#I’m just so …
cdyssey · 2 years
Pieces that fit together:
Melissa being so understandably defensive about being perceived as less than, being called a “bad teacher,” being seen as a person in the mud.
Melissa’s lifelong struggles with reading and the utter isolation of that, the way she was ostracized as a child for it.
Melissa’s big and tough persona that discourages people from knowing her softnesses, from discovering her various vulnerabilities.
Melissa learning how to be resourceful from an early age, using aids to cope with her disability.
Melissa always having a guy for everything.
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astrobei · 2 years
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when byler has this conversation in season 5
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brennan-lee-mother · 5 months
The reaction to my frostkettle fic has been so overwhelmingly sweet and I just!!! Thank you everyone who commented kind things so much! And to the people who enjoyed it in silence, thank you for being here with me in my kipperlilly induced insanity
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wistfullywaiting2 · 6 months
As much as I love bsd wan I am afraid I can never forgive the grave offense of portraying Akutagawa as a Dazai fanboy which subsequently lead a lot of bsd fanmade content to add that in as a genuine character trait of his and not just his admiration for and emotional attachment to Dazai being played up for comedic value.
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I literally don’t know what to do yall idk if I’m gonna find an internship or a job like… I just went to my university’s career fair and not a single booth there could give me any info on their design department. And also every job search forum or site I’ve been on has limited graphic design listings or they just don’t respond and I’m genuinely like… what the fuck do I even do?? Like I’m doing everything I can think of and it’s just not getting me ANY results and I’m genuinely getting more and more depressed every time I think about my future or a job bc I have no hope left at this point
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agentplutonium · 1 year
Thinking about legacy child sweetheart this fine night. thinking about sweetheart who had at least one parent working in the department, and who was close to/working as an investigator. Thinking about the pressure that they would carry being know as “____’s kid” who “had so much potential, i mean look at their parents!” Thinking about how they’re usually described as an uptight workaholic and how they probably grew up with that as an example as a kid. They’d be around the department their whole life and this would be seen as normal. Thinking about Sweetheart taking on that Shade case, probably as a way to prove to the others that they are more than just their parents kid. Maybe even to prove to themselves that they are more than that. To prove that they are worthy of the praise that they’ve been getting since they were young. Thinking about Sweetheart who probably would have died if Milo hadn’t been there, being faced with their mortality at a young age, and coming face to face with the fact that this is all their life is going to be. If they survive this, it’s just going to repeat. Over and over, life threatening situation after the next after the next. Thinking about sweetheart having doubts in their job.
Thinking about… Milo and Sweetheart. Thinking about Milo being Sweethearts why. Thinking about Milo and the pack being the reason Sweetheart stays in their job, but also be the reason to take a step back. It’s no longer just Sweetheart and the department, but now it’s Sweetheart and Milo… and the department is their job. Thinking about legacy child Sweetheart, and their loving mate, who works to understand Sweetheart’s upbringing and works with them to try and dismantle that mindset that’s been drilled into them in their formative years. Thinking about Sweetheart who knows what Milo is thinking when he gets into those “i can’t rest until this is fixed” mindsets and working with him and it being a constant give and take game that they play. Thinking about Milo and Sweetheart who are chipping away at those stubborn habits, and it’s slow, and knowing and understanding that progress isn’t linear, and it’s hard- but they do it. they do it together and they’re constantly there for each other. Each is the other’s biggest support system. and they love each other so much.
Guys i’ve been thinking.
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mu-laohu · 9 months
Disappointed but not surprised
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splynter · 8 months
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”You can’t believe it, you can’t conceive it
And you can’t touch me, ‘cause I’m untouchable
And I know you hate it, and you can’t take it
You’ll never break me
‘Cause I’m Unbreakable.”
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mjfass · 10 months
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softsnzstuff · 8 months
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He’s baaaaaaack. A Q/uiet P/lace Day One out this summer 😎
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jenanigans1207 · 2 years
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mytearsrricochet · 1 year
I just started crying not from like post concert depression or exhaustion or anything but truly everything about last nights show was perfect and amazing and incredible for me (and in general) and it was just a really amazing time with 3 of my best friends I’ve had my entire life literally and I got to tell them that I’m only me when I’m with them!! and I’m overwhelmed with my love for Taylor and her ability to even make me sob nearly 24 hours after her concert because of the joy it brought me.
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crystallos-sol · 1 year
Bitches wanna be like “ I want more unhinged morally grey characters “ and “ I want a character that’s an asshole “ girl you can’t even handle katsuki bakugou wym what are you talking about
You literally got given the most tame character ever y’all would fucking cry over Dazai knowing he ripped a man’s ear drums apart and ripped out his eyes literally would lose your minds at Yuu saying he doesn’t give a fuck if the world is destroyed and everyone dies
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motherfuckingbrad · 2 years
the same kind of music haunts her bedroom,
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i’m almost me again
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she’s almost you.
(the very thought of you, and am i blue?
a love supreme seems far removed.
i get along without you very well some other nights.
and Lord, i wouldn’t know where to start,
sweet music playing in the dark,
be still, my foolish heart,
don’t ruin this on me.)
-hozier, almost (sweet music)
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skyward-floored · 2 years
I hate writer’s block I hate being a slow writer I hate taking months to update fics
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agentplutonium · 1 year
It’s currently two in the morning and i’m thinking about “sleepwalker” Sweetheart. Thinking of them waking up in the middle of the night, in a panic, mumbling about how they had a report due (they did not, and especially not at the ungodly hour they decided to wake up at). They’d start to get out of bed and that’s what would wake Milo. He convinced them that five more minutes in bed with him wouldn’t put them behind any, and that’s how he got them to lay back down and cuddle into him. Sometimes Milo wasn’t fast enough and they’d already be on their feet, but it just meant a tiny bit more effort to get them to come lay back down with him. Like this, he’s able to keep them in place so they don’t get up again. To aid their journey back to sleep, Milo would do one or multiple things to soothe them. This normally included humming some nameless tune, or gently tracing random shapes and lines across their skin, or perhaps he’d go into quiet rambles knowing how much Sweetheart liked hearing his voice, and, if the stealth was putting up a particularly hard fight, he’d go as far as to run a finger down the length of their nose softly. It was never very long before Sweetheart was back asleep, and Milo always felt some sort of pride that he was able to accomplish such a feat. Normally if Sweetheart is up and wanting to do something there was nothing that could stop them. But, over the years, Milo learned their habits inside and out, knowing when to push to get them to take a break and when to just stand back and be a safety net for when if they burn out.
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