#I’m back at it again hee hoo
skyward-floored · 7 months
Impa has had plenty of battle experience in her life.
Countless days spent training in both tactics and fighting itself, long hours plugged into doing nothing but honing the skills of her tribe and other abilities she’s been gifted with. Learning the most effective ways to use them all together, and win any fight.
But there’s really no way to prepare yourself for a battle in which both your past lover (who can’t exactly be called her husband since Impa hasn’t even spoken to him in almost two decades, and has also for some reason aligned himself with an army of monsters) and son (who is unaware of the identity of either of his parents, and shouldn’t be on the battlefield anyway since he’s not even of age) are both running around in on opposite sides, making it impossible to keep track of either of them.
Impa huffs as she dodges a spear, worry and exasperation clashing together within her.
She’s lost sight of Link for the third time already this battle, and only has a vague idea of where Volga ended up. Link has demonstrated he can handle himself, but he’s still only a trainee, and Impa’s seen (even from a distance) what sort of trouble he can get into.
And Volga...
The questions that have been swirling around in her head ever since the battle start to come to life again, but Impa ignores them, focusing not on the hurt and confusion and instead on her current goal.
“Where did the boy go, Link?” she asks the captain stationed at the keep she’s helping defend, slashing past a bokoblin and narrowly saving a soldier’s head.
The captain frowns, holding his shield up to block a stray arrow. “I lost sight of him, all I know is he took out a whole squad of bokos and ran off,” he says, forehead creased.
“I saw him heading to the abandoned fort ma’am,” a soldier calls towards her. “Someone said that dragon-man is back there, I think he went to go fight him off.”
A cold feeling steals into Impa’s chest.
“Idiot boy is going to get himself killed,” the captain at her side mutters, slicing viciously at a monster. “Trainees shouldn’t be out here at all, no less fighting dragons. Boy barely looks old enough to shave.”
Impa more than agrees, but doesn’t waste her time with words, leaving the keep in the captain’s capable hands, and taking off to go find Link.
...and Volga.
She follows the soldier’s words, heading to the fort he’d pointed out. Sure enough, as she gets closer, she sees streams of fire burst into the air, hears the clash of weapons and familiar shouts.
Her heart skips a beat, and she runs past bokoblins and moblins alike, pausing only momentarily to fight her way past a few.
None of the monsters that get in her way are terribly tough, but they take time to fight, and Impa is getting anxious, casting continued glances at the smoke and fire nearby. She’s seen firsthand today how good of a fighter Link is, but she’s also well aware of Volga’s strength.
And Link... will need help.
The last bokoblin falls and Impa runs for the fort, arriving just in time to see Volga slam a clawed fist into Link. He cries out as he’s thrown across the cobblestones, landing in a motionless heap, and Impa bolts, blood roaring in her ears.
She slides to a stop in front of Link when Volga tries to advance, putting herself between them and blocking his path. The dragon knight stares at her, shadowed eyes narrowed, and Impa glares back, unmoving in her defense of Link.
She sees no sign of the man she fell in love with in his eyes.
“How noble,” Volga sneers, embers falling from his mouth. “Enjoy your shared grave.”
The fire around him begins to intensify, and Impa’s eyes widen, knowing immediately what it means.
“Oh no...” she breathes, and turns back to Link in a panic, getting to a knee and touching his shoulder. He shifts at her touch, but just a little, his eyes flickering when she shakes him. Volga growls, and Impa whirls back towards him, knowing she doesn’t have enough time to pull Link out of here.
The air around Volga wavers with heat as flames lick up his form, and then he moves forward, blasting a huge plume of fire directly at them both, hotter than death mountain itself.
And right before the flames hit, Link stumbles in front of Impa, a hand outstretched like he hopes to hold back the flames with nothing but his arm.
Impa barely has enough time to be horrified (he’s only a boy, he shouldn’t be protecting her, she can’t watch her son die—) before the flames engulf them both.
But instead of burning alive in her former-lover’s flames, Impa instead feels a gentle warmth.
It’s equally soothing and powerful, and she opens her eyes, not even realizing she’d closed them. The sight that meets her makes her startle, and she stares up at Link in utter shock.
Golden light is pouring around Link— around her son, in a wide, protective glow, encircling and keeping them both safe. All of him holds a shine, but his left hand is glowing especially bright, triangles outlined on the back in a beautiful luminescent gold. A sign of which Impa would know anywhere and had already begun to suspect, but almost doesn’t want to believe, to face what it truly means for them all.
Link is the Hero.
Volga’s flames finally peter off, and the light fades, but Link still holds his hand up, fingers shaking a little. Volga studies him, giving Link a calculating look as his eyes dart across his face, and Impa finds herself holding her breath.
Will he notice the similarities, will he pick up on the features he and Link share, will he put the pieces together—
But Volga appears not to recognize anything amiss about Link, or even herself, and he barely spares her a glance as he growls something about not being beaten, and departs the battlefield.
Link shakily falls to a knee almost the moment he’s gone, and Impa resists the urge to grab him by the shoulders and make sure he’s okay, instead joining his side not too quickly.
“H-how...” he croaks, staring at his hand in equal awe and terror. “What was...”
“The triforce of courage,” Impa supplies, and he looks at her, his face covered in grime and sweat, and layered with a healthy amount of shock.
She takes a deep breath as what the meaning of this truly signifies begins to sink into her chest, fear and pride and several other emotions all vying for her attention. But she ignores them all, especially the sharp ache at the realization her son has a long fight ahead of him.
A monster howls somewhere nearby, accompanied by a soldier’s yell, and Impa closes her eyes, then reopens them, packing the emotions away with practiced ease.
“...I’m afraid we don’t have time for me to explain everything to you right now,” she apologizes, offering Link a hand up. “But I promise I will. At the moment, we have a battle to win.”
Link swallows, looking like he wants to say more. But then he straightens his shoulders and nods, letting her pull him to his feet. Impa can feel his hand still faintly shaking, and she can’t resist giving it the lightest of squeezes before she lets go, quickly returning her attention to the battle still raging outside the fort.
They can figure all of this out later. She can figure all of this out later.
Right now, they have a battle to win.
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miquellah · 2 months
RADAHN THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE YOU actually i have found myself thinking about him way more now post-dlc in the sense that like. so much of what he did during and even after the shattering can relate back to him knowing what miquella was expecting from him and having changed his mind... i kind of like the way that that frames him as like. maybe the only demigod whose actions aren't for some greater purpose or ideal. he fetters the stars and is at the centre of one of the most horrific events in the shattering, he clearly tried to seize leyndell even, and like. i like the idea that he did many of these earthshattering things for entirely selfish or material reasons rather than some kind of higher idea, it makes him like a really interesting counterpoint to his dedicated schemer grindset siblings
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honestly i have no idea where i personally stand on his full involvement anymore, mostly because i’ve seen rly good cases for both “he agreed to the vow and took it back” as well as “he agreed and was along with it the whole time”. maybe one day i’ll sway more fully in some direction again, but until then both are really fun hee hoo
i’m willing to see any and all of his actions in good faith tho. im sure a good dose of it has also been colored by his wishing to emulate godfrey too, and godfrey HIMSELF is really interesting in just how much he’s been idolized. if anything following in the footsteps of the first elden lord could’ve been the bulk of radahn’s goals entirely, which is also really fun. wanting to emulate that image of herosim without actually, truly putting forth much more thought into that
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mdemn · 9 months
@demonzriti commissioned me to write this little silly fic for @sametrapeni the other day. it’s really just 1,065 words of crack mpreg!sam/paulie.
i’ve never written anything like it, but with the week i’ve been having, it was so refreshing & fun to write! i hope i did the idea justice for you & i hope it can bring a smile to @sametrapeni’s face! they’re lucky for a partner like you!! <33
read & enjoy if that’s your thing! and if it’s not but you have a self-indulgent thing (no matter how silly you think it is!) you’d like for me to write for you, check out my kofi! & my ao3 for writing refs & commission rules! but know there’s really very little i wouldn’t write & can/will do other fandoms!
Paulie walks his fingers over Sam’s tummy, and Sam won’t ever admit it, but it’s the number one thing he’ll miss the most about the pregnancy.
Though lucky for Sam, he doesn’t have to, because Paulie does it for him. “I’ll miss this.” Paulie mutters, flattening his hand to rub over the hard lump where the baby’s resting. “Feelin’ ‘em in here like this. Knownin’ you’re really carryin’ ‘em. Our baby.”
Sam rolls his eyes, fighting the smile tugging at his lips. “I won’t. This shit is for th’ birds.”
Paulie laughs, loud and full, and at this Sam does smile. It’s impossible not to.
“Sam, I—“
Sam cuts Paulie’s words off with a groan, loud and long. He tilts his head back against the headboard and cradles his stomach. He sighs through his teeth, he can almost feel his eye twitching as the pain radiates through his lower back.
“Sam? Sammy? Hey, what’s wr—“
“Shut up, Paulie.” Sam grits out, like every word takes incredible effort.
Paulie’s alarm only grows as he sits up. He looks down at Sam and Sam contemplates punching Paulie right upside the head. Sam has begun to sweat just a little, his thick eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His breathing is labored and concentrated.
“It’s. I think.” Sam takes a deep breath, groaning through the pain again, “Christ. Christ, Paulie. I think it’s time.”
“Time? For what? Sammy, time for what?” Paulie asks, his voice raising in alarm with each question.
Sam looks at him with a flat affect. And again, he considers hitting Paulie.
“Oh, I don’t know, Paulie. Time for some fuckin’ tea and cakes, maybe? Maybe time to go for a light stroll? Maybe time for a shower? Jesus Christ. I think the baby’s coming you fuckin’ dunce!” Sam yells, his eyes slipping back closed, his breathing laboring even more with every breath.
The panic shows on Paulie’s face as he throws the blanket off of them. “What?”
“Paulie. Don’t piss me off.” Sam answers, his voice still on edge.
Another contraction hits Sam and this time he groans loudly, bringing his knees up. He nearly screams, his hand slipping under his shirt to rub at the skin of his taunt stomach. The baby is much lower than it had been previously. And Sam doesn’t know anything about birth or babies and really isn’t sure how they ended up in this predicament in the first place but Jesus Christ this hurts. How did Tommy ever convince Sarah to do this twice?
“Sam. Sammy. You have to breathe. What did Sarah say? Like HEE-HAHH-HEEE-HOO—“
“Paulie. I’m going to fuckin’ shoot you. I swear to God, I will. I swear to fuckin’ God.”
“Sam. That’s not breathin’. Maybe you need to stand? Walk around, right?” Paulie jumps out of bed and puts his hands on his lower back, and starts pacing around, “Like this, right? Sarah did a lot of walkin’ when she had her baby girl. Oh Christ, should we call Sarah? I’m gonna call Sarah.”
“Paulie.” Sam grits again, then groans, another near scream. “Sam!” Paulie rushes to Sam’s side, places his hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Baby? What is it?”
“Sit.” Sam takes another deep breath, “Down.”
Paulie nods, and sits on the edge of the bed, snaking his arm around Sam’s shoulders. He stays still for about another minute, before Sam feels another wave of pain, similar to the first, hit him like a ton of bricks.
He tries not to let on how badly it hurts, but honestly? Getting shot hurt less.
Paulie notices Sam tense and he jumps out of bed again, “I’m callin’ Sarah.” he mutters, mostly to himself, as he nearly sprints out of the room.
Sam had known, realistically, that Sarah would be his midwife. There’s no one he’d trust more. Sarah had two children, and had had them at home, more or less by herself. But the idea of Sarah seeing him like this, in pain, writhing, the idea is mortifying.
However, he doesn’t have time to deal with that, as the pain takes over again.
“Paulie!” Sam shouts, followed by another groan, “Get. In. Here. With. Me.” He forces every word out and in the silence in between words, he can hear Paulie talking, muttering, the scratch of a pen, like he’s taking notes.
“Just a minute, baby. Hold on!” Paulie calls back, then Sam can hear him mutter, “And what else, Sarah? Hurry. What else? Are you sure you can’t be here no sooner?”
Sam is feeling homicidal actually. He thinks it’s time to give into it. He might just kill Paulie before he ever gets to see his big-headed baby.
Sam has just about settled on the fact he’ll be a single father when Paulie comes back with a cup of ice and a small hand towel from the kitchen.
“I’m here, Sammy. I’m here.” he mutters, rushing to the bed.
“Sarah said this will help. Here.” Paulie leans over and puts a damp towel on Sam’s head. It’s ice cold and oddly, supplies immediate relief. Sam hadn’t realized he was so hot.
“She said you can chew on this ice. Don’t know what it’s supposed to do but she swears by it.” Paulie pushes the cup into his hands. “And to take your pants off. Which you know I have no problem with. Heh.” Paulie chuckles and reaches for Sam’s pants.
And the homicidal urge fills Sam again. He grabs Paulie’s wrist, almost spilling his cup of ice, “Don’t. Fuckin’. Touch. Me.” Sam grits, through crunches of the ice.
Paulie laughs, has the audacity to laugh. This causes Sam’s eye to actually twitch.
“Well, had you been sayin’ that 9 months ago, maybe we wouldn’t be in this, huh?”
Sam stares at him. He feels the rage fill in every pore of his body, and he realizes he has to speak, because if left alone with his thoughts for a moment longer, he’d kill Paulie. Truly and honestly.
“Paulie. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Get out!”
“Now c’mon Sammy—“
“Okay, okay!” Paulie laughs, and that beautiful crooked smile doesn’t leave his lips, and Sam is in limbo between wanting to shoot Paulie and to kiss him until they’re both breathless. Which of course makes Sam more upset.
Sam waits for Paulie to be turned around before he starts to strip out of his pants. He loves Paulie. More than life itself, and God, anyone knows that. But Christ.. he hopes their baby doesn’t get his sense of humor.
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m0stlygh0st · 7 months
I conked out earlier as soon as I had dinner, but I woke up a little while ago and wanted to try getting some writing in before I went back to bed. 😖👉👈
I’m still working on my silly little Isekai fic project and I just got to where I meet Spinner for the first time and wanted to share what I had, hee hee hoo hoo.
He leaned in closer to me and I could make out every scale, every little knick and scar he had on his face and a few stray hairs that had fallen in front of his eyes as he looked down at me. He didn’t seem convinced by my answer, but he seemed all the more perplexed, too.
“You’re not afraid? Or repulsed? Why?”
I gulped a little and felt my face beginning to turn pink. He was so close and I felt my heart racing as I looked back at him. Before I could stop myself, I blurted the first thing that came to mind.
“Am I not allowed to look at someone I find so captivating?”
I felt the waves of embarrassment wash over me in an instant and I turned to face away from him for a moment. Where on EARTH did that come from?! I paused and looked up at him again, unsure of how much I had offended him, but I was… surprised.
He had taken a few steps back from me and was staring at me now with wide eyes… and a distinctive pink color on his scaly cheeks. He had his hand over his mouth, as if my answer had caught him as off guard as it had me. He was as embarrassed as I was and I couldn’t help the smile tugging at my lips. His intimidating facade had melted away in an instant and I found his reaction endearing, to say the least. I’d even go as far to say it was actually kind of cute, but I didn’t want to embarrass him further.
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I still have a lot to go but for now! I sleep.
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hardygalwrites · 1 year
If You Give a Fish a Family
A children’s book by Gillion Tidestrider, as read in Just Roll With It: Riptide, Episode 94: Back to Zero
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(thumbnail source)
There once was a fish born on a very special day.
The day was so special, his family gave him away.
He was taken to a palace, but it didn’t feel like home.
Though everyone there said they loved him, he still felt alone.
The big fish of the palace said, “You must become strong.
“We fish don’t like people, because they are always wrong.”
The big fish brought a target and said, “You’ll be family if you hit this.”
So the fish tried every day, but he always seemed to miss.
Then one day, the little fish made a big mistake,
And the big fish of the palace kicked him out of the lake.
The fish was alone on the shore, sad and beached,
When suddenly out of the sky, a fleshie hand reached!
The fish saw two people with no fins or tails
On a big brown floating thing, hollow and with sails.
The fish was wary. “Is this hell? Did I do a big sin?”
The two laughed. “No, we’re pirates! This our crew, and you’re in!”
They saved a lot of people and committed violent crime,
But because they were together, they had a real good time.
They met a dude: Duke D. Dukem of Dooke,
And a plant with kind eyes that gave them a spook.
They made a new friend, a horse from a Puddle.
The little boy rode and then they became “buddles.”
They also met a Goobleck, who mostly said, “Hee hoo!”
He absorbed one hundred people, but then pressed “undo.”
But one day the man said, “I have a confession, fish. I lied.”
The fish felt so betrayed and decided the man would die.
The next day, the woman’s father came and had a really big frown.
He said, “You are a dumb baby loser, and you’ve let this family down.”
The woman said, “You’re right, papa.” And so she shot the fish,
But before the fish died, he said, “Is that really your wish?”
The woman said, “Wait, no! I wanna be friends with you!”
The man chimed in, “I’m sorry for lying. Me too.”
Their crew is back together and finally free.
Then the fish saw another target. If he hit it, he’d be family.
The fish thought of his family, god, and his friends.
He took one big swing, and the fish missed again.
The fish looked sad, packed his things and said, “Well, I guess this is it.”
But the two stopped him and said, “But you’re already family. And family fucks up shit.”
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imagotrolls · 1 year
uh-oh it’s tatsu
yes hello fellow community i’m BACK 
for a time at least, I’ll be setting up this neat little blog as i’ve recently had my final thesis discussion and that means i will be free for a time
which means you will all be exposed to my silly fantrolls AGAIN hee hee hoo hoo
i want this to be a fresh start of sorts; i’ve grown up and changed in the last five/six years, and tangentially followed the fantroll community for a while, and i’m ready for a comeback with new(ish) fantrolls, new art for all of them, and all sorts of shenans
soon enough i’ll have art for the first two trolls of the blog, a new entry and an old face from old days!! see you soon
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i've got brain rot for lovelock. wrote a lil thing that's been rattling around in my head
hee hee hoo hoo @get-rammed
Lovelock sighs, trekking down the long ass hallway. One of the Map Bots is literally holding people hostage, even if they already have maps, so it’s Lovelock’s job to go fix it. He finds the thing wandering around the prize counter, jumping into action when it sees him. It wheels over faster than Lovelock would like, grabs him by the arm (definitely way too tight), and shoves its face in his.
“Hi! Please take this map. Take a map.”
“Mm-hmm. Ok, buddy,” Lovelock says, wholly disinterested.
He pulls out his faz-wrench, promptly powering the thing down. He grabs it by the collar of its shirt, using its wheels to easily move it into one of the many dark corners of the arcade. Sure, he’s supposed to go into the maintenance corridor, but the place creeps him out, and it’s way too crowded to work in peace. He parks the Map Bot, locking its wheels, and flips open the tiny step stool he carries with him. It’s a pain to do all of his work standing, and the thing is barely even a pound, so it remains one of the best purchases of his adult life.
Taking a seat, Lovelock takes out his bun and ties up the rest of his hair to keep it out of his face. He leans in, inspecting the wire connections on the bot’s back (he’s always thought it was weird and a little stupid that Map Bots have free-hanging wires). The area isn’t too bad; no major damage that might’ve come from a kid pulling at the wires, but it’s not perfect by any means. It’s probably not the source of the malfunction. He’s guessing something is the eyes are off and not letting the bots see maps, but it’ll save Lovelock a run in the future, so he might as well do that first.
Lovelock slowly sinks into his work, letting himself run on autopilot. He’s fixed up these things so many times it’s basically second nature. Humming to himself, he opens maintenance panels and fixes small sections of exposed wire.
“What are you doing?”
The little voice scares Lovelock, making him jump. He looks over and sees a little girl, decked out in Fazbear merch, with blond, curly hair. She’s got a face full of freckles, just like him, with a missing front tooth. She has a big smile on her face, eagerly awaiting Lovelock’s response.
“Oh, um,” he starts, glancing back at the bot, trying to find the best way to explain robotic maintenance to a child. He’s helped plenty of kids in the past– lost kids, hurt kids, kids scared by the animatronics, but he’s never had one come up to him and ask him what he’s doing. “The, uh, S.T.A.F.F Bots work really hard all the time, so sometimes, they can get a little… sick. So, I’m fixing up a sick robot.”
The little girl gasps, bouncing on her feet. “So you’re, like, a robot doctor?”
A soft smile spreads across Lovelock’s face, pulling slightly at his cheeks. He doesn’t particularly like kids, but sometimes they say the cutest shit. “Yeah, ha, I’m a robot doctor.”
The girl chats at Lovelock while he works, which he actually doesn’t mind. The little girl thinks it’s very cool that he’s a robot doctor, so that must also mean he’s very cool. By the time she’s finished her little tangent, Lovelock has finished up with the back of the Map Bot. He looks over to the girl, smiling and gently shushing her.
“I gotta keep fixing the robot, but I have to take off the face plate, which might be a little scary.” He smiles. “If you’ll get freaked out, here’s your free pass to leave.”
“No way!” The girl pouts. “I’m big! I can handle scary!”
“Ok, then,” Lovelock chuckles.
He stands up, pushing his step stool back with his foot. He unlocks the wheels of the Map Bot, turning it around with practiced ease. He locks the wheels again just as easily, not even looking when he hits the tiny lever with his foot. He pockets his faz-wrench, reaching for the two tiny buttons on the underside of the Map Bot’s jaw. The lower half of the face plate pops off with a slight hiss. The girl jumps in the corner of Lovelock’s eye, so he takes his time lifting the faceplate, watching the girl subtly. He removes the faceplate, finally, and turns to the girl with it in his hand. He makes jazz hands toward the exposed face, which makes the girl laugh.
“Eww, that’s so gross!” She laughs.
“Just wait; I have to take out the eyes next. Wanna watch?”
“Ew! No!” The girl laughs and runs off, presumably back to her parents, stopping midway to turn around and wave at Lovelock. He waves back.
He goes back to his work, popping out an eye, and whaddya know he was right. It’s an easy fix with the faz-wrench, which he gets done in minutes (compared to the like, ten he spent with the girl), and he resets the bot for good measure. He wheels the bot back to the prize counter, turning it back on and seeing how it does. The bot takes a few seconds to activate properly, but as soon as it has, it wheels up to a guest, politely offers them a map, and happily wheels away when the guests take it. Nice.
Soon enough, it gets close to closing, and all of the handers are wrapping up in the locker room. One of Lovelock’s coworkers, Clara, bumps him on the shoulder, catching his attention.
“You’re in a good mood today,” she remarks.
“Oh! Uh,” Lovelock scratches his cheek. “A little girl called me a robot doctor today.”
“What? That’s so cute!” Clara claps her hands together.
“Right?” He smiles, throwing his bag over his shoulder. “Anyway, drive safe, Clara; see you tomorrow.”
“Drive safe!” His coworker calls.
Lovelock can’t get the little girl out of his head for the entire drive home. He thinks he’ll wear ‘robot doctor’ as a badge of honor for the rest of his life. He’d scribble it onto his nametag if he had the space. It’s the little things that keep this job bearable, so he’ll take every moment he can get.
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stuckasmain · 2 years
Trick or treat- songs meaning and possible over analyzing
Another thing I love about the movie is it’s kick ass soundtrack and that all the songs go along with whatever is happening on screen. For example “get tough” plays while Eddie confronts the bullies during the first revenge act or “Tear down the walls” while he literally tears all the posters off of his walls in a fit of teenage angst. It’s just a fun element that movies just don’t do- mainly because everyone gets popular songs instead of making a score and soundtrack but that’s a whole other conversation for another time.
Now I’ve made it no secret that Sammi lives rent free in my head after watching this movie and I’m making it everyone else’s problem. For a horror movie antagonist, he actually does get quite a lot of character especially with what few lines he actually gets. However, like always , I tend to dig way to deep into what we have to do character study and I think his pivotal song actually gives a LOT about him away.
Shocking Halloween performance-
Ok so hopefully we’re all in agreement that the song fucking rules but besides that… I think the song reveals the things the movie forgot to touch on after introducing them fairly over on. That beating Faust and that he “believes his own hype”
Maybe you'll see
Someone's put a spell on me
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These lyrics repeat multiple times in the song and I think it’s basically a call for help without being a call for help. A clear “I’m not entirely in control of my actions here”, as later in the number when he starts firing lightning in the crowd it’s not started intentionally. It is going to hard on a solo, losing control. Lost in the music ™️ only after does there start to be intent. However Sammi seems much more intent on having a captive audience than a crispy one.
This is where I bring up Faust as it’s literally the first fucking few lines on the movie. Are directly ripped from a poem or production then it’s never once brought up again? And it is not referring to Sammi and Eddie as Ed 100% has free will here. The moment things turn deadly he drops the friendship and fights against him. Sammi on the other hand… oh dies in a random hotel fire and kid has satanic ritual related dreams? Oh yeah. Everything we learn through the TV special and Nuke points to Sammi being a wild child, publicity and fan obsessed rocker. I can see and he likely did Cut a deal with at least something - to be able to play and be popular forever. At the cost of his soul.
Rock and roll
Rockin' on a midnight
Take control
Sammi isn’t personally interested in souls at all. From every other scene the only people he kills are assholes or anyone against him. He’s a revenge kill kinda guy not a bunch of randos at a party guy- ESPECIALLY loyal fans. I think the party scene was probably on the demonic side , using him to fill a quota. As getting out of owing his soul by Eddie bringing him back means something, someone is die to take his place. He wants control. He wants fans- practically a army. He wants the stage! Hocus Pocus so got the captive crowd inspo from this Lmao.
His motivations are to spread his last album so he can’t be destroyed, to get revenge, and to play forever. I’m by no means saying he’s a “good” guy or that he wouldn’t kill if he had a choice… as we see him get several personal kills in/people who are in his way. Just that, there’s something else at play besides him during this scene particularly/he doesn’t kill without reason(flimsy reason but reason).
Final chase-
Firstly After midnight is basically “hee hee hoo hoo I’m gonna get you” but a song. It’s kinda hysterical. As fastway’s music is Sammi’s in universe so imagine efnodehioefhdeioheduhdjoi just singing as he goes after you. I can’t.
Gonna hunt you through the night, yeah
You got it
I want it
Pretty soon he's gonna change his tune now
Something about “he’s gonna come back to my side. I know he’s gonna. He has to.” Man give it up - Eddie’s not.
“Hee hee hoo hoo I’m going to get you and shock you” he’s a massive dork actually.
I just think it’s much more interesting because he has personal motives and a lust for power but it’s at a pass with him owing his soul and the interest of the higher power he owes it to. How he’s forced to act outside of his own wants. Infinite power and a plan and he’s forced to do work instead of what he wants- which is at conflict with his anti man image etc. Like how he wants an audience, fans, praise etc and Hell wants a replacement for his dodging. I’m hoping this makes sense
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radi0activec0smos · 2 years
“I still remember the day they came back from the ambush. How worried we were - scratch that, how terrified we were that they wouldn’t come back. We’re all lucky they did.
We just wish we knew exactly what happened from that moment. Unfortunately for us... they couldn’t bring themself to speak much for a while afterwards.”
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I need to stop dong these at like 10/11pm I stg
Wounded sweetie I’m sorry but. You are an official blorbo of mine. Therefore I must consistently put you through The Horrors™. Yeah it’s in the job description.
One of my more rushed pieces, I will admit, but I did this mainly to get the scene out of my head and onto something - and tbh I still like it enough to post it so hee hoo. Tumblr please if you’re not going to show some of my stuff in the tags again I’m gonna go apeshit /hj
(For context: This is set shortly if not right after the events shown in Wounded Warrior’s memory in-game :] Because this is meant to take place when all are still alive, behold - humanisation of sorts)
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sheepie-self-ships · 1 year
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Hee hee hoo I dids it :3 I learned how to draw all might (again… it’s been an on again off again ability for years) and I kinda tried to give this the same energy I give to my sketchbook spreads I do traditionally,,, I kinda like how it turned out :] tho that cutout doodle is two sided, the other side is me yelling at it for judging me 💀 he just stands there and my room is too small for him to go anywhere other than just staring me down for self shipping
I dont really Have an MHA s/I and I don’t know what they would look like or what their quirk would be or anything but I am seriously considering getting back into mha 😭 I haven’t interacted with the canon in a year or two I think oh jeez. I’m considering my s/I currently just being Me But I Go To Art School In California Instead Of [Redacted State] AU 💀 bc California has som nice art shit and that’s where AM went to college so I’m thinking they met like through a mutual friend or smth and went to different schools but made it work. Maybe they broke up when he was going back to Japan or smn and then they reconnect when s/i has to go to Japan on like a fuckin. What’s the thing animators do where they go to places to research for their next project or smth. I don’t remember what it’s called but that 💀
Also also just bc I prefer to draw buff am does NOT mean I don’t absolutely adore small might. I just don’t know how to draw him in a way I like yet 💀 ok I’ll shut up now and let u keep scrolling
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I can’t remember if I journaled about GI last time, so I’m just gonna recap. The last time I went, we played that sunshine game again and then we did some activities about consent and whatnot. I had a big autism moment where I needed to stand in the corner and dissociate for 20 minutes, but the staff were all really supportive.
I called Kyle and we caught up for a bit. I found this website where you can look up people’s voting registration so we went and looked up our teacher’s and some celebrities. And that’s how I accidentally found Gerard Way’s address. Oopsies. 
I also finally found Mr. Rasmussen’s age, a mystery which we as a class had been trying to solve for years. 
So, there’s an issue with my medication. Basically, the doctor won’t accept our diagnosis because “we dont just hand out drugs to kids here hee hoo!”. Yeah, pretty bitchy thing to say. I know. 
So the GP is gonna send a letter to the NHS asking if he can prescribe us and if he can’t, I basically have to get reevaluated. 
I have less than three weeks worth of meds, so obviously I’m gonna be out by the time that letter even gets written because things take forever here.
I was really excited to have a productive summer. I was really excited.
So I guess I’m gonna going to pop caffeine pills like candy and take every supplement that I can order on Amazon and see what happens. It can’t wont me, right?
I have been having serious joint paint since we moved here and there are so many variables that it’s impossible to know what’s causing it. My back hurts so bad every time I wake up that it takes me minutes to shake it off. Whenever I stand up after sitting down, my ankle (yes, the fucked up one) hurts and I limp for a while. Worth seeing a doctor about? Maybe. At least it’s free. In America, they’d tell me it’s growing pains and then charge us $1000. At least we don’t have to pay for the gaslighting here. 
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kaithewhatever · 2 years
Some times all I think about is you, late night in the middle of june, heat waves been freaking me out, honey came in and she caught me red handed cheating with the girl next door, I did my time and I want out so I got have faith it doesn’t cut, the reckoning the sickening, cause maybe your gonna be the one that saves me, never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, go go go go go gallo Siegen, move bitch get out the way get out the way bruh get out the way, so I wrote this song for the Christian youth I wanna teach kids the Christian truth when the pimps in the crib ma drop it like it’s hot drop it like it’s hot drop it like it’s hot and if the pigs wanna get at you young man there are leaves falling down I said young man eat the ass of that clown I get knocked down but I get up again you ain’t never gonna get me down I want something else to get me though this semi charmed kinda life baby got back ra ra rasputin russia greatest fuck machine now you chance to be a big shot be a big be a big be a big shot you had to open your mouth you had to be big shot didn’t ya that girl is poison it driving me outta my mind that why it hard for me to find can’t get her outta my head bird up everybody say when you hear the call you better get it underway bird up it’s a code word no matter where you say it you know that you’ll be heard I’m beginning to feel like a rap god rap god all my people from the front to the back nod back nod dk donkey Kong he the leader of bunch you know him well I’m on my way I’m making it I’m gonna let it show yeah, I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go, we’re flying we’re free we re free before the thunderstorm on towards the wilderness our quest carries on darkness imprisoning me all that I see absolute whore I cannot live I cannot die iah ie maiya ha maya hoo maya haha maya hee maya hoo maya hoo maya heehee anime you ok can you tell us that your ok I walk to Burger King then I walk back home from Burger King might as well be walking on the sus mighta as well be walking on the sus this looks like a joj for me so everybody just follow me cause we need a little contreversey cause it feel so empty without memes ey macarena
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Lucid Dreams and Ceasless Nightmares….
Coming up with some forms/designs for Dream and Nightmare because fun >:3
Still pretty early on and workshopping these bit by bit, but I’m enjoying the ride. Sharing these now since I’m gonna have to rest my arm this week, my RSI flared up again pretty badly. Blegh! Anyway I’m gonna ramble about my ideas under the cut, maybe share a few concepts.
Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog
But these designs are mine, hee hoo
So yeah, going with “Lucid Dream” for our dude on the left. Lol. It started out as a pun, but the definition actually ended up working so nicely with my ideas; suffused with light, luminous, transluscent… plus the pun. Yep. Had to use it lol. I’ve been having fun painting some crystalline stuff related to these boys’ SOULs, may be considering making Lucid Dream’s outfit liquid-like, as if it was a high shine satin silk, or super-organza. Ok, if you’re wondering wtf any of that means, look up the Armani Privé Coture line from Fall 2021. The fabrics there are INSANEEEEE.
Anyway, hopefully it’s easy to tell from the visuals that this is more akin to a swap!Dream (tho i really dont know much about them aaa) than a corrupted/shattered variant. I’m a big fan of angel wings and all, I’ll slap em on most any chance I get, but honestly if Nightmare is a semi-eldritch horror, then why not Dream as well? Lol
Lucid is main-universe Dream, in that post-Underverse idea i have stewing in my noggin. He ends up in posession of a few extra golden apples through accidental timeline bullshittery. His hand is forced by Nightmare, and to protect his friends and re-balance the multiverse, he consumes them and assumes this form. His body takes it pretty hard, skull splitting completely on the left side from an old wound, and beginning to crack on the right. Everything weeps a liquid gold ooze. His cape-ribbons tear/transform into two smaller tendrils, while a larger set of four burst from his soul out the back and destroy the sun patch. Ouch.
In the midst of this brutal fight with Nightmare, he’s fighting to control the overwhelming nature of his new power, as it fights to take him over. While he generally remains—ha—lucid, he has moments where his control slips away, and a primal, ancient desire to fill the universe with light overtakes him. Somethin’ like that. Still kinda vague on the details. Less happy-crazy or full on stoic-coldness, and more like incomprehensible god energy lol. A little chaotic. Mainly tho, he remains Dream, just desperately trying to save his home and his friends and maybe his brother, if he can hang on long enough.
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Here’s some expressions, notably the goopy eyes and phasing in and out of madness. :Db
Noot’s design isn’t a power-up, moreso a redesign for funsies. I wanted to give him something intimidating and regal, play around with how everything is made of goop, and off of Dream’s design elements too. It’s pretty messy atm, still trying to balance things. Here’s a few sketches of that :>
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Hey if u got to the bottom I love you, have a slice of cake. It’s apple cake lol
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 years
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I woke up sad on our last morning in Mt. Komorebi. Not boo hoo sad, but just feeling a bit blah. As much as I have enjoyed making memories with my children, and even reconnecting with Ali, I missed sleeping in my own bed, my dog, my work, and my man. He missed me too and sent me a text saying he can't wait to see me. I never have to doubt his feelings for me because he showers me constantly with them. It's weird. I've been married before, but this is the first time I've ever really dated someone. Even though I have many regrets, I'm glad I get to have this experience now. I've always been the one to chase the guy and steer the relationship. It's kinda nice to not have to do that.
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I went downstairs immediately and prepared breakfast so everyone could fuel up for the big slopes. Luca joined me in the kitchen, already dressed and ready for the day. I guess my mood was showing because he asked if I was okay. I said I was just ready to go home.
Nosy Emmy reared her messy head and asked about his friend at the lounge, but Cool Hand Luca remained vague. I asked if he saw her again. He said no. I asked if they were going to keep in touch. He said maybe. I asked if he liked her. He said, "she's cool." I took the hint and stopped asking questions. Whenever there's something to tell, he'll tell me, I hope.
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Alessia wanted to have her birthday before we headed out, so once everyone was dressed and ready to go, I brought out the cake and we made a great ruckus for her.
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And just like that, all my babies are grown. What fine young adults they are! I hope the world is ready for them because I know they will leave their mark in their own ways, and I am already proud! I can't wait to see what my baby girl gets into.
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It was a very cloudy day, so it got dark much sooner than we expected and I wasn't sure how I felt about barreling down the mountain in the dark. But this was our agenda, and I didn't want to be a flake, so I got out there and did my best. Snowboarding was more my speed. Or, at least, I could concentrate better on keeping one stick balanced versus two. I wouldn't say it's my thing now, but it was a nice experience. And I will not return home with a broken hip.
At some point, I had my fill of adrenaline. But Luca and Alessia kept going, round after round, trying to perfect their technique. I felt like such a mom, standing at the bottom of the mountain, waving at them and cheering as they returned. I may or may not have also taken a few pics and snuck in some video, tee hee. They're totally coming back here soon. Alessia already put the bug in my ear, and I can see Luca getting into extreme sports. Whether or not they invite me is the big questions, heh.
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Ali decided not to join us on the slopes. I hope it's just because he's not interested and not because he's still tripping about his weight. Maybe he just needed some alone time to relax and get himself together before getting back to work. But I fear he's having a moment like I had yesterday, though. I know this is totally selfish, but I hope he's healed enough to not let his thoughts drive a wedge between us again. I feel like we made big progress this weekend. Things don't have to be tense or awkward. We can have love for each other from a respectful distance and still be a family. Just not in the traditional sense. But it's different for him, I know. As we enter this new season of not having the kids to keep us in each other's lives, I hope he doesn't cut me completely out.
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hobgayblin · 3 years
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I’ve made a gay little beast for the eldy rings haha don’t worry about it
I stayed up until like 6am the other night frantically writing a shit ton of notes for this guy and how he would be interactable as an NPC so I’m gonna put that under a cut here too sghfghd 
tl;dr: He’s a vampiric shapeshifting beast that wants to be a dragon so bad he’s going to eat all the dragons. And Varre wants to study him because of his weird blood magic. They are gay friends :)
Draethil, Draconic Impersonator (He/It)
Albinistic Vampiric entity, can drink blood of creatures to shapeshift into the source. Obsessed with dragons, desperately wants to be one but cant transform into something that big. Decides to hunt and drink the blood of every dragon it can find to hopefully be able to slowly change into a dragon. Tall, elongated neck, kinda gangly but obviously strong, spikes and small horns, claws, probably tail, etc etc. Current draconic features come from hunting dragons/draconic beasts on his own for a while. Can shapeshift into many different things including a regular human form but given his goal of becoming a dragon he prefers his fucked partially draconic state at the moment.
As an NPC  - large, scary, but very passive, can be encountered randomly in fields, picking flowers or hanging out with animals - if talked too will be surprised you want to talk instead of attacking him - tells you about his interest in dragons, asks if you have encountered any - if you have you can say yes and tell him an area you've seen one in. He will go to that area and can be summoned to help fight that dragon - if you send him to a dragon he will stay there until you kill it OR if you do not kill it before the great rune boss of that region he will try to fight it alone and die. His body will be found by whichever dragon and you can get his armor. - if you summon him and reload/go back to the area you will see him crouched over the dragon/part of it sucking blood from it and muttering to himself about becoming a dragon. You can get his attention by hitting him once and immediately tell him the location of another dragon, which he will again help you fight etc etc - if you dont immediately tell him you will have to find him in one of his random spawns again  - you can also attack him several times in the field/when hes eating if you wanna fight him I guess. He will be difficult either way but he will be MORE difficult if you attack him while eating a dragon corpse. Will use more blood magic incantations and be more aggressive  - if he helps you kill all the dragons and is able to eat them you can find him in [location pending] as a secret boss fight hee hee hoo hoo - he becomes a giant draconic/humanoid abomination and he is such a hard bitch oh man. You dont even know bro. Will no longer drop his armor instead will drop uhhh weapon or helmet that let's you do a draconic transformation like in dark souls
Special Varre interactions/Questline - Sometimes if you talk more to Draethil While he is in the fields he will tell you about a nice masked man he met. This will activate a secondary quest line with Varre - The quests are with Varre but Draethil will tell you more about Varre and himself every subsequent time you find him (while not eating a dragon) - IF YOU HAVE JOINED THE BLOOD CULT. Varre will talk about what an interesting creature Draethil is. Basically he wants to study him like an ant because of his weird blood powers and he wants you to give him an invite. If you find him in the field again you can give him and item and he will accept, stating something along the lines of "a new home? for me?" - You can go back to Varre and see him initiate Draethil Into the blood cult. Reload and Varre will have more dialogue about him, but he will be gone and continue his regular quest line - Gives Varre a quest line where u dont have to kill him to finish it - Whenever you kill a dragon for Draethil's quest line Varre will have more dialogue about him - if you get all the dialogue from Varre he will be summonable for Draethil's big boss fight - If you kill Draethil with Varre summoned you can reload and see him kneeling by the corpse, being sad and saying sad shit. Varre will give you Draethil's armor. This is the only way to get the armor and do the boss fight - If Varre is summoned and can survive the fight, when Draethil is at about 1/5th health Varre can help pacify him and there is an option for surrender - If you spare him during the boss fight and then attack him anyway he will die instantly, giving you his boss item,  but Varre will immediately become hostile and attack you - if you let him live you will get gay dialogue between him and Varre and he will permanently go hang out with him. He will also assume his human form (realized his dream may be a bit fucked, finds new comfort in humanity) and become a teacher for blood incantions. - He will also give you an item called Vampiric Blood Vial or s/t like that and it’s basically a mimic veil but instead of changing into objects in the area you change into fauna like turtles or goats and can run around as those.
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poop-your-baby-out · 2 years
Fateful Birth Day - Part 1
Nine months ago a volcano near a US city went off unexpectedly. No one was hurt, but a cloud loomed over the city for a week, and in that time, people had water, but no electricity. They got bored and made a ton of babies. Nine months later, the hospital system was completely unprepared…
Luke worked as an orderly at the city’s one labor and delivery ward. In the lobby ladies with big pregnant bellies come in, looking anxious. They did not have their men with them, who had all been drafted to active deployment in the last 6 months. Those left to help these women were younger siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, or the next generation whose sons were off to war.
Luke, just 18, bound for the draft as well in just a few short weeks, often saw pregnant women around. He had a thing for their pregnant bellies, but kept it in check. He didn’t get to work around women in labor really. Female orderlies might, but they had the male orderlies help out around only when women weren’t in hard labor. He had heard many grunts in the past walking by labor suites, though. Once he had been asked to get something on the ward, and as he walked down the hall and turned a corner, there was a woman half squatting in the hall with her big belly bared, having a hard contraction. She was walking the halls in labor, as women do. Her eyes went wide at the sight of a young man she didn’t know and who clearly wasn’t a doctor (both by his age and clothing) seeing her belly bared in hard labor, so she tugged it down and blushed, eyes wide. He turned, left, and never heard of it again.
But now, they needed all the help they could get. The waiting room was getting crowded. His female boss instructs, “now the ladies are going to want female coaches, so try to just give them counter pressure on their backs, tell them to relax. The ones that are closer, tell them to NOT breathe slowly… that will open them up. They’re probably almost fully dilated, you need to encourage them to make quick, shallow, panting breaths to help them keep everything in. Just try to give them as much privacy as you can. Hopefully you won’t have to deliver any babies. We need to triage and try our best to get the most critical in to the doctors.” Luke can tell that will be unlikely.
He notices most of the women are petite, with overly round, big bellies. He knows that women like that can have a lot of lower belly / back / bum labor. He walks in. Immediately 3 women who had had their shirts up, tucked under their breasts to air their sweaty laboring bellies out, tug their shirts down, not even able to quickly fully cover their big bellies at this point. They try to eye Luke, but are also so enthralled in their labors. They’re in various stages, but a few of them are clearly in active labor. They huff and puff and pant, eyes wide, surveying the general pandemonium, dramatically rubbing their bellies, eyes hoping to catch the eyes of a doctor or female staff member, who whisk in and out.
Luke walks up to one lady who is clearly in mid-contraction sitting on the hard chair. She is wide eyed, clearly concentrating, belly moving up and down rhythmically it tandem with her quick breaths. She’s clearly trying to suppress in front of Luke, a man, that she’s in hard labor. “How are you feeling honey.”
She pants, “I really need to hee hee rub my hoo hoo belly but to do that hoo hoo hoo I need to lift my shirt… could you please turn away while I have this contraction so I can rub my belly? It’s really soothing and I need to because I’m having a hee hee hoo hoo hard time with this contraction. It’s hee hee starting to feel hoo hoo like the baby’s gonna start coming out.” Her eyes are as wide as saucers, poor thing, and she looks scared. She already looks sweaty and exhausted, her shirt constricting her. Her legs spread, her big belly out to here in her lap. Panicky, another contraction is starting, and her eyes grow wide, “hee hee hoo hoo ooooh I hoo hoo hoo I need ooohhh…” and then she looks in the corner, sees it, and looks mortified.
Luke turns to see what she’s seeing. In the corner, there is commotion amongst other women in labor. One is squatting, red in the face, pushing hard in the aisle, squatting over a bed pan. A big hard poop half stuck out of the lady’s bottom as her baby is also clearly starting to crown… If that’s happening to her right now, that could happen to this woman too. Another contraction starts, “I have to get up…..” she starts to get up, slowwwwly arching her back, making her belly reallllly stick out.
“Miss where are you going at a time like this?!” Luke asks, astonished in this state she can move. “Bathroom… mmhhmm” she grunts, catching herself to keep from pushing, “I need the toilet.” She waddles off to the women’s room, a long line of women in heavy labor awaiting.
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