#I’m just watching season 5 and it is A L L i can think about
hyperfocusthusly · 7 months
Roman Roy (Succession) and Tommo (Brassic) are the same fruit in different flavours
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leilanihours · 1 month
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pairing: paige bueckers x uconn cheerleader!reader
word count: 849
warnings: none!
summary: your first personal encounter with uconn’s favorite athlete goes surprisingly smooth.
⭑ from lani: my first fic on tumblr! hope y’all like it pls don’t be mean lmaoo
YOUR WHITE SNEAKERS squeak against the slick floors of the gym hallways as the distant sound of excited fans and booming music fills your ears. tonight is senior night for uconn’s women’s basketball team and cheerleading squad, so there are plenty of supporters in the stands to show their love and pride.
clad in your freshly steamed cheer outfit and full face of game day makeup, you swiftly make your way to one of the dressing rooms to get your hair done before heading out to the gym floor.
the door is slightly cracked open, omitting a sliver of light and mumbles of vibrant conversations over upbeat music. peeking your head in, you search the almost crowded room for your usual hair stylist, kayla (an angel on earth, truly).
“kayla? are you in here?”
paige is scrolling mindlessly on her phone as she waits for her hair to be done, occasionally liking and commenting on a few posts. she swipes past a few edits of herself and her team, but pauses to watch a clip of -
“y/n! come on in, i’m almost done here so i’ll be over to help you as soon as i finish!” kayla shouts back.
i know that name, paige thinks.
looking up from the phone in her lap, she nearly drops it on the floor, doing a double take as she catches a glimpse of the girl kayla is talking to. she knows who you are, of course, you’ve only been her resident sideline crush since the start of the season.
a slight blush creeps onto her face as she quickly scans your frame, paying very close attention to how your legs look in your skirt, how your eyes are highlighted by your bright makeup, how shiny and smooth your lips look.
as you make your way over to where she’s sitting, she clears her throat and regains her composure, subconsciously straightening her shoulders.
“hey, kayla, how’re you doing?” you say with a slight nod, friendly grin stretched across your face.
“i’m doin good, y/n,” kayla responds with a similar smile, “i’m basically done with paige here so you can just wait right there.”
with a hum of agreement you decide to lean against the vanity in front of the two girls as you acknowledge the blonde in the chair, a recognizable audio playing from her phone.
“you a fan?”
paige almost doesn’t notice you speaking to her, still slightly stuck in a daze and trying to comprehend that you’re within arms reach to her.
“what?” she replies, brows slightly furrowed.
you point to her screen, calling attention to the video on it: a clip of you warming up with your team, a tiny mic clipped to your uniform picking up your jokes and quips.
paige tilts her head down to her lap, finally registering what you were talking about. she quickly shuts off her phone with a slight laugh.
“oh that? it just popped up on my for you page, you know how it is.”
“mhm..” you say with a teasing smirk, “bueckers, right? number 5?”
“yeah. you’re y/n? l/n?” you nod back to her. “i’ve seen you courtside at games.”
“oh yeah? so you are a fan?”
more than you know, she thinks.
“just a bit. what about you? i always seem to hear your voice louder than others whenever i happen to make a bucket.”
“i think you’re confusing me with one of the other girls.”
“am i?”
no, you think. you’ve always had your eye on paige, but you didn’t realize how much it showed on the court until now.
“alright, paige, close your eyes real quick for me,” kayla interjects before you can respond.
she obliges, shutting her eyes so she can apply a layer of hairspray to the her hair. you take the opportunity to observe her position. wearing the complete husky basketball uniform, her legs are slightly spread, hips pushed forwards as she sits relaxed against the chair. one of her hands is loosely clutched around her phone that is now facing down, the other resting on her thigh riding up her shorts to expose a little more skin than normal.
as your eyes make their way back up to her face, you make eye contact with those icy blue eyes you’ve grown quite fond of over the past few months. realizing she’s caught you checking her out, she smirks and gets up from the chair unintentionally inching close to you.
“so i’ll see you out there? hopefully still being my biggest fan?” she teases, throwing a small wink your way.
“for sure,” you say, “but maybe i’ll try cheering for muhl this time around, just to switch it up.”
“whatever you say, l/n, i think we both know who’s more worthy of your attention.”
“oh really now? do i know her?”
“you could if you wanted to.”
suddenly a small piece of paper is slipped into your hand, long fingers brushing against yours for a second (a second that drives you crazy).
did paige bueckers just give me her number?
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fangirl-dot-com · 3 months
Incorrect Quotes - Part 2
All of these were taken from Pinterest - again, I am not this funny
Special thank you to @sinfully-yoursss for asking for another one!
Max: Do you ever do anything except whine like a little bitch?  Y/n: Sometimes I whine like a BIG bitch 
Arthur (propping his feet up on a table): So, I heard you like bad boys Y/n: What? No??? Arthur (immediately taking his feet off the table): Oh thank God, that felt terrible 
Christian: Where’s Y/n and the child?  Toto: Y/n is teaching him how to drive Christian: Y/n never learned to drive??????
Y/n: So there’s two pedals. Sometimes three but you can ignore the left one  Kimi: I don’t think…. Y/n: the lines on the road are more like suggestions than anything, like the speed limit Kimi: Are you positive that… Y/n: I’m not sure how to turn on the blinkers. Ready?  Kimi: Uhhhhh Y/n (shouting): GO GO GO GO  Kimi (screaming) *floors it* 
Nurse: I’m sorry sir, we can only allow family to see Miss L/n at this time  Christian: bold of you to assume I won’t legally adopt her right now  Y/n (sleepy, inside the hospital wing): you tell ‘em dad! 
Max: Your honor, my client is ready  Judge: And what does the defendant plead?  Max (mouthing the words): not guilty  Y/n (squinting at Max): hot milky Max (facepalms): take her away 
Y/n: Deck the halls with crippling depression  Charles: Fa la la la la, la la la la  Y/n: ‘Tis the season for emotional suppression  Arthur: Fa la la la la, la la la la  Max (passing through): what??? 
Y/n (on the phone): Hey Lance, can Arthur and I borrow $5000?  Lance: Why the hell do you need $5000?!  Y/n: For an escape room.  Lance: What kind of escape room costs 5 grand??  Y/n:  Y/n: Jail.
Max (answers phone): hello?  Y/n: It’s Y/n Max: What did she do this time  Y/n: no, it’s me, Max  Max: what did you do this time 
Y/n (on the floor): Go on…without me! Lando (crying while kneeling beside her): No! We can get through this together, just like we always do!  Y/n: There’s no time! You must defend our honor. Don’t let my death be for nothing!  Lando (sobbing): I can’t do this without you!  Y/n: Goodbye, old friend….(goes limp) Oscar (whispering to Max): They do realize this is just a dodgeball game, right?   Max (aiming at Lando): Oscar, this is war. Show no mercy. 
Oscar: One day, someone will think about you for the last time in eternity. You will be forgotten by the world  Y/n: not if I eat the Mona Lisa 
Yuki: I’m small but knowing  Y/n: You don’t be knowing what the top shelf looks like  Yuki:  Y/n:  Yuki: Bitch 
Y/n: Go big or go home! Vito (tears in his eyes): I am begging you, Y/n. For once in your life, go home. Just this once. Go. Home.  Y/n: I’m gonna go big
Y/n: I will do a lot of thing. But admitting I’m cold to Max after he told me to bring a jacket isn’t one of them 
Max: I sleep with a knife beside my bed  Carlos: I have a machete under my bed  Logan: I have a gun under my pillow  Arthur: Weak. Pathetic. All of you  Max: And what deadly weapon do you sleep with?  Arthur (putting on shades): Y/n 
Arthur: I will speak French between your legs  Y/n: That is the hottest thing I’ve ever been told  Lando: I’m just imagining someone screaming “Bonjour” to a dick Daniel: SACRE BLEAU MADEMOISELLE HON HON HON TITTY CROISSANTS  Logan (wheezing): TITTY CROISANTS  Max: None of you should ever be having sex 
Y/n: Hey do you know anyone who can teach me how to play the trumpet?  Alex: Why? Y/n: I wanna wander around the paddock and annoy Esteban  Logan: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play it for that  Y/n: You have opened my eyes Logan 
Max (not looking up from his book): what did he do now?  Y/n: HE SMILED  Max: At you?  Y/n: No, at Oscar and Ollie but HE LOOKS LIKE AN ANGEL  Max: go away  Y/n: shut up, I watched you pine over Charles for months – let me have this  Max: carry on 
Arthur: I came up with a brilliant idea for a prank  Y/n: Ooh, what is it?  Arthur: We should kiss.  Y/n: …I don’t get it  Arthur: Think about it! Imagine Max and Charles come into the garage, only to find us making out, hands all over each other. You can sit in my lap and we’ll really just go to town. Max will be like “WHAAAAAAA” and Charles might even faint!  Y/n: Oh, that’s hilarious! We totally should 
Esteban: The math problem isn’t so hard, it’s just a simple repetition of-  Y/n (frustrated): You’re a simple repetition  Esteban:  Y/n:  Charles: Did Y/n really just hurt Esteban’s feelings  Max: I’m so freakin proud 
Y/n (googling): snake bite leg what to do  Google: elevate and apply pressure  Y/n (lifting the snake really high): apologize or else 
Y/n: with all due respect  Y/n: Y/n: which is none 
Toto: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? Kimi: Maybe a little tipsy?  George: Drunk.  Y/n: Wasted.  Lewis: Dead. 
Esteban: Could you at least try to be nice?  Y/n: You’re still breathing. That’s me being nice. 
Oscar: Hey do you have a bag I can borrow?  Zhou: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they’re specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence  Oscar: Literally all you had to do was say no 
Max (at Y/n’s funeral): Can I have a moment alone with her?  Arthur: Of course *leaves*  Max (leaning over the coffin): Now listen, I know you’re not dead  Y/n: no duh 
Y/n: Ow!  Oscar: You dislocated your shoulder. Want me to pop it back in?  Y/n (grimacing): Yeah…okay Oscar: All right, on 3….0, 1 *pops shoulder back in*  Y/n: MOTHERFU- WHO THE HELL STARTS AT 0 
Yuki: Hey Y/n, did you eat all the powdered donuts?  Y/n: …No?  Yuki: Then what’s that white powder on your pants Y/n (panicking): cocaine
Y/n: Max, I think you should play the role of my father  Max: I don’t want to be your father Y/n: That’s perfect. You already know your lines 
Lando: Can I be frank with you guys?  Y/n: I don’t know how changing your name is going to help us here, but sure?  Charles: Wait, can I still be Charles?  Oscar: Shh, let Frank speak. 
Lewis: I have a bad feeling about this.  Y/n: What do you mean?  Lewis: Don’t you ever have that little voice in your head that tells you if something is going to get you in trouble?  Y/n: no  Lewis: That explains so much 
Y/n: What do you call a fish with no eye (i)?  Oscar (not looking up from his book): myxine circifrons Y/n:  Y/n: fsh  
George: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?  Y/n: Figuratively or literally?  George: Y/n, honestly, the fact that I have to specify 
Mitch: I know you took the last Red Bull Y/n Y/n (internally): play dumb  Y/n: Who’s Y/n?  Y/n (internally): not that dumb! 
Y/n: Big mood  Fernando: What does that mean…big mood?  Y/n: Uh well, it kind of means like, me too, I guess  Fernando: Thanks 
*1 week later before a race in the rain* 
Oscar: I’m kind of worried about this race guys  Fernando: Big mood, Piastri, big mood  Oscar: Y/n what did you do? 
Charles: What’s worse than a DNF at a home race? Y/n: realizing that dragons can’t blow out their birthday candles  Charles:  Charles: mate 
Y/n: You know what? Underneath it all, you’re actually quite nice  Max: Repeat that disgusting slander and you’ll be hearing from my lawyers 
Carlos: Now that I have explained the answer to this problem to you for ten minutes, do you understand?  Y/n: Yes.  Carlos:…Are you lying to me?  Y/n: Yes. 
Christian: Y/n, it’s your turn to give the pre-race talk  Y/n (claps hands): Fuck shit up, hit some barriers, run Charles off the road, don’t die  Max (proudly): succinct and informative 
Max: The FIA really seems to hate us  Charles: Maybe they’re homophobic  Max: We’re not a couple Charles  Charles: We’re not  Y/n: You’re not? 
Vito: Why is Y/n in the bathroom on the floor crying?  Max: She’s drunk  Vito: And? Mitch: She heard that Arthur has a girlfriend  Vito:…but she is Arthur’s girlfriend  Max: Yeah, we know that 
Max (wears lighter skinny jeans and a brighter blue Red Bull polo) Y/n: I see you’re busting out the spring colors 
Oscar: How do you two normally get out of these types of messes?  Lando: We don’t.  Y/n: We just make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one 
*Valentines Day* 
Arthur (reading Y/n’s texts): Y/n just said she’s going to give me 102 minutes of pleasure tonight Max: Oh wow
*Later watching Cars 2* 
Y/n: You look disappointed 
Y/n: Chillax!  Oscar: that’s not a word  Y/n: Sometimes the ones who deny “chillax” are the ones who need to chillax the most
Y/n: You know, water is pretty crazy. It can boil you to death, freeze you to death, drown you, or spin your car out of control, throw you into the barriers and kill you. But you still need it to survive  Max: Y/n, I love you, but its 3 AM 
Christian: Y/n, a word.  Y/n: BALLOON 
Max: I have the sharpest memory! Name one time I forgot something  Y/n: You left Charles in a Walmart like three weeks ago  Max: I did that on purpose, try again 
Vito: Y/n isn’t answering her phone  Arthur: I’ll call  Vito: Max and I have both tried, along with everyone else on the grid. What make you think she’ll answer?  *Calls her anyway* Y/n: Hello? 
Y/n: Oi, where’s your boyfriend?  Max: Who?  Y/n: Charles, where is he?  Max: He’s not my boyfriend Y/n: Have you told him that? 
Fan: Max, what motivates you?  Max: My ambition and desire to push forward no matter what  Fan: Y/n, what about you?  Y/n: An unhealthy mix of spite, pettiness, the thirst for vengeance, and pure, relentless rage. That and a Red Bull in the morning 
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @fly-me-away @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @33-81 @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19 @lizzypiastri
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delfiore · 9 months
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pairing: ona batlle x fem!reader
synopsis: your start at barcelona is rockier than expected. luckily, you have ona there to support you through it.
word count: 4.3k
a/n: we're almost at the end guys final stretch!! this series is ending at part 5
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“I forgot how fucking dreadful press days are.”
You had just returned home from an entire day of cameras shoved in your face and smiling until your cheeks hurt. It didn’t help that you were nervous as hell at a new club and country. To say your battery was spent was an understatement.
“Well then don’t get used to it, 'cause I’d be happy not to do any of the work that got you here,” Toni answered on the video call.
“Fuck off,” you laughed. “I wanna stay here for a while. So, no need to worry.”
“Good. You deserve it, Y/N. You’ll do great.”
“Thank you for all that you do, Tones. I don’t thank you enough for putting up with me and my bullshit.”
“You can thank me by becoming top scorer this season?”
You grinned, “We’ll see.”
There was a different expectation of being a Barcelona player. You were presumed to integrate yourself into a team of champions and help prolong the club’s success.
These were high expectations, and with them came intensive physical and technical training. You had to adapt to a new style of play, new players with different sets of skills, not to mention having to settle into a whole new footballing culture. But you were where you are because you never backed down from a challenge, and this one was no exception.
It certainly helped that there were people you have played with at the club—Lucy, Keira, and, of course, Ona.
You felt her eyes on you as you finished a sprint on the training ground, slightly self-conscious as you were already sloppy and perspiring just from the warmup.
“Need some water, Y/L/N? You’re not already sweating, are you?” Lucy teased as she jogged past with a ball at her feet.
You pointed at the glaring sun. “Just gotta get used to the weather.”
“Well, ya better get used to it fast ‘cause I’m not gonna wait for you to catch up,” the English defender said before nutmegging you with a cackle.
“Oh, you’re fucking on!”
The laughter caught Ona’s attention. She looked over and saw you and Lucy fighting the ball off each other, your giggles rolling like a child’s yet your movements were fluid and expertly as if you were on the pitch. She couldn’t help but smile as her eyes followed your form, energized and youthful, your skin glistening under the sun.
The ball rolled to her, and she stopped it when the sole of her feet, before passing it back to you. Your giggles died down as you took the ball in your hands and tossed it over to Lucy.
“Hey,” you said with a lingering beam.
“Hi,” she returned your smile.
She lingered, watching the smile never leave your face as you jogged—practically bounced—over to Coach. You were much happier here, it was apparent. How could you not, when there is sunshine all year round in Barcelona? She could only hope she wasn’t the one to rain on your parade.
During a physical training drill involving two people, you were paired with her. Something about similar height and body weight, but she could only think about the way you were panting from the heat, and how you chugged your water like a parched man in the middle of the desert.
“Ready?” She smirked, handing the elastic band to you.
You huffed with a grin and put the band around your waist. “Don’t hold back.”
“Not planning on it.”
Somewhere along the session, Ona had forgotten all about her worries. Something had changed in you, or maybe she had never known the real you at all; the playful and charismatic part of you that you weren’t using to charm her, but it was just the way you were with people. It made her rue not cherishing you as you were before, and letting you slip through her fingers.
You were sprawled out on the grass like a starfish, heaving from the strenuous session. Several of your teammates were also on the ground, some sitting, some lying down as you were, so you didn’t feel too bad about being absolutely destroyed.
“You getting up anytime soon, partner?” A figure blocked the beaming rays of the sun, a short relief from the heat.
“Keep gloating,” you groaned and stood up, pulling your shirt up to wipe the sweat from your face. You knew your plan was working when you spotted her looking at your abdomen, your skin glowing and contoured in the light.
Hardly hiding your smirk, you grabbed a bottle of water, feeling a strange tightness in your thigh just as the session was brought to an end.
“Everyone, gather around,” Mapi waved her hands. “We’re hosting a little party to celebrate a new season at ours. Saturday night, 7 o’clock, BYOB, and a potluck vibe. Whatever you can bring, okay?”
“As long as there won’t be another fire like last time, we’re all good,” said Rolfö with a smirk.
“That was one time, okay? And it wasn’t even that bad,” Mapi protested.
“It almost burned your pretty little face off,” Pina teased.
“Hey, you alright?” You heard Ona whisper next to you. She must have noticed the way you were grimacing and grabbing at the back of your leg.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just feeling a little tight right here.” It was the spot in which your hamstring was injured a couple of years ago.
“Okay, let’s go to the physio,” Ona offered you her arm.
“Oh, it’s okay. I can find my way there.”
Ona hesitated. She suddenly realized how this must have looked for her; either an overly concerned and attentive teammate or an appropriately concerned and attentive lover.
“Do you . . . not want me to come with you?” She asked, her voice quiet and almost inaudible over Mapi frantically defending herself.
“Well, I . . . I don’t want to bother you.”
“It won’t be a bother,” she was astonished to know you thought you could ever bother her. “Promise.”
You nodded and walked with her to the physio quarters. All the while, Ona was walking a step behind you just in case you needed her assistance. When you arrived, a couple of the physios greeted you heartily in Catalan, and Ona was quick to jump in and translate when you looked at her for help.
“We’ve got a feeling this might happen, given her history with that hamstring injury. Tell her to lie down, I’ll have a look.”
You grimaced as the physio felt your thigh, digging his fingers into your flesh, your soft groans stirring a hidden part in Ona. There was a time when she was the one to dig her digits into your thighs. She knew you liked it when did because you would always make your pleasure known.
“He said you’ll be okay, Y/N. Just have to remember to stretch thoroughly before and after physical exercise.”
You sighed and pouted, as you rested your chin on your folded arms.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. I just came to a new club, I don’t want this to slow me down,” you blew air out of your mouth. “I just don’t wanna let anyone down.”
“You won’t, Y/N,” Ona took a stool and sat in front of you. “I know any club would be happy to have you at 70%, much less at your full capacity.”
You smiled and shook your head. “Is this your attempt at making me feel better after everything?”
Ona stuttered, gawking at your comment. Your grin never faltered, and you tilted your head, taunting her.
“I guess I deserved that,” she chuckled quietly, feeling warmth creep up her cheeks.
“I’m just kidding, Ona. I wanna get past it, really,” your eyes softened. “It was causing unnecessary stress and . . . I don’t wanna feel like that anymore.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry—”
“No, please. Don’t apologize anymore. I know you’re sorry.”
“Okay, sorry,” she cringed as soon as it came out. “Okay.”
“I want us to start over. As friends.” You said, extending a hand towards her, dangling it in front of her face. “After all, I feel like we should at least be friendly if we’re playing on the same team now, right?”
She wanted nothing more than to scream in your face and tell her how much she wanted you, how much she wanted to wake up in the morning and find you in the bed next to her, to make you coffee and hold you and kiss you and tell everyone on the team about it because she would be so proud to be yours, to tell you that there hasn’t been a day since she left Manchester that she didn’t wish she could go back and tell you how she really felt.
Instead, she nodded and took your hand. “Yeah, okay.”
It wasn’t just her decision anymore, it never was. And yet, she decided anyway and had to live with it.
As the season rolled on, you found yourself slipping sometimes. You would think about Ona and the time you spent together, but you also cherished what you had now. You were teammates, but you were also friends. You supported and helped each other during training and matches, just as good teammates should. Maybe it was easier that way, but you yearned to be close to her again.
Keira insisted that the best thing you could do was to go on dates and go on dates you did. You went on so many dates in the span of a month that all the faces seemed to have blurred together. A couple of them became one-night stands, but none turned out to be anything meaningful, not when you only had one person in the back of your mind, hard as you tried not to act on them.
They reminded you of Leena, how shitty you handled the situation by basically fleeing the country. You had called her a few times, and left a few messages, wanting to talk and apologize, but none of them were answered. You tried her Instagram, but she had blocked you on there too. You didn’t blame her, and maybe reaching out now was only giving you the closure you needed to move on, but you wanted to do it because you believed Leena deserved an apology for everything she’s done for you.
So you texted Gio, letting him know what happened. He wasn’t pleased when you told him, not exactly liking that you had disrespected his friend, but agreed to pass a message along.
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“Hello, Coach. Tough loss today. What do you think was the main factor in Barça’s defeat today?” “Well, it’s never fun to go through a loss, and we all have a lot of work to do. I can’t comment as to why we’ve lost—I’d have to watch it back—but we simply were not the better team today.” “What do you think of Y/N Y/L/N’s performance? There were several chances that she’s missed today, and she hasn’t made an impression at the club quite yet. Have you had any reassessments about this signing at all?” “To evaluate a player’s performance this early is simply unfair. Some players hit the ground running right away, but some don’t. It doesn’t mean they are doomed. Y/N has shown time and time again that she is a world-class player, and I have full faith that she will become an integral part of our squad.”
Barcelona hadn’t won in five games. It was starting to worry the board. You knew it was a team sport, and that if you lost, it meant multiple people were doing something wrong. But you started all five of those games, and you missed a lot of chances and passes. It made you think it was your fault somehow.
You turned off the press conference you were watching of Jonatan’s. Even though he didn’t show it, you knew he was stressed, trying to find a fault in the system. You wished you knew the answer, but you didn’t, because you were trying your best and it still didn’t seem to be good enough.
“Alright, girls.” Alexia clapped her hands together as she stood in the middle of the dressing room. “We lost. Big deal. Feel the sting, and let it pass over you. If you don’t, we might as well just give up on the title now. We can’t do that. We’re champions. The reason why we are is that we are strong enough to get back up, time and time again. That’s what makes us champions.”
Your eyes darted toward Ona sitting across the dressing room with her head in her hands. There were two goals out of the four the team conceded that came from the right flank, where Ona was covering. The moment those goals hit the net, you had the urge to yell, but seeing the way her shoulders sagged as she dejectedly looked away absolved you of any anger you felt.
You remembered the nights you spent consoling her over losses that could have gone either way. She blamed herself for every defeat she had suffered, finding every fault that she had contributed to, and today was no different.
“Hey,” you knelt in front of her.
She looked up at you, and you knew she had been crying from how red her face was.
You offered her a sad smile. “Look around you. There’s something worse than being sad, and that’s being alone and sad. You’re not alone.”
Placing a firm hand on her knee, you rubbed her skin softly. She laughed quietly, and you remembered how it was to kiss her. It was so long ago, but the traces of it still haunted you before you closed your eyes at night. It wouldn’t be good for either of you now. Plus, everyone was here.
“Did you just quote Ted Lasso at me?”
“Yeah, but he ain’t wrong.”
Looking around the room at the sullen faces of your teammates, you couldn’t help but feel grateful that they were all here, united by the same emotions. But you still couldn’t shake that gnawing feeling in your stomach that you might have been the problem. The moment you came to the club, Barcelona went on its worst streak in years? Was it the inevitability of a club’s success running its course, or that you had come in and fucked it all up? You knew the answer, of course, and you hated the anxiety that followed.
But you were Y/N Y/L/N, and you never backed down from a challenge, and it wouldn’t be fun if there were none.
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It felt like everything you were doing, it was all wrong. Jonatan had sent you in to utilize your dribbling, but you felt like every time you tried, the opposition would mercilessly cut you off. You felt helpless, seeing the way your teammates attempted to hide how annoyed they were you had lost possession again, this time from a quick pass to the flank from Aitana. You were subbed off halfway through the second half to make way for Salma, who managed to salvage a point with an equalizer later in the game.
You sat on the bench, watching your teammates fight on, feeling dejected and trying not to cry before you could get to the dressing room. Patri, who had also been subbed off, put her arm on your shoulder and rubbed it soothingly.
Whilst you were coming off, you heard boos coming from the stands, from Barça fans, calling you names, telling you to go back where you came from. You bit your lip, and kept your head down, so people wouldn’t see your tears and make fun of them too.
You excused yourself at the final whistle to find a bathroom you could hide in. Why was it so hard for you to receive those passes? You had never had trouble with passing before.
Looking in the mirror, you saw a face looking back with pity. But it wasn’t you, not really. It was the insecure child you were years ago, the one whose ambitions were driven by fear of abandonment. Her eyes were brimming with tears, her bottom lip jutting out and quivering, her chest rose and fell like she awaited the world to close in on her and swallow her whole.
Your breathing picked up, and you started pacing back and forth, breathing heavily out of your mouth. Your hands shook as you mumbled to yourself to get your shit together. The breaths you drew grew faster and shallower until you sunk to your knees on the cold tiles and wept. You didn’t know how long you were there. It could have been minutes, or hours until two arms wrapped around you tightly.
You looked up, panicked, but it was just Ona. Still, you stood up and walked away from her attempting to hide your tear-stained face, but she insisted, pulling you into her.
“It’s okay, Y/N.” She said, over and over. “Look at me.”
So you looked. You were so tired of fighting, you just wanted to go home. Her eyes darted back and forth between yours, hard at first trying to get you to stop being stubborn, but then they softened, seeing you fall apart like this.
“This feels oddly familiar, doesn’t it?” She said.
You sniffled, and let out a tearful laugh before launching yourself into her arms. She stood there holding you while you cried until you were too tired to continue.
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Winter could have come and gone in Barcelona and you would have never noticed. Still, the Catalans were big on Christmas, at least the ones you knew were. Everyone had been talking about their holiday plans, much of it involved big dinners surrounded by family and/or drinking until you passed out, but you thought about the vacation you would be taking somewhere warm. Mexico perhaps, the Maldives, or back to good ol’ Ibiza.
So when Ona invited you to come back to Vilassar de Mar to spend Christmas with her and her family, you had an important decision to make. You knew how it looked, but things were far from how they appeared between you. After that game away, you had found it easier to confide in Ona about things; little things, big things, it didn’t matter, Ona was always there to listen. In return, you lent her your ears and maybe a shoulder to lean on. You had almost become something like friends.
Ona’s childhood home was no grand castle, but it was warm and loving. Her parents and brother greeted you like you were family right from the moment you stepped through the door, taking your suitcase and jacket from you. Her father, claiming to be a big fan of yours, asked for your autograph and you could only happily indulge him.
“Please, our home is yours,” her mother said, leading you inside.
“Told you they could be a lot,” Ona murmured with a grin.
“What do you mean? I’m being treated like royalty! I’m not complaining,” you smirked and she rolled her eyes.
Her mother led you and Ona to her childhood bedroom, a small room littered with posters and trophies sitting on a shelf at the foot of her bed.
Just then, her mother gasped quietly as if remembering something, and spoke to Ona in Spanish. She stuttered for a few seconds, then turned to you. “My mom’s saying you could take this room and I’ll sleep in Joan’s. He’ll take the couch if that’s—”
“Oh, no, no, please. I feel bad enough that you guys are hosting me, I can’t just kick your brother out of his room.” You shook your head quickly. “I could sleep here if that’s okay.”
Ona nodded gingerly and relayed the message to her mother, who was fully understanding and left you both to unpack.
The door clicked shut, and you looked over to Ona, who had lifted the corner of her mouth looking back at you.
Aitana came to visit on the 23rd, claiming it was always a treat to hang at the Batlles because she always leaves well-fed. You could attest to that, as the dinners they served you were mouth-watering, and you found yourself thinking about the next one the moment you opened your eyes in the morning.
You had helped Ona’s mom with juicing some lemonade to bring out to everyone relaxing in the backyard or—in Ona and Aitana’s case—passing a football around. Quickly setting the lemonade down on the table—much to Mrs. Batlle’s dismay—you sprinted towards the girls and took the ball from Ona’s feet.
She stuck her tongue out at you and walked towards the table, taking a glass of lemonade for herself.
“Would it be so hard to admit to what you’re both denying yourself?”
You chuckled quietly at Aitana’s words. “It feels more like deprivation than denial.”
“Ona loves you, Y/N.” She said, watching Ona on the other side of the yard conversing with her brother.
“Did she tell you that?”
“I’ve known the girl ever since we were 15,” she shrugged. “And yes, she cried to me last year about you.”
You chuckled. “Well, the feeling is definitely mutual.”
“But . . . ?”
You glanced at her and sent a wordless smile, plopping your sunglasses back on before joining the Batlles for their daily lemonade. Aitana watched you to the table, picking up on Ona quickly handing you a glass, and brushing hair out of your eyes as you drank. Idiots, she thought, the both of them.
Looking back, there was not a single moment during your time in Vilassar de Mar that you weren’t holding your breath every time you were in the same room as Ona. It made you seek out her mom, and hang with her more than you did with Ona. You were also able to pick up some more Spanish, as it was the only way you could effectively communicate with her. You didn’t want to toot your own horn, but her mom did call you an aprendiz rápida, a fast learner.
“Your parents have outdone themselves once again,” you said, leaning against the window. “I wish I grew up with the stuff you guys eat here. Christmas would be so much more fun.”
“Did you like the caga tío too?” Ona grinned and took a seat on the edge of the bed.
“Best thing ever. It poops nougat!” You said excitedly and shook your head.
As your laughter died down, you could hear slurred singing and laughing outside the window somewhere down the street.
“I can’t remember the last time I was this happy,” you said, a ghost of a smile remaining on your lips.
Ona looked out the window, smiling too. “It’s why I always go home whenever I feel down. If I can’t go home, I’ll bring my family to me.” She was sitting next to you now, her arms folded and propped on her thighs. “You’re always welcome to visit. I’m sure they love you more than they love me now.”
“Well, I’d be surprised if they could resist my charm,” you grinned and pushed her shoulder. “I envy you, Ona. Your family’s fantastic.”
“You’ve never told me about your family before,” she said.
“Because there’s nothing to tell,” you shrugged. “Mom and Dad never really cared about me anyway. The only good thing they did for me was sign me up for football and let me leave home to go to my youth club.
They used to go to my games because they were obligated to. The moment I turned 18, they never felt the need. Sometimes I just want to win a game, then look into the stands and see them wearing my shirt, cheering me on, be proud of me.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Ona offered, bumping her knee against your own.
“Don’t be. If they’re not, you shouldn’t be,” you smiled sadly.
Your gaze shifted to her face, seeing the way she studied you, just like that day in the tunnel. Ona was an observer, and it was apparent whenever she was. It was why she was so good at the game; she absorbed like a sponge and repeated what she learned like it was nothing.
Her eyes darted back and forth between your own, and you smiled, watching her nuzzle into her arm, yet leaning in ever so gently.
"What are you doing?"
“Is this wise?” You raised an eyebrow at her, grinning.
“No,” her voice came out as barely a whisper, “but I know it’s not wrong.”
She was right. It shouldn’t be wrong to feel the way you did. From the beginning, it’s always been her.
You were depriving yourself of the one missing piece in your life, but you were afraid of getting hurt again. But you wanted to be loved so badly, and you didn’t want anyone else.
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ozimagines · 1 month
NSFW Alphabet with Chico Guerra…
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Nonexistent lol. He’s the kind of a guy who finishes and says “amazing, right?” afterwards. Upon request, he’ll let you out your head on his chest afterwards, and hold you. He’ll still be going on about how awesome he was but he’ll still hold you😂
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Can he say penis? He wants to say penis. Okay fine… he likes his hair. Long, coarse, black hair that he combs every morning to look like Don Juan.
On his partner. Hands, I think. Their hands and their touch. Loves feeling his partner’s hands on his chest and biceps and neck. Makes him feel like a man.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He calls it “the money shot”, as in “where do you want the money shot, baby?”. He’ll come anywhere. Faces and chests and backs and his favorite; deep, deep, inside someone, then watching it run out as they try to clean themselves up. Loves “signing” his work, as it were.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
None. Shut up. Don’t ask. (But like a finger in the ass never hurt anyone, right?)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s got his mile high card, collects positions like they’re Pokémon, and has had sex with more people than he could count on his and all his friends’ hands. Considers himself a sexpert.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Good old, doggy style. It’s a classic for a reason, right? Also a fan of reverse cowgirl. (Or cowboy, depending on his mood).
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s funniest when he’s not trying to be. Like, he’ll try to be serious and if you’re distracted during sex he’ll be like “umm… guess I’ll call you when I’m done.” 😂 Sarcastic fucker.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Yuh. In color, coarseness, and length. (Season 5 length not season 3😂)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Ha! Oh, wait… you were serious? If you catch him being romantic it’s because you CAUGHT him being romantic. Ask him to repeat it and he’ll be like “I said I can’t wait to screw you, I- shut up.”
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
His left arm should be twice the size of his right if jacking off counts as exercise. He’ll make a joke about shake-weights and you have to laugh EVERY TIME.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Pregnancy kink. You heard me. Doesn’t matter if his partner is able to get pregnant or not, he says “I’m gonna cum… and you’re gonna swell up with my baby” and you say “bet”. It’s not about realism, it’s about power and control.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
It’d be easier to tell you where he won’t do it; male bathrooms (thinks they’re too filthy), and schools (he’s had his share of high school wash room fucks, thank you.). Anywhere beyond that is fair game.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Any dirty talk. Like any whatsoever. Innuendos and shit.
“What do you want to do?”
“Mmmm… I dunno… what do you want to do?”
“I’ve got a hard problem… maybe you could help me with it?”
“The harder the better.”
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No age play. Gives him the creeps. Even if his partner is significantly younger than him he’ll make them pretend they aren’t. He’s no cradle/grave robber.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Obviously he prefers receiving oral. Like, duh, a mouth on his cock is pretty much guaranteeing a good weekend in his books. He is willing to be bribed into giving oral thought. Think he’s good at it just because he’s good at sex. “Are you done yet?”
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough, I think, and “slow and passionate” when he’s trying to will himself not to finish. He’s approaching forty, but someone tell his brain that.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies? He calls them speed runs. And yes, he approves. Usually when he’s high or busy, he’ll start kissing your neck and running his hands over your thighs and then declare; “15 minutes, any takers?”🙄😂
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Please, “risk” basically means Tuesday to this prick. Upside down, tied up, sideways, over a cliff, doesn’t matter. Risk only makes his heart beat faster, and when he finishes it feels like it might explode. He loves that feeling.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
I’m gonna call it two times to completion and a third time of “wait, give me a minute… c’mon… I’ll get there”. He’s getting older, with the sex stamina of a nineteen year old. He can’t always make himself perform the way he wants. That said… oral fixation? (Hello?)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don’t know if he owns anything besides the basic collar, riding crop, and handcuffs. (Idk what y’all are into but that’s pretty standard for me.) But I think if you own anything more out there that he’d jump and the chance for something new. Even if he doesn’t know how to use all of them. (Tried to tie you up with anal beads once; you never let him live it down.)😂
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Lol man doesn’t tease. He tries but he doesn’t have the patience for proper teasing so it comes off bratty😂. And god forbid you try to tease him. He’s got exactly zero patience for that.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Much a fan of sex sounds. Man’s is grunting and panting and groaning and growling the whole time. It’s like a damn cat in heat.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Switches to Spanish in the throes of passion. Doesn’t care if you understand a word. Lots of self affirmations. “Increíble, ¿verdad?”
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Broad shoulders, and a little hair on his chest. Masculine neck (idk how to explain that) and a decently sharp jaw. He has thinner arms and legs than others but they’re still toned. He’s dangerous when he needs to be. Now onto the fun bits… firm balls, average length, prominent head. I said what I said. Also trim but noticeable hair on his balls.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Omg yeah so this will be an all the time thing for him. If he says no it probably means he’s dying or something. His most horny times are in the morning and after work/mid afternoon. Lots and lots of afternoon sex. His average is five and a half jack offs a day so when he’s able to fuck he takes the opportunity.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Oh, when he’s spent, he’s spent. He’ll fall asleep in minutes or seconds, whatever his date allows. When he’s asleep, he’s a soft snorer. You’ll find where you couldn’t sleep with his noises before, now you can’t sleep without them.❤️
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thosewildcharms · 1 year
i was tagged by @theyarebothgunshot to talk about 8 shows to get to know me. thank you for tagging me! putting this under the cut because i ramble.
In no particular order:
1: the oc/gossip girl: yeah okay i’m cheating right off the bat by conflating these two but i don’t care it makes sense! besides being from the same creator/production team, i think in many ways they are natural inverses of each other (west coast/east coast, new money/old money, evolving beyond what people expect of you vs buying into your own propaganda etc). listen i am a sucker for teen dramas, always have been and always will be, and i think these two changed the game in a BIG way. neither are thee mothership of the genre (i think that goes to beverly hills 90210???) but they are both so compelling in different ways and i very often find myself thinking about them (also in very different ways) years after watching them, and subconsciously compare characters on other shows to the main cast of each and they always fall short (you will never be blair waldorf you will never be seth cohen etc). plus the soundtracks! incredible. i can talk about the oc in particular for days and how it has what every other teen show secretly needs (sandy cohen) but this is already too long and i need to shut up.
2. miranda (bbc): listen. LISTEN. i re-watch this show every year without fail. it is the ultimate cozy feel good show that also somehow punches me in the face with how much of an Experience it is. i can’t describe to you what it was like watching this silly little comedy for the first time, getting sucker punched so thoroughly (in the best way) over and over and then to finally have the most satisfying conclusion i could have imagined. references from this show take up a not-insignificant amount of my vocabulary and i quote it daily. it’s so good. i love it so much.
3. friday night lights: anyone who has watched this show knows why. it’s so hard to explain, it’s just good. as someone who has never given even the slightest shit about any sports game of any kind, i think the highest compliment i could give this show is that it made me cry about football more than once. the only people i know who don’t love this show simply have not seen it (actually, people don’t talk about this show enough anymore?? that’s so sad). when i think of my favorite shows, i always have to include fnl because it’s just so sincerely excellent. i own two fnl t-shirts and i will gush about it unprompted if you give me even the tiniest window to do so. texas forever, clear eyes full hearts etc. micheal b jordan you will always be vince howard to ME.
4. gilmore girls: this one actually surprises even me because i never talk about it on tumblr dot com lol but i literally have it on as background noise as i type and it’s almost always my default when i just want to put something on that’s comforting. it’s weird because i can’t really say i LIKE the show as a whole but it’s so cozy (at least the first five seasons) and i do have a LOT of opinions about it, but in a kind of low-stakes way where it’s fun to think about instead rage-inducing. it’s strangely enough, something i can talk about for hours (and often do) without even realizing it.
5. smallville: oh my god the way i was obsessed with this show in middle school lmaoo the way it’s not technically GOOD but also it kind of is? full disclosure i’ve only seen the last few seasons like, once but i used to have the first five or six seasons practically MEMORIZED. it’s a good time, and while i don’t know much about the superman comics (or any comics) it’s my....favorite? iteration of superman that i’ve seen? idk, i thought tom welling and kristin kreuk were the two most beautiful people i’ve ever seen in my life and i loved watching them make out. also michael rosembaum was an incredible lex luthor and i stand by that. i also find myself talking about this show a lot in real life.
6. lost: one thing about me is that i WILL go off about how the lost finale was good actually and NO they were not dead the entire time you idiot -  at any given opportunity. it IS one of the five petty, inconsequential hills i will die on. it’s a good show with a good and fitting ending FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. also sawyer/juliet supremacy their reunion scene in the finale is the scene i compare all other romantic scenes to. nothing compares. scene of all time.
7. hey arnold: i know it’s a cartoon shut up! but consider this: it’s beautiful and good. i legitimately watch it all the time because it’s so funny and melancholy and sad and smart and the soundtrack slaps. also finally getting the jungle movie (which was a conclusion to a HUGE cliffhanger from my childhood) was proof that sometimes you can get closure, actually! this happened before reboots became unnecessary and exhausting leave me alone
8. supernatural: i watched this show after thee november fifth and it accidentally became my whole personality. i don’t even know.
honorable mentions: selfie abc (if you haven’t heard me whine about how it’s the one show in the world i actually want a reboot for you simply haven’t known me long enough); my mad fat diary (i will be thinking about finn writing ‘i love you’ on rae’s back for the rest of my life), ugly betty (i just love it a lot)
tagging: @bisansastarks @buttobstacle @mmaddens @richonnies @dwcas, @coachlasso @wordybee @ilarual @hauntedpearl @burgundyshoes @someoldlady @that-gender-bender @bananaleaves @korralone and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it!
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goatsandgangsters · 1 year
I’m doing shadow and bone ep 5 on a Monday like some kind of rebel
bc I’m always like ~~ooooh I have to make an Occasion out of things, I have to make it Special, I can’t watch new things on just any old Monday. OR, I COULD STOP NOT DOING THINGS I WANT TO DO AND DO THEM. anyway, let’s proceed, I Want More Content Goddammit
previous liveblogs
I’m fine. it’s fine. I’m fine. I can cope. I can deal. I’m fine.
“we have to keep our demons at bay” WELL GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. I did cackle out loud like the dramatic-irony-loving bitch I am
also how come every time Alina gets a new boyfriend, one his family members tries to kill Mal? (I sense that this is more a. a plot-required relocating of the Mal and also b. Vasily is an idiot, but personally if I was a conniving little weasel I’d have gone with the angle of “oh look my bastard brother is going to have more bastard children because his fiancee is already having an affair” instead of like, relocating the evidence. just my two cents there, Vasya)
….this was NOT the bed that Wylan and Jesper were in last night, where the hell did they wake up
“Ravka needs saving” is the funniest possible way to intrude. like, there are characters that would DEFINITELY WORK on, but poor Wesper just like “and why the fuck do we care!!”
That’s a bold statement, Tamar, when you absolutely know he IS going to start reciting epic poetry to Zoya. it’s not even a question. it’s GOING to happen
sdkjkhsdkjghsdkg Baghra like “oh you’re all pathetic, nvm maybe my son should kill you”
LIKE. IS IT THAT DOMINIK? IS HE?? ALIVE???? OR IS HE JUST SOME RANDO NAMED AFTER NIKOLAI’S DEAD CHILDHOOD SWEETHEART?? I mean, happy for you Nikolai if your boyfriend’s alive, but him dying in your arms was kind of a formative moment for you so—oh. oh no. is it that dominik but he’s not DEAD YET?? are we about to have some nikolai’s-boyfriend on nikolai’s-boyfriend violence?
“THE PUPPY PRINCE” okay so we got one sobachka from his mother, and one sobachka from his mother-in-law
oh you’ll hammer him will you ;)
look, I know it’s a tense scene, but Baghra and Nikolai SNARKING at each other was my favorite scene in Ruin & Rising, so if I don’t get some quips between these two later on, I will be sad about it
(they’re not..... letting Paddy quip enough? which is really surprising, because my concern going in was that they’d reduce nikolai to “charming funny guy” and ignore his depth. and they’re doing depth in SPADES which I’m grateful about, but they’re not actually letting him do the Showmanship Exterior enough?) (I know this episode is A Particularly Tough Day For Him, Given Events, but just sort of overall) 
I don't hate it, but why is Jesper in a kilt
oh good, I’m glad they kept it in that Tatiana KNEW what the king was doing the whole time and Simply Did Not Care. don’t absolve her. fuck her. 
Daisy and Luke are SO good :3333 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I Am Softe
Tolya Jesper Relationship Advice is so funny
Wylan you can’t just run away holding merchandise, I don’t think you paid for it
Kaz really said “it’s just hot leaf juice” didn’t he
this entire cast is extraordinarily talented, but Freddy really is The Absolute Stand Out this season, he’s just incredible
APT!!! PUPIL!!!!!!
oh I see what Jessie meant when they said they borrowed some of Ben’s mannerisms, YOU DO LOVE TO SEE IT
“I’ve feared everything there is to fear,” yes we know, we’re all watching you get hit with the broken dam of 800 years of totally unprocessed trauma and Making It Everyone’s Problem
/KICKING MY FEET AND GO TEEHEEHEE aahhuuhhhhh fuuuuuuuuck we got an apt pupil scene we got an alina making that man’s sub hindbrain kick on the second alina showed him some attention we got a “problem with wanting” we got a version(™) of my faaaave sceeeeeeene
……I love that Mal just like. had this ENTIRE sidequest adventure of being kidnapped and court martialed and escaping, and we never saw a single second of it. it’s. like. a little funny. it wasn’t even plot relevant the way I thought it was going to be. like, all that just happened, off screen 
“You’re barreling through this” you SURE are, season 2. Mal like “I can barely keep up [with what book we’re in] *looks directly into the camera*”
“You just keep eating your walnuts” AND TOLYA LAUGHS awwwwwww he’s fond of Zoyaaaaa
I’m on Zoya’s side in the Nina argument, I’m just ambivalent towards Matthias, I’m sorry
………though Matthias Pekka Hellgate Drama might make things more interesting
Excuse me, I don’t think HE left the wound on the country. Just Fucking Saying. Maybe otkazat’sya should stop committing genocide, idk, how about that. how about that otkazat’sya fix their shit first. like, I’m sorry, your king’s a rapist, you have serfs, everyone lives in squalor while wealth and excess is concentrated in the extreme on just a few, you’ve got a two-front war going with countries that want to see an entire portion of your population eradicated and enslaved via magic drugs and medical experimentation. but sure! it’s the shadow wall that’s the wound in need of healing. okay. sure. I mean I don’t think trying to keep all your friends and your mom from getting murdered when your back is against the wall is like, a wound on your country, I think your country putting your pack to the wall in the first place is the wound, but anyway— 
whatever, I’ll just be over here hoping there’s some Grisha Theorist out there writing a piece called My Words to the Black Heretic Above the Fold: Performing Grisha Rage
iiiif you’re trying to make a metaphor for interpersonal abuse don’t use genocide as a backstory clap your hands. if you’re trying to make a metaphor for interpersonal abuse don’t use genocide as a backstory clap your hands! if you’re trying to make a metaphor, and you want it just about interpersonal shit, if you want to make a metaphor, don’t use sociopolitics-you-aren’t-equipped-to-handle clap your hands (okay, my syllables don’t line up, but you get my melody)
Jack is REALLY good and I’m glad they’re letting Jesper have depth this season and not just reducing him to the comedic sidekick
this is the first episode where I’ve been like eeeeeeeeh. so. season 1 had a rough front half, great back half? don’t tell me season 2 has a great front half, rough back half?
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rottmnt-honeybea · 4 months
Hello sorry to bother you with this all of sudden ,and this might be coming out of nowhere, and I’m not trying to force you or be pushy  I’m just trying to get more people into this show with great potential. You can ignore this if you want. If your not interested it’s fine but Have you heard of or watched moon girl and devil dinosaur? Season 2 premier happened
The main character I love she gives me autistic vibes I’m autistic. The show has interesting characters, action ,great music, and animation ,good themes and representation, Anime references, plenty of Sailor Moon references too it even has an eyecatch season 2 is going to be more story driven if you find that interesting. It also shares the same animation studio as rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
It be good if you also watch the season 2 episodes when they air so the ratings will be higher. 
I think Disney might be trying to sabotage the show with them dropping 14 episodes on Disney +  Feb 3 which has passed.and it’s only half of season 2. We have a week or two to binge it.They did similar with season 1 and the ratings where low ,please watch season 2 episodes when they air on. But more importantly also watch it on Disney + in feb and when they air it on YouTube. Unfortunately they dropped 14 episodes on Disney + so watch them all in a day if you can but also when they air the first time if you have cable.
I’m not just saying only cable just also. I’m saying please support this show. Despite that it still won 5 Emmys. Also if it’s no trouble could if it alright with you spread the word about this show to others you know like either online or irl. Time is limited!
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No worries about being pushy! Good shows deserve a spotlight!
And I L-O-V-E this show! It is so cute and funny but omg, y'all!
Since my last ask about this show I have gotten around to watching Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. I knew way back before that a lot of the same people who did Rise were working on it (which was a big factor as to why I wanted to watch it before, plus...dinosaurs...) so when I finally had the mental energy to watch it I BINGED it.
It was kind of like when I first started watching Rise where I kept going "am I seriously gonna watch this?" But i kept smiling and laughing and enjoying it so I kept watching!
And this isn't just a call to watch Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. This is a call to WATCH SHOWS WITH A STORY!!
Sooooo many networks want episodic episodes, meaning the conflict and resolution stay within that episode, because guess what? IT'S EASIER FOR THEM TO RERUN EPISODES THAT WAY!
If I recall correctly, it was around the time Ducktales was wrapping up (spring 2021 ish) that Disney came out and straight up said they didn't want to have shows with over arching stories. It made it hard to pull in new viewers because they'd have no clue what was going on. And I remember (at least in my online sphere of influence) people were FURIOUS!! Because episodic episodes meant there was no REAL character growth, no REAL reason to become invested in the characters or the world they lived in because everything could be resolved in 15 minutes or less!
You see it all the time in the Spongebobs of the world.
And, look, I get it, sometimes it works moving from episodic to serialized, but if it goes on and on and on for 22 seasons (again, looking at Spongebob) it gets tiring. It gets boring. It gets repetitive.
Also, don't get me wrong. I love a good Tom&Jerry or Courage the Cowardly Dog (although even that had call backs and with the premise of the show, it actually worked being episodic), but for stories with characters that these companies want us to invest in, they NEED to tell a story! There HAS to be growth!!
Sorry for the tangent, but since Moon Girl is doing more serialized story telling, I think it's really REALLY important the word gets out about this show!
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wafflesetc · 2 years
10x03 A Good Man: Waffles Thoughts
So, that happened. 
I’m going to preface this by sharing something that I said to a friend on Twitter. (Beth HI, I love discoursing with you!)  As a medium, TV is such a fascinating thing to watch and engage with because what I see isn’t what you see, even though we see the same thing. My observations and thoughts aren’t necessarily how someone else is going to infer something and receive it. 
Also, feel what you feel and think what you think. There’s no right or wrong here. No matter what, this hurts and cuts deep for people. Feel that, embrace it. Ten years worth of loving a character and half a decade loving a ship.. It’s a lot of time. 
At his core, Jay is a solider. He was a soldier in Afghanistan and then he joined the police. There are a lot of commonalities between being a solider and being a police officer... No they aren’t 100% the same, but as we know, Jay had a rough time once he got home stateside. The reason the cpd was good for him was it gave him a lot of the feeling back that he had when he was active duty. For most of his life, I really think Jay has been in fight or flight mode. He lost his mom, served in a war, a war that left him a fragmented man. He then joins the police and gets on the straight and narrow again, but as we all know, he sees the worst in the city.
He saw the worst that humanity has to offer in a war, to come home to see the worst his city has to offer. Yes, he’s trying to make the world a better place in both scenarios, and he did and does that, but the things he’s seen, they leave a mark on a person.
I have said this before but I am going to say it again. Jay Halstead is a man of his word. He took an oath to protect and serve his country. He fulfilled that duty. He swore an oath to protect the citizens of Chicago, and he did that. He made an oath- a vow- to love and protect Hailey Upton in both sorrow and in joy. His vows are the most important oath that man has made in his life and they WILL always be the most important words he has ever spoken. And Jay will go to the ends of the earth to keep and uphold those vows to the love of his life.
One thing I love about Jay is how human he is- we’ve seen it time and time again. He is flawed. He’s a man with a good heart, he loves his unit, his partner, and he’ll go to the ends of the earth to protect the ones he cares about.
We saw Jay walk a tight line back in season 5 and it led to him going down a PTSD spiral. Hailey was there to make sure he got the help he needed because she knew he needed help. More help than she could give him. She threatened to get a new partner because he wasn’t getting help. Hailey’s been his North Star since the very beginning of their partnership.
Hailey has also walked a tight line. We saw that back in S7 when she covered up evidence for Vanessa. Voight saw it too, sending her to New York to reminder her of the black and white- to get back to who she was- not who she was becoming. Because of New York, Hailey was stripped of everything that made her comfortable and feel safe. I truly believe because New York happened, both Jay and Hailey started to actually acknowledge their feelings for one another. Because she left, they were able to happen. Because she pushed him to go to therapy; he was the kind of man she deserved.
I know a lot of people didn’t like last nights episode. I didn’t love it, I didn’t hate it. Oddly, I went in with the expectation I wasn’t going to love or hate it, because Jay was leaving. I mean nothing is going to make that okay, ever. What I will say about the whole thing is it felt a bit rushed to me. I wish we had had two or three more episodes to explore this whole thing, the timing and pace was just a bit off, which is why I think I have this nagging feeling of being unsettled.
Jay Halstead is a good man. You can’t tell me that’s not true. People can make bad decisions, even with the best of intentions. I think that is where Jay was toeing the line. He was trying to uphold a soldier’s legacy, so his family would be taken care of. In the process of doing that, he started doing grey things- which isn’t who Jay is. But the reasons behind why he was doing what he was doing were screaming Jay to me. Jay had been walking a fine line for weeks, slithering and withering away right in front of Hailey’s eyes. An ocean was between them, when they were the closest they’ve ever been (married) they were also the furthest apart they’ve ever been. He’s not who he is- and it’s slowly starting to tear him apart.
I spent most of last night sending voice memos to @hillaryscotts, who also has an incredible post that you should go read. She’s got some fantastic points. But she was the one who I was spiraling about the NYC parallel to. I find it fascinating because Hailey was making those choices and she knew it was wrong to do what she was doing, but she chose to do it anyway. It was Voight’s decision to send her to NYC to remember to see in black and white again. Now parallel this to what was going on with Jay last night- what Jay was trying to do was a very Jay thing to do. I truly feel like in the moment, Jay thought he was doing the right thing. It wasn’t until after he acted in self defense and Hailey has her hands on his face that I think the gravity of who he was becoming- what he was doing- hits him. He was becoming a version of himself he never wanted to become, someone he didn’t know. A kind of man that wasn’t the one Hailey married- a kind of man that is too grey, for someone who’s been black and white for most of his life. It was Jay’s choice to take this job.
Growth is hard. It’s never easy. But I think that the fact that Jay realized how far gone he was from himself and made the choice to go and find himself again, speaks volumes to the kind of man we saw in 1x01. It also shows what kind of affect Hailey’s partnership, and what LOVING Hailey has had on him.
I am going back and forth on him not telling Hailey about the job offer first. On one hand, I hate that he didn’t. If you’re going to take an 8 month contract position overseas, you’d think you’d have the notion to talk to your wife about it. On the other hand as his partner she would have told him to go, as his wife, I could see her saying go, but I also think part of her would have asked him to stay and he would have done that for her. But he needs this. He needs it for them.
Hailey didn’t make the choice to go, but she went. Jay made this choice & is making it to better himself, to be the man he needs to be for her.
“Besides, I’m going where you go.”
“We’re good and we’re always gonna be good.”
“I’m not going anywhere Hailey, really I’m not.”
“Where you go, I go.”
These statements they have said to each other over the years are so powerful. And so telling.
Yes he’s physically leaving her at work. But those things that they say to each other, they go beyond work for them- they always have. Those words refer to *them* and their relationship. Jay isn’t leaving her, he’s not giving up on them. He’s going to find himself again because that’s the man that Hailey deserves.
The way he kissed her- he loves her with every fiber in his being. He’s a good man who is living up to his vows, y’all. And he’s doing it in a very Jay like fashion. They’re going to be okay, I firmly believe they’re story is only just beginning.
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zalrb · 7 months
I’m that same April/Arizona/Shane hate anon
When did you stop watching greys ? I’m only asking because I really enjoy your blog and POV and finally found someone who agrees that Arizona is terrible to Callie
I’m also curious if you’ve seen the part of greys where April and Jackson lose their first baby - it’s around the time Shane came in (season 9-11 I think)
Did you like Lexie ? I didn’t but disliking her is also unpopular. I don’t hate her l, I just don’t see her point. She’s cute with mark and they have a good relationship but character wise, she’s nothing special to me. When she came in season 4 as the daughter thatcher chose and raised instead of mer, I really disliked her just because at that point I was on Meredith’s side.
Also, do you remember Mer fighting with Cristina in s5 ? If so, whose side were u on ? Do you have an opinion on the mer and Cristina fight in s10 (I was totally on Meredith’s side on that btw)
It's funny because I recently rewatched the Cristina/Meredith fight in season 10 and I'm on Cristina's side 100%.
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These are valid points. She even says it has nothing to do with being a mother
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People get so wrapped up in her pointing out that Ellis never let up but her point was that because Meredith didn't want to be Ellis, which was valid, she let that --- at the time anyway --- affect her dedication to her work.
She didn't even say she was a bad surgeon, she just said that the two of them were in different places and they were and then Meredith twisted what Cristina said.
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because she never said she couldn't do that, she just said that she slowed down and her priorities were different and they were.
In terms of the printer, Meredith's research, yes, she got it for the hospital to complete her research and she needed to complete her phase before the end of the week to get funding but Cristina had an actual patient who was running out of options and she was doing everything she could to save the patient's life. That should take precedence.
People hate that Shane intervened but what he said wasn't wrong, Meredith did make it emotional, she did make it personal and that's something that Meredith does frequently
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and something Cristina had called her out about in their season 5 fight
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So, I was on Cristina's side.
In terms of their fight in season 5, I don't really know if I had a side because no matter how you slice it, they were both wrong. Like, I definitely thought Cristina was right to tell Meredith that all of them failed their interns but she didn't report them and I thought she should've been punished for that and the fact that she didn't report them isn't Meredith's responsibility. At the same time, Meredith was kind of acting holier than thou when her interns were also a part of the situation and as for her not having her back, she doesn't have to but I mean she had Izzie's in season 2 and for all of their talk about being each other's Person, I can see why Cristina would be pissed but again, it wasn't really about sides for me with that one.
I stopped watching Grey's when Cristina left, which I think is season 10 but after season 2 frankly, Grey's gets kind of fuzzy for me because it was strange, I'd find, like, two seasons trash and then one season really good and then the other season mediocre but with one or two really stand out episodes so I have to refresh my memory and I definitely won't really remember much minor/side characters like Shane.
I went through a phase where I caught up on Grey's through youtube vids of certain ships so I'm fairly certain I saw the whole devolution of Japril which included when they lost their first child because I remember when Jackson tried to comfort her and suggested trying for another baby and April freaks out and then I believe she leaves, right? and then she comes back and wants him back or something then they have another kid and then there's a whole custody thing or something because I remember Jackson tries to talk to her and she slams the door in his face or something and he kicks it or something and I was like whoa, Japril got really toxic in the time that I haven't been watching.
With Lexi, I just didn’t get the point of her. Every time she was onscreen I was just like, why are you here, what do you bring, what IS your personality, are you just the nice mousy girl who got to have a father in Thatcher and then get annoyed at Meredith when she has hangups about the life you got when he didn’t fight for her? Like who ARE you and why do I care about you? That was me every time she was onscreen. I mean, that’s also partially my thing, I don’t think I’m a very forgiving person so her insistence on being a part of Meredith’s life and begging her to give Thatcher a transplant because he was such a good father to her even though he wasn’t to Meredith just bothered me and she bothered me.
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valkyriesexual · 1 year
i got tagged in that thing about ‘post 8 shows to get to know me better’ which like... i feel like none of this makes any sense and i am dating myself here. but nevertheless.
1. buffy the vampire slayer (1997 - 2003). listen. it’s iconic. i have complicated feelings about it now, given everything we know about what the actresses went through on set with joss whedon, but at the time, it was formative. faith in the leather pants eating twizzlers in that apartment that the mayor put her up in is one of my earliest “oh i’m kinda gay” moments. belonging pt 2 still makes me cry. willow and tara. i’ll never be over it.
2. queer as folk (1999 - 2005) obviously, in the late 90s / early 2000s i was searching for queer rep anywhere i could find it.  we had just gotten direct tv, i think so my dad could watch the sopranos. little did he know, i was watching 30 year old brian fucking 18 year old justin taylor on the lowest tv volume possible after sneaking into the living room at 2 in the morning after everyone else had gone to bed. is it good representation? is it fucked up that the relationship that anchored the show was between a grown man and a teenager? i wasn’t thinking about it like that when i watched it.  i was just absolutely in awe. 
3. the l word (2004 - 2009) listen. if you watched the l word and wanted to bang shane, you were probably straight.  if you watched the l word and wanted to get railed by jennifer beals, you were just a mortal. if you watched the l word and wanted to be jenny schecter before she got that little dog... you were me. i may have been the only one in the world? i don’t know what that says about me.
4. charmed (og) (1998 - 2006) i watched charmed reruns literally every single day after school.  i adored charmed.  beautiful powerful women living in san francisco with the most bonkers late-90s / early 2000s fashion fighting demons? i was all in.  i remember my dad telling me that he thought holly marie combs was “plain looking” and i’m still offended.  Its been 25 years.
5. south of nowhere (2005 - 2008) i feel like i was the only person in the world who watched this show. it was on nickelodeon (???). it had 3 seasons. gabrielle christian moves from ohio to los angeles and falls in love with mandy musgrave. it disappeared and tbqh i can barely believe it aired when and where it did.
6. crazy ex girlfriend (2015 - 2019) a show about older ppl for an older me. i obviously relate a lot to a california attorney with a complicated relationship with her body and mental health struggles.  so. i stopped watching before the last season so i could continue to live in my fantasy world where rebecca was with nathaniel.  i know i’m in the minority, but i thought they were perfect together. the chemistry was off the charts. he matched her intellect. i loved it.
7. orange is the new black (2013 - 2020). i mean, it basically started off the rise of netflix’s original content, right? i mean, now, looking at how netflix treats their original content creators, it’s bad. but still.  and i think about danielle brooks saying "so I'm sitting there, bbq sauce on my tiddies" all the time. and i’ll never be over what they did to poussey. and how they handled it the next season by painting the killer corrections official as sympathetic. i didn’t watch anything after that season.
8. skins uk (2007-2013). this is another one that i have complicated feelings about, given what the now-adult actors have said about their experience filming the show as teens. the star power this show brought us though. dev patel. daniel kaluuya. jack o’connell. kaya scodelario. it was really something. i remember downloading it and watching it on my first laptop sitting on my fire escape and smoking as a college student and thinking that i was just so deep and grown up. how embarassing lmfao fml
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tiamatop · 11 months
Rewrite of the season 5 finale
The finale wasn't awful, yes, but its not the angst filled jelly doughnut I was expecting.
[Au where everything is the same Chat was actually in the last two episodes and not in a isolation deprivation chamber]
Chat coughed, the dust of broken brick and drywall filling his throat until every breath could only crawl out of his lungs. A strange feeling told him to check on his leg, and when he did the sight made him dizzy. His suit had done its best to protect him, but there was an odd swelling building up in his left calf, contained only by skin-tight latex. 
Ladybug. He swiveled around, looking for any glance of red that hadn’t turned a dark shade of rust. She could fix this, she could fix everything. 
Begging his body to move, he crawled along the floor, trying not to grimace at the occasional piece of rubble digging into his stomach. He just needed to find her… He just needed to…
“Marinette…” He heard a familiar small voice weeping behind a pile of debris, and panic built up in his chest. Had she somehow gotten caught up in this giant mess? Was she hurt? Was she-?
“Lady… Bug…?” The words slipped out his mouth but he didn’t feel them form. Instead, he felt bile rising up through the back of his throat and collapsed, vomiting as far away as he could. “L-ladybug-... I’m sorry.” He couldn’t even look at her.
She was unconscious, and for her sake, he was grateful for that. Although the heavy bruising and bleeding lips couldn’t take away the gracefulness of her face, what lay below was a contorted mess that contrasted her peaceful beauty uncannily. Skin, raw, even more raw than when Nino got in that biking accident that landed him a skin graft, pulsed unnaturally. In disjointed layers were part human flesh, part something else, peeling off in some places and unnaturally fused in others. 
Her breathing was so painful it hurt to listen to. He watched her chest rise and fall irregularly; her entire frame shook as if something was forcing her lungs and heart to keep pumping.
But the worst part was that she would not bleed. Instead, in whatever places she appeared to be wounded, something unnaturally black and red was squeezed in tightly, as if trying to replace her skin tissue entirely.
“Tikki.” He whispered, wiping his mouth with a shaking hand. “What is that? On her, on her, oh my God.” He watched in horror as he saw it move, no not move, slither into wherever there was an abscess of flesh and conjoin into her body.
“I… I’m not sure.” The kwami sobbed, holding onto her owner for dear life. “But the suit… something’s wrong. Something’s been wrong for a while. I think…I think it's trying to protect her.”
“WELL TELL IT TO DETRANSFORM.” He screamed at her, a ringing in his ears.
“I can’t… I can’t Chat Noir…” She sobbed, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Because I think- I think she’ll die without it.”
That stopped him in his tracks. “Is she…?” Chat took a tentative hand and examined her injuries. They hadn’t looked life-threatening before, just a grotesque combination of some knock-off Alien effects and a burn accident. But as he traced along an open wound near her upper stomach, his stomach dropped as he felt how deep it was. The ringing in his ears got louder.
“Oh my GOD!” He jumped back as he finally realized what that weird bump he’d been touching was. “That’s her- that’s her rib-.” He didn’t mean to sound so sure, secretly hoping it would be taken as a question so somebody could correct him about this sick joke. “So why is it…” 
Someone was laughing very loudly. The kind of laughter you’d hear from those mad scientists in 80’s films where some very fucked up human experiment was about to occur.
“Why is it… Polka-dotted…?” He grabbed his face with both hands, and realized the laughter stopped when he covered his face.
“The miraculous is trying its best, Chat Noir.” The familiar looked towards him pleadingly. “We can only trust it.”
He scrambled away, being only somewhat aware of something piercing his back. “I… Marinette…” He fought the urge to laugh again. 
He’d been so excited for the day when they’d reveal their identities to each other, finally able to be open with each other and celebrate their permanent victory. He’d sweep her off her feet and take her to the nicest cafe in town, watch the sunset together while eating ice cream, go dancing when the moon came out and the city was truly alive.
He didn’t feel like dancing now.
“Urghh…” A man’s voice in pain interrupted what little happy thoughts he had, and he grit his teeth realizing the source.
“Hawkmoth…” With what little strength he had left, he forced himself up by leaning on his pole. The source of all their troubles, their anger, their pain.
“HAWKMOTH!” He screamed at the collapsed room, trying to spot his arch-nemesis. “SHOW YOURSELF.”
A quiet bout of coughing was all he needed to locate him, and with a strong limp and enough fury to blot out the sun, he quickly spotted someone’s leg stuck under a chunk of broken roof.
His hands clenched his weapon tightly as he prepared to smite the next head he saw, until he saw the owner of the trapped body part.
The baton fell out of his hands.
“Dead? No, not yet. But you might as well finish the damn job. Nothing can repair what’s been lost at this point.” His father coughed again, this time poorly-disguised blood splattering the rubble around them.
“W-what?” Adrien couldn’t process anything that was going on.
“If you idiotic kids just let me make my wish, just let me fix this whole mess, all of this could’ve been avoided. Everything would’ve been perfect. My dear wife would’ve finally come back to me, healthy and strong. My rotting body, I would've thrown it away to achieve my dream. But now, there is no coming back from this.” He gestured towards the direction Chat had come from, and he could only turn around, horrified, as he spotted a painfully familiar slender hand, sticking out from a pile of rubble.
“No... It can't be..." His breathing started hitching, the room started to blur.
"Mom?” He hadn’t called out for mother in more than ten years. Why did it have to be like this?
“A-Adrien?” Gabriel Agreste’s usual steady voice broke at the realization. “No, it can’t be true. Not him, not him of all people. Turn around Chat Noir. Turn around and tell me-.” Adrien could hear him painfully hacking up more of his insides. “Turn around and tell me you are not my son.” He finished weakly.
Without a hesitant step, he faced his worst enemy once again, this time with a different feeling than just smothering anger.
“Plagg, claws off.”
Adrien had never heard his father cry before, not even at his mom’s funeral. He’d looked on with a disgruntled face like it’d been another task to finish in his impossibly busy schedule.
Biting his lip, he resisted the urge to ask him to stop weeping so loudly. It made him uncomfortable, along with making that unknown feeling in his chest ever more painful.
“Mourning, I’m mourning him.” The thought hit him like a dagger, digging deeper into his body until he didn’t want to pull it out.
He looked down to his leg, a flood of trapped gore finally released onto the floor, and got queasy at the sight of it.
“Just- Just wait here. I gotta call 112 so Ladybug can reverse all this-.”
“SHE CAN’T REVERSE THIS.” His dad screamed at him, eyes red behind his cracked glasses. “You should know this of all people. The ancient texts state that the Ladybug miraculous can reverse all things, all things except death.”
Adrien turned around, reaching out towards where his mother- his mother who’d been declared dead a decade ago- had apparently just been moments ago.
“I didn’t think I could lose a dead person twice.” He murmured, allowing his legs to finally buckle beneath him. “But I guess I’ve always had shit luck.”
“Adrien, with your miraculous and Ladybug’s, we could build a whole new world together. A world where we can be a family again." He struggled to stand up, half of his body crushed underneath the heavy debris. “A world with your mother back, a world where none of this happened, a world where we never know pain or grief.”
Feebly, he reached out and grabbed Adrien’s arm. “Don’t you want that? Don’t you want to make your mother happy?”
Adrien looked down for one second at the clasped, bleeding hand before pulling away, years of pent up frustration and rage bubbling up inside. 
“She WAS happy. I was happy. I still am.” He hated crying in front of adults, it always made them look at him like he was a child. “But you… you still couldn’t make your peace with it.”
“Adrien! Now is not the time to disrespect authority-.”
“I- For the past seventeen years, haven’t I been the perfect son? Haven’t I done every single fucking thing you ask me to do, no matter how extreme? Haven’t I laid down my happiness just so you can live your sick fantasy of-of God knows what! You have everything, father, you have money, you have an empire, you have Natalie, you have Gorilla, you… you had me. But it's MY life, and yet every time, like some kind of obsession, I HAD to do everything you said. But the worst part is-.” He swallowed dirty tears mixed with dust and grime. “Is that I didn’t care. I had no ambitions or dreams or whatever else normal kids have. I just had my parents, and when mom died, I just had you, Dad.”
“But you could have it all again, Adrien, you could make everything right! Just think of what life would be like with her back. Surely, son, we want the same thing.” The look on his face was so happily desperate it was sickening.
“Even if she did come back… Mom would be sorry to have such a pathetic, groveling, dependent parasite of a husband. You need her dad, but she doesn’t need you.”
The look on his face quickly turned to shocked anger. Adrien didn’t think he’d called his father anything worse than ‘bland’ in his entire life.
Adrien took his ring off and flung it towards his father. “Take it. Just fucking take it! But just know if you put that miraculous on, it's over. I’ll never come back home, with or without mom.” He glared deeply at the man before him, suddenly a stranger where a guardian had laid before. “In this world, dad, or the next.”
Without any hesitation, Gabriel grabbed the ring and shoved it onto a bleeding finger.
Adrien sighed, and stood to get up, despite the dizziness and exhaustion quickly catching up.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Gabriel glared at him and quickly reached for his hand, before a slow look of horror drew on his face. “My-my ring-.”
“You have a new one to replace it now, don’t you?” He snarled, before turning around and limping away.
“Adrien, you don’t understand, the ring, its-!” He didn’t bother waiting for him to finish, instead gazing around the room where his Ladybug lay on one side, and his crushed mother’s body lay on the other.
“Sorry mom. I miss you, I really do. But… But you can’t come back.” He bit his lip until he tasted blood before preparing himself for the grisly sight that was Ladybug. 
Now Marinette.
The mask on her face had been partly destroyed earlier, but now it was almost completely receded. A part of him wished that her identity was still a secret; it made him uneasy knowing that strong, confident, know-it-all Ladybug could be the sweet, innocent, and easy-going Marinette.
“112? An ambulance, please. Actually… make it two. Two critically injured, one a teenage girl and the other a middle-aged man. What type of injuries…?” Adrien furrowed his eyebrows. “Let’s go with all of the above.”
He sighed as he ended the call, before squatting down to keep a better eye on Marinette. Her breathing had slightly improved, although the miraculous had clearly warped her body more since he’d been gone. 
Looking down at a specific patch where skin and broken magic had welded together unnaturally, a moment of morbid curiosity took him as he cautiously reached down to graze it. What in the world was this thing doing to her? Was it the suit? Could his own suit do that to him as well.
As he grimaced at that thought, Marinette suddenly opened her eyes and sat up, coughing wildly as she took in excruciatingly dry breaths.
“Marinette!” Adrien exclaimed, part relief, part fear. “Take it easy, take it easy. Help is coming.”
“Wha…? Adrien?” Her pupils had a fuzzy look on them. “Where-, what’s going on…?”
“Everything’s fine, just relax, please.” He gently guided her to lay down once again. “How do you feel?”
“As great as I look, I suppose.” She was looking right at him, but her gaze was somewhere a million years away.  “Oh my God.”
She sat up straight once again. “Chat Noir… and- and- Hawk Moth, he’s-.”
“My dad? I know.” He forced a comforting smile on his face. “But it's alright, he’s-.”
“He’s going to die.” She finished, before collapsing once again.
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ladyimaginarium · 10 months
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1. Favorite Anime? Naruto, GANGSTA., Black Lagoon, Michiko to Hatchin, Ergo Proxy, Death Note, No.6, Shingeki no Kyojin would've made this list if it was written by Jewish writers bc my& mixed native jewish ass is conflicted w/ this one, Deadman Wonderland, I& haven't finished Tokyo Ghoul yet but it's really good, I& didn't finish Kuroshitsuji either but i& rly vibed w/ the aesthetic, BNHA was... ehhhh, okay, didn't really vibe w/ the whole ableist trope of "disabled coded character magically gets new powers or becomes abled" so I& dropped it, I& know for a fact that the animated ASOIAF stuff coming up is gonna make me& reverse shit myself&. all i& know is that if the books were animated that would fix me&. 2. Your Worst Anime? Can't rly think of any tbh, I'm& picky, the closest I& could think of was the Boruto series. Mostly bc it basically destroyed any kind of development in Shippuden & shit just doesn't make sense & not to mention it slaughters Sasuke's character & just the entire female cast as a whole which im& not even gonna get into for the sake of my& own sanity. lmao 3. Do you read the Manga that go with the Anime you watch? Usually yeah but I like to keep these separate tbh. I read the manga only if I know that the anime won’t get a second season and I’m still interested in what happens next. Anyway, in short, I bother with the manga only if I really love the anime ie gangsta & naruto but I& can't watch or read long series anymore due to adhd & spoonie reasons lmao 4. Favorite Genres? action, supernatural, fantasy, science fiction, comedy, horror, psychological. 5. Least Favorite Genres? Harem mostly bc the dudes are so lame & basic lmao 6. Favorite Character? Erica ( GANGSTA. ), Beretta ( GANGSTA. ), the Benriya trio ( GANGSTA. ), basically the entire Second & Third Destroyers regiments ( GANGSTA. ), basically the entire Akatsuki ( Naruto ), basically any of the founders ( Naruto ), any of the jinchuriki & tailed beasts/bijuu ( my& plural ass vibed w/ them so hard & i& didnt even know i& was plural at the time lmao ), Michiko Malandro ( what do u think lmao ), Nezumi ( No.6 ), Uchiha Madara ( Naruto; he really is That Black Air Force Energy Icon ) Eren Jaeger (snk; LISTEN HE'S MY& INSYS BF IM& CHEATING OKAY ), Mihael Kheel / Mello ( Death Note; g-d he's so fucking iconic ), Misa Amane ( Death Note ), L Lawliet ( Death Note; aro autistic mf represent ) Marco Adriano ( GANGSTA. ), Rebecca Lee / Revy ( Black Lagoon; she could beat my& ass & i'd& thank her lmao ), Eda ( Black Lagoon; smth about a nun w/ a gun who dresses up like a bimbo at night but is actually a cia agent makes me& go WOOF WOOF BARK BARK ). others im& def forgetting lmao 7. Least Favorite Character? bitch idk 8. Qualities you like in a Character? Kindhearted, caring, badass, strong-willed, cheeky, has deadpan sense of humor. women who can beat my& ass. poor little meow meows. 9. Short or Long anime? Short these days. I& litcherally Cannot watch longer anime. naruto was my& first long anime & it'll likely be my& last lmao 10. Anime or Manga? I procrastinate both but I guess manga, mostly because I can read it without fearing that the plot will go to shit  11. How do you choose the anime you watch? If it has pretty art, if the aesthetic is pretty, if my& friends watch it 12. Skip or listen to Intros/Outros? I usually always listen. I& literally never skip Naruto, Black Lagoon or the GANGSTA. openings & EDs 13. How do you cope if your friends or family don’t like you watching anime? most ppl around me& like anime but if they don't i& dont give a fuck?? like. why the fuck should i& care what other ppl think lmfao 14. Do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it? I& sometimes drop anime for no reason whatsoever. lmao It’s a waste of time if it doesn’t hold your attention, let alone if you don’t like it. it's somewhat what happened w/ bnha as explained above. i& just really dislike that trope as a disabled & neurodivergent system lmao 15. Who are you tagging to do this? @librastrai @dethqveen @abri-chan & whoever else wants to do this !!
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fvckyouimaprophet · 10 months
5 most underrated ships (in any of your fandoms).
Tumblr ate my response when I was mostly done with it. 😔 Not in any order.
Harry Potter: Pansy/Ginny. I love Luna/Ginny, but the enemies-to-lovers vibes of Ginsy is just impossible to resist. And Linny can be too nice. Like fluff is nice and all, but we need some conflict. Also, all femslash is underrated in the HP fandom lmao.
The L Word: I wrote out three other ships from The L Word first and deleted all of them (Jodi/Bette, Shane/Molly, and Jenny/Max). But even though all of those are underrated, I’m gonna have to go with Ivan/Kit. Ivan dancing to I’m Your Man… I melt just thinking about it.
Battlestar Galactica: Every ship in BSG is underrated because I know like 3 people I can talk to about that show, but Athena and Helo’s love story is next level. He put his life on the line for her, defended her as well as all Cylons from extinction. The biggest wife guy you’re ever going to meet.
Yellowjackets: Is it my favorite ship? No. Not even necessarily for each of those characters. But why do I not see more people discussing TaiShauna? Shauna trusts no one, but she trusts Tai? The way Tai is there for her when she wants to have an abortion, no questions asked. Even in the pilot, when they speak at the diner or wherever, there’s a spark of chemistry between them!
Riverdale: Look, I have to. I started watching Riverdale in 2017, and it ends next week. I’ve never watched 6 years of TV live, and the fact that it’s this show is… uh. Yeah. But I did, and I cried during the last episode, and I can’t believe the finale is next week. My big ships for it are Betty/Jughead and Cheryl/Toni, which are both among the largest. But underrated, I think that Betty has chemistry with every goddamn woman. And since Betty/Veronica isn’t exactly underrated, I’ll say Betty/Tabitha. I wrote a fic of them! They were cute! Also, I didn’t ship them, but the fatphobia really came through with the treatment of Ethel (all the other girls are talking about/having sex all episode long, and when we finally see Ethel’s fantasy, she is getting kissed on the cheek???), but they should have committed in the last season and had Ethel and Jughead date for some period of time since they threw everyone else together. If Reggie/Archie, Betty/Veronica, and Kevin’s fucking cop dad/Archie’s goddamn miserable homophobic uncle could all get their moments, why couldn’t Ethel and Jughead?
Ask me my top 5 anything.
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staytinyville · 2 years
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part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 PART 5
Reiner Braun Soulmate AU
- Soulmate AU (childhood friends to lovers. afab!reader. The entire chapter is flashbacks. Soft!Reiner. Depressed!Reiner. Clueless Children.)
cw: Season Four Spoilers (specifically episode 3 : The Door of Hope)
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Just do what you have to. Keep moving forward. That's all we can do. You're gonna butcher all the titans, right? I'm sure you can do it.
"I, Reiner Braun, take you, (y/n) (l/n), to be my beloved wife. To have and to hold, to honor you, to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish you always." Reiner took a pause, hands shaking as he tried to place the ring on (y/n)'s fingers. "I promise you this from my heart, for all of my days."
He held her hands in a scared manner, thinking over the last of his vows and how much of a heavy meaning they held. They didn't want to comment on it, they just wanted to live in the moment they were in. 
"I, (y/n) (l/n), take you, Reiner Braun, to be my beloved husband. To have and to hold, to honor you, to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish you always. I promise you this from my heart, for all of my days."
The girl pulled Reiner's ring onto his finger, clenching tightly onto the hand as her nervousness caused them to shake. 
It was just them, covered by the moon light, outside the internment zone. They had decided on a small park, trees surrounding them. They were 18, barely adults, but they had nothing to lose. Reiner had so much left to live. He wanted to make it count, wanted to experience the most he could with the girl he loved; wanted her to experience it as well. 
Should he have told her it was best to move on? Find a better life that was outside of him? 
Of course. 
But he had spent the last 5 years risking his life for a country that doesn't even treat his people right. He had every right to be selfish. It was just something he wanted to do before he left the world. He wanted to feel something. 
Reiner looked down at (y/n), her eyes filling with tears as her smile was shaky. He felt a thump in his chest, his heart skipping a beat looking at her. There was so much love in her eyes, the moonlight on accentuating it more.
"I do." Reiner whispered to himself, saying it to any higher being who was listening. 
"I do." (y/n) said it back, holding onto Reiner's hands that were on her cheeks. 
No one was there to reverend the ceremony; the two adults doing it on their own and memorizing their vows. 
There was a small tick in their heads, one saying: you may now kiss the bride. 
And kiss her he did. 
(Y/n) sniffled, trying so hard not to let the tears fall from her cheeks and ruin their kiss. Wind suddenly blew through their clothing, the fabric shifting along the air. When the couple pulled away, they stayed a breath away; just feeling content with each other's closeness. 
"Are you sure about this?" Reiner asked her, his voice a whisper as he was scared of having her leave now. 
"With you?" (Y/n) told him. "Always."
(Y/n) was writing down notes at her desk, the yells of Commander Magath being heard outside from the window. She stared down at the papers that were given to her; a list of the candidates that would go to the last stage of Titan selection. 
Gabi Braun was one of them. Of course she was, she was exactly like her cousin. Such a common thing with the Braun's. 
Reiner was standing at the window, watching the kids train out in the courtyard. He had walked into the office with the other Military officers; a meeting being held for the candidates that would be selected to stay. Magath had already left the room, quickly turning up at the courtyard to look at the kids. 
"(Y/n), do you want kids one day?" Reiner suddenly asked, watching the kids run around. 
"Are you asking me as my husband or as a warrior?" (Y/n) paused, turning her head to look at the man. He didn't look at her, he had a blank look on his face, seemingly trying hard to focus. The woman sighed, crossing her arms over her desk. 
"As a wife, isn't it a duty to give you a child?" She asked him. 
"I don't want you to think it's a duty." Reiner said, finally turning to look at her. 
"With you it's not." She tried to reassure him. "Having someone who's half you would make everything go away. They are created from our love."
She had a dazed look to her eyes, seemingly feeling content with the idea of having someone who looked like Reiner. She suddenly took a deep breath in, coming back down from her fantasy.
"As the Warrior Unit Advisor, starting a family is pointless. You are going to die for this country anyways. Why leave a poor child without a parent?"
"I guess you're right." Reiner paused, looking back over towards the window. 
"Yes." Her voice was much closer, Reiner flinching a bit as hands wrapped around his torso.  "Lucky you, I am your wife."
"You want to do that?" Reiner asked incredulously, grabbing onto (Y/n)'s arms and looking at her. "You want to risk everything, just to have a kid with me?"
"What am I risking?" (Y/n) pulled away from him. "I'm already married to you."
"But no one knows you are." Reiner suddenly spoke, looking away from the girl and around the room.  "What would you tell your parents? I came back from that mission as a failure. I'm not a hero. I didn't get to buy a house that we could live in."
"Look at me, Reiner." (Y/n) pulled on his arms, forcing him to turn. She raised a hand to his cheek, giving his one hand a squeeze. "I don't care if you didn't get the founding titan. You are still my soulmate. You're still going to be the person I love. I'm already 20, I need to make a life of my own outside of my family."
"But you're gonna end up doing it alone! I would love to support you, care for both of you. But if I leave you're gonna be left alone."
"And that's just something I'm going to have to get used to. You made it this far Reiner, don't give up on me now. Not when this is the one way I can have you left with me."
"You're being selfish." He told her, trying to find any form of hurt on (Y/n)'s face.
"Weren't you when you asked me to marry you?" She asked him.
"We are rushing. It's a terrible thing to do." She pulled his head down, placing her forehead against his. "But what does it matter if we already know that our love isn't going to go anywhere? Even if you leave, and I grow old. You, Reiner Braun, will be my one and only love." 
Reiner sighed, but still closed his eyes and placed his lips on the girl's. She gave him a smile, hand slowly falling onto his neck to be pulled closer. He wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her. 
Though the couple was quick to pull away, a sudden yelp from the door startled the two. They turned wide eyed, facing the little 11 year old who had barged into the office. 
"I'm sorry!" Falco Grice shouted. "I didn't mean to!"
He turned around about to run out the office, when Reiner called for him. 
"Falco, wait!" The man said, running to the door to shove the boy back in. 
"I won't tell anyone!" Falco cried, trying to stop Reiner from shoving him onto a chair. "I swear!"
 "Falco, we know you won't." (Y/n) sighed. "Calm down."
Falco looked between the two adults, still anxious that he would get in trouble. His eyes landed on (Y/n), her arms crossed as she leaned against her desk. His eyes landed on her hand, the wedding band he knew she wore on display.
"I thought you said you were married!" Falco asked incredulously. "I always see you telling the other army generals you are" 
"Because I am." (Y/n) told the boy. "To Reiner."
"But you're Marleyan?" Falco said. He looked between the woman in front of him and the much bigger man behind him. His face was much more stern, his usual scowl on his face.
"Love doesn't really have a limit." (Y/n) told him.  "You find it in whoever it wants you to find."
"You're a sweet boy, Falco." (Y/n) sighed. "There is no need to worry about us getting mad at you."
"Unless you do tell." Reiner told the boy, hand quickly falling onto his head. "In which case, I'm going to have to eat you." 
"Reiner! Don't traumatize the boy." (Y/n) scold him, the man laughing at his joke. (Y/n) gave him a half-assed glare, moving to hold onto Falco's hands and wiping away at some tears that fell from his scare. 
 "The Marleyan army will already be doing that for him." (Y/n) joked, glancing down at the boys hands. She tilted her head, eyebrows pulling together when she noticed a small mark on the boy's left hand.
"Falco?" She asked.  "What is this?"
She rubbed at the mark, trying to make sure it was the exact same one she had. 
"I don't know."The boy answered. "I've had that for years now. Doctors said it was probably just a mark from training or something."
"No." (Y/n) smiled somberly. "No, I don't think it is." 
"What is it?" Falco asked with a curious tone. 
"That's for another time." (Y/n) patted his knees, standing up from crouching over the boy. "Now, you came in for a reason. What did you need?"
"Falco! Have you seen Reiner?" (Y/n) asked the boy, walking up to him after she had caught him banging on the wall of the Warrior building. 
"Are you alright?" She asked, hand rubbing his face in a motherly way. 
"Yeah, I'm fine." Falco smiled softly, subtly falling into her affectionate touch. "I haven't seen Reiner. I was about to go home."
"Ah, I'll accompany you then." (Y/n) smiled at him, the boy only looking at her wide eyed. 
"You don't have to! I'm sure you should be going home now! It's getting late." He tried to reason with her. 
"It's alright. I'm gonna stay in the internment zone tonight anyways." Falco frowned, beginning his journey home as the woman followed behind him. 
"Ah, I don't think I should be telling you why." She laughed.
"Right." Falco's face flushed, looking down at the ground. 
“That's right. I still have...them.”
The two citizens continued their walk into the internment zone, Falco leading the way to his home as they passed by the mental hospital. 
(Y/n) paused, watching as the boy took a look into the fenced in area. She waited patiently, hands clasped together. 
"The hospital."
"Hey!" Both Falco and (Y/n) turned, noticing a man with long hair waving at Falco from a bench. 
"So you're able to talk now, huh?" Falco spoke, sitting down next to the legless man. "Guess that means you're recovering?"
"This place is for treating psychological wounds, but mine are fake."
(Y/n) frowned her eyebrows, looking at the man. She felt out of place, rubbing her arms in anxiousness.  
"I said I forgot where I came from due to amnesia, but I just don't wanna go back." The guy spoke, looking down at the floor. "I'm not quite ready to face my family yet" 
"Will you report me?" He asked, after pausing for a bit.
"No, I wouldn't do that." Falco told him. The two men turned to look at (Y/n), the girl suddenly shocked to have them both staring at her. 
"I-it's none of my business." (Y/n) spoke. "Sometimes families can be hard to face."
"You don't have an armband." The man squinted, looking back up at her face to try and understand who she was. 
"I don't need one." She told him. She took a breath, staring down at his green eyes. They looked full of life, but also without a soul at the same time. She was uncomfortable, feeling as though he was looking straight through her.
"I'll wait for you outside." She turned to the boy. "Okay, Falco?"
The boy gave her a nod, going back to talking with the mental ward patient as (Y/n) went to stand outside the fence. It was a short talk, one she didn't hear but the boy came out with courtyard, an envelope in his hands. 
"I have to go back to HQ. Do you mind?"
"Not at all." (Y/n) told him, patting his head as they began their trek back to the Warrior Unit. As they came out closer to the building, (Y/n) smiled, watching Reiner walk up to them in the distance. 
"What are you two doing out this late?" Reiner asked, glancing worriedly at (Y/n) who stood behind him.
"I left something back at HQ."The boy told the man. "You can take, Miss (l/n) home. I'll see you guys later."
He ran off, waving behind him at the couple. 
"What was that about?" 
"I couldn't tell you." (Y/n) laughed. "But I can tell you something very exciting."
She took his hand in hers, giving him a smile, as she placed the other on her stomach. Reiner wanted to cry, looking over his wife. He thought about ending his life; leaving the one thing that kept him sane. 
"Hey don't cry!" (Y/n) laughed, pulling Reiner off the side to keep away from prying eyes. She wiped at his cheeks, quickly catching any tear that fell. 
"Everything is gonna turn out alright!" She gave him a small smile. "For both of us."
"We're gonna make it. You're gonna make it. I'm sure you can do it."
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@rosec0urtz @quirked-catastrophe
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sonicysuchillydog · 11 months
i just watched this movie called grey met shrek it was really good. you seem like a pushover, can you write me a genshin au of it? i like teppei, signora, il dottore, and sucrose so you can just write whatever you want as long as it's exactly what i requested. can you make kokomi the boss/detective guy who tries to zoom in on the cctv by taking a picture of it with his phone? i'll be waiting.
Wait no more as I, your beloved grey meets shrek conosseur decided to answer your request. But you called me a pushover so I am choosing whoever I want, take it or leave it <3:
- Sucrose is being chased by the shogunate for stealing scientific specimens from their secret labs or whatever .
It's up to you to find dottore and signora. Kokomi can do all that in your head
“Turn on the engine”
Teppei sat still as a random girl entered the van he was about to steal
Her anxious tone instilled his fight or flight senses, finally snapping him out of the paralyzed state and fueling both of his feet with pure adrenaline as he pressed the brake and gas pedal.
Because of the adrenaline rush, the moment he tries to drive away from the parking lot results in a disaster, hitting the car in front of him in the process. But none of that really mattered, it wasn't his car anyway, and this was not his van either so it was okay.
He continued to drive as fast as possible through the streets of inazuma, avoiding people right and left and barely saving the poor pedestrians from being sent to a different world if only Teppei wasn't such an expert driver.
It was also kinda impressive since this was his first time driving a van, if it weren't because of the rich woman with magnificent assets left her keys inside, none of this would have happened, he felt extremely lucky
After avoiding the 5th person in a row and hitting a weird man with a mask on half of his face, they finally hit the entrance to the freeway and Teppei feels a little relieved now that he can speed up without worrying about pedestrians getting in his way. He finally takes a minute to assess the situation and turns for a second to his left to look at the girl who so frantically ordered him to leave the city. She had minty green hair and glasses, definitely not from around those parts, a tourist maybe? They tend to get a lot of them during the summer season.
“Not from around here huh? Are you on vacation? With like your boyfriend or something?”
The girl stayed quiet as she hugged a small box in her arms, avoiding any sort of eye contact with the driver
“Went shopping I see? Yeah, prices in Narukami are a little bit higher than the other islands but good for you, I can recommend you some places if you want”
“You should watch where you’re going, you’re driving”
Teppei immediately shut down and locked his eyes on the road embarrassed by her comment. Who did she think she was? Talking to an ex-co-assistant from the scientific research group of Watatsumi island like that? The audacity to disrespect such an important public figure like that was incredible, but he stayed calm, choosing to be the better person in this weird situation.
“You know, it’s dangerous to enter a stranger's car in a foreign city, you’re lucky I’m a kind man and not one of those creeps out there”
He said as he started to look around the drivers items with his hand until he grabbed a water bottle.
“Here you can have this”
Said Teppei as he threw the bottle to the girl who completely missed it. Once recovered, she stared at the item for a minute, then quickly scanned the man next to her while squinting and fixing her glasses in a way to show her level of distrust towards this random stranger she just met. Next thing she opened her backpack and grabbed some sort of CSI special kit, like one from those kid laboratory sets in miniature.
Teppei stared at her for 5 seconds when possible as she opened the water bottle and started to pour some of it inside a long tube with lines and numbers on it, to then fill it with another funny looking liquid.
“Alright, safe enough”
She said a few minutes later and proceeded to drink from it, gurgling it down at once in less than 3 minutes.
"Huh, um glad you're not thirsty anymore-"
"Y-yes, um don't want to be too pushy but can you hurry up? I'm in a lot of rush I need to get somewhere like, right now"
There she was again, with her (disrespectful) tone, but once again, Teppei chose to calm down
"In a rush? Where do you need to go so bad to?"
"T-the uhh the bathroom! I need a toilet and you are not driving fast enough"
Teppei chuckled and pointed at the plastic bottle in her hands.
"Well you got a toilet right there, just go in the back and do it"
Sucrose couldn't believe the words that just came out off this rowdy man's mouth.
"I'm sorry"
She tried to reach for the steering wheel as Teppei fought back trying to keep the vehicle on the right side of the road.
"Are you insane?? We're going to crash like this, okay look I'll take you to a restroom but only if you do me this big favor"
Sucrose locked eyes with him
"And why should I do that?"
"Because otherwise you'll become one of the many people who came to Inazuma urinated"
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