#I’m going to eat my bowl of cereal with my big headphones on and then I’m gonna go get ready to go to Office Depot and try to get a job
milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Hahahahaha love when trying to talk about my emotions with my mother and why I’m struggling to connect with her and I’m spending every day in my room and not with her it turns out the reasons she doesn’t want to be around me are bc she doesn’t want to talk about feelings and I remind her of my dad and she is sick of not being happy and I am apparently one of the only reasons why she feels like she can’t be happy and also I need to clean up around the house more and find other friends because she can’t be my everything and she also told me to just back off and I am pmsing and just want to curl up into a ball and cry for like six hours. My mother only likes me when I am ignoring my feelings my mother only likes me when I am keeping the house clean my mother only likes me when I am on the verge of killing myself. I feel like I’m working my way up to being a normal person and obviously I’m stalling but once I get a job and start saving and move out I will be locked into the capitalist nightmare where I will work until I am in pain and old and sick and dying and only then will I have real free time again and I’m trying to savor it because I didn’t go to college and I dropped out of high school and I’m probably never going to get a job that will pay me enough to actually retire or even spend a month off again. Like. Fuck. The world is a nightmare and my mother won’t shut up about sex and strange men and I am thinking of my father today because it’s the fucking haha funny weed number day and I am just like him and our neighbors (dads friend) mom said “doesn’t she look just like him?” the other day and I don’t think I’ve been normal since. I am just like my father and mother resents me for it. My brother is just like my mother and she wants nothing to do with him. I said something about maybe he’ll move back in with us after graduation and my mother was all like don’t say that we don’t want that and like girl I fucking do want that for the first time in my fucking life I like my brother and all you can say is how badly you don’t want him to move back in with us. Maybe I want a family? Maybe I want people who fucking like me or at least pretend to like me. Maybe I just want someone in my life who will joke around with me and watch tv and do shit without mentioning the seventeen fucking men they’re flirting with or talking constantly about going on dates and not being home and yeah I’m fucking happy for her but can’t you just shut your mouth for one fucking day and not talk about what guy you’re going out with when and maybe don’t make jokes about having your fuck buddy come over and smoke weed in the hot tub on the day I associate so fucking heavily with my father can you just not make jokes about replacing the one fucking man in my life who knows how it feels to be like me. Can you just not. Can you fucking not. God. Fuck. I feel like I’m falling apart and isolating and I’m fucking miserable and at the same time I’m the happiest I’ve been in months and every time I want to be around my mother she wants to talk about men and I am just so fucking over it and she keeps saying well maybe this is the new normal for me and it’s taking everything in me to hold back from saying that I don’t want anything to do with that. Can’t she separate her children from her love life. Like fucking hell. I just want a mother who is only my mother again. I miss when she was just my mom and now we are both real full people and it feels like we have nothing in common anymore except our shared grief over a shitty man and it is just exhausting. And now she’s all happy and I feel like when I think about dad I have no one to talk to about it bc I don’t want to disrupt her fucking growth and she doesn’t even know that I’m falling apart and I just can’t do this shit anymore with her something has to fucking change and she would be happy if only I was different so the change that needs to happen is with me I need to change in order for her to like spending time with me again. Fuck. I’ll shower and get dressed and go to office depot and try to get a job. Fuck.
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ador3sturniolo · 1 year
omg can u write about angst w/ the song drivers license w matt or chris when they broke up w the reader but they end up going back to her place to be like i miss u and either she rejects him on the spot or is like i’ll think about it
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An - Ahh!! Thank you for the request! I hope I can do as close to what you wished for!
Paring - Matt sturniolo X Fem!Reader
Summary - Matt breaks up w/ reader
Warnings - angst, Cursing, Mentions of ed, Kissing, NOT PROOFREAD, Hope I didn’t miss anything!
Word count - 1.2k ishhh
“Fuck!” Matt shouted.
“Matt it’s okay, we can work on it.” I spoke up a little scared to hear what comes next.
“I just don’t think we can. I think we need to break up.”
Those were the word you most did not want to hear.
“I just can’t keep having to deal with you.”
I felt a tear drip down my cheek.
“Okay..” I say looking down making my way out his door.
“Just fucking leave!” He shouted throwing up his hands.
“What the fuck do you think I’m doing Matt!?” I say rushing out of there going down to my car. I start my car with a river streaming down my puffy cheeks. I sob as I slowly leave the driveway, checking both ways of the road.
I’m almost home and still crying, my hands are shaky and my vision is blurry, that I pull over on the side of the road to finish crying so I can see clearly. I pull into my driveway, getting out of my car, tiredness filled my eyes as I walked through my house. I don’t even care about changing or taking off my makeup, I just lie down in my bed, falling asleep as soon as I close my eyes.
I couldn’t stop think about Matt the next morning. I didnt eat that entire day, laying in my bed crying all day is all did and wanted to do, and I did that for a couple days, not wanting to leave my bed or do anything.
2 weeks later
I wake up with mascara stains on my pillow case, my hair a mess, and my house dirty. I haven’t eaten in a while, and still no texts or calls from Matt. Chris and Nick text me once in a while to make sure I’m doing okay. I stand up and walk to my kitchen, grabbing a bowl of cereal, sitting down turning on my tv. I see that The sturniolos posted a new video, I click on it to see Matt with a big smile the whole video. It’s not fair that he gets to be all happy while I’m out here, not happy. I finish eating, putting my bowl in the sink and running back to my room to get my headphones and phone. Clicking on my cleaning playlist, I started to clean my house. Washing my clothes and bedding, sweeping my dirty floors, picking up trash just laying around vacuuming my carpets. It was night when I was done, even though my house was clean, I was still upset, think that cleaning would make it better but it didn’t. I lay down in my bed closing my eyes, before getting up to take a shower, which I haven’t done from the past weeks.
I get in the shower letting the water hit my dirty skin. I turn off the lights in my bathroom so I’m showering in the dark. I couldn’t tell if it was the water or that I started crying. I cry as I wash my hair and body. I get out the shower, clean. Looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes all red and puffy.
“Get your fucking life together” I tell myself in the mirror. I do my skin care and get into a clean pair of pjs. I cute up some watermelon and get a glass of water, and take a picture and posting it on my instagram story. Healing 🤍 I title it, letting people know I’m okay.
2 more weeks later
I decide to be a little crazy and put myself on tinder. I set up my account and go to bed right after thinking nothing of it.
I wake up to a couple guys that liked me, they were cute too! I messaged back one of the guys. We get a conversation going and he wants to take me out to dinner tonight. I smile bright at my phone and a get up and start to get ready for our date. I play my favorite songs as i get ready. I start to think to myself how I’m happy now then I was before.
I put on my favorite red dress that highlights all my curves and black heels. I looks at my phone to see that he texted me saying he was here. I walk out my door and get in his car.
Matts POV :
“It’s been a little over a month since I broke up with her..” I spoke up to Chris.
“Do you think she’s doing okay?” I ask Chris. He nods.
“She is. I still text her. She has a date tonight, so I think she’s moved on.” Chris states.
I was in a state of shock. There’s no way she could have gotten over me that quickly. I get up off the couch and head to my room. I’ve been pretty miserable without her these past couple of days, I thought I was fine. I want her back. She still has to have some feelings, right?
Reader POV :
“It’s now been two months from the first date I went on with him. He’s such a nice guy and we have so much in common. We’ve been on more dates and I have another one with him tonight.” I write in my diary before I get up to get ready.
After the date
“Thank you for tonight.” I say as pulls up to my house.
“No problem pretty.” He says as he pulls me in for a kiss.
Making out for at least two minutes, I pull back.
“Did I do something wrong?” He spoke up
“No, just think we can save this for another time” I wink as I step out of the car.
We wave at each other as he drives off. I walk up my driveway, smiling as I look down at my feet. I bump into a body as I look up.
“Matt? What are you doing here? Are you okay? It looks like you’ve been crying” I say concerned look up at him.
“I miss you. I’ve been so miserable without you. I need you back in my life, I want you as mine again.” He said through sniffles.
“Matt..” I hesitated
“Please?” He said looking down at me begging.
“fuck” I whisper
“Im so sorry to do you like this when your in this state, but no. Im sorry but Ive moved on okay? I think it’s time for you to aswell. We need to meet different people. I know we had a past together but I don’t want to continue it. We can still be friends?” I said making eye contact with him, cupping his cheeks.
I could tell he wanted to cry so I pulled him in for a hug.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper as he wraps his arms around my waist and cry’s.
“Did you walk here?”
He nods as he wipes his nose.
“Okay I’ll drive you home, just let me go get my keys” I say as I rush inside for my keys and walk back out to him.
The ride was silent the whole way.
“Okay we’re here, do you want me to walk you in?” He shakes his head no. “Okay then. Matt?”
“Hm?” He says turning towards me.
“Just know you can talk to me about anything, you can text or call me, we can hangout, whatever you want, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you, I’ll see you later.” He says as he walks away.
I smile at him as I drove off. I take a deep breath as I pull into my driveway. I go inside and get unready from my day and go to bed.
I’m being woke up by my phone ringing. It’s Matt. I pick up.
An - Hi guys! Thank you guys for the support on my last story! I hope this one is just as good as my other one! Sorry if it’s not sad enough, for y’all : ( I love reading it, but I’m not the best at writing it so bare with me 🤍
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Part Six. Movies and Speedruns
warnings: swearing, many memes word count: 3.8k (not including pictures) (wow okay ash pop off!) 
behind the screen (irl!dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
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Unknowingly and unintentionally, Y/n let out a big sigh as she poured a glass of water.
"What's wrong, Y/n?" Naomi asked gently, coming up behind her and hugging her tightly.
Naomi hummed, a sign that she was waiting for Y/n to lead the conversation so she could follow because if it were up to Naomi, she would immediately start trash-talking Peter and she wasn't sure if that was the vibe right now or not.
Y/n shook her head in disbelief as she jumped up to sit on the counter. "He got so mad when he found out I slept over at Karl's."
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I wish you would just cut him off completely."
"I don't know. I know I should but... part of me wonders if he could ever go back to how he was when I met him. I would probably date that guy again but not who he turned out to be."
Naomi looked horrified. "No. You sound like you're considering hearing him out. No, is that a joke? He's a bad person."
"I'm not," Y/n reassured. "I'm just thinking hypothetically. Probably because I miss having someone..."
"Y/n, you have a ton of thirsty people in your mentions. If you really want someone that bad, just scroll through, land on one and I bet they're a million times better than that sack of burned potatoes."
Y/n rolled her eyes but smiled lightly. "Most of those are jokes."
"Not all of them," she teased.
"I know you're going to tell me anyway so just say it. Who specifically do you think isn't joking?"
"Dream," Naomi sang.
"Okay, crazy." Y/n reached over, staying seated on the counter as she grabbed a bowl from a cabinet on her left. She then leaned all the way right, reaching as far as she could, but couldn't quite grab a cereal box from the top of the refrigerator.
Naomi rolled her eyes as she helped, handing Y/n the box. She even went the extra step to get Y/n a spoon and the milk because she was that nice. "I'm not joking. Neither is he. Karl and I have talked about it and we both agree."
Y/n paused at her friend's words, her hand hovering over the milk that Naomi held out for her. "You guys gossip about my love life?"
Naomi set the milk next to Y/n, tired of holding it out for her. "Of course? Like we don't do that about Karl? Or you and him about me?"
She couldn't argue there.
"Karl says there's a different vibe from Dream when you join calls and I believe it. I mean, I've seen it during streams myself so I can only imagine how much more obviously in love with you he is during private calls.
"That 'vibe' is Karl's delusional mind creating things. He's too scared to talk to cameragirl so he's projecting onto Dream and I."
"Yeah, okay," Naomi agreed sarcastically.
Y/n huffed. "Besides, he's in Florida. I'm in North Carolina, in case you weren't aware."
"So you're saying if you lived in the same state, you'd date him?"
"I didn't say that." She honestly had never thought of it. Sure she liked hanging out with Dream and her stomach got butterflies when he talked directly to her and he made her smile harder than anyone ever had and he—
And she didn't like him like that. She had only officially met the guy like a week and a half ago and she didn't know what he looked like. There was no way you could catch feelings for someone without seeing them.
Naomi's expression fell again. "Distance doesn't matter, anyway."
"I swear if you say something about George I will slap you," she threatened through a smile and Naomi gave her an innocent grin back.
"If you're lonely, get on Tinder, not Peter. Or get on Dream. I have no qualms with that."
"Peter isn't even an option, Naomi." Y/n sighed, ignoring the comment about Dream.  "Also," she swallowed the last of her cereal and set the bowl down with a clank. "I'm gonna tell Peter I don't want to be friends anymore. Dream and George can be added to the list of Peter haters."
"You talked to them about it?"
She nodded. "You know how I have little gossip sessions with George? Well, Dream was there too this time."
"Well, of course Dream would hate Peter. We've established that he likes you."
"No, no, you and Karl delusionally hypothesized that."
Naomi tapped the counter methodically, a sign Y/n knew to signal that she was thinking hard. "Somehow, one day, I'll prove he does."
"Good luck."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Yes," Y/n perked up. "Go pick something, I'll get blankets."
She went to her room, grabbing her favorite cuddling blankets. She started leaving her room when she heard a ding on her open desktop, signaling that she had a call incoming from Discord. Cool timing.
"I'll be just a second, Naomi!" she called across the house before dropping the blankets on her bed and sliding her headset on, answering the call from Dream. "Hi, Dream!" She sat on her chair and tucked her knees to her chest.
"Hi," he greeted sweetly. "How are you doing today?"
"Much better than when we last talked. How are you?"
"Great now that I'm talking to you," he said smoothly. Y/n rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. "Are you busy?"
"Unfortunately, yes. My roommate and I are about to watch a movie."
"Ooh, what movie?"
"Not sure yet. Any suggestions?"
"Dark Knight. Unless you wanted me to say, like, Tangled or something."
"Yeah, girls' night is exclusively princess movies. Do you know nothing?"
"Apparently," he said with a laugh.
"What's up?"
"Oh, well, I was just gonna see if you wanted to be on call later with me, George, and Sapnap while I stream speedruns, but you're hanging out with your roommate so nevermind."
"Oh," Y/n deflated. "That sounds fun."
"I can push it back if you want to be part of it. If not, that's fine. I just thought it would be cool."
"No, no, no I really do want to, but I don't want you to have to push it back. When were you planning on starting?"
"In about an hour."
"I'll just join later if you're still playing. If that's okay that I come late."
"No. You have to be on time or not at all," he joked. "Of course that's fine," he assured. "And if I'm not playing anymore, you can still join... we usually talk for forever after we play games and it's fun. I would, er, we would love for you to hang out with us."
Y/n couldn't help the large smile on her face from staying even after they hung up and she walked back into the living room with her pile of blankets. She couldn't help it even when Naomi pointed it out and asked why she was so happy.
"Oh, uh, I've been invited to join Dream and them later for a stream."
"That vague answer doesn't warrant the shit-eating grin you have."
Y/n shrugged and cuddled more into her blankets. "What movie did you pick?"
As the end credits rolled across the screen, Y/n yawned and looked over to Naomi in the dark. She was out like a light. Y/n stood up and made sure Naomi was covered in the blanket and she had a pillow. She crept back to her room and slid her headphones on, pulling up Discord where she saw the three boys' names still in a voice call.
She pulled up Twitch on her second monitor and looked for Dream's stream. It was already about an hour in. She clicked on it and her headphones echoed with the sound of George and Sapnap laughing like they said the funniest thing in the world.
"Shut up," Dream muttered. "Guys, what were the coords for the portal? Seriously, come on."
"Nobody tell him," George joked.
"Where's Bugsyyyy?" Sapnap whined. "I want her to make fun of you with us."
"Half the stuff we're making fun of him for is about his big fat crush on her so..."
"George!" Dream yelled again. "No, it's not!"
Y/n smiled as she heard that, knowing it was a joke but laughing at the way Dream laughed at the accusation. She knew it wasn't serious or else they wouldn't talk about it on stream. George and Sapnap teased a lot, but certainly, they wouldn't out someone's crush in front of a hundred thousand viewers live.
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"Oh!" Sapnap spoke out loud as George laughed loudly, both reading the text at the same time. "Speaking of..."
Dream waited for either of the two boys to elaborate but neither of them offered one. "What happened?"
"Bugsy texted us," George said off-handedly, typing a response to her. "She's coming in a second."
"What do you mean 'oh'?" Sapnap laughed.
"You guys have a groupchat?"
"Aw, jealous?" George asked.
Y/n joined at that moment, the first sentence coming from her Discord instead of Twitch being from Sapnap saying, "Would it make you more jealous to know our group name is Bugsy's Boys?"
"No, Sapnap, that's the one with Karl," George corrected. "The one with just you, me, and her is Bugsy's Boyfriends."
"I still don't approve of that, by the way," Y/n commented.
"Bugsy!!" Sapnap giggled happily. "You're finally here!"
"BUGSY!" George cheered.
"Hi guys!" Y/n laughed at the enthusiasm she was greeted with. "Hi, Dream!"
There was a few seconds of silence before, "Dream!!" George yelled right before the death screen appeared on the Twitch tab still opened on Y/n's right screen. "You idiot, what are you doing?! Why did you throw that run??"
She covered her mouth with the hoodie collar and laughed. "Off to a great start, bud."
"NO!" Dream yelled, knocking something, or somethings, off his desk. "Noooo! I didn't throw it, George, I FELL! Oh, that was going to be such a good run."
"What happened? How did you miss that huge ravine?" George asked while laughing. "It was literally right in the open. You didn't even try to use your water bucket."
"I-I was... I was distracted."
"By what? The completely open field with nothing blocking your vision?" Sapnap criticized with a laugh as well.
Y/n giggled to herself before letting her eyes trail to his chat, which was filled with the same accusations and guesses.
user5: BUGSY!
user4: imagine saying hi so cutely that you make a man fall into a ravine
user1: are they dumb? obviously bugsy saying hi made his brain short-circut
user6: guys stop it wasn't bc she said hi. it was the g i g g l e
user8: HI BUGSY
user10: how to kill a man: hire bugsy to giggle and say hi directly to him
Y/n immediately blushed and covered her face again. She really had a habit of hiding even when no one could see her.
"Oh my gosh," Dream groaned, leaving the world and starting a new one. "Oh. My. Gosh. That's so annoying. I was doing so good."
"Oh," Sapnap laughed. "I understand now."
"What? What did I miss?" George asked.
"Just read chat," Sapnap explained. "They have the answer. Dream, your chat is so smart. Thanks for solving the mystery, chat!"
"No, they aren't ri— that isn't true!" Dream defended. "Chat, shut up."
"You sure?" Y/n asked teasingly, watching as his character paused when she started talking. Was she really making him this flustered just by talking? Surely not. He was just playing into the joke. He continued playing without saying anything, which made George and Sapnap laugh more.
The subject eventually changed and the atmosphere quickly became more relaxed and chill. Tonight was not a feral night like George had texted in all caps.
"Hey George," Y/n started, biting on her hoodie string with a smile because she knew Naomi would hear this when she watched the VOD the next day. "My roommate says hello."
"Oh my gosh," he muttered, making her laugh. "Let it go."
"Wow, I guess that's one way to treat your fans..."
"Fine," he sighed. "Tell her I say hello."
"Well, not if you don't mean it," Y/n teased.
"Yeah, George, you sound so unenthusiastic?" Sapnap asked.
"He's just flustered," Dream commented. "It's okay George, you can have feelings."
"Dream, you fell into a ravine because Bugsy said hi."
"Oh, come on! That's not—I just— I missed the jump! That's it!"
"I'm not flustered or unenthusiastic, I'm just tired, okay?" George explained, ignoring Dream, a yawn spilling out of him to prove it.
Y/n smiled. "Well, you could always let me give her your number if you really want..."
"No. If she had Discord you could give her that but not my phone number."
"Wait, really?" Y/n gasped. "Seriously?"
George laughed lightly. "Yeah, sure, why not?"
"YES! Okay, a huge win for the girls. Well, a huge loss for the fangirls but a huge win for the girls of this apartment."
"Oh my gosh," he muttered and she could practically see him rubbing his face in embarrassment.
"I'll send you her hashtag when she makes one so you know who to add back."
"She's going to make an account just to talk to George?" Sapnap giggled.
"Yes, dude!" Y/n defended. "She at least wants to be his friend, let her shoot her shot!"
Dream ended the steam soon after, not being able to focus enough to beat the end on any of his runs. He had streamed for just under two hours so he seemed to be getting tired as well. George went to bed soon after and after 20 minutes of talking with Sapnap and Dream, Sapnap mysteriously disappeared.
Y/n was about to leave as well, not wanting Dream to feel obligated to stay on the call with her when he spoke up.
"Does Naomi actually like George?"
"Yeah, she does."
"Then I want him to accept her love."
Y/n laughed. "How is he with long-distance relationships?"
"Well, he and I do just fine..." Dream joked. "Oh, not what you meant. I don't know, you guys are the ones that talk about each other's love lives apparently."
"You're still bitter about that?"
"Suck it up," she laughed. "Naomi would do probably anything to date him so I doubt distance is a problem for her."
"George's sleep schedule is completely messed up, so the time difference wouldn't matter too much. And when he comes to America they can meet in person."
"Wait, he's coming to America?" Y/n gasped happily. "When?"
"There's no set date, but yeah eventually. He'll probably just come to Florida but we've all talked about having a huge meetup with a lot of our friends."
"Oh... cool..."
"Bug? You know you'd be invited to that, right?"
"Oh, really?" she smiled.
"Of course. You're part of the group now."
"Sick," she muttered to herself, but he heard.
"Bug, you're one of my favorite people, do you know that?"
She blushed. "Really?"
"You barely know me, Dream."
"Yeah, well, I know enough to know that I'm sorta attached to you."
"Attached to me? In what way?"
He suddenly sounded nervous as if his brain caught up with what his mouth was saying. "I don't know, nevermind."
"No, Dream, what do you mean?" her voice was soft and understanding and it made him feel safe.
"I just... I don't know. I care about you a lot. We met only, what, like a week or two ago, and I already worry about you a lot. Playing games doesn't feel the same anymore unless you're playing with us."
"To be fair, we have been tweeting at each other for much longer than a week or two."
"Yeah, that's true. But it's not the same as actually talking to you."
She smiled shyly. "I care about you a lot too, Clay." His name sounded strange as if it suddenly made everything much more serious. "Sorry, that just kinda slipped. I won't call you Clay if you don't want me to—"
"No, it's okay, it, uh, I like hearing you... say it. But, uh, you can call me whatever you want."
She smiled widely at the nervousness in his voice and the hard pounding of her heart. "I've heard from multiple people that you never stop talking about me."
He laughed timidly. "Maybe. Do you talk about me?"
"Ask Karl," she giggled. "My guess is yes." Her stomach felt tingly and her hands shook lightly. Why did she feel like this all of a sudden? It was late, she reasoned. That, or it was because Naomi had planted the seed of curiosity in her mind. Did Dream like her? No... right?
"I'm sorry if my chat was making you uncomfortable at the beginning when I died..."
"Don't worry, I wasn't uncomfortable."
"It was true, by the way," he paused, "what they were saying. Just... in case you were wondering."
Y/n couldn't wipe the smile off her face, which was growing painful at this point. "What, my voice makes your brain short-circut? That was one comment I saw."
Dream laughed. "More like your entire presence, but... yeah I guess so."
How is someone supposed to respond to something like that? The sweetness in his voice almost made her sick but in a good way.
And just like when he named her Minecraft flower something sweet knowing that no one would see it, why was he still playing up the joke when no one was around?
Not knowing what to say, she decided to let him in on a little secret. "If it matters, you're one of my favorite people too."
"It does."
There was a deathly moment of tense silence as if both of them were screaming to say something but neither did.
"Basically, if we do have a meet-up, I'll sue you if you don't come."
Y/n laughed. "My pockets are empty, sir, so... good luck."
He laughed and it was music to her ears.
"Are you not nervous to show everyone your face? Like, if or when we do all get together."
"Not really. Especially not if it's just to our friends. Are you?"
"Yeah," she admitted.
She sighed. "I'm sure people have me painted in a specific way in their heads and I've seen fanart of me that is way different and way more attractive than I am. I just don't want to let anyone down by not living up to their expectations."
"Bug," Dream said softly, "you couldn't let anyone down."
"You don't know that."
"You can't disappoint real friends or real fans with the way you look."
"To be clear, Dream," she laughed nervously, afraid she would sound conceited, "I don't think I'm ugly. I like the way I look. I'm happy with me. But that doesn't mean I can't still let people down."
"Different than expected doesn't mean disappointing."
His words smacked her in the gut. He was right. Reality and imagination are very different. Neither has to be better or worse than the other. She could look the complete opposite of how someone expects but that doesn't mean they will be either disappointed OR pleased. And why does it matter anyway? If she likes how she looks, who cares what other people think?
"It's also scary to think of getting recognized in public," she admitted. "Being recognized from the start is one thing because it starts off slowly with only a few people knowing your face but if the first time people see your face is when you have millions of fans, the recognition would be overwhelming."
"That's true. I don't think I would mind that much, though."
"Of course not, you're you."
"What does that mean?"
"You like the spotlight."
"I guess. Not all the time."
"Well, what about you?" she asked. "Are you afraid of people knowing what you look like?"
"No. I want to do a face reveal soon but I don't know how I would do it. I want to do it at some kind of event or something but I don't know."
"I need to schedule around when you do it because you'll break the internet. Give us content creators a warning so we can prepare to not get viewers for a week."
Dream laughed. "Oh come on."
"Twitter would just be full of the same picture of you in every single tweet."
"It won't be that big of a deal."
"Something tells me your millions and millions of subs say otherwise."
"Whatever," he said. "As if you wouldn't break the internet too."
"Maybe for a day or two. But you'd break everything for weeks."
"Sure." There was a long pause before Dream softly said, "Karl's lucky."
"How so?"
He didn't speak for a moment, almost like he wasn't prepared for that question because he didn't mean to be heard. "I wish I could know you the way he does."
"You could. He and I knew each other in person first so it's different. You and I could get there eventually."
"You think so?"
"I know so. I trust you a scary amount for someone I met weeks ago."
"I didn't mean to sound like I'm trying to pressure you into showing me your face or telling me your name. I didn't mean like he gets to know what you look like and I don't. I meant, like, I wish we could hang out in person because I prefer that over talking in Discord."
"I get it, Clay. I feel the same way," Y/n said softly. There were a few moments of silence before she spoke again.
"Oh, gosh, it's already four."
Y/n's head snapped to look at her clock, which read 3:57am. "Already?" she whispered. "Dang."
As if acknowledging the time changed the atmosphere, it suddenly felt like 4am. Her back ached from her shifting in her chair so much over the last few hours, never being able to find a good position. The house was eerily quiet and all she heard was the low hum of the heater. The house felt stale, not used to its occupants being so alert and awake at that hour.
"I should probably go to bed..."
"Yeah, me too," Dream agreed. His voice sounded tired. "Thanks for joining us, it was really fun with you."
"Thanks for inviting me. Sorry I made you die. Hopefully you'll still let me back again."
"You're always invited to barge into my streams. Actually."
Y/n giggled again and mentally slapped herself for sounding like a little kid. "Well, you too. You can interrupt my streams anytime."
"I'll hold you to that."
"Goodnight, Clay."
"Goodnight, Bug."
taglist: OPEN (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn​ @itshaileyn @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot @jabby16 @mae-musicbitch @hungoverhellhound @dreamyteam @kuroo-icedtea @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot @fangeekkk @haseulreturns @queenwastaken @peteysgf @losingvienna @bi-narystars @zero-nightshade
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peach-pops · 4 years
Soooooo I just read your Nishin our fic about Kageyama sister and it was GREAT sooooo I would like to request one where Bokuto starts to like Akaashi or Kuroo’s sister!! Either one is fine! Thanks! 🏐🤍 love your writing!!
I’m getting so many requests for haikyuu x teammates sibling! reader since the Nishinoya fic and tbh I ain’t complaining. 
Bokuto Crushing on Akaashi’s Older Sister HC
Bokuto is one of those guys who obeys Brocode to the fullest extent. In his eyes it is basically religious text and for the most part, the rules were pretty standard. 
The biggest rule Bokuto thought he would never have to worry about was rule number four
If a girl falls into the following criteria, she is off limits forever until the end of time: A) Was a bro's ex-girlfriend. B) Your bro specifically told you he wanted her. C) Is your bro's sister.
Bokuto knew Akaashi had an older sister but you had been studying abroad for the past couple of years so Bokuto basically never even thought about you until he came over to hang out with Akaashi at his house
Bokuto doesn’t knock, he always barges in and it’s okay cause he has his own key and when he hears some shuffling in the kitchen, he assumes it’s his friend
“ Akaashi! I hope you’re making lunch cause I am starving! Oh also who’s car is that in the driveway-”
This dude literally stops in his tracks because he sees a random girl he’s never met before in his life making a bowl of cereal with headphones in her ears like she owns the place
He can hear your loud music playing but he notices that you don’t even know that this stranger is in your house gawking at you
Bokuto feels his breath hitch and he really tries to not eye your whole body up and down but it’s so frickin hard because you’re wearing an old Fukurodani jersey BUT NOT JUST ANY JERSEY! 
Bokuto specifically remembers giving Akaashi one of his old Jersey’s that got too small for him SO NOW YOU’RE WEARING A JERSEY THAT USED TO BELONG TO BOKUTO AND IT’S SO BIG ON YOU
And he’s not even sure if you’re wearing anything underneath
You close the fridge door and right when you turn around, you see this stranger in your home and you feel a wave of adrenaline and fear wash over you because who.is.this.sexy.but.random.guy?!?! 
He looks kinda familiar but he could easily have been a face you saw in passing so you’re more abrasive 
“ Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?” 
“ Who am I? Who are you?”
The two of you pause before you both shout Akaashi’s name because um someone has some explaining to do 
So Akaashi scrambles out of the bathroom cause he thinks someone is about to throw hands but he just sees his sister and his best friend screaming for him and he’s just so over it 
“ Akaashi? What is this scary but beautiful girl doing in your house? Are you two dating? Do you have a secret girlfriend? Why wouldn’t you tell me? And why is she eating your cereal- ohmygod did she spend the night?” 
“ Me??? Dating Keiji? That’s disgusting!” You can’t even get all of the words out because you just want to gag at the thought,” I think I need to jump off a bridge!” 
“ Wha-! Bokuto-San this is my older sister, Y/N! I told you she’d come back to Japan today, remember? ” 
Bokuto stops panicking and just pauses because sister???? 
Ohhhhhh yeah that definitely makes so much sense you’re practically a prettier version of Akaashi
But now Bokuto starts to feel even more guilty because he feels bad that he practically checked out his friend’s sister with no shame and he’s already so attracted to you
“ Akaashi, can I talk to you for a second, alone?” Bokuto asks before grabbing his arm and leading him to one of the corners of the house
“ Lets say hypothetically, you had a sister, just hypothetically. And she is super hot-shit sorry-I mean like she’s the prettiest girl in the entire world and hypothetically, I was interested in her romantically. But there’s a problem because hypothetically, the brocode states that it’s against the law to be interested in a bros sister but hypothetically, how would you handle and deal with it?” 
Obviously you can hear the conversation but you do a little happy dance because you wouldn’t mind going on a date with Akaashi’s friend. BESIDES, Akaashi had dated one of your friends years back so now, it was even 
Akaashi just rolls his eyes and rubs his temples with his fingers because jesus, even though Bokuto isn’t girl crazy, he had a feeling he would act like this when he found out he had a sister 
“ Bokuto-san, empirically speaking, it’s not up to me if you ask her on a date, that’s her decision if she wants to date you. However, if you’re asking for my blessing and how I would feel, I know you’re a good guy so yes, I would be fine with it.” 
Akaashi doesn’t even know how to respond this dude just straight up goes back to his room because he can’t deal with so much emotion right now
We all know he would love it if Bokuto was his brother in law but anyway
 Bokuto’s voice carries so easily so when he comes back to the kitchen, he’s trying to act all cool and shit like he leans up against the doorway like a total dork 
He’s trying to do channel his inner Kuroo because one day during training camp, Kuroo was giving him advice on how to pick up girls
Kuroo would be an amazing wingman??? Anyway
“ FYI, you look super good in my jersey,” Bokuto smirks as you shake your head because oh my god, his flirting is so bad but damn he’s just so cute
“ FYI, I’m free this Saturday. You can pick me up at eight,” You smile as you duck underneath his arm and head up back to your room with your bowl 
Bokuto kinda just stands there for a solid four minutes in your kitchen because wow he’s kinda turned on with how forward you are
He just heads straight into Akaashi’s room and starts asking for relationship advice and Akaashi’s head is spinning because jesus, things were going to get confusing real quick 
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achubbydumpling · 3 years
Consider this: slightly chubby office worker bucky and lean, muscular steve who has a huge crush on him.
They work in the same department so Steve is always sneaking him food and rubbing his belly for him. Poor bucky keeps outgrowing his shirts and his pants barely go over his ass anymore but he doesn't wanna stop.
Bucky finally has to work from home when he gets too big for his office chair and his belly is almost constantly hanging out. All thanks to steve, of course.
Hello! I'm sorry for only answering this now, buuuuut this ask made me think of a very specific scenario for some reason? So, I hope you'll enjoy reading this... imagine? ficlet? this is neither edited nor proofread, so I apologize for any mistakes
Alright, I immediately jumped to Bucky working from home because he's outgrown his office chair. Maybe he hit the weight limit, maybe he's just gotten too wide to comfortably fit between the arm rests. Maybe he’s a gainer in this? In any case, he applies to work from home, and they grant him the request (anything to facilitate the kink, right? :D)
Rating: Mature Words: 1638 Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Stuffing, Belly Kink, nicknames (pig), allusions to masturbation, mutual pining, maybe slight dub-con (Bucky doesn't know he's unmuted and Steve doesn't tell him right away)
The only requirement is that he has to be "on call" the entire workday. So, the next week on Monday Bucky sits down at his desk at home and logs in to the program his company makes him use for those calls.
And of course Steve picks up. The guy Bucky has had a not so subtle crush on since basically his first day. The blue eyed, blond haired subject of all of Bucky’s dreams, who is also the guy that Bucky has been eating his weight in junk over, because Steve keeps bringing in baked goods and Bucky can never say no to Steve.
On the other end of the call Steve is nervously chewing on his pencil until he finally hears Bucky’s warm voice say “Good morning.” A huge grin appears on his face without him wanting it to, but this is Bucky. So, of course he’s grinning like a maniac.
Bucky is just… Steve had tried to explain it to Nat once, but all he’d gotten out was a stupid “wow”, while grinning the same way he was right now. So, maybe he had a bit of an office crush, it’s normal when you spend 8h a day together, right? Bucky’s video feed is off and Steve is glad he didn’t stupidly turn his own camera on. He was debating it while he waited for Bucky’s call.
“So, do I just do my work, while I stay on this call or…?” Bucky asks when Steve didn’t respond. Steve scrambles out of his daydreams and nods. Then he remembers to actually say “Yes.”
“Alright,” was all that Bucky said and then the little red mute symbol pops up. Steve groans and rubs his hands over his face to get rid of that stupid smile.
“What’s up?” Bucky chimes back in, when Steve yelps in surprise, he adds, “you didn’t mute yourself. I could hear you… being annoyed, I think.”
“Sorry, Mondays.”
“Yeah,” Steve hears something crunching, “though my day has actually been pretty good so far.”
“Are you eating breakfast right now?” Steve looks at the clock—9:03 am.
“Nah, post-breakfast snack. I was craving something crunchy like those pig's ears you brought in on Friday.”
“That just sounds disgusting. Just call it a palm heart or a palmier.” Steve said the name of the pastry in a French accent in an effort to make Bucky laugh and when he did, his heart fluttered with a burst of warmth.
“Well, I’m having some cereal to make up for not having any pastries around.”
“Some?” Steve asked. He sobered quickly at the mention of what Bucky was actually eating, he hated how badly he was hiding his excitement at hearing what Bucky was eating. He’d been “subtly” pushing food on him since Bucky had first started working at the office. Steve doesn’t know a lot about flirting, but providing food seemed like a natural place to start.
Except he’s been stuck there for close to a year now. Every day he’d promise himself to finally ask Bucky out when he brings him one of the pastries, he brought in from that bakery on his way to the office, but when he’s actually looking at Bucky’s face, that lights up when he sees the sugary treat, Steve can never work up the courage and just slinks back to his own desk. And now Bucky wasn’t even in the office anymore.
Because you’ve fattened him up too much, a traitorous voice whispers in the back of Steve’s mind. It not like Steve was forcing Bucky to eat what he brought in, but all those treats right there in the break room surely weren’t helping with Bucky’s expanding waistline. Or those lunches they started taking together, where Steve always suggested they go out to eat instead of sharing a packed lunch in the break room. So, yeah, Steve wasn’t really at fault. Then why did he feel so goddamned proud whenever he saw Bucky’s shirts getting too small and the armrests on his chair digging into his plush sides?
Steve snaps back to reality when Bucky starts talking again.
“Just a bowl-full. Well, this is my second bowl, but cereal is pretty much mostly air, right?” They talk (argue) about what’s the best cereal after that, then what Bucky had for breakfast and then they somehow spend the entire morning talking like Bucky was still in the office and not all the way across town. Bucky refills his bowl twice before lunch rolls around at noon.
“Well, I’ll see you after lunch.” Steve reluctantly leaves his desk.
“I’ll be here!” Bucky calls before Steve takes of his headphones and heads into the breakroom to scarf down his lunch. He knows Bucky will probably only get back on the call once he has to work, but some small part of Steve hopes that if he eats fast enough he’ll get to spend at least part of his break chatting with Bucky.
When he makes his way back to his desk, Steve pops his headphones back on, plops down on his chair and immediately freezes at what he’s hearing. Bucky isn’t muted. Steve is listening to Bucky eat some kind of pasta dish, a very saucy pasta dish from the noises he can hear every time Bucky takes a bite and sucks the spaghettis he missed into his mouth. This is Steve’s personal hell, he thinks, it can’t get any worse than this.
Steve is just about to tell Bucky he’s unmuted when he hears him say, unmistakably, “Fucking pig.” It can get worse.
“Such a fat fucking pig.” Bucky muffles his moan with another mouthful of food. He must be close to finishing his food Steve thinks, then he blushes at realising he knows what Bucky sounds like when he’s getting full.
Bucky’s headphones must be lying on the desk, because they pick up the slide of skin on skin perfectly and Steve leans closer to his monitor even though there isn’t an image. He presses his hands over his headphones to make sure he hears all the little sounds Bucky is making and then he jolts back when Bucky burps loudly.
Steve’s eyes scan the office to make sure no one saw him jumping around on his chair like a scaredy cat, but no one is around. No one is around to see Steve listen very intently to his co-worker eating lunch. Stuffing himself.— Brain.Steve scolds himself, but then Bucky moans again and Steve can’t help but scoot his chair closer. One, to hide his growing erection and two, because logic has left his brain and he needs to get closer to hear better apparently. Steve turns up the volume and then takes his headphones off to make sure it’s no so loud that anyone walking by could hear the sound.
“Fuck, so good,” Bucky groans and Steve can hear his cutlery cluttering onto the desk. He can hear clothes rustling and suddenly the sound of Bucky rubbing his hands over the taut skin of his belly is back. It overtakes the connection for a long moment, that and Bucky’s shallow breathing.
“Best penne and pizza? Yeah, I can believe that.” Steve can hear Bucky’s chair groaning under him. Three suffering clicks from the chair and another pained belch from Bucky.
“If you keep eating like this you’re gonna get fat, Barnes.” Bucky chuckles to himself, “well, fatter.” Bucky exhales heavily, Steve can hear him shift again and his breathing gets heavier.
“Only thing missing is dessert. That’d make a real glutton outta me, not just overeating at lunch, but eating more sugar after,” Steve hears the familiar sound of Bucky popping his button to get comfortable, but Bucky doesn’t stop there, Steve hears the zipper being pulled down too. Steve’s heart skips a beat. Is he gonna—
“Get some feeder to bring it to me, some rich chocolate cake. No, ah, those little cake pops, that— that Steve brought in.” Steve holds his breath when he hears his own name in Bucky’s voice, the emphasis Bucky puts on his name.
“Steve—” He hears a bottle cap being snapped open. Ok, nope, this is too far, Steve decides and reaches for the mouse.
“Oh, my God, Bucky. You’re unmuted!” Steve just about shouts into the microphone. He immediately hears something clatter to the floor and then Bucky swearing.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. I was just— This isn’t what it looks like. I’m— I was— How long were you listening?” The tips of Steve’s ears are burning and the blush is working it’s way down over Steve’s face.
“A few— just a bit. You said my name.” Steve adds, hopeful, even though Bucky was probably more worried about his co-worker almost catching him jerking off. Listening to him jerk off.
“Great, are we going straight to HR or is tomorrow fine?” Bucky asked resigned.
“How about dinner?” Steve didn’t know where he plucked the courage from, but when Bucky didn’t answer right away whatever ounce of courage had possessed him left just as quickly.
“I’m sorry—"
“No. No, yeah, that’s fine. Great! That sounds good.” Bucky floundered a bit but Steve couldn’t wipe that grin of his face again.
“Tonight?” Bucky added.
“It’s a date.”
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hibiscuswolverine · 4 years
some more komahina parent au cuz I’m thinking about it + Lil baby makoto doin lil baby things cuz that's what he do! Kinda long under cut!^^’
+ They the adopted the young lad when he was just a newborn (Fresh outta the batterbox- yes and that is what she said!)
+They’re kinda concerned when they first met him because he was quite a tiny little thing and the nurse was like “Oh no he’s healthy! He’s just very small for a newborn that’s all!”
+ Idk if I said this already but they didn’t want to introduce Makoto to the former class until he was bigger, because they want to at least get him settled and not overwhelm him with so many new faces (and with the class in general being loud)
+ Newborn makoto acted like a typical newborn; crying through the night, hungry, you know newborn things. As for his parents, they mostly took ‘shifts’ (aka one finding the other passed out on the couch while the milk boils over and makoto is still crying in the bg)....yeah they’re totally fine :)
+When they were still prepping for makoto they actually went to quite abit of parenting classes and was practically dragged into a baby shopping spree with the girls. They wanted to go with more neutral colors as they didn’t know his gender at the time but instead uh... let's say lil’ koto has an interesting wardrobe  thanks to his aunts (and uncles too!) + He’s also in one of these (Nagito’s fault) cuz..LISTEN ITS TOO CUTE OF OPPORTUNITY TO PASS UP OK-
Tumblr media
+ They often feared they were doing bad job with Makoto, but then they watch how other other people treat their kids or how the kids would treat them and they look at makoto who be vibing and they’re like ‘I guess we’re doing alright..’ =beyond this point is when he in his months and like 1st year= +I think its pretty obvious to say that makoto is more or less a happy lil baby! He liked to laugh and giggle a lot, and clap (no particular reason he just did.) and wiggle around (ibuki: It looks like little mako is dancing! Go on mako! show ‘em your moves!!). Still pretty small tho because he cursed like that. + Because he is so small he HATES being cold, like lil man will throw a fit if you even think about not bundling him up. Even if it’s just a lil chilly out so they always make sure to bring a spare blanket with them whenever they go out. + His favorite heat warmer is his papa (Hajime) he’s just lot warmer and softer than his dada (Nagito) both body and heat wise. (Nagito is still Nagito just without his illness, so he’s just really pale and lanky.) But that just means he has a lot of photo ops to take of the sleeping pair.   +People often ask the pair if makoto is their biological son because of just how similar he looks to the two of them, sometimes to mess with people they say yes. +Makoto likes to babble.. quite a lot, he likes to babble a lot to parents. Nagito plays along and also talk to him to. Hajime often watches the two interact and is like ‘what on earth are they planning???’ (M: bab bab ba ba *shierks* N: *Babbles back* M: *babbles and claps his hands* N: Ah yes, I know perhaps we can go do that later, we should be able to find that there.) +Whenever Makoto starts to babble to Hajime, the two talk like they’re having a conversation of sort back and forth. Though hajime talks normal words to him. (M: Ba! ba! ababab aaaa! H: Wha-? You want cereal? No Mako! I’m not giving you cereal yet your not old enough. M: *cries*)  +LoOK I know I said Izuru would only talk normally to him, but it's too funny not to think about Izuru babbling to Makoto. (Makoto and Izuru: *having a conversation* Hajime: *comes in* what are you two doing? Izuru: *sighs* you’re interrupting a important conversation here.) +In this AU nagito is an amputee (no left hand, he lost it due to the plane crash when he was young) Whenever nagito has his prosthetic off, Makoto often thinks that his stump is a great pacifier/teething toy.  +Now I have no clue what job Hajime or Nagito would have but, Hajime does have one (one that he could tell you about). Nagito.. well let me explain; If you ever watched Martin, then there was this running gag in the show where Tommy always said he got a job but he never said what the job and everyone would ask what he did and he’d just reply ‘ it’s my job’....yeah so that's nagito.  + So anyway,  Nagito also brings Makoto with him to commit arson, he carries him around in baby carrier don’t worry! he got lil headphones, glass and stuff for protection!  + Their family portrait is the three of them in all black with shades looking like they came outta an action movie (they’re posing dramatically too) while they’re like an explosion/ big ass fire behind them. Mahiru was very concerned for Makoto’s safety that day.   +They’re nicknames for him range from ‘Koto, Mako, lil nugget, hope nugget’ and then everyone else has different ones for him (tiny person of light, makutie, lil’ man, Koko, mini nagito, big or mini mac, and little shit.)   + Nagito holds him like he is the most delicate little thing, Hajime holds him like a normal person should, Izuru knows how to hold him properly but he doesn’t, he will pick his nephew by his leg and hold him upside down and just carry him around like that (Makoto will just giggle while his parents kinda freak out). + For his first birthday it mostly just consisted of his parents and his aunt + uncles (and their kids if they had any). He managed to “blow out” the candle by thwacking the flame with his hand, didn’t affect him to bad bc they got a cute cake smash photo with a cake covered Mako (A bad alternative would be him not touching the cake at all because he thwacked fire and it made him cry/scared the shit out of him) + Nagito came to find that with makoto his luck is a lil weird; like when he goes to play the lottery he finds that he isn’t winning  like he used too. But when it comes the big numbers something bad happens that day and he goes to play and he wins. Weird huh? (I'm sorry i don’t nagito’s luck cycle that well-) + The moment makoto learns how to use his legs properly and can run, it is ON. Also he is one of those kids that if he’s too quiet for to long he’s up to something.  + Makoto wants your food, and is not taking no for an answer. He’ll look at either of his parents and if they don’t give him the food fast enough or at all, he’ll just forcibly grab the spoon or fork and eat it (if its a finger food he’ll just aggressive grab the food from the bowl) don’t let it be one of his fav foods, he will fight you. Their drink aren’t save either if there's a straw he’s taking that too. 
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d-l-dare · 3 years
Procrastinating is such an oddity. It's often viewed as a negative thing, drawing you away from the important things that need to be done. On the other hand, procrastinating draws you away from things you'd rather not face for an extended amount of time. One of those things may be the fact of there being nothing left for you to do, or perhaps distracting you from dramatic events presenting themselves in your life. Or perhaps they are drawing you away from something darker.
Sitting around my apartment, I noticed some things I needed to get done. After all, I had been working far too long to get anything done those days. I hated living like a slob, but when I only ever have one day a week to get things done, it is out of my control.
Don't get my wrong, my apartment wasn't exactly sloppy. Sure, there may be some trash laying around my chairs and bed. There may be some bowls laying on counter tops and in my sink, but it wasn't like I was living in an episode of Hoarders. I wasn't proud of it either. But today was the day I'd finally gotten off of work, and I wanted for nothing more than to spend it cleaning and getting things caught up around here. It didn't bother me much, as there wasn't anything to do in this town anyways. I had no one extra to spend my time with.
As I found myself waking up, I made myself some cereal for breakfast and went back to my computer desk in my bedroom. It's probably a bad habit, but often times I will find myself eating while watching television or something of the sort. Lately, the habit has shifted to watching videos online. Today was no exception.
I found myself booting up my computer and returning to the main video website. One of the first videos that popped up was one of someone exploring the hidden meaning behind a seemingly dark humored video series. I'd never really heard of the series, so I clicked on the video and watched a few minutes in.
I wanted to enjoy the video, but with the banging going on in the apartment upstairs, it was hard to focus. I really hated this apartment complex. I pay far too much for rent for this place. I plugged in my headphones and turned the volume up louder to drown out the banging.
I restarted the video and it began talking about the series entitled, "Oh, Brother". I know, how original of a title. The man in the video talked about how the series was about two friends that competed in challenges a little out of the ordinary, and found some background lore surrounding what may really be going on. There was something about how he described the videos, as well as the few screenshots that appeared in the video, that made me curious in wanting to check out the series.
I knew I didn't have the time to watch all of them, but it wouldn't hurt to see one or two. Maybe I could pull some up on my phone later and listen while I'm doing dishes, I thought. It sounded good enough on paper, so I decided to follow through. I left the video and searched for the 'Oh, Brother' series. I ended up stumbling upon a playlist of about 5 videos. I clicked the first video.
The video started out with these two guys riding their bikes. One of them said they didn't really know how to ride their bike, but was trying anyways. They then told the story of how when they were a kid, they rode their bike down a hill and crashed their bike into the side of a brick building. The other guy told a similar story, but the thing they hit when they rode their bike downhill was far different. It was into the side of a car. The car's horn started blaring and a ton of people came out and started yelling at him. They both laughed and the video ended.
The next video had them bringing their camera to a burning building. I was in shock. Was this their apartment complex that was burning? My question would soon be answered when they began speaking of their twisted new game. They said they'd take turns making their way into the burning building. The person to rescue the most people would win. You could see one of them was hesitant, but they each took turns. The one outside would hold the camera and talk about how cool and dangerous their situation was. As the video concluded, neither of them rescued anyone. Thankfully, they put a disclaimer at the end where they said nobody was injured in this video.
I almost didn't have the heart to go to the next video. One of the guys was substituting a class of kindergarteners. The other had the camera and was sitting outside, saying he was going to start another game with his friend. He crawled in through the window and his friend, the Sub, was disgruntled about this situation. There was a jump cut to the Sub looking at the camera and his face shifting from worried to a forced smile. They each took turns teaching the class. I was unsure what the goal of their little game was, but it was clear things were getting darker.
By the time I'd reached the end of the third video, I figured I had waisted enough time and grabbed my phone with a pair of headphones. I plugged them in, put them on, and played the theory video about the series, once again. I was done with the series and wanted to learn the big deal before carrying on with my day.
With my phone in hand, I made my way to the kitchen. My heart stopped when I saw my cabinets had been ripped open and there were a bunch of opened bags of food strewn all over the cabinets and the floor. It looked chaotic. Someone had broken in and done this.
I ripped off my headset and dialed the police. As I waited for them to answer, I looked to the windows. They were all locked and unbroken. I turned to my front and back doors. Both were locked and bolted. There was no sign that anyone had even come in. Then another thought sent a chill down my spine and my blood run cold. This could also mean they never left.
VvV - Story Behind the Horror - VvV
This story came from watching a YouTube channel called TheLittleFears. If you haven’t seen their videos, I highly encourage it. (https://www.youtube.com/user/theLittleFears/videos)
I originally wanted this story to have a dark twist similar to one of their videos. Of course, I got distracted by watching YouTube all day. I ended up inspiring this story on what I actually did today, only my version is far less interesting.
I watch Markiplier often and he recently put out a series where he played Power Wash Simulator. I saw one video when it first came out and got bored. This morning, Game Theory put out a video on the game. My first instinct was to watch the series Mark put out before watching the theory.
Three hours of the videos later, I realized the sad truth. I was watching these videos of a guy power washing for hours and hours so that the theory video didn’t spoil anything. In a power washing game. Was this truly my darkest hour? Had I really wasted a day off to watch someone power wash a car for 5 plus hours? Yes, yes, I was at that point.
You have no idea how hard it was not to fall asleep.
I then watched the theory video, just as the sun was about to go down. It was... disappointing. A theory about a game where you power wash things turned out to suck... WHAT HAS MY LIFE COME TO
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brokenjardaantech · 3 years
absorbance of the deep (chapter 5: rest)
written for a mermay prompts challenge. my prompt is ‘monochromatic.’
previous chapter can be found here.
also on ao3
No matter how much Simon wanted to avoid it, he had to return to the lighthouse in the end. Before he left the cave, Markus made him promise two times that he would call for the sea whenever trouble arose, and both times he solemnly swore that he would rely on him for support in case things went down, that he would cry for help, that he wouldn’t pretend that he could solve it on his own, because truthfully, he knew the attack changed everything; his parents could no longer ignore the fact that the only thing standing between him and his death was three teenagers of his age, nor could they pretend that Daniel didn’t even want to stay in their village anymore, and thinking about it, what did he do at school apart from reading on his own anyway? He hadn’t passed any exams since eight or nine, all his promotions were due to the lack of funding of their village and, therefore, the reluctance to waste money on a student for more years than strictly necessary. Of course they didn’t tell him about it in his face; he learnt it a few years back when a disgruntled Daniel complained about how his twin could advance a grade despite not putting any effort into studying at all and threatened to complain to the authorities - whoever they were - until the school or their parents gave him a reasonable explanation that promoting Simon was the cheapest and fastest way to get rid of him. They thought that because he didn’t speak, he certainly couldn’t understand what they were saying either.
Well, it did take him a few months to decide his feelings on the issue and a lot of effort to focus on the entire conversation instead of being distracted by other thoughts halfway through, but that didn’t make it hurt less. It still hurts from time to time when he thinks about it, but the civilisation on the surface is gone, he has Markus to distract him, so he tends not to be very bothered even though he never had been in the first place.
He rode the waves until they placed him gently on the pier connected to the lighthouse, and he thanked them one last time before taking a deep breath and forcing himself to walk along the pier until he was standing in front of the backdoor. He pressed his ear against the wood carefully so that it didn’t make it creak to listen for any sign of struggle and chaos, but all seemed quiet. He could neither hear a single movement nor feel the slightest vibrations apart from the gentle thud, thud, thud of the structure being lapped by the tide, though it could be his bias towards the ocean that made it less terrifying than it probably was in reality. But still, for safety, he climbed up the improvised ladder Daniel built to enter the house through his bedroom instead of through the backdoor, holding onto one of the ledges with one hand while trying to slide the window open.
He should’ve known that his clumsiness would one day cost him.
His heart nearly burst out of his chest as his hand slipped on the glass and he lost his balance. The momentum of his upper body sent him reeling, his other hand let go of the plank, and without at least three points of contact, he started to fall, his limbs flailing but not touching anything solid as his brain processed what was happening, his mind bracing for the inevitable impact and maybe his early demise -
Just to be cushioned by something soft and bouncy.
He was slowly lowered onto the pier until he was lying on the cool wood. Pushing himself to a sitting position, he turned around and saw Markus hanging on the edge of the pier with his arms outstretched and his head peeking out with a chastising look on his face. Go through the door.
It won’t be wise, was Simon’s explanation. Going to my room is safer.
A tendril of water rises from the sea and extends up to the window of the twins’ room, nudging it open until a gap just big enough for Simon to climb through before sliding back down again and disappearing completely. Go on, Markus said in his mind. I won’t go until you’re safely inside.
Simon picked himself up once more and climbed the wall more carefully this time, feeling Markus’ gaze on his back all the way up until he silently rolled into his bedroom - one of the advantages of having his bed next to the windows - and he knelt on the mattress with his arms on the windowsill just to stare at Markus for a long while, memorising the way the rising sun painted the ocean a rippling gold and creating a halo around his head. He looked absolutely stunning.
Just like the entire ocean he should be.
The thought came unprompted and without any explanation, but somehow, in his entire memory, it made sense. It didn’t surprise him that Markus and the sea were the same. It didn’t surprise him that Markus let him know. It didn’t surprise him that Markus brought him the courage to look at the overwhelming brightness of the ocean just to take one more look at him before he disappeared under the pier and proceeded to go back to wherever he lived - if he had a corporal form at all. But it wasn’t a time for poetic musings and pining; he kept his window open for the morning breeze, but as soon as he turned around to face the empty bed on the other side of the room, reality crashed down onto him harder than any tsunami, and he nearly fell off his bed from his attempt to scramble off the bed in search for his twin. Daniel? he asked in his mind before remembering that telepathy was limited to between him and Markus. Creeping out to the corridor, he first checked on his parents’ room and discovered that his mother was sleeping, then he stuck close to a wall as he padded down the stairs to take a peek at the situation in the living room, finding out that his brother was waking up on the sofa. He didn’t look pleased to see Simon.
‘Should I even ask?’ Daniel grumbled as he ran his hand through his hair.
Simon wished he had his dictionary with him right now because then he would be able to tell his twin to clarify, but since rushing upstairs to grab it seemed like a bad idea, all he did was to shut up and listen.
‘Well, it worked,’ the twin walked straight to the kitchen and started preparing his breakfast by banging the cupboard doors and slamming eating utensils onto the counter, the sharp noise assaulting Simon’s ears and forcing him to protect them by covering them with his hands. ‘I’m officially out of this place.’
Simon followed his gaze towards the suitcase by the door, a soft, worn-out thing that looked like it was on the verge of bursting. So that was why Daniel’s bed and the space around it looked so empty when Simon climbed in a few minutes ago - he had probably shoved everything into the suitcase.
‘Don’t worry, I think the other guys are out too,’ the fridge door slammed shut. Every single movement from his twin was forceful, harsh, as if he wanted to unleash his wrath on anything and everything, and even though Simon knew Daniel would never hurt him, his brain told him to stay on guard, to run as soon as he could. Or it was Markus keeping track of everything and silently nudging him towards the direction. ‘They won’t hurt you anymore.’
That didn’t quite match what Josh had said the day before, but Simon wasn’t in the mood to confirm right now; he managed to rush upstairs before the first scrape of metal spoon against teeth as Daniel shoved the first of many mouthfuls of cereal into his mouth to fetch his dictionary, already flipping through the pages as he ran down to perch on the sofa so that it was close enough to let his brother read the word he was pointing at but not hurt him, and he asked, [where - are - you - going]
‘Away from here.’
[where - exactly]
‘Does it matter?’ Daniel exploded, and Simon wished he had grabbed his headphones as well. ‘Not that you care, right? All you ever do is reading your damned books and disappearing into the fucking sea for hours and making us worry. They don’t even want you in the system!’
A particularly hard wave of the hand he was holding the cereal bowl with sent a mixture of milk and soggy cornflakes onto the ground. With a particularly loud curse, he threw the bowl - cereal and all - onto the floor, the ceramic shattering into a few large jagged pieces that Simon knew could be used against him with the loudest clank that echoed in the room. The sound triggered every single alarm in his system, snapped the last thread that held his self-control, and then he stopped caring, he stopped being the supportive twin brother he always wanted to be but couldn’t, he stopped thinking about everything apart from the simple thought that he had to run. He was aware of the sofa, then the suitcase, then the door, and he was out in the sun, his feet were pounding against heating asphalt, the usual soft ocean breeze had turned into blades cutting into his cheeks from how fast he was running, but he couldn’t stop, he couldn’t look back, not with Daniel doing that to him and leaving, leaving, leaving and he was angry and so was probably his mother and his father who wasn’t even in the house but it was a small village and there wasn’t a lot of place for a lighthouse keeping to go at the crack of dawn so WHERE CAN HE BE? His vision became blurry, his ears were filled with nothing but the high-pitched whistling of the wind, and one moment of hesitation was enough for him to trip on completely flat ground and land painfully on hard ground paved with pieces of sett, but despite the pain, despite the wounds he couldn’t feel, despite his throat constricting and his legs burning, he picked himself up, moved forward; walked when he couldn’t run, put one foot in front of another when he could barely walk, collapsed onto his feet and crawled when he couldn’t support himself - anything to get away from his brother who betrayed him and his mother who didn’t care about him once he stopped being a baby and his father whom he didn’t even know the location of.
He didn’t have any reason to stay, he realised, but neither did he have anywhere else to go.
Somehow no one stopped him before the texture underneath his hand turned from pavement to wet grass, and he used the last of his strength to drag himself to a shaded spot under a tree so that his senses didn’t get overwhelmed again from the sunlight. Without direct light, the morning dew was even more prevalent and soaked through his shirt quickly, but even that was better compared to the heat he had absorbed from the sun or generated from running from one side of the village to another. He had no water, no food, nothing to help himself recover apart from time, time which he didn’t have because his entire body was hurting so much that he might as well be dying, and even though the logical, life-loving side of him knew that dying here wouldn’t solve anything, he wouldn’t mind if he just closed his eyes here and never wake up, because if he did, his parents would probably send him off to the deep ocean on a boat in his favourite clothing and possession - the latter which probably consisted of nothing more than his noise-cancelling headphones and his trusty backpack that was too small on him but he refused to replace - then he would be able to be with Markus forever because he no longer had to return to the bright surface world where there was no Markus -
Cut that thought, Markus’ voice wasn’t loud but neither was it gentle like before. I’ll ask someone to tend to you. Wait there.
Markus had never been that harsh (firm, the reasonable side of his mind reminded him, but it wasn’t that he had the capacity to be reasonable and level-headed right now) with him before. Simon knew the words were out of genuine care, so why was his vision turning blurry and the sockets of his eyes heating up? I want you to be here.
I know, but you were just attacked yesterday and people wouldn’t be kind when they see another stranger with you.
They didn’t see you yesterday?
I made sure I stayed hidden.
That didn’t help Simon’s argument. But I don’t want anyone else.
I’ll be there as soon as I can.
But I want you here now, Simon knew he didn’t have an excuse anymore and was throwing a tantrum, but he just couldn’t seem to stop, couldn’t seem to stop hurting. I can come to you.
No. Stay where you are. You are under no condition to move.
The last sentence sparked his defiance, the sudden pounding in his heart giving him just enough strength to put some of his weight into his arms and push his upper body up by a few centimetres before they suddenly gave out and the back of his head hit the grass once more with a soft thud. His fingers on the grass tightened, the force enough to tear a few poor strands of vegetation out of the soil, and he curled into a ball with frustrated tears rolling down his face. He was tired. He didn’t know how long he lay there sobbing and crying until he exhausted the last bit of his strength and he could only melt into the hard ground, feeling the soil soften underneath his body and release even more moisture and wetting his clothes to an uncomfortable level.
He just wanted Markus.
It was hours later when the sun was high up in the sky that he heard footsteps approaching, and he had to cover his ears once more because he had been with nothing but his own breaths for so long that anything more than that set him on edge. He did risk a peek at the person and realised that it was Josh, who knelt down next to him and blocked most of his vision with his body. ‘Markus told me you’re here,’ he explained, the volume of his muffled voice just right. ‘I’ll take you back to my place. Then we’ll see what we can do, okay?’
Anywhere that was neither the lighthouse nor here sounded good enough to Simon right now, so he nodded and attempted to pick himself up once more, managing to sit up but not stand on his feet because the burn in his muscles was too much to bear. Josh offered his hand for him to grab as support, but when Simon reached out to grab it, his friend surprised him by taking his wrist and pulling him up almost painfully in a way that reminded him of North. When he swayed, Josh didn’t even ask before taking one of Simon’s arms and draping it on his shoulders and then dragging him towards the car he didn’t even realise was there. How did he miss an entire car engine?
Josh helped him fasten his seatbelt before going to the other side of the car to climb in. North was, once more, their designated driver, and their gazes only met once in the rearview mirror before Simon averted his eyes and she made the car go. How Markus contacted them or how they managed to arrive in such a short time, Simon had no idea, but all he knew as the air-conditioning started drying his sweat and his wounds from tripping and falling started to sting. North might as well have run him over with her car and he probably wouldn’t know the difference.
The drive to Josh’s house was short, a fact that Simon was grateful for because of how much his wounds were suddenly hurting. When they arrived, he let Josh lead him into the house, sat down on the too-soft sofa when he instructed him to, mentally prepared himself for the sting of Rivanol after Josh warned him about how he was going to treat his wounds, and all the warning he got was North holding him in place before a cotton ball soaked in yellow fluid was swapped against the scrapes on his arms.
If his voice worked, he would’ve screamed.
But it didn’t, and all he could do was sit there trying not to pull his muscles all over again by hissing and breathing through the gaps of his clenched teeth as one of his best friends hold him down and the other quickly sanitised all open wounds on his body by lighting fires on top of it. His muscles flexed and spasmed, beads of sweat broke out on his already soaked body, and there was nothing he could do when Josh accidentally dragged the material of the dressing against one of the scrape wounds on his arm against broken skin, tugging layers of tissue towards a direction it shouldn’t go. Suddenly he was back on the street again, his legs paralysed and too weak to support himself, he could taste the salt of his own sweat, he could swear the sunlight was going to burn him, his skin was boiling, sweat and blood and other fluids were leaking out of his body, he needed to get out and run and run until he was one with the ocean and maybe then he could be -
‘Look, Simon.’
North’s voice, one that she usually reserved for situations where they had to abandon everything and run, cut through his mind, and so he looked, he heard the sound of running water, and it didn’t take long for him to notice the clear stream of running water moving across the floor towards where they all were and crawling up the sofa in a defiance against gravity, the second time that he saw Markus in such state. This time, the sea showed up and solidified next to him and immediately pulled Simon against his side, the weight of his arm across his shoulders and the warmth his body radiated equally comforting. Markus said something but he didn’t catch it, but it was also fine because Markus’ hand on his face helped numb his senses, and the next thing he knew was Josh pulling away and setting the first-aid kit to one side. ‘Go take a shower,’ North said before taking the kit away. ‘I’m sure Josh can lend you something.’
‘The dressings are waterproof,’ Josh explained. It got harder to hear his voice when he walked to the other side of the living room, but somehow Simon managed to catch everything instead of drifting away. ‘Just make sure that the adhesive doesn’t fully peel back and the wounds should be protected well. I’ll get you some clothes; do you want long sleeves or short sleeves?’
Just as Simon wondered how he could request for a dictionary, a small one was gently placed on his lap, and unfamiliarity meant that it took him longer than usual to find the word he needed. [short]
‘I’ll put them in the bathroom. Hope you don’t mind they’re a bit big.’
Simon looked at the clothes he was wearing. His shirt used to belong to his father who was both stronger and broader than Simon himself would ever be, his mother had to add an elastic around the waistband of his trousers so that it could stay on without a belt because he was too clumsy to use one, and he constantly had to wear two pairs of socks so that his shoes fit and the hard material didn’t scrape his skin. [use - to - it]
He wasn’t sure if all the flipping and scanning even paid off because his friend was already moving on to his next task, and the thought that he was once more left alone simply for being slower to communicate his thoughts - not letting that chain of thought continue. Seeing nowhere to return the dictionary to, he placed it on top of one of the many piles of books on the coffee table and hoped that Josh didn’t mind in case he screwed up the arrangement, but from the layer of dust on the once-topmost book, its owner probably hadn’t touched it in quite a while, so Josh probably wouldn't care that much - if he remembered the pile existed at all.
Come on, Simon, let’s get to the bathroom to clean you up.
The stairs in Josh’s house were hard to climb because of the big steps. With every single movement came a sharp wave of pain from the dressing brushing against his scrapes, and by the time he reached the upper floor, it felt like he had been running all over again, his body aching in places he never knew could hurt or exhaust and making him even more drained than before. Markus’ presence behind him probably saved him from falling backwards and hitting his head against the corner of a step multiple times, but it didn’t prevent his legs from seizing up from a cramp, didn’t help him prepare for the slight moment of panic he felt before he met the floor painfully, didn’t remind him to breathe as the air was knocked out of his lungs. The floor was hard but cool and smooth. He might lie there for a moment so that he can rest -
He was rolled over before an arm slid underneath his back and another his knees, and suddenly he was in the air, a bounce and suddenly his head rolled uncontrollably against Markus’ chest, and in Simon’s head was the sea’s voice, Let me help you. It’s been a restless two days.
Simon realised that any other person would’ve been at least somewhat embarrassed had the circumstances been the same, but as Markus carried him to the bathroom, as he was gently placed on the countertop between the sink and the pile of clothes Josh no doubt prepared, as he watched Markus fumble with the taps next to the bathtub, he felt oddly numb apart from the usual anticipation and sense of safety the sea brought to him. Like he was underwater riding the waves while being half-asleep and his entire vision was tinted a deep, deep blue. He heard neither the sound of water hitting the smooth surface of the bathtub nor the telltale murmur of running water, but when Markus filled his line of sight with his body by standing so, so close again, Simon looked up and saw that the tub was nearly full.
I hope the temperature is appropriate, the sea said. Do you want me to stay or leave? I know people on the surface tend to bathe alone.
You may stay, Simon replied. I don’t mind. It’s up to you.
His hands reached for the hem of his shirt so that he could take it off - one of the rare complex actions he could do on his own after years of practice and embarrassment - but one thing he failed to account for was that he had run across town not a few hours ago and had tripped countless times before lying for hours on melting soil, and the smell of his own sweat, the stickiness of the mud sticking onto his clothes and parts of his body, the bruises and muscle cramps making themselves known when he tried to raise his arms - his mouth fell open in a silent scream while his body stayed frozen despite his pounding heart and his racing breaths. He couldn’t finish the motion.
He was stuck.
His shirt was tugged away by a pair of hands that didn’t belong to him, returning both his vision and mobility, and he held his breath as Markus casually dropped his shirt onto the floor with his green eyes fixated on somewhere below his face as if he was taking in every bruise, every small scar he left on himself when he picked on the thin, tiny hair that was the only thing his body seemed to be able to grow, every single cell that made him who he was. Slowly, Markus reached for him, touched him first with the pads of his fingers, then with his entire hand, then sliding said hand across his body, slowing down on dressing-covered flesh, smoothing down his arm, then holding Simon’s slender wrist, his bony hand, and he couldn’t help but notice how dark Markus’ skin was compared to his own, how strong and shapely his hand was, how he could feel the sheer power humming underneath Markus’ skin as if asking for permission to… enter him.
And the thought that he wouldn’t mind was equally terrifying and exciting.
What do you want to do? Simon asked. Had they been alone, he would’ve let Markus have his way, but unfortunately they were still in Josh’s house at the moment.
I can heal your wounds in a blink of an eye, Markus made it sound like something normal that he did on a daily basis, but I’ll need your permission. It might feel strange for you.
Being pain-free did sound nice, but Simon dared not think of how his friends would react if they realised his wounds were gone. They had enough speculations and suspicion about Markus that neither of them was in the position to answer, and to think that on top of turning into a gravity-defying puddle and controlling the ocean, he could heal whatever aches and pains Simon had in his body… the questions would be endless. Not this time. Josh and North will notice and they’ll ask questions.
Doesn’t mean that we need to answer them.
I don’t even want to hear them.
Fair enough. May I help you undress, then?
Simon gave Markus a nod, and the sea knelt to take off his socks before beckoning him to slide down the counter so that he could remove his torn trousers next. What Simon didn’t expect, however, was his underwear being removed at the same time, and in one smooth motion he was completely bare, but instead of feeling exposed like when he was with… anyone else, for that matter, he felt… relieved. As if the final barrier he constructed between the ocean and himself finally crumbled and collapsed, all with a pull of fabric. He found Markus staring again, except this time Simon was the one overlooking and Markus the one below him, and it was neither awkward nor unnatural even though his experience had been the opposite, the sea as destined to look after him as he was destined to be drawn to the depths of the ocean. The idea of letting the sea take him came unprompted, and Markus stood up in a sudden, abrupt movement that startled Simon. Evidently their bond ran deeper and less controllable than he had thought. More unexpectedly, the sea took his cheeks and yanked him in for a kiss rougher than any one they had shared up to that point, one of Markus’ thumbs pressing down on his chin in a wordless command to open his mouth which he complied, welcoming the sea’s mouth to devour his own, submitting to the ocean’s manipulation when strong fingers angle his head to gain better access to his lips, his tongue. A heat so foreign to him that it quickly became terrifying pooled in his guts, and as if sensing Simon’s discomfort and fear, Markus finally pulled away but stayed close enough to press their foreheads together, their breaths mingling and their hearts roaring in sync. Then they kissed again, this time no more than a light peck of their lips - an apology from Markus.
I lost control, he said. I should’ve slowed down. I’m sorry.
You did, answered Simon, and even he himself wasn’t sure if it was referring to the first or second statement. I… liked it.
I scared you.
I scared myself.
Markus sighed and took both of Simon’s hands in his. Let’s get into the bath.
He obeyed the request and stepped into the warm water with a hand on the edge of the tub and the other holding onto Markus’ wrist, his subsequent exhale draining the remaining strength out of him, and his back hit the slanted side of the tub with a dull thud and a splash of water. His arms drifted beneath the surface in an odd show of buoyancy, his legs started floating upwards if he didn’t use some of his strength to ground himself - which he eventually got over by spreading his legs and sticking them against the sides of the tub - and he discovered soon enough that he couldn’t stop moving because everything felt so strange when the water wasn’t flowing.
He was used to the vastness of the ocean. He was used to the waves either carrying him to his home or gently cradling him as he floated on the surface with Markus as they both gazed at the stars. He was not used to still water and the noises he made echoing in the confined space of a bathroom.
Close your eyes, Markus distracted him with a kiss on his cheek. Imagine yourself sitting in the tide under the sun with my protection. I’ll wash you if you allow me to.
Simon did as he said. Please.
He let his mind drift as he relaxed into the bath while Markus… did his thing. He was aware of a soft sponge being carefully pushed between his fingers, then along his body, then his toes, the smoothness that followed indicating that Markus was using some sort of soap that somehow managed to not irritate Simon’s fragile skin. It was more solid and stern than Simon would’ve treated himself, but because it was Markus, he was relaxing nonetheless, and somehow he found himself leaning into the ocean’s touch as Markus washed his hair and kneaded his scalp with just enough pressure to make it therapeutic instead of painful.
We should do this more often, Markus said as he washed away the bubbles in Simon’s hair. As the water automatically avoided his eyes, Simon risked opening them and discovered that the water in the tub was still as clear as when it was first prepared. It is… more relaxing than I expected.
You’re doing most of the work.
Indeed I am.
This isn’t cumbersome?
Not when it’s you I’m serving. Come on, we’re finished here.
This was the first time Simon emerged from a bath completely dry immediately, saving him the trouble of dragging a towel across his skin and making himself all sweaty and annoyed, and it didn’t take long for him to get dressed despite the dull throbbing of his muscles and wounds thanks to Markus’ help, but he insisted to walk down the stairs himself even though he had to keep a vice-like grip on the sea’s arm because of course a staircase narrow as this didn’t have any railings. He made a beeline to the sofa and sank into its corner right before his legs gave out, and Markus joined him immediately afterwards and placed his arms around his shoulders. Drifting together at last, as things should be. Distantly, he heard Markus talking to someone with his physical voice, but it was all muffled and illegible to his exhausted mind, and it wasn’t until the ocean’s voice echoed in his mind that he woke up from the light doze he had fallen into.
I presume that you heard nothing.
And you are correct.
The arm around his shoulders tightened as Markus buried his nose into Simon’s hair. Are you up to going back to school?
They want your input in deciding your future education.
Simon was confused. They never listened to me before.
He could hear a smirk in Markus’ voice. They will now. Don’t worry, I’ll always be on your side.
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dvp95 · 5 years
not trying to hide it
pairing: dan howell/phil lester rating: explicit tags: flatmate au, strangers to lovers, smut, fluff word count: 5.6k summary: Phil's parents want him to get a flatmate. Bryony wants to get her newly-evicted mate off her couch. It’s not quite luck or fate, but Phil is thankful anyway. 
a birthday present for the lovely and hilarious @karcathy !!!!! they deserve only good things and you should all go wish them a happy birthday!
read on ao3 or here!
Phil doesn’t want to get a flatmate. He likes having his own space, because he can mess it up as much as he likes and doesn’t need to worry about someone making noise while he’s trying to sleep. He only pays part of his own rent, though - half during a good month - so he doesn’t have much of a choice when his parents tell him to find someone who can cover at least a third of it. London isn’t cheap, and Phil makes a fluctuating amount of money, and he supposes his parents are well within their rights to insist he gets his life together at some point.
He’s pretty sure that they helped him pick out a two bedroom so that he would do that eventually. Maybe they’d had some kind of pipe dream about nurseries? In either case, Phil’s just had his miscellaneous junk piled in the spare for over a year. There’s a futon in it whenever Martyn or PJ come over and don’t feel like taking the Tube home, but it’s currently piled high with unopened packages and stuffed animals.
Clearing the room is probably the biggest task. Phil’s got a lot of clutter, and getting rid of it is weirdly difficult sometimes. Most of it just ends up in his room or in the common area, making the rest of the flat look even more topsy than it already did. Opening all the PR is fun, until suddenly he’s got dozens of empty parcels to dispose of and various merch items from his online friends scattered all over the rug. At least most of it is clothing and accessories - he’s got enough storage in his room to handle more clothes. It’s the trinkets that he’s got problems finding space for.
Phil’s parents didn’t give him a deadline, which was probably a mistake. He’s all too happy to just exist with a barren spare room until they get on his case again, but that’s before Bryony gets ahold of him. Somehow, she scares him a lot more than his own mum does.
“Phil,” she says, blunt and businesslike as if she’s calling from work. Maybe she is - it’s quarter to four, which he supposes is a normal time for adults to be at work. Phil is in his pants and eating cereal. He didn’t even want to answer the phone, really, too invested in the complicated storyline playing out on Riverdale, but he knows she’d just keep calling until he did. “Have you cleared out that room yet?”
“Yes, mum,” says Phil. “I hated every second of it.”
“Good,” Bryony says. Which part she’s replying to is unclear. “My mate just got kicked out of his place and I want him off my couch. Will you bump him up the nonexistent list of potentials you’ve got?”
Phil pauses the Riverdale episode. It’s hard to focus on that and Bryony’s drama. “Well, that depends on why he got kicked out. Like, is he a dick? Did he not pay rent? Did he leave dishes in the sink for three weeks? Did he kick a hole in the wall trying to do drunk karate?”
“You need to stop comparing people to your uni housemates. No, nothing like that.”
“Then what happened?”
There’s a pause, and then Bryony makes a disapproving sort of noise. “It’s not exactly my fucking story to tell, is it? I’ll just say he ran into a bigot landlord and leave it at that, yeah?”
Something like guilt for pushing the issue settles into Phil’s stomach, but he scolds himself. He couldn’t have known that, and he didn’t want to blindly do a favour for someone troubled and stupid and in need of help. Bryony has a habit of collecting those people. When Phil feels like being honest with himself, he can recognise that he’s in that category as well. He doesn’t really feel like it today.
“Fine,” Phil says, like it’s a bigger hardship than it is. “Send him over, uh, Thursday?”
“I’ll send him over tonight,” says Bryony. Phil makes a loud noise of protest that she bowls right over. “You said the room is empty. Dan is eight feet tall and he snores like a lawnmower. I want him off my couch.”
Bryony’s mate isn’t eight feet tall, obviously, although Phil thinks it would be pretty cool if he were. The flat has high ceilings that Phil has to jump to touch, and he’s been amusing himself by picturing a giant of a man reaching up and just tapping on them. He does have to duck around the hanging light in the kitchen, but so does Phil.
“I’m convinced that’s going to be the thing that kills me,” Phil says conversationally.
Dan hasn’t said much, mostly just mumbling awkward pleasantries, but he laughs at that. When he laughs, Phil sees a glint of silver in his mouth that has his brain short-circuiting a little bit.
“Maybe,” Dan says as he looks dubiously into Phil’s cupboards. “Only if the sugar intake doesn’t get you first, mate. Why the fuck do you need four bags of marshmallows?”
“They’re different sizes!”
“Do you do a lot of baking or something?”
The question makes Phil flash back to the last time he tried to make muffins. The stain from that adventure turned meltdown still hasn’t come out of his favourite jeans. Whatever expression twists onto his face makes Dan laugh again, louder, and Phil decides that being a little stupid is worth hearing that unabashed sound. He gives Dan a sheepish grin and sticks his hands in his pockets. “No. I just like marshmallows.”
“You know they’ve got gelatin in them, right?” Dan asks like he’s trying to be serious, but the twitching of his lips gives him away.
“I like jello, too.”
“That’s not what -” Dan starts, and then honks. “How d’you know Bryony again?”
That’s a bit of a long, mortifying story, but Phil tells it anyway. He makes tea as he relives spilling a blue cocktail on her very expensive shoes and then following her around like a puppy while he tried to make it up to her. Normally he’d feel like he was talking too much, but Dan leans against the breakfast bar with attentive brown eyes and laughs in all the right places, so Phil doesn’t feel that hint of self-consciousness.
He hands Dan’s tea over in a Kirby mug and pours his own into an ugly commemorative one from a dinky Florida gift shop. For a moment, there’s quiet. Dan doesn’t seem uncomfortable as much as he seems contemplative, running his tongue absently over his teeth to catch on the silver ball in his tongue.
Then Dan says, “I don’t have any mugs. Or furniture. Or anything, really.”
“Nothing?” Phil asks, wondering if he ought to be aghast or just empathetic. He wonders if that has something to do with Dan being kicked out, or if he’s one of those minimalist people. “Not even, like, clothes?”
“I’ve got clothes, Jesus,” says Dan. Despite his grumbling, he looks more embarrassed than anything.
“Well,” Phil says, then comes up short. He hasn’t had to live with other people in so long, he forgets how this part works. “You can use whatever I’ve got. I don’t expect you to go out and buy your own plates or something, that would be silly. And we’d probably put off dishes even longer if I did.”
Dan smiles, but there’s a wariness that Phil doesn’t quite understand. “Okay. Thanks.” He takes a long sip of his tea, eyes fluttering closed for a moment, and Phil reminds himself - not for the first time, not even for the first time today - that it’s pointless to think about how pretty a guy is when nothing is going to come of it. “So you’re, like, really okay with me living here? You don’t need to let Bryony bully you.”
“Not quite sure what the alternative is,” Phil jokes, “but I don’t mind. I need a flatmate.”
“I can be a good flatmate,” Dan says, with a weirdly determined air about him. Phil has no reason not to believe him, aside from his own bad experiences with young men sharing space with him, but at least Dan isn’t a uni lad.
Phil finds himself shrugging. “Okay,” he says, because this is all going much easier than he expected. He supposes Bryony was doing him a favour as much as he was doing her one, because the relief of not having to do a bunch of interviews with potentially creepy strangers is settling into him now. “Rent’s due on the first, the water pressure sucks on weekends, and I’m gay.”
Dan blinks. Some of that wariness melts into something that Phil can’t read before he looks down at his tea.
“Me too,” Dan tells the drink. “More or less.”
It takes actual effort for Phil to bite back the joke. Maybe if the admission weren’t pulling at Dan’s shoulders in such an obvious way, he’d ask if Dan meant he also sucked on weekends. Instead, he just smiles. “That’s good. If Bry sent me a homophobe, I’d have to return her Christmas present.”
Dan leaves just long enough to get his bags, and then Phil has a flatmate. He promises to get a key cut in the morning, but Dan just shrugs and says he doesn’t leave the house much anyway, so there’s not much of a rush. That’s when Phil figures out that they both work from home, and anxiety swirls in his gut at the idea of that quickly becoming an issue. It’s so much easier to get on each other’s nerves when they’re both around practically all day every day, but that’s a bridge he’ll have to burn when he comes to it, or whatever.
For a couple of days, Dan is like a wounded animal that only comes out of hiding when he hears the fridge door open. Phil knows there isn’t really anything left in the room aside from his futon and a desk that he and Martyn tried to put together tispy, but he supposes that Dan’s got a laptop and big padded headphones to entertain himself with.
After a little while of getting used to the place, though, Dan starts doing his work in the common area of the flat. He’ll sit at the breakfast bar to sort through potential articles with the air of someone very bored on Tinder or make a nest on the corner of the sofa to watch Phil play Zelda. He’s good about staying quiet whenever Phil is streaming, but sometimes he’ll laugh or tease Phil for a dumb move, and people start wondering who the voice out of frame is.
They play games together, too, when neither of them have work to do - or, more accurately, are avoiding their tasks for a little while with pizza and Mario Kart - and Dan wins more often than not. That should probably be embarrassing to Phil, since he plays video games for a living, but he’s never been the type to try and excel at every single game he plays. It’s more about the entertainment, both for himself and for his audience. He imagines Dan feels similarly torn between sheepish and intrigued when Phil looks at the HTML on Dan’s laptop and points to an issue that Dan’s been trying to find for an hour.
Dan is a nerd with a contagious laugh who writes up a chart of ridiculous Riverdale theories on their fridge whiteboard, and it’s getting more and more difficult for Phil not to notice him.
His hair looks soft, his eyes are as expressive as the rest of him, he’s all lanky limbs and hairless chest when he hangs out half-naked - which is unfortunately often - but his mouth is probably the worst offender. He’s always chewing on a pen or toying with his tongue ring, like he’s got to be doing something with it when he’s not talking, and that’s not a train of thought that Phil should be going down except during the privacy of his showertime.
At this point, he’s not sure if he should thank Bryony or strangle her for delivering him a gorgeous ‘more or less’ gay man with all the same hobbies and interests as him, because there are too many ways for this to end badly and only, like, one way he wants it to end.
Phil is streaming Apex Legends in a surprisingly competent team when his phone rings. It doesn’t ring very often, and it’s probably Bryony asking why he’s been holed up for over a month, so he ignores it. It’s only when it starts ringing again, immediately after it stops, that he frowns.
“Hey, Dan,” he calls. Last time he checked, Dan was rearranging the spice shelf into something that makes a bit more sense than its current state. He thinks it’s a little silly, and he’ll probably still reach for the hot chocolate in the wrong place, but he likes that Dan has been making himself more at home lately. He’s noticed a few of his knick-knacks shifting around the room as well. “Can you check who’s calling?”
There’s a clattering noise that slightly worries Phil, and then Dan says, “It’s your mum.”
Phil freezes. He’s in the middle of something, sure, but he’s been waiting for this call. He doesn’t want to tell the couple thousand people watching him play about his dad’s health, so for a long moment he doesn’t know what to do.
Then, Dan is leaning over the back of the sofa. He takes the controller from Phil’s hands and replaces it with his still-buzzing phone.
“Go talk to her,” he murmurs. “I’ll keep playing for you.”
Gratitude washes over Phil, and he practically runs to his room to take the call. He doesn’t have time to worry about what his Twitch audience will think of Dan’s sudden appearance after so much time as a disembodied voice, because he’s got to spend all his brain power concentrating on the things his mum is telling him. At least he knows he’s not letting his team down - if anything, getting Dan as defense is an upgrade.
The conversation with his mum is long, but it’s all good news. Phil lets his mum talk his ear off, because the relief in her voice is so palpable and contagious that he doesn’t have the heart to say he’s in the middle of a video game. She only says goodbye when he gently reminds her to call Martyn as well, and then Phil is alone in his room with nothing but the pounding of his own heart in his ears for company. They’ve had good news (and bad news and no news) from the doctors before, but every time it’s like a shot of adrenaline right to Phil’s system. His dad is okay, his mum is happy, and his rampant anxiety can take a short break.
Dan isn’t playing anymore when Phil comes back, probably because the round ended, but he’s rambling about his own Apex opinions to the chat. He’s passionate like he is about basically everything, his hands and mouth moving faster than his brain, and Phil feels more warmth settle into his skin.
“Gunning for my job?” Phil jokes, plopping back down on the sofa. His thigh is pressed to Dan’s, but neither of them shift away.
“Maybe,” Dan teases. He hands the controller back all the same.
There’s a question in Dan’s big brown eyes: Everything okay? He doesn’t need to know details to pick up on how important that call was, and Phil thinks that this would have been the point of no return if he hadn’t hit that a couple weeks ago. He beams at Dan and nods, and the crinkly-eyed grin he gets in response makes Phil feel like he’s floating on air.
Later, when the night is winding down, Phil’s body is thrumming. Normally he’d be curled up with a book on one side of the sofa while Dan and his laptop took up the other, and that would be enough interaction before they headed to bed, but Phil still feels wired.
“You wanna go out?” he asks for the first time since Dan moved in. He’s always been more of a homebody than most of his friends, but having a friend like Dan - because that’s what they are now, isn’t it? - who also enjoys sitting in relative quiet doing their respective activities has made him even more of a shut-in than usual. Dan is clearly surprised by the question, and Phil doesn’t blame him. “I just - y’know, I got good news earlier, and I’m happy, and I want to get a drink or something.”
“And you want it with me?” Dan asks, his dimple deepening in the tell-tale beginnings of a grin.
“Yeah,” says Phil. Maybe he ought to have some kind of explanation that doesn’t make him sound like an idiot with a crush, but he can’t be bothered to think of one right now. Besides, Dan is smiling with the silver ball between his teeth, so he probably doesn’t mind how Phil sounds.
“Alright,” Dan agrees easily enough, shutting his laptop. “I’ll get dressed.”
Neither of them dress up; Phil leaves his top buttons open and Dan’s jeans are distractingly tight, but that’s as much of a concession as they’ll make. Phil likes bars more than he likes pubs or clubs, and he thinks splashing ten quid on a neon pink cocktail is absolutely worth it tonight. Dan doesn’t offer his opinion one way or the other until they’re sat at a booth, and then he says, “Thank fuck you’re not a clubber.”
“You don’t like clubbing?” Phil asks, distracted by Dan’s mission of blindly finding his straw with his tongue. The longer he knows Dan, the more he’s tempted to look up whether or not oral fixation is a real thing. “I mean, I don’t really love it, but it’s fun sometimes.”
“I’d have to already be wasted to dance in public,” says Dan.
“Oh, I can’t dance,” Phil says, matter-of-factly, and Dan snorts into his drink. “But I do it anyway.”
The bar isn’t overly busy or loud, but Phil still has to strain his ears to hear when Dan mutters, “Maybe it’d be more fun with you.”
It’s a little too easy for Phil’s overactive imagination to picture. Dan, pressed close to him and laughing with his head thrown back every time Phil says or does something stupid. He hopes that the flush he feels high on his cheeks isn’t obvious in the low light, but he’s not optimistic. Dan’s smile is more of a smirk.
Maybe getting drunk with the object of his stupid affections is… not smart. But Phil’s drink is good, and Dan is striking up an easy conversation about the music that’s playing, so Phil pushes logic aside for the moment to just enjoy himself.
Phil wakes up with a dry mouth and a slight headache, which is honestly better than he expected after three cocktails and a greasy kebab on the way home. Either Dan drank less than he did or he’s better at holding his alcohol, because Phil remembers getting guided away from lamp posts by his big, steady hands a couple of times.
He remembers making a bit of a fool of himself in general, but if anything Dan got more and more smiley the more that Phil rambled about Star Wars. Phil had reached across the table and poked at one of Dan’s dimples, and Dan had laughed loudly before taking Phil’s hand and holding it to the tabletop for a couple of seconds. Phil hadn’t wanted him to let go, and he wonders now if the hesitation stemmed from Dan’s own reluctance to stop touching him or if that’s just wishful thinking.
Phil gets himself together enough to take some ibuprofen and a long shower. By the time he gets out, wrapped in various towels, Dan is awake and making breakfast. It smells like bacon, but Phil is wary. It might be that fake stuff Dan insists on buying.
“That smells good,” Phil says, suspicious. He drifts over to the breakfast bar to try and get a peek at the pan.
“It’s real bacon,” says Dan. He turns specifically to roll his eyes where Phil can see it.
“Oh, cool. I thought you weren’t eating meat.”
“I’m not,” Dan says. “This is for you. I’m not hungry.”
“God, you’re incredible,” says Phil. He thinks that maybe he should tone it down a bit, because Bryony will kill him if he messes up this very good thing they’ve got going, but he’s not humble enough to not notice the way Dan dimples and turns pink at the earnest compliment. “Seriously,” he adds, talking to Dan’s back as he plates up some toast and bacon. “I am so lucky you needed a place to stay.”
“Luck’s not real, first of all,” Dan says as he hands over Phil’s breakfast. “Secondly, you’re only saying that because I cooked for you.”
Phil isn’t just saying that for the food, but it certainly takes over his attention. He pulls the towel around his shoulders tighter and leans against the breakfast bar to eat. Dan steals the crusts off his toast, rambling the whole time about the work emails he’d woken up to. Every time Dan talks about the ins and outs of journalism and website upkeep, Phil feels grateful all over again for getting a job so far out of his official field that the sectors barely touch. He doesn’t think he could handle working with so many people who can’t figure out how to change the alignment of text in simple HTML or which words they should capitalize in a headline.
“Thank you,” Phil says when he’s done, coming into the kitchen proper to rinse his plate. It’s the least he can do, considering his inability to actually wash the dishes before Dan gets fed up with the mess.
“At the risk of sounding gross and sappy,” Dan hums, “it’s really me who should be thanking you.”
“Maybe we should just both thank Bryony,” Phil suggests, turning to look at Dan again. Dan’s eyes snap up from - somewhere? Phil’s bare legs, maybe? - to stare determinedly at Phil’s face as if he can pretend that they never wandered. “You being too big and loud for her couch is the whole reason you’re here.”
Dan honks a laugh and reaches out like he’s going to shove at Phil. He doesn’t make contact, possibly remembering that Phil is somewhat naked, and just lets his hand fall back to his side awkwardly.
“As if your futon is any fucking better, mate,” he says, seemingly insistent on not drawing attention to the weird things he’s doing. Phil isn’t exactly stupid, is the thing. He thinks about Dan hesitating before letting go of his hand last night, the way he always grins when he catches Phil staring at his piercing, how it feels less like an unrequited crush between them and more like they’re just hovering at the edge of something, and Phil decides to throw caution to the goddamn wind.
“Y’know,” he says, messing with his damp hair for something to do with his hands. “I don’t think you’d be too big and loud for my bed, if you wanted to try that out.”
Dan laughs like he’s not quite sure if it’s a joke or not, and Phil shrugs to hide exactly how much his heart is pounding.
“Where were you planning to sleep, then?” Dan asks. His dark eyes are careful, searching, and Phil’s anxiety doesn’t like that at all. He doesn’t need Dan seeing things that he’s not purposefully putting on display.
“With you,” says Phil. “If you’d want me.”
There’s a long moment of quiet where Phil starts to worry that maybe he’s made a huge mistake. Then, Dan grins slowly and comes closer, pinning Phil to the counter without actually touching him, and Phil grins back at him in sheer relief. “I dunno why, but I never figured you as the type to be so blunt about this sort of thing.”
“What, you thought I was capable of subtlety?” Phil teases, putting a hand to his own chest as if he’s touched by the sentiment. “That’s so nice of you.”
Dan laughs, louder and more genuine, and then his big hands are cupping Phil’s jaw as he leans in to press their smiling mouths together. It’s been a hot minute since Phil kissed anyone while he was sober, so for a moment he doesn’t remember what he’s supposed to do with his hands. When he feels cool metal drag against the underside of his tongue, though, his brain shuts down enough that his hands find Dan’s hips without endlessly second-guessing himself.
It takes a while for them to reluctantly separate, because Phil is busy figuring out how to snog Dan without metal clacking against his teeth too much and Dan is busy figuring out all of the weak points in Phil’s neck with his thumbs.
“You taste like bacon,” Dan says in a strangely scolding tone of voice for someone who had cooked it for Phil.
“Sorry,” Phil says nonsensically, sliding his hands up Dan’s shirt to trace shapes over his lower back. The movements pause when Dan shivers. “Bad? Or good?”
“Your hands are just cold, you spork,” says Dan. He kisses Phil again, quick but firm, and then takes a step back. Phil doesn’t even realise he’s frowning until Dan giggles at him. “C’mon. Bed sounds fucking great right about now.”
Phil doesn’t remember the last time he kissed someone for so long that his lips started to tingle, but he’s certainly not complaining. He stopped feeling self conscious about being naked almost immediately after Dan told him it was frankly illegal to put damp towels on a bed, because the hungry way Dan looked at him and grabbed at him after he hung them up quieted the anxiety right away. Dan’s shirt has been discarded somewhere in Phil’s absolute tip of a room, but the soft material of his joggers keeps making Phil bite back noises when it comes in contact with his cock.
“You’re so hot,” Dan tells him in one of the times their mouths aren’t locked, one large hand wrapped around Phil’s thigh and the other supporting his weight on top of Phil.
“No, you,” Phil insists, not caring how dumb he sounds. He’s been mapping Dan’s back with his hands, but he slides them down the back of Dan’s sweats to win the argument before it starts. Sure enough, Dan’s words get cut off by a loud whine of a noise that gets pressed into Phil’s collarbone. Phil feels up Dan’s ass a little before using his grip to roll their hips together. “Fuck. What d’you want?”
“That depends,” Dan hums against Phil’s skin, nipping at his chest.
“On what?”
“On if this is a one time thing.”
There’s a jolt of guilt in Phil’s stomach, and he winds fingers into Dan’s curls to force Dan to look at him. “Hey, no, it’s not like that. I like you, you idiot.”
Dan smiles, and there’s no small amount of relief in it. Phil feels like he should have been more clear, but at least he’s got Dan in his bed and smiling about it now. “Oh good. I like you, too, and it would have been really awkward if you just wanted a fuck.”
“I do also want a fuck,” Phil says, teasing. “If I’m being honest.”
“I couldn’t tell,” Dan says sarcastically, rocking his hips down again and grinning when a noise is surprised out of Phil. “Well, okay, since I don’t need to bucket list this, I wanna go down on you.”
“I’d love to hear that bucket list sometime,” says Phil. He lets go of Dan’s ass and uses his hold on Dan’s hair to push him down, a little more impatiently than he intended. He’s got an apology on the tip of his tongue, but Dan just grunts an approving sort of noise and presses his mouth to Phil’s inner thigh. “But - ah - not right now.”
Dan’s got a mouth made for sucking cock, so it doesn’t take Phil by surprise when he sinks down easily, squeezing Phil’s thigh and running his tongue over the head of Phil’s dick whenever he comes back up, but it sure does make his legs start to shake.
“Fuck,” Phil breathes, doing his best to keep his hips still. That’s a lot more difficult when Dan looks up at him with those big dark eyes and takes him as deep as he can. “You look so good like that, you know that? Bet you do.” Dan hums around his cock and the vibrations from his throat make Phil shiver. “Yeah, fuck, of course you do. Such a pretty mouth, huh?”
With a quiet, wet noise, Dan pulls up to catch his breath. He grins. “I also didn’t figure you for a talker.”
“Sounds like you’ve thought about this,” says Phil. He runs his fingers through Dan’s curls, tugging a little bit to watch Dan’s eyelashes flutter. “How’s it feel to be wrong about me?”
“In this case? Very good.” Dan presses his mouth to Phil’s stomach and bites down, just a little. It doesn’t hurt at all, but it still makes Phil’s hips jerk up. “I dunno, Phil, you’re usually a pretty fucking awkward person, which is, like, a big mood, and you don’t seem like much of a flirt.”
“I’ve been flirting with you for, like, a month and a half,” Phil laughs.
Dan grins wider. “Oh, oops.”
“I don’t have to talk if you don’t like it,” says Phil, even though he can fully tell that Dan does like it. Maybe he just wants to hear that Dan likes it.
The way Dan rolls his eyes makes it obvious that Dan can tell that he’s fishing, but he dimples anyway. “You don’t have to stop talking,” he says dryly, wrapping a big hand around Phil’s cock. “You know I like it.”
Dan takes Phil back in his mouth and closes his eyes like he loves it, which is a visual that Phil will absolutely be coming back to when he’s alone in the shower. Phil tells him as much, gives him a running commentary on every passing thought he has, because it’s hard to control his mouth as it is and the more he talks, the more worked up Dan gets. He sees Dan grinding into the mattress and pulls at him, not bothering to be gentle with it.
“Get rid of these,” Phil says, pushing at Dan’s joggers with a foot. He doesn’t actually think he’ll be able to help like that, but it gets his point across. “And then c’mere, I want to get you off.”
Dan laughs. “Alright, bossy.”
He sits up to get his sweats off and Phil sits up to watch. They grin at each other a bit as soon as Dan is naked, and Phil makes grabby hands.
“Bossy,” Dan repeats before knee-walking into Phil’s lap and kissing him hard. Dan wraps a hand around both of their cocks, but he doesn’t try to stroke. Without fully pulling away from the kiss, Dan murmurs, “Lube, now, I want to come.”
“Now who’s bossy?” Phil huffs a laugh, blindly reaching for his nightstand. He knocks over a couple of things in his search, but eventually he finds the bottle he’s looking for. He pours some over their cocks and gasps when Dan’s hand slides up and back down so easily. Phil would be lying if he said that he hadn’t thought about this, hadn’t wondered if Dan’s wide reach could envelop both of them, but he doesn’t bother telling Dan any of that. Instead, he drops the lube back onto his nightstand and settles a hand on Dan’s ass as he kisses Dan deeper.
Phil’s mouth finds Dan’s neck, and he can’t help laughing at the loud keen of a noise that seems surprised out of Dan’s mouth.
Even though Dan didn’t have his dick sucked, he’s as desperate and horny as Phil feels, and having a tongue and teeth on his pulse point seems to escalate it even more. His breathing is ragged, his hips are jerking up into his own hand, and he comes so hard between them that Phil feels some of it hit his face.
“Fuck,” Dan whines, letting go of himself to stroke Phil’s cock in tight, quick movements. Phil’s breath hitches, and he digs his fingers into the soft skin of Dan’s ass for something to hold onto. Dan kisses Phil’s forehead, then his nose, and then kisses his cheek. His tongue comes out to press against Phil’s skin, the cool metal ball still a small shock somehow, and it takes Phil’s brain an addled moment before he realises that Dan is licking his own come off Phil’s cheek. That’s so unbelievably hot to Phil that he couldn’t stop himself from coming if he even wanted to. He groans and fucks into Dan’s fist, tugging him into an open-mouthed kiss. He can’t taste Dan’s come on his tongue or anything, but the idea of it is enough to make him shudder through an intense orgasm.
Their kisses turn softer than Phil thought possible as they come down from it, and he nuzzles at Dan’s jaw. “I just had a shower,” he says, gently scolding. “Now I’m all gross again.”
“Oh, boo-hoo,” says Dan, grinning. “I’ll clean you up, you big baby.”
Phil is fairly sure that their shower isn’t big enough for that, but he’s always up for trying.
After a heated debate on the benefits of flowers versus gift baskets, they end up taking Bryony out for pizza and beer. As thanks.
130 notes · View notes
In Sorrow and In Joy- Part 5- Grocery Shopping
Luke learns the hard way what it means to be a dad and how to keep his family safe and together. Dad!Luke with a South Asian Reader. This is a collaborative experience with A Family of Five.
CW: Over the course of this series, themes of racism and prejudice on the basis of religion are present. Please read or skip as necessary. This part, specifically, has themes of prejudice on the basis of religion and bigotry. 
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No one has my permission to repost my work of fiction. This includes translations as well. 
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Luke’s grocery shopping this week. Not a crazy feat or undertaking. It’s just the way things worked out. You have to proctor a mid-term exam and then meet with a student about their paper after your lectures, so you lack the time today. Wrangling your three children is a task and a half. Noor isn’t the problem, the oldest two groan and complain. Ra dislikes the grocery shopping because why does it take all of them to go. Zeek dislikes it because he can never get the chance to race the shopping carts. Typically due to safety reasons. He’s never seen someone get seriously hurt by a cart, but he can’t refute you or Luke. 
Luke tucks some of his hair away, reading over the list you left as the oldest two bicker of something. The headphone incident was already taken care of, so who knows what this argument was about. He decides to let them hash it out. Though he’s praying that things are settled soon. There’s nothing else he needs to add to the list, so he shouts up the steps, “Guys! C’mon.” Luke purposefully adds cracks into the shout because it grates their nerves. 
A couple minutes go by and they still haven’t descended the steps. “I’ll keep shouting!” he bellows, more cracks breaking into his words. 
“Geez, alright!” Zahra shouts back, climbing down the steps. Followed behind her is Zeek. 
“Thank you for joining us. Your baby sister and I have been waiting for you two,” Luke laughs. 
He situates them all in the back two rows of the car, double checking that none of them have tried to get around the seat belts. Luke settles into the driverseat and sets off. Zeek lets out a small sigh. Luke glances in the rearview mirrors to see his arms folded. “What’s up, bud?”
“Nothing,” is Zeek’s mumbled response. 
“He’s mad that he lost in rock, paper, scissors,” Ra speaks. 
“I can speak for myself,” he retorts. 
“Hey, whoa, let’s take a moment,” Luke mediates. “What was this game of rock, paper, scissors about?”
“Window seat,” Zeek replies. He stares straight forward. He can sort of see out of the front window. But it’s not the same as the window seat. Noor is to his left and Zahra’s to his right. He has no freedom in the middle. “I thought it was going to be the best two out of three.” 
“I never said it would be,” Zahra defends. 
“But it always is the best two out of three and you know it.”
Luke sighs. It’s a little too late for him to do anything to rectify the situation as it stands. “Okay, well, Ra next time you need to make sure everyone’s clear on the rules. If not, that’s cheating.”
“I didn’t cheat,” she protests. 
“But you manipulated the situation in your favor. That’s not fair. That’s cheating.” 
There’s a grumble from the back. Maybe her dad is technically right. But she didn’t cheat during the actual game of rock, paper, scissors and that has to count for something. “He can have the window seat on the way back,” she offers. 
Zeek looks to her. She’s glancing at him out of the side of her eyes. She doesn’t want to be known as too nice. Just nice enough as the older sister. Zeek nods, with a small twitch of a smile. They weren’t always at each other’s throats. Just most of the time.
At the grocery store, Noor volunteers to be set in top of the basket. Zahra glances up to Luke and he caves. Lifting her up into the basket, Zahra settles down. She’ll have to climb out soon enough. But for now she can enjoy the space. Zeek gets to steer the cart. Luke, however, wraps his hands around the handle next to his. “Love you,” he whispers to his son. 
“Love you too, Dad. Where do we start?” he asks. 
“Produce,” Luke responds. Zeek nods and pushes along.  
Grocery shopping is fine. Noor helps decides on the grapes. The leafy greens excite no one in the group but it’s on the list so Luke dares not ignore it. Especially since he skipped them last time and got an earful from you. Ra climbs out of the basket before they hit the aisles, wandering through the junk food before begging for a packet of oreos. Luke is much too soft to say no. 
The four of them stop at the cereal aisle. Luke’s eying the cinnamon toast crunch for himself. Though he knows if he buys a box, the children will want some. Just as the family box hits the bottom of his cart, he catches someone grumbling further down the aisle. 
Luke ignores them. “Mommy’s going to be upset,” Noor laughs. 
He grins, tucking a section of her curly hair behind her shawl. She wanted to wear it out today and he couldn’t deny his baby girl. It made him a little nervous. How would people react? How would he handle it if it went south? But it all faded away when she pleaded with her pouting lips and big eyes. “Eh, she won’t be mad when she’s eating a bowl.”
The little girl laughs. Knowing it to be true down to the core. Luke does decide to grab the raisin brand that you listed. He knows late at night the two of you will be sneaking bowls of sugary cereal. As they continue on, Zahra t pauses, pointing out a box of Trix. Luke sighs. “It’s that one or the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Gotta choice.”
She whines, knowing it’s going to go to a vote. “Fucking terrorists, I’m telling you,” a gruff voice whispers. “Take them back!” he shouts loud enough for everyone on the aisle to stop. 
Luke turns to the offenders, red MAGA hat on their head. His knuckles tighten around the basket handle. “These are my children you’re talking about,” he speaks through gritted teeth. “Their mother is the most loving woman I have ever met. The only thing she and my children need is for racist assholes like you to fucking disappear. You and your racist beliefs are the problem here, not me, not my children, not my wife, you bastard.”
The man shouts more at Luke, but he turns his back. They get a few aisles over; Luke thinks about walking back over and punching him in his pink face. He’s never seen himself as a fighter, but his family- the people he loves more than anything- he’ll fight for. He’d take a bullet for. He wouldn’t want to, but it’s them first. 
“Baby girl, you okay?” he asks, turning his attention away from the drama. 
She nods, eyes a little teary. He pulls her from the seat and sets her on the ground with her two siblings. They watch their father in shock. “Do not ever, and I mean ever, listen to people like him. You belong on this earth; you are not terrorists because of your beliefs. You are my children and I love all three of you to death. Our society is not always safe for you all.” Luke pauses, feeling the tears stinging behind his eyes. He sniffles, pulling back some snot and wipes the tears. 
He clears his throat and continues. “I wish I could change that with a snap of my fingers. But when you encounter people like that, if you feel safe enough, stick up for yourself. If you don’t, walk away. Find help if you can. Call me or your mother. Call Uncle Calum; call Uncle Michael; call Uncle Ashton– it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is your safety, above all. You have to get back home safely to me.” His voice cracks on the last sentence. 
They nod at their father, seeing the tears falling down his cheeks. He hugs each of them one at a time and then they attach to him in a group hug. The rest of the grocery trip finishes in silence. 
You walk to the house and Zeek runs up to you. “Mom! You should’ve seen it today! Dad yelled at this guy for saying bad stuff about us. It was a little scary.”
“He swore too; I made him put money in the swear jar,” Zahra adds on. 
“Dad was basically a superhero though,” Zeek continues. 
You look over to Luke and can still anger and fear lingering. His fists are clenched. His jaw twitches as he looks down at the recipe book. You make sure everyone is okay. Zeek and Zahra blow it off. But Noor clings to you a little. You rub at Luke’s back, one hand resting against Noor’s shoulders. “Wanna talk about it?”
He shakes his head. A small piece of his hair falls into his face. You tuck it back for him, gently cupping his face. The scruff is turning into a beard. But not even that can hide how tight his jaw is. It’s best to leave this alone for now. So you distract with homework, listening to their day. You even go over homework. 
Dinner goes by fine. Luke makes the kids laugh, double checks that the veggies are eaten. He’s more relaxed now than before. You know better. You can see the soft turn to his eyes. Something is not completely resolved. During clean up, Luke bends down, taking his son hands into his. You watch with the two girls, still holding plates to be cleared. “I know you called me a superhero, but you’re the real superhero. You’re my superhero.”
Your son throws himself into his father’s arm. “One day,” he starts, pulling away from Luke, “I’m going to write the best superhero comic ever and they’re going to look like me. And they’re going to beat up all the mean people and help save the world.”
Luke smiles. “Your old man’s going to buy the cost copy too.”
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chilly-me-softly · 5 years
Last Friday Night • (Part 9)
Chapter 1      Chapter 4     Chapter 7 Chapter 2      Chapert 5     Chapter 8 Chapter 3      Chapter 6
Tag: @lfcxlouise @walkeers @mwdders
The next morning, Claire wakes up with her head pounding, blaming the tears and falling asleep exhausted around four in the morning. Without any further hesitation she gets up and plugs the headphone cable into her phone, music has always helped her through the hard times of her life and can help her with headaches. Her mother always says she works in reverse, right her mother.
She shakes her head going to the bathroom and throws some water in her face while a random song pumps in her ears. She tries to avoid her reflection in the mirror as much as possible and after putting the hairbrush in the drawer she decides to go down to the kitchen.
She almost trip over the doorway, a tray with food outside her door. She lowers down and first takes the paper stuck between a bowl of raspberries and a bowl of cereal, 'Eat something, Ben'.
The girl's gaze automatically ends up on his door in front of hers finding it ajar, a sign that Ben is not inside. A small smile as her gaze falls again on the tray contents, thanking him mentally for the gesture but her stomach just doesn't want to eat anything.
So she takes the tray and goes down the stairs, being careful not to spill anything. Arrived in the kitchen, however, she finds Ben sitting on a stool and remains petrified on the spot. She was convinced he wasn't there otherwise she would have waited to come down, she's not yet in the mood to have a discussion. A thousand thoughts in her head that she hadn't fully listened to yet.
The two guys look at each other for what seems like an eternity, but it's only a few seconds, without saying anything until Ben mimics the gesture of taking the headphones off. Claire then hurries up to the counter to put the tray down and take them off, "You haven't eaten anything" he observes, taking a quick look at the tray and the girl.
"Um do you have a painkiller?" she asks him without answering the obvious question while she's busy closing the music app and putting everything on the table.
"Depends,will you tell me what's on your mind?" he tries, but Claire doesn't even seem to want to look at him that morning let alone talk. So he sighs, "In that cabinet" pointing at the cabinet behind her with a nod of his head and she turns around, starting to look at all the stuff he's got and then turning around with two boxes in her hand.
Ben watches her swallowing two pills with some water and then approaches him with the other box. "It swelled up" she murmurs, looking at the bulge on the boy's eye. And he's about to brush it off when she takes his chin with one hand, raising his head slightly, while with the other she applies some pomade to his bump. He looks her in the eyes while again her gaze never really falls on him but only on the injured part, while calmly and professionally applying that cream. "Will you take me to James?"
That question comes in like a cold shower, he jerks and moves the girl's hand away from his chin. "Absolutely not" he replies scornfully as she goes to wash her hands and put what she took in its place.
"Then tell me where he lives" she tries again, but he's quick to shake his head. "No way" it's too soon for him to go back to dealing with the guy who's his best friend. The whole situation reminds him why he hated him at first, when James was Northwich's number 10 and he was the Leicester defender who wanted to break his legs at all costs. Always so cocky and self-confident, aware of his skills and even annoying at times. Then you get to know him, and you can't help having that energetic volcano around you.
"I'm not coming" less than an hour later they're in his car parked in front of James' house, Ben arms crossed looking ahead and Claire smiling almost amused by the situation. "I won't be long" she leans towards him unbuckling her seat belt, leaving a kiss on his cheek to thank him and he turns his head towards her as she approaches his friend's front door. He should be there with her, she's nervous he can tell as she keeps playing with the sleeves of her jersey and passing them over her jeans. He knows that, but something's blocking him.
Claire knocks on the door hoping to at least put a dot on that equivocal situation, it almost seems like the more she wants to stay out of trouble the more she's attracted to it lately.
James opens without checking who it is, slightly opening wide his eyes when he sees her in front of him. He's shirtless, still in his pajama bottoms, and his hair is slightly messed up as if someone had slipped the fingers into it and he hadn't noticed. "Claire, what are you doing here?" his voice higher than usual followed by a slight nervous giggle, his hands in his hair again messing them up even more.
He stepped forward, slightly closing the door behind him and leaning to his side, "Is Ben all right?" he asked immediately afterwards, leaving no way for her to speak. She smiles a little as she sees the worry on his face and nods slightly, "He's in the car, didn't want to get out"
A little oh comes out of the boy's lips in front of her before he asks her again why she's there. "I wanted to-" but she's interrupted by a noise inside that seems to panic James. "Uh, look, I know we need to talk, but now's not really the time"
"It'll only take a m-" but again the girl is interrupted by James mumbling something and closing the door in her face. Leaving her confused and even more in a bad mood than before.
Ben sees her standing there staring at the door for a few minutes, tightening the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turn white. He breathes in hard through his nose to calm himself, he doesn't know why but seeing how he has just treated Claire makes his blood boil. He swears that if he was rude, it won't take him long to get out of the car and knock on the door so hard that he will break it down.
The girl gets back in the car and quietly fastens her seatbelt. He starts off without saying anything and he doesn't even know where he's driving, but he has to. If music is Claire's escape valve, driving is for Ben. After football.
But after a few laps he has an idea on where to bring her, a little peace and quiet can only do well at that moment.
And Claire doesn't know the city well, but surely she knows that's not the way home. She turns to the boy who seems focused on the road and sighs. His eyes fall on her figure, sensing the slight movement before returning to the street. "I hope you don't have anything else to do because we're not going home" he states and she nods, more to assimilate the new information than anything else.
Ben takes her to one of the most beautiful parks in the city, it's only a kilometer from the town and he always goes there when he has something to think about or just to take a walk away from everyone. The place is big enough to easily find a place to hide for a few hours.
Claire looks around amazed, she's never seen anything like it. It's gorgeous. She lets herself be dragged hand in hand with Ben as she looks at everything as if she were a child, the problems left behind in front of so much magnificence. The green spaces, the lake, the bridge, the trees, everything contributes to making that place magical and more publicity should be made in the world for places like that. Because it's really worth visiting them once in a lifetime.
"Why did you want to go to James?" Ben looks at the lake in front of him, sitting on a bench while he asks her the question. There are few people around not like the usual, thanks to the cold weather in those days, when a bit of sunshine comes out that place is always crowded. He has so many things going on in his head and he would like so much to get rid of them, that she would talk to him as she has done with any other nonsense since the whole thing started.
"I wanted to sort things out. He's your friend, I don't want you to fight over me" a cloud of cool air comes out of her mouth as she hides her hands in the pockets of her coat. He scoffs looking up at some little stones not far from there. And she sighs, throwing herself into a story that includes what she had heard from Marc, the misunderstanding and not knowing whether the whole situation could benefit both of you. Not even a month in that fake relationship and he had already argued with one of his childhood friends, she and her family were not on good terms and clearly both were not at peace with themselves.
"He might as well have told me"
"Are you serious?" she rolls hey eyes turning slightly towards him and bending her leg on the bench, "Would you have told him?" he looks at her and sighs, "Probably not"
"But- hell, I got so much in my head, I thought at least my friends were on my side, you know?" he says exasperatedly, puffing and moving a lock of hair around on his forehead. Claire slides forward, shivering when she comes into contact with the cold part of the bench, laying one hand on his knee. "In his own way he was protecting you"
"A little too much" he mumbles clearly referring to the bump on his face and she shakes her head slightly. "Friendship as well as romance is made up of stupid gestures. You may not understand the twisted reasoning behind a gesture, but the important thing is that it's always done in good faith. And James was, a hundred percent"
And to her surprise, Ben turns his back and then let himself fall and rest his head on her legs. His feet dangled at the end of the bench, but almost touching the ground due to his height. Claire doesn't know what to do but after a while she tentatively puts her hand in his hair, who smiles looking her in the eyes. "I don't think I'll ever be able to understand you Claire" and something inside her moves, the image of her lowering herself to kiss his half parted lips fills her mind. She's afraid she might actually do it at any moment, and in a moment of panic she puts her finger on his eyebrow making him whine in pain. "Why did you do that?"
 Chapter 10 
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Troubled Heart {The Thundermans}
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hiiiiiii i would like to make a max thunderman x reader request where there dating and shes a little shy and knows he has superpowers and he’s been missing dates because of z-force training and she understands and is quiet about her feelings until one day he comes to her house with flowers or something to apologize and he hears her crying and they make up? sorry if this is weird or complicated lol. if you write this thank you so much!
Pairing: Max Thunderman X Reader
Warnings: None…?
Words: 4.1K
Aye, another request done! Oof, this one took a while, hopefully I did it justice :)
You tapped your fingers gently against the metal table, checking your phone every few seconds to see if you’d gotten any new messages. You hadn’t, just like you hadn’t gotten any messages the whole night you’ve been at Splatburger. Looks like Max stood you up again for the fourth time this week which wouldn’t have been a problem but you hardly ever saw him. And if you did it was for a minute or two before he was dragged away by his sister Phoebe. You knew exactly why too, which is why you couldn’t complain, Max was training for his dream to be on the Z-Force. It was a huge deal in the superhero world as explained by him and Phoebe. And you were too timid to say anything because you didn’t want to seem like a selfish and terrible girlfriend.
You loved Max and you wanted to be a supportive girlfriend but you also wanted to spend time with your boyfriend. You were in quite the dilemma on deciding what to do, bite your tongue and quietly support him or talk to him. The thought of confronting him terrified you, well usually the thought of confronting anything scared you.
You sighed and checked your phone one more time before turning it off, you figured Max wasn’t going to text you any time soon. The two you were supposed to meet here to get something to eat, and since you’ve waited for over an hour, you were starving. You ordered some fries and watched them come down the tube before ordering a chocolate milkshake. A couple minutes later, a waiter came by with your milkshake. You sat there, staring absentmindedly at your milkshake, using the straw to stir it instead of drinking it. Your emotions completely overtook your appetite but you did take a couple long sips to make it look like you drank. And then after you paid and got up to leave, heading home and straight to bed.
It was only seven at night but you were ready to get the day over with.
When morning came, you were bummed that sleep didn’t help with your feelings and you were still feeling upset. But there wasn’t anything you could really do so you just got up and got ready. You took a quick shower and brushed your teeth and washed your face. You brushed and dried your hair, deciding to leave it down for today. You changed into a simple plain white shirt and some blue jeans before heading towards you kitchen. Your family was down there, your dad was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and the newspaper. Your little brother was eating scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon that your mom made. And your mom had gotten up to make you something to eat as well.
“Hey sweetie, what are you feeling today?” She asked, standing by the fridge as she waited for your answer.
“Oh, I’m just gonna have some cereal today,” You told her.
She gave you a confused look, you were always looking forward to her breakfast foods. “Are you sure? Wouldn’t you prefer some pancakes or oatmeal with fruit?”
“Nah, that’s okay. I just want something light today,” You told her.
Truth be told, you still weren’t feeling that hungry but you didn’t want to worry them with your problems. Your mom nodded and sat back down while you got yourself a bowl, milk, and cheerios. You poured some cereal and then milk before putting them back in there spots. After, you got a spoon and your bowl before joining your family at the table. You ate your cereal slowly, unsure if you even wanted to finish it but with your family in front of you, you had to.
“How was your date with Max last night,” Your mom asked.
“He didn’t try anything did he?” Your dad asked somewhat jokingly.
“No dad, Max is a good boyfriend,” You said, rolling your eyes and smiling slightly. “It was great, yeah. I was with Max, it’s always great.”
You didn’t have much enthusiasm in your voice which your parents caught on to. They gave each other a look before your mom spoke up again. “Everything okay with your two?”
“Yup, peachy. Anyway, I should get going before I’m late,” You answered before getting up and placing your bowl in the sink.  
You walked out of the kitchen slash dining room and went to grab your bag and slip your shoes on before leaving. School was a five minute walk away from your house so there was really no way you’d ever be late. Unless you woke up late or were purposely late of course. You just didn’t want your parents asking questions, you were a more private person. When you got to school, you made a beeline to your locker, you were also more of a introverted person. Hardly interacting with anyone unless they approached your first, you were a shy person by nature. Which was funny since Max is a very loud spoken person and he’s not afraid to have all eyes on him. Guess it’s true when they say opposites attract.
As you were switching out books for your first three periods, you didn’t notice a certain someone creep up behind you. “Guess who.” They said in a singsong voice.
You jumped a little from surprise, hearing soft laughter as you turned around to see your boyfriend. “Hey you.” You said, giving him your best smile but you could tell he sensed there was something wrong, he just didn’t know what.
“You okay?” He asked, sincerity in his voice.
“Yeah, I just didn’t get much sleep last night because my math homework was killing me,” You told him, making up an excuse.
“Awe, babe you know I’m here if you ever need help,” He said, slipping his arm around your waist and planting a kiss on the side of your head. It made you smile at how he was such caring boyfriend. “I’m sorry about last night, I promise you I’ll make it up to you.”
“Max, don’t worry about it. I know the Z-Force is your dream so just work as hard as you can for that. But not too hard, I don’t need you getting injured,” You replied, looking up at him and giving him a gentle smile.
He returned the smile and leaned down you kiss you, making your cheeks burn lightly. You still weren’t used to PDA, especially at school, which is full of nosy teenagers waiting for their next big scandal. After a few seconds you pulled away and shied away from him, embarrassed to be kissing in public. Max thought your shy attitude was rather adorable, he loved that about you and was never one to force you to be more open.
“You’re so cute. C’mon I’ll walk you to class,” He spoke, pulling away to allow you to get the rest of your things.
Once you closed your locker and situated your books in your arm, Max laced his hand with yours. Even just hand holding made you red in the face, it almost made you forget how Max kept ditching you. When you got to class, Max kissed you goodbye before you went inside. You really didn’t see Max again until fifth period since his classes were always in the opposite way of yours. At first, he’d always show up after every class to walk you to your next but since he was cutting it close to late, you told him to stop. It took a lot of convincing but when you told him that the Z-Force wouldn’t like tardiness, he stopped per your request.
When the end of fourth period rolled around, Max was patiently waiting outside your class room. He stood there with a wide smile, when you got close enough, he intertwined his hand with yours. You had lunch now, one of your favorite times of day because you actually got to spend some time with your boyfriend. The two of you sat outside, Max took the liberty of ordering food for the both of you. He expected it to be there as soon as the two of you got out there, and it was. Max broke away from you for a quick second to pay for the food and you went to find an open spot. Max had ordered your favorite, Chinese food from your favorite Chinese restaurant.
Max presented you with the food and the two of you started eating. You were happy, maybe you didn’t get to see Max yesterday but this certainly made up for it.
“So since we couldn’t hang out yesterday. How about I take you to see a movie tomorrow? Your choice,” Max offered.
“You’re not, you know, Z-Force training?” You asked.
“Right, well we can work around,” He said.
“That’s what you said last time,” You mumbled.
“What was that?” He asked.
“I said I can’t wait to see Crazy Rich Asians, I heard it’s amazing,” You “corrected”, giving him a smile.
You two went back to eating and before you knew it, it was time for your next class. Max walked you to your class and gave you a kiss before leaving for his. That was the last time you saw him that day, he had sent you text saying he had urgent Z-Force business to attend too. Of course he did.
When you got home, you went straight to your room to do your homework. You turned your phone on silent and put on your headphones with your music almost on blast. You even faced it down so you wouldn’t see when it lit up with some sort of notification. Yes, you were kind of ignoring Max because you didn’t want to say your true feelings. It was childish, yes, but you’d rather that than face your feelings and have to tell Max.
By the time you finished and finally checked your phone, you saw that you had gotten a few messages from Max. Hey, training ended early today. Wanna do something? When you didn’t respond to that one, he asked if you were napping, a habit of yours that he knew of. And when you didn’t respond to that one, he sent: yeah, you’re definitely sleeping. You decided to let him think that and not text him for the rest of the day.
The next day at school he confronted you on your unanswered texts you simply told him that you took a nap and didn’t wake up until later that evening. He believed you, of course, and let it go much to your relief.
“So, are we still on for Crazy Rich Asians?” You asked hopefully but deep down you knew the answer already.
“Ah right, Phoebe wants to try this new technique. She says it’ll better our chances of getting into the Z-Force,” He told you.
You blinked a couple of times in disbelief, then again what did you expect, before forcing a smile on your face. “Ah bummer, but make sure you work hard.”
“Always do babe,” He joked.
“Yeah, well, I’ll see you later,” You said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek instead of his lips before heading inside your classroom.
Max stood outside confused for a few seconds, you always gave him a kiss on the lips. Or rather he gave you one, actually he was surprised you gave him a kiss at all. Maybe you were finally breaking out of your shell little by little. He shrugged his shoulders and left for his own class before he could be late. He didn’t need you or Phoebe on his ass about his tardiness.
When Max came to pick you up after fourth period, he was surprised to see that you weren’t there waiting for him. He thought about where else you could have gone, and there was really one other place you’d be. So, he headed to the library, really hoping that you’d be there otherwise he literally lost you. And when he found you sitting at a very secluded table, he was so glad his gut was right about your location. He approached your table, ready to ask why you left without him.
You felt someone’s eyes on you and with a quick glance you saw that it was Max. You quickly averted your eyes to the textbook in front of you, hoping he didn’t catch your gaze. You didn’t want to make it seem like you were avoiding him, even if you really were.
“Hey, what’re you doing here?” He asked.
“Oh, hey, I was just going to do some studying this period,” You told him.
“Why studying? Its so lame,” He practically whined.
“It’s not lame, Max, it’s what’s going to help us graduate,” You reminded.
“Not me babe, once Phoebe and I are in the Z-Force, we’re set for life,” He explained, taking a seat beside you.
You almost rolled your eyes at his statement, you were so sick of all the Z-Force talk. “Right I forgot, but I still need to graduate.”
“Nope, I’ve got you covered babe,” He said, smiling widely and taking your hand in his.
“My hero,” You said, mockingly.
“Yup, so let's go get some lunch,” He told you.
You looked at him for a second and nodded, there was no way he was going to let you avoid him. You ate lunch and after he walked you to your next class. He gave you a quick kiss before leaving to his class, leaving you with a small ache in your heart.
To your surprise you saw him throughout the day again, he came to pick you up a few times and walked you to your classes. It almost made you forget that he wasn’t canceling on you again, almost. And when school ended, he waited patiently by your locker so the two of you could go home together. You tried to enjoy all this open time he was spending with you, but you couldn’t. You knew that any second now he would leave to go back to his Z-Force training, leaving you to your thoughts of doubt. When you arrived at your house, he walked you up to the front door like the gentleman he is.  
You wanted to ask him to stay, even if it was for just for five minutes but you couldn’t ask him to do that. He’s working so hard on his training you didn’t want to distract him, even if it meant sacrificing your time together. You kissed him goodbye before slipping inside your home, a slight pain tugged at your heart but you ignored it. You knew what it was, it was your heart telling you to talk to Max about his borderline neglect towards your relationship. But you couldn’t, he was working so hard to achieve his goal, you couldn’t just come in a ruin that.
You went straight to your room, ignoring your mom’s greeting, and holed yourself up in your room. You dumped your bag on your desk and crawled into bed. You pulled the covers over your head, leaving just enough open space for air to come in and out. You were starting to think that maybe Max wasn’t ready for a relationship right now.
There was a knock at your door but you told whoever was behind it to go away. They didn’t listen and you heard your door open up, your mom’s voice reaching your ears. You pulled the covers off you and sat up, your mom came in and sat at the foot of your bed. She could instantly tell that there was something bothering you.
“You wanna talk about it?” She asked, something straight to the point.
“Not really but if I don’t, its gonna eat me alive,” You told her.
She remained silent, her way of telling you that she was listening. You took a deep breath before telling her what was on your mind. Of course, you had to word it differently because she couldn’t know that Max and Phoebe were still superheroes. The whole of Hiddenville thought their powers had been taken away and they were now normal people. She listened to you carefully, sensing how hard it must’ve been to have kept this in for so long. Your mom knew you were a rather quiet and reserved person, voicing your thoughts and concerns was harder for you than most. When you finished, you looked at her in need, you needed your mom’s advice on this because you didn’t know what to do.
“This sounds like something you should really talk to Max about. I know it’s not much but this relationship is between the two of you, it should be discussed between the two of you. If you don’t tell people how you feel, then they’ll never know,” She told you.
You sighed deeply and nodded, you understood what she was saying, you just didn’t want to. She squeezed your leg in reassurance, everything would work itself out, before leaving you alone. You grabbed your phone and opened up your messages, staring at the ones you shared with him blankly. You had no idea what to say, let alone if you should say something about this. You knew you had too, you couldn’t just let your feelings be cooped up inside you forever. But you were afraid that if you told him about it, he would realize that he doesn’t have time for a relationship right now. And you being you would agree with him and support his choice without much a fight. You took a deep breath and texted Max the follow: Max, we need to talk. Whatever happens, happens but you just can’t keep this inside forever.
You set your phone down and hid back under the covers, terrified to see any sort of response. What if he does want to break up with you? The thought alone broke your heart and brought tears to your eyes, and before you knew it, you were silently weeping.
Max and Phoebe were in the middle of an intense training session when he heard his phone go off. He recognized the ring tone, it was the one he set for you. He stopped in the middle of fighting, earning an annoyed look from Phoebe.
“Max, seriously?” She asked.
“Yeah seriously, its {Name}, she wouldn’t text unless if it was urgent,” He said, dismissing her annoyed tone.
“We need to talk? What does that mean?” He asked out loud.
Phoebe stood beside him and read over his shoulder. “Maybe she realized she could do better and wants to break up.” She joked.
“What? You don’t actually think she wants to break up, do you? I mean I know we haven’t exactly been able to go on dates but she said she’s fine with it,” Max started rambling, panic setting in.
“Max, relax, she loves you for some odd reason. She wouldn’t just break up with you because of this,” Phoebe reassured him.
“Nope, I can’t take that chance,” He said before taking off.
“Wha? Max get back here, we’re not finished,” She shouted after him but he was already out of sight.
Anxious and scared at what 'we need to talk' meant, Max stopped along the way to get you a bouquet of flowers. If you were thinking about breaking up, then maybe he could convince you not too with his actions. He waited a patiently at your front door, uneasy at how things would turn out. Your mom answered the door and told him you were upstairs in your room. He thanked her before rushing off to you, stopping once he was outside your door. He stood there for a minute or so, composing himself and thinking of what he would tell you. He heard light sniffling from the other side of the door and automatically knew you were crying. He opened the door and rushed inside to see you laying in bed, in a little cocoon as you watched reruns of your favorite TV show.
You looked away to see who the intruder was, only to see Max standing in front of you. He had a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand and a distraught look on his face. He was in workout attire and looked sweaty from his training.
“Max, what’re you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be training?” You asked. You sat up in bed and shed off your little blanket cocoon.
“I was and then I got your text message. Are you okay? Is something wrong? Were you crying?” He asked worriedly.
You sniffled and broke his gaze, self-conscious about telling him what was on your mind. He walked closer to your bed and sat down beside you, presenting you the  flowers. You smiled warmly and took them, feeling even more selfish now for bringing this up. You were about to cry again, fresh tears welling up in your eyes. He placed his hand over your forearm, making you look up into his worry filled eyes.
“Tell me what’s wrong, you’re scaring me,” He said gently.
“It’s stupid,” You whispered, gripping your flowers tightly.
“Nothing you say is stupid, so please, tell me what’s wrong,” He told you, squeezing your arm reassuringly.
“It's just... I feel like you’ve forgotten about our relationship, ever since the Z-Force. And I know it's your dream and all, and I support you, I’m really proud of you and how far you’ve come. But I miss you too. I miss our dates, when I got you all to myself for a whole day. I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to be selfish because you’re working so hard, but I just can’t hold it in,” You explained.
You wiped away the few tears that had fallen and looked down at your beautiful bouquet of flowers. You were waiting for him to reprimand you and your selfish thoughts. To tell you, you were being silly and that he didn’t have time for this. Hell, you were even waiting for him to realize that he didn’t have time for such a need girlfriend and break up with you. But what you heard come out of his mouth was the exact opposite of that.
“You’re right, I’ve been neglecting our relationship. This whole time you’ve been by my side, supporting me, when you could’ve just left. You deserve better than that, I’m surprised you’re still with me, because you could do a lot better.”
You looked up at him in shock that he would say something like, he was completely wrong. Max is the better you can do and no one will ever be able to beat him. “Max, that’s not true.”
“No, a good boyfriend would know when his girlfriend is feeling this way. All I can say is, I’m sorry. I promise you that’ll I pay better attention to you, to us. I’ll make Phoebe cut back on training, I mean between you and me, we have this thing in the bag,” He said, earning a smile from you from that last part.
“You don’t have to do this, I’m okay. You just worry about the Z-Force, I know everything’s going to work out,” You told him, hating that he was worrying about you.
“Yes I do, you’re my girlfriend and you deserve better,” He replied.
You nodded your head, making him grin widely before leaning over to kiss you. You kissed back, feeling much better now that you let that off your chest.
“So, how about I treat milady to that movie I promised?” He asked after pulling way.
“I’d like that…but only after you shower,” You replied, reminding him that he’s covered in sweat.
He nodded in agreement before leaving, telling you he’d be back in half an hour for that movie date. You got up to put the flowers in a vase and got ready for your date with Max, happy that everything was resolved.
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years
Hiding. Part 34a
Cowritten with @disastrousintention.
Charlie sat at the kitchen table, tapping his pen against the surface repeatedly. He exhaled. Why was this a lot harder than he anticipated? He didn’t agree with Baz’s decision to take Louis thousands of miles away but he felt his hands were tied over the matter. Especially when he thought about Baz’s ridiculous attempt at blackmailing him.
Peter grunted a greeting at his father as he padded into the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal.
“Morning son.” Charlie called with a smile. “You alright?”
"Fine." Peter replied without looking over.
The young lad sat down at the table. Charlie watched him and smiled. He was so proud of the young man he was becoming. "What's that?" Peter asked, pointing at the papers in front of Charlie.
Charlie smiled sadly, “Nothing to worry about, I promise.”
"Are those papers the reason mum has been so snappy with everyone recently?" Peter asked around a mouthful of cereal.
“Yeah. Baz wants to take Louis to Canada with her. Your mum and I are trying to stop her.”
"That sucks. Louis' mum isn't very nice is she?"
“Not always.”
“I wish I knew.”
"I don't like the nasty things she says about mum."
“Me either.” Charlie smiled sadly. “Your mum and I did some silly things but we fell in love.”
"She said them in front of Louis and he was telling Jake. I told them they shouldn't say things like that."
“I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again, ok?”
"OK. I didn't want to tell mum about it coz I knew she'd get upset."
“What did Louis say?”
Peter hesitated.
“You can tell me,” Charlie encouraged his son.
Peter looked over towards the door before lowering his voice. "He said that his mum had told him that our mum was a dirty whore with no morals."
“He said what?!” Charlie could feel the anger raising in him.
"And that she'd called mum a slut and a prostitute on other occasions."
“I won’t let her bad mouth your mother, ok? Your mum is none of those things!”
"Jake wanted me to tell him what the words meant. I didn't!" Peter added quickly.
“I’m sure you've heard worse in the playground.”
"Of course I know what those words mean!" The unspoken "duh!" was clearly apparent in Peter's tone.
“Can I tell you something?”
Peter instantly perked up at the prospect of being let in on a grown up secret. He nodded.
“I wish I had done things differently.” Charlie replied.
"You and mum?"
Charlie nodded, “Yeah.”
"But you're happy now?"
“The happiest I’ve ever been.”
"Mum says things happen for a reason. So maybe it had to happen the way it did for you to be happy now?" Peter shrugged.
“Your mum’s right.” Charlie replied, “Everything does happen for a reason.”
Suddenly they heard the front door slam closed.
Charlie sighed, “That'll be your mum.”
"Come back Jan Goddard all is bloody forgiven!" Duffy muttered as she stormed into the kitchen, launching her keys into dish on the counter as she did so.
“Everything ok?” Charlie asked as he looked up from Peter.
"I swear the new CEO is determined to wind me up til I lose my temper at him but I refuse to give him the satisfaction!"
“Why? What’s going on? What’s he done now?” Charlie asked as he put the papers away.
"Claims I can't run an efficient department. It was a Friday night! What the hell does he expect?"
“He thinks you can’t run an efficient department?” Charlie scoffed, “Really?!”
"He just sits there in his office pontificating like some almighty god!" She threw herself down onto a stool.
Peter smirked a little and returned to eating his cereal.
“First shift back after annual leave and you’re causing worse trouble than the Friday night loiterers.” Charlie smirked.
"But we're agreed that it's all his fault?" She asked.
“He can be a bit of a div sometimes, sure.”
"And none of it is my fault?" She added.
“I’m not saying anything.” Charlie smirked.
"Any damage I may have caused would be purely accidental. You believe me on that right?" She pressed.
“Damage? What kind of damage are we talking?”
"Just a small dent..."
“A dent in the car?”
"OK, maybe a bit more than a small dent but I was provoked!"
“What on Earth have you done?”
"I... Erm... Reversed into a bollard..." She admitted. "It was all his fault though!"
“Duffy!” He couldn’t help but laugh. “He wound you up that much, huh?”
"He's a sexist jerk! He never talks like that to you or Harry!"
“Clearly can’t handle a strong, very independent woman.”
"I have every mind to show him where he can shove his attitude!" In her rage she hadn't noticed Peter's presence in the room. "And believe me I won't afford him the kindness of lubricating it first!" She added.
“Duffy!” He laughed again. Peter coughed on his cereal.
Hearing her son's cough she looked up. "Shit!" She cleared her throat. "I mean... Urgh!" She complained, dropping her head onto her arms on the table.
“Hi mum.” Peter mumbled.
"Peter." She acknowledged, her cheeks heating up.
“I... um, gonna go to my room.” He finished his cereal, placed the bowl in the sink and ran upstairs as quick as he could. That was embarrassing!
"Since when did Peter get up before 9am on a Saturday?" Duffy questioned.
Charlie shrugged. “No idea.”
"I wasn't expecting any of the kids to hear me." She sighed. "You'd best go check the damage to the car."
“It’ll be fine.” He stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I'll pay for the damage!" She replied nervously.
“Relax, it’s a car.” He whispered as he kissed her tenderly.
"I am sorry."
He pulled her closer, “Ssh.”
"You're not mad?"
"Ok." She replied though her eyes showed she wasn't entirely convinced.
“You’re safe, aren’t you? Not injured?”
"I'm fine. It was only a light shunt."
“It’s a car. We can fix it.” He kissed her again.
She smiled, finally allowing herself to relax. He wasn't angry.
“Love you.” His hands began to roam her figure.
"Did you miss me last night?" She whispered.
“Uh huh. I did.”
"In that big bed all by yourself..." She ran her fingers down his chest.
“It was too big.” He answered back.
"Now that's not a complaint that's often heard in this house..! She giggled.
“Duffy!” He blushed.
She giggled. "I should probably get some sleep." Her hand reached his crotch and she gave it a squeeze. "Fancy tucking me in?"
“I certainly will.” He moaned softly.
She turned and walked towards the stairs. She couldn't help but giggle as Charlie chased her all the way up the stairs.
Reaching the top he grabbed her around the waist. She turned to wriggle free so didn't see Jake's shoes on the landing til she tripped over them, sending them both crashing into Peter's bedroom door.
“Oh for gods sake!” Peter muttered as he heard the crash against the door.
"Oops!" Duffy giggled as she tried to pick herself up off the floor, a task made tricker by the fact that Charlie had landed on top of her.
His hands were against her hips, “You’re so naughty, Mrs Fairhead.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck. "You started it!" She pouted playfully.
“Did not.” He replied.
"Did too!"
“Not.” He smirked, his hands trailed up her hips.
"Did too!" She giggled, pulling him closer.
Suddenly the door opened. "Urgh, get a room!" Peter complained as he stood above them.
“Sorry son.” Charlie laughed gently as he moved from on top of Duffy and held his hand out for her to get up.
"Why can't you act like normal parents?" Peter muttered as he closed the door and grabbed his headphones.
“We are.” Charlie replied. He helped Duffy up off the floor.
"You think we're normal? Since when did you become such an underachiever?" She laughed.
“No we’re not normal.” He replied, “Never will be.” He went into their bedroom.
She let out a sigh as she unpinned her hair, letting it cascade over her shoulders.
He ran his fingers against her hair. “I love your hair.”
She let out another sigh, resting herself against him as the exhaustion of the shift began to set in.
“Go to sleep, babe.” He whispered, tucking her up in bed.
It was mid-afternoon when Duffy returned downstairs, refreshed from her sleep.
Charlie was sat on the sofa with the younger children, watching a film.
Peter looked up from the floor as she entered the room. He waited til she'd sat down before addressing his parents. "Can I have a friend come over for tea later?" He asked.
“Who’s your friend?” Charlie asked with a smile.
"Just a friend from school." He mumbled.
“Girlfriend?” Charlie asked with a knowing smile.
"She's just a friend!" Peter replied, going bright red.
Charlie smiled, “Do we get a name?”
"Sarah." The young lad mumbled.
“Sarah can come for tea if you want her too.”
"Peter's got a girlfriend!" Jake started singing.
“Jake, be nice to your brother please.”
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jksmoongf · 6 years
Kissing Fire [pt. 3]
Pairing: Jungkook x reader x girlfriend (oc) Genre: cheater!au, angst, smut (maybe a tiny bit of fluff) Wordcount: 6.6k Summary: It always feels like there is only one person in the world to love. And then you find somebody else.
a/n: I don’t condone cheating on your s.o., so please don’t read if you have a problem with this! (also I’m not saying this is something Jungkook would actually do!) Warning: smut, lies, heartbreak and more lies (it’s gonna be one angsty mess) **a/n** I’m sorry it took me so long to update. I had a writer's block but this is longer than my usual chapters to make up for it. I have to thank @jaxonah for constantly kicking my butt & making me write bc this chapter wouldn’t exist if she didn’t bug me all the time. love you bby angel. 💋 Warning Chapter 3: smut (plain old vaginal sex, unprotected of course! Please use protection, angels!), jealous!jk
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He could feel the mattress shift next to him, slowly forcing him out of his deep slumber. It felt like he had only closed his eyes a few minutes ago. Jungkook opened his eyes a tiny bit, watching as his girlfriend climbed out of the shared bed. Still unsure of how to approach her after last night's events, he decided it would be for the best if he just pretended to still be fast asleep. The door to his room opened and she quietly tiptoed to the bathroom. He rolled onto his back; keeping his eyes shut tightly; the feeling of guilt flooding his mind again. He fucked up by treating her badly. He was painfully aware of that, but it felt so wrong to touch her, sleep with her and make her believe he was still feeling the same way he did months ago. 
Surely, he still loved her in some way or maybe, maybe he just cared enough about her to not want to hurt her intentionally but his heart and soul were set on someone else; someone who made love feel easy, special and exciting and not like a chore.  He missed her terribly; time spent apart was almost too much to handle for him. It was like she had put a spell on him, making him fall in love so deeply that he couldn’t get out no matter how hard he tried. He felt a smile tugging on his lips; he just couldn’t help but feel happy when he thought about her. The way she said his name, still made him feel all giddy inside just like that one time his parents had taken him and his brother to a fair and he got to eat all the snacks and ride the carousel until he felt dizzy.  The door opened and he listened to Yina shuffle around his room, getting dressed and packing up her things. In the past, he had watched her, admiring her beauty and hoping to steal another kiss before she left but now he was counting down the seconds until she was gone, hoping he wouldn’t have to endure her presence for a while. For a moment it was silent and he could feel her eyes resting on his body. He didn’t dare to move, scared he would indicate to her that he was awake. She let out a sigh before leaving his room and closing the door behind her. He stayed still, listening to her footsteps echoing down the hallway on the expensive hardwood floors.  Just to make sure she was really gone he peeked through his eyelashes; his room was still dark but he was alone, at last.  With lightning speed he reached for his phone, desperately tapping the home button only to find that he had no new message from her. It was just past seven in the morning and he knew she would still be asleep but his heart yearned for a simple text. 
An unknown hand was softly caressing Jungkook’s cheek and his eyes fluttered open, only to look at Hoseok in disappointment. “Good morning Sleeping Beauty, breakfast is ready.” He laughed, pulling the duvet off of the younger boy. Jungkook curled up, shaking his head. “Come on, the others are waiting for you.”  “But I don’t wanna get up..” He nuzzled his face into the soft pillow, wanting to get five more minutes of sleep.  “Move it.” Hoseok started poking his face, making his silly little noises. “Come on, you don’t want your cereal to get soggy.” 
With a groan Jungkook let his older brother pull him to his feet, slowly waddling after him to the kitchen. He took his usual place at the big kitchen table and sleepily stared into the empty ceramic bowl in front of him. Ha-na and Tae were already in a chipper mood, talking about all sorts of things. “So, do you want to order takeout or shall I cook?”  “Let’s just order something. It’ll be easier and you don’t have to worry about getting everything ready.” Tae said before shoving a piece of toast in his mouth. It was odd to not see him with his headphones in, watching an anime while eating his breakfast, waiting for his body to wake up. Maybe Ha-na did make things better for Tae, he seemed a lot happier since she was around, even in the mornings. Jungkook had always had a difficult time waking up, it took him a lot longer than most people but he wondered if it would all change if y/n was around every day.  “You’re so right. God, I’m so excited.” She clapped her hands together and pressed a kiss to her boyfriend’s cheek.  “Coffee…” Jungkook muttered, his eyes glued to the coffee machine on the counter; hoping he’d find it in himself to get his body to move from the chair in the foreseeable future.  “Take mine, I’ll make a new one.” Hoseok placed a big mug in front of him and ruffled his hair. He hated to admit it, being 21 years old, but sometimes he enjoyed when his older brothers babied him, making sure he had everything he needed - even the little things like coffee and a bowl full of his favorite cereal. Greedily he grabbed the mug with both hands, ready to chug down the hot milky brown liquid.  “What do you have planned today that you’re so excited about?” Jin inquired, putting his phone down on the table.  “We are playing cupid today.” Ha-na smiled. “So we need all of you to either go out or stay in your rooms so we can have the living room to ourselves.” 
Jungkook had not been paying much attention to the conversation the others were having, too busy devouring his cereal until her name was brought up. Trying not to look suspicious, he pricked up his ears.  “We’re planning on setting up y/n with one of Tae’s friends from Hwarang.”  He almost choked on the spoon full of cereal in his mouth. “What?”  “Oh look, who’s finally awake.” The others laughed at his shocked reaction. Trying to play it cool, he leaned back in his chair; pushing his hair from his forehead. “I’m pretty sure, y/n can get a date on her own without your help.”  “I’m sure she can, but Tae and I think she would be really cute with Hyungsik.”  “Hyungsik…” Jungkook repeated under his breath; jealousy beginning to stir up in the pit of his stomach. How was he going to compete against someone like him? Everybody seemingly adored that guy. “You can’t set her up with him…” He said; biting down on his tongue as soon as the words left his mouth, mentally slapping himself. He had to be careful; letting his jealousy surface would be a dead giveaway that he was not just y/n’s friend. 
“And why not?” Ha-na seemed awfully intrigued by his comment; propping her elbow up on the table to rest her chin on her hand. “He’s very good looking, he is funny and really nice and he’s a great actor. The whole package if you ask me and if they do hit it off, Tae and I finally have another couple to go on dates with. It’s a win-win situation and everyone will be happy.” 
Ignoring her completely to avoid telling her that it would make him miserable, Jungkook looked at Tae. “Do you really think y/n wants you to do that?”  But Taehyung just shrugged him off. “I don’t know but Ha-na is right, they would be cute together. Hyungsik is amazing and I know y/n liked the dramas he was in, so it won’t hurt to try, you know?”  “He’s not even that great of an actor.” Jungkook groaned in annoyance.  “That’s not what you said when you watched Strong Girl with me every week…” Tae trailed off, making everyone laugh. “What’s your problem?”  “I don’t have one, I just think you shouldn’t be forcing your best friend to go on dates just so you and your girlfriend can go on double dates. That’s so selfish.” “Wow, okay calm down Kook.” Ha-na looked him in the eyes. “It’s just a first date so they can get to know each other and maybe they’ll fall in love and get married and have babies.” 
He knew that she was just teasing him to annoy him even more but he felt a sting in his heart that he couldn’t explain. Yes, none of this was true but deep down he was scared that he might lose her to someone with whom she didn’t have to hide her relationship with in front of her friends. Was she really so in love with him that she wouldn’t replace him with someone like Hyungsik? It wasn’t hard to picture her holding hands with him while walking down the street, being happy and in love. Jungkook hated his vivid imagination for fueling his jealousy and anger, not only toward his girlfriend but also towards a guy he had never even met. 
“I bet you jinxed it and he won’t like her, I mean who would, right?”  “Did you really just say that?” Tae’s eyes were nothing but mere slits now, his nose slightly scrunched up in contempt about the snide remark.  “I was joking…maybe she’s not his type. I always thought y/n was more of an acquired taste, you know? She’s a little odd.”  “If she’s so odd, care to explain why you keep helping her with editing and taking pictures?” Ha-na was giving him the side-eye as if she had just caught him in the act of lying through his teeth.  “She’s still my friend but that’s not the point.”  “And what is the point, JK?” Hobi chimed in, who had been following this conversation silently, which was very unlike him.  “Ugh never mind, none of you would get it.” He pushed his chair back. “I’m going to my room.”  “Don’t forget to stay there until their date is over tonight.” Her voice echoed in his head as he stomped down the hall. Ha-na had always teased him like an older sister would but she never went too far until now. He could feel his hands shaking with anger; no one was going to steal the girl he truly loved… no one. 
She stood in the lobby of the apartment complex, waiting for the elevator when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She had just arrived at the dorms, after meeting Taehyung and Ha-na in Dongmyo for a coffee, while they were out shopping for vintage clothes. 
[Taehyungie - 3:43 pm] Ha-na has laid out a dress for you to wear on my bed. If your bra needs some extra padding there’s some in the bottom drawer on her side of the closet. She said that you have to make the girls look good 🙈😶 her makeup bag is on my desk if you need anything ☺️
Rolling her eyes, she stepped into the marble tiled elevator, looking at herself in the full-length mirrors that covered all three walls. Yes, her outfit was simple today - skinny jeans, an oversized sweater, and a denim jacket but this morning when she got dressed she hadn’t known she was going on a date otherwise she would’ve put more effort into how she looked. Jungkook on the other hand really didn’t care much for the clothes she wore; by all means, she could be wearing a trash bag because he would undress her eventually anyway.
“Jungkook…” She whispered and her body tensed up. How would he react if he found out that she was going on a blind date? She loved him with every fiber of her body and hurting his feelings was the last thing she wanted to do but she had no choice. Not wanting Tae or Ha-na to be disappointed in her when they had planned this evening and both seemed really excited at the idea of her finally having a boyfriend. 
After entering the passcode to the apartment, she quietly swung the door open but was met with nothing but silence. Coming here early and unannounced wasn’t the best idea, maybe he had gone to his studio to work on some music or videos.  She kicked off her shoes in the entryway and made her way to Taehyung’s room where she found a burgundy-colored dress on the bed. Carefully she picked it up to get a closer look - it was a pretty dress although it wasn’t her style. Quickly she changed into it, eyeing herself in the mirror. It was quite tight, accentuating the natural curve of her body, not leaving any room for imagination of what was hiding underneath. The high neckline was connected to the rest of the dress by a strap of fabric going through the middle, letting the two cutouts reveal the mounds of her breasts. It wasn’t out of her comfort zone to show off her assets but maybe it was a little much for a date she didn’t want to go on. Both of her hands cupped her breasts, pushing them up even higher; knowing that it would drive Jungkook crazy to see her like this; his eyes glued to her chest at all times. She made a mental note to wear something similar if they ever went on a date in the future.  She wasn’t trying to woo the mystery guy so she decided against extra padding since her bra was pushing everything up to where it should be anyway. Not wanting to bestow Ha-na’s wrath on her, she touched up her makeup and used her straightener to give her hair a soft wavy texture. She had to at least pretend like she was trying to look good for tonight.
Jungkook pushed his chair back, resting his back against the soft cushioning, mindlessly picking at the little hairs on his cheek. It was hard to focus when all he could think of was y/n going on a date with Hyungsik. His eyes darted to the screen of his computer, focusing on what he had typed into the search bar on Naver. How to sabotage a date.. but he couldn’t bring himself to hit enter. He knew it was childish to try to ruin their night but he didn’t want to go down without a fight. Maybe he should trust her but it wasn’t easy when he had such a hard time trusting himself. He was scared shitless beyond belief; what if she actually liked him? Jealousy had always gnawed at him when Taehyung had been hanging out with his actor friends in the past, in fear of losing him too but back then he had known that he would never lose one of his best friends to those guys. It had even been fun to tease his older brother along with the other members but this time… it was different. There was a chance that she would break things off with him to be with someone better, someone who could give her everything and maybe show her off to his friends and family. Then again, it wasn’t like her to just get up and leave; she was still here every day, telling him she loved him although he had yet to break up with Yina.
Jungkook would never dare to say this out loud, let alone to her face but a part of him knew that they were destined to be together and maybe this date was just another test the universe was throwing at them. He did not believe in much these days, hardships hitting him left and right but one thing he was certain of and nothing could shatter the part inside him that believed in true love, and he was going to hold onto that thin thread that could rip apart at any moment. 
It was time to stock up on snacks for the night if he wasn’t allowed to leave his room for hours. He was cursing himself for not going out with Jin and Jimin for the day; it would have been much easier to ignore all the things he did not want to think about but a little part of him wanted to be here. His heart was playing a sadistic trick on him, making him believe that just his mere presence in the apartment would stop her from falling for another man. 
He got up from his chair and left his room, but as soon as he entered the hallway he stood still, holding his breath. His eyes were wide as he looked at his favorite person in the world leaving Tae’s room. 
“Oh, Kookie..” A smile spread across her face, as she made her way over to him. She was insufferably close, her perfume hitting his nose and clouding his mind; blurring out the hurt and anger stirring up like a hurricane in his chest. He didn’t want to kiss her when she looked breathtakingly beautiful for someone else but he was weak. Jungkook just couldn’t resist as the lips he was craving softly pressed on his. 
For a split second, he let himself get lost in the kiss, his hands taking their usual spot on her hips - wanting to pull her close and just hold her tight.  But he had to be strong; so he pulled away extending the distance between them again.  “So you’re going on that date then…” He said, gesturing towards her body - not needing any verbal confirmation other than the dress she was wearing.  “Yeah, I didn’t want Tae and Ha-na to get suspicious.” 
He scrunched up his nose and furrowed his brows. “Oh, like they would assume anything just because you said no to a blind date.”  She crossed her arms in front of her chest, making her breasts look even more prominent and he caught himself staring at the soft flesh he loved so much. “Y-you can’t wear that!”  “And why not?”  “Because he’ll look at you like you’re a piece of meat and…” He paused, unsure of whether it was a bad move to say what he was thinking. “Well, not all guys think with their dicks.” She said rolling her eyes. “If that’s what you’re worried about and we won’t be alone, so..” Her voice trailed off. 
Jungkook swallowed the lump that was beginning to form in his throat. She really didn’t seem to care much about his feelings. Why was it so easy for her to disregard the simple fact that it would hurt him? He would never do that to her; he loved her too much. “Cancel the date…please?” The last word was so quiet that she couldn’t hear it. Was he really going to beg as a last resort? 
“I can't, I have to go. Tae and Ha-na set it all up already.” He wasn’t sure but her eyes looked wet like she was going to burst into tears at any second. She turned around to walk back to Tae’s room but his hand quickly reached for her wrist. “Don’t go! You’re mine!” His voice was now firmer and louder than before.  “These words would be a WHISPER if Yina was here.” 
She looked at him; eyes not swimming in tears anymore. Why was he being a jerk about this? He knew that she had no choice, although they were the ones who constructed this mess in the first place. She opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind, when he suddenly grabbed her other arm, closing the distance between them and making her walk backward until she was trapped between him and the wall. Jungkook’s body was radiating with heated anger, yet his face remained expressionless. His right hand let go of her wrist, only to firmly grab her chin, forcing her to look up at him. Lips greedily attacking hers; teeth grazing over her bottom lip before sucking it in-between his.  A hand was tangled in her hair, as the other found its way underneath the dress. He wasn’t wasting time; his fingers eagerly massaging the little bud over her panties, making her moan into his mouth. He could feel her arousal dampening the fabric quickly; over the past months, he had learned a lot about her body and what got her going that there was no trace left of the shy, unsure boy he once was, now being able to take full advantage of his knowledge. 
Her tongue was fighting a long lost battle against his; she was like putty in his hands, even now when he was angry and just having his way with her. Jungkook’s movements were quick, they could get caught any minute. He broke the kiss and swiftly turned her around to face the wall; skillfully he rolled her panties down with one hand while lifting her dress up with the other. Eyes resting on her behind, fighting the urge to slap it and leaving his handprint as evidence that she belonged to him. “So pretty…” He mumbled, running his fingers over the soft round flesh. “What is?” She asked, her voice breathy and unstable. “You.” He could see the smile tugging at her lips. 
Usually, he’d give himself more time, to taste and treasure her but he had to be quick. He shoved his black sweat pants down his thighs, setting his almost fully erect member free, before hastily stroking it until he was fully hard. He grabbed her hips to adjust her position, arching her back for easy access. 
With one hand still resting on the small of her back, he wrapped the other around the base of his throbbing dick, rubbing it back and forth between the wet folds, not able to resist the inviting warmth any longer; watching as the tip painfully slow disappeared inside her. She gasped at the somewhat unexpected intrusion, almost immediately followed by a moan through gritted teeth. 
He pulled out, only to thrust back in with full force; no intention of giving her much time to adjust. His fingers were digging into her skin, his teeth buried in his bottom lip; too lost and focused on thrusting in and out. 
Skin slapping on skin echoed from the walls of the hallway, mixed with her needy moans begging him to go faster and harder. His hand once again, tangled in her hair, pulling her upper body closer to his so he could lick and suck on the delicate skin of her neck. 
“Jungkook..baby..please…” She breathed her hand between her legs, rubbing her clit to help her chase down her orgasm. Roughly he swatted her hand away, replacing her fingers with his own, coating them in her sweet sticky juices. 
He could feel her starting to clench around his dick; normally he would hold back, waiting for her to finish first but not today. He picked up the pacing of his thrusts, his fingers mimicking the speed perfectly as he rubbed small circles around the swollen bead, skillfully avoiding the point that would push her over the edge. 
His breath hitched and got caught in his throat. “Fuck.” He whined as he released hot streams of cum inside of her; her walls convulsing around his dick, milking every last drop. This time, he pressed a gentle kiss on the exposed part of her shoulder before pulling out. “But baby, I didn’t finish.” Not once had her voice sounded so needy and whiny until now and it boosted his confidence in his decision. 
“Have fun on your date…” He said, while quickly pulling up her panties to make sure no cum was dripping out of her. “…with me inside of you.” He whispered against her ear, as she slowly turned around to face him, an expression of disbelief painted all over her features.  
Nonchalantly he pulled up his sweats and fixed his hair in the reflection of the picture on the wall. Her hair was a mess, the lipstick was blotchy and her cheeks were flushed. His eyes wandered to her legs, resting on her thighs which were tightly pressed together. He fully believed in his irrational plan, relying simply on the fact that she had always been the more adventurous one in their relationship, contrary to him who had always liked to play it safe until he met her.  Faintly he could hear voices outside the apartment and with a smirk he walked into the kitchen to grab some snacks like he had originally intended, leaving her behind all hot and bothered. 
He was rummaging through the cupboards when he heard Ha-na’s voice from the hallway.  “Oh my god! What did you do? We have to fix this! He will be here in 30 minutes. Tae, order some food and get the boardgames ready while I go fix y/n’s hair and makeup for her future hubby.” 
He heard Taehyung mumbling a reply followed by shuffling noises in the other room.  “Hyung, do you need some help?” Jungkook asked as he casually strolled into the living room, stuffing a handful of chocolate balls into his mouth.  “Yes, can you please wipe down the table and straighten out the pillows? So I can order food! Ha-na wants everything to be perfect.”  “Aye aye, sir.” Jungkook saluted him and clicked his heels. “Your girlfriend always gets what she wants, doesn’t she?” He mumbled underneath his breath as he grabbed the spray bottle and an old rag from the table. He really needed to watch what he was saying not wanting to stir up an argument with his friend. 
“What did you say?”  “Uh, nothing.” Jungkook quickly wiped down the wooden surface of the table and started straightening out the cushions on the couch. “Hyung, where’s y/n gonna sit?”  “I don’t know? Probably next to Hyungsik, I suppose.”  He rolled his eyes. “Of course she will but maybe you want to put a towel down.”  “Why would I do that?” The older one sounded confused as he looked up from his phone where he had been studying the menu of a restaurant. 
‘Oh because I just fucked her and came inside her so there might be cum stains on the couch by the end of the night.’, he thought to himself but he opted for a snide remark. “Oh you know, she might pee herself in excitement when she meets your oh-so-amazing actor buddy.” 
The sarcastic tone in Jungkook’s voice didn’t go unnoticed and Taehyung raised his eyebrows.  “What’s gotten into you? You’ve been acting strange all day.”  “I just still think it’s a dumb idea…” He turned around, grabbed the bag of chocolate balls from the smaller side table and walked back towards the kitchen. “…but you always do what your girlfriend tells you to do..” He quietly muttered as he grabbed the rest of his snacks so Tae wouldn’t hear him through the rustling of the bags. He was already counting down the minutes until this dreadful day was finally over, hoping that it would not end badly. 
* “Y/n can you help me with the dishes?” Tae stood up, collecting the plates. “Sure.” She nodded, giving Hyungsik a small smile before picking up the glasses and empty takeout boxes, dropping a fork in the process. Hyungsik handed it to her. “Do you need some help?” His smile was gorgeous - much better in person than on tv and it made her knees feel wobbly and her cheeks flush. “Oh no it’s fine, I got it.” Quickly she rushed after her best friend to the kitchen, plopping the containers down on the island, while he was rinsing off the plates. “Y/n…” He began, lowering his voice to make sure the other two wouldn’t hear him. “Why are you so quiet? That’s really unlike you.” She froze, as she tried to stuff the boxes into the designated trash can. “What do you mean? I’m not quiet at all.” “Yes, you are. You have hardly said anything to Hyungsik, it’s like you’re not even trying to get to know him. He’s really nice and funny but you’re just talking to me if you say anything at all.” Lowering her head, she tried hard to come up with a realistic lie that would satisfy Tae and avoid further questions she was ready to answer. But it wasn’t easy to pretend to enjoy being on a date when the boy she loved was in another room, probably upset and the remains of their little endeavor sticking her panties uncomfortably to her skin. “I…I don’t know.. Tae he’s famous, it’s kinda weird.” “I’m famous too…” He shrugged. “And you don’t have a problem with that.” She giggled. “To me, you’re not. I was with you when you peed your pants on our way home from school in first grade.” “I told you not to mention that, ever. Also, it was your fault for making me laugh.” He nudged her shoulder with a boxy smile on his face. “You don’t have to be shy around Hyungsik, he’s just a normal guy - like me.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Yeah right, a normal guy I see on tv all the time.” She paused, taking in her best friend's profile as he bent down to place the dishes in the dishwasher. “I just can’t help it when I get shy…I’m sorry” “Don’t be sorry! I just want you to give him a real chance, okay? He would be good for you.” The sincerity in Taehyung’s eyes and voice made her feel guilty. He had put so much thought into choosing a suitable guy for her, and Ha-na had planned the date to perfection but she just couldn’t give them what they wanted. There was no connection, no spark..nothing. It was different with Jungkook; they connected on a deeper level and there was no way of denying the chemistry between them. Trying to stay away from him was the hardest thing she ever had to do and one day they both caved in - a memory she would always treasure, feeling his lips for the first time, tasting his tongue. “Just try to come out of your shell next time.” Tae said as they were walking back into the living room where Ha-na and Hyungsik had cleaned up the table. “I should get going now, I have to be on set quite early tomorrow.” “Aw, already?” Ha-na seemed more upset than the rest of them, still hoping the date would take a turn for the better if he just stayed a little longer. “Yeah, I’m sorry but I had a lot of fun.” They walked him to the door, where he hugged Tae and Ha-na. “It was really nice to meet you.” He said to her, as she carefully held out her hand to shake his. “It would be kinda awkward to shake your hand, after hugging these two.” He nodded his head to the left where the other two were standing, pretending not to observe their every move.  “A little, yeah.” She let him pull her into a quick hug. “I had a really good time.”  “Me too.” He winked at her before turning to leave.  It took a weight off her mind, which she didn’t know existed once the door closed behind him. Successfully she had avoided awakening any romantic feelings on his side, subconsciously sabotaging the date herself. She had been quiet for a reason with Jungkook occupying her every thought.  When Ha-na and Tae were getting ready to leave to spend the night at her apartment for some much needed alone time, she knew that this was one of the rare moments where she wouldn’t have to sneak into his room. Lying to them was expectedly easy, telling them not to wait for her as she wanted to change and take the makeup off before she went home; knowing her brother wouldn’t approve of this dress under any circumstance. 
Quickly she changed into her clothes before carefully opening Jungkook’s door without knocking. He was lying on his bed, staring at the wall where his projector played a foreign horror movie. “Hey.” “Oh, you’re still here? Hyungsik is not giving you a ride home?” He mumbled, trying to keep his voice casual as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. “He has to be on set early tomorrow..” She closed the door behind her, not wanting to risk the other boys waking up. “Right, well you have work tomorrow too, so maybe you should go home as well.” She was eyeing him, as he kept his face directed towards the movie in a stone-cold expression. “I thought we could talk or spend some time together?” 
Out of the blue he looked at her as he sat up on his bed, narrowing his big eyes to slits. “You want to talk? About what exactly? Oh, I know maybe about how you didn’t even care that it would hurt me that you were on a date just meters away from me while I’m stuck in my room thinking about all the things he’s saying to you?” “Why are you giving me shit for this? You leave me alone to be with her all the time and you seemingly don’t care that it makes me feel horrible knowing that she’s touching and kissing you…” Baffled by the bluntness of her words he started chewing on the inside of his cheek; she was right - he was a condescending asshole. Always disregarding how badly it was making her feel that he had to spend time with another girl, but he was too shy and maybe a part of him was too proud to admit that his actions were hurting him just as much as they were hurting her. “You know, I have no choice..” “Neither did I…” An awkward silence seemed to lull both of them in a tight blanket while a guy was fighting for his life against a murderer. “Are you staying?” She nodded. “Then don’t just stand there, weirdo.” He leaned back into the soft pillows as she sat down her bag and took off her denim jacket. The air in the room felt tense, filled with too many things that were left unsaid but there was no use in arguing when they barely even got the chance to spend a night together. As she undressed, she felt his eyes on her body but it was different this time. He wasn’t going to attack her and devour her like a starved animal like he did in the afternoon. She loosely buttoned up his favorite shirt and looked at him, his gaze quickly darting back to the movie. “You know it’s rude to watch a girl undress.” “It would be if you weren’t my girl.”  She chuckled lying down next to him when he immediately rolled over to rest his head on her chest. Slowly she ran her fingers through his dark locks, letting her nails gently scratch over his scalp, eliciting a sigh from his lips. Maybe all he needed to be okay was to be close to her, to feel the warmth of her body against his skin. The soft squishiness of her boobs instantly relieving the pressure he had felt poking and prodding at his brain at all times for the past hours. The insecurities that had kept his mind on edge during the day were still all too present in the far back but how could he be mad at her now that she came to him even after a date with one of the most popular guys in the country. She came back to him; maybe she did love him as much as he loved her after all. 
He nestled his face into the curve of her boob, inhaling the all too familiar sweet scent of her skin, feeling his eyes tear up. No other girl could ever compare to her - his living addiction.  “You know…” She said quietly after a while. “I wished it was you the whole time..” 
Jungkook lifted his head up from her chest, his eyes were unusually glossy in the dim lighting. Only seconds later he was towering above her, noses touching as he shakily inhaled before pressing his lips onto hers. Her hand pushed his hair from his face, while her other arm lazily wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. As he closed his eyes silent tears of relief fell, dabbling onto her cheeks - one or two leaving a salty taste on their lips. A part of him had known that she wouldn’t leave him but once the fear took over his mind it was all he could think about - but his heart now felt lighter after just hearing those simple words from her. Both of her hands gently cupped his cheeks, thumbs wiping away fresh tears still spilling from his eyes as their lips slowly moved in a familiar way that only they knew. She pulled away, her eyes diving into his before he felt her soft lips kissing his cheeks, erasing the last salty remains. “I was scared you’d leave me…” He whispered in between kisses along her jawline and down her neck. Shaking her head no, she bit down on her lip as he sucked on the sweet spot right below her earlobe. “I only want you…” Jungkook smiled against her skin, the tip of his nose tickling her. “I know that now…you didn’t run off with the country’s prince charming…” She put her finger to his lips to silence him. “Why would I? You’re so much better.” His mouth curved into a smile then pressing a short peck against her finger. Jungkook buried his face into the curve of her neck, enjoying the circles her nails drew on his bare shoulders. Her body pressed against his was like balm for his soul. Gently he started pressing small, light kisses against her collarbone. He wanted the world to know; he wanted to climb on top of the highest building in the city and scream that he was in love with her from the top of his lungs. But the thought of others finding out scared him to death. The little bubble they were in was comfortable; no one was going to judge him for falling in love head over heels with someone else if it was kept a secret a little longer. If only he could stay with her like that forever, cooped up in his room, arms wrapped tightly around her. Feeling her chest rise and fall underneath his arm, the faint smell of lilies from her hair made him feel drowsy. Everything was perfect right at this moment. “I love you.” She whispered, her voice drugged with sleep - threatening to drift off at any second. “I love you…” He mumbled, lips ghosting over the small exposed part of her neck. She pulled his arm up a little, so it was resting right under her boobs, lacing her fingers with his as if to make sure this wasn’t just a dream. He felt the vibration of her phone on the mattress and groaned when she slowly reached for it. “No y/n, don’t.” “What if it’s someone from work?” He pressed his eyes shut tightly as the light of the screen illuminated her face. Without warning, she sat up; now seemingly wide awake when he heard her curse under her breath. His arm was lazily resting on top of her thighs; he was too sleepy to move. “Jungkook…” He hummed in response, trying hard to stay on the verge of falling asleep. “You have to look at this… we’re so screwed.” He could sense panic rising up in her voice when he finally opened his eyes to read the text. [Ha-na - 12:55am] I know your secret…
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gigsoupmusic · 5 years
Matt and Kim talk 'Grand' album and their upcoming 'Grand' Ten Year Celebration tour - Interview
Matt and Kim are about to head out on a celebration tour for the 10 year anniversary of their breakout 'Grand' album. The album was recorded by the duo in Matt's childhood home in Vermont. In our interview we talk about 'Grand' and if they would have believed that ten years later they'd be on this celebration tour, expectations they had for the album, and what they are looking forward to on the tour. Of the upcoming tour Matt said “In celebration of its 10 year anniversary, we’re going on a US tour playing our album GRAND in its entirety (as well as a bunch of other songs)! This album totally changed me and Kim’s lives, but some of the songs off GRAND we’ve never even played live before. We're really excited we get to do this trip and we’ve never done anything like it. It’s gonna be special.” Read our full interview below where we talk about Matt and Kim's take on if cereal is a soup, the energy at their live shows, the 'Grand' tour and album, and more. Hey Matt, this is really cool. I was just joking with my friends that my NBA Live 2010 dreams are coming true when I fell in love with your song 'Daylight' and now here I am talking to you. Matt: That is funny. Let me ask you could it have been FIFA? Oh it was definitely both. FIFA is where it definitely took off. FIFA was like what we would play for hours in high school. We would all come together at like 11:00 AM and play until like 7:00 PM when we would do something else with our night. Matt: That is awesome. That is awesome to hear. It is crazy to think about like I think about video games I was into that had like a soundtrack that would be on loop, like how often would it come up when you were playing? Honestly 'Daylight' is literally the only song I remember on that year of FIFA soundtrack. Matt: (Laughs) Okay well it is nice to be IRL. https://youtu.be/WgBeu3FVi60 So I listened to your podcast and that is what I wanted to start on. I have had this question that I have always wanted to ask in an interview but I've never had the right guest. But I feel like you might be the right one Matt because in your podcast you explore different random questions or hypotheticals, and I am curious your take on if cereal could ever be classified as a soup? Matt: Wait... cereal as a soup? (laughs) Okay well one note here, a little bit about me. Cereal had been one of my favorite foods my whole life and I have never tried cereal and milk combined. I'm not vegan, I eat dairy, I just somehow never ended up trying them combined. I just eat my cereal straight out of like sometimes like out of a coffee mug. I will just fill it and just like eat soup like I'm drinking coffee... I mean (laughs) dammit eat cereal like I'm drinking coffee. But to your question most people are eating cereal with milk like sane people and like what does it take for soup? A soup is like a broth, some sort of liquid carrier for them another object. I think you may have a point. I've never heard anyone ask this question but I think it fits the credentials. Yet if you invited someone over for soup and you offered them a bowl of cheerios then I think they are welcome to smack you in the face. See I'm not a soup guy so I think this is my way to try to make it to where "okay I like a soup." Because if I had a friend invite me over for soup I think I would thank them for the offer but tell them I will see them another day. But if I show up and they give me a bowl of fruit loops or something I'm in. Matt: Okay we need to hit one more person with this and that's Kim. Kim will you pull out a headphone I'm just going to ask you a quick question. Kim: Yes Matt: Kim's driving right now we are heading to the studio and soup is her favorite food. Kim: I love soup. Matt: Quick answer is cereal like a bowl of cereal a soup? Kim: No! But I also don't consider fucking gazpacho or whatever that is. That bullshit? That's not soup. Matt: Well Kim loves soup and she says absolutely not on the cereal but then she started going on a rant about even cold soups aren't real soups. Gazpacho that aint soup. That's true but at one time when the milk was being pasteurized part of the cereal was warm. I have this prepped and the definition of broth is "soup consisting of meat and vegetable chunks and often rice" So at least at the minimum I think Rice Krispies can be considered a soup. Matt: BOOM! I think Lawyered. Yup. I trust Kim more than me, I did have to look up cold soups in case you did ask and I have them written in my notes. So I will trust Kim's expertise on this. Matt: Well again with anything and Kim it is full Kim opinion. She is not going to go on technicalities here instead of what she thinks. https://youtu.be/H3fc7MQxV7I (Laughs) I love it. So I saw you guys just Friday in Ogden and wow. I've never seen you guys live and you blew me away with the energy of it. I read that you guys met at Pratt and I lived on Classon across the street from Pratt and that was fun to read but it made me want to ask about Matt & Kim's first show in Brooklyn was that energy always there? Was it a natural thing from the start with you two? How did it start and how has it evolved over the years? Matt: Well yeah I think it certainly stems from where we came from. It is interesting that you were just over in that area, we still live not far from Pratt. But um I think that yeah the scene we came up in in Brooklyn was like a total warehouse loft party scene. It was shows not in venues, it was just people like you know BYOB and there would just be bands playing on the floor and stuff like that. So I think honestly coming out of that there was other bands that were really like the head of like there was this band Japanther who was a big who are friends but also a big influence and there were other bands like The Death Set and all these bands that played like energetic, fun, people are jumping around and knocking each other over. Like that kind of thing and I think that we have tried to hold onto that for all of these years even as it has moved into festival stages and what not. It is about the whole energy of the room or like last weekend the field or whatever. It's not about what is happening on stage it is about activating the whole place. I don't know if we didn't come from that scene if that would be as much of a priority for us but it always has been. Wow that is cool how it started naturally from where you were around and how you have carried it with you because it is a truly energetic show. Before that had either of you done much performing? Matt: No I mean we like yeah I played in punk bands in high school and then we just accidentally started this band. Like Kim had never played drums before, she just wanted to learn drums. So it was I remember you know like we opened for our friends band he made us play a show with him even though we didn't think of ourselves as a real band and that is just when we started. I feel like though there was maybe like our third or fourth show we were playing in someones apartment right over in Clinton Hill close to Pratt and um it was the first time people like danced at our show and I feel like it is similar to like the first time a comedian gets a laugh on stage and they feel the juice. I'm like people are going to get swept up in what I'm doing they are laughing at what I'm saying. I think for me and Kim it was like they are dancing off of the music we're creating right here in front of them and once we got that juice it has just always been doing whatever we can to make that happen. And your show was so artistically done and everything that you did I was so impressed and from using a hip hop song to transition to your song to the stage design. Part of that was on your song 'Now' on Friday it had the words on the background and I love karaoke so it felt like that singing along with you. As part of my love for karaoke I have been asking the same question in every interview and that is if Matt and Kim do karaoke and what your go-to song would be? Matt: Okay so at karaoke I generally don't because even as someone that sings for a living I am terrible at it. I don't know one of my worst performances Matt and Kim or anything was like a karaoke performance I still think about. It was like twelve years ago and a friend convinced me to get up on stage and do 'Under Pressure' and I just bombed and I felt horrible afterwards. But certainly I enjoy going to like when friends are having a karaoke thing and I will dance the hell out of the like I'll get on stage and get weird with them. I think there is also somewhat of an expectation because I am a musician that I am going to be good or something. So I feel like if I was going to do it completely anonymously then it would be fine if I was bad but I feel like it is kind of made extra worse. So I don't have a go-to. What is your go-to? https://youtu.be/JyVzPx4ecHA When it comes to karaoke I think I have become a Destiny's Child cover band. So 'Say My Name' and like 'Independent Woman pt 1' will just about bring the house down every time. Like I don't sing at all, not in the shower, rarely in the car, but I get on a karaoke stage and I just let it go. Matt: Hell yeah! I have to say I have a small history with 'Say My Name' being that I remember being heavily into punk in high school and all of my friends being into punk and the thing about punk is that as much and openminded as I wanted to believe I was it was the most close-minded I have ever been about music. Like when you are deeply in it and you are living it culturally and all of your friends. But then I remember hearing that song 'Say My Name' and I would be like closet listening to it like I couldn't let anyone know how much I liked it. Thank you! I have asked you two self indulgent questions and thank you for allowing that they are totally selfish questions I ask from my own self interest... Matt: No I think if you were listening to the podcast you heard I love talking about things that are you know loosely related to the music but don't have to be about how we recorded things. Oh dang that was my next question... but I wanted to ask about tour. You have the anniversary tour for your 'Grand' album coming up this fall which is exciting. When that album first came out would you believe you'd be doing this tour ten years later and how has the album exceed your expectations? Matt: The beauty was yeah that it had no expectations. We were a band that it was our second album our first album wasn't great. You know some bands their first album is like the one. For us, we tried to make it really quickly because we didn't know how long it took to make an album and you know so we were sort of like feeling like we were on a little bit of a downslope. We were still kind of in the DIY scene, we were just starting to play venues and stuff and we were like "oh well that is as good as it gets." So then when we went to make 'Grand' all we knew is that we just didn't want to make it quick. We had done the other one so fast because we were in a studio so we were like "Lets just record it in my bedroom at my parents house in Vermont." Which is what we did. So we had honestly no expectations it was a pretty Lo-Fi thing but we really like the song. Then it just connected on a level. Still that 'Daylight' song like we are proudly a Indie band and I don't think we were ever supposed to have a song that has 100 million plays on Spotify. And of course we did not expect any of that. And what are you most looking forward to on the 'Grand' tour? Matt: I think it will be cool to do something different. It will be cool to be playing that album from beginning to end. We have never done that with any album before. And then I'm always excited about the other stuff we do too. Like whatever covers we are going to bring, whatever little snippets we will dance to, and different sort of surprises we could think of. That stuff will be fun and those are memorable moments. I mean I'm excited to play the grand album but overall we just love being on tour and it is a great reason to get back on the road again. We try to separate our tours at least 2 or 3 years apart and this one we are able to do a year apart because there is a reason to do another one. So as long as we are on the road, we are happy. You mentioned the snippets and covert things that you do. That was the unique element I think that was at the Matt and Kim live show and it is like this artistic thing that you guys do to transition in. Like I joked that Matt and Kim are masters of transition like the live show I left exhausted because it was a high the entire time. Each song built off each other. The podcast you get rid of the awkward transition between questions with sound mixing transitions perfectly. But yeah what is the process like for creating those moments in the live show? Matt: Well I love that. I take that compliment very seriously I appreciate that. I think energy and momentum are huge to me. I love that our shows continue to get wilder all the way up until the end. As opposed to maybe a show where it starts off with a lot of energy and people are excited and it sort of trails off as it goes along. Because it is hard for a lot of audiences and bands to keep that going for an hour or hour and a half. For us it's like I don't want any dead time I want to keep it moving. You know as far as the little things we add I just have a notes section in my phone and am like try putting Drake and I don't know there aren't a lot of indie bands that will put a Drake song like right in the middle of one of their sets. But I think another thing is we take what we do very seriously we put all of our time and energy and everything into this band but we don't take ourselves very seriously we're not afraid to like go into something that might feel a little silly or whatever that is just fun. We just think what would be the most fun thing to do and we don't have to be one of these indie alternative bands that is just like staring at their feet and like pouting. You talked about momentum and that was perfect. That was what your show did. I told you I left exhausted but in the best way. I couldn't recommend coming out to the 'Grand' tour enough. Matt and Kim are a lot of fun. Thank you for your time and I appreciate the time to talk. Matt: It was a pleasure to talk. Thank you. See more from Matt and Kim on Website, Facebook, Instagram, Podcast, and Twitter. Get your tickets for the can't miss Grand 10 year celebration tour here. https://open.spotify.com/album/2SUbFq7IAYt0rU9rxgCiwM?si=kJUEIl2OR-WbKeR3qeRocQ Read more from GIGsoup writers below. https://www.gigsoupmusic.com/interviews/sonreal-is-one-hundred-percent-himself-in-new-album-the-aaron-lp-exclusive-interview/ https://www.gigsoupmusic.com/interviews/indi-and-the-vegas-talk-influence-la-and-new-focuses/ https://www.gigsoupmusic.com/interviews/exclusive-interview-with-new-orleans-drummer-shawn-myers/ Read the full article
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doomedhowell · 7 years
We’re Going To Be Okay
Summary: Dan and Phil have broken up, and things haven’t been the best. But, things go from bad to worse when Phil brings one of his ‘one night stands’ home with him.
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 1,846
Dan hadn’t been doing so well lately. Things have gone pretty shit ever since he and Phil broke up. They were doing so well the past couple years and then… they just started arguing over stupid little things. Dan couldn’t take it anymore, and he broke up with Phil. He hadn’t meant to.
And now, it’s too late to take it back.
Phil’s moved on, and it’s only been a couple months since the break up. But, Dan knows that Phil goes out and hooks up with random people, which totally isn’t like Phil. He’s not the type of person to have one night stands, but that’s all he’s been doing lately. He goes out, and comes back late at night.
Dan hates it. He absolutely hates thinking about Phil being with other people that isn’t him, but it’s not like he can say anything. He’s the reason they’re broken up. He just had to lose control and break up with Phil.
It isn’t until when Phil actually brought one of his dates home, when things went from bad to worse. It’s like Phil didn’t care about Dan’s feelings at all. He brought someone home, and didn’t even try hiding it.
Dan blinks a few times looks up from his laptop when he starts hearing noises. He had just been doing one of his late night wikipedia searches when he realizes Phil brought someone home. They weren’t being quiet at all.
Dan can hear Phil moaning, and can hear another man’s voice.
Dan quickly covers his ears, but it doesn’t help. He can still hear it. He groans and quickly reaches over to grab his headphones out of his drawers. He puts his headphones in and turns up music from his Spotify as loud as he possibly can until he can no longer hear Phil’s moans.
Dan didn’t really get any sleep that night. He went to sleep at 5am but still only slept for a couple of hours. He couldn’t get the thought of Phil’s moans out of his heads. He couldn’t believe Phil actually brought someone home.
Dan doesn’t leave his room until around the afternoon when his stomach finally started yelling at him to get up and get something to eat.
Dan grabs a bowl and his usual cereal, and grabs the milk out of the fridge. He’s almost done with pouring the milk when Phil walks into the kitchen.
“Hey,” Phil greets, as if nothing happened yesterday.
Dan doesn’t say anything. He can’t even look at Phil.
Phil looks over at Dan and raises his eyebrows. “You okay?” He asks curiously. Dan seems quieter than usual. Phil knows they haven’t been talking lately but sometimes he tries to make small talk with Dan and see how he’s doing.
Dan scoffs and shakes his head. “Like you fucking care,”
“Excuse me?” Phil asks, blinking a few times. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Dan slams the milk down on the counter, not caring that he spilt milk all over the counter. He turns and looks at Phil angrily. “Don’t walk in here and act like you fucking care about my feelings when I know you don’t!”
“What are you talking about?” Phil asks, shocked at Phil’s outburst.
“Look, I don’t care that you’ve been seeing other people. You can do whatever the fuck you want. You’re a free man now. But you cross the line when you bring that shit home! You weren’t even thinking about my feelings when you did that. I would never one of my dates home and do that to you!”
Phil’s eyes suddenly widen, and his cheeks turn a bright shade of pink. “O-Oh. You…” He laughs nervously. “You heard that?” He fiddles with the hem of his shirt. “I’m… I’m sorry. I was drunk. I wasn’t thinking…”
“Being drunk doesn’t excuse the fact that you actually did that,” Dan snaps. “And I’ve had enough. I’m tired of feeling trapped in this house!”
Phil frowns. “What… What are you saying, Dan?” He asks.
“I’m moving out,” Dan mumbles, looking away from Phil. He just decided literally two seconds ago that he was moving out. He depends on Phil a lot, and the thought of being on his own scares the shit out of him, but what’s the point of staying with Phil? He’s afraid to walk in his own house because he doesn’t want to run into Phil. “I… I don’t know where or when, but I am eventually moving out. Unless we fix whatever this… thing, that’s going on. I can’t take it anymore.”
“Dan, no… wait-” He tries, walking closer to Dan. “Come on. Y-You don’t have to move out. We can talk about this. We can make things work.”
Dan takes a deep breath and looks up at Phil as his eyes start watering up. “Phil, please. This has been going on for months. We’re never going to work things out. Things aren’t how they used to be, and everybody knows it. Fuck, even the viewers have started noticing that things are different with us.”
“I… I’m not saying that we have to rekindle our relationship, but you’re my best friend. I can’t imagine living without my best friend,” Phil says.
“It’s too late, Phil. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I fucked everything up. I didn’t mean to,” Dan mumbles before turning and walking out of the kitchen.
Phil stands there, shocked. He stares at the bowl of cereal on the counter. He never thought the day would come when one of the two move out.
It’s less than a week later when Dan leaves the apartment for the first time in months. PJ has a guest bedroom and is kind enough to leave Dan stay there for a little while until he can find an apartment on his own.
“Thanks for letting me stay here,” Dan mumbles as he stands with PJ in his living room. “Are you sure Sophie is okay with this? I don’t wanna…”
PJ rolls his eyes. “Dan, shut up. Sophie loves you just as much as I do. You’ll always be welcomed to stay here. I just… can’t believe you guys are really over. I thought you were going to make things work?”
Dan sighs and looks up at PJ sadly. “He brought someone home, and I had to listen to them have sex in the room next to me, Peej. That was the last straw. Phil didn’t care until I said that I was moving out.”
PJ frowns. “That doesn’t sound like something Phil would do,” he says.
“I guess we don’t know Phil very well after all,” Dan shrugs.
PJ clears his throat. “So, um… let’s go to the guest bedroom,” he stands up with Dan and leads the way to the guest bedroom. “The bathroom is right there and everything you need will be in it. You know, shampoo and towels and all that stuff. I know you said you wouldn’t be here very long but we want you to be as comfortable as possible after all the crap you’ve been through.”
Dan blushes. “Thanks, Peej. This really means a lot to me. I think I’ll finally be able to get a good night’s sleep, you know?”
PJ smiles at him. “I just wanna help you get back up on your feet,” he says.
Dan pulls PJ into a warm hug. “Thanks, man. I appreciate this so much,”
Phil hates being in the house without Dan around. It’s too quiet, and there’s no one to talk to. They haven’t been talking lately but at least there was always the option to go talk to Dan. And now, there’s no one.
“Peej, please let me talk to him,” Phil begs.
“Phil, that’s not a good idea. Besides, he’s not here,” PJ sighs.
“What?” Phil frowns. “Where is he then?”
“I think he went to go confirm paperwork for the apartment he picked out, or something like that. He was in a rush when he told me so I-”
“Apartment?” Phil gasps. “No, no, no. He can’t move into a new apartment!”
“Why did you let him leave, Phil?” PJ asks. “He gave you plenty of opportunities to talk with him, and instead… you out with other people.”
“I don’t know!” Phil yells, pulling out his hair. “I messed up, and now I lost the single most important person in my life. I can’t live without him, Peej.”
“Dan’s going to be back by 5, so I suggest you get your butt over here and make things better before Dan officially moves into his new apartment.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Phil says before hanging up on PJ.
Phil grabs his shoes, his keye and his phone. He doesn’t waste any time in heading straight to PJ’s house. It’s 4:50 now. Dan will be there any minute.
“Is he here?” Phil pants once PJ opens the door.
PJ raises his eyebrows as he watches Phil. “Did you run here?” He asks.
“No, I’m not stupid,” Phil rolls his eyes. “Peej, is Dan here?”
PJ bites his lip and glances back into the house, before looking back at Phil. “Yeah, he just got here…” He says. “Come in.” He allows Phil into the house, and leads him to the living room, where Dan is sitting on the couch. “Dan?”
“Yeah?” Dan asks as he looks up at PJ. “What’s up?”
PJ steps aside, revealing Phil. “Someone’s here to see you,”
Dan drops his phone, and he slowly stands up from the couch. “Phil…?”
“I was an idiot, Dan,” Phil begins as he walks closer to Dan. “I should have never done that to you and I’m so…” He takes a deep breath. “I’m so sorry.” His eyes begin to water up. “I wasn’t thinking about your feelings. I hate things got this far and I should have been a better person.”
Dan stares at him with wide eyes, before scoffing. “You… You think you can just walk on in here and make this big apology statement and expect me to forgive you just like that?” He yells, throwing his arms up.
Phil frowns. “I couldn’t let you go without trying,” he whispers. “I need you, Dan. I need you to come back and… I want us to try again.”
Dan takes a deep breath. “I’d hate to admit it,” he whispers. “But, yeah… I need you to, Phil. Like, what was I fucking thinking buying a new apartment? I can’t live on my own. I can hardly survive two days without you!”
Phil chuckles as tears begin to form in his eyes. “God, I love you so much,” he pulls Dan into a hug and wraps his arms around him tightly.
Dan buries his face in Phil’s chest and lets out a sob. “I need you,”
“It’s okay, bear. It’s okay,” Phil whispers as he continues to hold onto Dan. “We’re going to be okay. We’ll work on making things better.”
PJ sighs in relief as he watches the two, relieved that they finally made up.
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