#I’m listening to Skyfall right now
quibbs126 · 1 year
I’m pretty sure I’m only going to pass a single class this semester. I mean thankfully it’s the one that’s worth the most credit hours, about equal to the other two combined, but still. I dropped the other two classes I knew I wasn’t going to do good in, and I’m going to do them during the summer
They say freshman year is the most important year, and I wasted it. I wasted it all. Especially this semester
And it’s all because I’m so lazy. Like, for example, for that one class, we need to read books, and even though I didn’t really read the books for the last two exams and still did well, just following the notes, I had a much harder time following the professor this round, given he was just blazing through the stuff faster than I could write, so I need to get them to fully understand the books. And they aren’t public domain or anything, so I can’t just read them for free online. Anyways, so I can’t find them in the library (or at least ones that aren’t already checked out), and so I was going to check out book stores for them. There’s one close by (I say that, but it’s a 30 minute walk), and it probably has the books, and I told myself Tuesday that I would go get them. It’s Thursday night and I still haven’t bothered to go get them. It’s not hard, I just can’t be bothered to get up and do it
And honestly, it’s been getting harder to do just basic things. It takes so much effort for me to leave my room for something other than classes, even for food. It takes so much effort to do my laundry, only doing it once my sink ledge gets too piled up because I only have one place to put it. It takes so much effort to clean my floors, despite me wanting to do so. It takes so much effort to take a shower, despite knowing I need one. I won’t call my parents because it’s just too much effort. At first it was because I just didn’t want to address me not doing my driving training, but then it just became that I couldn’t be bothered. It takes so much effort to get out of bed. Last semester, I really liked taking walks, and I’d go around 6, my alarm waking me up at 5:30 to give me plenty of time. Now, I don’t get out of my bed until at least 6:30. At first, I didn’t take them because it was winter and all I had was a not particularly thick sweater, and I’d rather not spend an hour in the cold. As time went on though, I just couldn’t be bothered. And when I go up to my bed, mostly because it’s the most comfortable area in my dorm, it takes so much effort for me to just get down
And it takes far too much effort for me to just do my homework. At first this semester, it was just that I forgot, but no big deal, it’s the first week or two, I’ll do it the rest of the semester. And then more weeks pass. And more weeks. And I’m sitting here, having done almost no homework this semester, the only ones I’ve done being countable on one hand, not counting group projects or the like. And I hate being like this
And those two classes I’m pretty sure I’m failing? One of which I already failed last semester and am having to do again this semester, are both lab classes. Essentially you show up, do your work, then you have two weeks to submit work related to it, like the lab reports or just an analysis of your data, with the engineering one also having lectures with homework and quizzes, not too difficult. Like, these classes aren’t hard. It’s just that I refuse to do the work, the simple bare minimum to pass these easy classes. And I’m probably going to have to do them again now
That’s the thing, these classes aren’t hard, I just refuse to be bothered to do even the simplest things, no matter how beneficial they are to me
I haven’t applied for any scholarships, despite me having plenty of opportunities, and the fact that I’m gonna lose my current one for high grades (I need I believe a 3.6, my GPA is close to a 2.1, and is probably going to stay around that, if not drop further), and I can’t be bothered to go and get a job, despite saying for years that I plan on getting one. I can’t be bothered to do a simple few hours of an online driving course to get a learner’s permit
What do I do instead? Watch videos on YouTube, mostly ones I’ve already seen. Constantly search the “cookie run” tag on here for any new posts. Listen to music while coming up with inane plots that I’ve already cycled through several times. Play Cookie Run, mostly Ovenbreak. On occasion do art
I’d rather do inane things than do things that are actually beneficial to my life. And I have so many opportunities to do these things, I have so many opportunities to seek out help for my issues. My university has this counseling and psychological services program that I’ve been suggested multiple times I should book an appointment with. There’s an academic success center in which I could go and try and figure out my problems when it comes to my understanding of my classes’s material, or my time management skills. I’m practically presented opportunities on a silver platter to improve. But I just can’t be bothered
And here I am, sitting for like half an hour, writing about my woes instead of doing something about them. But it’s too late in the day to do anything, and goddamn it, I don’t want to go back to pacing around my room, feeling restless and anxious about my failures. This has at least distracted my brain into focusing on something related to the problem, in the form of writing it down. Let me have this
I don’t want to be like this. I don’t want to just be a waste of space and money. But I’m too goddamn lazy to do anything of value, and so I just sit here, wallowing in my misery but not being bothered to do anything about it
And it’s too late into the semester to do anything. Finals are in the next two weeks. I was first told to go to CAPS in mid February. And here I sit, 2 and a half months later, still having not done that. And I suffer all the more for it. It’s too late to make up all that lost work. It’s too late to look for scholarships for next semester, or even the summer, since I’m going to take summer classes
I don’t know how I’m going to feel over the summer, when everything’s said and done. But probably, I’ll forget my woes, and this will all repeat again, with increasingly disastrous results. That’s how it always goes, every day, every week, every month. I go to sleep, knowing I wasted the day, only to wake up, forgetting my lesson, until the day’s gone and it happens again
I don’t know what the point of me writing this was. I think I lost whatever point I was trying to make. But do you get me?
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aventurinemylove · 1 year
FIRST TIME REQUESTING! So I have no clue if you're okay with what I'm ganna ask?
May I ask for a angst to fluff. (Only if you're okay with both in the request! unless you want it to be full angst) Like where reader/ y/n is near death (again only if your okay with it) wiith Dazai and Chuuya. (If you wish to add another one that's your choice!) It can be either a headcanon or short fic. Whichever one your more confterble with!
(Ps I love your smau au!)
Have a nice day/night/afternoon (it's 3:10 a.m for me 💀) but anyways if you can't accept my request I understand! But take care of yourself. ♡
Close call
Dazai x reader and chuuya x reader (separate)
Genre-angst and fluff
Warnings- heavy topics, torture, blood, mori…
Songs to listen-skyfall adele,I bet on losing dogs mitski,francis forever mitski
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Osamu Dazai
You were sent on a mission by yourself by Fukuzawa to gather information on a rival organization. You knew the risks of this but you were willing to risk it To give the Ada any type of advantage. Before your mission dazai told you to be more cautious about everyone and everything, he had a pitiful feeling in his stomach..the same feeling when he lost his dear friend, which left him wondering if his past finally catching up to him?
Ever since you left the feeling only got worse and worse, he couldn’t take it anymore it was eating him alive he felt a sense of guilt, and for the first time in year, he felt fear..? Something might have happens to you..days without contact or even texts all his texts were delivered you never left him on delivered. He couldn't take it anymore and decided he will look for you himself.
Meanwhile, you haven't texted Dazai due to leaving your work phone at the ADA in order to not cause any suspicion between you and your new boss however you couldn't stay like this forever he saw you rummaging through classified files which ended up with you having to reveal your identity causing you to fight. What surprised you was the ambush from behind which ended up with u getting stabbed in the chest and losing conscious.
Once he got there he was late...your body on the ground bleeding profusely, he couldn't believe it he failed you. The person he vowed to serve and protect you only to fail you. His heart aches at seeing you so motionless so still. He couldn't even form a word he couldn't even stand on his feet. “You're not gone [name] right..” his voice filled with sorrow and disbelief. If only he came earlier..he could've prevented this he wouldn’t have lost you.
He ran to your body and held it..for the first time in years he couldn’t mask his emotions how could he..you were special to him the only one keeping on this ground, but now that your gone he has no will to live no reason to be here. “[name] I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you, you didn’t deserve this awful fate my love..I’m sorry”. You were still conscious you heard everything how u you wish you can tell him “everything’s going to be okay” but honestly not even you knew if your going to make it”
Dazai held u so close running towards the nearest hospital he could find without any second thought begging every doctor to treat you before it was to late. He didn’t leave your side the whole time you were unconscious, atsushi brought Dazai food and made sure to give him company and any ounce of hope he had.
It was almost a month since that event you haven’t woken up not even once…this left Dazai terrified he only thought of the worst outcome. Though before u hit one month of being unconscious you woke up, every emotion hitting you but the one hitting you the most was shock and fear. You couldn't believe you were alive, and you also wondered who brought you to the hospital but soon realization and memories hit you. Dazai found you laying unconscious, you couldn't help but have guilt. Your poor husband finding you unconscious and unresponsive was a horror to think about.
You were so deep in thought you didn't notice Dazai practically tugging you into a hug crying his eyes out on your shoulder. [name] my love I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you, I'm sorry I failed you I was so scared, I was so scared of you leaving me like everyone” he said between broken sobs. “Dazai dear I'm sorry for being so careless I really should've seen it coming” you say through your tears.
To say the least, dazai is happy you're alive and that's all that matters to him.
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Nakahara Chuuya
You and Gin were sent on a mission personally requested by Mori, which was odd since usually, he would have you take missions with Chuuya since he had his suspicions here and there. You always found your boss “odd” he always figured out things even he was told which was a scary thought.
On the mission, you were told to play a fair person and your objective was to woe the victim over and that's when Gin strikes. Though it was easier said than done, during the night you felt like something was coming for you or that you were being watched but you pushed your thoughts away for the sake of the mission. You found something quite odd about your victim he looks like a former mafia member though you've never seen him, you feel like his name was mentioned somewhere.
Fortunately, before the night ended you got the victim to think that you were an innocent person trying to get help from him for your company on how to grow it etc. But he knew you were from the mafia he had his eyes on you ever since you stepped in, he knew Mori would send an executive to assassinate him during this party. You had a feeling that your facade was seen through like clear glass, which made the gut feeling start to tell you “leave” or “go home” but you knew being in the mafia your life was always on risk.
Chuuya on the other hand was sweating and shaking something was telling him to watch over you that night, he had a feeling Mori had some plan since usually he would send him with you and no one else. So while you and Gin were on your way to the party he followed you guys but decided to stay hidden until he felt he was needed.
You were unexpectedly brought a handkerchief to your mouth making you pass out. Otherwise, Gin was concerned about what could have happened to you, you weren't giving her any sign to strike..unless the struck first which had her panicking since she also didn't see the host anywhere. She Knew something was wrong, so through her headset she let everyone know “Code red, our executive is missing”. Just hearing this made Chuuya jump and head to the party area before he knew it, he was frantically searching for you everywhere in the area but had no luck he couldn't find you and this made him more frustrated he couldn't believe he took his eyes off you for a bit and you were MISSING.
It was days maybe 3 days since the incident they had you tied to a chair with handcuffs tied to both hands making it impossible to use your ability. You were so beat up all these days tortured just for some information you didn't have. “Now where is that supply box” he spoke, another hit towards your ribs but you stayed silent. “OH SO WE ARE GONNA PLAY THE SILENT GAME ARE WE?!” he says but before you were hit again the doors of the area were crushed open before you knew it Gin ran to you and untied you, and carried you to the truck where they already had a medical professional on board.
Meanwhile, chuuya made sure this man was dead and he made sure that he paid for what he did to you. Chuuya had rage in him, the state he found you in made me sick and sad, how could this asshole do this to you. After his job was chuuya got back to the truck where the doctor talked to him. “Sir they will be unconscious for a few days maybe a few hours if lucky but they had a few broken ribs and a few bruises to the head”. He couldn't believe what he heard, he felt the rage he had earlier come back to him, but he kept his composer just nodded to the doctor.
He was now facing you he felt his heart shatter to 100 pieces the pain and guilt he felt was eating him alive. “If only I got there earlier” or “I should've taken the mission but compared to other missions this was one of the least dangerous. He knelt near your bed while holding your hand slowly letting the tears down.
After 3 days you finally open your eyes looking around the unfamiliar room it looked nothing like the mafia hospital room which relieved you, you didn't have to deal with mori and his annoying overbearing antics, how u hated him and wanted someone to take his spot.
While lost in thought u turn to see flowers and a note on the bedside, you grabbed them smiling to yourself already knowing who it was. As you looked at the flowers you open the note slightly smiling as you read. “My dearest [name] I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you as I vowed to you I will, so after you feel better let me take you out to eat, sincerely yours Chuuya Nakahara” but before you finished you saw the end “ps I’ll visit you later I'm on a mission right now”. You never knew how you got lucky with such a man but honestly, it did take you guys a while to be where you are at right now.
You were sitting down reading a book when you heard the hospital door bust open, at first you thought it was an enemy attack but you were relieved to see Chuuya at the door with a little box at hand. “My love” you heard Chuuya speak “I got you this,” he says as he gives you the box. You were shocked, to be honest, you weren't expecting anything so when u recognized the jewelry box you began to cheer up. “Thank you dear you didn't have to,” you say smiling at him while opening the box, to your surprise there was a gorgeous necklace that you'd been wanting for a while but couldn't get your hands on it, so it was surprising to see Chuuya get ahold of such an item.
You felt your eyes start to tear up as you pulled Chuuya into a tight hug and whispered “Thank you my love I couldn't ask for someone more amazing than you”. Chuuya was surprised by your sudden action but didn't complain at all. “My love I'm sorry for not being there on time,” Chuuya said his voice cracking “If maybe I was there earlier this could've been avoided”. “Chuuya it's ok, I'm fine I'm here with you look on the bright side at least we got him” you say softly.
Chuuya knew you were right, he was just happy you were alive and with him still.
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
Thou So Long Hast Mourn'd
Bruce Wayne X Batmom!Reader
Summary: After Jason's passing, your grief and anger combined causes you to leave Gotham - swearing only to return when you have a perfect chance to kill the Joker for what he did to your son. (Part 2 to 'Hell Hath No Fury')
Warnings: Loss and Grief (Mentions of a funeral and repeated mentions of Jason dying. We miss Mumma's Boy Jay a lot :( ). Bad coping mechanisms all round. Clark Kent acts as a marital buffer. (Reader is fem coded; has she/her pronouns; is referred to as ‘wife’ multiple times. Has the hero name of 'Valentine'.)
Listening to: 'Skyfall' By Adele - "I know I'd never be me without the security of your loving arms keeping me from harm."
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress, - 
Jason’s funeral was attended by a very small number of people. Yourself, Bruce, Dick, and Alfred all front and center. 
For days, weeks, the media pestered asking question after question. “A tragic accident.” Commissioner Gordon would reply. It became you answer too, like a well-rehearsed prayer. 
A tragic accident. Tragic. Accidental tragedy. Accident. 
Except it was no such accident. Someone killed Jason. A man, who still walked free, murdered your son. 
Even now, a month after you buried the child, as you sat listening to rain pat against the window panes in Wayne Manor, you remembered what you’d told Bruce the night he brought Jason home for the last time. 
“I’m going to kill him.” you said. “I’m going to kill the Joker.” You told Bruce you’d do what you’d vowed to never do again. You promised yourself to avenge your son, to make sure no one else would ever lose a child to that monster ever again. 
Ever since that night you’d felt a wedge slide between you and Bruce. Dick, only sixteen and having lost the closest thing he had to a brother was feeling it - you could see it on his face, and they way he held his shoulders at dinner. How you were feeling, how little Bruce was doing about it - none of it was doing Dick any good. 
Aside from the anger, you didn’t know how you were feeling. You never thought you’d ever be a mother - you had no idea what to do to help anyone. So you left. 
Bruce was out on patrol - he dove into Batman head first, a bitter feeling in your stomach had you thinking he was compensating. Dick was out - gymnastic practice, which Alfred was in charge of tonight. You were left alone in a huge house, and you couldn’t stand to stay there any longer. 
A small bag was packed with basics - clothes, cash, a few weapons from the cave, and a single family photo taken while on vacation just that past summer (stolen from its frame and folded into a jacket pocket close to your heart). As you walked past the main living space, you stopped, and looked up towards the item hanging above the fireplace. 
The sword - Excalibur - a god-given gift to humankind to exact true justice, now resting as a collectors antique catching dust. You knew if you took it that you would be able to do what you needed to. During your time using it there was no greater pull than to execute Joker - yet something always stopped you. 
You knew it was Bruce. 
Even already, your own guilt over what you meant to do wouldn’t let you take it with you. 
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Naturally, on that night, Alfred brought Dick was home first. It was already nine thirty, and while Dick would be up for a long while, he knew the boy wasn’t sleeping proper anymore. 
Alfred sent him up to his room anyway, reassuringly with a hand on his shoulder, telling him to go try and get some rest. 
But Alfred knew something wasn’t right in the Manor the moment he stepped inside. It was too quiet. Like it had been empty as long as they’d been away - even though he knew full well you should’ve been there to keep the house alive. 
Although not trained, the butler had a sixth sense for a lot of things - he was a natural at whatever he sent his mind to (in his youth it was acting, and hence so seeing through lies and reading rooms (for improvisation, obviously) went with it). He set out to find you. Looked in all the usual places, and the unusual ones, in the big rooms and the small ones. 
In the last week or so you’d taken to spending time sitting in the walk-in-fridge. He worried about you a lot. While Dick still had school and his friends, and Bruce threw himself into Batman, you only really had yourself. It wasn’t healthy. 
But no matter how much he looked, or where he looked, you were nowhere to be found - not in the house, nor in the grounds. You’d said nothing about going out when he left, he would’ve remembered. In a last ditch effort to find you, he looked in one last place. 
But you hadn’t been in the Batcave since Jason came home. 
It was there, as he walked down a set of stairs, that he noticed a piece of paper haphazardly taped to one of the center computer monitors. 
He grabbed it, and flipped it open, reading quietly to himself the words inside, scrawled in your handwriting. 
‘Bruce, Don’t look, you know I won’t let you find me. I’m going to do something you will hate me for - probably forever. I can’t keep living like this knowing Jason’s killer is out there killing more mother’s sons. Take care of Dickie. Don’t take Alfred for granted.’
The older man found himself sinking into the chair beside him.
He had a hunch this was coming - he wasn’t in the cave the night Bruce brought Jason home, instead at the time he was upstairs taking a call from an excited Dick who was recalling his day spent doing a treasure hunt around Blüdhaven for a school camp trip that lasted the whole week. Alfred had no idea how you first reacted - he didn’t know how Bruce reacted to your reaction. 
He knew it wasn’t good. Especially since in your note you didn’t even say goodbye to your husband. 
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You’d been hiding in a place you knew Bruce wouldn’t ever look - he always hated visiting Metropolis, the city was too bright.  
You knew no one there would snitch on you - most didn’t even recognize you, and the one person who did, conveniently the man who was the closest thing Bruce had to a best friend, wouldn’t ever snitch on you. Not for this. 
‘I needed a break,’ you’d lied, ‘Couldn’t handle being in Gotham after…’ You never finished, and you knew Clark could see through a lie like glass - but the grief he could see. He could also see the anger simmering underneath. He never called you out for it though. 
You’d been there a while, waiting, watching Gotham from a distance Bruce wouldn’t see you from. You kept tabs mostly on Batman - although interviews with Bruce having to explain where his wife went were entertaining (in a sick, satisfying way). Sometimes you were sick, others you were out of town, most times you ‘weren’t feeling up to it’ - the latter two would be closest to the truth, not that he’d know that. 
You often looked fondly at whatever information came though about Dick - he took out the gymnastics first place for his age bracket in the Gotham state. The picture made your heart ache - his smile was wide and toothy, but even though your printed newspaper you could tell it wasn’t reaching his eyes. 
Who you were watching most, though, was the Joker. You combed through old reports and new ones. Even called up Harley Quinn a few times, just to get a perspective on him from someone who was - at one point - much closer to him. She asked you why you wanted to know. 
“I need to know.” 
“O-kay. And where exactly have you been Val?” she’d said, voice crackling down the hotel landline, “You ain’t locking yourself up in that Mansion are ya?” 
“No. I’m not in Gotham right now.” 
“So what’s even the Joker to ya if you ain’t even here huh?” 
“When I come back,” you said, “I’m going to kill him.” 
You became a Joker expert in almost one night.
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You got a late night visitor less than a week after that phone call. Clad in red and blue, with a gaudy cape and that stupid ringlet you and Bruce would always bitch about on late nights under bed covers. 
You were a little happy to see Clark - you actually had nothing against him, it was all just in jest (or solidarity because Bruce was your husband). He was let in pretty quickly. Mostly to avoid questions from the nosey couple who’d been staying in the room next to yours for the past three days. 
He stood around awkwardly while you watched him from the seat next to the room’s microwave, posture screaming Clark Kent, journalist, even though he looked like Superman, world-know superhero. 
“I’m, uh -” he started after you stared at him hard, wordlessly willing him to speak, “- I’m worried. I think you should go back to Gotham soon. To Bruce, specifically.” 
“And why’s that?” He looked at you like you’d just said you had Kryptonite in your pocket. 
“Because you’re in trouble.” 
“I’m here in Metropolis, I’m with you right now, I couldn’t be in less trouble if I tried.” 
“You know I have super hearing.” he said sheepishly. It was like he was telling his Ma he ran over her peonies with a bicycle. You put two and two together quickly though. 
“You’ve been spying on me?” 
“For me!” He said, stepping back with his palms towards the sky, “I feel better about not telling Bruce if I know what’s going on with you.” 
“And so what part of your spying brought you here tonight?” Both your arms and legs crossed, you could tell from his face he didn't mean for you to get so offensive so quickly. 
“You were talking to Harley Quinn?” 
“Oh that,” you scoffed with a wave of your hand, “Even Bruce does that. She’s not so bad. Taught me how to roller-skate you know.” 
“About the Joker?” 
“That happens often when my husband is being a pain in my ass,” you said, “Reminds me he could be much, much worse.” Clark motioned his head - ‘fair’, but then he returned serious once more. This time it wasn’t a question. 
“You said you were going to kill him.” 
You knew he couldn’t read your mind, but he could hear how your heartbeat picked up. He had to know you knew you’d been caught. He sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for your answer in the most approachable way he knew in that moment. 
“I’d be doing everyone a favor.” 
“Bruce - I don’t know what he’d do. He could hate you.” 
“I’m sure he hates me right now anyway.” 
“You can’t believe that,” Clark said, looking up at you with blue eyes that almost looked like Bruce’s. “You don’t really believe he hates you right now?” You took a great interest in the patterned carpet. Clark said your name, and you reluctantly looked back at him. 
“He misses you.” 
“I miss my son.” You bit back at him bitterly. His face remained hard. This was suddenly no longer Clark. You were talking to Superman now. 
“I’m not sure how to say this kindly,” Clark said with a firm voice, “But you’re so focused on the child you lost that you’re abandoning the one that’s still here. Bruce misses you, but Dick misses you even more. He doesn’t need to lose another Mom.” 
His stare was hard, stubborn - he wasn’t going to let up. Your stare was hard too - sour and angry, not because you didn't believe him, but because you knew how right he was. 
“I think you can leave now.”
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Two weeks later, after a late night grocery run that consisted mostly of chicken noodle cups and instant coffee, you found a lump of black sitting in the dark with its back against the door of your room. 
Clark told Bruce. 
He didn’t seem to notice your approach, but once you stood toe-to-toe with his polished Oxford shoes, you kicked his leg. 
“Get up.” 
His head of messy hair lifted, and when his brain fully processed you - his wife, finally! - standing before him, he almost jumped to his feet. Uncharacteristic of him outside his prior - and now ditched - playboy persona. 
He breathed your name, stepping forward with hands outstretched as if to hug you. You took a step back. Clark, apparently hadn’t told him everything - if he had, he was taking it very, very well. 
“Where’s Dick?” 
“With Alfred,” he said, hands falling to his sides again after you hummed in acknowledgment. You both stood in silence for a while, before you gestured to a door with a full hand. He got the hint, stepping away, then taking the bags away from one hand as you fumbled for your keys. 
The quiet continued as you let yourselves in, you sat the shopping on the bench, and he made himself at home at the table near the door. You sat back down in the microwave chair, the furthest place from him you could be while still staying in the room. 
“Been keeping busy, Bruce?” you asked, he turned to fully face you in his seat. 
“Not really,” he said, “I’ve been looking for you. Never thought you’d be here,” You almost smiled, thinking about how right you were for coming here. Almost. 
“Heard you went to Saudi Arabia while I’ve been gone.” 
“It was nothing. Really.” 
“You couldn’t have been looking too hard if you were able to take a ‘nothing, really’ trip to the Arabian Mountains.” 
“I’m not here to fight with you,” Bruce said, resting a palm on his knee, “I’m here to ask you to come home. We all miss you.” his last words came out very quietly. “It’s been months. Nothings going to get easier if you stay away.” 
“Are you listening to yourself?” you said with a soft scoff, “He who literally spent every single night after Jason died away from home. He who spends every moment he can down in a dark damp cave rather than with his family - I don’t think you get to tell me where I should be.” You felt tears well in your eyes - hot and fat if they fell, but you willed yourself not to let them. Bruce’s shoulders softened, and he stood and walked closer slowly, coming to kneel before you with his fingers just touching yours. 
“We both haven’t been doing well, have we?” his head shook and his voice was barely audible. It was like he was speaking to himself. His admission - finally, his own pride and stubbornness aside, and it made yours disappear like dust in the wind. 
“You need to see my bathroom,” you said. His head cocked, a sly smile twitched onto his lips. 
“Oh?” he said, “And what might I find there?” But you weren’t smiling. You were trying to be honest.
“Just go look.” you said, turning away from him, bringing your hand away. Telling him with your actions that you weren’t going to be talking until he did. 
He stood, opening the bathroom door behind you and flicking on the light. You could feel how still he was. Taking in the room, and what was inside it. 
All across the mirror and walls were taped up newspaper clippings and photos and articles printed off from the library, old and new, a few of him - Batman - but most of the Joker. Beside the toilet was a case - one he knew would hold parts of a rifle (parts he'd seen you pull apart and put back together in a minute flat) - and across the sink were knives and gun magazines. 
Bruce stepped off the carpet and onto the tile. There was a little list in the center of the mirror, written in red and with the last line underlined.
‘Kill the Joker’. 
When he returned to you, he was holding the list in one hand. 
“When were you planning on doing this?” he asked. You weren’t able to meet his eyes when you answered. 
“Whenever I go back to Gotham.” His body went rigid beside you. Audibly, he let out a breath.
“I’ve thought about it too. Just getting rid of him like that.” he admitted, voice quiet and with a rough edge, “But I know it won’t help. It won’t bring him back.” 
“This isn’t about bringing him back. If I knew it could bring Jason back I’d have done it weeks ago.” You looked up at Bruce as you spoke, watching as his face crinkled in disbelief. 
“You’re so serious about this.” 
“How could you still think I’m not serious?” you said, standing to help convince yourself you weren’t as unsure as you felt. “I will do it. A time will come when that monster dies - wherever it is I will be standing by watching.” 
He watched you. Analyzing your face and the way your eyes moved. His face set like stone, hard and sure and you knew he was much more upset now having found out than what he was when you were missing. He took a step back. 
Bruce was moving towards the door. 
“I won’t stop you. I couldn’t bear to.” he turned, hand on the door handle, “But Batman still will.”
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As far as you knew, you’d made it back into Gotham City undetected. 
You knew the route’s Bruce - no - Batman, took while out on patrol. You knew the surveillance he constantly would check. You knew because for years you’d helped him do it all. 
Thankfully, you had a not-so-little little helper - Joker assassination aside, Harley was more than happy to put you up for a while. After you’d killed Joker you’d planned to turn tail and leave again - maybe hide someplace in Australia where no one barely goes. It wasn’t like you had to put up with her long anyway. 
Harley was great, but you’d have to love her a whole lot to live with her longer than a week. But you weren’t planning to stay that long. 
You’d tracked Joker to an apartment complex near Arkham - you knew he wouldn’t stay there forever, so you needed to act fast. 
Your weapons of choice were clean and ready to go, your escape routes A through to D were memorized, a hood and bandana combo were acquired to hide your identity long enough for no one around to know it was you. By all means and definitions you were ready to go. 
You left Harley’s place wordlessly. You were sure she didn’t even know you left. 
A cloak and the shadows of night concealed you from most passersby. Slowly, slowly you stalked towards where you knew the Joker to be. When you climbed the fire escape to find your vantage point, you almost didn’t make it all the way there because you saw Him. 
Sitting, lounging. Acting like there was not a single thing in the world to worry about. It made you so angry you could scream, claw your eyes out, you could do so many things all because that man couldn’t care less about your son dying. 
In fact, you didn’t make it to your original vantage point. 
You settled right there, three levels lower than planned, and took the rifle off your shoulder. Clipping on the scope, twisting the silencer on, packing the magazine in. Settled your body into a comfortable position, then raised the gun to look at your target through the scope. 
With greasy green hair and yellow teeth, you watched him smile through the crosshairs. With a sneer you flicked the safety off. You were ready to take the shot.
A flash of red, green and yellow came in front of the Joker. You frowned, confused. Pulling the scope back you looked again with a wider range and saw something that made your heart drop. Someone was tied up and presented to him like a present. 
The Joker had Robin. 
Your Robin. Your son. Your Dick Grayson. 
Suddenly this was more than just a chance to avenge Jason. A switch flicked inside your heart. This wasn’t a chance to avenge Jason anymore; this was you, saving the son you had left. This was you not giving that monster the chance to keep you in black. 
The lethal rifle was ditched right there on the fire escape, not caring if a lowlife found it before you could return. The knives you’d stashed - ‘just in case’ - were now your swords. Their piercing blades becoming the only thing shielding those who stood in your way a feral beating from bare fists. 
No one was standing in your way of taking Dick home safely. 
Your veins pumped white hot, you saw red all over. This was not going to happen a second time. It wasn’t ever going to happen again. 
A goon at the door stood in your way, he was met with a knee to the crotch and a wound to his shoulder to keep him down. More on the stairs were thrown over bannisters. One had his head smashed into the doorway of the Joker’s apartment. Another was given a hard elbow to the back of his neck. 
You weren’t aiming to kill - you were aiming to get them out of your way, and keep them that way. 
When you reached the room which window you saw through, there were only four other people aside from yourself, your son, and that murdering bastard. They all stayed quiet, goons waiting on a call to action from their boss. You missed the way Dick’s eyes widened as he realised his Mom was here. You were busy staring down the Joker, trying to make him feel just how much pure hate you had for him without a single word. 
“Give me Robin,” you said, voice low, venomous. Dangerous. 
“Well if you want him so bad, and since you asked nicely,” His smile spread wide and uncanny. “Come and get him.” 
So you did. 
Like a blur of back and blue, you had all four men either out cold or groaning on the floor. The Joker himself was under your kneeling form with his teeth now stained red and an eyes swollen shut. 
“Listen well because I’ll only say it once.” You said, your hand a rough fist in his hair to make sure he looked into your eyes and saw exactly how much of a threat your promise was. 
“I spared your life today. I will never do it again. I am not the Batman. The next time I find you trying to pull something with one of my Robin’s and you see me coming you'd better run the other way because I will kill you.”
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After untying Dick, retrieving your abandoned gear, and throwing Joker into Arkham, you reconvened with Dick on a nearby rooftop. 
You barely stood upright on two legs before he barreled into you, arms thrown around your waist with his face squished right into your collarbone. He’d grown taller in the time you’d been away. You felt tears fall as your arms wrapped around him in kind. 
“I’ve missed you Mom.” he mumbled into your shirt, “Please don’t go away again. Please.” 
A hand raised to the back of his head as you pressed your covered nose into his hair. You took a deep breath with your eyes closed, then opened them, peeling you both apart just enough to take in each other's faces. Even with his mask on you could see how much he was pleading with you to stay.
You brushed his hair away from his face - he needed a haircut soon. 
You wanted to stay, you never wanted to leave him ever again, not after tonight. But would Bruce let you? 
Out the corner of your eye you saw a black drop fall onto the rooftop a little ways off. Batman. He stood, tall and intimidating. In that moment you had half a mind to take a step back even though he made no move closer to you. 
Instead you just held Dick a little tighter. 
Bruce's hand reached out to you, palm open, outstretched, and empty. Waiting for you to take it. 
“I think we can go home now.” he said, “We all can.” Like that, Batman disappeared. Bruce was here. You guessed he bluffed - when it came to you Bruce was always there. 
Things were not going to go back to normal. They weren’t for a while. But the best thing you could do was stay together, all together. As a family. 
Nothing was going to push that away from you again. 
- And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn'd;
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
Prompt: ''As long as I can rememer, I've been protecting Alina, it's always Alina who I will protect,'' You told him, looking at Nikolai. ''But who will protect you?''
Warnings: Violence, blood and gore.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. 
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x Starkov! Reader
Taglist: @lyria-skyfall @khaleesihavilliard @shine101 @waddlingwanderer @clqudias @ducks118 @xceafh @priincehoseok @riot-in-my-soul @feyredarling92 @vendy021 @ssprayberrythings @goldenpoison @shine101 @lili-of-the-dream @wilmasvensson
A/N: I suck at writing fight scenes so just bear with me on this chapter. some spicy things are happening in this chapter!!!
prologue - one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten - eleven - epilogue
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Sturmhond led you down below the ship as the three of you followed after him. As soon you stepped inside you saw people chattering, talking to each other. ‘’What’s the difference between a privateer and a pirate?’’ You asked and leaned closer to Mal and Alina as you frowned toward Sturmhond in front of you. Mal shrugged his shoulders. 
‘’Yuri! I told you an apple would help,’’ You heard Sturmhond reply, and you widened your eyes when you saw the man on the toilet as he read the newspaper. ‘’Oh god,’’ You replied as you felt Mal’s hands placed on your shoulders. ‘’Just keep walking,’’ Mal responded as you kept following after Alina and Sturmhond with the same expression on his face. Alina held her hand to shield the view in front of her. 
‘’Well, that image is going to take a while to disappear out of my mind,’’ You murmured, making Mal laugh slightly from behind. ‘’All right, listen up, everyone, we have guests!’’ Sturmhond shouted. ‘’The Sun summoner, and her beautiful sister, Y/N, and, uh, you are?’’ He introduced before looking at Mal. 
You narrowed your eyes and bit your lips to hold a laugh when you noticed the annoyance in Mal’s expression. 
‘’A guest of the Sun Summoner,’’ He cut Mal off, and you shook your head, trying to hold your laughter when you saw Mal's frusterated expression. ‘’I expect you’ll treat them with the respect I’ve come to know from your pack of liars and thieves,’’ He told the crew as they laughed at his comment. ‘’Come along, my darlings, come on, come on,’’ He urged as you kept walking. ‘’Now, you can have the three at the back,’’ He replied, and you saw three hammocks at the back of the dock. 
‘’It’s the most private suite we have,’’ He said and leaned on the stairs as he saw you approaching him ‘’See you in the morning, Miss Starkov,’’ He replied and gave you a flirtatious wink before he walked away. 
‘’What is his deal?’’ You asked and placed your stuff further in on your hammock with annoyance. ‘’Well, Maybe he likes you,’’ Alina replied with a teasing smile ‘’He is handsome for being a pirate,’’ Alina remarked and hopped on the hammock next to you. ‘’Privateer, as he calls it,’’ You corrected her and rolled your eyes. 
‘’Yeah, well except for the shameless flirting, he’s annoying,’’ You said as Mal chuckled. ‘’If I were him, I would be careful to be around you,’’ Mal responded, as you gave him a look. ‘’I’m not that bad,’’ You defended. 
‘’Sometimes,’’ Mal added with a teasing smile on his face. You slapped him on the shoulder playfully. ‘’Alright, kids, stop it now before someone gets hurt,’’ Alina replied and looked at you. 
‘’I’m going to bed,’’ You rolled your eyes. 
That night you couldn’t sleep peacefully. You tossed and turned in your sleep, and with a frustrated huff, you leaned on your elbows as you stared into the dark. You turned around and saw that Mal had already fallen asleep with the book on his chest next to Alina. You chuckled to yourself and shook your head before tossing the blanket to the side. You stepped toward Mal and grabbed the book to place it on the side of the hammock on the small table. You blew out the candle and grabbed a blanket to place above Mal before heading out to the dock. 
It was silent, and the only thing you heard was the water underneath the ship. You enjoyed the sea, how calmly it affected you, and the silence that surrounded you. The smell of the salt from the ocean and how the wind blew. A few people were awake to keep an eye out on the docks as you greeted them with a single nod before looking out at the sea. 
You were so lost in your thoughts and didn’t notice until now when you heard the footsteps approaching you. You thought it was Mal who was awake and he noticed that you weren’t sleeping, but to your surprise, you heard Sturmhond’s voice. ‘’Thought you were sleeping,’’ He commented and stood next to you. ‘’Couldn’t sleep,’’ You said and shrugged your shoulders as you kept looking at the sea. 
‘’You know, you’re welcome to my bed if the hammock is uncomfortable,’’ He remarked with a smirk and you rolled your eyes. ‘’Have you always been this charming? You know, your flirt won’t get at me,’’ You replied, and you heard him chuckle. ‘’I’m a nice guy if you get to know me better,’’ You shook your head with a smile. 
‘’So much being for the Sun Summoner’s sister,’’ He spoke before he looked at you. You frowned at his statement. ‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’ You asked, slightly offended. ‘’I have heard the stories, although, I thought you were more intimidating than most people described you,’’ He replied. 
‘’And here I thought I impressed you,’’ You teased him. ‘’Believe me, you impressed me,’’ He said. ‘’Although, never thought that you could beat guys twice as your half of size,’’ He remarked and you smiled at the compliment. ‘’It has always been like that when I was a child, someone had to defend themselves,’’ You replied. 
While Alina was good at drawing and becoming a map maker, you joined the first Army along with Mal. You took an interest in fighting and would often get in trouble for that when you were children. ‘’So, that’s your story? Fighting alongside your sister?’’ He questioned. 
‘’It’s all I’ve ever done, as long as I can remember, I’ve been always there for Alina, protected her from what’s coming next and she will be the one who I will protect,’’ You told him, meeting his gaze. He met your gaze as he softened his eyes. ‘’But who will protect you?’’ He asked and you furrowed your brows in confusion. 
Nobody had ever asked you that question. Not even Mal or Alina or anyone. It has always been like that since no one took interest in you. You had always been a background character and for the first time, you felt appreciated. 
He sensed your hesitation to answer his question. ‘’Or maybe I can be your knight in armor to save my princess,’’ He remarked, dropping the facade into a teasing smirk. You let out a laugh at his comment and shook your head. ‘’I would beg that to differ,’’ You remarked. 
The next morning, you felt well-rested. You were surprised because you didn’t sleep throughout the night since you and Sturmhond talked before you decided to go and catch some sleep before finding the Sea Whip. You didn’t understand him, but you admired him, despite how he would shamelessly flirt with you. 
Although, there was something that you couldn't put your finger around it. There was something about Sturmhond that made you wonder....
You widened your eyes when you saw the ax from Tamar swung at you, reminding that you were at the docks, fighting for your dear life.
‘’Atta girl!’’ You heard Tolya exclaim at you when you dodged the ax that swung at you. Sweat formed on your forehead as you heard the whoop and cheering from Mal, Alina, and the other crew as you and Tamar fought against each other. 
People often heard about you fighting, and taking down big men than your size and Tolya was surprised when the petite girl accepted the challenge. ‘’Scared yet?’’ You heard Tamar playfully ask you as the two sound of metal clinking at each other. You dodged her attack as your sword and her ax hung in the air. 
‘’You’d be surprised,’’ You remarked, a smirk forming on your lips before kicking on her stomach. Tamar grunted and stumbled on her feet before quickly regarding her position as you swung your sword that they let you use during the fight. Tamar widened her eyes before she ducked and swung her ax toward you. 
‘’Keep going, Y/N, you got this!’’ Alina cheered from above. She chuckled at your frustrated expression. ‘’Is she always like this?’’ Alina heard Sturmhond comment next to her. ‘’Like what?’’ Alina questioned. ‘’Stubborn? Feisty?’’ He asked, making Mal and Alina shared a look before chuckling to themselves. ‘’Annoying?’’ Mal added with a smirk before his gaze turned back on you and Tamar. 
Alina rolled her eyes at his remark. ''You could tell that to her,'' Alina responded and gestured her head at you down below. ''Nah, I wouldn't rather to have her hand against my face if she heard me saying that to her face,'' Mal chuckled.
Tamar kicked her feet on your stomach as you let out a grunt and almost fell on the ground before steading yourself and swinging your sword. ‘’Hey, Y/N, after this fight, might wanna join me in my bedroom?’’ Sturmhond commented, making you distracted from Tamar, and turned around to look at him. You felt her toss your sword away from your hand. 
‘’Hey! That’s not fair,’’ You scowled as she chuckled at you. ‘’You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?’’ Alina asked him as he had his gaze on you. ‘’You wouldn’t know,’’ Sturmhond replied with a smirk. You sighed with annoyance before shaking your head and raising your fist. 
You watched Tamar arch an eyebrow as you nodded at her. Tamar shrugged her shoulders before tossing her weapons to the side and matching your position. You charged at her first, throwing a punch but she dodged the attack and swung her foot on your stomach. You grunted and fell on the floor as you felt her straddle you. 
‘’Tapping out yet?’’ Tamar asked as she kept you on the floor while you tried to release her from her grip. ‘’You wish,’’ You scowled. ‘’I don’t think she’s going to win this one,’’ Tolya spoke with a frown. ‘’Wait a minute,’’ Mal responded with a smirk. With a surprised gasp, you flipped her over and then swung your leg around her neck, and then flipped her off the ground. You watched her, sighing defeated. ‘’Impressed,’’ Tamar commented and you chuckled before reaching out a hand to help her up. ‘’Who taught you to fight?’’ Tamar asked with curiosity as the two of you walked to the others. 
‘’Mal, usually I would teach myself, I often ended up in trouble with the other kids back at the orphanage,’’ You said, chuckling to yourself while taking a seat next to Alina. The other crew played card games next to you. ‘’It’s true, it was quite annoying actually,’’ Alina remarked. 
‘’Tell that to yourself,’’ You teased her. Tolya snickered when he saw the rest of the crew paying cards while tossing and speaking something in Shu. ‘’What does that mean?’’ You asked him. 
‘’You don’t know it?’’ Tolya questioned and you shook your head. ‘’It means victory in Shu,’’ He explained and sat next to Tamar. ‘’We don’t speak Shu,’’ Alina responded with a chuckle. ‘’Understandable,’’ Tamar replied. ‘’We don’t know what Ravkans think about mutts like us, and in Shu Han-’’
‘’They prefer to remind us we’ve our Ravkan mother’s blood,’’ Tolya filled in. ‘’Blood is blood, only fools think otherwise,’’ Tamar scoffed slightly and shook her head, and handed some cards to Alina for her to play with them. ‘’Is that why you’ve chosen a life at the sea?’’ You asked them. 
‘’Because it understands that?’’ You questioned. ‘’It’s why we chose Sturmhond,’’ Tolya responded, making you roll your eyes. ‘’What’s his deal, anyway?’’ You questioned them and raised an eyebrow. Tolya and Tamar exchanged a look with a smirk on their faces as they placed some cards on the table. ‘’Did you know that his heartbeat is different when he’s around you?’’ Tolya questioned. 
‘’Oh please, ‘’ You responded. ‘’It’s true,’’ Tamar spoke with a shrug on her shoulders. ‘’I think he’s in love with you,’’ Tolya replied and you gave him a look. ‘’Oh, please, he’s an insufferable git,’’ You said to them. ‘’He distracted me earlier with his presence,’’ You muttered, making Tamar laugh slightly. 
‘’Did Mal tell you to alter course?’’ You asked and barged into Sturmhond’s office without knocking. He turned around and looked at you with an arched eyebrow. ‘’No, that would be your captain,’’ He replied and pointed at him. ‘’Knock on the door before you step inside the next time, will you?’’ He asked and you rolled your eyes. 
''You don't want to see something inappropiate next time,'' Sturmhond replied with a smirk. You stared at him. ''There won't be a next time,'' You scolded.
‘’Why?’’ You asked him. ‘’It’s a brief change to make use of an Eastern wind, we’ll make better time,’’ He explained. ‘’Your tracker wouldn’t say why, but of all of the islands, he believes the Sea Whip is there,’’ He told you and shoved the map. ‘’You want to explain that?’’ He asked and turned around. 
‘’No,’’ You responded and kept your guard up.
‘’What’s this about?’’ He asked and you looked at him. ‘’We’re the clients,’’ You told him and looked at him with a stern expression. ‘’No client of mine has ever made such demands,’’ He replied and looked at you. ‘’Then maybe you haven’t met someone like us,’’ You told him and he looked at you with a smug expression. 
You knew what was coming. ‘’Well, you’re right, I haven’t met someone like you,’’ He responded and lifted his finger against your chin. You swatted his hands away. ‘’No clients of yours can do what my sister can do,’’ You remarked. 
‘’Well, fair enough,’’ He replied and shrugged his shoulders. ‘’But that’s not what this about, is it?’’ He asked and you frowned. ‘’What do you mean?’’ You questioned and he gave you a look. ‘’Trust is a tricky needle to thread for both of us,’’ 
‘’You need to trust that I don’t have some ulterior motive, and I need to trust we aren’t chasing a myth,’’ 
''Well, you're not,'' You defended, making him scoff slightly.
‘’The difference is you behave like somebody who’s already been betrayed, and that puts you in a tight spot for the task ahead,’’ He replied. ‘’You can’t do it all on your own, you need me,’’ You chuckled before your face hardened. ‘’And you need me if you’re going to get your money, we both know that’s only as long as my sister remains valuable to you,’’ You sneered. 
‘’Well, you are a very fancy cargo, too, it’s true, but do you really understand why?’’ 
‘’It’s not just because your sister will destroy the Fold, she’s a symbol, she’s not just sunshine, sunshine,’’ He replied and began to step closer to you. You looked at him and you tried to step away from him, but he just continued to walk closer. ‘’She’s hope for the future,’’ 
‘’Seems it’s not me who needs convincing of that,’’ He replied and you felt that your back was against the wall and how dangerously close the two of you were. You looked at him with wide eyes and it was now you could take a close look at him. You thought why he was the one who was making you feel that you hate him. It was a feeling that you never had felt like this before and it felt as if your heart was going to beat out of your chest. 
You stared into his eyes and gulped nervously and you really wanted to smack his face off with the smug grin he had on his face since he knew that he affected you. 
Suddenly, a knock disturbed and you turned around to see Tamar with a smirk on her face. Sturmhond stepped away, but you already knew that Tamar had seen the scene in front of her. ‘’Yes?’’ Sturmhond asked. ‘’We're close,’’ Tamar replied and he nodded. ‘’See you upstairs,’’ Sturmhond replied and looked at you before walking out of the room, leaving you alone with flushed cheeks.
What the hell just happened? you thought to yourself, before shaking your head and then followed after their footsteps.
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linklethehistorian · 1 year
Of Skyfall, Sigma, Ian Fleming & James Bond
A personal theory add-on for Skelechuuchuu’s incredible Ian Fleming theory. Please read and give love and support to that original theory here if you have the time!
Hello everyone! At the time of posting this, I’m extremely sick and kinda sleep-deprived right now, so I will probably not be terribly active until I feel better. :’)  
Nevertheless, after having a small chat (with a lot of breaks in between :’)) with some cool people in a BSD server, I still wanted to come and drop this little add-on to the recent (and extremely compelling) theory that dropped about Sigma being Ian Fleming (and James Bond-inspired).
As I tend to do best, I wanted to analyze and explain why Skyfall is not only a perfect and crucial choice for the episode name in S4 as OP describes above due to the inseverable tie to James Bond, but also how the lyrics to the tie-in Bond song by this name themselves relate perfectly to Sigma and the events of BSD involving him so far.
I’ll place it below the cut for both S4 spoilers and manga spoilers up to Chapter 106-107 or so! Proceed with caution if you’re worried about spoilers!
Now, without further ado, let’s get to lyric analyzing!
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of analyzing the song lyric by lyric, allow me to start with a more generalized observation:
The overarching theme of the song Skyfall, apart from being obviously intrinsically linked to Bond (given it was made for it), is about bravely facing down the end with those you love, come what may; this is a perfect fit for Sigma, whose whole character is wrapped up in the concept of needing to belong and protect those he loves. In the episode of the same name, he even fights, despite knowing he is “just an ordinary man”, with his whole life to protect his beloved people in the Casino, unafraid of dying because living without them would be meaningless.
(I would also like to note here that at first glance, it might seem to be written almost like a love song, but I feel it’s important to distinguish — especially in the context of this theory — that this is not necessarily the case, and there is one line that upon listening to it, especially seems to almost completely confirm otherwise to me; in the song, it sounds like Adele is saying “all your loving arms”, despite many lyric sites and such claiming otherwise (it is really not uncommon for artists to differ from the original written lyrics from time to time in certain recordings, so I find this rather plausible). Nevertheless, whether or not this is actually correct, the song is ambiguous enough that it can still be taken however one wishes, and I believe that if we apply it to Sigma, the song is not directed towards one person, but towards a group of them.)
I’ll get on to the more intricate stuff of analyzing lyric by lyric in a moment, but before I do I would just like to make one little key statement here before we start, and that is that despite how it seems, I don’t actually believe most of this song was  meant to be applied to the casino or the people there; rather, I believe it largely reflects and is about his feelings towards Dazai, Atsushi, and the ADA as a whole. (Again, I’ll explain this more in a bit, but…there is one particular set of lyrics that truly sets this up for me: “Skyfall is where we start”; obviously, Sigma has had his casino and known the people in it for awhile, from his perspective, but do you know who he does meet in the episode Skyfall, and first starts to find some small measure of hope/consolation in? Atsushi. The ADA.)
Okay, with that in mind, now let’s on to the main bit!
This is the end Hold your breath and count to ten
In the most recent chapters, Dazai and Sigma are trapped underwater, and literally have to hold their breath to survive. As he runs out of air, Sigma is counting the moments until he can resurface, but fears it may not happen because Dazai seems determined to stop him (for good reason, it turns out)
Feel the Earth move and then Hear my heart burst again
Being with Dazai and having hope of joining the ADA has shifted Sigma’s world around him, changing his worldview and making his heart explode with genuine hope at all of the kind deeds they’ve performed for him — especially when he realizes Dazai is not trying to kill him by keeping him underwater but protect him.
For this is the end I've drowned and dreamt this moment
As they’re staying under the water and near out of air to share, Sigma almost fully accepts his fate, thinking to himself that he may die this way, but at least he was able to dream of a beautiful life for once in those few precious moments he shared with the ADA.
So overdue, I owe them
Sigma has waited a long time to have a place to permanently belong and feel loved and cared for, and he feels indebted to the Agency for all they’ve done for him — all their acts of kindness.
Swept away, I'm stolen
When Dazai was given a chance to pick something to take with him in Mersault, he stole Sigma from the DOA completely, and this action also sweeps Sigma away with surprise, hope, and gratitude inside.
Let the sky fall When it crumbles We will stand tall Face it all together
This one is probably pretty self-explanatory; Sigma isn’t afraid of death, as long as he stands with the ADA in hope of a good life, though this attitude also perfectly fits his attitude towards the Casino in the Skyfall ep and how he stood with his people against the Hunting Dogs, unafraid to die for them.
Skyfall is where we start
I already went over this one a bit, but Skyfall is the ep where he and Atsushi (and by extension the ADA) meet for the first time; it’s his start with knowing the ADA — the time when he first experiences true hope that doesn’t involve him being used and discarded in the end.
A thousand miles and poles apart
I think this part is kinda metaphorical to how he at first thinks he and the ADA are on opposite sides, and that they care nothing for him besides forcing him to use his ability; in his eyes, they are worlds apart and he could never even get close to their world of light.
Where worlds collide and days are dark
Yet, in that moment of Atsu trying to save him, Sigma begins to feel they’re not so far apart, after all. 
Their worlds collided in that brief moment, on one of his darkest days, and he felt grateful for that, even though he still felt his fate was sealed and that he had to let go of Atsu’s hand to prevent him from tumbling to his death with him.
You may have my number, you can take my name But you'll never have my heart
I believe this would be directed at everyone else whom had used and abused him up until this point, and, from his perspective, took his memory from him; they can take everything from him, own him, rob him of his true identity, etc., but he will never be one of them. He’ll never truly be a terrorist. His heart belongs in the light — with the ADA; he realizes that now.
Where you go, I go What you see, I see
As a member of the server we were in, Cloudii, pointed out, I think this could be a reference to how similar Sigma sees himself to Atsushi and vice versa, but I think it could also be a reference to his willingness to follow the ADA (both literally and metaphorically) and with the last line, his ability to gain knowledge of someone else’s knowledge (and thereby in a limited way experiences) through touch.
I know I'd never be me Without the security [Of] All your loving arms Keeping me from harm Put your hand in my hand And we'll stand
The lines about “put your hand in my hand, and we’ll stand” in particular strongly remind me of the moment when Atsu tries to save Sigma by holding his hand when he dangled off the casino, and reflects both Atsu’s desire to have him keep holding on and pull him to solid ground, and Sigma’s desire to stand by the ADA and repay them for kindness by using his ability for them right before what he believes will be his death.
That being said, I also think this whole set of lyrics above matches Sigma’s attitude towards the ADA and his determination to stand by them now in general, even in the most dire of times. 
He knows that he’ll never get to be who he wants to be and live the life he wants to live, having a place of belonging, an identity, people who love him genuinely, if he doesn’t learn to put his faith in them and trust that they are different from the rest of those who had him before. The ADA seems to love and protect him and so he’ll do his best, ordinary as he feels he is, to stand by them, too, until his last breath — using his ability and whatever else he may have as necessary, as they face down the end of the world as they know it and those who would bring it about together.
Anyway, yeah, that’s my analysis for today! Thank you for reading! Love y’all. 🥺💖
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siilvan · 1 year
i was listening to skyfall from adele today and it reminded me of petra’s and makarov’s relationship so much. the line, you may have my number you can take my name but you’ll never have my heart reminds me of how petra feels rn! anyways i love the bloodsport series so much! sending love 💗
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the song is so their relationship right now… you’re a genius, i never even considered it… 😵‍💫
you’re also too sweet omg, i’m so happy that you’re enjoying the series!! i never expected so much positive feedback, my heart’s bursting from all the kind words you and everyone else have been saying!! y’all are gonna make me cry one day 😭🫶🩷
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cuiizhu · 5 months
Helios Rising Heroes - Buddy-Buddy
Not Mark Time, Forward March! - Sage Skyfall Card Story
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Sage: Huh, so you use ready-made juice instead of fresh lemons here?
Nico: Either works I think, but I want to eat it already so this is much quicker. 
Nico: Robin bought lemons and stewed the peels with them, so I think you should do the same. 
Sage: Uwaah…. I mean I’m copying Sensei’s recipe to the T, but the taste I end up with still isn’t quite right….
Sage: Your method is unique, but if it allows you to recreate a taste similar to Sensei’s pie….then this is probably the final choice….
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Nico: Just a lemon? 
Nico: Anyways…how’s Licht? Is he joining us today too?
Sage: Ah, yeah. He’s currently undergoing a test over at Professor Nova’s. 
Nico: Hmm…..
Sage: Sorry for taking up your precious break, but I felt really lucky you were free. 
Nico: If you don’t mind me eating the finished pie, you’re more than welcome.  
Sage: Thank you.  Yes, now I just need to practice! So I can let Licht-kun experience my favorite taste!
Sage: I’ll challenge myself everyday until I come up with a method I’m satisfied with, so come and try it anytime! Nico! 
Nico: Yeah, I will. 
Sage: I’ll start by mastering your version. Right now it’s the closest replica to that flavor. 
Nico: Got it, I’ll teach you, then. 
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Nico: I’m hungry…..
Sage: Sorry. For now you might just have to snack on the leftover filling and bear with it….but can I add the cinnamon powder in now? 
Nico: Yeah, but the timing isn’t all that important….(chewing noises)
Sage: The brand name makes a difference, doesn’t it? Sensei always used the same cinnamon powder. 
Nico: Yeah, it matters. 
Sage: Ah…come to think of it, do you listen to any music, Nico? 
Nico: (mid-chew)...?
Sage: I’m asking around a bunch. This is also so Licht-kun can learn about different kinds of music. 
Sage: Side note, Bianchi-san ended up being very knowledgeable on that end. 
Nico: Sounds about right. 
Sage: The songs they play while working are apparently chosen to fit the theme of whatever costume they’re working on. It’s honestly kind of impressive. 
Nico: Did you ask Jude? 
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Sage: Of course! Jude knew all kinds of songs too. 
Sage: Well I had the feeling, but all the songs he listed as his favorites are the same as Bianchi’s…. I guess those two really do get along ♪
Nico: …………..
Sage: So? What about you? 
Nico: I don’t really go there.  
Sage: I see…. well, that tracks. Even when we were in the same room, the topic never really came up. 
Sage: But… I have always wondered. 
Sage: When you’re in a good mood, you sometimes hum, right? 
Nico: ……………
Sage: I was wondering if you had a favorite song, and I’d like to hear it someday. 
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Nico: That is…..
Nico: When I lived in my parent’s house, there were quite a few people around me who liked music……I think the songs they used to play often linger around in my memory. 
Sage: Aah, I see! So it’s like that, huh! 
Sage: Those experiences are connected to the present. In my case, it’s the opposite to yours. 
Sage: I remember in Sensei’s house, we rarely ever played music—
Nico: Huh? 
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Sage: Oop–I ended up rambling about Sensei again……
Nico: ?
Sage: No, I’ve just been thinking lately that I might talk about Sensei too much…….
Sage: I don’t really think too hard about it, and I like talking about him, but….sometimes it can be awkward for other people to hear about. 
Nico: ………….
Sage: I have to be careful when living with Licht-kun from now on. 
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Nico: …..Sage, if you don’t hurry, the apples will go dry. 
Sage: Uwaah!? You’re right….!
Sage: Ah man, I need to get quicker like you…..
Nico: Speed is important, but there are times when taking it slowly is too. 
Nico: I want to eat things quickly, so I take various shortcuts, but Robin often warned me that it wouldn’t taste as good. 
Sage: …Eh?
Nico: I also learned a lot about cooking. 
Nico: We made things side by side in the kitchen like this. I didn’t know anything, but Robin taught me everything from scratch. 
Nico: Cooking is my memory with Robin. 
Sage: I see….
Nico: I think you can talk whenever you want to. 
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Nico: Maybe wait and see about Licht, but you don’t have to hold back in front of us. 
Sage: Nico……..
Nico: I think it’d be more concerning if you didn’t talk about him. 
Sage: Ahaha….. well, you might be right on that…..
Sage: Yeah, I guess I’ll just stay the same for you and the others. 
Sage: ….If I could do that, I’d be really happy too. 
Nico: Yup. 
Sage: Here, Licht-kun. Thank you for waiting. 
Licht: Wah…..
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Licht: It’s an apple pie….
Sage: I’ve had you eat it once before. I think the taste has improved since then. 
Sage: This is my favorite. I really want Licht-kun to know this taste—
Licht: The one I ate before was good though….? 
Sage: Eh……
Licht: Thank you for the food. 
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Licht: …..Yup, It’s yummy today too. 
Sage: Waah….!
Sage: I’m so glad….. There’s still a lot, so eat as much as you like! 
Licht: Mhm.....
Sage: (I did it, Nico! Licht-kun liked it!!)
Sage: (I’m glad….. I’m so glad…….!) 
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Sage: (Thank you so much, Nico. I’ll come see you again with lots of delicious thanks—) 
Event Story || Junior Cardsto
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glossysoap · 1 year
Don't yank them out yourself 😭😭😭 as much as I was like that with my baby teeth,, that would be a bad idea, plus I'm pretty sure they give you some good drugs when you get them taken out,, but I completely get the time thing with meds :((
(( also dagger for the fantasy ask game bc I as fun as I think water horse would be to ask my whole blog is now themed around music n I'm super curious))
SJSKJSKSSJ i won’t i promise (i also don’t own any pliers so 🫢),, just wishing that price would choke me out with his big ass bicep so i wouldn’t be in pain 😍😍😍😍
𝐃𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 - What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?
omgomgomg so many !! but if i’m being honest, all of these are really just from my rtc playlist 🫢 (also i would’ve linked them but it was so annoying typing it in and listening to it to make sure it sounded right so here you go lmao)
daylight ; david kushner (theme for the entire fic tbh especially for readers future bond with nat and bucky 🫢)
the fruits & labour ; both by paris paloma (literally the theme for the treatment of black widows)
kerosene ; crystal castles (literally anything by crystal castles tbh)
skyfall ; adele (i already have an entire rtc scene planned for this song and it’s gonna hurt y’all so much 🤸🏼‍♂️)
one more hour ; tame impala (also have an absolutely angsty scene planned for this one too)
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sweetlyocs · 2 years
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Synopsis: Heights, high emotions and harsh words, the only way that would be able to describe the first practice of NCT 2018
Note: thankyou so much ❄️anon for your request, it isn’t a big piece but I think it delivers a really good insight to how Zhouxia stayed sane in NCT is I hope you all enjoy!
Anyone could see the tension that filled the air in the practice room, it was the first time that all members were present as they prepared for the first project as one. Sat on opposite ends of the room were the members of Dream and the remaining members without a unit. Conversations quieted when new faces arrived, trying to grasp an understanding of what exactly was going on. Even the staff were left in uncomfortable silence as they readied cameras to film behind the scenes.
Zhouxia sat with her back against the wall, viewing everyone through their reflections, she was uncomfortable, and no matter how her new house mates tried, she couldn’t seem to break out a smile, even if she wanted to. Fiddling with her water bottle, she watched as Jaemin got a heating pad placed on his back, he kept rubbing it, she hadn’t noticed him take any painkillers, he probably needed some with how much moving he was doing.
As the teacher called them back into the centre, the youngest members found themselves shifting to not interact as they were pushed to the centre to keep learning,
“Guys, I’m not sure what is happening but I need you to not act as if touching Zhouxia is signing your death wish”
“Feels like it”
Whispered Jeno under his breath as he stood stoic next to the girl as she held her breath trying not to show a reaction to his harsh words.
“Zhouxia, I want you to lean forward more, step onto Jaemin if you must, the positioning is wrong”
Nodding, she changed the incline as she slowly shifted her body weight, she felt his sharp inhale as she adjusted herself to put more of her weight onto his back,
“I’m sorry”
“Shut up”
Lifting her hand, she rested it on Doyoung as she tried to situate herself, praying they could start quickly as she stood.
Taking a break, Zhouxia excused herself out of the room before someone could stop her, shaking her arm loose from Johnny’s grip as he tried to catch her. He sighed turning his face to the members around him,
“When are you going to stop punishing her? She hasn’t done anything and yet here you all are acting as if she tried to murder you in your sleep.”
Johnny’s words were sharp, even Ten who stood there felt himself shudder from his tone. Mark lifted his head, shaking it in disbelief,
“She quit. We made a promise, and she quit. She deserves how everyone in Dream is acting, plus you saw her. She didn’t even hesitate to step up on Jaemin even though he just got back. She should’ve taken a hiatus until she was gone properly”
Taeyong couldn’t believe what he was hearing, shaking his head he shoved the boy in the direction of the younger ones,
“Mind how you speak about her, you might be pissed at her but if you keep speaking so horribly I won’t hesitate to let one of them hit you like some of them are wanting to right now. Zhouxia is not only our member, but she is still our family. Walk it off, now.”
Mark’s words were left lingering in the air as all ears tuned in to listen to what their leader said, a banging of the door snapped them back to attention as they caught sight of long brown locks retreated out of sight.
Everyone waiting to see who would move first, as Kun ran out, calling her name. No one knew what to do as they waited, no sign of either members and distance being kept between Mark and some of the others from his earlier comments.
Taeil sighed, checking the time on his phone, tapping Taeyong’s arm he called attention to himself,
“Listen, all of you. I’m not speaking as your friend or just your member, but as your older brother. As Zhouxia’s older brother. We are a family. Something has gone on, and no one has the same story so we don’t know what’s happened, but what we do know is that when she walks back into this room, Mark you need to apologise, I don’t care if you mean it or not. You were wrong in what you said. In saying that, what we need to do is get it together so we can finish this before the end of the day because I know I’m not the only one who want’s to get out of here. That girl has been ostracised an insane amount, she has barely breathed without permission because seven of you minimum have made today so much harder for all of us than needed. Either get it together, or get out and learn the dance on your own time.”
As they stood getting back into position, the door opened to Kun leading a visibally reluctant Zhouxia back into the room, without a word, she stood in the centre of the room, waiting for everyone to position themselves before the music ran through the room.
As they made their way into the dance break, Zhouxia felt the wind be knocked out of her as Renjun missed his beat and collided with her. As she fell, she felt a sharp pain spark through her hand as it caught on a nail in the floor.
“Can you not get in the way?”
Renjun’s voice filtered out, sighing she went to stand pushing herself up with her, now bleeding hand.
“Maybe if you paid more attention to where you were meant to be and not spending all your energy being an ass to me maybe you would know how to count your beats”
As the two faced off with each other, Winwin and Yuta quickly moved to seperate the two before they got any closer.
“Okay that’s enough for today. Zhouxia, is that blood on your hand?”
Pushing herself out of Sicheng’s arms she shook her head,
“…..No. I’m fine”
Turning, the girl reached for her belongings before tears broke through, she refused to give any of them the satisafaction of knowing they got to her.
“Zhouxia you haven’t been dismissed come back here, Zhouxia. Miss Chen get back in here you have not been given permission to leave!”
Ignoring the calls, Zhouxia walked out of the room as she hastily made her way to a staircase before tears began to cloud her vision, tripping over her own feet she accepted defeat.
Tears began to rack through her body as she held her hand to her chest and rocked herself lightly, her silent cries soon turned to sobs as she began to lose control over herself.
Arm’s tightly wrapped around her, cocooning her small body into his chest, everything hurt.
“I’m fine, please I’m okay. Just go please go away”
As the arms tightened even more, as Kun’s voiced hushed her. He was all too familiar now of consoling her when she lost the fight of holding in her emotions,
“Come on now, why are you lying hmm? I’ve got you, I’ve always got you… Just let it out”
The two of them sat there as she cried into his chest, slowly the rest of their little team arrived, their hearts breaking as she clenched her hand and cried til her body couldn’t breathe proper breaths.
Winwin opened up his water bottle, with Ten sitting himself on her other side. Lucas pulled out a small pink bandaid that he always seemed to carry claiming it was solely for Xia if she hurt herself, as they huddled together in that little stairwell of their company building - Chenle slowly retreated before he was noticed, even if they never got to be a family like how they were before he wasn’t as scared now that he knew is big sister was going to be okay, he just hoped they would look after her better than they did.
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bluekat12345 · 3 years
Are we doing HC asks!? Rescue bots AU where Cody finds a Predacon Griffin! Please!
Ooh, that would actually be cool to see! I don’t know much about predacons so forgive me if this is inaccurate.
I imagine it would happen when Cody, his family, and the Bots are checking out a mysterious crash on Wayward Island. When they get they, they find an injured robotic Griffin.
The moment he sees its injured, Cody would do everything to comfort the beast and help it.
Naturally, the Predacon would be suspicious of the bots and the Burns family, acting hostile, but it would be pretty weak, so it wouldn’t be able to do much but growl at them.
The bots would quickly realize that its a Predacon and warn the Burns that its dangerous and they should leave it be.
But Cody wouldn’t want to do that, insisting that they should help it because its injured. The rest of the family would be hesitant to leave an injured being alone, but they also be hesitant to help it since the Bots say the Predacon is dangerous.
Eventually, everyone would come to a compromise. They would bring the Predacon back to their base, but would inform Optimus Prime and turn the beast over to him.
Naturally, the Predacon would not want to go with them, but Cody would be able to soothe the creature enough to allow them to take it back to the base, but it would still not like it.
So, they bring it back to the base, anyone who notices and asks, they just say that its a prototype for a griffin statue.
It would spend the entire time in its Griffin form. The bots would patch up its injury at Cody’s insistence, but would make sure it wouldn’t able to attack or escape.
During the Predacon’s time at the base as more a less a prisoner, the bots would take turns watching and making sure the Predacon doesn’t try to cause trouble and most of the Burns family would avoid it.
Cody would be the only one to regularly approach the Predacon. The others would tell him not to, but he doesn’t listen, whenever he can, he visits the Predacon and talks to it.
While the Predacon is still hostile to the others, it would gradually warm up to Cody, listening to him, allowing him to pet it, and even allowing him to snuggle with it. It would quickly see Cody as its sparkling.
Cody would try to convince the others that the Predacon isn’t dangerous, but the others wouldn’t really believe. When Optimus finally arrives, Cody would try to convince him not to hurt it, that its not as bad as everything thinks it is.
But just as Optimus is ready to take the Predacon away, an emergancy happens and the team goes to handle it. But during it, Cody gets in danger, and the Predacon swoops in and saves him.
After that, the others see that Cody was right, and are more willing to give it a chance. Optimus suggests the Predacon comes with him and his team, but the Predacon refuses, wanting to stay with Cody. I also think that’s when it finally goes into Bot form and starts talking, even sharing its name. (I’m thinking ‘Skyfall’ as a good Griffin Predacon name)
But the only person on the team it would love and listen to is Cody, Cody has to convince it to work with the others. So naturally, Skyfall would be Cody’s partner.
While still keeping their identity secret from humans, it would pose as something like a security camera bot. It would fly over the town in Griffin form, watching for any danger or criminal activity, and would report to Cody if it sees anything unusual.
Even after the bots reveal their true colors to the town, it would be reluctant to interact with others, Cody is its favorite person and all the company they need.
Here are my headcanons, I hope you enjoy!
I primarily want to focus on the AUs I made up or my other works, but I am open to a HC ask on other AUs every now and then. However, If I can't really imagine an AU someone else pitched to me, I won't write about it. I’ll explain more in a separate post.
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theboost · 3 years
I said I was going to do this tomorrow and I lied I did it now
<- Guy who has now seen over half the bond movies voice so I’ve been listening to the themes recently because I like to have a soundtrack when I do puzzles, I do so many puzzles, I do puzzles on my computer with my trackpad so much I’ve actually fucked up my finger, so I’ve listened to these themes a lot. I’m listening to them right now! Most of them. Some of them i skip because I haven’t seen the movie yet and I like to keep it a little bit of a surprise. Anyway I’ve been thinking about an xy coordinate system graph with the x axis being good bond song to bad bond song and the y axis being just a good song by itself to bad song. Like for example gold finger and skyfall would be good bond theme/good song, because I really like them, I’m pretty sure they actually relate to the plot and not that abstract title (others that fall in this category would probably be: the world is not enough and goldeneye). Bad theme/good song would probably be moonraker. I like it but it’s a love ballad and it inexplicably reminds me of the where is my shoe song from whose line. In the middle like smack on the y axis would be the casino royale theme which fucks except for the chorus, live and let die which I really feels falls apart as it goes on what were you doing John and/or Paul. Whichever one was in Wings. George? I don’t know. Also From Russia With Love is in the bad theme/good song category too it’s just another love ballad. Okay bad theme/bad song I only have one here and it is die another day and it’s been Stockholm syndroming me while I do my puzzles so I’m starting to come around on it but it’s ass. Like it’s legit awful. Like the first time I listened to it 6-8 years ago it was so bad it stuck with me enough that I could remember what it sounded like after one listen. Honestly I don’t have anything for bad song/good theme but I know that smack in the middle is license for kill. It’s like I can’t even define it it’s just long and the lady who is not shirley bassey (❤️💖💗) is milking it for all she’s worth but she is not justifying it’s length and it also doesn’t fit tonally with James’ big murder spree but like it’s a fair bond theme. Sorry if I missed one I don’t care. I also think it’s really funny when they get like a sexy lady to do the theme and she turns it into a love ballad that she’s singing to bond because sometimes she throws in threatening things to make it seem more Bond-y and it just gives the effect that it’s about the bad guy singing about how he wants to bang bond. This is about goldeneye it’s VERY genghis khan. What did you mean a bitter kiss would bring him to his knees Tina
On to point two! I think there are only two bonds that I would actually consider tolerable people to be around and that’s Lazenby and Dalton, who interestingly enough are the guys with the shortest tenure. Because like okay, lazenby he’s kind of a shut actor but that just makes him see more like a person? Like he fucks up he makes mistakes but most importantly he’s a wife guy. There’s this moment in her majesty’s secret service where he’s so in love with a woman that he decides to wait until marriage to have sex with her (again). Can you imagine??? In a fucking James Bond movie???? When I tell you I screamed. And then like Dalton he just seems so comparatively less smarmy than the others like dalton doesn’t seem comfortable playing up the sleazy aspect so he just seems like he sees women as equals more (he still womanizes a little bit but like. Of course he will) and also he just seems to like have friends and I appreciate that like he was felix’s best man I thought that was sweet. Connery would be UNBEARABLE to know like as a woman I know he would not leave me alone until I died tragically. Same for Moore tbh. I think I would throttle Brosnan specifically because his compulsive pun making would almost definitely result in him making a comment about my boobs or something. Craig just seems like a guy I have no opinion on him.
Okay point three: Look okay so via bond chronology there’s a very popular theory that bond is a code name that gets passed down and im not sure if anything in the Moore movies about it but I know that specifically the one moment that like addresses some continuity, that bond was married once before she died tragically, in license to kill, but also felix loses his legs and arm in a shark attack because he put a drug kingpin in jail, long story, but he has all his limbs in the Craig movies and is also black so I think that if we take license to kill as happening in an alternate universe I think we can either keep believing in the bond is a codename theory and that Felix leiter is also a codename?? But if we take license to kill as in universe then I think everyone in the bond universe exists in a constant state of flux which is why our main guys are always changing appearances.
Point four: I’m not going to bother to look up pictures but tell me why Connery bond was always fitted up in these little booty shorts. It’s so funny to me like yeah king show off some skin. Okay I lied but only because you need to see this. Tbh connery bond was kind of fruity which I know he would hate me saying so I will say it harder. There’s this bit in diamonds are forever where I think blofeld tell him to put his hands up and he does it in the, and I do not use this word lightly, fruitiest way possible. While we’re here I did not understand the subplot in diamonds are forever where blofeld has a duplicate made of him twice (TWICE) and it has ZERO effect on the plot. What does it MEAN. I do think it’s really funny how they have him go on a murder rampage specifically against blofeld at the beginning because they can’t SAY he killed bonds wife that was the other guy so he’s just angry for an unspecified reason. What a film.
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
Hardy occupies a unique position in film acting these days, having developed a delivery style that's frequently so indecipherable it's as if he's purposefully challenging audiences to lean in and understand what he's saying. But what about actors who aren't quite on that level of unintelligibility?
"It seems to be a little bit of a fad with some actors to do the sort of soft delivery or under your breath delivery of some lines," Curley says. "That's a personal choice for them. Our job is to record it as well as we can regardless."
Mangini says that in the old days, "you could count on an actor's theatricality to deliver a line to the back seats." But acting styles have changed so dramatically over the years that it has become much more difficult to capture great sound on the set. When actors adopt that more naturalistic style, "it's even harder for the production sound mixer to capture really quality sound. Now we get those compromised microphone positions here in post-production, reaching for a dialogue line that is barely intelligible or maybe even mumbled because it's an acting style, and already, we're behind the 8-ball in trying to figure out a way to make all of those words intelligible."
Karen Baker Landers, whose credits include "Gladiator," "Skyfall," and "Heat," among many others, has her own term for it. "Mumbling, breathy, I call it self-conscious type of acting, is so frustrating," she says. "I would say a lot of the younger actors have adopted that style. I think the onus also falls on the directors to say, 'I can't understand a word you're saying. I'm listening to dailies, and I can't understand.' No amount of volume is going to fix that."
That naturalistic performance style might feel right for actors in the moment on set, but it can be hell for the sound professionals who have to clean it up afterward. "We're very careful to make sure there's clarity," Baker Landers says. "You go in and you volume-graph up a vowel, or one letter. You go in and you surgically – maybe if it's not right on camera, you slow it down. There's all kinds of things we spend hours trying to do that may help a performance. We really strive for that."
But they can only do so much.
  —  Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It)
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d4rkven0m · 2 years
genshin women as songs 。:°ஐ
shenhe, ningguang, yunjin
warnings: none!
a/n: i have synthesia so this is partly to do with what i hear when i see the characters :)
                    ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞//   skyfall - adele
ok how do i explain this. from the bits of dialogue ive seen with shenhe in the game, she’s pretty quiet
she is a... well she’s a murder weapon
when i see her my mind immediately goes to like powerful orchestral music/ dark melodies, i think skyfall is exactly that
yeah. i’m not good at explaining my thoughts sorry LMAO
𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔤𝔲𝔞𝔫𝔤// tell me now - Brave Girls & LOONA
ok. ningguang is extremely dominant smart woman #girlboss
she reminds me of like jazz instrumentals
this song is great in every way, we got a powerful chorus (do i need to explain??), the jazz, it’s just 10/10
side note pls go watch the performance video for this song it’s so cool
ʏᴜɴᴊɪɴ// 地球蓝 (Aqua Blue) - Lexie Liu
i know, i know “but she’s chinese already be more creative” listen. this girl right here is the embodiment of chinese opera ok
i did NOT pick an opera song because i can do better than that
but i am still picking a chinese song
this song is perfect for yunjin, it’s the right mix of soft & chill with powerful woman
i don’t know what to tell you besides this is a very good song
in my mind yunjin is NOT aqua blue color, she’s more of a dark mustard yellow but idc this is my post shh
have a great day :P
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parakeatswrites · 3 years
I was tagged by @sleepy-skittles thank you 💕 I’ll tag a few moots if you want to play, no pressure tho! ♥ @sapphic-sargent @kelliealtogether @hklnvgl @the-prince-of-tides
what color are your eyes? - dark green-brown
what little thing instantly tells you that a person is good? - Is this something people do? I’m not sure about this. 
do you have a recurring dream? - yes, too weird to get into tho
how often do you find yourself daydreaming? - all the time
name/nickname? - I go by Ed or Eve, or just ‘E’ sometimes
zodiac? - non-practicing sagittarius. It’s almost comical how much sagittarius horoscopes don’t apply to me
languages? - I’m fluent in english and I know french enough to know if someone is speaking it. I can get by in very very simple conversations, but if you speak french you absolutely won’t enjoy my attempts (and I can tell when someone has used google translate in fics, sorry 😔)
favourite season? - end of summer / fall
favourite colour? - A deep, saturated green. Like #2C642E maybe?
favourite animals? - I like cute animals especially if they’re social and have weird behavior. Think corvids, large cats, wolves etc 🥰
favourite character? - I’m constantly cycling through favs from TRC, but right now it’s Blue I think. 
tea, coffee, or hot chocolate? - They serve 3 very different purposes in my life and aren’t interchangeable at all! I can’t have too much caffeine, or caffeine after a certain time in the day (wow, anxiety 👍) so one coffee in the morning made by my best friend, tea when I’m visiting family, and I make hot choc at night for my household 💕
average hours of sleep? - last month, 8 hours a night! I worked really hard to get there so I’m very proud of that average! 
cat or dog? - cat
number of blankets slept with? - a whole nest of them and a fluffy duvet, but no sheet
place ancestors are from? - England, generally, but I’m not English yk?
dream trip? - I want to go stay with friends 😭 I don’t dream of travel to places, but I really miss my friends & family!!
blog established? - 2020
random fact about yourself? - I dance ballroom (noncompetitively)
three ships? - (came sailing in, on christmas day? jk)  Pynch, Ronsey, whatever Henry has going on
last song? - ‘Comme Des Garçons’ by Rina Sawayama
last movie? - Skyfall (I’m watching all the Bond films this year)
currently reading? - Oh I’m a mess. I’m currently reading “Girl Who Drank the Moon” and “The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle” and “Mexican Gothic”, and I’m listening to the audiobook for the third Magnus Chase (among many many fics)
currently watching? - videos of Laura Kampf making basically anything
currently craving? - some sunshine 🌞
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omahasnakes · 3 years
2011: Sorry for Party Rocking
Song of the year: “Party Rock Anthem” LMFAO. The plot of the music video is that people become zombies who can’t do anything but dance to this song. The plot of this week’s chart is that I had a hard time listening through the chart because I only wanted to replay this song.
Amy and I once fell asleep on the Train des Pignes and woke up at the end of the line in Dignes-les-Bains, where we were kicked off the train and wandered into town. We passed a group of grumpy men playing pétanque and went into a tiny grocery store to get ice cream. This song was playing, a perfect thematic element for the random, dreamlike experience.
A close runner-up is LMFAO’s follow-up hit, “Sexy and I Know It.” I just think they’re so cool. It doesn’t make sense.
“Blow” Kesha. This is literally my favorite Kesha song.
“Super Bass” Nicki Minaj. I like this song a great deal. I associate it with running the 10-mile loop around the Back Bay in Newport, since it’s on my running playlist. I was sad this week when the version on the Billboard playlist obscures the audio when she names the product that her gentleman friend is selling. (It’s coke.)
Me: Is Nicki Minaj the one whose cousin’s friend? With the swollen balls?
Amy: *rolls eyes* yessssssss.
“Give Me Everything” Pitbull, Ne-Yo, Afrojack, Nayer. I have thoughts about Pitbull, that Charlie-Brown-looking mfer. I don’t like looking at him, but something about his music is, maybe not good, but definitely compelling. I’ve had this in my head all week. ¡Dale!
I’ve noticed my tendency as a white person to post videos of white people parodying the music of non-white people, but maybe as a white Cuban person (I googled the term for this, but now I don’t feel like it’s appropriate for me to use) Nick Kroll’s Señor Feeture isn’t off limits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9fYaJs7B7o
“Six Foot Seven Foot” Lil Wayne, Cory Gunz. This song is for riding the spin bikes in our apartment gym, back when our apartment gym was not crawling with Covid. I like Lil Wayne, because he’s not afraid to use a truly obnoxious sample.
I swore I’d never heard an Adele song other than “Skyfall”, but it turns out that I had heard “Rolling in the Deep,” I’d just never recognized it as an Adele song. Clearly she has a great voice. I want to hear nothing about her weight, ever.
“The Show Goes on” Lupe Fiasco. My brain will not hold onto this song. I keep seeing it and having no memory of what it is, even though it uses a sample/idea from “Float On” by Modest Mouse.
“Black and Yellow” Wiz Khalifa. I don’t often mention that I change the lyrics to songs to sing them to the cats, not because it’s embarrassing, but because I assume everyone does and I’m not special. Anyway: brown and orange brown and orange brown and orange brown and orange
“The Edge of Glory” Lady Gaga. This song is really growing on me, especially the truly weird Philip Glass vocal intro. In addition, I like Lady Gaga’s motorsona on the cover of this album. It makes me think of the cover of a Chuck Tingle novel, which makes me happy. Pounded in the Butt by the Idea of Lady Gaga as a Sentient Motorcycle Who Doesn’t Have Hands, and Somehow Her Not Having Hands is Very Important, but It’s More Like Thinking about Myself Not Having Hands and Now I’ve Said Too Much for Facebook.
Country music barometer for 2011: 16%?! What in the Actual Fuck is happening to society? Were the ancient Mayans right?
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years
Hell Hath No Fury
Bruce Wayne/Batman X Batmom!Reader X Jason Todd/Robin
A/N: Mmmhhmm I’ve been chugging the angst juice so y’all already know what time this is. sorry,otsorry. - Nemo
Warning(s): Character Death. Major Angst. Ugly crying. 
Summary: Bruce comes home, and Jason doesn’t - not really. Batmom doesn’t like the new development, and makes sure Bruce knows. 
Listening to: ‘Skyfall’ by Adele - ‘Feel the Earth move and then, hear my heart burst again.’
Series Masterlist
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Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd -
Bruce came home, wet and bloodied. The rain outside never stopped, and the crackle of thunder came as often as he thought his heart was beating. 
She knew something was wrong the moment he came back into the cave. She didn’t even have to see him, she could just feel it. What she didn’t notice right away was the fact he was missing someone. Well, not their body.
“Did you get him?” she asked, turning in the seat at the computer to see the distraught Batman coming up the stairs. He didn’t answer. He didn’t even look at her. “I heard you were struggling slightly over the coms, then you cut out. Where is Jason?”  
“The infirmary.” he said, taking off his cowl, exhaustion washing over his features - it was like it was etched into his bones and written into his eyes. He’d had enough. “You shouldn’t see him.” 
“Bruce, tell me what happened.” she persisted. But she never left her seat as if to give the impression of not pushing the answer, but Bruce knew better. Neither of them were budging until he told her what happened. 
“I was too late.” he placed his cowl onto the desk, leaning on it so much it started to creak under his weight. “(y/n), I couldn’t-” 
He stopped, she guessed because he didn’t want his voice cracking, and ran a hand over his face, letting it cover his eyes as he took in deep breaths. She took this chance to stand from the computer, then tracking back in Bruce’s steps down to the infirmary. 
She should’ve listened to him. She shouldn’t have seen Jason.
It wasn’t like she could see him, but she knew what that black tarp meant, she knew what that figure underneath it was - and she definitely knew whose hand was not underneath the black tarp while the rest of him was. 
She frowned, pursing her lips together, and walked closer to the body - to Jason. She felt like she was trying to walk through water, ice cold water.
Bruce watched as she took Jason’s beaten hand, gently holding it before placing it on top of the infirmary table and covering with the tarp. He felt lucky that the tarp was there at all, and that Dick wasn’t here - he’d taken the week to visit Blüdhaven, and although Bruce was reluctant to let him go he was ever so glad he did now. 
“Joker did this, didn’t he?” she said, voice like a knife in the silence. She didn’t look back at him, instead choosing to lean onto the table, her head hanging low. How she knew Bruce had followed her at all was beyond him, and he found himself not caring. 
“Yes.” She sighed, and Bruce could already tell she was taking it harder than she was showing. She muttered something under her breath, then turning to finally face Bruce after a few more moments. 
“I could’ve killed him.” He noticed her hand clutched the tarp, holding it so hard her knuckles turned white. He didn’t say anything - partially because he didn’t know what to say, or what exactly she meant - he was tired. “The Joker,” she explained, “I could’ve killed him no more than a month ago.” 
He looked back into her teary eyes, and he could tell she wasn’t joking. As much as he wished to not believe it - that she was so close to going back to her old ways - he knew the one thing she never was to him was a liar. A killer, maybe now, but no liar. 
“How?” he asked, daring to pry further. 
“That last ‘once-in-a-blue-moon’ patrol I did. He was in a building, surrounded by his goons, but with my gun on me I’d of had a perfect shot.” she said, not once looking away from him. His jaw clenched, and she could tell he was fighting himself.
On the one hand - if she had taken the chance and kill Joker - Jason would still be here, but at what cost? A new supervillain taking over Gotham City? Hitmen on her tail? No Joker? Jason alive and standing with him, while She could be the one with a cold heartbeat on the table?
And on the other hand - it went against everything Bruce stood for - and worst, she would’ve broken her promise to him. She was to never kill again, and with that lost her son, her Jason. She didn’t kill Joker - at a cost.
She felt like she could go mad at the now missed opportunity.
“I had a clean shot Bruce. He wouldn’t even have known he died. It’ would've been a too humaine death for someone like him.” she said, scoffing as she wiped under her eyes. “Sure, I would’ve been shot at in turn, but at least he’d still be here.” She gestured to Jason, voice breaking - much like her resolve. 
“You know that’s not how it works-” He started, stepping closer as if to hold her, but she just stepped away. 
“Joker is alive while Jason is dead!” She yelled, looking up at Bruce with her tears flowing freely - and yet her voice was as strong as ever. “What if that was the Mayor instead of Jason? What if it was Dick, huh? Or Alfred!” He took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly, and finally broke, looking away. “Bruce, what if it were me? Would you still have preferred me to not have killed Joker if it was me that died?” 
“I don’t kill people, you know that!” he said, snapping his eyes back to hers. “What you do is up to you, but if you did kill Joker - and even if you did have a reason to do it - I wouldn’t have let you back into this house. You know me, you know what I stand for, and you knew I wouldn’t stand for that.” 
“That’s why I didn’t do it.” She said quietly, looking up at him through even more watery eyes. “As much as I wish I did now, I didn’t. All because of my promise to you.” He saw her chin wobble, and then her jaw clench as hard as her knuckles. 
If he didn’t feel like this was his fault before, he sure as hell felt it now. 
“No, Bruce. Not now.” She turned back to Jason, leaning over him with closed eyes. 
If anyone saw her - hunched over with quivering lips and wet cheeks - they might think she was breaking herself in prayer over the lost boy. Bruce knew better. Bruce knew she was thinking. 
She let out a sigh, wiping away her face dry - and this time no more tears fell after. Looking over at him, Bruce could already tell she had made up her mind about something - whatever it was. 
“I’m going to kill him.” 
“I’m going to kill the Joker.” She said, now facing Bruce with a face of stone-cold resolve. “Nobody hurts my son and gets away with it.”
“You won't.”
“Watch me!”  
- Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.
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‘Batmom’ Taglist: @eternaleviee  @super-hereos-are-my-life
[Taglist is Open!]
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