#I’ll need to ask my medical team about it tomorrow I think
warriormoustache · 2 years
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alotofpockets · 2 months
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The ACL Squad | Vivianne Miedema x Arsenal!Reader
Where you're the first to get injured and Viv takes care of you, only for her to join the ACL Squad soon after
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.4k
You were playing against Lyon, and while no goals were scored yet, the match was going well so far. However, that all turned around the moment you heard Viv scream out in pain. When you reached her side, she was clutching her knee with tears in her eyes. “It feels bad, Y/n. Really bad.” She said as she took hold of your outreached hand and squeezed it hard. 
The medical team rushed onto the field, but you refused to leave her side. You continued to hold her hand in support until you reached the sidelines, where the medical team stretched her off the field and into the stadium.
Seeing one of your teammates go down and get taken off on a stretcher was always hard, and that was hard. The team had stood close by until the medics had sent them away, and they opted for a water break while constantly looking over their shoulders to check on Viv.
You didn't end up getting the win, but that wasn't what mattered to you in that moment. The second that the whistle blows, you and Katie rush into the physio room to check on Viv.
Before you could ask how she was doing, Viv started talking. “They think I've done my ACL.” The striker says with tears in her eyes. “Scans tomorrow to confirm it, but I felt the pop, so I'm pretty sure that they are right.” 
“Oh Vivi, I'm so sorry.” You sit down on the side of her bed and place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Katie does the same on the other side. “Whatever it is, the whole team has your back. You won't be alone.”
Viv got a pair of crutches and she was free to leave. “Come on, I'll drive you back home.” Viv looked defeated, everything only just started to settle in. “What about my car?” Katie, who was grabbing everyone's stuff, while you were helping Viv stand up, offered her help. “Don't worry about your car. I drove Cait here, so we can drop it off at your place.”
Viv didn't feel ready to face the rest of the girls, so you told her to wait in the hallway, while you got both your stuff. You opted for only changing your boots to your sneakers, so she wouldn't have to wait too long. When you walked your stuff over to Viv’s, Caitlin stepped in. “Let me take her stuff in her car, we'll meet you at Viv’s place.”
What you hadn't realised until you walked into her apartment building, was that Viv’s apartment was on the second floor without access to an elevator. “Oh right.” Viv’s voice trembled. “Hey, it's okay. You can stay with me.” She shakes her head, “You don't have to, I couldn't ask that from you.” With a shrug you say, “You didn't ask, I offered. Plus, I won't take no for an answer.”
Katie and Caitlin both arrived when the two of you were still looking up the stairs. “Oh..” they said in unison. “Don't worry, she'll be staying at my place. We just have to grab some of her stuff.” The girls helped you grab some stuff that Viv would need, and put it into the trunk of your car, before you split ways.
The drive to your apartment was silent, besides the soft music playing on the radio. Viv was clearly in pain, both physically and emotionally, so you let the comfortable silence hang around you. Once you arrived you helped her into your apartment and guided her to the couch. After propping up her leg with some pillows, you headed back downstairs, to bring in Viv’s stuff. “Make yourself at home, I’ll go grab our stuff.”
When you got back upstairs, Viv was already fast asleep on the couch. You quietly moved around your apartment, getting the guest room ready, and cooking something for dinner. She wakes to the smell of food and crutches herself into the kitchen. “Smells good.” She says lacking the enthusiasm she tried to put behind it. You got it though, “Thank you, I see you took making yourself comfortable to a new level.” That got a smile out of the striker. 
“Thank you for taking me in, I don’t know what I would’ve done otherwise.” You shake your head, “You would’ve figured something out, but I am happy to help.” You set down two plates on the table, and help Viv put her crutches to the side. “Come on, let’s dig in. Maybe we can watch a movie after?”
The next few days were tough. The scan confirmed Viv’s worst fears, she tore her ACL. She knew the recovery would be long and draining. You and the rest of the team were quick to reassure her that you had her back every step of the way. 
You took every step of the way quite literally, not only were you helping her at home, but you also drove her to her doctors and physio appointments. After her surgery, Viv had a few rough days. She tried to stay strong when the team was around, they had all shown at one point or another the days following her surgery. But when your teammates left and it was just the two of you, the strong facade faltered. 
Sometimes she would let you in and let her tears flow freely as she spoke about her pain, worries, and struggles. While other times, she would even hide them from you and retreat into her room. Even if she didn’t always want it, you offered her a place of comfort where she didn’t have to hide her struggles. 
During her recovery, you spend most of the day together. In the morning you would drive to London Colney and drop Viv off at the gym, while you would head onto the training pitch with the rest of the team. 
Everyone showed their support in different ways. Caitlin and Katie had designated themselves as Viv’s personal movers and picked up whatever she needed from her apartment. Lia, and Lotte were often found in your kitchen making dinner. Beth and Steph brought their dogs around for extra cuddles. The rest of the girls came around often too. 
On the other hand, Viv supported the team back. She went to the home matches, besides supporting her team, it was also a way to feel closer to them. More a part of the team.
A little over a month after tearing her ACL she was sitting with the girls that weren't selected to play today in a crowded Emirates. She was chatting with Kim, who was out with a small ankle injury, when you went down and reached for your knee. 
Viv grabbed her crutches and moved faster than she had done since her injury. She stood worriedly at the sidelines, as she watched you be helped onto a stretcher. She follows you and the medics inside. 
You knew it right away. It felt exactly as Viv had described her injury. “Don't sugar coat it, I know it's my ACL.” You said to the physio who had a worried expression on his face. Viv stood besides you with a hand on your shoulder. “Yeah, I think it might be, but only scans will be able to confirm it.” 
When the medics leave the room, you turn to Viv. “Well this takes ‘I understand how you're feeling’ to a whole new level.” You scoot over a little, careful not to use your knee, and make space for Viv. “I truly wished that you would've never had to understand at this level.” She carefully sat down next to you, and you let yourself lean into her side. “We'll get through this, I've got you every step of the way. Just like you have been there for me. We're going to come back stronger.”
“I was supposed to take care of you.” With a new found sadness you look up to Viv, who quickly shakes her head. “And you have been incredible, so now I get to return the favour. Except for the driving part, I won't be able to do that just yet, but we will figure it out.” You lean back into her side, “Thank you, Vivi.”
With two pairs of crutches in the trunk of the car and two injured people in the back, Katie drove you back home, while Caitlin drove your car back, just like the first time around. “Are you two going to be okay?” Caitlin asked, after they helped bring your bags inside. “Yeah, I think so.” Viv answered as she looked over to you slumping down on the couch. “We know the drill by now. Thank you though.”
“Are you down for a movie?” Viv sat down besides you and placed some pillows down on the coffee table for the both of you to elevate your legs. “Yeah, not much else I can do right now.” Viv wanted to interject, but quickly realised she should let you feel your feelings. 
You quickly got uncomfortable and twisted so that your leg was laying in the armrest of the couch, and your head was in Viv’s lap. “Is this okay?” You ask her. “If you're comfortable, it is.”
With Viv's fingers playing with your hair, and the emotions of the day, you fell asleep quickly. Viv knew exactly what you were feeling, and hated seeing you in pain. She stayed by your side, and helped in any way she could, despite her own limitations. The rest of the team was still a great help, bringing meals, helping with chores, and plenty of emotional support along the way.
Recovery was tricky, the slowness and occasional setbacks were frustrating and very emotionally charged. You both struggled with the physical pain and the mental toll the injury took. There were moments where you shared tears and silent understanding, since you knew exactly what the other was going through, and there were moments filled with laughter and hope. 
One evening as you enjoyed a meal together, you turn to Viv. “So, I’ve been thinking.” Viv chuckles, “Yeah, you seem to be doing that a lot lately.” You’re quick to roll your eyes, you had plenty of time to think, and Viv had been the listening ear to the many questions that filled your mind. “I was thinking that you should move in permanently, if you want to. I’ve been enjoying your company, and I mean it’s not like you’re going to be able to climb those stairs at your place any time soon.” 
“Watch it, Y/l/n.” She shoves your shoulder playfully. “I would love to move in, but on one condition.” You look over intrigued. “We have to get a dog.” The two of you had talked about it before, how when Calvin or Rona were over, you would feel more motivated to go outside and move around. “I see what you did there, and I am not mad at it. Deal!”
With Viv’s stuff all in your apartment, with the help of your ever patient teammates, it was time to get to the dog part of the deal. Besides the motivation to walk around more, little Myle also gave the best cuddles, that made you fall in love with her instantly.
Everything seemed to be going upwards, both of you were making progress in your recoveries. Myle was settling in well, and was loving all the attention from the girls. But as the saying goes, it’s always one step forward and two steps back.
You were devastated to hear that Laura had gotten injured during practice, and the moment the three dreaded letters were mentioned, you had sprung into action. “You’re staying with us.” You didn’t leave room for arguments. “We’ve got you.” Viv added. 
With Laura moving into the guest room, Viv stayed in your room. While it was new, it didn’t feel weird. You had fallen asleep in her arms plenty of times on the couch. It felt right, natural even. 
Laura craved people around her during her recovery, so the team started doing weekly get togethers, besides the regular visits, where the focus would just be on having a good time. Tonight you were playing games, but you weren’t paying much attention. Katie couldn’t help but notice the playful banter, stolen glances and subtle touches.
“Alright, spill it.” Katie said, cornering you in the kitchen while the others were out of hearing distance. “What’s going on with you and Viv?” You furrow your brow in question, “What do you mean?” 
Katie chuckled, “Yeah, I think it’s too late to play dumb. You are so obviously into Miedema, just admit it.” You realise there was no getting out of this, so you spilled. “Fine, yeah, I like her. I like her a lot.” Katie’s smirk grew, “I knew it! You have to tell her. With the way she acts around you, there is no way that she doesn’t feel the same way.”
Her words kept playing in your head as you were cleaning up from the get together. Laura, who noticed the tension growing in the room, excused herself to lay down in her room, claiming to have gotten tired from all the interactions of the day. 
“Hey Viv, can you help me with these?” You are holding some of the board games in your hand, but you can’t quite reach the shelf they are supposed to go on without standing on your tippy toes.
“Yeah, of course.” With the few inches she had on you, she was able to place them perfectly. “Anything else, my dear?” She jokes, but in that moment there is only one thing that is going on in your head. “Yeah, actually there is.” 
Your eyes move between her eyes and her lips, “Kiss me.” You don’t know where you get the confidence to be so bold, but it pays off as Viv steps closer to you and lets her soft lips meet yours. With your heart beating out of your chest, you kissed her back instantly. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Viv says with a big smile on her face. “Me too.” Your cheeks flush a dark shade of red. 
Both tearing your ACL’s was something horrible, but it got you together, and you would always be grateful for that. You still had quite a while to go in your recovery, and sadly the ACL Squad would get some new members over the following months. But, it made the team even stronger, as well as your relationship with Viv. 
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playbucky · 4 months
Navy Boy, Army Girl // 2
Three army medics have been stationed on the ship that Hangman and Rooster have been stationed on for the past month. Y/N and her team have been placed in the middle of the ocean as a half-way marker for any seriously injured soldiers.  Characters – Reader (Ghost), OC Abi, OC Jenkins, Hangman, Rooster, Phoenix.  Word Count – 2.9k. Part 1.
Fourteen Months Later.  ‘Sergeant Major.’ He called, your head lifted, and you looked at him.  ‘Yes Sir?’ You asked. ‘The trainees are here.’ He announced, you arched an eyebrow and straightened.  ‘Trainees?’ You quizzed.  ‘The navy, you’re in charge of them and the training they need to complete.’ He said, you rubbed your lips together before you nodded. He gave you a stiff nod before turned and walked away. You sighed and tilted your head back, the gruelling sun shone down on you.  ‘Lieutenant.’ You called when you spotted the younger man, he stopped and turned to you.  ‘I have check to complete, could you take them to the camp please?’ You asked him, he nodded.  ‘Yes, ma’am.’ He replied, you gave him a polite smile.  ‘Thank you.’ 
‘Sergeant Major, huh?’ The familiar voice said, you raised an eyebrow as you turned to him.  ‘General Lieutenant, huh?’ You replied back, he smiled wide before he brought you in for a hug that you greedily welcomed.   ‘I thought you had been discharged?’ Jake said, you shrugged a shoulder.  ‘I didn’t go through with it, Sandra had a stern talking to me.’ You told him, he arched an eyebrow and nodded, ‘I got better and worked part time at that hospital, before I was put to work again.’ You explained, he hummed.  ‘Should I dare ask the question how long your back for?’ Jake asked, you pursed your lips together as you looked around your home for the undefined amount of time.  ‘No idea, I’ll be here until the war doesn’t need me.’ You told him, he smiled.  ‘That could be a long time, war doesn’t seem to stop.’ He commented.  ‘Yeah, but it’s both what we signed up for, right?’ You asked, he hesitated in nodding.  ‘You look good.’ He changed the subject, you smiled.  ‘Thanks, the scars healed up good.’ You tilted your head to the side so he could see the scars that had died down drastically after fourteen months.  ‘What’s up that you’re on my turf now?’ You asked, already knowing the answer but you wanted to delay moving on.  ‘Our next mission, it -,’ he trailed off, ‘we need to refresh our ground skills.’  ‘Well damn.’ You commented.  ‘Yeah.’  ‘Is the whole group here?’ You asked, he nodded and jutted his chin.   You turned and looked at the group making their way over, they were talking to each other before Rooster said something and Phoenix’s head snapped up, her smile wide.  ‘Y/N.’ She greeted you, carefully wrapping an arm around you, as to not trap the weapon between you.  ‘Phoenix.’ You said, glad that you were seeing her again.  ‘Guys.’ You greeted the others, resting your hands on the handle of your weapon.  ‘How’s the training going?’ You asked, looking over the group that had bags under their eyes, and were scuffing their feet along the sand. The heat would be getting out them, it got to everyone the first week they were on ground.  ‘I think we’ll be sore tomorrow.’ Bob commented, you smiled and nodded. ‘Normally are.’ You commented, a low whistle came, you moved your helmet to the other arm.  ‘Where are you off to then?’ Payback asked, you motioned behind you to the group climbing into a humvee.   ‘About to head out on a ride around, check the perimeter.’ You told them.  ‘Ghost.’ Someone behind called, you looked over your shoulder and gave them a thumbs up.  ‘I’ve got to go but if you’re still here when I’m back we can grab a drink or late dinner.’ You told them, they nodded as you pulled up the face mask that revealed the painted white jawbone and teeth. 
You jogged across the sand, having gotten used to the small grains invading your shoes. You reached the back of the convoy, stretching an arm up and grabbing the pole before you yanked yourself up. You fell into your seat next to Sage and Magpie, who smiled at you.  ‘What are you two smiling like that for?’ You asked them voice slightly muffled by the fabric, they shook their heads.  ‘They’re talking about the eye candy from the navy.’ Spartacus said, you arched your eyebrow and looked at them.  ‘That so? I can hook you up if you want?’ You offered, they shook their heads.  ‘No thank you but we want to know what is going on with you and the navy boy?’ Magpie asked, the entire team all turned to look at you.  ‘What?’ You asked.  ‘Blondie, he can’t take his eyes off you.’ Magpie stated, the corner of your lips curled up as your shook your head.  ‘Hangman, we’re friends, he was on the ship and then he helped when I was in hospital.’ You informed them, Spartacus leaned her head back.  ‘So, it’s him we’ve got to thank for letting us see you?’ Spartacus asked, you nodded.  ‘Yeah, him and Sandra, knocked some sense into me.’ You informed them.  ‘That’s good, think I’ll get him a lovely and warm beer tonight.’ She said, the sarcasm rippled off him.  ‘Don’t be stupid, I put it in the fridge.’   ‘You’re my hero.’ She said, resting a hand on her chest as you laughed and shook your head. 
‘You still up for dinner?’ Phoenix asked, you nodded as you removed your helmet.   ‘Give me five minutes to take everything off.’ You told her, she smiled and watched as you removed the mask.  ‘I’ll gather the boys.’ She informed you, you nodded as your started to unfasten the weighted vest.  You let out a groan at the cooling air brushed your back, the sweat from the ride around chilled to further and caused goosebumps to appear. You set the vest on your bunker, the covers wrinkled before you unfastened the long-sleeved shirt, sliding it off you looked at the white and pink scar that covered your arm. You quickly folded the shirt before pulling the soaked t-shirt off, leaving you in the black sports bra.  ‘Shit. Sorry.’ The familiar voice said, you looked over your shoulder.  ‘You’re fine, Jake.’ You said, he nodded but still adverted his gaze.  ‘A gentleman never looks.’ He said, you scoffed as you pulled the fresh black T-shirt, tucked it into your trousers as you turned to him.  ‘Why are you here anyway?’ You asked him whilst you folded the dirty t-shirt up and set it on the bottom of your bed.  ‘Phoenix ran away from here.’ He stated, a thumb pointed behind him.  ‘And you thought I had turned into the beast?’ You questioned, he started to shake his head.  ‘No, I -,’ he stuttered to a stop.  ‘It’s fine, don’t get much privacy out here anyway.’ You told him, you noticed as his eyes looked over you before his gaze got caught on your arm, where your scars continued down to your forearm. You watched his face twist before he noticed you.  ‘Do they hurt?’ He asked, you wriggled your fingers and looked at the arm he had looked at.  ‘Not anymore,’ you rubbed your arm, ‘sometimes they’ll tingle but not much.’ You truthfully told him and slid your radio onto your waist.  ‘Let’s go then.’ You gestured to the flaps that he had walked through, he nodded and turned around before you grabbed your holster, you fastened it around your thigh and slid the gun in. 
‘Shit.’ You noticed a thick cloud of sand and dust swirl into the air, you straightened to get a better look before you raised your wrist and looked at the time, brows furrowed.  ‘What’s happening?’ Phoenix quizzed, Sage stood up and moved as did Magpie.  ‘Get into the bunkers.’ You pulled your radio off your hip as you looked at the cloud of dust rising that wasn’t from a sandstorm, ‘Now.’ You commanded, they quickly crossed the sand and slid into the large tent that had been their home for the last six days.  ‘Actual one?’ You asked, you bent your knees but kept your gaze on the growing cloud as you pulled your weapon out.  ‘Go ahead.’ The crackled voice replied.  ‘We’re under attack here.’  You informed them, stretching your gun out and watched the vehicles appear in the dust.  ‘Who’s there?’ Actual one asked, a round of bullets was fired. and you ducked.  ‘Myself, Sage, Magpie and the Navy team.’ You said, the radio cracked.  ‘Then you three need to protect them. We’re ten clicks away.’ He said, you closed your eyes, and tilted your head back and sighed.  ‘Understood.’  ‘Sage.’ You called, the radio placed on your hip once more.  ‘Here.’ She appeared at your side.  ‘We’re under attack.’ You said, more bullets were aimed at the base.  ‘Really I thought it was fireworks.’ She commented whilst you rolled your eyes.  ‘The navy team are still here, back up is ten clicks.’ You informed her, her face dropped and she nodded stiffly.  ‘Ten clicks?’ you gave a stiff nod, ‘shit.’  ‘Yeah.’  ‘Teams location?’ Sage questioned.  ‘In the bunkers.’ You said, flinching when a handful of bullets landed in the sand next to you.  ‘I’ll meet you at the bunker.’ Sage said.  You gave her a nod as she pulled away from you, you marched over to the small wall that had been built up of sandbags. You widened your stance and pulled your mask up to cover your mouth and nose, the sand was horrible if it stuck to the back of your throat  ‘Copy.’ You rested your gun against the makeshift wall, lining your eyes up, and you fired, taking out a couple of assailants.  ‘The groups big.’ You said, Magpie tapped your shoulder and you pulled away.  Both of you moved, your backs almost touching as you crossed to the bunkers, the sand sliding under your feet. You reached the bunkers, the cotton door was open, you could just make out the team, huddled together.  ‘Coming around West.’ Sage announced, you kept your gun aimed ahead before the solid pat on your shoulder alerted you.  ‘Nice that you could make it.’ Magpie said, she shrugged.  ‘You know I love attending surprise parties.’ She commented, you smirked and shook your heads.  ‘Why now?’ Sage quizzed as they both glanced at you.  ‘We’re empty and they’ve probably got information that they’re here.’ You said, gesturing your thumb backwards.  Magpie and Sage turned to look at the group, they were sat together and watched them closely, their faces tight as they tried to hide their panic. They knew that being up high, dealing with it and being on the ground was different.  ‘Who knew they were coming?’ Sage asked, you looked out, three black jeeps were pushing their way through the sand, the cloud growing behind them.  ‘They’ve got a rocket launcher.’  ‘They wouldn’t use that right?’ Magpie asked, they knew the odds.  ‘Get in.’ You said, Sage moved backwards, and Magpie followed before you straightened, bullets coming from the East.  You jerked back and lowered your gun before you pulled the binoculars out. Leaning around the edge of the building you tried to find him, you came up empty until the small flash of light gave away his position.  ‘Magpie, East, one point five clicks.’ You said, another bullet was fired at you.  The team watched as Magpie moved to the window, she set her gun up on the ledge and focused through it. The handle rested on her shoulder and she calmed her breathing down.  ‘Upper ridge, every third seconds he reloads and gives his position away.’ You explained, you stepped out from behind the ledge and allowed him to shot at you.  
‘Got him?’ You asked, the room stayed quiet before she pulled the trigger, the team jumped at the loud pop.  ‘He’s down.’ She said.  ‘Copy.’ You replied.   ‘Y/N.’ Sage called out, a hand wrapped around your shoulders and yanked you back.  ‘Stay.’ You yelped out.  The shook caused you to tumble backwards, the attacker took that to his advantage and straddled you, he pointed his gun at you but it was empty. He quickly recovered and flung it to the side, sending a punch into your face. With a grunt you tried to buck your hips but he didn’t budge. He managed to get a punch into the side of your chest, a sharp pain spread through your chest, briefly closing your eyes as you guessed it was a broken rib.   Opening your eyes and looked at him, wrapping your legs over his calves you swung your arm forward and connected with his throat. You managed to get enough force that he gasped for air, using this to your advantage you flipped him over. His back collided with the sand as you held onto the soaked shirt. You continued to punch his face, when he stopped fighting, you looked down. His face was red and swelling as some parts were turning purple. Sitting back on your feet you took deep breaths, trying to calm your racing heartbeat before a force slammed into your chest. ‘We need to help her.’ Jake said, as he watched the second attacker pin you to the ground, Sage moved and blocked his path.  ‘We’ll be shot.’ She said and sent a look to Magpie, they knew the only reason you hadn’t been shot was because you were being attacked. You reached to the side, your fingers just brushed the top of your boot. Grunting you twisted for the side and pulled the handle out, the sharp blade followed, you rotated it hand your hand before you brought your hand up and sliced his throat. The dark blood sprayed out from the wound and leaked into your uniform, you watched as your attackers faced paled but you bucked your hips and he tumbled to the side. You dropped your head back and sighed before you rolled onto you side and held your side as your climbed to your feet. ‘How the fuck did they get that close?’ You asked, the team turned to you. You were a sight, your entire outfit was soaked with blood as it seeped into your outfit. You were breathing heavily and you grip on the blade hadn’t eased up. Sage and Magpie spun around and you raised a knife at the quiet footsteps sounded behind you.  ‘We don’t know.’ Spartacus said, you narrowed your eyes at her then you looked to Hangman and the team, your shoulders slouched.  ‘Where were you going?’ You quizzed.  ‘Perimeter check.’ He stated, you shook your head.  ‘No, you were too far away.’ You said, brows furrowed as you folded and slid the knife back into your boot.  ‘Major said to expand it tonight, credible threats.’ Spartacus stated, you shook your head.  'Shit.' You cursed.
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mopopshop · 3 months
Could you write a Nalyssa fic where the oc is a medical staff at Indiana and she very professional and rejects Nalyssa but she doesn't give up and eventually she get oc to agree to date her or go out. And maybe like the other girls in the team ship them and oc get shy about it.
Persistent (Nalyssa Smith x OC)
hope you guys like this one! i’m not too confident abt it but🙌🏾 give feedback if you’d like
Working as a medical staff member for the Indiana Fever is your dream job. You’ve always loved basketball, and getting to help the players stay in peak condition is something you take great pride in. You keep it professional, never crossing the lines between personal and professional relationships. But lately, one of the players has been making that a bit of a challenge.
Nalyssa, the forward with a smile that could light up a room, has been unusually persistent. It started with casual conversations during her routine check-ups and has gradually evolved into something more. She’s asked you out multiple times, but you’ve always turned her down politely.
“Nalyssa, we can’t. It’s against the rules,” you say for what feels like the hundredth time as she leans against the treatment table after a particularly grueling practice session.
She grins, undeterred. “Rules are meant to be broken, Lia.”
You shake your head, focusing on wrapping her ankle. “Not these ones. I like my job.”
“Just one date?” she presses, her tone playful but serious.
You finish wrapping her ankle and step back, trying to maintain a professional distance. “I appreciate the offer, but my answer is still no.”
Nalyssa’s persistence doesn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the team. You catch them giving each other knowing looks and whispering whenever you and Nalyssa are in the same room. You do your best to ignore it, but it’s hard not to feel a bit self-conscious.
One afternoon, after another practice, you’re in the locker room organizing medical supplies when you hear a group of the players giggling. You glance up and see them watching you with amused expressions.
“What’s so funny?” you ask, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Oh, nothing,” Kelsey says, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Just thinking about how cute you and Nalyssa would be together.”
Your face heats up, and you look away, fumbling with a roll of tape. “We’re just friends,” you mumble, knowing how unconvincing you sound.
“Sure, Lia,” Lexie teases. “And I’m the Queen of England.”
You’re about to respond when Nalyssa walks in, her usual confident smile in place. “What are y’all talking about?”
“Just discussing how Lia should finally say yes to you,” Tiffany says with a grin.
Nalyssa’s eyes lock onto yours, and you feel your heart skip a beat. “Is that so?” she asks, taking a step closer.
You swallow hard, trying to keep your composure. “I... I need to finish up here,” you say, turning back to the supplies.
Later that evening, as you’re leaving the facility, you find Nalyssa waiting for you by the door. She looks more serious than usual, and you feel a pang of guilt for continuously rejecting her.
“Lia,” she starts, “I won’t ask again, promise. Just hear me out, yeah? You. Me. Sushi place around the block, we don’t even have to call it a date. Just spend some extra time with me outside of work.”
You bite your lip, torn between your feelings and your responsibilities. After a long moment, you finally nod. “Okay, I’ll take you up on that”
Nalyssa’s face lights up with a smile that makes your heart flutter. “Deal. How about tomorrow night?”
You nod again, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. “Tomorrow night it is.”
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elisysd · 1 year
Never Grow Up
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Cruel Summer Masterlist
Lyanna's pregnancy & Julia's birth
Don’t you ever grow up, just stay this little
Lyanna’s pregnancy had to be carefully monitored considering her medical background, something Charles was stressing out about. Whenever he was not around (and feeling guilty about that) he was making sure Lyanna was never alone. And when he was there, he was not leaving her side. Whenever he could, he attended the medical appointments and asking questions after questions to the point that, fed up about Charles, Lyanna’s doctor ended up giving him a list of books that could help him understand everything a bit better.
That’s how, one day of February, as Lyanna was laying on the couch, her laptop on her lap, looking at furniture for the baby room, she heard Charles coming back from running errands, a huge shopping bag with him.
“What are you up to?” she asked him suspiciously.
“I went to the bookstore. I bought the books the doc recommended us. Twice, one for you and one for me.”
Lyanna closed her laptop, stood up and went to him to see how crazy Charles had become. She took a book, flipped the pages before reading the back cover. She did the same, silently, with a few of them before turning to her fiancé.
“You know that most of these say more or less the same thing, you didn’t have to buy all the books from the list.”
“I just want to be prepared.”
“You are Charles. But it’s very thoughtful and cute to see you so invested.”
“I feel guilty to know that the season starts just when you are going to need me the most.”
“Hey, I’m coming with you. At least for the first races, the doc said it was fine for me to take the plane and be with you until the eighth month. You still have three months to enjoy me, all to yourself.”
“Still, I’m not 100% sure it’s a good idea…”
“I’ll be okay. And we have the medical team on tracks so if something happens, I’ll be well taken care of.” she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek as Charles’ hand found its way to her growing belly.
“It’s tomorrow.”
“I can’t wait to know. I made a bet with Pierre about the gender. He thinks it’s a girl and I told him I was sure it was a boy.”
“Charles Leclerc, how dare you betting on our baby?”
“It’s just… I feel it you know. It’s a baby boy.” he whispered, looking at her in the eyes.
The next morning they were sitting comfortably in the doctor’s waiting room. Charles’s right leg was bouncing as his hands gripped firmly on Lyanna’s. When finally it was time for them, Charles was the first to enter the room to greet the doctor and asked her a few questions about things he had read and needed a few explanations. Lyanna playfully rolled her eyes as she forced Charles to sit down.
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen my fair share of stressed future dads. He is not the first and won’t be the last. How are you feeling, Lyanna.”
“She feels tired but I make sure she eats all the vitamins and take her complements. I bought some that were recommended in your books.”
“Charles, baby, I’m perfectly capable to answer the questions on my own. But yeah, tired but my legs are starting to hurt from time to time. My back too.”
“That’s classic symptoms, nothing weird or that we need to worry about.”
“I heard that the fifth month was critical and most doctors were scared of a premature delivery. How worried should we be?” asked Charles.
“There is no risk zero, obviously, but that’s part of the reason why Lyanna’s pregnancy is so carefully monitored and why I see her more than my usual patients. But for now, she has never given a reason for us to be worried more than necessary.”
“Do you hear the doc, Charles? I’m okay.”
A few minutes later, as the doctor was examining Lyanna, the future parents had their eyes on the small screen of the monitor, trying to guess the gender.
“So, ready?” asked the doctor.
“More than ready.”
“Well, congratulations, you are going to have a little girl!”
Lyanna turned immediately her head to Charles, waiting for his reaction. His eyes were fixed on the screen, trying to process the information.
“A baby girl? We are having a baby girl.”he finally looked at Lyanna with tears in his eyes.
“I hope you are not disappointed, I know how much you wanted a boy.”
“I don’t care Lya, I just want a healthy baby that’s all. I’m happy. Thank you.” he kissed her forehead.
“I didn’t do all the job, alone. You’re 50% responsible.”
“I guess I owe Pierre 150€ now.”
Lyanna’s last months of her pregnancy went relatively well. Charles was away a lot but always tried to FaceTime her whenever he could. He felt guilty to prioritise his career over her but Lyanna insisted it was fine, that she understood and that she was surrounded by people she trusted and loved. She talked a lot to Kat, Max’s girlfriend who gave birth to a boy named Ethan a little over two months ago. Her advice helped Lyanna a lot and she was probably the only person that could understand exactly what Lyanna and Charles were going through.
May and the Monaco Grand Prix arrived quickly and with it a lot of pressure from the outside. Finishing in P2 last year, Charles really wanted to win this time. Lyanna could not attend but promised him to watch him on the balcony’s of his friends flat and it warmed Charles’ heart. As they were eating lunch, the Thursday before Charles had to go on press duties, Lyanna started to pull out a list from the pocket of her midi dress.
“I started to scribble down a few name ideas for the baby.”
Charles took it from her hands and started to look through it.
“I’m not naming my daughter Guinevere.That’s ridiculous.”
“You have Perceval as a middle name, you’re one to talk.”
“Yeah, as a middle name.Neither am I naming her Monza. Where did you get those ideas?”
“You don’t have to sound so condescending! I was trying to find a name with a meaning to us and you, you are just making fun of me!”
She stood up, tears in her eyes. Charles felt immediately guilty. he knew that lately, Lyanna had the tendency to cry about just anything. A cat on the street? Cries. A praise from Charles? cries. Her favourite food out of stock in the supermarket? Cries. Charles knew and was usually careful about what he was saying around her.
“Love, I’m sorrry, I didn’t mean to sound like that and make you sad. You have wonderful ideas but admit it, these names are not it.”
“I’m just scared we won’t find something that fits her, you know. I want her to be proud of her name.”
“I promise you, we will find the perfect name.”
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
The last few weeks that started to take a toll on her as she couldn’t do anything and was forced to rely on people, which she hated. We were almost mid-June and she was supposed to give birth anytime now. Charles was supposed to leave for the Canadian Grand Prix and wasn’t comfortable with letting Lya alone. She could go into labour at any time now. She refused to admit it but Lya was also scared to see him leave. but he was ahead in the championship leader board and she didn’t want to ask him to stay with her. A day before leaving, Charles spent hours on the phone with his team and ended up making the decision to not race.
And it was the right decision as the late Saturday evening, Lyanna’s water broke. Charles never drove that fast in his life (and that meant something). Lyanna’s delivery were not as smooth as her pregnancy. Nothing had ever hurt as much in her life, to the point that nothing seemed to make the pain go away. She was crying from the pain and it hurt Charles to know that there was nothing he could do. He refused to leave her side, trying to do what he could to distract her but it was pointless.
When the doctor finally arrived, to check how the baby was presenting herself, Charles’ felt like his wolrd was about to collapse.
“A natural delivery is too risky for Lyanna. I would recommend a c-section.”
“What are the risks if I refuse?”
“I want to know, Charles.”
“Life threatening for you and the baby.” told her the doctor.
“That’s it. We are doing it. I’m not arguing with you about that Lya.”
Charles looked at her with pleading eyes and exhausted, Lyanna agreed. A few hours later, baby cries could be heard inside the delivery room. Both Lyanna and Charles were crying from joy and exhaustion.
“A perfectly healthy and beautiful baby girl. I’m giving you privacy.” announced the nurse, giving the newborn to Lyanna.
“Julia.” Whispered Lyanna.
“Julia?” repeated Charles.
“What do you think? As a name? We wanted something meaningful.”
“You want to name her after Jules? Are you sure?”
“Entirely. It fits her, don’t you think?”
Charles looked at his daughter a soft smile playing on his lips.
“Welcome in our family, my Julia. I’m your daddy and I promise that I will do my best to never fail you.”
Charles came out from the delivery room, tears falling of his cheeks. His family was waiting impatiently as Pascale was on the phone with Lyanna’s mom. Everyone stopped when they saw Charles standing in front of the door, exhausted but happy.
“I’m so happy to announce you that Lyanna and I are the parents of a little Julia Rose Renée Pascale Leclerc, born the 16th of June 2025.”
author's note: First bonus chapter out!!! Just a sweet and fluffy one to begin with Julia's birth. Let me know your thoughts!
taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13 @karmabyfernando @stargaryenx @pitlanebabe @boiohboii @reengard @shikshinkwon
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Spencer x Male!reader - beautiful mind
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I was wondering if I could request a Spencer Reid x Male reader, reader isnt exactly a trouble maker, trouble just always finds him. Reader is a fighter in an underground fight ring but he also sees and hears what going on that cops dont know about. The case the team are on reader always happeneds to be in the wrong place wrong time making people think he just might be the unsub. Reader only cooperates when Spencer talks to him, Spencer's softer nature makes reader feel less threatened. Maybe reader calls Spencer pretty boy and genuinely complements Spencer not just on how smart he is but that he has a beautiful mind - @xweirdo101x 💜
In your line of work you had to be good at remembering faces, so when you saw the same group of faces you had been seeing around for the past week, you immediately turned to the man next to you.
“Rex who are they? This is an exclusive event, I’ve never seen them…”
“No idea, but they knew the code to the door and all had tickets.”
You frowned a little and wiped some of the blood from your nose, gesturing for him to follow you into the back rooms.
You went to yours and sat down, waiting for a medic to come and check on you to make sure you were fine and didn’t have to go hospital.
Yes, this paid really well, but you couldn’t exactly tell them you were the leader fighter in an underground fighting ring.
Rex pushed the door open and showed you the faces that had been appearing in the crowds recently.
“Fede.” He mumbled.
You looked at him and quickly gestured for them to come in.
You couldn’t afford anyone catching wind of there being cops in the building, so you had to keep it on the down low.
They introduced themselves and you wondered how screwed you were to have the FBI knocking on your door.
“Look, all of this is legal and I can bring the papers tomorrow.”
“We don’t care about the illegal fighting ring, we’re here for something else.” Derek said.
Hotch walked over and showed you a few photos.
“Don’t know em.”
“Well you should, these were your last opponent’s.”
“Look, whatever happens outside the ring ain’t none of my businesses okay? I’m a fighter inside the ring, and that’s it.”
“Except at every crime scene, guess who was there. You!” Emily snapped.
You rolled your eyes and rolled your shoulders a little, wincing at the pain that bloomed over the area.
“You’ve dislocated your shoulder.” Reid said.
“Wouldn’t be a shocker, I’ll deal with it.”
“You need to answer a few questions for us.” Rossi said.
“I don’t need to answer nothing man, get the hell outta here before I show you what a real fighter can do.”
“Are you threatening federal agents?” JJ mused.
“I’m threatening a bunch of people trespassing in my building. You don’t have my permission to be here, you wanna talk? You can talk to my lawyer.”
You clearly weren’t going to giving them any answers, and since they actually had no legal reason to arrest you they couldn’t do anything.
“Don’t leave town.” Hotch warned.
They went to leave as the medic was coming and Reid stopped.
“You need to put his shoulder back in place and put it in a sling, he shouldn’t fight for a few weeks.”
With that he left and you rolled your eyes at them.
A few days later the same thing happened, you just happened to be at the crime scene, since it happened in the hallway outside your apartment and there was blood all over your door.
That was all the reason they needed to arrested you, they cuffed you, shoved you in the back of the SUV and took you down to the station.
You sat in the interrogation room, hands cuffed to the table and you glared at anyone that entered the room.
“Come on, we know it was you. You knew all of them, you were there at every crime scene. What was it? Winning just wasn’t enough? Beating them wasn’t enough?” Derek asked.
“No, a big strong man like you? You want to prove that you’re the best right? Impress all the women in the crowd?” Emily asked next.
You scoffed a little, rolling your eyes as you leant back in the chair a bit.
“You just couldn’t control the bloodlust could you? Beating them was such a thrill you wondered what would happen if you took it a step further.”
You hummed a little, standing up rapidly rattling the cuffs and the table.
You jolted your shoulder, pain shooting through it but you ignored it and smirked wildly when you watched the two agents jumped back.
The two officers behind you shoved you back in the chair and held you in place.
“Scared?” You asked sweetly.
The two agents left the room and you grinned happily.
They all looked at you from behind the glass.
“We’re getting nowhere, and his lawyer isn’t responding to our calls.” JJ sighed.
“Place two more officers in the room.” Hotch said.
Emily went to find two more officers while Reid watched you through the mirror.
“Reid? What’s on your mind?” Rossi asked.
He snapped out his head and turned around.
“Can I get some ice?”
“Uhm, sure? I’ll get you some?”
JJ was confused as she left to grab some ice and when she came back Reid grabbed an empty evidence bag and put it in.
“Can you wait here?”
“You can’t go in there alone!” Derek hissed.
Before they could stop him he walked into the room, and stood on the other end of the table while you looked up at him.
“Doctor.” You greeted.
“I noticed your arm was giving you some trouble, can we put some ice on it?”
You thought for a moment before nodding your head, and Reid handed it to one of the officers to pressed to the injury.
“Do you get injuries like that a lot?”
“Part of the trade pretty boy, I’ve had worse.”
Reid glanced away a little flustered when you called him pretty boy but quickly turned his attention to you again.
You looked at him.
He really didn’t look like an FBI agent, he looked like he couldn’t hurt a fly, so you felt no need to be standoffish with him.
He wasn’t a threat to you and he wasn’t forcing ridiculous scenarios on you.
“You know I’ll be out of this by the end of the day.”
“Your lawyer isn’t picking up his phone, we’ve tried calling numerous times. Do you know where he is?”
“No. But you don’t get in contact with Reeves, he gets in contact with you. He’ll know what’s going on, word travels fast in our community.”
Reid nodded his head.
“Can I ask you a few questions about last night?”
“You gonna accuse me of crap I never did? Because if you are you can get out right now I’m not interested in hearing one sided made up events.”
Reid smiled and shook his head.
“No, I’m not here to accuse you. I’ve been watching them team ask you questions, I thought I’d ask my own.”
“Fine, go ahead.”
Reid began asking his questions and unlike with the others you didn’t threaten him, you didn’t try intimidate or scare him away.
You sat there calmly told him every thing.
You got home late after seeing your doctor, you did an easy work out, got a shower and went straight to bed.
You told him you had cameras set up in your apartment by the door for security which would prove your story.
“Can we have access to that footage.”
“You gotta get my phone.”
Reid looked to the window and nodded his head.
A few minutes of silence and Rossi and Hotch came in, your phone in their hands and passed it over to you.
You unlocked it and went to the app you were searching for.
“Here, check for the other nights if you want I don’t care.”
Reid took your phone and looked at the footage from last night.
Just like you said, and he checked all the other nights too and you were home each night.
“Are there any other cameras we can see?” He asked.
“No. That’s it.”
You looked at the two older agents and raised your hands a little with a grin on your face.
“Can I go now? You’ve got nothing on me.”
“Stay in the area, we may have a few more questions for you.” Rossi said.
He uncuffed you and you rubbed your wrists before taking your phone back.
“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer about this don’t worry about that, I expect to see you lot in court you rat bastards.”
With that, you walked free with a huge grin.
They FBI didn’t dare to come near you again, but as you were leaving the bar after a few drinks, you found Reid looking around a bit lost.
You walked over and he seemed relieved.
“I need to ask you a couple more questions is that okay?”
You nodded, gesturing for him to walk with you.
“We believe whoever is doing this is doing it to get back at you. They know your schedule, the times you do things and where, is there anyone you can think off that would be after you?”
“Loads of people. If you’re not aware doctor, underground fighters don’t have many friends.”
“But is there anyone in specific who would know the ins and out of your daily life, what you do on certain days and when? I know you have a body guard, personal doctor, trainer and therapist but is there anyone else?”
“No, that’s it.”
Reid nodded his head and gave you a small smile.
“Thank you.”
He turned to walk away and you stopped him.
“You drive here?”
“No I walked it was into around the corner, we tracked your phone here since you weren’t home.”
“Right, I’ll walk you home then.”
“This is a safe town, the crime rate is significantly lower than most towns.”
“That so?”
Reid nodded and told you about the statics with crimes and towns and cities and why they varied from place to place.
His knowledge astounded you, how one human brain could retain so much information was beyond you but it was fascinating to say the least.
You were stood outside the police station at this point, you were leaning on a railing with your arms crossed over your chest.
“You got a great mind you know doc, incredibly smart.”
“Uhm.. thank you..” he mumbled.
You smiled.
“Keep that pretty head working, you’ll crack this case in no time I know it. But don’t be walking round at night alone. You wanna go somewhere you call me right? My people don’t like your people.”
Reid nodded his head and walked into the station and the next day he turned up at your gym while you were training.
“I’m starting to think you’re into me doc, what brings you by?”
You smirked and grabbed a towel, wiping the sweat from your face as you grabbed your shirt, walking to sit with him on a bench.
Reid was doing anything to avoid looking directly at you.
“We want your help with something, and.. and of course you don’t have to after what happened but we’d appreciate it.”
Taking a drink from your water you looked at him.
“There’s another fight coming up. We need to know who’s going to be there.”
“Come with me.”
Grabbing your stuff you led him to the far back of the gym, past some offices and into yours.
You closed the door behind the both you and you tossed your stuff on to a chair and grabbed some papers, holding them out.
“We may be underground doc but we keep records. It’s for security reasons.”
“Do you have anymore?”
“Yeah, hold on a sec, have a seat.”
Reid read through those ones you gave him while you looked for more and set them on the desk.
“Everything since the murders started, anything specific you’re looking for?”
“Do you have any pens or anything.”
Grabbing him some pens you set them down and sat in your chair watching him work.
“I’m creating a list of names that reoccurred during the fights you had, and with the one tonight since you’re supposed to be fighting, which by the way you shouldn’t the chances you’re going to dislocate your shoulder again is extremely high.”
“It’s the job. Like I said, I’ve had worse, not many rules in our fights.”
Reid started to mumbled to himself and you cracked a small smile as you watched him.
“It’s fascinating to watch you work. You think differently, don’t you? See things others can’t? Right doc?”
“Yes, I have an eidetic memory. Also you Uhm.. you can call me Spencer or Reid.”
“Do you want me to call you Spencer?” You whispered.
He swallowed nervously.
“I.. if you want…”
“Alright Spencer.”
He shuddered at the way you said his name but tried his best to focus on what he was doing.
Then he stopped.
“Does Reeves always work with you?”
“Only on nights I’m fighting. He had an injury, can’t fight.”
Reid snapped his head up.
“Do you know where he is right now?”
You shook your head.
“You need to come with me, now.”
You quickly got up, leaving everything behind including your shirt and followed Reid without question.
He took you to the station and you stood in front of his team while he explained what he figured and started writing things down.
“What does Reeves do while he’s not with you?” Hotch asked.
“No idea, I just pay him to keep pissed losers from me.”
“Do you know where we could find him?”
“Sure, hold on can I have a pen or something?”
Reid handed you a pen and you looked at the map, circling a few places.
“The bar will be closed, but there will be people inside, top underground fighters like myself, don’t go in there without major backup. The gym is mine, you need a keycard to get in so you can check the logs for that. The warehouse should be empty, but again, don’t go without backup there will be dogs and guards around the place.”
You gave them all the information they needed before pointing to Reid.
“Do not let him go, no offence Spencer but they will immediately try pick you out from a group, it just wouldn’t be safe.”
“He’ll stay, you need to stay here until we find Reeves.”
You shrugged a little and sat down while Reid phoned someone called Garica to help track down your bodyguard while the others rounded up all the men and women they could.
You were idly flicking through some books you found on the table while Reid helped his team.
Once they narrowed the places down, he hung up and all he could do was anxiously wait.
“Tell me some more interesting stuff pretty boy.”
“About what?”
You hummed a little.
“What do you know about underground fighting?”
You listened to Reid as he rambled about the statistics of underground fighting and hospital trips, how it could lead to early death and everything and anything else he could think of about it.
“Such a pretty face and such an amazing mind…” you mused.
“R.. really?”
“Yeah! You’re like hells smart Spencer, it’s amazing! Like, so freaking amazing.” You smiled.
Reid smiled back but he couldn’t reply because he was called away by an officer so you just sat there waiting.
The case was solved, Reeves was the one killing people trying to frame you because it turns out years ago he had his first fight with you and you broke his ribs meaning he couldn’t fight again.
It all made sense and you got ready to leave, having enough of hanging around a police station shirtless and bored.
“Great solve, I’m going.”
“Wait, we just want to apologise again for everything.” Emily said.
“You just don’t want me to sue your asses.”
“I mean that’s part of it.” Hotch chuckled, “but we do mean it, it was a rushed decision on our part.”
He held out his hand and you looked at it, nodding your head as you shook his hand and turned to Emily.
“By the way, I’m gay. And Spencer?”
He looked up and you winked.
“Call me pretty boy, I’d love to get to know more about the man beautiful that beautiful mind.”
With that you smirked and left, hands in your pockets as you heard Reid’s team teasing him about what just happened
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blue-bujo · 1 year
Bowled Over (Roy Kent x Reader): Chapter Two
You work at a bowling alley and a young girl named Phoebe has a birthday party there. You catch her uncle's eye.
Roy Kent x female reader
Will try to update roughly every two weeks
Chapter Two: Being Better
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: Roy Kent-level language (you know what you're in for), discussion of mental health, past medical trauma
Author's note: A short one this time around, but I'm quite proud of it. They get longer after this. Enjoy getting a look inside Roy's head!
Roy Kent, the whistle-less manager of AFC Richmond, was done thinking about women. And he was happy being friends with Jamie Tartt, and he wasn’t at all hurt that Keeley Jones was now back into women after he was her last man. Doctor Fieldstone had helped him figure all that out, and she had pissed him off doing it. He respected her for that. Roy Kent told himself that he could handle being Just Roy.
So why was he still mad, a week later, that he had been Just Roy at Phoebe’s birthday party, and that fucking Just Roy had been distracted by an incredibly fit woman at the bowling alley? Why did it matter so much that her hand had brushed his?
The team had noticed that something was off. Beard, Nate, Higgins, and Will had even convened the Diamond Dogs to address it, but Roy had firmly shut it down. Only Jamie was close to figuring it out, bless him, and that was only because the little prick had been at the birthday party. He had the full context. Once he put the pieces together, Roy knew it was only a matter of time until he blabbed it to the other Greyhounds, so he had to get himself under control before then. If he had to be a bit more brutal in training to wear them out, then so be it.
After a particularly rough training in which Isaac was on the verge of attacking Roy, Beard pulled the manager aside.
“Whatever you have going on, Roy, you need to cut it out. Your opponent is the other team, not your team. These boys are about to break.”
Roy growled. If only Beard knew! But then he looked at the pitch, and his team being dejected all over it, and knew Beard was right.
“Oi! Circle up!”
The players did so slowly, cautiously. They looked at him like they were expecting him to blow up. He hated that.
“I’ve forgotten that this is a game that we’re supposed to play. For fun. That’s on me, and I took out my shit on you. That was… wrong of me, and I’m… sorry.”
“Is it shit we can help you with?” asked Dani Rojas, the only player who wasn’t quaking in his boots expecting Roy to snap. He was such a golden retriever, it was unbearable.
“You don’t know what’s going on in my life for a reason, and I’d like to keep my shit my shit,” said Roy, because he didn’t want to have a repeat of his team’s involvement in his relationship with Keeley. Not that the girl at Phoebe’s birthday party was even an option. He’d never see her again, and he didn’t care. “Just deal with your shit, and I’ll deal with mine, and I won’t get carried away at training again. Deal?”
All of the guys rumbled their agreement. They looked relieved, Roy noticed. Then he noticed Sam Obisanya’s hand up. “Yeah?”
“Coach, I think in this situation, we should all remember what Coach Lasso used to always say was the happiest animal.”
Joining in, Nate added, “Sam is right.”
With a roll of his eyes, Roy allowed the smallest of smiles “I will try to be a bloody goldfish. Now get out of here. We’ve got Brighton in two days, and I don’t need you lot dying on the pitch before then. The bus leaves tomorrow at half-ten. Dismissed.”
AFC Richmond all parted ways there, and Roy eventually found himself sitting on the sidelines alone. He enjoyed his life – of course he fucking did – but he was reminded of what he’d had before he’d started managing the club and trying to better himself. He’d had people. They hadn’t been perfect, but he’d had places to hang out other than his empty house. Now he was technically above them, and it would probably be inappropriate to hang out with his players.
Trying to be better made you feel like shit.
He had to go inside; sitting out here alone was too depressing. But he didn’t have to face the team if he stayed out here, and he didn’t have to go home to the empty house that was too big for him. At least here, he was on the pitch, even if he wasn’t playing.
Although, why did he have to keep from playing? Now would be the perfect time, with nobody out here but Will, who was cleaning up the drink station.
“Oi! Will!”
The young man looked up. “Yeah?”
“Bring me the fucking balls, will you?”
Grabbing the mesh bag full of training balls, the kitman jogged up to Roy and held it out uncertainly.
“Not a word to the boys,” growled Roy as he took the bag.
“No, not at all, Coach Kent,” Will promised, backing away.
Now left to his own devices, Roy dumped the bag at the penalty marker and nudged one of the balls into place. He hadn’t shot a penalty, or kicked a ball at all, in a long time. Even when he’d played, he hadn’t had many opportunities on goal as a wide midfielder.
He stretched quickly, then squared up at the box. After taking a breath to steady himself, he backed up three steps and charged.
The football flew up into the top right corner of the goal, ricocheting off of the side post with a clang. An ugly shot.
Roy repeated the process four more times, hammering the ball into the net. On the last show, he planted his leg a little too abruptly and felt his knee twinge painfully. Fuck. It hadn’t slipped out of position, but it was close. He’d have to ice it tonight, alone on his couch or in his bed. He hated that; being laid up with nobody to talk to and distract him. He’d have to start a book and hope it was good.
He packed up the balls, limping slightly as he brought them into the training facility and stowed them in the equipment room. It was a disorganized mess; someone had dumped some old things from the upstairs offices to store in there. His old standee was there, randomly, from his first season with Ted, his last as a player. The cardboard Roy Kent was only from a few years ago, but the real Roy had a hard time recognizing him. The cardboard Roy had been miserable. He’d been younger, yes, and he definitely looked it, but in addition to the general lack of aging on his face, he lacked the smile lines that had started to appear more noticeably around his eyes and nose.
Maybe he was better than he’d been then. He was older now, yes, and he had a shit knee, but he wasn’t as miserable.
“Dr. Fieldstone’s turned me soft,” he muttered. His knee hurt, and he was immediately turning to all of the work they’d done on the way he thought about himself rather than sulking about it. It was fucking annoying. He wanted to be mad. He was going home to stew about being old and alone with his fucked knee in his empty house, he decided.
But first, he hobbled out the long way, through the locker room and to his office, to place a hand on the sign. Because he had to Believe that things would be better eventually.
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mashbrainrot · 1 year
Colonel Flagg in 'The Interview'
In 2006, Larry Gelbart wrote dialogue imagining Trapper, Henry Blake, and Colonel Flagg had featured in the M*A*S*H episode 'The Interview'. Here is Colonel Flagg's, with the original available to read here via Google Groups.
REPORTER: As you might imagine, an army field hospital sees an awful lot of traffic in any 24-hour period. A certain percentage of those comings and goings have nothing to do with the medical personnel stationed here with the 4077. We spoke with one such officer on the strict condition that he be allowed to be interviewed only if he could respond to our questions with his back to the camera. Why this was so would soon become apparent – even if his identity did not. May I at least call you by your rank, sir? FLAGG: I’d prefer you didn’t. REPORTER: It’s all right to say that you’re an officer, though? FLAGG: It’s all right to say anything you like. One of the things our country is fighting for over here is the right for anyone and everyone to say anything at all they like. Likewise, it’s my right not to say whatever it is I don’t want to say.
REPORTER: Fair enough. FLAGG: It’s also my duty to report anyone to the proper authorities for saying something that they thought it was all right to. REPORTER: I’m not sure I follow. FLAGG: I’m not sure you realize just how much you do. REPORTER: When you say “the proper authorities,” can you be a bit more specific? FLAGG: About what? REPORTER: About just who “the proper authorities” might be? FLAGG: If you’re not doing anything wrong, you’ll probably never have any occasion to find that out. REPORTER: And what would qualify as doing something wrong? FLAGG: Anything, anybody that questions what we’re doing over here – any questions about our leadership. REPORTER: In short, anything that questions anything at all. FLAGG: Anything having to do with the war. REPORTER: Technically, this isn’t a war. FLAGG: Then technically no one’s dying, right? REPORTER: And just how does all that concern you, if I may ask? FLAGG: It’s my job to see that everyone in this effort is all on the same team. That everyone on our side has the right amount of blue and white to go along with however red they might be. REPORTER: You’re from army intelligence? FLAGG: You setting up your own punchline? Save it. I’ve heard them all. REPORTER: Basically speaking, what it is is you’re spying on people. FLAGG: Spying’s a crass word. I think of what I’m doing as monitoring their patriotism. REPORTER: And this is all in the cause of freedom? FLAGG: The price of freedom includes giving up however much of it is required so that you can hold on to the rest. REPORTER: Do you ever listen to whatever it is you’re saying? FLAGG: I don’t have that kind of time, really. REPORTER: I think I’m beginning to understand why it is you won’t face the camera, sir. FLAGG: Who I am is not important. The more people know about me, the harder is for me to find out about them. REPORTER: Does that include getting all the dirt you can on the surgeons at this MASH unit? The medical officers? FLAGG: (Scoffs) Officers. There’re enough bleeding hearts around here to fill up a bucket a minute. REPORTER: You don’t think that they do their job well? FLAGG: Saving lives? The odd limb? I’ll give ’em that. REPORTER: I’m sure they’d appreciate it. FLAGG: You going to need much more time, fella? REPORTER: You have to get back to work? FLAGG: Vigilance is not piecework, friend. It’s not a hobby either. REPORTER: I’ll let you go then. And I do thank you for your time. FLAGG: You mind if I ask you a few questions? REPORTER: Turnabout’s fair play. Shoot. FLAGG: Not now. Before you go. I did a little research when I heard you were coming here and there’re a couple of organizations you belong to that I’d like to know a little more about. REPORTER: Anytime you say. I’m not leaving until tomorrow. FLAGG: Let’s hope you do.
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never-not-ever · 30 days
First Week Outpatient
August 1st-7th
So I discharged around 1pm on that Thursday. For weeks prior I had been taking useless junk home so that on my day of discharge I wouldn’t be walking the hall with ten thousand bags drawing attention to me. I just wanted to leave quietly and not make a big deal about it.
I had to stop at my PACT teams office for my meds. I have a therapist, psychiatrist, case manager and a nurse on my team there. My nurse packs my meds for me in a weekly pill organizer. I’ve always told my IP doctor to not discharge me with a months supply of meds and it just so happened to work out that with PACT they offer the weekly medication pickup. So I went straight there and then headed home because I had a virtual appointment with my therapist at 4.
After that me and my Nana drove my nephew back home in NH cause he had been staying at my Nana’s. On the way back home I stopped to get groceries and was panicking so much in the store. I still remember what stoplight we were at when it became 8:00. Staring at the time I kept thinking I should be back at McLean, this is the latest time you have to return from a pass. This isn’t right. I shouldn’t be outside right now. It’s too dark. That day felt like a pass. I remember freaking out in my kitchen that night, hyperventilating and trying to calm myself down saying “you’re going to be back on the campus tomorrow, less than 24 hours, it’s going to be okay, it's going to be okay”.
Anyways, Jesus, if I write so much nonsense these updates are going to be essays. Stick to the important stuff!! Okay so I started PHP the next day on Friday. I’ll add these in the tags but I’ll post a warning here too. There’s going to be talk of drinking and self harm and restricting. So partial was Friday and then Saturday night I got drunk and self harmed for the first time in over 6 weeks. I bought a 6 pack of White Claw and the whole 6 was just the right amount to get blissfully drunk and escape for a bit. Alcohol affects me differently after having weight loss surgery so I honestly don't know if 6 is the standard or way too much?
Monday I told my program psychiatrist and she wanted to look at my arm but I didn’t have extra bandaids so she told me to bring some the next day. I also met with my program therapist and we talked about starting a diary card and what to track. I told her how since I’ve been home I’m not hungry/eating and I’m not complaining. Saturday when I got drunk all I had that day was applesauce around lunchtime. So I mentioned the word “restricting” and tried to give the short version of my fucked up body image, losing (necessary) weight, losing it in a healthy way and also unhealthy ways at times, that I’ve never been diagnosed with an eating disorder but I know I have a fucked up relationship with food and my body….
So later that evening I got a phone call from disability. I should have applied back in September but instead I didn’t apply until April. They said it could take 6 months before I get a decision on my application. For months I kept checking online to see how much of my application had been looked at it. I needed money and felt like such a financial burden on my Nana. I had just borrowed money from her to pay my phone bill and an hour later disability called asking more questions that I’ve already answered in the past. She said she was the final person to review my application and that she’d be making a decision soon. If my application gets approved then I could be seeing a check within the next 4 weeks...
The following morning I checked my bank account and saw an ungodly amount of money, like two months worth of paychecks from my old job. I could actually pay my Nana back for all the money she’s given me while inpatient and afford to buy stuff to redo my apartment. And after seeing this money in my account I cried, not tears of joy but because I realized that even with this financial issue being lifted it still didn’t change how badly I wanted to end my life. Obviously money doesn’t buy happiness but like that money lifted a huge weight off my chest and it still didn’t matter. My passive SI, self harm urges and depression was shit when I discharged and it was just slowly getting worse.
So back to the timeline. So that "money thing" happened Tuesday morning. I brought bandaids to PHP and mind you I didn’t know what my arm looked like. I didn’t know if it was bad, I just slapped bandaids on it Saturday night and never looked at it again until that day when my doctor looked at it. It was so triggering seeing it. I'm going to get real descriptive here but I've never been able to cut over scars before. Maybe it's what I use but still I've basically run out of room on my go to arm. But drunk I was able to do it and deep. Two cuts, and obviously too much time had passed for me to get stitches but she still wanted me to go to Urgent Care after the program just to make sure it wasn’t infected. I felt like I was wasting their time. Going 3 days later just to get it re-bandaged… the nurse was so nice but the doctor seemed irritated. I think I spent almost 2 hours there, so pointless. They gave me a prescription for an ointment for my arm and they put in my chart that it “could have used stitches”. I never picked up the ointment.
Wednesday when I met with my psychiatrist she brought that up and said that if it happened again she wanted me to get seen right away.
11:19am Wed “I feel strange today. Maybe strange is the wrong word, disconnected? Empty, low, low energy. I can stare at the floor and get lost in my head.”
I started “seeing” my new therapist in the beginning of July but it was always virtual until that day. At 4 I had my first in person appointment and after the day being weird and shitty I was looking forward to it. But it was horrible.
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So on the way home I went shopping. Dropped a couple hundred at Aerie and American Eagle and this was the start to my spending sprees. I FaceTimed with that friend I texted and it was a nice ending to the crappy day.
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation
I wasn’t tagged by anyone but I wanted to share two snippets from Chapter 5 of my multi-chapter fic titled “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
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The closer I get to completing chapter 5, the more excited I get because things are getting even more angsty than they already were for Buck and Eddie.  My goal is to finish this chapter and edit it soon, so hopefully, I’ll be able to post it by the end of the week. ___________ Here are two snippets from chapter 5 because Eddie’s still in El Paso and Buck just arrived in Hershey. ___________
“Like you said Eddie, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.  I almost didn’t recognize you yesterday but I knew it was you after I heard your voice. What have you been up to?  Do you still live in El Paso?”
Eddie shakes his head no and echoes his answer.  “No, I live in Los Angeles.”
“Really, you live in L.A.?”
“Yeah.  I’ve been there for almost six years now.”
“I guess that old saying about time flies is true then, huh?”
Eddie nods.
Dorian looks at him then asks, “What do you do in L.A.?  For a living I mean.”
“I’m a firefighter and a medic with the LAFD.  And you, what do you do?”
“I’m a real estate broker and I dabble in investments, mostly Cryptocurrency as a hobby but I also own a couple of stocks listed on the S&P 500.”
“Ok, that’s interesting.”
“Yeah, it is.  I never thought I’d end up in real estate but El Paso is growing and for the last 10 years, the population has surged tremendously.  There’s a new subdivision not too far from here that my firm was hired to handle all the sales for.  It’s called “New Beginnings”.”
“Really?”  Eddie asks as his eyebrows go up because that’s the same subdivision where he looked at an open house last week.  
“Yeah, it keeps me busy.” Dorian takes a sip of his water. “After two years of non-stop work, I finally decided to take some time off so I could spend time with my kids.”
Eddie chuckles and says, “This is my first vacation ever.  I mean I’ve taken time off work before but it was for doctor’s appointments for me or my son but this is my first time taking more than one or two days off at one time”.
Will Eddie make the decision to move back to El Paso after he has dinner with an old friend from high school?
Buck finds and empty barstool, he sits and after a few seconds, the bartender asks, “What can I get for you?”
“Uh… vodka on the rocks.”
The bartender nods and within 2 minutes, a glass with his preferred drink is sitting in front of him. He throws it back and motions for another.  After his third round, someone sits down next to him on the barstool to his right that was recently vacated but he doesn’t look over at them.
He can feel their eyes looking at him but he doesn’t look over until he hears, “Evan Buckley.”
He pulls back because he recognizes the voice but he’s hoping it’s not the person he thinks it is. He turns his head and it’s him, Jared Persons, the quarterback of his college football team.
He plasters on a fake smile and says, “Jared?”
“Yeah man, it’s me.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, I don’t live too far from here and I come to this restaurant sometimes to sit at the bar, drink a few shots and let off some steam.”
After he looks Buck up and down, he continues.  “But I think the real question is… what are you doing here because last I heard, you left Hershey several years ago?”
“Um… I’m only here for one day and then I—I’ll be gone.”
Buck watches as Jared looks him up and down again with parted lips and a sparkle in his light green eyes like he wants to devour him.  He’s not naïve and he remembers everything they did one night after one of their big wins but he wonders if he should turn into Buck 1.0 again if only for one night.  He considers just doing it to relieve some of the stress he’s feeling before he has to face his parents tomorrow.
He thinks Jared can tell he’s remembering the night they spent together when he leans in close to speak into Buck’s ear.
Jared whispers, “There’s a hotel across the street and if you want… we could, you know for old times’ sake.  One roll in bed while you’re here for one night, one day or whatever.”
Buck moves to the left, then he interrupts him.  “I’m good Jared.  It was nice seeing you again.”
Will Buck accept the proposition made by one of his old college football teammates? 
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Will be posted soon.
I’m enjoying writing this fic because it’s giving me the chance to unravel the mess that was 6x18 for Buck, Eddie and Chris.  Also, it’s taking them places the show refuses to go including Buck being put on Paid Administrative Leave from the 118 due to Taylor Kelly’s book being released along with Eddie doing a self-evaluation journey which currently includes him trying to decide if he should move back to El Paso.
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading
Read chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 on AO3.
No pressure tagging: @spotsandsocks​​ and @shortsighted-owl​.
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Against All Odds
Part 337
The swim team meeting had not taken too long after lunch, but it meant McCoy missed finishing that hour out with Scotty. His afternoon classes were ones Dr. Boyce had suggested, so McCoy had them without Spock, or any of his usual friends. Though they would help with a medical career, even Christine wasn’t in them, being more advanced. She had known much longer than McCoy what she wanted to do.
Finally, he had found something that was a challenge. He grinned to himself, ready for the struggle to gain mastery.
McCoy headed to the lounge after classes. He knew Scotty would meet him there. He met Christine on his way and she took his arm in a casual manner.
“Think I’m gonna need your help this year,” McCoy chuckled.
“My help? Didn’t I help enough last year?” Christine asked, pretending to be taken aback.
“Course you did,” McCoy smiled at her. “That’s why you’re such a doll.”
“A doll? Who talks like that?” Christine laughed. “What do you need help with? I think I’m about done playing decoy.”
“Biochem and biology. Scotty can help me with the maths.”
Christine raised an eyebrow. “Switched into those huh?”
“Yup, and I’ve only ever gone through the basics with Dr. Boyce.”
“Why the change?” Christine asked curiously.
They had reached the lounge and McCoy looked around for Scotty. His smile faded when he didn’t see his boyfriend.
“Please keep this to yourself Chris—”
“Of course.”
“—there’s a chance Father is going to change the succession and I won’t have to be king.”
Christine’s eyes widened in surprise.
“But— don’t you—”
McCoy shook his head. “I’ve never wanted to be king,” he said in a low voice. “I told Father last year and we discussed it more this summer.”
“Oh. That’s great?”
“It is. And I’ve spent some time thinking, and I want to be a doctor.” McCoy smiled again.
“You’ll make a great doctor,” Christine squeezed his arm.
Scotty joined them then and they made their way to a couch. McCoy sighed happily as Scotty rested his head on his shoulder.
“Have ye seen Spock since lunch?” Scotty asked.
McCoy shook his head, while Christine answered no.
“Something up?” McCoy asked.
“I may have said something wrong,” Scotty said nervously. “Spock asked about Sural and I said he could get to know him when he and Jim showed him around the school. Spock didn’t know Jim was doing that.”
“Is Spock jealous?” Christine asked.
Now there was an interesting prospect. McCoy leaned his head back.
“That would be something,” he said slowly.
“I mean a new Vulcan starts after Spock has been the only one…” Christine said.
“And he shares a room with Spock’s boyfriend…” Scotty added.
“Hopefully Jim only has a thing for one Vulcan,” Christine said.
“Spock has more sense than that,” McCoy said. “Jealousy would be illogical.” He tried to grin, but was held back by the memories of his own jealousy towards Khan. He looked down as Scotty squeezed his hand. “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” McCoy said.
“How were your classes today?” Christine asked Scotty.
Before Scotty could answer Jaylah came hurrying in towards them.
“Montgomery Scotty!”
“Aye lass?” Scotty straightened up next to McCoy.
“Why did you not save my seat in physics?” Jaylah sat down on the floor in front of them and stared at Scotty.
“I tried lassie,” Scotty said slowly. McCoy felt Scotty’s fingers tighten on his. “But Khan was there and before I could say anything the class was starting.”
“Hmph,” Jaylah grunted at him. Scotty chuckled nervously. “I’ll save it for ye tomorrow, I promise.”
“Promise,” Jaylah said firmly and pointed at him. Scotty nodded.
“How was your break Jaylah?” Christine asked. “I barely heard from you the whole time.”
McCoy listened to Jaylah’s answer with half an ear. Khan had sat next to Scotty in class. Khan had sat next to him at breakfast. Khan, Khan, Khan. What was he trying to do? The spark lit in McCoy’s chest again, but faded when Scotty turned to look at him.
“Ok?” he asked silently and McCoy nodded. The spark extinguished and replaced itself with the warm glow of Scotty’s smile.
Part 338
Scotty literally sensed that Leonard was not at all pleased to hear that Khan had been sitting next to him. There was no mistaking that the prince tensed at the mention of Khan's name.
The Scotsman was glad when Leonard gave him a nod when he asked if he was okay. They smiled to each other, but the smile faded from Scotty's face when he saw the two people who entered the lounge at that moment.
Spock. Closely followed by Jim.
The blond seemed desperate to stop his boyfriend, but Spock didn't come to a halt.
Instead, he stepped over to Leonard, Scotty and Christine.
"Sir, I request permission to leave you here alone for the evening. I... would like to spend the evening in our room. Alone, if possible."
Leonard blinked in surprise and Scotty wanted the ground to open and swallow him whole. He couldn't help but feel responsible for this.
"Of course Spock. I... I'll be fine. Are you all right?"
Spock seemed to glance over his shoulder for a moment. Jim was standing not far from them, but said nothing.
"I'm not sure. I need time to sort out my thoughts."
Scotty let his eyes drift past Spock and looked apologetically at Jim.
He hadn't wanted the two of them to argue. He had simply thought that Jim had spoken to Spock about Sural's request.
Jim glared at him. He seemed to know that Scotty had been the one talking to Spock.
"All right Spock. I'll see you at dinner."
The Vulcan nodded and disappeared.
Jim did not run after him. Instead, he ran a hand through his hair and walked over to the pool table where Sulu, Uhura and Pavel were standing.
"I need to talk to Jim," Scotty muttered and stood up. As much as he would have liked to spend the time with Leonard, he knew his friend needed him now.
"I'll come with you," the prince said and stood up as well. Christine raised her eyebrows.
"Is there anything I should know?"
"Later," Scotty said, and went to join Jim. Leonard followed him.
The blond wheeled around, anger shining in his eyes. Scotty swallowed. He could tell the others were extremely confused by Jim's behavior.
"Can we talk?"
Jim eyed Scotty.
"Why? Why should I talk to you? First you allow Khan to sit with us. And then you tell Spock I'm cheating on him?"
Scotty opened his mouth to retort something, but Leonard beat him to it.
"Now wait a minute, that's not true! Scotty never said anything like that."
Jim's gaze drifted to the prince.
"Spock seems to think so, though."
"Then why didn't you tell him about the request?"
Scotty knew Leonard was trying to cover for him, and he gave him credit for it, but he didn't want the whole situation to get worse.
"Oh, so you already know about this too? I should have guessed Scotty would spread the word."
Now Scotty did have to defend himself.
"Spock just asked me a question and I answered him as best I could. It's not my fault if he read more into it!"
Their voices grew louder and other students looked to them.
"Guys," Uhura tried to soothe the boys.
"You didn't have to tell him about the request at all!"
"It just slipped out!"
"It's not Scotty's fault! You don't have to snap at him like that!"
This time Uhura managed to interrupt the brawlers and she gestured with a nod of her head to the door where Pike stood, arms crossed.
Scotty felt his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment.
"Would you come with me, please?"
Pike's question sounded calm yet stern. The boys lowered their heads and nodded.
How would the headmaster react?
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stormxpadme · 2 years
​Whumptober 2022 No. 17 - Stress Positions
"You didn't think you were getting out of this, my young Captain, did you?" Hank welcomed Scott in his new-old lair with a good-natured wink.
"Been a while since you called me that, Doc." Hank didn't think he'd ever seen any member of this old team of his looking so deeply and thoroughly exhausted, and he doubted it came from some undefined damage he needed to take a look at. The simple fact that Scott very much not looking at the door to the single room where his girlfriend was sleeping her concussion off, said enough. As did the faint layer of salt from too many dried tears on his cheeks.
  "And you still have the same sense of self-preservation of a five-year-old that I tried to lecture out of you back then already when you kept on body packing sharp metal objects for challenge. I hope we're beyond that at this point." Hank pointed a claw at one of the stretchers in the main examination room. "Clothes off everything I need to see. I'll be right there. Still trying to find my way back around in these rooms."
  "You know you could have started in your own apartment. We've got no medical emergencies right now." Scott grudgingly made his way to said bed and sat down, that was as far as his cooperation went for the moment. Not a lot of surprise on that front either.
  Hank waved him off, digging out with relief some leftover pair of giant gloves from the very bottom of some cabinet, and quickly bit off his claws before pulling them on. "Piotr is still busy carrying my furniture up there and finding a place for everything. I would never have asked but young Mister Rasputin looked like he could use something to do. He takes it very hard that he wasn't with you guys up there to help. Thinks he could have lifted that damn jet in the air with his bare hands or something."
  "I know." Scott buried his face in his hands with a suspiciously shaky sigh, still not even halfway back to his usual composed self so shortly after this catastrophe. Certainly not enough to be even remotely ready to pick up all his duties again … and yet all too eager to load a blame onto his back that Hank had never aimed that way in the first place. "They're all traumatized. But Charles thought it's better to throw them right back into the school routine. Keep things as normal as possible, you know? And the kids took to it well enough. They're all so much tougher than we are, Hank, you have no idea. The teenagers, I'll try to talk to tomorrow. I'll do a few simulations about Alkali Lake together with Logan for them to train in, that usually helps them feel like they're prepared next time …"
  "Scott, if you don't stop trying to do your job half a day after one of us died, I'll put you right under instead of throwing x-rays and blood tests on you." Hank used the beautiful short silence as Scott looked at him in a combination of offense and gratefulness, to pull himself a chair close with one foot claw. "The only one working in here right now is me. And when I work? Just like you, I expect people to follow my orders. Shirt." He waved a tourniquet and a needle in Scott's face. "I've skimmed the first reports, my young Captain. You've been under a heavy psychedelic influence caused by a biochemical substance of unknown composition. I'm not letting you walk out of here and crash into your bed tonight before I made sure, your system is clean. While we're on it, send young Mister Wagner here next, the same goes for him. And while I drain you dry, start talking."
  "About what?" Though he was finally starting to unbutton his shirt with stiff, awkward-looking movements, Scott was showing such a deeply rooted cynicism and self-loathing that hadn't even been there when Charles had taken the boy from the streets in, to be his team leader back then before he'd even been legal, that Hank couldn't help but wince. Yeah, that too had changed since he'd left this house behind for the sake of his own mental health, leaving alone everyone in here alone who could have used the same protection. "About how that son of a bitch hurt our children because I wasn't home to protect them? About how I helped him almost kill every mutant on Earth? About how I failed to save my ex-partner from drowning herself in a goddamn lake right before my eyes? If you're here for a good story, wait another day, then the mission protocols are complete."
  "Stop biting. I'm the feral here." Realizing that the still so young man was in a lot more pain than he'd let on for even a second earlier when Charles and he had unceremoniously welcomed back Hank into their house, their team and their staff, Hank reached out without asking to pop those buttons open himself and help Scott out of his shirt. With his upper lip drawn back between his fangs, he was silently preaching himself patience before a premature word of irritation or hurt pride could come from his own lips. You're not the only one who lost someone they loved, would have been a correct but entirely counterproductive statement right now, towards someone who tended to carry the weight of this world on these nowadays far broader trained shoulders anyway. So he silently put that tourniquet around Scott's biceps once he'd made sure with brief unobtrusive glances there were no signs of what Stryker had put him through at least on his front, and pulled up three alarmingly dark red vials to put into the entry bin of the Shi’ar laboratory scanner next door. "Don't even think about it," he growled when he heard from the rustling of fabric that Scott was already trying to put that damn thing on again. At his backward glance, he almost took a double take, realizing he'd looked for injury in the wrong place, and picked up a manual scanner on his way back to his patient. Gently placing one hand on Scott's as usual far too stiff shoulder in a silent warning, he realized with a deepening frown that even that slight touch seemed to hurt the young man at this point, and placed it slightly lower, on his arm, before holding the tissue scanner against that ugly, circular wound on Scott's neck first. Those other, more common-looking traces of blisters and reddened skin between his shoulder blades, he ignored for the moment. "It's already crusting, and there's no contamination. Just on that side of too subcutaneous but if you keep your hair a little longer, the scar should be easy to hide." Since Scott, predictably, had only a shrug to spare for that which ended with a tortured hiss though, Hank went back to the bloodwork scanner monitors next door and to the supply cabinets because he'd never been a big fan of starting treatments before he knew all the conditions. A brief glance at the lab results at least made it clear why Scott's pain tolerance was rapidly declining. A bowl full of disinfectant, clothes, and burn cream in his hand and a blister in the other, Hank stood behind his patient again, putting the Tylenol down next to Scott demonstratively. "What you swallowed earlier to finish the mission is starting to wear off, my young Captain. I'll let you resupply as soon as you start being a grown-up and tell me what they did to you in that damn facility so I can repair it. Or you can pass out from tiredness and pain at some point and I'll just keep looking. Either way, I'll get some rest in you, so I'm fine with both choices."
  "I didn't swallow anything," Scott answered flatly, only the way his shoulders were immediately tensing even harder giving away his growing irritation, a movement in spite or maybe just because it was visibly unpleasant, judging by the faint sheen building on his neck, drenching the band-aid Hank had just put there. "Two of them forced the stuff down my throat to make sure I'd be in the perfect condition to shoot my own teammates. You'll forgive me if I'm not a lot in the mood to numb my mind any further today, Henry."
  "It wasn't your fault, Scott. None of this." A pain that had taken hold so deep couldn't be purged with a few well-meant words. But some reassurances needed to be drilled into the heads of certain leaders who saw themselves responsible for so much more than necessary every day over anyway, before at least the most necessary cover of rationality could be thrown over such unfounded blame. Having been born a child of the mid-forties, Hank, fortunately, didn't have much of a problem with sounding like a broken record. "You can shake your head at me all you want. Part of you knows I'm right. You were taken out by someone who had no other than Lehnsherr himself dancing on his strings. You know my admiration and fascination for your gift and skill, my young Captain, but I'd say, a small miracle would have been needed for you to not take a hit or two from that guy."
  "Do you hear me arguing, Hank?" Scott rested his face in his hands once more but startled up again with a wince when the change of posture pulled on those voltage burns on his back. A grateful breath of relief was on his lips when Hank started cleaning those fortunately also superficial traces as well and countering the worst of burning with a cooling gel. "I'm telling you the same facts that will be in the files, nothing more, nothing less. I'll let my team and our children decide what to make of them. As long as I'm still wanted in my position after what happened, I'm not going anywhere. But you're gonna have to leave it to me to be my own judge because right now, I'm a person short of the few people I'd let that do for me."
  "By your own choice, from what I hear." That also wasn't his business, sadly, though Hank would have had to say a lot about all those tears infusing the air of that certain room next door. About how not to let an already heartbreaking tragedy ruin a relationship that had seemed so stable in the last half a year. Some wounds needed longer to heal than others. Seeing as Hank as well wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, he'd have enough time to try to mediate between these two equally stubborn young people. For today, even his own usually quite resilient strength for mending someone's mind on top of their bodies had reached an all-time record low though. He could only hope Piotr would be done with putting up his bed by now, because suddenly he felt like he could sleep for 48 hours straight himself, and he hadn't even been on that damn mission … which was something that his own guilty conscience would give him enough to deal with about in the days and months to come. "At least stop straining your body any further. You're gonna need it if you want to keep doing this job, you know. Wanna tell me what I'm looking at or should I make another guess?"
  "Unfortunate combination of Strappado and cattle prod. They weren't too happy about how unimpressed their questioning left me." Scott winced once more when Hank started to feel down his shoulders in alarm, the right one especially that he'd started to go easy on in the last few minutes but forced something like a weak grin on his lips. "They were nice enough to pop my shoulder back into place, don't worry."
  "Yeah, that's about how that feels. I need an MRI here. That Shi’ar tissue repair beam is gonna get a lot to do tonight." Hank rolled his eyes a little and let Scott know in no unclear gestures to lay down on the stretcher, on his stomach. "Anything else you want to remember now or do I need to undress you in your sleep?"
  "Not a scratch, Doc. Cross my heart. Weapon X tends to keep their slaves in good shape to not fuck up their plans." That already sounded far too bitter again for Hank's taste, but at least Scott let himself be helped with getting in a slightly more comfortable position, only gently pulling his head away when Hank rested his hand on the back of it for a moment in support. "Save it for the kids. I'm alright."
  "You've been tortured for two days, you had your body and your mind stolen from you and lost both one of your best friends and your relationship in one day," Hank returned mercilessly. "If you would be anywhere near alright at this point, then I'd ask Charles to throw you off the team, my young Captain."
  "I'll heal," Scott said shortly, and that was also true, probably. Hank hadn't met a lot of people so unbelievably stubborn about coming back up like this fucked-up young soul Charles had made his second-in-command there before the kid had even known what he was doing. "You know me, Henry. I'm not a bad patient. I'm just not hot on a lot of unnecessary procedures right now. Give me a few hours of shuteye, then I'll be a lot less cranky."
  "MRI," Hank repeated sternly because as much as he understood that notion, there were some things that couldn't wait. "If that doesn't show me that I need to cut you open right away and you don't fall asleep in the tube already, you let me hook you to an IV to go easy on your stomach and take the edge off for the night. And once we're both less pissed off, we'll make sure you won't feel every single weather change in that shoulder from now on. That a deal?"
  "You've always been a ruthless negotiator, Henry." It thankfully sounded increasingly sleepy already.
  "Learned from the best." After a last soft squeeze of the young man's arm, Hank went next door to prepare said MRI which was as good an excuse as any to blink that annoying salt from his eyes. Fuck, he wasn't in any way ready for this. But much like a certain team leader back there, he had no choice because there was no one else who could at least try to fill that huge gap Jean had left in this house and in all their lives today. By making sure at least the rest of said team wouldn't walk away from that ugly clusterfuck that had been Alkali Lake with any more damage than necessary, Hank hoped he could at least start to do her memory justice.
@whumptober | @whumptober-archive​
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fluffy-critter · 1 year
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Ginsei's bday 2022 - Rapport (part 2)
Warnings: violence, shooting, vulgar language, minors DNI
Pairing: MC (Saki) x Ginsei
Word count: 778 (part 2)
Prompt: MC and Ginsei working as police officers.
A/N: Saki is MC’s default name in Blackstar Theater Starless. MC and Ginsei’s personalities are not like their default version.
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Ginsei - I told you that was not necessary! I’m totally fine! I can go back to work tomorrow.
Police officer - Sir, I know you love your work, but that was not what Ms. Saki said. She was crystal clear: “Ginsei must follow the doctor's instructions in order to get better soon. He will not be allowed to go back to the police station before the specified date. I have a copy of his medical certificate and I…”
Ginsei - Yeah, yeah. I know. And she talked to the doctors at the hospital… That was the exact same thing you told me last week.
Ginsei - What I can’t understand is why you don’t let me talk to her!
Police officer - That’s because Ms. Saki and our pursuing team are busy trying to arrest the criminals who shot at us.
Ginsei - That’s exactly why I need to go back now! I can help you catch them. Even if my leg is still immobilized, I can give orders and organize our group from a safe place.
Police Officer - *signs* You can’t take a no from an answer, can you, Sir?
Ginsei - No, I can't. So if you could please just call her now, I can solve this situation in a blink of an eye. She worked with me several times and knows how capable I am to adapt to any situation. This injured leg won’t stop me from doing my duty!
The officer calls Saki to explain the situation. As this is not the first time Ginsei persuades the officer to convince Saki he can go back to work, she was not surprised to hear that he is trying to talk about his condition… again.
Police Officer - So, as I was saying Ms. Saki, we have this situation and…
Saki - I understand. You tell him I’ll go to his house then.
Police Officer - Right… You… What? Are you serious, ma’am?
Saki - Yeah. I’ll be there in a jiffy.
Police Officer - Oh my god…
Ginsei - What? What did she say?
Police Officer - She is personally coming to talk to you, sir.
Ginsei - *celebrates* Yes! I told you! Finally, we’ll settle this now.
30 minutes passed since Saki told them she would visit Ginsei. When she was parking her car, she saw her colleague who had called her a while ago.
Saki - Hey, where are you going?
Police Officer - Oh, ma’am. I’m glad you are here. I just couldn’t keep listening to his complaints about how miserable his life is right now. So I’ll just go home to try to relax a bit.
Saki - *chuckles* No problem, I understand he can be very annoying when people don’t do what he wants. Why do you think I don’t answer the phone when he calls?
Police Officer - *chuckles* That’s a clever idea if I may say it. Well, good luck, ma’am.
Saki - Thank you.
Ginsei hears the noise of footsteps close to his doors and asks his employee to open the door for him, as he can't get up due to his leg injury.
Saki - Hi, Ginsei. How are you?
Ginsei - Well, let’s say that I’m quite optimistic right now.
Saki - *chuckles* Jeez, I wonder why? Did your leg miraculously get better?
Ginsei - Not yet, but I’m pretty sure that this will not be a problem anymore in a few days.
Ginsei’s housekeeper - Would you like a glass of water, ma’am?
Saki - Oh no, thank you. It won’t take long.
Ginsei - And I don’t want to take much of your time either. Let’s get to business. You didn’t catch those scumbags yet, right? I can coordinate our team to solve this once and for all.
Saki - Did someone tell you about our current situation? That we were following someone close to the gang to find their location?
Ginsei - Yep, I know all the details. And I already have a plan to catch them faster.
Saki - Is that so? Well, so I’ll give you a chance tomorrow. You can go back to your office at the station so we can come up with a suitable strategy for tomorrow’s pursuit.
Ginsei - Really? Just like that? Well... It's a deal then.
Saki - Great. But before I forget, there is something I need to tell you.
Ginsei - I knew there was a catch… It couldn’t be that easy. You’ve been avoiding me for a week.
Saki - Hehe. You can go back to work within your capacity, but once we catch them, you must go to your doctor’s appointment to do additional exams. And I’ll personally take you there to make sure you are not going to escape.
Ginsei - Jeez… It looks like it can’t be helped. Ok. It’s settled then.
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
An excerpt from my upcoming Jay Halstead x Reader fic: "Dead and Waiting".
I'm just too excited about working on this fic request, so I thought I'd share something from it!
warnings: angst, injury, trauma
[Part of you thought you should stay at the apartment for when Jay got home from work and therapy, but the minutes alone only made you more anxious as you replayed Jay’s look of utter contempt towards you when Voight, Trudy, and Dr Charles had gently ushered you into the bullpen. The others had surrounded you with careful embraces and relieved, emotional, words of comfort. But Jay’s expression was cold, distant... he hugged you but it could have been a stranger for all the familiarity that was lacking from the gesture.
Dr Charles had tried to reassure you, and you understood that it wouldn’t be something that could be healed overnight, but that initial lack of a reaction from Jay only served to make you retreat further in your mind. You were afraid of encroaching on his personal space. Jay did take you back to your shared apartment with him later that day, but the car ride was so stifling with the unsaid conversation that was growing ever more out of reach. At least that’s how it felt. He spoke in short sentences, asking if you needed things with a detachment that stung worse than any of the operations and medical care you had to have during your witness protection. You felt your body screaming in a tenseness and anxiousness that was unlike anything you’d ever felt. 
And so as you woke up in Jay’s spare room the next morning, a room that used to be referred to as “your spare room” given that you and Jay were to be married, you made a decision. He had already left for work again, and you sought shelter at Will’s. The team had all messaged you asking if you needed anything, including Voight who was adamant that you call or message for any reason that crossed your mind. But Jay’s conversations on your phone remained untouched from the last time you had spoken via text, a month and two weeks since this whole thing started.
The last message on record read: 
Hey, baby. I know we just said goodbye, and you won’t read this until the operation is over, but I love you so much. And I can’t wait for you to be my wife. Be good, be safe. I’ll see you soon. Love, J x
You sat like a robot on Will’s couch, a pint glass of water half empty and some crackers half-eaten, your fingers fiddling with a loose thread on the sleeve of your sweatshirt. You had closed the curtains, somehow the daylight made you feel too exposed. 
Will turning the key in the lock made you jump, but you composed yourself by the time he actually saw your face and you saw his. You mustered a smile, and he smiled reassuringly back even though he could clearly see you had sat there all day feeling out of sorts. 
He felt like a point of safety to you right now, somehow a connection to Jay but without any of the disappointment in his eyes. It also helped that he had his own first-hand experience with witness protection, something that made him easier to communicate with.
It was later into the evening now. Will had managed to get you to eat some soup and watch a nature documentary with him.
You were in his spare room, “I got you a toothbrush, some toiletries, you know just to tide you over. You can stay as long as you need. Whatever you want in the kitchen, anything here, it’s yours alright? If you need me I’m just down the hall, day or night, come get me or ring me. I can pick up some clothes for you tomorrow, if you like…” He opens his mouth to say something about Jay, but thinks better of it. You were hurting as it was, and Will needed to speak to his brother and work this through with him. He knew Jay was suffering too, but you would have never left him or let him think you were dead if you ever had a say in the matter. Jay would have to understand that soon enough, if he didn’t already.
You nod feebly, whispering a tired, “Thanks, Will.” As you curl up on the bed, hugging yourself. Your possibly now ‘ex-brother-in-law to be’ leaves the light in the hallway on, keeping your door ajar so you don’t feel isolated from him. Coming home was supposed to make you complete again, but the hole in your heart had only got more grotesque and painful with every passing hour. The bruises, cuts, and discoloured skin from your time trapped with the Burden family and the events subsequent to that were now being exchanged for a far deeper torment. There was only one person you ever wanted at the end of this hell, and now you felt as though he hated you for what you’d done.
You exhale shakily, whispering to the emptiness of Will’s spare room. “I’m so sorry, Jay. I'm so sorry.” A tear rolls down your cheek as your mind spins into a fitful sleep.]
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mintwithchoco · 3 years
beaux rêves: Ep 5 - Evaluation
ITZY Yeji x Male Reader
Word Count: 3063 words
Categories: smut, handjob, edging, daddy kink, spanking, office sex, little bit of degradation, assistant! yeji
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“...and I guess that’s all for now, keep up the good work Chaeryeong!” You said to a red haired woman, one of the interns that is working under you.
You were the leader of the Marketing Team in IT’z Company, a brand that is well known all over the world for being pioneers in multiple fields. You knew that it was a big role to have and a monthly intern evaluation is one way for you to keep the quality of the team and the work. There were four interns in your team and all of them have been doing a fantastic job. You were definitely proud, already thinking of asking the higher ups on an incentive raise because of their hard work.
“Thank you, sir!” Chaeryeong said, giving you an adorable smile before getting up from her seat and heading towards the door of the interview room.
“Oh yeah, Chaeryeong?”
“Yes sir?”
“Please call in Lia for me.”
“Alright sir.” Chaeryeong and her warm smile left the room, leaving you and your assistant alone.
“They’re doing so well!” Your assistant said while analyzing through the files containing the evaluations of the interns.
“Yeah, I’m definitely gonna give them a raise.” You replied back while preparing the file for the last intern evaluation.
“Have you finished the powerpoint for our meeting tomorrow?” You asked.
“Yes, I’ll send the powerpoint to you after this.”
“Great! Thank you so much, Yeji.”
“O-Oh, it’s...it’s nothing really. I’m just doing my j-job as your assistant.” Yeji blushes furiously, unable to hide it from you who just smiles at her cuteness.
“Hey, don’t be so shy now! You helped me out a lot with my work, so I need to give you a reward sooner or later.” You said, making Yeji look towards you with a look of certainty in her eyes.
“A reward?”
“Yeah, it could be anything you want. As long as it’s not that expensive.” you said, laughing.
“Then…” Yeji moves her seat a bit closer and suddenly caresses your thigh, moving her lips near your ear.
“I want you, daddy.”
“Woah, Yeji! H-Hold on,” You flinched away immediately, almost choking at her words.
“T-This is h-highly inappropriate for w-work.”
“But da-”
Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door, making you quietly sigh in relief.
“O-Oh! Come in.” You said.
The door then was opened by a woman in a light peach long sleeve top with a plaid vest covering it. Her brown hair draped over her shoulders beautifully, letting you focus on her attractive visual. As she entered the room and closed the door behind her, you and Yeji watched as she slowly walked over to the chair on the opposite side of the desk.
“Sit down please, Lia.” The woman reacted by sitting down on the black office chair.
“How are you today?" You asked first.
"I'm fine, thanks for asking." Lia answers, giving you a smile after.
“Glad to hear that. Alright then, let’s start with the evaluation.”
As you go through the questions one by one, Yeji is beginning to grow frustrated. Biting her lips, she began playing around with her pen constantly. Her brain suddenly thought of an idea that was risky, but pleasurable at best. Her left hand slowly slides over to your crotch, making you widen your eyes. You eyed her, silently telling her to stop with your slightly angry gaze. But, Yeji replied back with a smirk and mouthed something with her lips.
“My reward, daddy.”
Her fingers move towards the zipper of your pants and open them, revealing the center part of your boxers. You were panicking, your eyes went all over the place as you listened to Lia's answers to your questions. To avoid suspicion, Yeji also asked her a few questions as she started to pull out your hardened cock from your boxers.
“Sir? What’s wrong?” Lia asked after hearing you gasp because of your exposed cock.
“Uhh, n-nothing! L-Let's continue.”
“So, did you encounter any problems with our clients recently?” Yeji’s fingers wrap themselves around your cock.
“Hmm, let me see....”
Your ears were trying their best to hear Lia’s answer as Yeji started stroking you softly under the table. A lot of precum was already being made on the tip of your cock due to the thrill of being stimulated by her hand in front of your intern without her noticing it. She collects your precum and spreads it all over your shaft to lube it up. You wanted to moan so hard, but there was still work to do.
There were a few questions left, so Yeji’s handjob won’t last for long - something you were both thankful and disappointed in. She opens up a file and pretends to be reading it as she sped up her strokes, making you grit your teeth underneath your lips. When you ask Lia a question, Yeji will slow down her strokes. But once Lia is answering your question, she picks up her pace, making it harder for you to keep your sense of professionalism.
A burning sensation suddenly came into your stomach, signifying that you were going to orgasm soon. Just as you were about to reach your peak, Yeji stopped stroking you in an instant, letting your cock throb violently as you felt your load slowly going back into your balls. You faked a cough instead of moaning as a way to relieve the intensity that you had earlier. Lia was nothing but naive the entire time, diligently filling out a form that you gave to her as the last part of the evaluation.
After a few minutes, Yeji starts her handjob once again, this time you were even more sensitive as you already feel your orgasm building up slowly once again. Lia finishes up her form and gave it to you who was struggling to keep calm. Meanwhile, Yeji was smirking to herself as she continued her hoax of reading the files while keeping a steady pace of her strokes on your shaft.
“Sir, are you okay? You look sick…” Lia said in a concerned tone.
“Yeah, are you okay?” Yeji asked as well, feigning ignorance that she was the reason for the droplets of sweat forming on your forehead.
“I’m j-just feeling...a little l-lightheaded, yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll t-take some medications l-later.” You replied as Yeji fondled your warm balls.
“Oh yeah, sir?”
“Thanks for taking me home last night.” Lia’s words made you confused at first, but you instantly remembered that you gave Lia a ride home yesterday because her car broke down.
“Oh, it’s nothing really. Others would’ve done the same.”
“If you’re free sometime, maybe I could...treat you to dinner?” Lia said in a somewhat flirty tone while biting her lower lip hungrily.
“Uhh, sure I gu-AHH!” You shouted in pain due to Yeji squeezing your balls as jealousy filled her brain.
“Sir?!” Lia was about to stand up before you raise up an arm as a hint that you’re fine.
“What happened?” Yeji places her hands on your shoulders after wiping off your precum on your pants to show her concern.
“M-My leg cramped...It’s a-alright now.” You said while quickly putting back your cock into your boxers and zipping back your pants.
“Anyways, we’re done now with the evaluation. You’re doing a great job, keep it up Lia!” You said after writing out a few more words on the evaluation papers.
“I will, thanks sir!” Lia’s eyes turned into a crescent and her lips formed an adorable smile.
“Don’t forget about our dinner! I’m looking forward to it. Take care now!” Lia said, flashing her signature eye smile at you before leaving the room.
You smiled and proceeded to organize a few things on the file while Yeji stared at you with her eyes filled with lust and jealousy because of Lia’s flirty behavior.
“Daddy-” Yeji was cut off by you suddenly standing up while taking back all the files on the desk.
“My office, five minutes.” You said coldly before exiting the room.
Four minutes later, Yeji was now in front of your office. She was nervous about what's gonna happen to her. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door three times.
“Come in.” Yeji opened the door and was greeted by you sitting on your chair with your back turned towards her.
“Lock the door.” She does so and stands in front of your desk with her hands in front closed together.
You let out a big sigh and stood up from your seat to face her. Your mind was only thinking one thing: punishment.
“Bend over.”
“Bend over.” Your tone was a bit more aggressive this time, making Yeji shiver and immediately bending over the desk with her hands flat on the surface of it and her back arched.
“Giving me a handjob during important work, squeezing my balls and edging me,” You said as you walked slowly then stopped on her left side.
“Daddy’s going to punish you baby.” You whisper into her ear, widening Yeji’s eyes.
Not wasting anymore time, you yanked her skirt and drew it up to her waist, revealing her round ass and a blue thong that was covering her crotch. Squeezing her soft cheeks with both of your hands, Yeji bit her lips as she was turned on by your dominance, her pussy starting to leak out juices. You traced your fingers over her clothed pussy, feeling a wet spot already formed.
“Wet already? What a naughty slut you are.”
“Yes daddy, I’ve been so naughty. Please punish me daddy!”
“Shut the fuck up.” You spank her right cheek hard, emitting a loud sound that vibrates around the room.
Yeji shrieks in pain and pleasure as you give two more slaps on both her right and left cheek. Her ass beautifully ripples on each slap, hardening the tent that was beginning to form in your pants.
“That was for giving me a handjob while I was working.”
You crack your knuckles, preparing yourself for the next set of spanks on her butt. You lifted your palm at a decent distance before bringing it down to her bottom hard and fast. Three more similar slaps came quick after, each landing perfectly on both sides of her buttcheeks. Yeji tries her best to keep her moan from coming out of her mouth, not wanting anyone to notice what was going on inside your office.
“That was for squeezing my balls.”
Her cheeks were already turning red due to your smacks, so you let her rest for a while by squeezing them gently to heal a little bit of the stinging pain. With your left hand holding her hips, you lift your free hand further than before, aiming to spank her harder. The right cheek was your target, so with a deep breath, you smack them as hard as possible, prompting Yeji to flinch violently and letting out her first moan.
You made up a set in your head - two on each side of her cheeks, five times. As your smack begins to increase in power, so does her moan being louder after each one. On the third set, you rubbed her butt once again before continuing. Thank god you only had four interns in your team alongside their desks being pretty far away from your office, so you placed a bet that no one could hear anything.
“And this is for edging daddy!”
Your last smack on her ass was the hardest, causing Yeji to let out a shriek and shed a few teardrops from her eyes. Both your right palm and her ass were now sore and painted in a bright red color.
“You okay?” You asked her while squeezing her flesh to relieve the pain.
“Y-Yes daddy…”
“Good, because I have more things planned.”
As Yeji heard you unbuckling your belt and unzipping your pants, her pupils grew out of excitement, finally getting the reward which was your cock. You let your pants rest on your ankles and placed yourself behind her, letting her feel the heat from your crotch on hers. Quickly discarding her thong by ripping it off of her, you grind your bulge against her damp pussy, not caring how your boxers were getting stained by her juices. Yeji squirmed because of the teasing that you intended to do, and your cock was already hurting because of the restraints that were still on it.
“Do you feel that? Do you feel how hard daddy’s cock has become?” Yeji nodded.
“Too bad that you’re not gonna feel this throbbing inside of you.” Your hand then moved to her hair and grabbed a handful of it, forcing Yeji’s head to perk up.
“So, if you want daddy to fuck you,” You get close to her ear once again.
“...then beg.”
“Daddy please please pleeeeease fuck me! I promise I won't edge you during work ever again. Please daddy, don't leave me like this!" Yeji begged you like her life depended on it.
You loved it. You love how Yeji was under your spell, and that alone is enough to make you aroused. Without saying any words, you pulled down your boxers to let your hard cock free and aimed it at her entrance. Yeji gasped in shock as you forcefully pushed yourself into her warm hole with her juices acting as a lube. She was insanely tight, her walls gripped onto your shaft with an intense pressure as you involuntarily let out a loud groan.
Lust takes over you fast as you grab her hips and start pounding her insides right away at a fast pace. Yeji cried out a few swear words, her pussy was completely filled with your shaft as your thrusts were deep and powerful. You showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon, even though you were blue-balled by Yeji earlier and had the potential to reach your peak early.
Suddenly, you heard the sound of footsteps coming closer to the door. You slowed down your thrusts and immediately closed Yeji’s mouth with your right hand, silencing her moans to hear who was outside your office. The person then knocks on the door a few times.
“Sir? Are you there?” That husky voice behind the door was none other than Shin Ryujin, another one of your interns.
“Y-Yeah, I’m a bit busy right now, w-what’s wrong?” You asked while burying your whole cock inside of Yeji’s tight cunt.
“Would you like some coffee?”
“Sure.” Yeji’s body was shaking violently, feeling the fullness of being sheathed by your shaft.
“Alrighty! And oh, should I add extra cream for you, sir? I know you like your coffee thick and smooth.” Ryujin’s words were making you think of something else and your cock reacted by throbbing inside Yeji.
“Oh Ryujin, you definitely know what I like.”
“I’m just doing my job, sir. Anyways, it’ll be ready in about 10 minutes since someone forgot to boil the water earlier.” Ryujin said, clearly talking about Lia.
“It’s fine, take your time!” You then heard Ryujin’s footsteps as she walked away.
A few seconds were wasted on you confirming that Ryujin was gone. Pulling your cock out of her pussy, you turn her around, lift her up and lay her down on your desk after clearing it up. Yeji looked exhausted, due to your shaft being embedded deep inside of her earlier. But that doesn’t stop you from plunging into her depths once again, this time starting off slow.
Your hands sneaked up to her blazer, unbuttoning them to reveal her matching blue bra underneath. Yeji was moaning constantly as your pace began to quicken, but it was quickly muffled by your lips kissing her deeply. Both of your tongues danced along with each other, savoring the moment of exchanging pleasure into your bodies.
“Oh fuck daddy, you’re stretching me out so much!” Yeji firstly said after you broke off the kiss.
“Yeah, you love it don’t you, you slut?”
“Yes, use me as your cumdump daddy!”
“With pleasure.”
With that, you pumped into her as fast and as hard as you could, eager to fulfill what she wanted to be - a slutty cumdump. The burning sensation in your abdomen was felt even more with each thrust of your hips. Yeji’s moans were encouraging you to the max as she was also reaching her own peak. The lustful look in her eyes, silently begging you to cum inside her, it was finally all too much for you to take.
“I'm gonna cu-”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence as you exploded inside her, all the muscles in your body flexing as you sent your warm and thick load into her tight hole. Yeji followed soon after, gushing all of her juices onto your cock and staining the desk. Your legs shook harshly as your orgasm was a big one since Yeji edged you earlier and eventually, your body fell on top of her by the end of your orgasm.
You stayed there for a while, exhausted after releasing every last drop of your cum into her pussy. Yeji smiled and gently pats your head to calm you down from your high.
“Thank you daddy.”
Lunchtime arrived and you decided to grab a quick one with Yeji at a restaurant near your office. As you both were eating your meal and talking about some work-related topics, you felt a weird sensation in your body.
“Oppa,” Yeji said.
“This is just a dream, isn’t it?”
Silence filled the air.
“What are you talking abo-”
When you blinked your eyes, you were suddenly transported to a place full of nothingness. It was black all around you, with fog surrounding the floor. Eureka hits you in an instant.
"I've lost it."
Your legs automatically move to search for that pathway. The pathway that leads you to another dream. As you continued to run towards it, it felt like you were going around in circles. The scent that you're familiar with was gone as well.
Exhaustion came to your body as you stopped running and panted heavily. All hope was lost, you thought. You were never going to experience that dream ever again.
A ray of light suddenly appears in front of you and a familiar voice could be heard.
“Wake up!”
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