#I’m convinced he’s gonna get killed off and I’m not ready
nanichi0 · 2 years
JJK 202 spoilers in the tags
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Yandere Miles Morales( 42 & 1610) headcannons
A/n: Okay, so I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I was wondering, if the Miles’ were yanderes, which ones would they be?? So, here are my headcannons/Drabbles on the Miles as yanderes
Warnings: Yandere behavior, toxicity, stalking, possessiveness, manipulation,
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Miles Morales(1610)
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Our miles is definitely the stalker/manipulative Yandere
When Miles found out where your dorm was, it was over for you.
He would come by your house every night and watch you sleep before and after going on patrol
Memorized your entire schedule and your dorm location before you two actually met because he was so infatuated with you
I feel like this man says that y’all are gonna get married even before y’all start talking. Like he’s telling Ganke that you two are gonna get married
“Dude, does she even know you exist”
“Yes. She glanced my way and she was wearing Jordan’s identical to mine”
“That doesn’t mean anything man”
It means everything to him
When y’all do start talking, he moves really quickly. Like he’s holding your hand on the first date and calling you his girlfriend on the third
You mostly got with him because you felt bad but he manipulates you into having feelings for him
He’s very persuasive tbh
He makes a good impression on your family and everyone is convinced that y’all are going to get married
When he reveals himself as Spider-Man, all hope is out the window of being safe
It doesn’t matter what you say or do, In his mind, you two are in love and you’re gonna be together forever
If you give him an inch, he’ll take a mile.
Will try to separate you from your family and friends
Will start dressing you up like a doll
If you try to fight back, he’ll just say “calmate Mami. It’s okay, I’m here and we’re gonna be together and have kids and we can wear matching clothes and everything will be okay”
If you disagree with something, he’ll just say, “it’s fine, I just thought you loved me” and will make you feel like shit for not going with his flow
If you go crazy enough on him, he will just web you up and kiss you until you calm down
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Earth 42! Miles
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Earth 42! Miles is the possessive/ crazy Yandere
Will just not let you leave the house alone and he will not let you go anywhere
If you end up in his dimension and you look like his s/o that died, forget it.
This man is not above kidnapping. Like Yk that box from You that Joe kept Beck in? Yeah, he’d build that for you
“Where do you think you’re going, Mami?”
Will not let you wear your own clothes, especially in public
He would spoil you and use it as leverage
“You think that cabròn would buy you that, hm? Nah princesa, I do that. I take care of you”
He forces you to be dependent upon him
“Oh, princess you need something, hm? You need food? You’re hungry? Let me get you some food”
This man has prowler advantages. Like he could kill anyone and no one would know but you
Will give you everything you want but it always comes with a price
“I’ll get you that necklace, mi amor if you promise me that you’ll stop listening to your friends and family’s opinions about me” “sì Papi”
Has a tracker on you at all times in the off chance he lets you leave
Hates your friends and family because they don’t like him
Will isolate you from everything and everyone you know until you’re nothing but his piece of clay, ready for his moulding
This man would kill anyone that came too close to you
Yeah lmk if there’s any that I missed 🩷
Divider- @firefly-graphics
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lani-heart · 1 month
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, smut, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> ( eventually ) ATEEZ x reader warning(s) -> mentions of violence, mention of putting down / death, etc. words -> 4.2K
abstract -> "Lets make it up to eachother!"
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y/n's perspective
“She’s awake! Get the doctor!” I heard and my vision was doubled while my head was throbbing. Where was I? The last thing I remember was…
“Then why don’t you run?”
Did he actually run? Was he finally free like he wanted? How does a hybrid escape without pretending to be human? Oh yeah… the black market. 
If he did... I hope it was successful and not all for nothing.
“y/n? How are you feeling?” I heard and I looked to my side. “Jeno… how’s school been?” I offered him a smile and didn’t have to see his face to know he was concerned for me. “Good, I've been focusing on this internship and well I try my best to not lose sleep,” he said and I smiled. “Haechan should learn from you,” I said and I heard his soft laughter. 
“How… are they?” I asked and he sighed. “Let’s get you checked out first. I’ll let Taeyong-hyung explain,” he said and I knew it was probably bad. 
“Y/n the doctor is gonna come in and do some tests, you’ll be given pain medication and you currently have stitches so this will scar. We’ll set up future appointments” I heard as I saw Johnny enter the room. 
I wonder if they're okay. 
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seonghwa’s perspective
Last week we were finally let out. That would mean she's dead or alive to have them do action. I don't know what they did to San or Hongjoong yet. But I was in observation to see if I should be considered for a breeding farm. 
I heard them talk… I had no chance of adoption. My only option was a hybrid farm where their only purpose is to reproduce. It also gave me little hope that she was alive. 
I know she’s scared of me… but she would’ve tried to convince them otherwise. I also did hear that Yeosang and Wooyoung were code greens ready for adoption but Wooyoung has been in the medical wing. 
“If I could, those tigers would be shipped off. Hongjoong is excessively violent, he killed her. What am I supposed to tell San? Or Wooyoung? Those hybrids are far too dependent on her. If they knew, San would become a bigger threat to himself and Wooyoung would join him” I heard. She was dead…?
I may have not had a lot of hope but a part of me hoped she was alive. Oh, Hongjoong… we caused a mess.
“Seonghwa, you have a check” I heard as they opened my curtain. I saw the employee now opening the glass door. “I’m sorry,” I said… and he looked at me confused. 
“If… if I didn’t help her she’d still be alive. Even then I could’ve stopped–" "Seonghwa none of this is your fault, I'm sorry your future isn’t looking too bright,” he said and I felt the tears run down my face. 
“My future was never meant to bright”
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yeosang's perspective
She was alive. I knew she had to be… there's no way she'd die. 
I was in isolation. My records unfortunately were publicly known when I was in here. The accident at a popular apartment complex where politicians, CEOs, and even idols lived took pictures of what happened. They warned me… she called in asking if I was gonna be put up for adoption. If… she was dead. I would get a horrible punishment for defying her… maybe even move the country? 
“Yeosang, are you ready for some air?” I heard one of the employees. I remember him being called… Jaemin? He was a friend of hers. “Any news?” I asked and he sighed. 
“Don’t worry, she’ll be fine” he said and I nodded. “Do you believe that?” I asked and it caught him off guard. He was supposed to make me feel better. I know he’s not allowed to say anything…
“Look… she’s the strongest person I know. The last time I saw her, Johnny promised to make sure she was alright and my friend worked with him. She’s in a stable condition”
liar. He was lying… 
“You don’t believe me do you?” he asked and I shook my head. 
“She’s… not in stable condition. In fact, they're trying their best to monitor her at all times–” “What’s wrong with her?” I asked and he sighed. We started walking outside as he looked to think about what he’d say. 
“Hongjoong when he clawed her jaw hit a vein connected to her heart. The week before when Kun was there, she flatlined but I  know she’s stable now we just need her to wake up. If not she might be in a coma for longer than we’d hope” he explained and I could only feel hatred for those tigers and myself… I pushed her, and I misinterpreted her feelings. She was scared of them… and even us. 
“Is there hope?” I asked and his smile said everything. It was forced and I could see the glassy look in his eyes. “There's always hope” 
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wooyoung’s perspective
“Wooyoung you need to eat, we don’t want to put you up with the purple code hybrids. She’s not gonna be happy when–” “How can she feel anything? She’s not here… she’s dead isn't she?” I cut him off. The doctor sighed and shook his head. 
“No, she's not dead,” he said and I didn’t believe him. 
“Do it for her… don’t you think she’ll be distraught to see you in a worse state than before? When she saw you she said she was heartbroken. To know that you were a depressed hybrid… that those who promised her to take care of you weren’t–" "She’s not here!” I yelled. 
“Let me mourn her… she isn’t coming back,” I said and I was fully convinced. She would’ve been here already, she’s gone. I should’ve been there.
“Wooyoung you need to take care of yourself, your weight is dropping and you’ll start to get sick..” I turned him out. I didn’t feel hungry… not when I used to live a fantasy almost two weeks ago now. I was hopeful at first…
but then she never came back. 
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san’s perspective
The world… stopped. 
My world stopped… code purple. For hybrids who are dangerous to themselves, mainly ones who experience such stress, or depression they harm themselves. 
Would it be so bad to be with her again? Constrained and isolated… How was Wooyoung doing? Was he like me? 
I missed the feeling of that collar on my neck, the feeling of her warmth, I miss her. Where is she? How long has it been since I've been here?
Surely only a few hours… I wonder when she’ll be here. Maybe in a few hours? 
“San, how are you feeling?” I heard and I finally saw someone after they put me here. “I’m… tired,” I said, I was tired, my mind felt like I was spinning and I felt sick. 
“Do you remember what I told you last time?” he asked me. “What?” I asked and he sighed. “San, I've been here three times a day for two weeks now,” he said and I was confused. I laughed, “It's only been a few hours…” I said and he shook his head. 
“I’ll remind you later, today we thought it would be good to take you outside” he said and I shook my head. “San, do you remember when you arrived here after the fight? You lost any sense of time and thought you lived the same day over and over again. You improved so much afterwards… she would want you to improve and get adopted again” he said and I shook my head. 
“I am adopted, she’s my mate” I said and he sighed almost like he was tired. 
“San, we’ve been having the same conversation for the past two weeks, almost three times a day” 
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hongjoong’s perspective
My hands felt dirty… They didn’t let me go to the cells anymore. 
I need to get rid of her blood. I didn't mean to kill her. I… where was Seonghwa? Was he okay? Did he get adopted already? Maybe she’s alive and she took them… but not me.
I don’t deserve it… besides living with humans?  I hate them… I hate her… but I want to apologize. I hope she’s okay. I want her to be okay. But is she? Why would they send me away if that's the case, they were preparing to send me off. 
I was slowly accepting what I was destined for… I was gonna die. Born into a circus, I was always gonna die. 
“You’re scheduled to leave in three days” I heard. It was the main doctor… “Dr. Doyoung will take you in to check your wounds,” he said and I was unchained from the ground to be led to the medical wing. 
He knocked on the door when it revealed another employee… and Wooyoung? He looked… starved. His eyes looked lifeless and dark circles prominent. 
He looked up at me to not even react. They led him away, speaking to him in a cheerful voice as if wanting to cheer him up. “You ruined the lives of four hybrids,” the behaviorist said to me. 
“What's wrong with him?” I asked and he scoffed. 
“The healthiest right now is probably Seonghwa and Yeosang. Yeosang though is still clinging to her being alive, while Wooyoung has refused to be cooperative with this severe depressive episode, even San has lost all sense of time and is worse. All humans aren't evil, but you let that control you and even ruined your own chance to actually live” he said as I went inside the room to see the doctor. 
I… I'm sorry…
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y/n’s perspective
“Two weeks?” I asked and they nodded. “Johnny and Jeno tried their best to take care of you… but you were asleep for two weeks and they thought for a minute your body was in shock, especially after your flatline last week. 
“I… what?” I was confused with everything. Two weeks I was out… What happened to them? “You’re okay physically, the tests they've done should help and it looks like they helped you gain some strength to walk despite being comatose for two weeks” he explained and I nodded. 
“Curious about anything?” Taeyong asked and I wanted to ask but I was scared. “I’m curious. Curious as to why you were suddenly scared of your hybrids. Kun told me that your hybrids said you started to be detached and started avoiding them and it was clarified that you were scared” he said and I nodded. 
“When I did the interviews… Hongjoong mentioned that hybrids do anything to survive even if they pretend to like their owners” I said and he laughed at me. “You’ve clearly forgotten how those three looked at you. Wooyoung used to– actually has been obsessed with you for years, Yeosang is the most overprotective hybrid i've ever seen and San? He loves you… he was your first hybrid and he… he’s a code purple right now” he said and i stopped. I felt frozen… 
“A… a code purple?” I said hoping I heard wrong and he nodded.
“He’s lost track of time… he thinks it's been hours. His mind is scattered in events, sometimes he’ll think he’s there because he attacked you and become depressed, or he’ll think the attack was minutes before and scream that he’ll kill that tiger. The worst of it is, right now… he’s waiting for you to show up in front of him. He thinks it's been hours and you’ll recover soon, for him it hasn't been two weeks”' he explained and he wiped my cheek.
“He… he’s no, you're messing with me. San… I need to see him!” I declared and he grabbed my elbow. “You shouldn't be so rash. No one knows you’ve recovered… Kun thinks you're as good as dead. He was there when you flatlined and thought there's no hope” he said and everything was overwhelming.
“I need to see him,” I pleaded and he smiled. “And we will, just let me go to the station first. We’ll go later today, I want to take you back home–" "No” I refused and he sighed.
“The blood is clean… Wonyoung had people clean your apartment–" "It won’t feel right with them not there” I argued and he sighed. 
“Give me a few hours then, I'll call Yuta and Shotaro, they'll take care of you,” he said and I sighed. “I’m a grown woman I don’t need to be taken care of” I argued and he nodded. 
“Okay… but they’ll meet with you to make sure you're okay, '' he said and I nodded. “I can walk–” “I need time alone… I know where they work” I said and he nodded. “Be careful, you just–” “Taeyong please” I pleaded and he nodded as he left. 
I couldn't stop the tears flowing down. I was an idiot… I doubted them and I failed Hongjoong… I need to talk to him–
“Why are you crying again?” I heard as I noticed a man in front of me. It was the man that helped me before. “It's been a long day” I answered and he nodded.
“I’m sorry to hear that, but please don’t cry, surely whatever it is it can be fixed?” he said with a  cheerful smile. “Have you ever owned a hybrid?” I asked and his eyes widened. “Only one,” he said and I nodded. “How do you know their feelings are genuine and they actually love you?” I asked and he chuckled. 
“That's an interesting question… Well, hybrids are known for faking they care but that's a rare few. If you treat them with love and care I can assure you they will be the same” he said and I nod. 
“What if they fake it though, even if you love them to the best of your ability?” I asked and he hummed. “Well, a hybrid can fake words, but the things they do have meaning. Where– I mean hybrids are like animals by the end of the day. They have animal habits they follow, like uhm bunnies circle around their owners, fox hybrids are dependent on owners and usually bond to one person for the rest of their life–" "What about canines and panthers?” I asked and he chuckled. 
“That's a weird pair?” he laughed and I smiled. 
“Well, panther hybrids only really expose themselves to their owners when they fully trust them so sleeping is a big one. Uhm… panthers are actually known to cook or feed their mates as an act of love? –” San often would feed me off his own plate and make me eat more… and he would always say how he preferred sleeping in my room.
He was showing he trusted me… 
“– Dog hybrids however, are known to scent their mates and groom them? So dog hybrids will often fix their owners hair or males would often scent their owner to tell others to back off” he explained and suddenly Yeosang made much more sense to me. 
“I can tell you're a good hybrid owner… any hybrid would be lucky for someone to care about them like you do” he said and I smiled. 
“Thank you…?” I didn't know his name. “Oh? Uhm my name! My name is… Yunho” he said and I smiled. “Thank you, Yunho! My name is y/n” I said and he smiled. 
“It was my pleasure, ah! I think you dropped this?” 
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Yuta and Shotaro were spamming my phone. 
I was now in front of the infamous building… The Seoul Hybrid Rehabilitation Center. 
I entered and I was immediately greeted by a shocked Haechan. I smiled at the boy who couldn’t even produce a sentence. “YOU'RE OKAY!” he yelled and I laughed as he hugged me tight. “We were convinced you weren’t gonna wake up” he muttered and I ruffled his hair. “Where's Kun?” I asked and he sighed. “Kun cares about you a lot… so does Doyoung but Kun sees you like his little sister–”
“Haechan, what's going on with him?” I asked and he sighed
“He’s planning on sending Wooyoung and San to Jeju’s Rehabilitation Center, as for Yeosang… There's a threat of legal action with his previous owner, Seonghwa is going to be moved to a breeding farm, and Hongjoong is being sent out of Korea '' he explained and I was speechless. 
“W-What?” I asked and he nodded. “Kun right now is out but he’ll be back soon–” “Take me to San,” I said and he shook his head. “Only Kun and Doyoung have the key to get in there… and you're not supposed to be allowed without them knowing,” he said and I smiled. 
“Please, let me see one of them?” I asked and he nodded. “I can take you to Yeosang,” he said and I nodded. He talks to have someone come get me and lead me to Yeosang.
“y/n?” I heard and saw Renjun. I smiled softly and offered a hug. “I'm so glad you're okay! When did you get discharged” he asked and I sighed. “Maybe two hours ago?” I said and he scoffed. “You should be resting–” “I need to see if they're okay” I cut him off and he nodded. 
He leads me around the green code hybrids seeking adoption until we go towards the ones who have not been cleared for adoption. 
“He’s missed you a lot,” he said and I smiled. He opened the curtain and I saw he was asleep. “Jaemin has been trying his best to cheer up him and Wooyoung but it's been hard for them,” he said and I nodded. “I’m only doing this cause I know he won’t hurt you and he is still your hybrid,” he said as he opened the kennel and waited for me to enter. 
I nod and go in to kneel close to his bed. I pet his ears softly as he whined and opened his eyes slightly. “Hello, sleeping beauty,” I said and his ears flattened on his head. 
“Are you real?” he asks as he grabs my hand, tightening it as if I'd disappear. “I’m real, Yeosang,” I said and he sat up looking at me for what felt like a few minutes before he started crying. 
“Please, be real! I…  I miss you” he said as he hugged me tightly. I rubbed it back as he sobbed. “I’m here, I promise,” I said and he pulled away to look at me. I wanted to cry too… so many times I got into my head that he faked everything to hide away from his owner when I should’ve known better. 
His hand cupped my jaw to where my bandages lay. “Does it hurt?” he asked and I smiled. “I’ll heal,” I said and he nodded. 
“I’m sorry for making you adopt them–” “It's not your fault… I got in my own head. Hongjoong is rough around the edges–” “You shouldn’t defend him” he said angrily and I smiled. 
“Yeosang…. He was wronged. I should’ve voiced my thoughts sooner, but he deserves a second chance. What you suggested was sweet… he’s lived tormented by humans so he deserves to feel loved even if he doesn't know how to accept it” I said and his eyes widened. He nods…
“You’re too good to be real. I still don’t believe you're actually here… maybe you're a true angel visiting me in my dreams'' he said and I chuckled. “I don’t have wings or a halo,” I said and he chuckled. 
“Doesn’t mean you aren't an angel to me” he said and I smiled. 
“y/n?” I heard and I looked behind me to see Doyoung. “Did Haechan tell you?” I asked and he nodded. “I-I’m, why didn’t they tell us you were awake?!” he asked and I smiled while looking at Yeosang. “Well, I did wake up two hours ago,” I said and Yeosang laughed. “You should be resting,” he said and I smiled. 
“I know… Doyoung. Can I see San?” I asked and he sighed. “I don’t have the key… Kun has taken charge of seeing Hongjoong and San, I only see them to check up on them” he said and I nodded.
“And… Wooyoung?” I asked and he sighed almost nervously.
“He’s… he needs to see you”
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Yeosang was gonna be checked one last time by Doyoung while he led me in front of Wooyoung’s kennel. “Be careful with him… he’s been worse than I've ever seen him” he said and Yeosang didn’t want to let go of my hand. 
“I’ll be here when you're out, I promise,” I said and he didn’t look convinced. “When have I ever lied to you? Or broken a promise?” I asked and he nodded. 
They leave me alone with Wooyoung’s key. I knock before opening the door… It's to tell the hybrid I'm going in. I open it and see that he’s already staring at the door. His eyes widened. 
“y/n?” he said and I noticed how hoarse his voice was. How skinny he was… how tired he looked. “Hello, Woo,” I said, trying my best to offer a happy smile as I felt my vision blur. “You're… alive?” he said, confused and not moving. 
“Missed me?” I said and I sat down on the floor to sit at eye level with him. “I…” he was speechless. I smiled as I hugged him… his tears and sobs broke my heart. The way he tightened his grip on my body and let out cries was the only thing I could focus on. 
He struggled with words as he sobbed. 
“I... I lost- any hope that you were alive!” he let out and I felt a serious ache in my heart. “I’m sorry,” I said and he shook his head as he let go and ghosted his hand on my jaw. “It's not your fault,” he said and I knew what he suggested. 
“It's not his fault either… I should’ve talked about what I was feeling "I said and he said nothing but hugged me. We sat there on the floor with him hugging me in silence.
“Wooyoung '' I heard as I saw Yeosang in his regular clothes and his collar. “Yeosang?” he said as he lifted his head without letting me go to see his friend. “The doctor wants to see you so he can discharge you,” he said and he tightened his grip on me.
“I’ll still be here… you get to be in comfortable clothes and your collar again,” I said and he nodded letting go but did move to leave.
“She’ll still be here,” Yeosang said and Wooyoung nodded. “Can… Can we get food from that street food market?” he asked and I smiled. “Anything you want,” I said and he nodded. He leaves but not without looking at me one last time and giving me a slight smile.
“Are you gonna take in those tigers again?” Yeosang asked and I sighed. “I hate how I… I want to give them a second chance. A better chance without me being scared of them… I took them in because they wanted a better life and I didn’t even try like I did with you, Wooyoung, and San” I explain and nod. 
“I don’t trust them” he said and I smiled. “And you have every right to,” I said. 
“y/n?” I heard and I saw Jaemin who looked at me with the biggest smile. “How are you doing?” I said and he chuckled. “You see Yeosang, she’s okay,” he said and Yeosang nodded. “Jaemin? Can you take me to Seonghwa?” I asked and he sighed. “The tigers are gonna be transferred–” “Kun can’t do that, I'm still their owner,” I said and he chuckled. 
“You're the same as ever. Let me take you there then, I'd rather not be sued and in debt even more than I am” he said and I chuckled.
“Yeosang, stay here for Wooyoung,” I said and he shook his head getting ready to argue– “He needs someone here, and I’ll be back,” I said and he nodded reluctantly. 
I followed Jaemin when I noticed he was also a code green hybrid. “Seonghwa, you have a visitor,” Jaemin said as he opened the curtain first. 
He looked at me shocked. 
“You're… I’m sorry! I should’ve stopped Hongjoong, please I-I’m so–” “Seonghwa it isn't your fault '' I said while giving him a smile and he looked at me with wide eyes. 
“I’m sorry for not offering you what I did to my hybrids' ' I said and he looked confused. “You deserve a second chance… so does Hongjoong. Let me make it up to you” I said and he shook his head. 
“I… I should be asking that of you!” he said desperately and I smiled. 
“Let's make it up to each other then!” I said and he was frozen… “I… why do you still want me?” he asked and I shrugged. “You’re a sweet hybrid… a farm doesn’t suit you at all,” I said and I could see tears forming in his eyes.
“I… I really am sorry I wasn't–” “It's not your fault, you… were the sweetest. You tried so hard to earn a place with me and I know you deserve it. So I'm sorry for letting Hongjoong’s words get into my head, I really do think you deserve better Seonghwa '' I said and he was silent. 
“Do you accept me?” I asked and he smiled softly. 
“If you’ll take me” 
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@wonuangel @danirael @angelsaway @krissroo @minkysmilk @mayonnaise-on-toast @robertsbbygirl @superbbananananana @hyukssunflower @kitty4hwa @justconniez @senpai-of-doom @kibs-and-bits @caityelise99 @ilovekinny @ateezennie23 @wooahaelemons @purplelady85 @watamotee33@chidess97 @littlelostdemonofthelight @maliamaiden @burntarm1n @spooo00oky @eastleighsblog @momo-peachy @kitstar1117 @quartzpirate @sunnyhokyu @iwishiwasrichasfuck @theginger543210 @pandolinka @ddaeing @kpopnightingale @slid3er @kekdo-520 @puppyminnnie @sparklinghwa222 @calicanbeevil @itsvxlentine @atinism @loumin908 @smally97 @rxnexxi @acetruepunk @majesticbeluga @namjooncrabs @tashizxy @itstheghostofmypast @smilefordongil @teeziny @totallynotlyntv @kyeos4ng @prodsh00ky @acescavern
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courtingchaos · 1 year
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Line Cook Eddie x Barista Reader
Summary: A long day at work leads to a long night in Eddie’s bedroom.
A/N: woof. I started this back in March? Took me this long to come back to it but I like it. Nay, love it because line cook Eddie is my boyfriend. Also, I need @newlips to know this has lived in my head since January and is the inspiration for this. It’s literally just….so so so much smut.
Warnings: Slight somnophilia (listen you had a long day and he’s got a great mouth), sex, drug use (not for the somno)
18+ NSFW No Minors
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“Eddie, I’m really tired.” You giggle when his mouth finds the back of your neck.
“Yeah but I think I found some more syrup back here. Mhm, yep another sweet spot.” He rakes his hands into your hair to pull it up gently so he can get at more skin. It tickles, makes you scrunch your nose at the feel of his lips pecking around.
“Seriously Ed, I’m not gonna be much fun tonight.” It’s not that you didn’t want to fuck around, it was that it had been a Sunday From Hell. You’d shown up to his apartment a sticky mess, a new bleach stain on your favorite work jeans. He’d done nothing but smile and take your bag and usher you off to his bathroom, tossing in one of his big bath towels behind you and promising to have dinner ready when you were done.
Since then, he’d somehow convinced you to sit on his bed with him when you’d gotten out.
You gotta plug your phone in why don’t you sit down I’m sure your feet are killing you let me rub them for you oh why don’t you let me get that knot out of your back no seriously just lay down I’ll give you a little massage no I’m not getting fresh calm down.
You’d gotten comfortable, lightly dozing in the middle of his bed while he made sure the knot in your back never showed up again.
“Feel better?”
You nod and sigh dreamily. He’s shifted up from the edge of the bed to straddling your hips, bent over your back to whisper in your ear. “I can make you feel even better if you want.” He dances his fingers down to run along the edge of the towel.
“What if you just lay there huh? Let me take care of you.” He says quietly.
You were tired. You were sore. However the shower had worked a minor miracle and the growing bulge pushed against your ass was changing your mind by the minute. You pretend to contemplate, rolling your head back and forth on the back of your hand that’s propped up under your chin.
“And you’re making me dinner?”
“And I’m making us dinner.”
You shrug lightly. “Can’t complain if I fall asleep.”
“Scouts honor. I’ll leave you alone if you fall asleep.”
“Well I didn’t say that.” You mumble in your skin. His weight shifts forward, planting his hands next to your head. He hovers over you and chuckles. “Are you being a freak?”
“…Maybe. What constitutes a freak?”
“Talkin’ about me fucking you while your asleep’ll do it.”
The towel is the first thing to go, Eddie’s fingers sliding between the terrycloth and your shower warmed skin. It’s pulled free and flung towards the bathroom door, the chill air hitting your clammy skin for only a moment before his big frame is back on you, knees around your hips and hands planting beside your elbows. Your cheek upturned, he leans down to give you a kiss.
“You’re real sweet on me, huh?” You mumble. Out of the corner of your eye you can see the flash of a smile before he dives back down to kiss a trail from your face to your shoulder all the while slowly grinding his hips into you.
“You could say that.” He spends a while on light touches, pulling quite sighs out of you while you relax further into the comforter. You think you might actually be falling asleep when you realize he’s stopped touching you. He gets off the bed for a minute to rearrange and grab his other pillow. He kneels beside you again and taps your hip. When you don’t make a move he grabs you, fingers digging in enough to make you laugh.
“Don’t tickle me!”
“Then move!” The smile is evident in his voice even though you can’t see his face. He jostles you again and you turn your hip up off the bed.
“No, lift your hips up, like-forget it.” He leaves the pillow and yanks you up by the waist, making you tuck your knees up under you to stay up right. He makes a pleased sound and smooths his palm over the curve of your ass.
“You just gonna stare all night?”
“I could.” He says quietly. His finger traces light lines up the back of your thigh and you can feel the heat slowly creeping its way across your hips. It reaches out towards the lingering feeling of his palms pulling you up, where his fingertips had dug in. You were getting used to him moving you around however he wanted, liked it a lot even, just not sure how to ask for it yet. He pulls you out of your thoughts when he tucks the folded over pillow under you and gently pushes you back down.
“Relax.” He coos at you from above. His palm is warm against your ankle where he pulls a little to help you straighten your leg out. Tugs your other leg straight and then settles himself between your knees.
“Eddie-“ Turning your head over your shoulder is a deep stretch, and with your ass in the air slightly you can barely make out his hand hovering near his mouth and his dimples. He tilts his head over so you can actually see him.
“Hey that doesn’t look comfortable or relaxing.” He swats at one cheek, just fingertips, admonishing you. Tucking your chin back to the pillow you hide your smile in the silk. “You trust me, right?” He’s asking you, sincerity laced in his quiet words. You nod your head yes but he makes a sound in the back of his throat. “Tell me?”
“Yeah.” A little breathless, only because he keeps stealing it from you with these kinds of acts. “Of course.” You do. It’s been a few months of actual dating and every time he’s asked it’s been yes (vehemently yes) and still he asks. It’s not like he’s moved on to suspending you from the ceiling, but it makes you a little morose for all the times other people didn’t check in, didn’t ask after simple things.
“Hey.” He gives your thigh a gentle squeeze. He’s gotten so good at reading you, can see when you immediately start to get lost in that maze of thought again. “I can leave you alone.”
“Don’t…don’t leave. I am having fun.” You shift just a little so he can see the side of your face, hair pushed back so he can see your eye glinting in the lamp light. “I mean it.” His dimples match your grin and when his weight shifts up you can feel the smile pressed against your shoulder where he places a kiss. He litters your back with them, going down your arms till he can’t reach them tucked under your cheek. He lays them up your neck until he can feel the tension bleeding away. Plants a big obnoxious one on your cheek, one that gets you to scrunch up your nose again. He runs his hands in between the spaces he misses, fingernails leaving little pink lines down your back, lines that fade after a second. He’s trying to get you back in that relaxed state you were in. Post shower and dewy and looking like a water nymph lounging on his bed.
He’s at your hip, hovering over the black lines of the tattoo there. Breathe hot where it’s trapped between your skin and his face. He runs his hands down the outside of your thighs and back up. Steadies himself while he stretches out between your legs. He shifts around to lean on his elbows, watches the goosebumps fan out and over your skin. You’re good and sunk into the bed so he leans forward and slowly bites down on your left cheek.
Your leg kicks up next to him. “Eddie!” A high pitched squeal of his name makes him laugh around the mouthful of you. He keeps an eye on your face and rests his wrist on the pillow, knuckle barely grazing your pussy. Your hips shift slightly under his mouth and he lets go, admiring the imprints of his teeth before running his tongue over it. Inches his hand up on the pillow enough to slide his finger between between your lips, wasting no time in finding your clit. Circles it slow in tight circles, your sigh loud in his quiet room when he finally touches you how you’ve been wanting him to. He likes watching you like this, soft and relaxed. Knows he’s doing his job at keeping you out of that thought trap when your hips chase his touch. He rests his head momentarily on your ass, the quiet chuckle from you cut off when he slides his finger up and brushes over your entrance. You clench against him gently prodding, canting your hips back to chase his hand when he goes still.
“Hold on.” You hear the wet sound of his mouth and then feel the momentary cool touch of his spit slick finger going in slow until he hits his knuckle. The moan caught in your chest is dislodged when he flutters the fingers of his other hand over your sensitive bud and crooks his finger deep inside you.
“Is that good?”
A slight nod of your head and then a sharp gasp when he spreads you open with two fingers and spits, fingers working to spread it around. “You like it when I make a mess of you?” Another nod, he can see where you’re fisting the pillow under your head, but that’s not what he wants. “Hey.” Firm but gentle, he gets your attention.
“Fuck, yes Eddie please…” You run out of words when he slips another finger in, both now rubbing up against that soft spot inside. He’s taking his time, both hands working at a torturous pace and making you squirm around the bed.
“Told you I’d take care of you.”
“I never doubted you.” You gasp into your hand. He said he’d wanted you to relax but this is having the opposite effect. Between him nibbling on the cuff of your ass and taking his sweet time fingering you, it’s no wonder you’re pulling taut around him. You kick your leg up and try to squeeze at him, trying to keep him in place even though you couldn’t pay him to move.
Eddie speaks lowly. Hushed tones accentuated by the sound of you, wet made wetter from him sneaking his tongue in with his fingers.
“Been waiting all day for this.” His nose brushes along your folds when he replaces his fingers with his tongue. Goosebumps explode over the backs of your thighs when his now free hand lays over your lower back to pin you to the pillow.
“Taste so sweet for me.” He licks a wide tongue from your aching clit to your entrance, tip of his tongue dipping in to taste.
“Eddie I swear…”
“What?” He licks his thumb, pausing for second before gliding it over the tight ring of your ass. A gasp and your legs tightening around him make him look up at you. Your hands gripping the pillow, mouth hung open on a gasp tell him everything.
“You like that?” Another long lick over your center pulls a groan out of you and Eddie is done asking questions. He makes a mess out of you, wet sounds drowned out by your whining and moaning. You babble about his mouth and how good it feels and Eddie preens, doubles down and presses just a little bit more with his thumb. He flicks his tongue over your clit and when you squeeze him between your thighs he speeds up.
He’s been achingly hard since he started this little venture, grinding his hips into the bed with every one of your moans and as much as he enjoys taking you apart like this, he can barely wait to sink into you.
You chant his name when he sucks your clit and your hands look for purchase in the pillow and the sheets. The tremble in your legs barely starts before your pulled tight all around him, low groan from deep in your chest punched out by the rapid flick of his tongue. You’re just off the edge, orgasm rolling through while you huff into the pillow trying to catch your breath when Eddie hauls up. Distantly you hear his clothes hit the floor and he’s between your legs again, cock laying heavy on your ass.
“I take it back.”
“Take what back?” You’re floating in clouds made out of his bed.
“I’ve been waiting all day for this.” He strains out while pulling his hips back and slowly grazing lower and lower till the head of his cock catches and he pushes in. You both groan in unison and he takes his time fully filling you.
“Fuck baby, so fuckin’ wet for me.”
You can’t do much but lay there in awe, boneless and relaxed and letting Eddie do whatever it was he wanted.
“Feel so good for me.” He drags his hips back slow and pushes back in slow and keeps talking low and slow and he’s got you in a trance. Nodding along and agreeing, keening and whining when he pushes right into that perfect spot.
“If you keep doing that I’m gonna cum again.”
“What, this?” He gives a little more on that thrust. “Not yet you aren’t.” He grabs your ass, one hand on either side to use as leverage in this game of torture he’s playing. He lets a line of spit fall from his lips between you two and resumes his previous activity of sliding his thumb over your ass.
“You are a dirty girl.” He teases when you push your hips back into him. “Want me to fuck your ass?” He’s so full of himself, with every right to be. You nod under him, a silent ‘oh’ on your lips.
“Of course you, I’d take such good care of you.” Eddie babbles at the back of your head to try to distract himself. Every ridge and bump slides along his length and sends him closer to the edge and every lurch forward he pauses, not wanting this to be over.
It’s only when he makes you arch your back and he drives down into you that he starts to falter, your second orgasm taking you both by surprise.
“Oh shit, Eddieeddieddie!” You chant his name and push your hips back to keep him inside and Eddie thinks he might just fucking die tonight.
You’re out, hands falling limply beside your head and mouth hanging open. He’s not sure he’s ever seen you so blissed out.
“Oh my god.” Even with you floating off, your pussy grips him, fluttering around his cock in the aftermath of your own orgasm. He’d been playing a game with himself, just as much as with you but he’s nearing the end of his own limits. A thin line of sweat trickles down his back and his nerves are on fire. He holds you open so he can watch where he sinks into you but there’s a faltering in his rhythm. He curses and grips the globes of your ass, nails digging half moons into your skin.
You feel good, you always feel so good and he’s lost his train of thought. Stuck on the wet sucking of your pussy and the soft fat under his hands. He reached his goal in getting you relaxed, so much so that you’ve gone limp under him, little grunts of pleasure when he hits particularly deep. He can let go but he doesn’t want to, this impromptu edging he’s been after slowly killing him and making his eyes roll.
“So fucking good for me, yeah?”
You barely nod, too busy drooling into the pillow to give him a real answer.
“God I love the way-oh fuck honey, do that again!” You flex around his cock and Eddie’s hips stutter before he decides ‘fuck it’. He punches his hips fast and holds you down to keep you in place. Your grunts turn into moans and you scratch at the pulled up bedding, looking for something to hold on to. He fucks you right until it’s almost a mistake, pulls out and paints your back in hot lines, a pained groan vibrating in his chest while he pumps his twitching cock.
He can feel you trembling under him while he tries to catch his breath. One hand holding his softening cock while the other rubs up your leg and over your side.
“That was fucking beautiful baby.”
A slight chuckle from you and he leans over you to nose at the side of your face. “You okay?”
“Uh huh.”
“You don’t have a single worry in that pretty little head, do you?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Good.” He peppers a few kisses against your cheek and you smile lazily.
“I’m gonna go get a towel okay?”
You raise a weak thumbs up and he gives your ass a slap on the way off the bed.
In the time it takes him to find a towel and come back into the bedroom, you’re out fully this time. He lets his eyes wander over your body, moulded into his bed. The slow rise and fall of your back as you slip deeper into sleep and he shakes himself out of his poetic waxing to clean you up before it becomes a problem.
You only stir a little when the cloth hits your skin but Eddie is done quickly, ditching it in favor of tracing light shapes over your back. He smirks at the short red marks along your back where he’d hung on for dear life and it’s only the timer on the stove that’s able to pull him out of his memories, lest he burn the apartment complex down.
You stir, pulled gently out of your nap. Eddie is crouched beside the bed with his chin hooked on the mattress, watching you blink blearily at him. “Dinner’s ready.”
“Did I fall asleep?” You ask, stretching under the comforter that he must have pulled up over you.
“Like, immediately. Got that NyQuil dick, what can I say?” His laugh shakes the bed when you smack his shoulder lightly.
“Don’t be. Much easier to get you under the covers.” He gives you a quick kiss before standing up and holding out your pajamas to you. “You can eat dinner naked if you want, but there’s sauce involved.” He tilts head though and hums. “On second thought don’t, I can help you clean that up.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you and you snatch your clothes out of his hand. Sliding out of bed you march into the bathroom while he whistles after you.
“Jesus christ this is so good.” You say around a mouthful of food. Eddie grins into his fork, cheeks hot with his oncoming blush.
You shoot him a look daring him to pick apart his meal. “I’ve never had a turnip before. This is heavenly.”
“No! Especially not whipped!”
He watches you shove a forkful of charred broccolini into your mouth and pretend cry. “I really thought the ribs were gonna win but it’s this fucking broccoli.”
“Broccolini.” He corrects, gently. You roll your eyes and mutter sorry while you dig around your plate.
While earlier had be a spectacular beginning of the night, this is what he looks forward to the most, when he gets to stretch his wings and try new things with dinner for the two of you. Your face always lights up and is swiftly followed by a low growl of ‘oh my fucking god’ when you get first taste. You have yet to give him any critique outside of asking why he was buying you treats instead of making them.
“Eddie, I’m not kidding, this is the best thing you’ve made thus far.” You run your finger around the edge of your plate, gathering up the left over wine sauce. He watches your tongue lap it up off your finger and then watches your tongue glide along the edge of your wine glass, collecting the few remaining drops, momentarily wishing he was a piece of drink ware. “So, question.” You set your glass down pointedly.
“When are you gonna let me take care of you?” You give him warm look, bottom lip tucked between your teeth.
“You can totally make dinner whenever-“
“No, that’s not all I mean.” You slide off the barstool and round the corner of the counter to where he’s sitting. You lean your whole body into him, hands toying with the loose curl from his clipped back hair. “You always take care of me. If it isn’t dinner it’s in there,” you gesture over your shoulder to his bedroom with your thumb, “or it’s paying for my nails, or taking me on dates. When do I get to do that for you?”
Eddie sighs and looks down at his plate. He doesn’t want an argument to spool out of this. You’ve touched on it before and every time gotten a little defensive about him always spending his money.
“I get joy out of your joy.”
“Okay, and I’d get joy from taking you out once in a while.”
He can see the resolve in your look, the slight pinch of your eyebrows and it’s been too good of a night. “Alright. Later,” he gives you a look, “we’ll talk about you paying for my nails okay?” He can’t get through without laughing and you push him, grinning. He stands and wraps you up tight in a hug, lips buried in your hair next to your ear. “Seriously, I promise. I’ll think of something.”
“Now though, I want to go out on that balcony and smoke that stupid little pink joint you rolled yesterday.” He points toward the door and you huff into his neck.
“It’s not stupid! The papers had little cherry blossoms on them!”
On the balcony Eddie sits in one of the folding chairs while you drag a pillow out with you to sit between his knees. You both sit in silence, passing the joint back and forth and scrolling through your phones. You hold it up for him when you find a funny video and he runs his fingers through your hair between passes. He stops paying attention to whatever he’s reading when you lay your head against his thigh and place a little kiss on the inside of his knee. You’re engrossed in some article, mindlessly nuzzling into Eddie’s leg and he has to take a deep, shuddering breath.
It’s balmy out, a quick breeze pushing through every so often. He’s full of good food and good wine and good weed, the smell of dinner and your perfume filling the air. Your hair is soft under his hand, a small hum from you when he scratches his nails against your scalp. Eddie has to stop himself, has to bite his tongue from blurting it out. It’s only been two months of on paper dating but he knows it in his gut, deep in his bones.
It’s love in the way you loosely wrap your arm around his calf. Love in the way he gets excited to go to the grocery store with you. Love in the way you sigh under him almost every night of the week.
“You okay?” You rest your chin on his thigh, looking up at him. “You got kind of quiet.”
“I-“ he looks anywhere but your eyes, wide and shining in the light filtering up from the parking lot. “I really like you.”
Your smile makes his insides melt. “I really like you too Eddie.”
He feels like a coward, like is leagues away from how he feels but it’s what he’s sticking to. He doesn’t want to send you fleeing out the front door, not when it’s been a basically perfect night. “I really like spending time with you…like this.” He circles his finger around and you laugh, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh I’m sure you do.” You turn around to face him, kneeling on the pillow and running your hands up under his shirt. Your fingers tickle on their way up to rest on his sides. He leans forward to give you a kiss before you lay your cheek against his sternum. He knows there’s no way you can’t hear his heart kicking up, can feel your hands tighten on him and your sigh through the thin cotton.
There’s a rumble of an old Chevy and Eddie watches Jeff pull through the front gate. He’s only got a few more minutes with you like this before his roommate comes in, but it’ll be enough. Hand cradled against your neck, holding you to him he thinks about all the love just under your cheek and hopes maybe you’ll feel it, even if he can’t say it yet.
(Sacrifice for the read more)
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
Sin Without Limits (Javier Peña x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist
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*gif not mine*
Warnings: MDNI, Narcos Season 2 and 3 spoilers, canon-usual violence, unhinged behaviour from Agent Peña and reader, unprotected p in v sex, choking, spanking (?), oral (m and f receiving), knife play (if you squint), overstimulation, angst, swearing 
A/N: bruh I just cleaned this one up and I'm appalled at what I have written but enjoy. I’ve written a secondary plot (and changed some sequence) to what happened at the end of season two heh
Word count: 7.7 k (wtf)
You trained your gaze on him as you leaned your entire weight onto the truck. You watched him pace and scan the officers before him, his hand clenching and unclenching as he tried to stim his anxiety away. Watching a DEA Agent act skittish is not always the best thing in your books.
You felt your breath quickening slightly as Steve slapped his back and beckoned you to join them. You jogged to keep up with them as they jumped into a truck. You turn in the front seat to look at him. The eye contact he made with you for a millisecond told you everything you needed to know. Javier Peña looked absolutely terrified. 
“...armed men…”
You caught a few words of what Steve was trying to tell the both of you and you realized that your suspicions that you had been having for the past few days are slowly unfolding to show you a harsh reality, a reality that you were not ready to admit to. You watch from the truck as Javier convinced the men to lower their weapons, after Steve’s failed attempt. The way you could pin-point the shiver in Javier’s hands even from a distance made you curse yourself for being so aware. You watch his hands curl up to clutch the collar of his bullet-proof vest, as he spoke to Steve, the one constant tell that you could pull from him and your heart broke under the pressure that your brain was putting you through. 
You masked the heart wrenching pain that you were going through until Steve left the office. It was just you and Javier, like how it had been for the past few months, working late, going home to nothing but the empty shells. You hadn’t even noticed you were staring at him until he called your name. 
“Everything good, mariposa?” He said, squinting through his cigarette smoke. 
You had to confront him, this was your only chance. You nod and try to find the right words.
“Just wondering how Los Pepes always manage to get there before we can.” you say softly, picking at a hangnail on your finger. 
You catch Javier shrugging on your peripheral and decide your next best move.
“What if there's someone here who’s telling them what to do?” you said, locking your eyes with him. 
“Well, a rat wouldn’t be surprising to me, that's how this world works, mariposa.” he huffed, setting down his cigarette and rubbing his face with his hands. 
“Hmm.” you got up and pushed Javier’s chair away from his desk, perching above it as you stared down at him. “Javs?” 
He looks up at you, but his eyes don't find yours, settling to look past them.
“Look at me.” you whispered, tracing his jaw with your fingers.
“I am.”
“No, look at me properly, Javs, or I swear to god-”
He does, and that gives you all the confirmation you need.
“You’re fucking around with Los Pepes, aren’t you?” you murmur, your eyes wide with fear. 
Javier nods slowly as he looks away from you. You gasp softly as a tear runs down your cheek. You slid off his desk and turned away from him, your heart pounding in your chest. 
“Are you out of your fucking mind, Javier?!” you scream before he could continue. “And don’t fucking call me that.”
“It’s not a big deal, I’m handling it.” he said getting up from his seat and walking towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“You’re gonna get yourself killed, that I can fucking assure you. Those assholes are killing innocent people in their quest to take down Escobar, you know? People who don’t deserve to fucking die, Javier.” you said, shaking his hand off you. “Their blood will be on your fucking hands.”
Suddenly, you found yourself being slammed into a nearby wall. Javier was towering over you, a glowering look etched upon his face. 
“I need you to shut that pretty mouth of yours. We all are working towards one goal, don’t you dare blame me for trying out my last option.” he snarled. “Anyway, what the fuck can you even do about it, report me?”
You stared up at him, your gaze hardened and unfaltering.
“What if I did? You’re gonna go down their fucked up root, Javier? Hmm? Go on, kill me then for knowing your little secret.” you mocked him, straightening your back and standing a little taller. 
Javier’s breath hitched a little but he didn’t budge.
“They are going to use you like the whore you are and then when they’re done with you, they’re gonna put a bullet through this thick skull of yours and leave you all fucked out.” you spat. 
The next thing you know, Javier’s hand was around your throat as he flattened you against the wall with his entire body weight. He wasn’t squeezing you, but a rush of panic settled in the pit of your stomach as you stared into the raging fire in his eyes. He moved forward until his face was next to yours as your hand reached up to grab at his.
“Want me to show you what a whore can do?” his lips grazed the shell of your ear as your breath quickened. 
He brought his face in front of yours until the both of you were nose to nose. You could see every tiny detail on his face and if he got any closer his lips would be on yours. You contemplated making the first move as Javier’s fingers flexed at your throat, pushing a whole flow of arousal straight down between your legs. A part of you almost forgot why he had you pinned against the wall, and it made you a little afraid by the way he was taking you apart just with one swift move. 
The sound of the phone ringing brought Javier out of his trance and he immediately let go of you. You immediately hurry away from him and grab your jacket, not even turning to look back at him as adrenalin pushes you to jog out of the office. 
Javier kept his aviators on inside as he squinted at the work he was doing. He could clearly remember what he had done to you but could only vaguely remember what happened after that. He had drowned himself in whatever liquor he could find lying around and stumbled into the office in the morning with an almighty hangover that could rival the power of two colossal giants fighting. He obviously felt awful about how he treated you yesterday and dreaded leaving his apartment in the morning. Steve gave him an understanding pat on the back, handing him a painkiller which Javi took gingerly and accidentally made eye contact with you. 
You instinctively looked away from him, his warning from last night ringing loud and clear in your head when you slyly glanced at the wall that he had pinned you to. In a weird turn of events, you still couldn’t decide whether you were scared or turned on by his threat. Although, you do have to admit that calling him a whore was a little over the top, despite all of the picturesque rumours you had heard about him. Being the only woman on the team meant that you had to deal with questioning individuals from the red-light district and that ultimately gave you a clear idea of what Javier Peña’s sex life sounded like and you hated yourself that you were slightly intrigued. Your thoughts were interrupted again when Javier slid a tiny piece of paper in front of you and walked away. You raised an eyebrow at his retreating figure as you grabbed the note.
Mens. Stall five. Now.
You were still pissed at the way he was engaging with Los Pepes. Javier is practically giving them full leeway to do whatever they please, but if he seems to think that if that's the way they are going to get to Escobar, then so be it. Besides, you’d like to see how this plan of his plays out, despite the part of you that is scared shitless about the consequences that he might face after this ordeal. 
You rolled your eyes and got up only to be stopped by your boss. You froze and crumpled the paper in your hand, stuffing it into your pocket as fast and discreetly as possible. 
“Agent, how are things?” she asks, staring you down with her usual demeanour.
“All good, boss.” you feigned a smile as your eyes end up landing on that good awful wall again, making your eye twitch slightly. 
“Good, good. I expect to see you at the party tonight.” Messina says, catching you off guard. 
“You know the state party?” 
The fucking state party. You almost forgot that you were invited entirely. Who in their right mind holds a party in the middle of a narco war? 
“Yea, of course, I’ll be there.” You said beaming at Messina.
Sure, you had nothing to wear but whatever to please Messina, you’ll figure something out soon. 
“I’ll see you there then.” You nodded quickly at your boss and quickly walked to the mens as soon as she was out of your sight. 
As soon as you opened the door to stall five, Javier used his brute strength to pull you in, making you collide with his chest. 
“Ouch, man, I have legs, I can invite myself in.” you groaned, rubbing your forehead. 
He sits you down on the closed toilet bowl and kneels down in front of you, his eyes coated in exhaustion as he gazes up at you. 
“Lo siento, mariposa.” he murmured, taking your hand in his. 
“For pulling me into the stall or for working wit-” Javier cuts you off by pressing a hand to your lips.
“For everything.” Javier drops his hand and tugs at your collar, exposing your neck.
His fingers softly trace the skin of your neck as he examines you and you felt slightly frozen by the way he was touching you. To think that those hands were capable of killing a man and having those hands so close to a vulnerable spot caused a shiver to run down your spine. 
“I don’t bruise easily, Javs, if that's what you’re so worried about.” you whispered, bringing your own hand to meet his. 
“Say that you’re sorry again and I’ll kick you in the dick and walk out. I think you know that if I wanted to disarm you yesterday, I could have. I have work to do dumbass, so what's up?” you rushed through your words, noting how Javier’s eyebrows furrowed. 
“I need your help.” Javier says after a moment of silence.
You nodded him along and he gulped, his eyes downcast at your shoes. 
“I heard from my CI that there is going to be a person at the state party that's going to be the key for some information that I need.” He whispers. “I need you to help me get that information.”
“And is this information for us, or for Los Pepes?” you say, curling a finger under Javier's chin and tipping his head so that you can catch him if he tries to lie.
“For us.” he said, holding your gaze tightly.
“Why aren’t you asking Murphy?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Obviously because you already know about it, you know?” he hissed and you grinned back at him.
“Hmm, okay.” you hum, surprising Javier.
“That’s it? Man, I thought I had to pull up some waterworks to convince you.” Javier chuckled nervously, rubbing his collarbone.
“Honestly, I’d do anything to get away from Messina at this point. I’m the newest recruit here, she's gonna make me socialise.” you pulled a face, making Javier smile. “Besides, now I’m more valuable to you than Steve.”
“That's my mariposa.” you roll your eyes at his excessive use of the endearing word.
Secretly, you loved it. Mariposa, or “butterfly” sounded a little too close to mi esposa, or “my wife” and it tingles your insides everytime Javier would call you that. Yet, you always find yourself pushing away the thought of having a nice domestic life with Javier the second he does something reckless and stupid. Sometimes you wonder whether he bribed his way through this job because of how dumb he can be. 
Javier stands up and pulls you up with him but in that moment the both of you hear the door open. Javier quickly sits back down and taps his thighs, gesturing for you to sit and hide your legs. Your eyes widen as the footsteps get closer to the stall and you silently hook your legs over him and straddle his lap. 
“Peña? You in there, man?” Steve’s voice floated through the cracks in the stall’s door. 
It was hard to calm your breathing with the way you had slotted your face in Javier’s neck, breathing in a slight hint of aftershave, smokey goodness and clean skin. You poked him for an answer.
“Uh, yea dude, I’m here.” he croaked out, his voice a little strained, probably from the way you were clinging onto him for dear life. 
“Come on man, you’re taking a shit at work?” Steve groaned and your body shook as you strained hard to keep the laughter in. 
Poor Steve, what a naive man.
“What the hell do you want Steve?” Javier pressed, pulling you closer to stop you from bursting out into laughter.
It must have worked because when Javier pulled you closer, his thigh hit something so devastatingly amazing that you felt yourself being rendered into a shocked silence.  
“Hurry up, there’s a meeting we gotta go to. And remember to wash your hands, you filthy fuck!” Steve chortled as he walked out of the mens.
You and Javier waited with baited breath for a few seconds before you brought your face out of the crook of Javier’s neck.
“He didn’t see you walking in he- wait are you okay?” Javier caught the flush look on your face as you turned to look at him.
You blink twice at Javier’s beautiful face before nodding your head vigorously. He hadn’t even touched you and you slowly felt yourself being pulled apart by him. Javier didn’t look convinced but he shrugged it off as he helped you get off from his lap. 
“Aight, I will see you later at the state party?” He said, steadying you.
“Yep.” you mumbled, giving him a tight lipped smile as he exited the stall. 
When you were sure he had left, you exhaled the breath you were holding and pinched the bridge of your nose. 
Today was going to be a long one.  
Javier nervously checked his watch for the billionth time. You were late. You were always never late, always clocking in earlier than him. He couldn’t deny that he was trying hard to hide how nervous he felt. He never wanted to bring you into this, but he always had a feeling that you were going to somehow find out anyway. The disappointment he felt was indescribable, he hated himself for being too obvious. 
He adjusted his mask again, uncomfortable with the way it was cutting at the soft skin covering the back of his ears. His eyes searched in the sea of masks, hoping that they would land on yours. The dim lighting made it hard to see through the masquerade themed party and Javier strained hard, willing for you to appear. 
Suddenly, a beautiful figure steps into his line of sight. Javier couldn’t take his eyes off the figure, watching them sway as their dress hugged them tightly in all the right places, clinging to every curve. The figure walked closer and closer to him until they were in front of him. A long slit exposed a holster that was disguised as a garterbelt, definitely carrying a concealed weapon. Javier instantly recognised your eyes and pushed the mask away to reveal your heavenly face. He stares in disbelief, he had been used to seeing you in suits and minimalistic makeup, and he was ashamed to think that he hadn’t expected this. He felt a rush, a similar rush that he had felt the night before as he scanned your face. 
“You look good, dolled up like this.” he murmured, pushing your mask back on. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” you really had toned down your initial compliment, he looked like a prince, the way his hair was styled and the way the tux complemented his beautiful broad shoulders. 
He offers you his hand and when you take it, he leads the way into a small closet. He clips a microphone to your neckline and you help him thread the wire through your dress. Javier was quite literally smitten by the way you looked. He resisted the urge to run his hands down your curves and he tried to rid his mind from remembering the way your body had been pressed up against him before. He sighs and kneels down, looking up at you.
“Can I?” he said, gesturing at the transponder and your thigh.
You nod and watch as he gently pulls the slit in your dress aside to hook the tiny transponder onto your holster. His other hand steadied himself by gripping your thigh and you felt like you were going to melt in his grip. A tremor ran through your body and it didn't go unnoticed by Javier. He smiled to himself and purposely tried to let his touch linger, sliding his fingers slowly across your soft skin, savouring the feeling of you. Your breathing gets slightly heavier but you let him do as he pleased. 
When he finally hooked the transponder and slowly got up, the eye contact he was making with you sent an army of butterflies to violently collide with your stomach. You could literally cut the thick atmosphere with the knife you had on you as Javier held your gaze like it was his last lifeline. His eyes were slightly hooded and he looked as if he was about to say something when you broke eye contact with him and let your eyes drop to his lips. Before the both of you could do or say anything, the sound of footsteps snapped you out of your haze.
“Alright, the floor is yours, take it away.” Javier cleared his throat, nodding towards the door. 
He handed you a key, the key that he booked under a pseudonym so that you could interrogate the intended target away from the prying eyes of people. You took it and slipped it onto your tiny purse, your mind racing. You swallow and nod, hoping your guise was enough to mask you from the people you were going to eavesdrop and enough to mask the lust that was blooming for Javier Peña. 
You let Javier lead you through the sea of masks, as he searched for his intended target. You felt out of place, watching people dance while you followed him around to do his bidding. 
“Javs?” you whisper, pulling him closer to you
“Hmm?” he turned to look at you.
“Dance with me.” 
“I said, dance with me, I have a plan.” you said firmly, pulling his hand to settle it onto your waist. 
He stares at you for a second and again you feel as if the whole world has stopped around you. You found yourself craving for his attention, to feel his hands on you again and only then you could think on how to make the next move. He readjusted his hand that was at your waist and held you firmer, his confidence radiating out of him as he laced his free hand with yours. You tried to refrain from savouring the feeling of your hand on his tough shoulder but you slowly felt yourself being lost to him as he started to lead the both of you into a slow dance. 
You straightened your back and kept your eyes trained on Javier only looking past him when you judged it was safe. You spotted your prey, a lawyer who was known to make deals with the cartels. You tapped Javier twice on his shoulder and he turned the both of you around, immediately spotting the lawyer from where the both of you were standing. You could feel his grip tightening slightly as he pulled you closer to him, your arm trapped between your two bodies. 
You were so close to Javier’s jaw, surveying its sharp edge as he gritted his teeth. It was perfectly sculptured as if an artist had taken a chisel to it. Before you could think twice, you pressed your lips to his jaw, leaving a light imprint of red lipstick. The tip of your nose dug into his cheek, and when you breathed in you could smell the delicious scent of his aftershave, intoxicating you and driving you to do what you need. Javier’s grip loosened and you pulled yourself away from him to walk towards the lawyer, turning to wink at the stunned Javier as you parted the sea of disguised individuals, your lipstick stain staining like a work of art on the canvas that is his beautiful face. 
It didn’t take long for Javier to find another woman to dance with. He kept a watchful eye on you, but willed to keep his distance. He continued to grit his teeth and lock his jaw to contain every ounce of violence that was trying to emit out of him as he watched the dirty lawyer run a finger up your bare arm. He tried not to push the woman he was dancing with aside as the lawyer suddenly grabbed you and pulled you flush against his body. Javier could hear your giggle and it made his blood boil hot watching you being touched like that. His eyes followed you as you led the lawyer to the room, partially glad that his plan was unfolding. 
When Javier got to the outside of the room, he held his gun in front of him in his usual defensive stance, hoping that you had enough in you to overpower the lawyer. He heard a thud and he immediately swung the door open and found you standing over the lawyer, the sharp edge of your high heel pressed firmly where his sternum was. You smirked as you crouched low, putting all of your weight onto the foot that was atop the lawyer’s chest. You smoothly pulled out your blade from your holster and mockingly shushed the lawyer as he screamed while you made a spectacle of cleaning the blade. 
You could feel Javier’s eyes on you but you didn’t acknowledge his presence. You could tell that he was undoubtedly staring at you while you blatantly flirted with the lawyer on the dance floor. You wanted Javier to feel the anger, to know that you were risking almost everything for him. You hold the blade at the lawyer's throat and smile innocently at him.
“My informants have given me a tip that you have been in contact with a certain important sicario. Tell me where La Quiqa is hiding and I’ll think of sparing your measly life.” you hiss in Spanish, pressing the blade slightly harder. 
Blood beaded at the edge of your knife and you raised your eyebrow amusedly as the man below you whimpered and begged for his life. He turned to Javier and started to beg him instead and you rolled your eyes at the man and slapped the lawyer.
“Don’t you dare think for a second that I am more patient than my partner here. I’ll slit your throat open before you can feel the bullet passing through your skull.” you continued to jeer. 
“Okay fine! I’ll tell you where La Quiqa is!” the lawyer screamed. 
You kept your heel planted firmly against the lawyer’s chest as Javier rang Steve. The second the information was passed across, you stepped off the lawyer and he scrambled away from you. Javier caught him by the collar and pulled him up. 
“You do not breathe a word about this to a single person, or I swear to god, I'll unload this gun in your mouth.” he sneered before pushing the man out of the room.
Once he was gone, you perched onto the edge of the bed. 
“Won’t he go and warn La Quiqa?” you question.
Javier stayed silent for a while. He then suddenly walked towards you and got onto his knees, removing your high heels from your feet and setting them aside. He had already given Los Pepes the information that the lawyer would be outside of the hotel within seconds. He made a deal that the police force gets to arrest La Quiqa while Los Pepes can extract information from the lawyer, which was a win in his books. 
“He won’t get far.” was all that he said as he looked up at you, his hand massaging your calf. 
You lean forward and take his face in your hands. One of your hands fan out and you stroke his cheek, and he leans into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut for a second. He wrenched them open again almost as if he didn’t want to lose sight of you. His hand at your calf reached out to grab your arm and he slowly started to rub your skin. You knew he was trying to erase the lawyer’s touch off you and you smiled at the gesture.
“What?” you question, reading his eyes, knowing he had something to say.
“I can’t stand it.” he whispered.
“Stand what?”
“The way he had his hands on you.” Javier’s hands were shaking now and you could see a fire raging in his dark brown eyes. 
“Javs, we just needed the infor-”
“I don’t like it when people touch what is mine.” he growled slightly, making your heart leap to your throat. 
“I’m not-”
“You are.” he confirmed firmly, his chest heaving now with shallow puffs of his breath. 
“Then, show me how I’m yours.” you sighed, your lungs constricting your last bit of oxygen. 
Javier stands up, and you could tell that there was a shift in his demeanour at your words as he gazes down at you. He towers over you, looking absolutely dazzling under the dim lighting.
“Only if you’re okay with it.” 
“Of course I am.” you say a little too quickly for your liking. 
“Kneel.” He says, his voice edging lower, sending an array of goosebumps at the nape of your neck as your vision blurred slightly. 
But you kept your chin up and knelt between his feet. 
“What? Not gonna kiss me first, Peña?” You smirked, knowing that you were pushing his buttons. “Too used to fucking whores?” 
He smoothed out the hair that fluttered to your forehead, running his fingers through your locks until he got to the nape of your neck. Suddenly, his hand grabs you by your hair and your eyes widen. He tips his head to the side and surveys the look on your face. 
“No, I’m gonna fuck you like the teasing brat you are. I’ll only kiss you when I know you’ve learnt your lesson.” He gives you a smug smile. 
His hand loosened its hard grip, leaving a delicious stinging sensation at your scalp. His fingers trailed to your lips, tapping them.
“Open, mariposa.” you were positive that he knew how that nickname made you feel and your jaw automatically dropped open. 
“So she does follow instructions.” he said pointedly before leaning over and spitting in your mouth. 
You knew from that second that the man before you was not going to let you off easy and a small voice at the back of your head was giggling gleefully at the prospect of your night. You closed your mouth and swallowed, only to open it up right away, making Javier nod in appreciation. You edge closer, placing your hands on his legs.
“Go on, take what you need.” you were already running your hand up his thigh before he could finish his sentence. 
You cup his hardened bulge and he hisses, but surprisingly lets you have your way. Your fingers shake slightly as you undo his slacks, letting them fall to his ankles, revealing that he had in fact gone commando. You would have rolled your eyes if you didn’t take note of how big he was. Your sharp inhale didn’t go unnoticed by Javier and he watched as you shifted your weight from one knee to the other slightly nervously. 
“Like what you see?” he questioned smugly. 
You couldn’t let him know you were anywhere close to backing out, you wanted this as much as he did. You spit on your hand and grab his length, pumping him from base to tip, letting your thumb graze his tip only to watch him writhe slightly. 
“I’ve seen better.” you smirked back, looking up at him from under your lashes.
Before he could form a retort, you licked a long strip down his cock and whatever he was going to say was mingled in a strangled moan. You continued with small controlled kitten licks, testing out all his soft spots before closing your mouth over the tip and sucking softly. Taking your time, you invite him into your mouth at a slow pace, partially teasing him and partially adjusting yourself to his size. 
You gradually swallowed around him, gagged slightly when he pistoned his hips slightly forward. He pushed you on and you swallowed around him, making him groan proudly as he bottomed out into your mouth, your nose nestling in his curls.
“Look who’s the whore now.” he managed to say as his hands found your hair to grab onto. 
You rolled your eyes at him and began to move your mouth along him, sucking him hungrily. He sang his praises, incoherent moans spilling out of him. He wanted to punish you, to teach you a lesson, but how could he when you were taking him so well, without a single complaint or cry. It made him want to worship you instead. But the primal creature inside of him forbade it and it took over him, making him pull out of your mouth and slam back. You choked around him but the sounds that he made spurred you on, letting your tongue lick his underside. Your perfectly done makeup was most definitely ruined as you felt your eyes water. You both were definitely in a game of seeing who could tap out and for a second you thought that you could in fact overpower this man. 
Oh, how wrong you were. 
Javier suddenly pulls you off him but didn't give you a chance to take a breath, pulling you up to your feet and letting his lips meet yours in a frenzied fashion,
“Lose your limits, mariposa, just give me a chance to prove to you just what I can do.” he pulled away and commanded sinfully, but he might as well had just done it straight to your cunt from the way you were already soaking. 
“What are you waiting for Javs?” you exhaled and he reclaimed your lips with his. 
He pressed himself hard against you, making you moan as he showed off his possessiveness. He licked into your mouth, groaning at how sweet you tasted. You could taste cigarettes on his breath and it instinctively made you want to rut your hips against his hard on, an aroused buzz coursing through your veins. He pulled away slightly, not before nipping your lips and drawing another moan from you. 
Javier pushed you down onto the bed, falling on top of you. He dragged the tip of his nose down your neck and sunk his teeth into the soft skin of your neck. You reeled at the pain that surged up your spine before crying out loud at the way he started to kiss and suck your neck. You were pretty sure that he was thinking about you claiming that you don’t bruise easily, making it his priority to mark you with all he’s got. When he was satisfied, he pulled away and smirked at you before flipping you over. You felt the bed dip around you as Javier’s fingertips grazed the back of your neck, moving your hair aside.
You felt his hand at your holster, slowly pulling out your blade and letting it skim across your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps, making you whimper slightly. Suddenly, you felt it at your dress, the sharp edge almost touching you as it tore your dress open. You were mad but it was was your turn to smirk as Javier gasped at the surprise that met his eyes. His knuckle skimmed your skin and you could tell that he was staring open mouthed at the delicate branch of flowers trailing along your spine. 
“Fuck, youre fucking beautiful.” he hissed, feeling like it was Christmas, hastily pulling away your dress like it was wrapping paper to reveal you all bear for him, tossing it aside with your knife. 
You were completely naked under your dress and Javier was impressed. He let his hands explore you, leaving no inch of skin unattended. 
“Stop being a fucking tease.” you moan, secretly relishing the way he was taking his time. 
Suddenly, he smacks your ass hard, drawing a muffled moan from you as you bury your face in the sheets, before flipping you over again. He immediately ran his hands up and down your body, quenching his quest of wanting to touch you. The shape of your body drove him mad and he wanted to worship you, to make you call out to him and only him. 
He testily palm at your tits, moaned together, you at the stimulation, him at the way you felt under his hand. He tweaked your hardening nipples, making you writhe and moan. While you were distracted, your legs fell open and Javier brushed a finger through your slick, making you moan.
“Fuck, Javs…” you breathed as he pushed a finger inside of you and brought it back out for you to taste. 
“I bet you taste great, but I’ll get mine straight from the source.” he smirked, as your tongue swirled around his finger, sucking it the way you did his cock.
Your clit is warm and throbbing under his touch and you shudder as he starts to massage it back and forth. He bends down and his tongue licks slowly up your wetness, parting your pussy lips and teasing your clit, going absolutely feral at the way you tasted. 
You shiver and moan, arching your hips trying to get him to lick you more. Instead he stops and you immediately whimper and bite your lip trying not to show how badly you wanted him to keep licking. You grind your hips against his face, your clit catching his nose and you whine, grabbing onto his hair and pulling him closer to your pussy. He finally caves in and gives you what you want, holding you down and pushing his tongue into you. 
He greedily fucks you with his tongue, putting in a new meaning to eating you out as his hands spread you wide open and his tongue scoops out every remnant of your wetness. Your clit isn’t abandoned with the way his thumb gave it all of its attention. It doesn’t take long before it’s too much and you start to feel the orgasm start to wash over you. Your body bucks involuntarily at his touch as he slows it to match your moans. His big dark brown eyes watches you intently from his vantage point, wanting to see how the first orgasm he gives you absolutely wreaks havoc on your body. 
You were absolutely out of it, the orgasm ripping every cell in your body in half, rendering you absolutely useless. You shook in Javier’s arms, only vaguely hearing his praises as they floated their way into your ears. Your eyes are shut and you didn’t realise that he was already plotting his next plan to destroy you. You feel something nudge your entrance and Javier slips into you without any resistance, and his lips are back on your mouth, swallowing your moans. 
One of his hands found yours, gripping them at the wrist and breaking the kiss only to pin them over your head. He held them firmly, one wrist between his thumb and index finger and the other wrist between his index and middle finger, locking them in position as he started pistoning his hips. Your eyes were hooded as you looked up at him, indulging the way sweat made his face shine and glow. 
“You look fucking deadly like this, cariño, all spread out for me.” he grunts as his cock continued its assault on your pussy.
You clench down around him and he slumps slightly, not expecting that move from you as you lazily pull your lips into a smirk. He pushes on deeper, hitting all the best spots, pressing down on your wrists harder. You feel your juices squelch out of you and onto the bed. Your tits jiggle harder and the bed frame creaked with Javier’s thrusts as he slowly lost himself in you. 
“Javs, yes… don’t stop, please…” you whine as he keeps slamming into you harder. 
“Say my name again,” one thrust. 
You mumble, trying your best to let his name tumble out of your voice box.
“Please, say it.” he trusts again. 
“Javier…” his cock literally pushes his name out of you. 
Suddenly, Javier pulls out and flips you over before you could lean towards your pleasure. You whimper at the emptiness you felt, your pussy fluttering around nothingness. You felt your arms being gathered at your back by one of Javier’s arms and he bent you backwards so that your chest stuck out. You gasped for air, sweat sticking bits of your hair to your forehead.  
“Who do you belong to?” his mouth was back on your neck, leaving kisses in between his questions. 
“You…” you clearly did by the way he had just used you. 
“Never going to let a filthy criminal touch you again.” he growled in your ear and you smiled, coming to your senses.
“Says the criminal who is touching me.” you feel a spike in your confidence as the words leave your mouth, only to have it crashing back to ground zero as Javier dropped you onto the bed. 
“Oh you’re going to regret that, mariposa.” he says and you could visualise him grabbing his cock and feeling the stretch as he shoves himself back into you. 
His hand inched its way around your throat, and he pulled you up again, making you choke. Your pussy betrayed you as you clenched down on him, making him laugh deliriously. 
“You fucking like it when I did that to you yesterday, didn’t you, you slut.” his hand grips harder at your throat, squeezing ever so slightly, his touch is forceful, masterful, alluring with the hidden depths of just the right amount of sensuality as he pulls your head closer to his. You helplessly tried to ask him to keep going, came out of your mouth like hot garbage from the strain his hand was putting on your throat.
“Harder, I need it harder.” you breathlessly spoke.
“I know, baby, I know” his soft words were a huge contrast with the way he was manhandling you.
Now all you can think of is his hard cock, there’s a pulsing in your head, a dizzying, nauseating feeling overcomes your entire body. You can feel his hard body pressing against yours and all thoughts of the night left your head, leaving a void that was soon filled with disgusting, disturbing thoughts. You want this man to fucking ruin you, you had tasted the sin on his lips and you couldn’t help yourself but want more. 
Moaning and whimpering you cum before you even know what’s happening. It was blinding again and you literally lost all sight as your tight cunt contracts and squeezes his cock as tight as you can over and over again in time with his hips thrusts. He doesn’t stop pounding your wet cunt and you let him chase his own orgasm as more filth spills out of his mouth. He makes a wet slapping sound as he fucks you from behind.
After a few more seconds of fucking your cunt you feel him tense up. He lets go of your neck and pulls your hips tight to his and his cock flexes and then begins to spurt his hot cum into you. He folds his body over yours, grunting as he tries to catch his breath, subconsciously canting his hips forward to ride out his own orgasm. His sweaty skin was sticking to yours as you felt his moustache against your neck. 
“Fuck, Javs.” you say first, feeling his heartbeat against your back. 
“Lo siento-”
“And he’s apologising again! What now, Peña?” you sigh.
Javier stays silent for a while before pressing his lips to your shoulder. The air around the both of you smelled like crazy sex and your brain was still slowly coming down from its high. 
“Sorry for calling you a slut.” his hand trailed against your spine, tracing your tattoo.
“Jezz, Javs, you know I like it.” you said, keening into his touch as he smiled against your skin. 
“I’m sorry for calling you a whore too.” you said, smirking as Javier’s hand kneaded your ass. “Although, I do mean it, you’re fuckin’ freaky as hell.”
“You’re welcome.” his hand left your cheek and came back down with a sharp smack. 
Slowly he pulled out of you and you groaned, feeling his cum seep out of you. Two of his fingers pushed his cum back in, to no avail and he eyes your cunt as he does it over and over, accidentally pulling another orgasm out of your sensitive cunt from his trance. 
“Oops.” he mumbles before gently flipping you onto your back and walking to the bathroom. 
He slowly wipes you with a warm towel, avoiding any part of you that could have been potentially sensitive before tossing it aside and laying beside you. You pull his head into your chest and he leaves soft promising kisses onto your tits as you wrap your legs around his torso. You both fall asleep like that, not another word leaving your mouths as the after effects of your madness lulled the both of you into deep and dark dreams. 
You were not surprised when you woke up to an empty bed. A pile of fresh clothes sat at the edge and you sighed, willing yourself not to tear up at the abandonment you felt coursing through your veins. You stumbled into work all sore, every part of you hurting from the way Javier had treated you, including your heart. Cheers greeted you and you pulled your collar tightly around your neck as Steve stepped towards you with a cup of what suspiciously looked like whiskey. 
“Let me guess, you guys got La Quiqa?” you said, taking the cup from Steve.
You looked around for the one you needed to see the most but your eyes never caught him. 
“I’m guessing you haven’t heard about Javier?” Steven suddenly says, making your eyes snap towards him instantly. 
“He turned himself in, just got on the flight back to D.C. for his re-evaluation.” Steve says, shrugging, but the sadness was evident in his voice. 
Your head swimmed as you stared into your cup of whiskey. He has truly left you. 
Without even a single goodbye. 
You nod to no one in particular, anger driving you to stay upright. You sigh and walk towards your desk. 
“What are you waiting for, Murphy?” You said shortly, “We have Escobar to catch.”
A few months later
Javier sat at the bar and swirled his drink in his hand revealing his past few months. He woke up every morning to the thought of you and tried hard to drink the feeling of you away with bottles of the shit he kept at home. But here he was, back in Bogotá, nervously tapping his leg, wondering when he would ever catch a glimpse of you.  
He breathed heavily, reaching into his coat pocket to pull out a cigarette. He placed it between his lips and searched for his lighter, but to no avail. He searched again and was ready to admit defeat when a light suddenly flashed before him. 
“Hola patrón. Congratulations on the promotion.”
That voice.
The cigarette dropped out of Javier's mouth as he turned to stare at you. You wore an angry expression on your face, but Javier wasn’t phased. He was so happy to see your beautiful face that a dopey smile unwillingly spread on his face. 
“Who’s the criminal now, you thieving little minx.” he snorted, snatching his lighter away.
“You fucking left me, you asshole!” you started to hit him.
He grabbed your arms and pulled you off the bar stool and flush to his body. 
“No, I fucked you, then I left you. You need to work on your English, mariposa.” he smirked.
It only made you swing harder, but Javier was quicker, pulling your face towards him with his free hand and locking you down with a bruising kiss. You relax into his kiss and you feel him smile triumphantly and you let him, wrenching your arms out of his grasp and pulling him in by his tie. 
You pull away and scowl at him, biting your lip slightly. You take a better look at his getup, smiling slightly at his more professional look, a contrast to the shirts he wore with open buttons. 
“You know I had to go, mariposa, I couldn’t do it anymore.” he said, smoothing out your hair and kissing your forehead. 
“I know. But that doesn’t make me any less mad.” you say, looking straight into his eyes as he pulled away. 
“I know how to make it up to you?” he said, clearly testing the waters.
“Whatever you say, patrón.” you smirked, crashing your lips to his once again. 
- Mariposa: butterfly
- Los Pepes: Paramilitary group composed of enemies of Pablo Escobar.
- Lo siento: I’m sorry
- Sicario: hitmen
Reblogs are appreciated ~~
- Cariño: sweetheart
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ch3rriewine · 8 months
Photo Booth Kissin' {P.P.}
summary: Peter's an awkward loverboy, but he's your awkard loverboy.
warnings: none i think just fluff :3, TASM!Peter Parker x reader hehe, no use of y/n, reader is kinda like super girly w the bows and sparkles idk
Peter’s life was boring—peaceful, but boring. Don’t get him wrong; being Spiderman is cool and all, but Peter Parker’s life could use some work. The most exciting thing that has happened to him recently was the time he got two yolks in one egg. Riveting stuff, right?
During another one of his literature classes that he doesn’t know why he took, he spots you. With a bow in your hair and a knit sweater falling over your figure, your head propped on your manicured hand while scribbling notes with the other. You sit in front of him and if Peter squints, he can see the small doodles littering the pages. Before he knows it, the professor announces that the lecture is done for the day. Peter panics; he wants to talk to you before you disappear and turn out to be a dream, but what would he even say? Doesn’t matter anymore since he chases after you to the door.
“Hey,” he says, looking a tad flushed after tripping over someone's water bottle.
“Oh, hi” you respond, your eyes a little widened at the sudden interaction.
“I, uh, I’m Peter” he say, sticks out his hand for you to shake. You take it and tell him your name. He repeats it in his head about a hundred times.
“I just, uhm, wanted to ask about…” he trails off, trying to remember if there were any assignments given. “The essay he said we had to do, yeah. When is it due again?” he hopes to any higher being that there was an essay due soon.
“Ah, yeah, it’s due next Monday” you reply, giving him a tight-lipped smile, ready to go back to your dorm.
“Cool, uhm, thanks! See you around, hopefully” with that, he bolts, leaving you confused and flushed. Hopefully
The cute boy in your class wants to see you around.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Two days later, Peter sees you again. It’s in the same class, and you’re as pretty as ever. He psyches himself up to sit next to you.
You look up from your laptop when he asks you if he can sit next to you. You nod, of course, and smile. He looks nervous, with fingers tapping on the table and cheeks a little red. It’s cute.
“Have you started on that essay?” you ask, trying to start conversation since it looks like he won’t.
“Huh? What essay? We have an essay?” he turns to face you, eyes wide.
“Yeah, the one you asked me about?” you laugh a little.
“Oh, no, I didn’t” his shoulders slump back down, and you smile at him.
“I didn’t either; I had other work to finish” he stares at you a little; it’s flattering, really. How shy he is around you. He barely knows you, but he’s convinced himself that you’re the greatest thing ever. He also may have looked up your instagram and fallen even harder as he looked at all your posts. Peter now knows what you ate at Thanksgiving 3 years ago.
“Same, I’m in STEM so you could imagine” he says, resting his head onto the table. Sleep deprivation a thing he is well acquainted with, unfortunately.
“STEM, wow, you must be smart then. Why’re you taking a classic lit class then?” Sure, you might’ve slipped in a compliment; it's not a crime to flirt a little. It takes Peter a few seconds to respond as he processes what you said, you think he’s smart.
“Uh, I was going through a phase with classic lit at the time, and I’ve been lazy to drop it. And, uh, I’m not that smart—pretty average actually. Like the most moderate person ever” He’s rambling and kind of lying. He’s doing really well in his other classes.
“Yeah? I think you’re pretty smart if you’re in STEM. Not everyday a guy is both pretty and smart.” His cheeks turn even redder, if possible, and he makes a sort of out of breath sound. “If you need any help with this class, I’d be happy to give you my notes on the book”
Jesus, you’re gonna kill the poor boy.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
From then on, you sit beside him and throw in some flirty comments while he struggles to reciprocate. It feels too good to be true, how you seem interested in him and how you eagerly talk to him after lectures, even giving hm your number to talk about “class”. He’s waiting for the day you ghost him.
“Hey, would you maybe want to, like, hang out? Like on a date or something? Or just as friends! Actually, yeah, just hang out as friends; forget I said date sorry,“ he flounders, waiting for the rejection. Oh God, he’s just messed up the whole friendship and you’re gonna think that he’s weird and a creep and-
“I’d love to go on a date, Peter,” you smile “I was waiting for you to ask.”
“Oh, great, is Saturday at 3 okay? I’ll meet you outside your building and we could walk to that arcade?” He asks, eyes hopeful.
“Saturday at 3 is great. I love arcades, but you have to help me with the claw machines” For someone so smart and handsome, he doesn’t let himself think people like him.
“See you Saturday, Peter” you tiptoe to kiss his cheek, leaving sticky residue from your sparkly gloss and walk to your next class. He stands in place, a little starstruck and a lot flustered. He leaves the lipgloss there.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Saturday finally comes, and now it’s your turn to be nervous. You’ve switched outfits countless times, your hair is out of place, and your makeup doesn’t seem to flatter you. You’ve settled on a pretty blue dress with tights to protect you from the small chill. Two little bows clipped into your hair and knit cardigan falling over your shoulders—makeup finally looking presentable enough with maybe a little too much glitter on your eyes, but whatever. Your phone chimes as you’re applying pink sparkly gloss, and your heart skips a beat. He’s here.
You throw your phone and lip gloss in your purse and bolt out the door. You spot him outside your building, as promised. He looks wonderful. Brown sweater and worn-in denim jeans—you can’t believe he’s so shy around you when he looks like that. He finally spots you, and wow, he thinks.
“Hey," he scolds himself for being so casual when he should be whisking you away to Italy, or something. He could’ve at least gotten you flowers.
“Hi, you look great,” you say in front of him, and seeing you up close is making him fall even harder, if possible.
“You look, wow, you’re just, wow” he can’t even believe you’re into him.
“Cmon, I wanna win some plushies,” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him along. He grips your hand harder and laces your fingers.
The walk is calm and the air is starting to get cool. You talk about class and a show you started. Peter listens intently, making mental notes about what you like and don’t like. Your hands stay intwined, and his thumb traces patterns on the back of your hand. He’s gotten more comfortable and less panicky in your presence, so you get to see his personality shine through. He’s incredibly funny. You can’t stop laughing on your way there, and he can’t stop thinking of more things to make you laugh.
The arcade is dark, with flashing lights from every game. Peter goes to buy some tokens, refusing your offer to pay half. Grabbing Peter’s hand and making a beeline for the claw machines, everyone knows they’re rigged, but you don’t care. You eagerly take the tokens and attempt to win the Kuromi plushie. After the 5th? 6th attempt? When the claw has dropped the plushie, you give up.
“Why do they do this to people! It’s false hope!” you whine to Peter as he laughs at your pout.
“Lemme try,” he nudges you over and puts in a token.
You watch with eyebrows furrowed as he wins it on his first attempt.
“What the hell, Peter?” you crouch to pull the plushie from the machine.
“What? Do you not like it?” He faces you, examining the stuffed, is she a rabbit? What animal even is Kuromi?
“I love her; just, how did you win it?” You look up at him incredulously. He must have some weird power that makes him win every claw machine.
“Oh, I don’t know; just position it right?” He laughs, his eyes crinkling in the process. You want to smooth them out with your fingers.
“Thank you!” you’re genuinely really excited over a cheap stuffed toy, not because you really wanted it, but because Peter won it for you. You wrap your arms around his neck in thanks. Peter freezes. He fees like a teenager at how he’s reacting to a hug of all things. He snaps back and hugs you back. You pull away to kiss his cheek. This is the second time you’ve kissed his cheek, and he doesn’t know how he’ll ever get used to it.
“Lets go play games, pretty boy,” pulling away and leaving Peter to gather his brain and follow along.
You watch as he plays Pac-Man; its silly, but you love his face when he’s focused. Brows furrowed and lips in a thin line. He really is the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen. And he’s infatuated with you! Of all people! You swear half the girls in the class have a crush on him, but he gets nervous around you. You play some air-hockey, which you won (he let you win), and he won you some more plushies and some candy at the infamous claw machines.
When the games get old, the two of you leave the building. The sun is setting at this point, and you’re dreading leaving him.
“Oh, look! There’s a photo booth!” you point, excitedly tugging on his arm. “We should take some pictures.” you drag him into the booth, both of your thighs squished together and his legs at an awkward angle. He feeds the machine a few bucks, and the screen starts to count down.
You put on a sickly sweet smile, scrunching your eyes while Peter smiles big with pearly white teeth on display. The second photo you lean into Peter and he wraps his arm around you, pulling your body close to his. The third photo, you go for it. You grab his face and kiss him. His hands stay in the air as the glitter on your lips transfers to his. You taste like vanilla. You pull away, a little anxious that he didn’t want it. Those thoughts get pushed away when he grabs the sides of your face and kisses you until you can’t think. His hands are warm and big covering your cheeks as his lips move against yours. You reach up to wrap your arms around his neck once more and deepen the kiss. Your lips move together in tandem as he strokes your cheeks with his thumbs, the movement comforting.
The fourth photo is blurry, and you walk out with all your lipgloss on Peter’s lips.
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enhaheeseung · 8 months
Come back to me - L.HS
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Pairing: heeseung X fem reader!
Warnings: angst, crying, divorce, heartbreak.
WC: 1,571k
Part four
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“Okay,” heeseung sighed as he straightened his tie, looking at himself in the mirror one last time before heading out for work.
Today was the day he was going to give you the divorce papers and finally come to terms with everything for real this time, no talking to himself, no more holding onto pictures, no pretending that you were still there.
He packed up his briefcase and put the papers in a separate file. He was gonna drop them off to you after work. Hopefully, you were home cause he just wanted to see you one last time while he was still officially your husband and you were his wife.
He went in early so he could keep his mind occupied with something other than you.
For the first four hours of his work shift, it worked, but as the clock struck closer to 5, his whole entire body was filled with nervousness and anxiety.
The meeting he had would have definitely gone better if he wasn’t sweating and stuttering the whole way through it, but he hopes he was able to make a good enough impression so he could do future business with them.
After that meeting, though he knew he wouldn’t be able to carry himself as confidently as he once used to, the divorce was getting to him in the worst way possible, just normal daily tasks he found difficult to complete the passion he had for work no longer there and don’t even get him started on his home life.
He prays that you are taking things better than he is.
He was all packed up and ready to go an hour before his shift ended cause as soon as it was go time, he wanted to bolt out of that building as soon as possible so he could see you after all this time.
The messed up part about this all was that he convinced himself that he was just going to give you the papers so you could finalize the divorce, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he was just using it as an opportunity to see you.
Although he didn’t dwell on it, he just concluded he was killing two birds with one stone and went ahead with his original plan.
“Me, you jay bar?” Jake waltzed into Heeseung’s office, inviting him out for a drink cause it was the weekend.
“Can’t I have some business to tend to?” he politely declined.
Jake knew this could be taken as rude, but he was curious, so he went along and asked it anyway. “So are you really, you know… getting a divorce?”
Heeseung merely nods his head, the faint outline of a smile on his lips as he gathers his belongings.
Jake stands there stunned, mouth opening and closing to try and say something comforting, but nothing comes out. He really thought you guys might have worked things out, given Heeseung’s seemingly good mood lately, but apparently not. “I’m sorry. I thought things were better 'cause you seemed happy,” he trails off.
“I understand,” he sighs, throwing his suit jacket over his shoulder. “But I have a job, I have a life, and it’d be very unprofessional for me to show up depressed and sad all the time so this,” he points to his face, pretending to smile. “Is what you get?” the fake smile quickly drops from his face, returning to a frown as he turns off the office lights and walks past his friend. “Forget the bar. It’ll always be there. She won’t.” he pats Jake on his arm before leaving the office and heading straight for your new home.
Heeseung hadn’t felt this nervous since your guy's wedding. He was sitting out in his car for at least five minutes, pondering on what he should do.
Ultimately, he unbuckled his belt, grabbing the folder from his suitcase, and walked up to the steps, knocking softly on the door. The hopeful part of him wishes that you’d answer, but the guilty part wishes that Sunghoon would answer instead.
He took a deep breath, tittering back and forth on his feet anxiously. Not even a minute later, there you were, standing in front of him, leaving him completely speechless, just like you did when he saw you walking down the aisle on your wedding day.
You stare back at him just as speechless after seeing your husband for the first time in weeks.
He was undeniably handsome, his work shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his black slacks framing his lean build perfectly, and his hair always styled to perfection like always when he went to work.
But past it all, he was still the man who broke you down over the time span of 8 months, and no matter how handsome he looked, it still wasn’t enough to ignore all the horrible things he did to you. “What do you want?”
He’s finally knocked out of his daze when he hears your voice for the first time in so long. “H-hi y-y-y/n I Uhh I just wanted t-to.” he took a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to calm himself down just a little bit. “These.” he reached for the folder he was holding under his arm and handed it to you. “They’re all signed and ready to go, so yeah,” he says quietly, not an ounce of confidence coming from him. His whole demeanor looked completely different from the heeseung you’ve known for the last couple of months.
You just took the folder from his hands without saying a word.
“Sorry it took so long to sign. I was just busy at work and all,” he told a little white lie as you nodded, really not caring about why it took him so long. All that mattered was that they were signed, and you could finally detach yourself from him. “I know you gave it back, but it’s yours, so you keep it, sell it, get rid of it.” he lists out a bunch of options as he gives you back your wedding ring. “Personally, I’d sell it,” he jokes, but it’s not funny, and he knows that, but he’s just saying whatever at this point, trying to stall and stay with you just a little longer cause after all this was the final goodbye after this there was a high chance he wouldn’t even ever see you again.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you reply.
When he sees you’re not even interested in giving him the time of day, he just gives up and tucks his hands in his pockets. “I don’t know what to say,” he whispers shakily. “I never prepared for a day like this. Never thought I’d ever be saying goodbye to you.”
You really wish he’d just stop talking and go. This was already hard enough, and to hear him saying things like this just made it harder.
“You know what I did prepare for, though, having you in my life until the day I die, having a family watching our children grow together, you know, just everything we always talked about.” he sighs and looks down at his feet feeling so small and pathetic in your presence. “But that’s all gone now 'cause I fucked it up” he lifts his head up, showing you the tears in his eyes, and you use all your strength to hold in your emotions. It took everything in you not to let your tears fall cause he didn’t deserve your tears, let alone your sympathy. “I’m sorry,” his voice cracked even though he tried so hard to fight it. “And I know that’s not enough.” he swallows the lump in his throat, nodding to himself. “I’m not asking you to take me back even though I want nothing more in the world than to call you mine again. All I’m asking is for you to please forgive me, y/n. I’m so so sorry for everything I put you through. I’m sorry for breaking my promises, I’m sorry for hurting you, and I’m sorry for letting you down.” he buried his face in his hands, unable to look at you any longer. He wipes away his tears, his shoulders rising and falling with every deep breath he takes, attempting to calm his thumping heart.
You don’t even know how you managed to keep it together seeing him so weak and hurt, but somehow you did. And deep down, you really wanted to accept his apology, but you just couldn’t. The things he said and did were far too hurtful for you to reconcile.
So you stayed silent, watching all the life and hope leave his eyes the longer you went without giving him an answer. “Wow,” he chuckles to himself, wiping away more tears. “I even found a way to fuck this up, too,” he bites on his lip, another shaky breath escaping his dry lips. “I’m sorry for disturbing you.” he cleared his throat, gathering himself for a moment before saying those dreaded words that he knew he’d have to say sooner than later. “Goodbye, y/n.” he turned around, heading back to his car in the rain as you shut the door.
You opened the folder, looking at his signature, tracing over it with your thumb, and telling yourself you were happy with your decision not to go back to him.
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Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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Happy Pride losers, I’m ready to be clowned but my dumb ass is now convinced Rogue is the Master…
Rogue and Renegade have eerily similar meanings under the right circumstance.
To rebel against an organized group. To go rogue.
An endearingly naughty person
Koschei, our second fave Renegade Time Lord
Apparently they were also called a Rogue Time Lord? I am not making this up.
Although Maestro is Master in Italian and look how that turned out
“Lord” interesting.
Red and Blue. The master and 13 were red and blue coded respectively. Have they switched, Symbolically?
Rogue was looking at the Doctor rather nefariously, even once they were buddies. Just go through some of the scenes again. It’s harder than you’d think to tell if he’s trying to seem seductive or evil
The entire premise of this ep seems to be “things are not as they seem; people are not as they appear” which is a Master staple
The Master has been haunting the fuck out of the narrative lately.
Here’s my thread on just how much
When I saw the first trailer, I instinctively thought “ballroom dance guy” was gonna be the new Master
The inside of Rogue’s (familiarly messy) ship has controls eerily similar to the configuration of a TARDIS.
Rogue is obviously a time traveler if he has that space ship and knows DnD (Rogue + Time + Lord. Oh?)
DnD might be a dead giveaway
Was Rogue’s name being inspired by DnD necessary to include? Cute thing the writers wanted to put in, or clue?
Why would Rogue know what DnD was but not know what cosplay or improv was?
The Master has been taken prisoner by the Toymaker, infamous for his love of? Games. You know who also has a running theme of “winning” and “losing”? The Master
In DnD you play as a character and rely on skill and chance to survive within the confines of a structured storytelling game. Bending the rules is often involved. The Master tried that against the Toymaker and failed.
DnD players will often have little tiny figurines of their characters. Remind you of anything?
the Master is a dnd rogue archetype. Trickster, lone wolf, shapeshifter.
If the Doctor is symbolically trapped in a TV show, is the Master trapped in a game? If the Toymaker is the DM, is he going rogue against the Toymaker?
The Master is infamous for their disguises and “cosplays” and has catfished the Doctor before.
Rogue is almost suspiciously too much the Doctor’s type. He’s like the love child of River Song and Jack Harkness. He is exactly the type of character the Master would create to lure and seduce the Doctor.
He and the Doctor just…get each other. It’s like they’ve known each other for much longer than a few hours. They’re too cushy (haha)
Rogue threatened to kill the Doctor, and then imprisoned him in a nice little cage. Familiar?
He tried to make the Doctor kill Ruby, who we all know is just Clara 2.0. Familiar?
He knows too much and too little
He knew the party was attended by alien birb people but only knew about one alien birb? And did he reaaaally think Doc was an alien bird?
The Dancing. They knew they wanted there to be a dance party before they even settled on a time period setting for the episode. Enough said.
The ring was…interesting
That’s a lot of commitment, even if only a promise ring. Something tells me he intended it as an engagement ring though
Someone tried to write a book in the 80s where 5 and Ainley were ex spouses, but it was shot down
Just an unrelated detail, but a ring on the pinky is a gay thing
Mirroring. Thoschei do that. A lot.
“You!” “No, you!” “no, you!”
The way they danced
The scene where they kept turning on and off the music
Speaking of music…Bad Guy by Billie Eilish? Too on the nose? Can’t get you out of my head? Poker face?
You remember that lady’s hand that picked up the Master in his widdle toof? Hand of the Rani?
This episode was written by two women. The Master would literally be in women’s hands
I remember watching Sacha Dhawan’s Spy Master for the first time and going…darn, he reminds me so much of Avengers era Loki. Kate Herron directed season 1 of the Loki Series and had a lot of creative control. Would it really be surprising if RTD (confirmed Loki fan) went to her for the Master after Sacha?
Didn’t Russell say he’s leaving the Master for “other writers?”
“The Master is parked” did he happen to park a Tardis disguised as an everyday spaceship???
In an interview, Kate said she and Briony designed Rogue to be the Doctor’s “equal”
“When I see him, I’ll know” and he is drawn to Rogue like a magnet.
“Travel with me” who must you be to want the Doctor to be your companion instead of vice verse
“We can argue across the stars”
“I’m in your head” + “can’t get you out of my head” + the Master being referenced multiple times in almost every episode since PoTD
“I’m trigger happy” feels really fucking intentional
He said “find me.” If he is the Master, the person he lost was the Doctor, (notice he said “them” and not “her” or “him?”) and the Master and Doctor always find each other.
Scream of the Shalka? And didn’t the Master fall through the floor like 40 times in Curse of Fatal Death? Richard E Grant was the Doctor in both of those.
For more, @bugeater77 and friends have this lovely thread
Guys CHECK MY REBLOG, RTD posted something wild.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 1 year
Don’t tell Jay -Jay Halstead
Summary: When you are still in pain when you should be fully recovered from surgery, you try to sneak to Med to not bother Jay. Will is not having it.
Mentions: Natalie Manning, Will Halstead, and Maggie Lockwood
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety and medical talk. Nothing really.
When you woke up still in pain after tossing and turning in Jay’s arms all night, you knew you needed to go to Med. You pretended to be asleep when Jay left an hour ago, knowing he would stay home and insist on accompanying you to see Natalie. You had surgery two weeks ago today, and you FINALLY just convinced Jay to go back to work three days ago. He had been by your side for a little over a week and a half, pampering you and making sure you were healing up nicely. You loved him and appreciated him, but you could tell he was ready to climb the walls. He was a man of action and, though he loved taking care of his wife, he needed to be with his unit and in the action.
Hopping into your car, badge in your backpack even though you hadn’t been cleared for duty yet, you made your way to Med. You knew Will was most likely on shift this morning, so you prayed he wouldn’t see you. He would call Jay as soon as you were put in a room.
Walking into Med, you bypassed Leah, smiling at the receptionist and waving like nothing was wrong, and made your way toward Maggie. The charge nurse looked up as her ED doors slid open, immediately coming around the desk at the sight of you.
“Hey Y/N. Here to see your brother in law?” Maggie asked, smiling and pulling you in for a quick hug.
You mustered up the biggest smile you could and shook your head. “Actually, I need Nat.” You barely got the sentence out before Maggie was pulling you into a room.
“Sit down. You look flushed.” Maggie said, placing you on a gurney and pulling out her phone. She pressed a few buttons before placing it to her ear, balancing it with her shoulder. “Nat. I need you in treatment 4. Now.” Maggie said, waiting for a second before hanging up and taking your temp as she went. “100.” She muttered, placing the pulse ox on your finger and blood pressure cuff on, pushing the button to start it as Nat and Will walked in.
You groaned, making immediate eye contact with your brother in law. “Ah Hell.” You muttered, causing Maggie to chuckle. “Don’t call Jay.” Was your immediate reaction to his presence.
Will rolled his eyes, staying in the doorway as Nat approached you. “You know he will kill us both when he finds out.” Will replied, looking cocky cause he knows you know he’s right. “You never know when he will walk through those doors either.” He pointed out.
You nodded, throwing your head back in defeat. “Fine.” You caved, crossing your arms and looking to Nat.
“What’s goin on?” Natalie asked, coming to your side and rubbing your arm.
“I’ve got some pelvic pain. And lower back pain. It doesn’t feel normal so here I am.” You explained, gesturing around the room.
“Heart rate and BP are high. Temp of 100 and oxygen is at 95.” Maggie rattled off, looking at Natalie first and then Will.
“I’ll be back. Hang in there kiddo.” Will said, patting your leg and taking out his phone. He was gonna call Jay.
Natalie nodded and started pulling off her stethoscope. “Let me take a listen and then I wanna look at your incision site and take a feel. That okay?” Natalie asked, already adjusting her ear pieces.
You nodded and laid back, trying to relax. After taking a listen and feeling your abdomen, Natalie stepped back and grabbed the Ipad Will left for her at the foot of your bed. She typed a couple things as Maggie started an IV on you.
“I’m gonna get some blood work on you and a CT. I’ll be back in a bit. Maggie, hang fluids and give her something for the pain and a mild sedative. Jay can take her home later if all turns out well, but I think the high BP might be a stress response.” Natalie rattled off, before giving my leg a squeeze and leaving Maggie to work.
“Jay is gonna have a cow.” I muttered to Maggie as the charge nurse started to put an IV in my arm.
“Moo.” Jay deadpanned, walking in with a serious face but playful look in his eyes.
“That was fast.” I muttered as Maggie laughed at his response.
“Hailey and I were already here to check on a Vic. I was upstairs.” Jay replied, coming to sit next to you as he took your hand. “Why didn’t you call me or tell me before I left? I know you didn’t sleep well.” Jay said, nodding a thanks to Maggie as she finished up and left the room.
“I didn’t want to bother you.” I muttered, looking down and picking at the blanket Maggie had put over me at some point.
Jay sighed, figuring this would be your answer. “Hey. Look at me.” Jay waited until you looked at him, tears in your eyes as guilt flooded your system. “Listen to me. You are my wife. My first priority. You matter more than this job or anything else. You hear me? You are NEVER bothering me.” Jay said, reaching up to wipe your tears.
You nodded, biting your bottom lip. Jay reached up, gently pulling your lip down with a thumb on your chin. “Just hate this.” You sighed, wiping at your eyes. “I wanna go back to work and put this behind me.” You were beginning to get sleepy. You knew the meds were starting to take effect.
Jay sighed too, standing up and telling you to bunch over. You did as he asked, allowing him to crawl onto the gurney with you and take you into his arms. “I know baby girl. I know.” Jay muttered, leaning up to kiss your head. “But you gotta let me take care of you. The more you relax and let me take the reigns, the faster you will heal up and be back in the bullpen with the rest of us.” Jay reassured, rubbing his hands up and down your arms.
“Nat gave me a sedative.” You muttered, leaning your head into Jay’s chest. You were already exhausted when you came in. These meds were gonna knock you out.
Jay nodded without needing an explanation and pulled you closer, being careful of the wires. He placed a hand in your hair as he pressed the bar to recline the bed back a little bit from his position. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to recline you a little more and make you more comfortable. “Alright. Well, you just let it work. Relax, okay? I’ll be right here.” Jay said, pulling the pony tail holder out of your hair and massaging your scalp.
You hummed in response, allowing your eyes to slip closed. You knew he was disappointed that you didn’t call, but he wasn’t going to press the issue now. You were in enough pain to come in and need a sedative for what he figured was anxiety, so he wasn’t going to add any more stress into your life. He would have time to talk to you later when you were feeling better. Your heart was in the right place, but you needed to let him take care of you. After all, he made a vow and he did not intend on breaking it.
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igotanidea · 1 year
First choice : Jason Todd x fem!reader
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Summary: you don;t know what you have until it's (almost) gone.
A/N: this is lightly based on one particular scene from "little women". If you watched it, you'll know.
Warnings: usual Jason ones - swearing and a bit of angst. Apart from that fluff.
„Don’t leave with him.”
„I’m sorry?”
“Don’t. Leave. With. him.”
“And why exactly shouldn’t I?” Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, putting down the t-shirt she was folding before packing it into the suitcase. She was supposed to leave Gotham. Most probably – for good.
And she was not doing this alone.
She was about to go with Tom, the guy she met a couple months ago at work. At first, there was nothing but friendly feeling between them, but he clearly wanted more. So once he got a promotion and was posted to the branch of the company, he went as far as asking the CEO to second Y/N with him. And that got the girl slowly falling for Tom as well and convinced her to give him a chance. Since then, they have been on a couple dates and shared some innocent kisses but this acquaintance was promising. Finally Y/N found someone who would treat her right, who would give her peace, unlike the bats. Of course she loved all the Waynes , but it was a nervous lifestyle and it was slowly taking toll on her health.  
And that’s how Y/N ended up picking up her clothes, getting ready to take off and leave everyone and everything behind.
Leaving Jason.
“Why Jace?” she repeated scanning his face “Tom likes me and I like him. Maybe we can work things out between us. Shit, I hope we work things out, cause he might be my only chance for getting in a good relationship.”
“That is bullshit!” Jason exclaimed “You know that! That fucker is doing nothing more than encircling you like a prey! You mean nothing to him.”
“How dare you?!” she took a few steps towards him raising hand, almost slapping him across the face but stopping in the last second. “Nah.” Her eyes flashed “that’s what you want, isn’t it? You play your games, you want to mess with my head. Well, it’s not gonna work.”
“You’re gonna die out of boredom with him.  He doesn’t know a single thing about you. For your last birthday he bought you a ticket to the rap show! You hate rap! And one time he took to the restaurant with sea food, which you are allergic to! He’s ordinary! And you know you need thrill! You need night actions! You need working with Babs, with bats, with Red. That’s who you are. ” Before she could move away he grabbed her wrist in an iron clad  grip. “
“Let go of me.” She hissed warningly
“I said…. Let. Go. Of. Me.”
“And I said no.” their eyes met and this war of nerves and tensed gazes made them both shiver. It was like a lightning between them. The question was, who was going to give in first. “I can’t do that……” he whispered
“Why?!” she cried out “Why are you trying to destroy my only chance for happiness?!”
“Your …. Only chance? Fuck! Y/N are you serious!?”
“YES! For God’s sake, you do nothing but cause havoc! It’s been like that for our whole life!” she yanked free of his hold and moved a few steps back.
“You deserve someone better!”
“Huh. Really? Someone like you, Jason? Someone who will give my heart attacks every night? Someone who will make me worried and creating scenarios of getting hurt, injured, captured or killed? Someone who will ignore me, cut me out, won’t talk to me, keep me in the dark?”
“Stop calling me that….” She sobbed and started punching his chest. “Why can’t you just let go?”
“You know why….”
“You are being mean. This is not fair!”
“How am I  being unfair here?!” he shouted “ME? How can you even say that? I’ve spend half of my life loving you and yet, I’ve always been a second choice for you! How do you think that feels?!”
“What…..? But….?” She stuttered but now he was on the roll.
“Let me remind you. You were 20 when the first guy broke your heart and …..”
“You broke my heart first!”
“What…..?” now it was his turn to stutter
“I cried at your funeral, Jason! I mourned you after you got buried! I was in deep depression for months. Don’t you think that leaves a scar?!”
“But I came back. I came back to you!”
“It doesn’t mean anything!  It’s in the past. It’s too late. And don’t say you care, cause you are just acting selfish, as always.”
‘No. No princess. This is not how this Is gonna go. If you need a memory refresher, here we go. When your first boyfriend broke your heart, who was it that hold you, hugged you and did not let go for the whole night you were crying on the couch? Who was there for you? Say it!”
“You were.”
“Yes. And then the next day you were just acting like nothing happened. You run back to him the second he called to apologize. Don’t you think that hurt me?”
“And every other time when you were broken, scared, worried, shaking in fear or pain who was there for you? Who picked up the pieces? And even then you were always looking up to Dick! My freaking brother! Tell me something, Y/N” he came closer, and she had no way to run, cornered, “why am I always second best for you? Why?”
“Fuck!” she yelled and without any hesitation pushed herself into him locking his lips, letting all the anger, passion and craving for him out. At first he was taken aback, a bit, and the first thought that came to his mind was that he was going to end up alone and played by her again, but the way her body aligned with his, so damn close, so damn perfect got him crumbling. Out of instinct, he took a step forward, trapping her between the wall and his body, grasping her neck and tangling hand in her soft hair, the other gripping her hip pulling her closer. “you were never….” She gasped pulling for air “you were never second….. fuck, Jason.” Y/N fisted his jacket with a mix of anger and frustration.
“Don’t leave with him” he begged caressing her back, desperate to keep her with him, desperate enough to swallow his pride and get on his knees “I don’t want  you to leave. Please Y/N. Stay. Stay with me.” He nudged her nose with his, mouth hanging open, brushing over hers, so damn close,  wanting nothing but to kiss her again, but at the same time unable to.
‘I’m tired of playing games, Jace…..” she whispered closing her eyes.
“This is not a game, you know it….”
“Then say it. Say it to prove it to me.”
“I love you. I’ve always loved you. But I was so scared of this feeling. For so fucking long.”
“And now….?”
“Now I want you. If you’ll take me…’ he couldn’t hide that pleading tone in his voice. He was begging her to want him, to need him.  So desperate to not be tossed away like a used cloth, to not be forgotten and abandoned, not again. He begged her to love him back.
“I will.” Tears started falling down her cheeks. “I…. I will….I love you too, Jace…..” She sobbed and her whole body shook because of that. “But….” She swallowed hard and took a sharp inhale “Promise me you won’t hurt me. Promise me you won’t break my heart. Promise me you’ll love me right and won’t hide things from me….. please….I don’t want to be hurt again…..”
“Oh, baby….” He wrapped his strong arms around her, engulfing her in his warmth, hiding his own tear-stained face in her hair, kissing her head repeatedly. Only now he realized that they were both equally broken, life in Gotham and their past making them so similar. They were both scared of being alone, unloved. Having that belief that all life would offer them was scraps. “I swear. I swear to you……” he struggled to say those words because of the lump in his throat. ”you are my first choice too….” Jason added and her arms tightened around his waist. “will you stay now?”
“Yes….” She pulled back and looked into his eyes, filled with hope, relief, love and care, just like hers. “I’ll deal with tom later, but now… can you just hold me like this more? I need this. I need you.”
“You have me, baby. I’m yours. And don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of the man who wanted to take you away from me…..”
“I seriously hope that’s not a death threat, Red.” She laughed lightly and it was the prettiest sound Jason ever heard.
“Can’t make any promises on that…..”
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cultofdixon · 8 months
That growling wasn’t a walker
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • You can handle just one walker…or a few…or really, yeah. Daryl is in for a surprise • SFW/Smol ANGST • TW: Minor Injuries / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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“It’s getting late, should set up camp somewhere”
“Go ahead and set it up” Y/N handed Daryl the few squirrels and one rabbit she caught, earning a confused look from the man. “Heard some walkers. Gonna take them out before setting up our trigger lines”
“Smart…just be safe okay?” Daryl reminds his partner always as she gave him a smile bringing herself close enough for him to meet half way for their lips to touch. “Don’t make me have to come after yea” a hint of a smirk peaked out when Y/N playfully smacked him in the chest before heading toward the low growling she heard.
Y/N went a bit further than she expected from where she was with Daryl. The sound grew louder so she half expected to deal with at least a handful of walkers. Nothing she can’t handle. She was starting to hear a different tone with the growling that it started to come off as animalistic.
“Hm…” Y/N kept her gun holstered and readied her hunting axe when it came to the bigger animals.
And boy. Wait til Daryl heard about this
She’s been gone a minute Daryl thought as he finished the fire and half the trigger lines, keeping the direction she went off to open so she wouldn’t trip and hurt herself. It’s happened. He’s learned his lesson.
Footsteps started to come clear and they were heavier than normal if they were Y/N’s. He knows it’s wrong but to be safe he readied his crossbow and soon enough her silhouette came clear. Daryl instantly glued his gaze to the amount of blood on her and tried not to think too hard about it.
“Rough kill?”
“Something like that—-Hey Daryl, have you ever like eaten a grizzly bear?”
That made him look up at her confused stopping himself from making a makeshift grill.
“Nah, be crazy to hunt a bear”
Y/N crouched down a bit to his level as Daryl got a clearer look at the blood on her noticing it was fresh and part of his mind went to she got hurt.
“Would you…say they’re edible though? Never heard somebody eat a bear”
“Anythin’ is edible if you’re hungry—-You gotta sit down let me look—-“
“Cool. I got bear for dinner” She patted her legs as she rose from the crouched position taking a few steps back before dragging a dead bear into view. “Son of a bitch put up a fight”
The man was speechless watching her drag this grizzly bear next to him and immediately sat on the other side taking out her knife about to start skinny when he stopped her.
“Sweets, we gotta get you cleaned up and make sure you ain’t too badly injured”
“I’m not. Just a few scratches and probably a gnarly bruise on my side from getting almost knocked off my feet but I’m good” Y/N plopped herself down and started to get to work, and Daryl helped her knowing if he quickened the process he can access her injuries.
It took a few hours and a bit of convincing, but here they were. Sitting next to one another enjoying some of the bear meat while the rest was wrapped up and hung up to avoid losing the hunt to what was hunted. Daryl finished wrapping Y/N’s arm in the last of the bandage he carried letting her finally have a full grasp on some of the bear meat.
“You’re crazy you know that”
“I’m hangry, let me enjoy this”
The archer rolled his eyes watching her eat and occasionally adjust the bear pelt laid on her shoulders. It was still unsettling that his partner took on a bear, not surprising because she can definitely handle shit but how she didn’t get help or even wanted it.
“Just wait til Michonne hears about this”
“She’s gonna be so proud” Y/N laughs a little to herself knowing damn well Michonne is gonna accuse Daryl of not keeping a close eye on his partner. Because she has a tendency of doing radical things.
Once they packed up and headed back home, Michonne wasn’t the only one to greet them back as she was accompanied by Carol and Aaron who both noticed the bandages and bear pelt on Y/N.
“Daryl, what happened?”
“We brought back a lot of game” Daryl states dropping the bag by Aaron’s feet as he immediately looked inside with a confused look.
“Uh. That’s a lot of meat”
“Captain Obvious over here” Y/N laughs, shrugging the bear pelt off and handing it to Michonne as she kept her attention on her injuries. “Hey, it lost the fight”
“You two hunted a bear?? You know how dangerous—-“
“Ha!” Y/N cut Carol off immediately. “We…”
Then all three of them looked at Daryl with a hint of anger and worry but the second emotion was more directed toward Y/N.
“She hunted a bear”
“All by herself”
“When she could’ve just left it alone” Michonne finishes only to roll her eyes to Daryl’s shrug of a response.
“She didn’t die”
“SHE STILL GOT HURT!” Aaron pointed out the obvious one more time as Y/N sighs patting Daryl on the shoulder.
“They are ungrateful to my hard work” and with that she made her way back to their place. Knowing damn well Daryl was going to get chewed out by the three and she wasn’t going to stay there for that.
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sinsinsininning · 5 months
A little bit Softer
Chapter 3.
Eustass Kid x crew mate!fem!reader
TW: Smut at the end (female masturbation and fantasizing), talks of weapons, no y/n use, talks of DV and murder ofc
It didn’t take much to convince Killer to reset a course for the West Blue, Kid just said he had a vendetta to settle and that was that. Killer put the puzzle pieces together after a minute.
“You think she’ll like you more after killing her ex?” He asked the captain as they poured over the maps, his head jerked up.
“THEY NEVER DATED!” His head dropped back to the maps before popping up again. “AND YES SHE WILL!”
“Of course! Chicks dig revenge and murder.” Kid said with a confident smile.
“Of course.” Killer adjusted the compass. “But perhaps you should also try… more traditional means of courting.” Kid’s face scrunched up so he amended. “Flirting?” Kid was still making a face but shrugged.
“You mean like flowers and shit. Where the fuck am I gonna get flowers?”
“Not flowers necessarily-“
“We’re in the middle of the fucking ocean!”
“No I meant-“
“You don’t even know if she likes flowers.”
“It doesn’t-“
“Or even the kind of flowers she’d -“
“Enough about goddamn flowers!!” Killer yelled, earning them a few looks from crew across the deck, Kid shouting was normal, Killer shouting was wild.
“Keep it down, will ya?” Kid was deadpan. “You’re the one who brought up flowers man.”
“I’m fucking done.” Killer shot off, leaving his dumbfounded captain behind.
“So dramatic.” He grouched. In his place Killer sent Wire to assist with navigations and planning where and when to stop for supplies.
“So why’re we veering so off course? This will add several weeks to our trip.”
Kid paused. Should he tell Wire this is to murder your ex captain and make you feel safe around him? Nah.
“There’s a captain I wanna take out. I don’t know much about him but he’s in the West Blue.” Kid said cautiously. “Wanna kill him before we get into the Grand Line.”
“Oh? Well you know our newest rookie? The sniper?” Wire lit up talking about you, Kid felt a small pit in his stomach. “She’s from the West Blue, I wonder if she could help chart our journey. I can run and find her.”
“NO!” Kid shouted, now some of the crew were looking again. A few even inched closer to eavesdrop. “I’m not having a rookie chart a map, you can do it yourself. Don’t be fucking lazy.” Wire shrugged good-naturedly and continued with his protractor.
“So why exactly do you want this guy dead?”
“You’ll find out when we get there.” Kid grumbled, Wire again shrugged and the pair worked in silence as the sun set.
The deck cleared slowly as night approached and Killer sent you to fetch the two men for dinner. Your steps were quiet as you approached, Kid wouldn’t have know you were there if it weren’t for the metal on your belt. He could feel your eyes on him, sharp in the dark, as you watched for a moment quietly. With his back mostly to you, he doubted you knew that he knew you were there.
The familiar desire to show off bubbled up in his chest, so he made a show of clapping Wire on the shoulder.
“That’s a good stopping point,” He said, tone much happier than normal. “After dinner help me finish this and we should be done in no time.” That was high praise from the hot headed captain and Wire’s face brighten considerably.
“Sure captain!” His smiled slipped only a little when he stood up straight and saw you on the stairs. The gears in his head turned and he grinned wider. It was cute seeing how the captain turned so mushy around you, if he didn’t value his life he may have pushed it.
But the moment passed as you finished ascending the stairs, steps heavy to announce your presence.
“Killer said dinners ready.” You said plainly, tone flat and face neutral. Kid deflated a little, but Wire was quick to step in.
“Thank you! Your timing is as wonderful as always.” Wire tried gently baiting you into some casual teasing, but since your last conversation with the captain you’d been very subdued around him. “Will you be joking me and Hip or are you planning to abandon us yet again?” The ‘for the captain’ was implied, but you and Kid still felt it, both faces blushing.
Kid busies himself with putting the navigation tools away, while you glare at Wire.
“I’m actually not eating dinner with anyone,” You said, voice strained. “Try not to cry yourself to sleep tonight.” Despite your awkwardness around the captain, you still had to get your dig in.
“What? Why not?” Kid asked before Wire could, whipping his head around to glare at your glare. You turn and started walking back down, Wire close behind you.
“I’m working on weapon repairs,” You offer, after a pause you continue. “The soldering iron smells awful. Makes me sick. So I’m not eating until I’m finished and don’t have to worry about throwing up.” Kid catches up with you, but it’s Wire that asks.
“Darling you shouldn’t skip meals. When was the last time you ate?” His voice is soft with concern.
“I had breakfast, it’s fine, I’m not even hungry. I’ll be finished before midnight.” At the door to the mess you pause to let Wire go through first. “Killer is gonna save me a plate.”
Kid felt dizzy with anger. He barely got to see you at all and the one time he can reliably count on being near you was gone? Yeah he complained about the force contact, but so what! And sure logically, he knows it’s only one night, but fuck off he doesn’t want to be logical.
He can’t be mad at you of course, you didn’t do anything wrong but still. He wanted to grab you by your shirt and sit you down beside him and make you eat. Since he couldn’t do that, he decided to skulk into the mess hall, snatch his plate and stomp back to the deck to eat by the maps. All eyes on him.
You watched his display, surprised by him, Wire gave you a dreary smile and sat down. Killer didn’t even turn his head from the stove, calling out to you.
“Make sure he doesn’t spill food on anything important.” He orders, you wish you could pretend you hadn’t heard but he’d just chase you down.
“Why me?” You shout, not moving from the open doors. “I got shit to finish.”
“Do it before I put you on barnacle duty.” He points behind him. You groan and stomp off to find your pissy captain who you were still scared of but now it was primarily anger. Worse yet, everyone was watching with big grins, you wanted to scream.
You make your steps quiet as you return to the deck, unsure of where exactly he went. His grumbling reaches your ears and you follow it up to the second tier. He was hunched over the desk, maps thankfully put aside, practically chewing his fork. His eyes glance at you then away then double take.
For the first time you’re able to see the shift in him that the crew keeps seeing. The harsh lines of his face smooth away as the anger shifts to surprise and wariness. His eyes stay on you, soft and alert, as you stand awkwardly by the mast. He watches you watch him, his face and body language so open compared to usual.
Finally the intensity becomes too much for you and you turn your head to look over the sea. From the corner of your eye you can see him still watch you, but his shoulders are stiff. You inhale deeply once, the salty air comforting.
“Killer said not to get food on anything important.” You say bluntly, shifting from one foot to another as you glance at him again. His face shifts to annoyance.
“Oh fuck him, it was one time!” He grumbles again and tucks back into his food.
You almost leave at that. You’d done what Killer had ordered. You can go now right?
Instead you lean against the railings, he’s watching you again. You contemplate what you’re about to do, his chewing slows down, taking his time with each bite.
“What did you get food on?” You ask and he nearly chokes on his fork. You never initiate conversations anymore, beyond the respectful ‘what do you need sir?’ He coughs once and you turn to watch him, a little concerned.
“It was nothing,” He finally chokes out. “Well I mean, it was our first bounty posters. Killer wanted to keep them, you know, for posterity or some shit. But I got marinara sauce on them and he got so pissy!” You laugh and he freezes mid story.
“Were you in the kitchen?” You ask through giggles.
“Nah, the medic room,” He smiled, face a little red again.
“Why the fuck were you eating marinara sauce in the medic room?”
“It wasn’t just a straight bowl of marinara sauce you freak! It was spaghetti, but I didn’t spill the pasta.” He huffed, but his grin told you he wasn’t actually mad. “Anyways I’d feel bad but he got a copy of those posters like the next day with the newspaper. He’s just a baby.”
“He’s sentimental, it’s sweet.” You laugh again at your own words. “He’s the-“ you pause to laugh harder at your next sentence. “He’s the Kill-“ You can barely breathe.
“Spit it out, freak!” He cackles at you. Finally you gather yourself enough to say.
“He’s the Killer with a heart of gold.” You burst out laughing, Kid stares at you for a moment before joining.
“That’s what you were dying to say?” His laughter finally putters out along with yours. “That’s the shiftiest joke I’ve ever heard. Fuck me that’s not even a joke.” You whip your head to face him, shock and hurt across your features, his breath catches in his throat. Your hand pressed to your chest in a pitiable display.
“You really know how to hurt a gal’s feelings.” Your grin is the only clue that you weren’t actually hurt. He glares at you again.
“Oh fuck you! Go finish your repairs before I make you hand scrape all the barnacles!”
You laugh as you make your way to the stairs, calling out behind you.
“Killer already threatened me with that.” You wave.
“Who the fuck does Killer think he is threatening you!” His breath catches again after his outburst. You just laugh again and walk down the steps.
You’re too busy chuckling to notice the doors to the inside shifted just as you reached the final step. As you pass the galley, you don’t peek your head in to acknowledge the crew. If you did, you’d notice not a single plate of food is finished. Everyone scarfing down their portions to make up for their eavesdropping.
You continue on to the crew workshop, smile on your face.
It’s past midnight when you finally finished repairing all the weapons that were damaged over the last few weeks. Most were simple, clearing up gunpowder from barrels, realigning sights, sharpening blades. But some required actual welding and blacksmithing, a skill you had… exaggerated on your ‘resume.’
It wasn’t that you didn’t know how to do it. It’s just been so long since you did. On your old crew it wasn’t your job and you weren’t allowed to do it. So the last time you’d actually repaired weapons or did any blacksmithing was on your home island years ago.
So you’d let some weapons pile up as you relearned how to properly reshape a lock on a shotgun or how to file out the muzzle so the shots could be straight again. And as a result you’d had a lot of projects to catch up on, it didn’t help that you felt so frazzled by the size of the list that you took extra time to avoid fatal mistakes.
Now here you were, covered in grease, sweat, and oxidized iron. Despite your hunger, your nose was still too full of the foul scent to even think about eating. Normally you weren’t so sensitive but it was really affecting you tonight (day?). So you decided a shower is next on the list, glancing at the clock you almost wanted to just plop down in bed right now, dreading the early wake up time you had.
But you knew if you showed up for chores tomorrow stinking and your plate still in the galley, it’d be a day full of lectures from Killer, Wire, Hip, Reck, UK…. Basically everyone, including your captain based on his little fit when you skipped dinner. You were tempted to ask Killer about that, but figured it’d only encourage the blond in the end.
The showers on the ship were, much like the bunks, divided. There were two main bathrooms with multi shower units and one large bath tub in each one. Both Kid and Killer had private rooms and ensuites with single showers, so if they wanted a bath it’d have to be in the communal ones. The easiest way to divide it was by gender presentation, masculine people in the larger one and feminine people in the smaller one since there were fewer femmes on board.
The bunks were sorta divided by vibes, at the start you and the male rookie you’d started with shared a bunk with some senior members. Probably to sus out any bad habits or behavior early. Then Killer allowed you to either stay in the bunk with Reck, Wire, and Gig or ask around if another bunk would let you join. It was kinda fun, interviewing for different spots, ultimately you decided on Hip, Emma, Hop, and House. The group was the most calm comparatively, especially with Dive, Pomp, and Quincy sharing a room- the most energetic crew mates all in one space.
You kept most everything you need in the shower cubbies, including some spare PJs, to avoid waking your bunk mates up at night, so you didn’t have to take a detour to grab anything. You strip down and turn the water on, praying there’s at least a little hot water left. As you wait for it to, hopefully, heat up, you take some baby oil from the communal cubby and begin to apply it generously all over yourself.
Usually the oil was used after someone shaved or needed extra moisture, but you knew from experience that nothing got rid of grease and gunpowder like oil. As you rubbed to break up the caked on grime, your mind wandered a little, this was the first time you’d had alone in ages. Normally the showers had at least one other person, or someone right outside the door. It was rare to be alone anywhere on this ship for more than a few moments.
It was kinda thrilling, you thought, hands slowing down a little to really rub your muscles. You let out a small groan as you press on your shoulder, rotating your neck a slowly to really grind that muscle. The privacy was making you feel warm.
You checked the water and, miraculously, it was heating up. The water washed away most of the grime with little resistance, but a few spots you had to help along. You lather up your wash cloth with your favorite strawberry soap, normally reserved for special occasion, but you felt like tonight was special enough to warrant it. You took your time, resuming your massage from earlier, while your mind wandered.
At this point you’d already decided you’d masturbate, you deserved it obviously, but it’s been so long since you’d had the chance. You struggled to think of erotic scenarios to help you along, not able to rely on physical touch alone. You rinsed off the soap and remaining grime then quickly washed your face. Your hair was next and when you finally had it conditioned and pinned up to sit, you were still struggling. But the urge was so prominent you decided to start anyways and hope you mind could conjure something up.
Your hands were experts despite the long break, one hand grasping your own breast, the other rubbing along your outer lips. You pinched your nipple as you finally slid a finger over your clit, a gasp leaving your lips. With a shiver and more pressure you rubbed again, slick arousal spilling out.
Your mind couldn’t conjure anything, your last sexual encounter was before your first crew and you didn’t want to think about them. A blush spread across your face, embarrassed even in your own mind, that you were about to picture members of your own crew. It felt so forbidden, despite the lack of restrictions on relationships between crew, you’d never let the thought linger.
Now you tried to picture some members, it was hard though, even though you had some hot crew mates. It felt… awkward to imagine them like this. Still as your fingers kept pressing, moans leaving your mouth barely concealed, you scrolled through the list.
Wire and Heat were handsome, but not your kinda handsome, Hip was out despite her beauty as well as your other bunk mates, Quincy and Pomp were also a no, not your vibes. You paused on Killer, the mask helped evade the awkwardness, but after a moment picturing him you felt like he’d know what you’d done the second you saw him tomorrow.
You shivered and whined, frustrated that you had such a mental block. You tried again with some crew members you knew a little less, but still nothing.
‘Could try Kid.’ You nearly slapped yourself at the thought, you couldn’t help it.
At the start of your journey with the crew you admired him so much and maybe would’ve found him attractive…possibly. But now you were so nervous around him….. but he was acting different now, he wasn’t shouting or throwing things. He’d smelled like warm musk and metal when he’d crowded you the other day in the med bay, pleasant and masculine, surprisingly mellow.
Your fingers dipped into yourself, so you kept thinking of him. What his hair would feel like. What his back would look like with your scratch down it. What his dick would look-
Ok, too much, you gasped and whined again, curling your fingers. You panted as you increased the pace of your fingers and thoughts.
Would he eat you out?
Would he fuck you slow or fast?
What about positions? Doggy? Missionary? Would he let you ride him or would he never relinquish control?
You hunched over as you thought about his eyes when you’d spoke about you ex captain. Angry and possessive, why? You were new.
‘But you’re his, remember?’ You thought, head dizzy as you reached down with your other hand to rub your clit. ‘You’re his now and he takes care of his own.’ Your mind was depraved as you wondered if he was going out of his way to murder that man, to impress you.
Fuck, you were so close.
You pictured him and you fucking after a battle, he seemed like the type. He’d be covered in cuts and blood, mostly his enemies, huffing in your ear little praises. Maybe this was after he killed Badger, a little celebratory fuck before returning to the helm. A reward, for him or you, you’re unsure.
You picture him crushing you close to him, legs around his waist, hands in his hair. You picture him, still thrusting, leaning down to kiss you. The image of a gentle kiss during a rough fucking brings you over the edge.
Most of your moans were muffled as you bite your lip, rubbing yourself through your high, but you know if anyone was awake right now they’d know what you were doing. The thought makes your thighs clench and you finally rinse your hair, the water now cool against your heated skin.
You wrap your hair up and get dressed, skipping the lotions and skin care so you could hustle and grab your plate. As you make your way to the galley, you pass by Kid’ personal workshop, you can hear him working and moving things around. Your face heats up as you remember your shower thoughts, so you soften your steps and hurry by.
After scarfing down your meal, you pass his workshop again, it’s quiet now. Feeling dread that he may catch you up so late, you rushed back to your bunk. You were out the moment your eyes closed.
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hischierdevils · 1 year
Close As Strangers | Q.H.
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note: thank you to my cal anon for suggesting I write something based off of Close As Strangers by 5sos
summary: you realize that quinn doesn’t have to be physically gone for you to miss him
warnings: ANGST
wc: 1.7K
I'm afraid that I might be losing you
And every night that we spend alone
It kills me thinking of you on your own
And I wish I was back home next to you
When Quinn got back to the hotel after the game he was exhausted. He was two days into a ten day road trip and it was already hard to come back to an empty bed. As he changes out of his suit and gets ready for bed, he wonders what you’re doing. 
The two of you weren’t on very good terms when he left. The team had a couple of brutal losses back to back and Quinn had blamed it on himself. He internalized everything, coming home from the rink and ignoring you as he ran through the game in his mind trying to find all of his mistakes. 
The two of you had been together for a year already, so he thought you knew by now not to take it personally when he withdrew from you but you’d taken to sleeping on the couch a few nights before he left. He had stood by the door with his suitcase waiting for his goodbye kiss but you simply waved him off, barely looking in his direction. 
You hadn’t texted him before or after the game. He doesn’t even know if you watched it. You usually always send him a good luck text even though he never replies because he’s usually on the phone with his Dad. The last message in your text thread is you asking if the two of you could have a date night before he left. It had gone unanswered because he was in the gym with Petey. Besides, the two of you lived together. He saw you all the time. 
Now he lays in bed alone, wishing he could hold you in his arms as he falls asleep. He tosses and turns a few times before clutching the extra pillow and pulling it to his chest. You always start off spooning when the two of you fall asleep and then during the night you always somehow end up on top of Quinn. He teases you about it but he doesn’t mind. He loves waking up to you laying on his chest. 
Quinn lays in bed for what feels like hours but sleep never comes. His mind is full of thoughts of you and he starts to convince himself that you won't be there when he returns home. The thought is enough to make him sit up in bed and reach for his phone. It’s 12:30 a.m. his time which means it’s only 9:30 p.m. your time. 
Late night calls and another text
Is this as good as we're gonna get?
Another time zone taking me away from you
Your phone begins to ring with an incoming facetime as you take your makeup off. Quinn’s name comes up so you click accept and prop your phone up on the counter so you can continue your nightly routine. 
“Hey beautiful.” You fight the urge to roll your eyes as you wash your face. Of course he’s all cute and caring when he’s in a completely different timezone. 
“Hey. How was the game?” You ask. 
“We won. Did you watch it?” It’s so dark on his side of the screen that you can barely see his face. 
“No.” You respond as you reach for a towel to pat-dry your face. You did turn the game on for a moment but it hurt too much to see him smiling and laughing with his teammates during warm ups so you turned it back off. “I’m glad you won.”
“What did you do tonight?” You know he’s asking because he wants to know why you didn’t watch the game. How could you knowing the outcome of the game would determine if you got to talk to your boyfriend tonight? 
You take a minute to answer, dabbing moisturizer on your face before putting all of your products away. “Nothing, really.” You finally respond as you shut off the bathroom light and make your way into the bedroom you share with Quinn. “I had dinner and read my book.” The truth is you picked at your dinner before throwing most of it out. You tried watching his game but couldn’t stomach it, so you opened a book and stared at the same page for an hour. 
Quinn shifts on his side of the phone. When did it become so hard for the two of you to talk? “Sounds like a nice night.” 
When you first started dating, you stayed up for hours talking about anything and everything with him. Now you can’t even bring yourself to tell him you miss him. “Yeah, I guess.” 
“I love you.” He says as you get into bed. His pillow still smells like him and you’re suddenly overwhelmed with grief, as if the relationship is already over. 
“I miss you.” You whisper with tears in your eyes. 
On the phone I can tell that you wanna move on
Through the tears I can hear that I shouldn't have gone
Every day gets harder to stay away from you
Quinn sits up quickly when he hears you start to cry and he turns on his bedside lamp so you can see his face. “It’s okay, baby. I’m here.” His heart breaks as he listens to you sob. “I’ll be home soon.”
“Even when you’re here you’re not here, Quinn.” You tell him between gasps. “I don’t think I can do this anymore.” 
“Y/n.” Tears begin to line his own eyes as he looks at the dark screen. He can’t see your face and he’s not sure if he wants to. “You don’t mean that. We’ll get through this.” 
“I don’t even know what we’re supposed to get through!” Your voice turns angry, making him wince. “You barely speak to me anymore Quinn. We don’t act like a couple. We’re just strangers that happen to live in the same house.” 
He realizes how much he’s been taking you for granted and his tears start to fall quickly. All he wants to do is reach through the phone and hold you. “I’m sorry, y/n. I’ve had a lot going on with the-”
“The team, I know.” Your voice is bitter. 
“Hockey’s my job y/n, you knew that going into this.” He bites back. 
“I knew that you’d have to leave for away games.” You’re not sobbing anymore but he can tell you’re still crying. “I didn’t realize how you played affected if I would get a good night kiss or not.” 
“That’s not true.” 
“Can you tell me the last time we kissed, Quintin?” He winces at the use of his full name. You never call him that. It hurts even more when he realizes that he doesn’t know the last time he kissed you. Surely it couldn’t have been longer than a week, right?
“I love you y/n.” He says through his tears. 
He hears you sigh. “I’m going to bed.” 
What does that mean? Are you broken up? “Can I call you tomorrow?” 
“I guess that depends on the game, huh?” You hang up before he can respond, leaving him staring at his own reflection. He told you twice that he loved you and you hadn’t said it back.
Are we wasting time
Talking on a broken line?
Telling you I haven't seen your face in ages
I feel like we're as close as strangers
You called off of work the next day. You’d spent most of the night crying after talking to Quinn and you woke up with a headache. You had no idea where the two of you stood or what you even wanted. You love Quinn, at least you thought you did. The Quinn you see now is just a shell of who he used to be. It almost seems like he decided that since you lived together he didn’t have to try anymore. 
You woke up to a good morning text from him so you responded wishing him luck at his game before you move to sit on the couch. Wearing one of Quinn’s hoodies with tears in your eyes, you search your laptop for affordable apartments in the Vancouver area. The thought of breaking up is killing you but so is the thought of staying. 
You don’t hear anything else from him before the game starts but you find yourself pulling it up on the tv anyway. You set your laptop down on the floor and watch the tv until you spot Quinn in a close-up. You wish you could say he looks miserable. That maybe he’s hurting just as much as you are but there’s nothing about his appearance that signifies that. 
His game though, is another story. He’s playing the worst game you’ve ever seen him play. You should turn it off, knowing there’s no chance you’ll be hearing from him tonight, but it’s like watching a car accident. You don’t want to watch but you can’t look away. 
With five seconds left in the second period, there’s a lot of traffic around the Canucks net and Quinn ends up taking a deflected puck straight to the face. He’s helped off the ice and goes straight down the tunnel. You watch in horror as the rest of the period plays out, waiting for news of him. He doesn’t come back on the ice and the game goes to second intermission. 
“Please be okay.” You whisper to yourself as you snuggle into Quinn’s hoodie. “Please.” 
Five minutes later, your phone is ringing. You answer right away when you see it’s Quinn. “Are you okay?” 
“Do you still love me?” His question throws you off. 
“What? Quinn…” Your mind is reeling. He just took a puck to the face and that’s what he’s worried about?
“Please don’t leave, okay?” His voice breaks up over the line. “I need you to be there when I get home.” There’s noise in the background and then ruffling. “I have to go.” 
“Quinn.” You say his name so he’ll stay on the line. “I need you to be here when you get home.” 
“I will be.” He says and then hangs up. 
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Stubborn Man
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Category: Drabble - Fluff
Rating: General
Warnings: Nothing. None. Nada. Not even language.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader (I don’t think there are any gendered identifiers, but lmk if there are)
Summary: During a long case, Spencer forgets to take care of himself. Once a headache takes hold, the reader makes it their job to take care of him.
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This case had been dragging on for much longer than any of us had hoped for.
What had originally been expected to be a minor consult regarding a missing child (who the mother refused to believe was a runaway), had turned into a 3-week-long case revealing a child trafficking ring in a small town.
I was tired, and so was the rest of the team.
But none of us so much as Spencer.
The town had almost nothing in the way of online records, thus leaving Spencer to read every scribble, slip of paper, and sticky note available.
He was now wearing sunglasses, and sitting on the front porch of the station, away from the noise.
He had started by rubbing his nose, then massaging his temples, then sunglasses indoors.
After Morgan had started poking fun at him, I convinced Spencer to sit outside, and nurse the headache.
But it didn’t seem to be doing enough.
I stood, excusing myself from a conversation with Hotch and the sheriff, before stepping outside to join Spence.
The dry warmth enveloped me, comforting me like a blanket.
“How are you?” I asked softly.
Spencer glanced up, and I could see him squinting through the lenses.
“Not great. The lenses are light enough that I can read, but not dark enough to block enough light.”
I nodded, sitting beside him on the bench. “Have you taken anything?” I asked, knowingly.
He pursed his lips and dropped his head. “No.” He said quietly.
I smiled gently and patted his sleeved shoulder. “I have ibuprofen, tylenol. What would you like?”
“They both make me tired. That’s why I haven’t taken anything.” He replied.
“When was the last time you slept anyway? No one’s going to mind. Everyone on the team can read, Spence.”
“Not as fast as I can.” He replied, leaning his head on my shoulder.
“No one is going to judge you for needing a break. Especially if you have a migraine. I had one last Tuesday that took me down for a day and a half. We get it. But you can’t help us if you don’t help yourself.” I said softly.
He nodded. “Tylenol, please.”
I fished the bottle from my jacket pocket and handed it to him.
“I’ll tell Hotch I’m taking you to the hotel. Okay?”
He nodded.
I stood and went back inside as Spence took the pills.
Hotch looked up, a small smile on his face, “Finally got him to relax?” He asked.
I nodded. “Yeah. I just need the keys.”
He tossed me the keys, and I walked back outside.
Spence was leaning against the SUV, covering his eyes.
“Hey. Ready to go to the hotel?” I asked my voice low.
He hummed in approval.
I unlocked the car and opened the door for him.
He climbed in and I closed the door behind him.
I walked around the car and climbed in beside him. “Hey. You gonna take a nap?” I asked.
“Mhmm. Hopefully, those blackout curtains are worth the whopping $10 I’m sure the hotel managed to shell out on them.
I chuckled as I turned the engine over.
I shifted into drive and began our drive to the hotel.
“They have sleep masks on the side tables.”
He perked up. “Really? You’re kidding.”
I shook my head, “Seriously. You should use one, too.”
He hummed in agreement. “I will.”
Upon pulling up, I shut the SUV off and got out.
I walked around the vehicle and opened the door for Spencer. “You ready?”
He got out and leaned against me as we walked in.
“My head is killing me.” He whispered.
“I know, Spence,” I said, kissing his jaw as I pushed the door closed behind us.
“Stay?” He asked, toeing his shoes off.
I shot Hotch a text and received an affirmative.
“Yeah. I’ll stay.” I replied, softly.
I pulled the curtains closed and placed Em’s hair clip on the seam.
“Better?” I asked, glancing back at him in the darkness.
He hummed, and I moved towards him.
His arms were open wide, and I shrugged off my jacket before crawling into bed with him.
He pulled me against his body, tucking his face into my neck.
“Love you.” He whispered, eyes fluttering shut against my hair.
“Love you too, stubborn man.”
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netisinfin8ty · 1 year
Ok, I know a lot of people discussing about Across the Spider-Verse tend to focus on that ending (because WHAT AN ending) but I’m honestly more focused on a certain Hispanic vampire spidery boi because I’ve got a wild-ass theory concerning him. check this out ready 
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All the evidence I have is the trilogy's subtext and the two’s vibes but I SWEAR THIS COULD BE PROVEN CORRECT IN BEYOND THE SPIDER-VERSE
While both ITSPV!Miguel and ATSP!Miguel tend to get frustrated pretty quickly, some things about their personality don’t quite match up. ITSPV!Miguel seems a lot more snarky and comical (”I know what It looks like...” “Oh, here we go...” “The Multiverse didn’t collapse!” “Oh, cool!” “Great story.”) but meanwhile, ATSP!Miguel is a lot more deadpan and aloof - even Peter B. calls him out (”You know, you’re the only Spider-Man I know who isn’t funny; we’re supposed to be funny!). ITSPV!Miguel is surprisingly a lot calmer when concerning the multiverse’s structural integrity, but ATSP!Miguel is a lot more controlling and cold; he also seems like he could lose his shit at any second compared to ITSPV!Miguel. He even says it himself (”...all this time, I have been the only one HOLDING IT ALL TOGETHER!”) ATSP!Miguel is completely ruthless and can be a total monster at some points, but ITSPV!Miguel doesn’t seem to have that same fury
also, correct me if I’m wrong; ATSP!Miguel says that one of the first times he hopped dimensions was when he was trying to find the one where he was finally happy but we know that ain’t the case because of ITSPV!Miguel
maybe that part didn’t happen
BUT GOING BACK TO THE THEORY I also believe this twist is plausible due to these movies underlying theme of two versions of the same person. we got Peter B. and Peter and their two retrospective Mary Janes, and now Miles and his Earth-42 counterpart (which can I just add was that MCU!Prowler Donald Glover Miles interaction foreshadowing in a way? I'm gonna say yes), so it wouldn’t be that out of left field if in Beyond we got two Miguels
but the only thing left here is how this ties into the third Miguel; the one who was killed. was ITSPV!Miguel and that Miguel the same person? ATSP!Miguel didn’t imply that he was also Spider-Man but he didn’t deny it either. how did he convince the rest of the Spider-Society that he was the ‘real’ Miguel? are they all different people? how has ITSPV!Miguel not noticed a second version of himself by now? did ATSP!Miguel ACTUALLY kill him and straight-up fibbed about someone else killing him? he does seem like having the vibe of a man keeping a lot of shit in the closet; look at how he says that any universe that disrupts ‘canon’ dies and look at Earth-42, 1610 and 65. how does Hobie relate to all of this??? so many questions...
The obvious answer to this riddle is obvious; ITSPV!Miguel just got a redesign for ATSP. That post-credits scene started production late into ITSP’s release date so they just used the regular Spider-Man model and dropped 2099′s day of the dead-ass-luchador-ass textures on it. I mean look at Lyla’s lip sync they weren’t even trying
BUT STILL. If they can make the fucking BAGEL DUDE into a cosmic-level threat, if they can ret-con a one-off background gag into Mile’s nemesis, I swear the production staff could be mad enough to say ‘these two aren’t the same guy’ as well
All i’m saying is, it’s gonna be a tedious next 9 months 
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Inappropriate - Lando Norris x Verstappen!Reader
Warnings: brief smut, sexual references, explicit language, alcohol, mentions of Jos
summary: Max is convinced that his sisters realitionship with Lando is inappropriate. The two of them testing his patience over and over again. But he will soon find out that them being apart isn’t much better. (ft. Pierre Gasly)
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Max was in absolute terror. No he wanted to peel his skin off as he tossed and turned in his bed, desperately trying to get it to stop. Even covering his ears with his pillow from time to time, resisting the urge to get up and put and end to this immediately as he knew Kelly would be mad at him if he did so. But this was absolutely inappropriate, no it was disgusting. This was also his house after all. Why did you think it was fine to have sex here? Why did you even have to do it at all? Max cringed at the tought. Even more so because he knew, who was doing you.
The dutch driver had disagreed with his baby sister dating any of his friends from day one, especially not another driver. But along came innocent little Lando, only that he was not so innocent after all. It started kind of secretive, you only telling Max you were going out with someone. Knowing he‘d not be happy with it whatsoever. He had always lectured you about guys and their bad influence. He also never felt like anyone was worthy of you and even if you disagreed, Max felt like he was proved right when you had presented him who exactly you were dating.
„I‘m seeing Lando.“ you told your brother at lunch on the promenade in Monte-Carlo one day. The Red Bull driver, looking up from his menu furrowed his eyebrows. You were fidgeting with your white dress, trying to stay calm as you hoped your brother wouldn’t cause a scene. That was actually part of the reason why you brought him to a public place. You couldn’t exactly see his expression behind his black sunglasses, but you hoped it be a good one. Max's approval was the most important thing to you, even more important than your dads. Having been through everything togehter, you loved your brother with all your heart.
„You’re seeing Lando? Where?“ the dutch driver asked, unsure of what exactly he was hearing. You had to resist the urge to chuckle as you shook your head, was he seriously not getting it? Pressing your lips together you repeated your words „I‘m… I’m seeing him Max.“
Max expression turned stone cold in the matter of seconds, his breathing seemingly louder than normal as he placed down his menu card on the table before muttering under his breath „What?“
You could tell this wasn’t gonna be good but you had to get through this, having promised Lando you’d talk to Max after he wanted to literally do it on his own. Wanting to safe your boyfriend from getting killed you said you‘d take the matter in your own hands and arranged that lunch with your brother. And poor Max had attended it completely oblivious, not at all ready of what was to come.
„Lando. I‘m dat-" you started but where interrupted rather quickly.
„No I understood!“ Max stated rather harshly, taking of his sunglasses and looking around to see if someone was staring. You bit the inside of your mouth seeing his furious expression as Max hissed „You‘re absolutely not gonna see him!“
„I already did-"
„He‘s literally a man whore Y/n!“ Max said his voice extremely squeaky as you sighed. You knew Landos reputation but quite frankly you didn’t care, he was different with you „He hits once and then he drops you.“
You cringed, disgusted with your brothers statement, so naively you blurted out „No he didn’t!“
Max felt like throwing up, hearing you talk in past tense. You were his sister and the thought of you with Lando was enough to make him want to literally scream. So from the get-go, the driver did not agree with the relationship. Whenever he‘d see Lando and you he‘d walk the other way which was hard, considering you travelled everywhere with Max, working as an intern at Red Bull racing. Even your dad agreed with the relationship more than Max but you didn’t ever want his validation anyway. It was Max, who you cared about.
Word spreaded quick and soon enough everyone knew about your relationship with Lando. And you didn’t really care, happy you could finally be together in public without hiding. 
„Baby!“ you squealed, jumping up and down as Lando stepped down the car. The cheers from around you ringing in your ears. The Mclaren driver immediately approached you taking off his helmet as his team cheered him on. You pulled of his revealing his messy curly hair and big smile. Throwing your arms around his neck as Lando smashed his lips onto yours. 
„Congrats!“ you mumbled against his lips, people around you snapping photos of the celebratory kiss. Lando had just gotten P3 in Imola and everyone was happy for him. Well, everyone expect Max. He stepped out his own car, expecting you there at the front line with Kelly and his dad, like you always had been.
„Good job!“ Kelly cheered on Max, hugging him as he ran his hand through his sweaty hair. Looking around, hoping to find you with the team.
„Where’s Y/n?“Max yelled, trying to be louder than the people and music. Kelly eyes travelled somewhere behind him before shooting Max a weak smile. Max turned around, checking what his girlfriend had just seen and when he saw what it was, he wished he never had. His own sister, arms wrapped around Landos neck literally making out in front of everyone, celebrating the younger guys win.
„Is she serious!“ Max hissed looking at Kelly and his dad to see if they saw how inappropriate this was. You were a Verstappen after all but Jos just shrugged, patting his sons shoulder while Kelly had a little more helpful advice to offer „They’re young and in love Max.“
Even though Max understood the being young part, he strongly disagreed with the being in love. You weren't in love, especially not with Lando Norris. The guy literally had the maturity of a twelve year old and god was it testing Max's patience. Fast forward to Miami, the Red Bull driver was super happy to spend time with his family ahead of the race. When going out out for dinner, to which he had invited you his mood would change once again as he saw you enter the restaurant with the Mclaren driver attached to your hip.
„Oh I‘m getting the death stare again.“ Lando whispered as you two walked through the restaurant, passing a couple of familiar faces. You sighed looking at you boyfriend, his curly hair placed ever so perfectly as his white button up revealed his tanned chest. You knew even though Lando was acting like he wasnt bothered, somewhere in his heart it did bother him that Max seemed to dislike him so strongly now. Having always considered the dutch guy as a friend up until dating you. But Daniel, who knew Max quite well, had told Lando that it was understandable for the Red bull driver to act like this. He had went for the one thing that was so clearly off limits. Everybody knew how protective Max was over you and it had worked. Well, until Lando came along.
„It‘s gonna be fine baby.“ you whispered back, placing a soft kiss on his cheek which caused him to smile. Approaching the table where your family was sat along with everyone's partners. You greeted them all with a smile and a wave, giving Kelly a hug as you hadn‘t seen her in a while, having spent all your time here with Lando. The woman complimented you backless black dress and gave you a short heads up about your brother.
„Just so you know.“ Kelly whispered as the table of was too busy catching up with Lando. She looked over at Max as your eyes followed hers, the guy sitting there with his hands intwined, resting them on the table as he watched his father talk to Lando unimpressed „He is mad you brought him as he only invited you.“
„Seriously?“ you rolled your eyes sighing as Kelly shrugged her shoulders, sending you an apologetic smile. She knew Max would always always find a reason to dislike Lando, any inconvenience being used to his favor. You took a deep breath in as Kelly sat down next to Max again, her daughter painting on her high chair next to them. Lando pulled out a chair for you, right opposite Max gesturing you to sit down. So you sat down at the end of the table, Lando taking place right next to you. 
„Hello Max.“ you put on a unamused smile, dissapointed in his behavior. He hadn’t even said hello to Lando, treating him like thin air. The brit could obviously feel the tension between you and your brother, placing his hand on your exposed thigh in order to calm you. He knew you and Max where actually quite similar, both extremely stubborn in wanting things your way. He loved that you were passionate but found it ironic that it was the very thing you disliked about your brother.
„Hello Y/n.“ Max smile was as fake as it could be as he leaned back on the bench with his arms crossed, still not looking at Lando once. It triggered something inside of you. Why could he not see you where happy? So after two glasses of champagne and a rather awkward first course of your dad asking Lando a million questions, you finally got it. Maybe it was the alcohol that made you think it was a good idea, deciding if Max didn’t wanna look at Lando you‘d just make him do so.
Luckily you were sat at the end of the table, out of your dads view and with your sister husband next to Lando who was to busy on his phone anyways. Landos hand still resting on your thigh awfully high you squirmed your legs a little, hoping the brit would notice. And of course Lando did as he looked at you with furrowed brows. Seeing the look on your face and you chewing on your lip immediately ringing his alarm bells. He cleared his throat trying to overplay your moving around, trapping his hand between your legs.
„No absolutely not Y/n!“ Lando whispered in your ear, awfully aware that Max could look any moment as the family was enrolled in some discussion about Mercedes performance this year. You sighed his face dangerously close to yours as you put on a pout. Your hands travelling under the table as they reached for Landos hand, pushing your dress aside and making him travel higher almost touching you. The brit clenched his jaw, cursing himself that this actually turned him on. Leaning over to you you once again he muttered in your ear „We can’t do this Y/n.“
A smirk in your lips, as you placed his hand over your private area only the material of your underwear between you. Lando took a deep breath in as he saw the look on your face, he was actually fucked and he knew it. He applied a little pressure as you whimpered slightly, now actually fully turned on. Completely having forgotten about your plan as you felt Lando slowly push your underwear aside, thanking god for the white cloth on the table, hiding what was happening. The brit leaned over to you, his voice all raspy as he muttered „This is on you baby. Don’t blame me.“
With that Lando started tracing circles on your clit with his fingers, making you clutch on to your chair with your hands overwhelmed by the sensation. Lando just sat there leaning back in his chair as if nothing was happening, continuing to listen to your fathers rant. You only now noticed Max's eyes on you. The Red bull driver looked at you with furrowed brows and a critical look on his face. Yours and Landos secretive whispering having caught his attention. You bit your lip, trying to resist the urge to make any sound as Lando picked up his pace. He was so very aware of Max's eyes on you but this was your idea, so you had to be punished. Lando ignored his own hard on as he felt your hand digging into his thigh.
Kelly had noticed Max tense up next to her as she looked at what was bothering the guy so much. When her eyes landed on you she seemed confused for a second but then seeing you squirm around, biting your lips and Landos arm seemingly somewhere on your side under the table, she immediately chocked on her water. You silently thanked god for it as it made Max turn towards her worried, making sure she was fine. Giving you the chance to turn towards your own boyfriend and mutter in his ear „Lando stop please.“
Lando had a mischievous smirk placed on his lips as his hand stopped moving. Insteading he ran his fingers through your wet folds stoping right above your entrance. And when you could feel his finger start slipping in you immediately pressed your legs together, causing the brit to chuckle „What baby? I thought you wanted this?“
You shook your head, your face flushed as you pressed you lips together sending Lando a serious look „I know but I can‘t.“
Lando chuckled rolling his eyes, he knew you were serious right now. Placing a soft kiss on your cheek before whispering „I know baby, I‘ll stop for now.“
You sighed relieved he was willing to let this go as he was normally quite serious when it came to punishing you. You‘d probably get it later, which was also kind of exciting. Kelly had finally calmed down as Max eyes fell back on you, overwhelmed with the situation. Seeing the Mclaren driver smirk at you as he whispered something which to Max's understanding was something like „You have to let me go though.“
You opened your legs allowing Lando to take his hand away, as he rearranged your panties. Pulling down your dress as his hand was placed on your thigh once again. Leaning back in his chair, like nothing had happened as you ran your hands through your hair, trying to collect yourself. Looking up to see Max look at you once again with his jaw clenched, looking severely pissed off, you innocently raised your eyebrows acting oblivious. 
„That better not have been what it looked like.“
So you see, everybody would understand Max right? No one wanted to see their sister and her boyfriend act like horny teenager 24/7. From making out in front of him, to even hearing you two go at it at night, it was all too much for the dutch driver. And as you were a saint in Max's eyes he soon convinced himself that this was all Landos fault. His bad influence on you clearly evident. The amount of times Max had seen hickeys on your neck became uncountable. But that wasnt even the worst. It seemed like you and Lando had no censor whatsoever no more, which was completely disrespectful in Max's opinion. And then at the Spanish grand prix everything got sort of out of hand.
„Norris how‘s the girlfriend?“ Pierre spoke as he grabbed a water out the fridge of the break room. The guys where doing press today in different groups and of course Max had been thrown in with Lando. Her silently cursed himself, leaning against the wall drinking his Red Bull as he watched Lando sit on the couch surrounded by Charles and Pierre, Daniel still busy wrestling Yuki. The world champion shook his head at the level of immaturity in the room.
„Don’t talk about her Gasly.“ Lando warned Pierre, referencing the time where Pierre had actually tried to hit on you. Pierre was of course super drunk and put in his place by Max rather quickly. Well, he was punched in the face to be completely honest but that’s what he got for throwing himself onto you like that. Pierre chuckled, feeling like it was funny story now. He knew you had forgiven him for it now, you two even joked about it.
„Come on Lando! That was like so long ago!“ Charles laughed, placing himself on the couch next to Lando who was completely unaware of the fact that Max was standing leaning against the wall just a few meters behind them hearing every word they said. If he knew he probably wouldn’t have done and told what was about to come. As Charles wrapped his arm around the younger guy, looking at his phone as Pierre did the same from the other side. 
„Oh, is that her?“ Charles wiggled his eyebrows looking at the picture on the phone which you had just sent Lando. The brit chuckled, opening the picture of you in one of his Mclaren shirts. He thought it was innocent, just you showing off how proud you were of him. 
„Yes, it’s an inside joke look we have a lot of pictures-" the guy started, blissfully opening up his camera roll in order to show the guys what he meant. But the very first picture that appeared made Landos face drop and he went as pale as a ghost as Charles next to him started laughing like crazy causing everybody to look „Jeez Lando! That’s freaky!“
Pierre covering his mouth shocked, still staring at the screen. Lando couldn’t even react, because next thing he knew Max appeared behind him ripping the phone out his hand. The image engraved in his mind forever of his sister sitting on top of Lando in an orange bra and a Mclaren hat. Landos hand literally around her neck. 
Charles laughter immediately stopped as he saw who exactly had just taken Landos phone while Pierre thanked himself for not having commented anything. Having felt first hand what angry Verstappen was like. Max felt nauseous as he turned off the phone, looking at Lando who just looked speechless. Had Max just actually seen that picture of you on top of him half naked? It was clearly evident what was happening in the picture which made everything even worse.
„Max-" Lando started trying to explain that he would have never showed this to anyone on purpose. But Max just shook his head, furious with Lando seemingly treating his sister like some girl he was just fucking. 
Daniel had caught wind of the situation, letting go of Yuki as he approached the younger guys on the couch. Seeing Max look like he was about to kill someone, he knew he had to intervene and that was just right timing because just like that Max grabbed Lando by the collar of his Mclaren polo.
„Max dude!“ Daniel yelled, not condoling the violence while Pierre and Charles pushed Max back a little. Daniel using the chance to hold the dutch driver back. 
„No he‘s a fucking idiot!“ Max yelled, clearly upset about this. Daniel nodded understanding the dutch guy, immediately recognizing that something inappropriate had been on that phone. 
„I understand you're mad but right now‘s not the time man.“ Daniel tried calming his former teammate, while everybody was dead silent. Lando knew he had fucked up now. The chance of Max liking him now neraly zero and that for a valid reason. 
„No honestly!“ Max said his voice nearly trembling as he looked at Daniel shaking his head. He held up Landos phone, which was turned off „That‘s my fucking sister!“
With that Max threw the phone towards Lando. The young guy catching it totally taken aback. Max looked at Lando one last time with his arms crossed and his jaw clenched before shaking his head and walking off, leaving the room evidently pissed off. Daniel sighed looking at the three young guys on the couch, especually Lando who he was disappointed in. He understood that Max felt like this was disrespectful. 
„Seriously guys?"
When Lando had told you what happened you were furious with him. Not only that he was stupid enough to open it in front of Pierre and Charles but also you freaking brother. Knowing you were never gonna hear the end of this. But surprisingly Max didn't ever mention it to you again. Probably also because you had been mad at Lando the whole week and never had talked about him in front of your brother again. But you still felt like Max would normally be the one to lecture you.
„Y/n?“ Lando approached you when you were standing outside the Alpha Tauri hospitality waiting for Pierre as you had agreed to go to lunch with him. Feeling like talking to an old friend would distract you a little from Lando but here he was again. You looked at your boyfriend through your sunglasses, the sun way to hot on the pavement. Lando also sweating his ass of in his racing suit  rearranged his hat „Can we talk?“
„No.“ you crossed your arms, not in the mood to talk to him right now. But Lando didn't give up, he just sighed taking a step towards you. Putting his hands on your waist as he trapped you between himself and the wall a pout on his lips as he saw your still stern expression „Come on baby. You can't seriously still be mad about-"
„Oh, trust me Lando.“ you clenched your jaw looking at your boyfriend and resisting the urge to touch his adorable face „I'm still mad!“
„I didn’t do it on purpose baby!“ Lando whined, throwing his head back his voice extremely high pitched. God, why did he have to be so cute? No! you were still mad at him. He had embarrassed you in front of your friends and your brother.
„No Lando! You should have been more careful. Do you know how embarrassing that is? Especially in front of my friends and my brother-"
„Jesus christ Y/n! It‘s not like Pierre and Charles haven’t seen a naked girl-" Lando hissed but stopped himself, knowing he had just said something incredibly stupid. The expression on the young guys face one of regret. You bit the inside of your lips, swallowing as you felt like you could literally start crying.
„So what I’m just some naked girl to you?“ you whispered, Lando closing his eyes cursing himself for his reckless choice of words. He just wanted you to see that it wasn’t that big a deal and that he didn’t want to do it. Instead he had made everything even worse. The two of you were interrupted by someone clearing their throat next to you as you looked to the right to see Pierre stand there in his white button up and with sunglasses on his head „You ready Y/n?“ 
You put your own ones down again, not wanting Pierre to see your teary eyes as you unwinded yourself from Landos grasp. Removing his hands from your waist as he grabbed your wrist once again. You looked back at his face, seeing he looked actually upset „Wait…Where are you going?“
„I’m going to lunch with Pierre.“ you stated coldly, knowing that Lando was sensitive when it came to you and Pierre being friends. After he had made clear indications he liked you, any boyfriend wouldn’t like it.
„Really Y/n?“ Lando clenched his jaw, feeling like you were doing this on purpose to hurt him. But you just shrugged, ripping your arm from his hold before turning towards Pierre who looked extremely uncomfortable with what he had just walked into. 
„Really Lando.“ you just shrugged walking past Pierre, who pressed his lips together sending Lando an apologetic smile. But Lando wasn't amused as he looked at Pierre with his arms crossed. Disappointed the guy actually would do this. Pierre sighed before walking away backwards „Look mate it’s just lunch.“
Just lunch? The words drove Lando incredibly mad. After a long day of practicing he went back to his place, kicking of his shoes and heading straight to the shower before placing himself on his bed with his hair dripping wet. Turning on his phone to see his wallpaper a picture of you he had taken at the beach in Miami. God he loved your smile so much. Aimlessly scrolling through his instagram, he saw you had posted a series of pictures with the caption "When in Monaco". Mostly just things about your day at work at Red Bull but then the last two slides where the ones that made him wanna throw his phone against the wall. It was a picture of Pierre opposite you at lunch, drinking some orange drink while smiling into the camera and then another one of you at the beach with an Alpha Tauri hat on your head all smiles and giggles and tagged in the picture was none other than the french guy himself.
So much for going out for lunch, Lando thought as he scrolled through your comments. Lando was relieved that people also felt like you and Pierre hanging out was weird, as everyone wondered if you and Lando were fighting. Lando just knew he had to talk to you again but first he‘d need some sleep. The next day would be qualifyings after all.
„Y/n?“ Max knocked on the door of your bedroom, which sou had at his place as you were sat at your makeup table. Getting ready to go out. You looked at your brother, freshly showered standing in the doorway, Kelly behind him eavesdropping. The two of them just had a long discussion on about what was going on between you and Lando. You hadn't talked about the brit or hung out with him in over a week. Which was odd considering you were both in the same town. And your pictures with Gasly made them even more suspicious. Kelly feeling like if you two were fighting was all Max's fault and that he should be there for his sister. Max of course disagreed, telling her he wasn't to blame for the brits immaturity and that you two breaking up would have to come eventually.
„What Max?“ you asked and Max could hear you were upset by the tone of your voice. He walked imto the room as Kelly appeared in the door, seeing Max approach you. The guy put his hand around your shoulder in a comforting manner as he leaned down to her „Is everything okay?“
Kelly thanked the lord Max was seemingly finally doing the right thing she decided to give you some alone time closing the door behind her. You looked at Max, trying to not start crying as you put down your brush. The truth was that you were really not okay. You missed Lando, but you were incredibly dissapionted with what he had said to you.
So you just shook your head „No…“
„Is it Lando?“ Max asked, seemingly serious about his concern for you. You just nodded, wiping the corner of your eyes. It was hard for you to admit that Lando might actually be what Max had told you he was. 
„What did he do?“ Max clenched his jaw, clearly mad at the guy that had made his sister cry. This was exactly what he was afraid of from day one. And he had told everyone, Kelly, his father and even you that it eventually end like this but no one listened to him.
„He just said some things.“ you chocked, your brother getting aggravated even more. He caressed your back, kneeling down next to you „What did he say?“
You shook your head wiping your tears, knowing you shouldn’t tell Max. He would get even more mad at Lando and you were scared he might actually hurt him by now. But Max didn’t let go, he raised his eyebrows continuing „Y/n tell me what he said.“
„He- He…“ you stuttered, trying to collect your thoughts as you looked at the floor. Too ashamed to look into Max's eyes „We were talking about that..that picture you know.“
Max swallowed, as he nodded. He of course knew what picture you were talking about. 
„He didn’t even care about Charles and Pierre seeing it or how embarrassed I feel.“ you continued, trying to get to the point as it was rather awkward „He just said that it‘s not a big deal because the guys have seen plenty of naked girls. So now I understand that I’m just some naked girl to him.“
Max was furious. He had ranted to Kelly all night long on how shit guys were especially at your age. Kelly had told Max she was sure Lando didn’t mean that and that he should let the two of you sort it out.
Qualifying had been cut short, which you were kind of glad about. Knowing race day would be exhausting as it always was in Monaco. You were waiting for Max outside the Red Bull home, having spent the last 24 hour attached to his hip as he didn’t let you out of sight. Wanting to make sure you were fine at all times.  
Max was gonna start P4 and right behind him was Lando, who wasn't doing well at all that day. The only thought on his mind being you and how much he missed you. He knew he should apologize but to mad you had gone out with Pierre. So he decided to keep his distance for now. His heart aching everytime he saw you that day, wanting nothing more than to hold you in his arms. 
„Charles.“ Lando caught up to his friend, who was making his way out the paddock ,fans watching from aside. Charles looked at the Mclaren driver, shooting him a smile „Yes. Lando?
„Wanna get dinner together?“ Lando asked, rearranging his backpack as he ingored the yelling from people all around. The Ferrari driver sent Lando an apologetic smile „I would but I kind of...have plans.“
„Plans?“ Lando asked, scrunching his eyebrows. He knew Charles was hiding something from him. He just had no idea what it could be „What plans?“
„Alright don’t be mad though.“ Charles sighed, pursing his lips. The guy had no idea what had happened between Lando and you, but he knew you two were kind of having a crisis. Lando raised his eyebrows as he shook his head, walking alongside the Ferrari Driver „I won’t be mad I promise.“
„Well…“ Charles shrugged his shoulder, still contemplating whether or not to tell Lando about it but then decided it be the right thing „Pierre Invited Charlotte and me to dinner with him and…with Y/n.“
Lando spent all evening refreshing his instagram page, hoping he'd get to see something. He couldn’t handle the thought of you out with another guy on what seemed like a double date. You were still his girlfriend after all. You two hadn’t broken up so this was wrong. Then finally at around 11 pm a fan account posted a picture showing you next to Pierre at some restaurant. You were clearly wearing Pierres jacket unaware of the photo being taken. All smiles and happy. All the people in the comments asking what the hell was going on. Which Lando also started asking himself.
But Lando wasn’t the only confused one. Max couldn’t believe his eyes when he looked out his window that night. Watching Pierre Gasly drop you off, hugging you goodbye a little too long for his liking. The dutch driver actually felt like he was gonna go mad. Where you ever gonna learn? This was F1 biggest man whore. Even Lando was a better fit for you and that was hard for the dutch driver to admit.
When you entered Max's house he just stood there in the dark hallway with his arms crossed, looking like a literal father. You raised your eyebrows wanting to pass him but he stopped you grabbing your shoulder „Wait up missy.“
Oh god did he just actually call you that? You rolled your eyes, the alcohol in your system giving you quite an attitude. You were tired and wanted to sleep. You couldn‘t take Maxs bullshit now.
„What Max?“ you groaned, as Max scrunched his nose and shook his head.
„How much alcohol did you drink?“  he asked, as you looked at him annoyed. Why did it even matter, you were an adult after all. You unwinded yourself from Max's grasp but he still kept blocking your way. He felt like you owed him an explanation after all you had literally cried to him about your bad decisions just twenty four hours ago. Max who normally tried to keep his cool with you just had enough. As it felt like a switch had been flicked in him „You can not seriously go around the paddock and shag every driver that shows you a little attention. You know what that makes you look like. Like a-"
Max stopped himself as he saw the look in your eyes. He knew he had messed up. He didn't want to be the one to hurt you like this. You shook your head pushing past your brother as you made your way to your bedroom, going to sleep that night with a weird feeling. 
Race day in Monaco was always special. But you feared you‘d remember this one for all the bad reasons. You now not only had to avoid one guy on the paddock but two. It was hard as you of course were working and Max was also there. But you spent most of your time inside, only walking around if really needed. You cursed yourself internally when Horner told you to get him his favorite salad for lunch. But hey, you were the intern so you had to.
Passing Max on your way out, who was too focused on preparations. Never ever letting his private life affect his racing. 
Walking down the paddock, passing all the motor homes when you spotted Pierre. The french guy shooting you a smile as you approached him, embracing you in a friendly hug „Good morning, how are we feeling?“
You smiled, pulling back. Pierre was a great guy and the truth of the matter was that despite what people might have thought you two were really just friends. In fact the french guy had spenr all evening yesterday advicing you on how to work things out with Lando. He could obviously see how much you two loved one another and wanted it to work out for the two of you.  He also agreed that Lando would have to apologize though, even if he didn’t mean what he said.
Talking about Lando. The Mclaren driver felt like he was losing his mind. He had almost not been able to sleep last night, every-time he closed his eyes the image of you snd Pierre engraved in his mind. 
„I‘m fine thank you.“ you chuckled, and out the corner of your eye you could spot none other than your boyfriend. Leaning against a wall next to Daniel who was chatting with the mechanics. Lando looked rough, not like his usual happy and bubbly self. You didn’t even listen to Pierre anymore to focused on the boy who had stolen your heart. Knowing exactly what he was feeling right now, the crossed arms and the frown he was pulling giving him away. Something took over you right there and then as you abruptly interrupted Pierre, apologizing yourself before walking past him and heading straight towards Lando.
Checking the time on your watch, you saw there was enough time for you to go through with your plan. Lando couldn't believe his eyes when he watched you head straight towards him. To baffled and surprised to say anything you grabbed his upper arm, leaning into his ear and whispered „Don't say anything.“
Lando nodded like a puppy obeying your every word as you took his hand and lead him into the building. Leaving behind Daniel, who chuckled knowingly as the mechanics all shook their head. Young people.
In the backroom of the motor home, where no one usually was. You let the door fall close behind you as you turned around facing Lando. The guy too stunned to speak as he wondered what you were gonna do next. And then as you pushed him against the wall, he almost couldn’t believe it. Your lips crashing on his, your hands wrapping around his neck while Lando moaned into the kiss. He wanted to ask so bad what had changed but was scared to ruin the moment.
„I‘m still mad.“ you mumbled against his lips and Lando responded „Me too.“
„But I know you wouldn’t be able to race this worked up.“ you chuckled, feeling his hard on press against you. It was yours and Landos pre race ritual to give one another some kind of release. But this time it was different. You weren’t really here to help Lando out but little did he know. As you eagerly started pulling down his racing suit, hanging from his hips while he entered his tongue in your mouth, exploring every inch of it. Then with one swift motion your hand was in Landos pants touching him as he felt overwhelmed by the sensation.
„Fuck.“ he muttered, causing you too chuckle. Oh god if he couldn’t handle this, god save him from what was about to come. Pulling away as you looked at Landos puffy lips and messy hair. He was so totally at your ease it was endearing. You continued your plan by getting on your knees in front o the young guy. As he watched your every move with a clenched jaw. Soon enough his underwear was down and his hands buried in your hair ad you took his cock in your hand. Ever so slowly you licked his length before taking him into your mouth and then it was just waiting for the right time.
Lando was a moaning and groaning mess, his grip on your hair strong and firm as he let out a short „Fuck baby.“ 
As you watched his moans grow louder and his face scrunching up by every secon while you bobbed your head back and forward you almsot felt bad. Bad for what you were about to do. All so swiftly you pulled back, adding a little force so Lando would loosen his hold of your head which he did having no idea what was going on. He watched you confused as you got up, wiping the corner of your mouth „Glad to see that still works. Talk to me when you're ready to apologize.“
And than with that you left the poor guy behind, too shocked to say anything as he now knew he had to take care of his problem alone.
After a rather long day of racing, considering all the red flags you had agreed to go party with everyone. Knowing how fun these afterpartys could get. You were happy with Red Bulls work today and felt like you all deserved to celebrate. So you put on the shortest dress you owned and got ready with Kelly. All the while your brother tried calling Lando. Max had caught wind of you inviting Pierre with you and was not pleased. Even though most drivers where gonna be there, he felt like you going out your way to make sure Gasly was also there wasn’t a good thing. And even though he didn’t like to admit it, he knew the only person that could keep you from making a bad decision was annoying, childish and stupid Lando. 
„Listen you little..I need you to talk to my sister.“ 
You downed what seemed like your 10th shot with Pierre as Charles cheered the two of you on. The party was in full swings and you were having the time of your life. All the while Max was sitting on the lounge with crossed arms, watching Gasly be way too friendly. He couldn’t believe Lando was actually letting this happen. The brit busy getting drunk in some corner with Daniel and a bunch of random women. Lando had gotten here with the plan to talk to you. But god, he was still so mad on how you had left him today that he just couldn’t do it. Plus he was so disappointed in Pierre and Charles that he went to rant to Daniel, who told him to just get drunk and forget.
When Max watched Pierre drag you to the dance floor and you literally grind your ass against the older guy he decided he had seen enough. Ignoring Kellys calls after him he pushed his way through people and headed straight towards Lando, who was sitting in some swinging chair in the corner with a drink in his hand and some random hat on, looking like he had a decent amount of alcohol in his system. Too wasted to even notice the random girls around him all thirsting over him. 
„You!“ Max yelled over the music, causing everyone to look at him. Well expect Daniel, who was too busy making out with what looked like his girlfriend. Or maybe it wasn’t but Max couldn’t handle everyones problem right now. Lando looked at Max with wide eyes, clearly clueless in what was going on „You’re even worse than I thought!“
„What?“ Lando whined. his voice extremely high pitched. What had he done now? He had not even touched you! Landos drunken mind tried to come up with what Max's problem could be now „Is this about blow job? Because that was your sister-"
„Eww!“ Max scrunched up his face in disgust, hearing Lando talk about you. Lando soon realizing it probably wasn’t about that „Stop no! This is about you having to apologize to my sister now!“
Lando groaned, throwing up his hands in frustration „What? Why do I Have to-„
„Because Pierre is literally about to make out with her on the dance floor.“
That was it. Landos whole demeanor changed. It was like he had just sobered up within seconds as he jumped out his chair, stumbled over the table and pushed straight past Max showing his drink into his chest while doing so. Throwing his hat off as Max rolled his eyes, yelling after Lando to also apologize for him as he hadn't yet done so himself. He still hated Lando but the guy seemed like the lesser of two evils.
As Lando walked up to the dance floor, he could already spot Charles and Charlotte make out at the bar and just a few meters away from them there you were. Gasly's hands literally roaming your body as you were grinding up against him his face buried in your neck. You honestly didn’t even mean to dance with Pierre like this and he did neither probably. You were both just super drunk and not thinking clearly but then when you swiftly opened your eyes to see a pissed off Lando stand there with crossed arms you thought you might have just started having hallucinations. But opening them again for real and seeing your brother appear behind Lando, his usual disappointed stance you knew you weren't.
„Lando.“ you gasped, almost feeling busted. Nothing had really happened but Pierre still continuing to dance didn’t help make it look better as you stood there frozen in place. Lando clenched his jaw seeing where Pierres hand were wandering. Luckily Charles had caught wind of the situation as he ran over to you. The Ferrari Driver pulled his best friend away from you, dragging the stumbling guy away „Not your girl Pierre!“
Pierre didn't even disobey that's how drunk he was. Lando now took a step towards you a sad look on his face "Okay I apologize baby. I'm sorry for what I said"
"So am I." Max yelled behind Lando making you roll your eyes.
"I accept your apology." you chuckled, causing Lando to smile. The brit leaning in towards you and grabbing your upper arm before whispering "Now don't say anything."
You grinned, knowing he had just quoted you as you followed him past Max. Your brother sighing and shaking his head as you waved him goodbye. Not even ten seconds later he could see Lando press you against the wall and smash his lips onto yours. Max cringed at sloppy sight of it ad he turned around making his way back to Kelly, who sat there with a smirk on her face. With raised eyebrows the dutch guy sat down. Rubbing his knees with his hand as he could hear Kelly chuckle before she placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
„What?“ Max asked, having to resist the urge to smile.
„Nothing.“ Kelly giggled, before looking at you and Lando fully making out „You did the right thing Max. I‘m proud of you.“
„Yeah whatever.“ Max shrugged pretending to not care as he also looked at you Lando. Shaking his head ad he groaned „God he doesn't have to eat her up though?"
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