#I’m just too much and not enough of all the wrong things
kenntolog · 1 day
𝝑𝝔 an: ALRIGHT GUYS finally something angsty and involving an argument or smth vaguely saying that ahem ANYWAYS!! suku here is a bit of an ass but he will redeem himself guys dont worry. i love you all!! to the new readers — read more here!!
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“can you piss off already?”
“i’m not in the mood, go fucking yap to someone else.”
“we wouldn’t be doing this shit if you just stopped being so fucking clingy!”
the hurt flashing in your big eyes tells him that he shut his mouth a little bit later than he initially should have.
sukuna sighs when you run out of the room, unable to hold in your sobs like you usually would, and sits down on the couch of your living room. to be honest, he doesn’t even know what came over him at this moment. or for the last half an hour he’s been pouring all of his anger at you.
recalling the previous week is not the most pleasant thing, but that’s all he can do right now to cool down. there is nothing to reminisce about; it’s been a very frustrating week, where jin was a lot busier than usual, their old man needed more care, the worry for yuuji being left alone ate both of them from inside and out, work has become more annoying than fulfilling, and all sukuna wanted to do was to be left alone, which is why coming over to your place was a mistake.
not because of you, but him. he could’ve texted you that he is tired and is going home instead, yet somehow his mind was stuck on seeing you tonight and his muscle memory led him to the familiar warmth of the street you lived on. it didn’t comfort him, like usually.
sukuna never thought he could scream at you like he did. you probably never thought either; the genuine fright and terror on your face told him a million of things, a million stop signs, yet he only continued going off on you.
you just expressed to him how you wanted to spend a little more time with him, how you wanted to help him decompress and relax, how much you cared about him — you didn’t deserve his ugly yelling and his angry attitude.
oh man, he fucked up.
he rubs his face roughly, barely able to stop himself from tearing his skin off, and stands up from his spot. for a minute, he contemplates whether he should even try to fix anything tonight — if you would even want that.
sukuna presses his ear against your door, hand tugging down the handle simultaneously, but to no avail. as disappointment washes over him, he realises that you’ve locked the door. is it a sign that he should just go home? probably.
he can’t do that though.
he knocks, loud enough for you to at least notice, “baby? can you let me in?”
sukuna doesn’t know that on the other side of the door, you barely stop yourself from jumping off the bed to open the door for him. your heart beats rapidly in your chest as you press your back into the headboard, clutching the blanket tighter as you gnaw on your bottom lip, stifling down your sobs.
you want to let him in so badly despite how much he hurt you.
it’s something you can’t control, something that has you curling into yourself, as far as you can so you can ignore the twitching in your limbs and keep yourself away from him. you only wanted to help and seeing his anger being directed at you made you further confused about what you did wrong.
subconsciously, you know that it’s not about you. but you still can’t stop yourself from thinking that maybe… maybe sukuna needs a girlfriend who is less overbearing than you. someone who understands him better, understands when they need to back off and let him be, and not try to fix everything with their love. maybe.
you bury your face in your pillow, effectively muffling down your cries while sukuna continues to knock on your door from time to time.
he guesses that you fell asleep so he stops knocking as he sits down on the floor with a small groan. the couch looks a lot more inviting than the hard floor, however sukuna can’t bring himself to be too far from you so he finds that it’s okay, he’ll wait for you.
he doesn’t even know when he falls asleep; realising that he was, in fact, sleeping when the door behind him suddenly opened and he is fully sprawled over the floor. “fucking hell—“ he curses under his breath, rubbing the remnants of sleep from his face before he glances up, meeting your nervous gaze. with the pain in his whole body forgotten, sukuna stands up abruptly, his face softening when he notices how you step away from him.
“sukuna? were you… sleeping on the floor?” you ask, your voice sounding a little hoarse as you look up at him unsurely.
he swallows, face scrunching up at the dryness in his mouth, and steps closer to you, closing the door behind himself.
“can we talk, baby?”
you look down and nod solemnly, walking back to your bed while he follows you like a lost puppy. sukuna’s fingers twitch with desire to touch you, any part of you. you crawl away from him though, backing yourself into the corner. covering, protecting yourself from him.
“i— uh, i didn’t mean all of that, y’know that, right?”
you stay silent, small fingers curling around the edges of your blanket.
“tell me you know it, baby, please—”
your voice comes out unsteady when you finally speak up, abused bottom lip trembling as you sniffle, “i don’t think i do, ‘kuna~”
sukuna reaches his hand out, tentative fingers creeping closer to you in an attempt to observe your reactions. your eyes follow his movements and you stare at his hand for a little while before your features fade into something too pitiful for him to grasp. as soon as he calls you by your name you start sobbing violently.
all of the hesitation leaves his mind as he immediately pulls you into himself and positions you between his spread out legs, arms wrapping around your body and tucking your head into his neck. it’s the worst feeling in the world because he is the reason why your fragile soul is rattling in hurt and agony. god, he wants to fucking punch himself in the face repeatedly, and even then it wouldn’t be enough for him to feel like he’s apologetic enough.
sukuna brushes your hair away from your face, hand sliding down to caress the side of it, but his movements still as soon as he hears your small voice,
“you didn’t have to be s-so mean about it.” you gaze up at him with eyes full of tears, “i could’ve taken your anger, but not… n-not that.”
placing a chaste kiss on your forehead, sukuna goes back to look you in the eyes, making sure his sincerity is apparent.
“‘m so sorry, baby, i don’t fucking deserve you.”
you bite your bottom lip in an attempt to stifle down another round of sobs and hide your face from him once again, arms circling around his neck.
you don’t give him a clear answer. sukuna is ready to wait for however long it takes.
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kotoku · 2 days
hiii ! Can I req an aventurine and/or doctor ratio x reader (fic or headcanons is fine) where reader hides how they feel about stuff and they’ve been struggling and one day aventurine walks in on them breaking down? Things have been rough lately lmao, thank you !!
ᴅʀ ʀᴀᴛɪᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀɪɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴ ꜱ/ᴏ ᴡʜᴏ'ꜱ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴅᴏᴡɴ
pairings - aventurine x reader / veritas ratio x reader
content - reader is gender-neutral/ established relationship/ reader has been going through it/ reader ends up having a break down/ angst with comfort/ comfort fic
warnings - a bit of self harm, swearing
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
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You were never the type of person to show your vulnerable side to people, no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t.
You never wanted anyone to feel the weight of the burden that was placed on your shoulders. The weight that would only continue to build up until you eventually succumbed and suffocated beneath it. It was something only you would have to deal with, and you made sure of that, keeping those you loved at a distance so they’d never see your deteriorating mental state.
So when Aventurine came home early one night to find you a sobbing mess in your shared bedroom, you were terrified. How could you let this happen? How could you do this to him?
You sobbed harder, hands gripping your arms with such strength that would leave bruises later on.
He quickly knelt beside you, hands shaking as he tried racking his brain on what to do. 
Think Aventurine, think.
Gently placing his arms around you, he shakily whispered reassurances.
“I’m here, I’m here.”
“What happened, My Love? You can tell me anything, everything.”
“I’ll always be here by your side, I’ll never leave you.”
Eventually, you had calmed down enough to where your sobs were reduced to sniffles. You couldn’t cry anymore, even if you felt like it. There were no tears left for you to shed, only hiccups and broken sentences. 
“I’m sorry…”
“Why are you apologizing, _____?” 
“Because…” You looked at him with red, puffy eyes. “I… I let this happen. I let you see this side of me that I never wanted anyone to see, you to see.” You looked down at your arms, purple and blue dotting your skin as remnants of where you were gripping. “I never want to place the burden I feel..onto others.”
In the silence, Aventurine could hear his own heart breaking all over again. How hadn’t he noticed your suffering? How could he have let this happen? He enveloped you in a hug, one that wasn’t too tight or loose. He couldn’t let you go, no matter what, he would never let you go.
“_____…” Aventurine felt tears of his own well up in his eyes, head burying into the crook of your neck. “You are never a burden, how could I ever think of you as such..?” You felt your eyes sting, closing them shut as your arms came to rest around his shoulders. 
“I’m sorry for not noticing sooner, for not being there…” You wanted to protest, to tell him that he was wrong, but you only shook your head, voice much too weak to talk. He held you closer, his tears dripping onto your shirt. The two of you stayed that way for a long while, the clock ticking closer to midnight.
Eventually, Aventurine released you from his firm hold, rubbing his eyes as he sniffled. 
You looked up at him with tired eyes. “Yes..Aven?” 
He held out his pinky, signaling for you to interlock your own with his. “Please. Please promise me that..you’ll tell me if there’s something wrong… I’ll be here to listen to your problems, no matter how big or small they may seem… You are so important to me, to others…” You raised your pinky.
“I promise.”
Aventurine smiled, his eyes slightly puffy and wet with unshed tears. “I love you so, so very much, _____.”
You felt your heart swell at his words, a sob stuck in your throat as you brought him into another hug. 
“I love you too, Aven.” 
Just for him, you will try your hardest to never tread alone, for he will always be by your side no matter what.
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Veritas Ratio was never an emotional person, always choosing to remain calm and composed. However, that did not mean he did not care, for he was always expressive in his own ways when it came to you. 
You knew the doctor loved you dearly, so much so that he would do anything for you if it meant you being safe by his side. And yet, he did not know of the burdens that dug into your skin, the fear of showing your vulnerability acting as shackles as it anchored you deeper into dark waters. No matter how hard you tried to swim up for air, you would only get dragged back down, the surface just out of reach for your battered hands. 
Again, and again, and again. A repeating cycle that just became a part of your routine. 
You could handle yourself just fine during the day, but when night came, so did the problems you tried so hard to bury. To avoid disturbing Veritas’s sleep, you would slowly creep out of your shared bedroom into the bathroom, staring lifelessly into the mirror as you let the cold water run in the sink. 
Some nights were rougher than others, the tears that you tried to suppress spilling over to mix with the running tap water, the sound of it silencing your sobs. However, it also silenced the approaching footsteps coming towards the bathroom door that was left ajar, a soft gasp startling you as your eyes darted to the entrance. 
You splashed the cold water into your face, attempting to mask the tears that you were previously shedding. 
“_____, what happened?” 
Your hands gripped the towel that you were drying your face with, tears dotting the corners of your eyes as you inhaled a shaky breath.
“..Nothing..happened. I was just having some difficulty sleeping…” You mustered a smile. Yet it never reached your eyes, he noted with a sigh.
“You don’t have to lie to me, _____.” His arms crossed over his chest, eyes softening as they gazed into your puffy ones. “If there’s something bothering you..I’m here to listen.”
You couldn’t hold your smile anymore, eyes beginning to water as you avoided his gaze. 
“I just… It’s been rough recently.” Tears fell down your face as you thought about all the problems that weighed on your mind. “Work hasn’t been the greatest and all these things are happening– I’m just..a mess.” Staring at yourself in the mirror, you felt a wave of exhaustion hit you once more. “A mess…” 
Veritas tilted your chin so that you were facing him, his eyes full of emotions but concern was prominent. “_____, you don’t need to face these problems alone. As your partner, it is my duty to offer my support and care. You are my utmost priority.” His words filled your heart with so much love for the man, you could feel yourself beginning to cry harder. 
“I love you so much… Thank you..Veri.” 
“Of course, _____. I love you too, never forget that.” 
⋘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ⋙
note - i hope these drabbles provide a bit of comfort for you and that things get better for you anon! :) stay safe and healthy everyone.
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dangopango00 · 3 days
Demonic Features HCS (2)
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Om demons HCs + Om demons x gn reader
Pt. 1 (123) | Pt. 2 (Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie) | Pt. 3 (Royal trio) Coming soon (again)
CW: Teeny but suggestive I think. Mostly asmo’s part if anything
A/N: THIS IMAGE IS SO FUCKING KEWYWTTTTT 😭😭😭😭😭 i cant w them ue i am unhealthily attached to this family goodbye world also sryy these are so long, honestly after recharging for a couple days I js started going crazy on the hcs 😭😭
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Satan: The Unicorn
- I think he should look more beastly overall like hes some wild creature that just emerged from the forest
- His pants should look like hooves like those bellbottom esque fuzzy ish pants like
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Shout out to someone in 1545 ig. Unicornis
Also spots should look more like. Horselike like speckled or splotchy
- Has two black stars and one green in the middle on his forehead
1. As a reference to Lucifer who created him and
2. A reference to how biblically unicorns were out of control beasts that could only be tamed by a virgin maiden (honestly im a lil tempted to write a fic of satan x sweet innocent reader but gn. Goodbye even)
- HES A UNICORN HE SHOULD HAVE A UNI HORN PLEAADEEE 😭😭😭 they should be a similar shape to Lucifer’s but one short one and should be able to summon a longer one below where the star diamond is on his forehead is when he gets pissed enough and both should be black with green tips + it would actually make him look more vicious too
- I appreciate them making the little bow look like ribs but I think it would be much cooler if his ribs just were sticking out and wrapping around his body and they were black and green
- Ribs should also have patches of fur resembling flames where they start (near his back or at his sides)
- I also think his tail should have short rugged fur lining the outside and it should get longer at the tip; I’m going heavy on the beast agenda I fear. He may clean up pretty well in his human form but he can’t hide his sin in his demon form cmon now y’all
- Since we don’t see his markings I’m making shit up and I think his markings should be fur lining his back and arms
- Just wanna say I resemble the fur wrap thing because it kinda resembles a horse tail/mane and the gray shirt bc it resembles a rhino (What unicorns in the bible were based on I think)
- A bit insecure about you seeing his demon form tbh. Thinks he will scare you and a little afraid he might do sth he’ll regret if he loses himself; he sees himself as beastly in that form, anger is a hideous emotion and he doesn’t want to scare his loved ones away like he used to when he was first born and always lashed out with full force, scaring his brothers (Don’t get me wrong if he’s angry he’ll show it but he wont let all of his anger out at least not at once and if he has to do sth drastic he’ll first isolate himself)
- Very nearsighted but refuses to get glasses and only wears them when reading (glasses are weakness)
- Bulks up a bit and gains more strength in his demon form frs
- Snarls when hes angry and sometimes sneezes in the middle of his anger often (it would be funny)
- Pact mark is only visible on your temple but internally spans throughout your veins and is not very big but grows the angrier you get post activation; that shit is freaky it can even cover your whole face and put your body in autopilot (like how anger issues people black out) if you get angry enough
- It’s pretty wicked its first shaped like a small spade but bulges like flesh; is similar to tanjiro’s mark somewhat
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- Pact mark allows him to enhance your rage by giving you some of his own (can be a pro or con depending on the situation but i mean u can just tell him to stop iykyk policy)
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Asmodeus: The Scorpion
- I THINK HE SHOULD BE VAMPIRIC Feeds on sexual energy and life force yk incubus/succubus thingz but he should have the fangies too imo
- Tired of them having collars and looking prim and proper so I’ve arbitrarily decided that his shirt should conjoin with his skin and become kind of like calcharos ult for VERY loose reference; hes the avatar of lust he can be shirtless ish
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- IK I SAID NTM ON THE CLOTHES BUT UGHHH Imagine if he was wearing like a robe similar to aphrodite bc its like a nod to his past as a high angel but also how he’s steeped in desire and lust. Like its being held up by the roses, sheer will and the fact that it is conjoined with his skin
- Hc that he is like cupid and can see connections between people SO I think his spine should be lined with like. Arrow-like spines
- Despite being like cupid, he finds it really hard to genuinely connect people and find someone who enjoys his presence beyond his looks and will typically avoid people on his recharge days (he likes partying and being around people but its also pretty draining keeping people entertained which is why he usually brings someone with him. I also imagine this is how he and Levi connect “I guess we aren’t so different after all” type shi)
- He should have a tail. I thought about it for a while and like. ???? Scorpions tails are like their whole thing I think he should either have a tail or towards the bottom of his spines one of them is long enough to resemble a tail (his wings are cool but like he should have a. Tail)
- Tail/spines should have venom
- I think his markings should be connected, like the hearts are good but they should be connected in like a segmented line and wrap around his arm; preferably 7 to represent the scorpions seven chamber heart
- He needs glasses too and he only wears them when they go with his outfit otherwise its contacts (which he also introduced satan to)
- He should have more eyes on his face smaller eyes below his main two that only appear when open (otherwise his face looks normal just with slight slits you’d only notice if u were REALLY staring)
- Very tolerant to weather changes. He still acts like he’s dying but he def doesn’t have it as bad as Levi who is literally dying over there
- Pact mark is a tramp stamp and he won’t stop asking to see it gn. Its shaped like a hollowed heart with a design inside and becomes a spade with a similar design when activated as well as spreads a bit (as all the others do) its very classy and pretty tbh
- Activation is almost like. Erotic? It feels good but its almost like it steals the air from your lungs and makes your chest tighten; its a mix of pleasure and panic (not quite pain because it gives you urgency but not so much that it makes you want to stop) Unfortunately this isn’t something that really wears off but rather wears down and just becomes leas intense as you get used to it/stronger
- Pact mark allows him to shapeshift into you and anyone who you have had a sexual or romantic encounter with
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Beelzebub: The Fly
- MOUTHS ALL OVER: A mouth on his forhead where his horn comes out of and the markings spread across his body can open, revealing mouths (def gotta have some on his hands I fear. Can also change the locations of his markings and can consume things such as magical energy through his mouths
- Should be able to create a third horn in the middle of his forehead to make his horns appear like a crown (Lord of the flies had a teeny lil crown its a bit funny)
- Should have more fur aspects like his wings should have fur at the base and around the outline maybe
- His markings should be furry and the fur makes it look like they’re black flames 🔥
- Should have four wings that appear like two until he gets ready for takeoff, to which they spread out real wide
- Ik he’s a really simple guy so his design is simple too but I think he’s just missing some of that demonic flair. He should have insect arms that he can control (they might look like sticks but they’re actually very strong and useful)
- Always wants to be around you. Always. Even though he moves insanely fast he always loops back around to match your pace
- A bit colorblind and nearsighted but is fast enough to make up for it
- Almost never gets sick but he’s usually the one who brings sickness in the house so his brothers have to make sure he cleans off before coming in 😭 (I imagine demons don’t get sick in the traditional way but its typically some behavioral or magical illness like a common cold for suc/incubi causing like them to be less efficient in seducing humans; like how asmo has his power with his eyes maybe his vision gets blurry for a few months/years or it makes HIM fall for the person he was trying to seduce)
- Lucifer has had to ban him from the kitchen because he kept eating food that already went bad especially if he was sleepwalking
- Can make a protein shake/smoothie out of anything !!!! No matter how erm. Odd the combination
- Always rubs his hands together and licks his lips before eating a meal
- I would like to propose….. him being in charge of the Devildom air force like how Levi is in the navy…. Ik ik came outta nowhere but Flies having those big ass eyes gave me the idea to out goggles on him that look like Fly eyes and then I was like ok well what if that was for when he’s flying and here we are
- OK STAY WITH ME NOW. He used to do the equivalent of illegal drag racing but flying and Belphie would always bet on him and thats how they made food money for Beel sometimes until Lucifer shut the whole thing down after finding out bc its a bad look for Diavolo he also doesn’t want his baby brother getting hurt but he wont say that (Belphie thought he was a killjoy)
- To him. It feels like wherever he goes death and despair follow and has gotten stronger and stronger so that no one close to him will ever die again (“I should’ve been strong enough so that the safest place for her would be by my side” -Marius von Hagen [he makes me so emotional]) (If you’re wondering how this is related its because flies symbolize triumph over adversity as well as death and decay)
- Pact mark is right on top of your stomach (above the bellybutton) and it looks like two triskelions (three wheeled spiral) stacked over each other to create six wheels as a reference to his prior angelhood but as well as a nod to his transformation
- Activation costs you a lot of energy and it feels like you’re starving like you haven’t eaten all day even if you just ate a hearty meal (you go back to normal a bit after activation but its a little maddening while its taking place)
- He can possess your body for a limited amount of time (typically only accidentally triggers this power) during this time any damage that his body takes transfers to you and vice versa (tbh this is much more risky for him than you bc his body is extremely strong so he’ll only take minimal damage but it’s a gamble with you)
- He can also steal some of the nutrients from your body so um. I’d be careful of that (he won’t ever actually do it but now that your bodies are connected he can)
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Belphegor: The Cattle
- STOP SHOWING HIS FUXKINH EYE BEHIND HIS EMO HAIR/ sorry had to get that off my chest. It coulddd be something that could make him more eerie and off putting like a demon but his whole thing is that he looks cute and sweet but is actually intelligent and dangerous so maybe just. It shows in his demon form only if anything
- He should have a bell on his tail. It would be kewt. Not something he inherently has but he wags his tail in his sleep often so the brothers put it on him so they don’t trip over him (he hates it but he’s too tired to gaf)
- He should be more fuzzy too like having his right arm have an arm warmer rather than that sleeve that doesn’t even look connected like. Also theres a mix of fuzz and thorns on his person. It’s a gamble. Proceed with caution.
- His boots should be more like hooves kinda like what I said for satan but boots and more comfy looking
- They were way too shy with his cow spots imo. I think it should almost look like he has vitiligo (but with more melanin rather than less yk)
- Got a nose piercing (septum I think?) after learning about piercings in the human world but doesn’t use it much anymore
- Nitpicky but I think his horns should end while sticking forward rather than curling out all the way to resemble a bull thats ready to charge
- Appreciating the fact that he has four belts likely to represent the four chambers of cows’ stomachs
- Separation anxiety victim NUMBER ONE. Especially after Lilith died he’s gotten so anxious being without his loved ones and never really wants to leave their sides bc he never knows when they’ll be gone
- He is Beel’s eyes and probably has the best vision in the family tbh 25/20 vision fr
- A lil colorblind though; affects his drawings and when levi asks him to doodle with him he always uses a unique set of colors (hes grabbing at them randomly)
- Likes to just watch his brothers socialize and be with them. An observer in his own home. The only reason he gets out of bed everyday is to see the people he cares about most
- Likes silly little puzzles, games and toys like rubix cubes and bouncy balls n shi but gets annoyed if you just give it to him and expect him to play by himself like !!!!! Keep him company !!!!!!!!!
- When he was trapped in the attic Lucifer would sometimes bring him enrichment toys and fill him in on current news or just sit there in silence to keep him company while turned away from him (If he looks at him too long he might fold and let him out; he loves his brother but. He thinks this is what needs to be done)
- Pact mark is on your thigh probably snug on the inside and whenever he’s laying on your lap he looks at it and maybe traces it before drifting off
- It probably looks like a symbol of a moon or spiral inside of a sun representing the midnight sun and the neutrality of the sloth sin (a sun that never rises or sets)
- Can sap your energy and make you see hallucinations or make you want to sleep; can probably put you in hibernation as long as it doesn’t hurt you
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deerlino · 2 days
Hello I'd like to make a request hehehehehehe
I've been desperately trying to read anything about readers with ADHD, so can you do something about a girl hating herself bc of ADHD and the fact that she can't have kids (this is self indulgent 😅) and Felix just holds her and says he ain't going anywhere and reveal he was going to propose soon anyway so he just goes for it? Thank you!
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Lee Felix | Fem!Reader
Sypnosis: You’re sitting on the couch, feeling overwhelmed, when Felix comes over with snacks, sensing something’s up. Through tears, you open up about your struggles with ADHD and the heartache of not being able to have children. Felix listens with love and empathy, comforting you. Then, to your surprise, he pops the question. (713 words)
Content: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Supportive Felix 🥺, Marriage Proposal, Love Confessions, Happy Ending, ADHD Representation (Reader), Pet Name
Warnings: Emotional Distress (reader experiencing negative thoughts and crying), Mental health struggles (ADHD mentioned, feelings of self-hate and inadequacy), Infertility (reader grappling with the inability to have children)
Author’s notes: Writing this even got me emotional, it's just so cute. @minluvly, consider this a love letter from me to you because you deserve all the love in the world, and I'm sending it your way! 🩶 Hope you enjoy this fic (and apologies if I missed the mark on ADHD—I'm definitely not an expert, so forgive any stereotypes!).
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You’re sitting on the couch, legs pulled up to your chest, staring blankly at the TV that’s playing some show you can’t even begin to focus on. Your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, all negative, and you can’t seem to catch a break. Felix is in the kitchen, probably making some midnight snacks. He always knows when you need them.
The ADHD makes everything harder. You hate it—how it makes you forget things, how it makes you feel scattered and unreliable. And then there’s the fact that you can’t have kids. It’s like this dark cloud that follows you around, reminding you of what you can’t give, of what you lack.
The tears come without warning, hot and heavy. You bury your face in your knees, hoping to stifle the sobs, but Felix hears. He always does.
He’s by your side in an instant, dropping down on his knees beside you. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong, love?” His voice is soft, filled with concern. You shake your head, unable to put it into words. How do you even begin to explain the storm inside your head?
Felix doesn’t push. He never does. Instead, he scoots closer, wrapping his arms around you. “It’s okay,” he whispers. “You’re okay.” He strokes your hair, his touch gentle and comforting. You let yourself lean into him, feeling his warmth, his steadiness.
“I just... I hate myself sometimes,” you manage to choke out. “The ADHD, and... and the fact that I can’t have kids. It’s all just... too much.”
Felix pulls back a bit, just enough to look you in the eyes. His brow furrows with worry, but there’s so much love in his gaze. “Don’t say that,” he murmurs. “You’re amazing, you know that? And ADHD? It’s just a part of you. It doesn’t define you.”
“But it feels like it does,” you whisper, tears streaming down your face. “And not having kids... it’s like I’m broken.”
“You’re not broken,” Felix says firmly. “You’re perfect just the way you are. And I’m not going anywhere, okay? I’m here. Always.”
His words are a balm to your aching heart. You sniffle, trying to smile through the tears. “You say that now, but what if you change your mind?”
Felix’s expression softens even more, if that’s even possible. He reaches into his pocket, and your breath catches when you see what he’s holding. It’s a small, velvet box. 
“I wasn’t going to do this like... this,” he says with a chuckle, a bit of nervousness in his voice. “I had this whole plan, but... maybe this is the right moment after all.” He opens the box, revealing a simple, yet stunning ring.
Your heart stops. “Felix...”
“I was going to propose soon anyway,” he says, eyes never leaving yours. “But I think now is as good a time as any. I love you, with all my heart, ADHD and everything. And the kid thing... we’ll figure it out. There are other ways to have a family if that’s what we want. But right now, all I want is you. Forever. Will you marry me?”
The tears start up again, but this time they’re happy ones. You nod, unable to speak, and throw your arms around him. “Yes,” you finally manage to whisper against his neck. “Yes, yes, yes!”
Felix slips the ring onto your finger, and it fits perfectly. He pulls you close, holding you like he never wants to let go. “I love you,” he murmurs into your hair. “So much.”
“I love you too,” you reply, feeling a warmth spread through your chest, pushing away the darkness. 
You stay like that for a long time, wrapped up in each other, hearts beating in sync. The world outside fades away, and all that matters is this moment, this love that you share. Felix’s love is like a shield, protecting you from the harshness of your own thoughts. With him by your side, you feel like you can face anything.
It’s not a perfect fairy tale. There will be hard days, days when the ADHD feels like too much, when the reality of not having kids stings a little more. But with Felix, you know you’ll get through it. Together, you can handle anything.
And that’s more than enough.
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© deerlino (est. 160624) ༯ heyo, did you enjoy this piece? if you did, maybe you could reblog, drop a comment, or shoot me an ask to let me know your thoughts. also, feel free to check out my other stuff! thanks a bunch for the support! <3
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kamii-2 · 3 days
hey pookie! so since it’s ice’s birthday maybe you should write a smut for her when your request are open!
(ik your request aren’t open but when they are you should totally make this)
hi 👾 anon!! i love this request so much and im so sorry this is late but i hope you enjoy it!!
warning(s): cussing, smut
genre: smut & fluff
pairing(s): ice brady x reader
for ice’s birthday she wanted to hang out with her friends and family and obviously you, so you guys went out to dinner with her friends and we’re going to visit her family later that week.
after dinner on the way back to your apartment ice seemed a little upset. “what’s wrong baby?” you questioned glancing over at her while you drove, “you didn’t get me anything for my birthday. you’re the only person who didn’t, even my family members sent me something.” ice answered while clearly getting more mad. “ice you’re about to get your present when we go back to my apartment, it’s more than one thing too.” you told her trying to not spoil what it was. ice smiled at your answer and didn’t ask any more questions.
the moment you guys parked she immediately got out and went to the driver side to open the door and drag you out. she figured out what the surprise was the moment you replied to her in the car earlier. she grabbed your hand and took you all the way to your apartment, not letting go of your hand once. “i can tell you’re excited.” you smiled at her while giving her a kiss that she immediately turned into making out. she pulled away just for a second, “jump.” she said while moving her hands from your waist so you could jump up. she grabbed your waist and you wrapped your arms around her neck and continued to kiss her.
she pulled away to walk to your room as you kissed her neck and left hickies, “fuck.” she breathily whined out. when you guys got to the bedroom she say you down on the bed, “i wanna top tonight. it’s your birthday and i barely ever get to fuck you.” you pulled her in with your legs and looked up at her with doe eyes, “that’s fine with me but i have to get you at least once tonight.” she agreed while grabbing your hands. you smiled hard at this and immediately started to take off your girlfriends jean shorts. “do you plan of fucking me while i stand?” she jokingly questioned, “shit you’re right, lay down.” you told her as she went and sat down on the bed. you pushed her back a little for better access and took off her jeans and underwear.
she spread her legs for you and leaned back on her elbows to watch you. you sucked on her clit softly and put two fingers in her, thrusting in and out slowly. there wasn’t enough pleasure for ice’s liking, she grinding on your face and fingers to get more but it didn’t work, you were doing it on purpose. “cmon bro stop playing please.” she whined out, instead of listening you pulled away completely. before she could complain you plunged two fingers in her and went as fast as you could, “oh!” she moaned at the sudden pleasure.
you thrusted your fingers in and out of her at a fast pace not stopping once. after a few more thrusts you added your mouth and sucked on her clit, this made her body jolt with pleasure. “oh my God, please don’t stop.” she begged while putting her hand on the back of your head, pushing you face more. you pulled out your fingers and put your tongue inside of her, eating her like she was your last meal and rubbing her clit with your thumb.
while you were eating her out she felt you spelling something with your tongue but she couldn’t tell what you spelt. “what- fuck! what did you s-spell?” she stuttered out, “happy birthday isuneh.” you replied still tongue-fucking her. this send chills down her spine for 2 reasons, one, she was surprised that you would do that, two, the vibrations from you talking inside of her filled her with a huge amount of pleasure. you kept fucking her while she moaned out your name and grounded into your face for more pleasure. “oh, i’m so close.” she moaned out as her legs began to shake a little. after a few more licks she came all over your tongue and mouth.
you stood you from in between her legs and before you could do anything else ice pulled you into her and kissed you, ignoring the fact that you had her cum all over your mouth. “your turn.” she said as she stood up, you sitting on the bed where she was laying. she pushed you back the same way you did to her while taking off your shirt and bra. she kissed from your lips to your stomach, leaving a few hickies here and there, stopping when she reached your shorts. “can i?” she asked while looking up at you, you nodded while lifting yourself up so she can take them off. the moment she removed your shorts and underwear she dived in tongue first, her nose hitting your clit every few seconds. “oh! ice please.” you moaned out while putting your legs on her shoulders, she gripped your legs and went in deeper.
the way her tongue fucked you and her nose hit your clit made you go way over the edge, it felt so good and hoped she wouldn’t take it away from you.
just as you thought it, she pulled away. “why?” you immediately whined out before she could even explain. “chill.” she giggled while putting her fingers in you and playing with your clit with her tongue. she thrusted in and out of you at an insanely fast speed and sucked on your clit harshly. you couldn’t hold it in, cumming all over her mouth and fingers. she pulled out and stood up and sat next to you, holding your hand and rubbing it with the back of her thumb. “i have one more present for you after we get cleaned up.” you told her and you sat up.
after you two showered and got dressed she set on the bed on her phone while you got her gift. when you came back she shut her phone off and put all of her attention on you. “okay, here’s your gift.” you smiled at her while handing her the small gift bag. as she took out the items she smiled hard. it was. a matching necklace set with your initial on it and you had one with her initial on it, there was also matching bracelets. when she looked up and you she gave you a big hug and a kiss, “thank you so much.” she said while giving you one last kiss. “you’re welcome, happy birthday.”
so sorry this took so long to get out but i hope liked it, i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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beomiracles · 2 days
「 PRETTY PRINCESS 」 part X ─ "you're prince enough for me"
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SYNOPSIS taking a wrong turn in the 4th dimension Beomgyu finds himself two centuries behind his own with no way back, though meeting a pretty princess like you, does not seem so wrong.
pairings timetraveler beomgyu x princess female!readerwarnings angst packed. like big time sad.
#serene adds ✎... you guys. it's actually ending :( I've developed a severe attachment to this series it is quite unreal. But as with everything, things come to an end! I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter too, even if it's the last! ↳ chapter index I've made a few changes to the chapter index, hence to why this part is called 'X' rather than 'XI' !
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“We have to get back soon”, you mumble as Beomgyu presses soft kisses to your neck. “Mhm, just five more minutes”, he sighs against your skin. You smile as you gaze up at the clear sky. Early that morning you and Beomgyu had left the large castle walls behind as you ventured out on a small walk. Having found yourself a quiet meadow, you spent the forenoon laying in the tall grass as the light breeze caressed your skin. 
It was now nearing midday and soon you would have to get back to the castle. It was your last day together and by early afternoon you were to set out and meet Endora once more. The month had passed all too quickly and a small part of you wanted to stay like this forever, entrapped in the large ocean of flowers with him, only him. Though you knew that such a thing was impossible given your situation. 
Beomgyu looks up at you with a small smile, the soft wind makes his hair fall in front of his eyes and you instinctively reach out to brush it back. His hand finds yours as he presses his lips against your knuckles lovingly. The subject of his inevitable departure was something the two of you had yet to discuss. Part of you knows that neither of you are ready for said discussion and you didn’t want to be the one to bring it up; at least not now, not here. 
With a small sigh, he sits up as he runs a hand through his hair — it had grown longer during his time here, now creeping down the nape of his neck. “You ready, princess?” he grins as he extends his hand for you to take. No. You weren’t ready. Not now, not never. Still, you let him take your hand, thumb softly caressing your fingers as he guides you through the open field. With each step your heart grew heavier.
The news of Beomgyu’s departure had spread like wildfire through the castle. “Is the prince really to leave so soon?” one of your maids had asked, the others tuning in to hear your answer with much interest. You had swallowed a small gulp as you nodded, “I’m afraid so.” Your meek response was immediately met by more inquiries, “but why?” You gave a small shrug of your shoulders, “his older brother fell ill, he has more responsibilities now.” Your lies may have settled the worry of your maids but it did little to ease the lump in your own throat. 
No one asked why you climbed in the carriage with him that afternoon; you knew what they were all hoping for — oh how disappointed they would be. 
It wasn’t until the large castle finally disappeared behind you that the silence was broken. “I…I am to miss you dearly”, you whisper, keeping your gaze downcast; afraid that if you looked at him, you’d crumble. Beomgyu is quiet beside you and it takes him a moment to reply. “I’ll miss you too, princess.” His voice sounds thick, you wondered if he, too, held back tears. 
The next silence that falls over you is heavier than any you had previously felt. Even the once bright forest feels gloomy as you dwell deeper in, the sounds of nature have quieted down and all that was left were your thoughts, the thoughts you longed to escape. Suddenly Beomgyu speaks once more, his voice low and hesitant. “Would it…” he begins but stops himself as he bites his lower lip. 
“Would it be selfish to ask you to come with me?” 
His question catches you off guard and you blink up at him. Keeping his gaze ahead, his expression seems tense as he awaits your answer. You swallow as your eyes drop to your hands once more. “Yes..” you whisper and he sighs next to you. “But it would be even more selfish for me to accept such an offer”, you say, your voice shaky. Beomgyu nods, “I understand.” 
You wanted more than anything to stay by his side. But it was not so simple, he did not belong in your world, nor did you belong in his. Even if you managed to rip out all of you that was rooted here…would you ever be able to make do there? It was not meant for you, no matter how much you wished for it to be. 
The carriage ride seems to go on forever as you try and savor what is to be the last moments in his presence. If only the circumstances that allowed you to exist in the same universe were different, if only… Yet you were grateful for the little time you got to spend with him, grateful for the chance at love the universe sent you. 
Endora was supposed to meet you halfway, making your journey shorter — you had yet to decide if you were thankful or not. But when your horses suddenly come to a halt in front of a small wagon by the side of the road, your stomach plummets. 
Beomgyu gets down from the carriage first as he extends his hand for you to take. “What a gentleman”, you sigh and he gives you a light-hearted grin, “only the best for my princess.” His princess. The words escaped his lips so easily, why were things so easy for him? You envied his favorable approach to things and you knew that you would miss it. You would miss him. 
Hand in hand, you make your way toward the old wagon. Beomgyu gives the withered wood a curt knock and soon you can hear the sounds of shuffling coming from inside. A few moments later, Endora’s hoarse voice calls out, “who is it?” — “Who’d you think, old lady?” Beomgyu retorts and you give his shoulder a harsh smack, earning a grin from him as he squeezes your hand. 
The door squeaks open as Endora pokes her head out, “ah, I only know one such ill mannered man.” The old witch urges the two of you inside the cramped space of the wagon and Beomgyu has to slightly duck his head to accommodate for his full height. Endora tsk’s as she flicks her wooden cane, the small space immediately increasing in size. Blinking as the environment around him contorts into grander scales, Beomgyu huffs, “I’m never getting used to that.” 
You can’t resist a small smile as you watch him, making sure to memorize every little detail about his appearance. — His warm brown eyes, the dimple on his left cheek as he grinned, his unkempt dark hair, his soft pink lips. You couldn’t forget about him, you wouldn’t. 
Upon noticing your blatant stare, Beomgyu smirks, “like what you see, princess?”, he teases to which you roll your eyes, “maybe.” His hand around your waist pulls you closer as he presses a chaste kiss to your lips. You smile as your fingers find their way to his hair. 
A loud cough startles you as you break apart from the brief intimate moment. Endora shoots you a glare as she purses her lips, “I see the two of you have gotten rather comfortable.” Her words have your eyes widening as Beomgyu chuckles beside you, “I told you I’d win her over, ma’am.” 
The old witch rolls her eyes as she digs around in the pocket of her robe before throwing Beomgyu a small sack which his free hand easily caught. You frown as you watch their exchange, “what was all that about?” You wonder as Beomgyu stuffs the sack in his own pocket, it made a rattling sound and your gaze dropped in disbelief. 
“You bet on me?” 
Giving a small shrug of his shoulders, Beomgyu pulls you closer. Endora hums as she prepares a small bottle, “a little betting has yet to harm anyone dear.” You turn your gaze back to the time traveler who raises his hands in defense, “it was her idea, not mine.” — “Sure it was”, you mutter skeptically. 
The small witch turns around to glance over the two of you, her fingers drumming against the wooden countertop. “Now, what remains would be…” — “The drop of faith”, you interrupt to which Endora nods. “Exactly, dear.” 
You glance over at Beomgyu who gives you a look of reassurance before you turn back to the witch. “I do believe we have found it”, you say and the witch raises an eyebrow in curiosity. “Well do go on”, she motions with a wrinkly hand for you to continue. You clear your throat as you consider how to go about the subject, “well it’s not exactly an obtainable substance…rather a feeling of sorts..” 
Endora gives you a skeptical look and you suddenly grow doubtful of your discoveries. “And what feeling may that be?” You part your lips to reply but Beomgyu beats you to it, “hope.” Your heart flutters at the acknowledgement and the witch’s eyes flicker toward him as a small smile tugs at the corner of her lips, “how would one convey said feeling?” You bite your lip as you hesitate, “we already have.” — “I mean we…we do have faith in each other don’t we?” You stammer as you glance between Endora and Beomgyu, your voice growing meek. 
Beomgyu’s hand on your waist pulls you closer, “what kind of question is that, princess?” You look up to find a small grin displayed on his lips and you instantly smile as you let yourself lean further into his warm embrace. “Very well”, Endora’s hoarse voice speaks as she presents a small bottle. Taking it from her hand, Beomgyu studies its contents closely. 
A shimmery blue liquid swirlied inside the glass and your eyes marveled at how pretty it looked, quite frankly it almost looked inedible. Seemingly sharing your thoughts, Beomgyu scoffs, “a month for this?” he questions as he eyes Endora with disbelief. The witch merely shrugs as she leans against the small wooden countertop. “If you do not wish to drink it I shall take it ba..” — “That won’t be necessary”, Beomgyu quickly interferes, “after all you’ve gone through so much for this, old lady.” He winks and Endora snorts as she averts her gaze. 
You swallow a small gulp as you eye the bottle in his hand. “You are really leaving”, you whisper as realization slowly sinks in. Setting the small potion down, Beomgyu’s arms wrap around you as he pulls you to his chest. The steady beating of his heart does little to calm your anxious one as you cling to him. 
“A month ago you would’ve been overjoyed to see me gone”, he mutters and you give his chest a weak slap, “a month ago I did not know how important you would become.” You retort as Beomgyu chuckles, his chest rising and falling against your head. The arms around you tighten their hold as he presses his lips to your forehead. “A month ago I didn’t know that a princess could make me feel so important”, he whispers against your skin. 
Your voice cracks at your next words, “why did you have to lose that watch? Why did you have to make things so hard?” Tears now fell freely from your eyes, wetting his shirt as you pressed your face against him. Beomgyu doesn’t say anything as his hands caress your back, fingers running through your hair soothingly. 
“A month ago…” you hiccup, the action quickly followed by a sniffle, “a month ago I did not love you.” The words linger in the suddenly gloomy air as your quiet sobs fill the room. “But now…now I do — and it’s so unfair!” you wail as you screw your eyes shut in an attempt to hinder your tears. 
“Princess..” Beomgyu’s calm voice only makes your heart ache further — this would be the last time you ever got to hear it. You tried your hardest to memorize the way words rolled off his tongue, afraid that you would one day forget. You didn’t want to forget. “Princess”, Beomgyu repeats as his hand cups your face, turning your glossy eyes to meet his warm ones. 
The small grin on his lips didn’t reach his sorrowful eyes as his thumb graced your wet cheek. “Hey now, we both knew this day was gonna come”, he mumbles as he brushes away the strands of hair that stuck to your damp face. You shake your head, your eyes fluttering closed as you lean into his touch. “Not like this…” you protest. 
“You can’t leave me.” 
It felt as if your whole world was being taken from you, just when you had found it. Just as love had made its way to your grasp it was slipping through your fingers again, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. 
“You and I both know that I don’t belong here”, he whispers as his lips ghost over your forehead. Refusing to hear his words, your fingers curl around the fabric of his shirt, as if forcing him to stay, to not move even as much as a muscle. “Don’t go..” you plead, your voice frail as you glance up at him. “Please don’t go.” 
His soft hands cradle your face as he leans back to look at you. 
“I love you, princess”. 
He smiles but you can feel the despair radiating off of him as he tries to appear strong for you. The thought alone makes your tears resurface — tears that he quickly kisses away, his soft lips brushing against your cheeks. 
You had imagined this day far too many times, going through multiple scenarios of how your last goodbye would look. None of them ever hurt this much. No matter how hard you had tried to prepare yourself, to come to terms with the fact that you would have to let him go, you couldn’t. You wished you had never opened your balcony for him that night, you wished he had appeared on the doorstep of anyone else, anyone but you. 
You wished you had never met Beomgyu. 
But you didn’t. You wouldn’t trade your time with him for anything in the entire world. You wouldn’t trade him for anything. You would live through a heartbreak like this one a thousand times over just to see his face once more, to hear his voice, feel his arms around you. You wanted to listen to his bad punchlines, laugh at his mediocre jokes, scold him for cursing in front of the nobles. You wanted to run your fingers through his hair, kiss his lips, hug him tight, you never wanted to let go. 
There was so much more you wanted to do but your time was already up. It was unfair. It was unfair that the universe forced you apart like this, unfair that you didn’t get to experience all the things you wanted to experience with him, unfair that you fell completely in love with someone who was never meant for you to begin with. 
It was unfair that you loved Beomgyu. 
“Do you trust me?” His voice brings your gaze back to him. He had asked you this question before, and you him, your answers would always remain the same. “I do.” Beomgyu smiles as he reaches for the small bottle once more. “Prince or not, I hope you won’t forget me”, he says in a lighthearted tone. 
You shake your head as your trembling hand graces his cheek, the same way it had so many times before. “You’re prince enough for me”, you whisper as a small smile tugs at your lips. Beomgyu grins, the same grin he had given you on your balcony the night you met, that grin you had grown to love. 
He glances behind you and you follow his gaze, Endora had gone quiet as she leaned by the wooden countertop, fiddling with the twigs of a herb as she avoided bringing any attention to herself. If you squinted you could make out the glistening tears pricking in the corner of her eyes. 
Popping the lid off the bottle, Beomgyu turns to the witch, “you sure there ain't poison in this?” he teases to which she rolls her eyes, “a tempting thought indeed”, she retorts. “But I wish to remain on good terms with the princess”, Endora adds as she gives you a small wink. Beomgyu chuckles before bringing the glass container to his lips. In one go he empties the bottle and as the shimmery liquid passes his throat you can’t hold back the cry passing your lips as you cling to him. For the last time, his arms wrap around your waist as he presses a final kiss to your lips. 
Tears cascade down your cheeks and you taste the saltiness on your lips — you know that he is crying too as his breath hitches against yours. “I love you too.” The words are only loud enough for him to hear and Beomgyu smiles against your lips. 
If one could travel back and forth through time, then why couldn’t one stop it too? You wanted this moment to last forever, for it to be frozen in time, preserved for forever, yet it felt like mere seconds before the grip on your waist grew weaker as Beomgyu slowly faded from your universe. The feeling of his lips against your own were the last to leave, but when they did you knew that he was gone. 
When you opened your eyes once more the small wagon held no trace of him. He was gone. 
Beomgyu was gone. 
You spent weeks crying, weeks that felt like years. Your bedchambers did not see the sunlight for at least fourteen nights, and neither did you. You did not wish to see the sun, you did not wish to continue on with a life that did not involve Beomgyu. 
By your seventeenth day spent in your chambers, your father came to visit. He rarely visited you. But as he sits on the edge of your bed, a small sigh escaping his lips, you couldn’t think of anyone you’d rather see. He rubs his wrist as he gazes ahead, he doesn’t make a move to open the curtains shielding you from the world, he knows that you will do so when you’re ready. 
“A shame things did not work out with Prince Choi”, he mumbles and you wince at the mention of his name. Still, you give him a small nod. “I really liked him..” you whisper in a hoarse voice. The King turns to you with a flicker of surprise that soon morphs into a smile, you rarely saw your father smile. “I liked him too.” 
The two of you spent the remaining day in a comfortable silence, but as the sun set, you withdrew the curtains from your windows. 
A week later you ventured out into the large gardens. The feeling of the sun on your skin eased the tension that you had allowed to build in your body during the past weeks. And as you stumble by the tree under which Beomgyu had kissed you for the first time, your heart suddenly filled a warmth it hadn’t felt for weeks. 
Time was an inevitable concept, a concept that even a time traveler couldn’t avoid. And one should know not to mess with the inevitable. — But time wasn’t merciless, no, time healed. And as you walk along the multiple flowerbeds, you can’t help but think of how lucky you were, even if it was for only a brief moment. 
You stop by a pair of familiar bushes, and as you gaze up toward the balcony of your chambers, the image of Beomgyu sitting there seems clear as day. You imagine the sun kissing his smooth skin, the wind playing with his soft hair, you imagine him grinning as he tells you a corny joke. 
Your gaze is drawn from the balcony as something shimmering catches your eye. Frowning you make your way toward the very edge of the bushes. As your knees hit the soft grass your eyes widen; there it lay, the shiny metal reflecting in the sun and the smooth leather almost burning to the touch. 
A wrist watch. 
You smile as you bring the item to your face, studying it closely. It reminds you that perhaps Beomgyu wasn’t so far away.
read epilogue here.
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littlemissmiller · 17 hours
Billy the kid but with kind of a Bonnie and Clyde action going on yk? Like partner in crime sorta thing
Yes ma’am…
𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐻𝒾𝓂
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Pairing: billy the kid x fem! reader
Summary: You and Billy have been tasked by Mr. Tunstall to break into the Lincoln jail to get some of his men out. In the thrill of the night and in anticipation of the war ahead, Billy finally tells you how he really feels.
Warning: 21+ (drinking), established relationship, smut, fluff, semi-public sex, p in v, no pullout
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: hey there! i was so excited to get to writing this (and apologize for getting it to the asker so late) but i wrote this before i saw the newest episode and wow it couldn’t have come at a better time…what a sweet little story y’all and I was absolutely clutch my pearls and wine watching that man take his shirt off like y’all 🥵 so i hope you all enjoy I can’t wait for next weeks episode ahhh ♥︎
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You knew breaking these men out if prison wouldn’t be easy. But you had Billy with you and he had dedicated his life to Mr. Tunstall. As you sit with him and plan you can’t help but feel anxious.
“I reckon we head out after dawn, ride into town and wait until shift change, then we’ll make our move…”
You nod and give your boyfriend a halfhearted smile.
“What’s wrong darling?”
“Just nervous…I mean I know it would be a great deal to free these men, but it’s so risky Billy”
He looks at you more intensely now and scoots closer to you. He trails his finger across your chin and turns you to face him.
“Hey…we got this. Besides you know I’ve done it before…” he chuckles
You nod and smile.
“I know, it’s just I haven’t…”
Billy leans in and gives you a quick kiss, his soft lips slowly melting your anxiety away.
“I promise no matter what you’re my priority. If you get hurt, I will have to leave them men behind to get you help. I won’t let you get hurt though okay?”
You nod and he kisses you again. You knew how much Billy cares for you. And you knew that he could practically have any girl in town. Even a nice proper lady, who wore the big day dresses and rode their carriage into town. You saw how those women looked at him. How they would die to be rebellious and show Billy off on their arm. But they didn’t get him like that. You did. Even though you were more of a cowgirl yourself and that’s really why Billy found you the most beautiful and worthy of his affections. Because you weren’t like most ladies your age.
You’re not dainty and frail. Billy saw that from the moment he met you. The way you confidently held yourself and spoke up when you thought things should be done differently. And your beautiful gaze that left him frozen and intimidated. He was in total awe of you from that day on. Yet, as you sit here with him you allow yourself to be vulnerable and scared. As he rubs his thumb over your cheekbone you try to understand why you feel so nervous.
Maybe because up until now you and the rest of Tunstall’s crew had been operating within the law and were not about causing trouble in town, but with Jesse Evans and his gang working on behalf of Murphy, things had been getting worse. So now you and the crew were being forced to turn to more violent means to protect the farmers and the county. Especially now that Billy was on Tunstall’s side.
“I’m glad you ended up joining our crew, Billy…”
“I’m glad I did too.” He smiles
As the sunsets, Billy is inside the ranch, cleaning off his gun and checking the barrel. You find him and bring him a bowl of ham and beans.
“I reckon we should eat before we go.” You recommend handing him a bowl and some cornbread.
He takes it and smiles. You pull up a stool next to him and sit. The row of you eat in relative silence, watching as the sun disappears behind the horizon. Soon enough, Billy stands up and heads into the kitchen putting his bowl in the sink. He washes his hands and you follow suit.
Your stomach is full with both a good meal and butterflies and you saddle up your horse. The air is colder now and Billy slips on his maroon cardigan and dawns his hat. You pull your jacket on as well and pull your hair back. As you get onto your horse, he helps you hold your hand. His fingers linger on your own for a moment.
“I always thought you looked so beautiful when you rode…”
“You just like how my body bounces…” you smirk
“That’s true, but I’m starting from where I am now, you look like an angel…here” he states handing you a bandana “eventually we’ll need to cover our faces.”
You blush and wrap the bandana around your neck. He hops up on his horse and ties his own bandana around his neck. You and him waste no more time and ride off into Lincoln. The ride itself is only about thirty minutes which allows you to get your nerves out and gain some confidence. As you and Billy approach Lincoln county, stop and look out onto the town. You slowly begin to approach, making sure to sneak in closer to the jail to make the getaway smoother. You look for a close enough spot to hide the horses. The jail is on full view now, close enough to walk to from the hill you and Billy are perched on.
“Ok when the guards leave, we’ll move in. Then we only gotta deal with the warden inside which shouldn’t be too difficult. But you’re gonna help me then ok? I’ll wait around out back and I need you to draw him from his desk. There won’t be any guards outside for at least three minutes, but that’s all we have got?” Billy explains
“I got it.”
“Then once you draw him away, I’ll Come in and we’ll lure him into a cell. I did the same thing down in Mexico. Worked like a charm.”
“That was one person, not two” you remember”
“We can handle it.”
You and him, sit on your horses, and look upon the jail, waiting and waiting and waiting until finally the guards outside begin to move toward the fence to leave.
“Ok let’s go.” Billy instructs.
You and him trot down the hill, keeping a slow enough pace as to not trip or draw attention to yourself. Once you reach the fence you dig out for a pair of wire cutters you had brought along. You cut the fence enough so you and Billy have enough space to slip in. He runs to the back of the jailhouse and you run up to the front. Billy hadn’t given you exact instructions on how to distract the warden, so you decide to get creative. You walk up and frantically pound on the door. You hear footsteps and make it look like you’ve been crying and out of breath.
“Help, please help me!” You plea
The warden steps out confused, looking around for the outside guardsmen.
“I’m so sorry to take you away from you you post sir, it’s just I got into Lincoln and have been running, my horse is wounded, this man is chasing me…” you cry
“A man chasing ya? What ya mean” he says, face scrunched up as he steps outside.
Meanwhile, Billy has broken in and you watch as he approaches the warden from behind, eyes peeking under the brim of his hat, bandana pulled up to hide his face. He clicks his gun at the back of the man’s head and you pull up your own bandana and pull your gun on the man. He frantically looks around for the outside guards, but no one has come to claim the post.
“Get back inside” Billy sneers and the warden listens, turning as you both follow him, gun still raised. Billy glances at you for a moment then back at the man, poking the gun to his head and pushing him inside the cell.
“I’ll go find our men… stay with him.” Billy instructs and leaves you alone with the warden.
You try not to focus on him, but make sure your gun has his full attention. A few moments pass and Billy is still not back. Then the warden sees the new night shift stroll in and begins to yell. You quickly knock him out with the butt if your gun and Billy rushes downstairs.
“We gotta go.” He urges, the other men following him out the back. The shooting starts and the guardsmen seem to notice things aren’t right. They start to yell and chase after you as Billy and the men run up the hill. You follow behind, but fall and trip over a rock. You scurry back to your feet, but one of the guards catches you, knocking you back on your feet. You cry out.
“Ahh help!”
“Go get the horses from over the hill!” Billy instructs the men, running towards you.
The man holds you down and you struggle to get away, kicking and cursing at the man.
“They send a little thing like you to do a man’s job hmm? Guess Tunstall was never a smart man.”
“Get off me you pig.”
“Shut up bitch, you’re going to go in this jailhouse now.” He stands you up and starts to drag you off
“Hey!” Billy shouts “You better hand her over!”
The man stops and whips you around. He holds you against his chest. His slimy lips press up against your ear as he holds you tight against his chest.
“I’m taking this pretty thing to the jailhouse and next I’ll take you.”
Billy marches forward, drawing and raising his gun.
“Let. Her. Go” he grits and the man merely laughs. Billy waist no time and shoots him in the shoulder, then another one to his thigh causing him to release you and fall down. The guard wasn’t dead, just injured enough to keep him away. Then the other guards catch up as well and start to shoot at Billy and the rest of the crew as the other men come back with the horses. They get off and start shooting.
You start to shoot too, taking cover behind the horses, while Billy tries to shelter you. He takes aim at the guards firing and trying to avoid the returning bullets.
“C’mon we gotta go!” One of the men yells out. Billy takes a few more shots and in the distance sees the sheriff riding towards the jailhouse.
“Shit!” Billy curses and you take one last shot. It hits another guard on the thigh and before you realize you’re being hoisted up onto the saddle by Billy. You and him ride together on his horse, while the two men take the other horse.
Out of breath, Billy continues to check on you the entire ride back asking if you’re okay or hurt. Once back at Tunstall’s ranch, Billy helps you off the horse and inside. The rest of the gang are delighted to see Billy and you got the boys out.
“Good work Billy.” Charlie slaps his back.
The rest of the group heads inside while you put away the horses. Billy waits for you. You walk back to him once the horses are tied up. He pulls down your bandana, and you smile.
“You’re a real cowgirl ya know that.”
“I ain’t half the shot you are though.”
“Is that a requirement?” He asks as you wrap your arms around his waist
“Not necessarily, but don’t change the fact you are one.”
“Well then…Mr. Bonney…” you tease “I guess you are too then?” You kiss him deeply, placing your hands flat on his chest and leaning on your toes slightly. He holds your face in his hands, returning the kiss with equal fervor. You could have stayed out there all night with your lips on his. The warm night draped around you like a blanket and the warmth of Billy’s mouth turning up the heat. He moves his hands to your own waist, pulling you closer.
“Hey Billy!” Charlie call out
Billy pulls back, whipping his head around
“Sorry…Tunstall wants to see you”
Billy nods and Charlie heads back inside. Billy turns to look back at you and you both head inside. You join the rest of the men, grab a drink, and make conversation with Charlie. Billy heads into Mr. Tunstall’s office and closes the door. Soon enough he comes back and you excuse yourself from the conversation as he walks back outside.
“Hey!” You call to him “What did Tunstall say”
“Just taking next steps.” He states to you briefly. You could tell something is off and you touch his shoulder
“Tunstall says a war is coming…that Jesse and the rest of Murphy’s gang will come for us sooner rather than later. He wants me to be prepared. To help lead us.”
“Oh Billy…” you rub his back.
He moves to stand in front of you and smiles, pushing your hair back. He looks past you, takes your hand and leads you to the side of the ranch. He looks around before pinning you up against the side of the house and kissing you deeply. You return his passions, moving your mouth with his. He grabs your waist and you fling your arms around his neck. He kisses you harder and your head bounces against the wood, causing you to grunt.
“Billy, sweetheart, what’s up.”
“I just…I just don’t want to lose you in this war. I feel like I got too close today. “
“You ain’t gonna lose me Billy. If anything I should be saying that about you…”
“I-I love you…”
It was the first time he’d said it openly to you. Sure you two knew it. The unspoken affections and unconditional care for each other. You hadn’t been together long, but you knew it was true.
“I love you too William Bonney..” you whisper, pressing your mouth back onto his with a searing kiss.
You love how soft and encompassing his mouth feels and as his passions overtake him, he’s practically consuming you. He holds your face gently through, not wanting to be too aggressive. You love it. The way in which he holds your face. The way he can’t seem to get enough of you. You love feeling overwhelmed by him. He pulls back, asking a silent permission if he can continue. You give him a devilish smile and take his wrist, leading him away from the side of the house. He trots after you and you playfully run towards the barn.
You open the door and look around. It’s empty because the horses are tied up outside and for once doesn’t smell. Billy catches up to you, swings you around, and pushes you up against the wooden beam. Cupping your face, he picks back up where he left off. You moan against him and his hands begin to explore your body, sending waves of pleasure through your veins. He smiles and gasps against your mouth, pulling back to admire you.
“You know you’re the only girl I’ve ever said that to…” he breathes
“Really… and I mean it” he smiles
He can’t help but kiss you again. He loves the way your mouth feels against his, loves the way you can’t help but moan for him, and loves how you love him back. You hold the back of his neck, fingers tracing the back of his neck hairs. After a few moments of you and him like this you pull back and Billy dives in for your neck, holding your jaw and the base of it as he starts to suck and nibble. You hold his head against you, hips starting to move against his pelvis, building up more and more of the heat that was coursing through your body. You look around and spot Mr. Tunstall’s empty stagecoach. You push back from the banister, holding his face and he continues to kiss you. He stumbles forward and you look behind, eyeing the stagecoach once again. You pull away and pull him by his shirt to make him follow you.
You bite your lip, glancing at the stagecoach . That’s all you have to do for Billy to know exactly what you’re saying to him. He gives you a boyish smirk that turns into a soft chuckle. He starts to unbutton his shirt as you pull him back more and more until you both hit the doors. You open it and slide in. There isn’t much room, but you and Billy manage.
“You really want to do this here” he breathes
“Ain’t like we are one for following rules…now are we Mr. Bonney.” You tease, loving to throw around his last name like that.
“Fuck darling…come here.” He leans back down and starts to undo your pants. As you work your mouth against his, you fiddle with the rest of buttons on his shirt and then his suspenders. Billy starts to undress you as well, undoing the buttons and pulling your pants down. He slides your bloomers off as well, and then works to take your blouse off. Meanwhile, you’ve successfully rid him of his shirt, leaving the top half of his body bare for you. You admire his toned body, glad that his years of hard labor are gifting you with the sight before you. He tends to go for the top part of your undergarments until you're completely exposed to him.
Billy and you have been intimate before, but with things starting to heat up in Lincoln, you and Billy have found much time in the last week or so. And especially now that he’s declared his love for you, you’re both all too eager. As he kisses you, his hands cup your breast, the moonlight shading your cleavage perfectly. He starts to massage it, slowly, but not too gentle. You work to undone his pants as he works you, sliding them off, and he eventually wiggles out of them and kicks them off. He’s half hard, and you reach for his length, pumping him slowly. He reciprocates your actions drawing his hand down to your core, the feather light feeling of his fingertips tracing your figure.
He starts rubbing you once he gets his hand in-between your legs. Billy can’t decide on if he wants to kiss you or watch you as you come undone for him. He goes back and forth in between the two, your melodic moans filling the cramped stagecoach. He slowly gets more and more hard and he wiggles his hips closer to your own. You giggle ever so girlishly.
“This feels so different…”
“A good different?” He asks
“Mhmm…” you nod. “It's a little dangerous. I like it.”
“Because we can get caught” he smirks
You bite your lip “I wouldn’t mind getting caught with the man I love.”
With that he smiles, starts to kiss you again and slowly pushes himself inside. He feels so incredible and full. He bottoms up and looks down at you. He pushes some loose baby hairs away from your face and gasps. You flatten your hands against his chest at first, feeling his clean, smooth skin, before wrapping them around his neck. He starts to move and you draw your legs further apart and towards you. He rocks in you, picking up his pace, trying not to move the stagecoach.
Intimate moments were always good with him. It’s safe to say that Billy knows what he is doing when it comes to pleasing women. But sometimes about having him now felt like it was for the first time all over. Maybe it was the thrill of getting caught or maybe it was the fact that now you know for sure this man, this unbelievably handsome man, loves you.
He ruts into you deep, causing you to grunt and cling to him tighter. He moves his hips more, faster adding to the sensations of your pleasure. You raise your leg up and wrap it around his waist. He grunts, the pressure on his back pushing him deeper in you. He moans against you, his mouth falling to your jawline and neck again. He props himself up more in his hand and moves his other hand down to rub your clit. You buck your hips against his hand, only adding to your pleasure. He grins against your neck, picking up both the speed of his hips and fingers.
“Fuck fuck fuck…Billy… ya gonna make me cum…”
“Please cum baby. Cum on my cock fuck…”
The stagecoach begins to rock more. The heat pooling in your stomach builds and burns your core. You love the thrill of being intimate with Billy like this. The idea of someone finding you and him like this, walking in, while Billy is filling you up with pleasure. A few more thrusts and you’re finished. You clench down on his length, moan into his neck and cling onto him tight.
Soon enough, he’s spent himself, thrusting into you until he stops. His thick white cum coats the inside of your walls, filling you up in a new way. He stays in you for a moment, gazing into your eyes and catching his breath. He rests his sweaty forehead against your own, painting He kisses you softly, lips melting to your own.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” He whispers
You smile at his words, holding him tight. You never wanted this to end. From here on out you knew, it would be just you and Billy. No matter what.
꧁✵❈✵ ꧂
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cozzzynook · 18 hours
Hiii cozzzyyyy
What do we think about Rodimus adopting a lil human in secret on the LL, but Drift discovers it and tells Ratchet? And all three o them just look blankly at the human (that doesn't understand what's going on ofc ofc)?
Thank uuu <3
Hi Bee,
Hear me out.
The human he brings aboard the lost light that doesn’t know whats going on is actually cyberronian and a baby.
The found them crying next to their offline creators and couldn’t just leave them there. He was going to tell police officials but when he picked the fresh bitty up and they stopped crying. Reaching out and gripping his chassis and digit whimpering for him, he just couldn’t bare to part with them.
Sooo he snuck them on board and let the ship take off.
Of course he told officials about the bitty’s creators and told Prowl in secret what he’d done and that he wasn’t giving the bitty up. Prowl can honestly say he’s never actually heard Rodimus sound threatening and he admired it before putting official documents in stating Rodimus was the sparklings caregiver now before sending them to him and hanging up.
Rodimus was entirely pleased with himself and more than happy to get started on bathing the dirty bitty that wasn’t old enough to have plating on their exposed protoform. He learned the bitty was a little mecha and so as he had them wrapped in a soft warmer against his chassis he had to figure out a name and get a bitty berth installed.
He wasn’t entirely out of his league here since he used to caretake for orphanages on Nyon. He knew what sparklings needed and their development. So he knew this was a fresh spark that wouldn’t be able to be away from him for a long time since the connection with his creators was severed so early in life.
Of course..in all his plannings he forgot to tell his crew and co captain…who just so happened to walk into his hab with Minimus and stare at the sparkling with open jaws and he immediately had to explain the situation.
“So you weren’t carrying this whole time and popped out a sparkling on a dangerous mission?”
“No I’m not an idiot!”
He looked extremely offended and felt it too which upset the sparkling almost pulling them from recharge if it weren’t for him calming them down.
“I got the paperwork and everything. I got attached…don’t look at me like that Mins! I’m not popping out a sparkling!”
The smug look on the mini turbo fox face plates and his co captains was pissing him off.
Just because he was a carrier mech did not mean he would go following his coding and pop out bitlets.
He was destined for greater things than being a broodmare! He said as much too.
“Rodimus its not meant like that. Carriers just-”
“I don’t wanna hear it,” he was genuinely upset but trying not to take it out on them since they didn’t do anything wrong. He was just sensitive about his coding and frame.
“I’d like some time off from being in public to get a better bond with them and get all the supplies I need. I’ll do all my paperwork here. I’ll keep my comm open as well.”
He ushered them out after letting Minimus hold his sparkling who began to fuss but didn’t cry.
“Lets get you some panel wraps and bottles annndd I’m gonna need to find you a crib…and a name.”
The bitty just kept sucking on their hand and he was off to find such things in the storage rooms while the dead shift was at its quietest time.
He managed to luck out on getting multiple blankets and an abundance of reusable panel wrappers. He’d brought those things back to his hab and set them on a gentle wash in his cleaning closet before heading back out to find a crib and clothes and some bottles.
He was yet again lucky in his search. Finding bottles, clothes and even a few pacifiers along with a stuffed fox that looked suspiciously like Minimus handy work made him smile. He’d have to thank his friend for leaving this here for him.
He was bummed he couldn’t find a crib but he had everything else he needed and he decided to enjoy the win. He’d gotten everything clean and settled when the bitty began to fuss and he knew immediately what time it was.
“I’m gonna fix a bottle. I know, I know. You’re hungry its okay,” he soothed to the upset sparkling.
He felt his chassis growing tight and he groaned looking down at the shifted plating to the still unfinished diluted energon meant for sparklings. He wasn’t about to make his sparkling wait an hour for fuel that wouldn’t be half as good as what his frame decided to make against his wishes.
So with a final groan and a hope for his luck to continue and his sparkling not getting attached to this form of feeding, he unclasped his chassis and let his breast mesh free. They were already filling with milk and he grimaced at how natural it all felt.
He didn’t like being a carrier but he wasn’t going to let that get in the way of feeding his sparkling.
With that line running through his mind, he held his sparkling up to his nozzle and allowed them to turn their helm crying until eventually they smelled him and the energon his frame was building before opening teary optics and latching on.
The first few suckles felt weird but eventually he felt the milk begin to release and his sparkling was greedily suckling blinking the tears from their optics.
Rodimus didn’t want to admit how close and connected he felt to the fresh bitty letting them drink from him.
He’d always had a problem with being a carrier and few mechs knew that he was and all that did knew by accident. It was something he liked pretending he wasn’t but that was extremely hard to do when a bitty was nursing from his mesh.
He sighed and looked to the bottles on the drying rack and figured he might as well try organizing his hab and bitty proofing it.
By the time he was done, the bitty was finished nursing and he was burping them. They’d fallen to recharge immediately and he smiled looking down at them. They were tiny, even for a new sparkling they were tiny. He was going to comm First aid to come to his hab in the morning so he could get them fully examined.
Carrier instincts would’ve alerted him if something was wrong with a sparkling even if they weren’t his own. But he wanted to be completely sure.
He laid the sparkling on his lap and began squeezing the rest of his milk into a bottle.
He’d have to find a crib and milk pump the next time he went to the storage rooms.
He stood and held the sparkling to his breast mesh that was still too tender to close his chassis over. He really hoped his bitty would take a bottle and not his nozzles and that his milk could be turned off when he called First aid.
He laid in his berth, nest fresh courtesy of Ratchet and Drift who were on took an extra, with a servo on the bitty thinking of possible names when he felt his optics almost slip closed until panic gripped him.
“Frag I didn’t tell them I adopted a bitty…”
Recharge was not exactly restful due to his nerves and waking a few hours later to the bitty whimpering wanting milk was something that stole his attention from Drift and Ratchets reactions.
He’d tried getting the bitty to take the sparkling fuel he’d put on earlier but the bitty hollered energon murder and he sighed lowering his helmet trying to suppress tears.
He’d lowered them to his nozzle and they immediately gripped on. He looked to the warm energon bottle and picked it up slipping it into the bitties mouth only for them to spit it out and spit up the milk.
It took over ten minutes to calm them down before deciding never to do that again and just accept he would have to feed from his nozzles.
The bitty gave a little glare at him with blue optics that looked so much like Drift and Ratchets when he did something to endanger himself he smiled a little making the bitty giggle.
It was spark warming and asserted that he made the right decision in keeping them.
“Your gonna be trouble aren’t ya lil mecha,” he cooed, cleaning himself and the bitty while allowing them to drink. He’d put the sparkling energon by the door and thought of how he was going to tell Drift and Ratchet.
He went through the motions of burping the bitty and soothing them to sleep before starting on paperwork. By the time he finished he leaned back in his chair and looked down at his breast mesh and the bitty sleeping on them.
He maneuvered the bitty and tried to put his breasts back into his chassis only to wince and hiss in pain.
‘That won’t work. Damnit. I’ll have to get a new chassis supporter.’
He looked down at the bitty and couldn’t find it in himself to blame them or really be upset. He was still pushing off the mental breakdown at succumbing to his carrier protocols. But looking down at the bitty he found it a tad easier.
Things didn’t feel so bad…until he heard the hab door open.
He stiffened in his seat and slowly turned his helm to see Drift and Ratchet staring at him and their hab.
He tried to smile but it came off wobbly and afraid and the sparkling made a whimpering noise that pulled his attention.
He shushed them gently with a small bounce and they nuzzled into him.
He looked back up to see the spot by the door empty with Drift and Ratchet right in front of Rodimus staring shocked at the fresh bitty in his arms recharging on swollen exposed breast mesh.
“Hehe. Surprise? Funny story here.”
“Roddy were you sparked and didn’t know it?! Did you emerge our sparkling on a mission?!”
Drift was seething with a myraid of emotions but not one was anger. He was thankfully whispering as he did so and was visibly checking him over before getting closer only to stop so Ratchet could begin scanning the sparkling and Rodimus.
“No I wasn’t sparked! And no I didn’t emerge a bitty! They don’t even look like us!”
He whispered venomously before pausing. They all stopped for a moment before Rodimus apologized.
“I’m not getting sparked. Ever,” he spoke, looking them in the optic before motioning for Ratchet to keep working.
The mech gave him a look he didn’t want to see so he turned his helm and let Ratchet work.
“The sparkling is fine,” he stood, looking at the fresh sparkling still sleeping on Rodimus who had an arm covering his nozzles.
He refused to move it because he didn’t want them seeing.
He knew they knew. They had since before they got together. He’d blown up almost saying some really nasty things when they revealed to him they knew by his scent, nest, clingy behavior he thought he shut down and the way he’d act around sparklings. Of course having this revealed made him all but destroy his carrying instincts and reject anything remotely like it.
It hurt. Physically and mentally to do so but he did it anyway and rejected any advice on not doing it. Of course he took it a step further and took preventative pills that kept him from going into heat and added an extra spark baffle. He really hated being a carrier and how it made him look to other mechs and femmes. He was not weak. He was not some birthing machine and he was not going to degrade himself by popping out sparklings and prove them all right. He was more than a carrier mech. He was a living being. He wouldn’t succumb to code.
Of course doing all this and having no heat put him in danger and made him sick but he truly would rather get sick than suffer another heat and possibly get sparked.
It took passing out after throwing up energon for his own medical right to be snatched away. He was taken off heat suppressants and his spark baffles were removed leaving him with just one.
He’d rode out his heat painfully by himself and left the medical center before they could try talking him into something he didn’t want. He ignored his teammates outside of battle planning for a long time. He ignored Ratchet and Drift, at the time Deadlock, for even longer since they just didn’t get it.
As much as he butted helms with Optimus the mech understood but still didn’t want him endangering his life. The only medic he really trusted was First Aid who admitted he didn’t understand but tried to give him the best option instead of getting snippy with him or pushing carrier scrap at him.
He’s pulled out of his thoughts when he feels Ratchet put a servo on his breast mesh and feel around it. He knows he isn’t being a perv but he still hates it. He’d never exposed his breast mesh to them before and hadn’t ever planned to.
He was getting more impatient and uncomfortable by the moment and Ratchet gave him a look that he returned with the beginnings of a snarl that he restrained.
“Milk won’t stop till the kid doesn’t need it anymore. You’ll need a new chassis plating. I’ll get to working on one-”
“I’ll have First aid make me one. Its fine. You both should rest. I’ll explain everything when you wake up.”
He was standing before either could get a word in. Was it fair? Not at all. But he really didn’t want this conversation nor the carrier slag they’d throw his way.
“Kid, get back here. This is a conversation we’re having now.”
He glared but didn’t go any further.
“I didn’t purposely attach the sparkling. It just..happened. I saw them crying near their creators when I went down to the lab. They were already gone and gray.”
“I wasn’t even thinking when I took them and decided to keep them. I’m sorry I didn’t ask first or tell you. You don’t have to care for them, I can do that on my own.”
He’d done it with sparklings at the centers and they’d recovered until they found a proper home during the war. So he knew he could.
“I’m not asking either of you to do anything and if they are a crying sparkling I’m going back to my hab.”
Drift had yelled his name a little too loud to stop him from spiraling and putting distance between them. The mech was holding his arms on both sides and he wasn’t aware he’d been venting hard.
“Stop,” Drift vented hard, looking at him with his finials back and fangs poking out.
“You’re not going to your old hab. You’re staying here with us, where you belong,” Drift told him. “We’re not angry and we don’t blame you for getting attached. We just..”
“We’re surprised kid. Shocked really,” Ratchet came close and he felt crowded. The sparkling was picking up on his emotions and while that made him happy because it meant a bond was in place, he didn’t want them exposed to painful emotions or his cluster of feelings so he vented and bounced them. Keeping his gaze on the sparkling, trying not to notice how their gazes stuck to him and the longing in their optics, he started speaking again.
“I have the papers that say he’s mine already..Megs and Minimus know already because they came by unannounced.”
“Only yours?”
Ratchet was the one to ask and he felt bad that he didn’t think they’d want their names on the papers as well.
“I didn’t think you’d want your names on it. I didn’t think about anything other than your reactions honestly and I wasn’t fair in those thoughts either. I’m sorry.”
He owed it to them to at least get their frustrations out so he looked them in the optics expecting glares only to feel sadness and that was so much worst.
“Roddy…we aren’t..give us the papers.”
He went over to his desk and situated the sparkling while covering his nozzles and pulled the papers out handing them over.
They both signed it.
And he was both relieved and guilt ridden.
Both wanted a sparkling and were even partners with a mech who could carry by tank and yet…
“Why isn’t his name on here?”
“I couldn’t think of one…so I guess..as his sires, you can name him. If you want.”
They looked at him as if he’d revealed the secrets of Cybertron and he might as well have. Naming was a huge deal in their culture and for a carrier to completely allow the sires full handle of it meant a lot.
He looked down at the sparkling and stood beside them, “here, hold him.”
It was Ratchet who gently took the sparkling which made the bitty wake up looking confused. Their optics nor senses were actually developed but they could tell the difference between stranger, carrier and sire. They could smell that he was near but couldn’t feel him. And yet the sparkling didn’t cry which was a good sign. They did sneeze and Ratchet melted at the sight with Drift not far behind and he hadn’t even held the bitty yet.
It made Rodimus smile but the guilt ate away at him.
Truth be told, he really did want sparklings, but he hated the stereotypes, prejudice and weakness being a carrier brought on. He never wanted to be weak or seen as weak and he hated how he would be viewed if he were to get sparked. So he denied and rejected it and in the process, he denied himself and his partners something they all wanted. Its one of the reasons he wasn’t conjunxed with them while the two were. It was usually a guarantee a carrier would get sparked once they conjunxed. His fears greatly outweighed the speak of what if he still felt.
He was also certain they would one day tire of him and leave when they realized they could do better.
‘I sprung a bitty on them that isn’t even ours by emergence and they still want me,’ he let a few tears fall silently. ‘I’ve been unfair to them…’
He watched as Ratchet gave the bitty to Drift and how the mech melted completely with tears in his optics. Their bitty still didn’t cry which was also a very good sign he felt a connection to the two. He quietly bent down and grabbed a blanket to cover his exposed nozzles. He should let Ratchet make him a new chassis cover.
The feelings were overwhelming and he felt less of a warrior and solider and more the code he tried to reject for millions of years.
He..hated the vulnerability still and tried to quietly shift into the other room for a moment to gather himself but the two held him on both sides of his arms.
“What? Is he hungry?”
He didn’t want to make optic contact and tried to play off his sniffle until Ratchet pulled him in. He tried to move back but neither mechs allowed it.
“Kid..for once..don’t fight it..it doesn’t make you any less and it’s not a bad thing. Just for now..let it out..don’t reject it. Don’t reject us.”
The dam burst and he was sobbing with his intake covered by his servos to keep from being too loud. He kept his face plates hidden and felt Drift hug his back with their sparkling secure in his hold. Their arms tightened around him. He felt all the things he never allowed himself.
Safe. Vulnerable. Secure. Open. Tender. Exposed and held together as he mended himself whole with their comfort.
It felt as good as it hurt and by the end of his tears he felt raw and their nest had never felt so good to slip inside. He felt Drift and Ratchet pressed on both sides of him after giving him their sparkling when he whined for him.
Their sparkling nuzzled into him and made cooing noises, trying to fight their sleep but Drift wouldn’t let them. His humming was infectious and it was hard for him to stay awake but the plating that remained on his upper frame left him so uncomfortable. He knew what that meant but he wasn’t sure he could handle accepting it.
“It’s okay, Roddy,” Drift whispered in his audial, slowly taking the locks off his tank and back strut plating with Rstchets help. He felt pure relief at the metal being removed allowing his belly and wide hips room to breathe.
Accepting the sparkling as his own, his frame producing milk and allowing his emotions freedom in the presence of his partners triggered his body to go into a pseudo heat that was brought on from denying his code all these years.
“Let us take care of you,” Ratchet kissed along his neck cables, servos rubbing the chub along his belly, sending butterflies bursting within him at the love and comfort freely given.
Drift rubbed his palms along his hips and bit into his neck, hands making their way up to his sensitive breasts where he tensed and Ratchet cooed at him, reassuring him as he too cupped Rodimus breast. Both slipping the blanket free and wrapping the sparkling inside it.
The bitty inhaled the pheromones in the air and began to fall into recharge. What smelled of heat to adult mechs smelled of sleep pheromones to sparklings.
They placed the bitty on the edge of the nest yet still within close servo and optic contact.
Laid out bare for them to see, Rodimus tried to cover his nozzles but the two stopped him. Both Drift and Ratchet pressed a kiss to his nozzles before licking the dark milk duct and kissing the tender mesh again.
They enjoyed the way they bounced heavily and how his belly followed suit.
“You make an amazing person and carrier, sweet spark,” it was Ratchet who always spoke sweet words while taking them apart in berth. The medic popped his panels open and let his spike free, Drift followed pressing kisses to Rodimus’s belly, servo rubbing the chub as he worshipped it with kisses making Rodimus array snap open and lock.
Drift placed a kiss on his soaking valve before moving to let Ratchet do the same.
“You’ll look even more beautiful growing, swelling full with our sparkling. You already look so beautiful caring for our first one,” Drift soothed into his audial. They both were lining up to meet at the entrance of his valve, both their spike heads bobbing together before slowly slipping inside.
They all groaned together in unison until Drift and Ratchet nipped at his nozzles pulling them. Their servos resting interlocked over his belly as they rubbed the soft flesh stimulating his nerves. Bobbing their throats to a wave beat as they drank from him while fully sheathing their spikes deep inside him.
They left him a silent screaming, back arched mess that could do nothing more than cry and whisper his begging for their soft loving touches that left him exposed emotionally and a soaking, valve squelching mess that tried to cycle and lock down on their raw spikes that were struggling to keep from bursting inside him.
He felt their grip on his belly tighten and they rubbed his flesh as if he were already accepting their loads for a new spark when he felt their chassis open and his spark thrum to life.
Three different hues of blue made the dark room glow. Spike and valve bio lights pulsed and grew vibrant while Drift and Ratchet lifted themselves to hover and look down at Rodimus who looked up at them.
“We aren’t letting you go, Roddy. Not now, not if we never got to conjunx and spark you,” he leaned down, kissing the sobbing mech who gazed up at him before Ratchet leaned down capturing plump lips that quivered at his bite. “But now that we have, no more running and hiding from us. We love you Rodimus and we know you love us too.”
Rodimus sobbed even harder.
Feeling their sparks glow and leave their chambers to meet between them and merge making them all conjunx and completing the connection.
They overloaded together, squeezing each other, Rodimus’s valve clamping down on their spikes that buried within his soft tank lining spilling into him. Their sparks dancing getting lost in each other until none could be distinguished and they all held a large piece of each other once their sparks returned to them.
Rodimus was enternally grateful to have Drift and Ratchets servos in his belly as he felt the flesh stretch and grow heavy at all the transfluid that sloshed and flowed inside him. He felt his valve and cheeks grow hot all over again and he moaned, rocking into them.
“Please,” he cried, feeling them rub his distended belly full of transfluid, valve throbbing hot as his tank wanted more. “Please,” he begged again, seeing the two smirk.
“We’ll give you everything you want and need, sweet spark,” his medic promised.
“We just hope you don’t mind carrying two or three by the time we’re done with you.”
“Although, it’d be nice to see you so round and full of three while feeding our first,” Ratchet chuckled.
“Maybe we aim for three next time?” Drift kissed along Rodimus’s face, nuzzling into his olfactory sensor when the mech needed the reassurance and care.
“We can discuss that later. For now,” Ratchet pulled Rodimus close, washing his em field over the mech who needed their affection they were more than happy to give, “lets focus on mending him. He needs our love first, we can think on that later.”
With a nod from Drift and a quick check on their sleeping sparkling, they made love to their conjunx.
My mind…went elsewhere..anyway if anyone wants to tip me the link to my kofi is on my pinned post.
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chickensoupbmc · 2 days
(⚠️yap alert sorry yalls idk why im yapping again⚠️)
i hate the fact there was never any sort of talk after DYWH 😭😭 like the fact that Brooke thinks Jeremy cheated on her while he was literally being FORCED to do that hurts my heart so heavily
for her and Jeremy
like idk i just wish it was discussed afterwards at all ??? even just a few lines ?? or an actual apology from Chloe ?
the fact that Brooke thinks Jeremy was genuinely willing to CHEAT on her with her best friend while they were dating?? and after he already knew she’d been cheated on?? i HATE that ??????
and the fact that on top of having to deal with what had happened to him, Jeremy has to deal with having made Brooke feel horrible as well ?? he should not be made to feel bad about that ???
(i change topics here i did not mean to that is my bad! sidetrack alert idk)
also just in general the fact Michael doesn’t really understand all the SQUIP stuff that happened ?? like it hurts me to think about
i’m not saying they should’ve included any dialouge about that though because i really don’t think that would’ve worked at all, i think it would’ve been really pointless for the production
but i am saying that in my MIND i do think about it because i feel like Michael doesn’t understand how much Jeremy went through?? at all??? especially about the party scene i mean Jeremy had just been basically assaulted, and had stumbled into the bathroom to calm DOWN. i feel like the fact that he did try to be friendly with Michael in the first place should be considered? i mean, Michael was the one who had set the negative tone when he had started lecturing him. it can definitely be understood why Jeremy had an outburst
(i’m not saying Michael was wrong for lecturing him. he was trying to help and in a different scenario i’m sure it would have. but i am saying that people should consider what jeremy was going through before villainizing him for being rude)
as well as with the optic nerve blocking thing like yes i DO understand that Jeremy chose to do that, but understand that he was being actively manipulated by the SQUIP and exposed to shock therapy when he didn’t listen to it
too many Michael sympathizers out there and not enough for Jeremy gosh
yalls with your “Jeremy’s a bad person because he was mean to Michael!” need to like sort yourselves out omg
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neptunescore · 2 days
zak brown hater anon here, I gotchu 🫶. This isn’t very controversial (maybe) but I think no matter what we should have an age limit.
People turn to Max and say he was able to do but don’t understand it’s because he’s the only one we could ever turn to- and happens to be successful. No hate to Kimi, honestly, he could be amazing in F1 even if he’s not in F2, but it’s a risk. Max is the exemption because he’s the pinnacle everyone wants.
Max was a risk his first few years in f1 because f1 was his rookie season, and all the drivers took note and steered clear of him because if you were close to him there was a high chance you would crash- because he was still learning. (Nico 2016 nightmares 💔) Yes, he’s considered one of the best, even when he was young and now regarded by multiple wdc’s but they all knew he had to change his driving style because of how dangerous it was. We look at Logan and while he isn’t 17, he was bumped up to F1 way too soon. He crashes, a lot. Logan isn’t a bad driver per se, his f2 season was pretty good but if he were to stay another year in f2 I feel like it would’ve been a whole different story from today.
But the crashes is just one thing why I worry for kids in f1 (yes they’re 17 but hey, they’re still young) is that it’s a lot for mental health. FIA themselves had the age limit because of the backlash on the sport and so there wouldn’t be another Max verstappen. But lo and behold, they have a very talented and upcoming driver and they want to let him in- at 17- same reason why they wanted Max not to drive. I think it’s kinda hypocritical of FIA, but I understand that rules can change over time. But it’s the fact that their exception for younger than 18 yr old drivers is that they must be promising? promising? What a load of crap. Other well established drivers who could’ve debuted at 17 or maybe older but didn’t have enough points (because the points system is bs..) isn’t the same thing? Why weren’t they granted an exemption?
Though, I would like to point out I’m not saying I think max should’ve raced at 17 too. As much as I love his first few seasons and how development, he was not just a risk to other drivers but for himself. He’s a talented driver, but that could’ve gone wrong if he didn’t have the mentality that he had. Few were on his side and rumors were spreading that he would’ve been without a seat until he changed his style. Yes, he won a few gp’s and got podiums, all-in-all a skilled driver that deserved a seat but everyone focused on how aggressive his style is. He finally did change, after years of being in F1. This could never happen now in F1 because they would be kicked out before they could even try. People would react to like how they did with Logan or Nyck. Barely had a chance at F1 yet let’s kick them out and let other talent show. F1 is a tough sport, yes, but it’s also very hypocritical.
so yes, it would be tough for young drivers like Kimi. I don’t know much about his personality but the media is ruthless.
The same thing could happen to Kimi or any other young driver. Sometimes the real pressure isn’t the race itself but the media. A lot of drivers who weren’t even that young already felt this pressure. Albon is a great example. One reason why Red Bull wasn’t cut out for him is that all eyes were on him and always criticized him and it was so bad that he stopped social media for a while.
Kimi is a talented driver, but there is no rush in f1. New young talent is good for the sport but it should also not mean “let’s serve the plate raw” I guess this also shows how bs the super-license is but even then I believe the 18+ rule should stay. Though, the points system should be reworked… and the fact people can get exemption…
thank you for coming to my ted talk (I am a max fan guys not a hater 💔)
Oh my god, I was literally gonna make a post abt this (especially with the new allowance of 17 yr old that the fia has announced), and this is timed so perfectly. Anyway, u are literally never wrong ZB❌️ anon <3
Overall, you've covered literally every point I wanted to talk about, so I'm just gonna add a little bit on to the mental aspect to what uve said, but other than that, this summarises my thoughts PERFECTLY.
I feel like fans also forget how MUCH of a mental strain it puts on a driver to be promoted to f1 THAT young. when max got that torro rosso seat, it was like he was fresh meat and they were all starved predators, ESPECIALLY when they realised he was too young to properly control/ limit his answers to the media. There were SO MANY articles just absolutely CRUSHING him, like it's genuinely insane how bad it was. That kind of thing is not healthy for ANYONE, much less a CHILD. And atleast max was occasionally podiuming and doing really well, like look at logan (the poor boy) this man is getting absolutely VIOLATED by both the media and his team, and it's not even really his fault. It's the team's fault for bringing him up this quick and then leaving him to fend for himself the SECOND he's not doing as well as they wanted and needs emotional support.
The same goes for kimi, I get that he's a talented driver, but ppl need to chill. This boy still isn't properly used to f2 cars, uve made him COMPLETELY skip f3, and now ur talking abt promoting him to f1 next season??? He's sixth in the f2 standings rn, by the way. And I'm sorry, but giving him a seat in MERCEDES next year is both going to be so unfair to him (the media are gonna rip him from limb to limb if he makes even a little mistake) and to the other drivers who are much higher than him in the standings.
Anyway, I love u ZB❌️ anon, and thank u for letting me rant abt this😭 (I was gonna respond to this much quicker, but since I couldn't sleep last night, I thought 'oh might as well go to the park and just chill for a bit, reconnect with nature and all that shit' and then I ended up falling off one of those small hills so bad that I got a hairline fracture😭. So... never doing that again!)
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(I love Nora, she's so real)
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typicalopposite · 3 hours
Ooooooo just thought of some double angst potential
Gerrard is giving Buck a really hard time… like just absolutely not letting up on him. It’s worse on him than everyone else but he does it enough in the shadows to make sure Buck is the only one to realize it. He can read Buck like an open book, he knows he won’t tell… everyone else is having to deal with Gerrard’s bullshit, too. So what if he is getting the blunt end of it. Better him than them.
Buck is left exhausted.
Tommy clocks it immediately.
He begs Buck to go to someone. Go to Frank, surely he can pull some strings. Go to the chief, he didn’t like Gerrard swooping in and stealing Bobby’s job anyway. Go to his team, they will 100% rally together with him.
Buck insists everything is fine. He can handle it; its under control. No one needs to fight his battle for him, and he doesn’t want his problem to become everyone else’s problem…
So Tommy lets it go… kind of.
He goes to Bobby.
He feels grimey going behind Bucks back but he doesn’t know what to do and Bobby is already working with the higher ups—who’s heads were all gone over in the whole scheme to keep Bobby gone—to get his family back. So that’s how Tommy ends up outside the house Bobby and Athena are renting.
“What do you mean Gerrard’s doing something to Buck…” Bobby asks, voice low and threatening in a way Tommy doesn’t think he’s ever heard it before. He’s instantly up and looking for his keys.
“Wait, stop!” Tommy blocks the door and Bobby gives him a warning look, and yeah… Tommy sees that adopted father/son feeling definitely goes both ways. “I don’t even know if I’m right about this… Buck won’t talk to me. He won’t talk to anyone.”
Flash forward and Bobby meets Buck for lunch. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Buck look so empty and distant. He just wants to hug him and tell him it is all going to get fixed—he doesn’t know if it is… he’s trying but this all seems so much bigger than just an alleged discipline deficit…
“Talk to me, kid…” Bobby finally says. “Whatever is going on… we can work through it… you don’t have to deal with it—”
“Alone?” Buck finishes for him. He turns bloodshot tired eyes up to Bobby and lets out a halfhearted laugh. “How can you even sit there and say that to me like it’s not exactly what you did…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Don’t you dare say it’s different!” And then his eyes are tearing up and he’s shoving back from tables and storming off… but Bobby knows that the only thing he has to show for trying to keep his problems away from the people he cared about… was a slew of new problems that directly affected the very people he was trying to protect.
“Buck stop!” He yells and jumps up from the table to catch him. Buck stops walking; Bobby could swear he looks relieved when he turns back around. “You’re right, kid… I hid a big thing from you—from all of you… and I was wrong. It was stupid, and selfish… and it backfired big time,” he offers a smile… Buck gives one back. “Don’t make the same mistakes I did. If something is bothering you… speak up.”
So it turns out Gerrard singled out the one person who—in his words—had already “turned his back on his team”. He’s been trying to get information of the others, on Bobby… hell even on members from other stations (Harbor specifically included) who have helped them in the past with their brave(read: illegal) escapades. Buck won’t give in; Gerrard won’t give up. He is trying everything to get under Bucks skin from just the horrid homophobic slurs… the blatant racism he has Buck terrified to speak up on… putting far to much of a work load on his shoulders… to getting his hands on Tommy’s schedule just so he can make sure Bucks never lines up.
Bobby is LIVID… he won’t let this man—this monster—get away with this. “We’re gonna get rid of him once and for all…” he vows to Buck.
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amourtoken · 10 hours
1 and 3 with Noah?
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to forget that guys name”
"What would they think if they saw you right now?"
I wrote something similar to this ages ago and deleted it so here's my chance at redemption 💀
You and your partner had gotten into a huge fight over the dumbest little thing and your first move was to leave the house. At the very least you'd be gone long enough to cool down but at this point you weren't quite sure you ever wanted to go back with how they treated you. This outing led you down a few streets but thankfully you lived in a pretty big city so there was no shortage of people or things to see.
That being said, you happened to pass by a hotel and an unfortunately attractive group of strangers. You didn't expect a second glance but right as you were about to pass them one called you over with a concerned look. Hopefully he's not an unbearable catcaller and genuinely has something worth a shit to say.
"Hey sweetheart, everything alright? You look upset."
Oh he's pretty, and his voice sounds so nice...
You cave and turn around to face him, having to look up to make actual eye contact. His eyes were so pretty too...
"You alright? Like I said you look upset. You're too pretty to be walking around with that expression. Whats wrong, baby?"
You explained the entire situation, trying not to be too emotional but you were still so hurt and angry you couldn't help it. Noah threw an arm over your shoulder and was comfortingly tracing shapes on your arm. You knew this was probably a stupid idea and normally would've just walked right past the group but he just feels inviting and you can't help but notice how pretty he is either so...really what's the worst that could happen.
"They sound like an asshole. I could treat you so much fucking better...you should let me show you."
Noah's hand slid from your shoulder to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. How could you turn him down, really? Maybe he wasn't even serious, but you're already this far why not find out.
You did in fact find out. He was dead serious. Normally you'd say this was stupid and insane but the way he feels fucking into you like he's trying to split you in half you really can't be upset that you've essentially just gone to bed with a complete stranger. He's got a big tattooed hand around your throat and your whole body bounces when he slams his hips against yours, and he laughs at you when you yelp after particularly harsh thrusts.
"wonder what they'd say if they saw you like this, all fucked out under me. Bet they'd be fuckin jealous I'm making you feel better than they ever could, huh?"
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tgmsunmontue · 2 days
Grant me freedom and I’ll set us both free
Hangster. ~2.5k. Explicit. AU for the "Angels/Demons", "Sex Magic", "Succubus/Incubus", "Power Imbalance" and "Sex Pollen" squares... although the last two are not really massive players in the fic.
                “Who died and made you my jailer?”
                “Fortunately no one had to die. Unfortunately I’m still your jailer.”
…            …            …
                “What are you doing here?”
                “Drinking in the ambience. What do you think I’m doing?” Jake snaps, and he shifts against the wall of the brothel, because it’s not perfect or ideal by any stretch of the imagination, but it does in a pinch. It’ll sate him enough to feed more later.
                He needs to find a way that he can simply gain energy without seeking it out. He’s smart. He can figure something out.
                He really hopes he can, he’s not sure if he’ll survive otherwise.
…            …            …
                Turns out humans are horny and repressed and also willing to try anything. He doesn’t starve to death in his first few months topside, but it’s a near thing. Getting a job at the brothel to help keep the ladies safe definitely helps.
…            …            …
                He sees Bradley watching him occasionally. Keeping a distance where he can sense what Jake is doing, but not close enough that he has to interact with Jake at all, or even talk to him. He tries to not care about it.
…            …            …
                He’d thought getting into pornography would be a sure thing, but it turns out there’s even more fake orgasms here than there are in a 18th century brothel. He helps it along a little and while he never features in any of the films he definitely has his favorites.
…            …            …
                Jake twirls his fork and raises an eyebrow at Bradley as he sits down opposite him in the very upmarket restaurant that Jake had arranged to meet his newest client. It’s been a while since Bradley has checked in on him and he’d sort of wondered if maybe he’d been forgotten about. Wasn’t sure how to feel about the possibility.
                “Bradley. Always a pleasure…”
                “Mmm. At least you don’t cause mass orgies.”
                Jake blinks. Thinks that he actually has, although no one would have known it was him.
                “I’m sure I could,” Jake says instead. “If I tried my hand at it. Want to be invited?”
                “No! I’m just trying to do my job,” Bradley sighs, looking tired. “You’re making it…”
                Jake waits for a word, something, anything, that indicates how Bradley feels about being Jake’s morality compass for five-hundred years.
                “Difficult. Your making it difficult.”
                “You know what they say…”
                “No, what do they say?”
                “Can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen…”
                “We’re no-where near a kitchen…”
                “It’s a metaphor. Humans use them.”
                “You’re spending too much time around them.”
                “And I’d argue you aren’t spending enough. It’d help remove that stick out of your ass. I mean, I’d offer to put something else in there… it’d definitely help relax you.”
                “Is that another metaphor?”
                “No. Seems like it’s a fact. You know what? You’re so polite. I give you permission to just tell me to fuck off. Or you could fuck me. I’m versatile like that. Or I can just sit there and watch… all the same to me.”
                “I’m leaving.”
                “Well, I sure do enjoy watching that too!” Jake calls after him and when Bradley flips him a single finger he guesses he’s been spending some time around humans.
                He won’t tell Bradley it was the wrong finger.
…            …            …
                “Your dried jizz ground together with Viagra isn’t safe!”
                “Hey! Viagra has been cleared by the FDA!”
                He half expects Bradley to ask what the FDA is, because while it’s not been as long as before, it’s still been a couple of decades. He knows time works different elsewhere.
                “I was talking about your jizz!”
                “All organic baby!”
                “Oh! You’re impossible!”
                “I’m just giving the people what they want,” Jake states.
                “And what they want is your jizz?”
                “Yeah. Why? Jealous?”
                “In your dreams.”
…            …            …
                He’s surprised when he sees Bradley again less than a week later, watching him from across the park where he’s walking his dog. Jake likes dogs. They don’t judge or cast him between heaven and hell for things he had no control over.
                “Bradley. What are you doing here?”
                “You have an… animal.”
                Jake looks down at the little dog and raises an eyebrow.
                “Yes. He’s a hellhound in disguise. Absolutely vicious, killer instincts. Can I help you?”
                “He seems like a normal dog.”
                “He is a normal dog.”
                “Oh. Why?”
                “Why what?” Jake snaps, although he suspects he knows the question coming next.
                “Why do you have a dog?”
                “I don’t have to answer that. You can tell how I’ve been using my powers, how I’ve been staying alive. I’ve been here for… what? Four hundred years now? Another one hundred and I’ll have finished my sentence. I do not need to tell you why I have a dog.”
                “You’re not going to hurt it are you?”
                His eyes flash with fire and Bradley takes a step back. Jake hasn’t felt this angry in a long time.
                “Okay. I’ll take that as a no. Alright. Sorry.”
…            …            …
                He’d tried, in the early days, to make friends. Except they’d died. He hadn’t aged, although he’s learnt to mimic that process now. But it had taken him a couple of centuries before he just gave up on caring about individual humans. It hadn’t helped of course, there were still sneaky ones that wormed themselves into his life somehow, but he’d at least tried to protect himself from having to watch them all die one after the other. Dogs have shorter lifespans and it’s even harder, but he’s starting to go a little mad without the companionship. That is why he has his dog, and his cat. Because talking to himself is crazy, but by human standards talking to his dog and cat is perfectly normal.
…            …            …
                “You can’t just blink out of existence! You’re meant to be keeping a low profile!”
                “Pfft. They aren’t paying any attention to me. And what are they going to do? Send me to hell? Too late.”
                Bradley stares at him.
                “You seem to like it here though.”
                Jake looks at him in disbelief.
                “I miss my friends. I haven’t been in my natural form for so long I think I’ve forgotten how to change. I can’t feed properly for fear of killing one of the precious humans,” he spits, because it’s not the humans he really has an issue with. He doesn’t think he would be able to change anymore, wouldn’t have the energy reserves, but some days his skin itches, just wants to stretch out and extend himself to his full height.
                “You want to feed? Properly?”
                Jake snorts, because of course he does. But also answering honestly might damn him to another century here. He’s not stupid to admit to it. His mouth is what got him in trouble the first time round.
                “Why? Are you offering?”
                Jake was about to say something, something mean or sarcastic but he closes his mouth.
                “This is just a human wrapping, you wouldn’t actually hurt me…”
                “Are you serious?” Jake asks, because he doesn’t want to get his hopes up but the idea, of giving and getting sexual pleasure from Bradley’s body is heady after four hundred years of just being close enough to scent, occasionally taste the remnants, but never been touching, not for so long… To now be offered everything? Even if it’s a trap he finds he doesn’t care, just the idea of it is making him feel suddenly desperate.
                He’d blinked to his apartment, right into his bedroom, and of course Bradley is standing there, having simply just followed him. For the first time in four-hundred years though Bradley is in a space Jake considers his, not a public park, or outside a brothel, or in a restaurant. This is his space and he feels a little raw at having someone else here. Then Bradley is unbuttoning his shirt and Jake realizes he’s very serious, pulls at his own shirt before realizing he doesn’t have buttons and can just pull it over his head.
                The downside of this is that he loses sight of Bradley for the briefest of seconds, but then his t-shirt is off and he can see Bradley working his pants down. He has to give it to him, he’s definitely chosen a good looking body to walk around in. He strips off the remainder of his clothes, eyes not leaving Bradley’s, because he can disappear in the blink of an eye if he wishes to and Jake wouldn’t put it past him to have this be some vicious prank.
                “Lie back. I want to suck you off.”
                “Oh. Okay.”
                Jake pauses then, a little surprised at the easy acquiescence. Bradley always uses the same body, even if he has managed to keep up with the changes to fashion he’s also had the ability for people just to see what they imagine they see. Like Jake, but more powerful. It wouldn’t have been much point giving him a jailer that was somehow weaker than him. He wonders briefly if Bradley could get in trouble for what they’re about to do. He doesn’t care. Bradley is lying in the center of the bed, naked, watching Jake like he’s a puzzle he wants to solve. Jake shifts, runs his hands down Bradley’s chest and watches as his nipple pebble up into harder peaks.
                “You ever done this before?”
                “Of course I have.”
                “I mean in a human body. They’re a bit different.”
                “Not that different.”
                “Your funeral,” Jake murmurs, because the effect he has on human bodies is one he enjoys and if Bradley is willing to let him have both that and the knowledge that his actions won’t hurt anyone…
                “You said you wouldn’t kill me…”
                “I won’t,” Jake says with a smirk.
                He hasn’t given a blowjob in hundreds of years but it’s exactly like he remembers, the feeling of power washing through him as he feels Bradley give in to the pleasure and allows Jake to touch him everywhere. He lets himself savor Bradley’s skin, kisses and licks the delicate skin of his inner thighs, the thinner skin as its stretched over his jutting hip bones, then as he sucks the engorged head of Bradley’s cock into his mouth and feels smug as Bradley lets out a surprised shout. He reaches up with a hand and tweaks at one of Bradley’s nipples, grins around the mouthful of cock as Bradley’s entire body spasms under him and he does it again, feels his body jolt again, this time accompanied by a whine.
                He concentrates briefly and then he has lube coated fingers and he feels a curl of awakening power in his belly at the fact he still has that ability. He’s been living as a human for too long, conserving his energy, but now he’s got Bradley laid out in front of him like a feast in front of a starving man and he is going to eat his full. And then go back for seconds and thirds. He runs a finger between the crease of Bradley’s ass cheeks, uses his shoulders to spread his thighs further, although Bradley is shifting, giving him more room to work and he runs his lubed fingers over and around the tight entrance, not pushing, just stroking while he sucks his cock.
                His gazes up the length of Bradley’s body, takes in the arm flung across his eyes, the lip being bitten hard between his teeth, the muscles in his arm, neck and chest flexing as if he’s trying to fight or control the pleasure he’s experiencing. Jake grins again, a little meanly this time. Then he sends a pulse of his own pleasure through every place he’s touching and watches as Bradley arches off the bed, he can’t see Bradley’s face anymore, but he can hear his scream of pleasure and he sucks it in greedily.
                He doesn’t know if Bradley is conscious of the way his body is moving now, trying to thrust his cock into Jake’s mouth, pushing his ass against the tip of his finger and Jake can work with this. Redoubles the speed of the sucking, his head bobbing as he thinks about the action being magnified on every single nerve ending in Bradley’s cock, the same sucking bobbing heat of his mouth with no purpose but to bring pleasure. He hears Bradley make another broken whimpering sob, body quivering, like it’s too much and Jake lays an arm across his pelvis to hold him in place, can sense Bradley’s orgasm curling and building and breaths it in through his nose.
                He could drag this out for hours, bring Bradley to the edge over and over and deny him his release. Play with him and take in his pleasure, the pleasure that Jake is giving him, make him forget everything else. He won’t die from not eating or drinking like an actual human would. Except he doesn’t want to do that, wants Bradley to come and enjoy himself and maybe, he hopes, let Jake do this again. He pushes his finger in slowly, sucks Bradley down and swallows around his cock, throat muscles clenching and he sends a pulse of intense pleasure again and it does exactly what he thought it would. Bradley comes with another scream.
                The head rush from Bradley’s orgasm leaves him reeling, and he pulls back, the human habit of breathing making him do it without thinking, followed by his body  then jerking and he’s coming himself without conscious thought and he laughs a little, guesses having blue balls for four hundred years allows him a little leeway about coming so fast. He knows his hands on Bradley’s skin will be creating a feedback loop of pleasure, can feel the echo of his own pleasure coming back to him and it leaves him feeling hazy. He’s missed this. Basks in the heady scents of arousal and sex and completion that were all of his own making for once.
                “Is it always like that?”
                “Ah. Sort of. Not quite that… level,” Jake admits.
                “Is it sometimes better?”
                “Yeah. Sometimes,” Jake murmurs.
                “Show me?”
                “My pleasure.”
                “Mine too I hope.”
                “Of course.”
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peachhcs · 2 days
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
after some consideration, i'm changing the breakup timeline for our lovely friends samy and will!!! wooohooo!! (because let's be real, could i really drag it out that long? no.) i've bulleted everything that's changed, so take a read and see what's new!! i will be writing bigger fics for the major points so don't worry, but if there's any bullets you want expanded into a fic or blurb, let me know!!
i will still keep the previous breakup timeline fics up, we'll just pretend some of it doesn't exist and it's like a parellel universe to the au lmao. the charm bracelet still does exist btw!! but yay!! enjoy new samy and will timeline!! i just love them so much i couldn't drag it out more, so i changed it up!! also yes will's new post may have influenced this decision as well :))
au masterlist
will breaks up with samy a few days after they get back from worlds (end of May) 
will signs with the san jose sharks (end of May) 
samy and will don’t speak for the month of June (the longest they’ve gone without talking)
will goes to the bauer combine where he talks to this girl in hopes of getting his mind off samy, but it doesn’t work because when he makes a joke that the girl doesn’t laugh at because only samy gets, will realizes it’s all wrong and he shouldn’t have broken up with her 
this highkey makes him spiral hard because he realizes how big of a mistake he made 
he panic calls gabe and ryan in hopes that they’ll tell him what to do 
gabe and ryan tell him that he needs to talk to her!! 
will’s scared to reach back out because what if samy doesn’t want to talk to him (rightfully so)  
he goes back home for a bit where he confides in grace and his mom (for once!!) 
they tell him that he should reach out if he wants it’s really up to him, but he needs to realize he lost all of samy’s trust because of what he did and said, so she may not warm up to him as quickly or easily 
meanwhile, samy sees all the content of will at the combine which makes her happy and sad at the same time 
happy because he’s experiencing all these things and meeting so many new people, but sad because she misses him and wishes they worked something out between them or at least talked more before will made that decision
she doesn’t reach out though. too scared and not wanting to distract him from working on all his media things 
another week passes and now it’s july which means the smith + hughes family vacation is coming up!! 
(i said will would skip out on this, but i’m changing it so he does end up showing up) it’s the first time they’ve seen one another since the breakup so two months 
they’re kind of awkward and avoid each other at first because they’re only really there because their parents forced them to be 
samy hangs around on the deck or anywhere away from the boys because she knows wherever her brothers are, will is there 
(jack, quinn, and luke are like lowkey still pissed at will, but they cool off a bit when they talk to him about it more and see that he really regrets it and wants to get back together) 
on the third day, samy and will can’t keep avoiding each other. they’re the only ones awake one night after a long day going out and about with everyone 
will approaches samy first when he finds her down on the dock just sitting by herself 
they talk some awkward small talk before getting into the meat of everything 
in short, will admits he messed up, he was just scared of the distance and not being good enough for her because he’s gonna be so far away once summer’s over and he doesn’t want to hold her back from anything 
samy half forgives him, but tells him she wishes he talked to her more. basically, will’s going to have to work to get her trust back and he definitely knows that, so they decide to start back as friends before jumping into anything
after that talk, the rest of the vacation is less awkward and they slowly warm back up to one another which the parents are happy to see 
the smiths go back to boston after the vacation, so samy and will don’t see one another again until the end of july/beginning of august when will’s move out is coming up  
they still talk a bit over text though 
(the farewell party is a bit different now and will knows they’re coming instead of finding out the morning before and they talk at the party again. another mini reunion again) 
samy talks with gabe and ryan privately later that day about her and will. 
once the party’s over, samy and her family and the guys stay back for a bit and they all just hang out like old times
later that night, will gets samy alone again. they make cute little small talk which leads to will asking samy to fly out to california with him to help him move in like they always talked about 
she agrees and so they’re all flying out that next week  
they spend that whole weekend decorating will’s apartment and making it “him” 
the day before samy flies back home to start her own pre season camps for soccer, will takes a chance and takes samy out on a date 
it’s like they never even broke up in the first place on that date 
by the end of the night, will asks samy if they could try again and he promises he won’t fuck it all up again 
samy agrees and they get back together with the promise that the distance doesn’t matter no matter what happens!! 
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honeyyhivee · 2 days
they don't have to know ⠀ྀི
⠀ྀི in which, you and satoru gojo can't let one another go no matter what ྀི
cw ྀི minors dni! black!fem reader in mind but read as you please, petnames (baby, princess), toxic relationships/toxic reader, explicit smut w/ a bit of plot, p in v, riding, dirty talk, semi public (in a car), overstimming, swearing
word count & thoughts ྀི 823, lowercase intended, my first post on here so be nice, reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated
“i’m very much grown, thank you!“
“grown and fuckin’ married… or did you forget?” that man, your husband nagged on. being in a marriage with someone you had mixed feelings for wasn’t on your bucket list. especially with a man you once loved so much. dating and even the beginning of the marriage was so beautiful but, you both wanted different things and found that out after marriage. things changed once he did you wrong, you grew this need for revenge. after he’d badly messed things up with you with his infidelity, you ended up sleeping with an old friend of yours. a friend that he knew as well.
satoru gojo. while it was supposed to be a one time thing, you found yourself sneaking out to different cities just to see satoru. you knew, he was sneaking around too. you both figured each other out fairly quickly. despite trying to talk each other out of these bad situations, you guys always found some loopy way back towards each other.
“baby, i don’t know… it’s getting harder and harder for us to keep doing this. what if we did make things right? what if we leave and be together?” satoru started as they both sat in his car, in an empty parking lot near the countryside. “i don’t want to ruin what we have. labels and shit… you know, we might lose something… might make things more complicated.” your words made him tilt his head with confusion.
“complicated? like sneaking all the way here so that neither of us get caught isn’t complicated enough? one of these days they’ll have to know.”
you scoffed at his words, shaking your head with this grin on your face. “yeah, mr. i’ll tell her today. hey, did you tell your girl the last time we saw each other? when you said it was the last time?” the look on his face told you his answer, he couldn’t lie to you if he tried. “this is supposed to be our last time.” satoru muttered. “you serious? ‘toru, can i be honest with you?” he turned his head to you, giving you full eye contact.
“i don’t want to let you go… i can’t, baby… but i don’t want to hurt her.” he admitted, before you spoke. “shit… this is so stressful.” you huffed and laid your head back. “yeah…”
the two of you glanced at each other again, satoru ready for you to break things off, you ready for satoru to do the same.
instead, like always, you ended up in the back seat of his car. both sweaty as you tried your best to ride him without hitting your head on the ceiling of the car. the car windows had been rolled down a bit to let out the hot air and all that could be heard was your moans and his voice. his hands gripped at the flesh of your ass as he looked up at you.
“you’re so- so good f’me… fuck, princess…” his praise gave you more strength, bouncing on his hard length that always filled you up so deliciously. you squeezed around him so perfectly, it always takes everything in him to keep his eyes from rolling to the back of his head.
was that why you couldn’t let each other go? you satisfied one another in ways you’d never expect. his big hand slapped your ass roughly causing a louder moan to be ripped from you as you mindlessly fucked yourself on his cock.
your juices all over him and his seat when he had the chance, he gripped your waist, holding you down on him but moving your hips. following him, you began to grind your hips on him while he took one of your breasts in his mouth.
“god, ‘toru-” you tried keeping a steady pace but from all the riding, your body was shaky. with him sucking on your nipple, looking you in the eyes best he could while doing so, the stimulation brought you closer and closer to another climax. he felt you getting close, you were so close.
maybe the bliss was clouding his mind but he couldn’t just stop this with you, not when you always looked so pretty above and below him. the very look on your face brought him closer to his high. he wanted to talk to you more, get you there faster but when you uttered his name in his ear, he couldn’t help but hold your waist onto him so he could fuck you the way he needed.
whimpers began to leave your lips, the pleasure overtaking your body. this is why you both kept coming to each other. “fuckk, i love you, princess.” at this pace, it wasn’t long before he filled up the condom around him. after coming down from your climax, you laid your head against his trying to catch your breath.
“satoru… what did you say a moment ago?”
© honeyyhivee (2024) don't use or steal my work, thanks!
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border-collie · 1 year
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