @emilie786​ @horta-in-charge​ @live-logs-and-proper​ @slutty-slutty-vulcans​ @starrynightgardens​ @toebeans-mcgee​
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toyota-supra · 2 years
I told this to Winter before but I’d like to post abt it for a bit
I think a lot about how Mobile Suit Gundam is a show about distance in the same way that Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is a show about the lack of distance.
Spoilers for both shows after the read more.
In Gundam, there are only two factions at play, both acting at the ends of human-habited space. Their enemies barely show contact with each other, as they rarely exchange communications between battle.
In the White Base, it is a whole ordeal to for its crew to even get contact or support with the rest of the Federation at all.
Char, the Red Comet, first real enemy of the White Base, disappears from the show for a very long time, with barely any news of him, leaving both characters and viewers unsure of his return.
One of the biggest aspects of drama in the show are a pair of siblings, separated for years, struggling with their own sides in this war.
The most notable exchange of touch between two characters happens in the last episodes of the show, between rivals that had violently fought each other countless times before, barely knowing the face of one another for that entire time.
Even in the figurative sense, Amuro’s journey is all about separation. From his home, his father, his mother, and everyone that’s ever cared about him. It is only near the end that he truly holds onto that connection that he has with people, after he’s lost so much already because of that distance. Some of this show’s most powerful episodes were at moments when someone straight up left their friends behind when they shouldn’t. Some of Amuro’s worst regrets were at a time when he was separated by a locked door from everyone else that could help him.
The conflict in the show is called the One Year War, damn it. It’s all about a long time, a long travel, a long way from home, etc.
Now think about Zeta Gundam.
The show starts with Kamille watching two of the closest people die in front of him.
The two rivals from before, 7 years without hearing from each other, now exchange words and drinks in person.
Now all the factions fight over smaller territories, instead of the larger encompassing space of the one year war. And they do this with Mobile Suits that actually talk to each other. Strong enemies in battle, instead of barely seeing each other as people, intimately know how who they’re fighting against look and sound like. They often meet outside of their Mobile Suits. They exchange punches, kicks, and sometimes even words of understanding.
Something I noticed from the first few episodes is just how narrow the corridors in those ships are. I never noticed this in the other show, but in Zeta, most corridors shown are barely two people wide. It is physically impossible to go past someone without some kind of dodging around them.
Because of this, intimate encounters in the hallways are also very common. Kamille and Fa, the only people in the show who would be at each other’s side no matter what, when or why, hold each other like it’s as natural as breathing. A strong embrace, something that in the previous show was a season-ending scene, was now just a small piece of the lives of these two.
People in Zeta don’t die in explosions, their bodies never found. They die in their comrades’ arms, outside of their Mobile Suits, and their hopes and dreams move on to help their friends not fail at living.
The final death of Mobile Suit Gundam is when a man shoots someone he’s hated for his entire life from afar with a rocket launcher. The final death of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is when a boy flies his ship directly into the chest of the man who doomed him and all of his loved ones that day.
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I have nothing else to say here, I think. Just wanted to get that out there.
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byghostface · 3 months
Hey. I’m on anon right now but I’m not here to hate or anything so I’ll probably take it off. Edit: I will now, knowing I’ll make my account vulnerable, but if you don’t agree then please just don’t awnser the ask, I don’t want to get hateful things in my inbox for this. Please?
You’ve mentioned things that I’ve said in the past and things that I was actually wrong about and yeah, I’m sorry about that but can I be honest? I’m tired. I’m tired of fighting all the time. I’m sick of disourse and this constant war between Damijon shippers and Daminika shippers.
I am so over it. Daminika shippers are mean and Damijon shippers are mean. We are both mean, why? Cause we’re extremely defensive. I’ve seen what you guys have to put up with on twitter by Damijon shippers and I hate it. I hate it so much and because of that, Daminika shippers will migrate from twitter to tumblr with the same idea that Damijon shippers are the same way, we aren’t but with that idea, came attacking, and having to stay on defensive constantly. It’s exhausting, I got bitter and hateful, I know I got bitter and hateful and a lot of you will get bitter and hateful too.
We should both be allowed to nurture safe places on the internet where we share content of the ships we like without feeling the need to diss each other or be at each other’s throats or feel like we’re doing something wrong.
I’d rather that. I have attacked people in the past. I have been rude, mean, on the defensive and I am spent. I don’t want to do this forever, it’ll do some serious damage to both of our well beings and online drama should never be worth that.
So I’m asking for a truce? At the very least, we stop being on the offensive and stay on defensive, we stop generalizing each other and start leaving one another be? Or we could stop posting about the other ship entirely or make both our spaces welcome to the other ship.
I like your art. I reblogged some of it and wanted some of it on my page and some of my mutauls who ship damijon reblog it as well but you stated you don’t want Damijon shippers interacting with your page, and honestly I respect that so I stopped and told my mutuals to stop as well… but… still we both tend to be hostile to each other, I think it’s just really sad to try and seek community where other people like the same things you do and find this instead. This type of culture is toxic. A good friend of mine is a Daminika shipper and they hate Damijon but I still love them so I know it’s possible, no ship is good enough to have to put up with this constantly, not even Damijon after years of shipping them. I just want some sort of common ground. So truce?
I still stand by what I said, I don't want damijon shippers to interact with me, and I don't want to surround myself with people I do not feel safe or unclear and trouble me for days.
We are both defensive, you are in a pre-existing fandom. And I'm in a new fandom. I want Flatline's fandom to be good and progress naturally with more supportive fans without overlapping big fandom to keep coming in dunked-on/talking over the content we have and enjoy, with the far-fetched fanon that doesn't even make sense with her character in the comic.
Most of the Flatline fans/ daminika fans are from Twitter because they found out about Nika through there and how we keep talking about her positively and defending her daily since 2021. They are already discouraged/intimidated by Tumblr people and how forgivable this place is by the large amount of ppl with proshipping, with "complex relationships" fanon that overshadows/damaged characters. I just happened to post art here from the beginning to stick it through and stay in my tags.
You said I generalized things, and you do the same by putting yourself into the said generalized things to defend them and create tolerate ground and bring more people from your space to talk over daminika shipper and being annoyed that we want to talk solely about the canon content or any problems we have.
People with different ideas exist. And not everything is about you, if you don't do the bad/hateful things then maybe let daminika shippers speak about our frustration without the need to come in to beat us down and gloss over the issue like it doesn't exist (when we do have ppI here seen the hate towards Flatline is real and constant from damijon shippers). It's your side of the fandom that constantly caused problems for us, and you still vouch for all like it was nothing.
Now, Nika is in the process of a relationship with Damian, as a daminika shipper I enjoyed their interaction while I could and created fan content for them. But it's not so enjoyable when some of you talk like they are going to break up in the future(so Damian can date Jon Kent). Like why do you want Nika to fail so soon in your own fanon? And villainize her when she is just a 15-year-old girl currently trying to figure out things? Like what was the reason?? (want Damijon to eventually happen that's why). When you could just write your damn fic and live in your own fanon without including her, since you will still prioritize damijon and tools her(for canon validation) in the end.
I hate it when ppl mix around the characters just for shipping out of spite and do not consider their age and current circumstances. Like the respawn x flatline things damijon shippers created months ago, and now I see ppl want to ship jondaminika…like give me a break for fuck sake. Why is a college student squeezed between two high school freshmen? Like get his grow ass out of there, I don't need ppl pushing their damijon thoughts onto Nika just so they can cope with that damijon ship is not canon and with canon age gaps!!
All I ask for is to leave Nika alone and let her have time to grow and wait for the comic to explain itself (I trust Williamson because he is her creator and clearly still have plans for her).
I'm tired too. These ship fights are too early for Nika. She's not even breaking up with Damian. Damian is not yet getting a second canon love interest any time soon, Nika is not developed enough to get her own second love interest, and I'm here fighting with none-canon shippers with pre-existing fandom. Trying to save a space for ppl who just want to root for Nika or enjoy daminika contents.
Like I can not stop what you want to ship but how hard could it be to ship different ships separately and look at them in different worlds without interfering with one another? And how hard could it be to leave me alone when you disagree with me personally when I speak my frustrations?
I really don't know how you managed your fandom cuz I never went into or tagged damijon tags, and you had me blocked for months before this(for your safety or my safety I genuinely don't know). You said you respect my boundaries and I'm grateful for that but I have heard something you have done to other fandom and see some of your post screen shots from my friends about how you talk about them. You've done a whole lot before I can even finish a drawing.
I do hope you have changed cuz you said you don't want to do this hateful things forever(so am I) and you like my art, but I need you to hear this: I do not feel any comfort with you or any of your friends around me. I think it's best for us not to interact with each other, and this is just me speaking.
Let's keep our social distance, stay six feet apart and stay in our own ship tags, the best truce I can think of.
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aranarumei · 29 days
your fairy tail posts got me into it, so I gotta ask: favorite ships?
um. my condolences? well i'm joking—despite my critiques of it i still love the thing dearly and am extremely fond of a lot of the characters. I hope you’ve had fun with it too! as for ships... my tastes have changed over the years while also not? i've become really into like. friendships lately, yknow, or things where the dynamic between the two is more important than it being strictly platonic of romantic. so I would say i'm open to a lot of them. as for the ones i tend to go for, they tend to be like. super conventional. whatever i was into years ago, but now i just have a lot of extra headcanons about it. the thing for me is that a lot of the "big" fairy tail ships have like. really good setup, and shoddy execution. also this got long bc I rambled. sorry
i like natsu & lucy because i want them to be best friends and sometimes being best friends is a romance as well... and that starts out really strong in canon until it gets dragged on into just. bad fanservice. like i dont need natsu to see lucy when she's naked. i want them to have an emotional conversation or just work together as a team.
i like gray & juvia a lot, which i know is contentious, but i think they have a genuinely great setup (juvia's someone who's got wild ideas about love, and immediately falls for this guy, who's not into her at all but is also just a better person than any romantic attachments she's had before, and then she's figuring out herself and her place in fairy tail over time. the first two big juvia moments the show has after her fight is when she does a unison raid with lucy and when she refuses to fight cana. her initial feelings towards gray are also... quite shy? like she definitely does follow him around a bit but i think half of that is bc she wants to join fairy tail) and then it just doesn’t resolve well (over time she gets more pushy in a way that reads as jokey but is also uncomfortable, and her character kind of stops being about anything but gray) I’d love to see a version of gray & juvia where gray’s non-interest in her is actually beneficial for her, because she’s not rushing into something with high, perhaps fragile emotions, and she gets to grow as someone outside of gray, and juvia’s protectiveness of gray is done in a way where she’s not pushing him to like her, but rather protecting him just because that’s what someone who loves him would do. this is great for juvia, and also great for gray, who probably could use having someone to check in on him every once in a while. bring them into being seriously friends without pushing romance, and then we could maybe try a romance. it would be slow burn as hell. it would be delightful and entirely to my taste. I have so many wips abt this.
related to that, I like juvia a lot so gajeel & juvia’s relationship as well as lucy & juvia’s relationship is really fun to me. gajeel and juvia especially I would loveeee to dive into their friendship. I think they have a shared experience in phantom lord but also weren’t friends at the time and had a lot of different things going on, so it’s neat that they are still like. looking out for each other because of that past.
jellal & erza have great setup, it’s amazing drama and I think it just. works. completely. after the 7-year timeskip I think it loses some steam, and then it never really recovers in terms of having a sense of weight and depth. I am nonetheless fond of it.
what else… I am really into sting/rogue, I’ve got a fic for that one, and I like freed/laxus a lot, too. I’ll be the first to admit that in canon, freed & laxus don’t have that many meaningful interactions (freed is obsessed with him in a sort of like. comical unrequited crush way bc haha, gay people) and laxus cares for everyone in the raijinshuu pretty equally it feels. However. the initial arc? the fantasia arc? I think the raijinshuu are at their best there, and I wish they had gotten developed into smthing more interesting. once again I have a lot of headcanons.
i think gajeel & levy probably has the smoothest execution of any relationship, but kind of wish levy's character had a bit... More to her? like she's very smart but lucy also tends to do a lot of the smart stuff, and she knows runes but freed is clearly the runes guy, and i just wish we could've gotten more than that? I’ve been messing around with headcanons relating to her recently…
that’s the thing with a lot of fairy tail ships. I think a lot of the character relationships have really interesting ways of looking at them bc there’s just so many characters I like. like I think gray & erza’s relationship is really neat. I wish we’d gotten to see more of gray & cana as friends… it’s so cool that gray & loke are friends to the point that he’s the guy he picks for S-class trials… I like lucy & loke’s relationship a lot (like, the fact he joins gray for those trials is a display of how free he is even while she has his key, and also the loke mini-arc is one of my all time favs). I love the deal with the whole strauss siblings and would’ve been interested in seeing freed & mira interact some more. I don’t really care about it in canon but I think elfman & evergreen is actually a really interesting setup, since they’ve both got this sense of… vanity about them? (evergreen wants to be titania, queen of the fairies, and elfman valorizes manliness. there’s interesting places to take that!). raijinshuu friendship, I’m really into that, like, laxus feels like such a Solo guy and yet he willingly carts around a team with him, and also everyone in that team have kind of freaky eye powers, as far as I can tell. what’s that about. did u upturn your nose at fairy tail’s misfit guild while hanging with a misfit crew? it's a team that characterizes laxus well… I know he’s technically not Part of the raijinshuu team but Cmon he literally is.
all that to say. you could probably sell me on a lot of ships. but natsu/lucy, gray/juvia, sting/rogue, and freed/laxus are probablyyyy the ones I think about most and actively write for (and don’t publish LOL. I need to actually finish one of these things, but the issue is I’ve built so many headcanons I feel weird abt it sometimes. I would loveeee to talk abt them sometime tho)
but even saying that, a lot of the stuff I write reads very ambiguously platonic, so like. if I got sold on something, I’d probably get into it.
anyways anon ty for the question! i love chatting
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chevelleneech · 2 months
How I’d restructure the season.
This topic came to me by way of a DM, so I’m going to write it out here to make sure it makes sense.
Okay, so if I had to reimagine the pacing issues I’ve seen other people dislike or even reconfigure how the flashbacks fit in, here’s how I’d do it:
Episode One: would start the way it originally does, yet upon Indara realizing she knows the assassin, it melts into the flashback of episode three. We would see all of what happens there, then end the episode with the assassin killing Indara.
However, to keep things juicy, I would play up the vibe of the girls being sacrifices, written it so the forehead mark is never shown, neither Mae nor Osha’s name is said (they’d be called darling and sweetheart by their moms), and would have ended the flashback just as the bridge collapses with the girls finally revealing their names over a black screen. So we don’t know who said what. That way the audience has no idea if it was Mae or Osha who survived, nor which killed Indara.
I also would have included the moment Mae sees Sol kill Aniseya, but from her pov, that way Indara’s death comes across to the audience as a result of a young traumatized girl lashing out at the Jedi who tried to save her.
Episode two: I’d keep be the majority of the original ep1, minus the fight with Indara obviously. So it would start with the introduction to grown Osha, that way the audience is inclined to believe Osha is living a double life. When she’s arrested and is confused though, the viewers who guessed she has a twin (many people did) would instead say, “I bet Mae lived!” Which is ultimately fine, because while it’s predicable, it takes away the more expected evil twin plot twist, and instead forces viewers to question how Mae survived, why she wasn’t taken in by the Jedi too, and what caused her and Osha to not be on speaking terms. And once we learn everyone believed Mae died, we can instead have the quick scene of seeing Mae fall, and Sol pulling Osha back up. Thus creating a much more solid belief that the Jedi were there to help. Then I’d end the episode in the same place, with The Master talking to Mae about what an Acolyte is/does.
Episode three: Is the original episode two, with not much change. I don’t remember everything from this ep, but it when we first me Qimir and we get an idea of Mae’s plan, and it all is fine, if I recall. And I would have had Qimir tell Mae, “I know a guy who can get us to Khofar.” instead of saying he can get her there himself.
Episode four: Would must been episode four, because after the first three rearranged episodes, I think this one would make a bit more sense as a mid-point shocker. The only thing I’d change, is adding a second travel companion to throw Qimir’s scent. So the guy Qimir knew who flew them to Khofar would be the red herring, because he’d be more physically intimidating and white, tbh. He’s also be written as a pilot/bounty hunter who refuses to leave Qimir’s side until he got paid. That way the audience would be stuck waffling between whether The Master is Qimir or this random man he brought on their trip. Then I’d have the guy get lost, Qimir convince Mae to leave him behind, and then have Mae string Qimir up. Otherwise, everything is the same.
Episode five: No notes. Except mayyybe have the audience learn Qimir is The Master seconds before his face is revealed. So I’d cut from Jecki knocking the helmet off, to Osha or Yord tripping over the pilot’s body on their back to the battle, then cut right back to Jecki getting killed. So the reveal goes from light guesswork to “Oh shit! It IS the quirky Asian guy!” And it would instill an even deeper sense of fear, because he would have already killed someone without any shift in demeanor.
Episode six: Mostly remains the same, with the exception being I’d have cut most of Vernestra and Mog. Or at least condensed their scenes to fit in more scenes between Oshamir. Not for ship reasons, but because I feel like their entire stretch of scenes happened in a span of twenty minutes, whereas Mae and Sol spent an entire evening trying to fix the ship, and Vernestra and Mog literally traveled from one planet to another then stalked the jungle to find dead bodies. The time frames simply do not match for each arc this episode, so I’d have liked to see Osha and Qimir have more than one ten minute conversation stretched out over forty minutes.
I’d have had Osha actually leave the cave after saying she’s not easily corrupted, and try to find another way off the little island since she didn’t believe Qimir. I would have actually let the tide go out, and have her get on the ship, only for him to float over and ask her what she’s afraid of. Stuff like that. Not enough to make him sympathetic so soon, but showcase how truthful he was being in letting her leave or something. Other than that, I’d still end it with Sol telling Mae he’d tell her the truth.
Episode seven: my least favorite of the season, but less because I think its placement is wrong, than it is I don’t think it needed to be a full episode flashback. So here is my reimagine of this episode:
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and I’d have ended it with Mae silently crying and telling Sol he ruined everything or something similar. I’d also have an extra ending with Osha removing the helmet and telling Qimir, “The Jedi killed my family.” You know? Nothing too too drastic, but something to keep the questions flowing. Because we learned in this episode the twins share a consciousness, so Osha saying that would lead us to believe she felt Mae find out.
Episode eight: Hasn’t aired yet, lol, but I’d start where we left off with Osha (in my version), but have the twist be the helmet didn’t help her feel it from Mae, but instead gave her back a suppressed memory of overhearing Sol and Indara speaking about it on the ship to Courascant 16 years ago.
The end. I almost gave up, but I made it! If anyone reads this whole thing, thank you but also ignore any typos. I’m too tired to read it back. Took an hour and a half almost to write.
If anyone has any different ideas, feel free to share.
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achilleanwizard · 2 years
I was tagged by @punkranger (Thank you!!! 😊) And I’m going to tag @gelvaan @sataari @mutantenfisch @deviant3lover @averagejermafan @demianwas and @aelyosos (Feel free to ignore this if you’ve already done it, or just don’t feel like filling it out for your OC(s)!! I’ve just noticed you guys talking about your ocs, and I’d love to hear more about them!)
Full Name: Alexander Valente
Gender: Male?? Look, we’ve got more important things to worry about right now, okay?
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual
Pronouns: As of right now? Just he/him. He’s pretty comfy with she/her too though. It’s flattering that people think he might be a girl
Family: He never had anyone he considered family; Just very good friends. If asked about it, then he’d say something along the lines of “Do you think I would take the boost drug, with a notoriously very low survival rate, in order to get superhero powers if I had any family I wanted to talk about?”
Birthplace: ???, Nevada, USA
Job: A consultant. Who is he advising and what is he giving them advice about? Mind your business
Phobias: Spiders. Heights. Especially looking out of windows from a very tall height. Admitting he has feelings for a certain someone(s). Abandonment. Probably a whole bucketful more, but those are the main ones.
Guilty Pleasures: Sugar in all it’s various forms (even if he needs the energy to function/for his telepathy) Taking the time to read and appreciate art when not working. Painting his nails (but only when possessing the Puppet’s body) Taking time off work. Buying three entire floors of a luxury skyscraper to house his villain base/office, Renting the most luxurious top floor penthouse (That would make Mayor Osborn (from spider-man) weep tears of envy) he could afford for a home that he barely resides in, Pleasures of the flesh (it’s like a catholic priest up in here) Honestly, it would be easier to list things he isn’t guilty about. (Killing. He’s not guilty about those he’s killed, even if he should be.)
Hobbies: Playing piano. Scheming. Beating up Daniel behind a Wendy’s parking lot Training Daniel. Kissing Daniel too. Starting fights that he can’t possibly hope to win/finish
Morality Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth (so almost all of them…)
Virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
introvert/extrovert organized/disorganized close minded/open-minded calm/anxious disagreeable/agreeable cautious/reckless patient/impatient outspoken/reserved leader/follower empathetic/unempathic optimistic/pessimistic traditional/modern hard-working/lazy
Otp: It’s cruel that you’re making me choose between Herald and Ortega. But gun to my head…. Chargestep. There’s nothing quite like old lost loves.
Ot3: I forget the ‘official’ name for it but, Herald/Sidestep/Ortega (Flychargestep? Chargeflystep?)
Acceptable Ships: Alexander flirts with everyone possible, so. Argentstep. Steelstep. Mortumstep? <- Is that the right name? Anyway, he’ll smooch just about anyone.
Brotp: I have to admit, I’ve been thinking about different Sidestep interactions from time to time. I think he’d be good buddies with some, and have a, uh, very *interesting* dynamic with others. Not naming any specific Sidesteps to 1. Avoid any favoritism and 2. Not humiliate myself even further. He’s annoying though, and he revels in that, so it might only be a good time for him. Oh, also Anathema and Sidestep. Best bros for life (or death)
Notp: Oh, this one’s tough. Shroud/Sidestep if that’s even a thing. It’s on sight for him with her. He don’t trust random Regenes like that. (Unless it’s a multiple Sidesteps AU) HG/Sidestep too cause… yeah. If you know you know. Icky. Blaze/Sidestep, because I like teasing my friends(?) (acquaintances?) 😉
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Don’t Walk Away: Croyola and Croya
@better-articulate-than-never brought up an excellent point from yesterday’s gifset post and I wanted to talk about it. So here we go *rolls up sleeves*
I’d say 99% of the fandom wants to see Croy defect (giving the 1% to people I haven’t met yet who would argue otherwise, just to be polite lol). Defection doesn’t happen in a bubble. A person needs a reason to set aside their beliefs and change their direction—and sometimes that reason is another person. Sometimes it’s love.
This is where Croyola and Croya can diverge. No matter who you ship (even if you ship them all), the fact still stands that Gaya leaves the Halcyon without offering Croy an alternative path while Riyola fights until the very last second to get Croy to change his path. Of course I have gifs for this lol:
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When shipping Croya, you can explain Gaya leaving the way she does as a matter of pride and ego. Gaya’s path to stardom was paved with blood and tears. We still don’t know too much about her past, but from what we’ve gathered, it wasn’t an easy climb. Holding onto her crown so to speak is a daily battle. She would not, even if she had feelings for Croy, offer him another life, especially with an audience, because it would make her vulnerable and crack the public persona that she and Raithe have carefully crafted. If she had feelings for Croy, she’d probably see this as a test for him: without any particular encouragement from her beyond a flirty touch and veiled line about player/games, she would expect him to bend to her—to take the hint and chase after her. If he doesn’t? Well then, he wasn’t worthy of her affection.
When shipping Croyola, we have a different dynamic. This isn’t queen and peasant. These are two characters who are on more equal footing, who inherently understand each other. I think that makes it easier for Riyola to have patience for Croy’s antics, and for Croy to still respect and feel for her, even when he has to push forward with his opposing mission. Riyola has nothing to lose by trying to get Croy to change his path. Publicly challenging his thoughts and ideas, talking to other passengers positively about him— none of this hurts her. She’s still the captain of the ship. Since Chandrila Star Line is front-facing neutral, this only aids her in speaking her mind and being loud about it.
Interestingly enough, a clip was just shared yesterday on one of the private fb groups that speaks to this. In the clip, Croy is with Gaya in the Atrium, and she’s telling him that she has 15 pieces of luggage (which, I guess is how he found out how many to count when she leaves lol). He’s enamored with her as usual, but things go south when the kids start accusing him of stealing their droids. One angry kid in particular pleads with Croy to “just let the droids be,” to which Croy huffily replies that he would let the droids “be” if they would stop committing ne’rer-do-well-ism. Things aren’t going well for him with his argument. Gaya is… not getting involved at all in it. So what does Croy say next? “I’m going to find Captain Keevan—the commanding officer of the ship—so that way someone can care about the active larceny that has occurred!” Even with his big crush on Gaya, he instinctively reaches for Riyola to help him solve his problems, and there’s just so much good stuff to dig into with that.
At the end of the day, I ship both. I think the pros and cons with each just make shipping them that much more interesting and fun to tinker with when creating fan content.
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