#I’ll support ya either way <3
frvnkcastles · 2 months
I was wondering if you could write a fic where reader has abandonment issues and she's scared that frank will one day just get bored of her and leave?
love your work 💙
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Summary: You’re wired to always assume everyone will leave you. Frank is determined to change that.
Warnings: Abandonment issues, hurt/comfort, feminine nicknames
Word count: 1.4k
Author’s note: Thank you so much for the support anon! This was easy to write because this is something I also struggle with MAJORLY. I feel you, you’re not alone <3 It really sucks but the right people will stay and reassure you always!!
You didn’t want to be too clingy, you really didn’t. But when you’ve found someone like Frank, you’ve gotta cherish every moment with that person and make sure they won’t leave you, right? That was what you told yourself, anyway, not that you’d actually reveal what was going on inside your head to him directly. To you, it just seemed like opening up about your issues would only give him more reason to walk out on you, it would only push him away, and that was the last thing you wanted.
You had been this way for as long as you could remember. Desperate to be liked and loved, terribly scared of being left alone or rejected. It was all the same with people you dated and people you befriended, the constant checking that everything was alright and you were still doing good. You had learned the hard way it was too much for some people when your ex had done exactly what you had tried to stop him from doing — abandoning you.
So, you tried to tone it down. You tried to reason with yourself. Frank wasn’t going anywhere. He loved you and cared about you, and if anything, he had baggage, too. You appreciated him regardless, and you knew the feeling was mutual. It was just difficult to convey that message to your brain, the damn thing endlessly feeding you lies and doubt about the foundation of your relationship.
It was just a matter of time. It had to be. Just like everyone else, he’d leave you.
You managed to suffer in silence and cry about your fears in private for a while, but in a sick twist of fate, Frank began pulling away. He thoroughly explained to you his latest mission, told you everything he was going to have to do and how he wanted to keep you safe from his enemies. But it was in one ear and out the other. You smiled and nodded, promised you understood, but it didn’t take you long to start freaking out. This was how it started, the drifting apart, the building distance between you until he’d have to cut his losses and cut you off.
He left at night, which meant that most days you got to enjoy his company, only for your time together to be shadowed by the impending anxiety. And the nights you spent alone, your pillow wet with tears as you wondered when he’d stop returning home. When you woke up in his arms in the morning, you felt comforted and reassured and you swore to yourself you wouldn’t repeat the cycle that night, only to end up breaking your own promise.
A week passed with you slowly stopping eating and sleeping, an unhealthy habit that you were able to hide with Frank being gone. But he wasn’t stupid, and eventually, he picked up on it.
”Make sure you eat somethin’ tonight, aight? That sandwich I made ya was still in the fridge”, Frank commented while packing his bag for the night, shuffling around your apartment whereas you were seated on the couch, watching him bounce from one room to the next.
”I’ll try”, you spoke faintly, a yawn interrupting you, and stopping in his tracks, Frank looked over to you and frowned with his whole face.
”You didn’t sleep much last night, either”, he pointed out, hoping that his observation would be enough for you to open up, but you only gave him a half-hearted shrug in response.
”It’s fine”, you whispered, dropping your stare from Frank’s piercing eyes to your hands as you picked on your nails. You felt like you could throw up any second now, and the walls were closing down on you, inviting panic and terror into your soul. This was your least favorite part of the day and it didn’t seem to get any easier with time, but asking Frank to stay seemed so selfish and obsessive.
Figuring that it wouldn’t do any good to push, Frank nodded and finished packing his duffel bag. Once he was finished, he walked over to you for your nightly kiss on the top of your head, his routine of saying good night and goodbye to you.
But tonight, you just couldn’t help but act on your instincs. As he leaned down to kiss you, you closed your eyes and wrapped a fist around the front of his shirt to hold him close and not let him pull away. When he tried, he was stopped by your vice-like grip, and confused, he looked down at you only to find sheer fear twisted on your face.
”Hey, hey, what’s goin’ on, sweetheart?” he asked with concern, crouching down in front of you, his head tilted so he could catch your eyes. ”Talk to me, darlin’. I’m right here”, he reassured you while lifting his hand to caress your cheek, his thumb catching the stray tear that rolled down from the corner of your eye.
”I don’t want you to go. I’m so scared you won’t come back. I know, I know it’s just a matter of time before you get sick of me or bored of me and leave for good. I’m not good enough for you, I’m not interesting enough, I’m not pretty enough—”, you babbled, all the emotions you had been bottling up inside finally bursting out of you.
”Baby, baby, where’s all this comin’ from? I ain’t goin’ anywhere. Hey, look at me”, he was genuinely surprised, but his voice was firm as he took a hold of your jaw and lifted it so that your eyes could meet. Shakily, you opened your eyes, embarrassed to face him but there was not even a hint of judgment or annoyance in the brown depth of his gaze. ”You’re wrong, sweetheart. You’re more than good for me, you’re far more than my miserable ass deserves. And whaddya mean you ain’t interesting? You keep me on my toes all the time. Don’t even get me started on the pretty part, you know I fuckin’ adore you, head to toe”, he raved on, passion behind every word, and you so badly wanted to believe him.
Sniffling, you wiped your eyes with the back of your hand. ”I thought that admitting I was scared you’d leave me would just push you away. Or worse, you’d stay with me out of pity”, you admitted quietly, averting your gaze in shame, but Frank was having none of it, and quickly turned your head back to him.
”Oh, sweetheart”, he sighed, pulling you into his embrace, tightly folding his strong arms around you. ”I’m stayin’ with you because I love you. You’re everythin’ to me and I couldn’t do this without you. I’m not tryna belittle your feelings and fears, but I promise, it ain’t gonna come true. I’m stickin’ with you for as long as you’ll have me, I swear on my life, sweet girl”, he vowed while holding you against his chest.
”Do you mean that?” you asked with a wavering voice, ”everyone always leaves me.” Your words broke Frank’s heart, and he wished he could have made you see yourself through his eyes, wished you could have read his mind so that you’d know exactly how he felt about you. He considered himself the luckiest bastard in the world for being able to share a space with you, to kiss you and hold you, and he wasn’t going to walk away from that no matter what.
”Not me. You’ll see. I’m here to stay”, he insisted, pulling back just so he could cradle your head in his large hands and shower your face with quick but sweet kisses, from your forehead to the corner of your eye and from your nose to your jawline.
”Good, ’cause I really love you and it would break me”, you chuckled sadly, unable to fight a smile as Frank peppered your skin with kisses.
”I’m real sorry people haven’t ’preciated you before. But I’mma make sure that head of yours quiets down for a second, yeah? I ain’t gonna let you down”, he confirmed with dedication, and as he gave you a solemn look that was far from joking, you gave in and nodded.
You wanted to believe him, but you both knew it was easier said than done. But Frank wasn’t going to give up — he was going to show you again and again that he was serious about you, that he really was in love with you, and maybe, some day, you would accept that as the simple truth.
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tamelee · 5 months
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I’m pretty sure this is the appropriate amount of rage that occurs after visiting most Naruto-related subreddits (or otherwise) which is why I avoid them. Usually I’d read through it for you but I’m not in the right headspace now so I’ll just address what you’ve sent if that’s okay?
I’ve always found the notion of “if one of them was a girl…” pretty interesting and well, pointless. I mean… the Naruto-fandom in its entirety suffers from people arguing with- and for double standards. No amount of logic, critical thinking or analyses of the narrative makes sense to someone that is reluctant to accept anything other than what they believe is the norm. Not even the story itself. Especially because it isn’t marketed as something that actively represents something other than the readers would expect. That’s why I don’t think having Naruto and Sasuke intentionally kiss in the story would do much to change these deep-rooted core-beliefs. All it will do is force these people to reason with themselves in a way they can rationalize it (one of those: “Men calling women porn addicted has GOT to be the funniest thing I've seen all day.”) and I’m pretty sure romance still wouldn’t be considered— “unless one of them was a girl”. 
And well, I have many thoughts on that which I’ll spare you, but regardless… stereotypes, heteronormativity, media representation, implicit biases, culture and societal norms also play a role in people’s thinking which makes it all the more complicated, doesn’t it? Sasuke would’ve easily been accepted as the love-interest otherwise— as quickly as in Chapter 3. 
I’ve read a lot of contemporary YA lately because I have a very unserious personal vendetta against the book-whoever girlies that confidently try to explain literature while praising the most god-awful books in existence, but if one thing is certain… it’s that a lot of those romantic stories apply the very same tropes as the ones you can find between Naruto and Sasuke. Many of them are used to support a romantic relationship (as does everything else), yet… the possibility for romance is already an assumption anyway. 
“It got me so pissed I swear I hate dudebros and straight female fans 😡” 
Eh. I would be a bit more specific here. I don’t agree with this generalization. I get what you mean and I understand your frustration because many are homophobic for sure and aren’t afraid to get loud about it unfortunately. I mean… I make SNS art and am not too quiet about it either… so I receive a lot of this bullshit through asks, DM’s, tags or comments… though despite not being a fan or willing to accept the bond as romantic, there are many, MANY who appreciate the bond between Naruto and Sasuke regardless and I personally think that deserves some credit for what it’s worth regardless of who they are. (Yes, even dudebro's because I know some personally who are like that.) But anyway, nothing serious, just wanted to quickly note that. 
… what do Geto and Gojo got to do with it? Don’t tell me it’s the whole dialogue thing ><
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katiesdailystruggle · 10 months
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Okay yall. I quit trying to make this perfect. I'm well aware it's a little rough around the edges, and I'm also well aware not everyone will like it. Nonetheless, here’s my community service to the sickie bangtan lovers for this year <3
Drabble fic is below the cut. Thanks for waiting patiently! I truly hope you enjoy this pure indulgence lmao.
Title: one stormy night
Word count: 2.2k
Ship: namjinkook - caretakers namjin, sickie jungkook
Tropes: sickfic, fluff, lil bit of snz, basic flu symptoms (the good stuff ya know)
Set in a random AU where Namjin are lovers who own a small shop, Jin is a healer, Namjoon is a mage, and Jungkook is just struggling, ill stranger who manages to fall head over heels in love with his saviors, whilst namjin also fall hard lol.
Seokjin was startled abruptly at the sound of the iron knocker pounding the front door, pausing his job of drawing the drapes for the evening. He and his lover, Namjoon, shared a small cottage in the middle of the woods that was outfitted into a potion shop for the neighboring villagers.
It was well passed their closing time, and Jin knew they didn’t have any appointments on file this late in the day. His stomach clenched with nerves as his gaze shifted to his husband’s usual position by the hearth. “I’ll get the door,” he softly said, making his way over to gently coax Namjoon back down to sit in the armchair. “You had a lot of spells today. Rest a while, I can handle this.”
It was getting late, he was exhausted from a long day’s work, and he didn’t know who was pounding on the door. It would be easy to become frustrated and get rid of whoever beckoned them, but Jin wasn’t heartless. It was storming outside, and maybe someone needed help. The healer in him wouldn’t let someone in need fend for themselves, and he would much rather waste some time than have regrets in his consciousness.
Pulling his evening robes further across himself to help defend the evening chill, Jin released the deadlock and the binding spell on the door, cautiously opening it a crack to peer outside. An unfamiliar silhouette greeted him, though it was difficult to perceive little else due to the heavy rainfall.
“Good evening, stranger,” Jin’s eyes ghosted over the heavily soaked man before him, an oversized hood covering his features dripping rapidly as the rain continued to pour down relentlessly. “I’m afraid we haven't met before, is there something I can do for you?”
“Please,” came the drenched strangers’ reply. “I’m just trying to make it to eastern lands.” Jin took mental note of the thick rasp and nasally tone in his voice. “I just need a roof to block this storm for an hour or so. I’m very weary from traveling.” The stranger didn’t make any move to invade their cottage of his own volition, and he was leaning heavily against their meager porch post for support to stay upright.
The poor dear. Squinting in a fruitless attempt to see better through the storm, Jin took note of the stranger’s trembling frame, his soaked clothing underneath the heavy travel cloaks, and the poorly fitted boots on his feet. He’s been traveling for a long while, weeks at the very least.
“You’re welcome to come in and dry off for as long as you need,” a soft smile adorned Jin’s features as he reached out to help support the traveler’s weak frame for the short distance inside. “We haven’t got much to offer in means of transportation to the east, but you must at least rest here a while. You’re soaked through.” A familiar pang of sympathy pulsed through his heart.
Jin’s own clothing was becoming rather damp just holding the stranger’s underarms, it couldn’t have been comfortable in the slightest to travel through this disastrous weather heavily weighed down by wet cloaks.
At the sound of the door shutting behind them, Namjoon stood up abruptly, eyes narrowed skeptically onto the hooded stranger, but he made no move to turn him away either. Jin nodded in silent thanks for his husband’s trust, as the two made their way slowly across the foyer. "A traveler needs a place to rest tonight. Help me tend to him, Joonie?"
Catching him by surprise as he was speaking, Jin nearly tripped over himself when the stranger suddenly bent over, a series of thick, painful coughs erupting from deep within his chest. As he fought to pull in a deep breath, Jin gently tugged back his hood to better inspect the ailments plaguing him.
And - oh. What an absolute darling. The gentle scrunch of his nose, the soft doe eyes crinkled in irritation as the worst of the coughing fit passed. His cheeks were flushed from the cold air, and the fringe of his bangs dripped with rain water as they hung in front of his eyes. He was beautiful. Jin had only ever had eyes for Namjoon, but the sweet one before him brought up emotions bubbling within that he had not felt before. He always did get attached easily.
No matter though, he had a job to do, and the stranger needed medical attention regardless of his mysterious beauty. Jin was a professional, and he would tend to whatever ailment was present.
“That cough sounds awful, dear,” Jin spoke softly as he made to undo the poorly tangled cloak ties. “You can call me Jin-hyung, what would you like me to call you?”
“Jungkook is my name,” the little one managed to rasp out and Jin hardly concealed a wince at the painful sound of crackling phlegm in his throat. “I don’t mind what you call me though. I don’t have any means to pay, I’m sorry.”
Jungkook’s eyes were glistening with unshed emotion, and he was sniffling thickly, pawing at his nose and eyes desperately in obvious irritation.
Another pang of sympathy shot through Jin’s heart at the sight of tears, but before he could utter another word, Namjoon was already stepping around him to help Jungkook settle into an empty cot by the healer’s table. Jin easily recognized the look in the mage’s eyes as one of empathy and adoration. They were both so utterly hopeless.
“That’s quite alright, Jungkookie, you needn’t worry about such affairs,” Namjoon spoke in a soft whisper. “You can call me Namjoon hyung. Just lie back, and we will take good care of you. I promise.”
A mixed array of confusion and relief flooded Jungkook’s sweet features, and he blinked several times, allowing a few stray tears to trickle down his cheeks. “Thank you hyungs, I’m afraid I’m not well,” he briefly paused speaking as his breathing caught roughly, a small trembling hand still rubbing harshly at his nose. “It’s been weeks and this head cold just isn’t going away. My travels have just made everything w-worse…oh…e-excuse me,” His lovely eyelids fluttered shut, as several productive sneezes ripped out of his chapped nose, chest heaving wildly in a desperate attempt to quell his breathing back to normal. Jungkook let out a shuttering sigh afterward, teary eyes darting away from the healer every so shyly. “Pardon me, please. I can’t seem to stop sneezing.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Jin cooed gently, reaching out to wipe his messy nose with a handkerchief. “Sounds like a little more than a nasty cold to me. I’m a trained healer, and Namjoonie here is a mage. I’ll check you over and see if we can’t get some medicine and hot soup into you by the end of the hour.” His gentle, calculated hands were tenderly pulling Jungkook’s soaked downshirt off, Namjoon already having started freeing him of his trousers.
“We need to get you out of these wet clothes and bundled up to dry by the fire,” Jin wrapped a soft, cotton towel around Jungkook’s trembling frame, and the relief on his face was so genuinely innocent, that he felt his own emotions stirring up. “Joonie, dear, if you wouldn’t mind putting the kettle to boil, fetching me some blankets and a clean nightshift, please.”
Jungkook was finding it harder to pay attention to Jin’s words than it should’ve been. Time seemed to slow down as he lost the ability to function properly. His breathing was becoming labored and that ever-present aching in his chest was becoming a harsh sting now. When did it get so warm? Or was it cold? He couldn’t tell anymore.
He had begun to slouch so low into himself, and his eyes were starting to close tiredly. Jin gently pressed the back of his hands to Jungkook’s cheeks and neck, humming softly at the detection of his obvious temperature. The poor dear, so very exhausted from traveling ill. “It’s quite alright if you fall asleep now, sweetheart. Just lie back down, I’ll wake you when I have medicine for you to take.”
As if by order of Jin’s permission, Jungkook’s consciousness slowly slipped into a light doze, long past the point of exhaustion. His breathing evened down to labored short puffs of stuffy air, nose scrunched up ever so sweetly into a sleepy, ticklish expression. It only had been movements, but Jin’s heart was entirely stolen.
At the younger’s slip into a fitful sleep, Jin made quick work of checking his vitals, throat, nose, and ears - getting a specific reading on his rising temperature, a worrying one, no less. Namjoon was back a few moments after he finished pulling a thick comforter up over Jungkook’s sleeping form.
“Water just started boiling hyung,” he whispered as he placed a stack of wool blankets and a silken shift on the armchair. “Want me to fill a basin of hot water and get some ailment tea brewed?”
Jin’s eyes softened even further at his lover, unable to look stressed even in the face of the ill young one beside himself. “That would be lovely, Joonie, thank you. Help me dress him first?”
Jungkook’s head felt heavy, dizzyingly so. There was also a nauseating spin of the room from lying horizontally as his ill body fought to stay sleeping. He didn’t know how long he’d been dozing off, time was passing unawares to him, though it didn’t feel near long enough before his consciousness was slipping back in. An irritating tickle was forming deep in his sinuses, whilst, unfortunately, his little nose scrunches were doing little to fight back. Having no wherewithal to cover, Jungkook released a flurry of wet, desperate sneezes into the firm chest next to him.
“Oh Jungkookie,” Namjoon softly cooed from above. “Blessings, you sound so poorly.” He was poorly, what a gods sent gift the hyungs shop was nearby. Sniffling desperately to contain the productive wetness that was now beneath his nose, Jungkook felt his eyes well up once more.
“My handkerchief is wet.” He whined softly, words muffled into the sweet hyung cradling him. He needed something to cover with, he needed to sneeze again. And what a tragedy it was indeed because the tickle persisted despite the fit he had just released previously. Damn, his ever-sensitive nose. Always getting in the way of comfort.
“I can’t blow my nose… and I need to…” He trailed off breathily, already starting to work his way into a hitch. A shuffling of movement briefly distracted his gasping speech, as his face was suddenly covered in a warm, large bundle of soft fabric. “Here, sweetie. All yours.” Jungkook felt Namjoon’s deep voice reverberate through his whole being, though perhaps that was also the fever chills shaking him through.
Noting he was now pressed against bare skin, not a cotton downshirt, his brain fumbled to keep up with the fact that he was presently leaking tears and mucus all over Namjoon’s shirt. He wasn’t thinking, the logical part of his brain long past gone, in the throes of his current predicament. If he had been, perhaps the prospect of using another man’s shirt in lieu of a handkerchief would’ve been embarrassing. One he had scarcely just met, no less. But he didn’t even have time for that. His eyes were watering, mouth falling open in desperate breaths, his nose burning ever so badly as it teased his need for release. Instead of granting him relief, though, the hitching just made him cough harshly, once again, all over Namjoon.
“Let’s get you in some dry clothes, sweetie,” Namjoon muttered, gently combing his hands through the young man’s hair. “I have a nice, warm nightshift right here for you.”
All Jungkook could seem to muster out was a small moan in response, shaky and once again, hitched, as he pawed at his nose in sleepy annoyance. “I know Jungkookie, almost there. I’m sorry, I know it’s chilly. Just gotta get this over your head now…there we go, left arm first, good boy.“ Was that Jin’s voice now? The feeling of cold air fading into warm silk on his skin caused a raspy whine to come out of his mouth before his thoughts even caught up. “It’s okay, it’s okay. All done.” Definitely Jin.
Despite the warm, dry clothing covering him now, chills racked his body relentlessly. It didn’t take but a few more hitching breaths before his face scrunched up in a defeated flurry of congested sneezes. “Bless you, little one. Come on, blow for me,” Jin whispered from his left, the down shirt coming back up to cover most of his face. Jungkook was ever obedient though, so he managed to huff out a thick blow at Jin's discretion. Gods this shirt was going to be so gross. Poor Namjoon. “There we go, all better. Good job, Jungkookie.” For someone whose shirt was now a makeshift hanky, Namjoon’s voice sounded awfully pleased with him.
A flush dusted his cheeks as he glanced up at both men in pure adoration, one not having to do with his fever. But the hyungs didn’t need to know that. Soft wool blankets were quickly wrapped around his shoulders, and he let out a relieved sigh when his feet were placed in a basin of hot water. The trembling didn’t stop, nor did the deep aches in his body, but the sudden warmth and Namjoon and Jin’s presence were enough to let him doze off for a while. He was safe. And for now, that was enough.
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whatacaitastrophe · 6 months
Everything Has Changed - Chapter 6
Previous Chapter
Chapter Song Inspiration: "I Can See You" - Taylor Swift
Chapter Warnings: none
Spotify Playlist: Here
Author Notes: Thank you all so much for reading, reblogging, liking, and commenting on this fic (and the first one)! If you are interested in supporting me in other ways, I have a Ko-Fi link. ya girl has been behind on bills for two months and i've got a dog to feed, and every little bit helps <3
Chapter 6: Baby, If You Only Knew
Fallon shouldn’t be laughing. Firstly, laughing was incredibly painful. This was the primary reason that Fallon was desperately trying to hold in her laughter as the situation unfolded in front of her. Second, it was Astarion who was the misfortunate one who they were laughing at, and he would definitely be bothered by the fact that she laughed with Gale and Arabella. Then again, it wasn’t every day that her boyfriend was accidentally turned into a cat by her ex-boyfriend’s wild magic, so perhaps this was one of those rare moments where, despite her lover’s displeasure, laughing through the pain was acceptable. 
She didn’t need to be able to understand the meows coming from the fluffy white cat at her feet to know Astarion was furious. “Gods, to have a Potion of Animal Speaking on me right now,” Fallon giggled, wiping tears from her eyes. She looked between Gale and Arabella. “Do either of you have one?” 
“I do, actually.” Arabella offered, quickly standing up and rushing to her tent to grab the potion. 
“You know he’s never going to forgive you for this.” Fallon warned Gale, and the sorcerer chuckled. 
“I’d expect nothing less,” He shook his head. “Is it bad that I’m not sorry?” 
Fallon snorted, which earned them both a devastating glare and a hiss from the cat. “Maybe a little.” 
Arabella returned with the potion and handed the bottle to Fallon, who quickly uncapped it and swallowed down the potion in two gulps. 
A tingling sensation worked its way through her body and within moments, the angry meows coming out of the cat’s mouth were in Common. 
“Not sorry, I’ll show that bastard what not sorry looks like.” Astarion ranted as he paced and his tail lashed rapidly back and forth. 
“Are you okay, Astarion?” Fallon asked, trying to suppress her giggles once again now that she could speak with him. 
“Don’t bother holding back your laughter now, darling, it didn’t stop you before,” He huffed. “If by ‘okay’ you mean 'not at risk of being burned to a crisp by the sun', then yes, it appears I’m fine! But if you’re concern is regarding the fact that Gale turned me into a bloody fucking house cat, then no, I am ABSOLUTELY NOT FINE!” 
The last time Astarion shrieked at her like this, it was when Fallon accidentally locked him in the Githyanki creche after she and Shadowheart convinced him to steal The Blood of Lathander, and the building exploded with Astarion still inside. The effect was lessened, however, by his current fluffy situation.“Well at least we know you’re not a vampiric cat.” She offered, trying to find the silver lining of this situation. 
“Tell him to change me back this instant, or I will shred his pillow.” Astarion demanded, ignoring her optimism. 
Fallon looked at Gale. “Do you think you can turn him back?”
Gale shook his head. “I’m not even sure how he got turned in the first place, so, no. I don’t think I can.”
“Perfect, just bloody perfect.” Astarion growled, and Fallon offered him a sympathetic look. 
“Any ideas, Arabella?” Gale inquired of the teenager, a slight blush creeping back into his cheeks at the embarrassment of having to ask someone more than half his age for advice about magic. 
She shrugged. “I could try, but transformational magic that complex isn’t something I’ve done much of, so I could end up just making it worse.” 
“Yes, let’s not leave my fate to the teenager, thank you.” Astarion hopped up onto the log and perched next to Fallon. 
“He said no,” Fallon summarized, leaving Astarion’s passive aggressive insult out. Instinctively she reached over and began scratching behind Astarion’s ears, like she would with any other animal. “Is it any comfort to know that you’re an extremely handsome cat?” It was a hilariously awkward situation, but maybe if she could appeal to Astarion’s vanity he would calm down enough so he wouldn’t hurt Gale once he was human again. 
Astarion huffed again. “I know what you’re doing, and no, it is not,” He pressed his furry head into Fallon’s palm and purred. “Though that feels nice.” 
Fallon continued scratching behind Astarion’s ears, and kissed the top of his head. “So none of us have any idea how long this is going to last?” 
Arabella and Gale shook their heads, and Fallon sighed. “Well, at least we weren’t planning on traveling today anyway.” 
“Gale, would you like me to show you some more basic spells while we wait for Astarion to turn back? That way, you’ll at least be able to defend yourself when he tries to murder you.” Arabella offered.
Gale glared at the teenager. “Yes, that would be most appreciated, thank you.” He replied dryly before turning his attention to Astarion. “Astarion, I do hope you know that I didn’t turn you into a cat on purpose, and that you will consider this fact before maiming me or my belongings.” 
“I’ll maim whoever the fuck I want, I got turned into a bloody cat.” Astarion hissed, and Gale flinched. 
“He said he’ll think about it.” Fallon grinned, giggling again at the sight of a grown man being afraid of a cat. 
“Don’t lie to him.” Astarion ordered her as Gale walked away with Arabella. 
“You’re not really going to hurt him, are you?” Fallon asked, scooping Astarion up into her arms and carrying him back to their tent so she could lay down. She might as well spend their rest day curled up with a book, and a cat in her lap. “It kind of feels like bullying a toddler, with the way he can barely control his magic right now.”
“Gods, will you ever stop trying to make me a better person?” Astarion whined.
“Probably not.” 
“Fine, on my honor, I will not harm the baby sorcerer.” Astarion rolled his eyes. Fallon didn’t know cats could do that. “Can I at least be a thorn in his side until I turn back?” 
“You don't need my permission, love, but why would you do that when you could stay here and have a cuddle with me?” Fallon set Astarion down on the ground once they were inside the tent, and sat down next to him. She scratched behind his ears again, and the cat purred. 
“Mmm tempting as that is, I think I’d rather be a nuisance to the man who turned me into a cat since you won’t let me kill him.” He licked her hand affectionately, and then trotted back out of the tent, leaving Fallon alone. She shook her head and picked up her book.
Over the next hour, every so often Fallon heard the sounds of something being knocked to the ground, followed by the sound of Arabella giggling and Gale snapping Astarion’s name. With each sound of an object clattering to the ground, the volume of Gale’s voice increased, as did his frustration. She knew that Gale didn’t have many personal items with him, so it was very likely that Astarion had taken it upon himself to repeatedly knock the same object over, much like a normal cat would. She would never say this to his face, but Fallon was of the opinion that Astarion made an excellent cat. He certainly had the right attitude. 
Fallon did not put her book down until she heard the telltale “wooshing” sound of transformational magic, followed shortly by a surprised shout from Gale and the sound of Astarion’s voice.
“Don’t you run from me, Gale!” Astarion shouted, and Fallon moved so quickly she barely had time to register the pain that shot through her body as she exited her tent to bear witness to whatever was happening outside. Arabella was standing between the grown men with a large force field surrounding her body, causing Gale and Astarion to run in circles around her as they tried to get to each other. A wide grin bloomed on Fallon’s face and she just stood there, watching, not bothering to intervene. Gale’s gaze fell to Fallon and lingered there a moment too long, grinning at her. That was when Astarion struck, tackling Gale to the ground. 
They tumbled in the dirt, wrestling each other like two schoolboys. Fallon looked at Arabella, and the tiefling shook her head. Whatever the goal was, neither Gale or Astarion seemed to have any intention of actually causing the other serious physical harm, so Fallon was inclined to just let them burn each other out. Fallon walked over to Arabella. “How was spell training?” She asked. 
“It actually went pretty well– Gale is a fast learner. Of course, we didn’t get through many of them, thanks to Catstarion causing chaos.” Arabella giggled, her eyes still on the men in the dirt. “I don’t remember the two of them being this…combative the last time I saw you all.” 
Fallon laughed once. “You’ve missed a lot.” 
“I mean, I had a feeling since you’re sharing a tent with Astarion now, and not Gale.” Fallon had forgotten that the last time Arabella shared a camp with them all, Fallon had been in a relationship with Gale. 
“Fair enough,” She conceded. Fallon turned her head to look at Arabella. “Did you see Gale blush earlier when you asked if they kissed?” Fallon needed to be certain she hadn’t been the only one to notice. She’d heard the way Gale flirted with Astarion the night the vampire called him Fallon’s new stray dog, reminding him that Astarion loved Scratch, too, but Fallon had assumed that was just to shake Astarion’s confidence and confuse him. 
“Oh, he totally blushed.” Arabella confirmed. “Do you think they have? Kissed?” 
Fallon went quiet for a moment and turned her attention back to Gale and Astarion wrestling. As Astarion’s partner, the thought of him kissing someone else, especially her ex-boyfriend, should bother her. Only…it didn’t. When she pictured Astarion and Gale kissing, it wasn’t an unwelcome sight. Her mind drifted and the picture in her mind shifted. Fallon pictured herself between Astarion and Gale, their hands roaming over her body as they kissed each other, and she could feel her body heating at the thought. After perhaps a second of hesitation too long, Fallon shook her head to rid herself of the fantasy and to deny Arabella’s question. “Definitely not. Astarion can barely stand to be around the same campfire as Gale. It would never happen.”
Gale and Astarion had finally slowed, as Gale had finally tapped out and apologized to Astarion for turning him into a cat. As they lay on the ground next to each other panting, another image flashed through Fallon’s mind: the two of them laying next to each other, panting because they’d just satisfied her so thoroughly she couldn’t remember her own name. Fallon’s heartbeat picked up as treacherous arousal bloomed inside of her. No, she wouldn’t mind any of those things at all. 
Well, she thought to herself. That’s going to be a problem. 
Chapter List
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Fly Me To the Moon║ ⒸⓄⓁⓁⒺⒸⓉⒾⓄⓃⓈ
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| FLY ME TO THE MOON | part of the A Weight Off Your Shoulders collection ║ series masterlist ║ main masterlist ║ | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x plus sized!fem!neighbor
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 5.5k | CONTENT: age gap (Joel mid 40s, neighbor late 20s), struggles of body image and self-worth, Joel gives off some himbo and “he’s so babygirl” vibes (an absolute chef’s kiss of a combo), these two dorks are so down bad for each other it’s stupid
| SYNOPSIS: Joel convinces you to take a weekend trip together.
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✧this is the fourth installment of a oneshot collection but can (probably? sort of?) be read as a standalone✧
✧◦◦║ Part 1 ║ Part 2 ║ Part 3 ║ Part 5 ║ Part 6 ║◦◦✧
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“Damn, I can’t even remember, darlin’,” Joel drawls, thumbing circles against your leg absentmindedly as he looks up at the ceiling in thought. “Ppfftt. Years. Years.”
“And you were the one telling me that I needed a vacation?” you huff in a laugh.
“Time ain’t got nothin’ to do with it. I’m still right. You need a damn break,” he shoots back with firm but loving kindness.
The airport intercom buzzed with static overhead before an announcement by way of a way too chipper, absolutely-cannot-be-her-actual-voice informed you that your flight would begin boarding in 10 minutes.
“How’d you hear about this again? This deal package thing?” you ask.
“Buddy a’mine from work.” He’s studying the ticket in his hand and glancing at yours. He’d made you print yours out instead of just using the digital ones he’d been issued. Because of course he had. And in the same middle aged man fashion, he’d hauled you to the airport way too many hours before you actually needed to be there. You didn’t really mind, though. It just meant the two of you could sit and talk and relax for longer. A nice start to the quick 3 day vacation to Cabo San Lucas that Joel had all but insisted you take with him.
“Your work friends take cute little weekend trips to Cabo?” you snort. 
Joel smirks at the tickets as he reads over them for the 5 millionth time to ensure all the details haven’t magically changed since the last time he checked them. He pushes his glasses up his nose from where they had steadily crept down.
That’s one of the things you’d learned about Joel early on. He wore contacts almost exclusively when he was working on major projects or during the busier time of year for contracting - “safer’n tryna stack safety goggles on top of some glasses” - but opted for some seriously unfairly adorable glasses the rest of the time. He looked good either way, of course.
You follow the line of his nose to where the bridge of it now correctly supports his frames. There was numerous things about Joel’s appearance that you loved, but his nose had snuck into the lineup at some point. Probably something to do with how much you loved when he’d drag it into you when he was lapping you up, the tip of it bumping and stimulating your clit until you couldn’t take it anymore and–
The announcement overhead informs you that the First Class flyers could “ready themselves for boarding at this time.” 
“So do they? Bunch of manly, manly man men taking beach getaways?” you taunt.
He lifts an eyebrow and tears his gaze away from the tickets.
“No, just my dumbass buddy who’s on his third wife ‘n has managed to learn enough that a romantic gesture here ‘n there is a helluva lot cheaper than a divorce lawyer,” he chortles.
“Pretty good motivator, I guess,” you admit with amusement. “So what’s your excuse?”
“My excuse? For what? Bookin’ this trip?” he asks. You nod, and he shrugs. 
“I’ll be honest with ya, I’m tryna get into this girl’s pants, and I think a coupla beachside margaritas’ll do the trick. She seems like a bit of a slut, to tell ya the truth, but that works out just fine ‘cause I’m a slut, too.” He wiggles his eyebrows theatrically and grins at you when you playfully swat his arm. He leans in closer and grips the inside of your thigh.
“Truth be told, I’m hopin’ to catch sight’a her in this lil pink stringy bikini I’m rather fond of,” he rasps into your ear. You erupt in goosebumps and half-heartedly nudge him away with a bad impression of a chiding look.
“Yeah, well, let’s hope there’s not any turbulence or else the only thing you’ll catch sight of is that girl with her head down the toilet for the rest of the night,” you deadpan.
Joel makes a dissenting noise and trades his grasp on your leg for your hand. “Baby, it’s alright. It’s not a long flight. Promise. I checked the weather and all that. Sunny. Not even a cloud out there. It’ll be alright,” he soothes.
You’d let him know ahead of time that you did not like flying. You wouldn’t go so far as deeming it a phobia, but flying in general made you anxious enough that any amount of turbulence was enough to set you off entirely. You were too embarrassed to share the other reasons of why you hated flying. Joel wouldn’t have made you feel bad about it if you had, but you hated that it was even a thing in the first place.
It was a commonly shared experience that flying was little more than “sardines packed into a tin can” that commoners just had to deal with. Then of course there was the lost luggage or the crying babies or the seating disagreements. Common ground for just about anybody who traveled enough. There was a reason why so many comedians had made airline and flying jokes their bread and butter.
Then there were the additional drawbacks for “passengers of size,” as they were so lovingly called by airlines. Those who carried “more than their share” of poundage being seated beside - or worse, in between - smaller passengers meant you ended up a source of annoyance. An easy, uniting point of focus for disgruntled flyers to project all their grievances onto. How dare you squash into the seat like the rest of us, except you’re bigger so it’s somehow a personal insult to them that you’d make an unpleasant experience even more so. 
Because it was so preventable, right? Just be smaller. Eat less. Control yourself every once in a while. Put down the cheeseburger and go for a run every now and then. If you would just stop being so selfishly huge, the rest of us wouldn’t have to put up with your body spilling over into our seat. We wouldn’t have to deal with you shoving and squeezing past everybody because you don’t fit. You aren’t meant to be so big, that’s why you don’t fit. Take the hint and drop a few pounds. For our sake. For your sake.
Or at least have the decency to buy yourself two seats and spare us all the unpleasantries of being made to deal with your bad decisions, your lack of control, your lazy life that has made you too big. We shouldn’t have to pay for the consequences of your bad choices.
Yeah. You dreaded flying.
But how could you possibly put such a damper on this nice gesture from Joel? He’d been so eager and sweet to suggest it. He’d even bought the tickets before even talking to you so that he could guilt trip you into treating yourself to a vacation if you turned him down.
It didn’t take much convincing, though. The thought of Joel half naked and all to yourself for multiple days in a row clouded your judgment. Now that you were about to board, reality was sinking in fast. You tried your best to not let your anxiety get the better of you, but your leg was jumping up and down already.
Joel’s hand cupped the side of your face and turned you to look at him. “Hey, c’mon. I’m right here. I’ll stay beside you the whole time, alright? Get myself permanently banned from the airline when I pee into a water bottle instead’a gettin’ up to use the bathroom. Promise.” His playful attempt at distracting and comforting you works.
“That’s so gross, Joel,” you groan with a scrunched face.
“Just sayin. I’ll do whatever I hafta if it means you’re comfortable, baby,” he says in all sincerity. He brings your hand to his lips and trails a few kisses along your knuckles.
“Let’s go before I gotta chase you down and drag you onto this metal tube myself.”
You roll your eyes and laugh, feeling slightly more relaxed. You just hope nothing embarrassing happens in front of Joel. You don’t think you could stand that level of humiliation.
You hand your ticket to the woman, and she scans it wordlessly with a bored look. You walk ahead of Joel who calls for you to go ahead as he doubles back to the terminal seating where he’d dropped something from his pocket.
You move along the small boarding bridge until you reach a curve in it where you can step aside and allow others to pass. You notice the lingering looks from a few people. The tell tale “god, I hope I’m not seated next to her” expressions flashing before being politely buried and exchanged for a forced, tight-lipped smile. 
Joel finally meanders along and gives you a quick peck before you both board. Joel is walking in first and puts both of your overhead luggage away in the bin. His bicep flexes with the movement, and you think to yourself you might just be able to distract yourself enough with certain things to make this flight go faster.
You glance around the plane as Joel finishes loading up the suitcases and closes the cover. The flight is packed. You don’t spot more than 7 empty seats, and there are people behind you. Great. You should’ve looked at your tickets closer like Joel had because maybe then you’d know if either of you had the aisle seat. At least that way you could shove some of yourself into the aisle and give everyone else more room.
“You first, honey,” he prompts, placing a gentle hand on your lower back.
“Um, I’ll just- I’d actually just rather sit in the aisle seat,” you say. “I don’t know if either one of our tickets–”
“I got the aisle seat on my ticket. You take it, baby.” He slides into the middle and pats the aisle seat beside him for you to sit down. You shimmy as gracefully as you can, praying that the armrests won’t dig into your sides too noticeably. You breathe a sigh of relief when you settle into the seat without having to fight the vice grip of metal bars on either side of you.
 Joel lifts the armrests that divide the three seats. He wiggles with approval at the less confining arrangement and scoots closer to you.
“Mmmm thas’better,” he hums as he leans a kiss into the crook of your neck and grabs at the inside of your thigh again. His hand is working its way across your lower belly roll when you warn him under your breath to not get you worked up right now when you’re just gonna have to wait hours until he can do something about it. He doesn’t bother to hide the smug expression he’s wearing, all too proud of himself for getting you turned on so easily.
You anxiously await the arrival of the third person bound to put an end to the pretend private party you and Joel are having. You look around confused with a growing thrill when it appears that everyone has boarded the flight. The seat next to Joel’s is empty. You turn your neck to see if there are more open spots in the otherwise packed flight, but you can’t see any from where you’re sitting unless you stand to get a better view.
“I can’t believe we get the whole row to ourselves,” you whisper excitedly to Joel. 
He smiles softly at you, taking a moment to soak up the shift in your mood where delight has taken the place of anxiety. “You must be a lucky charm, baby,” he coos before giving you a quick kiss. 
It’s the usual spiel: exits are this way, put your own oxygen mask on first, don’t get up until the seatbelt sign goes off. Your last bit of nerves over securing the belt around yourself slip like grains of sand through open fingers when Joel leans over and buckles you in himself. As always, he plants a quick kiss on you before getting himself buckled.
He also unbuckles you once takeoff is done and everyone is “free to move about the cabin.” He cups your face, reminding you gently that he “told you it wasn’t gonna be too bad.” You grin at him. A small heat simmers from your chest to your cheeks at all the comfort and attention he’s showering on you, unaware of just how many things he’s helping you through.
When you repeatedly crane your head to look out the window, Joel asks if you still want the aisle seat.
“Oh. Sorry. I was just-No, I was just curious is all. The aisle seat is good,” you lie. 
Of course you want to have the window seat. Everybody loves the window seat. It’s the best seat.
But you never get the window seat because that would mean you would be stuck in the corner, nowhere to lean your body to give others room, having to hold your pee because you can’t scoot past the other two seats and don’t want to be the spectacle of the fat girl making everyone else in your row get up so you can get out.
So, yeah. Aisle seat is fine.
Joel rolls his eyes at you and pokes your thigh. “You’re in my seat,” he says pointedly. You start to argue with him that no, seriously, it’s fine! you want the stupid aisle seat and not the much obviously better window seat, but then he decides to play dirty.
“I’mma call a stewardess over here and have her remove the unruly passenger that’s refusin’ to give me my seat,” he challenges with a playful jut of his chin towards you.
“OHMYGOD,” you huff. “FINE.”
Joel squeezes over and past you, and you shimmy over to the window. 
“There is seriously something wrong with you, Joel,” you try to say as sternly as possible, but the wavering giggle in your tone gives you away.
“Shutup, baby, you love it,” he murmurs with a chuckle as he presses himself flush against the side of your back and rests his head on your shoulder. You both sit like that for a bit, looking out the window together with his hand holding yours in your lap.
The rest of the flight is over in record time after you amuse yourselves with the product catalogs in the seat pockets. You and Joel marvel at the dumbest shit that has ever been “invented,” and it somehow gets worse with each page. Joel mercilessly teased you at one point when you tried to hide your genuine interest at the lawn gnome that was fashioned like an accountant. Well, a banker. But still. Close enough in looks and all. And it was only $47.99 plus shipping and handling. Okay, that was an awful price for such a tacky, cheap garden decor item, but it was cute.
He still wouldn’t let it go after you landed and made your way towards the exit. “So lemme get this straight,” he starts with a devilish edge in his voice. “You give me grief for my ‘middle age man bullshit’ like, I dunno, gettin’ to the airport early enough so you’re on time for a flight, but I’m not supposed’ta say anythin’ about you tryna order from a damn airplane catalog?”
“Joel, you told me one time The Eagles made better music than Nirvana,” you scoff in defense of your position.
“That’s not what I said!” he huffs right back. 
You only have yourself to blame for the 6 minute Now That’s What I Call Dad Rock! explanation that followed with all the “complex layers” that “determine good bands from bad bands.” Joel was quick to drop the subject entirely when you casually mention that you knew he had Black Eyed Peas in his iTunes library. 
“Sarah must’a added that. Don’t even know what that is.” The nervous neck scratch and patchy pink on his cheeks suggested otherwise.
When you finally made it to your hotel, you can’t believe you’d ever considered not coming. Joel confesses that he upgraded the existing package for a “villa suite.” You considered lecturing him over “wasting his money on you,” but you settled for a “thank you” and a kiss when you correctly reminded yourself that this was for both of you.
You feel the hot burn of overwhelming contentment in your gut as you watch Joel list off all the activities included in the package. The snorkeling, sunset yacht cruise, and jet skiing all sound fun. The horseback riding, parasailing, and kayaking stand out as the biggest NOPEs for fat girls.
Joel calls down to the front desk to arrange the sunset yacht cruise for the two of you a few hours from now. He wants to shower - “fuckin’ airplane oxygen makes my skin crawl” - and you wave him off as you help yourself to some fruit the staff has left for you on a decadent looking platter arrangement. You hear the water cut on in the shower. You open the sliding panoramic glass doors to listen to the water from the beach that makes up most of your view.
You feel cliche the moment you think it, but you really do feel like you’re in paradise. Not just the location, either. Here, with Joel. Who pushed you to do something spontaneous and fun and spendy. Who comforted you the entire plane ride. Who made you feel special. Who still hadn’t pressured you to put a label on your relationship and seemed content that you were mutually exclusive and just needed more time to adjust to the idea of getting into another serious relationship so soon after you broke off your engagement with your shitbag ex Michael.
Another side of you was nervous for this trip because it was a very undeniable “couple in a serious, longterm, committed relationship” move. Not that Joel had ever mentioned it as such or even made you feel that way. It was all in your own head, like most of the things that held you back from doing what made you truly happy.
You shake your head and decide you’re going to focus on the amazing time ahead of you. Just as soon as you can get the price of your plane ticket from Joel so you could balance your digital register and pay him back. You’d talked him into letting you split the cost of the hotel package, but then he’d gone and upgraded it to this villa. You felt antsy about your airline ticket still being outstanding when you know Joel must’ve spent a good chunk of change for this nicer, more secluded lodging option.
“Hey, babe?” you call into the bathroom. He answers back with a watery yeah?
“Hey, how much did you say the ticket was? For the flight?”
A beat or two of silence. “Uhhh, I dunno off the top’a my head, baby. I can tell ya when I get out of the shower, though. Be just about 10 minutes, okay?”
“Alright,” you call back. 
You turn and walk back into the bedroom portion of the villa. You see Joel’s clothes discarded on the floor. His phone, belt, and wallet littered on the neatly made king size bed. A thought crosses your mind that makes you smile. You pick up Joel’s phone and stare at the lockscreen. You didn’t know his password, but you didn’t have to. He’d unlock it for you if you ever asked to borrow it for a second. He wasn’t anything like the “suspiciously protective of their things” guys you’d been with before who didn’t want you to go through anything of theirs, especially electronics.
You hum to yourself and take a bite of pineapple. You’ve just come up with a little game, a test for yourself, to see if you can guess Joel’s password without any help from him. Worst case scenario it’d lock you out for a little bit and you’d have to wait to get your ticket price. Best case scenario you prove to yourself and to him that you know him like the back of your hand. That, and you can check his email for the flight receipt.
Hhmmmmm. Seven numbers. Must be Sarah’s doing. Joel wouldn’t go out of his way to add more digits to a passcode just to make it harder to get into. Path of least resistance was Joel’s general approach to technology. You take a bite of a strawberry. Then a mango. Oh my god, this shit is delicious. Fresh fruit had to be one of the best things on earth. 
Seven. Seven. Seven. Hhhmmmmmmmm.
Your face lights up. You know it. You know his passcode. It HAS to be this. You’d wager a good amount of money that you’re correct. You start to punch in the numbers.
8  0  0  8  1  3  5
It unlocks the second you hit the 5. You let out a victorious cackle. This DORK. Of course his password is “boobies” in numerical form. Of fucking course it is. Just when you think you can’t fall for this man any more than you already have, he goes and has that for his phone passcode.
“Fuckin’ perv,” you giggle to yourself with immense delight.
You are giggling and smiling to yourself as you click open his email. You scroll down until you see the airline name and then tap it open. Your brow furrows. The giggle that had been bubbling up your throat goes away in an instant. You don’t notice the sound of the shower being turned off or the rustling of Joel toweling himself off.
Joel’s words from earlier echo in your mind. “I’ll do whatever I hafta if it means you’re comfortable, baby.”
You stare at the screen, scrolling up and down and back again to make sure you’re reading it correctly.
“Everything okay? You aren’t answerin’ me,” Joel asks from the bathroom doorway. 
You turn towards him, and he can now see you clutching his unlocked phone in your hand. The glow of it reflects off your glossed eyes where tears are prickling at the brim. A look of realization from Joel.
“Baby, I– Please just let me–” he starts in a hurry.
“You bought three plane seats? You bought the whole row?” you squeak out.
“I’m– I did, but it wasn’t–”
“Why’d you do that?” you demand. You already know why.
“Baby, listen. It’s not like that! I knew you’d be annoyed at me putting up the money for first class, so I just did it this way instead. You weren’t supposed’ta find out,” he implores. 
He slowly approaches you, sensing the teetering mood that’s been set. His eyes are searching yours and begging for forgiveness all at once.
“First class? Because of, because they’re bigger seats? And-And a whole row so a third person didn’t have to squeeze in? So just me and you could sit together in the row?” you mumble. 
You make a frustrated noise when you start replaying the day. 
“Oh my god. The pocket. Your thing you said you dropped from your pocket? That you went back into the terminal to get? You didn’t even drop anything! Did you? You just needed to make sure I couldn’t see the lady scan two tickets!”
Joel swallows thickly and looks like he has no idea what to do or say.
Something akin to embarrassment threatens to take hold of you, but instead an overwhelming sense of love and security takes its place. Joel wanted to buy you First Class seats for a more comfortable flight, but he knew you’d get stuck on him spending that sort of money. So instead he bought an extra seat in economy class just so you could have enough room to move around comfortably. So you’d have a good flight. So you’d have a good start to the amazing weekend trip he’d planned.
“I-I did it because I-I just wanted you to have a good flight and be comfortable. Please, it’s not what you’re thinking. I know you get anxiety flyin’, and nobody fits good in those stupid seats anyway.” He’s a bit more frantic in his explanation now that you’re just staring at him, blinking slowly. He grabs your hands in his.
“Please. Please. Don’t be mad at me. Please,” he begs.
“Mad? At you?” You’re confused. Joel thinks you’re mad at him. For doing one of the most considerate things anyone has ever done for you and without any prompting. Somebody who’d probably never been more than 10 pounds “overweight” their entire life. Somebody who had no lived experience occupying a fat body. Somebody who because of those things would have to care deeply for someone to think of them in such an intimate, personal context. To even consider what their experiences were like. To imagine how they might be able to do something to make those experiences safer, nicer, more palatable for them. Joel had come up with this idea because he cared about you that much.
His head shifts sideways, sharing in the confusion. “Aren’t you?” he wonders.
“That is… the nicest thing… that anyone has ever–,” you break off when your voice cracks with emotion.
Joel’s expression softens when he gathers you aren’t furious with him. You close your eyes and take a deep breath before opening them again and wrapping your arms around Joel’s middle.
“No. I’m not mad. At all. You… You’re … Just.. I just….” You shake your head as you look up to him. Trying to collect yourself and your thoughts feels like the hardest thing that’s ever been done in the history of doing hard things. 
He shakes his head back at you. “You can– You’re allowed to be upset with me. I shoulda told you. I shoulda just told you the truth. I just didn’t want for you to, I dunno. Didn’t want you to feel embarrassed or somethin’. Not that you should feel embarrassed. Just that I thought you might feel embarrassed ‘bout it. ‘Cause of nerves or how you’d fit in the seats. Didn’t want you feelin’ self-conscious about any of it. Jus’ wanted you to be comfortable. Thought it was the best way to go about it, s’all. I know it was dumb. Shouldn’t’a kept it from you.”
“Take this stupid towel off,” you order.
The quick turn in the conversation stuns Joel for a moment. You don’t wait for him to catch up. You shove the towel off his hips and let it drop to the floor. You walk him backwards until the backs of his knees hit the bed. A hard shove lands him onto his back against the soft mattress.
“The hell?” he mutters. There’s confusion in his tone but zero resistance to the surprising but welcome turn of events.
He’s sprawled out against the large bed, and you take the opportunity of his wide spread to start licking anywhere and everywhere. His hips buck at the first pass of your flat tongue against his balls. 
“Gahh-Goddamn. Fuck. The fuck is goin’ on?” he rasps.
You laugh at his suspended disbelief and bewilderment as you slurp both of his balls into your mouth and start a pull of light suction on them. A whiny moan grumbles in his throat at the sensation.
You release him and let the slobber drip down your chin. “M’showin’ you how not mad I am at you.” 
His eyes roll back when you take his entire length into your mouth with one motion. His hips jerk when you bottom out.
“Ooohhh-hngggg jesusfuckinchrist,” his voice crackles and strains. You work his length with such fervor that your drool is running down his shaft, dripping onto the curly brown hairs at his base, sliding in hot streaks down his ass on either side of his ballsack. You so rarely got to please him like this. He always preferred you riding his face or letting him titty fuck you. You hadn’t really ever shown him your particular skillset in this department, but you were sure as hell gonna clear that up today.
“Ba-Baby. Agh fuck. Lemme tast–” Joel is sputtering through his sentence, but it drops off entirely when you start to jerk him off and bury your tongue into his asshole. His legs snap up into a loose bend at the knee. His hand flies to the top of your head.
“OH FUCK,” he blurts out, raising his hips off the bed slightly for you to have better access.
You trade off between rolling  your tongue with firm presses against his hole and darting as much of your tongue as you can inside of it, and he sounds borderline hysterical. You move up to his balls again and suck them into the vacuum of your mouth more urgently than before. By the time you make it back up to his dick, he is blabbering absolute nonsense.
“Gah-jus’ wanna— hhhngggg, oh fuck haahhhhhh, christ— if I wanna – but wanna fuck your–”
A strangled moan cuts his incoherent musings off. The fact that this man thinks he can last long enough to fuck you? In the state you’ve whipped him into? Actually hilarious. He’s about to spiral, and you’re almost done showing him how not mad you are. You know what will get him there, and quick.
“Joel, shut the fuck up already and turn my throat into a daycare,” you growl.
“JESUS CHRIST, YOU’RE GONNA FUCKIN’ END ME,” he practically sobs when you take him into your mouth again.
You bob the tip of his head in your throat and massage his balls. His entire body stiffens as he grabs for your hair. He makes a sort of pained noise just before you feel him twitching inside your mouth. The loud, distress-adjacent moans ripping from his chest are almost enough to make you get off, too.
You work him through his release, swallowing and bobbing as his spend shoots into your throat. You don’t stop until he gently pulls you off of him.
You are a complete mess. Slobber and cum dripping and sliding every which way. You couldn’t give less of a shit. Joel’s astonished, blissed out look right now makes your day. You wished your phone was closer to you could snap a picture of him, looking like he’d just seen a sleep paralysis demon do a long division math problem before running off to play hopscotch with some Keebler Elves.
“You okay?” you laugh as you crawl up next to him and wrap your arms around his neck. He turns to look at you with wide-eyed awe. You can’t help but crack up at his astonishment.
“You’re acting like nobody’s ever sucked your dick before, Joel,” you gibe.
“NOT LIKE THAT THEY HAVEN'T.” His voice perfectly compliments his expression. Bewildered. Satisfied. Reverent.
You laugh again. You made mental notes of your performance. Save that routine in your back pocket and bust it out when you need it. A real “BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY” type blowjob. Always a good thing to have.
“Told you I wasn’t mad,” you titter. You place wet kisses against his neck and snuggle closer. He relaxes against the bed and slowly comes back to his senses. You feel his chest shake with a laugh.
“What? What’s so funny?” you demand.
“Turn my throat into a daycare?” he echoes your words back to you. He sniffs an impressed, incredulous laugh through his nose. “Absolutely foul, Roxanne.”
You bark a laugh at his use of your full name. You could probably count on one hand the times he’d used it, and it was always when he was being very serious about something. The fact that he’d used it in this context felt like the funniest thing you’d ever heard in your life. When your rolls of laughter subsided, you took him to task on his declaration of you being “foul.”
“Uuuhhhhh, that’s real rich coming from the guy who has BOOBIES for his passcode! If I’m a pervert, then you’re a pervert,” you assert.
“Damn, guess you’re right,” he tuts. “Sounds like we really deserve each other.”
Your breath catches, and you lock eyes with one another. You don’t think he meant for it to sound as meaningful as it did. He opens his mouth and closes it a few times before settling for silence. His face is so open yet impossible to read.
“Yeah. I think you’re right. I think we do deserve each other,” you agree in a low voice and a shy smile.
Joel wordlessly brings your mouth to his and captures you in a slow, deep kiss. It feels like he’s saying whatever it was that he couldn’t just a few moments ago. For now you greedily take what he’s able to communicate, but you know eventually you’ll both have to work up the nerve to talk about it and say all the things you’ve been saying through touches and gifts and looks and gestures and acts of service.
But for right now, you’re just going to take the time to enjoy what’s right in front of you.
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me, to the characters I am writing and putting into the very specific situations I'm reading: OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOU TWO JUST KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY AND ADMIT YOU LOVE EACH OTHER
me, before anyone can ask why this is being posted before the sub!Joel fic that was supposed to come out next:
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catch ya later, ♥Puddles♥
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
Be My Little Darling - Chapter 4
Chapter 3 Chapter 5
Pairing: Loki x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. There's cursing. Toxic Loki. Established relationship. Fight scene.
Summary: Loki is the exclusive owner of the hottest club in New Asgard. Dubbed the Nine Realms, each of the nine rooms represent a different realm. You are his second in command, working the floors and ensuring everyone is having fun. When you get back to work, Loki is none too pleased about you leaving.
Word Count: 2,369k
A/N: I'm sorry if this doesn't flow. My family bugs and it disrupts my flow. I'm still satisfied, but well, what can ya do. But we are our own worst critics! Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers!
Taglist: @theeblackmedusa @braverthanthenewworld @cantstayawaycani @crochetandloki @monaeesstuff @xorpsbane @headcannonxgalore @chaos-4baby @dayjlovesromance
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When you got back to work, everyone was giving you funny looks. You got the sense that you were in trouble with the principle, which was ridiculous but that’s how everyone was staring. You scowled at them and headed towards the break room, ready to start the day with a fresh cup.
Your family wasn’t there. The swell of hope you felt died angry and bitter in your chest. No matter what, you didn’t know how to stamp out the weak and pathetic part of you that wanted to see your family again. 
The worst part was not knowing. Either Thanos got to them or they were snapped away. Or any other scenario you could think of that would explain their absence for so long. Surely, if they were still here and had their memories, they would have found you by now. Unless, they weren’t on Earth. You chewed on your nails as you entered the break room.
It immediately went quiet. Eyes roamed your way as you passed towards the coffee machine. The only sound in the room was the TV and the air conditioner. You ignored it and made your coffee. Your mug slammed too loud on the counter top. The machine hissed and squealed in the quiet room. 
You practically felt eyes on your back as you went about your business. No one spoke. It was eerie. Nightclubs were inherently loud. Even when it was time to open and close and people had left, there was always chatter or music. So what gives?
You turned around and the few in the room suddenly found everything else much more interesting. “What the hell is going on?” 
You looked down at your outfit. It wasn’t anything different than what you’ve worn before. You had checked your face in the mirror before you walked in so you knew there wasn’t anything on your face. 
Honey stormed into the room and when she saw you, she rushed over to you. “You are in big, big trouble, princesa,” she said. 
“For what?” 
“The boss was looking for you yesterday,” she said.
You closed your eyes and silently cursed. You knew there was a possibility that he’d found out that you left. You’d done it before and he never cared or bothered to notice. You liked operating under the radar. But lately, with this thing between you, he paid more attention to you. 
You both loved and hated his attention. You were used to being another cog in the machine that ran his club. He got to sit back and enjoy the fruits of everyone’s labor. It was fine, it was your job description, but the added scrutiny would make it harder for you to disappear for a few hours in search of your family.
“I’ll talk to him,” you said. After you finished your coffee of course. There was no way in hell you were going in there without it. You needed your wits about you to deal with Loki. 
“What about the stage I told you about yesterday? I’m not the only one who’s noticed now,” Honey said.
“One problem at a time, Honey. I promise, we’ll look into it,” you said. 
Honey scowled but she knew you. Coffee first, everything else later. “There’s no show, you can all go back to gossiping about me,” you called to the rest of the room. Some had the good sense to look embarrassed.
It was one giant high school, just like the shows you binged at home. Earth TV was fascinating and the more you watched, the less you understood the hive at work. Too many people with too much downtime in between setting up and the customers rolling in. And too many rooms to hide in and screw. 
You made a face. You’d have to remember to pay the cleaning crew extra. You stood by the coffee machine and took a sip. The steaming hot liquid burned on the way down and you sighed in relief. 
“Darling.” You jumped slightly. You looked around and saw Loki by the entrance. He wore his signature black suit and his hands were tucked into his pockets. He didn’t look any more pissed than usual, but rage poured out of him and poisoned the whole room. 
He hadn’t shouted or yelled. It was just that damn quiet in the break room. “Loki.” You sipped your coffee and watched him.
He tilted his head at you and his eyes flickered as if he were studying a bug under a microscope. He waited. So did you. You knew he wanted you to run scrambling to him and you weren’t too sure you were ready for all that rage.
Glancing around, the employees were eager. Their faces bounced between you and Loki as if waiting for a fireworks show to start. You sighed. One day, you’d win a battle of dominance with him. Right now, was not that time.
You walked over to him with a sweet smile. Nothing to see here, lovelies, nothing to see here. Loki followed you until you were a safe distance away from the break room, closer to the kitchens and lockers. 
Loki grabbed your arm and pushed you towards the nearest wall. “Where the hell have you been?” His rich, deep voice skated over your nerves and you suppressed a shiver.
“Out,” you said.
“Don’t be cute,” he said. His eyes stared daggers into yours. If looks could kill…
“I can’t help being cute, Loki,” you said.
Loki slammed the wall next to your head. Your heart pounded in your chest. Not from fear…you never feared him. Loki’s nostrils flared and he stared at you. 
“Where were you? Why weren’t you running the club?” 
You bit your lip. You thought…you sighed. You thought perhaps he missed you. Then you smiled. You were an idiot. Loki didn’t miss anyone. He just hated not having things in order.
Before he could remark on your smirk, you looked at him. “I had something personal to take care of,” you said. 
“Like what?” He asked. 
“Emphasis on personal,” you said.
Loki took a deep breath. “Darling…where did you run off to?”
“Since when do you care?” You crossed your arms. You weren’t a child and you refused to be treated like one. By anyone. Least of all Loki.
“We have an agreement, you and I,” he said.
“And that entitles you to know everything about me? Do you get to know everyone you take to bed or am I just that special?” You asked.
Loki grabbed your chin. “If I find out that you ran off with some lover, or that you’ve so much as glanced at someone else…”
“You’ll what? Kill them? Don’t make me laugh, Loki.” It was hard to be haughty when he was grabbing your chin, but you managed it. 
“You’re mine, Darling,” Loki said. His voice was low, deep, and he practically purred it. There was no way to fight off your shiver. “Mine to please, mine to scold. However I see fit.” 
“You’re going to stand there and say you haven’t touched anyone else or looked at anyone else since our agreement?” 
“No.” That one word made your jaw shut with an audible click. He was serious. As serious as you had ever known him to be.
Loki read the expression on your face. He moved his hand from your chin to caress your cheek. His fingers were cold but soothing to the touch. 
“Do you think so little of me, my Darling?” 
You stared into his clear blue eyes, like the Asgardian sky at first light. He leaned in close as if he were going to kiss you. You leaned in as well. But Loki held your gaze. He wanted an answer to his question.
You were spared from answering by one of the security guards calling for your attention. “Handle it,” Loki said, not moving his eyes from you. 
You couldn’t place the emotion inside of his eyes. Loki only had two that he was willing to share. He was either amused or angry. He didn’t get angry often. Pulling anything else out of him was like excavating a long rumored treasure. Rare, precious, fleeting. 
The security guard was insistent. A crashing sound tore your eyes away from each other. A burly man came barrelling down the wide hallway. You squinted in the dim light and finally placed him. It was the large idiot from a few nights ago. 
He stumbled forward with a singular focus, heading straight for you. Loki moved first, moving in front of you. You scoffed and stood next to him. 
“I can handle myself,” you said.
“There’s no fighting in my club,” he reminded you.
“Tell that to him,” you said. You eyed the man up and down, taking in his appearance. He didn’t look like he had bathed at all since you kicked him out last time. His clothes were sloppy, unkempt. There were stains on his plaid shirt and dirt on his once-bright jeans. Two of his cronies flanked them. Something was wrong with them, something you couldn’t put your finger on.
You conjured two defense batons. Adrenaline surged in your veins as you prepared for the incoming fight. Loki may not want a fight, but there was one to be had. 
The three customers stood in formation as they reached you. You were far deep into the club, near the back. The area around you was less decorated than the rooms and front hallways. Anything expensive here could theoretically be replaced. But why should it? You kicked these men out before. They had no right to come back.
You didn’t want to fight them in such close quarters, but if it came down to it, the safety of everyone else was more important.
“What do you want?” Loki asked.
“That one,” the big man pointed at you. 
You smirked, ready to mouth off but Loki held up a finger. You were ready to give him a piece of your mind as well. He glared at you out of the corner of his eye and turned towards the men.
“Something’s not right,” he muttered. 
The big man rolled his shoulders but the other two…they stood statue still. No one stood that still. They looked like dolls awaiting orders. Or robots awaiting their next command. They wore twin expressions of greed. Their faces were frozen on a grim smile. He was right, something was off about all of this.
Loki grabbed your hand and he began to move to the side. All three men watched and matched Loki’s wide stride. You turned in a circle until the men were on the other side and you and Loki had your backs towards the entrance. They moved in perfect unison. Their formation was impeccable. 
“Back away, slowly,” Loki said. He kept his eyes on them as you both started moving backwards. The men followed suit and walked forward. “What the hell is this?” You asked.
“I don’t know,” Loki said. 
You were nearly to the entrance, when the big man cracked his knuckles. The front area sort of looked like a hotel lobby. There were chairs and lounges for people to rest on, ledges cut into the walls with paintings or vases, and plants everywhere.
There was a front desk where the hostess stood to direct people to different rooms. The hostess was off in the corner, hunched down and keeping quiet. Another security guard stood there, protecting her. 
A guard was crumpled on the floor. Likely the source of the crash. He was laid out next to a planter. Dirt was spilled across the floor and the plant was ruined. You didn’t blame the other security guard for getting scarce. They were human and ill-equipped to deal with someone the size of the meathead.
He had to be at least 6’5, balding head, and as thick as a retired football player. His friends were no less big and round. It was like they formed a brick wall of muscle. No one smart enough would go through them. You happened to make a career of doing dumb things.
“Who sent you?” Loki asked. 
All three men laughed. They spread out. They didn’t hold any weapons. The meathead jerked forward and then they were all running. You ducked and moved under their wide swings. Your smaller size was better for quick jabs and kicks. You hit any open joint you could find. Elbows, knees, hands. 
Nothing fazed them. For every blow you dealt, they kept coming. They didn’t feel your hits at all. And you weren’t pulling them. Loki whizzed past you taking on the big meathead. Loki had his own weapons out and was battling the man. But not battling to hurt. Wherever Loki hit, it was soft areas like the stomach, thighs, calves.  
You paid attention to your own fight. He was a big boy, he could handle himself. The two men attacked you at once. You kicked the one on your right and he knelt on his good knee. The other, you grabbed his arm and swung him into the other one. 
“Enough!” Loki’s power flowed over you and it left you staggering. You looked towards him. He held the meathead’s arm and power flowed from Loki to the meathead. The guy’s eyes glowed green before he collapsed on the floor.
“Move, Darling,” Loki said. 
You moved away from the other two. Loki crossed the room in loud, thunderous steps and grabbed the two men you fought. Again, power flowed from Loki to them. Their eyes glowed green and they fell onto the floor.
“What the hell…?” One of them asked. He shook his head as if coming out of a trance.
“Mind control?” You didn’t really ask anyone. Loki nodded. He glanced between the meathead and his friends. 
“Someone’s riled them up and sent them in here,” Loki said.
“Why? Who would do that?” You asked.
Loki clenched his jaw so hard that you saw it rippling. He was supposed to have all of the answers. He kept telling everyone that he was a god and smart and all powerful. “I don’t know.”
And that was the scariest thought of all.
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Masterlist | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
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farfromrealitypls · 2 years
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Where there’s desire there’s gonna be a flame
Summary: As if you didn’t doubt yourself enough, JJ had to add his opinion and it completely crushed you. Thankfully the night took a positive turn, blowing all your doubts away.
Warnings: angst, JJ being an asshole, mention of substances, blood maybe, kissing
A/n: Hello:) I really hope you enjoy this one, seems like fluffy Rafe is just our favourite<3 I also wrote a Christmas story already, but I guess November is a little too early. I’ll post it beginning of December :)
He turned around and pulled you into a hug again, nuzzling his face into your neck and taking a deep breath. You ran your hand over his back and gently placed your other hand on the back of his head, trying not to mess up his hair.
You chuckled at his clingy behaviour.
“You got this Rafe. Don’t be nervous”
Rafe had a big job interview out of town and had been stressed about it all week. He was all dressed up, black suit and tie, hair perfectly styled. He looked absolutely handsome.
He took one more deep breath and let go of you.
“You’re right. It’ll be fine” he nodded, licking his lips.
You smiled and placed you hand on his cheek, he grabbed it softly and kissed your palm.
“See you in two days” he grabbed your face with both hands and pecked your lips. Then he walked off to his truck.
“See ya” you blew him a kiss and he smiled, then drove off.
You’ve been dating Rafe Cameron for about three months now and those were the most beautiful and exciting months of your life. Lots of people didn’t approve of your relationship, especially your friends, but he was everything you could ever wish for and you enjoyed every second with him. He showed sides of him you didn’t even knew existed.
He made your heart beat and your mind feel all dizzy, you were honestly a little terrified of the way you felt for him. It wasn’t like anything you ever felt before.
And you wanted to say those 3 words so bad, wanting to just fully give in to that feeling, but you held back.
You were scared his feelings weren’t as strong as yours. He hasn’t said it either, but you knew he loved you. This wasn’t just a fling, your connection was way to deep.
Sometimes you just wished he could just say it first, the burning love you had for him almost made it unbearable to look at him.
You caught yourself overthinking and decided to drive to the chateau to see your friends. You admitted you didn’t spend as much time with them as before, the only one you saw more often that the others was Sarah, since you were at the Cameron’s a lot. She was the first to find out about you and Rafe, not judging you because you also supported her when she started liking John B. She was being an amazing friend.
When you arrived, all of them were hanging out on the deck, laughing and drinking beer.
“Look who it is. Haven’t seen that face in a while!” you heard Kie saying while she got up to hug you.
“Hey” you smiled.
You went around and gave everyone a hug.
“You look familiar, have we met before?” John b said, fake confused look on his face.
“Shut up” you shoved him gently and pulled him in for a quick hug to.
You sat down in a chair across from JJ who was awfully quiet. He acted a little weird since you started dating Rafe.
“So. How is it going? Enjoying dating the kook prince?” Pope asked.
You saw JJ rolling his eyes.
“Yeah” you said smiling.
“Fine with me. He pretty much ignored us since you started dating” John B added and took a sip of his beer.
“Did he say it yet?” Kie asked with a wide grin, sitting on a table next to you, dangling her feet of it.
���No” you shook your head.
“That’s probably because he’s banging at least 3 other girls behind your back” JJ mumbled and all heads whipped around.
The girls giving him an angry look.
You stared into his soul, angry at his words and absolutely crushed.
“What? We all gonna pretend like I’m not right? Why would he chose you y/n?” He got up and made a few steps towards you, raising his voice.
„What makes you special to him? Because you’re pretty? Rafe Cameron meets a 100 pretty girls. You’re just a placeholder until he gets bored.” he looked at you cold, clenching his jaw.
You couldn’t hold back your tears anymore. His words hurt so bad that you felt like throwing up.
“JJ enough!” Kie yelled and tried to put her hand on your shoulder, but you brushed it off and left.
You started sobbing and got into your car.
He just hit a nerve, bringing up what went through your mind for a long time anyway.
“Y/n!” Sarah shouted after you, giving Kie a concerned look.
“Sarah you say something! He’s your brother. You really think he’s gonna change?” JJ went on and sat back down.
John B and Pope just sat there silent. Not knowing what to do.
Sarah looked at her friends, not sure if she got the right answer.
“I-I don’t know, but-“
“Exactly. I only said it because I care about her. Someone had to” he licked his lips and shifted in his chair.
“No you said it because you’re selfish! You’re jealous because YOU wanted her JJ. And a broken heart sucks, but that was not ok.” Kie yelled and went inside. Sarah followed her.
How could he say that? But what if he was right. JJ made it sound like you’ve been stupid to believe you actually meant something to Rafe. His words kept repeating in your head. You were shaking and you could barely see the road, because of your blurry vision.
“Why would he chose you?” That sentence made you feel sick. But why would he?
You couldn’t think straight and debated what to do.
Like autopilot you started driving to Barry’s for one of two things. His comfort or something to calm your nerves.
You have been friends with Barry ever since he fixed your car when you broke down on the side of the road. You weren’t GENUINE close friends, but he listened to your drama from time to time and always had some weed.
It got dark by the time you arrived at his house and you stumbled out of your car, still sobbing and mind all foggy. You parked a little further away because you didn’t have the attention span to drive your jeep along that small path leading to his house.
You were all over the place and your feet just carried you, you didn’t see that car coming when you crossed the street.
The driver hit the breaks but didn’t come to a full stop. The car hit you and you flew across the concrete. You got up immediately not even fully understanding what just happened. Adrenaline swallowed your pain.
“Oh my goodness are you ok?” The guy leaned out of his window.
“Yeah yeah I’m fine” you rubbed your head and waved him off.
You head his car door open.
“Just go i’m ok” you left, making your way towards Barry’s house.
He got back in and drove off.
You knocked at Barry’s door. No response.
“Barry! It’s me. Please open” no response.
“Are you serious?” You mumbled to yourself while grabbing the spare key from under the doormat.
You opened the door and stepped inside.
“Barry?” the house was empty.
“Fuck” you sank to the floor grabbing your phone.
“Hello?” he picked up his phone.
“Barry where are you?” You asked whining.
“Out of town. Where the fuck are YOU?”
“Your house. Please I need some weed” you started crying again.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Breaking into my house like that. Also I’m all out.”
“Your joking” a sob leaving you
“I just got hit by a car and it hurts. Please Barry.” You begged, tears just rolling down your cheeks.
“What the fuck have you been up to y/n? Hit by a car?” His confusion was not to overhear through the phone.
“Yes. Just tell me where it is” you whined, wiping away some of your tears.
“You deaf? I’m. All. Out.”
“Fuck you Barry” you sobbed, hung up and threw your phone to the floor.
You hugged your knees into your chest and rested your forehead on them. Then you noticed the blood dripping down your shin. You scraped both of your knees when you fell and one started to bruise really bad. When you picked some dirt out of the scrape you saw your elbow bleeding too.
You started sobbing uncontrollably, overwhelmed by everything.
Anger overcame you since you wouldn’t be here like this if JJ just kept his mouth shut. Now you sat on a drug dealer’s floor, hurt and doubting everything.
You heard your phone ring, your head shot up and with a sob you reached for it.
JJ’s name popped up on your screen and you verbally let out a scream, letting your phone fall back to the floor.
It felt like you sat there forever but you just couldn’t calm yourself down, there was no energy left in your body to get up and leave.
Suddenly you heard the door open and your head whipped around and there he was. Tie loosened and hair messy. He rushed over, bent down to you on one knee and grabbed you, pulling your head into his chest.
You were just sobbing into him, taking in his scent and grabbing on to his shirt. You could hear his fastened heartbeat.
Then you pulled away from him to look into his eyes, still sobbing. He looked at you in deep concern, his hands tightly around our upper arms to hold you up.
“Rafe I know I may not be your first choice but-“ were the first words to said to him
He cut you off by taking a hold of your jaw, forcing you to look at him.
“What? Y/n. I left the maybe most important meeting of my life because I got a call that you’re hurt. I drove 30 minutes, thinking about you everything second, hoping you’re ok. You are everything to me. Because when I met you, I felt like I’M someone’s first choice for the first time. And I would chose you. Every. single. time.”
Your heart started racing at his words, with both excitement and pure passion. The previous night just disappeared from your mind and it was just Rafe and you. You lost yourself in his blue eyes.
“Rafe I’m so in love with you” the words just poured out of you and the next second you slung your arms around his neck and crushed your lips on his.
He almost fell back but caught himself, holding on to your waist, squeezing it roughly. He kissed you back immediately, hungry and in a way he never did before. He got up, pulling you with him like you weigh nothing, throwing you on the couch. He pushes your legs open with his knee und positioned himself between them, placing his hands on each side of your head. His touches were almost a little aggressive then he stopped and stared into your eyes. Both heaving and just admiring each other.
“You don’t know how much you fucking mean to me. I love you more than anything in this world”
He bent down closer to you.
“And I would burn this fucking world down for you” he whispered and placed a soft kiss on your neck. He continued to kiss down your neck and you hummed at the feeling.
You grabbed his face and pulled him off your neck to face him. He smiled down at you and it gave you butterflies.
“Can we leave?” you asked softly, just wanting to be cuddled up in his bed with him.
“Yes” he smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead.
He got up and noticed the huge scrape and bruising on your knees and elbow. He grabbed your arm gently to get a better look and then his gaze shifted down to your knee. His jaw clenched and he looked at you frowning.
“Does it hurt a lot?” he asked softly.
“Just the knee” you answered and your voice cracked.
Without hesitation he swept you up bridal style and carried you outside. You held onto his neck and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, he smiled and it made your heart warm up.
He gently sat you in his truck and buckled you up.
He put his hand on your thigh, running his thumb over it and started driving.
“What got you into this baby?” He gave you a quick look.
The nickname made your heart jump.
“JJ said some things” you looked out the window, trying to avoid this conversation.
“Things like what?” He kept asking.
“It’s doesn’t matter anymore” you shook your head and looked down to your hands resting in your lab.
“Matters to me” he replied and kept his eyes on you.
You let out a deep sigh and felt your eyes welding up with tears.
“Alright don’t worry about it y/n. It’s ok. You don’t need to tell me.” He patted your thigh and quickly wiped away the tears that you couldn’t hold.
You nodded and he grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on it. You gave him a soft smile.
Rafe parked the truck, got out and opened your door when you made it to his house.
“I can walk. It doesn’t hurt anymore” you said.
“Are you sure?” He asked, helping you out of the truck.
“Yeah” you said climbing out.
You made your way to the front door, Rafe had his big hand on the small of you back. He opened the door and you both stepped inside.
“Y/n!” Sarah’s voice echoed through the house.
She ran towards you and pulled you into a hug immediately.
“Oh my god. What happened?” She asked with concern written all over her face, looking at your legs and arm.
“Your fucking pouge friend” Rafe spat and tried to pull you away from Sarah.
“Did that happen after the fight?” She asked, looking back and forth between you and Rafe.
You nodded wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Go upstairs ok? I’ll be there in a bit. Grab some clothes and lay down yeah?” Rafe suggested while gently pushing you towards the stairs.
You just sighed and nodded, making your way upstairs into his room.
“What fight?” Rafe asked when you closed the door behind you. Anger filled his body and he wasn’t sure if he really wanted to hear the answer.
“JJ said some stuff about you not really caring about her. Just using her. Doesn’t matter, he was being stupid.” Sarah confessed.
Rafe could feel his blood boiling and he wanted nothing more than to storm out, find JJ and beat the living shit out of him. His eyes darkened and he ran his tongue over the inside of his cheek.
“Rafe-“ Sarah attempted to calm down her brother.
“I love her.” He cut her off, clenching his jaw and not breaking eye contact.
“I know.” She nodded, she could see in his eyes that he meant it.
He nodded back and walked past her without saying another word.
You just stood in his room the whole time, thinking about what happened. The door opened and Rafe walked him.
“Why are you still standing here?” He chuckled.
“I don’t know” you giggled back. His appearance making you feel better immediately.
He picked out a T-shirt for you and you both changed before crawling into bed together. Arms wrapped around each other, leaving no space between your bodies. You rested your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He ran his big soft hands over your back, just enjoying your body on his.
“Rafe?” You whispered.
“What makes you chose me?” you pushed yourself up to look at him. His eyes met yours.
“When you’re with me, everything goes quiet… And it’s just you and me. I know I fucked up a lot. But you make me wanna be better.” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
Tears started forming in your eyes at his answer and you smiled.
“And you’re hot” he broke out in a wide grin.
Your mouth opened in disbelief and you giggled, hiding your face back in his chest.
He chuckled back and gave your butt a squeeze.
Then he gently pulled your head back up so you faced him. Cupping your face and running his thumb over your cheek, just looking at you in awe.
“I love you y/n. More than you would ever know”
“ I love you too Rafe” you whispered back before you nuzzled your face into the croook of his neck, taking in his scent and placing a few soft kisses on his soft skin.
He hummed and smiled at the feeling and started tangling his ringed fingers in your hair, gently playing with it.
You both stayed like this, falling asleep.
There was no doubt anymore, that man loved you.
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gweelczz · 1 year
“Cat Got Your Tongue?” Pt. 3
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Rosalie Otterbourne × Black!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Suggestive, angst if you squint, Rosalie being the only woman ever, reader is a simp off rip reader is the sister of Cab Calloway and the cousin of Billie Holiday, Rosalie has rizz
Summary: Being in love she didn't know whether she was falling or flying but she was airborne either way... or a story about a woman falling head over heels for another woman in the 1930s
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Y/N awoke with a slight panic coursing through her body. She leapt up out of the bed gathering her clothes in a frenzy being careful not to awake the beauty still laying in the bed. She made quick work of getting redressed quietly exiting the room but not before giving Rosalie a kiss to her forehead. She raced down the hall towards her cousin’s room with tears streaming down her cheeks. She was in distress and needed her Mother figure’s advice at the moment. Making it to Billie’s room she rapped on the door waiting patiently to be granted access.
The door swung open revealing a wild Billie Holiday with smudged eyeliner and a crooked ponytail that she’d fix later or even out with a flower. “Chile, whatcha goin on bout? What’s these tears fo’?” Billie quickly shushed her pulling her into the room before anyone could see her. “Billie we leave today! I just met the most wonderful woman in my life and I’ll never see her again! I’ll never be able to hear her sweet voice or hold her in my arms ever again!”. Billie raised an eyebrow as to silently ask who this mystery woman was, Y/N quickly catching on spoke her name into existence. “Rosalie, Ms. Rosalie Otterbourne. Believe the good lord sent her fo’ me Billie” Billie nodded completely understanding the feeling of what her cousin was feeling.
“Nah Nah just calm down honey! I’ll call Cab and we’ll get this sorted just sat down over there.” Billie spoke picking up the phone dialing Cab, “Hello? Cab? Yeah, this Billie.. mhm, yo sister in here inna fit uh tears.. mhm, sum bout Rosalie Otterbourne… hello? Cab?”. The phone was quickly disconnected followed by a rap on the door. Billie placed the phone down taking a glance at Y/N who was now sobbing by the window. She opened the door to reveal a disheveled Cab Calloway in the flesh breathing deeply. “Where she at Billie? She still hea?” Billie nodded moving to the side to let the distressed jazz singer/ band conductor inside.
“Twixy baby? What’s tha matter?” Cab kneeled in front of Y/N gently holding her hands in his gazing up at her. He wiped her tears ready to listen to her fully. Y/N croaked out sniffing repeatedly “we’re leaving today and I’ll never see her again Foxy! God she’s so amazing and I want her so much yet we’ll neva cross paths again!”. She started sobbing all over again causing her brother to pull her into his arms rubbing her back softly. “Twixy baby I’ll push it back ya hear? Go wipe ya face and go get ya woman, Billie and I will follow ya down there for support. How’s that sound Twixy?” Cab raised his eyebrows at her with a soft smile
“Oh Foxy you’re wonderful!” Y/N cried out hugging his neck and kissing his cheek. She leaped up grabbing the dress Billie had sneakily laid out on the bed for her racing into the bathroom. She fixed herself up and rushed back out patting her hair making sure it looked good, “c’mon y’all we gotta go!”. She rushed back out of the room and towards the one her and Rosalie shared last night to find it empty, her heart dropped and she raced down to the lobby, Billie and Cab hot on her trail. She made it outside just in time to see the last luggage being loaded onto the tour bus. Panicking she yelled Rosalie’s name causing the other woman to turn around and glare. “Ah the rift raft is back after dippin out I see” her tone icy to match the diamonds on her neck.
She had tears in her eyes as she turned to walk away causing Y/N to gently take her wrist. “Rosalie please! I can explain just please… hear me out?” Rosalie huffed but nodded leading Y/N into an alleyway. “What do you want rift raft? Aren’t you satisfied after throwin me out to dry like a toy!?” Rosalie was pissed with a mix of hurt as she spoke. “Rosalie please, last night meant more to me than just a one night thing, you’re the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met. My brother and I… our tour dates here were supposed to end today and I panicked thinking I wasn’t goin ever see you again.”
Rosalie listened silently as the woman spoke, her facial expression never changing. “I ran to my cousin’s room in tears she had to call my brother to calm me down.. he moved back the days so I could have more time with you! Rosalie please, I want you more than anything and I’ll do whatever it takes to prove that!”. Y/N was now once again in tears as she spoke reaching out to hold Rosalie’s waist who surprisingly let her. “You dumb girl” Rosalie giggled out grabbing Y/N by her cheeks kissing her deeply “next time tell me so I don’t feel like my heart is gettin ripped out my chest.”
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief kissing the woman back gripping her waist pulling her closer. “Aren’t you leaving baby? I saw the luggage getting packed up” Y/N whispered against Rosalie’s lips causing Rosalie to shake her head. “My aunt’s partner is but we’re not… in fact my aunt talked to your brother… we’re joinin ya on tour sunflower!” Y/N grinned widely picking Rosalie up twirling her slowly. Once placed back on the ground Rosalie took her hand leading her back to where her Aunt was standing. “Auntie this here is my girl Y/N Calloway” Salome smirked softly at the woman holding her hand out “pleasure to be joinin ya on tour, ya got a beautiful voice by the way”.
She the nudged Rosalie who held a smirk of her own, Y/N in turn swung around to face Cab with a glare. “I panicked for no damn reason Foxy!???” Cab laughed loudly walking back into the hotel with Billie and Salome. Rosalie took her hand leading her back into the hotel whispering into her ear “let’s go get reacquainted with each other Hmm?” Y/N blushed following her in “yes ma’am”
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analogwriting · 9 months
Childhood Crush
Chapter 3: Carbon
Killer x gn!reader
word count: 2.8k
a/n: straight up just naming chapter titles after metals frfr next
Ever since that day, it didn’t seem like those Delmark boys and their friends gave your brother any more trouble. Seemed like your message was delivered and well received. You knew nothing too much could come from them anyway. They just seemed like a bunch of spoiled brats anyway. And their ‘father’ didn’t come after you either. 
Your brother didn’t stay out of fights, however. He still showed up beaten and bruised, but not as bad as that day. It seemed your sparring matches helped him hold his own in fights better. You also knew that you couldn’t just keep fighting his battles. When he’d come home with some kind of injury you just sighed and grabbed the first aid kit. You’d patch him up as good as new. Killer as well. They both seemed to be quite the shitheads with the way they were always getting into fights. 
“Bigs!” You looked up from the book you were currently reading on human anatomy. You had taken more and more of an interest in how the human body worked. You switched to working at the local hospital and lab to help develop some medicines. You currently had been working on a salve that you wanted to test out, but your brother had been out more and more lately so you hadn’t been able to use him as your guinea pig as you often did.
“I’m in my room!” You called, rolling off your bed to meet him at your door, pausing as you heard not the usual two voices but four.
Eustass was in your door, supporting a kid that looked familiar. He seemed rather worse for wear. “Tungsten, what the fuck?”
“They’re new friends of ours, can you help them?” You looked out the door, seeing Killer supporting another one. Then it dawned on you. 
“Wait, they were the two with the shitheads a beat up like a year ago. Get them at the kitchen table, I’ll grab my tools.” Luckily, now that you had been working at the hospital, you could do more than just patch up some scratches and your stitching also improved.
The two nodded, toting the other two into the small table in the kitchen while you rummaged for your tools. You headed back into the kitchen. The two boys seemed to barely be awake. “What happened?” You asked, focusing on the task at hand.
“Well, we were supposed to meet them but we just found them like this,” Eustass said with a sigh, running a hand through his hair.
You thought for a moment. “I wonder if the Delmark brothers found out they were hanging around you now.”
“When I went to fight, they were there. I wonder if they were errand boys for the Nathan kid.” You shook your head as you cleaned up their wounds carefully. “They scattered after I told them to. If I had to guess, Nathan found out they were hanging with you now and weren’t happy about it and jumped them.”
It was unfortunate but it’s how things like this worked. You couldn’t just leave a gang and join up with another, not that your brother necessarily had a gang right now. Not only did they leave, but they joined up with someone who had gotten their asses kicked, so just sour mood all around.
Eustass frowned and you looked at him. “It’s not your fault, so don’t blame yourself.”
“I wasn’t.”
“Mhm. Anyway, what are their names?” 
“That one is Heat and that one is Wire.”
You nodded, turning to look at Killer. “I have some leftovers in the fridge, would you mind getting them all cooked up? I’m sure they’re going to be hungry when they wake up.” He blinked, nodding before doing as you asked.
You focused on the task at hand. “Oh, tungsten, grab me the little tin on the desk in my room and bring it to me, will ya?” You didn’t look up from the stitching you were currently doing. “It’s a salve from work.” He nodded, disappearing for a moment before bringing it back.
You were quiet as you worked, listening to the idle conversations of Eustass and Killer. It was nice to have some background noise while you worked.
By the time you finished patching up the two, dinner was almost done. “What is that stuff anyway, Bigs?” you heard your brother say as you started to apply the salve. “Something I’ve been working on at work. It’s an ointment that should heal cuts and scratches way faster than usual. Only drawback is it makes you really hungry since it puts your body into hyper healing mode.
Silence came from your brother and you looked at him. He seemed to be processing. “Yeah, sure. Whatever.” Probably gave up on trying to really understand it. 
“Anyway, that’s why I had Killer make dinner - I know they’re going to be hungry by the time they wake up. Which should be soon.”
The three of you sat down at the table to eat next to your new, bloodied friends. It wasn’t long before they began to stir. “Wh-” 
“Don’t move too much, you’re still healing and the salve is taking up much of your stamina, so you need to rest. However, you should eat.” 
The two looked at you and seemed to process what was going on. “Wait…aren’t you…?” You watched as their eyes widened. “Wait! You are!” one chimed. “You saved us that one day!” the other chimed. You blinked, squirming slightly.
“I don’t know if I’d say that,” you grumbled, turning your attention back to the food before you. 
They turned their attention to the other two boys. “You guys know them? That’s so cool!”
Eustass’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “They’re literally related to me. Of course I know them,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
The eyes of the two widened so much you thought their eyes would pop out of their skull. “What?!”
“I’m pretty sure it was mentioned when I beat the shit outta Nathan.” You shrugged as you finished up your food. “But you guys were terrified outta your minds by the looks of it, so I wouldn’t be surprised if ya missed it.” You chuckled softly, taking your plate and beginning to start on the dishes.
“Now, the two of you need to eat and rest so you can heal up.” You looked at the other two. “And you two, keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t strain themselves.” You dried your hands, walking over to the injured boys, checking their wounds and making some mental notes. 
Seemed that the salve you created was working like a charm.
After a moment, you thought. “Tungsten?” 
“Yeah, Bigs?”
You turned from your position at the sink. “Are you gonna kick Nathan’s ass along with his goons?” You idly dried a pot as you looked at him.
“Fuck yeah, no one messes with my crew.” 
The corner of your mouth lifted in amusement. Good, seems you taught him well. “Do you think you can take them?”
“Are you offering, Bigs?” 
“Absolutely not. This is your fight. If you’re gonna lead, you gotta take care of it yourself.”
“Oh, c’mon. You’re so good at fighting! And you enjoyed it from what I saw,” he said with a smirk and you couldn’t help but tense. You didn’t like to think about that because it went a little further than just enjoying it. You were bloodthirsty. 
“I did not.”
“Did too”
“Did not!”
Eustass just laughed and you felt your eye twitch. You could really beat the shit outta him sometimes and this time you just might. Now that you knew your salve worked, it’d be fine.
You lunged at your brother, who didn’t stop laughing, only to feel arms under your own and you were lifted on the ground, being held like some grumpy cat. “What the fuck!” You blinked, looking behind you. “Killi, what the fuck?” Your brother was still laughing and you shot him a glare. Fucker.
He sets you down and you straighten yourself out, your face turning red. “I…don’t really know. I saw you lunge and wanted to deescalate the situation.”
“So you picked me up?”
He shrugged. “It worked, didn’t it?”
You glared at him and sighed. “It worked.” You looked to the others. “Now, Heat, Wire, eat up so you can get some rest. I’ve gotta run to the lab and get some work done.” You also just needed out of the house.
“Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone,” you shouted over your shoulder as you headed out.
Turns out the salve you had created worked better than you thought. Heat and Wire’s wounds healed within a few days as if nothing happened, barely leaving scars. The only setback was fatigue and they were famished almost constantly. Other than that, it seemed to work better than you had hoped. It was definitely going to come in handy.
Especially with how often Eustass and his friends came home with new cuts and bruises. None of them were that bad, but you tended to them nonetheless. You wished your brother wouldn’t fight, but you also knew that there was no fighting it. It was just in your blood. He fought enough for the both of you - you just happened to be better at it, though you stayed away from fighting.
You also realized that they were all growing exponentially more than you and soon enough they all seemed to tower over you. However, you didn’t lose your authority just because they all outgrew you. They all still listened to you and your presence would be enough to make them cower if you were pissed off enough.
As time passed, you noticed your brother and his friends being out for days at a time. They had probably found some kind of hideout. Since your brother was hardly home these days, you worked more at the lab and the smithy. You were always worried about him, but he always left a note whenever he stopped by the house. Give you a small peace of mind but not much. 
Today, they were all at the house. “Thanks, Bigs!” Eustass said as you finished patching him up. Of course, they had come home because they had a rather rough scuffle with some other gang. They were victorious, but they were still hurt in the process.
“I wish you wouldn’t fight,” you grumbled, rolling your eyes as he stood up. “Who’s next?” Heat sat down. “Injuries?” He lifted his shirt, revealing a cut in his side and you started to get to work. “I should really start charging you. People are gonna think I’m a hospital here pretty soon.” You snorted as you patched him up. 
“You’re good. Next.” Wire sat down, taking off his hat to show you a cut on his head. You started working on him. “What’s the point of all this, tungsten?” It felt pointless, just fighting. Over and over for nothing.
“You wouldn’t understand, Bigs. You refuse to fight with us, but we do it to gain respect. People challenge us and we accept. Display our strength as a crew,” Eustass said, putting his hands on his hips. “There are other ways to gain respect, Eus,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “Other forms of strength.”
“Says the one who 1 v 4’d an entire gang.” Eustass scoffed, rolling his eyes and leaning against the table. You turned to look at him. “That was different, tungsten, and you know it.” You glared at him before turning back to look over Wire once more before waving him off, soon replaced with Killer.
“It was also years ago and we were all kids.” You rolled your eyes, turning your attention to your new patient as he presented his hands to you. His knuckles were all bloodied and bruised. Maybe you’d fashion him up some brass knuckles. You sighed, quickly getting to work by cleaning him up first.
“I bet you could do it again.” Eustass grinned at you. “Mighty mouse,” Killer commented and you gave him a deadpan expression while Eustass laughed.
“Not sure about that one.” You shook your head.
At this point, everyone was used to the two of you bickering, so they stayed quiet or made their own idle conversation while the two of you argued.
“You should join us, Bigs! We could use someone like you with us.”
“I am already on your side, I just don’t go out finding trouble. Someone has to pay the bills around here.” You rolled your eyes. It wasn’t really a dig at Eustass. You weren’t struggling in the least to pay for everything and, luckily, he knew that. 
“C’mooon. You have to be bored. All you do is work and go home every day to study.” Eustass folded his arms across his chest and you just shook your head.
“I’m perfectly fine with the life I have. You bring enough excitement when you show up bloodied and bruised and then I have to patch you up. Not boring.” 
“That’s not the fuckin’ same.” He was grumbling and pouting and you just shook your head. He plopped down in the chair next to the table. You just rolled your eyes again, focusing on your task at hand, soon enough wrapping up Killer’s hands.
“I just…” Your voice was a tad softer as you sighed. “I just hate seeing you guys hurt. It’s one thing for you to show up like this and I tend to your wounds, but it’s another thing entirely if I have to watch it happen.” You shook your head. “I can’t promise what would happen if I witnessed something like that.” You’d probably kill everyone in your path, honestly.
You ran a hand through your hair and groaned. “Every day you don’t come home, I expect someone to turn up at my fuckin’ door telling me you died in some stupid ass fight and I…” You stopped right before your voice cracked, knowing it was coming. You took a deep breath, shaking your head and pushing those thoughts away.
“We’ll be just fine, Bigs. Promise. We’re always gonna win. We’re pros at fighting now thanks to our dope ass teacher.” Eustass grinned at you and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“You’re still a shithead though…” You started getting lost in your thoughts but a squeeze of your hand brought you back quick enough. Right, you were bandaging Killer. “Sorry,” you mumbled, sniffling and finishing up. You let him go, standing up.
“Right, anyway. Who’s hungry?”
“There, that’s the last one.” Carefully, you set the latest weapon you had created on the rack. You had decided to make weapons for the boys since they just seemed to get into their fights more and more. They had their own weapons, but they were just random pipes and such they found. You wanted to give them proper means of defense.
You had fashioned weapons that seemed to fit each of the boys. They had no idea you were working on this and they’d been gone a few days at this point, so it made it easier to work on the surprise.
“Y/N!” You heard a panicked voice from outside your shop. You rushed outside, seeing both Heat and Wire. They looked pretty banged up, but that’s not what worried you most.
“Where are my brother and Killer?” Panic started to swell in your chest. All four of them were always together at this point. At least when they visited the house. Also, the panicked expressions of the two boys before you didn’t help either.
“W-We-” Both of them were stuttering, still freaked out from whatever happened before. You swallowed your own worry, walking over to the two and putting a hand on each of their shoulders. “Calm down and tell me what happened.”
The boys looked at each other before looking at you. “We were jumped. We took care of it, however…” Heat trailed off only for Wire to pick it back up. “The Delmark brothers showed up with their gang when we were already pretty banged up.”
Hearing that name only pissed you off and you grimaced, clenching your jaw. Were those fuckers really back? Why after all this time? Were they secretly gathering numbers? Or was it because you weren’t in the scene so they thought they could get away with this? Rage was slowly consuming you and you were ready to kick some ass.
“Take me to them, then. We can’t just leave them.”
“B-But what if you get hurt?” 
You tilted your head to the side as you grabbed your trusty baseball bat from the side of your workshop. “Why the hell else would you have come to get me if not to kick some ass? Let’s fucking go already.”
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boopiddyboop · 11 months
Woodz / Cho Seungyoun Natal Chart Reading
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So this is my first natal chart reading about an idol that I barely know. I’ve definitely heard his music (even before X1 came and went) but I’ve not really seen any content of his personality.  So I went to do some research... which led to me getting tickets to see him in December. OOPS. So congrats, anon, ya got me to spend money on your boy.
We’re running with an assumed birthtime of 3 AM, which apparently Seungyoun dropped verbally at some point? I found other websites with this as the cited time, so clearly, the internet never lies  😃
Full Disclaimer: Most of my knowledge is by traditional astrology, which involves but is not limited to: using whole signs, excluding Uranus-Pluto for natal charts, different sign rulers, and different planetary interpretations.  Astrology is subjective by nature; I do not think my way is best, simply that this is the version of interpretation that makes the most sense to me. This is not a professional service, simply a hobby meant for entertainment purposes only.  Feel free to disagree with or question my conclusions.
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Sun: Leo - 2nd House
Moon: Aries - 10th House
Mercury: Virgo - 3rd House
Venus: Gemini - 12th House
Mars: Cancer - 1st House
Jupiter: Capricorn - 12th House
Saturn: Aries - 10th House
Ascendant: Cancer
Midheaven: Pisces - 9th House
North Node: Libra - 4th House
So, Seungyoun is a Cancer Rising being ruled by a Moon in Aries. Now, I love a good fire moon; they bring a sense of playfulness to a chart, especially one in Aries. So for that Moon to the chart ruler… he’s not really understated. And really, when you glance at the composition as a whole, he’s got almost all cardinal and mutable energy. Now, quick refresher: cardinal signs are the starters, and mutable signs are the adaptable ones. Now, I’ve waxed poetic about why I like idols and earth signs, and in some ways that extends to fixed signs. There’s a stubbornness needed to be an idol that both provide, so seeing not a lot of fixed energy had me worried for a bit. Thankfully, his one fixed placement, his Sun in Leo (!! sign in rulership !!), is sitting in his 2nd house, putting a lot of his personal power into achieving material success. Phew. This won’t be the only time Seungyoun’s work ethic gets supported either. 
Mars in the 1st one of these helpful placements, though it’s getting cut off at the knees by being in Cancer, it’s fall sign. Inversely, Cancer rising is a very emotional, artsy placement. Looping back to the rulership by Aries Moon, it leads to someone who is very impulsive and emotionally driven. So when the drive kicks in, it’s powered by that Mars and just goes. Also to not be discounted is his Moon sitting in the 10th house, the house of profession. It gives Seungyoun a lot of emotional investment in his career and a drive to obtain a good reputation in it. 
But once again ~unfortunately~ his Saturn in Aries is also sitting in the 10th house, bringing restrictions and growing pains to this house. I haven’t really touched on Saturn returns (they are both life changing and not as scary as they sound), but there’s a huge potential for his current career to make or break around his return. And that’s about as far as I’ll speculate on that. On the other, other side, that Saturn placement is actually trine his Sun, so once again, he’s getting support to his work ethic through his repeated struggles. Seungyoun has learned what hard work looks like in his life and how to utilize it towards his goals. We should also note that his Jupiter in Capricorn is helping his diligence as well. 
Now that I’ve talked about Seungyoun and his work ethic and career for three paragraphs, let’s switch to different fare. We can see his Mercury in Virgo (!! sign in rulership #2 !!) sitting in his 3rd house, the house of communication. Seungyoun is great at using his words.  Interestingly, I think this Mercury placement ruling his Venus in Gemini is greatly helping his social acumen, which could otherwise be in detriment due to it’s placement in the 12th house. Gemini Venus itself also enjoys quite a diverse range of people, as we can see through the numerous friendships that he is known to have. That Jupiter I mentioned previously is in the 7th house, also assisting him with making deep connections. Also, these are his two main mutable placements, making him very adaptable socially.
So, in conclusion, Seungyoun has a lot of aggressive energy that is thankfully being channeled well into his work. Overall he seems gregarious and spirited, with a deep need for fulfillment through what he does, and the astrological placements to support it. Interestingly, a lot of the placements I mentioned doing this (Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in the 10H, Mars in the 1H), also point to someone who desires  authority, so it doesn’t surprise me that he found his way to being solo long before others in his field.
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A random tangent fits nowhere: I despise the spelling of his name. Of all the ways 연 can be romanized, I didn't know this was my least favorite until I saw it.
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luffyvace · 6 months
hiii can i request romantic hairo x male reader hcs about how they celebrate their birthdays with each other?
Yes you may <3
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Hairo Hairo Ba Bairo banana fana fa Fairo me mi mo Mairo HARIOO
if ykyk 😭
your big day
He spends a lot of time planning everything out but he doesn’t stress over it. He’s preparing months in advance because he’s just responsible like that and wants to make sure he’ll have enough time to reroute in case something goes wrong. He works out the details himself but asks his classmates/friends and parents for advice/ideas.
he invites pretty much anyone he knows you don’t have beef with (😜) and more. Anyone willing to come really, he thinks it’s sweet they’re sharing they’re support (which it is :3 💕)
his parents are 100% there and luckily for him he has the ‘cool’ parents that no one thinks is cringe. 😭💓 In fact they helped pay for a lot of things along with your parents and they entrusted Hairo to plan a lot of things out. He’s a trustworthy guy and you might’ve told him what you want already in the past so why not? 🤷‍♀️
what he does for your big day truly depends on what type of person you are and I say that in like every hcs ever but it’s true. Different peeps want different things!
anywho 😚
your gift possibilities also range depending on what what you like. An artist? Art supplies! Like to skateboard? He has one custom made! Are ya a foodie? Get dressed your heading to a buffet!
An out or inside event relies on what you prefer! An introvert? Likely inside! (If your an introvert who’s mentioned wanting to step outside your comfort zone, it’ll be a peaceful place outdoors!) oh your an ambivert? An indoor party! How about an extrovert?? Let’s turn up at the water park y’all!! 🤪🤪
Or maybe if you wanna keep it in one of your houses?- your house or his? Whichever one makes you more comfy <3
Actually now that I think about it a party bus would be another fun thing to do for introvert/ambivert OR extrovert!
his big day
you probably plan it with your friends
And yes you invite the sports clubs (yes all sports clubs 😭)
it’s definitely outside doing some sort of exercise(or in da gym ;3). Whether that’s fun for you or not depends on if you like exercise or not. And if it’s the type where your running around or purely a hardcore workout 🏋️‍♂️
The expenses wasn’t all that costly because of this, you could literally just all go to the gym and hype him up and it would bring tears to his eyes. Your support means so much to him, he could work out the entire day nonstop as long as he continuously hears the chants of encouragement from his loved ones 💝
he doesn’t expect gifts so when you surprise him with the heaviest weights you can find to help motivate him (😭🤷‍♀️💗), he literally sheds tears of happiness. Don’t get me wrong- people do gift him—he just didn’t expect anything because he’s not a materialistic guy!
your all tired but very happy at the end, whether it’s because your throats are sore from encouraging or your legs are tired from running. Either way it was a fun and eventful day, and I will say, Hairo certainly enjoyed it ♡
Hope y’all don’t mind this longer style of writing. I’m trying to give more hcs if that makes sense. I’ll probably teeter back and forth depending on how silly or serious the hcs are or just how much I feel like writing in general but idk.
(I like fruit)
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davidthephoneguy · 1 year
Could you give me a recap on the David lore because I forgor :’(
Oh boy that’s a loooong question (also rather comical and foreshadowing) /pos
Ok I’ll give ya all the David lore I have. I’ll go in timeline and say where the main two aus diverge as both aus have the same start.
David Evans was born in Australia (10th of October, 1956) after their parents had moved from Wales 11 years previously. Growing up he was the only ‘girl’ out of the kids and his parents were unfortunately rather misogynistic and so treated him poorly. His mother was mother the verbal abuse kind while his father was physically agressive. His three brothers (well one ended up transitioning later but i’ll keep it simple) who were about 9-8 years older than him were mostly good siblings (excluding his oldest brother who mostly mimicked their dad and was a general asshole).
(Somewhere in the childhood part David sees the Beatles perform on their famous Ed Sullivan show appearance and he became obsessed with them. This obsession continues on for the rest of his life)
He started transitioning in his late teens and his parents were wholeheartedly supportive of it as they just really didn’t want to have a daughter. David’s sister unfortunately didn’t get the same love when she transitioned and was shunned by their parents and older brother (also the youngest brother ended up dying at the age of 12 from drowning I think).
Anyways so David gets an extreme interest in mechanics and engineering and purses a course in it.
Now this is where timelines diverge and I’m gonna use colour coded text to tell ya which au the info is from. Red = Canon AU, Purple = Non-Canon AU
David fails the course and gets a job as a janitor at the local Freddy Fazbenders. While he works there he falls in love with a dayshift worker named Toby, they start dating until everyone’s favourite Tangerine and Aubergine show up at the location. They start causing chaos and eventually rig the suit to go off and due to neither of them showing up David is forced to wear the suit by their boss. He dies and is sent to the factory to become a phone guy (at the age of 29). (While at the factory an employee there glues roller skates to David’s feet so they’re permanently stuck there.)
He starts working back at Freddy’s, seeing Toby but not knowing who he is, Toby doesn’t realise at first either. But as soon as he does he ends up being fired.
David works at the location for a few years before being sent back to the factory to wait until he’s needed.
This results in him working for Mr J (the same Tangerine from earlier(the best way to describe Mr J is that he’s more like the business Jack in dsaf 3, more caring for money then people.) and he is just the worst boss. The only good thing he does is giving David his alive name back to him but doesn’t actually let him use it in public. He abuses David verbally and physically, poor dude is just covered in bruises, tiny cuts and burn marks from Mr J’s taser as well as his skeleton just having so many fractures and improperly healed breaks. (Funfact cause this whole thing takes place in Australia, healthcare is free so Mr J could let David go to hospital for 0 charge but he doesn’t.) Mr J just continues to make him work like that.
Due to the phoney process David’s body can no longer age, permanently frozen at the age he died. He’s mostly immortal because of that.
During the time when his partner Toby was firstly fired a child randomly spawned in the house he and David had been living in and so Toby just started raisin them as his kid (Jay).
Long story short of that part after David leaves freddys (due to a complicated cross-over event) he goes to find Toby only to find Jay living there as a fully grown adult with his own (adopted kid) and to learn that Toby had died a while ago in a car crash.
David starts living with his family and starts to notice that immortality thing as he watches his son and granddaughter growing older but he doesn’t seem to change. It finally clicks in his head when his son dies (natural causes) and he stays as close to his granddaughter and her kids as he can, not wanting to loose them.
He slowly starts to disassociate and becomes a but reclusive, the only thing he still has is a dog named Parasite (complicated au cross-over event that carried over to the canon. Basically Parasite used to be a clone of mr j but he got turned into a small lil mutant doggo and mellowed out, becoming David’s therapy dog)
David does get to meet all his descendants though and he tries to be as loving and caring to them as his was to his son and granddaughter.
Ok finally time for the other one!
So this time around David passes the course and gets a job at Freddys as a technician. While he works there he falls in love with a man named Toby (same one as before).
David ends up starting to work for Afton Robotics and works his way up in the company.
One day a child spawns inside their home (Jay, yes he just spawns because its just funnier), David notices how Jay looks identical to how he looked as a kid so they both decide to keep and raise them.
A few years later Toby passes away in a car accident leaving David alone to raise Jay while still workin at Afton Robotics. He does his best and tries to make things work around raising Jay and still making sure the company doesn’t fall behind on things (as by this point the original owner and operator of Afton Robotics had been revealed to be a fraud and was sent to prison, David being basically in second command basically became the new owner and operator). Two years after Toby’s death David starts dating again and falls in love with a dude named Joia. They date for about 3 years before getting married. (David is 40 when he marries Joia)
Blah blah wholesome cute family stuff with raising Jay and Jay eventually going and adopting a daughter (Moon).
David is 59 and Joia is 57 when Jay adopts Moon and they continue to be a happy family together.
At the age of 67 David starts to notice his slipping memory and general recall issues and so he and Joia end up going to the doctors about it, they come back finding out that David is in the early stages of dementia. As the years go on he starts to be affected more and more by the dementia, loosing memories and the ability to walk, not wanting to talk, sleeping more and more, being easily confused at where he is and who his family is.
Joia stays by David through it, slowly watching his husband fade away. Jay and Moon both visit frequently to check in on them and spend time with them.
David eventually is taken into the hospital as Joia was informed he only likely had a week left. By this point David has no idea who Joia, Jay or Moon are. To him its just a room of strangers.
The last day he ends up getting his memories back for a short while (something that does rarely happen with dementia irl) and he gets to give a proper goodbye to his family. Joia holds his hand and kisses him one last time on the cheek before David falls asleep again. He sleep for about 30 minutes, his breathing getting slower and slower until he forgets how to breathe and dies at age 85
(And because my friends didn’t want it to be that sad heres the extra part)
David becomes a ghost, regaining all his memories, staying with Joia as he just couldn’t bare to leave him behind. Joia can’t see or hear him, he doesn’t even know he’s there but he does talk to himself sometimes in a way thats meant to be a conversation with David. David answers but yk he can’t be heard by Joia.
About 6 years later Joia also passes away and they are reunited in the afterlife to spend eternity together.
So there you go, all the David lore you could ask for!
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disregardcanon · 2 years
kinda doubt i’ll ever do anything with this but i have a tentative idea for a gravity falls cis swap with the twins.
dipper is still called dipper most of the time, and mabel has a charming little old man’s name. i’m going with merlin as the placeholder. the big differences here would be
1. merlin still makes sweaters and dresses basically the same, but he incorporates a lot of space imagery into his crafts because people were mean to dipper about her birthmark when they were kids and he was like NUH UH SPACE IS GREAT! MY SISTER IS WAAAAYYY COOLER THAN YOU!
2. merlin is visibly very very gay. like he’s basically just... always known. his parents are supportive enough that when he was a kid and kept showing interest in so much “girl stuff” if he was an egg they would have let him socially transition. but merlin’s really just really visibly, flamboyantly gay. boy bands. glitter. he’s a lot more careful with his flirting and crush of the weeks than in original canon because. you know, not always safe to be as upfront about that for a gay boy as a “straight” girl, but the gnomes, mermando and gabe all still happen.
2. the teasing about dipper not actually being “manly” enough slips into much different places. merlin laments a lot of the time that his sister doesn’t want to do girly things with him, he’ll gently poke her about how tomboy is another word for “baby butch”, and a lot of “ugh, you’re hopeless. you could at LEAST let me do some makeup for you”
3. One of the first things that happens when they get to gravity falls is merlin saying “HI! I’M YOUR GAY NEPHEW!” and then grunkle stan says, “uh, i’m your gay uncle?” 
“Wait, really?” merlin asks. 
Dipper crosses her arms over her chest. “I thought dad said you were married to a woman once.” 
Stan rolls his eyes. “Fine, I’m bisexual. That clear enough for ya?” 
“CRYSTAL QUEER!” Merlin crows. Dipper groans. 
4. Okay so. There is no copyright restriction in my fanfiction ideas (plus i think that disney would actually LOVE the synergy of this) so dipper is very into percy jackson and she projected HARDCORE onto annabeth. She’s like look! there she is! A smart tough tomboy!!!! And she has a lil crush on percy so she’s like smushing her dolls together in her head. But a lot more subtly because she’s dipper and she’s embarrassed about everything. 
5. Merlin loves Sevral Timez. Dipper HATES them. While dipper does sometimes like guys, she is insistent that boy bands are a cash grab, manipulative, a way for companies to bleed girls dry while making fun of them, and pathetic. Merlin tells her to lighten up and goes to the concert with candy and grenda. Dipper reads her little mystery novels in their room. 
6. Dipper IS bi. She DOES like girls, but she’s been in denial about that already for years. She had a boyfriend in fifth grade. They hung out on the playground and held hands and junk. Merlin is still convinced that she’s bisexual and brings it up CONSTANTLY, but stopped and now only brings it up when it’s the two of them because he knows it upsets her. (he thinks that she’ll be much happier once she just accepts who she is though!) 
7. Merlin tried his best to ignore his own bullying, stay away from the guys it wasn’t safe to be around, and stick to hanging out with either the girls who were legitimately fine with him or wanted to pretend to have a gay best friend. He was caught up enough in avoiding HIS bullying that he didn’t notice DIPPER’S bullying. Dipper is a bit of a “not like other girls” type in this scenario, but that’s mainly the result of most other girls being mean to her. While SHE hasn’t accepted that she likes girls, the mean girls in class have decided that it’s gospel truth. There’s a lot about her “finally coming out” and her “finally matching” her brother. I would go into further detail but I think “the bullying was homophobic, partially due to her gender presentation and partially due to her brother, and a lot of it is centered around their first year of middle school gym and changing in company”. Dipper and Merlin both change inside a stall to prevent harassment. Not yay. 
8. Dipper’s crush on Wendy is not any smaller than in canon, but she frames it to herself as just wanting Wendy to stay single because boys suck. Merlin is very pushy about it being a crush crush and. Well. Robbie is an insecure little shit and he’s not super emotionally intelligent, but he knows that Wendy is bi and a little girl isn’t any less threatening to him than a little boy. When Robbie spills the beans about Wendy liking girls too (which is a lot of reason that he’s still threatened by dipper and still so confrontational right back at dipper who thinks that she’s just Protecting Her Friend From Shitty Boys), Dipper goes through about six and a half crises as she realizes that it would actually be. Possible. For wendy to want to date her.
9. Once she’s done freaking out about that and has to talk to wendy about it (because merlin forces her into the same situation as in canon) Wendy assures her that it’s perfectly okay that dipper has a crush on her, she knew, but that it’s just not going to happen. She DOES take one of the queer pins off of her shirt and give it to dipper as a keepsake, though. 
10. when stan finds her in the pin he’s THRILLED
“You bi too, kid?” stan asks. Dipper nods. Stan claps her on the shoulder. “Welcome to the family.” 
Dipper frowns. “Aren’t I already family?” 
“The other type of family,” stan says, winking. And that’s when it sinks in that it’s a euphemism for queer. <3
11. things are probably still going to suck when they go back to piedmont, but... both the twins are a lot more confident in themselves after this summer. after saving the world, how could they NOT be?
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yell0wsalt · 5 months
Venus, Libra , 1H, 7H, <3
venus ⇢ describe your ideal type
Siri, play My Type by Saweetie 😌
But actually, this is tricky. I think I have a bit of a range with people I’ve been attracted to physically. 
I like someone who’s a nice blend of the typical “masculine” and “feminine” traits and able to embrace both sides of the spectrum. This can be expressed in how they dress, speak, their interests, etc.
As someone who isn’t the typical “girlie girl” (kind of muscular, tall, and don’t wear dresses that often), someone who’s accepting of that means a lot. There’s more than one way to be a girl even though I don’t dress super feminine but feel like a girl.
Of course what’s important to me is someone I can connect with personality-wise and emotionally. I want to feel as though I can have more than surface level conversations with them and not fear judgement or being looked at weirdly. If they have quirky interests they like to talk about and engage in… unf. Big fan.
Aside from having common interests, I want to be able to learn more about them, what they are into, and show support how I can. Kind eyes and smiles also have me weak.
libra ⇢ would you like to get married in the future?
That’d be nice, ya know? To have someone you look forward to seeing after a long day and spend your free time together long term. I want to find and have someone with whom I can not only enjoy the mundane with them, but also get out and explore new things. 
I’m not about rushing to get to that point, but I like to dream sometimes about getting there. One day, I hope.
1H ⇢ describe your style
A mix of things. I tend to mess with layers like a loose casual button up over top a crop top. Either wide leg or cargo pants for bottoms. Boots or sneaker and simple jewelry for accessories. 
Sometimes I’ll wear rompers, dresses (ones with a plunging neckline and/or show off the shoulders are glorious), or business casual pant suits when I gotta dress up.
Aside from that when I have no one to impress I’ll embrace the frumpy with cozy sweaters/sweatpants. I’m so boring help—
7H ⇢ what do you consider green flags in a relationship?
Courteous of the other’s feelings. A good listener and empathetic 
Is willing to listen and talk things through when going through a rough spot (either within the relationship or struggling with something on your own)
Don’t have to do everything together. I mean having common interests is helpful is building that initial connection and having something to bond over, but also have things outside of your relationship to look forward to
They are accommodating
They treat the people in their life well
Being around them doesn’t feel like work. You’re able to embrace the busy and the quiet with them and not feel like you need to be “on” when they’re there
Astrology asks🌙
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nokingsonlyfooles · 7 months
Finish the Feed and Plug the Thing(s?)
It's the thing! You know! The thing! You've seen the thing, haven't you? You're on the internet, you must like things! This one is so rare I don't even post it every day! Ooooh, maybe you should CLICK the thing?
It should be illustrated but I'm slow at that right now and I got bored with not putting up new instalments. It's got text-based steampunk marginalized techno-wizards in it, though! Magic is code and code is magic!
Today there's a new instalment!
I'm lookin for readers! And if you're reading, you gotta tell me, 'cos my hit counter is free and buggy AF. I'll never see you for sure unless you say something!
Current known readers: 3 (hi!), 1st Goalpost: 10?
Current supporters: 1 (hi Kith!), 1st Goalpost: 5?
And under the cut, a sample... er, a sample from a WIP that's only tangentially related because I need to get over the fear of showing it to people gradually or I'll never put it up anywhere. Thanks for volunteering to help me with my mental health! CW: Language, abuse, trauma, two sluts being slutty because that's how they relate to people, etc...
[Soooo... This is what I'm writing right now instead of getting the NDA out of Cyre. I know I shouldn't be, but it's getting to be like samefooding when I'm stressed. Pretty stressed due to new meds that are rewiring my brain in fun new ways, and I keep goin' back to it.
[But, honestly, Satan laid eggs in my brain, this hatched, and it's still hatching. I know I shouldn't mix my original work with toys that don't belong to me, it's tacky and possibly illegal, but so am I. I just wish I could be those things unselfconsciously. Scared to show anyone but the spouse likes it and I wanna encourage him to put himself out there more so... I'M DOIN IT FOR YOOOOOU, BABE!
[But just a contextless sample for now...]
“No, no, I prefer the kitchen. One should always serve one’s friends in the kitchen, it’s just more personable. It’s just, they used to lock me out of mine. Sharp objects, you know.”
Angel stretched across the doorway, two hands on either side. “And, are ya cool with sharp objects now?”
David waggled a hand. He brushed politely past. “Oh, more or less. I’ll give you a dramatic, screaming heads up if I have an urge to stab myself, all right? Or maybe…” He paused and laid a hand on the countertop. “Your bread box is snoring. Also, there is a sticky note on it that says, ‘Do Not Open, Not Bread’?”
“It’s Niff,” Angel said. He pulled David away. “And she sleeps with a cleaver, so… Eh, just keep ya voice down.”
“And don’t open it?”
Angel started to put the coffee together. David sat at the kitchen table, wary of opening anything at all.
“Carmine would give you a job makin weapons in a heartbeat,” Angel said, without looking over. “S’long as that metal thing don’t tire ya out like the mind control. But the rent’s free, and the food’s free — when there’s food.”
“Oh. Well, that’s nice to know.”
“There’s usually some jambalaya in the fridge, since Alastor showed up.”
“He cooks?” David touched a hand to his head, blinking. “Good Lord, I think I cook. No, that’s not me. I’m sorry, I did say I had to pick up a lot of my memories second-hand. I swiped most of them off this poor, stupid kid, and I have some of his too. He cooks. It’s all very cheap and easy, but there are a lot of fancy desserts. The boy has a mad passion for fancy desserts, and he can’t afford them if he doesn’t make them himself.”
“How did you leverage your memories out of a stupid kid, if ya don’t mind my askin?”
“Well, I can’t read minds, but he can, and I happened to be living rent free in his head at the time. Coincidentally, he knew someone who knew me quite well, and he read her mind, and then I used him to read her some more…” David shook his head. “It’s weird here, but it’s not un-weird where I come from. You have no idea.” He chuckled. “Things are weird all over, to the best of my recollection. Fancy a midnight tiramisu, Mr. Dust?”
“Maybe. If ya can do me a cannoli, I’m interested…”
“Is that what they’re calling it in Italy? ‘A little midnight cannoli,’ yes. Well, perhaps not little…”
“Pretty sure I was in that film already, and if I wasn’t, I’m stealing that title. That’s porno gold.”
David rested his chin on clasped hands. “I do love movies. Are any of yours playing?”
“Lots, I got some on my phone, but before we get into that, someone better tell you: your new best friend ain’t interested in either kinda cannoli. I haven’t seen that guy get anywhere near sex or sugar, barring that muffin, so that means you haven’t either.”
David scoffed. “When we are very manly, masculine and secure, one needs must flee, screaming, from muffins and cock. What else is a real man to do?”
Angel set two coffee mugs on the table with a clunk, and leaned over David. “Any kinda sex.”
“Oooooh.” David snickered. He added a large dollop of Irish cream to each mug, then perched on his chair like an eager girl at a slumber party. “Repressed or queer?” He laughed. “Or both?”
“How is no-sex-at-all queer?”
“Well, it annoys the hets and challenges their antiquated social institutions.”
“Aw, Christ.” Angel thudded two sets of elbows on the table and put his head in one set of hands. “Don’t tell him, alright? Please don’t tell him. If I run into that guy at a leather bar, he’ll put me off sex for life… He’ll fuckin convert me!”
“Maybe you’ll convert him?”
“That’s even worse!” Angel laughed. “Oh, God, I might’ve, a couple months ago, but we been through some shit. It’s too weird. It got real weird.”
“Anything I should know?”
The spider sighed. “Probably.” He paused with a hand on his chest fluff. “I’m not a hundred-percent sure he knows. He don’t watch TV.” He shook his head and drew out his phone. “But he probably knows. At least some of it.” He offered David a single earbud.
“Is it an upper or a downer?”
“Jesus.” Angel stood and wandered behind David’s chair. “It’s so we don’t wake Niff. Ya got ears? Ya got ears goin on in there?”
David patted his own head, and flaming hairstyle, with a hand. “I must have something…” He accepted the earbud and eventually found some kind of structure that would allow it. “Ooh, I like that! It’s catchy! Is that you?”
“Fuck,” Angel fumbled his phone and closed out an app.
“It’s just a demo.” He looked aside. “It’s some shit I made up when I was dissociatin. I imagined a whole dance number, but I dunno... I sounded sexier in my head.”
“You sounded sexy enough in mine.”
Angel looked up, with a brief smile. “You’re cute, Dave.”
David winced. “Sorry. My dear little namesake uses that. I don’t, but…” He sighed and shrugged. “Oh, well. He’s not here. I don’t mind it from you.” He smiled. “And there’s something about the other name you don’t like, so forget it. ‘Dave Valentine’ it is!” The smile faded. “No?”
Angel looked pained. “It’s not that, it’s… We’re havin some trouble with Vees. Ya might wanna lose the other half of that. It might getcha in trouble. And ya don’t wanna get in trouble with that guy… those guys.”
“Oh, I don’t mind changing up the last name at all,” David said. “I often do! It’s not as if I have a family I care about. I’m just awfully fond of twee little heart motifs and… and… uh… butterflies?”
Angel was clutching his phone so hard his hand was shaking. That last word even warranted a shudder.
David got up and backed away until his hip hit the counter. He leaned against it and peered into his coffee cup. He spoke softly, “Is your Mr. Vee who may or may not be fond of hearts or butterflies a work friend or a friend-friend?”
“Neither.” Angel turned away. “Work.”
“Ah.” David nodded. He toyed with the rim of his cup. “Might someone help you fill out a letter of resignation?”
Angel shook his head.
“Oh, well. If that’s how it is, that’s just how it is.” David crept a little closer and put an experimental hand near him, just on the table. When there was no objection, he smiled and left it there. “If you ever need anyone to spot you some extra concealer…” He trailed away. “Though I doubt I have your shade.” He poked at the back of his own orange hand. “Or mine, come to think of it.”
Angel looked up. He covered David’s hand with one of his own. “That mind-control thing, does that work on everyone?”
David looked pained. “I… I don’t know how it works here. I’ve met people it doesn’t work on at all, and some of them shake it off. I think… I think I’ve done some experimenting. There are other places, other parts of me that know more about it, I might go back and remember… But I don’t know if any of that applies here. I can’t guarantee it. And… That wouldn’t be safe for you, would it?”
The spider sighed. He turned away again.
The bird offered a faint smile. “I might tell him to kill himself, if Charlie lets me. If it landed, would that fix it?” He put up a hand. “If it didn’t, you could always tell him I’m an insane ass and let him take it out on me. I can’t be killed, and I have excellent pain tolerance, especially when…”
Now Angel put up a hand, and David quieted.
“She won’t let you,” the spider said. “Not like that. She thinks everyone can be better.”
“Oh, she is adorable. But we know better, don’t we?”
Angel put a casual elbow on the table and his head in his hand. He regarded David out of the corner of one eye. “You still usin extra concealer on a regular basis? Wherever the resta you is?”
“Oh, no, I prefer to damage myself now.” David smiled. “I’m freelancing!”
“Like how you don’t like sticky drinks and hate fun?”
“He’s dead,” David said flatly. He smiled again, a perfectly hideous smile. “I killed him, of course.”
Angel sat up, more shocked than surprised. “What? You? How?”
“What?” David shooed him away. “Oh, it was ages ago. A gun or something. It’s not important. I’ve quite forgotten.”
Angel frowned. He nodded. “Uh-huh. Yeah. I shot Val a whole buncha times too.” He picked up his phone. “So, the thing is…”
David pushed the phone back down to the table, scowling. “The thing is, that thing was supposed to be my father. On paper, at least. So I couldn’t do it right away. Not if I wanted to get away with it. A person has to be practical. I am a very practical person.”
[Yeah, I started writing that part just to see if it was worthwhile and I actually got David to cough up one of his three backstories, all of which are embellished to the point of absurdity but partly true. I've been meaning to write those out forever and this tricked my brain into doing it. I had to put him on equal footing with another traumatized person and pour Irish coffee on him in a corporeal form that gets drunk for real, but I got it out of him! So I went back to write the beginning and now it's *checks* 69 pages long. Oh. Nice!
[It's gotta go up somewhere because I can't help but say it's canon for David, but maybe he just did a shitton of god drugs and passed out in front of Amazon Prime, ya know? That's probably it.]
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Back In Town (3/?)
Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: jealousy, eating disorder, depression, WHOLESOME ASF, fluffy, drug use, wholesome smut but also kinda dirty.
Long read so I hope everyone enjoys! Took me longer because it gets laggy with how wordy this chapter is, and I didn’t have time for pics in this part but thank you all for the support and have a good read!
The oven’s clock read 6:45 pm.
Still no call or sign of Eddie. He should have been getting off of work about 30 minutes ago. Hopefully he was alright. You finished up your granola bar, tossing the wrapper aside in the trash -defeated.
Then,suddenly, you hear it- the low roar of Eddie’s van. Your knees almost buckle under your running to the couch, and your fingers find their way to the curtains and wedge through the blinds so you could see out.
‘Who is that?’
A slim girl with blonde hair wrapped up in a ponytail gets out of Eddie’s van, laughing at something he says. You waste no time before pulling away from the window and heading to the phone.
*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
“ ‘Yelloow? Hawkin’s Form Tattoos, my name is Tyler- what can I do for you?”
“Hey, Ty. It’s (Y/N). I was just wondering if I could come in- I know it’s my off day but maybe I could help around the shop today?”
“Oh, shit! Hey, uhhh-” There's a shuffle on the other end.
“Of course, you can come in. Everything alright?”
“Y-yeah, just restless today, I guess. Maybe you could come pick me up and we’ll grab some food- bring something for Ashley too?”
“Sounds sick, I have no one else on my books today so I’m just doing some flash. Let me check with Ash, though.”
You wait for a moment. Hoping.
“Alright, yeah. We’re good to go. I’ll swing by and get ya’.”
“Thanks a ton.”
“No prob, girly.”
You trudge to your room to throw on something decent, the depression entering your body as you remember the girl Eddie was with. You don’t know why you even cared, you two were enemies two weeks ago- did you really think you’d be all cozy and live happily ever after?
No. That never happened.
You plop down into the clothed seat of Tyler’s souped-up red Honda Civic, a large sticker on the windshield that reads ‘Do or Die’. Something you never understood, but then again you didn’t understand cars either.
“Sup. Ready to go?” He asks, hand on the gear-shift.You always found manual cars to be mesmerizing- ‘so much hand work’. You thought.
“Yeah. Inside of the car’s nice, by the way.”
“Thanks, didn’t take you to be much of a car girl.”
“Oh, I’m definitely not, but I can apprecia-” You’re cut off by the sight of Eddie and Blondie exiting his trailer- her stupid face twisted up in a laugh again. And so is his. “-te them for sure.”
You see Eddie look in your direction abruptly as Tyler’s engine roars. He’s backing out now, rolling down the windows and turning up some kind of Thrash band you don’t recognize. You don’t know how you see it, but from here, Eddie looks pissed. More than pissed. You can’t see much more as dirt flies up behind you two.
You and Tyler enter the shop with two greasy bags of food in hand. The bell rings, alerting Ashley to your arrival.
“Hey girl! So glad I get to see you today! You know how I am when I’m alone with Tyler- Homicidal.” She grins at the both of you, turning back to her client. The buzzing of the machine fills the air, bringing you back to reality. You go behind the counter and into the back room, setting down the bags on a cart.
Tyler sorts through what belongs to who, telling Ashley where her food will be, before he sits down in his worn leather ‘drawing chair’ and tears through a wrapper- obviously having been too busy to eat dinner yet.
“This was a fantastic idea.” He leans back, in pure bliss at how good his burger is. Surely, it wasn’t that good.
“Well, while we’re here, wanna collab on a flash sheet? I think it’d be fun!” You’re feeling a lot better now, especially since you get to be productive.
Tyler perks up, excited.
“Fuck yeah. I actually haven’t done a sheet with anyone else before, so it’d be an honor of mine.” He smiles, taking another bite of his burger- cheese and juice oozing onto the wrapper.
“Cool! I’ll go ahead and fool around with some ideas, see what we can come up with. You just finish up eating, no rush.”
“You sure? You should eat too, while we have time.”
“Nah, I had dinner before I left.”
He looks at you for a moment, before turning back to what he’s doing.
“Well, if you need to stop and take a break- feel free. You’re literally here on your day off.”
“Gotcha.” You go sit down at your desk, which you covered in movie, video game, and crude pin-up stickers- along with a few brand decals. Fumbling through your supplies, you gather a mechanical pencil and a few micro-lining pens.
You flip through some books on your desk, trying to get an idea of what theme you’d like for the sheet so that you can pitch it to Tyler. Then it hits you.
“Hey, Ty. You like Aliens? The movie I mean.”
He turns to you in the swivel chair, “Fuck yeah. Why?”
“Well, I figured it’d be great for our theme!”
“Shit, that’s dope.” He rolls over to your station so he can begin working with you. Your hand starts moving across the paper, you’re drawing a pin-up xenomorph girl, adorned in a leather bodysuit- Along with a few quotes in traditional script. You pass the sheet over to your coworker, letting him add his own designs to the paper.
You both are leaned into each-other, working on both the coloring and lining process. What felt like a few minutes was actually about 2 hours of work. Ashley had finally finished with her client, coming in to grab her food.
“Damn, I’m starving.” She pulls out her chicken-sandwich before looking over to see what you two are working on.
“Holy shit, nice work guys. Mind if I hang that up front when you’re done?”
“Yeah, no problem. That’d be awesome.”
“Cool. Well, I’m all done for the night so if you two wanna close up…”
“Sure, I am just extra help today anyways. Go on home, girl.”
“Yes! Thanks, you’re the best.” She takes a bite of her sandwich before grabbing her purse and keys to leave.
You smile, happy that everyone’s liking the work you’re doing.
“So…” Tyler speaks up.
“Not that it’s my business, but what’s going on with you and that Munson guy? Your neighbor?”
You suck in a breath. Oh yeah. That.
“Ah, well I get rides here and there. We’re good friends- yeah, but today he was a little busy so I just decided to spend my free time here. Be of use, ya know?”
“Oh. I figured you guys had a fight or something. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I know it’s tough for you to get to work.”
“Yeah, my car should be here any day now- but the drive from California to Hawkins is pretty far and I didn’t feel like having to pay expedited transport fees, ya know? I was put on a waiting list for much cheaper- I was worried about one of those vehicles banging up my car in a rush anyways.”
“Can’t argue with that. I don’t wanna imagine the pain in the ass it is to move so far.”
“Ugh. Don’t even mentio-“
“Not interrupting, am I?”
You jump in your seat, turning to the doorway.
“Oh.” It’s Eddie, who just happened to let himself into the back-office.
“Hey man, you can’t just barge in here.” Tyler stands up, pushing in his chair.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, still trying to be civil.
“Just came to see if you needed a ride home tonight.” Eddie ignores Tyler completely, obviously not taking a liking to him.
You look at Tyler, then back to Eddie.
“Yeah. We’re done here anyways.”
“You sure? You guys seemed pretty cozy, I don’t wan-“
“We’re done here.” You grab your hoodie and the shop keys, letting Tyler handle the lights and putting away extra supplies. You lock up the cabinets and drawers, leading Eddie and Tyler out of the building before locking it and tossing the keys to Tyler.
“See ya.” You tell him.
“Oh, and thanks for the ride.”
“No problem, girly.” He gives you a look of concern but lowers himself down into the driver’s seat. Eddie looks angry, the nickname is bothering him.
You yourself climb into the van, fastening your seatbelt.
“Is everything okay, you weren’t at home so I-“
“I’m fine. How was your date or whatever?” You turn to face the window.
“Date? The hell are you talking about?”
“You know. Blondie.”
Eddie pauses.
“Oh, cute name.”
“It wasn’t a date. I was fixing up her car at the shop and she needed a ride home- as her ride is severely fucked, mind you. I had to go grab some cash before driving all that way.”
You stay silent.
“Are you mad at me?” He asks, making you feel even more guilty and wanting to run off into the night- never to be seen again.
“N-no. I just… I don’t know..”
“What is it? You can tell me. Anything at all.” You pause. And breathe.
“I just thought you forgot about me, that’s all.” You huff the words out, regretting letting your wall down about your obviously severe abandonment issues.
“Forget about you? Why would I do that? You’re the only good thing in this town.”
You look over at him, your arms crossed.
“You actually mean that?”
He smiles.
“Duh. I don’t make sandwiches for just anyone.”
“But you do give them rides, it seems.”
You regret saying it, but he doesn’t snap like you expect.
“Are you jealous?”
“No. Why would I be? We aren’t dating. I don’t care about who you are or aren’t seeing.”
He looks a bit angry, or maybe hurt. Or just surprised?
“Well, I’d care if you were seeing someone. Maybe Tyler, even?” He sounds like he’s asking now.
“Tyler? That’s my coworker. I just asked him to come get me so I could do something other than sit around watching you and Blondie fl-”
“So you were spying, then.”
You bite your tongue.
“N-no. I just.. was excited to see you.”
He smiles, knowing he’s making it difficult for you to stay upset. You hate it.
“Was? Or am?”
You sigh, finally giving in.
“Am so what?” He teases.
“I am SO fucking excited to see you. There, happy?”
“Actually, I AM. I like hearing that from you.”
You feel your face burning, is it on fire? Is the heat on right now? No. It’s something else.
He grabs the steering wheel, moving his hand to the gear shift and into reverse- so he can back out of the parking spot.
“Nothing. I just do.”
Pry. Ask. Do something.
“You can tell me, you know.”
He sucks in a breath.
“It’s because I like you.”
There it is. React.
“I… I like you too.”
Before anyone else says a word- you’re back in your driveway.
“Look.” He puts the van in park and turns to you, serious.
“There isn’t anyone else, and I’m not going anywhere. Ever. Unless you want me to.”
“I don’t want you to.”
His dimples and smile lines appear.
“Okay. By the way, I grabbed this.” he pulls the same brown, greasy bag that held your food earlier from the back of the van.
“You almost left it at work. You should get inside and eat.”
“You’re not coming in?”
“I got work tomorrow, sweets. If you absolutely need me though, I’m a phone call away. Okay?”
“Okay. Goodnight, Eddie.”
He grabs your hand before you can get out.
“Uh, not so fast. I’m still walking you to the door.”
The sun shines unbearably through the blinds, and you roll over onto your back- rubbing your eyes.
“Ugh. Fuck.” You look at the alarm clock.
1:52 pm.
Stumbling out of bed, you head to the kitchen for a glass of water- before the answering machine beebs. You go over and press to play the message.
“Hey, just making sure you’re okay. I’ll see you when I get off of work. Peace!”
You smirk, thinking it was nice he was actually worried. It made some of your anxiety vanish. Before you can walk away from the receiver again, the phone rings- which you quickly pick up.
“Hi! Is this Miss (Y/LN)?”
“Yes, this is her.”
“Great! My name is Garette, I’m with Cali Car Transport, we have your car for delivery today, and the driver should be arriving soon.”
You almost squeal with excitement. Fucking finally. It was about time your car was finally being delivered.
“Oh my gosh, great! Thank you for letting me know!”
“Of course. Ma’am. Have a great day!”
“You too!”
‘Now, time to wait for my car.’
“Alright. Just sign here and I’ll give you the keys.”
The scruffy man offered out a clipboard, which you quickly grabbed and signed as if your life depended on it. Once you gave it back, he held out the keys to you.
“Alrighty, you have a good day, miss.”
“You too!” He climbed back into the 18-wheeler parked out in the road before spurring up dust.
Your beautiful, gray 1987 Toyota SR5 Pick-up truck now sat in your driveway. You were so relieved to have it back.
‘Maybe I should take her for a ride, pass some time.’
You unlock the truck and settle into the passenger seat. Your CDs still sat in the back cab, neatly organized in a box- with some alphabetized inside of a CD case.
You dig through, grabbing one at random.
‘Strangeways, Here We Come- The Smiths’
‘Nice.’ You pop the CD into the player, turning up the music and yanking the seatbelt across your body. You’re ready to go. You hadn’t driven around Hawkins in years, you’ve only been riding around with other people- and it was usually only to work and back home. But you felt confident you’d get around just fine.
‘Just please don’t get lost.’
You decide to go by the record store, pick up a few CD’s and maybe some things for Eddie. Though it might be impossible- you didn’t know what he didn’t listen to.
As you enter, you see a couple and the clerk, who looked bored out of her mind. You scan through the Rock and Metal section, picking up a few things that looked interesting enough for Eddie’s taste. As for you, you wanted to touch up your New Wave collection- snatching up the only Smith’s album you didn’t own- and a copy of Floodland by Sisters of Mercy.
Maybe Eddie wouldn’t rag you too hard for what you bought for him.
You go to the counter, paying a total of $35.
For Eddie, you bought:
DIO- The Last in Line
Krokus- Head Hunter
Witchfynde- Give ‘Em Hell
New Order- Substance (This was something for the both of you)
A DIO Guitar pick
A flame patch for his jacket
‘Hopefully he’ll love these.’
You close the door behind you, glad you’re finally back home. You had made a trip to the mall after leaving the Record Store, picking up some new clothes and a few things for the trailer- before grabbing some lunch at the food court along with some cookies for dessert. You set the bags down on the armchair and nestle yourself into the couch, beat.
It had been eons since you had been out all day like that- it had you exhausted. You reach over to the end table, pulling an already rolled joint from the tin and lighting it. A few deep puffs and you feel a bit more at ease. You get up, putting the Sisters of Mercy’s CD into the stereo, turning it up loud enough to please your stoned hearing. Your butt finds itself back onto the couch, and you sprawl out, enjoying the music.
The door.
“Come in!” You almost-yell over the music. The screen door squeaks before you see a more-than-welcome sight. Eddie. But not only is he here, he’s wearing a cropped band-tee, it’s too faded for you to tell what it is. His stomach and v-line are visible to the world, and your eyes linger too long thanks to you being a little too baked to look away. You pretend it didn’t happen, but Eddie noticed.
You turn over onto your stomach, your elbows propping up your chin on the arm of the couch.
“Like the shirt.” You mumble out, too confident.
“Thanks.” ‘I can tell.’ He thinks, before kicking his boots off by the door.
“I got you something. Check that bag on the counter.”
“Oooh, is it a pony?” He says jokingly, digging through the plastic.
He stops.
“These are for me?” He holds one of the CD’s, dumbfounded.
“Duh, it’s a thank you present.”
“For putting up with me. And giving me rides.”
“Well, one: I don’t put up with you, I care about you. Two: I love riding around with you. And three: You just completed my soul with these gifts. So thank you.”
You smile.
“Come sit, we can watch another movie if you want? I’ll make something for dinner, too.”
“Is that even a question? Sounds like a perfect night in.”
“Yay! I’ll get cooking, in the meantime…” You pick up the joint from the ashtray and wave it.
“Finish this off for me, huh?”
You and Eddie sit at the dining table. Instead of on opposite sides, he’s seated next to you, looking down at your plate. You made tacos, one of Eddie’s favorite comfort dishes.
The both of you joke around, finishing up your food. He offers to put the plates in the dishwasher- something that you thought was cute of him to even offer.
While he loads it up, you find yourself back on the couch, the peak of your high settling into your body- and Eddie now sitting next to you once more.
“So, what’s the movie for tonight?” He asks, draping his arm behind you.
“Fuck yes.” He perks up a little.
Your eyes wander down his stomach again, that patch of hair and your eyes seem magnetized now.
‘Thank god it’s dark.’
You think he doesn’t notice you staring- but he does.
You get deja vu from the last time you had both been on the plaid couch, watching a cheesy horror film. The butterflies have returned- but this time the high and the fluttering creatures have made their way lower in your body. Maybe your body is finally catching up to the lack of sexual activity you’ve had in…you don’t even remember how long.
You don’t want to think like that though. Eddie’s sweet, and you don’t wanna fuck it up. Maybe unless he does, too. You don’t even know what you’re thinking.
Then, you forget where you’re at- and lean your head into his chest. You feel him tense and peer down at his belly again. ‘Stop.’
“This is nice.” He says, breaking your anxiety.
“I-I agree.”
He starts to play with your hair again.
‘Focus on the Movie. Focus on the movie.’
But you fail.
“Yeah, sweets?”
“About last night.”
“What about it?”
“When you said you liked me.”
“Did you mean it… like that?”
He doesn’t respond for a moment.
“I-Uh. Yeah. I did.”
You sit up, pulling your knees under you and turning to him. The eye contact is deadly now. Your brain is too high to keep you from saying what you want.
He speaks again before you do.
“I like you. A lot. I’m just scared that I’ll mess this up.” You quickly lessen the distance between the two of you.
Eddie puts a hand to your cheek, stroking it with his thumb.
“You’re beautiful, you know?”
It takes you aback, but your weed-induced confidence is loud and proud.
“So are you.” He seems just as surprised. He had never had anyone call him that. But he liked it.
“Come here.” He coos, taking his other arm and pulling you in.
Your lips melt into his, soft and warm. Every good emotion you can possibly feel comes crashing down on you like a landslide.
He snakes a hand up to your neck, stroking it like he did your cheek. It sends signals to every nerve ending in your body- it’s so perfect. You wrap a hand up in his hair, lightly grabbing a fistful. He groans into your mouth, biting your lip gently in response. Your loose brain betrays you- and a moan crosses out.
You’re self conscious for a moment. But Eddie eats it up.
“Fuck, baby. You sound so pretty.” Your left hand is on his thigh now, and you squeeze.
Eddie pulls you into his lap, running his hands down your sides- right across the exposed skin from your tank top that had ridden up. Your tongues rub together, the sensation sending a message to your groin.
You grind down on Eddie and feel how hard he is- but you want him even harder.
“Yeah, like that, baby. Feel good for you?”
You nod, grabbing onto his hair with both hands now- being a bit more rough. Eddie bucks up into you- making you yelp.
Before you know it, he’s pushed you onto your back.
“You alright?”
“Mhm. Are you?”
He pulls off his shirt.
“I’m wonderful. Just trying to thank god real quick for the fact that you exist.”
He grabs the hem of your tank top, looking at you for permission to keep going.
“Please, Eddie. I want you.”
“Don’t worry, baby. You have me.”
He pulled the shirt off, your bare breasts exposed to him- you had skipped out on a bra quite often. Something Eddie DID notice but had to refrain from paying attention to- out of respect. Or the fact that he would be popping boners constantly around you.
Eddie slinks down to your breasts, massaging one while he takes the nipple of the other into his mouth. He lightly pinches it with his teeth and flicks his tongue over it, making you arch your back and moan out.
Suddenly, you’re noticing every touch- whether it’s the fabric barely brushing against your clit or the way his right hand is touching your inner thigh. They were overly sensitive- and you had a feeling that he somehow sensed that.
You’re squirming under him, almost too dazed to notice his hand slip beneath your pants and into your underwear.
You break the silence, panicking.
“I’m sorry- I haven’t exactly… shaved.”
He looked down at you, puzzled, through his mop of hair hanging down. He quickly yanks your pants off of you, your underwear coming with.
“You don’t have to apologize for that, I think it’s hot.”
Eddie wasn’t lying. He had a few moments where he thought about what you had rocking underneath your pants. Bush? Shaved? He had preferred hair, though. There was just something about it that he loved.
He grabs your knees, pushing them apart to look at you. You get nervous at the thought of him fully seeing you- but he just told you how he felt- so there was no need to worry yourself.
“Mind if I…” He asks.
You prop yourself up on your elbows, confused.
“Well, maybe I should just show you, then.”
Eddie sits you up, your legs hanging off of the couch. He settles in between your thighs, his mouth attaching to your clit and sucking.
You almost jump out of your skin.
“Holy shit. Fuck.” You moan out, gripping onto his hair.
He laps away, flicking his tongue right on your bud. You swear you’re seeing stars- right before your stomach knots.
“Eddie. Fuck. I’m about to-“
He doesn’t stop, he instead inserts a finger into you- and then a second. They curl into your spongy spot, making you jerk and snap your knees around him.
“S-sorry Eds.”
“Don’t be sorry baby. Just means I’m doing good.”
“Fuck. fuck. Oh, Eddie.”
You feel the release, followed by him furthering his motions to let you ride out your orgasm- meanwhile, he’s losing his mind at the way you say his name.
Once he thinks you’ve had enough, he pulls away and moves to plant a kiss on your forehead.
Then Eddie stands to remove his jeans, followed by his boxers- and returns to the couch, settling you onto your back once more.
You take a glance at how well-endowed he is, it was easy to see through his jeans but it’s even more intimidating without. Almost as if you’re seeing something you weren’t meant to- but took pleasure in anyways. He pulls out a condom from his pants on the floor, rolling it down onto his shaft.
The heat between your legs is unbearable, and Eddie positions himself over your entrance- gliding past you sensitive bits in the process to coat himself well enough.
He looks at you.
“You sure you want to do this? We can stop at any time, okay?”
You smile, appreciative that he’s so considerate but you’re also desperately horny for him.
“I want this. Please.” Your hands travel up to his shoulders for you to brace yourself- and Eddie sinks down into you slowly.
“Fuck, baby. This wet for me?”
“Y-yes, Eddie.”
Once he’s fully in- you take notice of how full you are. Your poor cervix is flush against his cock.
Eddie drags his hips back- slamming back into you. Again. And again. Your moans are getting careless, along with Eddie’s groans.
���Fuck baby. You’re being so good f’me.”
He nestles his mouth over your neck, leaving swollen, red and purple patches in the process.
“E-Eddie!” You half care-half don’t.
His lips grin against you while he starts thrusting into you faster- and harder.
“Let this be my affirmation that you don’t have to worry about anyone else, huh?” He says, groaning. The sound of flesh hitting against you, along with both of your forbidden noises fills the room quite loudly.
“-and, if you ever even thought about Tyler- I want this to make you forget about him.”
You nod, too pleasured to respond properly.
“I want you to say it.”
“Say what, Eds?”
“Say you don’t give a shit about Tyler- fuck. You’re so fucking tight. J-just be a sweet girl and tell me you don’t care about that asshole.”
His jealousy takes you aback- you had been jealous too, but you didn’t think he’d be the type. Either way, it turns you on.
“I don’t give a shit about him!” You whine, your legs hooked around his thighs now to pull him closer.
His hips are crashing against your ass and lower thighs at an ungodly force, surely leaving behind marks.
Eddie reaches a thumb down to your clit, rubbing with just the right pressure. He can feel you clenching around him.
“Glad to hear it. When he’s saying some stupid shit to you at work- I want you to think of this.” Your belly is knotting again.
“I w-will. F-fuck! Eddie, I’m gonna cum again!”
“That’s alright baby. Cum on me, it’s okay.”
You feel the shockwave once more, the dragging of Eddie’s cock along your walls becomes ten times more sensitive.
“Fuck baby, keep moaning like that. I’m almost there.”
He comes down on you as hard as he can muster, your noises making his cock twitch as he releases into the latex. He lets out a mix of whimpers and a groan, still thrusting with decreasing pace to ride out his high.
He pulls out of you and throws the condom in the nearby bin, before he pulls you into his arms on top of him.
Eddie plants a few kisses on your face while rubbing a hand down your back.
“You okay?” He asks, desperately wanting to make sure you’re comfortable.
“Mhm. More than okay.”
He chuckles, tangling a hand up in your hair to play with it- something he seems to love doing.
Steam blows out of the room as you open the bathroom door. You took a shower and put on some fresh clothes- one of your oversized t-shirts and loose pajama pants.
Eddie is still asleep on the couch, and you decide to wake him up so that he can get into your bed and not have terrible back pain in the morning.
You both crawl into the blankets, exhausted from earlier.
“Mm. You’re so warm.” He mumbles into your neck.
You smile, knowing this will be the best sleep you ever get.
‘Maybe every night will be this good.’
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